Iff* Brnrsutt** CecesideVr ; _ - _ —^; BUBNEWB 'OOCOA3iai,; A single apjdie»tion r fenders the Wir-r-no matter "how stiff m 3 dayp, 4 lk is tbs BiBT u ths WoHtD, EAZZARD/. CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Sole Agent. For by ddaiers gener ally jat COots per bottl* v ,.;;J' I'/'Jy ‘ • «<*»•» ’ FarVeij Merrlhg; A Co,, sell mere Bales than . all otbsrs;ln the trade. And .why-so? -. The reason is) because the public have./rom.aarpflrftwe*, faith in their ‘ security from midnight'robbers; and,«houl4 a fire oc a'ar,their books and valaabieaare .be found in excellent preservation. r . - - jal2 tf Seamen's Fund—Nerthwest' Corner of SECOND and' WALNUT Streets Deposits received, in small and large amounts, from all claeses of> the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, per tuttum.' • r -’ Money may be drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. Dykpepsia..— is probably ae disease which experience has so amply proved to be remedia ble by the PBBUVIAN SYRUP- as. Dyspepsia. The most Inveterate forms of this disease hare been com pletely cured by this medioine, As'ample testimony of some of onr first citisehs proves.. For sale in this clty by t. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Haasard A Go., oorner- Twelfth -and Obesteet , * ,dlO-dAWtf CITY ITEMS. Mb. Everetts* Lecture.—Judging from the great' Intereit alresdy manifested by the publfere spetftlng the promised lecture by the Hon. Edward Eve rett, on Thursday 'evening, the ,27th‘ lost,, at the Ad. demy of Hoelo, on “ BenJiminFremklin,” the occasion will doubtless be marked with an overflowing audience. It needs'no'prophet to foretell that tickets for admis sion, to he had stall, most be secured early. Paor. M P. Gaddis; of Cinofr.nati; whoserepu*’ tation in the West, as a temperate* leotorer, is not sur passed by any other American.orator, will lecture at Jayno’s iJall, this evening, for the benefit of several o* «jur most prominent charitable organisations, and we' feel ft'Bured that the friends of . these institutions will aee that there Is a full attendance. Brains vs. Land.—Tbo brothor of- Beothovcn signed bis name, to distinguish himself fromhisJand leas brother,‘toron Beethoven, landowner. 55 The im mortal composer retorted by signing his ‘‘Ludwig von Beethoven, brain owne?. >5 ‘ It la very evident that ip thepossfsflorof brVior had.flourished in curgsodcity he would Lave shownhis w»t by purchasing hlsgar monts at the Brown Stone Clothing Haliof Bockhill k Wilson, Nos. £o3*nd 095 Chestnut street, above Sixth.' Three first things to be attended to after you lose jour - perpendicularity in those slippery times: -First, look around In every direction to ascertain*how many stand grinning .at yohr mlsTotlunesecond, re gain your perpendicular as soon a* possible •. third, look carefully at the spot where yon fell and see if you have made an impression on the Ice. Then examine the seat ol your inexpressibles, and, if yoa find the <• rent in arrears, n make tracks for E. H.Eldridge’s Old Frank, lin Hall Clothing Emporium, s ' No. 331 Chestnut street, —* To win the 'wreath of fame, * And write on memory’s scroll a deathless name, 55 It would seem necessary that one should wear the elegant and beodmtng styles of Granville Stokes, the fashionable clothier, No. 607-Chestnut street; G. 8: has in' his palatial establishment probably the "finest assortment of ready-made clothing in the world. The readers, of TAe. Press "should' call and examine for themselves.; , v ' s ;', \ K ' , importations. fßeported for the frees.] , - SAVANNAH—Steamship ;Kejitbne State—77 bales ootton, E Patterson&• Co; .69d0,:D Batomon k Oo; *76 do, Tlios Wattson A Sons; 265 do; Greiner k Hark* nets; ICO do, 8 Morels Wain k Vo ; 91 do 2 pkgs mdse, tiocoran A Bussell; 25 bales cotton, Thoa Kent; 254 "do order; 63casksric6-£ J OSttlng ABro; 140 do S Laguerennc: 175 bal.e domestics Hey k McDevifct;. 75 do Tr edick/Btokra k Oo; k 7 do 0 R Moorefe Go; 24 do A Wheldln; 4 jacks feaihera-Pirker k Toland; 4 pkgs fruit BGaos; 7do mdee-A Boawaraenberger; 5 do Long k Myers;' 4 do Mitchell k Allen; 0, bales cotton waste Jes»up Sc Moore; 2 pkgs Mias W E Smith; - 2do J S Lu kens; 16 do Bite* k Bergman; 2 bbls 1 box B Lieber; 1 psg each toL Wa’ters, J E Parker, Mrs Aon.’Grison, E Wilson, 0 Wolbect k Co, JVW Gibbons; P L Ktetter, Archer, Warner, Miskey k Co, B Brummell, BaUey k Vo, BHardie, Jr, Siriokson, P Southcott, and others. uEW OBIBAN o —Barque Saragossa—2l3 bdls hides A Peterson; 229 bbja molasses S Morris Wain k Oo; 392 do fc'ttfwait, Cdrson A.Ooj >B5O hhd*E|karT‘A;Newhall k Soa«; 252 bales cbltoh SAW W£m)\lo9 empty ear bojs Powers" k Weight mao;. 118 v .bales cotton'3 bbls saga* 3do molasses oraer. - -- -• NEW-ORLEANS—Barque Leland—-470 »bhds sugar 615 bbls molasses Mercer & Antelo; -1 bbl pecan nuts Pettit, Martin k Co; > bale wool Leonard Baker; 1 box John Weik; 249 empty bbls Massey, ioliios& Qa. - NEW- Growler—l47 hhds sugar Welsford & WiUson; 200 do O FRelf; 812 do Stewart, Carson A Go; 85 do E O Knight A Oo; 20 do 90 bbls mo lisses Whlte.Hart A Co; 90 empty c«aks and bbls New-* tin A Co; 1 DJblsdgar Paul T Jones; 16 pkgs mdse order. MOBILE—6r quo Edward Everett—4o2 bales ootton D-Balomon A Co:. 17 empty casks JHUimar A Bat*; 68 do Eaglet Welle; 81 do Matsey; Collins & Go; 8 pkgs mdse 129 bales cotton order..' t -~. ■ ■ ,7, FAtIEiIGEBS ABBIYEp —ln steamship Keystoee. State,' from Savannah—Mrs Capt Rowland and flon, Miss Br«dlsy;'Mv L U Stowa J L Smithy F J pilker* J Mullen, B Con ners. Csptßo Groot, late of sohr Wm Newell, Mrs Car* Hn, Mias Qsrla,and nfoe la the steerage - ' LETIER BAOS, * ’ At the Merchants' Exchange* Philadelphia. - Barque Monmouth* South;..*.T. .Marsßitlek/SOeif Barque Cnarlea m Lex,^lmelae..,, soon bchr A. Lea, Foster*,*., M&tansiß, soon ltlarine Intelligence. PORT OF PHII.ADEX.PIUA, Jan. lr 1958. ;...7 14|B0N OET3. Btftf R13E8........ ..4 46 high water. .. v ..».....„. 4 aa.45 AitRIVXD. U 03f steamship Keystone State, Marahmih, 8 days from Savannah, with cotton, rtce, ftc, to A Heron, Jr. oceitDiUip Boston, tjellew, 48 hours irom New Tori, with mdse audpasseogeis to James Allderdice. . Baiqu*Araerien, Wortingor,from New Orleans, (ba« fore reported below) with augar and moiaaaoa to stew art. Carton ft 00. - “ j Ba*que Edward Ertrstt, Harding, 17 days from Mo bile, with cotton; Ac. to Pettit, Martin ft 00. On the 2d inst, Bosh-Key tight bearing NNE distant flOrmHes, spoke barque Cordelia, 3 days: from Mobile, bound to Antwerp—r»quested to be reported. Passed barque Sa ragossa, from New Orleans, below BombajJSook. 2x perienctd heavy NWhales and show aUirnu Jrom Hat. xsraa tothe O&peaof the Be'aware. 7 ■ Barque Saragossa, Foofe, i 9 days from New Orleana, r with sugar, molasses, ftc, to T A Ne*haU ft bods. Sailed in company anapartedwilh ship John Patten, for Boston, l»t 28. long 79, no date. VYm, Blley, of Maine, seaman,'Aged 87, waa kilUdon Frida/ night last, by being caught in the hawser and crashed. Barque Leiand,Humphries, 10 days from N Orleans, with aagar and molasses to Pettit, Martin ft Co. Jan 4tb,off Goo Key, saw sh’p'Abner Stetson, from New OrleaJi for Liverpool; • Barque' Growler. Waits, 14 da/a from*New Orleans, with soger and molasses to Geo P Longhead; „ Bohr Iris, Chase, from Maw Pork, with mdse to Crow ell & Collins. -On the 7th lost,'oft Sandy Hook, was run Into by a barque, name unknown, from New Orleans for Nee York, carrying awgj jlbboom and Injuring bowel rehr Henry May, Watson,? days from Boston,-in tali last tocapulo. \ '.*• - City lee Boat,BeheUisger, from Chester, with barques Edwaid Emelfc from Mobile, American, from New Or lesos, and ichrHenr.Miiy, from Boston, in tow. Re ports baring passed the be que LsUnd, from New Or jeaes another unknown, and brig America, off Bombay Hook; also a brig, supposed the Joseph Uume, from.the Mediterranean, and an unknown schooner. CJLFARKD. Barque Washington Batcher, Collins, Havana, Thos Watteon ft ftona. -/ > fichr Greenland, Elzey, Norfolk, Tbos Webster, Jr. - 6AILXD. ; The tag America, Vitdtn, lofc Floe street wharf yes terday in tow the ship Arab, bound to Ban Francisco, and barquo Hamilton for Havana.' [OorrMpondeuoe of tbePhllsde7phla Exchange. 1 LIBWEB. Dcl.vJan 14, 1869. The barque* reported at anchor In the hay ye«te.day got underway at 10 A M, and proceeded np the bay; the deet reported at anehor still remains, with the addition of brig Loango, from Georgetown, 80, with loss ol fore topmast and some e&Us; } repot to seeing .the jnaat holds and topmasts of a large schooner off Ch'Acotcague; from the appearance of .the rigging, seemed to hare been re cently sunk. Wind south, ao* rainy. Yours, fto.. . VWla. M. HIOKMAH , LRWEB, Del, Jan 16,7 AM. The fieet reported In oor last we still observe at the harbor this morning—in addition to which Is a barque that came In last evening, and la now making sail. Owing to the thick fog which prevailed all da/ yester day,'we were arable.to eceanyf. iug pasaiog in or out. Wind southwest and warm.. Tonri, fto. , WM.*M. HICKMAN. . («r YUKusant.i (Oorrcspoadeateof the Philadelphia Exchange.) Can Isliwd, Jan 16 8.46 P M Two barques and a brig are cow going to sis. No ves selln right inward bctind.