ifORT. Of ji»HILADKii , M4A, Oct. 28/1818, ;;; Ban iai.aps s*ra,.v. s-u 5 '7' 1 ' HIGH - V**f * # ?^** a ******* *»4 20 ■y':A' v.o ;r^■*_.>_ ' ARRIVED. .\ ‘ . , -vStearastilp Oityorßlchmorid,-Mitchell, from Rich-’ J; f mond. fiiKorfoikvSO hoacfl. with mdse and passengers -VV Kelljy fromßichmond, r!s Nor /■•' folk; 801iouw, with mdse and passengers to -Thomas 9? *Jl® ioat, off .Sineptixent, spoke ' ' Bjr b/lghoidMj fot New,York,withl6a* of foremast— v ~ - ’• * v , •cf' 'Steamship Delaware, Copes, 22 hours from New Tork, V; with merokeudiScFend passengers to James Allderdlce . . Passed three barques at Voiohor below the Ledge Light; •, ship Norparell,' for New York; and steamship Pennsyl ??- -vauiaj, for Uiohmond, below Seed/ Island;, barque Oak, from BostOh.'and tvo light brigs at anchor rff Morris - ' Liston’s, andA brig andeigbt deeply-laden soSrs below New Oastle, beating up. v ‘ ’ " - * “ ' Steamship Kennebec, Hand - - 20 hoars from New York, ▼ia Ofcpa Mar.'With mdBB add pasaengersto James All - it. derdice. •*- - ' Ship BUlwsrt, ltmi«i 41 d»J> from LWerpool, with mdse to Thos Aiohardaon Sc Co. ... Ship Batber/leilte. from Bio do jMelro 18th Bept, i "WitU'Ooffae to ThoS "A Newhall Sc. Co; Sailed in com pany wlthshlp Northern Grown,HaUett, for Melbourne' The steamship' Hermann, from New York, for Fraser Hirer, touched-ISth'BepV and would proceed imme diately—all well.'‘Left snips Chaos, from London, reptr; Gallego, from Newport, disohg; Harrisburg, from Rich . mood, wtg; barques ’ Evangeline,’J B Johnson, Maty Sawyer, Asa gawyer; Ohevr Iter, Forest King, brigs Cor*, . -gea Foam, echrEmily Keith- and "others The Esther arrived atßio'P M of the 13th Sept with a fall cargo, - and oo the 18th was cleared outward with 7000 bags oof’ Crossed the Equatoron the 2Tth, and since then . had a succession of light and variable winds. Oct I2ih, >-.• jat 2610, long 02 60, saw an American aoable-topssii herm brig steering south; no date, lat 3T 80 long 73 27, : SKV aill P Wm Chamberlain',from OaUutta forN York, It 8 V* a oafc * The Esther anchored off the Brandywine Shoal on the 21st inst - , Barque Ann Blixabeth.Norgrave, 11 days from Ram ' - Osy, with salt* Ac. to Wo Cummings Sc Son. . .... Bchr.Lkdy Suffolk, Baker, 5 days from Boston, with » : mdse to Crowell Sc Collins. .♦jßcfcnJ ft'Mather,'Nickerson, 4 day* from Boston,with > mdse to Crowell A Collins. - - , L flchr u Obarm, Whitmore, 6 days from Boston, with . _mdse to Crowell & Collins.' { Mail, Kelly, 3 days from : Providence,’with mdse to Crowell A Collins' Schr, Judge Tauey, Cottrell, 11 days frond Eastport, withdsh, Ac..to B A Bonder Sc Co. 1 Schir ’S .’V -.WBimmons, GodLey, 6 days from Balem, ’ with apples to G D Ashdroft Sc Co. .... .~.b« e-Ephraim A Anna, Dole, Bdayefrom Belem, in • ballast to f rOUer A Oo; * 6ohr Luther Child, Nickerson, 6 days from Portland, with plaster. to Crowell A Collins. „ Bchr J.B Wbeldln. Bmilh,6 days from Bostoni In bal last to Baum, Ogle Sc 00. .. t Bchr B‘M Bhaddiok, Williams, 5 day* from Middle* town, Ot, with stone to Thos Manefleld Bshr-Mery Elisabeth, Reed, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Van Du* a n, Norton A 00. : Sohr Roxanne Btirley. Marts, 6 day* from Orlean, Maas, in ballast to J R White. . 1 Bohr Argus Bye, Nickerson, 6 day* from Boston, with 5 ’ ntdso to captain. Sohr .Ladies’ Choice, Btraughn, 1 day from New Cas tle, Del, with wheat and oats to Jaa Barrett A Son. QLEkBtD. steamship Keystone State, Maxihman, Charleston. A Heron, Jr. • . . Steamship Phineas Sp'rsgne, Matthew*. Boston, Hen ry TVinaor • . ' * • ' Bteamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Biohmond, Thomas Webster, Jr. . ' Steamship Konnebee, Hand, N York, J Allderdloo. . Barque Austin, Benson. Rosario and River Plattee. ’Workman A Co.. Brig Fairy, Welsh. Richmond, T A Newhsll A 00. * Brig Wu Crawford, Colburn, Portland, Blaklsten AOox: , Schr George, Waite, Portland. do . Schr WmP Cox, Houck. ProTidenoe, do , fichr Templeton, Hodgdon, Charleston, Pettit, Mar tin Sc Co * f . Sohr Monterey, Arrants, Wilmington, NO, J Baker. ~ Behr Embark, Bonoho, Alexandria, T Webster Jr. Schr.Ephraim A Anna,-Dole, Charleston, Trotter A Co; ~ • Schr Roxana Burley, Marts,.Norfolk. J R White. ’ Schr 3 S Weldin, Smith, Boston, Baum, Ogle A 00. ScbrMtry Elizabeth, Reed. East Cambridge, Yan £u eon, Norton A Co: . . fitr H L (law. Uer, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ‘ Btr Beverly, Pierce, New York, W M Baird A Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Rxohange.l.' • ‘ —LRWSS, Bel., Oct 23, T# P H A large ship, said to be the Stalwart, from Liverpool, went up this afternoon, and i* reported to • be at anobor off the Buoy bn the Brown, byJlr J W Sanders, pilot of .the schr J It Aehmead, now at harbor'. - We had quite a heavy rain last night, whloh cleared up the fog that has prevailed lately, but the wind still continues from the eastward, and the sky is overcast • With cloads. Among the fleet in the rosdstead are the ships Arlington, for aspincall;. Thos EL Perkins, for St John, NB» birques Pursuit, for Rosario: Laconia, from .Boston; brigs Velon*. 00l Wm Coggins, Orlion Adams, and Myra; eobra Isabella, Eldad, Leonora, Mary Ann Magee, Martha Wrightlogton, Barah Clark, Bdrah Eli. sabetn, L Starterant, 8 Lawrence, E H Atwood, Bfrigo, Emma Amelia, Globe, Ceres, Rescue, Redington, M A Pridman, Helen Msr. Jchn Warren, Oneida, George H Hoyt. O A Stetson, H P Barnes, Wave, John W Dodge. Henry Pey son, A Tirrell. and R 8 Miller. Tours, Ac. . WM. M. HICKMAN. , \n nusun.) . (Correspondence or,tbePnllaaeiphia Exchange.) • • v Oir* I6laxd; Oct 24,5 R PM. The ships Arlington,'Thos HPerklns. eud Nonpareil, the light ship for the Five Fathom’ Bank, and several outward bound barques and brigs are now at the Break water. A British schr went up this morning. WindN E, and a.beavy sea running! Yours, Ac, 1 TSOB.B,HUGHES. - f*y rauteaipz yo r&* rxiss.J ’ * N»w Yobx, Oot 24. : Arrived; ships Georgs Wash!ngton,frbm London; Nep tune’s- Favorite,' from -Antwerp; John G Coster, from Ardrouao; Ocean Monarch, from Liverpool; barques N H Eaton, from Barbidoes; Nicholas Ourwlo, from Barbados; Burlington, from Leghorn; E A Cochran, from Malaga; Br scat Ltdy Maxwell, from Malaga; Por togueae echr Algo, from St Übw. Below,'ship Raven. • 4 - ‘ i >- r ** . v Boston, Oct 24. Arrived, barque Ellen Stevens, from Leghorn; -Tally Ho, from Rotterdam. r . - SavamraH, Ga., Oct 23 Arrived, barques Peter Demill, from New xork; Le roy, from Boston. 1 Brig Rolerson, from Mobile for Boston, with a cargo of ooltonj has put in hero in distress, and f leaking. - - ■ Naur Obuubs, Oct 28 * Arrived,- ships. Lucuhice, Napled, Mongolia, Bock J ogham,, and Atlanta,'from Liverpool; Baden,-from Havre; from New York. - - . .. ..MEMORANDA- *. Steamship .Indian Empire, Courtenay. for Galway, cleared at New York 23d tost. ./Steamship Vigo, McGaigan, from New York, arrived at Liverpool UM» inst. Bteimship Oity of New York, Howes, cleared at Eos] toußStUlbst for Philadelphia Steamship Empire City, Griffin, for New York via Ha vana, cleared at New Orleans 19th inat. Ship M&nitoa,'Honeywell, cleared at New -York 23d Inst, for Ban Pranoiseo. Bhip Philadelphia, Pool, from New York, at Mobile 20th lost, to load with despatch for Liverpool. Bhip Alliance, Be Forrest, for Charleston, sailed from Liverpool 9th inat. Ship Buiopa, Robertson, from New York, arrived at BanPraooisoa22d.alt.' , 7 Ship Hound. Baker, from New York, airired at San Francisco 22d nit. •; r Ship Anglo Saxon,Hunter, from New York, arrived atrfian Francisco 22d nit Bhlp Bwliaht, Hallftt, from New York, amred at Ban Fmcoiseo22i nit.' Ship Thomas. Wattson, Lsprelle, from Cadis, with vamele, arrived off the 8W Pass about 13th Inst, and was ordered to Galveston. * tlblp Wittrd.Woodslde, from Manilla June 18. arrived at New York 23d inst. June 28, In the Straits of Mia dora, pissed ship Dragon, Weston, from Manilla lor N York Jena 29, July lb, off Cape Deads, Island of Ce lestes,' spike oaique Msgi, Dace,' from Manilla for New .Pork. Ospt ?.uce reported having lost an anchor and part of th« chain In the Straits of Bssselain. Was in company with the ship Crystal Palace, Bimmons, from M&oao for, Bombay. The OP, while lying at anchor In the Straits of Barjealan, in a calm, with strong spring tides, sheered over, her cable, and tore out her foie foot, caving her to leak badly, keeping the pumps con atutljrjolog.O.ptS would tr, toffl.koKia. tempi)- rary repair at the port of Samboangaa, Island of Mindo ra, until he could reach a port wherd the damage coult heproperJy remedied.’ Passed Acj.er July 29, in com psny with the Magi. Aug 8, lat 965 B, loog 9189 X, in a strong gale from the hE, blew away a whole salt of sails. Ang’lo, oarried away znlsen topgallant mast. 