r4t gW -•,f(74 1 4 '"Cg'r , „1-3,, _ • Parer — 7,T 7,• - • , - , • 7-- O'S .R/I,JYATIW,I!, in t terigallg. 4 1/ r ~ •• VOW.,ltiteettlitrAd SierMailte4:lloletite. ' s 7.64 04 .7. 11 ( 1 7 Mied QO6IIIIIO,MUM IJI.O4V,PUbiIIy Sale , , (of le , 9901:tooltlea aseletatelerseiGy.) •,. of char. , ,-- ~- ,' 4r, -.I ?: r gactl 7 +. r . ti`P,,,t , f. • , , ,'lg llUta&r: ' Milli AT,XS,WhII MI- , ''- ~ '• 12811011 nielliblullowit'ut Item Xutete it 'krt. A la• ' ' ,..,-1 5 ' 1if4 1,414 1q tili.jeAtilriPt/04. 10 VOitrOM ... . 'I4IO I A Ir4fKO'4 MITOK 'wit, map bolted 5$ ik, e ' . VitiWZßittE' eV - ititawiJibifiT 1 11*— „ The, SNa..ot,ideastoo Ilea dri, liegithAeY, * CoN ' itbolent blettald Itiffiltdribill ooddienoethoczooTp,thi f4 Wa ck ' s- tg at li ° al l e 9 oV : :*o l* ror;itior ; ~,..„,“'„ 4 0 ... , ;, , -,,,., „.,,..,:v t. , - 1 ;,I S T # #. 10,,,_,.,.,-,,,, ~ , ~,i , ,--,,„,,a., _.rso.44" Q ii k iiiitui,it.,6- Noreinhoritnlh a tt rii - t.,,f ii,„*.- ;i.e.,' ,_ 1 it t a, L , 1 igicasco; Tor l o b o, 0 , L . 4 Aimi&tetton, ' ' 14- 1 /-,7124,1 1 t orlitt ab l iLdtelirVal6Po7- 1 , 1 "t. ~ ' * 2 eladreg s % gr t Ale, 00' A°B4em / ot * wile ' 'O2 ebitiv` tit et tix 1 0 *” . 40 - , Q, 4 ° ', dOt ` lr' lebore lietainVellybiarl'Ardttoas;.„ , , ~., ‘,4ol.tkkOlti,Vr9atafileA*l4lloB7- , 0 o ,- ~'ril *Ole SALE -.,,N9YNALOT/11611s. gA I O 1 •at , ... _._.. 1 0-err . .° 1 ..,10 , ~,,, ~, ri ','., ,=,, ~, , , , .9el",m"rellig. araoM.ol„yer-„Athelion, ~. ~,--4,t, 7 1-: ~,,,,,pesessett. et, t; - t•-- ,;,. .. s - ; ' 't, - ;'," , (44 - 11/0,14 1 '11•3V.., V2.144,- - 011111122‘, -1111101$41- 44W,Wr mentlrullable lot or grOitud, northwest Yenisei ;lee net. northeast or "yam Januar 60 feet '.-il'etl,t.PJL 71 IS eatp.,, .•. s ''• • • •• r- ...; . - tt - ' _ s . BM* , BliCali 2 A÷ltilli ~.,V tt " OWI AlTTX l4 nOt t fil ,'A- T t li gl VIA ITOWN.,-)A 1 110 and valuable lot, , =. l ted eskke bid stenhonstirtryot,oentlawest of ltta -, rxidnotriret, gig fed rant by 115 2 Atet deep. , t , t 3 •, , L 0 11 11.4 _BO 411 , - . 4.W4) ,VALVAIIIa LOTai TATMAN j 'a .. fi el l i s t' Tarot _I RS , 12 1 14 144 1 - yrigrot a s ght l e 4 t , o l e t APLOV•I4: - a ir efilepereaeop• 9.lfeet 1..0,- -, V=2 l lo:l4)64= i tnie 9 lofti w lege il Walnut bud, northeast of Green street, Germantewn. lisoeutoritTellibldoWialerrilstedelarrTolut.,Willate; .1 4. ai •AV , r'a)tP ~,V, , Docialatig.l 7 7.7. .„, ,a) t'lia , , bilibt AWNLUNG,o•NeatAhteerstaty briar, dwd , YlineiloalSlNdattli Blame tdh ittesti abet* Arch itrosti 3 01,1sr,deleabsolute `4 - ,.. - ~ t ,r _ U.: L • - ) t: . , -1 Sante Nstater.-Tattla TWO AND A HALT, STOUT inuolt DWIILUNCIB,Ithe3OI9,IO2I, andlo2s North alreet,,between Toathtind Eleventh, stud Ram and, • - ,Vlnestrelater 117 - Bele abeolltte. 't t: , , --v.o , , t „ ..•`1,9W0 rAsuABLIF 520/138.--Two modern•fist, `story etaaGititerseynot.lo7 awl 10$ Wallet strittli guru • nen% Strut: id Ili .7 ~ 0.. r - r,, ,, -. -,-.,_+•., WALNUT ATENST...Nott madern'residetto , sonth.l 4,soter etoureohrmanut am Seventeenth street. . ... 1 , LIVALUABLN ,IJOT, *mange street, bontbeast :of larthltrylt, illiehmend:;:'.7 ; , , „ , , ~....r.wya,UlaT I,oT, 4 mogitton dyed, , adjoining, the.. above. „, ,ISat 04, , a,,- „ -1,,, s v,_, , , ionadoldstate IN liwy,lti Townsend, Deceased. I,ool3llTi' OrIiNNT.-41Arialiotoa deiodern residence, • No. Me Xelhet Street, above Ilibteentif Street, oppo. diderAidMark4Obarolt,Mil44 =:,_,,,„‹,-, 4. r.-„,,,, , BIIIIDING 'LOTS, , 111.0113111011 , HRIGIIT81 )) -. Yive budding loter,iwalnntgterentk.'and Sloth street, Athbaads delights. between Burlington and Itordentoem, New Jersey. , , rt• . •• `t. - -, 'rums 81•6111'441111)1t ii123111;111G, • 110,,121/t -I dfiii . #2: street - west of TwelttirgteBt. ‘' •'• ' • ' " 4 ohuirClitrr OEM:Tr: •Three-itory bcierresideitre: nfille00• Chattel:it etteeti ' , 10t••99- feet front, llle feet deep, two fronts. ,„•;•„-, „.4:, , •,- •,, • •••• , .t, -• Peremptory Sate-EstateLor Karr B. Picker, Dull. -'s9ll9,9Dlißlitaßlill OROZIND.SJINT.4.4n irredeem. `'able prontel.rent of 941,25, teromeitty, a three story brier threlllnt Ilfiefenth' areetlloilow;LoOnsit street ; dael2EstOte owTWO 'VIABLY-GROUND:RENTS or ~eewed by two three Whit dwellings, -PcOver Eitri aboraseyentlestreeti•4l ~.,- la ',I ~ii,,' :,:t 6 c-r,r , - t t-liampaischisitOrnut AORISILON,LAND, situate on the Hey 15na,250 lauds southeast or the Dishy Pas -6 trtrataoll4fildildtrlfkmar table lot , .fduket.etntet 'IR ~.fit -,,,- • -r•.",t , -••••.4 4 , 4 , ,, - a ~,t- ~t, oIaION/r„.A.NDIVIASCI4IO.I44IOUBS Orli the River Ideltalklll, forth itoue Moretti* dam, on the west side, Isto West Philadelphli, holds 9,000 tons of foe. , . p -4 - %.-At v ,', , i ''.l ~ '.... 6 ..r."..-..."......t>,1 , - C' , ,‘ J " '.. ,A , tt • tislol2l4MNTis IthlaisApt=llo2ll2ll324. 221, - Wlll inolude-- , ~ , , r - - - ..„, -.- - ';"-ULTP506IN *mom( lasinuasois, qesat elder of 111,4aestreet.rhborePattish street, Wlth"stable and 'r maoh.hinottsllotio by lfgrfttett- • •• r , - h.;1 1 141XPALIIIIW•110139.81'0111';311012 'BUILDING, -' Alerlde,Pser , otrsett,hotweert Dooksnd Third tussle, ..- littuttrot-ViltY A - 5e?,13,t,--7 4, 1_ . , , -,4 t ''itallrexitaystratti SAW 21 11 Ati'LUMBSR 'YARD* Wll l ll t it 1,....ND LARCH idstf:s_Dultutoe, Burlington i• , -- s,-,l l ' -- t -... ts -. . 4,- " o '-' ' L..; 40 7, ' _ - Trasteeis Sae. 4 --,; - t ' 'tti.k.TALIFABLEIBIIIIINts/3•LOCATTON, southeast ear. nee Or Seventh. and Carpenter streets, betWeeno6leyket siht Ohesteet etreete. 4 v r: 'O , O O .1., V "LirAttlaallUidellldd LOONTION.-Thres story brit* dweltlint, lint us , eolith -Tenth eyed; between` Obostnbt intAT.ditnt strode! 'A w ' ~.' ... ' . Ittottinocsaltilltstate isle of James Vane.; Dee , d. ..v...;;VALTIAIII/11 SMALL TARSI, over:6s iereectstween "Stalleton sad the Pox °beat, -with „a-fronton 'Penns. pack creek. Jatift - to••..r--tv-il,-e,..' ~,- = , , ~,-,, = BOUT& SOT/1M t - 11211P1 V-I Two' three-s t ory ibriMettOillbt, N 0.1511 Muth Seventh street, bet Ween • elettaluct end Retith streets. ' 11• - • - ' • - ' - eitUnrSTAkatthSt • Oliolli t iD , SiNTil - RENTS Irieti =dodo 8 grounditehts , Of $OO per annum;'-orie of gdo Oe i lfed per 1112VOSil t one of 940 elm ,auf'eataleopee* sod-, ,tiko books, ei l lis 'et erten: ne t iltian •as eiambiatlon on - Widnet• -- -..„:" .1 aaoroio ;-- ,;-.1 -ow , v't ; - < . , ~,,, ' X- 't b.,. ~trt, - . 4 1 j... i .„6, 10 .,„ 4„1 0 ,. : ,-* -,` t '',.? 's 2111141111,212411 G $ 4 11. W. CIMITIII. I I ' ';', „. ,- ,ht; .7.,', - ;;01,„ - ..,-= .7; rt&e.Xxldar:o , , , . c' 7 ett"' t 14 • 44. '„, )0 Nothbet r igth" ( 3 12 tol tl" 1 , a o es :loon, i jr . 2* l 4 . lwlll'itivnitstiithcatt• reserve, it the PM.' lodeloblaillithangea; ' _ ts ,, ~,„„tet..,,,,,.1 4 0,2,.,,,,,..1.0arter,,, built In - 2 o,f white , oale , Atts Ives in • • oonstent use ever' ' tati ( teertrt , rtn , the BUM , Delaware );. is Tit rest in itolith 2 9d 30 feet in width, and meson es 044144 tons; di al* raw•oreesetre a:Meadow eowinh, with a stoke of ex teet„ with an.lB.lstelt "opiluder. , aheyoy lies at • Malialtighintstrivet whaifirv• ... . 