-ife a# ■ : ': \%r r ; ;> • AlllSfo, jiffM ,£p|ffg|g -Immmw R^Sfras^saKSSEiKlS ./ m # , a ;.v L /“ ii WA*EBi AHO % ** %. *** ,l “^j»y.^O» i wfe-'W liii^ayf^-' jfc lil [Pf m m IP ■VPJ^ria^Mfiffii^'j-liiY'' A^**Wr«irtW' i ™n«ki>4»t'tlMi,«loM«t ptfoaj.ta igjfewsattßvlttifootM^ l ;' ;,.;4Vk4- Wa*T¥!4»lf'W«roE BOJWWiBOMXTMAXB r««f ix ii H»w howi*»tor«*(ttH •t<»lrefflsoi« i 't«> which oojr ihTite the attention offirit-cUiiifcojerf. .' hulS-Jm’ Ud* i’V yttceirmi: ail (i iTOniUMtu-i i -,^- 4 . rakcv xaoebonnbts. ■MATERIAL FORFAIA JJOjjTKfiTS. X.,'./'. 'Bi)]n/?«l««ta)«>UM,aadil>«4UMmhithtFrauh>i VMtte . . . .._ —~*.t ■ 1 ■ ■ t* ■ 11 ’*• • -■ f ~ ,? -' " v - - - • - wmSBmmiSNMB^^SSSR l > .'H? zf»V>^TtJ? [ -"‘ <5.1 V y •‘I.(K ,J r 'jS /.*‘^ / d»C«ili<)B,' ;f f®- • the' tQ.(Mlljuul«*«mihe t>ur v ~: **-"* '/ !■'■■■.: ' ;Tl ■ vXlttt jSAiiife btbkbt.', man-, r %Wszt »l 'MilftslS 70S: ouh'iad felp ! i®Wi'j^''^&^%(Wllß'r)3i''»l'BßoNB;'‘'' r «''”} ?’" 1 - J ‘ £gjfemj. '. &rtTi&&*-£6iu&* 'ir» f wl m.-itf# ; onodr own ‘ ? | a -g?!:r 3 ! n ' :n : '• '’)r.yy ’ * "^'' ~V' ’• is pfe»£ [ j«l*BltNUUS'-|3»MWS,%iuA%^-js;4^.'..• S*‘ Vi^pPpppa^rafe^'t B#eet?- - ,’•' “’j- V ’e ; . ‘mf% aUTCHIE’S'EDOB TOOLHf -:‘ *-‘ S'; ,' ? various kinds;, , *iX#tf:ANyiK AND: VICES,; .-.ship ohk-ttei !'■ v;.'-,-\v:’.', '•■ v'- -, S tffl!»*' <^v ynaoßWa brivr^i ounces,i _ t -,/.. /• -- ,-.' <■ ■ . '■>- • y;-.- A-'S-i; i-«v-'=irtarai;* , A«tA«*r'‘‘ v.s !/ : - ; - ; Goods, * ‘ '• r ‘ i *' Soto'Aiiw&lff gtoti* jor the sale of i-f ;'S jreKWOAHOarERV AND AJNLIiHWEAE, if k^*x?&:!»&9fr%j&dfas!&rnzitK : ' i ~/,;. .-c- •■ NEW YORK, 7‘jrz? ;«jP‘.^ '; .;-f fl ■’>{.•• OIiOTHS; DOESKINS, &o. '■•'■■' fe ,t>;.;' PHILADELPHIA,; |M|yi ? 44i? =:i |bra^nttBiußi(i'''' ; 'vvl ";l. :■. r’ !: ’-' j ’-'•!, ifrAOB-IHfcODSj &C** - £ tSi-’.rtx ■, "i '*U' .•:- .1 .-. 'f-.l BAXTBK’B DUCKS, -*f l'*y.!i’r/ffI'ABO’BOAHVAB I it ''' '~~f ' *' * :fr:o sV BAMASIffI, ‘ ’f'- J- 7/' ; :1 ■' /‘ J J '. ’ &0m k.oi,'ko, .[<7. IMi -7, ,\; : ■' i ",?•;■ &M- - ho. toe calEßxkm; btrßEt,! ■ Mi-in •• tyt V Cir^^r- wi«,7 “ -V'it* ‘ ?7 ' ’ ; S • %. -fl ‘ ij/iViri i;^!||pfe4^ ! i - ? « fjSf^^^i^«^in•-.:• IN . J; $ jtCRBIMINQS:' ■ r--i';! .! NO. 333'MARKET STREEP, : :v V >;,,;., / iiaiShA-i--:! v)£p §**> S £G£sHOyp t Si, ‘ ;>y •■fIEOODBSByj’XAFOUBOADE, ;&m,: IMPORTERSAND JOBBERS OF? *: CM) SHS MERE S, rVE S TINGf S, MEN”A3!II)fBO¥^ : WEAE,. ; >> i *v, ? > nof;S3(?'j«XiiKßt street, _ jArfitecelvinsibelr' ■' !! ’> /^, ! IiEALEfIMPORTa'^IONS j * ; TtnrhieMher tnvitAtha ittonticuiof juah 5 Vn08; 4M AND fflT MARKET STREET/ ' - r ioßElGiff'iOTj DOMESTIC ray: GfH>D&, -r , [ijpfcMt : :f} •# ..'MARKET-BTiEET; -v l.i£3 -■' - *^LM,;MOI. 4 rBN; WOODRUFF, ;*;' AwajMl MABKBT 6MHBET, Side,), -'•■ ' Invite fiie attention of Bayer* to their cftoioe andeom ;*leto.ftoek;Orv - IV : ; :'A /' ; : *4ircrro6di>B.' .••>' ;! y 7 ;':"V;> PKilfTS,' - ' ! FABI/ S T y ! b jess, i»l- : * aoi-tf” ! V' “ TttILAOEtPHrA. ? &00., /,) IMTOJITKaa AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS ?' .' 5: t iiyvfl’OODS, \; ' - ' "K’’- 'm?' tf>Hoy3(M ; liißiKia'STisKlST.’ 1 “ I* # .vn.; 1 *•*;*,; . • - ■•v-' 1 -".' : .;j:iB : s® : . : ;;.j : ! : ',heiiringk;& { -:ott, ' '■ ;*Hav«nWlnSlorB th»ir niaal . • :'S'®t^‘EK ; ]DliD" -STO OK ,• ,TT,:vßjtfov coodb. N;W-CORNEttrOtm’IHANi)MARKETSTS. : *o»-*ro.; Erf . >v ; , ■-> ; ~c ,j - JOHNES&OO., ‘ '* IMfORTEKB AND JOBBERS "V v 'riXM-:, 'W' ■ ; '7,/ Jjs; #ileb \- i\7i7''.v t!■ /FANCY' MY "' NOa.MrMAHKKT.'AND 594 COMMERCBSTB. ;:>ambir, aarn.-i: • ; .HnYingJuetremoved tothe, gbovejoeatioh,ateflow. a naw and very tleuinible iSt'jok of Goods, om !braeing fti ; tholr lin‘«iwhich they offer, td the tradeatthelovrert’ market rntOj,lbrcaah or op pYoyed credit!'.' ' *j . ■ ! y\ 1 aus-Sm pRICE, FERRIS, & CO.. “'■“j-' '. •' IMFOBIT?ERS OP .7-7 y t'777S 7, .':;^SA§ilTlM<«Sr*e;! NORMS MARKETS?., AND. M 3 COMMERCE ST. f ' W Our Btookia neleoted by 'a member of the firm, In ' : ;BEST EUROPEANHARKETS. .l i , TE ES r / ; ‘ Zf.l'tri i'’TOoi*^AL I SpEA?iERsiNo :■ ' ;■< DBt. .00(k.DS- AND OLQTHtNO. I MdcMW MARKET STREET. «l v '••••; i : PIULABRLPHI A,;|l ..FaUand winter, fftoek.nowjooiapleteaha tcadr Mi '.■ ~ •, ; wHm.’ ~ • WiLtiIAMSCN & CO.. ' WHOLESALE DEALBRB AND JOBBERS IN . ;;.' : .,;;ODBY GOOFS, I ; ,i: H'OV‘ i-a'S’-MAB'K-B'T 'STREET,’ - (;/-• i.WMM CommmcMtreet,! ;•. - '■ Y IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ; or ■ ■’ •: SILK 7 ‘77 " ,J > ~awi> - 7 . 7,'..7 ; .-'Go'o;bs/-,./ t 7 / 'M«y£ now & bomplato rtook, to wht6h they irivit& ths afc .ttptioa pfWyehi.' 'f; ,;r f., u( •' VgJVII^JJV'MCRPHY,« CO. VS3T MARKETsTrANDR3BOHUECH AiLEY,, .* ..'Arc now op«nink'their " : . ' IfAii iOIXI.WINTEB STOCK \ r -r k .; , .:. offiRYGOORS, ; ill YERS; : '.TajiaDfAugual,JW*;.,;.