The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 23, 1859, Image 2

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    £?'" 7 ( -*r •. - ■ • ■,; v--;W
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Psi ” .r"l ' S fThe Condition of Mexico. Letter ftom New York. ' >■
I [ l r“H l ffiilttl|iii|l|i ill |I fIBI 'llll' 1' jil £ Some week* ago vre gave the deta'ls of a There Is nothing more alarming to an ener- austoal »iwwy . ? jAI ' J! ' OA iIUiWO •1 H .Ja til 1 . afteS» tfjtahiedsfi^Mwa^Sft«ttflaa«i»BClAt.
I S 5 ♦ lingular lawsuit in Parle tnwhlcl the cole gotlc and vigorous Mtlontiian civil war. In- Ofiomra.W, Sfim '/■ iV'BY • amusements this evening. t .. foo r was hold at fhelr office on So- •
§ HEf 9 *r t Iffy « * T » bratod Monsieur Julhsh of Monstre Con toraal lltst .necessity ol civilized puDLißHjsitfl':'i>B&* | S v - ‘l&zzl '"i'.-' « A ? .Whbatlby & cx.ahkk*s akcb>Btbbet THSATsSjf ISSKSMBSmEILv rkefc * Mr * Ke yf** MiihPi
| ST 3 "figure^'Extensively-—being preserved by °? 1 were
1 ,£* j ffttEftreAV AUmWT gB. 1859 proceeded nitb»u*ed of tfom Smthamp- ctteliciZS"'" loco ‘* i-^ljft5 )tn ' i(l «L S&WHell- •
I r \. XUMUfA*! ™ w~i.~i reached: where *frorboAranco-- I ccasoß to bo a 'Wme.. iMMOi: to (Uir'Mkh. .lumv. n.,.. .u-UK «°«“»IK«. appoint'd for SSi, and VsumlnßM •
I »3« 22?*9fi9PK*fc»-X *£.
I in i Jim VM*'-VtMt i Mm _ , n m. aoiWiatow.,. .Wnmi hem h reifeh the ca it are so active and 1 " “ .utSfov; rekffit slO#r-i*iv'Br :: thin . *. JsW-W:' ,„ u Pv r ‘■ ,:^^^'*l, P ro P r “ tion for »hi y«r1859 ring of fawde-«mon«f;oar ,~t ■
| #JLy man of Commercb decided poWerfal are resorted £j&£fi£&T ‘'W
I tlwriHW fpfrtf l‘*tfl aito MoHodWWUgato against him—declaring that he was an English to on both' Sides, anf tho conflict which en. a doouineptamfonnly looked forward to with great Johns and Oflway. Disgraceful Riot at Tnconv—Twl’div Balance 1 ,iv .. .-«. fflh
I 1 I - inrt.n r--'"* " 1 citizen inaword vlrtuall abrogat ng tl cgo sues though porhaps violent and bloody, is Interest. It has-been prepared this year by the Tho London Herald Bays that tho “Great Persons TW oStsXto* ; 'J~=- r>V*- '•
I **•*“ * Ljmimt*' ‘ J »eral European law which declares that 6 bom spcedily.terminated.:The revolutions oflB4B-9 storoUry, -<«“ Animmense crowd of visit'ed yes-:
I Bremen Jvia Smith oannot ftllcnato or translbr haul in Europe ard pointed illustrations, 9? .this •" A j ?U&. gc^clSSMt/batter to the Jrithof.Fo?th, for <e»*V afternoon, and a nnmb'etof ciroumstanoes Botawp«ng|g» »«,«»§». y^g^!»trroathenmg
| A . I , >i>H|hj|4lWHl * Tftw Tilt mth»T of hi own accord bnt must also ro truth .In Mexico, however, wioro* but «• IttwajertMifc. jm * ii> i ?.?» ‘5 ’ conspiredto produce a riot, which was ono of the
I U r <* lw Pf“** ,onftomhi# “V lordto d 0 80 semi-ciyHlzationv prevails^- nnsreby- and : eiyil wMrta^3?*tw!^3!2^rt^rtSS^W ::
| 0- .l * ?ti!v TWa dodision has been set aside by the Im war haypfljjen . protracted, for: so long a fUg'flty, nmomli fa> about «*}»!»»“•'.';* *■ •.- J s -T- ■ _ . .-heatin'. .“ d ffite aamm.
I ** **, penial Court of Fans The grounds arc those period,;-; that ..thoyj- have become, natjonal pounds, (n?M :tiaß '’.P rod “*> ln> estimate of Bimwiy injured ** } ”** ' ' ’ toan.,: f - ;■ ' '
J tot£%TnriM4tr« Under a British Act of Parliament ndsscdin eliaracleristics,. andii_thO> .worjd’ 6ff per e&nt.j. o ; |fr OT, 001) tonßof refljied^_sugar, ; Tho' and another brdnoh’fromPrivaS to Oobstr^as B been iThe; irb'wd was •eonAisea'- r nrilcln*li4 nf 8 6 t;the' > AStTStacTm.
§ g&tt. Jl mUftvl ftuiwol Anlbuft Thfc load it T*t r* i*k a. T>*dM nf- T nniinn almost as u-iuucli-' learn itiiat quantity commdiM by -ibirteen of.the largest refl? granted to the Mediterranean Company.; FrankllnKlfle Company, under Lieutenant Bowers information desired, until a bew storekeeper shall ~•*-,-i r, bintr'anA- ,'ZV ■Jr" - --
I t « profound peace, older ftnd'-iaternal tranquility Series during the past year,!, as follows: '- 8 Tho^Agricultural Gazette says ttat T a. harvest' tho MpUs anduUSntaßtVtoo«t elected .toretiener-Rr i„ hn m„, • ISWSfcfcflSß *IiSS ?S£JS «SfcS
s ~r n *;’SMr says to** Uta GOTemmens »T.nwi«« obtained a certificate irom the Homo Secro 1 f~~ ’ «, n f is now general all through the Midland and even school, w;ho had a piq-nlo near that niece, ahum- rj® n “*jy eIe0 ““ etorekeepor,- -Mr. John Mnl-- Perm AM*ch.: • Si 7ts3m SjSmi -snSs IS'SiJ
I V. >l6 »*««r*tlWMoiT !h» rnfli of EOtth for £ary which confcrrod upon him all the rights prevailed in Mexico,as if_it-were, told that ...- A - t ;: umm the Northern oonntrlos of England, and |tls nearly her' with the regatta? ?n “a £«*} reported as Mtowsr I* ,« «■ »JB 288
■ t>. It* 'pnWMM ’,**> Ufa Whore* ti,> wIU iThio T7 n i(cd Kingdom of Gront Brtain and civil var>ad coinmoncod in the United States, N.Y.StOMifflnery'.'.V. .-...i .25,000,000’ oompll ‘j «»eßoutli., The prodnoe will be In largo, orowdof. rowdies. Tho eoldiera indutged^^ m iwm ISOSO “S
I « 01 Great Britain; The principal cause of the ...... :? o;£:So|- .““feF o^^Tgo tb^™f f M P
I Barita-norraipoddiaiAf thotUdWy JVstosSays ceptthatho was precluded omr- of tlieir sqidiors and generals.'' y *.??!?.'?;! ■ ""25’000M0 Jteiosmifor-GuicpowDßß at Baiwbcolio!-" pm? while 6 t^werf^ag^a^tofet 1 firing .Add yalueof goods.distributed 21636 94. HH
4 m r wWMj, vv-i- B£^;ill»
!■• .■ 'OURenV-frrenri ' Thlswas’in' s lBs2 Early in eonvincedithut «< discretion is tho better Wavomever’ Townsend, AOo.'. .' .12 000 000 °h the premises! /The. explosion.vtat. so terrible The Franklin RiSes then marched down to ‘the ' The coramitteereport that they havS discovered, ’CoclioU^ttcn;., 4M.013 488,74* 1 m'»I
M tfWST i WWW W*“r ViueenVioioarA TBlswas 1U jsariyin :f-valor”and none cherish a more Sm?“ • ” i®S2J that the very, foundation of the building was 00m- wharf, where they were assaUed with d shower of ? nri ?/5 th .? *•“•*•? havohad this suHeotundXi Si&SfflQi’ iaSSi, ,gjS
J * J ”s >a » tho present year U JbLinat was wrested on part ot yajor, ana none cnerisn a inoro Johnson *.LMStps .... .....,...12,000,000j pi 0 t e iy n p-p ) W,*nd.hotnstotioromaisr. , ~r .stones! clnbs, The ooidierstetolletedvdSi'the msation «• O»‘.«o*. and-' £S2 ’r««- «H
f J aadil t ( gm tofM Ueiawebbe reverential reghrf lbr the maxim that .«lie .Boott,f*gg££ ‘ Loss or Two Ships bv Fian.-Advioes from Jjf.,* 1 ? »ljrekoep»vflK{Ojd',J6t w’w - ■mm asm
H IU-lllTj.l-lllff-ir Gl* Thsprednotwili . Of Hnnnre Who fights and mns away :tO C 0..”... .; .’ 1?000'MO Woyd-ssaythaton the Ijlthptt., the plotely brokOn off. J Oneof ffieoffloers commenced «^mawa*a«to*rfttm>Mre.’vAdde^ia
1 moss lath* a ldonejr-ehangerof tl 9 1 aubourg Ist Honore - nm ,u. l/J. "lll^ ■; >1 A 00 A # S“ Josephine, nearly 1,000 tons rey«er, from Akyafc fighting with his sword. Ho wagoromntlv arrested W»4» haye bsen
« *x5 , A - „Hf A 4W ,iaiA HM»W To tbia man, bod ondprsed or ossgned& flgnt anotneraay.. Herbelligerent armies For tho information of your sporting, readot-a I for,,Falmouth, with a, cargo of rice, was totally do* by. a pSico officer, who., m&riohef the Weapon ftom thfa&smrrea -v'-’ V^r.^a^T —
I { «MJMnfmNMi *1 ttfftWf* " f*" •**» bi n of exchange accmted by M Jmsnw in are llke.tardy. craftsmen who nurse their tasks,- aomplle the following narrative of I tho streyed by fire, in the'harbor of kanritius; loss him; supposing bini to be insane? ■'-• ■ from UioaegUgeimO; or iMompetTOojrefjlhoMem-. .omomATioK.
$ Jalrelandr* , ~™. AP m .ic-Mlwinlc and strive rather to.protract the period of their Brdeok;ib6rio Starke, by whom'ho win bo much about £lO,OOO. - . ■ : , ,■ , Bhortiyafter this some of thormembonfbftlie' ?}*??? g^', ogTro.m.opportanitres"af-. . . Ausiiit a | Amiytis. Ans- as. Ant.B.
