k- ,6 7 414 I-Lhe • ~ 3.,4 -, A.,....,-- ...elellogrAyriblet,Ardotain. ~ta j illte-rtir, - ...-_,..., ‘ ,ityritataditifokialoaTat.6 7 f iWtfief:P.V . iifi: l4 , geb.t&i:lr - 1n.Y.47 t: - Vi t iltk i talatuarlitSlF4 , 4*e*- - thi , bar l 4o l 3 ll iii: -',.; -6- :-residikis64l' et ditt.,lVieirsPitT.M•W ; f - 44:-PO I O 4 :AWAti 41otliiikisn,4? q sr ! , -- - Ni 1 - - / o p, , r ~. of ~i : ",f~i .4 Tisk - liel, _Atilt , siiO 4--,-, * -- iiit e rTgavoillrl: ~.. ~ 7 ' lis— , • , Attktollk , int: ;:i ,':.,:,.41„ r,' , • Wit; ' lz, yikitt oarifif., -:. _..• ~,,,...,...,..0.-Aftvti- f 4,16461.....4,,,,,,,,,:,,,,4„4-,., . -T., •s• - • ,. II t' l ,_ l6-, -- - ` ,.. .. -A x , _.r'vsl -- .4-. -‘ O4l , , ~,,- -„ , ..t.ir1!,„- ~ :;.,,,_,,, ...0-• ii. ' ' -!.-;‘2 ';'''Gtro,lo.o • " 4its„ . ~,„_,...,*1 . ; - "1- Inns 13 . - -"„ IP:o4l4l.74mitrialan,q""%stosej,dt 4,47k..—': . i '.:7;7,74,11ANk,,iit, llt-At#124,17T; - ;s;-•,, ' ,M- 4'V1t,41V6-*?rilit''''Clitl;t•-ilif,- -, :- # 3. ''‘' , 4V-4,-oP6iti,:ingskraik't-77 loco .00. c st4 g ig igktiu4.s47,l;,n grovi-- .3',----,,-:,,,„riki ' intotittiawittLissopmdlor, ~___-,-.- tirkl- ronail4i.' '' otoppr" -]-,.1r::?,-;-..4,..Aw! ii .-emin., tii v s late 744), i d t atit 444 , ':"- -1,7,-.'.'l'=.4"' Ale-f 2.010 a Afattinladi ae. ','..:'4- --, 1'..........,—*--1 ,oi-aaa*ondfgt doitofttitiie '',.`: : 'iiT4- M's thilityrdr f tv- 74 , ; i -t . , 0 , ~.., _ j in.. •• .4 A ..,. tr i til bio fot, _, : .4414 • p` -,-, ',.,:io.6444:rate,tilit twiest,„if 4,t A , ,i -- 1„ , ,.,.i t : , , ;TR •,..„ A f. , - ft4rit-f-,--**itkta.,x,.., `_;kl '-',,',..;A1011-. , C l O ir • -1'44-4,1!,71,11,'.4,,, :•?-•-•-7-;;;F:..k-....,,,i-r•r:,;,./•-:' O'hillakfliii7VArk '-':,`.•;11440-.•': ' .40, , 7:eat:Al:lit .01°. V:,-,,, ar'" ~ -, -iiffioswOmOtltur: - -7. '' qii liry, 4; ` .*. f JA ' '•lia*itiic-04!,r,,,`,, / - ~ - ' 0 Mi, . itapritreitt-. ~,,,stria... .„.,„.__ /ivr,mumx , L,,,,zse. , iEfAvitlrs,l.4lWir-atat.-4-"ITOCOlitl 4.161 - - --a' 4104411 4Atfol.J*410 1 cir t ii -, oz ": 1 41 51 Trif of t,liiit -4314.°- "'iiithiztAlrA, Alviv.,: ~, c. , ... , i %,, ;41,(74Faxi Ril, (14441 -Irg ti r. 1 . 0 4 1 - 44 : largl. ; • f" r"~F. ;..: ;,, y'~:S~ R sSif„ l Z ~~' y cY ¢. f, ~: ,1811TCSSIVINtritirtiltl phtkairpliigiitstre"BeiirEßiclity,'y r Iw --- Nanittiket, 11/Millent 0 0 . t, E ,4 ••,-,: -,•-....,,,70,41gegg 4.4 , Str a IYo,4ll,g,Oleygoole Baltiore, A Groves, Jr, • - .4''' ~,"...‘,.,4 7,.., .......-..4-,-,-.';-*--- ' " ' Li '` '' - t_ntins tor won wregar-',, ~ • • _-, „,,... l" -, ''," 7: 77 ''(oolrespondertee of the Press.) —I - 104‘,1i41.'.0 . 4-ts,n, .4 , 4'1'4- tiiii.44: thili6o 1 ' "4 .'.'• ,t .':fi- - 4, - ,..'1116111111E MILLON Asti 8,1859 ~,,,„..,,, . t• 1 0. ~,.., 44,,,,,,1 , :,,,,, ,„„SAA•Pr•I' ,t , ,Pr, ..' ' ' The hats artr now, reaching here :from then per $ - 0.'1416 11 116,6„0ft1ib. Teat vr:sek Imii not Men abuse. pannworsige,,ennitie, andlt 10 probable , he trade P wlll Ile , rAs.,„-6 bettastlVltie Willy of the leading articles, 6000 warrantlhe employ In putting on the Kingston, ed - inu Our' s o -mtkirin the line daily Ineberd of trimeekly, 1 , VI,. , lieltr Malty hive been dull Mop 0 1 T he Ni, 1 , hero till ' , " ikili tlelMikalfo ore effon° 4 ( reel, ' aifieeilonis into*, hritT.,l a oo tr nsigned al g t'i m ofi r oV wlth V4 ,. 