• V - ; 1114141 9 01 : - ktr&V.44/ Cat! ..P`n-.1/og-fONiliii-1441. • ...*2lll-201•11Wilik4,1r. . ''i;;'i~'r'iij:;: s t ? -4f _ ..., - ' , X , c3.1 . 41"4- , • ,, -- 111V .1, - ~ * - 1: `, - ,7- , _ ' -, .filk:iOhlivatitimirw , • Tri, 110 . 1e- - 4 t ~ . -.5, ‘ ,-, : ?..,ww.r- p . . 44- 0 1.34:44:4M5:41, 1 M2 ::--: -;.; : - `A'''''' -.. piliwllluil, 7 UP - ' ' " 7:',17.-_,,,,';74-Matitril_isaidThey4, •,' r , -. 1 t • ^Z. iwititos(44,_.o • e - -As - '1 1- • ::k4U II -1 4 - 11 V 44:104 454 0 • -4 Pr 014004(040,11, tie "VI; ' $ ► ;Aim saerrsi,mr .or trj ra t•V 1 1 4Z e gil Atar'lrogiutegekil. 111,6iko'beirt Waal to PbiladelV a t . ' - ' WIC &labs . pr"o24mokier, • .... -Itendtilleoh . " 4111frt iiiVic;46 . 4A• O vroisia, a rebat. sga 4 4 1 1, Ar • p„IRO , jug 'twos at Alike'V ju skitkum.g, mom are let b. 4 1 4 1 9 1 1 14 1 1 1V.M!.t i .:141admA,14*- - -•-• - `: ' Ira MI SIMD Ai "xi • ''," ^ ''''''' i ittromittAGANINFRIPP 'liolllo. - ' .: = Co 4th, 1859, I ' - .ll(ader the__migette_tte otc i :L ti., • ' lannealuitA-LODIEM AND MAIM !, .''' 43 q rartglit4oloo4 l 11 tt .. i : .... ! . INDIFIIIt DER onnza or 1 1 .. ,:„.. ,? . iipto tar .vi tae r'0414.:1; • r 'tma, 14°Y #111164, 40111116 ili , ___,...4.4 * :-, Itril l ' "1 mist. ---- - --, '"'" : 0 in' it te i enlist. i ' f44:,14' eiNtte ,"'. ' • <, , , 'orws, VIII bee*, it, ! 1 . 4414,,' ( .....,.. ,.., **7 ,. ... ..,.,.... 4 i' . retake' fet tie It ?l' , f ofiiimpwitipplegaidrif6,4o4l, i . ets iqm 1 tttx fttf . ."., l IV II sthlitiollitywireklioo , MiOses Mat tiabbatis. Nail beitatifilly free from ,tean,eeltiati ablo testaree snot amdatgiede No to, amid AO. later of Uplift 'WM be epand to - - tbh mo ot Om jtAa4A2 g o novel of tbe eel , 114,101 M ta is SOOVIID Ai* ow of en It emannee la remourmadol to Wading e ball; th toe.. mkt i a.ce At; it dot e Pat at e eetehbet , at ' ito• for die. telbuNon mnomiAlteMeikkititteleiGNitUattmettelp Mitzi* la width tt lattbettbolte otAinblieenmefe the Wes to wally ohotall'4 . 4,lolo , elw l bs Pr is""lirlitttib"'' '- .411 1 / 4 - 4''' , . 1 1/1 " I ~ I. k H 0,.. Riski44-y,,, titqfr4iTirtn-iir' , - wm. - - - -a . hi, D., ', VAtlllieWittelifhiter as W. H. T .R. R. ' , 4to. xtittOßtilt, , Wt!,3l. -,•;':• ..,`" , ,fita w - .-IV ';?::,' 1 .I,tf ; 7 1 , 4 , tafel 1 , 14 ; ,, . , . rtr. , ,ieti ;t 11 z . l.2l r arr it , :', 1 1 , 1 , ; :• a etlVlrtm,7l.. ,'P.,:41:14, 11 . 1 4344571( kt.t. It a it &Ito ~:t• 1 • obioto. 1 4 ; 4 2 „ . 'i n ' •i4 l - ' MIN i'i gfileffitisTililir, l'iit'. it; 4 ,XOUlStrusaoSat,!wt. ,l t. 0 74 4 10,114 Ul a Vvi .,, :q Or , 3140 .1 1 re , r 4 RMAk.rt , rt, f 0 1 0 4 1 0- ll 4 04 0 , ,,, , ., Iljsi lV4 . 4trAiii r, ~ ,,f itvtaA: ' 1 P. A. gawks. , is._ l, --ft ', V.