:-:CXTY^T^WSr^ : •Rbmqiods -MMmas'Y EBTBi|DAT^yhe,,ao^n*, day Bansbffi-street Churchy ye sw rd ay - ’ifr * onebrthe largest ever heldih toatpUce, Andthe ' «e©ikdg^jr|^fe^k^St-wttii;anlnterest jfulty u equal 4o thelno>t remarkable maatings^held ?at.Jayne’e Kafr laat ,*prlng{ r The union?charact«r of-it wu strikingly erin'ce&ihtne'cotdialsehtjmehta Interchanged betwaef of of thV synods of iKel'twi branches ft Presbyterian Church; now: jn *e«*lon Ir thiftlty'l TheVnereisetfif Atnion auihng'the. dtffertil Preach** of the Church i§ so manifest, that the, tion aof a speedy coßinglogetiiec of All 1 who proto® the aarnchc&dcanßCircclybttoofi*Bpd,o* i;^: r • . Thttftorning meeting at theßuttonwoM-streetP*?*: bytwtanOhuich (Boy.T: haa*]l? .experi enced a manifest increase Jn' numbed dorlng the pre aent week. The meeting* *^the lion** of the Diligent Engine Company h»T« d*cw*»ed ln : namb«ra,'but are still held- i. very afteinoon W‘ fire w clock. The meeting there>t thaiioiir y«fterfay was fairly at tended, asd poateaied* good degree of interest. the afteredon/s *t Jr-A^SolfiX-Cliutheran) preached a sermon at theSansom-ijtreet Church .lii,the evening, at half-pY*tJfvenV meeting hold in Jayne** Hail, morerespeciallyfot flte moo, at which there Wu a'terylarge number of clergy men, many-of whom 'toolcfan active parkin the pro ceedings. H The .meeting was kept’ up until near half- *** V'' \ OABPkTHousEi—Someof'Onr-readerflEbayriot 'he aware*that ad Carpet House la now. {doing a , largo -tjuiitieae. on rArch.street, below Nlnth.'We allttde Al* dealt 8^ r ; lu>{rVeent vWt to .their place we found a mosVcredltabie display ofearpets, and r. on they appear to be - driving' we ‘ infer that not otaly their stook but alio their prides ** take** wlthihe‘publlo: v .‘ Card . —At ; the Aoodemy of Musioon Saturday evening, the performances will befot.lhe Benefit of Young Amerloa./* ; ' A novel and mostamutlog enter taininenthiabeen.prepared for.the occasion,which the little Beneficiary trait* will meet the approval of his friends, asy-tn addition to other new features, he will appear,, fo^‘th9 r first time', aa 41 Hexoules” and as “ Panohluello *\ Yor particulars the pnblloare refer redtohilU otthe day f ~ Taa Navv XißD.onWedneKUy puionlej on animated and beautiful sppearenoa.. for an hour be fore ttOoo,thatim* appoiot»d for.oonsfghißg tbs I«JUh cuter’’ tofcertheocoforth native element, throngs of gay ladies,and gallant beaux-might be ind wending their way to every available spot from.whenceavKw of the intefbitlog ceremonies might be hadAt 1210 P. M. aba (theehlp)elld gracefully down her ways,and &ash« touched the water, Ulsshane, the beautlfulpre* siding genius exclaimed in s clear and dlftlnet voice, heard Icndabovc the acclamations of,the assembledthousands: "BuyjvurclotbosofOranvllle Blbkes;Ko. 607 Ohestnut'streetX, ; ; John 0. Head ABoxs, corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, have Just completed a great improve ment In Tea and. Coffee Beta, whereby they can be placed on Stoves and fires to boil Tea and Ooffee/ They are of their ownmanufaefare, zichly chased, and warranted of the fio#*t quality." „0c22-2t. Buohakak, at Seventh and Spring Garden, has joit received a farther suppiyof his popular Cigars. Borne new brands, with all the others .so mu'oh reeoxn meoded. We commend our'frißDds ioglve him a cell. They cannot fall to be pleased with all he sells.' THE'GRnAT'PniZB FidßT— Among tk* Fdncy /—Oar oihenrlsc staid and sober city, was yesterday mornlog thrown into a fever of "exdtemefafc,- io regard to the*result of the fight lo Canada, for the "Championship ’of, America,”. and a pone'of's6,ooo. Bhoold any of our readers have been silly enough to bet oxderfrfon Clothing on the result/all we can do to al leviate their sorrows, : le to direct them to the fashiona ble.*; Old Franklin Ball Clothing Emporium” of. E, Hi Edridge* no< 321 tiheathut street; Wzffns Coxing.—Were it not for. the aufiujnn. like hues which the.forest has aasttmed, ahd the f»u. lag leaves and fading* foil age of our parks and sidewalk tree* And shrubbery, wo should still feel as if Bummer wis with us, and Winter yet far distant; but Winter will soon come, and with it wilt come the necessity for suOh'seaspnable,'cpinferUble t ahd elegant garments'as are madcat tho .Brown Stone Clothing Hall’of £oel« hill A Wilson, Nos. 608 and 606 Chestnut street, above v Jlz: . ..V 9na T7bw Patimt Goal Scuttle.— The Herrick Peteat Carpet'S weeper* trenoh roo*M L- , Fleet end ftraußlte Seta. Blower . a are sold'At’B. W. Carryl’a House lurnlirtilnjj Store, 7H OhMtnat street, f • ? Opera Goers and others, who desire a Compres sible dress Hat.-,will' he pleased to learn .that Wartrair too, Hatter, 480 Oheatnoti-t, has jqit received /from Peris'in .invoice of Glbas 1 superior** OhapeauiWe chin'qaes” of improved floisli. A full assortment of genuine Scotch Capsirillalso be found, u above. ' ©&2-3t ' ' ... ; ... ■ HoNoaiDLS.—The flrst Premlamfor Penman ship at the Hew Tork*Ptate Pair has Just been awarded* to Bryant ft.Btratton of cur city. The specimens from their Mercantile College, now on exhibition at the Fra&Ufo Institute, attrsot much attention. s Rich Materials for Window Draperies and Curtains," of the best quality wide.'Frensh Satin Dam ask Plain Satins, Brocateltes, Lasting Terry, ail colors, Moquette, Ac. Tassels, Gimps, Fringes, Satin Galoons, Embroidered Satin Curtains, Gold aml : Bole Wood Win dew Cornices, any style, made to order. The largest end.moatchoioe assortment in Philadelphia. We re sprciftUlyiSllclt a call from allboyers,at 710 Chestnut street. [oc2l-2t] W. H. Oman. A Beo. . . Gilt WisdoV Shades, 75 cents eachi with Tas* sel, Cord, and Brassbi, 719 Cheitnut streetr ""> .. Wi H. Oiißn Ac Brno. Table and Piano Covers.— All kinds. W. H. O&rfjl A Bro., 719 Chestnut street. • ,oc2l-2t JmportaUott#. [Reported for the Press .J ' RlCHMOND.—Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal—-613 boxes tobacco Thos Webster, 7r; 180 doEouA Boehm; 43 do 7 R Saak; Bdo R H Jenkins; 125 boxes'B4 cases do Wardle A &teveason;,6 boxes H O’Donnell; 20 boxes do. Backnor. McCammbn ft Co; 00 do Meroer ft Aotelo: 46 oues do Bohan ft T*ltt;l4 empty bbls Massey & Col lins; 63 do' Bogle ft Wolfe; ISO ) bbja floor jah Devereox; 41 b&lie cotton J 8 & BL Perot; 8 do domestics Tingley, English ft'Co; 2 bbls llqsor Kune k C»rrblI;Oo WeJ lerftOo; 16bags flaxseed27l do peai.O H Cummings:. 126 do frnlt Tnstin ft Shewell; 98 bags coffee Garrett k Martin; 628 plgeletd 0 J Adams k Vo; 87 pkgs sundries Jas Morgan; lLO'bege grain Freemah k SLmpeon; 6 hhdb molsues Field ft‘Keehmfej'l bbl midis Jordan k Bro; 7 bags fruit Inogerioh k Smith; 82 pkgftdo GUI k Paul; 69 Mgs do N JJ«lUdzs;‘4B do Greiner & Herkne**; SO do A W Prettjman; 19 bbls oysters Capt Mitchell; 19 bbls ginseng Parker ft Toland; 80 pkjp sundries lb bale* cot- 1 tori orders. , r >. Philadelphia boabb op trade. 1 * j LiwaxNcaJOßjrßOjr,- ) ■ ‘ £DWARD C, BIDDLS,. f COMMITTB* OF TUB HOSTS: EDWaBD G } a t" -- - \ : ../ LETTER. DAQft f lk* Jfsr*6s«jj’J?2£ha*if<; PXOeuUlfki*. -, _ Ship TusearoraVßnnleTy.. ...•••Liverpool; Oet 39 Ship Pri&oa de. Jblnvllle,Foster..... Pernambueo, Soon Barque gt James,Onise;.....Bio de Janeiro, Oct 20 Barque Fri^ciUa,* ! *irton:..........U...Hav4ne i soon Barque Washington Batcher, Collin*.... .Havana, soon Barque Thomas Dal’ett, B i U.....,.,..,L'gtiayra, soon Brig lUa Bead, Taio ...Bt.Jsgo de Cuba, soon Brig dbeedsway, Th0mp50n. ...... Port ah Spain,'Oet 25 Brig Hermes, Dewars, Lisbon, eooh Brig Bppo Hendrick, 5chat..............L0nd0n, soon gchr Caroline Bhaw; 8haw.V*«%.V.....M .Cardenas, soon ' marine intelligent*- i? PORT OF FHIUDELPHU, Oct. 22, I«#®. 