"• v -' . • pk« domestics Ujuniog As FrwtWnghmrt AWelle; eQFarabftm/KtrkbaurA £oj IH.Ken»e Hendrick* 8ckut..............L0nd0n* soon Brig Btandyvnfte, Coimack*. Pernambuco, soon Sla_t'ms3uuUia*tue. PORT OF FHIIiAOEbPHUi Oct. 28,1868. 80N Rta8.5......6*44 f BUN 81T8..,,,,,...6 17 HIQH-WATJDI... ..... .. 6 20 ' - ARRIVED • , • Bteamship .Oily of New .-.York, Howes. 48 hoars from Boston, with rudse nod passengers tq H Wrnsor. Re* parts-haringpassed at the Bruvkwater Br sohrOerq, from'Malaga,-and * Brbtrm brig; also ships Thomas Q Perkins, for 8t J6hnyNß,'North Carolina, for'Bcaiii, AtltagtonVfor Aspin»aU,' Nbnpareil, for New York, and barque ParenHrforßbssrio. ail waiting wind. ’ Off .De laware City passed pr barque Traveller, from' KJode Janeiro; in tow 6f tug J G Ncafla '* BrigG W Barter, Barter, from Piotou Bobr O A Greiner, Woaver, 8 dsjrs from Salem, with mdse to optain. r Schr Starlight, York, 6 days from Portland, with mdse to Jainu Baker. ' . , Bckr Triumph', Artis, 6 days from Salem, In ballast to oap’Aia i “ '" ' Behr Raima Zt Day, Hackney, 6 days from Boston, in ballast io Lehigh Coal Co. Scbr Mary Nowell, Conll, 8 days from Sandwich, in ballast to Obas Hiller A Co- Scbr g B Wheeler, r Mlller, 6 days frem Boston, in bal last t* Brown A White. Scbr Pishsr, 0 dsys from Bolton, in b*l last to Johnß White \ flobi 3‘ W Early. Sipple.,l day from Frederica, Del, with corn add eats to Jas Barrett A Son. ' ' , Bcbr Rookingbam; Talpor, 6 days from Portsmouth, in ballaetto Noble, Hammett a Caldwell.' ( Bcbr Mary .-Ellen. ,CutDngham,.6 days from Deep Creek, Va, Witb'lumb>r tocsplaiq. Bcbr- Barat6gO, 01srlr,10 day* from Gardiner, Me, with iee?toß A Bonder A Oo."’• 1 ' ' " Bchr Kent. Cdhee, 8 days from Georgetown, Md, with wheat and'oats to J L'Bewley A 00, Bttbf 1 dsyfrom.Port Deposit, Md, with, com to J.D.Bewley, A Co.' Btbr Jobh A Hausrd, Lawa: 2 days fromMUford,Bel, with grain and b*rk to Richardson A Ordrman ' Bo r Jas UoOloskey, Bt«bbins, 6 d&ys from Haddam, Ct, with stone to J.hJcOloakey ’ , Scbr Hartford* Griswold, from Hartford.- SchrPbceaix, Upton, from Portland. . r . . RHTURNED.. The steamship Kezmebeo,. Cspt Hand, which sailed on Batnrdsy for N«w York, broke one of her cranks when outttlde of Cape May, and returned to port yesterday to repair. CLEARED. f Steamship Delaware. Copes, N York. J AHderdice; Brig Globe, Letar, Georgetown, 80, .to load for Mon tevi .. BchrEWPerry,Retry,Beaton, - - do ' BchrTberesaO, Gandy, Boston,.' do Scbr O G Floyd, lUckett, New Bedford, do Bobr OH Tolley.flsfford. Baltimore*captain. - Bcbr Phmalx, Upton, Portland, Bepplier A Bro. - - - Bcbr Mary Ellen, Oottlngham; Deop Creek, Va, Croa key A Co Bchr Hartford, Griswold, Bridgeport, N Btorterant AOo.'-* • <•• f, - BlrßWflilng, Qlsypool, Baltimore, A Giorei/Jr. , (Correspondence of The Press.) , HAVRE DE GRACE. Cot 2s, 1668. The Wyomingleft this ‘morning with 12 boats, laden and consigned as follows; ' , >. . John Gjtßia. and R B Oabeen\ railroad iron to Reeves, Abbott' A* Co; O O Price and John Miller, lumber to Norcrow A Sbeets; • George Lerber, plg.irim tofi J fit ting A Bro: Co) A G Harvey, oorh, cals, Ac. to' Hum phries, Hoffman &'Wright;-Co! Wm Willis, cioverssed, Ac. to do; JamesMcOormaok. lOmber to' Solton. Van. derraer A Oc; Bloomer,'do Blokes A.Bro, Woodbury: O B Suckalew and Iloluk, eoM to Delaware City. « . .(Otacmpondenwof Th«Pr««.) ‘ '■ V ' BBA.DIH&, <>t\. 45.'1858-- - Th§ following boat*; from ttia union Gahal. pused into the E'chojlUll Otsai. io-day, bound to piuladel. ybla, laden aad«oualfs»d aft fallows:.. Homeward B«ab4, - lumbar to X«ln? £ Walla: 8 A For o«y,do to M t* DbVby; Fraoli' Wlfce, do .to U'Trtunp t 8oo; 3 K Darla, do to Unions & Taylor: Faith, flosranft grain to Sainphrtea,,Hoffman &'Wright; MUesborg Iron Woria, bar iron to'Varotds Broj' Merchant*' Vrleod, IoP Brenditoger; Job S filaohwoU, do toP T Jeunioja. _. _ ,F. ivr raotQßm.! (OorrMpondeato cT theßMladslphia Exohihße,) - v OiF» Islawd, Oct 25,6 B 31. The resMlfl /before reported.at tlis Breakwater still remain. fa this afternoon. WiodNliE, /• witfcabearyke*. ■ " Stars, |c9 4 [«m*ORAPHTO re*MISS.I - --• ' • ' ' Ohablistox, Ofit 25, The steamship Keyitona, State, from .Philadelphia, arrivedh e/eat £PM.tr>'d*y,*3l well. FreijhtsdulL V ; *■“ \T, S. kT; G. Budp, Agents. Bq&vox, Oct 26. The shfp-Mincb6*t*r,’o*pt Anderson. 1 tom Glasgow, bound to NoWYprk, pot Into FayatGot 9th in distress. Casks with part of cargo of icon thrown overboard. - BwassaA, Ga.,Oct2s . Arrived, shlpe'KaloJ end Laconia, from Liverpool; Riga, from New York; Admiralty. from Boston. In the offing, ship Georgia, tm Bt Thotnsi, coming up. • Nrw Obucaxs, Oot 36. Arrived, ships BehAdaos, Rochester, and Booking ham, from Liverpool', 'barques Gtso* Hammond, froni Riston; Abeena, from Now York; ships G»)enaaad ! Riefcard Robinson; from Haw York; Martha Nott and. Ashland,from Poston.' \ MEMORANDA. v •• Ship Wabaa/ffartridgs,’sailed from Bangor Aug 18 Zor Cork; for orders. ’ ' ‘ Bbfp Musccngne, Carter, cleared at Baltimore 33d lost. foT Marseilles.? , '*, -v ’/ ‘ Ship.Rateo, orocker, from. Fading July 29, arrived *t New York'yeateider/ 'l- Ship QtieVn of the’JSdat, from Callao for Cowes, was spoken 3d Inal’, Jat 28, long 3d 20.' Ship Robert Cushman, Morse/ from Liverpool, at Charleston 33d lost < < . >'■ Ship Mortimer LlrlcgatOD, B*m*on, slesred at Savan nah 3)it tilt .for flftvre^wiVbiOW,baieaupland cotton. Barque Lear:*, WilcJau.' for Venice, cleared at Rich* jnond.3Bi Inst'with ,437 hbde tob'aoflo' ‘ Barque Jli4usl, Seabnry, cleared at New York yester day for Valparaiso. Barque -Elisabeth, lO.daysont from Boston for Mon tevideo, was spoken 9th lost. Ut 36 40.