' ' • -;•.; , ew. ast 'iritie , olbilde, -and „ the i i h t diaid iticant;aumoninal noise'frolimlelnik rinett o taifirxr,lo3riteAlnitlot Aottee.bytak era to eply, theteleeffki.l•Aritillie*lglikthA knight/I_4sf the •dark laatdrn srol -,l f IrineverallariSi et Abe city". - Ofilfe. 4 RaiirtNolf, Nce..:4l4llaee eineerial:alieedidlaniennetuateilidewartA uresintikslisdreor,dollareiffere Kid - ranee was etfaetgdhy=rospgaof :the kejr, , stick log ln'the i lock on - the inside; of-the 'door,‘;was turned .=fronilbanntalde.• = " Atithe nortbeketaorderlisi 7 Nobia. :and Third'atieeta Stag-. entered ,by terifeeoperytho shuttens'ons back Witidow hat is 1, 4 !UMW* that any -, plunder o . pfigned.- - = oat four o'clock yettelditmorning an: attempt „ was made to enter t/le , paworfiker,?sahop N0:621 Veldts foriineOpieila; beak:irindaw.'. Tbe burglara • wkt , heard •by peraons• ttlaqatter sprung , a rattle. The plias •crCre 'semi urn the ground, • but the rogues Pad flak, • A bold attMiptires also ;uncle; early inl'uukereningi to "enter -a•itore below4Pederal, by climbing up the awning:note to thesecolid-story win dow; but the rescabi'lpre roared off IT the- appearance of a neighbor. ;The last sttemntneithlediasps the olf , max of boldness' • - Rllstifing -llltnun. cars areic cunning lien,the. Spruce, and -kifie Street railroad under , The:_dtgerene p i With' the omnibus - lines have not yet been adittated,- and the driveraiiff. the - coaches throvr,illiOttd*Nbiktalestiithisvety. buses coming in'in;OpPOSita direction have been run • into the pars in ouch it'imonnoras to,damsge the. latter; and other aeriousAnd , dint/Crone annoyances have been PleCtisenr.,7,A,Pet rtiiist;orthe , omnibili risoile is to starte r 'ash l 4o l4 ; of .4 1 1 :94 *IV tplake posiession Of the trash, aOlt.ninve :alentat a suaiPs v pace: „This ' - is nil very _smart, ~, b ut,,,,tiiii•gtapstirou naturally arises; Wheriank , thirpehnit. Omnibus - drivers hoofs sp a , dal mission,alicontedMi r em'hi Is,, to scrape paint off of now cars;aml,,endmiger the lives rf.those who ride to them;them; and they:haya.no mere right to obstruct the rill= way- track theiri'idovi-going- Conches tkin:thei have to Idle loge figtni•lt.'cic to tear tip:the _ know nothing of, the Merits of theAuarrel betWein the railway company, and , proprietdie bat:we 'do know that tbe„ccadnet elltini,agentiof the is densagtegAlieir Cause irefully ig pablie - • Tax Vzsnmens ,ENTERTALUED-On Wednes day evenlettliiilifindiLegton Artilleriste; of Pottsville. were litidsoinely:entettained by the Blinute•.hien `of 18,- at UM 'armory etthe latter. , ' • r. 7 - General, ePatterson, an a number of ow:prominent military men, were ' - present.:Shes were Made by Coionel aeliagher and Mr; Ornate of Pottiville, - and by, Mews. Vatter:and James R , ,Montsounny u lud Captain Berry ) ; of this city. - After the collation; the visited. "the , Arch4trait Theatiera n d -,froM -.there they visited ball of 'the' OadwalideiGiiysiat the National Gaarda , Mall. Yes, terday meriting, thiv ettingera :continued their exoteric. time throfigh the nity; . and iththe,afternoon,took their _ Ism for home, etiorted by the Cadialruler fates. • ; TRE/Fiagsfai.-Igetvrtrri.—Not*lttistand . ing the evening :Fate - dull, atil:the weather anything but faverableZthb Attendance it iiiaittite*as good —lndeed, much heiterthatithere the atifreasolf to ex pert. In thertwe imper-'spertineriti'of the main build-= log there was a perfect jam; whilst a goodly; crowd were in attendadee upon' the mere substantial' enticed tied to the machinery and litdastrild dePartments: Many of the committees have already made roportifi and by to- morrow the whole - of have echipleted their labors. shall glvellito-nortowie issue,l(tre'arei able to obtain them, the tripods of-the respective com mittees, with whatever elea:of , int erest pertaining to the exhibition that we can glean. • '•,,'!; - • , about half pest onenelekk,..oincer Sigmund dfseoverEd a man named ' John i ZolinWeedti, silks ,11,Woodsart!!,Phe; to 'well known to theliolles;loinging about the comer of Seventh and .11hIppan streets . F,--Ileindeted,-111m 'away, when the latter turniiikapni.„ the ' - oftleisi - , and With the asistenee of mother Inman, named Mic hael- irellunittadan onttegibuicsauna and Witt - 4y upon him. , Ne. Sigmund ;Maintained, hiii:,,greand; ; :howeverfand niceestedin. getting both hie asasDants tattle Second distrieketatitat houses r . They wereiThcked 'tip, and --yes -Utility * ales hinkaliesitinginftite Aldetman Veining= ton, whkerninditadJheiir in default bail answer at cond.+ Agaw .I.fAvi.- - .;-A short timeiinco a con vention' orthe,Bclanylkiltbarge 'elaba was held, for the purpose= -n Schuylkill Navy; - ,A plan of orgaulsithinvue WOO, iind,Oteuramoderettedeeted. On next Batuulay ifternuen2lhe olultWill• had ant to Inaugurate the Naryi cider of thuentarpodore, and a novel, beautiful,' atteintpoilbioteeno ititiolpated. - We preanme the caretoonies will take :Pleas in the im mediate vicinity of.Pairptoutit, sad Lemon 1111 U; These dlaplays;, made laythif bane clubs le - their-tasteful uni forms are always ;attractive:and we - feel' ,that. the coubeuree of efectatore will beery large. '• ' A Sr.roar'Fras.—A sligbt fire occiurrod at half-palt - seven o'cleck lastnrening, at 'Ridge/ road and log House 1ane... 4- It originated in a log cabin, but was auppieieedhefemtfuriulary - wee done: 2, - ' •EM S . • , • -. I Yeer»ti i , wa dull sad dreary enough, dir-"• Oni,etreets, In . oonseqienek,i4:*., t mad-hidrisiddid ,- pasements,• and the dense;'esnitidyssia-iidei,; , :irerer: lltsr017: dreerted• by ;oat fuel:doe --..oo.;fiti4tiit4lo4:oeir,bittillo* of which oesit'll!Xiter;..isillatito' the, hiipinesit . - content - remit:or iiiar.retait. hit.% ter It was a day of liresome rest. The:. weather:J . indueedeeerit eleticiiislieUdesiparerittii tree = galas lines of store ittendaida, - ; of .both sexes, reclining inssundrp: recumbent attitudes .rsehind . the. toolters,' welting pattentlyrof eustouser. , - Among this elms 'of , oar 'elttsetebafidthitr:nabie the tantrum ot, a week76t. el*:,':diiirather:*loreather; would just now mrtird44lt)ia Pfigtt,us premium. _NO !ender: ~ QuiPizioB.4l!l anothorgolumii to. day will be :found !he.:Adrertie;n:o'ent or bfessrii;pidden . and street,toT:yoich'ini invite She special - etiMitleiCekb#7"..sifvfars:TACAO‘ifc ' br:tfteto gentle . Ines m4t'Selent -Oheiseier; e.u 4 dlheti: pairs'eS; * sge is - constantly increasing.,'. Give -them'star, Atriiiii*V4uiiii#t is; that XI brin - buktlitinb9loisit tab% lqn are best ar ! ' ezisr'snosc. nonifoininnaleorielii j flail 'resders who deitief ' : - Or anytidoilik Ike OlOthing One; are respeotfully_invl ted to call Sid S ssininehiSbenlesteck.. • THE t kideitir :/i:tiiiti:;t4ti.liftt.'.itittli:-. 7 ,tit LOW don sgrege at !dr.:inn: B Reed for,hietreety with thine ; and It 'makes IniMeraui ohirgee'egilneettiecknerlskri,Mlninter ; thit are balled upon i:e.ipi.3l``, Whioi tbe stems to have got hold of by some means:: 7 he''treaty is In the state - Departinerit at W[etiingtod , and" Mr. Reed has nonti'a Mend', In - this otty. tiOiO 'rill's:l;44oloWe Nesse: primate. for me several - new mutts, oft winter - garments at lint Brown Sto'nt - Clothtng Batl of BOokhill & Wilsou 1 Nos; 603 and.6oiV:Okestobtalieeyjii4eBlitb?! , :: • oOnnittfgitfifit. - .olothing, - fie to adorn , thigSiginiie*ZinpOrori are disposed of %week ly at tlielOsetilkithhijllliporlini,of Oiarrrille Blotch_ No..6ol,ths4fink*hit;', , _Think'of - these, In twin, itre , enpp*KAY,othete equalty betat~fnl. elm _gout; and fashionable. wolader-that Philadelphians , are reputed,the best dreised Wien in the' world; and no wonder_thee;fitokes • can' afford to be no liberal 'in - bola dealiage,"with i rob an unprecedented 'inn of customt Fos .3;.0 . 011zD ;'l"kil ' -Pine Pine .tipanni•it bawl ' , /,tisairt end 'Plaie"*iiniera Pine .11Milintid Ili'Mof Trunks,. Oaks Boa's, sod Deed tenetVerbit'etisQ,inisiOnti*th e°l4 Stole, !14 W#E -'9P:rJrqs, - - -, Thil3T - MICAliVir Punt/VIM f Welk [Reported fat .ItiePituiir,,r 'l' - -A r ,',. l' ,-; ~,-....,!' ''' v l§ ' 'XV '' e'' ' --- C. ''' ,-- ii'' UNITItp: , TA .6 -, , Inotirp,„. 011uT—Iti ge: Cadwelisfer;;-Solomonl"ldiOnliouehThninasfmeCei 'lough.,f.ktrioe'"l6irla - *a ~A lfred.:l,ents: to, the',user of Bolonfonfileillitlinnikand'Thornas McCullough . vi. The, ' • Delaware Alailiiiiml" OttiPanyl - . - This'erue was pilginally_ brought`ln . .pie • Eirrpiewie Obrirt;:butfthe , ease:wad ve, moved nation of-fit;,ereerge.T: Campbell:tonna for the Aefenisritti,•ittidthe,proceeding in theanpreing • Court_wasqejed,...Tb&coinplaleintein the once 4 that they irere : 6fatildlakbt the ihgendadtkii ponhao., ,",-- tore tafeolletrialaidit. birild,lnii workmanlike Manner,' . .. „ . -- - to, the salisfaiitlini , ainf fiumeptaidiotthedofeadeditualf ; .tb&-graditione , - .'6,flthei{'rrat,..irielcidineabd, Milford- Branoh;lifty-foor:Mlleltirklortkilso the living of - the. ''-trie_;,thi" , 34 l ._,_,T•4 l oifirlifßOblog and'- electing: , the - ==Alw.r 44,8w1fe-1 fntiVtiiiirtietlon of ppen - Andverts, and • .-': : , l , engioitertigl , adittlitifdateinitaisflrere lif,frirdieh iron • •-- • ---, an isnot vreireienri'finelli& work; and that they were - to be paid - atertabr arnor . int;lenLat l . gated periods; for ' doing the asme:''The , complaitiants',aile g e that they have eomoistrectfielii:Tertri'llOtt time, not been" , although tiie.Yhave requested - the defendants - to do se. The emo"eanier_ato Yeaterdiy. morning - , hat . vie an tinned:; -Thenonrt then idlorumwE -.- ~.. , e. — ,' - QtrAitita", - Sitiiioisit'-4udge ''.-,- Thompson The Jury in the ease of.Wriv 0, ehulerf- ebargot with nttering.and 11014610ga forged, ote of Wor;,.N., The , rose for *l6O, returned ayerdiet f not guilty::..' -Levi Andean - 4 -pleaded : guilty:7.i°, the:blame of the rosny of a cloak, the propertyof lames dada , -' ' ' I _ 6 ohliatimitoaelale viat:obaltird .witb*arson, * in set - ting Cr. t e dweirungih.,64:o,t-Margarit Lauer, who testified 1 Addialiaus(jold her'tlifit she had set tire' .-.,'.• _- to Cribb , andltd rat fifif,t6 .a,heep - if shavings In • : the coital. F - :',ooll,tbe - joists add dear were burned;' Mr: ' . . Blackburn i teethed that ha bed Visited the printhel, and - had found nekel4the - aaree'atete, of. facts as hire; Lanai had" mattated.'-. - Ithi, ibroVetated.:to ', him 'that they .. - whipped her, andwouid'Aint'let'luir go home, and she, fire," the honeffin'oider thatihernightthedgo home: -• The . defendant - is' a _Very .preposeemlog little 'girl,' about eared yeari of age. , Nerdietnot guilty. -,. ' .. , , y,dimee".4loNeii,Was charged. with - keeping a mnininee on the hielfway. ,. "lN cinitiated'of - the.ting.. and 'who' game: ; ; If; the party playing tbir ring on the Spikes, they reVelve from - McNeil three cents ;.It , they failed,' - - - the paFty:l9B l Pgjethk/Itutnrie'cent', 4 The - game wag be , '• Ing playe d pporFari Mien lit, ~lie w as arrested Through' the agency of a private Millet.',Yerdinagailty;lat re - ;eoremenoe4 to thancerey of the Odurt: ''- • - - - - - '- - llenryl)reniereti charged with aiding dud procuring one .ThenderelliCharde to Illegally vote in the Boarth division of the liatitilt:wird, - In the dime of Peter' - ~ Welsla,,, , Blelutrd&hteltreaded guilty t theoharg' of" -. • . - -havnik"fritidln - tha - matntrotWelsit. -- • - --', -,,- -.- - -' -.- - Ilenry,..llllligsworth• testified =. ! .i inn emplaced :by .• i ' ' , Proth r otostaty Mr. Wilit;i& tbe.;,.efileo of the: court of -.