' tho ferry favrooHt < got _^g^ • : :r • ' ; .■»- . '. , landvrorks of .impy coiutitpttone-BM-entti ef uiV ■'. ■""•i&’i^T/flßMOOTtwi^i^efl^fiw^lidi-rMyia vil®ii®pi» ■f.>#|^|;fM^|®As^'MrajrMTact^te!toftn;JiWi ~^l^gSffi|^^^g^Kili<<£^.;> v on tle AtlrPf.Ati-' e,':6rHlhe r over*ilne. : ! i l%3^K3'Ss9*bj»Jiyo^»dvli;iyUi»t ( Wot’ .' TjoTully cfiinpleted. until iW'lytUjotthUroooth.; ’£ . .' of t disWoii^^ho^ilß:Tißrirrorii‘tfefc' - > fHCM,vfnJ(;); : wiH'giyo CliiipnapiA)enK«r»t,;i>pia,l ■T bfuit|(%ibg«iflK • tt3 frw. ’. .pawMnsbe&tMooiired fremUjimfcoldUofortnilii; •_ li*%WEd*>tlii( -Ja! 'W4* wolcirtbbdjaibShefiinl®. ;• oaijiallyjlijipPwtffd.JiMleßjQiMiletigfllonltobeinV KEsrBOETCLEidisiATWKBi-tlt -llM'b^a/ rM -; . I ' , 'P“^m|lsls3? tfmWJWeipehsin stUrefSif .- Jaly'ls,;tooK 6,020 letters,; 5,820 for the Southern - Paper dltejinivo ' paper mil! at'Cfteiiovis, ojrn»d .by SweeUaml Bro- fyw:- ’ ■ IMaaSgte: ■ ,- - swliiiaiSjge .7; 1 vWjt’aliM : v: I : i ■/-:. .i -■'-^J o °M%Bri*<# Art cow* oatofiitoiAtfiifi* waw; ,7 e^^^oilifeKteSXlfkfJ«£taiV tCi : Sp^ iV % ...-ahdfftFare oompara (here' fallow 'the IlnUy.er»s«).>sri®p. ib llto,'.Had* meagaj red,happy,together.':,, I jVtoet toattempting; tbht 1 mV iife.My Ood.wmild' hjfrttkwhcre yoasre }3S hero is'ono man holding* position, who protclideu illy ihlsforiuncs in 1 thi? lest drugstore oil Fourth ;L ph.u conscious; of ;V rue. - action—inean fictions. iheirCfciti tdtrariU anol ha™ beenpd|U<;' tartlyiimian^anabontemptlblqi.^TijnotbMaiigf, an. individual haaerred inearly llfd, that he should' goSHgamatlUn, help: him .upvagton: .no.,£'niB'- :ihsriii»orglye,,Bio—«le^rs.,,de? t , , al sl ar s ' awayin this hianheir;l)a(,l aid so jettons ofher. that X-prefer her doadtesmTiviag. ii-.-i-S i::-nir--v>if --ijjjpr-E, Djs.Manßita-.,-. * ’. 1 dill I 'my femlty 'djapti'rs.V dating hack to thaye'ar io94rtfty'TO\tHers“itnatTiaga eefu.ficatot;andtheir. iapersJ'wiU ihoar.forthetiifiiydi, r iAdton to all.' -::'. ■jiferi 'vtic* DtaciKsari; Tuesday,v-Aug. 16,1859:- hdteby"*S?ttfy,;thl£ from and'after tbia datorlaolemnly-proimce never leegoatiiypUriearneat-soUeitattoir. p Younhusband bntli'deaUiVhtidlltor.ifJioaaibTe.; '-IS.-repid-';-’ a • if'iiiSifiS De.Mamais: h: t X;sbonjit,.Jvwquli.-JpHif bpV.feaJna.,out, f, pb.l -irllr i-tois yary.'ntaßi.feijr-V'f -To!;- l-nirf.'-t ~ s. :ri ! .wi kb-SPlt Si 'Tnir.'is' written' at the solisilatiQU Of my T&I& wrWtiA iky Xwa^fL^ml ' L ■£ § 6u>j§OTijQ^rmi;-rlTs«DDot^exiBtTrithoatBfieißgyoH» f LBt , thtfcome?J I iiftittwoyo*?j>rjra6diiv+ :. Her roeoveryila. deemed-al-i ~ nfradiMli had hVAlipht.. shout i'ltod (if pottrw oinitirt heVcveaFed-unless the .imfor-' i^Mi?Md!«Sfelb9,phy#lolfl , «,..hopeyer ) „bope, .'3 madam: tonitAußAis: ■’-»'> , -Aliwho have-often this unfortunate lady are l.alruck with her great poreenaV Madly and ‘sweety cites* of mauetslv. we have been suable to learn her rnalden name; and nothing of her proyiouß hmtory, ;oVoep£ tbabiehe' la a batiye 6t Galveston, 'feitM. Her Christian ntunela Blanche. Like hcV hushand. ;she was ln.atfniMasyatate Of mlndatl i mghtpnud’ *pfhlamor4lngjii£ldjy, T fetprlhgb'erinßpp«amneo, icalled at the hospital, and- asked, the.privilege of .seeing bor. This wadaenfedheVpas quiet was pasl jtlvely .essential to the patient. She was muoh laKeetod, and it is. thottgbt shti-’milst ho a sister of .. ,’DB MAjiBAtS DtblVEfes m5-EPVV,«TS Td A PlttEKb. : i-Thia morning Be Marbuis was visited at tbo hos*, .total byan Intimate friend, MV; lierman l-ivans.- i About a month ainee, Hr. Brans Btateai De Mtrbais - ioime to him and,stated that,ho„was the happiest iidan )n the he felt liko ’a-king, and he. shad one-of the - best vrivor in the iand. . He..was' atkeditKeeahsb-.jdf'hiahappineis, when hereplied that be was got.tihg A iialary of per annmiij tat drugstore, and had ijgthing to trouble ;hhiat;- f y.''./-. ::j ,i,-:5o re- ;! i.'iAjla'StilMafter.'tbiS.heWasithrownohtof.em-i 'said i-boptnfe' ;miiprAhiei,ahd‘hW bd tipnie.td gd tor-tbat his wife, knswi-what, to-d*. Mr. Erans,inTited him to. his own home, aml the , jXai,fltif,™iTer■ situationm' 4nyrMor<»; oii.aotioantof the indlvidiwt, figures so extoflv l^?SsKp|!Mt!!fflJ'#»il |thopropnetore past mstotyfnnd the for which heiwfli Oxpelled ftomFrance. ; Hevlbw'jOf iho Pliilaaelpbiß ; $ Tlie movements in produce have been limited; f 'iihcdpor;liut weekly iiollcQ iand the marketsVlib-; botany marked change..;, I'or.Quereltron B^rkihe (lematui at tlie dcelliie,. BreadHtufTs are* jd^l^iitt^J^imfe.aoS'yWnr^pWiw^areJoiyer.,. bettor.’ «In Hempand 5 Hides there ie nothing doing. - In tlio Iron market: thereisboi inuob a!iiinßtioh, I,ead isfirm.' Lum:* iJar^^^fd^J./^ySa^elSlotefan^Oila'llihltea: mliking yrithoiib ohango in prioei:; IMaki’ wfntodVf FrotMone are qpiet,,sx;' there .hnj'.heenmorQ'in-; quiry go South. ; baa declined. ;In Seeds Trade npttve,.but jartiolesaf optton-.qr.i.waoUen mansfaptuyo;; /Rqot, l^nd-'-SKoei!-.anpTf Hanlwareare', also soiling. more' at : eVUetl‘'ftnd' during the vafl*'. azld the prices of |m Flour and Wheal havo. farther decliued, the the former being of a very limited )aVlte>otfly at, tho latter fig ure I BJdee «M?4i9lep ajStShodldeta atT}a73e,*Bo J ‘dapa In. green aaltpdMents there la bat little do lug, afidSriftfiffiSni'Sre Aphilnally hrichanged. • Sard la rtd*dy t WJtlfSalps oft.tea and. hbls at ilal lie and gega at 12aU4«ftm;tlme.' ButtorcdnHnttcatomeet . ttlllßaper lbf alotof Greaae Butter sold at 8!a Se.t Cheeacie worth PaSio perlß,/ 5' I. lJ M»TAts.—There -la: but - Utile inanity for Pig’ sffon.;;tfalea inplado.OpO.tons/Aptlirabito 'at $22*23 tpor ton for. N0.1,,521e22. ;for .Nq;j2, and $2O for.No -d, ontlme;onar«oal:iß-Worth'sSoa3st 6 months 1 - Bcoteh'Pigia;heldAt?24, on time J' A mIo of'Char . ooal Ulooina waa nipdeot and Northern do $lO, Jimonths,;c ©fi.mannfaotured Iren;the aales’are ffatderwtCjiSjMeWpiia, ratgt'Bsilread/Barl.rankti’' - Sbtatblrfgjrneld’at 25c, Rnu Ycllow Metal at'2oa 'ttontfp'svaaSS'MfSpitnfah'is reportedon tbrmskopt irit-atep’.vffitirTfiere (a notohioge; vi. p , ”lßAnit.^-The;roeoiptaof Quercitron are light, Abd price AS -Tior f fon loworcrTith sales'ol nljout 100 Jnh4« $2B port toil for Ist No ,1. t.Tanneta’ Bark 1 is stcaiy. at-lost •: week's quotation, aay 1 811 for' 20hls taat And $lB forSpatf ah Oak, /’' / % , , CAsp£Ba, 7 r^orvAda*aJlteb;'th6i;e,hM'bean aV ;Htt!dmor4jhqulry,iwUhMeit AtAbout Ifle per lb,- :..0; months; y,;TAllop>y,Candies cartinnna 12at8o s - CoifVEKirrToe tWarbet Ufloarmor .nnd the stook 'JlgHt;.WiUr;aales'of2iSooi bags EioataOJalllo,(Bat Jt A, sapfl lot of Vljuit At l 5o J jjeaf, art unchanged, but orders cohitf' sin Mo», ;and tho raarketisdnll - for ihe season;’ 5 Nothing doing In .BUppilnpiip ;poal sworthy of rc ... . . . 1,. .. ~, . ’.!’.CdiTov.a-Tlio .market hag been reryqnlcfr. .the i tooStlJr‘Wr flie-bettir 'grades which nro comparAtlvelyscprcq; sales 0f750 ttJbalfcsaro reportld,'rapgibjit.fttisii()lc:toi3jcfor low /Mr {£"% 'aV’lfi a-awtft** •» isos. • ■>. >■■ • tint’ *.'