- long 8910. Baiqne -Albat, from/Maoltneln for dare cut. was spoken oet4, lat 2710, long 36 0L Barque Burlington, Keen*,,from Leghorn Aug 23, ar rived at'NewYoj k yesterdays- . . x : - Barque Aaron I Harvey, Miller, hencaatßarbadoes l«tln»V '•'=• ' * r V" V. , ; Barque Sewell, desredat Hew York yester day for Satnttra. Barque Fairy, Bliah, sailed from Poo-ehow-foo July 23 for tbs coast, to load teas for Bbanghae , , . - Barque Dnroiwtrir, White, from Bio de Janeiro ISth Alt, with ooffee, at Baltimore 24th last. 5 . Brig w m Taylor, Hall, Stevens, oleared at Baltimore 88d lest forLagoayra. „ . . Brig Ann M Weeks, Norwood/'for Philadelphia, •leaved at . Bayannab 21st lust With 633 Backs wheat, 015 Bales cotton,' arid 89 old Iron. . : - f*ch>a AflotljVJohnron, and J'WWoola ton/for Phi ladelphtafsMled from Riobrooaa 331 Ids*. : Bohr Bosamond, 0 frees, for Pernambuco, sailed from Baltimore yesterday. ‘ - - <• Bohr Geo DarbjvMttUlner/cleared at Charleston 224 tnlt. for New < Behr 0 B Peaalee, Foster, clearod at Charleston 23d Inst, for PhUtdeljphla. with 237 hales cotton, fi2s.it ck* wheftt, 60 o«kjclayj74bblsb«ef, 20hhds iron, add 60 amptybbls.' •' "’' <[ /, Bchr Geo A Tittle, Adams, for Boston, went to sea from Charleston 234 Inst Bohr Fannie; Y*nw,cleared al New York yesterday for Olenfoegos'" v-- . / Sohr B J Johnson, Button, for Key West, eleeredet Hew York : - Bchr Budleotir, cleared at .New York yesterday for F«roandlßa/<;.‘- :' v Bcbrs Flyaway* Darlii find J h Heta, toper, oleared ml New York W,for *;■;* ■ ; • KAannß jnBOJBLLAinr,. 6 .. Brig Loaugo, u «hleh iwae tOWed back to Georgetown. 80, dismasted,.&b, wai frdm that port for GuadalOnpe,. •ed n«vt eehMore/ ' f ':^' Ship Hplojon/or Boston, from -Melboarne for Sioga »ore. previously reported abandonod/waa seen la Tor tea Straits July St, plundered of.all her rotate, rigging, and sails, by. the Admiral Boxer j Jones, arrived at Bombay. < - VoBJBIGN PORTS* BarbadoeS —it SOtb September, Titaoia, Apple/, from Hastpost; Biggs, Baltimore} Sheet Bouse/ K6r/p)k|. «hr'B«o Wing, K!rw*n. Bal*. tlmote: 4th,:ba(que~-&keelsicr« NBW«‘YCRK/oet-2 I^— Ar; shlp»'Besolate, Freeman/, . 1 Liv«rpoot;oiumrprd, Bril .. tol; ; £renLahin-.Orpheus, WessoU,.Brernsn^ .brigs J M .Wilklni/VBfJ'tiecioVPag'vaiht N 8; .Banlel.. Webster,? WUUatbfiJdilsga'L.ashre.Cavld H-DayleS, Jayne, Tarra . gona, SpatorHeXenarrarl sobertsT Charlottetown, PBr. : Below, Colombia, from :-v r Gtdv Ship Oonfldence/gAiri New-Orleam; sehrs Asm, ,Oale, City Polnti 'Jobti &bdtoh l 'LfngoVoh'arleston} Bu- r dora.Cnrtis. Boston tWidieWorld .Bucoley,Wilmington. » " 1 Sailed, ship Nichqhajßudle; BvlifSavannah/ baique ‘CoWen.Bale, Whltebetry;AApinWali. • • & ntm*« ’ vjiitoia lt’ * l>si^^;qZroiilojfe>^A4S|;tnd'plMteHi^:U;wltti'gre»ee,. /wblchhMiMaffiiStyWrihe sk'bil and? f>V GoeqAiirn/acompound ofCoeosnutOU,*q., «>V' t» for-the Hair. la. r«uHlyib-r ( : Ibr ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELB, GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. • A H Mickle, NY- G G Martin. N Y P Bzaasoh A <%vB A * F E Poster, Oolnmbns , c Barrows, Providence ' P Poullatn, Ga ’A S‘Moorhead,'Pottevlll6 • Mr» Moorhead, Pottavllle H B Wilkins, Pittsburgh CD Gibson, NY W A Medlar A la. Pa T B 1 hompson, St Paul •H J Lawrence, NY Mrs 8 A Pucvlaoce, Pa Miss Purviance,' Butler MltaM Bryson, Pa T BBrysen; Silver Bpnngs B CamDbell, Balt Mrs Pearson, Md B W Mulliklo. Oin x Mifl L Malllkln, Oln ' 'J M NY * _ Dr Padron, NY- - Geo T Wallace A wT, Va David Mioge, Va - ‘R H‘Finch, Va Mr Davila, Peru £ Mason A la, Miss •W# H Dudley A la, Fla Mrs Quitman, Hatches Mrs Obadbmrn A eh, Mies Mbs Quitman. Natchez Mf/s Rose Quitman, Mis* Miss Bllza Quitman, Miss F H Quitman, La Jos Lovell, N Y H T finery,Hartfbrd.Gt U Mandal, Pern Beoj w Jones, Trenton 8 A Whitney, N J G E Leonard A son, Md M J Gibson, N Y OhasKoowsr, St Lonis - J P Pease, Ga E Chamberlin, NY Mrs T Ritchie, Washington Miss Harrison, Va Mrs Harrison, Va G G Harrison, Va Miss Ritchie, Washington Ur F HI ater, Reading Ffl Hunter B Clark, Mobile F H Moore, N Y IT Motten* N T . Obae Miller, NY P H Archer, Salem, N J WB Thompson, N J E Broda, Schuylkill oo HJ Moody, NY F Moatgomery* NY 8 fima l A la. York, Pa WB Mullen. SO Mies U Reiser, N Y John Krepp, N Y Louis Wolff. NY v Ohts WollT- NY T Long. SO Lawrence Taylor, NY • Henry MaUlard, N Y Jas Farley, NY B I‘afts A Is. Memphis R H Llttlo, NY J W Baker; N 1 J 3 Fearing, NY HO DlUaye, N Y Col Adams. N Y Mr Grovesbush, N Y -Judge Spufford, N Orleans J A fihar, Md . J Paine, N Y Sami Ellis, Fla D Segur, Toledo. O 6i, Johnson, Cleveland, O Leonard Stone, Mass WmStone, Maes' 8 8 Raymond, Mass G U Giddioga, Texas A. Oraig A la. Bootlond D Bcow A 2 da* Boston SR Spaulding, Boston H B Ha sey, Boston T RJBarford, fialt ~ - J Napier A dan, N Y MERCHANTS* HOTBL-»oarth st.* below Arch. J P Thompson, Va 0 J Moore, Va D Bair, Lancaster* E U Brown, Lfcucaster J R Thompson, Pa 80 Hayden, Cal JDS Cast* MiflUnburg M B Priestly, Northumb’d 8 M Allison. Xenia, O 8 fitoyde A la, Pittsburgh N O Doohler, Pa J P McGee, Pa 8 W Caldwell, Pa J D Adams, Miss R 3 Bankhead, Miss R Redwine, Texas T Smith, West Chester M E MelUnger. Pa E OBeigart: Lancaster J BPord, Waihlogton, D P Tusey* Blair co, Pa A Dtssinger, Lsno Pa LT O JBdner A lady, N J John T Nixon, N J Miss O Ebner, N J T Strong, Pittsburgh Jo l *n 8 Wallaos, Pa W A Kolgbt, Phila M Briley, NY Hon J H Walton, Pa * Miss F Fonlk, Pa OD B rod head, Pa 6 J Ho'linghead, Pa W L tcott, fibacuokln L R Barns* Pa James Kirk, Sliffliu, Pa Davis Alton, Ftttaton David Morgan, Pitta ton G \Y Albright, Pa OF Decker, Pa Wm W Black, Zanesville S 8 Black, Bpringfield Alex Grant, Springfield W L Hatnsson* Conn F J Leavenworth, Scranton J Orossly, N Y 1 Bouton, Bath John T Henry, N Y B Hashes A wife, Mass H 8 Wbissen, Ohio D W Moore, Oleaifleld .F J Blitz, Columbia* Pa G Dorsey Green* Pa J 8 Proudfoot, fa J A Mazurie/Pittabargh L Putt, Pa J Bergreen, N Y UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. DReeso, Pa - H Birob, Reading Thos Forsyth, Hickory J H Moßown, Oak Roads W KirSp&triok A la,Esston E Baker, Madison, la E Swift, Eastos H 3 Eberly A la Lauoaster O 8 Russell A ia, Athens ' Miss HM. Spaulding, Pa Jacoo Dioe, Pa Geo K Green A la, N J Hon J Ysutftot Baltimore MissEfinyder, Del W Gap B F Brodbuad Del WaGap M L Tappia, We«tfield, NJ T Hieharda, Westfisld, N J J Rader, Easton, Pa D G«ne. Kaftou, Pa R F Lv*-, Pottsnile, Pa Jobu SUchler* Pott>rille,fa J Anlabaugh, N Oxford,Pa A G Renioger, Allenfowu J O Coon, Plemtngton* N J W H Price, Cleveland, O B lUybold A la, DelwOlty Mrs(Chapas, Delaware City Mrs Extor, Delaware City : NATIONAL HOTEL—Babe Street, above Third. -B K Manbeck, Berks co H Shaffer, Berks co Joe Mt Clare G W Banm Reading B 8 jueran; Lebigh.co N German Jr, Allentown W F Yeager, Allentown A 8 Rahl, ilieotown O W Eckert, AUeutown • U J Kttmer, AlDhtowa G N Kramer, Allentown A BalUet. Lehigh oo E,Mayer A la, Norristown 8 Felix* Mloersvllle J Boyer, Schuylkill co A B Bucher. Lebanon M Krels, Schuylkill oo MR Hoetb, Lebanon J Horst. Lebanon . Jfl L'ck, Pa W O Thompson. Janfata co G W Geigeb, Beading Job Barnaby, Mt Union, O H J Readier, Pottsvltle H W Stark, Trenton N Stark. White Haven H Light* Lebanon co, Pa Wra Crawford, Pa C Rlne, Lancaster , J Jameson, N J GO McWoine, Lnserna oo MW Millard, Luienae co 8 Hoover, PottaviUe JMlnntslnger* Pottavllle J A Hooper, Canton, Pa J Weimar, Ashland, Pa J BOlearor A la, Pa > P B James, Pa J J Melick, Light street T FJyn, Wilkesbarru 8 Black,. Wilkesbarre G W Drake, Monrde co J Faust, Perote, Pa h Tittu, Easton, pa A,Davis.