Sen*ibieConnsel. The Souths Caro«»*art, publlshed at Colum bia, South Carolina,;and tho ; official paper 0 f the Legislature; Jlh a ; rec6ut article reviewing the elections; iri .tho Northern States, thus admonishes the. South oV the results to be uatdratly expected in all cases of a wilfal de parture from correct principles. It says: “ Forgetful of every rule laid down in the oase of California, with unanimity before unnreeedent ed in Southern action; we all rallied*to the support of the tieoompton Constitution; and for the mere of the moment; violently and persist, ently urged Its' acceptance, notwithstanding .the absence of an enabling art r the defiolenoy of 'po pnlation, and the known multipliotty of the elec tion frauds. -'What more could we ex Dec t than that our enemies at the North should make use of this' glaring inconsistency, and should turn it against us with telling' effect in their popular elections ? , Theyhadtola the people of tne-Norfh that the South, in opposing the admission of,California, was not actuated byprlno!ple,but by expediency; and these assertions we verified by. voting.for the Lo oompton Constitution. ■ The. Administration, wa vered in its advoeaoyof-the Leoompton Constitu tion, and many Northern Democrats advised the South that it to gain, that; the pro slavery feature .was* mere, dead letter, not worth; praotioally, the parchment upon whioh. it was written. But no, the warm blood.of the South was up. This advice was mocked, and leading papers in the State and South denounced Mr. Bu chanan as * a trAltor. r „ u Madly we rushed on under the impulse of this ultra sentiment, which,* for the time, seemed to have inflamed ..the whole South, until finally We found ourselves arrayed against the yastxnBjonty of the people of Kansas, a majority of vongreßS, a majority of States, and'.a vast majority of the popular vote; and (what was of infinitely more oonsequenoe.and which led to the preceding majorities) we found onrselvos butting with vio lent collision against our ,own principles. In looking at the recent elections, we must not over look these considerations; for the reoent roverses are but'retributions;' which have befallen ns in consequence of our abandonment ,of principles— and the only surprise is; that they have hot been greater. To this ’cause we Ore disposed to at tribute the increased -vote of-- the, Republican party.’? /- • - CITY ITEMS. Da: Boynton’s Lkctores. —The second'of the eoarse of illustrated lectures on,Geology, by i>r< Boyn ton,was delivered at Concert Hell,- bythat eminent scholar, last evening.' There has not been a more deeply-interesting series ,of lectures delivered in this eity for many years, HUsecond leoture, though not as largelyattendod, in consequence of the extreme incle money of the weather, as its merits deserved, attraoted a good audience, and we know that the most flattering comments we eould offer upon it would be fully jus tified by the Intelligence and judgment of all who were fortunate enough to hear it. This lecture may be said to have been the initial of his subject proper, and, bb Buob,was ominous of a scientific treat, which those of our readers, who can conveniently do so, should not fail to avail themselves of. When we have more space, at some future time, we shall refer to th ese lectures at greater length. Revival op Bosikess. —We have had nothing of late to remind us more praotically of the reriving ac tivity of trade than the immense number of customers who now.daily-throng • the popular- confectionery establishment of Meitrs. l. G.“WhHmau & Co,, Brcond streat,'below Chestnut. In this class of delicacies for the palate' we can state, upon experience, that this house is unrivalled. Their new holiday candles are now being ordered from every section of the Unioo. „ “ I’ll never weave for thee a song, Kor wUdly.touch the warbling lyre— Words may be false, or taken wrong, And mnde’e notes too*soon expire. Words may be false—but oh! 'believe There yet is one will not deceive When he advises you to buy-your clothing at the fashionable (Nothing of Granville Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street. Bronzed Iron Andirons. Bronzed Iron Venders and Blower Standi. Vine PollshvdßteelFire Sets. French Voiding fire Screens. Bellows, Hearth Dusters, Nursery Venders, etc E. W. Carol’s Pom siring Store, 714 Chestnut stmt. ThibtY'FlVthCokgrebs;—Second Session.—At the opening of. .this' session, quite a spirited, debate sprung up Inregard lo a proposition offered by * mem ber of the Committee of u Ways and Means,” In regard to a tariff'on iron, coal, Ac. Bereral gentlemen sug gested that wool, lead, and sugar, ihould be Included. The Speaker declared the whole .subject out of order, reminding the members, in a few general terms, of the importance of taking our advice, and buying their cloth lug only atl.H. Kldridge’e •‘Did Franklin Hall Cloth tug Emporium,’’.No. 621 Chestnut street. A Queer Fashion.—ln the East, men occasion ally make fools of themselves by vowing to wear no clothes,for given penod. .When.cold weather comes around, these fanatics rub,themselves, down with red pepper, and thus attempt a compromise between their vows andtbeir inclinatlous.‘ In this oouutry the height of fanatical folly is for. gentlemen to fancy that they can gat along comfortably and respectably without ob taining their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Biekhlll A WiUoa, Nos ,603 and 605 Chestnut street, abort Sixth, :'. ': FINANCIAL AND CUMMfiKCJAL. • The Money Market. ' : pBiLADXiPHii, Deo. 7,1858. Stocks Improved' under the effect ofthaPreside&i’a message, and considering, the ( bad weather, quite a lively buii&euVag tramactod at the stock board. The money ihariet is not«h‘enged,nor likely to be.. The last qaaTterly'ststement or the New York banks shows the smonnt.of loans to brokers to be 14,015,142. The New Yord Trihunt discredits thetrath of the re* port, saying: tl The comparativelysmall amount.under the head of ‘ Loans WBrokers.’ shows that gen have a wide latitude in defining the significance of the terar The amount actually loaned to 1 Brokers,** as that name was understood hy.the UgislaiuH which passed tke Banh-lawf nearer twenty than four millions/* / ' \ r V - V,' ,Ths NewTork. rto .the.defence of the banks, publishes the Items that make up the total 'as reported # the o'h the Trifi-urte to polnt •oat the parUcnlar binks in lhe-Jist that give a wide the eoaitraotlon of .ihe law. ..The question now. is,does the Tribune know more than 'it has' yet chosen to tell ? _ Speaking of the tocre'ise of the wool crop, in .Ohio, tho'-lfoo.r&roioer says; “We have, at soma expense obtained a tab alar statement o[ the number of sheep in this State, showing* 3,SOS head; which lbs of wool perheadjis 9,826,400.&»,, an Increase over last year of ,10 percent, or abont 1,000,000, &s of wool.; 7heLeh'gh : Canal lint week- gained* enough ton nage to btlfcg thstotal tip to an ahiountexeeedlng that of,ttst j 'l'i': 'X-v: f V- s " ' V J .The following lathe amount' of- coal shipped on'the Lehigh Canal, for thrweek 2 ending December. 4 • ~- TOTAL. Mautk Chunk. , 5 .. Toni. Owt. . '.Tons. Cwt. Summit Mlnes.V.,v;v; k ;;;..V.49PT37 281/60 12 Tnohel No. 2 Aodenried Coal Co. Hartford Coal Co/ ... 