=MI MEM - • Mitieffit* or Ntstilttiteletrait Ale *out kft6i miters tcVrptitttifoik:ilisi eatr Q m pnthlJ meeting or tli•l74l444ebet be bold •at ills lisisnin 4 tnina /testis Weill 'Monday Ori4ising. , `-444 Turin wldob Wapreihred for the mativeletleii,"Cl 4 : l4 la'Wrrefatiielew, the rot's*. will he ree4.9a,tha oeeeitol,;(o whieh, end 4014• !sitarist itiwilias, It I. aeo,4l.iiapo4kant thee tit**film` t of two aootles: , • HAETNIGNE CIENENET SLIM -ELEGANT AIM' PLAIII niagpliati*l !Xi/01'152%10s eitoo* burn; thoftm ' k , ,SNl O,I•II.SiXINsTINI, 134 it; Regli 1110:Liehl ta11F111511111414 O411(1117 Plons..tipy ba•dionsi oomi•ifr MUT, tidjolpipt B:4; btireife an 4 Jamb 2,00000*,0: OM, York 14•41. •• - lot of roar 1-0103:1 LotleALDwOliolt r°ti°4 '. , **l *let Atelvatrot Bashim,rop4etli lisitawa! Itestdepo, Sinn; emit • • ringor si patted vlhlsiliNit, is goal Jassili444liNNlL'Efo 6 " o )3DI/4111 g 140158 ) Gress* iiiisti,Woii.ofdia . Oriturs , ticitat; Tors, 4rusisiL , ss4 piTiego meats; auction . kW., .._ ~, ,, 5•71 , ..1,-,... +.l I POMP*StVittiii44ll44t'io4l(7* ' jewlTlSitithet :4tiiMlSittslithitt at Tht Press oitoe:-'7" , k - ' - - 7- i' , :r. -:-"' ;:= - - :- HoinlientßgiSilarta ~ .600DA., - iWit;trtliere that Mewl; Illid4h4tpetir thqlit W. 1111R.Saand sad Doak etreatki:).l4i' - '4O) 14 sow& in - Ilia , criattert of ow vitl,islit lii4o l :4lPg, * ,iiimatiiiotel- it ...h ....- viaditi..**to, .& - ifWi • inots l ;,W.Ligottr*sten with ' , rare, eceesiala or reeery ergo', of otilliy..ha tbstr..ll3le. ilkir Ibl?,,,ilhar* JOsetliealeiaok ;they =pre t est - for up pre li l sh , ,l4aelheak_greaerr,gir :of hrtlalsii, rah*, ea 1411:4 1 / 1 46;sliii be halal.. tii be 'ihitei eV Abe ieeriee 11 1 / 1 4 t.lilt.. Sia 49101 try mildew: for Instance, Ilse!: Dr. grOellifitge "ratcnieerhorktrelly arranged senoras the elipeautiocel Co. ;gniter C . olses libel with pores. lalnl mot forgetting Sheisiiiirit.l ll4l o:l l4 i 3 44 43 / 4 Ire Iktchiatgag ratlrha Ibrotdel dealgas soh , Whitest if wh4Atitt-M#l.lcOmqvir# alOl4 sheik. liairlog, - Gbiii*.afa*Pfit9WilffilOw..6l4lAiiisil Ware liia is • fikstphrySailegigiggigh*4 isoseomil for the reining 16111114 ,. - " #119,*14L0 ninety Watoolireit kal4eiliiiii.4l4. ii o /lAii rilithlik; go io I iii6' wait*, - 00-$ 'hi: &bah' tititd street_ oral , Drexel re Co 11 1 i ",,,, C l!taine. ' ".' ,-, '. . ' ' 0 * t° JAVilleoliti.i2i. soil your mite tonsil stwinirthese etWashlaigtestehlotonsoni. wash ten rthvieliertal Varlet - who treed hits ,isontrwy , from - mindirpotthiaroistthisiir ifMoobiltstie• efinit 44 the street .4tritilx ,oppreite Amen .thdli - thWe ' dolw. of Ve 0 WhoelisfSh "Waren Keirdhatiothfr- Othnesera Slon*WWithipiedi,hiliemist third,; sad so - 'contribute your lilts to rogirilValstigilhaii3taiii:teipailh lignite': •lketee Cki, l l:wiliihlle tithOrtallehli tistaitt) of Visor, t littio,'l4 'lel rifigArierifeiti loa 'the 16111110: I , ,arsableo , btonett, tll, l 4rdit,-uti-kf l oteboldi • * l4 „rtain TowAl ; anoism th it - werWilisaMsthttexamekatio=lids itktfiST or rptinnoriii.e;dlS Comnitent intrWiti directly Opal% Jhrtstr Ilan: - *hire lbi' Meal the ' #ltiladslphla lirealtiotioaCtiOeleavat*mit4 lig* le Now to prover, 301r,ritilittibklaiWAIS ' 'Wiith - AtiNC - At :nil Pre" know, the (N. Y rithothgtephii 'Asia Fine Art 4onesid i'lrhit'o idid Wow usllssi,u•wows ot ahreuest *eel ttiti alreacti *We *Mar the 461 a "es of Dr. i. K dieter` i4hs iris fo c,erly iopie4lby Mr. socd la the semi teller', whars,,lle, bootees/0 he*, aerial' am " it ' ll * °lcuittilk, through the Dotter , e efforts and atten tive, been rerg Moab reigrol; hod ii re' be faet rardeleg Its toirSer pogielarttr, sad w il l dostaleas yet hews* 'ROW:4 do Mr. ocook, MI MOM proprietor,, IS fartaaatelalaidag monied the winisesinent at br. haskeell In thin illy* whore good teat; attittle Milli: jadreset; 4 esil .gbllba eftseilee to eleitop. Am l "kfg f° 0 2110. 1 . 014 ollaoroli=‘ ' • 1 "` J 7 ioi.Oiitip r Aid iiti;a4A4itaiti; io to,ltisiC welt & Gee, St 0%01:Mild, atroet, over-Dr owl & Co V hastlegiViaie. .' ",: t' . . _ ~. . . %Gill! , Kihe AllftiVidtroillk - sti, OR, Atli With's% few Refit er5t001;144420 ; Witter Gooier* ' •leetribittriii ete.,'4tve , Jett•etti'll . : Oinnyl.:4k Co.'. 8 a 4611 .-.10, 461441 W 4 4 4- s t e titetwet, Duitthrlthemilthy-nessoelarery one who Wow IspiliCsaeeki` rtilL , Qa." - Ithitireilie, - Min itianii-ste Parasol ; we to whet api` slessel dee, ; rpo should hf 9 eget to lliehumilaraia, ate Market attest. ( lir referenda to tr. VIM . . Mogobsfaher's «aid, it wi I be seen that he hdo Siolitsive - ittsition to the ' iitietineetof , tot ryis'ilef esi, toth taioVraili sad AV, i 1110011,.-4r:' it lif - i IT7:l;i6llligi . ..d Aatigt Or "Dt 00,041/10detrat°3101' His _room{ at* Old Wilk' 1 Illst,'biligrAtintkoteget; ; '._ ; ~.., ,' rte ' ; , , ' liustothli* C9olPWWthistim-rit ass sot bfk Itlitieswiraiwt itie Moiled rotative eieSWiwo -le llieth sidiht eat fiiilUP:4le4ens to oieerietion so km , till.oftCothill ' ilitialik; Wed Kr. Stephen W. *Mt nun ,-lici Milelltethst ttreatiOwer iiareil a sarietief dsliolons roeilietions, wont Woiii tert . fonlerlitii OW D°o oool sad •01°Vallisivear. to WO - - esi invite the at tso,thie,Of 01,1v„rvatarsr. Yr. ,Whitaian: meg only Ike. toast ea& mast *Atolls& to lits badness, eel torte , the - enviable malarity his gliedehreobtaleth through out the ;Featly., - Ton 11 ,Parrrothezdorid' Onti , e.r , Sion* '": Jo the title by vhloklit, - .1'.41.-‘llafilernaa , a" unique establish-. i most! en,oo,4l3lfelati WOW, - Osposie WWI,/ Jo be okolaila be tam& . throughout • the oily and Mtete, lead weirordstesteised {Wit' Stalker* bag bergoally well• know*, es - esiet, hens lifelie - to Georgia, bemire we'regarifit tifiChighlf creditable ,tiatithyofi, eril nee that HehliGs , eatroosire Og i'veir deetlimai deeding to delete bliristeh eith beat* Wand iguedMsta. • alssiooklf*SWfwittelii‘ttili of-P 10 1 , "P• • "Eli 411 OlAGlift:iii , fait itikaiwert Or opium MI TOO 0/t rotriovirilta.Arliteliirsatai has alwayi li 4 "AloOtTiia kr tti(Witsweettiof thi,SYsiddist sielftc -•-Si 1 1 0 Oil 14 ' 110 h lO I kit i"ti .,-4 k c * ali ' • . - 1 wthth:Wite r ,Ahrweitents ,bi ttrit:ntinLitsetirlties" only -saith,h(le the - set 4f:11. going through - else ,{irk' " ifirsobsiosi tlit reltaing its dean deritlitudness home,. whew Awl% wise Mimed, wlth hem IWies, while othfrof had ',Upwind/ ole , rostelses:iiiirpt away by wild spereletions. Ski ilipositori Jo this Comp's,. *ale Ashesigg .pad co tAliased, art* , ma per •aeat, 1a...,_ tilwittitsalideithth lineth tit mother colette. . Ina an ohimiaxlmitilliesoliools, - - -iifteholdte7 , a the foes of foots, - _ `l • liit k Isoienita iiiiia,fliiir menet eat ~ 1 0 Wrilliolt to teke a hit. ,, : . _ , ' , ..Wh.tre Fo elii 00-tiattar:lfeettisetor hie trident.liat Aye foritielpteer 4,‘Wometier,Atit mast lei that,- for els. isteiwitSetielilfitr-iit; fosbhio, nod hebrle-eammesi • oi re thii,liestetiftd. mow Wroporlam oferaarille Stmr" , 1 , , 407, 43 Ittoliot Otiest;,:_: .. ~ ' - Dliscoi`zor' ' fir Ittons,-.The Tabu' of ex ancient eltslievili beet Othioreset newhymitsilso, Menlo.,. - .Pie city c overed: font wails. Wet Peestwett stead filitilk tions.4l4thisslAins-extenilisi , to the sea. .1/morose aeries! sod ifipai,Nohile tea hand,inelnalog tares of sileir4e„. diiii thekiie2thhist the folloeriorr Pre:. pbetbklimeoptiseliihess destplisred. : s• Xi the year of era I 'l IP% th!.../44104•1111Wiimilitid In V" b 0 V° will teasels all'ilme Aroma .114elifothlivitral , of Book - bill,} Wig**, 11180.1103 bail , Of biestant street, 'above sixth, Pktledelplila, U. 11.” • '• - - -,, • , - .. =lll OT' "fir totroliGnlit.--, s .:(er tiiii1447144 .‘ Ait 4 41.1 1 14 1 1. Lesudoisretymar, from Pitigestst,l34rd .alasse.t. from rlitselltitt;,taifeArigo. ttevallilatis , ll,o44'. Votive; Vlanied; trom Ltrer.• $4 ,1 4 -1 1111. 4 114 1 1A 1 Ni.frosf,ffithoom . =• - • - ..0;--- • 14374w, - ;444 14. jblrilriegsd kettilvittem Ilanills,' Dol[ 14:104MOMISPCOrblvat'elaliftdfotaikilerzen kr2-',.;.ig nrosiroix, -rue 31; , f;d: b "- " L 4 Efaral "ro4 — cti trolled' p, eau, 1 am, r • elf atalataafp ifs% at aloe 414044 Ittittedi, cleared at N "rodtimater•AltoX 1-41 , anntol ilitaababilkbaltpa,Afottp4t, eittpo,l_ it tioriirotit' yet- , itarasi, for gam, • ' fbitunr. from agabourne,,atitime at Nipor ; - -zomr: .swoy upti!ommd ;Aviv, wirather off Orogorb.os 4 4 l o l o4._ • 7Aileffi;4,ArlAtlir /tAii PIAAAt, "rant' 4111lark' 7 04 . 4 . 6 j4.1.- 0 2.41,f 4-1 " c'.; kwpi l4 .4"d" Warne/oak yoalarraajt, = ;11/ioi' Atair.flter4**, 80 td••••4**4•ll4losi7 ylnit:itt4tA, - tr ty, ola iraiiiea,'.4 Ni.. York SktliiAmeallON•,,O,N•ert F01.1404*;4!....1,144 at -NA! TorlatraatOW7,„. , - . , - fialpa.ttarriasaa. OrarWor. liarlitorkliii it: oaktailliovai fa.ra,..4a,D00521, tacky". Cattaikt Allen bora d.'t :twisty e s atilated .6sll-Pqi,Ste4AA,Mik,3l.. Start ryinc Oltts , 9re, Marton. lit lit dart, sad "Priot, Mitololl;j3q, stAiyit_ Ipmaki. Barran, twig* at bra Its.-. barkaJotragivi:44llllai. fiad J DarypiteEs,dchwel. dim, from brazotaa.tirtited at Stilthbortrymtterdsy. It* *WOW- Mmß.irla 1. fro_tilkt ditto:taro, olive& atßukmom423l sit bark Cloonnadort(Yriffiaika; froin - rakers:kr, arMad" at Naar Took yodel day. , - zr. •••' - _ ; brute*, Form, Delaao; rram' gratis': arrind tit !Xi* York Brig O ribidaP voilio Brig nag Amity pkaotoi for , Pr *, Owed at.ff York Brig 'A d W A oplagartk,Oolliei _Erts . t. ,Poittanstateb;" Nth aft, moral sr, battlitroilr-lettodirs.; Loft Is port Vi!" 1"" )0 1 1 ,1"/•. 0011 6, tar NOV 1 1 9144 /amp ioamaliaroriikael Brabe,litellarm4, harm at Rtiebanraff, t!;(1,1W - , aokr,NsAnbAlik 7, lkaii - liorri 3 Oltaxed at Baltimore 23d lost." , IfiNtert, ttettlitloo, &pistil' It ft ffirdaston • Igo; , S 4 imatior . kaki Joiapkfab; Soram.trora-baokitooil , l4, amred 14 Nut Itoairotterisivrtifilli ;Its - Ateirlogia'reireeto.: _ 44 . 1 111 OrmallinittAVII!d from Rim 9°l,Ori kiataalkfor-Jtkiladartkta•t 114trabrZl likolo eta 4d 7st N,.r Yu s fester. sailed Frogi 41•Yitt' ANtine'rdertiltodifiphric'-. - - , - *Moe Oa* se; mi st4icinterieli air nieltlibitni ,e Phwid•Witlo* flookriv..,:otre 411$1Aitsth 40 ‘ ,ll6ltimot. for 26;;614 7 W phgrtc Oaf Oink; Wilirrompt:JAAls Moder; Oa* ttottit; sAdllatibit ' 1 41$01 1 14 0 4 1 . 