f12at.17;.;:r , ‘, • filiiixiiiatAoll3l:llo.lllD'Or:inDß; Ef,t - - • InNtWlLAlMaiilStiti 0011KIMI 01 ell - 4 " '• ~• 1-1 -• " - - • • -..7 , 4„.:;: ••• , , 10#c).411.1014itke keit* -ow. Pli1141)/1 1 1411 A— •Seit. 139';1040.. - trax , 46 fDistid•lb)•" ""„•-•••;••• (bre 25 . fitiamskipyegnehos; mtha 22 houritfiure /Div YOrki 41iroope May; Withind.c - .04.5...._ lo°”"' ~.,:dilf.3001":110P O ttli gtOO ram& v e Br au dy.:l VIPs t'bil**7 , Paige, of ,Destorbirfrom• 'Somrero •• AtheAlateidoit Boadiitat.rlitiedf I s land, ` - bargee; -- Wakunws, and ibent - tweyttyashoptierS'abort; Wilmingo,n pima, Brig-ifirio - .l2(oman,,l4idaleitioimMilinftnet46 WO, with"- uesellAttitacto'n4thin; ,2,Reports ,tke .barque &Mirka. 'fie 10,01LialliOta t t • - Bebr • ifliy - Fistohati filibycp days Arvin • with seh it B &Solider &• - • Behr AnneWsiiiiiton. I, day fronLowedi COin",to, - ,Jes•L Bailey & 00. , : • • „ i"&tuirvlND: Eddritift&l • BltindOnditkelaware, Copal, pone from ti cm York, • , t Oofts&Util Allderdlbe,t ,Vitkaternadiidisidind pousiglire -do ha BbtpPritieetin .Toiriellia, Baiter, from Liverpool 12th • .. - ultpwitksalb to Wm. liiimii-orodial to S. Baldwin & , • Dr bargyie'.oitkat'ini, Jeeirson, 88 • thiie r' flC) s s den". wlttritarble.4ags, 411., to V. A. Barton • - - ' 'Dorm's ledrunnd Dwigtil;l/llliamd, 17 . dals • frcbey Port " Pews.' Ntth togwood'mdaOffeis tolhos Watteau &. • fro Damao racial „dap' m Boston, with miles to D_oo6lper: • • - — Brig thassn'Tfaiellori !Argent, 4 dap from Poziland . , An helmet to captain.' ,• ' ' • -• • - Mary )1. Rely, g ua *.. - piood...ii in' bat. •, • - last to eayitata' • • - - • - •• 5 0 8 r Jbli klaMOSity; ii41,1401'; from Ag1a!,331, With spine to captain. - • Beak Oorelitiefiall; Orahim, 4 days from Merlin', "in b'ailist td.l. ~4 `dadsoried & 0o; -.• „ • ' • tear Embar k , Doneko,B dip" from Voe, :rgeOvvrn,p,O, vilB --- ---irchandiss to Thos Webdter b I '• Zona; Plilds; 8 days frouiLlioYianie, with dkly" , limber:So W Bacon & , ' Starlight ,, York; „1/:Myd , trent Portlaniir wlth nuTrO to.ospatla. " t f _ -•" ' 'Anton*, Oordery,*44lH' 'from: Provineekiwn, • • itith tidos% tti*l ;.Wood'Z , _ - '" • - '''''''''''''''''''''' Dion Anston, With wen to Mdtplif & Boons: , ito.Vx,aiporro 3Pleard; Baker; 6 &ifs atom, Boston, In 3• 2 r - ..hallasktn Noble, Hammett *Dade sit. ' - ekkipirisoolo„Dowea S da' from Lelpelo, with "grain to .T Palmer &Oo • 1 " ' • - Bohr liKolsitt, - Endicott, 601:a BOAOO. 'FIChi B Okeeter, oovram, trosa ••••---": ache Ship Oitoenter, Pountsdn, from ipsittok. Behr Grecian. Matthews. from Newbaryport., _ . , fickr Vphrolio & • 41.nna, Doyle. from Providence. am Behr Sophie ..', wilthmas, from Providence. _ Henderson, Godfrey, teem ,Broiddenes. :Behr mulles T;;Oandt; front Providence; „ - DahrLirbinno. - Norton, from New York:" ' - iltsep-1 P 111101,14 .I'4if;tion'birie s Del. with , •- • mike to Theo W Parker. • ' • ' • . - BteimaehlitKaiitone State; Marshman, Oharleston, A • Otearahli- Phlhews 'Opreinti hlettbstri.l3ooool U . - • ati..fial a Dol on i Bellew; Allii rdloo. " •' mtm ,*id'lmpale Bls b op, hcp, Metsosr-a. a , ' - :'Brig;;Oc e n" Trate:llo4 4arkrenl, Portland, N Stone. Brig ade ! twd; licidgdon, Pembroke, Mei Matti & 'lttle OhleOpia: Smtee;Oosten, D Cooper. 'lrrtieteestmra, Walker', Barbadom; Trier Atone B Co." .Prig.,Octsiz Waire;')forton, Barbados do. -- :llcbr - A:ilendsrebob Godfrey, Provident*, do. licke.hpkbrahn & Axons, Dole, Salem, 81unickson B " :IL:b r. Bled Dolt , halms, a white. •= i liehi-PhlpOarpsnql. Ifountani Ifewriort. do. Bohr fireelan. Motthers, Portsmontk, 0 Miller B CO. ' : Behr P Areistrong. Dill, Tall Diver, .1 do. • •^ Bohr lhobark,'Donoto,Alexindria, &o.; T Webster,' . , Belie Cleo W' Krebs, Boieriiiin, Baltimore, ' do. • • - „ Behr dophla illotlfrepOrliiina, Georgetown, Boasts •-* BeheAleiliaT;i3Didji L Andeiiiied & Ooi pitehire f Boston, lioble, Damien& Co. "' • Behr Oki Edirarif, - Bake, ,r 'Boston, •• do.. " • ilekt.,ol,lltafrilfaahington, Yardmen, ,Nortin4' • echivriik , A•rian: aabr lifrbanna, Norton, Bridgeport, - Behr W•Ponder, DOrMan. do, - Bobr"John Beatty, Slump, Newburg,: - Behr aI•P *tevens, Bean Despise/on, do, - • -- Str 0 °Alger, Magee, H artford, - • do. • WDisag, Olaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, ie. • •,=:, - EgoirDspOridenoo of the Phtfideipliia Ilachange'l t • - , • LlWltii„ ,Kept 23, P. M. • c- 'Delia at harbor ibinslete of Onifollowing Teisele, its ; bergae ltseline ; brigs. Myra, Daniel Boone, Chas Hilatlwantigielfalkairep,,olle *amid Xliss. with Bohr' AT Beere;/Cidron, D P Pad, Yana.. her, Dretinderi late, Dereli- A, 800, A "Dila; fielPlefiOnstadsaratod Aininida• • 24tii,•1 left for thin rs) apeetive deirtliationsiit r -1" e • •••• 4 • aiiira E P %tog. Baty - Oeost,; Wank and Idininoi, swil v were the ' only" *easels ittierber'pOiterday :at raison ; bat the wind 'havinephardoid' laat'ilight bathe North, with a • • 'hoot britle,taliont forty - sill of Sakonnet* hays awl. Meted albs- kin-bor." The wind is new at:nag-from N• • RJ, andcold, - • ; --•"- • • • . _ tOolTall*A0All• Of the -•••-•• • • Oars 26-2 N 2. M. A brinktle• htll•triolthrig, aud three-masted aohr oreat-in.thla afternoon, A barque went out. • There - &boat' lit the firsakiimar, bound out. = Bland blowing s itiong breete.. . • • • • lowa, too, SHOSi B. 1111031:11B. - . •Or isixon . .ari vaiiiiass.] • Nur 'Osmium, Sept 20 - - Arrivitt, dap Golden Oroao, from Talencla. Ship James thrinalth.,from Raba.' 220 p 2014 Croon 00ediou2. - - • • "I ' , -- 4/3avos, Unfair from 'Boston. - • - ' • • '-' - ftottrour; Va.rf6apt22l: polio J 2 Geo, from Italankse, ft seem on Pork's Island, Aipletalies balm Aleut her' - - - Arrived, ship Borneo,-from Le*hora; 'eh* Bona tS from (*dream; Br bag Edgar, Iron Pernambuco. 06/ptseton, Adept 26. - .Tite:l;ariatu (Jardine, trout Varies Itlend,-boaad to fiele-Yorkr,kaa _Pat in Imre. leaking. tor repairs. 011 the Wit Wet let aft, knit 76 60. eaperliacea a *everts - pas from Nto It B. daring whibk the barque sprang teakaakkad TO keep one pump going an the time. - - .16.1120112N1*. heave, attired at Sielimona'Atli inst. - Steamaldp :Vigo. (Br) kteGalgaa, trot:lolmi, • ,fork 26* Instant for Liverpool.- = , Staitoiddp,Sremen. - (aretami)•tesaalsi for itutiett, *Bed totla-2er Yorknik Mut -, - liteimaitip. ot New-York, Howes; cleared* Brii. - ton t 6 h hut for Philadelphia. ' " . tibiy iitalvuot, Lovas; sailed from Liuttrui 10th' but ' for this Port . pOrde, forMobllo i aleared at New, York 2tottibtat.,;- , :. ,, .. , ,,- ,-- •-= ; Ektik".tratoihalitiitio - ,:ltattlaews,eleatti d at Boston SlattimUtOr • - Plalp ireitelattailleamod*,lrom M obil,, (haying re. Oieiredat trust t. .2 I* traitor Cad's.' '66lp johliftematel loam, for Okarestoa, sailed from A L " : 4 'ol 4 (tr l t i W bs e t ila" - .. - tr ' Un'Ali - ya - it:/-1 - :itOita t. Ship 14.1 wall; Opiagoe.,Patteoi-troto Richmond, ar ",, Yive6 at Bordeava 7th Met. , '' Popham; Blame. from Liverpool for Valparaiso, ..., .__.. '* u siiheo JuIY7A", lot 118, ion 82. W. 8111 p Rine°, Stalest, from London for Ronachee, s was spoken July 25; lit 4 11, lon hi -, , .--, ' " ''' ' • ilittp:Abby: Bro wn ; Noodle. from Liverpool for Boa ' ltanitolo: was "Oh= July 27. lst 7N. lon 26 W. , • BrunireActilites,,flpidoen, °lewd at London 7th loot 1 • • -•- " for PittliSelphle,""na iiited,frorn Pool 10th but ; • ';sla=plGlifabion, W, *dm from Baltimore viAlolicante, •.',•: =go= At Tateliala 24 mat. ~.,•- -, , ~. , - _. *Paul f.aironlation., Webb, from Rio #t Ramiro, Ai. ' -"- go= =Nei' °oleo= Iliffiinstr - ' , , - Benue_ Geo =arran t Bentley. sail= from Richmond , - .Bath last for litonlevidoo. - ,,witis „flour. • • , '' Barna* Vslstta:ltiake; from Oape Town, 0 0 If, ar , ' rlverrnt Boaton'Uth lost, -, " ,„,, • "-- ' Bingos 'P 0 'Alexander; ffolcerd, helm for Pergiod, wee sawn 25111 L loot off /ire Island. - . Barque Luois gig*, ohearer, from , Montevideo, Sr ' stood =Ulm 24. th init. -,,, • • • • / 3 6 7 `T" ISF°Jillars , BAUM, cleared ' Noir °ries= ' ' ' Rlnt innt'for Mode Janeiro. '• ' • Brig, Otnpdpn, , ,lVlsioU, -for Fajardo, to !load for Phillidtiplila,=ild from St Thoum Ist not • Brig Omit", Baker. china at New York 24th bit. Brig-Xmas, Baker, for Iliii port, Meowed at Mates ... • - Brig Farill",o Vleld,Blerrimao, cleared at New York 26th instfieOpeotor - "• - ; :r.• , f or ' , ' .Brig_Bati,att A Eider, 'ism:l44llo flrindtp; salted ~, ~, .4 feumitipsegegtet MID Inat-..". 'Ye' , ,;-- 1 , SehriOlichard harden, Arnold; aud'AusaufW,Tyler f • • ';;, poop", =lce it Nall River 22 inst. , r - ; 1„ ; ~, ....,Illaist.gosta LCarlton, ffhilinr, sailed from Pail River .r . - r' '', = =rout ler Abis pert .. • -_, ~ ••••'-• , ~,, , ~..,, - r " •-• :,", Lobel' P: Clashisg, Mott, hoot" at Boston 24th' inst. Ilettillssir Prig% Bliosavd; dared at' Baton' Seth Bahr Sarah U Willetto. Thompson, hen= at "Proof , -,d*aos Big inst' Reports, 18th toot , at'ISX.A W. be , • Wont Barnogat, sad .1112.4 • Jits Barber, name in mg. limns with a large Nehooner, onknown,„and carried • ' away j,bboomthoad and ant water, started bowsprit, , ... ,hrokistne r•f_ goo forward beams , damaged windlass, and • offier,hililat injury.