'C 3 •» F V'~ £-J atasfe^wSßsag^aasa ' .tSf 'ilfo »Ir quite ' forgottenw\li;ttmflbe forciUyrecalled,-and much addl ts£?S> tVohalJightj.we-areqnite a ora, may.thtta.be-gained by &/ l - =4Y'eh th\mdst proflcUntis -ThC'Uotiiws&re held at the .+H:% goiebtlOVstidOlsMioal Institute, Chestnut street, near V,. the reader le ’^'referred *!'■. ■ i Kiwi ~By an adverMw* mentibi another'ooldma ,Jt will; be seen that the, first J foiqro,befqro< the Literary OongfM! of Philadelphia, . ’Will begirea this, 'Wednesday erinlag, at Waeioal Fund ~’W ti»o;Bbr::T . ?BtiirfJS:!flg?or he wpu. tatloa of' Mr r ;Kiag at & popular orator In well known to . many of and. the. opportunity which; will wHr«o;doubtba largely /embraced aa the public In doing so Will be ./ *" - moat landabte mereraent# The various ri -ilite’rary eoeietlei ;la 'this* ctty; whose 'reprtsentatlrei Qompqae the n HCongrGM”Tioder . whoia-attspicea ;thi«, toiw gl?en, are among ' l oar ,moat popnlar ihetUutioDa,- &i>d we feel - asahred that ,/• t^!thi*oohillderattoq, v ta v ©n r ih bonnection with theac ' ' ; v khowiedged ability ef'tbe lecturer, will crowd Musical v. .Pund/Hell to ..orerflowmgL tht* .areolar. Hit subject fTiiß .CniosADnßß”—On , - f- . Thuwdey erening of thij* week, the above will be made iheJiabject of a leotare'by Rev! l^iUi«&’fiaqbn'Bteven*, ,j, h subject, we abruld'thmk,';which', is the hand* - ;; .. ;degroe' of iqtereat, ! dn;the saiae-eronlng the Bee.i ;__ .Heory Ward lifleoierwUl deliverthoopaning leetara of L coarse, at Concert* Hall,'-- s J .Tsm BiKQUBT to bo given by.theSona of Tom -''ppraoee' tq-morrow erehfng, in celebration of the an 'naU feMibh of the/QranlrPivlslon, promises to ha an , impoiinga(T»7r: ': We learn .from those Earing In charge ; - the gale of tickets, that at leaat half of" the guests . ...will be Hdio? Tbeir pTCflence, together with music will, make'; the occasion of the , ;j new era in the history of the Crder which It is designed ; ; io Mtdmembrale. * The;,dumber of, Uckets .will be ■y-u< strictly.liniifej to ol the Hail, aud it is important that aU.who wish to .attend, and are unpro tided' with tickets, should secure them, early In the . /; ywhich fell todust pipbeing exposedtotbe air. There . is,not the ,slighUj they, add, to /. • - the woman w-B/ sor why she; was'dosed up in th* wall •,/ TV*"h%te 'no ’tomxaßatM to mskei bbt Simply add tbit; had the worn'garments made atlbs Palatial Clothing ? .Emporium of Gr*aTni®VSt<>kM r .No. 607. ChMtout itre»t r they. woQidJi<>t so soon hare fallen to dost.; : V ' - VXBDiA2f ScJiMßß.—Tbls season of the year is presumed to-buthe‘» Summer” of ihs Aborigines, or th 9, timf >mplojcd by them ln : hunting, gathering In ->.';^;*h'aixTCPfn, and /preparing generally _fnr“the rigors of a stern winter. Their more clrlllaed.brethren should , _ take frointhVm tn 5 an4 : prepftro for. the ln rl - d Change thntawalts th&mV tiy, laying in a stock: Of'efSgapyapdseasonable clothing at2/H. Eldridge’s ; ' ,s ol4,FraakUo Hall Cl«thisg j 2mporidm i , ’\No > . 327 Chestnut s^eot;,'. .■* Y FOB pPBlf aud Brass Firo —v-\! , /"VBrobied IronAcdirousor various patterns. ''/ "/ .JW v;; dew, < ‘ Japanned andTaloted doal Vasee, .; r : . _ x knd common. ' . ; v • s ;, j 'ahcnrebi, Tonga, pokers, Fenders, Screens, •, v BearthDaeteri, A»h Kettioß, Ac., \ ; - *- --Are- Wi'Canyl's Parnlahtcg Btore, .714 - Chestnut street. ’• - . r\V\ '' . ' Vhbw york: stoats s: ■ j MOOJIO' immet'Ti 16s ' 25H*rBpreM - 39 WO Beading E 64 •Mfi do, * *3O 63# 10 1 ) do'- i : r b3o 64# 04 Mleli Con B;’ .60 ■ ?60 \ do'- h *lO 60“-* : 25 Stoblngton 61 ‘ > 100 Midj So & N la , '3OO; > - - dtf -* - i Sfijtf : i JOO /'- do- 'i b3O 26# -100 Mieh So B Guar 6&X 1 284 Illinois Cen A 80 ■ 240 Gal & 081 B b3O 84 \ 100 ' *d* ' 84 100 do bSO 84 *lOO > do 83# . 109 Oler & Tol Bb3o 36)4 fiOOWfitBIB '*6o 69# do b 3070 ICO -• -do' -MO7O 100 L&Cr & M il E 6 ■ 800 do 6* |aoo MU&MlssB 17 ~; TEB/MARKXTB. ,'=' -, f' " ‘ - . firm f wlthsales of 109 bags La* . *.goirraatAJX o r‘ 880 bogsMsricaibo at U©tl#o, 4 mo, .4 -and 32 bagsstained St.Doraloso atoo, cash. * JDyiwcodi:—The market is doll and the stock light.. Sale* h»To been made, or 10 tone Sapsnwosd at $7O, and OOtonsLdifalDgbEogwoodatfUM.CMk. ' '.- \:-.i 'Bops.—The market cofltinne* quiet and hear/ for vVeomiObn, bat firm fprpriine qualities, which are In good' ■e request atcstremo Ogurea. We quote new atlOolßo, c ' : and old at4©7c'. Yv Hat,—We note jalea of 2,500 bales at 60085 c for : .*•- - • Htoaa—-The market Is mote e*tWe,.bat jjrlee* hate i not varisdiA The sales embrace,.l,6oo Ban JuanlßJb at • Hob. ie*a 8K 'fQr'Ca«h; T M theyruu, ard‘ -•> 12,000 j ß2d Grinde,'iuat arrfred; to ge eaat/oh yrlrate v/'-terro»,V*£ ;>»■„:*'v V‘_' - A# . ’ -- raoir ls arranoder the ’ fareigjradrices, reporting a . stead/ market andaa sdsauce offiaonßars add Railfry • sales are reported of 160 tons Scotch Fig at f 22.60023 ; =*'6o toni BareatflA for oommea and $63 for refined . ■ Liathsrls wlthouVmeterial change. Orinoco Hem* look, middle.freight; sells: ss wanted at 28023#0,and ■,JJti*coe A/«* : at 24a24#<*.. Wei»otetalwe? 60'bbls old New Or laana atSTo/. -1 S;: -* V .• j .. Oasatfrquiet, and no cbaoge In Prices has taken : pi ace r W eubntlntts to quote Crude whale .at 50053 c; - _ :>i Sporn»Bi;22s»l' 23s j/Llnseed 88,0870,and Lard 90®950, ;V, gpiaitb isb tfftsH ate extromelyqaiefr, and, bo sale* - 'bf xnoroe'nt'can be reported.' . \' ; V 6ooab.—-The market IS more aetlre to-day, bat prices . hare undergonenobhange. , The'aalea aggregate 1,865 bbds,ni4eti/OdbaVateo7e:'3CO boxei Haranaat6# - ■ dbonprlrate tends. ' ; 7.U O r v 200'Penu Coal Co M 0 88Jf , 100 Canton Co 5 21H . i'IOO ft Y Ccn ~ ; *3O ST# ' -MO.i .87X 10 Jrfs Jt ’■ i■-18 • < 86 '>?>.. 38# - 10 • 'V do ’ 18# 700 Hadeon Sir B --T460.' -- T -"do Matin* Jnt*Uifl*n«, ■>'t- A- PORT OF f Hiri.ABEJJ'HIA, Oct. 37, 18S8. BttiEt H155!*............. M|SDH S,IS StQH^WATl&.ttdOMtitrittM■••#•»»»•■•• 20 ',;-w ■ ,' Brb*riiae Trir«Jler, ; £*nijillj 87 d*y* from lUo,d* J»- ! ', Bftlroi with eolTsß,id Bo«er,N«wbftll it 00. BsroneOak, ftyftM,ftdays from Boston, with, mils ’ to«w*USJtCo:>''--- : s~''.~£ -r’-. *i- '- i - '- ' Bcfar o&rthin&»,Baker, 4 , . • £ohr Diamond Bute. tfmithers.Bdaysfrom Milford, Del, with f.jdoto.JH k«OoIl«y/ •. ■ .;• ~BcHp AoarftrJdaatblpVPorneJl, 3 day* from Osmden, Del,•*' v Bchr JbAPorfor, r YalSit irotnPro*done® \ ; ; L'4 r rl Sohr MiryHiJo/, Hslep, from Egf Harbor: ' . w giorp lisoijot, l ß*j*rft, f l 7 day Christiana, Del, -- ' with (tain‘to Christian fcOnfrah. '•vSfcj/•• •. .¥»&** OUULBSD. ■ . '. \ -' 'gtoamßtiitf'Vfrztfiiaj'Kelly.-Biebmohd.-'T Webster, Jr. ■ BrlzOtfMiteV'XiftnMttb#.BtJobn, MB, Tire))s & 00, ,v ren^teWisweiiyßrogori» A Bonder tc Qo,< \ ' ? Drl*tfrentotf:Atierton,Portl*nd: W H Johns;. : - Crowell, BoitonY Van sßurooy Norton V fe-'Bo&f.Wm ANeWeti; DeSroote, Mobile, Pettit,Martin ■• 7'./-' <>..•< —•’—V' ■ ;. ; .;- v< -.B^hr;fX4wla';Mnl’ford l -Doyle. Savannah* ft W Stetson **p' Boy*Risley. Hartford, Tan Posen, Nor- J6hn> Finmra, Orwell'; ProTldence, Crowell & •*■* - , - ■- •' '; BUkiiteo* '• ;t , *' 1 ..' ?-■.!’'■ •_ ' . =*,. ??* B«hr.JowphPort9r : * : Tii , Ua..Boitonf-- ,■' v - BolirJ r rM6HJH»WTO|o»t«r;*w«w,Ydrlc:V;. ; ;--do f u s Jr*%ty&i2 s7bhb»6&)s<>niMtx t ¥i6ri&irb& r v '•* i Babr'UifrMipeefUi»i(i,B<>|tiin l O.MlUw.*'Belj#'WiHeflqaalli.BliWPf : Bo«tott t B Mllnri 4j (Jo; . „ . goStT Ll»«. lfcon, BMtou, Ultra, Oils i Od. .■ ; vwmhmmlirrmttiuaf,ytfnefrofymh, ir»m. ' Bti JJ'Bliiim? SflO'nli,' Biliimore,A QroT«i, Jr. ‘ ■■■ wj - -.’• ‘_ ;i, - - (CoiTSspo n tofl3. o tl?hSPrt*w.)