:11 , 14% 4*-11f • '''';t r A4T 'tfr - PP'"" -iC-'l=7;i-V.,,1"i6P7,7.--11T-,,,,1f ;3.;,,,,',-,-,..i...7. • -'• 4i''.€fii;'"-ti2V-=',`,;'Zi'l-fl•'.;',, -- . -, -...r.-i,-;;?:*4i',;,_,=':,-;,..::::,j • 341tb a roe i cr , 0 , 4.- --AA A mos ri hn - .4,w. -w a nt thaw b • tr':,llZo,;`4p , ' . • ) 4 bNi I Oi allipSi.l ni"s . o44:9l l l4•lo.4o°/%2 ., Zi= tailiOriti** 4 111 4 10 1' • -•••,avt • ,k i i,tray6.0 , ,,k4.:1 , ik:Ap = 5 1 ;5.(,j 9.410 1 . 14 0 05 # 0 0. 11 , 041 V0 110 71tiTZ.:, 41%,'4:,5,-liverwsialstsittlibtlittt ultrl re a r s, <: -4 • ur .. :W..- * (B,i'islifeititteritualliirt feels his srtiy '.t utF & n,tlii 6k - "? .. iiitoytOlibt,b,P ll o t • fif t irt h ° , " 23 ,,T041141.031WW,0pAerr„t14`!- . 44' ,,, ii .A 4 1 , 114 1 . 1. !1ti:t Sitokbilth the bias of, little sot9ll-1, fixTailytiWistio 1-I"kwar rinrtl, itf.l ' • g ti le doeidetlehthtt MS "Mattel 6 / 05 , 44, bbi*ithes's)titr ;1:4 What cicist4o4 l *, Whit of thiVa1,5464f,4,-, I ' 4 l, akintio,fidopp9tty.„.-11' , t p hiirelttlAhoggigiriot f 11110 100111 A - Cowl tw wheiatk he ist wo W Wel •ho , -•- HO. 011.: :17 1 .#4 t # 1 9.0r i ' s 4ll .:tM n r , _.., eZ A 6ll ,' 4 .1' TOW! '''''''' • i4iyotullit. ,rloarie444 nativihote welt 1 -eyesl in titans ''` , • „ ,„:. levieri , a64. over mimeo !? Oat Wills 1440 Iniser-lipttl,A, Serbreireldnit• daub. goes as' totitte - aliwn be goes t• , • • wisiNecuuktiftfully tatreating foher, seat Ste! '-He is hyfbeiili,epsstbtinse • , .. . ~ , kcAskatif;iftiitsp - tAP4*.t . j, - , , tiriiii4i.1,1444. 1 4, 1 194iri" , : , ;.: - 4 . ;,,,' : . 7, — ;; , :`,.; 4.4% - t , Inl•TortbrifVfrri - thir itootints otitis:rawness:of_ = theliiio*iteftTirtiiiiiiiittiiiinitigaSiiiie'yeA . - , by the,ste.wspapets, 34ad been.receivedwithiho ineriffidiftnot"tc - sayi contempt; :witittembion' everythine_.Printedfrand-. not , ,authenticarted ''. -by some tmstesi local name,.is rpealvedlulhat` primitive" pitt tir=l . iiiisn4,. On, - ma, net' Oily . as,pepil'Offlemeypend one, tookwhabadcom-: 'Pitted blotteltto thefsoindness of thesiyatrifk ' ' "del* 1 " 11 - 4 - e'nif ' in: prinf;,btit as a - Lon , _,,, ft *in ~ p „ '-' , :equeltrian:exparinnine.;, - noluinigiamount" - Of Provilicial te-nis eipendedby-Mvienmitable4 frleideL, 040-XO.4v,P. sito.'lAtto:i2,ol l lol o iti and"the.,,p jy, pes4.o,pe:.,,quite .pi ' , Auden' Anne's days;:as „sketebectoby Illaceitley in'his first Tvolditieorthelliatdry'vor l England - p: still, prevail among, - the ......yeoman.-farmers --and. sporting persons, who.babdli..thii. eorkserik much * mere' famillarlylthato thste,paper 7 ltuifer one-hoginTkpott;;ltt'leilt;theY open daily, , but; a' low. book, . nOti , ,htililg.lordoeal. origin , verytrately. - t• The'Londoner? therefore, wile' , doetiebbefieprebiatif,Ss daily bettte/Aid.ratteit objects_;i,4lll.64 and 4ater,riiiid,-toblieed;,ln theAlddifilirthe - dsy; is set dowiii by ti.fewor. the DevOnianeifatives orthe , ohler , ftirmation es &sort of Milkitip, l 'istlyilf tii - ilde a donkey and -at 'sparrows;, al - theugliAL strongly autqatettasfi hedx We , teOtaa "Or, :these liardj beadeelt4tilkiii(Ontibmiip - issi:tlielf_eObi .': ' in 1110'T/eta etAideibpsy•or-tigirgarroirf*er ' try;.fweliondtiltens fshauld - maknrather - rantex- - , ampleliffrthiiNa.?- 7; " , -' , _ , ' , ;:"P , ..."-[.••!.-v . .7 1' tt• '-' l ,' NQt.lk - pevph'ii;tberefere,.cnir theisCie -.• dietriewin , ,lsngland, for...putting :the .'- Rarer. •_. systinf it& hiiii6;tritining in practise 1 for; ton E ' d 114 'lll ' inf ' ''''' ' =swer v e!' .0. , acp er nbr ( ploore, r un -loiwitilatile - rifilite‘cittridY-411d. ponies: and = 'GallOgyfiAhormigh'..bfed,"kalf.bkedkniid pure • , 'Exliok s vflalOPACOMffinglii'detintytiedition, ?- baretb*. daigiantfo l , o ,:thaktoott in9P o # 4 , Ate: , the PholtielibitiniminersAMlnreatrained by -any,;ghlei l bOundifttheY,relWisPrdo l ether care; IronitiOstimei.th,ey nte e .Tialed" nntil- i they,are, .ante 'isforlwork.„ "than lat'little,.heY , . in very_ severe" winterCiinffi this .pccosionaVdiscippne 7 of bpjeg chased bizek, - Winin i tbefhave'strafid - + beyouLpittiali lquints, , by the• shouts, and whip- - - ~-crackingof 'twp, or, three", : niemrited hersemen;J , ..., , quitg sit ICthnt Millie -fu n`of the,'•obasie . sis • on - , ' , tisnAnty;ol. , ,,reiktoring „the-,wild"loOlki to their ' " - AndifiP:ainlit.mitel ' banter; Wiese - settled roftl.i.".o . 3 . 4 l ta , "abo, l 4 l ta.LAYlvan- - front _ • the moorsfor - the:Lendosser:to - ,..tri "the ,new . systeseen, *-"It was , iii!-'ydn" - that - .l"_ preteated: thit'` . it .#l4khigliiiiitlidif tetAifigrtoe•'bolt.' . taming, not' to- tame ctilkt=that,,L:iVall' - ' cht, and scant , o' breath" intiVaittigetber. MA of ' conaltiBil l iWateereptitilmy'etsperinfintli.W: ' snob wild'specimenit.pc If, saw , flying frobi ' Vs. wheal* wetiedif;but 'Mrqersemocr.'t The ? , ilat' 4 ,...halV"gdpd""Tortifi'• The latirsenj' t5.`104'..:. _burden; : gm I lecal.banker,,anotheifpxlituiterl. ' the- GreatZlitaiN agent,. also. Is: , foxhunter; - , mad 'their `Wisles"'-and(thein:i.daUghters,- , had - , been!iffAtiV.Whili-",the',equite;k_Wildie : word waif. liii, - ,lntAhat3-4arbilt at` any lite; ;had • giveit'4l'rders:pit tyro coltswere` to:be driven - 'lf fri?"4- 0 0 00 . 1 rP.1 ) .6'li nd d..10 14 0-4,filtofroudoxi down„.4ithe irinten.finsiWt t his Prise; MAN.`, "- Having slaver befiretriedmybami on anything, " - morel.iiiTifigiCa*s llKarid."""twe;Or. f . three. perfectly - broken beiges, nridAwing,:elao'fax., fully, conscious thatisedentery • summer labors bid by , filfiasSati preparedtae Ter' sticli'strode exercise mthesporildi denizens; of :the Atha seemedittpriimise,tmust confesalliniked fi"si; , . ward to, the,,gxhibitien before an assembit c ev i .:. aent. l 7 , l*a r , dg ii , Sali k th,o 6o "ri:l4 tl l 'mkt satismction;asiso'irpl iriumpliefeountry,oyer sreT! townatesitiori.%fei.Erto-Trade,Andigood old th epowsifityphosiet.lope-riobb-bgnabio, thootioaalibgilo,;:ivi,ignitiiiiit but faction: , -.?A-feir,years , igteelsgezforisuch worl&l'llrhsiiv.‘tindirtektinl sibirizelle ,_iteoPietilth'infinitelYinatiiiatlifOthin; Iloweven-dbezjdaYicarie, , ,the,affjadges Were ranged sill'a;teririble Sovr,g' . -andl had ,no help' ./1nt_,Kp,.:4;4494.7 i fiaj.0ute. 1 4,v: , . ter, Odle- rejcsine `..inwitatilhat:t - inill'not ' - caughti the ; cmnplEdnt.For, the Teounty and sn , dulgid';',W)ifter.ditillicr l heads "oflny sOrtisii: and- hetrackianing.4eati,-.Sis r.Pulled.4lf-ini jackets'• turned. R , Thzletroiviltrsija4tt"mgke 4 .:, intoAhellerena. 44Thjs-soughtii torbave - :been covered in ; forftinately,,s considering • 'Ake wildness of my - ffehleite; le Wag . surrounded on throe Isblesslo.esttle.slieds;_and, the floor , • was a'fOot .deep in atii,cg4u4rptteß straw; on 7. the' fonith sitie`i4teT;railit aid ii_gate;'aleng` which the spectatordiviwe'lliiiika; anxious and . ' incredaloui. ..-o, tvisr . .....l.Px - 11 -.:21c.i,zv , •: - ; , mi . thraV iiittlini4iiii , •eth*Osiicold'stiiii,' . _nig: colt, nearly•timplildils*,`,,senCisetwein thirteen .', and feiriesnOnifidstbileh-• fit 'hut ' " been ttilteredjltitticey'6*.ifindledr-f 'Bever -betaWILWJSW.4OI, O ,r. - AAllitlnin titelfland ' endeaxpoEyszoscall irapheaal#'3 l , l linnerz lir , IthiolicAltrefklltwilgolf ~,Tai", i aria' acted; In ordestoilie!delelosegantimitatfori4sfildi prov ceediniti#44 ll ffie lixtong`'ciillifil for el, roceeded. iarY:VOligilial . : Irirlt-ifiaNdt AO wild as sepastAjticena,*lons,:lititlid-,4dee t hiiiti, ° l 4 43 4kll*ViltrPgatObeiln(d.ginPied4 - . withf.jese x Amsultrathati ' , int ht lave - been: - papected; inlAting ailfridle;on IL,- To.getin - tt"Poaltion'W PrOtinjai,oo, l PC 00 :lOW 1 4 1 ; `llls le&#ftsow•Werklitisonie,;tlidei:slinf;lby_ careful im e i t tation , of .the master horse-,traineri: I ocabii IftufCitkipotT.iiiiLtiteifeir foto - ' be qffi r tir'" Ightl--Vtherl'lafe . my,,olitlind to' look round hini for At'lewJmintites,fand then . • began - rlead;Tbini - ..about - in balfzzeireles. .This waff'difficult, fir ,ifin to db; because , :thsi •'' space:Wes lob _confined; it was also difficult for blini.because'lhe floorliiis - :soft and deep. - , As, he,ivag,..gpoil A tempeted;and irsis powerless ] on threst legit; Iliad - no tiffiitiltYltatrappliiir a leatheg4M.f s rnttnikme IsMiYtollitansAftor4wo , attempts,' had the strap number two securely looped round hiffoffirforedeg.lin three,mlautes ,I•had. bim on;his knees, - •From bus knees be leapedi'vrildiklataltAliper,atlirseVeriliittids; but dill:not, make anything like the ,fight . of a trainerninifiefill' lir .'doift = f . .qf m ttia war . _ had. been less deep; he would, no 'donist, have, • fought longer. Ife sank sooner bast- I ez. • pectedifflititsnots•befotir-inf Windl'hati: beeir - taxed, and I lost no time In `tying .:( ,1- hisLothel leg - - up to the 01111 : '` 4 . r-• 1 - 1 '"' '''' _ - :- I thesi proceeded 'to 4f, gentief _him. This - ' ,_,process . resembles ' tile passes which Ines morian& 's , s.o.4aZtiOn l 7. -tlitit„PaAnAkOna - - ' -) ltatuany ',smeothed ~ 'down continuously, r next ".unlooffidceldini..and..made t:thim7 Ilse,- and. repeated the operation• of _ lying him ' - down.,, Whilecdoiiii'l niountedtinf, laid 1 4 1 %anil Pit cesiyile ,on bim.--- Then, tin, "tyingiblistrailfr reptaitistillii,katilhiff Ina; it t -PtiNsA o -41 0 Iril-n-rglAlitlit9-.11 3 11- girth oall ' him 4 witnout any resistance. Withi4:44regiquicionitiotsmi.bour.,.;.fromimiy first laying "down. my_inerednious squire mountedhbstrand4,ledliin first severaltlmee round the yard; and'then,twice. rand a ten , ' a ere:ileldettre l iktdrorieWtiltirtoliltiliblVall , - --. ~ the While; - ,ll„hir asXhit-Th se ~ ' timeafiofe`fgrliiiiciatMs g -. ; o, , At , gi n fa i - ;;, - '' f f. J.L'*9 the -ATIA,LaY.fI-A- 0 .90 ,fi..f a ti - 04nriC.o.n.ithe -- '----, .' -..--,, now system le tee genems an :arm servants' c'.''';' - ':- , ? tl: ; liiiideoii.partiontellylmpreesintoncthem.the, ' . ' : ,-teeeeffity , ist , 'gentle movements 'find :gentle' ‘ 4 4 , - , - ; '-: ,- ;t. - . - --coiatkiri dialing with'Cooits, for,;--%forinVet.:. • "'treiffiP'"o.ffilaulti Jr tildticing,theßiP be cm' - "'"' - ' 4 4.6 WbOrtb sidge _ktAiehalt• •!' •/'•,•5. • " :11AFIVILO Crig°Mr, , oticadjAVAITII*V2LA NIZI qua ; rci • • " nin ' l sIuwASTATI; novo . /6-" IZAKA?" 44 4 I' *VI C I: f in azoce Oakum on ,pop , nogg, 1 0 : 14 VIKei9 ' ol 9 lll lndOntalOgn.o etfOrni ptlthiibt st.,tyo propawf ?Odd on, thew gltetd V., -: • thllk BAYAB-14ITOOK8 'AND' SUL' h)Mghteiattl32ol4 , ltalei,2sl Forembeti , at , the ,anaageoql, it , Nineteenth 'l4ll.,ttele, 80th iicivember, at the , *a. Vat Of=tho thilabeie 'Wee' nett , teadar:•, - * , 17.thi , t - ' ' • - sou .-ezitemd.on' our Tem*: And-advertisoid occasionally in our Public Site WA*, (brwhiols - 4900 copies ate prlatedweeklk,) xets,,Of.ehareet ,r l s - i iftra:T2 4,T,PRIVATJO. EMUS,. 'lor2 • elre - ilitttaelPegat,ettlaallirtate at Pri , este itatee,hiebid.lng story description of Clity, and aoSustif_properSy : .= Printed-L . hita may be kad ,at the : 4114 "Ilicratl 1,44- LIP Otfilillitli/ORITIMILITIMEibi*ICP/4- '.! ule„thla r plotning.'eti,the 'auction idobni ,rlse irealdea - 600 las. Of ' eiColleat ssCona•lond ;Arr. ,ingrairt, eudi'VelitVek.cmip4toh:OhiniC Igtl l . l 4o.asa,*arii bcas,anil fonniou an at lleassorlinentrltorth' the attenlionet hidlea'and 'olha ' = Er vatalokars new'ree4, atttolea Ur*llird ' ' BTOIIIIO, Yea. _ „, _ . .V(4114, - omMitaii 1544'10 r bfoldat;•at thit'lebtlMolyltoa 41 - _ ... • - • afratiamiikfoinklaimboik Aatlisaic Company. •' rayate)f ilatiajlkill Vdlley i•Naylgatlon and Ballitad aPompiarpa ?quill/10/4B Company% .., 14, • fh.illdalyloa 2attd. BaTannah Ste,BlaTigs ttontiointausj...