oraicd :«uiu« rw- - 7,: n t lipoajs%i&Jioldhy. glory,?’ aArecoMed'W.tMj augSfKtSttfl'^P^- r I' of , tures.-dho.question “What ia God '/’’ ■ could '■ • mighty there ’ Was in theso >-' ;■-. -■ Wrirdsiemitig'h’itidicated'toslhk doep.dqtTii ' into tho 'Boula of-his'Creatures* to their own cofaf6rt B aDa s to.‘bls'-’g!ory.- Hopropoaed{o .. ■• cotiaidertfliis 'subjectjin thrfjoJpartsh.F.iJ'sl, 1 Tlfo^ady^reiKiitjsbf,'fi,od’s t ,jPi4tiiM.:iß.- thdriijsi ; Sccoß(i|v) Ahp 'doptli of the riches of ." ’bls'rgiao«rraad 'severity .qf: his ,r. implied . inunlcahlc name-—Jehovah! Left to -our own un aided' conceptiops, wo, couldformno ado « qu§'e'i|fa.of*th»t August'•nasie?3iJEtis ireprdA • Bentciiab in»the»Sacred;-Word;as «.lft^r^dftjars ; bf thoso-who, realizing the; pbwer ; and omnipbr ' '• tehee of Godylook pnly.with.trembling fear -,; to that point in the Jhture; wherethey may be calied 'npoh to TBeet Hfim in jndgmenti-. : T His,; -..' said he,.was a species qf dear;, which God’s :, - . . ■ creatures need not neoessarily entertain, jlt was true we wore cftmmarided to fear Him, but ; it was -only a fear of' shining against his holy . name.; q-? ..-a Kjhv'i r.,q. If was , par ticularly important to tho propar nndersfmidmg.'iif. {he, subject", that vrbsbouid ' remethbeirfUe occasion upbii which, tbOVw,prdB of himtext had.been,addressed fo Moses. This languag«’hatl-56|^ f thosido3atryant«Kwhich f thwSi , aeliteshad; 'Spirit oftforbearanco. ,He ;hoppd,there were atlonstjsbme;X)hrisjians'iemong;those:he;was, addrlsSlt%, t ft6d*for I sS6B , ' ' . ;ask themselves, JB<)W!.they t be'cathe s 'sp'?.' i ;s?hrs it was that God had nbt eut .'rthem otr in thoir : sins J •gvray4t'w® jdiStHhey>^b*haa^lpj®; ” . defied^hb''pbW|y,6fi.Cffi9^bip4'g^'^eo^oh-’ '' - . , honbatly i tt»t‘ ! #tH%ii^«iiedj:it;3S'bßia-b'e:found ! : that ajl a?£i% Ajvlu a» : Addressiogitthe'flmbbnvortedf who ; oohsi . : -a w^tSe^piyay.^otjd®Btr'sib»,4he:«peaK : ,' .^V.br4cc^wd^^©fc i lHßiplti'iy^,..trße, i #, such ,-wbUo.they, mi theu; eins,ware -' . ’also dbMeeft of iGbd’d/wbndbrfttMbHg^ttflfer- 1 ; , .reboufobs snbjecteefrlnibqrljtKereweronoiio • bi!;tM4b'#hbm=t>te yrtMs'tfddrebsbdijbttiebin^ l, « give. r'.’V > ituptoahbthefgandbastvth'eitnprbfltablb'sbr-: tic.of-the divipo mejestyitliatHerwas “abuni dant: trrrgooclneas‘and.tmth.’t-a-tpe.hiulhere; two : . conttppanbe^f/fhpi.rbtheri'lyetiwsfe't sbme - times-diapoieddo thlnk God slow in fulfilling but -He.,.#ab : tpo. good ,tbtwithhpld,any real ; ' VgoodiCrpnt'ihbsejwiiodalhßpbn/hisSnemennd .. ,;.itod:triid?bB'suire# s o'tfe‘SrbniiShiTlh'4iaßfeVer . . . made to^a|emfW.'imftilJjl«li-rahd;iyirpiil4pe. . f6undqggg|din(dyipWiro.metter.howlfmayip-' pear tb ourowh blind preceptlons, God’s way* toward bis cblMrpn?tiro:always wisely ordered. foroiit'bebt‘fnhsreßtsV‘VßMl tfiß{lme''allotted for thSßervlcea aJmemsßed hlin:tb*be’hWef in, commenting upbnhthese several -features as revealediri. thb aWd, beinusttberefore li urry ,on ‘ to , the hbxtl yib,: f.;,h)s.'MasterY ■ jjtmi'yrhbwgs^vlsiir' ' edpn*nls'4yaytb‘Damascusi ana thousands of ' others in ; ppr : own, day.tvb.o., but,for God’s . mercywoulfe^havel toitheirntbrn'al home* gfirn|Taimedf*-, k ; -aw w»-m < £ Farg{vin'i.lmquity and transgression and sin”- Was«-the:next: point considetediby 'tha' - sneakßriiirWbat/hewould'aeltiwoulditi'ayaU ius . all 'of thbwMd to be lavished ; . ', £ mpoh.ar'{ryh.ilp weihad-.bnesitfreiaidnldg'.'npojf - ! us.nnfprgiyenj and that a.damntng one? . , .. . we,were b|lit-dsuiibnip'consider, : - . < (Hbivri|f byjSbMeaßn'elearf '•=' the: gtdjty To the npeat fritMftd,” tmstSeri - V ••.croa'« l ititb rAbmghtv.tr {hat*Hee^fiUiby'no . :raeane» clear rthe gutltyt tvaßfhUnf’Bqitittfn’ ; iibjwttv. -.Knowing this., bow, he -WotddS'aslri qbb?i:'J;h6 I :itapebitent..left|fe,him.ehtertaSh'a. ray dfjbope whue rtbey yolaatatn^continucd' , i“ tb< .r at ynated conn \ onl .ije fflarfiifly dbbde&i^ox l y;aiitf lineh ; u qutvc*al, (mtas a minister if the IVordyit was- V ;;.nbt.itth s power to soften oriparaphritfelttdsS:' awful tern sin wh ch God }mthis passage, -has’ Seen plop&r guiltyis v<» With regard to the last clante of tbo feitidt’ for wl loh the speaker CorreAgpdtng ¥ pasgago from i£ lixcijus;f:'xx^ « for Ji will Visit tie inijaity £ the fathers uj on -'the children-unto the third and foarth general on heiwisbbaft to .he.rememberedi' that &i the judgment./ notwitbstanding-dhin impntfitiotfbf riifs:to'lmeage;hvery {onlniust: stand -yet , ddota'•;-■ • t-.t-Ki/i .OnTnesdarErealn*, r. _ ■ ilOtn/lnst.j *V:7tuO?cioakj-at the Philadelphia Sx* f■/ .■ , 115 share* Mount Moriah .Cemetery Company. : 5-5 <- ’•,r -<'.'r-r Peremptory Sale. -spew No. 64. in Tenth Presbyterian Church, corner of -Twelfth'anil'Wa''nnt»tteetB^(R4T.®r..BoaT*nan.) > ; IP share -Point Breeie Park Association: -•- * -J2' and Havre de Grace Steam TWBbatQompanj;; ;> :~/i 'V>'*>>''\ , shVresGreenwlflh' Improvement Railroad, Com i TertmptorySalp;' 1 ' > JlfthbieTewS No*l4lieonth aisle, £t; Janies 1 Church, -'Bevedth street,.below Arch., * (4 sHarea Walnut-su-eet Land Company. ;Par slBs— ? 1^,r - ,i '- j ■ MOUNT OABBON OOAt ANDIRON COMPANY OF -1 ;• • : - u lAlso, ISIO shares Mount 0 ,rboh Coal and Iron Com rpiiny—psrs6r-Full pirtlotUirsdn’.application to the aictloneerA> ’ v> ' iV- "' V • iLbtN©;74?BebtlonlB; MouhtMorlah Cemetery. Ql6 shares Philadelphia: Mercantile Loan anfrßuilding ' 3Sfio6ftt p«r sharp paid.,' - Sale—Pew's Nos.' 63, 80, and 91, in the Sixth'PreSbyterJan Church, Spruce street, below Sixth tteet (flewDr, Jones).*- . * S TBFALL BALB—OCTOBER 19th, Trustee’*. Peremptory Bale. 1 ,; VALUABLE-LOT; OallowhiU street, west of Nine teenth'street.' ' ' . - » li • Vs'- ~i .V ‘'Seme Estate, , •* LARGE ANP:VALUABLB LOTi Thirteenth street, - below Federal Street, .101 feet front, ,260 feet deep. Executor’s Sale—Bstateof Cornelias' Tiers, Deceased. rVALUiTOLE/REBIDBNOB.No. Mil Chestnut street, wfest or Sixteenth street,,tot ZB feet front, 183 feet deep to Parker.street -i . ' v n 'V. Trustoe’s Postponed Bale. LTALUABLE COAL r XANDB,.A&B aereß,Bo perches, situate inFell township, Luwrne county, Penna. By ordetof thp Trustee for" the bbndholders of th* North oarbbndale 06al.C6ihDany.''7'' ' ' S>T| . 1 , jAROH STREET!—rYaloaljle residence,'No. IU6 ArpL aGeet.bbtwAetfThirteenth and Broad , ' . fcOUTHBITTENHOUSE SQUARE.—Elegant mod em hrick anrstonrteBideneerfe'plete:with“every mod em convenience, south-side Square, superior stable and ccaeh-honse,*6o feet on Rittenhonse pquare. • JE7“- Immediate possession. $lB,OOO may 'remain, r r,7 HfV- tr v 0 : ] Peremptory Bale. SHELTEN HlLLS—Valuable and beautiful site for untry ,residence;',Zo,Acres; Chelteo Hills, 7 miles frbm Philadelphia, 6, “mlnates walk'from a station on the NorthPennsylTaniaßailroid J.! - r EVALUABLE PBOPEBTYiVVALLBY FORGE, Mont gdmerr county.—Superior modern mansion, bam, ice-, bouse, and other outbuildings, and over 60 acres, THREE BTORY BRICK DWELLING,No. 744 Coates street. ' > - . ‘ . - ; ■ TWO STORY BRICK 'DWELLING, No.lOlOWard street,south.of.Carpenter, shorelSthetreet. NEAT MODERN BESTDENcE, No. 1403 Filbert .street, opposite Penn Square. - 5- Estate of- Anthony G. Querrelle, deceased. . iIANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, with double back £32 Pin* street. Immediate posses -1 DWELLING, No. 1914Pinestreet‘. JHBEBBTORYBRIOK DWELLING. N0.,2225 Olay street, abAve Ooatfesstreet.,, . % VALUABLE WAED, 72 feet on Dauphin street, 72 feet on Herman, street', 226 feet deep. Also, a ’dwelling.' IL/ - $lOO to be paid at the time of sale; 1 ,' 1 . BBOAD STREET:—valuable lot Broad street, south of Oxford street, 47 by 289 feet-i-two fronts SIX THREE-8 TOBY/ BR*OK DWELLINGS, B. W. corner of Broad and' Gadwallader streets.' They will be fold separately- ' ‘ ' _ THREE-STORY BBIOK STORE AND DWELLING, rT^oS»OftT' e BMOK KoV 1831 Nortn Twelfthstttetrabove'OxrcTrttiitreetr TWO-BTOBYBBIOK DWELLING, No. 1680 Mbrvlne street.' ) --Av MODERN THREB-BTORY BRICK DWEL 'LINGS, Nos. 1222.1224:1225,1228, and 1230 Chris ttan streetAbetwcSn Tw^fth'and Thirteenth streets : v , XH&EE-STORY BBIOK'DWELLING, No. 2504 Pine «r«et. west of .Willow street: - l • VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, North ’Broad street, 'souths/,Master street,'2lfeet front, 160 feet deep: BUSINESS LOOATION;^—Three-story brick store and dwelling, No. 1018'Locust street, above Tenth street, v txeeutor’s Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jeremiah Wa! ton. Deceased, THREE-STORY BRtOK STORE AND DWELLING, No 5 717 CAllowhill street, between Seventh and Eighth 'Streets; ,>» • > - <* < t * ■-. 