1 4 16 ; 10 ; 491 .0 4; 01 it` I:l4;tor'atli 14: reptitio, Vp;;Y; AtkibOy for 4tirqlf . Wntleo; phi. i iptel ea *VO ,111. OA4 it, /16 TOY' 001111)0014140 -4o ;9;' fftrWßPOb • 111)`;..1 0 kr Nosnuolto , ~ , ), , fekittitiTit ;art WIIIIIIii D oireirotlabitit Ta l i, Ar. , ^ l, Pit o - - I .., illiVil,,rAnsufer.lllo - 10cr,•Azd 11;:lfeaso I: eir. 4110111$1 . 40:4 I ,llkir and toth, rillAtot ; ~ ma p1iki ( 41,41 ,1 , 1 1 1 4 30 !; ',;oo;!AtarrM(l - 04.11166.nnut4.' WW , -1;•0 8111 ; a; 8 A WOrit , 4 ; WM haul sem, watt' limo** Amme 1706Tsla i nlis 0 $1 Itosiiely,lllllen 'Zeros* tellito li 041444081 Alai 0it00241140. C 11151 " i mn's 1101 ;;;Ilrx; •ft" $0111•4 -ItoUtt (*Bai lin WA A Aismoossli, Prilift *".l Talbot, Imella• wail, liflor, a11ubdb,114114,4 W ,PbsittcD4vid ilisisb, Pawls weo, TAwAguntliri Po* crall"nr o • r " ~ oak, 'wino Otto, I, -W - 7084.110Wiersal, 0 als ifiti ot.imime* icooauc 061,04114 SW'. - e • , _., ib,:g40*047 - i'ikf4li iiialt Si adOor about , wan -- 4tW . fici4llll twelluse I 'oo 6-40- 'II"' ' 1 44°41“ lesit ' . tif i tikaad ;pliiiiUtli DtVaidit . - ybdtfilly,to• MI MS kut"..,,,viesselioebiod,hote... 11 .140. 11 % " .tfi* * lll l • isoiasairistnearEst OA evar*..thatkOittlixTi m t. . r so ex . mad ee!er..d . . szeAttof.l:o Ita.wk74,w kw . . i - , 3loiititiot 46010 I+ . skigiogisn.ttilt VOA- • ..z ;Jr,' NV rittlialltoAoo - from osier 40104101.1 f..- ~,,__ 1 e etop, or tho T,c a ti_pU iset , no t iti sFit tlittbilVVlElMln ia isour " as, re raset.,4o 11 P With ' tir ***Ur by 0 1 ,1 - 406 two , T'l •31614014,40 - • -.16**1 wit! t ra ni . "'" ~..,.,„ ~„, -? , o rsil,J, j .l ' ' :r 7 t 1 1 R , !,' , ,12.:' tt. , 4 1 04.4.6.r.,_ ~ ~,,, ~,• 44, . OWN" [.....-1 , - ' iIItIVALB Alt TIM litilielfAL ROTILB, Int 10 OIfH 0,01,005:.:,,THW1N1N11,44 •, °mum uoviiiairriaA &NCO. below Milk. Okpa AT Barrie . blackmail 1,11,1144, Dona Di Oatt«r'rs.y, S{'jiaia, Jde V ticritla, SL Louie' Mine_ WlEGard vie , OaliaAs D 43. 4 4ive, Neutral Nff Niceole k ift, Obto Ambrose Sue*, N Y Dr Watson, Ry I S Smyth, StloUte Nee W Nome; N Y ' Ain Iraqi Yd D 1,010 & la, Carlon Misind'e uall, Canton , Roller & la, 1 , }.Raid , - •„ Ifeary'Allen, N T UreeritlimiN ' 0 IV Noon ar, - 10411010401 k, N R .. Geo S.Drmki, St Louis 11 . 4. - lakkr,la teak ” W H Waterd. St Louts Wen Geotinott. Obitego P Smith; Dubuque ..Cktur.N ritunV,N Y at Black, Hutton innarlt tagl. !mbra ft, McDowell, Baltimore alma ll'Hantrlf T J tpullOur. Cann Geo W lindaraaa, In .O P nfllmAn. N.Y VD Abu*, N Lailaan , Inma n 1241210.1tep, Tana Gen J W Nye, , 0 4440NAYitrAlfroralA' Alf & weatun, Del I,,Brotbant, Del W H Hilt, N Y , AHPior.SIT.;, 11 11. Pamir -T Ilnigt, btu; idgett, N 0 W Ockard, pia." , Banal, Natotos Sire !target, Natebis' NB¢ard.ar, Neboille 11 NV Own &la, 'Dacia D 9oorbge, N Y natal I, Mltabell, Jr , Oro H Olvits & last Lank dull Crab& NT:, ' lrwin Nino, N Y W P tddiaga, , lict" ' ' I& Courtwrlakt & moo, N y tiastio",,Noffalo 0 packer, Boston NG norkam,dln. 0 Johmcm, N a Jo Baker A li,`Nise • John 111 Damask, Coma ,- • • HOTER—"Samet& arced, below .Arei. , POl4, H Lend, lilagOlomPs W N Batter Look Garen W H Malloe7 Ohicato J A 0.14 Starling 11l - A Patton, - Mies M Doelep Batt Mire 0 P Derry, Bile W B Berry, Bak Perna' vitubowli Wyoming A Saulcum4 vaN Y N .11 4 Nato, pa , • Mira Et Beam. Newark - Jahn 0 Wagons& Luton Pa N L Blood. Brookville pa El A Gaiworew,3lreoltalloro• T. Freemen, daa - ca; Mrs Oillep, ON - WMP P Blood Brockdald Pa D A . Washing - km 0 R Haakln,Cia 0 W D ellephord,Washingtaa" 'Goo Bans; Ma XL H oward, Ohio , - , . • AWIRUOAK ROTllL—Ohoortnnt et.: above TM oodvani. Noustoia - - Ail Van Itimooes; W I D 7 Vsn Relniteil, - W . Fl Gramm, Boston llOormar_. Bomar, _ B Thomas, ItY IF,llllkinsi & 'Boston • g n rowittaft. Al l Mks Torcilline, N 3' 7 V Mervfek, Philo Finuldirire;lottleimin -Fenimore & child, Ls W-F18taV 4 411 , 441%, Stodawave gteyohson, D tower, BoardmatilLantestbr 4 VI Bouthortov, Boeton 0 Gordon, Roston • '1 V Poet Chester no, Ps Menfolk. is: is Barometer W OvRTO jr. Beaton, Pa TO Thompson, bia • te s rnilld. Prny, It I D Rltoblumm, Baltimore WI Powell, Baltimore 7.lolelnum, Georgetown, DO 0 T Brown, Leaven% K T ll,Dogers, Clonneetlent ;J g Baylor, 14 T „ 'lousy so;zu,oh•svpirctreet, tab Ari 611121. 41,ATADA,,itslt AdfitmAild i pult 0 Ill'imsg ) Belt' ' A, &aeon, ssliington Townl..Was)o6glita - arooker, Provldenos /: - /Volgt!. V l/N • , Dr V 101107 y, Dalt /11 Vtliehootti, `Bait, J 4 OrowLey, DAD - IW 4 4oess /Wilms = 017almes Std CAlok /All. Ala D Inlitste:N Y I R /olionen: 71 J W R Jolaiiston N N ItAmith"tradiron R G Reown,73ostnet 11W11111aina,-134e,t0n Guilner. Nit At Moat Bodin* • • IN 11 Tailor, Roxbin7 0 Wallow Bono* • Niiii.Pinr 11/WY NOTlL—Aeoond et.. below Vino. A W Ellett% N , , J W Con e% To talOra WOroltditle; Snake do, hose ]Ply Backe eo T rietettne. DieOilstone ascot, Issonce„.Lahapka A Bilker tete.. fleets 60 - Amen Snyder, Books tm JnoPolk, Banks co • • T le Pleicering, Bucks to - )10166Mbe, Mt Airy -J it Jamison Addleville ATM" &sob, Winton, NJ ,J S Helton. 'Newtown Ire Pell, Bunts co. - A SSW, Pineville P ;Lair& linekcee Ames Corson, Bucks co H 2 Ooroeit Brooks oo Alen German. nooks co Peter Cue. Ps. T S e'sylor. Middletown Dime Could* li. Trenton "Wm Gould, Trenton . . . W Stratlinthari L BRUIS, BuokingbGGl lEVIMon, Tliomoet. P Z. MIN - W e Thomm., a, Ina oilea setterthwan" PS 0/41,10.111?, PS_• 31 , S A.tientle City ; Tlfitfulld.- Atlantic' 01 , Jno linen. Butts*, W Ebttattbwalte,Buttki GO, Jac' sshay, Baatro Go tikti9i4ll4.o4oTEG-Asop stmt. athtnre Thltd P Potts,Md P Bnr.ahel. Lomas ao G"Fisrvsr. Salim. 0 S aseltsrm. 0r5w , 0 , 4 op P,Thompson, Indians Mrs Deal k. oh, WM'. co I OBme.d.O W & I RN' "N'Patfareon, &omit Bill Phisdsillo, Pa 0 W Wrltoss, Boston N H Morgan, Waal' Was M M Vardar, Mealn N Y Wnrnlek, Media, Pe • M Bond. Hlmlrs. N N X Xciliiison, Oletink- Moyosillor, Lancaster N IF-Hrarrar;BeidLag - 0010IWROIlt ,110114-sDrik street. Vbove Cbsitnit QAu R fittiSts, Plats .11 White. Dsrlr Plums DO 'Whits, DOI' nue. W W RloboliDurk Pinot R F ()brims'', PhouitFullle J Putt, FRaboptre, Pa I Keeley , OpoWei co. J 131alreley, Phqs . , B OM ' layban.,Pklle W Plebele, Mt .7 a towts, - Dshararii to, , ' - P Douglas kis, N Y J B Okeserri Perryville - . . arATie MOOR HOTat.--nisticet street, above Hirtle. Jas Denalddle. Pittsburg Geo L Plat, Pittsburg nog Smith. lan - Jon Mulilenn Oeetre co ' B Atty.-Wilmington, Del Mud Pamroy, Delevrara r Nand Zink, Velem) WKS DeneleasvW_Oheator Jun HePow„ Harrisburg , W litoVey,•Harrablirg..l .E Black: as • - A Ingram, Oleaqiii 00 . - 0 Long; ilialppenebarg, Pa .. • tialtlNT HOTlL—aaeontil atreet, above Aron. Ditterline. Ifebrink , Arndt bfatten Olinnk Time Heed, Allentown-- , aro, ivison,Brldeettos,N; Briultoid. PhllA - W Williamson, Pa • 0A Drier' I • H Xterami) • ' I - xiiaNWUls HOllllll—Obeetnett st.. above Third. irVOlnSut•Willulogton Roderieb, Wilmington _ J. Oblcago - Rota Havener, N 'W A Mater, Md •• it • Dookbatn, et TOW, 'P R Coward, Baltimore - lire K madman, Venation Maui 13, Rastmaa N Kin 0 V dreg, Princeton Them Mines, II LigiflON Hi/Tilt—Arab street. above Third Thee lamp. Md - - I Martin, Richmond, Pa /[Petition & wire, 'N J, I fitanibinath. MiBlln. Pa I lamedrraw•Tottevilic, L llowelt & ds, Lincoln Hialeir,Yronentowni NJ it Heigh k L, N Y • /tatGLS fdriL.—Third et.. *bons face. 11 J£ara. . VIP 8 Mars, Chester ad fr pee, mount folly T L Zona., Chester co wasmi Yrklegd , • 7 Gray. Putt Peon W Try/hoer, tortstowo 3 . Health, West Cheats? IMlLV—Titlri et . slave rebribill. Saban BhOmer, B fttait,ll Bunks 0G 'Qbaft'Beimi, BEA! CO Q Illehirasou t Baokkoo Bad Ettainsißnolis do .1111MANTV.ROIIIIII; - Third it., stitere tllottkill. L Pabwiek. Pottitill• °to 810g 1 7. - Tatottno - Jew VOr. Taunt& p HLandle. Lehigh to isnettMantigoaailyao Pt !Reyna, Pa 'HACH RIAD HOTHIL—PAIrd rt.. ebore antlowtHl. 3tertrae. Comb% Ifd ,7olera 0 Geyer, Ye Oboe Harper, deektntown H Walter" New Grittek, 0 Gable, GAM!, - 0 0 Clemson. Chest 'repay D Diewens. Oeder Hollow J Pry. Allentown !Sayler, Greed Lino - Levi Temple' Hartwell,. . _ ZfixeTien oi; Ovinexits,—An election far Officers to serve for the ensuing sit months WM held'huttuventag bg the Harrison Litersry fedi. tote, ip Medial:dos Ball, northeast corner of Fourth enkeeerge streets. The following gentlemen were sleeted by s very decisive vote: President, Alex ander Ervin, Jr. • Vies President, John F. Cona way; t3eeretary„J. - 0: Ferguson ; Treasurer, hiat thevrA.,WoOdburn Risliard J Saiiage;.. it to r, The Institute is in a very flourishing condition.: CfpeFial Notices. 9reeley's Letters Stein Mete Peek Mr. tittaamm's nett letters will •be from Prue , * riac(and will be read with • Thrall. interest, as Wend ed to Satisfy' the public mind In a great measure ae to troth 'or falsity of the various repute from the so. enited tt Lind of Gold." His tatters will all appear in Tan 89Yi.Warily ant WasaFt - Tausuits, ra welt is in r±au.c: se, emit...v.4li Ee .Iyeekl ii Tribune 112. _ Joe elni. trinni *0 Taming of sus 400. • kgrieir ' 'B.lOlO V saner acao.. , if ' ' ' 'Trlbtioe York; yr I bit 4; 0. II The Cot dlitt-:•Au ether Victim Oonaanytion "Leo Diem'—lltr. AAR—Diaz lota 'what people oall Oonsomp• You, and it - wse prenennoad Incurable by all that tuow me • I weia,al bad that I could- not work, and bad a Tory bad cough, sad raised largo quantities of matter or phlegm, cod for Ire doge before I eonnnoneatt to na• your Ocodtal,” I em oertaln that I rplt, at the loot calculation, belt plot of blood weary day A aid thought - my' Otuts Wall" hapiblees. I bought a bottle of your Tar Oordlal, and 00MICUISHIld to nee ft. From that dreg' to the preaso I Iw.. not oplt blood ; my sough to wall; the 'roman( mj breed andlunge la ell gate. and I:ern:Weft 'Waitaki as feat oui ptiiatble ' and I feel Toy ;ray ' refers*to. my osaall you tee proper.r • Virli,Ll4o l BC one, , IfoUrla otraet, three doors below Market, &nth Oam den, New geraay, , -r:- BELEbid.r (10„ Agonts, 167 North 8000114, below Groin. 