* Wind northwest Weather moderating. ■ ?enr*.fto, ’ -THQfiB.HOGn**, Jan 18,4 P M—Two barques and a full-rigged brig are now paaalog up. No-vessels'taught except those at the Breakwater; whs'«they have been deiained several days by foggy tad N W—weather floe; - Or-riLiaaAra totub prrph.j ‘ Naw York. Jao 16 A ship from the East Indies freighted with apices, is reported ashore two miles south ofgquan. Bhe went ashore last night. ' . - - * The marine advices by the steamer 3nra, which ar rived teday from Liverpool atate tpat tho shipEUaa Mallory, from Bristol, Bug, bound to'New York, put in St 6>taay on the 27th ult.ta a sinking condition..' Bhe had lost nertu&mmeat, «4iU,’and boats. ' ' Arrived,’ahipsNii Palmer, from Shanghao: Kathay, from Too-thow-foo; barques Corilla, from Bio de Janei ro; Btar .of ■ the'Bast, from ths Ookat of Africa; brigs Gertrude,4om‘Bristol* Nog; King Bird, from Sierra Leone; Lauretta, from Turks Island; Thomas SI Mahew, from Bermuda; aehra X 0 Fuller, from -Rio de'Janelro: Poimda, Irom Lisbon; Charles and Willie, from Turks Island; Rotaoheatb, from Bahia,. The ship ashore rbuthbf Equan Is the Wm Patten, from Penang. She will probably be got off. Bho belongs to Richmond, Maine/ ' I'.'iu ... OATAHKAH,Ga., Jan 18, The aeb/ Woodbine; from AttaMp&A La, fet Balti more, h»B pat into this port dismasted. Bhe.bos a cargo of tagax, whto& is Insaied ia lonisiana and New York. 1 : * - MEMORANDA. Bteamflhfp Philadelphia, Harrison, from New Orleans, via Baryta Pm lnat, arrived at New York Ifitfc lost Ship Westmoreland, Tesl,‘from New Orleans, arrived at Liverpool2oth ult ‘ s . ~ \ ~ Ship Thos 1 H Perkins, Wayne, from Et John NB. at Liverpool27thult. . •Sh‘p Frigate Blrdrcope, from'Ban Fr&noisoo) arrived atHong&ohgNotT. >-r - . .. ~ .. . . fih»p Jack Frort,froin .Ban. Francisco, at Bhanghae Nov2l. , V..' Ship Prlbfess, from Ban' Francisco, arrived at filhga* pore Nov 12, *■. fch p Ellen Garrick, from Liverpool Nor 11 Panther, from oaa F/anclSflo, arrived at Calcat- Shlp Bfliny l|t Piertel tesaier, for Oharfeaton, e&Uod from Calcutta N0r36. ; ; Bhips Wyoming, Bobt Cushman, Oonslgn mett, and uhofter Oak'/fpr Philadelphia, were leading at LlverpoolUt insw- .. »»■-. ' ■* ' ‘' ’ Bhtp John; Friser. Herbert, for'philadetpbla. iraa at Llverpoollstiait/olsartd. :;- ■ . . ■ «hfp Lancaster, pecan, which cleared at New Orleans 8-hiDit forLivarpodl, had on board 4229 bales cotton. Ship Npraaman,-HaakeUpfloia Pwjug. arrived at Boston -- • v Ship damMapg, (Br) Kelly, from Calchttarvla Hams* ton Rf adtjatrived at. Boston *j -Bsip to Osk/ord atTCallao PeulO, was to sail lS.ttfor I''**';'} , Tybeel2ihg) r Orleans.. HShip ThomM W.tUon, LapreUe, from G«l»e«Um Tor . ft»erp6«l, **» ipoken 4th Inat, l»t 81. long 87. Ship Geo West, Couch, from Kingston, Jam, at New 'OrleansBthinat. ’ „ M . ... Ship Wabash, Purlnton, from Mal«a Nov 4, at New York 14th 105 t... Had heavy gslss from Nov 8 to Dec 10 Dro 4 pissed Island of 8t Marys; Bth, took the wind from NW, and got as far south as lat 80;« the wind thsn changed to NK, and from that latitude made & southern passage; split some salts, but received no otherdamage. tfaip F A Palmer, from Callao, before reported ashore below Antwerp, had been assisted off pec 26, and U was hoped she was not seriously dusogsd. . barque J B Moore, from dan Francisoo, at Hong Kong .Barque Meryß MUllken, Nordeo, hence, arrived at Havana 6th lust - Bkrqae ■ Elizabeth, (Brem) Bammi, hence, arrived at Charleston 18th last. j barque Light Brigade, (Br) Crowell from R s o do Ja neiro Nov 12. with Coffee, at New York 14th lost. .-Barque-Oakland,of Bath, Me, from Charleston for Liverpool, with 2208 bops cotton, was struck by light ning 19th ult. and took fire The crew left her in three bo»te abuntSOO miles from Caps dear. One boat con taining the cbief officer and four of the crew, was picked up and arrived at Milfordbaven; the others have not jet been heard from. The Oakland registered 600 tons, rated A 2, and was buill in Bath in 1857, where she is owned Brig Wm Moore, Eaton, for Philadelphia, sailed from Havana sth lost. Brig Alfred Exoll, Beadllng, from New York; arrived at Havana 3d inst. Brig Sarah. Peters, Lord, arrived at Now York 14!h lost, from Black River, Jam, ICth ult Left no Ameri can vessels > Brig Crimea, Hichboro, from Bio de Janeiro for Bos ton, put. into St Thomao 27th alt. with loss of sails. Would repair, and sail in about a week. Brig Black Squall, Bums, from Ktogston, Jam. at N York 16th Inst, with sails split, Ao; b»s been 10 days north of Hatteras Brig Samuel Small, hence, remained at Holmes Hole 14th inst. , ■ „ , Brig Windward, Ginn, for Brazil, cleared at Wilming ton, NG> 16th Inst. . . . . * Brig W O Clark Wall, hence, arrived at Pensacola 7th Instr . , „ Brig George Amos, Nicbo s, hence, arrived at Ponta colaithinat. v . _ Brig Joseph Albion, Fifield, hezco, via Wilmicgtou, Del; arrived at Wilmington, NO, 14th lust, Bohr J H Moore, Ingersoll,.hence, arrived at Charles, ton 18th inat.. Bohr A' J inge-soll, Higbee, for Providence, cleared at Mobile 11th inat. > Bcbre S Williams, Taylor, and S B Wheeler, Miller, hence at Mobile 9th inst. . Sohr 'W O Mershon, Cole, from Mobile, arrived at providence 14th lost . Bchr Treasurer, Fisher, hence for Boston, at Newport 14th tost Sohr B H Atwood, Atwood, cleared at Boston 11th inst. fbr Philadelphia. Schr Goo Darby. Malllner, for Rio Grrnde, sailed from Richmond 14tn inßt. fiobrs H A Rogers. Bogers, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 14th inst. Tern J W Rumsey, Taylor, for Boston, cleared at Charleston 12th lost. Bohr Woodbine, from Attakapas for Baltimore, pnt Inti] garannah 14th inst. in distress. No particulars given All the cargo is Insured in L nisfaoa except 261 bbls molasses, which is insured in New York * Scbr R O' Corson, Corson, for Mosquito Inlet, Fls, cleared at Oearleston 12fh inst. - Schr James Ward, Baker, for St Mary’s, G», cleared at Charleston 18th inst; Schr Virginia, from Charleston for New Orleans, patted Band Key Bth inst. Schr L B Myers, Cobb, from Mobile, arrived at Have! na 6th inst. ' Sohr Henry Nntt, Baker, hence, arrivod at Matanxas 6th isat. _ , Sohr Richard Vaux, Frink, hence, arrived at Charles ton 13th inst Sohr Geo Fates, Nickerson, at Providence 18th last, from BkVAnnah. Bohr Samuel Castoer, ftom Philadelphia for Boston, which went ashore on Narraganseit Beaob night of the lOtb inst, remains In about tae samo condition aa pre viously reported. • The vessel has been given up to Qapt sheph»rd, her commander, and, efforts are being made t»get her cff. She lies about 100 feet from the shore, nod a staging has been bailt from the vessel to the beach for the purpose of landing the coal, when it will be re moved by teams. Bohr Moutetuma, from Prince Edward Island foi Bal timore, witn a cargr of potatoes and oats, put Into Be verly 18tb inst. leaky;''threw overboard 1000 batheis potatoes and oats; remainder of cargo badly damaged. The cargo of lumber of barque IwanonA, disabled on Humboldt bar, has been saved; also the maate, sails, and rigging; bat the hull Is rendered worthless. The I was , 260 tons, and owned by Mr A M Simpson, of Ban Francisco. Kby West, Jan 10; 1859—The United Btates steamer Metac'omet, Lieut Commanding W H Macomb, of the Paraguay expedition, arrived at this place the 26th ult, six days from PensacolA, patting in to repair damage to machinery, patch boilers, and obtain a supply of ooala, water, Ac. She is evidently a bad sea best,-but if she arrives cut safely, will do the expedition much serrlce. She sailed 80 ih lor Barbadoei, The ship Oregon, Soule, from New Orleans for New York, with sugar and roojas«e. arrived sth inst. in d,s tress, leaking at the rato of 12 inches per hour. She will, probably receive temporary repairs, take a steam pump, and proceed on her voyage without much dnlay. She Is leaking 18 inches per hoar. A contract has been made to discharge, repair, fluid load her for 45,400. The brig Wiogold, from MlaatHUo, bound to New York, put in with her crew sick. They were not yet convalescent when the steamer landed-. The brig Enech Benner, from MlnailUan, bound to N York, went aground on Marquisas Shoal. She was got off the Ist inst. with the assistance of the wreckers. The brig fieguin, from Baltimore for Uaba, was brought In, by the wreckers to be libelled. The ship Edward D peters, from Bucksportville, NY, bound to t*ew Orleans, went*aground on the 6th at Tor togas. She was got off, and immediately proceoded on her voayage. The damage she sustained was unknown NOTIGS TO MARINERS. New LIGBTUQVBB AT FhNWfOK'S ISLAND, DjSLAWARB, twenty miles to the southward of Cape Henlopen, At lantic Coast—fixed light, varied by flashes—interval’ bs Lawson, Boston B H Harris. Washington A W Orossomo, Mess S 0 Lutn, Chicago UNION DOraL—Arch street, below Fourth. Dr Hawley, pboeoixvlUe R HUlbora, Pa 0 D Ulllbora, Pa . OL Frits ft sister. Reading J Lane, Wilmington, Del W Booj«min. N j W Underwood, Pa J R Flmn. Illinois W R Bateman, Pittsburg J Black, Pittsburg' G Senefelder, N-J ' Sam) Carpenter, Ohio H G Graves, Ohio R 0 Andorron, N Orleans FRANKLIN HOUSE— 1 Chestnut street, above Third. W Johnston, Phlla Thos Moore, Philo- Jt KSheldow, N Y Edw Day, Phlla STB Bebtaeon, N J EM Patterson ft la. N J Gen If Irish, N J ' John 8 Irloi, NJ J Dflttackenbush, N Y 8 P Reed, Mass Mr Morris & la, N Y John D Wilson, Balt J W Mitchell, Batb; Me A Msjer, Bath, Me A Fernandez, Bath, Mo P Hamel. Miss TN Simpson, Ohio Ohaa Baker, Ohio Wm B Thomas, Ohio Geo Neboker, Del yf B Mo&tte. Vhlln, BobtMoore, Jr, O’n, 0 B&S&Utdky, Bt Louis TO Orawfotd,Ohlo John Marfieid ft la, Oal Amos Fisher, Colpmbus. 0 J K Fiinn, Wilmington, Del W 8 Kinsey,Wilm’ton, Del j Moore. Wilmington, Dal J Borlln, N Y Richard Urvann, Boston, M David, NY W Young, Cincinnati, 0 Mra A Soyee, Washington NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. 