I «* completiontban to:hasten it. Trained to t|io 1 Tho Aftrean Vve Trade. , -
I® ‘ *n the mmi process and M Jrauxa decl red Indolent, comparatively safe t and inert life of b _ - A Jw*;, :, IVAsmxaTOH, A'ug.;22.T-Tlio'Administration has This had the offset of frightening tho rowdies fbr.a- attention of the Boajdjs.calJed to the Tsmfiech.-. tm,vs h^R-‘SBI
. ” V a Mexican soldier, thopareaverse'to, the Ia ;; M
menttopsr^ittßti'lte latoHoß T <«H6," said the man of money you have bOnoiis pnrsiilts of peaceful life, ,yeA not 'Gi en j oe ), Hlfl flrat appcarnnto. aa a two-year-oiq,-; snppresslpg, as far as possible, this traflo, has ini- -Tryontof the Nineteenth ward, OffioorJoton Weari b f , ,5 p . SontewMlt.,.,. - «WAg l; a» s iwjso i»w
thepoopl* of rnM jut»-s— You have volunta- having autßelenij ambition or courage to And a WBB atNew'6rleans,in 1858, where’ho was beaten tlatedmeasriresmore'effioient and extensivp.than oa<w i% , ?^. t > ? w . o,# net adwn?u^rollowß’-' m ?^? l ?'l ng de P^ ttaent^ ■* MSWfflgSSrff* '.’ffiffi' S?®; '*B£b
I - T«h«o vont fortjmir subdued style of mnriiab ardor,; for stoes,’ ndle hoatojhy La Via-
I IB Jf hyjafo y aouclted and obtained the posit on andrgllta elthcrjn adjacent countries or uponthe hos- rlele. He next appeared at the Alerntidrla (La,) hy the Secretary'of the Navy, will consist of dio » riot-which,, but ftrltheit tlmoly'interference; •:;•••.” 373 88 Comm»to»’...: , .«; . 8i,4»
I Off z££n W» Indians who tfb constantly 'mcriaeing meeUng, an'd’was sncoresfW in two woes,, mile tK’^rtoiSre !&.«“, toa -°- < »^ eni -s to ' nnn,i K s Ktti is&ii'tS;: 'iSS'iS'- /MM; '&lg
I wAA»gi»ft Pttisensldp linally you nave . heats, beating Viley and Jack' Gamble. At Nat, Sumpter, Safi , Jacinto, and, Mohican, and the of permns. i Lieut. .Spear was struck on the *!!<*?"-• 4 ? CpureMatiouV:. 'jfcm m!« ”Jas
I of kkor Harris ifeooe»«l and allegiance to tho Unoen ol Fngland ohltooiies he'oarried iff the'JookevClib purses; 'stodps-of'war 'Oonsteliation; fthte flagship,) Ports- f r ®«t.“d with paving-stones while endeavor-, r *%■£ ?• I»® Mhw
1 fftrrr;*a*tw amssaa»4wra» rasiitt slrffi Jl
i„ , 4*<irt Vs *» J t * » tf* Code Kapolcon ahd ask t<} bo re the eolebratod-Bill Cheatham, in two heats, .t^g^ r^g BtisArii'gS 8 tisArii'gSp t ” , "“^““ , i C o"irelv: , ? fio; ;"' VV / 1 '- - " ■ •'■-" -•' nr- J.-.- - ’■’iffT’, J2SL JOS*
: iK(,i|(htih®irrDri-.C«M«d«i*Sii letoOd.vYoilateslmplyan English tmo/tiejit." .two miles. Ho neat ran against, and was beaten Lieutenant W.E.Le Roy and-Lieutenant J.'P;- • iSuringUhe rloLLiedt. Spear took fodr rifles from U1a1... ■-.,-, note JSO'KAISJM BJmjsi 2.756 jte
iw l 'V'.'Thft Tribunal of'CommereO took this View by, Varl&tei, at the Metalrib wln' Armstrong. £T)iese gehUotoe* ht their own »oGennans, and kept them until theoomppny.left 'The «ggregates'oompareMf6ii'o'w»:*lih there of
‘ tao the-prevtous statehor's|v-f. ?
ffsli*o<l » Frencli citizen atopce; that tho putchosodby Ten Br6eok of Generri WelU, juod .bw for those, wbieb .haye heretofore been on that whraßOldlerßj. policemen, and rowdieffem-- \pltAlBioek.,.Ai| » <
tfallUfejCttK n vhbh-hnhad nnlb Imlnnd rnn rod sdnt to England with TJmplrp, the spr ng. Coast, besides haring tho advantage of steam.* AQ» «q.w*y,d<>f9;theHwi ft -L n ;
hteelteatWk/ citiwenrinp which she had solloitmt and regu red Starke is engined,'along with Prioress, In the Honoo, slavers will he?more closely -, th6partofthe row- e 'a.'-
rintflwn— m England stripped him of tho rlgl ts of a WhnvlCß cun thrte miles to he run ion the ' The joint treaty with England requires that the ««»*» ***** the..,tto«k rl .Ljeii. fipeatpddrMsed ir .->(%
mncinunov. FKmchman and that therefore he WM not WWrsri* ' Both are.lid States shall kospthcro a force of eighty and Induced the soldiers'to to,
, « xreuw M«u «U« m ure w 7th of-SeptlmbOr, at Warwick. Both are also gang but b y the recent arrongowient on.the^part toohwge their idles iu,tho,,air,andsuoooodedin' {“•P**- »
‘ ; entitled© banoflt of the. French nauk> entoired for the great Yorkshire Handicap,^J r th o Admfnißtratlohthennmhorftf'opr guns will Testailng order. Mow&g
. ••.> mptey-lawa/which would have disdiargcd a easteWdh'the IBth of the* aaine' month. Itwillbe be one hundred and’slxteea. - 1 ! Intelltgenoo was oommnnb&tedsto 1 the'Central -'"SS A \of Pa tt-fir
-“«» rrehchmah ftd&'“ diirahce vile;” Ho was re- reaembered;'that ‘Pri6rW oafiripd off this latter Mr. who sucoeeds Mr. Morse'as Naval *» ■m” Ker / -i>?
p prison, in wh eh ho cent nneduntl stake UstVear; and bar succeto ft,, re'ditogtost, f
iv'’ ..eieopersdepartaMit 'the 'biher'.day: 'when: on' his .appeal to tho her the. Oesarowlteh.. y ■ • .’ can Squadrim from Porto Braya to Ban Padl’de m»Khedj op. Poplar] street, the rowdiesi followid 32* A f ‘u
wlU ln ,thi wih'er Imperial Toi-rt tl-o dciwoe of tl-oTri- Ward ’BtTeoher’s people have abandoned theddpa Leando; whioh is three hundreilandthirty.slxmiies Wth woans and htao».imaon» of tho solffljrswds S »V„., h' %
The bohrd tfter Meeting oerereloffi tUglier rml 0 tlw decree ol the fri building a Congregational oathejraf. taiitVear distant from-Porto Prays.- This-new Sopot will atrnok in the head and ftllod; to the ground. We “-P-Hunt was th. w V
a, and tranSaoUng some other business ad bunal of Commerce was reversed Conss they dotomined-to rate $ 150,000 for that purpose, consequently J>o much nearer than, the former to aair o oreate^-^aVdeSofm^Vtol?OTt Il tat'eren e Mr! Marls retaltte
jowisd 1 f eM l M /«*«“ *» a “ tod 8C0 ? The thousand-dollar men gaVe thdr. autographs n a P groi P m afnsoZttTof long g? k °
(Model PlohWoy, of ArMhAa, whose letter tinuo his enforced res denco in tho Horfldo ’With greafpromptltude, but the number who cfluld- ■ . OP - ¥ ! a,B . !*?: “ eoeM «T OI lon B tion. g* ,e
- - ’ iUguSaat-the" GCngresaumalsfave-oode proposition CllcliyT. .of which debtors—prison ITokack do that was soon exhausted, and when the five-bun- '“'lbbinl rahmittOd
'• •" favorof ls fkvoreWy-lltfaotrd. ls one Gexelkt, arrested on. a trumped-up charge of dred aid ohe-dollar men osime to be squeezed, it —ohaje omnll
J *»ekoU»i»- find- planters in the debt, (arialng oht of the affairs of tiro Now was found rather a toagh job. - Tho trustees have ' ' , Phyaic
:/ Yotk Orysthl’Pdlaco: wo believe)' wrote a therefort'glyen'up'thoideaof a new biilidiiig, and
- i ni the verygraphic account.- which appearedin Ills resolved'to enlarge the present edifice. .
<• ,rt>Toifc tain abd acting h boy named
: bootteloatooby the.
edmlttionof the eohdeel fcb tbs boy * Bother Out
r hlrritant war lneene The eeee hue keen OHS of
■■y. nis m
) HMtXork end we 'ctfpgfatotaie hint that
,M^^l ; /OKi«thevthaigeaagMn»t>hl«rtnve'been'ao completely
/ 4 dirpwea t +
\ Jj The OoatatiMioMn Of JOor' held theur stated
meeting yeetarday A report froai'h oocnmlttee
trto rekeeper’* department :
■ ; wlUbe r ‘fo|indin the
-.vonth; :.i,y .eity.eotutnnv* The boerdV afterelecting eevetaloffi-
Se,:.> eert,!-ejld tnnaeotlsgeoihe' other hoaineeh' »d-'
joerhed >
v./wst ■'■■■ &s 4 ofl#*el “PlmiWoyjoef Afkiiii*»,- wh<«e letter
r, >; -, |Mteel : tl»e"o6nAre«eionel J )propoeition
. ' v;:aasJaikvor«f;DoM{Mb>lfcTOMttyjttiot*n.'topae'
i-;a :sajrf tMf*U»j(»iit i4iyehaldeH 4n4 pWter« in the
>c^ f (JMtlr> a- ~i P *
Chrtoman* the ltemoornite dead date in the 1
r-n o .-Jfcabth.'COhgteaalonak: district of. Kehtnoky.:to I
. . .eleetedby a fiejority of llrotee. -i :
v-: :i \\-o. : The nutaber,of- Yotei polled for the Republican
. r’eendfdate in the State ofKentocky. *t ..the rccent
efeottoa war Only 1J
“* '*■ Breckinridge who wee elected Pro
jteayo|y<JSWegy In the Theological Semnaiyat
ItWtfut %jr haajMiaad the appointment. >
/ hr f P Williams, formally of Maryland, bee
Jbeae appoinledto the poetcf QaariatW Pbyiisiatt
aukapofijlf Raw Orleans. =7/1 *
xktt £tate Convention wilt aeMtbhle
ip Baltimore to-mofrpw i
Of theaeven handred who died in No* Pork lhrt
-:•> ,i - weee, llye-handredwere children under ten year*
<*ege Vhete fearful mortality /
j, Mayor Swann *-v( Belthaore arrived m Boetonr
j ot(Batnrdiytait 1 \ J s
-« BeMerbato and wife who (gored In the tragedy
i fa CineltmaU ware alire on Saturday hlfht Hr*
DaM howirrer Waa m a critical condition
< Rev Witt H Matthews or Bedford Vn bee
■- ..yi,.'-- ! , ' *eoep)yd a; cal}, to the Praebyteriaa charchea at
Pittiylrania pH ye .-and Olivet. |
tf Cap! laaUhßyndeta, it to laid u Anting hto
and pdithtol featlgtoaea&ea i>
< i( ',iliheipU®"ing to the lateeMallreadaekidenteeifc
i leftons We And It in the Cleveland!»»?» of
AngwUWbk Bfidgeegiring tray add peacengers
»»d eere pteagme doeTj-ehMOW, are of aj> ftvqnaut
1 ooevrence y»»? the7»«> beds* their noyelty
T S* aad
* •>•«>» !lir»pr»-
vSiaSjr itnfftn»4 to- be petfeetljr ioead flUpr*-
rmytekn* Upaotar t&nMWtftlWagth,
by dwfrlUOdsXin
3 fc£? t “P l iV ' -\ /
.iitT ,ai Ranged Opinion*. *4^*
] eqjft|a»<ip£Wia the Soperelllons
<fstyaei lnwhjChEaglaßd dladainfoUy etttfoit.