1 t• - • ~ .... ; , tinv.ltiale absolute. tternis-uvroik: ROW to be paid • tree trarorssle:" - " ' , _ , . I.l.rfaßoPritt 0t,.111V AcnittLioerth arid, ' MT( 013TIIIMOR nANO-FORTX,I.B LN,311 _IItRENCII 111ATi4labi/Oati BRUBBILII OAB , 091;04 Morning A t 0 , wolook,, st s .X99 9116t991' oars, an ansuive ; itgeortralniA9t,•,o999l.4o saoor+lmindforaltnee; Caput, Itinatortes h 11909211990kaN9P991; eV:, item pivotal Wallies doslining honsolreeplomi".l49ll.l , tolthie attire aor ocarvenineovatatezp 611- ' 4lll % o 'Bale." " CrIP pnigotiiitlpits4olB ;411 bel Mt bra- leOq l flP Ollll JM 1,4 4 qkl l A4t l o,4t:**t 4 1 rit 4.1 14 ' b ta t*O'fittii 1 VoritoisifoWtrrrk4o 7 4 l :' tiVit i fidet qoadttvl4A;£lll,`"Vproyrootr??l , 4 - 11tos. tool fi r " ~ scat,abohloto , 11030 lo'bo _ptld at the timid • of i e , 4 • r , ,44FX.TV:iq i 9.3 -AND VALIIAOLIC - MORABY. , a 4 44111thandarlionlingos. - n - x ei - AretrOCreatat /oD'Oloalr,lo/I'l9, 404 st-019 - 990ti99' irporiniAlonth Rotth:fittoitt *bbot rostitrkr. onion seeignee, a vary tottoolot Valuable private librarp,. comprising Mr* rare, curimuf, pod , voluable wake in mv i otdpeartment. 'of 'lterating, •• - • • - t eA11,9199194,0.1, be'999091:9419..09 afternoon and; 1 1 4 1 t a ogees be s - r 9141 hAzoll The Ivoira tuvanged , for,OlitioroloreetrpreViOnaltetraW.--r:'."..lL. ' TO OA ITAGISTICIithiDAXO, tco”—,1410)! AND' x - xt. ViLiVATIIOO,I4, Lootrat et • beticeta‘tiroak , aute-lrir, rfotAlUtit orrOilot attWit, orris foot I?, doth to 10 _AUCIT,IONNAA --14 " ce l n ij;IZr jui tT* 111. ! 1 ? 15 /N .-- ;r; , 1,-;41!-hil4111AM , BVILUKilA# pILVITOWIfr; - i I Z . Wa_ f rr i i , 2 4 a7 l - .:itOtyZA-yiod'iiiiii amounts, '-: -Atent**itiottirtethitiiiWiliii 3 OldiiiiiVilliiict plate, .--....-.:= 141isinqndsi,--Nit0,09;. , jekifeirztl'o4lll4u,ifdac i`_,difets nittirtii thy- goc . ip, , eloti,i,ault, _ tio l! „ '', # 4 loThliatd 4 sr, le ' Cuilevr; bookOmMisticveh olosiliar i ~.;; , - - imakrAlutali.arstalioar of , tikliidi 161 *my; /46/tht or -thus ; .$4101 , 54.' pli::./str;Nistisame ßlfth d d ert i ttipPac j apNiillist;; : -: l .lii . , , ,, , PrimievolllcrEeeredtkiro * Othgr fl aii &WO . tif, '' r ' - : ; - iirkftrAunt4lll!!"""kg.24:oo,, hL . :',:-..- - .12.1-itvt -a-e *I. PRINOULL' , ISTABDISUURNWIALI 1 -4 .i l Maltlfill'AMMlXTlriAltlkßAC monkfi W'BTRIO. Mr' '' ~. __ ,u:lifimrit 11l U14,011111' adiattOed , Ifil 4 61,4 - odl -,- illaraiozidveristabisMerteliyi fowling , • „ ...',Artomilslbiaduirptitoeiiiipw,lig=es t , kiiiNP ~- . ware,; male% line, ' , liittouti-:itdriNtire ' mitts: eit-i - - , ' , --frotardtk _hatideatNiAtekini - ear'; - _ honks, T wolceillarnowirtoolor , NM ill lotttir Irtgats• ,' - ''''lltfloalti•WW:,it ,„,.-.-.- i . ri.,,,,eaar, - N;•..4 471 TX•DOOW:11411511111 .. , fri' ~J '' ';.; . ' '''. s'.(:r „'_i: ' ! '11 . 3' , 4 * / 1 9 i261 ,,,__0 44i1 ,,,,:**11 1 **t . t.:kallYoeb4143:i7te;e'effitgil }kt-dwell sicilE}tisToi ... - '- --: ;d 13 # 00 4/ 001, 4 7 ,t'l , " 4 .t"A- 1 04'7•!0-f-ISWI.,- - .4 , , ,-........”, i 7464, 1 ,t fp I .I,TAT- j r" .•,. Au ?,?,‘ - 7- :,.. , ,.`t ; _. • • 13 6 , 1 OnOrXER; 1 T ~-,1•; 4 ,)--, . ., P ,T. '4* - 0 . t7.:14 . :4; k 0 01 ‘ ,)fi i ,z,.52-iA.C' attr , , tgeomilmitc4 , •iieit.i-culy ~ 1 , e ,,,i1:4411".., h - 7,5„ . 134 , 0 1. • '-'-‘, -', AriectockPALACitsikinAol --.1...45:. :- , -..:,10 .. !.. .v.• - ioh. t-4- , -4-,.(••• - i-1._ ~- - •,-',. -, ;•:,-??.:.,:::',. _ _ 44,1hir, : •' , 1 ,- , ..o7oi:Aueshili t h..., 144044. Aw - -11 4 . , ~ .-, ,• ,hi theishi.t..a...aw.-1..,- , . , i.,7.! -.--,...,..-sw. ~..,14- '. .1„, . 1 1 „... ~.- -.-,: - —. 4 . ; :_••.- -.; ", ;,..,:-.,•:,-„..,.•.:.•., ' ....if , _ hi• ~ . atil whiIiWARIIIIM,A , A, , ‘, •S ; oit V AbOn iaS,t : l:6 : 4l44 = ardv l ‘ el:ti Dlfr -#:.rq!.*,:4; lame' olt ;z' l . i . ' „ ' , ? - ,' „ ,- .o,467+Zlt. , hTan'--a 5 ::', ,,4 I " . , ` ,, 4 . 41 -1 ~74rilleij.Airtr41474-giiiif‘ii anfiucnrardsi 1--..-3;:'--,ll6lZett,-WfaiNO^ts9Vll,l4oo and ova, = F.' , ... - f...r. , Thil MA ROW baMis'iikireirof‘qt ' ill. " ,_.; - 11i1Aisit gilikiroorysilte.4~4l4du el' aueltr ' ...; ,, n l-, Vite-iiitehiligllerittlqiiiitorditiv.i. i ti ' v y., i im m r P:01!. 111 1ftion bt .Szli ' kavinsimas =.':..f..0010W4840 , it titii§Via - P',.:4=lM-A-Stt. ;.g..,34,11-Ar,ral -- 'ittg- 110, 0 10 4 . ivrtliM,41kiiliiiilliftt *fa lamp#4o,filptebtlid ; to nulcilidiaii*o l ik ums J614411462- I?'," k W ;til r ie '4 t !"4 -4- #0.13 trpaigfiiQl="o4i' eiv#4xt.7,1..,1 7 4.. t .,.. 2 voalOyen-5aia1.,,11.0 littpotUer 11001 ms - ,X . *yVii tt i, ' 3 4t- 'PJ,: , : O -,:',V . ...:„!_": ;Z:•: : -..1., - P7.:,-,-,,- - -. ' =FM ---; ,ls akeiegitittiont 4fiNIIIINEE#St,I3IMITAT-,; , 00., ' = Nita' Olt IMPORT/3D DRY ltOOPki, - On Priday . Narning 77 NW .16 0/ 1- 3iiof.9', - 91110 1 bi 3 OntaloAes ca 6 MOnthB' r . 400'1111•0410161i4 loti of iron noted '„l3lllPll" , lsainploft andiintalognen eatlydan morning,af . 114•10- 3 1: , t••.• •••• • • 4- •• 100 'P irl aS B 6.1 - `I I ILIC 'PLATA., SATIN .PAOMD '4VIIALENOIA&4.BAIANON OF TLININPDAT A TION. • Kfti Friday ' ' 6 /00 gems , 4,,ottfannjnolorignallty silk plaid Pun ' teen& redeuolea, for (AO. *stall trade.: - • ' PLAID AND DEViRBIBLD WOOL SHAWLS AND `l , /ogon plaid wool ling 0.14w15: •s - • ,Ifionob xotontiblo wool mature shawls. plaldwolillell Dingetmantle l, WIIITOPI,,MAOWINAW , AND 41r,,wars, - • • 014001Q 4 . 11 . 4 and.lB-4 Wh • itney blankets. 1 617 ra niltist b i=t, , uj ' allejecnienaldalLlo, AND ViaI:TAG& FendeikleelorpAleaTer cloths. , do • *leak do. —Panay banded easolmeren. p ine y Nownwni- - plueb. arey velvet's , estings: ,41,4 PY. IAISqI _DOZEN VI,EIOOISD earIIIMBRII, ~,,SHILOAID!ItIi , , „/ND,IANA, AND' (MOTH • - On Friday Morning, Doren ohlideenNi fleeced embitter°, eilki and' Vella* Aella stern., • , , Ddrenjeromen , aellbindidush llnekelik and Plille• lent aloyea. , ' ; Pinten nien , „E`slik and, lined alik and PhElaelle - 2innolkflittnpjonoliglirrec . • 00113CEROIAL SALESROOM. . 222 SIMMER STRIIRT, -• •' " PRTW,PIII.,aICOICAaNn'trItiar,t , itTRiETS Avarroxxxa. „Iffi l ElElß:r4ascorequesice of th e' late arrival of an 16pcfrizostoOttignmeat, our aide, this morn/agog - lit be Commekeed at 11 o'clock. • , • • roc:laded will be'found, : Watered silk tiee, ohs :hallo icierfalltitialiaided do, menixfar-top book gloves Uned worsted braid, wool long abawls; extra large - do, •Illumfriated dbecallle shawls. metes travelling shawls, meh's'white and gray mixed lambs:Wool and merino 'abith,and - lriSitni;'.ilotal keel, Roglisb merino do, 'Amerman a fine -Whits • merlaci hose, pelka jieketi",-Divon Shetland wool 'bawls, heavy gray ;mixed all•siool:ithirte;igentav 'lined buck gloves, wool 44 tllk mantilla velvet, black • xilL'eolored wooded edg10ge......