0 Benson, N Y EHeath, Pittsburg O/W Wtngard. Pittsburg J S Reese ft son, Delaware J Whitaker. Dorhsm, l'a J Gormley, P* 0 B Colter, Pa WF Vovte, Port Clinton T V Khoada. Kesdiug P Pottsvllle J Wright, poltarWe Q W Ramsay, Poltsviiie ' MADISON HOUB«-*fiecond «t., belew Arch jas Sargent, NY J B Dayton, N J R J Ussetren. NY Wm Preston, N Y Mrs 8 Ward, NJ - Wm 8 Temple, Md John V Cole, NY E Baker. NY James StOTMon, N J Wm Johnson, N J BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant utroets. MUs Palst, Montgy 00, Pa James Psfat, MonttJ eo.Pa Mi» M A Parr, Phil Aug Leopold, Berk* to James Brown,Md NBMo'rissoh,M4 JR Jordan Pa . . :JB Lewis, Del co, Pa joBAßhhridgb,Montgyco,PA >Ohas Anthur, Chaster co Hugh Jackson, Chester co - Jss J Robbins. Phlla XO:M*ttrett,Pbll- ? J W Poxson,Bucks co, P* Rlohird Ddrllcgton, Boston R Oaneemr, Pa W Kennedy, Md James J Philips, pa THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17. 1859. MOUNT VERNON.HOTEL—Beoond at., above Aroh. Hiram Woodward, Clearfield Mrs N Woodward, Pa: J N GUdecetir.e, Del D W Chambers, PhUa Ohflß Downer, Phlla • > BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowhlll. O Boyer, Wisconsin D Smith, Lycoming co L Hertzel, Montgomery oo E B Harris, Conn SHoffner,' Pottsville BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st., ab. Oallowhlll, O Zettey, Vo T Everhart, Milford 0 Malsberger, Reading’ J 8 Bodder, Pottstown BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. W B Brown, Brownsbarg J L Gordon, New ’ersey G Pickering, Pa J Taylor, White Haven 3 W Crowell, Pa 3 Ely, Pa iHarriaa««. On the 6th of Jsnuiry, 1858, by the Rev. Win. H. Odeaheluur, D. D., S. G. SMITH to*EMMA, daughter of Wui.O Graham, Esq. * On the 33th instant, by Rev. J.B Ripley, Mr. JOHN jj. BKIBTOW. of Chesapeake oity, Md.. to Mies Dllu- SILLA RAINIER, of this city. * On the Ist instaot, by Rev. E. H. PJummer. Mr. THOMAS WOOD SMITH to bliss HELEN,SI. PIERCE, alt of this city. * * On the 10:h instant, by Rev. Mr. Asher, Mr. WM. GAHDNEK, of Boston, to Miss CAROLINE WIL LIAMS, of Philadelphia. * CDeat&a On Saturday, the 16th instant, after a short Illness, KATE A. BTBINB, wife of Charles O. fctrine. oaa dsughtor of 8. and A. Lees, aged 30 years and 6 days. [Dmville and Milton papers will please copy,] The relatives and friends of the deceased are earnest ly invited to Attend her funeral, on Wednesday next, at 1 o’clock P. 3f., from the residerce of Benjamin Welch, No. 1206 Germantown road without further no tice. Femoral to proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. On the morning of the 15th instant. MARIA M., wife of Edwin F. Shoenberger, in the d6th year of her age. The funeral will take place, from the residence of her liutb&od, Chestnut street, Germautotru, on Tues day morning next, at 11 o’clock. To prooeed te Laurel Hill. ** On Friday evening, 34th Instant, DANIEL B. GAN NON, la the 80th year of his age. His friends, and those of the family, are Invited to at tend his funeral, from his late residence. 247 Pine street, on Wednesday morning, 39th instaot, at 10 o’clock. On the 16th ins'ant, PAUL BIDDDN9, Infant son of L. Theo aod Jtao O. Ealing, aged 6 weeks #* On the 13th itsiant, ANNIE 8., wife of Thomas V. Donovan, and daughter of James Mason, in the 26th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No'. 808 Queen street, Eighteenth ward, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without fur ther notice. * Oo the 14th Instant, JOB ARCHER, in the 60th year of his age The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his son-in law, Issao Ham mitt, Huston street, above West, Eighteenth ward, thls(Monday)afterfloon,atBo*c]ock. To proceed to Hanover-street Ground. * On the 18th instant, ANN MORRIS, in the 63d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family ate respoot fally Invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence. 517 Ohatham street, above Buttonwood, this (Monaay) morning, at 10 o’clock. * Report, Ornoi, January 15,1850. Jadelphta from the B th to Tanuary, 1859. Health Health ( Inltrnunts t» City ofPhii the 15 th of J >S ► o DISEASES. g, £ DIBBASEB. E g ?p ? p Asthma., 1 Fever, Typhoid,.,. 5 2 Abscess 1 1 Gout i Apoplexy 3 Hemorrhage l Asphyxia. 1 Intiatn’tlon, 8.-ain. 1 7 Burns,3 r bread, of the Independent Sons of Malta, farther contributions are solicited for the society, andean be left at the office of The Prtzt. or At tba Cottmomresßh Hank, with ' -• ]«l7-U GEORGE J. HAMILTON, Treasurer. M. I*. Gaddis will Lecture tU JnVrie*a 13 HALL, THIS EVENING, for ihe Philadelphia ttojiety ;or the Employment and loefractlon of the Poor. Ticket^26 cents. jilT-It* Life-size Phoiogropbs in OH.—photo graphs io water colors. Ivorytypes and Atobro types are at BEI&IER’S extensive ami complete estab lishment. SECOND Street Abote Gireen, At fell prices. jal7-lt* y3' s* Office of the Melinnce M. Inaurnnce 13 OOSIPaNY OF PHILADELPHIA, January 16, lSdti —Tbo Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, will ba held at their office, No. 308 WALNUT Btreet, on MONDAY, the 7th day of Fe bruary next, at 32 o’clock. M, and ah election for Twenty Directors, to serve for the enittlng y#Ar. will be held on tho came day and at the e&me place, between the hours of 12 o’clock 31. and 2 o’clock p. M. jslt-wmr~3w B. M- HINOBMAN, BebretAry Go hear rrMctkor Gaddis Lecthre for Bedford Street MieSion, at JAYNES HALL, TO-NIGHT. Tickets 26 cents. jAl7lt# ygj» Office Pennsylvania Rallrdad Company, .AH Pbjladblpbia, Jaouary 16,1869 NOTICE TO BTuCKHOLDERS —The Annual Meeting of tbe Stock holders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, tho 7tb day of February, 1859. at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the SANBOM STREET HALL The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of Ma r ch, 1869, at the office of the Company, No. 224 S. THIRD Street, jal7-tf EPMtJNP SMITH, Secretary. yffia* 3>l. t), Gnddla, the Champion of Tempe- AJf ranee, will lecture at JAYNE’S HALL, TO NIGHT, for Penn Asylum for ludtzcnt Widows and Single Women. Tickets 26 cents. jal7-lt* Notice.—The Hematao ot iji ANDRtIV JACKSON THOMPSON, TBOSIAS OIUYCIIOKT, ROBERT W. ORAHAM, E. PERKY MItLER, IIE'IRY.SPRtQOMAN. SINGLETON. MERGER. ». Herman einiteotf, EDWIN R WBRETT, Mrs. OLIVE WHITTIER. WM. HEREON. FREDERICK MCSFELDT, JOHN O’MUKS, and JAMES HiNNESSV, Who died while aAftlatioA the people of Not folk And Portmnoutb, Virginia, ae Tpluhtoere, and pbjslciane. and nurses, in the Summer or 1855, wilt be re-interred beneath the Monument erected to th*ir memory at Laurel Hill Cemetery, on TUESDAY next, the 18th Inst. Puneril service in commemoration of the de ceased will he held in St. Stephen’s Ohurch, at 11 o’clock, by the Her Dr. Pucaebefc. The funeral will more from BT. STEPHEN’S OHUROH, TENTH below Market Street, at precisely 11 H A. M. The Ohuroh will be open at 10 a. M. Car* rlsges will be io attendance, and the family and friends of the deceased, the surviving physicians and nurses who volunteered, and the members of the relief com* mittee are invited to attend. THOMAS WEBSTER, dr . Trustee of PfafU. Relief Committee. T ** e Clerk*’ Betlefictal Association have LkJ» secured Professor GADDIS to lecture on “ Tem perance,” at JAYNE’S HALL. THIS EVENING.. Tickets 26 cents. ja!7-lt# Northwestern Young Men’a Christian LLS ASSOCIATION.—The stated meeting wilt be held on MONDAY EVENING next, (17th Inst..) at 7% o'clock, at the Spring Garden Baptist Church, THIR TEENTH. above Wallace. An eleotlon for officer*, and other business, will be transacted. Let every member be present. B. FRANKLIN DENNIBSON, jal6-2t* Recording Secretary. IYT*,f Jn J > ‘ l ® t Institute Lecture*.—Rev. Roliln lk«3 ll* NEALE, D. D., of Boston, Mass , will de liver a lecture before the Institute, on THURSDAY EVENING. 20th Inst., atTR[ o’clock, at Joyce’s Hal), on the’, 1 . 1 Life and Times of Dr. Samuel Stillman, of Boston. Tickets of admission, 10 cents, tobe had at the Doom No 625 CHESTNUT Street, and at the Publication Vo clety, No. 6SQ ARCH Street. ja!6-st# Alumni Association —Central High lk3 SCHOOL.—A meeting of the BOARD or MAN A- Gii’tfS will be held at the office of the Secretary of the Association, 243 South FIFTH Street, on MONDAY AFTsRNOON, 17th iDst.. at 6 o’clook. PHEDERI 3K HBYBR, Pro ident JamcbH Ltr»L», Secretary. ja\6-2t* —Having engaged to do business lor U 3 Mosers, THOMPSON & JENKINS, Straw Goods dealers, No. 628 MARKET Street, below Sixth, I avail myself of the, earliest opportunity to return my grate ful acknowledgements to my friends for put favors, and would ask for a continuance at the abovo location. THOMAS F FRALEY, Formerly of the firm of Wilcock. Rogers, & Fraley. Philadelphia, January 18, 1860, ja!4*Bt# The Citizen* ol Burlington, N. J., are Ik3 being entertained this winter by n series of able and eloquent lecturers, consisting of Her. a. A. WIL. LITS. Rot. N. HESTON, 8. M. BMOOKBR, Esq., M. MoMIOHABL, Rfq , Rev. FRANKLIN MOORE, JOHN K. VALENTINE. Esq.. Dr. J. HOWARD PUGII. and Df. JOSEPH PARRISH. jil4-3t* rv-rgs- Notice*—A Committee ol the Manager* llof of the Complimentary Ballto the Philadelphia Grays will sit at the ARMORY ®f the Philadelphia Grays, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY EVENINGS, for tho delivery and settlement of tickets, until the 26th. 0. F. DESMOND, ja!3-t26 Secretary. jY3=» Prof, M. p, Gaddis, .of Cincinnati, the \Js_3 eloquent and fearless champion of Temperance, will deliver the First Lecture of a Course, at j AYNE’S HALL, on MONDAY EVENING, January 17th, at 8 o’olock. This lecture will be for the benefit of Bedford street Mission, under charge of Rev. George Brfng hurflt j Philadelphia Society for the Employment and Instruction of the Poor, Union Sohool and Children’s Home, Penn Asylum for Indigent Widows and Single Women. Northern Home for Friendless Children and Clerks’ Beneficial Atsooiatlon. Tickets of admission, 26 cents each, can bo had of the officers and members of any of the above named Association*; at the Drug Store of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, No. 242 Chestnut street, and at the door of the Hall ou the day and evening of tho Lec ture Mr GADDIB 1 Second Lecture or the Coarse will take place at JAYNE'S HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, Jan 18. jal4-3t* ft's a* Hr. Weder’s Chestnut Springs Water IJJS CURE, at Chestnut H>ll, Philadelphia county, Fa. ’ North Branch Canal Company.