ui whi A > .WeU>apj)ointed ; lacattaUji wtijtb, foot, wbU bag to lield ttith which. ‘ be gcon lujvaiu' Joying- jngt left his, carriage; i)l'tic/ffc - s«i«s too clewomjt-' white, tile . nnj waged hint •r < flofl&pjdffatoes* ot: ■ hi profo'untbi&Sfaf sert?®iiti®Stare:ilvio half, «n,ho«i:,ih tyliioh] ' ho S»& - 'pahs of side ■ him. ; Isissc-SasOrgreitlyiaiamiod; at this ./ ishe4.(&.x>et<:ojiii«MffiS?jffiS?@|ms »-ero.p{aceff, ' TJi^Sfco.lrcadhro^wc.wH|j!*ye<;tteiiiVttiß' . . feuS^limc^eaVlehj^hrfiQexcei^ though in a* trefit^^yoibi-Vwh^^wi^sieutXppJ^d ■^•'t . mauds t& *ft ifo tmifc / woSmot his owii.bufc apjwiii^^&.tc^ccpV^tSC^ifes^’S^iriiiitoui rcpjiqcf, Anotnerrnjavtor ol an "hour’s silence > last ■ bcU-ryapodauti two.wrVajda m white; stilfcmore,l>y.the enonnouB ; blooa-lctting thus who -venture on the begged, to bleed-from-tllo foot/ and warm-water was 01S deied for (ho ojSsiafiimT islSitftlhKi (ho'- jtliftriSf tom'ti’Si?o'ifn ! jmrr6’t:rooeeduiK. to audl/jitfttvh^a^^o; j Ute rotoH;T^ t^ raising; his eyes, the mirror <)Vcriitfi''cliiiJiney-pieco'itliat‘flio wlijtq flgjij&i was advancing towards him on alarm became still more violent when, with a' siuglosprih^'thoA'Erifi^f^StrorySriciiffloso Jence,as Ins. movements seemed to muleatc, lie merely took fronlrthoi'chimttcy-pioeo live crowns, thmu to.Utesnrgcpn, demand ing at tlie same* hiftc ii’he sVassatisflcif? Isisse, who would have inadotho'ganiiS answer hailillo* rceoiyetlTlmt live aons, ' jthijt/b “tiTeit, then,” said the spectre, « begone abontf. • your business,” ; Isissii, as may bo imagined.. did 'fectW' ? nv.i ’' - . raon e BI FJIAXQEa.Aj ».?•<■» 5 m $h • KK : SOUS-IMPORTER, p|W««SSS wai^’m’w. smmp j^ssasSwi!# to & CdUar, {ftHdeWNlrtitfrjio!B qtry! l * * Tito aartwlhty.of for rric ® B*' \! ; j;;^ awor^a f at thoaiflereni:]Sjjm|^ttttefi?p!fitm^'l iivono •#» -" fifaS** I *•§«f^B r,fe P tr^e^^B o^ e Grant. E0t.,333 ,\ - y _ ■'.-^■’('-•'vi.jj.r—r. T)T> JOSEPH A- WTiTiPR t isira-SETS • -•'•'v** '£*K'l'P LfeklVE' '£&*,« TIpUVR rroin l N(;W, sM rs W3tw, '•NeW'Ga*l{6ijar)v,BaHei'froin, ' i(iftjfBft‘onrCiearujßgoBj' - wit^ V.-,* \ !', ineJll riajrsiVomSt John; NB, IWeHs>&*G6. * *;.■-*» •» • {'Havana, via quarantine,'to, >*-)??[ . y _ , I 1 , 1 * *’ / i ;•/ m’diS •daVs from Haverhill, in tml-, ;&’Co.: . ' l' 4 c » 1 ?!? mPoiniive ' r ’‘r jlcr/fyom NpfwioU.’ •-_• ~, l dm Kevr-J&ven. '■■ 1 * J -1 •a,. 4 ifoQvhortT, from Newport. * ; n, 3lulKorlhwtoti, L Rnthermel A C 6. fyqble^Hotn^jtfc I^e/New^iw'SlonicSKonuV'Glove r l . :r ,: femfeifc,.. * Apdourio3;j! r( >i'lP e P»M6i, W. t fi'' > rt,'A liroveif Jr. i * r 4adenrinoUoh«»gnWni'f i }**■-•$ i' "" rlftcamwup Oooait Qnoon, via New Yorklfit mht. -stt* ‘neWpHßaxoniaiEhlore, New-Yorkv arrived ‘Bo^Tnomtis 1 Bailot^jj)illi ( ltcncoat LnsUayVa-'oUSut' 4m«d at, Chaneefe^ *jin i * ,**\ , *, -* ~ \ raha Bye, Nich’olnon, OharWititorV-»Uibit.,,! < i ‘ - <-i ' St|hr>^lay ,-J\ , hence, orayed at TjC, Hooperi hentfe, arrivcd at Hcstoh rf^J^^^r^pV^VokeTentt ti Portland kith . j n, "’■, r,j . s oht^i^hA i TptliWYauaxr‘heaea at Baker’s Land-'! . RU-Or Toilt ; ».f 0 for ritila ! • " ■* '• lsf ;-•- Noy^ork ,* Sohr,Hcnrieita,Bram.in, hence,' arrived at-Ne^rport' 90(11 nit. !'.' j j 4 •,, * ~j - I * nt Provi i , na x 'S , Bro'a'n,Brpxv'n.fi'lid Jojiii *P I, Bavin* UnUott, Pauie! \vilUflTnn, (irant, fbr uo l° r o from Providence aotUult. k for PniißMlnWKe'fttiA ■ «?« e» 3 ® - -arrivedat TnUrt- lterteKArrit'ed at'Tft\mton3o}h«lt ! .; Pch^EltafeßudlWjJiopkiiWKhence.for'.Baietir/atN'err ' j Jwt'oitei vJfeficfei it’A'iiif . lijrijiriammat. r-c.i.„ r :,..j u -< *.(>;»., 1 * s, a^rivfeahtAlixan- bi hmurnl ('rtnfipiitr- iTtJf.bufemrfia 'or ilit; iir/n *ijl ■be sanwl-M- WSCTH,B.|ripogU&'.t, »SBs®i to uHO tlwmsittaontio tfiainnTilitlAtTfrli.b- !■ Ai'aiSSe,■’>'• ®B»faOi.KMsi% «, r fwly .. *, „v : iroiiyffim) pjaißOsta.,. ; 'ffoB&?P|fc ii. ftAN'SON w ill continue theToicioco (bom-, | #vime{ . i^ofiijf;dM':i'ESNlsoaE,‘::; ,r '':; ,;i: Ip' tbi« day UMiieiaUd WHh GEORGE BOLWii; S£ : pisx-‘ .o«ijd4fte>(U,GO!imii*i’iotti!u«m<*6s- .. .. " • ■"‘ ‘ ! ' f’fa-MBftjSo Off; .o I J. iyi-iffif fifes ■® tfBr ' gr,ilt liriucoiuoiin to caiA amiJktrt Hint f-!.:!( v>';* t,, ’-, #tpoM» Jjw JOHN.K. CUADwfqKvjbr irtWl^C-^^rrei'K-riINSdRANGK^ %lEB, SUKEIKKCAteijUAKb I^SURAjfCK. 4aussfeap?a,e& j- .1 Ms#lK&ws. ry ''■;:. * fc«&;/v X? "«s»**', Foster H.l’wW.Vv' !. -jr. B. Co«shni!. ■ ! foUluot Jqned.-M'. P,j • ;-';.-ajn. %M. Fuller.' '.nul liJ-OWAHDFniE'ANUJfcUUNS-IffSU-- jlws. L. I.uJ°t'rr; ' ! ®' ;o ‘!i?nu F; ; TJ«cf’h, 2 ft-km o u sahr ■/ PfWffIBV,*HPSJBW •«••• j ; .Gv&fa^MB^rßteisy>.'j;x-o; gfWJETAIN' MATERIALS AND TEIAE *lr - f*S9® °i?.'.with food strong fixtures. Straiixcrs are reifisetfaUjr Invited to examine our kimkls. Wholesale r i y*» H. OAIIRVJj k BRO.. Lit te c Curtain Store* Masonic Hall, ...frwfif No. 73) Chestnut street. U&bh&& 6g'*? ( S^ CTjftTAINS.—-A largo assortment S«» o iOT ft,ld . e, % antr J fis i? nafl n‘' finest Quality. from Rxft-^Si 49 ft pnir.'Tusselß, jioops, Ui!t Cornices,Bands, U^vn , iW 4 ?‘ s,^L“^ ve ry t 9. I , ,,s . re^uir^d for furnishing ’’owe*:L price to the most expensive. J . ‘. r . r ' L . „W. H. CARRYI. & BRO.. pU-tfiC CurteuiStore.r 19 CHESTNUT tjtroit. IIKuSS pffin." r ‘” C I,lckt,u ’ ty> mA c fnU nldbtin aohair. \}y am>e[jsa ll H* r " terul t°J°» fox tto rMtatnu i T r" B-'WEBi Tgbnctrmfjt,' - Thitrt fcttlPVValpftt .tti>sb§f/ BWiy®s..^aO' hlinWK ifss->ib!*'iahtt ISO WSRft’. t “ w *"• wIfSJMS frIJ >» sootJi wifAavi'j, A lt,I• t-..•■’> U»-r>’tS!^WSn.- - fIOAMOF TRADE.; / ; ri s t.\. ■»— tizLIV.A V ’* vW'^V'.V x> .1-V-, „-. tj' yv l .Vy .IjirorvobU Auk 25 5....... Rio do Janeiro,ooon so.;,;«t.,Jnso tUf-Cpha, Mxm. irddua.. Atatanzns, -to. boon LUMBER. / nAAAi^n.’V^A/tWVWN^MWV^Vh'VVvVvwy^wV^yyv'* 185!). .^r..,.,.,- ' ! OHIO SUItiPHIiR BPIUJW3. ‘ 6PF.XTO VrSTTERS fyjyiKtNG HEALTH OR PLEA 1 SUKEt FRgAE .OCTOBER Ist;., , \ j 4 CcbxMOVA TIONFOn QQQ 'viSlTSfis'. 1 :• THi':oirroVjnfeß7;Lpirra l 4pfji^osai-u^ti l a 1 *•?}« »nilea nqrlh of Cohmibus.fth -capital of QhioJ dfc the Scioto fh‘rtr,'io'mi!e.i from rota ® w l ® the White-Sulfur station. on tho Brainf!fieW,Mt.‘Vernon#and Filtaburjr Railroad, and 10 jnileA from PlensafctJVWldy or Soring station,fen the Co lufnbua, I’iqua, nml IndianaJlauroaU. , / Inc' inedicnml qunUtlosof Ihead'Springs areunsnr £w\edS&tep° other-Mineral Wators in tho ForJloom, or' other information, address ‘ i a « .. . - - ANDREW WILSON, Sit.'* ' joS-Sm* -(- . White Sulphur Springs, Ohio., 'jJjRIGANTINE ttOTJSE,, Tf HENRY SMITH* Proprietor. : ■ ! BRIG ANT IN E BE AC H, >\ J, 7 Thin is Vniosfc delightful resort’for fn milieu. The 'lMthm;wit this point is unexcelled nnywhore. A larve ’Hotel, the BRIbAN IINL JIOUnk, hna boon recently built. the locfttidu is,ci}dl a Mldollnitlm, beins.