-Easton, Pa £ J Hunt, Little York. NJ E Hartsier, Myers town O Edwards, Lee, Miss BOAOK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. D Field, W Chester D Kimble, Pa J Bcett. Pa , J 8 Kirk. Pa A Kimble, Pa L Schofield, Pa J J Schofield, Pa E J Morton. Pa O H Peott'packer, W Che* J J’fiUdiger, Pa JDevoe.W Chester G W gtroUp, Miflllnton Ueo W Fcssler, Pa John Patton. Lane co 8 B Paonebakor, Pa fi U Chandler, Pa A'B VauderalUto.Pa . G Kimble, Pa J O Taylor, Lane co John A Reynolds, PA EUwood Bm«dh»y A la, P* G W Prite, Coatesvilfo A H Brinton, Bid M ll Richards. Pottstown E6w Ghben, Pa JWflcewabf, NY John Vaudenllce* Pa Mahlon Bishop, Pa BAbD EAGLE—Third street, above Csllowhlll. D B&hm&n, Carbon co T A Horn, Mahoning P Gilbert Ala Monroe co Bliss J Gregory, Biunroe co M Kemmetcr, L**hlgh co P Kemmerer,LaDc49tbr, O AtDosHBhD. Kreldersrille LeVi BimoU, Ailentown Jas Lowrlgbt, Her} s oa Elias Miner A da:M Chunk John Ball, GuakertOwh ' David Black, Lebanon co G Wolftrslnjfger, Pa . , CBenno,NO . Jcdßenco, N O II Bcbultz, Bethlehem John Rebeck, Berks co Henry Stahl, Norristown Mrs Quinn, Harrisburg Mr Coburn, Easton Obas Mason. Qoakertown A Mtarkam. Little tlap Fa John Bebler, Monroe oo ' ASchortfc, filahch Chunk John 8 Rauch, Lebanon Jos Young A la. C»rbon co Casper Metier* Monroe bo UN Hoffman, Dsnielsv, Pa J KKichHpe, Danielsville Mrs Krause, Allentown Mias Kranie, Allentown J Bobuots, Northampton co Mr Schware, Union co Aaron Zeller, Beaver co BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. J L LloydvßoyUatowa M*j J M Fey, Doyleitown Peter Hsllowell, Pa A Harris, Pa J C Weeden & la. N Hope Wm Ciosaon, Pt Pleasant MissTwimng. Ohio J P Shank, Springfield D RalTensperger, Springfl’d Jag Mitchell. Bprio£tleld Wfn'W Blakey, Pa ’ Ji Carhart. M 4 Mbta Kate Carhart; Ud £ N Miles, Banville Stacy Brown, Pa , A Brown, Pa JohaLaine, Pa‘ . 3SH Walton, Pa THOB. B. HUGHBS. . MADISON HOU6B—Second street, bslow Arch* B A Mercer, Ohio H Pottlller, Va J M Sellers A la, N Y J It todor, Va H Walters. WuhitgtQa A A BowtseU, Washington Adam B Hear tc. la, Pa W H Cook, Delaware N D Buckm&ster, Del Ssml W Lacey, Del Ja&Qook, Del Henry Heckman, Del Ohae Campbell, Phila BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et., ab. OaliowblU. N Haldeman, Bucks 00, Pa O Barnes, Pa GeoFcbtnld, Pa Benj Helirlch, Pa Jas Miller, MUleratown C Bender, COocenbarg Benj F Apple, Pa L BStanner, Pa Henry Rogvs, Reading Dsn) Hafer, Beading Jacob Maurer, Beading J K Grim, Pa O B Humphrey, Pa 3 Kepler, Pa Ab Stauffer. Beika eo J B Keber h la, Pa David Bair & la, Pa Jacob Bair Sc la, pa B Leaher, Pa .. D»nl BHtle, P* M Cooper, Oooperaburg H G Gilbert, Beading John Walters, Pa AMERICAN)) HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. £ 8 Hendrick, NY L W Williams, Balt H Lambert, Pittsburgh J Q Adams, Hnnting’n eo Sam’l Dickey, pa PO Wilson, N Y J P Pepper* Washington Alov Lee & la, Waeh»ton3 ABeUg,NY. J W Hayes, N J 1 J Thoe J Lewi*, Del Mie* M L Bomerlf. Pa Mias E L Jewett,Brooklyn R EiUw>rtb, N Y JfißrlntonacU. Pa HR Smith, Pa W fc McKee, Conn G W Cook, S Y W L A B D y N ° ,n 0 Bmyley, jr, Easton MOUNT VERNON HOTET>—Seoond at,above Arob. MaJFvyiDoyleatown. Pa MArnold, Doyleatown,Pa Georvq WlllUmS, N J 8 0 Jeffrie*, Phila * N Jfrkera, Phils W H Swartwout, Phila JF Kline, Kline’s Grove, PhWm Kennard. Wll, Del B G Porter, Mt Holy, N J J H Oarson, Easton. Pa Jaokioa Leidy, Dover, Del A G Montgomery, Pa 81. Yltus’e franco.—This dlatretainq and mortifying nervocs affection la left generally either to take its natural course, or Is treated on general pried plos with v ry little snccess.' The nemus symptoms are not the diaesae lleelf, and proeaed from functional or organic derangement In the nervous centres. No medicine has been found equal to the PERUVIAN BYBUP, in cheeking the lavolnntary nervous trem blings known as Bt. Titos’a Dance. - For sale In this city by F. Brows, oorner Fifth and phealnut, and Hassard k Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. oe2fi.4Awtf Coconlne, g*^ BUDNRTra OOOOALNB. BCRNETT’B COOOATNH. A single nppllcat’on renders tho hair (no matler how stiif and dry) soft and glossy for several d»ys. It is the best and cheapest Hair Brewing in tho World. Pre pared by Joaspa Bbbitstt k Co., Brston. For rale by Dealers generally, at 60 cents per bottle. 0c26-6t The Man. with Black Whisker* has at last revealed tha secrot of, his sucoess In changing them from their orfgioal color of red. He confesses to have toadouseof the only true Hair Dyt known—Jclbb H*UBt,’s YnofiTißLv Hsiu Dvs. For sale by all re spectable Druggists, and at the Laboratory of Jolbs JlidibA; C0.,704 OflSfiTKpx St, Philadelphia. 0c25 61 To All who Want Money* - Jones fic CO., • Brokers, Northwest oorner of THIRD and' GABKBLL BTREET3, below LOMBARD, advance Cash liberally, in large and small amounts, upon' deposits of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Clothing/ 1 Ac ,on moderate terms. ; Oifloe hours from O.aJm. to ?P, M. . oe2Mm 1 I*e.v Xrlmmliie. and Zephyr store and Foc- XOBT —J. O. MAX fPEW A BON, Boutbeut Ble-* venth and Chestnut. ■ r 0021-lro $5O, 960, 950, 960, $5O, 350, 350, *50,- BINGEB’S SEWING MaOHINES —PRICES RB -DUOED —A new aud elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for J6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. AU who want simple, and Te llable Sewing Machine; which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to oall at our office and examine the hew machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fail to be satisfied. . I/M. SINGER k 00., 001-lm . No. 603 CHESTNUT Street. ' r Thomaß W. BaUy> No* 6RR Market Street, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-olass goods constantly on hand Th paying cash for every article, is enabled to. Jl at a staAll' advance. Those about purchasing •would do well to ooU.. AU goods warranted as xepte entfiSd. , -»-ry .