cunTA •.? is:o4 I)o4 .l ii'•bitelik? l, o;444 '• A1ii')400;4 4, 0 TiMt Nat it eaves t,e' eerier end half for cent. That,' 41111eulty ‘ to diet'Uttagel Wiciod:elseeiatier ji11ti54 4 , 14 : VIA tte e, elate -or till : greater 4ser. ." • • The better chic"! of aeoulitlei rdeiritidrietieir it the - stock breed, bet tea riarlose,lifireaft end and trareaetteas sniallWaruiateall : itielngtwtant Trade belt* 4001h - untohit tee: People are • r +merle 'with their farnillieftitlefiillt!,4”Ve r li , where they r iiiiiiiXrCatili'aaraa*Ca:fli . farce isok - etble,Uiteiti rfee -* the rat trait* in - The advice" erb'iii 211iiih inErra, market its Weeper rei'et,W4titlikilitilit;Pat 010 eitreeitrue4 iirceieuel fertiafor hoarding= that We beta jut witnessed will -haelatiorood.f.; The Hank of eg landtea ieite4 7 iieiaiii: ter *Oita Omova , alai. It had reseleatiArogilthie r of thrtkterietaptwatil -0•011* 4-141 11 t4t -14,4 4, ‘ c4,11-** eeyeatjtie cites of the ton- • moo:: :Pll 1 . 14M101* rifftlit of the latkleafireet • - Clem; lay iti:~ttMeineot the lolatateelt • • shoal, act the Commercial hay* adoptwltentfarm of,two per eat. tar Pleb: a ne w ., 'boo 'ou .4,40014, vrioivAtho joint-1401r bulls can- • Liana to OP tirqjitr_lDOlst . ors alt - easoants unbent ea,' 011"'01,4"-Hro:-.414:iielv ; et' the London sad iTes t • p. opt ,oro tie t ee for same Oder • .4500 is: -,4Akt . Company hare . - teducedl • *Pr deiiment . to "Ilf per mot ea money at,,ellat.:indi two with noun dive, retie', „vim, other discount es labliehesonte hare aketahae tfrane notifying alay.altara.i ,LITIOterS „:;•• .t,r?, — .• .. The AtfiejWieetiar .4areeafroni.theileenilat neve froreSeglaatrilabiebiithe beteg of the people about the wiPCni he! eembetute. ',There is evidently arrant -- :of trAltrO.lle_the iepeiot Nataileo - , a..lmkot_taitii feetthat be wilt I"Cliattelt:ittirOiele Ter tbet - tleglalid - torrid .to pert hi,rtkongly-herlieopleire • looyesig' - „akter#-,WarOltbig bet itrict neutrality shit iitakfe:,,lThalt;,.abitiely Ott, to ;gatelike thatreinitiateitiOr ail* of Iscitilitg to. the oh-,t•• 4,eate . of the ana aid le greapeahy for Alietimehlek Tee ' ltillttl ' tbelit*TtliOala: . = 4 14, 'ffkOilb i k 11 * - 0 1 i`A w l im t look - :min* Quin thav voile, o ot ::vialatetatty gselneget to tits ottiald its 'soda: 'telo4l ? ter feel" hat,40110,.... , it!*i.:o?4 faintM ip•6ol4,,,ssibWevery:thegagre hole reriating • • s'af - theltitqleAllogittliyhed"Wheele Wei Wier OW? 1s 90„Or1. 1 41fiktaliii. he whit, hie Pert great kettle, theeibeir - wherethe - reel eirdraby elthigreat Trak& ie lb the etiateet by Tiditelan'ihe vitae!Aieeonit barometer 'let tie tet'aierieiiinitiOnL'irobaiiiiapeest ,- JiaO -; neyskarkis still • pOW ' _ •-• • - • { ' -, -"Thisvir4oi:rfatit. that . thelUake in that' eity • reralveiroo, the Permin"'soil Neehallail But Vol?, ."; sod theltarlise Bang SOD. Teildes Vets, radio theta Wale*, iteration to a olltefaillegine at the: Nligire :Payer leak now removed to -Lbaittoit. , It i. 'staled that the sabeeriptloa at Berlin for the flew . - bent iota ° £4,600 , 000 it es t o tiv - be '4ol4: the app! eatlwia _ for.. anull amonote being ihezona. traterelit,Waotaia Periaileada • - 'graat a keryettiialt doWe the Wheat they thought to • frgtti,,;=llll b.coWipg the •=atte loo! of isaelligtner When' thilloga, wintry„ that the ioba c eurtir 'were iinioaitttie'daatzoatlon of ' the Wan lay" harlot the wheel than to , thegreet cereal era Roe ialiara sot eat -adors, tflo4i2 eupyoled 1 . 1110,44N0. --sthwrroy. optioirauss; %bit JOON 'ale eliWt . that map)et aredeseeasulkirg - ._,_..1T0 ii/ea bear abaksioeleit or farearalbok *bee wet Nair "Jrhati.cataittolaiiy, Moats on ; iiiipathig - acchw, it Ina - fount that there i 5061,4 be touch better Odd - of *Witt ' Inv Ligonier eighty thaw diet' &Mewed: Alta tether, the iingtoredirippisaunee of tkliore hie sorted ,ta quiet the first ricited,aithough tielowel, t p o Jaq 11114 at beet; he 'eery Berm. Mow of- the'fartneur who bunghtilour /to Wiley are 'now barmy to well eat. lined se they,eapured to be: , The Olotdiewati Odes Its semi The element farmers were suite as , mach' eon mined for the safety of the wheat and corn, after the from of b'h; sealuee of other motions from Whieli illemnrMatifit Motto were Smite/id at drat; Mat they Otelooir rill Ovid*" vitt tho':prorp•oto, with Oho 40. oroiloo of eats and hey. 3 Be far Mt ragardearliset Wad ea~b; leaving : 0061 1 iorth000tarn - Obto, the prospects In Olennoit: Judging: from reports received within the , •lest 'few days; area fair fedicatban't f the _ condition of • thWerolmi alto Iltabie..Witlifavaa•- _ able - weather hereafter. they crop of awn be ObfWAutil be- the largest ever vorryirvessi k the ,emainelits,, wheatwlilrbe a. artrage—liva-lamiat yield toa: mem . playas, witty, the increased tireadili. -at; teed 'alottOloo2porrolly ou Wog up for tbo ' eiewsl- - ln •11104000tiono whew Vit-iroott , did moot leo" _ • _ they opiriatiosinf the 'United Otita Branch Hint, S ri — lfielf" .. ftooi'lll to 041 May, lay , uairs , were is &lows • DopOstio—:Golti ost4lo, 030 IT o.l4l l lL—bold, donbieieglee •_.lllBohop 00 *item dollars - • Me .:11110ciltare ' " 10,000 " "' 00,000',00 - , , ~ .. _ - Tout «awl - ii''' , "-- -' ' ' IF 1MM409 0 - 11141 laikporto?,,gs of trimiar it tiatoo•lltoim* thus biz: is tbe tri.'ntb. aseloslimot payesis issoilvwt. from Bally , . . _. . , colaribtaouiii ^ ^ e ,- 311 14 1 .1. „lcia 1010 ' 660 812 28 -21+11:101 1 10 . ” 18 010 CO Honolulu p 1 1100 0) The enorts of trews from flan Srancisee since the --, atom of-Arad hareassetinted to $4 757,190 90 /zOr t ed PuTi0 0 0 1 1, 18 49..1 ****** 4 ... -.4 410 0 0 4 OP: ---- Total wait,) Ito My 27..`...,.'.; .119.160,860 99, name prolodhsl44ll 19,414,2110? '. ' 4 Ixiiiiii4i favor of liMt yiar.....':. ...... 1147,450 01 , `Tie einit••monthly Ailment 'of 'gold from Oellonata ; note on the wsy to;Nen Yodramounto to i 12,648,000.4 7- Ifiree•dellar Ma, parporting to be on the Peeplesa , Pooh of Rankly, Uwe, and alter sii from the exploded ..- _lrfaubeek," Bank , of Illinzte*Oti, aro in eirenlation La ' New York. - ;.. , - ' ' ', asitotding to a itotontout)kttniTagatnnwi :Remain:el, 'IS within three jean; nearly tic Antacid mills of Ant eism Whoa& have Um( bent „wdiain *a liallta''d Inoridit, and co. war in 'eperation....tisigeo two I l i a - drird 'nailed room - ready =for ;the' enissretraeter, fotolifor7oll .l o o ' lionterfOlillmoll, amount' of, nub . °vital espendsk, and -the cheap, ratio at libleh thio work ha. boon; done, soak result, aro noprruntentad• ; zs lot 4' noll bir,iemarhed or ,tg• irogrea: *a. on matte 'Werir,Air tha'ri • miM` thallahham; that `it 'a ea. boaellaa 4 , .., 7; '' 7'; - ,.t - , , ; . v ..liVriotllarlda, too, oomothing ban been done. Be. gloningatiteniaeola, they hare &road actually graded, - all the wey,;forty-five miles, up to the State line, the -Gross Um supplied. thirtoes Wee of their track laid , sod the lottenOttre'rrith the iron Araln proomana Int from Pareieola i olly, 'oat As :lila& staaltly'a4vate, toxin the diteitioii of ficalimmiery, whits ' at the same Pant `with mote then lily rolloi out frotellonegesnory in'oporation, la Alabama, they are progremtoo eaphilly , `•toetAlOs POsasoolal sail Itsapaus ,to be nonadortly ion. •- peeled ,tirat the train !gill pars through within tit ' 4 , 0 0 401 f Poc,', ll ll l 410 ' road ;from Selma, I. Alabama, Sci to fiasi'le edemeelliM'irltibt - the thea, , 'MA In loss 4*,;tlf o -'olo9o O l o "id' liltbi d•li vo t 4 l l'o ' f i ",t the . ,whorled fit.tieraml4, and to tie • wmoiionars. the -' aiiiiirlii ilerthiooltale, tail, most ittoortint of all, too Butts( vitas gicial ,ot: 1 / 6 6,nita , 'bisr of 'coal Um la enimastiblie hods lo Afobanta. _ ' ;_tnieTituatifaeliiditg eorportitang ;Of ;hisisinchurotts :, ;was beauaulturscepbreca autos the Lmt year. MI 30041/ of 011111111116011 r 140 dtroally, and Inditnotly in- Unnetad in UM" lespititiOnyiri eepyitmin the Boston = Cabstericlat ;Donato. thr following stational'po ..,aooetuktheiratamea'T. . -' , , •`!litlft tiotipin Owego In lialtioYeilllm9 , ll Illy, insd,ta manyhatoome, largor tansiittli follaawfiata. "'" We Writ of ftivcor r iewing 'bat bite iAssir lan do- *Wed ; Aradoting, 4 prr peat, payable la IRO-last atetiond 9 peepeat ,-' Apples. ;per coot?, payeblerie ' ;ilea, 111 Va• MI tilleformber:'l9494.Ailoatte. evab•ala Ogee, I yir east., Iwo ad iir:DlleatiberilOWdrpectre -1141pIriativ ch i ne; , far la rt e ar IMlZitet " a tibpay it"Ary 3t . elivideed I. a Gowiry $8 , )Oroor thor;ri the Idaneheater Pilot Wathadliland a dividend. la ;Unary, of 4 per . - oriatL •liiid 'bar strings lor - the. pass ; jig m outh. L .. SUMAC canal to 7 pot cant ea the capital, but they will mob* ' aot declare. °ear a por,esor; far the agar dividend 1,, usetto r 4 , pos, sent., atm am Ile lannor •.' • ..,.... -. .... ~ „. . . .