—Notice* (JJj The Stockholders of the North Branch Canal Company will hold their Annual Meeting at the office of the CorSfc*ny, In Athens, on WEDNESDAY, 10th of January, 1859, at JO o’olock A. M At which time and place an Election will be held for Officer* of said Company, to serve the oDiuing year. D. MITCHELL, Jr., Secretary. ATHBSB, Dec, 23,1858, jft9-Ut SnudUy-School Celebration.—A Concert UJ3 m»4 Exhibition of the BUNDAY.BOHOOL of the Northßnptiet Ohu ch, EIGHTH Btrret, above MABTJSA, will. take plact* on TUESDAY EVENING, JsuuarvlS. Admission, for Adultß. 16 cents; Ohfidien, 10 cents. ja!6-3t* Notice.—All pet sons Interested are here* IL x by notified, that I have said to JOHN SHARP LB33, of 0ata»i8B», Oolwnblajcounty, Pa., all my stock of goods at No. 26 North FOURTH Street, together with all dobts and demands owing to mo on Book account or otherwise, growing out of toy late bosineea at No. 26 North Fourth street | and all persons haring claims or demands against me, will present the same to the said John SharpDae, or his agent MATHIAS M. MABPLE, at No 25 North Fourth street, who I authorized to settle and pay the same. L H. GROfiS. Philadelphia, January 12,1859. ja!4-3t* Office of the Insurance Company of North LkJf AMERlCA— Philadelphia, Janaary 10, iB6O. The Directors have THIS DAY declared & semi'an nual dividend of SIX PER OENT. out of the profits of the business of tbe Company for the post six months; and also an extra dividend of SIX PER OENT.. (ex clusive of the State tax,) payable to tbe stockholders, or their legal representatives, on demand. jail (it MATTHIAS MARIB, Secretary. Office of the Union Canal Company— LkJ* Philadelphia, January 10,1859. The annnal meeting of the Stockholders of tbe Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at the Of fice of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February Ist next, at 11 o’clock A.M.: after which An elecion will be held for officers and managers for tbe ensuing year Tbe Transfer Books will be cloned after the2oth inst. jall-tfel O. THOMPSON, Secretary, fY"=r» Notice.—At the annual meeting of the IL? Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING RAILROAD COMPANY, held January 10, 1869, tbe following gentleman were unanimously elected officers for 1869: rRBStDBKT, R. I>. COLLKN. VICE PRESIDENT. J. DDTTON BTKBIiB. MANAGERS (David 8. Drown, |M.S Richards, of Besdingj Jj. Dutton Btoele TRBABURBR. SAMtJEL BRADFORD SBOBSTARr. W. H. MoILHENNY. Samuel Nut is, G. W Richards, John Aehurst, Office of the Green and Coates-street UJ§ PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, No 423 WALNUT Street. At a meeting of Stockholders of this Company, held at their office on MONDAY, Janaary 10, 1869, the fol- Ing gentlemen were unanimously elected to serve for the ensuing year :• PRESIDENT, Cos Jambb Coopga. DIREOTOfIS. | Henfy TV. Andrews, 1 Andrew Mcßride. Samuel B Jones, Samuel W. Q rooms, James F StUeman, j Alexander M. Fox. Board of Directors, held on lag gentlemen were unanl ung year: W. HAMERSLY. OONNEIXY. XINE. H»rry Connelly, George Read, George Gollyer, Eli Krapp, George G. Preabuty, Jr.,, Henry M. Fuller, 1 And at a meeting of the 1 the same day. the follovrli measly elected for the ensai Secretary —GEORGE Treasurer—HAßßY 1 Solicitor—WM. O K 1 Office oi the Phil. IK3 AND BALTIMORE January 10,1859 —At an am holder* of this Company, he log persons were elected DII year: Samuel 11. Felton, Monane Kobinxoa, Vm, Littleton Savage, Joseph 0 Gilpin, John A. Duncan, Jesse Lane, Frederick A Curtis, | ladelphin* Wilmington, RAILROAD COMPANY. mual meeting of the Stock eld THIS DAY, tbo follow- JtECTORS for the ensuing John 0 G rooms, J. J Cohen, Jr., Thomas Kelso, Columbus 0 ’Donnell, Enoch Pratt, Thomas Donaldson, William W. Corcoran, Edward Austin. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held THIS DAY, BAMUKL M FELTON was unanimously elected President, and ALFRED HORNER Secretary andTrea turer. ALFRED HORNED, jail-fit Secretary, Notice*—A meeting of the Subscribers to {JJ-j the Capital Stock of the Wyoming and Snsque hanna Valley Railroad Company, for the elec ion of D'- rectors and other oQlcers of said Company,will be held at the Office. 8 W. corner SEVENTH and BANBOM Streets, Philadelphia, on the 2fith JANUARY, inst., between the hours of 11 A. U. and 2 P, M. BURTON KINGSBURY,) 0 COMSTOCK, } Corporators, A. P. ALLEN. ) January 8,1869 j»10-t26# rvrSc=» Office *f the Kellanue Mutual Insurance U 3 COMPANY 0? PHILADELPHIA, January 8, 1859.—1 he Directors have THIS DAY deol&red a divi dend of six pkb cent, on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, and on the Certificates of Profits outstanding, for the year endiog December 31, 1848, without deduction far State tax, pnt/tble in cash, on and after the 12th inst* Also, a dividend of nvn pbr obnt, payable pro rata, on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned out of tho profits of the company for the yedr ending Decem ber 31,1858. for whioh Certificates of Profits bearing interest will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to tho insured entitled to receive the same, under the pro visions of the Charter, on and after the 12th inst. jatO-fit B. M. HINOHMAN, Becretary. Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice jig Owing to a previous engagement of the Hall, the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be hold until farther notide, in the BAMSOM-STRBET OHtJRuu, (rear of the neiV hotel.) All are cordially invited to attend, and tue meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. dgQ-tf ■nnce company of New BYLVANIA, 409 WALNUT 12 WALL Btreet, New York, to Stockholders of this Cora* in Philadelphia, on MON* 38, the following gentlemen feof for tHo ensuing year: Hon 8.8. Cushing, Charles I*. Watroux, A. V. Btout, Elihu 3. Baldwin, J A. H. Haabrouck, Aaron Close, John M. Beach, Henry B. Foote, Matthew Kelley, M. Bader, ** Alexander 0. Lawrence, Alfred Clapp, \ of the Board, JACOB N. TOpwdy elantad - srefary thereof, and Jtelah d attorney and couhsellor of fNew York. 'Y R FOOTE, Secretary. Safeguard Insm \XS YORK AND PENNI Street, Philadelphia, and li The annual meeting of tb« Sany, held at tholr office, 1 AY, December 18th, 1881 nere elected Directors there Jacob N. Keeler, Francis Blackborne, •Robert P. King, IS. B. English, George H. Deris, | Hubert R. Clark, Joseph B. Btidfeld, John Prentice, Edward Wiler, i P.B.Birekhead, William JS. Forbes. Daniel Mesamdre, At a subsequent meetim KKEHSR,_Bm,.Jeua Jtns.nl and Henry K. Foote 6bci Squires, ttm appointed this Company at the city of dIT-lm HENIt tyrsaa Office of the Frankford & Southwark PHILADELPHIA OITY PASSENGER RAIL ROAD ODMPANY, CHATHAM Street, below Fourth, Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1859.—At a meeting of the Directors, held THIS DAY, a Dividend of SIX PER CENT on the capital stock was declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, at the office of the Company, on and after January 16th. The Transfer Book* will he closed noUl the 35th Inst. jad-9t OH AS. 11. ABBOTT, Secretary. rysp* Pennsylvania Innutrition for the Peal ILS AND DUMB.—Tho annual meeting of tho Con tributors to the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, will be held on WEDNESDAY next at 4 o’olock, at the Institution, corner of BROAD and PINE Streets. Theannllftl report of thePoardof Directors will bo presented, and an election held for officer* to tfetvti for the ensuing year. JAMES J. BAROLAY, jal4->frm&w-St Secretary. Office of the West Philadelphia Pas- UJ? BENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, N. W. corner of ilaverford read and Logan Street, Twenty-fourth ward —Philadelphia, January. 1869 At a meeting of the lizard of Directors, held THIS DAY, a dividend of FIVE PERCENT, on the Capital Stock (out of the earnings of the road from July Ist to December 81 at, 1*59,) was declared, payable at the office of the Company, on and after January 25th, 1869. 0. lombarrt. jal4-!rmfcwt2s Secretary. £egol Koines Fr THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE oity_ and_ county i)g Philadelphia. w.’i.’p.'wurTjj t j/mks inoi's. D. C. D. 68, N 0.401, Tend. .Exponas. Exceptions to •jjedal return. Tne undersigned has been appointed by the District Court, auditor, to report distribution of the proceeds of the sale of thefollotrlqg described real estate of the defendant, among the parties entitled thereto, with the facts and reasons upon which such distribution shall be made, to wit*. 