The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 21, 1859, Image 4

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nowt' i
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iiP'74ll-gri".iiadei,llo7, ii.4,tirp,-.7:
.-", A*Holisi„,-1)- --Tatirforis4iii,lo.l'interviex,
- - 'mom --7-irthi., Great' •
r , ' "f Wit; bilt
+l4ttftiriliont7l4)444lP6Piitei; fiiiii
i. ' 41,716411PeriC41, 4h,flitin:
,k ' ':17,,.#11:411.4...1" )3 51 041611101491%901."'(.'4,„.-Inl.di:,
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A; aall W e
0 40** 1 ,0 11 .#4,-*4 '''irtirtillt:
.'-'4910414 1,74 4,... D." ii'mii•li 'triad . t h e e tt',Adio r r
...r t7,-„:„.... idetiost 1011f...t
..-i2 . 44li rumitibi - • illoP/110164L1 ;
Va9iiikka9t,,,,,,Mr. Ha trial alto 7 i
„2.,-. - - --".. 141,,61,4„,,,imji,..11,-,-iiivii:
t r.
' EibileeWl fl,..iil t O iC l M - Aft-'7. a . 1 - iii
iiijdeeCoodiqe ~=
bo , 4l4Voi ldter ,„ <1115.1-Y,i,: -,.., - :: : - . 1) 47 s it i c rii
that could
do*. - !rho so ,., * . r .l tt
.0 1V7 3,,
' - ' h o d c b tiv-19,6 '.# 6 ,5 1!!.L, ite*lsLixesarl.o!'t
r0,,,! ( 1 ,4 - 40'.1141,040.7 is.or stopped,
- - •tipipawkr 1 ' 4 when t1i?...---in ~,- Tif tiogt.
7 .- l e gs lon - , , •-.1,.: - q d , , 0 .
• .-, - - lo t Ms' ..- . ~,„i s R AO ~, , . „
.. 2 ,
hialt-i o st IMO the; r. /tI T*
~P-I I --- !died; aNL'As.. A . `_ifii444lag n6-Petri' ware f.. ktipii44oolt ' myistlesii. trh!,',.
lieerA ° A toIluliFIRAOr 4,---iiii•icrot4sit.
fui oinOtel" ''' iiiiii, ) = - •
- 11
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,--1,-.,A*b**e*sl*fiiT7fif - 6 9 .. 7 '.. ~4 4 5k.4,1411444 ha ve ) 6 o
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'PtgllP.2.# apse • - ' 4sk -airmakr,-. ; 1 -
,• , '
.„ -
~...princi, minik.b
.....-7.. 4, .. -, t ikd om b,pv,
~..,......- --...... sus.
' '• , ' eisciaoitt A9 ll /4 1 ' • -4r-T fittlifkillriPl7, l .1
- -,..* ,i, , „„lim,s 9ts - - mot laf4
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40. to9V
Ilk --. list: Oh' t1e,..„, _Al_n__,Tl viiiisiCe949.lVl'
Pi th - • wf-st -__..-- , 44.1 e numerous 1
'' "Fg.w.,,-. ',,,,,,„,ba,. n ,defith.'
igAiargad Y 414154?
, ~- that , ',
, eiiisAittit(lek• --I\l4,4lolC°ol°F ' 4 'ea
.... `et •
~.,...r ....._
.... ,,,,Okrt!,.. must r,
r ia,44;raei , -
•.7 9,4 1 .1{' , .::" i . 1 - ;
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~4 ,4. ....i.v."-k-ortgait7tivicnaulei:i'Ln.
'1.401.“ - 4 I'4'9 foc A i "-r 0 reit
i t
./ &ma ga- ' ' Li' tbSt- vol e G,A ivalei ,
..._.....,.,_,•,.„,„, -tt*esSifiSh 'q-iiii,vilie eta:,
47-4 ` , 1 4101 , 014 4 .:001 - 1 " - 41410 reit P, '7 ttie'
'-,io.- 50cid,r0ffe1.:...,,,,,L...5.1
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t4usitt.lo.4ll,,,,tiimilltier 901 5,47 7 - 1. ',-- i',11,3,
; ,,,,, -... 4 :11160a . , .r... 7. - dvara r ook 01..01
~.., ..,„, Ardio,,,it ~ii„- -, i, , diefo.,. ... •
4.,,,,,, - 40, , th 0 * 7r. .... ,t,.1,10.0,,
.'" ' )4' it AnM ' -.“.-itieiide.m.m°
—. k ..4 ';"''' ' - 44kimik 14 "'"‘; 11 ` 1 "? hfit kithit,4o; 6°Y
-4' • .Ly filittafV;blMY •W ' • rim . *Cle4ali
r'', 'lral-
, 141. slus6 ri , -,^ ~ ' i 111116860.
:th' - ' -'- e -:-' -r•
DA-P - M ,T.4 9--
ar-gitkmnlQ- loreigic„
i t - finj!A .
.. .7iiti,iffotion,
, ..titt,'4, 1$ ' oiszeie'llaTe'rr---“-iiViidisii.
- :t-. •livi 1 )? 1 !1,-, ,- 41 0-$44#llT,
'" Rural ber
.- A .-.,- 14 - 0 4ris csmo nt3,
---•*iiimicfo2 1-,-- igio-k4 Ara* l'n'
;.'..:prni iii , of All'ide‘'b;en_i:
.!.1-.:e' -- i sultsiti t tlle9 l .4lPP,l li, f-:: y, , li i
Ot.W.• v --Att-,-- -tvoali.ibli,..l49B4;t*-7-7..--( ii•./rii
• y :}': A so
c-41101''''illt .11"17' .;ail of
:-,-..1•`,;$ 444444.0_,__dt.3,'*-- ,1--.1.' among 04),F,,,
„:„... f
ah--',44therw7•,41,4 f.',..r.,•?:'.;..,
:''';rle irW iri c , : l&kx.dief''-01' , 9f,..dlipitiVllo,
liiikille,LlAt rolo.4l„.*.eliafiegg at ci:
~,,:,:;illoffiyisOf 'lrmliaide,ii-batkii4
r - :ffliw...-Fitightliiii
•Aliiiiiit924444l-610.0APIRS"- ''oilau
-2- • .-- #AV-sem ,- ' •-iiiiiiiit;4l,Bit! ,-.
~til tteigettliew : Ainetii6h indir
,Alic-gat---r-_,-t% i sciiii.iOf 6114'9" - '..41-6r,i,j
•,-,L'-4-ileJfT '' siiiiiio th 4,11)14Y4,:e,',,f1-i •ur,
:, ,osaaleillitO,ltit: l'Al i ti ' 'WA*, *Am of ' °
_,,, a ,,- war 444," - 7 .) ,,.. 4.okheciiutk
,- :',4i,w,m. ti,' ,iiiii
_loathe !fe,;-,,,. PAY 4 '' _
A• -' ; 13
f 1 E fat- fiiiri
,' s ' .X: ,t .;._, IT :. t , ' '•.' ' ' f ' ,';':.`rtf:''';.; -
-drill;%l4' ',L , ', ~7-,,, ~,,:tr'6tiiiial
i,' -- - a Cloigit***77l"3' ' lit 011•
~,tffkill449:ol-illf;-? --:". sdliaskotte'fteillL.,
.1., s =r , Ays.--.- - - -sik-Ailt 1,0-..714-, i-.6-....r!bleiti si3l9l9°"'
',CO' iliekt l a., l-4441,14i,. - 9 '-''''''' -iirtiii ig''
- '4";•4!!iiithrOglitticiiiioo,n!ff#l„4,74liititiow,
-,,,t figokOlf :-.,0., -li :f 4144' ' 'sit Si
,•“Wk,,11541,1110.4,(9* e s *lit,ol.-: 9
,--.2. -0 • . - t
• .t,bniffet Ate ft Y.,Trrr--112ine borne into:
,e siposimpiff.„ - -
OA , oi
.Irloo-= 0#0.460h 9 4A 9, ' -
% - Aria ,
luk lis i the E,TII3Ik
*it iagiribk•A'ftt ..tii,urthli 4,,,1 r q 9 1,SW„,,,- (411001019- _-,iiir ftbev*e2bk
1 , 11 , 2 , 1 0, ... wieziiiiirtiOaq7 ''Yit'i:;,,q'glotri
7, rikllA„, ..,-xv- ~cirtlAistl,..l,4%. -7- ~
'-'-'1010511.44401FP •"-"lithqicy-0111#031114.i
_, , Aioiltr:6l)ll4:4l9
: ' . "41 65:661 - nottiiloo,
11$-Ptkitirgit fitt * A , Triii4 O. , ir-
bad .-
•;-.4-41,,T,40.4110,016007-iiii tc4404, 040!!-
t.42.3/4451.#11,110,0,64 ''. ' ' '':.UWillitl.44l!°!t
I.4l""crifilili'll:',li *O. it**;° kw,
ter' l'itikirtr,r2t
~.,,,,, - -i***olllltPac2l,'
.6 --"'
',;(01,' Afiblitriottr477,- 404 'ilfessirfg#
'biliftiff43•o4MlA4%itsiilig, kobi
---'" iiiitne-i 1 „"P .ad sib*
thici-Rittil c•• ,2.- --ik,,#r-,)0-.. ,ingt'ig
- AtirOY-iitrt.%44777(talit-iile 16/ . 1 ".., ir
~_,:„,„„..'iv404P4T-.slltlitt=s,3kVt:;MY ::- ''-'
: ;-.' 6 Vl3pkf: 74 r' . :: 4,,,,.„-A#„.f
041*-15,4i,1 ‘,5
D 04,
4 k
6 Ilica'llasll,4: 0,:l.:,s• - ; .IA , , .-:..
ElVlttfl,l 4la44o a 4;
. . ........, iiiilapol, July 26 i
1 - ' iii2:44 - 4 . ;.: 11 4',,V. Oftiblidt*liioon
\PPM tFl`• **ol 7l o l l 44 hOstit,z 14on
linite il trlit l t - 1: , 'A t.'
lis , -. -reii....- , --. —"ilaii ~
9306 4W-Iraia4;:l e . .4.:ibey It
4 : ar k if!!!! 4 "”lt i l ltitit
eilk - .8*8.4.k •ImlarS)* 84 . " .
' WWII. inli sr)
- Raiff kg :qattAk4oll , 7 6l . ',API/. V:
,„ „ Ar t,„,....41. v te.
76 -gro...?•ftw Ait ; 3.0
f 411 --...: ' Ll '` -"'Ang Iti•
dpir, 4 1 11 1 9114.a.!‘.;_fa!fl i t'4 a
7 , - . 4{',41 0 .!!! , ..p.w,V, • ~.
1.11- 15 k
~ _ A._ I :l • AU:;iti . '',, "...,:, - ilivish.
Afti AV44411/mi*Acirolc - '. "
..:. .3,113 Ali
:iL r11: :141 41 ?"70 1 : 11 1mp'tol', 11" :ristiv i iii :: :::;f: :: :14 1 1
k., IiVaI'2III;e4.7IIZWZIV:-. : 7 111.111:
L 4r
-F.l f 4 o44,spi ‘ tae,-1- — o :o93* . vit t l ak aw e tioit -rir ut ,
i - tisl -
mul l tor so.:
iit tr :771-11 tm la roi , 1 1 :6 81=4* I'istSiaalifl' oi 'Vd: x -
a , : I :1:y:
z.l:- llii iti,r.i.;,:a.ll-411114thein'ativi Yoirk:'..-..:"...414 8:
'l'; I, , it-z• t-,tt $ ,, ,, , r. 4 ,kilt: , :', r,.....--4,1 i•ia , ,-,-. ~ ,L,,„ ,, • --.
t: ^,E ti 44 . froint"ifit
ft arlic:Jon tliebtBi and 204 r otenik mosithi; ,- ' _-'"' , 1 "
f,'" 2l; ; IA Mir tl‘r‘ . '_.,414,119*(4! I -^.',
',X i n....... 0 45878-9448W-PA111P.2 ,88 - Yi * 8 ,10 8 • Tr,
InerrkplitiVeirittral.,,,Vls,"•,,,7 c 1 "
, 0,-
.!!10111"01r. 1
ilk irent .
3fi: -." 7, lA.
ssldwidwigui 1 • .}
iliNced&46lollotra24.hount from. ew Yore, '
•140,L,„ 11tr.• with lids* and paesengers to Jas Older.
-61.0.44000 s &us&saw a lows -ship etsedleg
POL92l6Wespish;h2if MO ned abeld in tn. or,ttig
AM,Nfelle , • *
a, owx_ww_Aap—TptsFi:6lltirino m v 6. t o Hitt ,
asitak 18,1.PN/situ & It Ludwig, tfs !,14 t At t litl6o44lo.lB;l2. to 'yokes/4 if It Ludwig,
ittb 0
OW "Ins-kW, ;ll,' 812sissolit id, Theti W N
jB.B t610132102,41112./.2l,Xliallsf *le !ludo int
') :I.akt ,r / Ptl i g:4l2rattl t ri t i%, li.dijefcgmCar4enea,
'IIB 9 {titter ' . QUOIN 0 dyys from - 11Nezi, In
oalleeetel6o6 l o. Simonet. & OsidweiL
' " , •Mdfellallie.T . Chartla cent s! 8 &tilt from Howbeit,
Cf; With' intmrstorie r tel 04•11*0 k Rtown'-•
• Metre_ilainwisefielfe.l al}iaddir;lB daysfrom - Ben.
, &WV, lidiootier,*-0414 0 days fromMilfor,E4l,
Aillifetrfa UMW& ni J NMettolloy, t - •
248,n !lAA -12haniewf dais frost fakes, DM, with
re-2 4 27:1 * fl ikpirpaillOriniscitfel
7711n1Carai 4 0, o . t•-
•' Nit ellit‘WdbPiiidw47o from With
o tare litltjubMl•lt ' ' ."--•
1, 4,160 Pottle; CtliNiall t 6 days from Colton, with lee
t hwa t w a , r,
iffehr Beriontiii 0. inert from 8
k•tmour// 4 6101 NOsa 'Jessie - •r ro Now:York: •
tft-ht. fr ustleiNsu ' , Dort •
o &ANA Clorietil Cattiest. frOln NeWnst yoort. "
Hineltt `Min ravideues,
r // / • ' -
/ .4' 4 / • ARID ' • ;
ittiowashitritebiware. Copes ' tfintr,Yorks'whi Otos
to :-:.a:. . •
114 CPS Maide. 611olirlet, Batas, Noble, Hammett
~klhodeidti , ,
.4‘t,•#.lith_w_t_flothehitimt... • d o •
"'" • 1 ,- ttragr, 3 ,ol . 4k,, Atislits, lte, Westmoreland
lierobgka:ll4 %rider & Co
• eqee Ills..nbesetionan. flautue&St. Ohes Millar & Co,
A Mar XNll4.l..ili•iideribn:lftwt.mon.h,"
s s
Behr 0 A. istwinelaer, 0104, N Ilineterint
'COO -t - . ,
liaidlilottlTheiton. Hirst& Golelisil ,
Ifeln• R. Conon. 00.111,0. INwton BantworriTawle & Co.