'PINK STREET 'No. 3916 Pine street. Also, a one and a balf-stor/ stone factor/ adjlonlngj 42 foot front. The whole to be sold together." ' k — ‘ = . - Posi«Tet6alo. - ‘ • - : -PRANKEOBD ROAD.~rThree>stoi7 brick dwelling, frame office, and frame stable, .Pranhford Road, above yiennastmt,, - , j., ■? - > * '.Sxeoatorc 1 Sale; Seventeenth sod Cherry streets. BUG-ANT AND BABBIONABLH VU&NITI7BB. OAB OHANDSLIBHB, VIKX Y3SLTST 0 ABPBT8 } OBINA, > &d;, vMf*; i .* r : • . 5 • v :i’- ■. i - - lnst., at 10 o’clock, nt the southwest corner of Seventeenth-and Oherry streets, by order ofßseeutonr, the I entire elegant drawing- room, diningroom, and -chamber furniture, fine carpets, gas fixtures, &o. [nr Tbe oabinet furniture was made to order by Geo; -Ji qenkels, has been in nee but a Bbort time, and is in excellent order. - . , f May be examined at 8 o'elock on the morning ol tele) , y ' > - B*ie No. 1013 Pine Street.' -HOUSEHOLD FUKNITWEE, BOSBWOOD PIANO *%<•' r FORTjE,:&Oi' : i- On Monday Morning, At 10 o’clock, at No. 1018 Pine street, the entire household,., and ./kitchen fornitnre, rosewood piano forte, '• 10*May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of sale.'. i Bale at No. 916 Ohwatuut street. PATBB HAN(JBttB’ STQQK—BTOBE FIX* 1 1 -1 ■ ' TUBBS, &0..; On Tuesday Afternoon, ‘‘ Oot, 10th, at 2 o’clock, at the store. No. 915 Chest-, nut street,“Trill:he'sold,‘hy catHoguer a'Varletj of pa *>er hansjinjfs, flxtaree, »fco. ;. •- --- -■ •' , % ****• \ M .Sale at No; No. 435 Spruce street. "" ? BfOOKrOF’BtTPBRIOB-FURNITUREs - 1 On Friday Morning*, - October 22d, at 10 o'clock,*at No. 435 Spruce street, :f»elbif Fifth) toe stock of enperior oabinet furniture of Ken ter & Kaufman, comprising ageaeral assortment of ,parlor, * dining-room, and chamber furniture, mtnufac stored in the best manner, expressly forwareroo'm sales, :aud warranted. . K-.fpr pale nereaptbry.- - ; . * “■ Pale at No. 917 George Street. BTOOK OP CABINET AMD COTTAGE FURNITURE. ': ! c '* On Wednesday Horning, "., 57th Instant, at 10* o’clock, at Mo' 017 George street, :iecond and’third'’slotted the Cntifo'stock of Hr. A. Boydini i decHning k ‘business, ' comprising a general ■assortment, including anumber of oak. cane, and fancy painted chamber sets, drawing-room and parlor furni ture. inatmfaetured in the best manner. -* IE7 - * Catalogues will .be ready four days previous to •sale. I nr - - . , ■ - 1E77 Bale peremptory. BUILDERS, &c—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE SALK; LOCUST St i Bouth side, between Broad'and Fifteenth etrseiß, 118 feet front on Locust street, by 173 feet In depth to a 10 -Ibetalley, J 'i * . j r - S AT'PBIVATK BALB-iHANDSOMB BBOWN-BTONE ■ RBiIDBNOB, Ko. 1520 PlNßßtreet, known as J< Union Roir.y ; *■* -» ’ »' _ Bt WILLIAM H. STERR, GENEBAIj AUOTIONAND COMMISSION BTORB, No. 16 North EJGHTH Street, below Arch. , ’ g't j V ;■ J.' A. ELtSON, AUotlbneer. 1.5,1 „■ : . Saleettho, Auction Store. .. ' LAME 8 ALi. Of . SUPERIOR. SECOND-HAND - HOUSEHOLD SBHNWCBS, CARPETS, FHENOH |PLATBHIBROBB, OABINBI, PIANO-PORTE, ii AC»,£ ‘ i ’ >_ - V | - ' This Morning, . . ,„-,At ,10 ddook, will be sold by catalogue, a large aa sortment of l logerlor household furniture, piano-forte, ; o:OHINA AND GLASSWARE, Ao.. i : Alsoten InToice of white granite, china, and glut .varej-fto/ ' we will hold- our regular sales ; oj-/household 'furniture, Ac., on Wednesday and Ba* morningsyoommencingat *lO o'clock; Evening" r iaiMjOf watches. Jewelry, fancy and.-miscelUneoue every* Monday, Wednes -7J? J b»clSv I .evenings, commencing at ■ Consignments of new and second-hand houae .fioldmroitare, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jowejry, Ac., solicited; oa whichlibcral cuh ad ,tanceß will.be made If requirod/ *Z\PF OnWotw'sales attended to prohiptly/ 'Charges as moderate aa any other house In this city. . a^ussa^hi^ss BXiratolSAONetMMO-’i ■ ■ " ! ORKAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. I; ‘ MONBY 11U... . MONBY! ! I .... ;iMohey'liberally advanced In large or .small amounts, Iffom’One dollar to thousaudSy Oh gold'and silver plate, diamonds,ivatches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical Instruments,rotalttire; dry gopdl.i Clothing/grocerleST ,I 3* t v l >!hardware, cutlery, books, horses,-vehicles, her 1 ness,, ana’ftlj jirtlcles of valpe,; for any; length of time iHaW Jfalhdtis* Frititipai Establithmtnti Sixth and Baoe streets. *BIABLIBHMBNT, S. ; B. AND R ACB BTRBBTB, • , iJw Uiwrelj, igold and "■ r *'Gut-door balm. *’ more indfar ' A. MERINO ' "■ belltf •'"'Ki.i'fe -I.l*o South FBONTStreet, CfttfeßftY . AND ; rOBT WHTE.-86 arts. >2? 10 Eighth. Harmony Bhbrr;':2oqr9.W»nia? j: fla, is Ifcndludfor aaie bj •> -' '" V; ;-- *', r p i < “William a: '4Eaton; ; , ■7 j Vi'. 1,1 ERo.; 4R9MARKKT STREET. * , ’ : ~, BAR*. OF, DRY QOODS.' ’V ’■"■•- ’ ’ On Tnosduy Mortlng, > . Oqt. 1 19th, Rt lO o’clocV, py catalogue, on 6 months* credit.:'" * ’- 1 ; ''- T " 1 'l'*** l }!’' *■ • ‘_ 1 * 600 packages and lotaoffantfy and staple dry goods’; ID” Samples 'and catalogues; eatly on the morning' of sale. SPECIAL SALE OP VIENNA BROGHE LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, OP THE.- MANUFACTURE 9£.L ABBWI <* AND *, HAYDTEB, . OHENEILLE ' SB AWLS AND SCARFS. ' *, v On Wednesday Morning, • l 20th instant, at 11 o’clock, vre will Bell a large and handsome invoice of broche shawls, of the,above named manufacture, to whioh we eall the attention of the trade. . ' The assortment will .be -of great variety, and the .colors selected in referenoeJio .the "tastes of the market. "* ‘ J,> ', ‘ In the same sale will be a large lot of cheneille goods of the same Importation.-: iohb fora; ,T_., IUtAIi^STATB. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER;' (buccbs • sor to WOLBKRT & SOOTT,) 481 OUKSTNDTBI., opposite the Onstom House, between Fourth 4nd Fifth Streets w . '..*"11 -I ■' • v SALE OP RIBBONS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERIES, , HOSIERY, f '*o. ; 5 , On Wednesday Morning, 20th commenclng at lO.o,’dock. . ■> i ID” Samples and catalogues early on the morning of saleT •* Included will be fouad, vis— RIBBONS. Fall style bonnet ribbon*; trimming ribbons, moire antique, silk fringes,&o FLOWERS. . v . , Fine French artificial flowers, feathers, Ao. EMBROIDERIES... Jaconet and catnbrlo collars and sets, sleeves, edg logs, loraats’ rebes, Ac. HOSIERY, TIES.,Ao., - , Also, ladies’ merino and cotton hose, gents’ hose and half hose, merino shirts ,and drawers, - fancy ties, gloves, Ac. Philip ford, auctioneer, no. 530 MARKET STREET;- fetween'FlFTH and SIXTH, south side. , LARGE SALE OF READY MADE CLOTHING-. > On Tuesday Morning, Oot. 10th, at 10 o’clock will be sold by catalogue, about 600 lots superior ready made clothing, consisting of men’s and boys overcoats of all grades and styles. ,Also, men’s and boys’casalmere and sattinet pints, ;Also, frook and business coats of all grades. iTheabore stock of olotbibg is all m&deof the best material, and trimmed and finished in the most fashion able styles, .• ID”Catalogues ready, and goods open on Monday, the day before sale. PEREMPTORY BALE, BY CATALOGUE, OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERB, BROGANS) AO. On Thursday Morning, 21st instant, at 10 ololock precisely, we will sell 600 cases men’s, women’s, misses’, youths’, and children’s prime quality of city and Eastern manufacture hoots, shoes, ties, broganr, gaiters,’gum sandals, and over shoes, comprising a choice and desirable assortment for .fall trade, and adapted to city and country sales; ID* Samples will be arranged for examination w3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, Ho. 234 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st,, only .eight doors below the Xxohange. . Honrs of business from 7 o’clock, A. 11., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door'sales, and sales at the Auction House, at* W&dod upon the most satisfactory terms, CAPITAL *200.000. JSttmbluhtdfat fAc fast Thirty Tiers, Advances made from one dollar to-thousands on DU' monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Msr ehandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guos, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. ? All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. . All ad ranees, from one hundred dollars and will be charged 2 per cent, per month 5 *6OO and over; the lowest market rate. * This Store House having a depth of 180 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and prifi veto watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy in*n| renoe effected for the benefit of all peraonahaving goods advanced npon. N.