i M&&- P'Sfrpr'Z-'t- to mstskyouH■.^ lfcn^ *F> If ** o«^'tiefl^<^i^iwy>Spl^ | wi|< n ww fc ( . ibir'>» imfem i raore .tHan: by-thercGntinued use of them, Jii«Jji»jj^tsaS? * trith 2 Ira^kV^ftS^@9|S®^§ ii^o^erjpatBjkpojl.lH, well ~ 'i\ .»- . tiriilff s?'’?. 5 ?'’?. v.h’* * s '- ? ; ' JffVCQUSyXV/BiTTBR^. \.\>j~, ,-' - ~- \ ‘-i, «ta»‘Six@{^^^ , §g.^v+v!f:S'kj>r-V;' , . ; i;' H.iora.SijßSimsairjWaejlitititbathatltttead , vrcei hare beta ’rec*ltWP*, tbe falc Express of.thc i French, . B aeai, wo;«e :^ii^l&^rmo4,but i .cer/«3r it Uyhoojsa l ® -• gcowbg,.^Mall'hy(Jeg?fea(and';he&nUfaiiyleB^ ,K l;No £f uutter toj : for this happy of meit ahputd'i „ “ ' bflduly : tha^rttl r ond'’ih.ooth«{?ra l pptepia\lon of.-the 7 Xindoosa bfdhrtmdflo'ce by . coatlnulngj tp; ' purchase fitothicg'gottWnp’, -'y*. t -,-^ of JB^ ;yH' BldrldgeJ Nb/S2A:Pbe«tnnt street, * FriendE.JH dU’/ ' ‘ /: '.y ■' - ly loiv, ; f - treats ' stab on nqonv ••„' . day, - ' day, the *‘Mad.‘ j?WaFea,V J-would require aTgreater; light raore e^nded^atlrtb'fiQda'olothlDger. . piorj'; closely combined than :a£ the fa»Ufonahle clothing» x b&y : . ./ saar of GrinrlUe slbXeß,-Nox-.6o7'Che»tnnt street?'' £ - (lay, at' the barr'Htona factory, ("out ruilw from Utica, N -y.', asvoral bojs waro sliding.dowp MU -on an old jumper^ThabUWahalf'/a , -inile‘ long, a'jtl'teimlaatcs at tho bridgo bvor Saquoitcroekf A< (hey reached') th6"bridgb,':the-juii!ipOTfbeoame ; &qd oamaln o6u|Hd&:>uh aifhbhU' ment, crushing, tho, breast of lAbram; Ahrend, >0 that he died ia t f6uf Ano‘ther lodj >Viliiam , Forceyi vfi*.#upvjfy&y\iib*rtQltno*{ot)t!nQ col\U. v iloni six feat pfor-tbe railing of-the* bridge on the ioo la ibecrebk, eighteen'Teet betowHHo Bastained■ . a fracture bf toB thighj had four teeth Smoked oat, and h'eaU and' - A be had ot tLo .earful.foroe . of the collision ’vrhehwe inehUon ;the> foot that the first descent (half a mite) of the jumper, as; timed by a spec tutor,'..was, made\ia %forty-two seconds. .'/-/J yjl,;. r' ;<•_ v/,'■ \ y * 1 ’<-* ; 6f f-Jie most horribiejoaVei of- degGtqtiffriand death, says* the ’■ BaUlm6reiu»-d>£.yesterday; .jwas discovered. at-* a late-hour Inst night at the'house No/- 84 Ohdst* nut street • ocoUpted hy a than named George Hill.' Officer waß told. by' sqihc worn eh' t nat' ! a Jwo man ; was ‘ - dood in'ihb;!bouio:t r He .to the ’place,-and -aH wag dark,;n6r. oo'uld ha s get any. reply though; hafrcqaeatly oalled. IlOtaenprooured a dandle. . and"exi(eredrrth«r hbuBe. and7gQiog to the book worn, and fhUf wife on a; miserably filthy pallet oh* the fioor—the womans arm-under’ the head of the mahV-whb was grossljr'intoxioated- 1 An examiuaLion’-prbrod that; tho woman' was , dead. . Her, limb&woro drawnup V and.her/ body * presented appearance* The husband stated.that.ehft.had;heeh.sick,for,eight weeks,. without mediba),attendance,and had died. about - • two o’clookyekterday&fternaorif.y;-> -- :i ; SmportntioMSi ■ | Repotted for the Press.J , <- LI Vi RPOO L-'r'y hi OlO ri & Reed, Preble—m'tes serf* aeh C W.Charchimooj SOO keg* chemical# E & P 0 Yarnall Sc Co; 100.1C8 Weschto'g powders P Lenafg; Vi do ; ClA'k A McOoaqor: ;Bpkgs haw 2 *ut.l«- Neirlin, Mar stall A Cc; B,pkg* bd* W J Hao«e)r&8oni; 4 do Field. ,;Lang'troth Sc Uo* 81 do Vance Sc Landis;,27 do BkPti -V«'olem < «n; Ha plates JasS Maion A Co;' 60 do M . - Pedriek A,Co} €OO do N Trotter Sc Co) 200 do £ 3 fitting A Uro; ,Jo;q* 28 .bis steel tsarlor Sc C0;'621 bdla hoop ir0u2312 bs>#lo39.WLs iron Morris A Jones A Co; 670 •-* bdlaboop trod>&TO»k»Bo7hdls.ol) Bobbins A Ce; 4458 bvs 26 BMahWA Col m bVra 291 bdla 058 bdis rodVW P-P6tta;.2to bwj Bta'evef &.Whittaker, 6 pkgs carth«tfware?H P A}lV q^AylM;''^B , A«bury A • -Co; I48Geo ) 2 U T BtßDs;Bpkgs njdie. tieasou Sc Son; 7 J A B Ofce: 11 g Huriisotij'r4? FSteJner A Co; 6 *htpleigh, Rue A - Co; 1 doreaebtb ) MoKlm,-;Wrighf ,'Bto's A 00, B 111 oh-' jirdaon, SbkrplesA Brb#/:H'W ■ ?ayne,-J J/VaDSjckle, Mostio A;BeduetV.r!Kf£rfer.&iLe>ghtba,'W! Brother-? . bead; 12 doaudWtcVscdacrystalii ChfteVJay A Heas; - 47 tea soda’crystals 48 pk?B eirtheßy*re, i 353 bars iron 30 Wla tfo7oB.keg9 Je/a 6 pkgrmdae order, r' " . OALAld4Jß^g^Bill6w A feet deals 3200 feet boatds 43.460 pickets 240,000 Utns QaakiU A Qalrih.; ;; V Jv.:---4 - PfIILAbEL'PHIijBOABB OP TBADB. 8. V. sfsflßioK,.,;>CoiDcnTisor ran MOnrn,- S. O. KstOHT.v'A'A kA -.7 i * .j, i.etxer-.';b'ags - .. i At thi)^XcTchttHW , :i^cf{artgc^Philadelp}iidr' ; Ba-qaeHainUtou; jacksbo.i,,'., ........ElavAna, eo'on Jlarquh Mary RtKendan.J&aDklmd^,,.'.Havana, ebin Barque Wblte;yi'it,e; ifsiliiK.,.;.i . liaga&jra> /an 13 barque sierxick.MarßßiUee. Koan -S’jhr. Woodroff fifea; Brb'(!k«;.;>f;rr.'..Viillavoaa, soori >. City of BaUtii^^';i»^VlkttV»felfe». a .:#;«*i 15.: - GlMgor^^i;7^i'{t^;SjdrkriQU*^i^i ! .Yvrr^- c .'.i3atj 22' N in? a . .'..^v’.'.vßoiiton.. Lirerpool/^v.:; :v,. Jin 26 . WAi .Y* A Jan 2T City Europ»,.Y*.*Y»,.'.K York/.Liverpool Peb 2 ': : r"v’ ; :•-.' . ' SHIPS .- Ir,1 r , .-LB*VB.i ;.,FOK ' 'YbaTSV/ Cl/eadaUn.,.#*» I }.,Gft[way..j?cfr Y0rk......../.Jail 0' Europa,.Livefpo^l.;T?eVY6rk./,.,.,,.iJan 8. Bremen.;..... .'/.Ytstemen >\Herr York. 1. /, ; r-- . Jariv 8- Aarigo...,.. ,|j)itU»gp|»n .■.Hey.Yqtk... ;,V._... Janli 1D“I1>6 tail froa New Jerk ontbe stfc ofoafclimonth. .-sW-V^'Ct IX7" TbeJlAi»aoaßteani«ra3«JiTovjSsir,,York t on ,toe Hi, lih, 12ibil7Ui/fttfd 27tkof kibH wonth/and Charles* ton. s 0, oa\tb»m«ClWh t When *m saji oa.Mpaflfy, 1 iucg6p t front if a f / -„; • . ifllorihc; Intelligence. FORT'.OP PHUiADjfJLPHIA, Jan. 11, 1859* &N H1?K3.;.. \i IB'i SON SETS, n igh WAtEB;, ;-.w. v . ..i. Brig BiHbwVWentworib,-80‘days from Calais,-with . lumber to GatkiU & Galvin; Experienced heary galea frtm W to ENB; shifted deck load and b«a*n, and haabeeh'Mver alltimes driren off the coi*^.' Vchr Old -Zaik. Bdwen,To~ ka/g Iron Williamsburg.- with-lumlwr to Giakiltjfc Qatvin. ; •- . ; Brg Zenith. DeerJhg>dacdeDai,S:&,W,Welflh ~ Brig Idas, WiUiame. s ßarhadoM,. ' .-do -- - Brig Mercury, (Be) Knight,' St Johns, KF, T P Stote •; bury. /V. v .. < , Hrlg;Sophie,(Bard) SoderßtroraiKlngston, Jam. N H Graham; ' Hchr S N 'Smith. Smith r &?atacsas, John Mason 4 Co, - Str J 3 fihriver, Denzrts;'3auimoie, A Groves, Jr: 'I " ’ [BtTßLkflaiPßrorai F&88B/j ' -/ Jan 10 - ■ The brig Indian tyqeen fr?u* Bio Haohe boned to New Tore, put iaio Nasssu 80th alt-.fn «ft,iky condition. - --?r/ V, ■ NUWfORTvit Ij Jan. 10. The schr Jun*Perkta?,froui;-sftrfolk,,bound'to New York, paUatd Nlwpcriywterday ii* dlatyewi. r; h-:- 1 ' ■ Bo'srow, Jan JO,••" The brig Oregon, irom Boston /or Bri6tirßay;vr*s to*' . tally lost near Black’ Beck, Oohawot, v laat night;! One, mao ■* : ‘'• ./ -c, • : JYahhxqtqx; ifari.-io^v- The Charleston Courier of; this morning reports thd ship Chase. rModenaffromßoa*' ton, aod acni; Ohv«.Colgate, fra,m:NewL!'York. jU having arrived. - Challenger and birque..Tl£ glnlaAAn/ftomidYferpool.'-' ' ' 'V'-'V - - - A ‘ -Nxw OfttSijfk. /anVioA; Aimed,' ships John Bpfiar,fr r./-•/ / ’.//;/ . steamship IhtYaria/Xraqbe; from New York for Him- ’ burg; at QueCnstVwh 20tb r uU, with msohinerydarcpged. -. Ship. B, L’.JDanetOouillaid, ITdays.from Savannah, arrivedat Lir‘erjjooij23d alt//-/'/; ’ V-*. Ship from Pott Townsend, WT, . arrived atLondon 22d ,V - - •A' 1 . ' Ships -Minnesota, t>eshoD, and 'Wartemburg, McLel* 1 Iso, Orleansi at.Mvarpool 2Ut oltr ’ Ship Agnes,;J6nes.‘frorij Savannah', arrived at Liver* • pool 224 : Bhip Caroline,Gnnael|7 frooi Charleston, prrtved at. Liverpool24thpit.. Ship WaooasteVnenderson, from Ban l?ranolsco, ar* rived at Looc\otf izd'nlt’“r ' .7 , " . Sbipßobitt*Hdbdb.ColtV,/ofHoorKenz tenterfidoat ward at l^hdPd2[stMlt/afld the Bcott, for, • - - • •• 1 Bombaykoii^sieiSdlA- Bbfp/oshaAM^uriu,Jilicomh, from New OrlesnS foe ■ Bambttrgfßddilff-Hd- •. . ?ca'’ Bhlp 'Jpseph^HbinseuMl W«>», from New.. Orleans for .. 7.,/..* • fchlp Baraceni'fcerry.T/om at-Antwerp 2i.t '-'V.KK-- *»,. - Ship Y^A-.Baltrier,-Johnsoo. frons .‘Callao, w»a below f. ‘ T Antwerp 32&ulfc;>8be grpunded in the river near B*Jz, afidwMcQn^defed'ind&nger.^.:;^-!! . r \ " Ship EUe B'BtUiger, Tar|tony Eer CMcutta, sailed from • ‘Llabodlitllißn'.mV- v . /-v:. !--6hip' Z«Bt : Tndl»ii, J Lecrawrfor'Jßoitdn, railed: from .. ‘CaWatta 'c-r - v'/ 1 - ; Bh 5 n JolidPraMr,-Herbert meared-at .Liverpool pr«- *v ’ SSt&afir I adel ffrla r «1*0 % ' ’ v > : Bhipa OOTjjgatneatiodYfirfiMßeewefe'loadlng atLl- TerpooVSbifi PhUadelphla L,, ■- f"-;. x ; - .:Ship . . for Sew Ode^/ v /^P^^«Wi%l(o,tk(yom > iktyftb l wbrch_arrlTed : - at ;Tiun:ddih WniiuTbik ,t)fl|fillB'an!nudd«rjhsd Cpniv' . tneceed intended to - Hght«Ahp?Pf Mfita new rudder., Baltimoxe-Sthinat. .forhlOdeTl^lro^4'A:'x^k6t^^-.'l »- .- . . ,B«(ihw^wb| 7 mj)iidf.