ttauell! 428 turpentine, jG .8. ■ k H«n)i®i_» iMk-w iring/Ii : FORY/dF PHrt.APßriFHlffil WWi • ''’Vr v; Bteafoah]pd?btneu f SpH^et^&tftiewfl t M| hours from Boston, with maraud pAsiangera to'Hebry Wiaior, . ship tsa{ Ua^B»r^r, T 4 tUysfrotn Btttqn ,ih' bill ut TO_, Workman it Oo\ M ' • '--v. > - 1 , \i_ ’ r-v t ,•-•*' BarqueA.*Brtbertj Hiwltt, l6Uj* from’ Angallli; Tilth eiltj &o, to Jiuretohe * Oereteire Btljf Cljde; (Br) Hblmeej- 16 ,d«y» from Oornw»UU, N a with roUtoeH to ordar _ ■ J , - Bri! (lourga Ainoa, Ntchoia, 8 days l from', Boston, in belUsttoß ASonder&Cor . - ! BrfgTeotoij Atberftm; 64»ja from Portland, nlth pUltetto B A Sander i 00. , ■ Brig Orißon A dam s , York, 10 days from Portland, wtthplejter toJdilnaßalter. • r ;v-> , ,v -t• ’■ Bahtßli B W.leil;'Hoffman j 10days from Wilmihg. ton, NO.-Blth-sanl atoreetoD B Btetmm* Co 1 Bcht Bly.eay, Darla, S doya from B-'g Harbor, with ' mdr al l Dean: ait Jonta ■ Botir Bfir*tii BenfloajGdajß from New Bedford, with oHtoBU?ber,'BnutiDg&, Qo, -}l'\ „;-• v 0 days from New 'Bedford.. wUVlmnbet to Geo Hart ’ Bchr Cotes, Heredlth, ft days from. New York, with barley to JL Dewlej ft Go ... ;Bchr B>lrYfcu* Allen," Sear*, 8 days from Now York, with faldfO to Crowell ft Colllns , ~ ' ftehr DebJtah .3 days from New Yftfk,: with mdse fdoaptiln - ’ * \ / »>•.•> 'ScmfWKowe,'Scott, 3-days, from New York', wl;h groin to captain ; / ~ ■'!: '■ - , ,; : Mlt; QarUsler .Wioimere, 6.. days from . Previ dencevifl.bftllMt to ReppUar ft Bro ' . tkhr.&bpfcth'ghanij .Talpsy, 6 days from Boston, with' xndse'toGenVyWiaaOr : - .., 'V. < - gohf Ufa Suffolk, Baker, G days from Boston, , with, mdse to D (Roper. v - { ~V y. -_t ■ Bohr Maria flckap, Baker, ft days from Boston,"with, mdso io.Crowel.C&GolUcs s • .*.. f ' Sehr alary,Anna, Gibbs, ’ 6' diys from, Boston, vwith mdse t? Grov> ft uro, / . V r . HaatrasSj' .Biimey, 6 days from Newburyport, With mdße to George A Wcod , , ' fichr BraiUjiitwMy2o.daya from Hallowell, with.po tatoes and apples to «f H MoColley r -Bchr Starlight, York, 9 days from Portland,, with mdne, to Jarlot Baker" - .'. v ..' r ',, ( ,. ‘ .Sclir, Mailhh. Wrighttngton, ‘Wrightlngtoa, 8 days from 'i’atl Klv«, in Dilfaat to, Oabeea ft Oo . ' Schrs I GariisbnUGtaM, ft; days from Bristol, B I,' with mdse to J Cullen ‘ t . :' ; 1 ,y; . Bthr Lesifl p.laik Sowyi from Dlihton ■" , / •SohrH? Simmons, Barrett; from New York l Bahr/LJI Bndieott,'Leeds. 1 from.Provldenori Sehf JH Mooro, Ingerabll, fromFallßlver . - ‘X Echo H'Wiitetts, Orasmer^froth Boston .. t.chr Expedition, Conner, ! day; from' Smyrna',, Bel, With com to J L Behley ft 06 \ ' : .» , ' Sobr John W day from Little• Creek Landing, Dal, wltn oats to Jas LBewley&W ' , Bohr Henry Wolfe* Atkins, 1 day from Milton, Bel., witfi cOrn and bark toJLßewlej & Go SchrMaxyyßiokardg,! day from Camden, Bel, with wheat te f,.i» Bewlevft Co"' flobr CharlesAtkins,o>& Atkins, 2 days from HUtbh, Bel, with grAlu to Jaa Lfibw ’ey. A Oo flcht Northumberland, Taily f 7 days from Fredericks* barg, Va. with aborts to Jas L Bevley A Oo . ’ Boarßj6Glb«a; Crocker, 8 days from New York,. mds« to Allen‘4r Bugel.v.. . fichr James L Hererio/Nolllngsworth, .! day-from Borer, Dei, «ith>hessto Jasßarrattf 80a BchV TeiegraphVHiseVlday fromCanden, Bel, with' wheat'torJasßarratc & Bon- ' ~j ftchriiadie&l Gholcd, Btranghan, 1 day from Newest-' Me. BeVwlth bat* ti>J*a Barrett & Son i' ■■ ffloop Lsscet, Bayard. .1 day .from OhristUna, Bel, with grain to Christiib it Onrran Btoop Andrew MaoeHlp, Burnell, 2 days, from Cam* den, grain and bark to JHMcCoUey ■ . . ,_ vV . CXiBABBB. r , .. BtesmEhip u Peun*ylfania, .Teal, Btohmond; Thomas Webster,'*. • fcohr JnUaßmith, Crowell, 'Wilmington, NQ.f Ba> . Behr Bockingkam,’ Talpey, Portsmonth, Noble, Ham mett> A 1 Co, c'j - .. Y. Sharp, Shrrp, Boston, N Btnrterant ft .Co > Bchr M fiekup, Baker, Bpstea, flicniokson ft . - Bchr.K.Willetts, Oranmer, Boston, Yandoaeo, Nor* tonft,Oo/. \ BchrHPSimmons,Barrett, New York. Yandnsen,' Norton ft, Co .* . . ; . ... ' SchVJ Moore, Ingeraoll/New York, Tyler.' Stone ft 00'.., , - • . - Bohr L H iJfadlcott, {Leeds, Newport, Repplier ft ; BrO-v^ Bchrß.TGarriflon, Grace, Qnlney Point, Rogers, Bin* . nickson , f A{'''■ ‘•' ‘'SchV EmpirerAdaiaSj-Ndw.York, ; L Andtnreid ft Co Bohr JO;Bn'f:ns, Joatthees,"Now York' ,do f : t Bohr.Ooloxadu, N*jlor,Phntneket. v T ", : do. -V. - .do _ , Flyaway, BsriS; Boston,-.,d0. , ' ft Cox •^ndhrifsihlQdeen,Boise,Ndw Bedford, " "do'V: .... . Bchr Bnsan Bray, Naylor, New York, do '" : Bchrfaiah L gmith, BroyltJence, x> , do, ; > B,Shritor,Demili,Bftltlmor©»A Groyes, Jr,. York, W M Balrd ft v i-. r • -• • ■ , 7 *■' ' «(Oort^^mdence tt '.the Philadelphia Xyohanre.) +U*'?**" *oy 29. 6P.M. ' The birqaea Charles Keen, for Uont«Tldeo ; Belle, for Boatmjj three brigs and- a fleet of schooners (coUleia)*tb:‘i*y* ■■■ ,\ x . della/frai&'Yfest indie s, end' Br, ‘edhr Hiram, from Hal- N np. s , Wind N.W.;, VTeathor clear/and’ - ; ; v th6b* .b. HCGBOB- r { 7 •. - [Correscondenco of the 'Philadelphia Sxohange.l. ;The following vessels are at the harbor, vis: 1 barque ~6.b rigs and 2fi achooners/with the>U B-steamer Watk* dr. •.ThefuUowipg.were-at^ l harbor- on Batnrdayjvia; , Barqne P O/AlezJmdsrt.brige Biaora, "Oaaima, .Ada >Pn^VM r and JHantrilie: schraPrs'Newlih, W A. Ham- Stftnepnxent, -Marla JBox- j of.whlch lefty eater* day torthelr different-ports of destination;, wind N with stormy "appearance ", ~'T.U' ? - - - . . Joar*,*?. . WM. M. HICKMAN. • . r , Naw Oelbaxs, Nov. 80. Arr skipsßosweU Sprague, and Confidence, from New York -- r . 1 - fc V ‘p.'.L r* > . * ~Naw; T oan,Nor 80.' ' Arr ship.-Vultnre ,£rom,Cadis; ship Plymouth (Book from London - ;.u-> , . •• . . - Bostos.NovSO. - Arr bark Tropie Bird from Surinam; bark H B Dean, fMm Glasgow; brig Titanla bilg &;-W PackbrTrohiCapeHaytlfln / i- r;- < : -- *• .U-.Sifßnuif'Oi.)Not29/ -4 .The ship lowa, from Mobile with‘ a' cargo,. bound to Liverpool, put ihto^the port' this day, lealcinff ba4iy. ?l , : . ■-"■'run- ' M : BM : pSANDA.'-' ’” '■ : , Bs* Bco HolirM' iioio, ,' 7 ' ,; bteßtt*blpPrinoe;Albert,;Waters.. from Galway-.vie Stjohn,vN P* amiveAat Nejw YorkS9ih' v J- Stcaibshlp Hermobls, Sshwensen, from Hamburg via Southampton, 18thult,arrivedat New Tdrk. yester day?: .- ;v-v j r Skip Bcargo, Crowell from London, arrived at Gee long sept llth nit -u.’-j;??-/..; ;-' ■■ r 11 Snip Frank Johnaos? Lathrop, for Boston:, oleared at CafouttaOetdth ...7-- - . of tbe Weet, Oakes, cleared Calcutta Oct 7 for Boston ~ . Ships Rose Btanfllih, Hatchings, and Indian, Averlll, for Boston were going down the rlrer from Calcutta OetlSih' , .V. -- , Iltf ' Ship^rosporojMaobj for Boston- taHod from Calde*: r*£«pt-16th?:V - --- f fbjpftodug*, Battle#,- for MaaUU, saHed' ft'om Hoi nota)u,'Bept-loth -in *’■» - - y ShipChiriot of. Fame? Knowles; for Hampton Roads, sailed from CalUO Oet 21st , . • *, •r-BbipjH&nrseeeket, TAlbot, for Hampton Roads, sailed fromOallao.Oct22i r ' z l . , - ■*. Ship,Winged Arrow, Besne. from Cardiff, arrived at ManiiASept I4th-.5 j.