.. 4 1W2TIllaraiii - 2241 46 71 1 6 1-514-4 44 0 1criilkiiiis for'
or'llehir Ann- 211114, Jinteljltlebinona
A/M1.1141C r.; •
SieseSANi crietark Selma. Broso Nikitt & 00
fijideitiOlmtOwatitiohoitted & 00::
• Nor riudkidalPieros Higatar Othisam. do ;
B . l l o ' Dirano. PyteluM4 Pottisod. • r wdea & 00.
-,:.Bt's SMllling, Claypool, Baltimore, A-Groves, Jr
411 c." •
A 40.44. A at *ls Pielia •
~- 1 1119,sit DI anao. 20:1868.
Nr.Virrroftitu r re,thyrulbreles without soy
-SOW isalsow.l.Nlieratesebriah at thaNalsblock
lif t.-.lB l 44 2 .ll ll k,bs„AAlNltid. t9'4. - -T4 Baltimore
-isor„ stl num itownto4 Althliort tight mos Melt,
s: • -
- Do July
4.22/28 17 B rivioue_mitteamoted_oohnitlesilog
'Wartok..Nmirk•,l4 l .o., kmard urs at , ber:
• 4014 ' amil or I .iln getting re edy to pm'," Qqlt• a Hot
- ,lf t eeii , el wont to en oi floodlit ut#hti among the rums
witelfai the bath OA, for Biatoo'
&a _ _ . rr W.M. M. RICKMAN.
tOofrimsd ik mee of Philadelphia 11xolmep.1
.• Oforis Lssxxk 7uly'2o, 1.03' e
t ./ ' The IT Imor
ithrHet ` tits and revisits <litter
citwial_iitiito*4ll' 'es tispit■ - st imam' ' &ship ts
11r "Winds piste soh , pig* Wink aortkinrift:' '2hers ,
tn. *Os. B.
for 9iyinly, Ns*, leflad from
• apritlo:l ,
ship 'IMINOO,II6 Ptlaer;salted • front Manilla April 20
fraeusiwod • 4 . •
o...iiisfy.MiadMi.Nutiums; for Boston, why Penang, fatted
ifrisinithilisionelley 12 . •
1194 W 11,14 fiona pan" 6-00; orated
Aire bfiy . t. st s
- oratti."ltarlatiifotilijr, fen , fdrarpoid,.elearill at;.Hata,
' - leatb fait
7.IIaICM - frifotaifillitirataa, for - Oataatta';ealled from,"
Liaaninal 2 lost • - - -
Halt Mitt "ttaaaall, Bhanklaad,_herioe at Baraturb
ear l V • "kik inufkirtrilirides; far Montevideo' arid
`temarkot olairsi it Boston 19 It lost'
hPsel'Oefind..9t"- 061 all
Brig atnattart;',B4tartrugifor,%Bbiladelphis, oleartar sa t
--lirlg,-09loopinklionan, for Plalladolphla, wont to nit
secierPtAtirlatitt nth brat _ _
fleiu7 Hall, keno*, arrived! `it' 80461,
Mottlit,tE 1:7 ;
W•io 0 C P M lbrook , bi9o.,:arrlved at POO:"
toot., •`-:* c 3.. "
Reg fildaigo,..76:lilltilaiorii, boar, airiyed at Bastin'
1901 , ' ' -
SabrJ IfaustairMliatto, bones, mimed ai lewbtt
vrpoo,l7itt ,;;.,
rout',Unltsitoon s lott, rromyannton tor Phitidot•
pies, at wiutoiitaa taut
.6ehrtioiMkowoo, Britt, bear,e, arrloast law,
494'1 • " " •
• ' Caikti ;144:P14'i:4 toi - ., 17;4481046, w'ont_to
'',ool,lslwieCtiolloOn Oth !apt'
'titian from Prottah AO* litCk Inst.
• _
- ,l 6l V l 7hatTwvfoolloaLi9wiwiricetiiiiit tt • a ailown.
' ott Itg kicite4itzipirzo,' Trimile;on piff th, both
tittliadarpliT id:, , "'.
1111Trartridgil; Watt, iftiwtalrfjtitt ADA bet
0111 4 04, 1 1 0111 , 2007, -
1tt41 , 44 , et , ratiolirittir, tailed frattirifOrii 'pH; 620
159 r Pholaialphla - ' " , '
/at Bilaspire_Harl.t. ttitilt,titinfaragaPfairiar; for
yeti iiroun-ir 'looted ilboat fipo - 19da ostgo at
, ..ii•i-1 01, l , '0 , 1119)arliiig. ,11- irin. llg
700, "qv 9 le n t:} .t t'for.too, far,:rtttrit I 6 ,r
tadini: Lirortoßl,or Dionien'--ii addl.
, nonal' bra 1:10,0 betifte. Ittitt , t l 9,,W B i Or'
414tqatt. , ,,1400 a quitot.ity amp s; a' 4 yod root.; at a'anoaa
OW; .11114010148. r. rfaiia t. Otli.:
'tor liaatiglisaw.. 10a),Blaramai Z 1 100. 411 61
'• '• s." •
611"1101-111,41.4441B,altrritlia vowel.; now la - port un
Is to,obtana sixty zonal, 011 probably go home in
, „
.••,•kicg *jog
';0 RESPO*J,
• • ON-
Of Hitt r 'hiointiAtss,
"anteitlrifitrltnt;BlT tenn , DAYS.
_4. r • • , • ..• •
PoraeakielehlatArltreitheltte 'tIOII4I I AIN
etiatatearipetaai•eVaildhil Alto desire relagetionttezu;
••111taliW:11, alttendstelte edhiiiteite etthievgrent
, - .•
.0 albsort.' -- : ,,, q
itiolinetatiz '
Oneida ••" Y en
" - - 4 7
•11i)70 en •11Plittfall• PAB4II Unit • ore I,kietae A
time. it alter' tie - kite Bosnovell—tbe twinkler°
los jithitlititdettle4 w.eatt:Yej; ntalteaterhete two
dellyilitecoVetegen eed heed eeeneet to• the eprlnge..
Itgletattegatit4 at totillnee or the P. 413114.10
= 1 4 0 e 4 11 1, 1 1 •,9PP1.. 0 0 . 1, 1 1 49 1 .Avi0rear
.Icotitisets;• - THOMAS *OOO, Agent:
1/711. '
a fitiq4iff.***4'4o4k o N,A4putmr;
.w.,tar,_ or, Alipiiut Paggat,'oo.svets, ab-
MV•et i rtiNif7AxlWAtPll .e!PIC9ki ,(4 , 94.70
olg-4001.10_r_f_f/ 1171.4 At 04 PlOad 11216*
so hpgcl =ott,, at tbo bathe , , r
Dialialoogtiat'l I'6o cont r d 10 boata.
'llkri.ta #10 1 1144; car,ft&Sß. Mr* /88itided ' SU*.
" 4 ' ....... 70
‘,4 3 • ! ".-rossoa Timms:carom*
. 8 00
/halibt .taboia,at 4ba bend • - 19
- -
coil% MAY, ,-
-` • •
. , •.. -
;5 , -.,pArikt r iguixiiiiii 4 - iiiiii)otoWiWoek, A. B
UD. $ ,
• a /FTM ME4S I - i ip.4 , 14 u kila .001. SUNDAYS; •
Vtatilir, "- itt ll 74_, ,
• wDstly MinfbitwenTlbts.6o/.Yotirl - Noy; and
NeieVoilaletvl4lAilir/#o.l.lati_olow Rrisse street,'
• OnetillDAYir for OATUMAY` 0 , 0104:,
.41 ItIrtINOCCW: • - ,
I,eaferttlerlOsltilltatidaNinzeopted,Yat 6 B.
Willi, ' 8 .Id
. .. .. 00
1 , -v•SIC •i t .
........ 60
0 - thipe - •.1 'l6
J - 4. 9 • - Li . 1, - • . 10esweits — „. .. "1 . 0,
is ti Season Tieket '
• - ,
lttai .1.4'..V.',•••• 800_
.... / 0 0 ,
Point ror NOV oix s aoll moy ei low •
MOO: , awls destined beyond New Yolk • wilt be, far.
..patilwithAtagteicireerailfditrthllol66' - -
'.` , 12111118 ielliDXßDlON;'Aient,
-slinCesal tiont&DBIAWANI4I7.NANE.
• ''';' ,l,oll, ON 813NDATEW
Zzokoiweibo.P-heiwom.stwattamer-will lokre-for 'flips
48480 8 44 0 40; 8 8 elloilk 41.11 P Rittinirm lease
b o ot e ,y, mowls# *lola* !B8;11
t In r
4 - ir . • N.I.L-41-6-TIE,. XTRA - suq4s.
Arx, - -- ou lowi rat o tpailiwn r ilaidttet, thAlighf
00,1444 toviditjWOod, .goittz di
lapieuteAraliy,wi - - o.berd.
4 : 1 4 , 0. MIMI a 00,
alnietileepollate - 09 -, tios4
frartwrp-Boßexi-44 , 04addlor,i3 F ile
Itoso?Oaid 40 Nortt
•;e.atr;.144.4*.t. - • •
,', 4 00 -
4: ,10X04+11
,101044041err,t"" abil°4"*.'
• i'ol,ltett 7 , ,
• "
FNkeVANTlrqtreo) ,kfvf;N. 4 N
,I rSo ..l4 siollAving 91sitheigauit
tke lets
80A44,? 1 ,07 1 .94 'OVUM rO9r Wk4 l ollol Pr4isen t .
tii*lnieolA A t ,16 1k1
) 2 ? A 1 / 9 11) 1' .D E! til if e A l/ fIP . 9.. T AP U7 '
- itsttikr eartitliiiiiig,l:itAltg,Pp DR,
7 7110,=43 tforth * BOEtillXfitreet . , • ••i '•
i.!g•NAK i .O44/4,loftzttSVP,4o)) NOT iere.-
.runiossitd,teroposu4kendorsed , .. ogoPrllkliglateUPPl9 DK
-401:113)1, Tor ex.beebtbeyeent be eoeived..bilke b ore-
tatyaaF,hie 0014e:r. u0t1i,b101411.114 10 teelook , A.
Sietti4 3./We !Rh, Citientity,oi Beef gloated 'lithe
obowt ppm° Female, ina , patut helmet pipWb 4 pattle,
, stelgigitdnett•leffe Ahern 000 ;yosstit.lo,-bodelirered by
• About *tame snionot or Ration wilj,be re4nired.
eixdAssethe floss wall - Isitened sheep. ~Sotind sad good
market tablter.ment will be reqtthee3o be dollen./ at
ettehlhosetexel gal/Atty. meyobseede et le be InliPec•
„ted szeiresished ripen delivery. e Xheettetdiette teeetTe
tbuieliht to4rjtotortoh nests ; id , Rheoyiniett of the
I Stalest& - extl etetilteeper, le neeiequal te3e e quality :Ye,
Velredlty the:Uttar of the °entreat. A ftUarenpos tae
ebesteithe oextusetortoaneply the quantlWorleted will
eye the privilege to the Boa te et puce • mos, and the elf.
ftrettoel flieney uttlife,,ledvetel. trottOhe arteeeedirg
jwyerentwYsynteotts toter made- mrutttlused no; pro
proposal wlliteereeognieeci unless frolzkrelleble, and is-.
[possible PlnlCHart I l $-1
jtga effete sit „-,- ciALTIPliti. DEBTIMBit, Pee.
,i'VOXi t ,E., r * Septa,rioposit,l4, 'endorsed
1. Proposals for tarnishing tee ?obits Aohhols with
Lehttk , awharhiylkill Coal; will be received by the un
dersigned st.theetisiTßOLVEite?.o9ll.ol: 8; B. oor
,nerl Graz xr f Ana DELPHI Ptraotal mall MONDAY,
agnat,9,.lSSo; at , 12 oleloek bij.The prooosals tenet
, he for seoaretw bletdets, Wallows: • Ist Bided; corn.
prisioe. the ast, ad adited th Wards. uThe Yd.: Die.
trlot-B th'l Stli and 9th Wadi. :,TRift lid :Dle'rl , t,
.6th, Ilth, itch. cud woods , The , 4th< D'atrlot,
10th 14th: 15ths ;sad 24.h.wards otti dhltdot,
10%4, 17/h lilitfhndlilth wards There will• be two
1, g 94 . Ikqiired, QQI arid=BTOTE, auk t ton to be
9 040 poueda. P: oposils will be renPlyed at the same
limn lir9bliMbarepal.sed•Kiwiliog Wood , that mey be
By order of the Odownittee ea Supplies.
:ROBSILT4 Hoof Bum;
1 .1R.0t 015•aretary Controllers of Public) Sehoole.
Ott-Ittilt&IFAIOO.0 oomelNY'are
tiow-titifpitig tO receive-mid torwaia:Prelght to the
foltowitortiotntiCon'thei NORTED1111:1 • 02NT141;
, f1A;GRO&DI" , - •=• •= •
'~ ; ~ikclli~,c~tta.
43111 91:.i8 9,
lidorare,' Mnunt," - • •
Mayon, • • ".• Notthtimberland, ,
`Jersey . sioie, - Sunbury, V
tldnden, • - • , Trewldthl Intersection,'
Neyelinry, Georgetown,' - -
'lMGliameport, -
Milton, HamnerJ'aination.
riz •
- Glatt:olwarg, arid all intere - eadlate,pointe on HANOVER.
