The^JtoiiPrfMwket^ 1,19110,.. Th*\^b^Wt^^®Qntinaii't<)*xbl< v C onjiid«rtbl« ; aettrity, a .Beii4ingJlaiUoid stock declined slightly, bat fftw r r«ooTarlng *‘ pict for, the ttfoliue. plkt*bttrgh»)fort Wayne,kai Chicago jraTeo. - Wda’iwttfip j f low flgwrk.l. '-- ** */ ’ , ThYmoneyrruMket gontlettes.,Tflry-eMy,: /storing • tockoperations,' and the btUlB Contlnue id gppd spirits. fid- road C^rnpiaj, hpld iheir annual meeting:. iuW tea-^sterday ,.. ; *iier Exhibit of /theif -affairelS fatora / bl^'ab^wehbTe'Yohe*it'»tson:ln>atJßtlori, to . tbk’fitoklDgydiid;‘«Qd,a^h’a'BdfoaVjttyplp*,forcoriUn geaeiee .' It» portion lea strong one, and itsitrength ladchsracterwill 1 anoually imptoeo; as it» ability to meke'dividehds had pay dp a surplus if mord folly de monstrated. vlti polio/ ahpuld beto raaWno larger dividends tb*ott:«au be oerUJa of maintaining to gether wild thaappropriatlou to, and reasonable emergencies.- 'Jl property thus memged, and ttgipro* daitiW, mu*fc«Tery yeti gain in the confidence of :the ,public.»y? u -• -•j-• ; ' to.mention'thaVopplesdf the. follow*, log, pamphlslrsW ready for 4.sliVe|ji (gratii) at the. office of- the Board of Trade, to merchants or ethers . whodeeW -' ;‘-;t Charter And By-Laws of.tha Chatoberof Commerce, -withljat .of,’menib«;rk; December; 1858,0 f Netr York \ Beport of a’Gdmmltiee of theCh amber of Commerce of KewYdrYrod Kaylgatldn'hy BUam;-Roport of the Oomcoitlee.' of. tha Chamber of Commerce of New YorkoatheOhijgßsatl .Quarantine for lighterage, Ac , October; 1858 { 'A,Report' on the Currency,' by, Geo, Opdtke, .ytil»on(&.' -Hunt, /erne* QtUtlu, and .Jobs BaMe: Annual Bieteweat of ,the Trade and Commerce or- including. a general' rlew of the present position and future prosperity of the. city. „ . - The New York hash statement for this week shows a large. ln.the items of loans, speoik, and un*. drawn deposits. / , , • -• The semi-annual Interest of the bonds of the Tfyom* Company will be paid oo presentation ot the coopbos at the Xtadk of North Amterlca,' od’ and after the 16th Just. V ’ ’/ y.j-'. We ball the ettentton of our readers to the report of the Yams Insurance Company, which, though ppssesied of 118 fundi well Infested within reach in-ease 'of.need, and’ offers ample Bectirity for the idxß it Is willing to (a- nare.' ' • v ;.‘ 4 , The Boston Post ieysS The Mills Corporation is now Vo readiness to obtain possession of the mill pfopirty. .Welearn that the dit«ctots are ad tised that legal questions may arise hereafter, if they pirch&ie' the .property of the Bey St&ie Bcoeirers at, p Irate sale. They would, therefore, prefer to buy It stpabUo thus obtain a title which will be ncqnestiohable, It is to be hoped that the Beceivtrs will so act 'that' there ipay he no danger.oT future,law suits to the patties interested Jn this concern, so unfor tunate .under its ]old name, but with su;h excellent new one.;/ Vmr.apar.PßTa btook IXOnAMOI BALIB, ' , January'll, 1819. ■. ' ‘ aufdarao %t,»aoinl l *.od., uninn, non, igti ixouiaoa' aaoaka; noawnrnar oooaa thiuc laDcaaanroT araaara. :y.;' . .vast: 1000 City e> K«»rO»». flojf soo-. a0:v.......... mx 700 - ! di> oia u» 4d»99x 1000 Otty R'o«. *niak 00£ ICOOOItyOI eath 99? t 90M Oity«• p«b.:.; cox< toooitr 99X J00011tC1.......... MX 8800 City 81..V..K«»103X 1100 d 0...... 103 X lOOOPlttaltWuyaa* cm o'iTpctbda.6o 1000 -40;.:.-t.i.. r 60 BOARD. ■?*. » w . ’lB^oLong Island R../11* ’ 100 3d&3d8t8...b5 31* \ 60- ■ d0............'31* 60 d0...V......j. 31* [ -10, d 0....; ai* r 50 , 40..,;..,b5wn 31* 60 do.‘.*».«.t>6wa 81# ( 100Reading8........ 26# 100 do Wwn 27 f 100. do; faSira 27 60 d0.......Ww0 2T.. 60 ‘ d0..........b5 2T 10 Bchl , 100tJolouOol..,.Pref 9 : 23LeblghTalR;... 49 36 Penn To 8k,.1.i5 35 ; 60 ' d0..........65 36 100 Girard Bk 12* 87 PchNar pfd:;;lot« J lO ' 13 *. do„ b 519 ; 2 Frank 4: South R 67 * ; 26 Union 98 ' 110 . d0.,,;*,98 _ fiOOO . d0...60, .8000 N Fflooi'R 6*. ..\6S 1000*mdeo0ihr6i, 95, 8000 Bobl N 6« >62* .1)6 73# 1000 Morris Oal 6«. .|5 88 1000‘AlleCo6« 61' 25P«nn*ft..ta.3at6 43; 60H«d» Bk.Jolotj* 27# 60LongIiUad.R.*5,ll# 100 d0.....11 % 60 do * = '‘ 1 BR! I BOARDS. i 68ohl NaY.«....Pwf 19 I 7 Norristown R 66 J*6 2d* loti 82 BOARD. aewlOSV 103 V] «#] 400 Qitj 68. 2800 do 2KOK : : . mwonp iObb ,900 OlivOtft....4d7«B»V 200 8400 v - dontW..34j«loax 700j,ehVgtB*T8i.;. : ;»Tj4 800 • ~"d©....97 X '6OO N£*& lOn.'.Sdrs 87* ' 600 do 6i..;..“..;~655 1000 Cot*’* Qhit’t 10* 60# 1 OQitjßmk .>«* ' 30 ComwrcUlßk. . ol t <.:l Qermaotowi>43M 60 . . ,4 p«»o» B.J 43 .Vd«., 4 l\ , &'ttorrirfbvn 8..«. 66 lOOBwUbs B..V,*W r %8 _:40.,27* 100'da...'. ...WjrnST*, 100 : ; d0.......Wwt» 2T^ 63 Leh)ghBcrip..loti 28 . iL«btgkN«r.....:.4ox 60 2d&B4fifeß.::.. 32 , roo :/d0..........b6 81# 100 Long ItWn*...\.. 11# /.4 NlXbt’tf Qag.bftiro 80 - 10 GootolldAtion Bk 26 M../WMrJSastwick An aetloo'ofcovenant for • tbs feOD'PfrfortDSfice of a contract In building a wharr. On trial. . , District Court— Judge Sbarawood. — ChlLrlflß’H. /aok«oa vs. Richard Heekieber' and Bn. ’gen* BbrdaVtradtug, Ac. Ad action of ejectment fora bo»l}®g>al6fiiS:' Altar the eridenoe for the plaintiff '.closed,'Judge Bbsrswobd.directed the Jury to find a 'yetdlotfor; the defendant; as theplalntllfbad sot made - ontMacaae*-.'thedefendaot.'' T. O. endßl-Gi/Woiih Raley Holmes. An actlon torecdTer the value of e promissory “«>te. -No defence. . Verdict for the plaintiff# for $8,646.76. Israel Lukens vii; Joseph L, Jones. An action on a' promissory noW.'gltea la payment of two lots of gronsd DipoV*tre«t.;.,?lhe defence allege that the notes -were nlren in paymootof oertaln lands, as alleged by the puintlff, bo|' that when the note' was given tbe plaintiff alleged that he had a good title to tha premises nd gas about selling him: and,' that,' fn real!fy, Be had notf:tbmfore hSmuwßlop«y the note, On trial ; ' -QuAßyga^Rifktdßs.-^JudgeAUlfion.—H. E.s 'Neweliwas ctaarged with ohtaioipg money odder, false. breWd«es'.' The-prcs«cutor,liewio RMme). -■ it Is at. Teged tbathfe WSet office, at the cor.‘ =• ner-of Voiifth'asd' Chestnut; and bought * through riffitetHo'ftia ffdoelseo, California, which tloket par* porUd- #e»«-» jmm*. ta tta «Mnuhlp 11 Citr ot WMhliUrt#* 1 ' to th>t pIM«. -Ih« : follooto/lfi odpr or ti. tfik.t sold t>r Mr. «»*•«:, » »d; 10-C*Uf<:f6U, KwYotlt, tnl Buodmd ■HI,, Ho. 4M Oheitnut'otwot. VhlMolphiar • ot»»auhtp : Th«,b«.rßr, Mr. L«wl* m.l. liu p»M |lOO.;for.oB« rtoorogo pumjo M 8»a! ViMoljoo, /rom, N«w .To>t. Too mudred am nfjr; poonil . gam .not .anted'on th. .lit oo raarkw t>i /(no.and aant oo ttoard ietoo 10. o'olMlr, 'A.M.Von ■ tt»,«aror«ltln*.' /' T H-.SiHawaw^g*? 4 !' ' - Tbo atMmahlp WaaUOgtoa »«to h.Ta aailiHj imme . dta\elr. tat *u poatpooal Irota ÜBw 'to ttmi,- tod Hr - j *«»tai na told (if on to Netr york, tat,to wait , tIU ihdTyaahln| : *- ■' y »AU.«H« OH *HJK OCEAN STEAMERS. ' OWuda: ........... BolU)n..l iwpool ...Jan 12 Cttjr of Baltlmora. .K York. .WrarW Jan 16 »fH0a...... ; .....'.5.y0r1c,i1;1»8rp0 Our jobbing houses are get ting up'their-steaks in anticipation of a prosperous 'spring trade, and fled a few days’ comparative inactivity all -the more: favorable for getting things In proper shtpe. Grocers and coal dealers are busy, and to their credit we oan say aa htooh of several of our benevolent societies: /.For the latter the present revere spell. 1b cer tainly tn auspicious season to exert their usefulness to advantage. Those who have more than they.need should remember this, and invest a liberal proportion of.their surplus in the best paying loan—a gift to the poor. r ' .v Tai Gnioß, Tebpobaby “HoKß.—Tbe Manager*. of tbs Union Temporary Home for Children h»?« «»• gaged the Hev,Henry GUm to deUTer a leotuxe la this city", for the ,benefit;of that excellent.institution, on Pfjdej efenlogof tbisweek'. Thelast visit of Mr. Giles to Philadelphia wia to deliver a court* of leetorep on, Genius, M - which, ae man/of our resders-are aware, were' Among the most btlUleut Iso* turr-board efforts' ever gl'yen on that subjeot. Bis sub ject on Friday eveoingwill be “Characteristics of Irieh Hnmor, ’ ’ a tbeme, as it seems to us, so completely with in the scope of Mr. Giles* genius, that his treatment of it fall to interest the moat Intelligent and re flate . Adding to this the faot that the obiect in behalf of. which the leoture is to be given is one to which a'l should feel anxious to contribute, a very la-ge attend asoe may reasonably be anticipated. Down ! down f down ! went the meroury, yes terday ;■ and down I down I down! went the hands of citizens, - Into their brooches pockets to bring out the glittering coin, wherewithal to procure one of Bldrldge’s warm, durable, and elegantly fa fehtoned Overcoats. Poring the day the C( Old Frank lin Hall OlotMogSmporiam,” No. 821 Chestnut street, was literally'jammed, and the salesmen had to ply their nimble feet and Angers to meet the demands of all )u quest of bargains In Elvoaht CloMiso. \ A Snow Stobm The Blelghers are indulging hopeful anticipations of a good snow, and a oily good sleighing frolic. They know, the p’ewmre of being behind