-' t ellgala Williams,' .. i ! . .,,,B Goddard, N.D. lame C00pe0,,,,1 1 rdirmi t tle,..,iie ugtuirck..., •. , . Nep•Wilion . -: - Goo.B. Levis, 1100. Itl . poesitrk g S Irilt*Sn'ftidiolobt` 1 :; 06 41 (3P I :tet4'' 1 - 131 ti:14"irtiiiii, -- - ; ,t ~ 6. , L , a , Lato , o :-,), w:7 B. e :_-:, , ,t04444s r i gi &-tXXXXna r -AXIX.' -_JJ X 1/ Vart 185% - ; ;Nampou7l.Bs9. .10iTY _OT ,TIIIB .1040 10 •RQUAL 'AIM IN THE COUNTRY. , ._••• • TREES THROUGH PABBINORILTRAINII'. BRYWRIEW PRILIIDRLPHIA - AND `PITTOIIIIIG, Conneetlog direst at Phlladelplthswith Tliwitigh Twins from Balton, New York and all Joists emit, seems the Union De_pot at Pittsburg - with Through Trains for COP eintudl, at, Imuisanserturei,t Mirage; Burlington;Bt. Paul% _lndlanisiolLs, Louisville, New Orlerwearittri intereietikte:points, in Ohio,.lndians, Illinois, Eon tualifiNichigari,WiseamilstOuneaotaailesenii, Eau sea, atirNalitidgret:einteyurtilahing facilities for the Wriins'iwteticetuf Pagesegrusluisavrmemigfor aped Wad cozoforthrikey tither routs. • leapires sin& "sat Lines tun, ,to Pittsburg - •without change or (Firs or.Moadiatine.t. • amokiagiCare ant attached to Wiehi WiodrutPe Bleeping thsreto Ixpreet amillhst PRESS RUNS DULY:; Wait mad iimitildassilitiadays exempted. gut Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 1.20 A, H. Ma ti '4 11 Express Train leaves w. 1100 P. 00 PAC WAY TRAINS MOSS! POLLOW3 z IlPirkeatoug Accommodation et /1 6.1 W. - .Mirsisburg, sielmmumiation; viallolusitta s4 1 .00 P. M. Oolutablis • • 4.710 ' - - Wes Chatter, from alghtesath and War. ket iltreeti,(eituth side,) 1.40 A. 111., and P Yaseengers for Ihisibery,'WHll fah_ Niagara pane, . Obis, Isevlug ehuedel*tu,.. ll l, l • 3o , A-• 11 - WI& AAA Z.*: 110 directly resets Wsitward may •IM obtilima' Cr ' tki Ogloe of ,the.•Cempatir iii-Philadellikhs, Newyork,-Ealton, or Baltimore; Aug Tickets Sastward at worths holsorb• ant Railroad oases to the Week; *seeis begat SO7 the regular Line ot - Iteatiisre the or Ohio Rivers. •••• _ h gars above &tme* MP other-Route, 'ebt9Pletlon, of , the Westerst coaseetbu4o,llo Pannsyletida lailroad to balsam mikes this the DIRECT LINN - BETWRIIN CNN RANT ' ARM Tax _ eRRAT NonTawlsv. -•- Tie emoneeting of Locke by the Raigised Bridge 111 Pittabiuw, avoiding all drama or forrlagraf /helot, together -with the at thee; Ate adritatagsm Ludt_ ly,,,,lPPrele, tied tity•Bidgpere of 'night sortlig an!aamPl !keno , • By QM ROote ni lhwf ill tristtall deinXi& W°4lll warded froasPkllatelphlt,WWWl , mon, la any johlt euthe liiettraftile o ff Ohio, Raiituelte, lidianas - Illiuoil,Wideousirs, lowa, or Missouri, by Railroad direct. The Penneyireala Railroad also eonneetset Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muekinguro, Rentiodiy, Tenasseso, Oamberiand, Il inois, Mistisidgpi, Wisconsin hilsiouri, Hansitio.. Arkansas and Ned giverss and at ilkfirehad, Bantineß E T, and Oldargowith Btemmars :Await porta `on the Nor &wester:antes. , • Idarchantir mud Shippers, eirtntstan, the ' Olituiliwini• Gob of 'their initial° this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy tratalti • THE RATIO OltililiNlGHT - Irrevry-'point "in- the West by the Penui7imudaltailroad are at all times we favorable - are Imkargel Othrol.