= • , :,, , t = ~ Amail OWN of.the , padasipid earmatinue that 'do • mot aware dimmardif• ore the ,rettillo; igiddleirs, and NAY lisle irtantaat.:` 01 than; Mao Paolda, which` le the leagoitiltee lam remarkably enoooratai-abowlig 24 farilin• for diarist all of $l7O NO, and for .' the *Wow nit forisaiis_imittroitive,litio ow, Theee owissice are Married Of saVribftwirittads: t-, ' l " -- “ThEr - 11411.0r 06144 1 71iMiewl•Lbire 0 0 0 doting the eix mouthy eadischartl-4 , lritrio° 'Ol stork. ttthatlst‘lnt-finf LeVolatato hoobetot moat y - oaken *film o dshakrltotdeni, ; The ,o,feirs of this cm. ponition ate la. Haab, atiaadaLoonattion, and is prospects oflov,aayatattaletliaob4o , ace at the pre ..llm Bay eats Ilitiliti JINN fur• In a satlithetory rendition. 'be mreelvem has rendered 30 the anprence Court Pali tool Moment aid all porottoa ir• taloa neon ur rho, ennaliit 110111111 have, on - the 11th of• July next, way at /goons ant% not torifAktrld• lbo;os - ' port stater fiat the mitotic intioantm mired by laid 're. It-freitor4. Ito PI 04E 4 VI, Ma 4* 'moons or, tillowsnelo prayed for to W 4 Gip 0$ tai moo of the , `,„ , reselroorl4 7oo rt o4 ; 44ll t- , ; i ilyallsdiDllpPialc ,; $lOO l zainwiei lama, Ilaiontattinliallialf,anOlNS , & 004 Dant. NOIII 11,0111 Mitt- nimnairan,naolassi, noom ammas Taloa ~. AID oiNtrattnottnotra. : . t . •-• r '.. ' i r, 20401100 a 64,1i..0. 94 % = whiniriniiatixtbs 101 200 Pity 19.4 +.060 , 4,6% • 1 peons ji X ' MOM f• dd:. - .b0.0;h9,961 41 , 81t0k oral Atn....140 1000 lholia lat.ea 75..70 ..0 Cent& .0111..4...121g i' ' 'l ~. - SW 10.0411.00.24c3ag , ~g,N p4,,,,ji, *I • •,‘- 2 (Heardfr.V.4;;;;;;;;Aiiii -10 ;: do .„,,,,i..„,,„,,,,,. 1 .91Nomisdoer 2 ;90X1-1, - , :' , ;;- ;.- ; .' ; - . ; „ -;-1,-,;-.;;--, -; zwrogros' Dulalste. s' -' . ' . t 4 Innis 11 ,- 1 4 ::1i. 87 .74 i' l 3 1 30 , d ipm , vo,-...100 So t s'imOsat •, - - ~, ~ . " 1 ••• 1,360 NOSS( .i..a..t ...., , SA Lishiglasf 11,-„„ijo 2004 any 6111 •......14.9 0 1{ ~' • 0. , :_.• ,dO ...,,,, 40 • .4100 • f dO ...-,.; .. .:... , ..08% .14 J- - •.'40 , ' - 40 „, 3001Illesd Ile i h54....18 20 - do --140joddith Bad ei...ota 60I.sktek /nip KC i 8017,*41404,...'..?.....-.N_ IN 0044104 , 4,11,..,....16 - 000 Ns i s•4o44l es 41):.44N110 Nisi - goal Coal , „ 44)4' IS Pt1111113....,,,i1g#8191 L O-,Wass_etills IL. ...0z )00 Lot:glom i ' 'loi . 474 , t45e NY elotes...r • SO Ett. in N be. I , ' I , slin BC' Tsui ~1 0 00 ' as =14,7 f.n • lto .;•••,........ 1 o .., CLOSING PISIGIS-OTNADY: , Itts Ann , .. - Bid. Aeon. 11 a 11. 1 14 .• „ink loiot war ” also. 8 • I mats abitoi... 914(98 '(I ltd.. - ~ 173 i iTyi ,1 , -- 'l , 4n"oL illksOdiril: SOS didi% IlAddleail' 7 % ti.g : di NootilloindOMlDON ; 4 0 lot lats.. 4 4. 9)4 yog lt ,' r 3 44'..7-#40 7 1....t5 - . 4, 1114 1.00301 A Int. 4 , 1 48N - - - _ 51 , ' , 40101- 4 4402--04 , , a ihitouva...,-ay, Leg rt fie,' lee 78.-i f atpi.illettit 04 .= 1:4 4 fetEnt44. 4 _. - .4.. 4 1 0 % 30ef ~'4 1 444.4.,:i ..44 - lee ~, 00"!••• -" _4,49 ,-, I 34 4 4N•5,,,._ i:. - ks N., 46,N Igoe.' . Pee.% = ,i'„,,..• =-., -U , S Mt W:6l !N.* f' en( A frig Oirrilt4o.o4.k,-,6. , lit - nit.' ,„,,,F.,,. rape,t i a,lol# ft ,i ,i, ,I,',k -!,1V,11, 41161 1 4 k, sl, , 1' ginite"6 ' ~,,i41 4 0r ,:, ,e 40- i ::-', \4 . 4,:-W. -= NO a...VW ...;., ' 4 ,eli. , 11011**411164}1i041444fg fit, 4 '''', 40 #2thrlim , ' That 41 AWII aii-' , ':, 'AO II it , . 11, 110 1 14Vriffi alul '".44604 NAY igiAtOttistout itnis t : in-, 4 44#11*44,0 airs* am 4 uzioto. is 600 Dbl. Dreal4rtal6alll 7 , 11v b bbl ., Tki reoelpts have , , knell Olf,sapiiit.Pie 1 14 naghetili ll ttll. Rye ,olour 'li `oasrid ."751=r4"- p eparyl bbl i .,,Wll6l6l4 ll ,tilloNlielli poorly ktiggllidi kid , ere akont.g,6oo bus fume been sold in, grailli,lotkat6l4o•l:7l46i Ina Ind Prinik govgicgl:l4 . tir IlYklelnlsilllo4l,l ' Seles oC TiiirjrlVinligaik regirlvd it 118o85e, eloeing at, the, terms rat., which; is a dioline. Corn is also lower, and about 7,000 but Delaware and - Tear eylvania sold at 850, afloat. Oats s_ re_; sales at 8,000 boa at 47a fb.!fi9lAlir4,9i MI 6 , 600 . for ‘ Penaryliiiii.- Thlekwheat le. leinfineintred fni. The lief gale was midi at 11•N' bus. Bark is nimissinged rid No.l Qaereitron ' U firm it 888 4Ev ton. Cotton is very Wit &day, and few small lots only hate been liken at about prkkienul oerles—Very little s dolog the way of eget, and the market generillyAkilull. -Troviehini—Tkeri le ainiall 10bbiksieniend for most hinds, without ohange In qio-: tit - 6111.'43141i ientidn' Prime - Glover is quoted 0116.60 . 06,70ikki SimotDy at $2 Noll 4f , ' Auk, and brit: little ethnics or selling. Whiskey in in better demand, i Penneyltaili .. -bblifielling at 2791 - Ohio sod prim do $114;7 - 11ffiiagitti); and mos goko. • CITY T E S• , -In a paper read to was 'Mated that diamonds are 'rat, which is equivalent to VALVE OP DIAMONDS .` London 8,0410, of Pm, it four prOns. r & dltatoid: of 1 emit, is worth' '- s4o' 10 carat hi worth.. 81.600, 9' if 80 20 18.000 8- „., 4;44 44 :860 30 16 000 840 40 .. 100 000 8 , t '..•••••40001100 - 40 P 000 kpivfeo) gain nf:a snit of clothes can be pinhead, it t h e ',Brown stone Olothlig of & F..11 1 _,60,1910.800 ghee - tont street , above BLiih, for lea tiOiti, ••,7,ol4lltlismonl4 . . FIRR4OII2B POR PRIVATR DIB2LAY.-- Now 'thettua " elorioni - Po - nith is coming apace, the - knoniedisi isheSe to lied the most Elimislets assortment ..of &l unt. pf patrlotle-cominuitibles will be important .to oar readers; ited - we therefore - dinet -their attention ,to the splendid Jateek . cow, Btephen - 1/. hitinitti;Ne.l2l2Xisi ,Wtat Be everything thOnajotkisidevene fini-warts, suitable for private display, that hu'emorknen - : ..SQuARL— 'As Come workmen ii•is engaged in removing the stump 4:Cali old , irderldialie fawn gaid a day or two alatiii,43l4 found aliVe:: rekinld'appelmesis:pfeartheiniire tikailliateilti - wee i piece of .rottin • pert of, It• fanner 'aitistlitdaipare or. Ake *kohl 'transaction iii;,that near them aboriginal relict was a plea of wampum, on which Vveir VisMi,hial character'', ',buy your 010t66l•r,.6tii!:11.:te8t•ims. No. 07 Ghost:Mt etreet. Tam NNW "Waviaiat7 fOi. the praMat week )s,ii•fiktiafilitcaafertilitai _oak, instructive reading millet. Ita.o ioitigini 'the ieroool2ll Or tit 4 UV. 0. apirgiaba - :titliteh Mous worth" tie Defoe of a You may, at all;tfmei relyrupoo 'obtaining the iroryleat Of Partiolitrmbreltur atm. shaded; or gam "04. Mi.' W. .11: " Itlohardmoi, 418 hfiriciit BRIVAIA3 AT , THE PRINCIPAL. HOTELS, or vo",ows O'OOOOE Tap SIORNIZIO 901:18B--OksatintrStreet. Below hilatb. Mut Terrence ' , Alleiliany, • • A X 0611tra, Oollinwood ltiabery(Telse • on in is , Alleafy JDWtealowNY GB °anis, Y II Marston, Jr, La - --• A 0 Begley, Conn II Bloats. Balt " • - • P Ongswsll, pow% 11) Giairnia, Ark - ' IS M patthleum, DO. • W Tapphi; • 140, Boston 8 Avalliallic Natoli ' • P Ihnerion A at, Boston Oleo, r* J • 1 Larrabee, Balt DttliarjN 0 - WI Henry, N Y • Aims, 0- - 1.• 0 loom & la, Boston •8G Spars; - • A 'Map & la, N Y Mrs Brown, N.Y • , A B Ohs., Coon - • J Bradley, Ind Mae Bradley, Ind • Br Cooke do ' M.llll L Mivester ^ IlhatTOink' ' '•" -- Whiaarary & eon` N 601 1 410 T 7 Yorke, N J N Potation; 194014 ' W H Clark, Caries. • •Dr Herns,M J J 8 Welt e.ia;hl Y W linmorerdeld & de, N Y W_A-Sas, „Boston • •' BBalat, 8 0 • • A Bins, N Y W Bradley, N Y B IrJeakson, Ala • A B•MoEeithen, Ala • Rural Balt - J O Jdhneoa ' k la, Ali Kertland la, Ala -- 0 Moir, Hartford O Anna, Mai W H Lads; Boston 1.1,W Bunts, NV' • - • a 11,1'rentios.W Y Sae T Sanford, N - A P Weet,N Y V W Wrekea_, Jr, N y • - 0 G - Lenders, Y • CIL?, ' J M Bsrlongker. Cuba ' L A Jai:was, N Y `` • • - Lewis O'Brian, his DA O'Brian, Ms - = 8 Tilden, N Y Dlekinsorry , Mies Everett, Itid AK Lamatka, N Or/eana 407070! NOl4l.—Oheetint street. ohm !Wit. 111 Van Dyke N Y John hieesnokey, Va - JEI Shriner, Vs - Nasinsksr, Vs T Griffin Es - le,'Ohlesgo 1. Murphy tc dw, Belk' etiw N UMI; ash- • -Mita alaataban, Batt Kim Cooper, Dalt • • NW Herm, Balt RalombnB that, Balt , R V flarilmaa'& la; Waindlinss, Os - •• .• JD Tisinor;Tenn Mr Patriot, N - - A4l Thorn,' N 0 J B Mlaksi, Vs. , ' Stain; Bolt AMERICAN HOTEL—Obeetant st.. above MM. Eldsgarp,Vaablnitou 0 8 Colber Philo P 0 Maly, Reading - G 8 Robinson, N • W H Campbell. Oado - R M Phillips & le. Ohio J B Wilbas,Rairlabarg • litanlayi Boonville, Mo Stade E-Y- - G H Harms .