07N &18P8..88 ISUN 5ET5,.;.......6 22 HIGH 3 09 - ARRIVED,, '/ Steamship Pennsylvania, Tealj from Richmond, via. Norfolk; 80 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos Webster, Jr. Passed ahip Thos H Perkins, for St John, Hu, Arlington, for Aspineall. and Shamrock, for. New Orleans, below the Ledge JLightf barque Itma.for Bar? badoes) at-'anchor below the'Brioyon.the Middle; a barque, two bnge, and several ecbrs below Beedy I*I» and:. and a Bremen brig, with passengers, at anchor off DelawareOlty.V ,Y. ' . Scbr Compromise. Cabbage, 1 day from. Odessa, Del, with grain'to Christian k Oar ran, 4 *. ‘ Sohr Waponsa, Morris, 2days rroiriSmyrna, Del,with grain to las BacrAttft 80n,., Sehr Jas L Heverin, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Dover, Del, with corn to7«a Banatt k Bon.' , . , . Bohr Emma, Brooks,! day .from New Castle,Del, with oats to 74s Barratt k S6n. . Schr Delaware, Denby, l day from Smyrna, Del, with, wheat-to7asßairAtt & &on.Y "v Y Bohr -7 W Hall, Morris, 1 day . from. Little Creek Landing,'wilh oats t 6 7 L flewfey * Co, _ ~ - Sehr barab Hinge, Wearer, 6 days from Wocdbridge, witb .mdte.toN .Leonlg • - ’' ' SchrWmP Corbitt;Boss,fromProrldenee; . _ rv - ‘ . Steamship Delaware, CopesrN York, 7 Allderdice. ; < Barque Edmund Dwight, Nickerson, Norfolk* Noble, Hammett A. Caldwell .* \ v. y <, . Schr .Charlotte .SbawrShaw, Sagna la Grande,’ - do Schr Oasis, Alpine, Bagged Island, NB, J M Kennedy A 00. - ... - % . gchr Sarah Mioge, Wearer,' New York, Bancroft, LewisOo< r' { j Sehr Yaahti Sharpy Sharp, Boston, B MUnes k Oo Schr Wmp Corbitt, Bom, New Bedford; Tyler; Stone k Co. ’• ii-’O-.;. jv-o'.^r gtr H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimoro, AGtores, Jr. r ’ lx - rCotresßondence of .The Press.) - - ••< \ BAVBB DB..GBAOE, Oot 21.1868. The Kingston, left here this.morning, with t,boats, laden and consigned aafoUows: = -- v r «* »;. • 00l 7. S corn, o&tsj &o: to .Hamphr.ies, ' Heffman k Wright; T 7 Moyer, ldmbor to Malone k 1 Taylor, and pig Iron, AG Cattell ft.Oo; OolJ a ; lot; lumber to D B Taylor; U h YanlUrg, bark to or d»rr Beonomy, coal Capt, Porter; rye, com, fte. to Humphries, Hoffman ft-Wiigbt; 00l 7 Bee* bar, lumber to M Trump ft Son. - V* - .-a '' ' /donespondence of The Press.) ‘ .. READING, Oct. 20,4858.- 1 The. toUowing boats, from,the-Union Canal, passed 1 Into the Schuylkill Canal, to-day, bound to Philadel phia, laden and consigned!*! follows:. .. ’. Merchant, floor, Ac. to Humphries,;'Huffman ft> Wrlgh'Y Sarahfflicd,graldtodo; Tradetmenpronrife' to Eckert ft Oo; Golderi Bale, railroad sUls to B Penna BBOo; James Cameron, lambeKtdM'Tramp ft Son; 7 k D Bichaid, grain to JAW Kaibaobj O H Blehexd, ootn wood to American Nagle, grain- to f PM. •'Beferal'benn brigs and iwhooderahate gonein daring the dor; ■•WiadH» > 'wUh‘inaio»t(ODB of » ‘ : Toaid id/ivl :fTHOS.'.B, HDtrtim. ' ArriTed,Bbib»76briH?nVy; front Batbj^interjphiibjr, . from New York; Loridhnr * . - 41 - * v "i -CBanuagTOH, Oct2l*« V . : ATrircd. Cblpd /arcat*, .'‘fidrtrd’ Jfwrdtt? 1 - Bootk.rh'Obi.l; PHncOtolSj .nS b.niae.Begin., from H ' ; .-. :T.itf'*bi(«''Toaig'‘B»B(;__Por«»i>°l^“-‘ r f’ red N York : Te |tt.p ißibell*) RoUlnfl)tor H.WM, ol«wd »t ■•jskss N?w To,k; ' < * "StlS Iflp"; k '” ca . ».™«* »*' Bmmah T *B>*lp B«* d I ohi “ :a '*°r ? E ’ >* ll6d I hr*™«; h rpl,lMa l -tere a f P.tten, tor New Orlejm, tailed from Bordeaux let Inst- .. . ' i ship B O Wlnthrop, NorvlUe, from Baltimore, arrived Hit Havre, 8d lost.- 1 ' ' * . . 5 Ship GutteobnVg, Weeks, fro n Hew Orleans, armed 4t Liverpool 6th inet . Ship 5 Levi, Woodbury, Bradford, from New Orleans, arrived at Liverpool 7th fast,' • , ■ Ship Susan G Owen.'Nortonj from Charleston, arrived at Liverpool 7th lost. . , V 1 ' ~ s Bliip 'Uccle Joe, Plnkhara, from. OHy Point, arrived at Liverpool 7th lost. SWp Ohimboraso, Horae, hence, via St -John, NB, for LlverpboljWae spoken 9th IristVlat 44, long « SO. ‘ Skip Borneo. Mitner, for Bionmond, Va, cleared at N York yeiterdiy.V: r ...» a . SWpDatld Brown, BObm, for Slam,; sailed trom Sin ?*Ship Ohataworih,;Horn, from Ban JTraablaw, arrived a. Singapore Au« 0. . ’ ,’ . , Ship Golden Gate, Hepburn, from New York, at Bln **Bhip Indian, Averill, from Boston, arrived at Client* ta ’Ang 14 f ‘ ■ Ship Isaiah Crowell, Turner, from Boston, at Calcut ta Aug 16. . . , * ' : Ship Dashing Wave, Youngjfi nm San Franotseo, ar rived at Calcutta Ang 20.- 4 ~ „ _ , Ship Wisard, Woodatde, from Manilla for New York, passoa'Anjier July 80. _ ShtpAUred Hill Magee, from Boston for Hong Kong, pawed Abjler Aug 5 • r“ * j 1 * . • Skip Kate Hooper, Johnson, from Baltimore for Hong Hong; passed‘Anjier Aug 6. f . ; Skip -Telegrapn, Hoyt, from l Callao, at Queenstown stktnst. _ Ship Revere, Roeko, from Torrevease, arrived at Boa* ton2othlust; • ‘ ’ 1 Ship Sootla, Mlakelly, forßotterdam t tailed from Baltimoreyesterday.' ■ -■ Barque Virginia and KstelUna, Wilkins, from Bio da Janeiro, arrived at New Orleans yesterday. Barque-Aurora, (Swsd) Holmgen, from Padaog, ar rived at Boaton 20th’tast.-^ : Barque Hary& Kendall, Shankland, hence at Ha vanaTOthinst., ‘: .. - ' 1 Baxque.'XaodDy, Handy> from. Heir York, arrived at Hafwa-XOlh inat. ' Birque B Sherwood, Hall, from Mobile, arrived at Liverpool Tth inst. >r - Brig Chicopee, Howes, for Philadelphia, sailed from .Boston 30th tort, * . ■ ' Bohr Hooter, Racket. for Philadelphia, sailed frrom New Bedford 20th tart,.. >, Bohr Anna Smith, Smith, from New Haven for Bran dywine, arrived at New-York yesterday. Bebra Alert, Obaopion, and Pearl, Brown, henee at Boston 30th lost. - 1 Bohr Pawtucket, Rom, hence, arrived at Blehmond aothinst. ; : . ~ <\ , . BiigJ West, Wooster, for West Indies, cleared at Nor folk lath lost. < i Brig Alfred Bxsll, Betdling, for Now York soon, re mained at Havana 1-ith inst. Bohr Undine, RUley, cleared at New York yesterday tor Philadelphia. . * 1 • Bohr J Q Harris, Charles, hence, arrived at Norfolk JStb Inst. . , „ . Bohr N 0 Harris, Sawyer, hence, arrived at Portland 10th inat. - „ Schr Hannah Willetts, Oranmsr, hence at Newbury port 10th lost. > - Bohr Telegraph, Niekerson, hence, arrived at Boston iOthlnst...* . . .r.- - ' • - Bohr Richard Thompson, Law,' sailed from Bristol 10th Inst, for Philadelphia. ..,’■■■■ - ' Schr Allen Middleton, Jr, Sipple, from Bristol for Philadelphia, at Bast Greenwich 10th Inst. Schrs Jas H Yanoe, Barge, from Boston for Philadol >bla{ Amanda, Kelly, Bsetport for doj starlight, York, ’iztiana for do, and Rockingham, Murphy, Portsmouth for do, at Newport 17th Inst, and remained 19th ' Schr-. Bailie T Dhartre, Ohartre, from Providence for Philadelphia, at Newport 18th ..inat, and remained next lehrs ,Cton Clinch, Bassett, and 0 L Hulie, Bonce, sailed from Providence 16th Inst, for Philadelphia. Schr John M Clayton, Kirk, cleared at Baltimore yes terday for Wilmington, Bel. ; Propeller Bristol, Allen, oleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. NAVAL. The U- S frigate Sabine, irom New York for Bnenos Ayres, was spoken ISth inst, lat 4013, long 72. DOMBBTIC PORTS NEW YOBK, Oot 21—Ar, ships Bt Nicholas, Bragdon, Havre; BUsabethf 80hmldt, Bremen; barques Waltham, .Witham, Cardiff; Bav4n«ah,Buih; Liverpool. " 1 Old, eohrs Lacy Whltham, Milton, Tortugas; Hamp ton,'Eddine, Norfolk; Bnby, Tracy, Attakapos. Sailed, steamships Marion, Poster, Charleston; Roan oke, Skinner, Norfolk. FOREIGN POBBB. 1 (Per steamship Korops, at Halifax ) Ar from New York Oot-Mb, Inkermaon, at Helvoet; 6th, Olanee - and Slttende, at Antwerp; Oarollne, at Havre; Venice sod Patrick Henry, at 1/eel; Norma, at Qlouocester; 7th, James Foster, at Liverpool. . 1 Ax from Charleston Oot 7th, Ohaee, at Liverpool. Sid for flew Orleans Oct oth, O J Patten, from Hull. . Bid f>r Boston' O t bth, Onward, from Deal ■ The brigantine Ida, from Boston for Smyrna, put Into Gibraltar with loss of sails, yards, Ac: would have to repair;. 1 ;' /. .'xr 4 -: ■ > - i ** ' Singapore— Ar Aug 31; Manilla. Robinson, Penang; Sid July-kO, Samuel* Appleton, Kelly, Penang and Bos* ton; Aug 3d 1 Lady Suffolk, Lavender, Hong Kong; Bos ton, Potter, Manilla. Calcutta—Ar Augl4, Harry of the West, Patterson, Mauritius. ‘ Sid, Clarissa Courier, k Bunting, Boston; Pleiades, Hall, do. s j Galte—Ar Ang 31, Shepherd Knapp, York, Madras. Messina—Ar Bept 38, Aurora; Costa, Boston Smyrna—Ar Sept 22, Sultana, Watson, N York. Malta—Ar Sept 26, Henry Hill, Watson, Boston. Alexandria— Ar Sept 7, Irme, Taull, Boston. . Malaga—Ar Sept 22, Commodore, Williams, N York; Fortuoe, Havener, do. Ar at Havana 14th fast, Victoria, Vidal, N York; La Oigueoa, Gooding, Portland. 