1044 To Let—oltice* ard—,X ; atige noorits it, the wisaitraty Plat; &mood, 'third, and V ourt4 Mertes , (intottrno 08 odiet:Nar nasal.) IN THII bIHW GIUMItill ROILING .1101363 Of TUN 1 RIMpADEL'PriII, DANK: Iberus ell ttre•precii, sad itatehed In the Most oom ,lete meager, en!llstotereetti for oeoupseciy. Xenia =Aerate to tepinta. Apply e the Where Age sr 111 Realm has t amed the bate tofait oficor pant grim - 64) ATHENINNNE On HAIR, EXBTOKORAR Jinia HAUJU rrill bliantlfy the Amid with fins, glassy, cow kale, Or by VA 'Chem!. Cal cation traaeform Any haire and whiskers to their oriOnitjtfe color. Its use will also prevent baldness by OM g atlealttli torte to the scalp, toad Otalb$14(10- (og the MAC 'Elea by all Drugirlate, eta by zatnsp vo„ VI,. 70 4711190 NUT street, Phitiget. ghtc, ' je2o.llot Whyn.' 'ask ler 'llloggsford 9 n Starch, eel' Ihsilda jet It. It le the beseaterah is world. mover 1t Raikeriti . Calebrated NOTORTAIStitAlilltr SWUM law Nauss, 41/IWW,pritie 11,11DVOMD moons. - 780 011NerNUT'8111.1172 . , _a of the Wee Prominent Machines now before the publiOre "hare - used two, and carefully watched the ?pain; of the third, iind honestly believe CiROVRit RARER'S to be the very beet we have ceen.”.(Dale. ware Etats Reporter. , ii/99.1y ;: singer's 15 . eivt4 Machine—The rent papa. 10 / 11 1 et these mold:see seer seedily be understood, When - the feet is know/s i lket any. good female operator can Ewe, with ins of that,' , ORE TROIRSAND DOLLARS A TEAR. To era, Tefiot, Seennikeeney'Diseirmsker/, and snob Pao family In the donuts.", one of these zuseldnee would Es ,• • . SIIIEI S R fr. 00" 602 am's mt. - - -0: Y. DAVIS Agent, iirSKIIST**, !fit Armogl-76larthortet Corner Ilioe/1 9ua4 T4Tagtt gO•eete. Doemitd reiNfived smell sod !urge arainutts, from all elaesee at the isoMMUltlty, allows interest at the rite of Are 1 14! Gentile! llalniun. MOW nie7:l). draint by ehealcs without lose of Sate. Offing !Ten denj, froM Y rustil 6 ii , eloan., Gad on Mon. r elay end , Batardar until 6 . le. the errehtg, greliden t 'lfranklirilfill; Treasurer and Semetary, Oboist, 7 101 Real m toe t elnellti Will 141,-,k/ 000 dining 3111111, to close say eaten- At" Wing Mai& of Emma, Baooo, k 00., Nana' Ir, ~4 31, 2 34 OW* eioar, l o4 EOM,' tinviat& - Near' otto. J. 11: govt,v e Mllavrt Olkestitnat. 1114 s 013etiU1 ' attic . hickson. Stickmen. • inOii.ioN. 3ntiltao9l. • JAOII.SON. 7,,A0.1/910N. Cheeks, Notes, and• Bill °hanky, Notes, and Bill Heade. . Cheeks, Notes, and 818 Mods. Printing: Printing. . . Printing. Printing. Printing. printing. • Oor. fifth and Ottestrint , Oor. Fifth and Chestnut. Oar. Pirtle and Otiteturit. Blank Books nude to Order. ' Blank Books snide to Order. Blank Books made. to Order. Printing. Pair prices. Printing. Pair Prices. Printing. Pair Prioes. T.AO,IiBON, 499 Chestnut street. • .IIAOKSON, • 499 Chestnut street, • JAOSBON. • Filth and , Chestnut. ju21.12t i ttru o il o n„—Why will yen sutler the terrors Ind afflictions Incident to a disordered state or the Hier o r digestive organs, when a certain remedy is within your reach? HOOPLaNDI laßlibtAlt BIT- Tints will Sure you. It you will only Milord your pre judice, and gleetido article &Arial, you will sever re. gretit;• year stonaach will be strengthened avid regain its original vigor, and 'you will be able to digest your food estlefistorily: These Bitten ate for sale by all du:lsaiah , and dealers in medlOinee, at 16 Cents per bottle. Also by the proprietors, Dr. 0. ld. JAMISON ib 00., 418 Altoll Street, Philada. It Elegant Spring lead Summer Clothing, at ROBERT IL - ADAMS', llontbeant aoiner 'Neenah and' afarketbireete., Habit Clotb, Cateiniere, Matta, Linen, and Cram Cloth Coate, in all the latest styles. -Pante sod Vests,- la great variety, all JUDD AND 111111101 D 1Q11.14. TO 01113Tolfflia irenut, AND eIIiLLING IT TNN MOBl 1104.11011.18 LE TNIUNtI• teg4n22 Ons.Prlce Clothing el the Latest Styles, and made lo the best manner, expressly for norm& sumo. We mark OariOlrent /AMR( prises In NAM% 710111111 Or, 11 , 141 article.. All goods make to order are warranted satlefkotory; and our 0161•PRICIII BMX* la strictly ad tiered to. ' We Wiese this to be the only fair we dealing, as thereby sll are .treated ;ONES & 00., ap2B•tanlf? 504 SUBMIT Street Sating Ifond—ffiational Safety Tenet Coal• PANY.—Ohartered by the State of Pennsylvania. . Money la reallyed sow day, and La any amount, large or email. ' 9. VITA P CWT. Interest 10 pad for money from the day it is pat 3. The money is always paid beck in GOLD whenever It le called for, and without patine. 4.' Money is received from Rxeeslors, Admixture,- Sera, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sum, to remain a long or ehort ponied. 5 The money received troni Depositors is Invested in Beat Beate, Mortgages, Ground Bents, and other drat- Case permitted. S. Ofitoe Open every day—WALNUT Street, eolith. w.Rt earner Third street. Philadelphia. apIP illatrigtes On Thetraday.tuornlui, 284 instant, in Fit. Matthew's Church. New etreet. by the pastor. Bey PI W. Hotter, A. BARB% PULVER to Miss MARIE A. EOLLIDAP, daughter of Daniel !Wilda,. Dm., all of this bits. [Allentown and Catasantras parleys please copy.] * Oa the 234 instant, by Ray. C D Cooper, Mr. JOFN MoINTYRN, of Cataeatigns. Pa., to Mrs. EMM► W. MAUDE, of Ca city Otatbe. At Spriog Mill, June 214 CYNTHIA ANN MAX. W 121,1", aged 21 years and U days. • The relatives and friends of the tinnily are respect fully invited to attend the tuners!, trout the middens° of her parents, Spring MM. Montgomery county, this (Saturday) morningf the 'o6th--meet et the house at to, o'clock. On the 27blinetsitt, bfre. MAK INOLIBH, repot of the late two ilogibik, formally of Barlirroa, N. J. In the MI year of her este. The relatives end friends of the family are reeneetrni iy invited to attend the funeral, from her late reatdence, Hrsokford street. ebore Church, Prankford, oa &may afternoon, at U &clock At Fairview farm, on the 221 Wet., ANN D. HIL MAR The relatives and /naiads of the family are maned rutty invited to' 'Wend the funeral. from the residence of her husband, Fairview fern,, Bucks county, Pa . on Sunday morolog, 26th. at 10 &cloth.ae 'On ttothiorning of the 284 inetatt, ANNE N doper ter of Chattel and Mary Taylor, In the 24th year of her The relatives and frlenthi of the family are refried hilly invited to attend-the lateral, from the residence of her parent*, No: 1230 Monterey street late amt. ittimery street, above Twelfth and Bice. this (ibiturdayl afternoon, et 4 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. ' * Suddenly, 'on the 224 instant, BATE, daughter of John andMarY Haws, in the 6th year of her age. The relative. and friends of the family are re. spectrally invited to attend the — funeral. from the red. deuce of her . parents , No. • 9191 North Fourth street, above Popler.' thin (Saturday) morning, at 0 o'clock. To proceed to Germantown. - Oa the 224 Instant, 111AN0I9, aon of George and A= Tirade, aged 9 years. - The relative,' and friends are reensotfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence', of his wont+. 2010 Locust street. oast of Twenty-Ant, this (00.tardey) morning at B,IL o'clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. is fc'. The Young Metes Christian Ancorfatten 02 PHILADELPHIA.: = The dated Monthly Meeting of this Assotnation will be held on MONDAY DYNNING. June 27th, at 8 (Moat in the 2122 N DAYTIB2O/117001i, Fenton street. below Ninth. The paper ;revered tbe Trny realention will be reetby. Wetllo — D7/Tor:Therptibllo intrespeitfully Galleries reserved for Ladles JOHN WANAM&NMD, Our Setßetarr. M. nr Religions Services, Broadway Hatt, N. oor. Broad tad Spring Ciardso striate, TO- M BROW 03abbatb• MOUNIS4, at 10M Walook, by itar. • BIEN 1 AMIN J. WaLLIIOBI. and NVNNINO. by Botr.'3ollN JNN KING, or Calvary p , esbyteriass Church, at 8 o'clock. It* TrChurch of the Epiphany. Fifteenth and Ohistant striate, Its,. J. NC ORS,OltediT, Bea. ter —BandnY Morning Manias it lou le , elook. Sander Evening Fetalee at 8 °West. Seats fee Strangers. * r L Church et the New Testament—T. I oc STOOTV.TON. Tutu.. Presetting. (D V.) SABBATH MORNING, 10% o , elook,'st NATIONAL ElALl4llllsket,nbereTwelith teL Baste free. All I=l'Bl. lt* cr. Church of th Covencit —Services in 00NCsRT RAW., Obratota. above Twelfth street, SVSILY.BI:INDAY. at 10N 6. M., and 8 P. M.. by the Rev. 34.)5E8 PUTT, Reda. Beata tree It* Rir firw. A. Cookinan. Paster Of M. lg. TINTON., ORIIROIT: BOURNE Street below nth. will pitwelli O.IWORROW (84.999tb) MORNING it 10K. ►nd IvoirNo at 9 Weir*. 11* MlSplrllasliun.—"" Genie. lee we reason tee eether ”--Oordiirdnoni will be hold et 8A1.18015. IT HAL on eLINDAY. at JOX A. M end B P. M. Qaoetion—' , ' net has Bpleitnelism done Ill' Adana .6/0,1 8 mite. Jttb [rjoe Notice,--The Illectbers of the Penneyle VANIA LITEBABY UNION are hereby notified that their semi-annual Election of °floes taloa place en next TUESDAY EVENING, 28th instant, at the Boom, No I'd North NINTH Street, at s oltdoek. Dametnal attendance intimated. B. D. YOUNG, 11.* Cor Steretery. ra. Meeting of the Booed, of Trade.— A otohted Meeting of the Amooletion of the Booed of Trade will be held on MO 'MAY RIMING next. 27th last Ott 13 o'clock, at their Naomi, No. 605 Giles= UT street, „ - • Tbe•eftendseoe of inewbart general!y to i4questad TAM otoonwr, Boorotary are United States Fire Company. —A Spec ial Meeting of the Company will be held or. TA/8 (zekturdAy) EVONIBG. it 8 o'clock,, , 11* GR,PROSI RUOD, Anditant Secretary. Statement of the Union Bank. an rem:deed by the tisoond Healer, of the AA of the Gene. PeZiembly of this Conononereenh, approved the IBtb day of October, A. D 1887. Amount of L 06101; and DLo•nnte $848,795 94 Do. Specie 74,890 18 Do. • Dne from other Banks 87.187.92 Do. rase in emulation ..... 