- >utAm ■ I,OOI£ING“GtABSEB. i I^OQIOKQQI/ASSBS. ! Nor iu .tore the most extensive and elegant aeeorl tsOitdf; . ;•,. i LOOKING 01.A8SES, Pore very apaee add every positron, and at til® )no>t moderate price..' " ■ r .LOOKfNG ULAB3HB In Utmoet elaborate arid the most aim pie frames, ' , .....LOOKING GLASSES Pramed in.UiebecUa.te, and in the mmt anbatanUal manner. 1 ,• '’. ■< .; LOOKING GLASSES 'Pumi.hed by ur, are nianufaotured by ourselves In our mm eatabllanmont. y-T* LOOKING GLASSES . ' • and WALNUT frataes; for Country :l : i r . ivJAMES 8, EARLE A SON, :■ . 818 OHBSTNUT STBEBT, apl-tf PHILADELPHIA, • , ' ; rOiX (V: *'Weinvite special'etfenlion:to ol. i ' „.' MACIUItB-MANUBACTURBII'•' y-• •V* j.#-U ••b‘i 'tns'.oa! a' '%£ss' ',.■ -isa> ? t 1 i j.’^- >sJ > {-v y- , V >/ .-AwrawlwlwhMMMf} Xgpl'H ;V, ;■' ’] FALIi WteMß^OTf^^^ 1 .•; r: 1 . ABMfeSD to ink r--i- (■ ..(s&£{ '-.■■■': (•.■•■• : --1 lo wmon >.'• <•,.•;■ ; -;;wW. UX.vr. r-r?-; ■ WHOLESALE BbOTAND SHOE WAHEHOISE,)' '.' Hflyonow tin li:wul A full nssoitimmt uf F.aster:ia;u! Philadelphia jrprk, to whiolithey, invite Sootb'emind Western'Merchants,;' ,• | paty-ita,:*' STERLING, & VRA#fLS, : - y W&qbesabe aDEAiiißi^f ,>/• v?.*.' l '"') -Vi N r' w V’ I J ' <* ;ANJ DI-fi,. 'j ■', - • No.iia ARCn:sTHi^r. ■'■'X'drohr.ior» vuitin&;t!io dftr’will pleuo’osli end eata, VlitMttatottoolrd-'; . : . .1.". • T j . ; y>- 1 'IV ', Vj.}'*;; 1?':: ' J BOOSTS ANB SHOES. JOSEPH Ui TIIOM -'SON A oV.a ■ .. /•■-'•'•-.-i-. “HI MARKETSTBEET, :!- ’ - .:' Havonowon handahago rtootol-: :• BOOTS AiNO SHOESf ’ ' v \ j? v •" : ,!'; * k >, , , /‘ !> Kvisky VARIETY, EASTERN ANB CItT MADKi Fnrohasera viaitinc the oity Trill pleaae call and ex amine theirlipok.. /t / r „ . ;' • ~ r^-Hmm-sc'myy . - ; wiIoijSSAXJB BEALEES ' ( BPOT&;■£NIB iSBt|xElS'V t' t W. Na-«»i»«iw'Bir*BKP.! (.;..: •-. wfAn , , ', ' JJODTS, SHOES; • & STRAW GOODS.' . '^,O. !: HADDOCK, ;^JE3^'g6^ ■ Invite the examination of fnrohaMre to a fall and. complete etoek of BOOTS, ami STRAW GOODS. -,■■» u'n ■ - ,'aa*l2-Im,; - - ‘l. --.. . - - LEVIGK, ItASIN. & . • , • BOOT AND SHOE WAttßKOtfSfe " “ ’ "’v ’' ■■ A!yyx'c*ar' ■' • r, «B CSießtimt Street, rWladelpW&r 7 W«*tStata Stteeta Trenton, W.J« Oyer John Titat’a Store, Ka*k>n, Pa* , s , - r t , tl SUB AGENTS: ' EDWIN “ROBKITS; Monreitown, N. J. ... •• -mUilAMfyiTTEgßONggaiejny Hi J, Permanent Oflioeg-wUI-be opened Shortly* by me, m .Resding* Aiirntowfl: andD&ncaater, Penna, > , ' F w ' HENRY COY, Agent, • l r >’. - * '• ’-/‘-j’m ■ r HARDWARE, package horses. ■Jt would respectfoUf call tlie attention of tbe Gene »al Hftrdwijre Trade to our extensive Stock of BIR “MINGHAM HARDWARE, which tre offer at ft email Sl orderB sOKoited, nml' Goods da liyered either in this city, Hev New Orlea n «. fV' • , l l,: 411'COMMERCE Street, -* ' • v • Imborting and Commission Aleroh&nts. , Ahd Agents far Foreign ftna pomeytio Hardware. iIITHOLESALE GUN, HOtISB. ■Jw * We offer to* the attention ol tha Wholesale AND ;,sHp A «te G 4. OLlFßStreet, New York.- , , . ans-lnr ■pAOKAGB HAJIDWAKB HOUSB. .^:WAD&.’tnßU^CH(^S°ni|l I WOSTENKOLMiS ' HeNry o,_ coa Table cdtlery. 1 B^^fc^gWliWwAßß . I ING^t I^, SII D EIiF HARDWARE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CQ. •'. _ 91' North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. >4 CLIFF Street. Ney York,. " anh-lni cigars; Tobacco, &o. MERINO, ' 140 80UTH FRONT STREET, „ ' Hae In ttore and bond, and Offera for Sale, a Large Ai,ortment of CIGARS, . ReoeivSd direct from Havana, of ohoioe and favorite Brande. ' ' .. MMf OENUINE G. D. CAPS, AT REDUOED PRICES,. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, EBASMUS 0. PRATT & BUO., , '« BANK BTRKBT. auj.tii th a-tm GUN BALE ROPE—Sranufitctufe'if aria Top ,l.tJ^wy;=4t r QPST23, : -is6o.-';'-'-'' jrom - (Correspondence of 'fhe jPifeiutj)'' ••• . , ‘ J - j Aiigji, 1859’. ‘ - ~ Sic.. Buchanuu’a horrofcbf a “ Kitohbn CabinM/* -wbioh-began to manifest it&otf during /tbo'Admlnis;' •tretion*of OenerftVJacksob'j-itiioaoimnioaiatb per-* sonar friends were, included inthis phraso, induced tpgqqufc of the way more fibbn'onco after bis election toannounco that he would • recog* HO J,‘ 10icIwQ.G^blr!Ot’’vUpdccliia 5-A(lDiiuUtra -tion... Inporfoctcharaoter.w^^l 3 hos very naturally organised a 1 • Oabinot'.l-out* of’Suchmateriplaa, may to., bo floating around intbti.q.qartpr.. -We distingpialxod 'looaloharflctcrs; hpre,; ; Opedf the so ! ;and i/e finpd;gpnUpman? Captaih' j ltfe .of ; tfcq; marinp corps*. - 'tjivi Captain- bp, .said.to -ho a loading. me m b or-of the Pregi,- Rent’s ‘/Kitchon Cabinet.” ; Ho,is a^combinalion r ,of ? acc9mnUfihmonts, npd ~ o£ .moderation;; not quj.tV &*, 3 *ni«f ? , Apr qq popular aB ; maiiiy 3 otberql,6oui4 mentWn" , bie.ia a BresiUonti 1 , uotipft ' recognition nf v» r vvonrar,. c*vM«rs.yu ,c 'lipPllP^PTO^SiSfelWfilSS^wfcSß' Hmiiitmyrf^qpaiijiirn^tyrt, Ma#li'ftilBiiM'Sfe : i^erfr'6fw*'V' ; Kl6b'fl Ca§(fo,. iV ■:WiM^i»itina6d v t’o'j(yfilr,;J?lliin J jtH^Kat^ > nj;dnf,‘ iacftWr Of f-,i0,, jyjtks, ik'di-White 1 .spfore ;htB;lalt tindmagnb ..Jh'eJjloprsiof *nldg,M«kr nEPßBtoj^cWpU : oilod; hirigpa! chad wbetho§bp knocke - or at mitntght, hois 'always lisherodinte.tbo p’re ; . sacred' Bb?deHhe43oWiert» famijlw-.to,! JonSsASSjthe, pthy* 1 greandpM' a school-boyi Iforgot to'monkion'ijitrt thePresidlnt, Jn consideration ofthe high Qualities and aßrtidos -of denies,Jim ,- dircctcd-hlsl pnamO-' tionto.ak important o£lJcq 0 iij iijk deprirtmont.of the GovtSnhier.t, It istrue, the “KttcbcnC abl nct: ’ aflmplch these tlirde personages are members, -is' high-tonednstiuit which anr- : rounded general Jackson, aml .thab mapjt dis • pleasing dutioi aro s exacted or. them.- lonlyrefpr, .to the -exlstohcoiof such nn institution to Show tho' . inconsistency of the.. President, I-hare spoken of ■Mr.-V/fllket’E dining with tho ’President,'and Km 'happy to ir.fcnn yon' that; the' reconciliation bo -tween ’-thoifqi ,two.' gontictncin is ;Comploto. The quicksilver ff tholr -friendship, Wok ifM Mow tore a few' 'mphthsiogd, may now lie-rated nagt ieMt liftdeMos FahrenheitJ- ois ’c; • ’ ~ „,. - 'Tho tmcewCul- newspaperfeat cf tho New York Times, in obtaining an advance cupy of the pro jected treStyilflth‘Merico, df which! spoke ja a, - former letter, tho'hows of Which ires oped hfr, Buchanan tthffijat Bedford,! ailed tho mind of tpo Prestdent .-n-itUitho’ suitpicinn that Ulero warn an ugly leak in fhe. State Deportment... jle'hag ac cordingly commanded that tiji despatches shall ho sehtto //ihirtiii)«:lgpbripg'»»d setting asMoUorip eralCftss, who lapopulsrly sup]ioicd tobe fcoorotaty" iof-State under the' present AdmlidiitrtiUon.' "Ifeja; determined that no eye bnt his shall first rest'upon these treasures.: Some of. these days,-by thh wijf', f proposo to gibeymi what-I have heard ortho meh nCr'-itt;. which jaJto^fetMaty^JUwtiiofevfladdalape.' iilhljtlgivrnadeiti'Wlipt-Atrmco-in -thniNewYork 'Herald, while Air. jjqohnnnn waa.SMrotnry of State under-Prcaideuf Polki. jsnpttgh for Jfie pro: sont on this head. - .. ... ; , - yon,- in ono of. my previous .letters,’ to Seinl you soinOaceount orthoactings and ddlngs, ,-fcr somo time past, of the Qotloifal }»o9t Offtco ip relation to tho following topics i. ' ■■'lt Tho monetary affairs of tlm General Post 'Office.' - 1 * 2. Tho foreign oceanmail'steantßhip service, - 3.-The -interoeoanie -mall stoamship linos, via Chagresand Panama, Nienragna and Tehimntopec, held by the: General Post Office'to bo tlomesiit lines. ' : - . ."- , , , C 4. Charleston, S. C.,- and- Havana, or ‘‘ /sfilrf’’ line., - •••■-■ ’ 1 , 5. The Atlantic and Gulf (Mexico) mall steamer coast lines, between -: ports of the United States only—and as to tho changes made in them, and the propriety of discontinuing soweof them>' .“' ] : G. Certain railroad contracts in the South'e'en' nected in some coses with steamer lines before mentioned. - ' • 7. Certain schemes* new and old, which His said 17111 boiirged upon Congress pt its nfot Session, by hirers speculators and lobbyists, for various steam' ship mail: linos to - different. places,, in .different quarters pf tha glOhe. gcnoraUy P?f?- sons actuated chiefly, by a desire to got arm? up to their elbows? in the pubtirjrcjHrafcy. \ . I have ascertained, upon investigation, that a full and intelligible account of atlNthafbpght to bo, -exposed to the public oyd in relation to the seveii topics above Bpcolfied, canned: be embraced in one, 1 nor indeed in sevyi Jotters; •restricted as X am to a oolmim per not complain that I administer, my phytfO ftooofd* ing to the prosontjuodo of giving calomel—ln bro»’ kea doses., ‘‘ . ..And, in the outset, I will give those who may bb inclined to criticise and censure what I may write, the advantage of a declaration that I do not hesitate to say, in advance/ that I.am satisfied A full de velopment. W the public? of all the vicious bar gMn'B, the corrupt intrigues and thesimstonnan- j ngement, the speculations ami jobs, qnd the nefa rious moans and influences; ami devious V/ays,' ro? sorted for the purpose of carrying out tho selfish schemes of certain parties! in rolation,to moils and mail, contracts, will shook the moral sense of every honest mania the land; and I shall not.bo'guiUyof the affectation of saying that roy taik, arduous as ij is, t iBin‘.any degreo unpleasant. /No! it will afford mopleasuro to drag, forth to tho public gaso thoso A'pobnSovs-op XsiqujTy, who.stoUc at'noon-day throughthe avenuoa of this' 1 city,'to- tho various publio departments, and particularly to tho' Post Office Department, to perpetrate v the most, corrupt designs; and after I hove,grappled the monsters by tho throat, to pcol them to the bone,.