mstii j .1 V-.Y.,- 'St!-■ : ' : .'- :'-«i>iiiv»iftK.'rl>'i-«i»l» >■•>-*/ B - 2f ' -‘«**»&*% s - ■', -.-- - - Andcontalnsa. copiplete Bummary or what has trana p i^oiirdity, SlaW/atid tba'Xllahtlc StatVaysiiice thadepartare oftliolaat atoahierforCaUfornia.' ; '■ : s ,t_.t ;y ~ '”!' . - •_; .A tejreal; of. ;> ' vThz ; iPnEsa., of -to-day/,is•; at model, newa ’ ypaj&fand contdips an amouhtof pdtfortising t :«hdsfe&dthg ltd . great popu larity and prosperity. The ;inoreaßiDg-num ns to Issue a soproiassTf iylrioir will bo served *-to ; all-Tjur subscribers. -Tn* sPnsss loft'era exj traordlnary Inducemente to all those wtib da- - sifo’tft lefrtiie community know what they aro .dpiug ln the yforld'. ?s>, ??“? '"-■part, of and- the, States of Now v . ; ' Speethof M. Rnis(6ll Thayer,;Bsa'» , ’:. Afuir ireporlf.ot’liiiojeutnfc'gßeeoli of,M. - JJfEwnAii,, “will to’eV^ound-upon.,itno!, fourth page of, this ~-'V) jV ■ morn-. 'lpg‘wlU/ ; ha found; under' the headofLlterary •■'l ot'liatejnttUiig ■hoOkajo oommnnloatlon In regardto the. Amer- ;Religtona ; lntolligenoe ;. ,Report of 'a. Berinon by Blflhop '' "Bowman f Mlapellaoeoaa Items; -Weekly Review .''lfjthii^b'llj^jiplUtMe^’eie; X'Wtter, from New • York-; The Steamer Olt/of Rlohmond ; Cnrioua legal ltenm;eta. 7; '* ' - j - On the eeoond page of the Supplement,will be {band as Intonating. letter fiom Genova,Bwit-: ■ Borland,, written a taleßkeS 'Jodng Phlladel /'twaSi the ;Etiiop«; V .of ou.r\ .rogniar’U|ao Trill bofoundafaU■ report of ths opening- epeooh of in dofonoo of ThomiaA., irowbaii... -i/. ..--.-#1 ■>'.] ■ On the first page'will’ bo found anedltoriabon , iho Tariff, : No 2. : —■ ThebNews. -. ?4-TKo^J“ffi!4' : St||M l EfenS■ V,,.... ~ ';t\ I, ■, ** This sect ten mfghf,' r groatpropf iota* and 1 with advantage to the pdWonjft ht fa permit the oertiGoatoa for gold to hoir saed;ih' snob-autos M tfto' defiosfton'may de sire, reatriotedto'smnailot/Jera and made issuing Buph.«>rUfioate4,wonldr fndhoe.ft' more gonerar usa"of- gold'coins- andftieirundoubtod . eaoivaipotr and,prepare theurgy ter the expuJaten i paper nipijey, which. coif, of Thoevldenoe on thaljjatfpf.tho Eroeecntlonln tbs Allibone mJ Hewhall easowas closed jester- 1 day , and' thedpenlng' speeches of the, defenodwere • made by Mr.rßrewster ftr' Allibone, and Mr. Thayer for, .IfojfbsH,, T :.. .foreign l, jrar-TeWls are hovering around the ■ eoant.crf Mexico almost as thickly as oarrlon'around a onicass; ■■ A Breiiohfidet.oonslstingbftwo steam ersi-t«r tloned thetejand'threi tnbrt were daUyeip'ected. n waealao suppbsedthat three Britiahwarvesseia ' ™ ! »i,th»t ,port,; .lnthe interior the frar-r iikompTeinontapttho contending parties continue TTithvariedimcC.sjanditjasaldthat'aiittack will shortly l,e Vera/Orus tlsaai of ; Zuioaga. The Ocndlsh Splrff lo which this,oml war is conducted ia.etrikinglv lUnstrated >y the prooiamatidnof Sanera! Koheagaray after thaoepturo of Porote./ Hosays .-],:, . ■■ '‘.A„h'onlblo spectacle will'disturb your fcratiit oation<,;.X am .or those’ Mexican# ’Wb» : nisserve ■ theirnatUral igood feelings;iyon cannot'He with ■ iodltfarptisetbo doath.of oUr^brethrehyaUlioigh Ve* 10 - f I ! 6rra<>nE ‘OrlmeSof Whloh’tkey.are Sauty. rhare commanded the: offloefs- and ier-' 5rSSff l UScef«j»M ,> W?” XftbftlMtot; andonein'flVo • Vera Orbs exnoMiW®' iWTttattefitl i Vivd ii 7-ciW^ '■ ‘'f\7 -ioocryj?^^•* '&?£! Oar Relations with Foreign Powers. Tho ample tolegraphip summary of the va rious documents reletting to our relations I with certain foreign Powers, scpjNjy the Pro sidont'to Congress on'i.l’hnfsday, contained in..! Tins Press of with satisfaction by |uhth(ftisandl'pf' reisers. It is unhecessary 'feeap : itulate .J Evhnt has boon so’wollatatedia thoso ddspatches, I beyond calling attention to the following I paragraph, accidentally omitted in the tele graphic report, from tho minutes of the con versation of the Earl of Malmesbury, of the f office, ’with ’the American (^mister) .'our 3 ,feUow'Oitizen, „ Mr. Dali as,, The'liarl said: - (i , ' (t 3'The iivo Governments harmonised per fectly in their.determination to arrestor crush the ravages of General Walker and bis assooiatea Nothing'could be more entirely just and satis* fliriOry than'the President's proclamation.” j " A few days ago we npoke with some empha pis of the hazardous folly of newspaper illi bußteiring on these questions, trying to create a warpanic at* such atime.rWe stated that thefe.Beamed to us no immediate or remote apprehension of such ’ a catastrophe—-that not only were ' the' causes of a collision wanting,'but that it was to tho interest of ai the parties to strive for peace and good will. And finally, that those who, for the more "pur; pose of mischief or ambition, sought to dis regard the monitions of tho timeß, will surely encounters most fearful'respouslbllity. We are, therefore, ’greatly gratified to know that our relations with certain loading for eign Powers are so auspioious. England to ' Mr. 1 Dallas, on the ono hand; ahd to General Cass on the other, and intennediately' to’ Captain Mclntosh of the Home Squadron, with noble frankness, while Spain addresses' onr country through Mr J DobaE, ohr representative at Madrid, with friendly dignity and handor. These conversa tions reach the two immediately sensitive points, and will go for to tranqniliso the pnblio mind.. ’ , . The President deserves high credit for the part be has taken, in - these affairs. Jnstice requires that we should add, however, that ; mnah had been done towards the preparation of the English as well as the Spanish .mind,' for the determination"of.the American people on the anbject now approaching a settlement,' by 1 tte'Administration, of. President Pieeoe. Governor,Miaor was a vigorous and far-see ing statesman, as bis course on the right of. search ” so plainly " established, and the , re buke of the enlistment blunder by the Execu tive under .the same was hold and 'well-timed. . Mr, Buohahan has acted with equal fir mneas and sagacity, and, in this at least, Kas qarnod the consideration of his countrymen.' =,, Mr. Cobb, and Reciprocity with the . - ,i ,-Canndns. !- By tho. reciprocity treaty of 1854, which went'into operation In 1855, to continue ton years/botween tho,United States.and the Bri tish provinces ,of “ Canada, Newfoundland, Nowßriinswiekj Nova Scotia, Prince Edward’s the several islands, thereunto adja cent,’* free trade was established in the prin cipal "raw staples of both countries. Mr. Cobb, it seems, has.decided that flonr and lumber must be treated as. manufactures, and thereby taken out of the free liat and sub jected to the import duties of our general tariff. .; . Wo havo . seen in one or two of our ex changes, where least of all we wonld hare ex pected to.ffnd it, complaint made against the Secretary on account of his action in tho mat ter. But it does not appear to us tiiat ho Is censurable, nor; that his,motives can be justly put under suspicion, •He was hound to con strue the treaty justly ahd.strictly, and if even the intention, of imposing countervailing restrictions' upog the Canada trade, to meet somo impositions which they bad made upon ours, . .was among the inducements, they may have been well warranted. That treaty was unquestionably got lip in favor of the menu factoring interests of New England, with no regard whatever to the Interests of the agri culturists "of the' Western and Northwestern States* . It tiftod the gate to let in a flood of the p raw produce of; the Canadas upon the market of’our fanners;.While it "did nothing to release them from the tariff charges upon the manufactures 'of; Great Britain. It was all one-sided,’ as between the farmer and the ma nufactnrer, and every way prejudicial to the welfarp of, tho former—operating to let in competition against him, and not touching that competition which wonld have been bis compensation. ’' , Whatever was Mr. Csbb’s feeling or aim in the matter,, .the treaty is just that sort of a on* which should be most strictly construed in favor ef the interests" injuriously, affected by it. • ■ ; f . Opr farmers and lumber-men of the. North and West are merely mocked by a duty jn our general tariff upon wheat and rye flour oi fif teen per cent, and a duly of toonty-four per cent. 