(flew,jBl9, taM)„Bdaacbarap', . sailed (roS r 6a{tsadieSUtJDB^fi«’llfohmoad 4 'tJ'i6ad wr' '' ‘ Teriitttobdec?; 'i / 3‘' ' .Btlg:Bei»h§Sini«//orsPernainbtteo. and a market, .7 sailed, ‘. BchrVßarjrowfcO,fliaik, from oherleatonj at N York ■' ■: rireO ut Newport 8 h Ifilfc,. -.Ji vyi-:.:.'/ •i- - ■ SoHr Ejrtiee.jHiTno.Voloaroi it,New, York »oKf,.Wislohe, ficott,from QeOTgetown, Dq. ftt Ho# Bciir.Anuo; Bcnith. BmUliy»Bd-gophU'Amif-Braith, 'S;:^ t. ' thls port frotn LeSS ? 8e.m.0, rallorer bo.rl framaltf tAndwao droonod.-^'; wioj itami&MMiniiimmeMMttOtauix o«i)» 1 »«ii rBo(ti&4iil!l@SW!ißWstll«. 6M**.- wlo.dOElliotoioOj Colllnaj.iioj .0 .uttorlolUiii J, Bajiily 1 v . Bifei JBtk;,oit» .of J^m¥AMJLT.vTHE, i rHINCIPAIi*HOTEIB > WP'XO'OEB O'OLOOK THIS KO3UHMS; v 1 R-tKIBD HoUBH—oli«itoat'Wr«Btil>?]o’''.s , *“ t, ‘.. Samp.on, Mo , , K4wo 8»oip»o., Me ; Heurysaaipßon! M 9 :. p TI.» ; ob, Pm»ta, g OhiJ W. Mortis &1», rhllaMeater Moiria. PWla l Myep Mrera, NO.:' , Joseph iifj «.« *• Henry tftefmaoi NT . Jos Brokao &4ad/, NY. Henry. N Mott, NT ..1 .H Bekman, : NT DE Haneoo, N O . . Brink Bodge, Jr, N Y L B Snow. liofltoo v M(m Ogle, .Del ■ < * A Nicolls, Beading « t BWSejmoti?; Lltcha©ld,Ot,M Field A lady, N.J RN Briley, NT.,, ,< . M Malune.vP*- P Post, N Y IV A Dari-, LoiilßTille T J-Yorke, NJ; _ -17 H Bober,two, Va F Barry, Washington LaughUn,'Philk K Wise, N.Y •- W>Brßsmbo. Norristown, Mrs Smith, Pa potts; Rofrlstowh iL Longeneoker, Lano&sfer, co ' J F Slater, Conn :WAfilatcr, RJ. . , J WNlcholls, Harrisburg '>fr,Gine,tt, N Yr.-M ,-: ; ,; . C lTatfortu. Palersbn, N J T C Mitchell, N Y ;iohn Haigh,England .• ■;W-0 Grear,N-Y- . '.G;I< Dayniel A laj H'Y * jaa Julian, N Y WjGriDoell, fcotlandv, yHtEe/oiour, N Y 4 Goy;Johbaton, Plttaburg ' Th’oa Johnston, Pittsburg . x GedS’SeUen, FftHburk } ‘ ’.\3 p t Evah«;,N Y. , . 'BL H MltoboU, N Y ' 8 Hamilton.,Baltimore -k‘Li raisoft.'N Y 5 Making, StLouii , , : StßutoD, Phila ’ WURyau. Baltimore Dean, BaUunbrel* t R A Young, Virginia ' I’d Pink, NY" ' Jaa Phelp, London . 3 ffTingley AIaINHT ’BH O’chtHtee, NY :WP Boardmaa, AlbVny * > 8 Mahon, Washington 'f O Hires,’ Washington. JDr W A Wetherbee, N Y r oh4s O Hudson, N r s aiBROHANTd* HOTBIH-F»rtbi st., below Awh. -1 JBsrger, Rath” M'-WOHaydeniOalifornia- JW Rroom/NY W Websfer, Mass . VleXßoes, Chester co, / , B B.Lewis/Pehna . \Dr F M Hefster, Biding . E A Phelps, Conn. J A Head A.lady, Pepna, . ; n S-Wether,Jl. Penna - it 8. Gara, Lancaster ‘ A'W.Busselli Lancaster % 'Soh Asa Packer, Penha '• D Barnet, Venna >. IVN Atwood, Penua . o.M-Babcock, Penn Haven JBejuoldß. Penna \ ..G.gtnderson, Soxantou .P Dafciel*. M«sa ' " J.Van Valkinbarah, N Y -O'WarrearN/Y > - WmH Langley,Ohio . , AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut ab. Fifth. Hon 8 Arnold, Conn ' GNew Jersey J O Mnlford, New Jersey R A-Henton,Tamaqua, Pa Ohaa Vernon,’ New York Chaa Ideokley, Allentown Finnk Day, Maryland L BobiusOD, Atlanta, Ga ' Benj Lewis, Baltimore H K Lewis, Baltimore . NATIONAL HOTEL—Bade street, above Third: L Tem'ptfn; Reading B Baaeh A neics, Pa .H J Headier, PottsviUe 11 Jos Whitaker, Mi Clare •D Focht.-Phtla QJ Rauch, Pa Jas.Youog.Stfoudßbarg H Waltsr, Pa P B Medlar : N Y John F Helnit'h, Pa W-VMennlg, PottsviUe. 8W Shirk. Lebanon’ Geo P Whitaker, Md • Josbna Bryant, Md Edw Desbler, Easton,Pa H J Young, EaatonV Pa 'M.OONT VERNON sV, above Arab M A Cox, Montg’y co, Pa Wm F fibannoo, Del Jno Chapman, N J GW Rmruert, Va M Jobn&tODf.WUni’ny Del J.llapgood. St Loot* OP Stockton Del . G W Del T J Stewart, Bor’n, N J M A Wood, BurUugta, N J MADISON HOUSE—Seoond et., below Arch, ,W«ntt AlienßaltPeter L Cosard, Balt Jr.o Smalley, Pa ‘ JnoG Dunham, Pa L W Stout, Pa Danl E Wood; N Y WraJ Betl, N k ' And N Cop.ns, N Y D J Bd* 8 * Waynesburg, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. W W nankin, Burlington. Jas Scott, Louisville T.W,Hu»bands, Del - D Kimble, Chester oo T Cd&trs; Lane co 'A Kimble, Chester oo Jas Watson,'Chester co J S Kirk, Chester co G.Ppeakman, Del 00, Pa John Beatty, Del 00, Pa D Rnpp, tinmb co, Pa H Jackson, Chester co Alex Made, Pa' J D Shafpley, Chester co Amos Sbarpley. Chester co This PhU'ips, Chester co tfl PblUlps, Chester co Wm Steward, Berks co Geo W Price, Pa ’ L Howell A la, Chester oo W J Woodward, Chester co O Marshall, Chester oo BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowhill, Geo W Grant, Beading Francis RB'yel, Pa John Albright, Easton F Boyer, Bethlehem Andenon Oalvin, Easton Philip Beese, jr, N J - 'BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third st., ab. Oallowhill Jessd Behl6tt*ryVP&; • W B Fogol, Lehigh eo, Pa Mahlon Artman, Zipngyille John Bechtel, Pa BABLBY-BHBAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. O B Bill, Montgomerr oo L B Frita Hatboro R Brown. Brownsbnrg |H Gilbert. Brownsbttrg S Bels, Pa Jas Butchrr. Pa S Watson; Pa - J Hicks, Newtown - < M O Ely, Whitehaven A R Haaselton, Lambertv ■ E Crcdsdate, Pa T Roberts A la, Byberry gQ-Tyeon,.Byberry. -. Jesse Comfort,Attleboro i V Special Notices. A Public Singer Cured ol Bronchitis of JLong ST4NDING., i - ' PniLiDswEßAj May 17,1868, D*. Ol M. Jaoxsos,, 5 '** ~ . -DtdfJßir: Thanksto HOOPLAND'S BAL> BAiUd lam now,l believe, thoroughly cared of that .sofeness v in tljo lhroat which has dis. 'tressed ine for sd'uaoy'ye&rs;, You may not know that I dependent :Upon;.my salary as-leader of a 'ehoirYor a subfiLtsnce. About'eight years *ioj I first in^the,',thtOftyjwmoh; P ».up>o4ed it ;%Ofbnt pVtafol as' to me, for s'ilme, .from filling my I therefore drslkted froih all vocal exorcises for a month, when my_ thioat became bitterj tleiuming again'/tho screhess returned with increased violence.. ! now had recourse to medicAl ad yice;-and alterwards' t> eevora! 1 advertised remedies, with but slight effect:. "Despairing‘Of a cure, I relin quished my situation, and had turned my, attention to Mother bunlners, when one of your^circulars fell into my haodsi I determined to try the Cordial, and bought a bottle with could.not see' that I was any better/ affer taking i t,ye t’d e ter mined to persist. I ac cordingly fought a second,'and soon after a third bot tle,' by;wh!eh time*l felt so muoh better, that, though I douidsoarcely afford it, I determined to purchase a half /doren;; Wh«h I had taken the sixth bottle, I felt that T-Wsa f eured, and-I have taken no more sines. Fix mo'nths have passed away, and I have felt no roturu of the disease. - 1 have recoined my old situation, and the future looks bright before me. I think you are entitled to thlscertlficate—it is at your service. , t 45; Prepared only by Dr. C; 11. Jackson, 418 Arch St., Phi* Udelphiaj And. for sale by draggiste and storekeepers throughout the United Staies and Canada., Price 75 cents per tattle.. , ‘ janlO-itdltW A New Article lor the Hair* \COOOJNE. ■/ , / COCOINB, OOCOINB, .. lathe best and cheapest oil for dressing, curling, and -preserving the halrin nee; “ Pnpoto4 by PHALOH & SON, 617, 407, and 107 .‘and sold, by all-Lroggista aad Panoy Goods Dealers. - Pint Bottles, 50 Cents; Half Pints, 25 Cents. ,J ’ ~ ‘ Tt "B. PBTERBON & BBOTHEBS, 300 Chestnut street/wboleeale agentn'. janll-tf Preminnx Pcriamery, comprising £au laub- TKALB, £AU ATHBNIBNNfi, BAG DIVINB DE VBNUS, NYMPH SOAP, VEGETABLE. LIQUID HAiajDYB/ of all kind«/POMADBB, 008 Mj2PIOB,-'PBRPd'MBB, r&c., with a grest variety of Paxor-Goons. Sold by all Drugginta, and by JULES HAUJSL & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, No. 704 OHB3TNUT Street, Philadelphia. . jalO-Ct - A Word to the Wise* —ln purchasing fuel, the principal object to be gained is, to obtain an article that vrjll produce the greatest amount of heat with the least pOMlble write.' The Coal that most effectually com bines these qualities, and, therefore, the rnoqt etonomi oil, is the Hickory, sold at the lowest cash at DEACON & NEWS ALL’S FAMILY COAL YARD, No &S 5 north. BROAD Street, below OALLOWHILL. Orders by despatch; or left at No. 89 south THIRD Street) promptly attended to. ; jaB*oWt Farrel 9 Herring, & Co.»* Safe in Norrlstewn I ! NonaiBTOWK, Dec. 31,1858, : I--MBB3RB. PARREL, HERRING, 4 CO.-Gent/e - Champion Fire Proof B»fe I ordered from joa a few weeks ago has been received, aud gives perfect satisfattlon. lam pleasid with its appearance, both as a safeguard against lire and a protection from burglars. The Hall’s Patent Lock, with its wrought* 'iron cap, seems to bd impervious to any attempts which could bo msde wiib gunpowder, and the inside burglar safe Is the most complete I §ver saw. ’ r At tbs time my old Safe was force) or broken into, a rival (?) concern is your city besieged tae to exchange with them for a Safe of larger site, which they repre sented fo be bote fire end'burglar proof.. Not suppos fngiiieymeant anything but'an honorable use of the old*,. Safe, I’consented. On the'receipt of the Sa f e, which they sent rae, I was much disappointed, as I do , not b9)ieve that their Safe is at secure against thieves a&the old one I relumed tu them, and this opinion is shared by all who have examined it: In your Safe I have every confidence; and, indeed, ts appearanoe spe >ks for itself.. , I ‘ . Respectfully yours, V; ; . * » JOSEPH PIZONB. - s P. S.