for lhFPr«3Bti s r ;2' ir C~fi. Ooiduttbs of thk Mouth. B&XJAUIX MAB'sHAPL, ;1 ,-;r . ‘ •- ’. l . AMhe Merchants* Exchange* Philadelphia. B&'qclq American. 1 Wortinger.'.*’.'...*.Cardenas, soon B?lg Bea't,*rb • • ‘•••♦•Demerara, Jan. S 3 Brig Western gurVCollaiq'.•»•». Barbadoeß, Boon Brig Ella Htfefl, TttlOiW.V;..... ,8t Jago da Cuba, soon tiobr.pbvftj .Havana, Feb. 1 ; Snielfrgeitce: - ' • rOtVi.dr pmtADEI,PHIA, Jan. 84 1850, bvK SfafisV,; 'i 2;:.r- SON ‘SB w; .. . ;, v -.. jVi-ARUIVfcD; < *, r B‘9awj\hipJJo&tcu, Uind,'2l- c houra from' New' York, with, mdse .and passoogersto, James Allderdioe: _. p. Helaware* Copt's, 1 28 hours from New York, with radte'and passengers to James Allderdioe ' Bety? Lit 8 trout, Cols, 9 days from Jacksonvile, with lumber,to, 12,A Bouder &,Oo tahcAtuia B U»yes, Bobinson, 8 -days from N York .wit’ Lewis & James> Schr l* A Madera, Ireland, 8 days from Wilmington, N 47, with NavaXßtores to DM Station'd; Go Wilmington, N C,.withlfeval stores to v B stetson fc Go ?cbr, S.'G King, Andrews, 10 dm from Alexandria, wUhmf*>,to,Tho« Weftier, Jr • . n CLNABYD.-. gteenuhfp Delaware, Copes, N.York, J AUderdlce. „ .Barone Cooh'ltuate, Crosby. New Orleans, Bishop, 81* toons&.Qo.&pv. r.v * • • „ BVr J S Baltimore, A Grorca, Jr f»v viuaßA3r*.j - ;r -* Mr.’Jacob A Jl&ra ha Uv- lauded iMtevening, reports thebmsu* WMhingtooßuJeher.eomlng down ana ah* ohoilug at the hat bo r; wber&she •remains, in- company with the Lex, *ud\M*ry H. Kendall, and lobtaliiokma j, BhbJe Inland, Oregon, llary Anna, C U .Yiokery,'; CirwniamJ,:,Jaae, Jos. -Marsh, VUUge -Belleyand fateVm-tug,Atlantic. alt. M. also »oporto me' barque Hamilton,At anchor-up the -hay, .and that the 5U X hoat Tv-O-.-Cohneri got onth#: Breakwater on hncsday n glrt, bnt got off without sustaining :any se rious Mercury, forfit John, N B, passed to aea yesterday. We had a heavy rain and - strong wind from 0 W yesterday, and changed .last evening to the north* where-it now zema : ss, ami cloudy. . „-;, ; ;> r Yonta s 'Ao.>.^-.;-;-M. JUoKHAN., ; tOomsuwiahoe ortho Philadelphia Bxohange.) *&/»*- Oi?» ISLxiro'jan *B,-10 AM. . A ship and a barque are now off this "place, going up Window.- FhermSb.* - % -Yoursjdco, r - ‘ rV fair MLUiufta iothb wutas.j 1 ' > -■ • HiifFTOJißoadB« Jan22,‘y Arrived British ship Ermerald* from OaUao.' r ' ' •' •''a-'* r } 1 . Norfolk, Jan. 22. Arrived brig Emerald lalefrdm bt.’*thomas. ' 1 • <*>*'■ - 'vNsW Yosa, Jan 22 * Arrivedship Chariot bf Tame from Callao; ship How ard f cohr JSleahor from Detoara, - ' ,. f .-nv ; ' r 7 MEMOBANBA. j. Steamship'GUy of Manchester,’ Kennedy. from New York for Liverpool-was seen 17th Inst off Georges." . - -Steamship Eoropa (Br,) at New' York S2l list 'from Liverpool Jan 8, atlAO P 81, passed honed ant,, ship leuo Wool* jat S.WP M, r exchanged signals with ship BeaKing/Batker. from Boston for Liverpool; at 2.30 exchanging signals with steamship Arabia, bound ia; AM, lat 48.31, lon Bl 24, pisafed a steamer steering B, wJrfc'tw6"‘ftumeJ#;'.;l , '-'‘"*--- ' '■ * Bt< a u'ship Biemen, Wessels, from New York arrived at fitemenidinvt>'<■' StMmshin-tiammbnia, Sehwensin, from New York at Hamburg 2i Inst .^> s .. • fiteam-hip Cahasbb, Bullock, from New York, at New Orleans S2u inftt ' Stfamshlp Vrlooe Albert, Waters; from New York via Galway£arrivedat<{aeenstowasth ißfif. 1. Ship Gray ifeather, Harford from New York, for Ban Francisco phtinte remambuoo, Deo 9th to- land crew *f ahip Meroo, from Calcutta, for—which was' de* saroyedby fire Nov.23th.;' ~w , Ship Buena Vista, UnheU, from Boston for Bin Bran*' cisco sailed from Bio de Janeiro, Nov 87 < - Phip Arcole Crafra,/or New York,'sailed from. Suu derlanfl 8d inst aod put into Be»l0th * BMpi OhitioVof Kame, K(iQwloB. from Callao via HatnntohHboJswas below New York22d fast Shin'd L BogettrOahway, for ffarre, cleared *V Mo* blle!7th Inbt with 86tn»aies L cotton vaiued at 42U,* 03(tfO• VV • ' '''j;;'. .'"/ BbipMeteor, lf£eiviUe,'.from Manila, at Boston 21st IfiJt ; ‘VAV -W / ;. - vV"' ' ' -'r■ BhinPambsto, Ooszins. from: Bh*aghae,, arrived; at .„/■/ -> bWp Sarpriie. RaQtlett, from Hong. Kong. Nor. 14, wasiosailiorßbanghae toloadfor New York. . Ship Chaffer: Hurd, from San Pr&neissoVat CalonUa, Kov;.2Q-vv' •Blffp John; Hpncocki Otffin,. from New Orleans, ,sr rivcd st Gene* SOth nlt - r - - Ship lud-ao. Avorell,' from CalcntU, Oct9th for Bos ton;,wa« spoken7th nit, lat 28.60 Sylon 8.98 K • fiarp Orarader, katon, from-Taloahaano, Nor. BUt ar rived at Boston jllst inst'. - fihip Courier, Bernsee, fron\ New Orleans, was die- at Bio'db J»neixo;iOth nit ~ Ship Samoset,'Frost, from Liverpool .arrived at Ch»rle«tottl9t\i liifl' . -- Ship CktsJD MScroin, Merrfonj for Amsterdam.clear ed at OharJestbn 20th' lost with 2341 bales cotton' and ififl bble rfr'e^i; : ;,, - ,Bark *Lbdox, CoU, from. New Orleans, for; Genoa sailed from Gibraltar 16th (tit, ,having_repqeut {not Baronet), for.this port, cleared at' New-York 21et Inst' ' - - ' f ‘ r 'oobc.oeafaton2latlnst\-, • Scbr Barah Jane, Brotherton, hence arrived at Bos ton 21st Inst '"r. Behrrig Forest State, at Cieofne gos from Portland.* who put .bis. second mate, on-board the Luther Child ' "' ’ 1 “ " . Schr Fannie, Vance, from New Orleans arrived at Richmond3istSnsV v - 1 * ■" - - fcebrßJiea Bath, Somers, from MsUoi**, arrived at Wilmington, NO 20th Inst* before reported bound to Baltimore, I - ,<•> Belt r 0 A Rtoksehv, Stubbs, hence was' discharging at Cardenas i3lh inn v *. ~. .fiebr-W G Barth (t, Connelly,' for -Philadelphia went to as* from,Charleston, JtO-hinst • 1 - Bchr JO Baxter, Bibcock, forPhiladeipbla cleared at Georgetown 8 C, 16th last '•> . Ecbr Princes BdWKds, Philadelphia cleared at Gsorgelown, 8 010th inet AABIYALS AT THE WUMCIPAL HOTELS, toyo offa'o/oilocz *ms kohßxxa, - GIBABD HODfiS—Chestnot street* below Ninth. - Jacob Gorcbi!,NY ’ BB Catherwert, N Y W.O Dunham, Baltimore' TB'LutapXln, Ga? ' BDelafield,NY,i. - < J !-A W Lalscnriog/M Chunk H'W BltMtt/mu9fKr ;' r 'B M UamUtoa,' Baltimore W D o«an. Boston . v : TVm MiteheU, 8t Loois J Batbef/Xoufevllle.' Obas Tjllmin, st Lonls A Uvi.Texitf *■“' ''A'CarPoll, 1 Alb»ny, N Y‘ J A Cofirey. New Totk "t' R P N A.Dalfba, North Carolina .H L Barrington Balt .' JVt Smith,- New York' ; '.A Blodget, Nsw.York GB.Wstorhc'iisevNO; , Mfsswaterkdnee, NO, J Hatcher / Louisville P A Borden, New York JTi Graham,“)r. Sew Yotk Sanderson} Uses . NBStonVOiocinnati ' A A Foster,'Boston J B Qaliclr, p*' . - A Boj/sn, Cincinnati v J PXlsber, Indiana H J Loxlng, Btl^ole J D WineioV, New York ' ■ r ; . FG Terry* Memphis .v J P Strange. Meophls - J Pplyey, MempHsj’ ’8 Gooden, NY Mr Ficcolomlnl & /a, N V., F.AOdweniNY ,; RPerribi/NY' Muatq,N Y . •- Mr Brough. NY . . A Welch, NY . Y< Longueinaxe, 8t Louis E V Cliokner, N J B WoUenhaught: N Y ..FT Tallfaro * la, NY. OlivertbelMi Jr.'tf.Y J » Reed. N Y D A Pierson, Ala*. P'V GWWingles.NO ' F M JbhnionvNuhvUle' '' N 8 Leggeit, Mias Win Wall,' ; N MKety, Washington Dion BpnrdcanltB^lkrN Y D Moore,;N Y, -.- JV r W KlSflnder,Phila :■•>* A ItTwidlng. Hartford G WLMcCreWr. LbulsviDe P R Welt. N T N L MdCreidy.’N T ;.; 8 F Digenor* N Y, Coltfon Greebe, Bt Loulfl ; B W, Smith; Rtehmond J W liiflln, Oixicago J O Bojii, Lczidctos G W Teimatiti Charleston -J, W Melltr.n y- , H TysonfN Y < Y \ BLmnsrche, NY : ' "9Vf, G Lewis, Boston 0 D Cooke, NY - > ..James’A Weed Lee,Mass 0 Tower k d&ug; Pottivm* r V Malard, NY , B Moline'; Odruleg 7 B W WollmriratiM, NY . ' ‘ : Ohai Irßhbdes.Oieveland'-’Dc Prescott} NY > i gwWrightf* J Nd_w H Wright, N J - wm I;BoelOMon7 ClnclonatP Avery, Cincinnati} 0 v liuißOffAßTg’ below ink. ' W h T>»7j Cln ' N Btrlc>HDd, r» aod WOP :. .& K.QiTrdao, Allgh'y Oitjr ' J»i JP«r#nn»iL *l» , Ciiit O M Dononn, r» h • lnt> aMDOIrtIIYPWIa - '-. a'UDtiiDt.oii, Phil*. . ;MS^ll6on, ... H PObjeyeiißoiWOJ-. ..Ifieo Bdwsld, NY' -. . MUii H.BtelnreVt .Phn. ’ JMort«D.M&»3 . liHenrr.tei.N J ... .J a WH .fi 44*P0|iSn; oiwrlleM.. ’ K,# SSbftua; Dbn>.' Hlldsl)r»tidt, 8t Ltral» .ptfe-'R ; Akers* Balt - j , * -t--j -1 BCi'fias v. ■’ A. Delate,M Orleans ThoeH Wennale, St Louis Wm Uooro, Germantown '‘J Bre-stST, NJ B B Ward, Watertown ; _ Jm L Hmallftootl, Del 07£annin»,JBalt. t- P Blacker, Balt , James ArmSraog, Ta Wm BoWnson, Ohio Henry Chaplin, Vt . . 