126 03 - .81,627 07 16,949 12 ... 24,766 13 T0ta1....... 16,861 OS 003 183 03 . Same time last rear.. .8,490 00 809,249 00 . . . 1ncreaae........... 8371 06 3,039 03 Lvpibtr. ; ‘Feet.• For the week 686,371 Per last report, 35,102,660 'T0ta1..... The following Is a statement’or the amount of coal transpot ted over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for four days, endiog Decembef4, 1868: ', ' • 4 I 'i.niiwaa-W * ' ,Wb«..V'' TOTAL - M'Sia. i Ton, owt Toni 0»t Hai11t0n............... 1,177.0 S . 1,177 C 8 iMtSogirtoif... i;SO3 01 1.803 01 C00hei1R1dae...........4.*.. .737' 00 787 -09 Mount Pleasant.. .268 . 06 ~ 268- 05 Spriog Mountain 1,092. 16 . 1,902 16 C01eraine".;..'...,,.,,..,..... 386. 17,- -886.17 Bearer Mead0w....;.;....... 366 12 - 860 12 New YotksndLehlgh......;. 724 10' ; 724 10 South BpriogMountain.;;.... 667- 18 667 18 Osman Fenaeylraofa 898 39 893 29 ,ToUI. ./....8,007 10 8,007 ; 10 Conoepooding date last year, 10.536-116 ; 10,660 16 2,499 06 - 2,499 06 EXCHANGE BALM,' r, 1868'. -v- - ' . Beereaeo PHILADELPHIA STOCK r December 1 mforvxd *r uiulct, saowit, A 00., snnson, eroou, Aim IZOBAKQI BROKIRB, KOI7EW3ST OORXBI TDIIO * AwfofcxsriniT awaits. »*_' - , _ lIBST BOABD ' • • V - ’6ooP.nttnSn 96* IOOSchtN Pr,r.,. ,1)5 17 1000 do .... ' Psji 60 to 17 lMoGltjr6l..'..-..C&P 99 69 do 17 600 do 90 dOLnlllithVnlKlOtl.’43 lOOOKcidlrgßes’B6, 76 IMIndill) R 02 ,600 ilo 76 50 Union BkTenn... DO* 600 do '. ... 76 60 -do 09* 2000 0,U»!«i, Oh»t- I 8 G1r1rdDk........ 12 tellO« Mt»7.. 69K lOOominerculßk... SOX 10000.ti1f11M.71....'. 48K 608chtNai.......b6 9 2000 N Penn. B 6« n 62* 2 Phlllu), Dlt 117* 2000OnionOnl 5t.... 86 50,Klm!r* R 10* OOOSchl Knr 6, >62.. 72)4 26 Planters’ Bk Ten -600 Belli Imp ,61 73* 1 httieo. M.ICO 2000 P.BSdmtg 65,,91* 10RaidingR.,.. ~, 26V 1000 ' d 0........... SIX 10 <• dov.y.i.j24* 10)0 d 0............ 01A 100'.'. do.2'K 1060 -10 O" do ....,.b6.n 26* 6 OnmtAni..loti.ll7 100 - a 0 .j.-.y,.; M jjjS •lOOUchl N-Prefn bfi 1T : . 100 • -do -.Vii.... b 5 255 B*TWI*H BOABDB. • 268 of P6nni’6».v. W 05*11000 Penm 6a... 1i . .'.05)4 IMO ' f do ........ 96)41 ■ 2Bearer Meair.... 69* '-.Jk'.ji t, BKOONB BOARD. * V..' • 1000 do 04i. r ...i..'02X "1J do .......... 46 1000 do .......... 5 do .-45’ 'lOOO ' ‘dd vliVii' ii; 02* -60 Beading 8....... 26J4 6000OntawllM Chat- “ 6Girard 8k....... 11* ■ til 10a.... Adji 19)4 • 65Bnion Bk Ten 16 99* 45 do 1.65 00* ‘ OtOBIHG PBIOBS-fTEADY. ..BU.Alkvi; ~ Bii.Aliii. •»• W-"’"’®* BotNaT gtook... 8* • *** ida Pr»fi.....10J4-17‘-„ *‘•l di'U! -V0w. .102)4103'- Wmip’tdlßlinß.lOtf.lOX Pennißl.., 96* « 6 X «• 7.lrt*tgi72'" 78- Bea4li£B > !i...‘.f>MX do 2d.iiiiii.6l*' 62* “do ' B4* tong.W»d,vv,,.llS-12* do3Mtgoe’4*;93*:96 ! Girardß«i:ki...'i. 11 *l2 • ; do ”!™'to ’ ! >89.74* 76)' Leh Goal & * : jo* PenßaB i 'SiS.; , «B* *9# : do'Birlp:rt‘..'.;';297f. sojj . *df«a'HiM*io67 S pg4wr*,,i.irdjiß.'#!*; .do 2dm l j6a. ,i;9l* '92in ''do- 6t .62* (8 > Hi^laOiffOon'.,47* 49* Neir : Creek.i.iv. e * * iSWi»UriT«#'MSlS*<«" fitttrt■ BJdd.Ver.' 1 s ijt S PHILADELPHIA MABHETB, - Deo The Flour market 1« In.otlve . There 1b little or no in quiry for export. «uJ tho trade rrltbm ' tho'rSnge of ss.iax«s.37J<,fe r .uperSee, ti. 5005_.76 for extra, $6©6.25 for extra family, and $5.6Q©7 & bbl 'for fancy lota, according to quality. Included in the sales are 200 bbls superfine at'our lowest figures,'3oo bb!a extra at *5 80, and 300 bbls extra family Flour at ffl bbl. Bye Flour Is but little inquired for, anddull at $4 W bbl. Corn Mesl is quiet at $3 26 & bbl, at which price it is freely offered. Grain—The demand for Wheat is limited, but there is very little offering, and about B,COO bus only found buyers 26©1 27 for good and prime reds, $1.25 for fair mixed, and slBo© 1.40 jfor white, the latter for prime Pennsylvania in •tore.: Bye Iswanted at 80c for Penn, andlittle or none 'offering. 3,000 bus New York was bought to arrive here at 820 delivered. Corn continues plenty and dull at previous quotations;, most of the lotß in the market being very damp, and only about 4,600 bus new yellow sold at 60©040 as to condition; prime dry lota are held higher, 600 bueh new white brought 63c.- Gats are in .demand, and 1,600 bus good Delaware sold at 4&#o. Dark—There is no demand for quercitron, and Ist No. 1 is dull at $3O 4?* ton. Cotton—The market is un changed but quiet, and only about 850 bales found buyers, at 12©12jfc cash for low middling and middling fair uplands. Groceries and Provisions —Nothing do* icg worthy of notice, and the market quiet. Seeds— There is a steady demand for cloverseed, and further sales of 800 bus have been made at $5 J50©5.62X 4P bus for good and prime lots; timothy is steady at $2 ty bn, and flaxseed at $1.60®1.6& W bos for domestlo. Whiskey Is dull, bat holders are firm at 26c for Penna hbls; 260 lor Ohio do; 24# ©26c for hhda, and 23#c for t drudge. J PASSENGERS SAILED. In ship Wyoming, for Liverpool—Dr. Bond, of Bra zil, Frank Kerr, of Philadelphia, and 60 In the steerage. PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TRADE. W u. B. Thomas, l W. O Kebmhlb, 5 Committee of the Month. Jobs K, Addioks, J LETTER BAGS At tht Merchants * Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship sultan, Berry..... ......Shangbso, soon Ba:qne James Maxwell, Davis Laguarya, Ac, soon -Brig Mary E Milliken,Nordeo '....•.Havana*, soon iaorint InUliiflßiuE- PORT OF Bee. 8 1868. SUN RISES 7 22 | SUN SETS 4 38 H1GHWAT88.0........ 4 36 Bark Gem, Hammond, 0 days from Boston, with mlse to Twells A Co. , . * . Brig Myra, Vnller, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. _ . ... Brig Conima, Pinkbam, 7 d*ys from Boston, with mdse to E A Bonder A Co. Bohr Joseph us and Edwin, Connelly, Bdays from Alex drla, with cosl to J Rowland. - Schr Pandora, Bradley, 8 days from Alexandria, with coal to J Eowland. _ Schr VUUge (Jem, Hinckley, 10 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collies. - fehr Undiao, Risley, 8 days from New York, with lumbar to R Corson. Schr Woodruff Sims, Mason, 0 days from Providence, in ballast to L Andenrifd A Oo Sebr A 8 Simpson, Churn, 8 days from Cornwallis, N 8, with 1910 bushels potatoes to V Lucas. gchr Diehard Bordea, Arnold, 4days from Vail River, in ballast to R Whittaker.. fehr Bio Grande, Hudson, 6 days from Norfolk, with shorts and staves to Bumm A Brother. , Bohr B H Atwood, Atwood, 12 days from Boston, via New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr Bohemia, Clark, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Ohristian A Curran. Ecbr Sarah Lavinia, Conwell, 3 days from Camden, Dol, with corn to J H McOolley. Schr Compromise. Andrews, 1 day from Odeßsa, Del, wish grain to Christian A Currau. Bohr John A Themas, Till, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jaa Barratt A Son. Bohr Telegraph, Hasel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with com to Jas Barratt A Bon. Schr Cicero, Burrooghe, from Providence. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Providence. Schrfi A Taylor, Young, from Providence. Bohr Eliza Taylor, Williams, from Providence. Schr J Ireland, Miller, from Boston. Schr Mdhlon Betts, Feiater, from New York. Schr Vlorence, Peckham, from Norwich. Steamßhip Virginia, Kelly, Richmond, T Webster, Jr.