M ; Y-M-t ?'* f?V - ■ < c ~ ■ V- ' V"-‘'’.;, v :'; oaa Weffl ; "7ded7'' ; V ' ,;: -■ - #«? •: - •' ='• •- . ANT; .ANT; <■S'ftiSWßafffiS £ftim«Pgwj?otiwiM!& tee’garden '. / {t;iir®®SKsK«iBsl*l<»-M*J»«i!stfn«lai#Uw»lon of -->. ■ pineapple, itr : ■ ■ ■ of Si : ;■ '^'f. Jn«. . \ ' ~'i ' Kadie, t^tavSotoPdlooli.i^nAl^tJtlvClK. 4 ;-■ de ’-. •-<' 4MUaif«rtM>'-- %U‘.t%-’•&'- L-: ;.-, , ' pVemtnlillbJSl Polfook; forchl v- to BrI r for «oU . - *sm»i- =kjk,•*->•«,tf,it.,. •. k?w i *** ■ ...... Partwu!Ai-iaiiei4ion ir e*nGd to,a flower of Vie ■ ' -■?-s:»’i4te*^toi f 'T!&!f.~'-'iSj!St : f- - '-iS^"S l -i'>",V'- (“yf .' ■ '"• ?"'S". ■ . ; /. / :< to tt, .a --Tbesidspwmenft.^ronitCQofcjKrowetiwKeT.J.M: - •v "; ®^ l 5 tast'd*);, W. - r fin* - ,Z «? •superior popper. Aall.^?Mii^ JAmes Tho-' - ', v •"-faM, ffrow«vio‘J^J3i'Baxier, i arid John Landiea,,;. ,-t ■> >^f!.iiA^M^Mi4l''protfi•; *•;._. i ’;■ ,• " ftbra' t > - - •.-■•:% hieltarwhicbhtfhadreceiyodfront-hiefriend,Hon.', : " • ■ • : joanied. V4JV-4.-J-4:ftr‘i : . /^r^j^^jAßK^wr^-piFpsiSJM^Them^wr - -V ' tttubH exciiemeM bii' /.. ; »nt«r foe',. and tle*«oemonia , , twm boats lb&Te'KoaißaflK; ; : Upward) nd tho baoy oa tkeilorfo-lhoe, and . :. , :fe'V»^4t; i Ili«ibo«fcwh')ab«>nd''oprT*rds op tbeldst ' ; ’t.‘ Tborfsioniagr boata : . wcre onterad iin the oontMt|BBimo*l*H?J ert('John iMol>ohMd, ; . ■ ;. Thoc^Hl&A^tSaSw-Romerfelt, . Sami. Kariranft, ] 4,:. r. Jit-ainl-r SwßHdo AifQierb waaa'great orowd fir, nor -; . - h? . •/ r . i »q , olock;tne;r«i|pMl'iraB‘,given* and t , V v bMiwiflehtj hoate'bPard ,■ 'i-vTjTjSs' ing eachiOtheri>yet lhey:dare npt push'themKlveß, '; •; t ; - i»fcyJ/i%s^jo;'; hndd!od:;togeiher,-, \^V//^#l^w v flMridlhhrt 5, w r er °:eho®i the Bnkif, EBling,’hhd 1 \ ;- behind ' the , FlomorfeU,.Jl»rtrinft, liuinmt and Sfann. At the time of the mißhap, the former boot WRB under iib ■■, ■• • •al«8»f--:.f43"j;: f ;.rv;v-rri> : 1ft T^ u^r > ,m .4:' - -'.?' *.. ■. jnally.oamfi.pidn tho.followingorder: 1 ~ ' ' ' lit,'Oabwtf'didfdho McDonald; :3d,-.thoßoyatoa'! . 4th, Mcßride jeSthC Hill'. : -The other.boatf hKI-all .; ';>, % mii t '';' ’ crcat doal of rurprieo manifceted at the reanH. and : " rpMtietjlaTly atjthhtbad ltioltritttndinfidhhßUlj; : did not think ' ’' tbeafielrha, vafiq'niidiad,' arid woret aa' conSdent :«a . - - eoar'of bar ability to bold the chainpionship of tbe' ‘ . .'trr^-bi/Mww^/ w^*w, W ! #S*A}K4«i*«''W«»tb woman namod Ann Pollet nttocnhtod: to commit - ' rmicide on htonday, by:tlirowing lier*rlf into the ; Bchoylkiir-iriy’cr.' irSbs tra* reßoued. and - after , ’ bcinjr broucht out of tho water inade a scoond at-, < ’ 1 ' ?i' >tanfpbi e ' jutjicnta.ifAfiiatalio.ntbotiSfi.} When ~; ,- : pni. into tbe cnll rfie wta rery mneh intnxifihted ( si, ‘ :-: anddttrih* thehi*ht ehe,rt>:de another attempt to 1 . ; y. the'WOtld by and making'aga*h.in,'ber ; arm ; withia,lrara'erit.:;The ,woond wa» a rory dingorptrf .onp, ana rnight haye resnlted serioaily hfid.hiedicnl'aid hot 'been pro*-, ~ morh*. , : ing the woman was sent to the Almshousei. in tho violr.ity of Fourth and Walnot strcnta yes doapp.of ; .;,, : , Tkieenger 'cars -by * Tehiclo uiod £>r.trarup6rtinr t. ltd* thefe!ubbo'rnoeh)‘:pfiboth? parnM* neither ,the V' . drifierofthe ear nor tbeotbef boing willing to move. - «tnnewutK)r*o«aeato got out oftne way-rruen ■ rfrrV: ;• the foUtk'fn'oharsfi of the eara went fin their way :* r v- •-’ ;,P*o,WKiso'CAsP.--YcBterday..afternoon a .* C nkmfid I 'W,Bl}ifft';Criliy,;»toht -eighteen 'ye*» V :ui-;-'.-.-4>f-ege, vrae drowhofl whi!e pwin«ning.*t Pea Shore, -.r * • on tte Jeraey rfde • \'*- wl prcvlmß'to^tinf '. -*■ into • \r : > /i y;> J ffli»R^^^^t.^Hfa t: hodyr ; wiui r cbnT,eyod : to J the ; -'I ytu 4 -.'rs;rii^y,ttke\d^Uii^^of^;fjK'^Bfelfcelden , e? l , - hrflnWd ' „ : , AinedeiUfiiii^Barkbd: “V..X/.R, ,, '® B d % breutpic; ■ ?, v ( thjrouglLtlie^cV^. '?-• '■-*-\ hellero :"lf.t:.#^S£fffl^^^i^«Siibs(tg£-'^6atp|aay:ra6ra-, h:y\i there'VMxAn Alarm of > ~'7>^rot^ittiKJ^aliw6Snt ■'. Br iVri.\;cyAttn,W»tta, from Boat ml, with ice . .-.; ... NTorkforNOrigans.,,,,. >. "f}j‘ '' ,: Iliver, .masts;,. •: 1 f ■-; •••;.; :■• r,.‘i •' . 01 RAW) *»»t, t»tow Ninth, pMprr B Btehley, Harrisburg ' 6 r-‘ ? ~ { LSSalmpns/Gav i'-i~ ttnua■££ l ! MiM|'onmjfN l 6"' 1; M'lB8 I/WttSe,’W ?. | ,i MUto E GHim»on,Y& > *:.-Solftmcm ChfttryV Va,' •» ' VtiSt&Hf fife! ;XW.Pear«on, Nl{ , ' JE Bain & I&.NO _ , :; O WJraalliatLcJu s : Sg^~:;KI®? 1! mSm«!>,SC > ■ ~ • ;^«vs?r o ase»iyiß2%%: ~Mus MolUa Longi Ky u >Jao SJjong, Loaisvil a , V( L HaHjliOuiavhla . .WrA-BentoiiNashville JGteoFoftiero y;’N,y -,;, j i) Egbert, st Louis *J'Qlarici4a, St Louis j'W " ! 01* >r BtJocepn *--■ vQ&Snutb,> Chicago { -‘W-M'Geddea, NOV“- ! ,-'■ JnoGaddeßf NißEouri Q Ellet'•. ♦.vo-sDABftnder«,BC i c Mua sAESapdoravSC /.r- R Zabbftn A ; -v/r . !;, AMERICAN HOTEL-Cbwtncfe st.V HboveVifth. vSutKtt,ohunso -. ~. . “ " .. 'Mjaß R Y .sfssasessafrw iis^s^ 8 ° §OO*H ! KqkW, Pliii» ' W^f ? Wrijlitor.°l’itt»fcurg - Geoß •Y>!t>>' •'WrSlHailow, St Louie- j., Mm Willdy, Stljoulsv GK Klcc.-Tcxm ' -uf Geo ARn ynee,N Y- oJT .Burgees,Roston ,• J Brown, N C : - L lianr, Alexandria, Va , AIBBCHANTBL HOTKllAourthetreet, below Arab. Mim Emma Kennedy? NJ A BStoddnrtimo; JWMcWnSidrKfttiua#CityKAlSns*, Mo ilni E Imser.ParkviUs •: ’/« Xbar. Bittaburg G.LBanwttjTenn---S WBerson.Tcrm WHRobieonyDcbuqua )■' fPBmlth, I'ttabur« EA-Tnlbot,-Memphis 'i »"FB DanCjvMSO’Plu” ,J I NottUcui, G*\ -! ; -'L Beauetti ’ ' i •Mr* A E-Monk;N J l Jm Oatea, CimO ~ GHBdnjr*. Marne,_. * >JS ThptaM, Stlfouis , J Boweririifr & Ift.'N ¥.’»