~ln jufltlco to the old Safe, I will - add that it was intended simply as a fire proof one, with the usual protection- agalost rogues that such Safes ordinarily hav4.‘ : It was made in New'York many years ago; I purchased it.second-hand, audit wis net either your make or your patent, as has been erroneously reported. / PARREL, HERRING,"STcO.’S PATENT CHAM PION SAFES,.the only Safes made in this City which havV, never been robbed by borglars or had their con tents destroyed by accidental fires. .i PARREL, HERRING, & Co,, Makers, - ’• 4 ! 130 WALNUT Street,bolow Second.--' FAOXOAY-rWillow street, above Broad. _ ' s ’ jaS-saiiu&th MffoV 9*o, S5O, 550, 050, 860.- SINGER’S.; SEWING MACHINES.—PRIOBS RE DUOKD.-~A_ new end elogant Family Sewing Sfa* chine for fi3, and the general eoald of prices greatly reduced; All who want> eubstantlal, simple, aud re liable Sawing' Machine, which haa an established repu lAtioii; tor doing the very best work on every kind of materiai, are invited to call at our office and oxarn’me the nowlmachines, at the reduced prices. They can ;not fall to be aatiiAed’. - . M. SINGER * 00., • ■ l ko24Jaa- r! - r ' ;No. fioa CHESTNUT Street. '-/Saving Fund.—Ptve Ber Gent< interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT flfewt, - of T&IK9, Philadelphia. Money received 7 in'aiyr cum/; large or ; smari, and interest f p*H terom the \day, qf deposit'to. the day of withdrawal. .Mosey ft received and payments.made daily, without notftez iThe;.investments are made fn Beal Estate, Rents, and’ loch flrst-olass seourl- Office hours'; from do’clook ln until 6 o’clock in theafternoon, ndon 8 o’eiooft, r«o Tmlj jour*, 0. S. GARRETT; OOCOINiS, Kefimen’a Saving Fond—Northwest Corner -of; - 8 efeondi' d 1 in small and. large amoontp, all .claaseji, of tho community, and allows Interest at.the rate of five .peroent.peraunum.-; ! ’• i ' r ’ Money may be drawn by oheoka without loss of Inte reat.: •• = Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 ‘ln tho evening. 1 President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary,,Chari## gh Morris' . Window Drapery, j DROOATELLE. BATIN -DAMASK, BATIN DE LAINH, WORSTED DAMASK, { REPS, MOBEHVfI, AND PLUSHES, Together with ail the trimmings appertaining to the Curtain trade! » Owing to tho latoness of the season, we will close out our heavy Curtains at’greatly reduced rates. . Curtains cut, made, and pnt np,' lower than prices elsewhere Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every desorlp .tlon, bought at auction, aod selling at half the usual price. ' Window Shades, .Gold -Bordered, .Landscape, Gnthlo, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil Cloth, at whole sale and retail. - i PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, attend tho funeral, from her father’s residence, No 826 Marshall street, this (Tuesday) af ernoon. Fune ral service at fit. Jude’s Church, Franklin street, above Brown, at 2# o’clock. * Suddenly on tho 9th instaut, at the Cherry street Widows’‘Asylum, Mrs. OAROLINK AITKIN, widow' cf tho late ROBERT All KIN, iu the 80th year of her age. Her relatives, and the friends of the family, are par ticularly requested to attend her funeral, from the resi dence of her nephew, F/aocta Clinton, N0.7i7 Christian street, tuls (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. # On the morning or tbo Othinßtant, JUHN’iIARPEL. Bis relatives and friends are respect'ully invited to attend his funeral, on Wedneaiay afternoon 12*h inat., at 1 o’olock, from Dr Bowberger'fl Church, Race Btreet, below Fourth. Funeral services in the Church. # You want-pictures for your parlors, get LkJj Lhe-s ze Photographs in Oil. You want pictures tor jour irleods, get Ambrotypes at RKIMEU’S GAL LERY, SECOND Street, above Green. it* iyrs=* Lectures upon the Female Organism.— Mrs 8. U YOUNG. M. D., at the urgent solici tation of many Ladies will re, eat ber private Lectures to Women at Sftnsom-stratt Dal), WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, (January 12th and 13th,) at 2% o’clock P. M. tfubjeot of the First Lecture—“ Female Organ* irm and its Diseases,” illustrated by splendid French Models, (life size,) Diagrams Skeleton, Ac. Subject of tbo Seoond—■“ Utero Gestation,” Illustrat ed by tbirty-twodilfrrent beautiful Models, showing tho various changes from the first op to the termination of the period. Admission, 2a cents Jall-2t* rft s=» Office of the Insurance Company of North Lk-3 AMERICA— Philadelphia, January 10, 1859. The Directors bavo THIS DAY declared a semi-an nual dividend of BIX PER CENT, out of the profits of the business of the Company for tho pastels months: and also an extra dividend of BIX PER CENT., (ex clusive of the State tax,) payable to the stockholders, or their legal representatives, on demand jail Ot - MATTHIAS MARIS, Fecrotary. Brie and Susquehanna Coal Company.— An adjonrood meeting of Stockholders will be held on SATURDAY. January 16, next, at 10 o’clock A. M, at Mitchell’s Offlc*, No. 134 Sjuth THIRD Bt, opposite Book, on business of importance An elcctioo will also be held for President and Direc tors A full attendance requested. By direction, jall-tuth&B’St* O. ADAMS. ry*:v-» Office of the- Uulon Canal Company— Philadelphia, January 10,1869. .The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the "Union Canal Oomprny of Pound l lvanU will be held at ihe Of fice or the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, oa TUESDAY, February Ist noxt, at 11 o’clock A.M.J after which an elec ion will be held for officers and managers for the eoading year - ' The Transfer Books will be closed after the 20th lust, jall-tfel . O. THOMPSON, Secretary. ry-==> Notice.—At the annual meeting of tlie Ijj? Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND DWADING RAILROAD COMPANY, held January 10, 1859, the following gentleman were unanimously elected officers for 1869: , , PRESIDENT, R. D. OULLEN. VIOB PBBBIDBNT, J. DUTTON STEELE. MANAGERS. Samuel Norris, | David S. Brown, 6, W. Richards, ibl. 8. Riohards, of Reading, John Athurst, |J. Dutton Steele. TBHASOfIBH. SAMUEL BRADFORD. SBORBTAHY. W. H. MOILHENNY. jall-Ot THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1860. rwrsgr* Mercantile library Company.—The un 'LkS? 'derSJgced members of the Mercantile Libri ry Company, hailrg entire confidence !q the present dlreo* tion, and in the gonera! p.licy Under which the inßtltu tion grown up, and deprecating the effort now being "made t® create a prejudice against the hoard of Direc tors, on .Various pretexts, ma'nly for the exercise of their undoubted right *o exclude from the Library a luag-aiue of acknowledged infidel tendencies, andde s'rlog that the Icsue may bo met In the form in whioh the opposition hive challenged a contest, viz., the re storation‘of the obnoxious Review respectfully call upon the Board, as representing a p 'in-ipU, to publish a'Statement Betting .forth the principles upon which they hayo acted in administering tho trust committed to thenj by the stockholders, Pnu,ADRLPHrA, January 4 John Laidner, Jr., Charles B. Darborrow, George Abbott, John Hparhawk, Samuel 0. Morton, Pflinuel T Bodine, Richard S, Smith, Charles W. Onehmah, . Charles Worts, ; George C Lancaster, J. T. Way, , Lewis 11. Bedner, rniLADBLPUU, January 7,1859. Gentlbmbn : Your communication of the 4th Inst., to the-Beard of Direct*rs of the Mercantile Library Company, referring to statements in circulation among the members, reflecting upon the Board, is received, and the undersigned—a committee appointed for the purpose suggested therein—beg leave to reply; That while the Board were cognlzantof, and regretted the existence of taose ropottt, as they originated, and were publicly asserted only through anonymous com. rnunicatlonsin tho newspapers, and had never been ofll» cially brought to their notice, they had not folt called upon to make any formal explanation. As far os they can learn, the charges against thorn as sume the following thapp, bated chiefly on the dUcon tinuance of the Westminster, fieview:, That an attempt is being made to give .a sectarian character to the IN brary, not contemplated by its founders, by withdraw, ing certain books already on the shelves, and purohas. log largely of those having particular tendencies in a religious point cf view; and that the discontinuance of the subscription to the Westminster Jieitew was sn arbitrary and uncalled for exorcise of power on the part of the Board 'While the present Board and their predecessors hare always considered that no lib ary could be. complete without come Attention to the religious department of literature, and have purchased, from time to time, woi k Committee. OLAUDIUB B. LINN, S To Messrs. Lewis H.Bcdner, John W. Sexton, Jehu Lardner, Jr , Ao , Ac. Xt rvT?aMeycDntlle Library.