'upon the manufactures of wood hud lhe*wopd,. if flour and finished ,lumber are to be let in upon them from the Canadas by a lCdße ctmstriictiohpf the reciprocity treaty." rMri CCEB’s' 'proclivities are not to be im peached with-’favoritism to protection. His daclSidh on these points is friendly to the in jtbrests of classes,of tnen.not tqo mnoh favored ■bythopolioy of the and, in tho ab sence of, ’ all probabld motlve that is excep tionable; all proof of misconstruction, and of jany wrong iri the effecis produced, he’desmes ;fcl,bp.fl|iBtai9e’d; in Itto cpniv 'plain of; -hat, on the contrary, until we are bet |terad vised, 1 we; Shcil ’hold him notcnly right,’ eritUled to ;crefli£,fbr what' Be has done in ■ the premises.:- ' When we catch manufacturers, or thsir spe jolaladybcales,-working for froo trade in the things which they provisions, or Jlnraw material Which our own soil can pro duce, they will hear from us. We are not for ithoprotection''or monopolies, but of all the ;iji|erests of induetry. Jttost assuredly wo will •notcensure; a . free-trader for an act contrary tohlsprejudices, whon his official judgment [obliges him'to .'execute his' duties favorably to the rights:and 'interests of our agriculturists. ; Osj jpntrary, whether he who does fight is SHr. Ur Surra, foe or friend, he shall •have the gbod WordofTiiE Pkebs. ! ' Mfia. BiiKiHKo’s BoOK— u Tus Pes asd tSk iP*SoUi’,',’-r;shlsiB the pretty and appropriate name i«fif tho most elegant Gift Book of the soason. Mrs. Balmanno's Pen has supplied tho literary matter, land her j Pehett the artistic illustrations. Original fatten, important. In English History j Artlatto fAneodote|,, Bemiplaoenoetf; of Tyitsand. Poets. iArehmblogioaljlnqulries, Poems, ifc o<> Ao., form the opntentsof thtspharming volume. Mr. ami Mrs. B.were the Mends and gtmstaof the distinguished parSonsftHdy dewrib'o—Hood, tomb, Fuseli, Sir Thornes Lawrence, (to whoso instruction, we un derstand, Mrs. B, owes hor suporior skill In the representative art). Mrs. Cendan Clarke, i0.,A0., live again In the grateful pages of the fair memo rlaliitl _Her. book; null bp an acquisition to the Jibrary,and an ornament to tho draniug-room,' pfSiohOß Blits —The anlertalnments of this iaondorfttl maglolan continue to attraet full audiences. , In' addition to its learned banary birds, Spirit yappings, And' vehtriloi)ulam, ho is conhtanUy .'iaddln'g heir novelties to his pro gramme. Thieaftbniooh ho gives an eutorUiu jnent. The jovenllos should atthnd . Ladies’ Fslr attfonnt Airy, Gtfrman iown, In&id of the Episcopal Ghdroh in course of &t that'plaoo,olosos this evening. ft is a rnoa VirloJlof, pp '<«>, ,k jo'ri penmptoniy, Jfy executors, - and others. See pamphlet. OatalOgne.isaoeitb-a&y;' , i 4a’asi'itho. attoatlon of phrohnsera to the sale pt Frohohaml Gorman toys, byß.Ssctt.Jr., auc itoneer, 431 Chestnut street, ooinbrlsing; a gene ral’smbrtmont'pf frph ItopofieiJ suited to ojy BaleS. . • 1 , 4 ,--i ht .'.v<. THE PRESS,—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1858. B Y MIDNIGHT MAIL. Letter [Oomspondence of ' \ ' , Wi-BUINGTOH, Dec. 17,1858. {'EUe Uniofofi ha') ap tho ta* rtf?question deserves to bo ooinmonded fot thb general and?unexpected modotatibii or Its tono. Few ©xpeot : 'proteotion -fot the aako of proteo tllon, and none that tb6 duties should all -be spo oifio. If the Uniojt is at all ahthoiized to speak, its artiole indioates a‘ better spirit than we have been led.toexpeot. Certain it is that Gov. CJobb’s report has impressed the Country that he is hot only against Bpeoifio duties, but disposed/tb dif oriminate against ,Amerioan. labor. Suoh is the impression it has made hero and elßefrhoro. I should greatly Vejoloe If by his notions ho shows a disposition to yield to the requirements of tho times and the demands of. an enlightened pub lic opinion. This much I know—that there is the .best feeling hero among the-Southern men on this important, sabjeot. Mr. Oobb need not be afraid of them. Congress may not give either extremes all thaUt may expeot; but if Secretary Cobb chooses to do it, he can assist in the con summation'of a revenuo bill that will stand the test of many years. Bat will he do it ? I have never known a moment In Washington when, with any kind of prudenoe, the revenue question could be more satisfactorily settled than at the present. Thero. are, partisans who would like the question kopt open till the Presidential eleotion In 1860, but the general disposition is good. The unity In Pennsylvania on thissntgeot has <*one muoh to create the favorable feeling bow existing in this*oity. The usual New York squabble is going on. Many of the sachems (or sachems) are oh hand, and great is the hubbub. For yearsoffioo has been the gilded bait which the New ¥ork poli ticians have followed, it has never been a ques tion ofprinolple with them. When John Van Boren, Cassidy, and tho rest, defeated Caes in 1818, it was beoause the Van Bnren father did not get an offioe. This they proved by joining hands the very next obanoe with their worst foes. When, under Pierce’s rale, Sronson was hnrled out of the l eolleotor’s offioe, the resulting row was about offioe. This lasted for two or three years, every train bringing a fresh relay of ob jectors and advocates. Then Mr. Buchanan oamo in, and Schell got to be oolleotor, and now nearly two years have gone by in another flouffitaboftt place. Whether Schell goes out, or Sohell stays in,' is now the question) Ido not think that in either event the Government will go down. My surprise has always been, however, that so many able men as aro to bo found in New York should be tearing eaoh other to pieces about this miserable business of office- The speculations of Bomb of the Washington correspondents about the probability of difficulties with foreign Powers have always been absurd. There never was a moment token o'uy relations with foreign Pamirs were moYe auspicious than at the present moment. Bven the usual war spirit so common in Congress heretofore, has got to be unfashionable. The South wants peace. The West wants emigrants. The East wants trade, and evoryhody is looking lor good times.. There will bo some difficulty, it Seems to mo, to* oook a war out of this sort of temper. , The Dred Soott deoision, it is thought, settles, without a doubt, the unoonstitutionality of the proposed protootorate of Buy Territory outside of the territory of the tJnited States. The Court thus states the question :. 11 There is certainly no.power given by the Con stitution to the Federal Government to establish or maintain colonies bordtfiiig bfe the United States or at a to %e rated and governed at its ottnipleasure f tlor, to enlarge its territo rial limits tit atiy -teay, except by the admission of tun States That power is plainly given; and if a new Stato is admitted, it needs no furthef i? gi fI a .' ion by oo »Svess, because the Constitution itself defines the relative rights hid powers, and duties, of the,State,.and-tho citizens of the State, and r the Federal Government. But no power is given 10 acquire a Territory to bo held and gov erned permanently in thatoharaoter. “And indeed the power exeroiaed by Congrefis td acquire territory and establish ,a government there, according to its o*n tthllmited discretion, was viewed, with great 1 Jealousy by the leading statesmen of the day. . And in the Federalist (No. 88), written by Mr. Madison, he speaks of the acquisition of the Northwoßtern Territory, by the eonfederated Statea, by the cession frtm vir ginia, and the establishment ttf a government there, as an oxerolse e| ho#or not warranted by the of Ootuhderation, and dangerous to the liberties ef the people. And be urges the adoption, ef the Constitution as aaeourity and safe* gear'd against such an exercise of power. “ We do not mean, however, to question tho power of Congress .In this respeot. The power to expand Hie territory of tho United States; iy the admission of new States , is plainly given; and in the oonstrnotion of this power by ail the depart ments Of tho. Government, it has been held to au thorise the acquisition of tori-itbi-y, not fit for ad mission at the time, pat to he admitted as soen as its population and entitle' it to admission. It is acquired to become a State , and not to he held as a colony and goQeintd by Congress with absolute tuuMril V; and as the propriety of admitting tt now State Is oommltted to tho sound discretion of Congress, the power to acquire territory for that purpose, to bo held by the United States until It is in a suitable eonditioh to become a Statu upon an equal footing with the other States, must Wst upon the same dis cretion.” - v • . , [!?