‘ B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, thia.offlee is prepared to make advances on'more satis 'factory and accommodating terms than any other In' this city. ' . N . Money advanced to the poor, la small amounts, with] out any charge. U ii ; AT PRIVATE BALE; 1 . - Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry,' and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices/"' \ aul-ly ‘ ITAY’S HOTEL, MJL WILLIAMSPORT, , LYCOMING GOUHTY, PA. Tho undersigned has purchased the large and elegant building, cornorof THIRD and PINE Street, formerly .occupied by the West Branch rfrak, and has enlarged and rofitted it in a superior style. Williamsport is one of 'the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those citl 'tehsof the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. 'His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Packet and lUUroadDepote free of oharge. Jy2B-3m W. H. HAY, Proprietor. £ BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visiters on the I6th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. - The now and spaeions Buildings erected last year are now folly completed, and the whole establishment has been famished In superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel Will be uhdorthe management of Mr. A. G- ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind tre&tmont. In addition to the other means of aocess, it is deemed proper to state that passengers can roach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambonburg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with << Bedford Water’, by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, vis: For a barrel (mulbery) $4 00 Do. (oak) 800 V Do. (mulberry).. 800 % Do. (0ak)..... 200 . Carboy, 10 gilloiit 2 26 Bottles, I# pint, per down. 150 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur chasers may depend upon reoeivmg the Water free* and sweet. ' All communications should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL BPRINGB OO.j ■ mrio-tf BMfoKl'Ocnnty, Fe, Blank books and stationery. 1 DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No, 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at ail times to furnis)}, either from the shelves or nuke to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Publio Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, in the most substantial manner, -Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description IngrtTin. Had Littu>gi*pM[ig oMoaUd with neataeu udde.puoh. Ageneralauortmeat of Ingllah, french and Ameri can Stationer,. . Concerning Mr. Hogan’a contribution to the franklin Inetitnte, the Committee eaj—•• Thifl dleplar of blank .booae for hanking nnd mercantile nle le the beet in the Exhibition. The selection of the material la good, the workmanship most excellent, and. their Onlsh and ap pearance neat and appropriate,’’ ~ nnOO-t/ Philadelphia warming and TBNTILATINtt WABBHOCBB. ARNOLD A WILSON, SDOOXBBOBB TO s. a. BAUieOB. W. hare romored from our old stand in Walnut street to the LABOR BTORB, tjo, 10X0 OHBBTNTJT etreet, a few doore below the Bt. Lawrenoe Hotel, where onr Old friends and the nnblio are mspeotlnllr inrited to Mamine onr extenaite etook of warm Air f ornaoea,' ■ Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Jfinamelea ,Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, &0., «o. - We are no-manufacturing OHILSON’fI CBLBBBATBD PAT BNT NBW COAL GAB CONSUMING fURNAOB, tha most powerful and economical Heater ewer iaTented, and suited to all classes of bnildinpl. .. Also, new.and beautiful pattsrna ot Low Do. Grrtes, and Parlor Coal Gretee of all sizes and pattern - ,h * manufacture o. ENAMBIiZn ' STONE 'MANTELS from Penn sylvania Slant. These Mantels Were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at th, lau PMranTlihl bilion af the -EranlUn InstUnti of this eijy. The. represent all the rare and beautiful ADriQna HuuLke, hro'notlnJdred by Smoke, Goof Hat, Oil or Adis, and are aold Wholesale and Retail, at tmieA loss pries Ikan Marhls. Call and sir them. - * , ARNOLD A WILSON. : 7 BBNJ. it. PSLTWELL, Buperlhteudeut. 3 “ Philadelphia. April.lB6B—ep34 ly . C fIIAW A.BEERS’ . . Lubricating.grbabe, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, BRAYS nnd WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. for sale In. tin cane, kegs, and barreled by all the DRUGGISTS in the city end theMANUFACTURERS, ‘ ■ i-RuSn. » NS. IB SmJTH WATBR Htrest TT IS OF THB HIGHEST IMPORTANOE -D-1 for every one -.to know where they will get the rtiofitfoe their money, especially such-times aa these. BMITHa WholeßAle Druggists, corner of’ ,BBOONB>id'GIatBN Ptreet’e, Are disposing, of their White Lead, Ground Psintsrof all Colors, and Window Glomn all Of, the .best onaßty, at' prices whlsS will be •yIfSPWB tj^njrow^'•_ - ~r • ; oell ; JH» ffIESS'-yHffADELPHU. SA^RfIAY., THIRD FALL SALE. On Thursday Evening, Sntnnur Kesorts. Stationer]!. ffgpiji&yms. rjIHE SAVIKGS FUND, ' ' &>. 311' DOOK.BTRHET, : _ ’ NEXT BOOR,TO TIIE POST OPPIOB, INTEREST; FIVE PER CENT Money received Dailt, and every MONDAY ETENING, OH DSPOSIT, IN SUMS LARGE AND SMALL, PAID PACK DAILY, FROM 0 O’CLOCK A.M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M DEPOSITORS CAN DRAW THBIR JfOHRT BT OHKOKB, AS IB BANK, IF DBBIRBD. . geo; H.. HART, President. OHAB. G. IMLAT, Treasurer, J. HENRY HAYES, Teller. The spring garden saying FUND. (OSAKTBIBD BYTHB LIQIGLATURB OB PBSRBYX.TASIA*) PERPETUALCHARTER. VIVS PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, • and all Mobeya Paid back on Demand. —« «u Moneys Paw oao* «« OmOB, 88V NORTH THIBD BTHBIT, % • - (OOHBOLIDATIOR BASK BuiLDlitO.) , This Institution is now open for the -tranJiaotlon ok business, end is the only Chartered Bivins' Pond located in the northern part of the city.- t The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2V o’clock* and also on MONDAYS and THOBfiDAYS, from 5 until 9 o’clock in the Evening. MANAGJBfI. N -; r Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith. ■ John P Levy. ; Hon. Henry K. Strong) , Daniel Unaerkofler, Hon. Wm. Millwara, > Frederick Bteeke, . Francis Hart, . . Joseph P. LeOlero, ' John Kessler, Jr., ' Preside] Beorstary, GEORGE T. James S. Pringle,' Jacob Dock, 7 Joseph M. Cowell,. George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bray. Bobert £. Davidson, P. 0. BUmaker, John.P. Vcrree, George Kneeht, John Horn. it, JAMES 8. FRINGLB. THORN. . apa-lftf: CAVING fund;—UNITED STATES JO TRUST COUP AMT, oorner of THIRD end OHBST* HUT Streets: . . , , . Large end smell sums reeeiTed, end peld hwk on de mend!without notice. with FIVK PHB OENT INTER IST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. . Office hoars, from 9 until fi o’olook every day, and os kONDAT EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clook. DRAFTS for baJe on Bnglnnd, Ireland, and Scotland* ttnx£l upwards. President—STEPHEN B. OHAWFOBD Treaßum—PLlNY FlftK. Teller—JAftOßß B. HUKTIB, raving fund—five pee obnt.in ►3 TEBEST—NATIONAL SAFETY/ TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET. BODTH-WBBT CORNER OF THIRD,' PHILADELPHIA. . , IKOOXFOXATXD BT TEH STATE OT PIEESTLTAEIA. Money is retired in any sum, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with* iifcwal. h Theoflloe is open every day trom9o’olock In the moraing.tUl 6 o’clocs in the evening, and on Moods; tnd Thurvday evenings till 8 o’clock. HON. L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BXLFRIDGI, Tice President. . fs.J. Bun, Secretary. . SIIBOTOEfII Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Oerter, Joseph B. B«x , Robert Belfridge, - Francis Leo. - Semi. K. Ashton, Joseph Tories, 0. Landreth Manns, Henry Diffenderffer. Money is received And payments made daily. The investments are made In conformity with , the provisions of the Charter; in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND: BENTS, 1 And each first class securi ties m will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and wnioh eannot fall to give permanency and eta* blHcy to this Institution. . ' " an3,«ly Semina Jflacljines. HEELER & WILSON 58 SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE $5O. All the former patterns $25 loss on eaoh Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OF UPPER THREAD. A HEMMKR WHICH TURNS ANT WIDTH OF HEM OR FELL. 