* ' se4-3m SAtlag Ytmd,—Five . per Centt interest*— National safety trust company, walnut stroet, S. W. oorner of,TIIIBp, Philadelphia. Money recelred in any sun, large or small, and intorest paid from’ the day of deposit'to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notiee. The. investments are made in Beal Estate, Mortgages, Ground -Bents, and such first-class securi ■tUyis tb charter requires. Ofike hours, from 9 o’clock >li>‘th’e nventng ontil 6 o’clock in the afternoon, ndon Monday tod •vsnlngs nntu 8 o’clock, UP TO OKB O'CLOCK THIS MOBBING opcriol Notices. Seaman’s Saving- Fund—Office au3 wamut street, one door west of Seoond street. Reoelres de posits in earns of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the oommunity, and allows Interest at the rate of five percent, per annum. ' Ofioe open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasnrer and Beoretarj, Charles U Morris. ' Singer's Sewing Machines—That Singer's Sewing Machinos make the b»st stitch ever invented, has been widely known for years. Other machines may make a similar stitch npon a few light fabrics, but ginger’s alone ore competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric. Singer’s new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. They are alho more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Ganges of the most improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma chines. I. M. SINGER CO., se!6-tjan22 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. One»Prlce Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for übtail balbs. We mark our lowest selling prices in flaw piqvmib on each artlole. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our obb-pbios btstbh Is stclotly ad hered to. We believe this to bo the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES A CO., a027-ly 604 MARKET Street. Tbnm’s Patent Case Shoe Brashes, compact AND CLEANLY.—Just ths thing for Travellers, Board ers, and House-keepers. Fold by Grocers and Shoo Dealers. Charles D. Thum, Manufacturer of every de scription of Brushes, No 160 North THIRD Street. Gallagher Is unking Silver's Afr-tfght Gas BURNERS as they should be, in the most workmanlike manner, and of the be.t materia , a. I WARRANT TH’B STOVB TO GIVE SATISFAC TION, OR THE MON BY WILL BE REFUNDED. There are many imitations in the market, which have a tendency to destroy the good qualities of this Steve. Call at my store, and see one in use before making your purchases. A. J. GALLAGHER, oc!6-lf No 806 N. SECOND St., ab. VINE. Grover A Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES A NEW STYLE-PRICE *5O. 730 Obsst.vpt Srasar, Philadelphia, These Machines sew from two spools, aod form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will hot rip, even If every fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the beat in the market for famtiy use. oel6-tf |E7* voa a oißCDLiß._rft ftlarriages On the morning of the 2Qth ins‘ant, at the residence of Daniel Grafly, E«q M by the tt-v. N. M. Jones, Reo. tor of St Bartholomew’* Church. Mr. ERASTUBHILL to Miss BALLIE K. KNORIt, daughter of the late Mathias Knorr, Jr., and grand daughter of Sarah K, Tyson. a {Beatljs. On Sunday afternoon* 24th iostant, EMMA P., wife of BHchael A. Burke, and daughter of the late Charles Woolley. The relatives and friends of the family are reepnct fully invited to attend h*fr ftinerat, from the reiddcDce of her node Peter Bofoudt, No. 400 North Fourth street, on Wednesday) 27th Instant, at 2 e’olock P. M. To proceed to Glenwood Cemetery. y On the 22d instant, in the 86th year of her ago, EL* LEN, fcifoof O. P. HnpfaJd, Jr, and oldest daughter of Isaac nod Dorothea Nefftou. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to Rt'end hrr funeral, from the renfdnnce of her husband, No 925 Piloert street., this (Tuesday) morning* October 2Ctb, at 10 o’olock, without further notice. On the morning of the 24th instant, ESTHER COL WELL, wife of Henry Lippen, in the 48ih year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of hor hosband* WJssohlckoa, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Funeral 'o proceed to Eoxborough. ♦* OBITUARV. Died, on SAtdrday, the lelii instant, Mr. QUINTIN OAMBBELL, Jr., in the fortieth yoar of his ego. The 2a fc sad duties have been paid to one who. while living, was endeared to all who knew him, and in whose death so many have been left to mourn, and whose memory they will long and tenderly nourish. Heath is the enemy or llfej his weapons, Unerring ar rows ; the end, the shrottd, the mattock, and '< the deep, dAmp vsnlt, the darkness and the worm.” Hit arrows are thrown promiscuously among' the crowds of a city, and alike o’er the country. They alight In valleys, and on mountains, on lakes, stream lets, and the ihlghty ocean—there Is no spot whereon the breath of lire is drawn but the »haft of death finds' its victim. When this fell destroyer aims the arrow at a good man, and he Isremoved from amor gat os. his loss throws around the circle, of which he formed the nu.leus, a sad and sorrowiog gloom. The friend looks in and fiods all sadness there—the wife looks Around, and weeps, ; when the startling reality of his absence is shadowed In the fiouseVlA The Children who clung with joyous rapture of Wight youth to him, and whose little feat tripled o’er the lawn to meet him of an evening, and welcome him to their happy fireside, look sronod now on the desolation his absence has caused, and shed the early grief born tear to hia memory. They miss him— oh! how they miss him) The deceased, both as husband, father, son, brother, and friend, was all that wife, children, father, mother, brothers, sisters* and friends would require. Noble, generous, charitable, his heart warmed toward his fel low-men, and scenes of distress were never witnessed by him' without the hand oEeyirig the heart’s dictates. The Writer oil this knew him well, and often