'Bad hard westerly and southwesterly galea off Cape of Good Hope. And light southeasterly and northeasterly trades Got 16, lat 80 15 N, tong 08 03 W, in a gale from NS, with a heavy sea, ship rolling and straining badly, causing her to leak; pumps going constantly to keep her Barque Traveller,' (Br) from Bio de Janeiro for Phf ledelpbla, was spoken 16th Just, lat 26 44, long 6010. Barque .Amy Hammond, cleared at Boston 23d inst. for Philadelphia Barque Mary F Slade, Crowell, remained at Swatow Aug 6, one. Barque Magi, Luce, from Manilla, arrived at N York USdlast. Barque Bootland, Bowe. for Valparaiso, ole&red at Boston 23d mat. -Barque Dawn, Chose,' cleared at New York 28i inst. for Biohmo&d, Ve. Barque Marian, Dowsing, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at New. York 23dInst. ■ Bdteue Comet, Burr, from New jrork, arrived at Ban froQofaco 23d ult. Barque John Gilpin, Moreen, for Loango, Afrios, oleared at Boston 22d inst. Barque Palermo, Ingham,6s days from Palermo, and Gibraltar Bept «, at New York 22d intt. Has had a suc cession of light westerly winds; hu been on soandings, becalmed, 6 days.' Sept 13/eff the Western Islands, in a gale from W, stove quarter and rteelved some other light damage Bept. 28, lat 83 20, long 87 50, spoke ship Meofoia, Cutter, of and from Boston Aug So for Ban Pranclsoo, 27 days out; had been dismasted in the line gale of BeptlS; had nothing standing but tore roast ana topmast, and xn'senmsst and topmast; was standing in for the western Islands; wanted no assist ance; all well. Barque 1 Chester, Crosby, cleared at 1 Boston 22d ins t. forfiavanuahr \ Barque Bacchus, Zuidema, for. Philadelphia, was ready for sea alHelvoet 6th lost. Barque J B Lancaster, Small, at Batavia 6th Aug, to load for Ban Francisco .. Brig Wm Moore, Eaton, frem Bangor for Philadel phia, put into Boston 22d inst for a baibor. . Brig. A' Wellington, Jackson,, for Buenos Ayres, oleared at New York 28d inst. Brig Atlantic, Merxil, from Barbodoes for New Haven’ at New York' 23d inst. Brig Foster, Chase, old. at Boston 23d Inst, fer Philadelphia, . Sch. Stag, Townsend, old. at New York. 23d ins*, for Philada. ' Bohr. Almon Bacon, Williams, for Philadelphia, sail ed from Fall Hirer, 20ih lost SchrG. W. cummlas, Whildin, for Philada, sa lad from New Bedford; 22 Inst. - fichr Gen. Clinob. Bassett from Providence for Phil ada, was at Newport, 22 inst. ' Schr Newsboy, Staonard. for Delaware arrived at - New Haven 221 lust.' - ' . Schr G. E. Conover,'Homan, from Trenton, N J,.ar rived at Mystio 20th inst, and sailed 2240 n return, fiohr.'Carthagenai Baker, for Charleston, sailed from - New Bbd'ord 23d iOBt: - v Bch Ell.ott, Weaver, hence, at Alexandria 22d inst Sch’Blog Dove,’“Johnson, for'Philadelphia, sailed from Alexandria 224 instant. ■ Sch Stephen Taber, Cook, hence, arrived at Charles ton 21»tinit. / .*' '' Sch Mary J. Hoyt; hence, arrived at Cnarleston 21st inst. . n -- ' - - - ; .' Boh Effort; Dunning, from- Humaeba. PH., arrived at Charleston 21at 1 Schr Elizabeth, Johnson', for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford2let inst. • i - Be hr Amanda, Kelly, from Eastport for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 21st lost.- V■ 'V* - Eogilsh; Bliren, Tor Philadelphia, cleared at New York 22d inst. - - fichr 0 TOhortre, Cbartro, from Providence for Phl ladalphlAfoalftd from Newport 2l«t lost:- 7 ' - - Sohri D Gpfoyd, Baokett; J H Risley, Boyce; Almira T*Gaudr;*fc£ BmHh; BqMhr. . -'Steamer O'O for Philadelphia, sailed -;from Hartford SOth lnst, and the. Madgie r Gronuey, on '/* thefflati’ 1 •• : I .V-' “ MARINE MIBOELDANT. t: Whbif of the shipping jnAhe Downs have 1 been riding ’wi th - two anchors ahead; seve ral small vessels have slipped, and Bamsgate or,Margate Roads.* The Alwado, lor Cardiff. Grotto, fof Savannah, and otbers.drove * ' fß Yarmouth. Oct 4-The brig Alliance, Smith, of Bun, der land from Sfc Valery Tor Shield*. Cime in contact, when off Sonthwold, with an American barque, from London Tor Newcastle, the brig It sing foremast and bow sprit assisted Into this harbor by a smack and steam tug. Both vessels In ballast. , _ - fhd brig Loango, C*pt Williams, from Georgetown, 80, fot Rio de Janeiro, !b reported by telegraph to £ll - Walter, Esq , dated Georgetown. 80,22 d inst, to have been dismasted at sea, waterlogged, and towed In ever the bar by a pilot boat. The steamship Ericsson was towed to Greenpoint on Saturday merning, for the purpose of lying up. VO REIGN PORTS. . Ar at Liverpool 6th inst, Gondar, Libby, Charleston* 6th inst, Bcioto, Alexander, N Orleans: 10th, Persia, (s 1 Judkins, New fork, * • Bid Bth, Cultivator, Bussell. Harvest Queen, Young, J*ne Parker, Backnam. aud Sardinia, Crocker, N York Anna P Schmidt, MilHken, B 8 Kimball. Cushman, am Margaret Pollook, Oruikshanks. New Orleans; W 7 Sohmidt. Sears, City Point; Alice Munroe, Cummings, Highland Chief, Siranton, Vanguard, Norton, and Mon * ticello, Lsnderkln, Savannah; Montesuma. Mobile; 11th, Regains, Thompson, Charleston. Also aid 4th, ship Humber, Lenncrton, Mobile - Old 6th. barque Ocean Gem. Bisson. San Fraoolsoo. Adv at do 9th, Indian, (a) for Quebec 20tb; America: fs) Wickmeh. for Boston, via Halifax, 233; Vigors) McGuigan, for New York 18th: Persia, (e) Judkins, for do 16tb; Caravan, Sands, for do 11th; Aurora, Bunting, ’ for do 12th; Constitution, Thompson, for do 16th: Nep tan,i Pe.boay, fot do 18th: Otty of Sow Yorh, B»ltor, fordo 20th: Webster, Lawronco, for do 27th; j.bPob ter, Jr, Abeel. fordo Norl; Gondar, Libby, forCharley ton with Immediate despatch; Wm Woodbury. McLel lao, for Mobile do; James P Patten, Woodslde, for New Orleaaa with despatch; fit James, Colley, for do Nor 5; Josish L Hale, Graves, for San Francisco same day; Hebe, Hanson, for do and Vancouver’s Island Nov 7. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. UP TO Off! O'OLGOK THIS VOBHUffi. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. Mrs T H Larkin, 8t Lout* Mr Wilson A Is, Utioa Miss M Glasgow, St Loafs Miss M Larkin, St Louis Hon H R Gamble k fa, (to JR Larkin 0 P Roche. Phil* U 7 Bauie, N 0 Mies Dake, Pittsburgh Mies Homes, St Louis 7 W Graw, NY Mr Chapp A la, Conn J B Thomas 4 la, Boston Dr GW Kurts, Lancaster J White, NY S B Nottingham, Va G L Balcom, N H OK White, Madison .W 0 Newbury, Oneida E L Winslow, N 0 0 Winslow, NO J Window, N 0 0 J Rogers Ala. N Y 7 H Williamson,NY ARM ?Adg«r, N t A Grafey, N Y H Conover* Dayton, 0 J A Hayden, N Y T G Daria A la, Miss Mra Bees A ohild, B 0 v Hillard, Boston Mde Wilhorst, Paris M Wilkins, N Y - 7 Erwin, Ala B L Ferguson, N Y< Jose Clrich & 1», N Y Martin Chase, NY H Grand Jean. N Y Wm 0 Dunham, Balt 0 Coleman A la, N Y Sami Harris Balt 0 Turner & la, Va Henry Taylor, Savannah *’ Oliver 8 Leland, Boston P 8 Galpeir, New Hareu 8 D Paulee, New Bsreo F 8 Brockett Sc, la, Va H Bell A la, Oiu, 0 8 Thomas, New Bedford J Hartshorn. Boston 0 M Dnpny, Chicago 7 W Murrell A la, Va Mrs B O Murrell, Va Mrs E H Murrell, Va 0 Holman, Boston FA Du Boil, NY 0 M Wbeeh ck, N V Mad 0 W Dabert, Mobile Miss N Debert, Mobile Wm 0 Srnedea. Miss H L Gibson A la, Troy A Wolcott, N Y F E Bail, N Y * Mrs Andrews, St Louis Dr Graham, Va Wm ChrUßeld, N Y i Mrs Ormsbee, Balt J 8 Brown. La W Y Wheaton, Washington A A McGaffey, Wash 7 H Denning, Paris W A Oololough, B 0 7 B Hartwell Sc la, China Hon T 0 Perine & la, 8 0 Mrs PtiffarsAu, 8 0 Miss Calhoun, 8 0 L L T&gStti- • T W Chiles. 8 0 Jas S A la, 8 0 V Thomas A la. Troy EL Igtffigftttf Y ' AmiMsgnin,NY T Fepes A la, Va B H Bhack«lford A la, Va Miss F Green, Va Jas A Beckbous, Va Miss Anna Beckhous, Va E Smith A la, Va & ©Valentine, Boston H T Anthony, N Y David Cross A la, N H P V Husted, N Y A Tenney, NY W D Jadson, N Y John Reynolds, N Y Oapt Whitall, USA J A Lane. Boston Hill A Stokes, Pa lhca Charlton, Boston J D Burgess, RI Ohas 8 Keller, Pittsburgh N Southwiok A la, N Y L A Jacquelin, NY A J Howell, N C Jas D W Whitall, Chicago JcS H Colton, Boston B Block, NY 0 L Anthony. N Y T D Bower, NY J W Harrison, N Y G 8 Hankins, Washington Miss Hankins, Washington Master Hankins, W&fih’n E H Tracy, N Y R 7 Jeffords, 8 0 J M Dodmead, Va J R Hardwick, Ga Wm P Lishtner. Balt F W Perkins, 0 T Jno Lambert, Washington Jos Palmer j ti 0 JasE Miller, Brooklyn MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Tonrth Bt., below Arch. J Dean, Allegheny city L W Br»on%n, Ohio W Beescn, Unlontown W Bakeweli, Pittsburgh W G Gibson, PbUo J Sh&w, Jr, Pittsburgh D 0 Braaton, Altoona J Ware & la, New Toth J J Wbyly, Tenn R 8 Bcott, Phila A Wilson. Pittsburgh J Hagan, Green 00, Pa J Morris, Va 8 Isett, Pa Miss 0 0 Deare, Pa Mrs T W Mat Way. Phila T J White, Columbia, Mo A Grant. BpringQeld, 0 8 8 Black, Bpringfield, 0 JW Spencer. Pittsburgh A Neff, Va J Johnston, Allegheny, city J N Patterson. Pa JO Quick, Jersey city G Hlxstn, N J W B Dodson, New Tork J Edloman, Mias 0 Louis, New York 0 Hollins, Alabama Mr Roberta, Winters 0 Woolworth, Sandusky, 0 PS Beegel, Louisville Mr Boson, Ohio G Brown, New York W W Kfog, New York " L Meeker, Neff York G 8 Holbrldge, New York B Slots. Indianapolis A Edwards, New York /J 8 Miller, New York J W Prank. Newport B Elliott, Pa 0 R Duncal, Phila J C McCurdy, Phila 3 Hartsell,Smithßeld, 0 GO Haughawoht, Pa AMERICAN street, above Fifth. J McOarty, Beading Or H Oowen, Nashville G Kohler, NY. SB Dußols, Phila Miss S M Miller, Pa OP Miller, Pa J W Clark, Williamsport J B Sedgwick, Tennessee L T Harvey A la, Pa G 8 Gilmer, N Y Miss Summers. NY T 8 Oolom, N Y WmCorleß.NY Bliss B Douglas. Pa J B Glow. Lexington, Hy J P Batsman, Washington B T Tompson, N Y John Faye, N 0 JamesStoao,NO BSHarris. Missouri T 1> Quincey, Boston Dr J M Levy 6c. son, Balt D Lynn, Jr, M 4 W G Hardesty, Va J W Snarly, Va 3 Burley &2 sons, Pa £ J Bruner, p* T Street, Baltimore J W Penoyer, KT WHCornell & la, Ohio Miss B D Collins, Ohio Jas M Truman, N Y 3 H Sbaler, NY .'3 Gilmer. N Y Mrs Jones & child, Canada Mr Marshall, Pa G Douglas, PhUada . , .HP Peters, NY BtnlelMaokay, N Y •’ BM Holt. NO BBHarrison, N Y ELDick.USN J A Hawley. Balt ' S Nichols, Brooklyn J G MoOlenathen, NY 8 Showalter, Va 0 Hamilton, Va J H Wartman, Va UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. Mrs J Hull, Ohambertburg W J Wolfiv, CiroleviUe Master O Mull, co J N Awl, Harrisborg B Austin, Fulton co OO Oarel, Ohio ' L Nordin, Pittsbnrg D Friesoer, Ohio N H Haalett. N Phi), Ohio E Hall, Ohio H H Smith, Cincinnati, OhioW A Benjamin, N J Mr Kay, N J » Geoß Tosburg, Blkeo, Pa Ji/hn C Lanvill, Ohio M Obarlet, N Y Rufus Smith, Meadville. Pa Alex Ohailly, N Y J L Bobbios. NO Soha Stafford.N