* Ship Wyoming, Burton, Liverpool, Cope Bros. Brig Canton, Crowell, Boston, L Audtfnried A Co. Schr Eliza Williams, Taylor, Mobile, Pettit, Martin A Co. Schr B B.Wheeler, Miller, Mobile, D S Steteon A Co. Bear ELB Wales, Ucffm&n, WUmiugton, NO, do Bchr Wm Hone, tsco:t, Wuhington, T K o«hm, Bohr John Varnum, Orowelt, Providence, Crowell A Col ins. Schr Boph!a Ann, Bmitb, Providence, Blakfetou A Cox Schr J Ireland, Miller, Providence, L Audenried A Co. kcor Cicero, burrooghe, YaU River, do Schr 8 A Taylor, Yonog, Now York, Neble, Hammett A Ofcldwel'. ' fichr Mahlon Betts, Veakter, Boston, Blnniokson A Glover. Schr Florence,'Peckham, Norwich, B MUneeA Co. ' Btr J 8 Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. The packet ship Wyoming, Burton,for Liverpool, left Walnut street wharf at 12 M yesterdiy, In tow of steam tug America, wi h 2 cibin and GO steerage passengers, end the following cargo: 1308 bags oil cake, 100 bbls pork, 2898 bigs cloverseed. 226 tierces beef, 26 tons maple wood 73 boxes tobacco, 1221 bbls rosin, 424 bales ootton, and 45 bales sheetings. (OorrasrtodenM of The Preis.) . HAVRE DB GRACE, Dec. 7,1868. The Kingston left this morning with 3 boats, laden and consigned as follows: ,' Stranger, Edward Brinton,and Forest Flower, coal to Delaware City. . > |WF TILMIAVS.I i ' (Oorreapmidenee of the PhitadeiphWExnhanM.y * - ' Cars Islamd, Deo 7 AM. Ship Annie Bise; from Liverpool; barks Union, from Pernambuco, Caroline EUcms. from hew Orleans; and brig Thos Walter, from West Indies, went,ln last even-, ing, and two herm brigs went in this morning. Wind NE. Yoars, Ao, . THOB. B. HUGHES. (*T MLXGBXPR TO TH* PRBBB J Arrived, brigs Saginaw, from Porto Oabello; J W Ha vener, from Turks Island;' Ocean Bird, (Br) from Ber muds; lobr Lima, (Br) from Kingston, Jam! Below, ship Ocean, from,Breuerbaven. The bark Ceres, of Salem, from Sumatra for Genoa* put in at St Helena Oet 11, leaking. The barque Anna, from Baltimore, arrived at Hamil ton, Bermuda, 29th nit. .to laud passengers. The schr Electric, from Baltimore, arrived at Hamilton 29th ult. Boston, Dec 7. Arrived, ships Dolphin, from Pafangj King FhlUp, from Rotterdam,* < bs»k Gen Wsrren, irom Turks Is and; brigs from Olenfuegoe; cumter, from Pe siqua; Arabella from Turks Island. * Nobfolk, Deo. /. Arrived, schrs D W £l4 ridge, from Bt Barts; Metes pone, from Porto Rico, bound to New York. OSARLBSTOU) Deo 7. Arrived, ship Al ienee, from Liverpool; berk 0 J Ohsffee, from Oard'ff, bound to Havant, which made for this port In oonsequence of the'death of the captain, L B Nichols. a-resident' of Bearsport, Maine, who was killed on the 13th of November, bj* falling from the meet.--.Htsbodj is on board the vessel. . In theoffliff, ship Greenwood. . Below, two Spanish brigs. Bavahmah, Ga.* Dee 6 - Arrived, U 8 mail eteanuhip Alabama, from N York: •hipsßA Sonllwanl/from Liverpool; Ludwig Greelj, from Boston, Steamibip Africa, Shannon, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool. Steamship Delaware, Copes, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. 1 6hlp Edith Rose, Homan, for Bhanghae, sailed from New York yesterday. Ship Wanderer. Ryder, cleared at New York yes ter* day for fan Prsnofsco Ship Fleetwood, Dale, from Oaloutta for Boston, ar rived at Newport Oth -inet. Fzperlenced about Sept 16 heavy weather off the Cape of Good Hopo; broke main yard, and stove quarter boat • Bblp Wm Chamberlain, Knapp, for Mobile, cleared at New York eth Inst. 888,683 09 Bhip Boctland, Burt, for Callao, oleared at New York 6th inst. ' fch'p Oonneotlcut, Faulk, for Mobile, oleared at New York 6th inet.* v Ship R L Lane, CouUard, for Liverpool, sailed from Savsnoah 6th inst.- Ship North Carolina. Foster, for St Catharines, sailed from fcolow New-York 6th lost, j-hip Como, (new, of Portsmouth, 943 tons) Cobbs, for Madras and Calcutta, cleared at Boston 6tb lost. Ship Biobard 8 Kly, (oew, of New tons) Livingston, oleared at Boston 6th lost, for N Orleans. Ship Albano, from New York, arrived at San Frau cisos previous to 7th ult,. - Ship Parana. Langston, from Buenos Ayras Oct 26th, arrived at New York yesterday. Left ship Fearless, Ring, forOatcuttsinafew days; barks Senses; Feen hagen, for. Baltimore. Jdg;iMalina, —, idg; Wilhelml tnlns, D>ilingham, disebg; Roland, Mg; John Howe, Ni chols, do; brig Samuel'uhurchmah, Ankers, for New Yotk, Idg/ i t hip aathartne. Willey, from Biogapore Ang 12, Java Head Ang 31, and Bt Helena Oct 24, arrived at N York yesterdsy. B«.*k Conrad, Balsburjr, hence, arrived at Pernambu co 81 *t Oot. .36,888,031 bark Sherwood, Sherwood, cleared at Beaton etli inat f 9: Philadelphia, to load for Brasil Barque Oak, Ryder, for Philadelphia, sailed from the roada. Boston, Clh Inat’:, . Barque Ohaae, Bnflir. from Pornasibnco Not 8, was below Baltimore yesterday Barqae Swan. Lennon, for Baltimore, Billed from Montevideo Ootid Brig isola, Griffin, wee spoken 51h inat. 16 miles 838 of Bar nsgat. Sehre Three Williams, Bristol, and Amelia B John, eon, Patterson, for cleared at Wilmiog* ton, NO. 6th‘ln«t. Sehr W A Newell, DeQroot, for Powderhorn, cleared at Mobile 5i4 Inst. . Bebr A Macdewoa, Henderson, from Baltimore, ms dUebaiglog at Bueoos Ayres Oot 83 - Sobr tf Wattaop, filegulte, was discbargiog at Buenos A' jrss of his Teasel: The sehr Connecticut, of Mystic, sailed from Jacksonville, BF, Not 6th, with lumber, t bouddt>Falmonth } 'Ja. NotB.AbacoahearingBW 100 miles, experienced a heavy gale from Nff, sprang a leak, and was compelled to keep both pumps going; and haTing had no observation for four days, itruok o ntbe 12th on Atwood Key .'when the schr immediately filled. Took to the boat an&lAnded, where we remained three daysandnlghtswithout food, when wa were taken off by the Br scbf T Fhsmion, of Nassau and takeh to For tune Island;-.’Subsequently we were put on board the schr Fred Howell, Capt L&rrawey, and brought to this port. The vessel and eargo are a total Jo«, and we saved nothing but What we stood In. The reminder of the erew are at Fortune Island, waiting a chance to be sent ; heme. : . r i ■ Tha hftU, span, an* fltery thios ARBIVED. CLEARED. Niw YOXK, Deo 7 MEMORANDA. bsloog’nj to the bark Emily Taylor, from Leghorn for New York, whioh put into Beimuda in distress, were sold there by auotion on ihe 16th ult. Ship Thomss Jefferson, HIU, at New York 6th Inst, from Liverpool, reports: Nov' 16, on Georges Danks, passed a schr of about 100 tons bottom up, and appa rently oopte'ed The first two letters on her stern were “J A:” she bad a narrow red etreak around her beads, and her spars were lying aloneside; she had not been long in that situation. From Nov 14 to Deo 2 the T J experienced a succession of heavy gates, ana has been driven twioe aoross the Gulf stream: stovr bul warks, forward house, and sustained other light damage. Oct 14. in the Ohannel, at night, was run ioto by an un known ship, which carried away the bowsprit, part or cutwater, and head. NOTICE TO MARINERS The Iron can and nun buoys marking the Lower Bay and channels leadingto the oity of New Yotk, have been removed, andspirs put in their places for the winter. SPOKEN. 12th nit. lat 12 68 8, long 83 32, ship E Cushing, bound south. 