acted as almoner in distribnting his bounty. The cold* cheer lees, winter night, to maoy a suffering family, has been made bright and cheerful by the light of his true chari ty streaming in upon their miter/. It is to speak of one so endeared to all who knew him that this slight testU menial is written—lt is to record another name among those who have gone beforo him, whose acta while liv ing laid the foundation for a home eternal in the heavens. Wo have said death is the enemy of life; yet is ho thq crown of life—fotas he loveta shining mark, his blow sends his victim Smiling to his God—for, after nl 1 , ‘‘Death Ib but a stop that rbaches to etbrnity/’ It Is to speak or one who, in all business relations, in tho social and domestic circle, In public as well os the private walks of life was so uniform, so correct, and manly, that the writer of this can exclaim with the. great poet, “Take him for all in all, I shall not look npon hi* like again. n Out off thus in the very prime of life, in the midst of his usualness, and taken from a tender and affectionate wife, ani do&tiog children, the loss of Mb Campbell is i sore affliction indeed, yet It is a consolation to kno* that the spirit of such a man linger* not long here, but finds an eternal, happy home—thora 1 The last end of a good roan is peace. “ How calm his exit i Night daws fall not more gently to the grtand, Nor weary, worn-out Grinds expire to soft. Behold him in tho eventide of life! A life Well spent; whose early care it was, His riper years should not upbraid his green ” J. B. PnaAPßLrau, October 23,1958. # A tnc.nrß will be dulT.r.d an Thm«- >’AY Evening nut, stthe OUUBOU OF THE Ollt/OiFIXION, E'GiiTn gtreer, b.!«- fOUrtf, ftt in o’clocS, b, RES.NH atm,too, Esq. Subj’ct, •‘Our Dut? in Rpferonco to Intemperance.'* Tickets 25 cents. Th's will give the friends of the Rev. GEO. BUlfs GiIUHBT an opportunity of seeing tbs place where he bM so euccensfally Unored. 0025-‘jt# ty3=» At an Adjourned Mrettrg of the UnU (Jo? TED HEBREW RELIEF AB3OCIaTION, held SUNDAY MORNING, 24th Jnet., at the JULIaNA iI BELT SYNAGOGUE, the fell^wl/iggentleman were riectsd Officers to setve until the flr*t Aunual Meeiinx, in May next: Prei'dent—SOLOMON TELLER. Vice President—CHAßLES BLOOMINGDALE. Treasurer-M A MITOfIELL. Becretar/—ALFRED T. JONES. Recordingßeoret ry—SIMON W. ARNOLD. ~ „ RiKsaßas: Abm 8. Wolf. Les. Mayer Joseph Emsteia SellgmaD Abeles, Mayer Aruold, Ad«.ijh Blopfer, M»je r , H. Guiifcenbhmer, H De Boer, fitoioberger. On motion, adjourned. T „ . „ JACOB MAYER. Chairman. J. W ARNOLD, feorctary PniLAi »LPnii, October 26,1868. 0:20-11# RijT of Boston, will Leatare before,the Ul‘vß A hY CONGRESS on WEDN2BDA> EVENING, GOT. 27, in MU SICAL FUND HALL. Subject: THE LAWS OFBIB - Tickets 25 Cents, for s&le at the Bockstorhier. farmer*' and Mechanics* UnuK, !*hilu- II $ DHLrnM, Oci. 2, 18S8 —The Annua) Election for Director* will ne held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, tho 15th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A M. and 3 o'clock p. M , and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a geueral meeting of the Stockholder** will be held at the Dunking House at 4 o’clockP.M., agreeably to the charter 004dtN36 W.RUSHION, Jr., Oariiler. Philadelphia and Darby Haiirond CUSIPANY —Tbo Subucribors to the Capital 6t .ck of tho Philadelphia and Darby Railroad (join- S,my are notified that tbe following Inatnlraentß will be tie, and arc hereby requested to be paid on tho follow ing dnt •*, viz: Second instalment of $5 per share, on Thursday, 2Sth October ln*»t. Third instulment of {5 por share, on Baturday, 27th November nvxt. Fourth infctnlmont of $5 per sharo, on Monday, 27th Docember next The Stockholder* arc aho notified that all or any of tho iustaliueu's on tho Stock suby A DTJ3RB, A. M. ocTfi-lw* TEUTON ACADEMI’, for both soxos, at J-i KENNBTT EQUABE, Chester( oonty, Pa.,opens the First of November, continuing twenty weeks. WM. A. OUANDLBU, ) MARY G. JACKSON, £ Teachers. CC2S-41* waf. K. GKEKNFIBLD, ) 13HILADEUKHIA SOHOOL OP DESIGN FOR WOMEN.—Au Election of Twelve Dliectora to servo for tho ensuing yoar will be held at tho School Rooms, 2334 0 iHbTftUT Street, on MONDAY, No vember let, 1858, between the hours of tea and twelve o’cbek. P.P. MORRIS, 0022-01* Secretary. ASPIRANTS to West Point v Academy obtain individually that special instruction in tho study and acquisition of Mathematical and Mechanical Science which insures distinction lu putsuing the ardu ous coarse of that Institution, and attainment of tbe higher Academic homrs, at P. BDEWART’Slnstitute, 108 FOURTH 6t, below Ohestout. oc^l-Ot* £egitl JfotiMS IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CfTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. -.JOHN H. FOX t>« GEORGE W STROUD. Sept. Term, 1858 No. 48. Vend. KXp. The anil tor appointed by the Court to report dlstrf botiou of the font raised, by the Sheriff’s sale under the above writ, of tbatcert&lnlotor pL ce o ground with the three brick ne‘jsu»ge or tenement thereon erectad, Mtuito < □ the we?t side of Seventh stroet, at the d!s tance of 63 feet southward ft in tbe south west corner of Master street and tbesild Saventli street, in tbe ett-j of Pbila' olphla, containing in front or b/e&dth on the said street 17 feet, and extending in tr»fltw«rd botreen pars Del lines at right an.*!e* witn tho said Seventh street 80 feet. jj unt*u eastward by the said Seventh street pouth- WAtd bvoih r ground 0 f tkeealdJohnE Fox, intend ed to be grinted t» Gvorge W. Stroud on ground rent, westward by rerua’n’og grouuj rf the said Ji.hn L fox, and northw-rd by ground granted to us'-ry Fierce. Being the simo lot or piece or ground which John E Fox, by Indentu oda'odthe26tb day of l l \ 1661, re-orded Philadelphia in doed book it D. W.,Wo 370. page 295. &e . grnated and convejeu unto tbe »ad George W Stroud, in fco.ytoW t u BD .» S. R y {n ? therefor and thereout unto the Slid Jv.nn L, vox, hie h-irs and nt Bljn , the yearly rent or sum of 120 do lars, i \.vqual haK-yearly paymonts, on tho first day of the months of January and July in every joar thereafter. a’l that certain lot or piece of ground with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon ertc’- td. situate on the weit sids of Seventh s reet, at the distance of 80 feet eouthwurd the south west enr- or Mhsterfltreet and the said Seventh street, in the city or Philedotrijia, con'alnlng in front or breadth on the said Seventh street 17 feet, and extend/ngiolength ordopth weßtvard betw<6Q parallel lines at rightan glos with the said Siventh street 8 ► feet Bounded e»itw*id by the taid Seventh street, s uthword by other grou.d of tho said John E Fox, intended to be this dsy granted to John 11. Craig on ground rent, westwa-a by remaining ground of JohnE. Fox, ana northward tyoth.