**«- frfnolplo upon winch our govarnmanta rest, and ppou wbiob alone they oonttuue to extat, is the union of Statek, Bovefelgn and independeat within their own Halts in their internal and do mostio.oonootns, and bound together as Quo,people by.aGonoraJ Govornmont, posaeaiing certain enu merated and reatrioted powers, delegdtbd to it by the peopleof tho eeveral Status, abd oxeroislng su* preme authority within tho scope of, the powers granted to it throughout the dominion of the Lotted States. A power, thereforo, in the Qah oral Government to Obtain and hold Oolonies and .dependent Territoriw,. oiroi' whioh they might legislate without foatriotion, would be inconsistent with its Own existeboo in its present forln.” It will thus be soen that the Supreme Court de nies the right of tho General tjovernment *o hold any “oSlony,” or “Territory” outside of the United Slates, or any Territory for any other pur pose than to niake it a State at a proper time., < Under a protectorate, would tile people of those Territories remain In htlhgionoe to the Govern ment ef Mtkteo, and bo oonsidotod oHisens of that itepublio ? Or would they bo in allegiehoe to the United States, and considered eitinen# of this Ke- P uMi ° ? .These,are queoHohS that may involve some difficulty. I merely throw out these sug gestions for what they aro worth. . This sabjeot is likely to'bo one of some cons,qaenoe, and I thought “Dred Soott,’’ Who Beehis to be in great favor jast notv, might have some inflaenoe In its deoision. Mr. Vice-President Breckinridge is living ih Sixth street, near Louisiana aVetaue. Hlsfatniiy are not with him. Meeirs. 5. £, Olay and Mr. Stevenson, both members from Kentuoky, are of his household. Pioneer. - Elegant Walnut-street Residence anß 'Furniture to be sold on the premises on Monday nextr-one of the finest single yceidencee in the city, third house east of Mr. Dundee’ spleniid mansion at the corner-. Sale ofRARb A»b Curious Books on Monday and Tuesday, now arranged for examination. See advertisements of the three sales. Valuable Farm at Public Sale.— Messrs. Thomas & Sons will’ soil on Tuesday next, 21st inst.,at iho Philadelphia Exchange a valuable farm, on the lino of the Delaware railroad at Leip* slo Station. The land is in a good state of culti vation and advantageously situated, and is woll worthy the attention of those seeking farm pro perty'. -Bilßop Eleoant FVRMTtitife.—shla morning, atlO o ( clook, atfco. 912 Chestnut street, will be sold a stock ‘of ' fittt-olasa cabinet furniture, in cluding parlor,'chamber and dining seta of the latest and most superior finish. Alsd. an elegant rosewood piano-forte, by Soho miokor & 00., and an invoice of rich silver plated ware, the whole to ho sold without roserve. The Beep and Mutton Contract,— Tho special committee appointed by Select and Common Oounoils is Investigate the particulars oohborning the beef ahd mutton contract with. Mr. Jdhn Jobes hive made the following report, which will to the r eader at bncfc the lobSe, corrupt, and censurable man. her In which the public business in that department h*s been transacted. It exhibits the fad that the eon. tract .was awarded to this individual at a price exceed. Ins $5,000 over and above the sum at which other butchers were anxious to furnish the same article, and concludes with the following paragraph; •• After a cartful examination of all the facte thecorn mlttee are of the opinion, that as the wise restriction!! of the Consolidation Act. providing that Coubcllb shall direct the manner in which the Guardians of the Poor Shall make all contracts, were hot embodied in the Or dinance making the annual appropriation to that de partment, the cootrsct with John Jones Is binding on the city until the end of the year 1858, and no locgefr, as section 6 of the Bdpblemenc to the Consolidation Act, hooted April 21, 1868, expressly forbids any depart ment from enterics Into a contract, or inourriog any debt whatever, until aa appropriation shall have been first made by Councils.” The inhabitants of the quiet little borough Of Darby experienced considerable excitement by the 'uhannounbed appearance in their streets of a p&sßepger rallway car, which was placed on the Philadelphia and Darby railroad, as a precursor to running regular trains. The ear was driven at the usual speed of oity railways, and accomplished thedonble trip without Inconvenieoce or mishap, much to. the sathfaction of every one who witnessed it. The location of the road is entrusted to Mr. Alexander Eastta,- civil engineer of this city, whose sucoe'sfal operations should satisfy the advocates of onr Germantown and Baltimore.street railways, and others, that they need not fee deterred by heavy grades or sharp curves. Messrs. Smith A Leonard performed the work of laying the trsok, very much to the satis faction of all ooncerned. Fatal. Accident old man, named Benjamin Toffait, aged 72 yiars, yesterday morning fell from a Scaffold of a church which he was painting, at Eleventh,- and Wood streets. He was dreadfully braised and rodeived severe Internal* injuries. He was taken to tbe Pennsylvania Hospital and died a short time after he was admitted. ; The body was removed to the residence of hid daughter, No 9*B South Tenth street, below Christian, where Coroner Fenner will hold au inquest this moialcg. • , - , A Proclamation^—Mayor Henry has issued a proclamation forbidding all lhlndre from'ranniug with fire companies,>nd authorising the policemen Id arrest them.' This Is a very fine arrangement, as not upfre quectly acts of incondiiriAm' have beeu traced to' tbe fast youths of, our oity, who have fired buildings for the take of getting up an excitement The proclama tion-will go into effect on Monday next. Fatal Casualty. — A young boy, Lamed Thomas Deooursay, aged about ten years, was playing on the Readirig Railroad, on Thursday afternoon last, near the Columbia bridge, and was knocked down by a train of cars and very muoh Injured. He died at the -Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday mdrnlng Hie body’ •was taken to the residence of Ms parents. • < 1 THE LATEST NEWS BY TELE&RAIPH:. THIKTy-ni'TH CONGRESSi, Se’cobd Session* SENATr Sn, ' ,<,ioS ’ I,eCl7 ' The BenaU is not. in session to-da;, havlog adWrnei over to Monday. v . HOUSE OF BBPftBBfiNTATtVEg. On being called 1o order, the House took tip the nri rale calender, and are cotuldeting the bills from *thn lakla«Mion. A lengthy discussion took place on the bill to nro vide Tor the examination and payment 0 f 'tho oliiffia/fefb the ciUzebß of Georgia and Alabama, on account nf tnn losses sustained by the depredations #f the Greek in dlapfl, involving about a million and a quarter of dol fc fijr**. of Alabama, mad. a apesoh In rapport Mr. WAOBBOtaSB, of Wisconsin, replied hr makio. » remark not complimentary to the bravery of the «iti zenfl of Alabama and Georgia, who fled iti fear fibm the lnaiana, tlMdoroU* 111 * ch " r “ rt ' ,r,z " 1 th,t *» the Injury, they anppoae, of the Fen».ylcaniim and Artcui, when both of these journals might be 1 Benor Mata has reterned to Washington, as minister of theJuaree Administration in Mexico He has pleni potentiary powm to make treaties and settle all difficul ties between this Government and his own. The House Committee on Territories. Washington, Deo. 17.