—Shareholders, read tho COMMUNICATION in the JYorfA Amtritdn of to-day signed “ A.,” in feply to the manifesto of » tax boakp n Election this evening * It* rysss* Office of tbe flreen and Coritea-street LkJ* PAB3KNGAB BAILWAY COMPANY, No 423 Walnut street. At a meeting of Stockholders of this Company, held at their ottce on MONDAY, January 10, 1859, the fol- Ing gentieinen were unanimously elected to serre for the ensuing year PRESIDENT, * Hos. Jambs Ooopsr. DIBKOTOKB. Harry Connelly, Henry W. Andrews, George Read, Andrew Mcßride. George Oullyer, Samuel Ji Jones, Eli Krnpp, Samuel W. Uroomo, George G. Preabary, Jr., James F StUeman, ‘ Henry M. Pallet, Alexander M. Fox. And at & meeting of the Board of Direotors, held on tlio same day, the following gentlemen were annul moaflly elected fortho ensuing year: Secretary—GEOßGE W. HAMEB9LY Treasurer—ll AERY CONNELLY Solicitor—WM. O. KLINE Mly,eiected Presided, and AUftsb HORNS K Seoresirr and fru* tarer. ALFRED HORNER, jall-flt . • , Secretary, ry7==* The Philadelphia Bank, January 10, 1859 —The UNION BANK OF TENNESSEE h*s declared a dividend of FIVE PER GENT, for tho last Biz raohtha, payable at this Bankon demand DlvidecCs cot called for in six months nil! be returned toNash vllle. jatl»2t 11 D COMEGYrt, Cashier r Spring Garden Institute, N, is, corner LLS BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Pfcreots.—The next lecture of the course trill be delivered on TUES DAY EVENING, January llth. at 7jf o’clock, by WILLIAM B. MANN, Erq. Subject—“ Bruce aud .the Battle of Panncckburn.” Tickets, 20 oents, tr bo hod at the door. ja!o-2t Notice,—A meeting of the Subscribers to tkj? the Capl'al Stock of the Wyomicg sod Susque hanna YalleyißaUroad Company, for the elec ion of Di rectors and other officers of said Company, will be held at the Office. S W. comer SEVENTH B&d BANSOM Streets, Philadelphia, on the 261 U JANUARY, inst., between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. BURTON KINGSBURY,) O t/OMSTOOK, > Corporators. A. P. ALLEN. ) January 8,1859 Office of the Reliance Mutual Insurance (Jjj COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, January 8, 1859.—The Director*! have TUIB DAY declared a divi dend of aix pen chut. on the Oapital Stock of tho Com pany, and on the Certificates of Profitsnutstandiog, for the year ending December 31, 18f 8, without deduction far State tax, pay *bh f» cash, on and after the 12th ioet. Also, a dividend of pivb run oxnt. payable pro raia, on tbe Capital Stock aod Premiums earned out of jhe profits of the company for the year ending Decem ber 31,1868. for which Certificate* of Profits bearing interest will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to tbe insured entitled to receive the aime, under the pro visions of the Charter, oa and after the 12th inst j*IO-6t B. M. litKCHMAN, Scoretary. Lecture.—The Rev. J. L. Burrows, D, Lkfs D,, of Richmond, Va., will deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Northwestern Young Men’s Christian Association ou TUESDAY EVENING, 11th inst., at 7# o’clock, in the St Mark’s Lutheran Church, Spring Garden street, above Thirteenth. Subject—l‘‘Christi anity Essential to Democracy.” Tickots, admitting ono parson, 26 cents; admitting gontleroau aud two ladies, 60 cents, and which cau be obtained at the Lutheran Book Depository, Arch, below Eighth; at the Presby terian Pub'icatiou office, Chestnut, bolow Ninth; at the American Baptist Publication Society. Arch, bolow Sixth, and at the door on the evening of too lecture. ja3-at» rv-TsarHouse of Refuge—. The anuunt meeting U-3 of the Contributors to the I)ease of Refuge will be held on WEDNESDAY next, at 4 o’clock P. M., at No. 109 North TENTH Street, above Arch. Tho annual report of the Board of Managers will be submitted, and an election will be held for officers and managers to serve for the ensuing year, alkxandbr henry, January Bth, 1859. ja3*4t# Secretary H. of B, rvTjba* rne anniversary of the. Indigent and IJJJ Siugle Women’s Pociety will be held at ihe Asy lum, at 12 o’olock, on THURSDAY, January litb. The Rev. Dr. LKYBURN will preside at the meetlog. j*B 3t iys»i Hr. Weder’s Uheitum Sprlugs Water iJs.3 CURE, at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia county, Pa. j*B-ly >vTy* Office of the Fraukford fc Southwark IL2 PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL ROAD COMPANY, CUATUAM Street, below Fourth, Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1859.—At a mooting of the Directors, held THIS DAY, a Dividend of SIX PER CENT, on tho capital stock was declared, payable to tho Stockholders, or their legal representatives, at the office of the Company, on and after Jauuary 16th‘. The Transfer Books will bo closed until the 30th lost. jafi-ot cm AS. R. ABBOTT, Secrarfcaty. ry7s?=* North Branch Canal Compuny.—Notice* 11n5 The Htockholdors or the North Branch Canal Company will hold their Annual Meeting at the office of the Company, in Athenß, ou WEDNESDAY, 19th of January, 1869, at 10 o’clock A. M At which time and place an Election will be held for Officars cf said Company, to serve the ensuing year. D. MITCHRLL, Jr., Seoretary. Athens, Deo. 23,1853. ja6-12t At a meeting of tho Stockholder* of the LLS GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, held at their office, No 416 WALNUT Bt., on the 4th inat, the followiogofficersand directors ware chosen to serve the ensuing year: PRESIDENT, Joel Jukes VIOJS PRESIDENT AND TREASURER, Altrvd 9. Qillbtt. SECRETARY, Jambs b. Alyokd. DIRECTORS. Goo. IF. Woodward, Chaa. I. Du Font, A. 8. Oiliott, W. 0. Rudiuan, 11. N. torrongbs, A. S Lawreaco, J B Hughes. Job. Klapp, tau Coburn Joel JottOß, Wm M. Swain. John Anapaob, Jr., yranoia Poters, II it,Ooggehnll, Jno. W Olaghom, Jar. Walbor, 2'hofl. Graven- John Bochaj jiB-tbs*tu-6fc ry<=» Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice UJ? OwJngtoaprerlonsengagement ot theUoU, the BUSINESS SINN’S UNION PBAYER MBKTINdwill bo hold until farther notice, in the SANBOM-STIiEET CHURCH, (rear of the new hotel.) All are cordially invited to attend, and the mealing in open for all to take part who are members of any UyADgolleal Ohuroh. d2O-tf Safeguard Insm Iks YORK AND PENNi Street, .Philadelphia, and 1 Tho annual meeting; of th< paoy, held at their office, j DAY, December 13th, 1855 wore elected Directors there Jacob N. Keeler, Francis Blocfcburne, Robert P. King, 35. 11. English, George U. Beyls, Hubert R. Clark, Josephs. Stldfeld, John Prentice, Edward Wiier, P.E.Blrokhead, William £. Forbes. Ityniel Moflatnoroj At & subsequent meeting KEELER, Esq., waa unant and Heuty R. I'oote Seci Squires, Esq., was appointed this Company at ttxo city of ] di7-lm HENR: \V,e particularlysolicit the attention of IK-3 Railroad officers to tbe advertisement headed tl Railroad Dangers.” It Is plain, .direct, forcible, and honest, and ' should arrest the thought of all Railroad officials. The improvement there noted has been thoroughly tried; some hundreds of the machines are in ÜBe in *ll the cars of some of our best managed Hoes ; and it is the opinion of all -who have examined it that it wiU be universally used. It is offered on the most favorable tenna RAILROAD DANGERS.