• Phil% 'I P. WilbutOd 010IAk c Y, A 'miscue, 0i Y Biro Tnithour & isaa,-N.Y • A Hardie, N Wit , BelsAlauder, • T B Starr, NY , • G - A PAU& Mu Young & id* Bait ' Dhayßaltini • Wooteou, Bolt(Asurs JO Ottinauspilltr - 0 B Wild.f.,-Boston ' W H LmiAaer, AI& W H Wideuum,..Ala . Nalcrla & la, B. Y . , N Massif. &10:, N lati&O,& -4 14, ,- Bastan • :bilis Bster,,Boalon • J Young, Bialatore kit* AR ELOTII4-21114 abort* Collowhill J Y Rapport, Resdisof - 18holl a Oley, ' Win Mat Jr; Pa 8 Stetson:o4B6'4as Moe kteicur, OstiMagali4 Long, - Pa O.OW Wolf, Danboro, Pa , J Young, Xsansaster so ,WDittirllM,ll4 (Munk E S 8;1444 M Okuak Itayambaelt,, 714 knot , ,„ . • = BAIA NA.OLZ-7010.1 abers 0000 U. - Yrysimpr, Law46:oo,Pa J o &lblough, 110000, Pa Schlough, Ywtey PL - L B Fizoltb, Pa 0 , 11111/11111LIN - HOUNl—Cheetnist st.:: above Third. John RugDap, Pa - . Dr treninlughem & N B Convene, Conn- • LBrownell, Louisville and.h, N Y ,I.P btavens,•Washington . 1 /kW. Brooklyn. N Y . -John Edger, N Y . - John NI apnea, Del - Mn.rordiN J H ltarlea, • • -•1111•0 Yorke, and & Stockwell, Conn - A 4 M EraToat, N W B Smith, II B A Oleo Dow, N•Y •• Louie kink. N Orleans • 8 Lendebry, N Y A Nets, N - Sarni J Bgrretl, N Y • NATIONAL' Hen street, above Third., Inas CJobneon, Perry do Barg D Williams, Trenton H Units, Jee Dolaoti# Lewisburg . • •-• Brow% Jr, Pa Bead LetriC)...ilentowu , . W sBright, Mutton Jamb tire..; Lanesater , Jae Y Cooper we - - ,- ;17N101ff HOTlffs.=Areh street.' shore Third. D -Millet: Balt , - T meow'', 8t Loule W Bests. Hams B ktehltster & la, Ps Peter w Steel& le, BY ' G V Bloat, hi J John hi Lowe, Pe kiss Gest:nide Broome, Pa Sibs Si Stall,' hiLlleritowis Mims W Wameley, Banton D H Beecher, Pottstown - Dr Bewley, Phostoxville W Major &w, Pottstown VW Shaeffer, lowa B S ThOwlieci,.lnaleee Wm B Sheffer, Harlot,* IYA.Scaltb,'pottsyllle ~, - Bdw Tinier, Balt BABLZT BIBMA T ► NOTBIi- - Pseosst n .. below Tins. ',robin Trots, Cal - - Peter a Kugler, Md B LOANtessUO, Ma ' •A T Dufikad. Busks so I/MythWl NOWHopi - Bitough,Point Pleassot oso W , Kugler, Mt • if Otrotta, Ps 000 p Mstscehl. Pa . .It Mow, Narrlittiont Bethl D Bitatoit, N J W NJ Awl!, Orouna,PC.Pat W Watt, New Hope *ti cibrObae, PdL 'JosT Walton; Stroudsburg • NAOMI HOTlL—Third it ibirre Rue. ,Data A rpl,l" Catirtor W Painter. W ohase4e ti Davison. Laps B Vantiabnra.. Arkansas 'V itvaza, Dials 2,D Wright, Walton STATER-UNION HOTIIL.-litrket strut. above Blntk. A Monsfield,l4o, Moon , hni Hoboken, m LL T !Aoy, PhDs • John 8 Otopoolno, Pi Smith, Philo D Coarod, Atloutie Oltr mho linkteHoebOis; Pi - J hteOlsoo, Atlonllo Olty , J kAdazia; Philo , • • _ , KtIZONAINTIP DOD!. Third at. oboes Ca uowLll Thompson, Banta oo - •Joe illy, Butts co W T Roost ihtoks co W Burrow, Allentown J Btoddert White Haven -J.W Cowell, Doylestown KB Dogger Pt. Pleasant le n Boors, Doylutown lastalteupaalli Pa • ' - . 4ONOIIANTIP , 180TEL—Illowith Wawa: below *rah Aka It Neel!, N Hover LA. Betel, 9a• • O O Betel, Greeolxiro', N 011A-o,obl/or, Butte BtoberiOolomble ,' Ohl 88411111/, Pbllll • , 8 Oenleio, Boommeletown Albert Neoson., Pa •• • T A Erwin, Pc Wll keeemeo, Boston • Et li Maker, NT • _ ,BaIgMBROPAL HOTlL—Blitt street, abios Ohartnut 8 Browny - 4'411n •- - - h-Obslrast, Oolnatbis, P. Bandorsoni Mlles, N D Bartinei Philo • `:, • .:11/-1811.0, Pilule • ‘. J Obistir to .1 Connor; Wil, Doi lon Ilomen,NZ - - JII 9 0 e Worreloff, Del 00r,P,a_., , , , A 11.erthlsr,A11 - Vernon, Pa D,W Jonas, %nester, co,Pa • • - , - , • • - SOLIBT PDABOra 80T111.,--Boson! street. *boo* Arab. 3- boron, Trenton, N Mum B Lynn, I's -11CottIngtant, PhDs Jowls Lsos, Bristol Jail Rtttor, - - Jisfinnonosl, Ps Olt Dolman. Ilk so, I P lliontgomary, Md - , Atiti '.3t,itclligence -Err- NIX' 10171 TIT PA.0.11 vizareararif.l ; (Oorr . ommo of th e Prom.) , - Pim lona, imm 23 Arrlvad,ohita Clirtijaiii,frOm London; Urossiten, from Bremen; bark Rosetta. froni Ymoao. ' obip3 AtozsMINA sal Sooty, from Liverpool; brig Neena,troirriersiego. Boleros, Irmo 22. .Arrived, barlikbeedeon, from Remedies -Off St land Lied, ebips,Wlnged Arrow, from Ida rails, and Delft Raven, from Liverpool. MINIORANDA. illtssmehip Dal/ware, Copes, hence, arrived at N York Steamship Obis Mown, Lawless. from New Orleans, la Key W t 18th Rot, arr/red at 11 York yeeterday 'sleamsbisl North Star, Jones, for Aopinwall, cleared t /Or York yesterday. 51111.".La6isniter.-Doesee;from ' Liverptal for PhiWel. his was spoken 12th lust, lit 48, long 84. .Ship Malt' Brl4o, fromlfarre,krilrad at New York praterdsy,. • 'Ship kosoasea of •the 861, daldwell, from Stiaoshas bfarch-24 arrived at New York yesterday. derego, from Ltverpooloria Train, Ire lend; arrived h i d 3. nt 1)44W York yesterday. , . , ' Zilli rostra rAttir Pabas Co dbarn, Wsed at New York yay Prikretsen: - • -Skip Red Ommtlat, Adams, from Manilla, was below New York jasterday • _ • 8142 horoton, Caine, from Liverpool, arrived at 21 Tort yesterday. +Bark D SroOkrairs, from Now Orreries for St Paters sg,s, eraaspokeirlst inet, stoles, dte, by ship Wary, at )141010th • r - - Berk Owe, Humphrey, from Liverpool for woe *Oren 24M art, lit 48, long 20. - BarkOsk, Atkin , cleared at Boston 224 Met. for Phi . - Ilrislertatio,•flaroberrello, from Palermo, arrlved at Rear York yesterday. . trig Titania, Appleby, cleared at New York yesterday far Philadelphia - ;' • . , N Dope, Rope , for MOSIMIII, altered at N York 'Warder. Bahr 4sloonileld, Jump, Cleared at New York rater. Oar for Philadelphia. sabw,Daidel se orrie, Hoover, from Wilmington, Del, sated it Sew York yesterday. DAM Larkin Lineolo,,W Ii Rowe, Wiggins. and Nary ;Newell, - Noweiliasiled from New Bedford 224 Met. for , Phtladeiphior 1 8.240 D t Willetts, - Balter, and John Ltataitit, Stites, herrreaterecidenes 281 - lost ' -Behreiritisklmni Thresher, and R B New, Orrok, hones at Taunton 296 hurt • rro ll l l fil .5468Cdnitimr, arrived atMloaosater 10th lora. • 'olehr See* , nfor Philadelphia, heel to atk l i t tl#4• l lft !IA 3' 9 14 I°l ' tip. • Opetifll 'Notices. `Plata Dealing, is a Jewel, bat ',where; Cain it be found f Where earithe Most henget goods be obtain t, **eke can I buy where - thirOe no .cleeeprpn Answers - Where the articles ace cold etthe 'price Mot astedl Where' there is no flotitione veins plioeCcia goods, expisatleg, the, & stom ps to beat' down,in price, and where they are honestly gotten ,up, and honestly sold.' Where no misstatement, subtsrfege;or trickery' Is recortid to, To be Inns honsitiyassiltWith, go to the treat: bNS.YIttOR. WHITI, HALL 01.0 THING POUltili, O. W. earner POURTH Cud MAHHHT kits. ; there the lowed selling price is Embed in plain figure. On naoik garniint. Not one price 'and that a high pride, bat 01111 paten AND, cud? I LOW ?DIOS. The garments ire marked and sold et the loweet living profit • Our, bresineis Is is, loge one : we een afford to sell low. (Many a litffe makes a speckle j Oar clothing is manufactured frosu sound, well.prepared materials, well made, well trimmed, indwell cut; and are warranted to give entire satisfaction in goods, fit, style, price, and wear.' Our aim is to Nell, not ; only once toe customer{ but always. Our interest is to hare them stick to as ; at WHITE HALL, It 3. W. corner 'fourth and Mirka. To Let-4 1 01one' at d Large Regime in the inmement;.Biret, Second, Third, and' Tiourth Stories (rnoirrnia ON ONSISTNOT.ONRIORT) IN Tali NEW OUANFTI'IIAtiKING HOUSE OP TUX PHILAOHLII4I. BANK. They are allftrnproor, and Belched in the molt eom plete reannet, and now ready for companey. Rents moderate, to goedtenants: Apply at the je244e/ttn4t. , • BARIUM% HOME: Nervous Dobillty.—This is a complaint very common, espeolelly ' imoug fshiSles. 11001fLiND'8 GERMAN BITTIRS never falls to care this disease. The syitem, under its use, is restored •to its original , strength - and rigor; the appetite beoomee good, the spirits bio . on3l cheerful, and in body anerniled lon feel the fell restoration of health For Sale by all drug gists and defilers in ,medicines everywhere, at TS cents per bottle.. Also by the proprietors, Dr, 0. M. JAO4- 13 fe 0 6., '41.8 ARCH Street, Phllada. it. Where Age or- Health has 'rinsed the hair to fall off, or,turn gray, the RAH ATHENIENNE 011 HAIR RESTORER Or, JIIIJIS RAVEL will betortgr the head with ROO, g!Osiy." pew hair, or by its ohemi. 061_44010n tionafonn gray hairs and *kickers to . alteir original, life- color.. Its. use will - alto prevent badmen by givisg a healthy tone to the , ccalp, and Orel:lathes. lag The roots. Sold by ell 'Drugglits,' awl by 3174310 RAVEL & 00., No. 7O OHE3TNUT iitreet, Phllsdel phia. - • , - - „ je20.46V When yea ask Aer King - sterdis alarek, see thin you getlt. ' ' = - it li thorbost Idiatokiti be world, ' Jol-lm • Si Baker , . Celebrated • IiGIBELEEd FAMILY SIOWIRG MAOHINNO. - • NEW STYLIS AT RIMUOVID PITONS. OFINSMIT BURNT, rITILADHLPHIA. 