4 b " ta , IWltiroui• —' 4 ila ''' - tiaL , iu, a , bayeni * rotht ,, o6. Mite Of moil ....,.da Harry, wbeat; flour; &o. :to RuMpbilis, Ifolfman r & !IW*l diatiwniCtandinef. vrialrle is trUedieohfir, and Wright:ars ! oatt>,sol7 l , kb. to , A 0 (Jetta lc 091 Olipt retsP r iWrie „ ,_ Vaom,ll4.ooll6tielnel,niettent4•o,o4o. 4 loir j rpiri,_el. rptim , 2 44 Curtin, baring. tb 0 :10__ . (00 . 429ike,dti844,311.:Einitecf.; (106148bm- Abbott: dellteeT, el tp r i,t l Z 9 V g i l: ) .: A t c , r el r t ' o t b 4 .?"'"At'' "4"'.P! ) " . •,' 011 6 61 1 - elnr Mobbing are ateadre Milward Lycliannt.Bruquvnanna - idumber tO 74elone & AP 15 47.1 6,3 14 StAtiAalisidkie tittilitnerfatee Trutt, •IV: 1 9 1 I'lt J BBfrOlre, , no tr. Norwell 4, Bluets; 0116 061! le, .01,,,4J1AL,7n14041414,6X6tfi1i pitots:' , , Tied' .7,T ii! .I , Tid,-. boo, do to Rod.* go: lizt*woo`ti.l .. - liiigio,moio - ot , , 1.1 1. don ' - „ , :- .- 1;i';ii7iiii;.; - ," -. ' , _ 4 ..m.o,, , c obilithon ,1 N ..,,,t, , Lomb„ , N. , ehlrige ,-`,' [00M001146666 of the...Philadslphla liehangol '3?ll.ol444o=Ylie'flittleteltatig'''olleminibinie witkont OAPs Inane. April 8. 6.18 P U. neon: Plinter.,le Led Provlsionig-4,rfelm Tiro ' Thsi attomithip Remington; from Boston, permed up . , tots afternoon. , The barks. Acme, for Charleston, Aber. Per4*-111,10titalitan066011tileCitailii Kte•On,„ firm, deep, for Ravens; Edward ...Everett, foillarannith, brigs DOSSE-Cliormaistrl,Liitletitint•Mireothy end Phintieed• -Trintdad, for Bagged Island, and Rdinburgh, foillan. ;liia', *woe Atiang...Vany:t.the , golog,r. , ,tehlogoyl4o- t g• or, went tb Oa early Ode morning,` ;Wind Weet.nerth Irll4l4,o4o'67§sl.4i''DriGiedt•hatket , The `~.earl -weather Meer. ti 1".'..51V 4 GC ir • ''' 4' , • i t - '' ' rairstt&e. '.,. :' ' WROS.-B. iItaDIEB. „,..-1- -r•-,1 -it A tionealog of the . eu sdehas Itellia.,ol,l**ll*-lOFtihetpirfkotids .=Out rilen , week ' .4 ,z, -ISEMORANDA. _,, .. 434wkla '48;01 Ilrlij6lokii'liblit , firritiKirlth' tirodeiate ba Stestnehip •Edinburg, ttunstnings, from Glasgow 22d lfirastiorfaC .t... ,_-. .io i ft. „ o.,%m i titi o ,p, r io . t .t oo . ni Lt r' Z ' s ° l3l,l4l7D v aol k , 7 l, h o 'm 1. ' 0;1 . 0412 for l4v r NM!!! 1u,0[14 id dikeoltea, eiga S.Sehau,, 11 95 . L. Prlnts pool, was pig/lathed 111:utt, :Irian Key e - aqt,tioniosiii , Teolionare Mere 4ngtilred forty;the Bark Drederlek'llititaff, Poker, hence, arrived at Bs t',iaMArrieglMSOciMi:';',lltetßobt and Dheentsi l'Anwth 6th ".- - '— t • t „icor * •,,,.•%04 .1 f10 g r ... : 110 4- d oi k oo ril i opt , an i. L e 'V b ff e De i ro j o i: k st manyphlcat, t f i ar Or m olstadt, ble r re a d * M O.. 4,l4:‘,_____"l. In 5 /9 10 ,46 14 A 51 4 1 ; 1 n1 100,11 v . ' 1, 4' ','" 132,629 60.: •._ '.. w , , T :ti .l t.. ',..4. ea •+; -;, t . l , '" . u ; 3 1 . .".ailikAD3T,lfo !ill.-11111111 . 661, ripp64llll to • be the ruling bark Modenii; Rider, foe-Philadelphia, went tb ma T,,,,Am e ttio mi co r t i o i th r i l i g gionth oo p oo t uoi og there Gob Okaleston sth Inst. .. ',, ~1,„,,* , he slo -swag:We, and' liait 4 little exhort. dernano-,,,q2- i.,..Bark Creolei Buck, cleated at Baltimore Mk hat, for Moesble r ,,ow ' to.the dlffereerce.in the vim of barite . Rio de Janeiro ati ii i-41 , 1 3 1 r • ittrie r aet i ndie4ligolm,!, Pales ,OrA t tel 2 i t l t s,, ,t r att.ti n gil. r u;o ß r de in to g n, at gol!lt es' IDAir it ~ ; , - l ia t 76ll4.fiiihiljeL'and Aieltirik, bbl for' litlif Daniel 4 / 4 11(066y, Steelman, for l ' ilizaington,,N' 0, iirttatio. leffat Sti,gtudttly,:inclndintratene on tailed from Providence,6ol inst. Monajtegi tei:',iltsi,traile have been buying *de. Brig Mamba, Dunbar, hence for Portland; at nolinee' 46~0 le SOLO :kid premium lots at hither 8010 6th but; and redtained next Morning. ' :. '.11444. lt PlintisMbeihinlirititeh.demand, and, 700 Bar Oswego, hence..arilved at Norfolk 6th !pet. f pirot i foym aagoliqg Dr . ,,ltddi mostly tbe..