- •-= Coineicel - k,teeirr.tl have thooriutia ohsio ot-„tho'eleo - ." - - ltiori'e'irfabwomen r'l - - do' net' kraie - whcrliieright •-llie papers of the loartivdiv.sten ef tbe 'Fourth *aid to ---,- ' Abe o eiVlllin'iniade a - :e00....it 066 'lair - Yoko W. .. , _•l l ,Yalfr'Rtale - A 4 ';' ,- "i• , ,..„'''' -,'---'" • - ' *-- ' ' ' . - ' - 7.',, , ' ', •Mr.liand - Mann, the Papailiii 2 eildeittie: , 'Mr.. clumsy objected 'on that - the -Fame' Was --- notidentided elf - the'PePer Defog 1 .b. 11 44 14 .. Ih° q ine f L -, Objatitioliattetaided.':,, ..,,,,, ..,.,-,, r----. , •,, -- , ''-; -- .. - liebert - Johnsin testified-I Was an inspector' la that divielon . ; Any clerk's name vide Haney - I'i do riot rebel - leat the ethiefilintrlir tiamef , X , weotossotb of the natnell on the to Nk j atite 4 -.1-4 0g ., s.m 4 =ioitti, g: tb. .'_Johdllintilan6 ',Uetliled:sif aniona - oillie clerks of _-.' _ . the colit t lif OenononiTleielj tete elfarge'of the oleo . , : . Mon pateteflreatlyed the judges' certificates the day . ', ' aftef tber'eafetiort;add'lint - them in the inlaid piece; don't:recollect reeSivieg.lheltorittb• division of the Notirth*.i . rdi X dent open stud pepere ; I.' ask for the jedges? ; Oertidaate Ur illw4leury 13 , - - -E, , Angeworth copy.; log the tally-liet paper:or this wtp:, ..,,_ , _ „L. : , , „:_,, 'i.; , William Curtis testMeital have- a eopy of the a elitgih hirutirpiot„thfs divided; I don't know . ..who copied it. -' •"-,,•• "." - ,'fete copy -therhiiihiiiid'aer'avideziefer, -, 'Objected 40 b Y '4oX'oll6lidit;'flitifd ~,ro bJeetiOio soiststied,': ludo --; , • .! , rhompisiisii Au tube admitted , _it mast . .b& L sWord . , .c. - •-..- . , 0 - 31,yr•wf,e,614; , ..r.7. - -1., , ,',-.7, -- *i .-......,,z- , . , , , ,,..., , -,..,,r ..,- ,- ~ "-f l,-- • '-. - '-' 1• •• 1 Waage Sable;;" Mi. ~ 54;:iditlfied-I 'wee 'Dissent' at thebletitlaraia:theiledrlh dittatsitiot !Ito 2 ourth - -li!star„ " ObieetedraiikfidOthureidayrnr-thigromiidthat mo etes. -:- *too uf,J4=vatotoT6o_,„to - hiliallsba , heldt: :. Tile alterlit - '5-- - ,••, • - ',l , ,,uatist , protilhafil, - a#a-Slicililiiirostaa - ast4on.- 0 bide.; ....„ -...*. ...ttaiikietiteet::s:;',.„,-- - .7, - , .--; :,..,.....,,. -- .., -... ~ , - ... . C':::- , •.:.' ,,,- Mr. labbeelf,s.veartUid4Wilitaiii ityarlivras , jadge ;. 1.;- , , , , , Acialihnlx , '' - liolliltsfentel•NItifltri r yself.limd , Mr' Haney ,1,.;.5 : :,,,,,iiii of 410)41,, , Iforgittliiiiimb of - the - oilier eleikl , , ;_f_. - ' , ...;;;;:g -, s - Vrrlo l ia4,r;. .11.0f=j;*Ate - Judgs ef that election ;- ,: , . -, V.'.','f,..tbt" , elerkiilre, Is: , 0 454teroktiltet ainnkYif.This listl 1. - .. , -, , , , ,:::•--10 eie , -htih .e- 'lfott 1 4.9 r *ttt§olerte-'• - •-7 - .: = s ' '- ~,,..k%ti. . !':;"..i.r. , 01w,,x niteenntior th 6, oil-. .1 _ ,,, ,t-Ydit: 4 ' , - 6r 4 t -- 4,k•vdtentf - .Vian,:knbeeriain - viiratf Flicq...?,7A ij i 14 , Illeoth'er • ohirkathhikylitit it food, `5:45,-bott. ,l „- - :-Jithr. litrfiftAie W a fT;eovios's44irithifis to - ‘,VA$l.lli - .1' . : '''l44vitik -,..v04 i t oluit it oo k i- or , j , i. ,, r , ii , J - OfiljtVffillitiff i thV4 •-• , :c . i ,! ,A.A i'‘ , ! '' " tli=tkkl'*V-NP"3fu:ritir'r i tofi;•;-0, 4 x:::;c-,;!-.1,1,,ffif, '•i_.; . ,.4.,!.'; ki, 4 TIE4.-6.impl. , ,titiliftti.i ~,,..„_,, : , -`AVT"if',.. ; . l ''''' r;th SW ..`tatilV 0 4 4714 bilk ty , a - 1 1 '., , ,: 7.vsliViic , itifitlikiV - (,,,"''::v 3f - ,40.6U - iiiii itti/ `'‘' ..:141 -. .,r 44:4 0 110 - 01°4011-I Pr i ll 414 19144' MttlArg ; gt.: ', :d.., l i'V..t'l , F.:l& ' i,' , - ' - v,„ ~, _`•,,'_:,"'?_ : - arrerlr: 7 -.77.1 " oar thig'nenie of Peter Welsh,; I saw him at the corner • :of Fourth and Manley talkinwith Countable Drew and - Several others; .he-then came note the window ; Mr. ConnoWay brought him, to the window; hie vote was 'challenged ;-I told the-man who had ourwindow.book ;to challenge him; bat he voted; he handed in a ticket; a think the ofneers took the ticket; Richards turned frOm the window and,Mood upon the elope; Drew was -then- etatiding on the dope when be voted; Drew wan "fifteen or twenty feet away from him when Diehards voted; Drew walked up to hint and asked him if he - voted or did or.will you vote ; ; Rltiliatde said I have voted; Drew gild then thaVel all right, and both -walked away; Richards went auto the tavern.' Orons.exatoined.—l bad orders to gather(' to protect the polls by my .llentonant; I gave some few tickets 'away; I live In the 6th precinct; three of us officers Were cent there in, the, morning ; I' did not ohellenge, 'myself, I told others to do it; his vote was pelted about -form o'clock; can't say who gave Richards me ticket; 'Drew was on the corner when be voted. Officer fiorley; No.: 66, testified that Richard , ' voted In the name of ,PeterWeleli; I gawkier' on the corner ,with D ew and several others; did not see Drew till when he was arrested-by Itubley; Drew got between them and said he should not be arrested. " Mr. Orr testified—l- am one of the asseesora of the -Fourth ward; I know Peter Welsh; I have been at h ' Place Richards .ie not Welsh; ho does not even look like him ,Officer Painter, No 57,'Mgefied to the same facts as Officers , Forlev and Robley r I arrested Richards, and took him to the alderman's office; Drew did ,not inter fete with me ." Theodore Richards' testified—l live. in Baltimore; I 'cane here on Sunday night before the election ; name to hunt work ; voted at Byerleyle; I bad been drinking, and Drew irked me if I had voted, and gave - Me •tieket, and the name of Peter Welsh and hie real 'denee ; went- and- voted, and gave the name; the tickpt was taken-at the window; I went there with a mon :who-told me. the number of the house to sty where I-, lived; I met Drew on eneday night at ; Saw Drew on election day at the tavern where I went to get 's drink when I was arrested ; Drew went with me, and I inked him to get Me bail. Orons-eatimined —I only drank porter and ale; was tinder its influence ; got the ticket in Dyerley'e bar-room; can't gay If Draw gave me the ticket; I have not spoken to anyone about tete cane; no one has been to see me 'except mother a.:d brother Jury out. DitreftTerr Cobsur--Judge Stroud.—Joseph Vanleer es. Adam Reltenbangh and Inane Dnisehart, before reported. An action of Replevin. It is alleged that the defendant claimed a small amount of money as being due to him by the plalnliff for rent, which wan dile and in arrears, and that -he took pommies of hie OrAll in payment of the name. The plaintiff then - , rouobt this snit to regain the possession of his goods. Inform. Obeli , es M. V. Almeida. Before 'reported. The plaintiff alleges that theidefendant is captain of the -ship "Charles Ells," and that the plaintiff is a native of Port in Print:l . i on the island of St. Domingo ; that the plaintiff was employed as a Government °Steer at Port-an Prince; that the defendant being short of seamen for his ship and wishing' to sail immediately, acted bite to seste t conveying a sick map on board of the vessel, induced the plaintiff to 'go on board, and when he Was safe on board the captain asked him if he could work a whip, and he replied that he could ; that 'the defendant then refused to let him go on shore again, and immediately set sail, and safely landed in the oily of Philadelphia; and, on arriving at this port, the de fendant refused to take him home again. The plaintiff, on landing. made known the fasts of the ease and then brought this suit to , recover damages for being taken away without his ailment. ' The defence alleges that the defendant came on board of his chip of his own milord, and shipped as a common seaman, and as a hired hand; that his coming on board was not compulsory, but on the contrary, was free and voluntary. and several witnesses were called to sustain ,tbe allegation ; and that he'reeetved his pay on arri ving at this port.- Verdict for 'the plaintiff for $3BO. Hirst and Pierce for plaintiff ; Hanna for defendant. ;Samuel"Allen vs - Benjamin II Hedges. An action on' a due bill. No defence Verdict for the plaintiff for $148.04. - E. Snowier "111111er for the plaintiff ; Gee. L. Dougherty for the defendant." - " - William Hialierger as- Asher S. teldy`ind S. Snyder Leidy,' administrators of nnesCLUmberger, deceased. An action to recover money and value of goods alleged to have been - paid by plaintiff for'aceimnt of James C Umberger, now demoted. who was the plaintiff's bro ther. The'clalm Amonnts from $4 000 to $5,000. On trial. Titus for the plailitiff ; Pierce and A- Smith for defendants. , 'Dianna's • ClovET--Judge bharswood.—Ste ihen Oolwell to the use of David Reeves and Samuel J. Reeves, vs. Robert Richardson, executor of Samuel Wood.- It appears from theavidernie that Samuel R. Wood gave a bond to the plaintiff for $25,000 ; that a short time since he died, leaving Richa r dson , the de fendant, saltio executer: This is an action on a ache facies to revive the judgment. " Verdict' for the plain tiff; • R. S., Miller for plaintiff; 4. W. Bidd e for de fendant. ' " John D Rosenberger:vs. Joseph - IC Hallowell. Wil liam N. Hallowell; Henry Simpson, and Sarah Wistar The plaintiff alleges that he rented a coal.yard from the defendant• and had It with coal; that he owed the defendants rent which wee due and in arrears ; that the defendants then caused a levy and sale to be made of the coal and daturee, althouvh the plaintiff claimed mime; Hon under the sot of 1840, allowing exemption 'of goods to the amount of $lOO. The plaintiff also alleges that be suffered great d nmage,and brings this matte recover for trespass. Jury out. Earle for plaintiff; J. S Smith iordefendanta. • Duff Abrahams and Daniel Eckman, late trading an Abraham and Batman, vs, John F. Gross, garnishee of J., F. Trout, before reported.. An action by the plain. tiffs for the balance claimed lobe due John F. front by the Ilidesand - Tallow Association Verdict for the de fendants . Marshall' for plaintiffs; Simpson for de fondants: • ••'' • ' , • TINAIMALLIND. COMMERCIAL. 'NOT. 4,185 g. Tht Lehigh Coal and Natigation Company bays made ati advance in their system Of butsiness management, which *sanctioned by their own experience as well as 'that of similar'emnpinYesoind which will doubtless meet with favor at the hands of. their stockholders and the public. - We allfithato their advertisemeet for pro iseils forthe, leasing of one or four mines on their ee.. Cate, whichle generally understood to* in - imrsuance of. deternibtationCo lease alltheir mines, and attend - rintire4 to the Mistime of commoh carriers. There can be little question as to the infurione effects of a - a twofold buelnese,- when managed by a corporation. Mining, by s iteelf,even;'ffitooomeh like manufacturing, :tosuidessfrilly conddeted by. Corporate bedlam. It foa.prolitable results, to be la the hthde of en 'll4rtifiiiidividttili; Praedicalmeni who will be on hind :at all timeric to , lee - - to -their' own. 