4, tif the" three prominent blanhines now before the public we have need two, and carefully watohedt the worian of the third, and honestly believe GROVER en BASEIVE to be the very bast we hays sean."--[Dele wareltate Riporter. sp2Mly Stager's Sewbag• Machine.—The great popu larity or blase msobtnes _Star, resettly be tuiderstood, when the feat Is kiaiwa, that any good female otarstor esti man, with Sas or Duni, ONI THOUSAND DOLLARS A 'THAR. To every .Tailor s Ileanuitrees,'Dresetnaker, and *soh' Urge fiddly In the 00;0417, one of theie =alum would be Invaluable. I. M. 51118111 1 00., 502 0/3310T511:12 Street. ' ap.o.Bm - • 0.1. DAVIS, Agent. Seamen's Raving ,Vaud—Plarthwart Verner of MICOND sad WALNUT Atreetar; Deposita revalued In small and large amounts, tram all Muses of the oommuntty, and allosia latereet at the , rate of dui per cant. per annum. ' Money may he drawn by cheeks without leas of int& °Mae apes doily, from 9 until oleloeh, and on Mon. day and daturday until 9in the aranhig. Prealden I Franklin Fell; Troaintrar and Sieroterf, Charier itarris. gMRA4IIIO4OII l —Gireat Inducements will be offered during dIIMII, to close my exten sive irpring Moot of Haven, Baden, & Clq., Nunne & Clark, Gale .t 00:, ,ad Hallet, - Davie, &. 00. Piano Yodels. A: N. GOULD, Seventh sod Oheetnnt. gel-lro , Elegant Spring and 'Summer Oloth ing, at itoliENT H. ADAMS ) , &Olean corner Seventh and Market atieite. HaMt oSatl, Classlmere, Alpaes, Linen, rod Orals Oloth Mate, in all the latest "tiles.. Pante and- Vesta, great Ypeety, MI NADIR AND TAIIGIND [QUA& TO ONSTOMNS ROSE, AND 'SEALING AT THI HOST mainlands ratoia. 3e9•tjy22 , One•Prlce elathlng of the Latin Myles, and made In the beet meaner, expressly for INPAIL We mark our lowest saline prices in math . rumen on seek article. All goods nuke to bider are 'Warranted satisfaetory, said our orra-ealaiexersar Isatrictly ad lured,to . ., We, beilsee thin" to be the only fair 'ea dealing, u thereby alt are treated alike JONES & 00., ebt IdABILIT etreet .arms ~ Paid—Natii*al _Safety Inlet Ceti. PANT.--Oharterea by. the State of Pennsylvania. ' ; EMU. , Wow teredelena nreifday, in 4 In any Mount, - Inniefor pigat-, , • 2. FIVE FEB OEIT. Let:field N paid for-ranney. Grim itie lay Gls wit tn. . - b. The money is always paid beak In GOLD whenever It Le called for, and without notice,. '4. Honey is received from Executors, Admitsistra• tors, Guardians; sad other Trainees, In largo or small MU, to remain a long or short period. Thc Money reeetved from Depositors Is Invested b Beal Istate, Mortgages, Ground Bents, and othevdrit ebb sin:Mos. G. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, 'eenth init. corner Third street, Philadelphia „ WA& • On 'l'huredey morning, 224 inetant,f In the Ohnreh of the Advent. tr, tbie otty, by the Rev. Runnel A Cloth, the' Rev. TEIOIK4IS S. YOCOM to OAROLINZ If., daughter of Abel Reid. On the 23i hiebent, by the Rev. O. D. Cooper. Mr. .1011 N WfoINTYRR, of Oatanona, Pa., to lam - EMMA W. WARNER, of this city. On the 6th Instant, by the Rev. N. Aldttob, Mr. FREDERICK PERKINS to LOUISA, eldest daughter f Oro. M. Sailor, all of thls eity. Oa the 13th Instant, at SC James , Church , ~ W eet Philadelphia-by Rey. Mahood o , oonnor, Mr DPV.OIB MoOLARE to Min BRIDGIT PITZPATICIOR, all of thin city. 113eatVi At Spring Mill, June 21d, CYNTHIA. ANN MAX WELL, aged 21 years and 6 days The relatives and friends of the family are reorient fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the reddens° of her parents, Spring Mill, Montgomery windy, on Saturday morning, the 25th—meet at the house at 10 °Wasik. ISAAC MOGI, of Attleboro', Basks county. ' The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late red dens*, in Attleboro', se 10 o'clock on Friday morning Sunsuit to mooed to Ifriende , Burial Ground, Byberry, On the 281 [natant, the filet yes: of her, age, 81111 Y, wife of Louts Sohmltt. The relatives and Mends are reepootfully moulted to attend the fhnitral, from the residence of her 'husband, No. 421 John Attest, this (14101) afternoon, at 2 teoleck. . , On the 22d instant, RATS PIARCN, denanter or Richard and Elisabeth Adams, aged 22 months and 16 days, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reeldence of her parents, No. 425 Wood street, below fifth, this (Friday) morning, at 10 &cloak. On the 221 instant, ANN JANN, daughter of James and Susan Donahue. aged 8 months. The relatives and friend' of the family are respeat. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the ISPidnee of her parents, Noble greet, above Fourth, thin (Friday) aftersoon. at 2 (Moak. On the ltd Mama, M. frUBAN SNOLISIFI, relict of the atolls= Ingliek, formerly of Burlington, N. J. in the 83d year of her age. - The relatives and friends of the family.are reeyeetfully invited to' attend the funeral, from her into residence, Hrankford street, above Ohurch, Frankford, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ' • On 0420th instant, of nonsumption, Errs. OAROLIND DARRAGH wits of Thomas Darragh, aged 42 years., On the 11 th Instant, in Chatham °beater °runty, Itta_2l.3. JAQOETT, wife of J. 0. ;mitten, in the :54th.-ymir of her age. irrOffice of Second aildliiird.Stieets Tao. SERUM RAILWAY OOMPANT "PHILA• DaLPHIA. 228 WALNUT Street, PaiLsonrais., anner23, 1869.—A Third InOalment of MN DOL .Laillitmeitealiue of Stook, eeeond lone; will be due and payable on 26th July next. RODENT KELTON, _je24•frmkwtjy26 Treasurer, DrTreasurer's Department Peansytranta RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILIMILPHIA, Josue 22 Me INFORMATION WANTRD ot the following named 116111013111: MARTHA If NLDR/0011. - OAeHARINE N. VONDISREMITI".. 0. M DN'BRRYI3IXOII. 0 LEVIS, Jm- ' OEOROII F. LAM% Trustee. O. WALN MORGAN. • . GEORGE B. POWILL, ' . .7 W. SWAIN. Apply st Ws °Moe. TIIOB T. FIRTH, .. Treasurer. The - tirmitslon to the CONTROL wpm' hOllOOl, beg non M INDAY, the 27th day of /aka. ate A M. Atisppliaant for admission mud be at !milt thirteen yearse of age an sotnelferident of the olty of Philadel• phis and • ul of atity. lout one year's standing In the Pribl ' io Pat p oi s pi of the c The following will be the order of Examination : June 27th, Monday—History of the United Etates. June 28th, Tneaday—Geography and Orthography. June 29th, Wednesday—Algebra and Dedning Jane 80th, Thursday—Prluciplea of Grammar and PereL g July let. Yridsy—Theory of Arithmetic and Cattail• tattoo of the 'Unit d States July 150t:Tuesdey—arithmetleat Examples. July dth, Vedriesday—Mensuration. A/OEPLAB E. BIAOIIIEII. 1e11341 Principal. oi. University of renoeylvanlit—DePalt. M 1 NT OP *WO —The elimination of the Jo. Dior Pophomore, and Freshmen Manes, at the close of the Third Term ' will be held 111 the following order: WID ISB "t, June' 2 2 4 =Prom 9 to 11, Junior., by the Provost, (" Political Kocuomy,..) and Illopbomoros, by Prof Primer " -ft h 9 mfalrY of the Metals ,") writ ten Prom 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, ( 1 . Ile rodotne ") THURSDAY, 2794 .— Pr0m 9 toll . Sophomore'', by Prof. Oappee, (" Historical Letnuree,") written Prom 11 to 1, Juniors. by Prof. Prater, (..144, 0 ,1 3 ,,,,,,,,,des FCZDAT . 24th —Prom 9 to it, Junior', by Prof Ken dall, ( 11 Differential Oalouluell) and gnomon. by Prof. Copps.. (. 1 Weber , ' History. .to 1, Sophomores, by Prof, J . 1 il tokson, (ozate , a Ode' end "/ written From PAITMDaI 16th.—From.9 to 11, Pt eahmen, by Prof. Kendall. (. 1 Geometry.") PlottnaT, 27th —Prom 9 to n, iltphomores, by Prof. Kendall, ("Analytical Oeometiy,") written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Allen, (" The' Clouds of Avistophanes "I ' TUTISDAY, 28tb.—Prom 9 to. 11, Juniors, by Prof (." The Aulularis or Plautus.") • From 11 to 1, tophomotes, by Prof. Allen, (4 1 Detnoethenee. l .) WADIIIIIIDAY, 19th, --If tOra 9 to 11, Yreakmen, by Prof. Jackson, ( 1 . Oicero , s 11platlee.") (IEOIIOII ALLEN, Je22.7t Secretary Of the Faculty of. Arta fylaw ILooteuvlllo, • Mantua. and Fairmount 113 RANUNCULI!. 'BeItItOdD COMPANY —The Beeond Instalment of lIVIIDOLLARS par Shot e on the Capital B oek of Ude Company wiU be due and 'payable on or before tits 95th of July. pawn , fi. X. 7.171119X).(11nr0py. rtit lONE 24, Nirßutler" Henn) Hotel Company —ln no• aordanoe with a rerolutlon of the Board of Managers of "TEN BUTLER HOWSE HOTEL °oaf. PANTi" A dieend Instalment of T WANT! PERCENT. or ONE HUN DHE O'DOLLRES epoll new Bleak enbeeelbed, will be payable' on or before 8 &THREAT; the 25th day of Jaoei plop"; at the "" rub Ohara 4:if the of the Trierearer, No. sisAnou titreet. &both Iliitill street ' J. BIROBAVIT' PRIOTI, ' Je.41-Ot ' - - _ . oirehtledelphla nod Heading litatireattifoni . ;, PnltY,,Otlioe 227 south FOURTH Street, Paint- , roicrule, Jo oe 17th, 1880.