- <_ yi . v..r. -J' } -» feWpEr-berMay, Clark,for Boston,sailed from' U*- -N- •' ■-'■V- -' r.fihlp H&rryHaihec,Tnte, IroraAlexsndriftj V». ar-' rivsd.fttiManUa, BeptJUJtN. -■ if hip Jobn>Morriok} Crabtree, for New Orleans,' wu atDealMthalt - t»ru * «.■- t*-’* '-i ' •> .BhipMoifattjLight* Je&nson. sailed from Singapore , 1 . i- ■- ■ - •- * - Skip Alberdtoa, (Dutch) Oaflsg, for this port, vu at RotterdamSth«it .>.•? ;>- : - r * - . flkipHlppogtiffe, Howes, was loading at Singapore 4th Sept foe .London - • >. »/ t- ;■< * t.feblp.Zered, Uorisb, for Now Orleans; sailed from Lon 4oi»4*Kj,fltb -i i* bfelp Elis&betb, Gillespie, sailed from : Londonderry 19th alt for New Orleans Thejtfrowto* kHrihfthVDeloog, sailed from Helvoet 18th nlMoMfli* port >d, Ohum, from OornwalU« r N,S to *. Philadelphia arrived at. Holmes’ Hole 27th ult and Silled agam next day ..-.Vr.ii • Bohr Caroline Hall, Graham, henfie^arrived ai : New Bedford 29*h ult'- 4 f-'jr r..ry^J . . Schr Ccdine,. Blsleyy for Philadelphia/- clearbd ’at NrWYoiK'yeafoftUy . - r . ,Behta'JJmtna Biddle, and Streamlet, Dawning arrived t ; Bby I ,Eiflier l ‘ft‘-Arr j?oV=27lh,'brig Hay* mosttwrWiogit'f N TorktSsth, MbrXlberty.dnrphy, Ajplnwall ;*29th,' . sebr lt B Mltahell, : Pole, MtAtblas; brig Norfolk, Lao '• AbbatfoidjCooper*BaHlim*re'>v ' 1 "~" \ ; ‘ Bld oflt24th, Haraon* 1* tlKKiMuree, Bl.ok BIT n for NoW.Tork : 81rt brig JolinStophaiii. PBteu, AtUkiyai Kbr Mi «hx W U HUclull. Po.W. M. AOn'. B»y lor N»»."Tbrlr, 4tli, Khr.W Ha.bdfortl, KalUj, Bu|mo; fth, brig A W.t- Oonr«B, 9*wfKsassnKSFat' as?' ¥ Hong Kong early in October {Albion* xWUliamej Edwin •Forest, Orookeri Ganges, Bvani; Xnea, Miltonj John .Cottle, HSlloweli: John ;Q Adams, Leflai Koyatose, Hnighti Qaeen of the Gardner, and Nesolutm Holt trno; Invincible.'Johnson, from Liverpool, ar 10th do, do, schrSea Wlloh/Bevineifrom Timon;or Aug 28 ’do - , '!??■;;^. ■; V ", ■ * ' 1 ". . • Bid from BaugorBeptBB. shirs Granado, Breyor, Boa ton, 23d; Ohksea, Maratrand, do; 2dth, Addison Gilbert Paolo. London; 26th: Comoro, Mesnry, Boston | Oct 3, Guiding Star, Hale, Lendon ) At Oronatadtl*th inet, ship Geo Green,-Fairbanks, ftrNew York, repg.,- Bid previously, bark Gen Eden, Need, Boston, . The river was fall of ice s - '* MISCELLANY. '' The lumber cargo of the brig Loango, whioh put back to Georgetown, 80, In distress, was to be sold at that place on theB9thult' '-t.. * t The ship Atm W*rbnrn, of and from Boston, bound to New Orleans, ran ashore on Thursday night, the 15th insv, on-LooKey/mistaking the Sombrero for the Band Key light. The wreokihg-Hohooners Dolphin. Champi on, and Edwin Jones, and the * 'sloop Vineyard reached her early on the following morning and after taking from her one load succeeded la getting her afloat.' She arrived here in themorning of tbe 2lat inSfi.- The ship isrttyHtUeinjnred and doea-not leak. The cargo -taken from her will be -immediately replaced, and the ship will proceed on her voyage aseoon as the salvage can be settled.'-' j . . ' The bark Olenfnegoa, having completed her repairs to pomps, fto »sailed for Boston 12th iust. Expenses incurred at this port amooot to $29X04, ‘ • Thd cargo and materials of the French baric oara* gnena have been sold at public auction by the u B Mar shal a few days aincer - - Ban Fbxkoisco, Not; 4—The ship Dirigb, of Boston, atrnck oh n rwk near Fort Point, in coming la, chafed her bottom very badly, but luoklly came off- A few mlnntes longer aho would bave'bilged; her repairs hare cost ahont $lO,OOO. The ehlp Comet haa floinhed her repairs,' and sailed for China.; The wreck of the ship General Cashing was sold at anotion for $1,160 rlliatna. HOLMES’S HOLE, Nov 26, P M.—Ar brig Northern Belle, Paine,"Port an .Ptince for Bostoii; schs Ever glade, Eaton, and Vendovl, Bray, Alexandria for Bos ton: Hjdrkngea, Butler; Baltimore fordo; Anna Getd ner, Harding, Morris Biver for Salem; Oarolino W Holmes; Mckiwell, Lynn, for Philadelphta; P E Arey, Turner, Belfast for Baltimore, Sid sohrs Volunteer,' P K Arey, and J W Condon; 27th ar. sch Life Boat, Bailey, Mayaguek for Nowburyport; Inviooible. Hogdon, Oaiaie -for Philadelphia; Alqu sir, Long, Thomaatoo for James River, Va; tld schs Uaro llae W Holmes, and.Alqnisar ’ The most of tbe fleet sailed-this morning, with tbe wind, llgty from N W,,but xetnrned this afternoon with the exoeptlon of those reported'above as sailed, wind North west with' enow ARRIVAIB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIBABP HOUSE—Oheatnnt street, below Ninth. L Ramsey ft la; N J ' 'Mr Arlago 0 Bandall, Boston N 8 Derringer, N Y A Ethridge ft la, Va W A Shepard, N Y B Bait, N‘Y, G Jones ft family, Pa Oapt M Ferraii ft fi, USA JB J Robinson & la, N J PAGodld,NY* • ' JBBixtor,Ga J H James, Portsmouth .Wm Chase, Portland Geo P Wadworth. Boston - 0 W Caudel, Syracuse B M Eaton ft la, Portland AW Pyle, Va G Young, NY F H Bcot, Baltimore P H Foiled, Boston 1 Mrs McClure, Pittsburgh Miss McClure, Pittsburgh L Btrasberger, N Y DO Weis ft la, NY ' A B Watson, NY E D Hitchcock ft la, Va Mrs BL Ward, Va Wm W Kenrlck,'Eng P D Lather, Pottsville A Boyd, Lebanon Hon W Donaldson, Pa Mis i Donaldson, Pottsnle B 8 Palmer, N Y Henry Palmer, NY’” -J W Laflin, N Y B W Evans, Provldenoe T E ft la, N Y T G Bndd, Charleston - , B Wade, Jr N Y A L Hobson’, Portland’' A Dodd, Newark, N J 8 A Badger, Boston " James Young, Pa 0 Hatch, Mass.. - /IW Manderville, Oal F Orglll, NY •- ♦ • - Benj P Crane, St Louis J.Yoang,Bhsqueh&nnaco I G BRWade, Boeq co, Pa U Bmltfi, Buiqdehannaco EM Green. N Y Mrs B M Daley, NY Mrs Carnes, Day ton F,S Bond, N Y 0 Bchnder, N Y Geo Hnnnewell, NY HR Cromwell, N Y BA Walsh, NY , ,VM Records, N Y Thos Terry, NY H B New Bedford ADa Berceaa, NY . B McGilleney, 0 W James Porter, 0 W Aug Flagg, Boston J A Davies, Boston L Morris G W Williams ft la, N 0 0 T Williams. N 0 Page TGale,N Y HO Whitaker, N Y G W Edmonds, Boston J Blrckhead, Boston 'Jos Mott, NY ~ L Wells, NY J Blood, N : Y. ' Jas 0 Holden, N Y J B Cooper ftla, Ga Miss E E Cooper, Ga A 0 Edwards, Ga . Jos H Goodwin, N Y GeoPjDenby, Boston' ' O W Fletdher, Lone. N H G 8 Gideon, Washington Wm T Doro, Washington H Dnnnlngton ft la, Va Jas B McDonnell, N Y H H Muhlenberg, Beading - , MERCHANTS’ HOTEL-Fourth 8t.,b910w Aroh. J JProvo, Jonesboro, 111 -.WGGibson,Pittsburg F 8 Boas ft la, Beading J Keely Reading •MrsGShields, Beading - Miss Wagner,Easton ,G 8 Lindeiman, M Chunk W B Johnston ft la, Pa Wmßmrserft la. Pa A Edwards, Pa Wm J MahaCTy/Pa B B Danner, Pa TB Jenkins,' MlneravUle, J A Pickett, Coen Alfred Hale, Mass ■ D Stratton, Salem, N J W F Trout, Ohamberabnrg 8 L Roberts, Boy lestown Hon Asa Packer, Pa Geo Burt, Now London, Pa D L Ohapio, New Oolnmbns S G Turner,' Plymouth uig JS . J Orawford^Eaaton GW Walker, New York J) Palmer, Now York - J BBrinley, New .York . 