• ' ribbons, Yreizob ertiflois`e; fall f . "Vlb.litMor'boimets, AIM bonnet ribbons, embroldired Jo:duet .ideriviis,",ellir and. leather, - belta; embroidered Aieo ioen'iehatia4mlVwdOl jaoketi, biotic sewiOg . ilik' l . tolert'e and womoces 'ao . pared, black,axd white kid gloves,Stellashawi4. • •- -•— • - Tim) !IbelewU4 . be,foimd worthy the attention •ef, r.finerg And.cionntry•Faretusters. - • - , Thia Morning, 'Will be sold _by sailor:Le, s general assortmeot:_ol Onto and riney(oll ind whiter goods, : , _,,,,..., SALA Paint TSB tiftlitalil. _ '-',-, .:-- - On ,Weilnonday Morning. Wlll r_lie f old from the shelves a stook et iltaDle and fanny toed" w orthy the attention of retailers. , ..,. • ‘ „, - . , ,i c „,-,13A,T,N,0W CLOTHING, Its: - . , -, --', 'Ci Friday Morning; t Hi oatslogiii,;* at**. '',iff roszty-msde clothier so' pllsing.., , -:- -, -, ..,,, - ~ ~ -,,„. ._ . ,-.•!., r. - ! . . .. . .. -, 11 Be ig n iaEl gape - -- ' 1 1 - '-- '' 1 1 ~ ,i-pols-ZosiSi - 1) . 1e4.0 trttlto 'beat style+ for otst4 '' Pt r int% Cl-' s i lsir ' - ' -I '''' , :' ''. s ab47.',Vear! , ' Vests; " ' ' r RLNG da y wool -and merino, atitrtir grAwr 'Alto; t6llsrlng 80017,41',VAUOTIMEE/1, - No. 431 B ORBEIBMIT 81'11.101Ti opposite ".the Ottettim Houle, between YOUBTEI - and P/11T11 , Streets, = IftBE:FROOV: • • Oti.Wednesday !darning, , , -large Ste-krootanfe—nearly„ new. - F.BALX:97 , TBIBUSING , ItIBBONS: EMBBOIDBBIBB, ••, • °WYSS, ROSISSY, fro. - ' • j'•;4-• •On Wednesday Morning, " -11tiranitair.17th. tionimerilims at 10 o'cloolclif,tata: lorumwill be sold elate and desirable assortment of aibbonekaribrpideriasi ‘ glorse obn T listing In part; via': -` - • - 'Few et iammets and' cambric collars, swiss and bOok - caliami,"Jacorist 'and` keeksrie, Argenta , lacimet weds', etultspiderediatonetbandsoka.', ho. •• ; Brt, of /retell lace veils. I WItIbikIINGHIBBONS. ' - tidiest '1714 styles.. dres s_,,trimmig ribbons, [silk fkluget ti bonnet ribbons, ice:, G,LOVES IthyD,ROSIBRY: ' Alio, ladietil• aid gents , black, and oolored kid gloves. ladles' acid' shildrin's lisle ',thread and Silk do, gents! Berlin and buCk, glorei,,,buok *lined Berlin do. with fur tope, • , • I ' - , . •IBO3LBRY. - - Also, ladies' and genie ' cotton en d, merino hese:and 'hilt • • ',.:SHrsTs -AND,Ditnyrall ..- -Ablo,reinN hotly) , Pottonand merino .undershirts and druwers,isditist merino vests. Sac. eARTAk WEBBING. ' • diiincgarter yrabblng i nsainied .solose and . 4 ; HANliitEliOnliiB. • Ajaoii* line JadisaUlnon4numbrla handkerchiefs. isat.ing 2 gaitersywhiteldd slippers, tco, OMielli&Lliiii&OtifE BAIN OM GMAIIIANTOWN . • o"on-fi rr i d o, tiorningi Niir.,l9th,lon a. credit . / oammenalnis at I.6o , elaak, be aold • large lieortaient . of dimilistole' goads'," nialfa. -lactated enirsily for beet city eelee , antayrialag, " - TALIiAI3, 1384.WL8. AND - BASQUES , ''•• Ladles , ' 'Wale. knit 'Aryls, ladies , and childreea :b "titres and•laltitas: plain nod ribbed polkas; Eto. r iiiiblaa,abildien4 *pal hoods, limey eiggolattea. , •,•-• • , 80AB.FM; ." Zephyr knit searfe, labial and ohlldren , afanai !les, &e., &o. • - _ • GAITERS- &WO - 'Abe; and 'children's, sephyr: Ault gaiters, pfloUete Pleorfirj arinlata, &a. .• • ideals and women's' heavy - entton;rionl, arid iderino' Seek cotton and merino half baba,: abildranib bole ,and' figiAvis Abni,DRAWBBS, . _ .. . . 2den'ii •heirrnntton - end 'lnert no - undindtirte and anthers; ladies' merino vests. _ ._, '' 7::.: - OItIONEVJACTESTS. ' . . .. .. . ' Plato and ribbed cricket Jackets. Itr The whole may be 'examined with catalogues early, on - the tnorning of sale, when'pnrchasere will fi nd Ato thalfititaiest to attend. - ' -- - ' . LAMM , PUBS,' 'ROBES, • ••• On Saturday Morning, - Norimber'2oeb, commencing at 1O) ololook, will be' Bold a large atonic of Labia , fashionable fare, in seta' to match, ethislating of martin, sable, Slob, ' squirrel; InolOdsd b * elfourtd, Wets, with - gapes, malt,' lint,'Stilfs3triiiatsli; white* imiltaii,lol/ITfi apps "ant - e1:4[414u caffe,r&S.-" _BtlitatO - Alp FANCY nonts.. • - : ..§so..liirga plod ?ufftilowil. fang. carriage, and sleigh 111T - InaitOU IL, BTEER, ` GENERAL' ADOTION - AND . 00N)111.88ION STONE, NO. dB ,profq!. BfONTH.Dtretit, below Arch: , J. A. ALMON, Auctiourer.n Mae ittittai,-Auction Store. BDI , EIIIOB WILL-MABEL :130130BROLD SUNNI ,' TURN, PAINTIN6IIO-BNIVIAVINOB, MABOBS,I ''.f.,OAII,PBTB,PIANO4DIIII3, BUOW OABB, CROOK= AND litli4BBWAßß., • • - Oa --Wedweedayliorrink, : ,CommenOlgilial9;o!dook, by,, , catalogue, will be addl. tirge, eiwortuient of superior rosewood, =gloom:we : ad; „trelnut -Itilairipty*AT furniture, engravings, rdirrore, 'carpets, - ikigr2einse, „Talmo-for:4r,, crockery and slam., ...'" PISMO,. ~,Lt 110Olocis, wilkie sold„,o superior rosewood, men Usto to plino., .:,• , ' - '''' - ' - • ~ .i„ i . Ono* 0.0,2 E. Milo, Milo, at 11 o'clock, one 8-foot Yrencli plate ollyer niociote4 Vasil, eieokery and glaistiraie. . . NOTIOIL-11ereatter we -will hold our regular males ot., household .fnridture,.tee., , on Wednesday sod are; .turdity mornings, won:naming at 10 o'clock. Evening 'sales ; ofwatches, - ,lewelry,. tonoy and mlecolleneons , kOoditi will be held regularly every Meader, Wednes deyi Thursday, and katerd sy evenings, come:analog at ; ~Oonslgmnentit °Una* and second - hand house-' .110 thrnituraiplano-tortee, carpets, watdbassjelto ll 7) sespottolly_sollolted,•orr whloh ouchau vanees w il l be ma d lf-regalred. - I;Pah,doorfiales attended , tolunnopily.' ,charges airb 17V alieri t tli:sot luiz.gthip ttds sits. 40111RILI,V;,:100,:AtrOTIoNtER; No. Jaf iITIIZZT, between SINTH and IlliTiLatintltfldOi.:-?•"&" • • •' " I,;' 04ED„_,, 4 , w,heao 'noir „ arrange,. -for examination,: ,wlih-csdolognes; 260 Jots of ready-made olothingi of the various qualities and stiles, embracing the most deifies ,ble,,aseortodent; offered .cat motion this - aniseed. - -The pargenlaraittentlonmf parchaeers' le requemed, gale' to oommenctot 10 o'clock preciselyi OLTALOQI7,OOIII-01f,„RgabY•11AgH •Thlslibroleg,: • " ' , November llith;''at 10 b ' olobk precieely, by'eatalogoe, Will be sold 200 lots'of reagy•made clothlng,,ooinplialog a - -dcairable -'aseortmeht - for 'roidn'e arid b oys' weir, fulapturti the *silent ihdoiimlog sectors. • • The' goofs, may be egamineM with Illltiacigll6B' illarly:011thp'13101111pg OU1111,18." • 'BALI '08.• BOOTLAII0118; GAlTXtbli;nuo!ke.Nsi - '44. 'On Wedneiulay Morning, • • , 'll,lth'ineffat_ at 10 Woladr pre •we will Sell, by, otiaddglie;" aoo o=o4l -itionte,:trotrien's, boys, i'iod,ohildren , e•boOte i shoes, , galtere,ales, buffalo °en'• shoes, sum sandals, gam overshoes; /co.; ottibraeing a ! desirable,assortment for present and coming eeaeon. The' parthiular attention •of pnrehaseit Is re. quested: -•• . : t; coareq - nenee or Thuisday (our -regular Bale day) being Thauteglelng day, our dale will be held as above. , • Ir"M: — GUMMEY & 'SONS, IV • BHAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No: 620 WALNUT STREET: PISTIL BALL BALE. , ra j be— . 11.1-4 • „gve olf ", , : , Noystitbar Mb, at tha Philadelphia siohstigi, at IX eeloek, are: • Absolute Sale.