„foemes. Bohr 7 0 Baxter, Babcock, from New York, at New re 'OM 44 1 ATiftlqattliod,IfIgledl• with Wu of bent, NO, 2.1 inst. . •44 , 66,,16 - a DlnollitatoB7,lo4 41 , ,,b311,Dibiuding 5.i../khr wills W Ponder, Dorman. for - Bridgeport, Billed 311Li 4 4 5 „.- s ,,,,jtt_OSc rls ,_ A* S I„ ;O ISPT pfiritir.: ~. ~.:' , 1 , f from,Wilmington, Del, yesterday, I t * . ewe, al }ter_ ittere„l.,BlWitionof„, p rienr and Weal for Sara mar,• Ellen, Roffman Btreamlet, Downing.; and I r t r A ) 4b4 f:' MI ui 0,5 9 ,' ~,' ' . ''' • 31 Cestute, elidtbrerrired at Wilmington. Del, 'Mania. 2' . i, rhaglakeoefirgitegna ' .' ' ' '' 4 - so , . • Bohr, Zeno. laeloc,hence at Baltimore Rh Inst. ? L iberals , Offingerpoo:41;„;;;„;; ~ '„„ . '.,,,,,„; , ; 7,881 , • Sebv,hisrlha. Wrigblinglon, Wrightlogton, hence at ~...'‘ ' ^-Mo :,,,,,alliesi , l .4:::".',,L; . ..; :...... .. . ... : ... '8; 4 Sall Weer Ittri lost._ ..e, 0 , 1 , E-....,„D0 . 4,1,,Ai1di*81p..t • ' . 68'. , ilobla,§N Smith, Staith,Trept Donvennort for Phila. - .116." ' ge;t> • .. . ... -. .... ..... '=B9T - .• 4 • 1 0/64; 1 1 1 10,71natea „Barrett, Oobb, from Boston for do, `' t P-110: -• .44' . !Oern Ilia.'" '• . 8 40, ,at Deo: Lestdon oth inst. . ~C , - ; ' ' '..4J j • "l)°,l? _•.. ' ` ' ` .°ls .1 " 2 "4 , ", - -- 'B5 2 ah 't6 ' 3l . ll, NellY, and` , W.. W Stlll,l4rd, Botrditeh, fermili r et:napOraMeml__,, ‘ _ _ ..,4, 41 ~ -keno* at Yrovldemve 6th Inst. , • 4 , •, I ;lc, .... -_,, 4:,,,,, r „., r , ,: r ~,,_ „ ,„,, , t r , t„, ~,, ~ _ , —., , " gable. Amelia, Boothia; eat ed from 'Providence e . m -.11 - -liiiim.:. , .—.44 .......... - 4,....y..” 11. 423 inst. for Philadelphia. - ~ , ~ • ,-, .„,111N1y14.-A t tsseu r pplies of Wheat nontinue light; bat .• -Fehr 8 10, Crocker, Preebrey, hence for Taunton, at , ore. his.llieettl rem littli.demacC foe w,the, pillars, Dighton etto loot. '' , , , , i fentlitgarllttdaditpotillini tO operate atpresent, J Bohr k i lt Endicott, Deed's, hence, arrived it Newport 'Orli* hi OM MI itatthf thie Tin* met* ; melee of 6th loot. ' 44, • , , ,4 .30,0001oteiMetenctrttid Blobs ringing from 8f.44 to; -Bohr, Young Amalie*, Pearl, Donee for Baskin, at , Wllteeings for fMwerod prtintePannsylvanta end West. Goimeet Rola 4th Mat, and remained A, II -6th. . . fortihetrilind.lllllool.,l6 for Da to mime White, . Bye Bolero Flyaway, Davie, beim for Bolton; Anna Smith, 10,800,1 h ose *Wined Le/duet 4,000 has Pe n nlylva - Badthifrom ,W 1 mlngton, Del, for do; JII Mitchell, DliChb A itBfo:.: corn 16 doll 'tat/ lower, with sale* hio , rbt, hence for Haverhill; _}reed Island, Reed, and Of 110,00' - !law,at' Ilbeetle; eloidneat the former Arctic, Jackman, do for Newburyport; Carroll, Norton, Yadb, olioat, , me "letoote; w itho u t ebonite', with' sale, do f•lm4 'Salem, and Crumb,' Poster, do for Ballateary, at Nif•l2,ooobuitt , o4osoe - for 'Pennsylvania; and 64e for Holmes , Hole , th ,net , and remained next morning. 4 'Mune, inetore.