—The Konse Committee on Territories, at their meeting h.ld this morning, re jected, by a vot<« of five to foUr. AD. Grow’S proposed amendment to the Senate’s Oregon bill, to repeal that elMiße of Mr. English’s Kansas bill which prohibits tho people of Kansss from calllog a Convention to form a Constitution until they shall have suffieieot popula tion for a Bepreseotatlve in OoDgreio, according to the Federal ratio. The bill, as it came from the Donate, Vrafl ordered to be printed. An Omission Sappiiett-in the Central American Documents. WxsniNOtoN. December 17.—The following la the third point in the converaaiion between Mr. Dallaa and Lord Malmesbury, accidentally omitted yesterday : , ‘‘Third. The twoGoVetnments harmonised perfectly in their determination to arrest orcrash tho ravages of General walker and his associates. Nothing could be more entirely jnst or satisfactory than Ibe President’s proclamation.” The Paiagnay JEfcpedition. WissmoroM. Deb. 17.-The Secretary of the Navy has »rom three vessels on ths way to the ren dezvous of the Paraguay Expedition. The Chapin was spoksn at aea on the 7th inat.; the Pultdn reaohed on the coast of Brazil, on November 10.lh: and the Harriet Lana arrived at the same place «n No vember 13lh. The officers and crew were all well. South Carolina Politics. THE INAUGURAL OP THE NEW GdVBBNIJft—EXPRES- SION OF DISUNION SENTIMENTS— L. it. JtEITT. Washington. Leo. 17.—Hon. Mr. Gist, the new Go vernor of South Q&roUna, In hia rnauaural addreia, says:. » VP hoped that no occasion will arise ro quiring the State to call upon her sons for the defence of her rights and institutions;” bnt believing this hope will prove fallacious, he continues: ”We should not only endeavor to unite the Btitv,’ but the entire flouth, bo that when we can no longer retain our places as equals In the Confederacy, we will be preparel to forpj a jttore perfectUuion, under the stylo and title of 1 The United States of the South.’ ” The Charleston Courier t of Wednesday, states that Hon. 17. M. Keitt will close his Congressional career after serving out the next term. Wieck of the Brig E. K. Kane—Safety , . of the Crew. ' Nbw Yobk, Deo. 17.—Tho brig E. K Kano, of Philo delphia, from Richmond, Va., bound to Bio Janeiro, was wrecked at sea November 28th. The c-ew were saved. Three pf the number have arrived hpre, and the remainder are on the bark Ctabs, bodnd to Sa vannah. Counterfeit Notes on the Western Bank* York, Deo. 17 —Conuterfeit Qve-doliar nates, purporting to bo on Wentorn Bonk or Phll«4e!nhlo, ora oironioting in thlo oily. ' Arrival o'f the Overland Mail. Sr. Lon'S, Detombor 17 —Tho overlond moll, whloh mrt Boh Fronctaco on tha 21« l alt., arrived here with two through passengers. The nows from California is only one day later than Tarnished by steamer, and lausimporitnl. Ihe paasorigdra report that tho roadft continued to be in good condition? Mr. Pardee, the expressman, who has the President’s message in chargo, was met flfty miles east er Poet Belknap. He waa then thirty hours ahead of time. The Filibnsfer Schooner Snsan. Nbw tied. 17.—The schooner Fanny, whloh has arrived below, reports having spoktn the filibuster schooner Susan on the 10th Inftaot bound to Grey town ; lat. 24,40, long. 87.81. All well. Tlio Case oif Swan A Co., Lottery Dealers. Abouavi, <)»., Deo. 17.—Tho presentment before the Orand Jury of thle olty, sgtlnet Bwra & 00.. lot tery dealers, alter an examination of two days, has been retarned with no bill. Tire at Carlisle, Pa* HABRifBORo, Deo. 17 —A fire at Carlisle, about three o’clock this morning, entirely consumed four QWelilngß, apd damaged aSrtk.. Three of the houses were new briek buildings, just about being finished, the property of j„.Bbe'em, • Th^,other two were frames, the property of Charles Moore and*JMtfHarder..\Th6 fire, originated in one,of the new buildings, and was un doubtedly the work of an'ineendUry. ' Markets ‘fly Telegraph. BiLTixoas. D««,mt»r 17.—Flour firm; l.tlOO bus raid at f6.12g. Wheat arm; 10,600 be, sold, quota oaa unchanged. Corn unsettled j white 660; yellow 600. Prorlelona quiet. Whiekey firm at 200. Coffee firm : 1,200 bags eeld at llife for Bio. Marine Intelligence. ■ Arrived at Ban frebeisoo, ship Silver BW, from New Ya *- FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL *■*' The Blotter Market. , PiULADILTniA, Ifoo. 17,1868. Tbe market, to-day, was ralher dull. The sales cover 961 800 of loans aud bonds, and 222-share's of stocks. The fancy stocks are very dull, and the princi pal sales at ths stook beard are of tho lower priced rail road bonds. There was little or no change in prices from yesterday's sales. Norristown Railroad sold at 65# for five shares, a fell of from the last sales, with dividend off. The State Treasurer will buy from the bidders, under tie resolution of the commissioners of the sinking fund, one hundred thousand dollars of Pennsylvania five per oent. bends, at the following prloes : $0,400 00 at 60* per cent.,. s6d7o 12 000 00 st 95* r " nteo 42,202 78 at 95 91-100 per cent 40.489 89,397 27 at 9T * •• $216 $lOO,OOO 00 By this purchase, the State eaves $3,670, besides the annual intsrost from thi? time forward. The whole amount offered was $244,682 61. inaeven bids, as follows: No. 1— < $8,400 00 at.. 66* percent, 2- 12,000 00 at Oflw u 3- 42,202 78 at 05 944$ “ f"T JMP? 9® at......Eg per cent, 0— 6<,d49 /8 at........... . 97 ii . 0— 14,600 00 at 98 « 7 100,000 00 at 97* it. The Bohoyllkill Navigation Company, brings down 17,494 tons of coal for this week, against 7,414 tons in the corresponding week of mt—an inorelio cf 10,0 m tone, which brings up ibe aggregate tonnago lor the year to 1,318,864—44,239 tons ahead of last year. The Reading Railroad Company is working upon U| new year, and has fallen behind the early weoks of last year thus far, 0,026 tons, For the week there Is a gain of 5,250 tons over tbe corresponding week of 1637.’ The Hazelton Coal Company transported 6,282 tons during the week, At the last meeting of tho board of directors of tho Carlisle Deposit Bank Mr. Richard Parker resigned tUe presidency of tbe bank, ond the beard appoltted ft M Henderson, Esq ,in bia strad. Mr. Parker'hmilns i member of tbe .board. , Imlay & Blcknell’s Ratk A f c/s Reporter furnishes the-fol|ow*ng deebriplion of the new counterfeit five dollar bills on tho Westons Bank of this city, just put largely into circulation. They are a very close imita tion of the genuine. At present they may be detected as follows • The centre foalber in Indian head-dress on upper left hand corner of tbe note, in the genuine, touohea the line above; In the counterfeit it ieslightly short of the line j on,tho lower left corner in the genu ine, tho engraver’s name, Dauforth, Bald,; A ,Oo , Pfiila And Ndw York, almost rest upon the line below } In the counterfeit they set nearly an eighth of an inch above tbe line. The same line on the genhintj note Ik almost touched by the point of tbe waves of the orna mental work at the bottom of the note, in which the word Five is inset tad} in the counterfeit these points are nearly an eighth of an inch distant from the line, The tint color of the counterfeit is sligbfclygresn. The genuine is in bine. The counterfeits that we have seen are dated September 1, 1867. The following is the amottntof Coal transported on the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad during tho week ending Thursday, December 16,1868: From Port Carbon “ PottatiUe,.* ** Schuylkill Haven.,,.,,..,,., 44 Auburn ... 