- Tito other sabooner lest main. mutt;,artVwas omit* s cut dein, asaidnhipe on the los. ' - 'baud aide' lie wee seen 19th going into Aunty Rook. • ' ' - --rtio too if tile above:oollbdon has been received '•' from' nor_veuel arriving at New York.] 221, while ' • , " ' tiomingthrinigt the Om*, tams in:06111405% with sahr Willow Harp, Brookboyan, "firm Alexandria, and J" , ' ' • ' bad Main , boom =riled away. mainsalltetn, and boat r-' '. ""Itors; - Tbs W 0 ituritined no lojury, ' ' - ---' " Scam 7 Laucuier. Stills; B 7 lbott, iffsdrsil, and 0 Carron, Pratt, sailed from Providence 231,10 at for this jbrt . Bohr' Northern Light, Lake; kenos , itt ..fiewburyport , - ' - Soisk,'.4varia, Dodge tailed from , New _Bedford 234 fist !or this poet. ,-, ' ,- ' - Bahr '&41=11 A, Iffherida . ; arrived at NeWberii, NO, , 241 k test - ,- . ,- , - f • '.. Behr B L Brooker, Pfsp_loy, iiiille, arrived -at Tann. ton 22d fast. , , , , . ' Bobrs Bolivar 'Candor W B .Tairusou. Botttb; 7 a - .Ati en; Babcock; "0 A - lisokwhel, pub* X R Atwood, ' Atwood; D 8 188881 0 8:8Patkeef , soli Ireland, btlller, IMSCS, at S6StOl:l 24tlItOtt: ' „... - Bohr II B ilasoomb. Burk, hence, "rand at Newbury. sori26tlifult. • • ~ , ~ • Sobr Barr Elisabeth, Dola,,berde. at Balem24lll lust. Bohr? Writabes, Sontors;for Thiladelphis na il e d from ...- ". -- Balen .231 ins": „ _ a ' ' ' - - - Befit Westboro Light, hence at Newburyport 231 1124. ---. , '"--- 4 . Ibilis`Alpinal"Folthey; therilaisii 'for Shiladelpbta, , ; was at Newport 24th frost , 2 P fd Sabra Anal treWn, Brown, and Oleero, Yates, for ;;.. •, Phitadolphia, soiled from Proofdenes Rith fort. Fehr anima I. lity../liitikney, hone', =stood at Wil mington: N 0 24th intl. Bohr Stag, TowneenOkiintre, arrived at Norfolk, 24th 3 : ' _ WM'S B „Stray. Mott, cleared at Wllmiutou . NO, ‘' iiib fastior Plfillaslaflo., , • tfoltr.W L Oorlags. Corwin', for Philadelphia, went to ''' "" lieti fits= WOminltton", N 0324111 inst. 1 Sabi , Elio AVlttle, Satins, cleared . at New Yak 24th bort for Chartettou . t ~ ' i • , Rehr .641 Glk Benson, benne, arrived at New Bedford 1 ' '- Behr' s.4ein' itileft,:Oltgwrighi, for' Philadelphia, naffed from Iteir'Sedford ugh foot. - t ~' ' Wihro,4lotA,L White, 11.tolgas, ant I.W W. !odes'', '', •:), : kazoo; at Menfolk 241 k loot' B hr Ringo. iteedtfre= Richmond for Philadelphia, , put into 1k284 lost thiOrrionot of head wind. fr'" - ' 00 0 4,0614,1 iNf 007 , =knifed =No'rfolk 26th last tor s•Thliadelobls,--- v . -• , A ,A. 4.4 '' , - - :.#:-,i., 4',. -Its..? • A - _ siisivirio pout , • • ' . t • - N/177-YOlll4, • rept,. 26 , -Arrived, steamship Tames ' Adiffor,2Aduns, Oharlettor'l jalpi „Traded* ffebhard, - : .er., lloossawlbtitelleol; Visitor on, Oanikitit, do; bri l l ; ;1".,1 , , , ..3. r agate; igtEg6.o4 itademix; g Moine, Renick. 1ack „•,..,,,,,,,;_,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,i,5ehr 3 Randolph , =Sow:Worth, Almon: '-";•• .4:li, ' , = , , • ••••• '` - '; tiloriniValitpt , Alexatiddris, 'Titoomb, Rotterdam; -‘,, -_Oswego,' Stevona, Savannah; 7_ It 'Verso* Lstlasuo .. ..,.... -4.. , , t waw t twa n gulc.Clstr, Oporto; If It Ammon, Crosby; • '' • . -,- ,1 •*1- tilitoil'ireist, Waltein,Ravaialf- it • Nicheti,lbske,,, rr, s-I , 4:l=lll46 7 l=brig Trutglas; Perms, Bathurst; 'sae avec; :r 4 - 2t atondifuebb Vida Berdhewi Wilmington „,.o• 4 -,..ol2 , oBaer•aufolt,' oa , Attain' Cornolino ; Iwo'. ' ,, 't, '-.'” ' AlismiaPelth 7 n;rlWlaitrii 4ans, Badding, Alenstdria, AtT-I.ll,Webooiloogiroit;‘, a d , ,J, , .., .. .„ ;, n ~ J., „6'.43,. isitildollieftnidttpcnAlitamg e ilitiiimik, Itintestowri, -,,' to , l' , Morffillic ikel shin liiiireaahrßrida, Bin'-lfranoitco. .. 1;;.'„,.. , ..-i-, - ;! -- , ,4 , BCPSTollySolit26'oArrivilP LydottStover; ( of Pori. ~ ,, ,,,'1 ; ,..417 - 9),lpill)e.BAtlacfMlitai4tolll 12 , 1.01 , 5 chi Julie Smith, - , "." , :-A Unwell, Alelandria; , i• - . ~, r - - ; ,_ ..4ri , e8.116 i . -040 11 10Phiritt libiT Wall fil=f;freim Oronstair, - -- ' ••'ol.atred., barques Thirds', sNridgs; w it ytit,• 11 A, ' 4 , - -,,,e 1 , - -" , riffamtain , Milifigatlioten; Dutch brig' Aonarika ',Scholl -X4,-;-.l'''iSUlllaaktlisitesirdastot,,Al,,,,E.4 ate: or ~.,- - ~,, r • ?,,, , , ;;„ 4 - .'`f,'Alior., gnawer , WilliautNiGokint.-Railetb, issitircore,• 4,il . WOACI 0 811 1 0 4 )= - 5Aribetlildirryrdioirliew Orleans; barna" • ~;.„,,...,,- s,'llooker, do; WigiAtrale; llitisisi , Noblio; Ora.: ..,,, .::: :10 ) Small.. litachles; echro N Nickerson; Nlekerion, - lliehlnond. Tar :oomph Turner, Crowell, Norfolk; Alta ' elliker, Balttrati. , ... _ . nitMadan nom, 110111011-l-Ohlieitant. 'treed, Name Ninth. idortioreiThomaoa, N Y, lf Cl aeries Nell, Phlla imilay.lllllwaukes, - Altos Garland. 8 0 WG Eikkrolido. 0. //Mop, N WOlalborne,,Vs • ; Ailed oLappm Y likmllWalddllgtoFt. ,-, .., - 3 R :trona wi, Ohio' heijimosa,Ohlo II It Endtb, Jersey Oily • • 8 Btendley, Boston - lira L Warren, Balt tit-motto: Raiding. -4 I W Deiningor, Reading Obarbamp N Y "" • Bobtir 8 hall, N Y m R 11111,,-N Y-, J -Alexander, N J • W Moirttol & le, 80, —0 Ruts, Harem B .P, fiout,',Texas . y -A. Armstrong, 111 •' ' ,W Goo W llobscoe& la, Blob , ,H /I Hisined.e. Md , • mond, Va. •. BarollEptg, Mass • Bevarly,E Rahn; Rend i ng Mark & N a Denning, ,N Y Ohae Tun, N Y , •WM Patterson, put, • • Hairowid, • • Then Obaelton, Boston Sanderson Smith N Geo L Dayton, Y. • ;:W,Buntlng, N Y'., • • Bun t ing, NY " -' • •3 linta3eyer; Vs , llr Nonnaa, N y ' Mr De Oofita, N Y Ott a n a , n ,-N . Mr swift, Now Bedford 07kaa Head, NY • , •R B H ElhoYEard La • 'H Shepherd, La .• . • ; .oharlton H Way, Ga -' B,NLandag,l4.Y • Goo Le Wort, N In° lttrolif Weldon, N 0 B Herrott,Bavannah, Ga . D Chant, New Havarti OS W-Hughea, Gin, Ohio Mr Plummer* la, Md & la, tad Samuel, A , Dlair,N 0B DuUngr Mobile W 11,Bramhall. N.Y L M Johnson, Washington W H Hoare /EARS B Lookwood, Mobile Vii.Ourt, Oa . • Wm X. Moseley, Mine O Moakley Sorrel, Bayanitali A Kaakor, - 1 1 0 • Lents Teal, St Louis David Sandi & dan N 11 tree. Conn 7 I.Porter, Lynn, man John Domlin, N J John &modem, Pa John MeNolly, N Y 8 P Gillett, II A I A Wood, Maas 3' A Middleton, N V ,D Gigg, Louts lt" Ames, Vs Wm I Omni, N Y , Judge Perry, fld N Balls,- Bait '• 3 Geyer& la, Miesourl It A. Chamber, Gs I, 3 Parr, Ga. B B Joie% NY' -- A Rahn, N Y /sea° Honig, Balt - A B l um. - Tease Vogel; Tama ' N Barns & lon, Nashville /rib H flattop, Alabama A 0 Hatton. Alabama • Theo Leon, N Orleans ' Theo Danziger, N Orleans W,W Parker ; N 0 Geo N Sanders, NY • Mt* North', N I t Bonet. Elkton, MO D A Meephord,lidempltia .311 M, Hall, N 0 I W Berdene, Mies Wm B Arnold HEldridge Hifi • B Eakle, ' Va - Andrew Bartle &da Va -,- MIRCOTANTS' HOTIL-Tonith Street, below Men. Geo Hogg, Brownsville,le, Digby, Pittsburgh Ames 0 Martha. Pa . O W Short, Greenville, Hy Nil J Saeger, Allentown W B Shde, NO, J Stough, Bellefontaine, 0 Miss Jeo b, BrOwnev'e, Pa (leo W Saber, New Outie 8 Ward, Harrisburg PM McPherson, Wuren,Pa J M Trailer, Tremont, Mo A 'Monet, Onola, Mo N P Wiles, Ripley, 0 A Harrison, Indienspolis ''. 0 Stow N L Belo, N 0 - T Baboon, Salens,N 0 N Bohannon, N 0 • - A Bitting & lady. N 0 , HA Smi th , nome,Gs, r Timms, Buffalo Vs Dollisietar. Pa IS veer, biloeredlle Deicer & wife, Boston CI Long, Winton co, Pa B A Vogler, N 0 J L Pnikerson N 0 8 Harrison, Ohio DW. Moore Ohio P Jno nankin, Troy, N Y 1? 0 Arms, Brookfield, 0 Allison chew, Ohto T W Case, Ohio' - B M Irwin, Benue EP Gaynor, PotLrUta B L WWlsma , Louisville Porter, Tenn if Lewis, Cincinnati T Stackpole Salem, 0 A P Homer, Salem, 0 W Beeson, Ps ' 0 H Beeson, Pa I, Brooks, Indiana G W Bettor, Ta: Oeo W Bradley, N Y A Wed, Look Haven B T Brown, Sweetwater W G Gauge, Baltimore AMERICAN HOUGH—Chsistont street. below Sixth. B H Davidson, N 0 H Jenkinal A da, Ohio Miss PACI, Ohio W J . Hoke, N ti W H Johnson, Mass MM Rogers, Mills II H Crawford, Tenn A J Gi ll ett, Oonn J Whaley. Mil El 0 liming, Mass O Allen, Buffalo, N Y II W Camino, Phila WAI Unwire. Waahiogton W W Berry, Balt B r Walt. Dayton It J harden, Va W id Barton, Vs T fl Briggs, Vs L A HMOS, Va LT Smith N 0 • A Amith Washington W Nelson, Vs. . Miss If Onto& Vs Miss A Crash. Vs J D id olds, Va JE Smith, N J. B Chute & is, Minnesota J M Thomas & la, Mo Wm H Cochran, Pa John L Cochran Pa Wail( Downing, Ps Wm H Errington, NY T JP Humphrey, Vs ' -usrion HOT/11•—esei street. below , 'mirth 7llloienberg, Ps A. Hanauer, Dresden, 0 0 Supper, Johnstown, P. A Marburg. Johowtown,Ps NI-Marburg, Johnstown, Pe. T Johnstown, Pa 0 Wener, Johnsown, a P. Jacob Wenger, Johnstown M Subium,Oenton,_olao Bin Lambert, B R Titus Y G B klarkle,Liasleton H G Taylor, St Louis L M Hultman, Beading J Beaman 'Reading , W T Schen, ILinols B P"Alber, Illinois W J Pfohl,bi" 0 -El Meyers, Chicago - John L Taylor, Zanesville Mrs M Crnmusher.Zansav , le Wm M McElwee., Zenesv le A DirAon, Zanesville M P Cagier, Cincinnati 0 G low Lamson. H Y' HW Barton. Va W H Thompson, Ni Jae G Arnold, Maas 'NATIONAL HOTIIIi.—Raes street. above Third. D Mittel& 1 / 4 Ending Geo Wyekiiop, Harrisburg W Emu/buret, N Y •'J D Johnoa, Chicago 0 Beecher, lt J ' lb 13 Boyle & son.Llonater P Oliphant, Herrisburg , lb W Rennin Harrisburg Obis Plympton, Tamaqua . 136 . 1 Wm I Tonto, N J 'ln Biotin; Wilketbarre,Pa b Wiltrout, Mull Haven A Shloss, Pottsville Oomitentine Miller, Ma • BALD DAGLN VOTlL,—Third Mout!. ab. 0411ml:111i. Willmar, Balton, Pa - M W Boudeobtish, Phlla J W Boltz. Columbia co,Pa T Stevens. Jr, Lancaster X Sabatini, Pa I r Stevens, Monroe CO, Pa John Walter, Pa 1411.41. HIOILMAN 888.1.11 Y 8H A". soTBii-84eond . street. bolos, Btue. L 8 BlaokaalL ?et D, N J J Clarnfost,"Buckaco; Ps Obeltspasm • Jas &cyyers,•DoileetozW Wm James, Buck,' co, Pa Bmltlt Llarpes, Pox Ohue Ohu Basler, Oheltertham MOUNT TTOINON 11011/L -4344 . 