'literati', who will : Wallet the, markets, examine the accounts of their commissioii 'Men . ..and - faitiors - ' with scrutinizing eyes; and; generally follow their business in alisineas-like way., The lessee of a large mine said to ns one day when an expected train was late coming -out of this mine ivitli coal for the brisket , : One hue. tired hands are keptldle- half an hour by this delay— cne hundred half hours make five day* labor, for which I most pay without receiving, any return." The man who - counts the coat of every moment of lost time in :this way, and who ti n on the. spOfhimself to apply the cnecessary corrective. will make money where, a corpora tlouwould loSeiand *ate the reason why corporate eic :forts to riaridnetench" - oneratioas so frequently : fall. while Jridieldttal, comktitore- less favorably situated grow :rich: It is not in the salaries paid to the officers, but theme seemingly trifling leeks, that the greet differ *dee occurs. And piactical experience shoirs that it is' next to impossible to getmen to serve*, corporation 'With the earns seal and: watchfulness that they display is the conduct of their Individual Ware. It is for thee.; regions that we are gratified to see what - we deem a reformatory movement on the part of the Lehigh - Navigation Company: We' are entirely Initiated that they will net more revenue from _the josses of their adatisthan they can derive by 'working them themselves .and that when they, cense to be, coal• dealers, and , attend entirely to their business Sig coil carriers, their stockholders will find the results of their yearly . ,opere.tione _more satisfactory thin they have been undergone chingea, and - the Competition among 'the earriers,conattuat upon the ..opening of Asir ontlete to market, Is so keen that too much attem time an hardly - be pia to the transportation business the-company. l It caplet be doubted thit when this beComes.the.grand object of - attention to the officers of the - . compel:licit will be more succeesfully conducted thinwhenthele thoughts are diverted to censideraticna ,00rmected . Wiili the•mining and belling of coal.' TheatalOraiket to day:partook' of the character of the Weather ; the" 'sales wore Hulled, and speculation damptiled:' No marked decline' was experienced in prices. • The fletin invites op the following table ef,dieldwfide, declared by banks In the Interior of this . . Bank of Pitisintrgh . f 4 per cent 'Unhinge Itauk or Pittsbugh 4 " Id sobsoirs , :lisnk, Pittsburgh 4 if Merchanti & hianufactntern Ilk, Pittsburgb.4 .“ Clitissosr Bank; Pittsburgh 4 " Iron City' Pink. Pit sburgh ' 8 ti :Allegheny Bank, Allegheny 4 " .liarrsburg It.ok 4 I, Lancaster County Bank 4 " Os/lisle DepoSit Bank" 4 <, Bannerol dr. MO hanks , Bank. Boston 4 " Namara' Bank of Lancaster, $1 60 per Ware.' Benne 13.,,Mesaeramida, Nan , has been elected Cashier of the Ohanabersburg Bank, In place of ,James Lesley, Ban., vrbe ban been elected cashier of the 'Union Bank in this city. comparleou of the footings of the weekly bank statement of the Boston beak., published this morning, _With those of the statementfor the previous week, ex hibits it decrease of_ $21,6 015 In the Item of lemur and disnotintsi $103,086 in oirontation, and an increase of . 0t68,336 in specie, &fad $103,118 in deposits. , , P.HILdEELPHIA fiToCK EXCHANGE SALES, •' , November 4, 1858.. itileminn BY xeninr,BiowN; & 00., DANK•NoTN,SI . OOII AND - IMEritiOS SIioNEKN, NODTNREST 00BNII1 TNIAD AND UNBIND! E/RENTS. ' 1600 7 =-t1; 04)i 1000 do 94x 500 do oig 100 (My Oa 100 x 10410 N Penns It 1011..'40)4 1000 Elm IL 24 mt 60,1 i 5 0 do 50% 1000 Clatmrltros IL 7e, soap ott 45% 1 NornoVo 11..cmb 55 1 PlantOtt Bk. Tr 105 J% BETWEEN , 1009 oa4Alit Be 801( 600 N 'Penns It 10e. 80' : 600 Elm R 2d mt • 7 , ' f eeeirfoo- 82 2000 Oatewiees It 7e, , • scrip on 46 1000 do Coop on 46 8000 Reading It 811 , 16 78X • :2 Pittlad Bank —.116% 101Inlocr2k, Tenn. 99 - 60 do ... .. 99 OLOSING Pllll Bid, Asked,, B. de 1043‘ Philo 63 10014101,41 ; do 1t.....1C0M101.4; do New.:los 100 x .Penns . . ... 943 j Readlig 4 6 / 4 - ' 26 # do , 70;.02,4 - 113 do, 31,13 d3544.923g dr),• do 10.78,16 74 Penns War off ..43 '43X dcr, litm ft.; .103 "101 - do 101'm 03 —.OOl 07 Adonis Can 0021.:46 150 do Prof .....100 109 3014011 , 73113 '82.69% 70 :PHIL;PADELYNIA. tdd.RENTS, Nov. 4—Evening.— Breads:tad continue abont• the came. There le very 4ittla deniavd ter PAcior, aid the market Is dull atpre. aateajnolude about 600.bbla, at $6 for standard lupe:floe, $5 50 for good extra, sad 4 'bbi for eityi family, at which MOO holdore generally are flee aelieta. l'The - trade 'saw buying Within:Ate, same range o:Attett . i ' !tend and: limiet Otirai-10,8611g13 50 g do' Rye ‘,Pycox , qefee, with smelt Wee at *LUX - Corn , Meal l l-A-.• solo .of -Brandprina was ~b2a4i* so. 4sr Oifere4;a44 Vbbl, bat We 4ear 66c4afeit rather firmer; irline3ita . .reach some , 44,000.bashela, In /obi, at 'Alta ior fiteitai litotililikO't *Ole new ttie:(osxhite t t4:?' lattei fOeirlioo The. MOiley The CoarAnuilfiladliaai within a eomparatively short /PST BOARD. - 100 Peittais9 • !!!gl Penns 93 10 do 43X 100 Western Coal Co 6,14 8 Girard Bk 11% 67 do 11R 60 do 11X 4 Philad Bank ....110 60 Oatawi 0% 86 L Bohnyt 1t...,. 20 20 Reading 11..eiudi 213 X 100 do b 5 an .26X /00 do 56eia 20) BOARDS. _ i 60 Reading It 26R . 81COOND 00811. D. 20 Poona R. 43 14 do 43 6 do 48 -- 166 Richmond Use.. 0 % 100 Girard Ilauk..b6 11% 100 do b 611% 1 Norristown R.... 55 1 Rk or Di Amer... 148 100 Oatawless 600 Reading R 25,4 25 do dish 98% 161.onliville Mink 010-43TRADY Bid. Asked. . . Soh Mar Imp 61... ; do 5t00k..... 9 9X do Prof 17 17X Won't & Blm R.lO 3014 do ,7a Ist mtg. 73 74 do 2d 60,54 51 Long bland 11X 3.2„v . falrard'Benk......ll.% 11X Leh COM & Nay..,61 g 61X N.Poopslt 8x 8x do I 68....4..80 dog Now °reek it" OotawlaeaU eh 6X Lehigh 34 IX Reading closes about 28 Southern. ~Ityis Is steady at 760 for Penn's,. Corn is un changed, and atitiet 11,000 bus old yellow sold at Ringo, mime new do at 62660 e, and,,white at Ole. Oats - are better; about bushels new Southern brought 420, 4,000 bushels old and'new Milted sold last evening at 42x0, the latter afloat. Dark—Quercitrou to unchang ed; farther sales of 20 hhds are' reported nt $3O for first No. 1. ' batten—the market is inactive, but sales of about 150 bales are reported at equal to 1214 e, cash, for middling fair quality, Groceries and Provisions—noth ing doing to•dry, but the markets for both are firm and the stooks light Seeds—there is a steady demand for Olovarseed, with sales of 280 bushels, In lots, at 85,25 for old, and $5.0205 87% for new; 100 bushels prima Timothy have been sold at $3.12% 4' bushel. Whiskey ocattlines dull; we quote bbte at 210220, the latter for Ohio. 210 for lihde, and 200 !for drudge, 4' gallon. Jinvorlattons [Reported for the rreacj 0A11:0101A13—Barque Louise, Matson-302 hhde 17 0812 We molasses 3 & W Welsh. • • • BT. JOHN, NB—Brig Orozimbo--50,C00 pickets Bol• ton, Vawderveer k Co, 80 000 do 53,000 feet scantling Gaekill & Galvin ALBAN Y—Barge Gen Taylor-134,000 feet white pine lamber Ai Tramp & Bon. PRIIADELPHIA BOARD . OF TRADE. ' LAWRICSOH JOHNSON, EDWARD O.I3IDDLE, COMMITTEE OP THE MONTH EDWARD Q•. JAMBS, LETTER HAUS. At les Morehants , Bxehaftge, Pkiladapkitt, Ship Tuscarora, 'Denim Liverpool, Nov 6 Bhip Esther, Leslie Rio de Janeiro, coon Barque Ann Elia Lbeth, Norgrave, Montevideo and Buenos Ayres soon Barque White Wing, holing Laguayra, soon Barque Reindeer, Franklin Pernambuco, noon Barque Trevejier, Randall Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig Tiberias, Hughes Cienfuegos, soon Brig Trade Wind Cienfuegos, soon Brig Herald Barbadoes, soon Brig Amazon, Heim Barbadoes, soon Marine lintelligienrc PORT OF PHILNDELVIIIA, Nov. 5, 1856. BUN AlOllO • 66 I RUN SETS 5 5 HIGH SPAT= 2 86 ARRIVED • - Barque Louisa, Mown, 12 days from Cardenas, with molasses to B & W Weigh. Brig Orcalmbo, Resebrook,l2 days from St John, NB, with lumber to Gaskill & Galvin Brig Geo Amos, Nichols, from Roston. Behr Frederick Reed, Blatchford.. 6 days from East port! Me, with plaster to B A Bonder & Co. Behr Mary Ann & Caroline, Bowen, from Boston. Behr B Mahony, Bitching, from Boston. Sear Revenue, Como, from Boston. Behr D Budth, Douglass, from Boston. Bohr W 0 Atwater, Potter, from New York. Bohr Monterey, Felkenburg, from Now York, Bohr Mary Anna, Gibbs, from Wareham. • Barge Gen Taylor, Singer, 4 dare from Albany, with 181,000 feet white pine lumber to M Trump /c OLNAnan Btearoship Delman, (lopes, N York, J Ailderdice. Brig Geo Anna, Nickell', Boston, Tyler, Btone & 00. Bohr II N Weston, Malay, Wilmington, NO, Pettit, Martin & Uo. Bahr W 0 Atwater,"Pottor, Providence, N Sturtevant it Clo. Bohr M B Mahony, Hltehins, Boston, Blakistonl Cox Bohr Mary Ann A. Caroline Bowen, Boston, do Bohr Revenue, Corson, Boaton; Brown Se White. Behr D 13 oith, Douglass, Boeton, do Bohr Mary Anna, Gibbs, Boaton, 'Hayes & Godshall. Behr Montoya's, Falkenburg, Boston, L Bothermel. Btr It Willing, Claypool. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Btr Mars, Nichols, New York, W M Baird ic • (Correspondence of The Prem.) 1161TRE DR GRADE, Nov. 4, 1858. The Kingston left this morning with 8 boato, laden and cons:geed as tollows: Catherine, grain to Humphries, Hoffman & Wright; Harry, wheat, corn, &a to Perot & Ben; Elisabeth & Rebecca, bark to Crawford & 13r0,• Ming Sun, lumber to 55 Tromp & Son; El .13 Bally & Bon, lumber to Wit mtngton; 3 2 Perot , bituminous coal to do; T M Asth ma, lumber to Wolverton; flaial Del, coal to Delaware City. Er niLzosiza. I (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Oars Islam), Nov 4, 6 P M. A ship went in this afternoon. The barques Priscilla, for U4TIIIIII, Catharine , ( Br) for St John, NB, Oak, for Boston, and brig Ella Reed; for St Jago de Cuba, went to sea this afternoon. -Wind NNW—weather thick. Yours, /to, , .THOS. B. 11110028. DT TELEGRAPH TO THE PRESS.] NEW Yost, Nov 4 Adrices from Sydney, Cape Bretoa, state that •the ebip peerless, from Quebec bound to ]England , struck on Blint Island, on the 26th alt, and bilged. The wreck subsequently drifted Into Nurse Bay. The car penter was swept overboard, and three seamen lost from a boat going ashore. The passenger's and remainder of the crew were saved. BOSTON, Nov 4. The Br barque Lady Campbell, from Quebec, bound to Queenstown, Ireland, spenog a leak at see Oot 20th, and filled. The orew, thirteen In all, were taken WI by the chip Onward, from Louden and brought to this port. About 24,000, feet white pine plank washed ashore yesterday from Scituate to °Masse% and to now in ch.rge of the underwriters' agent —(By telegraph to Elwood Walter, Nen, Secretary Board of Underwriters. ilawatteran, as, Noe 4 Arrived, steamers Uuntsvllle, from New Xork; Au, gush, from do., NSW Oarzses, Nov. 4. Arrived, ship Golden Star, from Liverpool. Nov 3--Arrived, ship Creole, Pierce, from N York. MEMORANDA Steamsh City of Washington. Petrie, frcile N York Bth ult, at Liverpool previous to 23d Ship Robert Harding, Foster, from Calcutta June 27, at Boston 31 inst. Ship Ourriluck, Nuowlee, cleared at New York 3d inst. tor Shanghae. 