1. AH that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Bt. John street, At the distance of about sixty eight fevtsiA inches southward from the intersection or the west line of the said 86. John street, with the south* west line of the Germantown road, in the Kensington dlstrlot of the Northern Liberties in the county of Philadelphia, containing in front on said 8t John street seventy-two leet, and extending In depth westward of that width, parallel with George street one huodred and forty-five feet more or less to Canal street; bounded southward b/lot '■ea with said road, one hundred and seven feet s x inches, upon which is ereoted a three-story brick dwelling, with two-story double back-building and bath-house. No 1231 ’ 6. Also all that certain lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of Germantown-road, at the distauceof seven hundred and fitty-three feet southward from the south side of Master-street, and at the distance of one hundred and sixty feet southward from the south side of a fifty feet wido street, called Phceo'ix street, con taining in front oo said road sixteen feet, ami (n depth, eastward of the entno width nt right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet, upon which Is erected a two story framo bouse. 6. Also, all that lot of ground sltuato on the west Bid'.' of Oadwslader street, at the disinuco of one hun dred and sixty feet southward from tho south side of Phoenix street, in the Kensington district of tho Nor thern Liberties. Philadelphia, containing in fronton said Cadwaiader street, thirty-three feet, and extending in depth westward, between parallel lines at right angles with said Oadwalader street, one hundred feet, upon which is ereoted a two-story brick stable and oar r.#ge house. 7. Also, all that lot of ground situate on the eastside of tho Germantown road, at the distance of one bun dled and seventy-six feet southward from the south side of Phoenix street, in tho Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said road seventeen cet ten and one-half inches, (ioc udlog, on the south side thereof, the whole of an alley two feet ten and one-half inches wide, in ths clear, by thirty-six feetdeep laid out for the use of said lo>,and a lot adjoining oo the south ) and extending of that breadth in depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said road, one hundred aod fifteen feet. 8. Also, all that certain lot of ground situate on the east side of Germantown road, in the Kensington dis trict or the Northern Liberties, of Philadelphia, at the distance of s‘xty-four feot southward from the south side of Pbamix street, containing in front on said road sixteen feot, and extending eastward of tbat width, be tween parallel lines at right angles with said road, sixty-five feet, upon which is erected a two-story brick dwelling bouse; subject to ft ground rent of $3O per aunoin, payable Ist of January *nd July. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor will hold a meiting for the purposes of his appointment, at his Office, No. 262 touth THIRD Street, o» THURSDAY, the 27th January, 1860, at i o’clock P. M. AH persons ar* required to make their claims before the Auditor at the time and plaoe aforesaid, or be debarred from coming iu upon the said proceeds of rale. OIIARLhS GIBBONS, Auditor Jal7*lot Philft., January 14, *8&8, Jiwnranre Companies. STATEMENT OE THE CONDITION OF >3 THE GIRARD FIRE AND MUUNE INBU BANOE COMPANY, Jahuart Ist. 1859. OAPIfAL, $200,(K0 Capital Stock and Securities, including Sarplas, $264,789 18 „ . ASSETS. Beal Estate owned by the Company char or inoambranoe.... .sl*Boo 00 Loan* on Bonds and M0rtgage5......67,265 00 * -J 60,055 00 Loans on 80ndaandC011atera1........45, 425 00 -J 45,425 00 Cash In the Philadelphia Bank 7,781 83 *' “ Pennsylvania Insurance Company for Insuring Urea and Granting Annuities 8,202 00 Cash in onr hands 417 37 Cash due from Agents and 0ther5...6186 01 —17,536 76 Cash claims on which judgment has been obtained 5,471 07 Oath Bills Receivable, (for which steck is pledged).. ......45,700 t)Q 51,171 07 OTHER SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS ' HELD BY THE COMPANY. TAB MIRXBT BBiSSS, TALUS. TALUS. ' 23 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans..... .$2,800 $2,800 00 .. a, BOO oo 22 Camden and Amboy R. R. andTransportationOo.. 2,200 2,618 00 150 Schnylkili Navigation Pre ferred Stock 7,600 2,650 00 50 Bank of Commerce ...... 2 % 600 8 500 QQ 40 Commercial Bank 2,000 2,000 oo 10,668 00 22 Bonds Lackawanna and Bloomabttrg Railroad, (coupons paid,) ...22,000 17,600 00 f -17,600 00 2 Bonds North Pennsylva nia Railroad Co 2 000 1,280 00 ' 1,280 00 73 Pennsylvania B.R. G 0... 3,650 8,139 00 3,139 00 2 Bonds Delaware Railroad Company 2,000 1,800 00 2 Bonds Junction Railroad Company, ohi6 2,000 1,600 00 — 8,400 00 180 shares Hartford Ooal Co. 9,000 9,000 00 64 “ Lehigh Navigation Co.’s Borip 2,700 1,471 60 18 shares Washington Haau factoring Company, $5OO each..... 9,000 4,500 00 10 shares Parmer*’ and Me* chanics’ Building Assn* elation, (late Grata’s,).. 2,000 4,000 00 6 shares Preferred Stock Academy of Music 500 850 00 10 shares magnetic Tele* graph Company 1,000 1,000 00 ' * 20 321 60 3 Bonds Hopewell Ooal abd Iron Company 1,600 760 00 760 00 16 shares Preferred Stock L.audß R H.Q0...... 760 760 00 85 shares Little Schuylkill Railroad...» 1,760 892 60 - * 1,042 60 9 Bonds Donaldson Im provement &R. B. Co.. 4,600 4.060 00 4 Bonds PJttSton Goal Co.. 2,000 1,186 00 * 6,236 00 1147 shares Locust Mountain and other Ooal and Iron Companies.67,3so 28,676 00 28,676 00 2 Bonds Pennsylvania and L. 2. Company.. .**.*,« 2,900 2,000 00 —*-* 2,000 00 67 shares Bank of Washing* ton 1,840 1,3(000 10 shares Gdmmonweaith Bank 1,000 260 00 60 shares American A. P. B. and W. P. Company. 1,500 1,600 oo 2 Bliarea Arch-st. Theatre.. 1,000 1,000 00 —— 4,090 00 $294 789 78 INCOME AND EXPENDITURES POR. 1868. Received for Premiums $50,201 52 “ “ Interest.’. 6,527 81’ EXPENDITURES Paid Losses for the year. « for Be>insat&nce. “ Commissions.. <• Salaries.,** “ Rent....,,......, Appropriation* to Eire Department and Taxes paid to the State Returned Preminme Dividend and 1ntere5t...................... *43.880 90 lIABIUTIBS. Losses &U paid. No losses unadjusted. No losses reported. We hare borrowed no mono/. We owe no Bank or other pert/. We hereby certi’y that the foregoing Statement of the condition of the Girard fire And Marine losurflnce Company is correct and true. ALFRED S. GILLBTr, Treasurer. JAMES B- ALYORD, Secretary. Jal7.mwt3t STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF ♦3 TUB UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of PHILADELPHIA, in conformity with a provision of its Charter; PBMUIUMS from Januaryl, 1863, to Jana ary 1,1859.*, $242,323 53 PRBMIUJIB earned on Marine and inland Bisks during the year ending as above... $lB6 580 26 REOElYBDfromlnterestoninTestments.. 7,108 65 LOBSEB, Return Premiums, Reinsurances, fiip»BHes, And OontpMslons ddriog the same period, and bid debts..;. $194, WO 81 ASSETS OP THE .COMPANY, January 1, 1860. 6,000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Loans, cost $6,955 10,000 PhiladelphiaOlt/0 per cent. Loans, <• 10,800 7 000 CUT of iittafcurgO <* “ « 6.790 7,000 do. 6 “ “ “ 6,800 41,020 Camden and Amboy Railroad 0 per , cat. 80ndi....... “ 41,713 14,010 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 0 percent. 80nd5,,.,,..**.,....... “ 14,610 5.000 North Pennsylvania Railroad o . cent. Bond*. iMbUk»» HoHh'PaaAa. Railroad,•«•«. 11 6,000 117 “ PbUJuJeJphlaßaok.......... « 14,7*0 87 (( Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. ... u 2,11 b 40 “ Ballrcdd Company “ 1,000 Sundry Stock of Bteathboat ahd Tfcle graph Companies. and Certificates of Profit in Mutual Insurance Com pan/ «•..« 19,077 Estimated value of theabofo $*00,640 Cash on hand Bills Receivable.....'. Dae the Ooaviuiy toe uoset'tied Premium*, S&lvtgftßj an 4 otter wcoants 7T.&73 RICHARD 8. BMITH> President. Joa. Column, georotary. jal4-12t I£J* At a anting of the BeriphoMeia of the Union Mutual Insarance Ooropefiy of Philadelphia, held at th#ir Office January 10, 1869, the following gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for three years: Richard H. Braith, Godfrey Freytag, Hugh Campbell, Rills Yarnall, Charles Vezin, Thomas Miles, JohnS. Twella, Albert Wor ell, and George W. Bernadou for tiro years, who, with 8, Destouet, John 11. Irwin, Francis Tote; Henry Lewis, Jr., A. S. Boris;, Wm u. Hflnt. Bamuel Grant, Edward L. Ciatß, Charles Dutllh, George Lewis, Newberry «. Smith, D. Salomon, Charles Newbold, J P. Steiner, H. F Robinson, constitute the Board Directors. And at a meetlngof IheDirectors, held January 11th, 186 ft, RICHARD b. SMITH, Snj|‘> was unanimously re* elected President. „ . ~ jaU-3t JOB. COLLIBON, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, No 368 WALNUT St.—Jaboar* 6, 1359. The following statement of the affairs or this Com pany, on the 81st of Deoember, 1368, 16 published in pursuance of the Charter, vis: To capital Stock paid in.., $176,060 00 Cert flcates of ProQt,converti ble into Stock 08100 5177,031 00 To Contingent Accounts for Pre miums oa Plr« Risks out* standing Dec 31,1857 66,61128 lt Piro Bisks received in 1868... 41,645 21 98,166 49 “ Interest Account, net, ra ce Wad In 1868 . 11,280 21 << Policies, Transfers, and other pr0f1te....... 2,814 31 « u profit and Lobs, Pec. 31, 2857. 13,676 04 . 28,769 69 $302,867 03 By Losses by Fire paid fn 1C58... 32,767 23 * Re-Iceuraocea at Baltimore and Olucionat 5 , Return Pre miums, &c 4,364 18 “ Expenses, including Ageneiea aud Taxes 0,467 21 26,378 68 Remaining with the Company $276,478 43 Which is Invested as follows, vis: In First Mor'gages on City Pro perty, worth double the Amount $154 000 00 “fenna R. It. Co.'s 6 perct. 