% 6,000 bus Berle/Malt sold Eleel.l2, Bohn Edwin Ileed, Chipman and Ohae A Grainer 11a ..,11/11Tati : Wortieille - Witi a , r ID;Si te 11) non 1 y. ' Icnin T e s o r ed i , el Ql fl o a r c! . mi e tu n g i r l bl' l t i Cf e l i e i l a W , Birr e i r is ,1; tragifooVeirgteridoeinendh2oo tons astir - WU:in for Lynn, at Holmes ' H ole Oth inst. -• ~ . op til ts gioncalinelfia laaid2S'Oharobal Wheel Rehm Lillie Saunders, Corson, for Philadelphia,' Ell. Mita IMO 6111168e585' and Scotch Pig at 628 per ton, sebith li, Dotors, from, Quincy for do, and Caroline 4..10 11 06) 11 16 • ...nta1d• ITAGreedihlsre.was nivie at $35 , 6 Hall, Grahato;from Boston for .. Smyrna, DM remained wiigiuglsong.,Won eintion - easebuit milted. ~ „ at Newport 6th k i d . ,-, -I, 404.1...:Tki1Mft soli if' Galena wee et 6.lkc per lb.. Rehm Romp, Mayhew, hence for Lynn; and AI for- Intrainisa_ll lloVirTfrifitiet'imld at"6B cash: ~D r o pper and ton, Elwell, from Gloucester for Phlkulelphia, remained Tiii'birl wanklanged,"andltbe sales bell.' . - 4 at Holmes , Role oth bet. y, Box aiibe idoeltle DOT, wait sai ' t of 100 Ude, ' nioirtiViVir: 2 QuirbitrOn,',at 'egad to 888 which le a de. atintiersiiiiri'llarkli tinehitegesfand delet. • 1112110wA8 is mare! ,and end yellow - comminde 86.816 tiehlti. -- `'' ,--....:, ' -..- - , , ,PBOV140:481. Iflrtriatipts and ttoekit of all kinds tratltght bnable r mi erme forward slowly . with small eaDotorNissa Pa iii -bib 6001816, and prime ett 6,160 1 • 8 60 • siesknil *par usoked lleas Beet Is selling in lotiOrMil 1 -UMW in' MI esui. 50 ?ir libl Birein-The linianiflien linitted `withiale. had. it treib r tio tftW`tlidativid. ,pj Runk; lbeilOge.loy Bides, and But I.lolotSho 441eleitniff Melon isteady; small a t now of* ' izielthirle. , at 10940 0, Eddee at fleaVo hibeghoodderw al 1020,:stattt.tn time," lord bat been in limited stoma nod rather loiter: 66116 Of bbl, . 11 44t4MAAIPO, liOtaitAltiif 4 eltlBXo,,gf , lb, cash and 'MI ore,. , , ptiy,:merges.frari,ll% to 120, ouh. Ma r r•gglM ' Ite.C,Oonliiitrog stagnantly dull at $ 0 - 10.6 24 fatOlni Vl,tiomiji it good Wintry_ Within the, t0ngi0,00502 1 .60u trivial.% „Aherne 'shell tintily atatel2.ol o _ 'lb, ;Joe arena ler atlaniit . doom. : - .:,co4V:4=,Wite,reeilpt, are light, bat tiseupply 1/1 • fol. It r eirial_to tits demand ' : der* are coooog s tenlowly. wbaoiargntites ire $33408,60 for whlMaab, end 0,25 :148116 foe todish, bytAgoargo, 1,., 'ori,board.., ~, ,?"'iooBol6ll:linehosen in moderate demand; with sales of oeariroOt*is 810 aelikell„to, fit bags Liguayra I, , rtfilial; l o oo tie et moinugo otlommiOgo, cod yori eras Of M„, , , . ; , • ,„morimp.to braserveithln the last day or Erin, but the daiontwilasehoon risFleritta,?withealeil Of 1,000 bales at slalom 4r,1 0 , eitiki , for. Episode, andym Digo for Otafe r imiltutinirtainpleeht 110120 Slt . lb, "---414049-10044- firilleCtuovemerit time liitgeptiinitier 4 1 ,,a,tia11*.Olitt 4 AdV t h ,ths Proff noo gliee Yeooll ' , -„. 1 4. , ...0" . -, -- , " 1849: - MB. 11057. „, 1856. . **lthin*Ronta. .8,006,0002,442,0002,622,000 ' 2,900.000 **„Brtta„l,2o6,ooo 1 017,0001,018 0001400,000 Irmloklhreitoe , :.,.:., iti,ooo ',470,000-ats.ooo e46,00e Illclebiker,- , , 401,00 M 111.8.000 , e 04,00 0, ,868,000 Toielepporie ! ,i,142,000.1,41,4000,10141,00010p5,000 ,_ 10. „ ~ k6 - 444,414., ,, X15Ffiti0,, , ,6 31, 900 1 ,0 00, 0 00 • ;I 'P r i ln i mn 411ib r the'Pl4.2rAAPlebtaded In tha Alma : lOU atiParto ... ~,171,000400,000',., 41,000 v 88 000 ;Ix to G.