/COPARTNERSHIP, rr The undersigned VAf'late of W.'Hl nOHSf MANN & SONS) b»»« this Soy’jMfiiclAteiViiemaßlTß'* «tlnuioTtor« &ns_Whal*isBle - ioitAUIES'.BHSM- TRIMMINGS, rf No. 61' "i3 ■SoutkcfOUßTH-’.Street.!bSwtb OhMtnatj nSd«r;the rfifi sMnoin&stjrlß.of EVANS *-HASSALL.: vi > In rtnafo-iV ■ ■ ■S?P,?S?. < L' r rj<:os;tri !Jbr .j* • . WILLIAM B.HAESALL. ,- nBOWOKc-J'. Pi jHOOyER. (l%te V'i ,S. , . 'il&d'SMMfcW WALTEJt.D. J)AylgQ®, ,Ooun -1 sailor AtXaw. Business before,the S.Baprems and OjrcaitOouita. the Court of Claims. and tJ>?_Eiwot]ro Bepartonenls promptly attended -Address BAYIDM ' Jk nQJVBBi iftUiaiANA AT«JB« f City- J HfrAf? v.- \v >« ‘ ,-i. -* A J r f: fo-: day him JAJIiSB OABBTAXbB/Jb >(orthe-transactionofthO ‘‘lmport*- inir , Wm v « and Ifqapr BtwineM.V under ,tn* namejud, ,a®s joskpS v'towab * op:,-, Nos.‘ : 2ofl.»naso»„ B °3tefe t - r fiOPA3PtNERSHU?. ~ Tho’ tm3erslgt>e3: V/ day, formed a mjpwtneraMp, the fif®tf>tHODPE3 & DA.VIS, for th*. transaction of*the BftbMW*"to?.V»n(l StrewQood* Business: t,V Nd. 19 h6opb B ] * '^■* p ' r : ■' J \ jossps-m. batis.;: 5 fyii»„ IhanWvifmtfJ&i.tfatore.heeoHiltethe custom o(,the former patrons of B O.'HORNOIt * OO.Y end;&<>tM bf strict huAifi.QBfl to oontlnaeto glte entire utigfaot|oni«.7 'i ■ • '■: ■ Store—Nor.&ai A BOH »t. bet, Second and Third na„ Tnenty.tMrd 1 warp fcl.lm* v i .t, /■! •' ' -. ! *■' ! TVSSQIiOTION OF COPABTOTBBBir, 1 9 _Tri V«i £ fof.\,*TANGtIY * GBEBL .wm Saw. Joined nn,lhe,lt«ilu«t>ot ) by motujl conjent. .JOHN y, jnuobMed the entire Jotere*t of SwmelL. said firm«.t)i*;lra*inetf of the iina trill be * JM*l». - u '* - » V ; SAMUatX TAHftUY, JOttN .?. GBIBL. •: j J v /COPARTNERSHIP. THe' 1 undersigned have t h)fiday.forin4 JACOB • L 1 jUUITED PARTNERSHIP.—The Si)b- Bcrlbtn hereby SgiVe notice Ihet thejh&Te'entej'ed Into a Eiiatted Paiftneralilp, agreeably.to the provision*' of the laws nfsthe OomtaonweaUh of - Pennsylvania re lating to'LimltsdTibtherabips. . - (i " *- J '• Tbat.the sam* 1 or'firm nnaer whioh saidparttaerabip. is to be conducted 'ls ‘fß. WOOD/ ; » - ; That the geoer&l nature of the Business intended! to. be trans*oted Is the Dry Good* Jobbing wnd GJttfclng. BusinoM.-‘J*a • 'ti*,*,' \ r That the names of aU the general and special part': ners Intertited tlieretn, are BENJAMIN HARSH (general) partner h -LEWIS W. HAYWARD (general partn*r)i'SJ>WAlU> Y..TOWNSEND (general partnerh HbNRY HJNDBRBON’ (general partner),' RICHARD -WOOD, (general partner)!-ALFRED H.FOSTEft '(gehe-. talpartaer),-RICHARD D. WOOD (special partner)'; and JOSIAH BAOON (special partner), and all of.thim the^seifi'partners. general and special, reside In the •jOUytnf PAliadeiphia. c>j! . -. 4 >-- ->$ » « j • i.-\* That tbeaggregate amount of the oapltsltaontribated .’by sped*! partnered thd'Common StocJt; Is Tfro. /:*. of. whioh. OnehundraS , . thousand dollars; in cash, , has been ; sa contributed. by v-fcbe said:RICHARD D. WOOD, speoUlpartner,' a&d’ojr yrhiehk'.Oae hundred thousand->doilarsf da cash, has - been so contributed, by the said JOSIAH BACON,»pe*' clat partner* \i fr-ms ■■/ i . That >heperiod at which the skid partnership isto commence, is ,the > thirty-first day of December.- A.D; 1858, and the period atf whioh it will terminate, is the *>rthir#y*fl/st day of December,- A.D. 1863. , RICHARD D. WOOD; Special Partner, -'.l f'fil' i'* JOSIAH BAOON, Special Partner. \ . t , «-BBN m. VS MARSH.' =L. W. HAVWARD. . EDWD. Y. TOWNSEND. ; HENRY HENDERSON. RICHARD WOOD. ALFRED H. FOSTER. Phnada„-Pe^Bl,-1858/. t j‘ T >? :-.r DOate. 'ijlSE' LARGEST ttesk BEPOT IN i j 'iTHE'tINXON.'. ' r • j ! rS U-~ !J H,v ßV :.jU, DiU KE / - ! -WSBSt’ ' •:> ’ DENTIST, . , ;- ■ ' | 27 North TENTH Street, (oorner.of-XiK bert.) - . ;dBO-lna* j gUtcoatopeg. mHE< in every variety,- • - JAMES W. IIUEBN, : { idM- w.i -■* / '921 CHESTNUT Street,. 1 fTIHE MARRIASE.OEREMONXIN THE, . aid ;.l y :D2I ollEarNl7l\atr««t. : -jrviiyp i-M Cfamaßes.- •saao p; bbakjk; ■ • A JrIGHT OOACffA CARRIAGE BUILDER, - , . , r "7 v -/ . FRANKFOBD. PA. 'All wort warranted to gift satisfaction/ Orders rea .„;*•,', ,noM»Bm* r CIX-PENNT SAVING FUND;- corner :bf VS WAtNUT aad rrtTH Stfwto. * Opea «TOtT DAY wra» toBo\olook,..aßl!m.TUESDAY andIPBIDAY aunjutre- Wl*lK«B£s!t>iP oMo!ft£«M4«£ i.^B^Hoio«tj»r.aM / de i| Tr«Mut.t. ..d23;lra j>ns£!U> »»* ohmt. • w jpf {fcpautlo tk'o 4igr, <• fdnWirfJtagUßdilt^rf,Mfjfeotlurf OBAwwii.'” 4 ''-’ 7 ’''' . Tmwiw-PMNgMBK. . 'Wi«faoDß a/Btnmtt; CTOaTFRBMiUMAfIrAKDBD „ JF ,<•"?{. .!«!▼ t*2U*' ■* '/-i’a.Vxi t*r.**JW?;*" --> >• .'-4 MAHKMH XHWirijTiJ.HOyjitßB B, -18 aB, cAvf.Xfk), ¥flfcl , - r Irft »*- WEST- PHILADELPHIA QTABCH-HAinjFAGTURING COMPANY , IV..'. ,‘ri* Trail*. untTALuo . > "'PEARXi ST.AROH ■. fiOM. FARINA. " . ' 1 THOMPSON, OtA&KB, * YOUNG, " ‘ ;; 180ea4 188 BouUi JBONT Street] , vAtftsti tor iko Company. fTA*rp§OBUBS A«D» CLAMPS. ArJLaQ-’jf? >;•-> w " ■' •./ ’ i IM. 6 . IX 13 per dm. ~a.; ;T Se,: ; I.- I'M ■ * • T. 110 >.<•, «,ioo4.■ ■■a. i it a ' otAMPi. , ;; « R0we11.26 perown, r ! 1 TRow, -$1,76 ? pord6*ea/' ~8; |2,25 por doeen. ,;., . . JftiSET C; EOSSTWH, MWflrtfcj mi>:RbM4 &B.'4Writton otthorabllo to tM“jrpUoj*lif'nnnit)«r«6fJil«f'i.- >■• , -• ~ -•< ;ff'IPA^T:M6rAI,I,IO'PENS,■ - vrhtch, ftir'quslityormAtertal; freedom of notion/bpd gtgrft daribiuty, -yiu insure dtjivoraalpreferenee, .EOR LADIEa’ lISB.. ' 'SsffitJ W«ol»lly.on thick tt«' highly finish ed paper, - -Ho». 1,170, 803,;895, ««;■: ln : extrt-Dae joint#. ■ ;SOBGKIIEBALDBB. " ' Hot. 2, lit,ltit* 168/ 804. ~In fins'points. I©B OHHII*MJSN'3 DSS‘. Por huge, ireo, bold writing: •• • ‘JWU.TVgeSnriel Pen., No. 808 i (on .-Wt-a. J 'oiHsandlKSiie,;)'. '.. *' “ n TpßlMiffr, K0711§3/ -3Sxttai4ae and. &na point*... > • ; Pea.* - • ’ Nd.lUo.“’ElieAntogr>ph Pen- -/>. T •-IS^#. fl WB? l “>.»“4.ftM,'ijo)i'.'BM«id 816, t-';«,«< Vik‘«ki WiniiuS, -.:' ■ 5 4T T HB Mi«^p.m«iw,r»Etfa*iuc/, .sa'- -■ dir.«»4» - aßNni OWEN.-lnent: ; 1 j*& spiSkßw-iuw.,-. 1 - BOOT AND BBOUMtkvt!’ ' ■ -Di9-i4i)loii‘ putney tit ft Jlolleh & Boziot, probably no otlii’r S’SIP'!?, public of hfc SS2fSSSf» ,y .J° 1* Me-line with the St- Nr^R k^Elf t *“*lvJ* ) " em, «r:}lie number; 37 South ■ i jfo*¥?9S »so«,ciie«totit. / jeia-am* T-vt- *•*■£» ", : "■• . ’ *' . • g«i£o„l)£Sltuium tl/Tr THOXA3 >& SOWSi'r I • 1 J • Me«:.189 «ml 141 SOOTB »OIJBTH Bra**T, {Form«rlv,Noa.‘flT.*nd69.) ,‘T AND,REA* X TATI ,T?renty T Beventh Fall Sale, 25th January, at the Ex 'change/ - w “ 7 * - 1 - ! IP** Fart of the handbills of the above sales (coir ready. , , _ ~ t . , - , RIAL XBTATBI STOCKS, *o; •V Public Skies at the Philadelphia Bscbenge' erery .raeaday Evening. ,*• • t TO* Handbills of each property leaned separately, la avutidh tq-whleh we publUh on the Saturday previous (oea4H aalej 6 rife thousand c&taloguealn pamphlet form, '«lTlni full'deecriptlfene at eU theproperty to.be sold on Halolloihitg Taeidly.7 ” < ;y;;";' , ". ~. m SALEBEGIBTXBV ‘ J «*tewd;oh our Frivata Bale Re- Stater,' dWJadfertieed occasionally In our Pnbllc. Bale Abetraotfe/Zo! whldh'l,ooo copies weekly,) frsepfohfoeV v • •V f "y 7- • . •,i -u.. axAIi'IBTATX AT PBIVATXBALII. • ■'-rrr' We hate a large amount of Beal Estate at Frl rate'Bale, Including- every, description of City and country |irop«rtj: ' Printed hist* may be had at the -LIBRARY OP TUB I*ATX HENRY PANNING TON, FSQ.—We are now preparing catalogue* of the Library or the late Henry Bennington,- B*i., deceased, in which'will be round' many 1 curious and Valuable books, on various subjects, anumber. of them illus trated’byprinted end manuscript insertions. Also, a -large; collection ©/Interesting and' rare autographs, engravings, LARGE LOT—Three-story'frame and large lot of around, west aide of Leopard street, north of Otter street, late Kensington,' lot 40 byBo feet, two fronts. * TWO-STORY BRICK FACTORY, AND TWO THRBE -3TORY 'BRICK DWELLINGS, northwest corner of 'Sevehteenth and Oberry effects'. ‘ ' i THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, Twenty-first attest, Mouth of Winter street, between i Race and Visa Streets. ' ' i ! »THREE-STORY BRICK DWNLLING, No 106 Fe deral street, with two three-story brick dwellings'in ! the rear on Marion street. . ‘ - REAL ESTATE BALB—FEBRUARY Ist. > BUSINESS/ STANDS—THREE V StORY BRICK TAVERN AND DWELLING'S.’ X. oorner of Beoond and Shippeu streets. . BRIOK- 1 BAKERY' ADJOINING ON SHIPPER Bakery,with two ovens, and lot ad joining on Bhippen Street. ‘ • . LOTjANDTWO.OLD FRAMES adjoining on fhfppen Street;.- v ■ 1 ' LAND FENNA. VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, 418 acres Monroe Township’, Wyoming,do*, Fenna. There is a large - amount of Timber on the tract, BA&H OF.; HISOKLLAN.OCS BOOKS, STA ’ , TIONERY, *O. . On Tuesday Evening, January 25th, at the auotlon store, a collection oi valuable books on various subjects. Also, an assort* m,ent of stationery, fcb.' particulars'see catalogues. Alta, at 8 o’clock. 1 share In the Mercantile Library. ' 1 share Philadelphia Athonteum. BABE AND.VALUABLE BOOKS—REOENTLY BE* . . /■’. OEIVED DtREOT FROM LONDON.. ■ i -.-. Oa Wednesday Evening,- • "January. 20th, at the auction store, wfe will sell a con signment of rare, valuable, and interesting books, on varions lubjcots, recently received, by ship Achilles, dlreotfrom London. 