AILIMAD: • ' .t. : - "
All 'geode • sent; to freight Atetton, TRIRTZE VCR •
nd M a CSTR Otranto, erdrbe promptlyjor evaded
- •d 5 ANgitiOKM. 'Freight Agent.
-IVOTIPE.--Piettionst basinsse
LOAD' itmeDOTott.l: , ,iiv'oeirkt• Dd. 14
ylms Street, betisait - the hiturs Or oNticiat and ,
P.: SC; WhSte they vitt Bad the Ireineevir invi. Deputy,
: • - • r•Ptowirineosster
, -
IEc#64N,OT/OE:44),o4otit: lll ls} e ar , s
7 ;Psttlettforittiatileeit.lliibber Erdsriciders, Brittle,
,ef 4100 401,101.0,615 if istitsrgrdep wide poombite--
. ued Auma mOritaaosio with. i khreedsor ,shetta ed.soloatt
stamp... oitsbetied w ith my naree.nord.kryeynut -
IV,4.7. ' 6l74 , tottrill: Pc ireinl; l t:d l gi-e=4
apedeneni ititr '
spore 'and: 6 o)o4 their Orders for the
ptiot — Fnae to the undersigned; BXOLUSIVE ow, N.
IN ,Y,,ag,PdPzeit l'or,thsee goods, whloh'embrisis ail
titeatytee ;heretgerevaianyacttarett „or; IMportedi and
jtaa ti7:l ' " ' eel ia r N !la 131 ASV b -ADD gum,
, t 4414 Terms—iney7l)_e_ opteluW :sippidoetton - to
mt at No. XI pcttigpruwp,mseet 'N. Y ,
:111-?:!'497! ti 1)"
-01r1P,4 L P,111.4:1AA8
- WORK,. June 80ch,18- , 9;•
foe is her-by . wren; ..tost sppliontion 'has been
made by - the ututdnientloued pers,,on s toe :Trustees
of -- the= PiIibADEGTEII kJ. 0d8... MOANS, for the
,amounts refundable to them for herstoes,,and Nisters -
' she Oidtaance of Ounnells, posed .114sroh
.26ttf,1969, , •..., •,, • • • ,
Charles Wile, 803 Vine West, Assist 11.-1 1 167..419 85
1: Harridan; 606 Booth fifth street, June .17,
Alre.,4an• -.Willoe4r4 , 248, Beath ,Tenth- street •
- • .
Io:Dot.Totre 218Msdironstreet,6fay•46.18:8.18.16
John-B. Meese, tt. , 11, - rorner . .leinetesnth and
Popleretreets, April 90,1868. ' '• . 21.80
Pat•lak 1r.: , 18 . 41aat14,128 tlantorm,etreeB, Aprll 24,
.1861 - , •.... .... .
Jae 0 •Absett,llll North f if teenth street,lan.
nary 1,1868' - - 26 20
A; 5103arry: east side - Pseerunk •road, south of
Heeds reet,-51Atalt 22.1867..1 24.16
OhorlesNeller. N W. earner Aleventh and Ides.
tot anode, icily 21.1868 - - 10 88
And's* 88e5iinley, 1825 &nth street, Angiut 10,
1863 10 20
Naafi.. EL Khaloy, 1881 NltSwater street, May
e• - -10,1858 * - .r 22 80
...fisher; esat side.N.neteenth Street, north of
Tonsils°, Pebtnery A. 18691 - • 6120
4.18 Pine streetiApril 1. 1855.. 21 *8
P iduroy,l2o2 Dtvignel styeet,•Apul 6, 1868 20 60
Manuel fe llrothsr,lB3o Tranklin errsetiblerot,
" " ' 14 §o
••; Adoricy. 24/ &nth brow street , NOSS oiber "
• le ista 14.60
James °ornery, N. corner Nineteenth and
Ilprneattreate,,Novembee 80, 1868 • ga 00
John MI .Isda, 48 North' Tenth street, klay.l,
"18,56 60,
Mrs 61 • Testes. 11., 'B. earner Tenth end 'Arch -
ettalstif Si IT 1 - 1866 • 'lO 80
766 d Hen ry , i 189 ,, 80uth Second street, Tone 1,
1456; - - ... - 04:4?
Georg iSainer; street, oats
, ber.22, 700,7 • " - • • • - $0.60
• • 17;_billler,173rfon - A
treinth efreet nent -
' • ' - •
1./2.l o lersoll, South side Grose, let 1•11' of Teen;
• 1 bildreet ' 61 4 2867 • ' 85.60
Petrial , bit 50444.41.0 POnth Batts street, - Ostober
1153 . ' ... . 19 85
719 Booth meet uotoeer 74 1887.; 24 81
4 uen/hr1 , 400 Penn street; October 15 „' 25 Qs
Hashes, Ifersilton - street. - March 30i
. Dab?, ithTwentle th itreet,"Jet4ae
' '2B. 1851..,.t, ;' ' ' ' 80 40
• The original 61110'1cent¢ - Sod reoelpte'even by the
'oaten of she eta Woets baying been lost Or mislaid
- by' hbors parties; 'lambent of the Omer stuns will'
be' tetti443,44‘;;144. objkatloas be creerfila) ht the
end of" told weeks front Ohs. oteeedsto -
jpl - 414; • -": - i"WILUMIIVNENNIILL - ,
- - ,
tle.ettittet ,of the Penney'.
te:o4 l eiti9 4o66 V. o l:. "
' Nottee Ie tierebt gurett t4it toe Iteibrt of the knaltor
ideketetedh,i Ifie Jodi; ot:Romoio4, ()tees rot th•;otty
aeoy or Plitto•delObietovepott min: the Petittoo
„VoOlkifOl.fthefseld'plociperation'and to settle Iti stfitre.
•kikfp. holeo hied' lA' tog bettrioi' the 12tii ,
3eie i'sagiaousie'e'llted thereto ,btiVid,the EtOth
.41159,theliirst Itetert be''o :nerve ;Ind the Corp°.
_ ' •
„ • B,f orroo of theSotitt, _
.111D,W „WESB,
'l,7lB4a.tiii4r - ' .• ,- Prothonotary.'
• ,
NPYI°E.LL An'apidleation will be made
.thonexteesoion of -ihe Legleature of Permutes,
WO - AV the , incerporaticra of a Book, with. generalbe ,Iting privileges, with a capital of TWO 11V11110RED
' ll . -4 71 irlif-TeMilda-Np -DObalithrto - htroalle“S the
MAIM, tOTV,Slahii,ijabig.itO be located lo the city
of .„ - .„- , „ em
lisat estate
.IkiStf i LiND'i^.6.EMERS,
ON.I/1 ON Vg.trA.4,l! . .TiMBF. ItigH)d,
Id 'NARISIOK 0 glblrlf,
Virtue,of p,dearep of the - Girchit Ooilrt tot; the
Gaunt" ; eforeseld,,propouneed on the :fah of Merck,
: tab% IP yhgellaooeFy suit of Gambrill vs Whitbeoli. the
nadersigned: aotiag as Cornmiaslotlers under the meld de
cree, will sell befors-tlui Court flonsedckifiit said cowl.'
t 7 the.SMINAID-PllfißelD AV, NR.AIIGIItiT, neat •
thet bolas nountpaqitstday, : that trainable treat of ;land
ledmihed in Mid decree. , so altt het !sedate plow, par.
testa ' fand,.." lying Cad, In: , the • !minty of
4 4 1 mitili; ibioien as .•belng 'per of the i aleti tree!
Pruett' sonts#446As efghtveleht acres
11.01 1 / 1 .) niOni or ken; being' , part of too" tract •Of', tend
totiveypd , by &queues Mims:ln hue' Margaret his wife;
eV 'died dead 118iti June, 4.8.141,,Atil legorded•
alerre,ofilee of Wavelet county opirt. ll the above
land is viirjjailiabliAPAAally of akoess; - being boosted
oilha'penbisula lying setgeen.the' Ansel( atoll 'Wort •
rivers, and abaht half PAS between Mixopton 'and Wit.
liantsisart 'There tire wools the prirmiaos a skean saw
mill . with engine of fa.hor' mower, ant' good substsn
Beat Dwellhig is 'gamine:l repair.
• itat.N.•
$o instill tdoiishaii Will pis the , 00ete of the above
Inentictud enttsuid the «epee.*** of male, and upon the
iiiddrie a credit of twelve moi.the wilt be given; the
'potetediee,tfcpekaektotert_t)itoottteettirfty, for the de. -
faired sy
sed - pnonsontjeigiterept firm the day of pale.
' J.-BOW WI/.
'' I
Coin eLeelowye.
01 the above Lode, 100 bore* are to Aloe ealttration,
homily 11tobe.ed with attpenor whtte oak (for
Alp itatbtirego arodytna the plop wook being Worth
IA nifor cord ou the book auttotiot oar: be 'pea-
Wairjett-for,for the t(ew Nark market. - • - • .
any tateritattoiln feterede• to theintoter'ean be had
by addreardoNeweeriter.A"ldetiebrateri Bettoxiore.
,11(14/0r17 ariptylokito 'Patricia. adj dates the lauds
at WerwbtkOottrt Rog% Warwick county, Vlrgtelet
‘leigtiro, litab4eco,
(JAVAN& OIGARO 7 :-Qc thci_moot. noted
~• -Q--
L , ',''iitiliglii . ,' '
• rpm- r -zlstpaiiio, -'' '.,
" -- trikaaaa, : ' - Asamba,
''''''Ssialialik, - ,- N.pmmo, • -
or P. A ill ersim, e- , l ,l,6Pda Q i i , T P lo a g n 2 a 4 : te; - 1 1 : 18 B . a lt : i ii
j ::;;;i 71 i;f 4, &, 11 . ...7, In
,- , ,:iiirio,i .:: - ".-.":•'- , - .1,..,80„ ,WATititiT Street.
, 111 ONT Street; offers foe-'sale, , from Store and
Becd, shot foliosing favorite , Brandt of Bogard : '
.7 , Nueva IlmrePrtegalia, Nnora 9mp. Oonchu, Light
tient& Intercnotoei cdoas,; Nab**, Lon.
dee% iistre2dr and 9ds ; Garantisada, Prendandos_ Capt.
.Loodona, NOVA& Conchae, Zane o,
Onbithfi•PirtrialmodrodAtabroloodon Ptno, Gaidta•
;doit,'Beeven, NltLbe Opnrae,r span" london, Y,d'pans
London Vino, Principe", Manilla Oherootoi: tt
c'&YANA •BEGARB- otrered-to -dealere
at favorable rates, of varloav algae pad brands
trarbeillig Partagae; (lablnie; !bra* et o n - o ;
,9'i,F,!.rlll ll:ll; l =lll l 4;filt P l r fig g r,
•42-ereo • • •-•-• -•-• • 416 VlbefiT Street
,ipogpAsty;#4. ' pgyAmpt
Dnizowilliv • •
?Wm. L'lmdersi , Wm.,le."Lisoh,
• Jr. Dditir, 'Mambo% Itobt. W. D. Truitt,
W. DeAwM,
JOAO o.Jamm, •H. U r fhWingford,
A, J. Bo9lcAer, , ilimusTer, L
NIA ,W, Sexton, llmmta cji
Wlllfam Wm. IL LgTo,
)10,14•89MA, , fie, . Norton,
C.farto ol 4 •, /flak
li. 8., Warne;
. ,President—THOMAS LUD33I)
, . Vim Pialdent.-.E.
15 " 6-2 4 4 4 111, 0 ell r.
ag popular biowl4g
;: tairiktethe 'old , eltablielide Store °coupled b
Z11110„LElli & BMIlld, corner of 131.00 ND and °NEVI
Streets, where may. be and -* tholes strortmeot of
•of Awe , quellty,? se well as White . Lead, Moe
Pants, and WlttdowAless, all of which are swivelled,
air* 4!
1 7 1 11 . 1 E - le - ClAPF,:'22Bf , Dooi , stree,t,,above
, liValittrt, STOOK ISZIORERO;S64 deJaits fn
Aibitito Pifiptor and `Attewl tbr
Brokare Hosia In& 1111. :all 0011 'Nr. Qui TEM
eibai6 or• law of STOCI9I.III,' , .. )10,43i
,PA.SIC.4 atcire ;and
far 1 i 41
00itggrt r it i tna 444111111 N".
,:00Ert4TY OBillisx, it, at °Ca and for 'Eale'by • •
;• -
' O. 0 EIAD.JIII &CO ,
T . ATM ISMS, id tan abovl Front.
Es?er - T;,,t:41111-jrit2i
1 4 49/vlVßlC":oStriairti.Caiiiirskrzy
. - marAmmagiaDlN
AtTO IigttRANDI. i•
• •
APIT &L 89,298,800.
kirawintied by the unlimited' 11abliitlei; Of
neatly NOO-Ahnieboldern. •
LoreeM promptly adjusted and pin without reiereisoes
to- - • - - - -
AopTT , POR: TII2 trAzTAip STATE!), •
, .
'111:114.1321LrlIA. •
Memo STUART' & BBOIRBB, 13 Bank street. •
NYERB,:'CLAOIIOBN & 00, , 2.T2 Niarket et.
" WIC ,Mc R 1014 &-.00., 22 South Front
ce • hieOIITOBION sr. COLLINS, S. W. oniner
Pronband New atropin':
" ' ebslrli; WILLIARB & 00., 513 Market Bt.
- JASI 01141152,1 &CO., 30 and 22 Letitia et.
31131411. B 'SII.TORIOLL,IIag., President Msehahlte
SEIM MEMO, Erg., President Union Bank:
WILLIAM A. POBTBB, 028 Walnut - street, lato
• , fudge ilnpremseorat.„
/ETNA INBURANHXI 0010.11 Hi, of
Oath karats, lan. 1,11H9 ' 151,67,990 os
00HPANYof New York. -
• - Huh dints. Jan. 1, 1859 911:299 09
sPanciratti VIM IHD HAMRA - - ! „
IMb:l94l9'or cOHPANX.
" ' Cite& Assi,ta: &0849' • 441,144 89 •
RANGE COMPANY, of Hartford. •
- • Cask Lail* Jeal.l,
MANY,-oL-Neiltork.-- - -
Om& Ask&v,
''OOMPANY,•of FlirthirtW,
.„ • • .- csaB Assets, 3139,078 83
foliates teattett, , Jaal !oleos. equitably adjuste d ; sae
PeOmptly #114., , It his'Ageitay; by
, .139 P WELL WILSON; Agents;
fo r ib2B-if . No. 1318. WALNUT BTILIAT.