a fast nag,"in a snag “jumper;” finder a with’apaff of bright eyes and rosy cheeks, listening to of tbe ilttla bells, aod making ttaxnselvez comfortable, la such luxurious gatmenis as are made at ihp Brown Btonp Clothing Ball of Rockblll A Wilson,'Nos. 603 and 60S Ohestnnt street, above Sixth. • 1 Rubality— ; . - “Yellow sheaves from rich Ceres the cottage'had ~crown’d, \ Green ruihfs wers fctrewed on the door; > The casement's sweet woodbine crept wantonly round, • 'And decked the sod seats at the door. 11 A lovely picture, truly, of sweet rusticity ! W®. love the country, but can’t go there to dwell,* our mission istodo good pro re nota, by advising our readers to buy •their clothes of Granville. Stokes, No. 607 Ohestaut itriflt. ' Impciialioiis. [Reported for the Press .J ' BOSTON—"teamship Kensington, Biker—B cs fish J Alberly A Co; 7CL Barrebger; 3es mdse F Brown*, 8 J C Bates: 6 bblsdo T Black; 26 kegs Oortlg A Band} 6 pkgs F JSdson; 24 bales F A Elliott AOoj 9 cs W Sill; 44 8 Dunlap; 26 bxs oranges Bro; 4 cs indigo 8 Grant, Jr A Co; 4 bales skins Frits A Boutvell; 9 pkgs .'mdse O H Garden; 8 cas J B Gould; 60 bxs oranges learn ’Jeanes A Co; 6 pkgs mdse Johns A Boos; 2 cs do Kite A - > Walton; -10 baskets do 01 Lewis; 4cs fish Murphy A < Boons; 6 bags seed P B Mingle A Do; 10 bales skins B A ’ D 0 fipoooer; 40 kegs mdse F fiohei r, 88 pkgs O Magarge 'A Co; 86 Magarge Bros; 6cs 8 Monroe; 10 pkgs f Tra- W: &W & Tayl or; IS B Wiaaor; 2 J T Way A Co; 27 cs shoes Haddock, Bead A Go; 6 Hendry A Harris; 288 If H Thompson A Co; 181 "Whelan A Co; 21 W Brown; 80 do domestics D B Brown A Co; 6 Papgs A Maxwell: 86 Farnham, KlrkhamA Co; 72LIU1* A Stokes; 12 dhlpley A Co; 17 Welling, Coffin A Co: 20 bales FUhlan, Jones A Co; 109 Frothlngham A wells; , Opkgs J A GIU; Bdo A Blade A Co; 126 do Leech A Cos 4f2 do va rious-consignees; 800 bales 72 eases mdse 60 nates skin* tj order. ... '. PHIDADBLPHIA BOARD Of T&ADK. 'Johnß. FXNBOBB, 3 8. V. Mbr&iok, > Cokorimv of tbm Morn. B.O.Kxiqht, \ LEXTER BAGS At tke'Merehantt* Exchange. Barque Charles 8 Lex, Al taela a,,, . .Pernambuco, soon Barque Hamilton', J acksos. ~........ .Havana, soon Barque Mary H Kendall; Bhanklaud......Havana, soon Barque White Wing. Baling......'....Laguayra, Jan 13 Barque Monmouth, Merrick Marseilles, soon 3obr Woodruff films, Brooks .....Havana, coon : illariitc Intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12 18S9. fiUN BISKS 7 18 VBUB BETS 43 aiGH WAT 88.... 8 46 ABBIVBD. Steamship Kensington, Baker, 48 hoars from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winsor Encountered Hosting Ice, below Delaware from thence to the city. ' CLEARED. Steamship City of Richmond, Tomlin, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Steamship Boston, jßellew, New, York, Jos Allderdice ■ The ,elt/.lee boat havingbeen complete Order*- left •Jrfist«rd*y"ln • charge- cf-oapt- gdbeHiflger,- 1 havingin'toir.tka.bflg fiopbie. for Kingston, Jam, and Idas, fdfrßarbtdae*. Th« lea la the m«r baa rendered U neoestanr for the Ipe boat to ratuma operations, and aha la in one order to overcome any obstacles in the shape of toa that.the present cold spell may present to navigtt.on. - 1 - fOorrespondenoe of the Philadelphia Bzehange.l - . t ■' -5 UtWJSS. Bel.* Jaa 8.186 P. The bilg GaWert,for Africa, and gofers J L White, D Daridsos, Rickman, Rmua;G & N Ropers, Bergen, B B Fiddemsn, W Stephenson, Jae W V*yil9, D 0 Foster, W Burnett, M h Wedraore; 0 Cargill. and Fpeomoke weot to sea this morning from the harbor, leaTlng the brig Henry Leeds and one schooner. Barque Conrad, for Pernambuco and a market, left the harbor at noon refterdsr. , . Tours, *o, WM. M. HIOKMAN. [avtaLsoairH to ms rasas.]. , Batahxab, Ga., Jan U, Arrived, steamsb'p Augusta, from New York. MEMORANDA, - fite&aub/p Delaware, Copt*, bencs, arrived at N York lltb Soft, and cleared yesterday to return. fiblp American Union, Otla, frsm Liverpool 10th alt. for Philadelphia, was spoken, no date, lat £0 07, long 8 40 W. •: Ship Bilan Maria, Libber, for Llverprol, cleared at Mobile 6th lost, with 2819 bales of ootton, valued at $180,78*. . Ship Crystal Palace, Simmons, at Bombay Oct 30 from Macao, remained in port Mot 24 leaky, and would have to bo docktd. , Ship Leicester, (Br) Bobbins, from Manilla for New York, at Bt Helena b or 7, and sailed Bth. fih p Well&eet, McGllverJ, irom OaVlao for London, sailed from Qaeenatown 80th nit—before reported sailed for Antwerp^ , chip Not# Atlantic, Moore, from Calcutta for Bos ton, put into Province town Blh Inst, on account of heavy Nw wind. Barque Mary Bl’xsbelb, from Messina for Philadel phia,' was in the Straits of Gibraltar 7th alt. Barque J B Lancaster, Small, frem Batavia, arrived at San Francisco previoaa to 20ih alt. Barque Greenfield, Beattie, from cronstadt, via Obris tianeand, entered inward at London 19th ult. Schr W 0 Mershon, Cole, from Mobile, was below Providence oth Inst. . Bcbr gas Martin, Hall, hence, was below Providence oth Inet. - ttchrs jSmtua, Beut.and Ship Carpenter, Fountain. : from Smyrna, Bel, at New York yestordry. Bchrs Hickman, Dickinson, from Lewes, and Marga ret Plater, Cresson, from Wilmington, Bel, at N York yesterday. Behr curlew, Biown, hcn:e, arrived at Bucks port 7th Inat ’ - Bchr Cyclone, Ball, hence,'arrived at New Bedford oth Inst Schr Bailie W Ponder, Borman, from Milton, Bel, ar rived at New York yesterday. -Schr It J Mercer, Robinson, hence, arrived at Savan nah 7th Inst.' - Cohr L B Oowpsfthwait, Rogers, from Wilmingtan, N 0, arrived at New. Yojk yesterday. Bnperienced heavy northerly weather; lost mainsail and split sails; captain and crew all- frost-blUen. , < . Schr Ceres, Mefedlfih, from. Odessa, Bel, at N York yesterday. A „ gohr k J 5 Weston, Maloy, hence, arrived at Boston Bth Inst Schr Sami Caetnsr, Shepherd, of and Irom Philadel phia for Boston. before reported Mb ore at Newport, was toirded on the Bth inet. by WR Whaley, Wm A WH llama, and B Saunders, of South Kingston, hi, who took possession of her. She Is full of water, has l&at rudder, and her bulwarks and galley are store. The second mate of tbescbr Worcester, lost on her 1 tssiage from Mobile, makes the following report in the (taiau papers: Saturday, pec 11, (sea time) 1868, This day came on a strong gale from the NK, with squalls. At 6 P M took in the mainsail; rnn her under two-reef foresail and head of jib, jndgkog ourselves to be about 46 miles to the eastward of the Hole la the Wall. At midnight the schr struck on a coral reef outside of Lay card's. The captain ordered ns to cut away the main mast; we commenced cutting away the lanyarda,bntthe sea broke In so heavily that we were compelled to flee to the rigg ng for safety. About 2 o'clock the eea washed the osptaln overboard; tbescbr then commenced breaking &p very fast. The mate, with the rest or us, then went out on the- jibboom, whe>e we staid until 10 o’clock, when one of the men left and swam to the chore on * plank. She zaste then left, but was drowned in jibe stiff.''Two more of the men left shortly after, and got on shore surely; then the cook left, but not being able to swim’- myself, I stopped on the Jlbboom, and was rescued about io o'clock tonight by Captain Bethel and three men of the wrecking schr Hansom,- who came to or relief at the rUk or their lives, and took me on board their vessel, after bei >g 22 hours on the Jlbboom. I requested Cap* Bethel to bnr/ the cep tain and mate. Latitude by observation 28 deg, longi tudeTfi 66," ' VOaati©#, He; Jan Bnowhas Just returned fronahlp John HJarvta, ashore on Beach Island, and reports that (Japt Morris, of steamer B B Forbee, agent of underwriters, bad concluded to’ gst the ehip off and repair her. Cowes, Dec 20—The American shlpWaban, HaTlrldge; from Calcutta, (last from Falmouth) for Hamburg,whleh was run Into ou the 4th lest, by the steamer Ceylon ,aS before reported, has been towel op here from Portland to-day by the togsJPfcoealx and Aid, and has been' taken into oar harbor to undergo repairs. She is much dam aged about the alter part, the whole of the stern frame being Apparently out swsy- " HOLHSB’ BOLB, Jan T— At, S«hr Sarah L Hills, Oo ary,Virginia;forßpston„ Y. -v • * Bth—Ar, bajqae Moneynick. Smith. Charleston for Boston; brigs w A Brown. Nickerson, Leghorn for do; Deroersia, Merritt, Turks Island for do; Loul»a, Biropt, Bi'timoie for do; Northman, Land, New Orleans for do; fiaml Small, Lane, Philadelphia for do; Mansonl, Nich ols. Savannah fordo; schr* Jfl Pettigrew, Bly,.Oerdo castor do: Emma Amelia, Harding, Baltimore fordo Union, New York for Machiae; gylvia, Merrlsm, Boston for Philadelphia; Beeone, Wish, Wilmington, NO, for : BoUon. 9.b—Ar, barque Bmrna Gushing. Dixon, 8t Thomas for Bofttjn; brig fled, Goveos, fit Bomingo for Boston. 