limvielf,% ff^ «n TwSl > >gjfe..igoiry Beal, Estate 'intend, on-oar Pnvate Sola Re* Shfa ' ( ttig% ekly,* &V ?&*&&:: RBAIiIEBIATIAXPRIYATRBAMUj 1 have m largenratrant.Qr RealKetateitrrl* • - may‘bo iadit/tM; zirttA •JdatiWifflfraUtC* t-fli jh.U*.t .Jfc‘v *?>**, ' ?* fcDANB»*PJMfIg f .407j Sth, atT o’clock, at the Phiiadelph i Kl? -tf-Ai* - ?.-v.'-oi'a^y t «AlBti,-,hjsi>rteti:o£ Jxeontoro.c f J . , i , •.*~Cf*u&4 Pair No4>Mrln the^OiinWßtreetipresbytfWak . s*l Borne eslste, share in the PoiottBtee*a;?urfc •) < rtU:——AlMi-forothera oounte. -: --• t . #•. MorfihfOemet«yOomp*n/.-: a Music. .. V V.52. o}Ble, Bt. Philipt < % V'r y } --r-.i .£*. |a« ibtjWjaont Dr, poorf. -.--.. l? 1 .T T lv[j 0 -74 r Mtirilh boraetury,- ..U 3 ;r i^«Tai*AMB^S^OpXOJ! JBB.IMh,j -~l X-'-V;fel pf-’o. btdkkiri 1 ' : OTTER - ”' : ..-w* !i;-;, i ,-u-,;aSd*t£BKß-BfDai,BßiqEDt»igl,DXNQa l o'tlEK ' >jiS»»»lo(!t«»'. v i ..n .■• ’ - .ffc/attvahi* v/fe)r^ri‘'.•. * .deoeafled.. •* <•- - : 1 •*-» ->-'- c BRICK D WELtINCkf RAKE" DWELLING, AND large LOT* aboat*# ofan - aore.if rank i ''*- ? t6rtt i turo|ilke t -«nd>‘W*terloo rireet'i.flatedistrict of w*** f ;• ck r * < i n>? *Orphonß’ Court Sale—Estate of, John 8 Jones, dec’d.-? hi-fi U* 'iTWOIHRBIi-BrORY-BR T CKDWELLINGS, CROWN - south of West street late Kensington.; }..*r< ; ,r'r' “?^pphana»‘Oo!!rt i 'P9reinptoiT i SiJ«f^»f|itate.“6f:BehJamln 'Aehbarn'en debeaiedi* V?.#'** 'n^* : lA VALUABLE PROPERTY ,>WKBT PHILABELPHU*- ‘ rw at©ne;-reaideece; and three Urge lots, northwest cor- -herTiU OndTCfictlSt - v* v f**-- * - tn* : k Pefeinpterr Saler-RBUte- of Jane;; .- ti.-s r£ wff *£-i ’•■ < \ YALUABLB BUBtNBBfI ithree - ■td*?hfldK"ilw«llinwl,NoB.BB end 40 NorthPUth'dtreet, Arch etreete. • • . ' ' BameEstate. ; of fifth street, adfdTnlßg the ahore; ~ ‘ ' 4 , jo*fiale efcsolhtef •■'» lithographic* plan of the three pfopertiesj ~'r&2il KithkhdNorth streets.4-'- ; ‘ ?C t: v> f,-' j - ■ Perenjptorj, StJe-rErtate: late of {James feii linr Bellideoessed. , u ..- ; a- 1 \ M Wr*ftYAMJAB*R BROAD. Street, above of George W Morris,deceased. > t modern ’ ‘ 32T Tforth' XweUtlf etrw&t, «b&W’Race~f front., j J -^vWAtNtJI-SIBEST;—The elegant.brown-stode *WH> - . 3 Eleventh and twelfth' atreete, hbrth T JRBSIDBNORS. Two ' handsome ...brosrnitine reiddeneeg/N05.317 and ,3190onth Third' ’ BprnoeV ‘ , ' - .' ‘ - 1 ’ - • CH4BTNDT/STRMT.-Two reel* v Se’nbeS; No*. 1604’ocdvI600 Cheatnal street,'Colonnade zo.-.t g reai-' sd','No.l7A7 between Seventeenth and ahteehthitreets, hearßiUei.honj»e>qaare: ' No: 190». ft itreeV urest of NliietMhth Btre.t. " £ ALDAJiLB COaNBa ■MT;-306*: f«e*, ,00! Ninth •■.svts,«sTMt”.lBa't«ot Alto,> torgo * nn'the l> OerihadtCwn And' Norristown 'railro^.. Three valuable,fronts ,-- - ? ‘ '”• "l . ? TAR3d,^ r lCK)?acresytrfth< imprpreziiente, New; Castle. >'iv fc «ttjatyi_nearBmwsa,Dclaware.'C'w ?, v- NEAT,MOpEBN;BE3ID|INOE-rNo. .229 N> iTwehr' ! * ir -Us'.Vi? • - • •*■' ,";Perempt3>jflwi fbelbie an Estate;• r. ■tteet;ahd/north'~of Walnut/ fronting also ou , ‘ff'-k ,-s Court; and having on' outlet into front street; h PnllpartlofllarsltthatidbUlsr' ,ci“ *'., . , . v.IEr.- The premises may be egAtplßedattrdaj previous l hetfreeA 9 and S galrabsolnte. • I.WALNUT sanie time, the . pt -Zackarj »a tTWO-SXORYj BRICKED No. 115 OebhaTd •tr‘eet|helweflh,firtepntK ond-Bbcteenth stroeta, north ; y,* I i •■ fiale^on:the.Premises* Walnut atreet.j' . r. ELBOANT BEBIDENCE AND fCRNITURB,,,... ?• yPn-.Wedneeday-Mbrnlncr c ;..; , 1 * " October flth, at lb o’clock, will,be told on the prstni , -jc l623W l 4notatreet—-. '£ ’ i C*-" ThelMndflpmp.mUlernßesidenee.with.tnarble front, \ f -.X ,ie weeh Elftoenth'aud fiiiteehth/sfoeets, 22 feet front, .'-i 120 lt iyasbnUt by'Ura-Messrsv Knight, in ' the best manner, for'’ona Always oeen occu* " #ANMOMB PCRiItTUO, tARQE MIRBQRB, CDR- • ' 1,,,,, TAX»S,'&e. ; ."y:: “ 3 s " tor**. qlegaAtgbftkiar, 1 ASA 1 ’ ■ v 4 '"*■fljr jroii'psftictolafll JjiJiiodMlirfiujacitalogaefl BUPKBXOR'- PIA NO - TAPRBTRY ... _ . carpets, v ‘tier i- r:^ } y.,'tsam ■ • i > # ■'£*'-1 Mi^doroln^^' 5 i •y$ ■%. % Pst..l«Vat 10, No7l.24;North Thirteen 1b afreet, the capefior .faraitme, pUno.torte, flue 0U MJQtiiiCT.'tApfitr> carp«ta; manieLolbek. &6.\ of fc^atl&maadeelinln^'hoaMkeenlny.' ■ j r v May be o’clMk.qn.the morning of *£i v-h'* i-V:•'-'•civ ' TO OMNIBUS AND fiTA&B: PROPRIETORS-16 OM *: i-Oetob«C‘7th, at lloMockvatiheJJtaWesof the Pair . - r - t . p . v jaonnt BailroaiLQompaay, WooA.itreet, betweanTTwen :?s t l*,.‘tjr*AeoofiA , AaiTweß^.tiljnlBtmt«/'mthbut«Berre. 10Oamikn>es k 'p$rtne*rlrneir,andaU In:"good rtm nlngorder. }Terraaataale;e*u ! ?r ... / t 1 beeiamined.atany time preriona to'the' ... -..‘/f,T-i £> : x-jf T'zi* '■ . > fT'lW'*’ -*?' Bale at N o*» 1W and 141 Sooth fourth i&eet, r isSHPSRJOR-PUBNITURS, «*PIANO-POBTEj PINE PR?NCH[:PLATS,MIRRORS, BRUSSELS: OAR* c?;? l«*.£ETB.*6o«ti>':.; .V* it* •' / a -On Thursday Morning, -\ . i-awyt At-9 n!dook,-at: the -auction Btore,aa extensive assortment'of excellent eecond.hand furniture, elegant ■ “ pienojortea.flneioirror*, carpet*, ;e to., .'from private UmHlot deuinlng to the atore r ►/ . <4> S-l V <•>* TO OAPITALIBTB,BUILDBBB,!&c.-LABGK AND . - TAiI7ABLB-U>P AT-PRtyATB :BALB, LOOUBT Bt. South aideji®etw»«mp gold And silver jrfatef diamonds, wntohes, jewelry, fowllog.pieces, musloal clothing, groceries, tigers, htudw&e/cutlbiyr&ook*, nones, vehicles, har , . ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time ' ' agreed', ©ri,'; *VrSiatha**V>Principal" EitabUsknunt,. southeast corner of Sixth and Baoe streets. »“* *?** HATHANB* PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 8. X, . i\GOBNEfi|OP BIXTH-IANDjRA.CE:STREETS. Where money will be liberally advaneed on gdld and silver plate, diamonds, watohep, jewelry, fowl Jo; pleeSeJ drygoods.iclothhig,°groc4tfs», r liquors, d(fars,fhard ware, cutlery, mirrors, palntlngaYeii*' value* ** ( ?v ' *> i«~’■-*.**’•* - OUT*DOOB * SALES. *• • - •.j \ r-.v-'a Ferronal *tt«DtioiigtT«n to alloiit-d oof jiUtuj either '.olf oo ht.prir»t» ; K? ml Molrat IZ>A» ainoi. Eto. Mi! Booth —„THlBD.fitreet, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only r-',y »,tlghtdoer« belowthetachanga. ' r.- - ; , , 3 ” ’'HAtittl of fcmiMM. from ,7 o’clock, ‘A. i(.f util 10 *’* J '\ w rides;Ahd jWlei at the Auetion* V* tvtided upon ike moat satisfactory terms* * "*• • v -i'W \ • • - l '' 1 \ madtffrom ohe dollar to thousands os Die-' %. -.r ~^*aonds/BUv«Plat«i-Watohea,Jewelry/Hardwa**, Her„ eh&ndfte, Clothing, Cigar?, Musiotl Instruments, Huns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of tTerr description* k j . i An goOd* o*a remain any length of tlm* agreed L>:-; , '.■ .1; A. '■/. _■ V i ‘ All edTencc, from one dollar* end upward*’ will b* charged a per east, fhrmohth fMOO ehd orer, j :A-;;; l *J>*lo’f«t'»Hh«tr*t*i.'. t;- as,-. a.v l •- ThU Ston HduaC haring a dCptbpf ISO fwt, ku larga Sr. end tliicf-proof realta w Store ill ralucblo., endpmd rato watchmen for- >h« f premium: alao, a hharr lain!’ the txwjt of aUpcra<>ui haring good* aa»«6.f.■ vs-J.,W.t.-s -, f ■ , .. .• ~J - *. .of anllinlUd capital. '' ' thla offloc le prepared to malr. adrinltuonmon *atla Ihctorr and accommodaUng tcrma than amp other In thiaoltrf. i UonepAlTanwd to tha poof/la tmall amonnta, with] Gold .^atlnt^Eiever^Aad'othtf Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing wMl.Nfold atrednfted nrioea/- 4 uaai-ly —■ atm — mmm — e r ': it: ;::;m * i|T<* ““AB ' rtroein, Phl!adrtpii»r K«ep oonlfe»ntl7.«m,Mnil Coil - fwnttM MMt.’*ptiKrr«4 mln«r,.'*ui4M mjtm, ptr«d exprfltalyror f»mllT t«9 —' ; r ' ' ■ **•*,-,., ' Window Awnings forJDirMiliigaat4offlc4 Win*; J .'/. J dowft+ftwul Ht tor Steamboats add r^m >; * spi *9WOIIi w , > recoil «3?^iiieb» JEflußlffesSj BRINIiEY, * Xjo./iS j L,u ' * 429 MABKBT -} ,Vf f-7 SALE! THIS * MORNING ATITo>CLQOK. L* jurftmged' for ; be sold- tufV (FrWy),morning,. QetobeOst, at 10 rwk.-hy,cat*togue, oq, all months’, credit, Jour bun ’oredJourof fahcvfandatapje Pr.enOh dry gooda;tQ which ’tbi/atta'ntidir or the trade ifl'requesied; *• • 7 < >^NQTIO^- r T>ißetailer^ 5 ' \. 