1 Included, also, are a number of pictorial and illustrated works. * 10** Catalogues will bereadj, and the books arranged for examination two days previous. ,* > ’' " -*. » • - ■ • ■■ Bale at Nob. 189 and 141 South Fourth Stmt. SUPERIOR'FURNITURE, PIANO-FORM, FINS FRENCH PLATS ‘ MIRRORS, JBBUBSELB OAR PETS, &o .. Oa Thursday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, an extensive ( iisortmpnt of excellent seoond-haad furniture, elegant platto-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for con venience,of sale.., , 8)le at No, 1229 North Thirteenth street. ' NX AT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 'On’ Friday. Morning, 28th inat., at 10 o’elook, at'l229 North Thirteenth street, above Girard avenue, the entire hoasehold fur niture, One feather bed, mattresses, Ac., of a gentleman declining housekeeping* Alan, the kitchen farnitnxa. - 07* May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’clock. * ' - ; Br; WILLIAM H.STERB, GENERAL AUCTION AND COtoftißSTOti BTOEB. No. 48 North EIGHTH Street, below AfCh. J. A. EDISON. Auctioneer BUPBBIOR BOBBWOOB AND ‘WALNTJT HOUSE HOLD POBNITUBB. PRBNOH PLATE MIRRORS, OAHPETSj SILVER-PLATED WARE, Ac. On Saturday. Morning,: - At the'auctfon store, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, will be sold * large aesbrtipeni of superior furniture, Ac., comprising, tete-a-tetes, sofas) afm chairs, rooking chairs,, spring* seatv parlor chairs, etageres (with mir ror back), bat racks, Jenny Lind bedsteads, waahstands, dressing, bjxresta*,, dining chairs, extension tables, French plate mirrors,'carpets, plated ware: &o. -SECOND-HANDFURNITURE, . / , v- Froxna family JeariDg the city, comprising mahogany tete-A tete aud walnut sofas, bedsteads, bureaus, with stands,. Windsor and cane chairs,-cribs, mattresses, beds, carpet, &o. -*■ • ' Consignments ©r new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes. carpets, Watches, Jewelry, ?co>, respflCtfttlJy> solicited, on Whieh liberal cash *a« ranges will be made if rtqfrired. : Out-door sales attended to promptly . Charges u moderate as any- other.honse in this mty. ’ ffIUROTSS; BRINLEY, & 00., jt\v £ ,v s no. 439 market street. T M, GUKMEY-& SONS, tf« ' REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, . • No. 620 WALNUT STREET, 1 - OARD.—M. Gnmaey A 80ns, auotioneere. will hold regular sales of Real Estate. Stocks, &ri, Also, household furniture at dwelling^. ... RBAL ESTATB AT PRIVATE SALE. 110" On our private Bale Register will always be found a very large Amount of ml estate, every desehptlon of city-and oountrypropertr. - ■ /’ ; * , J. H. G;OM?dBY £ SONS, Real Estate Brokers, Mi WALNUT Street, belowjßlith CSAJEUSIa KATHANS, AmmOKEBB, <3 • MLd UOKfi7-LOAN- OmOI. Ho. 2U goats thJkD .Street, below Walnut, opporlte *t„ only eight deers beloirthe Ixefcange., ~ * -rfiodrs of hawse** &Om : T D’eloek.'A. H., tntil 10 O’ohttkioJheWMsr, - • Oat-door .sales, and talas at the Auction Howe, at* tsadWlfoa tttrihtat satisfactory terns. . :i - CAPITAL #300,000. BHtblitkidfor tk* list TAirtf years. Advance* made from one dollar to thousand* on Dia mond*. 6Qrer Jewelry, Hardware. Met? ohaadise, Olothtag; jTaitoKare, Bedding, Cigars, Musical butnusents, Haul, Horses, Carriages, and etood* of every description. • - Ail goods eta remain any length of time agreed pon. , All advance*, from 1 one hnndred dollars and upward** will be charged S per cent, pdrmonth; UOO and over, TUb Store House haTlnr a depti of 120 (Bet. bi large •re and tfcief-proof/real ts to sU>n all yalaeMajjaad prJ| rate, watchmen fosr thopremiieaj algo, a heavy iiuej canoe effected for tie benefit of all penoni haring goodfl •dT*noedtip*■ - r account of,having an unlimited capital. tbU ofloeiepzppaiwdtoaake advances os more «atla foo wry. aM.accommodating itormf. than aajr other la this city. r , \ i,-i ' i .•, .Mpneyadratwtd.to the poor, b email amomnts. wttkj oataaj.cbarfe'. ... . - * A* *MVA*» SAUL f»V«ntlrtTn ml othor WttotiN, Jtwelrr. u 4 OotiiliuvlUtefaUitHdwliiildM, ui-iy flljotograplis, &t. CO. OfiANE? PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. ♦ ' (Formerly VAN LOAN’S,) 682 A BOH Street. All the various styles end slses of Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrot/pes, Photographs, soil Ivorytypes aro taken, and At moderate prices. d7-Bra* • . GLASSES. I JAMES 8. EARLE 4 SON, , ; 816. CHESTNUT STREET, ' Opposite the Girard House, ' imi-ortem , , ' 'AND , * MANUFACTURERS ‘ OF 1 LOOKINfI GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURB FRAMES - oil paintings, AHD - ' ENGRAVINGS. EARLE’S GALLERIES constantly open ; jalB FREE.. E. NEWLAND & 00., ' LOOKING-GLASS AND PIOTURE-FRAMI | mandfaotorerb, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, An Extensive Stock of j OIL PAINTINOB, WATER-COLOR -DRAWINGS ; . AND ENGRAVINGS,, ; All at Tc-ry Low Price,, • 804 ARCH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. , d7-8m (TJBOBGE WHITELET, No. 185 South VN FRONT Street, offers for sale, iu Bosd only— < A. SeJgaette Brandy, 1857, Pale and Dark. Jules Robin Oognao, 3866 and 18b7. I Union Proprietors’ Cogaac; 1861. ; Pinet, QaattUion, &Oo Oognao. 1860,1867,1858. - A. Gamas Rochelle, 1867. Pellevolsin Rochelle, 1858, to arrive.. . Uartell A 00. Oognao, 1865, 1861, 1848. . .Jamaica Bum. 2 years in Bond. ; Bteirart’s Scotch Whiskey. : Burgundy Port Wine. . 8l«ly Madeira Wine. •.. HeidßlckQharapaxue, quarts and plots, i A fail asaartment or Olaret Wine, in caseß and casks. totrriy... ... , , j»l6-8m» MULLIKIN ~ i PLUMBERS’ MATEBIALSj AT NEW YORK PRrOES, DK4&BR rn m MIN9R STRFJBT, Sales bg &nctian. "ITBTXLLXS Htrßßisi&Co., Avotioheebs, TV No. 333 MARKET SMIKEiF, . BETWEEN SECOND AND TUIRD STREETS CARD —Wo invito the attention of purchasers to thp.pp?itive sale,of a general-assortment of staple and fancy -goods from the shelves, this morning, at 10# ©’dock * SALE 07 STABLE AND FANCY GOODS. ; rSPhla Morning. at lOjf o’clock, be sold from the shelves a general assortment of fanoy goods, comprising men’s lambs-wool and merino shifts and drawers, hosiery, buck gauntlets, mitts, linen, cambrio hdkfs., patent leather belts, woollen knit goods, &o. TAILORING GJODS. . Also, a large stick of French cloths, doeskins, c&s simeres, sattinets, Ac . NOTIONS. ' ‘ Also, a general assortment of notions, suitable for olty and country trade.' BHOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 .CHESTNUT STREET, opposite'the Custom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SALS 1 OF FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ac. This Morning, Bv catalogue, commencing at 10# o’clock, will be eold a large lot of finer furs for ladies’ and misses’ wear, comprising. real Hudson Bay sable, real etone martin, fitch, silver martin, mink, Janet, Frenoh sable, and Siberian equlrrel sets, children’s white ermine sets, ermine opera cloaks. Gents’ fur caps, collars, and gloves: gouts’ fUr coats. * ' ' ROBES. , Also, buffalo and fancy oarri&ge and sleigh robes. Philip . fokd, auctioneer, no. 930 MARKET STREET, batweeu.FlFTH »n 4 SIXTH, .oath rfeie. OSES HATH'AW S, AUOTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, U. I. «oril«I SIXTH .nARACa Htraots. GREAT BDRI.IO' ACCOMMODATION.' > MONEY!! MONEY! Mone/.liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches,’ jeWelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries,, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books* horses, vehicles, her ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans* Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth. and Race streets. ‘‘ PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market, rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATOHEB. JEWELRY. Ac., AT PRIVATE SALE, atNATHANS’PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT. 8. E: Corner of BIX.TH and BAQB Streets.—The following articles will be sold for less then half the usual store prices: Fine gold English patent fall jeweled and plain, of the-roost approved and. best make, In bunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and leplne watsbos. in hunting case and open face, some of them extra full jeweled am: best make.. Silver English patent lever.-watches, es capement lever aadlepinos, In hunting oise.aud open i face, some Very superior ‘i English, Swiss, and Quartier watches; floe gold-vest, fob, neck, and children’s chains; fine gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, fluger.-riogs, ear-rings, studs, me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigars at $l6 per thousand,,in boxes of 200 each, will be sold by single box of quantities to suit purchasers. Nu merous fane/articles i Ac., &0., &o, <@cnt|entcu’o_iF«rttiol)ins @oobs. IMTINOHESTEB & 00., GENTLEMEN’S If FURNISHINGSTORE PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACw 1 t TOBY, At the Old Stand, No. TOO CHESTNUT STREET, oppo site the Washington House. . A. WINCHESTER Will give, os heretofore, his per* tonal supervision to the'. Cutting and Manufacturing departments. c Orders for his celebrated 'style of Shirts end Collars-filled at the shortest notloe. .Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. . jy24-ly JW . SCOTT, (late of the firm of WTnr • OHBBTBX & Boon,) JUBNIBH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. * ' J. W. 8. would respectfully call the attention of hi* former patrons and friehds to his new Store, and Is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. * A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE BHIRTB and COLLARS. jylO-tf tOatdjes, Semclrg, &c. J£. CALDWELL & 00., • 823 GHXSTNUT Street. Have received, per steamers, netr styles Jewelry. Chatelaine,YestObalha. Bplendid Fans, Hair Pitas.. . . . Fruit Stands, Sugar Backets. , Jet Goods and Flower Vases, Coral, Lara and Mosaic Sets. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of Charles frodahem’aLONDON TIME-KEEPERS- nov 8 JS. JARDEN & BRO. • ViitcmcroxKsa urn iarreanss of BILVEB-PLATED WARE. No. 804 Chestnut Street; above Third, (ap stairs,) Philadelphia. •Constantly on hand and ib# sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS PITCHERS, GOBbBtS, OtiPßj WAITERS, BAS KETS, QAStOBS.KNiVEB.SPOONSTIOBKB, LADLES. Ac * Ac. klndsofmetal. se2-ly Cammtßßion tjoftbes. JB. VALENTINE & CO., » 09MMI8»H>N MBROHANTB VOX THE SILK or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No. 61 COMMON STREET. NEW OHLBANS. Bpeclal attention given to Collecting and Remitting Exchange. t d2B-3m* A UOTION, COMMISSION, AND G?NE* BAD Atosot BHiJIHiSaa —P. wEtLINGTOB having permanently located himself at Pensaoola, Fla., Inrormstbe public In general that he has opened OS PALAYOX Street, ntaily opposite the Market House, a general Auction, Commission, snd Agehoy Bnslnest, and would respectfully solicit ccnslnunenta of all Kinlt of goods and merchandise for Au*ititfn, of bh Ddhimlc oion. I ‘ uC-towAf2mfcW2m • r iJtfeNS FOR WEAK. JL J American Linen Company’s superior style Brown Linen Coatings, R and #, various shades: Brown and Bleached Linen ducks, various styles; Brown Linen Drills. A choice'assortment of the above Goods now on sample, and for sale by ' JOSEPH LEA, dlfi-tf , 128 and 180, CHESTNUT Street. SIUbBL w oxooilt. ' " Grooms & emory, COAL DEALERS. LEHIGH AND BOBUYLKILL COAL, Prepared expressly for Painily use. , YARD, No. 164 BROAD Rtreet, below Rsos. Orders l« r t Kt.OHAS. EMORY & CO.’S, Bankers, No, 16 South THIRD Street, or sent through Dispatch or Poet Qfiloe, will reoeive prompt utteuflon. jal7-3m* Housekeepers, look to your IN7LT.BST.—Great Reduction in the prioo of GOAL. Cheapest and best. The subscriber having made contracts for hia supply ol Coal, ta enabled to offer very superior PAioily coal at the following re duced prices : Broken Egg and 8t0ve......,....J4 00 per ton , Cooking 876 “ Laws NUt... 860 “ « Bmail Nut 826 “ » Warranted to give satisfaction and full weight in all casesaUliok’s Old Central Yard, B. B. oor. MARSHALL and WISLoW Btreate. d9-3m pRESSWELL h WILLIAMS, No. 206 VJ WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. , oedtf ' INHERING, FOX, St 00., wholesale and MJ retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh yard-THIRD' street and GERMAN TOWN? BOAD. Sflhoylkm yard-RAOI and BROAD ftreete, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mines, under eorer, and pr«- fared expressly for famllv use. - - • * 1 M-r ©roeenca; Q.OQD GROCERIES AT FAIR PRICES! 1 1 OH AS. H. MATTSON, SOUTHWEST CORNER TENTH AND ARCH STS. - Has 00 hand, and is generally receiving, THE BEST Off GROCERIES, which be will sell at the most SEA SONABLE PBIOBB FOR GASH. Hating a LARGE and OHOIOB ASSORTMENT of BLACK and GREEN TEAS, he is confident of being able to suit, both in quality and price, all persons in want of the &rtlole, in quantities of from one pound to the half ohest. His general assortment embraces everything in tbe way of FINE GROCERIES, and be would respectfully invite all in want of good articles to give him a call. ■ It will be worth the trial. ■ - noBo-3m • {Drugs unit (ttl)emicalg. JJOBKRT SHOEMAKER ft GO., -- - - WHOLESALE -DRUGGISTS, ftflDofutonr. and De.ler PAINTS, VARNIBHEO. *O4 WINDOW GLASS, Northswt oorn.r FOURTH mod RAOR StrMU, PhllmdolpUm. - Sole Agent, tor the .ala of tka oolotirmtod FloreFo FlataGUaa. mhoii-tr ®yns, JJistola, &t. GUN STORE PHILIJP WILSON &' CO., 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Ask the attention of Merchant., Gunsmiths, and Sports* men, to tho Tory enrsaion Fouling. piece., Rifle., etc. of their own manufacture, whioh are not surpassed by the best imported Gone io< quality and finish. Tbe 88Q0TIN0 QOiLiTiBS of each Gnu manufactured by them will be fully guarantied. They ate also regularly re ceiving, direct from tbe makers, a fullassoitmentof the BEST GLASS. Off ENGLISH AND FRENCH GUNS, Of the celebrated stamps of Westley Richards, Moore & Harris, Purdy, Dean & Adams, Greener, PondevanxJ* Jassy, &0., togethor with a complete stcok of the cheaper style of English and Belgian Guns, which will be sold at tbe lowest market rates. ALL VARIETY OF GUNSMITHS’ TRIMMINGS, such as Barrels, Stocks, Bods, Mountings, Flanks, GunßagSjLocks, and Lock Furniture, Eiey’s Gaps, Catfe tridges. Wads, &0,, on thelmost favorable terms to the trade. ja!2-tfeU rjpHß WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORS. PATRICK BRADY, PLINY FISK. ALEXANDER HENRY, GEO. L. HARRIBOV, A J. PL BASON TON, WILLIAM NEILSON. WM. H. STEWART, 8, B. CRAWFORD. PATRICK BRADY, President. S. R. CRAWFORD, Vice President. WILLIAM DUNN, Treasurer. WILLIAM NIILBON, Beeretary. CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehouse Keeper. THE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILAD’A AXX WBPIRSD TO RJ3OBIVB GOODS ON STORAGE, Whether lu Band or Duty Free, at Current Rates, aod will issue receipts or warrants therefor. , Application may be made at their OFFICE, IN TUB IUBACOO WAREHOUSE!, Ht 7NT AND DOCK STREET. THE PRESS,—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 21. 1859. IN THE DISTRICT- COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE EQUITABLE .MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY vs. CHARLES RUTOHINBON. D. 0., December Term, 1858, No. 81&. Secend Plar, Ven^Bxp OVERSEERS OF PURLIO SCHOOLS vs. CHARLES HUTCHINSON. D. 0 , December Term, 1868, 811. Als.Ven.Ex. I The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the mo-1 neys raised by the theriff’B sale under the above-stated writs, ot all that certain lot or pises of gronai, with the three-story briok messuage ereoted on the front, »pd the two-stvry factory on the rear thereof, situate on the ‘north side of Race street, between Seoond and Third streets, in the olty of Philadelphia, containing in front or brsadih on raid Race street -twenty-seven feet, and extending in depth one huudred and fourteen feet to a twenty-feet-wide alley leading into and from said Seoond street: bounded on the east by a messuage | and lot late of Alexander Allair, northward by said alley, west by ground whereof tho said premises wore formerly part, and southward by Race street aforesaid; beiDg the sane premises which Margery Price and others, by indenture dated the 2d day ot April, A. D. 1846,‘recorded in Deed Book ft L L, No. 39, page 110, Ac., granted and conveyed unto the said Charles Hutch inson and his heirs, under and enbjeot to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of $144, and under and subject to the right of Victor E Harman and his heirs to the use of acertaln alloy leading Into Race street as aforesaid, will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, the Ist day of February, A. D. 1859, at 4 o’olook p M,,at his Office, No. 260 North FIFTH Street, in the bity of Philadelphia, when and where d’l isrsons are'reqatred to mako their claims, or be de barred from coming In upon said fupd ja2o-Iofc* GEORGE W. THORN, Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE . CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. BHICK w. MENZEL. FI. Fa. Deo. T. IffiS No S6B. RAPP vs. MENZEL-' Fi Fa. Lee. T. 1868. No. 569. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund arising from tho sale under the above-mentioned writs of Fieri Facias, will attend to the daties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 3tst day of January instant, at 4 o’olock P. M.‘. at his Office. No. 626 Walnut fatreet, Phila delphia, at which time and place all parties iotorested are required to make their olftitufl before said Auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon raid fund. . . JOEL JONES, Auditor. Philadelphia, January 18th,' 1669. jalO-lOt MONEY Ml IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The Washington Star Savings Fund and Loan Asso ciation vs. Andrew Lougbridge. Alias' Levari Facias of December Term, 1868. No. 66. •Tbs auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the land in Court, raised’ by the Sheriff’s sale (under the above writ,) of AU those certain messuages or tenements aud lot or piece of ground (cOmpnsed'of three contiguous lots or ; ilecea of ground) situate on the northwestwardly side of ieoton street (formerly called Hopkins’ Court,) be tween School and William streets, in the Sixteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; ‘begiun/og rtt the distance of *lB5 feet northeastwardly from the said William street, containing in front or breadth together on £ho said Beoton streei fifty-four feet, and extending that breadth northwestwardly in length or depth sixty feet; sold rts the property ,of tbe above named de fendant, and morq partioalarly described in tbe afore said writ—will attend to the duties of his appointment at his offioe, Nd. 249 South Sixth street, in the city of .Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 25th of January, 1869, at 4 o’olook P. M , when and where all parties in terested are required to present and prove their elaims or be debarred from all participation in said fund. -JOHN F. imiNTON, jaldflOt Auditor. IVOTICE—Notice iB hereby given that ap is plication will be made to the Legislature,of Penn sylvania, at its present Bession, for the grant of such authority, powers, and jurisdiction as may be neces sary for effooting the SALE of all that Lot of Ground and Premises, in the Fifteenth ward of the olty of Philadelphia, bounded by Ann, Grape, Powell, and Vineyard streets, commonly known as the Francisvlile Banal Ground. SAMUEL C. PERKINS, jalB Ot Attorney for Applicants. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Estate of H. A FARRELL, deo’d. The auditor appointed by the Court to andlt, settle and adjust the Account of Nicholas Wall, Executor ofitbe isst Will And testament of H. A. FARRELL, dee’d, aud to' make distribution of the balance tin tbe han'is of the accountant, will meet the parties inte rested, for tbe.purposes of hla appointment* on MON DAY, January 24th, 1869, at 4 P. M., at his Office, No. 612 WALNUT Street, in the city o? Philadelphia, j&IQ-mwfSt . WILLIAM- ERNST, Auditor. IK I>HE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Esta’e of Minor Children of HOKATIO PITTING The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of uyman Grate, GunrdUn of SAMUEL MARX ETTING, EDWARD I.ETTING, and FRAN OIS ETTING, Minot Children of Horatio fitting, as ptatodby Rebecca Gratz. sui vivlng Executor of Hyman GraU. deoeased, and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, will, attend fer that purpose,at the Office of Geo. W -Bldole, Esq., No 294 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on THURS DAY AFTERNOON. January 2T, 1869, at 4 o’clock. iaU-fmwGt* OHAB. E. LEX, Auditor. ]‘N TflE COURT OP COMKOK PLEAS I’UtLIhEhPHIA THE CITX - AND COUNTY 09 to the matter of the assignment of White, Stevens, & Company, fiar petition of Iseao 8. Waterman, As signee. r . The matter to whom" was referred the petition of IBAAQ B. WATBBMAff. Assignee of the estate of WHITB, BTEVKNB, Sc 00 , praying for authority and power to sell at private sale the life-estate of Heury white, in certain premises upon Walnnt street will meet tfao parties interested at his office, No. 9(6 Booth FOURTH Street'-Jn the city Of Philadelphia, upon WEDNESDAY, January 19th, 1859. at 4 o’clock P M. WItLIAH SERGEANT, Master. ja7-fm&w-10t FT THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY Of PHILADELPHIA. W. $. P. WHITE v JAMES LUCAS. D. C. O. W. 80. 464. Vend. Krpona*. Exceptions to special return. The undersigned has been appointed bjthe District Court, auditor, to report distribution of the proceeds of tbe sale of thefollouiog described real estate of the defendant, among thepaidies entitled thereto, with the ffcpta And upon which such distribution shall be made, to wit: 1 1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of St. John street, at the distance of about sixty eight feet six inohessouthward from the intersection of the west Une or the said St. John street, with the south west line of the Germantown road, in the Kensington district of the Northern Liberties in the county of Philadelphia, containing In front on dald St John street aevooty-two feet) and extending in depth ftestfrard Uf that width, parallel 'frith (Joorge .street one hundred sn. bmoht; 0. Also all that certain lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of Germantown-road, at tbe distance of seven hundred and fifty*three feet southward from tho south side of Master-street, and at the distance of one hundred and sixty feet southward from the south side of a fifty feet wide street, catted Phceoix street, con taining In front on said road sixteen feet, and In depth, eastward of the same width at right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet, upon which is erected a two atory frame house. 6. Also, all that lot of ground situate on the west aide of Oadwaiader street, at the distance of onu hun dred and sixty feet southward from the eouth side of Phoenix street) in the Kensington district of the Nor* them Liberties. Philadelphia, containing!!! .fronton said Oadwaiader street, thirty-three foet, and oxtending in depth westward, between parallel lines at right angles with said CAdwaUder street, one hundred feet, upon which is ereoted a two-story brick stable and car riage house. 7. Also, all that lot of ground situate on tbe east aide of the Germantown road, at tho distance of one bun dled Mid seventy-six feet southward from’he south side of Phoenix street, in tho Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, of PhJJadelphfa, containing in fronton said road seventeen 'eet ten and one-baif inches, (iuo uding, on the south side thereof, the whole of an alley two feet ten and one-half ioohes wldo, in tbe. clear, by tbirty-six feetdeep laid ont for the nse of said lot, and a lot adjoining on tbe south, j and extending of that breadth in depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said road, one .hundred and fifteen feet.' 8. Also* All that'certain lot of ground sltuato on tbo east side of Germantown road, in the Kensington dis trict of tho Northern Liberties, of Philadelphia, At tbo distanoft of sixty-four feet southward from the Booth ■lda of Phosolx street, containing in front on said road sixteen feet, and extending eastward of that width, be* tween parallel lines at right angles with said road,; sixty-flre feet, upon whioh Is erected a two-story brick dwelling bouse; subject to a ground rent of $3O per annum, payable let of January and July. Notice is hereby giren, that tbe Auditor will hold a matting for the purposes of his appointment, at bla Office, No. 252 booth THIRD Street, on THURSDAY, the 27th January,lBsD, at 4 o’clock P. M. All persons are required to mako their claims before the’Auditor at the tikneand place aforesaid, or he debarred from ooming in upon the said proceeds of. sale. CHARLES GrOOONS. Auditor. Phils., January 14, )859, SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Goodyear’s k 5 Patent for Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of ruican* ized rubber arenotlfied that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN' ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these,goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or Imported, and many others. ALSO, LTOENBEB TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COURTLAKDT Street, N. V n24-ly HORACE H. DAY. Blank books and stationery, DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Btationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre« pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks. PnhHp Offices, Merchants, and others, of the beat quality ofEngllsh or Americih Paper, and bound in various styled, In the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatnoc* ana despatch. A general assortment of English, french and Auerl eaft stationery. t Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to ths Franklin Institute, the Committee any—“ This display of blank boots for hanking and mercantile use is the best In th« Exhibition. The selection cf the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap* pseraneeoaefc and appropriate. ” ooftLtf &LATE \ ELATE 11 SLATE///—Hoofing & Biate, of ail sites, and at very low rates, kept eon* atantiy on hand, and for sale by , FCBRING, FOX, * 00., Germantown road and third street. M, B. Slate Roofs pat on in the best manner, sad re cl*!*# aiteade ita. AU tyoxh warranted. fes* CeSal Notices Noti«a. Stationers 3Bneines»(Earl>«- HEPBURN Das transferred Lis hJ Law Office from Carlisle, Penna., to No. 711 BAN SOAf Street, (between Chestnut and Walnut,) Phila delphia. Be will attend to any business entrusted to bis care, in the Courts of Philadelphia or in the in terior of the State. Philadelphia, November 24, 1868. n24-3m npHB AJJAKS JSXFttKSS 00., OFFICE, A 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PAROEtS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. 9. fl. 8ANUI0RI). ften***! RapArfottfnOesSS A LEX. MoKINNEY, JrA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENB&URG, PA. Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In liana counties, sell-tf V. *. AMAMO, 4BRAMS h MATER, t%. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAV29N, YA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. KBrXtVKOBB Got, Wn, J;Packer,Harrisburg, Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General jDi K. Jackman, Look Haven: Hon. A. White, Lock Haven: Bitnon Bcott, Lock Haven: Bullitt A Jolrtherne, Philadel phia; McFarland, Evans, k 00., Philadelphia: Brans & Watson, Phillip M, Price, Philadel phia; .lion. A. V. Parsons. Philadelphia: Williamson, Taylor, k Co., Philadelphia: Tener k Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Qniggle, Beq., Philadelphia. jyOfl-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER KJ onANT and Importer of HAVANA S2GABB, (New) 183 walnut street, second story. aol-ly FOR CHARLESTON AND BA SH 6 VANN AH,—HERON'S LINI. GOODS RBOBIYBD AND BILLS Off LADING SIGNS & EVSEY DAT. * The'splendid first-olassside-wheei Steamships KEYSTONE'STATB and STATS Off GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for ths Bonth and Southwest one of these ships sailing etery SATURDAY at 1( o'clock A. M., alternately for OkarlMtoa and'oa< vannah. Until the steamship State of Georgia has received her new boilers, the Steamship Koystone State, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Charleston and Savannah. BOH OUABUMTON. The steaiqahip KEYSTONE BTATB, Captain C.P "Marshman, will sail on FRIDAY, January 21.] JOB SAVANNAH. The steamship STATE 09 GEORGIA, OapUin J. J. Garvin, will sail on WEDNJffiDAY, January 20th, at 10 o’olock, A. M. ' SOB CHARLESTON. ' The steamship KEYSTONE BTATE, Captain C. P. Marahraan, will sail on SATURDAY, January 20, at 10 o’olock A. M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Bhipßconu*Q' irith steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, Ac., fox all places in the South and Bouthwert. FBIIG-HTB BIDUOMD. Heavj Fioight wt an average or II per ee»t. below Hew York steamship rater. IHSURAHOS. FftXIQST and IIMtJBAfIdH on a large proportion of goods shipped' South will be found to be lower bj these ships than b 7 sailing Tesstli. Cabin passage i U». % ROBERT CRAIG,I7 Broadway. New Tort. HALL &. LON ST, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. ja6 _____ THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM* FROM NSW YORK TO LIYBRTOOV Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage. ................ FROM DORTOS TO LITBRFOQL. I . Cillef OabinP&ssft*e..»j*» $llO - fiebond Oibih Paa3a*6. 00 ■■ The ships from Bpstop call etHahfsx I PERSIA. Capt. Judkins, CANADA, Capt. Lahe L ! ARABIA, Capt, J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, i ASIA, Gant. K. G. LoU, NIAGARA, Capt. Audet* , AffRlOA, Capt. Shannon, ton, l BU&OPA, Capt J.Lelteh. These teasels carry & dear white light at mant*head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ASIA, Lott, JearesN York, Wednesday, Jan 6. CANADA, Lang, leares Boston, Wednesday, Jan 12 AV&loA,'Bhannon, “N. Tort, Wednesday, Jan. 10. NIAGARA, Anderson,** Boston, Wednesday, Jan 20. BCROfA, teitoh, “ Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 2 Bertha not scoured Until paid for. An experienced Burgeoa bn board. slhs.ownew5 l h5.ow new of tb&ce ship’s not oeaccountable |or Gold, Ruter, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the Talae thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to jal~tf E, OUNABD, 4 Bowling Groen. CRmrational. AOAVmr OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHUHCO. LOCUST and JUNIPER Btreeta.—Bey. JAMES W ItdßlNS* A. M , Principal • A. BUdOHOEQR, Teacher of Preach, German, and reum&aehlp: JOHN. 11. MORRtS, Superintendent, of the Study and Teaoheref English ; HENRY MORTON; A. B , L*ctdrer in Chemistry and Teacher Of Drawing ; tiHAS. R. HALE A. 8.. Teacher of Greek and Latin : JOS. W. WILSON, A. B . (Oentral High School.) Teacher of Maiflematlca and Geography. The Second Term will begin reb Ist. . Tuition Pee, S veotjr-Five Dollars per anatom; iatoo Primary pepartment, Sixty Dollars. There are no extra charges. Clroutars may he had at the Academy. T7IDGEHII.L SOHOOl*—Princeton N. J.~ X!il The Blity.flret Bernal-annual termor this well* koo*n School 'or Boys will open JANUARY 20. Ap* plio&'ioos for pieces should be made early. d24«frm&w~l6t Ballad singing and guitar— T, BISHOP, 1202 PILBEKT Street. d2O-lm* ■ ONG’S SPKINGGAKDENACADEMV, -S-iN- B. coper BtOHIIt tail DCTIONiVOOD fit*. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Bob*, kaeplng Id Ell Its Tirtooe forma; preparity Btulonta thoroughly for situations Id any branch of business: Plain and Or namental Writing: Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No instigation in the United States gives amor# thorough and practical coarse. In this department no teaohing is done in classes, and la open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLAB3IOAL PEPABT MENT—(Separate from the above .)-j-Youog Men and Soys are prepared for an/ grade of an EuglUfc and Clas sical Education, vis: Spelling, Reading. Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arlthmotio, Philosophy, !to/, Ancient and Modern Languages, with all tho higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions ef five months commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tr F. DONLBA.VY LONG, Principal PHILADELPHIA jXGB, aortheast corner of HStreets. P \J COMMERCIAL COLLI CHESTNUT and 6XVKNTE An Institution designed TITS BUBINJSSS. BOAED OF TBCaTMa B. B. Comwji) Frenoia Hoskinf, George Q. Btaert, D»?id MUne, JohnSpuhewk) PMldB. Brown, Zbmo Keeker, A. V. Parsons, D. B, lilrnnui, I Frederick Brown, Joehoe LippLncott. EVENING 6ESSIONB after September 16th. Each Student has inditidoal ikstruotioh |at this Institution. and a Diploma from'here Is the beet re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the Colloge • seB-tf BRYANT & STRATTON’S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. PM ladolpbia College, Southeast oorner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. 3?or information) call or send for circular. jelfr-tf EVENING BBSSIONB lIAVB COMMENCED. S SNYDER LEIDY—JAS. M. LEIDY, • Principals of LRIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY.’ Nop. 148 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WBITING, BOOK-KBKPINCI, ud ABITIIMKTIG ' is made certain toevbry pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day ana evening. noW Srokrrs. OKIE & OAPP, 223 BOOK Streot, above Walnut, BTOOK BROKERS, and dealers in Mer cantile Papor aud securities generally. Attend the Brokers’Board dally, and Oil all orders for the pur chase or Silo of BTOCKB, BONDS, Ac. ja?-ly El A. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT P • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth street, attends to tho purchase and sale of Real Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, and Collection of House and Ground Rents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. ooW-fira* RR. OORSOJf, * REAL ESTATE BBOEEH. Money Loanod on Bond and Mortgage. Collection* promptly made. NOIUtISTOWH, PA CBONISE & 00., BPISOIB AND BXOIIANCHD BWJKBBB, No. 40 Booth THIRD Street, rUIIUDBLFBIA, Refer to the Barks and Drokrrs of Philadelphia. -fire proof Snfeo. H£jg° SALAMANDER SAFES. ■ 818 A large assortment or EVANS & WATSON’S PDIL4DILPHIA MANUFAOTDBJD SALAMANDER BA PEB, "VAULT DOORS, Pot Banks and Stores. . BANK LOOKS. Kqua! to any now in use, iron DOORS, SHUTTERS. *0 , Oft *fl good terms as any other establishment ltt the United States, by EVANS A WATSON. Ho. 28 Iloulli FOURTH Streot. Philadelphia, PLBAfift ftiVE U 8 A GALL BVllSil,—tiSo J>;hTolmNo4, ], 2, find 3 Macke s' ro). SO do aod tierces Salmon, 40 dofleaPhad. U 46 do Mackinaw WUltn Puli. 437 do Halil&x and JSastport Herring. 680 Boxes Scaled Herring. Also, 630 Quintals Grouuil Bank Oodush, lafeb/ 0 O.SADLBB&CO., do ARCH Bij second door Abort Pros j£|ARTFORD FIRE INS (TRANCE SURPLUS, JUNK 1, 1859, $211',005 II jal-m w f tf TNSURAtfGE COMPANY OF THE A BTAT R OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Chartered in 1794 Capital f2QQ,Wo—Aßsetfl, Jana* ary1,1658, $347,440.60-100. All inreeted in Bound ana available aecurities—conti nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes. Buildings, Stookf of Merchandise, AOm on liberal ternfl. a. A. MAT**. HeuiyD. Bheward, George H. Stuart, t Simeon Toby, Samuel GrAnt, Jr., Charles Macaleater, Tobme Wazner, William fl. Bmlth, Thomas B. Wattson, Johh B.Bodd, Hbnry G. Freeman, William ft White, OBdrlen g. Lewis. Geortfe 0. Cartofc. UKNRY D. SffiBRRERD, President WlLtUic Haupsb. Secretary. je9.wfnn.tf Fire and inland bisks.-fame INSURANCE COMPANY Capita! ..fIOO.OtO. (Organised tinder the Act of Awwmoly relative to In luraoce Companies, parsed April 2d, 1896.) Office 411 OHRBTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Henry Lewis, Jr., T>. B. Birr'jy, John W. fcverman, A. H. Roaenhoim, John B Rlliaon, W. W Knight. IQH W. PAY, President, •etary jal2-y Samuel Wright, William W. Walter*, Charles Bichardwjn, Jacob W. Stoat, Barclay Llpniocott, George A West. GKO] WI. BLANCH ABD, Beci CO M M O N W ] INSURANCE PENNSY' DIREC AL T H Ny OF THE STATJB OP LVaNIA. 3TORS. Tusmaa S Ptewart. John 21. Butler, Tboroas IV. Bran*, Henry Lewis, Jr., John Allen. officers. DAVID JAYNE, Pregnant JOHN M. WHITAI/L. Tice President. 8. 8. MOON, Secretary. OPPIOE N. W. corner WALNUT and FOURTH Stroeta. ' ' FfIIUDELPIIIA. Dr. David Jayne, John M. Whltall, .Edward 0 Koigbt, Jobe K. Walker, Isaac Jeanea, Delaware mutual safety IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED, BY 7HE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE B.E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia ‘MARINE INSURANCE ON YEEBELS, ) CARGO. >To all par U of the World. Pftfel&UT, S * 0 INLAND INSURANCES On Good*, by Hirer, Canals, LaW*, dSd Land Carriage, to 41 parts of the Union. EIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Storos, Dwelling Houses. &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1858. Rond#, Mortgages, and Real Estate ...