4ih inst. eaeonntered a hurricane aad was boarded by a sea which Ailed the cabin and decks with water. The brig commenced settling rapidly, ard was obliged to cot away bulwarks to free the decks ot water. Lost paxtof ueokload Scbr L O Watte, Young, from Cuba for Boston, with sorgo of rum and sugar. Is ashore I# mUev sooth of (Gay Head; masts gone, and vessel fall of water. A light er has gone to her assist ince. ~ lOtfif—Betoraed to port, barques Bmrna Cashing, Mo nejnlck, and Aura; brigs Bemerara and Pico; and all the arrivals ol Bth and 9.h. NOTICB TO MARINERS. The light at Round Island ha* been temporarily taken but will be &iown again about Jan 20th. 1060. order or the tight Qoiue Board. V. *.-v - V-" B. L. üBAPUAN, n Bightbonae Inspector, Eighth DiiWot. ~ . . . NATAL. - The'lt 8 barque Belease, Lieut Com’g Wm A Parker, from New Yovk Oct 80, for ParagaaT%viaßuenog Ayres, was spoken SSd Nov, Ist 24 80, long 86. A letter front on board says: Wearejast twenty-three day® out to day, and are cemia of having a very long passage to Buenos Ayrea. We have had a very tedious time; the first part continual, gales, and for the last week nothing but eklms. Ail well. ' SPOKEN. Nov 13, lat 8 N, long 28 16 W, ship Oliver Putnam, Smith, from Liverpool for Calcutta. Nov 20, lat 18 N, long 21 W, sblp Juau Fernand?*, Given, Trom New York ror Melbourne.' Nov 28, lat 18, loog 81 40 W, ship Intrepid, Gardner, from New York for Ban Franolsoo. Nov 27, lat 22 N, long 87, barque A G Hill, Tlanello, from Portland for Buenos Avres. , Nqy2B> lat 25 N, long 82 W, ship Ivanhoe, Lane, fm New York Nov 11 for San Franolsoo. Nov 80, lat 26 04 N, long 86 86, barque Wheatland, Despeaux. from Baltimore for Rio de Janeiro. Nov 80, lat 14 60 N, long 81 46, schr Castor, of New York, from Rlohmoud for Bio de Janeiro. , peo I, in the Straits of Gibraltar, barque M Pojero, from Palermo for Ameriot. No date; lat 2 67 N, long SO W.Bhip Seaman’s Bride, Wyman, fropi New York for Ban Franolsoo. ARRIVALS AT THB PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ; DP TO on O'CLOCK THIS NOBNfNO. ‘ GIEARD HOHBK-Gk®< intended simply as a fire-proof,” hod on the famous powder and burglar lock, used and recommended by Parrel, Herring, A Co., as the only burglar-proof I lock in use. [From The Press of the 4lh ult ] PARREL, BEHRING, A 00 >8 PATENT CHAM PION SAFES, the only Safes made in this City wblckj have never beta robbed by burglars or had their con tents destroyed by accidental fires. Evans & Watson's Philadelphia Answer (o a New j' York Humbug. 'We, tke undersigned, oitissns of Bt. Joseph, Mo., do hereby certify that the Iron safe belonging to 0.8. Baldwin, made by Parrel A Co., No. 34 Walnut street,' Philadelphia, which was ia the fire that occurred here, is not fire-proof, and Is useless as a fire-proof safe; that the books, papers, Jewelry, Ac , which were in the safe at the time were much injured; also, that the building which it waa in was of frame , and only one story high, and that a fire so trifling as the one which burned over , the said safe was not sufficient to hare injured any safe purporting to be flre-proof. w. It. PxwiOK, druggist. Jos. W. Tbottlb, merchant. J. hanker. .. Djlnibi. Saxton A McDonald, rasrohants. William Bat. Jobs Conor. 0. K. Baldwin, Bt. Joseph, Mo. RYANS A WATSON, 26 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, have now on hand the largest assortment of Salamander Pafes. in the United States, warranted equal to any others, made on reasonable terms. Pleaee giro us a call. jalO-m wAI3t Premium Perfumery, comprising Eau Ims- TRADE, BAU ATHENIBSNB, BAU DIVINE DB VENUS, NYMPH SOAP, VEGETABLE LIQUID HAIR BYE, BOAPB of all kinds, POMADES, QOB MRfICS, PERFUMES, Ac., with a great variety of pAßcr Goods. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAURL A CO., Importers and Manufacturers, No. 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. j&lo*6t A Word to the Wise* -In purchasing 1 net, the principal object to be gained is, to obtain an article that will produce the greatest amount of heat with the least possible waste. The Coal that most effectually oom blnes these qualities, and, therefore, the most economi cal is the Hickory, sold at the lowest cash prices , M DEACON A NBWBALL’S FAMILY COAL YARD,, No 886 north BROAD Street, below OALLOWHILL. Orders by despatch, or left at No, 89. south THIBD fittest, promptly Attended to, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12. 1859. Seamtn’a Saving Fund—Northwest Cprnef of Second and Walnut' streets. Deposits received in small and largo amounts, from fell olaaaos of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. . Office open dally, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon* .day and Saturday until B in the evening. President, Franklin FeU; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles F. Morris Window Drajjerf, BHOCATELLB. BATIN DAMASK, BATIN DE LAINE, WORSTED DAMABK, REPS, MOREEN’S, AND FLUSHES, Together with all the tolmmlngs appertaining to the Curtain trade. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will close out our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates! Curtains cut, made, and put up, lower than prioes elsewhere Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auction, and selling at half the usual price. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, ‘Gothlo, Fresoo, Plain Linen, and Oil doth, at whole sale and retail. PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, dB-tap!2 630 CHESTNUT Btreefe. Grover A Baker’s celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—PRICE $6O. 780 OHSBTHO7 SraSSY,j^ffH.AD*Arßrt. These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity,, whloh will hot rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the heat in the market for family use. ocld-tf R7“SSHD *o* 1 oiboulsa. «CII Jonas Whitcomb’s Remedy for Asthma* [Letter from a Lawjer in Newburyport, Mass ] KuwaußTVopT, February 25.1860. Joseph Borhstt, Esq.—Dear Sir: It la now nearly twelve months bldco I received the first bottle of your valuable medioine for the cure of the Asthma. For thirteen years I suffered with the Asthma, and during that time there were but few months In which I did net suffer with a paroxysm that entirely prostrated me for two or three days, and sometimes longer. I will say, that from the time I took the first dose of your “ Remedy’’ to the present hour, I have not bad a bad attack, and now my system is so free from it, that the most active exercise and exposure seldom has any other effect than to slightly restrict the lungs Your medioine soon dispels that sensation, sod I can safety claim a general release from the tormentor. Please accept my gratitude for the great blessing, and believe me that I shall endeavor to Ictroduce the Remedy whenever opportunity occurs. With groat respect, your , obedient servant, J. H. BRAGDON. Kb. Busks??: I take pleasure in stating the won derful effects of “ Whitcomb’s Remedy for the Asthma,” on my wife. She has suffered for years with the Spas modic form of that terrible disease. * * # Atone time she was so far gone, that her physloian could not count the pulse. * * * .We were obliged to open doors and windows in mid-winter, and resort to every expedient that affection could devise to keep her alive. At length I beard of * l Whitcomb’s Remedy,”—lt acted like k charm; it enabled her to sleep quietly in a few minuiss, and nearly broko up the disease. I keep It constantly on baud—and though it has not cured her It has done wonders n the way of relief lam a Metho dist clergymsn, stationed here, I fchall be happy to an swer any inquiries respecting her case, and you are at liberty to make any uee of the foregoing facts that will benefit the sfllloted. Yours, traty, Jonas Whitcomb’s Remedy is prepared only by JO SEPH BURNETT A 00., 27 Central street, Boston. For sale by all the principal Druggists throughout the United States and the Canadas. dBotfe27- One-rrlco Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for xxrarz. salzs. We mark our lowest selling mail nonaxs oneaeharttale. All goods made to Wdtr are warranted satisfactory, and oar o*i»raicm btstim Is strictly ad hered to. We belle?* this to be the only fair way dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES Jk CO., 604 HA&KI* Street. . Myapepala. —There is probably no disease which experience has so amply proved to be remeito ble by the PERUVIAN SYRUP U Dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this diseaeq hare been com pletely oared by this medicine, as single testimony of some of cmr first citiiens proves. Por sale In this eity by ?. Brown, comer Pißfc and Chestnut, and Huuri A Co.', corner Twelfth and Chestnut. 3 dJO-d&Wtf 350, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 800— BINGBR’B fiBWING MACHINES.—PJUQBB RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Yeuily-fewlng Ma chine for 050, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which hao an established repu tation for doli* the very best work on every kind or material, are Invited'to call at oar office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A 00., 002-U23 No. 002 CHESTNUT Street • savin* Fund.