«itouted between the Bayrnufthe fieoan, ’Fme lishmg and gun -mng throughout the season. q Toroi?ssperweak.T';- - • r Captain Turner’s new boat, the “Sea Bird,” awaits .pakdcnKorßat thqlniet on. t}uv arrival oTlhe morning • train at Attantio*City, Rom Which tf.O BRIGANTINE idIDUSL is situated rv.dirtarteo' of three miles, being a will.find Capt. Turner S P RINGS,' ’Jii:LANtJASTER-€bBNT\\PENNA,- ; ' r Thts favorite establishment will be tincftod by tlio first rofOUNEv. Situated Oil j wile* wont of>nulndqlphia', IS-KOujn df Rowling* 13 north of.Loii • ea«ter/40 en&ttorHafrismirifrnnd-haYiiigthß advnntftgo ofUuattdfestSiUVwatcr,every Variety of Ivitlis, thA site ClavMod to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded and ..shady-walks }n donsa-forests, and the most extensive, ilaridadapenuenery'itt the' Umch, itia hot surpassed'as h •ulnmorroaidenco. •'i - • „., Aocamniodatiuha - for *OO, persons; improved stabling, ami good jC&rnwtp, liqusqa:. ptyu, iv ghod stock; of livery« and carriages, with nmußolrients,- A kwhVbancf of jniuflic, billiard tables. lon-tun alloy. Utio'eiwf di* no*; all tho nbove polntsf by railroad n»u ouches. /The proprietor spares nothing to thaw it A/bomo-place ■ foicomfdrt ana health, „, . ~, ‘ . , ' -’•For filrther paißemals.'sea rirpularß. to be had by ap • Piling, B. Myers, Third and Vino streets; Jas. fF** ■ f \ ' ' • • EphrntA PoatOihoe, ibTi3«3m < • Lanoaster County, Penan. WOUSTON'S i ' - ■ •'•.. - • lfOlffeU spaciOOs add.favpriVb lesort of visitors to Cape May has passed irtlO Ihd hands of t < l COL. BAMUELT. HOUSTON, ’ i (Lntoofßnrnain.'sCitrJlotel,) And will bo thrown open m tho puulio on 1 ' 'i’he long experience of tile/*OoJon'efinlhin.coAiiecUoh peculiarly fits him for tho successful cbftpuoting of such . a house»;Wluhs ho by the \*ery bestaids,' PlPo«ffld»., %: ■- >>. > house has MCn outirely-renovaUcL and decorated ,ui Jtbe most sprgeqjw’mamter, ahd hiMjgdftionts made •ft)f tho supplying of tho lardtfr. ftndnho wjno collars with, .all ombihoed indhe terms'6ubswdtialftWaiUj(arfoi.''’Wo l»lqr»thß'iienfon,itdVer. -,7 ' „ ; Ive-ini’ 'O£J) LOJK.’S . HO-i'BL, . ~ Y ; ATLANTIC CITY, NHVIf JERSEY, h At the on‘ thd lofti beyond fthi Depot. This House is NOW OPEN for Bourdors ’ - ,c Qmce lsetfloason-Aho.iChrimbarc hare bocn very miich . improved, and rendered tnore comfortable by Venetian blinds'hrfvmgifoeft pat up at the - - • * v ChacrM modomto. * UWldron and Servants half price, shonrd'koeu their seats until the cars nr- UiUUo.Hotel, The'slgns arc conspicuous. 1>J r"i’ ■ ■*« '**• : ■■*■■■»■• i■’ ■— -ii.i i ' i * i fflflß JIANSION'HOUSE., . , - .This.weU4aidirtv establishment,,tl»e favorite roeort of •cH Seiis, -.htw lately undereono, extensive jyodavM, aprtits.now oife’Of jkhp mprt pomtnotlipiißv elo ing.::(Il8-acconuuodattp)iH.ftre,, iiret-clfw>.i,' ■ the r roortui ppaoiqus and, Airy t and thft s tab!a t leonstwjily iWvpued ..with air the luxuries 01 the oonson. Persons doeirous ‘of spending a.fow,weeks in tho summer in an: agree*, . able arid cconomiral,manner-:ediililnot do hotter than maV. a trial of IfOtIRBON'S MANSION JJOUaETftt Readings. > , ,n,. . u-. • TVEPl'li®! '-HbljSfe, l •■ * A v ’' 1 , • , ATLANTIC CITY J?s’l!iSoiEDmW RKKUftNISII'&'; ftn6\?tSmwo opn ifqrJthoJ'en*«ii‘, J JU Rooms are lsros, nod klkoaSily r every convomcnco and comfort for so riournersnthand.",., 'fhikHoitfo mljoins f‘.BBDWR’e/’ bn',MASSACia r - SKTiiT eonvepient distanneof tho surf,. L fo. reach.which broad and solid gravel .walks hftvo boon iauioUL.lt iajuuncebl to tho Lighthouse, and commands ,a fmo YiQW'Gf,thfiOeeanandlnlot. su.ui?Htft:'iAiiib yiAiA -■ iV f "JWiI’KOTBDJOB, ftV^W&.IfSOiGAKI’A'., , are-HpWopen.iwtt tip. ,JlHrriab»rg; . tnenCo <\h flie -Oumuorhind valley * rond 'io • Newville;, thence ftdlilca stp-cmg to tho Sprints, whpro you urrhn iu$TVM', snmd dny. Every arrangement is complete' .lor visitors, Board pcrweeV, $3; per dajr-, fti:23; Ro duotioo. for Stool, Morton MeslicmicLßancrofh.& C0.,11. H.Jivmnoy, Jr,, A Co. . Rofcreneo to tlie-Analysia of the Waters, JnmM C. ;Eooth, J Anrtlyticnl Profoseor of U. 8. Mint. ' - . it Address Newville lh 0., SCOTT' &. COYLE, . r je?.*3mM:'! > ” ' , Proprietor. . GEA UATJIING.—THE MANSION -fo the aniAtdnt grounds. thlß'hdusoiis unrivalled. Tho ' 3 prßpnotdr has spared fiA pnins In iualdhgthfe ILAeI ail that could l>e desirrfcl by vifiiterS, ~ , , , '■ jol-3m • ; r - R. LEE. arl 1 s.h j.. White, sulphur )g\‘lY\MA aS ’ CWNT-f. PENN ; r. ! ,n ',>>r i*,>nrrt for tJ.Moniqinder nt •tills dqi.tbiful l)o 97 t».BB.por SaoW- Vi-ilfr-; PKn.tl.lpVa’ ot JtaUimore in .fl.m-lrlting trmn, arnv/i ntJI.B SprintfntS M. -> , J;i«-3n- OWJIX,-C/,A.vb«NIN, & CO. dEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL,, CAI'K, 181. AND, OAJ’E MAV. N, J, ■ .. Ills nmy, tarie, liiid airy huilso in NOW Oj’E\ fur .S-Ijitcw, It n disliijwicteilirilrifomfdrt,lilcnlUjr, nhd ' eul'i'nnraciiiiinfmMt'OinA'i, Ndh Afegft rom fotSOo per tSßdcV.Tn; . a. • . i , AAitQN OARRKTF.OX. rwipriUdr. OEA BA Till SC— ~ ->* -ATLANTIC CITY' •• SBoe.lnß friends who may favor luro vitu their patronage' rsae#***",- t- - »m«.e:oAKinni.- jidEA UAl’iiisd.' - 1 .• y&sk.A*.-i in ,raTEHliBT ;t -SA.TIO?fA> ftififity WU)S« COM JJAN V i?VV ALKVT; Slreoi, Southwest corner ofTllfltD, f fritadelpain. i>y tuo State of Fennsylva ir MonOyrJn received in any miim large or sfttalUand'm- irom tbe aay of deposit to tuo day of with* ■ifhe oTfcse, is'open every day ’from o’clock inthe onormmf tili 3 O'clock in tlie ovontug. uad on Monday ‘audThursday oyennifestiliao'clnek, w; , -, - V„L, iv ' . DJUKCTOBS. - ,7, @}f»« tWjrtyfLjßaiWeri ‘ • F.Carroll Brewster, i; |dwaWL.ynrtof,'s Joseph B. Barr, RalwrtHolfndro, - r , . - FraucirLoe, • SttimieiK/Asfiton*i.i: ' Josoph Yorkes, „ r 3 _ 7 C. Landreta Mumw, Henry Dmondorfer; 1 7 - Money ip? rpumyed and paymonU made daily. ; ‘ ?;' The inveHtraents J nre maae,' in 'Conformity provisions ofaiio Charter, in Real Kdtnto Mori/ncon, Ground Renta, and snob firSt-clnCs Fdciitiiiob as will ni* ;ww«. irtecimnwirteat' socumy to.the: depoSitors./atur* -wljioh cannot Tail to givd permoncHoy auditability to ;thfe JiydtUiliQnu » .<• . , , aul-iy ■WAVING FOND.—UNITED STATES Ajl layST COMP.VNy, o'oinor THIRD and CHEST. ' - T,titte-npi tiMll'irutoa tocoiwdi nmi‘ 'iwld ! (n?t on . eSK'Qty’Ru JW** Government ; State.,aha City Loiinsj Orouju] Rsnf»,Mortgaseji, F ■ This Compand'deem*.' unfeij Bettor 'thoniarsre j profit-cousoaMentiywillmnno.mkwitlidoposw 1 , lorn’ mpney, but have ft at all Linos ready to re © i turn wlh Spot cent,interest to the owner/a* •ft they Jiavo-afveays, done. ThUCumpaay never jp siiepeuded. »- « ,v. •? ~ r •. i\.* * F , „ Pem/ueSj inarnetl or single, and Minons'cßn c deposit mtjielrotrnTight,ami miohdopoutsean **n Wkwithdfiwnxyxi;v,bjr thoir ~ , 2 -ChaTter mfeettittlr IneotmsVaUd by the State .5 i of Pennsylvania, with authority toroeeive hil*- s! »a»a aßdstvto.-. 5 I 1 ? 00 P»*A daily .frbm 9, to 3 Veloek. ahd on 3]i untilSo’clk. *5 : ' '••fcUflfistoSa.f •••"- • •2 ‘ Cyrus Cudwadader, 2'PSmKjU': *&&&&' ■. : ■•; ps&masiM, ■ imwib; -' j Job. Jt fcatherthwmU, Eph.raitn ilikiicfinrd, * ■ r ;„ 'f, hScds ID Cvftt;# Cab WAti»Ai)kß, Treasure!’. j dlB-f. • ... i( A Dollar .avod is.twice earned." dfelKti SAVTNG BUND SO - of Pini.Ania.rHTA. - .; , j .. , Ortiro. filial) stteet 'liopositHMceiTpil iimtinw or One Dollar mnl uiiwnrd., Ur&wAtt , r» I. ‘ . The Mnhtiirbrs; m orgariifW aitillotolinit It, havo boon go-ep.cJo-lK.llvtealcrroto occoHmMalo'.tlia tiuri netamtofrat njif-ftfintaort ia vorr.liirae anil enterpiD T l^^AwA!6S'-®!BT! ' ‘= ■- v : i '/. - vaAXAoßas.* ' - Frederlcl! melt,' - Steplien Fmtth," ■ „ Jo) w i'. l,av) , ... Hon. 11. K. Strom;, • sa r ' . . •• ssbb#* : P Loaaplt M. «mw f 11,. , lion, Win. Miltaml, & t-n bpor. .'loo. T.‘ Thorn, j■, , f«tet°.Mja«lj|» r , , - ' Itoliert B. Davidson. . •L " .. ' '■* JAMES 8. PRINGLE. President.' ; j- ...••, .;[°%tfii: J•' •>; CABINET WAHE; ..• ■ / gjjAMNETliTOlNii^^ a!/„TABU!S.-t';ai! 1 - J' 1 •■... •• ' • ■■• ; & CAMPION, ' No.'soi SOUTH SECOXD STirEKT, ' tn.eonneelkmvritb thelroxtenshu Cnbmet Ituviness, nrd nowmahQfaoturtwftKuiveHot'.irtielehf^ - • ‘ , ro : ii- f "j * billiard tabtjEs/ - nr V l rfe, fl T? rt . W a9' l te9«*'wU fnifiptf, limsh'cd’vfth' • For tho ijuAlity am).finish r.f these frs^ U I ' er ‘ t ?-r l * ,, fiP l L r,Jlor^l ) (f V nt t f>^8 .“ £° , ? n » fßnii , .iat''Wi!]f tho Oheraoier'Of their . . ■><.. ■ ■ -• jyaJ-Cni - ’! J’aint ' sx6Sa2i H);JKiUri« Witoi. iibigy lltiri-ihg, iissortctl. ,b'nwulfl» instore amlfor sale -by >'! jA .*' iI; A ,. iy.jg - . ;■> •■ - •33gSOUTHWHARVES.' : .rVINi]S.A Woll-flHSOftlkt ktOpk of* (M* {f JrW M Water Btrect, and 2SMWltarvee. •INSURANCE.COMPANIES. •QRTHEBN 'ASaUfiAtiVR' COMPANY,.' ' .'‘"ebtabljbped nt uw. •• , FIRE -Akti tipfe; INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: )NP,ON,. AMnpiiEN K J : :DINnURaiI, ; GIiAS OOW, WirLADEIiPJII^.' CAPITAE, $6,5208,800. . an.n'Ual' ixcomi; pjpwards of 91,000,000. ,l»;«,tUo unlimited liabilities or Bhrly 1,000 Shareholders,. , , losses. promptly adjusted Sind pjiid without rcfereuoo > London,,by William getty, • -AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES.'' FITCENoI 87 SOUTH THIRD StMRT’, ♦> I WUtAJHSMIJtt.