4nd •11441. above &rah W D Faran t Pa • Thom II Lowber, Dal N M Bard: Phllt ' 14 UN Sull, Mills Thou 000117, Phila p !YOtit,i / 4 I MADIBON BOlllll—Screond street. above Barnet. Mande Duval, 'Delaware • " PfTindle, Waahlogton A Cooper, Dover,-Delaware B Bh4rt, Camden, .1;1e1 'J Meaulay Gallanber, N B E D Notch, Cumberland X B Venetian, Baton, Del B N kld,ldgo S. le, Ps d'AMbony, N Y B It Ewing, N Y Dlettaton, Trenten,,N BLADE BRAD and Merchant stream. M Pront, Manchester, NII 0 Levis Del co, Pe, Jesse Leedom & It, Del oo — Jr &Abridge, Chester eo Phmoos Past, °beater CO Hayes, Pa Simnel *micas ". , ,• Alfred - Milner, Pa anslah jaokson;Pa , -. Wm 8 Jackson, Ps • B P Saints; Doylestown,lHoylestown, Pa Imminel Jenkins, ' I/Blab Hancock, Pa B isantsniObinter co, Pa 'B P Terry, Pa Trumano Coates, Pa , John Traynor, Pa Awes Traynor, PA: • BLAGIC BEAR 110Ti11:—ThIrd, above Callow Mil. Christien,Zetty;Flowertown John Gerhard, Bernville Wm Rline,'lla • Mrs J B Reading, Byberry Owen Faust, Macungie Ghee Rom. Allentown On - the WI inst., by Yrlade , Ceremony, J. WOOL MAN RRRVEB to , AMANDA R. RARER, both of this city. opt idd, by...the Rev. Mr. Mono, Mr. DRANO'S DRIIRRIN to 50PRID T., eldest dsaghter of JOHN DPIELDDROISR,; el of this City , Oa the 234 fast., by Oct. A. Atwood, Mr. WILLIAM N. DOAR to - Miss MATILDA PARR, both of this ' On the 25th instant, WM. MILTON, in the 89th year et his age. , , The relatives and male Mende of the family are re intectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 608 Bontlewharvee, this (Monday) after noon at 2 o'clock. - The members of Lodge Ha. 9, A. Y. M., and the Order generally, are invited to attend. * On the 25th Instant, MARIN TRANDOISE OAIIZT, (mother of the later Armand Cattetd in the 8105 year other age. • The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of Mrs . A. Oattet, 218 Wine 'treat, this (Monday) after— noon at 2 o'clock, without further not ca. On the 24th Inst., Alefernazt, youngest daughter of Henrietta and - John D. Ninesteel i 'dr., aged 2 years and %months. . • ' The relatives and Glenda of the family are reepeetfully invited to attend her ru feral, from the residence of her, parents, 1009 Buttonwood street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Ceme tery. er , On the 24th inst., MART, relict of the late Captain 011A8. HILBOLGte, in the 18th year of her age. ' The relative; end friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral from the roe denee of her .f Samuel Painter, No /038 Law rence street, on Tuesday afternoon, the 24th instant. at o'clock. !knead to proceed to Hanover street Ground. , Weelf.lT - Report of Interment: - - Hewn 0/71031, September 2b, Interments- ingity of PAiladtlphia from the the ?Atli of Septembar, 1868. AiS3olong ' I Cancer Casualties .... Croup Clongestin of Lunge Congestion of Brian Okolers 'antrum. Moaner.. Oonstn'n of Lungs CowenWoos * Dropsy, Chest Disarm of Drain—. • g , Heart... Liter Drowned Dysentery ~.. Debility Zlfnelon on Drain.. Brynipeles ..... Parer, Dllions under ....... Prozol to - 2 " 2to 6 6 to 10 " 10 to 16 " 16 to2o " 20 to 80 . at 80 t, 040 - /from Alis - Almahouto.., People of C010r........ Halos Yeotaleo _ By oger of thARe Ilos TH Th e Fair ter the benefit et the Indu rOLY s- TRIAL BRIR,OL OP TDB BliT2llB OP THE ODOSD, commences TO-DAY, at, JAYNII , B HAIL' • las Elves tengresslunal District The Dsmoorstie eitisene,And en others Womble to th'eeleotionof GROW W. N gin NOWA. will meet at the holiskof Philip Devine, oorner of TENTH and mina. TIAN 'Wrest", TRU EVENING, at IN ohalock. number of !Timken wilt be present to address the meeting, It* Fourteenth Legislative District..--The Independent people's itecntive Own.ittes or Fourteenth ,Letlelstiee district will moot THIS (Mon. &I) BVINING. 27th hut., at owe*, at th e Gar. neon hetdquuters,l3 W. corner ELBVIGITII Street 114,01 RA D *venue. Prompt attendance is requested, IS budzioss of Importance will be transacted 0. P. PiIIITROdR, President. Oise. XllllO5, Secretary. 'se2l-It Meting of the Board of Trade.---A stated meeting of the Association of the Board of fide will be held at the office of the Board, No. tail ONNEITMIT Street, en,_ TBLI (Monde)) SYNNIrte, 'Bela. 27th, et 7X °weak% • 127 LOGIN III.ODGNT, Beerebay. • 'Young filen'a Christian Association A regular stated meeting will be held on MON. DST AVFINING next, the 21tt, Inst.. at 7 tr, o'clock, in the EANSOef.ST. OIiIIROU, below Ninth street. An user on The Age of the World. according to Genesis and Geology;" will be detivered by the per. James, M. 'Crowell; , - ,„ , „ As the cell le yet urgent for *rani:Retire on devotiontl 'meetings{ and . einuett important basin* will be broight before the assocletlon, the attendance or 4.14 h member le earnestly 'whetted. The ladles are cordially invited to tweet with us. GRO. W. ORION, letiletems Seoretwry. sluesonnia. Bear: Yalkes, Ohlo T W Holt & lady, Zoo It Putnam, tdd .1 . -H Hubbard, N Y Edw Grapon, N Y E K Hooter, Trenton, NJ Alarriagtg. Deaths. Hovey, Typhus lota " Typhoid.... Gaoprooo Hemorrhage Latmethm, Brain. Kidneys... if Mese Lungs insnitiOn ldsols-u•Potis Humming Old Age Übetimatlans Nerves SOO-Born Tabes Ideeenterles. Unknown Tout ova TRISIII waar -49 Prom 40 to 60, 9 60 to fO. .; 8 80 to 70. it 70 to 80. .. 2 4' 80 k, 00. . b it 100 to 110 : 77 0 8 1 1 Prom the Country, 06 Boys TO I Girls of Health. US HUGHES, Health Officer, , • . , MThe Poisons, mixed with Liquors sold to tbo DRINKING- SALOONS in This city, will oted by °homiest Analysts, and exhibited to the Audienee st the LARGO HALL. SAME!. Street, above Sixth; on TUESDAY Evening, September 28tb, coop menang 'at 8 o'clock by Mr. WILLIAM BROWN of ho:ton, - a - Praetteal Ohemist and h ghly entertaining Speaker. - tidies and Gentlemen are Uwited. Admis sion 'lO Cents, to pay expenses.' Doors open at 7g. iie27 r 2t rd.* KrThelCoang Meats Christian OP PHILADELPHIA bare opeced new sod ele gant Heading Donate at Noe 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT threat, and are now selecting Books for their Library, thick they desire to "make one of the moat valuable is the city. Oontrlbutions of DoAra anitable for each a Library. are solicited from .11 who-desire t t see the 'young men of our city supplied withhealthy, moral, arid rodeos's literature. W. intend that this Library Shall bit comprehensive, and at the site Unto select. We should be huptiy to receive anal contributions at the Enema, No. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, or a note Mating where they may be called for. JOHN WANAMAEBB, ' se2o43t Corresponding Secretary. try. Platt* Fifes and lidelodesus.- elm. gont stook of Bosom, Bacon. & Co 'a, sod 'Banns &Waft' it unrivalled Pianos, anti Mason & Bandlo's Me lodeons. J. B. GOULD, 0426-6tlf : ' aIiTENTH led 011BEITNIIT Sta. it::a, Grand Rally 01/ - • THE PEOPLE( dT BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS ' THE CITIZENS Olf PHILADELPHIA Who are OPPOBZD to the FREE TRADE POLICY Of the existing National Administration ' and who are against the TYRANNICAL DICTATIO N which has been attempted by the President of the United States; who are in favor of a PAIR PROTECTION TO AMRIRIOAN INDUSTRY ARD POPULAR soyEBB[GNTY, Witt. ABBEMBIA IN ORAND MASS MEETING, AT BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, ON MONDAY HMIS% 2715 SEPTRMBRR. Come one!' Come all Come from your workshop' and your homes I Come in your strength Come el the wind(' come when forests are rendedl Come es the wave, come when nseiee are stranded ! And let us show the nrinione of Rxeentive power that the People are still determined to be free. Addressee will be delivered by Morton Mobliehael, Req , Hon. Henry D Moore, Qeorge A. Coffey. Eni,, C. 0. Lathrop, Hog , 001. P. S. White, Hon. Ohm Gilpin, William B. Mann, Req., William B Thome', Req., Han. Edw Joy Menlo, Oliver P Oornnm, Esq., J. R. Pianism, Esq., John P. Verret), Pug, Hon. WIN. MM. ward John W. Ryan, Esq., John Wood, Esq., John Go. forth, Req , and ahem se23-4t arPhiladelphia and Reading Railroad OOMPANY.--011ice 227 South FOURTH St. PHILADZI.PgIL, Rapt. 21st, 1858. To avoid detention, the holders of 00111XMI of tbis Clompany, due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this Moe, on or before the 00th inet., when receipts will be given and checks will be ready for delivery on the lot proximo, in exchange for add receipts. A. BRADFORD, 5e224001 Treaaarer. WOffice of the Mayor of the City of PIIILADIMPUTA—fisrumnss 214, 1858.-- IthlYAßD.