O Miss M A Woody, N 0 Isaac B Henderson, 111 James Williams, Pa Henry Arnold, Ohio Hr gmith A la, Pa . , NATIONAL HOTEL—Race Street, above Third. A B Newhard, Allentown E W Wells, Scranton F Gootb, Heading J Hasaenphry. Danvllle.Pa H 0 Long & la, Pittsburgh G P Haxaon, WUming, Del W Wirt, Bloomiburg David Boae, Scranton Benj Jones, Southampton G L Krause, Bvauar, Ind Sami D Growl, Texas T B Thompson, Dalton,Ga J McDowel, Logsnsport.lnd J McCarty, Logansport,lnd Jonn 8 King, Middletown BLACK BEAR INN—Fifib and Merchant streets, J H Lewis, Bel co, Pa A B Leedora, Del co. Pa BFShsnlz Doyleatown Ohas Dun A la, N J W BVaoderslice. Ohio R Ferguson, Lane co. Pa E L Caswell, PfcceoixviUe Hiss Fulger, Wilm } Del Mrs Wesley, Ohio Mr Wesley, Ohio P Rafferty, Boliver, Pa Truman Coates, Lano co JohnTrayuer, Chester co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., ab. Oallowhill. H Leffcrt, Northampton J Vauartsdale, Feasterv’le B Tomlinson A sons, Pa A Fraoat, Upper Dublin Jool Bruner, Pa Linford Tomlinson, Phila A Andrews, Bemville Wm Bramback, Reading John Berg, Butler, Pa MADISON HOUBB—Second street, below Arch. Ch&a Campbell, Phila J J Hart. Juniata co W Oannon, D.l GWBlffert,NJ Thoa R Jones, Pa Robt A Dorsey, Baltimore John McCann, N Y Sami Oochran, N Y F HUyard, Bpringflsld, O BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine R Long-bore, Bocks co J W Steeper, Hartford Miss M B Heston, Pa> Miss Twining, Pa J Heed, Lawrencevlllo' GRogers, Bradford co J Hill, Germantown Jus Biroes, Ohio John Lloyd, Doyleston M*j J M Fry, Doyleston JIOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Becond st, above Arch. 8 Sands, Ohester A Fisher, Chester J L Morse & lady, Balt I Watson, N Y T Andrews, h Y J V Yendes, N Y T Cmuelly, Chester co OD Bnyder. Clinton co. Pa J G Scott. Missouri 35 K Titas. Hancock, N Y A H Lowbec, Phila W J Lawson, Ohio Special Notices. Bnrnett's Coconino. BURNETT’S COCOAINB. BCRNETT’S COCOAINB. A single application renders the hair (no matter bow stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It Is tho beet and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Pre> pa'edliy Joseph Bubhett A 00., Bcston. For sale by Dtalera generally, at 60 cents per bottle. oc2S-6t The Man with Black Whiskers has at last revealed the secret of his success in changing them from their origlual color of red. He confesses to have made use of the only trne Hair Dye known— Jolbs Jl&obo’s VsQBTiDL* Eil* Dtb. For sale by all re spectable Druggists, anl at the Laboratory of Jules Hacul A C0.,704 OflßßTHrr St, Philadelphia. 0c25-flt Premature Lose of the Hair, which u so common now-a-dtys, may be entirely prevented by the use of Bornitt’s Coooainb. It has been üßod in thou sands of cases where the hair was coming out in hands fal, and has never failed to arrest Its decay, and to pro mote a healthy and vlgoronsgrowth. It is at the same time unrivalled as.a Dressing for the Hair. A single application will render it soft and glossy for sereral days. 0c25-m w f-3t To AH who Want Money. - Jones A CO., Broken, Northwest comer of THIRD and GAfiKBLL BTREITB, below LOMBARD, Oath liberally, in largo and small amounts, upon deposits of Watohea, Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Clothing, Ao ,on moderate terms. Office hours from 6 A. M. to 7 P, M. oc2i-lm New Trimmings and Zephyr Store and Fac- TORT/~J. G. MAXWELL A SON, Southeast Ele venth and Chestnut. 0021-lm W. Henry Fatten, Manufacturer of Window SHADES, and Importer of CURTAIN and UPHOL BTERY MATERIALS, LACE and MUSLtN CUR TAINS. BaOOATELLES, SATIN DB LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUBHEB, GIMPS and TASSELS, GILT COBNIOES and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, as low as 76 cents each. Jast receirod from Auction a large invoice of Onrtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Muslin Curtains, $1 00, worth $3 00 a pair. Lace «' $2 00, “ $4 00 “ « Tambour Lace « 83 00, « $6 00« « Quite heavy “ « 16 00, <* 810 00** ** Elegant rich Embroidered, $lO 00, *< $2O 00 “ ** Damaek Curtains from $lO 00 to $l6 00 per window, complete. Curtain made and put up at the shortest notice, by competent workmen. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT St., 0012-6 mos Opposite Jayne’s New Hall #5O, #6O, #5O, #5O, #OO, #6O, #6O, #so— SEWING MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, si rplo, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repu tation for “doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at Our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fall tohe satisfied. I. M. SINGER A CO., L 04-W. No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. f '' , - • wttWl ( Gallagher’* Celebrated Morning Star Cook- ING BTOVB. 20,000 NOW IN USE - The oelebrlty of this wonderfully popular Stove, pos sessing, as it does, such a combination of superior ad vantages over all other Stoves now-in existence, has spread its fame throughout the -whole United States. Its advantages are as follows: It has two large Ovens for baking tnd roasting; it is more economical; it possesses far more conveniences; it never fails under any circumstances; and Is more durable than any other Stove now in use. It will bake Bread, roast a Turkey, boil a Dinner, broil a Beefsteak, and heat wash-water, all at the same time. WARRANTEE I warrant this Stove to operate in the most perfect manner, or the money will be returned. NOTICE.—I am the original inventor and patentee of the Stove called the “ Morning Star,” and it is, for £ale only in Philadelphia, at my Store, No. 806 N. SE COND Btreet, first Stove Store above Vine. Take particular notice that the name of the Inven tor, A. J. GALLAGHER, is cast, In Large Letters, on the front and side of each “MORNING STAR” COOKING STOVE. GALLAGHER’S BUNRIBE AIR TIGHT. A new large Oven Plat Top Oooklng Stovo. The platoß are very heavy, and the whole Stove Is finished in a su perior manner. I WARRANT This Stove to be superior to any other Plat- Top Stove now 1q the market. I respectfully Invito my friends and the public to call and examine the above Btoves. I have also a great variety of other Cooking Stoves of every style. Parlor Stoves, most beautiful patterns. Together with a heavy stock of Stoves for ohurchos, stores, offices, hotels Ac. Repairs for the Morning Star and Sunrise Stoves, to be had only at my store. A. J. GALLAGHER. Wholesale and Retail Healer In Stoves, Ranges, Cast, tags, &0., No. 206 North SECOND Street, 0011-mwsa26t first Stovo Store above Vine, Phila. Singer’s Sewing Machines—That Singer’s Sewing Machines make the best stitoh ever invented, has been widely known for years. Other machines may make a similar stitch npon a few light fabrics, bat Singer’s alone are competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric. Singer’s new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Ganges of the most improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma chines. I. M. SINGER CO., Bel6-id&n22 No 602 CHESTNUT Street. . One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made la the best naxwer, expressly for bbtail bales. We mark oar lowest selling prices in plaih pigusbs on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and oar onh-prios system is strlotly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES & CO., 604 MABKET Street. Thom’s Paten! Case Shoe Broshes, compact AND CLEANLY.—Just the thing for Travellers, Board* era, and House-keepers. Sold by Grocers and Shoe Dealers. Charles P. Thum, Manufaotnror of every de scription of Brushes, No 150 North THIRD Street. Thomas W. ttiili Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Tine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-olasa goods constantly on hand Th subscriber, paying cash for every article, is enable# to 11 at a small advanoe. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All goods Warranted as repre entsed. se4*Bzn Scurvy.—Scurry Is not confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailers ; it shows its disgusting features also among the ill-fed poor in our filthy lanes. Nothing has been found so speedily efficacious in ar> resting the decomposing tendency of the vital fluids In scorbutlo disease as the PERUVIAN BYBTJP. For sale in this city by F. Brown, comer Fifth and Chestnut, and Howard A Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. se29-d&W tf Gallagher ts making Silver’s Air-tight Gas BURNERS as they should be, in the most workmanlike manner, and of the beit materials. I WABBANT THIS STOVE TO GIVE SATISFAC TION, OR THE MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. There are many imitations in the market, which have a tendency to destroy the good qualities of this Stove. Call at my store, and see one in use before making your purchases. A. J. GALLAGHER, 0016-tf No 805 N. SECOND St., ab. VINE. Grover Sc Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES A NEW STYLE-PRICE $5O. 780 OnssTNDf Stbbkt, Philadelphia Those Machines sew from two spools, and form a seani of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will hot rip, even If every fourth stitch bo cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for family use. oclfi-tf |E7* SUSP FOE A OIBQpLAE._TfI illarriages. On the morning of the &oth instant, at the residence of Daniel Esq., by the Rev. N. M. Jones, Rec tor of St. Bartholomew’s Church. Mr. ERASTUB HILL to Miss BALLIE K. KNORR, daughter of the late Mathias Knarr, Jr., and grand dangather of Sarah K, Tyson. ## On the 21st instant, by the Bev. Georg* 0. Arnold, Mr. SAMUEL O BTBWAKT to Miss ANNA D. RO GERS. both of Philadelphia # On ibe 21st instant, by the Bev. Samuel Cox, Mr. FREDERICK L. SBKGEH to Miss MARIE E. VON TAGEN, all of this city. # On the 21st instant, by the R'r. J. Y. Ashtotf. Mr. J. H. DILKBS to Miss EMMA GRACE, «U of this city. # On the 21st instant, by the Bev. Theopbilus Stork, Mr. OLIVER WILLIAMS, of Chicago, lU., to Mies ANNA A. HEILIG, daughter of John Heillg, of Ger mantown. * On the 224 ioaUot. by the Rev. P. P. Sheridan, Mr. SAMUEL A. RIXON to Miss ANNIE T. OLBBY, both ofthiioit,. ’ * EDcailj3. On the 22d instant, in the 86th year of her age, EL LEN, *ife of 0. F. Hupfeld, Jr, and eldest daughter of Isaae and Dorothea Newton. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her haiband, No. 925 Filbert street, on Tuesday morning, Ootober 20th, at 10 o’clock, without farther notice. On the morning of the 24th instant, ESTHER COL WELL, wife of Henry Lippbn, in the 48th year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from tbereaidence of her husband, Wina&hickon, on Wednesday morning, atlOo’dook. Funeral 10 proceed to Roxborough #*# On the 22d instant, ROBERT G. PATTERSON, in the 51at year of his sge. The relatives and friends are respectnlly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 429 South street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Mount Moriah Oemotery. # On tho 23d InsUnt, JOHN BIRD, aged 30 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also the mem bers St Patrick’s Beneficial Society, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Bridget Fee, No. 621 Bouth street, above Sixth, this (Monday) morning, at 8K o’clock, without farther notice. Funeral service at St. Many’s Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. ’ A On the 21st instant, at floyertown,'Berks ooanty, SABAH AMANDA, wife of Dr. JOHN TODD, aad daughter of Jaoob K. Smith. Her funeral will take place this (Monday) morning, at 9 o’clock. Her relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. # On the 17th instant, J. WILBONISETT, of Wapello. lowa. His friends and relatives are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Dr. 8. Freedley, South east corner Marshall and Green streets, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clook. # On the 22d instant, Mrs. HANNAH ANDERSON, widow of the late Andrew Anderson, deceased, aged 73 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her son, Anthony L. Anderson, Lower Merion, Montgomery county, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’olocb. Funeral to proceed to Roxborough Baptist Church. # On the 20th inßtant, in Somerset couatr. Maryland, EZRA B. BISLEY, in the 66th year of his age. The funeral,, will take place from hie residence. No. 239 North Second street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. His friends and acquaintances are respeotfully invited to at tend. w Weekly Report of Interments* Hbalts Orfiaw, October 23, Intermenu i» City of Philadelphia from the theVZd of Oetobcrt 1858. Asthma Abscess....... Apoplexy. Burns.., Cancer Casualties... Croup.... CongesVn of Lunge ( * Brain Cholera Infantum. Conaum’n of Lunes Convulsloaa Piarrhcea Dropty, Brain Fever BilUouit “ Scarlet..... “ Typhus.... “ Typhoid.,, Hemorrhage Intiam’tion, Drain, “ Bronchi.., u Lungs.... “ Perltonroura. “ St & Bowels, Mania-a-Fotu M ar&smus Old Age Palsy Rheumatism.,,,,. Still-Born Uukaown.... Disease of Brain. “ Heart. ‘* Liver. Drowned Debility Whooping Oough 1 Total lOVB TBHRB WSRB— Under lyear From 1 to 2 “ 2to 6 “ 6to 10 “ 10 tol6 “ 16 to 20 “ 20 to 30 “ 80 to 40 ..,37 From 40 to 50.. ~...13 “ 60 to 60.. l4 “ 60 to 70.. 6 « 70 to 80.. 2 “ 80 to 00., 6 “ 00 to 100. ~..21 ~...10 Total. Males Females Boys | Girls Health. HUGHES, Health Officer. From the Almshouse People of Color From the Country. By order of the B< AR' rys* Correspondence.—Philadelphia, Oct* 18. UJj 1868.—ltKMBRANDT PEALE, K?q Dear Sir : a very limited number of our citizens had the privilege of nearing your interesting leoture on “ Washington and his Portraits,” when delivered be fore the Historical Society, and as we understand some important facta have recently rewarded your researches on the subject, we are very desirous that you should repeat this lecture beforo a general audience. Your acquaintance, both personally and professionally, with the > ather of his Country, so peculiarly designates you, as to render our request appropriate, and your compliance therewith gratifying to your fellow-citi zens. Accept, air, the assurance of our high regard and eg >em. Joseph R. Ingersoll, George Bbarawood, John Cadwaiader, Robert Morris, George ,W. Norris, James R. Ludlow, H. A. Boardm&n, Morton McMlehael, Ohas M. Morris, Samuel Hazard, George W. Diddle, Benjtmin Ettiug, Ia&ao Hazlehurst, C.J logersoU, ‘William Duane, H. Cramond, Lloyd P. Smith, Horatio G Jones, Joseph Garflon Harry Conrad, Samuel Breck, Isaaclfays. James N, Dickson, W. Shlppen, James Ross Snowden, P McCall, G Cope, 8. Colwell, John Jordan, Jr., John McAllister, Jr., II W. Ducachet, Jos. B fillers, Thomas O. James, John Grigg, John O. Jambs. J. B Llpplocott, John Welsh, Edw. Armstrong) JohnT. Lewis, Ferdinand J. Dreer, JfiOOViia St., Oot. 24,1858. Oehtiimbn ! In compliance with the very compli mentary request of your letter. I shall with pleasure deliver the Leoture at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY, the 2d of November. ’ REMBRANDT PEALS. To Joj.ll. lugersoll, Bamu.lßreck, (to.j&o. ocJC-lt ftp PRES^.-rPHILADELPHtA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1858. To the People of Pennsylvania isFOca Fallow Citibbhs—A great victory bftviog been achieve!, we desire, on the part of the committee of 76, atpolniedat a meeting of the friends of the national Industry in all its branches, held in this city on the 16th of June, to offer you our congra tulations, not only on the triumph itself, but on the proof it furnishes of the following facts : That, in the necessity for protecting the'farmer In his efforts for bringing to his door the market for his pro ducts, and thereby economising the tax of transporta tion, Americans, Whig*, Democrats, and Republicans, have found the solid platform on which they may se curely stand: That men of all pursuits in life—farmers and me chanics—miners and furnace men—laborers and capital ists—traders and transporters—have arrived at the knowledge, that they have a common interest In endea vouring so to diversify thedomands Forlabor as to bring together the producers and consumers of the country; That they are awake to the destructive tendencies of a system, which burdens the nation with a foreign debt that already counts by hundreds of millions— requiring the remittance of probably thirty millions of dollars, annually, for the payment of interest alone: That they are unwilling further to sustain a policy which condemns their owo coal and ore to remain use less in the ground, wh-lo draining the country of the precious metals to pay for foreign Iron ; That they do not desire forger to be compelled to p»y for forolg j labor, while American laborers are badly fed and badlv clo.hea, because unemployed: That tho beliof in a necessity for total change in our domestic and foreign policy is rapidly becoming general throughout the State: That it needs but union among ourselves to secure the permanent adoption of a system that shall restore pros perity to the pe«ple, hirmooy to the relations of tbo States, and dignity and character to the administration of the Federal Governin' nt: Tbe power to accomplish such a change, fellow-citi zens, is in tho hat da of Pennsylvania, ana it is needed only that she exorcise it. Placet as tho Is, between the North and tbo B( uth—great as *he Is in her natural re sourced —powerful as sheis, by reason of horwe<hand population—aha may, if she will, guide and direct tho policy of the Union Blind, however, to her true inte rests, she has, but too often, permitted herself to be harnessed to the car of some ambit ousand unprincipled deningoguo, who, in consideration of favors to hiuuelf, has helped to sacrifice herdearest interests—lcndlnghls aid to Iho doting of her mills and furnaces, and to the expulsion of her wo kmen, and thereby depriving her farmers of the advantage resulting from having a mar ket near at hand. Tho consoquences exhlbitthemselves in the foot that she has had no real influence in the Union —her votes having been obtained by means .of frauds, like that of “ Polk, Dallas, and the tariff of ’42,” while she herself, when asking attention to herinterests, has b-on treated as n more pauper, seeking to be fed at the publio cost. Suoh, fellow citizens, have been the effects of permitting herself to be led whon she should have placed herself in tho lead—of endorsing tho opiofous of others, whon she should boldly have proclaimed her own. The true Pennsylvania policy knows no Worth, no South no East, no Wb*t—it being that which tend* to promote the good of all, whother farmers or plante s, minors or manufacturers, roikorsof r ilroads. or owners of ships. It is that policy which seeks to obtain per fect freedom of commerce among ourselves, and with the world at largo by means of such measures of pro ection as shall enable all to unite in the effort to In crease the productiveness of the labor of each and all— there beicgaperfece harmony in the real ami permanent intero.ts of every ecotlon of the country, and every portion of our population. That the existence of such harmony may have the chance of being fully demon strated, but little Ja now required oxccpt another Jong pull, anothcrßtrong pull, and another pull all together, by ll\e men of the Keystone State. To that end we in vito your furl ho.