0 Dean «, Conn J Tremper, N Y ■ Jacob N Keeler, NY,!, 8 Snutre, N Y J L Leach, Balt - 'B P Posreimn, N Y A Yollerteon, N Y H O Hefteld, N Y jHolUns NY JSfoNale Jas Bugardis, Troy, N Y O W Sagar, N Y w R Dubois, NY F E Adams & la, N BedPd Thos Hilser, Pbila AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., ab. Fifth. Jn» Thompson, N Y W Johnson, Balt &I M Moris, Del J K Bishop, Ky E H Passmore, Ky RBD*vl».By B Wallace. Tenn L C Duvall, et Louis J hi Braun & la N J 800 NoOarthy, N J G M Davis, Balt L B Cooper Balt fiats Doyle&toa Jas Fenoemore, Ohio Mrs Barnard A fmy, Ohio G Fltepatrick, Md P GBmitbj RI Mrs Titus, N Y _ G G Covrperthwart, NY- AH Troinlng; Hartford T A Twining, N Y Jno Whitbeck, Va W Qf rites, N Y Jno T Henry, N Y . J E 0 Gregg, 8C J Bigler, NY WD Wilson, NY QeoPyke, N Y Patul Bbokman Tenu ' F A Goodrich, Hartford B » WhsrtomvPbUa 8 Marott, Phlla 0 0 Robinson, Pittsburg AH Caldwell, Wisconsin T King,NY W B Dubois, N Y J WoodQQQk, Washington 8 Johnson, Boston John Hannah, N Y UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. S R Taylor A la, Boston J L Jlmpson, R Island F Bowman, Indiana ' HI) Kimball, Newark J W M*ttingly, Indiana Jm Cook, WrighteVvlle W A Benjamin, N J Br Schenok, N J J AIKay,N J \ OH Payson, Mass 8 Easton, Covington, Kr BP Fasten, Covington, Ky James Sshelbv, Ohio T F Graham. N Y W-Bush/Mass ' ' Col J Dashill, Md JO Milford, NJ , Beni Black. Ohio T B Cochran, Ohio J Hewait, Phlla .4 62 41 NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. B Keller", Harrlsbnrx R Pence cV. Easton H W Eberhard, EHsabet’n T 8 Klolz, pa J w Dysert. PhUa .3 Cassady, pa J Jjkinnon, N J J Tho* AUemosa, Pa John Stanton, Wilkesbarte H M Albright. Reading Jos Qormley. Lancaster co 0 McGinnis, Columbia John Phelps, N.Y . PAHellmaojPa - MADISON HOtJBI-Second at.* below Arch. Sami A'Mansßeld,Phil * HCComfort, Boston A Simpson, Boston J B Anderson, Md Sami Atkinson.OhiO \R B Johnston, Ohio A F Stettman, Ohio ’ Jas 2) Conner, N V Alex Robert*. N T Thoe I> Simmons, N Y J 8 Bryan Ala Phlla .• Jos G Biglaa.Tex&s Thoaß'nart, Ireland Jos J Ray, 8t Louis, Mo 2) E Woodbury, 8t I*ouls .R H Beattie, Phlla BLACK' BEAR INN—Tilth and Merchant streets. Kobt Eogson, Pa' ' Wro D Hunter, Berks co JR Hunter,Pa . J Olevensteln, Pa HRorke;Ta' H Rhoades, Pa ChaeFairlamb.Pa RO Falrlsmb,Pa 7 A Underwood, Pa J C Stout, Pa Jackson Graves, Pottsville ’ Jas Pafet, Phils B Nyce,Balt Jos Ashbrldge, Mootg'y eo N Brooke, Chester eo , Jchn Smith, Santa Oma Samuel Mook, SentaOrus ' Hugh Jackson, Chester co J H Haines, Lancaster co * M 8 Haines, Lancastsr co WBWister, Phlla ' BARLEY SHSAf HOTEL—Second street, below Tine. Oh&s n Shoemaker, Pa ’ J Pooher*. lowa _ Fam»l Ballett; Pa Ohas n HUI, Montg’y co Geo D Jackson, Pa John Ifsjor, Pa Jas Laolgaa, Bocks co Wm Davison, Pa Jr>a Bames, Bucks co John Betts Becks co Ohas BoaJer, Cheltenham EH Engle, Cheltenham D Martin,’ Cheltenham ■ ' 8 Walton, Stroudsburg Ohas W Patterson, Pa A Mayer, Phlla THO 3. B. OTJGHM. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second rt, r above Arch, Col M Wheeler, Hano’k.NY B P Williams, Pa OB Smith, New Jersey J Young, Pa J MoCann, Rochester, NY W F Shannon, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st., ab. CallowhlU. F Miller, Sumneytown B Davis, Phlla A Faust, Pa. W Shade, Boylestown BALD EAGLE—Third street, jtbove OallowMU. A Btauvelt, New York B Good, Boylestown GW B«nm, Reading 1 1 EPoster, Bethlehem J Hettinger, Pa SR Smith, Pa Phthisis Pulmonalfs, or Fnlmeoary Con* sumption, is, among medical men, understood to deilg cate a disease caused by the presence and development fit tubercles In the' lungs. It generally augments in virulence as the disease advances.'. It has always been regarded as a chronic disease. Ina majority or the eases its progress is slow and gradual; but attlmes It reaohes iio fatal termination with' great rapidity. In the flrst stages of'this, disease tbd expectorations are of an opaque,yellowish-white matter; in the second stage it becomes softer and xoolster, assuming a soft cheesy »p -pearanco; and at last resembles pus or a colorless liquid, mixed with opaque shreds of tnberouloua mat ter. Should the disease be allowed to progress beyond this stage, It would probably prove fatal; but by using Dr. HOOFLAND’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, an effectual cheek can be put to Its further progress. Bo not there foredelay; do not trifle with your life; but purchase a bottle of this Invaluable remedy; and then, if it merits jour kpprobatlcn, as Ve are sure it will, recommend it to your friends* , Prepared- only by Dr. C, M. JACKSON, No. 418 AROII Btreet, and for sale by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United-States and Canada. Price 76 cents per bottle.. -• • • i . . jo24~ltdltvr ; The Eau Luatralo Hair Restorative of Jnles HATJBL hat an unprecedented reputation of imparting health, strength, and beauty to the hair; Hsuaeren derascraggy, Wiry hair luxuriantly soft and glossy, and incline* it to curl." Sold by all Druggists and by JULES HAUEL A.CO., No. -704 CHESTNUT Street, 1 Philadel phia. ‘ “ ja23-0t i Farre], Herring, & Co, | sel l more'Safes than all others in the trade. And wbysot The reason is, because the public have,/row ezptrUncf, faith In their security from.midnight robberH) and, should a fire oc our, their books and valuables are attre to be found In excellent preservation. - jol2 tf Burnett's Coconino. ■" BURNETT’S QOUOAINB. BURNETT’S OOOOAINE. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the Hair.- 'For 'efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. 7 , v It prevents the hair from falling off . It promotes it* healthy and vigorous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. ; It softens the hair when hard and dry. ; It soothe* the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. ’ it remains longest in effect. It eosfs fifty cents for a half pint bo«Je. I£7* Mnssas. J. Btrastasr Sc C 0..: I cannot refuse to state the salutary effect in my own aggravated case of your excellent Hair OH—(Cocoaine.) For many months my hair bad been falling off, until I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my head became gradooll/znore and more inflamed, so that X oould not touch it without pain. This Irritated con dition I attributed to the use of .various advertised hair washes, which I have sinoe been told contain oamphene spirit. ,By the advloe physician, to whom you had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commenced its use the lost.week In Juu*. The first application al layed the itching and irriUtion ) in three o.r four days the redness and tendernessjdisappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I hare now a thick growth of new hair. : I trust that others, similarly afflicted,- will be in duced to try the' same remedy. Yours, very truly, OUBAN R. POPE. Burnett** Cocoalne* BURNETT’S COCOALNE. BURNETT’S OOOOAINI. {o* A single application renders the hair (no matter how stiff lad dry) soft and glossyfor several days, it is conceded by all who have it to be the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT it 00., Boston. |p* For sale by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. jalfl-dtml , JLate Fire at Dubuque, lowa*—Dubuque, Jan* T, 1859. . MEBBBB. HERRING k CO.—Geota: I am requested by Mr.„T. A. 0. Cochrane, of this place, to say to. you.that, on the morning of the 4th ultimo, about 8 o’cleck, his store took fire, and the entire stock of goods was destroyed. The heat became so suddenly Intense that none of the goods could possibly he saved | but fortunately his books end* papers, which were in one of your CHAMPION SAFES, were all preserved perfect ly, And well may they, be oslled Champion, for dmlng the whole conflagration there was incessant pouring of flams directly upon tho Safe wMeh contained them. And stUl, upon opening it, the inside was found to be scarcely warm, while the outside was most severely, scorched. Yours, truly, HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, with HALL’S PATENT PORDBR*PBOOF ’LOCKfi, afford the greatest security of any Safe In the, world. Also, DWELLING-HOUSE SAFES, of elegant workmanship and finish, for plate, &e. ' Parrel; herring, a co., \jal4-tf ' * . 