7 I toft tn&rntogwlirbe found— 5 ‘ ( ’ ;fyWoil2-4TSriB' Stella shawls, round, corners,, { l2 4 :hearTCbeneillenhawla. , v : f i »:• ’ 1009,h%vycboheillescarfa. ail-wool black moiislih ad latnto.,. pieces; plaid poll d® chevr*. tafia kid gloves,. .-*-»■ *: v >^ ; -i m»btilla Vebrets* * . -SUITER ED&B: POtJLT/TE SOIB AND RISING BUN sGROS »R ORLEANS—FOR OICT-TRADE. vfWtottdMdnCh silver edge’bUek poult de role. u'<£& audio inch rising atm black groa de Orleans. , RIBBONS. ' ' •** lHHote bonnet and velvet ribbons.. 'V4£?nsA'fiSs BILK pHSNRItIiB TRIMMINGS.’' .'•IM eartoasP’orU sllk'cheneUle trlmm’ngs.' 1 MERINO’ SHAWLS—ROUND CORNERB. r -'?600 superior merinq shawl*, round corners I r l ■•■* \• ’ J ' •« ;; WOKS; EXTRA QUALITY MANTILLA BILK A. '.. :' - . VELVETS. , -26. And {0 jock Lyons’ Silk JUnttlU Valiote. • • BLAOK .GROB DE BHINIS. 21 and 88 inch boayy Lyons Black Grosde Rhinos. ".’ PARIS COLORED RID GLOVES, FOR RETAIL 2HV" TRADE. „/ 800 dez-first quality Paris Kid Gloves. PARIS SUPER QUALITY SILK OHBNELB SHAWLS, . FOR CITY TRADR. *: 600 Id-’Aenper quality'SUk Obenele Shawtr-. * MISSES 1 • STELLA AND OHENELLE BttA\VLS. On Friday Horning] • UOO 8 4 Paris Stella Shawls. . 60 8-*4 do Ohenelle Shawls. - 60 • do Stella Mantilet Shawls. J ,-i ;'=. P.\ J OBBNBLLB 80ARFB. 1200 Rich Ohenelle Scarfs. s SALE OF. 200 LOTS SUPER QUALITY BONNET RIBBONS. This Morning, < -20 Q lots No.lo and 20 ’super qn&llty new style Plaid Stripe, PlaidVßroehe-FigUred, and Ombre Poult de Bole Bonnet Ribbons. ;< . HIGH LU THE BUPEB QUALITY BLACK GROS j.- 5 J DE BRINES, FOR OITY TRADE. ■ ? 24*36 inch very heavy Blaok Gros de Rhines. SALS OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. U - On Tuesday Homing, * /'October 6th,: at 10 o’clock, by - catalogue, on ' six months’credit— - 600,packages and, lets of imported and . domestic •drygoods:. ' ’ ‘ & SONS; TTr BEAL. ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, .a'' No. 620 WALNUT STREET •~ FIRST- FALL SALE OF BEAL ESTATE, MORT GAGES. STOCKS, Ac., will bo held at thelPhiladol* phia Exchange, -On Thursday .Evening, October 14th-1868, and will include— ., Peremptory B - - •' ■' TWO-STOftr FBA6IE .‘DWELLING and lot of grouod, 20 feet by 46, situate No. 109 Queen street, and adjoin |ipgttp:above (•{- ;* -• '■. •- > YEARLY GROUND RENT of 166.60, payable on the 40th day. of September, on property situate on~the west side of Swadsoh street, near Catharine. Lot 20 feet front by 90 deep; lIANDBOME FOUR-STORY RESIDENCE, (brown stoue'first story;) with three-story beck buildings. No. 1608Ddcnst street, opposite St Mark’s Church. This property is exceedingly well bnilt, and in perfect order. Tee lot'is 13d'feet deep to Latimer street, (a 80-feet wide street.) |7,6(-0 rosy remain oh thepropeitf. Poa session given immediately. , ' HANDSOME OHESTNUT-STREBT RESIDRNOE, N 0.1809. north side. l west of Eighteenth Font story, with throe-story back-.buildings, and’ all the extra mo dem conveniences; bnilt in a superior manner; and in complete order. Possession given immediately. 88.0C0 may refrain-bn ground rent - - ;'RESIDENCE, Fifteenth street, above Girard avenue, west side. Three st'ry, with three-stery double hack buildings. No 1220. Lot 16 feet front hy 103 deep, to a back outlet. NEAT .-THREE-STORY ’RESIDENCE," Fifteenth 'street,'/above Girard avenne, east side. .Lot 16 Tebt front by 75 feet deep to a back outlet. Possession given tmnediaVly; V ‘ t . : VALUABLE BUILDING street—eeren adjoining building lots on Poplar street, commencing GO fpet;wwtward front Fiftsmtb street < The eAstermost five are,each 20/eat front by 107 feet b%. inches deep to Qambriage street..- The Westernmost two are 18 feet 11 inches front by 107 feel 5% laches deep to Cambridge .street.. All having two good fronts. - MODERN THREE-STORY BEBIDENOKB, Thir teenth street, north of Wailaoo, west side. Has three story double back buildings, and furnished with all the modern conveniences; gas and gas fixtures. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, two and a half story, with two;itqry double baok-bulldlngs, No. 710. Coates rtreet, abqve Seventh, south side/is-well built and in oompleto order. *. ...... . BRICK DWELLING, with the lot VoLfcrouhd therenntb belonging, situate on south side of Miles Alley, { above Tenth (Between Walnut and Lc« cost streets) . v ,. V THREE.GhOUND'RENTB* of |62’ each, on Burton '-'Street'/ west’of Fifteenth street.' ' BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BEAT -IN DELAWARE i vCOUNTY, KNOWN A 8 ASTON RIDGE, ’ On Wednesday,. Oetob,er,lBtb,lB6B. will be fluid at Public Sale on the premises, that beautiful, known as Aston Ridge, situate in Delaware county, Pennsylvania, about 15 miles fr«m the city, 5 miles from Chester, 4 miles from MarchS'Hook, and 3 V miles from Rockdale, (the station next Jieyond Media on the West Chester direct railroad,)- containing 28'ftcres, 7 of which are; wood- Koixnnraremente conSißt of a splendid mansion, 66 feet front by 50 w JUi arcade, terrace, and ,verandah ; is finely shaded, and' commands a view"twenty miles in' extent, including the Delaware, river, 6 miles distant, and a large portion of New Jersey/ beyond it. There is also a good stone •payo, with stabling—the barn-yard is well screened and Shaded with Locust trees. Thelawn frootingthehtUßecoDtAiuatbree*ores,and is beautifully laid oat with gravel walks, atbori, shrah bervy erergroeu», &c t j-This location la celebrated for its healthiness', and oonTmieut to schools and ohurches of almost every denomination. Access several times a day by steamboat or railroad to Chester and Marcus Hook, at by railroad to Rockdale.- Terms will be made accommodating, and possession given immediately, or in. toe spring. The premises may be viewed at any time. Conveyances may be had at Rockdale station every day, on. arrival of the 10 o’clock train from Eighteenth and Market streets, returning at 2 P.M. Lithographs be seen, and farther information ob tained at the office. > BEAL ESTATE-AT PRIVATE BALE. , 07*011 our Private Sale Register will always bo found a very large amount of real estate, inolndlng eve*7 description of city and country property, < ct - . * ' * v • J.'M.- GUMMEY A SONS, , Conveyancers and Beal Estate Brokers, ; , . . % -620 WALNUT Btreet. TAKES. A. JTREEMAIi, AUCTIONEER, •J- -t N0.425/WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. 10* Persona favoring us with consignments oan teat assured that their property will not be sacrificed. - 10* Commissions more moderate than those charged b 7 .‘Auction House in the city. : : |o*: Consignments respectfully solicited. CT’ Bales paid immediately after the goods are fold. ... . . rNOTBfI; STOCKS, &e.. . On account of whom it may concern. , W- ‘ f A • .On Wednesday Evening, October 6th. 1868, previous to sale of Real Estate, at 7# o’clook, will be sold, on account of whom It may concern—' v *. A note drawn by Daniel Bubleam, dated July 20.1868. for $6OO, at 4 months . , 1 * Two Jane 24,1888, for $2BO each, sub scrlptlona to 600 shares, each, to the stook of the Con necticut Mining 00., (}. G. West, .President. $lOO to be paid at the sale. ' Also—. * 100 scares WestßranchlHtuminoui Coal Co. 200 do do, ’do’ do do 100 do- 'do do do' do 8 do Walnut Street Band Co. • - • .3- do.. Western Virginia Lumber, Mining and - ’ Agricultural Association. _ .. J0"B5O to be paid on each at the sale. *♦ ’ SEVENTH FALL BALE—OCTOBER Bth. This sale wlll.include— t BUSINESS - STAND SAND DWELLINGS, BROWN STREET, ABOVE. FOURTH STREET. A busl -neMrS aland, withifonr. small dwellings on the rear,.and.the lot of ground south aide of Brown street, 24 feet weet from Fourth street, 18 feet front, 77# feet deep. .Subject to |24 ground-rent. The property Is in* >sured,for 81,600, and rents for over $lOO to punctual .tenants; !. Orphans’ Court Absolute-Bale—Estate of David Car 1< ■ lisle, Deoeased. • y/THSEE-BTORT BRICK. DWELLING, SIXTH BT., .BELOW .COATES STRBBT.—A geottel three-story brick-dwelling, l Sixth street, below Coates street, SO feet front, 68 met deep. ' $lO ground-rent. ‘ Orphans* Court -Absolute Bale—Same Estate. TWO DWELLINGS, CARLISLE COURT.—Aisd? the two small dwellings in theresr of the above, fronting on Carlisle Court, 20 feet 10 inches in front, 64 feet 8 inodes deep.. '’' Orphans’ Court Abvo’ntd Sale—Same Estate. • BUILDING LOT, COATES gTBKET.