CITY ITEMS. LschjrbS THIS Evbnixo.— Tho leokure-going ecrammoity will h»*. ».Bna ptoEritmne or that data or entertainments to.elaot fiom tliie evening. At Oon o&rt Hell, at 7j£o’elock,the diatioguished Hebrew Rabbi, J~ Rapha'l, will hold forth, having named for hi s *ul'ject, C{ The Hebrews j their Charac teristics and Poetry,” The lecturer, and the People's Literary Institute—underthe auspices of which he Is to leitare—will, doubtless, be greeted with a crowded house. . This evening, also, a lecture will be delivered at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Vina street, be* low Thirteenth, on” “ Labor and Literature,” by the BiV. A. A. .Willits... At 8 o’clock this evening, Fro fossor Ooppee will* deliver his third lecture of the course, now in p'ogress hr that gentleman, at the Hali • of the University, Ninth street, bis subject being « The English Historians'of.-the Eighteenth Cantu jr.” At 7% o’clock,Dr. Bojnton will repeat hts Brat leolure on Geology p'Oper, at Handel and.Haydu Hall—a most inWresting and Instructive lecture. Dr. lUiuuLh’.s .Lbcidbe Thursday Evening. The manages of the People’s Literary Institute have shown gocd fasts acd admirable tact in premising a lee* ture from this learned aid eloquent Babb!. We be lieve it is the first time's Jew was ever Invited to lec ture before .any of our popular institutions, and the compliment to & large clan of our most respeotable nltfxvns la both delicate and well-timed. At this time the Hebrews are smarting under the foul wrong perpe trated on Mortara in Italy, and to invite thMr great Rabbi to lecture is a refined expression of sympathy. We hope our-generous citizens will second the efforts of Mr. Oollins, and crowd the hall to excess. Lectcre To nioet—Dr. Boynton gives the first lecture on Geology proper, at Handel and Haydn. Hall this evening The same lecture given at Concert Hall ou Tuesday evening was received with enthusiastio admiration. ", Thu rainy SBAsoxseomsfairly to have satin, aud the weather is, per cons quenoe, as disigreeable as could be easily oonjoctured'by the dolorous inhabitant of the Arctic regions. It rains all day, all eight; and all the ti We oan express no word of consolation for our readers, but.simply advise them’to grin and bear It, mitigating, meanwhile, the rigors of tHs dreary season, as tnuoh as possible, by wearing the ele gant and seasonable clothing gotten up at the Fash ioaable Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 607'Chest nut street. Housekeeper’s Eurnisqivg Store, recently opened with an entire new and extensive assortment of housekeeping goods, such as Fine Plated Ware of all kinds; Britannia, Block Tin, and Planished Ware ; Tea Trays', Flats Warmers, Toilet Bets, Ac.; Fine Ivdry'CarvenfEtd Steels )* Cook’s -Knives, Saws, and Cleavers; Ladies’ Work Stands and. Baskets, of fine style and finish. At the 8. W. corner of Beoond and Dock streets. E. 'S. Fabson A Co. Departure op Gen. Paez.*—General Paez em barked at New York, last Thursday afternoon, on b n ard the United States steamship Caledonia He was escort ed to the vessel on a Utter, covered with the Venezue lan and American Bags, and attended by the Venezue lan Commissioners As the steamer left the wharf, the military on shore gave throe cheers, which were returned by the marines and sailors on board the steamer. Gem ral Paez takes home with him not only the best wishes of the American - people, bat also a full supplr of'elegaht garments from the Brownvgtone Clothing Hall of Bockhlll A Wilson, Nos. 603 and COS Chestnut street, above Sixth. At the anniversary dinner of the St. Nicholas Society, the' Hon. J. J. Crittenden, of Kentuoky, aod the Chevalier Wjkoff were present. After the usual compliments of long pipes, colored eggs, and < Bchnappa,” ad 'libitum, had been provided for the comfort of the guests, acd all had enjoyed themselves »< ab ovum usque ad mnla,” the gallant Chevallrr nar rat.d aeerlesof amusing scenes and incidents, in which he had played a prominent part In Europe, and wound up admonishing his roadeisthat the best clothing got up iu America were to he had at the fashionable •*Old Franklin Hull Clothing Emporium,” of JO. H. Eldridge, No. 821 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Herrick’s Carpet Sweeper, sold byE. W. Carry!, 711 Chestnut street, sweepß stores, offices, par lors, halls, churches, or factories in less than one fourlh the time required with a broom, and talus no dust. Price $l. Suicide of a Boy. Intelligence was received in Ravenna, Ohio, on Thursday afternoon last, that Lyman Goodale, aged sixteen years, a son of George Goodale—a wealthy farmor, residing two-miles north of Sha lcrsville village—hod that morning committed saicido by cutting his throat. The lad arose on the fatal mornibg before day light, and, as was his custom, proceodedto tho bam to do ohOres. When breakfast via* ready he did not appear, and hts fattier going in searoh of him, found him lying,' weltering In his blood, upon the bam floor. When found he was unconscious, but alive, and from appearances had struggled severe ly. Medical aid was summoned, and he recovered enough to speak; but tho love of life bad fled, and ho struggled to remove the bandages from his neck, that the full accomplishment of his purpose might be consummated. He died at eight o’olook on rho same day. The fatal deed was committed with a dull butcherknifo. The first:incision was made too low to suikothe main artery, but cut the wind* pipo two*thirds in two. Bearing that this would be insufficient for bis purpose, he took a jac knife from his pociofc and made threo additional incisions in his neck, so determined was he to de prive himsolf.of lifo._ Importation*. ■ (Reported for the Exfeffl.] LIVERPOOL—Ship Annie Blse. Sire—2‘pkgs mdse J HOrne; DdoJ'&BOroe; 6do W J P Irgr&hnm; 7 do GeoD Parriph; 14 do T A F Evans; 2 do Isaac Barton A Co: 1 do>fa*rueM Brothers; 1 do Wright. Brothers A Oo; 2 dflTj V Cowell A Son; 6do Weavtr, Pitler A Co;* 39 do Stuart d: Brother: 2do X> He/; 1 do Sbaplelgh A Roe; 2 do Hadden', Carl A Porter; 61 cask soda crystals 03 do shellac 200 kegs soda' Dalles A Oope; 100 tierces bleaching .powders t 2 cazka olay F Leonig; 200 kegs «hetnio»)s R tc F U Yareal!; 100 tea soda ash A Kiog; *0 pks Ttdre W Watson A Co; 0 anvils l cask hdw Handy A Brenner; 94 bdls steel ,2 axles Naylor * Oo; 1040 bdls iron it A V Coleman; 20 casks eiriheowan Markson A 'Whttte; «9 do 9 Asbary A Co; 142 do Geo Hamtnersly; 206 do 8 B Pierce & {on; 28 casks cha*Da and sails W G Ltwls&Scn; 140 mdse OO tens pig iron 8 A W Welsh; 2800bdUiroh Steever A Whittaker; 260 do J Wool A Bro; 241 do Taggart, Bye A Co; 340 00 I'otis A Roberts; 091 bdls and 078 strlpsiron Morris; Tasker A Oo; 880 bdls do C £ Robinson & Co; 420 bdls and 1330 doWf Potts; 476 MU do Middleton A Haroed; 601 Id s 020 bare do J OHJlogham A Son; 769 bdls 160 bars do Morris A Joses A Co; Opttccheons whiskey A Rankle; 30 grindstones H Dliaton; 5 casks hdw W Collins, 3 do atmls, Newlia. Marshall A Oo; 100 bexes tin plates M Pedrick A Co; 200 do in 8 Mason & Oo r OCO de N Trot, ter A Co; 12 casks hdw 8 bag* nailß Field Langstroth A Oo; 1 cask fcdw H R Hallowell & Co; 2 pkgs rodee D V«j: Ido Shapleigh A Rue; 2do Hadden, Carl A Por ter; 1300 sacks dee salt 8500 do common do 8 Baldwin A Co, 200 atrks sr.da ash 861 bdls iron <6 cs mdse order. BBEMSN—Bark Meta, Faaaob-41 casks wine Lewis Poh; 3 do Georg Bess; 39 cites mdse ftfeht A Lankenan; 21 do Thos Met or A Co; 10 do Henry Dohring A Oo; 3 do Ji-hn Bolt; 1 do Geo ge Roll; 1 do Henry Cohen; 1 do John Pearce; 14 do Oberieeffer A Fre/tag; 1 do John Weik &'Co; 2do-Canb/. Neville AlHugbes; 61 do A’ Hanllne A Son; 5 do W H Scbirely; 7 do Bosengarten A Sons; 85 do OathelmerA Woodward; l-floC ft Widmt rer; 2do Maenoel A Scbepeler; 4do SLurt A Bro; Bdo Selmir &*Bottnerj 6do Klemm A Brother; 6 do A Do* ekenwaiel; ldo Gottlob ficbwtdzer; 1 do Sami Lents; 6do Th Hessenbracb A Oo; 19 do Walter A Beigbau aer; Bdo Okas Woltjeu; Ido J Andre A Co; 4co J L Rrehardt HAVANA—Barque Mary II