—Klve Per Centi interest— NATIONAL SAPBTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. comer of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any anm, large or small, and .interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of • withdrawal.' Money Is received and payments made dally, without notice. The investments art made in Beni Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and inch first-class securi ties as th,atsrUj* require*.- Offin* hours, tromSo’dlMk in the morning until 0 o’clock in the afternoon, ndbo Monday and Thursday evening# until 6 o’eloek. ft# - Barnett’s Coconino.— A single application renders the hair—no matter how stiff and dry—soft and glossy for eereral days. It Is van Bxfir and Csaipisr Hah Dbisbinq in vb« World. BAZZARD >t 00., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Sole Agent. For sale by dealarsgenerally, at 60 eta per bottle. noIO-tf By the Rev. George Chandler, on the 7th Instant,*Mr. JAMEB NEELY to Miss ELIZABETH QRRBLMIN. On the 29th ultimo, by Rev.-Franols D. Laddi, Mr. HOWARD 8. READING to Miss MARTHA JANE CRAVEN. # On tho Ist ultimo, by the Rev. Newton Heston, Mr, GEORGE W. LAME to Miss ANNA MARIA MEADE, of Philadelpbis. * On the 27th ultimo, by the Her. Father Kelly of St. Mal&ohl’s Oburcb, Mr. QUARLES A.'CHAMBERLAIN to Miss MARY R TRISTNUL, nil of this city. « SHeathe. s On the morning of the 10th Instant, After & protracted Ulnea*; LUOY B , wife of Ospt. JAMES MARKS, and daughter of the late o»pt. Wra. Phillips. liar relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 220 Lombard street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. * On the 10th instant, ELLEN LOUGHEAD,' aged 80 years. The relatives and friends of the family are particu larly invited to attend the funeral, from the reside ce of her son-in-law, George Powell, No. 616 South Front street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * Suddenly, on the Uih instant, Mrs. JANE, wife of JAMBS B. ORAIO, in the 42d year of her age. The relatives and friends of tho family are respect fully invited to Attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Phajolx street, above Fraokford rotd, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at I o’clock, without fur ther uottco. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. On the 10th instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of the lata Mr. EDWARD BTRBTTON, in the 67th year of her age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funerat, tbia (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, from her late residence, Phcenix street, between Second and U&aoock, without further notioe. * On the 10th instant, MICHAEL DYER, in the 28d year of his age. Hisfrlead', and those of tfie family, are respeotfnliy in vited to attend the fnnoral, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, from the residence of his aunt, Margaret Boyle, No. 1221 Bouth Seventh street, below Federal. At Camden, N. J., on the 9tb Instant, WILLIAM W. PIERCE, in the 82d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family Are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Bridge avenue, above Second street, Camden, on Thursday next, at 12 o’clock. # On the 30th instant, MARIA LOUISA, daughter of CHARLES and ISABELLA WONDEIUjEY, aged 9 months The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly Invited to attend the funeral, this (Wednesday) inorulDg, at 10 o’clock. from thy residence ot her parents James street, falls of Schuylkill * On the 9th instant, Mrs. CATHARINE LEE, wife of the late JACOB LEE, Her relatives and friends, and those of the family, are invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. 141 New Market street, above Laurel, this ( -vednOßday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. # On the 9th instant, Mr. MICUAEL VAUTtER, in the 29th year or his age The relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from Mb late residence, Baltimore Pike, 241 b ward, near the 2d milestone, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without farther notice. To preosed to the Union burial ground, Sixth street. * On the 9th instant, JULIUS, son of FREDERICK and CATHARINE SPBOfIT, aged 21 years and 10 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited toattoodthe funeral, from the residence of hfs parenta, 286 fihippen street, this (Wednesday) afternoon at 8 o’clock * On the 9th tnstant, WILLIAM STEVEN?, in the 40th year oC his age. His relatives and friends are respeet f ully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Cambridgo street, above Nineteenth street this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o’clock, without farther notice. * On the 10th instant, BERNARD DOUGHERTY, In the 86th year of his age His relatives and friends, and Columbia Engine Com pany, ere rsspeotfully lnvitel to attend- the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 210 Juniper street, above Race, thisVWednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. , * On the 9th Instant, JAMES CLIFFORD, aged 28 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or hie brother-in-law, Wm. Josephs, No. 17 Mead street, below Front, and above Catharine, this (Wednesday) afternoon, atlo’ciook, without lunher notice. To pro ceedto Cathedral Cemetery. # , On tbe 10th instant, ANN, wife or the late JOHN KELLY. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully iuvltedto attend the lateral, from her late residence, No. 11 Wftihington in Juniper street.- below Überry, this ( Wednesday) morning, at 11 o’cl. ck, with out further notice. To proceed to Norristown, Mont gomery county. * The shadows are much softer than in Oil paintings, while the likenesses are Infalli ble in a Life-size Photograph in Oil made nt REI MEK’S GALLERY, hbCOND street, above Green. * ryp* All the members of the Banuaker Inatl- ILjj TOTE are requested to attend the btated m bt* tug THIS EVENING, at 7k o’clock. Annual election, It J. 0. WHITE, Jr., Secretary. Notice.-—A meeting of the Stockfioldeia U j of the Second and Thlrd-fetreet Pas enger R&i’- way Company of Philadelphia, will beheld at the Office of the Oompany.23B WALNUT Btreet, onIHURSDAY, January 18th, at 10 o’clock A. M. By order of the Board, DENDY SHARWOOD, jftl2 S 6 Secretary. TUIANILA ROPE, assorted sizes, mane- If I faetured andforejle. at lowest New York prices, — by WEAVER, FITLKR, *OO , Ne. 88 North WATER (-!■« - The Bcnji-animai interest el the llama street, end Of North WHARVES JalB ILjf of ih« WYOMING CANAL COMPANY Willi • r»TnfsifrY~i;7rhhi.~~ snnnVlnr nfd ™uon presentation of theOapoue at the BANK OF u 60 ‘ >b ’ 76 7 &n P erior UW SWRTH AMERICA, ouaod after the 16th Inst. ▼ J */• Wbiekey. . Office ot the Wyoming Oanel Comply, 823 WALNt T 100 bbfe vary.W** J&WlVaiL^S&’nt Street, Philadelphia. CHARLES B. DRAKE, store, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT January JO, 1660 Tree*w*r. Street. * M# * ABtIIMA. [tetter from a Clergyman.} Wsbdsboro’, Yr., May 12,1867. KIMBALL HADLEY, VBIOS OKU DOLLAR MR BOTTLR, BURNETT'S 0000AIN*, iflamaflee. nf®=" To uud Gentlemen 10U Paine Lk3 lecture* on tbo cause and treatment of “ Dya pepela ” TUiaJSVJNING, at o’clcok, at tbeEcleo focMedical Oollege, Sixth and UaHowhlll. ■U Jure ffja. U* lVe»l Chester.—Ur. John G, IVlorris, of U 3 Baltimore, will Joclura 'la WB*T OUEBTI3R, oa fHURBDAY JSVJSNING. January 18th, In Horti ooitural Hall, for tho benefit of tho Yonug Men’s tJWietian Aesoela'fon Subject—** Personal Adventures od the Alps.” with illustrations. BlD ff Ja tiebQta 05 C6at . to j, u j, A j *fc the door of the nail, __ jt# hectnrei njuAi ti»o Feinoln Organism*— Mrs. 8. 11. YOUNG, M. ])., at the argent BOllcl lftUou of many Ladies will repeat her private Lectures ’“Women at atmom-atratt Hall, WUDNEBDAY ana THURSDAY. (January 12th and 13th.) at o’clock P. M. Subject of the First Lecture—'*Pemale Organ- Its Diseases,” illustrated by splendid Trench (Wo Bite.) Lhgrame Bkeloton. &c. BnbJwtp/ihe Second—*“ ETtero Gestation,” illustrat ed by thirty-twodifferent beautiful Models, ahowing the various changes from tho first up to the termination of the period. A&mlttalon.m cents fT’vr* ibalflinraßce Company of North AftlßElOA—Philadblphu, Jsnuary 10. 1859. iheD reofow hare THIS DAY declareda semhan naaUJWdend of SIX P£E OBNT. out of the profit* of too business of the Oomp&ny for the past slk months: and also an extra dividend of SIX PIR CENT., (ex- 1 c *i. To ,°? 'he State tax,) payable to the stockholders, 0 *? - *®present*tives, on demand. MATTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. irw^WHce'of the Union Canal Company-. IK3 PaiLaoBLpHU, January 10,1859. Ihe annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Union Cahat Company bf pennsilvania will be held at the Of. of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, Pebruary ißt next, at 11 o’clock A.M.; after which no election will be hold for, offloere «wj managers for the eostuog year The Transfer Hooka will be closed after the2oth Inst. jalVttel ' O. THOMPSON, Secretary, Notice.