N0 . . - 280'WeLN,UT,,STREET,
• ,
lneorposated in 1857. ender the General Insaranee Law
of Pennsylvania.
' '
nthorised Capital ticitioiooo
mitisanbad Oulu!
" ... ISOO,OAO
Bond and lifortgagesi And Den...,..11159,170 •
Sank, Itailroad, and other , Studio 1
-•• and'Seetirtilea 84 000%
Clarli in - 8ank8,630
• --$114,804
Saares mom against LOSS Olt DAMAGE BY•YI BIt
vcrionT ORIN am'. , Also, on 0 a MONS and IBE OHM'
to and from all puts of the world, and Iniandllaalo
Militrorable,terma.. .
CHABLIS G. llllLAY,President,
WRIGIIT,•Vioe President,
OOD BuPLID,-!eoretsry,
H. G. HAHDOIGIOR, Assistant flemotalyi
'nfloiorons' "
William Imlay,
- William Wright, '
If w. 'Torrey,
;no: Tonner,
.Wm.'D. Grubb,
Oluirtes Imlay, '
Iveper Harding,
0.0 Butler,
Henry .11. strong,
D D. Jones,'
Alonzo Butter,
J. IL Hayes,
1 13 6 'VALHI'," MUT 1.145.5...
StraIbTOE'CONIPANY. ' • • •
- -- • Stunts, Phltsdslphis. -
CARGO— - To' all parte of the World:
.1133/GHT, •
INLAND 1N50R1710.118 - • •
On Gooda, by Elver, Canals, Latex, and Landllarritie
-to all parts of the Mnion.
• If I 11111..INOURANONO
On blerobstellse
On Stores, Dwelling Rousse he.
maitre oit TIM ObtdßiitiT,
- Novanabstl, 1853. - • -
Par. - • - 2kiarkri,iralwi
_vas asa_inabta.apta.caty arir Laap•skaa 10
I t
5110.000„ Rounsylyanla State Loans • 1111,416
880.000, 0. B Traminry 4k, W sent. r 13445- 80 4 11.1 . .
$60,000, Renneylvamia` Ilatlread ISt Mott.
gar .0 t cent. 80nd5.... ...... 45;811 00
810,000, North eausaitrintittatirol Mort- -
pate 6 tpgiant. •olada" p,opo oo
215,000,200 *haus' stank Garniantown Gas -
- -Company, interest and - prinolpal'
gnarantesd by tke,Olty of Phtts- ' •
&aphis 475 04
14 4 000,, 100 snares Osumi:Wants Ballioad ,
Company " 4,037 54
55,000, 100 'Maras NOrth 'Pennsylvania
Railroad' Company - 850 00
13,00, Sundry - stoma Pbllaee4phte Ise
Boat Company, Rana de Grace
Pismo Tow dont Company, Os- - •
falreth OtDam - Navigation' Com: •-• •
piny. and Ohlladtdbbta.lsoh2alas,
••• Company • 4,030 00
$840.200 . , . . • . . 810,129 00
Sonde and Mortgages, and Real Nstate, 08, ,
01lee Bonding. . 11.80888
"W 72 R202 1 78h,1 for ldsuranoes roads 204440 84
Balance due at Agetodes= Prendliine On --.
• Marine policies recently Iseard—and other •
debt,: doe the Company • - ' ' - 61.188 14
844 and stook of sundrp,insursace Romps- ' . 1
nles 80 00
04elt on deposit In Soak 42 ,22
081 85
Diszaroas. -
:smog 0. hand, -
-ThoophUns Paulding, --
James ,Traoinsir,
Willtom Eyre, Jr.i ; - •
J W. Pentetoit, -
Joghns P.llyro,
finvnel E. Stokes, '
Sours Blom,
James B. MtVarlnni,
Thoinuo C. Hind, •
Robert Barton,
John 11 Semple, Pltteb's
T. Morgan, -
J. T. Log_sit, - ,
I Jkin_BTIDT, Preside:is.
4.AND, Vise President.
aura- ' na•Bfklif
William Martin,
,reseph It Goal,
Eldmand A. Bouder,
John O. Davis,
40 IM i 3 Penrose,
Hoarse Q Ltdper,
Edward Darn ugton,
Dr. it. M. Huston,
Wm 0 .Ludiehr,
tiatti °Mg. --
dr-noes At'lloolne,
Charlie, geHey,
H. Jowls Brook*,
Jacob P. Jones
lEtEnir LTIKIRN, got;
g N s f r aftry.lSE INSURA , N9E VOMPA-.
AB Paid in see Invested
and lIIMIDHANDISB generally, against lose or 00age
by dre - -
Ground Bouts, Mortgagee IdeetuuticeAdono, an
minerdoourltle, on Roil ilotate, will &boo be triolall,y
insured, if desired.
- - 7 - Itateatord - Starr, - ' Ordeal L - Dawileti, -
William WE ne, ' • Bijordb 11 , StAkft,
Nan& s Brasier, . John II -Brow.p.,
John H. Atwood,' B • Fahnnitoelt,
-- Beni T. ?Mick, - Andrew D Gash,,_
Henry Wharton, 3. LivingAte' Betniker.
P. BATOR ODD BTABB, President.
onaßtaes W. ooxe j airretlik , ' 2 ,
- - Toimp , r4r7 Dace. 162 soncw•Atotraxs Street; :tutu
the vompletion.of *IFS CompsO r to BiDlotog • ,- '
8 W OWED topara ANA w4pauTi3TB. ~
-, -myttwin • :. - -,- ;-• • ' • .-•.‘,.. , • -
4Ar : - I
44, • , 6 0 T,
-$ ,s, Corner of nrra d WAVIIIOP -`,Bst,
Capit SUIVISI3 al paid in (ssenreiy invested) IM,OOO
Ceniprel having been tkorongly reoureas'ssei, Ia
aow rUady, to paha Inegapos upon all kusdkof pro
perty: merchandise, /co , against ,tada or BMWS
BY PIM ONLY; upon favorable tame; '
Jacob hi. Heeler, • "Hon. 8: Hulking
iranois Blackbrinte,' Charles P. WatiOns,
Rob P.,singt Kliha Baldwin',
19 J. 4. H. Halbronek,
fiesine fd Ltyle, 4aron !Rune,
•"joiepts ,BtlitfOld Rauh,
John Prentice, biatthewifelleyi
' Edward Wier, Alex. 0. fewness
P - 17:81rothead, --
Henry IL Foote, • Wm Maybes. •
- JA0011•0. 111181411,8 resident,
Inset It looms, Bearetary. ` , 42a-tr
rimE ROBERT MORRIS Rum usu..
B.ANOII 0031 r ANY . •
40-9 Wn.pkVOT ISTRENT.
Thrs Campo:whist:ars agal oat Loner Damage la Vire
on Public and Prleate Buildloge. Pornitore, Mahe of
Goods, and Merobandlee generally
The following provision in the Policies of this Oom
Lsoygnsontees their security when aeslgned as a c ol:
Leral.. ~
_ 41 -This polity shall not be Invalidated. or In any wise
affected, after its aesignment as a collateral &amity to
a ground.rant, or mortgage, and the approval of snob
assnroent by tho otilce, by any transfer or conveyance
of the mortgldod. PrfeulloPr. bit gib owner of the came."
, 1/111.30T833g
Paul T. Jpago, Jeremiah If. brooks,
. John Balms, , Robert Clark,
. lease 8. Waterman, - David Salomon, . '
314 card Ci James, William Vsodervedr,
- Joseph Janney, Theodore Cuyler,
Joseph H. Collins, Elmilnel Casten.
PAUL T JONEii,Vreeldoot. .
WU. T itf , DERPB RR; 'Floe President.
Cirmashir B ilvausnitir, aeorotary. . , rnii7-tf .
rimm orpsrmsga - airy 01.51.711,A.N0E
, 0011BANY Riff LA.D.NLPHI4i '
Paid up Capital and purplus. X 424,95142
Chartered Capital ' 500,000 09
Insures against lose or damage by Fire and the pelts
of the Bea, Wand Nerlgation, and Transportation, on
the moat fat . orable tams,
Loasea 'promtly adjusted and paid.
D 110107011113.
George H. Vert, a W. Belloy,
E. P. Rom, Aubew OkaTabani j
A. 0. Osttall, • - (Maths .ZrahlY)
Jahn e. Dale; • U. U. Oonaltall,
Teeter /. Perltioe 1 'Elagtuel Joitesi
non. a. ht,Paller. -
GEORGE H. HAW, Vresideut.
ree President. - -
11:00(3 , 08HALL, Peoretpry sad Treasurer.
8:H. BVVLICEWAIIet 815Totaj7. In
Lill INC 08P,011.478D 1810-O.PE4RTBK PEE.
PETUAL, , r_;_
No. 810 WALNUT t3ttlietiia ti titri; Tlttrd,
HaTiog a' patd , :pr e'pttpl• Stook and Surplus
invostal is lOWA slid 11at16ile . 84Stiritles, soutiunste
lustre on-Dwellings, Store's'? Puialtstra, Ileretsedtae,
Vessels In Port arid Oitgroae, , and other Parente
Property.'f All lokitta Ittossittly and.promptly 'Ahmed
Etharga Abbott, , • John T 'Sep%
Joh* Wetala, James It °asphalt,
- Samuel O Norton, Edmund G
PattiorDiady, " Ghodi,W:Poulbi,eyt
r loran Korth:- - '
GEOUGE ABBOT; Pripldeut.
I.III4OINAS EL MAIL INSfatlr7. 'lOll.ll,
11. 5.138E4 ET6 t 4
i„ On and atter MONDAY. 1n13 4 .-41h, 28 60.
!or Peltlinonlnt 1 5• 4:41.„.10nc , 44, ( I 610866,) sad
11.10 P. M. —" 4 •-- • I
Par Chester at 816 A. M., 12 noon, 1.80,4nd 1110.
/or, Wiivninent. ,81.5 A. M.,17,80 and 11:10
P ADeir distli at 8115' A. M.y and 4 ear: M.
• For Middletown at 8.16 !V' M,;and 4.80 P. M. • • •
Per Dover at 0.16 A ; and 480 P. M.
".for Beatornat 8.18 - A,' M. and 401 P. M.
Baltimore 0,60 .M. (Enprese k )9.4o-5,; Pt.,
and 6.46Y.1,1: • -
Leave Wilmington 8.66 . '4: -M.,' and 9.60 A: X; 1,10
4 ,,Lenve Ns m &Vi le 4_8.45 A. U., and 740 P. M.
Insve Middletonn at 760 , , and 6.84 P.ll.
- Ddier 'it 601. M., trod 0.25 P: M. -
-Leave Seaford at 5.15 A. Mi , and 245 P. M• ' • 7
LOWS Chador at 7.44, 960 A. M., 1.46 and 9,15
F. , • if • '
L,JaVe Baltimore foi6eaford and Delawire- *Broad
et 880 amt 9.60 A. m.. • • ' '
. Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M.,14.48 and - OPAL.
Leave_ Mlyslngtomat 21'.1 14.,14 P, ?ma
12.20" A. 117, _ _
, Only at.. 11.10 P. if:, from Phila A delphia to Baillatito ,
• Only at d3S P. M.. from Baltimore to' Philade/Plus ,
/Mawr T R AIN , with ?Asuman,* OAR attardied :
will ran si -
41 follow : • "
Leave PhiladelPhia for Perryville and IntindifNate
plane*, at 6.45 P, IC =- . • - •
Lenin Wilmington for ,Perrrrille and, intermediate
'planes ally $l,B P. M.
. .. .
Leave lisire•de- de for Baltimore and intermediate!
Oleos at 6.40 at. rd
Leave Baltimore for Earre• de -Gratte ild intermediate
pima st 640 P. M. -.....-- - •
Leave Wilmington for . ' Philadelphia and httarpieliate
119430115 t 640 P.M; - 'l' - ''•— '' 1
h 2, . - ;7 . - B. M. IiBLTON. Prealdent.
Tap,' pp' p1111,44121,5ELA
HAILBOAD tits• --" ' "
4 , 4 0 340NR ARBANGEbnINT.
Oa and after MAY 28th, 1859 the Trains.will leave
Phitidelphia, from _the_ Station. N. E. 60111 0# of,
EIGHTSSNTR and MARKET litreata, it 7 and 5.1 4 ,
A. M., and 2, 480, and 816 P.M.*` • "
Leave West Chester,: from the Station., on EAST
MARKET Street , at 8.80, 8 80, and 11.80 A. N.. and 2
and 3 45 P
ON ORNDAYS—LeavePhiladelplifa at 8 A M., and 2
P. M.' Leave West 'Chester at 780 A..M., end 3.15
P. M. • , • NESSE WOOlii
- ml2B-11 r Chnieral EloperLitendent.
MosumpantiT THE SEA'
nII/414101, -ntIEANREMIINT.
On and after SATURDAY, May 21.5 t, and until !f ur: -
ther notice, three daily traine,to..Atlantle and return.
On" aIIN0.1.1(8, the Mail Train bait will run.
Viret, Mail Tndni leaven Vine-enreet Perry.. 7 80'B;. M.
tlecondiExpileun• '• 4 e - :400 P. M.
litopping only forwoodandmater.).
Treight Train (tilth Paiisenser Oar attaahed).4l,Bo
Aaeomniodation 'Train, (Egg Harbor.) haven, Vince,
Picot, Express, Trail:l,l'lam • - " 800 R. M.
Second, Mall, 4 40, 1 0 M.
greight, Ai. 11.
Atlcararotelation Train leans Egg Elarbor.'..•o.ol! M
Leaven Vlocatreet ferry at I' 4. M.
Retarding- leaves tJactio at 6 P M.
Thin Trion will Mow only at Waterford, Egg Maher,
and Absecoue.
361,560 , 08
241;664 81
(hues COW , ' Point 1100 A.M.
Leaves Haddonfield • 10D P. M.
tATell !Jon - pees Point ' 200 P :M.:
Learesliaddonfield• • • - SOO P H
fare to &Cantle, when Ticked are purchased before'
enteringthe• cars $1 80
&hid Trip Tickets' good Pr two days, on any regular
-rain - - •- - $2 e 0
• On and after July 24, - and every Saturday through thr
himmer, the Vgg darbor Acoommodation Train will
cuothrougb tO Atiantle, and return early -on Monday
morning. -
• Yrolgitt mkt be delivered at Cooper - hi Point' by 1
. _ .