-w :’*eei at Eortp.,. <.' 3,008.000 ■; s,Poi;o(W j/uatwio sK*.tog^rifn..!,*o,ooo t.atOM, i,mm j aj.nooP '■ Irabcei., i3e,COt). s -STB WO 112 WJO qrsSc S!r Pforla' s(j.iW;;;s ■ SIOAM - ■ < (Bo3to ejrvorte.P.jia.oiw ..-.-'itSci.ooo. 2,aso,otn s,SS 000 an b and: .' Usboo .. 113,000 ; 1,7 Cj000 ' M .fVG fhicU durlngtlK>.pastt>reek;;liU;luded in Iho 0,11 ri tains C.OOO Jl'iw l,tw. . 8 S» P ranee, 5,,'7 000 .VT. 'Sothar.P.Porta s !,«»> . ,'!=iS,OOOi ; /rt.,11 ,’pSFKfoits.'iS', *#Mpg r- 1 w,ooo; .-islooo ,1/3*083 AAd little do mg;'. ,'^W»glSe : saleVAW/SB^^sb.«t2jo! ; BalsSoddTi •’WdO’dafemali.kfyi ritostlf e monUi.; ’.. i; r /J FflAißati’are tlnll, and the sales limited j ire j »gW?a«w»i>M7i«»*.#if W.-.V.ft- »i"n t® 1 demand for j Tfe iAC(H)ST.>i3fl,iiaBMiri butpno&FaTe steadyj thd’oply ittrea'foportcd'are in lots from Btois4ostt£©{WTf‘or Is. $15a15.50. for&lj find peT ’Jblfpt OsV v'Hckfti(V§er tfng range .from Is 3 ib ‘&2s;'per‘bbh according to >; quality. In Codfish).nothing doing, and wo quofi) them at $4.25a54.50 tholOfi lob. , h Fruit.—A cargo of Pine Applea baboon selling, from |he wjia'rfjat sGa,B'ttie 10G. Gtfeeh Fruit Con tinues very abundant. Apples are soiling from $1 ’ io $2.50 per bbl/Ond Peaohei jVohfftOcrto §1.25 per basket. lw */,;uv L v \r/:h "/j.v*. ft i TftHtOuTS.—To and' there is little or nothing offering, and Quotations are pomk, nal.'.No jVeasßi on--the; berth San'Frknoisco/ 1 To St. John?Bj r Ulo current rat«*.is 250 per bbl for.Flmdr, And to‘ Boston 220; to Now Orleans 8o," Mobilo lOo; ■ ChatWhton 5A60;; and Wilmington. 4iaso ppr ifoot.i vCoalMfeeaels are in good request atsl.3s to Boston, and $1.20 to Providence, and 050pertdhto.NetfXOrkT 7 : Qinskx^—/Prices are .nominal, and 'there is ‘ nothing doing. ** - j Guano.—The demand is moderate, with further sales-of Peruvian at ssofi6O/.'and Sombrero at s3or per ton, 'pash., * v,. v HnMp:-rThere have Been ttfi tolofj and,thOjinar- ‘ i HIW arb arriving hlore ftlily, butno Bales are tepdrtod to’aiterquotations, altogether nominal//” 7'"7 ! , %7 v* .7'' ' ' \ - - Jlons'meo't with V,, limited ■ inquiry, at. 10 to 15c foi* Sastorn and Western, as,to quality. - i , ‘> i ' JJiSAriiEfi;—Thef, feateS. hbyg? been .llmitod, •hiid, priQofabpufclhQSamVftS’lastquntoUcb;; v," •; , \ i Laths at. $1.60d I.ss;fresa m yeteoliAnd'-Piokohr at $5i50a0.50 per! MfQr*4a4^Tfoet M White fallow'l?ino Boardfiptfn6.nue.Sfeftdyv ,at Sl4alB jlefrM feet for the formor'and $14*16 ftir the latter.: I *' • _r "'•/ J and' no .sales ,whrthy of .no'Up\lmY4'jr)apspU®d> - r ‘ , ■ > } Naval Stores.—-There is vonf, little dojnein Rositrdx' Pitch, ; 1 Thr ■Asiarogandholdorahek $Z.75 Spirits,of Turpentine iasellingin i lots at 44a45g per gallon; itnd'ologes firmer. • 1 •' 1 Oi?Vs. l -r:L'liiseed : Oinß ( Btcsdyat:s7asBo.'T'ißhOllB are Vathor duil,-ibut- pricesiarb maintained. - Bod OtfiB BeUthff Afc4se.for ; city,' ahd O&o' for-Western pceBßed- f ’^Lard-Oil.iSheld : atOOa9so.. . ' Imtibrts of Sperm and Whale Oil and Whalebone into the. United States for the weekending August 15,1859.:- j . -7 v; W* ” ■ I'.'V-. '' ..’7 - -bbWsp.-hhls.wb. fts-hone.' TotAlfor the woeTc .....'4.050' , 1.1,172 . ji 8.70& Freviopslj...*«. r »< , 370,459 - 1,702,000 Froth Jan.'l to date.;... .. :V.7340fl- ’ 1t0.631 :r . J.wi.fjio Same,Ume t, • es,?6 Tobacco.—Prices without change, and in both leaf and manufacturedI’the 1 ’the tranaacuona have been small. j Wool.—The stock Is mostly all in tho hands of the manufacturer*, and there is very little doing, aaleainlbW :'rahgihg frdhi 37ic-fdr colhmoh'up to per for fine Fleece. _ PA'SSEHG® .[lh steamship Savannah—John MUKefihie and lady, Mrs. MoKenniey-TJ, J Levaiisop, 311 Levanson, DrTfottlflgb«m»MiaBNotilngiwn. Mas- W gfeTSMK ™ws&^®dihaig , was 1 K& 'A Koliy. Geo A Oates, U A Crane. L Sanderson, Mrs 'Tmyne.Mrs Griffiin and two-children, C C Williams, Ji F Finch, H L Strickland, E M Brown, N LilHonthal, Mrs Derrenere andcliildrenf.W W Carter* D Abr&ham, W Woiodbndge, J M ArnOw, A Apple; J Rosen!>and, w tVJlSeneaict, MCaroftJ.F.ureen, J H Donford, K J Moses, SHope. E M Purse, Col Antonia Fernandez, H R Jones, R.R Jones and lady, BF Beschorap, and .three in the • 11 ' -°* *?* y^lB (4 LEmK-ftiOII ’ iT TBS KSSCBAi!,,’ BSCIUSOB, rIIHA.MI.MHA. Shi,TonAWAnda,Juliue. .Liverpool, Aus 25 iinpc Jtmcph.jMaxyell, ])»vi»....... LoguAyra. efo.iioon i . MARINS, , INTEXXIGENCE. ~ PORT OF PHILAPELPitrA, Aa ß - 20, 1809. SUN R15E5..;'..'..,..5 iriSUNSETS.... .high water: . T..;. ■ I ~- 'ARRIVED -I r -w- 1 - : 6totta , shij> City of frdih iiioll to°'fhoa W6blter k it? ' l ' ltU,rS ’ - ® :»>a»o nlld paisAgora • U Sjrnail steamship State of Georgia, Go~rvini7o hours ftora Savannah, with mtlsaand paneneers to Alexander Heron, Jr. Experienced heavy NE gales the whole pas sage. '•'! .. t ,$ v • • • . ; ’ Brig Ormus, Baker,3 days from Fall River, in ballcat to captain. ' Schr Vesta, Haupt, 7 days from Orland, Me, with lum ber toSIIGnoo. •; !•<, -• < , i r Schr JaineaMßrtiMltAimng, 4 dare from ProvidetiM, InbaUast to Crowell at Collins. „ UjelwA toJOn, Eldridge, 6 days frtihi Bouton, with mdse to d cooper- r i ■ *•-. ' • ’ 1 j Bohr J H MoOre, Ittgersdll, from Boston. Bohr Beulah; Hanson,iVdm teuton. 1 Bohr B F JOnnsohi‘lA>ckwODdrfrom Boston. „ Bohr Rioltaro YOU*; Frink, from Boston. 1 -■ Bohr Eva, Smith, from Boston. Schr R H Marts, from Boston, Schr AlortrCharaploa, from Boston; 1 * ' ’ Schr H A Rogers, Rogers, from Boston. r BohrScpbia Ann, Smith, fromßostoh.* • "• ‘ , i Bohr Pequonnock, Burroughs, froin Boston. ■j Bohr,Challenge. Pendleton, from Boaton. - - SohrP En/Hali, English, from'Boston. . Schr BB Mershom Alien, from'Boston.'. ‘ Bohr,Geo Amos. Nichols,- from Boston. '• ■ Bohr Richard Thompoan; Lloyd, from Boston.' , Bohr LewjoMulford, Doyle, from Bostou. ; Bohr John Compton, Bhinn, from'Blyraouth. - BohrM*i» Smith; Smith, from Salop). ' Bchr L H Endioott, i/eed»> from Providence, ' • . Bohr Clarissa. Burgess, from -Froviuenoe.- - Scnr-Almlra Ti Emerson; from Providence., ■ r ' Schr Flight, Huntley, fro# Bridgeport, Schr Z Stratton, Webb, from Lynn; ■■ \ ' . {- Sclir J, Lftedner, Endieott, fromEggHarbor. ’ CLEARED.”- . • Steamship Kennebec, Hand, Hew York, Via Cape May, J Al derdioe* .. Brig Model* Dow, Boston, Jas A Peartori. ' Schr-J H -Moore, Ingcrsoll, Boston, Noble,'Hammett r A'Ca!dwelb- v So ir John Compton. Slmin, Providence, - do Bohr'J I/Redner, Endieott, Boston; do • , 8c irH C.WiUelts; Garwood, Providence, do / Schr lIA f do oo ir Geo Ashoß.Hichols, Boston, Binntcksoitfc Glover* SchrJ > F.SoUiday,Beaman ( Boston, C Milfer &. Co.' t Grean, Grew’.Roiton; 11, Bturt*vant t Co. : (i rio ■. ifomi oyfc, liarroue fiß. ikinton, ... do '• He ir Almirii T, Eni»reon,Trav;clailM._- do .Moeteyue.KolkcnlMrj.Boston,CA Jlockschor ■ SoHrpSMershbn;Aile'n>BoBton, < ‘ “do ! i Ho I, M E HinTth, Smith, Salem. t ..do •, *Sc Hartsdti., FoMon* w.II Johns.' 