' t' l ?.:■?■: ■•«? "'" r '■ ‘V* ■ ■’ v-°* ■;' -:.: J»»vy-? --?- -- Vi -'-;- fe ' 1 v^.-( -. *•& <■'. v> -- -■ •_ v ■ -rA&tm ' ;: ' : j ««: r'>‘^:^- a ' ■' - ’ * ' ' ; V~r^44^^^‘ J '^“ ! Book?-'. y ' v ; v ' r ‘ kt*,*# f.,Ts«“»5v“S» r--f» •;<•*•’ .. ' - V/ rer'fH-i'V-siH ,*• c'.i ---• ’»- v-, •- ;./:/- papkb, ;• o-T.xs-iza-i> s ;A*' i .|" l'-tB) •, £l!v=s:it- -c S !■«,>• ■*- t , . , 'i- : , : ;■- r#» jSli »i.M»irafMtuf«ij , [S*!?M > W>' .J -■; ;£’/, ...,, .«i. **<;•£ i'ii.vAyi'i j: U -. Y A—.tl‘l Y **. ,/.,nEHIL APEItfHIAV - v* “X i J > r.if i>} h to 'w/Bi&umftfU 'Js’jpy* l ?? wjßgGwwiPS^lß^v^rr' l ■• it ' tt - yxmzmwmz'f H - : '.y BtiNKApOODNI-BboKMANMiOTtIBBBfI, ./*.: '/• ‘' ? 'v" 3, ’ i jlOOR81»Mi»B8, * BXATIOKittS. of erer^desciriptlOß/ on hand, or Baled add Boabd to FatteiPf’«aibfcje .for J .4 1 'j. /. _ HBROHAHTB,^MANUfAOTURKU, ; , . V‘ -Warranted in qmdi^ r a&d, at lowest price*. - .' ; stationary, ** .. ;i ;io»*axiraßSdij^go^Bpinr,;; jwuwf*M!«». *■■’ •« BBOTiffiB. fc i G{>., , ~, •-* . 4?;•-■'''? >JA s h !&t A'i/.i j> •*• ,tf --> • . goU-am jWiwKo. M BOOTH FOTOTII STaB»T,,, IE 8 I fiRQ i I Otfi/*lor the D*ak and Pockat - InlOw* 'ftitf’fiStotj draSlektafrfiMjOftiß joatlr o*lAr»J«< PHIBADBIiPHIA kDITIONS, JaßnltelJ, .jowrior*’ In '.WtTrAptßt. to: tlßNaw, York MlUonCi >or uJb; .»SS^Ms&aSgSa*£ ; w:; l7 S ’ : n£>li*Kß BOdKa 'AKDiSXA'TIONiET. aJr 'DAYIB U. HOGAM, BlttkßMkK^tt^u»r ( Street,iapre tofirafify* tU* alielTM -kMi BmmV»r&*ltak«pAi*4ri?M ’UTtfUwitrlMlLiiitk»Kart«ufcta»tna (n»mi«p,,-^J LlthognpUnc «»M<*l,irl|k, »•«&** *' ~nni»iflnf Mr.Horß»’j ocrotrtbntlonto tho Tr»nkli» •BXMNMaTtt* Oonnnitt» «•>:—*‘,TU» I dlipf»T 'hoooTor bahkinff 4ndmer©»nsll*ttie it the be*t in the BitU&ttUm. The selection of,th#,m*t*rUl u *bd*. the .- ••••r* : ’;J X J:.B.;.’'H r - / A-B► i A : A /;-: j ,;SM. '-\y^ON-# SON. |. ;* ilirlnjrotFaplet** fh« alUriUoM to their'vtorfc,* Inrli* - t© B tkelr*tock of Silrennura, which ii ■ ordin* * wietyof,. pettetnM 1 d«riga, unjarperaedky.Mj ksttt is the United State i, v.=Vi - ' «' »»ib!WAult '4&M ahi.- mahdiaptpbed '•- ! .bf jraiyoßU). _ I oor Standard;©! Silver is .w .« «> • .MS-IWO parts paj:e Tha Starling J—■ ;ftgfi.lOOO “ , t( \ \ - ’.-i i Thus, weglTe 86, pKts Onex tfcsn American and French ooln, and 10 parts fine; than the English sterling,' Wt mtlt ail aur mm «il«sr,a»d atr fortman bring ccfnmctid with thiufining depart njeirt of tkt United Statu Hint for mend yhars, we guaranU ? the f qua!tty'U above (935); which Is .&r /UiiUAorcan&j inarfi Jo fci SimictabU, ituiwiU re- •lat .the action of y .a'cidt mnch &«lf«r.thaa tht crdindrf liiMf raaatrfaotmed.~ u wilsok;& son;,' : J h j ; _ t S. W. corner FIFTH and OHERRvJ H . B,—Any fineness Off silver tnanu factored, aksgried upon, but yoriffwly *ww »»/ertpr Jo thtAnurUaiidnd Fnnch standards j K.76j»£DWEu.,s:;cb. '» f : HAVI BE HOT BO _/_:.*o,nnri» NEW MARBLK B.DIIiD IN<*', '■ ; Wp;,822, CHESTNUT STREET, ; V antiap BOBb». RelpeetfaU? Invite their easterners and the pnbllp to Irispeot their new Goode, jrelwtid bjr one or tie firm reeentl/ In Xttrope,' oomptislng, sir PH '^rqE ; ;yjA ! j?'pji*s, : ! . 810 H JB,W BLB Y, diamonds jmdpearia, - J t ITBCMAJI, JMBBNTINS, BOHAN, AND j ; ; iriJAPOLITAN - SETS, , |«: JjRONZB CLOCKS, CANBBAABRAS. AND STATUETTES, SILVER AITD PLATED 'WARE, I WSCDIHaStAHOHBBT.nI ) - ='! • ’ ■. f | • • KCEOANT NEW' BITM PAHER MACHE. - * KMAgiatt lnPMliu!«l'pM»fol thrMteof OluilM i ■ w*3T« : s ’ '• f; ‘T < ' i Bv*iißDEH.ipßßO;,:Y’ r j .... v.* rio,iWoinii:or ; ! ' ; £ "gttVBMiATEB WABE, , = j - Ko, 'B#t Oka*te«t->Btn«t;" abort: Thin, (*p tWit,) - ;: t‘ OpattMitlr on Trade] / gIMInf ftnrt,pUrtingon»U klndijpf,-mot*}. ja mMj (HE STEKEOSOdpE, inevery; variety, dll - ' WtgH*§lHU*,B^ek rriHE HABBIAGE. OEBEMONT IN THI 1 rMWiMwjrtfof ini* W. OTESfJ, ■ • Uii nftiTMt : ' ' ‘HANDKiBOHTEFSj MmolusG OiSpflo. « -BniTABM.TCE,, , -.1 _ KOIiLE?AY IPBESENIis. . irtrr dwcriptfcin of; ShlrK, Coßini, bnder 'Dnirtn’, JtUlf-HoM,-Ba*p«naMp,> fti; Wim* STREIETj .' ‘ - ItfOHKITEH *lll*lt ;• - Ou'rModiofiddfndlhislne&s seems to meet with gene ralhpprovhllJSiHamely-C.-! - A - .T- -7 > r.-. ,«Krtert■ J iKxeeUeniLong Broohe Bhawls £o? 08, „ v 3 a 1 ttcrqualityXor $1Q,511>012,,523, $l4, *lO, *18,020, $22- and $25 Square Broche Shaw® from f&jip to sll.> ~. ? Long and Square Blanket Shawls in every variety, ch %&YM^%SM^ Bhsw^&e - Every other quality and Style for $3 up to $lB.. a job LOT OB OLOARBdFBOU LAST SEASON AT HALF PRICE 1 Best Black Bilks for 60 c ato :s*. 60 per yard. ■ Rich fancy Silks really heantlful, , GOODBr- . CLOTHS 1 OASSIMJSiaIn UAtTINRTTS," AO.!! 1 Heavy Black Beaver (3bthfl,an9French do., Ao., Ao. Blankets, flannels, Linens, and'KoslinS.* In fwt ■ general Bry ( floods can bo * CHISM’S, Northeast Corner EIGHTH AST BINS GABBm. . *-'BtflB*tr I '*,}{ 7,-., , J . .V,'/, ' , - ~ ■gA BEAT J 3 ABGAINB IN I)BVGObI>S. -\J( c ‘ '•'* 8- ’-a y,r 'HUNTER Has REMOVED from Ho.' Wto No.dO Booth goes# Atrept he Is bow propawd to furnish the Ladies i with afrelh andeld-rolectfa =took of ■= . .To which h'« Ihvltes ;theit attsntioo, heteg dotormined ’*S “nroehe, Stella, aodi Oloth oe7-8m -. •'Hh.fAEOTth BKOOND Street. . CLOTHS, f ;; y ~ , ! . BBAVEBB, - -i,i, C; OABfIIMERES, AU of the most reliable makes Vt reduced prices, at the Cloth Store of :» n27>stuthjel r'ILOAKS,, RAGLANS,, AND CIROU LABS—HcELBOY' raspaotmliy Invlttl the La-; dies to call and ex&mipenls Block, embracing many elegant styles hoi .'to btf found 'elsewhere. As there, were a number'd > our customers unable.to be suited last week, m oonspquence of onr .-assortment being di minished, we have pat on" an.'extra quantity or hands,' and hope that'we will .be able to supply all who favoa üßinihkcaU: 4 J '- 1 ‘ r ' ■- LONG- AND SQUARE BROGUE SHAWLS, of superior styles and fabrics) All shades and colers, at greatly xedueed prices. , . , u j Long And Bqpare Blanket Shawls, Of ohotce colors, 1 decided bargains. '' l J j * k MoBLROY, ] * -1) “* **:■s aht.}* i No.U South Nlnihetreet. 126 yards Bayadere Poplins at 26, usual price 40 ots. The cheapest Black Silks in. .the city... A large assort* ment of Trench Merinoesat st,'eo*t- to import 61.25} 2,000 yards of 6gored ahd'piain Iferinoes, at 60, 66,66, and 76 cents/’ ? l -'i * '• • j 2.000 yards Cloth, fresh from auction, for Ladles* - , Gents*. and-Boys’ wear; from 76 cents to $2.60, deci dedly the greatest bargains In the city. j 600 yards Oassimere. at 44, cheap at 76 cents. , j 6 bales of Blankets, from $2.26 to $lO. j -7 600 Undershirts and Drawers, at 60 cts j, usual price fti The largest and .'ohe'apesi assortment of :BlbbonBinthecity,from lo’eenta to $1.76, warranted all silk; ?Kmbtolderifcs and; Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery. .Trimmings, Fringes, and .Linen Cambric Hdkfs.« a full assortment, *t the renowned ul r MoELROY’B, f n27-s tor th J- ... . No.U South Ninth street, j . rhRT GOOBS POR CHRISTMAS .GIFTS. • 1a —CLOSING-OUT. OF.WINXEB . OHABLES ADAMS, . . j EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, ' ( Has made extensive preparations for the encourage* mentof usrul Holiday Gifts. | Black Lustrous Silks,.'evenr grader ’ > \ . Plaids, all wool and patt cotton. • DblUnks,'plain and'g&t colors: ' French Blaok Cloth for ladies' Cloaks* ~ Alpacas, Paramattas and Lavellas. Foil do phenes, Valencias, and Saxons. • Satin Travels. 1 Ginghams: and Chintzes. . . L ;CLoaiNG,vOn:T -OT fubnirhinq goods. Marseilles Counterpanes} Flannels, Muslins, and Tickings - Bureau,'Table, and Piano Oorers; Towellings of erery description i Table Cloths, Napkins, and Doylies} - blankets. • / CLOSING OUi OF SHAWLS. h Brcchb Long'ahd Square‘Shawls," , French Blanket Shawls. '‘ •> Thibet and Mode Shawls, : . Reversible Ehiwls, t Misses' Long Shawls, Bound Corner Shawls. CLOSING OUT OF MEN'S’GOODS. Men's Kid Gloves, double and single stitob; • '’MeD'rßUek&llkOravatai - Men’s and Bovs' Neck Ties, cheapest to he found, {.ilenfs Mauds,, dlfferentstyles; i * /Men's Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs] • J EMBROIDERIES, HOSIEBY, MITS, GLOVES,' of various description?. ~ . ; . r Ti- Jaconets, Naicsooks Dimity, - .