‘and hold up to tho; public abhorrence tho naked abomination of their skeletons.' There has never boon but one hu man being allowed to grow to full manhood, who for enormity of wickedness, would uot bp slandered 'by* a comparison with some who prowl about, tho federal* treasury, tq plunder its coflors under tho forms and sanotiona of law. That being was Judas Iscariot JJo betrayed his, Saviour—tho official pluuderer is a traitor to his friends,- tohis country* mod, to his aud totruth./ ' > This letter, is merely introductory ? and will refer tobutonVofitho topiesabova enumerated. It will bo confined to a notice of the monetary'affairs of the General Poat.Officp, Jn futurple tiers certain tranasQtionl that havo horctofdrotaken place, hore andelßejvhero, w to tho -six other topics'specified, will be fully ventilated. Certain facts that haye occurred sinoo the decease of the late worthy Post? 1 maaterQencral Brown, in respect to one of the sub? jects above mentioned, are nUudcd to In a lottcr additional to this now sent, ip you. You may pub lish tt with this or postpohe it till a future day, as you choose. I have enoountorodoO little difficulty, (bring an outsider, andconstraincd to adopt’tneans to preserve my intog/iito, and also to shiold those connected with tho powers that be, who aid me,) in obtaining authentic information, upon the sub jects above 1 speciflod particularly. Since the ad vent of the present 41 period thunderbolt of a Post-, muster General;'* (as J. J). designates that porson ngo,) secrecy' and conconlment, and Signified mystery, is tbo order of tho day in Ihomatblo “C&stlo of indoloncc,” or “Hospital for Luzyr bones,” id E'Street, and both as to what has boon, ’done,ahdwhpt Is intended to bodono; “Keep dark/find look soVero,” is tho /‘rule, and tho “ Thunderbolt” appears to, bo entirely content, —if he oan.-get-grandiloquent puffs of his wonderful ability, Inappreciable assiduity, and tronsoendanfc purity, ‘regularly despatched by telegraph, or written ( by Washington correspondents of Opposi tion and other, newflpapors,—in exchange for small items of departmental noys-rbriug j«at so much and no more than it |s doomed oxpediont or pru- "dojis l to' dkjlcStrfo fflicfi* coiiixpoMent- .ShOngK ' these acmi'-6ffiolarbttiletlh9; : Are ; industriously; pro- ’ nmfgod' with; thoopufTs nforcaaid/Uoisnot sup posed; tMy' can.. long. doeeive or delcdti gent jrabliy, Sho 9liiiti9B,r{(ifl ; ths torioua fact that flip mails wofo neypr so budtycoii . ducted .throughout< (hp eguntry^under' any'Tor-; tner Administration,) .ihat ; tHo hsnd ofthat'do-' partinoiit pos&iiies soiilio9 t jHie.VjiW>rilifiSry ; SS‘.' ininlstratifo''tiilentB|*t)t the 'tin equal tod finanoiei ability, thattbo seici-offlcin! puff!# uniformly set forth, ■Hisbemg a great; fiiianctei l ., it it announced) tie proved, by the fact that hehae on, tfco . de pnrtnjcnt since Juno JD, last, ; u vnihout- any yumcy,", because,. ,ps >alleged,.. Jba'hioUdnß' .Congrosa .refused, ‘to / pasa I any general' '-‘Past K :morb'^'uUa and diigracoful attempt eouldnot bo WaJe-thatf this* fdlegntion. ptlVforth todoceivO the'public; that Mtyor’Uolt HaSnotlmtl''any'nia)iey''ei>ittJuiie i j3t),;2Bpff,’whorowjth tooafryon’ihe inailaervipo, -I assort, and it,win::bd;Bho(riion inveetigaUoc ot’ tho. hoit.sossipn it qtmgfflrjbftfo, ha? had* lie usa ,9f/ ( ,^hd” > 6iat; l bo..bpa ! ,,iiBeti / ajl‘ihiit%aB' sending, over, uhoxpphded' ofthoi kppiopYaiio&p under.’ tUo'actg frfrrthk'j&oa' i yhnr ending June 3tf, :t lSs9!j ; a'nd . Hoitlifta ji ad^t bo uW of- tho- rovonuesufir the. hj abhoral well 1 tas/jbbfpjaj &*«w ‘tfitttffltojn !*W, for^st^UQnory, 1 ftiel, g% so,! by anotfior act'ot '• t *‘‘ , \V*‘ *• •• , 7 >a- a-i .7'., >• V < ,-r.l ; r ’514,«2,210.00 Ana besides this ue following ap- '*'>•« *• ! ’ : test:of 'Jime 3d, IB2B,fdr f ttoo, eatUsg. 3Q*ISS9 ; , Tho mßir. service Jbjr' ‘ ‘ * * l-steamshlps'—between ‘ : .■•,, :;pOpl,; .^5340,500.00 ‘ '*■**» ''tOhaVlMtODr '-.T?', s-Bnd.obflgrea.^. 2 201,0(«?.00 - Do,Panama,California, .7" 7. ' ond (>rogbn;.;;’.. .. 1 i.''328;356:00 • . Do. Saa;Ftflri6Saco ' t 123,500,00 .- li s°i''i , % et ’f, a 9«¥i ; i ; * '' , •* ’DaGoillnsline,Rmaifej 1 ‘ - i ; ~, ,- 'I6,T»t.TO ; ‘ Do, substitute f(tr 1 • ■ Hnji iiBo:':35,000,00 ;- • flOfjJfi iflCork- to "South. unipton, Qttwes, 2.10,000.0(1 Do. Charleston asdL Ha-. ~. ./ , ' 1 Vann..'