4 '‘ ’ LewisMulfprdiDoyle,'Boston, do, » F Sc ir, R-Vaux , F nuk, Boston . Bancroft, Lewis A, Co. w ftehr R HShannon, Marts, Boston* Nevin & tftwyer, rt . SchrKEnglish,English,Boston;. . " '..do ‘ • ..Bohr Alert, Champion .Boston, Brown, Hewitt & Co. - ■>.SchrtiophiaAim* do.' Bohr Clarissa. Burgess, Boßton. • ' do. ,gc it Ey^.Smith.'FroVidenoeißanoroft,Lowis & Co.. - Schr L H Endieott,Leeds,-proWdenco, B Milnea A Co. ? TJie Kingeton -taft i»r« ■ thie morninr itth 7 boat." to Jobn-Craigt .t liiy min to .Norris- ll. ol' hi Uid j. 1 .7: xolj ii n y y.) ■ Ti-.o ttronroaßvindstUl yontinupM. ami lie etat harbqr haa i|icroaaod to nearly 100 vosseli.' Beildeatliofio mohuoned in my last sre.the bark. -Dublin, Tremont, and EA Hall] brißa-Celt. Latina, Alina 1 Prentiw, Amo ri(A,Alma j J)illow,JaniaU.-0-RogBra. Nudvo Graiie, and B CampWJl:»Qhr» Jobn.Totten;G.ahayj.lMnplng WKve.Sharcm, Jm Bli«».H.iokman,flanha WrlghtinK on: Ship Oarpjantor,. Mary EtiMhoth, D A' Berry, i'au, tmo, Lamberton, Elirabeth SiEUen, HR Cogehafl.ttM ouo, A Bradsbaw,lehtnd Belle, Gaapiani Atory Nowell, R S Miller, MomarejvTelesraph; Jacob lc Wil liam, Eliza a Totten, fertKa*ena.■ Ale.* -Blue, -Vi lags »K Vours, WM. M. HICKMAN. 5 BY.TBLKOBAiu, > =A;ah>p PMXoa is tills liiormnj.'JVind etrongfrom BW. i ! )foW»i THOU. B. HyUitßßi'.V. it Xtoston 18th A»rj;th«B■ h oh' Sjduif ftontTriesto, arrived at Xeg- Liverpool, at Bom* ' Ship Pocahontas, tVooderfloii ,fro:nLnmion, at Meh 'bourne Jude?.-,-—.v.;. v 1 • • s --t Baririi* vVright;. Gi tbs , for .'Cardiff, sailed from Bor deaux letfust. . , .. , I>f ~ .. lO^.WB tekrt*** >fSol|rJiilia Fox, Learning, lienoo, arrived at Charles tonlTUvmstj , • ,:j.» , Bclir/BrUhant, Cook, lienee, arrived at Charleston. ■ 1 ■ 1 Williams, Curtis, hence, arrived at Charles tonj^thinateu, \ •• 1 - ;„Bolirs Zoiio and Elizabeth Jane, hence, arrived at .'esoriollcjitulnsttri *.■ f-- .* * *j i , | 8 “ rs l;, , wi> Williams, Akin.T Bene dict, Goldsmith, and If w Benedict, Ellis, sailed from .Providence 17th in»t. lor Philadelphia. • ■ • ' : Sohr fiao°i Owen, hence* arrived at' GioueesterJSth instant. v ’■ Saragossa, says the N. 0.- Picayune, whose Partial destruction by hro we mentioned some days ago, -hasiheon towod aoross the river, to Algiers, where Her ear jo has been taken out and thaamount of damhge e*- p? .Sark; is,m iwdly damaged that she is hit considered worth riphiring, and will, in all probability, ■be condemned. She was fullripiurod fcr.flrio.ooo. 'file cargo isnll damaged except the lead on hoard, of which Juno 3, Kcbqcea, : Miohoneri N Vorkf sth! Pa m- *&-«»» IJENNSYIjYANIA .STATE AORICUL ,o£ Hepfembor. tho Secretory will remove t 4 the Rooms l&h of Entry forthe Exhibition will boppineh.- MljflUero dnurensed to tlio Becretflr?»atHarrlflbnrtf to Jpjrs WcOoAVEjNiiPhiJ.ndelphift. or Charles K. EKai.it! attention till Ist of Beptember!' , A-Q. HPISTER.Begy. 1 ORAIN MILLS GRAIN, JHLLS^-Toi 'v>A the Farm and Flafiiatloii. the lHON ; BtmßluirX .o^fo o tcTb?‘ht t ?o r d%£ n ‘ ! :^“ 1 ' Cofl '»- S S(- s Sew'in opei^n D SECOND Street. ; Agenttf.vradted ln'evfliy County and Slate, by -,duW-3m ■ E. paEileL* CO. BATH Scaly's, arrived per ship Emily Augusts'Jspy&leby ’'dttW-3t" ■ i , A m soPh whalcVes. (' Itid iiV rvVWWvwv^wVj'vy^'''fyvyyyvywv\.> R oomplny are; ■ ti/ockHaven, -‘ • ,:.\: Lewisburgi, t i-vi . > ■ Wayue;. ... • j Northnmberlftnd, ,<■ 'JdrseyShore* Bunbury. j i t v ! .Lmden*. - - Trevertoh InteraecUon,- - ■ NeWbury>» -, , . , .Georgetown, - f , •/,.-* ? ; Wilhamaporti , ; / l j Mfilerstaton,-A > .j-- 1 W&tsontowoi’ York? a, - Milton^.TjanoYer Junclion,, < tUysbUre, Add ill iUtermodlato points on HANOVER BUSINKSfeCAttiJSi pENNSVtYANU PAINT, STOKE.-: A , ZBiGLHk.'A, SSllTlTjcjlttiej df-BKGbNp and GELEFN Streets. sliU retain* the the best articles at HYlrUnnlinmlne oriMi. l,tO 0~ KIE & Sirfet, above Waliblt, STOCK BROKERS, and„doalor« in Mer orsaleof SIOCKfI* BONDfI. kp. ... , }a7-lv THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO." OFFICE M 0 CHESTNUT Street,., forwards, Parcels. Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Speoio, either by its own Lines, orm connection with other Express Corn tesK t!l9 prmo,pl ° aul-tfj. r General Superintendent THEO, !>• EMORY & CO. ,s . .T j ; f ’ OFFICE Nd Ui Soiith FOURTH St.,' I'hiiaja., f . Sdle.'Ageiilir dl . - geo, c.ftrrTsfc c 0,,. ■ Miner* and 6f the i . t , j LObtjSt DALE, COAL, FrotalheLtfdutaltMrtmft&tti, 1 -* - ' ' : , , , . tvNear Ashland,.-. ,x ap2-6ml • gCHtTYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. TOHNKINNS," lK “ ! ■ ! ' ftf ‘ l '• ; ItOUBE add OPFTCE, . ' " .. No.; 116 South South SIXTH Street, * 1 , . ;He has, by law, “ fulindwer.lo admittigter .Oftthß' and Amrpmjipnat Testimony to be road in Evidence in any pourt of ths.’.pomjoonWeaUli of-PonnsyLTima. * He is a Confmiaiioller of the Lilted States, and also,- a Commissioner of Deeds andjortke Probateof Ae* counts, for nearly all the States in the Union.’ , Cpmm,is3ipns_to take. Testimony, t from.any of the Courts, in this State, or aby of the Courts in the Umted States or Territories, promptly and ooreJuUy executed. * , - • iyi3-.tf. McKinney, . .-. t 5 . V.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ‘ '•- i .'GREENSBURG, PA, Will praotisa in Westmrirt»l&&d, Arrafitrong, and In dianacounties. ~ wU-tf, August bklmont. w^bfthoworldi through the Messrs. Rothehilds, pf Pan*, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, and their Correspondents. . „ • , mh7-6m NOTICES. IVOTICE.— GREEN AND COATES-ST. •Lv RAILWAYS—Exehmigo Tiokets eaa bdprootirod oi the Conductors of this Lme for the following Roads i I SPRUCE AND PINE...;;-;.i....... Bconts. TENTH AND ELEVENTIi: Scents. . GERMANTQWNtithLttndBth)..fl cents. ) SECOND AND TH1RD...r......8 cents. And RED BANK /toairiboats.', i. i. *. 0 .10 cents. . .Also, Packages of Vi Tioketß lor $l, good for {t rido on .the Green,and Coates^and-Fourth and Eighth Lme f tGreen Cars.) ' K , , . WILLIAM READ,- - aulS-»tutn&s-tr ” l v ~'~' 1 ‘aupcrimcnuent. TVOTIOE. —Letters Tewtarhentiiiy 'to iho A l.;?ktnteof FRKDERICK KLETT, Mte of Philadelphia.deoeoaod, having been fronted to the. undersigned; alt persons Indebted'lo said Estate will please make payment,, and those having claims are re- HFRANIOiINC. JONESe 633 RACE Street. -. au9‘tuthS3wfcgepB-tuthsSw ; Executors. ' TVO'SCIpIJ.—An appriqation • wilLbe t made Al attho next soseidb of the Xegislatnre of vonia for tho incorporation of a Bauk, with veneral , bankmr pnvileses, with a capital of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIIOUBAND DOLLARS, to bo called the MANUFACTURERS* BANK, tobo Jocatedinthp mty of Philadelphia; t / ) ~ 11 ■ jyg-Tgfcn , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF , M TRE fIINKINGiFUND. >•' •: () I - ... - ‘ J TItBASDBT DkPAETMBNT. { _ , .IfAHStSBURq, Pa., August 12.1859. s A t ftmeetingof the Commissioners oi the Sinking Fund held thisday.it was a 1 it; .