•'C lflonberger, Mo DJ C»*tleraAnjWaahintn S "WHi* Kittanmtjtf, Pa b-/ J<£ForndajvLa,A AFrank,Pet}i!icoU,Flft ; LElh, .., , M - ,:.c»pt RB Uaja.Carlißlc - JOTOS' rtreet,above Sixth. ■.ftLaWilUh'mir, : N Y,‘ : r ; ' Dr JneMGreon&.jn, Go K SHlack.Spruunold. O Joe Black, Zanesville, O MBlackrMansjftM, 0* ’ •“ Geb'Wallocj, Nownrk, O ’ -Andrewßeid,Ohio . ,-' :--.CBarnee, Mobile, Ala va . \ S iW&Gilkirt’.Balt , JoaKMaun,Balt vy '] r ' ,1; HOT&,ira!i'otM(it,«b ~r ill « RohbinsjS.Y • John J 1 Hair. Kkaton.Pa EA-Adame, Pbila 4to*bia co . Poipt piMsnnt e -*T ShotweU, Ciinemriati, p STATES UNION HOTEL-Market street, above Sixths JD CpHwiiV;-Xtlaotlc City ,J MarshnlLNewviUo * TtfS KoefrfcolulnMa,Pa’tLWerra.-Baif - ; .BFThonipfonV; Clearfield * T>Vfrenty 3 : 841t£:.r .v.*v,, : J Boon, LartUrß tor; x Mt* >Ri4JLsndack^tVet-CQ:;::;iß;Tnbinborg,Cl€>ar’a, o o JD MarsTjbank, Lancaster/ Gen ItMTluisalb Va ?, G Ws'loanJ co, Pa /, Mfgßoral! Mi Holly, 1 NJ~ ViJ^u st.,»bo*e Third. • ' v '- MoGrewrWcBtraorO , il ■ 1 J TMulsefcleveland,o ;Thoa MGla.nn Balt NY : . - MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third «t, »b6V« CaßowliiU' ,BNjrc,;®fitidi! .•;R’Kline.Tn>vhJton iKlmetTrevartori -,, AIl JMward., Pa . Rjßuraert. Pa ' ,VW B Burlfart. J a , TB Moore, M qhnok.■ C Blank, Bethlehem -H-Ffankerfinld, Edwards; pa - , Peter ‘Betti Bdeton •, U s,') s - r/V, ■ !K? \ ■ J Arch., J;DTojjson. tu'ec- WiKollor. BelMohem L’Jaeoby r 3etblehem. - j HacKinan. Boshiehern r : >lbW^ajon t St Louis.-, s_ ; JBlondm,NY, :JaiwMartit) r .Beftilebeir«-_> a- . V v'.;-i. , -• ii t: abbvd Third. C Hera. Va J Vnekler, Wheeling, Va J C A'riofleditr,Roadiiig, '• Hy Bechtold, Mt Joy, Pa -Tho».Womudy,PA '• C-Thmims,Pa _ ;/Smith, Centro co, Pa 1 • /non ? Benver, Pa 'PrSolwor- /- ' 4 ‘ -"4 K Span?, Berks cn.,Pa ,BWhinerv t NoW*rardoit, 0 Jo*hoa;Whineo> Ohio Jacob Landis, Middletown Saml-Mumma, Middlotown st.i'abovd Chestnut.' vJf‘B'B»lnrBdnd; c llwt‘-' r ' r MHihimond 1 , Bel ’ '■ .-- NEait' -I«uojVrtoletnieadiny : Xttßnni!te, Dfil •*<- il it Jackin, Cochranvillo, Vft Jrin Comiar. Dcl Diffid Pield, tVeetchauter i W C»rtUhcr . _ f«,an’Arkor, Chonter CQ *. Tlinn BBevicV, rlnla ; Mu.Robert.;pn ;• f 1 ■ i J -»JB.flreg.r, fteniont r , ' :•«; Brown, CJY %,* ,"i)ls9»>Sd%J*,y ‘ ' Iter ,'SPierce,'VYe.telieMfr“ AKnout,Salem *■ BALD EAGER HOTEL—Tliird rt.; nliove CeUowhil} A B Bartolct. I’a : :, - J Bernes, Caihlffin po ■ ' i JehuJdiU.r.ilontftCO .; ; ~Xl«»id Bnil|6r, Bock.oo-, ■ aboceOallowbiU., SA-Alders'PM!* ■•t■-,-&H Bral»h,PhHg :•. Awlre.'Dauphmoe,, " ,Wm BromMcli, iOltM FionejjHktteville,, Clme-Hnrper, Jonldntown ,Wm Herder; l'ennHnir,: ?<8 Fell, Buckingham; , ;;, H Borer, Buimieytown --"A Acjloy, SumUMtown J Ilulli, Greim Lana -'sj i* ; 'fiehj'Rrnff, Lanadale- t BamuefLandie, District JlMnnrsivßoolitnlH villa WmßeChtel, lieclitoliiv—:;Yfm'l'liomMoH.Aic,MvilW Jonathan Reifinyder.Pa- AAV Woavcr, Now Texaa BARLEY BKRAFJiOTfiL—Second ”»t,.' hhlow Vine. Samuel Solliaai; Pa’ ;; « t! Mrs Henderson A fa. Pa , P.Tvid Jftrrett,P» ■ --- - j - j/flck)k,'pdekß ca<'i'_'jy SPECIAL NOTICES. ;; A Remedy. —A surc atid certnin remedy for all ; di#4ase» of,the Btora»oh »nd digeitice orgetis 1? HOOFLANIVB GF.RMAN BITTERS: JChe, never fail in Dj.popvri, Liver;Compl«inf, or. NervoiU.DebiUtp. i'fhe UK of Abottla or twowlll'worl'wphdia*. Trj them. For eale by all druggistacr dealer* in mediemos, *t 76 :'Aliso by.the C. M., :3AOKSONAVCO., 4tB; ARCH street, rlinadoiplim. It /A Tnß ryKOBTXBWi 'Pair Die op dFotw, Haiti reouirea - noprovloua preparation of the 'hAifii, ItaefWetearo inatantaneouej producing a rich, .igldeay, AOdiliforllke. bltck.lnrorm, or auburn, entirely fre eftomtho dnl!, burnt appearance oiuiaed by other 'd/ee,-;It ieeeeiiy applied, and is perfectly hsrrnleea,, ' f Sold br ail driiyrUtsfand by JULEBILAUKIj k Co, Np.‘ 70t CIUiSTN UT Street,Philadelphia. ; aulMt • f Remotat,:—The Mutual Life Insurance CoMfASr or NaiyYoßJC.~The Agenoy of thie Cont ,pany;hVe'bosn REMOVEJJ.TO THE ENTERPRISE 'INSURANCE-'COMPANY BUILDING at tho South; WMiebrnetof ijOWtTH-ihd WALNUT Street*. aaM-Ut -. h ' : P. KATCHFOBDBTARR, Ayent. - ONfc-PBIOB ' Olotilino Of :thb Latest. - im»; and Atnada in tho boot manner, e*preealy for i BKTAIL SALKS, We OUrk i»r- IOBTOBt BotVOlB price* in >t*in »Iao«» bn each artiolo. Ali 'goddß made to order nra varranted utiaraotoiTr and our dnseMHC* »vitbm (B ftriotly: adbnod to. Wo .believe th» to be the only' ’frtr way'pf dealing, aethereby aU are treatodWiko- A ; *v~ ‘ - ,y,;, JOriEp # VwiJ r>ax»-ta«gr>.i : r -.--- -tit MAPtKET Street. . V. ‘ ' J f* ( ? ¥ C ** ' r-Xa ••-GBOTERi-A^BAEEB’s^'r-'-a CkbniATib-NOiaiLßta PAkitt S«wiae'JtAo*i»i«i . -;r.; - , *•-J ' . Temporarily atflo, m Broadway. !; . Yrtli'yattan ’to'Mo.'dtola a fey week*. ( : SaYKTO JuKO—NaTIOSAI, SAFETr.T»OBT W iho flftsta of X’aimaytvania# .. v'£T>:-v-- RULE*. - -J/l..MfmayJi av*rr tUjr,and In#*** wnount, irioner ft®, _i s’TCA laS j?|u*lw»r« bbijfl ■»b«nev»r »od.'*rUhouittOtf?f. - V.,f .r . V‘4i:'lWßM UuMirildlnTti SMc«f or«i iiffffofrtrafora, < : fciHl\ob«f;TniJite*»i in largata wnail atari*,' ,toomiw*^*^»hortlporied. J ' t ; ;;*: * ’ KVjb'iMrtf fronTDepoaitorali lnve*tsd in fjjfcj-fo****j Mo rfe aga«, Ground Rent*, and firaV atrML rhilMeiphiii.-.. , , . ai>lfl Baltimota ’Mot-? m mti '■l ’.V^i.* i)ilMh>inin ; jftfirentto -vy li.ut?/ OWilWndr W/Yoffc iw^Yoik fern Mid WaMtot BtiMto.