..,,;...:...,, 50,000.00.:* Do. Railroad, across tho ' ■ ’ Isthmus ofianniua., 100,<100.00 ’•, i : ’ ' J '’ r " - . \ -■- si,s}2,'sor:ro * ; x ‘ i; ; ' This itiitonitt of 'JI/ietft millions hundred and' ifcMjty-foiti' lkduMifdfyevnt /thndred 'airtf stveiiteeh dollars 'aiuF'twen ty cents,'v?(i& mfidbr ‘thefc6hirdl r of {ha General’ Post-Office, to: be ox-. year 50,'7850.- ; ! r. : -'Anf examination of the" annual report.iuadeiip, December, 'ISSSfat 1 itib i opening r df 'Congress,, by "the lata able. and ‘ worthy- Post niftier. Geiiwfti; Brown, will-’ show' whit : portion of this* sum'of' «15,^,7n40.it ln thefiscatyreareiSding 6s Juno* ISiO.' -Afi’Pdstmftßtof QcneVal Brown died early in March, 1859,‘the icttfaP amounts, of.this' shin' of $15,924,71740 expended'during the'iflscal ycar.ending Juno 3Q, » 185ft,j$r' ov©4 the afltUv a!' amount ■ thereof" expended ; iq v 'hi? Ufedlme, • gßjfniot now he «tqtp4‘"hy we. * sfWpubl ic will, >s?, Jtyiln : Ifl- Ignorance of these atoduntiruntU Posfcr iqastor GenoraHJolt makes hismaidoP annual re port nt the corptpehoewont of ihe" next : of Congress,# H is 0704; a]] pjftdetoappear dearly and honestly In’that report: Until it is wade, cer tain it is that the actual ■ amounts in the last fiscal year (ending- Jane 36)'1859)jQannQfc bo ascertained outside the Qeheral Post Office;* 'unless itis'by special grace and favor, f caused, inquiry to be twice made' within thalast.few days, by different gentlemen, of the properbffioials oif the' General Post Offioo,' for eufcb information and waa informed (although nearly two months have elapsed fflrspe thp bxpiration of the \fisoa! year of -2858-P> (ending June 30, 1859!)’ in tie first Instance,'it/ it could not be furnished, 5) and : in fhtt second, that “ 1/ ieasnolyet ascertained! iy Yes! in this offhip, 'whioh' il ls so' loudly and/' ljba'Hted. js managed with snob tronabcndontal administrative ability, thisis the astonishing condition of affairs' in roßpeot to tho'lost year’s 'Accounts; Here is In dustry and : dUigenoo for ytjn wjqph yeugeanco!' Hero is a hoautlfufapccimen of tlic strict attention to business at this time, by those whose duty it Is tO fletftotho p\ibliohuSiuceslA pfeUy state of* things, truly ! 5 Put perhaps it’isquite as well, for, it I hid beon furnished thc. allCgod little reliance could have beon'placcd on its by reason of the numerous instances recently baling occurred'of dcceptivo somi-offioial codmmnicatJohß ’ in' relation to ■ post-office matters, somo of which I alluded to in my last letter. Goyornor BrOwn, in hia armaaltopqDfc session’ (Dajember, 1858)' estimated that the expenses of the'General Post. Offioo for s tho year ; ending June : 39, 1859, .would probably exceed tho of the' office. Kqt having at this moment ■ Postmaster General Brown’s .report beforo mo, and it h°! n S Sunday, f cannot ppwprc it ’ torday, in order, to state the amount* so' that it: can he ascertained, by making the .proper calculations, how much this.would, loave : as tho estimated revenue or, receipts, of the GoneralPoat OfficO in,the fisoalyearof 1868-9, And it U believed the amount of. that revenue, .or receipts, greatly oxceedcd what Gov* Brown istitiuiUd jn’Docbmbor, 1858.: I:knqw hls oplnfon in February, 1859, was that it Wohld exCejed his ei-,' timato. ' And here it may be observed, in answer to somo of the vaporing the'lmtaeuse ability, of Tbufidf rbolt, M (and it has smashed a good many mail routes and post offices in apti- Lesompton districts,) that’Congress did «u/ at the, last session,, 1858-9, established single, new mail TQnte! Also) that,' the cases m°P T tlonod previously, all tlm ocean mail stoamer con* Graots; ibroignaUd domestic/ expired at tho end of that fisoal year, Juno 30,1359, and the’threo cases in -which they, did' not expirb at that time;' ex pired September 30,1859; and, thereforo, this im mense'expense was takbn off of the shoulders pt the popartment. . Though tho postages increased, and tho expenses, decreased, V ofr greatly Ut\,thq, sq: quol dock not show that tho mismanagement of the ajlhir? of the PepartiUont will show its financial condition worse taoh it hoc ever been before, and the publio conv.onienfioireEped from.if loss. ' With' all tho overplus of past appropriations In hisbands, wo uro grayoly told thatbo is'managlngthepopart mont {l without woney.' l - i - You‘wiU .find, if you wilb examino- tho. acts of Congress of last sesaiori-^IS&V’&O— ■that thero was appropriated for tho salaries of the l Postmaster General, his assistants hud clerks, and the Auditor and his clerks, and for stationery; fuol, expenses, do., $352,140.00 for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1800, besides $150,000.00 for extension of the Gene ral