0 Boyer, Hooding A EJfoore, Richmond . W R Ratcliff, Richmond GHWateraanftUtßlchm’dJF Williamson, Delawar Mrs Shobcr, Delaware Miss fihiber, Delaware R M Crawford, Md . - B W Haines, Delaware Mrs Riley, PhosflixvUle Mrs McLaughlin, Pa J 0 Brown, Beading OB Martin, California A Allen, California v F Kapp, Jr, California J Wild; New York- - - A H uline f Arkansas 8 Kepner, Pottsville ' J Tompkins, Pottsville FRANKLIN HoU6B—Chestnut street, above Third. MDario,Boston JM Lean, Summit Hill John Haworth, N J A J Winterete&d, Pa J M OolUns, Del M Lewis, Phila Thos Long, Summit Hill F H Eaton. Pittabnrgh W 0 Satterfield, Greenboro Mrs H HaJdeman, Texas Master H Haldeman, Texas W 0 Cooper & la. N J Mr Manderson* Belfast : Mrs Mandonon, Belfast PTrlpple,NT'" - .8 M Newman, Conn •JasT Scott, Wheeling ' "NATIONAL HOTBL—Race street, above Third. :T H Berger, Allentown . Mrs P 0 Whitaker, Md JFKatrs, Lancaster P R Gilbert, Mlllersbur* J,F Stewart, Unlontown , N Patterson, Summit Hill HJSaeger, Allentown - DrJßomfg, Allentown JSSpaog. Bactioo, Pa N German,'Allentown 8 Shiffersteln, Monte nr J R Overbeck, Wisconsin , R Heacook. Benton John KFunk, Pa J George, Lebanon Mrs Weitzel. Reading Miss weltzsl, Reading . H Potts, Fa IP Bechtel, Bchuylk’l oo W MoCraokeo, N J Aftrown, Exeter. Pa . A B Smith. Wyomln e TE Smith, Blnghampton 6 .BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. A Stoner* Pa' , L Granger* Pa Jno Beigler, Pa’ F Wilson A l&.Biston E Griffith, Pa■ T Deoh, Northampton eo JMlchtoh, Bethlehem . , HH Hoovor* Aobarn, Pa P W Harvey, Sch Haven P Lsngle, Sch Haven - J Ball, Quakertown, Pa AW Potfeiger.'Reading Boos Bernier, Samaeytown P Baper, John H Janklos, Pa '■. ON Hoffman, Pa BJ Hi ffman, Oatasauqua J C Anewalt, Oatasauqua Ja* D Scholl, Oatasauqua ‘ , JasKints,Montgco ' J M S&llada, Lanc op D Wilheha; Lebanon co BLACK BBAB INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. Jad Wilson, Port Deposit .S B NUlds, Wilmington Henry Clews, Wilmington J D Worth, Chester co i J K Rarnite, Carolina eo,Mo T Thompson, Willistown o,Philips,' Kimbleville 0 Hallowell. Kimbleville J LeSdom,Delaware co, Pa J B Marshall, Chester co ‘JLBlddleson, Chester co . Jas Michiner, Chester eo KnosBhaDte,Lawrencerille N V Penhypacker, Pa Jesse Brooke, Delaware cq . T B Jarman, Delaware co . L Pennook, Jr, Chester eo J W Jackson, Cecil co. Md J T Janney, Oedl 00, Md H Lewis, Delaware 00, Pa H Graham, Chester 00, Pa JoS Pyle, Chester co, Pa Caleb Pyle, Chester co, Pa Wm Michiner, Chester oo J Scott & la, Chester 00, Pa B H Pratt, Ya BARLEY ’ SHEA? HOTEL—Second street, below Vine B 8 Trego, Backs co John 0 Rich, Pa T Pickering A la, Pa • J S Bastbam, Books co A T Daffleld A son, Pa J 8 Jetnlson, Backs oo H Gilbert, Bnoks co , James Place; Pa Stephen Taylor, Backs co L J Titus, N J W Betts; Jr. Pa . - • A D&nenhower. Pa A Snyder, Ba J Fell, Pa Min B Smith* NJ DJarrett, Pa WOarr, Pa Geo W Kogler, Md BLAOJE BBAB HQTBL-lThlrd st, ab. Callowhill. J Geisler, Pa ' Wm Hamer,*Pemsburg DBeisboUs,Pa N II Bttinger, KlinesvMle J H Borneman, Boyerston HDegering, New Texas Wm Thompson, Zlonsvllle J Hill, Bariville 0 B Knight, Bralthfleld 0 Roads, Southampton G W Mather, Northampton Jesse Geist. Pa J Kline, BallordviUe . J Bruner, Gulcsvllle Levi Temple, Backs oo Levi Temple. Jr, Pa A Stooffer, Beading D Bchroyer, Paghtown MADISON HOUSE—Second st., below Arch. B Oliver A wife; Blmlra' A G Hastings. Delaware W 0 Tall, Delaware J W Tall, Delaware R F Johnston, Boston D 0 Adams, Boston 8 Clark, NY W Toner, Baltimore MOUNT YRRNOH HOTEL—Second st, above Aroh. Mrs G W Saylor, Pa Mbs B H Savior, Pa J G Sharp, Chester co, Pa A Graff, Mifflin 00, Pa J P McCaffrey, Blk co, Pa P J Garbart, Sandy Lick Are yop saffering from a severe cold? Is year rest d! starbed by an incessant ooagh ? Have yod a difficulty of breathing, accompanied by pains in tho cheat, and, especially towaids evening, a slight fever with palpitation of the heart, disorder of the algeative system, and copious expectoration? If you have any of these symptoms', tue Dr. Hoofland’a Balsamic Oor dial, litoowjonotionwith the German Bitters of the tame eminent physician, and you will assuredly find re* lief ~Tf negleot the Means of care pointed out, yon may sjieedily find yourself on a sick bed, and beyond medical aid., . ■ Prepared only by Dr. 0. M. JACKSON, 418 Arch street,: Philadelphia, and for sale by Druggists and Storekeepers in every town and village in the United Btates and Canadas. . Price 76 cents per bottle. it Song For The ItljUllon* . Aia— I "Tht Nottter’s Tear.* 1 Before the glass the maiden stood, to take a last fond look.- At the remnant of a head of hair whose loss she ill conld brook’} Thefameof £au “LvstraU” is not familiar to her - ear j She knows so lt Haxr Restorative,” and sheds a bitter ’ tear. A few short months aro past—behold that maiden on - •r'hVr knees! ’ • '< Asd throwing ■ loose' her long dark hair, which flutters 'V ’ broeie, ■ She breathes a pnyer that Haael’s name in after time may live—i - - - ; ofthe <* Rau Lustrale,” great Hair Re storative. She rose and sought the glass again—ah! do not deem Mr weak, - k , For beauteous are that m#d4n*s looks, and smiles are onheroheek, She is hat ©m among the hosts that Jales Hauel shall oheer;- ' \ Be eure hla Hair Restorative saves many a bitter tear. Sold by alb .the 'Druggists, and at the Laboratory of Jonai Haosl A Co., No. 704 Chestnut street, Phila* rdelphU. **• '* ■ ** • n29-6t *■ »SfV> DOMXSTIO POBTB to ip oin .a’gLOOK iaia uobhihs Special Notues. , THp; { FR^^tj-PMLAPEJLjPHIA» WEMflSfiAy, DECEMBEjR -l, 1858. Burnett’s Coconino, . A compound of Oocoa-nut Oil, fto., for. dresslog the Hair. For efflcaoy and agreeahleness, It is without an equit,' ''l >! -,’v7 ;.* - ’.ii , : It prkvinta the hair from/oiling cff. ItpromQUs mwfl26t 305 N. Second St., above Vine. Gallasher*s Sanrise Gas Consumer.—A Flat TOP COOK BTOVE, LARGE UVEN, VERY HEAVY PLATES, AND MADE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. I WARRANTitto DRAWj BAKE, ROAST, fto., &c. I have been engaged in the manufacture of stores for many years, and I can safely recommend the SUNRISE to my friends. If ltfAilsto perform as above stated, I will RETURN YOU THE MONEY PAID FOR IT ! CAN YOU ASK MORE? odl-mws 26t A. J. GALLAGHER W. Henry Fatten, Manufacturer of Window SHADES, and Importer of CURTAIN and UPHOL. BTBRY MATERIALS, LACE and MUSLIN OUR* TAINS. BROOATELLES, SATIN DB LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUSHES, GIMPS and TASSELS, GILT CORNIOE9 And CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. .GUt Window Shades, with all th trimmings, as low as 76 cents each. Just received from Anoiiod a large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Muslin Curtains, $1 00, worth $8 00 a pair. Lace • « $2 00, « $4 00 « « . Tambour Lace « $3 00, « $6 00“ “ Quite heavy “ « $6 00, «» $lO 00« “ Elegant rich Embroidered, $lO 00, “ $2O 00“ “ Damask Curtains from $lO 00 to $l5 00 per window, complete. Curtains made and put up at the shortest notice, by competent workmen. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT Bt., ocl2*Gmos Opposite Jayne’s New Hall 850, 850, 350, 850, 860, 850, 850, 850— SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which haaan established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prioes. They can not faU to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER & CO., no2-tJ22 No. 602 OHEBTNUT Street. Seamen’s Saving Fand—Northwest. Corner of ..Second and Walnut streets, D.posits received in small snd large amounts/ from all elassos of the community, nod allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. Money may bs drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Hox day and Saturday until. 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer asd Secretary, Oharlss K. Morris Silver’s Gas Consuming Stoves!—Unless these ■Stores are made in a proper manner they aro no better than the oommon old-fashioned beating Stoves. I employ none hut the best workmen, and use the choicest imported Bassia iron. I warrant every Gas Consumer I sell to be roi.LV equal to those I bad on exhibition in the Franklin Ittrtitate, and whioh attracted the attention and admiration of visiters generally The Committee conceded that G ALLAGHER’3 make of SILYBR’S GAS CONSUMINGSTOVBBwere the best in the Exhibition. I call attention to the following letter: “ I havo examined the ‘ Silver Gas Consumers * ma nufactured by Mr. A J. GALLAGHER, and pronounce them folly equal to any I hare ever seen. The Russia Tron is the vest best, the workmanship unsurpassed. The wltolo stove, fully embraces my invention. I re commend with pleasure to my friends and the public Mr. Gallagher’s make of Stoves. J. 8. Bilteb.” A. J. GALLAGHER, Btove Manufacturer, nos-emw No. BC6 N. SECOND, above Vine. (Saving Fund,—Five Per Cent: Interest*— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sam, large ox small, apl interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made dally, without notice. The investments are made In Retd Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, asd such first-class securi ties as tb charter requires. Office hours, from Oo’elo&k in the morning until 6 o’clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday nod Thursday evenings until 8 o’olook. fed No Mere Poisoning.—For years the Piles has been one of the moat prevalent, as it Is the most ob stinate disease known to afflicted humanity and the medical faculty. This Is to be attributed to the use of white and printed paper in tho water-closet. White paper is made of colored rags, and is otherwise (ow ing to the chemioals required in bleaching) intensely poisonous. When printed on, the ink makes it doubly dangerous and deleterious. Gatbtxt’b medicated pa per for the water elcaet is a grand invention, calculated to banish tho Piles, as it is both a sure oure and pre ventive. -Healthy, as well as afflicted people, will do well to patron see this excellent and novel article. It Is meeting with favor among all medical men of stand log, many of whom bay it for themselves and families, and is already for sale by all the large and small drag houses. Retnembsr that it is pure paper, (manufac tured from Manllahemp,) and medicated after an en tirely new pl&n. It is very cheap; one thousand sheets oostingon T y $l. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the office of the inventor, No. 41 Ann street, New York, and by T. B CALLENDER A 00., N. W. corner of Third and Walnut sreets, n2T-flt Philadelphia. We perceive that Mr* Andrew Scott U in the “ show business” at last. He ought to do well from mAny causes j hut the feet that ho has secured Mr. J. II Robinson as bis manager, and a select company of edmirAble performers, is a fur-her inducement to visit tho Shakspeare Concert Saloon, Sixth and Chost nut streets. The advertisement will be found in an other column. Bronohltis*—Many prevalent and fatally tend lng diseases are now comprehended under tho term “ Bronchitisin all of them the membrane of the air pissages Is more or less affected. They resemble con sumption in symptoms and fatality, and in many esses actually end in “ phthisis ” ThffPERUVIAN SYRUP is signally beneficial in such cases, and has snatched many from premature graves. For sale In this city by F. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Hassard A Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. n22-d&Wtf Barnett’s Cocoalne.— BURNETT’S CQOOAINB, A single spplication renders the hair—no matter how stiff and dry—soft and glossy for several days. It la Tim Best add Cheapest Hair Drebsimo in the World. QAZZARD A CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Solo Agent, For sale by denlersgenerally, at 60 ots per bottle. nolO-tf Thomas W. Bally, No. Market Street, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-claes goodaconstantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, \b enabled to sell at a small advance. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as ropre •otaed. se4-8m Grover A Baker’s Celebrated Family Sowing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE-PRIOR $5O. 780 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ■ These Machines sew from two spools, and form ft seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will not rip, even if every fourth stitch ba cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for amfly use. 0016-tf JO"BEED FOB A OIBOULAB. _/f| illrtfEingcH. At Astoria, Oregon Territory, October Bth, 1858, by tho Rov. Dr. BlcOartv, GbarlainU. 8. A, Lieutenant OE9RG3B U. MENDELL, U. S. A. to Miss ELLEN, daughter of Gon. John Adair, of Astoria * In Manayunk, on the 24th ult., by Rev. A. Culver, JONH OARL. of Chester county, to Miss BALLIE (VI. HANBON, of Mraayunk. # On tho 34th ultimo, by the Rev. Henry J. Yonng, Mr. HENRY HAuBIS to Miss ANN AMELIA SIMP BON, both rf this city. • * On the 28th ultimo, by Rov. A. W. MHby. Mr. AN DREW FLANEGAN to Miss HBLfiNA MARSHALL, both of Manfty&ak. # i?«aU>o. On Monday, the 29th uU.', Mr.,THOMAS ILLMAN, Prepident of the Sander Institute, in the 6Tth jeer of hi* eg® ! 1 - '- • / HU friends eod the members of the lander Institute ere reapeotfally requested to attend hU funeral, from the N. K, corner Arch and Ninth streets, on Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock, when Mr. Joseph Barker win deliver some appropriate remarks. * On the 28th ultimo, Mr. WM. J. CRAWFORD, aged 88 years His relatives and Mends and those of the family are reapeotfally Invited to attend the funeral, his late residence, No. 2040 Filbert streot,> east of Twenty-fl’Ut, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. # On the 28th ultimo, EDITH GRANT, aged 79 yeais. The relatives and friends and those of her son, Thomas Coughlin, are reepeotfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Thomas Logan,' corner Duey’s Lane and Clinton street, Germantown, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clook. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. ‘ # On the 23th ultimo, JOHN WATTERS, in the 88th year of his age The friends and relatives of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. Lelper street, between Unity and Fine, Frank fold, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 8 o’clock. # On the 23th ultimo, STEPHEN BBLKNAP, In the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No, 918 Melon street, to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. ** • On the 29th ultimo, DAWSON D. MONTEITH, In the 17th year of his age. ry=» Rev. A. A. Willits Lectures on “ Mental DYSPEPSIA,’* at CONCERT HALL, TO MORROW evening. Admission 26 Cents—6 tickets $l. dt-lt# < Emerson Bennett on «* The Life and Ge- UJ? NIUS OP BYRON,” at CONCERT HALL, TO NIGHT, Decomber 1. Oommenco at 7#. Tickets 26 oents It# Hon. Anson Burlingame will deliver the Third Lecture before the Literary Congress, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVEN ING, December 2. Subject—“NOW AND THEN.” Single Tickets 25 cent*; Tickets for the remaining five Lectures reduced to 76 cents; for sale at the Bookstores and at the Hall. Doors open at 7; Lecture to com mence atB. dl-2t* Don’t fall to see Herring’s Great Paint -115 ING, “THE VILLAGE-BLACKSMITH,” free exhibition; will positively close TO-DAY! At E. H. Hunt’s, northwest corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. n29-8t fVT3=» Post Office, Philadelphia, December 1, 115 1858 —A FOREIGN MAIL will be made up at this Office, on FRIDAY, December 34, (closing at 8 o’clock P. M ,) to be despatched for Liverpool by Steam ship CITY OF BALTIMORE, on Saturday, the 4th. dl-wf 2t GIDEON G. WB3TOOTT, Postmaster. iy-==» The Ladies* Fair, for the sale of Fancy 115 .And Useful ARTICLES, for the benefit of the Italian Chapel in Marriott street, east of Eighth, is now open In JEFFERSON HALL, corner of SIXTH and OHRIBTIAN Streets- dl-4t* n Life-size Photograph to one inlta (ls ble for Visiting Cards Ambrotypes all prices and sizes are made. RKIMBR’S GALLERY, BEOOND Street, above Green. it# Cy-=s» Camden and Atlantic Railroad.—The H 5 First Mortgage Bondholders of this Road are re quested to meet at Messrs. J W. CLARK 4b CO *8 Office. No. 86 Sonth THIRD Btroot, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, the Ist of December, at 4 o’clock. Business of importance. it# Don’t fall to see Herring’s Great Paint -115 ING, u THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH ” free exhibition; will positively close TO-DAY! At E. H. Hunt’s, northwest corner of FIFTH and CHEST NUT Streets. n29-8t The Rev. R. A. Carden will .deliver a U 5 Leotureon ’* Novels,” on THURBDAY EVEN ING, December 2d. at CENTRAL 61. E. OHUROH, VINE Street, below Thirteenth, at 8 o’olock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Young Men’s Ohris< tian Association in connection with ibis Church. Tickets 25 ots.; to be had at Thornley 4b Chism’s, N. B. corner Eighth and Spring Garden Streets; W. &J. Neills, No. 16 Sonth Ninth Street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. dl-2t# ryr=» Notice.—Howard Fit e and Marine Insu (ls RANGE COMPANY—At a meeting of the Board held this day, THOMAS L. LUDSN, Esq., was unanimously elected President of the Company, In the place of John H. Diehl, Esq., resigned. di-Stif OHAB. A. DAY, Secretary. fy'-ss* The Clinic of the Female Medical Col* H 5 LEGE, No. 627 ARCH Street, is open regular ly on WEDNESDAY and SATORDAY, from it tol o’clock. Ladleswill always be found in attendance to examine and prescribe for patients. . dl-lm iy» Post Office, Philadelphia, November SO, H 5 1868.—The through Mail from Chicago, Bt. Louts, Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, arid the West generally, that has been received heretofore at half-past one in the afternoon, arrives at this office now at nine o’clock In the morning, and will be delivered from the boxes and by the carriers immediately after Its arrival. dl-8t GIDEON G WBBICOTT, Postmaster. *y-s=» Second and Third-street Passenger Rail -115 "WAY —On and after MONDAY, the 29th Inst., the CABS on this Road will inn from Richmond and Kensington, to Mifflin street, (Southwark.) The Second street line of Omnibuses will run North from Ooates street Passengers going up Second street will be far nlshed with omnibus Tickets by the Conductors of the Cars. Parents and others are particularly requeate’ to pre vont children from runniDg with or hanging on the Can. n3o*6t ■ JAMES VERREE, President. rv«» Masonic Notice.—The members of Mont -115 GOMERY LODGE, No. 29. A. Y. M ; the officers and members of the GRAND LODGE, and the Order generally, are particularly invited to meet at the MA SONIC HALL, on THURSDAY next, December 2, at 1W o’olock P. M , to attend the funeral of their late Bro ther, EDMUND WETHERBY. By order of the W. M. nBO-3t# J. T. THOMAS, Secretary. iys=» Have yon teen them ?—That superb Kn- H 5 gravlrg, * THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and the beautiful ART JOURNAL, which are famished to subscribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, ean now be risen at E. H. Hnnt’s, northwest corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT, for a short time only. • n29-6t rys=» Notice to Contractors.—Office of the JJf . Girard IsraT*3,tfo 19 South FIFTH Street. , Healed proposili will be reoeivod at the office of the Superintendent of the QIR&BD ESTATES until 3 o’clock P. M.,of WEDNESDAY. December Ist, 1858, for all the wharflng. dredging, Ailing In, &e., &c , that maybe requisite ana nocesiary to carryout (lnconformU ty with will of Stephen GJrardjthe intent and mean ing of Ordinance of Connells, entitled (t an Ordinance to authorise the Superintendent of Girard Istates to widen Delaware Avenue,” approved October 22d, 1858. Plans and specifloations may be had on application at this office. Those bidding are requested to t>» present. A. W. JUVENAL, Snperintendent of Girard Betatefl. rvrsa Have yon seen tbem?-Tbstraperb £n« 13 graving, “ THE TILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and the beautiful ART JOUBNAL. which are furnished to Bubscribera of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, Corn Exchnnsi O November 56,1858.- iefd 16th lust., the folios olected Directors of the Ban A. Q. Cattail, James Steel, Hash Craig, William H. GUpia. Dell Noblit, Jr., Edmund A. Bouder, Samuel' 0. J. Hoffman, Samuel Bolton, Bobert K. Neff, B B. Orayeroft. Alexander Whilldin, Jaob T. Alburger, Oanby. te Board of Director!, by a &TTBLL, Eaq , was elected vice President, and J W. • n027-10t And at a meeting of tin unanimous vote, A. G. O ' President, It K. NEPP. TORREY, Cashier, ryai Jayno’s Hall Prayer Meeting.—All will be clad to learn that until farther notice the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held again in Jayne’s Hall, dally, from 12 to 1 o’clock. This la the moat central and eooTenlent lo cation, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. All are cordially inrited to attend, and the meeting ia open for alt to take part who are membera of any Evangelical Chnrch. n24-tf y:i-» Eclectic Medical College.