:4, , ,,t. ,- ,'” ~ i i. 2. , : - •4 , .-::. - ~ . :-'l. - ...111010101.11.11 -TIER Itifitt4v.i.:*od u Ngor ~.tki?loo*kble notices which this, pltcoi,,wcH have - of Williau:"si.s4.ollll#?liiVrsq. iiiiie.:llterfi:llQyfiii. ni - baistieeeediflia jw, tkw woryX the bait: as withal:# 4 ttinitimf,,tiir,p: the, judiiirieit‘feapttiC4 thafthk;' slid nowen,iplAtiAt4H and. 'hide, &a' bleisilifiiieupcikitlre , brit that they are bright roClitie,cptwiwt out t bafovvfin.:4:Effilti seam be Orcaloord.,)n to other the: povver otdevarlptloal Thy dewy mitt of moralagiasevesto`valltii ierastalvyv in silver Fpretvls its.gomea.hesseeplioaAkeiyillOyied ocoinitain. side, all gkwing with life and beauty. 'lt muelheween to be restilid: - ItlicilSilxf;VlCOici,b7; during We re6inairiv44; I to the fav°l l / 4 0 tAtit. 4. 11 0 A and ,to ail wh'ec „ ercr, the icidCaicrLthC.4l9 - cpci preaehed. ,, • •• 0017il81t,Or eppl imluteta, , ehtch'iniTbeliststto haverevebattontaid. , the , whole ayitiergof PhPedelf4o,:ive)etiiti,', will give a'Ane;ree Of,,elghtlicthht'fiii and Wittier, couvnenejegenty,l,n Thle InettlStlon, always betiiilv#Torktoiit**6Ftibl!Oiti , d itifuturit coarse bt4W"factAli4b.4,sol); IthOrit will alwayi re6iiire l aitenbfeue atipptirt.'='" ' With-the _cowrie tlelivireti - laat.ieitelitrtnireadert • were maid fLfelltaAttiftited thrbtigh , "the, iei)ethi: tie gave of theeetilltretieie.: L.Thilkainek . o!,!lit kpliF**. far the entiaN • *Ptiia;4ool teaet, no have not therm.: Altitiarray_of talent has, howotet, , dOltlea THE bration, Red - 6nevihlth.iie,"inadvertanity-hmtttedvai. an trimaran tramiariniy,teta i inka portrait of the Amerreahl'philiiii - phei; trinkitd, hand a chain of llghtningi.and,poiating elth the ether to a ehieht!tonarhlchvowhiniatibe4 thelollowlqtelt4 raw: "JNY, J9 Ol FloPl!i4 rf. t fc. Zlollijit's Ott Ft‘inklia .ll 4 l , 3 # 4 44 l g.l4iSilu° l ?- : *-1 12 400 6 i 4 e . street.!' __- .• • ' •- -• . THE Gnu were aoisilienairete:Peit night; It seems invidlouato point out "any,pertrenlar exhibi tion bat to on.r.,teate;thas'inpot : 4itoriatitenii‘to: war one whichilazed Out in lettered!itto ficho're itOtnitiecit point up - tairla t ..lt..ran,inthiewise Nny.lol manta at the Browhgtone:Olothiog Hall of Roalchill •Wibion, Non. 603 waken Narriitiee.-- , -It; IC t-wealtg - station which makes a man happy. MinYsit,thei`moat'tpoiched being, on eietti'luivilimtit'.' spirit which itneYre', - hiie;te;hear Nitta enjoy Milo comforts. An for exittiPle,itanit of elegant elotboa front the pe s datial store , aermvillti Stokes, NO: COT , . Tim RitigarWA# AT, goNomitir gent aleakanicatlnid . ,*ll4;oti. Monday oenuink,lipt:: veyii a tr; ShOOking / Peratis of a Toting Litt*: liobitne'reenna, wall, daughter' 'Of 7,146,.0e1dit, eli, - ;.metAvith• a shocking death last had-,been_ite:a wedding at • the bouts)) fteva Lloyd Knightijitid; was returning ~konie, a lsOtt: eleven o'clock' in iii vobiolo Ariverc9brral.ygithg man tiamed:,V,orte The bomee took-fiighf et ti light to frock of illionfeion tavern, in this plase4 aid; ,Yrtn, 'hir,',The.reirt'broke in the effir4Mlatep,' fit ti then jumped out to Ail and;ArreatAialwpgrese. The horse wheeled: euddenlyrand - ran :down t hcf street' about a hiandradiarda. .ddira oaldwell• leaped out. and fell-stittOrioninee' , upoti' , •herbeitti. , She Wee taken up,,,lpienalitle 'and ,earried, to her, home,. where ehaikiph‘ed'ar ‘tivh..Wattiok 'Able' Mornin, 'having ,naystr,:anoltKa.frilidlioin flie s timesthe accident" deceit — id: Ellui'was liesaticul and mita.' Me girl,, of ' , shoat- twenty rytare Otago; Med.:her , ehookinga death: h as caused' the greateatt grid' - among harlirge oinks . ' of frie"nde? pleport.bifoiTite kzedidd • -" " SAN Jill* 8161.06 Pitt . Dl'o6':-Defe fl:bootees', Watt-106 hfulelnigar, mole...sea roha MesonA. BART() le,Nebrasto, kVA It NO '66li feet yelloir "ptitd_63606414.25,0p0twat:6,000, boodles, 10,001ionvide, 1 6,001 waggon fellinrs Nororoga IND6t3II4I(C4Iir Cheekl4, slaldgfedllofettele tkilt,o4l6* A f- r 4?›iatnill ki., l * l -4 1 01tW:Y- *:•; PORT OB PtIIY : ADSLkH! ` Ai'~Qejit ` 3 _lase: SUN RIMS • 23 i sus sils:::4-;;;;;fe "- . ' . .