° •". •,.' . %•elisies 0043aii - Elteim brairliation Company: : ' •" 414 ; elms -Wast•Philadelphla Pamenget Fee. 04M4May. , t'ae4aeolit - of *hem' It may &imp—. 100 diktat 06litiab!ii daal grid Iron Company. - "A HIGHTEICNTIL liTifi'B/1,1—N093118411. 28d, • ANDSOMId MODERN BE811?INOB, east Bide of BOLd'itroot; above - Parfet, street; with - 'Win ',and oosolOninsi,dot 40 by' 160 feet;' ••-'• rfAidlißblii - YOUS,STORV•BEION! 19:224 • reaf-?streeti between Do* and Third dtreeta, south otWalont. - .. , , • . , .... ..., . . , irifiblitfikßLETTßAM SXWMILLISO2IBRB YARD, W in litP,'. 1.14 bi LARGE 40T, ' , Dales* -Burlington `4 ty, N. J. .. l ~'.6')ol : :' .Trwiteeie Bale. ' . ALUBLAI.BUBINBINI LOOATTON, eontbeast nor ' nig of Berenth and Carpenter streets between Market quid Otestant Istrbetif'' — ',..."""'" '`, ' '.7..... - - y tLIMBrat 111M3INXBX. LOOLTION.—Thren story :kith dwelling. Nor 116 "Booth= Tenth atieet, between 13liestrint - and:Walnut ittrtets.7 . ' '— ----: --:.. ---, — 7 ,--- - Bisiiitterr'4lll4l4=—' Lama,: lite 04 Jammu . 1 1rerreol - -Deoidi," - VALUABLE , 812410 -IMAM, - liter MG sores; betirhen 'llthitleton'and the lox Ohm ' wittrit - 'friint biii'Penite. lbl lokeedet. - , 1 .- , 71'.4; n .1 , :al. ;• .ei , ', , , ,, •; - -: ; - •.- - • n ..„ OUTHAINVIINT/I4 lITHRBV.-4 Bwo'ithie4-story f 2 sk dwthat i oNb:sl. 2 Bentibtiaiiititti street, between behraia with Maisie: Tifili .c. i'.. i , ...J- 11 , .. "... 1 ' • ",:, ' so t BILIDBIBMA-BILB--04101iNDABNTEL—Three lyre- de tddileleimild'redtirorsoo-perirminurii i,sinCor 562 til,per,annein,, ,, ,ine-or $4O. per.annum; one of , $24 lia tinismn bpsiii,-, ti 4.410., 74400, per. annum,- and, a.. re- Alo able ground-reatufbiloo per aiinint:-sutoh.peoured. i ltiy, 5iek:0014192 1 40.:Y:i.,1 .•1 I : :t - ;:,:..,.,,,,;.: , r A' ' - MODBMIAN49SI9 01i N 0.11114 Loonst 41i442, - went -or-Tithed strest io optosite tha Araerloix - headomyofMn:' -ali lot 22 : InTrlmmeMeta'poiminisiont -• ?-.. '. -•.- .:1 •,- '. -,. .: • ... , f-vr_ 4,1 , Peremptory 1419.• i , ••• ',,_ • -2. d t •,- liE Ili biIiRAL:BTILBIT.—Two ithrea-shiry brlak, wel• din 1. - Nos. 72iN and. .2234' lederal - street, i between , T With" and-Thirteenth streets. SOIITM-111.1498NTE - BITRIIVIM—Two neat; modern dirialingi;, Ni 4 .4 410'. , like 412 Smith Illeventiv- itts42,. loalow•Pinerstr444: .2.4:1 , 1 f.: .2.",• .il 'c , '... , , - 5 , -, - . • .: SIISINESS.LOCIATIONiBOXITH SECOND STREET. Prime Store,and,fear, fonr,storr briok - .dwellings, Noe. wad-illpouth - .BSedint `strset, below - Pine street, op its the market bittsel ' - ANDSOMIL-PROWN-STONIGRESIDENfiN, - No. 1150 Pine stoma (Union Place),. between sod - -104teektlrftrentitc,:f.Itin ,handnomely. finished with the anot itniiOlerpents, endl• eonynnlesons.- Immediate Oiligill)HlPOiltiiitiberiivirltNii, with Untie; ...stoFf„ Taste. N6 4 1.7,4,N0rth Thlitstinth street, I • Willfikieltitetoieiret BliteOnthntreet. • Lot Or GUOUND - east- side of- Twenty-se cond ntriet_obetweenTinetuttl Zomhard streets. ••• tfor:GY GROUND,tWeir 'Onset; west of Sixteenth street, late tliningOtadeit- • , • • , r,O `,ZIPAT PILIIIMPTORP .13110 k DWEDLINGI3,- 'North Twelfth; street, s?nth - of. Word strnitt, Twenti• -•- ARAEAOOtine nosy mac DWSLtilliCh ESA- Alm* strneti`tnirthinitof Htuaiiiildpstilice4 Nineteenth - TI4O2, TWO t - STQAT ;BIii.OBIDViiIiLINGS,; Lomeli Shit& ne - rtltet. Insane: strestillighteenth irsrd , Lpt..084140,17*11 4 pithisralt itieet , south 'or patt,',, ilith - street; :=" ' • • - - • LOT cf",(000ti):` 14.6 street , worth of Muter :04st: • • • ,• - LOT. • OP: GRO ..r RNp; resign i !trees,' aonue u • t . from . ooWetieit. t , :;td hlberig iOnthwilet of Pyre streeEttirenty•thint ward-, , PITE'GRGUND-RENTS' Iwo each, secured by 0* brick dwellings, Fulton etreet.,, yyViss MORTGAGES of 5400 oath, peogirs4 by brick dwellings Balton street. - • N ; 'Petetoptory Sale. 5212.2.1,2•TU1S R. W. CARTER." • - Ntiiembei , 19t ,I at .191-'-oielook will be aoldwithont ;embryo, at the Phi; adelghla Elokanve- - "1* The aide-wheel steam-his _ Oarter 2 lo built 1854, of white - oak—baa been in"lienetent on ever aims (towing - on the Wier DelaWare)i' is - What in length ind 18 reitin and iiiesau.-es 82 41-9 b tons ir hula Ip - ,piessitie:eandeneing angina: - withw stray* or 01t, with an 18 - inch 4 eplindsr, Sh e now ilea at W gton-street .„ „'-' Sale sibaolute. , verats—iaah. 'BlOO, -be paid theltlme of 4 '•c - • .4 ' _IYl• at N 04.189 and 141 boat PaivUt aired. . #171111.1011, R18R1.717118, _ PIAIIO-101171;11 1 .121.11 , -, 7Blritntiglik4/C104114118,88178811.0 - _ l- ';4l.t -9, iVeloelc; st, the sacrum gier , extol:win ilellegtatent qt elaellent seoond-hand biotite!, elegant .plato-fittin, line mlrmis, carpets, ete, trine private es deolining housekeeping, removed to the store Jot ecavanienee of sale. 113zeeittorliflikliNo..15811(cititli Ponirik Btieet.i: . , NEAT FURNITURE. MIRROR, TAPESTRY OARPET,*M. On Tuends,f Morning. NOT. rid, at 10 oi , elociri itt.'fieLfee - Bonth Fourth first*, neat furniture, mirror, tapestry aarrt, &e. Alsoithe • -; - • 'pir,llay be ealyninadatB Onleoit on the morning of I'aremntory 2.7,1ent, 'OP 130$00NER. '‘‘,ollAllllllll PARKER) , f. - On Pridsy, - - NoTimber,2Bo4 at o'clock, -noon, will be sold - withou t ' reserve; at the Philadelphia Ex ?change= Haven-sixteenth of the schooner w.Oharles Parker. , ) She was built at "lforked'r River, Plow Juicy; in 1848. MerVimensioxis are as . follows, da :. Length 70 feet ; brOidteg6 feet"depth [fair 178 . 11,00 tons re -11•10 Ilbsolnso. 050 to pal 4 at the time of _ . , . -, IBITENSI.VZ AND TALUABLB, 41DRABY. . , .... On Pndayllorning, _ X w: SCA .at 10aNdoek, whit be add at the auction Na.Bonth Yourlh atrest. without reserve, by ,order ,of !poi, a very large anevelnable private' liliraiy, 4 , ~.m rising many,,,rare, queens,. and- valuable works in eve department of literature. ' - The aale will be ntiznied in the afternoon and are OS.. _ llyllatalOgnas wi ll loi - ready, and the arranged rim ekaminaliou a week prsvlotis to sale. -....- - TO OADIALINTBIiIIILD/114;40:=:-LANON AND AlaltellLlo LOT AT YAWATA! RAI.Di , LOOLIOT flt . th- eide,between.Brad end /fifteenth streets, 118 f feet d pint en Lomat Ali:set, by 171Ifeet depth to alO ley ...................„ . . . . ' 411 1 6131 i if N .ii. T li Alf kf, AIIOIIO,NEBR. JAL" AND 001,10111131001 11111ZOHANT a $. U.. corner U and RAO" Attests .' --, - - ‘ 7. ,-,-, .... , , ,t.,,, , , :1itt ! ;: sycl e lrs ll u llA berh r t t ollll2 l.6o l N fl eeix A y lllo „. o6l 4,... Ct r ' ll .al A oli Tl ß O T N .l . l ti,. iCi a .Itroni one dollar thousands; on gold and silver plate, - diamonds, rAi d phes, jewelry,. fowling - pieces ,- fowling - pieces ,- =tusks] , enttiltrmittireoliy goods; olothia g, groceries, M hardware cutlery, books, horses, yeoles, hat ' ,ness and all articles attains, for any length of time agr9: m on, at Nalltstior , Trinefpal- Establithment, 1 lentricast conigcd flixtb and Rem streote , -, . , , linf '' Pronilmorr noted; Witt ' villain& 'llseleinted i at the I est get rates. .- - I ffATallt. 19111.101 PAL lielikoLlElillaNT, 0, P. I , ..., 0011NNBADP SIZTII - AND 114.031ITENBT8. - '' Willer plate , money will belnman, ildt ood on gold and I Willer platedismondli,watehes,,lewety, fowling-view, „dry.grodik clothing, grooOrles liquors, olgars; hard; "Ware, cutlery , Taney eallaleei l anlrrprq,+paintings, en- Entrap, -modest instrdeientc, furniture, Padding, korsearrahloleeilaritealli atookai and all 'other articles kraal all : , .. enttoultired td tall ont-doer ealea s _elther it % rate dwellings, stores, or &nohow, arta 011 aWil Ow • low. UEL NATHAIfS,'ALtrOT/ONBER, sad EIONZY 'MOAN , OPPIGII, No. 224 Boa tA !T113111; 1314243,"1f010w Wend, opposite Put it., only olgh4 doors below-4140 Xxobnags. ',..-r-Ho'nea of buidziest 1 eine cOolook, A. it. , Until ,10 o,oloSk of eo - Ont-dodi siles;lo4 - Wei 110 Ski Anistion Um% Ca' *WM apse the most sististostssitersts CAPITAL 1100,000.. I, 3:14 4 / 4 4/44d.fpr 414,4a4427Airt5 , nos, • Adman! midi front 60140W:10 thotssads on 11110 , ' = Um Platc;WitalrespaSitsl24 - Ersrdwiusildee Olothlng, larniturs, Sodding, Olgare i Maffisal SlDistium m graina l OsSrliges, susl,Usegs 0, - 11 . v' M goodc4miCionsoAi ' , any length , of -.llmo - 44;144 . 0 . 4111idvssess, from Asko MO* dollartscasapwardsl win s Ip be '‘sut Urged ;or sant:per month ; $5OO sad am, win s k market rato. t.4;..TA0 Store forte Awfluj . ol _depth of LSO Mot, kas largo Are iusd th*proorsaults is store sl5 valsablessand pol -!S twatsbakeroi the,firom%6ol_ alio, • hssyyjzsm a d reaol f fdre644 4"f,, , 4 2 / 1 10*1 4 / 1 94 P . ?, . . n lin OIL p tbieit f ha'iln r tudilmliid es ce Is pretst-ted of . on *OO patio today and assonunodnilnie terns Nadi Sist"ffilter fa Odty. . , , - jimmy advanandlloSho.pont, wi4Al ' QUI ehartt , 42 0 AlliAt14 BALI `r -Ebird intent Lovoi'szd - f6tlser void Wgiiies; _it le oulidnn be gold atysdnciadinlattal - , • al nigEtoLtidialt";;EXAlllNA: - ; 6 , 4, 6 , 7 1, TONS, with writted deedriSliturof eldtridteri! F : ' lpeladingadviebidreferined to tristeelii bealtb aittf-trapravemew are reads diy stitirri; ming at - 440WIMItii WILLS; %.• , ivA • . 1 - 114tedilem visited when•-regaeetedjand-a liberal die. eouwe made to stubs.' • •-• ••• • z eig.dm r - - itieetent : it.; Phit'edelphikl .1 1 -91:*r#G- - 9-tasssS.; • -'n I ., ,t!Kf raetnrerCe >l;olsKflitl .TBr4npd .P4Ella, #44IIDEvIVALL9; of 'neer, '- and tdesaani; aTdrnq aT. ,of .0 - ,,N a ntaltalrßAlltl3;'ii4tlo.Tra*li • Mr' li4rtraltii' Inintrureg, and Photographs in every variety or style ask rtes i „ Intportere,c4 NOR&V,iNoo,;every new Ptibl batrou'tiiatilt. tdoment or issue, and tAintTniewtrolitttlio - netwirod-oribe. beat and trztrizt e Ii , IIZe d. OVIIIV T IO47/ '" xsiattiliwrhicfnpleo l o 4.x..uorr4ia,i Ifidnigidy vmd Iram,eoLoqking ibtwhiat theiztnidtithe altentidil or edentry custorners BriF }IA L ar. 61.6`011,1118TN11T EITILERT., °poem eau omelet 1100$110 111..A.Nrfie4E, a be , j ilieattettEWS Nano.- ftitfiretii#fifetuifti'gt folveat Vovi irteis ;;VeIii.V.O4,',ETTLE4 , *VYO r and . 22, t i yletOUREL - 4;. UV' VOr alVp i t ,/ 1 ,,p, VIA/ l U* Pirle%'-'4 PRESKI , •iPI4II.IAZELPItui ist — des - . =_lii Vtiiitio* "Fin/NESS, BRINLEY, L No. 429'MARKET STREET. "SALE OF IMPORTED, DAY. acoons ON FRIDAY INORNIN4,-AT 10 O'CLOCK. A CARD.—The attention of the trade is requested it) our sale of 490 lots of fancy and staple dry goods, Able (Friday) inorabig9 Noventber ± 101 h, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six months' credit, com prising a large assortment. ; Retailers.— 'ln sale this Morning -18012-4 Paris broehe erLus t re, shawls, colored centres. 500 eXtra.atiallivibriatirsolotid centres longsbawle. ',lOO 124 reversible wool shawls. ' +10012.4 solid colored wool shawls. !100 plaid wool ocg shawls 100 0-4 silk plaid satin-faced valenciad. 82 and 86 inch Lyons black mantilla velvets. 'Plaid poult de ,sold,'Molle it - Mees.' ITrimmlog ribbons, buck and kid gloves and gaunt lots. ;11-4 and 18.4 red-end Miltiniiblinkets. 