130 ‘WALNUS Street. ~ Saving Fund*—Five Per Cent. Interest,— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. comer THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in'eny sum, large or Bmall, aod interest paid from the day ‘of .deposits to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made dally, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Route, and. such first-class securi ties as the charter requires. - Office hoars from 9 o’clock in the morning until 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 6 o'clock, fed 1 Dyspepsia. —There Is probably no disease which /Experience has so amply proved to bo remedia ble by the'PERUVIAN SYRUP as Dyspepsia. The most Inveterate forms' of this disease bavo been com pletely cured by this medicine, as ample testimony of some of our first cltisens proves. I Tot sale in this city by 'F, Brown, corner Fifth and Ohestnat, and Hassard A Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. dio-d&wtf Seamen’s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets. Deposits received iix small and large , amounts, from all elaeses of the community, and allows interest at. the rate of five per cent, per qnnum. J Money may be.drawn by checks without loss of into ,rsst, >r , .Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In'tbe evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Gharlee M, Morris. Grover le Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—PRICE 050. TBO Ohssthot Btbsbt, Philapbltbu. These Maohines saw from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will hot rip, even sf. every fourth stitch be out. They are unquestionably the beet lu the market for famEynse. - . 7 - - t oetf-tf ~ premjoa a cnovas. J 3 Special Notices. Burnett’s Cocaine* BURNETT’S OOOOAINB. BURNETT’S OOOOAINE. TESTIMONIAL. BobtOW, July 19,1857. N. A. MoOLURE 'Wormsf Worms! "Worms I—McLane’s celo* brated VERMIFUGE, the great American remedy for Worms'. Sold by ail respectable Druggists. jaH-mw&Mm Window Drapery, BKOOATELLB. BATIN DAMASK, BATIN DE LAINE, WORSTED DAMASK, KBPS, MOREENS, AND PLUBHEB, Together with all the trimmings appertaining to the Curtain trade. Owing to the lateness of the Besson, we will close out our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Curtains cut, made, and put np, lower than prices elsewhere Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auction, and selling at half the usual ptioo. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Gothic, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil Cloth, at whole sale and retail. PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, 680 CHESTNUT Street. A New Article for the Hair* PHALON A SON’S CJOOOINE is the best and cheapest article for the hair. For pre serving, beautifying, and restoring the hair, the most perfect hair-dressing ever offered to thepubUo. Bold at 617, 497, and 197 Broadway, and by all Druggists and Fancy-Goods Dealers Pint bottles SO cents; half-pints, 26 cents. . Inquire for Fh&lon A Son’s Cocoine; Be- counterfeits. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 806 CHESTNUT Street, Wholesale Agents. One-Price Clothing oi the Latest styles, and the hefit manner, expressly for Utah. salbb. We mark our lowest selling prices in vlais rianaßfl on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and oar ohs-faioi system le strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JON£S * CO., 604 MABMT Street. Jftlorrldflee. January 20th, by Her. John Patton Mr. EDWARD B. THORNTON to Sirs AMELIA AUGGTRY, all of thfg otty. * Weattie. On the morning of the 23d instant, Mis. RHODA Mo. ORELIflff, in the 75th year of her age The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her soil'ln-law, Dr. B. MoGrAth, No. 1114 Arch street, on Wednesday morning next at 30 o’clock, with out further notion. ....*** On the 21at instant, JOHN JILETT, in the 46th year of-hiaage. . The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his brother-in-law, William Bachman, No. 820 Bt. John street, above Brown, on Monday afternoon, at one o'clock, without further * On the 20th Instant, KOBEttT GOOD, in the 11th year of hie age. # ■* Health Report. Health Offiob, January 22,1859. Interments in City of Philadelphia from the Is*7i to the22d qf January, 1859. ► g >- a S’ Si p< t r DIBEABBS. E £ DISBABHB. E g ?B. ? I Apoplexy. 2 Fever, Puerperal... 3 .Cancer of Stomach. 2 “ Remittent.. 1 1 Casualties 2 “ Scarlet 3 Gr0up............. 6 “ Typhoid,... 6 3 CongestionLunwß.. .1 Gangrene...., 2 *•' Brain.. 3 2 InOam’tlon, Brain' 8 8 Consum’n of Lungs 31 a Bronchi.. 4 2 Oonvnlslone 18 <( hirer 4 1 Diarrhoea 1 “ Lungs.... 413 Dropsy, Brain 7 “B. 3c Bowels. 2 1 “ Chest 8 Inanition.. 1 Disease of Brain... 2* 1 Manla-a-Potu 1 “ Heart... 4{ (Marasmos 1 3 << Spine,.. 1 1 Old Age..., 6 1 ‘ Liver. .. 1 Palsy 4 “ Kidneys 1 2 Still-Bora 12 Debility 3 6 Snicide 1 Bffnslon on Brain.. 1 Unkn0wn.......... 2 2 Bryilpolas 11 Fever, BUioua *1 103 04 OF THE ABOVB TQBBB WB&B Under1year,,..........61 From 40 to 60.18 From Ito 2 17 << 60 to 60 12 « 2to 6 16 “ 60 to 70 7 “ 6to 10 4 “ 70 to 80 12 “ 10 to 16 4 “ 80 to 90 7 “ 16 to 20 2 “ 00 tolOO. 0 « 20 to 30 23 « 30 t040.,,.........21 , Total 197 From the Almshouse, 6; Psople of Colors: from the Country, 0. Males 88 I females...... ...109 | By order of the Board of ARTHUR ' Boys Girls Health. HUGHES, Health Officer Lecture on Commerce.—On Monday jjj? EVENING, 24th inst&ut, by ». B. BARLOW, Jfitq., ?n the Leot'ore Boom.of CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, at 8 o’clock. Business men are Invite*. j*2Mt ry*o» Professor M. P. Gaddis, of CJnclnnoti, the eloquent Champion of temperance, has, at the solicitation of a largo number of oitiaena, who were prevented from attending .his lecture on Friday, by the inolemency of the weather, consented to remain in the city a few days longer, and will on THIS / Monday) EVENING, January 24th, deliver his firth lecture at JAYNE’S HALL, at Xto 8 o’clock Subject: “ The danger to Young Men of the moderate use of intoxi cating drinks.” Tickets 10 cents each , v to he had through the day at the drog store of Dr. P Jayne & Son, No. 242 Chest nut street, and on the evening of the lecture at the ticket offioe of the hall. it ry=s=» AVagner Free Institute Lectures.—For Uvjy the Week commencing MONDAY, January 24. Mosday, 7 P. M. 1 Hygiene, Ao.—Mercury. , 8 P. M ) Architecture—Eatrascan. To*BD»r,7P, M. J Geology—-Volcanic Aotion. • 8 P M.. ( Elocution—Readings from Richard WxD’Drr 7 P. hr.) Natural Philosophy—Light. 8 P. M. J Zoology—Bidlata Tbou’dt, 7 P. M l Anatomy, &o —The Oranium. 8 P, M. J Rhetoric—Criticism. * Jmdit, 7 P, u> / Mineralogy and Mining—Orystalo -BP. M.) EngllshJtlterature—Wycllffe. Sat’day, 7 P. M. )BootalScience—Useful Labor. 8 P. AI. J Chemistry—Phosphorus JET* Admission free. ja24*tu tf rv«r* Gaddis Lectures at Jayne's Hall To* LLg NIGHT. Tickets 10 cents. It rygs* Annual Meeting of the Terns Savings Uss «ad Bald Jog Association will be held at tbeS W corner of SIXTH and ARCH, on FIFTH-DAY EVEN ING, the 27th insfc,, at 7# o’clock, for an election of officers to serve the ensuing year. Meetings every FIFTH-DAY AFTERNOON at 3 o’clock. Money to Loan __ WALTER LAING, President. SAMUEL SWAIN, Secretary, ja?4-4t# ty3s=» Spring Garden Institute* N E corner (13 BBOAD and SPRING GARDEN Sts.—’The next lecture of the course will be delivered on TUESDAY KVENING*2Sth instant, at 7k o’clock, by Rt. Rev. THOMAS M. CLARK, D. B.?of Providence, R. I. Subject: «Pablio opinion.” Tickets 25 cents, to be had at the door. ja2l-2t Gaddis Lectures at Jayne's Hail To- ILg NIGHT. Tickets 10 cents. it You would not have been disappointed UoT if your Parents’ Portraits had been life-site Pho tographs in Oil, and-msde at BEIMBR’S Gallery, SE COND 8 treot, above GREEN, jaM-lt* ty=3» Department for supplying tho City with L l 3 WATER. Ou and alter MONDAY, 24th instant, Water Rents for the year 1859 will be received at this office for the following wards, vis: First, Fonr’h, Fifth, Sixth, Se venth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Twentieth : after the 15th of February, the Water Roots for all the wards wIU be received. Water Bents are payable annually, In advance. On the Ist of April, five per cent, will be added on all un paid rents, and on the Ist of July after, an additional touipercent. [J&24-Bt] W. J. P WHITE, Register. Gaddta Lectures at Jayne's Hall To* 113 NIGHT. Tickets 10 cents. - it fyasw Sunbury and Brio Railroad —Notice.