—whereas, the body of JOHN B. °LARK, a citizen of Philadelphia, was found in the Schuylkill river, above the Market-street Bridge, on the 22d of April, 181.11, and thereupon the Coroner's Jury did render a verdict that n deceased came to his death by having his throat cut by some pinion or per. 8088 unknown to them," ace.; and whereas. all efforts for the detection of the murderers have bean ineffectual; tow, I, ALEXANDER BBNRY, Mayor of the city of Philadelphia, in accordance with an ordinance of the Councils of maid City, do hereby offer a reward of PIVX HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and con viction of the parson or persons, parties to or perpe. testing the murder of .10IIN B. CLARK. or for inch information 84 shall lead to their detection. Attest, re22•w f m—et JAMB II.MONTOONCRY, Mayor , ' Clerk Yew Orloans Gas Light Company, FARMSIIB' AND INECILANIOS , BANK, PUILADY.LPHIA, July 2,1858. Notice Is hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans Gee Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stook and the payment of the Dist. dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates leaned b_y BIM'. and ra. calve Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. RUSHTON, Ja., jy3-diwitmthtoel cashier. [T.T. Girard College... The Directors of the Girard College give notice that they are pre. pared to MIND OUT, In the State of Pennsylvania, TO ARTY ONE OliPira rfft. in accordance with the Wtllof rte hen Girard, to " suitable oeenpa , iens--imeh as Agriculture, Navigation, Aets, Mechanical Trades, and Manufaetums.” The master will be required to teach his apprentice his respective art, and to furnish him with sellable board and lodging is his own. place of residence, ' (excel t wher.. for special reasons, the ap prentice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) The roaster may be allowed to take each Orphan on Trial for a term not exceeding one month. eervons d. slrous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the COLLEGE, be tween the hoar. of three and Ave P at , or, If not reel dents of Philade'phis, can Odra' the underpgrord. In writing, eta leg name , realdecee . occupation, and refer ences, the latter, whenever possible. to be reeldenta of =NEP se22-ht Secretary of Girard Volley,. urelPillladelphla sad Darby Railroad C. pany.—The anbeeribere to the Capital Steak at the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Company are no tified that POUR DOLDelta per share (being the be lance of the first instalment) will be due, end ill hereby requested to be pied, an the 2Sth September Instant, Odle° of the Treasurer, No. 121 WALNUT Street, be.. town the hours of 10 &. M. and 1 P. If , DAILY t and It the Blue Bell: Teems; Twenty-fourth Ward, on BATURDA.Y ATTIHNONS, between Pour and Dye otedook. ' By older of the Board of Directors. mile-lit THOMAS SPABEB:Troararer ary. Notice.--Sealed Proposals, endorsed Proposals for Furnishing SuppMs to the Board of Controllers of Public riebools, l ) will be received at the once of the Controllers of Public) Schools, Southeaat corner of SIXTH and ADBLPRI Streets. addressed to the undwsigned, until September 28th, 1828, at 12 o'clock M., for the oupply of all the BOOKS and STATIONERY to be need in the Public Schools of the City of Philadelphia, until the let day of January, 1859. The Proposals mast atata the price and quality of the Books and articles of Ste ionery pro posed to be furnished, and be accompanied by a sample of each item. A list of the Books and Sts'lonery au thorized by the Board can be procured at, the Secreta ry's ontoe, Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPIII streets. By order of the Committee on Supplies. ROBT J. RBMPIIILL, Seely selS-td Board of Controller of Pablo Scheele. fiHome for Instal& with Affections of THE CHEST t. comer PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets, se9 'Watt 411iltdelptits. New Publications. A NEW BOOK, BY SPURGEON. SPUR EON'S GEMS, GONSIRTING OF BRILLIANT PASSAGES PROM THE PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED BEBMONi AND OTHER WRI TINGS OP THE REV. 0. 11. SPURGEON 1 Volume 12mo. Price $l. Here we have some of the Author , ' happiest thoughts and moat graphic p dam, revealing the true gramma of the Preacher's conceptions—his Individuality end strrngth. More than ONE EIINDRED AND TWENTY•FIVB THOU. SAND VOLUMES OP MR. SPUR . GEON , B BOOKS have been sold by no in America and the demand for them is unabated. The masses read and lore them. OPUBA3BOIVS GIMS, now just issued, is spoken of sa follows , , By the Nev York Observer The PahUshers of Spurgeon's Benzene have In Press • volume of , t Erilliant Ems:west , from the discourses of this remarkable Preacher. We bay* seen tho Amato of the new Book. sod EVERY PAGE 18 A FLAME OP GLOWING TIRE. The extracts are brief and characteristic!, wariest, bold, and strong, fall of atrlkmg thought, brilliant imagery, and warm appeal. We think it will be far more attractive than the volumes of hie Sermons, and they hare had an extraordinary circulation in this country. HPURONONII GlO4B May be timed at all the Bookstores Price One Dollar. The popularity of Mr BpurgeolVe Sermons in this country has been equalled only by the popularity of the Preacher himself to hie own land, and the Publishers boilers that TUTS VOLUME OP GEMS will be received with greater favcr even than his vo lumes of Sermons SPURGEON'S GEMS Is published he &newer to a call that has been repeated ly o ode for a volume gluing the charatteristics of his style, 'mealier; the aeoset of his mighty wrier as a preacher of truth, with the peoullarities of manner which arrest the attention, rouse the sympathies, ex cite the admiration, and Impress the feelings of hie Teat aud sem. Buy a oupy of SPURGEON'S GEMS It will Mit you but. . . OND DOLLAR Mr. Spnrg•ou Is rhetorical, descriptive, flowing, and glowing. He blames and burns along the pathway of his subject, riving in flights of imagination, and carry ing his hearers along with him In earnest, overwhelm. log appeals. , He le pungent In his applications, strong in his doctrinal opinions, and powerful la We exaltation of the divine Ward. Tr.• volume la ready for the trade, and their orders solicited. Persons wishing it, and not being able to obtain it of the Bootee Hera, can order It by mall, and O it will be forwarded prom tig. ptly, postage prepaid, for _ , INIELIDON, BLAKEMAN & CO., sell.mwScastAt Publishers, New York BUY iAKLY corths.—NOW READY, THE POETICAL WORKS OP EDGAR ALLAN POE, 11.41:1711VOLLT iILLITEITIUTID WITH 110511 VMS ONB lIIINDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS, By Barley, Blast Foster, Pickeregill, Tenni°ll, Crop sey Duggan, and Malot ; And engraved in the finest style of Wood Engraving by Cooper, Linton, Evans, the., etc. Splendidly Boursd—Pries biz Dollars. Aliso Copies - in Morocco, Nine Dollar Alio, the Fifteenth Ert.tion of POE'S COMPLETE WORKS, In Four Volumes, 12mo. Price $4 50. Containing the Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque; Wonderful Stories of the Imagination; All his Poetry; The - Story of Arthur Gordon Ppm ,• and a complete collection of all his cooti.ntions to the Magazines. Edited by IMBUE' W GRISWOLD, D. D., with Notices of His Life, by Z. It. LOW ELL and N P. WILLIS J. B. REDFIELD, Agent, Ite27.4l3titw2t Bit Beekman Street, New York. A NEW BOOK, BY DR. WAYLAND. SERMONS TO THE egunoßEß, BY FRANOIS WAYLAND, D. D. 1 VOiCIOIO. Prlce 85 Oents. COATENTO : • I. THE APOSTOLIO MINISTRY. 11. TRH onuncli, A SOOIETY FOR THE CONVERSION OB THE WORLD. CHNTSTIAN WORSHIP. IV. A CONSTANT. PIETY THE DEMAND OB TSB AGE. O. SLAVARY TO PUBLIC OPINION. VI. THE PERILS 0 V RICHES. PREVALENT PRAYER. VIII. RESPONSIBILITY Boa MURAL OON DITION OF OTHERi. SHELDON, BLAKEMAN, A . CO., fle 2 r'n l w 4olBl tubtiotaero, W timings., N. Y. THE PRESS.-PHILADMPREA. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27, ISM AITOTION NOTICE• LANGE AND ATTRACTIVE sALN RIOR PARIS GOODS. MERINO CLOTHS, CAOREMIRR DIROOBEH, MOTISSELINE DR LAINRS, BOMBAZINES, VEIL BAREGES, la LAMM AND SPLINDID ASSOMINNT or THIRION, MAILLARD, & 00. Respeotfully !nette the attention of the Trade to their Large and Special Sale of TUB A.DOVB GOODS, To tato place %roue' MYERS, OLAGHORN, & 00., Aucit're, LT TIMM ROOMS, No. 232 minicar STREET, NVEDNEBDAT AIORNINCt, BEPT. W, 1868, ON 811. MORTON' CRICDIT In which they will offer their ENTIRE STOOK of the following desirable goods. The Trade is assured that this is the only sale of this deseription which will be made by them this 001/11M. T. M. & Co would furthermore add that it Is their intention to rell the entire offering. Malone will and the Bale worthy their attention, as the goods are all fresh, or this season's Importation. TUB OLLII WILL EMBRACE 2000 pieces MERINO CLOTHS, from fine to supe rior qualities, end including all the desirable abodes. 1000 pieces CAOIIEI4IE/3 /PROMS, from fine to auperlor qualities, and including all the deel rabie shades. 2000 pieces MOUSSELINE DE L Min, from fine to superior qualities, and Including all the desi rable shades. 100 pieces PLAID MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, of extra fine qualities and choice styles. 800 pieces PARIS BOMBAZINES, from line to supe rior qualities. 100 pieces SCOTCH PLAlDS—beautiful goods. 2000 pieces PARIS VEIL BAREGES, green, brown, blue, and blacks, from fine to superior qualities. 200 pieces SILK VEIL RENADINES, green, brown, blue, and black. 200 pieces MOMS. BE DEGE, desirable alisdes. 100 pieces PARIS =RUNES, very desirable shades. The Shawls will comprise the following styles: 3000 SQUARE and LONG ALL-WOOL and Chaim Lamm BROOMS BRAWLS, Paris Manufacture, Including many entirely new designs and color ings never bofore offered. ALSO, A large and complete assortment of Square and Long black and colored TRUMP and OAOHNMIRE tuAwts, wool fringes. ALIO, A splendid assortment of black, mode, high colon, plain and embroidered TEMI' end 0A.0112- MIME bIIAWLS, silk fnnges—the best goods imported. A sußbrb assortment of the richest styles of PRINTED TIIIBET arid CACIIBMIRE !BAWL', and sewed, on printed borders, of the newest and most desirable pattern'. The largest and moat complete assortment of STELLA SHAWLS, comprising Thobet and Oactemire STELLA, with rich Broche borders and corners; TIIIBET and TsIIRIS STELLA SHAWLS, with rich velvet and plash borders. LIS°, Blob and superb AT.J.,•IOIAC VBLVIST 139A.WL0, THf 00P BRAWLS, Plaid Wool Shawls, Wool end Silver Shawls, Mousseline de Leine Shim's. Broche Scarle t and men, other desirable style. of Shawls. se2s.4tlf GENUINE FARINA CRACKERS.