13th nit, lat 10 02, long 34 06, ship Old Colony, bound south. FOREIGN POBTB. No Am vessel at Algoa Bay Bept 28. Going in, an Am bark, supposed the Philena, Lunt, from Table Bay, OGU. Ar at Demerara Oct 12, schr Charlotte Dnnsoomb, N York; 17th, brig Chosapeake, Qwlnne, Baltimore. At Bermuda Nov 23, ships Oerro Gordo, Witham. fm Liverpool for Baltimore. &rl6th; Star Queen, (Br) Bar boor, irorn Oalcu ta July 18 for Boston, ar 2tet; bark 8 W Horton, Ulmer, for New York 20 h: brigs Ocean Bird, (Br) reulfgon, from N York, &rlBtn, for do, die; Katahdin, Amsbnrjr, from do ar 20th, for Darien, to sail 80th: Devonshire, (Br) Blasters, from Demerara, forNYork, ldg, to sail 1n a day* or two: sehre Seven Bis ters, Crowley, from Jacksonville, ar 12th, dis: Harka way, (Br) Frith, for New York 6th, put back 19th on account of heavy wfa'her: Alpine, Adams, from Malaga for New York, ar 2let. At Bt Thomas Nov 19, ship Josephus, Walton, dis; bark N Hinckley, Strout, do; brig Orlando, Johnson, for Trinidad; schr A B Moore, Smith, from New Orleans for Martinique; and others. operinl Notices. Fine Clothing ax the Mostßeasoaable Prices. —Black Dress and Frock Giats.of the finest quality; Business Coats, Promenade Coats, and Ovorcoate, of on" tirely new etyleß, and finoßt quality ; a full assortment of fine black aud fanoyGaseimere Pants, and a splendid stock of fine Bilk Velvet, Cashmere, Bilk, and Casßimere Vests, all cut, made, and trimmed In the most elegant style, at ROBERT H. ADAMB’ New Store, t!8-ijal 8. E. corner Seventh and Market sts. Savage’s Sewing Machines. Fnrrel, Herring, Sc Co.’s Patent Champion SAFES are the enlySafes made in the Oity which have never been Bobbed by Burglars, or their contents de strored by Fire! The subscribers have been manufacturing Firo aud Tbitf Proof Safes Inthis city for nearly five pari > during that time we have made and sold twice ae many Bares, at least, as any other maker; double the nurabd? of our Safes have been attempted br Burglars, and more tban twioe as many have been tried by fibs. We now peopose to any other manufacturers in this city, to give them $6OO for every Safe, of our own make, which has been opened by Burglars, provided they will also make ue thr bimb offbk. We. propose an additional*ssoo for every safe of our make wbich has had its contents burned up in acciden tal fires; sod will give $5OO to any other Safe-markers In this city who will make ns the same offer. The subscribers do not warrant any of their ordinary Counting-room Safes to be proof against all the attacks of Burglars under any circumstances, and never have done so j but for money purposes, or where more than ordinary security is required, we have always recom mended our combined Burglar and Fire-Proof Bafe as protection against oxperleuoed and scientific thieves. We will' guarantee 'to give better security against fire and rogues, for the money, than any other manufac turer can. The Safe advertised by a disappointed and envious op position as having been blown up, at Norristown, was not one of otv make, nor was It even a “ Herring’s Patent Champion Safe.” The safe \rafl one of “Wil der’s Patent,” made many years ago, and sold by Mr. Parrel when actiog agent for a New York house. Yet,' we do not hesitate to say, that there is no Fire-Proof Safe made in this market, (and sold ordinarily as such) which, with the tools left behind them by the rogues at Norristown, and the aamb opportunity, we will not agree to open in less less than one hoar’s time. FABREL, HERRING, A CO , Makers of Herring’s Patent Champion Safes, Burglar Proof Safes, lined with drilled iron and hardened steel, Baok Looks, Ac , Ao. dB-tf Savage’s Sewing Machines. Wludow Drapery, BROCATELLE. SATIN DAMASK, SATIN DB LAINE. WORSTED DAMASK, REPS, BIOREEVS, AND PLUSHES, Together with ail the trimmings appertaining to the Oartain trade. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will dose oats our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Curtain, cut, mode, and pntnp, lower than prices elsewhere, Also, White Lace and Mnslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auotion, and selling at half the usual pile*. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape Gothic, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil Cloth, at whole sale and Tetaii. PATION’S CURTAIN STORE, dS-tap!2 680 CHESTNUT Street. Savage’s Sewing Machines. \ Great Safe Robbery nt Norristown, Decern- BEB let, 1868.—Some time last night the flouring mill cf Mr. Joseph Fezone, In Norristown, Pa., was entered, and one of Farfe!* Herring, A Co/s best patent Powder- Proof Lock and Safe WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH POWDER, and $1,600 in cash taken out and carried away. This ea'e is now In front of Evans A Watson’s store, No 26 South Fourth street, where we moitrespectfully lovite the public to call, and examine how those New Yorkers make thrir safes. They screw their doors together with the smallest kind of Cist.irou screws, and from the ap pearance of this safe, It could not have taken more than one musket load of powdor to blow the above safe open. OOTODBft 18th, 1868 —Three thieves entered the Flouring Mill of Messrs. Dorrance A Doron, in Bristol, Fa., and tried all night to blow open their Safe with powder, which had $250 in cash, but did not succeed in gettlngit open. Their Salamander Safe was manufac tured by EVANS Sc WATSON They have a few more for sale, of the same kind, at their store, No. 20 Bouth FOURTH Street, Philadel phia. N. B.—We find in The Press , of December 4th, the following: (< All onr safes are warranted to give perfect satisfac tion, or the money will be returned. ‘‘Far&Zl., Hbsriso, Sc Co ” We, IVANS A WATSON, would ask all parties having Parrel, Herring, & Co.'s FatentObarapion Safes to take advantage of the above offer, and return them and get'their money, as they will few years the composition with which the Safes ’are filled (a large portion being bit of vitriol) will eat out all the iron. A specimen of their Champion Safes may bo seen in front of our atore, which is eaten full of holes now. EVANS & WATSON, «2t No. 20 South FOURTH Street Savage's Sewing machines. money Saved by Buying Books.—lf yen wish s good Book, with a Handsome Gift, call at EVANS’S GIFT BOOK STORK. You will not only get your Books at the regular retail price, but will receive a gift lu&ddtt'on, In no ease less than CO cents, and often of great value. Any person wishing books without gifts can have them at publishers’ wholesale prices Evans has a larger stock of standard and miscellaneous Books than can be found in any other storein the city. ’Call and examine his immense stock of Gift Books for the' Holidays, at 439 Chestnut street. d7-5t Silver's Gas Consuming Stoves!--Unless these 6toves are made in a proper manner they are no better than the common old-fothlonei heating Stoves. I employ none but the best workmen, and use the choicest imported Russia iron. I warrant every Gas Consumer I sell to be sully xqual to those I had on exhibition in the Franklin Institute, and which attracted the attention and admiration of visiters generally The Committee conceded that GALLAGHER’S make of SILVER’S GAB CONSUMING STOVES were the bestlu theExhtbltion. I call attention to the following letter: *< I have examined the *Silver Gas Consumers ’ ma nufactured by Mr. A J. GALLAGHER, and pronounce them fully equal to any I have ever seen. The Bussla Iron Is the vert best, the workmanship unsurpassed. The whole stove fully embraoea my Invention. I re commend with pleasure to my friends and the publio Mi/. Gallagher’s make of Stoves. J. 8. Bilvkk.'