— U 3 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Banbury and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the tfilce, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the24th day of February next, at 10 o’clock A. M. At this meeting an election will be held for ten Ma nagers of ibe Company to serve for one year. The Polls to close at 2 o’clock, P. M. W EDWARD BFOFFOBD, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan. 24,1859. ja24.m&wtfol4 Rev* IS. H. Chapin, D. D., will lecture LL3 forthe PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE, in CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, January 26th. Subject—*' Order of Nobility.” Admission, 25 cents. Lecture commences quarter to eight. Tickets for sale at the bookstores. j»22 31* fy=sa» Gaddis Lectures at Jayne’s Hall To* \IS NIQfIT, Tickets 10 cents. it ry*s=* Young Men’s Christian Association.— \1 g The stated monthly meeting of the Y. M O.A. will be held on MONDAY EVENING, January 24th. at BANSOM-BTB.KBT OHUROH, Sausom street, Ninth, at 7)4 o’clock. An Wasay will bo read by the Bev. A. W. MILBY. Subject—’“Obriatiaolty as an Element of Power in the Social Compact,” The mem bers are earnestly urged toatteod,ss business of im portance transacted. The ladles are cordially invited to meetwith us. JAMBS E* BELL, ja22-2t Recording Secretary. An adjourned annual meeting of the UJJ Stockholders of the MERCANTILE LIUUARY COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, the 25th lost., at 7)4 o’clock. A full attendance is re quested. RICHARD PARKER, Chairman. Ushht L riBOBK, Secretary. ja2i2-3t GaddU Lectures at Jayne's Hail To- LkJ NIGHT. Tickets 10 cents. it The annual meeting of Stockholders of LL3 the PITTSBURG and YOUGHIOGUEN Y COAL COMPANY will be held in Philadelphia, at No. 423 WALNUT Street, Room No. 6, on WEDNESDAY^e Oth day of February, at 10 o’eloek A. M., and an elea* tion will be hold for seven directors to serve for the ensuing year. WM. LITTLE, President. January 21, 285?. |a22-3t rytssap Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice.— IL3 Gwlng to a previous engagement of the Hall, the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held, until farther notice, in the BANSOM-STRERT OHURCn, (rear of the new hotel.) All are oordlally Invited to attend, and the meeting Is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. d2O-tf !Y3» GaddU Lectures at Jayne's Hall To* tks NIGHT. Tickets 10 cents. it Rev. Henry Mariya ficudder, ef India* LkJs —By special request of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association, this diatingu’shed clergyman will de liver a sermon in JAYNK’B HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, 25th inßfc., at7# o’clock. The thousands who were enable to hear him at the anniversary of the Aisocifttion will have an oppottanity of doing so. Young ujen especial!? invited to attend. Seats pbib to all. ja22-3t* IYU=» Meeting of the Board of Trade.—A stated IL3 meeting of the ASSOCIATION OF THE BOARD OF TRADE will be held at their Booma, No. 605 (CHESTNUT Street, on M9NDAY,{January 24th, inst., at 1% o'clock, evening. Nominations for membership of the Executive Coun cil, for tho ensuing year, will bo made at this meeting. A full attendance of members is invited. Ja22-2t LORIN BLODGET, Secretary, rv-rsa* Office of the Reliance iff, Insurance H 3 COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, January 16, 1869 —Tbe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Oompsny, will he held at their office, No. 898 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of Fe bruary next, at 12 o’olock, M, and an election for Twenty Directors, to serve forthe ensuing year, wIU be held'on the same day and at the came place, between the hours of 12 o’clockll. and 2 o’olcck P. M. „ Jal7-ymf-3w B. M. HINQBAIAN, Secretary. rfsgan Office Pennsylvania Railroad Company, \Xm Philadelphia, January 16, IB6O.—NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Annual Meeting of tbe Stock holders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of February, 1869, at 10 o’olock, A, M., at the BANBOK STREET HALL. Tbe Annual Election for Directors will bo hold on MONDAY, the 7th day of M& r oh, 1869, at the oilloe of the Company; No, 234 8. THIRD Street , jalT-tf BPMOKC SIUXO, Bectetwy. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1859. the Philanthropic.—Theuuderslgned, LL3 commonly known as 808 BUTT, a slave, aged 43years, owned in Portsmouth, Virginia, and nowin this city hy permission of his master, la earnestly anxious to free himself, and his wife and two children, from servitude, and begs leave to appeal to the well* koown generosity of the people of ,this great city for assistance. The undersigned is a sexton, undertaker, and grave digger, and as *ueb, it woe his meUneholy duty to dig the graves and bury 1,159 of the inhabitants of Ports mouth, in the short space of about seven weeks, In the summer of 1866, when the yellow fever desolated that afflicted town How these humble hut arduous duties were regarded by his own people, may be known by the following tract from the report of the Portsmouth Belief Assn* elation : '‘ And then We hod to make provision for the burial of the doad. In this lest sad duty, the Association was materially assisted by the indefatigable and truly praise worthy exertions of one of onr colored population, familiarly known as Bob Butt. This humble negro, in his line, performed duty beyond all price. Prom mom till night ho labored at his spade, and frequently made the grave.yard his resting place. Under his direction and superintendence, all who died of the fever were de cently committed to their mother earth. 15 The undersigned is happy to be able to state, that the estimation In which he Is held at home has prompted the master of himself and bis family to abate at least oxa-QAiiV of tbe moneyed value they Would command, and that hb has earned and saved about one-fifth of the sum which will be required for the purchase of him self and family; and, furthermore, that tbe ladies and gentlemen of Portsmouth will, in some public manner, or otherwise, assist him liberally in bis efforts to pur chase the freedom of himself and family, should he,on his return home, be able to sbowthem vhat, by the kind ness of the people of this great city, the sum remaining to be raised is within the means of ms own small town. It is the earnest hope and prayer of the undersigned that he may be able to return to Portsmouth with as surances that he and his family will soon be free. Witness to the signing, Sahukl W. Oadb. Philadelphia, January 19,1869. The following named gentlemen have kindly consent ed to take charge of any contribution which may be handed or sent to them, and William J. Wainwright, Esq ,h»s consented to act as Trustee, and will hold the funds until the whole amount of the purchaso money Hhallhe made np: BEV. DR. Q. W. DUOAOHET, No. 1106 Girard WM A. BOLIN, formerly of Portsmouth, N. E. cor. of Eighth and Market Streets. WM. ROBERTSON, formerly of Norfolk, No. 442 South Dolaware avenue. FRANCIS W. GRICE, Nav&l Constructor, formerly of Portsmouth* Va., at wavy Yard. Hon. JOHN jP. VRRRBB, North Delaware avenue, above Poplar street. MICHAEL DUNN, Superintendent of Exchange. MORRIS B. AFFLIOK, No 518 Franklin street. WM. It. WISTER, Gemmntown. THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr., No. 14 North Delaware Wf"“* renue. JAMBB T. SHINN, N. B. corner of Broad and Spruce. B 0 SHEPPARD, No. 209 8. Ninth street. PRANK FIELD, N. W. corner of Front and Walnut (treats. WH. 7. WAINWRIOHT, Trustee of the fond. 188 8. Third, and 627 Vine »treet. JRBPER HARDINft, ofileo of the Pennsylvania In* quirer. j»l9 it rrga Rev. R. A. Carden will deliver hW great Lecture on ‘ ■ TranßubstantiatioD,” Jo the HALL corner Fourth and George streets, on TUESDAY EVEN ING. 25thinst. Tickets, 25 cents, at Gravenetine’s, Twelfth and Wallace; Patrick A Stewart’s, corner of Melon and Ridge avenue; Neill’s, Second, below Colum bia, and at the Hall. j&22-3t* ry<=a Office of the Union Canal Company— J.Jf Philadelphia, January 10,1859. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at the Of fice of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, on TUBBDAY, February Ist next, at 11 o’clock A. M.t after whioh ao election will be hold for officers and managers for the ensuing year. The Transfer Books will be closed after the 20th Inst, jall-tfel O. THOMPSON, Secretary. r Office of the Fire Insurance (f#mpnny j? OP „THK .COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA— January 21,1859. At & meeting of the Stockholders or the said Com pany, held on MONDAY, the 17th inat., the following gentlemen were duly elooted DIRECTOBB for the en suing year, to wit: Oharles J. Sutter, Earauel Bunnell. i Henry Cully, Frederiok Klott, Joseph Moore, And at a meeting of the DAY, CHARLES J. BUTT re-elected President. j*22-?t BBNJAB The Examination ol Applicants for ad (l 3 mission to the Central High School Will begin on MONDAY next) 2itb Inst,, at 0 A. M. An applicant for admission moat be at least thirteen create of age. atd an actual resident of the olty of Phila delphia, and must have been a pupil in the Pnblio Schools of the city at least one year. The following will be the order of elimination : MONDAY, January 24th—Definitions and History of the United States. 