—A lot of ground, with the frame house thereon; southeast cor ; ner of Carlisle court and Coates street, 18 feet front, 68 feetdeepr $B6 ground-rent. - Orphans* Court Sale—Same Estate. THBEB HOUSES, CARLISLE COURT. —Three small houses and lot-of ground on Carlisle court, ad joining the above,on the rear, 67 feet 8# ‘ inches front .and 18,feet dwp. Clear of inoambrance. - "07” $6O to he paid on each of the above when the 'lame-Is struck off.. - •, = ' ' J SALE*OF BUILDING MATERIAL AT THE CITY - - -HOSPITAL. : MJpder authority of an Ordinance.: approved Sept. 26, 1858, will he sold at pqblic isle,' -i - . On Monday Morning. : Oct. 4,1868, at 10 o’olook, .the building material of every kind, now contained inribe buildings on the pre mises of the City Hospital, Coates street, between Nine teenth and.Twentleth streets—to he removed imme diately. ' i Jo*Bale positive, by order of the Commissioner of City Property. - . r ~ .. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Handsome mansion, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Walnut streets. •: Rwldehoo,Washington Square and Walnut street, . Dwelling house. street. . ■ '2O acres df lihd, Indian Queen lane.' Valuable property, Frankford road. Handsome dwelling,'No. 1012 Wallaoe street. Bpamess stand anq dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash ington streets. ’ , Elegant property, 80 acres, &e., above Torresdale. - •14 acres of-l&nd, Ohelton avenue, Germantown. : : Handf otde Tesidenee and lot, 1 West Philadelphia. ; .Valuable lot of ground,' Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. . ... -./•Handsome dwelling, Bpring Garden etreet, above Twelfth.- . * . r OABINRT OF MINERALS. private sale, a valuable Cabinet of Minerals, com prising-over, 1 ,Qop. specimens, the collection of several r ewr ** The property of a gentleman who has no room •for them.' They are-very desirable lor a publfo Institu tion.' Applyat the motion store, {liana iFarua; jDIANO FORTE.—MR. J. A. GETZE announces that he has resumed his .mhtS? K '" 1,l0n “’ S^th •"piANpiFoßT^s.,: ; ; r-' ■ r tjL^JtTst an elegant stock of RAVEN. BA.' OOK, * 00 &OLARK. UALLiirDAyiB ,*q6.,«nd GALS ACO.BPUt/08. MBL&DioHB .otbMt auallt/, »t J. 8, QODLD'a, ;'i B,J. eoraerBIVJINTH ahdOHRBTNDT eta. friSigaa.. CHIOJtEHINQ & , BONS, hav ; n 1 ffl- Ingrremovedn to i their, .new warerooms, 1807 CuEBTmIT Street, (near the United States Mint.) Are prepared to offer to their friends and the public sin 1 extensive, assortment of Grand.- PdrloT-Grana, Square and. Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured express!' lor this oily,.finished in various styles of cases, and.' Sices to please, s Piano-Fortes made’'eultfany, style of furniture, and allinstru .meats warranted to give entire satisfaction to the'pof; chaser. - ~ s"\l' r - ■; ‘• v Granf and Square 1 Slan'os to rent, upon the most fa .rorabletermsi - . . • , Messrs,- o. .ft . SONS have received Thirty-fottK MEDALS.: The,first Premiums over all competitors In £he;United : States t• .* . , c £ i-. " • . 4 Ail orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will b promptlyattendod to.: , fr7-6m nnO OONFISOTIOijERS AND BAKERS^— X;,‘,6OOJIM/,Oil:E6ppBmint, wwr»ntwlpuf.; - ~1000. jCarb. Aipmonia} _ 200 r V 4 Cirr(\*»sß«Ki. ~ F.or Mis low, m w»nj«d, b.. ; WIMQW A IIERRITT, • ’ Woolossle Druggists, ; SOS Muketitrost, .goPlfrHfi '%18581 AJ TB ANK and -la STRAWBERRY, batVreeA MAR KET and CHESTNUT and SBOOND and THIRD streets ’ ' to l / AoGTioirs** OARD.~We invito: the,particular attention [6t city and ooontpr pnrcbasoni to-tbo poremptofy Bft j 6 of WlSudortStet cloth ,n 5> ?"P4»; TOol jackata, liraba-itool slilrta “ 10 SALE OP RBADY-M ADfe OtOTniNa AND TAILOR* • w ING GOODS. - : n . . '' ' This filbming, - Commencing at 10 o’clock, trill bo - sold without re* Stotfag* fttable stock of Ready-made Clothing, con- Overcoats, Raglans; Frock Coats, - - ’Dress Goode, Pants and Vesta, -j - TAILORING GOODS Of the best materials, made >in the latest fashions, for city and country trade; Also, a general assortment of fall and winter tailor* lug goods, consisting- of boatings, pantaloonerj, vest ings, fee. - ; The whole mar be examined, with catalogues, prior to sale when purchasers will find it their Interest to attend. BS > i Dn the, Premises, . Ntt. &2 ORbWN STRsfit, L The prbperijr ,6f a gentleman relinquishing house keeping, thb. entire household furnitare, comprising Walnut Bedste&ds, Dressing' Bare sub, Wash Stands, Sofa*. Tapestry Carpetings, Mattresses, Table Covers, Looking Glasses. Ac. Also, the Kitchen Furnitare, Ac. The particni&r attention of purchasers is requested., ' iD“ Catalogues vrill be ready and the goods arranged for examination, early on the morning of sale. 1 BY WILLIAM H; STEER, GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. -No. 46 North EIGHTH Btreet, below Arch. v 1 ' ; J. A. ELIBON. Auctioneer. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD'FURNITURE, OARPBTB, MIRBORB>PLATEDWAttB; OLOOKfI, Ab. - this fcofnib*, , i At 10 o’eloftk,' at the auction store, Will be. sola a superior assortment, of patlOr, cbaWbeV, ana dinitig roorn furniture, oarpdls, ttiirrbrs, Ac. VENtTIAN AND DtJTOU CARPETS. , Also, will be sold on account of whom it may con cern— -1,000 yards 6- 8 and 4-4 Venitian and Dutch carpets. - • - ' LOOKING-GLASSES, 0 LOOKS.. 'l2 doten flew looking-glasses, various sizes, in ma hogany aflibaewood frames. Also,,k«rge lot eight-day striking, and thirty-hour clocks; BALE OF JEWELRY, CUTLERY, Ac. -'" *■' - - • On Saturday Evening, Commencing at 1% o’clock, finegold jewelry, fine pocket and table cutlery j miscellaneous goods, Ac. SA. DYSART A 00., Auctioneers and * Oouvissios HaabsiNts, No. 27 South EIGHTH STREET, oormer of LODGE STREET. ; £ejjol Notices. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . Estate of THOMAS CHAMBERS, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that ANN ELIZA CHAM BERS, widow of said decedent, has filed in the Orphans’ Court her petition, and the appraisement,of personal property which she claims to retain under the profisiona of the act of Assembly of April 14, leM, and that said presented to the Orphans* Coiirt for approTal on FRIDAY, tbo 16th of Ootober. J. COOKE, LONQBTRETU,. Attorney, for "Widow. ee24-ftu.-4t Letters of administration to the Estate of BIQIURD RIDDLE, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons In* debtoa to said Estate are requested to make payment; and those'having claims to present thorn to REBECCA RIDDLE . Or to her Attorney, JAMES H. CASTER, 11G South PIFTII St eet. se27-mw&f3t* Boots, anb ,0l)oes. jJENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLES ALB DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. N. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH .Streets, tn26-2m ■- PHILADELPHIA. jpiALL STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, JOSEPH H. THOMPSON A 00., ~ No. 914 MARKET STREET, r ” AKO ’ Noe; 8 end 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, BITS MOW IK BTOEI'A LABQK J.HD WILL ISSOITtD STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES, or CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE, ' Which they offer for sale on the best terms fir cash, or on the usual credit. Bayers ere Inrlted to tall end jezemlne their stock.' jy3l-tf BOOTS AND SHOESl—Tfie~“einJicntKyr hes on hend & large end ▼ tried stock of BOOTS end SHOJEB, Whleh Be will seU etthe lowest price*. GEO. W. TAYLOR, 0021-lj fr.:*.eorner FIFTH end MARKET Bts. oljoe ifitibings. jgIDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH BTREET, One door above Fourth. JMPOBTBB AHD DBALBB 1H LABTINBB, GALLOONS, SHEETINGS, 7BBNOH KID, OONGRIBB WEBB, TOILBT SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPER' TRIMMINGS, LAOES, &c. »u!9-2m Notice to shoe manufacturers. The undersigned (successors to the late JOSEPH T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet the want* of the trade at the OLD STAND, Northeast oornerof ARCH and FOURTH Streeta. Their fa©iUtie4.for IMPORTING and FURNISHING ererj artldeln the SHOE BTUFFB and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. ’ A The attention of BUYERS is respectfully solicited. WU. JOHNS ft SON, au!7 ' N.E. comer Arch and Fourth sts. §ar&ro««*. PIARDWARB AA> MOORE. HENSZBT, ft CO., . --427 MARKET. anA4l6 COMMERCE St., Are now opening a splendid assortment of goods suita ble for the near trade, acd luvite purchase) s to call and examine their stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &0., before purchasing. se3o-12t rjIRUITT, BROTHER, & 00., , WrOKTJIaS AND DBALX.S HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 629 MARKET STREET, B.low Sixth, North sid«, PHILADELPHIA. HARDWARE, —The subscribers, COM MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMEBVIO HARDWARE,-would respeotfoltr eall the Attention of the trade to their stock, which they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in partof— Chains, of all kind*—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ok,' Cow, Flfflx, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, Mine, and Coll Chains. , The celebrated “L»* HoritNails: Stone and Sledge Hammers. . • ‘‘Wright’ ” and other Anvils: Solid Box and other Vioes. Short and long handle Fry Pans: round and oval Bake Pans. .