-' ]. „ ' ; MS GBAOJC, 00l », 1858* Tbo KlnMtoa Isftihls .nlofnlng with 4 boil*, laden * OKI ' , „ ■ L vTneoerora, bltadiltioa* co»l an! blooms to Ksw York; UH ffrUbtVpoUtoWliioof o Ottjf. ( j "**•' ttiA ; Ciijoa C*bb), p«W j to Pnuodel*. , *iioll6Wß • ' - r_-•--•/ . t Vx*. f ' i^r v ' ■ r [Correspondence of,the Philadelphia Kxoh^g^ ? LEWEB,I>a]., Oot 25. TA M _ weather still cootlhaea to hare,® stormy, appear- wind strong from'N; and oulttf *M*h which prevents wit i the herbbciAAThe-fleet-reported iw my last stllliemaina, .iacd’has Increased to about .eighty-teseels. Among the edmbernot reported are the ibip* NobpMtfli fat ; New' York; Shamrock, for, New Ortesns and sohr Southerner,- for.' Barbadoes; a’so tbe tug Ametca aed' Fathoni'Hgbs boat .t Mr John W Marshall, pitot, lauded barques Irma, for Barbadoes, Ameri oin. for Cardenas, v brigs,May Queen, for Portau Prince, and Thos forßt Barte, ss baring passed to sea on Saturday. In company with some fifteen schooners Windatrohgfrcm-SUa:' Weather cool. . '< vWM, M. HICKMAN.' ‘’ißY/MMfikiM.r ■ •' ■;" {/Oorrespondecoeof the Philadelphia Bxchasge.) •; 'v^{t. Oin IbUßp. Oot 2f1,-5 P M. The brig Trade Wind, from Hew Yotki went in this morning, and the brig Fairy, for Richmond, to load for Rio de Janeiro, went out -Wind] B. _ Yours, Ac, ; ■ • ‘ THOB. B. HUGHXH. . ' fST IRLKORAPir TO TBB PaHBS ) ' *■ WASyi»OTO»,Oct26. : She flarannsh papers, of this morning, anoouuce the arrival of the ships Underwriter, Star of the West, end B. D Metcalf, from New York; Agnes, from Boston, and Georgia, fromßtThouss. ... -.The Oha.ie.toa peporo note the IbUoirl"* ft that port: Snip Robert Ooehraao, from Urerpool,, brig iMbel aoJ eofaooner Wltherell, from Doatoo ; the brig Galena, from Turk’s Island, bound to Boston, is as nuarkntlne, leaking and with erewsiok.'' JU.. .. : NoSfolk, va,, Oct 26 to-day, a large schooner, named T. P Simp- lsland; with both masts gone and badly damaged, having encountered a heavy gale. . “ 7 ' - . Hauptos Hoads. Oot 26. - .Several vessels have put in here, "lightly damaged. The sea outside is tunning very boarily, and there is a ■tiff trait}-. ' ' ' ' ■ , Naw ORLBAXS. Oct 26 /iArrived, ship tirsie Howard, from Wverpoel j Cotton plinvvr, from flordesttx ; bark Brilliant,from Boston. MBMOBANBA Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal,, hence at Richmond ’Skth Iriat Steamship Boston, Sellew, cleared, at New York yes terday for Philadelphia- - - Steamship Africa, shannon, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. , , Steamship Persia, Judkins, from Liverpool.Oot 16, arrived at New York yesterday Arrived off the Battery at 8 AM, 20th inst, lat 50 23, long 2104, exchanged signals with Br barque Colonist, bound B. Same; day saw barque,Bomluioo, bound B. * Steamship Vigo, MoQulgan. arrived at New York yes terday from Liverpool. Sid 13th at noon: experience! strong easterly and northeasterly gales most of the passage • Steamship Mantjoar, (Bus) .from Boston, arrived at Hong Kong Aug 19 Steamship Vanderbilt; Lefevrb, from New York, at Cows* 12th. Inst', and proceeded for Havre J Ship Saranak, Rowland, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 16th Inst •' Ship Annie Siae, glse. for Philadelphia, remained la the river. Liverpool, llth inst. : Ship Telegraph, White, trom Callao, arrived at Gravesend lllh .net. '' Ship Corinne, McKay, from Callao, arrived at Havre 9th Inst. t j ' Ship 0 A Parwell, Crocker, from Callao, at Antwerp Uth inst. Ship Etomon, Seed, from Callao, arrived at Antwerp 11th lu&t. • Ship Moore, from New Orleans, at Mar seilles lOtb lost Ship Monarch of tbe Bess, Burgess, from Akyab, ar rived it Llveipool X4th last. Ship Finland, Post, tor New York, sailed from Liver pool 11th inst. - Ship Rapid, Lloyd, for Ban Francisco, sailed from Li verpool 14th inst. Snip Flora MoDon&ld, Cornell, for Baltlmoie, sailed from Liverpool 16th inst. Ship John Davis, Bowen, from Callao, arrived at Gravesend 13th lust. Ship Stephen Baldwin, Cutter, from New Orleans, ar rived at Bordeaux Bth lost . Ships Victoria, Reed, and Hampden, for Philadel phia. were loading at Liverpool 16ib inst. Ship Marathon, Vandyke, from Stockholm for Phlla delphia, put ioto Deal 13th inst. with loss of anchor and chain; was being supplied. Ship Mandarin, Peril, from New York for Shanghae, passed, the Straits of £uoda Aug 7 Ship T H Snow, Lom Boston, at Hong Keng Aug 24. Ship Swarthmore, (Br) for Philadelphia, sailed from Oatomta July 12/ 4$ Skip Thoa Watteau, Laprelle, from Oedisfarrivod at Galveston 16th inst . Ship Alfred Hi 1, Nagel, from Boston, arrived at Hong KoatAug24. Beaton Light, Crowell, from San Francisco, ar med at Hong Kong Aug 24. - Ship Kate Hooper, Jonnson, from Baltimore, arrived at Houg Kong Aug 24. Ship Mary Bangs, Bangs, from New York, arrived at Melbourne Aug 2/. , Ship Revel j, RUey, from New Yorjt, arrived at Pe nang Aug 31- - - . - Ship Twilight, GateSj from Ban Franclsoo, at Hong Roeg Aug 10 Ship Uelviderfi, Jaekson, sailed fiom Calcutta Sept 2 for Boston. ' - * - - Ship Oyolone, Osgood, for Boston.sailed from Calont- Udeptl. Ship Rdwird, Frost, for Boston, sailed from Csioutta Aug 31, Ship ZlDgsri. Swift, from Calcutta for Now York, sailed frem Mauritius Ang 20. . Ship Flying Mist, Llnnell, for New York, sailed from tfaolU* Aug 10 • Ship KUwood Walter, Maloney, from London, at Aden Sept 26. r Ship Art Union, from Oalontta, at Bremer* haven 13th lust. Ship Kxcelslor, Jones, from Shanghae for London, at Ileal 11th inst. and proceed d. Ship Alice Ball, Hlokey, from Calcutta, at London 14th tn«t~ - . - Mayhew, from Akyab, arrived at Lon - Ship John Merrick, Crabtree, via Sombrero, arrived atGruvesend 14th if st. Ship Mary & Adeline, Watts, from fit John, NB, at Gravesend 14th lost. Ship Lawrence Brown, Pieroe, from Callao for Ham burg, sailed from Oowss 12th lost -.Ship Louhe Hatch, Macioou, from OaUao, at the Mo iherbkuk 14th inst. ~ Ship Albert, (Bcem) KUmp, from Bremen, arrived at lutt. . J Ship Gottorp, (Oldgl Borgfeldt, for Cape Town, CGH, oleared atJßaltfmore 25tb iuat. 1 Ship Narr-iganeett. Edmunds, was discharging at Cal cutta Aug 21, to load for London. Barque Louisa Bliss, H/ler, cleared at Norfolk 23d ibst fcrMatacstSj ' fiarque/Atlsa, Bartlett, for New York, sailed from Hot>g Kong. Aug 11. i . r- Barque Adtiatio, Dunham, for Buenos Ayres, sailed Barque Coobitiute, Crosby, for PfiTadSphia; sailed from LlferpoolASth inst . . Barque Oorneua L Bevan, Peterson, for Samarang, at lnn, Cole, henoe, arrived at 8t John, NB, 2lstinst . - Brig Bobo. Church, from Bio Grande, arrived at New York yesterday. Had heavy NB weather on the ooast; epUt and carried away sails, &o Brig Watson, Tibbstts, oleared at Portland 23d inst. for Philadelphia Brig Chicopee, Howes, from Boston for Philadelphia, remained in Nantisket Beads 26th inst. Schr Geo W Krebs,' Emerson, hence at Baltimore yesterday. Schr Frank'Herbert; MayOj'cleared at Boston 26th inst tor, Philadelphia. ‘ - ' Bohr AccessVßiggln, and S G King, Andrews, hence at Alexandria bthfnst. gobrs Marla J Carlton, Shailer, and Gaselle, Somers, silled from Providence 231 inst. lot BhUadelphla, XCHARQE- Octob,r 23; BOABD,- ' At at Shangbae July 17, ship Emma, (repotted Ame rican) Gill, AiSMO. At U&cao Aug 0, ship Spirit of the times, Klein, for Bombay . . At Hong Kong Aug 10, eblp Lire Yankee,* Thorndike, for Havana. ; At Singapore Aug 20, ships Minstrel, Norton, for Bol ton about dept l n ; Golden State, Hepburn, for Horg Kong, ready; and others as before, did 18tb, barque Alexander, Hojway, San Francisco. At Penaog Aug 22, ships Samuel Appleton, Kelly, for Boston, idg; Ladoga,-Pierce, for Oblua, do; Thomas W Bears, Drew, seeking freight, Sid from flatiri* Jaif d, barque Storm Bird, Gerard, San Francisco (and not in port July 8 ) At Calcutta Acg 27, ship Ohasca, Uarstrand, for Bos ten (not ?few York)loading. to, sea from Saugor 10th, ship Holland, (Br) Hampton Hoads. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below.Nlnth. X P Beach. New York It Glover, London, Bog 0 A Waterbury, Now York H F Pickett * la, La Mrs Bailey, La Miss U Bailey, La Miss 8 Balter, La W S Peck, New York 0 B Nesweitb, New York J Y Wil cox, Jr, N York 8 P Baker,.New York R L Howard, Buffalo H W Soper, Batavia W 11 Clarke, Pa J H Bartlett, New York 'L D Atwater, New York X P Sieara Tioga, Pa J Oonuer Phlla W HEmeraon,Rl G Thomas, Jr, New York A M Leslie, St Louis J B S Leomrin, St Louis 0 Wendell, WaahUg’on W Dots, Washington D Buck, Washington 8 Mlohelend, Porto 8100 M H Henry, New York W H Tompkins k wf, Ya X A Hall, New Yoik £ Stewart. New York G Roberts, Md - 1 HD Wingfield, Md ROM Wingfield, Md B W Jones, Trenton G Walters, New. York P.AEUie, Pittsburgh* Mr Cosgrove k wf, N York M L Lanber, Pa TJYorke.NY J J Williams k la, Fla Geo Badger, N O Ur Huddlertou. N Y MlssHaddlertan, N Y -JesE Brown, NY Mrs Berras, La Mrs Conrad, La Miss Conrad, La A Christy, &t Louis Dr H B Brown; Ya L Wheeler. Ky D J Bom k la. Belt F T Stanley, Conn John McDonald. NY M Jvkson k la, N Y Sami Clark Boston J Boh»ff inberger, Havana WF Lawrence Al, Boston C 0 Rich A*l, Boston Col Thompson. Lancaster G W Harris, Harrisburg . Mr hangman. NY M Borke k l, Harrisburg Hie* Borke. Harrisburg 8 Oliver, jr, Jc 1, Mass M P Bscon, Pawtnokett 8 gtraus. N Y WD Carry k 1, Newark, N J O M Bussell, Ohio T Buggios k 1. Newark, N J U P Buggioß,Newark,N J BLBcrymaer, N Y W D Ingersoll,N Y S Harris, PhUa GM Oheabrook, Balt W.- H Lathrop, NY. J A Burden. Troy R G Burden, Troy. R 0 Bmltb, Hartford H B Sanford k la, Conn , X G Banfoxd k la, Conn F B Heckler & la, Dayton J 0 Greene, Buffalo J B Dan lap, Cleveland G W Matthews, Auburn D R Dartre*, Rochester N Hunter ft fam, Bonding W H Eckert, Beading Mrs N V B Banter, do 0 Jacobs’,'?