13tb, A A Chapman, Lo rent. aew Orleans; Bersnda, Howard, Msriel. I2th. P Larrabee, Ault. Bath; 8 W Maitland* Speed, Mobile; Merriman, Fitts, Portland. 10th, Tallalula, Hanson, N Orleans Sidlith,/ P Hooper, Haff, Baltimore; John Gray, Oalder, Falmouth. 13th. J Curtis, Hamel/, New York; Salem, Kendall,Doston; Ooeau Spray, Wilkes, N York. 12th, “Gomese,’* Gantner, N Yoik; Luna, N Orleans. Ar at Glbira 7th. Lauretta, Bmith, Bftrina. Ar at Olenfuegos Bd, Slewons, Boston. * Ar a Cardenal 12th. H Parks, Portland ' Sid 18th, Blodget, Wilmington Bid from Matansas 10th, J Bandel, Patterson, New Orleans. ‘ IRRIVAIS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. to to oia o'oiook inis hobhihs. GIRABD HOUBK—OfaMtnnt ctnot, belov Ninth. O D Lnmbard, M*lae Mlb« lombkrd, Muloe Mrs Johnsou, Maine- ' Mits Bobinson, Maine P H Olarke ft son, Pa Mr Cancan ft la, PJttsb’gh H B Wilkins. Pittbnrgh Jas T Hali, Pa A G Carlin, Pa E W Leavenworth, N Y Jas E B-own, NY G Morris ft lady, N Y Jas McCallough, N Y Jas T Morehead. Jr, N O Miss A Morehead, N 0 ’ Miss B Lindsay, N O W P Emerson, Boston W H Churchill. Ky 7 BTbrockmortori,Ky Jos Blount, N C N BTodd, PhHa Wra Durant, Boston G Barlow A lady,-N Y J A Hatchlnson.Ohio A D Rogers A lady, Ohio Dr 7 N Hiester ft la, Pa HrS Opie, Portsmouth. Va F J Banard and la, Ala Dr Phniips ft la, K T Mis< Waits, Portsmouth BP Black, Easton,' W Masaenburg, Va H Holmes, NO' " L 8 Gordon. Balt 'Mr Jenkins, Va • ‘ - T Pontock ft la, Ya A G Gnllett. Md Alex Falla, SO WHOookftla/N Y ' ' Robt Holmes, 8t Louis Miss Bell, at Lou’s Ber J Barnwell, 8 O Jas Woods, NY EH BobertS, Albany, N Y Mr Jones ft la, N Y Miss Jones, Chatham, NY Ohas B Keller, Pittsburg W W Mann, Richmond JH Lewis; NY Mrs B J Adams, Ky B A Bell ft U, Lonlirllle B 8 Butcher, Bucks co p» J B Stewart; Philadelphia F Gregory ft la, N Y A G Herder .- • - Isaac' Walton, N Y John U Wright/N Y G N Thompson ft la, Ala Mr Blake ft la NY , LK Ely ft la, NY W W Blow, Eng Oku Oonklingft la, N Y A W McKee, Ban Francisco A Bmith, Md MUs Meeker, Ya ; Delavan F Clark, N Y J Soulei Boston - • W D Swan, Boston Ohas Hummln, Boston ' Mist B Fearing, Mass . - Baml Wheeler. Boston Miss MC Wheeler, Boston Miss H O Wheeler, Boston' O 8 G Wright. Cincinnati Miss Wright, Cincinnati,O B R Thomas, Vicksburg - B A DoLancey, N Orleans W-Robinson ftla, Mass Miss Rohlnscn. Mass D Maoplo ft la, Y* Mrs Wells, Maesashasetts J W Peine ft wife, N Y Mrs Berrien, NY J D Cameron, Harriabnrg Q N Watts, Pa J W Henderson, Pa 7 Heodel, Pa H 8 Magraw. Lancaster W P Hunter ft la, Savannah T Daolas ft la. N Y BAEetabrookftla.SO N M Norfleet ft la, Va « Todd, Jr , ft la, N J JF Reed, NY 'Mr Morton ft la, NY RL Leech, Pittsburgh H Robinson ft lady, N Y 7 L Moorhead. N 0 J flhlUlto. Cincinnati, 0 J Biyler. N Y A £ Holmes, N Y ' - G-N Dana k wife, Boston Wm u Bath, Chicago - 7 M Glover. Ohio G W Pbillifas/Ciacinnati. 0 7 W Noroross, Boston JfiGoll;NY ■ * ' Frank'Otard,N Y fraac H Brown, NY. Gfl Prince ft la. L I B 0 Hancock, N Orleans John Baird, N Y F G Bogers, NY - Benbea Hoyt, N Y IBntsler, Pctetsbnrg, Va W Laurie, Boston ‘ John A Spelman. ha J HPayne,Ya John 7 Marvioo, NY LB Barrie ft la, Ya - Etoward Wolf ft la' Va Ohas L Harris, Va F T Maddox, Washington MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth, below Arch street. T J BOblnaon, Mansfl’d, 0 W Cooper. Pltfabargh G Hoeam, Boston W H Perkins. Boston 7 Pollock, Weshing’neo, Pa A B Keith. Chicago 7 0 Martin ft w, Cleveland R Costae, NY 7 Thomas, NY J I* McOeonell, Pa 7 Phelan. Gre-ne 00, Pa 0 M Jones, NaibvUle J Clark. KHtanniog. Pa W Simpson, Ohio Hl>a 51E Thomas. Ohio J B Walker. Ohio A Morse, Wilkeebarre B Page Jr, Pittsburgh 0 Hoesel; NY ' H Gauthier, NY J D 8 Oast, Mlfflinburg, Pa 8G Wild ft la, Newvtlle,Pa J G Barr. NewvUte, Pa' Hon J Glanoy Jones, Pa R J Etzter, Money Mias Jane'A Wilaon, Pa 8 P Kase, Danville, Pa A Wolie, Bethlehem C A Colt, Washington J Wrjhriey, NY Wm WDrennan,Ohio 1 GO White, NY R B Loomis, Pittsburgh . *, T Strnthers. Warren, Pa 7 M Davis, Fall River - - QDmiels, R 1 BNBcherr PhiU 7 Patterson, Amerrilie, 0 W Leyshon, Pittston P 8 Basnett ft wHe, Va 7 ft Henry, Boston 7 0 Rochester, Marion, Pa 0 0 HoOordey ft wife, Pa Mrs 8 Bkinner, Pa AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Bixth. 0 L Oimbrih ft.la, Pa GWBrown, NJ W B Brown, N J 1 ' TJJohnsen.NJ GWiegand Phils ' G J Hardy, N Y ,D Hebert, Plttebarg J Twlgg, Pa JT Grant, NY N.Kabn, N Y Mrs7T Emery. N J JO Rogers, V* A B Richards ft la, Del N H Triplert, Va G D Hayoard. Balt Baml Andrews, Balt H G Hall, NO A J Avery, N Y Jif Warren, Mass , Job Chandler, N J A Smith, Md ' . . R- btStollburg, N Y W Wallsck; NY ' ' ' Mrs Millanden ft da, NY .T B Carpenter ft wf NY ~ J 0 Hall ft wf, N Y Sami L Wright, Washings - J Boake, N Y Jas Sloan, NO. E T Qonlow, N Y J M J Nodes,' Del' A Sokolift, Russia W H Nelli ft wf, Ohio. - BM Lamb, Balt H Beotnabs;Pa K Dewing, Oharleston A Bragg, 1 NY , * HOTEL—Arch Street, below Fourth. W France, Allegheny city Wm Smith, Pittsburgh T S Webb, Massillon ;' 0 J B Koch, Ohio 7 R Karucher, Reading -G Robinson. Wheeling ' Miss M. Green, Easton, R Dowell, Slatlngton W.Xhomaa ft lad/. Pa a D Bennett, Lycoming 7 Williams ft la, N Y WJ Grant, Banbury, Pa 7 WFryling, Snuburr, Pa N Dodge, Cedar Hill, Pa SBlHse Columbia SUcNch,Pa James Stevens, Ohio. - A Phloney, Salem, N 0 W T Reitmsyer, Pa James OAldwell, Pa Robt Olymer, Ohlcago, 111 John C Reading, Ohio GetfG'Svtus, Del - Ohae P Shoener, Penna M F Lndwig, Penna - Mr Stout, Olinton co, Pa S West, Cllnton co ( Pa ' M 8 RisaeL blaney, P* Jas L Black- Ohambersb’g - B Vance,Cnambersburg WmAbelrNJ - -- JO Olark k lady, Del * Mrs M 0 Rejbeld. Del J Leaman, Easton J H Dulany, Ml Mr Mulronlse, Md HJ. Coe, St Louis . M App, Indiana BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. CallowhiD.. R Willower, Easton , .. J SUffer, Backs co 7Richards, Reading ' ' 'KBowen, Reading A Benner, Somneytown A 0 Eessler, Easton W Heeler, Keelersvilte, Pa H Keeler, Keeleravi 1«. Pa 7 0 Blob, Qaakertown MGhle*, NJ Ohas Goes, Pi 0 A Rapp, Pa - $ KADIBOR HOUSa r -&««ond street, above Merkel John McCani,’N Y R H Anderson/Brooklyn JH Holffeckef.Dfil Jesse Biggins, Del Mtu Martian, ToWdO R Burton, Angola, Del K k Hort«fi D*l'*v . . Ihos Botnsn, Vblla J W FtdoM, D«1 , . of November next, at noon, when and where an election will beheld for eleven Directors tos-rve for the ensuing year. Tbe transfer books will be otosed from the 6th to the 17th of November next, both inclusive. Bj order of tho Board of Direetom. sl-THW*. — BecreUr/. oc 21-dtnovl7 Union Preaching for the People, under the anepices of the Ministerial Union, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by the various ministers of our cityon every TUBBDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. in the SANBOM-STREET CHURCH, until further notice. Services coufl..