2nd Mortgage Loan $30,000 00 27,000 00 “ Allegheny Do 6per ct.PenDa. _ R R. Loan.... 30,000 00 “ Oltyor Philada 6 perct. Pa. R R. Loan 0,000 00 “ Penna R. R Co.'s Stock ... 4,000 00 “ Stock of the Reliance M. In surance C 0,.... 10,160 00 “ Stock of the County Fire In aurance C 0.......... 1,060 00 ( < Stock of the Delaware M. S. Insurance Co. ...... ... 180 00 » Unlonht Ins Co/a80r1p.... 350 00 t * Bills Receivable 30,373 43 (( Book accounts, accrued Inte rest, &c.....< 7,81104 “ Cash on hand... 16,563 96 $276,478 43 The Directors have, THXB DAT, declared a Dividend of SfX PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, and on tbo Certificates of Profits outstanding, for the year ending Decembor 31, 1883, without deduction for State Tax. payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after tbe 12th instant. Also, a Dividend of FIVJJ PER GENT., payable pro ram on the Oepit&l Stock and Premiums earned oat of the profits of the Company for theyear ending Decem ber 81,1858. forwhich certificates ot Profits, bearing in terest, will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to the Insured entitled to rocslre the same under tho pro visions of the Charter, on and after tbo 12th Instant. Mo certificates will be issu'd for any Uss sum than ten dollars, nor for aoy fractional part of one dollar. Sums less th*n ton doi/ars, and not less than one dol lar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and if within any period of ten yeaTS, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of Profit are liable, equally with the Capital Stock, for the losses and engagements of the Company, and may be converted into Capital Stock at any time, at tho option ol the holder. Jal2-12t-if B. M. HINOHMAN, Secretary. BAUOBn W. OaOOMI. TfllO. D. KNORY. jTi ROOMS & EMORY, W COAL DEALERB. LIIIIGII AND 80SUYLKILL COAL, Prepared express'* for Family use. YARD. No. 154 BROAD Btreet, below Race. Orders left at OHAS. EMORY & 00.’0, Bankers, No. 16 Bonth THIRD Btreet, or sent through Dispatoh or Post Office, wIH receive prompt attention. Jalt-3m* JLJON. EPWARD EVERETT. “ The Pennsylvania Institute, for the encourage, ment of Apprentices and Amateurs in Ingenuity end Design,” have engaged Mr. Everett to deliver his new leoture on the life, charaotcr, and genius of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, AT THE ACADEMY OE MUBIO, ON THUBSDAY EVENING, 27th THIS MONTH. Notice of the time for the sale of Tickets will Is given In ft few days. ja!3-tf 3ti3ttr68.. $607,169 02 The undersigned. Auditing Committee, having ex amined the foregoing statement find the same to be correct. JOHN M. BUTLER, JOHN K. WALKER. Da. DAVID JAYNE, President. • JOHN M. WHIT ALL, Vice President. Samuil S. Moon, Secretary. j*ls 6t Fulton* insurance, adjusting* AND COLLECTING OFFICE, No. 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PfIILADXLFHU. The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of 'years in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively lbr the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to property insured, in making out theirppoofsof such loss or damage in full compliance wit’ttlfe intricate and canning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in such » manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so inclined, or.others. Be is assisted by the beat legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who.have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and it has also been the experience or the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a Ore occurs, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the insurance, or for some other cause, which, although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late, tin order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in any Companies desired, and examine policies effected by others (In most oases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their Interest to consult the underslgoea as soon after the fixe as possible. dSS-lmif* JAMES FULTON. $58,729 30 Fine shirt materials. New York Mills, Watertwist. Wamsutta and Willlarnsvillo. Fine Linens for Bosoms and Collars. Medium and heavy Linens. An excellent heavy Linen at 87&0. Shirt Fronts, Wheeler Sc Wilson Machine made. COOPER Sc OONARD, jalT 0. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. .......•$19,160 11 2,231 08 3,608 16 6,317 00 1274 44 CLOAKS REDUCED TO CLOSE OUT— Balance of Stock for sale Cheap ! Some of the beat styles Blaok Beaver Cloaks The assortment quite good. Prices range from $3.60 tosl2. Will make no more this season. SHAWL ROOM is too full of Shawls; we will sell entire stock at cost, and less, and have reduced all our Wioter Dress Hoods. Also, OUR ENTIRE WINTER BTOOK. / COOPER 6c OONARD, jal7 8. E. comer NINTH and MARKET. 1 ATE VALUABLE PUBLICATIONS— J-J LIFE AND LABORS OF REV. DANIKL BAKER, D. D. Bvo. REVIVAL BBRMONB. By Rev. Daniel Baker. 2 volumes A CONSIDERATION OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT By Major D. H. Bill. 26m0. MATERIALS FOR THOUGHT. DESIGNED FOR YOUNG MEN BBOWN’S COMMENTARY ON THE FOUR GOS PELS, Critical aod Explanatory. TROLUOK’3 COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS. Svo $193 9*B 81 LIGHT FROM THE CROSS. By Be?. Dr. Tholuck. IDOLETTE STANLEY; or, The Beauty of Disci pline TUK HEIGHTS or BtDELUOKQ. Bjr Helen Hu lett. Published by WILLIAM S. Sc ALFRED MARTIEN, jalT No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. MANUAL-OF CHESS. D. APPLETON Sc GO., Nos 846 and 348 BROADWAY, Hare just Published, ~TH*~SlANUAiH>F'OHßSa—Containing the Ble meptary Principles of the Game, Illustrated with nu merous Diagrams,recentGardnf, and Original Problems. Bj Charles Kenny* 1v01.,12fm0. Price 60 cents. “ Within the compass of this work I have included all that Is necessary for the beginner to learn. In re commendation of this Manual I can safely assert that It OdntaloS more than any publication of the same di meo'ions. 'the problems contained herein, as also one ef the * Games abtnallj’ played,’ are original, and bare never been published.” D. APPLETON & CO ALSO PUBLISH, THE BOOK OP OHBfS—Containing the Rudiment* of the Game, and Elementary Analysis of the most Popular Openings, exemplified in games actually played by the great maatgrfi, including Staunton’s Analysis Ci the Kings and Queens, Gambits, numerous Positions and Probloms on Diagrams, both original and selected} Also, a Series of Chess Tales, with Illustrations ffofei original designs. The whole extracted and translated Irom the best sources. ByK.B.Agnel. THE POCKIT CHESS BOARD—Being a Chess Board firovided with a complete Bet of Men, adapted for play ng games in rail cars, and for folding up without dis turbing the game. Price 60 cents. jal7-2t t 6,m 6o,e& Mesolntiattß atii) Qlopartnersljips. Dissolution of copartnership. —The firm of TANGUY & GRIEL was dis solved on the first instant, by mutual consent. JOHN F. GRIEL haring purchased the entire interest of Samuel L. Tanguy in said firm, the business of tho firm will bo settled by John F, Oriel... SAMUEL L TANGUY, jaYT-ftt* , , JOHN F.GRIEL. COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned hare this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of GRIEL, B CTLA, & CO., and vHll continue the Wholesale Notion Business, at the old dtaud of Tan guy Sc Griel, No. 17 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F. GRIEL, DAVID R ETTLA, JAMES B.THOMAS, jaJT.flt* JACOB QBISL, Jr COPARTNERSHIP The tindefaigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of HOOPES Sc DAVIB, for the transaction of the Hat. Cap, Pur, and Straw-Goods Business, at No. 10 SoUth FOURTH Street, up stairs. BERNARD A- HOOPES, JOSEPH M. DAVIS. Philadelphia, Jan. Bth, 1859 Jail-Tit if WM. E. EASTLACK, 470 NORTH SIXTH STREET, ABOVE NOBLE, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. T«etß Pilled, Straightened, and Extracted, and Arti ficial Teeth inserted on reasonable terms. all work warranted. jalfi ot* B • A. DUKE, (frfmr DENTIST, Office, No 27 North TENTH Street, (corner or Fil bert.) dSO-lm* dh fri l nnn TO LOAN, ta sums to suit tE>t-h\*AJVrvr applicants, upon Diamonds, "Watchef, jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Clothing, Bto , on mode rate terms, by JONES Sc CO., Brokers, N. W-corner THIRD and GABKBLL Streets, below Lombard Rs tablished for the last 86 years. Offioe hoars from 7A. M. to 7 P. M. dl7-lm If JOSEPH GHjLOTT’S THE BLACK S-WAN QUILL, IT nit) 1(0 EQUAL. A fresh supply of Shis just roceived, on cards and In boxes of one dozen For sale to the trade only, at the Monufao'urer’s Ware- Full supplies of all popular numbers now on hand. dlBm&w4w JOY, COE & CO. J s ADVERTISING AND COMMISSION AGENCY, 489 CHESTNUT Bt., 2d floor, Philadelphia, and Tribune Buildings, New York. JOY, COE, Sc 00. are the Agents for the most In fluential and largely circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They are authorized to receive advertisements and subscriptions at the lowest rates. ja7-fm&w-rp-3m fIEORGE WHITELEY, No. 135 South tJT FRONT Street, offers for sale, In Bo d only- A. Selgnatte Brandy, 1867, Pale and Dark. Jules Robin Oogoao, 1856 and 1857. Union Proprietors’Coguac, 1864. Pinet, Castillion. A Co Oogoao, iB6O, 1867,1868. A. Camus Rochelle, 1667. Pellevoiein Rochelle, 1858, to arrive. Mar tell Sc Co. Cognac, 1866, 1861,1818. Jamaica Ram. 2 years in Bond. Stewart’s Scotch Whiskey. Burgundy port Wine. Sicily Madeira Wine. / lleidsick Champagne, quarts and picts, • A full assortment of Claret Wiue, in cases and casks, to arrive. jal6-3m* HAVANA CIGARS.