-''r A'ESIYSA 3tesmaldi , liostiquilaWi,"22 IMtirs from New York,' via Cape'blay:lrith - mdie tiainidgerild nines All &rate. Bow a heavy laden barque swain in the Capes; cif Bombay Rook,: woad barque,'" and seheYsper, from New, Yotk; saw about - fifteen Aight ears in the, by riven.qepwaid , „ liteamshif, Virgloia,liellyvfnem'itiehmond;',Tiei folk, 30 ,hourepwichimdss , ant passengers' to , Thomas' Webster, It. „41110alt*.tilf -.Napo Hbrirr,_ mimed :barque • Juniata,„,hontAiverpoot, for About-ma' miles from,hhineptmeht, sow• a' sunkenhermbrie of about 800,tons -had fere faud,mainsailbstrhadttaele spars; was appmentlyanald mut; milt- had• not-been long wreaked;- took iron' her Inahrgsif and blocks at. Cached. , °Miladylsland, wail bating - Rover* from PortoOtbeiloßrig Eisehanirers,:Watt,l3_dent:from_flais Jnan-ds. Inatt , .....h.errocunatehtinsi-with sugar sad MUMS to John MaimiAk. •-- • . • Behr Nebraska„lntdy,ll days from BarionsiNei-NO,- with ,untber to Noncom & Sheets,' • ' Behr oourtney,lJimadwy, 10 dip fromVindsor,No;- with shingles to Norotoss &'bheeU. - -• • Bohr Silver fdtiNttt, 4 ` Perry, .0 days from Baton, lit ballut to N hturteratit & Oo.•• •.. • ' - - • - Behr J L Howl:4 Holliagaworth,.' . 1 day from Doror, , Del, with corwtodoWearratt & ton t • Rehr Btmans. , Blition, 1 day from Fre4risrjpel i With" wimit to Jai Bsztatt & eon. Bela J Alinuard,lmie .2 dap , fmni Milford, Deli with grain and bark to Ri chardson & Orermao. - Aihr John & nary, - 13111, , 1 day from Smyrna, D151,' Nttli wheat to Jas tsfuratt et Ban. Behr Hope Morris. days from Indian Illfari-with torn to J.L,BairleyfsfJof. : • -•-• -• • ,• - • Bohr Freemason, ffnrmmo, a d.ya •frpor Indian River, --Del, wit gram to, J L Dooley* Co: Behr raptdilion, Conner, 1 , day -from Smyrna, Del, • with oats to J Bewley Pe Co. " Bohr Bohemia, Olarki-'2' days from Ohestrakil . , .with grain to Ohrisaso Bohr Translf„ ~.: Carls :10 - 'eakesetOm le 0, with navilittorealiciijaptaini , ,A . Behr 00'0 0164. einvtli:dritifirok NSW ttesithed, with oit,; he to tholier;Datithrefillito,..* "., , '• Bohr Joseph Pe hiatiel - - CdOtt:SrourßoOon:: • A: Behr B N Fix,Thits,frton - Bohr Cfoestilesie,'"oesoyi ' Bohr irto Stood, 8 =tar, from New, York. - Behr a SY PotteeeHadesoi , from pitifireport r.tror B B:Williancliondoroork. from . Vert Irtriroon: e hr Mary johisOn, Vohofieht: !toss New 1111MiieLEJ¢qtb,ffroth_llansdr : a HAUNT, Dolph from risw , xors. *BlOjfJ Vishiyaly.lo hours (rem Lewes, Del, with . oldie and FbTrasengere folkkePTlFrer;;:;; ,4 1 30Attrgc, " • Barquel4olMis, Wjaapo.4l:stoyolo4 Rork! doirollor, tsnh 001 01 ) ;, - 44t. 0 .„PatiAtArm.,:e,;' " •• ,s• fittlatatie - betiOneiti, Neer IWO lildircifee; prig Threertwa akar. , Bolton. N Stazteniset B hr Slintatagriet, , Pierty, Bostort—' , •4o' Behr lin Wtlton, kteiderson, Boston, Brim &Co., Bahr Buttetlieelevi - DB,"9:Ylill •P'P'e% Norma ap1: 1 0;t:--' 7 Behr ffinrlaahNF 4 - iir4 c e ‘4 Behr Gee titiVedeii VelettrAirtneyi L Aadenried . co. Behr War Steed } W),thr; Point, cereider, Merge le: . "Alden/ - • 'h ' Bohr B VotreWhiter , rolro -,t Behr 4- EP ot te io ta - !Niuster,pl,A A N4,F,Let Behr Mary Sobs Mirtig Schr Sidney, -Btletii Todfroy, uk Baker, „ , Btatmar Ocari I.ler'j Baltimore, prop.,” , iF i c) The " 1 19 1 9nSK90,3bIlemor4LvAirwith',2 bocti, laden ana &meow! 11 . True American , 'corn to A G 04411° ana t: coal N J Itaciplyr . ;:#;!4loo9, 7 MC coal ,to k 7 Bar- (00,nOOlfdinee of The Preaa,f,[''.. , The tenoning , boate pania out nf .the ;Union Canal bAin# !I;:,_R ; k4fPdittileale(ken , and oone!gued as follows: , - James Toang, lightlo,Oeplater, ,OurAkei t flour to 0. a Malay; 3ohn, gralale Kaleach; Tradeatean,' 3,0 n• ere to — Eokert h. On; True A Ined"P..o;!!?. (1 , _P,i, , A 4 4 1 , 1 4, 6 004-4 o.,mb,fr.l9:lsernefela tint 'Totowa/im.) Morilaporttlonee or Um:Philadelphia Eitohatir; eatilaLatto., 8614 , 2;4 40 M. A berm brig and ihroolighb r aithoonotapiouten n this 1710C0IIIM add a barque - 41d a Boot ot aohnonera, tooded with coal, passel ont.zAVlni SE.-iriithei i. - Yowl, " ..