“Martin's” superior Files and Rasps: Bed SoreWS. “Excelsior ” Safety Faso: Blasting Tabes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes j Hay, Corn, and Straw waives. f Hav, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading Forks. Rakes and Hoes; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shop, Clout, and Finishing Nalls. Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all kinds: Cutlery, Rams and Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham mers, Planes, and othetTobls.iftc., Ac. ; W. G. LEWIS ft SON, ®bl-y , . , No/411 COMMERCE Btreet. tOalrljeff, JSemdtQ, &t. JK. -OALDWELL..& 00.. • ,482 CHESTNUT Street. Have received, per steamers, new styles Jewelry. Chatelaine, Vest Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Pins. Fruit BtandSjSugar Baskets/ Jet Goods and Flower .Vases. Coral, Lava,and Mosaic Bets. Sole Agents in'Philadelphia for the sale o Charles frodsham’a LONDON TIME-KEEPERS delO (SILVER WARE.— ►3 WILLIAM WILSON.ft SON, . SILVER WARE, - (ESTABLISHED 1818,) 6. W, OOBHSR FIVTB AXD OHBBBT BTBBITO. ft large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de scription, constantly on hand, or made to order to natch any pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported ware. se2o*dftwly J' ,S. JARDEN & BRO. • UAHUFAOTOBBBB AND IKPOBTBBB OF . SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804'Chestnut Btreet, above Third, (op stairs,) • ‘ Philadelphia, Constantly on hand and tor Bale to the Trade, TEA SETB, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS: CUPS, WAITERS, BAS KETS, castors; knives, spoons, forks, LADLES. Ac., &o. "Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. se2-ly Stationers. Blank books and stationery. DATIB M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer. BUtiOner a«d Printer, No; 100 WALNUT Street, la pre pared‘at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to otder, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Pablio Offices, Merchants, and others,' of the best quality 6f English or Amerififtn Pipor, and bound in virions styles. In the most substantial manner. 1 Orders for 'JOB‘PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. - - .-s - A rener*! assortment of English, French and Ameri* oanSiatlohery. • -* 1 *" ■* CdnOerhlng Mr. Hogan's contribution tq the Franklin Institute/the Oommlttee sky—“ This display of blank booss for banking and mercantile use is the best in-the Exhibition*' The seleotloh of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearanc* neat and appropriate.”, no2o-u Abram slack’s engraving, die "Sinking, andKffibOSSed'Printing, Envelope, and Beal' 1 Press ’Manufactory; No.' 1 South SIXTH Street, VhUadelphta* Pa- • -' ; ; ‘ aulO-Sm BROWN STOUT —4O casks « Final k WllHinu. i' .iaiMitod direct from tondwi, Jo «QTS«I( bu ultnj ; WM. Hi.JSATQH, ... •a m BOOTH JBONr .trnt. rjIHE (JREAT WONDER - : ■ .. Ji i of ; JTnB NINEi'EENtn OENTtJttY, j PROFESSOR WOOD’S t Et it'fe&'roii A.*iv;dß • fiaysiheSt. toUlsf&ie.) Democrat: Below, liflii. a letter to Dr. Wood of tlils city, from a gentleman la Maine, which spanks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable enures. If certifl cates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no enco miums, nor useless puffery from the press: W.O» SwKJw ' attention cAllod a few months since to the highly tyne- TniBTBBNTu ,and FILBERT Streets, opened ftc’al effects of your Hair Restorative, I was induced to MONDAY, the Oth of September, make application of it upon my own hair, which hid hi- *f lT J*® .J!?! i u * v*! l 0a \ favorable to rapid pro come quite gray, l probably one-third white: my whis* gress,yetaenas the scholar into the world with a keen kors were of same character. Some three months since L totally disqualifies him for aotlve I prooured a bottle of yonr hair restorative, and used “*® 5 whilst attention to mwiy oftentimes forces the it. I soon found It was proving what I had wished. I Instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those used it about twice a week. I have since-.procured personal to each individual, and the learner either another bottle, of which I havo used some. I can now loses all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire oerti yto the world that the gray or white hair Has to- ments. For these and other reasons the number is tally disappeared, both' on my head and face and my limited , , hair has resumed its natural color, and I believe more For further information apply personally, from nine soft and glossy than it has been before for twenty-five on ® 0 doe* f•, years. lam now sixty years old; my geod Wife at the afllB-tf R STEWART. Principal, age of fifty.two, has used It with same effect. The above notlcs'ldeem dUe to'yodfdr ybur valuable discovery, tam assured that whoever will rightly Use, as. per directions, .will not have occasion to contra dict my statements. Xam a citizen' Of this city, and a resident here for the last fifteen years, add am fcnoWb to nearly every Hot e and adjoining towns. AhyttSe ' yod may make of the above, with my name atUbncd, is atVour service, as t wish to preserve the of nature in others as well as myself. lam truly, yoors, , A. 0. RAYMOND. BaLti&obb, Jan. 28,1858. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE, - * Profossor WooD—Dear Sir: Having had the mlifor* tune to lose tho best portion of my hair, from the effects I of the yellow fever, in New Orleans, In 1851, 1 was in duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the v yery thing needed. My hair 1b now thiok and glossy, and no words can oxpreßdtny obliga tions to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. ' . „ FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned, Rev. J. K. Bragg, is a minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass • He is a gentleman of great influence and universally beloved. WM DYEB. BnooXFisbD, Jan. 12,>1858. Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Having made a trial of your Hair Restorative, It gives mo pleasure to sAy, that Its effect has been excellent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendbhcy to ltohlng With Which I have been troubled from my onlldnood J and has also restored ib/hair, which was becoming gray, toitsorlgl* nil color. 1 have used bo other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. - j Yours truly, 3, K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sixes, vis: large, medium, and small. The small holds hall a pint, ana retails for ona’dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than .the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; 'the large holds a quart, forty per oent. more in proportion) ana retails for three dollars a bottle. ' ~ ' 'i • O.J. WOOD* 00., Proprietors, 813 BROADWAY. N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Balling Establishment,) and 114 MARKET Street. St. Lenls, Mo.. And sold by all good Druggists ana Fancy Goods Dealers. aul&-fnnkw-8m& eowlawkySm A LEX. MoKINKEr, xA ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRBENSBURG, PA. in Westmoreland, Armstrong tad Xii diana oountlea. . . sfell-tx V. 9. AB&AJ10. , 0. A. MAtXB. - a beams h Mayer, £ML ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAYEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. SpeclU attention given to' the collec tlon of claims. l : BKVsABnohS.