-*fL. 'BEE'. l ; ,f j!*om.jfobnia. otSontwioHjv i'j j , (SuaaxT Ajj&jjjsHta***:' > 1 pfttd !n ourOlfrjr.ft&te.and the AtleatiOjßtatei,*inc«j U4t*lfe4taerfoiiO*litt?fil»* .si»«it.'Prfee. Bix>‘£Myb per feopy.\ln^itron* wr*pi«rt> : «i4 : h & lUn * v : * -*>i * 'All adYertijioitißnti Intended forthi •'’ ;VSeir;P«|>qea. Judge;Potter; The. New; Overland- Msil'Bbute; We'^t'^Si^teW-, ' ‘ >t< . ' - .‘sjli -/."T* VI W * .A. ti E * < it r? "u/'i-'.-'i-The. ICews.t ‘t* ' Ohloa. , Mr; Bead, • the .Amerioan Miniaterj had #go’ne to Staiighae.' ; The ehoiera WaSraging amopg -'v ; ’ the Chip eta' trb'ops. ‘ 'No improvement haa oo ,.7eurred Intheprospeota oftheAilautlo,telegraph. . i- jhateradyloeafram Maxioo oenfirm'- the ropo.rt of iti H,:a bSttleii betweeh '/Vidaurri ana; MTramonr IThe tt ,r ?(%6i®dte< V/’. ; ' . ;' . tfe hav’e' ,iittle addjtlonal’ electionnews. ffho .v TTow VoVk papers of last evening speak of having 1 ftoifi’ W'arren/’Pennsflyahia, which r‘\ Tondera the:eloy< . 6n account ofthe latter giving afoul. /^lJlfi^^^fe^lr^^Gld^stortAj^roin'Cin^ i. on loop raO^with'the '^iWhtion : of Ik •' v ' fV \ ‘ “ fJj'/An^y^doni^ieen/granUd.against;the as- J; n J ijSPJ?w of.the’ OWo. Trust Company,-by , : States and the 'sheriff of Hamilton oounty has been appointed r —.7 The and in the oonne'of it rc- appropriately made to’rthe name of the Company, “ Hope.” 1 _ iv ‘» hvf, ro pog'.-'in-juO.’T .-• ' *l .tra- - ■ •?; *»’. An' 1 Ertra-jJndlcial Oplnlon. ' ", ‘. ~There , s ie ning' more -graceful .than- a --graceftiiisuljmueion todefeat.'-The tniephl-j MbSspfiey"^Jtt^^|p^me|S;!.d^^ir'■ with' a goes into.retlrement without .aajgh.Vlhisleßaon,*Boeina,to,havobeonlosi - - uporii’the ljfgbly dleHpgnlohed gentleman who , Judge, lit; this State-, at the late eleotiofi,andwaa badly heatou i by; Houi'i JousoM'.«Eead.' TV"e allude to-tho • HoU'. < WthLiAM';A‘. ;PoßT*E,’.>hoK ’ letter to ' Governor XACKEEp'reßigniDg his position upon . ;t,he Supremeßenoh,tdwhiehhehadhaen aj) pointedbyWe poverner, we reprlnt in another -’coiumn.^ |^’^^'are:ii^e'to.'nay.jth»li'^nlp( ciint,of , 'Btyieajhd.teniper/iit.’doeejudge -PoaTEnno | ’ credit. In the ilret, place,: it. reflecta -upon, • 'Govenior Paokbe.' W’puld if hot’ haye beon | ’’itloast ’deeotoui- lp|; ; Judge Po®TEE;t6 have: held over, under the commlasion conferred by> 'the'Goverhpr in subhi 'manifest gotfd faith/’ for | , before/Mr.; sxjkj>.}aßsmneß the ermiae? Why thi»-;hot> tp''get' rid 'bf tHo jtidicial robe'af -Surely 1 - wotM ihavowaited’.alittlo • while lpnger iu .ptdor to let hia terin clbae aB pro ■ /irfded by;law.; . ■’.’ Judge PpETBEis not lesa nnfortunato when tiiat. ■whonevpf . a ' judge] can , f*.be „ elepted' by reagon. or bis '. sentiments on any i*#al poweryho, „if, they, sinned ,at all, .-sin . ued.voniyj.in standing, whore- he professed he mean whence speakaof those whh' “ remain fn the' ization; f’f KHe '• may- allndOj iDdaed, " to’ his ufele,'JiiiES i?d a Dißos' P oetee, who ran as a vplnnteer‘ ,: candidate; for/ jndge' some years' agp/.in ? the^onroo,.^jad’ioialdistrlot,ortO hfs. own Ex-Governor. poKTEE, who / Is" Uhown to’ oppose the Teguiar nominations iri . resides/ wheneVer they do; iiot. pieaso • him.. He did ; not suppose ..: that /th'e. teunt ‘at ; ihe" glorious /Democracy, ~ whloh ;reftiBoB:'to en(lorte Lecompt6n, as;So . sirneartobim;', That'Democfacy; inaynow' PoExEa,.Ejid; : we only regret that he dfd not allow/hia .sentimehte 'to appiar fre/ore' lnstead.of ojVarthe election. • ,-vV l -4 > . S^S?*C? i § against, him would.; haveabeen flve tlmes larger tban It is. 1 : Judge. harsh > language tp any ; portion -. The specie in the Bank of Austria amount to £ll,- 000.000 sterling, and the aggregate amounts held in the Banks.of England, France, and Austria, is —— fire milUooß (word omitted ) j The Western Bank htS made a call for ona hundred additional shares for the first of November. Later advices had been received from Canton. There Ttere large quantities of tea at Canton waiting the re opening of trade for exportation. Trade had been re sumed at fihanghae. 1 , ' Lord Elgin was at Japan, and the United Stated Com missioner, the Hon Win. B. Reed, was at Shanghae. Affairs at Canton were in a most unsatisfactory state. Cholera had appeared among the Chinese anny. Rumors were afloat that there were two French ships of-war at Lisbon, demanding the restitution of Charles George. ' The King of Denmark was quite ill.- COMMEBOIAL INTELLIGENCE. fBV TELEGRAPH TO SOUTHAMPTON ]' LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET;— Liverpool, Oct. o.—The market for Cotton is quiet, but steadyfaithe rates■ reported per the Africa -The sales of the last three days foot up 21 000 bates, of which 1,400 were on speculation, and a similar amount for export. Messrs. Riohardson, Spence, & Co?, however, say that the fair and lower qualities have been offered to' the trade at a slight reduction from former prices. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFFB MARKET.—Messrs. Richaidsm, Bpence, & Co. report Flour as having a declining tendency, with piioes a little easier, though nominally unchanged. The market closed with a ten dency still downward. Wheat dull, and nominally un changed; Western is quoted at 6a Bd®os 64 for white, and 7s®7a6d for Southern. Corn is dull, aud quota tions nominal; yellowB3s 6d©34s. There are large qualities of Bleck Sea grain in the market, which are Beilin g at a dee’lne on all grades * LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.—Beef is heavy. Fork quiet. Bacon dull and prices weak, with hut little Inquiry. Lard dull at 60©61b. Tallow sldwof sale butpricesunaltered. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET.—Rosin is doll, and Inferior descript ona o' common are selling at 8b 10a. 04s. Spirits Turpentine steady at 38a 6d089a. Sugar* quiet. Coffee quiet. Rice steady. Ashes quiet at 81s 6d for Pots, and 82s 01 for Pearls. Cod Oil dull at £34. Linseed Oil dull at 83s 6t@34fl. Philadelphia Bark 9s 6do9a9d; Baltimore do 6a 6d®7a LONDON MARKETS.—Prime old Wheat is un changed, while inferior is lower. Sugar is steady. Tea Arm. Coffee unaltered. Tallow Arm. AmerlcanFlour steady. Cotton steady. . LONDON MONET MARKET —Consols closed on Tuesdav at for me nev end account. STATE OF TRADE.—The Manchester market ex hibited but little activity, bnt there was no change in rates. From New Mexico and the Plains—Ano ther Battle with the Indians-—The Fike’s Peak Gold Mines. St. Louis, Oot. 18.—A despatch from Independence on the 17th says that the Santa Fe mail, with dates to the 27th nit., arrived there on Saturday night. News had reached Santa Fe of another battle with the Indians. Six of the Indians were killed and two sol diers wounded. Six thousand head of sheep were re covered The mail conductor reports meeting with a large number of gold-hunters bound to Pike’s Peak. Later from Mexico* New Orleans, Oct. 18.—The steamer General Rusk, from Brszoß on the 14th instant, has arrived at this port, with later advices from Mexico. The reported battle between Vidaurri and Mlramon la confirmed. The former was defeated. The battle lasted four days, and was fought near Ohualusco. Vidaurri retreated to Monterey, and was preparing to attack Miramon. The Tehuantepec Mail Itoute—Arrival of the Steamer Quaker City at ew Orleans. rTHS New Orleans, October 18—The mail steamship Quaker Oity, from New York, has arrived at this port. She is bound to the Isthmus, to commence.the carriage of the mail over the Isthmus route. Arrival of the Overland California ' Mails* Bt. LOms,fOctoher 18.—The second Overland Cali fornia Mall arrived here on Saturday night, bringing letters to the 20th ult, but no papeis. The third mail reached here to-night, having been twenty-fire days on the route. Nicaraguain Affairs—The Purchase of Washington, Oot. 16 —lt is said that Gen. Jeres will immediately communicate with the Government of Nicaragua relative to the bod>suoccss of hie mission, &hd ask for farther instructions. lie Was emphatically informed by Gen. Case that, whatever may be done by France, or anv other foreign Power, our Government will proteot the transit route to the fullest extent, and at all hazards. Some friends of the Administration, occupying high, politic*! pesition, express themselves favorable to a direct application to Congress for an appropriation to conduct the negotiation for the purchase of Cuba. • ‘ The receipts of the Post Office Department, for the quarter cndlog the 30th of June, were $l,BOO 000. The Atlantic Telegraph* Trinity Bat, Oct. 18 —ToPeterOooper, Esq., for the Dlreotora of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, New York : I regret to say that the preconcerted signals arranged by Mr. Thompson have failed to elicit any Improvement in the reception of signals here. I do not know if any improvement has taken place at Va« lentia I commence repeating the same system oh Wednesday next. O. V. DE BAUTY. The Greht Prize fight. Buffalo, Oot. 18.—the coming fight between Hee nan and Morrissey causes the greatest excitement among the “ fancy,” The oity is fuller than ever before of bruisers. Delegations continue to arrive by every train Notorious aportiog characters are here from Havana, New Orleans, Oalifornla, and all the large Norihorn cities Both Morrissey and Heonan arere forted to be in excellent condition and eager for the ray The fight takes place near Long Point, Canada. Heenan’a seconds are Aaron Jones and johnny Mackey. Morrissey’s seconds are Dublin Tricks and Australian Kelly. The betting is now even. A fight came off to*day at Point Ablno between Scotty and Barney Aaron, resulting in a victory for Scotty, Barney giving him a foul blow. They fought ten rounds la fifteen minutes. The Great Balloon Race—Ascension of Three Balloons* Cincinnati. Ootober 18 — Professors Steiner and Go dard started at 4 o'olook this afternoon on their great balloon race, with the intention of remaining up three days. Mr. Bellmao, of the Gazette , preoeded them in a small balloon. * The Ohio Life and Trust Company—ln junction Granted. Cincinnati, Oot. 18 lathe United States Oirouft Court, Judge McLean presiding^on an application, filed by Henry Btanborry, attornies Dell and Grant, of Lon don, and Thompson and Nesmith, for olher creditors of the Ohio Life and Trust Company, representing claims to the amount of $700,000. an injunction was granted against the assignees of said company, restraining them from disposing of the property of the company under their control. v An application for the appointment of a receiver, be fore the Supreme Court, has been granted, and the sheriff of Hamilton county haa been appointed reoelver. Battle between the V. S. Troops and the Caraauche Indians* Memphis. October 18 —The overland mail from Fort Smith, on the Bth, confirms the reported battle between the United States troops and Oamanche Indians. The Piccolomini Furore at New York. New York, Oct. 18. —The ticket offices atthe Acade my wore besieged at an early bonr this morning, indi cating that the Piccolomlnl excitement had reached fever heat. Every seat In the house was disposed of during the first hour. Explosion of a Steam Tttg* Oswboo, Oot. 18 —The steam tug T, H Bloore ex ploded her boiler, outside of the harbor, this morning. Four persons were badly hurt, and the engineer is missing. Supposed Loss of a Schooner* Oswbgo, Oct. 18 —The schooner Albion, owned and bound here, is supposed to have been lost off Erie, Fa in the gale of the 7th Inst,, with all hands. New York Bank Statement. New York, Ootober 18,—The bank statement for the past week foots up as follows: Increase in loans $617,000 Increase in deposits 930,000 Decrease in specie * 664,000 Deoreise in oiroutatlon 00,000 The Yellow Fever at New Orleans* New Orleans, Oct. 18 —The number of deaths from fever on Saturday were SO. Total for the week 810. markets by Telegraph. Baltimore, Oct. 18.