*m .. llesolved. That tho State Treasurer be authorized to issue proposal* to, buy, from,the lowest,bidder or bidders, -Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars of fl per oeut. .State Loans of - -- - i Notice is therefore glveu iliat Sealed Proposals for the sale of the whole.or.any part.of Two Hundrod and ,Fifty Thousand Dollars of said Loans,.wilt be received . at the Treasury Department »at Hsrnsbdrg. till 2o*clock F..U,of .THURSDAY,Iike sufli.daj of iunueti A.D.> 18031 the, some.to set forth: the. amount offered and the price aiJiedtM be addressed V.C?bmmifSipttera,of Sinking. Fund/* Harrisburg, Po., endorsed ‘‘ Proposals to seu BtatQpioans-v ■ ••• ■ ; ..-i -''O , TJie, bids will ’.lie'opened, and .allotments made to the .lowest bidders on Ui&t day. . - . ■; ■■„ aufet26 . J.e , . i;BLl-8LiFBR,8tate Treasurer. ENGINEER’S T DEP4VRTMENT, MILL* ’MJj ViLLE AND GLABBBORO* RAILROAD. Notice to, CoNTBAH3eaIdd will be Proposals will be received for sections of one or more miles. i ' i - . w ' Payments to bo made Inoasbi or part cofehand partin the Stook of the Company. Should the Company.issue 'Mortgage. Bonds, they max.be substituted for the Stock, .ftUhe option of the'party making.the proposal.* Flans and specifications may be seen at (lie Engineer's d. 0. b. n^&;^^^,!!r^„dWg er.o f Vir,Melr l!i a : Railroad Journal, New York 5 Roilroad and Mining Ke- Kister, Philadelphia; Gazette, Trenton; Newark Doily Advertiser land Harrisburg Union, will insert the above until the 24ut.jnst.4fnd send bills to the omoe of the Com • pany, Qlssaboro ,N. Y» ' au6-t24 v {SPECIAL; NOTlCE.—Dealers, m Good- Patent Voloaniiied ’Rubber' Ptispendere, Braids, webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by eombiMuß nbrpns substanees with threads or sheets of Vulcanized rubber; are notified that unless the same r»re properly stamped or labelled wuli my nsrne, and by mylauthonty; they cnnnOt De legally di?posei{ ot in the united States.'.rAferchants aaddealers are invited to exf .'RIGHTS IN those foods, whioh tfmbrsee all the. manafaotutea or im ported, and many othera. - .’} •.i'.- '» ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and BELL ae'So.ra'codaTLAjTjD? to mo .. \ s, a -.HORACE H-BAY. .. having business with ’«L‘ ; tho FLOUR INSPECTOR wilt eall at No. U VINE Street, between-the nounr or, 9 .o'clock .and 3 4: sf:’m^Ei r &iU &A^ Xr> Jel7 ' -, s , fll . r Flour Inspector. LEGAL. Estate oy-Elizabeth 'soullieb,- deooaeed.-LETTEES OF ADJUNISTATION on Estate have been granted to the sub ecriber.and ftllppr«ona..}mtehted to said Estate are (jacstfldtpniako paynicntto him, arid all having claunu .jigamst the same to present them to • . . !- W. fin WHITMAN, Administrator, t . No, 133 Bouth FIFTH Street, Fhilada, August 12, 1859. A-rjr|jjgg=v==^|^^= T UUffiER,-150,OtKlfeet.superior 5-4 and ■M*J 4-4 Mnbiio Flooring Boards. ' '. J100»Q0Q White,Pine BtkrdshndTlanVVbeaso ,ed, and in ««»■« w* , fijpraoe and White Pine Pickets. 4>i and fi feet long, pointedandplaim.; , . , / » ? , Together with h general AasOnmeiii of tfell-seasoned -Lumber for business vurposoa or cabinet makers. VjySl-thslum* tfjfiSSpfew' DAvW* CO., LQOUBT and TWENTYMO jJirfji streets. (Company's iluMmg,) . _ >. ' . . - bim.ADBLPJtU. :- ‘' 1 - _ tal ini! 8 yatfilSe^f lo *' aamB ' w ‘V' 1 «W-- a , n » a A <,« o>p 0 > p OVKR 1 ' (nveetod, fur ihe most part, in Fmer iloMjn A VII Most oAor.H, bearing six per cejit mierest. on iinproved pro- u'ortli double the Amount. ’rF/AK, INL4NII. AND AIAttINE CARGO RISKS Taken on the tnofit fWoraWe tortnaj' i f <- .‘ ► . * .. . ' % DIRECTOKH, Charles C. I.athrop, . wllliam llarUng, . AlpuandcrivhiliaK. .. - g'IJCyT * John 0. Hunter, James H. Btnith. ’> fsaao llazlelmrst, ■ ;rf N. Chicago, I). , ,Pr«. Tiler, Waverly.N.Y, Charles Harlan, , Daniel h. Collier, ' • -' fonatimn'J! Slocum. : ’ C. 10. IjATHHOP, i’resident. •C.’M. ItIJSSBIit/, fiihM-iIAWII ,T| ERRING 1—750 lifts. Uernng, assorted brands, in store and fofTOje by -1C »-.., American bale .rope.—Wo invito No. MN.WAT^^'^iiiWlifwllAßVt's. "tTAVANA TOBACCO.—S 2 bales Havana } m LBafa, l. F &Kfflro , .N^irect, STJfISMUER- KKSOHXB; i if. jiipE stijiPipmHMD cipp> ' SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAFtMT,' 'are now open, and. are, easy ofaooesj vm Harrisburg; thence oh Die V&\ fetvKjwt, to .NewCnie ; r thende amites stavliig to the Sprmgsr -kmVe' atfiP.M. samo- dw* Every arrangement is oomplete doMidhael, Banoroft, Sc Co., R,B. & Co. Idfx Ameß c iAddresa NewviUo P. 0., SCOTT Sc COYLE, ‘je7-3m*r>- .. - 7 ,>O7 Proprietor, SEA BATHING—THE MANSION CtTY, is NOW OPEN for guests. For convenience of ‘ arrangement,contiguity to thq beach, and attractiveness •to theadjacent groondfl, this liOflatf is •arfriValldd.' ,( Tlrt Propnetor has spared no pains in making this Hofei all that oould be desired by visiters.— ~.r . r - -_-r. jel-3m ■ ' , l - • *B,LEE/,* €ABli t s e e white suephub BY VANIA* 38, COUNTY,' PBNN : Jy2B-3w - ( OWEN, CLENpENIN, Sc CO. i nr/ ATLANTIC ; eee.lne friends who may favor info witU ttioir pafronase during.the eeeion. ■ iejB-3h| ■ . : THOB. C. GARRETT. rtHIE MANSION HOUSE. ‘ ' A „ . RRAtING, PENN'A.. , ;ThißTrel|-]ml|i^.'ealo^iil^ie|iMhd(av/i?Ri of citizens omL visitors, Jraz latolyniaiilotgjmftie*teSsive' repairs, rail is now one.iof.thg most sommoilioju, elo -jrant. and -tlioroueh hdfels In tho Union r besutlTuliy lo pated at the cornerof-FlF'i atreots;Read-' ing, - are first-class ;• the rooms .asSflfflWMafi of flpemiuig a few .weeks in.iho,summer in.an.agrees, able and l ocononneal-mamtar,oould not do iwitfer-thaii make. a-tßal of BOURBON’S .MANSION,HOUSE at .Reading; . ' ap22-tf jgEDLOEVS .HOTEL, « • 'J ; ATLANTIC CITYi JiEW JERSEY;. . ]At the terminus of the' Railroadi bri the deft; beyond tne Depot. .This .House, is NOW OPEN .for Reorders' and Transient Visiters, amt hffersaocommodationj equal to MijHotel in- Atlantic City; *• "*•' * J ' {Since last season, the chambers have been very much improved, and-rendered-more comfortable by Venetian [oSmlfteiJ atta SfirvaUtfi half price. 1 1 - je2s-2tii - . _____ ,]SfEPTUhE HOUSE; - ’ ,J ;; for the season. .Its Rooms, are laugh. aqd-BLSGANTLY furnished, with every convenience dnd comrort for»- SRTTRAveouQcWAthiivpouvenientdiMAnce of the surf, 40.r e «hf wmbfi Rroaa nua eoliu gravel walks have been dam adjacent tp the Lighthouse,' audjeommands a.fineViowOr tud Ocean and lulet. , [Permanent amlTranaiOnt Boarders ndooihmodated ou liberal terms. Children and Servants half price. y-JQlffi SMIgK, proprietor. COPARTNIERSHIPS, ~ .nniHi. CQPABTNERSHIP.. heretofore;.,ex- Uting.betweeivtbe subscribers is this day dissolved bV mutual consent.’ Tho"business of the firm.yili.be jjuly lot, 185#. .. jSifiP4 ; - 'JOSEPH li. HANSON will eooiiAlie IheTstiSoh Com mission busiriess. ahQ Agonby for the sale of Sombrero '4fi#foASNort£DELAWARE Avenue., GEOBGE BOLDIN, ; - ; i • ! h!b North'WATER Street. NGRWpOD PENKOSfj, ‘ '■> 5 [ : liiS North DELAWARE Aveime. , ihiORWOOI)' I’ENROSll’d&io 'if the lirm'ofJo.ephß. Hansqn.A Cu.) -i.i this day.aarooiateil with .GEORGE BOLDIN, under tho etyle and firm of BOLDIN fc 'PEN ROSE.for.the.euxeoee of conducting-a yTohaoeo. Oil, ami General OohiinisjiLou Uuu’incßS, . July 1, IBM. ~ jyl-tf IWOTICE! 18 ; lIEBEBY;'GIVEN,, :that the firm of -wARHitiKi GH AhwlUKv k HHO. 18 thie day diredlved. The Heater, Itaiigo, tuitf Stdve bueineee wulbo •oqttMjluSff tlfitrer the hatfte'rtfbiOD WICK.* DitO., at tho NorillCMt corner of SECOND, and RAGE Street,. . «4cWk, Philadelphia; jJli i 1. x , riAiftiS. ' ; CHICRERtNG & SONS. . 17 WT f I A I 'MASUPAcibRSES dP f / J ■ 1 ■“ ; GrAhD. SOUARE, AND UPHIGIIT . , WAlt-EROOMS afr CHESTNUT street. . Constantly in store a lanre stdok Of oilr BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS.-' Vf* been awarded, at thediflerent Exhibitions In this country and fipSSfea' SUPERIOB 1 ’ -'. l ’ "WLseMmi »cM%. ? Nos. 1.3,5. and 7 North EUTAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Have alw&y Of their snpe-“ riot FmHtis, recomitielidea Uy dhttiflpates from S, Thalberg,.StrakpSch, and other celebrated pbrfdrtnors to tie edtml, if hot Biipecidr&to.any binde iT» this country. ' .The uiirfbihtf' of tnait' Pjanos .■frill be Warranted for five years and a privilege of exchange granted .within six-months.-should they not give'entiro satisfaction. ‘Manufacturing largely, we will sell, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. fcl l ■' JVILLIAN RNABE Si ijO.i Messrs. LEE Sc WALKER, No. 722 CHESTNUT .Street, PluMelphia, nrerour authorized Agents, and will keep constantly on hand and sell our Pianos at roa nofaotnrent> prioea. mhs-6m RAVEN, .BACON, &, Co.’s; I I I f f * Nunns' Sc Clark’s, Hallett, Davis, Sc Co.’s, airi A. H. Gale A Co.'s superior.PLANOS.’ Atso, Ma son Sc Hamlin’s bhrivalled hIELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Chur oh e« and 1 Lecture mr" Pianos and Melodoons to Rent. „ J. Ej GOULD. »i myl4-ly SEVENTH aud CHESTNUT. ,Mt;SIC. ■ v., -IWAKSH’S mhsio stobe, "*• No. 1102 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Where all the latest and popular Mas jo can be ob tained from any,'oobUpgde in'the United' States; In% struotiou Books, Sot Pieces, Songs, Ballads, ‘ \ i For the quality and fmish of these Tables themanu lacturors refer to their numerous patrons throughout the. Union, who are familiar, with the .character- of their work. - l •- - - • ■ jy2B-8m 1 COAX. . , S! WVGROOMS & CO., ' f,. Dealers aud Shippers of • fwuau - i ' ■ »p3. • f .j ■ , ■ - . t » - • •, . •, . ■ • je&-3m. I WASHING SAND IRONING. “Jk, WASHING AW, IRONING DONE, mod wash*l»oard. i■, : ' < .•') ';v . j XT' 1 ‘ The whole business is strictly attended to by female T2sr - ■ : w "-&8±u: HOTELS. T'HE UNION, , '•7 ■; AROH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. .. , ; .. OTTON 8. NEWCOMER DEI^IfU ' PiUSedgsr RnjlronJa, iftioh now nm pMt, gjghg] salamander safes. : ’ rTT BSKI v A largo Mtsoytment of PHIL ADELPHI /Iffiu Ra'cTUIIJJD „ SALAMANDER SAFES" *- - - ; _ _ , VAULT DOORS, BAffK r,OOKB, F ° rII , ! ‘ nki " ml . yitnfiod Pipe tor drams and Water conductors. JZ ( a , nJ i IXSURADCe OQMBAIUSg, Northern assurance: .company,; j ESTABLISHED INBBM.' I i fire and life -insurance. ■ i,HEiigq oitioES:, LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, QLAB - PHILADELP'Ma. ' ! CAPITAL, ®6;298,800. ! ANNUAL* INCOME UpViEDB 1 - . Kdioieß guarantied by the unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. ' Loasen promptly adjusted and paid’witlibut reference to London, by j WILLIAM-GETTY,,, I AGENT FOR Tilfi uNfTEf) STATES.' OFFICE No. 37 SOUTH THIRD STSMT, i. . PHILADELPHIA, , ' ' , DEFERENCES. ‘ :: Moßsrs. gfUART fc BROTHEK.'H Banit gtrSet; ' *•' . “, r fllYEftS, dL.VJHORN, icd).,;32 .Market at. . j “ ' WMj Mt)fEK-A ; C0,,«3 Boutli Front street.’ ; " McOD'fortEN & CWLLINS, S. W. comer : ‘ Front arid New strebte. V “ BHITII, WILLIAMS,* Jo.CO.Y SUMarket at. '! “ JAMM.GIUiMM A tit)..*add iSLetitiaet. , JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, Eiq., President Mtfilianica’ .V-»i4'-;.'> UN j-.:a lyjr:.'-: JAMES DUNLAP* Esq.* President Union Bank. ~ : Don. WILLIAM A. PORTER, fB3 Walnut.e.lireef.'late ' j Judge SupremaTCdurtJ i jiti tuthAs tf 'JIHE WASHINGTON . . j FIBE AND MABINE . insttrAn'ce:. compam'.' PARQUHAR BUILDINGS, ■ No: 280 TYAIINUT i STREET, < ./. viiiiilH-U s;-i, : F litoorporatedia \iti6h (JaflO'fal Ittffttranoe LawJ . : lr A llhoflseit^ipitil. ,<’*.« - rCi' „.w-«#8W>,000; Pi i«la'fct^asi|& v vj> .'li.i/.S.i/y yj .-'U- ?H»80O *, " > >' /rttfyjjsfjiiD^jrqii.ttW l '., , , •. B indjanft Mortgages? first lienV...j.i** .'86y70 j ■ >-U Bitfk, Railroad,'and other Blocks and-ge-/ Y* -, / Y cuntios i.J?.. 1 ...'M,000 : Kl ‘. *- irt.VjVt-. - SIH3W Insures ofILyAgamafcLOBBORiPAMAOI3 , 'BY;I : TRK; toand fromoll parts, of the world/.aad Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, onfavpr&ble terras. ftAJUjES. if. IMLAtYPresidenU wmCfM^^tyilje.Treeident. Aj«UtantBecretarT. i"v v y.- ■„ 'Miw.::' «K r * - ; ■ aalOTfcj.;- marM-tf. ~ , f , v , , JIBEjiNSURiSjjNjOE. ; V iT«A'.lNBUßA^'te'o6siii)y’ f : of‘; /‘ "' V. ' &artfb;s> i i 1 d-- 7t■ .* I ' ' Cl«V^'e(a,Ja'o.l,lS4!).„--.31.887,930 08 MANHATTAN fIRE ! V 1 . "j,V f COJtPANYof NeVYotf.. ,!■ i , V ; ;,Ca»ll Asks 13,Jan;1.1SS5. -l_ . 373,039 09 BPRINOPJEED FIRE AND, NARINE INSURANCE .COMPANY. : 1 - Caih' AKfiOty, Jan. 1, 1359..—. 445,754 85 NORTH-AMERICAN EIRE INBU- ■ : . . RANCE: COM4:AH y^bf.Hartford. .'. ’ . ■ M . Cajh Af'iets, Jati.1,Rv9...... 385,860 06 IRVING PtHfeINsI'RANCE.OOM- '.• »' V’ paNy,orneW^orr. ■;■ ;'i (Jalli'AiieelS;Jad, 1,18»....., 841,864 81 MEROHiItiffIWRB.IMiHANOK • *r' , COMPARY, of Hatiflfld.. 1,1 • .; CasU Amoßi, Jin. 1,1855,—., 238,079 83 l’olioiesi«»uoJ.TfUiß ltiSM'a ,e lnsurance, .inland and 1 -Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to ana front all parts of the World., •, GEORGE H.4fcAf&, President. ; E. P.ItOSS.-yice:President! vi • : < H. R. COGuSHAIiL. Secretary*' ’ . S. H. BUTLER > Au t Secretary, t ' DIRECTORS. . i j GeorgeH.Hart, ' i »■ E. W. Bailey, E.P.jßossv . /Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. Cattejl, Charles G. Inilar, - , Foster 8. Perksns, vg. R. CoKßhalJ, > Samuel,Jones. M. D., -. r Hon. H. flf.'Puuer. ' aul SAFETY IN/ oi eSNNSVLVAt>rAVVBi‘' < OFFICE S. E. CORNER fflisa .AMD WALNUT ON : V J *( To all peils of the World. : f INSURANCR; • 1 On and liaiid Carnage ■ O n 81 On gtoryg a pry 1 p ar - t 103,000,Philadelphia Cityaccent. 110,000, Pennsylvania State Loans:. .. .T*-.,, 104,425 00 atom, 43,875 00 ' : WW® •• ■ ' * , I4SJCOO Q6fi 00,106 shares Pennsylvania -Rapi'oad • > 1 Company,.ti’.r.A.-..::’..‘4,43700 ..$6,000, 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail ! rhadCwnpany...:.;.. 