- T.E108: - A,AU01111e;" e • `‘',' ••,A Blame Mil Delaware, copes, Debtit s kirliid. New York yesterday. - , - Ship Trnior, Beklys ' trdm .Itio tiihefro,7ll,6lo4B, bags coffee f arrtinti at New Orleans 28th ult. Ships It 0 Winthrop, NoivilleT, tot 'ffirie, President Busidt, (irein)rbleyer,' for - erned,-: hotti. froui wore, went tn - senitith ultt brig poesaillird; (Br) Ye piston, for Betmfida, d6 , 281h; One "o:aperltose, Adams, for Charlatan', dollistZt' - shipglefalth Murrill ; igida Harrel, arrlred at Cardiff 18th ult.' ' _ ' Ship Liall/sii,Bol'y,'ltil4tOiol,4siltid ton 3tat •' - - Ship Pelinouth, Derry, loom Balthisore for,Lirorponl, was agrornuto2 iiistsen toot Lnmp tat Odor,: • _ Bhip 11d4ro,„ 46 `iiiiiii'salled“frod"NiwAtark for Ban Varlets - ed. " - • , - -" - ?Ship NO; semen, from Dew York for 2ist In dies was Spoktdiluilth6Sti 1tt1440 Crabs 86'.1f , ,;?. , 44 Ship tracermaii,Ciraatk iht Bototr,glond at Oalout- - _ ta JAI, 4„ • Bhip Bored; oorfilsi 2446111.,:r Bartow •Isiorilgli.raktgitey4ttla Tanalttri,w/tht 43 00 bags 000 1 1.1 0 0-44 P ROTS* 88th Barquoldatuost furspossros t iloharnartli j irput sdo ' at • Janeiro, ivitti"6oBB , lool4goioilOt,O. Nom Orleans- Bargen,AvelyWAlrriogtOni-gjestidag:Plettiiiiiiif for this part. •, Blirque) 1 1 0t!ol:: halo, Boston nlat Ms:- - Barque Setittn, l 4l l 4.7 l 4-4: 0 4-0104if goblin -Prig 44SAitfigsr L9l s#l444.4Vgaga4it *4144. for. Ibis pert .• Bing Urito.#liStifiTatki / 10 OtiOrtivi atlorthiaiL 81st tilt • .5.:;74.." . Brig Hausook, !r.a ilkgrikahatiOgito..at rousoola Slih nit Bohr Oho VarriiiirlOttf: litiontarciotkollotihrikl • 1 4 08 .4 1 Wak 14 1 21 84 9,4411. ' ll rVival=:,.k.4. ,, t eidt "I t 4 ‘ti 11 0,f4 11 4 ,4,1 6 , 0 K: '4,90012143R , . . - Stisiner4 0 Dirt • Baltiplote 14' tardy. • - eV° . - ;litestiMPPertemborg Powell at Neteltork r let bet, .from • • • - YO'BV-Arilied; Sittost;eltlp Liverpool,.fxooi ' ' • -,:Olesredy,stemnehtit,liter the,: IlettitiAion'fOiie: -varisishr,Wone.llL Reigate, Delsoo, - St Marks; Brigs, ItemedPm 0 II Siiinson - , Porter . Pleurae t o,_ sob.: A ;Adobe, 'Showell, 81 Mertios, hldref . Tishar. Oltiirlestom A),Waririg,'diodth; do; An thet, Brerettin, Lavaca. „ , BANS= l Artired,lBth nlkstesmahlPs Ohm!. Mininj Plate, from Imilsoolii Matagorda , fltndern, , Orleestroz.. - . Ships. Viloiteressre, , Lissrpool; , ' ',.oleareid ship Bevende, Literpb6l. Brigs, Joltioieo, isonop; Tallulah, Hasson, Hs- ItestoM Suffolk, es. ~ ..1110w,-- o omtneit ti, 'ship Masoonomcii trinn Boston; bailpis.Lons Star, Riser Rockland. • • - POBEIGN 'POSTE. , ' , ~,...,8611e4 from Bong song Julio 7, ship goh'ot*ay , D, for F0041h67400 Tuna 16; beigno Thmefrotori•Cortt. tog; for 67r,r1tork. (not Lonaon) Idg , Pas,tint AnJaei Juno 7, Br ship Magnet, froni Mattis -At Batavia : June 28, ships Nightingale, Petereon, 41s shargilit, to loadfotlioeton,vis Padang; Raven Crook. tr, will probably go to Bingaptire; barque Edward Kok. plitatt,2so loos, wok/told. • • At RONA :dig 28: ship 'll B gliani, Risley. dieg, for Sauna to bad,TOCO ithde for New York at 81; barques Peti, Zdunindit;Anna. Tuthill) Escorlase, Ityderj_ War. 'Welt; Jenkins ; Andes, tfasty,,.an Bridge, Heath, .dor-bdge Georg* mutt; Thotopoo, for New York; Ott Hull, Art/it:m.lM. Boston; pi, 21:13tevene, Boiler, for N Oriente; Nanoy;WHllains. under'seiture, with advice and consent ofl7 B Oonsulorken released to take' cargo for Neer Orleans; ji teetilitte, , B woe Eger, Kelly, lad may Queen, ortori- dug; , b 1 W Holt, Cousins, for Cardinal to load 950 hbde sugar for Boston at $6; 8011. ing.Wave. Lloyd, for Signe to load 889 hbds sugar for New York at 87, and molasses on dm* at $335 per bhd of 1 0 galle;lialad, Leighton , (*tidal-anus to load 400 Jade auger for:,bew York at SBX per hrid; Z Watts, Thompaon, Meg; Bahia Brilliant, Hindman, Millard* , .rtas, lo; load 400 bhde Molasses for Baltimore; Eckrord' Webb, Tayleir, lleti • Yotk; *3 N Ward, Hol, and Hu ' ravel*, Lewis. dieg. At motio. - 14 ult,Maiques J W Andrews, Preach, Mit Boston, An - ilanado, MoDouald,tutd Turnorl, Lie. gaging, dise - ; ltorige,llranne; Church . 'from Holston, air , 21st; lolly Hufellami,lor Boston, Idg; P R Oortts,lis ley) fordo, via Cirdenitir ear T GARB; 'Rogers, Msg.. )le'g Literal hitialFzinaMilivaiiiiate:(ooslo UP TO' OKI O'CLOCK TWO 410 WILCO onum.) 11011813—Ohestnut street. below -Ninth. 