$ 71,863 86 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 297,066 60 Stock 1a Railroads and Insurance Companies 26,862.60 Bills Receivable...... 201,660 36 | Cash on hand 42,067 86 I Balance in hands of Agents—Premiums ou Marine policies recently Issued—and other debts due the Company. jobs. William Martin, James 0. Q&fld. Joa6pu H Seal, Theophiliis Paulding, Kdrdond A. Bonder, James Traattalr, John 0. Davis, Wflliatn Esrft, Jr., John K. Penrose, J F. pentilbn. George G helper, Joshua P. Eyra, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm 0 Ludwig, James B. M’farlsnd, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Al’ilvaine, Robert Barton, Charles Kelley, John B. Semple, Pittsb’g H. Jones'Rrooke, D. T. Morgan, << Jacob P. Jones, J.T. Logan. “ WILhtAtS MARTIN. President. TnOs. 0. HAND, Yice President. HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. dlft-tf. CjAFEGttARD INSURANCE COMPANY, 409 WA.LNDT Btrflet, PhUalelphia Capital paid in (securely invested) * 9200,000 StlrjftiU » 31,4j5Q Ibis Comping having been thoroagly reofgatt'aed.is new ready to u£a£e Iqauraric'6 u£on jfll Kind? of pro l perty* merchandise, &e , against LO3B or DAMAGE BY FIRRONLY, npon favorable terms. DIftBOTORS. Jacob N. Keeler, Hon. B B. Cashing Francis Blackborae, Charles V. Watroas, Robert P. King, Rlihu 3. Baldwin, . K B English, J. A. H. Haabrouck, George H Levis. Aaron Clobc, Josephß Btidfold John M. Beach, John Preotioe, Matthew seiley, Edward Wiier. Alex. C. Lawrence p. B, Birckhead, Allred Clapp, Henry R. Foote, Wtn K Forbes. JACOB N. KESLJR, President, Hssftt R Foot*, Secretary. Pim.aOKLFEca, Deo. 1858 American fire insurance go., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETOAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Barplan Invested in sound and available Securities, continueta insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. siuoyoia. George Abbott, . John T. Lewie, John Welsh. Caspar W. Morris* Bamuel 0. Slbftou. Jicjlh B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edfifirfd G. DfltUh. Charles W. Poultney. GFORGI ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MABIS, Secretary. ja23-y if INSURANCE COMPANY, No. HO \J South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital.... 8300,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or pereetui lly} Personal Property, annually, or for a leu period; tut Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieka; receive Be* posit*; hold Trusts and grant r ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vioe President. J.W. Maativi, Secretary. ciaaotoaa. Alfred Weeks. Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. O. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Soqder, Pi B. Mingle, C. K. Ricking, lamps W atson, J. L. Hutchinson, Lddl&ra Hdtthews, J.W. Stokes, William Cuxtls, jelS-ly G. J. Tomer. ja!B»taf4t Lite insurance and trust ook- PANY.-The PENN MUTUAL LitBINBURANO* COMPANY. North.ut OornW or THIRD Uli DOOM BtrMto. O.plUl, *813,735.03. INSURES LIVES for short tM««,or lor Uwwhol. term or life-grant. annaities and endowments—pur- Ohaaw lire Interests to heal Estate. and make, ill contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They aot as Fiacatorg, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. . nmui. Daniel L. Miller, Btamel M. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Nowbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, . Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kero, James Boston, Samuel 0. Huey, TheophUua Paulding, Charles HailowMl, Idmuud A. Bonder, Henry 0. ToWnseud, Daniel L. Hutchinson^ Rodolphus Kont, John W. Homos, William H. Carr, Fills S. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. OhriaUaa, William RebertSun, Joseph U. Thomas, Warner M.Raalu, John G. Brenner, P.B. Mlehler, Easton, DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL F. BTOKBB, Yiee Preset. Jo*a W. Hobxob. Secretary. ulB.ly TTi ASTERN INSURANCE COMPANT.— 324 OmOS No. O. EXCHANGE. Authorised Stock CapitS*, $600,000. Obaitki PMRPSTDAL. fire Rlski oo Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risk* on Vessel*. Cargoes and Freights, Inland Transportation lUska on Goods per Railroads, Oanalft. and Steamboats, taken cn favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Robert F. Taylor, Thomas Bbaw, George Cookman, Charles Stop, Jacob Seed, W. 0. Stoteaburj. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. William I. Broww, Vice-President nO-tr to fit young men for AOS Andrew Cochran, William I. Brown, Richard 0. Stotcßbnry, Peter D. Mjert, Robert B. Walker, Jacob Lukena, HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCH COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. President—THoMAB L. LUDERfI. Vice President—E. 8. WARNS. Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. «e!6-tf UiMOBL 7, MSIHIOE. CJOUTHW’ARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBBKTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Rogtnes, for Land, Hirer, and Mari-o serried. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanhe, Iron Boats, Ao., Cast* logs of all kinds, either Iron or brssi Iron frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail- road Stations, fire. lletorta and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. jSvory description of plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Griut Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Eoglnes, &o. Bole Agents for N Uiliinux’s Patent Sugar Roiling Apparatus: Nas'nvth’n Patent Steam Hammer; and Asplnwall A Woolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machines. aub-y PERRY’S BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE. PREMIUM AWARDED By the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing Superior Account Books FIRMS intending to open near Books on the first of the Year, can select from a good stock on hand, or hare them made in any desired style in a superior manner. BOOK-BINDING- of ererj description executed In the finest and most substantial manner, at low prices. MAGAZINES bound from SOcts. to $2 £0 per volume MUSIC hound in a new and handsome siyle, from ft to $3. OLD FAMILY BIBLES robouad, to look and wear equal to ne'v W PEUftV’S BOOK-BIN&BRY, FOURTH acdRAOS. OldantestanlUheJ Blndorrin Philadelphia. »j23-2m BRiOK-MAKIWa MACHINE, WHICH in ale* i the Uricka aiiJ temper the clay, wake* from fine to three thousand per hour. Upwards of thirty In t\Bo. Patented February Hi, 1858. Machines and rights for sale. Counties, or one-fourth of the Patent, will he lOid. Known to he the only practical one in use. Ad* drees C. CAKNELI», Germantown road, shore Fifth itreetj .Philadelphia. dJfi-tnsrW •Insurance ®om] COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK, SSOO,O n O. (ALL PAID IN.) FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY, WILLLIAM D. SHERRERD, Agent, Philadelphia. DIIUOTOag DIKEOTORB. Thos. L. Ludera, Wm. t. Leach* J, Bdgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Traltl« M. w. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. li. Shttlingfort, A. J. Uuchnor, 0. E. Spangler, John W. Sexton. H.H. Houston, William Balguel, Wm. H. Loro, Edwlo Booth, CharlesF. Norton, John Garrison, Isaac Slyer. _ K. 3. Warae, jSHat&inwß <*nfc Ivon. J. TAOOHAN MBBRIOK WILLIAH It HBBBICK. PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, jßookbin&ing. Hailroafc £inee. NEW YORK EflfES. THU OaMDBN AND AMBOY AND PSILADBLP’A AND TRRNTO*'RAILROAD CO ’8 LINKS, YBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAV PLACES, w*£x tBAYS a 4 tfotLdro, ria: JrflOM KENSINGTON DEPOT; Pare from Kenig’n Depot to New York. At 8# A. M , Morning Mall, Ken sington aud Jersey City. ~ At fllf P. M., Evening Mail’, Ken sington and Jersey Cit».. . ... .... aOQ Atll*P M., Night Mail, IWiojr' ” ton and Jersey City a ,2 25 M “* The Cars of the Fifth and Sixth-street City Passenger Railway Company will convey Passengers to and from Kenelngt n Depot. 6 PKOM WALNUT-STREET WHARF: At OA. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. &. A. Aq? AB ** i c0mm0d&ti0Q..,.,,,....,.52 25 At 6 A, M , via Camden and Joreey City, (New Jersey) Acc0mm0dati0n.......,,.*...,..... a 25 At 10 A. W. vis Camden and Jersey City, Morning Expre55.....,.,, ..... . 3 00 At2P M. via Camden and Amboy, C. A A. Ex press 0 OQ At3P. M via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—lst C1a55,,,,,,,,, 225 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion—24 C1ae5....,,... 1.50 At 6% P M. via CamdOn and Amboy, Accommoda- , tion—lst Claes ... 