>rgrou d of tho siM John E. Fox, ihtendod to bo this day granted to George W. Stroud on ground rout Being tho same lot or piece of ground which John E Fox, by indenture dated tbo day of u recorded at Phi’adolphia in deed bookß D. W.. No, 120 page 299 Ac., granted and coovyed unto the said George W Stroud, In fee. yield ing and paying therefor a- d thereout unto tbe said J - hn heirs and the yearly rent or sum<-f 120 aoiiars, in equal half yearly p4Vm**ntß, oo the first days of the months of January and Ju’y in every year thereafter, for arrears of which said groua i renin, tho e 8, ar M e8 . fl * , ove described are now abcutto bo sold— Wt.j attend to the duGesof blB appointment on TUKB - Novo i ber Oth, 1868, at 4 o’clock, F M.. at his office, No. 133 South Fifth street, opnotite dmeo Equate, in tho oily of Philadelphia, when and where ail parties interested are required t) present their claims or be deb'rreri from roming In on said fu S', W. E. WHITMAN, Auditor. Phlia., Oct 15,1858. oc2o ICt TVOIICE All persons having claims 11 against tho BANK CF L’iJNNSYLVtNIA upon Notes or Deposits, are requested fo have tbe s*me pttsfsd ant registered for the Auditor, to whom the account of ibe AsGgoee* baa been referred foradjuat meat. at tbooffice of thi Assignpe*, No. 2x6 WALNUT STREET, 2 d Story GBIGG’S BUILDING in tbeoity of FhilacJelpma. e-ery day d rit g tlir» «rting< cf the Auditor, between the hoa'a of 10 A M and 3 P RI. T.xe Auditor will hold bl-i meetings at the Fame rl-ce rvory Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, wheu all the ore ditors can present their claims. oc2d-tntlisal r t^= ittmen, MONEY WANTED.~So3.OOO for one year, atlOrer cent., on 210 Acr.-s of Land in Ogle County. Illinois— all under fonc l and cultivat on. No Incauibruuce* Property worlb iIO.UCO f 5 000 lor one yeir, at 10 per c-nt., on 3,000 Ac-es of Lind In L'vmgston Cou'.ty, Il!iuoin, n-ar Pontiac. Very valuable traot. lutereat p*y,ib’o cemi-annually. No incumbrances Property worth $6O 000. $5 000 for or-e ye-tr, at 10 per oent,on a valuable dwelling and lot of g.-ouut iu Bloomington. Illinois, with far.uin* land attached. Interest payable semi annual y No lucumbraucee $1,500 for tbre** years at 12 per cent., on *v Chinch buHdicg Pawonagc*, lot nf ground in Davo 'port, loWa fi't-rent payub’e B»*m}-a r mua’ly. No in<;um brAoces Property worth SlajOOO ffi.Utlfi for ono or more years at 10 per dent , on cul tivated land and town lota in L' r’alle County, 111 mis. No Incumbrances. Propo'ty worth, at a low tstimite, $12,000 $50,000, in various amount*, at from 12 to 15 per cent, per annum, on improved farms In Scott County, loua. Foe farther particulars. Inquire of W 13 BARBER & CO., Western Investment Office, 0029-3t* No 23 South THIRD SGcot, Phlia. sJmd IJutiiicnlioito. CJILLIiIAN’s NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. £9 Published This Day, PIHSC PRINCIPLES O J NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OR PuYslC'Jj Bv Bx.vjiuiv Silljmi.s. Jr , M A. M. D , Professor of in Yalo College. 1 vol , Irtrge iSnjfi 720 pages. Copiously illostratoj with over 67 j >Vuo tu St jyAKIES FOB 1 Bo\). A great variety of Every BSio and Style of Binding -PUY3IOIANS’ VISITING LIST F0R585&, Containing a complete Visiting List l>iary, or Day Book, for everyday in tbo year, Momo:anda Pai.es, &0., Ac. Of varlou* Biz«a ami Strlea of Blaciiog . J . BLANK BOOKS Of all kindsbn band, or made prompt!* - to order. THEOLOGICAL *ND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. A general astortmeot at Low Trices. ME&IOAL BOOKS. Including all the Test Books used in the various Me dical Scboolfc, M&nuala lor Uw nee ol StudenU, Ao. Ac. NEW BOOKS Of all kinds received as toon as published, aud sold Wholesale or Retail, at (bo lowest prices LINDSAY A BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, 0c26 2& South BIX.TU Street, aboto Chestnut. ,TAS. OH ALLEN & SON, . •JP No. 25 bouth SIXTH Street, Publish this day: OHALLEN’S NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY, 2d Se ries, 10 roll., illustrated. Adapted to the Sunday- School and Fani’ly Not sectarian. Also, new editious of OHALLEN’B NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY Series No. 1. IllUKtra od. These books h*ve been by Sunday Schools of evory denomination. 10 vole. $2 60 “ TUB CITY OK TUB GREAT KING.” “The most accurate and rvlhblo account of modern Jerusalem yet given in the fcDglLh language -Bib, yi.cr* HADjt IN bxRIA. clutn, 76 cuuts: blue and gold $l. IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL, $1.26. ‘ GAVE OK MACUI'ELAII, and other Poems, 76 ct 3. j blue and gold, $1 j &0., Ao. sebO-lm iUslflttwnta. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. * 808 MARKET Street, four dc ors shove EIGHTH, South ride. Philadelphia oysters Stewed, Roasted. Fried, Pickled, io , Ac , f.>r Homo Cousuroplioa and Transportation. N. B.—Diuner from twelve to three o’clock oc2:-tf JiHICKES SAI.AD .—MINTON, Sj 1 WELfNI, bplow WALNUT. Informs h*n ons tomors and the public that he i* Revving up Ms Chicken Salad-fo justly celebrated The Oulcy U cultivated by hiw«elf, and is for superior to any that can be found In the market. Qumu in season, and Oysters in every style. Families and Partieojmpplied, oclo-12t* CAMPBELL’ 8 DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD Ft and UARMONY COURT, lias been closed for several days pant, in order to be regenerated aud direnthralled * It will be opened on MONDAY next, 20tli mat with Improvements end al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown hfs soul luto tho ta-k of iron zeal, and we thick that hi» efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will b» a model establishment. Mil-tr /P>I7BA SUGAR.