* ' & P Henderson, Pa F J Yorke, N J W_B Irvin A la, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. H 0 Manchester, BI W P Stitt, Boston GG Palmer, Pa 8 0 Noyes. Mass H Hoy I, Bradford D Herr son, Haverhill Thos Blsckwell, N J LN Tappan, Kansas A J. Wood, Norfolk, Ya M H Hamstead, Portamt’fc M J Timmons. Md T G Rossell, Boston J M Barr, Richmond . G P Johnson, N Y' D Harbangb, Mendotta J B Harrison k la. N Y W B Hanford, NY J W Shaey k la, Ya W 8 >orb/»rt k la, Books oo J D MoCaleb, Mt Pleasant JssF Smith, Beading D G Briatoo, West Chester Bobtßiser, Chicago Ohas E Robb B Kinsey. nincianatl L M Wbarton. Bristol. Pa GP Whitaker, Md . H H Messenger k la, Ohio JH Wilbur, NY J H Whiteside k la, Pa John 8 Mann, Pa David Dodd, NY John Glencfo*#, NY JSFathey, Winchester Jaa H Prince, Boston ■ UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. -D Haworth, Pittsburgh J Lents, Lancaster H Barghlng. Ba’t ' J 8 KUliogerA 1, Annvillo J M Bora, NY Tf P Emery, Fiemlngton OB jer& I.Reading DErmentrout,Reading J D Jones, Minersville Levi Preston. Cheater, Pa J 0 Halford. Salem, N J BA HelmbMd, Pa J Wilson, New Bedford Wm Cox, Pa • Wm P Donaldson. Tamsqua R Lockwood k lady. Del W H Smith, N J ' 0 Bavage. Newark. N J W H Wood, Jersey OHy I mac A BrokettN J Wm Cooper, NY W B F Wood, NY R B Lnpton k eon, Brldgton Miss P H Lupton, Oin J 0 Brown,.Roadlng F A Brown, Heading JaaOausftrt, Danville ABlnkenbrook fcI,NY * HOTEL—Fourth it., below Arch. JRDermsn, Mansfield. 0 JR Negley,Pittsburgh 0 REoster.PhUUpsburg J W Lull, Olearfleldeo DrF M Blester, Beading Jas Allison, gewlckly BWWhenn k la, Pa * J Powell, Bldgway IB Grifflo, OoatesTllle T 6 Boas, Reading w Kuper, Beading D Kiogsbury, Bradford W Pinkerton. Pittsburgh' A A Carautley, Clinton, La W, G Kidd, Princeton, Ind R Bp«tr. Pa . Wm Street '< John Merritt, Del Mite 8 Gettesr, PhUa W N Jnster, Mass' •I W Hnnt, Indiana - g p Skinner, Indiana ' J J W Hnnter, Newark Mrs W H White,N J ~ N Pool. Mss ' J Y J Hunter, N J Geo W Hhnter, NJ • - j JJI Terhone, N J H Hardaway Pittsburgh . J j Taggart, Del Hon GWSerantonJteranton Miss Scranton, Scranton HSwan.Clßarfleld . .R j Knapp. Honesdalf, P» 5 A S^*? OUt i ,n K fon ‘ T .MBaUey.NY . ' r DOJ FirrUlt Ohio GB AtkihdiOodttv v' 7 Holag«ti.'Va * A - - v * , FOREIGN PORTS. DP TO OH* O'CLOCK THIS HOBNIKfI, TBEE OCfrTOBft m? 1958. !. NATIONAL Raee street, above Third. Y » W Urle, Cumberld oo D B Elliott, AUepvllle E Lane, La OBs.aW.PUl* J m Sheldon, Ltidystown NBtacse Pa JDGanglarer, B»thlehea W H Smith, Trenton JII Bonier, Myerstown PMoffrerds U;Pa EW Kern, Bnyderco. Pa J P,Bogan, Snyder co. Pa 8 H Swank &la Mifflvn co M Weaver, Mlnereville John Gfruld, Oarhou 00, Pa H W Stark, Trenton J Oarroll, Bucks co. Pa OLojrer, PottsvlUe H B Heitr)ofe,8 f iawofea , B Hartsler, Mejeretown G Boss, Ptitstown, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—fifth and Merchant streets. Wra L Carr, Books 00, Pa JO Oiooingham, Md J D Worthy, Doe Bun, Pa Geo W Hawley. Pa Jos YouDg l j*a ’ - - Juo Hamman, Pa ja B Cope, west Chester, Pa A Jackses, Cecil 00, Md Ttt Hammond, Del , Geo McLaughlin, Pa Geo 0 Hawthum, Pa W Potter, ttoohester, N Y Jos Balat.ce, Lane co, Pa J P Hill. Del 00, Pa Jdo Hlchards. Pa Isaac WiU'&ms, Pa , Jne P HUyard, Del W Bar tine, Bucks co, Pa Rdw Sister, Pa Bj Stewart, Chester co, Pa B Stewart, Chester co, Pa B Eyre, Chester 00, Pa . G Dickerson, Pa Jne Vanderstios. Pa J Leedom, Del co, Pa M Wright. Lano co, Pa M Grattan, Hyde Park J Dunn, Luzerne 00, Pa N Berger, Luzerne co, Pa Pnt’k McLaughlin, Pa AHelnea, Lusetne co,Pa J&e fox, Luzerne co, Pa BALD EAGLE—'Thirl street, above Oallowhill. Wm Smith, Monroe co Wm Traosoe, Lycoming oo Sidney B Schneller, Pa Obsa Schneller, Bethlehem Mies H Snyder, Bethlehem Tilgbam Amer, Carbon co Mist 8 Garnett, Lehigh co Sam N Shelby, Bucks co David M Geho an, Pa John H Ketterer, Pa A Fetherolf, Ducks oo Geo Runyon, Reading Mrs Ruoron, BeadlDg Jacob Esterline, Blair co Mr* Wiluamsoo, Easton Misß Williamson, Easton John B Ketterer, Pa HE Thurston, Boston Geo Rawlin, N Y David Williams, Pa BARLEY BHEAP HOTEL—Second street, below Vine, W m J Taylor, Phila H Love, Wyoming co, Pa H 8 Beading, hush Valley J T Stackhouse, Penna H 0 Parry, Attleboro T Linton, Newton A Dannenhower, Pa GeoT Merrick, Bocks co S B Tvylor. Taylorsville 0 Msgill, Taylorsville J S Merrick, Bucks c > 8 Buokman, Bucks oo C B Beading, Hatboro 3 H Stackhouse Pa John 8 Ent, N J, SB Tomlinson, Backs co A Yorkei, Backs co John Mabagne, Bucks co Wm Dariion, Cheltenham Jaa Horner, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., ab. CallowbUl. DBafeer, Bu?q oo J 8 Hemingway Easton M Landia. Pa H L&ndie. Pa John Rasa, Hartford* J Qatle Green. Lanoeo HLandU, p* W Thompson, Zmesvlile Ohdfi Blooey, BooVrille Q W Matthews,Nortbamt’a A At Bright. BennrUle Thoi Jacob/. Allentown Geo Carl) Milford - D&nl<ner, Lehigh oo J J Harle, Montgomery eo Mrs Harle. Montg’ry oo Bobt R Pa A Gish, Pa Win H Gish, Pa 0 Heifrich, fiutitown A Tomlinson, fa Baml Frits. Lehigh oo SolFid'or, pa John F Moser, Reading Henry S Stamm, Pa Wm Willower, fich Haven Mrs Kram wsmtr St, VJtßt'f distressing nod* mortifying nervoun affection la left generally either to take it* natural course, or la treated oo general princi ples withv'ry little success. The nervous symptoms are not tho disease Itself, and proceed from functional or organic derangement in the nervous centres. No medicine has been found equal to the PERUVIAN SYRUP, In checking the involuntary nervous trem blings known as St. Vitus’s Dance. Por Bale in this city by ?. Brown, comer fifth and Chestnut, and Hassard & 00., comer Twelfth and Chestnut. oc&d&wtf Burnett's Oocoaine. BURNETT’S OOOOAINH. BCRNETT’S COOOAINS. ' A single application renders the hair (no matter bow stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Pre pared by Joseph Borvstt Sc 00., Boston, for sale by Dealers generally, at 60 conta per bottle. 0e26-6t The Mon vltb Black 'Whiskers has at last revealed the' secret of his success in changing them from ihelr original color of red. Be confesses to have made use of the only true Hair Dye known —Julss EUuit’a Vkobtjblß’ Hits Dra. for sale by all re spectable Druggists, and at the Laboratory or Jutss Haoil Sc Co., 704 Obbbtxdt Bt, Philadelphia. 0c25 6t To AH who Want Money. • Jones Sc OO. t Brokers, Northwest comer of THIRD and GABKELL STREETS, below LOMBARD, advance Cash liberally, In large and small amounts, upon .rf«*w-u-dsys,*inay he entirely prevented by the use of BmtxsTT’s CooojiiSb. It has been used in thou sands of cases where the hair was coming out In bauds ful, and has never failed to arreat ita decay, and to pro mote a healthy and vigorous growth. It is at the same time nnrivallfed as a Crossing for the Hair. A single application will render It soft and glossy for several days. 0c25-m w f-3t GnllogheT’s Celebrated Morning Star Cook* ING STOVE. 20,000 NOW IN USE The celebrity of this wonderfully popular Stove, pos sessing, as it does, such a combination of superior ad vantages over all other Stoves now in existence, has spread ita fame throughout the whole United States. Its advantages are as follows: It has two large Ovens for baking tnd roasting; it is more economical; it possesses far more conveniences; it never fails under any clroamstencct; mod is more durable than any other Stove now in use. It will bake Bread, roast a Turkey, boil a Dinner, broil a Beefsteak, and heat wash-water, atl at the same time. WARRANTEE. I warrant this Stove to operate in the most perfect manner, or the money will be returned. NOTICE.—I am the original inventor and patentee of the Stove called the “ Morning Star,” and it is for Pale only in Philadelphia, at my Stare, No. 005 N. BE -00N D Street, first Stove Store above Vine. Take particular notice that the name of the Inven tor, A. J. GALLAGHER, ie cast, In Large Letters, on the front and side of each “ MORNING STAR” COOKING STOVE. GALLAGHER’S BUNRIBE AIR TIGHT. A new large Ortn Flat Top Cooking Stove. The places are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in a su perior manner. I WARRANT This Stove to be superior to any other Fiat- Top Stove now la the market. X respectfully invite my friends and the public to call and examine the above Stoves. I have also a great rarlat/of Stoves of every style. Parlor Btov«s, most beautiful patterns. Together with a heavy stock of Stoves for churches, stares, offices, hotels &o. Repairs for the Morning Bt»r and Sunrise Staves, to be had only at my store. A. J. GALLAGHER. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Stoves, Ranges, Cast ings, ko., No. 306 North SECOND Street, ocU-mwsa2ot first Stove Stare above Vine, Phlla. Stamen’s saving pond—Olflct SOS Walnat street,.one door west of Second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the r«te of five per cent, per annum. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o’clook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles U. Morris. Singer’s Sewing Machines—That Singer’s Bowing Machines make the best stitch ever invented, hu been widely known for years. Other maohlnes may make a similar stitch upon a few light fabrics, but Singer’s alone arc competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric. Singer’s new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Gauges of the moat Improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma chines. I- M. SINGER CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. selo-tjan22 One-Price Clothing of tbe Latest Styles, and made in the beet manner, expressly Tor Birin, Bitia. We mark onr lowest selling prices in rJ.nn riooaaa on eaoh artiole. All goods made to order are warranto! satlafaetory, and onr owi-ranm Breraw la etrlotly ad hered to. We beliere thll to bo tba only fair way o! dealing, aa thereby all are treated alike. JOHBB ft 00., , «0i HABKBZ Street. W* llcnr>' Patten, Maonfectnrtr of Window BH4PFB, and Importer of OURTAIIMmd UPBOL STfiRY MATERIALS,' LACB >nd Uo6psi OUR* TAINS. BBOOATBLLBS,’ SATIN DB ; LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREEIf B.PLUSHI-S, GIMPS and TAS9ELS, GILT °V B “ TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shaded) with-all the trimmings, as low as 76 cents each.- •- Just"received fran Auction a large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices:, Muslin Curtains, $lOO, worth $8 00 a pair. Lace « $2 00, <‘ $4 00 **, “ Tambour Lace « : $3 00,. “ S6QJ“' “ * - J., on the 20th Oct., by Friends’ Ceremony, THOMAS S. WOOD, of Philadelphia aud OAIUIIE A., daughter of Henry R. Slotwell, ef the former plaoft. * On tho 231 Instant by the Rev. Thomas Streot, Mr. JACOB PETERS to Mist MARY A W aLLBANK, both of Philadelphia. * In Camden, N. J., on the 16th instant, by the Rev. H 61. Brown, WM 0 - WHITTAKER to LUCRETIA D WEBTCOTT, of Wilmington. * On tho 21st instant, by the Rev. W. 0. Jackson, at the. residence of the bride’s father, the Rev JAMES B. WHITTEN, of New York,' to MARTHA H., daughter of Thomas Mitchell, of Pittsburgh* . # - ffleathe. On Tuesday morning, the 20th instant, in the 84th" year of his age, JAMES K. CASEY. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service at hie lute riridenee, 1703 Walnut street this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. [New York papers please cor-y,] • ♦ On Tuesday, the 26th instant, MARTHA, relict of the late Captain Albert Coffin, In the 81st year of her age. . . Tho friends «f the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 306 Chris tian etreet, on Thursday afternoon, ftt 3 o’clock, with out further notice. *# On Sunday afternoon, 24th Instant, EMMA F., wife or Michael A. Burke, and daughter of the late Charles Woolley. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fally invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her uncle. Peter Rovnudt. No. 460 North Fourth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Glenwood Cemetery. * On the morning of the 24th Instant, ESTHER COL WELL, wife of Henry Lippen, in the 48th year of her *Be. ' ; The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, WissAhicbon. this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o’clock. Funeral 10 proceed to Rox barough # On the 24th Instant, MAhIA D., daughter of Stunnel and the late Maria Lewis, aged 19 The relatives and friends of the family are respect* folly to attend the funeral, Irom the residence of her father, 1240 Nagle street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, below Thompson, on Thnieday morning, at 10 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. __ *# On the 25tb instant, SABAH McDONOUGH, daugh* ter of Mary and the late James McDonough, aged 6 yearn «ud llth months. Tke relatives and friend# of the fatally are respect* fu'ly invited to attend the funeral] from the residence o' her mother, Northeast corner of Tenth acd Hall, streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, with out lurtber notice. Interment at St. Mari’* Ceme tery. ' * On the 25fh Instant, CHARLES J. GUNAGAN, In the 32d. year of hiß ago. ' Ilia relatives and mends are Invited to attend ihe funeral, also Kensington Lodge, No 11,1 0. of 0. F., from his late realdonce, North Second street, three door# above York, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows* Cemetery. * On the 26th instant, BIUDGET, wife of Joseph Hen derron, ajed 23 yearn. Her friorda and those of the family are respectfnlly Invited to at end the fan«ral, from tho'resldence other husband, Ba&ch street, above Spruce, this (Wedne day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery * On the 25th instant. Mrs. EMMA BOYLE, aged 40 year#. * The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, 2061 Lombard street, below Twenty-first, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without further notice. Funeral to proceed to &t. Joseph’s Cemetery.* On the 25th instant, Mr#. SABAH ORIDLAND, In the 46th year of her sjre. The revives and fiends of the family are iovited to attend Ibo funeral, from the residence of her bro ther-in-law, Benjamin Peterman, Jackson street, Mi nayunk, thi* (Wtdntsday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, with out farther notice. #• ry's» Col. John W. Forney will Address Lk3 the aitisens of OAMDEN on the Political Issues Of the day, at the Court House, THIS EVENING. I\# A Stated Meeting ot the Philadelphia Lks, mutual bbal estate association win be held THIS EVENING, 27th instant, at T o’clock, at Phoenix Hall, ZaNE Street, north side, above Seventh street, at which time and ptaoe all shares of stock forfeited for non-payment of dure will be sold. It* W. HARRINGTON. Secretary. .QCy».i«dtt|trlaljsavliiga and HalldlugAWßa Annual Meeting of the StockhoiSirs will Be heL) .» M. W. Baldwin & Co ’# Locomotive Works, North west corner of Broad and Hamilton streets this (WEb. N880AY) evening, at 7)4 o’clock Election for Offl cere. JAMBS 0. FCOTT, 0c27-lt* Secretary rv*s?=» notice—The Interest Coupons of th* \IS LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD 00- BONDS* due the Ist November, proximo will bo paid on presen tatlon, on and after that day at the Offic* of the Com* paoy. No 303 WALNUT Street. ?d story. 0c27-4t J M. HPTOHrNBON, Treasurer. rvrs» “Washington nnd tits Portrait* ” 1 13 LECTURE BY REMBRANDT PE ALK—lllus trated by several Pa'ntlrg*, under ft novel sod effective Arrangement of light—hi* awn original Portrait, hia Father’* 1*72, Hendon’S 785, Trumbull's 1790,Stuart’s 1700, Mrs. Washington, and a colossal Monocrcma. A Picture of Bt. Cecilia, from a celebrated Fainting by Rubens, will occupy tho Frame previous to the Lec ture, at the MTJBIOAL FUND HAL, on TUESDAY, the 2d November, at 7K o’clock. Ticket* 26 cents. For Bile at the principal Bookstores, and at the Hull. 0c27-6t* ' rv~=a. French Art, Earle’s Losk!nz»GlnfS UJj WARE ROOMS, AND GALLERY Off PAINT INGS, 816 Clitstnut street.—JAMAS S. EAULB to SON have just opened a small collection of ohoice French Cabinet Pictures including specimens of Aoas tasi, Oalaine. Ohintreuil, Couturier, Delacroix, Gabo, L&ufaut de Meta. Poitterin, Salmon, Valton, and oth ers. Also, sevo al English works of a high character, Sbiyer, Williams, Meadows, Nasmyth, ArmfMd Ac. As special featureein tho above selection maybe named Alfred Stevens’ Painting of the “Death of a Fron deur”, Haram'n’a “Jaffier and Belvidera,'* D Gienz’s “ Blind Mail’s Meadows’ Crossing the 2Jrook i , \and Williams’ “ Waiting for the Ferry ” The attention of connoisseurs and purchasers is Invited. 0e27-2t A Lecture will be delivered on Thnra* ]X3 PAY Evening next, at the CHURCH OF THE CRUCIFIXION, EIGHTH Street, below iOUTH.at 7>* o’clock, by RENNE GUILLOU, Esq. Subject, u Our Duty in Reference to Intemperance.” Tickets 25 coots. This wld give tho friends of the Rev. GEO. BRINGHURST an opportunity of seeing the place where he ha* so successfully labored. cc26-3t* tt-TSa Rev. T/ Starr King* of lloaloo, will iCST Lecture belore.tbo LITKRaUY CONGRESS on WEDNESDAY EVENING. OOT. 27, 185 , la MU. BIOAL FUND HALL. Subject; THE LAWS OP DIS ORDER. Tickets 25 Cents, for sale at tho Bookstores and at the door. oc2B-2t# rysaMaionlc Medication—New Masonic Hall, DnYLtsTOwjt, TnosßDxr, Oct 28. 1868 Ex cursion Tickets to be had of the Graod Tyler, Mfcsonlc Hall, Chestnut Street, or of JOHN THORNLEY, No. Dll CHESTNUT Street. The Music will be under the direction of Dr. Cun ningtoo, Bock’s Baud will accompsnythe Excursion 0c26-2t* Chty Comuitsslonera’ Oftlce*— PhUadel- LL3 PUIA, OoTonKa 10th, 1858. The BOARD OF APPEALS will meet for the different Wi EDS upon the following days, to hear the Appeals of property owners, viz: 2d Ward on MONDAY. October IBth, 1858. 3d and 4th Wards on TUESDAY, Oot. 10th, 1858. 6th and 6th Wards on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20th, 1858. 