- co-operation—pledging ourselves, that in the effort for its accomplishment our city will fully porform its share of tho work. Hbnit C. Oarbt, ) James Mili.ikbh, j William D Lbw;s, | Committee G. N. Rckbut, [ ’ of J. W. ‘G’Nsjll, I Correspondence. William Elder, [ Thomas Balod, J Philada, Oct 20, 1868. [oc26-lt] ryrgw Young Men’s Christian Association.— LX3 A regular Stated Meeting will be held on MON DAY Evoning neit. the 26th tost.,at li£ o’clock, in tho BANfcOM STREET CHURCH, Sansom Street, below Ninth. An Essay on “ Christian Experience” will be read by Mr. JAMES E. BOWER. Ab tbe annual RLEOIION FOR OFFICERS to serve for the ensuing year will take place, it is particularly urged upon all the members to bo present GEO W. GHIOE, 0025-lt Registering Secretary. ry7i=» Howard Association of the Thirteenth IX3 WARD—The Annual Mooting wifi be held on this, MONDAY, Eveofog, 26th inst., at7)£ o’olock, in the Hall, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets Contributors to the Association during the past Witter are requested to be present. . 0c26-lt» WILLIAM QtiLAQEB, Beo, Seo’y. ry-Rfa* The Comet.—A Lecture on Comets, and Ix 3 THE SOLAR SYSTEM, will be delivered br the Rev. B 8. HUNTINGTON, at tlando’ and Haydn Hall, EIGHTH And SPRING GARDEN Street, on TUESDAY Evening, 26th inet. Tickets of admission 25 cents. 0c25-VJt rv=a Tho Grand Military and Citizens’ Dree* LL3 BALL OF THE SHIELDS’ GUARDS, will tak* place on TUESDAY Evening, October '-Cth, at SANSOM STREET HALL. No efforts hAve been spired to make this one of the most brilliant entertainments of tbe season. The Cornet Band of Philadelphia has been en gaged for the occasion. [oc2s-2t#] ry’-zzr* L’ity Commissioner*’ Office*—Philadel -IX3 PHIA, October 16th, 1868. Tbe BOARD OF APPEALS will meet for the different WA RDB upob the following days, to hear the Appeals of property owners, viz: 2d Ward on MONDAY, October 18th, 1838. 31 and 4th Wards on TUESDAY, Oct. 19th. 1858. 6th and 6th Wards on WEDNESDAY’, Oct. 20tb,18C8. 7th and Bth Wards on THURSDAY, Oot 21st, 1858. Pih an: 10th Wards on FRIDAY, Oct 22d, 1868 11th and 12th Wards on MONDAY, Oct. 26th, 1668. 13th and 14th Wards on Tu-sday, Oct. 20th, 1858 16th and 16th Wards oa WEDNEBDAY, Oct. 27th, 1858 17th and 18th Wards on THURSDAY, Oot. 23th, 1868, 19th and 20th Wards on FRIDAY, Oct 29th, 1868. Slat and 22d Wards on MONDAY, Nov. Ist. 1868. 23d and 24th Wards on TUESDAY, Nov 2d, 1858. lat Ward on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3d, 1868. ’ J. M LFDDY, JAMES LOGAN. EDWARD R WILL TAMS, ©clB*tf City Commissioners. fy-=s» Rev* Henry Ward Beecher will Be -1 g liver tho Introductory Lecture of the Sixth Annual Course before the PEOPLE’S LITERARY IN- SiITDTB, In OO.NOERT lIALL, THURSDAY Even*- Ing, October 28th. Doofs open at sot Cu. Lecttire commences quarterbefore *Uht Mr. BEECHER will ho followed by OEORGB W. CURTIS, Esq, Bev. E. H. CHAPIN, Bev J. W. RAPHALL, lion Q. MANN, and other eminent Ora tors Single Tlckots, 25 cents; Tickets admitting two, 60 cents Tickets admitting ONE to course of EIGHT LEOTtTRES, $1; admitting two to course, $160; three, $2: fire, $l. For sale at the Bookstores. J. ELLIOTT, President, 428 Walnut Street. G. Collins, Secretary, No. ICO North Sixth Street. Meeting of the Board of Trade.—A XJi Stated Meeting of the Association of the Board of Trade will be held on next MONDAY EVENING, 25tlx*inat., at 7% o’clock, At their rooms, N0.'603 Chest nut street. The resolutions offered at the last meeting, In refer ence to a better syatom of assessing wharfages, and of modifying our laws of pilotage, and also concerning the unreasonable charges imposed by the State upon our auction business, will come up for discutßion. Thu attendance of the public generally is requested. 0c24-2t LORIN BLODGET, Secretary. v-ss» Post Office, Philadelphia, Oct* 32, k 3 1858 —The steamer Tennessee is to commence running between New Orleans and Vera Cruz on the Ist of November, and she will leave New Orleans on that day, and subsequently on the Ist and 16th of each month. Mails for Mexico will be sent by this line, and letters intended by the writers to be so sent should be mailed at this office at least fire days before the Ist and 16th GIDEON G. WESTOOTT, 0c23-3t Postmaster. Grand Celebration of the Annual Ses~ IS BION OF THE,GRAND DIVISION OF THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE.—The Committee respect fa/Jy announce the following arrangement*: On the evening of the second day of the Session, THURSDAY, Oct. 28th. a Temperance Banquet will be held in the splendid Saloon of the National Guards 7 Hell, Race street, below Bixth, nt 7# o’clock. The entertainment will be under the direction of that well-known caterer, J. W Parkinson, Eighth and Chestnut streets. Tickets can be proenred at Bowers’e.Bixtb and Vice; Parkinson’s, Eighth and Chestnut; Tatom, Fifteenth and Locust; Bowers’s, Sixth and Green; PaulG Oli ver’s, Broad and Chestnut, or of either of the follow ing Committee of Arrangements: Win. N. Ashman, Ebenezsr Mnstin, Joseph R. Bol ton, Daniel YeakeL T. C. Lott, Wm. McGill, Charles Howard. Joseph w. Martin, Thomas Stewart, John E. Flynn, Richard Twelves, B. Franklin DenniSßou, T O. Lews, Leonard Jewell, W. W. Axe, Arthur Thacher, B. P. Quane. Gentlemen’s Tickets $l, Ladies’ Tickets 60 cents. Oaths evening of the third day, Friday, October 29th, a Grand Temperance Meeting will be hold in Dr. Jayne’s large Hall, Chestnut below Seventh. The members of the Grand Division will occupy seats on the platform clothed in regalia. Addresses will be delivered by Bev. Kingston God dard, Rev A A. Willitts, Rev. R. A. Carden, Rev. John Chambers, and others. The members of the Grand Division will meet at 7 o’clock at the Hail, Sixth and Walnut, to proceed in a body to the Hall W. O. OLACHORN. Ohairmau, 0c23 5t 127 South FOURTH Street. ry-==» Home for Invalid* with Affectlou* of 1L.5 THE OHEBT. S. W. corner PASKE and CHESTNUT Streets. 0021-lm West Philadelphia. Park Benjamin wilt Repeat his Lee ture, “ Private and Social Life in America.” at the Hall, northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on MONDAY, Oct 25, at 8 P. M. Tickets of Admission 25 cents each, may be had at Mr. BOWERS’, Sixth and Green «ts. Mr. IIUFNAL. Nineteenth and Green sta. Mr. WEBB’S, Tenth and Spring Garden fits., and at the DOOR on the evening of the Lcctnre. oc2l-4t* ry=» Lectures before the Literary Congress |k§ OF PHILADELPHIA.—The First Annual Coarse will compile the following talents Fov. T. STARR KING, Oct. 27th. Hon. JOHN P. HALE, Nov 18th. Hon. ANSON BURLING aMB, Deo. 2d. JOHN G. BAXW, Esq., Deo. 10‘k HORACE MANN. Krq , Dec. 23d. GEO. D. I'RKNTICK, £sq , Deo 30th. The first lecture will be delivered by T. STARR KING, in Musical Fund Hall, Oct 27th. Subject: The Laws of Diaordor.” Tickets sHor the Course. They can bo procured at any of .the principal Book stores, and of the following member* of the Executive Committee: WM. OONARD, 132 MABttET St. JAS G. THOMPSON. 105 N. FIFTH Bt. oclß 20 22 25&27-6t* Philadelphia Bnuk, Philadelphia, IkSJ October 2d, 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will bo held at tho BANKING lIQUSK on MONDAY, tho Btb day of November next, at 10 o’clock M And tho Annual Election for Direc tors will bo held atihe BANKING HOUSE, on MON DAY, tho 16th day of November next, botween the hours of 12 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. 51. oc4 in w fr tnol6 B. B. OOMEGYB, Cashier, ry-sa Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, [k3 PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 11, 1868—The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on MONDAY, ihe 15th day of November next, betweon the hours or 10 o’olcck A. M. and 8 o’clock P M. ocl3-wfrmotnol6 The Annual Meeting of the BVwhholdera of the Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on TUES DAY, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. 0018-wfr&mtno2 8.0 PALMER, Cashier. ry-=» Office of the Dauphin and Susquehanna LU3 COAL COMPANY—Nbw York, October 20,1868. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held At the “Girard Houbc,” in Phila delphia, on the third WEDNESDAY, the 17th da; of November next, at noon, whou and whore an election will beheld for eleven Directors toserve for the ensuing year The transfer books will be closed from the 6tb to the 17th of November next, both inclusive. By order of tho Board of Directors, FRANK 8. BOND, oc 21-dtnovl7 Beoretary. ry-=» Union Preaching for the People, under Lk3 the auspices of the Ministerial Union, In con nection with tho Young Men’s Christian Association, by tho various minister* of our cityon every TUESDAY and THURBDAY, at 4 P. M.. In the BANBOM-STBEET OIIUROU, until further notice. Bervicos confined to ONE HOUR precisely. Rev. E. do Schweinltx on Tuesday. oc7-tf r/V* The Regular Lectures at the Frinale Iks MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, No. 027 ARCH Street, begin this week. Those on Ana tomy, Physiology* and Onemistry, from 3 to 6 in the afternoon, furm&h a rare opportunity to Ladieß who are not medical students for a thorough oourse upon all or branches Anatomy, by Mrs. E. H. Cleve land, M. D. Physiology, by Ann Preston, M. D. Che mistry, by Matthew Bemple, M. D. Arrangements oan be made for teachers and pupils at reduced rates. ' Ladles Invited to the Lectures this and next week free. ocl9-6t {Y~cp» Corn Exchange Bank--Pbiladelpbia IX3 OcTuiißß 16,1868 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Dank will be held at the Ba: king house, northwest corner of SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets, on TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o’olock. An election for thirteen Directors, to nerve the en sulngyear. will be held at the Banking-house on MON DAY, November 16th, between ten A. 61. and three P. M, JOHNW. TORREY, Cashier. oolG-4tNl5. rVy» Treasurer’s Department Pennsylvania Us 3 RAILROAD COMPANY—Philadhlmha, Oct. 16,1858. NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the Capital Stock of the Company, (dear of State tax,) payable on and after November 15th‘, proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had on application at this office. 