- Gov. Wm. P. Packer, Harrlßbtirg, Pa. j_L, A. Mackey,' President Look Haven Bank; GeneralD. Lock Haven: Hon.'A. White, Lock Haven:■ Simon Bcett, Look Haven: Bullitt A Fairthorae, Philadel- Shia; McFarland, Evans. A Oo. t Philadelphia: Evans : Watson, Philadelphia* Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Hon. A. Y.Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Toner A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon* James Burnside, Bellefonte. Pa.; J. W. .Qnfggle, Philadelphia. jy 26-tf • SL. FOWTiEBj e ATTORNEY AT LAW, If O US T ON t , , - Haebis Ooohty, Texas. , "' Twenty years resident in Texas. Prompt attention paid to Land Builneu. OFFICE OPPOSITE TUB OLD OAPtTOL. Rsrebb to—Messrs. Daria A Blrney, Philadelphia. mhfl-w-ly ! H O. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAB • 808, CONVEYANCERS. GEO.&I. OOKARROB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, apfi-y Nb. 93-3 ARCH street, below Tenth. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER \J OHANT and Importer of HAVANA BSGARB, (New) 188 Walnut street, second story. anl-ly Lauman a raborg— Importers and Wholesale Dealers la WINEB, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORS. No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. JelO*tf 1* UMBER TABU.. . MU 1 BOUTS ft 09., ' (Successors to Montgomery A Neall.) 8. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, PhU*. , Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving A large and well-aeleoted assoitment of all descriptions of; LUMBER, adch‘as White Ploe, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring,'Shelf log, and every variety of well-attaeoned Lumber. Also,, a large sfooklof Bin Stuff; of ’ efery fariety._attd description. cooataatly on \mm» worderarnrvTn^vsViUtNcerT Ouroonneotlon with Messrs. Mehaffby, Boats] A 00.. and Gouts, A 00,, at Marietta, nu surpassed facUlUw.acd enables us to supply oruCrs for all descriptions, or Lumber With proaptuehr' and despatch. ‘T\ , YINB-ORBEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable forPATTBRN-MAKERS, Ao , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully lavlfetd to examine our stock before going elsewhere, v ap?l-tf 1 UMBER AT WHOLESALE ANDRE JLi tall, at Marietta, Lancaster county. Pa., MEHAFFBY, HOUTZTS Co., Uke this method of informing their customers and persons desirous of pur* ehaelng LUMBER, that the/ have now on hand a large and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions ol Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices.’ Their timber is all from their own UILL&oa PINA ORBBK, They are also connected with Wessra’.BUFF Y« HOUTZ, A GO., and are prepared to* furnish'iul kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff; Lath Pales: Pickets, and Building-Timber for Bridges, Ac., of *ll descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would, also, take great pleasure in'calling the attention of Builders, and those In want of Lumber iu the city of Philadelphia! to the Lumber Yard or HOUTZ A Co., oorner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also' con nected. 1 apJH-tf PATENT LEATHER, pHESTNUT GROVE dei lessen the consumption of fmpare spirits,- knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the publlo of an article Which the analysatlon of Professor Obllton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, ft' Oamao, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be .the mostpure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR JAB. R OIULTON. I have analyzed asatnple of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased te state that it is entire!/'free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. .JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 8,1868., Analytical Chemist. PaiLADßLrau, Sept. 9,1868. DbabSir: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known tas Faslo Oil, which is the characteristic and Injurious Ingredient of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, ft OAMAO, ■ Analytical Chemists. To CuABifXS Wbabtox, Jr., No. 28 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. se24-dtoo2l PISTOLS, As. SHERRY WlNE.—so.quarter casks Har mony ft Burden Sherry in bond, fbr sale low by - ARNOLD ft WORL, au2B-lm , 120 Walnut street. T MEN E A U & FILS' ROCHELLE • BRANDIES.—The undersigned, haviitf been appointed Bole Agents in the State of (Pennsylvania for tho sale of the above celebrated Brandy, are prepared .to offer it to the trade at the lowest market rates, from U.S.BondedWarehousea. ARNOLD ft WORL. aU2O-tf • 120 Walnutstoeet. PORT. WI N E—loo qr.-pasta, varions brands, in bond and for sale by ARNOLD ft WORL, au26-lm 120 Wsinnt street. Vl/INES, LIQUORS, &c. V T JOSEPH jf. TOBIAS, formerly ' ■ S. TOBIAS ft BON, Nos. 206 and 208 SOUTH FRONT BTREET, (bolow Walnut,) PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER BRANDIES, IH N HOLLAND GINS, WINBB, And all kinds FOREIGN LIQUORS AND CORDIALS. Agent for Jno. Ramsay's “ISLAY MALT” SCOTCH WHISKEY. Always on hand a large stock of OHOIOB OLD RYE AND BOURBON WHISKEY, Towhioh the attention of Buyers is particularly invited. au24-lm , ' AND PORT WINE.-30 qrt B . 30 Eighths Harmomr Sherry: 20 qra. Wallis Post Wiae, iu bond and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, 210 South FRONT Street toKANDIES—“ Flnat OaBtillon," Marett, XX -and other Ooguacs of various vintages, in half ■pipes and quarter caries; Pellevoisin ltoohelto Brandies, pale and dark,'in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth .casks. , Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLSN ft 00., o«2a .. j£2i and 228 South Fourth street. WAENEB, HIBKEr,& 00., GABALIRRS, BRAOKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, And all kinds of. GAB AND LAM? 'WORK, GIRANDOLES, &0., 116 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. ARCHER, VAR'HER, & 00., 378 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. {o* Building, fitted with Ga. Pipes, and all kind, of Altering and Repairing or Gee Work. . Will remoTO about tho 10th of October noxt to our New Store, 718 CHESTNUT ST., below EIGHTH. »e2B-0t Guns, bifles, and bporting im- PLEMENTS. une Subscribers have in store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., Ever offered in thiß city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much as . possible before the Ist Deo , they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, oompriting' GUNS FROM THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE ft CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, se9;2m, ~ above Market. ff^HEESE.—IOS boxes Herkimer • county >\J Cheese sow landing, and for sale by . c. 0. SADLER- ft oo:, •tfl ARCH Btreet, 2d door above Front, Business QTat&g. Somber XOitus and £iqnors. " ©as 4Fi*tnre,e. MANOrAOTtmKRB OF ecittcuiotwl. A tKRM OF TflE LAW-DEPARTMENT ! hB .P N A? rERBIT X OP PENNSYLVANIA tem* msnoW dn the 4th of October. .ftHARSwOOD, IhteruaUonal and Constitution* 4 1 Law, Ad. Prof. JjoOAU, Pleading and Prrtcilce. by F. r< w Op, on tho 4th of October, at eigfit ® , ,r „ Lecture Room of the Department i byVrofltcOiLLLonthß 5 th, and by Prof. MILLER on Octobor, at the same hour and place. se2o-toco ENGLISH SINGING-Ballad and Opera tic*—Mr. FRAZER gives Inatraction iu the abtivd stjlca, on the most approved system. selB-lm 408 South EIGHTEENTH Street. fILASSIOAL EDUtiATXON. —ROBERT \J H. LABBERTGN, Ph. D. of the University or Groningen, will hereafter have charge of the Classical department in the SCIENTIFIC and CLASSICAL IN STITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this Sobool - eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all sges, and m (ill departments—Engl eh, Classical, and Solentido. Entrance on TWELFTH St, selT-lm J. ENNId, Principal. Jj. RIED’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG • LADIES, No. 1623 WALNUT Stroat. For terms, apply at tho Institute. RBraRBRCBS.