'London fanny railway lap . blankets (Needlework este, collirs,Mieeves. dco. SALE OW IMPORTED DRY GOODS. • ; This Morning, 'Nov. 19th, at 10 o'clock, brastalogne, cn O months' 4000 packages arid tnt9'of imported dry goods. ii.CP Samples and catalogues early on the morning of .100 PIECES 0.4 BILK' PLAID' SATIN PACED ;VALENOLSS—BALANOB 01 TRH IMPORTATION. This !doming, - 7. 100 pieces 6.4 extra superior quality silk plaid satin faced valeselas, for city retail Undo; • , , • PLAID AND REVERSIBLE WOOL SHAWLS AND MANTLES. 1. .London plaid wool long shiwle: ' .Prench reversible wool square, shawls, Plaid woollen fringed Mantled. - MACKINAW., AND RAILWAY IILANKETS. bales 10.4,11.4,12.4, and 18,4 Whitney blankets. a bale heavy Mackiniw blankets: 1 bale fanoy railway lap blankets. CLOTHS, CASSIMERINI,'AND VESTINGS. 6.4 London colored beaver cloths. 0.4 do do oloak do. Taney banded oassimeres. arloy cashmere, slush, and velvet castings. PIIR-BAOR. BUCK AND ROD GLOVES AND APALINTLETI3: - , This" Morning, An Invoice consiatiii• or— blen,e chamois lined gloves. • Back lined gloves. 'Neenah Vnr-topAnd eeal,baak gloves. gloves add ganntlete: -' Beal, lamb, Equine, and eable•back kid and buck • 1 1 All 4 P ntiet le RETAIL ,This Morning, An liiohls of Parislnbrolderles, - sonalstlog of— Muslinaleenerand Mull collars nod bandei •• ' - ;menet bands; ffonneinli, ontredOsii, and modal. .to SALE OF 500 PARIS AND VIENNA SQUARE AND LONG BROOKE BRAWLS—ALL COLORED CER. TRES, AND:TIII9 - BALANCE OP THE IMPORTA TION. • 0. TEle-Moralo' • 10014.4 Paris suyerlor desto gi s oroolio square . shawls. 400 t'dO =- do;' -"do' ''do 'long — do, ' 111 colored °entree, and the lastllme this make will be offered at %notion thbv season , 'CowApßime.i.,,staassoox, , 222 BETWEENBECONWAND' THIRD RTIMETEL • ' • , • . p. - 0: - WOLIIERT s •Awartemana. - • • .;" CLOTHING SALE.' - -- - • .;! °MM.—Wellman thn'attention'of riurchasere to the' nonitire sae or a general assortment of city-made clothing, for men's and bojal wears to be made thin (Friday) morning'. it 10 &cloak. • • TAILORING GOODS, BIIIIITS' AND DRAWERS, Ito. Also, a zganaral „I/minty , - of tailoring goods, lambs- Wool and merino shirts and drawer. ami. • SALE 'Of .CLOTHIN4,• &S. This Morning,: twining— By catalogne, lento* of ready-made clothing, nom- Raglan., Bantrups Brook Coate s - *ado in th e beat 'EMIG for manse Drug Costa, - - and bogie wear. Pants, and • Teem, • ; • TAIL - Also, tailoring gi ire, &a RING GOODS, tbs. 00,D3, wool sad merino shirts, drew .15001"1"0Tr. ) , AUOT1ONEE11;.••No 481 OHESTNISIT-STRBET, - - oplioalte . the Custom Itoesee‘betweetk 1/011111,T11 ateIIIWTH Streets. - SPEOIA.L'ATTMOTIVE , team .031111.0 TOWN GOODS:, •,. . This lifornlnir " " Noi. 10th, on 6.i:reedit, commenoink at 10 otolOok; be sold a large assortment' if deilreble , goods, menu. IlotarOd eXpressly: for best !city , esles, tiomprillogj TALUAS, SHAWLS, AND DASQUES hadtea , z - sephirr kolt , shawls, .ladlet , "and children's basq nes and Salm af io plz , ag y r i te s d polkas, dco. • iodise , white Ord nark colors sepbyr opera hood; and pubic", children , ' wool hoods fancy rlggnlelysi..- • _ isoiatak. • „ Sephyr knit some; and oliildren4faney tied, /cot, tro. - - ,GAITERS AND GAUNTLETS. - Also, ladies , and children's sepkyT knit gaiters", gsontlete, - sleeves, armlets:tom , . • • HOSIERY. Men's and women's heavy cotton, wool, and merino' hose cotton and merino halt hose, c hildren's hole and SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ' • Men's hoary, tattattl•andl merino' undershirts and &raisers; ladles , merino vests. ORIOICICT..:JAORETS. . • • - • . - . Plain and ribbed:Miehet jackets. Or" The .whole,rnay - be- examined with. eatalognels early on the morn in g of Wei when purr.haeore will find it to their interest to attend. Ste.- . t.Onliaturday Morning, Noyember nOtb, commenting as lON &cloak, will be sold ra . largo stoelc_or. ladles! fastuonable fum, in. seta to match, consisting of martin, Sable, fltcb, squirrel, &el Ineluded will be found sets, with napes, mare, and MIMI:to .mateh, vietorines,- mail and toffs, capes and naffs, boas and miffs. &a. - . BUFFALO AND NANCY ROBEI, n 9 fain steed buffalo surd fancy carriage and sleigh jjHIGIF:_FORD, - -AtrOTIONBER; No. 11 530 BIARICIT 'MONET, between PIPTWAnd SIXTH. south side. SALE OP OLOTHING ST OATALOGIIH. On Taesday Kenning, •• • November 13d, at :•10 &stook preehmly, by iatalogas, 30011ote ready.mado , o;othitar, eomprielng the dual assortment,' • .‘ ' BALE OP BOOTS, 1511028,, - BROGAN!, RUBBERS, die Thursday Morning, 25th instant,- at :10 , oioltiok,.soo 'smog boots, shoos brogans, nialionc.,to. - Catalogues early on - the : morning of solo. tIY.: WILLIAM ...Er— STERE,- GENERAL AttOTION AND 003115115310 N STONE; NO. 93 North EIGHTH Street; below Arch. 7. 'A. ILISON, Auctioneer. -PEINELVP , S BALE. This Mongol: At 10 o'oloek, at 164 Pranktord -Road, Frankford, by order 01,%the sberlfr, will be exposed to yablio sale the entire stooka of a moontiqoud itvre and (nabbing store. hoßClonslguntente of new and seeond.hand bones ralticre, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, Jeweli7, &0., respeotfully solicited. on which liberal ash ad canoes will le niade if required. 1 ~„ iiir Out-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as ,moderate as any other bonie in_thrieoll7, y : GUMMY Br,SONS, as. MAL MATE AUOTIONNNRB No. 020 WALNUT dTp,NNT • ; 1 FIFTH PALL BALE... WM be bold On Thuriday Bierdni, - • November 25tb, at the Philadelphia Bitoherige, at T) o'clock, els : Abaolute Sale.—Lot No. 5118, sestioii B for monument squire), in the bioument Oemetry, Broad street. 100 shares in the Cambria Iron Company' at Johns town, Penna. Pew No 82 (lo the - middle 4140) Ohrlet Church, Teti:. pohook etreit,"Germentown. Pew In 81. Ulement'a Ohurith, earner of Twentieth and Cherry atreeia, Rev. Rory ilpulnin, Rector. THR3III43TORY - BRICK DWELLING, large stable, lot of ground, mouth eldo of Drown Attest; 60 feat west of bluebell street, lot 47 tot front by 50 feet deep. SPRING GARDEN MEET. Valuable lot of ground, south side of Spring Garden titreet, 280 feet wart' of Thirteenth street, 50 feet front by 100 feet deep. Peremptory Pale. PRAT TIMEE•STORY BRIM DWELLING, 'FAC TORY, AND LABOR LOTS OP GROUND. Market street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-drat streets,one square west of the bridge', lot 00 feet front by 200 feet deep to Oak street. Guinmej & Bons, auetioneers, wil hold.rogulai'aeies of Real Mato, Roam, &o. ALso household furniture at dwellingo. AtIrETATR AT PRIVATE SAME UT On cur Private Bale Register will 'away& be found a very large amount of real estate,' including every description of city and country property GURII4EY & EONS; - Estate Brokers; 620 WALNUT !treat, below Rath. Malice. Q , „ PBC.TAL NOTIOE.---Our client, Mr. JAS. / , ...7..-YOUNG. of "GisigOri;lisiing transferred to a Corn. piny Jo the Uaited; States, the exelitelve right to uee In the United Biete:l,lde pstent:for making OIL from COAL, which potent; was issued bj the Government of The United States, ort.the' 'dsy of March, ma, and Mr. YOUNG havingri a renteed to such Company that he will' outdate' And defend said patent - against all Persons infringing the same— NOTIOR is hereby given, to 'all persons engaged In the liminess at making OlL'from GOAL that legal Measures wilihsrimmediately adopted against all per. sons ihfringlngsatit patent. Dated , loth November, 1868. - DiNEDIOT & BOARDMAN, Eollettors for said Xnung, 178 BROADWAY New York.. n016.0t NOTICE.—PHILADELPHIA and READ /lla BAILBOAD.—The• "DOWN YILBIGHT Depot or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, ham been removed front .-No. 226 to Not. 242 and 248 BROAD, above Race streets. All: the " TaItOIIGE BREIGHT ineineril of the Company, both' - OUTWARD and -INWARD 'will be transacted at this Depot. • JNO. BEATY, not lm n, - . General Agent. .9110 IstE TV : SPARER PEOPRItTORS:— .A. NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEW° /13.11 N CY, —OAHE do JOHNSON announce to the Press through out the United 'States that 'they are eompleting an ranitebienta on • mod liberal seals, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NE WS REPORTS, w hich has never before been equalled in this country.' They pledge themselves to furnish the oarliesitind rociit.rellable porte.of all the stirring and Important events 'a the day, at a pries which cannot fail to be advantageous to the Preis generally. ' • ' I,Alllettere and communications to be addressed to OAHE to - JOHNSON, National Telegraph Naga Reporters, tooth THIRD /tree{, opposite Exchange, Philada. • E. W. OAHU Q. W. L. miNBON. . Goa. W.L.Johnson, 23 Wall et:, New York City. John T. Smith, Merchants , Exchange, Bolton. John Wills, corner Smith and Baltimore streets, Ha- , Pox experience and reliability In the tmlness, we WWII refer to ; Morton Molilichael, North" American and G. 8. Gazette; Plealti - A ;Abell; Publio Lodger; despot Harding_ Ss - Eon, Pennsylvania , Inquirer; John Manny, The Pros; Gamminga & Peacock, Evening Bulletin; P. W. Graven Op:, Itasnlng*Journal ; Jo seph Severna, Evening Alps; Joseph R. Planigen, Dailyleews; Rica. Pennsylvanian ,• Lawlor, Everett A. Blacken, flundayDlapateh ; /a Jones, Sunday Bleranry ; , Jae. 8. Jiteklon,llanday Transcript. TRug French for Adtilts'. . TEIlBitEl3: genuine French; for Children. TRUSSES - : do' Ladles. TICISSES! AriproVed Ameacad Styles. ' Sbpporter Braces; English , Abdarhinal Belts; Syrin ges, a new auk imprcyed self- injecting article, spatially adapted to- Ladles , tae` bath-room, -- or hydrant Enemas; French Peefsatiecl Breast Pumps; Infante , -Ths.ssing Fl as; Nipnlii Shells and Melds; For sale by . CALEB R. NEEDLES, Pharmaceutist, and Practical adjuster of Mechanical El Bernadine, " i'. W. earner TwELELm and RACE Sts.-, Ladielproomi—ontrance on Twelfth ;Arent, neat door to store r ' • • 2-5 gm • - . , . ne 1111EIDSIOK-& 90='S CHAMPAGNE.-4 'obuiitant auppTy Ole original glinhfila brand,' in botol and hi atom for aalo by WILLIAM If. TRATON,' NOW ago*. for Fennaylvania, N 0.210 Lionth FRONT 111410 t. ; hot) ~IC i final. ..... THE LIVER "INTf GORAT PuIiPAIND 87 nnppissisosn dOMPOUNDZIP.NNTP:Ex.r FRO3II , fitgArs, Id one of the beet Purgative and:Vier Medicine!, now before thepublie, that kotsAir Oatlidrtfc, ‘easier, milder, andi inote °Miami thaw 'any otheymedielne known. It is iiotiinly a Cathartic, but a Liver -rem.- dy,trating first on the Liver triajeckits morbid matter' then on the stomach and bowels to berry off that met) ter, thus socomplishiug two purpores effectually with out shy of the painful feelings , experiemed the ope-, rations ' of bloat Cathartics.