—For the last twenty years, or perhaps frince tbe system of Railroads has been es tablished ft this country, there hate, ihailprobability, been losses by oc Went to the extent of twenty millions of collars. These have boon clear, absolute losses to thecomrauqijy—as much so as property destroyed by fire or suokln the ocean.' But these disasters have been’ of a peculiar character, and, in the main, notthosoof fire or flood; they have arisen from the ordinar* con ditlonsof arailroad train in progress: they have been caused by-tho inherent momentum that is a necessary property of matter In motion. ‘ A Ballroaa.Tralo is exposed to peculiar danger from tbU cause. Its traok of iron and level grade axe bath .made for the purpose of allowing Its free progress, and tbe very esse aud freedom ofmotlon aggravate the danger of momentum. (,1859. William H. Andersen, William Purvep, William O.Luawlg, • William L. Dunglmson, Thomas Latimer, Ambrose white, JohnW. Sexton, Charles M Morgan, Samuel Work, Jo-epb A. Uremcr, George H. Stuart. - • Again, a-.Rftjlrcftd is intesded as a means of rapid, tran-lt for persotg and property, and the component parts of a loooraotive and ears for travel on rails rapidly, are made necessarily heavy and strong—if otherwise, they would soon shake to piece#. It follows, then, that wqiuhtj ease Of motion freedom from obstruction, and rapid transit, ell conduce powerfully to create momen turn From accurate calculations it is foetid that the effective motttatum of a train of six oars and au'eoglne is equal to aforoe of 700 tons. The truth of this state ment iS painfully self-evident at a sudden cot’isioa or obstruction. *fhis FEARFUL DANGER WHICH IB BVER'PBEBBNT to a train is only partially recognised by Railroad officials’.' It is, howovor, understood to (oiiio extent, and each car is provided with brakes, or blocks; arranged- to press agaicst the wheels by the action of the brakemao. This plan works very well for the usual stoppages of a'train, when sufficient notice is given to thd orakeman by the engineer; but for those cases of danger Which have arisen,-and-will arise, in spite of the sgost rigid scrutiny, it is notoriously ineffi cient, as ail experience proves. . - It is of no use for an officer to say that nothing can happen to opr ” train There is not a moment that a train is id motion but that It is exposed to dangers which 0 perfect control would prevent, and there should net be an instant of time in which a train is running, but tbat the flcUlties should be at band for an instant, simultaneous’pad powerful application of the retarding appliances of every car. It is not the custom on many roads to employ more than one br&kemin to two or three cars, and on some not more than one to four or flvo cars The laws of some States require a brakemaa to each two cars Wo bold that there should be oue to every car, and that a mechanical brakemaa is vastly more reliable than one of flesh and blbol. During the last few years an invention has been made and perfected by the undersigned, the object of which is to place all the braking appliances of a train in readi ness fop prompt and united action. The'closest atten tion that we nave been able to bring to bear on this sub ject, and an analysis of the various accidents that have occurred,'lead moat conclusively to this result, via: that the me&fts should always be at hand throughout the train to arresfthemomentuul at every point where it exists \'2 Tftyt the"Bfagine'man, from his station, gene rally sees the obstruction or danger first, consequently he should be enabled’, of his own volitfon. to apply in an Instant every brake; 3, The liability io accidents from bieabirg of wheels, axles, rails, chairs, accidental separatiots, >nd defections at various points on the train render'it of the first importance that every bar should have its own retarding appliances perfectly inde pendent in action of any other. Hundreds of contri vances have been made in the way of continuous brakes, none of wbioh have over attained a perfect success—tbe necessary complicity of adjustment, and tbetotal failure of such a contrivance, often at the very moment when most needed, are insuperable obstacles to the success of puch a device as a means of guarding against, and miti gating all the accidents to which a train is expos d The invention referred to consists in the attachment of a re served power to the. brakes of each car, placing them all in readiness for united aotion, either from the en gine or any point on the train. A description of the meohanism Is unnecessary at this place; suffice it to say, it is extreme simple, and perfectly efflolent, and full and detailed engravings and description may be found in ourciroulars, to be had on application at onr office. , > . ' There is another, and,perhaps the strongest,, point In favor of the adoption of this precaution-namely, its Si eat cheapness. For instance, take a road owning, sty, fly carsthe first coat, at our present price, would be $6,250; the interest on this a t omit at 7 (or say 9 per cent, whloh is nearer tho rate that railroad companies 6 ay for ihe us* of money) la $562 per year. A ootnpany iviog this attachment to their cars would .save the wages of at least three brakemtm, Which would be, say, $9OO a year; while the simple insurance against acci dent to life and property which such a precaution would give would be worth at least half the cost of the im provement. We submit that we make out a strong case in favor of (he adoption of such a security. And now, then, in ooiiclusion, we odd tbat some hundreds of these Machines are in use in the United States, and they are on the whole passenger stock of all the following roads, to any or allot tho officers of whioh we refer all parties interested. In place of certificates, of Which we have plenty: Hudson River, Cleveland and Toledo, Terre Haute and Richmond, Old Colony and Fall River, Jllcbi chigan Central, Panama, &o. Further than this j We will fdrnish the machines for ALL TiiE PASSENGER And baggage cabs of any road, and give EACH COMPANY FOB ITSELF THE OPPOhTU NITY TO TEST ITS VALUE, FREE OF CHARGE. WE WILL GIVE FOUR MONTHS’ TRIAL BBfOBE SETTLEMENT, AND EACH COMPANY BHALL BE ITS OWN JUDGE OF ITS VALUE. Can WE do more than this ?- And does not every officer assume a FEAR FUL RESPONSIBILITY who neglects for a moment suoh an offer? We do not make this offer as mere mean ingless talk, but WE MEAN IT, JUST EXACTLY AS IT IB EXPRESSED. This device will give an amount of security to a train that Is impossible wi boat it; and no company heed say “We know nothing abont it, 11 or “It Is an-experiment of doubtful utility,” or, “it is untried,” &c, Wi* do not ask you to incur expense or bay patent rights; we offer you merchandise of tried, perfected, aud warranted value. We rhall send a copy of this advertisement tb the office of every Company in the’ Union, and solicit oh their part a recognition of the merits of this improvement, and the extraordinary low And favorable terms on Which it is at present offered. The universal, use Of this device, however niuoh it may benefit us, Will promote the railroad interost, and the public good generally* hundredfold more. ' D. 8. RAILROAD OAR-DRAKE CO., W. G. CREA&iDR, Secretary, *I4-U4f-0t No.* 81 PINK 8t„ N. Y ladelphia, Wilmington. RAILROAD COMPANY, mail meeting of tho Stock. *ld TBIB DAY. the follow. SECTORS for tho eosalog rwrspw Notice. —Sealed Proposals, endorsed 1-kjZ. “Proposals for Pm nlshlngSopplies to the Board of Gout,rollers of Publlo Schools,” will be received at tbe Office of tho-Controllers of Publlo Schools, southeast cotncr of Sixth and Adelphl streets, addressed to the underslgied, until TUESDAY, January llth, 1869, at 12 o’clock, M.y/or the supply of all the Books and Sta tionery to be used in the Pubiio Schools of tho Oity of Philadelphia, until the Slat day of Deotinber, 1859. The Proposals must bHIo the price and quality of the Books proposed* to be fur nished, ami be accompanied by a sample of'eaih item. A list of. the books authorised by tbe Board cau be seen, with samples of the same, at the Secretary’s Office, Boulhoatt corner of Sixth and Adelphl streets. By order Committee on Supplies, ROBERT J. HEMI'HILL, Secretary. jaS-dtll .. Boaid of Controllers of* Public Schools. JoSnO Grooms, J. J Coben,Jr., Thomas Kelso, Columbus o ’Donnell, Knoch Pratt) Thomas DonAldeon, William W. Corcoran, Suffice of the Insmance Company of U 3 ’ NORTH AMERICA, PhilidbcfiiU, pocember 31,1858.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be heldat the Office of the Company, No. 232 WALNUT street, on MONDAY, January 10th, 18&0,at 12 o’clock M.; and onTUESDAY, the day following, January llth, 1809/ au election will be hold for Directors, to serve the envutag year. MATTHIAS MABIB, jslloll . Secretary Office of the Frankfort! and South- UJ? WAKE PHIL ADELPIIIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, CHATHAM Street, below FOURTH, Philaduli'HU, Deo. 27th, 1858 —NOTICE, —The Coupons of the Mortgage Bonds of ‘the Frauk ford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Roil* road Company, (late “ The Philadelphia and Delaware River Railroad Company.”) due on the Ist of January next, wll be paid at maturity, on presentation at the Glratdßank. - • 428 tnth*n.l2t E. HART, Treasurer. tyica Iltmtirgdon and Broad Top Alonntaln UJj RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. KOflOß—The annual meeting of the Stockholder* of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company frill be held at their No 809 WALNUT Street, on TUBBDAY. January 11th, 1859, at It o’clock A.' M., when au election will be held for a President and Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. - J, P. AJSRTSON, Secretary. Ottice of the Quaker City Insurance \X3 COMPANY, 408 WALNUT Street. Pbu.4oBl.phia, Jan 4,1850. 