7th and Bth Wards on THURSDAY, Oct 21st, 1868.' oth an; 10th Wards on FRIDAY, Oot 22d. 1858 lltband 12th Waid* on MONDAY, Oo’.. 25th, 1863. 13th and 14th Waids on Tuesday, Oct. 26tb, 1858 16th and 16th Wards on WEDNESDAY, Oot. 27th, 1853 17th and 18‘h Wards on THURSDAY, Oct. 28tb,1855. 10th and 20th Wnnls on FRIDAY. Oot 20th, 1858. 2lst aod 22d Wards on MONDAY. Nov. Ist. 1868. - 23d and 24th Wards on TUESDAY, Nor 2d, 1858. Ist Ward on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3d, 1853. J.M LPBDY, JAMES LOGAN, EDWARD R WILLIAMB, oo!8-tf City Commissioners. fvrsa Pennsylvania College of Pentol Snr- Uj QKRY —The Lecture* in this Institution will eoiumenco on the first MONDAY of November, and con tinue until the first of March ensuing. For further information appty to T. L.DUCEINGBAM, Dean, 0020-ws4t* No. 248 North NINTH St. rvr=» The Philadelphia Hunk, Philadelphia, October 2d, 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HQUSE on MONDAY, the Bth day of Novomber next, at 10 o’clock M And the Annual Election for Direc tors will bo bold at the BANKING HOUSE, on MON DAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 12 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M oc4mwfrtnol6 B. J 3. OOMEGYS, Oashior. Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, [[jr PHILADELPHIA, OOTOBER 11. 1858—The Annual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, bstwcon the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P M. ocl3-wfrmotnol6 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on TUES DAY, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. OfllB-wfr&mtno2 B. 0. PALMER, Cashier. rv—» Lectures before the Literary Congress OF PHILADELPHIA.—The First Annual Course will comprise the following talent: Rev. T. STAHR KING, Oct. 27th. Hon. JOHN P. lIALE, Nov 18th. Hon ANSON BURLINGAME, Deo. 2d. JOHN G. SAXK, Esq., Deo. 16th HORACE MANN Keq., Dec. 23d. GEO. V. PRENTICE, Esq., Deo 56th. Tho first lecture will be delivered by T. BTARR KING, In Muaio.il Fund Hall, Oct. 27th. Bubject: “The Laws of Disorder.” Tickets slfor the Course. The; cau be procured at any of 'ttxe principal Book stores, and of the following members of the Executive Committee: * Will. CONARD. 132 WABHET Bt. JAB G. THOMPSON, 106 N. FIFTH St. Ocl3 20 22 25&27-6t* ry-ss* Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will De» IL-J livor tbo Introductory Lecture of the Sixth Annual Course before the PEOPLE’S LITERARY IN* aiITUTB, in CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY Even ing, October 28th. Doors open at seveu. Lecture commences quarterbofore eLght. Mr. BEECHER will be followed by GEORGE W. OURTIS, Esq , Rev. B. H. CHAPIN, Rov J. W. KAPHAIL, Hon H. MANN, and other eminent Ora tors Single Tickets, 26 cents; Tickets admitting two, 60 cent* Tickets admitting ONK to course of EIGHT LECTURES, 81; admitting two to course, $1.50; three, $2; five, $4. For sale at the Bookstores. J. ELLIOTT, President, iMWiJnumwat. Q. Collins, Secret, ry, No. UO forth Blxtl gtmt. w3Wt Grand Celebration of the Annual Sei yof SION. OF THE GRAND DIVISION. OF FHM HONd OF TEMPERANOF.,~rTbe, .Committee respeot fpfly announce tuo.foildwiug srriDgouionta: On.the evening of the #eoond day ofvhfiSeESuiJi, THURSDAY, Got £Sth. a Temperance. Banquet will be held in the splendid Biloon of tho 4 Notional Guards’ Hr'l, ;Raoe fitroat, below Sixth', Tbe’entextainmenfc will be under the dirfeotioVbf that caterer, J * W Patklnaon, Eighth sad Uhesthut streets. . Tickets' can be procured at Bowers’*, Sixth and Vice; Parkinson’s/ Eighth and Cheatnot'; Tatera, Fifteenth and Locust j RowersI#, 1 #, Sixth and Green; PaulG Oli ver’s, Broad and Qijoatuut, or of oither of tho follotv , ?„° om s ittfte of Arrangements: ’ - ' Wm. N. Ashman, Ebfluesar Mustln. Joseph B. Bol ton, Daniel Yeakel/T. 0. Lott, Wm McGM/Oharl«s Howard. Joseph W. Martin, Thomas Stewart, John E. Jfjynn, Richard Twelves. B.' Franklin Deuulsaou,,T 0. Lews, Leonard JoweU. W. W.Axe, Arthur Thacher/ B. P. Quaue. Gentlemen’s Tickets $l, ladles’ Tickets 60 cent?. oft*u « eVPDI * J S of the third day, Friday, Ootober *ota, a Grand Temperance Meeting will be held in Dr. Jayne# large HaU, Chestnut below Seventh. The member# of the Grand Division will occupy seats on * platform clothed in regalia. Auarosses will be delivered by Rev Kingston Gad ?i 1 ?}, ev 4 4 Wlllittn. lUv. R. A. Garden, Ker. Chambers, and other# - the Grand Division will moeiat 7 o “look at tho Hail, sixta aud Walnut, to proceed in a body to the Hall , W. Oi OLAGHORN, Chairman, St a ■ 127 South FOURTH Street rr^5 = “». Womß * or Invalids witu Affections ol LL3 the OREST. «• W. corner PARKE and CHESTNUT Street#. °°2l-lm West Philadelphia. r Y^s = * Office of the Dauphin aud Susquehanna X 3 COAL COMPANY—Naur kORK. Ootober2o 1858. The Anna i Meeting of ihe Stockholders of this Com ■ pauy will be held at the “Girard House,” in Phila delphia, on the third WEDNESDAY, the 17th da. of next, at noon, when and where an election Will be held for eleven Di.-ect-ir« to serve for the enfiair.g year The transfer book# will be closed from tho Oth to the 17th of November next, both inclusive. By order of tho Board of Director#, PRANK S. BOND. oc 21-dtnovl7 Secretary. ry Union Preaching lor thu People, under Uvj? the auspices of tho Ministerial Union, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by the various minister# of our city on every TUESDAY .and THURSDAY,at4 P M., in the BANSOM-BTREET GHURCH, until further notice. Service# oonfi-.ed to ONE HOUR precisely. oc7 tf The Urnsndot find tho Crusaders.—The LL3 Rev. WM. BACON STEVENS. D. D,, will deliver a LECTURE on the Unmade# and the Crusaders, on THURSDAY EVENING, October 28, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL, for the benefit of the Mission fianday School, on Thirteenth afreet, near Federal. All wbo wish a great intellectual feast will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear this eloquent divine treat of the exciting times and the thrilling scones wh*n tho followers of Peter tho Hermit, Walter tho Penniless, Hildebraode, and others, nnder the sanction of Popo Urban the Secoud, attempted to re cover the Holy (sepulchre and tho Holy Land, the scene our Saviouf’s life end snSWringa, trom the power of ithe Infidel# o- Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 25 cents each, may be bad at The Episcopal Depository, Ohestaat stroot, above Twelfth. Mr. F. Brown’s, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. W. S.‘ A A. Martien’s Book Store, No. 608 Chestnut street. . Smith, Eoglish, A Co.’s Book Store,"Sixth streot, •bore Market. 1 Jas. B. Bra-th 4c Oo.’s Book Store, 610 Cheßtnut»t. . Tho doors will be open at 7 o’clock, anl the Lecture commence at 8 o’clock. oc2o 3t ry£=» Corn Exchange Sanh—Phllodelphla Iks Oovcbbr 16,1868.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bark wiil he held nt the Ha king hou«o, northwest corner of QECOND and CHESTNUT Streets, on TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o'clock. Au election for thirteeu Directors,.to en suing } oar. will be held at the Banking-home on MON DAY, November 16tb, between ten A. M. aud three P. M. JOHN W TORREY, Cashier. ocl(WtNl6. ryrsaTreDinrer’i Department Pennsylvania \X3 RAILROAD COMPANY—Philadelphia. Oct. 16.1858. NOTICE.—Tho Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the Capital Bt*’Ck of the Con paoy, (clear of State tax ) payable on and after November loth, proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can bo had on application at this office. oclG-im THOt. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Southwark Bank, Philadelphia] October Lks 11. 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Rank will be held at the BANKING HOUBE, onTuosd urby Hailrond Jijf COSIPANY —The Subscribers to the Capital st»ck of the Philadelphia and Darby Riilroad Ooiu- J#ny are notified that tho following instalment.? will be ue, and are hereby requested to be paid ou the follow ing dates, vis: Second instalment of $5 per share, on Thursday. 28th October Inst. Third instalment of $6 por shore, on E&tuxday, 27th Novombor next. Fourth instalment of $6 per share, ou Monday, 27th Deoemher next. The Stockholders ore also notified that all or any of the instalments on the Stock subicribed for by them may be paid la adv-nce, and that iotvrost will bo al lowed ffom the date of payment of each instalment up to tho Ist January next * By order of the Board of Dlreotors. THOMAS SPARK*, Treasurer, No 121 Walnut Street. Subscription Book now oponfortbe balance of the Stock, at tho Office of the lrea?urer, from 0 A.M. to IP.M. Philadelphia, Oct. 2,1858. ocl4-l2t rv'T=s» Notice.