Kendall, SbanVa d— -41,000 cigars Edwin Hand; 1 cask wins Bndqne Bone* nave;> 96 900 c g«rs 346 boxes dj Berger A Bro; 29,200 oBmo d«y; Grope Shot. Homewood, from New Orleans do d"J echrs Jose phine, Smith, lrr>m Richmond for Bio de Janeiro, >n ballaei; RospoMth, Rodgers, from do for Bahia, with part of outward cargo. Nor 21 tb, lvt 27 11 N, long 67 60 W, spoke b-oque Reindeer, from Valpa ftiso for Ral tituore. Deo 8, Cape UaMeias bearing BbyW 74 miles, spoke U 8 procellar Chapin—wished to be repented, lhe British bark Oarlb, of Liverpool, Williams, from London for Mauritius, reported aehore Oct 20th, ronth of Cape St Begae. Two steamers belonging to the Pe: - nambuco Bt*am Navigation Co are-reported to have saved the cargo, but it is doubtful whether the remel H Kendall, Shsnhland, 16 days from Ha vana with cigars, &e. to D W Prescott. Bark Meta,'Paesche. from Bremen Oot 22, with mdse to ) I Plßtc * Schottier. . , , „ Bsraao OBrolino Elicnil, R:leml, 14 day! from New OrlCßO*. with cogar and molpciai to D B gtotion 4 O > Brie kllcn Bernard, (or Baltimore) Bourne, 60 daj» from Palermo: with fruit, 4o to Jeanei 4 Bcawergood. Biperienead eery heavy weather dorirK thO P»»»teu u.l ofth in a heavy gale from NW, loot foresail ana Jih T .plit mainsail,and atove batch honsee ' Nov 20th. in another geie from 8W aod W, lost main alajaail and cnlit lower topsail—had decks swept, oerrying away chains lookers, water caako, 46, and stove In cabin sammiy W 15th: Ist 27 N, 'ong 67 80. spoke achr Southerner, of Netryorhi from Philadelphia, bound to B Brik ThVroX Walter, Jliotth,l7 .Osya from Anguilla, pn With’.alt: hides, 40, to Jauretohe 4 Oaritairs. Nov 27th eiperieuced a very strong gale from N(Y* and WSWi hea.y aea on! brig under otose-ree ed topsaile, forttand main topmast et»)».ll», mi cloto-reefed try. aiU Between 4 and 6A U a heavy aea hoarded the hrig on th’o aUrtmatd beam et veiha boetand booby hatebj tore the rirz boitjoqt oftbetfeek; br. be tbe.dCek spars, xstfe&mSitis&Zßa} ,thit he had been wMhed o.erboarii b. thit wa. He wm seen bj the offleere of the deck ■ few minutes do fc"b‘r S TH.mmo^ h edsysfrom Bestoe, with “Hoh^H^Hm^Xt'.l *v fro- Milford, Bel, ’'“eh? j n oh°a , Wa“kS! H«rre°o“ 33 d»j» from Turks Isl “ftihr David 6mtft.°l'otg' i MS, 4 dsys from Boston,with fl, Bohr J Juni»t«^K°o e or, 25 days from Portland, with mite to Crowell tc Collins. Fchr Luther Child. Nickerson, 14 days from Portland, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Bohr Btar* Crowell, & days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins Behr Mail Kelly, 4 days from Pzovidenoe, with wdeo to Crowell A Collins. Bchr 8 T Chartre, Ohsrtre, 8 days from New York, with md*e to Crowell A Collins. Sfchr Aigus Eye, Sharp, 6 dsys from Salem, In ballast to D 8 Stetnon A Co. Pchr Emeline Rickey, Tice, 4 days from New Bedford, With oil tooaptiia Schr Thos Robinson. Boss, 2 days from Lewes, Del, Willi grain to J L Bewley A Co fiohr Bird, (new) Ohambere, 2 days from Lewes, Del, With com to J L Bewley A Co Bchr G*o A Tittle, Adams, 26 days from Boston, with sugar to Pettit, Martin A Co fiohr Anna Marla, Hilyard, 1 day from Odessa, with oats to Jag Barratt A Bon Schr Job Green, Agon, 1 day from Odessa, with oats to Jas Barratt A Bon. CLEARED. fichr Sarah Woodbridge, Higgins, Boston, L Auden tied AOo ... , _ Bohr 0 8 Mershon, Allen, Boston, Chas Miller A Co. Bchr Bagamore. Downs, Providence, Blaklston A Cox. Schr H A Danenhower. Miller, Providence, do Btr U L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (OorrespMdence of The Press.) HAVRE DB GRACE. Dec. 8,1868. The Wyoming left this morning with 1 boat, laden and consigned as follows: W A W 8 Bennett, lumber to H Oroskey. rCorresnondenoe or the Philadelphia Exohange.l ; LEWES. Del.. Dec 6, P SI, The following vessels remain at haibor. Brig Edwin, schrs J 8 Hoyt, Mary Miller. Mail, and Triumph. The brig Ellen Bernard, from Palermo, left this morning for Philadelphia. A fihip passed in yesterday. Wind S— weather mild and cloudy. * Yours, Ao. WM. M. HICKMAN. (BT THLROKAm.I (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Cape Island, Beo 8 8 60 P H. No vessels in a’ght either Inward or outward board. Wind north, and storming. Yours, Ao, THOS. B. HUGHES. [BT TELSOBAPH to YBK PRBSS.j New York, Deo 8 Arrived, barks Ida Kimball, from Shields; F Dewing from Para. Boston, Deo 8. Arrived, bilk Oeean Bride, from Bonaire. Off Chatham, steamship Phine&B Sprague, from Phi ladelphia tor Boston. v Savannah. GA., Dec 8. Arrived, hark Lamartino, from New •York! brig Ana* Wicks, from Philadelphia. " NbwOblbanb.Doc 8. Arrived, ships Nathan Hanan, from Losdon; John Patten, from Liverpool; 8t Charles, from New York; barks Undine, from do; Genesoe, from Plymouth. MEMORANDA. Stsawehip Pennsylvania, Teal, for Philadelphia, salted from Richmond 7th inst. Ship Rochester, Reed, cleared at New York 31 inst. for Havre* Ship Dolphin, Hoyt, at Boston 7th inst. from Padang, had boats, bulwarks, aud galley stove. Ship Oliver Jordan remained at Valparaiso Oct 31. Bh

hoBon NY 8 B Lewis, N Y Gen J B Bodgers, 111 G W ililler, Cincinnati K A Packor, N Y M M Rhodes, Taunton J B McOreiry, M Chunk T Pessavant, N Y Robt Rlloy, Ohio N 8 Tutnaiu, Conu Win Kobluson, Vicksburg Ohas ttoe. Vicksburg 8 U Blount, Tenn J ft Warfield, Bamsville,o MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st.. below Arch. B W Bush, NY P Blodget, Watertown B Coll ua. Watertown J T Ferguson. Ark 8 Hired field, N Y Jlr Wyman, Augusta, Ga Geo B Kttia, Marietta, Pa A H Blair, Carlisle R D Oumminga, Pa G M Itepler, Pinegrovo It O Moore. Williamsport J W KilllDger, Lebanon W Oveifiold, Jr, Easton J A J Cummings. MlUou P ILWeolz, TrenUn, M J A Duvall, Balt Miss Murray, Harrisburg M A Jones, Phila R W ►outhmajd, Phila U Afitiles, Phila W J Mtdlra, Fa Hon H BMoU. Mltrord, Tb. J C V e ton, Waterbary, Ot J E Smith, Waterbury, Ot J Y P Schenck A wifo, N J UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. J Caldwell, Alleg’ny City G Curtis, Pa j MoGratty, Alleg’ny City H M Noeten, N J 8 M Thompson, N Y A U To*ulinson, N O W U Crawford. Harrisburg J A Eliason, Del J V Ellason, Dal G W Eliason, Del D 8 Buxton, Reading NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, nboro Third. H A Blarnmer, Allentown T A Ellison, Tamsquft C A Davids, Lewisburg T W Edgar, Espy, Ta H Ilßlyrrs. Iteudlng lMJhler, Pa Q J llend’er, Potteville Morgan Roed, Pottevllle U Elmira H 8 Heckman, Easton Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st, ab, OallowhiiJ, Wm Blank, Pa O Miller, Pa D B Yqder, Pa G W Dechert, Pa Goo W Landed, Pa Chaa Henicger, Kaston Danl Kemraerer, Hamburg 8 Same uPa Simon Daniel, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhlll. J«. ISmith, r» s Ilulght, Pa O Ritter, Pa WF It'i:uFitpy, Pa O Mecger, Monroe co Pc or M JiareL, Pa i M ar }) Q > Myerstown John Bbaeffer, Bucks co J.jhu Sherer, Bucks co Peter Teller, Easton BARLEY BHBAP HOTEL—Becond street, below Vine J Watnois, New Bope J Gaventa, N J J 8 Heston, Newton T Gaventa, N J Wm James, Penca JRtil.Penna J Williamson. N J 7/ Yale Jr, Phila H Fcarborougn, Md O Twinniug A lady, Pa Thos McNeeits, N J Airs Beatie, Penna BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. B 0 Kobartson, Newark R Lyle, Chester co R Maigernn, N J J ff Road, Cbestor oo A King, Cheater eo G 8 Moore, Chester oo W W Rankin, N J Wm B Coal, Jr, Balt Miss E B Williams, Penna J Titlow, Peona A Weils, Penna A P Among, Balt w Brewster, Huntington R W Richard, on, Phila J M,Cornua, Penna Capt J Kline, Penna F V-Mosteller, Chester Bps A Deery, oh< ster SprIDLS MADISON HOUSE—Second st, below Arch. B Pyer, Mass N Chambers, Sid T Fall Trenton J Davis, Elkton, Sid John Dickinson, Tenton W Reed, Elkton, Md Stephen Youeg. N Y Robt Galbraith, N Y W Winters, Conn MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st, above Aroh, A Dehinr, Del R G Fisher, Del Owen Loud A la.Winches’r G L Britton. Salem WP Britton,Brunswick * Burnett’s Cocodine.