—2SO Boxes primo Vollow Havana In btoro and *or sale bv A MERINO, oc2i 140 South FRONT Stro t. INSTITUTE JF EXHIBITION In now-undo* full way. One of Iho grandest and Hnest displays of AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, MECHANICS and ARTS Evor made by this Institution. Tho fp&clom area of the BTATR ARMORY, In SIXTEENTH Street, np*r Market, As well as tho largo temporary building upon the couth side are Ailed up with articles of every imagina ble variety Tho Fair is easy of access by all the City Passenger Railroads and Omnibuses ranmog West, and by an ar ringiinontw lb thoj, VISITERS ARE CARRIED TO TUB FAIR FREE OF FXI'KNSE Tho ticket prico of admission includes tbo rldo to the Exhibition, aud can bo procurod of tho Conductors m tho Cura, mi all tho Olty Katin ad lines 0c25-tf CORNELIUS & BAKER, Mnnufaoturors of LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, U Aft FIXTURES Ho BTOBJ3, 710 CHESTNUT STRUCT. MISUfiCToSIKa, 821 CHERRY Street, and FIFTH and COLUMBIA 0c25-lmlf Aveuuo. Mons.a.f.rosat, TEACHER OK FENCING, BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, 0025-d2m* MARKET Street, nbovo Eighth. [VON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— J. 1 tVe nr* now manufacturing, and aro prepared to sell, a BURNING- FLUID, free from the objection ap pertaining to th<* comtutmarMota. Its liwbility to ex plode is destroyed, and may now bo used with Bafaly. It has boon experimented upon, and subjectod to the severest tests before the boat chemical talent in this city, without a single failure; and wo now offer it to the public, feeling confident that n groat dosiderotum has been attained. YAIVSALti & OG-DES ocl6-d3in 472 N. THIRD Street, above Noble, ORNAMBNTAITaiid OOLOKED'GLASS. Wo have juat received a comprehensive and va ried stock of tliia truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Ohurcboa, Vestibules, Conservatories, anil other buildings, whnra It is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to givo a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color maybe had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or in relief. ZIEGLEB & BMITII, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gift's Dcalera, «eZB-dtf Southwest cor. Rooond and Green fits. 1 K GKAFE VINES, 2,3, and 4 IviUvv years old, for sale by 0. B. ROGERS, 0c23-Gt* v No. 11l MARKET Street. *m 50,000 PEACH TREES, for sale by ££• 0c23-6t* Q. I). itOGEIW. Detail Hh'fl ©otrllß. J^UPIN’ 3 BLACK MEBINOES CASHMERES, From Auction, 62#cents to 87 )f cents a yard. BESSON Sc SON, MOVXNTNG STORE, No. 803 CHESTNUT STREET. ** j£ICH VELVET DKESSES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Hard now on exhibition on their Second Floor, VELVET TWO-FLOONCFD 4ND DOUBLE-SKIRT ROBES. ALSO, Rich Double-Skirt and Two-Flounced DAMASK AND BROCADE DRESSES. FOR BYKNIHG AND PROMENADE. Thssa Drosses hare jnst arrived in the STEAMERS NORTH BTAR AND AFRICA. And aie the choicest productions of the looms of Frjnce. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. 0C25-31 OLACK LYONS CLOAK VELVET O One ouse oi superior Lyons aU-Bilk Velvets, from 80 to 34 inches wide, carefully selected HIIAUfLEdd A BROTHERS, Oc2l OHESI’NUr and EIGHTH. ORIGHT POPELINES. m 2 Valencias and Popolines. Cher* ourg Itooe*. Bright Canvas Plaids. Cud-fc ’lotha, Cheue. Plaid Flnnuoi ulotbs. Poil de Cnerres. oc2l EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. lllLS’ SHAWLS. Square and Long floe Blanket. Small School Shawls Stella Cashmere Shawls. 0021 EIGHTH Sc OHEBTNTJT, LADIES' BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. Black Cloth Raglans. Fine black Cloaks, line black Raglans. Light cloth Raglans. Raglans for Fall. Raglans for Wioter. Light Cloth Cloaks. All th* new styles. Latent Paris Patterns. Many new styles CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. Children's Clolb Cloaks. Children's Fancy O'^aks. ■Workmanship of the best. Best mater:uls need. HHAWL ROOM Contains all the novelt.es in Brocho, Stella, Blanket, tmd Children's Shawls, COOPER Sc CONARD, S E corner NINTH & AIABKST Sts. DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, SHETLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, Ac., OLOBING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Subscriber will commence closing oat his magal fleent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1858, At prices that will induce Purchasers to supply them selves with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The wholo stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a full lino of BTAPLK GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until olosed out. JAMES £ I N N A R D, No. 729 OHK3TNUT Street, oc9-lm 8 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. IMPORTANT ADDITION TO THE 5. STOCK. BRQOBK,STELLA. AND THIBET, BLANKET, AN D MEN’S SHAWLS, A general assortment, unequalled In this market. PRKNOH MKBINOJtS AND CASHMERES, f, cm 63 cts to $1 per yard, fiuper Lyons Black Silk velvet: Assorted Black French Lady Cloths j Crib and Bed illaokeiH; Patent Wel*h Ftaaa*U, assorted; ICO ps Mt*rrimac Print' ; Beta of Oautbnc nud Swiss Collars and Cuffs; Mixed Modoonns; Bayadere Satin Travers; Printed all-wool Do Laines,end Dress Goods generally, all at LOW'PRICES. CHARLES ADAMS, oclG- a tu tb tf Eighth and Arch streets. REAT BA RGAINS 7NDRY^GO(>jS¥. 4 8. Y. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED frOra No 30 U> No. -0 South SECOND Streot, where he is now prepared to furnish ibu Ladies with a fresh and woU-selrctcd stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he Invi s their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. R —A targe assortment of Brocho, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on baud, at the ■« CLOAK EMPORIUM,” oeS-lm No 40 South SECOND Street. QKEAT ATTRACTION' I OVER *4,600 WORTH O? Bll.‘.WM FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION! TtIOKNLBV A. CHISM, N. S. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Street,, Have tbo best HUAWL .Stock In Philadelphia They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, tU: 40 LONG BROGUE SHAWLS at * 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 2h po. do do. at 31 t: 24 Do. do. do. at 12 r -10 Do. do. do. at 13 i: 20 Do. ' do. do. t « “ 20 Do, do. do. at IS <« 8 Bo«. do. do. at 18 (( 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ 3 Do. do. do. at 25 “ Id the above Lots of Long Broduo Shawls will be found every desirable color of contro- BE.VUTIFUL STKLLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket yhawla in new designs. Plain Thibet Shawls, .-’quaro ond Long. Beal Canton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. OhiMren’a fchawls, Misses’ Shawls, and deathmen’s Shawls, at THOUNLEY & CHISM'S, “ONE PRICE CASH STOR NorihOafli Comer EIGHTH A. SPRING GARDEN. N.B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may And bargnlus at T &■ o,'a. P. B.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. jrelS-tf Fall and winter cloaks. OPENIStf DAILY. FINE CLOTH RAGLANS. . ELEGANT RKAVF.R RAGLANS, RICH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegantly adorned with BEAL LACKS, CROCHET, &0., Ao. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and most varied stock of these fashionable OVER GARMENTS, At the widest rant*e of prices, aud aultel for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND POLL DRESS GOSTUME, AT THB PARIS MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM, J . W. PROCTOR & CO., 70S CHESTNUT STREET. DcUUSU'D. »r. W. S. MoILHENNEV,Dentist, would inform bis friends that ho has resumed practice at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U 8 Mint. . sepl-fira rg*,o CASH BITTERS. JAMES S. EARLE A SON., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, oprosiTfl 7bb onuan aoesa, Invite the attention of Wostern and Southern Custom era to their Immense and elegant assortment of LOOKINU.QLAB3KB, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND riOTUfUB'FRAMEfI, Suitable for the FALL TRADE mo NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— JL national telegraphic newbagkncy. —n ARK. A. JOHNSON auuounco to the Pross through* out the U.-ited States that they ar.« completing ar rangements o*i a n.ost iib.-ritl scale, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NE*‘B REPORTS, which has never before been equalled la thia country They pl°dgo theaiaelves to turnßh too earliest and most reliable re* portß of all tho stirring and Important events of the day at a price which cannot fall to bo advantageous to the Pre*s , gonorully. All letters and communications to be addressed to **• JDARU *o JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exchange, Phlladt R. W.CARR, G.W.L JOHNSON. Geo.W. L. Johnson, 23 Walt st,, New York City, John T. Smith Merchants’ Excbongo, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal-» tlmoro. Vor experience and reliabUltyin the business, wo would reior to : Morton McMicbaol, North American and U. 3 Gazotio; bwaln & AbOll, Public Ledger; Jesper Harding A Son, FooDSylvnuia Inquirer; John 3V. Forney,Tha Press; Cummings (c Peacock,RvenlDg Bulletin; V. W. Grayaou & Co., Evening Journal; Jo seph S-i Toms, Evening Argus; Jns-ph R Flnnigen, Daily Now* j William Rtco. Pennsylvanian ; Lawlor, Everett, & Hiucken. SandayDispatcb ; M.igill »r, M. LIVING, corner of FOURTEENTH and HECOND Avenue, care of Mrs DiIUCE, New York City. OC2I-61* JEJisoolMioits attir (Copartnerships^ PO-PARTNERSBIP Tbo undersigned \J have TDIBDAY associated together under the firm of L D DAVIS A CO., for the purpose of trans acting a W. dleAtle ard Commission Lumber Business at the Yard, No 2*p'No*ih BROAD Street 10019 D DAVIS & 00. PniLADBLPHIA, Oct 1,1858. 0c26-3t* VGTIGE. —The Copartnership heretofore .1 existing &ettfC3n the andorslgned, under the firm name or MARSH ALL 5 Norr landing and for ral.hr _ SABMRf Violetta, with AttODlO, BRIGXOLI, BA RILLI, etc , in theprlncpal rolta. -Tbe sale of ticket* * ill commence on Thursday next, when particulars will be announced. tf fpHOMEUF 8 VARIETIES (Cafe Theatre,) JL Northwest corner of FIFTH and CHScTNUr 3tieet». Two E«rces EYEBY EVENING this week, uoderthe management of MR. T. A’BEOKBT, late of the Wa’nut Street Theatre gongs by Mist EMMA MABOY, Mrs. BOKO WALL, (formerly Mrs Lane,) and Ml*s JENNY WREN ! Also, dancing by Miss YALLKB, styled the poetry of motion.” Coucnt commences at 1)i o'olook. Admission 10 cents. ocCB-st* Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Gj and See SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Yentnlcqaistand wonderful Magician, Performance every Evening during the week, at half-past 1 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8 „ _ Admission, 25 cents; Children, 18 eenta. oe?6-lm* (STATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET, il POSITIVELY T9X LAST WEBK. J. iKbOd WiLUiMs’B celebrated PANORAMA OP THB BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commence* wlthCbu*, end continues down in historical order to the Babyio nlsh Captivity, containing more than fifty of the mow sublime and interesting scenes In the Bible. Exhibition EVERY .EVENING-. Doors open at a '.fwtr Ohildra “£ IB SiK"™ wroVBPAT »nd 2ATETR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Doors open at 2; to commence Explained by Professor TIBoITTS fflatnagea £JABRIA(xES. WM. 13, ROGERS, COACn AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND mi OHSftfITOT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied ‘ sel3-Bmlf IT IS OP THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where the/ will get the most for their money, especial!/each tiraea aa these. ZIEGLER & SUlTtt. Wholesale Dragg\aU, comer of SECOND and GREEN Ptwets. are d -posing of rheir White Lead, Ground Prints, of all Colors, and Window Glaes, all of the heat quality, at prices '•hioh will he pleasing to buyers. _ °*U POTATOES* —Superior Peach Blossom Po tatoes, for family use or for seed. Farmers that tank to their interest will secure a supply cf these. For sale by 0. B. ROGERS, ocM-Ot* No. 11l MAh KBT Street, IVJ ANILS. CIGARS.—I Case FirsfcQnallty LfX Manila Qigara. iuat arrived in Store and for sale WILLIAM H. TEA TON, «lft FRONT r'UGARS.-1,500,000 Havana Cigars, 7ft \f Toriti brands, received by let* arrival. In Btore and bond, for Bale by A. MKBINO* onll.tr 140 Rontb FRONT Street CJUERRY AND POKT TVINA—BO qrtt. lO Eighths Harmony fiberry j 20 qr«. WalUa P«rt Wta .-‘*^“ 4f “Tr&iiMH.iEA TO N, . $9 gostli JKOHT Btm{,