^.CambricandßwitsMuslin, &o , Ac:, all of which we are determined to reduce osh-halv before taking stock... d2l-tu th sa-tf £JHOIOE GOODS for tbe, HOLIDAYS. .MARTIN & QOf AXLE'S , ; BTATIONKRY; TOY, A fANOY SOODS EMPORIUM, ' j ' :m: 1035 walnut street, j ' (BELOW ELEVENTH.) j A cho’ee and elegant assortment x>t Goods suited to the coming HOLIDAYS, comprising artloles of utility, taste, and ornament, selected from the latest importa tions expressly for tae City Betalf Trade. M. & Q.’s Stock embraces every variety of Dolls, Wax, Crying, and Bleeping, &0., together with a large variety of ( PAPKE DOLLS, WRITING DESKS,, FORT FOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, f - . . . BORAP BO.OKS, PQRT-MQNNAIEB, & ' ‘ fcaftMt style Pins, in Bilk'Gripe, and Linen. Also', Or|ckefc Bata, Balls. aadWicketa. nolO-tW & 00.. - PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, Being now arranged in their now location, ‘ - . No.-45*BODTH,fOURTEUSTRKET, arc offering a superior assortment of DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES - - , _ .. AHD *\ ' Consisting in part of r- - , j ‘ French and English PANOY 80APS. ’ , f . foreign BXTB&OTS and POMADPS. ; (. A h BOtTLBOj in Gli« and China. 1 POBTEMOffNAIEB.PUBSBS sod'POOKBT-BOOKS. J)REfiBING’UABgBdnd ODOR BOXES. * HWi'j'Topth. K.Ur .nd Bhirlng BBDSBKB. io., &o. -' To whfch'ihey tail thOatteotionof Druggists and ;the public, aagiejr prfcef defy competition -> dlB-dtja7 RJIIS KRINGLK HEADQUARTERS— ' We hare Just reoelyOdour french Confectionery, and'hrO'maaufsotuTing a superior artiole of Marsh Mel low Gam Drops, Bon Bone, *■Cream Date*,“"&e. Call and supply yohrsetoes with the best Confectionery in 'this city, at JBPPRIER & EVANS’, nol6-8m N 0.71& MARKET St., bet, 7th and Bth. |JHBB£U,AS, NOWRBADY THEIR USUAL LARGS ASSORT. MKNT'OP HANDSOMELY FINISHED : PUBS FOB LADIES. j : A LARGE ASSORTMENT IS OPfERBD OP ! i : ELEGANT AND .FASHIONABLE ! ... .. ; ?ÜBS, ' ; CONSISTING OP BEAL SABLE, MARTIN, . PITCH, j AND . *..CHINCHILLA, AT ’VERY XiOW PRIOffiS, , . /, , „ *r '• DAVID.IT. SODIS, ~ , [NO. 622 ARCH STREET, ABOVB SIXTH. . dHMf ' | TC3-CKDOX3S. the, cityj and otatyrieing jyEV GUN STOKE. 482 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIRTH, I ' • • . , , WILL ores • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, An assortment of THOBB OP JTHB OIOST CELEBRATED MAKERS INBOEOPE. J i , - TW *tt«.tlon of ■> Xr; ' EP,,PRTfiMSK , ' ; U r*iaeit»4 to their Stock, irhlty they o«n pc'. ; BHABIr NOT BB BORPAgaiD > UIUH, :' PISTOLS, ■ • . , . •• ••• “ -MASKS, ' . r". - , - • POWOBB, - ! , ..Bnpp,*o. ,i, - PDRHITUEB IN ALE VABIBTr. a " IT iStOF THE jaiGHEST IMPORTANCE - for over/ to .know'where the/'will'get, the most for theitfraocey.eapebUll/such, times ah these; ZIEGLRR c &.BM£Ta, Wholesale. Druggist*, Corner of SECOND" Add GREEK Streets,''are ‘disposing sof thelr White Dead. Ground Palnta, of all Colors; and Window v *** prices whichwflUie Tastings’, SatipDlta, . ; LADIKS’OLOAKOIiOTHa. $ .. . :i Jos;& wm e. wood, ,- t . No. B North SECOND Street <&o0p0. (Confet lion erg. , , Umbrellas. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WILLIAM; A.' DROWN k 00., 240 MARKET BTBMT, SILK' UMBRELLAS. Towhloh thoj Inrlte the .Mention of ■' BUYERS. , ,SpXB, ©nnsf, pistole, PHILIP WILSON k 00., VINE GUNS ■ ■ OP THEIR. OWN MANUPAOXUB*, 1 ‘ - • ao THE FIIESS.—PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1858. £eflar’Nutit«o, IN THE OOTTKT OP COMMON PLEAS ?on the o;ty andGounty of philadel- PHI A’/' •'-** ' -'-'I- } / _ ~J BEYNOLD3 vr REYNOLDS—Sub Divorce. March Term, 185$HNb: 26. , \ t *' ■ /• / • / o p A D n i?° M l J Bth » 'on* motion of J. Attorney for Libellant, the Heart grantja.rhle on* the 1 Respondent to ehow cause why a decree of Divorce should not'bo en caaor : Returnable. on - SATURDAY, Fanuaky Ist; 186$,at 14b'olook A;M;' Sn ts * wlirplease take notice or above pule,. To—Mr. EDWARD J..REYNOLDS, Jteraondent. JiBfcBGEANTfPRIOB, d2l-tufcth2w Attorney for Libellant. .::-: L:i:,>.ciSfotuea. v : . - c:r..i'T is liercby givon tbat tho- undor iL'V’ has'inade’application! for the-renewal of Oeitmcate No.,iy7v for Fivo Shares of the Capital Stock of tRe Philadelphia Exchttlge' Company,' aliO for ro nnwal br* Certificate 648, for Five Sharrs-of the Oaprtal Stock of .the Schuylkill NaripraU™ CompAry, both standing in the name of RICHARD 'I*AXBON oh the books of the aforesaii Companies, the original Cer tificates having been lost or mislaid. . - ' V RICHARD PAXBON, dlO-mithSt* s " Administrator. SPECIAL NOTICE.-r-Dealera in Goody.ear’a Patentfor Vulcanized Rubber Suspendors, Braids, Webs, and all other FAbrici ing fibrous substancek with threads or sheets of vuloan- Ized rubber aro notified that unless the same are pqonerly stamped or labelled with'hiy name. aud by mV authori ty, they cannot bo legally disposed of in the United BtatwVMerfihTntf aniTdealerq ,' •; r 1 i > . • -- v .ALSO* LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL the' Terms—may be' obtained on application to me at'No. 28 COURTLANDT. Street, N Y; . - . , HORACE H. DAY; Bole atii) to get. IMPORTERS AND ‘ j ‘ commission' meboh arts. TO LET, ; ThOliY«-!rtory BROWN-STONE WAREHOUSE, No. 45 Sontb SECOND Street, > NEAB OHESTNUT, STREET, SulUble for th. PAOEAQB, OR OTHKR BUSINBBS, ‘ " BENT BOW—For » Torn of Yoonl. : Poj.pMtonstTea3MiimylBt < ATPLY ON THE BUEUIBES. 42-Im MFOR SALE—A hantlaomo, now throo- Btoi7 BRICK DWELLING, with thren'ory btiok bttUdlnfß.'t.flnlßheithrooghdutln Srat-olißß style, «r 4 has all the modern improvements. Located on TWEN TIETH Street, aboT© Race. And will be sold a bar gain. Apply to BURTON & LANING,’No. 602 ARCH Jjtreet. ' . aia-tf jm FOB oocqd4 and third BlaLfloors-of the new marble building, Nos. 10 and 21 South FOURTH Street, 26 feet front and 90 feet deep. Apply on thCpremlseS to a6-t jal \ TEMPLE, BARKER, & CO. FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 8ui616 LOOUBT Street,' (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January,' 1869. The house is three stories high, wlth-basement, back building, &o , now ocoupled by J“. WrForney. Apply at the office of Tht Puss, or atthdhduse, , .no23*tf mTO IjET—The large, well lighted, and, eligible STORE; No-S3 -outh SECOND Street, which will be vacated by. the undersigned on the first of January.- Rent very-moderate. Apply to no!6-tf A. H. ROSENHEIM & BROOKS, as aboys.; rjpo REN?. —On the Ist January next, the Ua-rC Sgjy Superior £em2 ektpnsive ROOMS, (2d, Bd. 4th and fitvHodrs, each 24feet by 148) of thp NEW STORE,' 683 MARKET Street. Thp Is one yf the fine Improvements on the upperalde/between FIFTH and, SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north' one on a regr Street With, good 2O feet.into SIXTH' Street. 4 on toe premises. nol-tf i 4rir* Safes. SALAMANDER SAFES. Mmm A large assortment of . liam - - & WATSON’S ‘ PHILADELPHIA MA VVJ AOTUBED . SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOOBB, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOM, " Equal to W 7 now in use. IRON DOORS, BBPTTRR3. Os as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by 1 EVANS & WATBON,. No. 26 South FOURTH Street, * •* Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE U 8 A GALL (Kartietinfla. TJAILX *. BROTHER^ JL> ' CARPET WAREHOUSE, iYo. SSO CHESTNUT BTHEET. WE SHALL OPEN TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOICE OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, .« OROSSLEY’S” CELEBRATED HAKE, ONE DOLLAR A YARD. C.rpet barer, .irlil And odr stock full end of froth . strles' ui PHIOEB VERT LOW. ' - noB-tf fJIHE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA DIRKOXORS. PATIUOK BBipV, IPLINT FISK, AIAXUNDEB HENRY, B*o. 1,. HARBISOV, AJ. PLBASONTON, I WILLIAM NBILSON, WM. H. JJTBWABT, |3 R. QRAWFOBD. PATRICK BRADY, President. S. B. CRAWFORD, Tice President. WILLIAM NIILSON, Seeretary. CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehouse Keeper. THE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILAD’A ARB PREPARED TO RECEIVE GOODS ON STORAGE, Whether in Bend or Duty Free, at Current Rates, and .iriU.lsaae receipts or warrants therefor. Application may be made at their; OFFICE, IN LAUREL STREET, Lately occupied by the United States Custom House, or at their premiss, better known as the TOBACCO 'WAREHOUSE, Jg NEWLAND & CO., * LOOkING-GLASS AYD PIOTUEE-FBAHB -* MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOB DRAWINGS . AND ENGRAVINGS, All at rer? Low Prices, 604 ARCH BT., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-8m . . U ANDSORUBS AND CLAMPS. HANDBORUBS. No. 1, 08X0- per do*. 