«d to ONE HOUR preolaely. ocT-tf y=ji Business Men’s Union Prayer Meeting J 5 Daily from 12 to 1 o’olook, in the Ransom-street hurch. Havel been there? If not, why? Bpeclal Prayer for Sabbath Schools on Saturday. The presence or a large number of children will add interest to the occasion. oc7-tf ry---j» The Regular Lectures at the F*male 3 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, o. G2T ARCH Street, begin this week. Those on Ana temy, Pbysiologv. and Chemistry, from 3 to 5 in the afternoon, furnish a rare opportunity to Ladies who are not medical students for a thorough course upon all or any of theso branches Anatomy, by Mrs. E. U. Cleve land, M. D. Physiology, by Ann Preston, M. D Ohe* mistry, by Matthew Semple, M. D. Arrangements can be made for teachers and pupils at reduced rates. Ladies invited to the Leotores this and next week free. 0019-6 t A Firemen’s Union Prayer Meeting under the auspices of th-i Young Men’s Chris an Association, will to held in Jayne’s Hall on THURSDAY EVENING next, at 1% o’clock. The front half ot the main floor will bo reserved for the Firemen, a large number of companies of whom are ox proted 10be present. Galleries will be appropriated to the Ladles. Clergymen, who are cordially invited, will please occupy seats on the platform, and with their families (seats for wuomwilibe provided In the boxes) will enter by the doer on Carpenter street JAMES B. RODGERS, WM. GETTY, DAVID M. WARNER, oolS Committee. The Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, 3 October 2d, 1868—The Annual Meeting of the tockholdera of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, the Bth day of November next, at 10 o’clock M And the Annual Election for Direc tors will bo he’d atihe BANKING HOUSE, on MON DAY, the 16th day of November nest, between the hours of 12 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. 00l a w fr tno!6 D. B. COMSGYS, Cashier. iyxa» Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, 3 PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 11. 1858—The Annual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on MONDAY, ihe 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o’cltck A. M. and 8 o’clock P M. ocl3-wfrmotnol6 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank will be held *t the BANKING-HOUSE, on TUES DAY, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. 0013-wfr&>mtno2 8. O. PALMER, Owhler. ry-i s* Lectures before the Literary Congress OF PHILADELPHIA.—The First Aunual ourse will comprise the following talent: Bev. T. STABB KING, Oct. 27th. Hou. JOHN P. HALE, Nov 18th. Hon. ANSON BURLINGAME, Deo. 2d. JOHN G. SAXK.Esq., Deo. 16th HORACE MANN Esq., Deo. 23d. GKO. D. PRENTICE, Esq , Deo 80lh The first lecture will be delivered by T. BTARR KING, in Mnsical Fund Hall, Oct. 27th. Subject; “ The Laws of Disorder.” Tickets $1 for the Course. They can be procured at any of the principal Book stores, and of the followiog members of the Executive Committee: WM. CONARD. 182 IIAJRKET St. JAS G. THOMPSON, 105 N. FIFTH Bt. ocl3 20 22 25&27-6t* Y—==» Corn Exchange Bank--i*hlludelphta |3 October 16,1868 —The Annual Meeting of the it ickholdera of this Book will be held at the Ua'-klng hoare. northwest corner of SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets, on TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o’clock. An election for thirteen Directors, to serve the en suing j oar. will bo hold at the Banking-house on MON DAY, November 16th, between ten A. M. and three P. M. JOHNW. TORREY, Cashier. • ocl6-dtNl5, rysa Treasurer’s Department Pennsylvania J 3 RAILROAD OOMPANY—Philadelphia. Oct. 16,1868. NOTICE.—-The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the Capital SU'Ck of the Oou pftDj, (clear of State tax ) payable ou and after November 16th, proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for oolleetiog Dividends can be had on application at this office. . ocls-lra TUOi. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. rv-xsa Southwark Bank, Philadelphia, October L 11,1858. —The Annual Meeting of the Stock roldera or this Bask will be hold at the BANKING HOUSE, on Tuesday, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. And the Annual Klootion for Directors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Monday, the 16 h day of November noxt, between the hoars of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o’olook P. M. F. P. STEEL, ocl2-dtnol6 Cashier. and Mechanics’ Bank, Plilln -15 Delphi A, Oct. 2, 1868.—The Annual Election forDiieotors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, ou MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M , and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter.** oc4dtNls W.RUBUION, Jr., Caahler. Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Urf COMPANY.—The Subscribers to the Capital Stuck of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Com pany are notified that the following instalments will be due, and are hereby requested to be paid on the follow ing dates, vis: Second instilment of $6 per share, on Thursday, 23th Octoberinet. Third instalment of $6 per share, on Saturday, 21th November next. • Fourth Instalment of $5 per share, on Monday, 27th December next. The Stockholders are also notified that all or any of the instalments on the Stock subscribed for by them may bo paid in adv. nee, and that interest will be al lowed from the date of payment of each instalment up to the Ist January next. Br order of the Board of Directors. 3 THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer, No 121 Walnut Street. SubscrJpUon Book now open for the balance of the Ftock, at the. Office of the Treasurer, from 9 A. M. to 18. M PHILADBLPHIi, Oct. 2, 1858. ryrr=» Notice.—Green and Coates-Street Phi" \l3 LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of , FIVE DOLLARS per share on the capital stock ef the Green and Coates Street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth da; of No*, vembernext, between the hours oflO A. fit and 3 P.M. oe7-td HABRT CONNELL?, Treasurer, marriages. dcatljs. New HARRIS’S PRINCIPLES AND PRAC TICE OP DENTAL SURGERY; the SEVENTH EDITION, with Over 200 Illustrations. Now ready. ALSO, ' BARKIS'S DICTIONARY OB MBDtOINE AND DENTAL SURGERY. Second Edition FOX AND HARRIS ON THE HUMAN TEETH. A new improved edition, with 264 Illustrations, PIQGOTT’S DENTAL CHEMISTRY AND METAL LURGY, with numerous illustrations. lUN DX ’8 TEXT BOOK OF ANATOMY, for Students of Dental Burgery, with over 300 illustrations. BOND’S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DENTAL MEDICINE, hs connected with the study of Dental Surgery Second Edition. ELAGCt ON ETHER AND CHLOROFORM IN SUR GERY AND DENTISTRY. A o. ARTHUR'S MANUAL OP DISEASES OP THE TEETH. . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers. 2d Booth SIXTH St., above Chestnut, UENRY WORDSWORTH LONGFEL FL-R LOW. THE COURTSHIP OP MILES STAN DISH, and other Poems. Price 76 cents For sale hy : GAULT & VOLKMAR, (Successors to H. Oowportbwait Ac, C 0.,) 609 CHESTNUT St . above Sixth, north side. EDGAR ALLEN POE’S POETICAL WORKS, with original memoir. One volume. Beautifully Illus trated. PEASANT LIFE IN GERMANY. By Anna O. Johnson. E»DAY dawn IN AFRICA. By Anna M. Scott. ©IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL. By Mrs. Edmund Hornby. THE LIFE AND LABORS OP THE REV. DAN IED BAKER, D D. Prepared by his son, Rev. Wm. M. Baker. BESSIE MELVILLE; Or, Prayer Book Instructions Carried out Into Life. 0c22-f • tu Bfc iSiX-w* NATIONAL HORSE FAIR, /m POWELTON. GRAND CHARIOT RAOB BY FEMALE CO NTS STA NTS t FOB A PURSE OF $5OO. THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, Oot. 2id, 1868. at 9 O’olock, MADAM DE BA OH AND MADLLE. 80UYTBR, From tho Hippodrome Paris, will eaon DRIVE AND MANAGE A TWO-HORSB WAR OAR, Under the Direction of 8* P. Stickney, Esq , in strict acoordanofa.'wlth the plan observed in the HIPPODRAMATIO DISPLAYS IN OLDEN TIMES, And which wore so acceptably given in WELSH’S PARISIAN HIPPODROME In this city in 1853. In additjon to tho above, a serleß of TBOIB will be givon.- Thu Charioteering will commence at 3 o’elook pro cisoly Admisslonto Course 26 cts. Toßtand 26 ots. It# POWELTON HAS BEEN RE DEEMED. FRIDAY, Oot. 23d, 1868. Premium at 1 o’clock for $5O. Free for ill Pacers not ovor 14 bonds high. Entrance $2.60. Alt entries to be closed by 12 o’clock, noon, on the ground. 8 o’clock—Premium $6OO. Roman Chariot Races be tween Madam De Bach and Malile. Bouyier for the above premium. 3 o’clock—Premium $5O Free for all Horses that never have trotted faster than 2.60 on & publlo track. ROMAN CHARTOT RAOES—MiIe, and repeat, be tween Mrs. Josephine Bonjier aud Aladaw Emma De Back. The above Chariots have been obtained from L. B. Lent, Esq., and will bounder the superintendence of the world-renowned Sami. SUcknoy, Esq. Premiums for Trotting will be the same as hereto fore ' 0022 It# THE SUBSCRIBER most respectfully Informs his friends, and Customers generally that he will open his NEW RESTAURANT, No 808 MARKET Street, fourth door above Eighth. TO-MOR ROW (Saturday) at 0 o’clock P. M. 0c22-2t* JAMES PROSSER. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above EIGHTH. 8 0 & l “ Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed. Roasted. Fried, Pickled, Ac., &o , for Home Consumption ana Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o’clock. oc2i-tf Philadelphia school or design FOR WOMEN—An Election of Twelve Directors to serve for tho ensuing year will be hold at the School Rooms, 1334 C lESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, No vember Ist, 1868, between the hours of ten and twelve o’clock. P.P. MORRIS, 0c22-Bt* _ Secretary. A HOUSE DOING A WHOLESALE trade cn Market street is desirous to increase capital by taking a special or general partner. Com munications addressed MARKET ST., at the office of The Press , will be confidential, and have early atten tion. , ©c2AGt# f'IOTTON, GINGHAM, AND SILK UM- V/ BRELLAB—Every variety of style, superior make and finish, for sale wholesale and rotail by JOS. FUSBKLL, 0022-3t# No. 2 North FOURTH Street. UMBRELLAS FOR CHILDREN—SmaII, nett, light, and durable; together with a general assortment of well-made Umbrellas of all sizes For sale wholesale and retail by JO5 FUSSELL, 0c22 Bt# No 2 North FOURTH Stroet GRISCOM’S HOME-MADE SAUSAGE 3 and SCRAPPLE, to be had fresh, at CALEB CLOTHIKR’S Family Flour Storo, No. 116 N. FIFTH Street 0c22 3t* CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sirA to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has Induced the offering to the public of an article which the analysation -of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, A Caraac, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR JAS. R CHILTON. I have analyzed asample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Jb.. of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that It is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances - Titian nnntndiir pan uni fine flavored quality or Whiskey. JAMES B. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 3,1858. Aaeljticel Chemist. Philadelphia, Sept. 0,1858. Dsak Sis : We hare carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known las Pusio Oil. which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of tho Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemists. To Chablkb Whaxtov, Jr., Mo. 23 South PROMT Street, Philadelphia. ' 0c22-dtja2l WILLIS' 8 PATENT STUMP EX » * TRACTOR The attention of Farmers and land-owners generally throughout the coun*y is called towards this valuable and powerful machine for the extraction of Stumps, pulling doyrn trees, removal of rocks, buildings, Ao A compaoy of gentlemen of this city have secured from tho inventor the Patent Right for the State of Pennsylvania, and aro now prepared to sell county rights, machines, Ac , on reasonable terms. Application* can be made to AARON CLEMENT, Agent, at tho Office of the Company, No. 230 South THIRD Street, backroom. Philadelphia. Oct. 20ta, 1858. N. D —Pamphlets, with illustrations and testimoni als, can be had on application at the office. oc‘2l-3t ASPIRANTS to West Point Academy obtain individually that special instruction In the study and acquisition of Mathematical and Mechanical Science whlcu insures distinction In pursuing the ardu ous coutse of that institution, and attainment of the higher Academic honors, at P. STEWART’S Institute, 108 FOURTH at , below Chestnut. oevH-6t* npo WESTERN AND SOUTHERN A MERCHANTS —A large stock of Manila Rope, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, PITLER, A CO , or2l Nos. 23 N. Water St , & 22 N. Wharves. Guns, rifles, and sporting in ’ PLKMKNTB. The Subscribers have In store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or FOWLING-PIF.CES, RIFLES, Ac., Ever offered in this city. Desirous 6f reducing their assortment as much as possible before the Ist Deo , they will sell AT VERT LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, comprising GUNS PROM THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FACTUREBfI OP ENGLAND, BELGIUM. AND FBANOB. PHILIP B. JUSTICE & CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, seo-2m above Market. BOOKBINDING.— Tlio undersigned res pectfully lnvite.the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled facilit es for binding books in a su perior mauner. Their work has been submitted for a series of years to the examinatien of some of the most celebrated connoisseurs in the countrv. It has received the most flattering enoomiums and won for the under signe • a reputation which they are determined to maiutaln. Every style of Binding exeouted, from the plain “ hair-bound” volume for the scholar’s table to the most artistic garniture of rarities for the collection of the BibliomanUo. 7 Specimens of style and workmanship will be cheer fully shown to those who will call upon PAWSON A NICHOLSON, Bookbinders, 610 MINOR Street, se29-2m# • Botween Market and Chestnut Streets. DETERSIVE SOAP—Time, labor, and money saved. In ÜBlngit, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far as three pounds common Rosin Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. It is decidedly the cheapest and best washing Soap over offered to the publio. Manufaotuced only by VAN HAAGEN A McKEONK. For Bale by all re spectable Grocers in the city, and wholesale only by TUAIN A MoKEONE, oc2-3m 22 Bouth Wharves. AWNINGS! AWNINGS! JOSEPH H FOSTER, Awnfcg maker, N 0.443 North TIIIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and Freach Window Awnings for dwelllugs and office viu dows; Awnings for stores, Awnings for steamboats and ships All kinds of Awnings, Teuts, Flags, or any lh.Dg In canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H FOS TER, Awning Maker, No 443 North THIRD Street. Reaid* nee, No. 340 South FRONT Street. ecl6-!m JOSEPH 11. FOBTER. [VON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— 1 v vVe are now manufacturing, and are prepared to soil, a BURNING FLUID, free from the objection ap pertaining to the coramonnrtiolo. Its liability to ex plode is destroyed, aod may now be used with safety. It has been experimented upon, and subjected to the severest testH before the best chemical talent in this city, without a single failure; and we now offer it to the Subtle, feeling confident that a great desideratum has een attained. VARNALL A OGDEN, 0016-d3m 472 N. THIRD Street, above Noble. jyiNAMENTALT and COLORED GLASS'. V-f We have just recclvoi door above Front. HEMP A largo stuck of Ita- X LIAN HEMP on hand and for sole br WEAVER. FITLER A CO., 0012 No.2SN WATkRSt A 22 N WHARVES. Tl/| ACKEREL,—373 Bbbls Nos. 1,2, & 8 If J MACKEREL, in Whole, Halves, Quarters, and Eighths—in Original Packages—just i pceived and for sale by 0. O. SADLER A CO., ooto AROH Btreet, 2d d**or above Front. MANILA CIGARS.—I Case FiratQuality Manila Gtgarfl. juat arrived in Store and for sale WILLIAM H. TBATON, SttO Soath JRONX Street Uettti! SJre <3aotie. VELVET DRESSES. Hu J. LEVY & GO. WILL OPEN, TO-!MORROW MORNING, One Hundred my # ELEGANT YELYET TWO-FLOUNCBD AND ROUBLE-SKIRT ROBES. ALSO, Rich Rouble-Skirt and Two-Flounced DAMASK AND BROCADE DRESSES. These Drosses have Just arrived in the STEAMKRB NORTH STAR AND AFRICA. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. 0c22-2t Black lyons cloak velvet.