4 The directors bare this day declared a dividend of Ton per Cent on tbo capital stock, clear of Btate tax, payable on and after February lit, 1859 Jas-0t H. B. COQGSHALL, Secretary. The ladies* Philadelphia shop ping GUIDE AND JJOUSEKEKPKB 1 COMA PANION. ACADEMY OP MUSIC OPERA LI xSl BRNTTO —The only copyright edition of Opera Books publirbvd expressly for the Philadelphia Acade my of Mublo, and bearing this distinct copyright title, FOB SALE EVERYWHERE, At the reduced price of FIFTEEN CENTS Save your money, sod buy no mare twenty tire cent Books, as tbo best and most correct edition can be ob tained foe IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of GEORGE W. SNICK* dec’d. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the ttnst account ol Jesse Costner, junior, and Lewis Bmiok, Administrators of the Estate of the said decedent, and to report dl-tribationof the balance In the hands of the Administrators, will meet the parties interested, for tbe purposes of ms appointment, on TUESDAY, January 25th, 1869, at 4 P M., at his Office, No. 0.2 WALNUf Street, in iho city of Phila delphia WILLIAM ERNST, j&ll-tuthsOt Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COU&TY OF PHILADELPHIA. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Robert Kbling, Guardian of ROBERT EBLINQ, Jr., and JOHN KBLIbG, minor ohildron of John KbUog, decerned, and to report dis tribution, will meet tho parties Interested, for the pur posesof hfu appointment, on FRIDAY, January alut. 3859, ut 4 o’clock P. M„ at his Office, No. 433 WALNUT Stmt. in'the city of Philadelphia, jail tathsGt CHARLES SERGEANT, Auditor. H* "ofpssSes*3 COMBINED This valuable invention consists iu the arrangement and combination of the shaft* of a carriage operating on joint* that, when defied together, form the pole, so that either one or two horses can be instantly att&oued to a earring*, and with more despatch, salety, and se curity than by the usual znedo. It has the greatont advantage for convenience, there being no bolts and nuts to be unsorewed, which are so tedious and inconvenient when the ordinary shafts or pole have to be removed or changed in muddy or frosty weather. Itia the most perfect arrangement for a physician’s carriage, so that he may attach ono or two horses with despatch. Livery-stable keepers will And it to be most useful and profitable to their daily business; and the carriage maker will And that this improvement will not only add to the neatness and beauty of his carriages, but lacrosse his sales. The Patentee Is now in this oity, and will remain one week at the UNION HOTEL, ARCH Street, be tween Third and Fourth, and is deuirous of selling State, County. and Shop Rights. Portions wishing to see and examino this useful in vention, by calling on the Patentee, or at the celebrated Oarrlngo Depository of George W. Watson, CHEST NUT btreet, between Twelfth and'Thirteenth, will have a fair opportunity of judging of its merits and utility, as a full and complete SHAFT AND POLE Is there for exhibition, and the satisfaction of all inter ested in the use and purchase of the same, For further particulars inquire of jall-3t* AMOS K UOFFMEIBB, Patentee. £JHARLES MULLIKIN —■ irnnco Company of New TBYLVANIA, 409 WALNUY 12 WALL fctreet, New York. Stockholder*! of thin Com* iu Philadelphia, on MON -18, tho following goutlemea eof for tho enßulng year: Ugn B B. Cuablng, Charles 7. Watrons, A. V. Stout, Elihu J. Baldwin, J. A, H. Ilasbrouck, » Aaron Olofio,, John M. JBeacli, Henry B. Foots, Matthew Kelley, ’ M. Hader, Alexander 0. Lawrence, ’ Alfred Glapp, ; of tho Hoatd, JACOB N. imouely elected President, iretary thereof, and. Selah id attorney and counsellor of fNew York. 1Y Xt. 700 TB, SocreUry. December 24,1858. Nera tlnblifatiottß. PRICE SS CENTS Forealoatthe BOOK STAND in POST OFFICE, j.ll-lm FIFTEEN CENTS. £cj)nl Notices SHAFTS AND POLE, FOR CARRIAGES PATENTED SEPTEMBER 7, 1858. DEALER IK PLUMBER S’ MATERIALS,; AT NEW YOIIK PRICES, 528 MINOB STREET. jaiO-lm* UctaiHUru (Suofos; _ m,, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O. "WHEELER & WILSON’S $6O MACHINES ARE THE VERY BEST CHEAP SEWING MACHXNIES. EVER YET MADE, ■ ' ’ : ■ $75, $75, $75, $75. $75. WHEELER & WILSON’S $7(5 MACHINES ARE THE SAME AS " ■ FORMERLY BOLD FOR »100, And are beyond all competition In variety of uses, perfection of manufacture, and beauty of finish. ; $lOO, S-100,-Sioo, sioo. WHEEIiEB WILSON’S LARQE MACHINES FOR TAILORS’ USB AND i ' . (i . QUILTING. One of these la worth two of any other Patent to a Tailor. /; r ; ' . < OFFICE 028 CHESTNUT STREET.' ~ M ot jUissoltttions anil CTujjartitcrsljips. (COPARTNERSHIP. The nndel'slgned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of HOOPES dc DAVIS, for the transaction of the Hat, Cap, Ear, and Btraw-Ooods Business, at- No, 10 South FOURTH Street, up stairs . BERNARD A. HOOPES,' JOSEPH M. DAVIS. Philadelphia, Jan. Bth, 3859 jall-12't If COPARTNERSHIP.—JOSEPH F. TO IHAB has thin day associated with him JAHBS OARSTAIRS, Jh., for the transaction of the “ Import ing Wine and, Liquor Business,” under the name and firm of JOSEPH F.TOBIAS & CO., Nob. 2Wand'2QB South FRONT Street. January 1,1869. jalO-126 jVOTICE.—ATWOOD SMITH has this day lE been admitted to an interest in our business. The style of the firm to remain the same.. . m&rtin & smith. Philadelphia, January 1,1859/- jalQ-6t* Snsttranee Companies. X7IAME INSURANCE COMPANY Phi- M IADBLPBii, January lOfcb, 1869 The following Statement of .the affairs of thrfCom* p&oy, on the 81st December, 1868, Is published in pur suance of the Charter: Capital authorised and subscribed $lOO,OOO 00 PAld in.,, .....$50,000 ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgages 44,526 00 O&bhon hand 6 987 GO Loans on Call ; 6,C00 CO Balances due—r z i Agents’ Accounts, In terest, Sea... 3 063 15 Bills receivable, Premiums on open PoiioLs, .(earned) 1,090 00 RECEIPTS. ' . Premiums on Fire Risks, amounting to $1)211.722 57 .... 10,068 23 Prew iums on Inland Rinks, amounting to $137,014 29 . 1 Sf3o 64 Interest 3,203 20 LOSSES, EXPENSES, &0. Fire Losses, all settled 6,928 86 lolaod Losses -345 62 Salaries;.....,, 1,883 38 Rent, Advertising. Return Premiums. Re insurance, Oommisslohs, and dU other In cidentals.,, 2,982 90 At the Annual Meeting of the Stoekholders, held this day, the following were elected Directors, to serve for the ensuing year: Samuel Wright, Henry Lewis, Jr., Wm.W. Walters, - B/B Birney, ’ * Obas. Richardson, Jno. W. Eierman, Jacob W. Stout, A. H. Rosenheim, Barolay Lipplncott, John B Ellison, George A. Weßt, . W. W. Knight. GEO. W. DAY, President. W I. Blanchard, Secretary. jall-tuths 2w Fire assooiation'-ofpioe, no.3* North FIFTH Street, for the Insurance of Build ings, Household Ftfrmtnre, and Merchandise generally, from Loss by Fire. Jakoabt 8.1869. In conformity with the provisions contained In an Act of Assembly, approved April fitb. 1842, the follow ing Statement of the Asstts'of the Association is now published: Bonds and M0rtgage5...;,..'.....' $654,683 00 Ground Rents 23 206 66 Real Estate 11,163 23 Cash in Western Bank .; 7,400 00 “ Bank of Northern Liberties........ 0.268 85 “ on hand.. 448 70 TROSTSKS. GEORGE W. TRYON, President. William H. Hamilton, ' Oharlea D. Hughes, Henry F. Anners, Jacob Moyer, John Sonder, Pe’er A. Keyser, Thomas E. Baxter, John Pbilbia, Peter Frits. John Craig, Henry O. Pratt, John Cairow. jall-Zt • -(VtILIIM !f. BUTLER, Socretiry. OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN SUiUNOK COMPANY, 408 WALNUT STREET. —pBtLADKLFOIA. January Otn, 1869. The third annual statement of the business and con dition of -‘Quaker City Insurance'Company ” as pro-' seated to its Stockholders January 4th. 1869: Capitol stock $2OO 000 00 Surplus January Ist, 1858...... 77 67** 87 Premiums for insurance in 1858 228,696 68 Interest account 12,614 30 Salvage and reinsurance acc’t*. : 22.216-11 . ‘ . - - $541,006 06 LOSSES, EXPENSES. Ac. Losses paid in 1859 $122,989 11 Dividend, Commissions to agents,' - Taxes, Licenses, Printing, Ad- • . - verU*‘Bgt Office Rent, aad Ex-„ - - ,i -- peures O7 Reinsurance and return premi ums.... 27,522 18 Salaries paid in 1868 .....: ‘5.346 18’ - 5216,766 64 ASSETS. Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, Cou pon Bonds, Loans on Collateral and on call ............$181,663 50 Bills Receivable ; 87,170 59 Cash due from agents and out- - Btondingpremlums........... 