BEM - -;, .., ' " •-: .:,iii , -,•;.. 6, i -:-.t•l'..w-te., 44 , ? , :- ,,,, T4 4 ',' too t f", -ii., fe c t44 , g Ir. 1:' - r-ft,01 -1 lA' ~.*lith, . 1- ')%7:',%-, -,-, ' • %.,,-",%.; 1 %-,%4 ..,:i.); ~..4, i"• 14 " ," 1 , tM7RODAYI,--VEBlttrAlt,ll;lBs9. Am, 46° ..,0 - Kr.iti r- RESEr i t.,..Y.f=1 , 4 TN! 15 , NEKLY-PEN88,761. Al; No: 0, for NAMUR iiky:;ViinOiti:'ti‘ko;itioi smonnt :Pa isbiecioiXnio4ked iOnnd tb s O wishisq.- 'vox— , • Tao mixt „Tit! SAA.TIMP/1111 WASHINGTON- Mavis oy,Ovai—Anuess - ov run POST 07FIOS ' DA !kat” ti mugfeCns Ato srsGs QuiDit •••••Tssiison: ,to,pixopaporollioonostitiOroiNfoo—W. 0. BO D, • THN'iSTSONONNIV-f , ,tl.• L • qPOLITIOALV . D . lni*iiitifOo.tafvf • ii4, * .i,;:psiriiiiienci:Piiiir,..+4 6 ”• • Ps. 7- 7 40 1 0,4' - '4Argo.Niron . • POETEY Ix lismoaux ov , Dtne. 13:—Tins BAe Butioo, •'ortttrbo,k9tig.,:-.lelis . LA474git ibstlavoilisoz— "; lgiilßQDlgr $ o 6511140! a —Eirraratrericts 7 Piticenzion orlaaND—ltv tanstmos--llNfoi l ; ,o,".11•014.1n , = ireinnitaT9 Jcptils Aentaitarottinertu—lefi*iiipird ISOM MOSlelif cOMITS7-41111 POIIA AS' AND CiaoAicoat:' • littalatodtrniisgzicisioot ••issesit: . arrosi hAissOSeair, Paiza , e • • • _o ll o ,l. * : ci '- • ; NRWs.—Tstarvirarti .ooseasse:=-Lersa ;nos roa,M=LPassurtiessa = Lao Haereas,Poasson ;•• - Nsvin—Tne - Liirsi 'tews iri.)Paurassais issld Weissmann; THE CITY, 7 -Wiriiii,iAlsrasf,.ar T 111! il/ILAD - ELPHIA - MAE - EIifk—MABIIIAGEE THCATIIE ;TEII - 111 - ONST IitiEEHT=PHILADIMPIIIA'IJATELEI ITAEXESLSTOOE • _ • • • liplioippiitilous.—i.aerrollusir Possieu : Staesai Cass-*TITIEtte MAILETIiO 'BOTT011;=A tasetlbis'llleßDlllll ON SENDAI 1111.151:974r1.161/11 . 111C - 0Ti011 ' Ai 0 - .SILLAO—LOBS or THE .93TEASVIENtiSTIV_OAROVIEAMIEAT FINE IE BOETH ." itiE4ol4; 1: - IliElfithl"11 . 0 • HEMPIETAIITIE0 WITH .41 FAMOUS DEAD , OF 1868— WA8.A8117,-*AILHIEH A 7% _ P.-AI 'Ors AT Neanosi.Eseirs—Tas Ba r oi9si`Birl - ic." • " • .101:*TWEJELY01(11131i-ja is:ebbed to emtextribere at 19 . per yoiritnadianee, for the single copy; and aloha of twentyOrtion.'eent. to. one 'address, Pei In *dimple '• - Ennilooopies for tale at the eoinster - of Tan PENES, of dee; in nroppets,nady ler leaning. • • Joan Cox le the only autborlied 'carrier of The - Piess; betivedtaliventh' and Broad, an4' be tween bfarket eti*l` :Shonbl anY.ef oar, gmtisiriliers;2residlng Within the limits desig nated, Ail torrioelve the paper, they will please give notlee at the °floe. - Publications Leiters( from New York and Vesbiegton - ,deneral News. PotriTit PAGEL—Extraordinary Stdoide ID New Orleans; ; Matrimonial Infidelity:4nd' WWl> ; Early History of Senator-Hammond. _ , The News. .The Secretary of the Navy yesterday presented to thelJnited Status Senate a statement of all the °entreats made by:the Geivernment, for live oak A'resolethiit was atlOpted,upproving of Minister Reed's regulations for tie"Okineseemmulates. A bill fiee 'lntrOduicd by, Om:tater, Broderiek to ea steamships between San Fran: - aide° and Shunghae;•v4 the lifindwich'lilinds. A resOlution wee' paned Milting for tko - ooriespond enCO!viith'Pinside,.relative to the foreed enlist ment -Irt tie:Prussian army of persons claiming -American protection. • billwas presented providing for' thelssue.ofland , patenta to the, Shari - Bwlndians, andnetti tal izingthern:as''Oltiain's tbe:United Sisitee::',„4ftor some debate, the - naturalisation ,olaintxitsetrieken out, and on a vote being" taken on,the bill; sit was lost -by ra. majority - of '9.. Mr Taylor, of Louislatstried' ineffeetuillyttn gel leave to intrOdiloe'n'bill for thitrpitrehase - of Cuba; In 0G1114214'66 of 'the Whola,ute legistativa, . Judi: oial; 'and „ateontiVe r . 