• thq,Comperkiwill not beresponelbln. fon sell rood ,
hi11'04,04 sad rAtelpyld gqr by skelr Frelabt: Agent
'Me Polat.— • • • .
mil • pl TOILIf BATANT, Agent.
AND •RBADltift .R.AIT.,,
49 p A9ftalkat f‘lf i ro, for. f'OrrevudailailAD
.. , •' - c IrrAl ,r , R4 ummagnause,-:- -.a ..' 1 1 .
FLWftltalllP,ROINIt, at corner of BROAD and QIN)
etioata, at 4.80 A td., DAM . , (Bandar , 0 3 09 1 , 1 04 4) for
_POTTAVILLILIURRIBBURG r and..4II-lutermedistv
pointsoonn.otittratuarrisauir with Ulan. =ming to
lttabneg,Okambarnbuirg, Oarliala,.flunbary, An. , '
• ~.., ~. 7 , (AIIIIIIINOON .LINIIIS• , • ... -, ' ,
. ,
Leave at S 801. M, DAILY; tat. POTTBVILLI, arut -
ZIABRISBUBe. 7 :' - •
At 4 46 P.. 111., DAILY,- (Sunday' axeopted,) for
READING, sad Intermediate Potato
(.410/8 11. MoILIINNNY, Secretary.
. .
vALLNY itmuto.o4-PAS,
TS MW) ATE OTATIONS -On and Etter let Jinn ,
sry!lBlottirs passenger Trains forDOWNINGTOWN
OW Start Mink the' Passenger Aspbt bf The Phlledel•
pbla and RestaltalfroadOompany, owner's, BROAD
IlOgnilist !MAIN for Downingtown, lonia at T. 20
TRAIN Mk Downingtown, lonoot at
. 0.46 P • lit . ;
(Saudiis qosiPtet) •
87,0010 r Ogle lioani of SUMS of the Pilleolot
lat Billlgl . t Railroad Clompony.
!Imo , nt„ Winmititiwww. noorstaaw
ajogor... , r,im.a4Piaiu.4;
RUAL 14 13, 7 OBJBST BOUT.. to Illmtrp,
beds, DOW°. , Mileage, Book Bland, Niagara Nab,
kenwankeei....Builington.-Mixotrioat,St...-Pinale, Detroit,
- Dontleth, sod et..Lools. - •
Polenger Amine :will leave the Philo:WWl , and
iteetit; -„Beilroed Depot, toroer BROAD and-I/IND
Accosts, telly. (fiinnileyspnceptpd)4lllo , loB6
Por Elmira, Blum Falls, Buffalo, Detroit. Chlosiro
Milwaukee, Book Wand, Galena, Bt. Paula, Burlington,
and fit. Lenin.
8 8 0 P hl., NIGYM EXPBSBB,
,For Dlualra, Niagara Dells, Bu ff alo, Detroit, °Mono,
Milwaukee, DoekDaian, Galena, Sk. Paula, BurSup=
and at: Louis.' . .
• The 1.80 A.M.' and 884 P. If. trains run throne( to
tIk.U.SIBBIIIit4; stopping at all Stations on the Leta
non Valley 'Manch:
..Ttu37,20 Ulan connects et Rupert. ter Wllkei
carro„ Pltnoton,, Baranten, ane 111 'stations' con the
13.ggage checked:3o. illialodi4Malo, and AnaCenelon
[l3 Tickets eau be procured it thenlbsdelabla and
tudleoad tine.* ebetOrpe,Northreat *Cruet
oI,OLT_TEI land 0/118TRUT.13treet% end Oahe Passen
ger corner MROaD , and PIN B.
. . .
Genres- lb. ;Depot, 11;1)0 street. below • Vine dally.
pods," egtepted,) for all points West and North, at 8
Pre!glib; ninit be digliered before 8 P.ll. to insure
vii Olek same P' •
ar further information. applP at •
r • •,•
Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine,
Orto WAS, 11.1APPIIN, General Agent,
N. W. owner Math and Chestnut Streets
oel-ti • • Philadelphia
$608,004 70
- 1859: non.
Animas IDDitlffEllfailt4NtigitOn.q.
AND TARNTON nenttomo
PROM - 2tur,kl:oll.4.W. A t TO.NEW YORk •
Ant WairPlAplllll, -
riNkyAlNtrr 417 , / ir wan!,
leavesTsYcillaws, viz
At 6 A. 19.`vba Oainden • .,Antl:hlnboy, 0. it,.4.'Amo
• moniniodatlbil ' sitta‘. ! ... .. 20
At 6A. Id ~.yla OMnoe9 ;047 * NM, (Nair '
• gmy) !AonOnitOodatlon 226
At 0 A. M. vIA obiaden and Taiiey City, Morning
'8 40
- At 11 A.• 61 Steatabbist, iia Tatualy and Antal
, . Olty, Morning Biwa . ;8 0 0
At 2 P and Alabo,y, 0, 44. BA- a
it 67 S r ii!: by flteUltia, ineTret t a t i ' a
' bey City, Evening NAPllieb ' 800
'At 83 P. M., by ehambeat, na Tawny and pt. ,
bey City. 2rl Ow TOW ' " ' 2 26„
At 6 P 11.,•via Oamdea and gamy Olty, Nyenliig •
Mall ' ' • '
At 11 P oaniden and /many City, Night
2 26
At 2,6 P M., via Camden and Amboy; tonowniedatich,
(Freight 60 4,P,afaeherk =- 10° 1 9"..1 . 1016, , ,... 3
' oLiais hlalsta. b
At 6P 61.01 a Camden and'Atulail, 'Atioommoda . tion,
,(Freight and Paaaenger)—lat Clam Thirst.— 2 us
The-,6 P. it, Mall. - Line run, 4410 y, The Ticket Weight
Patardaye ernapted: -. ' •
BW" Annum bum atop at PrlnelpallitatlOne only: --
Fat Belvidere,' Banton, Flemington, /co., at 6 A. M.
end Elyi P. -
Por WaterCfsp,'lltroudetit*Serstabti, Wllgeetanie,
tdonttubeOlrual Bend, As It 4,-4 , ,h1 Dehivistoi
biolaamannil and Mpatern'
v l4•Rag
For Praohol4, at 6 A . M, P. 14.
IldrbtoimAttollyiat 6 and 9 .14.. and 2,V, og and 6
P. 41.
Por,Srlatol, Trenton,2o., at SX-seeSiX K. fiele
For Palmyra, Delano°, Beverly, Sartlogten, Bor.
dentowti( /co g AO ital 2X P. M -
Steamboat Mallard Stomatoa for Taoooy at 11 A. M
cud for Borderttown , and Intermediate places at
13tWalubbikt Jolin Neilson, foiTicony at 8,1 A. M., and
for Bristol, Burlington and intermediate placoa r at
* ll 4)5 ri 1 4.
'fifty papas of baggage oulp allowed eal* paesenger.
Paasengerg liter atobltlited from toting anything as bag:
gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over arty
panda to be paid...tor extra—The eompsny Wait their
.responeiblitlytorbaggegerto onikdollar,per Found, and
ABIIIet be 'for "any 'amount beyond sltO, 01-
eapt by errole4 contralit•
. 1 44 0 WM. ' B. GATZailtri. Agent.
N, „ _
tot • ' . PItiLitt&LPITI.4, tgl. ~ WIRIINNTOWN, AND
Ue u VIN KAILISOKU —l§llolllll, AllitakNii E.
msliTO —Oa 4041 ..4er 7401:0107, gay 94,109, unia
1. „
.otro PhP4OOlOll4 0, .7, B, Bg, min., 10113(.12,
d. 11.,1', 2,8, 8,4, 4 83i 1I 1 8, , 1 9 9 • 10' abdi
Leave Germantown 6 I:Tg 8 BK, 9,10, 11, A. M.
18g, A, 2, 8.4, 6, 6,d, 8 741 1 , J M, 6 1 , 0)6
Leave Philadalphla 0.05 mcn. A. 51,2, 8,5, 1 . 5 and
10% P. it
Leave Germantown 840 min. A. 41,, '440 '4in., 4;
Leave"Philade Ida 8, B#,ll, A. 11 ,2, 5,16, 4,
6 1 ; e 6 a ! re 0 b i la l eiti l L117.10, 7.10. 8.10, 0.40,11.65 A.M.,
12.40, 8.40, 40, 7,10 , 8 40, 10 10 P.M.
ON 81/14DAY8,, ,
Leave Philadelphia 8.05 min. A.X., 2,5, an 4 7X'
P. M..
Leave 01.447044 11411 7.50 A. 51. 1 1.8,0, 030 444 ;I*
P. -
LOlOO, P411844 1 / 1 ,34 m1n.,10 05 11%
A. 87,1 05 adu„ 8.05 mitt., 4X, SX, 8X ,11J( P. M.
Dear, N0rr10101 , 74 0,1, 9, 34 A, 00., 3., OA, 416, 0, 734
Lanye PMlndedAkle, 9 A Si., 8 End 4 P. M.
LUTA! Noritaii 7 A. 14., and 0 P. M.
OR ItANAytßia
Lgniie PhUndolp is 8,1.66 min., 8 05 min ,0)(, 10.04
Min ,1i A. m., 4.05 rata., 2 06 min:, 8.06 min ,
, r. • - •
=Unte iranninnk VA, 84,9 x, 11.4 A.
0.06 9, og , 9 ^. 2 . 31 '
Lew?. Philedeltdds 9 A. M., 8, 4 P. M.
Le6l7o.l4ansynnk. g Mr. 8 X• 8 M P.
R. SMITH, Gener4 Mips:lntendant.
r 677: RM/TY.,IIIMMARGiNttei 41:9.
ti PAtiNi6); rAlitftßY:lo.lBo.—ln eonsequsate
of the frequent invitations received by tits to renew the
shipment', of ; Ohninpugue Wipes, to the "United
stains; I his lotto hereby to inform WY filmier ' 3l *
lonipre,•am. the nohlie in sr eeeral, , that baffle 1 9--
ppintattMeeers;" g; nitOIIWZR, lc B, 00.,
SoinAtentitita the Un O.
ited States, for ,the sale , of roy
Ingmplt Wines tdy Whom here been so long 104 l
ARTnnibi noitn in AA Milted ittstet , ,' ll ° 4 °7
uspenertto ocionnent op thuirquejlty, further twig W
say that miaow ittinueuts v ,in no Vey be rand hi
re/tor tb the fornor ones. "
Watt asolitsT, said, VBItERNAY ; .3, for. 0410 and 60n- -
stentlyiip hand In loin to siWynrati mere, by
r. b. BItOUW2R;ANNIXIBokr §9., • -
agotic... Si MMUS VOA Trit Telt,
, yrr vr;vita
- yisr - AAsitatoAD, -.
t > o 3 1313 itt'ABDANDIItdONT.' ""
clttirtt DATEDDIIIII2 • D011:06601512.- 1113120 g,
i3MAII6H 0111111 E, antaros,
&d.vs P
On abdi attar, SIONXIAY,,I4OI6t3I. 1856 Peciongei
•Tninit mill lam PRONTentLEILLOW Stventat,-PluM3.l
delphta, DAlLY;(l3tusdays wafted:lo )
ler acanthi:4 cilleotowst• Matetit'Okank. Man.
barreataaletett. Ad.W(g2wers ) at: ' - 86" A
`RCM DetttlehemD(Bzweasi ) at '3.:..4 - 00rP: M
Ittriltoyltartowni pleatimmodatton,) at, " .. L. ,
11 . •) 11 35 A'A/Lint 5 P:
Pot FortWatedngtoni.(Aodoeunottatkaj st I
tr , re' 2 151 - Mama 0 20 , E. 2L,
Lave Bethlehem:} (Eltoralg4 atB 6L at and *AO :
Leave ateybistowt, (Acoommodaftrt4) at 3 -
- ; 650 4 : as 4 P. IL'
Lone PoriWaeldngton, (Aoooto;nPlaTiolTlii. 7, l
80 A: MI and II 85 ?. td„.
51:1N IIIINDLY8; - -,1 ~f ,
Phihdenullat for DoOsstown, st:.9 M. - aud SP. M.
Doyle PhUsda. ft 0110 M. - and 16 46 P.M.
Pan to. ethlehem:SlM ; to , 'ldisak Olutskl9l 00 ;
to Masten 31.60 fto Doylestown, 80 ants to Wl l lBB , '
barre, 161 60.
All Passages' Thine (except Stasis* Tralis) Son
seatiat Bona attest with push 9334 BiZth ' itmeta .1 " /
BbOOKA:Aud Thtrd;strats Nuttier Bsllr6ide. r,
1:4 Peasengatslior Miltesburs tatfr9 80 A , ^ll."Tralsii
and Arlin In Wllitenine at I P.N. •
+1016..- MMUS ODADM. Agent.' r.
, r ,ikaztogn.
Couneoting direst at Philadelphia with Through Tribe. ,
from Roston, New Toth. and all polutibut, end at ths
Union Depot at Plitaburg with Through Tree et for Ob.'
obtrati, Btr Louis, Oleirland, Ohtimago; Burlingame, fit.
PattPo, l ndianapolii,l.Loulaville , New Orleans , and. alt l
intermediate:poiats in Ohio. ndianaplllinots, New •
tueky; , l l liehigen;•WistioneinAtinnesota Missouri, Han,,!
:WOW/ ,k4brOoks.-31nus famishing facilities , for .the
transportation of Pei anger' unsurpassed for veld and
connfortby oulyother rents. - • '
wHamm shudjlast, :Lime Mut Hung", to Pittabuia
ithout abangoof qtol or Conductors.-- • •
.Bm,„Oking Curare attaehed to each Train ; HOoiritilb
l&I7 18 B a tt s tn . ixtreee and Test • Trains , The IX ,
lt Se weel- DAI LY t and last Lam, Sunder
eteßpted- ,
;Hal Trabi)lielreti Philadtaphia at 7.16 A. N.
llapreas • Tisin leaves' c. -., 10 50 P . M.
.., ' Parkelburg emtommodation at 11 M.