—To avoid detsintiOn, the holders or BOUPONB of • his Oompany, due on Alselst proximo, are requested to leave them at this Moe On or beer. the 80th instant, when reaeipte'wlll beitiVent and Oheoks will be ready, for delivery on the lst,prOxl mo, iisemoliange /or snob, receipt.... _, - . . - jell•tler , , BBRADVORD,-Frotodter• •, MrPost ()Mee PhilAdelphtp, Julie 22 , 1859 . —A Melt for , tlavaua will be matte up at this Office on PEUDAY, that:4th, olosing o'clock P. M., to be de. patobed from Baltimore; by Steamship BIM.• ld ORE on SATURDAY, the :sth. - • je2S-2t • , N. B BROWNS, Postmaster. acra , Notice to Bondholders of the North- WESTERN RAILROAD 001111 , ANY.-4 4 a Meeting' of the Bondholdere of the Float Mortgage Bonds of the Northwestern Railroad Company, held at the Girard Home, in the city of Philadelphia , en the 18th day of 'June. 1880, a: Committee, consiethut of 'Messrs. Thomas E. Franklin, Michael 'Malone,' Wil- liam Maher, Philip Conine Wtlltam L Hirst. and George B. Roberta, was appointed to communicate With each Bondholder on the subject of a isle of the road and !machine. advertised to take place on the 6th day of July next, and report to an adjourned 'meeting; to beheld at the G•rard Rouse, In the city of Philadelphia, at noon, on SATURDAY. the letiapd de, of July next The punctual attendance of all the Bondholdersli te epeatfallyrequeetea at that time - • MHOS. A - FRANKLIN, Chairman. Oro. B. Roninive, Seeretiry. ' 144-tut lay 2 ' Kegal Notices. 11. N THE DISTRICT j,3013 . 11T FOR THE CITY' AND 000NTY OP PHIL aDELP/ILA., AUGUST OLBSIENB, to, ate at hi t.l and B DELI% toll Wm DAVID ADAI4IB Vend. EX. Muth, MO. No. 940. The dada° r appointed by the eald Court to distribute the hind in Court &tieing from the gale underthe above writ of No 1: All that certain three•story prick uses• image or tenement and lot or piece of ground whereon the same is erected, situate on the west eideof Prank lies street, at the distance of 188 feet iVinettes nettle ward from the north aide of Wieland set, in Ile tieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in I front or bretdik on the esid Franklin street 25feet and extending In length or depillweetward of.tirpt width, at right angles with said .Franklin street, :111Keet 9,V , ladies, bounded northward and westward' bfaound late of Stephen B. Potteral, -deeeseed, pouthiward , :by ground granted to Theophilas Titter on.grourid rent s and esetward try Franklin street afoles t id, • No. 2. All that fertile lot or pleee or potted, *RV she four story brick handbag thereon ireeldttutts on the Sontheastoorner of ,Hichel and ,Lessre We. in the Sixtetattle ward eta Myer Phladelp ' Com- ' pomade three eontignoussiote, numbered im4marked 12 B 18 B, and 14 B on a plan of,divielon ofFloret. lot between Mary It. Budd, Fowls' 11 Bog, obn B. Budd. and John Britton, Jr., 111.11114414 to tb Wann. made by the Sheriff to the Courrof Comiton Olson of the City of • Philadelphia, 'to March Terra, 1807. Be ginning at the said corner thence southward along the cut aide of the eald Rachel street 78 feet. 1' inchee, thence eastward at right angles with -thetemd Illehel street 53 feet 7X Inches; thence northward Wells] with the said Rachel street 84 feat 9X the eolith side of Laurel street aforesaid, and,thealletwit• ward along the south side of Laurel street 54 feettO the' piece of beginning. Bounded northwardly, said Laurel, street, westward by said Rachel streetpsouttiward by let No. 31 B, and eastward by lot maylted N 0.15 B in the said plan, together with the appurtenances. No. 8. AU that certain two.story Bifelvitteloneige Tenement, and lot- or pieta or around; 'situate puthe east side of Delaware Beetled street, at the dletanto or 84 feet 434 inches northward from the northeast corner of said Second greet and Poplar street, in the city 'of Plailadelphis,.containing fa front or breadth on the. said Vetoed 'treat, 21 feet 8 balm, and extending that breadth, in length Cr death, eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Second street, 64 feet' 10 Inches. Bounded northward and esstwar4 by ground conveyed br Robert Kennedy to James Wises; west ward by said Second Meet, and southward by ground conveyed by William W. Rennsdarlo Mary - Hirst. To. gather with the appurtenances. . . Will meet.the parties interested-lo* the purpose of hie appointment, at blseeleo.No 418. WALNUT streetS Philadelphia; on WBDSZSDAY, Jury 0, 1116p, , At•,4 P; M , when and where ail arsons Interested &remand to present their claims, or bs debarred froth "coming in on said fund. - CHARLES B. PANCOMIT,/ , j124,10t Audrter • IEISTATE OF JOSEPH YEAGER, - DE ONASIND.—Lettera tatarasatary upon the Mite of JOSCPEt TRACER, Deceased, having Peon grantid by the. Register of Willa of Philadelphia County 'to "The Girard Life Lusnranew Annuity and-Trust COM. pany of Philadelphla,” all persona indebted will Mahe payment, and those baying claims will present the same at the cities of laid Company, No 408 Oft EISTNLt Street ' JOHN P. JAMES, ja24.lBt* Mammy' ex tritaiono athrst THE PHILADELPHIA , - DY. ' OEMS XXOURSION, poAponed last week, wile take place on SATURDAY, the 25th Anat., leaving kreh.etreet whnrf at fifteen minutes bplo,re Urea &alp*, foe • • ILORIINOR USIDFITS, ' Additional in-door sacommadattoni for a large . num• bet hive been secured In cites of rain LYCEUM TIOICXTS sill be required of all necnr- Monists, which eau be procured of any of the flezondt. ten of Arrengemente, or on toned the boat oath, morn ing of the excursion. idaltaldron haMpiloa. joSi.2tigi saiirat - FOR OAPR MAY.—Thetwiß and favorite steamer BALLOW:4IOIqt W. Whilldin. trill leave 'ARON Street Wharf for OAP 111 Y, on T7II7IIBDAY, SATURDAY and TIISEIDAY, June SBd, 215th and 28th, at 0% ~ beefing the neon on FRIDAY, MONDAY and W3401428DAY, the 24th. 27th and 29dt. On and after TM/1434Y, Jape 80th, the stemma BALLOW:4.. B 4d AAIST. FBI form a dat y line, one of which will istres.stablittee! Wharf every morning (Slualisyt excepted) if9X,o'etik. Fare to the Island, carriage hire freinzthe tot included 1240 For &mute 44.- ~ gs Season Tickets ' " 4 4, po Ouriages, Boma, and Freight % the penal rater. je2l.BtitS BRA-100MM 4.T -TLII GROUND" —4,ol:fitly OY JULY BXoDwolONis —VIM WIND . 01tRATE11. AND PHILADRLYRIA, AND YELIIADELPRIA ANDDAL -1.1310RE °INTRA!. RAILROAD COMPANIIII2,. are now prepared to rnn ta inrsious on the 2d, RC and ' , Oh July, - to the BRANDYWINE BATTLO. GROUND. This ground beingthe Beene of one of the mot oele• brated of our Revolutionary Battles, readers it, in dependent of its romantic soenery, a most desirable and interesting plum for Military Companies to encamp for a few days, and etiontelostists wishing make a trip for the day, cannot find a more deUghtfal place to spend a few hoots. Fare for Itxoursion Tickets to and from the 'Dane Ground, 80 amts. Tenho! Will leave the West Obestet Depot, oerner - of EIGHTEENTH end MARKS? Streets, et i end 11 A. M , and 9 and d 16 Y. nt 348.dtjy4 Grimmer Uesorls. SB &THING. SEA DIAL/MARE 11017811, Cape Yeland t N. J This favorably awl well-known Hotel le now open for the reception of vititoro. Terme fa per week. jell 8w iAMEB MORAY. Proprietor. RIVIERE ROUSE, LEWISBURG, Union ooanty, Pa. , U. O. BETZSL, Proprietor. This house tatut been refitted and newly faralahed throughout ' It 3e now oue of the moot eohtmodioas end elegant hotele In the Kate. ITO ACCOMMODATIONS AItE PIUST,OIASS. Lerrisbarg is one of the loveliest torrns Penneylra• nix Scenery grand, roads elegant, anantryassmaddo none, easy of 5C.6981 by railroads, it &fere rare laducd. manta for persona dolmen of spending a few Weeks In the eannuer in an agreeable, comfortable, and economi cat manner. • For particulars address the proprietor hspishEacres.—lClliie & Oarrell, No. Ile Walcott street= It. Wallowa & 00., No. 813 - North Third street; Waraiek, Obadiah*, & Bro., Seamd and Rae* streets. atis BRIGANTINE ROUSE, RINEY SMITH, Proprietor, BitictetiiiNm MACH, N. J Title le a most delightful resort for facilites. The .Bathing at this point to unexcelled anywhere. A large Until, the 101114ANT/PIB HOILION, hes beep recently built. The location !aeon' and delightful, being ellu ated between the Bay and the 0ct17941. Fine deicing and gunning throughout the damson. OaPTAIN TIIBEIBR'S new boat awaits plesengers at the Inlet on the arrival of the care at Atlantiatlity, from which the BRUMITINE HOUSE le situated a distance of three miles, being a pleasant inland Terms of Boarding moderate. le2l.taul4 CONGRESS HALL," CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY, N. .1. - Thle well•known firet,clasi HOTEL will be opened for the remotion of glade on WNDNEBDAY. the 16th day of at WEST & TROMPBON, jel4-6w Proprietote. 