— Flour Is dull; Ohio, $5 251 Howard street, $5 37E. Wheat—There is a brisk de mand for prime, but the common qualities are dull: red. $1.1501 28 ; white, $1.100115 for common, and fl 20® 1,40 for fair to prime. Corn—Yellow, 880880. Whiskey firm. Provisions steady. Chicago, Oct. 18 Flour is quiet. Wheat ditto, at anadvanoooflo; Bales at 630. Corn firm, and lc bet ter. Oats steady. Shipments to Buffalo—No Flour, 29,000 bus of Wheat, and 16.000 bus of Corn. To Os wego—No Flour. 15,000 bus' Wheat. Receipts —4,9oo bbJa Flour, 15,000 bus Wheat, and 30,000 bus Corn. New Orleans, Oct. 18—Cotton is firm and active; sales of 14,000 bales. Lard is #0 higher. Molasses is quoted at 340. Oinoinnati, Oot. 18 —Flour is unchanged; the de mand is confined to the home trade; sales at $4.50® 4.60 for superfine, and $4.7505 for extra. Whiskey is quoted at 17Jfe. Provisions unchanged. Mess Pork is quoted at $l5. Wheat is scarce; prime is in better demand. A Mr. Kelley, of Ogdensburg, was stand ing near a oross-ont saw which oscillated, when his shawl was oaught in tho saw, and the saw entered the right shoulder and passed downward till its motion was entirely stopped by his shawl. The wound reached about fourteen inches across the baok, and was ten Inohes deep from the shonlder downward* The bone of the right arm was oat off within two inohos of the shonlder socket, and the pleoe was removed when the wound was dresßed. The shonlder blade was also out off, the saw oloaely grazing the spinaloolnmn. IMPROVEMENT IN BUSINESS IN TRENTON.— The Trenton (N. J-) True American states that the foundry of Messrs. Bottom A Tiffany, of that oity, is now executing heavy orders for iron work, among which are iron fronts for a mammoth store in New Orleans, with rlohly-ornamented cornices; a massive flight of spiral steps, sixty feet high, for tho onstom houso at Mobile, and several or -1 ders from Philadelphia. The foundry is fuller of work and more aotively engaged at present than for any period in the last eighteen months.' The Portland (Mo ) Argus announces the death of General Phineas Varnum, aged eighty yoars. He was formerly a momber of the Execu tivo Oonnoil of the State, and was much respeoted and beloved by his fellow-oltizona. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. ' ?v ; AOA&IHYOP MOBIO.— The Ravels. . -"f ‘ &'/ . WHIATtKT 4 OLABM'S AxCff-STBMf THBATBBi—. “ Poor Gsntlfim&a”-:“.Widow , fl Husband.^ Mbs. D. P; Bowxas* Walho**btbx**.Thbat*b.— ” Court anil Asmodeus.” Oobobbt HAll.—Saaderson’s Panorama of tha Rus- sian War. NATiolfi^HiLL';—Williams’ Panorama of the Bible. Assbkbly Buildings.—Signor Blit*. Parade op the National Guards.— The National Guards, under the command of Captain Peter Lyle, paraded yesterday for target practice, and had out about'one' hundred'•menr'Theywew aeeompaaiedby the Philadelphia Brass Baud, and made, as usual, a most appearance: They proceeded to the Bull f s Head Hotel, where, after target practice,’ they had a “ high old time 9 * generally. The,following were ■the best shots: ~ - ... < • Plrßt'pri*'*, Oalifdrn&gold medal,' Private WUUam Rush. Second prize, Private Bsmes. Third prise. Ser geant Durang- Foqrthprixe, Private George D. Glenr. Fifth price. Private William HeFerrau. Sixth prise, Private GflUger. 1 'Seventh prize, Private H. dreed. Eighth prize. Corporal Parrel. Nfnfli prize. Private 3 King, Tenth prix*, Berge»nt G.*ay. Eleventh prizeV Private Stokes. Twelfth.prize, leather medal, Private l)«vis The following were the judges of the firing: Col. Lewis Col Wilhelm, and Orpt. 8. A. Hegner, The prizes were distributed last evening, at their armory, by 001. Lewis. Attempt to Commit a Murder.—Yesterday afternoon, a shoemaker named William Wallace, resi ding in Cambria .street, near Twentieth, attempted, while laboring under delirium tremsns, to murder his, wife by'stabbing her with a knife. The unfortunate woman fought desperately, and in her attempts to es cape from her Infuriate aasallantieeelved nineteen stabs on the baok of her head, neck and body The screams of the popr woman brought to the house a number of the neighbors jnstin time to save her life. She was conveyed to the residence of Dr. Gardcer in that vicin ity, where her wonnds were properly dressed Tbe wounds are not of a very serious character, and she will in'*ll probability recover. ‘ The husband in his attempt to escape from the officers, jumped from a second story window, hut was finally captured add placed in the sta tion-house to ayrait the result of the woman’s injuries. Thieves Caught.— I The residents along the North Pennsyivania Raliroad.Vori Fisher’s Lane, and near Germantown, have recently suffered from a gang of burglars from this city, who nightly. visited them and carried off whatever they could conveniently se cure . On Saturday night,' Officer Russell, of the Detec tive force, arrested Franoia Fetter, John Shall, and Kato Brooks,' on the charge of being the thieves, and recovered from them a large amount of stolen goods, a portion of which has been identified and olaimed by the owners. ..The thieves had also in their possession three horses, one of which it is supposed was (stolen from Montgomery county*' The accused will have a hearing at 10 o’clock this morning, at the Mayor’s office, where the goods can be seen.' Another Shooting ' Case.