— One case of superior Lyons sll-Bilk Velvets, from 80 to 80 inches wide, carefully selected. BHABPLESS A BROTHERS, oc2l CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. Bright popelines. Valencias and Popelines. Cherbourg Robes. Bright Canvas Pla’ds, Cadis nioths, Ohene. Plaid Flannel Cloths. Poll de Obevres. oc2l EIGHTH AND OHESTNUT. GIRLS" SHAWLS. Square and Long fine Blanket. Small Bohool Shawls. Btella Cashmere Shawls. oe2l EIGHTH A CHESTNUT. JpARIS CLOAKS. The Bubsorlbers are dally adding bo their EXTENSIVE ABSO&TMKNT VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS, Which comprise every Variety, In SHAPE AND MATERIAL, MARK BT AFFORDS L. J. LEVY & 00., 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. oc2o-4t f ABIES" BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. A—4 Black Olotb Raglans. Fine black Cloaks. Fine black Raglans. Light doth Raglans. Raglans for Fall. Raglans for Winter. Bferht Cloth Cloaks. All the new styles. Latest Paris Patterns. ** Many new styles. GLOAKB MADE TO ORDER. Children’s Cloth Cloaks, Children’s Fancy Cloaks.| Workmanship of the best. Beat materials used. SHAWL BOOM Contains all the novelties In Broche, Stella, Blanket, and Children’s Shawls. COOPER ft. OONARD, 8. B. corner NINTH ft MARKET BM. DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, SHETLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, A?., GLOBING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Sabsoriber will commence dosing out his magni ficent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1888, At prices that will induoe Purchasers to supply them selves with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The whole stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a full line of STAPLE GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until dosed out. JAMES LINNARD, No. 729 CHESTNUT Street, oc9-lm 8 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. Bargains prom auction!—dry GOODS CHEAP FOR THE MILLION! We will open on MONDAY, Silk Robes, at $16.60, cost to import $26. 1,000 yards Black Silk, beautiful, at 44,66.62. 76,87, slto $1.75. ’ 1.656 yards French Morlnoes at $l, cost to import $1.25 2,000 yards figured and plain Merlnoea at 60, £6,65, and 760.. worth double 800 yards beautiful black all-wool Delaines, only 28 cents. A splendid assortment of Blankets. . 0,000 CMhs fitrsU from auction, for Ladles’ sna Gents’and Boys* wear, from 76c.. $1 $126. $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.26, $2 60, decidedly the greatest bargains in the city. Broche, Stella, Blanket, Cashmere Shawls, the great est bargains ever offered 10,000 yards Poll de Chevies, Delaines, Debeges. All-wool Plaids, only 31 oents, usually sold at 60 cts. All-wool Dohines only 26 cents. Delaines in great variety and every stjls. Cloaks and Dusters in every style. MoELBOY respectfully invites the Ladles to call and oxamine his stock, embracing many styles not to be fouud elsewhere. Our prices so low, we defy competi tion. • MoELROY, 004-mwf-tf No. 11 Sonth NINTH Street. BAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS V* 8. V. R. HUNTER Hu REMOVED from No. 80 to No. 40 South SECOND* Street, where be la now prepared to forniih the Ladle* with a fresh and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he invi ta their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. B—A large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Bilk and Oloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at the “ CLOAK EMPORIUM,” ooB.lm No. 40 Bouth SECOND Street. QREAT ATTRACTION I OVER $4,600 WORTH 07 BHAWLB FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLBY A CHISM, N. 2. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, vis: 46 LONG BROOHB SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 90 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 20 Do. do do. at 11 «« 24 Do. do. do. at 12 10 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 20 Do. do. do. t 14 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 16 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 18 << 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ 8 Do. do. de. at 26 “ la the above Lots of Long Brochs Shawls frill bo found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, In every oolor. French Blanket Shawls in new designs. Plain Thibet Shawls, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. Children’s Shawls, Hisses’ Shawls, and Geatiemen’jß Shawls, at THORNLEY A CHISM'S, “ONE PRICE CASH BTOH Northeast Owner EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T A C.’s. P. S.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. selß-tf 171 ALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. A * OPENING DAILY. FINK CLOTH RAGLANS. ELEGANT BEAVER RAGLANS. RIOH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegantly adorned with REAL LACES, CROCHET, AO., Ac. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and moat varied stock of these fashionable OVER GARMKNTB, At the widest range ot prices, and suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND FULL DRESS COSTUME, PARIS MANTILLA A CLOAK EMPORIUM, 3. W. PROCTOR & GO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. IDetmdtvs. Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentist, vtnrrrg would inform his friends that he has resumed praotice at No. 1848 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. S. Mint. aepl-2m OLD TOM GIN, LONDON CORDIAL— Imported by F. D. LONGCHAMP, 217 S. FRONT Street, Philadelphia. For sale at all the principal Druggists and Grocers !n Philadelphia. CAUTION. —The celebrated OLD TOM GIN is im ported into the Btate of Pennsylvania by F. D. LONG OIIAMP exclusively; moms othbb is qbnoinb. James Field, Son, A Co , 28 Mining lane, London, sole export agents for Messrs. Oh. booth A Co. oeSMflt* ____ Cl ANGS OP RIGGING made to order, by JT WEAVER, FITLKR, A 00., No. 23 N. WATER St , and 22 N. WHARVES. oc2l Chicken salad.—minton, TWELFTH, below WALNUT, informs his cus tomers and the publio that he is serving up bis Chicken Salad—so justly celebrated. The Celery Is cultivated, by him6elr, and is far superior to any that can be found, in the market. Game In season, and Oysters In every* style. Families and Parties supplied, 0019-12t# FA. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER, THIRTEENTH Street and RIDGE Avenue, attends to the purchase and said of Real Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting houses, and Collection of Uouse and Ground Rents, and Inter est Monies. Satisfactory references given. 0010-3m# WH. W. DABLET AND t. T. S. • DAK LEY. Teachers of Pianoforte, Organ, HarmoDy. etc. Apply at No. 1026 FILBERT Street. 0018-et* A BRAM SLACK’S ENGRAVING, xl Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envolope, and Seal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Street* PMWdAlnbl*. Pa aaISUSm _ TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO BRIDGETON!—On and after WEDNES DAY, 20th lost., the Steamer EXPRESS will leave Arch Street every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at Eight o’clock (instead of B#, as heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday an® Thursday morning at 8 o’clock; stopping at Delaware City and Newcastle. Stages for Millville, Port-Bll sabith, Falrton, Oedarvillo, Newport, Dividing Creeks, and Mauricetown, connect with this boat. ocl-*-lm IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will get the moat for their money, especially each times aa these. ZIEGI.ER * SMITH. Wholesale Drnggißta, oorner or BHOOND and QUEER Ptreots, are dl.po.lng of their White Load, Grouod Points, of alt Colors, and Window 01a.., all of the best quality, at price, which will bo pleasing to boyars. ' poll. PORK. —ISO bbls Mess Pork, for sale by 0.0. SADLER A 00., •419 ABOK Btmt, 114coi aboy. Iran,, Eemoual*. JAMES E. CALDWELL & 00. WILL REMOVE TO THBIR NEW MARBLE BUILDING, 822 CHESTNUT STREET, BBLOW NINTH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th'. ThBy respectfully i nv lto their CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC TO THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT 1 , ft VERY SELECT STOOK, Recently purchased by one of the firm in Europe, with especial reference to their Bates, SUPERIOR WATCHES, DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY, ORNAMENTS, STERLING SILVER. A VISIT ENTAILS SO OBLIGATION *0 PURCHASE. oc2i-4tir REMOVAL.