—Dr. Converse, (editor of the Cfiristian Observer,) Rev Dr. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. J. W. Forney, 0. G. Lelnnd Esq., Fro eapora Vethake, Allen, Frazer, of the University, and the r gentlemen. selfl-lm JJ. REND has resumed his course of in • struction in Mosio and on the Piano-forte. No. 1628 WALNUT Street. sel6-lm T&/I R.S. MoGUIRE’S BOARDING and DAY IT.L SCHOOL PUR YdtJNil LADIES, 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street, will be re-opened MONDAY, Sep tember 6th. au23-6w* TITUS. BRYAN’ B SEMINARY, XTA BATAVIA, N, T. THE PALL TERM of this Institution (whose loca tion is one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 16th of September. It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough; select, and homelike in alt its appointments. The number or pupils la limited to those who can be seaced atthe ta ble of the Principal. 1 - U!7* CIRCULARS will be sent showing Terms aud Regulations. Batavia, Genesee 00., N.Y., September, 1868. flelB TIRITTENDEN ,e » F V COMMERCIAL COLL] CHESTNUT and SSVENTB 'HIiiADELPHIA jEGB, aortnbast corset of H-Strceis. An Institution designed *IY» BUSINESS. “fIOAKi) 0F TRUSTEES. B. B. Oomagya, Frauds Hoskins. George H. Stuart, David Milne, John,Bpafbawk, DaildS. Brown, I**AoHuk«r. A.'fc. PtafflOM, D, B. HramAn, I Frbdbriok Brown, , , Joshua Llppincoit, , , EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. Each Stadont has individual instruction at thlfl Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a gOod situation, CATALOGUES mar be had on application at the Cdllega. _ fleB*tf The tVest~ohester acahem?^ , located at WEST cnKSTEB, Pa., an Xnatltutlon designed and arranged to prepare Boys and Toung Men for any dais in our best Colleges, or for business in' its varied requirements. Tho corps of Instructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and experience. The ave rage number of students is seventy- fire per session. Tho French and German Languages are taught by na tive. resident teachers. The Winter Term commences on the Ist of November next. For Catalogues,&c., apply to WM. P. WYEBS, A. M., Principal, . , seO-th s tu 3m at West Chester,'Pa to fit young men for AG- rrmE frenoh language and lite- J- RATURE, by Vttif. GBfcAfcD, A. M-, NO; 1005 CHBBtNU't Street. Studchta frill Ond new attractions IH their Studied fay tho dse or the “ Cabinet det foci" he Ha? jU»t pnblluhed. * WMl.—Particular attehtjon tb pupils Intending tfa ▼inlt Ktirope as to conuen'aftoJi iti Pretith. lE?* For particulars, soo CIRCULARS, seia mw&frlm# ]MR. LOUIS S. D. REES will re-open his ITA Moruing School for-Young Ladles, 1232 Spruce street, on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 16th. au3Q-lm* pLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, V-? below Locust.—Duties resumed MONDAY, Augus'; 80th. J. W.FAIBEB.A.M., au23-2m Principal. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS* INSTITUTE FOB DOTS, at the WEST PHILADELPHIA IN. BTITUTK. THB FARE IS PAID FOB THB.PUPILS On the Railways and Omnibuses, from all parts of the oily. IC7" See advertisement in another column. seB-lm HEMAN ALLEN, A. It., Teacher of tho Violin and Piano. Air. Allen may be applied to at the residence of his father, Professor Allen, No 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. r.epl-tocl THE SUMMER STREET INSTITUTE FORYOUNG LADIES, AlissD. B. HURT,Princi pe*, wilt rpopon on MONDaY, September 0. * For Circulars, Ac., please apply at the Institute, No. 1621 SUMMER Btreet: auBO-lm* O'DONNELL'S BOOK-KEEPING in stitute, BasTxnTOer»njn , PH~ana ARCH Streets, devoted exclusively te instruction in the basi nets Of the Counting-house. Open day and evenlntr. Circulars, ' sM-lra LEIDT BROTHERS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL, Nos. 146 and ISO SIXTH Street, near Race, is MOW OPBK to a V* IS6TBOOTION nf BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THB DAYTIME, AS USUAL. se4-ly MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE'S 2.V.1 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, west of SEVEN TEENTH,-Philadelphia, will be re-opened on WED NEBDA Y, the Bth of September. . au2-2m* Bryant & stratton*s chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for elroular. jel6-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS—Northeast corner of 3SIQHTQ and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Tall Session opens Sept. oth 1058: The principles of “Moral luaslon” hare been successfully adopt®* at this Insti tutfon since its establishment, and parents entrusting their sons into the hands of tne Prinoipal can rest as* sured of their good treatment and rapid advancement. Pupils received at any time ond age. Catalogue's fat' nlshed gratuitously. Parents are Invited to visit the school. P. DONfI&AYY LONG. an26-0w Principal. CENTRAL INSTITUTE—ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL.—WiII be re-opened MON DAY, September oth. TBNTH and BPKING GARDEN BtreeW. H. G. MoGUIBB, A. M. t au23-ow# Principal. - DUFF & CO.'S MEROAN COLLEGE, Southeast corner ** rffrT>^rr ElGHTH and CHESTNUT Btreets, (established in 1810, and incorporated by the-Legisla ture of Pennsylvania.) In this well-known Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COUBBI or Practical, Single, and Doable Entry BOOKKEEPING, including all the Auxilubt Books, Ookjasboial Cal oblations, and BUSINESS WRITING, ' is taught in the most successful and satisfactory style. M. ROOHB, ) p„ lfll ,| lu .i- P. EDWARDS, { Mb. B. B. EUbTON, Penman. EIDGEHILL SCHOOL, PKINCETON, MU NEW JERSEY.—This School is Adapted to those ■who desire their sons to have a careful preparation for College or for a business life. Thorough instruction is given In English, Mathematics, Anofent and Modern Languages, fro. The instruotorß aim, not only to have their pupils thoroughly master fundamental principles, but to.formthoso habits of thought which will-render future and highor attainments rapid and easy. Decla* nation. Composition, and Debate are practised in the Edgehtll Literary Society, which embraces all the pu pils of this' School. Tor particulars, terms, &0., ad dress BEV. JAMES I. HELM ,or aull-2m REV.- JAMES P. BUQ-UES, Principals. Uobtuco. S. FUGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, se23 - 216 South FRONT Street. C2TAVANA CIGARS.—A handsome assort- JEJL raont of Oigars of flno new crop Tobacco, of tho following brands: Firago, Pruebeae, Sultana. Cabanas, Union Americana, Orojon, Tropical, ' Ca»tanon, Flor Helen, l'ebeto, to., &0., Ac., In l»sth, and 1-lOth boxoa, of Londres anu Opera Blues, just received in Store, and for sale low by CHARLES TKTE, 188 WALNUT Street. 5027-10t# EJ CIGARS.—IOO,OOO La Flor ■--■•lie la lla?ana let, 2d, and 3 It la so as to consume the gases from the Ooal. making ft one of the most economical, safe, durable* Heaters now in uso. Also, all sixes and patterns of Cooking Ranees, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Btoves, 0011108* Patent Ohimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a fall assortment of all goods in my Uneof business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater repair* ing, and prices reduced to suit tne times. CHARLES WILLIAMB, . (Lato Baker Sc Williams.) au2-3m 1132 (old 4081 MARKET Street. Phlladi. SLATE! SLATE!! SLATE !!!—Roofing ■Slate, of all sixos. and at voiy low rates, kept,con>: stantly on hand, and for sole by FCBRING, FOX, & 00.. GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. N. B. Slate Roofs put on in the best manner, and re* atrlqv in t 411 -frorb w»rr«nUBurlington, Borden* Steamboat Richard Stooktes for Bordentown. ud in termedlate plaoes, at 2>£ p. M. > Steamboat John Nellson, for Tacony, at 10 and 13 y. 