— Acting upon information made before him, Lieut. Hampton, of the Second police district, arrested Edward Donohue aged 17 years, on the charge' of having, on the night'of"elec tion, shot a ohild named Matilda Dobbin,-between 10 and 11 yean of age, in the knee, with a slug. It seems that Matilda was among the lookers on at a bon-fird at Broad and Rose streets, when Donohue fired tbe pistol. Tbe wounded ohild told her parents that she bad fallen and hnrt her knee, and she did net tell the truth uotil i ho wound had become so serious that it is feared she will not recover. The slug has not yet been extracted. Denobue belongs to' a gang of outlaws known as the “Lancers” He say: the pistol went oil accidentally. The accused has been committed to answer. . Laying of a.Corner-stone.— The corner stone of the Bethany Mission Ohapelwas laid yester day afternoon in South street, west of Tweaty-firet street, with the ceremonies incldeot upon such an occa sion The building is -to be 50 by 75‘feet, 'and Its esti mated cost is $2,500. This amount has been raised through the efforts' of the Rev. John Chambers’s congre gation. Addresses were made by.tbe Rev. J. Chambers, Rev. Dr. Bralnerd, Rev R. A. Carden, Rev. Mr. Mc- Cloud, and others. After tbe placing of the usual articles in the corner-stone, and the benediction by the Rev Dr. Beatie, the company sepa v ated. Probable fatal affair at "Woodbury:—. On Sunday afternoon last an altercation occurred in Woodbury, N. J., between a white man, named Dilks, a resident of that place, and a colored mao,--named Charles who wav in a state of intoxication. A fight ensued.'durlogwhtoh Thomas stabbed Dilks upon the right side of the neck, inflicting a shocking wound several inches in length. The injured mau was picked up and conveyed to a house in the-vicinity, where his wounds were dressed, but the attending phy siol&DS have no hopes of his recovery. The assailant was at once arrested and placed In the jail at that place. Brutal Assault .Meunce, hailing from Bridgeport, N. J., was before Alderman Plankln ton, yesterday morning, on tbe charge of committing an asssultana battery on a small boy, with an intent to kill. It appears that while passing Eleventh and Green streets, on Saturday afternoon, a party of boys threw pebbles at him, when he became exasperated, and seizing a largo stone, hurled it atooeof the little fel lows, striking him on the head, aod infUotlng a danger ous wound. The accused was committed to answer Cadets of Temperance. — The Grand .See tion of Pennsylvania, at its eleventh annual session, elected the following officers: G. P.. Wn. Davis; G. V. P., Edwsrd Emerick Sell: G- 8., B Franklin Den nisson; G. T., Wm. J. Sedalnger; G. G., Alexander Given ; G W., Alex. Clements; O.C, John Schaeffer. The order has rapidly increased during tbe past year, and now numbers over 8,000 noble-youth pledged-to total abstinence from all that intoxioates. We trust they may be still more useful. Arrest of Fugitives.— At an early hour yenterday morning High Constable Clark arrested two men, named Charles Knecht and JamfceMcQaade, on the charge of being fugitives from Pottsville, where they are charged with areon ’ They were handed over to Constable D B Christ, of Pottsville. and started for that place in the morning train. McQnade is said to have been the proprietor of a laige sash mill which was destroyed by fire some time Binco. Effects of Intemperance.— Coroner Fen ner held an inquest yesterday morning upon the body of Charles Pierson, who died on Snnday night, at a house in Penn street, below South: The deceased was much addicted to intemperance, and was constantly fa llog about From the effects of one of these falls he died Verdict accordingly. Pierson leaves a wife and two children. Browning Case.—Patrick Gennivan, the captain of a coal boat, was drowned near Mauoh, on Thursday, while attempting to save the life of a lad who h«d fallen overboard. The body wm recovered and brought to bis residence in Willow street, where Coroner Fenner held an Inquest. ! , Passino Counterfeit Monet.— At a heat- log last evening, before the United States 'Oommis aioner, Andrew T, Green, of Highspire, Pa., was bound over in the snmof $3,500 to appear before the United States Oonrt, on charge of making and passing counter feit coins - Acoidest.—Yesterday afternoon a child six sears of age. named James Gilligsn, was dreadfully In jured by belog crushed botween a coal cart and ao office at the corner of Broid and Oarlton streets. The snflerer was convoyed to the hospital. Died op his Injuries.—A boy who was run over at Eleventh and Bprlng Garden streets by a batcher’s cart, on Saturday, died at Bt. Joseph’s Hospi tal yesterday morning Coroner Fenner was sent for to hold an inquest in the case How to Pat tiie'Fine. — A woman was ar rested on Sunday for being drunk, and was fined by Alderman Patchel. Not having the necessary amount, tho magistrate extracted from her a breastpin and finger ring. . ------ BoitGLAItJES IK THE -RURAL DISTRICTS, Several burglsnos took place Sunday night in the rural portion of the Twenty-second ward, outside of the por tions of the ward under police surveillance. See additional items on first page. THE COURTS. YESTERDAY'S PBOOIIOUQB [Reported for The Press.l United States District Court— Judge OadwsUder Shuster alias Tom Band, and John Crowell alias John Dick, were put on trial, charged with making and passing counterfeit quarters, halves, and gold dollars, quarter and half eagles. At the open ing of the Cou t, John Crowell asked to send for his counsel, David Paul Brown, jr , who soon made his ap pearance, and said he would not appear as counsel for Cmwell in the cine The defendant then asked the Court to assign the counsel as he had no money'to pay for one. The Oonrt then assigned Wm. G. Bmlth as his counsel. Messrs. Hnbbleana