—Lot oteetien Br monument avian), Ihe Moumeot Oemetry, Bro ssstreet 100 shares in the Cambria Iron Company at Johns., towaiTenua.: , Pew Non (in themiddle aisle) Ohrlet oharoh, Tot pohook street, Germantown - 1 , ' ' In at. ,Diement's Church, corner of Twentieth Mid ah 7 WP:stflleticii4e: Bent .Speakman Rater. - TREELSTORY B RI ON DWELLING large stable,: lot of ground, routtistde , . of ' Itrogn street, 50 feet west of Marshall street, lot 47 feet front by 60 Peet deep 811111G' OgIrOISIV STRUT: 'Valuable lot 'of ground, south side of Bpring Garden street, 286 feet *nit inf,"Thirteditte etreet, - SO feet front by 100 feet' dkp. OARD.-4 N. Glimmer fs, Bons, anatloneers, will' hold regular vales Of Itaal'Esissii,' Biooka, &a. "Also, 40tumbold farnlture at dwellings. — .'„ILNAVESTATEVAT PRIVATE SALE. MP On our Private Bale *dater will always be !mid a very liegeimoutit of:rell,qotate,,l4ozdfag •erstrdesonptlon of city andnotustry property J.Jd.'. 4 l,tThildß7,&lollB;; - •.; Z..' • • Real Rotate Brokers, • `. 6EO 'WALNUT Strant s below Sixth. iàif olliig -p T ).011PIIANS' Odlnek , Uli TIDE' ~( IIT Y.A.ND COUNTY OB , PIILL &DELPHIC, , gitltto oriALL2B c r .:42013x, ,Minor. TheinitttOrippOnated to indlt, gettlo,'and oNnot the; aesountof atoaGitl9.-ItaXo' glitrdian of mamas! Ac,-oliwiwmeet, me -psattee Intovest offloofNO.l4l,ll 001011711 n, Street, ,on THIMEIDAS fioVonatiti•VM;l.B6B,iN4 o'albek P. D. icsualy, HANDSORtrkI-3j) tiILAXPB. BANDBontris No. ,1,,,02M,0.,pir dal; 2. '756." i, O. 810:i.;;,PP 4. 1000, Ni:l3. 11,1 ? PPr doe; O. '7,6 - 160 s e. " 8. 176 • 045ita• 6.11 ow, - $1.16 por dozon 11101111.163* doteil B Row; UM per dOsAn.2, • , ; 4.44 62 ttoith ITERED Metall PhUadelphio 1112 little, 4 111 3, I " iiggge • rstoirtmt - `t'4tianern ' ptip;',10:0111X1C," - • - xo. is 0013TH,101P117111TRBBIT, n—tirix , 4ooottra,-B9oxgpwrglitrajins, • BoomLugo, R BIiTIOnERi A.0,0911NT BOOEa, of iTaf7,4• I MIP.VPIa ) .47n, hand, or linled and Boma to Pattern, atiltable for M*AMY , NT B ) MO• f it i I#9TPRERSO HAMMES, BRORBBB,• INIMBANOR AND RAILROAD -COMPANIES Wannnted In gnellty, grid It lOviest prices NORNION AND DOIdEll VIC OTATIQNSBYI 0031BLBIROIAL 8L05a,..., to JOB pluxima, Li'Boo:4mm; In all their Varieties PUNCTUALITY &BATIBUOTIO!i CIIARANTW moss, & CO., 314;1140t .. New No. 10 ROUTH 20IIRTH Oceiinsi iambs. SAVINGS_ FUND, .DOCIL EITILIIZT, INILIT :DOOR TO Tilli - POhT OPPICOI. IN•TpREST NIVEL PER GENT Money rsoived DAIL?, end .eery MONDAY BYERING, 01 DRPOBIT, IN BUM® LABOR AND lIMALIii PAID BAGS DAiLY, illtold 9 'o'ollooN , H. TO 8 O'OIAOS P. 81. DI6OIIITOIIII CAI aßalf, TERM' MONO' SY 081010, AB • " 1I 8491; 17 6110.11 DD. Prertden4• ' 0/AB. G. IMLAY, Treasurer. , BENRYILISEs.TOIer. s'e234.laa3 T az sPRING GARDEN SAVING (01A17111101II MIMS ZlClplAilytrilill 01 PUYECIMMA.) ~~~d"/iiid:iS , 1J3:~ FIYMPXR CENT. Intermit allowedio Depot Mora, and Paidimok tui Demand. 0121011 i SRL ..NORTH. TIMID; STURM; (Oonacmiravort 4unrltortogra.) , Tide institation id now open for- ke , tranmetion 'or trardneal, and is the enly•Okarterad Baring Pont boated M the northern porta the oily, • • • t. ••• '; • The Ortioe will be open (daily) from 8 to 234 o'olocity and,also on MONDAYS and TRURBDAYS, from 6 until $ o'olook in the Meaning. , MANAGISS. Frederick Hiatt, = • • John Kessler, Tr., Stephen . Tanen 8. Pringle, • ,John P. Levy, , • • Jacob Dvdc, HOL Henry' R. Strang, - Jcitsph M. Cowell, ' .• Daniel llnderkoder, • T. Weak/ Drab - .- Man. Wm. Millward, ' Robert A. Davidson, • Frederick Steaks, P. 0.-Eibnaltar, . Frannie Hart, . • John. P. Ferree, Joeoph P. - LeOlere, , : goof*. gnostic: , . President, JAMB B. PRINGLII 13astatarp, GEORGE T. =OW. e,p2l-Iftf QA.nacrin - irrti-HPIPE PER OENT. TIZEIBT—NATIONAL"- SAFIITY TRUST ~ 00M: PANY:—WAL27OTIEITESZT, , BOUTILWBBTOOUNSB Or RHILADEILPMA. • anootroxasnrom 721 874111 01 kaniermuna. .Itoney,lareseived in any aumilarga sr mini and in. inset paid from the day of deposit to the day of frith. draand. , l 2 . • Vacates la own every•day from 0 &cloak In the reornhigAillb &aloes In the evening, and on Monday , end Thszeday eveninse till 8 irbilocarx - ON. HENRY L. BEINNIII, Freda's*, BOUM IMILTI M TeII , Tice President. WIL I. But, docretszy.: 12. I Dia3040011: Sm. Remy L. Derateri P. Clarion Brewster, Edward Eh Garters , Joseph B. BUT Oohed Oeittidge, !meiotic., - • Omni. L Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Munn", Henry DiTenderaer. Money la mealved and payments node daily. • The hived:meats me made in conformity liith the poslllol3l of the Cheater, In MILL ZiStfall MORT %ACM, GROUND BEliTd, and such first clue seenni ties an will:slimes insure perfect security to the doped :too, and crhish oannotfall to ere permanency and eta. billy to this Institution. ; ' sal.-1T • QA,VING •FUNIY:—LUNITED STATES MUST COMPANY, *tar of TRUID sad 90113 V Mit , Streets. . • •- • WV and' mall saml reoetron ) net paid beak on d*: hicnd, irithont hop**, wIML PPM END ONNT INT2II trom the dey 014.110110 h. the diy Of hilkdrahol. Office hours ffrOXO. rutin 6 oilttook oveifitai, awl pa MONDAY Ilvintites tow, Tiu94l 9 o'clock. ' DnAnagoOsilq"9l2: kopiy;w":l4; 1.04 AIM Aprtads: - • , Prekdent-43thillit Tireante,62.plarg Talle*—JAMlS E. AIIMUII „ _ston• WANK, /30 . 0Z13"; AND STATNWERX. DAYX/ 011 :. HOGAN, Blank Book Dianntaetnre4 Stationer sad 'Printer, No.loo WALNUT Street; is pre ire AlLtipsee to.turnbili; either from the shelrei _ Orleri - Dt for Banks, °Nees, Merchants, and mere, or-ons best quality ok iinglish or Amerioan Paper, sad bound in varionautiTer, he the most enbatanUal manner. • Ohleft for 3 . 011- PA:MUTING 'of every description 1a via sad Lithogniphing ameotited with anthem end despatch. A general assortment or/21281131i, Prenek and Anceri- UZI Stationery.. • . Coricerning bra': TingslaiS contribution to the Nrsaklb Institute, the o=mittee say- 44 This display of blank boots for blinking and mercantile UNA is the beat in the; /Exhibition. The selection of the material is goad, the . „workeMuhip most exopllent, and their finish mad ap.. asuossien neat and appimprbite.i I rose-nr THE "OLD DOMINION" corna *m, THE "OL•D. DOMINION" VIA POT, Are trarWrC end er the patent for the United a.ta7l'64atee, b 7 ' , ABTHURj BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nes. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, 191IIADELPRIA.- hlerehants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all MAIL/ lay in a supply of these COFFSB and TEA POTS, _which are rapidly coming into nee, and destined in a shed time to supersede all others. . ' 11.3 - A. B. & ht. are silo manufaetorers, under the patent, of ARTHUR'S OELBBRATED AIR-TIGHT BELF-SEALING'OANS AND JAILS, ,Whieh t It to oonended pn all hands, are the beet in the inerket. „ enl7-tath&stnolB Trade Agents for TORRRY'RADJUSTADLE DOOR SPRING A NEW•taiiIMPORTANT DISCOVERY PIt3INTIBB'B WASHING AND SCOURING SOLAITION. PAZENTBD 3UNR 75,1868. This important disoovery hes-just been patented by the United States, and itte noweoulidently recommended to Manufacturers, Mouiebeepers, aixd others. It le s labor-sawingprOParelion`,'edut caste role 'than half of any: other known for cleansing purposes. While It eleansaa, whitens, and &rifles Cotton, Linea, and Woollen goods 'or etery desorlPtien, It will not injure the most delicate fabric. Oertitioitee of itiealne have: been glren by Some of the leading menufeoturere of thei country, as well as by many reliable hthisekeepers and fathom Mionfeotured by the Pitontio, had for ele by — SAMUEL GitAlstt • • lett p3OUTEt WATER ST MM, jy224l%tu ly fIATITION. 