—The only genuine Farina Cracker* manntadared In the United Coates ere made at the well known Web- . . . . . Itehment of d. WING, Zog., at Lonologbargh, Stow of New To k. Mete are the only Oraokers ever presented to the public containing the true qualities of Farina. In one pound or WINWu YABINA OR&OliggEl the nourishing prepertlem are estimated to be equal to that obtained trona two pounds of bread, as it is atuaily baked. THUR ORAORMRB ARE DIRTINCOMMIED PROM ALL OTII MRS by the sweet tute of the wheat, which they retain to a remetkable degree, and especially by their kind action tWen the atomach They are digested with thegreateat erne by the infant or the aged, Au well as delicate par. tans generally. No other production from wheat has ever been die. covered which him proved ro VALUABLE AB AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, • and many realise the most Important benefits fromther daily use, in maintaining a healthy tone, of the eyetetu ALL CLASSES MAT, Udkl TERM TO ADVANTAGE regularly on the family table, and se economically, In proportion to the nourishment they auttain, aa they can 'breed,. Thus each will and a part of the moat plesaaot meal, they have ever eaten made up from these truly heaithfo , and delightful Crackers. All three who may wish to groans WING'S CELE BRATED ORACIIIIRS should be on their GUARD AGAINST IMITATIONS ac come are making ordinary Crackers the else of WING'S FARINA, and are endeavoring to sell their ar ticles be calling them Farina Orsekers. We are credibly informed that come retailers have been found actually aiding the deceptions, by offering to their own customers these Inferior erecters, at the full price of WM , (I'S FARINA, with an Inthnationthat they were the mane aa Wing's ; and tble is done 'imply because the imitation article afforded them a larger profit. Of course Moat who confide in their Dimity grocer. as all meat do to a certain extent, to sail them genuine and good articles at fair price', will not ooatinue to pa trootse any on• who attempts such a deception. There are too many high-minded merchants engaged In the Imminent of selling family groceries to render it necessary for any family to encourage any individual acting thus. In order to avoid inch deceptions, boy no Crackers for Dada, but Winies. ALL OF WING'S CRACKERS ARE FARINA, and Mr. Wing's name is stamped upon every true Fa rina Cracker made ; be sure, therefore, and purchase none for Farina but those having the name A. WING stamped on each Cracker. WING'S FARINA CRACKERS may be procured of the best Family Grocers generally, by whom they are extensively sold in different portions of the United States, and at wholesale only of A. N. THOSfPBON A CO., Noe. 221 and 928 Fulton Ocala, New York, or DINGEE & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents NO. J 45 South /rout street, Philadelphia. sep2s 27 & oat 2&4 inillittern q °obi,. ta FALL OPENING OF MILLINERY. THOMAS MORGAN, (LATE No. 138 N. NINTH ST.,) WILL OPZN, AT HIS NNW NSTABLIIIBMINT, No. 718 ARCH ST., An. SEVENTH, ON THURSDAY, Tna 20TH INST., A deb assortment of MILLINERY, comprising Bon. nets, Dress Caps. Head Brasses Branch Pions?, Rlb.. bons, Blondes ho ,&o ; including, also, • kINDOISOMO NON of FrenctlYattern Bonneti. ae%7.4t I•.ETTERS OF ADUINISTRA.TION To 1 1.4 the Estate of RICHARD RIDDLE, deceased, haying been granted to the ttuderelgned, all persons in dehted to ealt Estate aro requested to make payment ; and those having Malmo to present them to Or to her Attorney, NNOTICE.—ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the estate of DAN tD 8 TOWNSEND, late of the Third word, oar of Philadelphia, deceased, are requested to to. ke Immediate payment, and those haring Alaims will present the PAW, properly Ruth anti eated, for settlement, to P. N. 80111.13. e. ORR, No. 402 SOUTH Street, above Pour I*, attorney. for BLIZAIINTEC IOWNSIND, se27-I.aweisr* Administrairix. FRENCH CHINA DECORATED DINNER AND DESSERT SETS Just received, 60 beautiful (IRINA DINNER fiRTD, Complete, miming to price from $6O to $2OO. Some very pretty iota at the modet ate price of $75. 0201 and see there. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED &gated porehaalog or negotiating iii eertidostee of 'tort of the Penreylraola Laod and Marble Cora. play, In the tome of Mettkew fi. Mo Ewen, and baring hie power•of•attorvey attached, the same Wag num. beret Cad dated ea tallows.... Nos 124 and 125. Ootober 24th, 1855. Nov. 278. 276, 275, sod 277, dated April 6th, 1857. Bald certificates haring been freudnlently obtained, and the company having been notified not to permit any transfer thereof. S. MoOALLA. PLMADIIT.PRIA, Sept. 250858. 0027.51* PHILADELPHIA OOLLEGE OF PEAR hikeY,—The th rty , eishth atonal cou•ee of hc tures io this sostitatioo will commence on FRIDAY EVENING next at the College Hall, and will be con tinued tri-weekly, (on M,ONDAYS, WIONESDAYS, Imo gRID *M) unlit shout the first of March. BO BERT BRIDGES. M. D , Professor of Chemistry. 'WILLIAM MOYER. 7r , Professor of Pharmacy. ROBERT P. T ONUS, ht. D., Professor of Materia biotin& ' • Matriculation iicksta may be obtained of ALPRIBD 8. TAYLOR, Secretary, eeat•ilt* Ocular et Walnut Nioth Arcata FOR LONDON.—THE R&NOVE NIMRIAN brig ADELINE, fiebulkon matter, now lying at Lombard-street wharf, having two-thirds' of her cargo engaged. For freight apply to F. IL HARM, an27.Bt* 28 South THIRD etreet. LAVA NA CIGARS.—A handsome assort ment of Cigars of fine new crop Tobacco, of the following brands: Pimp, Pruebese, , Sultana OeNanam, Union Americana, Orojon, Tropical, Oa•tanon, Plor Belen, Pebete, ito.,,t 0., &e,, In X, 1-Sth, and 1-10th boxes, of Londres and Opera sixes Just rec,lved In Store, and for sale low by Oil ARLES TETE, se2T-10t* 188 WALNUT Street. IiTSSiA. HEMP and TARNS For SALE, by WEAVER, FITLER & CO" No. 22 North Water street. and 5e.27 No. 22 North wumma BALERope, manufactured and for sale by ROPE. —A large stock of Bale n/MICR, VITLER, dr. 00., No. 23 North Water street, and 1E46 No. 22 worth Whereon. BROWN STOUT.-40 casks ig Flint & Jur wintsins, imported dirt from London, in store and for rah 17 wm. H. YRATON, ad; $lO WITH PitONT street. SHAWLS, Legal Natireo. BEitEOOA. RIDDLE JAMES EL CASTLE, 11 South FIFTH St eet SVC .1. HERR, MID& Hill, CHESTNUT St., opp State Holm tUboiesafe tars 't; gobs. FANCY OASSIMERES. , Medina) Grades in Bide Stripes, Tarts, &e. Doeskin Gaaainteres, Cadet, Girard, and Brown Mix. Bell, Doable, and Twisted Qaesitnerae, Plaid, aide Stripes ' and Plain, Ootton Warp Cloths, Heavy Blast and Brown. Batinetts In a variety of style', • Black, Brown. and Mated Goode. Wattage, Floe Cashmere', Valencia, eco. The attention of the Trade is solicited to these di• Bitable goods, which are offered on favorable term', by SAMUEL B. FRY, se2B-Bt.ife , 218 OGESTNIIT Street. BAIL - 1 r & BROTHER, No. 920 CIKEBTNIIT OTREBT, WILL OPEN TIIIB DAY Their Bell Importation CAREETINGS, INDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS. • L. J. LEVY & CO. Are now opening a large assortment of NEW PALL GOODS, To which additions will be made by all the steamets &nixing during the next six weeks. Their assortment Is now fall and complete in the fol lowing articles : INDIA OASHMERE SHAWLS; RICH AND MEDIUM PRICED SILKS; FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS; RICH PRINTED OASHMERES• ' RICH PRINTED MOUSELINES; FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES; RICK FRENCH CHINTZES; NEW STYLE POPLIN DRESSES; DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES; FRENCH EMBROIDERIES; SAXONY AND FRENCH PLAIDS; NEW BLANKET SHAWLS; PARIS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS; HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLANNELS; SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. se2T-Ilt McCauley,cCauley, Brother, & Brewster, G RAND OPENING or PRIORS GREATLY REDUCED CARPETINGS. RLLINGTON BRUEBBLO, SUPER ALL•WOOL INGRAINS, RXTRA. BINH INGRAINS, ROUBLE COTTON CHAINS INGRAINS, VIINITIAND, AND LOWER GRADES, Or cholas styles and approved inanufacitare, constantly roootrlog and for ulo by JObEPE LIL(, 5410100021 Nog. 128 and 130 OHNBTNUT Bt NEW FALL STOOK. , 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. MTN jut opened an entire new atook of HOSIERY, OLOVHB, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of iiret-elaie buyeze Our Moak is particularly adapted to THB BOIITHBBN TRADB antramlf CARPETINGS. MST RECEIVED PROM THE MANTHMOTURERS, On Consignment, a large lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To be 'old at AUCTION PRICER for Cash or City kr eeptanoei. WOLVE, WILSON, & CO., jy2O•frm&wtf No. 182 CHESTNUT Street CLENDENNING's DAMASK. TABLE CLOTEB, TABLB COVEN, TABLB NAPKINS and TOWBLLINGB TO TRH DRY GOODS MERCHANTS GESTLINIII : As I have bestowed more than usual 'SWIM and labor in getting up title article of Table Daniuk in this country. and, have succe4ed in famishing an article equal, and in some reelects supe— rior, to the imported one s at a much less expense, I tenet that those who have a disposl'ion to encourage A3llllllO/11 ENTIRPIII3II and American labor will not forget my address. JOHN OLENDENNING ARAMINGO BULL, FRANKFORD, PHILADELPHIA. P. B.