Harrisburg Acooinm,odation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. N
Colombia ,; 4,80 P.-M. • • ;
Passengent for, Wort Chester will take the Mall,
Perkesbm, and Lancaster Trains, at the ,Penuirylva•
Dia Ballio4 Piesenger Stator].
Passengers for Benhury
fain 7liagara,
Palle, and intermediate • polite, leaving
PhlitiPpill at 7.11, A M. and .2.00 P. Mop dirlett7,
''Ticiit ' s:Trestward may birobbibied at the oHos'ar •
the Conipaiy In Philadelphia,.,lisiclark,• Baton, or
baltinihte %and Titkists Bastivsed at any of the import -
sea'stidadCtilces, bathe WAR On board ee1.70.'
OhiTN; 0 6 70;Btelehefil, Ott the , 14 WWII* 'dr
• " 707,7ard *limy" as Is any other Notlia. • •
Thde,complati 7 the Welt-ern clooneedeoles of, the
ealuleZhlonba to Oftisso; nUekei thla the ,
.“1142 fietintettug,ontracks by•the Railroad Bridge at
Plttaktu*; avaidin(all drayage or leafage Of, Proliihtt:
together- *ilk lbw - saving of lithe "'are` anal:dare
readily appretiaterly„Shlpper6- oiNrillitt 92 4 II "'
•Travelling ' ••-• ' „ • '
By tbisltoitte Freights of ell descriptions can be for.;
warded from'Phtlidetphis, New Yorlk, Boston; or Belli •
ut rei; to any pdidtin the Hells/minor Onio,Hentucky
`lndiana lewa Or Illesouri It)
Railroad direct: • - "
Pennsylianlitalliosel also sonnets at Pittaburi ,
with Etc/more, by which leads can be forwarded to an)
port on the Ohio, Muskingum lientaisky, Tennessee.
lOuitiberbunf, Wisectusit, Miszotiri
gansaa.•Aikatliae, tad Ned R ;-• and art Cleveland
Bsindiuky, and Ohleiego with iliessurra to 'ail ports
tke , Northwestern Likes
"Afirohante and !Minsk , " Slaty/sting Abe transports;,
tion of " hoirfPrelsbt to this Company; CM' rely with_
oonfidente on Ito speedy trusslt.
t 'THE DATIIII"OP If WEIGHT - to" any point in the
West bY.lbutPentirvaniicilailroad Ire at 'all times as
favorable t. I re Shamed-by • other Istidlptad 0 0 th* -
'ponies:. if -
j ar Be - partieidar to mark 'lischafieti "ifs l'enunr
blerchitinta in the West imbuing goods ftrimiltt 31014.
11 do well to direst them Solis, shipped by this Wats;
IfOrliblyht'Ocintifaots or Skinning Direetions, &PAL
to, or. addrists'‘Witlier of the fo ll owing , agents "of the
D. A. STEWART. Pitbibargi '• .„ ,
Ogle & 00.1 , Stenbenville, 0, •, 11,11; Plow** 00. i:
Zanesville, 0.1 A.-,Johnston, Ripley L o,; B. lifoNeely.
Hy.; Oratibv & Oropper • Portsmouth ; Of
,Paddook, & rJeficersonvllll, Indians r W.
'Brown,* Co., - 4Entinnall, 0:i Athol"' & libbert, Cho.'
oinniti ; 0:1B.. 0. edeldmi, Medium, Ind.
Ey.; P. Co., Evan '
villa, Ind ; W,Rratisto ,ft Co.. Oalro,, ; 8.1
• Eims, mini Mo.; ohn H. Hannia,BitaltviUeiTenn:i
.Barth & Hunt; tGmphL . Tenn.; 0111,
01 1 S0 - , I'll: WAH, If. Koontz Alton, 111,1
; or, to. irelilbt Agents of
mads at diffsisent 'points ih the Way- -
- Partlfit attOniling_hiLtlelr owl, shipments 'from the
Sant, will find it to their interest to *I on the Agents
of the Company If the following places before
or letters. dO Ot
roonad,to;oltbor ani pritlio 4,91
of, felshblll'iliset wittipsoinpitattention": -
N: osi :J.' , 814E11011E,'2 Philadelphiii.
114011 AW HOONB, All North street, Baltimore.
ERROR & 00:; BAJdor Hostas; orl S. WEllism at; N. T.
1411.E0t1 A- 00. ilsßilby sward, Boston.
• Iti.W; HOUSTON, Onnfl irsightAgest,Phils.
' ' L. HOUPT, Genii Ticket Agent, Phila.
THOty.l.,BOOTT;lien'llspft 'Altootut ,
0 4W1nn9•
14 , 11A:it811(P' ccoleasy 'STEWS .fq
OL Nti , W; LIVO4POI6, Dappor;numasi AND
LoNivNI)KIINY for 330 4 .
•- ' .
GL&BDOW, TAoAtpsoth WOnn A try, Augur, 24th, 'at
12 &clock noon. • .
GLASGOW, Thrlmaon, Wednesday, JUly 27th.
11,•tes of pass se from New York,Philadelphia, or
Boston; to islagow, : Lie 4 rpcol,'Belst, Dublin or Lon
donderrY,,,lirst otos, f 75. Eiteerage,•foaad with *I
abundance of properly cooked provlaloca, 330 T. '
An 6spodeno.ll' Surgeon attlehed tp.each steamer.
Djq ablirgii for triadic! atati.
•,itor freight or pllll5llO apply to - -
-No. 123 WaLDII • otrret, Philp:
J;2O No 23 BROADW ea. Neer York.
11:" Sr IifIt'STEA.IO/13
HAVEY ,• •
/11014 ,
ARLON.Oaptain Lines, will sail Any, 22,lieptembe
17, November 12
r Pterof 010 Ian WoMs, wilt aaU August gO, Ooto.
r YO VOtrirolier 30,
Flint 'Jidda' promise •5190
' &Mond Cabin paikage ' ' 15
' for height er ptoosgs, apply to •
WM WinflOPl, Agent, '
At the Warehousing Clompanre Philadelphia Mee,
ohm° Warehoueeitililit Street, PIM* " pas am
Osidign R. Y. Mareonan. ,
STATE OR. G. 11004, Caplan/3'OU J. Elands.
..1.1541111,, Captain: Wm. Rollins. 'I
RERRLREITON 8.0.. , - -
• The StalllBiestailtivESlTBTQlo . /MATT,
'Captain Markman, will sin on WininindnY, July 21 ; al ,
Lakdook ' -
The,V. Ai. „
m p O
. _ -
dohs ,1:13n
, :len *Mt on gsbuday, July 'Ea
, •
at, /0 A3i "
The oplendtd tisst,plaus Ttleallilalpe ETON
B p ma Appli . 4 4 BTATI. OT WROUQ/A now run
. 18 640 " m*ll'l4l clegs, thils, rimming
_a Avs-dap some
arliniention wi th 'gm igod Elontkoist. _
tizr Gotiticrkatvid sad bills' Of lading signed eves,
At bath Oka;latton - and, liwidanah thaw Alfa oat , '
aeot with 'Woman for lioxidsoind with - railroadsidcw,
in' the South andlionthWasti and with the
forolfwnyaNwn the 4th and 19th
et every mouth • - '
'frith! at au "average of 16 ger eapt, below,
New 'York SUPLIO#II . I422. "
• ‘` 7 , • • - - • ' •
..- lfralghbandlnanranee as alone proportion of Gotela
thipped Booth wlilberibluid to -be lower by them) nape
than by sailing veseehi. :.. s. - , • • • ~..,
......ff,_ p,-49nraint.0 4 1111Balliiiiel Prelatle..eatfray
einitecessory, further than Obarleaton and Savannah,
the Itallrocd Oompaalee taking all deka from theta
. . . . -
ribin Pour to OhsrleatgD *0 llamprilk pit op Steerage " ..,••• 800
Ittrogielon Tiohote, good • for the prereat year.... 80 00
Ticket. to Ilarakte.. . . 65.00
Thronk-Tiokita to itoew
00 00
Orleani act If.
, ‘.. Do ' . . k1001it0ttm.Y...1........ 20 00
Do ' Albapy, Q. . 23 00
•.. De .- -,t ,.: goluskito, dr
Afllota, ak 28 0 00 0
Do Idaoon, Ga ' 21 00
. Do Palatka, Fla 2 3 00
. Do , , Pleolita, Fla ' 2CO
Do ' ' Jaoldioneille, Pls. 21 00
Do , Fernandloa Nis. -21 00
Ifo Ms of lading Dived siter'thog4l2 hansid l ad, ..•
v., Do freight !scarfed qa.AO day ok OlD., : ng, '
!POT aellibo of igarid_opplt to - 2 , ,
- , - U3RON, 1.,
‘ - ' 7. ilaitiinieitikinsiiivintre and 0 - 11118PRIIT. , ' .:
ArtB lit Okarkettra, T. 8: - & 'P. G. BUDD, -
- Baramlnah; O. A' (111M11111 it, Go. ' ,
1„- - .... . ,
-,..: . - i
. • 1 , .... .
~_.- 'YE= leglr Ton !0 LIVIIIOOL.
Bale Cabin Passage ' 11180
• '. Ileodad Oltari Pitsgure. ” TA
' PAWS Voile°, sio Livkarool.
. . Oldef Chao Passage 11.10 '
brand Chibla Palisse .60
• The ship from Boston can at Halifax.
PERSIA,Capt. Judkuul, CANADA, Capt. Lang,'
ARABIA. 'Capt. J. Stone,' AMERICA, Oaptsbilliar.
ARIA. Capt. I. G.latt, NLA(AEA, Capt. Ander.
AJEIOA, Clapt. Sharman, ' : - son, . -
JUROPA, Slept J-Leltel. •
• These seiselteerry seism. white light at rnaatArkd ;
green on starboard bow; red on pert bow.
AR&BIA, dame; learns Boston', Weanladay, July .
.h. 1.1., Lott, if N york, Wadaesdar i AllY 20.
V .4. l 4Pki liarl, ' " i Bastin.- Wednesday, July 2f.
AERICA, rhan..on, I , N York, Wednesday. Aim I -
EURO ..isiLeltalti -: f , , .Boston, Wednesday, Aug 30.
PESETA, Judkins, . " N York, Wednesday Aug. 27.
ARABIA,. atone, •'t Boma, Wednesday, Aug 24.
Berths not mowed until paid for. '-- • •
• • An experieneed.Surgeon on board.: • "
The owners of thane ships will not he anoountable for
Gold; Silver citation, avrole,4Pwidm Pretel4turstones
or stale , I . knas of Ileac are signed therefor
La* faaryalaa• thereof thershi expressed.. /or freight
or passage apply to
I. WM/Ms it 11°1E114 arm
mailll:tf , New yollt. -
Charioredan 1794:—Oatittal 1200,000-41 sets; Um:
ary 1,1868, A 1 0 . 64100,
41.11 Wrested la 4,0 04 And ATD,IIOIO sooritles—oonti
toe to lowa oo Vergialt and Damon, Boiblings,'Skaiks
s t f MaOsbao4lll4, SOL, on liberd terms.
Henry D. flstreo4
Simeon Toky, ,- -
RGnommael R r a S nt
Tobias WaZall.
Willi S. Soak, ' no/o4s .11w 4 ttams,
JobA V:to 'Hary ff. t lfraeman,
V 4U "
toll Ohee 8. LesJe,-
' - ,moorge O. tattoo." • '
1111311rf D. IMBD.RERD, Yraddent.
WiLLllllll4tois Boorataa JeBmlboa,l4_,
82104.178170 - TZLIES for
2Wiatil Chimney Tope for Cottages.
.wWen Vaasa wig Formulae.
VitriWed Pipe for (hams sad water ooraitiliten
POPartial sad ha sale liy -
• - • . • ERR 'MIAOW.
1010 CIIINTNUT 8 feet.
BR aNlP L k s tA i n sajtNifi&f, '" . •
solo 21101 , 1r132%: Ca* , OWT,,alit
WI, ~, ; ON.&111 . , :_ONSi-4 •1e•4, - :, 4: •••., • ... .• 4
•;•-‘••••• Rona l l . ae3 leh WAITS IPOIIII2II griall'i—
, e•..- , 4 , -. • .., 4 • /- t - Parasafir firarArt and SW) , e :-.:-, , ,-' 1,-
. ) 1' "I ! ' r AV S B TATiti•airooKs,<Aa...7. ~ .t ; 1
.ecibue,Se ace* ,iee iphi4gejakseekee k ite every-
Tneenkrerentuk;duong tha hegnasteentou • .17 , i..',.,_ . , i 7 .
fiC,Uggliabillll.'!it .1014 PrOteXpir, kaatat,_ atparaTurt
lir adattatai leitlitehl are yethliali -en he;',Neter4ll Fr-
teteas .teeeali ih nis9 64B thoutnloatilognii lir iniallde,_
tormateing fultdisatiptlon of , all 'the - -11 04 4 1:tr 10 r,
Jon on 't_h_g (olio yin Toniany :,. :". ,- ---, f-', ; .., , - ..,..... ,-.
, IrtlerValiglVlJßJE• IhtLgt ALT_ Tall: AlitlTTOlt
8 9Ass ow8 X 7 7;;; 80 1 6 148aornIng -- , ~ '• - ~..:.: 4. i 1 ,
.L. :i_21144. 1471.47 74,14715 iii. - .:,- t
- ity- we kat si laivi minuet otitteak latent it teP ,
no Sala fiiallatar Arnary duentltion at" aity sad'
emery topeitjr: t Pilatititsta 'pay, ',be iqld 'AV ttur
ranatlon 11 re:: ;•,;•- .4 •1t.:.40_.. 8.• - , -•,,, -.•4, , • ,
• •-•'-_
~ ~,• -PRIVI23I hAtz avativem.- ''- - - i--
,- uce-, Baal ibtate entered •on - ow:Private Bala &gip
.tsr, Lad, advaethee. oeesatozugly, Ls- ous Publle bile
AV iseta, (af ;tr
.1a1411,11;000,g*plea are pries& weeili i ,) .