3Estale,'N Y •-•M R.Solomon, Atlanta, GA AMtiOrr. NYW Allen; el - • Mrlll , Doo - ongh, Stouts' ' John Lyon, Sweden - • ' , 111 L Ogden; NOW Orleans = '-N Montgomery, Balt : ' W H Cloth, New Orleans Dr J T Hawkins, La NO Preston,'La , - N 8 Forbes, Vit 0 111 BaloNr Va -• A - j.L'Auderson, Gs - • Truslow,' , Cht- - - 1 , g N 0 Id M Pegries,' Mies 13H No t, Vs ' ' LW-Talent & ladl, Chicago - It Little, Tem - 4-Elitworth, Mobile ' W C Mann:hers, St Innis II S Sindall, - New Mexico , L E Welch, Gs - - 1113:Spinols & la, Brooklyn J L Pears' GA" P U Moore, Rs lien W H Lytle, Oloohniati Tohn - L'Caseady, N 0 _II McCraw. Louisville • -' 0 M Craw, Louisville Ci M. Jackson, Balt D P Mantague, Ran, - - •11 Young, Ps' Eltadlovit la, Cincinnati PHoideleach, Cincinnati el Glaser Cincinnati, 0 0 D Yale, Richmond O B Vale:ltiobroond • In Levy, N 0 li-Tbonms, Miss Bawl Walcott, Borten Gen Harney, II 8 A ", Geo Maron, Tenn MriWarner, Balt Mr Holloway. Balt inn H Y - 3 Seligman, Petereburg, Va Yes M Glenn. Cincinnati, 0 J'Wallingford. Hy- - D Berg, MY • - 47(41 Cashing, Balt, Miss Ormbing, " 11W• Beaus. Prey, R Wiz Sapp - Burke co, Ga Biotin & la - Burke rso;Ga Mira' thewinaker. Oa'' Geo W Berke Oct, Ga . 7 O gaPP-Euske ee. Qs - E Eliziniens & la,lty , 1 Mrs .1 0 Lemon, By • Mies B Ileiderson,lly • ' Miss B E Smith. Ify •-• 'l6 L Henderson, Hy NW Wheeler; Ga •• T Leonard, Mine Dan Edwards Clark; Maas W M Pieckard, Jr, N.? A 14 nilleher; Montgonterr Mrs (lase, Pa 1W Weir & in Harrisburg N 0 Barbra& N Y Miss M Pitman; PM - Hilly Ifon 0 W Pitmani,_Pettiv , o J Obein as Houghton, N Y F A Houghton N Y, AIM, 0 Hill & fa; Washington Doogise, N Y '3frProsieric - 2 - da, Bu ff alo B Phister. Maysville lira Mather Lyme - / Mrs Grimold & da, Lyme 1113-Eddie, Missouri E A Lewis, .W, L Dike, Steubenville, 0 , if Sera'ap,'Pa - 11'A Pearson; Louisville - B 8 tagil; Alabama A P Blickwell, Ey „ 0 (Hover, Alabama Wlißehroeder,Miss` ' itulfcird,oB, AID Milford -& A Breiniax,,Va J-.lt Vidgeley,‘Belt - - 11 W insmon, 811 4 0 Uhichardnen, 13 0, ,-' Mrs Jas Cortina. Jr) Ben Ittbist,o Clortlan; Bair 11 - It•Tb - orp„'lenn MPeek New-Hakes, CH', Peck;Cionn Jnb R Minnesota, 'll D'Oobb, Minna - eta WM Rice, Minnes ta • W 8 Dininoll, el.O 'N Irllnford, • Rack Island' ` Mrs llotthreea,"Xy - Geo Harris,. J nunlike& la, Pa B B Wine°, Va Jae Ors 4, Mo , T ILHinniman, Detroit J' Barnes & lady, Ind WUWebeter, Chicago Mrs Joe Konigmacher, Pa 0 licialgoiseher,lPs J H Tucker, Fulton, Me T iflonley,'Oolumbia, Me Geo Kellogg; Rockville F A Petaluma, N 0 - - Jbl Cobb, •Via GioLewii, Ginn Ohio - Mies A Vandimen, Ohio 'A 8 Morgei& lady. Ark Mies T V Burton Ga 'MreBG - horto2; Ga - Thos Burton, Ga ' ' It Barker - • el It Cook, Ga• • J - EritrinGa • - B Outright, Os • W Bass - milk, Ohio F F Brooks; Oln, Ohio ' inerrant, Ohm. Ohio • - H T H o wland, Troy,'N Y Win J Drickain; Cinn, 0 - Jls Miner, lowa 'Sirs Kimball , Mseaschusette Mrs Ilses, - Min adrinl Miss Bass & eider, Mee U Bade, Miesimippi J Nrugtlyilifesiselppt -R L J Reid, B_o o.wen, - Alabarrut - • - • Mrs Keels do family, Is VA -Buckner, La • - • Rll Hatchings, Ga M H ThoinpeonAlliss • - F Maddox:, Ga - Rtiblahrine &la; Ky, ••• -W Johann; N 0 Mrs I DEW+ & dan; N 0. - Adam Jones Jr; Gs GHJon%s,;Ga. „ -- •• • - EL For - elan, Ga W.ll Wright, 43 0 • • • •W C Bibb,'ldontg, Ala - Mrs biarriall Alex. Va Miss MorriolL Alex, Va 'BS'Adarits; Alex, Va -Dr - Annan' & la, Wainin Eltaniels, Bloomington • Mrs W H Cornstock,Blm , n - CI &Wilma Mantaville, Ala J Kimball Jr,-Mare , Miss A B 13parnoer i •A IF • ',EI A Cotter, Cann - A , Kimball, - Alabams, • • •• B G Adair & Is, - Taus, 80, - - • • J Oreerei 8 0 0 V Wood. illacon, , Cis • . -W .11 .AUeri; Jackson, Miss Andrew &Shp, La • - W Batton, Hartfor d G B Bill, Del oo Pa- • L W,Olose & sons, Dalw X Bander,'Pore - Eoyal 'W A Ramsay.43*--- - N_Prasman,-42. rs - atuier, Als ” -Philip Winemsri, 80 -- B Port. Port Rico - Bolton, L New ton Pa Ron Crawford Ala O R iefferson;Del - f'fiT Snider. Pa " 13-Copeland; Conn '0 Rorke, New Orleans 1-H inkrion. New Orleans 3 Mon.utford. new Orleans W &Campbell New Orleans J 9 Bryan, Evansville Ohio II Berkeley., Va W Bond, N Y W, W Peck, N Y J Frye, Baltimore VVJ.blewfusn.N Y ' Lt Can Winaeld Scott, N Y T Decatur Harrill& la; N o ' - G R Bsgby , Richmond, Vs J G Coilman, Va . J M Stewart, Vs Miss Bettie Stewart, ys Wan B.neirk la: Ala lilts Bell, Ala ' - •Rent& ielfe;Ohjoago Mies E,Resd,Chleago-- F Dam Oa , N Baas & - • - Miss 10 Hurt, Ga W Hart, Oa• - • Base, Ga -Mrs Gen Wayne, 8 0 H J Lamar & wife. Ga A Clark, Baltimore' - A Balla & la, Mobile, Ala Wm 0 Anderson,El Vona - - RBOBANTIP'HOTit'LL-Mgertli Street. below Arab. N Lukens': Trenton;NJ -; H B Lyon, Munch Pe Clark: Elchmond, Va 11 Corn, Pa • , 'Otiontilulllittit Pa-- •, W-P- Mandela nteptien Johnson; N , 0 J L'Ellgon, Leavenworth NA/ LaOrietf.l 4 ' (t k' White, Pittsburgh D Adttod,'Pittsburgli B Hubbard. Hartford 'Li Maginia. N'l L Elo,kopttrirrille By. a Brewsti4 Pt Madison Orrin Newton; Pittsburgh „W„ Wheeler, Vermont Bobt weld, Jr. Virginia PN V Spice, Mansfield, 0 W Olobnat , in Tennessee .1 - pltogers. Tennessee J 0 Trigg, °Void, MINI Henry yolomon, 8 0 „wm II Lepgly. Ohio James Condlon Hollidays.g J D Tones, Pittsburg]; W'Ohapmari, Indiana J W Thomas, ; lll - Hear) Welsh; York, Pa JWhiteley, Balt Bra lasppard, Oinn ' Thief Leslie Ala. N 7 ' - Lewis 8 PantPa T B Itt.becta lod tJor_hr Burch field,ft Pittb'gh W,B Abort Pittsburgh A-tiornikon, Brie 'lire Joe Ite'lly:Plttsbnrgh B. A Rego, Va Llano, Taylor, Pittsburgh " ' Blt Owyn, N 0 B J•Bergerigatkera : AlialloCloy. . 0 0 Cobb, Xddyrille lOhnllMlggins Sy W 11 Ohio Birpon Weaver, Ohio . - Taw* Pclatt. • Michigak John' ionessey,Xy "Niiriuel Poke; • ' 1g• Allerick,Arkansig • Mrs Holloway, Ohio W Bielliti; Chicago' N T Bead, Chicago Lowry k .Dativille,lll •TM Jarrett, Min .1-11117eWtigr, o.hio " 0 Logg den. Ohio Mr,Grinkslay,'Oespart,lrod Mi Bpdegraff,,Gospork, Ind Virt-Dimlop;'Wle • J 8 Thompson, Pa T-A Harker : NeW Brig hton P N Barker. N Brighton 8•W Lrintbeil, Gino' ,W T Richards, Balt ICKelly, Fattlengton , tlaml W Opeocer, Ohl* 0 B Linderman,* Chunk 8.8-0613ngs, Wilkesbarre .JMWilsonAcin ~ Jae Pail, Ohio U gree.gor tilti•• il At it Willey, Miss 0 Tuttle , Witabtog W MoDOwell,'Athene,Qa 3.0 &Mar:Pa' Blanchard, Hartford .11. R Btevinion, - Jactsonyille A 0 Wood, Jacksonville 0 W. Diathany, Epriogdeld P Blialchloson, Lafayette Miss it Shinty, Lafayette, : BB Casey, Bradford, Pa 11 Wentworth. WIG , M Johnson, N DB G iitler; N 0 L ?Made, Pa Gen Merchant, Ohlo Mrs 0 O'Hagan, Ohio 'J z bl Wolcott & la, OuyndOtte •• • • —• • . AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Sixth. - Dr J fticlzilirleCi. Le- McCollis°, Port Deposit binion,`Pe • - 'W Sanderhon, 81 lane, NB 8 W N - • 3'B,Everrett, ,T Thoinrann, Philadelphia W Adam, 'Vs 1,0 Smith, Conn •a• Balmy, Belt ". Newlan. Ya; , .lI.T Blanton, Tenn • 0 Oliver, Tenn L Walker,' N J • blonds Emhart, N Y • •••-• 'J N lle.linga, N Gat Simmons, N I ' N Elliott & lady, R I I Head and union, Mo . H (I 0 Carpen'er, N J W talameon. Lancaster,Ta. J D Pratt, Ball `Judge Wood, N Y .1 Bogota, Via Id J. Wright and famlly, • Mrs Clement and child, Merapble, Tenn ' ' Memphis. Tenn .7 Smith. N Y T Avistm,y C J,O.Buckltigham, 8,0 -T W Anderson, & lady, Ye B o•Aciddreon, Ya " - blise F 0 trainer, Vs 7 belbon, Trenton, N J J I Miley, 11l - , I Smith, Yetmont 0 G Paten, N J Simmons, Wilmington N Wilkins, W ilmbigtow • DBbarp,N D b Tenn" • ' A Poen., N J 4 tAnnik. Cape 1 11 1, W Fleming , _Nrsbing atitciart;ObrOgo D 0 T Whyte. Augusta.; 0 II Brinton, West Obeeter I Stine, Balt "- ' 4 , - • I Ilittman, Balt I II:Sloan, bfh • N flower.- lowa 'John B Steward, G IR Gamble. Ala • John W, yly; Tenn ' X Wyly, Tenn . 'Mies bl Wyly, Tenn '• bliss R W yly, Tenn •• - blies.A: Wyly, Tenn . W ball & son, Tenn •T X gall,-Tein" • G Herbert; Chicago „ • 044 bteNcitt, NY' . "1 A Scydel. bid • Antiedge, bfd.." • ;" - ',.D Lord & le, Boston Ste - Williams, *ORM, • 'Xis Lathrop, Boston • 'Mire Dix, Boston - - ; D Lord, Boston "-Wino"g llaowleb A"lt~ Daly' II Smith A la; Tenn 0 - 11C1011;1dattella • '"""Thor IC Motile, Trenton ' Pasaano Belt P Wiley, Balt 'Elle Silver. N I T " B. S fleillith, Belt '0 If'SrecketcliT " bottler, blase • . A El Caldwell. Washingt'n, Joe A Blick;,a, Thde Canon, Del ' Geo - E Beaton. ' , lb D'lteed, Pa •"- • - 11 Belle; WY - • Rhodes;•Seinton. "l •• •• :R H Prink, Tenn -. ' • lienj Iflocany, bl Springs - -." - IShos YoadlokOry roelonti Ca' • - • "-• WlVllliams, Indiana ril T MoOntehou, Infilibui;" 7 7 ( l , l.fl'iaokion, 7 Tenia • - .j•G,ltiipy • Tenn"- . - • - „; , • griffobi GOTE&-leeh bieloaijohelb.: GMbittelnine 0 - 'W • T'llaillttl-Ashboro, Pi-Newman ~JROX Weiods; A,B ate &lii, , Blibonisheirg • 0 W•lifilebll,Easthni Pa An a i n meri•picv • • i • ~"D Sdirely t New Albany X Couldleleilinrg. 