- etinngthene e eye.' tiim at the same time that it purges it; sod, tihen taken dolly in moderate donee, will strengthen and btdid !but. with unnsiusl rapidity. The'Ltvenfe Cite orris humanbody; lindwheld it well, the poleaxe of the °pad," The'stontach on the healthy action of performance of its film le at fault - the bowels are cyotem suffers' id , oonso- Liver—having °eased to eases of that organ; one made it hie Study, - In a years, to dad come reme tde. th - e nrany derange.' ! " • • To prove tat this re risen troubled with If. firms; hag but kitry, certain:- • ' Performs Its fn n o thine system aro fully devel- - most entirely : dependent the Muse for the prop er toe; when the stomach_ at fatilt,• and the whole' nuance of one organ—the do its day. For the did= of the proprietors h its practice of more - than 20 dy wherewith to =inter ments to which ft is misty hi at lola round: tali' ' 'll/11 00111 , 1415 T, isianrof tiOttleend ebnidetten hi morbid orbedmetter tiote thelk plate a healthy flaw _stoma, (musing tbod to blood; giving taw and tre ry, removing the' rioting a radical cute. Oared, and, what'io bsti cease:Loa use of the Wes • Mien, Gains famine all the' arntata,maplyial of bile, thelgOtating the digest well; ptirifying the healthlto .the whole ins amuse of the'dieeese—ef. BILIOUS ATTAOKS era terfprevented by the 'oo 4 IstelOOlSTos. One dose, after eating, etomaoh and present the l aly One dime, taken Nicarnitani• • - g is sueloient tOXolieTe the too ti troth rlsing . stsl omit= before •retiring; prevents Ofight,loosens the boivels strmaiss. Only one dose, taken at gently, and : mires Coe- One dose, -taken after PIMA. '- - • • - !V" One dose of two relieve Brox One bottle taken for fe the cause of the Meese.); Only one - dose lamed!. while one dose, often re- Ortoratc• Mountie; and S . ! !Dv Only one bottle is system the effeote of me mos. al e arn o . 7 .o b r ottle taken unnatural One dose taken a shert vigor to the appetttei and One done, often repeat.. anCINA. in Ito worst forms, tokaplaints Violas almost One or two doses , nuke In' children; there de no reinedyin the world' no it absorben {M.A. low betties oure te. We take pleaoure commendtog this - medl.- eine as a preventive for Puna and Arm, Coat INTIM, and ell FITERBOI II BILIOUS Type. It Op rodeo with certainty, and - thousands are willing-to testify to its wonderful virtues. 'kW wheels* et Ors giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. .L 117• Mix Water i,o the mouth with the Invigorator, end mafioso both together. • - ' 'INVIGORAtOIt ifts, • Flo mamma IdeDIOAL DiBOOTIRT, and is daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It oures as if by magic, even the "first dolt. giving benefit; and seldom mote_ than one bottle is required to cure any kina LIVE Complaint; from the worst Jaundice or Dye. pepsin to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult of a DIBE/18111) LIVES+ - each meal , will care Die tosepoonbils wlll iii*aye pale obettnatioa'removee and =too aperfoot dire, Mel r elieves oaor. t 0, pooted . , le o, owe Ooze for preventive of 0101.1111 A. needed to throwont of the diolne after a long Wok- for 7Al77Dicts remotes al color from the skin. time betois es.tink gives makes foe digest tell. ed, Cured CHIIOIIIO DlAa.' while Soirsiss end 'Wile firer dose: ' attacks caused by waltia rarer, eater;, or speedier ristorrfeils. • - DROSSY, by,ekeltint Ski PRIOR ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Dr. M/OBD, Proprietor,' 846 Broadway', New York. Agenta for Philadelphia T W. DYOTT 80N8 -218 North Second Street. Retailed by all Druggista. Sold also by SAMUEL 81=8, Twelfth and - Oheainnt etteets; and P. BROWN, iith and OhOstrott streete_Phllitilo. 108 to th 8:47 pERUVIAN SYRUP * oa PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PROTOXID.I OP IRON Haying successfully plumed the ordeal to which new die. orreries In the hinter's Medico are subjected, romance be received as an established medicine. Ite elm" is Ming • DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Braley, Neurgigia, Bronehitio and Consumptive tendencies, Disordertd Mate of O. Blood, Belle, Bsursy, the Prostrating liffecte of Lead on Mercury, General Behility, and ail Diseases which re quire q a Tnnlo and Altefatitie Medicine, la beyond qua. The proofs of its silleacy are so no • • 4i) merous, an well authenticated, and of each peculiar tharacter, that sufferers , ( . I , A"q cannot reasonably hesitate to Rosier, 1 [Li • T he offered aid. e) Penal= Syrup does not protein be a once-ail, bat i ts range Is extols give, because many diseasea, apparent); nottice, are intimately related, and prooeeding from one wise, may be cured by one remedy. The clams of diseases for which the Syrup providers cure is precisely that which, has so often baffled the highest order of medical elan. The facts are tangible. the witnesses accessible, and the safety aid officio of the Syrup Incontrovertible. Those persorm.who may wish for an opinion from die Interested persona respecting the character of the Syrup annot fall to be satisfied with the following, among no -morons testdmonlals, In the hands of the Amts. • The signatures are those of ‘ gentlemen well known in the oommunity, and the off, cetteotsbillty. CARD. The undersigned haring experierioed the banagidai . ri l • feats of the " Peruvian Byrup,“ do not hesitate to rs• oemmend R tothe attention of the nubile Prom our own experienoe, as kelt as from the testi mon, of others, whose intelhgenoe and integrity ars al together unquestionable. we have no doubt of Its aria eases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Boor ohlal Damages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropay, Neuralgia, Sro. Irateed, its effects would be increddide, bat from the high character of those - who have wit. noosed them, end have volunteered their testimony, no we do ours, to its restorative power. Rey. lOLIN , PIaRDONT, TH,Ohtas_.-a_niorruis, - , B. Li KENDALL, M. D., • semimr, 11tAlt, TROMAB O. AMORY, PETER EAEVRT, • JAMBE 0. DUNN Ray. TROD. 'WHITTRBIORDi OERTIPIOATE OP ton. HAYES It le well known that the medietnal &edit of Protoss Ids of Iron iv lost by even a Tory brief mom* to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without farther oxidation, has biers deemed impoulbls In the Partici= Syrup,' this desirable• point is ai !dined by combination In a way' before mricnown, and this solution may replaos all , the proto carbonates, SI tutee, andtartrates of the !Astoria Mediae. A. A. HAYES, M. D., : Assayer to the Mate of hisanschunetiii. 16 Boylston street, Boston. BOLD BY N. L. CLARK & QO. PropriOore v , no. 6 WATER &root Boirton: ' • 1. and OHESTNUT 8 t 6eb, HASSARD TWELTTLI and OILEBTNIIT , testis jeltelet th sat-0m warn Agents for Phllsdolphts. Minya will, in all eases, follow the MB Of Rodwari R. R. Remedies.. There are none so sick or diseased, It weak, feeblejor crippled with' pain or infirmities, bin that roadway Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, o; Regulators, as the nature of the disease or aletnesi nay require, will quickly and rapidly cure These remediee_ mullet of itadway's Beady Bella, Radwarls Renovating Resolvent i Radwars Regulators Bach of these remedies possesses mond curative powers over certain diseases. Yet there are other Mammas wherein their combined medicinal properties ammo quired; and when thus need, if there is sueletent lift and strength within the dimmed or dying body to sus Min their action, the patient will live and be restored to health. Pain R. X. Deihl. desste'Diseases R. R. Relief. injTarnmatiry,Direases...Relief and Regulators. Maktrious Dismiss...... Retie/ and Regulators. Congettive Diseases Relief and Revelator:. Scrofulous Decease; Renovating Resolvent. Chronic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Syphilitic ..... Renovating Reso/vsest. Conslituttonai Diseases... Resolvent and Rigulatora Skin Disinter Renovating Resolvent. NICCOUt DittatSS Resolvent, Retie, Revile tors. Wm:Stows Dismiss Beady Mit( it RessZains OONBTITIITIONAL DIBBIASEB Many disown that afflict humanity are inherited a. heir•looras from the diseased bodies of affably sire# Bereft's, Omummption, Syphilis, and Pits, are among the moat common of oonnittutional diseases. low, we care not how many generations this geode of thud die eases may have been established, in the system, Gov rupting the blood—Radway's Rencoaticg Jigsaws' will eradicate from the bodies of the ciliated every par. Cole of disossed depoeits, and ,All the veins with new, pure, and healthy blood. CHILDREN'S DISEASES. - Radtoars Bartering nag fiesetimst should be bailee as a bleesueg by eee rr mother throughout the land whose Infanta are afflicted with - BONS, limners, eta. Thane breaklnge out (thou early) are evidences of ease transmitted from the parent stook. A few doses o! the -R"seeelillg Reso/roext will eradicate-every testis" of the disease and insure the child a sound and healthy body. • . R. R. 11.—Eadwars Ready Relief for Headaches,' who titer sick or micas; Rheumatism, Dias. 'Ausa, Dysentery,' Cholera Morbus, Orampr Influenza, Bloody Plus, Paralysle, Lumbago Oout, Natiralgia, Toothache, Small Pot Fevers, Swollen Joints, Ridatiy Complaints Soviet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Plea rho . , Measles; Ileirtbrien, and rani of all time. nadn'aft Beady Relief 1,111 , 111 a fee minutes, change the miseries you auger to joys or pleasure. R. R. R.—Radwafs Renovating Resolvent, for thit curt of chronic diseases—Such as Scrofulous ant Syphilitie complaints, - Consumptive, ant other affections of the Lunge and Throat Induration and. Enlargements, of peg Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases arising from an impure stall of the blood. 1/..—Badware Regulatoni will cure, effectively and speedily, Costiveness, Indigestion Painter's Cholla, Leal Diseases, Intlattune lion of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Cam plaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, rovers Menalee, eta., eta. Whenever the system b out of order, or the blood Impure, a dose 0' Radway's Regulators will restore It to reps larity, and purify and C 109,0110 the blood. NI female should be without them. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists sad Merchants everywhere. RADWAT tb 00., New Tort Dag. W. B, T, W. DTOTT & SON, Agents, Philadelphia! T. R. CALLEIRDdi, D. H. SWATRB & blOO. splatinteadlyiteowLyr THE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF THE NINETEENTH OENTHRY. , THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STRENOTHENINH THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr. Louns berry ;& Co. is now acknowledged the principal Family Medicine for the cure of klanoanocs affections andI3OSOPULOUS diseases generally, The imams which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. It to now used in these diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one of its groat curative properties. - HIP DIVIAII3 and WHITS SHBLLING,I3I,OSEATIONS of the Bones, MOUTH, Thema; &o. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are goon observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may hale been, they win yield to the proper use of the IltIPB• BIAL DBYIIRA'rrvE in a short time, . . TIMM 11114 (WALD HEAD will as certainly yield to this medicine as It to used. Diseases of the Skin and all eruptive ,complaints generally cannot, long remain after uningit few betties of the Imperial Depurative. Ito Tonto properties, as well - as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength; and value of this Vitally hledleine Is unequalled in the cure of all digitalin orig .. eating in an impure condition of the blood. It expels all the virus , or diseased matter from the blood and re. invigorates the system, Those using the Imperial Detonative and wishing ad. vice in their case, will receive every attention by. otter or otherwise. , „ Prepared end sold by Dr. LOUNSBENRY & 60 North FIPTII Street, below Arch, Philadelphia—, For solo also by J. F . 