- > ; j . ~r. , . .KEPERJIXCES. ~, " , , iMbssW. STUAET & TlßO'Tinm, 13 Bnnlcstraet./ ■ ! IItYERS, CI, ; AOHOHIt; tc C 0..-&! MAtkSt si. ' “ ' IVH; MiKiK k UO,, 23 South Front street, i " McCUTCHEN fe COEMNS.'S. -IV. eomer j Froiil hhd Jfew'streets. ■ SMITH, 'WIIiLIAMS,'«; , CO.,.SI3'MurIiet'Bt. JAMES OKAHAM »-. CO.',2olim(ial.eti!iii»t. JOSEPH JJ MITCHEBIj. Eaq., Presiilonf Mcehamo.” • ’ I ' lf .Y . ' ■JAMES DUNLAP, v Esg.» President Union BaVk. , Hon. WILLIAM A. POUTER, 6*3 iValiiut street; lato i Judge SupfomcCourt. * jye-tuthAstf 'iB^.iNSURANCJE.' JHTNAt INSURANCE COMPANY* «f. , Hertford* < . > ■ • ' ‘ ' , > 1 , Oft«!i AaMts, Juiti 1,18M......81,6(17,020 08 MANHATTAN’ PIKK INSURANCE A COMPANY-of NoV Ytrtk; . [ ‘Gash AsmH, Jstt. US» SS 3,839 00 SI’ItIS,dSIBtitU''tHEANDMAHiNB , ’ , Insurance cp.mpany: . . . i ' ,Cft*h ArteAs, J»n. l.I&W 4 ill, 1,11 HI mß .INdU- ' ■ RANGE COMPANY, ofJtwtford ; . Crtfih A wot*, Jon. 1,:114;')....', , 3(tf*9Uo OG IRV4NG I'mß;.lSfli r 4UlftGfi DB-.1- PAJtY/ofNEW.YORK. . - , / I'CftshJAflSotfl* Jarf. 1,1550 MERCHANTS’ FIRK'fNSthIANCB 7 ~“ dOMPANV, of Hartford. ' Caah T Aj«etSf Jan;J,'lS3ot 230;O?9 03 ■ ] ’olioies isetuxb auci losaw. 1 duitably adjusted and ;prompU> paid, Age Afar, uy . . ! BOSWEIiIi&AHLSON,. Agents, Vj '• r, NorilS WALNUT Street. , • lebai-lf rjpHE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE Instrk a S c e 0 0 m : p a it- y , ■ PARQUHAR BUII,PINOS,' No. 230 WALNUT • STREET, : PniLADHI/PIIIA. inoorpcralcd 111 lj-'f. UfVliJr tEti -liuAiruioo Law of Ponuaylvauia. Authorized Capital.,...l Subscribed Capital .t Paid up Capital ...r. : j t j” .• ;v<)kVxs?ki> ft potLowa: Bond and Mortgages* first lion. §52,170 Banlt) Railroad, and other fltooka and Se '. .ountieii.,.. *, M.OOO Cash in'Bank. . • . :*. - ' 9*14,800 Inauffift HSfcv l,OS§ 6R tAMAGE RY FIRE ON RWLI)!NGH« MERCHANDISE) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, *o. Also, on CAjtGOESftnd FREIGHT to and from all parts ol tho world, and Jnl&ad Naviga tion and Transportation. 6n4kroraUe terms. - OFFICERS/ CHARTJSS g: rMT*A.Y*P&«aeurr " WM. WfUGHT, Vico Promdout. 0, c. JI\JTI,»KII/S6«r©Urf4 . . 1 1 G. BAMIiOBGER.AsJiMJtast Secretary. DIRECTORS.- iftete., { F. I'i.Tdrrij, CHanSfl G/InHay. Jefjper Harding, - , 0. Ci Buttflf, :J. fcL' ilajeei r inarJg-iT . TYEL AWARE -MUitJAL IN MJ f STRANGE COMPANY. _ INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNS YL VANIA, 1836. . ■ OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT ‘ Streets, Philadelphia. • MARINE INS TRAN CE ON VESSELS, ■>) . CARGO. > To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, \ • - ■; , 4 INLAND INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canals, IMkes; Anti Land Cnmsg® lq.aH partsof thu Union.'* * ' FIJtE >INT KdJR'A NC K S OnM*tchahaiSftKOHsrdlJj». . oilwf W» ![ S?f tfev. ! . Ndvfrthber J4BM. jl ; *>« For'.i -i > v’ 'il\ • . iiforiet Vuhu. t 103,0 ft), Philadelphia. City d SPUseriL Loan..-8105,144 00 110.00,’ Pennsylvania State Loans.vlo4,4» 00 830 000, U;S. Treasury 4& & e?nt. Notes/.;. - SO,US »' SW.’W/l’ennsylvahio RmlroulZd Mortgage - • -6# rent, 49,37*00 820,OOO; N ortlv To Bauroad Mott- ' *«{.. . > r- ghgo.fi Jajw ob 815,000,300 shnrew stock .Gorrnantown- Gw» , .. . Company, principal - • • a^^ssra? m» : §5,000,100 shares /Pennsylvania ltailro&4~ ' 300 shares 1 road Company... 82,050*, Sundry f tiharea . Philadelphia' Icq float Oqmpanr r ,.tt»yfe#i.< ■ . . , ' ' . 8319,19900 B*mda and Mortgages, and Heal Estate. Of- Eftca Jhuldinr. .i .. . .’. L... 71,363 S 3 Ulrreceivable forlnsuraneesmade...2ol,63333 alance due at ■Ajcencics—Premiums on Aln» - rino Polreiha recently 1 lmmed-aitd olher . •debts due tholOompflJ!)’.,., 01,©3 14 Befit* afttl atdftkdf hauary ItWilrauee ColnpA i , sJSiwTS :■ ■ • - Juntos C. Rand, - ThpophiiU!s'pftoUlmg» msv ■ ts&Mti,-,' sssir&iud, • Thptnas C.Hand, ?tooert Burton, ohn B. Semple,PitUb’g, >. T. Morgan, '• ■- ret&ry. , rah26-dtf *i . itiHib WilUaHvAUrliu,. Edmund A. Soudcr* John, Ci Dnidv, v - •' John B.Ponfoeey pb&msit,- Hugh Crnfr." ' . bpaßeer'M r nvnmc, CtarloiiKeHy, H. Jonoi Brooke, ■ Jacob P.'Joaes, - rpHE ROBERT MOKBIS FIEE INBU- A BANCE COMPANY* ./, ; 40a ?^ L st'h'eet. ‘Thyi Company Inenree uiamst Loss or Damage by hire on Pubuoand Private fimlditett, Purnjlure,Stocki ofGoode. nod Merchandise aenarany. , Phe fo|!owinK,provision in ihe Pollcioe of this Com>- pnUr jkuarontiee therreocunty wHea. ar-siuaod aa col-. aßrounu-reat. dr.lhbrUage, nHu tna RpprOVßl of BUob as eUnmedt by the oihee, by.nny transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged premises, by fee Owner of the more ? f ' « .m T -' JDIRBUTOREb. , Paul T. Joner, . .• ■ • Jerermhh M.,Brooks, JolmHulmo, Robert Clarke, • waneo. Waterman, Pavid Salomon, EdwardG. James.... wtlUain'Vnndtfrv'eery •' Joseph Janney,, „ ‘J’hoodorc Cuyler, ■ r , ®a E ip,.a? 10a * t “' r • Amebtpan yjate Insurance, co;-, AJL rNcbIU’OKATEI) 181b«-c1iARTh:R PERPKT ■No. 3lbwALNtrf direct. ai>d vo Third| PJjilei}ol?hia< , Having e lerAfl puid-Up Capital Stock and eurpiUHfn- mumiidond aymiabte Hoouritio*, continue to m- B\iro on. ilweirinK'R.' Slurce. i'umituro, Morchaudiro. Vosaele lu .rort eml their Cttrßpee, and other Personal Property. • All losses liberally and promptly adjusted*- • ... BIRKCTOns.L- , George Abbott. John T* Lewis, 1 John weUb, James R. CampLell, Samuel C. Morion, Pldmund G. Dutilh, - Patrick J3rad>, ChaA W.Poutney, Israel Mortw. OKOKOK'ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIUS, Secretary.' jaiS-lyif Frilß ANIJ INLAND ; RISKiJ.—F-VMK INSURANCE COMPARY. • (Organised uhuerVhe 'Aoiof tuln - - • ' TOrr/;^ Maa 1 ' • BarclayLlppiftcott,. , Johtlß. EUwon, George ! AJ Wovt, ;. . w,t %T.DAi,P/endenl. ■ t jaji!-y itIREAT WESTERN AND' M . TRUST COMPANY, ’ OlTuae, No, 4ffV WAUM-T StrebE < . {Compuny’nSnililinjU PHaABKLPH(A r Brass will heroaftereoudtict tho dame kith a combinedCapi •tal.&ndavaiUtble-i ?. . ; . * . - ASSETS OF OYtiHr«336 0tt t luVeeted, fottho nwet part,in Fir»it Bunds and Mobt -oXgks, boaring- six,pep cont intofeutfOu improved pro perty .worth double the amount.' EIRE, INLAND, AND,MARINE CARGO RISKS Taken outho most favonUilntorms. . . DIRECTORS. .Charl«C. Lathrop, William Darling, Alexander Whilld'Ji, E. Tr«Ay, • > John C.iliunter), ? .famoa B. Smith. , IwAc'HaalQimrat,,, , C. Chicago, 11, LJU MoCurdr.. . Kre. Vyler, Y, i jThomta.L. Gillespie, , Chan<» Harlan. i i DauielL, Collier, .Tonotban J, Slocum. • dopandinrf on thd continxodoies of Eife. _Thojr act hr RxAj-ntorß, Adimjnletrntors, ARmgneea, Trustees, and Guardinno. ’ TKUSTEE3, 1 Daniel L. Millar, Samuel P. Slukei, Beniamin Coatov, WjUinrn Marlin, IticfmrdS. Npwbold, .Tames B. McFarlandr william ,P. Hoqker, JtfophlD Trotter. - - William II; Kern, Japies Euuton, Sftniqel C. Huey, s - Thoophilua Paulding, Cliarlpii Hnllowell,. Edmund A. Houder* - llonry, C. Toviuend, . Drfniol L. Hntnhin.^ou, - 5 BMUiSs&m.' W/f*S& •' \ Warder Al.Raaift, - . John G. Hrennor, , E.-S. ATioJiler. • ; - i ‘ D'AN’lEIi I*.'Mli'jfjKß. ' SAMIa E, STi>KlsS,.yicoiv^’c. .. JonN W. n.ikM->R, S^vcre , .n^^: * ' wuiA-ly \ INSURANCE CDM?ANY oFfHE' STATE Of PF.XNSYI.VANrA-P1R.13 AND MA-i JIjN|;,jINSUkANOE-No. 4 EXCHANGE.BUILD-* Chartered in. iTDi—CepUal January L , 18 Sfu^v«8tP^?inbound imclVvifilabto f-ecuritipf!—con tinue toinuure onT oesele and Caryoos, BmlUfuirtt, Slocks pf Merehandwe, Ae»on ÜbofnUrtirma, - ; r Henry D.Bherronl. ' Goodg* H.’Stnart, T ’ Simeon Toby," ’ > Sam.hcl Grant, Jr., ’ CharleaMaciuester," Tohihß'Vtacner. 1 Winmm Si Smith* Thoihna K, Wnitwn, ’ John B.'Biuld, , Hentr G* Preonißij, . WflUamU.While, ,„Cliar!ei!S.l.ewi» f work** C* Carson. 