25th—Orthography and Practical Arithmetic. 26th—Algebra. TUESDAY, *< WEDNESDAY,« THURSDAY, « 27th—Parsing and the Principles of Grammar. ‘FRIDAY, (S 28th—Theory of Arithmetic. MONDAY, “ 81*t—Constitution of the United < States. TUESDAY, February Ist—Geography. ■WEDNESDAY, “ 2d—Mensoratlon. The Penmanship will he marked from an examine* tion of the writing of all the papers handed in. UIOHOLAO H. MAGUIRE, Principal. 42 62 Notice.—The annual meeting •* the 11_3 Stockholders o ( the Ocean Steam Navigation Company will be held at No. 800 Kotth DEL AW ARB Avenue, on TUESDAY, the Ist of February next, at M o’olock, noon, at which time and place there will he an eleotioe for Fire Directors for the ensuing year. Philadelphia, January 17, 1860. WM. DENNIS, . ja!B-l2t* Secretary and Treasurer. (YS~a» Twelfth Annual Ball of the French U. 3 BENEVOLENT SOOIETY. The Committee respectfully announce that their ANNUAL BALL, for the relief of their indigent coun trymen, will take place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY, Jan. 25th, 1859. Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies, $2. Every effort will be made by the Managers to render: this popular fete equal, if not superior, to any hereto fore given, and they look confidently for a continuance of the patronage of the friends of tills Benevolent In stitution. Floor Manager—JULES MARTIN COMMITTEE OF ABRANGEMENTS, B. Destouet, A. Axdex, _ H- Dnoomman, E. Durand, H. Perdriaux, J. Plot, E, Roussel, * M.Bouvler, a.B Durand, A. Ltfore, P. 8. Duval, W. Pelletier, H, Tlrel, M.V.Oiry, J B.Ohampronj. Tickets maybe procured from S. ROUSSEL, 61S PRUNE Street, or A. B. DURAND, CHESTNUT, above Twelth streets, south side. dK-29-jl 6 81316 20 22 2425 iyi=» Office ol the \Ve«t Philadelphia Pa*- i 3 BKNGBR RAILWAY COMPANY, N. W. corner of Haveiford road and Logan Street, Twenty-fourth ward—Pmr.AßßLPnu, January, 1859 At a meeting of the B'ard of Directors, held THIS DAY, a dividend of FIVJS PRROBNT.on the Capital Stock font of the earnings of the road from July Ist to December 31st, 1t58,) was declared, payable at the office of the Company, on and after January 25th, 1859*. C. LOMBARRT, Secretary. ja!4-frm&w-t25 rvrsp» Office of the Philadelphia and Savannah STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY— Phili- DKLpHia, January IT, 1859. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company will be held at No. 24 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on TUESDAY EVENING, the Ist of February next, at half-put seven o'clock, at which time and place there will be an election for Firo Mauagora for the ensuing year. WM. DENNIS, jalB-12t Secretary and Treasurer. ry?==ai Notice.—A Committee of the Blenageri 113 of the Complimentary Balt to the Philadelphia Grays will sit at the ARMORY of the Philadelphia Grays, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY EVENINGS* for the delivery and settlement of tickets, until the 26th. 0. P. DESMOND, ja!3-25t Secretary. ry?g=» Notice*—A meeting of the Subscriber* to 113 the Capital Stock of the Wvoming and Htuque h&aoa Valley Railroad Company, for the elec’ion of Di rectors and other officers of said Company, will be held at the Office. S. W. corner SEVENTH and SANBOM Streets, Philadelphia, on the 26th JANUARY, Inst., between the hours of It A. if. andSP. M. BtißtON KINGSBURY,) 0 UOMBTOOK, S Corporators. A. P. ALLEN. S January 8, 1869 jalO-US* fvr=3» Dr. Weder’s Chestnut Spring* Water IL3 OURE, at Chestnut HiU, Philadelphia county, Pa. jaS-ly publications^ NEW STORY TO BB PRINTED IN THE SEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. SYLVAN HOLT’S DAUGHTER, A NOVEL* BY HOLMS LEE, Author of < ( Kathie Branded We shall commence the publication of the above new novel in Tbb Nsw York Bsmi.Wssklt Tbibobb, on Tuesday, February 8. Those who wish to secure the first part of this extremely Interesting novel should send on their subscriptions Immediately. Tfii Bitfi- WxsaLv T&xhDkß is printed eVery Tuesday and Fri day, on an Imperial sheet of eight .pages. and contains all the important Foreign and Domestlo News of the day, our varied and oopious correspondence—Home and Abroad—Reports of the Proceedings of ooogre«s, Le gislative Dolugs, important Agricultural information! Aril reports of the Cattle, itorseand general Markets, &o. Wo shall, as hitherto, make Thb Shhi-Wibclt Tbibobb a Literary as well as a Political Newspaper, aud we a-e determined that it shall remain in the iront rank,of Family Papers. The following extracts, from the leading Literary jeur nalS o( London, will give the reader an idea of what Is thought of this new novel in Europe : ‘‘ We can say of ‘ Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, l what few fictions would justify os in saying, that we believe no one can toad it without becoming wiser and better, or without a feeling of gratitude to the writer who can present to us such varied aspects of our common na ture, in so piquant and interesting a style, without one word or one idea to shock or displease the most sensi tive moral feeling. We know of no work superior in the idiomatic vigor of ite style or In the delicacy and truth of its feeling. It is evidently the result ot pro found observation and careful study, and could have been written only by a person of great analytic powers and an intimate acquaintance with the springs and mo tives of human condcct in almoflt every station of life.” [lllustrated News of tire World. “This is a really good novel. # * # The tone is healthy and natural, the soolal lessons inculoated use ful snil important, aud the language exceedingly happy and well-ohosen London Literary Gasette. iK 4 By Ivan Holt’s Daughter’ ia a fascinating youog woman, with whom we reoommend our readers to make acquaintance for themselves. It is well and solidly written. There is nothing slight ox superficial. The author has evidently wished to do her best, and she has succeeded in writing a novel that is well worth reading,, and which possesses the cardinal virtue of being ex tremely interesting.”— [London Athenaoum. tilt has body and substance, and is written in careful and good English.—[Saturday Review. THUMB or. THU SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE One Copy, oneyear,-..... Two Copies, one year „ Five Copies, one year 11 25 Ten Copies, io one address 20 THE BEMI-WSKKLY TRIBUNE is sent to Clergy men at $2 per annum Any person sending ns a Olnb of Twenty will be enti tled to an extra copy. THE DAILY TRIBUNE is printed on a large impe rial sheet, and published every morning and evening, Sundays excepted,) and mailed to subscribers for six dollars per annum in advance: $3 for six months. TOE NSW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight-page paper for the country, is published every fcaturday and contains Editorials on the important topics of the times, the news of the week, interesting correspondence from all parts of the world, the New York Cattle, Horse, and Produce markets, interesting and reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agricultural articles, Ac , Ac. We shall daring this year, as hith erto, constantly labor to improve the quality of the in entertainment afforded by Turn Wrsxlt Tri bune, which, we intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published In the world. We consider the Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth a year’s subscription price. One Copy, one year $2 Three Copies, one year.... 5 Fire Copies, one year, 8 Ten. Copies one year ia Twenty Copies, to ont address, at the rate of !1 per annum... ...20 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber, And any larger number at the rate of $1 20 etch. .24 Any person leading us a Club at Twenty or more will he entitled to an extra copy. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash Jn advance, All letters to be addressed to HORAOB GREELEY ooo U. 8. Treasury notes, , $8,885 Schuylkill Nav, 00., Boat I/Otn, $39,000 Camden and Amtov 6 per cent., $24,000 do do 6 do., $20,000 North Pennsylvania. Railroad 6 per cent.' Coupon Bonds, $22,000 Penn’a IV. K. second Mortgage, $3,000 Union Canal, 8 per cent., $64,672 68 Chesapeake and Del Oanaldo., $2B 870 Lehigh Coal and Nav. do., $ll,BBl do Mortgage do., $6,000 Alleghany City 6 per cent.. $5,000 Pittsburg do, $12,200 do 5 per cent, $lO,OOO Cleveland and Mah’g R. R, 7 per cent coupon bonds, $20,000 Hamilton Co , Ohio, $6,000 Fayette Go., Ky., $3 400 Tennessee 6 per cent, $lB,OOO do _ Coupons, '56,000 do ~ flpercent., 104 shares Commercial dank, 663 do Parmer* and Mechanics’ Bank, 161 do Philadelphia Bank, 45 d> Btato Bank, Camden, 81 do Del. Bridge Co., Xaston, 800 do Inanrance Co.. North America. 10 do Pennsylvania Railroad, 1000 do Penoa. Co. for ins on Lives, 4 A o, } 2*9 do Ball Ragle and Spring Creek, 103 do Sohnylkill Nav. Company, 164 do Cleveland and Mah'g Railroad, I Cash ; WILLIAM B. tHILL, PatLAMLVHtA, January 17,1859. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INMJftANOJS COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, No. 808 WALNUT Bt.—JasoabY 8, 1859. The following statement of the affairs of this Com pany, on the 81st of December, 1858, is published in forananee of the Charter, vis : o capital Stock paid in $170,950 00 Oert.floates of Profit, eonrerti* ble Into gtock • $177,981 00 To Contingent Account* for Pre miums on lire Rirti out standing Beo. 81,1857 00,01108 “ Fire Bisks reoelred In 1858.,* 41,645 21 Interest Acoount, net. re ceived In 1808... 11,280 21 Policies, Transfers, end other profits 1,814 84 Profit ana Lobs, Deo. 81,1807. 18,670 04 fftW.BM Oft By Losses by 7ire paid in 1853... 12,767 2ft '* Be-Insarancea at Baltimore and Cincinnati, Return Pre miums, &c 4,164 18 “ Expenses, including Agencies and Taxes Remaining with (he C0mpany,(273,478 48 Which is Invested as follows, vis In first Mortgages on Oltj Pro* perty, worth double the amount. “ Penna. B. B. Co.’s 6 per et. 2nd Mortgage L0an........ $30,000 00 27,000 00 “AUeghenyCo 6perot,Penna, B E. Loan “ City of Philada Operet. Pa. B. R Loan “Penna B. R Co.’s 810 ck.... “ Stock of tiie BeUance M. In* traranoe C 0...... “ Stook of the Comity fire In* snraoce C 0...... “ Stook of the Delaware M. 8. Insurance C 0.............. 11 Union M. Ins Co.’s Scrip.... *» Bills Receivable.. u Book accounts, accrued Into* rest, .............. “ Cash on hand The Directors have, Tfltß DAY, declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT, on tbo Capital Stock of the Com pany, and on the Certificates of Profits outstanding? for the year ending December 31, 1893. without deduction for State Tax. payable in cash to (he Stockholders, on and after the 12th instant. Also, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT.] payable pro rata on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned out of the profits of the Company for the year ending Decem ber 81,1868. for which certificates of Profits, bearing in terest, will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to the Insured entitled to receive tbe same under the pro visions of the Charter, on and after the 12th instant. No certificates will oe issu'd tor any Uss sum than ten dollars, nor ‘for any fractional part of one dollar. Sums leu th«n tea dollars, and not leu than one dol lar, are oredited to the insured on the hooks of the Company, and if within any period of ten years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will he issued. Certificates of Profit are liable, egually with the Capital Stock, for the losses and engagements of the Company, and may be converted into Oapltal Stock at any time, at the option ol the holder. jal2-12t-if B. M.HINQgMAN, Secretary. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF IQS UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, In conformity with a provision of its Charter; PRIMLUMB from January 1,1868, to Jana ary 1,1869.,* $243,328 5 j PREMIUMS earned on Marine and Inland Risks during the year ending as above... $lB6 680 26 nit DRIVED from Interest on Investments.. 7,168 56 LOBBEB, Return Premiums, Reinsurances, Expenses, and Commissions during the same period, and bad debt5..,....* $194,020 81 ASSETS OF THE COM* 2Y, January 1,1869. 6,000 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loaos, oost $5,955 10,000 Philadelphia City Operoent. Loans, “ 10,800 7 009 City of Pittsburg 6 “ « “ 07W 7,000 * do. 6 “ “ u 0,800 41,620 Oam4en and Amboy Railroad 6p« ~, _ cent. Bonds " «>713 14,610 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 6 percent. Bonds “ H,«IQ 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad fi per cent. Dondß 8,750 100 shares North Penna. Railroad....,, (> 6,000 117 “ Philadelphia Bank “ 14,7C0 87 “ Delaware Mutual Insurance Company “ 2,176 40 “ Delaware Railroad Company Kl 1,000 Sundry Stock of Bteamboat and Tele graph Companies, and Certificates of Profit in Mutual insurance Com pany , «» 18,077 Estimated value of the above ,•.•••..(.$100,640 Cosh on hand,...*.,.., 8,036 Bills Receivable..,. 66,938 Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, Salvages, and other acoounts 77,678 RICHARD S. BMITH, President. Jos. COLtrsoif, Secretary. jal4-12t j^&liTON’ o INSURANCE, ADJUSTING 1 7 AND OOLLEOTtNG OPFIOH, . HO. 008 OHSS7NUT STREEp, < PaiLaoßtymx. The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of year# in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to property Insured, in making out their proofs of such loss or damage in full compliance witu the Intricate and cunning conditions of Polioies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies bo inclined, or others. Ho is assisted by the best legal counsel in Phjladel pbla, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Ol&itns against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and It has also been the experience of the undersigned, that policies are frequently aeolared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a fire occurs, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the insurance.or for some other cause, which, although on important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it Is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effeot Insurance in any Companies desired, aod examine policies effected by others (la most oases) free of extra charge. . „ . „ Parties sustaining loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as possible. mn „ d22-2tnJf* JAMES FULTON. Qtuiing JTmti>6. ©PRING GARDEN SAVING FOND SO- O OIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street, (Consolidation Bank Building ) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN SYLVANIA Deposits received in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Geld, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day or deposit till with- A responsible and reliable Savings Institution baa long been needed in the Northern part of the oity, sud “The Spring Garden Saving Fund Society "**,*“?£ terod by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to aupply thla necessity. The Managers, fn organising and |£««Gng From 0 to 2X o'clock i also, on Mohdat and IHORB - fiom 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Bmttfc, John P. Levy, s°“ *■ Daniel Undeikoner, Frederick Slaake, FranoiaHart. Joseph! LeOlero, John Kessler, Jr., George Knsoht, James S. Pringle, JacobDocV, Joseph M Dowell, Hon. Wm- MlUward, Gsorge Woelpper, G.o.T. Thorn, Peter O. Bllm&ker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMBS 8. PRINGLE, President. Fasxgie Haa*, Secretary. JaSQ-tf if m WANTED—A. PURCHASER for a very desirable Residence, hsviog all tbs modern improvements, And will be sold vert low. Apply to . 8 BILLOUGH, JdM-Bt* N O . an WALNDT Street. TM7ANTED—By a Young Gentleman, a * 7 SITUATION in a Commercial, Insurance, Banking, or Railroad Office, in any capacity wherci a ready Penman and Accountant and thorough Book* keeper would receive a fair remuneration, most nn* doubted reference given. Addreae SAMUEL, Office of Thi Frets. ■ Jtf4-8t» VET-ANTED—A NURSE) one that can v T Sew, Wash, and Iron. > None need apply without good recommendation. Inquire at No. 018 LOCUST Street. r j»24-2t* PARTNER WANTED, with Ten Thon- Jand Dollar. In CASH, to .Rouolntho Taney Dry-Goods, Jobbing, and Commission Trade in Philadelphia., The advertiser has had long egpondnee in tide business, and is well acquainted with all the first-class Importing Houses in New York, and CO old command a large amount of Goods on consignment. The moat undoubted reference can be given. Address COMMERCIAL, Press Offite. It* WANTED A SITUATION*,, by a SALESMANj Id a fiist-olaes Dry-Goods House; one that understands his business; has a large ac r.usl?lance wlt h city and near Trade, Address A. B. «•> Office of The Press. ja24-6t* "1/ffANTED—An B active MAN, about 25 *J. 5° ?0> years of age, as SALESMAN; -one ac quainted wUhthe city Grocers and near Trade. Ad dress SITUATION, at thie Office. 