2. 76c. ** 8. 87c. “ ' 4.100c.' « CLAMPS. 6 Row,’ f 1.26 per osen. 7 Bow, $1.76 per doien. 8 Row, $2.25 per doses. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, all iJ North Third Rtraat Pbllad.lobU BRUSHES.— AU in want of those arti cles, at wholesale or retail, will find it to their interest to bur them at CLINTON’S BRUSH EMPO RIUM, No 90S CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, for the same quality, stylos, and variety o&nnot be found elsewhere for the same money. All who hare bcught there will testify to the above. , d 24 6t EDWIN CLINTON. a*d IMPORTANT DISCOVER 7 PRENTISS’S WASHING AND SCOURING - SOLUTION. PATENTED JUNE '22, 1858, This important discovery has just been patented by the United States, and it is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers) and 'others. It is a labor-saving preparation) and costs l&a than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While it cleanses, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and. Wobllen goods of every, description, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been given by some of the leading manufacturers of the oountry, aa well as by many reliable housekeepers and citizen*. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by : SAMUEL GRANT, Jb.,& CO., 180 SOUTH WATER’BTREET, ftAUTION. PRENTISS’S WASHING AND SCOURING SOLU TION.-fThe unders’gned would caution the public against the purchase of Liquid Washing Solutions, pur porting to be similar to. or .equally.efficient with, bio. The undersigned is protected by a patent in tho mauu ifaotu'a of the only article,which can bo safely and effl .cleoUy Ufcel. Spurious imitations have been got up, Yriiioh will prove inefficient in cleansing, and de’oterl •ous to the fabric. Grocers and retailers should be careful hot to purchase the Washing and Scouring So lution except of ua, as th»y will otherwise render them selves liable aa infringers Purchasers should be care ful to purchase. ONLY PRENTISS’S SOLUTION, aa they will,thqs.avpid all risk of destroying the fabrics washed.' Conclusive proofs can be furnished that this art'dawUl not injure Ihb fabrio. Bept29-Bmo-th&tu PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSIOIANB.—The above OffefttavehiMft for the exhibition of remedied to die* easelaurfaced, which combines the following advanta ges : Agood and unvarying con date nee, easily washed off with water, dissolves all that are solu ble in water 1 , hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and dots not get rancid. • The last property atone, renders It an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and forsale wholesale and retail, at BIHfiS’S Laboratory and Pharmacy, mhfi Twelfth and Chestnut etrf e\ (VI thomas * Sons, ; " T LFJ • Nee. 189 and 14L.SOUTH FOURTH BTEBHT ' _ (Fonnerlv Nos. 67 and 69.) v AfiEfifiSirOOßß >ANDiRB AE .ETATE' 1 Twenty-fourth Fall Sale, 4th January, at the Ex change.' - -■ Twenty-fifth Fall Sale, Ilth- January, at the Ex change. Twenty-sixth Fall Bale, 18th January, at the Ex change. Part of the handbills of. the above sales now ready. BEAL BSTATBrSTOOKS, &8. • Publld Sales .Bt Exchange everv Tuesday Evening,-. , a-JEIv each property Issued eeparately, to Addition to which we publish on the Saturday prerlotu to each sale,-ohe thbnßahd'oatalognesln pbmphfetfbm, giving foil dewirlptl onvof all the’propervr to be sold on thufollowingTAceday]. - ~ f ... __ _ ; c; "PRIVATE BALE REGISTER i jKTtßealtErtate Entered, cm tour- Frivite, gale Re guw>:«nd’adrerUspd, occasionally to our Public Bale (of l,OOO copies, are'printed weekly,) - ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. .. ID” We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate. SqU, InclallDg every description :Of City and country property. “Printed Lists > may be had at th* auction store. .. . t ~ FORTES,' MIRRORS, CARPETS, CHINA, SHELV CARD.— Our pale this morning, at the auction store, will comprise, besides 600-lots superior. Beooodr hand furniture, suit of rosewood drawing-room furnir ture, Brussels, • Ingram, and Venetian-carpets, elegant rosewood piano-forte, 7 oct&ve, by Soberr, nuperior ma- spade by Gale & Co.; Superior ma hogany pianoforte made by‘Loud, suporlor mahogany piano-forte j abo, 1 mantel mirrors, Obion asd gla’R ,ware, beds and bedding, (c o„ comprising an attractive worthy the attention of l&aies and others desirous of purdhaqlng. Hj~ Cataiogn’es’now ready and the articles arranged for Examination. ■ <• ... BANK BTOOKB, PEWS, LOANS, &e. , , On Tuesday Evening, ; January. 4tU, at 7 o'clock, at the PhtUielnhia'Bx chaoge— .• - . - * Ezeoatoro* Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jacob Korn] < .daffer, Deceased. . 9 shares .Pennsylvania Railroad Company. J l6 shares Little Schuylkill Navigation* and BaUrtad Company. . '* 4 shares Southwark Railroad Company. 4 shares Delaware.and Schuylkill Canal,Company ? shares City Bask ftocki- - share kf*rcan|ilo Library Company. S7(M) PehnsylyanlL Btate’6 percent loan. $136 in-noTefl-of the Pobnsylvanla • Bank, marked good. February 4th, UC3. '’' “ ‘ $lBB.ll check/marked good, oh the Baokcf Ponngyi vama. • - Also, iot other hicotints—. _ , . ’ , 20 new sharos (1 old share) Sdtl rranchco Land As sociation. ' , Also, without reserve, 4-shares Philadelphia, ftnu Hayrp-de.grsce Steam Tow-Boat Company. Also, Pew No. 61, middle aisle. Central Presbyterian Church , southeast corner bf Eigqth and phenry streets —oost $4OO. Pew No. 46, middle aisle, St. Andrew's Church cost $BOO. ' * , N. J. 1 For account of whom it may concern— , 101 hares Weßt Philadelphia Passenger Railway Com pany—full paid. TWENTY-FOURTH FALL SALE-JANDABY 4th Will include— - Orphans’ Court Sale^—Estate of Samuel Miller, TWO VALUABLE LOTS,with stone and frame dwel lings, Gray’s lane, Vest of the Darby plank-road, ,Twenty r fonrth ward. Orphans’ OoyrtBale—Estate of 'James Morrow, dec’d. THREE THUBE-STORY RRIOK DWBLLIjjGH, Owen street, between Thirteenth and Broad and Lombard and South streets. Assignee’s Peremptory Sale. TRACT OP LAND, 1477 85' 100 acres, Supposed to be woodland,' situate in Montrose county, Arkansas. SamO'Estfrte—FlVE TOWN LOTS, Sooth Covington. . Kenton county. Ky. .. Same Estate—TßAQT 07 LAND, Iso acres' situate In Benton county,'lowa. k Same O7 LAND, 80 aerosj sityatl in ■ Dnbuque Land-DiStrlofr, lowa.- ' .Bame.EstatOr^TßAOTio7 LAND, 2sfi acres, situate . Ip. Lewis county. Missouri < Same Estate—7AßM of ,680 acres,'Paydtts county, Illinois; part’woodland, with two-Btory brick' dwelling, log - and- frame barn. • particulars of each of .the above In hand .bins, UNITED STATES HOTEL; ATLANTIO OITT. N.» J. —The very'yalusbla property-known as the- »Uait*d Stites-Hotel,” Atlantic City. N..J-,. I The house is 66 feet front by 40feet deep, wuh a wing by 210 feet: is -four stories high, wlth<34o large sle*piog*&p&r!m*nm. Situate on a square of ground, 850 feet front on the rail road by 500 feet de*p; with a square of gronod laid out aa a park, 860 feet front by 600 feet deep to the ooeao. Containing 12 acres. ■ ‘ 1 Executor’? peremptory Sals—Estate of Jacob Korn " daiTer, deceased . i , ‘ VALUABLE BUSINESS STf brick, store and dwelling, No. 018 South Second straot. south •f Ohrietisn street. - ‘ - • ■ -, , , ' Same Estate—VALUABLE BU a INBBB STAND— ?hree-Btory brick store and dwelling (with granite front Wo stories) adjoining the above, being No. 9tt£outh Seoond street , Same Estate—BUSINESS BTAND—Two-story frame .store and dwelling, adjoining tbe apovC, being No. 017 Bonth Second street. 