'A. M , and for Brirlixurton and Bristol at 4 P, at. All lines except 11# P. M , leave Walnut street wharf Ciy fifty pounds w/baggage only allowed .each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking Any thing m baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage oyer ftftt pounds to, be paid for extra; The Oom pany limit their responsibility, for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will sot to liable for asy amount be yond fIOO, except by specaal contrast. WK. H. GATZMX&* Agent anl-ly C.tA. S.i 00. IOKQ PEWK3TLVANIATQCU AOOO OKNTKAt EAItROAD. * 000 ' IBOH PHILAiEWHIA *3 P.W^SBTJBdH, And thenoe by Railroad w WHEBUKQ-, BT, LOUIS. ' BTBUBBNVILLI, OLBVSLAND, CINCINNATI, ' CHICAGO, LOtflgtlLLß. . BUEIiNGTOH, nCDIANAfOtM, BT. PAULS, - - And ail imarmediiTfl poicta in ■ - OHIO. IRpiANA, ILLINOIS, KKRTHOB*', MIOHI **• I %SB- J 3BfS®lkT B6 ™-. Passenmn to points,vhfet 6t Fifctsbttrgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Grestime, haye ohtrt& ef routes, and an requested to make a selection before applying Itti tick* eta. THREE THROUGH TRAINS MATE PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, laming close connections at Pittsburgh to all points Os'and aftef MONDAY, May 10th, 1888, Three through, and Two aeeomfiKtiatfcm trains, will leave the depot, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, as follows: _ TXAIHB 70S PITTSBOKOE TXITBB FIOM ?ITfHßtmn AND THB WIST X.BAVK. AND THB WEST ANSITI. Mail train at... .7.80 A. M., Mail train at.. 11.00 night. Past 1ine...••••1 00 noon. Fa5t1iue.......4.60 A. M. Express mall. .11.00. night. Express mall,. 1.10 noon.. WAY. TRAINS LBATB., WAT TRAINS ANNITN. Harrisburg ac- ' Harrisburg ao oommodation.d.OOP. M. eommodation.7,l6 P. M Lancaster “ 6.00 P. H. Lancaster « .0.60 A. M The mall train stops atali the Stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh... V-'' :.t —The aa»w«ienHnf«aaiy T the pth^yJ^neHnßSyj The ears leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Btation, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, Where, through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No charge for bandHng- baggage. For farther information, apply at the Depot or 'he Pennsylvania Rallro&d. Company, southeast corner at Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours of 7 A. U. and 11P. H. THOMAS MOORS, - my 10 ■ Agent Penn’B Railroad Co. fiSdac—* -WORTH tfJBWtfSYL ftW W*43gß»igßg VANIA RATTVRfIAT). • • ’FALL'ARRANGEMENT. - F«r BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, ftc., and by close railroad connections for Easton, Oatawissk, New York city, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Maueh Chunk, Elmira, Wllkesbarre, Hazleton, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1858, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Wllkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton, Ac., (Express.) at 6.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express,) at 2.16 P. H. 4 P°M > ° 7lei>tolVn ’ (AoooxDmoQOm> Class—Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, wool, and Sheep Pelts; *Mt»ru:J,*o.&o Mo.pttM Sxhd Or,ass Anvils. Hemp;Bacon and Pork. Salted, (loose or in sacks), Paints. (dry and In oil,) OUs,(except lard and rosin) soe. per 109 Tovitk Class—Coffee. Fish, Raooa, Beef, and Pork, (in or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, - BodaAsh,Qennsnolay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Queensware, Sugar, (hhds., bhu., and boxes,) fto., .»..400. per 100 lb Floux—T6o. per bbl.. until further notioe. Gxaix—Bso. per 100 lbs., until farther notice. Oorrox—s2 per bale, not exoeedlng 600 lbs. weight. Until further notiee. In shipping Goods from any point Bast of Philadel* ?hla, be particular to suxx packages “ uta PtnnsylvanU lauroad.** AU Goods consigned to the Agents of'thh Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. FmaiQxr Aqxktb.—Clarke ft Co., Chicago: Packer & ft Co., Memphis, Tonn.j JLF. Bms ft 00., Bt. Lonls, Mo.; P. G. O’Riley ft Co., Evansville, Indiana: Wm Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.: R. 0. Meldrum! Madison, Indiana j H.W. Brown ft Co., and Atheri ft Hibbard, Cincinnati: H. S. Pierce ft Co.. Zaneovilla Ohio} Leech ft Co., No. 64 Kilby street, Boston: Leeob ft Co a No. 2 Astor House, York. No. 1 Wilukm st. New York: B. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia: Masraw ft Koons, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. • • '•v-H. H. HOUSTON, ‘.General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAERT. de9- General Bnperintendent. Altoona, Pa. fiotela ani Restaurant*. JONES HOUSE, HABBIBfIURG, J?A, ■ ’ (Br.otod In IMT.) • ILSGANTLY YURNIBHSD: ' ROW Orjß 10 VISITORS. ofii-j WiU& OOYJWIY, rrejrlttor, , jßaiinwft Sines. fOR GERMANTOWN, OHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. ON SUNDAYS. - A i'£s u y>K\&&- > ~ --A - ' fftebinnoi. r ANALYSIS ' Of-' tWIOATAWB A •Cm. BRANDY by ‘ . A-'A. RAYEE, It. D,?‘ - . Asbaybr’to thn Btatr or MAeaiamjanw*. KGinbral Cnanaotxs) A lighviwllowiah. brow ®?l«edspirityharing a fragrant odor w'henevaporateN froth clean linen it-left no oil or offensive matter, . Analjaed fpr volatile and fixed drugs, of n* iraees of any Ttind I cert found. Its color is pi?*Ted to bedue to a colored resin an extract derived from Vood* respect it is a pure spiritous liquor ,4“, bonqqet which it possesses oan be iso- U« unlike, that from Oogn&i Bwidy or wine, being a fruity essence resulting from I ftrnWß U™ <* Catawba and'lsabella . CHXMiOAn CHARAOTNR.-.1, parts ia volume of this M j. Ml W jarUofpM. *l - besides the fragrant oil. 1,900 parti of the I spirit afofd 23j>Arta of a strong solatia of the oil [ Which characterises. this Brandy; the spirit left, alter I removing the oil,~ f*s pure and odorlest, and in all Its qualities a perfect spirit not subject, to change. One U. 8. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. /. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter eom | posed of extract of fruit, gum, mid colored resin from ] Wood. I Eotton, January 26,1869. . 0 Dr. CtfSE, State Inspector at Ohio, and Dr. JAB. R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both prooroaen 1 this to be pure BrdfldT, and free from all adulteration. For Mediolnal purposda JL/bA’d Catawba Brandy has I no rival, and has long beefl speeded to supersede the I poisonous compounds sold undtt the came of Brsodr. As a beverage, the pure article is fiftogether superior, | and a sovereign, aure remedy for DyspFlatulency* Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, <&«., Ad. Also, ESHELBY’B STILL "AND- SPARKLING I CHAMPAGNE.—These Wines are made in thd nelrh- I borhood of Cincinnati, and 'are guarantied to Be the I , r ,® a | <39 bf the Grape, and are eminently calculated I “Childs and persons who require a gentle stimtt' , j lant, and for Sacramental purposes. * 1 n. 26 per bottle. A liberal discount J made to the trade. Dealers will please send their ’ I orders to the “ Bole Agents’* for the State of Penn* I *}lf**i*, A. F. HAZARD A GO.. I Wholesale-Druggists, I - . No. 608 MARKEx Street. I - Also for sale by the following apothecaries: I AHBBOSE'SfiuTH, Seventh and Chesnut sts. JNO. W. SIMBS A fiON3,lBth and 23d and Market ! streets. D. L. STACKHOUSE. Eighth and Green sts. H. NBBINOES, Second and Mary sts., Southwark. 0. ■#. BXBING3B, Fuayusk Bond wd Wwhinzira street. GEO. 8. HOESNOAOK, Third and Green sts. A. B. SORTER, ffffrsd and Coates sta. fell HOBBNSACK’S Itton.bitters. - This Medicine, as its nam? implies, Is one of the greatest strengthening lt is ee peoiallr adapted to those who have a le*e of appetite or are afflidtea with Dyspepsia, Liver Piles, Nervous Jssbllitji General Weakness, and a**J arising from a disordered condition of the organs. . , - , - FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there ia perhaps no medicine In the world equal id : it, as it enters, purifies, and replenishes the Mood I which is so important to bring about a healthy actlea. THOUSANDS ARB LIVING a miserable'elisteoea, of a pale aiekly color, weak and emaciated, who oould be restored .to health by the use o! one bottle of tbia invaluable medicine. - It is so 1 hut a genuine remedy, bring free from any i thing that is of nn injurious nature.- , FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobcmeack's Iron Bite j ters. When the blood is impure the whole body is fUI2 |of disease. Bloodletting may answer for a time, bnb cleansing a part will not purify the .whole.- At the* j fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there I is no better remedy than these invaluable Bittevo.