—Green und Contrs-Strcet Phi* UvJ LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second Instalment of FI V K DOLLARS per share on the capital stock ef the Green and Coates fltreet Philadelphia Passooger Railway ’ompany will be due and payable at the Office of the Oompany. No. «>7-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. JY^!L®®* lt »e#s Mon’s Union Prayer Meeting OEurCb. I^yVY’-T3,tp r 4 1 0 > clo°k. In the Sansom-atreet Prayer for Sabbath Schools T^Speci*! of a ltrge number of children will aad~imer«lliQT?Sa~ occasion. oc7-tf tlctail J3rg ©oobo JJOUBLE WIDTH POPLINS. JD. J. LEVY & CO. Will npen, mis MORNING, 60 Pioo-.snf Super qu&- llty Dnublo Width PLAID POPLINS, AT *1.25 PER YARD, • USUAL PRICE , $1.75. 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. ccdT It CASSIMERES, V/ B»tinetß and Vestings. ' Ladies* Cloak Cloths. Overoat Cloths. Ladles’ Trimming Cloths. Gent's Press Coat Cloths, hide Band Cassimorcs. Bo;*’ Caaasiraeres, Satinets, Ac. Silk Velvet, Plash, and other Vestings. COOPER So OON/vKD, 0e27 8 E. corner NINTH & MARKET Sts, Dbess goods. French Mprinces an! Bombsziues Bayadere Valencies, 8t to 44 cents. Extra Wide Bayadere Poll de-Chenei. RODE DRB a SKS. One lot Pool n Robes a Quillo, $6 50. Onelo* Valencia do , ?&. Two lots Bayadere Valencia Breasts, |7. LADIEfe’ CLOAKS i Misses’ Cloaks, ready-made or made to order. COOPER Sc CONARD, cc 27 8. B. corner NINTH * MARKET Sts. ftgricnUtttal. Sgg CORN SHELLERS, Hay, Straw ana Fodder Cutters, Grain Fans. Uorso Powers, and Threshing Maobines, Ploughs, narrows, farmers’ Boiler*. Field Kellers, Corn. Cob, and Gram Mills, a’ion relating to the latest Counter feits that has never before been published, and more over, ...... . IT IS THB MOBT COMPLETE, ' .IT IS THE MOST PBKPKCT, IT 13 TUB MOST RE&IABLE, And ffl the best DETECTOR OP COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES ever publishtd. v TERMS: One Copv* Monthly, One Year, One Dollar. Oue Copy. Semi-monthly, One Year, Two Dollars. Single Numbers. Ten Dents. Call and subscribe, or remit the price per mail, to T. B PETERf-ON ec BIiOTHERS, No. 300 CHESTNUT Street, And we will send it to you regularly afterwards. 0c27-$t PROCTOR’ 8 HISTORY OP THE CRU SADES: THEIR BIJB, PROGRESS, AND RE SULTS. By M*j»r PuocTOß.’of the Rojral Military Academy. ’With numerous Illustrations, in 1 volume octavo. A new edition rHcent'y published, by LINDSAY & ELAKISTON. Publishers «nd Booksellers, 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. RECENTLY PUBLISHED WATSON'S CAMP-FIRE* Off THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with Fifty Illustrations. 2. WELD’S SACRED POETICAL QUOTATIONS, ll lubtrated. THE ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF MARTIN LU TIIEu, edited byitov." Dr. Stork. FUteen Illustra tions, WATSON’S NEW DICTIONARY OF POETICAL QUOTATIONS. Various sizes ana binding*. miss may's American female poetb. DR. BEIHUNE’S BRITISH FEMALE POETS. 0c37-tf Semtwmls. R E M O V A r. ARCHER, WARKBR, MISKE Y, & CO., HAVE REMOVED TO THEU NEW STORE, 718 CHESTNUT ST., sb. SEVENTH, SOUTH SIDE Their new position will give them additional facilities for displaying their Large Assortment of CHANDELIERS, BOTH 808 GA3 AND OIL. PENDANTS, BRACKETS, LAMPS, GIIIANDOLE3, Everything connected with the GAS-FITTING Busi ness will be kept on hand. Thoy would call attention to the r continuing, os heretofore, the Introduction of Qaa Pipes Into B.ores, Dwellings, and Public Buildings. The Altering or Re-flaMiiog of the Fixtures, or any Repairs or extensions of the Pipes, however small, will be attended to by obliging and experienced work* men. 0c27-6t OEMOVAL.—G. 0. SADLER & Co. have B.W removed from No. 0 North Water Btreet to No. 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. sal C'IUBA SUGAR.—26O Boxes prime Yellow J Havana in Store and -cook, Evening Bulletin; F. W. Grayson & Co., Evening Journal: Jo seph Bavorns, Evening Argus; Joseph R Flanigen, Dally Nows; William Rico, Pennsylvanian; Law lor, Everett, & llluckcttjSundayDispatch; Msglll A Joncß, Sunday Mercury; Jno. S. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. oc2o-tf FA. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER. THIRfEBiITU Street and RIDGE Avenue, attends to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting houses, and Collection of liouHe and Ground Rents, and Inter est Monies. Satisfactory references given. ocl9-Bm# Abram slack’s engraving, die Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Beal Proas Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Btreet, phlludalofci* Pa anltt-wn -r ~rr» a V TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO JgaSggilsjS BRIDGETON!-—On and after WEDNES DAY, 2uih Inst., the Steamer EXPRESS will leave Arch atreet every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at Eight o’clock (Instead of 8%, os heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday and Thursday morning at 8 o’clock; stopping at Delaware City and New Castle. Btages for Millville, Port Eli zabeth, Fairton, Oedarville, Newport, Dividing Creeks, andMauricetown, conueotwith this boat. ocl4-lm* CONSIGNEES OP GOODS BY ggSDRBMKN BRIG AMAZONE, now iylngatsecond wnarf above Race street, will please send their permits on board, or to F H. HAYES Ail goods not permitted within fivo days will be sent to tho Publio Stores. Ootober 22,1868. 0c23-6t# *4 NOTICE TO CONSIGNERS—The Salilßarque ACHILLES, Captain J. A. SPfiDPEN, from London, is now ready to dheharge at Shippen gtreot wharf Consignees will plesse send their permits on boaTd. AH goods not permitted within five days from this date will be sent to Public Stores October 22,1868. /TBOB RICHARDSON & CO. No. 101 WALNUT Street. AWNINGS! AWNINGS! JOSEPH H FOSTER, AwnL'g maker. No. 443 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for dwellings and office win dows j Awnings for stores, Awniuga for steamboats sad ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H. FOS TER, Awning Makor, No 443 North THIRD Street. Residence, No. 640 Booth FRONT Street. ooM-lm JOSEPH H. FOSTER. ITt/Al^r^D—A : ii?c'SS>v_-- m * .ith/ise.. having onefoi « learitt." Blood's Bespit eh.: .■ SITANTIID—A Situation In a Pjiva«S“ •* V mlly, as Cooker GhambermtidJt'Apply at 13 COLLEGE PLAOBi‘*TenthStreet,abavo.oliertput. ■, , .*v ~».... ■- -: oc2T-lt* - \I7'ANT^D— lura:vForwardiDg Hons 6, A v»T’ .DAD/ bixteea Tears of age. Address, in of applicant, lk Ellis,” Offiw^of^TA# WANTED —By a Middle-aged Woman, Fmp’oymerit to'Cook 1 or do Housework Apply at No. 10 WHt CTAK 8B Court. 0e27-2t* \M7\ANTED— -Au Activo Young Man a of * v " Good ‘Address, to sell a Merchantable Article of every day tise. on a Commission^'' Address tl Bro ker,” this Office • ■ ' ' ' 0c26-4t* "VSTANTED.—A Young Manwho 3s about ? ? to make a tour of several of the Western States, is desirous of ob aining'Mercantile Accounts to co’lect, Oommlrston moderate, and the be*t of TestL monialS' given. Address “ TouristiVat this Office. - 0c264t#.- yLMT ANTED TO BENT—A Bakery in a ™ good basioese location : Sooth western Dart of the City preferred. Addr*ss “Essex ” Bloods Bee* Patch. * r oc2d 2t# FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN wishes an Engagement by the Ist of December. Osn In fluence a fair portion >■( near trade, and giv* the most unexceptionable references. Address “ Pennsylvania” Office of ibis Paper. 0c26 fit# A MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN WO MAN wishes employment as Cook or General Housework. Apply at MARRIOTT fctreet, fifth door above eixth.' o&iQ-2Jf XJ&f ANTED—A situation by an .elderly v T -man'' who Is on expert Penman, os COPYIST Address COPY, office of 2 he Press. oc2s4t# 9®7aNT£D—By an experienced Canvasser, v v employment on a salary, as Canvasser, In or ont of the city. Address HrftyTOß. Blood’* Despatch, for three days. 0c23 Si# A YOUNG MAN who has had three years Oh. experience as Salesman in a Notion house, desires an engagement in a similar establishment. Good refer ences given. Address MOTIONS, at this offloe ~ 0c23-4t» ANTED—An active person with* capital, * \ to take the place of a retiring partner.in a weU establfshed Lumber business Apply before 10. or af ter 1 o’clock, to JNO.H. WEfiKa, Conveyancer, 0c22-6t» Cor. FIFTH and NOBLE. A HOUSE DOING A WHOLESALE trade on Market street Is desirous to Increase capital by taking a special or general partner Com munications addressed MARKET BT.,at the office of The Press, will be confidential, and have early atten tion. ' ' oe2*Bt* TO PRINTERS.