'l3 Otavec '''Grlliyle7Ltrayette, ilb-Wlitowarkindisnei J P KeoDman , Pittsburgh I .I,oraliKafidlon , •- TipPifigi Ashland, 0 7,WCA Boiler; Ailibitil..47 - ' '•;' , A!--Bantri; Giv • McWoOdi, Allento • wcir-• , • j'A‘Weight: blellimk •l• Bather" N Chin*" o • Cl'll7latclift Tamaqua' A II 110109WMAN .11,0 - eistuberget, Lads op bloiliLewistownpPet'-'l3 Ceddrinciik - -B & is, 11l Oboe Schaihnui. N Wain Broiruc_lll Bryan -Eolith, N - 4, Dtelsbach - , Oirelte 0 eD 11,4iigner,,VIralevillei 0 "Alf Battertleld,;Clinii 0 g-7.WotheyvOlrilleville,o iftepbtinsi-Enton i , 0-- nencemitn).o •••7 , 7' ibbleOutinpfl gdrifitdisone Ind : ' Snider, Stark 00, Ohio • trtto,nelitebk Poi Ohio Whittemao, 8 • Jobb :Stenebeck.' & Phu*: - :,',quota. PL.: , ' Zoe John rehwartu;' , ltemding.i. 'A I HNC .1! Altdntown W Isseasi,Tettelifitute Ind W;llotehisoni ', • „EkkothittloyatltottniiMo . ^ll J Stone; Whlitnitl; ..„.,a-MPUTilledti ol oll.ltAti . Wettniarahauseni Belt .nra t lifuthny47.-.1 c. " • DrßOXllol7Bl4leoond;atroet. •". • matettfr.;.builliap4 :Wm Arolok tr, /a, Trenton 'Geo WlLuntiMindon. , , asmi I Croft, Burlington -Thool Tomungipill3;-2;%"Zplirahn Hanford 2e 41(WaketrohltAWIMix.sr.;:i'„,;:yaonison, Dpiaware.. 140 1147 ; Delo! a 10441 gmoith,g9.o, r;A:4 • •-• .thY 3,§1t6; 'its* Ha, trionk.so "4"- - NATIONAL HOTRILI/aes ain't; shwa xhlyd. Ohilde. Mkt Murrit7Pa - Jot Lonineeker,.PaJce aker. Mt Ohre 31 1 1 War ord4N J' ItDempater:NJ a, • L Atwood. N Y T eletber:London Pa OaptJ Keeton • ()has Steffen. 11l - Ivo Gould Hickory Bun. B P Gould; Maker) Run H Bachman, Pottstown kb' Yanoooturn, N W Patterson, • No!' Berlin . W.P Youte,-PoraOllnton' Raper, Lebanon - .y 7012) Melly, Lebanon - S Thomas Pottavlllo L N Nettle s Oollunbla Cu, Pa ••• .88EBIAPHOTEL—Beeond street, below Vine Samuel Phillips, N J • Wm Barnsley, N J Win II Bcadder,Phila • - 0 Beane, Enoka so, Da Palst. , Backs co. - Pa E L Elwood, Phga „ B Atkinson; 'Boots 00, Pa -0 D Robbins, PhDs A Olaytdo,- Backs so, Pa Huai Baker, Backs co, Pa Wm Toocker, Boon ' BLACK DBAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. James Brown, Md • W Rankin. Flarlington,N ,T R.T owls, Burlington, N J P Lewis, Delaware so, Pa Z Willem, Delaware co, Pa W Hibbard; West Chester L Beck, Chester co, Pa - J Devoe, West Ohester A J Lemon k Is. Del - 'W H Chesney, Cheater co Jiiitubles. Chester co, Pa OM. Taylor, Delaware oo 0 B Lamborn, Pa J Davis Is, Charter co, Pa .1M Barclay, Posters, Pa IC Lamborn, Chester co,Pa W M Swarm, Charger co,Ph BALD EAGLE TIOTEL—Third street. lb. Callow bfll Anderson Calvin, Emden J E Zimmerman, Lyon Val 8 W Dart, N Y " - ley, Pa - Eivicial Notices. Jules Hanella Eau Athenlenne, or Hair RENOVATOR.—This chemical discovery is not a dye; acting on the tubes, it changee gray hair into a brown cr black, beautiful and life-like, whereby de, cadence is prevented,and the ravages of , age and ill health repaired by a beautiful growth of the most NO and glossy hair. It will not stain the skiff or discolor the finest linen. Bold by all Druggiate,-and afthe Laboratory of JULES IiAItEL ar - Importoni and Perfumers, No. 194 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. eel-St seamen's Saving Fund—Office 6103 Walnut street, ono door west uf Stipend street- Reoeives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upward', from all classes of 'the cominunity, and allows Interest at the rate of live per cent. per annum. ' Omen open daily, from'a until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. )'resident; Franklin Fell; Treasurer , and esorefary, Otiarles M. Profeesir Saunders' Classical Institute, at the Went• Philadelphlek Institute: corner of Market stria and William, wilt be reopened on the drat MON DAY of September: Pupils to the number of fifty, will be raeelytal ALTHORN lIRPBRAR OF PARR ON TER 1./trium' RAILWAYS Or TRS'OI77. Thus, without expense, by a pleasant and safe con veyance, pupil* can be carriedlnto the fresh air of the country In less than half an hour from the centre of the city. Several acres of span ground border on the beautiful groves of this keminary, which is patronized by many of the distingUished gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Jfditore of The Pram, the Ledger, and - The North American and United States Gazette. Pupils aro