* 1 ed /l ii»i l Sven WitWtt a comparatively recent
1 period is t]ie opinion now expressed in and
t outfltf tbe-British Pariiamft—Jty then p pjjfoken
and written tardy tilbnte of reapeci
'and adwiral<6n,ihe mote to tif [estimated, per
i v . ' hap«, ;t>fei!apj«e »iOCrt»lnv»pia4c
> «tore<io # oveji yet ntUfig answer Jus
r - W«» TjWfilflrily gjyen to the tlmnt id thd Ed
3 «*% dL-fyvU», • ’Who ready an American
»« >, bOolct 1 i Our histonuns, estayijiU, biographers,
> a poet** philosophers and menlif science hayo
* elevated American literature so high tW
-ail tßfe world contctapjates it jfttH admiration
v.- ■ .' * In mechanics, niamifltcthres, jjjQventions.raH
roads riesin navigation and otiier
arts of peaceandoiriUaation, jjre are admitted
to be ngop an equplitv, at witiilWgJ asd
Inpainting and sculpture, also, we baVe taken
r a high-place In > Jo(lrnaUirtnJ f We mupiss the
J -r 'rhtffiT »/ t l *
I ! p* further points of thejwune sdvanOeis
• *v, i admitted ,The European Tttntt
t e. bf*t In irir Jaat nipnber,. f a remarkable
t faeUhaUkert iiaa'grtat Poteeri* the world with
i tiomatl aa«rinya»tuapybi%e UjultdStaiu
J f*4 l/ti #M<k wafer ilttif mere feared and
riipndtd abroad • '= t *
" <sWgO*pirs*t,t;,s tJUp his
potyef, boasted that *sh» drduld njakp thh,
>,.:v s'.'.jT.AjWmOboast.-wmctiheikßdgOodgtiinnds^r
• hadmoro
■ she hag
feared add
. ft*
Jl»w „ Villey ■’ (by M S
* f BeeTyj IWork yrbfeh ft deelgned topHßat tad
, £ 17 iod float iiWrwti*,
•t- f ny t rMMriUK V Hortbittpfce,' LiUflr, «4 Ctttntt
* -ti. ** k «* »«'« »« •*•
■ flSlsgfesT&t&rl^
t , *ud lac defttMf «** «*r!y bUtoTy jo- fpll of id
*J f ’« I 'V-Siit » w4*«V%f «h#iUtdy
•,„' ti» howltogwildeirinn whkS toy
-? M>e*»lHliu»buJ' i ttork»of the Deli
, Oif ftotlou Cocfluawwtltb j», full of fctotorio
' ' Nt tie
r. -aVtfaiWßi’"-L ! - . .
. If the first decision had stood, it would have
been an admission that a Frenchman might le
■ ■ gaily dispossess.; himself of tho citizenship
whieh was his inheritance bybirth. and. ac
ceptlngeitizcnshipelsowhero. take the.oaths
ofaliegisncftto another monarch. But tlie
decision of the .hlgher lmperial Court says—
“ Jfc Juu.ißX. you. c who - are French’ by birth.
- may ahake off your nationality and becomo
■ ihesnhjeetof another State. But. In solicit
; ing.obtataingfWßd exereißing tho benefits of
: the English statute of 1844. and- oven in
. solemnly,-,swearing .allegiance to Queen ViC
- Toaui you may -not- have intended; to ccaso
- being a Frenchman, and you did not. be.
. could not. become an Englishman,,
- 4t tho mo*t- you became only a denizen of
. England.—a- de&laeti being‘a political hybrid.
holding place between an alien and a natural
beta subject
.Thelmperial Conri?said this.'-adding that
tbeexpreMwords ofthe-Certificate, under
itbichH; Jctuix was admitted to swear alle
glsnceto Qnren Vjctobia. limited {he privi
leges which it cOnfcrred to the United King
dom;:andwotild not carry them abroad with
him. Declaring the judgment of the Inferior
tritmoal Jtb .be wrong, tlie Imperial Conrt con.
CluflCdeby. .affirming; 'that.“ the oath of alle-.
giauce taken under the.statute of 18441-was'
rnothinjpmore ln'aifectrthah a formal recogpl
tlort ;of local in<l transitory allegiance
wbjch /evetyforeigner owes ’to the Queen pf
'feglandftomtbamerehictof.hkurlng under
hef protection
«vt. Jt srHhkMk«: eyei3r.penß>n that the'lmperial
Couit'ofFaijia thinks sKlittlo of thp ■ sanctity -
of.aP'OadMwJConsreuc Jcuip*.himself does;
SThatwhlte*vest*d::h*ro.of tho orchestra' ap-.
pwently - . that .oaths of allegiance Sre
mert.-matters of r cOnvenience. to be talten
when desirable and shuffled oil when conve
nient, ( ? )• of
havipg’Clidueditiii'Faris. in -1869. to have com
fftlttedpeijnry inXondonln.lBs2.
ters to thelrold basis. ■ France, which. lor a
moment, seemed .to. .be an exception: grimly
hoWs on to.theEuropean - law of once a citi
zenalways a citizen. • • -
w < * i—*•—
pThd ipembere.ofthe Republican National
.Committee: recently met at Albany.'lf'. T-- and
iSsued a tireulaf to their Republican friends
throughout.the Union, itvwhlch tlie.latter are
.admonished that ft tlie time has* arrived for
consnitatldh apA. preliminary action in regard
to tlie approaching struggle for the Pre?i
denoy.-: . (The Committee, while Confessing
tha't '-jome Of.the . exciting incidents of the'
election oflSofi-havebeen partially disposed
of hy the-energy,-.enterprise, and virtuo of a
free people/':;: contends that ■«the duty of Re;
pubHoahs, to adhere iotheir-principles- as'
enacted at Philadelphia, and to labor ior their
establishment’, was. never more pressing than
at thismomeot/’ for the reason that«tho at- •
tltude of the slave; power, is persistently inao.
lent and-aggressive/: and because “It-de
majjds,by an unauthorized assumption of
power* after .having- os . occasion - required
adopted arid repudiated all 'the-crude' theories
for the extcnsipn pf slavery, of tho ambitious
politicians who sought its favor— cslabliah
meal and protection of tlavery in the Terntoriu
bg revival ofthe Jfri
• canilev# trade-" v .. .
epmralttee -recommend,that an « ade
auato amount of money.':: be collected, and
put undertheir to enable them to per
ftet- athorough Republican organization: cir
culate dOCumeiits. Rcpnblican uewspapers-
.The Philadelphia platform of the Republican
.party, to which affectionate reference Is made'
in tfie,-.clf&nlair ge/birOd to, has been tendered
almost .entirely obsoleteby.the stirring events
wlUcJt bave;tnmspired: ; Slnco Itsldoption. No
one- WOuti 'seriously undertake, at this time,
to restore, the Missouri Compromise. The
Kansas battty has been fpught. and all
that , portion ~*f ... the Philadelphia platform
oghich, '.referred’, it: has, no present bear:
mg.on nationai politics. The TTilmot Pro
viso has.v beei} .pronounced - unconstitutional,
and ike-doctrine Of Congreealonallntoryention
ito-prohiblt slavery- in the’ Territories Is less
popnlar with the Auierlcan pebplo. at this
time, than,at any former period oi our na
tional, .'existence.;,. The:, three .leading ideas
of tbe jtepulillcan platform of 1868/ therefore.
IpesWs* little or so applicability to present ex
igencies/ There is nothing m proposals to re.
Btore.the Missouri- Compromise, to fight the
baUles'of Kansas over-agaui. or to prohibit
'Slavery-, fm theTerritorhmby Congressional
enactments, calculated to arouse popular en
thusiasm even at thd Korth, or to. command
approval. The vital jsjmca of the day
connected with, the. slavery question 1 are the
doctrine ot Popular Sovereignty,-aCongres
sional slave,code, and .the revival .of the AlVl-
CanSlayetrade., Iftihlhe contest of 1860.
thealavery questlon is again to form the chief
topic: of. discuaslon. tht interest will eentre
waipty arotind those' subjects, unless .indeed
the theory ' that - all the. States must- becomo
(Vee or all slave Is seriously pressed upon pub
lic attention, and-made.tho basis of anew and
terrific seetionalagitatlon. -
;sfs=i bit eoiieniofldetit of thoisth
N. J..being deserted. From an,
ln'to-day’e paper it vrill be seenthat.
the ' proprietor,’is tuhpiy pro
piirekt;4b abeonitnodate 'all- who may, Visit: Long
Branch *0 what, by mony persons, is'considered
'i|e : pl|ai|»BjefV»(kejti Off he y ear., r;
.'■ n* ( .J ,- —T~ ■ ■ ■ ; v. :
Km t l»l4 Cli'e«teit i *h-M{;wUl «ell by ttuUenJfcte:
Ifciir stock 5 01, elegant
! o»8M0kS if 1 % o’clock,
*»«wß)te»»ii(*'.’ BeeTb%s!>£ : Sons' advertise
• i .-’ . , ■- ,•
- ? t r:. I , ,c„-
the Mexican - frontiers,' they coirtinho, a se
rins -of caml»lgns ‘agalnßt'. eaclf' ‘other, In
WhiChr-so ibwmen 'ore killed* that tliey.der
cflo'lilothlnfjand, eaidr new brittle Instead 'of
I Riding either factio£i;‘to « deliver, a,
i serves but as a'prptrrict thewar, -It<
lig very unfortunate ,for Mexico that this
largo class of mch,;who are the arbiters of her
destlnyjhavo a personal-Interest in/preventr
l ing' internal tranquility, and feel tfiat by';the 1
complete, restoration iOf : ;ordcr their favorite,'
occupation would be destroyed; •...
Tho'late indi
cate- however, tliatr her political affairs ore
how rapidly reaching a crisis—if, indeed, it is
possible th’fit any deflntte'end can be attained
by her own citizens without foreign J interven
tion. 'The .decreo' of the Liberal, or Juarez
-Government, confiscating t)rO Church: pro
perty, and tendering it to capitalists as a
secnHtf ' far a loan,has been .published., If
confldence ia establishcd in the, success of this;
movement; JuAkez will obtain ■ a i sufficient,
amount of mdney to enable .him to 'prosecute,
the war vigorously, and, by the capture of the
city o/ Mexico, to obtain possession Of the
whole country,' On the other band, the .Arch
bishop of MoxiCo’ has excommunicated tbo
whole Liberal party, for its attempt to .con
fiscate tho property of the Church. It
I remains -to be seen what effect this anathema
will have upon the Mexican people. If they
still adhore to Jp+nEz, his movement may
succeed, and his party become fairly establish
ed- If they are frightened' by the. denuncia
tions of the ■ Archbishop, there is > no prospect
of a Speedy solution of tlio Mexican problem,
i and she willjrObably continue in her distracted
l and unfortunate condition, until the tyayos of
Amerioan progrcss gradually roll oyer State
after Btatoof bar territory, and thus blot her
out of the, list of nation*.
better from" “ Occasional.”