70,816.09 Du. Deposits, including balanced due .to other Danko ' 264,819.72 Prommont.tati, June 24.1869. OITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Jalapa Insley, Cashier of the Union Bank,, of Philadelphia, boJng sworn ; dotage and say that the above statement Is ent reat; to the best of my knowledge and -belief, 3AIIIIIB LIIBLBY, Osuater. sworn before Ins this 24th day of Juno, A. D. 1859. It* -- 0. DRA FWD, /Merman. Office of the Frunkford sued Southwark AD' OITY PASSENOtta RAIL- S AD' OOMP4NY. SUVA lisle Chatham) Street, below Yowls, Juno 24th, MO —The COUPONS of the Bonde of this Company, /late she Philadelphia and Delaware Sorer B.Crold Coospauf), door on 4110 let of Ally next. will be pa'd et =Nulty on presentation at the tairerd ittok. & TWIT, jab 28 30ecjo. Treasurer. yppßope , Trenenterls Department Pennsylvania RAILROAD COMPANY, rIfILAIDALPIria, ,Inne 22. DM AVAISTRD-ef the totionitirntarid iSersona : KARMA. M lII,DBINDE. OA MAMMY: M. YONDARAMITR. 0 M. 71R DAIIYII KOPB. U. Jri OEORGI V. LAWIB, 0 17ALN. DOR GAM OiIOROD a VOWZLi. .1 w SWAIN. Apply at this Odin. TROB T. DIRT 11, 3se2-2t Timm:nor. Num. The Exerelnation of Applicantsfee A. 4. proton to the OENTEt&L mon hOROOL: will begin on ntriNDAT, the 27th day of Jane. at 9 A t Ist-. An ap . piteint for admission mutt be at least thirteen years of age. en aetuel resident or the tiny of Philadel. WA, and a pupil of at least one year's standing in the Public Behcole of the city. The follokiog still be the order of Examination : June With, Mond ay—tilstory of the United States. June 48th, Tasedoy--OsograPby rod Orthography, aneenetb, Wednesday—algebra and Denning _Taus Beth , Thursday—Principles of Waratear and Parst. Dation Julylat, Prlday—Thcory of Arithmetic and Oonntl ot the'Unit.d Btates • . July dtla, Tuoullsy—Aritbmetleal Exampled, July, 4tb, Cp eQuesday—elenadration. EIOLIOLAS 11. MACIIIIRg. jenat sea University at Pennsylvania—Depart. KENT OP ARTS —The examination of the Ju nior, Boohoo:ore, and Freshmen Classes, at the close of the Third Term, will be held in the following order: Wens:noir, June 22d.—Prom 9 to 11, Juniors, by the Provost, (.. Pontine' Peonotny,") sod Sophomore:4 by Prof Brasier, (" Chemistry of the Metals,") ten. Prom 11 to I, Preehmen, by Prof. Allen, (, Ph rodotua.") Tlitnteriw,2ol.—From 9 to 11. Sophomores, by Prof. Coyne', (" Kletorioal Immures,") written Prom n 1, Juntore, by Prof. Prater, ( illydrodyneunce ") !AlDS's'. 24th —From 0 to 11, Juniors, by Prof Ken dall. (" Differential Oalealits,") and 'Freshmen, by Prof. CoPP B O, Webar's History,") written Prom 11 to 1, fonhomores, by Prof. Adam, ( i Horace:hi Odes an d Kplatlop.") ILITII2 , DAY 26th.—Prom 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. ; Modell. (" Geometry 9) MONDAY, 27th —Prom 9 to 11,0: phantoms, by Prof. (" Analytical Geometry,") writtrfo, prom it t o 1, ,Junlors, by Prof. Allen, (" The Clonde of ATlStephineS ") TOSODAY, 20th —Prom to 11. Juniors, by Prof (~ Tbe A ninieria or Plautus.") Prom 11. to I, bophomores, by Prof. Allan, (" Dsincethenecn) Wenesensw, 40th -.Prom 9 to it, Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (" Oloero'a Notatlee,") GPORGE ALLIII2, Je2l-7t Secretary of the Faculty of Arte r ya_pleitenville. Itinntno, and Fairmount 1.1.1 PASBEINGETt RAILROAD COMP Y. 'fint Beeond inetalmant of FIFO DOW, R e per Share on the Gopitolii Mk of thin iflompeny CU be d, and payable on CM WM'S the 46th '14841714 • - B.u. MAO; IlstetteTy. THE' PIM SS.--PIIIIIAD LPMAi: ,SATtlitimy -. 1,5 •-i 9- Butler House 111341 - , Tia'Ciap . eordanee with a' revelation - et the Board or Managers of a THE BrtTLEtt :ROUSE HOTEL CORI poor," aeeoond instalment of TWENTY PER OMIT' or ONE TIONDILID - DOLLARS upon molt alArs Of the ' new Bloat enbeeribul t wtil be , payable on or before , 13 itTURDAY, the 25th day of gene, 3559, at the (Mee 'of the Treasurer, No, 5113 +.ROE Street.. above Illightlx street J. RERGEAAT PRIOR. janat - Trowave,. Ng. Philadelphia and flooding 'talk sod Cool. Polly, °Mae 237 South Bet Street, rape nimenrx, Juan 170 h, 1869.—T0 avoid dcteritloO, holders of €01:1PON8 of this Company, dirket, - the lit PrOxitneiarn requested to leave them at Ws Ofiles'on or before tlie 80tle Instant, when receipts - will be gilredr' and Ghosts will be ready for deltscry on the let grani te°, in exchange for inch regality - tlyl 8 BRADVORD, Treasurer. trgte, Firemen , * and _ether Gillen" ,Prrayer MEETINGS, finder the abspiceeof the `. YOUNG It OMUSTIAM ASEGOIA.T.IODr. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS, United States Rushee, Weed, below Crown at., from 4 to b llnitedStatex nose, Buttonwood, below Flftb, EX to 4X P. M. otti m te ad d . Rose, Brown at., below Twelfth, from 43 to *emento Boni, Quarry street, 4 to d P. H. • PerinsylVania Roas,Elghthat., below Green, Moat Safi to Ti4P. M. • • Slant Engine, Ram, below Seoond street, Bt4 to 4 NM, SABBATH,. , ON SABBATH , MIX P M. • *Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Iflnteei *W. Delaware Engine, South et., above Nineteenth at. Vigilant Rose, Eighth fined, above Wharton. ON. TUESDAY, at 7,1( P. DI. America Engine, Buttonwood, below Third at. Pbiladelphialingine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut, Robert Morris Rose, Lombard at,, , above Eighth at. Schoylkill Rose, Locust at., below Thirteenth. Moyatnenoing Home of Industry. - ON WEDNESDAY, at TX P DI. Humane Rose. Wood street, below Third. Independence Engine, Apring Garden, near 44th et. Bulletin Building d P. H. OWTHIIIISDAY, at 1g P. M. Southwark Engine, Third, below, Carpenter. , Oreenway School Roan, Ritigeenting, Darby road. N. Llbertyllose, Neer Market - Aare Coates et. Naval Asylum, Gray's Perry road. Nattmount Engine, Ridge avenue ,, above Wood et.. Fairmmint Nose, Pleasant street, above Eleventh. Good Will Roes, Wood et , below Twenty-third. Diligent Hose, Madison; above Raceet. Western Engine, thilbrithill, above Abeteenth et. Independence Rose, George, below TKO:ay-third. et, ON FRIDAY, at IX P. Ti. Western Hose, Twentieth st, above Lombard et. Warren Rose, Barker, above Eighteenth - et. Spring Garden Dose, Parrish, near Eleventh et. Lafayette Hose, Fourth, near Brbrm et. Bulletin Building, a P. at. Printer* , Prayer Meeting, Saturday evening, at 71(, o'olock, at Diligent Nall, Tenth and Filbert streak!. Sunday afternoon; at 4 o , olook, at Mechanics , poise Hell, Brown and Fifteenth streets. DATLX. • * Diligent Engine, a P. M. Medical Students, at 1005 Oheatnut, S A. M. Ladies andOhristlan friends are affectionately invited to ,attend. By order of the Executive Oozoniittettof Young Meta Ohrletianaueoolation. 1115. sat tf A SPLENDID NUMBER. EAR PER ,O NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE Poll JOLT. 00IVIWITII: THE SAGUENAY. • logetreted by Seventeen Engravings. A PIPIT TO JOHN BROWNI TRACT." By T. B. Thorpe Illustrated by Twenty-four Engravings. THE PLEA. Illnetretedby Twenty-two Engravings. ODE ON THE BIRTHDAY OP JOHN WESLEY. AO SLIME& SP ARKS • or, Old end New. THE DEATH OF WALTNR BUTLER A ,Ballad of Trren County. A wrOttv or A GARTER. • JOHN WERLSr, A MAN or itortos. By Mrs. King, author or A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE 'VU MOUNT ONN/S. IN VIE GARDEN THE VIRGINIANS. By,W. M. Tbaegoray. Itlrragglgiona—Vottr Head-Pfebee. Castinie LUST. informs ne how Mr. Warring- - ton 3umped into a Leaden. OnitTanLOIVII , and bow Everybody got out °Reim Lxxrur.—Prtsmo9 and Thisbe. On roan LXXlE.—Oontalning both Comedy and Tragedy. LI MONTHL TERARY NO OED Y RECORD OP OIIBBENT EVBNTB. 8. EDITOR'S TABLM. 140ITOE'S EASY CRAM. OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR'S MUSTER. ME 'BOTTLE AND HIS FRIEND. - ILLIISTALTIONB —Ms Swillem introdueed la Ur. Bottle. Becomes intimate with' him. Go on a Bender Make the Acensintenew of other Biomes. Ineortigate the etas of Horne. HOG Sundry Plea. sent irghts Mr. Bottle Pleys a, Teriety of Parte., The Acqueintanceehip Broken. PARBZONN FOR JOLT'. ILLusrsentoss —Dend-Toilet snd Dress.'. Tinder-Sleeve: Oreaktest-Ottp, Embroidered Band kerchief. TERMS. • One Copy for One Year $3 00 Two Copies for One Tem. • 0 00 • Three or more Copies for o.slfeer (each) 200 And on Eztra,Copy, gratis, for awry Club of Ten • tionseattnitet. Herpes , a gagmen, end Harper's Weekly; togothar, one year, $4. 00. The Postage upon ti aIRPRIOS MAGAZINE" moat be paid at the office whirs it i 3 received. The Postage le Thirty-s ix mita a Saar. ;Unquestionably it is the be sustained work of the Mild in the laosnage•, that is to say, to the world. The splendid monthly mays from the Itditor'S Tilde are "hose price. 9he present number is •qnst to Any yetisened, ant there le no reason to donbt Slug earlier of prosperiVio the work.—N. X. Christian Advocate sod :Marna. ; We Mut refer to terom at eulogy to the high twee 14 valed • saelleuer sof Hear, tell MAO/Intl • 'Derma vial le monthly °inctation at about 170 000 trypiea, is whose nave are to be fimn3 some of. the choicest light and general reading of ihe day. We speak of tills work an en evidence of thit American people, end the t 0011111'1W it lard acquired Watnerited. Bach number contains fully 144 page* of inetruative matter, appropriately flu* would wetbgwediernilamoneed 44—osnabicaevitri.401011 , The may monthly and the mare philemphical quarterly, blended with the beet features of the daily Journal., It boa greet power in the creation and diseemioation of a love of pore literati:v.l ...Trubneria Guile to /medlar' Literature. London. 1800 * f• - the moral tone of this magesine. Its sound.: TIOAS on We point can • not be rdnatid. The reitiota, recognising the great hotinence of s popular periodical upon, all classes of 00010ty, and more partonlarly upon the growing and tamale mind of yonth• hare dienharged their high and responalble task of silting contribntione with rare fidelity and taste., Nothing immoral, nothing indelicate, and; to the main, nothing unsound In opi. WOWS which bear anon the social qcostions of the dog, 3. permitted to appear in Harper;—Baltintore A13201i. 062 The Editorial le one of those feature' of this mem• moth publication that gives us profound sattsfsetlon, It Is not only written by the ablest pens, but it is ab ways 000eervati►e Ca even moral.—lf Obristlan Advocate. • We confess CIISTABITOS surprised anew every month with the abundance end variety of entertaining matter erldah It effords.