77, _ITENTXSB , ji W/ifilllNO AND qCOIIRING SOLU TION. =The undersigned Would caution the public against the Purchue of Litjuid 3V/riling Solittione, pur porting to be shriller to, or equally efficient, with, bis. Theianderalgried Is protected by a patent in thepanu• factfrs of,the only article, which can be safely and effi. ciesit'y used. 'busload ladtatious have been got up, which will - Drore inefficient id oleanslng, and &Nits's!. and to the fabric. Grocers and retailers ebriuld be careful riot to maths's° the Washing and Scouring So. Intioriericept'ocus, as they will otherwise sealer them salvo' liablelte infringers Purchasers should be care ful to pittstiheap ONLY PANNtISS , S;SOLIITION, an thel,irill thus avoid all - flak of • deatroylng the fabrics 'whaled. 'Conclusive proote can be' furnished that this article will pot injure the fabric. sept29-Bmo-th&ta • LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES B. EANIAN,.I SON" Ifeaufeeiarers of LOOKING GLARED:I for MAN TEL% RIBES, dr•MDE .WALL% of every els% idyl% and Sanyo - . - • Pier Tables, 00r.a100% Braoket% Oonsol% of new and elegant designe; and PIOTLIME 'PRAMS'S; with .Brames for Portraits, Miniatures, end Photographs in every variety of 'Kyle sad prioe:- • linporters of 'ENGRAVINGS, every new Publication. being received the moment of issue, and OIL PAINTIPIOn from the Studios of the best and most celebrated dinevitlan and European GALLERY 02 PAIN TIN OS, ."Open at all times, sue..,Wholesale and Retail Deal. 'era in Mahogany AndlVainut framed Looking Gloom, to Whisk theyinvitithe attention of count& sasil.outern, JAMES S. MARIE dr 'VOX., 816 on.maricur stitunty • 'orroalsm sone 011117.11D'IIODSI. `111100KBMING:-4-Tbe - undersigned res. ALB pictfully invite the' attention of lovera of 'books to their unequalled facills es for binding books in alm. 'parlor rummer. Their work has been submitted for a series of years to the examinatlein of some 'the most celebrated contwicaotira 1d theocintry.:ll has received the moat flattering encomitunad and won for the under algne i. a reputation which 'they are determined to _ - Every etyJA Of Binding. executed, from the pleln .041 f-bound ., totems- for the scholar's table to the most artistic garniture of rarities for the collection :of the Bibitoreanise; • , • - Speeimen," of style 'Ana workmanship will be cheer fully_ehownlo thoed who will call aping ' - - SAMSON & BIOIIOLSON, Bookbinder', it :510 MINOR Street, Between Market and °holdout Streets.. ~PH giNot+ol:4.lo.A.t. Kr& MINA TIMM, with Written desorifitione 61 obareetat, ll inelddinadvieefhreteteneetcibueineen,lealth, self•lopentenam).; dde,aretimade•day and re- Ding at a lowus ft , , WldLLEY & COM, Families 'kited when reqneeted, and a Mend did. donut nude l ° , sl l l M* - ' " P 1 1 .1114 uII-Am.llflObii!kaut, e „ , , Ec.BERS! - -f,IIBRIOATINII ABRAFffi, theinin st etitapent oonipinindfor glitteingthe liens auomilrorms. CARRIAGES,'-fiAItTB,'DRAYS and twamoms, and nEasy,auouT.NEßY. , VinniiilitLin tin cans, kep i nnd Dlti=lllll in %Malty 'with. MitNUNACTUREIte, Noati Kant WATJA atilt ..eltale. - _ • - -4 Eft, KILLS - AND FARK - ' , Ai f pßivA,l7S KiLsALE. , - The inbaiilber offotaat 'h auteiaTe: the atone Ka= CHANT and ilAWAldlit, both to aortviete order, and doing a good bnalnees. Alio, a largo MICR l!i(g,NgtON and'TaNiatlT • 110111111,-, Bpilitg-houte,, Hog house, and a ll th e henet.ngs remeamary for Ruch a 1110. A lgo, 42 soiree of rood landi'a.gbod apple orehard and within one roll. of:DEMO/MOD Iron Works, at Petorehurg. in Perry county; Pa-, on the Central Railroad.• Part Clay Pro. pbrty will be taken in excluingo,'and part or the money may remain Anted On the prapartY. • JONES EASEVAION, Agt., flel3.Bo l s No. 716 KA.B.s.SV Street, PLEA , .VALUABLE FARM AND PLAN TATION AT PRIVATB flALSContaining about El t OOLlAOresofroopeilorLand, well adapted to/arming old 'Grazing, 1 600 acres of which Is Woodland, heavily tim bered with Spruce and Yellow Pine, Oak, Hickory,l6o Acres of very superior Ash, all yrithlu a mile of the River or Bay. - 400 Acres of Bank Meadow, very rich Mars'', Om ba lance cleared and mostly under Cultivation at the pre sent time, eltnitel.ld PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, _ BTATRO.I, On the Weld aide of the Potomac River, about ten miles below Mount Vernon, and has a front of about air: miles on the Potomac. River and Oceoguan Bay with three of the moat valuable BRAD VIPIIERLES , In (het:J . lllod Mateo ;'a Pesch Orchard of 400 Trees, ready for bearing the coming season ; 400 Amen ate now in Clover and Timothy, either for Mowing Or Grazing) and 203 Acme in Wheat. The proaent owner has im proved it with a view of reading on it, and hut put, within the hmt four yearn, 15,000 bushels of Lime and 40 ‘tonent Guano upon it, with tho moat wonderful remits. ' TUB IMPROVIIMENtB Consist of a good House, six rooms and a kitchen, ? ont•nottoea for Bervanto ant .Nrorkmen, 2 large barns; edible, corn. lion e, /to., and a well of excellent water at the door ; able In the retiree of conatractlon, and nearly dalshed at the southern portion :of the tract, a two4tory Mollie, with Mx rooms and a good barn. • • The Stook, Panning Utensils, Burnßare, Boats, Nets, and Hopes' of 'the•Plaberles, largo Boat for-cam/in wood, and ail of the present crops on band, will be die. posed •of•to the purchaser upon the Most reasonable terms, if desired. .To Capitalists, the above Property. offers many In ducements, and will be disposed of upon the most liberal terms, as the payment wilt bitnade easy. - We,: Invite especial attention to this Properti, end solicit a personal inspection 'of the premises, which cannot fall to produce the moat favorable impression ae to the great number of advantages it poetesses over soy other, property in the certain prospect 'of:yielding a large income from the Investment at once. Irr All Cemmunications requesting a filler or more complete description of the Property wilt receive the prompt attention of the undersigned- ' - Nor terms, apply to - JAwEB COOPSR. JOHN W. BTOPCXB, ; ' • ' Attorneys-at-Law, noB-tu than 4w • 423 WALNUT St., Philtre. IPAILY & BROTHER'S CARPET WAREIIOI7BE, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET WS' SHALL OPEN TO-DAY . ANOTHER.' iNTOION TAPESTRY - BRUSSELS, 01 CROSSLEY'S" OBLEBRATED MAIM ONI DOM.S. A YARD. Carpet buyers wUl9nd our stool lull and of frog* 'Wei, and PnICES VERY LOW. WHEEtEE & WILSON'S S-EWING :MACHINES, REDUCED -PRICES. NEW STnn 560. All the former ;Attune 125 lees on each Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A