1 ..:,....., 1 . fltdoO ‘s2,6oo,Sundry a sbare* - Philadelphia Ice' * , Boat Company,' Havre da Grace •BtearaTowßoat.Company .8a- ' ■ • vannab Steam'Navigation Com- • . pany,andPhiladelphiaExohanj'l - - ■ * 'S3W.IM OQ, lU* * BiUsrwelvableforinsQrwieetrasda... 2U1.666.30 fialHnee doeat. Ma« v. > rine 'Touoiea receritljr- iasuea—ana othßf ■'-> . dsbte duo th» Company, 914881-' Jcrip and aUxjk.Of sundry,ltudranca.,Corapa mcs. _«. 3420 00 Cp«h on Deposit In 8ank..... IMUiCTOHS.' • • James Traquair, .WjlUam £yre, Jr„ 1 •J.-F. i Penxßtoa»' Joshua, Pt Eyre, - Samuel b. atokea» 1 Henry Sloan. , . James. B. iVHFarland, i c ThpmaiO. Hand, Kobort Barton, 4|fe?vc,• tSMipt Vic© President, rotary. . , , mfc36-dif, “SSMBaN' Edmund A. Bouder, John C. Item , Jolm R. Pejftrose, ■ georgeaiLeipcr, . EdwdDarlinijWD^ Pr.R, M, Huston* Wifltom C. Ludwif, tHiitth CwiiTi * . sneer M'Tlvama* arlea Kelly, Jones Brooke* dod P. Jones* : ( , WILMAS 'CI A ME'INSURANCB COMPANY, ,No; A' j :ut chestnut,street, Philadelphia. . ' OP CONFINED to FrHEAND INLAND RISKS. _ ' ~■ .Lii . SiMCSt. WaipUT .of Wrncht, Broi„ & Co, willlam W..walter*s William Ry&n A Co. CHARLES b JtJ«IARI)BOM. • J. C. fIOWO A Co, Gaoßoi A. Wsst west,Fobeß. - & Lloyd. BabclAJ LrppiNCOTT... Lippineott, Hunter. & Sobtt, Jacpb W. BiQUT; i Ohaffetfa. Stout, A Co. HsrrtLewis,' Jr-.-., Lewis,Bros.,ifc Co. Davip B, Bnufßy. ♦ .v,... Davis A Birney. A. H. Ro§snhihm... , ~.. Rosenheim, Brooks, A Co. John B. Ellison. John B. Ellison A Sons. John W. Evkrmam.,..; John W. Kverman A Co. Tao»As 8. IVunTm Savage'& Martin. - GEORGE WiJ)/Hr A Ppfrtd«mt_: : WtAM 8 J gto^® Howard fire and marine insu rance company; No. «* WALNUT Street! Philadelphia. . - * ■ - ThnS.L.LUtlert, DIRM W “iC Leogh, Jolm 6. JsraM, H. H.Shiflingford, A.J/BUoknor, C, F. Seamier, John W. Sexton. , H.H. ltouaton --William Ramiel, Wm.HTLoye, Edwin Booth, ■! Chorion V. Norton, John O&rrwra,., , fiuaMyer, .. . - E. S. Warno. , Presidont-THOMAS L. LUDERS. „ -- - ----yicoProiMont-E.B.WARNE.- ' f Seorctarr—CHAKLES A. BUY. , - - , daU • T NSURANOB COMPANY OP THE STATE OP -PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA 3UNJL, INSURANCE—No., 4 EXCHANGE BUILD . Chartered In SSOO.OGO-A&sets.January ], 1858.«ai7.446:«M00. , „ .1 ..All invested in sound and available securitise—con tinue to insure on Veaselaand Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, Aogjnhb^algmM. Honry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, f neon Toby, . Samuel Grant, Jr., ; Dries Maoaleater, Tobias Wagner, ■ • illiamS. Smith, Thomas fi.Wattson, • hn-B. Budd, Henry G/Freeinau, - luiain R. white, . Charles 8. Lewis, * - George C. Carson.' • r v ItENR TV, SHKRRERD, President. WILLIAM, .HARPER. Seoretary. Je 9-wim tf rrUE . ROBERT iMORRIS- FIRE INSU RANCH COMPANY : . , . ; ;; -A '' 1' r HJ L\li XL r H [ \, Tills Wlioany imurea n/ame?l,ow^7 l ijo m ai!e by .The following provision in the Polioiea of ttiiaComv jranyj jiuajanUfa their pejmrity] When hae|*ned'3a-6ol fi-piflifapdioyßhiilinot beinyalidatSd, ’ajlrT. jihbp,' -V , Jereo^ahMtßraOk*. &|fer,hhh, '- - pstaas,- ■ ■ ‘^assasssf'.,: V Gilbsei 6. S^Sim. R ' ViMF, Z«% 25U}, »t 10o’clockJiTSI'a : -n -lAr -■■\ ■ ” • ' Thrbiifh ih 43toE9houTtHf7 r £?S,t .'X-. 7 r, -v >.; \\ -3 * *«■; 4t : and-,.iffflif.dftiß* op«- nert witbBteai4er»&r.Fi(?rida^,an Balkoad • Frelibr is entirely unnecessary* fartmteißaa'CharieftaE orßaVemiah, the', Railroad Companies takingau' rWui/ftjrn tense points*'.; Part the Inland}lbuw.a3 vnll.be SeJOrthew3wl[f pdhtf-. the except from'Charleston ’.and.Saraprj TqCliiul(!iton..„; «1!00: _CHaH®mS_“*4to*|- > fi&oph.* M .v.V.( U .|i 00; , ( Macoiu.~».. 33iT6' AtlanlttyiV.M.,,. 23,00,. Utfonta..i;..•>& \!u-frW\ Columbus.-~../23 0d- Cofombus. *'• ••. r 3(i 00. Albany.',v..7;;.. -U TO'; rXlteny:. ...W* . 37.00 Mewtwmery,',,-.; 2B 00»,Monfeonjery,.....«»38 00 M€^fe VJ y.V.V; »Q - Mobile,'46 90 .NeW wledM.,,,' New 0r1ea5i5......... 51 GO v liofeiiUkoflaHingsisoedailer-the ship has sailed--■— -- T ■ I “''^ihW'c«key , OOTilam^HMsij^. Areata m Charleston, BbDTii — 1 “• s?*vS av »tfnalw'Ci2£ ■—: For Flondafrom Charleston, ateanier'Carolina 1 every_ . i. . - J , *• & ►(-.'.i-U's ■*>''■ .A> For Florida from Savannah* steamers:' St.' Mary V rfjWT- Bt. John’s, every.Toegday and fiatardayr. -j?v: 1 jyZJtfr If ' ui> asgo w ;;Anh new, . youk _rTr ■ r T"TTTr Tt): 'ULAHSOW. .LI VKRPOOIV^BELFAST, JJUBLIN, iiNDLONDONDBRRY-fot " ■ * • •' , ‘S'-.- « -1* •'=• -ntOK K*w r 'l&stel •' T t -'i“: I'GLASGOWi Thdmix»on, Wedn*Bday, ADsa«t tfth.'tc n o’clock, nooßiA j *, “ "■ ' J ■!(*•»,.VSOV'tftiAOadWv' ’•-V‘ GtAßGOWvThbmtwofl^WedneSdayy July 27(hv -; i'- L Rates ofri'asaage frord’-Naw; Yota/ Pmladelphis,br dopuefry, fLrart class, 876. ‘frEbcraKe, found with aaJ|un? daifcdOTiWpdilycopkwt^oyim^ms,s3s.. ..;..v- -f ■ i For freight tepSittge, - 1 ivx-u 11 ’ l '.-, . STEAMERS r cfptimi ‘W'ottoh.wil! Rail August sb, t/cto- - t»r,i3,,BMemlwr,W- . ...'.K.uo'.t. t , t-. - :■, „ea- KifjßtCabin pm« 9. - —*i—. $l3O .< ■*. SefitiUiLCabm psasaxe..,. u.» u~t- —. » 70 - ■ f 1 ; ;: .Atthc- Warehousing vpimklaja, Taitagelghla* Office, Tqi>acco • i.'.i'CHE ,rBEECIBtt a ASh SQKth SMn&AMBRSOAM RQYAti .'MAIL (l®£4*s .i* .u'jfmpjaSf'awvioax’‘roiavßKPooL, - Bi6t)nfßaton Siwuu. 73 • f®S5HSa^;/ r These carry a clear wnitO baht at mast-head; ! grieuoh starboard row; red on pqrtWrft\ . i,PERSIA, Judkiha, leaves N York, Wednesday, Aug. T 7. ‘ARABIA, Sterne, “ Boatofc, WeansM*rtAfi&*. ASIA, Lott, •* Au?.3|. AMERICA, MiUar, ‘ • ! 7. . Shannons *‘r- T feepf If ECROPA; LeiteV ” Boston; Wednesday* gtfpt. 31. FERdIaT Jftdkurf*, •'-**> '^JT-YoTkrWednesdayis6J>i». , r t 1 ■■ ■- 1 An experienced Sur*eto fiWn'fi tfhfil StfcWc* lit ti* • vetting. v - 4 Frederic* Eiett, . ~a rWtiphetf‘ '- - - f)am s¥‘'lJnderWffer, 1 r ‘ F&denehjlwcke,*'' i ls ' Francisßart, JofiflFli ?7LeClGro, >JohnKewlaf,Jr., .. ..GeorgeKiiftmt, . - James S. Pringle, r .., _ , .Jacob Podf, -.., - Joseph M, CroweUt. h O/l floti..Wtn. Milliard, ».* r »> George Woetpper, Geo. T. Ttorn, . ret«o,Eta^ •> Francis Bast, Seofewr. . iaao-tf if eIAVINa FUNU--FIVE- PJER G£NT« IN ►5 TERES* c^At[IONAL SAFfity .tHUSt COM PANY, WALNUT StrebMkjUtfiwest corner crtTHIRJ), Philadelphia. Incorporated py theptate ofPemnSjlva ' Money is received in any Bum* large or small, and in- frog .tfae'day, of.deposit to the day'bi With- nt ROBERT SELFRIBGE.yiee President, n William J. Rsbd, Secretary*-.i *.«»•• * ’ • _ DIKKCXOBS*- ——■' r - HonJEtenrrL. Benner* • F. Carroll,Brewster,~. itas&fflSf- 4 ' “ .feaftar^-’■ -Sl2RMut,:-v u* Money is received and payment# made daily.,,.. - Tho investments am. made*' in coiifdfimtj .with the Brovisionsofthe«CKartbr» in Real-EstateMoruaxds, tround Rents, and such first-class securities as will al ways insare perfect security., to the and which cannot fail, give permanenoy and stability to thislnstitntion. r"? i'V : ; . aul-iy SAVING ' FUND.—UNITED ‘STATES ■TRItBT 1 COMPANY/’cornefr THIRD and CHEBT NUTStreeta.-' * »».