10VDPORD SPRINGS. !UV .This well•knowa and delightfal Hummer mod will be'open for the neeption of visitors on the Met of JUNE, and kept open till the first o 1 October, • The Rote) will be ander the management of Ur. Jr. 0. Allen, whose experience, courteous manners, and at tentiori to his gnosis. glees the amplest assnrimmilif comfort and kind treatment. - ' - Parties wishing rooms, or any Information in ttigita to the place, will address the enbeoriber. A. Q. ALLIZI, tay2o4ltr - Bnperintendent Bedford Mineral Pprinita. THF, MANSION HOUSE, READING, PENNA. 4V. L. DE DOUR Oft, Proprietor.. Title well-known eetablishment, the favorite mart of Mittens and •loiters, hes lately undergone eaten• sire repairs, and Is now one of the most commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels in the Union • beautifully located at the corner of FIFTH and PBNN streets, Reeding. Its aoximmodationa are dret•olesit ; the rooms epaclous and airy; and the table oonstantly eye plied with all the luxurlee of the eeteon. Peeenne de• sirousof spending a few weeks in the summer In am eeable sot economisal manner, eould not dobettea then make a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION /MUSH at needing. apgittf ANDALUSIA BALL will be again opened for the`sccommodation of these who denim to make their home in the country during the Bummer same, on the first day of June. It is pleasantly looet.d op an eminence, one mile to the north of Bowling, on the Philedelphia and Pottsville Turnpike, and front its elevated position bas the benefit of commend irg a grad view of the eurroundiug oountry, from Neverelek Ilfll np to the Dine bleuntala Gap, a distance of some thirty =ilea The fresh country air wh:csh in constantly stirring there, and the excellent water, seessimand themselves. The proprietor has taken macs to provide every comfort end luxury within his reach for the accommwottion of hie guests. His house le new end newly Inrniebed—ltie bathing apparatus complete, and his stablirg good. Livery accommodations of the best kind can he obtained at the shortest tsticle. Terms moderate • JAMES 8. MADEIRA, Proprietor. mylawfm.llselv HOUSTON' s UNITZD STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY This spaelotui and favorite resort . of vieiters to nape My hoe passed into the hands of COL. SAMUI t. T HOUSTON. Late of Deransafs City Hotel, sad win be thrown open to the public On MONDAY, the 20th instant. The long experience of the Colonel In this connection peculiarly tits him for the eneceashal conduating of such e bonne, while he will be supported by. the very beat aids, In every department, that can be procured. The house has been entirely renovated, end deco rated in the moat preens manner, and a.rangements made for the supplying of the larder and wine cellars with all embraced in the term substantiate and luxu ries. We coo safely *dries vielters to give the Oolong] a call, and pred , tit that his host of friends will be vastly increserd before the Newton Is over. Jele stnth.Ote 111,ANIIRE FOR SALE. [WI A permanent arrangement Oan bo made with the Stable , Agent or the GREIsN AND °OATES SYSOMAT PASEO/N(OR BALIMAY COMPANY for Row Ma. pure, applioation at the otablea of the company at Fairmount. JOHN JACOBS, 0.24 It Stable Agent. !FREER PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS FOR 's2; Lite-aim Pbotoirtapba to Oil from $l5 to $169; Photographs In water Colon from $9 to $lO, and all pd.* ambrotypee ant mad' at ;$91191324 , 8 titAGlAlltlr; IWINN9 Eros, otorro ctirlitß• it* Nat) Illiblications. ptJTJT.A.RCH'S LIVES. TEIIB DAN PUBLIBILIID, BY TATTLE, BROWN,' - DO.; 116 WABitINGTON BOSTON. NNW AND IPLEGA.NT E DIT/ON OP T_7"l" Mt 13 M, I 17 - IEI S The Translation oallei Inyden'e s correetedyfrom the Greek, and Revised, with a new Life of Plutareh., AV A. U. 01.0U011. Late Professor of the lugliah Language and Literature at University College, 'London; In five volumes Bvo. lIAi Horn. 0. Man- Dix & HON. tell rawf-em CAUTION. The Celebrated Original ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP le made only by VAN HAAGEN A mamma, and their Bole Agents are THAIN & MoKEONE, 22 SOVTH WHARVES. One ported equals three of Common Soap for any nee. Beware of imitstione—eaoh box and plane of Beep has our name stamped upon it. 888 YOU CRT TUE EMT ARTIOLB. je22 Im CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-OURS, nt OUSATNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA County, ea, for the treatment of all Ohronin and obstinate diaesnes. Title institution, under the charge of an experienced and Phyolcian, le now coofeessdly the leading and most neonatal hydropathlo establishment in thin country Itersussoss —Mrs Mary Cottrioger , 131 IftMili Twelfth st•eet ; Chsrlee L. Shsrpleni, tiotep Eighth and Chestnut streets ; George Grant, Market street ; Farrington. Esq., of Myerd,'lS , horn, h Co. For other raNreneen and partlmitara • . . , DR. JOSEPH A. WEDER, • . ; RESIDENT PIITSIOIAN, CHESTNUT HILL. Je9-3mif REFINED SUGARS at cash prices.— o. 1:101104:011114,18 Routh WATER Street, offers for sale: Patent Out Loat at 10e; Bard °rushed and Pulverized, 9X, 9X, and 9% ; White Beft Crushed, 8X , 8,4 6% , end 8% ; Clarified Yellowe, 6X, 7, tx: 7x, 7x, And 85( clarified Browne, 15X, BX, 6%, and 6. Also, Coffee, El team -refined Syrups and Suga-house Molasses, of various grades, at lowest cult prizes,' jel2,ote • m AisTILLA. EOM—Assorted sizes mann a& featured and for sale at lowest New York prises by WINLVSII, PITLR,B, &00,, No . 28 North WATER Want and 22 NOM! WHARVW nry23 QIIOULDERS.-76 Wide. Dry Salt Shoul o,, deroAuei reaetvea stud for sale by 0. 0. BADE. 4 .6,4 Arta PM ? &bore Froat„ I,IOA $B. 4_OENTL.KmAN wishes -to manatoook* ,invest ti;o Above Inm in an established any agreeable paying badness, where the principal would- pe Secured at 8 par cent. !raved. The sdrertfser would take an aotlve part in attending to the books aaa conespondence. with • remunerative salary. Addremioanfidautially, ALBSOIIiaNT," this Mace je24 2t* • WANTED—By a young lad, 16 years of age, a ilitustion as BMIAND BOY in a Whole. sole , Store. Ie trilling to mate himself weal to hie employer. Good references given. Address IT hi., at this oillee. jr2l.4lt* AVANTED TO EXCHANGE for Improved V V 'city property, free from locuinbranae, 180 acres of, exCellent FARM LAND, located in aloacester Oo New Jersey, The Railroad from.oamden to Bildgeton, ehortlY to be laid, peesee within a abort distance of the land. For further particulars address J. It , office of "The Prase 12 - Je2l NVANTED-A. thoniugh SALESMAN, who can Mum* wish Penney Wants trade. One from toe country preferred. Address "P. 0 flake of this paper. - - 1e18431*, Rte. Date - anZi'llro het ma TO RENT—Houses and Stofes S. E. Ea corner BeOdD and BIIIPPRIQ Btreets. enltstde fire Tobexclooleta; Elea:Wee, lager Beer Saloons; TU avit% at the Vara. ' je24,Bt*. !M OWNT LOTS IN-OMIDEN. The Anhioribeil'irill sell t PUBLIO BALE ,on the promisee, on fikTilltDAY, the 25th dny of JOINX twit., • number or VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, beantifally situated on BROADWAY and BENSON Streets, in a well-Improved portion of the tray, and within ten minutes wink of the Market-street' ferry., Terme of payment easy. A. BROWNING, Executor, .to , of Wm. Canaan, deceased. JAMES CARMAN EDWARD H. SAUDERS, T. ogee or M. A. Da Haven. Camden Jana 22,1859. je23-Bt,* SIOPRIIRT, t fit-1 STOREHOUSE NO. 9 LEVANT Mi. STREET TO LET—Raving good, cold eellar . gesed with brick, outside bolding apparatus; convenient of amens, balng located on a wide street, (Levant ie the first street wept of Second, ?milling aorta from Spruce street.): Inquire or D. L. NNINUT; le2S „...262 Borth SECOND Street.' SALE.-6. new 'cylinder Boiler„ 36 Inatiepbp 21 fast, mule by Et:blab:a. Apply to , LAY Oc'BROTHEB, • Valet 241. DOCK Street. 19500 TO s3,ooo—Will secure the managing interest in an active and well• established manufacturing bush:wee, paying over 15 000 per annum. In health the cause of change. Address B„ Box 110 T, P.O. je23 Ot VALUABLE TAVERN STAND AT mu. PUDltte SALB.