* A. J. GALLAGHER, Stove Manufacturer, nofi-smw No. 806 N. SECOND, above Yine. Savage Sewing Machines, Cutaneous Diseases.—Cutaneous diseases are more mortifying to the prido than any olher human ills. Let those who value a fair skin purify their blood by the uie of PERUVIAN SYRUP, which removes such affections by stimulating the absorbents to take up and expel the morbid elements, by the natural out lets of the system. For sale in this city by F. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Qassard A Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. d2-ilAWtf Saving Per Cent: interest,— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9o’olock in the morning until 5 o’olook in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock, fed Cure for Cough and Cold —A« soon as there is the slightest uneasiness of the Chest, with difficulty of breathing, or indication of Cough take during the day, a few “ Brown’s Bronchial Troches ” Containing demulcent ingredients, they allay Pulmonary Irrita tion. Sold wholesale and retail at F. Bbown’s, corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. nol6*eod-12t Savage's Sewing Machines. Nothing Is ot more importance to the Com fort of a family than a good COOK STOVE GALLAGHER’S MORNING STAR has been in successful operation some five years, and there has nover been introduced to the publio a COOK STOVE that has given satisfaction so generally. It will DRAW, BAKE, ROAST, BOIL, BROIL, &0., in the most perfect manner. I will return the price paid for it if it falls to do as Above. A. J. GALLAGHER, ocll’XQWs2Bt 805 N. Second St., above Vine. Gallagher's Sunrise Gas Consumer.—A Flat TOP COOK BTOVE, LARGE OVEN, VERY HEAVY PLATES, AND MADE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. I WARRANT it to DRAW, BAKE, ROAST, &0., Ac. I have been engaged in the manufacture of stoves for many years, and I can safely recommend the SUNRISE to my friends. If it falls to perform as above stated, ,1 will RETURN YOU TUB MONEY PAID FOR IT ! CAN YOU ASK MORE? ocll*iqwfl2flt ' A. J» GALLAGHER* THE PRESS.—PHIL A DELPHI A, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1858. The Ladles’ Fair for tlio Salo of asefni and fancy articles, for tho benefit of the Italian Church, in Marriott street, below Eighth, will continuoopen until Saturday evening nest, December 11th, in Jefferson Hall, corner Sixth and Christian streets. dG-St* Burnett’s Coconino.— A single application renders the hair—no matter how stiff and dry—soft and glossy for several days. It is thr Debt ano Cheapest Hair Drbsbino in th* World. HAZZARD CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Sole Agent. For salo by dealeregonerally, at 60 cts per bottle. ~ nolO-tf Grover Sc Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE —PKIOB 150. 780 Ohbbtnut Strict, I’iiii. adki.phia These Maohines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will hot rip, even If every fourth stltoh be cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for amity nse. 0016-tf R7-BRHD ro* A OIKOOLA*. Seamen’s Saving Fond—Northwest Corner of Second and Walnut atree:s. Deposits reoeived in small and largo amounts, from all olaeses of tho community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Money may bo drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. Oflioe open daily, from 9 until 6 o’olook, and on Hot day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles Si. If orris. Burnett’s Coconino, A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, Ac., for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth'. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the trrtfafed scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. Rs* Messrs. J. Bdrnrtt A Oo.—l cannot refuse to state *the salutary effeot In my own aggravated oase of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoaine ) For many mciitha n.y hair had boen falling off, until I was fearful or losing it entirely. The skin upon my head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that I could not touch it without pain. This irritated con dition I attributed to the use of >arious advertised hair washes, which I havo since been told contain camphene splri* ’■v 'i'c . t ;«\co of my physician, to whom you had sh'-.^;, fur i rocess of purifying tho Oil, I comraonced its in,* the last week in Juno. The first application al layed tho itelling and irritation } in three or four days tho redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. Yonrs, very truly, SUSAN R. POPE. OD* A single application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who have used it, to be the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Boston. For sale by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. n27-3m One-Prlce'Clothlng of the Latest Styles, and made in the best manner, expressly for retail salbb. We mark oar lowest selling prices In plais pigurbs on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and onr okk-prioh system Is strictly ad hered to. We bolleve this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES A CO., eu27-ly 604 MARKET Street. 850, £3O, £3O, 850, £5O, £5O, £5O, £so. SINGER’S SEWING MAOHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very beat work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A 00.,. no2-U22 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. On the 4th April, 1858, by Rev. W. M. Dalrymple, Mr. JASIEB B DALRYMPLE to Mias MAGUIH HTOTBENRUKG, both of this city. Oo Wednesday, the lat Itfttant, by Rev William T. Bunker. Btr. WILLIAM ABUWORTH,of Uoliuesburg, aud Mias ISABELLA A. LATOH, of Lower Merlon. On the morntng of December 6th, at hts late resi dence. No. 223 North Twelfth street, JOSEPH HAR RISON, Sr., aged 80 years aud 11 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fnliy invited to attend hie funeral, on Thursday more iug next, atlO o’clock, without further notice. ** On Monday, 6th instant, THOMAS UOS3 NEWBOLD. His funeral will take place on Thursday, the 10th instant at 10 o’clock A. M., from his late residence, No. 1128 Spruce street. 4# At West Chester, on the 6th instant, DAVID TOWN SEND, in the 71st year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, on Fifth day morn ing, the 9th iostant at 11 o’clock.* Un the 6th ins’ant, of haemorrhage of the lungs'; Rev. 3 ' ROBERT LUTTON, member of the New Jersey Con ference, aged 67 years. The relativee and friends of the family are Tespect fally invited to attend the fnneral, from his late residence, Plum street, below Second, Camden, N. J., on Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. To proceed to M. E. Ohurch, at V before 11 o’clock. ## On the 6th Instant, JES3E EARNEST, in the 70th year of hit age. The friends and relatives of the deceased are in vited to attend tire funeral, from the residence ef his son, No. 1804 Crown street, Kensington, on Thursday morning, at 8 o’clock. To proceed to Boehm’s Church, Montgomery county. *# On Saturday afternoon, 4th instant, CHARLES F. 80UWAUTZ, in the 28th year of his age, son of Samuel R. Schwartz, Sr., formerly of Harrisburg. Ilia relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father. 