Post Office, being the (t Caatlo of Indolence,” or “ Hospital for Lnzyboncn ’’ aforoadd —in ail ?6Q2,- 140.00. Boshlos this sum, throo ehort clauses tack ed on tho tail end ’ of an Indian appropriation hill, on the last day of tho session,, provided .for the paymontoutofany money in-tho Treasury notdther wise appropriated, and not out of the revenues of the General Post Office, $87,003.50 for .Panama, Cali fornia and Oregon mails, g£S,OQO for Panama Rail.' road, and $220,100.06 for New Orleans, Tehuanto pee and , Ventosa—boing . under “existing con tracts,’’-and, only up to tho 30th of September, 1850, of first quarter of tho fiscal year of ISSD-’OO, ending June ,3Q, i 860,. Theso several tion? amount* t0'5341,220.10, nnd, added to tho $502,140.00, makes $848,300.10, of which,;lfc will ho rocoUeotod, the'5341,229.10 is exprosslyjto he all used the first quarter. And yotwo'iirq gravely told that tho “Thuuderbolt’Vis.managing the General Office “without money?' But the most atrocious deception on tho subject is: In giving cutrqnoy to'the idea that bcc&ußo Congress did not pass any General Post Office appropriation aotllke that for 1858-0 abVvq statod, hohas notdscd any of tho ourront revenue of tho post offices sinoo June .10, This is napardonablo. Ih defiance of law,' or ,at least without* law, bo has allowed 1 tho uso of tho rovenuo so. collcctej. ' He dare not deny It.' I'knowy for I haveeoou.thoJeVidence, that thousands upon thousands of dollars havo beon ' so used ‘ by postmasters, and frith tho knowledge of the Posttiiastor General; ;Ahd yet, white millions of revenue are thus illegally controlled, wo aro told ‘Uvithont monsyf 1 , j My limit compelsino to stop; I will begin next lottcr whore I leave this off* Qccasionai.. ef-the BfahiwOhd: ftotai** Wwj .%&««: jdtwWmra teagj.m.fregiieiitjM If jhe .dor Itehfed in tho JJrtol #n£,note, ttu) ; jk»,M»bne;of the most quiof up'd" peieiMbleiooking inrni lUUrt stient'thWmtfro *sge;; t-V; Concord;®. li« ’h&ainsnyrfHeriifcr f-TEfc ,Erjii>W^wtiim^:*W'aenmsw.ei;,B|d^^ik«k^ •I s of^'Ofijfia'lfilifiif^'ls'^eof'tlife'nioiib^eloqnoiit nua teaebihg stoiiSs MMa who aro •Siompl^iflg.tliMMf;fediiel:^ffl.a > nojfaw:e*.: ! fcfltt hii lairing wifa ,to:lu«: bttjum. aho'ttjd T Odcbw » wedtfihits (nft htfakb at'sSpJer ' e >:ff i>> ,-W i anr hdiir.yoii cffeos< ¥* . - Orsuchari ona'iittei,,! tet;4w«aSii; Since Oaf us tool; «ideal from foiaeV ohtl tfhat * *- 4 -'“ ■ JV?*,? r ‘'> 1 ir ?;! ltotl ‘ !i 'T, If W Tallaif t " ' Iw/llk-i!onr*U]| hlAin£hooa "kniiPtWico round, ;Som,a fc rkediihat\dhestlme - ooulAleieroito-its hnd guess as who wiro {generapy, easyfines »itltten''hs% , »!«yEiigli'Bhiiqljlemaii, 00. tf Bbßte*ta t #fc ln»»<£ ssaHtrff,* V \. Hi . - ‘‘Tin? ourht t fir be theworkof soma great master. ;Butgive to migye Gods l tfle-fe^rtStmdaapfpiaitter^' U 3 AySoiaii'g«3Bi»i«J, ppj*sard«; patty, h»» bd«d qloatbd.to Congrpra ftoiii Kcniaoky, bsfopq be j&tid&M^iifiF^m' itefw.-.pfpjf w* l ®’ ■ ndWk» -‘ M “S < ' Tho olas'ag pftrt of G'enqrdl tlouat(mKabogdo-’ eh6s'spdeok‘is on©of VhVti dst to] . vom'eri* i?o ‘fai^fe-v : ever' Tblloningia-aW: j v '> > ::&->l‘{s»' :•..-+- iS -\ the LAprep—oop no.Bsa,!K>r;i nU>«owl|r->«n- *' ■^(“MteWdWftiisSneßairtj-who.bi^reaxtd^folf* ' tiieiroundertiikingai’ Tpnr presonco. eien)iHda*R‘ • calmbgtnfluoiise-iipda'thdaer »nt»gonianiB,«rhloh > A* • ho*®>f • ahd'tho'rpfGrß b/ydnrlpreMnoe! Ibnow that In.tbb diroot'iidiiiteJstratfon'of’-ndHU:' oal, offalM;yott' r -bave.no'ahafa;';buty*t; rofgning as you do,' snproma.ln tho jaafm of.loro, yoar in tlueßoc oftnn ooutrfds tho destiny ornaiions. Wo man’B Jovo ;ij tbd graaeieTer whloh rouses man to notion... The. genoral,,,aa.heal&iuiithestratogetio ooniblnauons : whif’h ate* to insure victory, looks forward : to a retoinponßO dearer than the laurels - upon his lirow ; tho aoldlcr, as he trudges along on the ‘weary march,, or- minglas Intheseehos of the battle-field, even with deatli arouyOhim, forgeta . awhile , the: carnagej had: tnrha his thohghta to the fondglrl he left bjiindJiim: themanner‘tempest tossed, driven by the rade wives, sings merrily aloft a£fc*tbiDkffo£the iittte eottago by the sho'rtf where of government? wlifoh'ar&td fell upon his Own and' ,hi« fame; Jievef "loses ’right'of the joyg which await hUn wpen councils nre over, and he etiters tub portals of homo; the sentlpel, as .he ‘ panes hi* * wbaiy loves the 1 inootilightr tramp,' that ffcesipaylook benfisth.ltBiraya , ni thd dear memento.of ,* pjpthpc’s.or.a Overman/inall his iiifliieuoe of, woman ; hangs ■ like ® obaridM-Deprivo ns i)f yonr J .influenco, wmoh dlgnliesafid sri&nlatea us to nohlei deeds, and wo boobmhworSQ ,than. barbarlans. ~Xeb -ifc he and rris catv brayb or