—The subscriber will sell at Pub lic Sale to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, the 2d of July next, on the premises, The well-known tavern nrOperty, situate in Bordentown, recently kept by,lohn Rester, deceased, known u the BORDSINTOWN HOUSE, end belonging to the 0. and A. R. 31 and T. 00. The ebove.deecribed property commands an extensive front on the mein street. extending through to Prince street, and is situates directly at the Depot of the Camden and omboy.Railrond Company. The Bones is large and commodious, with Iles, Water and other conveniences on the premises. The lot is large, with convenient stabling and other outbuildings! thereon. The above described property lies been so long and well known as one of the 'VALUABLE .LOT FC/11, SALE, corner of Twentieth and Christian streets, fronting 148 feet on Christian street and 100 feet on Twentieth street, sod 148 feet on a rear street. For terms apply at this office. Je2l 6t* IPIOH SALE—The Furniture,: Gold-will, SU and Fixtures of the Hotel known as aka PRANK /AN HOUSE, on OHISTNIIT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Penna. The garniture is in a good condition, and the whole arrangements of the House are well calculated for the buelness d dre.yeare Lame will be given to the purchaser, to data from the time of the parchaes. The location is central to busi ness, and the House has been dings good business for the past floe years. The peesen&Proprietor is de sirous of quitting the bnalaseas-stherefore, he diem this opportunity to come ropular Hotel-keeper. who may be desirous of ecterirg into the basinetil in Phila delphia. The House will accommodate two , hundred gnosis comfortably. For further particulate addrets the undersigned. • 0. H. P. PARKER, je2o dt Proprietor. 7ro - LET.. , —Two commodious and hand -1 some adjoining aloes in SIXTH Sheet, opposite the Washington &pars. Apply at No. 405 LIBRARY Street. jel3-mwt-etss TO LET—the Second-story back ROOM of No. 481 OHII3I`NOT Street. 1e18.4f g m TO LET---For four months, a small BilL Yuri:abed 'Cottage', large garden, vegetables, eoaoh•hoose, stable, hot and cold water, batb. gas, .ke., one Kota train station on Germantown Railroad. Apply at 431011.11STNIIT Street ' jell tilt HANDSOME CHESTNUT-STREET AM DWELLING FOE BALE—No. 1924, drat door weal of Dr finsh , e mansion. Lot to 285 feet deep, and 22 feet front. The Home le four-story, and three story double bank buildings, and in built in the best manner. and repl ete with every modern convenient. Gan, hot and co ld water, white - marble mantras in every room throughout. The yard_ i n DandsoMely. set with fruit trees, ehrubbel, ream • &o. The house in In =WM. order Ponneenion can taiamlfromediate ly. $14,000 may remain on the property. Gan be nen any time by applying to W. IL OARRY,L, ja. the Ea sonlo 011DETNUrlitieet. Jet-tt din FOR SALE OR RENT—Two laige JE - 4 and ainrentent media BRIM BOURNS; entirely new, with all the modern improyements, enrronnded with shade and ornamental trees, No. 98 and 98 UNION Street, BURLINGTON, N. L. Apply to B. AIIDDLIITON, Myth PRONT Street, - or THOMAS DUGBALB, znylo-tr, BURLINGTON, N. J. COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET.— ma A mat and nom Cottage at 011 ELTON MLR, near North Pmmeylvanta B.allroad, 8 miles from the city. Apply at 424 HARLEM Stmt.. apl2-tf 0e,,,, TO LOAN, in some to snit at/ROO applicants, upon Diamonds, Watches, welry, Guna Merchandise, Clothing, &0., on mode. rate terms, by Jonsir A CO., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GABEILL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the kat dd years. °Moe hours from I A. M. to 7 P EL.: Becond.hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one halt the original cost. , ap7S-emit DRAFTS—On the Union Bank of Lon don, and Royal Bank or Ireland, in enure to malt. Yor many - WELLS, FARGO, & CO., mylitans 400 OIERSTNIIT Street. BOARDING. Persons wishing to go to the Country can be accommodated with Roam and Pleasant Rooms, at the CERIUM TREE, OHMURA County, CO miles from Philadelphia, on the Pennsyl vania Railroad The situation is very tag:hind healthy. Apply to (Sett-6tat I W. JONES, Paoll P.O. QIIPERIOR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IC Gentlemen, with Boma, Ito. 44,1 South SIXTH Street. je2l.6th fOTlOE.—Whereas my wife; FRANCES P. WHITE, barlng voluntarily Mt ray bed and board, I give thte notice to all parties that 1 will pay no debts of her contracting. 144 - ROBIRT 11. 19111 Th. QMITIT., WOODMAN, & CO., 009 OiIIiSTPIUT Street, supply Schools with Teach ers, Teachers with Positions, and Parents with School Oiroolsrs. jelS 131,w jetRYANT k STRATTON's NATIONAL A-1 0 hiBBOANTILB COLLIGBB, boated at Phila delphia, 8. Z. oorner OBVENTII and CilltilTNlPP; Ben York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. Por la forroatlon, call or read for Catalogue, (AAP LIFE DROPS TRH (MILT ILIIMIMY RCM WARR/NEAL, ORAMPB OR PAINS IN Tax STOMACH OR BOWSLS, OIIOLIBRA MORRO% INO/PI. ENT BTAIRB OF oilmen, ORO• LIG ARE KINDER]) DIBRABISS. This Is no new medicine. It has been thoroughly tried and tested for 10 years, and proved to be the only este and perfectly reliable medians for these diseases now before the public. It does not Constipate the bowels, but effects a radical and immediate cure in those severe Cites that other remedies do not teach. Severe cramps and pains In the stomach or bowels eared by one qr two done of 20 drops In 20 minutes It Is equally elgoacions in all stomach or bowel &Meanie,. Tne following is a sample of the testimony we are daily receiving - Gotnamos, Misc. May IS, 180. I have used the Life Drops put up by TraltA Stow, for Diarrhces, Cholla, &0., and consider it the mod valuable medloine in these case. I have ever known. Last year I would have been willing, several times, to have given 810 for a vial of your Life Drops. noise let me hear from you immediately, and do not fail to send me some of the Life Drops JOHN HALL, H. D. Portlier abundant proofs are in the hands of all agents Prepared by TR ALL k STOW, 43 BOWERY, hew York, and sold at 26 cents a bottle. P. G. OLIVER, OBISISTNIIT Street, corner BROAD, General Agent fur Philadelphia. my3o Mullet Sm Saving ,Suit u. FIVE PER OENT. SAVING FUND.— PHILADELPHIA. LVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY, N. E. corner of CIIES MUT and TENTH Streets. PHILADELPHIA. OHARTERED BY THE STATE OP PENNEYLVANIA. AUTHORIZED OAPITAL, 9600 000. MONEY 18 RECEIVED DAILY, In some from One Dollar upwards. FIVE PER CANT. INTER.E6T Is paid from the day of deposit, until withdrawn. Any sum tan be withdrawn on demand, by Checks or otherwise. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Prom 9 to 4 ; and on TUESDAY EVENINGS, from 6 to 9. This Company has a large paid up Capital as a Seoturity to Depositors. 'Phis 14.81 - titian paid sit its Disbands In fall Dazing th• Bank Baspasuiion. r- --,'"""" JOON MILLER, President. JOB. W. EOIIDER, Vice Prein, Z. L. 1113 - TOHINSON, &Wry. mb.28..418m VAInNG FUND.—IIRITED STATES TRMBY COMPANY, earner of THIRD and cum etreata- , aid. small sums 1 . 601)(1r.a, and paid bast 00 de '4xoduirestitioiat notice, with PIVZ PIM CUNT. IN. •I'd4ENdT 'from the daj of deposit to the del a with. :draws'. Moe hours, from 9 until 9 o'olook, sing dab and on MONDAY RVERINUS from 7 mails o'clock. DRAM for 'oleos Ragland, Ireland, and asorlsad, from Lluirgarda. Pfsifelenh—STßPßßN R. OBAWFORD. Treasurer—PUNT BISIC. 'Tiller—JAMß R. MINTER. Isll7-17 BERNM. OR RIIPTURE.—The attention of persona thus afflicted hi ear nestly invited to WHITE , I3 PATENT LEVER TI entirely new in principle. and differing radically from ° them It combines many new and valuable poloth. of great importance, and is recommended for its MO, si d ay, efficiency, and the ease with which It is Mt..d and worn. It is believed that more positive scene lu%l IN , effected with it than with any Trace In use. 01 , NREIDLES, O. W. owner of TWELYTR , and AtTeets, is the spot WWI I sate Sul 4141 1g ,4 U•1A , 701132ttt . 11:lasts. 33oarbing Personal tbutational. fileb inal. ~ut~irnttiit~.~=~ ;= "HEATLE - Y'fi - ' cIitatICE4I,'AROEI -81.1(181T.THILT.11,11--algclor Domlatictaj4n unt, Maragar. . _ Geist Biennia tie • „ TWO AND DAUM' TWO FOLL 001IPANID3 In one Mitertalnanta. ••• - • - • ' Tina :(Friday).• JiVßfileiG;/nne-Mth.1660, Will • be produced - Anbees'Oread Oaeratie en tailed - - • LA' BATADVEB, Misslndy Tiscott Z aloe; instorial firisistla GMetti ; The Boknowa,111r: Miranda. :L. , To conclude with TUB FIJUNTAIB OP LOVB. Admission, 26 °anti. Set Seats in Drees Otrcia, 87,4 i ovate ) °robotics/Bane. 60 cents; &eta in Pettit* 764 "t 4 i Gollorp. 