867 Randolph stieet, above Parrish, this (Wednesday) morning, at' 9 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Mount Moriah Ceme tery. * Un the 6th instant, FRANCIS O’NEAL, In the 35th year of his age. The relatives and friends of tho family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, in Adame street, Franktord, this (Wednes day) afternoon, atl o’otcck, without farther notice. * On Bandsy, December 6, JANE, daughter 6f Mrs. Ann Veacock. The relatives and friends of the family are repeotfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 237 Lombard street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock * On Sixth-day, the 3d Instant, ANNA M., wife of Francis H. McGrath, and eldest daughter of Joel Reeves. On the 6th instant, Mrs MARY JANE REaD, wife of Jeremiah H. Read in ihe 31st year of her age. Iler friends and those of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, 446 Front sheet, above Callow hill, this (Wednesday,) afternoon, atl o'clook. * On the oth lostant, Mies MARY AGNES KANE, aged 22yetra. The relatives ami friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of nor father, James Kauo, No. 720 Carpenter street, above S-renth, this (Wednesday) mowing, at 8% Funeral fptlco at St. Paul’s Ohurch. In tern.-, ni m Mdiy's Cemetery * Or. tW*‘t 'rjstant, JOHN C.GUILKEY, in the 27th yeiu <: iii- Hje. [West Chester and Smyrna papers please copy.J v His relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attond the funeral, from the residence of his brother, Andrew B. Gollkey, No. 437 Worth street, above Fourth street, this (Wednes day) afternoon, atl o’clock. * On the G*h instaut, MARY, wife of GERGK NEAL, id the G&th year of her age. Iler relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her son in-law, Lemuel Stout, No. 2107 Summor street, this (Wednesday) aternoon, at 1 o’clock. To proceed to Fraekford, University of Pennsylvania.—Professor UoP OOPPBE'B thiid Leoturewill be delivered In the Hall of the University, on THURSDAY EVENING, December 9, at 8 o’clock. Subjec*—“ The English Historian of the Eighteenth century.” d - 2t rvcp Commercial Mutual Insurance Com- UJ* PANY, rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, December 20,1858. at ten o’olocx A. M., when an election for EIGHT DIRECTORS, to eoeve fot the ensuing three rears, will take place d 8 12t JOHN McOOLLOM, Secretary, fY'ss* Lectures on Geology.—Dr. Boynton will Ikjj give the First Lecture on GEOLOGY proper at lIANDKL AND HAYDN HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING. Docember oth. Pupils of Schools 7fi cents. Single tickots 25 cents. To com menca at 7% o’clock. dB-2t* Y"w» Sarah 11. Young, M D., will give a Ljt very important Lecture upon the Lungs and their Disease*, TUIS (Wodne*dat) EVENING, at 7 k o'clock, at the ASSEMBLY ROOM. N. E corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets. Ye candidates for -Consumption fall not to Attend. Admission, Fifteen cents. it# ry-B?Geology.—Dr. Boynton will give his Uof Third Loctu o at Concert Hall, on FRIDAY EVENING, December 10 Season tickets, for the re maining six Lectures, including the Galvanic J?:eprri meats, 75 cents. Single admissions, 26 cents. To com mence at 7)4 o’clock. dS-Bt# rysr=* A Lecture on China and Japan, in LL§ NATIONAL UALL, FRIDAY, Deo. 10. at 7* P M ,by Rov, R. GIVIN, Chaplain U. 8 Navy, who bos reoQotly returned from these countries, and will show their political and religious relations to oar couutry. Tiokets 20 cents; at the door. For the Hi ding M. E. Ohurch. deB-3t* fVE? sa» Fair for the Episcopal Seamen’s Mission LLS open daily at the MUSICAL FUND UALL. from 10 A. M to 10 P. M. d7-6t rys=» The Fair of tlic Western Provident So [l3 OIBTY AND CHILDREN’S HOME, or the 24th Ward, will open at tbo COMMISSIONERS' lIALL, cor ner of MARKET and PARK Streets, on TUISBDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock and continue during WED NESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, from 10 o’clock A.M.toIOP.M. The West Philadelphia cars run to the doer. d7-4t* rys=* Relmer’s Gallery, Second Street, above IL2 Green. Here art, triumphant, our attention claims; Here life seems speaking from a hundred frames: Men, women, children, throng the pictured waits, Etob form, each face, its living type recalls ; Features, complexion, attitude, attire, Beauty's soft smile and manhood’s glance of fire, Truly redacted at a rapid rate, To astonish life with its owq duplicate. Think not these photographs by suolight made, Shades though they are, will like a shadow fade : No! when tee lips of Ueßli in dust shall lie. And death’s gray film o’erspread tho beaming eye, Then RKIMER’B pictures, mocking at decay, Will still be fresh and vivid as to-day. dO-6t* rvTg=» Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. U-!> TnuisußY Dkpiutment, ) Harrisbdro, Dec 2d, 1868 ) At a meeting of the Oomm.ssioners of the Sinking Fund, held this day, it was Jlesolecd, That tho State Treasurer be authorized to issue proposals to buy, from the lowest bidder. One Hundred Thousand Dolla-s of State Five Per Cent, Loans Notice ia therefore hereby given that sealed propo sals for the sale of the whole or any pai£ of $lOO,OOO of State F,ve Per Cent. Loans will bj received at the Treasury Department, at Harrisburg, till 2 o’c'ock P. M of the 16th Deoember, A D., 1868, the samo to eet forih the amount offered and the price asked, ami to be endorsed, ” Proposals to soil State Loans ” The bids will be opened and allotments made to tho lowest bidders on that day, H. 8. HAGIUW, tU-lOt Statu Treasurer* BUBNETT’S OOOOAINH, BDBNETT’S COCOAINE. Boston, July 10, 1867. BUBNETT’S COCOAINE. itlarrirtfies. {Deaths. ryss» The Rev. A. A. Wlllits will deliver a IL3 Lecture on “Labor and Literature,” at CEN TRAL M E OHUROU. VINE Street, below Thirteenth, on THURSDAY EVENING, 9th inet.,at 7% o’clock. T.ckets 26 cento, to be had at Thornley & Ohism’s, N. E. rernerofEtghth’and Spring Garden streets; W. Ac J. Neill’s,No. 16 Bouth Ninth street, and at the Doer on the evening of the Lecture. d7-3t* |Yw* t Literary Institute.—Rev. M. LLS J- RAPHALL, Ph.D.—This eminent Hebrew R»bM will lecturo In Conoert Hall, THURSDAY EVE NING. Subject—“ The Hebrews: their characterls tice poetry n Lecture commences quarter to e gilt. Tiokcls 25 cents, for sale at the hook. stores. d4-6t# rTS 3 *. HoT»ce‘Oreeley, of the New York Trl deliver a lecture Before the Harrison »* Concert Hall, on WEDNESDAY’ EJHtjlNI}, Duo. 8, at 8 o’clock. Subject—“ Great Men Tickets 26 cents. To be had at the principal bookstores, andatthe Hall on the evening of the Leo* tare. d4-4t* rr r s*.® £ J/®fi nar d Insurance Company of New IKS £. an '* Pennsylvania.— PfliLlDßLPHia. De cember 2d, 1668 1 Notie® is hereby given, that the annual election for Directors of this Company, for the ensuing jeer, will b " h ®l^ at^ elr ottce, In Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 18th of Dcoetnber, Instant By order, HENRY R. FOOTE, Secretary, rr'® ! V ,ay , n ! ,J * Hall Prayer Meeting.