—Deposit* ie* sifdUrf e»monhW,from»H ota»«uof t*B» f*t* offivp P« < BUT -W -tfrirtirii b£ jbli*olM Wjthont lour of in ■, - ‘ J. „ * o’«!t»k, f nd on Mon- && /’’cSim- W ®| MFMa'sifti!s»r&&V » iir the eWnfngg ' Bags ,t' J}• t > • MARRIED. ■- 1 ■ ' ' GrLPILMiY-!;ff,PATIUCK,-On, the 15ih insfc, at John Cliambers, Hood Danaghy to Louisa HaUiujihr, b ß l i,i P ß?> l lS-BKANS.-6ii'thß titli of iSwUiaw, hyltEv-;' Archibald P. Cobb. Mr, J °hn E. Du Bois to Miss PiUryr, U, Beans, aH of-this oity,- ~v , ' \p tile Itl. inst.VWf&v. G, Wokl,y jnfton Jermnn, Aioxftiider Nihlo to Sarah A. Wehb, Andrew ,L. pern, Esq,, ail of this ■ 41 &y MER-io UY.-lii toott Mi K 6hnroh,' on Bahhath | evening, July I°, bjr.the PastorrdW. J. L. Hoysinger, Mr. Wm. 8, Clrmer to Anna Guy, all of this oity. * the 15th mat.,* by- Mr ‘ Wm. .Vannhman to Miss , lIUNTI;R-Ori''.-AneuKt 14th. 1859, at 213 Hanover ■ street.ycensiMtom BY*John' G. VTllson, V; D: M. Mr.' Jl w¥m?T n w's- r a.9,fc l '^^f?Sfe\, oir 'J > 9 th £ l \ ‘hie City; * . . WARRINGTON-SKANNON.—JuIy mh. 1859, at 243 Tlnnnver jtreet. Konsinßton, liy John G..\VilHon, V. D, M.. Mr. WilhnmS. Warrington to Mas Elmira ahan- U 1859, at 242 Hanover ntroet, Kensington, by John G. Wilaon, V. D. M., Mr. James Cassidy to Miss Margaret Frame, both or this -j -i • r/] r*. c I i i'Z ; >Li\ v.‘„ j LOCK VEIL—At her residence, in Germantpwn, on thq^risth-jnBt.rLydia, rplipt ofHhe late Captain ;Got>rxe I/Ookyer. and daughter of the late George Eyre, of Ken sington.- , The relativaa/.and.frionda of the family are respect fully invited to nttend the funeral from the residence of her brother-in-lawu Jonathan ‘Wftinwnght, comer of Bpaon and Hanovor streets. Kensington, on Thursday afternoon, JSthJrjsf., at 3o’clock, without further notioo. To nrocaed to Hill Cemetery. ** HUMPHRIES.—On the I4th inst,, William L«» son of Jacob abd Susannah 'Humphries, aged 13 years, 3 months :and27d»ye. ,- r l. .. Funeral from.the residence of his parents, m Cherry street.'above;,Queen. Eighteenth ward, this CWednes dayjaftanioou.'ot ao’olocK. . 1 * * • AYKROp.—On the 14th inst., Henry Avkrod. , * ~ Funeral from his Into residence. No. 1212 Brown street, this (Wednesday) afternoon; the 17th inst.. at So’clock, without further notico. - lo proceed to- Odd Fellows* -CemMerv.'' -./I ■ * BRUNNER.—On the 16th inst., Air. Goorge Brunner, injbnTiOth year of hi«a?e. . ‘ .'• Fqneral.'from ; thf* residence of hi* son-m-law, George Cdatos street on Thursday rooming, o*jel FnneraLfrom; hiirJate resideneo. No. 253 Madison 1 street, this (WednesdarJithe 17th instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. HOLLlS,—Owthplfith inst., John Wesloy, son of Wm. ana Phebc A f Hollis, .agedZ years and, Lraonth. ‘ Funeral Irohi'.the residenre of his grandparents, Gep. and Mary A.'Ashbndgp', No. ,8036 Reeve* street, this (Wednesdayn7th inßt,f.t 9 o’clock, A. M. To proooed toßoxboroughiOemeterr. - .Me COY.—On the 15th inst.,'Dennis MpCov, in the 26th year of'his age* 5 -- ? Funeral .from his late resideucp.cNo. 233 Caltdwhill street.- below Third, this (Wednesday,) afternoon', at 3 o’oloeki. Funeral to proceed to Cathedra) Cemetory. * the 36th inst., Joseph White, infant son ofArthurand Mary White, aged SI months and 2 days, l Funeral from the residence of his parents, northwest -corner-of twentieth and-Locust streets, this (Wednea- Jqloc)fi at Bfc.-, Mark’s McCAtJLEY.—On the 16th inst, Charles, sonbf Dan’i and Ann aged 13 tndutns and 15 days.' - ' . Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 630 Lombard street, batw*eu-Fifth and Sixth, tlnsrWed nebdar) afternoon, at l o'clock; 'To proceed to Cathe dral Cemetery;:" :r: ) ■ - - - * ‘ _WILLARI£—On tho 15tb Inst,, Jesse Willard, in the, 29th year of his age. . ~ Fanoral from his late residence,' opposite the oicht mile stone* in Roxborough, on Thursday morning, 18th inst.. at9o’clock. ~ - ; .. ** , , CANNAVAN.—On'the 15th inßt., Mr. Bernard Canna -vart,aged4Byears,'’ •• • v’ - ’ Funeral from his late residence; No. IDBNorth Fourth . street, above. Master, this (Wednesday) afternoon,"at % o'clock. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery.- * -.HURLEY.—On ther 15th mst., Michael Hurley, in the 70th year oLhis age,..*, Funeral frofn his late' residence, No: 137 oms street, (late York.) above Coates,on Thursday morning, at 8)» o’clock. Funeral service and interment at St. Michael's Church. . . . .... : ** rrs 8 * NOTrCE.-THE I»IEDIBEBS OF PHILO- Lk3' MATHEAN LODGE, No. 30, and tho Order in generah.are rraqiiested* .at. their Hall, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON. 17th inst., at 2 o'clock, to attend thefuneraldfouf late Brother ABRAHAhfsUT ,TON.L ,Utf L , WM. H, COLLISBQN, Assistant Sec. r “OIRAJt® PABK.”-AN ADJOURNED Lk3 . meeting'of the. citizens in favor of the nbovo namediiUj? will be held at the. House of JOHN M. BLY- IjOR, N. W. cor. Sixth and'Brown streets, on THURS DAY EYENING. 