—Pedlars and those who travel &misapply Coun try Trade will end It to their advantage to call at The Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to boy, and cannot make it convenient to call at the Factory, will pleme send their address, and they will be waited on with mmoles of the above. se3.linif inissoluttons anii Copartnerships. CO -PARTNERSHIP.-THE BUSINESS heretofore condeeted by Runt. Webster. & Co., will from this date be carried on ender the style and firm of LADD, WEBSTER, & 00 , who will continue the manufacture and sale of Sewing Machine', the former in Boston, the latter at 820 OaIISTNIIT Street, Philadelphia, ant In the principal Mimi of the Dillon. September 1. 1858. se27-1m DISSOLUTION 0 F 00•PARTNER PIIIP.—The 00-Pa , tuerebtp heretofore eiht. ing between WM. V. SMITH and S. 0. MoNEILLE, under the firm of WM. r SMITH & 00 ,Is THIS DAY dluolved, by mutual consent. Whi P. 1.141 TH, S. U. IdoNEILLE. seta-2t* SHILADILPIIIA, Sept 21,1865 OTIOE.—THE CO•PAItTNERSHIP ‘..l.'s heretofore evietlng between the enbsorlberi, under the style of 8 H. & B. SMITH . , Is this day dluolved by mutual consent. Stevenson H. rmlth Is authorised to ttalvtlte name of the firm In settlement BrBVIINSON U. SMITH. 118BLiON 880T11. se'26-BtVe September 24th, 1868 itemoticua. A BHT ON'S CITY COMMERCIAL AGENCY REMOVED TO No. 605 CHESTNUT STREET, 2d Story, adjoining Chamber of THE BOARD OF TRADE. PERMS, $2O PER PEAR Per Pamphlet, containing Plan and Conditions, apply at the OfHo. se26-tf REMOVAL.—O.O. SADLER & Co. have removed (tom No. 9 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH West, second door above Front. eel I. O. S. M. SPECIAL NOTICE Au ADJOURNED hIERTING of the B. G. 00N8Ir TORY OF I. 0. S. M. OP OOLRIBIA Will be held et the HALL of the GRAND CAMP, OF THIS STATE OF NEW YORK, IN N.EIP YORK CITY, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER lire, 1859, At 10 o'clock A. M. Members elect, and delegates, may communicate with .TIORACE L. PETERSON, 8. 6. Secretary, 718 PINE Street, Philadelphia. tJJ The New York Heroic ; Traveller, Boston ; Morning Pat, Pittsburgh, ; American, Delft morel nepubliean, bt vie, sod Picayune, New Or leans, wtll piesee insert the sb.we three times. and send Ms immediste)y to this Office for callec• lion. ee24-31 c%TEW A. ND VA.LIIA.BLE CORN / HUSKER.—Purchasers wanted for Stnte and County RIAU Good property taken In Exchange. Call at tt Paean° Hotel," CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, and see Machine ne24-St* MO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN HER- A- 011ANT8 —Manilla Rope, assorted Maas,. from ji inch up, manufactured and for sale by WRAVEIt, FITLER, & No. 2$ North WA MR street, and aa24 No. 22 North WiIARVEI3 HAVANA OIGA.RS.-106,000 La Floe de la Means let 2d, and Bde, Just arrived per brig May Queen," from Havana, In store and for sale be WILLIAM 11. YE&TON, ae24-tt No PM both PRINT Mraid BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCH Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at BX o'clock A. If. Returning, leaves BRIDGETOW Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ; at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at Now Castle, Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and the usual Landings on the Clohansey Through tickets for ellllevllle, Port Elisabeth, Mauricetown, Dividing Creek, Newport, iNalarvNla. and Dighton. sa7..lro* atCONSIGNEES' NOTICE.—The ship NoNPAP.siL, Green, from Liverpool, la now olseharglng under general order, at gHIPPEN-Street wharf. vonsignees will lease attend to the receipt of their goods, THOMAS RIORARDSON'Zt 00. se9l.st 101 WALNUT St. CAMPBELL'® DINING SALOON, Oorner of THIRD St. sod HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several nays past, in order to be regenerated and dieenth ailed. It will bo opened en gluts DAY next. 20th met with improvements and al teration, which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul into the ta , k of iron zeul, and we think that his efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it wile be a model establishment. A WNINGS I AWNINGS I CA. JOSEPH H. POSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Of dm Win dows ; Awnings for Stores, Awning' for Steamboats arid Ships All kinds of Awnings Tents, Plage or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H. POST ER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. Resi dence o 840 South Front Street JOSEPH H. POSTER. s,i 633 ~3—A YEAHLY GROUND pal well secured, for sale at a liberal discount Apply toil. 0. THOMPSON & G. Td. OtoN %num], ee26 933 ARCH ctreet BILLS ON LONDON for sale at the Of floe of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 001%1 PANT. se2l-St THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. PAPER, PRINTED CARDS, AND NNVELOPMS. 406 CORMEROD STREET. es2l.At N. J. LAWN PNOB STATIONERN.—Joseph Rodgers & Bone', Jonathan Orookes', and Farmer's line pocket Cutlery. Bankers' Shears, Erasing Knives, and Steel POllll, for eale to the trade by ERASMUS 0. PRATT & EEO., se2l-Bt* Importers, 28 BANK Street. FllO CONFECTIONERS AND B ARE R S.— .A. 000 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure; 1000 ,‘ Verb Ammonia; 200 .c Conaway Seed. Vor aisle low, as "mutes, b. WILSON & MERRITT, Wholesale Druggi kett s treet. sel74lt 208 bl.r treet. GERMAN CIGARS-800,000 in store and lOr male by WILLIAM R. YEATON, me. 716 i3antb, SWOT 80. Retail pro k, cobs. COMPAGNIE FRA.NOAISE, am CHESTNUT STREET (IRANI) OPENING PARIS PALL CLOAKS, FURNER Bo CO.'S, is: OF OCTOBER, 1868 WINTER CLOAKS •T Tug PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM The SUBBORIBEItt bare now open their IMPORTATIONS AND RIANOPAOTORRS, ECEEMI FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising the most extensive and superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited In thin City. J. W. P OCTOR & 00., 708 011138TNUT STREET ROBERT BRAW Begs to Inform big Mend' and the NEAR TRADE GENERALLY, That he bee removed to No. 68 N. SECOND STREET, Where be solicits their attention to Ms oompleta UMW, OASEIMEREEI, SkTINETB, &0., Trout the Meskets of England and tide oonntri, to gether with JOB LOTS From the ¬ions of New York and tble city. leds-Iro 'WALL AND WINTER Excellent FOIL DIC-OHEVRES—Now Lots 25 Omats. Robes, All-Wool sad Silk. sad wool, to pp, BLACK BOMBAZINES Particularly cheap lots, at $l. per yard. COOPER & OONABD, eel? 8. N. corner NINTH and HAMLET. ENGLISH BLANILETS—Large sizea, nearly square, at EL Low priced and fl e .iantets. Rochdale Blankets, Marseilles Quilts. COOPBB & COWARD, ee27 B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Eits. VLOTEES. CASsIMERES, SATINETS.— Brotil Cloths, auction lots, $1 60 to $5. New patterns Side Band C sentare'. Black, mixed, and other Satinets Vesttngs, Silk, Valencia, Be. COOPER & CONABD, S. owner NINI and MARKET Ste. N. B.—Tailors supplied 00 the Right Terms. se2T JEW AUTUMN SEIAWLS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have received an ex— cellent assortment of Plain Style' and Rich Autumn and Winter Shawls Broths Long and Square Scotch and French Blanket; trench Jacquard and Ombra ; Berlin fine wool Reversible Black 811 k, Tbibet, and Cashmere 1 Rich fine-bordered Stella. FRIENDS' BRAWLS. Neat bordered fine Stella and Square; Plain colors Cheellle end Rich colored Silk and Ottoman ; Soot. h and French One Blanket; BargelOos and Genoese, all ekes. 1824 MONTH and OBESTNEIT Streets GREAT ATTRACTION ! OVER 84,500 WORTH OP SHAWLS EROII WHICH TO MANE A SELECT/ON. THORNLEIf A 0111 GM, N. E. coy. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streete, Rave the best SHAWL Btock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to the following very cheap lots, via; 46 L ONG BROCHE BRAWLS at $ 9 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 20 Do. do do. at 11 t , 24 Do. do. do. at 13 10 Do. do. do. at 13 20 Do. do. do. at 14 20 Do. do. do. at 16 1 , 8 Do. do. do. at 18 " 8 Do. do. do. at 20 8 Do. do. do. at 26 In the above Lots of Long Broths Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS Brom $2 to $l2, in every color. Trench Blanket nhawla in new Amigo!. Plain rhib,t Shawls, :Vlore and Long. Real Canton Crape Shemle, Plain and Embroidered. Children's rhawls, Misses' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at TILORNLEY k OHIBM'S, "ONE PRICE CASH STORE,' Northeast Coiner iti , eLITH d. APR'S° GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may And bargains at T (I.'s P. B.