received by the day, or into the family of the krinolpal ~ PHILADELPHIA, Icily 1,1859 -"We, the 'undersigned, have had sons or wards in Professor Baundetal Institute 'end family 4uring the erasion which has just cloud. In respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress in thorough education, our . expeotatiens have been fully realized. To our friends, who are looking for a leatiledly good school for their eons, we cordially recommend Professor Bsuodeja' Institute "MATTHEW NEWKIRK, 100 1300 Arch street. _ "MO. W. YORNEY, aide of The Press. "CHARLES XL THOMPBON s ' Thompson & Rood, 413 Chestnut street. «J. S. BILVBRO.IOO Glut(' Avenue. 1 ?W. L. SPRINGS, 331 Dlarketfitteet. 1, GEORGE H. MARTIN, lOU Walnut street au2.841t General De'bility.—This 'convenient term Includes numerous ill-defined and supposed Incurable forms of Mamma, accompanied by general lassitude and exhaustion, without any ascertainable external or In tenni cause. The PERUVIAN SYRUP sends Its re. novating influence to the inmost recesses of the system, and has relieved in our community many cases of sup posed incurable disease., For sale In this eity by F. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut, and frassard & 00., Twelfth and Chestnut. • -au3l.4l&wtf ■ ►dug Purid.,—PAve Per Cants :Interest.- -NATIONAL BADETY . TRUST OOMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. W. corner of TUIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In 'my sum; large or small, and Interest paid from the day of delimit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made In Real &state, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and. such first-class &curl ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9oMlock In the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, ud on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 &Moak. fM One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the boat meaner, expressly for lISTAIL SALIM. We mark our lowest seiling.pri:es in exent rioultalt on each article. Ail goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our 005-PRIMI STSTSII is at. ictly ad. bared to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated "'lke,. JONES,k CO., • 601 MARKET Street. Thomas W. Bally, No. 622 Market Street, Importer'and Desist. la Fine Watches, Jewelry, Oliver and Plated Ware: First-elms ioods ooristantls on hand. The subs miber, paying cash tor emery article, is enabled to son at a small advance.. Those about parchaalog would. do_wan_to.eall —3:41-,eiur - warratittgr d 3 repre sented. eel* • ' & Ba&fir, OILIBRATID WARILY SAWING MATH/N3O, ORESTNUT STBENT. , These Machines are now justly admitted to bulb, best in use for family sewing, making - a new, strong, 'and elastic, stitch, which will wor rip, evert If every fourth stitch be out: Oircrolors mut on application by letter, • Jackson, 'JOB PRINTER, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Ellis Lading, Bill Heads, Cir. eulars, Oards, and an other kinds of Job Printing, at p•tMs to Ina *h. nma: • "ste.lt Marriage f. On the td 'natant, st the Ohtirob of the Nativity. by tke Rev. Robert 0 Matlack. Mr. CRAB. I.WALTON to Mlle OEORGIANA A. ANDREWS, daughter of the late T. 0. Andrew. On the 81stAngnst, by Rev. Edward 0 Jonee, Mr HOBERT M'OLINTOOK to MIAs MART DAVIS, all of this city. '• - * On the list Inst., by Rev J. Mason, Mr. STAN PER KINS to Ellsa ANN G. - JOHNSON, both of Wilmington, Delaware. On the Met ult.. br the Rev J. U. A. Bomberger. Mr. AUGUSTUS L. HAUB, of thin city, to Mine MALINDA B STINE, daughter of General D. Mine, late of Le. Union, Pa. On the Id inst.:by Alderman Charles Y. Helffrieht, Mr. WM. LISOKO to Mae PUNA. OTT, both of this city. * On the 19th nit., by the ker. Joseph Kennard, Mr. ROBERT K. PARKER to Mks AMANDA 0. LEIDY, all or this atty. - - 0 IZleathe. ,On the let inst., SUSANNA A. H., wife of John Maley, and daughter of George Kohl, in the BOtk year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Twelfth street, below vine, on Saturday morn ing at 8 o'clock. Services in the Church of the Assump ton—thense proceed to the Cathedral Cemetery. ** On the let lost ;MARY ANN WARDIN, relict of the late Jos oph Wardin, in the 88th year of her age. The relativet and' friends of the, family