Ball represent the flrst naowd defendant. The early pirtioo of theday was taken np in chal lenging jurors. The courtordered ten extra jurors to be summoned. United States District Attorney J. C. Vandyke opened the case for the' United States, and alleged that a man named Lewis Berry was tried some time since on the same charge as the defendant, and that daring the trial it was proved that a number of instruments for making counterfeit money was found in Berry’s house, in a room occupied by Shuster and Cro well, and that the room was rented by Berry to the defendants br their alleging that they wanted it to manufacture hair dye. The following witnesses were then exara’ned: ' George D Callahan testified—Some few days previ ous to the 10th day of April, a man by the name of Cromwell was brought from the Court of Quarter Ses sions to the Mavor’s office to make an affidavit, and that he stated to him that he wanted to lead an honest life ; that he was working at his trade, and that Bfafe was called on ny Tom Hand, and threatened him if he did not assist him, and finally he consented to help, and purchased acids, and that he took the articles he purchased to the house of Berry, In Twenty-fourth sirset; that Shuster occupied the third.story front and bn*k rooms, and that the back room was used for a work-room, and that Bhuster had their engra ving of a tan-dollar bank-note on tbe Delaware County Bank; he was under arrest at the time he came to the Mayor’s office; that Shuster made the counterfeit money iu that room and sent the money to Albany; he said he bought the aoids inOheqtmit and Eutaw streets ; I had a warrant issued; I was then one of tbe Mayor’s special officers; I, with Officers Tagrnrt and Carlin, found tbe things now In cenrt la the third story hack room; 1 was not present when Shuster was arrested, nor when tbe money was found; I re ceived a statement from Dick about tbis iu tho Mayor’s room; he was 'under duress at the time; he was brought to the Mayor’s office by an onicer and no promise was made by me that it would be better for him to tell it. (•The Court said to the District Attorney that the United States would have to prove that the defendant was not made to prove what he said by promises made; that It would be for hit own benefit to do so ) Ho was brought byatipstave of the court. (The batteries, metals, acids, engravers’ tools, slicing moulds, lamp black, plates, Ao , were produced in court ) The lamp black was found at the foot of the fligh t of stairs attached to the third storv. Mr. Oarlin and Mr. Taggart searched the premises before I did. Crowell was charged with passing ten-dollar notes on the Delaware County Bank on the 30th of March, and tbia was iu April Ontrial. District Court— Judge Haro.—Valentino Startles Conrad Daubsrt An action to recover da mages for obstructing a water .course. Jnry out. John D. Ward vs. Hartell, Letchworth Sc Co. An action on a promissory note and book account. Verdict for plaintiff $6ll 01. Hart and Daniel Dougherty for plaintiff; Letchworth for defendant Common Pleas Judge Ludlow.—Julia Brown, administratrix. Ac , vs. A. B. Nolane. An aotion of trover to recover damages for the alleged wrongful detention of certain cabinetmaker’s tools. Defence, that defendant bolds the artloles as collateral for the payment of a certain due hill. Jury out. Godfrey Beta vs. The Northern Liberties Gas Com pany, garnishees.—This was an attachment execution against garnishees to recover money in their bands due to Mnoller Sc Guteperger. Verdict for plaintiff for $11.40. Ann Brown vs. Henry F. Gross. An action to recover for work and labor done. ’ Ontrial. Quarter Sessions— Judge Allison.—Dr. Wright's Case —Frank R. Wright was charged with adultery. After a brief opening to the jnry by District Attorney Longhead, he called to the witness stand Ed win T Chase, who testified: Mr. Wright appeared be fore me, as commissioner, to make an affidavit, which I took at the time it bears date. It was a libel for divorce. Mr. Heipin testified—l was employed as bookkeeper at Jones’s Hotel; Wright was stopping at the hotel last July, Augost, and September: he remained over two months; also a lady, whom he represented to be his wife, and t*o servants'; I saw the lady once or twice; he occupied the room with her; never heard him men' tton her first name; the entry upon tur books was Dr. Frank R. Wright, lady, and two servants; Dr. Wxlght a sieter was at the hotel for a short time; she remained In the servants* room ~, . . A Dr. Duoachet testified—l have seen Wright before, but can’t say if defendant is the one J, l ? ar l ie ' i ’ £ Tied him on the 6th day of October, 1866 at mv honse the lady’s name was Miss Rewtar: they going to live In Baltimore, >t ‘kj®? * I cannot .tate tr It waa the defendant I married, they invited me to call upon them. Alderman Heirrlefit tentmed-Mr. Wright came he fore man the SOIh of SeptemJ«i h « » P»™““ with committing edulteiy wl h hie hut after the hearing the defendant wan dUchaiged. Barah Bradford testlfled—l lived et Elkton with a gentleman’s family i I left* the honse there with the nentleman’e daughter and came to Philadelphia, I had faien tho letter to the post offlee at Elkton, directed to Wright; she‘had lettefa there elgned “Mr beloved Philip ’* or “ P.;” when we first came hers we went to the Orleans House ; I came to learn a trade; ah* asked mo to come with her} her father did not know she wm we remain*! at OATTLNMABKET-Ootober 18. the Orleans House for* few moments, and then went to -Abont 9. «w\ v..,, n r x*-.r n-*tla ««at the dlff«r*nt I Jone.’a ; we-le|t there and went back to tie Orleans' k ab_dDr. Wright c*me into tho parlor and advised Her to T ” ; 11 Delaware. J. Bosland,.. f ......... .7 00a7 50 Mr. Hirpln recalled—But on pointing oat a lady 30 oblo > ? Phi11ip5.........;. 