7 AusaistlBtb,lBs9, to heaifthe repots 'of committees. Punctual attendance is requested. w „ - L. - R-‘M, FOUST, President. '-W. F. Small, Secretary. -- ; - aul7-2t* MEMBERS of LAFAY- In? .ETTE LODGE, No, 19.1.0. of 0. F.,and the in general; are respectfully invited to meet at tho Flail, corner SlAlHand GREBSON Streets, on WED-' NESDAY AFTERNOON next, tho 17th inst., at 3 .G TIhiOXI?fBYMMEr: e ' alor oilA’rlS,'Wl , rH EACiorUMBEIL ' StEKRY. A iIROWN * bo., U HANOVER streot, Boston, rMoUthtrs and Agents for the J/ntted States, To whom all Photographs or Drawing* of subjects in the. ‘.United'States,;intended for, this paper,,or Advertise ments/should be'sent, and who will receive Bubsonp-„ tiohs for, and supply the trade with the Paper in weekly number*, pdrtsj or-,volumes, and wherp a stock of eaofi, is constantly kept on hand, together with ’ proof irapres sioiwofaUfheplate*.. . . . , Terms q f Subscription invariably in ndvnntt. Neto England currency. On receipt of 87 80 lha Paper, with Portrait and Memoir* will-be forwarded tqany part of the Unitea Stafcos, post paid, for 52 'weeks, or, if pre ferred, the 62 Portrait* and Memoirs will he forwarded, neatly Wicked, to the address of the-apbßonber bbt>&- retoly, anathe weekljr, post paid* for M weeks, thus preserving these beautiful Portraits from injury, in .passing.through the post; or on receipt of §3 00, the Paper, with Portrait and Memoir, will be forwarded as AND ME, ’ The Portraits and Memoirs, tpAm «nt separately, nro not prepaid; tfif TO ft. paper. Wll or without the Portrait and memoir, is always prepaid by the pub lishers. ‘ i • • . For aiVrdntiers of business oonneotod with the Paper in the United States, address- - , -• ! . . HENRY A.RROWN k CO., ; - au3-wly; >t ; ,aM HANOVER Street*Boston. A ,GREAT AGRICULTURAL WORK.— £*• COUNTRY LIFE/By R. Morris Copeland, Esc. With .'22s.lllustration*.. This work covers the whole ground .of Agriculture, Horticulture* and Landscape Uaydehißifti jvoL, §3. A cheappi edition for 8%. .THE. LIFE Oj? JA.BEZ BUNTING. D. B, 12mo, 81. LIFEAND LiBERTYIN AMERICA; 6r, tjkelobes ora Tour jn the United States and Canada. By Charles :% a^« t H»: i Tso??e , 3 o „fot CQlorod LANiTaND BOOK. By Thompson. With nu- BSTOCKT.ON’S BIBLE KUOMS, ITS LORD; Br Rev. J. B. witsox.-..Price 73 oents. • DISCOURSES ON PBiIPHECY. Same author. ®L - STOCKTON'S BER.uOTtS FOR THE PEOPLE. 6th MINISTERIAL UNION. Singio cony ' lo< .'With Notes, Pintos, *¥AV^R^4 B itfBTAMWTS, B ‘onf orfmany vo. lamas, Best Editlpns./, F?omBJ to 810. , Stransers and Cttixtm itivitediotall. , ■ auifl-3t SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THE ■ ; V - . ' Or the-Agent will pail upon those who nomy him of their desire to examine the-Work* - .au4-lgtv TUST DECEIVED—A large assortment of' Basle a hud Bends; also, nfulllinp of IlairNetn and Bftdt.rsYijllkf-Ladies Press TmUmings r ef the latest v ; e SgulhFOyRTK, U\ door hn3' J ! - iirn.ro *i Jn«cjOf.jsjTi,3Fxri.i? at.'iCLi f, - ( .at.lv? , >r .r.-sejirwyi-t '.^V i ' ;l r; '' . ‘ BY TIIE PIECE OR' PACKAGE. JOSHUA 1.. BAILY. 2U MARKET STREET, Aul-tf ’ , PHILADELPHIA; J 4 w. GIBBS & SONS, > ' NO. 831 MARKETJ3TRBBT, -■ Are now opening their ,J . .v, FALL fe Y? INTER STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO , MEN’SWEAR;' In wliich will bn found a full ansortmont of ’ CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGS, TRIMMINGS, Ac, • , 1 ftU5-Sm .G-; OHITTICK & GO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS - ;* .■ ‘ ■’ - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 MARKET, AND ,453 MERCHANT STREETS, v Are now receiving from Europe ,tbeir FALL IMPORTATIONS, , Y • Embracing a fall assortment of good*'adapted to thb present season. These, with their home purohaees, in * AMSR I C A N V A B’R I O S',’ will enable them to offer to the Trade one of the molt ; attractive stocks in the market.' . CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS Are ~respectfully solicited to examine this stock before purohasihgi aus-fra w 2m 1859: PALL TRAD]?. SMITH. WILLIAMS & CO., NOS. SJ3 MARKET,And SIO COMMERCE STS. . Wo have now ready * full stock of . AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN FABRICS,’ ‘ o? ' • . - , OUR OWN IMPORTATION, ‘. -y And brought direct from tho Manufacturers. We have many styles of STAPLE GOODS, espeoially adapted to the SOUTHERN TRADE. . .Manufactured for, and oon&ned bxclusivblt to oubsslvbs, ' aud-fmwlra ' 1859. FALL TEAD ®aBS9. SHORTEIDGE & BRO.. (IDCCBSBOBS TO BAMMAN, SNYDBB, & C 0.,) . ■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS oy • DRY GOODS, . ‘ 430 MARKET STREET, Have in store a complete line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Selected Expressly with a view to the Interests of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, To whloh they respeotftilly invite the attention of the trade.' ; ■ „ - -Nrß.—A full stock constantly on hand, and orders will be exeouted promptly, r\t tho , . au6-2m] .LOWEST MARKET RATES. Jv, ! . ‘ pjRGESS & mead; ' • DUNDEE GOODS, B Y TUB PACKAGE. , . WOOLLEN'S AND CLOTHING' GOODS, Solo Agonb* in tho United Statoa for the sale of CARTWRIGHT & WARNER’S MERINO HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, No. S 3 BARCLAY STREET, ■ (Opposite Collego Plnoo,) 1 .. NEW YORK. GEORGE BURGEBS. [aul7-lm] HIRAM W. MEAD. 'J'ROY HOSIERY CO.’S MERINO SHIRTS AND ' 1 DRAW E R S . ROBERT E. EVANS. AO IST, , 216 CHESTNUT STREET. Jetf wfimfm ' 1859. 'autumn trade. 