-8ritnin4.'..66.000 12,000-. 64,000 , - 06,000 -woe winneerk4,-47.-- - - , 2.000,4't 2,000 - • /8,000, 10 , 000 lit.pthirlit.M.4..?o: 18,000 i, 30,0001 40,000 ; 18000 :IP, 64 • 681514 4 1,:..;',..t.., 37,000;04,000 47,000; 94pu0' ....o.muywo are dal), 'With ailei of cltyMade isdebilan 'sl,6lfetiOSte46 V' 78, 0 rooe-Jblo sales of Weetern, end. ,an4lpernrood:pollo_yrcandlih. Intern - coition. ate,o r , Amisruils.o., r,f • ;- , ...3.7.1 4, Al' , !1. ',' r.• ..1 f , N ',. 6 - 4DMITOSIA,A4D - DY 6 I6-Dneinees 1e moderate, among' • OikettlibeelltieMAlKElMlt'Aeht 2 XMan,Bleaohlog Pow; 7 , 4o,4”,g_gigo,•Madder at Dix 110,-Ooebineal at di filie' 14 0 4616 1 LTAU• 616 /tit Ate 04 it at 83407 e, lahOarb: of jkat..xt.•,1186,35304p,tb,'0n tome: " , le ao - oe - tin - ree 47 ..,..- e Aitli44o66lllB:oA'.*lll,ll2o,AlitleMitd:veinek,ti to 11181,14 b• ilawkelitterflisros hawk *maned t i a m , • I d "' la ' $ 1 • 5556 / 5 1 0‘ 115 • 1 ; 616.60 let, (d 3 1: 0 266 -Ag_ge;g ,higiwrgior-_Bih Um aenice:',Plthlitilerring :Are se.homill th 3,2 4 * MI '-'"itglioilj , '' ' .6 " 4 " 11 ,- ',ntrertodangied*t.lSObohletna.l.oolbi. - ~., -, ',- v'‘ ^, -',' rtflitt , O = Porriigii'li''rno4eleitti'," Oianiesi , and . uhai 1 ,,,, , ,,,m 0s mom the wharf at from 61 to 2.50 X, . .bonol , ll ,l, ht"rloniltr."Wothing..,doing; Wolter 048 4 4 9 ,.- Ithiloite/PFlell 'Wife It- Item 'F‘ t0t46,46, • snit ,Deieshrhgritshilielterifeensiparwilunartiono and hems, o,ollllllol2lthara dtil4 3o Divrowool romil.Dottoo was - galtenst.*oll.llld far equarie iinenoutprousg to,. , Milliteotoutaleathliord: at Olt Mlle teni. . - To`Undoirt „.o,,,ol l oti k st, ggegsbete, tan ; ,my Bost ne, thagmetketa are , p4tiegllllWlSeloi Yligir,Se-for. Cora, be for measure vont goodie, and t 1202 26 Ot ion iorLPig end biennia°. • tortipillitoo , RawiWoot India, fredghti we notice some on. INgelheatil 42480 5A4.160 lbs for Outer • from ihttia, wad - ithforttoisiumr.,,- Avenel wurairen tut to load Oral for RinarcatlNl4Weptoor - t• E , - . ~` +I,. ,:.,.! A , -, irtmegigafpc4rieentorenoisanal, it 6/1 1 0'forDruitiasol ` bilettbrOlart644l;l4 l rr s t,.,. 4.1, ,141.4 . _ „.. .. , 1 1,41174,110 - .Therorlus , binst4'etederate Inquiry for toggyonejeMui mad - Pam& oases; andlitioeseire ate dily nialortillitetrulaeof thhsforinoretW o 4o,4o”fr a ttio. Itiskt;4lllmgaslitp , t. 4444 .- . ',.• 1, A -•-.±,1 • ,•,..., GUNN! CLOTH -Bales hi:million Miele: ttiaivive, 1 unteridea petiatitYlsoldein ask 18c, _6 months. A eall Mei La a raighboring Merbet to ow:where I e4436;001 - .4• 1,- /M Kre. , ...ii ~•.. II! •: . ,f .: .1 ~• I o 1 ipiomplortliiiii4lolo4l' there 11 - 41 Y little doing. ' AlDlneLlikemi lemmata in dot hoses and the do. losal:roOtilPafhWef' efeelt_Ridehlefe Selling at VIM or _, .- -;- - ' , . , Dl* taindted intlee of Stern' it ' d 'Western are i aleltiatahletelBoW t- lb,F , , „ ,: , ~ , --- Dithilltantantinnee in attire demand at full rates, irith'llghLangplisito Operate'. ;:. ": " ' - 44 uropiint--rheillemohlit.%oo4 at pelota brill for llXt"..Aemerlpttling 0 -Ifellow.eam Boards sell at 6 i 6106 i MasquektianafiNkitt Sine,lll6ol6‘. and itesnliolt;sl,6o MOLAtrittt;-..G'he aterket DI Ilitt bid Tilsit; and the only Wee, resorW, are-. 