0015-Im TflOd. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Southwark Bank, Philadelphia, October LX3 11, 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Tuesday, the 2d day of November next, at .9 , oc k M. And the Annual Eleotlon for Directors "HI be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Monday, the 16 h day of November next, between tbe hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. F. P. STEEL, ocl2-dtnols Cashier. Parmer s’ uud Mechanics’ BanH, Plilla -IX3 DELPniA, Oct. 2, 1858.—Tho Annual Election for Directors will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, tho 15th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M , and on TUESDAY, tho 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter. oc4 dtNl6 W. RUSH TON, Jr., Cashier. Philadelphia and Darby Railroad IX3 COMPANY —The Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Com ply are notified that the following instalments will bo doe, and are hereby requested to be paid on the follow ing dates, vis: Second instalment of $5 per share, on Thursday, 28th October inst. Third instalment of $6 per share, on Saturday, 27th November next. Fourth instalment of $5 per share, on Monday, 27th December next. The Stockholders are also notified that all or any of the instalments on the Btock subscribed for by them may be paid in adv- nee, and that ioterest will be al lowed from the data of payment of each instalment up to the lat January next. By order of the Board of Directors. THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer, No 121 Walnut Street. Subscription Book now open for the balance of the Stock, at the Office of tbe Treasurer, from 9 A. M. to IP. M. PaiLADKLPniA, Oot. 2,1858. oe!4-12t Notice.—Green aud Coates-Street Phi- Lk3 LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the capital stock of the Green and Coates fitieet Philadelphia Passenger Railway Oompany will bsdae and payable at the Office of the Oompany, No. 422 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth da; of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M and BP. 51. oc7-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. Business men’s Union Prayer meeting tX3 Daily from 12 to l o’clock, iu the Sansom-streot Uhorcb. Havel been there? If not, why? SpeoUl Prayer for fiabbaih Bohoola on Saturday. Tho presence of a large number of children will add interest to the occasion. oc7-tf Dseu) publuntions. Gould & lihcoln Have the following Works in Press POBTHUMOUB WORKB OF SIR WILLIAM HAMIL TON : Embracing—l. Lectures on Metaphysics; 2. Lectures on Logic. fFrora early sheets.] 11. THE LIFE OF JOHN MILTON. By David MflßSon, Professor of English LDeratare, University College, London. [From early sheets.] - 111. THE NEW ENGLAND THEOOBAOY. A History of the Congregatioualists of New England to the Revi vals 0f1740. Translated from the German of 11. F. Uhden, by H. O. Conant. With an Introduction by Dc, Neander. [Now ready ] SALTATION BY CHRIST. A series of Discourses on tho most important Doctrines of tbe Bible. By Fran cis Wajlsnd, D.D. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ISAAC BACKUS. By Alvah Horey, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, &0., in Nowton l’bcolcgical Institution. VI. THE HARVEST AND TUB REAPERS ; .or, Home. Work fof All, and now to Do It. By Rev. Harvey Newcomb. [Now ready 1 vir. THE EIGHTEEN CHRISTIAN CENTURIES. By Rev James Whlto. With au Introduction, Course of Study, and Alphabetical Index, Prepared exclusively for the American Edition Tin. THE POOR GIRL AND TRUE WOMAN ; or. Elements of fcuccesa} drawn from tbo Life and Character of Mary Lyon. By William M. Thayer, author of (ho Poor Boy and Merchant Pr nee IX. THE GREAT DAY OF ATON KMENT; or. Meditations and Prayers on tte Last Twenty-foor Honrs of the Life of Christ on Eflrth. Trans nted from the Ger man of Charlotte Elizabeth Nebelein by Mrs Ooliu Mackenz'e. X. frHK EXTENT OF THE ATONEMENT, in He Rela-. tlons to God and tbe Universe By T. W. Jenkyu, D D F G. S A new revised and onlargod odltion, prepared by the author ebortly before his death, ex clusively for tho American publishers. SAFE HOME 5 or, The Last Days and Happy Death of c Fannie Kenyon. By 31. 8., with an Introduction by Professor Lincoln, of Browa University. [Now ready .1 XII. JE’SIE; or, TRYING TO BE SOMEBODY. A new volume of “ The Aimwoll Stories.” 0c26-mwf*3t FOE 1859. A mat variety of Every Site and Style of Binding PHYSICIANS' VISITING LIST FOB 1860, Containing a complete Tilting Lint Diary, or Day Book, for erery day in tbo yo&r. Memoranda Pages, &0., Ac. Of various S'zea and Stvles of Binding BLANK B00&8 Qf all kinds bn hand, or made proroptlv to order. THEOLOGICAL AND MIBOKLLANBOUS BOOKS. Agoneral asibrtment at Low Prices. . v - MEDICAL BOOKS. Including all the Text Books used in the various Me. dieai Schools, Manuals for the tue of Students. Ac. Ao. NEW BOOKS Of all kinds recelred as Boon os published, and sold Wholesale or Rotatl, at the lowost prices LINDSAY A BLAKIBTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 0c25 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. RANKLIN' INSTITUTE EXHIBITION Is now under full way. Ono of the grandest and finest displays of AMERICAN MANUFACTURES. MECHANICS ami ARTS Ever made by this Institution. The epaciou* area of the STATE ARMORY, In SIXTEENTH Street, n*sr Market, As well as the large temporary buildlog upon the south side, are filled up with articles of every Imagina ble variety The Fair is easy of access by all the City Passenger Railroads and Omnibusos running West, and by an ar rangement with the®, VI3IIERS ARE CARRIED TO THE FAIR FREE OF EXPENSE. The tickot price of admission includes the ride to the Exhibition, and Can be proenred or the Conductors in the Oars, on ail the City Railroad lines. 0c25-tf & BAKER, \J Manufacturers of LAMPS, 0,11 ANDELIBRS, GAB FIXTURES, Ac STORE, 7JO CHEBTNUT STREET. uasuriOToatßß, 821 OIIERRY Street, and FIFTH and COLUMBIA oc2s*lmlf Avenue. Mons. a.p. rosat, TEACHER OF FENCING, "BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, oc26*d2m# MARKET Street, above Eighth, AT ON AOADEMT, for both soxoa, at J_4 KGNNETT SQUARE, Chester County, Fa , opens the First of November, continuing twenty weeks. WM A. CHANDLER, ) MARY G. JACKSON, S Teachers. 0c26-4t* WM. K. GREENFIELD, ) E. MoOLEES, PHOTOGRAPHER, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH, Would call the attention of the public to his now stylo of OUROMO-ORA YON PHOTOGRAPHS They »ro pronouncetl by artisti and connolsseura to surpass any Photographic Portraits ever before pro duced. oc2o-wtmi*2ioif MBIT'S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS— Waxed and Waterproof Boys’ and Youths’ Boots and Shoes, Women’s Calfskin Pegged Boots, with Heels, with a general assortment of all descriptions, best City Manufacture, low prices, at The “Sign of the Red Boot. 5 ’ HUTTON’S, No. 11l North SECOND St., ab. Arch, East side. OC2B-21* 1 If IO GltAi’K VINES, 2,3, trail 4 At/i\JUv years old, for sal© by 0 B. ROGERS, 0c23-6t* Jio. 11l MARKET Street. 60,000 PEACH TREES, for sale by 3Z 0c23-ot# 0. ». ROGERS. POTATOES —Superior Peach Blossom Po tatoes, for family use or for seed. Farmers that look to thoir interest will seoure a supply of these For sale by C. B. ROGERS, 0c23-ot* No. 11l MAIKBT Street. A* CONSIGNEES OP GOODS BY SSS&UREMEN UKIG AMAZONE, now lying at secoud wharf above Race street, wilfcplease Rend their permits onboard, or to F 11. HAYES All goods net permitted within five days will bo sent to the Public Stores. October 22,1868. oc23*6t* j&a NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.-The 3§Sgß»rquo ACIIILLKS, Captaiu J. A. SPBDDEN, from London, is now ready to difchargo at Bhlppeu street wharf Consignees will please send their permits on board. AU goods not permitted within five days from this date will bo sent to Public Stores Ootober 22, 1858. TIIOS RICHARDSON fc CO. 0c23-6t No. 101 WALNUT Street. IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every ono to know whoro thoy will get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER A SMITH. Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, aud Window Glass, allot the best quality, at prices whiohwillbe pleasing to buyors. ocll JOHN MURRAY ys. MARY ANN MUR RAY—Common Pleas, June Term, 1858, No. 8. Madam: Yon wi 1 please notice a rule In the above case, to show why a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, should not bo decreod, returnable Saturday, the 23d day of Ootober, A D. 1858, at 10 o’clock A M. THOS. J. DIEHL, Att'y for Libellant. To Mrs. MARY ANN MURRAY, the Respondent, 0011-m w4t J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above EIGHTH, South tldo, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roosted. Fried, Pickled, &c., <£c , for Home Consumption ana Transportation. N. R. —Dinner from twelve to three o’clock. 