•i. «d*r•,* ■■ - Largoandsmall,sumayeoeiyeij,and paidJujckonde-. .nuindvitbcmt notice.withJPlVE PER. CJsNT.;lin*E ßEST.ffomthcday ofdejocittdtha daydf Withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and on rrOmTunth - - - DRAFTS for sale on England;'-Ireland('and Scotland, . PLINY /.QXT-J *el7-lr* U A li tt rebut' ofte AhXPur aeJ 1 ‘" 7 eirAnkwn , s a ym& f euniw No. 136 South FOURTH “Street,'between Cheatniit and Walnut, Philadelphia, says all De posits ondemaha. ~ Depositors’ roCnsy secured v by government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, shia Company deems safety better than large Srofite, consequentlywill ninno nakimh depoai >re’ money, bnt have it at ajl times ready to re turn with fiper cent.lpterest to l the owner, as they have.alwaF»,doile, r This Company mover suspended. - x 1 • ' L ' Females Tt\amedj?r single, and*Mmors oan aaehdepoeits can bo withdrawn onLT by thelrcOnscnt. '' ' . Ctarfor nqrpetnaU Jnoorpittated by thoStaU of Pennsyivamfu with nathoritr-.to.receivamo ney frott trustees and executors. , t - r . , , LARGE AND SMALL RUftjS RkcKIYED.-} Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wednesdayaad Saturday eyeningß untiiSo’oUr. DIRECTORS., Jacob B.Shannon, ••- Cyrus CadwaUader, • John Shmdler. George Russell, Malaehi W, Sloan, - - Edward T-. Hyatt, * Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany,, r Nicholas Rittenfaouse, Nathan jSmedleVtr -1 ' Joe. R, Satherthwaite, Ephyaim Blanonard, , Gvrus Cadwaixadkr, Treasurer. 1 43*067 86 TO '-THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The subscribers, AGENTS FOR THE SALE QF FO REIGN AND D&UESTIC HARDWARE, offer for sale the following roods at lowest ratesi Lewis* superior' Chains of au kinds,- including trace, log, halter, fifth, breast,wagon, tongue, coil, ship; mine, and other Chains: P." Wright's patent and, other Anvila and Vices; *‘ L” Horse Nailat round add oval Bake Pans; short ana long handle Fry.Pnn* l Excelsior'Safely’ Fuse for blasting rockst BedSorewst AmenciJi'SlAtea.'BUckbfwirdCni yens and Carpenters'Chalk; Table and'Pocket Cutlarj: Cost Steel Files, and uftasps; Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges? Strapand ' , T’ , Hinyes Knots; whites' Braces: Shovels aim Spades, all kinds; Ray and Manure. Forks, Rakes, and Hoed t Bouthgate’apateht Wrenches? Look a and Latches y Hand, • Slod«e.«ul Stone Hammers; Hoou&nd Hinges; Tacks,' Brads. Bh.oe, ClouWond Finishing Nails; Wrought Nails; 4 King's Stocks and Dier, Hatch's Tea a&q Counter Scales; .Curry Combs. American and English; Scythes. Scythe ■Stones'add Rifles; Douglass* .Pumps ana Ram* $ Mo- - lawea»Gales, FattqeU,. Saws of all kinds >Axes* Hat llSSfcSTT- T\ WHMftftlfiP* ot ,ap9-dtf , 411 COMMERCE Street .. MACHINERY AND IRON. SAUUBL V/MSSBICX, ’• '.XT* /, VAPOHAN MKKUICK. ‘ PIFTH AND -WABHirrSTOrr BTKEBTB, ' mMicTThms, „ ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low pressure Bteam Engines, fgr and Manna service, ' Boilers, Gasoraoters, Tanks', Iron Boats, Ac.; Castings DfaU kinds, either Iron or Brass. * ( Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ao. ..... .. . * * - - i \ * : t Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. - - . ■’ --1 Every description of Plantation Machinert, such' as Sugar, Saw, and Gnat.MiUs, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines. Ao. - Sole Agenta for N.. Rilhaux’s Patont Sugar Boiling Apparatus} Nasmyth’s Patent Stoara,'Hammo>: and Aspinwall A Wpleey's patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Moornno,\ aufi-y qpHE CHEAPEST BRDSH7 "HOUSE IN • thd foUowing list of dhte&wK^- 3 ' 8 ”' 1 cont[ ' em &?»». * No. 3, 66 knots, 87 ‘" «'' “ - - N0,4,-80knots, 100 ' , Ho*s^Sknots,m * No. 6,looknots, 12S ... .« . No. T,lOiknots, 130 i No-8,160 knots, 175-v “ • -• - , 1 - . > - i.’r, )•!-.. s < Philadelphia.* 1 ■ P ROOT’S CELEBRATED LONDON. ■ BRUSHES.- -v i. ir \ . r ■ ttnahtyismoreeawhtial ittaHair Bmsh than in any f otherToilctiartiola; TROUT’S BRUSH?,S, wherever introQuoqd, nave at once taken precedence for quality l of materials avid f6r~soientifia construction.-.. His Hau; anißhee, combining a.peculiar elasticity With the re quisite firmness,.are found 1 to pnßs uniformly andf Bmootbly OrHHouoH the hair, rather than roughly-snd harshly OVKfe It, thus xivink-the proper stimulus and .conseqnent : freedom from dandruff to,the scalp-skin without injuring it, and lima. l too. insuring -A naturally* gloast, healthy 'condition jn the hkir. His TEETH,, NABj and COKtB BRUSHES are equally desirable also .for their respective uses* all combining, in a remarkable degree, completed nsefnlneaa with folityj A full assortment orPROUX 8 Bepenor^godd*,' 4 {S4e d iV4rS?^B^^^b% D So t XVs t,, SU W^KR“ FUMERy.Jiist Ini ported ditMt, mmu wd aiitraiHjt. For wholesale and retail, by - - irditf CIMM Irlte^ofKltoh.. IUTJE BALE ;ROi l E—Minufaciurdd atid BAX- Bay.ll.iuni in store And Ibf feiktir"' VJ*V.- I‘. cases for sale by I&MW,.* maw*#* im . «■ HARDWARE. BRUSHES., «4i aiia^BtcKSln^inS; j l£... q’olock, soo»,Htttoadof i \« j.j^*HaadbiUi'msaMa,niMetty lßsuedMwfcsatfiJS'ja- .v addition to wßoh ‘Vtfif«£li»li Kesl Estatediiterodcm Air Privatojfcfl* Jtenafer* 7 and advertised tico&ioaaßrai out I>(Uf«.mle.A£ttr&ct* i • (of which I*ooo copies 'are minted -weekly ,/»•#/of charger/: J-•-■■-. V, ?-•**--<*• •_ OU]ftl€&A\' > - t/Trl - A'ND IVAWJ AriI.E'LO'f, rEOUR FRONTS, - ntthe no'rt lm est-carner'i of/Fortyrseeonariaad 'Pino , streets, 'West street.4osfeet mj-.Piue street,.44o feefcOttFoek street, ; jtm 15QfeetimMjUoreek/ Fodrlronts. ?- .-> c AH-GE-I i WEST tPHIA-JKasttoMjffiSlt Btreet.inorth orfrift street* - 38% feet front,aoofeet3ec(Bt6 Bloanstreet*-Twd fronts^- LARGE AJf J>, COKNEB LOT—Aitbe i : 'A.utheastcornei?df F^Sr*firef'or ■Wjcminr.awrFratt rtteete. front onForty-lirirt * - sireeths 1W feel afreet. Twofroots.?’ .fctuvV-' . „ { pWELMJfG* L4sTKEET.—Tbteefatory * .brtck s}de_pf MBrvino;atreeti betvoen • fltosternnd JefwrtWt»rrfEJeVenlb end Twelfthstreet* - A DWHIEING; • T>ijck dwelling. No. 423 - Enterprise,;street."-between - • Fourth and Fifth streets, below Dickerson street, First ■ xrmt\ fi . --•« •* ~:-i» vsr.oi.iV. 1 ' . floiisehqld:4iimituro, odto t - e&rrmjMuvotof* ■ and doable harnto, - - !V l - : AnraeT #t ®J»©.. w/e,nt the Koootrj.Seefc - ; rhuß from UieFßSMftserKiulrpad Depot at Party, a»S ; -half a ißtatKrti the, West ’■‘PHiJadelph» of parlor, 'dimag-' , "fWm.chambfir,außadateheamnutare.- - pat MrVTfsry handsome matched.- paft ?r® U? . cgffjs*? homr, in dtpHe.er/pngie her-. : jielw, ao2,o£Jtreatendurance; £»•-.*. •- '•.Also, coi’imjjniwnor s breed, si red by the eewDretad jAtatos V-Bfa £* 'AUegbeny^ClueA , |'>end , and carts, • > Sale peremptorr, tfc* ovn*r leavui**he Stole* 90*May to_«ale*\„ \ ■A. Sale ■willoommeoce atll *r - _ . v »K tehsive improvements, fine shade.: tree»na«penofiOT{t rree*.rtS«fn Iwese, the'Harerferd road, aadX Philadelphia aad West Chester BaHjroW. Jfittf ownet Bells on aeeeuntef se- 1 m^vlhg'ftottt'thoState.,f : ‘- r ' AC 9 wUjtitfa *tore r ea. aaHui Uwntof excellent j|faTMr^aba{inut^,'elex»at ; Ida dec unlagfi none keeping,fembtaa to tfitfgtofg farcon^nieitoror— W» rooms’on-BAftMoinr eouRT torrnt.