'Long & Co., Laneaater, T. 11. Miser and S: S. Stevens, Readthg,Pit. Holman & Co., Ellarrisborg, Fa: V. W. Bpting., Pottsville,Ta. T, , W. MoOlintock, Easton, Pa. James (l iven, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt & Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Ran, Bethlehem, Pa. l; , U . W. Leslie, Bristol, la., and Druggists dowel's. aull-mwkautOm ititikt 3 lNtivembtrt 10, igsB. ftiOitinal. L - ~ OBENSAOK'S -IA 'Lift 80N B LW . This Medicine, Oath! name implies, le one of the p , teat „strengthening preparations extant. It is es. - / ally adapted to those Who have a loss of appetite or • ;meted' with Hfspepsla, Liver Complaints, Piles, Ili) out Debility General 'Weakness, and all diseases• , from a disordered condition of the digestive NOE Milli OOMPLAINTB-GINNEALLY thaw is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it VA it enters, pirities, end replenishes the - blood - w his lien important to bring about a healthy action _ . .., • THOUSANDS ARE LIVING t l ii, a g e tb ra ya b te l i. e w e oA x tL ia t te in n i) c i e r , Ei o Aso f l a nsi p ottn al i e , . i s ,mo l . ekl, , y iaro mil o o p r , . weak an emaciated, who could -be restored to health by the us of one bottle of this invaluable medicine . It le no h bug, blot a genuine remedy, being free from any the ii no better antidote than , liobeneeck'e Iron Nit ta When the blood is impure the whole body is full of lierise . Bloodletting may answer for a time, but el awing a part will not purify the whole. -At the 1 totain we must begin, , and to cleanse the blood there to o better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Th • chief constituent is iron, and we ;ill know its I si eft in removing „the; impure matter from the whi l visceral system . They are ,prepared by a prim tic chemist , and have been pronounced, by eminent lib ohms and others, an the , l ne pins ultra' , of all tours. ' r , 'MOW 'GRATIIITING to tie proprietor that he has suadeeded in compound log remedy for many of the the that hie fellow- Moe,sle are subject to ; and that the public, appro. Mat lt is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, cede demand for it has 'far stirpluunid his sanguine 'exPudations. ID THE TESTIMONY Or A WORTHY CITIZEN , i is to certify my wife was in delicate health some thr years, with a disease peculiar tb her sex. She :trig, numerous rerdediee without deriving any,beneat.• Fleeting 'of llo6enenckls Iran killers, and knowing lien to be a powerfid tonic,induced me to obtain e hal, ,e whiCh proved to be the medlbino she solely re. gulled, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not ~to ucommend it to those who are eimilarly affected, es Ile believes it to be a soVareign remedy. • JOHN 00LB.• • " I - No. 881 Clapitol ?Vs inraluable,Modloine to prepared onljby ' GlOliGht B. HOICINBAON, Pharmaceutical Chemist, - N. W. corner of TIIERD and 411.1111 N Streets, Philadelphia; whom all orders must be addx u soed. ,Ptloo Discount to dealers. Bold by brugg heti &Lazily. mh2l:l-y 71OLLICOFFER , S - ANTI-RHEIIMATIO .Ir-4, CORD/AL le the only preparation ever platted be. fore th° public that has performed ee many MIRACULOUS CURES natizilutoil-LorD'EntitoNio , RHEUMATISM. ' ;Ato noOefpiOtothedt, sod trahlentiel tltlifons beer wit niess of Its 'efficacy: 'Tht. abet:dant evideeed from sit Emu of the country la enough to, warrant um In pro ,noturdog thatitle the,greateet wonder of. the age. It Je IM Dttlinal imiedy that e.rikee at the root of the diseme,end thp eradioates it entirely from the eyetein. Prepared ' THEODORE 'DIMS, Ohemiet, 'Northemit corner of-Pine and Sixth streete. 0e7.-Bre " - Philadelphia. Vatinvan. 11 . ARDWME.—tlie itnheerbers, ClOMe LA. MISSION MERCHANTS teethe eats of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would , reepeetfully WI g the "elation of the trade to their stook, which they ars calming it lariat rater. Otir aseertment om elets ha PA o"- - Oltelea, of an kilds—Trose, Log, Natter, /hetet, Os, Cow, Beek t .,Wegoa, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mine, sad Coil Chaim. The celebrated L " Horse Malls I - Stone and Sledge MiAM=MEMMMI E3MZMMMME litarbia's " euperlor Piles and Baer l Bed &trews. Bidet) , Bum) ,• Blasting Tubes. Corn, Griot, and Brier Scythes ; Hey, Born, Lod Straw .nlees. - - Hey, Manure, Tanners', and Spading Yorks, Hakes and Hoes; Shovels and Spades, of all kindl. Taoks, Brads, Shoe, Clout and Finishing Nails. Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Looks of all kinds; Cutlery, Hammond Pumps, Axes, Hatehets, Erll)3. Merl, Plures, and other Tools; ece.; &e. ' W. G. LEWIS & SON, No. 411 COMMERCE Street. IIPW'RII• ADE L P H IA WARMING AND A SRSTILATINO WANENOMIN, ARNOLD & WILSON, AUOOIIBOAB TO A. A. lI►IIIBOI. . . . ' We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LAWN STORE, No. 1010 •OHINITNIIT street, a few doors .belew the Bt. LaWrente Hotel, where oar old Meads. and the pliblio, ace, reifeetfillly Invited to extuninf Our efaenside stook of Warm Air Pureaces, Cooking Bangui, Bath Boilers, Register,, Enamele d Stone Mantels, Parlor Ooal Orates, dco.i Ice. We are now'reanufacduring ONILIiONT OBLEBRATDD PAT -IINT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING ItIIANA011; the meet powerful and economical Mater ever Invented ; and suited to all °Luisa of braidings. Alto, new and bemitiful pmtotrui of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Crates of all shies and pattern , We have alio oommenced the manufacture ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Porn sylvasia Stone. Thee., • Mantels were awarded a sP.scrAr. 'REM/UM at the /ate RAT and Exki. &Cie* of the Flunklin institute of this city. They represent &lithe rare and healthful ANTIQUI MARBLIS, are not injured by Smoke, Coal 04s, Oil or Acids, end aro sold W11010..110 Mid MOM, at - Mach lets price Ulm Maitic Cd 11404 its Arks. . ARNOLD BIND. M. YXLTWILL, On r 1 Wll2°R 4 . 1 .. 1,1 •• April-lARS—aplt po l n yr tenden _. t (toilette %rtitleo. IRE ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED IN iiikRKET, lath immense ROME /Ss EUROPEAN DEMAND The meson why, Is that by Nature's own presets it restores the natural color permanently after the hair bo omes gray 'applies the natural fluids, and thus makes it arose on bald beadeadmoyea all .dfildruff. Itch leg, and heat from the aralp, titliefil and nes up the as4yes, and thee' cures all 49170111 ileltdde 5, Ind may be relied upon to oars all diseases of the scalp and hair; tt *III atop and keep it from (alit og off ; makes it soft, glossy, Aaa/rhy, and beautiful, and If used by the young two or three times a week, it will never fall or beoomegray; then readers, read the followings &adjudge for yourtaires t Sri. Yost, Jan. 8,1858. MI0E81113: 0. T. WOOD & 00., Gentlemen: Haying heard a good deal about Profeasor ,Wood's Heir Restorative, and my hair being quite gray, I Made Up 'My mind to lay aside the prejudices which I, In common with a great many persons, had against all manner of patent medicines, and a abort time ago I commenced flung your article, to feet it for myself The result has been • so very sathfactory that I am 'very glad rdia so, and in justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who may be as gray as I we+, but who having my prejudice without my reasoa a for 'setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Restora tive a trial till they have further _proof, and the boat prsicl being ocular demonstration I Nrvito you this let ter, which yeti may alio* to any men, and also direct them to me for further proof, who an, In and oat of the N Y. Wire Railing Establishment every doy. My hair Is now ita natural color, and Innen improved in appearance every way, being glossier and thicker, and mush more healthy looking. i. am. Ware Resneot. folly, • HENRY JENKINS. Corner Columbia and Carroll streets, Brooklyn. lavisaseow, A's., Feb 14,1858. Pam Woon—Dear Sir; Your Hair Denotative has done much good in this part of the country. My hair has been slightly dimionshing for several years, canoed, I anppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an in fent. I have been using your Hair Restorative for Mx weeks, and I lint that 1 have a fine heed or hair now gr , wl .g after having aged all other remedies known to no effect. I think it the moat valuable remedy now extant, and advise all who are afflicted that Way to use your remedy. You can publish this if you thick pro per. Yours, Zmi., 8. W. MIDDLETON. Primer/It'll:11A. Sept 9,1857. PROP. WOOD—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is proving Itself beneficial to me. The front, and ale, the back part of my heed, aiming teat its coveting—wee, in feat, nem I have need bat 2 half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head le well 'studded with a promising crop of young hair, and the front is also receiving Its benefit. I have tried other prepare liens without any benefit whatever I think, from my own personal recommendation. I can Induce many others to try it. Yours, reeptctfully, D. It THOMAS, M. D., No. 464 Vine street. Tho Restorative Is put np in bottles of three steer, vie: Large, medium, and small; the small holds pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds st least twenty per cent more in proportion than the email, retails for two dollars per battle; the large holds a quart 40 per cent more In proportion, and re tails for 43 a bottle. 0. J. WOOD & 004yroprletors 812 Broadway, New York, (In the great N. y. Wire Railing Pstabllehment,) and 114. Market street, St. Lords, Mo. ' And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dea fen'. nol6-mwi3m & eowinwhy.3m QEbutatitnted I ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, 1-41 N. B. eorner Minn and BUTTONWOOD Mn. COMMERCIAL IMPARTMENT.—Bookkeeping fa all its yarloue forma; preparing Stuients thoroughly for situations in any bearish of business ; Pla'n and Or uamental Writing ; Commercial Oaloulatione ; Law and Correspondence. rNo institution in the United States ;eyes a more thorough and practical muse. In this department no teaching le done in einem, and le open DATand EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(3OOmM from the above )—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of on Engli.h and Clan ideal Munition, via : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &0., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five months emnmenee September Ist, and Pebruery.lst. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh25.13 -y, DONLEAVY LONG, Principal inRITTEXDEN'a PII.4I•ARE LPII IA 00701Ert(AL COLLICOM, 4ortheast corner oi OHISTNUT And SEIVRIITII Streets. • An institution designed to St young mon for AO TITS BUBINDSB. BOARD OP TRUSTEES. B. B. Ooraegye, Prelude Hoskins, George 11. Stuart, David Milne, John iliparbawk, ' David 0. Brown, Isaac Hooter, , A. V. Parsons, D. B. Hinman, rrederiak Brown, , loithas 1,.. ppinoott. __ EVENING SESSIONS aftgieptombar 15th. Each Inadont has INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION !AL this Inatitation, and a Diploma from hare is the bent re eommendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good altuation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. aeB-tf .E IDY BROTHERS' NIGHT-SCHOOL, m_a Noe. I'4S and 150 SIXTH Street, near Race, la now ores TO OITA INETROOTION is BOOK-REEPINItt, WHITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS USUAL. ae4-Iy BRYANT & , STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia Collage, Southeast corner SEVENTH end CHESTNUT Btrettto. For information, rail Cr rend for circular. " - jelett EVENINO. SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. 