0c22-tf Philadelphia school of design FOR WOMEN —An Election of Twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at the School Rooms, 1334 dE&TNUT Street, on MONDAY, No vember Ist, 1858, between the hours of ten and twelve o’clock. p. P. MORRIS, 0022-6t* Secretary. A HOUSE DOING A WHOLESALE trade on Market street is desirous to increase capital by taking a special or general partner. Com munications addressed MARKET ST., at tbo office of The Putt) will be confidential, and have early atten tion. _____ oc2J-6t* COTTON, GINGHAM, AND SILK HM BRBLLAB— *Every variety of style, superior make and finish, for sale wholesale and retail by JOS. PU3SELL. 0c22-Bt# No. 2 North FOURTH Street. ' UMBRELLAS FOR CHILDREN—SmaII, neit, light, and durable; together with a general assortment or well-made Umbrellas of all sizes For sale wholesale and retail by JOS FUBSELL, | ©c22-3t* No. 2 North FOURTH Streep Retail SDrg (&ooib&* C H VELVET DRESSES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Have now on exhibition on their Second Floor, VELVET TWO-FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE-SKIRT BOBES. ALSO, Rich Double-Skirt and Two-Flounced DAMASK AND BROCADE DRESSES. FOn EVENING AND P&OMENADB. These Dresses have just arrived In the STEAMERS NORTH STAR AND AFRICA. And are the choicest productions of the looms of France, 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. 0c25-3t Black ltons cloak velvet— One case of superior Lyons all-Bilk Velvets, from 80 to 89 inches wide, carefully selected BHAKPLESS & BROTHERS, oc2l CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. Bright popeltnes. Valencias and Popelines. Cherbourg Robes. Bright Canvas Pla'da, Cadiz ''loths, Cbeue, Plaid Flannel Cloths. Poll de Ohevres. Oc2l EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT, GIRLS’ SHAWLS. Square aud Long fine Blanket. Small School Shawls Stella Cashmere Shawls. oc2l EIGHTH A CHESTNUT, Ladies* black cloth cloaks. Black Cloth Baglans. Fine black Cloaks. Fine black Raglans. Light Oloth Raglans. Raglans for Fall. Raglans for Winter. Light Cloth Cloaks. All the now styles. Latest Paris Patterns. Many new styles CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. Children’s Cloth Cloaks. Children's Fancy Cloaks | Workmanship of the best. Best materials used. SHAWL ROOM Contains all the novelties in Broche, Stella, Blanket, and Children’s Shawls. COOPER A OONARD, S. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Sts. DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, SHETLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, &0., CLOSING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Subscriber will commence closing out his magni ficent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1858, At prices that will induce Purchasers to supply them selves with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The whole stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a full line of STAPLE GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until dosed oat. JAMES LINNARD, No. 720 CHESTNUT Street, oc9-lin 3 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. f'tREAT BARGAINS TN DRY GOODS.— ’US' 8. V. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, where he Is now prepared to furnish the Ladies With a fresh and well-selected stook of DRESS GOODS, To which he invi * s their attention, being determined to soil at exceedingly LOW PRIOES N. B—A large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Silk and Oloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at the “ CLOAK EMPORIUM,” ocs-lm ‘ No. 40 South SECOND Street. Bargains from auctioni—dry GOODS CHEAP FOR THE MILLION! Wo will open on MONDAY, Silk llobes. at $16.50, cost to import $25. 1,000 yards Black Silk, beautiful, at 44,56, 62, 75,87, $1 to $1.75 1,656 yards Frenoh Merinoes at $l, cost to import $1 26. 2,000 yards figured and plain Merinoes at 50, 60,65, and 7flc.. worth double 800 yards beautiful black all-wool Delaines, only 28 cents A splendid assortment of Blankets. 2,000 yards Cloths fresh from auction, for Lad leu’ and Gents’and Br.ya’wear, from 700-. $1 $1 25. $1.50, $1.75, $2. $2 25. $2 50, douidcdly the greatest bargains in the city. Broche, Stella, Blanket, Coshmero Shawls, the great est bargains ever offered 10,000 yards Poll de Chevres, Delaines, Debegea. AJI-woul Plaids, only 31 cents, usually sold at 60 cts. All-wool Delaines only 26 cents Delaiues in great variety and every Bt» le. Cloaks acd Dusters in overy style. MoELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock, embracing many styles not to bo found elsewhere. Our prices so low, we defy competi tion. MoELROY, oc4.mwf.tf No. 11 South NINTH Street. £J|REAT attraction! OVER $4,500 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLEY * CHISM, N. JS. cor. EIGHTH and BPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, viz: 46 LONG BROCHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 20 Do. do do. at 11 « 24 Do. do. do. at 12 *s 10 Do. do. do. at 13 « 2o Do. * do. do. t 14 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 <( 8 Do. do. do. at 25 “ In the above Lots of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in overy color. French Blanket tthawla in new designs. Plain Thibet Shawls, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. Children's fchawls, MLses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, at THORNLEY A CHISM’S, “ONE PRICE CASH BTOR t » Northeast Comer EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN. N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T AC.'s. P. B.—A Alagnificent stock of Bilks now on hand. selS-tf Fall and winter cloaks. OPENING DAILY. FINK CLOTH RAGLANS, ELEGANT BRAVER RAGLANS. RIOH VELVET CLOARB. Elegantly adorned with BEAL LACES, CROCHET, &0., AO. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and most varied stock of these fashionable OYER GARMENTS, At the widest range of prices, and suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND FULL DRESS COiTUME, PABIB MANTILLA & OLOAK EMPORIUM, J. f. PR GOTO R & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. EDcutsstrg. Dr, W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentist, tfrTTrW would inform his friends that he has resumed practice at No. 1343 OiIESTNUT Btreot, second d-ror above the U 8. Mint. sepl-Siu f|IO CASH BUYERS, JAMES B. EARLE & SON., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TBS 01*4X0 HOCBS, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom* era to their Immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, Suitable for the FALL TRADE. * TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY, —DARK A JOUNSON annouoco to ihe Press through out the United States that they ara completing ar rangements on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NEW’S REPORTS, which has never before been equalled In this country They pledge themeelves to tarnish the earliest and most reliable re ports of all the stirring and important events of the dAy. at a price which cannot fail to be advantageous to the Pro e ß generally. All letters and communications to bo addro'sed to CARR A JOHNBON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exchange, PbUuda. BW. CARR, G.W.L JOHNSON. Geo. W L. Johnson, 21 Wall at., New York City. John T. Smith Merchants’ Exchange, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. For experience and reliability in the business, we would refer to: Morton McMichaol, North American and U.S Gszetlo; Swain A Abell, Public Ledger; Josper Harding A Son, Pennsylvania Inquirer; John W. Forney, The Press; Cummings & Peacock, Evening Bulletin; F. W. Grayson A Co., Evening Journal; Jo seph Sevornfi, Evening Argus; Joseph R. Flanigen, Dally News; William Rice. Ponnsylvauian; Lawlor, Everett, A ilincken, Sunday Dispatch; Magill A Jones, Sunday Mercury; Jno. 8. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. oc2o-tf Chicken salad.—minton, TWELFTH, below WALNUT, informs his cus tomers aud tho publio that ho is serving up his Chicken Salad—so justly celebrated The Celery is cultivated by himself, and is far superior to any that can be found in the market. Game in season, and Oysters in every style. Families and Parties supplied, ocl9-12t# FA. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER, THIRTEENTH Street and RIDGE Avenue, attends to the purchase and B&lo of Real Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting houses, and Collodion of House and Ground Rents, aud Inter est Monies. Satisfactory references given. oclO-Sm* Abram slack’s engraving, die Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Beal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South BIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. aul2-8m mdEZs TRIPS a week to tCTSgrifgrg BRIDGETON!—On and after W KDNES DAY, 20th lust., the Steamer EXPRESS will leavo Arch Street every Wednesday and fiaturday morning, at Eioht o’clock (Instead of B#, as heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgoton ovory Monday and Thursday morning at 8 o’clock; stopping at Delaware City and Newcastle. Stages for Millville, Port Eli zabeth, Fairton.Oedarville, Newport, Dividing Creeks, aud Mauricotown, concoct with this boat ocl4-lm* CAMPBELL’ 8 DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been elosed for several days past, in order to be regenerated And disenthralled. It will he opened en MONDAY next, 20th inflt., with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host haa thrown his soul Into the task of iron seal, and we think that his efforts will meet with universal approbation, when reopened It will bo a model establishment. MU-tf JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO will HEMOVB NEW MARBLE BUILD IN G, 822 CHESTNUT STREET, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th. They respectfully invite their OCBTOMBItS AUD THE PUBLIC TO THBIK NEW establishment A VJSBY SESSOX STOOK, Recently purchased by one of the firm in Europe, with especial reference to their sales. SUPERIOR WATCHEB, ORNAMENTS, STERLING SILVER. A VISIT ENTAILS HO OBLIGATION to PURCHASE. oc2l-4Uf OEMOVAL.