1a22-Bt* -(632,872.97 OENTLEMEN OF EDUCATION and ad- VA dress W ANTED to represent the interests of a popular commercial undertaking. Compensation falrlv AddreM < ‘AUNBR,».Pmm Office. 47,865.47 IMTANTED—By a Young Man, who is a * f. Practical Book-keeper and good Penman, a SITUATION as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERK in a Banking or Mercantile House. Good reference given Address 0. K., Duff’s College. PITTBBURG. Pa. ja2o I2t* 180,000 06 .. 411,684.12 . C 35.00 .. 39,665.61 \tTANTED —A Young MAN, of good buai ' v v ness qualifications, who thoroughly understands the German, Branch, and Spanish languages To one competent a liberal compensation will be given. Ad* dress POST SR, Offiee of this paper, jsSQ-4t* .. 8,865.14 NOTES. A YOUNG MAN, who has $2,000, andis willing to loan it to his employer, wishes W BTPU ATTON in a Manufacturing or Mercantile. Establlsh-i mtnt, as CLERK or SALESMAN. Address KELLER * at this Office, stating what salary will be giveifc j2fc4t* ANTED—By an active, energetic Han, V v a SITUATION u outdoor SALESMAN or COLLECTOR, or both. Addru. ■< THOMAS,”. OflM of this Papor. ' ' , ' JaW-dt* A YOUNG I.ADY, of good Education, wishes a SITUATION a. GOVERNESS la a prf vate family.. Oltyaad eonntryr«fflreaeo rlTen. ad draw aOTBBNBBS, OfflcA of thu pjtp«r. . JaM-Bt* Jl WANTED FORTH* UNITED STATES DOAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, uumarrlad men, to whom 111 will be given rood pay, hoard,’ clothing, and madloal attendance. .Say from $12.t0 $22 per month. No man having a wife or child, will be accepted. Apply for’ MOUNTED SERVICE at Wo. BIT MARKET above Eighth, north aide. I. W. MOORS, .. apll-tf- let Llent, lit Dragoon., Recruiting Officer. (898,100.40 Mot Sale and to £et. FOR SALE.—The STOCK, FIXTURES^ end GOOD-WILL of a well-established Wholesale DRUG HOUSE in this city, enjoying a tradd-unsur- Sasaed in oharaoter. Address “ DRUGS,” at this ®2; J»22-6t* m WANTED TO RENT—A neat and MSI convenient residence in the Southwestern part of the city. Beat not to exceed (175 per azmum. Address 5. B-, at this Office. Js3o-st#. The diligent fibe engine com- PANE offer FOR BALB a second-clue HAND ENGINE. SPIDER, and 600 feet of 9-ineh ooncer riveted {BOSE. Proposal* received and particulars given by addressing TBEO. H. MoOALLA, See’r. ]alB-»t» 54 North SECOND Stmt/ (2,262,027 02 C^OOALBOFEEN^ffieFOaFfSN GBBECTBOLLING MILL, situate ontbe Bcbavl klli and Beading Railroad, one mile from Palrmaont. Possession ItnuedUtely. Apply to JOHN HALDEMAN, Harrisburg, J»». FOR SALE—The CHARTER of an IN HUBANOB COMPANY. As ivttnitv air be bad by addressing INSUBANCB, Box 656. Phtfad’a Post Office ji2Q-Bt*lf JjlOR BALE.—ESTATE of ELIZABETH A* IMMEL end OATH ABINE OABMONY, Peeeeeed. All that valuable Lot and Ilre-Stciy Store add Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest corner THIRD And OHBRtIY Streets, containing on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry street seventy-one feet six inches. thence running northward, forming an L of ninety feet, back of stores situated on Third street. Tor farther particulars inaoire of 0 : SPANG, ISAAC K9ONB, jed-m w f-8m 248 North Third street. 08,166 40 m- TO LET—A flu© COUNTRY HAN SSI.BION (late the residence of Henry Ashton, deo’d), , replete with modern conveniences and sartoundingg, situated in Horsham township, Montgomery country 4 miles from Port Washington station. N P. B. B. jW session at any time. Apply to JACOB BMITH, Ja.. near the premises, or to the subscriber, Hatboro*. Pa . i GEO, HAND. Jal7-12t# * 29,760 69 C«TOKE TO RENT* A handbomb stobb, 26,870 65 • Neatly fitted up with Wall Oases, Marble Counters, and Marble floor, snltable.for Jeweller and Silversmith, or any fancy business. Bent, 8800. Also, A WBLL-LIGHTED FOURTH STORY BOOM, Fifty by Thirty Feet, *~ ON NOBTH STBEBT. - Apply to *" JONES, WHITE, A MoCUBDY, jafl-lm No. 628 ARCH Street. (164,600 00 OAPER MILL TO RENT.*—The, Paper JL MiU known as HANWEIiL HILL, situated on the Wiss&hiokon Oreek.and one mile from Chestnut HIU Railroad Station. This Mill 1b adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one foor machine, 63 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the sue*, ceesfol manufacture of p*p*r. Possession giren imme diately. Apply to, or address. QEORQR H. ItEYIS^ No. 30 South SIXTH Street 19,160 00 880 00 30,373 43 7,811 04 16,663 96 m> FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. ■•a 016 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of JAnoary, 1869. The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ac., now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of Tkt Press, or at the house. no2B-tf $270,478 43 TO BENT . —On the Ist JAnnary nest, the very superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, 3d, 4th and 6th floors, each 24feet by 146) of the NEW BTORB, 633 MARKET Street. The building is one of the fine improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two front*, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way SO feet Into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. v nol-tf UT ANTED—An Unfurnished BOOM, V v suitable for a small Class of Young Ladles, with or without Boarding. It*'' BOARDING.— A Young Married Couple eon be accommodated with good BOARDING in a genteel private family, where there are no ohildren. Address P. L., at this Office. ja2o-6t* REMOVAL— THE FREIGHT 2a£§&S&AND PASSENGER OFFICE of the QRAKIWoN AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS has been REMOVED from No. 828 North Wharves to the 8. W. corner of FOURTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A. HERON, Jr., Agent, Bills Lading signed at the Office on the wharf, 2d above Vine street. Ja22»l2t E! *KINB, ; No. 26 SOUTH BIGHTHBtreet, ' Between Market onfi Ohoataut Street!. Simefl’ Stores, Chestnut and Marketstreets. Gsrrigues s . Tenth and Ooatus atceew. WttgPßT>w. Tcotb T.omb*rd ata. _ COAL-OID LAMPS THAT WILL NOT SMOKE, sod non-explosive Also, Plaid and Luhrieating Oil, at 836 CHESTNUT gtreet. ‘ foanta. No. 528 ABOH Street. Bontiiinj. Eentuual*. TAILORS, okb noon ABOVE OBIBIBOT, Jast side, iUe&innal. Amusements/ A CADEMY OP MUSIC OPEBA U- ' il BRETTO—The only eoprright edition of Optra Book! published expressly for the Philadelphia ft pale my of Music, and bearing + hi* distinct copyright titles .. FOB SALE EVERYWHERE,- at the reduced price of FIFTEEN CENTS. Bato your money, and buy no more twanty-fife-ttht Books. ; <■■ . BBWABB of the twenty-five cent monopoly Book*, told inride the house, which are inferior in text to “ The Academy of Mario Edition,” and are only medium tor “puifs” and store advertisement*. . BEn COVERS. - The best and cheapest edition here all red oover*, and can be had at all the principal marie stores on Chestnut street, and outside the Academy of Music, for - FIFTEEN CBNTfi. , Jalfrtf ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MOST POSITIVELY THE FAREWELL WEES. : The season closes on Friday. THIS (Monday) EVENING, only night of BOBJBBT LB LIABLE. To-morrow, * .J A PlOCOLOtflfll AND 7JLBORDE MATINEE. On Wednesday, only ' ’ DOIT GIOVANNI NIGHT. NOTICE. —This morning commences the tale of Seats for to-night’s ROBERT LB DIABLB. Seats and ticket* for Bohert le Liable mar likewise be had at the door. ' HATIKKB TIOKXTfI Wilt be for rale to-day and to-morrow, at the Acade my, the principal music and bookstores, the hotel*, and at the door. The sale of mat* for the BOH GIOVANNI Nigh* commences to-morrow morning. ■ 1 Seat* for Loo Giovanni may likewise be had this even ing, between the acta of Robert le Liable. THIS (Monday) STONING at 8/ Most poritively the only night of Meyerbeer** BOBBBT LB LIABLE, With it* new scenery, eoetly dresses, and the magni- CSnt miss en teens wifi be given this season for THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME. A MAGNIFICENT NEW SCENE. With mechanical effects, daring the Resurrection of the Nuns, has been provided by the liberality of the Direc tors. This scene,' which represent* the <* BIJINBD 'ABBEY AND OHUBOHYABL.” has been printed expressly tor BOBEBT LB LIABLE, by Mr. GRANVILLE PERKINS, » young American artist of thisoity. LABORDR* POINBOT. FORMES, LORINI, be. "Grand Ballet with ■ 80X0 as . HELENE. ‘ The Lireetor respectfully call* attention to the ONLY production of this great worh. It will be given to a fanner far superior to that of last season. - LA BOBpK and POINBQT (who ring the part* of Lagrange and Cario'i) have performed this opera during the last five yean at the Grand Opera of Pari*, the very thee* tre tor which KO BERT LI LIABLE hae been originally composed, and which, in a great measure, is under the direct superintendence of MEYER SERB himself. FOBME9IS the BETBAM, whilst LORINI will be found equal to Big, Blgnardl.