260 bade cube 270290 tor KepoomaoiMalezeter,4* en Mtrodid some New Orleans et 400, 4 meow -, , r.7.413i41i-6101110r. - -11co2it Dthirill,iwalettnall titles a l *o4,iit gl,Boiet er bikers& Jew, glue 4 No. ,it *l2O. 13 RJ.* tITAW Siii. sintly at proviouriquotathroir: Brit , of,tememtirm ii 4 us moderate demand, and Wang at Meadfiffjpatem.,-, , ,i -- ,,z ,- ,o* ,' -,,,-!-, „o,t g o kir_oleir (OM 6}11'.14- Dilated request atureriont yi" Laid. Oil isiell 00.9140 U for, winter, on ;awe d ed„o.4lil*kratherAlullignithisides at rniundlo tr gi00.,, ,,,,,, ~.... 43,11 , , A 4, YV , It ~ I / , 1 7, •4 j J ..4 . 4Ajt T. 6 VII soursio t oust in , demand. 'at former quota. y - XDReontinnte distant the Improvement noted last ~W eet e milmfir q 4 0 ,440.1 0 fair aid prime quality it' VI oop thoen,Mime.; ,v , . ~, :- , ,- , • ~., p:z.eiethiop - defog forum want oertook, mad no 'Amiga al. noW. ,, Ah_iMPOttFf ilteerFnel;grOrsoldr Dolt' tncvms solgtim m ousiy, on Lorne kept mow. - it,,,AMXDIC-o•Ohmerteml.hoi boon den etirompii to te.6o , f,..i.9..iiri Poinot t 4loalltiniossaiDe 16 told fr ba tovencieins - whit 'ft het `moreinplirp lit the otos.. TioothilfistOt4 6 ,l 6l9 .2. Bl *; looilleaseed /172 ep tiltigill....-Titersiiiihet Else. bun;quiet, but Olin at Yormeifigurei;Mltle Date, or 400 Mole, Porto Rico' and 54 1 Krit 1 ,19teil0 'Wetter 8 1 4 New; Orll6o l ll tit 1.1i4110 ei Mote: - - 1 - SPIRITS.-Branrind Gin are milling at limner? .yet4e 4,MAN...411uni. ,ataady. at ,80m871; Whiskey , la taniklaireW.lntltlr isalessof bible at aborti.2762llo•for o, l tle,',244•2lo,lot,Ptiourlvitolar ,2606630 for ,Ithde, dint 24.111•VG1V drildge,'elovlng at theloWeet Owes ii•sales4 city.rendered at ./., 5 11 55 1 u VALVAA .,- 1 - t s • .s.. ; •st-. • . 1 xi ..-srloas aret r ieadini opera* but there Ia not lainrithdefrig fil blotto izergroini: •' ," r . -WOOL It6ll bout very 'quiet, moet reanufeatureni thavingwitteirown front Die market *tyrant r'uleelia. elude about6o,ooo ta, from &Seto 62c, net, mositlynt edam forthas tleMse - 4 ".-- , e ...., ... r9t armi- -144 Etabi. . rt; /001411 7 Anoshe Xebnot ( r loo lp ixt t,wkilor tit Ittig 4 4,6 7 11 4: - oCatillw I ,tt#, 'ate, 4 KtipOrtiatuiTL• " `oiataibtats—srle , lp p' IS vie% 7evrett. 2 -286 WWI -ir/Ast.thOnfttCb4king4st.sil494lVAVALeh. '5 talraltatia MID ..01. TRAM'. • ; .t `! , Xi tail - a mitstviasfedi.rsgs Itostar.' - ; • '..., LETT ,EIL -BAGS At U. Mirdha - sisl'Aickimga; PkiicidayAdei., 'Ship 1614414 Quesnjl66:7, ' Hanna,' doan 11* - 11416r; nifirttet - -=' Ale de Je.nelro4_o'xiii' Bark lonssoallOtiQvinito "L0,40n, (oolf 'Batt tioldonl6464.26firedil44: - .*Goast of Atrlea; April 8 chtste. - ;,r. :74;g; a4c, de 4 - 64141644 epoA - ,„ ,:fmrine j!!4III9.CMCP. T1",./..U 1 41 1)) //?F1 11 14 :April, ifiSti. atft • i : " 6 Si' fait( SETO . ' in ** A** A i. •• 40 29 lE-.) 4 11 ,- 1 - ,Acr.,irf, -- nink.t,Te k - slavim• - •-- - 1-• •- - c• 1 .11)19848orklialtekrir63 , Copin.`22 hours frOmlie* York, Bitktadia androgen to James Altdordloetrißsed e -4 10,2 k 4: 8 40 8 3 kttotr of fitonm3tag,,l,l, Poney i Aug ,Oki Ikrubkrit k =tinkly 'Monte. 11litOnlet-4rio iptolggi koTm-b,algs lialow tramty i Teload; rtbork below Boolean. ,tlettataltriiiitti‘liotitt ItiiieCilitli, and about atteea 'teat , irt=litHl - Peetir d46 ,,lola3 l e : 4l; r m 'c ila “ teens, t elli .140 1 ,j l j*Wat,..tigatekaaawiitrattker. : - _- - -- - 1 •-•,-, i'--11 ?Awe moot kl, dam; team varaaate, klth Oligetkildkebeall WOLK* Welatti I. ' •,' 4 -, 4 : 84111 A rietteta.'ateitter,lB don from Mobile, *Mb '4,i ) rtoic. kir, kegel l3 lB. • fitertfoleioB. - .A Aka‘ 0. 