J3P*The yesterday 7 * letter.of “OooaaloMl" Is
an tho'flrat pagoV”**' m ‘1 ; " *' '
x)f Tha Pre«*.l '' ]
. ‘ .August 22,185 -
In my wandering! through (fye departments, I
now and then fall npon some of the correspondent*
(snob of them as have the pluck: to otayfcorei'of
the.NewYork papers. The Herald .men. have an
slr of authority they do not. attempt to conceal.
•Die j. walk Into the departments,;bn!lythe messen
gers. hector the njorks, and send lordly oardsto
theSeoretaries; footing at If each had bihlndhlm
a hattpry that, In.tho mat of a refosa) td their ret:
peetlre demands; would explode and blsfrjtU those
who refuse thsinjothji moon. The oonieqneneo is,
thad while Mr. Buchanan Is' fcr the lleretU end.
the Herald only, little of the important news
of the .’ departments . gets to’.-itbat Journal,
i She. la; afraid U) • put •’ himself un
[ dec-. obligations to the e3ttespes4.egts ,of , a
rtokl«a‘;nqwspspor,'and his Secretaries will ust&j.
so. assailed .and ihsulted as they. constantly aro by
the Herald, Pp.-the other hand, the gentlemen
associated uitbthe fllribunf and the JYmes-cqujot,
agreeable, and Industrious chaps ns they are—worm"
their way through the different departments, sprafio
a olgarwilh the leading clerks, pat, the msssengtr.
on: the back, and finally leave the marble halls
pretty well booked up-In. what is going on; By
! this-neaps the Timer got the projet of the Mexl
i oan treaty, and in this .way the Tribune is dally
enabled-to send fortrwd thO’latest and most accu
rate intelligence. - .
A .good deal o.f interest is manifested in.tho
resnli of the Philadelphia. Convention' which 'a#.-’
Hmhies to-morrow. Mr. John Hamilton, the Bur
veyoS.of the Port, so runs my information from:
headquarters, anting upon the theory that. Mr. Bn
i ohsum is bound i« take care of his original ene
mies-has trotted out Mr, Horn R, Kncesa for the
i position of District Attorney ofyour city. This
demonstration has called down upon tfco' ehrioiu
honso. of which Mr. Hamilton claims to. .be'the
head." Hie maledictions of .the other candidates for
(hat plaoe, Denunciations of this offensive inter
ference of tho Federal ogioers. have bcjin sent to
the. President,-and, sinless f am grossly misin
formed, he instructed Collector Baker last week
to give, an open field to the aspirants and;to permit
the Democratic people: to vote for -the man they,
may prefer. ■ ...s', . : ; ’
- Can it be possible that Alexander Dimltry.haß
been sent to. Central America as a slight to Sena
tor. Slidell? ,-If you will recur to tho Hold of poli
tics in Louisiana yon will find very many aspirants
for just (his position, and as Dimitry was known to
be rather anti-Slidell,; may not bis seiootlon to the
Mosquito Republics he susceptible of some such so
lution aal have indioated? - ~
Thereisno little feeling .bore in relation to the
arrest of Major Edward French, on the‘charge of
falsifying- Touchers to obtain moneys from the
Treasury fraudulently. Ife was pay-olork under
Captain Bowman, of the United States Engineers,
who has chaxgOof the construction of the/custom
houses,'postoffices, and other- Federal buildings in
the States.vThd'general opinion seems to bo, that
notoulpable, and thathe has been
•treated harshly!: Captain' Bowmania n gentleman
ofhigh character. ' He is from your State, and'no
oensareJg attached to him.' There is‘doubtless
some errdror mistake in this business. • l
The MoEana treaty, it is said/ will, bo'ogreed to
by President Juares, as modifiedJby Mr. Buchanan.
I do not credjt this, hut naus verrons.
gk; *') Occasional.
■ Publications Received.
From T. B. Pcoh; 616 Chrstrut street ;
. lhe Atlantic Monthly for-September. >
From Pabrx A HcMillak : . . :
- A Life for a Life, by the Author of John Hali
fax. New York: Harpers.
From W. 8- & A'. Martibk :
\ Ten Years of a Preacher’s Life: Ton Years of an
Autobiography./ By .William Henry Milburn! New
York i' Derby A Jackson;
. From Dawn, to Daylight; or, The Simple Story
of a Western Home. By a Minister’s Wife., Now
York: Derby & Jackson,
From T. B. PeterhqxA Brother : ‘
'■ Oliver Twist. - Being the First Numhor of Peter*
sonS r Cheap Edition of the Entire -Workß of Charles
•Dickens. - , \
The Highland Widow.' Byßir Waltor Soott.
From Charles J. Peterson :
- Peterson’s Ladies’ National MagasineforSeptem*
her; > Afirst*rato number, In all roßpcetaJwith a
finely engraved frontispiece, called “ The Young
Ploughman, ’’ and literally a crowd- of fashions’
engravings. - - "<
From Callender A Co.• '
j\l! the Year Bound. . . - ,
'■ 1 Qaxada, —The Now York Journal of Com•
mirk ha« Bomo''brtef «dltorlfti ndlea of an
slbri id Canada, from which wetake the fallowing
paragraph?: '"« 1 - - - -k
: v “ One hears and seestouoh in Canada of runaway
negroes; > The taverns and betels' in JJpper'Canada
are, , abundantly .supplied ; with, blaok - servants,' a
large proportion of .whom have been transplanted
from the South. Their settlements, also, are chiefly
fn ihe iregtbn of thb lakes, Comparatively few* yen*
tuHngtow&rd the St. Lawrence. Their condi--
tlon is described by alb, Impartial observers as
Sltiable in the extrema. by nstnre to
ic rigors of a Northern climate, ,they.soon
7 dwlhdie t peak and pine ’ amid all the pangs
of 1 starvation- by* bold and' hunger. Intelligent
Englishmenfay/; that; if - tho Southern States
would.pass laws prohibiting the division of slave
families, nearly nine put, of ten pf.the runaways
would return to their homes. The Colonial system
of attempting to the black man to the level
of thewnlteman Ispranounced an entire failure!
.The encouragement of blaok emigration has leaded’
thepoor-bousps and jails, while the Joathsorao In
termarriages which are allowed! and even sn»
Courhged/nave! in'some localities, ft terrible do*.
mbrallzAtion.- Stories abound of the dissatisfy
tlotf expressed By the expatriated slaves. ‘ ,f ■
a The total negro population of Upper. Canada is
4 sel down at 4,<169, (about the same as the Indians,)
‘out of atbislof about a'million. In lower Capfi
da there ato some. 800 blacks in a Census of some
600,000, so they form a very small’ fraciloiT ofilie
cOmmiSnHy, after all. ?? - i v { -
' Derby &Jaehifera’s last issue of the Frenoholas
aioj_<iGennany;”by Siael—is.having
a fine sate.lndeed the whole series has taken ad
mirably.' From January ; Ist to Jnly Ist, of the
present year, Derby and business was.
muoh larger than in any six months previous, since
they commenced publishing j'and'l was told, a doy
or two sinoe, by one of the JJarpere, tha£ their
business had never been bo large and'pnifUablo as 1
during the present year. Their presses are kept
running from 7A. M. until 10 P.-M.. 1 - 1
Walking'leisurely down Broadway; an hour
since, <1 mot,in a single block, and within the
space of five minutes, that gallant filibuster, (lon-.
eralßennlngsen; portly and comfortable-looking
General Paes; the sanguinary Zouave, Captain de
Roviere; strong Tom Hyer; Mary Taylor, (that
was); and*thatigraeoful and felicitous person,
Signor Brignoll. ■ Rather a jßoteblo assortment 1
John Brougham hag returned from a very bril
liant engagement in Chicago, where' ho; has lands
and messuages.
. Hen, John R. Raskin,‘ the able and intrepid
member of Congress from the Westchester district,
has . leased, for tho next session of Congress, the
mansion formerly ooonplad by Bonator Douglns.
Tho Leader, County Clerk Clancy's paper, ven
.tilfttes a rumor, that the Democrats of tiro city and
eouhty of Mew. York will next year presont to. tho,.
State Convention the name of Mayor . Tiemanri for
Governor. , Tblt> io time, at all oventa!
: Tbu Phyedntpbla ddiPlfefP pf Pioeolqminl need
not be surprised if eft? s*wnf tg tbfs .country next
month, with fitrafeesch, though rijo pay npt.'oomo
until later in tho; Season. g|m is * provin
cial. tour through England, Scotland, tndlre
land. Carl Formes has engaged Miblo’f 'for t ie-.
rlei of performances, with his brother Tor tenor,
and JetmyPajf r prima domti.. Pormef,
however, has pteped* jd (anteswo tricks,'
and offotedaomwy insnlte tenpora.-ggeßb tjiaf. they
won’t gd out Of their way: to hear pip), grist as he
is. ' - -y Ps,:'' ,
Laura Keene's company; are called together, to
day/* Her iheatrloel'Waacm'wlH commence! cither
onMonday, j)po 29th instant, or the Monday fol
lowing.: v . ■ ...
; The, Florences, nftero Tory Stteeistf#! fjtpimer
season at Wallaok’a, closed on Saturday overling.
To-night Mr. Batomaa.opens with Matilda Heron,
in a negr ploy oolled‘‘Cleraldine, or’.Loye’s Victo
ry,” • She trill to by Couldoek,,Botherh,
Walcott, and other reputable BftflU. The papora
aay that no otto to the apttorship has as yet been
given, and the oodret has boon pretty troll kept.
Your readers, however, may u well know that it’
is thhcproduction -oC Mra,‘ Bateman,;who Is a
thelateJijo Cowell. ’ j
Among tha striking imperial photographs at
Bray's Gaiiesyf pf fldribaldl, taken by Brady
himsaif, Iwtoir flarihaidi. vray (Irlng at Staten
Island. Brady and bows re quite intlnipte during
his rosideneo boro. The food is a Jtpblp ono, and
attracts general attention.* • (
The Cretan water has tr
last forty-eight hOnrs. j T
said to barn entirely subsi
New. York Stock
inch Improved during the
’he panic aboatjlt may be
ided, r ‘V J "4
:xchange»-Ang. 21*
• soaro. . -■ 1 ‘
$P Saadi®* fc.l 4*V
53 rip ,?£,»...... «*f
m Old&itock ISL..,.MX
100 -do UHhr
200, ‘ do
CO Mi oh Centrolß...»v- 4S»
60, , dri i 4SI*
100 ddVvM -*3?4
IfiO do
3J» . do U.S3O 4.1 K
£oM{fibfl&Kng.... 7%
Kim a
10 Panama R,* 7.'.'.'sW ]&.'
iCO ■ do ...u6d }lf,la
3tSlev;o, fcCm R.*./M
JQOClevfc Toledo R... 22JS
. ' - spccke
3000 Missouri Rt 6a. ,83?*
IOOO.Tenn Bt«s’9o S7J*
4000 Ohio 8t Ba '<2...... JOO -
2000 Louisiana Bk. 05.... §§J*
ooooVirpinla&»..;...i*i Wf
03 Merchant* Bank. .108
55 Dai k Hud Co.. ~«5 91
60 do
jis N Y Cunt R. • •
so - <il>V i-W »4
100 jo i>nw.73
500 , jO jgJJK
100', do ...baonx
180 do >lO 73
OOKrio Hnilro»d..,. i jg
COHodßiyorB —»15 3SS
the "Markets, r
Askrs.—Pol* oreeteady At $0.25. "while Pnarls are
firmer at soAsfiW#tf* with a. mcKjeraWiteinattd,
Flour.—The market rar State aud Wen tern Flour 1*
100 better, withtuodenwetfoeiiUa reale* of 9,000 lihl.s at
$4.50®4J50 fbrsuperfine State; $4.5004.80 for extra do;
94.3304J0 for superfine .western; &4.M&8 for extra do;
jHOCaafmrold. and sfi.3t»G,3Q for fresh ground iduppmv
brand* of extra round-helop Ohio. P/our is unchanged:
safes of COO bbls at i s4.7ssrfi.2sfor mixed and pood.and
ffi.2sar7 for extra brands., Canada. Flour it steady at
4 .£00*5.70 for extra, -with sales of J5O Mils.