—A Magnificent stook of Bilks now on hand. selB-tr LIIPIN , S 6-4 FRENCH MERINOES AND OASTIMERD DE 008811, PROM THE GREAT MERINO BALE. OHARLEB ADAMS bee now arranged several lots and qualities of these well•known Goode, In choice and desirable colors. Also, plain Moue. Delahms, in mode, plain, and high eolore, Plilde, choice etylee. Moue. Detainee, Wend's, Mohair'', Poll de Chimes and preu Goode in variety. , GLORY BLACK BILKS, OP ALL WIDTHS. Heavy corded Insets Pettit de Bole. New Rugl.sh end Merrimac Plints. Pine et 4 ok of Unahrinkable Plarotels, Shirting, Sheet log, and Palow Munn on. B FELLA SHAWLS! In many dealraole styles. New Roods being daily received and eold at the low eat market pr.cea, for CAta. seemwf-t[ and ARCH Streets. N EW CLOTH STORE. HENRY D. NELL, 6000118301 C ro UEO. M. COATES & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, aunt reoeived, the Newest styles of FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Also, a choice usortment of TRENOR BLACK AND COLORED CLOUTS, And other Goods adapted to Men'a wear. seld4Et EYRE & L&NDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STRUTS, BTAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. OPENING OP YRSNOU GOODS TO-DAY Rl= BILK ROBES A LEE; BILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNOES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES FALL SILKS; ROUND•CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICH PRINTED DE LAINES; PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLACK SILKS EYRE & LANDELL, sepl-38t FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS UN S, RIFLES, AND bPORTING M— ILT PLEMENTS. The Subeoribere bare in etore THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PICO r S, RIFLES, &c.,, Ever offered in this oily Desirous of redaeing their seem tinent as movat Oa possible before the let Dee . they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE bTOOK, GUNS PROM THE MOST CbLEDRATED WAND PACTURERS OP ENGLAND, DhL4IV.M, AND TRANCE. PHILIP 8. Jusrton GO., No. 2.1 North .TinTH Street, aeg-Stm above Market. L'NGLISH VERMILLION and. ULTRA MARINE BLUE. especially Imported for Yeasty" and Printers. Put up in 1 lb poi:ages, anil for sale by lott & BEAT liign sel7-Im* 263 DOUR Street, up stairs. NO ONE should go. to the Sea-shore with .L oat a battle of oar. 15111DIOATND BRAtioy in their Valise. In eastunP sudden illness it would be the means in many instances of saying life. D'irl- PEPTIO persons, sattimee debilitated, have been re stored to health by Its.use. ZIEGILSII A SMITH. DioWitt, Ronthweet oar. Seemed and OrAge it/ SALAD OIL.-25 cases fined Tuscan Lynch on, Ip store awl for axle by WILLIAM H. TICA.TON, 468 216 Month FRONT Stre IatNIARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS AL' 11343141t8.—A tholes Invoice or these celebrated brands on board brig a New Xra, ,, daily oxpeoted from RIVIIMI4 and for sae low, by OITAALNB TNT'S, (NW= walnut dry et, belowoon4 geoood, Eloiitot y . Sat . sate and to tei. MO 'RENT—The Second Story ROOM In - Building 2011 BIABSZT Street, occup'ed the last nine years for the Silk and Dry Goodskbotag Sn einem Rent low. Apply on the Premises. se27.Btrd WM. B BrEWART & ROOMS ON COMMERCE STREET.-- The Mee Upper Booms of 416 Commerce Skeet to Let. ' 0027.1 m FOB. BALL SHELVING; DRAWERS, .to —A large amount of ghelylng; with afloat 90 Drawers. Al'o, three Chem Two-Inch Counters, with Drawers, complete. OurtMns, number of awls, Desks, Oh -irs, and Lumber. Al.o. a good Truck. The whole for $260 j cost poo. Apply Upstairs at ae2s-St* ' No. 106 N. THIRD Street, fa FOR SALE—A. handsome 'residence, ma.Mth all the modern isiprolismentii, large Me yard, gr.yiery..ke , SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. 'P. K. LYNX, South SLIM Street, (second atory.)'ll-Int faPou BALE 08. 11.4.NGE—A U 0 Unborn% new mansion, le rooms , and 40 'acres, near Gwynedd Station, Nortli Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, Gait abundant, health nosurimseed. 447 person really &airing a handsome Country seat in ex change for city property, will tlnd this an rincsnal op. portenity of bboomblithing Ms °tried. Apply to P. R. fano, fix, B. SIXTH bt (24 story. belMtb ds-v FOR SALE—A pretty Cottage, nine MEL MOM, and one or more &OM, on W 9091114 avenue, two mllOO out the Secorid-etreet Turnpike. Atbo, seye r g handsome cottage lots The neighborhood' te healthy, beantlinl, sad rapidly improving. P. X. LYND, 5 1 / 2 ' SIXTH St , (24 story.) ! sel7-1m 7110 SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirtysores orleu of beentitul Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only swo'rolles north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and!terms easy. Applyto P. X LYND, 6N . Boath SIXTU Street, (second story) , % serf- lm F OR BALE_ One of tke moat lfalttable.and Dateable DOUBLE BROWN STONB RFAIABNORB IN THE OITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, X XTBRDING THROUGH TO GIORGH STRIET. Raying been built by the owner for his own Residence, no expense has been spared in it. construction. Apply to MALES BOGGS, 620 Market Street, ' Or to H. THOMAS & SONS, sel4.lmil. 189 and 141 South Noartii CHOIOE COTTAGE. SITES, WITHIN thre 3 minutes walk. of two litatione on PhGedel• , phlannd Germantown Whoa, for sale dump. Applr at earner of 'Naga Street and Plank Raid; or at No. 28 North Birth /Greet; to se64Mit .T. L 3), Poarbl4. BOARD WANTED—By a Gentleman; cation, Walnut or Arch streets. between Tenth and Broad. Address 0. B, at this se27-2t* PRIVATE BOARDING—No. 808 South ELEVENTH Street, opposite OLINTON. in a qn et Family, without Children. Eooma handsomely Furnished. e e2l-2t* BOARDING. -A single man whiles board frog Ins viva.° family in s central part of the city. Address MA.NBBIBLD, Blood's ',watch. se2A-Ste 140ARDING.—A. handsome suite of apart meats on the second door, WALNUT St., between *hoed std. Sixteenth. Address, with reference, L. M. R Pr.ss °Mee. • sele.tf Volitical PEOPLE'STICKET. STATE, OFFICERS JUDECI OP TUB HUPREMB COURT, JOHN H. REAP. CANAL COMMINNONEN, WILLIAM E. FRAZER. CONGRESS JOHN W. RYAN .. EDW. JOY MORRIS FIRST DISTEIOT ...... nom, - Taxan ~ JOHN P. TERRIE 111E=LMI I=Mil Pena .. STATE SENATOR THIRD DISTRICT, JOHN H. PARKER. BOR REPREBERTATIVEI3 Piker DISTRIOT ... ISLSIMfiI. SWAIM WM. H. MATTHEWB Bsooso 44 THIRD FOIMTIi hfORRIEI AARDINO FIFTH GEORGE T. THORN. SIXTU ss JOEIBPEI M CHURCH Szvawra DAVID H. STYER. EIGHTH 0. A. WALBORN. NINTH GEORGB W. WOOD TIM ISAAC J. NEALL. BLITZ/MX " MAO A. SHEPPARD Twxl.72lr 4 ' JOHN A. PURER TIIIATIOINTH FRANCIS BDWARDS. FooarasarH " SIMON GRATZ Piirszsrs ~ ....GEORGE W. JIAMERSLBY Birresitra " GEORGE WILEY Berawnomni ,l O. P. ABBOTT COUNTY OFFICERS BIIRRIIIi s WILLIAM H. KERN. lizoiarza op WILLf3, GEORGE W. MoMARA.N MIME OP ORPHANS , 001711,T, NIMROD WOOLERY ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 n 2240012 earriapes CARRIAGES. WM. D. ' ROGERS. COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 ORISMITT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for HARMAN/39 from all parts of the world execatedwith promptness, and satisfaction palmated. sellt.3mlf tUatrl)ea, letoclrp, Soc. B&ILEY Sc 00., IORXIMLY BAILEY & RITOZON, Have removed to their new Ilre•proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE. BELOW THE GIRARD MIRE. Now openingthelr fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND NANCY fIOODB, To which they invite the attention of the publie. SILVDEMARS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND RBABLEi, CRESTNUT GROVE WRISIKEY.—A de sirs to lessen the oonsomption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the conatitntton boa induced the off-ring to the public of an article which the analyaation of Prmemnr Coition, Analytical Chemist, of New Tort, and Messrs. booth, Ciarrett, & Cameo, of Philadelphia, pones beyond all - question, to be the moat pure and conseqn-ally least injurious spirits ever offered the American public ORRTIRICATR OF DR JAB R CIIILTON. _ - I hay. analysed a sam [le of ChestunaGrove Whiskey, rem ived from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON Ja of I Philadelnbla, and laviog carefully tested s, I am pleated to state that it it entirely free from poismons or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure atd line flavored quality of Whiskey JAMES R. CHILTON, II D , New York, Sept. 8, 1868. Analytical chemist. PRILADILPHIA, Sept 9,1858. Diu the: We have carefully tested tee sample of CheetnuWlrove 'Whiskey which you sent no, and sod that It contains none of the poisonous substanee known Ns Praia Oil, which fs the characteristic and Injurious ingredier t of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTLE, GARRETT, & OARAO, Analytical Chen:arts. To CRAILIO WHAISON, sr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia 5e24.4t001l HANDSORIIDS AND CLAMPS. NANDsoatras. ENo. 1. 62,v0. per do' 2. 720. ~ 8. 870. 1. 4.1000. ~ OLA.M.PS. 0 Raw, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen. HENRY O. ECKSTEIN, 1040 62 North THIRD Street, 1111adelphls PHILADELPHIA AND RS ADIS G RAILROAD. PalelliseT TOR tiAItRIBBIJRG.—The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company are now prepared to forward treight to Haartrenuso, and to all points on the Lebanon Valley branch of this road. Freight delivered at the company's depot, soothe. st corner of BROAD and CHERRY Streets, before 4 o'clock D. 111,. will be forwarded on the acme day, and will arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o'clock on the following morning, For rates, Ac.. apply to JNO. F. DRAT 9, General Ag tree ent, Broad aod °berry s tree ts, v:, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA. TrowS • with written descriptions of chancier, i n cludingsdeiceinreferencetoeusiness,laealth, eelticaprorement, &e., aye made day and eve tang AA NOWLER, WELLS, & 49114 1 1 3 922 Ohetitnat qty thibstelphia. 