• It certainly I. one of the literary cu. ?Mettles of the age.—Boston Advertiser . Whoever has had oncasion to consult the put volumes Of the Magnin* mug have been atrnek with the multi. plicily of papers embodying Important geographleal, historlaal, and ecientino facts., CO that. apart from its merits as a storehouse of entertaining reading, It is of no small value se a work of general refereace. and on a greet va•fety of anbjects Tho Monthly Record or Ouerent Neente, ,, In particular. though promlelag little immediate intermit at the data of Its publication, In arouse In importance from year to year, and now fur. alphas a mart or chronological summery, the apnea. Mance end eatisfaotory obaranter of which will be the most highly appreciated by .thou who have the most frrouent occasion to commit Its eoltimns.-:-N. Y. rfl bnne. The enterprise end pareareranee of the publishers have never exhibited wearineas--the taste and Judg. ment of its editors and contributors know no olraton. sarlption It le preens:tad that the number cow leaned monthly does not fell far short of two hundred thou sand ; and. If so, Its readers treble that number. It la nOittered, broad can, aver the vast region between and lireladlog Malmo and Texas—on the andres or the Pa. ollto sect no the Bath& provinces. : It tI6 ireloome visi tor. so agreeable companion, a nonfat sad Intelligent scant of emusewrnt end information, in a thousand so. eluded homes remote from bookstores and libraries, where omelet Intereonfee between families and neigh.; bore Is limited and unfreuuent. These seventeen volumes, of themeelves, cosatltute a library of no small value. Each volume contains Sal intuit matter as lisnmoit's history of the United States, (perhaps more,) or ae Many of Pretactt's his torical works and' much wore than la contained in any other periodical The (footman' Are valuable and attractive, conflating of the best utateilala that forelgo magazines alto supply original comrannlaatior from come of the moat secompliched writers in Eng land; and, what is better than ail-the rect, centrals tieing from our own native writers And scholars upon topics that are, rr ought to be, most intmeetlng to our own native population The Monthly Aenord of Cur rent Events is *synopsis that may always be useful as • table for reference} the Literary Notices ara brief and .oeroprehenelve; the Editor's Table presents, monthly, sober ways or permanent value on topics in. tereeting to all chimes and gratifying to the TAM(' aopiter and moralist from the Editor's Easy Chair yoreed lighter effusions of imagination, ntioglawlth annialog foreign and domestic goi sip the Bditoes Dritter turns out an etaualog and ludicrous Jumble of anecdotes sad jokes, ancient sag modern, some with new twee, come with old ones M good ,ee new, and many new once no good as the oldest, In this department the oddities, humors, and cbarsoterietic extravaganefes of New Bec loud end the Western States are agreeably developed. *en,' of the, historical articles are .embellished with graphic illustrationc—Oambridge Ohromele, It • MISS M. MUNSON, OF BOSTON, IVA IirDIOAL AILAIRNOVA r tIL teed .I.o4loatti T6NTFI Street, above watoqt fitreet, may be ceneatted daily from BA. HI to 3P. M., until Saturday, July 9th Terlll3 sl. je2b•l2t* InIROTOGRAPEIS for your Parton]; Am bratyputi for your Primula, all prioes arid ekes, are made at lontual3 exteuilve GAILPRP. RP CIOND atmukt, *boys Gim.m,, WISHART'a TAR (30RDIAL —Cures Constanotton, Coughs, Bore %%moat, Bronchitis, Inflammation or the I,ungs, Blind and Bleating Piles, &e, 1111LSCAP Zr. CO , .. ' Wholesele end Befall Agents; i It* t a North 8110012 A Street. SPINE') SUOARS AT CASE( PRICES. - n ' 0 olgootitii, do 15 sonte.wvititAtmt, hers for ode Herd. oohed and Patrolled :COX , 97w, and 10 onts ; White Sort-ernehol, BX, 2, 0 if, avd 1)%o; °brined y.llowa, 7,7 X, and eso ; warmed Browns, SX, 0, and 8,X0je25 2tre iIIICKWEIEAT SEED-100 bags for sale,, Railroad Depat s .1.724 MARRPIT Street. ja26 13t* 0 PREINTZOL. • NAVAL STORES.-160 bbls Spirits Tur. L patina j POO bble 'Wilmington (N. 0 ) Tar, (ox trii. large bbie ;) 95n Able ch, in Moro and for rale by NOW LET, MIIINTJENIE; ti 00., No. 10 iistuth Whirevaa. jo2t “cIiUP 4 SALTI"-15,000 sacks Liver -10, Ground; 6,000 'mks Aobton'a & egrebell'a Fin.; 26 001 bap Aflortod Tory 1 6 006 buaboin Turk , a Island, for ante by ALBX&NDID. Klatt. AN MUTH )911APNZ0 je2s.6t* CIA.SKS PRIAM RICE in store and CPU , for solo by RM471,11Y. 48/113T/Irtnln. k CM.. N. 16 SOUTH ISTIAR4II4. - Jab H igi ,L .-1 111 0 reed I, Gardner e lS r ug p a l vd: Co in , Henry Leak, John Obey, ROW in Wood, goitty in Pspsoott. and others, for Rae by O. 0, MUIR se ABM Btreet, Awned door above I/root-11M Ai ACV/JIM 1.1.-440 MN NOB. 1 ? 2, and 3 ;ma. idatterei, lan% and qunrttr MI, Ode. oat Paakagee. C. O. OADLIdIi k CO. ? Allan dim*, FA.nd do, Owl.* Iftont `PORE. -810 bbla Mean Pork, of New Filmy, Ohio. and Philadelphia peeking, for este by 0. 0 SADLER. & 00., ATKIN Btreet, mend deor above Front. je26 TVOT/OE.—Persona having buiness with 11 the FLOUR —INSPROFOR. trill -call et No. 16 VENN Street, between the bottle or 9 o'clock and 8 p, hi., where they tat And the Inapeetor *This Dqity, V. NI:IITESTER. G. M. LAIMAN, len Voter Inepeetor• REFINED SUGAR.--1,600 bbls. Yellow 11, B, and A corer. orushad. silted; flodiruhrow !sad Sugar for sale kr ?AIiASIS 1;1)14EIANI TITII street. " • tell ' Mut thlblitattono. Ptft3,i poETERSOWS COUNTER MIT DEIPEO.' At• .TOR Abitrr. tcot mel yi Litre' tor 'July let; IS " Ti "a 4, 'awl Odin denerliti At —• • 18 11 .PWOQ,P.fi NarnT AND srvuotTo 1 1 Ablit _, - -,-, - Is GTO , Teresa. 'or Sehsettpitoft, payable - Di:advance! bloothlr, peranups , ' lisrel•Mthrthly, plieenem --, - i' ..... : .... 2CO RISTRIOID 'B,OOIISINTR COIN BOON, Containing toff tfa c-stmites of, all tbO,I37IOUM 0014 r $ l /Tor , and ether 15atalllo Dolae throughout the world, peer Two Thausand le all, beteg the must eomplete Vein-Rook In the World sod with:the present - 11 1 4trse,Sisreel o gy Wang or stow COIN IIIIDN! IT. rr . IC Ellett GRATUITOUSLY Tess` l Teurli 1 tribal's to ' , P E TE IDIONIS COUR TRUSS T untrirrox AND BANK-ltalTEI LIST." -TRIO ' PIRATIC,f.Ity Sir Walter Scott. 'erodes. the teTnitteethiolle of Piteredula chesp edition or sir 'WOW Itoottls w 101, for the n,sll.llOna Polo., 05 eente oath. OALL and SUBSIIRICto the WAY/MUT fIOYA LS, A 'complete cat, 2 olumes, for Plvo Dollars .1 , 04141.47 - sod Web,. . , . .. . . T. PITRRSOR VDROTIIRDS. ' ,' Re.'1305 CIUDITNUT . Street, of /mots la Where Will be the ol gad the largest and cheepe e2 d sto Btck . Ip. . AN RAIL& ST 'AND THOUGHTF UL -c3l. - BOOR.. . - - LEOTilltlil co ' PUS FIRST-TWO VISIONS bp - THE THE 801 1; OT: illIEL„ "By Ilov. William Newton.' :limo. 76 sante. 7 POIPMS 07 Tax raises : .. .Theta is it We a lth of tont' aud feeling about this' book,whloh will keit not unacceptable to a large Mats ,of readers. ti pastiest • estneetems and rent. fence of elan ire'fblals recounnosalationa —Banner of the Oros'. • The volume con e lug *lnure and earnest espoaltlons of prophecies. T isuthor4 'levee are, is Solna ra. speora, cootalaro S are ;worthy of attention and 000. alderattoa,—Ama Oa Preabytarlan. ' The book la tbalgodaot of a calui, thoughtful. ear. peat. and revereutial Mind, s6ndvnag be coneulted with profit .-Rvimbviertan Betkoevand Advoosto. Just publiehod bpo . ' - . . - • WiLLltteo3. & ALP.IIBD MARTIN, je26 • ~ •!," yo. 000 01128TNTIV Street. QM:IOND T: • USAND I ' tor STOCKTON , • ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS ON MINISTERIAL INION. One copy, 10 cents. kor sale at flookstarel nct newspaper Monde. Liberal in ducetnenle to Can kers. ' .f What a flood truth to compreseed Into thin smeU pamphlet of thirt is pages! Ali. noble pies for Union IltdObg Mialetera , the 410spal."—PItteburg Christian Advocate. . . I t: ' 4 It breathes a frit of Ohrieitlan love toiards 11l erhorove our s tord mut Ohriet, and hi • bled" ca'eu - Ist.d to promote t object for which It wee written i; --The Tine Tinton 1 ' lull or stiort thought. breathes en excellent RAM, mid; ere 410 t not, rill podeee the deeired of. feet "—Lutheran gerver. i I. It ought to r eh every Minister in th e land) of whatever denoted l oo." —Christiau Menem's. Publitheris odd 1: • T. K. STOCKTON. ' It . - 1100.1* ?NUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . SECION DITION; - 2WIT 1111211.0yEMENTS, SST OUT! x INT 4Y x.x MAP OP ''HE SEAT OP WAR, Prondunced byThlbrers of the cat/idly the am Ad. Callen Map oat„ *bile the price le but dflutrAlN CisN'Pß no Ito le beautifully colored, and every river ead town dfatioetly narked out, muting them MeatebelloMelognarto, Meats, Milan; BlyereAdda r eco. • A For Bale at all Veriodlosl litotes. A. WINCIH . 320„,1E1311111T 'STREET. jralf•tf • WILL ng,SEADY P 913, PUBLICUL , %lON ' ABOI:r Tat iPp.st OP JttLY. PENNSYLVANIA STATE REPORTS, Vol. xtidij Ownyrfatng came adjudged in the Siren% Skutt of Penneyliente. By loom/ Q4.88Y, Mate 14porter. Vol. slit '417- ✓Plile Tattoos wlll contain the Decisions of the gdifti ropy neatly down to dito: • Kirk - 4f BROTHER, c&w:6061831,4488,11:18U5L1ER9 & IMpORTA RH, 19 BWREISIXTRSTRBh'T, DIOW RE Apr, Tilli ATLANTIO TIONTITLY POIt JULY. , Cloniawre .—T & hentas Paine'; cord Appearance in he United PrateelOf Bogke and the Reeding thereof; After the _Dell r.Book, Tree, and Mee ; Obip Dart. writh; Ben and Unseen; Percival ; Zelma's .Vow ; WtttlamSYkkapire Attorney and Oolteitor ; The Mute. teem Wooing ; The Professor/t the Breakfast Table; Att ; Br/newt mat Literary Notices ; Resent American Policattnno. 