—All will that until farther notice the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRATER MEETING will ,he held again In Joyne’s Hall, dally, from 12 to 1 o’clock. Thiele the most central ana convenient lo cation, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. 1 All are cordially Invited to attend, and the meeting la open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. n24*tf mr" ® f the Female Medical Col- Uos ®27 ARCH Street, Is open regular ly on WEDNESDAY and BATORDAY, from H to I o’clock. Ladies will always be found In attendance to examine and prescribe for patients. dl-lm Q3f*26thjM68 PllU,Ulelpllla ° a * WorkB ’ WoT * Proposals will be received at this office until noon of the 80th December next, for the sale of Btook of the Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of the Richmond Gas Company, to the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works, aa an' investment to the Sinking Fuad of said works. nIMdSO. W. FENNELL, Cashier. Co f? Exchange UJ? Novetiber 29,1858.- beld 15th idat., the follow elected Director* of the Daol A O. Cattell, | James Steel, Hugh Craig, WilUamiH. QUpln, Dell Notint, Jr., Edmund. A. Souder, Bank, Philadelphia, -At the Annual Election, ring gentlemen were duly 0. J. Hoffman, Samuel Bolton, Robert K. Neff, B B. Graycroft. Alexander Whllldin, Jacjb T. Alborger. Oanby. . ie Board of Directors, by a VTTELL, Esq , was elected Tice President, and J W. n027-10t : Samuel ' And at of t] unaoimou* tote, A. G. 0. President, R K. NEFP, TORREY, Cashier. rrs“»M!s' J n Invalid, with Affections at Ujj the ohest. 8. W. oohier PARKE and OHEBTNUT Streets, , Wait PhiUdelpiis < Umbrellas. presents, UMBRELLAS A choice assortment ofSilk and Gingham Umbrellas, JhADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Finished in superior style, for sale at prices to please, AT THE MANUFACTORY OF &IMON HEITER, N. W.'comer THIRD and MARKET Streets, dB-wf&m4jal-if# IJMBRELLAS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WILLIAM A. DROWN & 00., 240 MARKET STREET, NOW READY THEIR USUAL LARUE ASSORT MENT 0* HANDSOMELY FINISHED SILIC UMBRELLAS To which they Invito the attention or BUYERS ifor Sale and to £et. WILL BE LET—If applied for soon— fiSLThe spacious, well lighted, and every war com moitous Store, No. 221 MARKET Streets running through to Church alley. This Is one of the beat ar ranged and handsomest Stores on tho street; is Ore stories high, with ornamental iron front* and is In one of the belt business locations. The present occupants design moving to a larger store. Apply on the preml ■es. ds-tf rjIXTENSIVE PBBLIO SALE OF OMNI .I_!i buses. Will be sold at Public Sale, on MONDAY MORNING, December SO, 1858, by JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auc tioneer, pectfully solicited. nolo-3m# CHWING MACHINES. ►'-J SAVAGE’S PATENT. YOB MOST SIMFLB—MOST PKRIKCT. No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET The most desirable Sewing Machines for Families vet «*de. d 8 lmif# AMBROTVPISTS and DAGUERRE xA ANB—Your attention is called to DABBS A BIRMINGHAM’S Btock Depot, No. 3 Ranstoad Place, FOURTH Street, above Cbestuut, Philadelphia, Manu facturers of Cases, Ac., they having recoived a large supply of Fanny Cases, Ac., for the holidays, which theyaro determined to sell low tor cssh. They being manufacturers can afford to sell loss than other dealers. Direot as above. o. pARXS CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES, Tho subscribers will this day offer the balance of Stock of IMPORTED CLOAKS, IN RIOII VELVET, VINE CASTOR, BEAVER, &0, Soma elaborately trimmed with REAL LAOS, GUIPURE AND CROCHET ADORN MENTS, AT THE UNIFORM REDUCTION OP TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT., One fourth from former prices. HANDSOME CLOAKS, Of our own Manufacture, will b e opened EVERY DAY till the olose of the season, and will be sold at POPU LAR PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & 00., PABIB MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM) 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Great reduction in prices.— Just received, one lot of wide BLACK BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, At $3 a yard, worth $5. We are closing out our as sortment of fine MARSEILLES QUILTS, At less than the cost of importation. These Goods ARB A OBSAT BARGAIN. Table Linens and Napkins, in damask and snow-drop patterns, to bb sold at lbss than cost priob. BLANKET LONG SBAWL3, large Size, at $4. A large assortment of Prints, Delaines, Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Linens. Ac., which we will sell at BXOBBDINGLY LOW PfllOHB. SAMUEL 8 HESS, Mo. 7 N. SECOND St., above Market. SPECIAL REDUCTION. ACCORDING TO OCR USUAL CUSTOM, r AT THIS SEASON. WE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH, TO SELL OUR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BHAWLB, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &»., GREAT REDUCTION EORMER PRICES CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In this Department a corresponding Reduction wi 11 be made, in order to keep our large number of hands in the Manufacturing Rooms employed during the winter. OUSTOMER3 IN WANT OP CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WILL FIND IT GREATLY TO tfHEIR ADVANTAGE EXAMINE THIS SIOOE. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. £ delphla, and created for Banking purposes. withaoapi-' tal of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, intends' to make application to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth for au increase of one hundred and fifty thousand do'lars to its present oapital stock. By order ofthe Board of Directors. jeBo-wad 6 iuoh F. P. STEEL. Cashier. APPLES* —A small consignment of Con neotiout Russetl. For sale by O.O.SADLERA CO., Q)ants. M7ANTED —By a young mas, a situation ▼ V &g Salesman in a Commission D.y Bouse. The most acceptable references can be given. ■ Address “ Salesman,” at this office. dB-ot* VIfANTED—The Advertiser, an active _7, J tod experienced business man, with *slo,ooo to $12,000. desires to connect himself with a house already established iu the Commission or Manufacturing bust- Address, with real name, J. B. L . at this office, which will be strictly confidential. ' d6-3t* ANTED—A SITUATION in a Whole v ■ * ,°r Commission House, either as Book- Sfc l« Bni to. Can influence some trade. Refer d6 §t? n ‘ AddrMß L * s » &t the office of Ikt Puss. Stn?l MAN WANTED—In a Wholesale. toowlSJ?Street »" having a Aad?e.»S.x astVS 1,7 tnd ° wm,i bep r B r lV* i GENTLEMAN wishes VW. to form a Partnership in the Ex change and Money, or Hote Brokerage Baainem - will fnrnieh from ten to twenty thomand gllare! Those* ” Birousof farmings connection of th.. kind,and who thoroughly understand the business, and can riva rAfor. once, address “ Broker/' at Press office. d3-Bt* CTTANTED—An experienced Salesman in V * the Wholesale Variety Goods business. Apply to “ F. Parson,” No. 604 Market street. d2-6t* TMfANTED— To Bent, for the winter sea * f son, with Immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate sise, with modern improvements, weßt of Tenth street. Address A. H., office of this paper. • 004 \/|7ANTED, FOB THE UNITED STATUS * v CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, on married men, to whom will be given good pa/, board, elothlng, and medical attendance, fa/ from $l2 to $32 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BBRYIOI at No. 817 HARuT Street/’ above Blghth, north aide. I. N, MOOBE, lit Lient. Ist Dragoons, Recruiting Offcer. SUiusemenis. Mrs. d. p. bowers’® walntjt-st. THEATRE, oorner of NINTH and WALNUT Btreets. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, December 8,1858, ADRIENNE, THE AOTBESS. Adrienne Lecoavranr, JJJm Davenport; Doked’Au moot, Mr. Toon;; Maurice, Mr. Perry: Hichonnet, Mr. Bichings: Prineeas de Bouillon, Miss Bichintra. SIMPSON A 00. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet* 87# cents; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to theii locale, $3 and 86; Single Seata in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doom open at half past 6 o’clock j Curtain rises at 7 o'clock. * ' IVATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., 11 above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, December 8.1863, THE CONBAD BROTHERS. EQUESTRIAN FEATS, GYMNASTIC FEATS, By all the Company. DON -JUAN and the SHAPERS AN IMPREGNA TIONS, terminating with the ballet, LBS STATUTE BLANCHE. SCALE OF PRICES. Dress Circle and Parqnette 40 cents. Children under ten years of age 20 << Family Circle 20 * c Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock. Performance* will commence at 7, and terminate at 10#, precisely. ILr Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. \I7HEATLEY & CLARKE’® ARCH-ST* v v THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. December 8. 1863, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchard, oar American Cousin, Mr. J. S. dark; Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. BIMPBON A CO. Mr. Simpson, Mr. Gilbert; Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Drew. Admission, 26 ots. Secured Beats In Dress Circle, 87 j» ots; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cts; Beats in Private Boxes, 7a ots; Gallery, 13 eta; Gallery for Colored Persona, 26 cts; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 eta ; Whole Private Box, $B. ' Doors open at half past 0 o'clock; commence at 7, precisely. riIHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP JL THE FINE ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares of Stock, entitling the holder's family to ad mission at all times, $3O. d7-tf ttANFOBD’S OJPEBA HOUSE, K 3 ELEVENTH Street, adjoining Uxe fexmaytraxilA Railroad Depot GRKAT BILL ?or the patrons of SANVORD’B OPERA HOUSE. THIB EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s true version of ANDY’S DREAM ; 08, THE MAGIC APPLE. The largest Company of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Chorus*, Refrains, Ao., with Dancing by the BANPOBD CHILDREN. $ Admission 26 cents; Children oente. d4-tf Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and -SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ.* The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magician. Performance every .Evening daring the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. * Admission, 26 cants, Children, 13 cents. n025-lm* HfUSIOAL FUND HALL.—THE GER iU MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Public REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 25 eents; a package or eight tickets for ft, which may be obtained at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton's, oomer of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance commences at 334 o’clock P. M. noIT-tf Jn&tmmre -Companies. MARKET FIRE INSURANCE GO. 111. OF THE OITI OF NEW FORK. CABH OAPITAL 8200,000 SURPLUS 78,200 TOTAL ASSETS ........8278,200 DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President. PhiletusH. Holt of 238 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham’s & Hutchinson. Silas Davis, of A. B. A 8. Davis. Oliver H. Shepard, of Shepard, Qowo A Co. Henry Rowland, of Rowland A Banks. Alfred L. Rowe, ofT. G. A A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller. orWm. P. Miller A Co. Stephen W. Gaines,of 8. W. AR. A. Gaines. Elisha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, A Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A Co. Henry G Reeve, of H. G. Reeve A Co. Daniel T. Willets, of Willets A Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker A De Camp. John M. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce, Odell, A Farnum. Stephen Linlngton, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketcham A Co. Wm A Cumnings, of Bearda A Cummings. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamns, A Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine A Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. A J Whitfield A Co, Albert Havemrer, (late Havemyer A Moller.) Tennis W. Quick, of Quick A l’Hommedleu. David M. Turnore, of Edey A Tornure. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Co. Edward Bill, of lid Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V. King A Co. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin A Brother. John Friable, (Freeland, Squires, A Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY OAK BE EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON. No. 108 South FOURTH Street, ocl-frmAw3Bt-lf CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OP JINK JBWJ3LRY, £f§j Allow prices. Just received Coral, Lava, Cumeu, and Gold Jewelry in seta. Also, Scarf Pina, Seal Ring*, Skirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, bracelets, Chains, dec. English, french. And American Watches, at G RUSSELL, 22 North Sixth stroot. Bailey & go., ?oxmix.T BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, Whit* Marti* Btoro, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW TBS GIRARD HOBBS. Now opening their fall atook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARSB, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they inTite the attention of thepnblle. BILVBR-WARI, WATOHEB, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLBSALB ARD 887 AU.. ffilotljing: 1000 BOYS’ CLOTHING. P. A. HOVT & BROTHER Hare just received, »ROM HEW YORK, m A lot of BOYS’AND CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISH, Whloh they offer te the Public at, GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEB, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH & CHESTNUT STREETS, n3B4Bttf~' HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER.— Stabling and hay good, with plenty of litter. Springy Meadowb if desired, on pleasant days. Terms low. Inquire of Mr. F JANNEY, No. 325 MARKET , BtfjMifc, or Dr. 6CHOLFIELD, 822 Sooth FIFTH Street, Praa* offioa. n24.lBt*_ HSaEIGKHS, 1 SLEIGHS. lot of all Elzel, for sale by dB-fr m&wlOt CG, ORANE ss PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, • {Formerly VAN LOAN’S,) 6'2 ARCH Street. All tho YRrioua style? and sire*of Pictures. Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Phctogr*phsj and Ivorrtynea are taken, and at moderate prices. dT-Bm* Philadelphia. 1002 8. W. JACOBS, 625 ARCH Street.