'Ship Ocean Pearl, Crowell, cleared at Baltimore 81 loot for Stu Francine. . . . . Ship Mary,Oarollne bterent, (mploolastlon)lreari, for Liberia, cleared at Baltimore 31 lost. —Ship. Dlopulight,,Blrob, Nan *am:km, cleared at New York yeaterday. . , „ „ Bargee BlizabothV, Baker, for Pelladelphia in 3 days, 'eras at 04e flaried 13th vit. Barque Junes Cook Yonng, cleared at Boston 8:1 Inst. for Philadelphia. to load for Marseilles. Barone A A Drebort, Hewitt, hence, arrived at Bar adoes 19th nit Batque Aaron I Harvey, Miller. is reported to have lied from Barbadoes 9th ult. for Turks Wand, Barque Our Unite, Kent, for Boston, retrained at 13th ult. Barque Azof, Nimmons, sailed from Marseilles Bth alt .r Idezains. Barque Fleet Kegle, Lindberg, for Algoa Bay, 0011, oared at Boston 3.1 inst. Barque Elizabeth, (Br) Behizidt, 'geared at New York .storday for East Itthes. Barque P 0 Alexander, Merryman, sailed from Pint nit rat lost. for Philade'pbta. Brig Boarder, (Br) horse for Portland, at Newport inst. Brig Win Crawford, Oo'barn, hence (or Portland, at ewpore 24 fruit. Brig It P Swett, Jewett, for Philadelphia, was at id ar .lllea 78th nit. Brig Myra, Baker, hence for Boston, at Newport 24 at Brig Russian. Gilmore, hence for Yarmouth, Me, wee at liohnea , le Si lost Bohr D' B Marltn, Hallett, for Philadelphia, cleared 'at New York yesterday Behr Jate&dam, Lewfa, for Boston, cleared St (Merles ton Ist lost. Bohr L & Danenhower, ffiitler, hence, arrayed at Bos on 31 Inst. . Bohr Wm II liattler, Crowell, cleared at Boston Bd inst for Philadelphia. Bohr Richard Borden, Ireland, hence at Fall River 2d lost. Sabra Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, and P. 8 Dean, Oook, hence for Taunton, was passing up Fall Hirer 2d instant. Bohr John W Dodge, hence for New Bedford, at New. port 24 Inst. Bohm A H Bowe, Endicott; Thomas Potter, Glow; Benton, Brower; 8 Weldln, Smith: Knight. Bean; J McCloskey, Stebbins; W P ljox, Houck, and L dem Omen, hence at Providence 2d too l Bahr Ohio Carroll, Pratt, Bailed from Providence 24 fcr Philadelphia Bohr Eva, Ellie, hence at Stonington 2d most. Bohm Mary Elizabeth, Shannon; II M Wright, Fisher; Deborah. and Elba, hence at New Haven 2d Met Bahr James Dlverty, for Philadelphia, called from N Haven 2d loot. Steamer 'Slack Diamond, Allen, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. If BRING MISOBLLANY Bohr John Bowman, Mews, of Philadelphia saPed from New Bedford on the 15th October. On the 24th, during a heavy sea, wee capsized, and all hands were lost. The William W Johnson, Robbins, passed within twenty feet of the Bowman ou the 29th, at which time the was lying with her head down and stern one, any. posed to be held by her anchors, sixteen toilets to the northward of Chincoteague. The reported loos in the Baltic of ship George Green, from Cronstadt for New York, is contradicted by a tel. legram from Bt Petersburg, via Liverpool, received by the Atlantio Mutual Insurance Company of New York, which says: ‘.lthip Geo Green at anchor near Leskal been on the reeks; lost rudder leakiog six inchee per hour; must return and repair; may be detained all winter. NOTIOE TO MARINERS Notice is hereby given that a third class Nun Buoy has been placed on Triangle Leave, entrume to the harbor of Portsmouth, Na. The buoy la about 1 1 0 yarde 888 front the shoaleat part of the Ledge, In ten fathom, water. York Ledge spindle NE by N, distant 1N miles, Boone Island Light Novae EBB. (Natant 0 miles. Isle of Shoals Lighthouse B by W M W, distant B Whales Bank Lighthouse W 8, distant 4 mile.. Notice to also given that the I.olllvat placed at Booth Breaker Ledge, to mark the npprosch to Pennbscot Bay, ban brokon from her moorings her place wilt be sup plied by a third clam Non Buoy for the present, for the purpose of making repairs to the boat, When replaced, due notice will be given Notice le also given that the Bell has been removed from the Bell Boat at Boone Island Ledge. By order of the Light-house Board THEO. P. 1111.E.ENE. Lighthouse Inspector, let Dist. Portland, Nov. 2, 1868. NOREIGN PORTS Bid from Peals°, Bordeaux, 16th alt, ship Sheffield, Richardson, New Orleans At Marseilles lath nit ship Volant, Lunt, for New York; barques Leon, Persia for do; E 11111, Arey, for Boston; V/ IWO. Baxter, for Leghorn and Boston; brig Beni Delano, Baker. for Messina or Palermo Ar nt Antwerp 18th nit, Belgian brig Belgique, Dow ers, New York. Bid 17th, ship Barnet, Loring, Havana. Ar at Mull, B, 16th nit, barque Ocean Breeze, Leigh fon, thimble. Ar at Barbadeas 9th ult, brig Minnie Miller, White, New York; edit Olin Howler. Roberts. Washington,o; 12th, brigs Verdele, Bbackford, Eastport; 'lndian Queen, McGregor, St Stephen, NB. did iith, brigs Royaleton, Robinson, Turks Island; Tl• tants, Appleby, St Thomas. ' At do lath tilt, brig Argyle, D'gga, disobg; sabre J Garver. Lunt, and Red Wing, Kirwan, do At Vera Orns Oot 28, barque Wild Hire, Campbell, from New York, disobg Ar at Queboo 27th nit, barque Marlene, Allen, Liver poo.; brig James Redden, Rodriek, Port Carlisle; 29th, ship Marion, Ballentine, Glasgow Old 19th, ships Lady Seymour, England, Bristol; ChM° Garold, Richardson, Belfast; Derbies, Dunlop, Greenock; barques Ursula, Murphy, and Mary Oxley, Spicer, Liverpool; brig Asglo, Scott : &Gators. NEW YORE, Nov DOHNETIO POETS 4—Ar, ship Harvest Queen, Young, Liverpool; brigs Bloomer, (Br) Gumpbell, Dorchester, NE; Bound Pond, Weston, Guilford; sabre D W balm dere, Nunn, Newborn, NO; Rubicon, Stetson, Norfolk for Boston.' Old, Wily Fairfield, Elwood, Galventon,• barques, Ea r ers, suudberg, Ilavana; Southerner, Clifford, Mar.. sallies; M. Pole, Avery, Mobile. Hailed from Gsserantme. steamship Empire City, Grif fin, for Ravens, and Now Orle los ROLIIES , ROLE, Nov 1, P M—No arrivals. 2d—Wind NE -Ar, brig Lamina, Greenish, Cape Mutton for Boston Also sr. ochre Mary A Shropshire, Shropshire, Balti more for Boston; Mary gt. Elizabeth, Reed; Ell Town send, Williams; Joseph P Cake Endicott; Rebecca Knight, Endicott; Allan Downing, ' Rice; Samuel Casts nor, Garwood; Joneph Porter, Yates, L Strout, Cole; Woodruff Sims Mason, and Charles S Ceretaire, Romero, Philadelphia for Poston; Sarah Woodbridge, Higgins, Philadelphia for Salem; Mary, Smith, Plymouth, for 'Artakapas. 81-10 A M—ln port the above arrivals of yesterday, and several echos arrived hat night not yet -boarded. Wind emit; blowing heavy. , ROSTON, Nov B—Arf Milli Pacific, Gadd, N Orleans; barques John Winthrop Webster, Havana; Trinity, Leash;Gelveston; David Linnell, N Orleans; ochre ,Abbott Lawrence; Wilson. Wilmington, NO, via Delt Golden Gate, Ilammond, Baltimore , Old; sohrs W P. Smith, Georgetown, DO; Tantamopot, Davis, do 4 11 etegniships Eur4S, - Malp =sine 0. .„ THE FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1858. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO oils o'oLoox Tino moninzto • GIRARD HOOSE—Oheiltnut street, below Ninth. D Heath, St Laois , ,W W Sawyer, Rook Island W 0 Logan, McConnebabarg 3 A - Mitchell R T Platt, N Y „ G 8 Putnam, Salem E W Malty, Pa 3 Devout A Davis & la, Y , , , _GM Merrell, NY W 11 Chapman, NY W Williams, Pa 1 , M Smith & la. N 0 P Hayden, Pittsburgh 0 Kennedy, Delaware 3 W Sarin, Delaware R Baylor & la, Essex no ' Mine L L Temple, Va I Miss N W Baylor, Va Miss 1. L Baylor, Va B Pine, N J J Whitney, Jr Milwaukee J Hodges & la, Prov, ft I 3 W Bowen. beY W 8 Remochan & wf, Balt A D Warwick & Is, Va A Phillipr, N Y 11 13 Sanford, Coon 3 P Pennell, N Y W P Long, Springfield W 11 Merritt, N It J P Neugent, Went Chester }I A Bridge & la, N O" Lient Cohen, II 0 M .1' Collier, Ohio Geo M Francis Jae Young, Middleton 3 E Hiester, Lancaster It B Lowry, If il N Geo Callahan, 'flawing. It Peters, (a 3 L Mallory & la, N Y A De Batis, N Y Capt Tyler, N Y P A Richards. N Y E Eriamiann, N Y J E Roberta, N Y 0 P Pike, PrOvldence, R I P A Steers, Prov, It I Jae Robertson, N Y 3 3 Bloodgood, N Y 31 W Rodgers, Baltimore A Crane, N Y E Saokson, N Y 31 El Emery, Washington N Santos, N Y L Williams & /a, N Y M L Bowles, Roston A Cameron, Mass D T Charles, Albany T Apoleton, Lake Village LJ Enowlea,Warren,Msfis Mr Houston, Warren, Mass it. Rose, California - 8 fil Hanghton, Cincinnati 3 O John Simmons, N Y D A Brayton, Fall River W Perry, Jr% N 0 Mhos D Perry, N 0 - P Galatea. N 0 Won Janlrer A vri, Del Miss Black, Del 0 W Walker, Balt Mrs 0 W Riggs & ch,Wash I Riggs, Washington John Ring, tit Louis H 0 Jarrett, Balt AMP,SIOAN HOTEL—Obeetnut street, above Piith. J Wilson, Pittsburgh W B Remington Penna 8 'Watson, Penns G 8 Neugent, Pa 8 Arnold, Conn J Bolgiano, Balt Mrs Ault, Balt Miss nolgiano, Balt J Bates 3r. la, Boston Miss Bates, Bunton HB Lenin halt E El West, Media 8 Sliver, Del A II Silver, Del J Patriarch, Go J Armstrong, Hazleton N Hatch, Washington A J Gilkey lb lady. N C Capt Pitteld, New Orleans Miss L Pittield. N Orleans II A Stockton, N Y Mrs Wheeler, Pa E D MoOleneJaan, Md J R Cook dr, lady, Perna RJ Gregory, N 0 Henry Koper. N Y G W Harris. Harrisburg 0 W King, S C J 13 Gaddere'& la, Va 0 H Hobart, N J E McConnell, Pa 0 B Rankin, Pa 0 P Hall, N Y 3 Robinson, Pa MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Pourth St., below Arch. Miss S A Steinman, Va 31 W Bart, Lafayette, hid A J Waugh, Pulaski 0 M Woodbnage, Ohio J F Waugh, Pulaski 1) Woodbridge, Ohio T E Roborth & la Oonn J 0 Pe atoll, Ohio W D Bigler, Clearfield hi Talbo , Ohio E Bigler, Clearfield W M Kauffman, Reading E J Leaman, Pa 0 3 LanmaJ, Reading R T LIMMIO, Phila Wm Deerfield, Jr, Easton J 0 B MoDouele, Pa IL H Lindsay, Jefferson, Pa J 0 Brenner, *Deerfield E Parks, Clearfield Hon J 51 ladle, Pa A 3 Prank, Kittanning Paul S Beeves, N J John D Smallwood, a J J IL Barr & lady. N Y J D McCord, Pittsburgh A 8 Griffith, N Y W E Rice, Maas e Henry, N 0 Mr Heath, New Haien W A Johnson, Washington W H Reed, N Y 0 H Love, Pittsburgh A Madden, Uniontown Thos Redden, Uniontown John Dowling, Waal:Linen W D Shepherd, Washington HonJ Glancy Jones, Pa J hi Hiller, Athens J A Eyster, Obambersburg FRANKLIN HOUBE—Ohestnut street, above Third. H D Smith, Conn H K Sill, Hagerstown W Simonson, Mt Gilead B llieh, Unionville J Bing, Unionville It K TiOd, Hagerstown J Eimer, Allegheny City W Carson, Allegheny City J II t hoot A la, Del P Stout & la, Brooklyn E W Relnecker. Md WM Rsmeey, Ohio J Cress, Gettysburg Beni Hayward, Pottsvi ll e R Brunner. Portsmouth W 0 Bennet, NY I N Sleeper, Hass E W Geer, NY 'UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. A 0 Judson, N Y APratt, Albany, N Y W B Julson, N Y GII Martin, Phila ~ P Rothormel, Shiln 3 Gliee, Del A Huff, Clolumbuzi, 0 fl 0 Spregur, Freehold I W Lowe, fdd • Wm Payne, 11Id a a Howell, D 0 Ii D Shock, N J Id Newkirk & la, Ohio • It Kemp. Bedford W D Randolph & la D L Randolph Jr la J A Leroyd, Blass M 0 Grier Danville, Pa J X Grier, Danville, Pa II 0 Hastings, Del .1 5 Lloyd, N Y F F Phillips, Adams, Mass J Tcmipkins, Newark, NJ J Millman, Pottsville WMcOanna, PenningtonyPe Richard Dickson, Phil NATIONAL HOT/tit—Race street, above Third. J Edge, Chester co W Kailas & la . New York W Wolbert & la, Wie S G Fry & la, Trappe 0 Beecher, Ploegrove Rev W Reitanyder, Pa 0 Tolle, Bethlehem J J Seibert, Pottsville N 0 Morrison, Pottevrne L W Doebyshell, Pottsville D J Ridgway, Pottsyslle B Reilly, Pottsville D Carey, Danville P Mate, Danville W Davenport, Huntington MADISON II01:1811—Second at , below Arch. J Burnt, Bhelburn Falls J Peebles, Lancaster P P Young, Lancaster W Thomas, Lancaster B Patton, 1 ' ! York Alex Morton, Pittsburgh J II Roberta, Pittsburgh B 0 Adams do lady, N J Nathaniel limey, Del It Al Allen, Lewistown Jacob Yoder, Lewietown J It Penitigton, Del James Mlllbourn. N I James Jenkins, N Jersey Thee Philips, N York Thee Brown, N York L Ilamnitond, N York P Jennings, Baltimore MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Second et., above Arch. T G Grant, Pa Jee Morrie la & child, Del Mae J Kimball, Del Mlee P Sharp. Del ' L E Scott. Altoona, Pa J It Jones, Altoona, Pa II Sweeney, Burlington, 113 M Noble & Is, N Y A. TI Gardner, Pa inlet; M J Gardner. Pa D M Burton, Pa 0 W Sehropp, Bethlehem G J Cleaver, Betz,'Ue P K Boyer, Spring Mille 'D 0 Beiley, Philadelphia N Middleton & Is, N Y E .1 - Meaning, Del D M. Pilger, Olearileld BLACK BEAR INN—link and Merchant streets W P Thatcher. Bt Olalr D Field, Weet °heeler A Bunting, Delaware co El 0 Rale, Delaware co P Ftuck, Delaware co °apt 8 D Miller, Pa M Pennock. W Ihn, Del T Bentley & wife, bld J It Leiria, Del no, Pa J Aturdanak, Oxford It Lyele,,Oheater co. . J Gordon, ttheater co BLACK BEAD HOTEL—Third at, ab. W Phillips, Allentown J 0 Smith, Pottstown . A Backman. Pa 0 Battey, Plowertown Wm Brumbseh, Exeter Bawd H.ekman, Kutztown James MeLeßand, Pa Ohee Harper; Jenkintown T Barrett, Beading H Smith Reading Oeo W Wolf, Danboro John Gerhard, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Old .111 Vanelnder, Ohto G I Everett, Philadelphia Andereort Calvin, Easton It Y Etraneberger, Backe co 'BARLEY BIIDAP 110 TEL—Second street, below Vine J Davis, Oheltenhem A 8 Opdyck, Sprlngdeld J 0 Cornell & la, Philo Oboe Hall, Dustleton Edwin Bretz, Doylestown Special %alum. Ladies are respectfully notified that War- BURTON, Hatter, 480 CHESTNUT Street, has Just to calved from Paris a well selected variety of the much desired Bronze• Herm* Cape" for little boys An early eelection is recommended. • n05.8t W. Henry Patten, Manufacturer of Window MARES, and Importer of CURTAIN and UPLIOL EMERY MATERIALS, LACE and MUSLIN CUR TAINS. BROCATELLES, SATIN DE LAINE and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUMBS, GIMPS and TASSELS, GILT CORNICES and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, as low as 75 cents each. Juat received from Auction a large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Ourtaina, $1 00, worth $3 00 a pair " $2OO, " $4 00 " " Tambour Lace , c $3 00, t. $0 00 Quite heavy " " $ 0 00. " $lO 00" Blegaut rich Embroidered, $lO 00,- " $2O 00 " Damask Curtains from $lO 00 to $l5 00 per window, complete. Curtains made and put up at the ehortest notice, by competent workmen, W.IIE.VRY PATTBI4, 630 01:1138TNIIT St., 0012.61n0e Opposite Jayneie New Hall Grover & Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MAW:LINES A NEW STYLE—PRICE $5O. 780 OHESTKOr STREET, PUILIDELPUIA. These Machines mew from two spools . , and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, sod elasticity, which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut They are unquestionably the best In the market for family Use. • 0010-Lf 117 . 