'DUFF & CO.'S MERCAN .ep.t,:zA, r..,ry TILE COLLEGE, Southend corner corner N., se, . EIOHTIS end CHESTNUT Btreete l (eilobtisbpd to /840, and incorporated by the Legista. tura of Psimaylvania.) In this well-known Inatitution the COUNTING 1101713 E COUEEE of Practical; Single, and Double Entry BOORKEEPING, Including all the AUXILIARY BOOKS, 00MILRROIAL OAL. OULATIONS, And BIIBINEBB WRITING, is taught in the most suocessful and, satisfactory, style. ROORE, • - Principals. P. EDWARDB, MR. B B. EU TON, Penman. MONS. A. F. 'MAT, MORSE OF FIRMING, BARRB TT'S GYMNASIUM , . , 04 25. 4 iscas MAIIIINT Street, above Neglith iniRNAMENTAL 'and COLORED GLASS. lJ We hare just recetred a comprehensive and TS tied stook of Ms trulyhearitieul and architectural ap pendage to Murtha, Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where it Is deemed neoeasary to embel lish, Or to give a elnu3to and elegant appearance, Any oolur may be bad, either plain or ornamental,- elabe. -ately or In relief. 7rIEGLEIL Zr. SMITH, W4olesitle Drag, Paint; and Glass Dealers, seditAtt 'Ocuthweeteor 1300ond and Green ate SALMO: .-4. Tterees an 84 Boxes MB fax Salmon . . For sate by C. 0. SADLER & 00 , 8.2 - " 108 EMU Ottati. Insurance Comganiez OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU TUAL OAFNTY% MI:MANOR COMPANY, Putcannunta. November 10.1868. The followinOtatement of the affairs Of the Own party id published in Conformity with a provision of its Charter. , Palatines received from November 1,1867, to Ode • ber 31, 1858 : On Marine and Inland Rieke...4351 809 82 On Pirelli:aka 118,414 17 ---3170,217 /*EU arms on Policies not marked off Novem ber 1, 1867 r 326,184 02 PRISIMAS 11ARSID Orr MI SARNI!), from ilia of Novem• bar, 1857, to OntoPor 31 1858: - On Marine and Inland aisko.., 4300,541 75 On Fire Blake ' 123,011 68 _._--$113,553 43 leteregt. eee , received during dame period, Loom, Exemers, &n., during the year as above— Marine and Inland Navigation Loa:ea ~ $245,170 16 Hire Losses 41,280 21 Return Premium 41,758 14 Re•innuraneea, Commissions to A gonta, Taxes. &o Expenses Salaries, Menus, MA. ttonery; Sarplng ABBETIS OP TUX COMPANY. November 1, MM. Pc*. Market Value, 103,030—Ph an ila4eipbla City et: per tent. Lo • a 80,000—PennayIrani', state .• five per tent 00 Loan, 21,000..Panosylvania State six per cent. Loan 110,000..IInited States Trtaaary 4,ti per cent Rolex - 80,112 60 80,000.. Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mort gage six per tent Deadly - 45,876 00 SO,OSO—Nbrth Perinsylvenishallread Mort gage six per cent. Beals 16,000..800 shares Stock aeranuitOwn Gee Company, interest and prloolpal guaranteed by the City of Phtla delphia 14,920 00 8000-100 shares Pennsylvania Baiiroad Company 4,887 60 . b,f 00..100 shares North Pennsylvania Railroad Company ' 850 00 1207..80 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company 1200 00 1,600..2 shares Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Naflgation company 200 00 250..5 shares Philadelphia and liaTro de tty Gram/ Steam Tow-boat Com , •'' ' ' . 200..2 shares Philadelphia Exehartge Oondpittty. 310,700 Cost $318,201. ' Market 1A0,4310,109 ( 0 Bonds and Mortgages' - ' 10,000 00 Peal Estate, office building ' ' 61,363 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made 201,666 36 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma . rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 61,288 Id Scrip and Stook of sundry Insurance Com , parties Cash on deposit in Banks. Etivembef 10.1859. The Board of Dlteetot;i tato thle day dotterel e. DI. Mend of SIX PER CENT. In Oath, on the origlitili Capital Stock, and hIE PER CENT. on the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after the tat proximo. They hate also deelwed a Scrip Dividend of TW.EN TY-FlVii PER CENT. on the original Stock and on the }Ladled Premium% for theyear ending October 84 1858, certificates for Which will be tended to the parties entitled to the stint, on and after the dot of titeeniher next. . 117; Preamble and Resolution adopted by the Board. - Mort .1, The Increased means of the Company aria• tog from Profits. and, which will be derived front the Increased Capital Stock tinder the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the further continti soca of the Overeaters Capital tirmeceesary, therefore be it Re3olved, That the Guarantee Capital be disoon tinned, and the notes repreputing the lame bo deliv ered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Blake taken during Ilse period embraoed in said notes shall have determined. DIRECTORS. William Martin, James D. Hand, Edmund A. Sender, Edward Darlington, heophlins Paulding, H. tones Brenta, John It. Pelimas, Spencer IPllraitie, John 0. Divit, Thomas 0. Hand, dames Tract'tar, Simnel E. Stokes, William Eyre, Jr., J .F. Perdsido, Henry Sloan, Robert Burton, Joseph H. Seal, thumb P Jones, Dr. It. M. Huston, James B. Itqarland, George 0 Lelpor, Joshua P. Eyre, Wm 0 Ludwig, John IL Semple - , Elltab% Hugh Craig. D. T. Morgan, it Charles Holley, J. V. Logan, ,r WILLIS MARTIN, President. Tina. O. HAND, Tine President. HENRY LYLBURN, iluretary. . nola-4w rNsIIRA.NOE cm MPANY OF THE .n. STAYS O$ PENNSYLVANIA-12RD AND MA RINI! INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BMIDINGB. Chartered th 1794-oapital ggoo,ooo—Assets, Janu ary I, 1858,5347,4413.60•100, All invested In Sound and available esodriiies—ebnti one to Duran on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merehindise, Ao., on liberal terms. . DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Monson Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macaiester, Tobias Wagner, William B. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry O. Freeman, William It White, Charles O. Lewis, 0. Damon or HENRY D. EfIIERRERD, Preiddent. WILLIAM Hairs, Secretary. Jeo•wfrm.tf .F i .A.HTERN-IDIEITHATIOR COMPANY— OVPICE No. 6 EXCHANGE. Atirnointin. Brook 911.11 AL, 0.00,000. Onanrst PHIMITIML; Fire Rieke on !archon:gee and Minding,. Marine Rini on Vessels. Cargoes and Prelghts. Inland Transportation Risks On Goode per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats taken On favorable terms, DIRECTORS. Andrew Circhrtn, George A. Wright, William I. Brown, Tfionina Bt. w, Riebard G. Stotsebnry, George Cookmttn, Peter D. Myers, Charles Stoy, Robert B. Walker, Jacob Reed, Jacob Lnkens, W. 0. Stoteebary. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. WILLIAM I. BROWN, The-Prolident. nft-tf THEQUAKER CITY INSURANCE 0081PANY, 'OPPIOE 408 WALNUT STRERT, PRILADELPIIIA.-OAPITAL and SURPLUS 8277, 066.85.—Inaures against LOSS or DAMAGE BY PIRR and the PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAVIOA TION and TRANSPORTATION. fp' TEN per cent, in cull returned on the earned promittine of Optdi Indalid ncEOS, President—OßOßGß 11. BART: Vico Prosidont-48. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. 00008 HALL. Aseistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. Geo: II: Hart,E. . W. Dailey Rana, Andrew K. ° B P. Rabombers, A. G. Clattell, ' J. L. Pomeroy. Joseph Edwards, Charles G. Imlay, John G. Dale, H. R. Coggehall, Foster O. Perkins, Bowl. Jones, M. D., Hen. H. H. Fuller. Attest, H. R. COGGSUALL, Bee's,, HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • DIREOTORS. John U. Diehl, Wm. P. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, U. W. Baldwin, Thos. L. Luders, John 0. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A. J. Backnor, H. H. Bhillingard, John W Beaton, 0. E. Spangler, William Itaignel, 11. 11. Minton, Edwin Booth, Win. H. Love, John Garrison, Charles F. Norton, B. 8. Warne, Isaac Myer. President-40RX H. DIEHL, 'Mee President—E. S. WARNA. Beereeary-011AIILEB A. DVY. 5e15.4 A XERIOAN EIRE INSURANCE CO., .C 1 INCORPORATED 181O—O.HARTER PER PRTUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Pkiladelphis Raving a large paid-up. Capital Stook and Barples Invested in sound and available Securities continue t: insure on Dwellings, Stores, -Furniture,.Merchandise, Vessels In Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU Looms liberally and promptly adjusted. DIADOTOIta OtorriAbbott, .. . . .. , . John T. Lewis John Welsh, ' Caspar W. Monti , Baret O. Morton , James B . Oampben, Patrick Brady, , Bdmand Q. DAUB. • Charles W. Poi:dicey. • 080110.11 ABBOTT, President. 1110 . MAIi BALMS. Secretary. 1113.7 It CITY INSURANOE CIONPANY, No. 110 Routh FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Omitted esoo,ooo. Organized 1851. Privileged to insure Homes, annually or perpetually ; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; receive Re peats; hold Truata and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. .1. W. Mansura, Reaetary. DIREOTOIII6. Alfred Weeks, Ron. W. D. Kelley, D. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W . Bonder, P. B. Mingle, O. R. Ricking, James Walston, J. L.'Hutehlueen, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtin, jelitay t 5. 7. urner. TAPE INSURANOE AND TRUST 'OONL PANY.—ThoTENN 'MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TIMID and DOOR Streets. Oapttal, 5fi12,726.03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—groats annuities and endowments—Pox chases life interests In Real Notate, and maim all oontraeta depending on the oontingenoles of Life. They set as Executors, Administrators, Asetifneer, Trustees, and Gnardlans. linarrintS. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Btokes; Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard B. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hanker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Rem, James Boston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Oharles Hallowell, liftman," A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Tintohinson, Bodo'ohne Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Oarr, Ellie B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christlan, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, • Warner H. Basin, Tohn H. Brenner, Y. B. Mahler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. , SAMUEL E. STORES, Vita Pres'i. Jong W . llio.lolilit, lieerotary. nill-lp coMMONWEA.LITI Sln.o IfiSIJR&NOS or me STATN OW - 17,11TWYLVANIA. OFTIOD, NORTHWEST 001iNBia roman AND WALNUT MOUNTS, Maurlbtkd Ospltal, 1600,000. • Paid np 05pit4,131.2:0,000 DIXIOIOIII. . . Dr. D. Jayne, ThOa. B. fitswilai l H. L. Donner, J. M. Butler, I. H. Whiten, ' . J. R. Walker, Ildir. O. Knight, . H. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr.; • S. K. Houle. DAVID JAYNE!, M. D. Free!dent. S. THOMAS S ; BTRWART, Vioe Pres% RIXI3fL R. UOOlt, Oboretrtri. jt2O-7 VLRE. AND INLAND RISKB.—FAME - /1031TRANOR COURANT. Capital twomo. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In saranoe Companion, passed April Id, 1860.) GEORGIC W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. hIARTIN, VW-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Beeretury. bit Ofdoe 411 CHESTNUT ~ Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, Jacob H. Vaughan, %Valiant W. Welfare, Henry Lewis, Jr., Charlet! Riobardeon, D. B. Piracy, • Barclay Lippincott, John W. Averman, Joe. R. Brognard, A. H. Ohm. Stokes , fail I li. fitera. Dll I L ADE LP Hi.A:, G)T;I2MANTOWN 1. AND NGR BIS TO WN RAILROAD,:.WINTER ARRANGEMENTS., " ON AND - AFTER MONDAY,,NOVEMBER 16, leis: GM - LIMN(' Ph Philadelphia adelphia 6, E 7R;6' , ANTOWN 8 40 min., , 0,34, 10K1 11 A. M., 1,2, 8,4, 5,8, 7,8, 9, 10, 113‘ P. M. ' Leave Germantown 0,1, 734, Bi - 0 10 elin.. 1034, 1134 A.. M.; 1.10 min., 2. 