14 Port Clinton... J Total for week..,'... Previously this year. Total To same time last year... The following is the amount of Coal transported on the Schuylkill Navigation, for the week endiug Thurs day, December 16,1868: From Port Carbon •* Pottsville 41 Schuylkill Haven, 14 Port Clinton Total for the week Previously this year.,***. Total To same time last year..... 1,274,665 00 PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE BALES, December 17, 1868. BBPOITID BT MANLST, MOWN, A 00., BANK-MOTII, STOCK, AND BXOHAHdI BROEHRB, EOBTffWHST OQENBft THIRD AMD OBBBWOr B TBS STS. JIKST BOARD, 2 Penna R ~ 42# 4 do 42# 4 Commercial Bfe .. 50# 5 Reading R...2dy« 26# 50 do ».,. b&wn 26 IT 100 do ... 25# 5 do ~.,,.2dyB afifc 4MlnehiU R 61# 6 do .......... 61# 6 Morris Cnl Prf.bslo7# 10 Lehigh Nar.CO 2 Phileda Bk ~..,.118 0 Lehigh Scrip,,2B 8 ’ do 28# 2 <|o 28^ 16000 Penna 65....,b6 06 2000 City 65.... CAP 99* 2000 do ..R CAP 00* 4000 Elmira Ist 6175, 86 76 1000 do Chat 10s s 6 76 1000 do “ fl& 76 600 Cataw Chat 10c 69* Nar 60.. ,90 1000 Huntingdon A B’ Top 7s. .b 5 18 1000 Missouri 65.... 89* 1000 Reading R 6s ’47 95 8 Penna H 42* 2 do -.}% 42* 3 do 42* BETWEEN Oataw 7a. .«6wu 6lk 1 COOO do wtßfiwn 61 %\ dkOOND 600Pcan»5s, go 1000 City 6s CAP 99J< : 200' do ....O&pggv 80 ....O&PfigJ 1000 do Now O&P 103 100 City 6s ’6O .••*••'97 1000 Peanaß 2dM 6s» B2W W9P dd g^w JXJO Catawisea R 7a.. 6iy i2 n 0 Lehigh Nar 6s .. 98 % 3000Harr]sbgR6s..s5 67^ GLOBING PRI Bid. Asked. PhH»os «o ,R. 99*«99« do New. ,108 103 X. PennaCs 99 Reading R 2 6% do B4s’TO.,BBX 84 ' do Mtg65>44.96 08. do do >88.76, 76JT Pemiatt.... #2i' 42? i do 1etm6f1...104 106 do 2dm Fowler *fc Townsend’s, 1610 Market street, have always been popular, from the fact of tholr excellence and being free_from sli in* jurious properties. The materials used in their manu facture are first-class, They have an assortment on hAnd Whloh is unrivalled for its purity.. Just received a fresh importation of foreign fruits. LEcirfiK by Hon. Horace Mann.—Tho nu merous admirers of this distinguished scholar and author will be ploosed to learn that he is soon to ap pear before a Philadelphia audience. He will lecture at Concert Hall, on Monday evening, ou *• Politics, *’ and on Tuesday evening # a"t the same pi Ace, of whloh, however, the subject has not yet been announced. Christmas Presents. —At this season, whon ench a variety of Christmas tokens are offered as to perplex those desiring to make a presentation in tho choice of gifts, to the utilitarian there can be no better article suggested thsn that of a good umbrella. Aless's. Vim. A. Brown fc Go., No. 246 Blarket street, effer a large va r iety of the choicest kind. The stock of this establishment is unsurpassed, and we would advise those whose good sense prompts them to seleet au um brella as a gift to pay them & visit. To insure having sound, pure, nutritious wines, you will have to purchase them of Grboo & Bntdsb, 630 Arch street. Their Brandies and other imported liquors are of very fine quality. Holiday Presents, 714 Chcstnutetroet. 35. W. Oarrvl’o Furnishing Store. Silver Plated Tea Knives, 714 Chestnut street. Silver Plated Butter Dishes, 714 Chestnut street. Silver Plated Castors, 714 Chestnut street, Silver Plated Cups, chased and gilt, 714 Chestnut street. Silver Plated Goblets, 714 Chestout street. Silver Plated Cake Baskets, 714 Chestnut street. Silver Plated Tea Sets; 7 4 Chestnut street. Tons. Owl 11,658 06 3.608 00 10,289 07 1,861 00 6,860 02 Silver Plated Tea and Coffee Urns, 714 Chestnut el. Silver Platod Dinner Knives, 714 Chestnut stroet. Silver Plated Napkin Rings, 714 Chestnut street 8 lrer Plated Toast Racks, 714 Chestnut street Silver Plated Ware of all and every kind, of the finest and best quality, and at moderate prices, manufactured by K. W. Oabrsl, 714 Chestnut street. 41,779 14 65,686 02 97.304 16 103 369 10 Secret Love. The fountains smoke, and yet no flames they show ; Stars shine all night, though undlacern’d by day; And trees do spriDg, yet are not seon to grow; And shadows more, although they ssem to stay; Tone. Cwt 4 888 10 337 01 9,217 00 3,061 00 In winter’s woe is burled summer’s bliss, And love loves most when the object of It is atUsed lo a graceful and becoming winter suit from the Fash ionable Emporium of Urakvjllb Sroxss, No. 007 Chestnut street • 17,493 11 >1,301,060 00 Christmas Presents, suitable for the Little Folks. .<..1,818,853 11 Knife, Fork, and Spoons, in eases. Plated Toy Tea Setts, in Boxes. Plated Chased and Gilt Cups, in great variety of and prices. Boys’ Sleighs and Velocipedes. Pine Willow andßatan Table and Rooking Chairs. g, W. Carry 1, 714 Chestnut street. Was a Message ever RncniVEn Tnnouan tub Cable 7— The question is again started aB to whether a message has really ever been sent or re ceived, per submarine cable. Wo reply in the affirma tive, and we are prepared to h'nt further, thatmeisa. ges are cow sent dally by tho same medium! We have before us a copy of a despatch fairly printed .by a Hughes Icstrnmont, which rans as follows: »‘Tho best ard mod elegrat garments in the world are those made at the Brown Btono Clothing Hall of P.ockhill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and. 006 Chestnut street, aboyo Sixth,” A iiEBAL Testlmi.— A friend neks ub how muoh or the present standard silver currency of the Unletd State* is a legal tender } We don’t know, but think it Is $lO only, in consequence of the alloy in the metal. We would state here, however, thatall sumß,ffrom one to one hundred dollars, will be taken in payment for, choice Clothing at |!.H, Eldbioob’s “Old Franklin H&llOlCtbJng Emporium » No, 821 Chestnuf street. tSb ChristHAS Festivals are drawing near, when everybody is endeavoring to be pleasant) when' old scores and annoyances,are wiped out; when Papas and Mamas think what they oan ,do ti pletfe their little ones. In.these dilemmas Edward A.Hunts, S< W. corner Aroh and Ninth street, is called upon, and advocates tbe propriety of supplying the Obowd with his fine confectionery. BOARDS. . 11600 llUntiij .don ii; D ' Tip f». .b 5 46 BOARD. 1600 N Ponnu-R 10s.’. 1000 Busq Oraal 6e... 88 - lOOomuionw 8k... 2l . 1? do ..'..21 Ii MirfehlVl It*llV 6 Norriltowh 8.. 6as 8 d 6 6&k 16 Plant Bk," Term.lo7. 60Sohuyi Nav Prf.. 16# tOES-BTEADY. Bid. Asked. SchNav Stook./. 8# -9 • do Pref.l7 Wmsp’t&Slmß.lOx 10* do 7elatmtg.74|( 76 do 2d 66* 60. ItOngl&U** HS llti Gltard Bank \\% 12 LehGoalA Nav.. .60 60u Lehigh Scrip 28 28« N Penna R 8U 8M £o 6s 68 New Oyeek % % Gatawissa R.... 6 6M Lehigh Ztno % Thb Herrick Patent Sweeper sweeps olein and fast—doe£ oDt wW tbe carpet, nor raise a dust. Th«y axe sold by B. W. Oarrvl, 714 Chestnut Holiday Prubentb for Ladies and Children. Fine WIUow Wortataoda, Id a great variety of series andp&tt'rna. tidies’ apd Children'll Rask.fita, .Wil}ow bhairai’&c. Pine Plated Castors, and Plated Cake er adrb. . * dIC-fit Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, SIN ver Plated Ware, Ladles’ Bets of Coral, Garnet, Cameo, lava, and Mos&io Jewelry; Gold Bracelets, Pencils, Pens, Medallions, Rings, Breastpins, &0., Ao., are daily given to purchasers of Books at Evans’s Gift Book Emporium, 439 Chestnut street. AU the new Books on hand as soon as published, and sold as low as they can be had at other stores Call and examine our immense Block of Gift Books for the Holidays. Com plete classified catalogues free to all. dl3-6t Office open daily, from 9 until fi o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tho evsulng. President, franklin Fall } Treasurer And Secretary, Charles If. Kerri* 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850.- SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES-PRICES DE DUCED.