'apPropilation bill-was die. etutiedomd after some debate, the olause l'apero priatuig $200,000 for t44intlearipefqtgettoonf the meinbeniof Cangresawasiltrioken out. ' . The Washington ourresponden tof the NX. News saystiluit‘ there" te 'it painful 'innior flying about, whieli'oeineots tte'ilinietlnue of the leading di plomatiiits now, ,in .Washingtonarith an intrigue farinore oomplitrientaryto hie stwesitiftd gallantry than to his morality. -; ' „ Vice President Brankinildge has lone „home to Ketitticky; tin - aceount of the l ll:healtlCof himself It le i!.roiesed.ii.the Illinois Legislature to oreiti a new ito Ibis milled Commissioner, of Immigration,: tetnike ktioisi the iiatnial 'ad ! : vantages of the State, to late° humigrationk and • point out the ieet toealltleb - io eaob class of ,new- ii . "o\ l *,l l laraffaia"; Soma • 'doubt, seeing • ttl:',eilst ;- the, truth of the' reportt,from Rfytb.that _Sottlentie been dit-; feated. The New Yorli-l'iibsOle - iaYs that it Is evident that:is conflict hide serlosus;ts pestl 4 Ourr ,as" It diustiima- AtniriOntilijelebici4oragetitiiiiit Hayden' Pot' ,t 4; a,•llttle colored :: Elbulotique, Is by no means popular among the commercial. . class,,alto.istard Min in feet" as tit' 'ecirCof •He is , Itimself , the - • - great , -ciffee' merchant ; of island, and - Safe - 4:l,in the:Ghia!, ircidticed. for foreign4sieiC i ;TO inahe sure of his duce and duties,:lol,te r .prevent ; anybody but , birriself•frOto drislng:hard, and • extortionate • bargains with bb • subisote,;fie:reqUiree..that all the , coffee should pass-thrOugh'his hands: - Ode arrangerieitt is by ' no miens' agreeable to; 'classes, and!tea are a 4 aa4ta side of the, inear 7 ~•,—; , . r :Additional Mfrs fromllayttatates that the Em-• Posed his family • on board a venal - at , ,Port•att-Prince, and it Is =spoiled hointended to leave vrith:them . -zto that tirho knows but me mey , • have an oppo;tunity of imehig, - a;live, Emperor. *pooh pit ". " " • . Captain Montgomery,of Kansas fame, in person is about - ,thelnedium beight,:orlarge, , muscalar frame,SoMewhat gaunt •andfworn'iri appearance. - His features are good, the generaleifiression• being =wilt like the oteiriary 'reprefieritationiof Colonel Broniont:Mis - unic:imPthalliind ragged, filiherird . - lend h Segain appearance of. ferootty,to hie coon tenantiet'ssilith; is,contrallsted by themild light of his keen bipe eykand.the.almost fetal:dna soft: ness:tithie„Weltiriedolated: Video., _His Arne is _ eutritMeli sirlinittie,With no linen or other superfluity; - • ••• - The MassaehtusettsMistorloal Booletyponvened spoolif meeting ot Ttiesdny 11(64 at itoeten,` for the Phipoee or tottOtiii, in - e becoming manner, the Atiiiii:daitit'of H. Preipott; the histoibin - The iiioneedings ire said to have been exoefiP4l72. l e 2 PTeseime.end:earmiet, ..The Poston papapet yealerdey arntilled with tie proceedings,: embraoingThe addresses of Mr. - MObert '0:191n. throP, Mr; lisioege TiokkOr, - littra Sparks, Mar. , James Walker, 9. . 4 iraY, Mr. Josiah '