—At the annual meeting of the LL3 Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND NKADING RAILROAD COMPANY, held January 10, 1859, the following gentleman were unanimously elected officers for 1869: president, R. D> CULLEN. VIO* PRESIDENT. J. DUTTON STEELE. MANAGERS. fParM 8. Brown, |M. 8. Richarda, of Reading, |J. Dutton Steele 7RBABDBKR. SAMUEL BRADFORD fiBOBKTARY. W. H. MoILHENNY. Samuel Norris, G.. W. Rloharda, John Askurst, ryv=» Office of the Greoii and Contes-strect Ik? PASSWTOSB RAILWAY COMPANY, No 428 WALNUT Street. At » meeting of Stockholder! of this Company, held at fbelr office on MONDAY, January 10, 1859, the fol* log gentlemen were unanimously elected to jerre for the?toratag year: ' •> /V« PBB9IDBNT, Hon Jauks Goopbb. .*DIBSOIOKB. Hear j W. Andrews, Andrew Mcßride. B*mnol B Jones, Samuel VP. Groorae,’ James V Btileman, , Alexander M, Vox. Board of Directors, bold on log gentlemen were ananl tagyur: W. HAMBBBLY. CON»»LLY. T.IN*. • ITwry Connelly, , , Qeorge Bfeorge Oollyer, WlKrppp, gforga a. I’rafrtmry, Jr.,, H«»ry M. Juliet,' | And it of the \ the< same tliy. the folloirh njooaJ/ elected for the eaaan 3 Secretary—GKOßG-E 1 „ Traaiarer—HAßßT f floHoltor—WM. 0 KI IV» Office of file Phi, iL2 AND BALTIMORE January 10,1850 —At ad an holder* of this Company, he log parson* were elected DI! yeat: Samuel M. Felton, John 0. Groome, Monaco Robinroo, 3.3. Cohen, Jr., ' Wot. Littleton Baraga, Thorns* Kelso, , Joseph 0. Gilpin, Columbus O’Donnell, John A. Ddncan, Enoch Pratt, Jesse Lane, Thomas Donaldson, Frederick A Ourtis, j William W. Corcoran, Edward Austin. At a meeting of the Board of Directors,' held THIS DAY, BAAIUKL M. FKLTON was unanimously elected 1 President, and ALFRED HORNER Secretirrand Trea tureW - ALFRED HORNER, Jall-Ct Becretary. ilttdelphiQ, WUmlngien, , RAILROAD COMPANY, nnnal meeting of the Stock* told THIS DAY, tbe follow* tREOTORS for the eninlug (Y*S==» The Philadelphia Bank, January 10, LLSP 1869 —The UNION BANK OF TENNESSEE has deciired a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. lor the last six raohths, payable at this Bink on demand Dividends not called for iuafot months will be returned to Nash.- vllla. • Jall»2t B B. COMEQYH, Qsshler ryus* Notice.—A meeting of the Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Wyoming and Btuque. Sanaa Valley Railroad Company, for the elso* loh of DU rectos and other officers of said Company, will be held 'at the Office, 8. Wr comer SEVENTH and BANBOM Btwqte; Philadelphia, on the £6th JANUARY. inst., between the hours of 11 A. M. and2P. ML , '3 " ' BURTON KINGSBURY, } rip C COMSTOCK, > Corporators. ■* . A. P. ALLEN/ S January 8,1869 rycgaa Office of the Reliance Mutual Insurance UJf OOMPANY Of PHILADELPHIA, January 8, DirectoTß have THIS DAY deelared a diet, dend of six rxa oikt. on the Capital Btock of the Com. patty; and on the Certificates of Profits outstanding, for the year ending December 81, 1868, without deduction fer State tax, pflya&fs in cojfc, on and after the 32th lost. Also, a .dividend of situ ran oxst. payable pro rota; oh the Capital Btook and Premiums earned out of the profits of the company for the year ondlng Decern, bar 31,1868. for which Certificates of Profits bearing interest will be delivered to iha Stockholders, and to the' Insnred entitled to receive thesame, under the pro* visions of the Charter, on and after the 12th Inst. . JallMlt . i D. M. HINOHMAN, Secretary.* House, of Refuge.—-The annual meeting IXS of the Ooutributors to the Bouse of Refuge will beheld on WIDNEBDAY next, at 4 o’clock P. M., at No. 109 North TENTH titrcet, above Arch. The annual report of the Board or Managers will be submitted, and an election will be held, for officers and managers to serve for the ensuing year, 1 ALEXANDER HENRY, , January Bth, 1869. Jas*4t» Secretary H. of B. ~ ry5P» Dr. Weder’s Chestnut Springs Water IX*# OURE, at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia county, r». j.e-iy’ rysga* Office of tbo Fraobford 8c Southwark UJJ PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER BAIL. BOAB COMPANY, CHATHAM Btreet, below Fourth, Pan>ADßt>rßiAj Jan. 6, 1869.—At a meeting of the Director#, held THIS DAT, a Dirldend of BIX PBR CENT, on the capital itocc vu declared, payable to theßtookhpldera, or their legal repreßentatire#, at the oJKSttff'tfe* Omopanyroa a*& after January l&tU.'" - The TraaafarDooko will he dosed until the IB*h inet Wt OHAB. B. ABBOTT, Sooratary. rfga North Branch Canal Company.—Notice, LL$: 71*9 Stockholders of the Worth Branch Canal Opopany will hold their Annual Meeting at the office of fee Comptny, io Athens, on WEDNESDAY, 10th of January ,1859, at 10 o’olo&X A. M ' At which time and place an Election will be held for Officers of said Company, to serve the ensuing year. I>. MITOHELL, Jr., Secretary. A*HMB,Pec. 23,1868. ■ ja6-12t Jayne's Hall Prayer Meeting*—Notice Owing to a previous engagement of the Sail, the INEBB .MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETING will bebela nhtil farther notice, in the BANBOM-BrRfiKT CHURCH, (rear of the new hotel.) All are cordially invited to attend, end the meeting Is open for all to take part who are members of any Stangelical Church. d2O-tf /V-s* Safeguard Insurance) Company of New Ujf YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA, 409 WALNUT Street* Philadelphia, and 12 WALL street, New York. ThA annual meeting of the Stockho’ders of this Com* .pany, held at their office, io Philadelphia, on MON* DAY, December 13th, 1858,-the following gentlemen were eleoted Directors thereof for tho ensuing year: Jacob N. Keeler, Hon 8 B. Cashing, Francis Blaokburoe, Oharles F. Watroos, Robert P. King, A. V. Stoat, E, B. English, EUhu J. Baldwin, George 11. Levis, J A. U. Hasbrouok, Hubert R. Olark, Aaron Close, Joseph JS. Stldfeld, John M- Beach, John Prentice, IJenry Jt Foots, Edward Wiler, Matthew Kelley, P. E. Birokhead, M. Bader, ‘WiUlara K. Forbes. Alexander C. Lawrence, Daniel Mesamore, Alfred Clapp, At a subsequent meeting of the Board/JACOB N, KBELKR, Esq., waa unanimously elected President, and Henry K. Foote Secretary thereof, and Selah Squires, Efq., was appointed attorney and counsellor of this Company at the olty of New York, dIT-lm-» HENRY R. FOOTE. Secretary. 2fea jjJnbJixalwtw. POETBY OP THE BELLS*— JL POETRY OF THE BELLS. Collected by Sami. Baiahalder, Jr. With emblematic border*. TEE LAND AND THE BOOK; or, Biblical IHu'. tritlona drawn from the Mannero and Customs, the Scenesaml Scenery of the Holy Land. By Rev. W.M. Thomson, D. D. With maps and engravings. 2 vola TIIE GUARDIAN ANGEL. APcera in Three Books. By Jamas Scott, D. D. 12mo. RBADINOB FOR YOUNG MEN, MBROHANTB, AND MEN OF BUSINESS. J2mo. MATERIALS FOR THOUGHT* DESIGNED FOR YOUNG MEN lOcno THE SAINTS' INHERITANCE. By Rev. Thomas lutbtie. For sale at low prices by WILLIAM 8. * ALFRED MAUTIEN, ja!2 No. 606 OUEBTNUT Street. JCeflal Notices IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT POR THE OITY AND OOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Eatnte of RICHARD BIDDLE, deo d. Notice is hereby given, that REBECCA BIDDLE, the widow of tbe said decedent, has presented and Bled in said Court an appraisement and petition, aleftratag to retain personal estate therein mentioned, Io the value of JSOO under the Act of Assembly of April 14th, JBCI, i,ad that the same will be Approved on FRIDAY. January 21, 1860, unless exceptions be presented thereto. J H OASTbE, jU2-1447-l9* Attorney for Petitioner. J WASHINGTON MILLER, • SUCCESSOR TO HJRQUB BASS, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND 81/ANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 204 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door above Race street. Blank Rooks for Banks, Insurance Companies Mer chants, AS , of all descriptions of Ruling and Binding, manufactured to order. Magulues and other miscellaneous books bound in good style. Jal2 3t# B. LOVELESS’ 8 celved In IBfiB “ Policies, Transfers, and other " profit* 1,814 3* “ Profit and Loss, Deo. 31,18 GT. 13,616 04 „ , $302,867 08 By Losses bjr Jlre paid in J 868... 12,767 23 (> Ito-lesnrances at Baltimore and Oinolnoatt, Betarn Pre- Eoiotne, Ac 4,184 18 “ Bipeases, including Agencies and Tates, Aemafoiag with the Ooiapany., 1275,473 43 Which in invested &s follows, viz In First Mortgagee on City Pro perty, worth double the amount. u Pence. B. B. Oo.’sO perot. 2nd Mortgage Loan $30,000 00 27,900 00 “ Allegheny Co fiperot.Pennt. B R. Loan , “ Oltyof.PhJlad* 6per«t. Pa. B. R Loan “ Penna B. R 00. , s 5t00k...