— BURNETT’S OOCOAINB, - A single appUo&tton renders the hair—no matter hovr stiff and dry—soft and glossy tor several days. It la tbs Best aud Cbeapbst Hub Drbssiwo im ths World, HAZZARD CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Bole Agent. For sale by dealers generally, at 60 eta per .bottle. • BOW-tf , h Special Notices. Savage’s Sewing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD. The Greatest Wonder of the Age.—ThcEau Athrnixnnb, or Hair Rbstorbb, of JolbsHadsl, in vigorates, restores, and beautifies the hair, and changes gray hair and whiskers to their original l.fe color. It is not a Dye, and will not soil the akin or linon. fold by all Druggists, and at the Laboratory of Julbb Haukl A Co., No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. It Sfdentiry Habits.—There Is no class of the community more subj to disease of the digestive or garathan those whose business compels them to be con tinually within doors, either seated at a desk or standing behind a counter. HOOFLAND.’fI GERMAN BIT TER! will prove a true blessing to theso persons, and enable them to fulfil the duties of their station with a spirit and alacrity unknown to them before. These Bitters cin be had of Dr C M. JACKSON A CO., 418 Arch street, at 76 cents per bottle. It Savage’s Sewing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD, Fine Clothing at the Most Reasonable Prices. —Blsck Dress and Frock Gcats of the finest quality ; Business Coats, Promenade Coats, and Overcoats, of en* tirely new styles, and finest quality ; a full assortment of fine black aud fancy Oassimore Pants, and a splendid stock of fine fillk Velvet, Cashmere, Silk, and Cassimere Vesta, all cut, made, and fiimiued in the most elegant style, at ROBERT H. ADAMS’ New Store, dB-tjal 8. E. corner Seventh and Market sts, Savage’s Sewing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD. Great Safe Robbery at Norristown, Dccera- BER Ist, 1858.—Some time last night tho flouring mill of Mr. Joseph Fezone, In Norristown, Pa., was entered, and one of Barrel, Herring, A Co.’s best patent Powder- Proof Lock and Safe WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH POWDER, and $1,600 lu cash taken out and carried away. This na'o is now In front of Evanß A Watson’s store, No 26 Bouth Fourth street, where we mor-t respectfully invite the publlo to call, and examine how those New Yorkers make their safes. They screw their deors together with the smallest kind of csst.iron screws, and from the ap pear&nce of this safo, it could not have taken more than one musket load of powder to blow the above safe open. October 18th, 1868 —Three thieves entered the Flouring Mill of Messrs. Dorrance A Doron, in Bristol, Pa., and tiled all night to blow open their Safe with powder, which had $250 in cosh, but did not succeed in getting it open. Their Salamander Safe was manufac tured by EVANS A WATSON. They have a Tew more for sale, of the same kind, at their store, No. 20 South FOURTH Street, Philadel phia. N. B.—We find in The Press, of December 4th, the following: 11 All our safes are warranted to give perfect satisfac tion, or the money will be returned. (( Fakrel, Heibing, A Co ” We, EVANS A WAT&ON, would ask all parties having Farrel, Herring, A Co.’s Patent. Champion Safes to take advantage of the above offer, and return them and get their money, as they will find that in a few years the composition with which tho Safes {are filled (a large portion being oil of vitriol) will eat out all the iron. A specimen of their Champion Safes may be seen in front of our atore, whloh is eaten full of holes now. EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Street, Window Dropery, BROOATKLLE. SATIN DAMASK, SATIN DB LAINE, WORSTED DAMABK, REPS, MOREEVB, AND PLUSHES, Together with all the trimmings appertaining to the Curtain trado. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will close outs onr heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Curtain, cut, made, and put up, lower than prices elsewhere) A Iso, White Lace and Moslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auctioo, and selling at half the usual price. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape Gothio, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil Cloth, at whole sale and retail. PATTON’S OURTAIN STORE, dB-tap!2 680 OHEBTNUT Street. Savage's Sewing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD, Farrel, Herring, & Co.’s Patent Champion SAFES are the en’ySafes made in the City which have never been Robbed by Burglars, or their contents de stared by Fire! The subscribers hare been manufacturing Fire a»d Tbi< f Proof Bares in this city for nearly five yrara past • during that time we have mado and sold twice as many Safes, at least, as any other maker; double the number or our Bafee have been attempted by Barglars, and more tban twice as many have been tried by fibs. We now peopose to any other manufocturore In this city, to give them $6OO for every Safe, of our own make, which his been opened by Burglars, provided thßy will also make us the 8 ins ovvkb. We propose an additional $6OO for every safe of our make which has bad its contents burned up in acciden tal fires ; and will give $5OO .to any other Safe-markers in this city who will make us the same offer. The subscribers do not warrant any of their ordinary Counting* room Cafes to be proof against all the attacks of Burglars under any circumstances, and never have done so ; but for money purposes, or where more than ordinary security fs required, we have always recom mended our combinbd Borg Ur and Fire-Proof Safe ae protection against experienced and scientific thieves. “Wifwill guarantee (o give better eecurlty-against'fire and rogues, for the money, than any other manufac turer can. The Safe advertised by a disappointed and envious op position as having been blown up, at Norristown, was not one of ouk make, nor was it even a “Herring’s Patent Champion Safe.” The safe was one of “Wil der’s Patent,” made many years ago, and so'd by Mr. Parrel when acting agent for a New York house. Yet, we do not hesitate to say, that there is no Fire-Proof Safe made in this market, (and sold ordinarily as such) wh'ch, with the tools left behind them by the rogueß at Norrlstswn, and the saxs opportunity, we will not agree to open in less lees than one hour’s time. FARREL, HERRING, A OO , Makers of Herring’s Patent Champion Safes, Burglar Proof Safes, lined with chilled iron and hardened steel, Bank Looks, Ac , Ao. dB-tf Cutaneous Disease*,—Cutaneous diseases are more mortifying to the pride than any other human ills. Let those who value a fair »kln purify their blood by the u*e of PERUVIAN SYRUP, which removes such affections by stimulating the absorbents to take up and expel the morbid elements, by the natural out lets of the system. For sale in this olty by F. Brown, comer Fifth and Chestnut, and Has sard A Co., ooraer Twelfth and Chestnut. d2-dAWtf Savage’s Sowing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD Money Saved by Baying Books.—lf you wish a good Book, with a Handsome Gift, c&ll at EVANS’S GIFT BOOK STORE. You will not only got your Books at the regular retail price, but will receive a gift in addlt'on, In no case les4 than CO cents, and often of groat value. Any person wishing books without gifts cau have thorn at publishers’ wholesale prices. Evans has a larger stock of standard and miscellaneous Books than can be found In any other Btoroin the city. Call and examine his immense stock of Gift Books for the Holidays, at 439 Chestnut street. d"-6t Savage’s Sewing Machines. DOUBLE THREAD. Saving Fund.