8,4, 5, 8,7, 8,9, 101 f, P. M. - ON SNDn. AY Leave Philadelphia 9.20 U wi A B ' M., Z. 0% P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M.j.1.1. re/A.i 833 P. M. $705,401,81 • CHEST GUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,, 840 niln., 11.3 i A. M., 2, 4,8, 9 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7 10 min ;7.86 min., 860 min., 11.10 A. M., 12.60. 340, 1.40. 740 rain. P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 sold. A. 6!., 2, ON P. M. Leave Chestnut Hilt 8 A. 61412.60 6.20 min. P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. - Leave Philadelphia 81i, 9, 11-A. M., 1 06 main:, 8.10 , 9.16, 6.50 min , 116( P. DI, Leave Illorristoun 6,7, 9,11 A. M., 1,81. i, 9.40 P. M. 29,850 22 $542,203 65 ON SUNDAYR. Leave Philadelphia 9 A M. and 8 P.M Leave Norristown T A M. and 5 P. M. FOR NANA-PUN% . . Leave Philadelphia 6k, 7 05 nein., 9,'U A. M., 105 min -. 2 05, 8.10 EAU . 4M 8.50 , 7.45 isfin .111 i P. M. Leave Mansynnk 8,54, 1 , 113 i A. M., 14,{, 8,4, 6.1 e min, 8 45 P. SUNDAYS 8651 E AS Noßmsrowir: - CIIESTBIL VALLEY Reit. ROAD 10.8. DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia - 6y A. M. and 8.10 min. P. M. Leave Downingtown v3l A. hi and 1 P. Di - 8, A. 8511Ttl,,Oeneral ficiperintendent, nolB , , DEPOT , NINTH and GREEN 84e, 48,423 88 18,00 T 82 $306,210 00 5147,964 C 0 DIIILADELP.iILa. &N 1) ELMIRA RAIL ROAD LINI.--413 - 10NEBT 1501:1TR. to 'Elmira, Wilkeiharre,, Buffalo, Chiesgo, Rook Island,' Niagara Falls, Milwaukee, - Burlington, 151ontreal,:ilt., Paula, Detroit, Daulleth; and gt . Lome. — - 'Passenger trains AM leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and, TINS Knots, daily, (Sundays earapted,) as follows: • • 7.80 A. Di. DAY =PRIM, tor Bimira , Niagara Yale, Buffalo, Detroit, Obloagii, Milwaukee, Rook Island, galena, Bt. Paul., Burlington, and Bt. Louie _ 8.80 1 P. P.M. M. NICHT XPRIBB, For Blinira, R oof; Detroit, Chicago, Milwalikee Rook Island, Plana, Bt. Peals. Burlington, and St. Lotill. E 3,218 00 21. 210 00 The 7201. M. train retnetthrongh to ftARRISSUIIa, stopping at all %tattoo,' on the Lebanon iralley,Brineh of the Philadelphia awl Raiding Railroad. ACID At Rupert, for Wllkestiarre, Pittston, fierenton; es 4 eSll agtinas on the LAONA.WANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. " Baggage checked to Elmira; Buffalo, and Buspansion Bridge. lEr a- Ticketa ean'taip - rowed at the Philadelphla and Elmira Railroad Ilnala Tieket °Mao, Northireat COMM' of BIRTH and OfiIIiBTNUT 'Streets, and at. the Fen longer Depot, emulator BROAD and TINE. - • r THROUGH larnites "SRBIGHT TRAIN • Leaves the Depot, Biodd street, below Vine,'daily. radar; enoepted4 fo r all points West and Mlk, at 6 Freight' mast be dflesred before 8 P. Y. to lows their going the same day. further information apply dt - Freight Depot, Broil, Mote Vine, Or to OLIAB. 8. TAPPHNi General Agant, N. W. eor.flixtb and Chestnut Streets,' Philadelphia. 8,2:0 00 42,08 T 85 8023,804 70 MEW YORK. "LINES.—THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TICINTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. - PROM PRILADRLPRIA 2'o NNW TORN, ANISWAY 1 . 140110. Leave ea follows, Ti*: At 8 A. M., via Oamden and Amboy,- Aeomamande r - Non 266 At 8 A. M., vie Camden sad Jersey City, N. a. An. oommodatlon • .. 226 At 8 A. M.,124 Camden and jersey City, Mariam; Mail 8 00 At 10 A. If., by Steamboat Tem Nelleon,vio Taco- • cy and Jersey City, blornl4•Saaprees 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden aid Amboy, O. wed A. lx press BOO 1.1 5 P. M.-vis Camden and Jersey City, Ihrenlng 8 0 At 8 P. 31., its Camden en/ Amboy, Avoemmoda. tion, let Clam 7 00 At 8 P. M., via Camden ad Amboy ; Am:lemmas tion, 2nd Class. 1 60 At 6P; M. , vie Camden and Amboy, Addatroneds. Non, let Ohms 2 OD At 6 P.M., via Mundell and Amboy, Actommods• ' Bon, 2ud 014ra 1 76 The 5 P. N. line rims daily, all otherii Dandsys ex 73 tod 11 P.M., froniNeneington Depot, els:jersey _ En', 3141, Saturdays excepted. ' 12 26 Piess Linea atop at the principal sts'dons for Belvidere, Ilaston,,Blemington,- fro., it OA. M and 25; P. 14. from Walnut street wharf. Poe Water Gap, Etroadsburgi Stranton, Wllkosbarre, Montrose. Great 8end,.4.e., St 0 A. M., via Delaware, Lsokawanall at We dery ltallreadr for freehold, di 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. tor Mount Holly at 6A. M. and 2,4 arid OP. - WAY M. - for Bristol, Trenton, dm at and 4P. M. For Palmyra, Ransom, 30;early, Durliogion,,Bordss town As., at 3 P. NI: Steamboat Illo'aard Stookton for Bordentown, and in. termediate p,nose, at 2,.ti P. M. Steamboat John Neilson, for Tawny, at 10 and 11 g A. htand for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. 01. All lines exoeptll . l , leave Walnut ',treat wh - art Merlfty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas longer. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage aver fifty pounds to be pold for extra: The Dom: pany limit their responsibility for-baggage to ono dollar per pound, and will not be .liable for any amount be road slooi exeapt by spaial contract. Vra. U. GAMBIER, Agent ", O. E A. E. E. 00. alimig* N ORTH PElThigrPe VANIA RAILROAD. • BALL ARRANGEMENT. For BZTHLEHOH DOYLESTOWN, /40., sad by aloe railroad connections for • Easton, Oatawissa, • New York city, Allentown,._.. Willtanmport, Water Gap, Maudt Chu Elmira, Wllkesbarre, Hazleton,- Niagara Falls, Scranton. - On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1858, Pea. scorer Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as followe For - Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkeebarre, Water Gap, Scranton, &e.; (Express.) at 8.15 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Williains, pent, Aftmirs and the West, (Express,) at 2.15 P. M. For Doylestown, (ACoomamdation,) at 8.46 A. M. and 4 P. H. For Port Washington, (Aecomnnelaticm,) at OAS A. M. and 8 P. M. TEAMS FOR PRILADELPIMA Leave Bethlehem (Exprees,) at 9 A. M. and 6 P.M. - Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at t A.M. and 8.80 P.M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 1.10 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. Doylestown Trains run daily. Other Trains daily, Oandays excepted. AU Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham duet with hith and Sixth Street Paean ger Railibad. Pare to Bethlehem 11 60 Manch Chunk 2 90 I , Easton 160 • • ic • Doylestown ' 80 FOR BOHOOLEVB MOUNTAIN—By 9.19 A. M. train to Easton, therms by.N. J. O. RR. ano D. L. & W. EL to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at th e Moun tains at 1 P.. 31. Fare. $3.10. awls tf ELLIIii CLARE; Agent ' 1858 P Egirlllia;ii?,l - 1V A 1858 nom PHILADELPHIA TO P/TTSBUReII, - And thence by Railroad to WHEELING, T. LOUIS STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND,' CINCINNATI, 01110M1-0, LOUISV.T.LLE, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. PAUL.% And all Intermadlato point/ in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS,'KENTUORY, MORI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points west of Pittabargh, Wheeling. °hiveland sad Oreathne; have choke of routes, endue reta.equested to mate a selection before applying for Usk. TRAM THROVeIf TRAINS LRATII PIIILADRIr PHIA DAILY, Forming clone sounestions at Pittsburgh to all points On and after - MONDAY, May 10th, DM, Three through, and Two atioommodation trains, will leave the depot, 111. - N. corner of DLTIVINTII and MARANT streets, as follows: INAINB /OR P.ITTSBITAGII - AND THI MOST LEAVE. Mall train at... .7 30 A: M. Fast line 1 00 noon. Mxprena mail-11.00 eight. WAY TitiUPl 1.J11.111. HarrLebtug so• aommodation.B.oo P. 3! Lancaster 6.00 P. al The mail train stops atal &lipids and Pittsburgh. The Expreas mall tuna da excepted. The care leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of BLIIVENTII and MARKET streets, entrance on Illeventh street, where throes's tickets to all polute Wee can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the DepOt at any time du• ring the day. No charg e for handling beiwage. For farther informa tion, apply at the Depot of the Ponneylrania Railroad Company, southeast corner 01 Bleventh and Market strceta, between the haus of 7A. M. and 11P. If. THOMAS DIGORR; my 10 Agent Penn's Railroad do. NOTICE—WINTER IBM ARRANGEMENT. •,s PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND MORE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, October 4, 18E18, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PUILADELPHIA Fee Baltimore, at 8 A. M., / P. M., (Express,) and 11 P.M. For Wilmington, at BA. M., 1, 4 and 11 P M. Por New Castle, at 8 A. AL, and 4 P. 11 For Middletown, at 8 A. 31. and 4 P. M. Per Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.00 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. Id., and 4 P. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPIIIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.60, Express, 11 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at T and 11.40 A. M., 2.23 and and 8.65 P. M. Leave New Cagle at 11.00 A. M., and 8.05 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.18 A. M., and 0.20 P. M Leave Dover at 9 16 A. M. and 4.05 P.M. Leave Seaford at 1.40 A. 81., and 1.80 P.M. TRAINS %OR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 1 55P.M., and 12.16 A. M. OUNDAPO only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. theme, Lie do 6.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phila. phia. 'refight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 6 46 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 740 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre da Ones do 600 P. al nob 8. M. PEILTOII.. President. aBEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS wen-known ena delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Waiters on the ltth - of Jane, and kept open until the let of October. " The new and spaciona Buildings erected last year are noW fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accommoda tions ' , Arline of a character not excelled to any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the Management of Mr. A.. G. ALLEN, whose estunienoe, courteous manners, and attention to hie guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. COMPANY, In addition to the other Mang of mane, it le deemed proper to atato that paeeengere can reaoh Bedford by daylight ride from Ohombereburg. The Oompanyhaye made extol:oleo arrangements to supply dealare and indlvidnals with lc Bedford Water', by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, at the Syringe, Tie For a barrel mullaery) Do. oak) g Do. mulberry) 660 ig Do. oak) Carboy, 10 gallons 2 2b Bottle,, 13i pint, per dozen 1 ISO The barrel, aro carefully prepared, go that pax ehasers may depend upon;receiving the Water freak and sweet. oommunioations aboold be/detained to TKO 111110151tD ISINIRAL SPRINGBOO .9 .300-t/ Ttairnrd Cannts, QLATE 1 SLATE 6 SLATE I t I—Rooting 1,7 Slate, or all aloes, and at lieu low rates, kept ow. /tautly on hand, and for sale by RWRI FOE, DO. GRBDIANTOWN ROAD R an d TRIADAEreit- - WI. D. 011ie Boors pat on Wee beat mama, and Wring attended to. AU work wurialsolt nailpati MAINS PION TITTELDVION AND THE PINT A.lllll. Mail train at.. 11.00 night. Fast line 4.60 A. M. Express mail.. 1.19 noon. Narrieturg as eommodation.7.ls P. M Lancaster .9,60 A. 14 the stations between Phila. ly e the other trobas Mandel bummer Resorts .....14 00 8 00 ' 11 0 11 :04 Tines. PIENNSYLVANiA,:!,',RUCAPATIrr4rgik i GREAT DINTRALIOUTE,*aneabIe4 - with Western: Narth.