- Grain.—'Wheat is l«r2o better—sales of 9,*000 bbls at
91M for pew red Southern. 31.40.a1.fi0 for new white
Kentucky; 31.40 for now white Southern, and 700 for tin*
sound Chicago spring. 5 Com, is very *earo# ( tand nomi
nally 20i40 better* with small sales. Oats nrf stondv at
53«r370 for Southern, Pennsylvania; and Jersey, and 35©
420 for State, Canada; and Western. i
Provisions.—Beefls dull, with sales of CO beta at $6lO
for Country Prime; $7«B for Country Mess;
for repacked TWestern, find 8H&13 for . extra Mess.
Pork is firm atid quiet, with sole* of 180 bbls at SH.37J*
for Mesa, and slo.lsn fortPriine, Bacon and ,Cut Meats
are moderately active. Earri is qtuat, with sales of 100.
bbls at W®lfo.'HotterqadCheese: are nncjianeod. ’ <
Wiiiskry is nrpu»r* Fijp sales of3oo bbls at 28a28tf c,,,
Shocking Case.of in Ke>v York#
- nIS DACOHTKn. * .
[From <&• Ifow York Evsnths post of yoVterday.]
About half past elpyfen o’clock yesterday morn
ing, Hr; noble Miner/ an old ana mueh'estoemed
resident of the Klovonth ward/ committed snioide
by cutting bis throat with a razor. ', When he got
up ln the moraine hbj*ife said that eh* hod not
slept darißg ihanigafc,'when ho Mi&arjrea that ho
had scarcely slept tor *he last weik. . The aot of
sofoide.obald.nothave been promedlta'ed, as Mr.
Miner had for year? be<m in tho habit of placing a
kettle of coffee upon titf gtoye, to bo drank during
the day, and did hot forget ityegterday. as he most
probably‘would J havedonohadhe made, up his
mind to kill himself. ?
About ten o’clock Mrs. Miner • went to church, ’
leaving her husband sitting in a hhelr, nothing un
usual being noHoedbyhor hctlons. After
Shaving, about helfpy eleven, he’.camo info llie
room in wbloh msyouqrest .daughter waa Bitting,,
(a girl about teo.y«ars« flge,) waJkcd Jo* front of
the looking-glass, end thou,. reiCarM that be had
cut "is neck while shaving, pointing to a email out
on the side or his U6ck.j Without j&ytng another
word, the unfortunate jcaan- dreW.t&e-r»*or with
great force across his nkk, cutting .through wind
pipe, veins, artery, &c.Jnearly severing toe* head,
■from the body. . t' \
' ; The daughter soon attracted persons to the house
by her cries, whdu a shocking sight- presented it-'
self; the floorof tho. robm.flwewd,With blood,’'as
well as the table, tha looJting.gltM. and tho wall.
Mr. Miner feu forwards on his ,ftoe_w SQOQ (1. tllp
*et KM committed, an<l! oip|r«<l (o i hiomontf.,
Th'a dsuzhUr wak- sent jo tho oliurtli for Mrs. MiS
nor, but before ,h* urritod her huibaiid wee dead.
Coroner Jackman was ihon noUfled la hold an in
que«t upon the body. > , • >
Ur. Minor wo s about sixty Wars of age, o'
oomntOr by trade, owned® the h’ogso he' livod to,
and h«l : . resided at 128 Cannon istroot. in the
Eleventh ward, for tho (ut thirty, years. He leaves
a wlfo and four.children; the youngest tan year, of
age. Mr- Minor was highly csleOmed by the resi
dents bf tho ward, nearly all of whom know him
woll.* No qOuse Is aaalgacd for/thoieommlsalon of
the uotf except that he was falsing a story on a
house In tho rear of the ono ho>ll?cd, whioh ap
pearod to have eausod JBBO trouMe and anxlotv of
mind, ns ho hid been hfard to'say that-ho wished
that tho house would stak and he with It,’' Tho
verdict of the Jnry was that hecoanilttod suibido
' T «n", !,borms D , ndBr “J'niporaiy fit of Insanity.
. Whtlo.oonverslng with,oak of the jurymen of the
above shocking gfifilr, jlowineF’Jsekmttn sfatod that
ho knew a man who eornmUted siiftide under tho
following singular plroUWStahees.' Jlowas shaving
himself, whop the Idea,entered hisjiead of onttlng
l 1?,?! ’ Wh 0h X°r kBd un<m h» that he had
to ditsh tho razor to tfio'gTOurid t(f aftyont himself
from committing the deed, nerWbnfdhbShave him
eelf fbr four years, when lio.ogaln ijotnmceocd, nod
had searco y dope sa,wl,eH hp Mtually ont his
throat. psplring In o.fenr mbmonljn;
Miss pku Coaaihiff.'iiMldenfaiiysbot inNeir
eftctoHho'wbundß, 11 P*
, On our own coast, too, there is to be an efficient
naval force, composed of tho steamers lOrusadoy,
Lleatenant Maffit; the Mohawk, Lieutenant Cra
ven; the Wyandotte, Lieutenant Stanley; and the
Pulton, Commander G. G. Williamson. ■ They are
to cruise in the neighborhood of Ouba,'fdr the pur
pose of capturing any slaver which may, by their
expertness, escape the vigilance of our naval foroo'
on the African coast.
Those arrangements will soon go into full opora*
tion, and the Seorotaiy of the Navy is now hurry
ing tho preparation of . such o? the vessels as are yet
in port, for this important service.'
New .York ■ Politics—American ' State
' Geneva, N. Y.j Aug. 23-— Quite a number ofpro*
minerit American politicians have congregated here,
to attend the Amerloan bt&to Council, -which will
meet to-morrow, 1 The straggle will be on the time
of holding tho State Convention. Daniel Ullman,
who, it Is said, represents the polioy of Thurlow
Weed;’will oppo3e a call of the' 1 Convention on the
same day the Republicans will hold theirs, in order
that the latter may not ho embarrassed by any
union, oponly, with the Americans. '
Tho Buffalo delegation, who, favor a union, and
act with the anti*Weed Republicans, advocate tho
holding of the Convention on the 7th of September,
at Syracuse, so as to foroo the Republican Conven
tion either to recognise the Americans', or drive
them into an open rapture. . "
-The chanoes thus far* seem to be in faver of the
calling of thoi Convention to tojefc on the 21st of
Farther from Mexico. :
New Orleans, Aug. 32.—Vera Cruz advicQS-’to
the 11th instant roport that Messrs. Hargous A
Jocker bavo purchased .the Tehuantepec Transit. 1
Their agent' at Min&Utlan has boon ordered to en
gage engineers to recommence tho work.' f 1
The steamship Adriatic is to run on the Pacific
side. ‘ r j *
‘ f‘>, •i • FromHAvana.
cApqoßg or ptyouns arrived.
• New Orleans*, yApgust steamship Ca-'
hawba, from Havana on tho 19th fast; hu arrived.
Two cargoes pf coolies had been bpougit to'
t Havana.' 7 < - m j
Havana Markets.— -Sugars are firm at 73&8c.
Itvd-bDoyaut at_lBaipo. Sterling Exchange is
quoted at 14a14 per cent, premium, and Exchange
OP york at 2 i per cent, premium’. * J
Outbreak of the Mojave Indians—The
Whites Attacked. r
>. St. Dorns; Aug: Eos Angeles Star says
nu outbreak oocurredamong the Mojave Indians on'’
tho 21st of‘July. Two hundred of this tribe of
Indians attacked a party of whites at Bqat’seross
ing, apd carried off a number of mules and a
large qaanjUy pf provisions belonging to fbe Stook
.tonand Kansas City sa)l ppmpany*—-Major Ar-;
mislead, with' two companies U. 8. troop?, started
for tho Mojave villages/ fatendfag'oitfiertoohastlsd
the Indians or, in their absence, to burn and de
stroy their huts. r .. . } ,
TAe Bpltipjore City Guards*
New ; Tonic, Ajagnsk 3?.—The Baltimore City
Guards, upier the'commarid ofWarner,
Arrived in thU city at four unlock this’ afternoon.
They were received and welcomed for tye Seventh'
Company of National Guards, who’ escorted them
to tho Stevens House, where they partook of a col
lation. Sr 'trted to the
steamer Cc Eastern des-*
tination/ai to cheering
of the Nati< id enthusi
aatio applaj
J Ciscisnah, . „ ,£ Holmes
sthek .brokers, on Third street, havo siupenilod,
Their liabilities are notst4tcd.
The Mexican Mail Robbery*
( iNiew oRlikANa,' AHgadt , 22.—The Mexican corre--
sponaentof tjio prescent says the TehuantepeomnU
robbers found noUii'ng-yaiuablo in the mails, and
iheywararreSomfid! " ' rtf Jr - T i
Fire-»Ten Horses Burned*
* SAckyiLun, N.‘ B. t Aug; 22.-—We learn from
Halifax that MeKay’s Btableat Truro has been
burnt, all the horses, numbering ten,
perished In the flaojey. $ j .
As these horses included those used spaoiatly for
expressing the steamers’ news /rom IfAlifayto
Saokvilte, fortho Now York 'Associated Press, it
is foared there- will bo Unusual delay: with' the’
steamer Canada’s news, now near at hand.
WAsmsflTOJT, Aug. 22.—Now Orleans papers of
Monday last are tarnished by the Southern malt.
The Galveston Qivitidn of the 12th is of the
opinion that Sam * Houston has been elected
Governor of Texas by fromlfl,QQo to i 2
jority- ». •£ a ■ L
[ Reported foyThp ?«<?»■] i
. 'j, Quarter • Ludlow.—Tho
bneSneMofthe Aiigust atwLSeptember term was re
sumed; aftsr abnef tocos*, at tQno’cldck T yeß{erdnj
morinpg, The fimt hour of the session was consumed in
receiving excuses, from a number of jurors who were
required to be in.contt to serve on the regiilnr cane!.
Every variety, of excuse, such'a* old age, deafness,
pressing-business engagements, &o», - was given l 'bjr
those Who arera not over-anxious to be considered among
the ‘‘twelve infalhgent and upright men, ' so often
complimented by disinterested lawyers. >->?•.