—Wanted, & good Double Medium WASHINGTON PRESS. Address fc„ at this Office. se29-w6t* V^TANTED —To Rent, for the winter sea v » son, with Immediate possession, a Furnished honse of moderate else, with modem improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M.. office of this paper- Ooi XfiT ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES T " o^^LRY— Able-bodied, unmarried man, tc whom will be given joed pay, board, clothing, an£ tdedlcal Attendance. Pa/from 113 to 822 per month. No man haring a wife or child will be accented. Annls for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 81T MARKET Stmt above Eighth, north aide. W. TH. MAQBUDIB, let Lient. let Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. ® VALUABLE BUCKS COUNTY FAEM AT PUBLIC BALE-ON THURSDAY, HOVEU BKB lltb. 1 Will l)e Bold at Public Pale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, November 11th. tX’i% o’clockP. M., a VALUABLE BUCKS COUNTY F*BM, sltuded in W wninster Township, about 17 miles from Philadel phia. 4 from Willow Grove, and 2 from Davis vl lie, Hut borough, and H&rtaville, containing 105# acres or Land 12 of which are wood, the remainder in a high state of cultivation The itoiroveraenta are in good order, conveniently arranged, and of the most substantial character ; there *re two W'lls of water on the promises, an excellent spring house, and & never-failing stream running almost the entire length of the Farm .There ia also fine shade, and a young orchird of unsurpassed assortment of fruit trees, eelcctod with much' care The neighborhood la unexceptionable; healthy, con recleafc to places of war«hip—having eight churches within two miles; select ana,classical schools,' stores, &c —altogether making this one of the finest And most defitabl® Farms In the county. BRONZES, Ac. To persons wishing to examine the property It will be cheerfully showa by cilling on the premises, and any r thor Information, by application to either of the nq dersigned. JOSEPH HART, bavlsv.ile, B F Hart, No. 814'N. Front st., Or, North Bel. Avenue, above Poplar. 0. P. FRETZ, Auctioneer. 0c27-w&atnolo TO RENT—The fine Four-story STORE, No. 3i South BEOOND h treat, now occupied by the Undersigned. Would be suitable for the Cloth, Oarpet. or Commission business Rent very low. Pos session given about the First of January next. Apply to A H ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, as above N. B.—Several Counters for sale cheap. 0026-3t* M HOTEL FOR SALE.—Good will and fixtures of one of the best Hotels in the city, situ 2iud near the Post Office and Exchange; it contains 15 sle plug rooms, with a fine Restaurant. Satisfactory reasons given ror selling out. Address Box No 533 Philadelphia Post Offiie. 0c23-lm* ■ g£| FOR SALE—A desirable Dwelling £l22. boose, situated at the northwest' comer of Thir teenth and Arch, with all modern conveniences. Ap> Sly on the premises, or at the Counting-house of C. A. ;ÜBtOAM,2Q26 OHEaTNUT Bt. oclfi-L t# mTO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Avenue, below TINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, comer of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front. one of the bpst locations lor large Btudnecs in Philo-* deiphia- Also, STABLE and COAOH-HOUSS in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear oT Ash land House Apply at 273 Couth FOURTH Street. -A-.SINGLE GENTLEMAN can obtain 934 Soutira > Family, by applying at No, 1N~ONE“OF THE"BEfrir-*~_ 0c37-St» near COEBTNUT Street, a LADY can nisbed Apartments, before and during Confinement, whote the refinements of a home may be obtained Ad dreBß‘*S,” tress Office. st29-w6t* EjILEGANT ROOMS —Single orCommuni- JLv eating— in one of the finest houses in theoiiy, with BOARD aad every comfort. Location central Good references given and required. Address P., Box 1190, Post Office - ocS5-flt* JDissoimiuns and (EoiMrlnerstjips. CO-PAHTNERSBIP. —T h a undersigned haye THIS S.vT aasoclntM together under the Arm of L D DAVIS Jc CO , for the purpose of trans acting a Wcoleaalo and Co.nnils.ion Lumber Bualnosa at the Yard, Ho 219 North BROAD Street lODIS D. DAVIS fc 00. Fnu.ADII.FHU, Oct 1,1868. 0C26 3t* Bailey & 00., fOAUALT BAILEY A KITOHEH, Have remoyed to their new Fire.proof, White Uarhl. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall etock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARM, AND To which the/ inyite the attention of the pnbllo. SILYER-WARB, WATCHES, DIAMONDB, AND ENGRAVING Market fibe insurance 00. or THE OITY OP NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL. 80BPLU3 TOTAL ASSETS. DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN B. HOWELL, Preiiden,. PblleiusH. Holt of 288 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham’* * HuteUason Silae Davie of A.B ft S Davie. Oliver H. Shepard of Bhepard, Howe * Co. Henry honriand, of Rowland A Banks. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. 8. & A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller * 00. Stephen W Goinee.ofS W. A B. A. Gainee. i’lliba L. Walton, of Waltoo. Little, & Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A 00. Henry 8 Reeve, of H. 8. Reeve &. Co. Daniel T. WllUte, of Willels & Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker A Do Camp. John M. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce, Odell, A Fanrasi. Stephen Llolngton, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of £. Ketcham & Co. Wm A Oumu ings. of Beards & Camrdinrt, Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyies, Polhamus, A Co. Brewster Valentine, of Yalent’n* A Bergen. Geo. B Whitfield, of G. & J Whitfield A 00, Albort Haveipyer, (UteHavemyer A Moller.) Tennis W Quick, of Quick A l’Hommedieu. David 31. Turnure, of Fd«y Sc. Turnuro. jo?e T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro So 00. Edward Bill, of 119 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V, King & Co. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E • Goodwin So Brother. John Frisbie, (Freeland, Squires, Sc Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insured on Buildings and Personal Property of oyery description against Loss or Damsge by Plre, on the moat favorable termß. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. insubanoe in the abotb company can be EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON. ocl-frm&w33t*if rriARL' 8 pile remedy, JDj EARL’S PILE REMEDY. For sale at JOHN H. FARRIER’S, Sole Agent, 784 SPRING GARDEN Street. Also at BYRON A BOULTON’S. N. £. comer SECOND & CATHARINE Sts.. B. NBWTON»S, 0c27-flt» N. W. cor. 20th A SPRUCE fits. ZOLLICOFFRR’S ANTI-RHNUMATiO CORDIAL Is the only preparation ever placed be* fore the publio that has performe4.se many MIRACULOUS OUR&S INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. . _ The most prominent and influential oitleens bear wit nets of its efficacy. The abondmit evidence from Oil parts of the country is enough to Bouncing that It it the greatest wonder of the sge. It is an internal remedy that s rikesat the root or the disease, ard thne eradicates HenUrelyLom the By stem. Prenared bv THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, comer of Pine «d Beal ©state. iror Bale aut> to £et. Bußr&ing. UJotibes, 3et»slt23, FANCY GOODS, PEARLS, AT WaOLKBALB ASP UTAIL. JJnsnranre QLompanies. ~...8200,000 78,200 8278,200 No, 108 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. iSUdmnai. A MERICAN? ACADEMY OF MZ?SIC. BTRAKOiGH ITALIAN .OPB&A.' " OPEBXmpf.TIIB REGULAR OPERA BE A 80S. , COLSON. - > . ~ / l'clfall? »nnoancas tb&t b« tad S.S^f^WQAiAvAJji.'dYQPJdU^OforfoQ*' f 1? fnV ,^^«SSSß®^r, «4wa««*»W **' ' to tha mUiieal ptiblit t»t e-tcr. .■ . ■ . MONPAT EVENI^rw With Terdl»a - -.;- v, \.: LA- ffIUHAfA,?^ : In which •j v, •,-- =. -'■ ■ -"sj? MADAME PAULINA COLSON - c Cuebatin Pbilidelp&i* to h°.C3J»t*>'*- •. •' 1 * In ihelr eh&nomof*‘tii roles 8* SOB i BRIGKOLI, • AMQDIO, and U'Mlbi i i - In the course of the season the following artists, who have-been engaged, will appear: 1 Madame PAULI vj*COLBON; BIGNOBI BRIGNLLt; M’lle TEBBBA#£RODIi-~ - j Madame CORA Bg>WILHOBBT: aMODIO; Madame AMALXA'BTttAKQBOK; BAKILI | '*■ JUNOA; with' a Grand Orchestra and Boparior Chorus, uniter the Musical Direction of MAUttIOS BTBAKOBOH and . - SIGNOR NIOoLAUi the distinguished Maestro. - 'Madame 'PAULINE COLSON ’will appear in “ Tra viat*”as .YfolAtaj in“La Idle da Regiment” at Marfa; in “Martha” as Henrietta: in *«Robert le Diab’e” as Alice;'in “Don Giovanni” asZerlina; in *< L’Etoile da Nord” a» Katrina. M’LLE TERESA PARODI will appear in the great roles in which she has achieved the highest distinction here and inßnrope; in ** II Trorstore” as Leonora, n* Lucralaßorgia, Nonna: and Donna Anna, in “ Don Giovanni.” •* ' MaDaME CORA DN WIIKOBST will appear in the rotes of Xncia, Antfna/ih' “U* Bonnambuia,” Elvira, ux u I paTita-ii',” and Isabella, id Robert LeDUbfo »» MR. STRAKOSCH willmake every effort to produce *< L’Etoile da Nbrd;»» whiefibasbeea for several weeks in rehearsal, and which he .will *ndeaTur;o produce be fore the close of the season'. Na opera'will be repeated, except “Robert Le and, per haps, “La Traviata; aria to an nounce, also, that notwithstanding the completeness of the above named company, negotiations are going on with other distinguished artiste, who will appear dating the season. The regain Opera niaJit* will b» MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,PRIDAY, And SATURDAY. In the course of the Muon, , •. . THREE OPERA KATIHIXB will be given; to enable those residing At A dfitamo* to b&treeent, end to return to their home* on the *wn» dA/. TWO GBiNB, 00N0BBTS will be given. aloe, at . MUSICAL PUSD HkLI», when the entire combination of artiste and the .other member* of the company will interpret the g;andeet musical compositions. • ' In making the announcement .that so-many die tin* guiahed artists of the highest rank will giro character to the present musical season, the Management has de sired to be equal to every’possible expectation of tha public, and every promise will he completely fulfilled, under any circumstances. The expenses of this enter* prise have never been surpassed by any Opera in this country, and involve an increased , payment of twenty per.cent.