—A now and elegant Family Bowing Ma chine for $5O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, si rple. and re liable Sowing Machine, which bas an established repu tation for doing the very best work ou every kind ot material, are Invited to call at our office and essmta* the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER lb CO., cO 2-tJ22 No. 603 CHESTNUT Street. Special Notices. PfcihADKtralA, May 17,1863. DR. C. It. JAOKSON Very respectfully, your obedient seeVants, JOSEPH BURNET* A CO Silver’s Gas Consuming Stovea-N-Unless these Stoves are made in a proper manner they are no better than the common old-fashioned heating Staves. I employ none but thebeßt workmen, and use the choicest imported Russia iron. I Warrant every Gas Consumer I sell to be fully equal to those I bad on exhibition In the Franklin Institute, and which attracted the attention and admiration of Tialtera generally The Committee conceded that GALLAGHER’S make of SILVER’S GAS CONSUMING STOVES were the best in the Exhibition. I oall attention to tho following letter: “ i have examined the ‘ 81iver Gas Consumers ’ ma nufactured by Mr. A J. GALLAGHER, and pronounce them fully equal to any I have ever seen. The Rdtisia Iron ia the vsftY best, the workmanship unsurpassed. The whole stove fully embraces my invention. I ro commend with pleasure to my frieadß and the publi Mr. Gallagher’s make of Stores. J. S. BiLVKa.” A. J. GALLAGHER, Stove Manufacturer, No. 805 N. SECOND, above Vino Fine Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices* Closing out the entiro Stock of flue Pall end Winter Clothing, at a reduction of from fifteen to tweuty per oent. on the former moderate prices, to prepare for 6pr ny business. Every garment manufactured of t'** bent materials, and cut, made, and trimmed in the moat Elegant Styles, at Ron*. 11. Adams’ New Btorb, dll-d tjal s. K. cor. of Seventh and Market Sts, -ttyspepsla.— There is probably no disease wbloh experience has so amply proved to be remedia ble by the PERUVIAN SYRUP as Dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this disease have been com pletely cured by this medicine, as ample testimony of some of our flrst citizens proves. For sale in this city by F. Brown, corner filth and Chestnut, and Uasnsrd A Co., eorner Twelfth and Ghostnnt. dUM&Wtf Saving Fnud.—Firs Per Cents Interest*— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner ol THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or email, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments roods* dally, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and suoh firat-oiaas securl* Urs oath charter requites. Office hours, from 9o’olook in the morning until 6 o’olook in the Afternoon, ndon Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o’olook. feO Grover & Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—PRICE $5O. 730 Ghsbtnut Stbbst, Philadelphia, These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beanty, and elasticity, which will not rip, even if every fdurth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for famfty use, oold-tf 10-SRNn FOR A OIROULAR. Seamen’s Having Fund—Northwest Corner of Second and Walnut streeis. Deposits received in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per oent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheoks without loss of inte rest. ftot. 0, 1808.—‘Another Trltimpli I—Messrs. ‘ JAMBS p. SPEAR.A,Co.—• Recently suf iering’iffie my store destroyed by I fire, a nnsjor part of my stock of having my" Safe, (of BVANB & WAT-; gON’S .celebrated fephe,) whilst nearly everything else] was dflitrqjod. ; TlUSafe, though staudlog in an ex*! hosed position, subjected flratio the acting of fire, and; thsin of water] 1 (of which an 'immense body,fell upon it’ from the upper story,)^ 'ptes'emd Us vttluduU tohients i% perfect condition, and I have it now in my store! ready, if needs be, for another trial. I glsdly testify to the superior qualities of these Bafes, which I regard as the best security from fire and, burglar.yet known.! To all who may want * truly reliable Safe, I would lay,* get oneof A WATfiON’fi. t- U. i i - ' ; W.ttttfeer ' The abqve is taken from the Daily .Exchange, De cember 19, pf Baltimore, and addressed to Mes rs. ,O. BPEAR A 00., Agents of Evans A Wat son there. ROBBERY- OF THE WONDERFUL WORLD’S FAIR LOpk, THAT itSADUBOUT.' NoßßisiowN, Dec. Ist, 18^.—Some tli&e last night the flouring mill of Mr. Joseph Fezone, ln porristown, Pa', was entered, and one of Farrel, Herring, A Co.'s beat patent Powder-Proof Look and Safe" WAB BLOWN OPEN WITH POWDER, and $1,600 Ip cash taken. out ant)' qarried away. This safe jshojr in front ofEvans A Watson’s,store, No 20 South, fourth street,.where we mo&treqpeetfajlyinvite thb pdbUo to call, and examine how Yorkers make theiyaafes. They screw their doors together with the smallestkmd bf cußt-iron screws; arid from the ap pearance of this safe, it could not have taken more than one musket load, of powder to blow the above safe open. October 18th, 1868 —Three thieves entered the Flouring Mill of Messrs. Dorrance A Doron, In Bristol, Pa., and tried all night to blow open their Safe with powder, which had $2BO in cash, hat did not succeed in gettinglt opeir; Their Salamander Safe was manufac tured by " ' Tkey hare a felt-’ moreibr sale, of the same kind, at thdlr itore, No. 2# BoutU fottitlfc fittest, Phllidel phia. • , - . N. B.—We find in TAe Prm, of December'4th, the following: - ' • “ All our feafes are warranted to give perfect satisfac tion, or the* money will b 6 returned. ~ “ Fa&bbL, Hbibiho , A Oo.” We, EVANS A WATSON, would ask all parties havlifg Farrel, Herring, A Oo.’s Patent Champion Safes td take adv&htsge bf the above offer, and return them and get their moody, as they will find that the composition With which the Safes are filled (a large portion being oil of vitriol) will eat oat all the. iron. A specimen of their Champion Safes may ,be seen in front of our store, which Is eaten full*of holes how. dl6«3t Holiday Presents.—Now that the Holiday are upon ds, we cannot advise our friends to do a wiser thing than to call at OHARLES DUMMIG’B, Nos. 86 and 37 North Eighth street, corner of 2&&e, and select their presents. 'ln • hie extensive stock will be found the most varied and complete assortment of Fancy Articles ever offered to this eouotry; inch as FANOY GOODS AND TOYS OF ALL KINDS, - Parian MabAlk and Alaaabtbb o«ha«srts, Baoaza Attn Berlin Iron Goons,’ Boheuian Glass anoLava Wars, Pbrra Cotta and Fasndn War*, Papier Haobb Goods, Oabas, Bags, PtJBSBS AMD PORTUORAIB ) FiMx Cctlbbt,'CarsgMSM, AMD BacxoaHKoh boards ; > » Writing Desks, Wobk-boxss, Dbissiso Cases ; . MtrStOAL iRSTaUMBUTS OV ALD KIMDS } - - OaiCBKT AMD AsCHKRT IffpLEhEMTS. His store is Crowded frommornihgttU night, from the fact that it Is Well known to the public that his prides are . . * ' - Ashe is < THE IMPORTER 07 HIS OWN GOODS. He has at this time a curiosity in his stock well Worth a visit; we allude to his Speaking .Dolls, which really pronounce the words “Papa” and “ Mama ” with re markable distinctness, d!4-tf Harnett’s Cocoalne.— A’slftgle application renders the hair—no matter how stiff and dry—soft and glossy for several days. It is tbi Best and Cheapest Haib Dbsssino im the Worldi OO., Twelfth Rod CfaMtaut Bt«. Sole Agent. For sale by dealetsgenerally, at 60 eta per bottle. nolO-tf 0. 8. GARRETT. Where Baldness exists, It 'causes a new growth of soft, glossy ringletty hair; gray hair or whiskers, by Rs use, speedily assume the pristine co lor and flexibility of youth. It is not ft Dye,’ simply a great ebemical discovery, celebrated as Jules Hauel’s Eau Athenieone, or Hair Restorer, and sold by all Druggists, and by Juio* HaueV A Co , No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia dl3-6t Barnett’s Coboalne. A compound bf Cocoa-nut Oil, Ac.,'for dressing the Hair. * For effloaoy and agreeableness, It Is without an equal. It prevents the hair from failing off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth: It is not greasy or sticky. ■ < It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard dnd dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It retrains longest in cffelt. ID- Mbssrs. J. Borhbtt & Co.