6amS Estate—SEVEN FRAME DWELLlNGS—Chris tian street, between Second and Third streets. Sftne Ejtate—TWO FBAME DWELLINGS.'China street, between Trontand Second streets, (Boutbwark ) A FIRST MORTGAGE f or $1 300. secured by two three-story brick dwellings, Brown svrtot, /Nineteenth ward.) The title papers may be seen at the Auction Rooms. . - > THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 1210 Little Washington street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth and Prims pod Federal streets, with a frame Stable in the rear. .GROUND RENT $66 A YEAR—A well-secured yearly ground rent of $66 a year clear of taxes QEODND RENT $lB A YEAR—A’well-secured yearly ground rent of $lB a year.-clear of taxes. VALUABLE PROPERTY—Stores, dwellings. Ac,* Nos 1740 and 1748 Markpt street, southeast corner of Eighteenth street, opposite the Media Railroad Depot anuNos,6 r 7.and 9 Sonth Eighteenth street,£elov Mar ket street. To be sold together BUSINESS BTANDS-rlhree-story brick tavern and dwelling, southeast corner of Becpnd and Bblppen streets. 1 BAKERY AND DWELLING Three-story brick bakery and dyelilrg, Bbippen street, adjoining the above TWENTY FIFTH FALL BALIUJA UABY 11th; ' 'Will Ihclhde— MARKER STREET.—First rate Bn mess Location. —Building .lot, north side of Market street, between .Delaware Fifth 'and Bix£h streets, pt be cold. peremp torily- The building formerly on it was burned. ' THREE STORY BRICK STORK AND DWELLING, northwest corner of-VleTenth and Christian streets. Peremptory Sale —THRBK-STORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. 617 South Seventh Btreet, with ttree«etory brick dwelliog in the rear. - Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Joseph Parris, Dca’d. THBBB-BTORF BRICK DWELLING*No, 027. North Tenth street, above Poplar. Ss,ma Estate.—FOUß BUILDING BO feet front, southeast aide of Doke street, northeast of .Som erset street, Richmond spar the Beading Railroad. LOMBARD STREET—’hree-atory bylek dwelling and brick shop, No. 043 Lombard street, gait of Seventh ■ HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RE BIDBNCB, southwest corner of Sprute and Twentieth ctreptp. , ; ’ VALUABLE PROPERTIES, GERMANTOWN,, street, Waihington ’Land, Shoemaker’s Lanty and Sbarpnaok street, viz : - ‘ , VA< UABLE RESIDENCE, Main street, with coach house, pardon, Ac., lot 110 feet on Main street, 2£4 feet lfl inches deep—three fronts. - -JSBABPpAOK.. STREET. —Six three atory "frame dwellings Sbarpspck street, near Main street. They will be sold separately, > MAIN STREET.—Noafc atone residence, with coach bouse, Mam street; near'y opposite the fplpnd'd.resi* denoe of George W. Carpenter, Etq. BHOEMAKB’t’B LANE.—Five large and valuable lofcvSboerapker’n I,nne or Penn street. Will pe sold separately. They a v o opposite handsome improvements. WASHINGTON LANE, Valuable and beautiful country seat. 29 acres with haodaome improvements, fine fruit orchard*? Washington Lana, near the Town ship line, and about a mile from the Chestnut Hill Railroad. DOCK STREET. Terms of sale the whole of the above estate half wh. The-oiyaer sella on account of removing from Germantown, ' • ' in* Full particulars in handbills. Peremptory SaIe.—GROUND BENT OF 762* A YEAR.—A well-scoured ground-rent of $62J£ a year. Executors’ SaIe.—IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT.—A well-secured Irredeemable ground pent of $36 a year—clear of taxes. Sale at Nos; 189 qnd 141 South Fourth Street. BUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR I’EIS, *O. This Morning, At 9 o’clock, at toe ntore, an extensive assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for con venience of e&Io. ggAlso, an elegant rosewood piano forte, 7 octave. Also, a superior piano-forte by Gate & Co. Also, a superior piano-forte by Loud. Also, a second-hand piano-forte Also, a large lot of coantera, shelving, Ac. Naffi. $ll2 per doe, 0. 1 25 < 7. 1 60 «• 8. 1 76 “ BY WILLIAM H. STEER, GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, *56. 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arob. J. A. ELIBON. Auctioneer, ip* Consignments of new and second-hand 1 house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watohes, jewelry, to., respectfully solicited, on whloh liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. • , {f?“ Oat-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other house in this elty. JM. GUMMET & SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, ■ No. 620 WALNUT STREET, CARD.— J M. Gnmmey Se Bona, auctioneers, will hold regular Bales of Real Estate, Stocks, Also, household furnltoro at dwellings. REAL BBVATB AT PRIVATE SALtf, U 5" On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate. Including every description of city and country property. J. M. GUAI MB Y & PONS, Real Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, belovf Sixth SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. ►3 . and HONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 224 feouth THIRD Street, below Walnut L opposite Pear' irt., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from T o’clock, A. U., until It o’clock In the evoning. Oat-door sales, and sales 'at the Auction Bouse, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. i CAPITAL $200,000, Bliabiukid/or tht last YAtrJjr Tsar#. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer ahead Ue, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Oigari». Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, "Carriages, and Goods of •venr dgicrlption. ' ’ Au'goods can rtmalu any length of time agreed pen. All advances, from ose hundred dollars and will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $6OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 129 feet, has large fire and thief-proof,vaults to store all valuables, and pr'J vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy instj ranee effected for the benefit of all persons haring goods advanced upon. , ; N. B.—On account of having an unlimiUd capital, this office li prepared to make advenes* on more satis factory and accommodating terms than, an/ other in thtaeity. Money advanced to the poor, in small azuofintfi, with) out any charge. '< f AT PRIVATE SALE. v ! Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, end (Botbinff will be sold at reduoed crises. «qj-lv Philadelphia. TRUSSES I—Genuine French, for Adults. : • , TFUB3EB! Genuine French, for Children'. TRUSSES! do do. Ladle#.' , TRUSSES! Approvod American Styles) ; • Supporter Brace# 5 Knglieh Abdominal Belts; [ Syrin ges, a new and injprovodfleJf-Injecting article, specially adapted to Ladle#’use Also, bath-room qy nulrant Enemas: French Pessatie* } Breast Puinpg;' InFants’ Nuning Fisks; Nipple Shells and Shields. Forsale by - OALEB D NEEDLES, Phartnacenhet, and Practical adjuster of Meohanical Remedies, - 6. W lorner TWLJLFrH and RACE SteG Bhlla. Ladies* rooma—entrance on Twelfth strong next door *o Store Snf mow LINES, AND BOW AND STERN ' A LlNKS—Manufactured and for Bale by WEAVER, FITTER. & 00 , No. 2a North Water Street, i*mT 22 North Wharves , ■ d 25 SCOTCH ALK.—JJO casks Younger’s Alo, in Glsßfl and &£>ne,lh store, and f6r sale ly A. MERINO, 140 South JKONT Street, dkO Stoles bj] antuptt. B‘ ‘SOOTTi Jr.. AROTIONEER; No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, 1 onkhlto the OMtoA betwoen-FdUHTH and FIFTH Streets PEREMPTORY, CLOSING SALE OF GERMANTOWN , '.' GOODS -u This Morning, Deseinoer 80th, cbmmenclr.g at 10 o’clook, by cata logue, a large stock or.Gerimi'jtowu knit goods, com prising the entire balance of stock of a first-class manu facturer. The rale will comprise HOODS. NUBIAS, BIGGOLETS. ,£ ' Zephyr knit opera hoods, children’s school hoods, zephyr rfggolettet.jmblas. / . SHAWLS, BASQUES Also, ladies’ and children’s wool knit shawls, jackets, talmas, and barques SCARPS; LEGGINGS,; GAUNTLETS. Gents’ and children’s extra s ze'zephyr scarfs, boas, aud cowfcrts Also, zephyr gauntleta aod loggings. .HOSIERY, < Also, ladies’ and gents’ merino, cotton, and wool hose andnalf-hose,children’sscarlet spotandplaid hose, Ac. \Lr The whole will-be r arranged for examination, with ca'alogues, early on the morning of sale. • 7 1 1 ' EMBROIDERIES. Also, included In sale a line of book and jaconet col lars und Bets. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. Also, bonnet and, trimming ribbons, French nrtifioial flowers. STOCK OF EMBROIDERIES. This Morning, Also, a stock of embroideries, comprising erobro*- dered book, Swiss, and Jaconet sets and collars, guipure collars and sets, black and wb>te laces, nets, illusions, ribbons, French flowers ahd feathers, Ac. LARGE SALE OF FANOY GOODS, TOYS, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, POItTE-MONNAIEB, PAINTINGS, Ac., Ac. On Yridsy Morning, 3l«t Inst., by catalogue, commencing at 10# o'clock, will be sold n large stook of fancy goods, consisting In pait, viz: JEWELRY, PENS, AND PENOILS. A line of line jewelry, lava, cameo, and painted sets and ping, pencils, gold pens, ivory.tablets, shawl pins, Ac., Ac. , PERFUMERY. Paris perfumery, pomades, Woodland Cream, Balm of 1,000 Flowers, bay waters PORTEMONNAIEB, &c. Morocco and pearl porte-monnales, back and morocco pttrses, cigrr < cajea fort-folios, chess beards, tanker’s cases, traveiling’gcmpanions.'f&tcbQlJ, 1 , . COMBS, JET GOODS, &Q. Horn combs, goggles, spectacles, percussion caps,; -twvesers, buttons, jet-bracelets and piaa, beltr, c at licks, fancy boxes, kid dolls. trv sets. : .. fanoy baskets. Also. & line of fancy work baskets. :: iJ ' 7*1., r, PAINIING3. s&flse oil payings under gluts, marine views, land scapes, HgurJes-. bends; *o. « jrpjNOH AND GERMAN TOYS. Also, a Jargo ltp German pys. Also, an Invoice of tea trays, 21 hour and 8-day cloGksj-oall bells: > Philip ford, auctioneer, no. 630 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and BIXTH. south side LARGE BALE 0F BOQTB, BROES. GUMS, Ac. r * 'This Morning,' - Will bo sold, by catalogue, about 300 cases boots, shoeß, gum »hoes, &c M to which ’the attention of pur chasers is requested " '■ 4lo°*)° 6a ls one l andsomo silvor-mouuted glass show ease, suitable for tbe\display of jewelry op goods, COMMERCIAL SALESROOM. ' 222 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. F. G. WOLBEBT, Auariovcn CTUKNESS, BRINLEY, A 00., P No. 439 MARKET BTREET. jl/IOSES NATHAN H, AUOTIONEEB Lfi AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. B. corner SIXTH and RACE Street*.. GREAT PDBLfO ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY! ! MONEY ! ! ! , Moiiey liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from pue dollar to thousands, on gold and stiver plate, diamopds, patches, jewelry,, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, furniture, dry goods, olothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, her ueps, apd air aptjejes for* afiy’Mdhgth of time agreed op, at Nathans* Principal; Establishment! southeast ebrner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at th« lowest market rates. ‘ NATHANS' r PRINCIPAL EBT 4BLISQMBNT, S. E. CORNER ANii BAOB BTRBETB. ; Wherd money will be llberallyAdvanoed on gold and silver plate, diamonds, tu 8. DroTn, XjuacHtcker, A. V. Persona, D. B, Hinman, Frederick Brown, Joahaa Lipplncott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. Each Student has ibditidual imstrootioh ;at this Institution, and a Diploma from here le the boat re commendation a young man oan have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the ColU&a. seB-tf ORFANT k STRATTON’S OH AIN OF JLI NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, ■ Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Tor information, call or send for circular. joie-tf EVENING BEBSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. S SNYDER LEIDY—JAS. M. LEIDY, • Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS* ACADEMY. 1 Nos 149 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC Is made certain to every pupU that may enter, ACADEMY open day and evening, FOR OHABLESTON AND SA BMBk VANNAH —HKRON ’SJjINB. GOODS BJCOIIVKD AND BIIAB 0* LADING SIGNJD SVBRY DAY. The splendid first-clue aide-wheel Steamship* KJJY&TONB STATS and STATS Of GBOBGIA, Now form a'weekly. Uno for the Booth and Southwest, one or these ships sailing erery SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. li. } alternately for Charleston, and Ba* rannah. NOTIOS. Until the steamship State of Georgia has reoeited hex new boilers, the Steamship Keystone Btate, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Charleston and Barannah. #OIi OHABLISIOn The steamship KEYSTONE BTATS, OipUia O.P Mftshman, will sail Qa SATURDAY, January 16th, at 10 o’clock, A. M. 1 FOR SAVANNAH The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain 0. P. Marshmna. will siU rn WEDNESDAY, January 6tb, al 10 o’clock A. M ’ ’ The iteamßhlp STATE 0? GEORGIA, Captain 3 I. Garvin. Hill nil on SATURDAY, January 224, at 10 o’ulock, A. M ' At both Charleston tad Savannah, these shipsconnact with steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, Ac., for all places In the South and Bouthwetl. fBIIGHTB REDUCED. Heavy freight at an average of II per cent, belov New York steamahip rates. INSURANCE. FREIGHT and INSURANCE on a large proportloa of goods shipped Booth will be found to be lower bj theso ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin pa55age.,,..*,,,,, 920 00 Steerage do g 00 Ixourslon Tiehets, good forthe present year. 81 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed, for freight or passage, apply to • A. HERON, Jr,, . No. 828 (late 81) North WhanH. Agents at Charleston, 7. S. A T. 6. RUDD. Agents In Savannah, O. A. GREINER A CO. ' fcvv-florida, from. Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, ♦very Tuesday. for florid*, from Bavannah, steamers BT. MARYS and BT. JOHNB, every A’uesday and Satnrday. for Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 10th of every month. jell j&t. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER JSwSPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON* DKttllY, without delay, for $BO. Return tlckots, good for six months, to either or the above places, by ally steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, out and back. MOM NEW YOBK. Edinburgh, Gumming, -Saturday, Dec2s.l2o»eloekM. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22, 12 o'clock M FBOM GLASGOW, G lasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December 22d. Edinburgh, Cummlng. Saturday, January 22d. BATES OP PAFBAGB. . FROM GLASOOW. First Ola 5... Bteerage, found with cooked provisions, FBOM NEW YOBK. Plrst Class... 975 oo Steerage, found with oookod provisions 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare: Infanta In Steerage free. Beturn tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Class $l4O Bteorage .'.*6o An experienced Surgeon attached to eaoh Steamer. For freight or paesego apply to WORKMAN A 00., 123 WALNUT Btreet, Philadel phia ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. 11ALL A LONEY, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltirnora. n 027 THE BRITISH AND NORTH SuaiSßßm AMERICAN BOYAL MAIL ST£AM rtoK arw tobk to litibpool Eeeoad Cabin Passage , r&ou BosToa wo litupool OhiefCfcWn Passing*.. fli eeccmdCabin Passage.,..., ec Tie ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Oapt, Jodkins. CANADA, Oapt. Lace. ARABIA) Oapt J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wiokman ASIA, Oapt. S. G. Lott. NIAGARA. Oapt, Ryrie. > AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. ID BOP A, Oapt. J. Leiteh Those tossbls carry a dear white light at mut*headj men cd starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Deo, 1. APRIOA, Shannon, “ N, York, Wednesday, Deo. 8 EURO ‘iA, Leiteh, “ Boston, Wednesday, Doo. 18. PERSIA, Judkins, ft .N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 23 ARABIA- Stone, “Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 20 ASIA. Lott, <> N York, Wednesday, Jan 6 CANADA; Lang, “Boston, Wednesday, Jan 12. AFfHOA, Shannon, “ N York, Wednesday, Jan 10. ' Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of thane Ships will net be aooonntabla foi Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spools, Jewelry, Precious Stones dr Metals, Unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. ■ Tor freight or passage apply to - nol*y a. OUNABD, i Bowling Green, jSjAJtfUEL hastraEsferred his Office'from Carlisle,.Pepiia., to No. Til SAN -8051 fitrent. (between Chestnut aod Walnut,) Phila delphia - He will' attend to any business' entrusted to biff care. in 'the Courts of Philadelphia or in the In terior of the Btate. - • ' . Philadelphia; November 24, 18fi8 ISAAC T.' BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER A No. all PEAR Street, b«sk of 21» . WALNU T St. near the Exchange;.reddenoo 3SINOBLB Street. Jwngora and Heatera fenllt and repaired, and all klnda or Brick work done. , . . - Oidera bp Despatch Post promptly attended to. Beat of reference. no!6-2m* T li i?