face danger In ten'thousand forms.' i’Yoh stimu late, all that is good* /You check ua in jgnoble pnri. pose3.' ’You have also an important inflaenoo upon posterity. The which (tfib child ■ receives from, you-outlive < all -the; wiadohi'of later days. Sages tpay ; teach, but tho voice'which woheard in infancy wift ever come' to our- O&'r?, hearing a'inotheVs'words and a. counsel;, Continue to icstilintoyour. chlldrdn virtue and.patriotism. .Imbue tliejn with, proper Venoritioh for' tho fath'ew of liberty, Learn them to love their country, and fo labor far its good,,ns-the great aim of their ambit ton. Eidthem proualy maintain'our tnstltutions. P-oinfc them- to the deeds of their ancestors,' Hake 'these their esoutohepn/and bid them hand it down to their children as free from staitLas.it name to them. Do ladifes,'and your influence will in the future: 'lutho language of the poet. It will still p© said,^... ,-.h vr>' • - $.106,090.00 ; .' !l r \ many years Chief" Justice of New Jersey| and dls tiriguished for his groat lcarnlqg and'ability ai a •liriryori' iMr/L.'fci graduated at'Princeton Col lege iulBls, and was a Democratic Bepresentatiro ,}n Congress from 1843 to itB4sj and was Ihimself a lawyer of copslderabto T e P u tatiop and a gentleman of finemanners,.. Possessed of an ample fortune, He .has not pursued'hSs;profession fpr manyjycars., ' Pennsylvania, its oahnls and roads, Is reducing its Statb debt at th‘o Vote of on6‘ million dollars a year. New on to hqr public works, finds herself growing deeper and debt,’ with a decreased revenue and a sad finanolal prospect'ahead. L ’ J , lVill Governor Poofcer read the'abCve; and Mush forhavingevorsoldourpublibwofki? d ! -A yisitcr, going Into.a fVep school during the half yearly examination, noticed two fine-looking boy?, oue of whom bad token tho first pri*®» and the other tlie'seoWd. Saidihoteaohcr: “ The boy who took tho first prise' la thb soh' .of the man who saws my wood; the boy who took the second iS tlje son of,the gov'ornor of onr Stote.’V : - - s j . Wovnmrit Go.—Thirty emancipated slaves from Wcstorp Yirginla, m route for Liberia, under the control of the agont of the Colonisation Soeiety;had atarted for-Norfolk, by way'of Petersburg. Onlv .twelvo arriyed,!the others escaped, prefqrring sla very to freedom lntelligencer* ■ A New Jersey correspondent of the New York Tt mis gi ves thb following t...... “ Sonie ono was running Colohei WalL bpro the 'other day about h!s being' defeated for a mission, when the Colonel very i naively replied;.*.That Bu chanan’s friends wero getting so Infernallv scarce on this side of the-water, that he could not afford to send ..any, .of them abroad, and,. therefore, he very prudently took t;o sending his enemies/ ” An“ltoUan wife,l’ who hogged foro'living at Cinciiinati, Recently ran away from her Italian husband of tho same city. The husband declares ho gtoatly dislikes to . lose her, as sho was one of tho ho ; cvor saw, either in Europe or Amqrloa! Sam Houston/-^Tho New, Vork Herald of Sa turday saya Sam‘ Houston is tho only man who oan unito-tho fragments of tho Democratic paTty in tho. noxt-Preaidential olcctlon. , The Maysvillo (Kentucky) Eagle saya thiishows that Bennett kills all his candidate*! '. * A Hoax.—Tho Now York Triiwus I ,'! story .of a Mrs. Timothy Bradley, - in .Johnston, Ohio,, having eight children at One.,birth/; is -Sr hoax—Mrs.' B. nover having had any children at all. - CARRYjNfI on tub Waiu—A Washington corres pondent of the Baltimore Patriot pays; ‘ TBrtßCosii*;: 1 - ' - sy^rn.-v’-SS- T«nfcotiej. “ h ——-^°^» “ ": ~ (SmTSrtii). S2j ■Tw^lrCayl^arww,« ' '- ?! f » el«k fa 'aaasafa wr'fnendihip Uods eg a clerk, hM.bcennli/e-h>Bg ~ ■»ya.{< ife J 'fi* , |.;.;:i J ; -i.-.s>> ;' ! '- • Hud TOste of taowi- Old • '£*? Wnttu, of Oio »ld giyen by.f!M Orferfa transient S^WfaSSs^srs r^SsS&SSr^* ; Mason.-, ' TJnclo loot, place t {lSlfßjSWisJ!ife*j ywiflg l»die«ij»n -,Wipr«T*AJketalie might as" : - niigh.- Hemort £m ***** *» tM that place SittH;&nU fays that ■ Bngnoli has returned ftom Ban»l»g»,ind is seek- - T/wtSMKUssvt for Governor in thM aaalledhy a friend: s7S^s!?f^M9SM , cPS#es^i^»lof.flionsh few- ' : , Ffirt nojtefbt; he?* beeniofteiaij&j nn for a jolt r »Sfsipithr-Sl> »lit,ikliT two tidts, £ t ? Well, lefc-Balco 'ho'eleotcd,”' say I. “ he’ll mate 2w,: :-. Agesof OSS Boatie'Mnr.—Fresidentßoclianan ' * on tho 16th of JannaTy ii nearly -> -age mnltliesft & fa lebCashin^laln'hlsi^thSr^j'Bafit'.^bhrßij't old’O&’tfcisjfir'o'f ’nett- Wlffltm' Stint* '!• fa?