—O.O. SADLER & 00. have -*-V removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 103 ARCH street, second door above Front. sel JFor Sate anii to £et. FOR SALE.—A lot of Stand and Original Liquor Casks. Apply to No. 10 North FIFTH Street It* ££} FOR SALE—A desirable Dwelling- Bill house, situated at the northwest corner of Thir teenth and Arch, with all modern conveniences. Ap ply on the premises, or at the Counting-house of C. A. KUBIOAM, 2026 CHESTNUT St. oclO-lit* fa TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE fill. Avenue, below VINE Street, ruining through to Water Btreet, 148 feet deep. Also, the Doable STORE, corner at THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COAOH-HOUBE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. se29-3m* Rooms on commerce street.— The Three Upper Booms of 416 Gommeroe Street to Let. e027-la JJersonal. TNFORMATION WANTED OF ROBERT A EWING, aged 11 years, who left New York City four years ago for the West. Any information of hla present whereabouts will be thankfully received by his slater, M. EWING, corner of FOURTEENTH and BEOOND Avenue, care of Mrs BRUCE, New York City. oc39»6t* UJaUtjeo, Jeweltg, &t. Bailey & co., ronmiiiT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANOY GOODS, To whioh they Invity the attention of the pnblie. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, ATWHOLBBALB AHD BITAIL. {Dissolutions anil (Kouartnersfiips. Dissolution of partnership — The Partnership heretofore existing between DANIEL W PORTER and ABRAHAM’ 80H0NE HAN has been THIS DAY dissolved, by mutual consent The Undersigned respectfully Informs his friends that he will continue, on his own account, the PLUMB ING and GAB-FITIING Business, at the Old Stand, 303 North FIFTH Street, above VINE. ABRAHAM SOHONSMAN. —Philadelphia, OovTZO/ISW: 0«22-Bt# CO-PARTNERSHIP. —THE BUSINESS heretofore conducted by Hunt. Webster, A 00., will from this date be oarried on under the style ana firm of LADD, WEBSTER, A 00., who will continue the manufacture and sale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 OHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1868. se27-lm JHeftnnal. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12#, 26 and 60 cents. THEJ GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! HARTBHORNB’S OUBE-ALL should he kept In all families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Oholle, Pains In the Btoma«h or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, Side, Bsck and Breast. HAftTSHORNB’B CURB-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns. HARTSHORNE’S CURB-ALL ouies Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Dior rhcea and all Pais. HARTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL enres Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNS’B CURE-ALL ourea Dyspepsia and Indigestion; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL cures all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HABTSHORNS’S CURE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. {o* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain In the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones: and, by its warming electro-magnetio power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, mid you will be astonished at its happy effects. N.B. If yon have a Ceugh, use HARTSHORNS'S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beat Cough Byrap in the World. Bottles, 26 and 66 cents, and $l. If you are Billions, use HARTSHORNB’S ANTI* BILLIOUB PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 26 cents. Sold by R. W. JENKINS, No. 26 BOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Slmes’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garriguea*. Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s, Tenth and Lombard sts. au!2-thstudtf if yOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC kJ CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the publio that has performed ae many MIRAOULOUfi CURAS INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit* ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant us in pro* nonnoing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It ie an internal remedy that s rikea at the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it en’irely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, Northeast comer of Pine and Sixth streets, 007-8 m Philadelphia. QEarriascs- £JARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied, sel3-Bmif T" 0 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY. —OARR A JOHNSON announce to the Press through out the United States that they are completing ar rangements on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS.which ha* never before been equalled in this country They pledge themselves to furnish the earliest and moat reliable re ports of all the stirring and important events of the day, at a price which cannot fail to be advantageous to the Preea generally. All letters and communications to be addressed to OARR * JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exchange, Philada. 1 B. W. CARR, G. W. L. JOHNSON. Geo. W. L. Johnson, 21 Wall st., New York City. John T. Smith Merchants’ Exchange, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. . . For experience and reliability in the business, we would refer to• Mortou MoMichael, North American and U.S Gazette: Swain A Abell, Public ledger; Jesper Harding A Son, Pennsylvania Inquirer jJohn W.Forney, The Press; Cummings A Pescock, Evening Bulletin; F. W.GraysonA 00., Evening Journal .Jo seph Severns, Evening Argus; Joseph R Flanlgen, Dally Nows; William Rice. La»lor, Everett, A Hincken, Sunday Dispatch, Magill A Jones, Sunday kercury; Jno. S. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. oc2o*tf , Blank notes of hand, BLANK DR&FTB, AND CHECK BOOKS, On ALL PHILADELPHIA and CAMDEN BANKS. For s«le at PETERSON BROTHERS. O c2o*3t No. 306 CHESTNUT Bt. rglO OASH BUYERS. JAMES S. EARLE A BON., 816 CHESTNUT BTRSET, OPPOSITI 9HI QIftAXD HOUSI, Invite the Attention of Western and Southern Custom* ere to their Immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASBBB, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURB'JKAMEB, Suitable for the auW FALL TRAP** w ■ - •rtabliahttd VI 1 11111 « chine Shop doing a good business,' obinlst prewired. Address FOUNDRY ,*oIE Press oeaC KMTANTED—By a middle-aged Lady a ~ v Situation as Governess, la a private famlty. Beat of city reterence will be given. Address GRIFFITH, office of this paper, 0c22-4t* A YOUNG MAN, a good Penman and Ac countant, well posted in double-entry book-keer lßK> desires some Situation where his services would ha available. Salary is not so much the object as employ ment. Unexceptionable city references can be given. Address “8.D,” office of The Press. 0c22 St* PEDDLERS WANTED I! $960 AYEAB!IJ Can be made by Peddlers, Book Agents, young men, and others ■ The article is light and easily carried AH that is required to sell the article is to show it. Does not conflict with other goods or business, and sells readily to every family and merchant. Any person sending us 25 cents, or eight three cent stamps, which Is to pay the postage, will receive a sample and all ne cessary information. Our agents are making from fofir to six dollars a day profit. This is no humbug or lottery speculation. Address VAN DEUSEN BROTHERS, oc2l-2tWlt# Kingston, Ulster co., N. Y. VMfANTED—A Situation by a sober, in v v dostrions Man, as Packer or Porter In a Whole sale China and Glass Store. Apply at No. 1704 ELDER Street. . . oc2l-2t* X\T ANTED—By a young Man, a Situation V v ag Clerk in a Wholesale house.. A moderate salary will be satisfactory, as employment is desired. Address HONESTY, at this office? oc2l-3t* WANTED —A PARTNER with two or three thousand dollars o&pittl, to join a young man In a well-established and profitable mercantile « * 22* A4t* \JkI ANTED—A Situation for a first-rate v V Coachman, In every respect, well recommended. Address BOX 2177, Poet Offie. , oc2o-6t» Drug clerk wanted.