.:. CIAB.D.—In July smut - Mind' only hoeidonslaallii
• a* heratoula•-not• varr-we r
ak aa In ;the - ,
..Building lota„ OAPS MAY, Mkt haat .., et..‘ 93
U1di"!1P; 44 .,. Er fie! lithoglikAttc Pl4tag 'lbl=,
Mlle • • ,- - - ~, - 1
- '• The Untied • Stat•l'lrotal ;;i sad ..,
100 hilliint tete;
'ATLAtITIO OJTIrk Ell Altana, (Fees
4 TattsT ill*. ILLIJI L —On lie preallami t at Adulate
,oll7, , i, VO W Mita/ Ak9SOMP .SIA4 ab4 [ 0 ,1 9 0 . 1 "4 1 , 4 6 ,
; OP , ' SOPElttirfit kIIRNITI7II3 3 , 2
PIANO;NORT.2S,;IOO4iSTON,' BOAT, OARP/128..." a. „- ~ •. , ,
Arlt D -rOor Mtn „inamag. at .the en
"fora - nth iionimlee„, Middle", 490 lete Aff,a24"hellf
,Oaaa haipilataltara, I_lSailOppy plonk tb' E tea,
ton - bast, tied sett 'bnddreigi - . ,.9tdar ant* -igOasyrare,
Brno eU, logeelo, cod ' ether- ampete - : compejtot
...en.anteetten. mantacipti';norilig , ,thil iittahOhn oflar:
Alec and Phem,Alaetrotic of„pnrehefilmhs - '
1177,04telegtieghoW mad ampr ei the myelig,,artam - wed'
moo trOeiso sictdi etistb ;
,StriItEtIOR'SMINITOIIII; 5/11,11210)1" HATA • liPti ,
R 918; riANO4OI9,Ip 9 NiwouwOLIPN22.I 1
'At iv o t eliteA, - atfiaehofeet e,`--ia asogtottiai,
' of maenad imamd-Ataini farkipani
torte*, -AAA admire, sinietc. frogiAmilla
Ml:4p lituilkiepAAAJLrionOtrto),„2/4-199,1202 : 0 0 1 0 '
miens. of. wag's- u rtio „ •
filarge sag
im ;
Mon bee • , " -
!Also, 4 64e - hot pl . tetitikenttlatint --
NX.tritnis, BALA -ON Tits, piasileas_ CA*
MAY-92 YAM:rano lIERGhtkene.LOTA•
.013 reter,M7, - -
4eploCk.P , Ina sold et oMgreis
aAS MaY, 92 TatrifibTe. huadlng tro'otfog on,
the ocep.n ' &nth 'etieetl.lrarth 41,00,4'66yntreet,-
Oecgreis atriat'irsit "SOS' gmane whm, I -Thirl
street and itith Street -.' Alm; tinoi-Valt -Intaselt tq
the Wallington Howe Rettliend Arce-.b.Ultoterest In
two oottoWoc - Err, Per full pa-ticaltirs, Alaukosior:9,
mattsegb.licac4-lithosmoma plena: 1
"21.A.liTDE 00[TAOS.MAtannzaturtno OAPS
' Also. the oripertcn Calm, anti lot 'or ground, 244 ati
on lithographic plans of lir,' billteee km; Oapalsikalli
ailen.7flenef.). - 7.togetherimatli the mail." Nraittlre. bed : ,
Clog. on, all of ,agoehmatitm/hy„.P...„.Pilh2,,rthMLl
Mulyhi H 14,4 6 .1111, • ' •
I , 3001103 OK: 3111OMONS• COURT - MO sIIXOT.-41,-
ply at theimpstlaolOcrol•— , - '" i. t• f .
PVATIII A BAI4II,—AImais- ralopielphla
pit( Miigaildle
r„ MVO PALuC4i hi• v 14148416 prop•nip,Mr
liefot:/llfth;AadifthdpkireltiVl?pliiir "Waded- biro
.11:E9t;t4Pr_b - .. 1p Oat: -;Spo,*#Fta,
c';;;:',:t"Etd, , ~, .„ ..
- el , 4 AigiatriMitibri
7' -
L1o: IL tioatlik'SlXM Screat,
0 0121 7 onb du e
- -- iiiitTAoiLl.Elk-
lie hie.' by lee ~ tulliroweitti administer Oaths and
Affirmations. adtskeTestinsoly. ,to be read in at..
de, la any ponit or the commonwasith ot , Penroyl.
'male.'" - ' , - - '
' Be 4 a'd3mmlullocer of the United States. and ilex,
a Ocanadisloner of Deeds sod for the Probate of, As.
eonntei far near* alt theintates in , the Union - . - '
:., Commiesione to :take - ?malmsey, . from, soy- of •
the croarto, in thin Nati, as Is:, 00-the courts In . lb*
jinikei Bums, os, Tss'sitpsiso, "ssIoPLIA,W; Oesehs•lY
°smutted .., ",- . ..... , .., - -,,..,, -~..,, -, irillrti , r. ,
Orr/OS -,Or -; ft - THIETICENta .; AND
. _ , lfirogliNtli•BVltiorsl PASeloallii , BW,'•
WA:Y - 4304E1NY OP , PalimailbrEll.j_ , .,-1, , .? - r.
- EOM ti0.,4 1A141411114101101114004,3 Irlarn
Irkgost., , t,,, -,, "a ~ -• f ! , ,i - , M 1 v- - -. ' 1 loyl4ol-,!
1 1113B , ADAK8' EXPRESS - A:1 1 0.i OFfIONi
r ag
' ,, 11' = SA tlßESTNtrVistreeE %roam 31 oroPlip
Ag e k 4 4 , 4l# ll 4 lll Prikk4A ol ,l4A9o ,o Prnotgth 4 17' 1
lie pm idnoi,' Os isi,ooss•Auoa, with other _ls i
Wmpastils to 41 Utplsstiri pat Wilma and bid o tat
Crania Ifttiii: a: s: ALODlAtrgtoi.
1 suiltf -'' , 'rcv "-.‘ ''- Oftorat thiposlittosylept , ,
X:. - 163KIXN 1.
Galitiisl9lAo; RA,:
Will Oldies IseWsktatailathl, 'Az:waren; sal In
4i•as eountiet.'"-. " " " fa* Sf -
A 17Q1747 / BE L LIKINT,,
, kt
lesitee,tter! P , C credit , 11 1 , ,,Ttaltelitel,
ell parte of tlyCwatlet, Utica eti the Ititemet:ltettltdiali,
4t Rette;Lonitoie, liireakfestfliaples ? 'ard IrWnal and
their Geneipenes ' l 4 I ;k:' 41 , 1 " V01i746C0
;i~'s~i~l~iAii~ari~',°Q~ • fat#'~te~stji~s
lUOTIOE IS aksSEit.,Gl*Ebr, that tthe,
I Rem , WAHMIAE'r , OEIABWIOR & ataq)., is
molds" otteoltod , Tka limatm, lamp matt.,-tnyalatal-,
nem Mil bi continued undue Bless:no Alt uRADWIOR
& BRO„ as tbaeaniar BcOODID eel sco,k
Otreets. ' - JORN'R oftAnmiloc
PhlladalybiaiJuly bmg,
-Tag 00Awri3t stimie bereti;fbre i ex
altioß betvion Ilmilibroteban is dlaaolvad
by mutual mmamit , ..Tbe.bastuiss of as Amu min - be
sethed, JORNPR B..EIA.NaON, who aaathorised td
thonanis or,Oke dna itquidstam
",105.1SPR B. ITANuolf,l
1013 140.869. ' NORWOOD PIM ROBB,
..;osiera B. 111113Bnifi , .iiiit, ttoutbrge-, the: Iroheoto
Commlashm butintat,
, 1111 1NFP1r.1,,,. 1 ,'. 4) 4.° W. ~or ! Wl '
btimo eittet;suCheriOoto - ' - -' ' , • ,4 • 5 •
- • . kid. 10 Nortli WiTilt ,titieef, ' 1
, _
' en 'st tto.loB North DBLAWAMVATeInte. •:'
, - ,
7.011 North WATIR Street:
„-• • 108 Barth DfillskWAßE •venue; -
NCIBWOOD P111408.11;(late of the firm of Joseph B
Ranyet & Oo.,) cla this day oelated wits @3084!
BOLDIN, ender the styli - iand BtavoCBOLDIIS
141N/1001. faiths aarpdii - 0i1:4441114in a lotisecto
Oil, end General aommirlon Aannesa.
Atli 1; 1850. •
heretofore existing -betisex 4.1r0s , subscribers,
tindei the Rim of „WM . 11,. BROWN 00., itr this
ey d/uoleel bf,umtaal ehnsone -
The busleare or the' Im' whtt tio eettlrd by COSH*
nite:DHORD and el 'AMON. Lull, *hp Ire
stoshorlsoa to use the name or the prat for, that Put ,
pm*. I H
; .(10MN ' BRA OfORD,
13 &WHIM „LUTZ, ,
' INILADeLnitiX. Ith,sectotts 'let, 12441. ~, r Ift•ite
larblum,Y ,
subscribiri; AGSM'S 1011 Tiati BALI 01 1 ,10. ,
We the folleninigonda atlowsatsatedi .Lairls , ' sups.,
tier Cdtaitts .of. all . binds; toeluding tems, log, ha ter,
*fth, breast, wagon, tongue. soil, - ship, poise, and other
Obelus Wrght'a -patent and- waits „Lelia: and
-Tiese; si L sn florse.frallarsound.' and neat Bakelans;'
'short aid long bindle FIX Pans; Atasitipi.Batety /use
foe blsiti4g roakal set klateirir /Artisan 811%4 Etat•
board chasena tad Clatntera'Alksik ; Table sad Penton
°Wen; Oast Steel /nes and Bums; ;tut and , Wspagitt
Butt Waged ; Strap and a '1" Hines; Ettutiot Warn
Zumrsoe's kafer AtcoP• i-Rediwe MONSLIY K nob s;,
Whites', Bracer,• Ousel,. and. spades, kinds ; ;llay
and ktiti Tp , 7orlp,Baas, sad UM I' Southgate's
ir. 4114t WriltaTo i Imaltrituir Waite Door ; and
nauttet 'Bolts ; Hand, otedipl, and 'lltans-Haunners •
Books and Bingen ; Tanks, st ij
Finishing - Nails; W sarAt , Balls; Mae, Samia
Ales; -llatnishs Tea and agitator Boils. : Cannt incriebac,
American and SeTthes theOlus ATTneal add
Bane ; ?Doug/ass', /usaps,end 411141114Iplaiseo entre;
laurels, Saws of all kinds; Aeit.'llatekets, Hopis ; "ph
ke "C d " . ( a .". a l larOnont , *( Avatar* ;
" - ' I V-2. 4 1 51L M11 )11°W.
TRECL D: EMORY - li t 'oo.
" - Ois.roi No 118 ooh FOIINTR 61., /Me
- Hole Agents of
• G 31020; POTTO & OD
Minors end Elhlppon of the
•'• - '
Prom the Locust Montt** •
yr, P. arri 4 E l3 l BOEIPVIO , 10
; ''GROOKE - 111 _
t•-• ' pippin! s
W r amb ou se IRSOAD 10! nu'
0111.4% No 2 14414:411k,i40uiTa itreet, '
bokret:, E.
414 skii • • ~PRUAI/RLPll**
Have oar,s 4 antly on hand • 14rgnand auseioriluilolt
of IIINS• shuf.ova4 Runimar WOOD # Nut, boiling
composted our arras 'sawn% are now preptred to tsti
the WOOD irr STD ticgowza We have, sl ob on
hand A nspenor quality . of COAL. of all
Want, aeleOted with-oats Dealers and Conlon:nee Win
awl it greatly to their advantage to rare . himp atodllas
Noel, at UP. " •
L 1 1 ,1 3 LN 6URALsTOI,
Lig^ 'et triy,s4, (Now, lig
Awl Rua.,
wi g q ltre--granti annuli
*hens life Inureetein Heal
triune derwadldion the cant
the sot ea Bunters,
Trainees, and Gaikrdanc
esst coarser of TIIIRD sod
:15146 03 .
Mirme,or for the whole
ilea and endowinentpur,
tl Sistate, and makes all con•
itingenales'of Life •-•
Admlnletritkirsi ' Aliadlances
Banlel L. Miller,
13.3ojezoln 01))1411,
Rio/aerl 8 lolenno3d,
VflWain it Backer,
William 31 Kern,
&matt B. Baty,
°barite Hallowell,
Bean 0. Trani,
it,son libue. en%
William 11. an,
1111dig•O' T. Slott,
'Willie& Roberson,
Warner jt '
60mu41 J Cbriatiap;
Joseph( Thomas,
4ohh iltemher,
, latiou,
-7. A. ltitoi
. 7 , Capital - • Immo.
(organized oodsf Up Att of Assembly relative to In
sonnet OdipiptptiliSiPizatd April . 24,, Um). r . ,
waN au 011.118T/mT Bt., Paillidelohlik.
Hamad Wri tliff , • s '' /bu Imitis, Jr.,
. Willtom W. iqmon, , 11.161. Bizikir, :
Oite4l4 , k Risdizelapti, • John W. fkfprmen, -
.10 4 o h W. titout,— 'A. IL Rosenholm, •
flarolny Lippincott; - John 11 Rlllson, •
Game A' ,Wird, • Knight
ONO CUM. DAY, President.
WI. BLANORARD, Rscretnrn. , , WI-,
%IRE , :Spring byline= •at ZEIGLER &
8!t TEPP,aoraer 811COND sod GRltem Street",
la apse l with a superior stook of Drugs, White Lead,
glno Paints, Window Giau. and all other &Mari
usually fond in a Wholeaali Drug, Mai, sal (41.6
tYttablla/kinimt suss-tr••
NAVAL STORES.-150, bbli •Sptrita
yintiAto; 800 U) Ur, (eA.
tri Was bblii)) 2008810 Pints. in atom tnd for sale by
noWLEY, to Ott.; Ito. 10 Pont!)
, -
goo _ D4YXO. rt-lIQQAX,
TAW, No. US iirmoll.'l44l" $O4
Fit, - _ - .WXYX7iiNFAIICIT/ORMIL-114•
—, l4 ,Vrov SezWillts_A, ttierAinou
AORNIg 0 1 14PMW 11 10 1 Affl.t . T__
- So
smaradaW c zn i -P l - 11 1 ., —,b"7"11! 4ArIX. *la
, _ •
11:41R404/1/414,8§1_ .
we 4 mammy rum
If -
JAE, AV 1 f . ' II CSOXiss -2- - ,"--_'' ''' •
ku .mp__.