REEDIER' WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OP REM OR TELL. 0/PlOll3 011EBINUT atarost, Thtladelphle. No. T WEST STATE Street, Trento N. 3. No. T BAST GAY Street, West Gloster, Pa osaltD26, E.TARRIB' O BOUDOIR SEWING M.A. I.J. ORME to offered to the public as the most rella ble lcrvqiiced Sewing Machine In the. It will sew from Ids to elxty stltehet to an Inch, on all klndi of gaMls, from coareest 'begging to' the Anent cambric*, .le, without exception, the idrUPlegt In Its mobil:dad ooni . struetion iron made, and can be - run and kept In order by a child ot„twelve pars of age,,The nuitantLeii of this maehine, And . the ,QUALITY or tee WORE, are war. ranted to be tursurpassed by any other. Its speed Tanya front three hundred Watteau hundred stitches per min. Ate. The thread used Is taken directly from the spools; WITIOai TEI IntOUBLI OP ,111111101.110, In fact, It lc saa.3lne that Is wanted by every family in the lad, and the low Floe of wart • • • et which they ioW, brings them within the reeoh of almost ereiy one 11. B. Ileatii.; Agent, JillgAlm wky em em 20 Youu EIGHTH Street.. , CRESSWELL & WILLIAKS,• NO. 206 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship. -en oolvar vi.iPs superior Broad Top tloal front - DAM q 63; nu TON for the best WHITS ~qPcv•Fwv-, min coam, warranted free from -a / a te or nit. ufficus , GOAL in the beet and cheapest in 1.1 the city, re-sereetied in yard and (Wunder cover. T.TIOICS sells noire but the very best Lehigh JUL and Behnylltlll Coal, and *amnia fall weight. urrOICS superintends the delivery of all Ai Coal personally, and therefore troarenteee it to be ae represented. H/OBS' 'Yard and Office Is at the southeast corner of MARSHALL and WILLOW ) where he invitee all to cell and minim for themselvee the above lade. an.2B-Bre VORUNCip & QO., wholesale and retail dealers in LRHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh' yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill 'lard—RACK and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the moat approved mines, under carver, and pre pared **waft tor tuallr ww. „ re 64, ALEX. MoKINNEY,. lATTORDiNY AT LAW, GRISEINSIIMIG, PA. Will pieties in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In. diens counties. sell. W. IP. ABRAMS. - 0 . A. ILLTII. A BRAII & MAYER, ATTORKETO AT LAW, LOOK IfAVBN, Will attend promptly to all professional baguets ea traded to them. Special attention given to the eollee- Lion of dolma. 4ov. igni.7. Packer, Harrisburg, Ps. ; L. A. Mackey, President Lock Eaten Dank ; General D. IL Jackman, Lock 'Haven ; A. White, Lock Haven ,• Blmon Scott, Lock Haven ; Bullltt & airthenni, Philadel phia; Atcfarland,Evanic& Co. Philadelphia &vane & Watson, Philadelphia; M. Price P h iladel. phis ,• Rod. A. V. Parsons , Philadelphia ; Williamson, Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia; Toner & Davie, Phila• dolphin; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; P. W. guises, Eq., Philadelphia. jy 26..tt fI_HARLEB TETE; OOMMISSION HEIL ILa OUANT add Importer of HAVANA 814A112, ,(New) 188 Waln?lt amt. mond dory. sulely I _AUMAN & , RAI3OIOI-- .11-41 Importer. NA Wholdeals Dealers In WINES, BRANDIES,' WHISKEY, OINS, and FANCY LI (WON% No.loll INARRNT Street, between Tenth and Steven% sheets. Jollt•tf THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFIOE, 870 011101TN131' MILEMT, forwards PARORLB, P.dORAG22, .1121t0HANDI22; BANS NOTES, and BEEOIB, oilther by its own mrir,s, or in connection with other BKPR2B2 OOMPANI2B, to all the princips) TOWNS and GITLIB of the United States. H. 2. BANDIORD, neonwir Sooarlotoodaws4 WO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— _a.. NATIONAL TELEGICAPIIIO NEWS eoznor: _wenn rc JOHNSON antMuned to the Press through out' the United States that NOY ars completing ar rangements on a most. ilbeml 'seal's, for a ayatem of TELEGRAPHIC° NEWS REPORTS, which hu never before been equalled in this country_ They pledge themselves to furnish the earliest and moat reliable re ports of all the stirring and important events of the day. at d price whtoh cannot fall to be adVantageouS to the Press generally. All lettere and communications to be addresed to CARR & JOHNSON, National TelOgrtillh News Repetters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exehange, Minds. B. W. CARR, - G. W. L. JOHNSON, Geo. W. L. Johnson, 2) Wall it., New York Oity. John T. Smith, Merehantg , EXchange, Heston. John Wills, oornerSouth and Baltimore streets, Bal. timers. For **potions% and reliability in the business we would refer to : Morton MlGHoliael, North, American and Li; 8 Gazette; Setae & 'Abell, Public Ledger; Teepee Harding & Son, Penosylaapie Inquirer; John W. Forney, The Press; Oummtdgi & Peseock, Evening Bulletin; F. W. Grayson &Oo Evening Journal • Jo seph Severna, Evening Argue; Joseph B. • Blanigen, Deity News.; --William Rtce. Pennsylvanian • Lawlor, Everett ,& Hineken, Sunday Dispatch; Medi &Tone*, Suncad an-ify hiercury; Jno. O. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. PBILADHLPXIA fIe'RILA.DELPHIA WARMING AND VANTLIATIKG weitzgoosß. Amax & imam, • TO B. A. AIAARIPDX. . . . . We/Devi removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the DARGII STORE, No. 1010 'CHESTNUT street, a few ddore below the' St. Lawrenoe Hotel, whore our old friends and the public are respectfully Invited to examine our exteneive 'stock of Warm Air Pummel's, Docking Baum Bath Ilegistore, 'Enameled Stone Nankai, Parlor Coal - Grates, 20., too. . We are now nianifieturint OHILSOWS CELEBRATED Dd.T. -ENT_ NEW cola, GAB:CONSUMING ,YURNAGE, the mostpowerful and 0:07101:1404 Lteater ever invented, sad suited to all dosses of buildings. , • A150,.-new ant beautifnll patterns of Low Do asides, and Parlor Coal Grated of &liaises rind pattern' We hive also eommeneed the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Pe2,ln• iv/vomits Mons, Those-Mantels were awarded SPECIAL PREMIUM ,at the late Pair and Nxhi• bitten of the Ffranietin - Isseliteste. .isf. this 'eity. They represent Blithe rare and besuiltal Arrtsurn ALUISLISS, are not Inj u red by SinolosV Coal' Oat, Oil v ot Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Itetall, at much lite pries than Marbis, Oallast&stilitm. - , AIIZTOLD & W7.1.80R UNJ. M. ritTWILL, Ouperintendani; Aistl:lB69.Lsp'2ol♦ HOO."S OgAMPAGNE.-A IL .11., constant supply of the original genuine brand, in bond and in store, for sale by WILLIAM IL YEATON, sole agent for Pennsylvania, N. 216 South FRONT -Street, no 6 D ETERSIVE - labor, and, money saved. In tudag it, olothee do not require: any, bolting or rubbing on'tinshboard One pound will' gofar as three pomade' COMMO Rosin Soap. War.' milted to glen perfect satisfaction or money refunded.' It's -decidedly the Cheaptilt and beet washing Soap over offered' ti; the ptiblin, ' natitiihatuted only by VAN 114A0Ett & hiollE ONE. Wor Cale by all, ro. *actable Grocers in the city, and'wholetali only . 14 MAIN & , 0c243m ; :22 South-Whirrs*. 110,VISIoNS.