1111N0 FOR A CIRCULAR. XI New Trimmings and Zephyr Store and Fac- TORY —4. 4. MAXWELL & SON, Southeast Ina youth and Chestnut. 0021.15 u Professor Saunders' elossleal Institute, at the WEST PIIILADELPIIIA INSTITUTE, corner of MARKET Street and WILLIAM, will be reopened on the first MONDAY of September. Pupils, to the num ber of fifty, will be received WITUOIII EXPENSE or WARP ON THE PASSRNORR RAILWAYS OP TOR OM. Thus, without expense, by a pleasant and safe con voyance, pupils can be carried into the fresh air of the country In less than half an hour from the centre of tho city. Several acres of open ground border on the beau tiful groves of this Seminary, which is patronized by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Editors of The Press, the Ledger, and The North American and United States Gazette. Pa pile are received by the day, or into the family of the Principal. PlilLaDILMIta, July 1,1858. " We, the undersigned, have had sone or wards in Professor Saunders , Institute and family during the Session which has just closed, In respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress in thorough education, our expectations have boon fully realised. To our friends, who are looking for a decidedly good school for their sone, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders , Institute. "MATTHEW NEWKIRK, No. 12.00 Arch street. "3140. W. FORNEY, office of The Press. "CHARLES H. THOMPSON, Thompson & Rood, No 413 Ohestnut street. "3.8. SILVER, 1400 Girard avenue. " W. L. SPRINGS, 831 Market street. " GEORGE H. MARTIN, 1025 Walnut street )) Other Patrons of this Institution: ELI 8. BURNETT, 409 Market street. JOHN 0. MITCHELL, 203 South Sixth street. T. B. COLOHAN, 142 South Eighth street. N. B. BROWNE, 118 South Fifth street. - SAMUEL MOORE, Logan Square. P. WATSON, Logan Square. WM. SWAIN, office of Ledger. MORTON MoMIOHABLi offtro of North American. ELLIS LEWIS, Penn Square. fErNo Ehuricurr Role SALEM (14.4, St. Vitusts Dance.—This distressing and mortifying nervous affection is left generally either to take, Its natural course, sr is treated on general princi ples with very little meccas. The nervous symptoms are not the disease Itself, and proceed from functional or organic derangement In the nervous centres. No medicine has been found equal to the PERUVIAN SYRUP,•In checking the involuntary nervous tom blings known as Ht. Vitus , d Dance. For sale In this city by P. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Hassard do 00., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. oc2ll-d&wtf One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in tho best manner, expressly for RETAIL atxus. We mark our lowest selling prices In PLAIN PIGIIRBS on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our ONE-PRIOR SYSTEM It strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. Thomas W. Bally, No. taitt Market Street, Importer and Dealer In Pine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Piretolmagoode constantly on kuuld Th enbeoriber, paying cash for every article, It enabled to II at a small advance. , Those about purohaaing would do Well to, wal.- AU goodiutrarranted as repro. 1Y1; ' ' 0104.0114 00, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, sso. SINGER'S SEWING hiaOHINES.—PRIDES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma. ohms for $5O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, at vide, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has -an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to eau at our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fail to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER & 00., no2•tJd2 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Jules liattel'a Liquid Hair Dye. —No discovery of tho ago has grown more r.pldly in public °slim Won than this invaluable vegetkide preparation, for chang ing red or grey hate, whiskers, &c., to a soft, glossy, black; brown or obeisant color Its mode of applie aion is easy, its effect instantaneous. No danger follows its use. Sold by all Druggists, and at tho Laboratory of JULES 11AUEL & CO , Perfumers and Importers, TO4 CUIISTEUT Street, Philadelphia. n02.5t To All who' Want Money. -- Jones & CO., Brokers, Northwest corner of WEIRD and a/MOLL BTRERTB, below LOMBARD, advance Clash liberally, In large and email amounts, upon deposits of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Orme, Clothing, &a ,on moderate terms. Moe hours from 6 A. 31. to 7 P. M. 0c23•1m Taciturn, Check Printer. JACKSON, CIRCULAR PRINTER. , JACKSON, BILL.IIEAD PRINTER. JACKSON, CARD PRINTER. 'JACKSON, JOE PRINTER. 0c80.42t OLIZETNUT & FIFTH Streets Saving Fund.—blue Por Cents Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest pato from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such Arat-olass seouri ties as th charter requires. Mice hours, from 9 &aloe. in the ro‘rning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on mender and Thursday *•mines until A n , r11 , 01 , f•A LilOn the 4th lost., at the rhumb of the Atonement, by the Ref. Kingston Goddard, EDWARD G. HANCOOL., of New Orleans, to HELEN, eldest daughter of Thad deus Norris, Esq., of this city. On the 2d instant, by the Rev. Thomas Brainerd. D. D ,at Pine•etroet Presbyterian Church, GEORGE T. MULPORD, of N inbatbtown, N. J., to FANNIE A. EASTWICK, of this city, Ou the 281 h October, 1818. at the residence or the bride's father, by Rev. N. (Jahr, Mr. WILLIAM F., son of a W Miler, to Suo 11., daughter of Adam Mar tin, all of this otty • * November let. IESB, at Newark, N. 7 , by Rey. Wm. T.leva, Mr. HARRY M. WILSON, of tbfa city, to Man Kate N., daughter of J mph H. Thome, of the former. place. it On the 21 Instant, by Rev. N. Reston, Mr. WM. E. FREEDIIRGER. of Look Haven, Pa , to Miss LIP4IE T. DEAL, of this city. Ik On the 3d instant, at btu residence in Leechburg, Armstrong county, Pa., DAVID LEECH, aged 69 yearn. it On the Slat ultimo, at Middletown. Delaware, J AB. B. HUTCHINSON, in the 05th year of his age. Ills tuners! will take place from the residence of hie eon, J. L. Hutchinson /OM Vine street, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o'clock ' precisely Serviced at the Ca thedral, f °gen Square. ** On the 2cl Mehra, DOROTHEA, wife of the late Pe tor Lare, aged 72 years. Her relatives and Mende are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from he^ late residence, George street, between Twentieth and Twenty.firet, thin (Fri day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice. A' On the 3d instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH MILLER, in the 67th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly Invited to attend - the funeral, from the resi dence, of her son-lo•lair, Mr Thomas P. Graham; No. - 108 Pine street, this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. * Oa the 3d instant, Mrs. SIARGERY, MoMILLEki, in tho 80th year of her age. Her funeral will talcs place this (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock, from her late residence, el. E. corner of Thir teenth and George Amide. On the morning of the 3d instant, after a short ill ness. HENRY 0. AGNEW, Esq., m the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from bin residence, 20 North Seventeenth street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice, to proceed to Wood lands Cemetery. ** . . . . . On the 3d instant, EBENEZER COBB, Sr., In the 73d year of hie age. [lndiana and Worcester papers please copy.f The relatives and friende are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his sep ia...ex, Christian Sheets, No. 1653 Palmer street, below Brantford Road, on Sunday afternoon neat, at 1 o'clock, without further /I °doe. "a* In Camden, N. J., on Wednesday morning, Nov. 3, EZEKIEL HALL, In bie 731 year. The relatives' and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the late resi dence of deeeaeed, Pine street, below Third, this (Fri- day) afternoon at 2i:o'clock. - On Thu - iiday afternoon. 4th inst., at Cheatnut Rill, T 11031,48 P. BPARII.OO.SIf Dee notice will be given of the funeral. DT Pictorial Lecture, VT ItEMBHANDT PEALE, ON "IYASHINHION AND HIS FORTRAN 'S," will be REPEATED At the DIUSIOAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY, Nov 9Hk, to commence at 8 o'clock. no64H* TIOICETS OENTi. Notlce.—A. Stated Meeting of the Phl- ILT . lsdelphis Association of Prinopals of Public &hoots sill bs held at the old Model" School Build ing, on SAT URDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. it* ,;. JAMNBfI BARNWELL, 0- S.. oroat Office,. Philadelphia, November 4th. 1.858.—A FOREIGN MAIL will be made trp at tbla °Mae on FRIDAY, SW Mot., (closing at 8 o'clock P. M. )to be despatched for LTV rIRPOOL by steamship yl(10, on 6ATITUDAY, Nov. 6th. It' • GIDNON Q. W.ESTOOTT, Postmaster. iraaExchange Dank of Pittsburgh—Pitts sag, November 2, 1858.—The President and Directors of this Back have declared a dividend of Pent Per Cent. on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last six months. The reetern Stockholdere or their legal repreaeota tires trill be paid at the Westero Bank of Philadelphia, on or el ter the 12th Instant. no4-ot* 11. M. MURRAY, Claebier. Girard Dank.—Philadelphia, Novem ber 2, 1858.—The Directors have declared a dividend, this day, out of the profits of the lest eta months, of three and a half per cent. payable on and after the lathing., free of atateTax. W. L. BOIIKPrEn, n3•Et Whirr. Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.— Philadelphia, November 2, 1858.—The Direr, toe bun thle day declared a dividend of throepor cont., payable to the litockholdere on demand. clear of the Mat Tax 133-4 t Fanners , and Mechanic. , Bank.— Phltadelpiiia. November 2, 18r8 —The Direc tor), have this day declared a dividend of four per cent., payable on demand. W . RUSIITON, Jo . n 3 St OnAhlor. rias Westernßank, Philadelphia, November 2,1858 —The Directors of this Bank, have thin day declared a divid, nd of five per amt., payable on and after the 12th boat., clear of Mate Tax. G. M. TROUTMAN, n3-0t tr. r. v iii o o m t i i 3 t er Ivi 2 v , ag s. Bank, Philadelphia, No ho B 0 A nrd of Diroorn have thin day declared a dividend of fire per cent., payable on and after Friday neat, bth Instant. F. P. STEEL, n3-6t* Cashier. rfr. Union Ranh.