„ AP AMS .co., office ( p*Vlwr W connection rowß t afn?mJ l r.e ß °r o^?ANl,ss ) all the prinalpa! TOWNS and CITIES or tke Dnltedßiateej ’ „ 'S..B. BANDfOBB, - - RnMrinttDmtt * \ IiJBX. MoKINKEY, —“ ' ATTOBNBY AT LAW. GBBENBBT3RG, PA. Will praetloe In Weitmoreland, Armatrong and In liana coantlea. «ell-tr ABBAMBI ft a «|T*. A BEAMS A MAYER, A*- . aTtorneyr at baw^^^^ promptly to all professional trusted to them. Speoial attention given to the collec tion of claims, 0 . nnrB&BNOBB. Got. Wm. I.Packer, Harriabnrg, Pa. ;L.A. Mackey, President Look Haven Bank ; General I). K. Jackman, Lock Haven: Hon. A. White, Look Haven; Simon Scott, Look Haven: Bullitt & Pairtheme, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, & 00., Philadelphia; Evans ® Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Hon. A. Y. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia: Teper A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon, James Burnside, Bollefonte, Pa.: J.W. Quiggle, Esq., Philadelphia. - jy 25-tf rWARLES TETE, COMMISSION HER CHANT and Importer of. HAVANA BXGABB, 'New\ 138 Wdnnt street, second story.' aul-ly f AUMAN & RABORG— Li Importers and Wholesale Dealers fa WINES, EBAWpiHS, WHISKEY. GINS, m FANCY L? QUPRS, No. 101 7m ARKET Street, between Tenth and Bieveoth streets ielO-tf LARGEST DESK DEPOT Ilf A. L. ADAMS’ IMPROVED DESK RACK. No. 269 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. OpTlOfl, RAN#, and SO#OGL SUBNJTy#SS. TABLES, BOOKCASES, * WARDRQBEB, AO. d3-Sm L| ARBIS’ 3 BOUDOIK SEWING MA LJL, OHINE is offered to the publioiaa the most re liable low-priced Sewiog Machine in use. I|wiUfteK from sis to. sixty stltcbegto an inch, on all kinds of gopdo, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It fs, without exception, the'simplest in Its mechanical construction ever made, andean be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of ege. The DniußiLiir of this machine, and the qualivv of its .work, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi nute. The thread ueedia taken directly from the spools, THB op BlfUtfOlSQ' Infact.u is P machine that' Is wanted by every family In the land, and the low price of THIRTY DOLLARS, at whteh they are sold, brings them within the reach of almost every one B.D. BAKER, Agent, dip dgm WVepyf'fipi 28 South EIGHTH ! f?i RQOERIES.—C; DONOGHUE, 16 S. \X W\TElVBtreet, offers for sale, to reduce bfa stock during this mooth, at reduced prices for Cash. Philadelphia and New York Steam Refined Sugar and Byrup' of vsHoub grades, Pr|me Coffee. Cuba an 4 New Qrop New Orleans' MoAsaes, Sifted and Ada mantine Candles - p OQD GRQCERIE§, 5* • - AT PAIR PRICES!!! OHAS. H. ty'ATT^O#, Southwest corner TENTH and ARCS Btfeets. ’ Has on hand, and Isgenerally receiving THE BEST OP GROCERIES, which he will sell at the post REASON ABLE PRIOR* FOR CASE Having a LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT,ofBLAOKand GRKKNTBAB. he is confident of being able to suit bgth in quality qnd price, all persons in want of tbe article, in quantities of from one popnd to the' half chest His general assort ment embraces everything in the,way of PINK GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully invite all In want of good articles to give him a calk' It.wili be worth' the trial ' - ; . nSO-lmo , ifligora 'j onto '.jgpbatcQ. . Rd. soofilbld, importer of ha • VAIJA CIGARS—La Normandes, La Fire Flys, La Blticas, Figaro?, Maria Antonleta. Pressed j Fior de Rio Seco Regblias, Plor de fj&Pi?, Jose Ma Yichats, Campiimrntos, and many other brands of superior qua lity, at redaoed prices, No BQ7 Chestnut street, under. Girard House. d9-lm Gi'"FUGUET h SONS, KS* Importers of HAVANA OIG4RB, i «e2B • 210 Booth gROST Street. Figaro, cabanas an d p artagas BXG ARB.—A oholce invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “ Nov Ira,” daily expected from Havana, and lor sale low, by CHARLES TJBTE, (Newt 188 Walnut street.. below Second, eel i fteaonA Btor WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Uanafactoren and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHEP, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeaat oorner FOURTH and «AOS Streeta, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the sale of tha celebrated Flore ffe Plate Glass. mb2B-tf- DETEBSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved. In using It, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard One ponnd will go as far ts three pounds common Rosin Soap. War* ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded It is decidedly the cheapest and best washing Soap ever offered to the public, Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN A MoKEUNE. For sale by all re spectable Grocers In the.city,and wholesale only by THAIN A MoKEONB, 1 003-8 m 33 South Wharves , rjIAW & BEERS' A LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest oomppund for greasing the axles or OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS. BRATS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sate In tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the city andthe MANUFACTURERS, WllUlm Wn IgRftTVFn WSTin fitrM* jyjANILA AND JUTK ROPE, CORPS, TWIITES, Etu.< Unofutnrcd ini for nl. at tha lo»«jt New York prices, t>jr WEAVER, FITJLiER & CO., No: S 3 N. WATER Street, and 33 N. WHARVES. nol7-2m JjIIRST PREMIUM AWARDED BY TUB FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, 1838, TO THH ‘ WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOX THBIR UNRIVALLRO PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, CLARKE, & YOUNG, ISO and 133 South FRONT Street, n27‘ tf Agents for the Company Brick-making machine, which makes the Uricke and temper the clay, makes from :>ne to three thousand per hour. Upwards of thirty in use. Patented February 3d. 1858. Machines and rights For sale. Counties, or one-fourth of the Patent. will ho so d. Known to bn the only practical one in use. Ad dress 0. OARNELL, Germantown road, above Fifth ntroot. Philadelphia dlft-tmrlO ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where it Is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may.be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo -ately or in relief. ZIEGLER So SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gists Dealers,* uSft-dtf AO* Second and Green ate ~..16 guineas. ... 8 Aroade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA . COHDUOTBD OR TUB EuROPRAH PLAN. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, It will con tiaue to be conducted as heretofore, on tho European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, vis: Room Pbb Day 600. Dinner 600. Bbbakpast abd TSA, BAOH, 37X0. . The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortablo. The chamber are heated in winter by raonntt of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept In the house to he a source of annoyance to guests. The accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. Ip* This house is never dosed day or night. . J. D. BROWN, oc6-Sm E. DK YOUNG, .n JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Fa., (fireeted in 28ST, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my29-y WELLS COVBRLY, Proprietor DE LANEY'S SALOON AND RESTAU RANT. N. B. corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philide’phia. no2-3rao wM. A DK LANKY, Proprietor. J PROSSER'S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four dcors above EIGHTH, South side, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roasted, Pried. Pickled, &0., ao , for Home Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o’oiofir nnSJ-tf OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY.—IO puncheons very superior Old >cotch Whiskey, iu. .bond,and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT St. d HIWOB QTarbs (Eabisiet tUare. THE PNIOW. HOGUET & HUTTOH, (Successors to J. T. Hanjmltt,; MANUFACTURERS, Of Seminfl iUacbitus. ©roxerica. ©rage and ®l)emual9 Gottis an& Restaurants. igpmar'Jttnos,., A little; fUla,the,Parse.