6 00»7 00 called Mrs' Wright, witness said she looks something 60 Virginia; J. Alexander ACo ............ 7 OOaS 60 HkeHha >ftdy who was at Jenea’e Hotel; but I c&nnol 10 Pennsylvania, IS B. Gibson 6 60a7 60 recognise her positively. 13-.'. -do • ©.Braden..’... .7 00a7 60 /Virginia Mjentestifled-I llvedinWright’afamilyas 0 P«akS'- -«%vv***'*'rv*” J 60 a servant from 1866 up tothis time; he was married; *§ 00 ' ®l*ir 7 00a7 50 I was at Jones’s Hotel„with them in July last;,l am Jt'JP *,?• Oook;.;;;; 7 OOaJ 00 living with her how } she was a moment agoin Court; V, • ? 4 kn •*;••••••• 7 WJaT 76 at Jones’s they, occupied -roqms 109 &ndUO;Mr and |i 2S!®i \ SSS Mrs, 1 Wright occupy the same rooms; ,1 was present f? .Hf** * Seymour 5 when they were married.}* Dr. .Ducachetto., i V ; JJ ohe A S' Carson.. Mr.. Freeman recalled, and -identified the; lady who r® 4® r ' Marshall..,.B OOaS** was at the Union jHotel ‘ • 00 A. Kraßrty;;ootB 50 Miss Bradford recalled, and identified the lady who }$ Peouylvama, W. Cummings 7 00*7 50 came with her to this city and remained at the Union' r i* A. AleFeatoers 6 00a8 00 Hotel. The Oommonwesltb here oloeed their.cee. j» I “S m No testimony was offered by the defence—they rely- ?1 * \ 00 *f 99 leg, open the fosoflieleney of the proore.offered b/ the “ ?xJisS lv ? 2Sfoe ?;" h : wii Goforth for defendant. « oh f 0 » B \ % Verdict gcllty. 13 Chester, Q. StoEleVme T 00t7 75 6 BdekAcounty, J. Constantine 6 OOaT 00 71 Chester county, Underwood & Baldwin... 7 OOaS OO 63 Virginia; J. Bastable. by W. Fuller. 7 50*8 OO UQ Lancaster county, D.JSckman 7 00a8 00 85 Ohio, Isaac ’Abrahams;... ? 8 OOaS 26 16^D ( elayrare county,Bullock ............ 7 Coa7 50 ' The arriVals of Sheep were 9 000, selling at $2 to 81, cash, being from 6, to .80 pei|lb, dressed. About 250 Cows and Calves arrived; prices ranging at J3Q to 8W for extras, g2O to $3O for middling, and $l6 to $2O for dry cows. Of Hogs, the arrivals atPh«lip’ayaf§werSi M 6, in cluding 900 taken to New York. The madeefrns fen- Sales ranging at s6oso 60 the 100 lbs nett. Attempt ; to Murder a OceroVmXn’; m his Pulpit. —Lost evening, at about eight o’clook, a Frenchman named Lems Berners,' entered' the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, and took a seat in a front pew.' . In a few minutes he drew a revolver, and pointing it at the pastor, Rev. M. D. C. CrAwford, discharged one of the barrels.: The ball passed olose by nis bead, on the left, striking the wall of the pulpit behind him. The, congre gation was in, a great excitement The man;was seized and handed over to the police of the twen tieth ward., On bis way to the. station house he told the'officers that Mr. Crawford had insulted him in Ms morning sermon. He is evidently in sane.— 2V. Y. Post, 18*A. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHIX.ADKLPHIA, October 18, 1858. * All kinds of stocks were dull to-day, especially the fancies, which' were'exceedingly heavy. The turn in the market is by some attributed to the reaction conse quent upon the rapid advance in Beading last week; It may be .owing to the faot that a good part of the demand for Beading came from New York, and caused ]rices hereto rise, and that, as the shorts in that city hare been supplied, the stock is returning to .its former po sition in the market.' Our readers are at liberty to so cept either ef these theories as true, or to make a bet ter onefor themselves 1 It is a free, country. Vtry /res, said the poor Frenchman—if yon hare they allow you to go barefoot. n fiiPimw tut £|; §f: ; P-: g: • f.; = © P'l j» i ssiisiisiiiiiislil isiiiiigiiiiiiliii » ‘ MM MMMWtt|B »0» -4 £3 c> O *-* to p_- Co “4 oo» o» 08 e»tr gr'tj**® ta'o'cs'o'oo » OMO>MU|3HeDIHaOQ«4OISM& N*(OIOIS4Ma«KMMSI»>SMHS H M Dt ffl O>S>WO'»oN»O4>.MO>WOOfS?3»tSO B g 82 g 5 S!!S § gSSfegSglg K 8 • g P * o w M M H * S ?j £g®SgSS3SBSSSBBBgB S = "gSSgfeg £SSBEggggs3 § Si ■ c & ££S M H § S Ss js “ S' wpo e csja oq 23 2>_p c* os'® luen nbi’bese'^i'vo gslggsslltsigissifgi gB§gss'Bg“siss'|'B2“l''sl AtDOfaQQOHOH&OOaHOOOMS 23538 2 a 2 8| £ 88SS£2S au«wofr*iHcs3oeoM ©to iadpDiAVweM9»*K>l gags b ssgsgsss gh pszs eoS«iH9i9fl6>oS9oMOpes The weekly statement of the banks presents the fol lowing changes, incomparison of the aggiegates with those of last week. The specie is Increased and the loans, while the deposits fall off.. All the changes, how erer,are comparatively unimportant: Oct. 11. Oct. 18. .125.242.867 125,440 705. .10c.197.848 7.102 950 Daefeaotherßlr*. 1,934,39(1 1.390787..De0 43539 Dneto other Bka. 8.455,3'3 3,880,724.. Dee. 74,699 Deposits 17,324 619 17,239.953.. Dec. 84 667 Circulation 2,604,030 2,748,492. .Deo. 55,689 The following statement shows the bnainesa of the Philadelphia Clearing Honae for the week ending Sat* vrdaj, Oetobor 10,1858: Clearings. Balances paid. 58,699 485 79 $1*5.274 70' ....... 8 51T.655 60 260,722 88 3.151,456 08 165,538 78 2,979.741 87 163 509 09 2,761,745 84 202 109 42 8,264 276 38 238,850 54 Oct. 11. *» 12. “ IS. “ 14. «< 15. »« . 16. Total .$19,184,310 41 $1,166,605 76 The telegraph reports that the quantity of coal.car ried over the Lehigh Valley Railroad,for the week end ing the 16th inst, was 10,970 tons, being an increase over the corresponding week of last year of 4,685 tons andagpinbn the tonnage the present season, over that of last year, to date, of 24,000 tons. This indicates a rapidly increasing activity in the Lehigh coal region. The following is the offiolal statement of the deposit* and coinage at the U. S. Branch Mint, at New Orleans, daring the month of September, 1868: GOLD DHPOBITS U. S. bullion, California..... .$lB5 68 Other Gold 695 26 811/VIR DBPOSITS. Foreign Silver Total Deposits..... 