1 ' the present painther "owl/tenet', anew volume, and tb pubilillers , bwre the pleasure to anuounoe, that in addition to NNW OONTRIti 01'068, those 'Male* telll enefeh and enliven the pages of the current volume, those univereel favorite*, , Mat itralBl6 Alb 1 611010111. ISPOW.III, - „ Mt. qvirmt nvsemELL notadzs, - 440 contribute to every number. , Thetrisatilsag6 patrona of the A*LAPTIO will also be glad Milamicrib Mom althea:attained to a monthly lireillatiom of *ore than • ' 40 000 OOPIRS, Mad that - thib nutriber of itaimbacribers ie conitantly grnarilnig - Moneta Per Lemma, or Tweet -live - oenteA amia>sr.' Upon the receipt of the onbscription price thisPnbiltiliers will mail the work to coy part of 'Matt/tilted ,Stnyji, prepoid.beartptlons rosy begin ithia4therifthieStetatAnyriatjaiisent number, _ _ All bath atigihor* ten be supplied 66f:the ATLASTIO is 86 ete: a year, pre -131•71/6f, Tea poliaro the Publishers will sond five .00 Ate AT - Lei/11EO for one year, the inth- Sorib to pey,their own poetess. Olargymen, Teachers, awl Posta:testae will receive the work for Pito Dollars a year. end Nettleton wilt obtain the terms by the krigthe4) ka., open sObllcatton to the Publisher'. ' ., SAMPSON, A CO , JO" Bt - • 18 WiNTEa 6trest o Bosion. VENIMORE COOPER'S NOVELS IL- A: IMISTRATDD —Della by Daley. Monthly Tel ,nmee en/bopped cloth, bevelled, or for rebledlra, plan cloth, nnoppt. Call on or Adana S. ArlolllNßY, 400 WALNUT Street, Bole Agent. ;3016-10t* BARNES,_ // ; PUBlffauSitts AND DALERB IifIOODLLANNOtIeI. BOHOOL.. AND BLANK BOORS AND BPATIONSRY, 140.8 T north THIRD Street below Areh, • - Philadelphia. kubtle)tett ed the following: popular School Donis, whlotr-Ve toVpowledgod by all - Intelligent teachers wholate given them a careful exambratloo to be earl. irathitlia theirrellafttettett to the pterpocia intended: NSW SASSED OD RDADIRS, Oonalsting of "I Sanders' New Primer, " " liirst Reeder, Third Reader, 'fifth Deader, Spanker, " 01 Speller, - " ' .13enood'ennter, • , Fourth Reader, * RiettSahool Render, Yodkeldellan' Reader. BKODESI NORMAD PRIMARY ANA SLIONTAL ' • ItyProl. 11. Brooke, of Leoceeter Normal School. PNLTONIMMENDID SERIES ON OUTLINE MAPS. They are especially adapted to thern beginning, ea well at to those mere advanced lathe atudy of Geogra phy, Mi they reedve from them a dearer and more cor netOrnoeption„of the diameter and relative else end positlim of Vrrtry physical and Dpool Iloal Teeter., than earl be obtain^ from any other Maps extant." Alt the pithlleations at riIEION PIUNNIIY ) • 11W f ' a. 8. BAIINEiIi Pc. - NEW YOBS, MIT irt falandva band M N. Y. rublLskernt Mom. sive4ln9r rkb a . - DOCTOR PA LMER* 11001 C. .TELD XENS , AND TOR OLD ; Or, data otillid AND INDIA IN ROMANIA° AB rztres. Be J. W. Palmer, M. D, author of " llp not two theL.lrraweddi 1, Beautifully illastrated. Meal 12m p. $136 Mle-fatopne fl o wl ish Reviewer old of "Bonen " will itductice apply to "The New cud the Old," AA we ae toßapredeolesor, "Up end Down the Ins envie: " /ere Ds a wide difference between this hook and &Smolt all other recent books of Its class: the latter, for thdlnost part, furnieh ns with the names of pitmen and of things; this represents the things themselves ; the latter supply facts and statistics relating to the Nast or the West i ChM giros vs the very Mist the very Went. in alt.itc own gorgeous or gloomy realities. Toneked by this folietteus hand, the remotest objects leave wpon IM) zeSderht mind not a series of more pie turen,,but 11 manse of actinskparticipation.lt Moilover, Th e New and the -Old is a book of sturisie, boot mph'. yoriteble and retharkable expo • rlehente, 7 tone ns to localities, persona end events, swill:laving II 'the drsinatlo Interest of the fauteuil ti Inky, of a Phystalsn °or every ono who has ever had %Mor i brother," lever, or friend, In California or In dic.' Also, now reedy, A IROLIIILOB I B STORY, AIMob or torn, thilosophy, Sentiment, and Rumor. Dy Oliva Banco. 1 vol limo. Main. Pride $l. , These 80411 are Bold erem.where, and sent by mall, POSTA WI 5 sin, to any part or thAtulted biritt3, on the renef pert the prlko. by BATA, a.R ta4TON,Pablisher're and reoksellere, No.lllo Grand street, near Broadway, N. r. JeS•thecalS el' LD BCfOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. iYjN e i. u lti r trt,;_ a at a 11." 7 1 0°„bi,14fgq:AditoTr i . ..4 1 4tio r of the Patnera or the iteforroara and m the tan Divines; in Law, Braeton, Lyttleton, Put— fendoldfi Or tics, Dowat, Coke, Hole, the Year Booke r Reports he., ire often to be found upon Ins shelves. Cycle e/ist; Lexicons, (Bstele Author'', History, Poetry, Philo phy.t balance, Political Economy, government, Arabi nature, Natural History. Treatises upon them and o ar kindred subjects are being Oontinotilly dealt I In by him. , Books, in largo and smallquAntitise, pry- ONVIO4 at the Oestent-tfoose avenue Bookatall, CHEST NUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. myth. dm', JOHN CAMPBELL. 110*Ointioty3 (tub Co.parturrships. H E l l 00PASTNERSIIIP HERETO a- -rout exleting between the titAtralatted ie thla day Manhood by the withdrawal of E P. Paawripis. The Stole of the late Sire will be eettltal by SAES 17EL 190 A. T, Tr , who will nee the name or the Arm in liquid& on, end continue the Draw and Dye Stair bushiest &lithe old etand, IS9 601ITE WATER Street. SAMMIE: (}BART, Jr., E. 11110121.93. Jude 1, 1869. VOPARTINIIIII , SHIP. The undersigned ILI kering purchased the Interest of BAWL GRANT, CO Ra„ M the„_ Ashland Chemical and Dye Wood Oran, Mamie awlllok, have tbfa day farmed a ea partnendelp under the Srm of PREN T ISB, STI MYR L, kk CO , for the purpose of the manufacture and sale of ,Dye Woods and Cheudoede, In all Go branches, at the above named works, Office, in the city, 123 BOUM WATAB ?treat. IL F. PRRNTIOS, ((late 0. erant, Jr., en Co.) •• °ALIAS tSI'ILW 1t1,1,, • 'THOS et. RUNE& Jane Jot- 1m .A ' 4NA CIGARS of the following • noted brands: =Patinas, Figaro, Upbann, eonfedersolon, ,_,.. , PMakeise, • ' Bojo WOlO, 01 104 evtilyantlo2, ,ittAt Tetsiced. end fvr sz!,? by # ./44 'O4ABLY4O ilitail3a warm.; *West. niry goobi labbirs. :VCITE All 7 8c C.I9:ZE4*§T.Si -24- 011E8711IIT, 4111EET, „ .. f„ - AQiLicY VOA ekiHON 'ec CO.'S CELEBRATED _ IR.ISH. LINENS AND 711111 . ENFIELD MANUFAFTURING OOMPANFII MERINO SHIRTS AND D R. A•W E - R S . lire Live sort In store, of the abase Goode, too Owe Miens ind 200 Vane abide and 'Driven. Also, a ge neral oafortment of Utah and Otook-Goode. je2eatiikthatie - ' "'LADIES ABE - ESPEOIALLE INVITED IN-.4 to - iMII and 'gm:line tee 'PARBEV.II JABB, WHOLLY OP GLABB, made under HARTIBI,IOB Pa tent. The en of presorting ?ruin and Vetetables go Og to ran,n their original taste and flavor On years, is now made easy to the moat inexperienced EfonsebeePor , The tt Bartell der and Clover't (being both of glass) bee received' the noquelitled approbation. of Medical and dotentido mem in all notions of the country, and requires only an exemination , to satisfy the most pro. indeed mind of Ito iMinitel superiority, in every re. ePeot, one all others before the paella. The certainty, Simplicity, and eve with which Pratt, foe., may. be preserved In these Zero, beg toddled the Proprietors of the old.style Jan with cement and, poisonous metal. topes to resort to the mod. xidlonlOks publications to get rid of their old nook. lianniectsiers, nodes. the Pateni, . IthaTILL & lacroirovotait. • General Glassware Depot; je2s , o3t* No. 18 North FIRTH flireet. PRESERVING• JARS. PATENT AIR-TIGHT GLASS FRUIT-JA , R S , . ZIERIMITIOALLY piIADING SILVIO INUITS, an ?Mr Bale by dullard in °lda& .and alum and Rowe ,7arnithing flood!. POTTER 8c BODINE. 107 OHESTNIIT STRUM. On Jar boring been feria to the stitisfoetion of thousands of families, we confidently present it to the customers: We would *ell especial attention to the on perlorlty of oar article corer theme using gotta peroba or gum In pilule of cement; for the patio pew:Ma, ko., imparts a strong and injurious Itavoi to the trait, be- Alden being otherwise defeitlre. • P. k B. also manufacture superior mineral 'weber and porter bottles, and ell kinde of green glare hollotr trate Jet•tt WfNSHIP!S PATtNT, E3ELF=-VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS. TSB ONLY ilioviramor VSNTdLAKJD AND HIALTihr RYID.I/BICIORATFII iff THY . • MARitTli. MUD YiTrii ZINO, AND TEN 0),IIING Prof.Bllllman, in his 'meant work on Natural Philoso phy, Wed drawing* of thin Befrigeratorto illustrate the circulatidu of air by the oombissed effeets of 'cold and heat, and he mys of its operation, ft is in 'beautiful' aooorsisuce with iVatural Laws. having s motive tome or vis , a urge, to establish end =Wahl en Outward constant current of air, and emniegytent ventilation." The Refrigerator has been used, and is highly ream-• mended by Professors Willman, Porter, and Thatcher, of Tale College; Prof Memo. or New York' Pre. Chase, of Providenee ; Commodore Ciregory, Ti 14..; Dr. H. Ct. Clark, City Physician, or Bdattin, Sad many. other prominent ecientiho teen. D. 8 Fernald, Proprletorof Union Market, Brooklyn, says: In so experience of twelve yeart, I bsve need end bosh 'familiar with every style of Refrigerator, nom of which mill• compere with Vifinship , s. I Bud it ventilates perfectly, is economical in toe, and pre serves Mega splendidly.", PLITLADJILPHIA, Rverykousebeeper who wlehea awe, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, should pnrobaso one of Winehip'a. Plum all and examine them. - For sale by NORTH, CHAU, a NORTH, No. 299 Ncrth BROOND BTRIXT, And . ARNOLD As w.theorr, Jel-lm 1f No. 1010 O.I.I2sTAUT STREET. A OODNTRI SEAT AND EARN AT PuBLIO BALE-BURLINCUON, N. J., PRO MUM. Will be mild. et public sate, on TiiiiPADA.Y, the 80th day of Tune. 1860, at 4 o , oladc, P. If ,oa the premises, the Country Seat and Perm, known as .t SUNBURY FlLltki,” situate in the city of Burlington. bounding on the Philadelphia road. Beverly road, Stub* road, and Camden arid 11 mho,' Railroad, and containing about AM amps idalind. _The buildings ire' itralte - lifdlliViry tent -alai brie Mansion Rome. with hell, parlor, lib'ary, dining room, etonsornom, kitchen, and Bummer kitchen on the flrt Door, four chambers, press room, and bath re on on the second floor, and three large rooms on the third floor— having a (=pertain the cellar and range in the kitchen; a large two. story frame 'Farm Bouse t 'with ball, parlor, dining room and kitchen on' the drat door, and four chambers above; a email two-story frame Tenant Rouse, Stith parlor and kitchen on the drat door, end two ahem, bete above f a large atone and frame