-i-2,4op.pitices,oity,Srookod 016tahters, 1,800 Plcleg 04 Sin A -ea liame , Nor sale by 0. 0. SAMAR, to 00., pot/OS ARCM Omit. erarpetingo. OP EttGLISH SDing Marbitteo. Duoiness Cabo. ■STHIIIIDO76 express Cottivantes: ftlebtattal. T ", T .44vER, PaIIPAIL3D By Da. DANFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, 18 One of the beat Purgative and Liver Medicines now Before the poblio, that tots ea a Cathartic, tatter, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver-reme dy, acting .first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat; ter, than accomplishing two porpootieffectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the ope raticahrof most Cathartics. It ' , strengthens the sys tem at the came time that it purges it, and, when taken daily in moderate dooms, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The LITARISone of the humanbody ; and When it - I well, the poweni of the oiled. The stomach le al rott the healthy action of performance of its fano fa at fault the bowels are systemauffere in amuse 'Liver—having ceased to 'eases of that organ, ono made it his study, in a years, to find some reme• act the 'many derange. ble, principal regulators of the pertains' its tuna tions system are tally develr most entirely "dependent the Limf for the proper tiona ; when the stomach at fault, and 'the whole nuance of one organ—the ;Wits duty. Per the die of the proprietors ha us practice of more then 20 dy Wherewith to counter month to which it is vandy is at last found, any TIM liOMPLeini t In any of bottle, and conviction is -To prove that this re pereen troubled with Id its forms, has but to try a certain. Thee° Gums remora all the system, supplying In of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole Ins eam° of the dieease—ef- BILIOUS - , ATTAO6I3 are ter prevented by the 00. lII4TOORATOIt. morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, calming food to blood; giving tone, and chin er y, removing the footing a radical ooze. I clued, and, what it bet. 0&510111111110 of the LITER to entOolent to relieve the food from tieing and Nom, One done, after eating, etdmeoh end prevent the in t my one dose, taken Nionensan. before retiring, preverite Only one dose, taken at gently, end mune Oon. One dose, taken after PIPSIA. night, loosens the bowels TiTNEWEIO. Gm& meal, will Imre Bre 111 Cr One doe. of two relieve }9S Mummy. teaspoonfuls will always One bottle taken for fe the CILU3O of the disease male ObfltllletiOD removes and makes aperfect aura. Maly relieves On o L 10, panted, is ft sure cure for preventive of Onotaina. needed to throwout of the dlelne after a long aka- Only One dose immedi. while one dose, often re °Retains Monson, and a irr Only one bottle ie eystem the effects of me nus. VW, — One bottle taken eallowneas or unnatural ,-' One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat- Ritaia In its worst forms, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure in children; there is no remedy iri the world, as it trrA few bottles cure absorbents. - • We fake pleasure hire- commending this Elea ciao as a preventive for Pavan and does, Onita, Pare; Ina all VIIYIIIB Of a BILIOUS TYPS. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are 'willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AU to/lours ci are goring Mite ensanimous testimony in itsfarot: Mia ,Brater . l% the mouth teith its Isteigototor, and mallow bath together. - _ _ „ME LIVER INVIGORATOR • • - • for Isuftnicre MIMS all color from the akin. time before eating gives makes food digest well. ed, ewes Omtoaio Brea. while 817111113 R and Ilbwat to the first dose. attacks canoed byMonlis sorer, eater, or speedier yieverfaiis: - , • DzorsY, by excitiorthe Is i SompriiFto BiltDll3/L DISCIOYERY, and le daily, work; ing cures, ailment too great to believe. It cures as if by maglo, even the ,first doze giving benefit, and seldom more thin one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaiiit; from the word Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, allot which are the re. cult of a DISEASED LIVER. PRIOE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE: . Dr. BANYORD, Proprietor, 34.5 Broaderay,'New York. Agenta toe Philadelpida; T. W. DYOTT SONS, US North Second Street. Retailed by all Druggists. Bold also by BAMVEL 8151231,'Twolith`and Chestnut streets, and Y. DROWN, Firth and Chestnut attests Philada. anl3 to th a-ly pRuviAN . aptup, PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PROTOICIDE or'xsop Raving euoceeefully passed the ordeal to which new dle ooveriee In the Materla Mathis are eubjected, meat nor be received as an eetabliehed medicine. Ite efficacy le oaring DYSPEPSIA, 'Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, 14 euraigia, Brom:tutu and Oonaumpttre tendencies, Difurrderisd State of tks Blood, Boils, /hurry, the Prostrating Effects of Lead m Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a Tonle and Alterative Medicine, isbeyond ones on. _ s The proofs of lie efficacy ate go no ‘ 4 ) 3P .*, mesons, so well authenticated, and oi 4, 44 , . inch peculiar character, that sufferers In Atf -', cannot removably hesitate to reeeivi ~, e„,,,q , the proffered aid. . 6 ' --- r IS .. The EeritYlark Syrup does not, proles, • ~., to be a cure-all, bat its range is exten . "• .°7' sive, became many diseases, apparentb unlike, are Intimately related, and proceeding from onl 'Mee, may be cured hyena remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides. cure is precisely that which has so often baffled tho highest order' of medicalakill The facto are tangible the witnesses aconsible, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons wile may 'Web for an opinion from dim interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among no, morons testimonials, in the hands of the Tki alguaturna are those of gentlemen well known in thr community, and of the highest respectability. . °ARA). The Understood having experieneed the baldish]. or f. t e bt s o f th e wikereyieusyrue,s) do not beeltate to ri• Commend it to the attention of the nubile ' ;.