—Free Medl- JJS eat and Surgi-al Clinic, by Professors PAINE and CALKINS. on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, from I to 2 P. M. MARSHALL CALKINS, M. B. Bean. n2ow&s4t No. 247 North NINTH Stmt. rrca Office Philadelphia Gas Work*. Mot. Jk3 25th, 1858. Proposals will be received at this offloe until noon of the 80 th December next, for the sate of Stock of the Germantown Gaa Company, and, alao, of the Bichmond Gaa Company, to the Trustees of the Pblladelpbla Gas Works, as an investment to the Sinking Fund of said works. qgß-tdSO. W. FENNELL, Cashier. Post Office, Philadelphia, November ST, 1868.—0 n and after the 29th) init.,_ the mails for Lancaster, Harrisburg, PITTSBURG, Chicago, Cin cinnati, and St. Louis, will be eloßed at this offloe at 8 P. M., instead of 12 o’clock, noon, as heretofore. Malls for the same plaoes will be despatched at 10 P. M., t' e same as at present. Attention is invited to the fact that letters mailed for Pittsburg by 8 P. M. Train, arrive in Pittsburg at 6.80 next morning, and may be delivered in time for early business that morning. n2»-3t GIDEON G. WESTOOTT, Postmaster. Notice.—The Board of Managers of EKST THE LEHIGH YALLEY RAILROAD COM PAN Y have THIS BAY deolared a Dividend of Three >er Cent, on the Stock of the Company, payable in lash, dear of State Tax, for the Six Months ending 31at October, 1858. Interest at tbe rate of Six per Cent, per Annum will be paid on the Stock of tbe Oompaoy, in Stock, for the Six Months ending 80th day ol April, 1818 Payable to the Stockholders, or their legal represen tatives, on and after tbe Ist December, prox.,at the Office of tbe Oompaoy, No. 808 WALNUT Street. J. N. HUTCHINSON, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Nov. Otb, 1858. uoll-tuthsatdeol ryTp* Philadelphia Exchange Company, Nov. JsJc 29,1868.—a general meeting of the Stockholders <>f the Philadelphia Exchange Company will be held on MONDAY next, December 6, at the EXCHANGE, for tbo Election of NIhB MANAGERS to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. nS9-tlt W. S. GRANT, Secretary. fv==» Two Courses of Lectures on Geology, the Usjg one In the Afternoon and the other in tbe Even ing, are now In progress of delivery In the 80IENT1FIO AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, Northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute. The lectures are illustrated by dia grams, specimens of recks, and geological excursions in the environs of our city. n29*6t • ry=» Have you seen them ?—That superb En i)3 graving, «* THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and the beautiful ART JOURNAL, which are furnished to subscribers of tbe Cosmopolitan Art Association can dow be seen at B. n. Hunt’s, northwest corner FIFTH and OBKSI'NUT, for a short time only n 29 It ryrsa» The East Mahanoy Railroad Company. LUI The undersigned Commissioners (being two of those named in tbe Act of Incorporation of said Com pany);do hereby appoint tbe Eighth day of December, A. D. 1858, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. of said day, at No. 407 LIBRARY Street, above Fourth Street, in said city, for the Subscribers to the Stook of said Company to meet to organise the Company, and to elect, as provided by law, a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve according to law. ROWLAND JONES, F. N. BUOK. Philadelphia, Nov. 22,1856. 5023-d2w Home for Invalids with Affections of LLS THE CHEST. S. W. corner PARSE and CHESTNUT Streets. n22-lm West Philadelphia. I will soli at public sale all my FINISHED FURNITURE, Comprising a full assortment of PARLOR, CHAMBER. DINING ROOM, HALL, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, Of tho newest patterns in ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, OAK, ZEBRA WOOD, and MAHOGANY. This furniture was all made by me for fall sales, but the demand not equaling my expectations, I have con cluded to reduco my stook by selling at publlo sale, deeming tiya better than to discharge my workmen The goods are all equal in quality to any I have ever made, and are warranted tbe same as If bought at pri vate sale This sale will be positive. GEO. J. HENKELB, 624 WALNUT St. Philadelphia, Nov. 80,1858. i dl*6t M. THOMAS * SONS, Auctioneers. 3ob printing. W HE NEW PRESS JOR PRINTING OFFICE Is prepared to execute neatly, cheaply, and expedition*- fvsar DSBO&tPTion or PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, BOOKS, ' PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS, BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CARDS, POSTERS, - HANDBILLB, LABELS, - Printing for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. Q3* All orders left at the Publication O&oe of Tht Press, No. 417 CHESTNUT Street, will be promptly attended to. £egul Notices IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Batata of JOHN KEATING, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, adjust, and settle tbeaceountofWM. V. KEATING, Executor, and to report distribution, will meet the parties Inter ested on TUESDAY, the 14th of December, 1866, at II o’cleck A. M , at his office, 708 WALNUT Street. dl-w fr4cm6t THOMAB BaLQH, Auditor. ffiJissotonons emit QToiiartnetslniw. T7HE FIRM OF QUINTIN CAMPBELL, JR., tc CO., having been dissolved by the death of QUINTIN CAMPBELL, Jr , the business of the late firm will be settled byll A. BHAOKBLFORD, or his attorney, W. H INBKEEP. Philadelphia, or by SHACKELFORD, HAGAN, * ETTLA, No. 17 MUR RAY St eet. New York &. ALLSTON SHACKELFORD. Surviving Partner. PniLADBLFHU, Nov. 80,1858. The Subscribers here this day associated themselves, for the transaction of the Jobbing of FaNOYGOODS, at No. 17 MURRAY Street, New York, under the firm of SHAOKELFOIU), HAGEN, Sc BTTLA. ' H. ALLBTON fcHAOKKLFORD, MATT T. HAGEN. DAVID R.ETTLA, PHILADgtrfIU, lst, 1858 rfIHE PAETNEESHIP HERETOFORE X existing between the undersigned is this d*y dig solved by inutasi consent. The business of the lete firm Trill be settled byN. LE BBUN N. LEBBUN,) O. BUNGE, j Arohlt « cta Philadelphia, Nov. 27,1868. N. LB BRtTK, Architect, Office 81 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. » dl-St* JAMES MONROE this day retires from the firm of WHKLAN & 00: the business will be con tinued, m heretofore) under the seme firm, by the sub scribe rfl, JOHN O. WHELAN. FREDERIOK H. FRENCH. dl-flt* November 30,1858, DISSOLUTION. —The partnership hereto* ?fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of B. J. BOSS & 00., ia this day dissolved bj mutual consent. Philadelphia. November 28,1858. BOBBBT J. ROSS, PHILIP P. KELLY. P. F. KELLY alone continues the Banking and Ex* change holiness, under the name and style or PHILIP P. KELLY Sc 00., at the offloe formerly ocoupied by R, J. Ross & 00., No. 16 South Third street. n2l*lot Umbrellas. <§ILK AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, 10* Blit, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, W. A. DROWN & 00., 240 MARKET STREET. CJAMUEL W. GROOME, dealer in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL GOAL, prepared expreselr for family uae Office No. 8 Farquhar Building, WALNUT Street, below Third, Philadelphia. dl*6t* Bituminous coal.