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trenton N. J. No. 7 BAST GAY Street, West Chester, Pa. cc7-tD26. Harris 5 * boudoir sewing ma chine Is offered to the public as the most relit Me low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from. six to sixty stitches to an inch, on aU kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest‘oambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con* •traction ever made, and can be rah and kept in order by a ohild of twelve years of age. The durability of this machine, and the quality ot its woix, are war* ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Itagpedd ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min*, ate. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, wifiouf tbs tiodjmji or MwißDiiro. In fact, it Is a machine that is wanted by every family in the land, aad the low P*lee of ‘ , FORTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings them within the reach of almost every one : 8. D. BAKER,-Agent, jelB-d6m wky eowOm fid SouthEIGHTH Street. RIVATE HESIEBNCES FOB ■SALE.—Somo of the moHt baautlfalljr altuotod ertics In and around NORBIBTQWN is now offered for Sale or Exchange: also a large Brick Bnildlng, adapt ed and used fora BOARDING- SCHOOL for several years, and for which there is a good opening. For, par ticulars address R R COnsOtf, 004-2 w NORBIBTOWN, Pa. SFtJGUET & SONS, * • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, ae2B 2fb South FRONT Street. Havana cigars.—lo6,ooo La rior de la Havana Ist, 2d, and Ms, just arrived per brig “ May Queen,” from Havana, in Rtore and for sale by WILLIAM H. YBATON, se24.tr No. 210 809th FRONT Street. fjnGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS A* BEGARB.—A ohoice Invoice of these oelebrated brands on board brig “New Bra.” dally expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TBTE, {New) 188 Walnut Second, anl s ‘ ■ ; Second Story rjTHE “OUD DOMINION” coma pot. THE "OLD DOMINION” TEA POT, Are manufactofod, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, A GILROT, tfes. 117 and 119 South TENrH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. fT7* Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay In a supply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming Into use, and destined in a short time to supersede all others. a, J), & G. are also manufacturers, under the 'patent, of . ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING (JANS AND 1 JARS, Which, it Is conceded on all hands, aro the beat In the market. - aul7-tuth&stnolB Also, Trade Agents for TORREY’B ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. C I UNB, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM \TT- ELEMENTS. The Subscribers have in store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ov FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered in tlsls city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as muoh as possible before the Ist Deo , they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE BTOOK, comprUlng »UNS IKOM THE MOST CELEBRATED HANU PACTUKEB3 OP ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND PBANOB, . PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO., No. a North PIPTH Street,, Above M&vkec., BOOKBINDING.— The undersigned res- invite the attention of lovers of boohfl to their unequalled f&cilliea forblnding books in a su perior manner. Their work has been submitted for a series of years to the examination of some of the moat oelebrated connoisseurs in the count r/. It has received the moat flattering encomiums, and won for the under eigne i a reputation which they - are determined to maintain. Every style of Binding executed, from the plain «< half-bound’ 1 volume for the scholar’s table to tbe moat artiatio garniture of rarities for the collection of the Bibliomaniac. Specimens of style and workmanship will be cheer, folly shown to those who will call upon PAWSON A NICHOLSON, Bookbinders,' 619 MINOR Street, Between Market aad Chestnut Streets. , . ftfrgqi.KJotues. yN THE OR PH CotfßT PHI- A LADELPHIA COUNTY.' ; ; ' BTJSANNah PCOSLEY, deceuel. -Jhe Auditor appointed to audit, adju.t, and sattle *° ™P°rt attribu tion of the balance in his banda, will attend to tho du tie. of hla apprfntment at bis office, No G 33 WALNIJT Btr.etj on .MONDAY, October 26th, at 1 o’clock P. u. oo 7 tbfltqSt M. R. THAYER, Auditor. INSTATE OP DAVID MILLER, lata of SU the'OITY 0F TANCASTER, Deceased. Letters Testaraentaty on the Estate of said Deceas'd Hating been ihe uatUrelgoed by the fl EGIB - OF LANCASTER COUNTY,, they hereby-gaVe Notice to oil persons hating claims or demands against ‘said Estate, to present .thorn, duty authenticated, to either of, the undersigned without delay: aad all per sons knowing themselves indebted to Said doceosed are requested to make payment without delay. , WILLIAM CARPENTER, Residing at No. 27 East Orange Sheet. Lancaster, Pa Samuel l. witmer, Residing at N -E. cor. 18th ic Spring Carden, Or at No. 1123 Market Street, Philadelphia, se26.S6t* - • se23-tJanl j. QUEEN’S, PORTABLE FORGE.— DonbtTess many of our city readers, ,in passing fiSHM the gangs of workmen employed in laying down of the passenger railroad tracks in our streets; had their attention attraoted.to a portable forge, with bellows and everything complete, and In efficient service;. These forges, built Upon the plan secured by O.Y. Queen’s patent, are for sale at the commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Stove, Range, and Furnace establishment of WARNICK, CHAD WICK, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND and.RACE Streets, who have tbe sole right for the saleof Queen’s Portable Forge in Pennsylvania. There are. we believe, five sizes of this forge, rang ing in price xcom twenty-two to forty-four dollars—a 'sum so small, when contrasted with its merits, as to se cure its general introduction; for any one who will for a moment consider the advantages of this forge, which may be removed from place to place, so as always to be on the spot where' workers iu iron or other metala are to perform service, whether in original construction or ropairs, .will at once concede its great efficiency, and ar range for its possession and Use. The adaptability of ' this forge to repairs to railroads aod mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies and opera tors in the mining districts. We, therefore, take plea sure iu calling to it tho attention of road masters, su gerfntendenta of mlneß, aod others.—[Prom the United tates Railroad and Mining Register. 007-lm jk STOVES! STOVES I £&& SILVER’S ORIGINAL GAS-BURNING an STOVE, With all the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of COOKING, PARLOR, & OFFICE STOVEB ‘ In the City, at ' MANIGLE’S, * No. 909 MARKET STREET. Call before purchasing. se29-6w X SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUR rni NING COOK BTOVE.—I would respectfn ly call jEBw the attention of the public to one of the greatest ~T r - improvements over introduced in Cooking Stoves and R«nges—the burning of the gas arising from the coal, by which means is saved 50 per cent, in fuel and also moro Interne heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side,-which admltß the air in a h-ated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from finking down on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs One of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION *t 1118 MARKET Street; Manufactured by JAMES 'SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & North,} 1118 MARKET Btretat. ' aept29-3mo rjTRUITT, BROTHER, & po., WroaTJtlS AMD DHALKR3 HARDWARE, OUTLBRY, PISTOLS, &e, 629 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North side, au2r-2m PHILADELPHIA. HARDWARE. —Tho subscribers, COM MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMEBTIO HARDWARE, would respectfully call the attention of the trade to their stock, whion they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in partof— Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oovr, Fifth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mine, and Coll Chains. The oelebrated “L ” Horse Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright’ ” and other Anvils; Solid Boh and other Yloes. Bhort and long handle Fry Pans; round and oval Hake Pans. “Martin’s” superior Files and Rasps; Bed Sorews. “Excelsior” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brior Scythes; Hay, Corn, and Straw -nives. Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading Forks. Bakes and Iloea; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clont, and Finishing Nolls. - Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Looks of all kinds; Cutlery, Rama and Pomps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham mers, Planes, and other Tools, ,&c., &o. W. G. LEWIS A SON, . mhl-y No. 11l COMMERCE Street. Easiness Glari&o A LEX. MoRINNEY, -rSL AT LAW, GRSBNSBURG, PA. . Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In* diana counties. * sell-tf T, T. ABBAM3. O. A. KAYXB. MAYER, " ~ &L ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HA YEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. maraajsofiß. Gov. Wm.F.Packer, Harrisburg, Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D.K. Jackman, Lock Haven's Hon. A. White, Lock Haven: Simon Scott, Lock Haven: Bullitt A Fairthorne, Phlladel. phis; McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evans A Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia ; Hon. A. V, Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Tener A Daria, Phila delphia; Hon. J&mos Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Qutggle, Esq.', Philadelphia. jy 2MX CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SXGABS, (New) 188 Walnut street, second story. aol-jy LAUMAN & KAJBORG — Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY. GINS, and FANCY LI QUORB, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Bleventn streets. jelO-tf Lumber yard. HOUTZ A 09., (Bucosssors to Montgomery A Neall,) S. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, PhlU. Old Moyamenaing Liatrlot. are now receiving a largo and well-seleoted assortment of all descriptions of LUMBER, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety of well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a large stock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and. description, constantly os hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Meh&ffqy, Bouts, A Co., and Duffy, Hoots, A Co., at Marietta, Pa., gives us un surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply ordors ffoj all descriptions or Lumber with promptness and despatch. 1 PINE-OREEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitably for PATTERN-MAKERS, Ao , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are reapectfally invited to examine our stook before going eleewhero. ap2l-tf 1 UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND RE JLi tail, at Marietta. Lancaster county, Pa. MEHAFFEY, HOUTZ. A Co., take this method.ot informing their customers and persons desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lnrnbor which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prioea.* Their timber is all from their ewn MILLS on PINJ CREEK, They are aIBO connected with Messrs DUFFY HOUTZ, A 00., and are prepared to famish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets, and .Building Timber for Bridges, Ae., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great fileasure in calling the attention of Builders, and thos< n want of Lumber iu the oity of Philadelphia, to th« Lumber Yard of HOUTZ A Co., corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also con nected. ap2l.tf JpOR COLDS AND SORE THROATS, ICELAND MOFS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXBEGD DROPS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Manufacturing Confectioner, No. 1210 MARKET STREET , 8e29-3m West of TWELFTH Streot. 1717’ARMING AND VENTILATING f I WAREBOOMB The subscriber would invite tbe special attention of Arohlteot Builders and the publio to his NEW CULVER PATENT SELF-CLEANSING AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Whloh has been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gate such general satisfaotjon. It is so arranged as to consume the gases from the Coal, making it one of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sises and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators. Fireplace Stores, Oolllus’ Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker A Williams.) att3-8m 1189 (old 408) MARKET Street, Phllada. French jplate glass.—haying been appointed by the “ Oompagnie d* Florefft ” the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS in this olty, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling .Fronts; Rough Plate, for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large size, for Mirrors. The Glass will he sold at the lowest prices, and warranted superior, in tvtry rtspict } to any other imported. BOBT. SHOEMAKER A 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, N. 1. oor. or FOURTH and RAOB Streets, nihSß-tr Philadelphia PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges : A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, henoe facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and dots not got rancid. The last Sroperty alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to tie practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at SIMES’B Laboratory and Pharmaoy, mhd Twelfth and Chestnut streets. BOILER and FLUE IRON, of all kinds, qualities and sizes, cut to patterns at short no tice. , Promiscuous Sheets, Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on hand and for sale at lowest rates by EDW. 8- BUCKLEY. oa4-lm# Gray’s Ferry Boiler Iron Works, Office No. 6 Farquhar Building, 230 Walnut it. GEEKIE’a PERUVIAN STOMACH BITTERS —These Bitters are made by a com pound of Peruvian Bark and choice Roots Infused in pure Port Wine, and act on the sjstem as a tonic, sti mulant, and alterative, and a sure preventive of Fever and Ague. Sold by alioresponsible Druggists, throughout the United States and the Canadas. Prepared by 6 oelB-6t* OHAS. W. GEEgrIE; Philada. Brown stout.— 4o .castß « rinsi & ■ynuiumß, t imported direst from Don&n, In .tore urf fgp gftle nr TO. H. XBATON, hS r; ; . 818 BQTJIH./fBQMI itreeti - Stones, Camber jßrncatwJWi. > „ F|ENN INSTITUTE—-SQutbeftßji corner of Ix TH*BXJ3BNTk>nd FILBERT Bttests, opened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. ' * - Private ; instruction, though favorable *to rapid pro grfSa.yet sehds the scholar into,the world with a keen sensitiveness, which .totally dißciuaUfles him for active lift:’ whilst attention to mtoj-oftentimfeS- forces the' instructor to' rather than those personal, to each individual I ,‘and the learner either loses all interest, Become* superficial in his acquire ments. For tbefe and other .reasons the number U limited. H ■ j- ■ ' For further information apply personally, from nine o’clock A. M. to one o , clockPi , M.,orT>7 note, to, selB-tf Jt. STEW ART .-Principal. j&plffiSJfeSfeallad and Opera- '' FRAZER giyba Instruction in the above at,lee. on the moat approved system. ' eeiB-lm ■ ~ .■ 409 gomh KIOHTESNIH Btreet. pLASSIOAL EDUCATION.—KOBERT Vy r H. LABBERTON, Ph. D. of "the University of Groningen, will hereafter have Charge of the Classical dapartirieoßfn the SCIENTIFIC and CLASSICAL IN ST TE > HKBTNUT Street, northwest *corner,pf Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage lor boys of all ages, and m all departments—Englah.'Classical,'and Scientific. Entrance on TWJ6LFTR St, sel7-lm . . ■ , J. ENNIS, Principal. JJ. RBED’S IM'i.’mnjE FOR YOUNG • LADIES, No, 1523 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at the Institute. Rsmßßsos*.—Dr.OMteree,(editorot the Christian - c -Wads worth, Hev. Dr. W. B. Stdvens, Ool; J. W.‘Forney, 0. U. Lslahd. Esq., Pro! eesors Vethake, Allen, Frazer, of the UnlterSfty, and the r gentlemen. , selS-lifi jIfKS. BRYAN’S SEMINARY, ITA ' BATAVIA, N .Y. THE TALL TERM of this Institution (whose lose tion is one of rare beauty and, attraction), commences on the 16th ef September, it continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding Softool for Girls, and is thorough, select, ead homelike in all its appointments. The number of pupils is limited to those who can be seaced at the ta ble of the Principal. , ; E7** CIRCULARS will be sent showing Tetma and Regulations! '• Batavia, Genesee 00., N. Y., September, 1858. selS r Iron. gIVUIL T. KIXBIOK. /. TAVOSAX MXBBIOS WILLIAM S. MMSIOX. CJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, k 3 FIFTH AND-WASHINGTON STREETS, rniLADiLrau. ■ HERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. _ . „ . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Oast., lags of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. i Every description of Plantation machinery, such u Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Bteam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. RHlfeox’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Boss’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Bteam Pumps. . Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. auB-y ijjata nnii Caps. & 00., NO. 823 MARKET STREET, BATS NOW IN BTORB AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK HATS AND GAPS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE UNION. aul9-2m* temva. PETERS’® PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SELF-GENERATING GAS LAMP la the only Patent Burner that has a Non-Conductor attached. The publlo are cautioned against all other Burners, as they will heat, and liable to explode. State and. County Rights for sale. Apply or address 8618 D. P. PETERS. 423 BROADWAY, N. Y., FJIO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE, Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of thia beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former or which, for softness and delicacy of color* Is unrivalled 1 For the character of - this stone please examine the following buildings: Jos. Harrison’s,-Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. , teenth and^l^hte** 00uat B toet, between Seven ' Samuel Smith’s West street and Rittenhouse square. ‘ No 1210 Walnut street. A. K. Womr&th’s, 416 Arch street. Samuel Bimes’, Twolfth and Chestnut streets. T. K, J*. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARBIING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. selß-fth B. M. FELTWELL, Sup’t. ]%/] ANILA Case First Qualify IvJL Manila Cigars, just arrived in Store and, for sale by" - “ WILLIAM H.YEATON,- BC3O ' 210 South FRONT Stott; - MeUcinaL The tivEß' inti.oohatoe, - : WSFAWIDRT DU. BASJfOBD. COMPOUNDS!) ENTIRELY -EROM QVJ&S, Ifl one of the best Pargatifo and Liver Medicines sow before the public, that aots as ,a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more, effectual than shy other medicine 1 Wcrftn. It is hot only a Cathartic , but a Liwr-teme dr, acting first on the Liver to ejeet its morbid matter, ten oo the stojmtfb find bowels to carry off, that mot[ t6r, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, With out any of the painful feelings experienced in the opt; rations of most Cdtkurties. It strengthens the sys tem at thC same,time that it purges it, find, whCA taken dally iff rtf Migrate dories, will strengthen and frdild it dp with unusual raMffHv. , . principal regulators oftfiS pdrftftms ita fun otions system art) ■ fully devef moat entirely aSpeftfefif the Liver foe: the pr B§ft lions; when the stomach at fault, and the whole 3uence of one organ—the o its duty. For the dis of the proprietors has Stecfice of more than 20 t wherewith to counter meats to Which it Is 11a- The Livbr is one of the human body; and when it - well, the powers of the oped. - The stomach is al on the healthy action of lerformance of its fane n rt fault the bowels are system enfferd in cones- , Lifer—lteffiflg CCaried to eases of that orgfan, end made it his study, in a yean, to find some reme act the many derange blC. . • i . To prove that this re terson tronolsd with Li te forms, has but f 6 try a' certain.' ■ i ' - ThCsd Gffms remove all the system,'supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well.purifying the health, to the whole ma oause of the disease—ef- Bfiitros attacks are ter\ pnvtiittd by the oft* IhVIOORATOR. One dose, after eating, stomach and prevent' the lng. Only one dose; taken NjOHTXtHB. Only one dose, taken at gently, and cures Cos- One d(ree, taken after rsfeUi.•*- ' * 077 One defce of two rdllctc. SIOK I&iDAOfiB. ' One bottle taken for fe the cause of the diSriaee, medy is at last fottnd, any tbb CoMPLAiKt, in any of bottle, and conviction is ntarbid or bad matter ftem their place a healthy flow stomach; Imtelng food-to blood, giving ttfte and ohinery, removing the footing a radical oura. - cured, and; t ohat-is bet •' casiofial use of the I/XTSfi. is suffielent to relieve the food from rising and sour before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels rivssxas. eaoh meal, will cure Dtb« teaspoonfuls will always male obstruction restores and makes a perfect cUre. atoly relieves OK ox 10/ pe&ted, is a sure edre for preventive of OtioisftA. needed to throwoui of the dicine after a long stak- Only one dose immedl while one dose, often re- Oholbba Mobbdb, and a ID"Only one bottle is system the effects of me ness: ' fp“ One bottle taken sallowness or unnatural for Jausdios removes all color from the skin. One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat- L bh«a in its worst forms, complaints -yield almost > One or two doses cure r “ in children; there is no remedy in the world, as it {O*A few bottles Cure ml absorbents. . . We take pleasure in re- commending this medi cine as a preventive for Vara* and Aqui, Chill Fbtbh, aud aIIFBVSBSof a Bilious Tf fa. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands x are willing to testify to its'wonderful virtues. - All ioho use tt are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. {o* Mix Water in the mouth leith the Invigorator, and svallow both togetM.' THE LIVER JWtIOQKAfOB time before eating gives makes food digest well. ' ed, cures Ohbohio Diab* while Scmmbu and Bowsl to the first dose. Is a Soissrmo Mbdlcal Discovery, and is daily work' ing owes, almost too great to belieye. It dttrea as if by magic, even the first dost giviiig btnejii, and Seldom more than one bottle is required to core any kind Of. LIVES Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache . all of which are the re sult of a DISEASED LIVES- PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 845 Broader, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT A SONS, 218 North Becond Street. „ ■ - Retailed by all Druggists.' Sold' also by SAMUEL SEMEBJ Twelfth and Ohestnnt streets, and F. BROWN, Fifth and Ohestnnt streets Philida. aplB tu th B-ly Hxalth will, In all eases, follow the use of Rad way’*. B. R, Remedies. There are'none so sick or diseased« st weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmities, oat. that Radway’s Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, 01 Segolators, as the nature of the disease or siokassi may require, will quickly and rapidly core. These remedies consist of Radway’s Beady Relist, Radwaj’s Renovating Resolvent; Bad way ’ s Regulator* Each of these remedies possesses special curative power! over certain diseases. Yet there are other disease* wherein their combined medicinal properties are re quired; and whan thus need, if there is sufficient lift and strength within the diseased or dying body to so* tain their action, the patient will live and be restore* to health. Pain .......R, Jt. Relief. Acute Diseases ~.,,11. R. Relief. Inflammatory Diseases.. Relief and Regulators, Malarious Diseases...... Relief and Regulators. Congestive Diseases..... Relief and Regulators. Scrofutous Diseases..... Renovating Resolvent, Chronic Diseasts.........Renovating Resolvent, Syphilitic Diseases Renovating Resolvent, Constitutional Diseases.. Resolvent and Regulators, Skin Diseases. i .i Renovating Resolvent. Nervous Diseases Resolvent, Relief, Regula tors. Infectious Diseases.......Readyßelief f Regulators CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. Many diseases that afflict humanity are inherited a» heir-looms from the diseased bodies‘ of sickly sires Scrofula. Consumption, Syphilis, and Fits, are aaoni the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, w« care not how many generations the seeds of these dis eases may have been established Id the system,* cor rupting the blood— Renovating 'Resolvent will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par tide of diseased deposits, and fill the veins with new.' pare, and healthy blood. CHILDREN'S DISEASES. . Radtoay*s Renovattug Resolvent should be halle* as a blessing by every mother throughout the land whose infants are afflicted with Sores; Humors, eta These breakings out (thus early) are evidences of dit •ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few doses o: the Renovating Resolvent wUi eradicate every vestig* of the disease and insure the child a sound and healths body. B.B.B.