—A handsenio as sortment of superior Oigatfl, of various brands and sizes, just received and for sale low by OHARLIB TBTE, jals*6t 188 WALNUT ptrert, 128,013 18 Betnil JDru ©coils. Nem JJnblitalions. JDcutiGtrn iUonca. NEW PEN, No. 808. roa BOLD AND RAPID WRITING SPLENDID PEN house. lIENRY OWEN, Agent, 01 JOHN Street, New York. -for Bale anil to £et. For sale or rent—The fountain GRBB ROLLING MILL, .ituite oqthe Scbujl kill and Beading Railroad, one mile from Fatrmount. Possession immediately. Apply to . „ JOHN HALDEMAN, jalT-12t% . . Harrisburg, Pa. mss TO LET—A fine COUNTRY MAN- M3.810N /late the residence of Henry Ashton, dec'd), replete witn modern conveniences and surroundings, (United in Horsham township, Montgomery county, 4 miles from Fort Washington fetation. N P R. R. Pos-. session at- any time. Apply to JACOB SMITH, Jb., 'near the preHUsesrortothe subscriber, Hatbore’ pa , GEO. HAND. ja!7«l2t* r-IRIBT AND SAW, MILLS TO RENT, T 14 mitts on the.N. P. Railroad. House and Stable with the Mills- Possession can be had immediately; or will be let for any other manufacturing purpose. Apply to A. D. LUKENS, near the above property. ja!6 3t* - MFOR SALE—THE HOTEL pro perty, with seven acres of Land attached, at Mt. Ephraim, N. J. Apply to B. P. MIDDLETON Sc 880., Jal6 8t 6 North FRONT Street. FOR SALE—I,BOO ACRES OP LAND, in Middle Tennessee, star Nashville. 801 l rich and productive; location very desirable near to '□ills, stores, and churches. Will be sold low for cash, or ex changed for oity property or any kind of saleable mer cbMidlse. Title perfect. Address j»l*-4t» B. HUBLBUT, this Office. STORE TO RENT. A HANDSOME STORE, No. 628 AROH Street, Neatly fitted up with Wall Cases, Marble Counters, and Marble floor, eultable.for Jeweller and Silversmith, or any fancy business. Rent, $9OO. Alao, A WELL-LIGHTED FOURTH STORY ROOM. Fifty by Thirty Feet, ’ ON NORTH STREET. Apply to JONES, WHITE, Sc MoCURDY. ja6-lm No. 638 ABOH Btreet. PAPER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known as HARWELL MILL, situated on the Wisaahickon Creek, and one mile from Chestnut HIU Railroad Station. This Mill is adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one four machine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the sne ceisfal manufacture of paper. Possession given imme diately. Apply to, or address, GEORGE H. LEVIS, d29-tf No. 30 South SIXTH Street. MFOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 616 LOOUBT Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1859. The house Is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ac., now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the house. n023-tf FOR SALE.—ESTATE of ELIZABETH JMHEL and CATHARINE OABMONY, Deceased. All that valuable Lot and Fire-Story Store and Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest corner THIRD and CHERRY Streets, containing on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry street seventy-one feet six inches, thenob runoiug northward, forming an L of ninety feet, back of stores situated on Third street. For farther particulars inquire of 8. SPANG, ISAAC BOONS, j*3-m w f-8m 148 North Third street. TO RENT.—On the Ist January next, the very superior and extensive ROOMB, (2d, 3d, 4th and 6tb*Boors, each 24 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 683 MARKET Street. The building Is one of the fine Improvements on the upper side, botween FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having Wo fronts, the north one on a rear Btreet with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf Rmovals, M O V AL. LINCOLN, WOOL, & NICHOLS HAVE XBHOYBD From their old stand, 45 South SECOND street, to 725 CHESTNUT STREET. The detail Department will be closed for a few weeks. » JJEMOVAL. KELLY & DOHERTY, TAILORS, Hoto removed to 81 and 83 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ONI 8008 IBOYB OHIBTNUT, Bast side. January 7th, 1859. Dr. moallister, No. 253 North ELEVENTH Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. j&3-12t* REMOVAL. . SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR BBLOW TWELFTH. South Side, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, having on band a full supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n26-3m-if No. 1226 CHESTNUT Street Removal.— the undersigned has removed to No 68 North FOURTH street, (late HENRY COHEN’S.) second bouse above Merchant's Hotel. GEORGE A. MILLER, Jal.lm* Wholesale Druggist. ©Suns, pistols, &t. GW STORE. PHILIP JYIUSON &‘CO., 482 CHESTNUT STREET, Aek the attention of Merchants, Gunsmiths, and Sports men, to the very supbriob Fowling pieces, Bides, &o of their own manufacture, which are not surpassed by the best imported Guns in quality and finish. The bbootibo qualities of each Gan manufactured by them will be fully guarantied. They are also regularly re ceiving, direct from the makers, & full assortment of the BEST CLASS OF ENGLISH AND FBENOH GUNS, Of the celebrated stamps of Moore & Harris, Dean k Adams, PondevauxJA Jassy. Ad., Westley Richards, Pkrdy, Greener, together with a complete Stock of the cheaper style of English and Belgian Guns; tfmdfi #ill be sold at toe lowest market rates. ALL VARIETY OF GUNSMITHS’ TRIMMINGS, such as Barrels, Stocks, Bods, Mountings, Flasks, Gun Bags, Lockß, aod Lock Furniture, Bley’s Caps, Car; triages. Wads, Ac., on the;moat favorable terms to the trade. ' j»l2-tfelB Uailront) Notices. ffiIIADELPHIA and BBY KAILBOAO cy IANGKMBVT. • t .January 37th, 1659. UUTJS WBST PBILADA. At 8.00 A.M. « gOO *« “ 10.00 «‘ t* 12 00 “ “ 8.00 P.M. « 4.00 « ft 5,00 “ fi c.OO «* a f,OQ « “ 11.00 “ lird and Market streets, m jer Railway, SO rainuteß be* eat Philadelphia. >ni. •CHALL. Superintendent. TBf CrcJ3&sj”Ssfml WINT*U ABR Commencing Monday, LBATB UaBBV At t .00 A. M “ BOd «« 9.00 ** « 1100 “ “ 3 OOP. M “ 800 “ 4.00 “ “ 6CO *• “ 0 GO “ io eo “ (TT* Passengers leave Thi West Philadelphia Paweng fore the time for leaving We By order of the Preside; jal66t HBNRY PAt JSletomwl. Dr. coGGswell’s new*'medicali SALT —PRICE REDUOED ONE*HALP ! We are now authorized to announce a permanent re* duction )n the price or this vala&ble remedy for In flammatory Diseases. Dr. 0. haring m%de an impor tant improvement in his chemical apparatus for manu facturing it, by which itaoostis materially lessened, has resolved to pat it within the reach of all. The present price is, ACUTE PACKAGE, 91; OHRONIO do |2.50. Those afflicted with Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headache, InQamed Ryes, Sara, Throat, LnOgs, or Liver, Boeofula, Female Diseases, or any other form of inflammation should give the ANTIP9LO&IBTIO SALT a trial. By equalizing the circulation, it re moves the sole Oavsb of inflammation For testimo nials and directions see circular. Sold bt all DbCQ* oistS Descriptive circulars sent obatlB. by essloslng a Stamp to pay postage. Invalids in those places yet without agents can obtain the medicine by addressing j) c, TAtLOR «fc CO., SOS DOCK Street, Philadel phia. ja!s-7t* HARTSHORNE’S cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Ohemist. Bottles 12#, « * n THE° ei GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL CURE-ALL should be kept in *H families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HABTSHOBNE’S OURB-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholic, pains in the stomach or Bowels. , HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL oures Pains in the Limbs. Side, Baok and Breast. . « . - HARTSHORNK’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Braises, Scalds and Borns. _ „ HABTSHOBNE’S OURB-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTSHOBNE’S CURB-ALL cows Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. _ . m HABTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL cues Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. . . HARTSHORNBfS CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestionj also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE’B OURB-ALL cures *ll Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S CURE ALL ifl a great tonlo to Weak Stomach and Bowels, aud Improves Digestion. Jo* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Ncrvoa, Muscles, Sinews, Blood ana Bones: and, by Its warming electro-magnetic power, ox pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and yon will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you havo a Cough, uso HABTUHORNBB Pectoral Byrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 aud W cents, and ft- If you are Billions, use lIAItTSUOBN E 75 ANTI• BILLIOUS PILLS. They not upon the Llvor, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and You! Secretions. Boxes. 25 cents. Bold by R. H. JENKINS, No. 25 SOUTH BIGIITH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Bimes’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streots. Garrieues’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s, Tenth and Lombard its. aulß-th atudtf if BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—Tho sub scriber has now on band a large assortment of Blank Account Books, adapted to every grade of busi ness, such as Day Books, Letter Books, Journals, Check Books, Ledger Books, Bill Books, Cash Books. Memorandum Books, Involee Books, Notes, Drafts, &o. Blank Books of any size, style of binding, or pattern ofruling, made to order at short notice, and warranted unsurpassed for neatness of rulißg. quality of materials. and durability of binding New and old firms supplied on favorable terms. LITHOGRAPHIC AND LETTER PRESS PRINTING, BUI Heads,Cards, Circulars. Ship ping Receipts, and every descriptions of Job Printing executed in superior style. Will. M. CHRISTY, Stationer And Printer, d2O-mw&flm 65 8. THIRD, opposite Girard Bank. BRANDIES.