—An Election for Direc tors of the Union Bank, to nerve for the ensu ing year, will bo bold at the BANNING MUSD, at the N. N. coruer of ARGIL and THIRD streets, on MONDAY, the 15th instant between the bourn of 10 and 12 A. U JAMES LESLEY, Oathler. , Nov. 2. 1858. n3-10t Proposalo for Coal and Woad-nOffico of the Guardians of the Poor, No. 213 North SM. VNNTB fPreet. Philadelphia, November let, ISM Sealed proposals will be received at this Mike until SATURDAY, the 6th inst., ,at 10 o'clock, A. M ' for Replaying the different POOR DISTRICTS with CCIA and WOOD. Paid Proposals to specify the District. The Coal to be of good quality, White Ash Pit, for immediate nee, and free from slate, dust, and other im purities. The Wood to ho good quality Oak firewood. 113 MEL B. DEACON, Secretary. N B.—Any information required will be given by applying at the office no 3 4t ncr. Bayard Taylor will Deliver his First Lecture here since his return to America, at MUSIOAL FUND LIAM., FRIDAY Evening NO VEMBER sth. at BP. M. Subject— ,, Moscow." Tickets 250. To be hs4 at PARRY er. MoMiLLaN'S, JAMES S DAMES'S, COB OiIESTNIIT EPISCO PAL BOOK DEPOAITORY, 1221 CHESTNUT street, and other Stores, and at the HALL, the evening. of the Lectbre, at 7 P. H. ne2 40S Notice.—An Examination for Erinci- FAL and ASsISTANT TRAWLERS of Um elaasilled Schools, and ASSISTANT TRAWLERS in the Grammar. Secondary and Primary Schools or the First Sehoot lilatr et of Pennsylvania, embracing the Consolidated City of Philadelebia, will be held at the JEFFERSON 8011001, ROUSE, FIFTH Strout above POPL AR, commenting on FRIDAY afternoon next, at -1 o'clock. rith or NOVEMBER, and continue during lA, TURDAY, commencing on the letter day at 0 o'clock A M. By order of the Committee on Qualification of Teachers. • WILLIAM H. TIUNICII, nol-80 Chairmen, rErThe Philadelphia Donk, Philadelphia, October 20, 1858.—The Annual Meeting of the tockli elders of this Bank wilt be held at the BANKING. ItO lIBE on MONDAY. the ttle day of November next, at 10 o'clock Id And the Annual Election for Direc tors will be held at the BANKING KOINE, on MON DAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 12 o'clock A, M. end 2 o'clock P. lif oc4 m w fr tnol6 B. B. COMF.GYS, Caehter. LlTGirard Bank, Philadelphia, Oct. 11th, 1858 —AN ELO:OTION FOR THIRTEEN DI RECTORS, to servo the ensa.ng year, will be held at the BANICINCF HOLISM, on MONDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER, neat, between the bourn of ten and two o'clock. The /Omani Meeting or the Btookholdere will be hold at/ the tame place, on TD N SDAY, the 21 day of No vember next, at 12 o'ulock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, oo12•eodtolb Cashier. ay. Consolidation Hank—Philadelphia, No vember 2, 1858.—The Bernd. of Directors have THIS Day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. payable on and after the 9th inst. no3..wfm 6t JOE. N. PEIRSOL, Cashier. nca Bank of Penn Township.—November f, 1158 —The Directors have this day declared a (livid. nd of three por cent. on the capital stock for tho last six months Payable on demand, clear of Slate Tex. JAMES ItUBSNIA, nB•wfm B t Cashier. Bank of Conumerce.—Plilladelplitn, No. 'amber 2,1858 ho loan! of Directors have ihts day declared a dividend o: live per cent payable on demand, clear et State Tax. J.O. DONNELL, n3-wfml2t tlaahler. Commercial flank of Penner YMILADIMPOIA, OCTOBER 11, 1368—'The Annual )(Welton for Directora of this Bank will be bold at the BANKING- LIOUBIe, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the Lonna of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P.ll. ocl3.wfrmotnols Tr, Mercantile Beneficial Association of YHILAIIELPHIA —f he Annual Meeting of the ASHOCiation will be held at their Room, Southwest corner of SEVENTH and HANSOM Streete, ou TUES DAY Afternoon, November flth, a. II o'clock, at which time an electiou will lie hold for blanegers to servo for the ensuing year. WU. A ROBIN, Secretary. not •Or ucr, Southwark Bank, Philadelphia, October 11 1868.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Bank wilt be held at the BANNING HOMO, on 2 neaday, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o'clock fit, And the Annual ltiecdlon for Directors will be held et the BANNING} NOUdN, on Monday, tho 16. h day of November next; between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. Df. P. P STNAL, cion-dtnoll Osehier, & do., 604 MARRZT Street cos Home for Invalids with Affections of THE CHEST. S. W • corner HAWSE and CHESTNUT Streets. 0021-kA Wed 21414491016. filarriageu. 11lentils. B. O. PALMER Ca.hler Farmers , and hlechnnice 9 Bank, Phila. DRLPHIA, Oot. 2, 1858.—The Annual Election for Directors will be hold at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between 9 the hours of o'clock A. M, and a o'clock P, M., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Romeo at 4 o'clock P. hl., agreeably to the charter. cot dtNl6 W.RUSILTON, sr., Cashier. Notice.—Green and Coates-Street Phi. LADELPIIIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. —A second instalment of PI vE DOLLARS per share on the capital stodk of the Green and Coates Street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be dne and payable at the Mee Of the Company, No. 422 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M and 8 P. M. oe7-td. HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer ors Office of the Dauphin and Susquehanna. 00A b 0061BANY—New lORK. October 20,1858. The Anon a Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Girard llonee,” in Phila. dolphin. on the third WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of November next, at noon, when and where an eleotion will be held for eleven Directors to serve for the awning year. The transfer books will be closed from the 6th to the 17th of November next, both Inclusive. By order of tho Board of Directors, PRANK S. BOND, oc 21-dtnevl7 Secretary. iffe Corn Exchange Bank--Philadelphia OCITOBICR 18, 1858 .—An election for thirteen Di rectors, to eerve the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking-home on MONDAY, November 15th, between ten A. M. and three P. H. oclB-dtNl5. 7. W. TORREY, Cashier. Treasurer's Department Pennsylvania RAILROAD 0031PANY—Path1miLrata. Oct. lb 1858. NOTION.—The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the Capital Stock of the Company, (clear of State tax,) payable on and after November 15th proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had on application at this office. ocls•ltn THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. E r Business Men's Union Prayer Meeting Daily from Twelve to One o'clock, in the Bansom-street Church. Have I been there? If not, why? Special Prayer for Sabbath Schools on Saturday. The presence of alarge number of children will add Interest to the poundal, 007-tf Udall tarn (N robs VALENOIAS AND POPLINS L. J. LEY & CO. Have now open a large collection tf EICII PLAID IRISH AND PROM POPLINS RIM QUALITY PLAIN POPLINS. PRRNCII VELVET PLAID POPLINS, SATIN PLAID VALENCIAS. CORDED AND ORAIIIEE VELVET POPLINS. A LOT OP OAXONY VALENCIA!) at 2 cents per yatd. L. J. LEVY & CO Invite attention to a choice assortment of RICE SILKS, EVENING DRESSES VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS, PARIS EMBROIDERIES, AND LACE COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVES, VEILS, &a. 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. nos-5t goLACK BEAVER CLOAKS A Ilne assortment first class goods. Prices from $5 to $2O. 000 PEN & CIONARD, nob N. E. corner NINTH & BIARIINT Ste. mOURNING WOOL PLAIDS.- An Auction lot beet quality, at SO cents. • COOPER & CONARD, nob 13. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Ste VIINEST QUALITY BLANICETs.— X' Extra large sixes. Also, medium and low priced do. COOPNR. & OONARD, nob B. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Ste. fILOTHS AND CASSIMERES of every description, for Ladies', Gents', and Boys' wear. COOPER & CONAR nos S. E. corner NIG ru & RARE:ET Ste. ukriDE VALENOIAS.-6 4 Bayadere W v goods from Auction, 44 cents. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. ednier NINTH & MARIENT Ste WHITMAN'S SUPERIOR CONFECTIONERY. FINE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, FINE MIXED BONBONS, FINE MIXED CANDIES, Manufactured, and for We Wholesale and Retail, by BTRPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 MARKET STREET, West of TWELFTH Street ARCH STREET CARPET WAR E -11017131:.—One hundred piecee or English Velvet Oarpetl-g, of Crossley's celebrated make, from $1.25 to $l. 50 per yard. One hundred pieces of English Tapestry Brussels, Crossley's make, from 900. to $1 per yard Together with a large and rich stock of three-ply In grain gni Venitlan Carpeting Oil Cloths, &a , at cor responding low rates. As we buy and eell for cash, we are enabled to offer goods from 10 to 16 per cent. below the usual prices. OLDDEB & woman, ' 006.0 t. 832 AROII St., 2 doors bet. Ninth et. El E c i on D EMs K up lk ply C o l: l;l: S e oVal la ge P 4 G uo N br E ar7l;t3 bond and in etore, for sale Or WiLlaaill Ft YEaTON, nolo agoot for Peunsylvania, No. 216 South FRONT Street. nob ERMAN CIGARS 300,000, various 1 ( - 1 . brand.. In store and for sale by WM. YEATON 2 0 South FONT St. nob A LLSOPP'S PALE ALE—In Inds —A . f e er nek?e°T'ytVA72l2'hi°7l.h and in ) C il l R INS I XII7I' B .g r a! Street. nos fIIN.-30 Pipes (Dutch Company's) in Vf bond, and foe sale by WM. H. YEATON, 216 8. 8R91 , 7i.' 81. uo6 ONONGAHELA WHISKEY.-60 Bble 11.1 L pure Ryo Whiskey, in store and for sale by WEI 'CRATON, 218 South FRONT Bt. j aw l , ll ;-. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPAN Y. NOTIUE TO PIIILADELPIIIA DIERCLIANTS IS'ESTERN SHIPPERS THE WINTER RATES ON FREIGHTS WEST WARD by the different Railroad lines will take effeet In BOSTON AND NEW YORK on the Bth instant, and in PHILADELPHIA upon freights destined beyond Pitts burgh on the Kb inst. The rates are lower than former Winter prices by Railroad. Say: PROM PHILADELPHIA TO Int . Olass. Olaes. 8d Olaqe. 4th Class. Columbus, 0 81 20 81.00 $ 82 62 Cincrinsti, 0.... 130 1 10 90 67 Louisville, R y.... 1.50 1 27 1.05 80 Indbmapol Ind. 1.85 1.15 95 75 St. Louis, blo 1.80 1 50 1 30 95 Chicago, 11l 1 60 1.26 1.10 80 To other points In the West at comparative low rates by Rail, and the usual difference below Rall rates when shipped by river from Pittsburgh. IL H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent P. R. R. 00. PHILLDI., Nor. 3d, 1858. no4-4t riIHE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH COM -11 PANY, MORSE LINES, ONNERAL OFFICE No. 802 CLIESTNUI . Street. R&M REDUORD! With Six Wires and Improved brisinese facilities, this Company in enabled to reduce their charges an follows, viz : ten vrords, ad word. From Philadelphia to New Y0rk...25 cents. 2 cents. Baltimore.. 