—Badway's Ready Belief for Headaches, whe ther sick or nervous; Rheumatism, Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Influenza, Bloody Flux. Paralysis, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small Pox. Fevers,' Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints.' Scarlet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Pleu risy, 'Measles,Heartburn, and Pains of all kinds. Badway’s Ready Relief will, in a fee minutes, change the miseries you* suffer tt joys of pleasure.. B. B. B,—Badway’a Renovating Resolvent, for the our! of chronic diseases—Suoh as-Bcrofulous and Syphllitlo complaints, Consumptive ,au4 other affections of the Lungs and Throat. Induration" and . Enlargements of part*. Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin. Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases arising from an impure stati of the blood. B« B. B,—Badway’s Regulators will cure, effectively and speedily, Oostlveness, Indigestion. Painter's Cholic, Lead Diseases, InEamma-* tion of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Cera plaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Fevers Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system it out of order, or the blood impure, a dose o i Badway’s Regulators will restore it to regu larity, and purify and eleanse the Mood. Ne female should be without them. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists as* Merchants everywhere. _ BADWAY 9c 00., New York City, W. B. Ziibbb, ) . ' T. W. Dtott A Sob, \ Agents, Philadelphia* T. R. Calxbxdbb, ) aplB-tu A sadly Aeowurr OERUTIAN SYRUP, A oa PROTECTED SOLUTION 01 PROTOXIDS OP IRON Haring successfully passed the ordeal to which new dis coveries in the Materia Medica are subjected, must nos be received as an established medicine. Its efficacy Is curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronohltii and Consumptive -tendencies, Disordered State of thi Blood, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead oj Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, is beyond quea uon.’ >' ' ' The proofs of its efficacy are so no yw (t'ysgV 'merous, so well authenticated, and oJ such peculiar character, that sufferen I*® c* llllol reasonably hesitate to receive i r Jthe proffered aid. The Peruvian Syrnp does not protest to be a cure-all, but its. range is exten , slve,-because many diseases, apparent!] unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from on« eause, may be cured by one remedy. ' - The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides 4 cure is precisely that which has so often baffled th« highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy o i the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Tk* signatures are those of gentlemen well known in thi community, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial si foots of the u Peruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate to re commend it to the attention 01 the nnblio From our own experience, as well as from the test! mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its efflea cy in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Neuralgia, it o. Indeed, its effects would be InerediMw but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their teetimoi y, si we do ours, to its restorative power, Rbv. JOHN PIERPONT. THOMAS A. DEXTER, 8. H. KENDALL, M. D.« SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C. AMORT, PETER HARVEY. JAMES 0. DUNN, Rbt. thob. WHITTEMOBE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES. It Is well known Ahat the medicinal effects of Proto* ide of Iron is lost by even a vary brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron! without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible In the Peruvian Syrup, -this desirable flHnt is at tained by combination in a way- before unknown, ani this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, d tsates, and tartrates 01 the Materia Medica. A. A. HAYES, M. D.» V ■ Assajrer to the State of Massachssem - 16 BoyUton Boston. • 1 SOLD BY " . N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Street, Boston. P. BROWN, - FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, HABSARD A 00., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, jel6-tu th sat-fira w6m Agents for Philadelphia. The great standard remedy of THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYBTEM. The Imperial Depurgtive, propared by Dr. Louns berry A Co.. Is now acknowledged as the'principal Family Medicine for the cure of uanokbous affections and Scrofulous diseases generally. The success which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. It is now used in these diseases \yith complete success, where all other means have failed. TWo or three bot tles will satisfy any one of itß great curative properties. Hip Disbasr and Whits Swsluno, Ulcbbatiohb of the Bonks, Mouth, Thboat, Ac. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed in these com- Slainta. No matter of howlongstandiDgthey may have een, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE In a short time. Tbttbh and Soald Head will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Diseases of the Skin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few Dottles of the Imperial Dopuratlve. ' Its Tome properties; as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. . The great purity, strength, and value of this Family Medicine is unequalled In the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of lAe blood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood ana re invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial DepuTative and wishing Ad vice in their case, will receivo every attention by etter or otherwise. - Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRY A CO., No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J.' F. Long A' Co;, Lancaster, P*. J* H.Rasorand 8. 8* Stevens,'Reading, Pa. Holman A C 0.4 IHarrlsburg, Pa. -0. * VWEpting, Pottsvillo. Fa. T. A C. W.- McOlintock, Easton, Pa. James Given, Westchester, -Pa K Schmidt A 00., Allentown, Pa. Simon Ran, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. H.-W.Leslie, Bristol, £a.j and druggists generally. afcU*wrff»aw» ( if i <” Uailtoab £inee. : EAUiROAJLrr-THB GBsAt OBSTSASttODTB, wpiwfflng tK At lu«o OttiM with Wert«rn. Nor^m™ni, satißratk ;«!»!»' atitM.Jij m : 09nt)'Bju«rBiiIwiq''lUrMi?.: TU.\ Bovt ,\eO ooimMti At Pittsburgh with dilly tin* of _ ‘ •t«»iM.to »U Wlg1& the WestMn.Bitß., *n4 «t 01.tM.oi tnijtfiMo.iT with BteimMiSraiportiiow titoNorth-wfbt.nl tftM; mokinr the sioat DltUtCTi OHMAPgax , tol ohJAßta BOGTHhT whloh Vroigh. «*= i l li o l w * rd » l to 00l from th. GMAT WIBT._ . , BAM? MIWMN AflP VIW . FIIB* Onm-Boote, Shoto, HatoVind ‘ Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in dozes - bales and trunks), Drugs,-(in boixafi' •ud bales) Feathers, Fun, Ac....... Via MUf gison Class-—Domestic keetiscl SWrting and; Ticking, '(ln oriSffl briesLJfrnua (in casks), Hardware. - Leather, Lfraor, (fcs casks,) Wall. . Paper, Wool, and Sheep. : Felta, NtnVard, Ac. Ae •«•••»••*..,9Qe, Mt 19’ Tkibd • OLasg—Anvil*. Hemp; Bacon ' and Pork. Saitoti, ‘ (h&H or in sacks), Punts, (d»y ffi&hf.eQ,) Oils, (exceptlard and fotta},;.,.,* Me, ysv M - VonTX OLASBM)offee, Fish, " Beef, and Pork, (in casks or hew/,, . eastward),Lard and LardOiLNa££ls‘ ’ Soda Ash, german Olay, Tar, Pitch, FOiln, Steel,. Manuuctured. To-, baeoo,'^oeinOiLQUeanswart, bbls., end box©#,) . Ac., w... 0..... t)tt(t) ' l)i))ttl^jj i peglOd Iff • FW Mrl.. until farther notice. GBAijM-Sgo/por 109 lbs.,' until further notice. UglSZ**’*”****™* MO lbs.weight,* until further, notioe, . r , In shipping Goods bom any point East of Philadel r* particu3« to KAWf pAeksges l ‘ via Pennsylvania Railroads* All Goods oonaigned to tee Areuts - *hts - ’ or Pittsburgh,will pptonranM - without detentido. . . ,7 \ FKaiaxr>&xx»Bi—Olarite A oo.,ohicago; Packer A - A'Oo., Memphis',' Terns'. fR. t. Sass A do., St.Louls* Mo.; P.G.G.’IUIeyA; 00., Evansville,lndianaj.Wd. Bingham, Louisville,. Kentucky.; B. .0. Meldruin, Mhd&on, Indiana Brown A Go.* and Ather^A Hibrara; OlnCinnatij H-8. Fierce -A,00., .Zanesville, Ohio: l/techA Co., If or Si Kilby street, Boston ; Leech A Go^No. 3 Astor House, New Yerk, No. 1 William st., . New York: X. f. gneedsr. .Philadelphia : Kagraw A £oons, Baltimore; i>. 4.