—l cannot refuse to state the salutary effect in my own aggravated ease of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocealne.) For maoy months my hair had boen felling off, until I was fearful of losing it entirely. The akin upon my head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that 1 could dot touch it Without pain. This irritated con dition I attributed to the use of various advertised hair Washes, which Ihave since been told contain camphene spirit. By the advice of my physician, to whom you had shown yo'tfr process of-purifying the Oil, I oomtneneed its use the last week in June. The first application al layed the itohing and irritation; in three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thiek growth of new hair. Yours, very trnly, BUSAN K. POPE. |0- a single application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who have used it, to be th s best and eheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Boston. |0- Jor Mle by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. riS7-8m WlndoW Draper?, , EBOOATELtfi. SATIS DAMASK, SATIN DE IiAINE, WORSTED DAMASK, REFS, MOREENS, AND FLUSHES, Together with ell the trimmlnge tpperttlnlng to the Curtain trade. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will out our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Cnrtains cut, tSade, and put lower than prices elsewhere Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every deßOiip tion, bought at auction, and selling' at btflf the usual pries. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Gothio, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil doth, at whole sale and retail. PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, dB-tap!2 680 OfISBTNUT Street. rvr=as Comraonwf»..M -nenrance Uompauy, el L 3 THB BTATB 0* PENNSYLVANIA—Office N. WTcorner of FOURTH and WALNtfT gtreeta.—Phila delphia, Decembers, 1868. .., Notice i» hereby given, to the Stockholders of tola Company, that the annual meeting, and an election for tin Directors, te serve (he ensuing year, will take place at the office of the Ocmp&ny, on tho first MONDAY (31) of January next at 12o’ clock M. d9-tja3 SAMUIL S. MOON, Secretary. ry-===« Jayne’s Hall Trayer Mectlus—All will [3^be tlad to learn that until further notioe the BOBINEB9 MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETING will he held again io Jayne's Hall, daily, from 12 to 1 o’clock This Is the most central end convenient lo cation, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. All are cordially invited to attend, and tho meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Chnroh. n24»tf rvs=» Office Philadelphia Gas Works, Wov. UJ* 25th,1868. Proposals will be received at this office until noon of the 30th December neat, for the sale of Stock of the Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of tho Bichmond Gas Company, to the Trustees of tho Philadelphia Gas Works, as an investment to tho Bioking Fund of said works. n25-M3O. W. PENNELL, Cashier. rytsssm Heme lor Invalids with Affections of IL3 THE CHEST. urw g. W. corner PAOKJS and CHESTNUT Streets. . n22-lm West Philadelphia ry=u» Firemen’s and other Union Prayer IJJS MEETINGS, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS. United States Engine, Wood, below Crown st., from 4 to 6 o’clock. „ , . Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth nt., below Green, from 4 to 5 o’clock, .. , .... United Hose, Brown st., belew Twelfth, from to 6 % o’clock. • . , . . . Perseverance Hose, Quarry street, below Iturd, trom 4k to 5k P.M. ON SABBATH, at 7# P. M. *DUigeot Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert ats Delaware Engine, South at., above Nineteenth at Western Engine, Gallovrhill, below Sixteenth at ON TUESDAY, Att& P. M America Eugioe, Battonwood, below Third st. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut, Robert Morris Hose, Lombard st., above Eighth st. Columbia Hoso, Ohdrry, above Seventh st. The Athenians, at Holmesbarg. ON at 7X P. M. Klngseaatng School ouse, batby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th at. Southwark Engine, 8. Third, above Washington efc. Eillgout Hoae, Madison, aboTe Kace st. Harry Clay O.nb Boom, Ohestnut street, West o) Seventh. _ N. Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coateß st. United states Hobo, Buttonwood, below Fifth Bt. Schuylkill Hose, Locust Thirteenth st. Naval Apylum, Gray's Ferry road. Fairraount Engine, RHge avenue above Woodst. Good Will Hose, Wood at, below Twontj-tbird. Club Boom, corner of Fifteenth and Fllbort sts. Fairmounl Hone, Pleaaaot street, above Eleventh, Humane lloae. Wood street, below Third. ON FRIDAY; at 7* P- M. Western Hoie, Twentieth at, above Lombard at. Vigilant Hose. Eighth st., above Wharton at, Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth at. , Spring Garden Hose. Parrish, near Eleventh st. * R DAITiT. # Diligent Ecglne,cornerTenth and Filbertsts., from * Ilandell and Haydon Hall, from 4 to 5 o'clock. Medical Student meeting, every morning, from 8 to quarter befofe 0 o'clock, at room of the Association, 1000 and 1011-Chestnut. Ladles and Christian friends are affectionately invited to attend. By order of the Executive Committee of Young Men’* Christian Association. - sell-sat tf rw<-==» Office of tho Franklin Saving Fund UJ§ SOOIKTYp*, iwadßlpsi*., Dec. 17th. 1868 a meeting of the Stockholders will beheld at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, Dec 27th. 1868, be tween tho boon of U and 3 o'clock, to elect Thirteen Directors to serve the ensuing yotr. dlSElOt* OYRTJB OADwALIiADER, Treasurer. EVANS A WATSON EXCEEDINGLY LOW, BURNBTT’S OOCOAINB BURNETT’S OOCOAINB. Boston, July 19, 1867. BURNETT’S COCOAINE, ON THURSDAY, at 7 % P._M nr*3=** Lectures on geology.—Dr. BoVnt*n Will Ik? give thq Fifth Lector*, at CONCERT HALL, ofli THIS (Saturday). ETENING, Dec 18:b. gnbjec ‘ Coal different kinds and qoslittos, and how pro **■?-’* 'At the close ?DrA B :>will give a serisa of bril- Rant experiments, with his iarg» IrenGalvsnio Batre- X J. oeafJQmtfckets {four rMßaloing-Lec ures) 60 cenfe. 2 1D ,Moiisai°n26 cents. Tooommence at ha'fp»it I O’CIQCK ' bl'il. 3 • •!!» Rriorm»d Pretbywrlan Chrircb; lb? 8r8.P08.-The P.ltor, *i f WyliC returned from his tone to MORROW 1 “ 4 !■•»>«■. 'iO- MosaowMOKNINQ, thy Rev John Cookmin in the AFTEBNGOJf, at-8i? o f cl6ek. ' - - - - v The'Medel Men of p ne Site Bfw“ I ! r Vm‘be ,I pr™he4 THIRD belotV WALUpf/TO-MOBEOW a ’ service fithalMiast 7/ Hen are ylted to attend. 1 ~ ; r ■ ■ r ■ >- , Green street M. E. Cbarch —Hot. ALFRED OPORMAN will preach,-BAB BAT a MORNING, at- o’clock. R9Yr JOBNCOOKUAN at 7 o’clock io tha EVENING. ;**' • ~lx* (Y!-?* “The Broad Ro&a*V—The s&rmau of U 3 Rav.sDr- >t, 18» ss.pcibV'sh EVENING, at Eighth and'Noble Btreets. . ■ - (T j'g'rMSj P«nlDg of Chrlsl —Rev Thomas ? "“ B *A “ f Owen HiU Ohoreh, will pr«ch on th« imS. To i? 0 ? EOW (B»bb»Ui) AFTtRSOOH, in p'ioHSoRROW Rftsfto Ohurch in Lombard street, above FbOT* 0 * ‘ ' to. the Youn» —Thu *3- Third ot Jhd'-befora the YoamrMen’s U> MhMX AMOelnfon of liw North P,c»b Jto rP»n Church, will be rreachfd to that Ohurch. North gr\TR Btroet. above GREEN, TO-MORROW fBabbitb) kven ING. i.j the ROT. Alfred Ocokmee, ,! :Sk h the MORNING, the Bey. Thomw L D D at 10)4 o’clock. . ** It* ’ yga* Second Coming oi Christ.—Rev. Dr. I*3 ' Berg wiJl.commecce a series of Discourses on this subject S4BBATH EVENING, at half-past 7. in the Church SEVENTH Street, above Brown. It# v-qSai' Rev. franklin Meore, df Trinity k 3 M- Churoh will deliver the Anouri Sermon baiore the H*me Mlfialouary Society, of Pbi'idel phia, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, In the Central Pre»byterian . Ohurch, corner EIGHTH &Ld OaERBY Streets,, at .l)i o’clock. Subject—“ The Fraying bf Jesns ” * After which, a collection will be taken to aid in xelievli g and eleratiog thtworihr-to'T • •, * THOS. T MASON, ,* lt» .. Chairman of Com, on Public Meetings. The Rev., Edward F. Strickland, (late -k3 Actor and Maiager in the Theatrical profession) Jill pre«h in ihe Fourth Baptist ChQrcb, rlFTHacd BUTTONWOOD Btreeis, on BABBATH AFTKRNuON, at 3 o’olock, and in the EVENING at Ti£ o’clock. Subject—” The Relttion of the CircnmMaocesof his Converrion and Call to the Ministry.”