Be/71, with shine for horses sod nettle In the butiment love with the yard ; a Garen, Rowe, an Ice House; and other opt buildings. The whole are in good order, the greater part having been built within a few years. The Garden contains neatly two soma of choice ;stet, and is cinched wl,h every variety of fruit and vegetable. The. Poultry Yazd also (moraine nearly two acres of lawn, surrounded by a high pals 'feriae and has three houses arranged for summer cud winter ute.' The greater part of the land, is stable end in excel. lent order, meetly enclosed with leaoaa nearly new ; the remeteder sweli.mitered meadow. The Menelon slinure is earrounded by large Ind beau tiful elm, maple, pine, and other shade trees, and there are on the premises apple and peach orchards, and large and productive belie of rhubarb and strawberries Its nearness to Chuiehee, Schools, Stores, Mille, end Markets, and the frequency and conyenieoce of com munication With Philadelphia, tender thte property ve iri i a bl tl etha : al Ti a" T Saaarrar TPtelarP iowhelpoveiortion of Burlington, end the eastern pert fronting nearly 2000 feet on the Philadelphia road, can be advert , taker oily divided Into Building Lots. immediate possession will be given. Further Information respecting the premises can be obtained of ' FRANKLIN WOOLlifd,V, No 70 MAIN Street, Burlington. THOMdfi A , CAVANDBR, jalStje3o No. 607 North FIFTIi St., nitride. ITO La'AMER MIN AND PARKER& .11. SUM OB VALTJASLII TIMBBR LANDS, Ili waawiog. ocitiwry,:y.utonirs. By 'iglu of a decree of the Circuit Court for the County sforseald, prenonneed on the 116th of March, 1858; in the chancery suit of Gambrill yB Whitbeek, the undersigned, acting aeXiommisedonen under the said de. tree, will 801 l before the Court lionse'door of said oonn, ty on the BBOOND TITURBD•it ADTMIST next, that being county court day, that valuable treat of land doss:Mod in said decree as all that certain piece, par. eel, or tract, of land, lying and in the county of Warwick, and known as being part of the g Mich Nook Tract,' containing one thousand and elglitY-Mght sores, (1,088,) more or less, being part of tee treat of land conveyed by Augustine Grunbrlll and Margaret hie wire, by deed dated 28th June, 1888, and mewled In the Merl/be office of Warwick-ow:tray cuart.” The above hind f 6 very valuable and easy of amass, being Merited on the peninsula lying between the limes end York rivers, and about half way between Hampton and Wil liamsburg There ere upon, the pre:alma a steam saw mill with engine rf 80-horse power, and good anbelan tial Brick Da oiling to thorough rep air. TEIMIB OB MLR. So much in cash es will pay the omits of the above mentioned Ault and the expense/ of sale, and upon the readtte a credit of twelve months will be given, the percbMer to pre-bond with good security for the de ferred payment, with interest from the day of sale, LEIdUNI, 7. BOWDY/ti, CHABLIS R. MALLORY, Commissioners. Ot the above lands, lad acres are in Ins ecdtivation, balance heavily timbered with 'superior white oak (for ship building,) and piste the pine twook being 'worth 53.76 par cord on the bank ; any summit tan be con tracted for, for the New York market. Any information in reference to the matter can bohad by addressing Newcomer & Bionebralser, Baltimore, ?CC, or by applying to B. Patrick, adjoining the Undo, at Warwick Oonrt Mune, Warwick county, Virginia. jel.COt THEB) EPAII NT FOR SUPPLYING .L' TUE CITY WITS WATER. Mee S. W. car. SLITIT. and OfiItSTNIIT Street'. PRILADCLIUtte. Sum, 21th, 1850. The attention of WATER SEETHES is celled lo the following notice: SIMULATIONS AND PENALTIIIS.—Ext , act from Ordinances Regulating the Department of Water: WATER BENTS are payable annually, to advance, on the second MONDAY of Tannery. On the let of April DIVE PER OENT. will be added on all unpaid rents, and on the Ist of Jury after, an additional TEN PEE CENT.; and ail premises upon which the rents and charges romainnepefd On the let of September, will be deprived of the water, ant the amount sued for, with two dollars added for the expense of cutting off; nod all premises in arrears will be deprived of the water until the mom lova. W Z. P. WHITE, J..15-St itegteer. REGATTA AT FAIRMOUNT. oikr.v.ti AND COATES-STREET PASaNallt Ito lIMAY COMPANY. The Me of this Company leave Dlekereon street every five trunutee, punier( along Eighth street to Costes, lard up Coates to Fairmount. Returning down Green to Fourth, and down Fourth to Dickenson. Fare nett wry RIVE CENTS. This Company raohanges with the; Tenth and Eleventh street Padbmp. WILLIAM RE ekb, 544 21 Superintendent. RI~FFIOE PHILADELPHIA GAS WORttS —Jinn; let, 1859 —PROPOSALS will be reeelrful at this Mee nett NOON of the let JOLT neut, for the male, to tho Trustees of the Plautelobla GSS Wors, of Stock In the Germantown Gee Works; in rue /fohmend Worhe; and in the douthwe:h. and bloyamenebeg Gee Works; to be need as fault• manta for the Sinking Ponds of the said Werke. 164471 WM. PENNALL, Cashier. tl7l ICH F RENO 11 CHINTZES FOR _a..ti WALE'PIItB —Newest dsolgos of Gros Odler cep ,Ohlotass for dfornieg Dreee ea.. SHARP LiEss minim, jab - OnESTNIIT sod EIGILCH Streets. f - LosiNG OUT FANOY BAREGE S. edltittl t neat, and rich styles at DroarGoods, reduced In prices to okse the stook. Berne Robes and Grenadine Robes In two and three Flounces :rid Rouble Japes. Levee, Organdies, and thin Mulles still in good Va riety. SELAIIPLII6OB BROTIOIitn, delta ORNEITAUT and SIGHT II Street*. 11,1LA,CK SILK CRAVATS, „cm pooft de klote extra heavy Iyoni Carats, of all e zee, and real Matteotti Cravats. Imported ;- 14 7 111.1PLVi3 1.11107.11ViD, lab ' wWlkityt rad ;gam lams!. tirtonving lato, POTTER &- BODINE'S TUB TBABB AIIBPLIND BY fteingeratote. wiiu anaßciat, lied estati 3)Totictis lictnit Mrn .Docrbo i f .! • • . virAN,Tgp-A. ,SITITATICiN' in ntiy:enotiestorgifivi4 - Norniti:iinN Emus iota 4 . 0.11? espertenoe, , fiftsiat Gering and andoangoa;lri ,ou t . #. nun onto of Mg ' " • - omart,..ictive — ,l(olllTG . W' MAN - Sonia, sa:" buitairr. Street: 41i° tiadaillitidiriaChas htd:akperlsakee is outtlog goods. Goad reoreattil - filgalrea,. Address 011100„ot 7hl , . ,1115.144# ASALESWOMAN: IS WANTBD, to go to II Rol/them city, to- oharie Art,a Nanny, Dthalnipti arid Worsted iltore, it,' married Lady pro faned, whoso husband wools have ngood amino to get employment in the eity. A middle aged lady. rforibi *newer. To one that understands the, business end 'trill/mg to devote her attention tolt 'it liberal - Islay will be' given. - liererenesa exchanged , 'Adams wit h resinous BY. 0.. BoX 89/.: • Jat.astAt BGENTLEMAN' wiehea to , 90(X). invest the above auto in an tetablisled mainfieturtup, or soy screGab-te paYlig basLaqst, where the prluolpsl would be eeeured ate per cent. interest. The advertiser would takir so satire part la attending to the boots sod corrOpoudenee. with a remilderelfire celery. Address, aentidesitielly, Fc silmonent this omen - - JeT4 Tt*• WANTED TO EXOIIANGE for i*Pf noted city repent. fore from ineumbranee, 180 acres of excellent YARN LAND, loestad In .Glormaster Co , New .Tereay. The IteUroad from thonden,to Bridgeton, shortly 'to be laid, plumes wittily& a abort distant* of the land. Forihrther partloulare address 7. , H , Mee of "This Preto Syr Ogle anb- ea' get. AM TOR SALE—A VALUABLE FARM, COutaininiiZio, in 0801 i tionntY. LAND, within 9g hours' ride, of Philadelphia, well watered and healthy. On It there is large B,IiIOR (well:shaded.) Carriage-1,6m, and all new. with MOderolinPrierentootO TWO Bas Orchards on 'theplums Offered on reseon a ble Unlit 'Appiy to ;ji26.dtie WM. N. MTN, 613 SUBMIT Street. dm GERMANTOWN PROPERTY - FOR MK SALE 011.11AP.-.lleantifully lee4ted. Terms asst. Pekeeseion immediate, required. Address, with real name , c BOMULITB,"- Press Gibe. ... ltrs = A FURNISHED" . 00 T AGE TO LIT—Ja OBRMANTOW Komar Railroad Station. Pelee IMO per .month,, Ooze July lat. Addreea, with real name, SOLOMON," Prue Ofilee. 15* fftTO • RENT—Hoiniii and stores:S. E. corner BROAD and aIIIPPEri atm% suitable obudonlata, enalarlim, Lager Bow. a►toane. In quire at the *cc • 144 at* TOWN LOTS IN OA.NDEbta ' • The ottlemilbere will Bell at PUBLIC SAIJI, on the prOmlleo. on SATURDAY,' the day of IliflSß /att., at 2 Woloelt.P. If , a number of • • ' VALUABLE BMILIM,NO , LOTS, .t. 4 be e4flally altdated anIiIWADWAY *ad RRNSON Itreets, In a welliimproaed portion of the oily, and within ten minutes wait of the Matket4hae; ferry. Bernie of papinont iIIiOWAINIS, • - Bxetrator, Bo , of Wm. Canaan, deMaied: JAMBS CARMAN, ' SWABS H:SAMMDBRit,. . Trustee of M. A. Do Miami: Camden, Jane 22,1559.' ; Seld•Atif da STOREHOUSE NO - . 9 LEVANT 14-1 , SUMMIT TOUT—Th.lring good, ootd erdier paired wttfi Mot, mitaide bolding epperatns convenient of sooegs, bang located on s wide street; (Lemont Is the first streetweet of Second, running north from Some Afoot.) Toq4tre of It. L. itiiltenT, 3623 et 262 Bontb AISCOND Street. WOR SALE. , -.A. new cylinder Boiler, 36 Lashes by 2t feet, mode by Jelabablee: Apely to LAt BROTENR; . of " 2111. DOOR attest, TO xs,ooo—will•fieetire_ the 9 500 managing interest In an antivannnlifell. egtaNtshed manntsottuing bunlneen, mine over 16 000 wampum. health inn nine of chine. Addiees IL ) 80r.1.107, P.Q. .-" - . • ' 1593 66 ella VALUABLE -TAVERN STAND AT MIL PUBLIC SAT.S.--The subscriber will sell at Pub lic Salo to the highest bidder. on SATUR DAY, the dd of atilt next, on the premiset, the well•knowo Warn Property, situate be gordentogn, recently kept by John, lleeter, 4w:wor m & it int D onn mike • 0 UPTOWN UMW, - and belonging to the rt. and A. IL U. and T. 00. The • abore.deecribed oroodrt,r cotionsudo an exteuslirearent on the 'titian street, extending tbrodgh to Prlncaatieet, and Pi situate Croatia at the Depot df the Camden end, Amboy Balirdal Cotriphoy. _Thh' Roue, to large, and oboutiodlows, with Cu, Water and other coureniencse, the premises.