-StewartCFittsburghg. . , , HOUSTON/ freight Agent. LOMBAEBT, ds9- . General Super Altoona, Pa. pHBSTIft?T GROVE SVHISKET—A de^ sire to lessen tpe consumption of impure spirits, .knowing their Injurious effects upon .the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the'aualyzation of Prdfei&or Gbiltoh, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Booth,Garrett, A t Oamac, of Phnadelphia, all bo the most pure and consequently least irfhmwe spirit* ever offered the American pnblio. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAS. R CHILTON. I have analyzed a sample of Chestnuts rove received from Mr. CHARLES .WHARTON, Ja.. off i hiladelphia, and having carefully tested it, I amf pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is ah un usually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. * - « , FAMES R. CHILTON, M.D.. New York, Sept. 3,1858.. Analytical Chemist attacks caused by Wobhs surer, safer, or speedier never fails. Dropsy, by exciting the Philadelphia, Sept. 8,1868. Dbab Sib : We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known fas Faslc Oil, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient or the Whiskeys In general use. YOl7 respectfully, , BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, _ 'Analytical Chemists, r To Chablbs WHIBYor. Jr.V No. 33' South’ FRONT Street, Philadelphia w3Mtoo3t T & FILS* ROCHELLE • BRANDIES.—Tha undersigned, having beezr appointed Sole Agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the sale of the above celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer It to the trade at the lowest market rates, from - U.B BondedWatehouses. ARNOLD A WORl», au2o-tf 129 Walnut street- Fiset. Ctotiflou,” jurett, and other Cognacs of various vintMes, tohalf pipes and quarter casks: Pellevolsin Rochelle pale and dark, Jn half pipes, half cades, and one-elgkth casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLBN A 00., . 0c23 ,3331 and 233 South Fomrtii street. JEi. CALDWELL & CO..*' • 482 CHESTNUT Street. Have received, per steamers, new styief ■ Jewelry, Chatelsins, Test Chains. - Splendid Fans, Hair Fins. Fruit Stands, fititfar Baskets. Jet Goods and 1 Flower Vases. Coral, Lava and Mosaic Sets. > Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale o Charles frodshafe’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS delO SILVER WARE#— 'WILLIAM WILSON A SON. MANUFACTURER S OF SILVER WARS. (ESTABLISHED 1813,) B. W. OOBMBB VIVTH ASD OHBBBY STBKZT3. A-large assortment of SILVER WARS,-of evmyd»> scription, oonstantly on hand, or made to order to mat£b any pattern desired. f . . „ --'’ - ; Importers of'Sheffield and Birmingham imported ware. . seSO-dAwly JS. JABDEEN & 8R0.,. -l;" e HAXurAoruRXBS aan nooinos ox . BILYEB-PLATRD ware, - - No. 894 Chestnut Street,- above Third, (up stein.) ' PhfladelDhla. *.' - Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA BETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, BAS KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS; FORKS, LADLES, Ao., Ac. QihHogand plating on all Unas 'of metal. se2-ly sg&k THE BRITISH AND HOBTH •ggHSfit AMERICAN ROY4L HAIL BTBAM DHIPB. - Chief Cabin Beoond Cabin Pass* . < TBO* X08f0» LTT3R7OOI. .f.' Chief OiUs Passage. Beoond Cabin Passage ..♦»>»»..«...«.<>«»«>>».»»»»« W The ships from Boston call at HaltfMT# ' PERSIA; Oepfc. Judkins, CANADA, Cspt. L4ajf. ARABIA, Cspt. I; Stone. AMERICA. OtpAWtamaa ASIA, Capt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt.Byrie. AFRICA, Cspt. Shannon, j XUBOPA, Cspt: J.fcett*V These Tessels carry a dear white light BtTrast-Vrd; green onstarboardbow; reden port do*.' CANADA, Lang, -Isares Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 2J. AFRICA. Shannon, “N. York, Wednesday, .Oct, 87* EUBOPA, Leltch, - “ Boston, WedneedayiNor. .3. PBRBIA, Jndkinfl, « N .York, Wednesday, Not. 10. AMERICA, Wickman, Boston, Wednesday, Not. 17. ASIA. Lott, ' ft N.Vori, Wednesday, Sept. £4. Berths not secured until paid for; An experienced Surgeon on beard. The owners of these Bhsps wlll.net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie,' Jewelry, Precious Btonss or Metals, unless Mils of lading are signed therefor end the TSlae thereof therein expressed. For fr eight or passage apply to' - oel6-y E. OUNABD, ft Bowling-Green, N. Yak. 1858. 1859. MEMPHIS ANDNEW.OBLBANB UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET LINK—The splendid .frits of this old and popular LINE -will leave Memphis Ml New Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, A TBIDAYB. NEBRASKA../...... BEN FRANKLIN... WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOnN BIMONDB Ospt. JAB. P. SMITH. INGOMAB Capt BORDETT PARIS. Friday packets. BELFAST It. R. W. BILL. ITT* These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point,.also wi«h regular Packets for St. Loois. L-misvitle, Cincinnati,.and Nashville, on their respective days. Leave Memphiaimmediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Oars. Passengers can arrange-their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require. For information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS, At Webb A Rawlings’, 316 Main Bt, Memphis • 8. H. Shook, Adv. Agent. ocl2-2m FOR SAVANNAH, Ga.—HERON'S S§£ LINE—ONLY Rfr GULAR LINE-GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight and insurance at less than sailing ves vessel rates, by the steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain J J. Garvin, to sail on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 10 o’clock, A M., from second wharf above Vine st. For further particulars please see advertisement of Steamship KKYsTONE STATE, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to FOR CHARLESTON AND SA JgUfffii VANNAH -HERON'S LINE. GOODS DECEIVED AND BILM Ot LADING SIGNED The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE end STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing ever/ SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. If.) alteznatelj for Charleston and Sa itimA r TOR CHARLESTON. .The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Oiptalo O.P. Harahmsn, will commence loading on THURSDAY, Ootoher 31, and sail on SATURDAY) October 23. at 10 o’clock, A. M. The STATS OS ©BORGIA, Oapt. John J. Garvin, will oommence loading on Thursday, Oct 11th, and sail on Saturday, October 16, at 10 o’clock A. U. At both Charleston and Savannah, these ships connect with steamers for florid* and Havana, and with rail roads, Ac., for all places in the South and Southwest, Heary Freight at anaTerage of 16 par cent, below New York steamship rates. . . INBURANOJ. TfUBIGHT and QTBUBitiCB on a largo proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing Teasels. Oabin passage.. ••$2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tlokets, good forthe j>re*euntyear. 80 00 NoMIB of tUlig »igned after t£o ehip hu atUed. Sot freljlt or pue«o, to __ . A. ttßflQN> • No. 828 (Utft«i)*Nortfe Wiarrsfl. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. & T, a. BUDD. Agents in Savannah. O. A. QRBINK& 4b CO. for Florida,.from Charleston, steamer QABOLINA, «rei7 Tuesday. For Florida, from Bavannah, steamers BT. HAETB and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer IBABIL, on the dth'and 19th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LlVER aafiftpOOL, BELFAST. DUBLIN, and LONDON DERBF, without delay, for SO dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the shore plaoes, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and hack. won nwToix. New Fork, HeUUlan, Baturday, Jnly 10, at 13o’clock, Hi Edinburgh, Gumming, Return tickets erailable within six months, by any steamer of this line. first Class..'. .»«> OO ....f6O 00 An experienced Surgeonaltaohedto eaohSteamer. ’ For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN A 00., 133 WALNUT Street, PhUadiL ROBERT CRAIG. IT Broadway. New York. HALL A LONIXj Buohanan’a wharf, Biltimtn. ttyll . . CL ATE I SLATE!! SLATE!!!—Roofing K? Slate, of.all sixes, and at rery low rates, kept oob« stautlyion hand, and for sale by • PORING, POX, ft 00., : - GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. - N. B. Blate Roofs put on in the best xoatmer. and ‘ rw» ! eltißgtttaartto. AUwwktnwsrt*. M, HJltus aiHj tiqnors. UJaUljes, .Jraelxij, #i. Shipping. I'BOM BBW'TORK TO LIVUPDOt. MONDAY PACKETS. ~..o»pt. A. B. IRVIN. ...Capt, J.D. CLARK. .Capt. W3l. WRAY. ...T. H. NEWELL. A. HERON,**., 828 North Whaxres. EVERY DAY. POR SAVANNAH. FREIGHTS REDUCED.