28,642 49 Cash in bank and on hand 2 28,884 93 5324,851 42 At & meeting of the Stockholders, held the 4th Inst., the following officers and directors were unanimously eleoted: officers; President—GEOßGE H. HART. Tice President—E. P. BOSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COQGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, S. W. Bailey E P. Boss, Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. Cattail, J. L. Pomeroy, John G. Dale. H. R. Coggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, Hon H. M. Fuller, Charles G. Imlay. ja6 tfa'&tu-lmif 11. B. COQGSHALL, Seo’y. Fulton* 8 insurance, adjusting* AND COLLECTING OFFICE, No. 006 ORES'! NUT STREET, Philadelphia, . The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of years In different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years In adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Lo?s or Damage by Fire to property insured, iu making out their proofo of such loss or damage in full compliance with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so inclined, or others'. He is assisted by the best legal counsel lu Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have sustained 1o«s by FiTe to property insured, and it has also been the experience of the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a fire occurs, In consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment In effecting the insurance, or for some other cause, which, although an important fact,is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance iu auy Companies desired, and examine policies effected by others (in most cases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining lost or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their interest to -consult the undersigned as soon aftor the fire as possible. d22-lmif* JAMES FULTON. Lorrur™ DISTRIBUTION OF BREAD TICKETS BY TUB BUPBBMB GRAND COUNOID INDEPENDENT ORDER OF SONS OF MALTA EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. The Standing Committee on Charity of the Supreme Grand Connell of the Independent Order of the Bods of Malta, of EAstorn Pennsylvania, have made the follow ing Distribution of FIVE THOUSAND BREAD TICKETS. The Officers, or others properly authorited by the re spec’ive Associations, hereafter named, will call at the office of The Press and recelvo the number of Tickets Appropriated to thorn The Bread may be obtained of the Agents of tho Mechanical Bakery, In any quantity desired, and at such times as the holders of the Tickets may apply. A list of the Agents will acoompany the Tickets. By order of the Bt&nding Committee of Charity. GEO. W. WOOD, Secretary. January Bth, 1859. GrJsoom street (late Green) Soap Sooiety, JOBN J, THOMPSON, Secretary V ...5Q0 Tickets. Spring Garden Soup Society, FRANKLIN SHOEMAKER, Secretary. 6CO Tickets. Western Soup Society, Seventeenth and Georgo streets, SAML. L. DAILY, Secre- tary. 500 Tickets, Northern Soup Society, Fourth, above 8r0wn;.,., 600 Tickets, Kensington Soup Sooiety... .500 Tickets, Moyameußing House of Industry, Catha rine street, west of Seventh, ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, President 600 Tickets. NorthornHome for Friendless Children, 600 Tickets. Moyamenelng Soup Society.,,, 600 Tickets. Boaine A550ciati0n..,,.,*.,,.. .....250 Tickets, Union Temporary Homo for Friendless Children ..,.250 Tickets, Western Provident Society, West Phila delphia, Mrs. FRANKLIN BACON, Presi dent..; v 2BO Tickets. Female Association for the Relief of the flick and Infirm Poor, HANNAH MILLER, President.»..»• jiB-3t OKIE & OAVP, 223 DOCK Street, above Walnut, STOCK BROKERS, Bod dealers In Mer cantlle Vapor and aacn.ltleH generally. Attend the Brokera’Board daily, and all .11 ordera for the pnr ohaae or Bale ot STOCKS, BONDS, fto. jaMy Amusements. “ American academy of music. ; . M’LLH P'COOLOMINI. r, ri ! • OARB TO IBS PUBEIO: It has been lately the costom of Operatic Managers, in first presenting to the public an artist who monopo lize, for the time being, the world’s attention, to il-' lade to the causes of each a widely-spread reputation, They resort to thlc method,' not from the illegitimate motive of'still fuTther ;excitlEg-pqbiio curiosity! hnt rather, from fear that the'expectations of the audience might be raised to .a pitch to which, it would be impos sible for ary artist to attdtnThis may'serve as an ex-' case • fpr reproducing extracts; partially from musical papers, in which M’ile. Piccolomlni is judged from a' musical point, and partly from suoh journals, which, as’ the mirrors of public opinion,.confine themselves to portraying the effects she produced on he? immense an-, diences; * - • [Extract from N. P. Willis'S “Idlewild” letter ] *• To one’s previously formed idea cf what a * ffo-- *i, is artistic conception, ranks as high as any role in which .tbe great basso has yet appeared. M’Ue Ghioni will make her debut as the Countess, and Signor Florenza as the' Count. These are the principal characters on. which tbe saccess of this operadepends, aid it is hoped the public will acknowledge that they could not be in bet ter hands. . jall*2t $503,009 93 rpHE MiENtfEROHOR (“The Old”) VO- Jl CAL SOCIETY beg leave to announce that their TWELFTH ANNUAL FANCY DRESS 'BALL will take'place at the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY EVENING Bth FEBRUARY, 1869, when Beenes from MEYERBEER’S Grand Opera “LBS HUGUENOTS” will be per formed. Particulars hereafter. 1 ~ jall-tl.lS 18,20,26.97 - ACAD SKY OF MUSIC, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, January 14 and 15, The sale of seats commences on Wednesday. Vj dibut 'ik pniLADVLPBia or . : AUJs, PICCOLOMZNI, Wbo Vrill appear in two of her greatest characters, THIS CHILD OF THE REGIMENT, and 5 LB NOZZB DI FIGARO First two nights of the great Basso, CARL FORMES. On FRIDAY, Jan. 14 atSo’clcck. First appearance in Philadelphia of Mile. PIOOOLOHINI, and CARL FORMES THIS DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, with a complete and great cast. -• .Marla. Plccolominl.... Carl Formes (for the first time) as... The Sergeant Tamaro (the new tenor) as.. Tonio. Conductor Sig- MUZIO. On SATURDAY, Jan. 15, at 8 o’clock, . PICCOLOMINI and PORMEB. M’LLB GHIONI, ‘ Prime Donna from her Majesty’s Theatre; London, and SIGNOR FLORENZA. The celebrated Baritone, from the Italian Opera, Paris, will make their first appearance in Philadelphia. PICCOLOMINI. u . .SUSANNA GHIONr.... as.. THIS COUNTESS OARL FORMES ....ft FIGARO FLORBNZA as THE COUNT The other roles by Mad. BERKEL, WEINLIOH, PERRING, MULLER, MORRA, BARRITINI. Conductor. ..CARL ANCHUTZ On Tuesday. H’llo PICCOLOMINI gives her First Ooncert in Baltimore. The sale of seats for the first two nights of PICCOLOMINI and FORMES commences on Wednesday morning, at 0 A. M., at the Box Office of the Academyof Music. PRIORS OF ADMISSION: Reserved Seat in Pa quet, Parquet o‘rale, and Bal cony, $2. Admission to the same, with privilege of occupying such seats as have not been secured in ad vance, fl. Reserved Seats in the Family Circle, $l. • NOTIOB.—The Family Oitcls will he united with the lower part of the homo. Holders of tickets to the Family Circle will enter by the same general doors on Broad street, as those to the Parquet circle, or Balcony. N. B.—'The entranca door to the Family Circle, in Locust street, will be invariably dosed during the pre sent season. Admission to the Amphitheatre.... ...•••50 cents, The entire Amphitheatre has been converted into , reserved seats, which may be secured in advance wlth i out any extia charge. Entrance to the Amphitheatre as usual, on Locust street. ORDER OF TUB SALE. On Wednesday commences at the. office in Broad street, the sale of the $2 seat! for the first two nights. On Thursday, will commence the sale of the SI seats, when likewise thes2 seats remaining from Wedneeday’s sale will be sold. The reserved seatado the Amphlth‘4- tre will be sold on Thursday, at the ticket office in Lo cust street, where will be found the newly prepared di agram to tne Amphitheatre. TO SUBSCRIBERS. In answer to numerous applications from persons de slroua of scouring seats in advance forth® Bight Nights, the Manager begs to state, that although the subscrip tion system for so short a season as he can give, is, In his estimation, of little or no advantage to the inter ests of the publio or the Management, yet instructions have been given to the Treasurer to receive such sub scriptions, provided subscribers are willing to comply with the reservations which an unavoidable change of Opera, in case of an eventual sickness of an artist, or circumstances of another nature, may compel the Direc tor to make. . NOTICE —Persons desirous of subscribing for the Season, will please apply at the Box Office, this (TUES DAY) morning, at 9 o’clock, where every information will he given to them by the Treasurer jall-tf Mbs. d. r. bowers’ 8 walnut-s? THEATRE, ooraer of NINTH and WALNU7 Btreeta THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, January 11. 