25 • • • • ••• Washington 30 • • - 3 • • FA corresponding reduction between intermediate points I The MAGNETIC COMPANY invite business for all points In the Unit*d states and °anode. Their Lines are connented with the Eastern and Canada Linea at New York, and with the Western lines at Baltimore. The DIAGNETIO COMPANY is the oldest Telegraph Com pany in the United States, and alone have the right to use the Morse invention upon the route of their hoes. The public may rely upon the prompt and accurate transmission of all despatches deposited at the follow ing emcee: New York, No, 43 Wall street ; Astor House at main entrance; New Raven Depot, Twenty-seventh street. Philadelphia, No. 302 Chestnut street, and Girard Borne. Baltimore, Sun Iroa Building. Wash. ington, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth street, U. S. Capitol. Boston, Merchants , Exchange. Port land, No 20 Exchange street. Cincinnati, under Bur nett House. Now Orleans, under St. Charles Betel. nol-at It W. U. HEIM, Supt, Section A. GINGHAM, AND COTTON UM BRET.IiAS of all sheep and various styles of finish and wake. Manufactured and for sale wholesale and JOS 111LISSLLL, No 2 North FOtrItTH Etreet retail by not-3t EVERY variety of UMBRELLAS to suit the most faatidiona taste, for Ladles and Untie men, Lads, Aliases and Children. Wholeaale or retail. JOS. FUSSELL, no4.St* No. 2 North .10 1 311211 Street NOTIOE.—PHILADELPHIA and READ INGI.I RAILROAD.—The "DOWN FREIGHT" Depot of .he Phi!Adolph! 6 and Reading Railroad Com pavy, has been removed front No. 226 to Nog. 24d and 248 BROAD, above Race etreate All the .• TOROUGII FREIGHT" %tininess of the Company, both OUTWARD and INWARD will be transacted at thin Depot. JNO. T. BEATY, no 4 lm General Agent. ACONSIGNEES of merchandise by Bremen barque WASHINGTON O. A. Wench°, master, will please send their permits on board at South street wharf, or to 1' H. HAYED, No 23 South T1111t1) Street All Fools not permitted within I days will be sent to the publ e store no4.stik Fi AKE FlSH.—Just received from the 0J Lakes, per Mama & 00. , a Express. a prime lot of fresh LAKE I'D 1.1 Which aro for axle by 0 L. 11 AR• RINGED. S 1 OKET-Street wharf, upper side. Also. by A. VANDERSLICE, Sifters , and Market; °CAM BERS, Sixteenth and Market, and D. MARPOLI, Eleventh and Spring Darden eta ru34-3t* 31AC KE RE L 757 Bbls Nos. 1,2, Sr. 3 OIAOKEREL, in Assorted Packages. For sale by C. 0. SADLER & 00., not 103 &ROIL Street. "WHITE-FISII.--A very Superior Article of " Mackinaw' , In Half Bblo juet received In Store, and for sato by O. 0. SADI.BR, de: CO. ' no-2 303 .A. 11.011 street. ifl_OBllEN BUTTER.-29 Tuba Prime gulg oabon flutter. For ealo by 0. 0. SADLER, & nog 103 AMU street fIANO t S OF RIGGING made to order, by WEAVER FIT GER, k Co., No, 28 N. WATER fR., and 22 N. WRAIaVES oat IkAjIIISKEY.-80 bbla., 2O do. (Miller Riekeraton , a) Old Monongahela Whiskey, atore and for sale, by ' A. MERINO, 00.1.141' pcitiogicuiv 1.00! far Bale attb to Let. FOR SALE.—Erie City Coupon Bonds ..t• will be taken in payment for a valuable Lot of gronnd on Sixteenth street. Apply to MARLIN BROWN, n05.12t* N. W. corner BROAD and LOCUST Ms. Fun SALE—S3O,OOO.—A first-class amply secured Mortgage for $30,000, on valuable proper. ty to Camden, opposite Philadelphia, having 14 years to run. Interest semi-annually; paid promptly; title undoubted. Por farther particulars address BOX 570, P. 0., Phllada. not-Bt* RENT.—On the Ist January next, the very superior and extensive ROOIdS, (2d, 3d, 4th and Ealf:floors, each 24 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 633 HAREM Street. The building is one or the fine improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premlees. nol-tf fel TO RENT.—The fine Fenr-story Ma STORE, No. 33 South SECOND Street, now oc cupied by the undersigned Would be suitable for the Cloth, Carpet, or Commission businees. Rent very low. Possession given about the first of January next. Apply to A. 11. ROBBNIIEIM & BROOKS, as above. N 11 —Several Counters for sale cheap. n01.6t TO WOOLLEN YARN SPINNERS-TO LEL%—a. MILL, situated m Germantown, near filmmaker's Lena Station, containing a complete set of machinery for Spinning Woollen Yarn, either by steam or water power. For particulars !notify of E. bIoCAL. LA, Nq. 220 MARSHY Street, or JACOB MEHL, Ger mantown. tiol-61.4 dt-R FOR RENT, from JANUARY lst, 14)11 1859—The fret-oleos Granite-front Store, No. 724 North T dIRD Street, above AllOll, suitable for the Hardware Dry Goode, or any other heavy bueinees, being well I , ghted and cemmodiona Terme satisfac tory to a responsible Tenant. Apply at No. 12438. Se cond Story. oc3o-7tifie get TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE ma Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beet locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COACH-HOUSE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land mouse Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. Boarbing. A GENTLEMAN and WIFE could bave Peasession for the Winter Season of a Furnished alfdern House, pleasantly situated in the Western part of the thty. By receiving tho present occupant as a boarder, the rent to be balanced by his board. Address A. 0.," at the Office of this Paper, naming refer ences. no4-2tiir- . 17 OUK or Five GENTLEMEN can be a."ac commodated with table•board in a private family on Arch street, within fifteen minutes walk of the Ex change. Address BOARDING, this office. no4.Bt* 2nturante eoirtpatties. MARKET FIRE INSURANCE CO. OP TEN OITY OP NEW YORK. OABH OAPITAL.... BUBPLUS $200,000 78,200 Ll= DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President, Philetusrlf. Holt of 236 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late WickhamOs & Hutchinson Silas Davie of A. B. & S Davis Oliver H. Shepard. of Shepard, Howe & 00. Henry Rowland, of Rowland & Banks. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. h A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller of Win. P. Miller & Co. Stephen W Gaines, of S. W. & R. A. Gaines. Mifflin L. Walton, of Walton. Little, & Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood & CO. Henry G Reeve, of H. G. Reeve & Co. Daniel T. Wilhite, of Willett' & Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker h De Camp. John DI. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce, Odell, & Panama. Stephen Linington, of 216 Trout street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketcham & Co. Win A Cummings, of Beanie & Cummings. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Poihamue, & co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine & Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. SC - J Whitfield & Co, Albert Havemyer, (late Havemyer & Moller.) Tenule W. Quick, of Quick h PHommedien. David M. Turnure, of Ede) , & Turnure. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro & Co. Edward Bill, of liD Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Poter.V. Ring & Co. Win. H. Goodwin, of D. Goodwin & Brother. John Frisbio, (Freeland. Squires, & Co.) AMER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Periorusi Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Vire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INBURANOE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY OAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON, No. 108 South FOURTH Street, Phttedelphle ocl-frm&wBBt-if EASTERN TEST:MANCE COM.VANY.- OFFION No. d EXPHANGB. AUTHORIZED STOUR CAPITAL, $)00,00. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - Piro Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels Cargoes and Freights. Inland Tranaporta'ion Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. taken on favorable terms. DIRIIOTORS. Andrew Cochran, George A. Wright, William I. Brown, Thomas !Maw, Richard G. Stotesbury, George Cookman, Peter D. Myers, Charles Stoy, Robert R. Walker, Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W. 0 btotesbury. ANDREW COCHRAN, President WILLIAM I. BROWN, Vite-President. n 341 ' filebirtnal 7OLLICOFFEE'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC 4t.A CORDIAL Is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public. that hen performed se many MIRACULOUS CURES or INPLAIIMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The moist prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of Its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant on in pro. nom:icing that it is the'greatest wonder of the age. It is an internal remedy that s rikee at the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DUES, Chemist, • Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets. oc7-11. - Philadelphia LIOBENSACK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It U es pecially adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Piles ; Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all disown arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOB PEMAIN COMPLAINTS GINIRALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which is so important to bring about a healthy action THOUSANDS ADS LIVING • miserable existence, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this Invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an Injurious nature. FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Ilobensscles Iron Bib tem. When The blood is inmate the whole body in full of diem.. Blood letting may 'newer fora time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there re no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters Their chief aoustitrterit le iron, and we alt know its efficacy in removing the Impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prso tical chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the ne plus ultra" of all tease. HOW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded in compound ing a remedy for many of the ills that his fellow. mortals are subject to ; and that the public appre• elate it is not a question of doubt, but a axed fact as the demand for it has far sarpaased his sanguini expectations. It WAD THE TESTIMONY OP A WORTHY OITIERN. Thin in to certify my wife wan in delicate health some three yearn, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit Hearing of Ilobensack , s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to bo a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re quired, by restoring her to health. Bhe hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. .10EIN 00LB. No. 831 Capitol Street. This invaluable Medicine in prepared only by • HEORGN B. HOBENSAOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GB.ENN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price SI. Discount to dealers. Sold by Druggists generally. mli2o-y Watcljes,NJetorlrp, ar BAILEY & 00., NM:MU BAILEY & KITCHEN, . Luxe remored to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE HIRARD snot Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WAREB, LW) FANCY (3FOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the pnblie SILVER-WARE, WATODES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, Carriages CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptnesa, and satisfaction guarantied selEEtnif CORNELIUS & BAKER, Alanufooturers of LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES. &O. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. MANUFACTORIES, 821 CHERRY Otraet, and FIFTH and COLUMBIA 0e25-Imif Avenue. BALE ROPE AND TWINE manufactured and for sale /. WEAVER, PITLER, & CO., No. 28 North WATER at. and No. 22 Nnrth WHARVES. otdB QEGARS.—A LARGE ASSORTMENT con‘tantly on hand, and for We at reduced prices. Fresh invoicea monthly, direct from Havana. H. H. SOOFIELD, No SIT CILESTISIIT Street, under Girard 00118 D. n02,1m0 910 WESTERN AND SOUTHERN M.EItOHANTS.—A large stock of Manila Bono, manufactured and for Bala by WRAVER, PITLER, k CO., oc2l Not. 28 N. Water St., m'22 N. Wharves ITALIAN HEMP.