*? C’RANKLIN i. S AVING,: FUND— (Th.-t™; 180 , B ,°“ ,b FOURTH Street,'between GoV'era^ent, gSee, 7 Otounl ‘ »'“*«. Serf: poaitors’ money! bul hire wlth i J O ' “raebded - d ““»- TbtoOompiny ney.; denoSt'fn’thS'™ 0 ' end Minore cin “oh^e ithdra T «»’by ttw?iSSt^ <,dt ' “ y r S^i ,n,t , 68s aDa Tieoulore. ■ n!n AN i > SUMS RECEIVED. day from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wedueadiyerening, until 8 o’clock. t -DIEEOIOR3. Shannon, Cyrus Oadwallader, iuHSiS 1 ® 1 !;’ Georgo Ruseell, “ a ’*” h l W - Sloan, Edward r. Hyatt, M?.B , Kt S,'?. bhMr ’ • Henry Delany, ’ ro‘2 h n l^?i tt 2? 0n * e ’ Nathan SmeMey, Jos. it. Batbertbwalie, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. L'pplocott ' JACOB Bj SHANNON, President, OADWALLADtR, Treasurer ~ dlo-y* . <• A Dollar sared is twice earned.” r pHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, Mo. 541 DOCK BTRBST, NEXT DOOR TO THE EOST OHIO*, INTEREST five per cent Money rewired Dailt, and erery MONDAY EVENING, OB JDBFOQIt, IN BUMS LARGR AND SMALL, AMD PAID .BACK DAIL7, FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. TO 3 O’CLOCK P. M, DftrOSITQKB OAB DXAW THXIB lIOBBT BT.OBXOKO, AB IB BASK, IV 0881180. GRQ. H. HART, President. 0&A8..G. IMLAY, Treasurer! J. HENRY HAYEB. ,' . se23-tJanl The spbing gakden saving FUND. * * (Ouxnuo »t m ixbißUiuii or PmanTiiu.) PBBPITUAL OHABTFB. - FIVJ PBB OBNT. Interest allowed to Depoaltorf, ' find fill Jfoneji pAld b&olt on D era and. OPPIOB. 831 NORTH THIBD BTRSJT, (Oo»boudiuo» BojttlKS.) Tin Institution is dot open far the translation ol bminea, and ijtke onlyOiartered Saying Puna looatua In tue northern part or the city. ’ The.Offloe will b« open (dailrl from 9 to 1 * o’oloek, and alio on MONDAYS and THJJBSDAPB, bom 6 until B o’clock In tie Byeninyl ’ KAHA9MB. f rederiok Klett, Stephen Smith, loan P Lory. Hon, Henry K. Strong, . BaaieJUaae^koftVr,' Ho?. WWW, Vrederiek Bfcyie, Imnois Hart, : Joseph P. LeClere. t Presideni Secretary, GEORGE *.,i John Kessler, Jr., Inin S. Pringle, *W9> Dock. jowphiOtareii, &&KSSU, P. 0. IllxoF.ker. Johnny. Term, George Eneoht. JAUBB 8. PBINGLB. IOBM. . _ ap2l-lftf CAVING- FUND—FIVE PEE GBit*. IN. OTJBBBT-NATJONAI, BAHTY TfiCaT COM FANV—WAiNCT BTEBST, 80OIH-WH3TOOBNIB of thibd,pnaAi>si,aHX4. .. -1,:,, : ' ttoowoijwo At %nw 'FiM*3Tt.TJjlli, , Honoj u Hwlna 1* AST hub, lam et null, nil In •ptwt ptli (com »Ss4»r of deposit to tha dsr of with- WiiTrt.- - 1 ' ■-> ■’ ' 1 ' -Rmoflee 1> own mij itj (romOo’olodklntta coming till t o’olotut in Bio arming,: nsl on Montaj ted TnnrM*T aromngs till 8 o’clock. . HON. TOMBY Is BBNNBB, Pnaiilrat, 1 ; wVMgwm^iT; Brn'.mafij Bwlm,”’*. oitnpu Bwwtor, 1 ' Vdwtroti. carter.- - 3 Jowphß; Bur • , Robert Selfridge, , . - ifthdaLoe;... Baml.’K; Aabton, *-*•Joseph-Yerkea, ',,0. fcahdrethHiume, - Henry-Diffenderflw. ~ Honey is received and payment* made'daily. ' the investments are < nude 1 inoonformitywith the bt the‘Charter, in mtkr. SSTATB HOST 'ctAGBSJ GKOUND BENTS, and aqcfr flyrt tide M will Aiwa Iraare perfect sttmeiw to ihedepocf-. ton. and vhieh'eannlt fail id kite permaaeneytand ata* 1 bUt(y to thU Institution.,' ‘v ■ ■ / anl-lj ; HAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES K 7 TBUfIT OOMPANY, oorser of THiiro and OHIBT* NUT Street*. E>ndfwmoat noil 131 from the d*y of aepoaitto the day pf withdrawal. OJBoe hours,'from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, end ob MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAJTB tor eel* on England, Ireland, end Bootlnad, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN B, OBAW7QBP Soffkbiniiing. PERRY'S BLAtfR BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. : ' S. W. CORNER RAOX. 1 BRSMipt AWARDED ’* By the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing ■ 1 Superior Aecount Bdoks j FIRMS intending to open. ue■**' improvements ever introduced in Cooidog Stoves and Ranges—the- burning of the' gas arising from the ooal', by which means is saved 60 per cent, in fuel and also more Intense hist thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perfora teflon the under side, which* admits the am in a boated state to mingle with the gases, thus adding Its combustion, and causing a flame to paas arounfl the oven equal to a wood Ore. This fm- Srovement also’preserves the centre piece from -inking own on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs. One of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN. OPERATION «t 1110 MARKS? Street. - - Manufactured by -JAMES SPEAR, InventornndPatentee, (late,North;Chase So North,) 1110 MAR AST Street .. . , septt9-8mo? Housekeepers, look, to* your i INTEREST.—Great Reduction in"the price of COAL. Oheapfat and bes'. The subscriber havmg made.contracts for his supply of Coal/is enabled to offer very superior Family Coil At'the, following re duced prices: * Broken Egg and Stove., .84 00 per ton - ‘ Cooking 8 7a “ “ Large Nut 3 60 “ Small Nut 3 25 “ “ Warranted to give satisfaction and full weight in all eases at Hick's Old Central Yard; 8. B. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. . «'d&-3m pRESSWELL & WILLIAMS,- No. 206 WALNUT Street,-are prepared- to > supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. ’ • '■ • > oo4tf FCERING, FOX, Sc 00., wholesale and retail dealers-in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN 1 ROAD. ! Bohuylkfll yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly-on hard Coal from the most approved mines, .under cover, and prs fared axpreaslvfar famllvase W-y Carnagea ISAAC P. BRANIN, LIGHT COACH So CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRAKKFORD. PA. AU work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited nolo-3m* pano Jarua. PIANO FORTES. fjfil it Just received, an elegant stock of RAVEN, ISaGON, Sc CO.. NUNNS & CLARK, HALLST,DA VIS Sc CO., and GALE So 00. .8 PIANOS. MELODI OUS of best quality, at _ J. R. GOULD'S, 8. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT eta. mhlO-y » - jaCSSSto OHICKERING & SONS, Mann rrrfn facturere of GRAND, P 4RLOB-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This Is the largest'and oldest manufactory In the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1828, Since which time we htfve MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials of their SUPERI ORITY over all others, U Gold, 18 Silvtr, and 4 Bronze Medals IfT** Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA Is at 1807 CHESTNUT Street. - . o cs-8m ■ Brohere, E* A. TREGO, BEAL ESTATE AGENT «T • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth atr< ot, attend* to the purchase and sale of Heal Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, and Collection of Home and Ground Rente, ana Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. 0019-3m* RB. CORSON, • REAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Lqaned on Bond and Mortgage Collections promptly made, iegfrgm NORRISTOWN, PA A UGUST BELMONT, ‘ BANKER, 70 BRAVER STREET, „ Kiw yobs, Issues Letters of Credit, available to Traveller*, on all parts of the world. je£o-6m pRONISE & 00., ' KJ BPEOIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, - YHILADBLYBTA. Refer to the Basis and Baouis of Philadelphia. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO , ILL - The subscriber, having bad much practical experi ence in selecting and locating landaln the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. Having Surveyors constantly in tht field to make personal examinations, be can always 'make the most Judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the Une of railroads, may now be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required ITT Money invested in Kansas and. Nebraska, and any of the Western States. . 8. SALISBURY, CLARKK Btre«t, Ohleaeo SJEGARS. —500,000 Havana Segars, choice bylate arriv*lf} i> bond and >toro for sate by A. MBKINO; 140 B»nth FRONT Street. d2O CJLATE I „ SLATE \ I SLATE ft!—Roofing Slate, of all sites, and at very low rates, kept eon ■tantly on hand, and for sale by FOBBING, FOX, So 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street.. 