1 _ . .. .1 IIENKY D.SUIC>tRERD,ITA:-ulent. SviLLIAM HARPER, Seyfetagy-. , . Je 8-% lm tf TIERBING-V4340 bari'cliPicklcd Herrirtgf iftl,,Alt-o, 3'J) buxes'Smoked lfefring, for vale br I. ' C. U, o ADLER, ACO. augl ArehtstrectieeeußduooraboveFronti "fHi&i ‘NOTICE TO SHIPPERS ■ r j Jqrsfjy.Shoxa,. •--••, Banbury, -,• ■ , M Linden • Treverwn Intersection, t Newbury*... 1 . • Williamsport,.. * Millers town, „ i Muncy, . ' • Hnbfax, J 1 Watsontown, • York* > • , i Milton, .. ‘ - Hanover Junction. f i!itUAD ’ ittWtmeuitttd poiKtaoil liA^bVflß Mnt In FrejsliLfitation, TIIIRTKENTH anil MARKET Strocja. wilHw promptly lorwnrded. ■ jyfi-dm. T K. J. BNLE-DKH, Freight Agent.- sßa^n 1 philAdeephta anjj El/MI R. AR A LLKO A D LIN E-, GUIOrtLoT RUE'I’E tpElmimiiwllkoslmrro. HuttHlo, Chieiwuj RockTaiaud, jsuwaen' Frflfrt, MilWftilk«C, Bur- Alcnitrcnl,et._Paurc r l)etT‘oit, DutiLelß,atidSt*, I’ajifienKfir tminswilUoave the Fhjladelpiiiannd Rend in* Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, ?or;Klrow*fl, Niiuftfft Fnlls. BuffiM, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, ltock Island, Galena,St. Paul’s,' Burlington, -Jltist, , p , JLi jixpiiES.i ■ ♦or RRlhi.. jiuiralo,'Detrolt, Chicago, Milwaukee,'Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul’a, Burlington, ami Bt. Louis. „ THO7JSO A.'M. and 3.30'P. M.'trnuis run throiigh'to ii RHISBURG, stopping at all Stations on tho Lebanon Valtoy Branch, , , ~' •' „ The 7M A.At. train connCcta nt Rupert jbC VVilkba bnrro, PitMtuH anil nlljtnt AiYANNAANRBLOoMSBURG RAILROAD, r V ,’ Baggage checked to Elmlm, Builttlo’, and Suspension Bridge. -•- Tickets ran ia procurecl.al-tlie PhilaiJsljiliia ,oml Emnro Rmlrdad Lino’s Ticket ofßlXTHand CHESTNl’TStrects. and at the Pusson gorDooot. corner BROAD and VINJ3. 'Jj 1 .. . ” I THROUSII KXFHESS FHEIWIl 1 TRAIN 'Lcsavos tlie Depot, Broad,direct, bolcw .Vino, daily, (Sun day excepted,) ter all points >Veflt nud jidrlli, a« n P. M. FroUlite'ffJUStj fte ifeUveroti befljro 3 P. M. to inbute golnj?tlloanHip;day» .• . > • >' at* ;.■ •,••• *. t .t ; FrpUhtDfliioti BROAD, below‘Vine,- Or to CIIAii. OonßialAseot r 1 N..IV. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT BtrtMts, • ' Oct-tf- i . -. .’.llfllilnilelplllft. ■ :n!3^:a^^,iPIIILAOELPHIA;OER maNtown and norris On ana after “>*!“• • Leave rmlaUel|*Hiil tS. /nin., li), lllf, il, . Leaye Pliilodolphio*U.os nun.A, M.,2,'3,3, 7.*a, and IOK p.jMi ' l ‘ - ‘ ‘ * v - S-KJ A. M.,1.10 min., 4, 6}a, ji jv i, Mi, 6, p, ilill 7.10. 7.10, 8.10, O.fd, 11.35 M., % s - w -?^ 7JO -« Lm#u; • - •‘ • > Leave PhiladoUihia 9f5 min. A. M,; 2, j>. and fri }’: M. Leave Chestnut HiU f.50,A..M., 12A0,,'1!,10, ,ndB.M ' FOk'eoN.SHO'ltOaifKN AND NORRISTOWN. , !!* *r m: ' - n 6, ,7,0, JIA« 3%, iSS, e, 7M, Leave p'hUadelphin9^;M.^3^ti§ > 4 P. M. -• Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. 1 and 6 P* M. » • - , . FOR MANAY.UNK, , ’Leave'Philadelplna 3; 7.06 .min.; 8.05. min., OM, 10.05 miity mm ’’ 2,o6 miu " 3,95 C1a,8.V,9/-a,’lt)]>i, 11 >* A.M., ik, 3.03 HUnV, 4,5, ti/’a, 8,9.03 P, M,* i ON SUNDAYS.- •' ■ »■ Leavo Phiradelphia 9 A. -M.Y3'. 4 P AL Loavo Man ay Imk ?>* A. M..J13,6ja-B?LP. M* > - | • 11. j\..HMri'ir.-Genoral Superintendent, rosr 1 DEf.OX, NINTH end,OßEKN.Streola. 241 t B6*-81 B M6\DAY, Ntiy lCliu' IM. X'aMenger' TSmswill leave FRONT and,WILLOW Streets, Mii ladolphmvpAlLYVlSUndaysexeoptedi). t ■ *»- . - For Bethlehem, Atlontown, Afnuch Chuuk,wilkes barre, IlftzeUoii', Ac., {Express,} at9AO A. M.: •„ : ■ > For Bothlehotn, (Express,) at IP. M, For Doyiestown, (Accoimn6dati6u,)'at 8.15 A. M. and p'or FortWaiihinitton, (Accohnnodatioh,) at j'Jj P. M. Letvvo Doyleßtown, (Accommodation,J at A. Si: nwWP.M. . Leave Tort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 3.30 A. M, and 3.35 P.M. ’•> L„ k ’ ’ ’ ‘ ; •-ON SENDAI Si Philadelphia, for Doylobtown,nt9 A. AT. and 3P. AT. PoylMtojvn. fnr Philadit., at §AO A. AI. and 0.43 P.M.' Fare to sethlpneni, to Alauoh Chunk, 82.00? to EAston, to Doyleatown,6ocents? toWilkoebarre, •All Pflasoujjer Trains (except Sunday TrainS.leon rtoctat Berks, street with >(fth and SixUi-'treots, and Sobomlaad Tnird-srroeta Phssonuor Railroads.; for Wilkesbnrre tike 9AO A. AKTrain, and arrive.itnvilkedbftrtoat?P. M», ■ myl6 . t ~.i i • -LLLIB CLARK, Agent. ■ r^^hsaasi^ 1 - Nd ! H(7ii.—(rlmsTEß RAILROAD—PAS-, HENtiKR TRAINS FpR DOMLNINGTOW-N AND- JN TERMKDI ATE BTAT lON S.-rGn n min f(erjßt Jiyiuaxy. 1830,.tha Pawenw for'BOWNlNiitpwlj, wil »trtrt-froisttnfrVa*Ten*:« D6pot of thoPluladalphmand RdadingriUilroad Company, .comer of BROAD and MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, loaVes nt 7SO AFTERNOON TRAIN ftr.Downingtown, leaves at 4 IM/oWe a K?d CO oFhiniin B er, of the Thilndelphie enjrtlendtn, n»«'-^<',OT LIIEJ;j;Y , SecrBlnrT . NEW' WEST CHES-. £{&s!&fi&®ogpS'rVJl ■ AND PIrILADELPHIA TEENXA ahih’AIARKKI Stroote, at 7 and 11 A. AI., aivdat3,4 3onud C 15 P. M. •• • • r Leavo-- West .Chehter,*fwu» the fetation, oti 'EAST MARKET qt 6AO, BAU and ! ll.3o ; A. M.,and 3, ; nt .V Mj, rin(V i , T.M. Lenvo WcstChcstoratA. M.^niiu 5J3 P. Mi; ■. Y.. .1 General'Syperintondent/ rs; tm&k&s&m *ph il a d Etv-nI A POTTBYILIfK, Tjfl intermediate points, connocUng'atiramßirjr< with 'traiub tennmg to Pittsburg, Chßmltorsbhrc.CnrhKlo. bunbury^Jc^. 1 AFTERNOON LINKS. ■ ‘ Leavoat.lJOP. AI., DAILY, for’POTTSYILLEtind HARRISBIMtO. • * •' / - A l 4.43'P.'M.* DAIIjY i (Sundaysexcepted,)for READ ING. amlintomedinto wints« . ’ apis f t> w, |I.SicILIIENNY, Secretary.' ■ YORK Am WAY-n.AfSES, , ‘ T-. ESOM*WALTfCXr?TREBT WHARF, ' WiH leave a«o>lloWtwyi|si: .w- ’ -, r , * , £ v FAuna, At 6 A. M., vijt gonidon and Amboy, and C.« A. Accommodation 4 .:;. i... s . $2 25 At <*,Av Camden and Jersey City,.(New •: • ’ At'jjbre&Y tity’tMorning * p Mail .'.* • 3W At U A, M., by Ste*mlK»rvt, via Tacony and Jersey' < City, Morning Express..... ....... . A .. .......... 3 00 At2l\ M.j.viftCnnidert jind Amboy, C*&A. Lx- • presir ....... 4 .*........ ; a 00' At3?a by Steamboat,‘via Tacony and Jet-' . City. Evemog Express.... :.v;. 3 00 At3>iF. Ma bx BtowWbwit, yiu •Tftcony.anU Jer- ■ • Soy City, 2 Mai 1...., ..f \. 235 At2l* P.M,viaCnniUenandAniboy,Accomodation, • .(FreightondFrtfesonger—Jßt Class Tjcket..i 2 25 < > 2d Class Tickot 2 50 At 5 Pi Mo via CamdenandAraboy, Accommodation, - (Freight and l , aasattser>-*lst Class Tiokofc2 2? ■ - ?d Class rickes-'i,....v-1 75 'The 6 P. M. Mail Lino runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Snlurdjiya exctiiilod*.' . ' ’ . tsi* Etntpia Ijiiies stop at Priheibal Stations only. _ Flet&iflsttJfl,, eke*, nfc 6 AiM* * For Vator Cap. fstromUbuf* l Semjltoii, tYijkWfynrro. Montrose, Great Bond, Ac.. Ht 0 A. M., via Bolav. J arc, Lookawannh, and Western Itnitroad. " For Freehold, at6A.M. and2P.M. For Mount llolly, at 6 and 9 A. M.» ami undo P.AI. t WAY LINES ' ■ • For Bristol,. Trenton, Ac, at 3’s and d P. M., from Waluui-Btrcet wharf,, ~v >, 1 • •, For Palmyra, Delaucoi Beverly, Burlington, Bordon- ftfr Tacony at 11 A. M. ( Bordoqtown and; places at 31a Stentaboat Jjlfife.A. M.,arid for Bristol, Burlington, and. intermediate pUvfcos, ntl2 M.ahd ii* i*i 51. •• ; , , • *, >Filiy jibunds of bftg*K«e only allowed caoh-jiaseengar, Passengers are prohibited frouUnkmg'nhjthmKftanng'* gafce but their wearing hppurol. Alt btitffhifee'ovor fu\y pounds to l»o paid for oxtru. Tho company limit thoir •responsibility.for bagga.;o to ono dollar ror.pound, and will not uo liahlo for tiny uraount .beyond, 9100, except by>poeinl contract. June Ji. • WM. H. OATAMKR, Ageut. ; THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL \ . 1 RAJLROAB. ' r 1859.. ®pp@BrlBs& “ o« ; >3R*pp f MrffTOi TO bf/Avlo®' fini,AVi;LiMlL\ K A^u R iTrrsiiUiiu. Cannactingt, and L r oion Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains tor Cin- SinnatiL^t- , Lmus.,eteveli|nd. ChirnKo, ts .in.Whid»lndianaLlllinoith‘ Koutuo ky, Mtchigafl’.WiaeodsmiJlinnoßotrt. Alissjpnri, Ransas; andNebrakUh—wurftdriliblnng facilities for portfttion of unsurpassed for,speed and com fort bysnynihbr route..,; . L 1 Feet Lines nin through, to Pittsburg, Cark or Cpnductyrß* , . ~ ,‘VBmokmg Core are attached to each Train t Bleepirt<_ Cfira Jo Lxprwm nnrt Fust Trains, / The EXPRESS R DNB DAILY: Mail and FastLjnofi, buS days excqptod. ‘ , ,< ' . Mail TraintoavoH rhiladolplim at 7.15 A.M. Fast Lino ** J1.50A;31, • Exwess Train loaves *• 10-50 P. M. . WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Tarkeeburg Acroimnodation at 11 A. M. “ L Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P, M. Columlaa • • Ht 4.301\AJ. ' Taseengers Tor West Chester will take the Mull. Parkosburg,and l»uiienf*lQrlrains,attho J'onnsylvania Railroad er Station. ' , PnsaengerajbrSunhliry, \S lUianisport, Klmi/a, lhiira lo, Niagara Kalltfiauri mtemiedi/ito pointH.loavmgj’hila delphiaHt7.ir, A,.M„and3P;M., uodirectlv throu>h'. • Ticketa be obtained at tho otfice of tho Company in Philmlolplun* Now York, Boston-, or Bui* tirnore \ and Tickets Eastward at any of tho important in tho West; ale*) on board unv'oftho' retfularLino of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivots.!/. • 1 1 - • . i t ltt%- Faro always a.i low ns any otli^rjtouto. Tho completion of tho Wetiorn conuociiojxs of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Lhiea-'o. mnlvo tiuutho DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND TUB - ’ UREAL NORTHWEST. . ' Tho connection of tracks b>' the Rmlrond 'Bridgo at Pittsburg, avoiding nil nraya?o or ferriage of Freight, -togothor with the saving of time, ara ror ilily appreciated by,Shipppraol Freight and tho.Travelling Pu lio. lflu;lGUT3 WES'lHVillll. 1; By this Routo.FmW'ts of all dnKcriptiumi can be for warded front Philadelphia, NMv York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point on tho.Uailronds of Ohio; Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by Rail road direct. , f - The PoimsylvAum RailroadnL>lnU6rtf^addressed to odhorof thpm on the ndijecl of frdivlits. will meotwitli piomi'lnUontioii: t . ' K.'J. SNEEDKIt. I’lidadelDhlu. - MAURAW &. KOQNH, 80 North street, Baltimore. • 'S^CO., 2 Astor House, or l S. I lvtlliV'iflt‘iN*Y, •LEECirt CO.. M KllhvstrootV-Bostone * - 7 • Ji. 1L HOI tSTONV OenM FrejKhtAgent-iPlulal''' . *iJL, i L .uo UFT,U ah 11 TieketAgOnt, . , , THOS. A. BCOTT, Ueu’lSup't, Altoona, Pa, .• ;. 2.60 P. MJ' .liefivosHaddonfaftliU,.,i.. 4 sl....... 3.00 T. M. 1 nrotO AtlnitttOj Ttheii 1 ickefo are pufchn?eil before en- tho -Bomitiyrip Tickets. eoortfor tyfo days,onorfy icAiil&r. • jUain.'.V.i.v. j ..v .§2 60 ~ ~ throui balti ii, • .'MORE RAILROAD, * , On And after MONDAY. July 4th,*1809, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. Forßgltunoraatfl.lS A. M,, 12 noon.(Express.) and u.1(I i\si. 1 • ■ - . For Cheater nt 0.13 A. 51., lfi noon. LSO, and 31.10 P. 51. , -^ or JVijliUfktefl alfeis A. M„18,4.30,and 11.10P.5L ' ForNc* paiftle at\» JL if or Middletown at 8, ft A.-KL, aid £3O P. sa» •For Dover nt 8.15 A. AL. ana (ioi 1 , Al* ' .Ifor Soaforri atSB.35 A; Mi. And 400 p. M.. ~ J FORPiIILADELPHIA A. Al..(Express,)9.4oA. M., 6.50 A. M. and 9.20 A. M.,1.10 and Tio&Ve N?w CAMUe,ntS.4S A, M., and 7,0 P. M. Leave Alidilietowßiat 7.60 A. M. and O.sl 1\ M. Leave Dover at 6-50 A. AL, hhll S.« P, At. - v Leave Henfonlnl 5.13 A. M.» and 2.4$ P. M. , Leavo Oiiostor at 7.0.9A0 A. M., 1.45 and 9.15 P. AL , Loavo Baltimore forLSeaford and) Delaware Railroad 0V&.30 and9.9l A. M. - J TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE * ' .LeaveChest?ratB*4s A. Ms, 12.38and31.40T.M. / Leave Wilmington at 9.26 A. M., 12.55 F. M., and 13.20 A.iM.' * 1 , 1 ’ 1 . i , SUNDAYS• .' ~. . Only at 11.10 V. M.» from Philadelpbia'ta Baltimore. L2#7 a FV , § , &]^n ,iroin Baltimore to Philadelphia.' - FREIGHT i’R/.IH. with PASSENGER CARattached, ‘ will run as follow?: • Leave Philadelphia for Perryville ■ and mwrfaefliato places at 5.45 p, >l. ■ . Loave AVitiniiwton'-for Perfyeille and, intermediate .places at 7.25 P. M. *< , LoavoHavro-.de-Ur;toefor'BaUlmoro andintermediate pl\c6rf at O.M.A.'AL, ' ■ • , jLoave Baltimore forHavre'de-Gracoaijdinterinediato. i.ba. y imjidy ton for Philadelphia 'ahd intermediate qir.ytfatp.fl. , , , BIiSJNKSS CARDS. . ■*l OFFICE f,o FOt’JITH St./Philnda., . ! Solo Ag'onLa of ', . { ’ ' GEO. C. POTTS & CO., . Miners and Shippers of the . ' ~ , ; LOCUST DALE COAL, Frum the Locust Mountain, .. ' Near Ashland, ap2-6nij SCHUYLKILL COUNTY,Ta. TOtl^TTSNf?,', ...r V •r.ROITSE.aaaoWfiMiL . , . . * \ Ao. llSSoyth South SIXTH oTrrtef. ’ ' “ (Nearly opposjtatlxKjjJoimty Court House,) He has, by law, ** fuiliiqwer to ndmmtHter .Oaths and Affirmations, and take Testimony .to be'road ill Evidence in arij-Court of .the .Commonwealth/of Pennsylvania,” He is,* Commissioner of.tho-ynlted States, and also, a.Qomnuß6ihnor of Deeds and for 4 the Probate of Ac counts for. nearly all ths States in the Union, ~ ' iC9nvmiH*io2i*»tO',tako'TQfltimony, from nny of the Cohrls.iirthis State, or ftf theCourtajn the United States or Territories, promptly,and carefully executed. jylS-tf. * OKIE & CARP, 223 BOCK Street,.above -Walnut,STOCK BROKERS, and dealer* ui rahtile Paper and l securities generally/ Attend the Brokers’ Board dnilyi arid hi) all orders forthe purchase or Halo of STOCKS. BOUNDS. Ac. .. <. jo7-ly •• OP. “ THIRTEENTH AND FIF TEENTH STREETS PASSENGER .RAILWAY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.” BooutNo. -J, FALLON’S BUILDINGS, 520 WALNUT Street* ' , . * • myH-tf. - rflilE APAM9 EXPRESS CO., OFFICE X 826 CHESTNUT Strdef, forwards Parcels;, Pack- Rxes, Merchandise, Batik Nbte3, afid'Specie, thther by iU own Li or m connection with other Express Com* pnuios. -to. all the principle towns and citina of 'the United States. E. S - SANDFORD, aul-tf - ueneralStiperinlohdent. Alex. mckinne*~ ATTORNEY AT LAW; .GRKEiNSBURG, PA, Will practise itt Westmoreland, Armstrong, and tn diaun. counties. , selLtf August belmont. BANKER, 76 BEXVBR STREET. Lsiica Letters of Credit for Travellers, available in ali parts of the World, through the Messrs. Rothchilds, of Paris, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, and their Correspondents. v V,. mh7-6m NOTICES* ISoNliNEsiAi iiOikt .company.— 'Xi/ In ar’eorAanWwitli » resolution of the Board of Managers of the V CONTINENTAL HOTEL CO.MPA-, NJL”. uj .third justelraent of tWonly per cent.- or one huntlrel! HollAfs oftch-,ahitye. of the new.ftiock snb firnbed; will bo payablij tfi» hr Jief&fo FtiUnr. the sth day of Aivnut. 1859, rtl the pfhco of the-, Tresquref, NoJjl3 Atch street, above Euhth street. ' * t ’ l3 - PRICE, Treasurer, aMfciAL"'NOTICE.— in Good- Patent Vulcnni2ed .Rubber BusDonaviT. Bfaidrf.iWebLadq.aU Rthef fitbfids.aftd articlo* mado bs cohihinln- , übroitS supstitfttp? .tnth jhfeatW /ft sheota of viikjanired rubbenares iiotitUHi that ih'O Mine ario pttperiy Bttonpod qMqholieU, ■wrth.my name, an(t.by my auuifrify, they.cdryifd disposed Aftin-the '‘United States. Merciiaxls areinyito(\to.ex amine ppecunons nqw tn stores ana to iyvo Utotr.owera for tho Sprin • Trade to tbfljji’ndersigjiud, SA.vLt.3IVE OWNER OF-. THE TUPLES;-AND. EXCLUSIVE Riail'J'S.TN THE,PATENT for these yoods,,which onibraco a l the stylo*, heretofore manufactured or nn- arid SELL —;»ild tho ! ofpifc-mny lie obtained on application to mo nfc,NoJi euURTLANDT Street, N. Y. • , tei-ty . . ~. t HORACE ILDAY. fippfetittn .*ifrfc ilisac' X i'' rlfc of Kf Po*iip4yW yaniaJor yio.incpfpbiftUoA-oC L^,san¥^WTth^onernl AND ijf^ TYftailjf the' MANUEaCTURERS’ BANK, to be located in the city' of, Philadelphia. ■ . , jy2-s6m fOTICE.-7-Pcrsons having business, with tlioi FLOTiR ..IIisPEbTQR win in/I,nt. Ko. u VlNK'Street,'between tho itours m 9 o’clock hpd 3 P.i COURT OF. COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY,OF PHILADELPHIA; The City df J'bifnflofpnm to the uso or Jacob Bartholo mew \s. Lay &. Brothot, owners-br ropntod ownors,or whoever may be ownors; Common -Ploas, Deocmbor Tenu.lSM. No. 268,' Paving. 