—Five Per Ceuti Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. comer of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day or withdrawal. Money is received and payments made dally, without notice. The investments are made In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such flrst-olaas seourl* ties oath charter requires. Office hours, from 0 o’clock In the morning until 6 o’elook in the afternoon, nd on kfoudar aod Thursday avanings ontU 8 o’clock. f«0 Grover A Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—FKIOE $6O. 780 CHKHTXDT BtRHKT, 'PUILADBLraiA. These .Machine* bow from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will not rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for amity use. ocl6-tf fCysgan »oa A oimooLAm. _Tff Seamen’s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner of Becond and Walnut streets. Deposits received in small and large amounts, from all olasaes of tho community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’elook, end on Mor - day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Beoretary, Charles 13, Morris BuruelVs Coconino A compound of Goco&'nut Oil, Ac., for dresulog tho Hair. For efficacy and agreeablencoa, It is without an equal. Jt prevents the hair from failing off. Jt promotes its healthy and vigorous growth: It is not grea\y or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. BURNETT’S COCQAINE, ID” Msssns. J. Bdiinbtt A Co.—l cannot refuse to state the salutary effect in my own aggravated case of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoalne ) For many m.nths my hair had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing ft entirely. The skin upon my head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that I could not touch it without pain. This irritated con d tion I attributed to the use of various advertised hair washes, which I have since been told contain camphone spirit. By the fldv.’ce of my physician, to whom you had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commenced Its use the last week In June. Tho first application al layed the Itching and irritation ; In three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. Yours, very truly, SUBAN R. POPE. BURNETT’S OOCOAINE, JET* A single application renders the hair fno matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for soveral days. It is conceded by all who kavo nsed it, to be the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOBEPn BURNETT & CO., Boston. }H7“ For sale by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. »27-5 w THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1858. One«Frice Clothing of tho Latest Styles, and made in tho best manner, expressly for rrtiil sxlru. We mark our lowest selling prices in plain piqurbu on eaoh s article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our onh-priob system Is stdotly ad hered to. We believe this to he the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. 850, 860, 860, 850, 850, 850, 860, 860. SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, si cupie, and re liable Sewing Machine, which baa an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A 00., no2-U22 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Ou the 4th ot December, by Kev. T. C. Lyous, Mr. GKRGH REICH and Miss E REYNOLD 3. * On Moud*y, 6th instant, by Rev. M. 11. Sisty, Mr. JOHN JAMES, of South Amboy, N. J., to Miss ADE LAIDE, daughter of the late Charles J. Wagoner, of this city September 23, by Rev. Joseph F. Borg. Mr. GUS TAVE DEBCHAMPSto Mips CECILIA WHITEMAN, both of this city. * December 6th, 185 S, by the Rev. Benjamin T. Sewell. WILLIAM 11E33 to SARAII ELIZABETH NICE, all of this city. * On the sth inßtant, JOHN BIDDLE, Jr , son of John and Mary F. Biddle, aged 22 months. * On the morning of December 6th, at his late real* dence, Na. 223 North Twelfth street, JOSEPH HAR RISON, Sr , aged 80 years and II days. The relatives and friends of the family are respeot fally invited to attend his funorftl, this (Thursday) moro ing, at 10 o’clock, without further notice. * On Monday, 6th instant, THOMAS ROS3NEWBOLD. His tuneral will take place' this (Thorsday) morn ing, 9th -instant, at 10 o’clock A. fil., from his late residence, No. 1128 Spruce street. * At West Chester, on the 6th instant, DAVID TOWN SEND, in the 71st year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, this (Fifth day) morning, the 9th instant at 11 o’clock. * On the 6th instant, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Rev. ROBERT LUTTON, member ef the New Jersey Con ference, aged 67 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the fuuerul, from his late residence, Plum street, below Becond, Camden, N. J., this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock. To proceed to M. E. Church, at before II o’clock. * On the 6th instant, JESSE EARNEST, in the 70th year of bis ago. The friends and relatives of the deceased aro in vite Ito attend the funeral, from the residence ef his son, No. 1804 Crotyistreet, Kensington, this (Thursday) morning, at 8 o’clock. To proceed to Boehm’s Church, Montgomery county. * On the 7th instant, Mrs. WILHKLMINA SCANLIN, wife of William T. Bcanlin, in the 24th year of her age. The relatives and frlouds of the family, and Philadel phia fiooial Circle, No. I,U 0. oi B. and S., are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residenee of her parents, New Market street, above Laurel, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, with out further notice. Funeral to proceed to Odd Fel lows’ Cemetery. *# On Second-day evening, 6th instant, HANNAH 8., wife of Nathan Rowland, and daughter of the late James Simpson, of Bucks county, Pa. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her hus band, No. 923 North Front Street, this (Pifth*day) morning, at 10 o’clock, without further notice * On the 6th instant, Mr. CORNELIUS DEWEES, Sr 0 in the 64th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the fnneral, from the resi dence of his son, No. 154 North Second street, below Race, at 2 o’clock this (Thursday) afternoon, without farther notice. On the 7th instant, CATHARINE MoKEEVER The relativA and friends of the family are repectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her brother-in-law, John Murphy, No, 726 Morris street, between Ninth and Tenth, abive Catharine, this (Thursday) morning at 9 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. * On the 7th instant, DANIEL BURNS, in the 22d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hm mother, back of '4lO Oarpentor street, between Fourth and Fifth, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathe dral Cemetery. On the 7lh instant, in the 81st year of her age, Mrs. MARY SHUSTER MoCULLY. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attead the funeral from the residence of her nephew. JOHN H. JONES, No. 1003 Randolph street, above Wsger, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock, with out farther notice. * In this city, on the 6th Instant, Miss CAROLINE A. JAOKbON, of Chester county. The relatives and friends of tho family are rospect fally invited to attend the funeral, from the r«si dence of her brother-in-law, William McOlsry, No, 603 North Twelfth Street, this (Thursday) morning, at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Radnor Episcopal CbuVch. * ry-=» A Sale of Useful and Fancy Articles by UJS the Ladies’ Sewing Society of the CUUUCII OF THE COVENANT, viU be held at Concert Hall, on MONDAY, the 13th Just, and continue until Wedueß day evening. dO 4t* fY»=3i To Young Men* - Banking, Rullroad \\ j iso, Jonuiso and Commission Businsss. are illustrated and practically taught from MiM'SCRirT Ssts taken from actual Bug-oess, at BRYANT A STRATTON’S Mercantile College, 8. B. corner of BBVENTH and CHESTNUT. Calf for Catalogue. It Commonwcnlth Insurance Company, of [LS THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA —Offlco N.- W. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT btreels.—Phila delphia, December 8, 1868. Notice is hereby given, to tho Stockholders of this Company, that the aunual meeting, aod an election for ten Directors, to servo the ensuing year, wilttnke place at the office of the Company, ou the first MONDAY (31) of January next at )2o’clock M. d9-tjs3 3AMUAL B. MOON, Secretary. Office of the Boat Mahnnoy Baitroad COMPANY.—Philadelphia, Bth December, 1868. - At-* meeUsg-*?