1859. I P* MAY A CO.’s superior colored Spool Cottons. fWMIS. Patent Hoop Skirts. GUIDO BETTINI Black Silk Sewings. J. CIjENDENNING fit- CO/a Cotton Damask Napkins LlltsEYSr 0 n '*’ TROY Hosiery,'Merino Shirts and Drawers.' _ Do. Bleached Twilled Shtrtinvs, extra fine. J. LEAVENSjfc SON’S Cotton Diapers, (infants'.) Do._' Do. 28-inoh IJlch’d Table Diapers. FRANKLIN MILLS Fanoy All-Wool Cmuimeres. CHERRY VALLEY do. do, do. • - - TWENTY-EIGHT INCH Union Tweeds, alt-Wool Filling. : COTTON TWINE. ' BLACK and DRAB COTTON VELVETS, Silk finish. UNBLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS. BOBERT E. EVANS, aaS-lm-ltaw '■ , 218 CHESTNUT Streot. WOOL SHIRTS AND PANTS, BRITISH HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES. NEW FALL- STOCK »ul*m w f-lOt REMOVAL THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY Hasbeun REMOVED To tho Company’. Now Building, at tho S. W. CORNER OF FOURTH AND WALNUT STS. suB-13t-if ' CHARLES W. COXE, Seerctary. .REMOVAL. A* • ' KEENE. STERLING, k FRANKS, WnOLKSALE DKALEBN IN „ . BOOTS AND SHOES, Hftve.removed to 413 ARCH Street. aull-6L* /'iLDBOOKS--OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS. undersigned, states that ho has frequently for sa!o 4 book« printed between the rears 1470 and 1600 5 early edition? ofthe Fathers of the Reformers and of the Pu ritan.Di vines; in Law, Broeton, Lyttlaton, Puflendorff, Jrotins, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports, to., are often to bo found on his shelves; Cyclopedias, . Lexicons, Claaaio authors. History, Poetry, Philosophy, l oienoe; Political Economy, Government. Architecture* Natural History* Treatises upon these and other kindred (object* are being continually dealt in by him. Books, n large and small quantities, purohasad at the Custom louse avsnufj- Bookstall, CHESTNUT Street, above fourth, Philadelphia., ■ i myl3-dm ' 1 ;. . JOHN CAMPBELL. RK IM BR * S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL LERY, SECOND Street, above Green, lends in ’making Life-slse Photographs in Oil as well as small Photographs and Ambrotypes. It* PROVIDENCE. WASHINGTON INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PROVIDENCE, B. 1.- Gash Assets, §370,000. A. F. SABINE. Agent, - 817 WALNUT Street. Estate of john h. juuok. de- CEASED.—Loiters of Administration on the EBtate of JOHN H. AIAUCK, deoeased, having been granteq to thq undersigned, nil porsons having claims or demands against said Estate will please present thorn, and all those indebted to said Estate will please make payment, without delay .to _ . GEORGE SERGEANT. Administrator, auW r tn-«t , , 432 WALNUT Streot. [WOTlCE.—Letters testamentary on the i v estate ofthe Rev. John C. Baker, D.D., late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been grantod to the subscriber, all persons indebted are requested to make payment,'ana those having claims or demand* against the same to p/essnt them without delay to „ y ■ XT'-,. JOHN F. LONG.Lancaster. Pd., . Or to his attorney, _ r , , CHASi,?* LEAi ausl tn7t*!. 61 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. GRAIN. MILLS —GRAIN MILLS —For the Farm and Plantation. The IRON-BURR MILL has ho Oqual for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coned, Spl oes, eto.vby hand or powor. Price 88 26 and 845* - Now in oporaton at 120 South SECOND Stioet. • Agents wanted in ovory county and State, by , 4 aul7‘lm , E. PARREL k CO. TMPROVED SPECTACLES AND EYE- X. GLASSES corroctly fitted to the Ere at . M. .T. FRANKLIN 8, Optician, -113 South FOURTH Street,.below Chostnut. -iny*Also,-constantly on hand, Mtcroscopes t Opera g!as»e9, Mathematical and Physical Sterro scopts end Stereoscopic Picture*, iu a groat variety, wholesale ami rotnil, aulC-Gt-if TWAVAL STORES—I,IOO bbls Shipping A w ‘ Rosin ; 800 bbls Spts Turpentine; 300 bbls Fitch j ,160 bbls -Wilmington Tar; SCO kegs W llmmgton Tar. Iu store and for safo by _ .? fay * ROWLEY, ABHBURNER.&COm > anld . lfl SOUTH WHARVES. |XONEY.— A Rtunli lot of yory superior .XX. Cuba Honey, in tterces. In store and lor sslo l 0 CUAELEB TBTE. 1.10 WALNUT Street. REFINED BORAX—2O cases for sale by /VVE'raEBILL <1 BROTHEH, «o«, *7 an. 4 4» RetOißjaCpNpmreel, DRY-GOODS'JOBBERS. COMMISSION HOUSES. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, LACES AND JOINED BLONDS, Buyers are invited to examine'our BRITTAN BROTHERS, 4 MURRAY STREET, Nbw Yobs'. ItEHOVAiLS. PHILADELPHIA, AuonaT 4,1859. THE OFFICE OF millinery .goods. 607; ;iv ? #. 6.t 607 - . ,r- ---nm .Hil/L-i - J i ' . , - NORTH above green, Jlna now iii atoro f jincl is dailj-roceivius and mauufaotu qr}nj: a large'assortmonfoT^o~7uV •" ' .colored,i’ANCVlace bonnets, r-Alao>a‘tftrg6M)ibrini9nt&f; : lv ; ; TISSUES, AND ' . MATERIAL FOR-FA'LL BONNETS. Also, a Rill line of Ribboiw< Flowers, Feathera, Bonnet Silks, Velvets, Satins, and new-shaped Bonuet Frames. ■ aal7-6t» ■ ' • - MARKET STREET. ■ RIBBONS, Of every kind, in immense variety; NBW BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, ORO DE NAPS, LINING SILKS, ENOLIBK CRAPES, of the best makes, FRENCH A AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac Also, neweat Fall styles of STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW GOODS, of every description, Now open, and presenting altogether the moat com plete stock of MILLINERY GOODS in this market. Merchants and Millinery from every section of the country are oordially invited to call and examine our stook, whioh.wo offer at Uie_ CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. KOBBNHBIM, BROOKS, A.CO., auio-tndvl 431 MARKET STREET. 1859. *' ALIj TBADE ’ ; 1859. A G-ABB & CO., 333 MARKET STREET, -WHOLESALE DEALERS r f in HATS. CAPS,,FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, &c., Have now in store a full stock of Goods, to which they invite the attention of /irat-olaas bnyors. ahJ6-2m* FALL TRADE. 725 : OHESTNUT STREET, 1J25 iv ‘LINCOLN. WOOD & NICHOLS, Invite the attention of the trade, specially cash and Bhort-tirae buyers, to their - ’ UNEQUALLED' attractions ■ 1 ’ - • • IN ~ ~ r , • '.FANCY AND STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &c., Ac. N. B.