- The lot is large, .with- eouvenient stabling and othSr outbulldings,Abareon. The above:, described proptstY lids heed act 10bg and well known se one of the • ' , . . . ; BEET TAVINN OTANDS IN I' ti t - that a further description of the seine is deettied anue., sewing.' Persona disposed to view the promisee gist to the day of side, will be -shown the same by applying on the premises. 2 P • The sale will take .place on said day, at I,o'clook P. M., when attandanee will be steep end the tondttloon nude known bythe antworthers; - WeßignetlN. illl3, / o°nn ittee ' 1 4 914,1k2 WILLIAM COOK $ • ATAIAMBLE LOT FOR SALE, corner of IP' , Twentieth and Witititian streets; fronting , MS feet on Intl/elan etraet and 10 feat os Twentieth attest, and 148 feet on a rear attest. Yonsternin aptly at this - - • • - We DOR 5 &LE—Thil Furniture, Good-will, and Pialures of thg.gotel known an the PRANK.. HOIIB.II, op 0/3IOPNITT Otreet, above Third, Phtladelphis, Penna. The Truraltpre is In Is good condition, and the whole amugesue . nti of the Home are well - calculated for the business a ,fice-yeers Lease will be given to the purchaser to d ete from the. theo of the purehaeo. „The location Is central to bum. nese, end the Honed has been doing a good - baskets for the Past die sears. .The resent Proprietor .1s de-' slums of omitting the busluese—therefore. he offers thin opportunity to' acme roppler Hotel-hesper, who may be deeirou of entering into the builnece to delptita. The House will accommodate two hundred pests comfortably. For fdrther partlettlare address the undersigned. 0. H.. P..P.A./110311, lap et ' . Proprietor. aFOE BALE OR, TO LET—A centrally loeste4 Property, 110.270 NOXIOUS= Street, derivable either tor beelines or residence. Apply on the premise*. , HANDgQI42, OHMTNIIT—STRE ET lEVIDIVItutnt to - tufteg , -. - 110114:—&eirkApor west or Dr ititelVentialtOet. Lot la 235 feet deep, sad 22 feet treat. The 11011/10 is from etary, and three. dory double beak bundler, and to bnlli is the beet moaner, and replete with elery modern odevenieeee, Gee, hot android water, white marble mantel! to weary room throughout.' Thelard le Undimmedy set with holt trees, ettnibbry, flowers, row, &o . The how* telu complete order. Poewersion can beaked tuuneaste. iy. $14,000 may remote co the property. Can be omen any time by spray - log to WH. OdDRY.I4 - in the MS(... ionic Hall, flO 011332NDT Street. jel.tf . Arg FOR SALE OR RENT—Two large gigg and convoitient mastic BRION. Hai:INNS, entirely new, with all the modern improvements!, surrounded Street, shade and ornamental trees, No. 9BandliS lINI9N Street, BURLINGTON, N. J. dimly to ' • N. P. MIHNLNTON, 6 North /FONT Street, or THOMAS DITHDALIV, niylo.4l' , BURLINGTON: N. J. 00UNTRY IMMERGE TQ LET.— Nit A neat and roomy Cottage at MILTON UMW, neat North .Yannaylyapla Railroad, El miles from The atty. Apply at 424 MARKET Street anl2=4l. TO LOAN, ill none to snit 50,000 appl °anti, upon Diamonds; %%totes, tatty, Dane, Merokandiss, Olothlog, &0., ea mode rate terms, by JONES & CO., Brokers, N. W. corner 'MIND and GASNILL Btreste, below - Lombard. Xs fa-Unshed for the last 26 years, Office hoer. from ? A. kl. to I 1., 11. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watched, by eminent making, vnuranteal genuine, for sae cheap, at one ball the original east. . sp29-lhalf DRAFTS—On the Union Bank of Lon linn, and Emil Bank or Ireland, in mu t* edit. lox naleby , WALLS, VARGO &00., - =316.2111* 400 O.IIIIBTNIPV Stmt.. J3Oarbing X.I (MILDING.-L-Persans wishing Lto;go to the Coantrfeen be aeootentedeted with lloart and Pleasant Rooms, at the GAUEN TB.O MESTER Oottntb .S 0 miles from philvielptiti, on the ?ennui- Thule nail:lAl The situation le very high and healthy. oipply to • - Ue2.l.Btiti W. JONES, Paoli P.O. - - - SUPERIOR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Gentlemen, with Boards. No. 241 South' SIXTH Meet; 3024.40, Peytional JOTlGE.—Whereas my wife, FRANONB P. WHITE, having voluntarily Lett my bed and board, Leos this notice to all parties that I will pay tio debts of her daufraotlng. - Itolllll3l td. ebntatlonal. .WOODBIIi.N,' & CO., 608 1 1 / 4 .7 omouNpr Street, snooty Pohools with, Teach era, Teachers with Positions, and Parents with School Otronlaro. - • jelB Ursa ' 'QR. TART h: EilltATTON's NATIONAL MHBOANTILIA OULT 4GSS, lacatad it 211114- &aphis, S. B. - corner "NNVENTii ind OILISMUT; New York, Autilo, Wag% or Isk nrmstion, can or seed for: Calabria. feA-tr T. THE FHRENOLOGIOAL CABLE - ET, , unTAIILIOIIIID BT FOWLER, Wh::WM, & 0., le open day and evening, for the este of Books at Phrenology, Pbyetolegy, Waterghtre, &o.; sad for ~. ... PLIBBNOLOGIOSfe EX abIINAT/ONO. . The !lupus'Ana of Phrenology in the treJning of the young, the gelation or occupation" and companions, and in erery department of antite life, le felt lan as knottledgett By all Intelligent pagan who are . sa• qtatinted with Ito tats Wrltteo.diesoriptione from gagnerreotypes will Meant by mall for two donate. Ontaßifilet of Books gent grotto. Addretg JOHN L. OAPJI22, toh23-* e 1 tIENVPm No. 022 Obestout ntreet, PhDs iIowERRY ,O STATIONERY ESTAVLISIT- A. mum, FOURTH and RACE —Firms about com mencing baldness can find, on our choices. a goal as sortment of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, Promissory Notes and Drafts:, Letter, Cap and Nate Papers, and En velope'', with amoral assortment or Stationery adept. ed to Collett*. hence use. Oar stook le bought In large querititlei, exclusively for CARR, giving us opportuni ties of telling goods at VERT LOW. PRICIER to CASH BUYERS. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Addreso VV. G. PERRY, Agent. FOURTH and RAGE Dee Irn 'DERRY, STATIONER, FOURTH and AL RACE —B,OOO Reams mortal! Papers; - Secluding some very line qualities of Note, Cap, and Letter Pa• ppea obi& wo are Waging ont VERY LOW. WM I'ARRY. Agent, FOURTH and RAON. A LARGE assortment, of MISOELLANE -017151100118. suitable for smuttier readiest, BILL• DIG LOW. atEETPAVS, VOIIIVIII and Itaeri Ilsttaro w°op, OOAL, AND KINDLING non, JANNEY & YEANiR, COATES-STRNET WARY, . . . Hove oonstaotly on hand a loge and oopeTtot arttOle or PINE. OAK, and lIIOKORY WOOD; and, haring completed our arrantemente, ere now prepaid to aka the WOOD BY STD tilli-POIYAB. We him also on hand a euperior quality of LKaIDEL 00AL, of all Moo, soiroted with mire. Dagen sod Consulates wilt end it wetly to their advantage tnparattaae Kindling Wood of no. jaa-nro raltlE GALE of popular favor la blowing towardo the old tetablfahod star* ooeoplat by ZALUILNR do SMITR, oorner of 1011400 ND and Strooto, where may be found a choice aroortmons of Drags of One polity, . se wolf as White Load, dine Potato, and Window Wan, all of which ace nartrallod. 41128-if FiNE•OUT CONSOLNE and Fanny Fern MATING TOBACCO, menufaetured by Barber, Palmer it Co., Neer York, and for dale by UMBEL do And 10 entirely free from WOODRUIP, Hole Agents, Na. la N. 'THIRD Street s ratisdofihia. TIM Thbaeloo id put up in paokagend, from truoll papers to pound boned, any admixture of deleterious substancio. le2J.Gts lta ANIL LA ROPW--Atitorted, lobes mann. L. factored &lid for otaleist I . oiroatagsar York prim IYIfAYY?.. SITLES, kio:lk attest an 4 91 'alma waikaym. r‘M *waist ' If EA - TUX:IE 41cEpLARKE, L _PNAitoir- , IST&XST TIIRATIStpf., fallf,lNWaster - THIB (+ l lVilfdly) Ano 21561cit611: - • "Will-twprodooe4 "caber?, final 131;r414, _, titled" Rinks, Nig Lady )ISOCItt.I eale)tk ;litraothlTh - '7l,_ — _,s r.. " . - = To cond34o irlth:1101/(RINIMIN - Or :A4x410 4 06; 41S 1 4 11 Mewl - 31; 461 Y 871( Genii ommatistwaboiopegta Oasurla rricispo , . ; Ctialstr. Semite,: Gallery rot Oolorna 11.1, Z 6 0.14.11111 Plivme BO* in eager/ to,ir Cdertit Kos a, MI Whole Pelvit• Box 't • bPorwoiMa , kslf-igurt. . l'ortostrosoO SO_ aotaymies at 8, prodelliy • -:- -AIkicERIOA:N'ACADEMY - Or • Mows HOOD - ma . SHNLOON • •4 i ' L . ' irlikipir• sootier - , WaiND-F.L00.1.- - L mATANitt,_ - • Intik stilha Childiosi- • - • •-• "Uu BATBaDAY , 7usii 214 109: Tic eta tC FW parts of tko to w , - Ai wigs ,17terhi the moeiWoiPoislYti . - 4iTrus slnumuooty . = xlittoduaiat,tai. WOLF. • • i -eximi,....BALLN Omni teunitr4vr, - • Wlthlbs'Thiaba if Molina. . "Zontlnding:tritli'ltti Hoottitot Gettle 6411 0120E1004 The Good Adz' , and ,tba ulialk - 0047 s open at 2 ealotk...To ealaii•aeo at X a;1,10 or Valets aommeam an 7141 DAT WOMB% at BECK fr. LAWFON'W, citiossiumeir. 001111, sei at tho.loadotry. - : 10311444, i II aDONOTIGOIra GAIETIES—Sao. THIS 61/11 1 / 1 .1 11.11151.11,10114. .1 Tal OMIT HISMABIDIZ. - i iroawnisowszo puntosianr., WORLD.BINOWINID P 114101111614 " 591111 - 1/10133% .16111111 NIGHT: •13.8E/1.7.-IMPALSKINT-4111T.- .• - 7073 41011 AT ignimener irmAT. ritHE THIRTY-SLUM -ANNUAL' ik7L some* • piOnolmversi,ituannirst . of No.' Mb OaIIiTZOT - - • ' • - • I,v otder:to give Alta* opportunity of eeell*Waithe , teresting Zxbieltiev, take plat ist" Add% 30 cents; Ohildveg k e mate ; emits. • " IV SALTA'S ORCILESTIIc.I4IOB 7 . "Lot MI6 & SWUM reopeattelly - sottetemei thit they hive loested their ONO at *64 reetibitietei LOPITIST ORM, whose saptimpill birail4 o 00 - 4444111 Ontigtet-ttesorls.,; E , #olSfiirt, , • N•• • , , • tbi 7 4oot At slit - ikvcifeW STA Ati hen NNLAROND AND , MTN " itioW tbrotext ,open` for the eetVait T Ite Reo nil W sari end itisoenlys zoleveltan.wlat was • 01 ,. 0- "* moo aoinfort,for eojoareen - st heed.. ' This Home adjoins Nentonie t i , on YANIACINN BATTS Amts. within eenrealent - dlirtniee •of lbw ere, to reset width balsa and NM gravel walke have, been hid ant. It ill, sjeoent to the Litkilio?see, sad eominsiide flee view et' th e Dean end Inlet. • Reneoloient and-Tetiaelest Boetierethettora*elleM4 wit liberal *smut .obildien with ihnirairtarialtloriolt. 0215-2 in BEAL OE" H - OTEIL, -:‘ Al% &Nita GITTi Max -Padi*T. At the teradnas of the Railroad. on thsligh,_ osd the Depot. This Hoare is DOW OPE( for Domdsrs aed Transient. :Visitant, .and; offers_ ore . tiFmr . A . M ir m, 'qui to any Doted AUsathrettY. - - • Shoe lest semen; the tthaufitieri flash tfae Irsprovskand Mandrel' sake doseartalgabrrepelfig, bilodahatieg been pot ap tiestesra.„ ' -., • ,Oheraefrotonerate.; ' ' - 'Children end Sersaate, halforiee:— ' Parties should - keep their 'teed ID& thh etaa arri