* Mll'e. BQTO. appears (instead or Lucy Bine,) with the greatly improved 00RP8 LE BALLET, JaA NEW DIVERTISSEMENT,' expreariy oompoeM by Mr.. LBNNSTABLT, the Ballet Master; from 'the t BOYAL ITALIAN OPEBA. London;- The ■npertor merit* of the unrivalled preeent OBCHBfYBA aadUfiOßtTß *r« too' well appredated by the public of Philadejehia to require additional mention. ' IThtflßrector can—tO'r«sy the Uart—protnUe Hie same-, if -wot in the eaet and in the ENSEMBLE of DON‘GIOVANNI, to be performed er* of LA TBATTATA. By PICCOLO MINI, FLORJSZI. AND TAMABO. Ineludisg the bsliet (Urßrtl«emeai 6y MUIe Soto, cal the first set of NORMA, In which MADAME LABOBDB will sing the eelebrated aria of OABTA DIVA, In which aha established her reputation in PhUadel- - phi* on her Bret visit several yean ago. ' 4 HEBICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ZX GRAND GALA MATINEE. OR TUESDAY. PICOOLOUINI AND LABORDB. HOST PQdITIVBLY TOR. FAREWELL WEEK THESEAAON CLOSES ON IBID AT. TO-JtfORBOW, (TUESDAY) at Ao’ehwk. GBAND GALA MATINEE LA TBAVIATA AND ROBHA. PICOOLQMINI AND LABOBDB. Will ajjptw together, for TBS FIRST AND ORi,Y MU E. ‘ * THE GALA MATINEE, Will consist of tbo Entire Opera of LA TRAVIATA, . And the Pint Act of NORMA. \ The performance will commence with the whole of jPerdl’a Open, in fonr acta, of LA TBAVXATA, When Mile. PIGOOLOMINI will appear /for the flirt time since her return from Baltimore, Washington and Biohmond) In her celebrated role, of VIOLETTA. Signor FLOHBRZA in his favorite role of GRKMONT, and Big. TAUARO. for the first time in Philadelphia, a> ALFRED. In the third act GRAND BALLET DIVERTISSEMENT, Daring which the admired dansense.' HLLE. 80TO, . Will appear in one of her favorite BPANIBHDAHOSS. After LA given the first act of Bj Madame LABOBDB, who will aing the celebrated aria of casta diva, In which aha established herrepatatien in Philadelphia on her first visit, several years ago. GABD —The public, had anfflcient oppor* tunlty of testing the merits or the present company, and who cannot bat be aware of the extraordinary ex pensea derationed by the costly engagement* ot to many and great artistes, the unique Orchestra and Oboroa,. and the liberality adopted inall.stage arrangements— will xeadtty admit that it would be ntterly impocalble to make the by ‘ crowding the Academy to Its utmost capacity—at the price fixed by Mr. UHman. „ when he first introduced the now so popular MATINBR in America. In view of the Increased attraction, ana the joint appeanance of PIOGOLOMIHIand LABOBDB* the price of admission will be here, the same as la New York and Boston, vis: ONE DOLLAR TO ALL PABTB. THERE WILL BB NO BEBBRVBD SEAT*. The whole of the Academy of Mario will be thrown open to the public, with the exception of the protocol- / am boxes, which may be advance, at HO ' each. 1 Tickets may ha had to-day and to-morrow at the Aca demy of Music. SUPPLEMENTARY TICKET OTPIOE3 Have been established at the following places, whom tickets may be procured in advance, ana thus a rush at the opening of (be doors may be avoided: Ghfekertag’s, 1307 Chestnut street; Alfred Schmidt, 1036 Ohcstnut »treet;'Beck & Lawton, corner of Se venth and Chestnut; Lee A Walker. 722 Chestnut: Marsh, 1102 Chestnut; 'Andre, 11(4 Chestnutr andak the following hotels: the La Pierre, Girard, ot. Law rence. * |X7" AH the entrance doors of the Academy wifi be , open. Doors open at one, Matinee commences at two precisely. The entre acts will be of short dotation, eo that visiters from the country may be in time for the railroads and steamboats. - . Cl K. MURDOCH'S CLASSIC AXP k 5. POBTfO READINGS and RECITATIONS, at CONOERT HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jan.. 28, embracing, “Gray’, Elegy:’’ “Pope’s Essay on Man;’’ “MissMcßride;” “fcam Wallar’sLov*Latter, 1 ’ Bool’s “ Bridge of Sighs,” and other choice aeltctioui from the gems or English lltoatnre, isterq>sned with comic recitations . - ftSASt* VEW WALNUT-STREET theatre, . “ CORNER NIN tH AND WALNUT BTBEETB. • Acting and Stage Manager Mr. E. P. Keach. THIS (Monday) EVENING, January 24, 1562, RICHELIEU,- 08, THE CONSPIRACY. Cardinal BiohaUeu. Barry Sullivan: Obevallar d. Manprat, Mr. Parry; Leßitardeßeringhen,Mr. Drew; Jalie de Mortimer, Mrs. Driffield. To oonetode with SKETCHES IN INDIA. Prjoes of Emission—Beoond Tier and Eamlly otoeia, and Third Tier, 2* osnta; STM eonts; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, sooortfng to ttsdF locale, SS and $5; Slngla Beats in Orokestra and Prlvatn B Doors*oj*nat half past 6o’oloek; Onrtaln risaa at T o’oloek. . - VTirHEATLEY A CLARKE’* AROH-ST. TV THEATRE.—WIUiem B. Frederick,, Ac ting »d SU *THIB II (Sondsy) EVENING. January 24, 1869, ALADDIN j " OE, TH* WONDERFUL LAMP l ', Aladdin, Mrs. John D»w: Ab*na*ar, Mr. Dolmau ; Den, Mr Wood; Tehi Tongluck, Mr. Bradley! Prlnoess Badronl Badonr. Mis* Tvlor- « 102- 08, THE VETERAN AND HIS PROGENY. Whole Private Box, $B. . . _ Doora open at UU put $ o’clock; oomaanea it T c precisely. ’ IVATXONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT BT. t V .hove EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. TWO CIRCUSES AND A MBNAGEHI*. THIS i Monday) JVBNING. J«b"y 24, 1859, VAN AMBUBGH’B WILD ANIMALS, ConaUUng of Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Panthers, im the mammoth performing Elephant, TIPPOO BAIB. Eqnevtrlan, Gymnaetle, and Acrobatic Peats. rT HEMMING wiU dance tha Tight Bop*. SCALE Of PRICES. Brass Circle and Perqnetto- W M.EI Children under ton year, of aga........ » „ S^ors t oper^*at'Qrmrter*to*Vo’*ciock.**F*ttonn*aew will commenoe at v - . IMoDONOUGH’ 8 gaieties— ifJL RACE Street, botireeq Saaond «nd Thirl «tr*et«. OBOWDBD B0B8KJ! CHARGE Of PBMORMANOES NIGHTLY. OLE BOLL MYEBS AND TROUPE. BLONDIN BALLET COBPS UIBB MATILDA, MISS ROB A MTER3. DANBEU3E—MD'LL* MAMS. ROBSON, WILLIAM, DOPMOf, GBAUD PBBIOBMANOB, SATOBDATNIGHT. Billiard Saloon aol Beading Room opan day And "ftn ft ALEX. EIBgEB,DI»»to of timmintt. CV HENSEL’S MODEL OF' MOUNT VRBNON HOME Of WASHINGTON. Now Jo lxhibitiot,, nt Co..ll'.N.wH*U, gooth. welt bonier ot SEVENTH end OHBSTNOT-entrmDM on Seventh street—* perreot representation of All 0» BulWnga. Trees, end everj object, ecibiacliiK seTOnty ave eoMs! OpenfrornßA.M-toioP.M.,.. *5 oents | OhtUienlO cents. jaia-atw SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ■ 2LEYENT& Street, between Market end Oheravt* OPEN POR THS SEASON. By the Largest Troupe of MINSTRELS IN THB "WORLD. gANIORD’S opera houjjb. ISO TBS BANJOBD CHILDREN. . _ , Admittance 25 cento. j a7« BU “« BU “- wh ° BVKRY BTBNINS, eotmnenctag 7K?-ol«*, »4wIdSEBI)AY and SATURDAY AJ- T o B £StiM if WWKBMOT. ÜBTAMORBHOSBS. Pfukfo/ aoanse In VnnbnJodnlJia, tin bunt and «» Extraordinary Exhibition or tbs Bop jS“2fa.. 8B centa; OhUdraa, M seats. jog rrffiE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF JL THR PINS ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, 18 OPEN DAILY (Sundays exoepted) from 9 A* M. till 6 P M, rs '^ Admission 25 centa. Children 12 cents. % Shares of Btoek, entitling tie holder's fhmUy to ad. mission at all times, 680. oT-tf USIOAL FUND BALL. —THE GEE MANIA OBOHMTRA -will'commence thafr PnMio MHKABBM.B ™ SATURDAY next. Not. SOtb. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package of eigiT ticket* for fl, vbiob may bo obtained at Andrews, fdOA Obestnnt attest; Beak A rf *SS2! and Obaatnnt, and at the dookgttba HaJ. Tbs Ml fonaaace oommenoee at 3X o'clock P. M. bott-t*