-a*- pits)the - =•' ' < x -** - AT PHIv ATE SALE.—Share* in the Philadelphia anid M&rhaßfa»Librainea*argtAthen«Qin.3l/:i \t.l-L aodrdf.iClßt jgfcfoet, : - - CiH in pott'posffd twtil ; - liWdajrtMonuiiff,-• . j-<> v r -:\* r, iM .- and lot*pf.inlp&rt«fl dry gooderjttstre-; £<~ On Tdesdat'Moming, :<*>■“- _ _ Augn*t23 l 7cs«es pi «M An invoice ofkßrtgdrcttality and make Groeda HMfl»andolothrmanaß*A t ciokk». ,, , ' - \ ' . ~- ■ 1,000 DOZE# LlrTEirCAhlßHia HAWiyKEJtCHI^S.; Aliy- ' * - , , >•.■-•' • * "jr-v* LOOO-nbaen^^fifiV"ta'enjejrftne -ana3s f |faia-eqried - . border and ham»t>tchod-nagtticamonoh*ndkeTchi*tfc :; '- r SOA^PST;; v ?>l*2 M-4T»cV? , ®»ph«tull*,AaTrU. '-'; ■fi?CH?lASia LAI2«ES, ; r - j •. - r,t -: -,' /■' OaTaeaaay' Moraine, ■' -• . 1 H 1M pitfct*. fjch'rJPkrie-prinled rooualiri-de laise«V all ’ .. 00 ‘ : BfcA&mif RIBBONS. ■ yo.laa)Lybadweheuk^olyetrtbton«,'-- T --- ’ ' OHILIP j FOBDTSfCXIONEER, No. 530’ towm PBrrH'i* SIXTH,’ *°? * r'hiitf&jsLffAi&oF ; f Aag. ?3, at, 10 I(?gue,oit ail months’ creoit.aboul 190 piece* carpeting, - Ctrtnpnnqjs—, „ • - . 4-4 heavy aUrrool and worsted ingrain car- ' 7- carpeting. ~ .-J. ..-1 - T piMea4-4deEnai&irpoilgn..Veneti&ZLCArpeting« pieces % and 34 dsmuk woollen Venetian carpeting. ~ Pieces 4-4 J& andJ£ damask co&m carpeting**-- p|eco*.4r4jeavy list and rag carpet a , ‘ pieces 4-Aextra hsavycoOa«e v | SALE OASES - BbOTS, 3RCN 1 or; -" at 10 lbe »old by cata logae,;on fourmontflalpredittA.ooo xauesof men’s:snd boys’ boot»iishof3- gastejw,i wosans,.Aci; ladies?, and fuses* boots, shoes, gaiters, ties, of ■. city-and asterft manufacture—&U fresh goods suitable for the present trade.-, ■-> _ GOoda .opeh fcrr'examinaticm, with catalogues, catlv on the tnoroiru of Sale, When buyers trill find it to their interest to attend/,: '• f-. - - BSOOTT;* Ji%, pTIONEER, No. 409 • CHB&Pf/UTETREET, opposite the Custom. Hduse. betweeuFOUßTHmid PIFTHStreeU..; '•• ’ „0a \Vedneeday-Sfoming,~' ''' ■ AnguetZlrbr.catalegaej.on.a-fiieditfWillbcrsoM.AOO iota imported .aad^dam'eafcm''gOods,'Consisting, An pajrtkof a fuU.aiacnment of men’s 'merinoandsrshlrt*; aqd merino vests, menfio nose and half hone, &e,vAe.-^':^,i‘ l ±-y - ,; r .Catalogues and mmplea early on the morning of T M. QUJIMEY 4;-SONS; V . J, heal CARD.—J; MiJShffimey ASo nr, asotumeerc. will hold t regular sales Real’ Egtate;Btoclcs» Ac.' Akohonse jja hold furniture at dwellings. l -> • v- - j - . On bur Private Safe RetfisterwtU ahraya be found a very laree Jnsountofreal estate.including every de scription of City and country propertT.- - 1 «•'■» J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, Real Estate Brokers, , N 0.620 WALNUTBtreet,below Sixth. r TV! 0 SES i-.NATHANS, AUCTIONEER TO LOAB, niiiiXQ*.Oß SMALt, iXOVJnt} OB merchandize generally, dfi4oti.aU article* o£ralne..AM. T SOUS OVER. ORB'bOXDRKD'DOLiiAJ IB TWO P3SR C£BT. ?BTt - 2, mohtij, includingstorage, £ * aj thmna Principal ? EetabUnhrasnWf*?R; BU, ACCOMMODATES*. \ [• , - MONEXU! MONEY!!!:'., > , Money liber&Ur advanced _ut large or amau amoqnif, r r from one dollar,to thousands. on gpla and siivar.pJteite, • diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowUny-pieces, mimical in struments, tnnuJire,,drT. goods .jdothinsi.gTpoene#, ci gars, hardware, cutlery; hones,*vehicles; harness, and &U articlesof vahfOr'-forany length of time agreed _ on Vat ffiTHAKa? PaiCIPAX. ESTASLWHMSNT. SOOtfeast thftlowest market rates. - '• «»4psiMa PA£ ESTABUSHMENT* B.E. oorner of SIXTH I ®** RACEStreets.—Thefollowing articles wiUbe sold for tee* than half the ÜBQslstcg-epnoes:, Fine gold English patent fnll jewelled and plain, of the most approved and. best. make, in banting casee and double bottomed. Fine sola ■ 1 , open face, some of them are extra roUjewelad; and best make. Snver, English patent lover, watches, escape ment lover and'Jepines, m Huntiug. case' and open face, eomajery imWrior? English, Swiss* Frenchman! Quartier Watches; fine gold veet; fob. neck, andghu dreu’a ohams ; cases aha pea*, bracelets. [• breastpins, fingecrriuge, ear-rians r studs, .medallione, and jewelry generally. Sapenorß&vaaa Cigars atSli por.thonsand t m boxes of 3uo each. wiftFasowbyraile box or quantities, to suit poioh&Mrs. , Numerous fanoj articles, Ao., 4p,, Ac, - -■ . .. lush br* feet mi*. ;rA»o. yatoaea« tmd iewalrr of ever? description; iUiiIJICIIVAI.. A' nother. proof of the wonder- SAL’Fe 1 * EFFECTS 0F TROXELL'S NEURALOU •MT'P- Ü betratrOTHed with tne “HBURAHtIA” for the lasi 14 ;un t »>id have miifered tha. most, aioraciatinsr s&ia, oomsoUituc roe attunes to give up my basinessontirely. IcoaMboi eat, and. steep was a stranger to' mjejes.; ] suffered .mors than toa*ues can tell. I had tha Mticb and aid-of various physicians, and used other remedies. but all ■of 5? av«“ t : 5- v ? Q I 5? tJo^,y°nr Advertisement in the I concluded to call, on a person whom J*hsd * ai r^?t U u < o*fSA;^ i ,*, caBe of 20 years standing' = . SAItVK .onoe, and-I.felt- immediate' removed the pain entirely, add I ijov feel like, a different man. Since then Mats *hat fhaveuot done for months, SSISHfeS 1 1°PVSEV 1 - msthtina chair,. My appetite has returned* and I feel grateful to you for the tipa of my health. - , . ' if fWT I§HARtiES'H. BAKER,Tobacconist, Vnr Street, above WOOD, Kensington. -^ or T?*nd wtaib at 8. W. corner SIXTH *»*, P i^W BH Btr eeU, and at T. R. CALLEJTDER & w* s,N.W. oorner Third and Walnntats, ap2o-tf Dr. westcott j s celebrated tar .CORDIAL. ' 'Westcott’s Tar Cordial cores Consumption. ' Westoott’s Tar Cordial cures Bronchitis. • Wortcott a Tar cordial cures Coughs and Colds, - vvßatcot^BTar Cordial cures Sore Throat and Breast. .j-Westcott’s Tar-,,Cordial • cures Palpitation of the ,Heart, c• '■ ' - - , > Westoott’s Tar Cordial cures Herrons Debility,' : Westcott’a Tar Cordial cures General Debility ‘u Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Diseases of the Kidneys. Strangury, and Gravel. • • ■ Tar Cordial oures Blind and Bleeding ■ Riles. , iS ,r '‘T?r°, tt .' T?, r ouroa Female Wealcnawes. Wraet^PhiSSSSfhS l^'* 1 Depot ' No - m ARCH consultedon the above 8 Consulting Rooms, Ho; Street, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. jyle-tf fIWSTOOK of WINDOW-GLASS. > r r of all Colors, and WHITE- fXAVANA CIGARS —Of the following celebrated brands:' - •"* * ' ' Cabanas, Pir-irfi I.-' Slorw, t timann, v££ass°* , ‘ ? ' Praebese, , nr ->egaa. Ac., Jc4„&o. *Vi II 940 s »nd qiwbt»os,on hand and constantly re- Havana, am) for snle Jowby . . , AttflW lm_ . , CHARLES I’ET-E, 13}~WALNUT. B^' i-UAREf SODA.-—lut) kegs for sale tv * Bmmnw. Kn«. 4 tva-iji rr*o -western And southern mer» . •* :Zi\ ■£.-j-" DAVID P. MOOBI!/ONDKR'-‘ ' .Takes, No, mvikbw. «««* .