-a young MAN capable of putting np prescriptions, and willing to commence with a small salary until found competent. One having a knowledge'of the German language preferred. Address OAIOMBL, office of The Press. oc2o-3t# WANTED— To Rent, for the winter sea* sen, with Immediate possession, a Furnished bouse of moderate siie, with modern Improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. 004 EK7AtfTSD,FOB THE UNITED STATES » w GAVALB.Y—AbIe-bodied, omnairled men, to whom wilt be give* good paj .board, clothing, and medical attendance. Fay from SU to 522 per month. No men haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BBBYIOI at Ho SIT HABER Street, shore Sigfeth, north side. W. TH. MAGBUDIB, let Lient. let Dragoons, Beernttlnf Ofioer. CEVEEAL agreeable persons of geod cba- raeter may obain BOARD in an elegant bouse, with very desirable accommodations, fifteen minute* walk from the State House. Reference* exchanged. Address “ P.,” Box 1190, Post Office. 0e32-lt* (VOW VAC AN T—Two Gommaniogting J-v second-story Rooms, with or without Board, will be rented low to a permanent party. Location. Ohest cat street, above fifteenth. Address COMPORT, at this office. oc2l-Btw A FAMILY, consisting of a gentleman, wife, end three children, aged respectively 'ten, eight, and six years, desire Boarding from the first of December next. Best references given and required. Address BOX 1174 Philadelphia P. 0, ocgO-dt* A GENTLEMAN and LADY, also Sin gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at Tl 2 Chest nut Stnet, opposite Masonic Hall. ocll-12t# MRS. D* P. BOWERS* WALNUT-ST. LTj. THEATER, corner of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. FRIDAY EVENING, October 22,2809. LOUISE DB LIGNEBOLLRS. Henri de Llgnerollea, Mr. Perry: Lagrange, Mr. filch ings; 001. Deulvry, Mr Conway; Louise de Lignerolles, Mrs. Bowers; Cecils de Glvry, Miss Richlogs. OUB WIPE ! Or, The Rose of Amiens. Marquis DeLlgoy Mr. Perry; Kosine, Miss Riohlngs. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet* 87# cents; Drees Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to theU locale, $3 and {6; Bingle Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock; Onrtaln rises at 7 o’clock. A HERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC* x&. BROAD AND LOCUST Streets. TAB GREAT HAVELS! FRIDAY EVENING, Oct 22, 1868, The magnificent Fairy Pantomime, entitled BIANCO: OB THE MAGIC BWOHD, Bianco, Don Albino’s Valet, Gabriel Havel; Brooolo, a Gardener. Francois Ravel. THE FESTIVAL DANSANT. Comprising s verat dances by the Corps de Ballet. THE COOPERS Fanler, Francois Ravel; Estolle, M’lleCecile. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Baleony, 60 cen’s: Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 oents. Seats can be secured from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. \*raEATLET & CLARKE’ 8 ARCH-ST. IT THEATRE—WiIIiam B. Fredericks, Ac ting and Stage Manager. FRIDAY EVENING. October 22, 1868, THE HOAD TO BUIN. * Old Mr. Dornton. Mr. Gilbert; Harry Doraton. Hr. Whealey; Goldfinch, Mr. Clarke; Widow Warren, Mrs. J. Gilbert: Sophia, Mrs. J. Drew. THE WIDOW’S HUSBAND. Admission, 25 eta. Secured Beats in Dress Circle, BT# cts; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Seats in Private Boxes, tt eta; Gallery, 13 cts; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 cts { Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 ets; Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock; commence at 7#,precisely MUSICAL FUND HALL . MONDAY EVENING, October 26th. E. SPALDING hu the honor of announcing that the Renowned Pianist, MB. GUSTAV BATTER, together with the following eminent artistes, Mine. BERTHA JOuANNSBN, Distinguished Prime Donna j Miss MARIA B. BBAINERD, American Prims Donna from New York, Oraterioi and Oenosrts Mr. W. H. DKUNETT, Prlmo Basso, recently returned from Xtelj; Mr. J. P. TAUNT, The Popular American Tenor; Prof OLABB H. BEAUBS Conductor, Will appear in grand Concert aa above. In order to insure a Urge attendance, the Manager irtll distribute among the audience, several hundred valuable presents, including TWO RICH SILK ROBBS, valued at-? 76 and $25. which may be seen at the dry goods house of Qeo. Fryer, No 016 Chestnut street. Also, a beautiful SILVER-PLATED TEA BST, valued at $6O; a SPLENDID CASTOR, valued at $29; and a MAGNIFICENT ICE PITCHER, valued at $l6, to be seen at Jobn O. Mead' & Sons’, corner of Ohestnut and Ninth streets. T.ckets, with reserved 5eat5........0NE DOLLAR. To be had at the masie stores of Lae & Walker and Beck and Lawton. Bale will commence on Wednesday, October 20th. ool# SEVENTH WEEK 11—CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. The CRIMEAN SCENERY and BATTLES, repro sauted bj gigantic revolving DIORAMAS, illustrating the BUSBIA.I WAR and destruction of Sebastopol. (£7* Ope# every Evening, and Saturday Aiternoon. Admtttlon 25 cents: Children 13 cents. Doors open at 7 o*olock. Performance at a quarter of 8 o’clock. oclB Ct Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Here again I Return of the old favorite, SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Comical Scenes hi YE NTBILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open every Evening during the week, at halLpart T o’clockand on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 8. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 13 oenta. se24-Im* National hall—market street. ONE WEEK MORE. J. IVSOO WILLIAMfI’S celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences withObaoe, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the moat sublime and Interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Boors open at 7 1 to commence at a quarter before 8 o’olock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohlldre under 10 years 16 cents. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for famlUes and sohools. Boon open at 2; to eommenoe at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTB. ■MARKET FIRE INSURANCE 00. ITJL OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK. OASH CAPITAL. SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS.... directors. BENIAMIN B. HOWELL, President. Phlletus H Holt of 286 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham’s A Hutchinson. SilasDavfs of A. B AS Davis. Ollrer H. Shepard, of Shepard, Hove A Co. Henry Rowland, of Rowland A Banka. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. A A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller A 00. Stephen W Gaines, of S W. A R. A. Gaines. Elisha L. Walton, of Waltoo, Little, A 00. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A Co. Henry G Reeve, ofH.G Reeve A Co. Daniel T. Wlllets, of Willets A Co. Albert L. De Oamp. of Baker A De Camp. John M. Bruce, Jr , of Bruce, Odell, A Parnuo. Btepben Llnlngton, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketcbam & Co. Wm A Coma ings, of Beards A Cummings. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamus, A Co. Brewster Valentine, of Ya!ent«no A Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. A J Whitfield A Co, Albert Havemyer, (late Havemyer A Moller.) •Tennis W. Quick, of Quick A l’Hommedieu. David M. Tnmore, of Edsy A Turnure. Jofo T Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Co. Edward Bill, of 119 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V. King A Co. Wra H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin A Brother. John Irisbie, (Freeland, Squirts, A Oo.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildiogs and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE OOMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON, No. 103 Soath FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. ool*frm3n»B3t-if ENGRAVING WHISKEY.— 30 bbls., 20$ do. (Miller & Rtokenton’a) Old Monongahel* Whi»k«y, la Ktore and foi sale, by A „ A. ME ItINO, oeu-u 140 South ieont tmt, SoarMng. amusements. CONCERT. Jiunranre QTompames. .9300.000 . 78.200 .SOTS,2OO