«ltf&S*jfcfft Franklfa ■mieiiliipiTfatarMfi KM#fp ; sgiJia < gihektoo is heatlyaft^nr < >t-iigi;yohn'Charl«.f^enioiitwas i& yoare iiKlOtt them df jimnirriaith john M: <#d;i!joKe' SI -(MtteWim.tHirW73 v 'yoaw.oldin'^pWmlMri'n'erf; JAiixuiaer .H. Ste phona: 'w»c ; 47 ycarat>M In hcbniaTylast: ‘ James I*.' lOtirf&SkTflaMi&at ‘MmhM^bruiy last: 3&;&tglit v is C. Dodgaii abilgtit Shiolilß la 49 - ycartoldVfttaij Toiieeylafa years old; Henry A. :Wi» =jefcf | BoWsrtTMj'T. Bnnter is noarfy. ; i 8 j K o; , ;R6'lieri'' , r<>omb3 Vaa 49 WS» M..;Head is : ®s rent »®t>* rffori- Woolia»bWt6s la fa . \ Oldtsalr Jattasry is:..'. . ;a The near-.QoToraorofvKißatnckTb Mr. Maemßn- i* - native of. Mercer 'Mis grand father, « >r, pi§neer : "fho Old Do- The name and thOf iat tb'eytfjf'StentaokUra, _. eonneot&d'as they-are mthsbine ill filling incidents inoarOariyhft tqty. J? _':^e..einci^aU"^*««> al)le8t of ike the.lurgcsl citcu . lation ofany paparlih ;Qhi©f by manylhousands— ■thus indnlates itSdpahility to'anpporfthe doctrine of r ’ in favor-’ slavery, as'demanded, by £ejpoc rat-fire* eaters like'Gov. wlso, and Congressional interven tion ffrjjroA'rAiV adVocated by Mr. Gid diiyss._~.Ogr Dosltion ia-ithat of absolute non-inter yentiop,,TrHlQ .wo are. especially- opposed to tho proposition 6/ Mr.' Cf idlings, rp his letter to Got. tdvioleneefor the" purpose of ren- . dering Jairagf. t|tojKational Con* S “Ohrqnc3U6nßaVovcry be obliged; to somo-"6£ bnr.'Bepnbl3can friends for light fnqEs?rer,to them*”-' ' . gooi’deai pf .interest*a fek.dn.the result of th’oelcction for r 6tnte. Senator- it* .the Cambria, Bl&lr, arid Clearfiold district in tibia State, this be ing the diStridt in Vhich Senator .Bigler resides. 'The' '‘Opposition have nominated : I occupying humble stations, have ontfe, in other* portions of thoNow'World oria -the Old, occupied stations of honfl&mi po?itiotw.fA jjnss ,!n puin tt4«{ we know ia.ofalaHy,Trli(>;Sro3 born find jreareji iu ceottaen tal Europe'. I 'Hor frlendß were ticlr, and she her self waa educated, beautiful and honor ed.; She gave her fcaud.tq wgeptlpmop who was in wealth/positron,' Rnd'eduoauqn,~hQr equal. During the troubles of ’4B, the family waSbroVen up, .and she with hethusband, and.tho greater part of their .fortune cameto America—But once in this coun try, hor-husband grew dissipated, and at the end of threb,yeftr£ he' died,’ having spent their entire -fortune' in gambling and drunkenness—not even had-: Ke 'spired* her dresses * or-’ jewelry. A few-, dollars .were left- .her,- ..with..;which she cime to Dubuque -..and-, openedmillinery store. .She met with moderate t , success and a year or two* since moVqj;to‘,a city to this Stote' down the river, where she engaged in the samo huriuesa, aOd wo believe faaa,'in.coinmou par lanoo; "been “.doing, irelb” - ( A short time since wo loaruod that she married a gentleman living in her new plooe'of residence, and will probably spend the remainder of her lifein oheof the most beautifully located Hvdrrtowns in Iowa; . A:ahort t(mo sinQe,w :lady, also n, mHliner, lelt Dubuque and in searqh of fortuno to the metropolis'of Missouri. She was. middle-aged, quiet-mannered whose brow, was wrinkled with deep-set lines of care. • She was'dnee maid of honor at the Court of Vienna. The successive steps by which sHe reached, from her once high elova tlon to the position of a JiUmble mUliner in a little -city, with aQ .oeeaW, and "almost a continent, be tween her first and last-residence, would doubtless furnish materia! for a story for-more interesting than romance.. So goes the world. r .Trouble is Southern Kansas. —A report comes to us that trouble has odco.again broken opt in Bourbon county, near Fort Soofct., Tho circum stances, as given by tho'Kansas, city '/ottma/, are as follows: „ From ft gentleman living near: Fort Scott, we joarft that a cowrie of Jayhawkera of Southern Kan sas were taken in custody , twelve miles this side of Fort Scott, oa Friday last< by some parties from whom it is altoged they had stoleirhorses, and that an armed pos&o, numbering near fire hmidred, had collootod and-.swo'rn to reacuo thaJayhawkcrs at the peril of their lives. At,tho time oqr informant left,oil was confusion, nnd adospexatij oneounter was anticipated. ■Wecaimotbut Hetieve*that this report is exagge rated; -The amnesty bill quieted ell difficulties m Southern Kansas, and the disposition o&all lparties was to live on terms of peace and friendship with one aAoUier, Nor do wo T>e]iovo that any man or sot of men woutiF assume tim rcsponsihility of ruth lessly brooking that “ reign op.’order ” under whioh Southern Kansas has prospered so greatly. That there has been soma trouble u evident, hut wo renew our hope that it may have been of slight im portance.— Ltavenicorih Times, Augunt 15. ■ Gas Lkhit.—'mie city of Galveston, Texas, was I'ghtod with gas lor the time on the 9th V- -■£*