'WANTED—A Young Man In the Coun try Produce Suatopse—oste who cut Influent* City Grocers. Address PBODUCe, Office of 2ht Press. lie27-3to WANTED—A Pattern-Maker, who nit- Aeretaas hie Imegases In all it* branehss Ad. dreee FOUNDRY, at this Office. se27 It* VVANTED—A Situation in an Insurance °awe, Permanent Employment more of en eldest than salary Patlifactoryreferencewill be given. Address W. D. G., B z 640 P O. ae27-3t* NVANTED:-A PARTNER, with a Cash Capital of Five Hundred Dollars. to fame in • new Invention. Address G. P. G., at this Oftioa serf-l* WANTED.L-A - Respectable Protestant Woman, to do the work of a very small Pc tally. Mut he a good Cook, Washer. and ironer, and wine well recommended. Addreu BOUBEICKEeBII, at this (Mee stating where to be found 8.2141t* TTAILORS.—The advertiser, a good - Cutter, having several yearn' experience in the best lonics, is open for an engagement. Addreu W. T., at Om Oilete. se26.4i* WANTE D—A Good MILLINER, to go to an Interior Town In tbis State Addreaa _ . se2s-2t* ENOS SMALL, through Blood's Despstob„ WANTED—A LAM CLERK, compe tent to take charge of on OPPIO B. hhot be s gowt Penman, and have reed Law. Address SOLICI TOR, Office of The Prise , e25-3i* WANTED—Employniontby Two WORK MIN,just arrived from Europe, who briog with them a nesdpdisoorered proems for making Btmil out of Cast Iron. Address T. L., at the Once of this Paper. se26 fit* WANTED.—A LAWYER wishes to Rest mal o*i DISK RAMS, In res. pectable - Office, l withSION, o th. Imo of - .Library. Address FRANCIS, Ottoo of this Piper. WA St* IVNTED—In a Wholeialo Jobbing Dry Goode bows, • competent Elalopmen. To one who an influence Southern buyers a liberal ealarY rrlll be given. Address B, at this oQa. eeMi-Si* - _ WANTED—A Fortner baying $5,000 to v buy an interest in a Mescouttle establiAment doiegagood ouh and Phort credit business blows need apply except those ,haelrr the ready euh. Addroas " A 0.," at thin °lgoe. u24,lltit A YOUNG LADY wishes employment as Teacher of Milstein a Um[nary. Terms moderate. Address ELLAN oaks otthle paper. radkete 171rANTED.—.S. Situation' in a Sobbing V V Dry Goode holm es Entry Clerk. Good refer. encee will be given. ♦ddiem WILLIAM, °Mee of thi. ;leper. 10211.4t* 'WANTED—Employment as Gardener in or out "of, the city. by • sober and industrious Man who fatly undertow& tits businses. Address AtloB .T.,LUDLOw t rrordsterre, ts. NM it* WANTED, YOE THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, atesuireled men, to Wham will be given _good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from bin to Ida per month. No man having a wife or aid will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTND 8 1 / I TIOI at No 817 118.1 T Street, above Bightk, north aide. W. T. 118S1111DNR, let Lient. let Dragoon, Reernitizat Often. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF hrI7SIC. BROAD AND LOCUST eireca. TOE GREAT R iVELS MONDAY EVENING, dept. 27, 1851, Evolutions on the MIT ROPE by Marietta Nu, feetta and others. THE OP.IMIN MONSTER. Ober.lier de Miroqns, Mons Marten; Chereher Ma nna, Mr. Wells; Choreiler Le Aran Mr. A. Lehman; Green Monster. Mr. Lehman. Jr • Remille,Wll•.oeolle. BOSE AND PAPILLON. Papillon, Yeas Mathias. Adenteelon—Parquet; Parquet Obeli', and Balroalr, 00 caws; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 Genii Seats am be seeared from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M with out extra charge. Children under 10 years half pin.. MRS. D. P. BOWERS'e WALNUT-ST. THEATIO, oornaz of MYTH tad WALNUT MONDAY RVIININO. September 21', THB OAGOT. Raoul, Mr. Conway; Ucent de Pax, Mr. Dubol.; An genie, Mrs. Bowers; Astarte Mrs. Conway. - OUR Wiwi. Marquis de Lignr, Mr. Perry; Count de Brims, Mr. Drew; Dumas Miss Elehinsa. . Prices of adrauton—Becond I!'er and Family Male, and Third Tier, 25 omits; Panyiet, 57,4 bilita; MEM Olrele, SO cents; Private Boles. according to their locale,s3 and SP; Single taiga in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 16 cents. Doors open at 7 oialoat; Curtain rims at TX *Weak. IirBiA.TLEY & CLARKE' , " ARCH-ST. r E ELBA.TEIL—WOata S. Fredericka, Acting and Stage Manager MONDAY HYMNING. Seateniber 21, 1868, TEM INCONSTANT. Old Mirabel, Mr. Gilbert; Young terabit. Mr. Wheatley, @rises, Mn. Gladsome; Bizarre, Mrs. Draw _ . Col. Hardy, Mr. Gilbert; Harry Stanley. Mna Glad, Ilene; Paul Piy, Mn Clarke; Phcebe. Mn Drew. Acignisidon. ZS eta. &cured Seem la Drees Circle. arm etc; Orchestra Stalls SO eta Beata in Private Bores, .16 eta; Gallery, note ; Gallery ' for Colored Persona, 25 obi ; Private Boa In Gallery for Colored Pomona ; ota; Whole Private Box, SS. boors open at quarter before o'clock; comment* at Tx, precholy. JOHN WOOD CONCERT HALL , CHESTNUT STREET, V ABOVE TWILLFTR —FOURTH WEIR OF SANDERSON% COLOSSAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ROMAN W AS ; Open every evening this week, and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Adindeeion2s cents; children 18 amnia. Doors open at T. Exhibition at aMof S. sep27-et JOSHPH H. MIX. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND 01/ItBfNES Streets. hetoro of the old favorite, SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Ooroical SCUMS in TNNTIILLOQIIIIIId. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Grand opening Night, MONDAY, Sept. 27th, and every leveeing during the week, at half-put 7 o'clock ( and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at B. Admission, 26 cents ; Children, IS anti. se24-.lme (=a NATIONAL HALL—MARHET BTEBBT. NOW OPEN J. lItOO WittrallB's celebrated PANORAMA OP TEE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Olums, and continues down in historical order to the Habits. nigh Captivity, containing more than My of the mod sublime and interesting sconce in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 7j to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Chat* under 10 years 15 cease. Also. Exhibitions on WEDWESDAY and BATTGL. DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Doors open at 2; to commtnee at 8 precisely, Explained by Professor TIBBITTB BARRETT's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD BOOM, PISTOL AND liITLA GALLAAT. Will open on MONDAY, September Oth, it No Stii MARKRI Street. sellArn* J -M. GUMNE Y & SONS Respectfully inform their friends and the pablis that on or about the They will be prepared to °Her at AT THE PHILADELPHIA EVHANGH, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, Persons destroy of disposing of their Property at Public Bale are respeettnlly invited to call at onr Of flee at an early date, in order that their properties may be registered and fully advertised previous to sale, ORRICE NO. 620 WALNUT STREF4T. J. It G. 8. will MEG continue the PEG , / &TR Par• chase and Sale of BELL ESTATB, hIORTGAGES, Ica., as usual se2:-8t HYGEIA HOTgL, OLD POINT M. COMPORT. FOR 13.1111.—/ offer for sale this most valuable property. It is beautifully located in broad view of Hampton Beads anti the Chesapeake Bay, at Old Point Comfort, now the largest military pest in the Hafted States. and, as a watering place, presents every potruble attraction. Iha past lesson was mach looser than that of any other waterlog place, North or South It hoe an abundant stock of furntture. an Icerlionse, Bath-houses. Billiard &Joon, Te,plo al eye. Pistol gat. lery, and every necessary and desirable appurtenance. To a company with &littlest. Capital for enlarging its accommodations, it may be made the most attractive And the most profitable slimmer retreat in the country. .a very long credit can be had for a large portion of the purchase money. Per the character of the property. I crier to the Hon. J. B. Floyd, Secretary of War, and Lion A. Lindl.y Mann, Washington; fd. N. Fails. Esq., Baltimore; B. W Latham„Bsg., New York; and A. O. Southall ? AK . Washington House, Philadelphia 308. BEGAR, OLD Ponce CoitIDDX, Sept 21,1858. ne244tAiltv* A _ DESIRABLE S)SiALL FARM FOR 131,8AL8 —The subscriber oliereqd PEIy&TS BAIN, The firm whereon she reeides, situate )13 BRANDY, WINE TOWNSHIP. 011 - Tien CO.. Ps tpo and a brit miles frog the Pennsylvania Railroad. at Dowpipg town, on a very public road, containing 07 aorta and 60 perches of good land about 10 acres of which are Quip rate wood-land. Stone DWALLINO.Hougw, end Mrldit-HOUBB, with a well and primp therein, elf in good repair. Also, a good assortment of PIIIIIT TANIS of various kinds Persons desirous of rumbas log will please call and view for themselves. Terms as commodating, se26 4tit DETERSI S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE sn• ?-GENERATING. OAS LAMP is the only Patent Burner that his a Non•Clooduotor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Somers, ati they will heat, and liable to explode. State and County Bights for sale. Apply or address selS D. P. ['STREW 492 BROADWAY. N. V. Dr. W. S. MOILBENNEY,DeIifiIII, "mu:• 'would inform Ids friends that he bas resumed prdotice at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second door shore the II S. Mint. seplinit Ne. 5. II 12 per dos 5. 126 ss 7. 1 60 '. 8. 1 76 sg TO CASH BUYERS JAMES S. EARLE & SON., Invite the attention of Western and Southern Onatorn. ere to their immenee and elegant sesortment of LOOKING-CILASSES, 110DRENTISMI WASHING AND SCOUR ING 81:11,IITION—Petented Jan, 22d 1.8V9 Thls new and destrabie a't•nle Is fur lebed t • DeJlen in Barrels or Packages of one dosen Quart Bottles, with dtrectlona for use HARTELL dG LEPOHWORTH, Wholesale Agents, NO. La i cllslll Mints. 7tutustments. PAIIL Par Beat (Estate. POIDITEEINTH OP OOTOBIR PUBLIC BALL STOOKS, ETC., ETC PH.VBB /RIEMAN Lamp.. Elentistrn 816 CHESTNUT BTREP,TS OPPOBVIII VIII °MAID HOININ, OM PAINTIIiGH, ENGRAVING PORTRAIT AND PIOTIIRR-PRAMES, Suitable for the FALL TRADE