--A large stock of Ita. LliN HEMP on band and for sale by SYNAVEII, TITLED. & 00 , - 0012 No. 22 N. WATAII. at. & 92 N. WILLNV 1/8 MONS. A. F. ROSAT, TEACHER OP FENCING, BARRETT'S GYMNABIIIII, 9026412c4* NAWin prpti SIRGQ WANTED—An Experienced Bookkeeper in a Wholesale Nome. None need apply lam - hes not the beet IV qualllicatlons and references. Ad dress " ASHLEY," office of this paper. Are.,3o, Ak YOUNG L P.DY, who has had Several -CV Teen' expo fence In Teaching, wishes a situation in an Academy, to TEAOR the lower brahches of an English Education. A moderate wampensation is only required, Address Mini K. A. NORTON, Norris town, Pa . noB.3t* WANTED—By a Thorough -Active Man, a situation as SALESMAN in a Wholesale Shoe or Dry Goods Gunge 1110 a thurough acquaintance with Merchants in the South en, West. and can Indnce • eon eiderable trade. Address " WEBLIY,” office of The Press. n03.61:* WANTED by a Young Lad who writes a fair hand a ettnation in a Wholesale Store. Apply at No. 304 °ENTRE. street. n£l.llt* IVANTED, a Partner to join the Adver tiser in a bußineas already established, In wiijah $3,000 will be required to buy the intereat of a retiring partner. Address with real name "Harper? at this office. , nB-41:* WANTED—By aYoung Man a Situation as ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER or ENTRY CLUNK. Has bad Eve pears' experience in the Jobbing bnaineett on MARKET Street Beet reference given. Adareos "S. H. W.. at ibis office. - Vi7A.NTED—A Situation - m SALESMAN m a Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing House Can influence a moderate amount of bade.- Address ALEXLNDER," at this office. AVANTED—To , Rent, for the winter sea son, with immediate possession a Furnished Louse of moderate 147.8, with modern improvement., west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. oat iirANTED, FOR TRH UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried roan, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, - and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to MN per month. No man haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BERVIOE at No 817 MABB2T Street, above Eighth, north aide. W. Tu. MAGRUDER, let Moat. let Dragoons, Recruiting OMei3r. se29-Bm* A IifERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MADAME COLSON, STRALLOeOII ITALIAN OPERA. THIRD SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT, FRIDAY, - NOVEMBER -6th. Second appearance o f hIADAME PAI3LINE COLSON. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT OF LA THAVIATA. Signors BRIGNOLI, AMODIO, and BARILI, in their respective roles. Clomonoroas STRAKOSCH and NICOLA.U. Parquette, Dread Circle, Balcony, Balcony Boxes (in • eluding Reserved Sesta). 5150 and $l, according to location designated on the diagram. Four hundred and fifty Beate will be 'mewed at One Dollar esch. Pro scenium Boxe, from 510 to 5/6. Tickets for FAMILY Crania 50 aura. Can be ob tained during the day time. AXIIIIMICATRIS 25 C7NNTII. Subscription (or the remaining nights continue at the °Mee of the Academy of /dude. BULLETIN.—BaTIIRDAY, November oth, only night of SONNAISIBULA. MADAME CORA DE WILHORST, as AMINA. • TUE3DAY, November 9, first Opera Matinee. M'LLR TERESA PARODI will make her FIRST AP PBARANOE in the course of next weak, an LP.ONORA, in Verdi's IL TROVATORE MARTHA Furrow a chef el'reurre, in active rehear sal, and w,il shortly be performed for the ant time in America, in Italian. nert-2t- $278,200 EATLEY & CLARKE's ARCH-BT. S. Zrederioke, Acting se 4 Stage Manager FRIDAY IVEND/11. Noremper I, 1858, PAIIVEHTTE. Bernard, Mr John Gilbert; Count lifaurles de dram rifle, Hr. Wheatley; Pauvrette. Mrs John Draw; The Ducheee of Beaulieu. Mrs Stoneall. lINCLB JOHN. Goole John, Mr John Gilbert; Niece Hawk, Mrs John Gilbert. Admission. 25 eta. Secured Boatels; Dress Circle, 87,6 eta ; °relearn Stalls, fa cta; Seats In Private Boxes, 75 eta ; Gallery, 13 ere; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 eta; Private Boa in Gallery for Colored Perm); 38 eta; Whole Private Box, 83. Doors orn et quarter before 7 &Gloat ; COMII2O/200 at 7M, precisely lUDS. D. P. BOWERS's WALNUT-ST. LT.E. THEATRE. corner of NINTH and WALNUT Sheets. FRIDAY EVENING. November 6,1868, - - . Macbeth, Mr P B Conway; Miseinff, Mr If L Perry; Dimino, Mr McDonough ; Malcolm, Mr E P }LW& ; Lady Macbeth, MrsCoc.ray; Hecate, Miss Etchings. DOUBLE DUMMY. Priddle, Mr F Drew ; Mrs Priddle, Miss A Cruise. Prices of admission—Becond Tier and Baldly Oirele - and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet, MN cents; Dreg s Circle,6o cents; Private Boxes, according to Midi locale, locales 3 and 56; Single Beata in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. Doors at 7 &cloa open at quarter before 7 &clack Curtain rises k NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT -ST., above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. The Management respectfully informs the public' that thie favorite place of resort will open for the regular winter season. on MOD DAY EVENING, November . Bth, in a style hitherto noattempted. During the interim of the house being closed, he ban bad the ' - WHOLE INTERIO,R ENTIRELY RENOVATED: : the seats re-covered the walls repagered , the dome remodelled and repainted, leaving nothing undone to make the " National " one of the_ most elegant and comfortable places of amusement in the United States. lle also avails himself of ein,seslog his determination of GIVING FIRST OLANd EQUESTRIAN DISPLAYS?. and, in order m reader them more interesting, has et- Tented. arrangements for introducing . A NEW SET OF PERFORMERS . - every fortnight, thriakeetting iSlirethe interest which superior exhibitions of this character always generate: Ilia stock of ' 110ESES AND PONIES are unequalled and in good condition, whilst his Dresses, Properttea, &d., are ell new, having been gotten up expressly for the campaign of 1818-9. A list of the Performers who will INAUGURATE TUE INITIAL DISPLAY - - will be given in suPtequent publications. Daring tho season, Performances will be given on every Wedm sday end Saturday afternoon. The following scale of prices will be observed : Dress Circle and Ferquette 40 cents. Children to Drees Circle and Parquette.......2o Family Chub 20 Ii rfIROMELIT'B VARIETIES (Cafe Theatre,) Northooot corner of FIRTH and OLLE The management, extremely gratified 1:1 the BUG- Ceisa of MACBETH BURLESQI7a: would respectfully announce its repetition, eTerY Welt thle w. ek. It will be preceded and followed with songs by Miss MARUY and Miss JENNY WREN I Dances by Was VALLE Mess, °heresies. Gems of Opera, Instrumental Solos, T.ecitationa, Comic Songs. and Ethiopian Eccentricities, by the several members of THE STAR COMPANY! The EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT will always conclude by a FAROE or BIIhL SCUT, under the management of MR. T. A'BEOKET, notice of which wig be given daily in the Ledger. Concert commences at 7,4 i o'clock. Admission 10 cents. QA.N FORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. _ . . . .. 6ANFORDN3 OPERA /TROUPE. The largest Company of 11IINSTRRLS IN TIER WORLD EVERY EVENING New Seem Glees: Matinee. Refrains, &0., with Danciog by the _ . Ailmisaton 2.5 emote; Children 12.34 cents. AD — On Thanksgiving Dm , THREE Performances, via: 1014, and 711, o'clock in the evening nol-Int. PRRI NG'S GREAT PIOTURE has ar rived of the TILLAGE BLACKSMITH, and will be on Eildbltion fore few days only, at the Store of A. G POBINSON'S Picture fluttery, oc3o•tf 910 CHESTNUT St., eb. NINTH. SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND till CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ. . The great Ventriloquist and wonderfdl Magician. Performance every Evening doting the week, at half•past 7 o'clock and on Wednesday and Saturday At ternoons at S. Admissire:, 25 cents; Children, 18 cents. 0c25-Im* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership lately subsisting between OLIVER P PARKER and JAMES H. LAIRD, (Proprietors of the Franklin House, in the city of Philadelphia) under the firm of PARKER & LAIRD, was dissolved on the sixtPenth day of October, A. D. 1858, by mutual consent. All debts owing kr the said partnership are to be paid to the said OLIVER H. P. PARKER, and all demands on the mid partnership are to be presented to him for payment. 0. H. P. PARKER, colfr-tufr-et JAMES H. LAIRD. (10-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The Co- Partnership heretofore existing between GEO. W. CARPENTER and WILLIAM ft CENSERS, under the firm of GEO. W. CARPENTER & Co , is This Day dissolved by mutual consent, And a new Co-Partner. Alto is This Day formed. composed of GEO W. CAR PENTER, WILLIAM C. HENIZEY, and- GEORGE W . CARPENTER, Junior, in the Drug and Chemical busineroi, under the firm of (IEO W. CARPENTER, HENSLEY, & Co.. who will continuo the business at the old stand, No. 737 MARKET Street, where they are prepared to supply the orders of Physicians, Drug— gists, and Siorrkeepe.s, in all parts of the United Motel, with all articles which they may require, of a very chews quality, at lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1858. GEO. W CARPENTER. WM 0. EIENAEY, GEO. W. CARPENTER, Junior. BpIIBENS' MAGDALEN.- The exhibition of the celebrated painting by Peter Paul Rubene, of " The Magdalen Renounaingthe •Yanties of the World,. will positively be closed on SATURDAY next, Nov 6th The proceeds of the ox.ibition t, be devoted to the Union Benevolent Association. Admission 26 cents. JAMES 98 16 A RLE & kON., CIIII3TNIIR Bt. GIRA_NICLIN INSTITUTE EXHIBITION, 11.' SPATE ARMORY, SIXTEENTH and FILBERT Streets. Prist.ansLcma, Noy. 201, 1863, lid The EXHIBITION will close on SATURDAY 'EVENING next, the oth inst. DEPOSITORS will please call on MONDAY next, the Bth inst , at 10 o'clock, and remove their goods. Proposals will bo received during this week, for the purchase of the large frame shod awl all the lumber, an it now etends,to be removed by the 20th inst. All persons hiving lost any article daring their visit to the Exhibition will please call at the Committee Room, and they may recover it. SCHOOLS will be admitted this week, during the day, at FIVE CND TS per Scholar ; Teachers in atten dance, tree ; but the Principal will please, in the first place, call on the Committee, and an hoar for the ad mittanoe of the School will be Ippointed. The Committee on Exhibition' having, o, Wednes day last, placed in the hands of Messrs. Benjamin Cu bit( and J , aeph Cooper, "chord Directors of the Tenth Section, eleven hundred tickets, grataltonely2 with the request that they would send one to each of t he Teach ere of the Pubho echoole of the city, with the compli ments of the Committee, would state at this time that if, by accident or oversight. any teacher has not re ceived tho ti •Itet, if tney will call at the Committee Room, the error shalt be correc'ed. By order of the Committee on Exhibition, n 04.36 JOHN E. ADDICRB, Chairman. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE 4 SON., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSES for MAN. ThL'i, PIERS, & BIDE WALLS, of every idae, style, and shape. Pier Tables, Cornices, Brackets, Consols, of new and elegantdesigna; and PICTURE FRAMES, with Frames for Portraits, Miniatures, and Photographs in every variety of style and price. Importers of ENenevistis, every new Publication being received the moment of Lame, end OIL PAINTING, from the Studios of the beet and most celebrated American and Europ.sn Ari.ste. A LARGE GALLERY OP N Open at all times, rase Wholesale and Retail r era in Mahogany and Walnut framed L..oatnc 4 to which they invite the attention of c00..i ./AkIES B. BA1;1 , -It ezo WOBTPTUT STYE;. 4 `. 9/1 4 044 144 9/4,?Aii! Wants: sWlttsemenie. SANFORD CHILDREN gropartnerellips. t-Jra. I) N ,