225 At &X P.M via Camden and Amboy, Acjommoda tion—2d Clans 175 Jt/“ Eapresa Lines stop at Principal Stations only. Per Belvldere % Easton, Plemington, &c.. at 6 A. M. For Water Gap, fitroudebarg, fccrHQtoo, Wilkesborro, Montrose, Great Bend, &c , at 0 A. AI * via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P, M. For Mount Holiv. at 0 A. M , 3, and f>X P.U. '' WAY LINEB For Bristol, Trenton, 3 P, M., and ix p. M rom Kenstogton Depot. ?or Palmyra, .Raaocciia, Beverly, Burlington, Bor dentown, &c., at 3 and 6# P. B£ Fifty pound* of baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Bag* gage bat"their wearing appa'et. All baggsge over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be reliable for any amount beyond 8100. ex cept by special aentract. January 11.X8SD. WM. H. GATKMBR, Agent. FOB BKTIttsHEM, BQYEE3TOWH, fto ,ud by railroad connection* for Easton / OatawUaa, Allentown, Williamsport, Maqch Chunk, Elmira. Hazleton, Niagara Falla. . On and after WEDNESDAY, December 22,1858. Fas. songerTrains will le&to FRONT and WILLOW Btreeta. FhiUdelphla, ae fellows: For Bethlehem, Baston, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Herloton.dtc , , 0 30 A M, Passengers for Kaaton b/ this line can spend two hours in Bethlehem, and in hour end a half In £&ston, and return the same efenlog. For Bethlehem, Allentown,'Mauoh Chunk, Williams* port, Elmira, and »heWest, (Exprejs) at. ,2,1& P. M. For Dojlestown, (Accommodation) »t.... 8.46 A. M.and 4 P.M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Bethlehem (Express) at 7 A. M. and 6 P M. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 7 A. M. and 8.80 P.M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at L 7-10 A. 11. „ ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia, for Port Washington, at 0.90 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 4 p, M Doylestown, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. * Port Washington, for Philadelphia, at 8.40 P. M. All Passenger Trains fesoept Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth And Sixth Streets Passen ger Railroad. Fare to Bithlehem, f 1 60; to Mauch Ohonk, 83 60 ; to Easton, It 60 ; to Doyleatown, SO cents. <122 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 61 288 14 PHILADELPHIA AND. ELMIRA RAIL A ROAD LINE .—QUICKEST ROUTE to Elmira Wllfcesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Booh Island, Niagara Falls, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, St. Pauls, Detroit, Donlieth, and Bt.Louis. FarfWngSr trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and TINE Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted.) as follows: ' . -7.80 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara falls, Buffalo, Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee, Book Island. Galena. St-Pauls, Burlington, and gt. Louii. * $698,604 70 8.80 P. U. NIGHT EXPRESS, . For Ilmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Gaiduk, St.Pauls, Burlington, and Bt. Louis. The 7.80 A. M. train runs through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all'Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. ***} -> At Rupert, for Wilkesbarre, Pitteton, Scran too, and all Stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOUSBtFRG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. lE7* Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and OHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas sssgerDepot, oornerof BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad Street, below Vine, dally, (Sundays excepted,) for all points Welt and North, at 0 P. M. ' Freights mast be delivered before 8 P. M, to Insure their going the same day. F?r further information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to • OHAfI. S. TAPFiNj General Agent, N. W. eor.Bixth and ChestnutStryeto, oel-tf Philadelphia. 11l iSoMMT “ 'fidißSfc PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On and after Saturday, December 4, XB6B, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at BA. M., IP. M., (Express,) and For Wilmington, at BA. M., 1,8,80, and 11P M. For New Oastle, at 8 A. W,, and 1 and 8.80 P. M For- Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 1 P. If. For Dover, at 8 A. M;, and i P. M. For Beaford at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA,. Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Express.) 12 noon, aai 0.40 P. M. 1 Leave Wilmington at T. 20 and 11.40 A. H.. 2.29 as 9.66 P.M. Leave Slew Castle at 6.46 and 11.12 A.M., and 8.06 P. W. Leave HiddlStonni.at 10.20 A. M., and 6.80 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.20 A. SI., and 4,P5 P. M. Leave SeoTordat 7.46 A. M., and 1.48 P.W. - TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M.,1 66 P.M., asdlSAb A. M. BONDAYS only at 11 P, M. from Philadelphia to Bal- Do do 6.40 P. K. from Baltimore to Phila delphia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will ran an follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Floods et 5 00 P. Si. Leave Wilmington for do do do 866 P. M Leave Baltimore for Havre de Graee do 0 00 P. M co 2 B.M.FJBLTOR. President. Philadelphia, gehmahtowi* ANDNORRtSTOWH RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON ANI) APTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19,183 b. FOR QERBIAH^O^N, Le&t« Phi'adelpbU 6, 7#, 8 40 mifl., 9#, 19#, 13# A. M.. 1,2, 3, 4,6. 6,7, 8,9,10,11# P. M. leave Germantown 6,7, 7%, 8, 910 min.. 10#, 11# A . M., 1.10 min., 2.J3, «,?, 9,10# P. M. Leave Philadelphia. 9.2o*min. a/m., 2,6 X P- M. Leave Germantown 8,20 mis. A. M., 1.10 min., 6$ P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia G, 7tf, 8.40 min., UK A. M., 2, 4.0, 9 P. M. Leave Ohestout Bill 7.10 min . 7.85 min.. 8.50 tain., 11.10 A. M., 13.60,3,40, 6.4W7.40 min. V. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 6# P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 6 A. SI.. 12.50. 5.20 min. P. M. JOB OONBHOUOCKEH AND NORRIOTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6.¥, 9, HA. M.,108 min., 4V, 5.60 rara , 11V P. M. s Leave Norristown 0. 7, 9,11 A. 61., 1, 3#, 5.40 min. P.M. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. SI. and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 6 P. M, FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6#, 7 35 min., 9, 11 A. M., 1.05 min .2 05, 3.10 min., 4V, 5.60,7.45 min ,H* P.M. Leave Manajnnk OX, *K» Btf, 9tf, 1114 A. M-, IJtf, 8. 4, 0.10 min , 8.45 P. M. SUNDAYS SASIE AS NORRISTOWN. CHESTER YALLEY RAH ROAD FOR DOWNING- Leave Philadelphia6j< A. M. and3.lo sals. P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. 6013 DEPOT, NINTH and GKBEN SU. ft: nn 11 namw notiob.-chester VALLEY RAILROAD —PAS* BKNGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS —On and after Ist Janu ary. 1859, the Paeseeger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, frill start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and VINE streets MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7 SO L M AFTKRNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves ftt .30 P M. DAILY (Sundays txcspted ) By order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel phia and Reading RaUroid Company dSO W. H. MOILHBNNEY, Beoretary. Dr. coggswell’s new medical SALT —PRIGS REDUCED ON E-HALF ! We are now authorized to announce a permanent re duction In the price of this valuable remedy for in llammatory Diseases. Dr. 0. having made an impor tant improvement in his chemical apparatus for manu facturing it, by which ita cost fa materially lesneoed, has refoived to put it within the reach of all The present price is, ACUTE PACKAGE, $1; CEL&ONIO do $2.50. Those afflicted with Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Ueadiche, Inflamed Eyes. Ears, Throat, Lungs, or Liver, Scrofula, Female Diseases, or any other form of inflammation should give the ANTIPHLOGISTIC HALT a trial. Sy equalizing the circulation, it re moves the sole causb of.intlaroiration For tectimo nisi i and directions see circular. Sold nv all Drug gists. Descriptive circaiare sent gratis by enclosing a stimp to pay postige. Invalids la those place* yet without agents can obtain the medicine by addressing D. O. TAYLOR a C0.,202 DOCK Street, Philadel phia. ' ja!s-7t* yOLLICKOFFER’s ANTI-RHEUMATIO CA CORDIAL is the only effectual remedy ever placed be'ore the public a> a certaiu and rilia*)le care for IN FLAMMATORY or CHRONIC RHEUMATISM This preparation has cured thousands who been af flicted with Rheamai/sm in its most painful form, and we are dvilv in receipt of letters and certificates of as tonishing and remarkable cures. All who hive tiled the CORD lAL speak in tho most laudable terms of its efficacy Full directions and entire satiaf-ctiou given to the Rheumatic sufferers Prepared by THEOIORS DILKS. Chemist, N.E. cor. PINE and SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia. jaJ4-3m Anew and valuable discov ery. DR. HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT, IT STIMULATKS.^XniLKRATKSjJNVIGORATBS, BUT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OB BTUPIFV Thin delicious Beverage is superior to all invigorating Cordials, Schnapps, Nervines, &o. in nse for the cure of Dyspepsia, Norvoannesa, Heart-burn, Drows'neea, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, 4c , as it will invigorate aud strenetben, but will not in toxicate or fttupify. Persons who have become habitu ated to the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium, and Spirit nous Liquors, will find speedy and permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! . Weak and Richly Females will find Dr. HAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT A quick and sure cure, it being ft Regenerator as well as a btrengthener of the Human System. Each complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL is calculated to euro is named ttpuu the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are also minutely given PBIOB ONB DOLLAR PgR BOTTLH. Prepared by . DAIUUS UAM, Principal efllce, N»>. 