-. “ Stool; ot the JMlaaoe Rf. la- antanoe Oo , , “ Btoek of the County Tire In. suianoe Co “ Stock of the Delaware M. H. Insurance Oo (t Union M.lnt Co.'a Scrip.. .. { ‘ Bills Receivable “ Book accounts, ascrutd Inte rest, Ac,, • u Oath on hand.., ' $276,478 43 The Directors have, THIB DAT. declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Com ply, and on the Certificate* of Profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31, 2869, without deduction for State Tax, pjyabla In oath to the Stockholders, on and after the 12th instant. Also, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable pro rata on the Qspltal Stock and Premiums earned oat of the profits of the Company for the year ending Decem ber 31, 1868. for which certificates of Profits, bearing in terest, will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the same under the pro visions of the Charter, on and after the 12th Instant. Mo certificates will be issutd for any Uss turn than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sams less than tan dollars, and sot less than one dol lar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and If within any period of ten years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of Profit are liable, equally with the Capital Stock, for the losses end engagements of the Company, and may be converted into Capital Stock at any time, at the option ol the holder. jal2-iat B. M.HINOHMAN, Secretary. EURE AND INLAND BISKS .—FAME JT insurance coup Airy Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Aet of Assembly relative to In surance Companies, passed April 3d, 1866.) Office 411 CHESTNUT ot., Philadelphia. D'BfiOTORg. y Samuel Wright, Henry Lewis, Jr., William W. Waiters, O. B.filrny Charles Richardson, John W. Brennan, Jacob W. Stout, A. H. Rosenheim, Barclay LVppincott, Sobnß SlUeon, George A West, W. W. Knight. GBOKQH W. DAT, President. WI. BLANCHARD, Secretary jU2-y Fire association-office, No. 34 North FIFTH Street, for the-Insurance of BoJld logs, Household Furniture, and Merchandise generally, from Loss by Fire. January 6. 1869. . Id conformity with the provisions contained in an Act of Assembly, approved April 6th } 1842, the follow lots Statement of the Aestta of the Aeftociation Is now published: Bonds sod Mortgage*.. Ground Rente...,.....,,....,,..,..... Real Estate Cash in Western Bank “ Bank of Northern Liberties.,, “ on hand........ TRUSTBBS. GEORGE W. TRYOH, President, William H, Hamilton, Charles D. Hughes, Henry P. Anners, Jacob Moyer, v John Bonder, Peter A. Keyaer, Thomu S. Baxter, John Phllbin, Peter Prita, John Craig, Henry 0. Pratt. John Oarrow, jall.2t WILLTiM T. BUTLER, Secretary. Fulton* insubanoe, adjusting* AND COLLECTING OFFIOB. No. 608 OHNfiTNUT BTBXKT. Philidilfhu. The undersigned having been praotieally engaged for » number of year* In different capacities of the Insa ne ce business—for several Tears la adjusting losses excluaWely forth© Insurance Gompatieß—now offers his services to those sustaining Lois or Damage by Fire to property insured in making out their proofs of such Joss or damage in full compHanee with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insurance* In such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation bv companies so inclined* or others. Be is assisted by the beat legal counsel In PhiUdel* fihia, and will give particular attention to the Uolleo* iooof Claims against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and it has also been the experience of the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a Are ocoure, In consequence of carelessness or mismanage* meat la effecting the Insurance, or for some other cause, which, although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in any Companies desired, and examine policies effected by others (in most cases) fiee of extra charge Parties sustaining loss or damage by 6re,*as above, will and it to their interest to consult the undeisigoea as soon after the fire os possible. da24mir«L JAMES FULTON. iOToneg. dhJT AAfl and $lO,OOO to invest on Mort ©l/jl/UU gage of City Property. Apply at the Officeof , JAMBS U OABTLE, ' jal2-Qttt No. 116 Bouth FIFTH Bt. dfelQ nnn *° loan on Orat-class Gity tJP Property, in one, two, or three aums of notdeas than $4,000 May remain for several year*. . WM. MoLBAN, Conveyancer, ja!3 31* 162 South FOUATU Bt. AOA nnn TRUST MONET for invest tjpOlAUUl/ ment m first-claw MORTGA.GK or GROUND RENT. Security in one emu, or divided Into earn* of not lew than $5,000 each. 8. W TBAOKARA, 2M tout h THIRD Street. dt»l ft rkfy~k and ether amounts to loan' on Mortgage, Apply to E. B. JONES, Gonveyanoer, It* No. 120 South Seventh St.» ab. Walnut. ffliirn n/in TO 00AN, in stuns to suit up fcJ\Vjv\/vJapplicaDto, npon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Qiotblng, Ac , on mode* rate terms, by JONES ft 00., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GABKELL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 35 years. Office hoars from 7A. M to 7 P.M. dl7-lm if ©tins, JjJietols, SFt. GUN STORE I’HILIP WILSON & CO., 432 OHBBTNUT BTRBKT, Ask the attention of Merchants, Gunsmiths, and Sports men, to the very bopirior Fowling pieces, Rifles, &c. of our own manufacture, whioh are not surpassed by the best imported Guns tn quality and finish. Tfie asooTiUO qoalitiib of eaoh Gun manufactured by them will be folly guarantied. They are also regularly re ceiving, direct from the makers, a full asaoitment of the BEST GLASS 09 ENGLISH AND JRENOU GUNS, Of the celebrated stamps of Westley Richards, Moore A Harris, Purdy, Dean A Adams, Greener, PondevauxA Jussy, A 00., together with a complete Stock of the cheaper style of English and Belgian Gnus, which will be sold at the lowest market rates. ALL VARIETY OP GUNSMITHS* TRIMMINGS, such as Barrels, - Stocks, Bods, Mountings, PJsski, Gun Bags, Looks, and Lock furniture, Ely Caps, Car tridges. Wads, ko.t on thelmost favorable terms to the trade. jal3*tfelB dealer in PLUMBER S’ MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRICES, 523 MINOR STREET jalO-lm* C*OUTHWARK BANK, lo PfIiLiDVLPEiA, June 28, 1868. NOTICE Is hereby given, that «• The Southwark Bank of Philadelphia.” located in the City of Phila delphia and created for Banking purposes, with a capi tal of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, Intends to make application to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth for an increase of one .hundred and fifty thousand do'lare to its present capital itook. By order of the Board of Directors. jeBo-wed 6 man ?. P. STEEL, Cashier. /5Q 8. A. DUKE, OTWFfT DENTIST, Offloe, No 27 North TENTH Street, (corner of til bett.l d80«lm* GAS STOVE, manufactured by W. F. SHAW, of Boston, and pronounced by those who have used them a good article. For sale by jalMt ARCHER, WARNER, MISERY, A 00. A CADE MY OF MUSIC OPERA LI- X*.-BEKTTO -"-The only copyright edition of Opera -Book* published exprerßlj f or the Philadelphia A cade, my of Muio, and bearing thia diatinot copyright title, , POR HABB SVKItYWHBBB, at the reduced price of ' ' 3. KENDHIOK. ’ J»l2-6t* PIPIEHN CENTS. Sare yonr money, and buy no more twentr-fire-cent Hooka, aa the beat and moat correct edition can be oh. tsfned for OBSEBVB—This edition has red covers. Bar no others. This is also the. only complete edition of “The Bohemian Girl,” and “Martha,” in b di *. Hah. ialS U A MEBICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 4*. M’LLB PTOOOLOMINI. GARB TO THE PUBLIC. It baa baen lately the custom of Ope ratio Manager*, In flrat presenting to the public an artist who monopo lize!, for the time being, the world’s attention, to al lode to the causes of snoh a widely-spread reputation. They resort to this method, not from the illegitimate *°o»r* ot gtill farther natiog pabUe enricaltr, bnt t?f/ rOIQ ft w that the expectations of the audience might he raised to a pitch to which it would be impos sible for any artist to attain. This may serve as an ex case for reproducing extrscts, partially from musical papers. In which U’Uea Biccolomlni Is judged from a nt > ? ad Itom Bttdt journals, which, as ot public opinion, confine themselves to diene*B she produced on her immense an- [Extract from K. p. Willis's “ Idlewild” letter ] 9iata?m?hi ftrmed ideacf what a ‘ tra . {!*{* ml sht possibly look like «eutrounded,» aa the ft* 9 of A W «ESBS» biife i!r 6 ,S 6Tael £* a? 10 oreatnte who stepped forward at bIMM ft ui I Wf UtU*resem blanoe. It was even droll to see such undisguised in noeence pretending to talk and walk as wickedness would or should under the circumstances—so utterly nniUiuiTe a performance of the saint playing the sin. perinfsot, that It wae more than ever a wonder bow the exact opposite, the sinner Playing the saint, had recently been-done in New York so successfully Of school girl parity, utterly anhreathed upon, la Viola, tats dimpled face, as she came upon tbe stage, was the completest type. Her exquisite grace and elegance in fict, seemed to be of that exceedingly rare class that is unconscious and accidental. The * born Brin cess’ was evidently in her blood, and she could nothela herself, poor thing. r “ With this blemish aside, the aotiug, (of which thu daily newspapers are giving detailed and able criti cisms) was truly admirable. . I will- only mention one point of her professional skill with'which I wm par ticularly struck—the full and captivating equivalent which she gave, with a toss of her pretty fingers, for ©very note she despaired of reaching, Har voice falls short of here end there a climax: but she is perfectly aware of it, and simply so delights the eye, at that particular moment, with the bewitching grace and co quetry of gecture, that the expectant ear forgets to be disappointed! The most strenuous ‘ bravo,’ in fact, is likeliest to be heard from the audience at the point ar tistically the faultiest 4177,831 00 98,1 W 49 21,769 69 I. “ But how mo I describe whet Is Plccolomlni's «te*t ! peculiarity? ' Her mouth, -while she slcgs, plays the | most deliaous pantomime possible to conceive! The eye of the spectator Is so pelted with kisses, exquisitely represented in ft sort of ol to relievo , that it Is absolutely bowijderlßg. ■ The natural action of the' lips seems pOßjtlTty t&at, and nothing elie—Kissss, caaght and pat into harness, and made to do daty like sang words It is most difficult to realise, as one looks ana listens when she leans over the footlights—with anything of a habit of kisses “seen done,” that : ls to say— that the reat of the. audience has not mysteriously appeared, leaving the matter entirely between one’s self and her l And then the absolutely Innocent confiding’ ness of the whole play, and pout ot those pulpy, little, red lips—looking so as if they implicitly trusted and bell ©red in you, while they tried to reach you-makes it still more absolutely personal and private. “ I do not think there ever was before each an ac tresa on the stage—one who was unequivocally stamped with the Innocence of a child, while she left upon every auditor the mysterious memory of a kiss i am the bau lad says; 25,378 85 1154.600 00 19,160 00 1 Bach twe lips to sigh for, (By heralaty’s test,) Should mtke tulip s the cypher Engraved on her crest;’ 260 00 SSQ 00 30,873 43 though I doubt not that the < helmet and shield 3 of the ehiralrie Picoolomlata here a blue* muck more war like, won by their swords in those Middle Ages when they were so famous. 1 ’ 7,811 04 16,663 pa [Correspondence of the Providence Journal.] ''The little Princess tripped upon the stage, looking like a child of fourteen years, in a short petticoat looped np with cherry colored ribbons, which showed t* great advantage her pretty childlike feet and ankles. In fire minute* the eyes and heart! of * ‘ four thousand spectators” were Irrevocably captivated. !t Did she pelt them with her kisses, as she did toe poet of Idle* wild V 3 Hot oppressively. ■ * Was she a great at tlat 7” I cannot tell. See was charming in & way so exclu sively her own', that it would be quite unavailing to , talk about it. Bho was so young, so innocent, so bloom log, so confidingly frank and coquettish, and piquant, so winning, so arch, so graceful, that her presence was like a beam of morning light, or a breath of morning air. My memoiy of her, should I see her a tbonsafod times, will be always *« A Matinee.” j*ll-2t A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -tX. . ON FRIDAY, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, On SATURDAY, First and only Night of LB NOZZB DI FIGARO. CARD TO THE PUBLIC: - Mr. Uliman, pursuing the policy of his management, which is in flivor of great works by great composers, has the honor to announce that he will, on Saturday, prodace Mcsert’s oslebrated opera of“ The Marriage of Figaro.” For many years this famous production has been the choice bait of operatic management. Every successive empreasario has promised to give it, and as' constantly failed to do so. As In the case of “ The Hoguenoti,” it was reserved to him to bring out the work for the first time In America. * ' THE NOZZB DI FIGARO is a onrloeity in musical literature, in addition to being one of the fioest productions of its celebrated master Popular tradition says that it was written at the instl. gatlon of a wager, and to prove that an opera could be made to succeed without a tenor past in it. Mozart felt that nothing but the poreststreams of melody, and the loveliest creations of faney, could reconcile the public, could secure the succ&s whiohwas essential to the Issue of the wager. Certain it is that on the three characters of Susanna, the Count, and Figaro, he has expended all the infinite pathos, playfulness, and geni ality of his nature. The “None”,was preceded by *• Idomeneo,” and was followed by “Don Giovanni.” Thus connected in the golden chain of the composer’s chief works, it baa long maintained lie European celebrity; but for accidental reasons it has never been produced here. Foremost among these maybe mentioned the fact that since 'the days or Madame Sontag there has been no artist in this country capable of in terpreting the r>le of Busanna. It is fortunately in Mr. Uilmsn’s power to present the work’ with a cast which cannot be surpassed. Be refeis con fidently to the'Sasaana of AT’lie Piecolomini. as cne of her greetest impersonations, exceeding in the joyous defairof giriTaV embtloiThtFGio vanni,” and to the Figaro of Carl Formes, which, in artistic conoeption, ranks as high as any role' in which the great bassohas yet appeared* M’lie Gbtoni wiU make her debut as the Countess, and Signor Florensa as the Count. These are the principal characters on which the snocesa of this opera depends, aodit is hoped the publiowill acknowledge that theyeould not be in bet ter hands. j*ll-2t 55*4,663 00 13,200 65 11,163 SB 7,400 00 6,208 85 448 70 $693,069 99 ACADEMY OP MUSIC. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, January 14 and 16, The sale of seats commences on Wednesday. DIBUT IE rHILIDBLrBIA or Mile. PICOOLOMINI, Who wilt appear in two of her greatest characters, THIS CHILD OF THE REGIMENT, and LE NOZZE DI FIGARO. First two nights of the great Basso, CARL FORMES, 1 On FRIDAY, Jan. 14. at 8 o’clock. First aopearanee In Philadelphia of Mile. PICOOLOMINI, and CARL FORMES THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, with a complete and great cast. Piccolomini. as ...Marla. Car) Formes (fortbefirsttlme)as.;.,....The Sergeant. Tamaro (the new tenor) ..Tonio. Oondaoter ~Blg MUZIO. On BATURDAY, Jan. 16. at 8 o'clock, PICOOLOMINI and FORMES. M’LLE GHIONI, Prlma Donna from her Majesty's Theatre. London, and * SIGNOR FLORSNZA, The celebrated Baritone, from the Italian Opera, Paris, will make their first appearance in Philadelphia. FIQCOLQMINI as SOoSNNA GHIONI as THE COUNTESS OARL FORMES a« FIGARO FLORENZA,...*. as THE COUNT The other roles by Slid. BERKBL, WBINLtOH, PERRING, MULLER, MORRA, BARRITINI. Conductor.. .OARL ANOHUTZ On Tuesday M’lle PIOCOLOMINI gives her First Concert in Baltimore. The sale of seats for the first two nights of PIOCOLOMINI and FORMES commences on Wednesday morning, at 0 A. M., at the Box Office of the Academy of Music. PRICES OP ADMISSION: Reserved Seat in Parquet, Parquet 0 rcle, and Bal cony, $2. Admission to the same, with privilege of occupying such seats as have not been secured in ad vance, $l. Reserved Seats In the' Family Circle, $l. NOTICE.—The Family Circle will be united with the lower part of the house. Holders of tickets to the Family Circle will eater by the _S4me general doors on Broad street, ae those to the Parquet otrole, or Balcony. N. B.— I The entrance door to the Family Circle, in Locust street, will be invariably closed during the pre sent season. Admission to the Amphitheatre 60 cents The entire Amphitheatre has been converted into reserved seats, which may be secured is advance with out any extra charge. Entrance to the Amphitheatre as uitul. on Loomt street. ORDER OF THE SALE. On Wednesday commences at the office in Broad street, the rale of the $2 seat! for the first two nights. On Thursday, will commence the sale of the $1 seats, when likewise thes2 seats remaining from Wednesday's sole will he sold. The reserved seats to the Amphithea tre will be sold on Thursday, at the ticket office in Lo ouat street, where will be found the newly prepared di agram to tue Amphitheatre. TO SUBSCRIBERS. In answer to numerous applications from persons de sirous of securing seats in advance for the Eight Nights, the Manager begs to state, that although the subscrip tion system for so short a season as he can give, Is, in his estimation, of little or no advantage to the inter ests of the publio or the Management, yet instructions have been given to the Treasurer to receive such sub scriptions, provided subscribers Are willing to comply with the reservations which an unavoidable change of Opera, in case of an eventual sickness of an artist, or ciroumslAocea of another nature, may compel the Direc tor to make. NOTlOE—Persons desirous of subscribing for the, Season, will please apply at the Box Office, this (TUES DAY) morning, at 9 o'clock, where every Information will be given to them by the Treasurer jall-tf Hof^meibr^s COMBINED SHAFTS AND P 0 LB, FOR GABRTAGSB PATENTED SEPTEMBER 7, 1868. This valuable Invention consists in the arrangement and combination of the shafts of a carriage operating on joints that, when closed together, form the pole, so that either one or two horses can be Instantly attached to a carriage, and with more despatch, safety, and se curity than by the usual mode. It has the greatest advantage for convenience, there being no bolts and nuts to be unscrewed, whioh are so tedious and Inconvenient when the ordinary shafts or pole have to be removed or changed in muddy or frosty 1 weather. It Is the moat perfect arrangement for a physician 'a otrrlsge, so that he may attach one or two horses with despatch. ' Livery-stable keepers will find it to be most useful and profitable to their dally business; and the carriage maker Will find that this improvement will not only add to the neatness and beauty of his carriages, but increase ■ Patentee is now in this city, and will remain one week at the UNION HOTEL, ABOH Street, be tween Third and Fourth, and is desirous of selling State, Oounty, and Shop Rights. Pecaona wishing to see and examine this useful in vention, by calling on the Patentee, or at the celebrated Carriage Depository of George W. Watson, CHEST* NUT Street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, will have a fair opportunity of judging of its merits and utility, as a full and complete SHAFT AND POLE Is there for exhibition, and the satisfaction of all inter ested in the nse and purchase of the same. For further particulars Inquire of jall-St* AMOS K ilomiKIBR, Patentee. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—The sub scriber has bow on hand a large assortment of Blank Account Books, adapted to every grade of busi ness stnh as Day Books, Letter Books, Journals, Check Books, Ledger Books. Bill Books, I Gash Books. Memorandum Books, Invoice Books. Notes, Drafts, Ao. Blank Books of any siie. style of bin .log. or pattern of ruling, made to otder at short notice, and warranted unsurpassed for neatness of ruling quality of materials, and durability of binding N*-w and old firms supplied on favorable torma. LITHOGRAPHIC AND LET TER PRESS PRINTING, Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars. Strip nlnff Receipts, and every descriptions of Job Printing executed In superior style. WB. M. OBRISTY, Bt»tlonerand Printer, d2O- mw&flm 66 8 . THIRD, opposite oir*roors openat half past 6o’clock; Curtain rises at 7;o’clooh. *WTHEATLEY k CLARKE*® ABOH-ST; St!ft#» **•' BnAwrieko, Aetta, A « fi THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, January 13,1859, Asa AMERICAN COUSIN. A!£si.r£ft£ d 2i American Ooarin, Mr. J, Clarke; Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. * aJ t . - MABKS AND FACES! ®*«“*Beet# in Dreaa Circle, 6TM Jell Privet* Boxes, to Whole Mr»to Box, »a. *«*“*» «B oh, Boon ojmb »t h»U put B o’OhMks ptwlMly. .. ~ [\TATIONAL OIEOUS, WALNUT St.. i.l then EIGHTH—LEWIE B. BENT, Huuw J THIS (Wedneedmy) BTBNM9, Equestrian and Acrobatic Feats by the . ! GRAND COMBINATION OF STABS. The performance concluding with " ■ THE TRIO OF LOVERS, ■ SCALE OF PRICES. . Drew Circle and Parquette.... go eanta Children under tea years of age.* “ family Circle « ’ Doors open at quarter to T o’clock. Performance* will commence at 7#. • * SJANFSBD’S opera house, KBTiSTH Btra«t. bfltr««& Uuktt *n4 Olujiant OPEN FOR THE BBABON. Bj the It&Tgeßt Troop* of WINBTRRLB IN TBS WORLD. SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE axd itra , j .u SANFORD OHHiDBBN AamlttAoeft 25 cmti blitz.—assembly BBXLD COMEBANnNIT?TrS» C “MTSUT Streets.' COMB AND LAUGH. Come aad see tie Fannr ?®V«“ tt* Rematkable Bliti,“h» Laughing Blits, (he Popular Blits, the BHlx who makes all Happv. ’ : P*R»°BMaSO!B BVBRT BVENIHa, conuieneiDz ttW”" 41 ,Ul BiTDBIIAY ** Benefiting of WONDSBPUL HBTAMORPHOSSS, astonishing soenee in Ventriloquism. the 'Learned Rope'Saneer*’ "l 4 ** ** t *» o *d>«M|’ Exhibition of the Admladon, at oeatej Children, is oente. jsS fHHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP A THE PINE ARTS. . i No. was chestnut btrbbt, t) (Bnodaje excepted) from 9 A. »r. Admission 38 cents, Ohlldren ia oente. Shares of Stock, entitling the holder’s f*mn» to ad mission at all times, |BO. \ V dT-tf MUSICAL POND HALL.—THE GER MANIA ORCHESTRA will oomuenee their Pnhlln REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next, Hot. Single Tickets 38 cents; a package of eight tickets for SI, which may he obtained at Andre’s, AlO 4 Chestnut street; Beak *■ Lawton’s, cornerof Serenth and Chestnut, and at the door of tha HaU: The per formance eommanoat at SK O’clock P. M. ooIT-tf 1 A 8BTON>» COMMERCIAL AGENCY. 606 CHESTNUT Street. -• f . . 6,600.—A gentleman ot superior business qoaUfieftUons, with $3,600 cash In hind, with some margin to hoot, wishes to unite with one of character ? n <* capacity, io the establishment of a business wh*h - ie productive of lane proflti, with little or no *jak*. A n amount of means wiU be required of the new mao, who will be expected to attend to the booke finances, &c. • '• The agency has satisfied liseir of the'character and competency of the advertising patty, and the Value of' the undertaking, and confidently commends both to the consideration of .those who- won d make' money- ont of- I m»ans. Apply from 9toU A? M., or tom 3 u .to6*.M. - J»i2.3t* W “ ANTED—In a Dry-Goods' Commission ' Hooee. a aniArt, ocHt* LAD. from 15 to 36 tsaw SLs*2,v.^ d f* ,l > lxl of oppHoint, Box Ho. 1345, Philadelphia Poet Office. * . jinUt A YOUNG -MAN,- who has a thorough knowledge of the Wholesale Boot and Shoe onsi> aw, wishes a sltosUos as SALESMAN • Can iaflaaoee. trade. Addnssß.B. P„ Box No. 108,‘PhiladeTphiaPost Office. ,• ‘ ■ jUI-8t» Y^ITANTED—HOMES for two interesting .* * GlRLS,whese parents hare "become reduced m nironmitanees. Hart be religions families. -Address B-> atthisOfflje. Ages about lo and 13 years. Ja3l-2t» I*7 ANTED—A BOOK-KEEPEB, in a > • * Wholesale Jobbing House. .A liberal salary will be paid to one who has the proper qoal-fleation*. -Address N, A., this Office. 'jalp-St* ; IJ|r ANTED—A : SALESMAN; oaa ac f t qoalnted with the Boot end Shoe Business, and - ean influence a cash and sear trade. -Address, with real same and reference, “OALBBMAN,” at this Office. - ‘ . jalff-St*' OtfANTED—A PURCHASER for one oi TT the beet PATENTS overtoiled, and from which - $lO,OOO per jear can be realised in this city alone.* tor. fall particulars aidressß L.H..P«jjGffice, with name and address. . - - . I*lo-3**. A SALESMAN -WANTED in a Dry Goods Jobbing Home. One who is well acquainted - with, and can sell largely to the' city and near trade. - Address “Box 1879,” Philadelphia Post Office, with real name. jad*tf ij WANTED FORTH; UNITED STATES . OCAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, os carried men, to whom ’ 111 will ba giren good pay, board, clothing, and medical Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man baring a wife orohild, will be accepted.- Apply for, MOUNTED 688710 U at No. 817 MaBKRT street, tbore Eighth, north side. - I.N. MOORS, 1 *pt7-tf Ist Ljcat.lstPrsgopnSj Recruiting Officer.' SuariJinfl. A CONNECTICUT liADT, experienced in Teaching, wishes to obtain a few young ladies to board and educate, jor part'cu’art, address' ‘‘ Teacher,” at this Office, forgone week. jsl2-2t* Jfor Sale attb to £et, mO H E AP .BENTS—Two tbreo-story Brick HOUSES, with Beck Buildings, situate ou west side of NINTH Street, below Catharine. Theca Houses are in a highly respectable neighborhood, aud' the recta hare been reduced since the money pressure oTcr|looper annum. Theyare’in an elevated situa tion, in a healthy neighborhood. The low Bents make them very desirable for clerks la banks, and store keepers in central situations, who wleh'to reduce their family expenses. A 'Hoe of Omnibures, to sod from the Exchange, pass the houses every five mlttuts*, and the Tenth-street Bail road runs within one square. They are well finished, and hare aU the modern Im provements; water In the jard,kitchen and tfath house, an! gas throughout the house. They are in good re pair, and will be kept so as long as the rent Is punctu ally paid.. They will be rented to good tenaute at $225 pfir annum. The same clam ofbousee, iua more oeotral eituat on, would bring f4OOaSSOQ. Apply to . . 3 North KLKVKNTII Street, below 7ioo. PHILADELPHIA, EHOV A L . SAMUEL H, MATTSON, MERCHANT tailor, BAB BEUOVSD TO No. 11M CHESTNUT STRUT, THIkO DOOR BBLOW ITYBkHH. sp South Side, Where he Is prepared to execute ell orders in his line, having on hand a 101 l Bapply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear* SAMUEL H. MATTSON, u25-3m-lf No. 1129 CHRBTNUT Street. Removal.— the undersigned has removed to No 68 North FOURTH street, (late HENRY OOHHN’3.) second house above Merchant's Hotel. GEORG* A. HILLER, jal-lm* Wholesale Druggist. ttJatdjeß, Jewelrg, &r. Bailey & 00., rORUSBLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, Here remoTol to their new Flre-jroor, White Marble Btore, , 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE UIRARD HOUSE, Now opet&i£ Fell Stock of IMPORTED PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the public. SILVER-WAR IS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WSOLSBALB AND MTAIL. aulT-lf « JOY, COE & CO. ,a ADVERTISING AND COMMISSION AG2JNCV. 489 OHEBTNUT St., 2d floor, Philadelphia, and . Tribune Building*, New York. JOY, COE, A 00 are the Agents for the most in fluential and largely circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas They are authorised to receive advertisements and snbecriptious at the lowest p»l*i, j»7-fmAw-rp«n