- more than'in New. York. Stimulated, however, by the assurance of the superiority of.hla ar tists, and the great'musical taste for which Philadel- , pbia is renowned, MrSTBAKOSOH has combined the atmoat lyric ability with the choioest operatic'works, and has fixed the prices of admission at the lowest pos sible remunerative scale, the regular prices In -New York and Boston. PBIOE3 OP ADMISSION. The prices of adm.sslon have been fixed as fellows r Parquette,'Dress Circle. Balcony, Balcony Boxes (in cluding Beserved Bests). ,-$1 SO and $l, .according t» location designated on the diagram. _ PaMlLr OIKOLX So CHHTfI. AItPBITHBaTOS 25 CTOTS* SCBaOt-Ifc-TION TICKETS for. twelve nights, U dndiog choice of seats, $l5; fo? sixteen nights, in cluding choice of seats, $2O. Each subscriber of sixteen nights is entitled to the privilege of thefree admission to the three Opera Matinees and to the two Conceits given at the Mudcal Pond Hall.- • J9AFJ3 OP TICKETS. To-morrow ana Prid»y Resale of Subscription Tick ets will commence at the office of the Academy of Mu sic only, at 8 o’clock A. H ~. On Saturday, at 8 o’clock A. H., will commence the sale oi teats for the first four nights, at .the .following ticket rfflees:—Lee A Walker, Beot &.L awton, Chest nut streetj and at the' academy. ~ \7STHEATLEY & GLABKS* ABOH-ST. v v THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting aa4 Stage Manager. WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 27, 1868, * THE WEST INDIAN. . Beleonr, Mr .Wheatley j Hr Stock well, Mr Gilbert; Captain Dudley. Air Dolman; Charlotte £niport» Mrs Drew: Louisa Dudley, MUs Taylor. . THE WIDOW’S HUcBhND. 1 Admission, 26 chr. Secured Seats in Dress Olrele, STJf eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 ets; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 ete; Gallery, 13 cte;. Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 eta { Private Box is Galley for Colored Parsons, 88 etst Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at quarter before T o’clock; emsmeneeat 7 ’ «■ MBS* D. P. BOWSES* WALKUT-BT. LTJ. THEA.TRSJ. cotuct of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Ootober 27, 1851, LOVE'S BMJRCTICB. Mathew Elmore, Mr Conway:' St Co, Ur Perry, Paul Lefont, Mr Young; Eugene ae Lome; Ur Keach; Jeau Mr Drew ; Margaret Elmore, Mrs Bowers. WIiAT WILi TnKY SiY iT 'aOMSI / Ur Samuel Todd, Ur Drew; Ure Todd, Hire Oral**. Prices of admission—BecondTier and family Otroi* t and Third Tier, 25 rents; Parquet* 67X oents;. Dree* Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to th«U locale, $8 and f 6; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Boon open at quarter before T o’clock j Curtain iii«i •t 7 o’clock 4 MEEICAK ACADEMY; OF MUSIC, A BHOAD AND LOCUST BtreeU. ' - BAST "WEEK OP THE GREAT B4TBL8! WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oet 27,1868, ' The performance wfll commence with' : EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT BOPS. ' : THE GOLDEN EGG- - Toby, Gabriel Ravel; M Plump, francoft Bavei i Pantuio, Mona Tophoffj Old Beppo, Moas Axal; Mig nonette, Miss Prances. . , - NICOPBHUS Nleodemuj), Prescots Bavel; Julie, M’lle Lisa Windtl. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, N eems; Pamity Clrcte.ahd Amphitheatre, 26 eente. ' Beats can be secured from 10 A. U. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge: Children under 10 years half price.' CON DEBT BALL* TWO NIGHTS ONLY; FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, October Mill and 30 111 . Hr STEPHEN MAB3RTT, ae2D.3m• (Jeems Pipes of Pipssrille, Author and Composer,l In his original MONOLOGUE ENT SRTAINHSNT, os given hy him in the three quarters of the globe, and lately at Niblo’s Saloon to crowded t oases, entitled BONG AND CHIT-CHAT, WANDERINGS IN MANY LANDS, ten d with Humorous and DveriptiT® Pmdm, '~~~"*~-*-*M-aelaetgdjoag^Bal^i l &o. Tioketa 25 eeni Ab original otjt-do TION INDIAN GAMES AND EYEBOfg&S, ST A TRIBE OF TU9OABORAS, All or pare end original s'ock: . CHIEFS, BBAYE3. WARRIORS. ANB SQUAWS'. A combination carefully selector to demonstrate the MANNERS, HABITS, AND CUSTOMS or TUB CHILDREN OF THE FOREST. . The agent of the tribe would respectfully Inform the eUltena ef Philadelphia that he has aeoured the POWELTON PAIR GROUNDS , FOR TWO DATS. Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 27th and 88th, where, on both afternoons, they will give their - FOOT-BALL GAMES, - their CHARACTERISTIC DANOBS, PITS INDIAN RUNNERS will compete In a FIVE MILE FOOTRACE, The whole concluding with a MUSTANG EQUESTRIAN DISPLAT by the entire Tribe in foil costume. The novelty of the 19 h century—an INDIAN BRASS BAND, the first and only one ever formed, will, during the af ternoon, perform a series of popular airs. Admission to the Ground and Stands 26 oenta. No extra charge will be made for Carriages. Front seats reserved for Ladies. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING the entire Tribe will appear in a MUSICAL AND DBSOBIPTIVB ENTERTAINMENT, AT JAYNE’S HALL. - ocgfi-2t« mHQMEUF 8 VARIETIES (Cafe Theatre,) X Northwest corner of FIFTH and OHEfiTNUr Btreets. Two Farce. EVERY EYBKINQ thU TOfc unto th» management of MB. T. A’BEOKBT, lato of the W»hmt Street Theatre Souse by MU. EMMA MABOY, Mrs. BOBDWJvLL, (formerly Mrt Lane,) mi Mil. JENNY WREN ! Also, dancing by Miss VALLEK, styled “ the poetry of motion.” - * Concert commences at 7% o’clock. Admission 10 cents. ocgfl-St* Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and tea SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening during the week, at half-past l o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8 , „„ _ Admission, 25 cento; Children, 13 oenta. ocBS-lm» TWATIONAL hall—market street. il POSITIVELY THE L4BT WEEK. i. Ixaoo Wiluak&’s celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Ohaoe, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting soenee In the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at a quarter t 1; to commence at 7)( o'eloek Tickets 2ft cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohlldre under 10 years 16 een*s. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Doors open at 2: to oommenoe at S precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS saB-tf OABBIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-OAERIAGB BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. sel3-Bmlf IT IS OF .THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER A SMITH. Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Load. Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, all or the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS. with written deecriptlona of chracter, vt f including advice in reference to business, health, Z x self-improvement, 4o» sre ®*d® ® T6 “ nlngar FOWLER, WELLS, & CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count made to clubs. ' .. . . ~ gpll-ftm 290hMtimt«t.. Philadelphia. PUTATOES.-rSoperior Peach Blossom Po tatoes. for fondly use or for seed Farmers that look to their Interest will secure a stippty of these For •alebr 0.8. BOGFB3, 0023-6 t» - No. 1U 4 AbKET Street. 1 g UGAHS. 1,500,000 Havana Oigaro, fa \J rorite brands received by tote arrives, to irtera _ AND PORT WINB-— : ® 10 Blghth, Harmony Sherry j SO qn.. >Y#JIU ?M*. Wta *- to W 4 aaifor anT. H . . SIS gnoth TKOWTfttrfWI. TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MBBOHASTS,—a largo etock of Mull. Bop., nuumfMtnwd mnd for yiXLBB, ft 00,, «MI Ko«. a« H. Watar Bt., ft a» H. Wtarrw. Carriages.