One gentleman who was exceedingly desirous of'en
ioyiusrtho society of his family, after a long absence
from home, tinted to Judto Ludlow that he hod just- ye
turned from Europe, to which his honor good-humoredly
replied that; lie wns.Kratified that the gentleman had
finished hisjjonrnoymgs in time to attend court. He
submitted giracefultr, and took his seat in the jury-box,
A U9T a number had peon excused on legal • grounds, the
court crqcafedGd regularly to business. We may remark
hero that the new system of seleotips Jurors, has been
attended with tlye most bopofioml results. Thosplid men
of the community, from every'occupation of life, are
now drawn to try cases, andit is no longeron unmeaning
phrase to speak of the intelligence of the jury-box. \Ve
wp/e forcibly impressed with this fact yesterday,.when
witneyplng thejaspectable array presented by the panel
for trie present term. , - : : -
'5 Walter Pattered#,and Ipaao <L McGrath Were -put on •
test rnbjif showed,thatop the fith of July a young man,
.calling himself IL. P, wood,, presented himself at the
counterof the franklin Bavin* Fund Asaopifttionrond
stated that lie wished to ooduapaocouhtwith the estab
lishment, and had a chock for $460 on the Banknf the
Kopubhc.of-New York,-to deposit. He said that he
had been .recommended to the association by a well
known citizen. • - - - . f
• Tbp. check wgg marked |Ood,nnd,boro the endorse
ment of. the paying-tellor <?F the Hew York bank. The
oheckwas taken oq deposit, and on the subsequent day
a check tor, 834. signed H. F. Wood, and drawn against
the deposited cnbek, was presented and paid. Tho pre
senter of ttio eliopk was a young colbred man namod
tor of tlio cheek. Before Junior' tookit to the saving
fund he went to the Recordoiys office and informed him
of tho circumstance of receiving the check from two
monarhoraho met in the street. He was told to go to
the saving fund and see if it was genuine. After receiv
ing too money; the colored man was sept to the, spot
designated by the men-, frdm whom he got tho check, an
officer foHowjogat seeing distance. The mon, however,
did not appear, wit were subsequently arrested. Jt was
thatthodefondonla had ofibrod ft Chock similar
b one presonted at the counter of the saving find
society to George. Luckenback, furniture donjer, tvlilch
Mr.'Luckenhacktobk and inquired nt the offipo of tho
society ns to its character, when measures were taken
ink of.ihe. Ropabjic,
of Hew York, testified that the checkjl®! loB^ l * m V,
.Franklin Saying Fund was a fprfte/1 instrujjjont. No
stiph person As the signer of it keptadepositih Bank
*Th« cmrewafpo gtipoesisfully made out that the coun
sel for tho prisoners. Messrs. Gn&sjjJy.and Nichojs.-did
not n/Toftfny testimony, or address mo Jury. Judge
Ludlow told the jury that the gist of the offence was tho
cbmbinationpf tneaccused to do the unlawlu! act} and
they must he satisfied of* the combination before they
would lie justified in convicting. The jury rendered a
verdict of guilty without leaving tho box./
Tnjm Brown and Thomas Brynpt were triod on the
cnarßa offhoft, Verdict, not guilty. • ’ » • *•>'•*’/ *
Thp renmi}idfirp£theriay f wftBPonBurne.d m.ftscertam
ing the paternity pFagorialnliiileresppnsifcthtv. .
Patterson and MoGrath
teen months In tho County Prison, after whip)) the court
PkLavk’b Kext' Walk.—Kona. Po Lave
announce? that on Tuesday, next he will,cross on
his rope af uenofleo falla a BocornTtime, ftnd per*
form some feata not attempted op the first occa
sion. J|e tyill stop about naif way across an 4 bang
hijusolf by the nook pyer tho ohaspi. beneath; nhd,
during his* while back, bo atop wain and stand
pn jhls head. FroVkus to walking nis lafrgo ropo
he will' giyo an ordinary tightrope performance
witpip the epofospr© orFfIUS F|eJ4.~J2pcA«<srl
DemotnU* v ; 5 I'' 1 '' ' - O j .v j
The Texas Election.
About half past ten o’olook yesterday morning, the
Baltimore' CftyQttarde.' Major J. P,*Warner, ao
companied by„tho Independent Blues Band, ar
rived hero’from Baltimore They came in a special
train, and on reaching the. depot at Broadband
Prime streets, got Into’omnibuses and were driven
to Walnut-street wharf, where they embarked in
the steamboat Biohard Stockton for New York.
The Guards are a find-lookfngbody of men. Theirs
uniforms aro dark blue with boarskin.caps: They
carry newMinie muskets. While aFwalnut-atreet,
wharf the strangers received ’ the' congratuLations'
otsomoof thevplunteer military of tbjsoUy.The.
Gusrdsare a battalion/ They form .In two com
panies, numbering about 80 muskets, under, the.
oommand of Captains Parks and Johannes; the
battalion being commanded by Major Joseph P.
Warner. / -.iJ \
They arrived in Now York yosterday afternoon,
and. as wo learn, were received by two companies
of the Seventh Regiment They remained in New
York am hour or two, and took the evening steamer
for Boston. They intend passing directly through
to Manchester, New, Hampshire.'where they will
arrive this morning, and bo received by the Amos
koag veterans, who are making extensivo prepara
tions for the entertainment of their guests." They
will remain in J^aaohester‘two days, doaVing on
Thursday morning, for Chariostown, where they
Will be the guests of the Charlestown Guards.'
They, will remain in that oity until Friday even
ing, when ,thsy will, leave, for Naw : York: arriving
there on' Saturday-morning.- ''Thfey will remain in
New York upfcll Sunday, as ihe guests of the
Seventh Regiment, leaving on Sunday evening tor
Philadelphia, where, they will bo received by the
Washington Groys. They will remain in this city
.until,Tuesday morning, wheri they will start, for,
TRE • Oah? .MbetWO xsar Meiha was'
largely attended on'Sunday last. People from the
surroundingcountry.flocked loathe campground,
and many of dur oUUenl repairod thither to join
in tho devotional exorcises. It is computed that
there were* at least fifteen thousand present, not :
withstanding, which, tho greatest order prevailed
, It U regrotted .that those who left the
city wfereeubjeeted to so .much. annoyance, by the
want qf proper attention qn the part of
Chester Bailrqad pomnapy to provide for their
oomtortapte transit to the camp, Rfehayei received
a communication from a reliable source, detailing
grievances Under whioh passengers labored owing
to the miserable accommodations that were offered
them, butowlng to Its length; and a'press 1 of'hews
matter,-.wqo&puqt .find room for it. It says. that
/* men, women,'and children were cr&tnmed to
geibor t until oars-formed/one dense’ mass of
human flesh, m inch uncomfortable proximity that -
it was difficult tor one *to ThU without the whole
mass tumbling dowq. toffetherj. di}d evj|n while tho
oars were thus packed, tho ticket agent was indus
triously engaged;in selling tlokets, when he knew
that the'train was literally packed, and fnat ( ;it.
would be impossible for, those who purchased them
dveuto proouto Vstanding placb/al the risk of life
and limb, upon the platform of the oars.”/ The
compahy; or its employees, were highly censurable
for, not fqynjsbing .qcmfortohte accommodations to
ail* who sought theircohveyanqe, and ’'for; continu
ing the sale of tickets when they disooyered that
they had not the facilities to carry thqie who pur
chased them. '
toeeilpg ; pp the ‘members of the Corn Exchange
yesterday morpipg, the Apfttfe flf P« ?• of
the firm --of Messrs. Peaoook, 2ell, A: ’ Hinchman,
who for twenty-two years past has been ‘ en
engaged in active mercantile pursuits, was an
nounced, jlie was,forniorly'one?o£ the firm of
James Steel & Go. On motion of Mr. ’Jamesßlaok,
a, committee of five, consisting of Messrs. James
Steel, George L. Busby," Samuel L. Ward, Samuel
li. and John Wright, were appointed,
who gpbipftteq *tjio fqllqw||]g preamble and
lutions ; ‘ i i ■
Whereas, hag pleased Dlviue Brovidopoo to
remove our friend and associate, David B. Pea
cock, from among us; and whereas, It is duo to his
own merits as well as to our deep sense of his loss,
to givp some expression to, our feelings on this oc
casion r -Therefore, x > ’?.
Resolved, That the Corn Exchange Association
deplore tho loss of a highly esteemed member of
their pwn body, of a most excellent citizen, and of
a Worthy aadßprigbtrpiercbant. » ,
Resowed, shaf a cojpp?ftteo of twenty of Ihe
members of this association bA appointed to attend
the funeral. * - -
Resolved, That a copy of this proamblo And
resolutions be transmitted to tho family of the de
ceased, wiih thb expression of our heartfelt sym:
pathy for their painiul loss. ■ 1 '
sho oh a irtpap appointed committee; and the
meeting - . : ,
Kahedap AooroENT.-,At tilted o’clock
yesterday afternoon John Dean, & team-driver,
whilst operating the lever or a defective brake; on
a freight car belonging to the Media Railroad
Company,- in the neighborhood of tho iMarkef
itroct bridge, was precipitated from the platform*
and in the fall had nis right' foot caught ‘between
and, orufhed by two , ’ He was taken
tq the Lancaster Pbp.nty Hotel, and placed in tho
-hands of Dr. Gox tor'surgical tre^ipient..
Riotous Bunday morning, be
tween three and four o’olock, • tho runners between
two rival companies got into a wrangle at Eighth
;aud Fllberb streets.; ‘Ueut..- Patton arrested two
ef the participants—a oblorcd man named Charles
Burn, and a white man named Alexander MoEwen.
The latter had .A brick, and a caso-knife in his
Cket| and the former two half bricks in his
id, ready-for ueOp Both wore taken before Al
derman Hibbard, and hold in $6OO bail to.answer.
‘ DisciiAaoEp.—-Alexander McCaus(in, the,
driver, of the furniture oar .wbioh ran over and
killed, the.child named Smith, at Thirteenth and
South Btrtots/rfnd who Wah ‘arrested sqon after, as
mentfoned in yesterday, morning’s J , rsij,>was dis
oh&rged yesterday. It was in evidence, before the
oproner’sjury, that the horso was unmanageable
and’ the acoident unavoidable. MoCauslin was
thrown out of hla vehicle and badly bruised him
self. ‘
Stabbed.—A raOn named William Stewart
broke into a house in Howard street, noar Jeffer
son, about 11 o’clock last-evening, and stabbed a
man named Thomas DaVls. whom he obarked with
being too intimate with his (Stewart's) wife.
Mrs. Stewart received throe serious wounds. ;
Stow’art-was -comtnitted-by Aldeiman Devlin to
answer at court. ‘ * ’ 54 4
r ox Spsriptox.—A woman giving
the*name of Eliza Rogers hnd a hearing yesterday
morning, and was ceipmitted to answer the charge
of having stolen’ a lot of goods whioh were found
in' possession. , The goods consisted of a lot of
wearing apparol, table cloths, and other articles.
They are’now at Moyamensing Hall, awaiting an
ownor. ‘
Admitted to gAijb—Peter Sanford, 1 tho lad
who was arrostcd by Offioora Bartholomow and
Franklin,,on tho charge of robbing several hotels,
was released oh bail yestor'day afternoon. Alder*
man Bcitler took tho bail, the lad’s grandmother
going security. ‘ Somo sympathy is felt for him,'on
the ground of his boing a ylotlm of bad habits and
ovil companions. The amoqnt pf tjio bail wa3 $3,000.