610,000 Half Dollars $266,000 00 The Cincinnati Gazette takes the following notice of a dangerous counterfeit on the Bank of Ohio: *< Another exceedingly dangerous counterfeit on the State Bank of Ohio has been discovered, which has tm< donbtedly had an extensive circulation. Last week a $2O billon the Ripley branch was suspected by atelier of one of the banks in Third street; but. after a close com parison, and a strict scrutiny by the most reliable jadges, thero was a difference of opinion as to its cha racter. The majority, however, decided that it was gennine. Iu order to test the matter fully, Messrs. Johnson Sc Bro. forwarded tbe bill to the cashier of tho Ripley branch, and to day an answer was received pro nouncing It a counterfeit, no notes of the date and num ber of the counterfeit having been issued by the-bank Engravers are of the opinion that tbe impressien must have been taken, in part at least, from genuine engra vings, so perfect is the engraving. There Is no mark by which the counterfeit oan be distioguished from the genuine, and as the‘ former have undoubtedly been changed in the filling up so as to represent the seven! branches, the oolr safe plan is torefuse all notes of the denomination of $2O on the Btate Bank of Ohio. Tbe counterfeit Is not a new one, and some of our bankers are of the opinion that tbe spurious notes have been received anapaid out by the bank themselves, for some time, and that a large proportion of s2o*B now in cir culation are counterfeit.” PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, October 18, 1868. BKFO*TXD BT MANLST, BBOWIC, A 00., BANX-NOtl, BTOOC AND BXOJIANGS .BROKBBS, AND OHSBTXUT STRKSTB. FIRST 600 City 6s New .104 1000 NPenuaß 6a celt 67V 1000 do cash 67 \ 1500 do .......... 57V 600 do 57V 1000 Penns R 2d M Os 90 V 1000 do 90* 1000 do 90V 1000 Lehigh Nav6s... 95 2000 do 96 6000 do b 5 65 2000 do ...b5 95 6000 do b 6 95 6000 do.. b 5 95 BETWEEN 600 Reading R 6s >B6 76000 City 6s ’BB 102 25000 do ..102 3900 do 3000 do 66.102*' 3000 do 1000 do ..; 102 V 400 do PR.IOO 1000 do 8.100 2000 do New Gas.loo V 200 do 104 800 City 6s ’6O 98 1001 Frank A South 7s 93 600 Schi Nav 6s *B2. 66V 1000 do 66* 1000 WilmßOs 100# ' AFTER: 2100 City 6s ’BB . CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked. V. S. 6s ’74 103 V Pht1a6a.........100 100 V do R ....100 100 V do New.. 104 104# Penua 6s 91 82 Reading B 28V 23V do Bds ’70..81 81V Bid. Asked Sch Nav Imp 65...69 69V do Stock...*. 9 9W do Pref 16V 17 Wmsp’t A Blra R. BV 10 do 7s Ist mtg 72 72 do 2d mtg.4B 49 Long Island 11V 11# Girard Bank 11V Leh Coal A Nav...slV N Penn. It f* f do 6. « NewOrtek. * 5. ®V «V Lehigh Zino X 1 do Mtg 6s ’44.92 do do ’86.72V 72V Penuaßdivoff..42V 42V do 15tm65...10l 102 * do 2dm 65....90V 90V Morris Oan C0n..41V 42 do Pref 102 104 SchnylNav 65’82.66V 66V PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Oct. 18—EvxsiSQ There is no change in the Breadstuff's market, and very little doing lo the way of transactions, the sales of Flour belog limited to the wants of the home trade, at from $5 STV to I** 4o for at * nd&rd and B ood branda > $6 62V®® 32V for eitra and extra family Flour; and $0 25 ©6 60 bbl for fanoy lot*, as In quality—the market closing dull at these figures. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are scarce and firm, at $4 BrV8 r V for the for mer, and $4.26 V bbl for the latter. Wheat Is but lit tle inquired for, and the m llers are holding off for low er prices onlv about 1,000 bus having been sold, in lots, at $1.18©1.27 for red, and $1 82«1.26 for white, as in quality. Corn is steady, with salesof I,6oobus Southern yellow at 87c afloat, and 2,200 bus Penn do at 850 in store Oats are rather lower, with sales of 2,500 bus Southern, to note, at 44c, afloat. Rye is steady, with sales of new at 76c, and old at 800. Of Barley Malt, a sale is re ported at 1260 per has, at which rate it is freely offered. Bark is steady at $3l for Ist quality Quercitron, but the demand 1b limited. Cotton is not inquired for, and dull at 13V A Co., Per fumers and Importers, No. 794 Chsbthijt Street, Phtia delpbia. 1 *’ oclMfc Grover fc Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing WAGHINSS. These Machines sew from two spools, and form a scam or unf quailed strength, beauty,'and elasticity, which will sot rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for fAmilyuse. -... „ - * . - i OCI6-tf ITT* SEND FOB A 0180D1.A8.^31 ss \\ sr| Thumbs Patent Cate Shoe Brashes, compact AND CLEANLY.’—Just thethtng for Travellers, Board* ere, and noose-keepers, gold -by Grocers and Shoe Dealers. Charles D. Thom, Manufacturer .of every de scription of Brashes, No 150 North THIRD Street. Gallagher’s Celebrated filer ning Star Cook* ING STOVE.' ~ - SO,OOO NOW. IN USB. The celebrity of this wonderfully popular Stove, pos sessing, as it does, suoh'a combination of superior ad* vantages over'all other, Stoves now ia. existence, has spread its fame throughout the whole United States. Its advantages are as 'follows: it has two largo Ovens for baking end roasting; it is more economical; It possesses far more conveniences; it never fails under any circumstances; and is more durable .than any other Stove now in use. It will bake Bread, roast a Turkey, boil a Dinner, broil a Beefsteak, and heat ..wash-water, all at the same time.' r I warrant this Stove to operate, in the moat perfect manner, or the money will be returned. NOTICE.