- Public resuect- Inliy invited to attend. it# rvr=» n Knowledgr, a Hindrance Lk3 rather than au Advantage to Christianity ” R«t. John Chambers on this subject TO-MORfcOW aV TERNOON, ato’clock .Ohurch BROAD and GEuRGE feta * jt# nr» Sermon to Young Mm—By request of the Young Men’s t briatian Assoclstien, the Rev. W J R. Taylor with preach a Beru on to Yonnr Men, by Divine permiision, on SABBATH EVENING, 19th inatr. at hslLpaat seven o’clock, in the Third Dutch Reformed Church corner of TENTH and FIL BERT Streets. ' Seats Jeserred for Yourg Men Medi cal Students invited to attend. ’ it* rysai Messiah’s Chnrcbf Melon Street, above Ik? TWELTH-—Rev. J.- * ITCH will preach TO MURROW 3, and 7 o’clock, on the ’’Reign of Christ” and ” The Signs of the Times.” Protracted Meetings In progress. it# rv* Spiritnallsm.—Mrs.' Henderson, of ISew lk3 York, a Trance Medium, will lecture and answer questions, under pplrit control,, on. SUNDAY, at 10# A. M. and 7# P. M.,atSANSJM-BTREET HALL Ad mission 5 cents. *■ <■ U* Hon. Horace Maun, LL. LkS? of Antioeh Collere, will lecture la Concert- Hall, MONDAY EVENING, December 20th. Subject— “ Politics,.” Lecture comme-ces quarter before eight. Single tickets, 25 cents Tickets admitting two, 85 cts. For sale at the door of thehill. dlB-2t# jyva* People’s Literary . lnst : tute.—Hon. U 3 HORACE MANN will lecture in Concert Hall, cn TUESDAY EVENING, December 21. Lecture to commence at a qiarterto eight- Admission 25 cents. dlB-3t# ’ • - . : Notice.—The annual meeting of the U 3 GRANITE LAND COMPANY willbe held at the office. No 16 North SEVENTH Street, on TUESDAY, thelltb day of January. 1859, atdjf o’clock r. which time abd place .the election of cfficers of said Company for the *n*ul»gyear will take pUee. December 18, 1858. It# lf yoif have a small Daguerreotype or LL_5 Ambrotypa, Of a deceased or atsvnt person you c»n have a Liie-gjze Photograph in Oil made from it, at ‘ BEIMER'S GALLERY, SKCOND Street, above Green. It* ry-==» Stalentiuol tbe Caionßauk as required IjsJj by tbe Second Section of the Act of tbe Gene ral Assembly of this OommonireaUh, approred tbe 15th day of October, A. D ,1857. Amounts of Loans and Diicennts.,........ Do. Specie... i..................... Do. Due from qther 8ank5........ Do. of Notes in circulation. Do. Deposits, including balances due . . to other Banks 141,986 09 | PaiLAOBLPSU, December 17,1868 OrTY M—I, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank* Philadelphia, being dal; sworn, depose and say, that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jambs Lesley, cashier. Sworn before me this 7th day of December, A. D. 1958. It C. BAZER, Alderman. rvr==» Anniversary Concert.—The St. George’s •J>3 M- E. Church Sabbath School, (Fourth, below Vine,) under' the direction of Mr. Johu & Morrison, will giro a Concert of Bacred and Becalar Music on ODBIdfMAS EVENING,D*c. 25, 1859,10 consist of Anthems, Chaots, Hymns, Glees, Ac., Ac. D.ors open at fi j Concert to commence at 7. Card! of admission 16 cents, with Programmes, can be ob tained at the Tract Dtpository, 6th, abor* Arch; Higgins fe'Peikinpine, 4th, above Market; Law ton’s Music Store*, Bth, below Market; from the Seaton, of the Church and at the door on the ereoiogof the Concert. Prof. John H. Eastman will preside at the Melodeon.. The superior instrument ustd on this occ»- sionwiilbe from Macnutt’s Melodeon Wareroom, 108 N. Sixth St, above Arch. „ It* .Proposals ior'BuUdlug a SteamFlre LkJj ENGINE for the Mechanic Engine Co., will be received until the SECOND THURSDAY in JANG aRY. Builders will please state size, capacity, Ac- Proposals to be addressed to. U, tt. JCKDUaN, corner of ANN end POWELL Streets, FrancimriUe. dl»-5t* f Bualuess Education—Call at Bryant fc lks STRATTON’S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S E. coiner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, and examine their Counting-House Course of .Instruction. It composes thirty practical » iKUSCftipr 3810, illustrating Bank ing, Manufacturing. Jobbing, and Commission busin;»a. A practical knowledge of Accounts and good business Writing is guarantied to every student. dlB 2t Commercial Mutual insurance Com- IJJ? PANY, rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street. A meeting of tbe Stockholders_of this Company wil be held on MONDAY. December 20,1858. o'clvca A. M., when an election for EIGHT DIRECTORS, to serve for the ensuing three years, will take place d 8 JOHN McOOLLO&l, Secretary The;Stockholders and bondholders of LLS the SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY are earnestly requested to attend a meeting. Id Room No. 2), Philadelphia Exchange, oo TUESDAY next, 2Ut lost., At 12 o’clock M . to take into oonMdeiation the present condition of the Company. Philadelphia, Deo. 16.1858. THOB. P.HILL, DAVID SCULL, J J. WOODWARD, W. P. JUNKS, FRANKLIN PIATT, ISAAC FORD, -OBN REA. V. A lit F. GILPIN. •ance Company of New 3YLYANIA, 409 WALNUT 12 WALL fetreet, New Yoik. ie Stoekho tiers of tbi* Com ]a Philadelphia, on MON >B, the following gentlemen eof for the ensiling year: Hon 8 B. Costing, Charles ¥. TVatrou*, ry‘g-» Safeguard Insurt \S3 YOB* AND PENNS Street, Philadelphia, sod I'. The annual meeting of the pfiflv, held at their tffice, J I>3r;-December 33th, 185 S were'elected Directors there Jacob N. Keeler, Praodis Blstfrbtffne, Hebert P. King, E. B. English, George n. Leris, Hubert R Clark, Jos a ph E. Bt dfeld, John Prentice, Edward Wiler, P. E.Birckhead, WUli&m R. Forbes. Daniel Messmore, : of the Board. JACOB N. Imously elected President, •retary thereof, and Selah d attorney and counsellor of New York. At a subsequent meeting KEELER, Ktq., Waa uiianl and Henry K Foote Sea Squires, Eeq., was appointed this Company At the city of dl7-lm HENRI IY R. FOOTE.Secretary. ry-■-». phi Kappa. Sigma.—A Convention of Ik3 the PHI KAPPA RIGJiA FRATERNITY will be held in Washington City, D 0 . on TUISDAY De cember 28, 1868 Orator—'AMUEL DICKSON. Keq , or the ALPHA CHAPTER Poet—WM. BAILLIE RITTER, Erq., <.f the ETA CHAPTER. dld.flt* University of Pennsylvania—Depart- U 3 MENT 01? ARTS. Tbe examination of the College Classes, at the close of the First Term, will be held.ltr tbe following order; TueSDiv, peoemb -r 14th --From 0 to 11 Sexro-s, by the Provost, (Political KconcwjO and Sophomores, by Prof. Fester, (Soinatdoyy ) widncn. From 11 to X, Juniors, by Prof. Alien, (Sheoerfim.*) Wednesday, 15.—Prom 9 to 11, Seniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Analytical Geometry;} and Juoiora, by the Provost, (Mental Philosophy.) written. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Allen. (Thucydides ) TuuaSDAV, HO) —From 9 to ll ( Juniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Conic'*Bections.) and.. Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson. (Livy,) written.' From 11 to I,'Seniors, by Pn.f Frazer. (Astronomy ) Fridat, 17th —From 9 to 11. Seniors, by Prof- Cop pee, (Shaw’s English Literature,) and Freshmen, by Prof Kendsll, (Algebra.) written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof Frazer, (Statics ) Sitcbday, 18 h— From 9 to 11. Beolors, by Prof. Jackson, (the Aululariaof Plautus.) Mobpay. 20th—From 9 toll, Juniors, by Pror. Jackson, (Juvenal,) and Sophomores, by Prof. Cop,ee, (Logic ) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prot. Al len, (Lucian ) Tcksday, 21st.—From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (Xenophon’s Grecian History ) From 11 to ball past 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Tac ! tuo’s Life of Agricnla.) Wkdsesdat, 23d.—From 9 to haif-paat 11, Sopho mores, by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry.) Thobsday, 23d—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee. ( Weber’s Universal History.) On TBUFSDAT EVENING, the23d, at 8 o’clock, an Exhibition of Declamation of original compositions will be held in the College Hall dl4-t23 GLORGE ALLEN, Secretary. n --— The Clinic of the Female Medical Col. 1L.3 LKGE, No 627 ARCH Street, is open regular- WEDNESDAY aud SATDRDAY, from It to 1 o’clock Ladies w