— United Vinyard Proprietors OOQNAO, In X and X, old vintage. Henoe.sr & Co., do. do., in’bond, and for eale by A. MHRINO. 140 (tints WONT Street i»4.tf AS STOVE, manufactured by W. P. VJI SHAW, of Boston, aud pronounced by those who have used them a good article. For rale by jalU-Ot ARCHER, WARNER, HURRY, X CO. tDonls. . IftTANFED-A Situation as SALESMAN j w V in a first-dass Dry Goods, Shoe, or Grooery House, who can command a large near tr.de, cash and ft months’trade, Best of reference given from la«t eto ployers.f&gdressnotetoO. W., Press office, j«l7-Bt* ÜbO fShft —WANTED—A PASTNEE, tJP t/A/UU* whh the above amount, to go Weft. Address u BUSINESS,” at this Office. jal43t* WANTED —By a first-rate Book-keeper, a SITUATION. The very best reference will be given. Address K., at this Office. ja!4-3t* S WANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to wfiom will be given good pay, boirtU do thing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child, will b* accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 81T MARKET street, above Eighth, north side. I. N. MOORE, aplT-tf let Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Becnjlting Officer. amusements. OPERA LIBRETTO." BEWARE OF Baying Ittcanwt »a 4 frmricma opera librettos, from pamphlet-tenders, in the afreet*. The enlj AUTHENTIC LIBRETTO hears fh» distinct title— THE PIOCOLOMINI OPERA LIBRETTO -■ for sale at the Academy of Moaic. FRiCB TWBBTYfIT* 02BTB ACADEMY OJP MUSIC. THIS EVENING, LA TBAVIATA. LAST PICCOLOJIINI NIGHT. This morning, at 9 o’clock, commence* the ule of the Hi Beats for LA TBAVIATA. Seats and Ticket* to be had at the door. Amphltheat'S 30 cent*. To morrow commences the sale of the $2 seats for the HUGUENOTS. Seats for the Hngnesots ma/ like wise be had this evening, between th* acts of La Traviata. NOTICE.—The public are respectful!/ ixsored that the season will positive!/ consist of not more than Sight Nights, notwithstanding the nsmerons roman to the oontrarj. ON MONDAY, January ITth, at 8 o’clock. the last piooolomini night LA TBAVIATA in order to comply with the great cariosity of having M’lle PICCOLOHINI la the character of Violetta, to the most rendering cl whloh she owe* her prn seat greet reputation, and which in Europe has moo pronounced her greatest role, as arrangement has been made with her to leave Philadelphia far Balti more, to-morrow morning, and to ring there in the evening, of whioh, she will appear. THIS EVBSIN& at eight o’clock, Ln LA TBATIATA, supported by SIGNOR FLORSNZA, principal Baritone* from the Italian Opera In Farts; 10BINI, BUBBEUIL, MOBBA. BABfiATHtI. DUBISO *BB BALL 80BBX, GRAND Pas DE TORREADORES, by the Corps de Ballet, ' SPANISH DANCE, by the admired Dansetije, - H’LLB BOTO, who will mate her first appearance, in Philadelphia, since her return from South America. ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, LAST NIGHT BUT FOUR OF THE SEASON, First Wight In Philadelphia of > THE HUGUENOTS. » M’me LABORER, from the Grand Opera in Paris,. will re appear, after a most sneceeafnl career in the great European Theatres, First sight in Philadelphia of the great artiste, M’lle POINBOT, principal Dramatio Prima Donna, from the Grand Opera in Puis. OABL FORME? in his renowned character of the Huguenot Soldier, and of F LORENZ A, TAMABO, BKREEL, PIKAN2&EB, WIENLIOH, COLKTTI, Ac. i THE BALLET will he numerously repreeented. and l will be headed by M’LLE SOTO and Mr. DENN -BTEADT, aho will appear as the Gipsies, THEBE HUNDRED COSTLY DRESSES, Part of which bare been made in Paris by the Costumer of the Grand Opera, and the rest hare been tured here, from original drawings; they will exactly correspond to the epoch in which the action takes place —1572. A MISE EN SCENE, fully equalling that of the moßt celebrated European Opera House, supported by two hundred persons, representing an extraordinary variety of characters, corps de ballet, cavalcades, and illuminations Entirely view properties and appoint* ments. THB ORCHESTRAL FORCE, including the Military Band on the Stage, In the third act, comprises over SEVENTY MUSICIANS. jalf-lt IMRS. D. P. BOWERS’® WALKUT-ST. ITA THEATRE, comer of NINTH and WAL2THT Streets THIS (Monday) EVBNBiG, January 27,1869, The performance will commence with the new Play of WOMAN’S HEART! ' Isolina, Miss Vandenhoff j Angelo, Mr. Swinboume. To conclude with the comio Drama, entitled OLB HONESTY. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Ffcmlly Olrattr and Third Tier, 26 qente; Parquet* 87£ eeam; Drttfl Oircle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, accorijng to Mml* locale, 88 and 86; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; Curtain rise* al 7 o’clock. tMTHEATLEY & CLARKE’ 9 AROH-BT. If THEATRE.—Williams. Frederick!, Acting and Stage Manager. ’ THIS (Monday) EVENING, January 17, 1869, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchant, our American Cousin, Mr. 3. B. Clarke; Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. MASKS AND FACES. Admission, S 6 eta. Secured Beats In Dress Circle, FTV eta; Orchestra BtaDe, 60 ota; Beats In Private Boxes, ots: Gallary, 18 ets; Gallery for Colored Persons/ it ott; Private Box in Gallery for Colored * Persons, 88 eta; Whole Private Bos, 88. Doors open at half past 8 o’clock; oomiaenee At 7, precisely. jvational circus, walnut bt,, Ly above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Monday) EVENING, JannarylT, 1869. Will be exhibited VAN AMBUBGH’S WILD ANIMALS. Consisting of Lions, Tigtrsj Leopards, Panthers, and " the mammoth-performing Elephant, TIPFOO BAIB. Equestrian and Aerobatic Feats by the GRAND COMBINATION OF STARS. SCALE OF PRICES. Dress Circle and Farguelte.... 40 ottM Children under ten years of age........*....96 “ Family Circle.,, ••,,,•••*2O - * Doers opeir at quarter to 7 o’clock. Perfcnaanoai will oommence at ijg. ACADEMY OP MUSIC OPERA LI- A BRETTO.—The on)/ copyright edition of Open Books published expressly for the PhUa4fllphia Acade my of Music, and bearing this distinct cop/right title, FOR 84LE EVERYWHERE, * at the reduced price of FIFTEEN CENTS. Bare /oar money, and bu/ no more twenty-Are-oent Books, as the best and most correct edition can be ob tained for FIFTEEN CENTS: OBSERVE—This edition has red coven. Boy no others. This is also the only complete edition of •»The Bohemian Girl.” and “Martha,” in Eng lish. ja!2 tf STANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, i 3 ELEVENTH Street, between Market and Chestnut OPEN FOR THE SEASON. By the Largest Troupe of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. SANFORD’S OPERA HCuBA iso tsa SANFORD CHILDREN. Admittance 25 cents. jaT-lsi CJIGNOR BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BUILD- K 3 INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. COME AND LAUGH. Come and sea the Funny Blits, the Amusing Blits, the Remarkable Blits, the Laughing BtitS, file Popular BUts, the BUts, who makes all Happv. PERFORMANCE EVERY EVENING, commencing 1% o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TERNOONS, at 3 o’clock. Consisting or WONDERFUL METAKOBPHOSB3. astonishiog scenes in Ventriloquism.' the Learned Canary Birds, and the Extraordinary Exhibition of tho Rope Dancer. Admission, 35 cents; Children, 13 oanta. ja3 npHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OT 1. THE FINE ARTS, No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, 18 OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A, tf> till 6 F. M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 cents. Shared of Stock, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at all times, $BO. d7-tf (1/rUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE GER -ITJL MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Pnbilo REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next. Now. 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package of eight tickets for 21, which may be obtained at Andre’s, 3JQ 4 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton’s, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Ball. The per* fArnitnaa ftrt«fnnnMUl at o’clock P. M> SOl7-V Savings iimrits. The spbikg gakdeu saving yuxa>. /Oiiiruio by m LisuurnLoi fmsviTiiil) 1 PUKPITUAL OSiWTJB. nVI P*H OfiNPr Interest aJiowe »nd OHMT RUT Street*. Lite. »nd email iumi re«lT*d, Mid p*id t>*sk on d» qumd, without notice. with lIVIPBB OBNT IMIIB ■ST ftom the 4» of aepoflitt© the dif of vrithdrewu. Office hour*, from 9 until 5 o'clock erery dej-j MONDAY BVjBNINQB from T until 0 o’clock. DRAFTS for isle on Xnglsnd, Ireland, and SootlM** £ OBAWteHB Txeuraxee--HLISY JTISJC.^ Teller—lAMßS B. HUNTBB tiJatcljes, Jpmelrji, BAILEY & CO., FOBHIBLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, H»TB remoTed to their new Fire-proof, White Marti* Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOOSB, Now opening their Fall Stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which thej inTlte the attention of the puhlio. SILTEB-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND FFARLS, At WBOLBSiLB ABO JUSTAIL. MULLIKIN DEALER IN PLUMBERS’ MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRICKS, 528 MINOR STREET. jalO-lmw BUTTER.— 59 tubs Goshen Batter jnst re tailed, and for eale hr ’ 0. 0. BADLSB. ft 00., i dS AEOH St.jMMBddOOtWOW F»rt.