1859, LOVE’S BAOBIFICB; OR, THE RIVAL MERCHANTS. Matthew Elmore, Mr. Swinbourne ; Margaret Elmore, Mies Vandenhoff TUB MORNING CALL. Mrs. OhUlington, Mra. f. B. Oonway ; Sir Edward Ar dent, Mr. 11. A. Berry. Price* of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet 87X-cents; Dtets Olrele, 60 cents: Private Boxes, aoooripng to theli locale, $8 and 25; Single 86at* In Orohestra and Private Boxes. 76 oents. Boon open at half past 6 o’clock; Curtain rise* at 7 o’clock. TOTHEATLEY & CLARKE'® ABCH-ST. f ? THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, January 22, 2869, , OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Asa Trench ard, our American Cousin, Mr. J« Clarke: Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. ' DUMB MAN.OF MANCHESTER; OR, THE FELON HEIR Admission,'26 cts. Secured. Seats In Dress Circle, 87E ets: Orchestra Stalls. 60 ets; BeatainPrivateßoxes,.6 cts Gallery,l3eta; GaUeryforOoloredPersona,2&ota; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cts; Whole Private Box, 23. Doom open at half past 0 o’clock; eommence at 7, preoiaeiy. ; IVATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT BT., above EIGHTH-LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THlB\Tuenday) EVENING. January 11, 1869, Equestrian and Acrobatic Feats by the * GRAND COMBINATION OF STARS. v The nerform&nce concluding with * THE TRIO OF LOVERS. SCALE OP PRICEB. Dress Circle and Parquette 40'oents Children under ten years of age.,,........,.20 << Family Circ1e........... ~,..20 “ Doors open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performances will commence at 7&. ED&EHILtL SCHOOL-— Princeton N. J.— The Sixty-ttrst SemmLAnnual term or this well known School 'or Boys will open JANUARY 26. Ap plications for plaoes should be made early. d24,frm&w»l6t .250 Tickets. B. A. DUKE, qSHd dentist, Office, Ho. 27 North TENTH Street, (comer of M bert.), ANGS OP RIGGING, manufactured and (x for Brie by WEAVER, MTIEB * 00., »>.*>■. WATER St. eai22 H. WHARVES. i* l ® rh * : wAlnut-st. TlffßS. D. P. jyjLwtflwtT • - i j VYMi'LUrBHTiBY - f - . >! igit~ urs-''-: if.*, 'vi? MIBS 0 ABOLTN **BI OHISXFSV-'.. • At tie »oH6ltaticn&fimuiy Patroni;ofthe.Psam*i ;* who are earnestly • desires*,. of making ■. aom* fab- . ■tantial test monial of their appreciation of the above* ~- Darned popular artists, the fall .their opinion of all those qualities which tend to elevate the •. parity and prosafcitr-other vocation*} tbcj manage meet of the Walnut street Theatre, In compliance with a requisition numerouriysigned.-bave kindly set opart '.3 &?..-.\vr .*' ->v T WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, Jan. 13,1M9, ; - 3?or that event The Entertainments selected are THE XNOHANTRB€B and the BONNIE PJfiH WIYX, \ fa, both of which the Beneficiary will appear, ; -if - ' PEIOBB 09 ADMISSION. . ; Single Beats in Orchestra end Private Boxea.fl 00' - Sresß Glide, family Circle, and Parquet...— SO cents.' Amphitheatre or Third Tier...;..........-: 36 “ The Box PlinJs now open to die Public, and seats, can'be secured* w|thottt~extr» : eharge, in allaeetiona of the Theatre except Third Tier,--- v-'• i JjaT-4t* CJANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, - iw HiSTBNTH Street, end. Obwtont OPRNFOB, THB g*ABOK^ By the Largert Troupe of . - tfIHSrBBLS Ut THB WORLD, BARFOBD’B OPX&A. EOuBB , AHD TBI i SANFORD. QHtLDRHR, Admittance 25 OMte. SIGNOR BLIT#.—ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. GOME AND LAUGH. ; Gome' ini' bm :tbe.Fiuiny BUI*, the“Amntinr'Blits,- tbe Remarkable Blits/ the - Laughing ‘Blits j the r Pop&l&r. Blits,' 1 the Blits, who. .makesaU'Hapby.-- ' *• .'PJSRIORMANOB EVERY EVENING, commencing l)i o’olpck, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AI TBRNOONB, at 8 o'clock. * -*? - “ Oeneiitlng of WONDERFUL METAMORPHOSES, .scenes in Ventriloquism, the Learned Canary Birds, and the' Extraordinary Bachlbitloo of the " 1 Rope Dancer/ *s ?-: > f v- s :. . - Adalflsioa/as esnta ; Ottldrta, IS ttati. rrH* PENNSYLVANIA AUADEMY OP A THB-TINE ARTS, . . - _'/ "No. 1026 CHBBTNUT BTSBET, 7 ■■ T tilU (Sundays. exeepWd).&oa 9 A? M* “ Admission 26 cents, Children 13 cent*. ‘Shares of Block, entitlingike holder’s family to ad mission at all ttmoa,sBo.. f , dT-tf " " MUSICAL; FUND. HALL—THE GEK '« ii ,^?P^.^ TaA 1 win/commence their PabUe REHEARSALS on SATURDAYS next. Nor. 20th. Single, Ticket* 35 oeatc; aAaekage.of eigh t ticket! for $l, which may be 'obtained at Andft>s i lio4. Ohestcut street j Beck 'A v Lawton’s, corner of Seventh and Obeatnut* and at thedoor of the Hall/ The pen* ronhsDC*eammlk. add Ribbon Jobbing House. Por fur ther particulars addrers Box 380, Phil&d’a Post Office. all communications strictly conflaantial. * ~, A SALESMAN WANTED in ft DiyQopds - Jobbing House. ' One who Is well acquainted with, and can sell largely to the city t and near trade* Address “Box 18T9,f f Philadelphia Post Office,'with reel name. , , ja6»tf ij - WANTED FOR THi UNITED STATES unmarried men, to ‘whom " Til will b» given good pay, board, clothing; and medical - “•attendance. Pay from'sl2 tos22p*r month.' No - man. having a wife or child, will be accepted.' Apply for 1 MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MARKBT Street, above Eighth, north side.,, . 1.N.M00R8,. y. , • ap!7-tf Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. J;ov Sale anfr to £el. XjlOß SALE—B,OOO ACRES TIMBER and F- FARMING LAND; situated 22 miles above Look ' Haven, and 2 miles from the Sunbury and Side Rail-; road. Clinton county. Pa • *.-• Inqnireof B. HUNT. 209 OHUBOH‘Alley,'Phfla.i' r~ ! jaB-8t»- Or to QHA3. HUNT, On the Property*- - OTOBE TO RENT, O A handbomb store; No. 528 ABOH Btreet. :~ V; Neatly fitted up with Wall-Oases,' Marble Counters, and Marble floor, suitable for Jeweller and Silversmith, or any fancy business. Rent. $3OO. Also. ““ - J A WELL-LIGHTED TOURTH BTOBY ROOM, .5 -'Tifty-brTsdrty feet, ON NOBTH BTREST. Appljto --v -- j •• JOKBB, WHITJB, k HqCUBDY. No. 638 ABOH Strut ISli- FOR BENT—THE STORE, No. 884. B»1 MARKET Btreet, below Fourth. It is one of ths -- moat desirable bualeesa stands in Market street, having,; been oeoupied as such for many years. - Apply to , / THEODORH J. DONNELLY, : JaB-atnth6t* ... : 207 South FIFTH Street. EVOR SALE.— A splendid farm of 167 acres/ JD in Chestereounty, convenient to the PenU’aGen tral and Chester Valley Railroads, and within 1# hour’s ride of Philadelphia. ' Inquire * of-D. B. TaYLOB, 8b CO., OQATEfI-Street Wharf. - d2l-tu th a»JOt» . Utmouol*. JgEHOVAL. KELLY & DOHERTY, TAIiOBS, Hare removes to SI and 83 SOUTH IHTH STREET, osi noon abotb chistyvt, Bast side. January 7th, 1858. Dr. moallisteb, No. 263 North ELEVENTH Street, below Vine. PHH.ASXI.raII. jaB-126* REMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS BEMOVED TO Ne. 1126 CHESTNUT BTRIES, tHinn noox below ywxlttb. South Bide, Where he Is prepared to execute all orders in his line, having on hand a full supply of GOODS for Gentle* men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON. n2Mm-lr No. 1126 CHESTNUT Street. Removal.— the undersigned tea removed to No 68 North YOOBTH street, (late HENRY COHEN’S,) aeoood houje abovs H.raW’e tTot.] GEORGE A. HILLEH, jal-im. Wholesale Drngglet. tDnidjes, jEtoelrg, &t. Bailey & 00., VOBMEXLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDS, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE, Now opening Stock ef IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, . AND PANOY GOODS, To whleh they Invite the attention of the public. SILVER-WARE, WATOHSS, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLKSIU AMD MITAIL. anlMf tf ©Ttlllemen’s JiJrnißi)injj ®oob«. JjOT.TTtAY ANNOUNCEMENT. B. 0, WAIBOBB & 00., (Nov) Nos. tutt NorthSlXlffEtroot, Hsto now In Store * most oomplete anil nritd 3took of— ' GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, BVITASLB JOB ... CHBIBTMIS PRBBINTB. They beg to Inform the public In general, and Us Ladies in particular, that their line of GBNTLBMKft’B DRESSING GOWKS Is unequalled in this city, dll-lmif Ulotteg. tfhcrn non TO LOAN,' In Bums to suit t|y tAVrAyvPV/appUeantf, upon Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Guns, Merchandiae, Clothing, 4e -» ®° rate terms, by JONES A CO., Brokers, N. W- boner THIRD and GASRRLL Streets, below Lombard. Be tabUehed for the last 35 years. Office hours from 7A. M. to 7 P.M. «. dli-Unii JOT, COB & Cp. ,s ADYEBTISINCTAND COMMISSION AQBKOT, 430 CHESTNUT Bt., 2d floor, Philadelphia, and Tribune Buildings, New York. - JOY COE, A 00. are the Agents for the most In* fluentisl and largely circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They are authorised to receive advertisements and subscriptions at the lowest rites. • je7-fm&w-rp-Sin GAS STOVE, manufhctHred by W. F. SHAW, of Boston,-and pronounced by those who have used them a good article. Porsaleby jalO-Ot ABO HSR, WARNERy UI&RISY, A 00. Bed cords, plough lines, &