- I Their chief constituent is 'iron, and we all know ike I efficacy in removing the impure matter from th» j whole visceral system. They, axe-prepared by apr&o I tieal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent I physicians and others, mb the “ne plus ultra” of all ] tonics. HOW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded In compound Ing a remedy for many of the .His that his fellow mortals are subject to; and that tbs public appre ciate it is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, as the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. ; READ THB TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN, i This is to certify my wife was is delicate health aomb three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of JHobtnaack** Iron SitUr3 f and knowing Iron to be a powerful tonio, induced mo to; obtain a | bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re- I qolrea, by restoring her te health. She hesitates not | to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to he a sovereign remedy. 7 JOHNOOLB.- No. 881 Oapitol Street. This Invaluable Medicine is prepared only by - GEORGS 8. HOBENSAOK, , Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. comer of THIRD aad GREEN Btreeti, , . Philadelphia, To whom all order* most be addressed. Price fl. Discount to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally. _ mh2o-y eijwmg. j&a FOR LONDON.—THE HANOYE gUgRIAN brig ADELINE, Schulken master, now loaning at Adams 7 wharf, above CaUowbilLstreet, ha ring two-thirds of her cargo engaged. For freight ap ply to . F. H. HABIBS, se27-ot# 23 South THIRD fctreet. Aa FOR SA.Y ANN AH.—HERON'S SK LINE-ONLY REGULAR LINE-GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADIES' SIGNED EVERT DAY .—Freight and insurance at lesi than sailing vee, vessel rates, by .the steamship BTATE OF GEORGIA Oapt J J Garvin, to sail on Saturday. Oat. 2, at 10 o'clock, A. H., from second wharf above Vfr>e it. For further particulars please see advertisement of Steamship STATE OF GaORGIA, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jm., M 22 . - . 828 North Wharves# FOR CHARLESTON AND SA S&EHb VANN AH —HERON’S LINS. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED ' ~ ~ ‘ET3CBY-DAY. - - ’ The splendid first-class aide-wheel Steamship* ' KBYSTOKB.STATS.and.MATE.OT GEORGIA, ;NOW form a weekly line for the .South and Southwest, one -of ships sailing every SATURDAY at 19 o’olook A. M., alternately for Charleston and Sa vannah. ' The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain G. P. Marshman,. will commence loadlog on SATURDAY October 2d, end sail on TUESDAY, Ootober 6, at 10 o'clock, A. M. FOB savannah; The STATE OF GEORGIA,-Oapt. John Jt Garris, will oonunenefi loadfrtf on' Saturday, Sept. Sfith, and sail on Saturday, Catowr 2, at 10 o'elook A. H. . At both Oharieswua&d SaTaanan, these ships connect irith steamers for Florida and Mttnsst, aad with rail roads, Ac., for all plaoee in the South aad Southwest. ' FREIGHTS REDUOED. Heavy Freight at an average of 16 per pent New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. • FBBIGHT and TOBUB&MOS on a large proportion of goods shipped South will bo found to bo lower by these ships thafi by soiling vessels. Cabin passage... •••..••••■ISO 00 Steerage' do S 00 Sxonroion Tickets, good fortheetesent year. SO 00 No bills of lading signed aftertfie Alp fiae sailed. For freight or dmum. apply to ■ A. HBBON./r.j No. 828 (late 81) North Whams. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. & f. Q. BULL. Agents in Savannah, 0. A. GSBINXB £ 00. for Florida, from Charleston, steamer GASOLINE* every-Tsesdaj. 1 for Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. MABYJf and BT. JOHNS.everyTaesdayand Saturday. for Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISA DSL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. . jell jgß&S+L} THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM- YBOM KIW TOM to LXTUYOOXn Chief Cabin Pa55age..,;......,,.,,,,.,,,*180 - NON Boston to UTBBtOOI.. Chief Cabin Passage ...,,.,..,.....,,,,,..,.*llO Second Cabin Passage. 60 The ships from Boston cailat Halifax. PERSIA, o*pt. Judkins. CANADA. Gftpt. Lu». ARABIA. Oapt. J. Stone. AMERICA. Capt.Wlckmen ASIA, Oapt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA !oaj>t. Ryrie. AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. BUBOPA, Capt. J\ Leltoh. - These teasels carry a dear white light at mast-head j green on starboard bow} red en port bow. ASIA; Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday. Sept. 23. PERSIA, Judkins, “ N.York, Wednesday, Sept. 20. NIAGARA, Millar, « Boston, Wednesday, Got. 6. ARABIA, Stone, ** N.Tork,Wednesday, Oot. IS. CANADA, Lang. “ Boston, Wednesday. Oet. 20. AFRICA, Shannon, << N.York, Wednesday, Oot. 27. ASIA, Lett, Boston, Wednesday, Not. 3. PBRSIA, Judkins, <* N.York, Wednesday, Nor. 20. BUBOPA, Leitch, “ Boston. Wednesday, Nor. 17. Berths not seemed until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. ' The owner* of these Ship* will net he accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preelous Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to Be2P-y B. OUNARD. 4 Bowling Green. N. York. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER SSsSbLpOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERRY, without delay, for 90 dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back.' t rxox xxv tokx. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o’clock. M« Edinburgh, Gumming, “ Cot. 80, “ Glasgow, Goodwin, <* August 7, H Glasgow, Goodwin .Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan Wednesday, August U, Edinburgh, Cummlng Saturday, Aug.l4. RATES OF PASSAGE. moMaiAfioow. First G1a55..•••••...... ••••••••.16 guineas Steerage, found with oooked provision*...... 8 “ XXOX XIV TOXK. First Class. *76 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions.. 80 00 Children under 14 yean of age, half fare; Infanta la Steerage,free. Return tiokets available within six' months, by any steamer of this line. First Class *l4O 00 Steerage .*6O 09 An experienced Surgeon at taohed to eaoh Steamer. For freight or passage apply to ft CO., 128 WALNUT Btreet,'PiUadel. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL ft LONSx, Buohanaa’TWharf, Baltlmcr*. myU EDrngs anfr GTljcimcals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., WHOLES ALB DRUGGISTS, tfanuflwtaren and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, •ad WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and BAOB Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sale of the celebrated Florcffc Plate Glass. . mh23-tf SAMUIL T. KMUUOK. /. VAtKJKAM MSBaiQl william x. msmiox. ttOUTHWARR FOUNDRY, K? PIPTH AND WASHINGTON BTBIBTB, - FKILAL»LPHIA. MEREICK & SONS. ENGINE EBB AND HAOHINIfiTB, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land. River. and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats, *«., Oast lugs of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Btations; &o. • Retorts and Gas Uaohinezy of the latest and most nnproTod construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, raeh as Sugar. Saw, ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, filters, Pumping Engines, &o. .Bole Agents forN.Rrilfeux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; 7. P, Bosd 1 Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BABTOL. French plate glass haying been appointed bj the “ ComvagnU 04 Flonfft” the 80LH AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS In this city, we are prepared to offer to tho trade or consu mers, from our stockon hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts; Bough Plate, for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of larfe size, fur Mirrors. The Glass wiU be sold at the loses* prides, and warranted superior, in tvtrp respeei. to any other imported, 1 BOBT. BHOEMAKIB 9t 00., - Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, N. J. oor. of FOUBTH and EAOB Streets, - Phllsdelph! T3ORK.—I6O bbls Hess Pork/forsale JL 0.0. a»T>T.«tt ABQB Stmt, a fear tfj*-**