—Our Fancy Bonnets are all mode on oar own promises. ’ aull-Sm J, HILLBORN JONES. Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY SILK AKD STRAW BONNETS. flowers, FEATIU3RS,'RUCHES, &c. Tho attention of City and Country Dealers ia invited to a large and varied stock of tho above goods, at .. .. ' 433 MARKET STREET, au9-3m Below FIFTH. LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. JJLACKINTON WATCH-SPRING SKIRT, WITH TUB SELF-REGULATING BUSTLE The lightest and most beautiful SKIRT yet invented. For Sato (at wholesale) by STERN & FREEMAN, Solo Agents,, 736 CHESTNUT STREET. TO THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN trade. ■ • ■ . • S K IK T S '. DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, trail SKm®f° mOPPASHION ’’ . WOViN SKrRTS. . QUAKER SKIRTS. , . , „ * , .....CONTINENTAL SKIRT 9. & full aatortmentofSixty carefully aeleetedstyles CHILDREN, i ' . MIBBES, and EVANS h, HASSALL, LADIES - CI Smith FOURTH Street. THE jobbing trade. W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, . FIFTH AMD CHERRY STREETS, ADJOINING THE FACTORY, (Formerly the Friends’ Meeting House,) Invite the attention of Jobbers to their stock of Ladies’ Drees, Cloak* and Mantilla Trimmings, of Foreign, and Domestic Manufacture, comprising Plain fringes from# to Bm. Pomponette Trimmings. Panoy hoad do. l»to& u Shawl Borden, yplret head fringes. Silk Buttons. Rioh crochet 4| . Tassels. Kept Guipure laocs. Skirt Braids &0., tko. Imitation** '* ALSO, BERLIN ZEPHYR WJggTED AND SHETLAND A FULL LIMB OS' LADIES* AND CHILDREN’S SKIRTS. IKL. 80.0 Agents far RYLE’S Bpool Silk. aa3-12t FANCY PRY GOODS JOBBERS. BROTHER, & BREWSTER, 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSIERY. ■ • GLOVES, AMD FANCY GOODS.- Wo have a fine stock of Imported And Domestio Goods, particularly adapted to SOUTHSR N TRADE, To which we invite the attention of firat-olaes buyers. au6-2m . & ROBERTS, 480 MARKET STREET, ’ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, 01,0VE8, small wares, combs, BRUSHES, LOOK ING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. au«-Sm }] duhking & CO., Noa. 26 and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by euceeaaire arrivala from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS or ; , ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WABEB, WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, Andßolioit on inspection of their complete and well assortod stock* frll-am ESPECIALLY ADAPTHD TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. JJUBNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, ■ Are now opening atlheir Store, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, Above FOURTH* North side* A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OV ‘ NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS, OV THSTIt OWtf IMPORTATION and selection, wWoli they offer for wile to buyers from all parte of the United States, on the moat reasonable' terms. . aus-2m PALL, 185 9- SITEE, VAN CULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS WHOLESALE DBALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS,' Etc., No. 423 MARKET STREET, Above FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. HJARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK. Importers and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, . NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, __ , Five doors below th© Merchants’. Hotel, ..Offer for sale tho moat complete stock of Goods in their line to be found in the United States, consisting of • HOSIERY, of every grade. ' 9LOV.ES, m three hundred varieties. pNpKRSHIRTB end DRAWERS. LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS nud COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFB. & SHIRT FRONTS. , , LADIFJ3’ ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of eu- UtW.inew-ooeiKne, with an endless variety of NQ- TlOrW, to which they invite tho attontiou of FIRST-CLASS WESTERN - AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auS-3m CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. ■\yRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., CHINA. GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG- AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, Ao., delivered from the Factory AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. nufi-fm&wtf TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., NOS. 03 AND 33 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AKD Wholesale Doalors in . CHINA, GLASS, AND PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. . supplied with Glass at Manufacturer's prices. &uft-2in JJOYD 6a STROUD, i • ■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stock of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and 'I ‘ .FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, , At their Old Stand, No. 33 NORTH FOURTH BT-. four doors oelow Merchants' Hotel, to which they invitp the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS, . - W/yKHts roit TiTmvno QmiL auJ-fin TmUD-STKEETJOBBINGIIOUSES 1859. FA LLTKADE • 1859.: J. t..w a! y ,&'G o;, IMPORTERS AND JORDERS T o» ■ • ' • \ ! X) RY G O OP S. • NEW MARBLE BUILDING/ • NO. 28 NORTH THIRD STREET. -' ; Wo offer, by the paokngo or plooe'. to CASH OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS* A.yery large and attractive Stock of ; AMERICAN AND .FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Puroh ers Trill find oar stock well assorted at all sea sons of ne year.' J.T WAY, , JAS.K DUNLAP, WM. P. WAY, [aus-2m] GEO. P. WAY. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., : v' , IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DR Y GOODS, Nos. 93T fc 341 NORTH THIRD St„ ASOVB RACE, Wools nbw inform their oustom’srs and the trade gene, rally, that their stock this season will be - UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE. ' ' ans-tm . - . JTJNGEKICH & SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 48. NORTH THIRD STREET Honey, and Loverlng’a Syrup always on hand. aus-2tn ' gOWEB, & CO., : ■ PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN ■MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. 3T NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, Publisliors of Pelton’s Spendid Series of ’ . . , „„ „ . OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS.'" DH. EMMONS’S NEW o AMERIOAN AtANUAL OF . Rimlora* Now Resdera. ‘ Greenl’eaf-a and Brooks’ Arithmetics. 4t0. ; Blank Books, .Writing, Wrapping, Curtain, and wall Papers. * • - aus-3m 1859.; LUDWIG, KNEIDLER, & CO:, . ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF' BRITISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, ■ NO. 36 NORTH THIRD ST., ABOVE MARKET, &U6-13t WKSTBIDB. JJENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA, 'J'HOS. MELLOR & CO., NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS ojr ENGLISH, FJtBNCH, AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, 40 aus-3m (CHAMBERS & CATTELL, NO. 33 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, AtfD MANUFACTURERS OF CITY CALF AND KIPSKINS, Morooco* and Linings, Oak and Red Sole Leather. aas-lm LAIN Gt & MAG-INNIS, liIPORTEHS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTING 3, AND SHOE-MANUF.ACTURERB , ARTICLES; - Sewing Machine Silk, Thread and Needles. NO. 30 NORTH THIRD ST., • Agents for UPFJELD’S PATENT ROOT-TREES, aus-3m Pbtbr fiiKOBA, Wm. 8. Baird, Jostjf Wirst, Jacob Ribobl, - D, B. Ervin. JJIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO., (Late Sieger, Lamb, A C 0.,) . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or ' DRY GOO DS„ No. 47 North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, OUR FALL STOCK la now oompletein all its departments, and ready for Buyers. Prompt paying Merohants from all parts of the Union are respectfully solicited to call and examino for themselves. ' aus-3m YARD, GILMORE, & CO., NOS. 40 AND 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, f WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. auASm CURTAIN MATERIALS. Q.UILLOU, EMORY, & CO., NO. 33Y MARKET STREET, Importers and Jobbers of HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, TOWELLINGS, Ac., Ac., CURTAIN MATERIALS, And Sole Agents in Philadelphia for HUGUENOT SHEETINGS. . auM-Jm rpO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS,. ntmxo WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, WINDOW-SHADE 'FIXTURES, CURTAINS, or CURTAIN MATERIALS. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT STREET, Offers for inspection to buyers a full line of the above goods, manufactured and imported expressly for the FALL TRADE, Which are offered to the Trade at prices that defy competition. au!2-6t GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS* QENTLEMEN’S TURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS* TRIMMINGS, LONGCOPE & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, / • , Hare now In store a Bill assortment m their line, to which they invite the attention of thofr Customers ; and buyers of such goods. - aus-2m J£ # C. WALBORN 6a CO., (New) Nos.» and 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURERS SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRESS STOCKS,-ETC. Dealers in every article relating to the GENT’S FURNISHING BUSINESS. rayl7-3mif ’ J' SCOTT—late of tlio firm of Win • chentor & Scott—GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 Street, (nearly opposite the GuardHoubo,) j!w!tf! would respectfully call the attention .of his former patrons and friends to hto new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A -perfect fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fane Shirts and Collars. jy2Wy MARBLE WORKS. MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS. Has oonetantly on hand a very largo assortment of MONUMENTS, ENCLOSURES, and . GRAVE-STONES, Of various designs* made of the finest ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLES, Which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Is also prepared to executo orders upon the most favorable terms, and respectfully invites tho publio generally to examine his stock bofore purchasing elsowhero. ADAM STEINMETZ, Monumental Marble Works, -' RfDGB AVENUE, below Eleventh street, aplB-m w f-ftn ’ Philadelphia, POLITICAL* PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT r of common pleas; ' JOSEPH C. COSTELLO, i Of the Second Ward. WTSnbJeot to Denyioratfo rules. nugl-W WANT'S, SALESMAN—BOOK-KEEPER—CLERK. by an energetio young’ Man, l r corrcpp( V nd,n S m all modern languages. Beet city.rofereiiceH.from present employers. Plea.*? -address CUAS., ROTH & BRO., 304 North THIRD u - au!7-2r WaSHHI-By - a young Mun of 21, a ,'*’j situation.irtjy wholesale Houso, (Groceries pre ferred.) Ife has .been,accustomed to the work of a country store, and lately selling Dry Goods to the city trade. Salary moderate. Address “ Industry,” at this office. 