-Bailroad Cum, • pantos. Mr Be particular to matt pratasee sle.Pdsuri. Railroad " Merchants In theWriet orderlog goods from the Nast, will do well to direst tketu te be slapped by this Routs. Tor Prtillit ,Contracts or Plitiping Directions, apply to, ado,rees either of .the following agents of the 1;101,3140/ u _ - _ A- drEWAllw, rime. 1- - Doyle & Co., steubsoettle, co. ; 0. Plats. th 00 . Zanewrille, 0.; I J. Johnston, Ripley, 0; 11,111eNeely i Maysville, hy. ; Ortnsby & Cropper. Portsmouth, O. i Paddock & Co. Jattereouville, latent Brown & Co., --Atitetwt&4lll4telbwillm mf ried, 0 N. 0. Me/drum: Mediees6 Bingham Louisvi ll e, Hr.* P. e Olney & Mane. ville, , ; NW. Graham & IRK:Cairo, ; RO D . Bass, gt. Loins, 119.1zoka 'Xenia Herds A. Hunt, Kemple, Teaxi.,• Marts & Co.; Oki. oago,lll ; M. H. Karats Alton, 11l -• Murphy' ads Wane, Dubuque, I l l; or to Bridget Agents of Itallo roads at ditfarent points in the Wed. Pardon attending `to their own ehipments firONI the Pao, will god it to their interest to call ow the Agents of the Company at the following polecat beers* lgal .or letters addressed to either of them on the e sijent of freights, will meet with prompt attend/ow, . R. Y. oNREDIIII, .• • - 01AGRAW & BOONS, BO North street, Sallitiore, • LEECH & CO., 2 A stor Roue, orl William at., .11. LEECH ih 00.. 84 Rilby streetdloatou. - H.•H. HOUSTON, °owl Nretilit Agent, hide. L. L. NOUPT, Heal Ticket Agent, Phile.' THOS. A. SCOTT, QUM Blip's, Pa. . , OR -THE .80 ITTR The SHIVRMPSUA, WI LMINGTON WEST—DEB, AND nu,. TWQRN AKlLUOADlNehlPANYelowoffsral"timo. T p ic a k te e r ts A to tl Wi t l a r l a o n e D a N. o r, ' IC4h. Nlesthohnvi I: e , 0 .N u -A b - - Tilts, Ohattaeoesa, Orand Zunotieas_ and-,tlemplits, Teruk,i IleatesOle, A/a. • and New Orreihe: Also, to the less distant Soother:Alt:MN aed Inhaeta Weetem points, NJ bet -The eteetnitip ISANZLzetakes Perol-ktontbly Trips betweene OWANAIISTON and ILLVANA and' opera a very doidialide rope te - ,,pelews,gers for the-latter port , livoilijing Cape Hatteras. - - .per tickets, or farther information, apply at N.V. eorner 81.4.1Ekt pod nORMIITNUT Ste., or - at 'Depot, SEOAD and PAULI Eta.; Picilaardp'kla. - PhLTON, Prasida _ . . retail tab, Zis. Mt NOTIOIL—AntIaisTEK -SAIEGROAD BENS /OS DOWNINGTOWII AND IN TBAM.ab Itt" egeriotis aaa adtar--lavisau .Zatafroialar' al l'imaiTar ,2 Dt o g.fat W eragl! Vi a ganapaay. ooroor of WOAD fifnitlinfEolllolff t4r bitirkiligtown, ioaroo at LIG rriztNOit IlLkdi for ,Dointairiawa r taatii, at LAW( itiptaitri " i ia t i yaer t i l a keloara,of t tiaaatars tlaa , y LY naq • - !Wit. atalWNNrilif jean - - rwarmA.. — pitn,o 3l l;G - ;ArAIi._OAV:II2., iviancianuk...Numn,,iso m , T modmte on si ," 6 - - by WM. WATTON,MAfGAR,er .WELITMmtIEWIUNG MUMMA • 8.--;toustrirolt PrgrotitAtumbiattat-gaNNltes r i BEILS. N0..2 - ROST.N tivitao tfo two by, 7, U.0. - YAM Amairseit,We 4 1( 1 :if = RSVFLP_ALNTHOB.I7ATTE,T. piu s Weh t 7l4 44 Y Al MM Roo, alwiesiar LIBMIti