—Tho undersigned is prepared to famish thecitlsens of Phlladel pbla with a superior article of BITUMINOUS GOAL, snilable for burning in parlors or Notaries; making a cheerful and pleasant fire. All orders left at the office, No 42# South FOURTH Street, will be promptly at* tended w>. DUNLAP MCLAUGHLIN. Philadelphia, November ft), 1868. dl-12t* illoncg. £>£: AHA IN REAL ESTATE T7ANT wIPjvUvF ED, fora half interest In a business that will pay a satisfactory profit. Address BOX 683, Post Offloe, 1 j, dl-lt* FARGO, & CO., 400 CHESTNUT STREET, Purchase the Interest COUPONS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ANP SI,76O.—MORTGAGES tfptFeWvrof these amounts, well secured, for sale. Apply to J S. HUBER, p2T 206 South Fourth street. jbA nnn«- A CHOICE MORTGAGE of thtsamouutfor sale. J. 8. HUBER, 206 South Fourth street. Staritnlfitrol. M 60,000 PEACH TREES; ZJZ 30,000 GRAPE TINES. For sale by O. B. ROGERS, nST-fit* No. 11l MABEBT Street. |~IERMANTOTYN TELEGRAPH—Now is VE the time to subscribe for this model .Family, Agricultural, and Horticultural Journal. Great in ducements to Olubs! 16 ooples for $20,10 copies for $l6, and one copy to the getter-up of the Club free. Single subscriptions $2 a year, or 3 years for $5. Money always to be paid in advanoe. Address P. B. FKEAb, Germantown, Pa. lt*B QOOD GROCERIES, AT I AIR PRICES!!! CHAS. H. MATTSON, Southwest corner TENTH and AROH Streets. Has on hand, and is generally rewiring THH BBS T OF GROOEBIKB, which he will sell at the most REASON ABLE PRIOEd FOB OABH Haring a LARGE and OHOIOE ASSORTMENT of BLACK aad GREEN TEAB. he Is confident of being able to salt, both in quality and nrloe, all persons in want of the article, in quantities of from one pound to the half ohest. H!s general assort, ment embraces ererythtog in the way or FINE GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully inrite all in want of good articles to giro him a call. ItlwUl be worth the trial. n39-lmo JGURST PREMIUM AWARDED r Bt TUB FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, 1868, TO TBK f WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOa TBBIB UKBtVALtXD PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, OLAHKB, A YOUNG, 130 and 132 South PBONT Street, n37-tf Ageoto for the Company. J> U R JS DOUBLE BURNING FLUID , MANUFACTURED and for sale, in barrels and half barrels, by THOMAB ft GORFIELD, n37-7l#lf 130 NORTH WHARVES. OCOTOH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND IO BROWN STOUT. R. Youngers’ Ale, St. Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, in stone pints. Muir ft Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in stone pta. Finsi A Williams’ London Brown Stout, in glass pts. do do Porter, in glass pts, F. Bleed & Co.’s Dublin Stout, in stene pts, . In store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YJBATON, nSO-tf < 210 Booth FRONT Street. S SNYDER LEIDY-—JAB. M. LEIDY, • Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS’ AOADEMY, Nos. 143 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC is made certain to every pupil that may enter. AOADEMY open day and evening. n 022 DR. M. CALKIN’S HAS RETURNED to the City, and may be consulted at his office and residence, No. 247 North NINTH Street. Hours from7to 10A.M.,and4U7P. M. n24-12t* DR. MoALLISTER, having returned to the city, has resumed the practice of his profession with Dr. Ganliene, at 263 Norlh ELEVENTH Street, below Vine. Office hours 7t09 A. M., and 6toB P. M. n27-6Uf* PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA- Kk§*e\ TIONS, with written descriptions of character, yt i including advice in reference to business, health, v/Hr 1 self-improvement, fto., are made day and eve nlng at FOWLER, WELLS, A CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count mads to elubs, mll-Smif 099 Chestnut et., Philadelphia. BALE ROPE AND TWINE, manufac tured and lor sale by WEAVER, FITLSB A CO., ne26 No. 231». Water st., and 22 N. Wharves. GOSHEN BUTTER—29 Tube Prime Goah.n Butter. Bor sale by O. 0. BAPI.BR, fc CO., w>9 • 10a ARCH .treat. , &7E7HITE-FISH.—A very Superior Artlole II or ■< Mackinaw” In Half Bbl»., Jut wcalMdtn Stoic, aal for Mie hr 0, 0. SADLER, fc CO., tri . ice AROH (treat. £JLOAK CLOTHS. ribbed andfiain BLACK AND COLORED BEAVERS, FOB . • LADIES' CLOAKS AND RAGLANS. , Just received, and for side cheep at SNODGRASS AND STEELMAN’S, dl*ot No. 62 South BEOOND St., above Chestnut. J^INBNS. L J. LEVY & GO. Beg to oall attention to the SUPERIOR STOCK OP LINENS AND HOUSE-FURNISHING! GOODS THEY HAVE NOW IN STOBF ( , Which ooosists in pert of 4-4 IRISH SHIRTING LINENS, BARNSLEY SHEETINGS, ALL WIDTHS! DAMASK.CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, DAMASK TABLE LINENS. TOWELS AND TOW BLINGS . WHITE AND COLORED MARSEILLES QUILTS; The whole of which thej offer AT THE LOWE3T MARKET PRICES. ALSO, ONE THOUSAND PAIBB 07 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BLANKETS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET* n29-3t BLACK FRENCH CASSIMERES.—Best Manufactures of {Doeskins and Oesalmeres, In olnding extra qualities of Blschoff’s. . Also. Black Preach Dress Cloths end Citrines. SHARPLESS BBOTHERB. nSO CHESTNUT As EIGHTH TjIANOY DRESS GOODS. •A We have now In store a large assortment of Autumn and Winter Silks, the prices of which have been mnch reduced, including New Lyons Styles of Me dium, Plain, and Rich designs, of this season’s impor tation. r Also, Double June, Double.flounce, and Robe a’Les. In Heavy Silks; Black Fancy Silks, and extra quality Black Taffetas. SHARPLESS BROTHER?. n 26 CHESTNUT As EIGHTH. QN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th, TIOKNOR . P. Bowers THE IRISH ATTORNEY.: Fierce O’Hara John Brew. °i i^mlssioii—Second Tier and Family Otreie, Third Tier, 85 cents; Parquet, 87* eanfe Breaa Circle, 60 cents; Prirate Boxes, aooording to tfcaU locale, $8 and $6; Single Beats in Orchestra and Print* Boxes, 76 cents. Boors open at half past 6 o’clock; Cortais rises at 7 O'CIOOX. ■ffi/HEATIJBT k OLAEKE’a ABOH-ST. J * THBATBH.— VUIiamS. 7n4niski|A«tlß2Kt THIB 1,18i8,. OTJB AMBBIOAN C9USIN Asa Trenohard, onr American Cousin, Mr. J, 8. Clark j Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. OHABLESn. Captain Copp) Mr. Gilbert; Mary Gopp, Mrs. View. Admission, 86 ets. Seeored Beats In Dress Oirele. BTm eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Seats in Private Boxas.Te ote : Gallery, 13 cts; Gallery for Colored Persons, 28 fltsi Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons. 88 ots! Whole Private Box, 88. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; oommenee at T, precisely. [\TATIOKAL CIRCUS, WAIiOTT ST., 11 above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, .Manager. THIS (Wedoesday) EVENING, December 1,1868. POLISH MARCH AND CAVALOADS. EQUB3TBIAN PEATS. „ . GYMNASTIC PEATS. To cenolade -with the Spectacle or DON IVAN. 0n THURSDAY, the CONBAD BROTHERS will appear. SCALE 07 PBIOES, Dress Circle And Parquette •••••,••••40 cents. Ohildren under ten years of age...... 20 ** Family Circle.,., .go «« Doors open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performances will commence at 7, and terminate at 10jg, precisely. ST* Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. OHAKSPEARE CONCERT SALOON, k? Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets Entrance on Sixth street. The above establishment, haring been effectually re-' norated in erery particular, newly papered,-panted, ornamented and beautified, b now open to'the publlo, and will recommend Itself to all gentlemen fond of the popular amusements of the present day. It Is the in* tention of the managers to establish a high-toned place of entertainment, and to which gentlemen may resort, either day or evening, for refreshments, Ac. , The manager, Mr. J. H. BOBINSON, b well known throughout the Union aa a finished Comedian, a supe rior Comlo Yocalbt, and admirable delineator of the Burlesque, under whose superior judgment the Com pany has been selected. The lessee b Hr. ANDREW SCOTT, for a long series of years associated with the press and printing business in thb city. They both expect numerous calb from their old friends, and the public generally.' , The Company will be composed of the following pop ular favorites, and new importations of beauty and talent: Miss CAROLINE DUBUQUE, Miss AURALINB GILLOHBIBT. Mbs LAURA LE OLAIB, LAJOUB ADELB, ' The Magnificent Petite Pumwm, Mr. W. BLOOMER, * Mr. R. BHSPPARD, Mr. 3. ROBBON, The Unequalled English Eccentricity, Mr. J.H. ROBINSON, HERR'YOUBT, and others. Professor THIODON.... Musical Direetar.. The Saloon will be open during the day. FREE OP CHARGE. In the Erecting, the price of admission will be TEN CENTS The management, relying upon the character of the' performances, the excellent 'appointments of the esta-. blishment, their determination to cater in a popular manner to the tastes of a judicious publio, respectfully invite a visit. The entertainment of ti)B evening will eemmenoe at 7.45: terminating at 11 o’cltck. - r NOTlCE.—Gentlemen will observe an intermission of three minutes between each,act, daring which they will please make their calls for refreshments - no&T-ft A SSEKBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND -nL CHESTNUT Streets. - Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change'of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNQR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening during the viek, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. ' Admission, 25 cants; Children, 13 cents. no9£-lm* IVfUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE GER- J.VJL MANIA ORCHESTRA "will commence ' their Public RBHBARBALS on SATURDAY next. Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 26 cents; a package or eight tickets for $l, which may be obtained at'Andre’s, HO4 Ohestnnt street; Beck ft Lawton’s, corner of Seventh and Ohestnnt, and at - the door of the Hall. The per fonnance commences at 3# o’clock P.M. nol7-tf SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, 1 ELEVENTH Street, adjoining Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. * 1 GREAT BILL For the patrons of SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE* THIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s true version of UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. The largest Company of MINSTBJ3LB IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Choruses, Refrains, fto., with Danolog by the SANFORD CHILDREN. Admission 26 cents; Children J3# cents. 07“ On-Thanksgiving Day THREE Performances, vis: 10#, 2#, and 7# o’clock in Hie evening, nol-lm. 3tu»rantt dumpanipu. H/lABKET fibb INSURANCE 00. ivJL ■ OF THE CITY OF NEW FORK. GASH CAP1TAL.......;.. SURPLUS *....*..:• 78,200 .... *378,300 TOTAL ASSETS-... DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President. PhiletusH.Holt of 236 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham’s ft Hutchinson. Silas Darts, of A. B. ft 8. Davis. Oliter H. Shepard, of Shepard, Howe ft Oe- Henry Rowland, of Rowland ft Banks. Alfred L. Rowe,of T. G. ft A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller ft Co. Stephen W- Gaines, of S. W. ft R. A. Gaines, felisha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, ft Co. Nelson Bherwood, of Nelson Sherwood ft Co. Henry Q Reere, of H. G. Reeve ft Co. Daniel T. Willets, of WUlete ft Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker ft Da Camp. John U. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce, Odell, ft Fanmm. Stephen Llnington, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketch amft Co. Wm A. Como logs, of Beards ft Oohunisgg. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamns, ft Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine ft Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. ft J Whitfield ft Co, Albert Havemver, (lata Havemyer ft HoUer.) Tennis W. Quick, of Quiok ft I’Hommedieo. David M. Torn ore, of Kdey ft Turn ore. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro ft Co. Edward Bill, of 119 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V. King ft Gp. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin ft Brother. John Frisbie, (Freeland, Squires, ft Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON, No. 108 Bouth fOUBTH Street, Philadelphia. ocl-frmlcTr3Bi*if Great western insurance and TRUST COMPANY. OFPIOE IN COMPANY’S BUILDING. 403 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT OF BUSINESS EOR TEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1858. .$223 800 00 51,453 03 $275,258 0$ Received for Premiums 91,595 45 . “ “ Interest, Rents, &o 7,825 49 899,890 04 Paid Losses. Expend Commis sions,'re-insurance, Eeturn ed Premiums. &o $70,383 00 ASSETS. Real Estate. Bonds and Mort- • gages . $141,247 00 BtOCkB 41,915 00 Bills Receivable.69,BB6 13 Unsettlf d Premiums and other debts due Company • • 17,823 02 Cash on hand, and in the hands of Agents ... 8,389 28 $276,363 03 At a meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 16th imt., the following persons were elected DIREC* TORS for the ensuing year, lit : CHARLES 0 LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street.' ALEX. WHILLDIN, merchant. 18 N. front street. WM DARLING, 1838 fine street. ISAAC HAZLEHUBST, Solicitor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, A Co. EXTRACT, firm o t B.. Tracy A Ob., Goldsmith’s JOHNR. MoOURDY, firm of Jones, White, A He- Curdy. THOS. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. JAS. B. SMITH, firm of J. B. Smith A Co. JOHN B, VOGDES, oor. Seventh and Sansomsts. DANIEL L. COLLIER, firm of 0. fl. Grant A Co. . THOMAS POTTER. 229 Arch, street. CHARLES HARLAN, cor. Walnut and Sixth streets. JONATHAN J. BLOOUM.IotS. Fourth street. At ft subsequent meeting of the Board CHARLES 0. LATHROP tu unanimously re-elected President, and Hon. WU. DABLIhG Tice JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. This Company has DISCONTINUED MARINE HULL RISKS. _ TIRE, INLAND, and MARINI CARGO RISKS con. tbme to be taken on the lowest terms. . n27-d