99., Lot cm the west sido of Church street, 87 feet 6 inches south of Franklin street, 105 feet by 101 font. In the First ward, • Same Vs. John Aloxandervowuer or roputeu owner, or whoever may bo owner. • Common Pleas. Maroiilorni, 1«50., No. 171. ■ Paving, 82. Lot on tho east sido of Church'stroot. i3BfeetlOmchoS north Of Moore street. In the-First-ward. t\ fiarno vs. GoorgcT. Johnson, qwner or reputed owner, pi-WhiMvef fndylkibwner. CommonTleia. March rorra, 1856.' No. 172,’ PavuiT. $ll3 13. Lot on. the eouthweat curner of Church and Reed streets, in the hirst ward. Je29-Wl3t , . ~ , ,' . , ' - TN GIIANC'KRY OF NEW JERSEY. JU Joshua Rawnsley ami others,- . \ , Complainants, and I ThoTrontqnMutuall/ifeand / - On Bill, Ac. Firo Insurance Company, 1 . - , . .Dqt\?. < ... -f . >• I In pursuance df an ordermade b> theChauccUor m tho anovo-stited.causq. dated the third day of Decont |ior, A. D. 1858, tho creditors of tfie abovo-naraed Insu rance Company are hereby notihed that-they arp te murpd |o probont to the subscriber, rosiding ut Ironfen, NewJorsey.nml proto before hmi, under oath or aflir matFynfl or ,othorwi*Q»fle ho-shall direct, thmr several rlaimsand demands qgamst ?am.Company,withi.nsix inouDib from-the data ‘of saiilorder.or that they will be, excluded from tho benofita of such dividends as may be msdo m aoslwpa b, w.d Courj kMijs ;. fe22-tuCm. , •: Master m Chancery* TW’OTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN fliat ap -111 plication has.lweu'ninderfor % r'e*-it»iie of Cortim ■Cftto No. 155 of UERMANTOWN HAS BTOCK, Fiva Shares, in the'namo or Dr.'T/F. BETTON* dated Jan uary 22d, JSW, the sanio .. .. Attorney for Dr, jftottun. Philadolpliia; Junb 1859. je29*w3m EDTJCATIdNAi. BEMINARY, situated in tho village of rarmlise. on i Liincnstof' and Philadelphia l turnpike, fifty-throo . nuies west of Philadelphia, nine miles east of Lancaster city, and threo-fourths of a intlo'from Lonrtinn Place alation. -Ponnsjlvaniq Railroads’RE-OPENfy fbr its TKNTiI SESSION, on tho SECOND WEDNESDAY IN'SEPTHMBER. ,TJ»9'. budding is undergoing Fn>- roi(eh repair, a story licing added lor dormitories, into which, water wHl.be introduced, and bath attached, Cohifprtnhta’accommodation » tlign nreyidoiMbr thirty boarding pupilß. and tho trustoe«rwill spare no expense Mp londetDie mluX>l worthy of public favor. ' ' ’ Amoitflie nmny to whom tho conductors of thi* feclmol nuf-ht gre normUtcd parUcularly. to nanio the Rt, Row Bishops Alonr.o Potter and Dc, Lancoy.nnd the ReV.Dr.AV. Bacun Stevens, of Philadelphia.' They. :tlao submit tho following testimonial, kmdly tendered l.y l the 'Kt* Rev.'Dr. S. Bownian, Assistant Bishop P. E.- Cnurch, Peimsjlvnnia: , ~ " Tho Beminnry for young ladieknt PuradL'e’,'Lancas ter county, undorAhe j;onera! Kiipprintondon.', lltiv. Win. 11. Stnvpni, J). II.! 80v..!. P.'li.' Wilinef, I>. r>.; He\. it. A. iioardinnii, D. P., Rev, iWiu* H. Furuor??*, p. I>., and others. Jl'2l-2in , . JAM Eh' I. HELM. rBSIIF/iIiSSES '( WSEY.Akn >IRS. BEE •"> HE'S Bearding aud Pii> .School for Yoimx Ladies 1703 WAIiNUT Ptrcpt, ri opciH WEPNESVAV, Bep impborTth; - ‘ ‘ . , .. au2-2uj ■ BRYANYfr;fc3i'I!ATTpN>.S:NATIONAL now York, Buflalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation, call or send for Catalogue* fe3-U ‘Snnppnrei-'- JtSik ;f6k' thb;lsodth>:-phi^A3' ANDIff-; simsjmt.RoßTEi i’ • Goods rsc.eiveil^ every-. dpyf-«wr.miu of: lading ■ l “ ned ‘ tKC “j3te^i^i'ls : FoN fv. >••, ■ Thelva;rfonWai/uIfijJKBysTONKSTAtTB,Cdr ; ta^Ala^famn n, nntf sail on* Friday, August p t at, W. • The U. Al^l?^foitmsh^p N MTA'?E‘OP GEORGIA, Captam John J. GarytU, fcilmMtm Wednesday* August i*ho splendid fjrat-clnss Ktcrtmshlps KEY STONE STATE rvnd STATE OF GEORGIA not nnjRS stave every ten-days, thus formins a five-day commu nication with the booth am} Southwest, connecting with stearners, for Momla.a»d with railroads for New Or- Wr akiEtar ra«®nKßuVEt..' } Heavy. Freight, at aft |iv«tage*or 15 per cent.below N . ; v york . ■p-01-i.t Rri A Oil a' lar*d pfdpdf t\cm of Goods sliced HputhWl EfoSud to bo lqwerl,,- .tliew ship. Ul i?mn ) nM l fin MWironfl KraliflE wiry, farther than Charleston or SaYanliapfln* iwlroau Companies taking nil risk# from these poinM. ‘ „ \ GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. » 1 Fare by ting, rtfute 35 to 40 per eont»-cheaper.tnan by tTm Inland RoiYte. as will beSeen by: The following «che dnlo. Through; tickets •. ton BiulS ivannnfi steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on i the wltolo’’ route, except from Chafleston andfiavfltt-- nah t 6 Mqstg&ftifery i ,- t \ r ,• ; > . .; f„„. ' inlan6 houtit. ‘ - To Chn rleatbn.;. ..#]& (50 ! Chart* { suneu rtfttfr the ship has sailed. - No iroifeht rcooived on tho day of sailing,, i Fdrlreijiht or passage apply to __ 1 • e ALEX. HERON, $(., ■ . Southwest corner FOUTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T.-S. It T. G. BUD 1). u Savannah. C. A. GREINER fc CO.' jy 23 -,p.. S. 5L STEAMERS ' ; J X ', HAVitK AND EiOtITHAMPTON, ’ • AhaGO; CApMft Lijlna, will Bail Jiily 2), ijopwmber 17J November 12*. . . . „ , . . FULTON, Captain Wbttoft, ’frill ffaifAi/gast29, beria, llecember 1(J.: , . First Cabin patfw.*e sl3© Second Cabin passage..*...' .i............ 1s *' ut towtv H i MW. Afe . t , Attlia Office, Tobacco Warehouse, POuivStroßt, Philri. Je23-€m GLASGOW. AND NEIV: YORK STEAMSHIP,- COMPAN Y.~STEAM Xp Glasgow, uyehho6l» Belfast, injßi»ut, AND LGN’DOIsDEiIRY-'for 8367 ! _ FROM X£W YORK. GLASGOW, Thompson. Saturday, 14th May, at 12 noon. EDINBURGH; CuinnungrWednesdgr«lat /rub, ' 'Wsjsssgstte :: AS; •“■ • Et)INBtIRG/l, t'»^K?2?Saturd'a V y,nh May. GLASGOW* Thompson, *** /ith June.' • EIHNOUKGH, Camming, . 41 ' ia/ufo. . . r > ’ Rates of from Nov York, 1 Pmladehriua, or Boston, Co Glasgow,’ Livornoot, BotfastuDublin, or-Lon donderry, first class, $75. Steerage, found with an abun dance ofpropprly eooked proviaiona, $3O,- “ ’ ‘ ' ; ' An* experienced Surgeon attached to each etoimar. No charge for rnodicines. r ,j mf/ 61S ht*pa« i »«.ap^ v to EKMAN& ■ apaj-tf St/. B BROADWAY. Nov York, Ns#*fc THE BRITISH AND. NORTH, AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM-, '• TbfcK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief 6afrffHMifeK*’..., SWo Socuutf Cabih Passage, 75 , PRC'S! MSTOX 70 LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage;,... ....$)!*) l Bocoftd Cabin Passage-... • ..... 60 • The ships from Boston can at Haiifai. - PERSIA, Capt. Jndknuf, AMERICA, Cayf. Mißar, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, : NIAGARA, Capt. Ander* ABl A.. CftPt.iv. G. Lott. son. _ AFRICA, Capt. Shanuon, EUROPA, CapU J.Xeitch. CANADA', Capt. Laos, - , - . ... . There vessels ean-y a clear white lieht at mast-head; AFRICA, Shannon, 44 N \ork. Wodireeday, Atfg. A KUBOTA. Leitch, ‘‘ • . Boston,,VredKesday f Aus, 10. PERSIA, Judkins,. 44 N York, Wednesday, Aug. 17, ABA&IA, Stohe, 44 ' Boston, Wednesday, Aug. 2L - Berthe not secured until paid for. 'An expei-ieheedSurgeondn board. , t , . Tho owners of these will not be accountable for Gold. Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones oruSs&ils, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and inar3i-u . . New York. REAL ESTATE.'-; TO LUMBER MEN AND FARMERS. ‘BALE'OP VALUABLE TIMBERT.ANUS, ■ 1 - IN WARWICK COUNTY, VIRCIXIA. By virtue' of a decree of the Circuit Court rot the County aforesaid, pronounced on the 25th .of March, 1860. in the. chancery -suit pf UambnU vs, Whitbeck. the. undersigned, actin* aa Commissioners under the said Opf cree, will sell, before the Court-Hqubo door of said county-, on the SECOND THURSDAY OF AUIrLbT next—that tioiOg county, etnfrt day—that valuable tract of land doreriDefutf said dieted “ as all tuat certain piece, parcel. Ot tract oYlam?, I7i#g add btfui-r in the county of Warwick, and known a/ jftjn.tfT tbe-; 4 .iUch.Aeck Tract,* containing ono thousand afta dUnty-tfteht acres, (1.038.) raore or iesS, twilfi nsrt of tho trtot of laffd con veyed by Aiuuatme Gambrill ang Margaret, his wife, by deed dated 28th‘June, 1365. and recorded'in the cforkVoftieo of Warwick cobntr. .court.’’ The mboye land is very valuable and of-aieefs. bsin.' located on tho tfouiniulft ly.lrubetweeiV th'a Jafnetf rffid.Yors rivers, and about fraif.way,.between .Hampton: add Wil-- liauisburrf. Tim re arc- upon Jhft premises. * steam' saw mill.’ with emnne orfirty-horßO.power,.andgoodft»b- BtanUalßnckDwrtllin.'. iathoroir.h repair. , . TERMS OF SALE* 1 - ‘ - , So much in ossh as*will j>ay thecost/j©T the apove mentioned suit and the expenses of xale.nnu upon the residue-ft credit of tWelve months will.be given,the purchaser to pre-bond, with'good security, for tue de ferred payment, witlu^ BalC * . CHARLES K. MALLORY, 1 - " • '* Commissioners. Of the dubve lahila. ISd acres are in.fine cqitivation— -bnlnnco heavily tifnberbfl superior wmje oak (for ship building) and piAo—tntf fi&d being worth 1 82.75 per. cord on tho : t'ank., tmetedfor. forthe New'York market.. ' Any intQtmaUon in ryferonceto the matter* can bd had by auuresemg rNayrotunor. tk Stonebraker, Baltimore, by tp.BlTftfridk, adjoinin'? the lands at Warwick Court iluiiie,: Warwick coontr, ' Virginia. ’ J6l-60t\ . . - r . ». WAchinery and iron: SAHt'Blr v* MKSBICK, - • , J. VAUGHAN UEKBICK. S2OUTHWaM I ' , F^UNl)RY* i ' ' ■O FIFTH AN’D WAifrtfNoTON STREETS, • - ENGlSElsgA'OT'MAftjaiNjsTs,, Manufacture Hieh nntf Ltfir'Pre&jrojSteaib Enemes, for Land, River, amt Mnnne servlet.. , ,i, • Boilors. Uaaoinetera,Tanks, Ironßoats.fte, s Sa#fid»B ° Iren Wf!inra BooIa7”r < Gas'™orks, -VVork Shops; Hoil road etatiens, Ac. , , . Retorts end Gas Maohmory of the latest and most im-. (irtiteuoWtsCrtfctioil.'- " ' ~ ’ : " ‘ EvdfT.dcfcnfttira rf Plantation Maohruery, such an Susar.SsW,arfdtirigtMill,.Yacnyra FithS.Opeu.Stoaiu Trains; jSofdKitefs. Filters, TiunprirrEfliPru!*. acc.’.v,.,, ■ i Sole, - Agents, fplr 3. Rijpetrx’s Jfatetit 8n ;at BoiUnv Abpdfntuf: NaHiyth * Tiitortt- eteatfr lismmerl and Aspinuntl.i TTdHey.’J Faietit Cdßtri(hgal.ess*r'fl»ln inttMachine.;, . ... - . .^ans y HARDWARE^. T'o xiiiFw^WARE/TRADiJ^ -subscrihere.’AOKNTS FO-. 'REIGN -\ND DQMKSTIO HARDWjvRB, Wf the following good* at lowest ratos:-Lewis ftapfww Chains of all kinds, including trace, los, hajteivfimi, bronst.wacoiu ton :ue, roil, ship, mine, nnd othor Cnalng P. 'Wmht’s patent and othor-Anvila and Vices; jL ; Hbrjte flgila;.rmmdnndovnt Bake Pubs; short nad long, handle >-17 Prftti,: Ektewor Hafety Fjjse for fclaßtm? toeks;; Bed Screws,; Affie’rßjafJ okita6(Blackboard;Crn yrins and Carpentora' CImIR; 'iAbTe fthalißckot Cutlgry; Un6t Steel Files and Rasps; Cast fl/i'J /WrthhjhF Butt Hinges; Strapand "T” Himrost Gimlet^jr.tnqr n»u*s Razor Strops; HoiLes* Mahogany KnotuJ: Wmios Braocss-Shovelsand Spades,all kinds; Hay and Martnre Forks, Rnkes, and Hoes; South cate’s parent Wrencho*; Looks and Latches; Door and Shutter Bolts; Hand, SlrdcQ. nnd Stone Hammers: Hooks and ILiue*: Taolu,. Brnds. Shoe. Clout.amt Flitißhlnr Nails: Wrouiht Nails; King’s Stwkaand Dio*; Hatch’*Ten and Counter Scales; Curry Combs. American nnd Encash; SJcrthoe,Scrthe Stones and Rifles; DouJlaes' Pomps .ami Rams; Mo- In&ees Gates, Faucets, Saws of all kinds; Axes, Hat chets, Hammers, &c., with a general assortment of Hardware. - W. G. LEWIS & SON, apO-dtf . : 411 COMMERCE Street. BRUSHES. mH6 CHEAPICST TJRUSII HOUSE IN • A ' THILADELrUtA.—Lbok at the following list of prices for Handscnibs,ond compare them with those bought elaewhoro» , , - . , , > No:i,» toktiols,* 62H per dozen. . Nu. 2, raknots, 7* -J* No. 3, ftikuota, 87 4 'No. 4, SO knots. 100 . 44 N 0.5, 83knots,U2 44 No. 6.100 knots, 135 No. 7,101 knots, 160 • “ No. B,l® knots 176 “ -lIENRY C. KCXMTETN, 52 North THIRD Street, below Arch, , . -Philadelphia. . PROUT’S CELEBRATED LONDON , BRUSHES. - ...... Qiiality is more essential in a lltiir Brui»b than in any other Toilet, nrticlo.. PROUT'S BRUSHES, wherever introduced. have nt onoe taken precedence for quality <»f materials nnd fof rcientifio construction. His Hmr Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity with the re quisite’firmness, afo found to psks uniformly- and smoothly -THRoi-on tho. hair .rathor-jhna rousiily and harshly ovtn it, thus civimr the proper stimulus and ronsoquout freedom-from .dandruff to tho scalp-skm' without injuring it, and thus. too. insuring a naturally * Ifwsv, healthv condition to tho hair. His TEETH. NAIL aud.COMIV BRUSHES are equally desirable- also 1 for their respective uses, all combining, in a remarkable degree,'comnleteijt wit a extraordinary dura? «hty. A lull assortment of PROLT B superior goods, ncludiiig some entirely new patterns, to.rether with a nr'e stock of IjUBIN’S dosirahle SOAPB and PER FUMERY, just innxiried direct, urusu and genuine. For sale, wuolosolo and retail,'l»v - - ' - lIABSARD A CO.,Apothecnriea. . Jy33-tf CHESTNUT Street, cofnor of Twelfth. ' COAL, W AV. GROQME, & CO., ‘ tfenlors and of LEHIGH, ECHUYI'KILL. and BROAD TOr SEMI BITUMINOUS COAL. Oftice. No. H 6 South FOURTH Street. ‘ BROAD Street, below Race, , it>f , ap2-6m t PHILADELPHIA. WOOD, COAL, AND KINDLING WOOD. JANNKY k YEAGER. , > COATES-STREET' WIIAKF.W •. - * Ha\ c constantly on hand nJarf o and superior article of PINE OAK anu HfCKORY WOOD; and. havinr domnlefoil mir armn romenta- are now prepared to saw tho WOOD BY STEAM POWER. W« havn also on bamlnpuporiur article of LEHIGH COAL. of nit sizes *olo<'teu withoare. Dealers and Consumers avill find it greallv to their rtdvnntiue to purchase Kindling WcWid of ns, i , , . ' , - : ■ ] i CIC.Ut!S, T/vBACCO, &c. IGA R S A. MERINO, 140 SOUTH VJ FRONT Street, offers for sale from Store and Bond, tho following favorite. Brands of Cuars: Nouvn limp. Re.'Alifl., Xueva Emp. Conchas, Light GuardEntro Actora. Amolift. Lomlonsv Lon-, drcs,Uti2d, and 3d; Garmiliznda, Prensandos, Caji* told Lomlons, Capiiola Conchas- Iglesias. Znrzticna, Cuba Mi Patna Lomltos; L.I Ebro London P’iho, ttanlia* das*, Brova.s, Kiln so? Operas. Espana London,- Eepnrn London Fmo. PrincipeH. Manilla Cheroots. jell-tf HAVANA CIGAHS offered to dealer at favorable rates, of various sizes and brands, in cluding Parinpas, Cabana, FipArti, Norm;‘Bird,’Florei.-’ tlnft, Faro Fly,andFontoca. Also. Paper Clears, b/ 1 ! STEPIIEX FUGVK'f V fix, SHiSruth.l'noM’Strm-t. MUSIC., MUSIC STOKE. . ■ J-y-y-Nn.HW CHESTNUT, StroM.l’liiU'ieWtia. ■ Wh-ry all. llitj latest ami popular -Must} ean. Ive ob famed'iromirnyi'oataloiiue in the (ifuted fctntes. -In struction Books, fc’ot Pieces.. Ballads, Arc- New. CntnldAlPH wrilf bo'fortrnnled to'any.oue; post-pftnl. Musio will, ho. pent, post-paid., on receipt.ofJi\e prieo , matko \ on ontalo lie. Publishing und rocemng now Musi6 .daily* Mutual lnstnirncr\ts and musical mar cha)idi>-% of «v.‘ry description at importers’«n»t m^nu “jiSHm PriM “’ ' n^cKKSTOUT^t. T%fINTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES for J.yJL-'fidbrB. ’ '* Orna .i-'idaiChimno}.,Topgforcottaß.es..-; ■ r Ghr.iou Vnsosnnd Fotmtmns. 1 ‘ *' * ' Vit.-ihed Pipe lor drains and Water boinJuetora.' -k,, Irtpirted find for bale by ’ . _ _ IIAVIIIP. aoOBE. UNDEBL. taker, no. sm vine st. mas m* r-r THOMAS & SONS, ‘- , ’ i ITS, Nos. UK .ml 1U SOUTH FOUHTir STREET. • I'libiio Sonis at -thti cv.,y ■ Tnewloy wemaZr&unwt tips nuiQUaHUns. - ’ H-Baralbins of MCh P/.oJVrty I«uM»«Mr»KIy, In' Switi6tf to Winch P r eTMar M '• - -• BALE 3 AT THE AVCTIpjr STORE every Thursday inorßtit*/ -- - ----r ; -KEAE,ESTATE AT PRIVATE BAEE. .> * . . JGT We iiurPubiicf&leA»traots. , r (otiwhich 5.000 copies are printed l WookJy,) free ol* euargo. ‘ « ; , - , ■ , e ’ .. - CARD.