8 ;'Ilit 28 At,,lanitli . li-opoke ihiti knot know allirell; .3 , settrautt, tlltattaotti Ifelly a r a, 4art l roml,Dolittui lilik: sib. to Growell & bottfife : - :-' - ''' -- - -' , • !:- - tmbielaniond State, Caray - -# da;ya tram leiatel 4 .141 Itlttrititabet to .I',W Batton- . 4 5 ,3, ~,3 ~ 3. , OW geolotepol, fineksou; (don from Oboytkol RI- IntiVetltti lutotor to i W B11041:11,' , ,i i:; , ,,. - f.:... _...•--,,,,- 4 . .„444.' EL e ii i fa0,4 1 1,j3 00 w, 4 don from rierrifork '!rflth 16 . 1 e1Oti - ordernellel to aiorta 4 ,1301 1 1 PC' ~' t - , .09141111inkonn, Wheetok; ink WM York: i i '''7 Nine rs6lll4•l,Beammb GO/a B .Bolw X' 3l k. • -'• ,Eckel( B Caolfale, Wingdoite!trinrillorrTiltk3 tt '• Firrillentkefedwitlader, Godfrey, from Roden., -. .Y4lollBBrrieltior Illeksy, goop,44l4preeigette,Y,l,, iißikr.4/41 - Yloyd;Reekott t how Ottent.._ : - 4- -- i - ,k , - -- _ - -, , ,, - ,, ,' ~ ina t aii n litialL, I, ,.ifite VirglatakKettyintollatona, P Webatei,7l/: 411441.15840 11 7.1B1f 8 trIerkillootlifi•lleitod, 7nry itßaikinitt`to ~ ,___"A , -ff ' -,%-•_..,_, tt i, ,- /ogoiddialaajasimateatiOtavarailleatty,; eatte Itk: Clite -- ,-,:•;:".,1:?,.•: , , , t-:. , -•: - . 0-:1:•-• -,--- •;a1 - .;:•:, ..--,..- .‘, -. • ~,. .••,, -; etititaitialittOiL_Onlii,l 4l6 "g"._, ic; W 00/ '; - ,. , .. - 01itrog ParrefiAttaema-,-..ratfax-. R train - 8, , ..,', ~, ,I fikettlt 10048,1114#1, , Boetonyltati Dub* „BO; 4,01448311*.; ..,, ~•- 4 , - l..trk. m'',•: , , , 1 ttt ,. !,44tbkkillotbboy;:kilinsitillkteron;•3 - t 3 1 ,7: • .44 '4leliftletii ll teaMeralabakee4 lieaten, 3 , -• 1 1 , - --, 'do I•llokrotiiirseitctihotodicit; Nita aeitatiN Vit .. 4. 1 -74.1 0 11.1ileatoai Ountrldgeport, ?WIN ii ti 3) 14451wr , 1- -nr ..-8 1,; - -r :' le . AIE,Y Aokeffr, Biskillimbrldge, tilible, ' Waitaki . iii . t Welt , '-''''.-- - ' 5 6 100 , ffiritiroOtrtfittiOtteitza:al!laratef,tilitatairaon Altritlim,:a:•4l.- 4,:. ,,-, :. -,•. , -: ar4t,l,-,41.4,'?pl MMIM , 144-*ii - i,ii.'''''!,; ,- i ,, , ' i PRF , ,PwmwapannA,, NO9'loll TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that the Vineyard Bound Light Veasel, off Sow and Digt, Ts roisaing from her etation. She"wiil be replaced with as little delay al possible, of which due notlae will ba given - Bx urdor or the Lighthouse Board. , MELkNOTRONVITII, Oomdrlfll N, Lightbouselospector, Second District. 1 Boston April 8 1859. 0 0 , 0 b 53 ; - " PIGGO r iI!.; IMIOSTEA AND :OBI! All OF ! • RIBBONS, • - • • '" • • Zitlin.olllEttlig, „ • - • -WHITS 000 DB, !toi, /to. RAS REMOVED TO ' ; - - , , NO. 16 NO)111'il .FOURTH STREEt ' Has dull "the. 'ahem!!! Goode: 'Alen, reeeiying daily, JOBB Win) Auction, to which Cub and libott 'dine Boyers uninvited: ' -unloac2in SPRING H. DU,HRIIO, at GO., • , Noe. 26 skull 28 - ,NORTH POIIRTII 6TBEFI`, • Dore jit#Opotiodtheir iooottt „ •:- , ..-DiPOBTATIOIIO , : API d'Z rag A ,G .4'R 112;AR - - GLOVESVAND, .SKALLWARES, - • And aolialt an ittopoptiouof thou complete and ' • losoeted „ "., 31 - 8 F O taiT;',A. TE D ' !So#Fitratii ,ti6triliVEt3ll3oo,/qam• SlittlalNGEN Arp now opening Attok More, ip , :tizaci: 409; BikaRET - STREIII, ;.4 ' Abovp Fourth, Korai MO, 4,—.NINIOME - liNNORTMENT ON" ; 7 ,4C.PA TEA , STY.L.I3# 1r " :',.,t0.A.14CY::" DRY G OODS, 'OP THUS OWN ; NAPONNATION And aileigoit,".wliiiii`thil4Neilei",eleitolwtiew from '6llpirte of,the "I:fated/UW.l4os }he alma Mail plow. 4!D:MA*ENT 1V4113141. - . • ; IMPORTEg9 , -AND:PDPPERO - 01' tOSOgir/;..tetoVka; .1 Y A1121 . 