-Wesmn, 'western Elates, by - a otitbnirete Road elero tonarats , atTPlttsbargh Rio Of 'steamers to all ports on lbe Western' Wart; 'rind at - Cleveland end Ilandusby.witb, Steamers Weal on the North-wait - run Lakes ;- maklng,the; man - OREAPSET and ISRLIABLE.,RONTEby.srbiab CU be forwarded to and from the .011111.dT WEST:: - - BATU riirmirm,WELVA.ND hair tato, O Books, Di Goods; (fa bonen bales and tranbs), Drage, Oa banee and bales) Feather., Pun,- ave., Ito. per Ire &Mown Cr.ses--Domeetio Olteetlng Eblrting and; baleanDrpgri(ln`wks),Hardware, . _ Leather, liquor, On malts ,) Wal _ Paper(, i Weal ' and One? Pelts, . -Isetwirdi rte..te 1004 Pit 111 - MID Ilatith_Baten and Pork, Baited, (loan or. • • mks), Palnts, (dry-and In end Olio (except had and rade) foe. per 100 Peva= bursa—gro , fte, - gleb;:Aact-A4 %afield Pork,' (In asks or bozo -anstward),Lard andLardolliNailt, • - Hada Aah,GermarrOleyiTar, Pitch, . Donn, Mannfaettnee - name, Rosin gereenniane: ' Sager, Obis, bble.; and beim? - ese., &e foa. per AM FLOUR-78k per bbl q email farther notice. ' Gans'-86e. per 1001 M., until farther notion: CurrON—s2 per bale, not aketedirlp 100 fps. WOO% ants! further notice. • - • In thlpphik Goods from azttliolot Past or Philadef phia, be particular to Wain( peahens ore Pcmuyleee4 aclafirood." AN Goode Consigned to the Agents of thie .Hoed, at Philadelphia or Pittobargh, will be forwarded -without detention. - PsAtanr Aansr3.—Olarhe Or. Co., Mimi° ; Packer tik & Go., illemphie, Teen.; H. P. Baas & Go.. Bt. Louis, M 0 ..; P. G. &-• Go„ Bvanevife , Indian; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky. B. 0. bieldrurn, hUdioon, Indiana;' H.W. _Brawn £ Go., end Athar• & Hibbard, Oincinnati; U. Pierce . & Co. Zanesville, Ohio; Leith* Co., No. SO Kilbyetreet, - Nosto ,n• Leech to Go., No. 2 Astor - Hours, New Yerk, No. Wifilmot. • New York; N. I, &seeder, Philadelphia; ,IdaqPnit 61. Koons, Baltimoss 7). A Ittrinut; Pittaburgif. - HOUSTON, - amid Freight - 402i. , • N. I. LOMBLIST, 801181111 Otltorintendent, Altoona, Pa 904 w It* -FOR,MATANZAS.—.--The fast-sailing adbooner ELLEN ELLeifiSomere, mister b.,- Ibg of her osrgo engaged, will positively e.il on OfellifflDAY 2 27th inst. Yor balance of freight or passage, ripply t 6 WU. P. MOLANN & CO.. note-8t - No. 903 Somas REABVES • THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERIcral ROYAL MAII, STEAK . - ' 11031 311 W TOILE TO Z4IIAPOOS. Chief Cabin Pamir, ~ UN Second Cabin Passage r 1$ /ROM 109701 1) 1.1118/.70L , Chief Cabin Passage 3110 Second Cabin Panne •.. ao The okays from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Jndkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang ARABIA, Capt. J. atone, 1 AMERICA, Giapt.Winiosses ASIA, X. G. Lott: - NIAGARA, Capt.Rysie. APIHOA, Capt. Shannon. ZIIROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. ' Theta lessela carry a clear white lightat nast.hes4 green on starboard bow ; led en part bow ;—- 'BUROPA, Leitch, leave Roston, Wednesday, Nov. S. PERSIA, Adkins " N.York, Wednesday, Nov. 10. AMERICA, Mello:go, - Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 11. Lott,. ASIA, Lo. . - ,N. York, Wednesday, wept. 24. NIAriAIIA - HICK., 'S I. Bagel,- Wednesday; Deo. 1.- AFRICA, Shannon,. " N. York; Wednesday, Deo., 5.,- EURO , A, Lettish, - g , Roston, Wednetidsy t /MBAS. PERSIA, /sulkies, "N. York, Wednesday, Dee. 22. ' ARABIA, Stone, "Staten, Wednesday, Dee. tt. Berths not mitred until paid for, . , , An experienced Surgeon on board. , The owners of thew, Ships will net b e a ccountable for Gold, Bilges:, Bullion, Spasm- Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, tillage bills ollading are signed thirster and the value thereof therein expressed., , To. freight or passage, apply to, .- • nol-y . - „ 3 CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green. AtFOR CHARLESTON, S. o.—Heron's LINE—ONLY REGULAR LINE—GOODS BE OBLYED AND DILLE LADING SIGNED EYERN DAY.—Yrsight and insurance at Imo than - sallies Tea sel rates, by the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Hershman, to sail on BATIIRDAY;November 20th at 10 °toles& A AL trout second ,wharf alto' re tine 'sheet _ Tor farther partleulare please see adireritts*eatet Steamship IiETISTONE STATE, ii thli Paper, _ For freight or passe apply to' - Emsoii,rig_ 328 North arrar • FOR ORARIZSTON AND Rz - VANN= —SIMON LIVa. • oops REOEITED AND BMW OP LA.71:01.1110111D %MY DAY. The splendid Brat-olasr side-wheel Broarmaitlisi &UST ONE STATII sad STATIGEORDIA, Now form a weekly tine for the South Mid Southwest, one of "these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 = A. M., alternately for curtest= and Ss- . FOR OTIARLISTOR. Tho ataamihip KETBTONR BTAFR, Captain O. P. Manama°, will, commence loading on TiIIIIMDAY, November 18 , awl nil on SATURDAY, Nov. 10, at 19 Woloak„.4. M. SOB SAVANNAH - The 2TATIi OP ONOROXA, Qaer. John 7 Gervlr eifll boding on Tharodnft No? 21UL • aid sa , l on eatordsy, November 27th, w. .10 *Wool - A. Atbotk Charleston and i?wvanwehitkesestupewout en. with steamers for Florida and Havona;:end wfS ea *- roads, &0., for all Ei! .2 emi in the South and lionthwd* OW: 011414,61.14 Heavy Tref ght at an mange of 16 per cant. below New York steamship rates. • • TRILIGHT sad INSMIANOiI on a. hags proportion of goods ehlyped South will be found to be lower by these Oleo then by mailing Temaelei - - OMAR pangs $2O CO Steerage do Ixourelon Tickets, good for the present. year: 9.9 09 - No bile of !alas &toed 'Ger the ship bar oak& Por freight or patine, apply to A. MEC. , Jr., No. MI (late 81) Noah Wharan; Astute at Charleston, T. S. & T. G. RM. Agents in Sayannalt, G. A. MUMS& di GO. Tor Plata, from Oksrltababutesnar AlkikinibLe, every Tneeday. Por Florida, from Savannah, eteanuire 9T, MARTS and ST. JOSIAH, every Tuesday and Saturday. Por Ejlefarak, from charlatan, steamer - IBABII.on the 4th and 19th of every month. • - lel.l 1858. sagit - 1859. ' MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS UNITED STATES MAIL PARKET LINE.--The splendid Boats of tide old and popular LINE will lam Meruptito and New Orleans, as heretofore, on • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, & ,YEIDAYS. MONDAY PACKETS NEBRASKA BBN SBANICLIN WEDNESDAY PLOHATEI lOUN SIMONDS INCIOMAA .Capt. JAS. I. SMITH, Capt EIIRDETT PARIS, FRIDAY' PACKETS. Capt. W,M. WRATH T. FL NEWELL. lIRLYAHr R. R. W. RUB rj" Them Boats connect at Memphis with tho Rail roads from that-point, also with regular Packets for Bt. Louis, Lcoisville, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Cars. Passengers can arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than bunions or plea sure may require. For information, inquire of , J. J. RAWLINGS At Webb & Rawlings', 316 field , Memphii B. R. SHOCK, Adv. Agent.. • ocl2-fm ttlinto anb .tiqturta. CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sirs to lessen the consumption of im,pure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the honstitution, has induced the offering to the public of en article which the analysation of 'Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, 1c Cameo, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all eneation, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious apirita ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OF DICZAS. R CHILTON. . I have analysed &sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiikey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Js.. of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D. New York, Sept. 3,1868. Analytical Chemist. Dskit Eta: We have carefully tested S the - sample ept. 9, of Cheatnut-Orove 'Whiskey which you sent as , and And that it contains none of the poisonous substance known las Fuels Oil, which is the characteristio and Iniruicaui ingredient of tho Whiskeys In general use. Very reepsctiully, BOOTH, GABRBTT, & OAHAO,, Analytical Ohetnlata. To CHAILSO WHAIITOS, Jr., No. 72 Bonth TRONT Street, Philadelphia 0c.12-dtjall. VeRAIMIES.--u Pinot Osatillon," Marett, AS, and o th er Cognate of various .arint.ver, in ha/2 pi ea and quarter narks • Fellerolsin thaehello Bram:lieu, pale and dark; in half pipes, half auks, and one-eight' casks. Imported end for gala by HENRY BOHLEN CO, OEB2 231 and 228 South fourth etre& tiotele anb litstanrants A RCADE HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, * ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA . - CONDUCTED OM THE Eunorman PLAN. - A new leftee for a tore of years having been obtabud for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, It orlireon. fine to be conducted u heretofore, on the European plan, and the prises remain nuchangedois : Root PER DAT 500. DINNER Sic. lIRRAILTASR 3 / 4 1SD TEe IiON, 3440. . . The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every. thing done to make guests emnfortable. The chambers are heated In winter by means of Steam Pipes, for wkleh no extra charge Is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a /mares of annoyance to 'mete. The accommodations are dedgned wholly for bulnese men—hence no ladles are received. trr- This house is never closed day or night. J. D. BROWN, N. DR YOUNG, DONE' HO ' IiAItItISBURG, P.. , (P•eated In 1857 j ELEGANTLY PURNMINIL NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. r0y29,3 , • WILLB 00VIRLY, Proprietor. iThE LA.NEY'S SALOON AND RESTAtr .IS RANT. N. E &mar THIRTEENTH ael CHESTNUT Streets, Mattileiphia. no 3 3mo WM. A Die LANEY, Proprietor. 1 - PROSSER'S RESTAURANT, No. 461 • 808 MARKET F treat, four doors above EIGHTH, South ,Ide, Philadelphia. Oysters , fitewed, Roasted, Fria, Pickled, &a., Sce.,,for Rome CODDIIMptiOII and Transportation. N. B.... Dinner from twelve to three o'clock... • • eobarra. FIIGUET & SONS, • - PO* Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, ..,11 028 216 South FRONT . "R ... LAVANA oiGlng.-106,000 La Flor 1-11. de la Havana Ist, 2d, and Ida, Just arrived per brig ,4 May Queen? from ,Ravans in store. and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, se2l-tt ' No. 216 booth FRONT Street VIGAILO;OABANAS AND PANTAGAS SUGAILS.—A °bolee of these onlobtaWl brands on board brig ‘, Now Bra," Maly expected Iron gimps, sad tot We Icor, by OHABLIZ UTE; (New) 188 Went street, below &mold; sal •-• • , Stor y QEGARS.--A LARGE' ASSORTMENT. constantly on hand, and for sale at reduced pricei. Fresh invoices monthly; direct Troia Havana. - •E. D. SCOFIELD; No. 837 OftESTlfffr Street s ander Girard Beau. n02.11C.0 . , • , „ -......mo•••••••••••=ft (7i 7 trat : I IGAR . 50p,001,. one 7 brand; In gore and for sale by WAI. IL YZA.TON 2 6 South VROIfT St. " . , nab A iiLsoPr l s TALE. ALE—In A ionitatt 'Bawl Oft 7iaudln Castiiia-lionee atom, for ago by WILLIAM YBATON 3 310 path /MONT Mont. i 294 IL IRVIN. ...Capt. J. D. CLAWS.