• Prom our own experience, as well 'as from the UM mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al, together unquestionable, we have po doubt of Ds sties; oy in COBB of Inciplent Diseases of the Lungs and Dui& Objet passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint; Dropsy, Neuralgia, ho. Inde ed . its effects would be ineredibla but from the high character of those who here wia nixed them, and have volunteered their testimony, WO do mire, to its reiterative power. ' Dir. JOHN PIER PONT, TUNAS A. DEXTER, R. H. KENDALL, M. D., SAMUEL MAY - , rnomas C. AORY, PETER HARVEY . JAMES 0. DUNK Ray. TROS. livrirrrumopt. OERTNICIATE 01 DE. LCAYSO It Is well known that the medicinal effects of Protos ide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without turthor oxidation, has been deemed impossible - In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable int - Is at tallied by combination In a way before unimown, and tide solution may replace all the proto carbonated, el trates, and tartrates of the Sister's Medina:- ' . M. D., Assayer to the State of Messaehnsetts. le Boylston street, Boston. SOLD DV N. L. OLARS & CO., Proprietors, No. Bit/ATER Street Boston. P. PIFfiH and CHESTNUT Strains!, HASSAND TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Strew, JelB to th sat-Om warn Agents for Philadelphia. R. R. . liam.vn will, in all emit, follow the use of BedwaYb , B. R. Remedies, Tliere aro none so kick or diseased, 01 weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or rmities, bus that Itadarayis Ready Relief, Ren ovat i ng,, Resolvent, 01 Regulators, as the native of the disease or Meknes,' may rartire : will quickly and rapidly elite These remedies Consist of liadwars Ready Relict, Badvravis Renovating Resolvent; Radwoos Regulators, Reel, of these remedies possesses ovoid curative powers over certain diseases. Yet there are other &mare, wherein their combined medicinal properties are re quirod ; and when thee used, If there is, sodlalent and etrength within the diseased or dying body to ens UM their action, the patient will live and be restorer to health. Pain R. it. 'ROW. 'Acute Diseases K. R. Relief Inflammatory Dlseases..Relief and Regulatore. ittedarions Diseases Relief and Regulators Congestive Diseases..... Relief and ,Rsgulaters. Scrofula-vs Dwane. ffenovatineßesolvent Meanie Diseases Renovating Headwall. Syphilitic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Constitatt °nal Diseasee..Beeolvext and Regulators Skin Diseases Resonating - Resolvent. Nervous Diseases Resoivent, Relief, Borah tors. Infectious Diseases Reddy Belief it. Regulators OONEITITUTIONAL DI&BABES " Many diseases that Millet humanity are mherlted heir•looms from the diseased bodies of sickly MDR Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilie, and 'Fits, are an:my the most common of constitutional diseasee. Now, at care not how many generations the seeds of these die eases may have been established In the system; cm inliting the blood—Radteny's Renovating Resoles's. Will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par. tide o f diseased deposit', and fill the veins with he", -pare, and healthy blood. CHILDREN'S DISEASES. • Railway's Iterrimarstag Resotrent should be hailed es a blessing by every mother throughout the lend whose infante are afflicted with Pores, Elmore; ate These breaking. out (thus early) are evidences of die ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few doses o• the ligament:rag Resavent will eradicate every restigi of the disease and Ware the child a sound and healthy body. B, B. H—Radwayts Ready Relief for Headaches, who. ther mck or nervous; Itherunattem,• Dias. theta, Dysentery, Cholera Mottos, f rumps Influenza, Bloody Phu, Paralysis, Lumbago Gent, Neuralgia., Toothache, Small 'Pos. Pavers, Swollen Joints, Kidney ComplainU • Scarlet Hever, Pains around the Liver, Plea slay, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of al , kinds. Radware Ready Relief will, in a fey minutes, change the miseries you suffer tr joys of pleasure. H.R. 8,--Radway's Renovating Resolvent, for the owl of chronic diseases—fluoh as Scrofulous sew ayphllitlo complaints, Oonsumptive and other affections of the Lungs and Throat Induration and Enlargements :of parts Eruptive and other diseases of the • Skin Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases arising from en impure stab of the blood. 11.—Redway's Regulators will cure, effeotivel) and speedily. Costiveness, Indigestion Painter's Clone, Lead Diseases, Inilamms. Hon of the Dowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Dem plaint, Diseases of the heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Sorest Measles, ate., etc. 19heneve8 the system is out of order, or the blood impure, dose 4' Radway's Regulators will restore H. to rep laxity, and purify and cleanse the blood. Ni female should he without them. R. It. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists and Merohenta everywhere. • lIADWAY & CO., New York City. w:B. T. W. T. R. OA 'I L DOTT LMSOIII,ON et B agents, Philadelphia Dr. 11. Swarms dr. Son. ) aplll.tutuswily&sowlyr .VOLLIOOFFER'S ANTIrRIIFIIMATIO CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed ae many MIRACULOUS CURBS ,or INPLAHHATORY AND OHRONIO RHEUMATHEK. The most promMent and influential cabmen boar wit• nee of its °Dino , . The abundant evidence from all 'parte of the country is enough to warrant us la pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It le en internal remedy that a Tikes at the root of the disease, and thne eradicates it entirely from the system. , Prepared by THEODORE DILES, °hamlet, Northeast corner of Pine and fEnth etreets. ea7-gin Philadelphia. !PO AROHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. A. • ACADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortljto airive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both Of the ' BLUE, OItAY, AND MIFF TINTS, the former of which, for softnits end delicacy of color, is unrivalled Yes the .cbarseter of this stone please examine the following buildings : Jos.- Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Ilarrisonts Building, Lodust duet, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Blttenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson's No. 1219 Walnut street, - A•,lWonorath's,4l2 Aroh street. , Samuel Blume, Twelfth and Chestnut Streets. T. N. J. 'Pasant, Seventeenth and Loonet streets, and others. ANNCT,i' WItSoN,, Agentil, BUIDADBLPHIA wAuItiN4AND vraffiLATlNe WARE110118D,• 1610 011.110TNUT StI4:IIET sole.am B. IL. PILTWALL, 8 .illebttinal 111 - 91;NDTBACINM IRON i rr E ' Thii Medicine, an its name implies, le one tithe greatest ,strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver' Complaints, Piles, Nervous Debilit3 , General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of, the ,digestive orgy YOB JIRRIALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there, is perhaps_ no medicine in the world equal to V it, as 'Venturi, purifies, and replenishes the olood whloh ie so important to bring about a healthy action ' • • ' THOUSANDS AU traria - .- miserable existeece; _of a be sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of ono bottle of Ude invaluable medicine. -It is no humbug; but a r genuine remedy? being free - from any thing that Is Of an injezione nature. ' FOR ALL' DISBABEB OF THE - BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobeneaclee Iron Da-, tem. When the blood bi Winne the ado body is full of Omuta. Blood hitting may Nether' for a time, but cleansing, part will not purify the ~whole. At the fountain .110 begin and to cleanse that:doe& there Is no better remedy than these invaluable Bitten. Their chief constituent is iron, anewe all know its efficacy In removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by' a prao tical chemist, and bare been pronounced, by eminent physicians end others, as the <