1 - - anft-St* Wm-By, a; good SALESMAN, a » v situation in a Wholesale or Retail Dry Goode Store. Willingtogo South or West.' Address “,T. M. H. office of The Press. •; ", , ' nul6-6t* —TO IRON-FOUNDERS & VjVVV* MACHINISTS;—A party would invest the above amount and accumulate to 320 000. os an activp official Agont, in a tcellHStabUshed business. Reply with real name, stating time and plaoe of inter view, until WEDNESDAY, at I, 1 # o’clock P.'M., at this office. Address “ Maohinist.” au!6-2t* \^TANTEI)— -A young- Man (a graduate in . * v the Hiirh School preferred) to assist in a Count ing Room. Address 1 *- Box 896, ’* Philadelphia Post Office, with roforencc. - - - -■ -. ,-. . auIB-St* To SOUTHERN AND-WESTERN MER has imd £ve or six years oxoariance in the Dry Goods nnd Notion business, a situatidn in the South'or West, South preferred. Can give the ’boat of reference, Ad dross •* C. B.” at tho office of this'Pfttfeft' ' • ‘ au!6-2t* XjV’ANfED— In a White Goods/Jobbing 7 T House in MARKET Street, a LADI6 to 18 years of age. -One of some experience preferred.' Unexcep tionable., references win ue required. - Address ** Box 688,” Post Office. ; L . auls-3t*‘‘ ITTHE ADVERTISER, wishing-to extend -**’ his business, is desirous of having a PARTNER who can command n cash capital of in a country store," doing a good cash, trade, in'an interior town of Pennsylvania. For particulars,'address “Penn,” office of this paper. aulMt* - '^7S/ r ANTED—A' 'situation "as; Book?kee£er or Entry Clertin a Jobbing or,Commission House, by an experienced Penman., Satisfactory reler enco given. 'Address “E-E." at this office. anlo-st* ■WANTED TO EXCHANGE for iraproy - ; » ed city property, free from incumbrance, 150 acres of excellent FARM LAND, located in Gloucester Co., New, Jersey. The Railroad from CamdenloDridgeton, shortly to be laid,-passes within a short distance of the land., For further particulars address J. K.; office of The Ptism, , • JeSl. ron SALE AND TO LET. M-. fFOR RENT A large, second-stoiy ROOM in the Iron Building, W 5 CHESTNUT*St; adjoimne Chambers of tho Board of Trade. . Apply to ASHTON’S Commercial Agenor. - .aaiq-3t^ m' 'TO/LET —In davs, now occu . pied—a desirably DUELLING, 318 UNION- St. below second, eoutaimtig 10 Rooms, Kitchen on first floor? Bath, with hot and cold water? perfect order; lately Pamted.and .Papered throughout; Gas, Route, good Yard, &c. Rent 3350. Apply from Btolo AS M., 619 VINE Street. ’ • -. _ ' • aa3s-3t* '. TO LET“TIio very.* extensive CELLAR ofStoroNo.6os MARKET Streat." Apply ort tho* premises; . , > ■ ■ _ -■; v - aull r l2t* - lssa Clmmborlam, as the immedi ate and notive Principal, is I think, may be re tied on to do faithfully all that it promises. The situa tion is healthy, beautiful, and easily accessible by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Dr. Killikelly has hail large ex perience in superintending tho education of young la dies, and Miss Chamberlain brings to the institution the well-earned reputation of a most competent and suc cessful teachor* as well in importing knowledge ns to administering discipline. Tho Seminary is, therefore, I thiuk, entitled to. the confldenoe of the public, and I hope will receive it, • 1 FOR TERMS, which ate very moderate, please ad dress the Rev. Dr. KILLIKELLY, Rector, aul-flw Paradise, Lanoaster county, Pa, Harriett brown will reopen HER SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in the Large ami Airy Rooms at the N. W, coi“. of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets, opposite Penn' Square, on the sth of Ninth mo. (September.) Circulars can bo obtained at No. 1339 FILBERT Stroot. ' nuH-lm* rpHE HEMANS.INSTITUTE., J- Tho subscriber will open SEPTEMBER 12th, at No. 1316 WALNUT 6TREET,-lus Snitoot for the higher education of a limited number.of Young Ladies. Parents to whom he is not personally knowu are referred to Professor C. D. Clonveland, Professor Chnrlea-Short, Rev. H, J. Morton, D, D.» Rev, WinTß. Btevena, I>. D., Rpv, J. P.B. Wrinier, p , n Rev. H, A. BoardD. D-, Rev. Wm.H. FurnCss, D. D., and others. - jygl-2m ' • JAMES I. HELM, . The misses oasey and mrs. ber. an< * School for Young-Ladies, 1703 WALNUT Streot, reopens WEDNESDAY, Sep tember7th> . - > • quz.2in BRYANT ; & STRATTON’S NATIONAL. .MERCANTILE COLLEGES, Iwatod at Pldla- OOlplim, 8. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT! New l ork’i BuSaio. Cieveland. and Citioago. For in formation. oall or send for Catalogue. fe9-tf SSI MR. -TAMES lIANSELL, HAVING oJatRETIREID from business, bees to roq,uostnll per sons who hove loft Jewclry or tl atehcs at hi? Store, No. 705 MARKET Street, for repairing, to csU ior them nt the Store of Mr. E. IIOLDEN, No. 70S MARKET St, whore all friouils nnd former customers of Mr, J. HAN SELL may ho accommodated. - • • , 'an!o-2t* Mackerel.— sso lld. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, in whole, half, and quarter bbls. Ori ginal packages. c. C. SADLER & CO. :?I5 onal Property. All lotsoß HbornUy nnd promptly edjruneo. _ . George Abbott, a»orfon, S'S’ Ktrick Brady, , ■ p ‘ ,utno T' oSoROB ABBOTTr Pr'e>i4ent. .THOMAS R. MARRIS, Secretory..jeJ3-ly if ('IHEESE. — 325 bOxesr-ilerkimer county J cbeeee. in emro “”> l fo g»> B b i DLEJt & co ., anril ARCH Str.eht, (wcond drier above Front. BAY ]t [7M.—5 puncheons very superior Bai Rum', in store and for sale bv aufi ‘AttyMg&iW South FsoNTBtre*t,