—I am the original inventor and patentee of the Stove called the-** Morning Ctir,” and it it for ?ale only in Philadelphia, at my .Store, No. 806 N; SB CON D Street, first Btore Store above Vine. Take particular notice that. the name of the inven tor, A. J. GALLAGHER, is easi, in Large Letter*, on the front and aide of each- - -- . *< MORNING STAR” COOKING STOVE. .1(10.15*, 261 A new large Oven Fiat Top Cooking Stove. Tbeplates ire'very heavy, and the whole Btove Is finished in a su periormanner; '■ ,v Y- This Slove to be superior to any other Plat- Top Store now ia the'market/ ■ 1 respectfullyJarite my friends and the publio to call and examina the above Stoves. 1 hivvs.alsoa great variety of other Cooking Stoves of. every styled Parlor Stoves, most beautiful patterns. Together with a heavy stock of-Stores for churches, stores, offices, hotels Ac. _ Repairs for the Morning Star and Sunrise Stoves, to be had only at my store. A. J. GALLAGHER. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Stoves, Ranges, Oast* Inga, Ac., No, 305 North SECOND Street, ocll-mw*a26t first Stove Store above Vine, PI i'i. Gallagher is making Silver’s Air-tight Gaa BUBNBBS as they should be, In the most workmanlike manner, and of the be.t materials. i warrant tris stove TO*em batisfac. riON, OR THBMONSY WILL BE REFUNDED. There are many imitations in the market, which hare s tendency to destroy the good qualities of this Store. Call at myjrtore, and See one in ose before making your . purchases 318,614 6' 1 A. J, GALLAGHEB, No SOS N. SECOND St., ab. TINE. .$314 455 4< W. Ilnur Fatten, Manufacturer •! Window SHADES, end Importer of CURTAIN end UPHOL STERY MATERIALS, LAOB tad MUSLIN OUR TAINS. BROOATELLEB, SATIN Dfi LAINE 'and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, HQKEEN9. PLUSHES, GIMPS a&d T ABBELB, GILT CORNICES end CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmlDgSj as low aa 75 cents each. -Jut received from Auction a' large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Tambour Lace “ $3 00, “ $6 00“ “ Quite heavy “ “ $6 00, $lO 00“ lf Elegant rich Embroidered,slooo, “ $2O 00“ “ Damask Curtain* from $lO 00 to $l6 00-per window, complete. Onrtaina made' and put up at the shortest notice, by competent workraeo. . “7a c X W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT St, ocl2-6mofl Opposite Jayne’s New Halt 950, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850. SINGER’S SEWING' MACHINES —PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a eobstantlal, staple, and re liable Sewiog Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the rery beat work on every kind of material, are invited to call at onr office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. Thf y can not fail to he satisfied. I. M. SINGER A CO., ocMni No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. K0BTHWBB? CORNS* THIRP 1910 Schuyl Nav 6s ’B2 66V 1000 do 66V 1000 do 66V 600 do 66V 2000 AUegGo 6s. .Con 51V 1000 CAAm6« ’80..b5 86 1000 do '83.... BiV 30 Beading R 25 V 18 do sswn 25 100 do ......sswn 26V 100 do sswn 25V 100 do 25V 60 Cheater Val 3 20 MinehUl R 60V ' BOARDS. Singer's Sewing Machlnes-That Singer’s Sewing Machines make the b st stitch ever invented, has been widely known for years." Other machines may make a similar stitch upon a few light fabrics, but Singer’s alone are competent to So every kind upon every variety of fabric. Singer’s new Pamily Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Ganges of the most improved B t,le are applied when desired to any of Singer's Ma dinas. I. JH. SINGER CO., 72* BOARD. 2000 Cam AAm 6s ’76. 85 8 Minehi.l B 00 ■el6>tjan22 do 60 7 do 00 100 Reading R..b6wn 26V 26 Bk of Ky 117 Scurvy.—Scurvy la set confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailers ; it shows its disgusting features also among the ill-fed poor in onr filthy lanes. Nothing has been found so speedily efficacious in ar resting the decomposing tendency of the vital fluids In scorbutic disease as the PERUVIAN SYRUP. 1 Reaver Meadow * 67 25 Morris 0ana1,... 41V 19 QermantnGaabs 48fe 10 Oity Bk 46V 14 Penna R....0AP 47V 4 do CAP 42V 13 do CAP 42V 20 do CAP 42V 110 do OAP 42V IQARD. For sale in this city by F. Brown, comer Fifth and Chestnut, and Hsssard A Co., oorner Twelfth and Chestnut. se2»-d&w tf One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the best manner, expressly for bitah. bales. We mark our lowest selling prices in plais rxoumis on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and onr 05b-priob bystbm is strictly ad hered to. We believe this to he the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. IO2V COBS—FIRM. Saving Fuad.—Fit# Far Cent* Isiimt.- NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. Roomer of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the dap of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Beal Estate, Mortgage*, Ground' Bents, and snoh first-olass securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 0 o’clock in the morning until 6 o’olook In the afternoon, ad on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o’clock, fed Seamen’s Savin* Fund—Office aO3 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Beceives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per eent. per annum. Offlee open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening.. President, Franklin Veil! Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. _ . ' ‘ JatkMßf JOB PRINTHB, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Fob Printing, at prices to suit the times. odr-ly Thomas W# Bally, No. 6911 Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-class goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying eash for every article, is enabled to sell at a email advance. Those about purchasing would do wqU to eajl, 411 goods warranted as xepra- * '•sWsasc-;-- ' r K. Special Notice©. A NEW STYLE—PRICE WO. 730 OasstsuT Steikt, ,PHn.ix>Bi.paM. WARRANTEE. GALLAGKKR'B SUNRISE. AIR TIGHT. - £ WARRANT Curtains, $1 00, vorth $3 00 a pair. « $2 00, “ $4 00 « « No. 002 CHESTNUT Street.