- ihefltoakholderaof iha A}*ba~ noy Railroad C-mpany, held TUI4 DAY, the following officers were chosen to serve until the nextannual elec tion: PREBIDENT. William O. Pattkhsox. DIRECTORS. Levi Dickson, J. Pemberton Hutchinson, George R. Justice, James D'ludas, FreddrlckFraloy, Wi Haul 8. Wetmore, Charles Heory Fisher, Richard Rear. Archibald Mclntyre, Thomas A. Biddle, Joseph Patterson, John J. Thompson. dO-3t* Philadelphia Hospital, Blockley.—Clini- LLS cal Lectures will bo delivered at this Hospital, commencing on WEDNESDAY, December 15,1854, and every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY thereafter, from balf-pist nine till half past eleven o'clock A M CLINICAL MEDICINE, by Dr. J. B Biddle. CLINICAL BURGERY. by Dr D II jlguew. OLINIGA L OBSTETRICB, by Dr. R. A. F Penrose PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. Dr. R K. Smith. TICKETS, $5.00, To be hid at the Office of the Guardians of the Poor, No. 30 North SEVENTH Street; deliverable on andaft->r Monday. 13th Inst The West Philadelphia Cars and Omnibuses go very near the gate. Btudonu are all invited to attend on WEDNESDAY, the 16ih. _____ dO-thsAm-at University of Pennsylvania.—Professor llsjf COl’PEK’fc third Leolure wilt be delivered In the Hall of the University, on THURSDAY EVENING, December 0, at 8 o’clock Snbjec*—“ The English Historian of the Eighteenth century.” d 8 81 rys“» Commercial Matuul Insurance Com- UJJ PANY, rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, December 20.1868 at ten o’clocit A. M , wbeo an election for EIGHT DIRECTORS, to serve for tho ensuing three years, will tak* place, dS I2t JOHN MtiQOfiT.OM, BecrMary. ry-K=» Lectures on Geology.—Hr. Boynton will Lkif K'V« the First Lecture on GEOLOGY proper at HANDEL AND lIAYDN HALL, on EVENING. December oth. Seamus tfekote $l. Pupils of Schools 75 coots. Single tickots 25 cents. To com mence at 7# o’clock. dB-2t* Tho Cllnlo of the Female Medical Col- J 3 LEGE, No 627 AROH Btreet, Is open regular ly on WEDNKfIDAY and SATURDAY, from 1 a to 1 o’clock. Ladleswill always be found in attendance to examine and prescribe for palienU dl-im rY’~F» Geology.—Br. lioyntun will give. Rig LL3 Third Leclu'e at Concert Hall, on FRIDAY EVENING, December 10 Besson tickets, for tho rr malning six Lectures, including the Galvanic E.rprri mcnts t 76 cents. Single 25 cents. To com mence at o’clock. dB-Bt* nrrg=» A Lecture on 4'hiua and Japan, In \y£ NATIONAL HALL, FRIDAY, Dec. 10. at 7X P M , by Rev. R. GIVIN, Chaplain U. 8 Navy, who has recently retarned from theae countries, and will show their political and religious relations to onr country. Tickets 20 cents, at tho door. For the Red ding M. E. Church. Tho celebrated Meyers’ Family, of Bouton, ■will sing before and alter the Lecture They havo filled the largest Halls in Cinoincatl and Boston with wondering listener a. deB-3t* Bfparlmcue of Highways—Office of U 3 OUIKF OOM.MI-BIONKK. pouihweot corner of Che tnat and Fifth streets, December Ist, 1858 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS —sealed proposals will be received by the uudersig- ed at the ofllco until twelvo o’c’ock M., of D-icetnber 20th, 1858. ior the cotstruc tion of Two Brick Culverts, one on Girard avenue, from Ninth to Franklin, streets, and thence nlong Frarkliu to Thompfon street, and one on EUventh streit, com mencing 96 feet north of Jell'-rson, aud extending to Thom; son street. Aud all bidders are Invited to be present at tho opening of p-oposalfl offered oa said day at fouro’cluck P. M. C. B. ANDRESS, Chief Commissioner of Highways. Specifications tnay be obtained at tho Department of Surveys. 1,2 th*3w rBl,OOO Ucward.—One Thousand Dollars Iki? reward will be iven by the WASHINGTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of Gloucester. New Jersey, for information whl'h wilt le»d to tho arrest and conviction of the person or personal who by In fernal Contrivances ” h%ve on several occasions at tempted the lifo of tho Sup«iintend»utof the Mills fnao-tutk&Mß* JOHN RODMAN PAUL, Truas’r. Office of Urn Guultor City Insurance Com. LL? PANY, 408 WALNUT Street NUTIOK —The thiid aunuil meeting of the Stock holders of tho “ Quaker City Insurance Company ” will be held at thoof!lc»of the Company, No. 403 Walnut street, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of January, 1869, bitween the hours of 12 aid 2 o’olock. for tho election of Directors aud officers for ensuing year. d4-stu&th-2cn H R. COGGSIIALL, tfeotntarv. rv~Z=» Fair lor tho tpisLopul fteumen’s Mihslou IJ3 opeu dally at the MUSICAL FUND HALL from 10 A. M to 10 P. M. rvrs=* The Fair of the Western Pro\ulentSo lk_2 OIETY AND CHILDREN’S HOME, or the 21th Ward, will opeo at the COM&HBSIONEKB’ HALL, oor nor of MARKET and PARK Btreeta, on TUESDAY AFTKUNOON, at 3 o’clock und continue dutlnw WED NESDAY, TUUIt jDAY. find FRIDAY, from itfo’closk A. M.tolOP. M Tho West Philadelphia cars ran to the do-'r. d7-4t* Rcimer’s Gallery, Second Street, above lloro art, triumphant, our attoution cla’ins; More life seem* spoaklng from a hundred frames : Men, women, children,throng tho pictured walla, Etch form, each face, its living typj recalls ; Features, complexion, attitude, attire, Beauty’s soft smile aud manhood’s glance of ti r c, Truly reflected at a rarid rate, T.» ostouiph life with its own duplicate. Think not these photographs br sunlight rnado, Shades though thty are, will 1 ke a whadow fade : N° ! when tne Hp< of flesh iu dust shall lie, And dea h agray film o’erspread tho beaming eye, P ,otureß . mocking at decay, Will still be fresh and vlvidan to-day. dO-Gt# BOSTON, July 19,1867, rvy - * Uommonweulth of I’cnnsyivania. Lk3 * I'nßAHunv Dspaiitmrst, ) IlAßnisnoaa, Dec 21,1868 S At a mooting or tbo Comm ssioners of tho Sinking Fuad, hold this day, it was Resolved , That tbo State Treasurer bo authorized to Issue proposals to buy, from the lowest bidder. One Hundred Thousand Dolla-s of Btato Five Per Cent Lo&na Notice is therefor, h.rcltj-gisen thit ttpslea propo sals for tbo salo of tho whole or any part of j IOO.OCO of l.vo Per Cent. Loans will h. rrcolved nt tho Tre a surjrDapa r traODt, »t Harrisburg, till 2 oVock r. “ ," f ‘J” 16th December, A I) , lhf.S, tho panto to sot rorlh tho amount ollmotl not! tho prlt o’osVod, an.l to lie to soil Loans » . ThB . b > ll f, w ' ll b “, opened amt r.liotm'nts trade to tho lowest bidders on (hat day. If. H. MAGRIW- Wvi Trewmvr. JOMEB & co., GOi MABKKI' Btroet, Marriages* fy» Tho Rev. A. A. lVilllU will dollver a UJJ Louture on « Labor and Llte«*»ure.” at OEN TRaLM B OHUHOU, VINE Street,below Thirteenth, on THURSDAY EVENING, Oth lust, at o’clock. Tickets 26 cents, to be had at Tlioroley A Chism’s, N. K. corner of Kighth'ai d Spring Gardon filreota; W A J. Neill’s, No. 15 bomb Ninth slreot, and at tbe Doar on the eveuingof the Lecture. BUNDAY-SOIIOOL TIMES To be had at TUB AMERICAN bUNDAY-SOHOOL U lON, No. 1122 Chestnut p treot, or of the Periodical Dealers. it* QToparlucvstji}] Notices, DISSOLUT ON.—The partnership hereto fore existing under the firm of SPRINGS OAK. snd AUMONT. is this day dissolved by mutual oon aent. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the partners. Philadelphia, Docember Btb,lSsB* W L SPRINGS. .. DAVID E OAK, JAMES F. E. AUMONT. COPARTNERSHIP.-JAMES P. E. AUMONT and DAVID E. OAK have this day associated themselves and will continue the butioe’s at the old stand, S3l MARKET Street, uod°r the Ann of Aumont & Oak. Philadelphia, Decomber Bth, I*6B JAMES P E AUMONT, dtl-et* DAVID E. OAK. ittoncj). 1 A and $7,000 to louu on mortgage. IU.UUU 41 D LIVENSBrTER, It* % }29S FOURTH, opposite Library. > & CO., ' 400 CHESTNUT BTKEKT, Tarch&so the lutorenb COUPONS STATS OP CALIFORNIA d7.tjti JgANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES AND CIIEOKS BOUGHT AT THE HIGHEST PRICE, K. F. RALEY, Banker, d2*th elfctuOt* No. 42 South THIRD Street. dhyf AftO $2,000, SI,6C0 —To loan on Mortgage Apply to D. TAYLOR, d7-lft 326 North BIXTII Street, above Wood. FTOUSEKEEPERS, LOOK TO YOUR il INTEREST.