—G. C. SADLER & 00. have JIV removed from No. 0 North Water Street to No. 103 ARCH street, second door above Front. sel irot date anb to £ct. TO RENT—The fine Four-story STORE, No. Si South SECOND Street, now occupied by the Undersigned. Would be suitable for the Cloth, Carpet, or Commission business Rent very low. Pos session given about the First of January next. Apply to A. H ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, «« above. N. B.—Several Counters for sale cheap. 0c25-3t# HOTEL FOR SALE.—Good ’Will and Fixtures of one of the best Hotels in the city, situ 2ied near the Post Office and Exchange; it contains 15 sleeping rooms, with a fine Restaurant. Satisfactory reasons given for selling out. Address Box No 633 Philadelphia Post Offise. 0c22-lm* STO LET—A neat and convenient Dwell ing, with back buildings, North side of SWAIN Street above Sixteenth street. Apply to M. BINCH MAN, Scrivener, 623 North TENTH Street. 0c23-2t# S FOR SALE—A desirable Dwelling house, situated at the northwest corner of Thir teenth and Arch, with all modern conveniences. Ap ply on the premises, or at the Counting-house of C. A. RUBICAM?2O2S CHESTNUT St. ocl6-l't# TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Bill Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best locations lor large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and OOAOH-HOUSE la GHKRRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. se29-Bm* ROOMS ON COMMERCE STREET.— JLV The Three Upper Rooms of 416 Commerce Street to Let. se27*lm ROOMS—Single or Oommuni- JCli eating—in one of the finest houses in the city, with BOARD aud every comfort. Location central Good references given and required. Address P . Box 1190 Post Office 0025-6t* A GENTLEMAN and LADY, also Sin gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at 712 Chest nut Str* et, opposite Masonic HfcU. ocll-12t# MR. JOSEPH AND PRESLEY FOR -BYTII, Would you have the kindness to inform m* why you suffered a bill to remain unpUd for five years, when you knew my late brother bad ample means to pay the an ount you claimed ? In 1852 your mother mode a contract, to put up the building on Eleventh street, opposite Clin ton Street. which was completed In 1853. As WAX. F FORSYTH and all persons he employed in the building woro paid in full, 1 think it very strange that you re ceived only $7OO, and that on account. Now, there is a report extensively circulated that I refused to pay claims against iny late brother's e6t*te, and that you were obliged to briDg suit for the payment thereof. The first intimation l had of R was from a gentleman whom you employed to collect for you He called and presented your hill for payment, hut I told him that there must have Veen some mistake about it, as my brother had sold the property Home three years since, which he would not have done if there had been any deb s remaining un paid against it. The next was from a notice which I re ceived, stating that you had brought suit for tho amount of your olaim with cost, and obtained a verdict against me for $321 06. I have just received a note from your lawyer requesting a speedy payment, but having had sickness and death in*my family within the last two weeks, I will not bs able to attend to business until next week. [oc2s-lt] JANE SHAW. TNFOKMATION WAITED OF ROBEBff A EWING, aged 11 yearr. —ho left New York City four years ago for the Am Information of his present whereabouts will Pc Ihankfiiliy received by his sister, M. EWING, coravr of and SECOND Avenuo, care of Mr., HHUCJI, New York City. oc‘2o-61'4 JDissohtticna anb (Eosauncrc-ij'.ps. NOTICE. —The Copartnership heretofore exlrticg between the undersigned, uade** the firm name Of MARSHALL Sc POWELL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having business with the said firm, are requested to call upon T. MAR SHALL, at No. 1004 GREEN Street. Ootober 22,1868. JONA. T. MARSHALL, 0c23-3t* ISAAC POWELL. Dissolution of partnership.— The Partnership heretofore existing between DANIEL W PORTER and ABRAHAM 80HONE MAN has been THIS DAY dissolved, by mutual consent The Undersigned roipectfully Informs bis friends that ho will continue, on his own account, the PLUMB ING and GAS-FITTING Business. the Old Stand, 303 North FIFTH Street, above VINE. ABRAHAM BCHONBMAN. Philadelphia, Oct 20,1858. ©i22-Bt* Co-partnership.— the business heretofore conducted by Hunt. Webster, A Co , will from this date be carried on under the style ana firm of LADD, WEBSTER, A CO., who will continue the manufacture aud sale of Bewiug Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1, 1858. ae27vlnt Harts horne’s cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR CioPRPaIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWEtS. Prepared by a Ohemiat. Bottles 12)(, 31 at DISOOYEBY IN MBDIOAE SCIENCE! HARTSHOBNE’B CURE-ALL should be kept In all families, Incase of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE’B OURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTeHOBNE’B OURE-ALL cures Cramps, Ohollo, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHOBNE’S OURE-ALL cores Pains in the Limbs, BVta, Back and Breast. HARTSHORNK’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Uurns. HaRTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness An the Joints. HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. UARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL entti 2er Ache and Deafness from a cold. , « HARTSHORNB’S OURE-ALL oures Dyspepsia and Indigestion; also, Oanker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE’B CUBE-ALL cures all Spinal Affeo tiona and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL Is a great tonlo to Weak Stomach aud Bowels, and Improves Digestion. £7* As the frequent changes of the weathor produce a had Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the pimbs and Body: alao, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It act© upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones; and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try It, aud you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTSHORNB’S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Cough Svrup in the World. Bottles, 26 and 50 cents, and sf. If you are Billions, use HARTSHORNE’S ANTI* BILLIOUS PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Stomaob and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Simes’ Stores, Chestnut aud Market streets. Garriguea’. Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s, Tenth aud Lombard sts. aul2-th studtf if ENGRAVING ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only preparation ever plaoed be fore the publio that has performed se many MIRACULOUS OURES INFLAMMATORY AND OHROSIO RHEUMATISM. The most prominent aud influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country Is enough to warrant ub in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It is an internal remedy thats rikesatthe root of the disease, srd thus eradicates Iten’lrely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILK9, Chemist, Northeast comer of Pine and Sixth streets. oc7-8m Philadelphia. AWNINGS! AWKINGS! .rA JOSEPH H. FOSTER, Awnirg maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for dwellings and office win dows ; Awnings for stores, AwniSgs for steamboats ana ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any thing in canv*f», made to order by JOSEPH H FOS TER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. R ocltlm’ No. 340 South FRON Q jOBIER SPIRANTS to West Point Academy obtain individually that special instruction in tho study and acquisition of Mathematical and Mechanical Science which insures distinction in pursning the irdu ous course of that institution, and attainment of the higher Academic honors, at P. STB WART’S Institute, 103 FOUR.TU St, below Chestnut. oc2l-6t* rpO "WESTERN AND SOUTHERN JL MERCHANTS —A large stock of Manila Rope, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER, & CO , 01*21 Nos. 23 N. Wator St.. A 22 N. Wharves. § PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written doeciipt«cL. i* M\HEKT, THIRD, or tv)URT - irftb termj and iocati’on, YR i/»HUXfj f Press. » IMTANTED—By an experience') . T T employment on a salary. sb Carv of the city. Address MENTOR, Blond’s Legate) f« r three days. * 0r231 WANTED TO PUB CHASE—The tut Stock and Fixtures of & Dry Goods aid Trim v « i g Store, in a location that will warrant a livelihood being -obtained. Addicts, with particulars TBIiIMINGS, efllce of this paper. 0c23-2t* \J\T ANTED—By a Colored Han, a situation v w aa Waiter in a private family. Apply to No IGo£> LOMBARD Streeet. 0c23-2t# « HQUSE WANTED.—The advertiser BH3 rfaatraa to rent & neat Dwelling, between South and Obristian, Third and Tenth streets. Rentnot to exceed $2OO per annum. Address DWELLING, this office. VAST ANTED.—A Young Girl wishes em v v ployment as Child’s Norse. Apply at No. 3 DONNELLT’s Court, Marriott street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. 0c23-2t# 4 YOUNG'MAN who has had three years experience as Salesman in a Notion house, desires an engagement in a similar establishment- Good refer, eneea given. Address NOTIONS, at this office. oc2&4t* MTANTED—A person haying $1,200 to v t purchase a Grocery Stock and Fixtures. The rent of the s‘ore is low, and the business done is large. Address GROCERY, at this office. 0c23-Bt* \\7 ANTED—An active person with capital, Y v to take the place of a retbinsr partner, in a well established Lumber business Apply before 10, or af ter 1 o’clock, to JNO. H. WEEKS, o8300)000 . 78,200 .8376,209