,-4„ ,.- 3-2-_= ... - .i.0„ 11..:114,11,4=1.
:4 11 4: 1 4gzumr:Ar..ism witta 1111
1431 ft. tegulit iiiii 0 , 2 41 4 - Mit5t4 , ,,, w441,411a, - Ales
pEofiiiikopl Wot#l. 41. 44,1du,p:: t-,
r ttr:Coireo - - L W* *WO=
lomat w•yerr 1100 Heir IN I .O * 3 1 1 4 , .
" " riPtklidM ir si
At:4 NW ,
I • 4 , 4 1-,1,-1 PAWL Weft Breirro
J O , SAO irwrimikratiodowsza.
m as-EsqttorttiAte,ittratrimtai
L." AND_commwrin-14,11.,..m•
x* - -Aimizunivissu t,-
Army so i • is kW or Orkeli opmemitosa sum
4 0 0 1 0 9 04 AO lOU orlieleir et rse. AB
oner! eese, roitriestielootrilE
stoß4 .104‘404,450040.1W."4111144
AO* ,11 . 4 someratif 1011 . 11 00 BAOIL
• AKOVEItt I •:. , :11011111f ni
Qamy.literauypitnowysa 0 400 or recall 0 0 0001
from lAA oAlar o.theatemli;oo 04d aateileer plata,
dlignaaAla) scabataaaaatabryydar "UAW
,_.,____10012m004.400001.40 Pobt- =1653
rw.. l oi oniAnyi.lookel LOW. Ire ~00.
qua, Vl_ Wien/ leirot.4 1 0
Ogroigt. -.)Yet 4Priezipet: Naga ishasso,
ibialmat atimerstAtith, aad4looe Oreeio.
r.VAPKWAO*III7WiI, In* dimeatented at
Nit t ralo4oo-rotoiker ..1 < , :f
umuwewrir,,a. ArOonoeroW.ALON
iiirosto.- - To4olrmiegortiedoe WWI Artiess
toll Ske veAeListon ;ekes iSalebtalstent
.tallSartated aad pita, aft Whams* aware" mat bait
null'', 'IA' Math,'tiottopoili•aina
iroliktrownioart4iiit quid Wm , nntniks Inintl a
andeppil*k, Rovorptlikea sitroawAveled
iiltttak, !Flay
beatiiiii. - Visor' birth* peteit umprystates,
,e4ll94Bkit riVis 4liC°P.B
aratakaart rgolioyaiik:i fob,' smisitr sad
o,ll4.oo,oLoWeAti clustalebr ,"44.0" mod =pew
-r ol e rsoo ok 4 ooo ol oo4lo , 4l l oo= t o .
.4 11141 .. WOW*
ai jet sumeseA=4V4
• Ns.
• °, . "-Pik, r,l7 - lAN l taLki.
impsaiduirif4ttoet*fail 1.10 10 7!I fast
wide: - '“:4,; , 5 54: •
um) ;LW • *rant evirmossatotica.
. ,
- :STeLOIT11:10 Mb* CS
v :1 - •
WILLLSIL. ts, i; BOILS; • -Alionorraz I
• Tor •; - 111.1ffkilIWILICISION MISBOHl2i10:1110. 20
141600.0,Pauspawkiao: offer
their, minriees ;ter UliK re,rtuleede v itaarareoo,rere, 00 0
halp or-(r7g ode s , ear.
vac 'Joao;'l* , eff /fArthrar!Fil.eweir7;4o:, &e.
Oesx ielijiseerimade - oereeliptie good'.
iestde time ffeiye ORLI nee.
- , f,fialwarikreer: ' •
MelereAirerfk, Clleeliore,, & 00, PUY;
vi:'‘:t 4 ***4 l trelffiervr•
, Kok gTombonli,Warro "ft, Iffewyost
- "I.'l
ire Dtqr lire4;24. 'Thlittisillies;**l
Ms, "OW beelkiooo22pola.
1'5t5444,11.4. f.l z
AO TAIIBST-t-N4SIO6I.WIIMati',Z e rtiltkir COY
' PABILWAWITISP Ilioloti tioath
jli ireet iNtlet; OVIIIIItD 1 -
,Philstholphis. '.,1 P. er —. n ", 1 , ';14:1".?
, f-,,ri,, ;
T l i tc=rtir *Yet Iva! Afir - 4 • , Utah.
. Vet tit.
toreet_pe4prompetW , , ll 7.;;Pli k l', . 4 , • : ot erttli•
4liwal - ...,,- -•.,; = ...... ~., - -.:.;i• - :- =
iiiii (Moe !cope tiOrai 4 7 - 1 , . 2 , 1 Vekolk la fahe
morals/ an Itreeirotitterthik 'NM - eichloodg
toiltlitrittaioreolawittUltii 'l , - ,•• ---•-' ,- •;
.. •-: In. BOR., MENSTAIr. il , N 11; fteditArat,
~, - 7/138/Ihl AtiLISIDGA,, - Vho 2t:tietlica.
W11.741h0h, listoetame,:, ; - -• --:,_, • .-.: . --.7 "
iiiok: away Vlsolmi ' - v. itroa.Bi.
vino* L. OstlitT l , , .. -. ; 06 . 10 1:Billx4
; - Robartifilfridgei :--, '..: ,?lfrinelolied, -',`
Polialar. , AiDhoti • ' '",-'• - '' irdleplilfirkiii '
..-0. Loothrthilditooti , •,, j•-lifeirratleathiritio.
~:,I Kotelpie rohdwilisoi p' op rosioilitilp. , 1 - -
The Itreeettcsote are -male,io °carom:illy...pith the
TlOnletOtia.Of the alterteh. it • Wilts./OW *nigger.
GroOod Ikon% sill each rizetoloor,otoutttho,oe will
demo few* perfect saniriq, to. tit(r4epoittora, and
which-cannot istl.,to'gtve,alet titthafty to
Q&T/NG , ; 1711 , 111.;,-1:44TED-`
/. ' 3 TAMIL .°Qh!g4 l iYi TILHP4 ant MST-
Lugo and tonal. sumo reosver - ...-and,pila men da
-sand • without - claim' W4h Myr OUT.
TBS3IBTIrdm tkil day or annon4 to'qin!dn,y.Z4 with.
• Ogdo• bourn, knit kitstilli.o 7 illaek.oterrA W, and Os
MONDAY Id . IIISIBOB from 'I until •
DRAM - Taint int" skinitlendulto4-011Sthooll
from SitsSaidik - . • - -
'Bent-;0111 1 1bli 'oikwion:=
...nnturer—PLltlY PIIX "
_Modler—JAMllB 11.1 sus rm.
8:r /*Ltie'ilikitiMeN, BV
into .'AL
_ No- liar North: Taw) Street,
• (OnsUkilidadicalifink Building )
SHAMES= SY - TitrAtlattilAySlLll CI! ILL
' 'Depoutto receivid Lt siams of One Dollikraiadat.t...
aad repaid Gold wrifitrat • notice, with !TEN is En
OLNTA•TIVISILIBreIVeI t!le are of &Patti tilP nio
• —.l! 0,'"1
4 , ..roiposodblbriisf. loattfm.o2 bas
n beesi**l-44 la tie Ito4401•A Pub the sad
I . • brie; 6%••••••altiokil Twaarikictotyll-eis On'
by the Leitta yer i ni Pepasitiirso4o *play tbio
nomisity ' 7 Thu Man fa - orginiedoic•am yeamtpi
I *, b••• bout go bb•lli IP, balm to &mown*.
date the bane ae: Interests and wets orshimo tarn
sad iaterpridlit•popsistiaa 161 wk.leh it le eettesu2dol.
talklUe44ll•T; •
tram Dto R d'alobtA:obn • bitoibAT •and Tuna
, "-nit from $ Ili a sAalook.in_bbsamiliNk - A
; • "
LIMY: -,lllFoet
Dude] Thodorkodit i • s
Progieli Hart, "- - - . ""• -
John If 000lor, Jr., - c -
Jam.. lit Primal* --4sarob -Doi& -
itooopb 11,00,4, Um. Wzo
Georg* Woalxppr , _ (ho T . 3oors,
l'et,el3._llllibuibor, . &Nit bavidsoei_
~7141141 S. raThgrai,,rreshient.
*aims Has. as
EAV E N - BAOON, & 0 0 ; 4
mow; Clarles, Hallett,' Davis,- it Co V,
544 H, Ga1a.&,06.4 anperior,PLCHoB., Also, Ma
ros& ll atiWa - aarivilled /LII,OHNONEI HaR.
/11031/018, so desirable , far Chorales ar.d LaroMo
- I Pianos ood 11.4tAipaco to Writ - •••
••,- • - •
WWI - 01130114131'.
Am /A, 5, - 414 . 1Nortle liffilf Strait, and No.
till4o/811.41111 Atriet, botvian Charles and
^ Algid Emote, Baltimore,-
`.llAotialtraya, hand; aJa,rnanaaortnonat . of th
anierfoi, Kanto. riooatimagad.. aortinaaras front
Ifialtarg.htrakonoh,'Orf celebrated parformers
tot. qua Mkt atm*,
.toanynuidein this Oonntry.
.I%.‘haraldlity et ther.tanoir will Di warrantee for
An, rpm mei a yririlagi of exchange pasted within
MX- ZMUMID ;shoal& they not Ova entire astialaretion.
Manafaotating Wray, we wfllrsell wholesale and ra
teWatthangoatlaprior. , -
• " - - WV." all parts. &
am "' 7 4 1 4 ourAvul
litiost pit*: •Aijamtmmillki t e k to, and
will Mop nonstantly es limit - fad sal' 'oar Plums al
tnanafaatnrar?aaritea. - anks.6m
* N o:, 9EAcatsRTITG_I, SONS,
. - acuctliriciarisi,s
; (00/44411 - AgE
•-4 " I : l4oo.4oaTire.
, WARISbOIde - 4(11 OnNATNUT
Cloadatitly ha 'store a limOotook of our RI .UTIITIL
aid lINIQUAILSID INOTRMitSiII We hart been
awarded, it Um tifforent .11.10IBOttom is oounny end
'?t&t 08 TO 10110 - , • fa96-ly
Ar•D .iti7&ft3oll
0 ,!..60r.441.444DEx_81,24.0.....
A /Me utiertamilot ' -
. - • 1 " n '19A1 4 18 & WATEMI
?or imari xattja DOORS,
BAXX .10010,
- % .4. 1.r.: - •
4iimiml 13 - taii;i,
alltam Mirt n • .
James B. Mara:lond,
. 4•0 • 0 0 1 H. Traitor,
Zanies ItausklL.
TheopUilua Dimaktfag,
• Edmund 'A. Bowler,
Leolel L. Hai:Alum
John W ,Horner,
Zola he say sow in nee.
_ - 13015. - DooltB. FINTIPT2IIB_ to.
Ul4 Si IrOoklisdpo as say ether sidhigieheeind la this
Ualted Elates, by
NIVI6 &dab PUITZTH street
11 SITE 1:111'&11ALL.
L MILLER, President
' BTOE3B, Vies green.
1110 THOSE who , are --, abiout to - purchase
J. Drupe, Pante. White .heed,sl , Window Meek,
we alreet their sittention tio en nue - led and releet
awoke' inch goods, which Witco bet end ,at the 'torn
ap2l3 tg, , . corner of Second and G
HAms_les - laoB. - EXTRA SUGAR
CORED OOVERBD RAMS lacked by dirdner,
Pb ppa &Co y Relay Lew, John Shay. blebut &Wood;
Beaty &lamed', and others Zoksa's by
-3f 9 ~O ,CI. &SOLI& do-C O., Axah street, 2d door above hoot.
Q./MAD OrL.--:BaclgalapPa, -
blifs -Meas . Pork, New
R. -Jinn, Olkie. and Pidledelphla peeking, for Bah.
bl a: 0 . 0.100110 a. 90., A,0021 b -4•4„000me e 0.
'above Print -
COFFEE -4,000' Prime and ,
NM Roasting Rio; I6n bass prtms Lsoisyrs cloths
*ls ssts by JAMAS GRAHAM 00..•1,11tIT'LL
1111U17LAISCItiarreikied foiss4 by ~.
iO Az.* Mead, ilogr abete
t A littiel:bat thille4l4NO-71
. _•-IV' ' ski:ln Aka* toturrn ,Ittih,t , Weals=
Okortatt its& Wablit' ;VP*Cicstatoda, Aisi all
1 01 1.'4 WAIST! aiiits*, Isysaia n ia a .%
Btato; MC Oily Law; Woad - !!,t,OK -, Nolti
ni ngeo lk 4 4 o3 :„.. ie -• t i, totter =l - *, *an - .:, - -
pitatioxesequatit irill rem. so risk Ah lli Z
"_M iitittilhocilad
isidttstinOdicActiat hate ,
• retimirithilor ileik . Irma*: tatiliWiiiisar,
as they luiveldwiiikailkp.lldiebooistraisocr
1 11 7 1401 .. .--f.-cl ~ !!', l ,+`• l l‘-'141.7.`,
-4• illiwiNosenotAip-, _ ,1114,0,0146011Ut
Ikai th i AL 6l l ,o o lll .
daelKwltibbsiiiLoils by,
"Dank -- - • - - Palate
io , -efik4a • to.rma“64o
- le tivitnisaitit ', - - ',-”,"
P - unarm" amAta sums iumerriu •
Me orlon Asitylniat ailto 4 VaisolOatoa
waiumpsay itailistaribu'emiap lOW 6 vat.
•' • - .49 T 044._ _ —_•__l; ,- - ~,I
Xisob IC Wilda*, , „ ,07r 1 11(uoinrsuaGON A
JobAtidadlOsi" ,:- :- •Osorgerßaccell,:'l,
1 Malachi W:BscasS, ,
web Irlainibisior,= , - 0 '• Misr , •; •`.,'"!'
i Nicholas Ilitteahoacci'-ft mom ~;7
roc a-. sataertanwth iT -Dialtille,_ _:.
,1_•- thaarmoit Ili;.:4,lWneva2, - I- ~.,-..,,,
..•a:Aotta Et.:memini„ Romaiiikt,
: 'Cm" fliP 114./401005*,,11.0.N!,E!,,,-1,-,
A,P O l4r,
ealanumber 13AV