* CAMh-MiiETINCf at Media.—There ‘ was a
great crowd of visiters at the Media camp-meeting
on Sunday, most,of,whom wont from this oity. The
gontjomen Wjio trayol on their symmetrioat fingers
were about,‘ as a'nian had hia 1 pocket picked of a
gold watch and jowolry tp the value of $2OO at tho
depot, at Eighteenth ’and Market streets. ’
* Pabsenoee Railroad DETEjsTiQjf.—Yester4
day. morning a freight {rsih got off the traok at
Third and Dook streets;-' The Race and Vine-street
and the Richmond cars were blockaded dp Dock
strict far hearly ah ■
.Slight morning, about
eleven o’clock, there- was an • alarm of fire occa
sioned by tho earning of a. dwelling, oqpupied by
a Mr. Georgd Adler, oh the Oxfdra tro&dj hrthd
Twenty-third . Tho bulldipg 'destroyed.
' Female Pickpocekt.—A woiyiqp, ■ narped
Sarah McGee, was committed yesterday inorning
to'answer the. charge,qf picking tfee pooket of a
Woman on Second street,’near yfne. The pooket
picking took plaoo on Saturday evening. ;
PisTDEDnra a Meeting * : --On Sunday after
noon a man’named John’ Orookfihanks was arrested
on the oharge of disturbing a relJgions meeting at
Fraukford road and Girard avenue. Re was com
mitted to answer by Alderman
Shoemaker: 1 ’ , J
DisoRDERLV.-rGeorge Benms was held by
Alderman King, 'in.the sun) of
$BOO bail, to answer the charge of keeping a diao#- !
derly hogs*,Stalling UqUbt (without a license, and
on Sundays, ! v L i . *; si n „ { n 1
. T0ta1...........1'. .*4,310'94
The fanner submitted to the committee' 'an’ ao
coant of stock on thp.fann,ramo , bg vfhich were 20
s®?** * Worses, 1 bull, 1 o&lf, 2 males, B;chickens,
ocaxts,3Wßgods; s 6 wheelbarrows, Ac.
i Tbe steward reports tons of coal on hand.
ihe oommittee recommend that the officers of the
different s aeDartmenta,be compelled tddceeptbeir
bookaim.Buftb ft MqdWqttaawilljdmw at : imy time
the exact condltlon of tfie aff*rrsTtiaer*tiS ©on--
tract.. / s *,i ; jj-yi t-, ' ;• ■ ■ .. |
The oommUtee was discharged.'fMm a further.
consideration of .tbe.robject.^^ l -* \
Mr. Server, of the co&mittee. appointed Jn*.-
qnire into- the-beef' and - mattoxreontraetf said the
F* 3 “ ot -Prepared to report. j He* Bub
raltted th‘e Opinion of the Sol ioi to#, staling that,'as'
r* was the lowest bidder, they must ad
here to the contract withjftjL:' :
*vr r^ Matiß *abmUted-«|»d and warrant of
Vf® f m “s the snmof *2,000
for the faithful performamuTof hie duties, which
the Board . r*. «
Mr. Bobbins submitted a resolution authorising,
the qlerk ; to parohaso omnibus tickets for the.mem-.
.pers of. thp Board of Physicians do visit the Alms*
houser- Agreed to. \
: ’ Mr.vCressdn 'offered * resolution authorising the
purchase.of a coffee-roasting machine. Agrpeddo;'
' Mr.' Llnnard offered directing the
steward'do'fUrnish'each'physician with la book in
which -keep a copy of their prescriptions.
Ho-said he desired to decrease the ordfers on the
drag store for liquors, Ac., muoh of whioliwas con
sumed by the tfarBes;> TheVeiotutionwas adopted.
Mr. Lxnnard offered the following:, <
; Resolved, That a committee' of ' three be ap*.
pointed to inquire into f the nature and value of the 3
perqnkiteSor SalaHed A officers, and ‘the 'necessity
for their continuance*' v - ! ; i : ''i
Agreed to' ■ Meagrs. Linriard, Erans. and Cres* J
son were appointed on the committee. •
Also,'the folldwihyf 1 '~* ,J - i - r
Re,olvc/(, Tha.t Dr. R.,K r emith b# informed by
the steward that the Board rekuMta him to lur
renaor tho possession of the premises aovr occupied
by him at the Almshouse on or jbefoxe the- 15th of
Soptbmier.. Agreed to., .
Mr.-HohMah offered the following: S
Received, That the ConaulUngjßpari if Physi
oiaiui bti toqaerted to present' the .names of throe,
physicians qualified to take ohargeDf'tljo insane
department, f),that the Board may seloctjfrom the
candidates one gentleman for that respectable posi
tion, at a salary of* perannnm; with the rise
of the physician’s house for a residence. ■ -
Referred to the'Hospital Committee.i
■r, The hills for thp,week were read and pissed.
The' rhqnlsitKm was read.' A'thOng thd articles
oallod far waa fonr doren spectacles. tweiity'soven
gross screws, AO. - i • rr.
.Mr- Williams saldtho Board-of, Phy siOians had
under consideration the propriety or eqmpelUng
tho junior physicians to do the'copping ahd bleed
ing, and they eoold dispense witK that official. Tha :
eleotton of this officer was postponed.-:
-The following officers were then sleeted!:
■ .Outdoor Agent—.WlUlamß.R: Selby. t ••* 1
■ House Agent-MJ4drge E. Johnson.. n--.! ‘
Farmer—Theodore Afyres.;-.-.
linker—Willi.m Lendricka.
•Engineer^—John Herbert. ■ L . .
Ferryman—df.MeCliuley. . ~, ;
—. iWAgon'DHWri-Wm'.rM/Hamiltonr' i
On motion of.Mr-ISiherj tho election of a super
intendent; of.nnflra&ctory was postponed for one
week. Thß election of ihehonsoclerksnil a gate
kesjior wts also poetponed;- ’: ; J - i ■
■ Mr- -Marks moVed that the securities Of Mr. B.
■F.-Jffnnt bo aooepted, on. condition that the terms
of'thewdrortieemmt'for-proposßia'Be-inßerted: In
theconttaot. --.i - .
. Alter soma debate. Hr. Bobbins moved to poaU
.-MeETnuq of tbußoaqs op Controiliebs.— 4
A special meeting of ibe Board of Controllers was
held y afternoon, at-teeir chambir, in the ;
Athetiatfuibrnldink., m
Xh® call for the'meeting waa read, and a quorum 1
being Jreaent/rthe Board prooeeded to
business. f Ho|)|ngfworth in the chairi - ,
■ Mr. Beqch oSerM the following preamble and re- i
solution: r i ; i , . -r'
, lt has coma'to the!knowledge or tho
members of this Board, that, a certain hill, in the
name of ,C. P. Linton,' nhonntlhg to *74.45, trans
mitted to thia Board from the 15th section; and
. passed July 14,1559; for work-done In said section,
during tho : laafc year, when the approprUtiohJlbr.
said year was..e*hausted, which. pamagelwesTeori-:
the -CommUfoeon Sohool* of the City Councils in
making up the defloienoy. appropriatioifto this
Boar*—namely, on January 31st, and March' sth:
1859; and - ' i '
WnBRBAS, said hill has been separated info three
hills, and the, data changed to tho present year,
Whioh‘information ! had beeh given to the City Con.
trol)ora. by verbal- and Written Cflmmnnltation by
one pf the(jirjotorsof.the.l6th section! and
Whereas,' the City Controller haying a foil
knowledge'of theso fabts, has been grossly dereliot
in the duty ho.owes to this Board and to the public
by placing hist signature, to-, this warrant: "there
fore, be it ‘ -- ‘55 >
Xbat Trarrant.Hp.j 3.887, drawn by
tkis Board Jn1y.12,1859, 1 in favor of O. P. Linton,
be, and the aamela hereby, cancelled, andithat tho
bills now in the possession, of tbe< City .Controller*
bei-oferted to the'tfity Councils for their aotion.
Mfe supported ’the .resolution In a lengthy
statement, .entering very fully into the facts of the
case. He,stated, that.there were.iqomberalathe
building Who-were not in their seate, and thought
that their conduct -in,endeavoring to prevent the
assembling of a quorum deserving of censure.
Mr. Dosenberry movod to postpone its odnaidera*
tion until the next regular meeting. Agreed to.
Aftertho transaction of-some other unimportant
bnalnew the Board adjourned) after havmg. been
In session twenty-five minutes. - - - - j "
—Tho regular stated meeting, of the’Bdard of Fire’
Dirootora was held last ovemDg/at the Hajl of . tho
Fire Association, Southwest coraer of Fifth and
North streets. ■■ 1 j
The minutes of the last meeting were read and
approved. '* , j
‘ A coihmunioation from the .Chief Euginoer, au*
nouuoiog the suspension of tho Western Ifose, was
received and flohepted;* { ...
■ Samuel P. Fearon, Chief Engineer, asked the
permission' of the Board to say a few words. Con
sent bemg grahted, the Chief went on to 'say that
he folt sura he waa’adtirassiDg-'a body composed of
the best firemen in the oity of Philadelphia, and
one-composed Of inoh jolt a lively interest in
tho welfare qf the volunteer fire department. The
question, of-establishing.a department
on the b*si^ : .of -the "present L one,-wak -being
serioxtsiy diteussed. - : l If ererjhia moasure succeeds,
it wouldbe 7 the fanlfc;of_th'e 'present
and of thataTono. ( The fireihon, particularly,when ;
on tnh ground, wereu'nrulyi ahd paid no attention
to the orders of,himself or assistanUe When men
goi a a fire they .were wantonly ;recklesa.
in the management of it... If they oould not play
into the'burning building they* would r plky on the
one next door, even if it was not burning.' It was
not pleasant for him to nsa : forbo, nor was it plea
sant for be. .abused, yot ho conld ; not get
along without his orders wore oboyod. A volunteer
fire company should be like a voluntcor piUitary
company, and should be undor a management as
admirable- '.The present course of the- members
of the fire department was calculated to broak it
hp> of to bring it Into' bad repnte. To responsible
men, and to these alone, should the'management
of engines at fires bo entrusted. The Chief con-‘
tinueu at some length in this strain, impressing
upon the representatives of the oompaptes, the no--
oosslty of aroformatioß. Hisspoeoh was .listened
to Wth the utmo'st attentloD;'
Tho Boarddhen, on motion, adjourned, ■
Saved from Last.evening the
ship Tusoarora arrived'froiif Europe, with a very
large number of passengers, and mode fast at Wal*
nut-stroob wharf. There were a large number of
emigrants oh board, and much confusion conse
quent on their landing. >A wan and ’.woman,
whoso names are unknown to hs. in going ashore:
slippocLoff the. landtag, and ..fell into the river*
The night was dark, and-{here, was so muchox*/-
citemont that thoy would Inevitably have drowned
had not a spectator, named George Cronp,'jumped
in and rescued thorn with much difficulty. Mr,
Croup’s courage and coolness is worthy of special
mention. , , » , ->- \
Conventions—The Senatorial and > Legis
lative Dcmooratlo Conventions for the purposo of
choosing candidates for tho Sonate and House of
.Representatives, and a chy. Convention for the
•nomination of candidates dbf Prothodotary of tho
Court of Common Fleas and District Attorney
will .bo. hold to-day.. ,Tho „County Convention
meets at ten o'clock,‘and in Spring Garden Hall.