3 . BANI34EB LORMG-OLAJNINEI, ONNMA-ii iioiNNENON i NANON GOON, Aro TAILOINP:TNINSIIN4B. - fol•Sul - Detail ipin,l:sspobo, RA:pBON's - No. 1.32. NORTH EIGHTH RABAT, • Are paw opentvg, tind,wpoOntiono to retro:o(y 1411* AND BHATJTIYIIL STYLIS 'LADIES' DRESS "TRIMMINGS',I 700, TED BPRING BALM ' - n A' 8o: N , tAtair,toictsiiansitiNies end ZEPHYR STOUR, • mite-2m ,CODDDR. =GEMAItD 0111RDY. 18WE ARE NOW: Qgcli urexeOPENING 01111 - 11PRING and .1. - I....n.Paxe • NTILVAB, ;" - „ YOR TUB WEOLES&IIB TRAM TO'Whicit welortte the attention of • 801411ERN ,AND WESTERN 811111011ANT8. .' W. PROCTOR & CO., left 7081)1IESTELIT Street. HE QUESTION TILIO.. ARISES' IN - the salad of the publio is, Whereon we:spoilt!! :ear : money to .tbe beet advantage I -,The answer that we would ,give them le, At No.ELROYIe, where you can Had eserpthiagiii ourllne at the lowest possible Floes, . SPRING - , Qom IN ENDLESS VARIETY. roll de Oberres,-,Delatue, Valevels', Bilk roulade, of various etiles sad superior vanilla. ' • A beautifial n esortment of bk.ok Bilks at low prices. Alarge lot ot/deraellle*Ao4 Alsiolele Counterpanes flea it.i2g to $2.10. ' Arkonterostye asuartment of 'Motto, Caealmerea, and Satinete,"ireiy,oliesp; • •, - Table, l inen .Toweltns ShlettnS l,l6ll 3 6 , OhiPtses, • - .Clap lot, of CallaS Ind Infante Wale ow raga: . r prase., .t tella,l3roehe f battle iery ciaq, k lute lot of the celebrated Prineeaßortl Heored Skirts, warranted .1111" best article. of the land era manatatured, at $1.26 and $1.e . 734. - • • • ' kroittllbY , S, felt-thttu.:tt No. 11 south NINTH Street. _ IfjNENS.-FOR-MEN?I3 MEAL .ffi-a Amadei* Linea Company's superior style Brown Linen Coatings . , X and'X, various Omits ; Brown and Blesohed Linerr , Oneks, Tarim styles) Brown ,Linen - -&-enotoe ueostment,otilaceboye cioo4# now on earsple:ssillbrelslti by - ' ;03BPI1 LIRA; dlB-2f . , 148 end 180 011B2TNIIT Street. Oha,e 411101,4 i. tTO,EINS & SONS (iltuseeihr,te,theilatolot, 30h121,) • - importers tad Dealers IF , SHOH•BTII2YB and TRIMMIFIGa t LO2 GALLOONS, • ' , LACIETH, ke., ko. AT THE OLD, sTAmp, Nortfiepetaorcerof'B6Pi a febmica: AINC & NEAGINXIS, P0:11011T14‘111111.1),,S i l'ilitT, - luiparters q t - and Dialers In, 8.46.8 irAPTU.I4(ITi7RiIiB' 906118, '4d Al 4nds,of lIPJPIELDM PATENT HOOT TRIES. 011IMRINg ,111ACIt0011. ENATERit ROOT fIithLILLI, ; - "'''• a:numbs; an 4 ' . „ , attotalf., pipw,eaul Aka . iptal SVOE "11112X4D8 ,t05:tt0.4712 V3S 4 _,NMIT:W;,PAV,IsTE. , ~.„ ` X I PPP I I 4r ;M bi • D e a e g • • (14ITIOR ,limr f aavidltiej N. W. corner ARCH Aid roratn sta. LARTINGS, - . - HAI,LOONI3,' ppaltwrXti ~ , ,„ 1 PB, lll io ll Kip, PATRNT LIATHRR, wien;TOXlltEilattilll•rt,P,llB?=. tebl-3mj . fittOß t A 7I I 4 ZW:ItEitiF AND IfliktiictiClE 'W:48950;03 EU' TALIAIA , RIALVP fineetitereign- , iemedy-tor Ate 'eta., eteerelLies for eitere b'eadieh r e :re every -Inetseee 'wheteithse been appliedle bee proebetel k li oertsfd and Ppody bure:c4b. eagee of AMIGA 'mite httificliitg, , ener Aolery *Abe* lemedy be* tailed, thin SALVO likerif* bee been inebeigni :velievec-tbe `patletit eat re ly -,witte the ttee,of ono, box ettiv-,