—Great Reduction in the p*ice of COAL. Cheap'3t sad bess The subscriber having niido contracts for bis supply oi Coal, is enabled to offer very superior Family Coal at the following re duced price*! Broken Egg and Store «.M 00 per ton CookiDg a 75 “ “ Largo Nut.... 0 60 “ BmallNut 225 “ ” Warranted to give satisfaction and full weight in all c! r, .‘h at Kick’s Old Central Yard, 8. E. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. dO-3m MINCED MEAT.—Tho subscriber has oommovood manufacturing hlrt NB PLUS ULTRA AIINOED MEAT, which he offers to hie customers in large or small quan tities Orders through Blood’s Dispatch will be punc tually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Sts., dO-St-lf Philadelphia NOTICE. —All persons are cautioned against Negotiating a Check on the Farmers and Mechan ics’ Bauk of Fh'lalelphlaforsBl 20, drawn by the Read ing Railroad Company to order of and endorsed by , George W- Williamson and J. L. L&flltte, the same haring been stolen EDWARD WALDEN, It* 500 South FRON P Street. ROCERIES.—O. DONOGHUE, 15 S. sJF WATER Street, off6rs for pale, to reduce hi* stock dll.log thin month, at reduced prioea for Cash. Philadelphia and New York Steam Refined Sugaraod Syiup'of various grades. Prime Coffee. Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Sifttd Pepper, and Ada mantine Candies Halifax and Esstport Herring. 600 Boxes Scaled Herring. Alho. 530 Quintals Ground B*nk Codflhh, for saloby O. O. SADLER A 00., d 9 ARCH Pt., second door above Front. CHEESE.— 500 Boxes Herkimor County CHEESE, of superior quality, for sale by O C SADLER, & CO., dO AUOtl St., second door below Front FORK.-409 barrels New Mess Pork for oalo by O. O. SADLER ft CO , dy ARCII St,, doorbo'ow Front. BUTTER.— 59 tubs Goshen Butter just re ceived, and for sale hr 0 O BADI.ER, & 00., ARCH St., EBOonS door below Front. [A3 AN ILA ROPE, assorted sizes, maim l¥Jt factored and for sale at lowest Now York prices, by WEAVER, FITLER, & 00., No. 23 N. Water at, and * dO 22 N. Wharvos QPENING DAY WINTER HATS OAKFO n D ’ S WILL OPEN ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER BTII, The most beautiful and unique nty leu OF DRESSnATS Ever before offered to Gentlemen, OAKFORD’S, NO. 074 CHESTNUT STREET. S SNYDER LEIDY—J AE. M. LEIDY, • Principals of LKIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY, Nos 343 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Raco, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, end ARITHMETIC Is made oertain to every pupil that may enter. ACADEMY opou day and ovaolng. n 022 CHINA VASES AND NEW FANCY (1001)3,24 8 FOURTH Bt. W., Importer r|IOYS AND NANCY GOODS, 21 Soutli AjUURIHSt. [43-ot] tv. I»| Importer, Retail EDrfl (sooi>a £JHEAP GOODS FOR GIFTS. We have appropriated one Department for the sale of a large collection of i*ANOV GOODS IN DRESS LENGTHS, Which are maried plainly in flgurea, and reduced to VE'.Y LOW PRICES SUARPLESS BROTHERS dO-thnScm-fit CHESTNUT Sc KIQHTH STS, REDUCTION IN PRICES OP \ T FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Brooha. Shawls, Cloaks, Raglans Ac E, W. FISHER, TWELFTH and MARKET Streets, belusr determined to oloao out the balance of bis Fall and Winter Stock this month, has reduced 37# cent Bayadere Lama Oloth to 20 cents. 31 cent Satin Travers to 20 and 22 cents. 26 and 31 cent Poll de Obevrea to 18# cents, 18# cent Delaines to 11# cents. 26 cent do to 18# cents. 60 cent Plaid Cashmeres to 87# and 40 cents. And all other Fancy Dress Goods In the aamo pifipor lion. GOOD LONG BROCHA SHAWLS to $9! Superior do do $lO, $l2. $l6. 01o»kB*Rnd TUgluofl to about half their usual prices. BI.ANKKTS, iJLANBBTS!—Good Blanket!} at $2, $2 GO. $3, $3 £O, s*, $5, $3 to $l5. Btw* f<»r Bargains, N. W. corner of TWELFTH and MARKET htreetn. It p ARIB CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. The subscribers will this day offer the balaaoe or their Block of IMPORTED CLOAKS, IN RICH VELVET, FINE CASTOR, BEAVER, *O. Some elaborately trimmed with REAL LACE, OUITURE AND CROCHET ADORN MENTS, AT THE UNIFORM REDUCTION OF TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT., One fourth from former prices. lIANDSOME CLOAKS, Of our own Manufacture, will be opened EVERY DAY till the close of the season, and will be sold at POPU LAR PRICES. J. YT. PH OOTO R & 0 0., TUB PARIS MANTILLA Sc CLOAK EMPORIUM, 70S CHESTNUT STREET, dB-3t Great reduction in prices.— Just received, oue lot of wide BLACK BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, At $3 a yard, worth $6. We are closing out our as sortment of fine MARSEILLES QUILTS, At less than tbe cost of importation. Thbsb Gooes sre a orbit Bargain. Table Linens and Napkins, in damask and snow-drop patterns, to bb sold at lebs than cost rates. BLANKET LONG SHAWLS, large size, at $4. A large assortment of Prints, Delaines, Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Linens, Ao., which we will sell at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRIOEB. SAMUEL S HESS, No. 7 N. BBOOND St,, above Market. gPEOXAL REDUCTION, ACCORDING TO OUR USUAL CUSTOM, AT THIS SEASON, TVE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER OTH, TO BELL OUR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BHAWLBj DREB» GOODS, JBMBROIDEBIB3, Ac., GREAT REDUCTION FORMER PRICES CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In this Department & corresponding Reduction will be made, in order to keep our large number of hands in the Manufnstoring Rooms employed during the winter. CUSTOMERS IN WANT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS T WILL FIND IT GREATLY TO THEIR ADVANTAGE EXAMINE THIS STOCK THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. OLOTH CLOAKS REDUCTION IN PRICES. FUBNER & CO. Are new offering their entiro stock of WINTER CLOAKS AT VERY LOW PRICKS, AS FOLLOWS FINE CLOTH ss 00 Do. do. BAGLANS »« 7.00 FREHCII BEAVER do. at 9 00 FINE BLK. do. do. from 10.00 A splendid variety of FANCY FRENCH CLOTHS, all equally low. They respectfully invite attention to the following Goods: FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, (a full Hue ) IMITATION and REAL LACES, do. FRENCH LACE VEILS from 87 cents. REAL Til BEAD do. $3.60. POINTE DU GAZE HDFS. at $l2 60 worth $16.00. ‘ Do. do. do. “ 35.00 “ 30 00 Do. do. COLLARS from $6.00. Tho newest stylos In Laoe and Lace Muslin Sleeres. LA COMPAGNE FRANCAISE 810 CHESTNUT STREET .17-et Lined gloves. Superior Winter Glove, in Kid, Bllk, Oloth, Plush, and Woollen Boys’ Men’s and Women’s sices. BHARPLKS3 Sc BROTHERS, d 7 CHESTNUT St EIGHTH. WHITE FRENCH SATINS. Several grades of 22 inch White Satius for Ladies’ shoemakers, just received. BHARPLKSB BROTHERB, d 7 CHESTNUT ft EIGHTH. WHITE SILK VELVET For Jewel Case Makers. BUAKPLK3S BROTHERS, CHESTNUT St EIGHTH Barnsly damasks. Lilian Tab'u Damask of botvy material. Linens, Tablo Cloths, and Damask Napkins, Extra sire Napkins, and Lineu b’Oylieg. Wide Colored Fruit O’othe and D’Oylies SUARPLEB3 BROTHERS. d 7 CHESTNUT & EIGHTH Beaver raglans. An attractive stock Lad es’ Clonks and Raglans, First-olftfirf work aud maierlulH. COOPER * CONARD. d 7 8. E corner NINTH St MARKET Sts, VALENCIA PLAIDS. Two fresh lots of theta Gay Plaids. Bayadere, oa.»hmprea, and Valencias One lot figured wool De Lames at 25 cents. COOPER St CONARD, (17 8. E corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Mcrrlmac Prints 18*( ct Gay Delaines 16 ot and ct Dross Goods of various kinds, reduced from 25. Good Blankets, Warm Shawls, Fine Broche Shawls. COOPER Sc CONARD, d 7 8. E corner NINTn St MARKET Sts. Black beaver cloths Heavy Beavers. Fine Black Cloths. Large lots Cloth* from Auction marked at a small ad vance Blacks $1 25 to $3 60 Heavy Grays and Dr. ba $1 *o $1 75 COOPER & CONARD, (17 S. E corner MNIH St MARKET Sts. SEWING MACHINES. SAVAGE’S PATENT. THB MOBT SIMPLE —MOST PER* EOT No 722 OHE.-TNUT STREET The most desirable Sewing Machines for Families vet midi). 48 lmlf* SIBLIOTYI’ISTS AND DAGUERRE- AtfS —Tour attontion la called to DABBS Sc BIRMINGHAM’S Stock Depot, No. 1 Ranstead Place, FOURTH Street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia, Manu facturers of Oases, (to , they having received a large enpply of Fancy Cases, Ac , for the holidays, which they are determined 1o sell low lor cash. Tber being iDanufa l otnrersoan afford to sell less than other dealers, PUwtMtfwve. d9-2t* UUail CDro ©uofcs. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF FANCY DRY GOODS, Tj. J. LEVY & GO. Announce to the public .that they have reduced the prices of their Fall Importations and Purchases of FANCY DRY GOODS, Itxolading alt their Auction Purchases, to less THAN THE COST OF IMFOBTATION, the sales commenced on FRIDAY, Doo. 3, and will continue throughout the MONTH OF DECEMBER. Their object is to sell out as nearly as possible the FALL AND WINTER GOODS which remain in stock, and to accomplish it they offer to the public and their customers the inducement of VERY LOW PRICES. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES AND LAOEB A* e very much reduced in price, many to half their original cost. FAhOY BILKS which have been sold dnring the Fall at $1 are now 76 cents; $1 60 qualities to $1 and f 1.12. All descriptlonsof WINTER DRESS GOODS are marked down below the cost of importation. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MOUSELINE DE LAINEB, CABHMEBES, MBRINOKB, PLAIDS, SATIN DE OHENES, ENGLISH, and FRENCH CHINTZES, Are all reduced in proportion to the Goods enume rated above. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. tUatrljcs, Jeroelrg, s&S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OP Jjljj .FINE JEWELRY, jgfgj Allow prices. Just received Coral, Lava, CauTew! and Gold Jewelry in sets. Also, Scarf Pins. Seal Rings, Shirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, Sc c. English, French, and American Watches, at G BUSSELL, 64-lw 22 North Sixth street. WATCHES. wig We have now in Store A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ENGLISH AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Of our own direct Importation, at very low prices. As we have each Watch thoroughly examined by a competent workman, we are enabled to guarantee our customers a oorbbot time-piece. FARR So TH r »3VLPSON’ > Importers of Watches, Ac., 824 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FOURTH. n26-thsAtu-12t Bailey & ooj rOIUULT BAILEY t KITCHEN, Hart removed to their now Y Ire-proof, White Huhle Store, Blfl CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall atook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARDS, AND PANOY GOODS, To which they InTlte the attention of the pnblle. BILVJR-WABB, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOUIBAL* AND XBTIIL, Itmbrel'aa. |JMBRELLAS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, WILLIAM A. DROWN Sc 00., 246 MARKET STREET, NOW READY THEIR USUAL LARGE ASSORT- MENT OF HANDSOMELY FINISHED SILK UMBRELLAS. To which they invite the attention of BUYERS. Clotljing: BOYS’ CLOTHING. E. A. HOYT & BROTHER Have just received, FROM NEW YORK, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS BUPERIOR STYLEB AND FINISH, Which they offer to the FubUo at GREATLY REDUOSD PRICES. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH & CHESTNUT STREETS, n2O-12Uf Jnsttrance Companies. ('I RE AT IVESTERN INSURANCE AND JT TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY’S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT OF BUBINE33 EOR YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31) 1838. Capital $223 800 00 Surplus 61,463 03 $276 263 03 Received for Preminros 01,595 45 “ “ Interest, Rente,&o 7 825 49 $99,390 94 Paid Losses, Expense Commis sions, re-Inßuranoe, Return ed Premiums, Ac $70,883 00 ASSETS. Real Estate. Ronds and Mort gages,. ~$141,243 00 Stirka 47,915 00 Bills Receivable 69,886 73 Unsettled Premiums and othor debts due Company.. 17,823 02 Cash on hand, and in the hands of Agents,,.. 8,389 28 6 ! $276,253 03 At a meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 15th iost, the following persona were elected DIREC TORS for the ensuing year, vis: CHARLES O LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. ALEX. WHILLDtN, merchant, 18 N. Front street. WM DARLING. 1338 Pine etroet. I3AAO BAZLKBURST, Solicitor. JOHN O. HUNTER. Arm of Wright, Hunter, Sc Co R. TRACY, firm of E. Tracy St Co., Goldsmith’s Hall. „ JOHN It. MoOUUDY, firm of Jones, White, « ale- GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie St Zeller. JAS. B. SMITH, flrta of J. B. Smith St Co. JOHN R. VOGDKti, cor Seventh and Sansomsta. DANIKL L. COLLIER, firm of O. H, Grant St Co. THOMAS POTTER, 229 Arch street. CHARLES HARLAN, cor. Walnut and Sixth streets. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM. 15i8. Fourth street. At a subsequent meetiug of the Board CHARLES 0. LATHROP was unanimously re-elocted President, and Hon. WM. DARLING Vice president. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. Th*s Company has DISCONTINUED MARINE HULL RISKS. FIRE, INLAND, and MARINE CARGO BISKS con tlnue to be taken on the lowest terms. n27-fl£Wtf dumber, TO LUMBER DEALERS. L. D. DAVIS St Co’B Commission Lumber Yard, BROAD street, between Race and Vino. VO,OOO feet Wide Cherry Boards. 25 000 •• 20*iach White Pine Bhlrgles. 01 000 “ 6-4. 0 4, and 8-4 WhitoFine. 27.000 “ Poplar Boards 18 000 Delaware Oak and Hickory Plauk. Also, Juat received, 16 000 feet Poplar Chair aud Set tee Plank—« superior lot. 70 Hickory fitioks suitable for axle* dB-Bt* Ufmooals. JJESOTAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, BAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, thibd door DKLOW TWXLVTIf. South Side, Where heis prepared to execute all orders In his line, having on hand a full supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n25-3m-lf No H2S OHKSTNUT Streot. Siluer lUare. iI'IEADOTYS & CO., [T i Ma.nuf’AOtorbbb or STERLING SILVER WARE, No 810 CHESTNUT Street. Au extensive assortment of Holiday Gilts constantly on hand. d7-lm HEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLAS3 AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Kxtenaive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS, #HD ENGRAVINGS, AH at very Prices, 604 ARCH gfe., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA d7-3m » fkLD SCOTCH WHISKEY—Now in store ana for Dale »| jjjddlf.TSN Sc BRO , «t-9, t am mm sum, WANTED -A young,enersrrti-* bnsim** Man is desirous of iLVi*Btine $52 000 in a tin- 5 , ness already «>BtablX*hed, that will yield & lair retnra for the capital. Address “9. D ” • d 9 6c* ANTED —By a yonng mao; a situation * \ as Salesman in a Gommi-sion D y Goods >'-oqh*. The most acceptable references can he given Address “ Salesman,” at this office d 8 or*0 r * A GENTLEMAN Wishes 'V'U. to form a Partnership In the Ex change aod Money, or Note Brokerage Bueiue s ; w il furnish from tea to twenty thousand diHars • Those de sirous of forming a connection of this ilod, and who thoroughly understat'd the business, *nd can giv; refer ence, address Broker,” at Frets office. dB-6t* ANTED—To Rent, for the winter 6ea v F son, with immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate size, with modern improvement*, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of thl* paper. u«4 MT ANTED,FOK THE UNITED STATES ’t * CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be gives good pay, board, clothing, sod medical attendance. Pay from Sl2 to 222 per month. No man havings wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SSRVIOa at No 817 MABKlTdtr**! above Sighih, north aide Sat Sale atib to £et. FOE SALE.