48 WATUtt N. J W Voteaieby *B. W. DYOT'i & SONS, ’ n2C-3m 818 K. SECOND street, Philadelphia, FORK. —409 barrels New Mess Pork for Mls.ty 0, 0. Sadler * CO:, (AHOH St., record door Won frost. , „$S 00 oN^nNDAi'l; ON SUNDAYS. itteincinal. Saiitoair £iWee. : T HE 'FJEiNNStbYANJA CENTRA!. i OP „ k railroad; . «*>?• 1859. THB OAPiOITY OF .THIS KOtO IS IQBAL TO THRSP-tnoSS TH * COTOTRr. gwraS®p«SXSgiltf ß gff ß^lSSHe Sial’a/lnaiMMjwU,, *“ rllD « t00 l«: intermediate nffi* i« /K U i New Orleans, ana all jm, ..iK.ta.to-a,, racmtta^crth; SSStvX rtkSfSSS* 10 m,tar * Mcepteif™ DAILIT 1 M * u iaaM.Sandaja M*il Train leans TliiUdelpllla at IJOQ A. M. rastiiine , ** tc 4 OOP m Express Trauo leaves « 11 oo vw *' oA f n/ AT , TBAINO leavjb as follows* toSS 8 »I, ColnmMa, 1.00 P. M. WettOhester „ from Eighteenth an,! Mar- Paa,“«n ' ld »'> 740 A. M., and 3P. M. Williamsport, Elmira, BuT- Phil Jelphia at j'S) A , w**7 , t S l!? a » p £r ta “’ lf* T « g through. 130 A - M - *“i 4.00 P. M. go directly Ilia' Iwm.*»* ttaOlSMor Baltimore,- ami TickilJHiffli-J I '.’' Yotk > Bo«ton, or . at Ballrosd Offish In ,l“wS?. , i“ T -° r J h# J“ lort ' the regular r inrelf o* 0 >Veflt 5 a,so on hoard any © Ohio Stare. 11 " 01 Steilne '» «“ th « M™i„ip/or jlj~ Pare airrays a 8 SD - o jj, w Honta. 0t ,ll<, T " “*«® connection. ol th. t “* k «» thifl the DIUBCC BINE HKTWKSN THV. BAST AMD Til A GBEAT-NORTH WEST. ml. L C 2 Qae ' tm ' of traek “ »1 the Bailioad Bridge at avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the Baring or timlr, are adrantagee • Bhl),p0 "’ °* ,wigbt “* ... _ MJIOHTS WESTWARD. —t Freights of all descriptions can be for warded from Fhilidelphia, Hew York, Boston, or Bcltj m -re, to any point eu the Bailw ads of Ohio, KenturAv, Mlm^ , d(Jit W1 ’ ?<«». °v Miraonif, hy ThePenni/Ivania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamer*, by which Goods can be forwarded to any jortonthe Ohio, MaskiDgum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Jamberland, Illinois, Mfadssipp!,' WD&oete. Bflsavw, Kawaa. Arkanw, and Ked Rivers: and at Cleveland, Ssnauaky, snd Chicigo with Steamers to all posts oo the North western Lakes Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transports lU,iJ«?Ltheir Frelgbt to this.' Ccmpaayy-cin rely wivfe C °t SPMJH B ' toiEvS-Tv 1 ! 8 o,f FREIGHT to any point in the p «Qß*yWaoia Railroad are at all timet as pJuies b " Ch ” ae4 hj otk '« K&ilroad Com- JD* Be particular to' mark packauea « via Peana. Railroad ” . Merchants in the West orderiog goods from the East, w » direct them tobephiopedby this Route. For k 'eight Contracts or Shippio'g Directions, apply to, or address either of the following agents of the Company: D A. STEWART, Pittsburg; Doyid A Co , Steubenville, O.; H. 8. Pierce &Co ; Zanesville, O.; 9 J. Johnston, Ripley,O ; R.McNeeiy. MaysviNe, Ky : Otvasbf A Cropper Portsmouth, O,; Paddoek Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Ten* : Clarke A Co., Chi cago, IU ; W H. H. Koontz Alton, 111; Morphy A Walls, Dubuque, IU ; or to ~Freigut Agents of Bail roads at different points la the West. Parties attendlog to their own shipments from the W J U ** to their interest to call on the Agents of the Company at the following places before shipping; or letters addressed to either of them on the subject of freights will meet with prompt attention, B J. oNBEDKR, Philadelphia MAGRAW A KOONB, 80 North street. Baltimore LEKCH A OO.,SAftorHouse. orlS. WiUiamst.,K. Y. LEECH A CO 51 Kilby stfeef, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent. Phlte, L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent,-PUla. a. SCOTT, Gen’l Bap% ARoona, Pa u Saumga faxitia. “ A little, but often, ails the Purse.” CTRANKLIN SAVING FUND— A- No. 136 Soqtb FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, Ac. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with da. posltora’ money, but hare it at all tunes ready to return with 8 per cent, interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended.' * Females, married or single*, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn osx-T by their ooueent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Peauayivauia, with authority to recelre mo ney f om trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wednesdayevening, until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Csdwalladsr, John Shindler. , George Bussell, Mslschi W. SloAn, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Knnnbhaac, Henry Delany,- Nicbolas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedisy, Jos. H.Satherthwaite, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. X'ppincott JACOB B. SHANNON, President, Ctbcs CibwaLLADiß, TfSMurer d_W-y 1 “ A Dollar saved is twice'earned.* 1 CAVING FUND—FIVE PER GENT. Kf lO TIREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM FANY STREET, SOUTH-WEST OORNEN OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. - Zffooaroaaxxn nr «n fixan of Panrarurza. Money is reeelv«d fa *O7 ran, large null, tad in terest paid bon the dij of deposit to the day of with drawal. '* , Thoo&ce is omi every; day from 9 o’dock fa the morning till 6 o’cloc* fa the, evening, amt accu. /SIGABS.—2,OOO,OOO HAVANA CIGARS, favorite bran-la, by Jate arrivals from Havana. in Reg»Ua, Operas, Conchas, Loudrea. Ac . Ac., in store aud bond, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street. SPUGUET A SONS, • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, ee23 , 210 South PRONT Btwet. EUGAEO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS JL &KGAB3.—A ohoioe invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “ New Bn,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETI, (New) 188 Walnut street,! -©low Seoo&d, aul fteeond Btirw k Q£GAKS. —500,000 Havana Segare, choice brands, by late arrivals, i« bond and ttore,for sale by A. MERINO. 140 South f RONT Street 420 IDinea anlJ iianots. CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A do sire to lessen the consumption of Impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, hu induced the offering to the 'public of an article which the analyxation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, A Oamac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pure and conAOqaentiy leaafc Injurious spirit* over offered the American public. CERTIFICATE Of DR JAB. R CHILTON. I have analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey* received from Air. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja.. 0* Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it ie entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure rad Qne Savored quality of Whiskey. JAMES B. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. B,IBH. Analytical Ohomist. PaiLAD«LPHU, Sept. 0,1&&B. Diak Si* ; We have careFally tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you Bent us, and find that it contains nane of the poisonous substance known las Phalc Oil, which is the charaoteristie and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys fa general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemists, To Cuaelks Wharvos, Jr., No. no WALNUT fit , Philadelphia. oc22Atsp2l J-gItANDIES.—“ Pinot Oastillon/' JiareTt, JLs ud other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks: Pelleroisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, fa half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLSH A 00., qsS9 181 and 129 Un*V% Wnurtb ilfmA JJiano ifari«e. PIANO-FORTES CORRECTLY H V yf* TUNED by C. K. SARGENT. Satisfaction warranted. Orders left at No BQ4CBEBTNUTBtreet. Terms, $l. Twelve years’ factory experitneo ja4 2m* pggßtea PIANO POKTEa. rtTVTf Ju*t recelrsd, an elegant .took of SAVIN, BaOON, * CO.,NTTNN3 4 CLARK. BALUST, DA VIS & CO., Mil OALI * 00. 8 PIANOS. MEUIDS ONB of tost quality, «t J. a. GOULD'S, 8. 1. oornar SJVBNTH and OHSBTNTTT hj. mKIO-y IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, corner of SKOOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead. Ground Paints, or all‘Colors, and Window Glass, all or the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers odU TRUSSES? —Gonuina French,lo Adults. TRUSSES! Geuuine Trench, for Children. TRUSSES i do do. Ladies. TRUSSES! Approved American Style*. Supporter Braces; English Abdominal Belts; Syrin ges, a new and improved self.injecting article specially adapted to Ladies’ use Also, bath-room or £•» drant Enemas; French Pessaries; Breast Pumps; Infants’ Nuriing Fl*sks; Nipple Shells and Shields. For sale by CALEB H NEEDLES, Pharmaceutist, rad Practical adjuster of Mechanical Remediet, 8, W- wroot TffKLPril Mi RACE 81*., Hliii Lilies* ou Twelfth street, next dcor Uitlnv* orlf.riM Manila, Italian, Russia, juts', Sun, una American HEMP —The above Hemp* constantly on band and for sale by WEAVER, VIT. LER, * 00., No. 8S North tV AT Jit Street and S 3 N WHABVJB. Jala