—TiIe Trade Sale to Booksellers willdoiuineiietJ on luesday, September 13. Catalogues now ready/ ■ CARD.—To August only occasional sales, aa Irnreto fore—uot gverv week, ns In tlm ba*in«Mi reason. 1 ,f .The United States Hotel,” and 100 boildine lota, AT LANxfC CITY,6th Auyttst' See handbflGT l - h ;ff«%S%® T E s T^ : r ' safe to-morrow morning, at t&« aaefion : more, will comprise, besides 400 lota of escellen\A»rPt~ , turd. I'rencf)/ pinto mirrors. superior eoautmg-?V®2- rtosks,stfponorooc/k-casc*. three ironchests, eaifif*®* .surveyors’ instruments, two cold'{ever watcher, ... Catqlo /<-. - . * AF ft o’clock, at the auction store* eitassprjniepttof excellent second-hand furniture, etetanttHano-forteFj, find tyirronr. carpets, Bto., from families declinißirtionsa-' keepm*> removed to the stojo for convenience ofeale. -; : . Also, by order of Administrators, two gold -.watch*! And a. lino qCHible-barrelled yan. , •- .Also; e case t’H surveyors* instruments. ' Also, several counting-house desks, with rock®.- • - • - - ' .Also', superipr book-eis6®> glass-doors. Also, threoirnu chests. , , . -On Saturday morning, - Ait cast building tots. Allelic City. New Jersey, - .. . Ek. JoiU description* and lithograpmo plea?* BAT b& naa at the auction rooms. . , REAL ESTATE SALK,'• -x. < On Tuesday Noon* , 1«h, at IS pfcfoclf, at the Philadelphia!!*- ; Elegant country seat. lSg* acres, with extensiveTirar* provefaefits, fihe shade trees, superior finnlirees,greea*. hoa«; grapery, Ac,, Ac--' ofl the Havarfora row* Dela ware equmy, Within half a imJe oft he depot' U* August 4. at -Jp o'clock Prooieelj.wiU be sold by cata logue,,on fou< mopthfl credit, l.fldocapes Wu, shoes. • brogAua.- Oxford ties, gaiters,- children’s and jniesee*' ladies’ shoes, gaitore, ties. Ac.f bqnf'iad toirthr Oxford tiM.gaiter** hoott* bfo _• ; tjIURNRSS, BRINLET, & CO., ■- - No. 423 Market street. FIRST FALL SALE- OF' BRITISH, GfeRMAN, t SCOTCH,.IRISH. AND AMERICAN Dkv GOODS. ... /On Tuesday Morning, Adjust 9th* qt 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on six mouths 5OO pkckdftf ®Bd of imported dry goods, just re- and oat&fo3 ue3 oamomingof gale. - -R , SCOTT, .Jr., aI : OTIONEEB, No. 40& u* CHESTNUT STREET"tha’ Custom House, between FOURTH,end Straoto. , JJI. GUMMEY & SONS, . : : • ' HEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS. ! .>• No. 520 WALNUT STREET. CARD.—J. NL Gummey Ic Sons. ancUonoere, will hoH regular sales .of Real Estate, Stocks, Ac.« Also honse hold furmturo at dwellings. - * . " On our Private Sale Register will always bis found a very lar? k;Nalhanq. Pnwcipa( K. comer of StA^S,x^.iyiL£^tE. 1 . - ■ • .Money.' money i • moNes?/i • - Money liberally advanced in or anremaw, o/M dollar to thousands, on £o!d and diamonds, watches, Jewelry, fowlinr-piecee, mns\<3f in-' fllrumcnts. furniftfre. drv rood*. qlothin?, «nrs, hardware, cutwry, books, and nit articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, nt Nathans’ Pbicipaz. Esta ST.iagatsxTa southeast cffrirer 6T. HlxtU sndßnce streets. * PRdsn*roftV'XOTES, with collateroL dieeoontod at' II OREATIIi wATCHES. JEWELRY, RACE Htieeta.—The following articMkwiU bo sold fortesS thin half the usual store prices: Fine ' foil jCYS'elled.ntvl .plainf of the most beet mako,in huntingvoses and double bottomed." Fine g:. . rDepoud upon it, dtfibers, it will give rest to yourselves’ “"IIKMEF ANT) JIEAI-Tfl TO YOUR iNFANTtf. -' ■ Wehaveputupandsoldi • ithis aftitle wr errefxten'-' ycarstiuidcan say, incomw fidenctf aiw trirth df iL.‘ what wo have never beon i-j Ktt.m any other,.-, medicine. NEVER HAB IT FAILED, Jrf a SRf.- GLE INSTANCE, TO KF 35 FECT A CURD* •»6eil* i timely used.' Never did we know an mstaflff rrf*t disjiatinfaction by any one [whoused iU On theooti , trary, all are CC [with Its ’- speak in -terms of highest rk [commendationofitamOgi- 4 cal olleds nnd medical vir -D hues. We? speak- in ■ tbw'. matter 1 ■“ whaU wo da know,'Rafter ten year»f] exporience.andpleiLeour reputation for the fiufil? meutof what we here do r; f;lare. an almost-every'- : instance where the jissutfqnirg-frem paumbd ' exhaustion, relief will bo c* Ifoum} ;n fifteen or tvreptr:' • mirmteeatW bdsnimstere4- -”• Thiss’aluablopreparation Olisthe prescription of t>nß*‘ of Um most KXI’KRf- q (ENCEIf aifd .SKILFyI, 1 * NtßhEbiirNewEQ.'land • and- baa;'t>eaa i.ase« -^hta.' never-iailin< succeMm '"1 - . ' • #1 THO AN Da _OF CASEtI. ‘ U not only relieves tho h'hild - from pain, out yl* - vigorates the stomach and ** j bowels, corrects addin. 1 ' and gives tone and energy U.|to the whole system, -It will 'almost instantly re ,h'e v« - GRIPING IN .THE BOWELS AND- WINDO € OLIO amfove Wg- . vnlsions. which.; if not ,j doath. .We behove it the! _ l«rtan(lsnrestirefttetlr(u:.. Jhe world, in all cases D VSENTERYsniTwAIt... RUCBA IN CHILDRENfbr whether’ if arises TriM'- teothm-r or from any other- rj eaiiEO. Wo \ronU overy mother, who has the nor th e .prejudices Otp othor«, stand betprkmN.; your Eiiflcnuf child and . the relief that wilK b©’/- Si RE—yes. ABSOLUTE!jq LY SURE-to uso of this medicine, il!_» timejy ueod. < Fotb'diree— tiona for usin> will pauv each bottle* iNocq .-cnuiiio unlets the. laotls simile ofCURTIS&JPER' ' KINS.'Now Aork, is on» -jthe outeidowrapper, o) BOuflold by Drureists throughout tbcWorhJ, .Frintir palOnioe,No.l3GßDAßbtreot,NewYork.- jyiW-lj} > SCROFULA,'WHITE SWELLI NG. HIU-: r.. W Sf-^ K> TtFrap.yfrVLD HKAT).-K|Urtiffl,-.’: of tno Skin Eoncrnlly. and all Humor? and Impnntlee'uf tho radically and pornmuontly cured bj'tho' ceo irao fMPKHI A L DEPUILkTIVE, / ', t: It lias I>con. n vor >’ iniporlnnt agent in the cure of.. CANChROUS DISLASKtJ by Dr. lionnaborry k. Oi!, for'- x nnmt>er of years past, and its creat value m the cum °i ’Uancors is abnudautly cstabliahed by Urn many cUw« eiroctcAlby it. , - •<- - In SCROFULOUS atfeotinnsits remarkable c&ratno eilect has uovcrbeou equalled, ltcnroathemost ohetc natica&Oß. • . : . -- TE'LTER, SCALD HE.VD, nnd all Empt'ons ofuk 4 Skin, readily yield to a modorato use of this Mcdicihe.’ RlaliEixant Ideeraatid Soros are readily oured by tho uso t-f af*wb«>Ulc% > , Prepared mid soldb/ MacNIOHOL & BttO.,«lintc Lounsberry & C 0.,) 'N»».« North FIFTH Street, IwjlowArcb. - Forsnlo by tho following DmggiHta: ’ J. F. Long «. C«>..Laucaster; C. W.Epting, Pottsville;-- .T. H. Rnher, Reading: S. fc. Stevens. Readtiu; T. 3* J, MjClintock. Easton; J«s. Given, West Chester; Vm. S ihler, Norristown; Simon Raw,Bethlehem; Dr.Lnre*..’ a->., New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt it Cfl, r . AUontown: Lilia &. Bell, Manayubk, Fai J.D. James, ‘ T iMiton; Do La Gour, Cnmdon; Brewster A? Co-» Rrul re h »it» JloiJdrtson & Lippincott. Salem, N. J.; Me*- I mil, ilminHon; L. S. Hoopee, Wilmington; T* F. - Il.iniuorelr, Milford, Dc!.; nnd Druggists generally. ji»Jl-*ntth3iiuf - » DR. WESTCOTPS CELEBRATED TAR; .-CoRDfAL. ; Tar Cordial cures Copsumptioa. ■- >v QKtcott s far Cordial cures Bronchitis. , , YniMcott’BTar Cordial cures Coughs and Colds. ' >\ .istcott a tar Cordial cures Sore Throat sad Breast;'' ■ WssteoU fl lar Cordial cures Falpitnuirn of the Heart-. - . - . - v , WehtcoU’s Tnr’Cbrdinl cure* Nervom? Debility. •, M ostcolt sTar Coniiaf cures General Debility." ' ' v\ ostedtt’s far CordiaLcnrcs Diseases or thoKidsevk. Stmn,ury,'and tiravel.r • ,-\, V • -WoMooU’s Tflr .Cordial, cures Blind Bleed,, Cur6s Female Weakheasje?. Vwt ’ Dr.Rj R. WBBTCOTT can be consulted on tho pboVn ' < b«c}moK. ffoo of.choyge. at his Consulting Rooins. jNo. ♦59 ARcHStrcet, from 30 A. AI. to) I*. M. . jyld-tf •»< J)BILLS' AND SHEETINGS FOB EX BROW&, IiT.EACItED.'ANP BLUE PRILLS, ' ■ ... , JllLvy AND LIGR'E . , 1 ' *Snitabi»tnrExport.lOTMlebr 1 •, r‘ - - FROTHINGHAM * WELLS, • « •> j< •. . ... 24 SouthFKONr at.,imu^,Leticia Street:! .vu? I -.-boldly,. , , , , r . , ? ~ v - r . , 13f kegs lor *4 SSK IIL & brother, Kos. a Md rnf.