18 alai; Galleryfor Colored Persous;2s dents; Private Box in Gallery foe Miami Parsons, 88:oents - -Whole Priests Box, 68. - - Donee Open at, half-pect 1 o'clock, • Partiiunaaca to oommenoe at:B, Prodil.l3% A 34ERICA.N . ACADEMY OF XUSIU, ra. htioure 1:1001) and seaport 11110ther A; D PLOCAL. MATZ - CAE, With ill the Children, On .BATURD - AY, June g 6, 3659, Ticketelo all parts of the House 9.6 Gents Thej will prating*, in the mw! enreeinia la, , LITTLN lUD ILIDENG•IIO(iD,- Introdnajng the _ Liao, A, easial Betiair DIVA9I9IB4IIIOINT, With the Dance of the flarlsolit. Ouncludinrwitk tka tilanqnot &m ow ffoin AUNDEIVALLL ' • Or, flooillfsit7 Too lies W iper. Dania open at °Week: antoasor loft Sala of Tliketa aontmanoin on Fafnir 110/INIII - G, at 9901 E k LAWTONI, CIGEOKIRING & SONO. an d at the Academy. • - . 10254t* oDON'OUG/14 aillaT/313--iOO6- .1.,1JL below Third - TEM Tall 4BE►T 11,141.A.ND1Z, WCIIILD-ABINOWPID ' WOBLD•RBNOWNED P.IMPORITRIS, SVIRY.2II4HT, BV.ERT MIGHT. GREAT , IMPALMIXNT PRiT. je22 GENA.V/lIIPALMOISIT PEAT. - MILE,2clU ANNUAL EX -11 „ - . - PENNISYLVAPTIe MUMMY OP TEE 71103 ABU, -- • - ,1026 0111INVNTIT STILBII2. - 48T_WEE . - • In order to, give all an opportunity of nein this in teresting Exhibition, the price of - Adatiations will 'be Adults, 10 gents; Ohildreni6 mite; Beeson Tickets:2d 'J62O 01 llessLEß , s- OBCHESTILIi.—M.,HASS LER & BROTHER' respectfully minium that they hate located their Mee at their zerciesce,llEO LO OMIT BTRILIT, where ongagerituuts can be made as usual. - - Saving Ants. VJRING GARDEN SAVING EIYAI) OLITY - 01 YULtADELYIIIit. _ 01Bee, No. 881 North TIMID Street, MonsoLidationliank %Milne). , OHANTEBAD BY, THE -L.llOl/31:ATUNR 4-` • 1311.9dbILL: - - 'Deposits reeelied in sumeof Ono Dollarisid brut:* .1 and_repald in Gold, without' notice, with Fiva' RV. CENT. INTZRZBY feint tue.lly_of deposit ffil with. drawn. _ . A responsible end reliable Ealing InittEdlos lag long been neededin' the Northern Wart of the city, and Ned" . The Spring Garden BEViDg Ned Boole*" wit duw- Wad by the Legislature If Pinuuelvania torapply thin necessity. Theinater‘in orgsaleing .und.losatioir it,rhare been goterneo wholly by a desire to aeoonsino. diets the business interests and wasta-otAii end enterprising population by tibiae fp . san , ozuW. OPPION OPEN DAILY, - iron, oto 2)( o'clock ; also, on Ifoiriew and - Tisane , DAY from 6 untßilo!eleek In the peening. MANAGIBS . Prederiek John P. Levy. HOl2. 11. Z. Eltiogig t Daniel Under/toiler, ',ilia's** Steaks, - /ramie Bert, Tamp P. LeOlare, John Keseler," . lr.., Kasai, - Imes kl Pringle, ' Jnoob Doak, Joaesph AT Dowell, Hon. Wm . 116111 war; George Woeipper, - Gto. T. nom,- - Peter C. JAMB il:P111.11GLD, President. Patron' Htiv. Elearstarv. • - Ja2ollll VAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. /M -k" TERNST—NATIONAL BATIITY TRUAT 'COM- P ANY, WALNUT Street, &athwart corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. - - Irtoosposelso' ay Tad Sidi% PSINSESTLYANI/. Money le recetred in any sum, largo or small, and In tereat paid frail the day of depoalt to the day of with drawal The office is *pan Ovary day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday end Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. ". - HON. HERBY L. SIMMER, President,' LOBEST Tien President. Wm. 3 . Ulu), Secretary. • Dia8070149. _ lien. Denny L. Bomar, . l Y. Carrell Brewster, Edward L. Carter, i Joseph,B:Barr, Robert Selfridge; Frannie Lea Saml. E. Ashton, Joseph Takes, 0 Landreth Minns, Henry Diliendssifes. Money is received and payments made daily. The ineeetmenta`are made ' in conferred with ,the one - Wong of the Charter. in Real Itstata - Ground Rents, and 111.011. tiret•oLssa asestritles al wit always feature perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give , permanency and , stability l to this Institution. 3nottraitte 4Unm3atties. FIRE INSURANCE. 2RTNA INKTILNOM COMPANY, of Hertford. OaA Assets, Jan. oa RIANZIAT TAN 1111,13 nqsuna*os COMPANY, of New York. Oaah Aspota, Jaa. lr 1889, - .... SPRINGFIELD PIM AND MARINI INSURANCE! COMPANY Hiatt Amato, Sao. I, 11169 441,144 NORTH AMERICAN FIRE JAM, - RANCH COMPANY, of Hartford. Caah Amato, lan. 1, IMO 8d6;860, IRVING 'll INKTRANOSI COM PANY, of New York. Cash Masts, Jon. 1. lAN MARCHAN4B' PIRA INOURANOI COMPANY, of Hartford, - ' Oask Agitate, .7ma. 1,180 ..... 439,079 . 83 Policies issued, and losses equitably adjastal ani promptly paid, at his Agency, by BOSWBLI, A . WILSON, Agents, fob2o4t No. 218 W41.1.1511T 3713831 P. THE . WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE T-WEITTEL".ISTONS COMPAV.Ikr PAIIQIIIIAB BIIILDINCIB, No. NO WALNUT STEF.ET, PAITADBLEHIA. In aorporatk h. 11957.. tinder the' General Ineuranaa Law of Penneylvaula. • Authorised (Units' - 1.1011,000 Subscribed Ceplts! 20%000 Paid up Capital 114,800 USIVRATED AS FOLLOWS: Bond and hlortgs,m, first Ilea /62,170 Omit, Railroad, nod other Pltocke and Securities " 64.000 Oast, In Bank 8,630 _ - 11140403 Itumros ONLY sgatnet LOBS OIL IMIKAGIII HQ 7lit➢ ON BUILDINGS, WIRCHAIMIBB, BOUBEHOLD VIIRNITWAIs, &a. Mao, on 0 aRGOXII and Pali LOUT to Ind from MI parts a the world, and !alma Nsiiiis-- tiou sod Transportation, on tarorabla terms. OPPIORIB. (MARVELS G. IMLAY Preeldeul, Wit: waranr, Nice I/resident, 0 0. DITTMAR, tieoratary,. It. G. RAMBOtt(all, Alllllo4llt9daritiry: DIRMOTORS. WIIHNU LUIS', - William 'Wright,. F. f. Torrey, • Juo. Tonna, Wm. E. Grubb, - Oharles G. Lula". Jesper 0. 0. Butler, floury K. Strong, D -D. Jones, Alonzo Butler, J. B. Hayes, morlß-tt 'WIRE AND INLAND RISIEB.—PAILD WM:MANCH COMPANY Hcpltsl - 1100 - ,000. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to . In wince Companies, paned Aarill'A; 1066.)' !NM 6]l 01011MII'S Bt., P.Sdladelnliis.. DIRSOTOBS. Samuel Wright, , Henry Lewis, Jr., William W. Wolters, D. B. Birsey, Otuarles Richardson; 'John W. isermsn., Jacob W. Stout, A. 11. Rosenheim, !Barclay Lipylneott, I Jain B 311llisau,, George A. Weer,W. W. Knight. GZO GM W. DAY, President. W r. riiitiorrepp. Secretary. julT.y jrNSTRANCE COMPANY OP THE A. STATE Off PINNBYLVANLI.-71BE AND MA BJNI INSIJRANGE—No. 4 DXOHANGN BOILDJENGB. Chartered in Ilikt—Capital s2,oB,ooB—Assets : Jamal ay I, Issa, filffl,4Cl.lso-100, Alt invested sound and a•atlable seaurities—ocmti one to insure on Vassals and Cargoes, Building*, Mosta or Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms, DIItIiCTOBS gouty D. Bharrerl,- George H. Stuart, bilmeon Toby, Simnel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalaster 4 Tobias Wagner, , William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, henry G. freeman, William It White s Marla% O. lends; Clear: a 0. Carson. . re DIRY D. 13ELERKSHD, Pros Man. WILLT/V HIIPZI. Secretary. " 169-winsOf rilllE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE 1. COMPANY PHILADELPHIA,Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 403 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Pail-up Capital and Surplus 5a24,851 Chartered Capital 6110,000 Oil Insures against lose or damage by Fire and the perlia of the Sea, Inland Navigation, ant Transportation, on the moat favorable terms. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DINIOTOIII. George H. Hart, ➢ W. Batley, P. Rots, Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. Cattail, Charles Q. Imlay, John G. Dale, H. R.Conahall, Foster I. Perkins, Samuel Jones, lion. H. M. Fuller. OnlOale.• GEORGE H. HART, President. ' S. P. ROSS, Preatdent. • - ' COGGBRALL, Secretary and Treasurer. O. IL BUTLER, Met Secretary. - mkt 11l OWAED FIRE AND MARINE INEU /Lk. RANCH COMPANY, No. 412 WALI.IIIT OW" PlOlsdelphla. DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Ludas, Wm. 1.1 rise' J. Ndgsr Tbssasooi Robt. W.'D. Truitt bi• W. Baldwin, Wm. IL: Hamlin, Jaw 0. James, H. H. Bkillinforel, ~,,..y. Bnaknor, O. R. Spangler, John W. Barton, H. H. Houston; Wiliam ItaJg44l, Wm. H. Lon, Ydwin Booth, Charles I. Noitoo, /Ow °anima% ; Immo Myer. E. B. Wm*. President—THOM/LB L. 101Th1la6 Igoe President—E. 6. WARktill. aserettri—oilesixs A. MY. elENtt CINTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPA - - NY . • PIIISENT CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. All P►ld in and Invested. This Ooropsuy iosnre BUILDINGS, PURNITUIVS, and lIBBOBANDIBB generally, ag►indt Iwu, or damage by are. Onvird Bents, Idortpiree. Iteehunlee Liens, sud otherseenritles on Beal astute, VII also be speeD3l7 Insured, if desired. , • , Ratohford Atari ' Moeda:at L Daweoo, Wiitlam tit'Bee, George B Maori, Nalbro Trailer, - acting Brown, John M. Afwbga, B A Dad T. Tredfol, Arkdrew Coati, _wary VPLPcton, S. Itriugstoa Y. R&TOGIOBD fiTLEB, e etirtgligte W. °GIB, Bectratary. Te ❑ - ' t ,rp (*fn.* , ibß Routh' 1701TATIT Strrot, botit the acolyte+, the Company'S Batlaln It TV eoaVia,ouura .41{8 WANBITT 772,833 oa sti,aa4, at