—A large amount of valuable Real Estate in ih» Towns of Minneapolis, fetill water. Hastings, Little Falls, Grow Wing and Glenco», and 1,100 acres of wild lands In Minnesota. To O'pi* talists deviring substantial and paying Investments, these are rare chance*. Address or apply to JO ON P. HEECE No 9 North Front street. d9-2i* a WALNUT-STREET HOUSE FOR SALE, No 1223, north side, above TWELFTH, 21 feet front by 158 deep, with large Dmiog-room. nur sery, and Kitchen, and every convenience, $l2 000 may reimmon mortgage d9-dlot-rp fTIO BE LET—The 2d, 3d, and 4th stories J- of Store N. W corner SECOND and MARKET etraaie Apply on the prem'ses dO-Ot* DUHADWAY Sc DODSON. MWILL BE LET —If applied for soon— The spacions, well lighted, and every way com motions Store, No 221 MARKET Street, running through to Church alley. This is on« of lh» best ar ranged and handsomest Stores on the street; iB five atoms high, with ornamental iron front, and is in one of the best business locations. The present occupants design moving to a latger store. Apply on the premi ses dB-tf ■EXTENSIVE PUBLIC SALE OF OMNI JLIi BU*E3. Will be sold at Public Sale, on MONDAY MORNING, December 20,1858, by JAMES A. FREEMAN Auc tioneer, at the Depot of the Stconi and Third-street Passenger Railroad, in RICHMOND Street, abjve the Beading Railroad, Philadelphia, about 80 OJVIJSriBTJSES, Being the Btock of Messrs. Glenat, Lee, Roney, Fet ters, Vansciver, and Deechamps. ABo, 40 SLEIGHB, With a number of extra Wheels, and a large quantity of Harness, of the above Lines. The attention of Purchasers is Invited to the above sale, as it comprises the S‘ock of several of the largest lines in the City of Philadelphia. BY ORDER OF JAMES VERREE, President. dB-10t gjig TO INSURANCE OFFICES. ’ OFFICE ROOMS TO LET. Three Beautiful COUNTING BOOMS, In Grigg’fl Fire-Proof Building, on the Second floor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Street, suitable forlrsuranoe, or any other Companies needing communicatincr rooms, JOHN GRICH3-, 226 WALNUT Btreet. d 7 12t-If* BOARDING.— Several gentlemen can ob tain good Board at KI UiINGSWOBTH, v 0 41 North TENTH Street. d9-6t* BOARDING. —Several highly respected persats will dad desirable board in a respectable private family. Location central Address “A A ,*» office of The Frees. 1 9 Bt* WHEATLEY & CLARKE >a ARCH-ST. * T THEATRE.—Williams. Fredericks, Acting and Bta«e Manager. THIS aTbu'«day) EVENING. December 9, 1868. ' OUR AMERICAN CGUSrN. Asa Trenchard, oar American Cousin, Mr. /. 8. Clark; Lord Dundreary, Mr Wheatley. SIMPSON A CO. Mr. Simpson, Mr Gilbert; Sirs. Simpson, Mrs Drew. Admission, 26 eta. Secured Beats in Dress CixoJt, ©j» eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Seats in Private Boxes, 76 cte; Gallery, 18 eta; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 eta j Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons. 38 eta; Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; commence at 7, precisely MBS. D * p* BOWERS' 8 WALNUT-ST UA THBATBB, eorner of NINTH and WALNUT THIS (Thursday) EVENING, December 9,1868, THE HUNCHBACK. Julia, Miss Diveoport; Master Walter, Mr Conway; Sir Thomas Clifford, Mr. Keach; Lord Tinsel, Mr. Du bois; M;doa,Mr. Perry; He’en, Mrs. Conway. MY AUNT. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquets 87X - cents; Dree* Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to tboit locale, $3 and $5; Single Beat# in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock ' National circus, walnut st., .afcsie EIGHTH—LEWIS B LKNT, Manager. THIS {ThurecTayF' , ETEslNG;T)eceteber9;*lBW;'"- THE CONRAD BROTHSBS. EQUESTRIAN FEATS. GYMNASTIC FEATS, . By all the Company. The performance concluding with the ballet of .the - . COOPERS. Principal characters by'the Foster and Denier troupe. - SCALE OF PRICES. • • Dress Circle and Parquette 40 cents. Children under ten years of age 20 “ Family Circle.... ......20 “ Doura open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performance will commence at 7, and terminate at 10Jg, precisely, ID* Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. 1002 THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. No. 1025 CHEBTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 coots. Children 12 cents. Shores of Stock, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at all times, $3O. d7-tf SALFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Pennajlrenle BaUr©»4 Depot, For the patrons of BANFOBD’B OPERA HOUSE. THIS EVENING, Will bo presented B&nford’s true version of ANDY’S DREAM; OR, THE MAGIC APPLE. The largest Company of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, GhoiUM, Refrains, Ac., with Daneiog by the SANFORD CHILDREN. Admission 25 cents; Children 12# cents. d4-tf Assembly buildings, tenth and. CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change ot Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA» NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see * SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening daring the week, at half-put i o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. Admission, 25 oents; Children, 13 oents. n'>2s-lm* HJUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE GER -ITA MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Public REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 26 cents; a package of eight tickets for fl, which may be obtained at Andre’s, lio4 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton's, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. Tbe per formance commences at 3# o’clock P. M. nol7-tf HARTSHORNE’S cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12#, 25 and 50 cents. THE GREATEST DIBOOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! HARTSHOBNE’B CURE-ALL should be kept In ail families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HABThHOENB’S CURE-ALL cures Oramps, Cholic, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTgHORNE’S CURE-ALL cores Pains in th* Limbs, Side. Back and Breast. QARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and durns. HARTSHORNE’9 CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNK’S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL oures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL -cores Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Bore Mouth and Sore- Throat. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Ml Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL is a great tonio to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. o~7* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body: also, Stiff Neck—evory person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones; and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels ail pain from the system. Ge«. a bottle and try it, ami you will be astonished at its happy N B If you have a Cough, use UARTiHORNE’B Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beat Cough Svruu in the World. Bottles, 26 and 60 cents, and $l. if you are Billions, use itARTSHORNB’S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They aotnpou tbe Liver, Stomsoh and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretion. Boxos, 26 cents. Sold by R. H JENKINS,- No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. 'Mines’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrigucs’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner's. Tenth and Lombard nt«. snU-tb atudtfif £JABBIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all part, or ths norld executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. se!3-3mif . iSAAC P. BRANIN, LIGHT COACH A CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFORD, PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Order* res pectfully solicited. nolO Fm* Architects, builders, hinge mtikers, Dealers In Hardwate, 4c . &o , t>re n vited to examine JOHN McGERRAH’3 Imprcv. d Shutter Fastener. Paten ed Novemb r, ISSS This is a suhatifn'e for the Tarnbackle. Oa Exh’b;tlon in ths EXCHANGE READING ROOM, llllßDand WAL NUT Streets. d7-tu ih *3v* DR. M. GALKIN’S HAS RETURNED to the City, and may be consulted at hia office andrefiideoce, No. 247 North NINTH Street. Bouts from 7to 10 A M , and 4t«7 P. 51. nS-U’it* MEN'S WAXED AND WATER-PROOF if A BOOTS, WOMEN’S OAL FSKIN BOOTS, with heels, suitabte for the Oonntry Trade. B»st city tut u factured. Low prices at DUTTON’S, No. 11l North SECOND Street, (east aide,) abov# rch. Qff THE RED ROOT.” ApS5-ttSt\Hn* COast*. I. N. MOORE, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons. Recruitfns Officer, Boarding. Amusements. GREAT BILL UlEbinnoi. Qlnrriajjes.