. Hospital, .Cases.—A nian. mpned * Janies
Mo All istoV,’about aistly-thrto years 'of age, was
taken to tho hospital lastovening, sufferingseVOrbly
from a fraoturo of tho pelvis. Tho injury was re
ceived by falling frim! a htly wagon. i , ..
A man named Miohael Thornton had his leg frac
tured on Sunday, at 'Red. Haul;, hv falling. Ho
was about forty-four years of ago. Last .evening
ho ivos takan to tho hospital. ■
_ OIVNERB Wanted.— A push-cart, No. 638,-
and a sail and jib, ars at the Second distriotsiation
house; a heifer 1 and steer at thh Seventh district/
and a number pf wagons, taken from Whitnoy
street, at the Firat diatriofc-—all aw&tttag owners. -.V'
The memhers-of the West Philadelphia-and
t Cp.os..—j ■ !
;8 oomi
Ctpitaistock.,|u!wai .too * as
tLoai ! ».,.^.„j/..,..«, ; W I po simsoa...^.in,m
:io .... .4,993 Ail > 5,07948*. ..Inc~ 82821
Sfl££g?' -IIIIT - §S
t UW«279,..l>*caSMai
JUti^laUon^;» - ..D«cr^4a
: '. The
the hSnks.of rMUdfi]phi%' timM ilniw
iNovemljej 1857: t •
: %g&
fe fc $&&
Apnl 'f . 64(8 045;. M3SJ9G 17051,770
* '*• IL.. .27,864.363 • A.U44OG '8480,44? 17.0J2.578
‘‘ IS.-i.iMQB.JOS : 6401A7S S0«031 .1T£99094
SRS-iaa- 1 --- 5385
“ 3) 55.735.216 13.706,900
‘ !!7..,.J5,««15b... SCMAtf IJ*U»3 uisO^K
Jnlr 6.,;.25,H6.i*} 4.*>7,065 : 3jnt M c ’
‘ ll...a,*jBig 44W5U Smojm KSmsi
“ ic.mi.wo
. 20 56,100.114 4,077 ,604 2808.632 111,!-
A “?‘i ITOjKI H 854;540
»t the Clearing Honse'foi-the week
'- -•-. -
■ - JS’&PJS* . BelMcM.
>*u\ s ---‘v« w *wawai. : im#os
- V* ( SA2SAJBSS= .. 3H4Q233
na.-.-...... ~„... \atfia »s
__ .''i < a ' tnrw n
_Th« poor prieM tlut tho Western fsnnora are
-obtauung for-lheit oereUi, 4o;.notjaprtar to hin
aer or retard the building ofsuch raiiroadiinee *3
appw The 1 art rail
hia jilst wen lildbfl the Dayton 1 . and Michigan
Railroad, completing the conneetionbe tween Day
ton Toledo.
Cincinnati at alx o’clock inihemorniiur. and reach
Detroit, 256 at-\ five 7 <P«Wek in the
afternoon.: mileanorth of Ciacinuti,
the road interaoota the Fort Waynes and
Chicago' 'ttW. fdwSther line' of
oommunic* Hon between Cincfnnati find Chicago.
This new/iopening'of a'direct* connection be
twbopCmeinnati andtLake.Brietta*-matter of
cinnati.M near-Detroit _as; to ; J3letriand,nearer
to Montreal than toJNew fork, iutd only forty-four
miles farther to. Quebea >r than Boston.'-and as
shOrtai aßy otherronfeto Niagara Falls.-
' Th®
BtantiaUy- .constructed/i and P
eqaipjped anjr other new road ibSthkooußtry.
grom -Ottayt jfc; ?«rrysbtag,’| &&&&&&&*,-
the almost a3rdiso?^d r * dead
% i’’'^AV{^gsr'c- - • ■
--'Aeonb-siot hU:b»»B'«iiat«M“Eiii®B«n!eUng
in Miofytam Uje/BwiKnp Band State Bead, sixty
miles in lWili. Traok Urine- is gninronrigo
ronsly on ltise
xpec ted that the whole line of the CentiwtTeimessee
Railroad, wilLbeopenedin January next. Through
,Wttl the.NaaKyCle. pnd; Lonisrule
Railroad inOetober. '‘‘-The *waxk» : ipf'cdtistntctiDg a
railroad from to ITibnk 6 going forward,
Two cargoeirofdron forth'e Chicago and Korth-
Western Railroad bav«h anifW ; it Chicago, and
.iron for the.’gap of fifty-six, mil&U/aaid to he all
coming TOrwardjaa fast aspce«b!el/Y';- t
iThecflrtriYork Journal pf Commerce enume
rates, Tjestdes,*. number ofhsW projects brought
forward for public favort'and adds this timely word
of advice: . - -
-■“Western folks need to be ain’t
as they, nee 1o when money - could be raised
regardless of security, and oounty bonds fail due
some time or other. Little, reliance out be placed
on Eastern capitalists, whose confidence has been
-too much shaken to recover very soon."
f‘> August 22,'U08. .
wro*Tan*r>awi»TTß«6w»rA' - co.i : ii.xK-50T*,
~ *\ , FIRST BOARD. > ,r
22d&2d-Stjß..-.;. 41 2 do -... 68
100 Reading R-,.,.eaah 22*4 14 -vdo S 6
100 do :....'.tbs*n 2254(1 do ./..... M
2SOONPenna R 6a..... 64 |« Union Bk. T0nn....10151
1,-. . ■ SECOND HOARD. -V!
SlMmehillß. ,10te..h5 SSJi 2SO Long Island R....bS 1051
»N Pp,r " l <’2s 2Parmer*’ Bk. Ky...IS
SSNPdnna H......... BA* ft &)*£
l A Amboy R...lie
'HftJ'H? 1 i*: v - v ' ' »Pep.t» v R:iota w
44 Mechanics’ -8k..... *jd-sts
20 = flo - sswn 2S
24 - d0..a....... k 2dy5yr - -
vs to 11.,....,
PhlUiSs ......98 89
“' Sew.'.V:
Penqa t0. .........93 saC
Headunr H.......jg: 23V
“ Ml ’T0.....73. 81
mort to ’ 80
„ “ do *36.08V 69
Penna K..... «V do %
. 2d m 65.. .862 Kli
Morris Canal . 63 >
Sohttjl MvSi’si *«
* Imp 6s. 73
SohurlNav sto^rv 3i B*‘
Wm^BtraX: 16 * *i
~‘‘ 7s Ist mort.fio3£ S 3
~ ,‘* ?s,aimort..w 22 l i
Lon* Island fr....KLS' 10? X
Lehigh CoaHcNav.4»>» 43
W Penna, K. 8U 9
. “ 6s 63*2 64
- u \ 10s- MS
CatawiSM Re.
« .’V Ist m Ms.3s,S'
FA South R. 60 62
M-AMStaR. 40** 43
HaoeA Vine Sts R. Si
♦' Philadelphia Markets.
-1 <• ; -r- •. ■ 'ACODST 22—Evening
Tiora is,no quotable chnngoiri Flour, and the
market doll, and the sales confined to the wants of
the trade at prioes ranging from $5a5.371 for late
inspeotcd and fresh ground superfine, So.2a to $0
for oxtra and extra ibmily, and Srpm $8.25 to $7 for
extra family and fanoy brands, according to quali
ty and freshness. The reoeintsafe light and buyers
shy., - Kye Flour ia hold firmly at si&S.'ahd Penn
sylvania Corn Jtfeal at $3,821 per hbl, and not
much inquiry for either to-day.: Wheat is plenty,
but the npiler&i are'holding off for lower prices *
sales inalude. 300 bu.v Inferior at $1.1.5, 2,000 bus
prime red'at ?I.2oj4tHVcl)oice do'at $1.22, and 809
bus prime white at $1.30a1'.3i, Rye la In demand
“Vjofbr pow Oelaware, and 78 to 800 for now and
old Pennsylvania. Corn is rather better/ and about
®j|Wol bushels, prime.yel'ow sold at 80 to 81 oents,
Baostly at-the fhrifier 'rate; Oa£s are steady and
arcoiwith'raoall sales of- new at 33a360,.«iad old at
37n35c. Burk-—Quercitron is,in.request, nnd a
smell s»7o of No. l was made at $2B per ton, at
which fote it is wanted;- - Cotton—The market is
very quiet, and spinners oome in slowly and pur
chase only for iholr Immediate prints;.! at' previous
rates, flrooeriosr-Tho demnnd is confined to the
Wants of the trade, «ho buy moderately at steady
prices. . Provisions—The mnilpotia firm, and the
demand for Baoon' rather more aotiTo', at folly for
mer rates. Whiskey—The msrket isbare ; Easton
bbis selling freely at 20c; Ohio bbls 27c, and
drudge 35a25jo;hhds are worth 25 Jca2Bc per gallon.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
_ Aueusi 22,1859.
- -The offering* of Beef Cattle were lighter than for
some timepjwtt ajnounftng to only about 1,200 head
this Trcok) nod prices were firmer, but without any
material alteration. In prices, and most of the loti
fe n ?* rket : wo r e disposed of at from $8 to $8.50
the lOOlba,, quality.— The following are the
Sirnoalara of the.. sales at the Avenue and Bull’s
ead aroveydrds:
. 401. Abrahams, Fayotteoo., $9a0.23 the 100 lbs.
17-Jeremiah Rhodes. $3, gross.
20 B. Sqkman, Chester oo;. s9alo.
: x 4Qß..Bald win, Chester eo., $8.50a9.5Q.
22 M. Courson. Chester co., SSa9,5O.
■ 60 Clooney A Smith, Ohio, $Sa9, -
. 42 M. Scott,Ohio, $4.25.
,77 Murphey A Co., Ya,, $9a9,25.
. - 9 Miller, $3.75a0. :
' 30H, ChMn, Fayeiteco.; $7a9., ' * •
30-8., Gray/lUinois, $5.25a9. ,
354 N. Werntii, Ohio, s7a9. • • .
40 \VmvFullor,'lllinois, s{
20 Shelby, Berks p0.,'57.60a9. *
65 E. McQuaid. Ohio. $8a9.50.
12 MoCleos, by Mo.Qaoid,s4. '
52 Phllipflnthaway. Qhio, $7a8.50.
47 Scott & Kimble, Md. r 58.50a9.50.
i 32 P. MoFiUen* Chester co.. $9a9.50. '
U Ohio,;„
Kimble A Kirk, Chester eo., $9a9.50.
31 Jas. McFillen, Ohio. $3.75, gross.
■ S^ oks 9 n Holmes, Chester co- $9;50a9.75
• S Chanoeljorjtij Coobran;Md. v 57750a8.5Q.
j g*R; Merrick,• by McCall, Chester,co., $3.50a
12 Alexander,. Chefeterco., $8.50a9.50.
• I? ?. Hood, Chester 00., ?a.soa»: -.'<
« *?£• Menah..l>eiawßrQ c0.V59.25.- -
it. Jo *r ■ Delaware ci»,ys9. -*
(W, b 2l t . n 4 i o i°?- Sh ?e p *L <,r<l J®' “"kef. selling at
. Tbedeman,!was gSod.
Iffiboroitrtrd reach
h™r;*NW:tK>M at pHocs . ranging Mm S 3 to
•|B,!o;tha not .XOO Ibe... About. 60 Cons and Calves
B 5 w to oon.