9L B, Slat# Roof* j>ut on In the best mannar, »nd re tblEj(%tW« 4. : 1958, Bond#, Mortgages.-and Keal,Estate « n.sea ok an^°^ier la>«U3»..»....!!-297!0C0 60 I ? BaeAnce Companies. 25562 60 Cash S? 2? ® «... 201,666,36 B MSi C 9 ln 42,06 T 85 61288 14 William Martin WMTOM. Joseph. H Seal’ * James 0. Hand, Theophilna Padding, John O James fraquair, ISS- Wm n r',? n ! ton > Henry Blow, ’ n. L - d " lg ' James B. M’Farland, Hugh Craig, Thomas O/Hand, Robert Burton, n h slL K a - e {’ - ’ John B Semple, PlttsVg H. Jones Broofre, DrT/Morgtor “ Jacob P. Jones, J. T, Bogan. . •> , , . WILLIAM MARTIN, President. OT „„„ . „ THOfl. O.BAND, Vico President. - , HENRY. LYLBUBN, Secretary., • ■; ~ d!6-tf ‘ safeguard insurance company, 109 WAIHDT Btreet, Philalolnhia- - Capital paid in (eecmefy invented)...... ;.y209 oCSLPini, Beo *231 J THE QUAKER- CITY - INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 408 WALNUT BTBSRY. PHILADELPntA.-CAPiTAL and SURPLUS *277,- 606 86.—InsureB against LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIBS and tte PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAYIGAS TION *nd TRANSPORTATION/ ‘ : - ICT’TBN per cent. in c«h returned on the earned premiums of Upon Inland Policies. - 1 OFFICERS. * Ptf&ldept—-CtEOBOfi H; HART. Yise President—B.P.BQS3. Secretary and Treasurer—H JR. COGGSHALL. A|*fctant SeoreUip—3. H. BUTLER. ■ DIRECTORS. Oao. H. Hart, S P. Boas, A. 0. Oittelt, Joseph Edwards. John G. Dale, Poster 8. Perkins, hVb l.W.'B&Uejr - Ln4mr R. i S.PSRMM9, l&ijlta - l. is;Cogir^**V iVPI.-36nw,'M,Z>.> VvUvrJ™ ' pOGQSH AVhtSHTj, 4 UEBICAN FIBE XWStFBAWOK 00.. !®-® law CBJkHTJSR PBH Na. &13 WALNUT Street. ibwoTliM/ ppri«iu»»M» PAW-np.;o.iltal Btooi esdSarjoM UwU’ QtltftM, ead Wei r«S Properly.- AllEoMemtiieUj utd promptly adiuted. . _ - • . . ~ DIUOfOU. 'SSSJC, w®«j' ’' .JstoT.lWe,.. i iJH.'Ta'fc ■■.. ~ , .oupei w. Mom.,, _ JemeeßjOempbell, •w^^junHaSa^ilgSS (3 7 '*N»,%o.;na ‘IT Y INSURANCE. COMPAQ Bouth lOOBTH Stmt. : ,--J - : ■ ' » .1:, OHABT¥S rE*e»UIAX..i .: r 'BrtTilegod to infeoro Hoorn I ,offiraoUvoroirßotasnT: EeMOMlProperty. Mn'uliy, or f«7lw«po poalto; hold Trorta WKttrWstoxwrotkloo- • ■>- 1 ' ■- -43.58.8 - WSKKB, Mint, _ „ ... B O, TYLER, Vios PmidtoV 7, W* BU*W**, Secretary.. i . : pneators. - : r Hto- W. B.EoUor. 0-0. Tjler, J.W. Smoot, 7. W. Bonder, • >Pi ~ ■- C.*,BlW, .UrnimSSk-. ■ j.w todlmMottbowo,. 7.TS. Stctau, - i TSUUua Cnrtti"/ - MMy.... . e. s. "fT ..; Life. insurance Andtrusi com -~®}? PBSH HOTpiL IJMt INSTOiNOI SJ’g»AHY, H(prtt«Mt Oqta« «{ VHEBD irt SOOX Wmijbr fcr ttd irtol* aependiaj ob Mled6Blißmilcl«« or Lift.- -. Thfly' ut u Baftcatora, i-ftiM. SnitoMj.u« Quriltu.'i ’ ( ' " ' •' niRUt. . ” f V I, Stale) L.Mllln, ■ - Btaiitl B.KoiW. - EenJimln Ooitßi, ' • r. ■ ViWxm ! giotaal S.NewJold, James B. HcTarUaijV ■ 'JbMpiH.Tiottw,-;- WilliMD H. Kwb. JuaBB*Jßoit6itV --i'.ifi Stoa«l o‘Ha«7, ' • Tfcwplul a* Pftttltla*, OiartaßiHjUowdil,' ' Heßlj O. TowntenS, ■ •■ ■ -■ Daniel L>. Hntakimoo, Bodo'pliM Kaat, , John W-tHomor; > • : WjUlim H. Out, lllle 8. Archer, ■ • JldMdT.Mott, Btnrael J. OhrutlSß, ■ wS^K'^SSf 0 ’ .■ iT p £*; T,,bin “> ,W«TMr M. JUSiB. John ft. Hwninf 4 ■• - - 1 • T.B.'MtoMwijtturto#; ' , DANI2I, L. HHLKR Preeldeat. lon W. Hoi tot, Secretary. ~ nIS-lr ,r t ; . ~ ... v .., rWBa .; vINBUBANQS>4 OOMPAJfY, (TATS OS PSNNBYLYAMA. : , , •' ■ -OSSIPS.:- - KOEIHTMT OOItHMK. SOORTH.AMD WAIiMBX STRUT*, ' _ •suuußwaiA, . < Slbecribed Capital, *«q,qoo;.y A - Paid up Capital v S»Q,POO. OXUOfOBf, Dr. I>. Jayne, MPhoa. 8. Hteuarf, H. L. Benner. j. M. Butler., J. M. WhitaU. . - J. K. Walker.; *dw. O. Knight, M. B. Wendell, t / K; Lewie, Jr.: 8.-K.Hoxaie. . • j'. T- DAVID JAYiOLM. ©..President, THOMAS 8. STIWABT.VUe Pm*. B.-Moon.-SecreUry .} , -je2o-T CUBE AND INIiAND EISKS.—FAME A INSURANCE COMPANY .. " ~\t Oftpital ;...-.?ieo.oofc (Organised under the Aet of Assembly relative to In rfirenee Companies, nested April 2d, 18W.) . GEORGE W. DAY, President THOMAB B'.MAETIK. Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ■ " OMee 4110H18THDT St., Philadelphia, .. . : DIRECTORS. A -* George W. Day, Jacob K. Vaughan,, - William W. Welters,. . ' Henry Jr., Charles Richardson, . ,D. B. Biryjy, v - Barclay LippJnoott, John W.Brennan, Joe. R- Broffnerd. , ; A. B> Rotenheim, Chet. Stokes, f«24-y M. Stern..*'-:} »<,■--s < J? ASTERN T NSTJHANOE COMPANY.— XLi OPFIOB No;« EXCHANGE. ' Acthokixio , Stook 8600,000. Chair* PSHPBTOAL. ’ ‘ Tire Risks on Merchandise end Buildings. < Marine Risk* on Yeraels Cargoes end Freights.* Inland Transport*'ion Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, end Steamboats taken on favorable terms. - - DIRECTORS. George A. Wright, Thomas Bb&w, ~ . George Cookman, , Charles-Stoj, Jacob Beed, W 0 fctoteabnry. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. William I. Blows, ViceiPre* Ideat 03-tf Andrew Cochran, William I Brown. Bichard Q. Stotesrary, Peter B. livers, Robert B walker, Jacob Lnkena, Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, : Wm. V. Leech, J. Rdgar Thomson} Robt. W. D. Troitt, M.W. Baldwin, *. Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. H. ShllUngfoid, A.J;Backnor, ■ C.B. Spangler, John W. Sexton, H.H. Houston, William Raignolj o Wm. H.Lnre, Bdwin Booth,. Charles F. Norton) John Garrison) Isaac Myer. Bs S-l Warns. t President—THOMAS L. LUDBRS. , Vice President—E- 8. WARN* Secretary—CHAßLES A. BUY. eel6-tf U)i a&k and &ij;xj£rr*< CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure spirit*, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the publie of an article which the analyeatlon of Professor Chilton,'-Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, * Camao, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injundus epirifr erer offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAB. R CHILTGk. I hate analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, receiTwd from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja of Philadelphia, and h&Ting carefully tested it, I am plejsed to Btate that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure fine fiarored quality of Whiskey* JAMES B. CHILTON, k. i>., New York, Sept. 3,1868- Analytical Chemist. PHiLmßwaiA, Bent. 0,1858. Di a» Bi* :We have carefully tasted the sample of Cheatnut-GroTe Whiskey-, which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known lae Phblo Oil, which is the. characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiakeyß In general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH. GARRETT,, A CAMAO, - - Analytical Chemists. ToChaiub Whasto*, Jr., No 116 WALNUT Bt., Philadelphia. oc22*dtja3l COOTCH ALE, LONDON POKIER, AND 53 BROWN STOUT. . 7 R Youngers’ Ale, St Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, in stone pints. * 6 ’ Muir & Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in atone pts. Pwii & Williams’ London Brown Stout in glass pts. _ ‘ % do Porter, in glass ptq. P Bleed *Oo >a Dublin Stout, ia stone pts. In store and, for sale by WILLIAM H YEATON, 216 South FRONT Street. “CNIDEK’S OLD WINE STORE,” ►3 NOWCAShY’S. Old No. 76, new 328 WALNUT Street. Bnlder’B Wines were always pronounced by good judges to be unsurpassed, and were in reality superior to any in the market." .Part of the olds'ock I have yet on bend, which consumers would do well to try, how that the market ia overstocked with adulterated liquors for to sell duringthe Christmas Holidays. . Wines fiud Liquors sold by me, ilnnsatisfactory, can bereturned. JoHN 0A8&Y, Jr/, di-lm gcccessor to J. V. Beider. BRANDIES.—" Finet Gastillon,” Harett, and other .Cognacs of Various Tintages, in half pipes and quarter casks Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and-fox sale by ;j , • HSNlii' BOSUN A-CO., ooW W 7 «n't Orcil IMPROVED BURNING FLUIDITY© are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a Burning Fluid much less liable to explode than the common article, and we can confidently recommend It as being much safer. YABNALL A OGDEN, odn-Ualft 472 N TnißD Htraat. ahov* Nobla \*fAK.JJKOBES OF. ELEGANT STYLES, » T for s»le cheep, at Buenafeetorr, 259 Bcnth THIRD Street. " “ 1698,804 70