are respect. fall invited to attend' the funeral. from her late rest deuce,. No. 156 North Fifteenth Street; on Saturday afternoon,* 3 o'clock. ' ** On the 81st nit., JAMES CONLON, in the 21st year of his age. ' On the 31st ult., SAMUEL DE AMISH, in the 26th year of his age. . On the 31st ult., Mrs. SUSAN WONN, in the 79th par of tor age. On the 81st ult., MARGARET JONES, in the 79th year of her age On the 31st tilt., Mr. CHARLES LYONS, eon of Mary and the late John Lyons, in the 98'h year of his age,* Oa the Slot ult.; JOSEPH DOUGHERTY, in the 224 year of his age. On the Met n't. j J. OftlYirMi, in the 21th ye►r of hie age. * .Ifive yen seen she Century Plant? 111 not go at once to 1010 CEIFATNUT pTREET, (late Parkinson's.) as the Flowers are all out and the bloom will soon be overotod your opportunity for lac ing snob a Floral Wonder may never again be enjoyed. se3-2t* TrPhiladelphia Lyceum—The reassembling of the Members end Mende of the Lyceum will take place on SATURDAY RVRNING, sept 4. at the Mall. S. - E. - corner Ninth and Spring Garden streets, at 734 &cloak. • . Them meetings 11111 be continued every Saturday evening, This Invitation extends to the public of both sexes se3-Itrt • JOHN ASHTON, 800. rfr.Steurnbeat Law —Having understood that the STEAMBOAT INSPBO tOltd, appoint ed under the law of Congress, approved August 50 h, A. D. 1852, are blamed by many persona for allowing certain Berry Boats on the Delaware to run and carry passenstere in their present condition, we do hereby in form those persona, and the publio In general, that we, the said impactors, have no control over Berry Boats, (inept where the owners choose to have them put un der said law; as will be seen by referring to the 421 section of eatd law, which reade es. followe, viz: "And bo it further enacted. that *hie Ant ehall not apply to pubito rentals of the 'United - States r or vessels of other countries, nor to steamers used as Ferry Boats, Tug Boats, Towing Beate, nor to steamers not exoeedlng . lso tone bonbon. and used In whole or In part for naviga ting Canals." This Claes of Steamers remain sub./eat to the lsw of 1838. : ea-ktet LOCAL INIOECTOII3. GTNotice —Howard Fire and Martha In. SURANCE COMPANY—PumAnetrarA, Augnet 25, 1858 —ln accordaliee with the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, an ELEOTION for TWENTY DI; RECTORS, to serve for lhe ensuing year, will be hold at the Office of the Company, No, 412 WALNUT St., on TUESDAY, the 7th day of neptembor, 1858, between the haunt of 10 A: M. and 2 P. M. . ,angektdeepB CHARLES A. RUT', Secretary. fere City Commissioners+ 'Office. Fatt,antl.rata August SO, 1353. ‘YEIN BOARD OF REVISION wi l t moot at One office to ful6l the dation of their appointment, an follows: First ward—Monday,"September oth, 1858. Second wird—Tuesday, September 7th. . Third wardl—Wedneedel. September Bth. - -Fourth ward—Thursday, September Bth. " Fifth ward—Friday, September 10th. 811th ivatd—Monday, September 13th. . Seventh ;ward—Tuesday, Beptetnber 14th. '`. Bighth ward—Tredoesday, •eptember 15th. .., State We'd—Thursday, September lath. Tenth ward—Friday, September Xleventh ward—Monday, SiptemberlOth. . Toelfth ward—Tnerde.y. September,2lst. - 'Thirteenth ward—Weeliesday, September 22d. `, Fourteenth ward—Thursday, September 234, yfftplinth Ward—lerlday, September 24th • • Fliteentliwardl-blondey, September 27th. Seventeenth ward—Tamil &Veber 28th. ayi eptember 29th. :Nineteenth word—Thursday, September Spill. Twentieth ward—Filday; October tot ,- ' , rwentv-fi int Wirt-t—lfiidlif Oatober 4th.- Twenty•snaotid. ward—T - 120day, October Bth. Twentr;third Ward:=TiredobadaylOdtober 6th. Terenty.fourth ward—Thureday, October 7th.*. V" The Assentor' of the various wade will take no tics accordingly _ MOT, - . _ - - :LOGAN.. - Commie% RDIViD R. WILLIAMS, - A. 31 FLOM - - Receiver of Te2oB. wruaem•moussitt, sowt. • .- • . City Treasurer, inTE pREss.:;-pifiL i iimpat4,;, - MlDAVir:sEprminlEß 1858. ifftiotioe:=AiiAn for serenfitrectern of the MONTOUR IRON ~ COMPANT, to se m: on the ensuing year, wall be held on SATURDAY,. the fourth day of September next, between thelhours twelve 0 , e1001r,. M. and • one o'olook /', Mr at the /at° °Mee Of the Company, in the Aeading Itahrosd Minx panes Boildinge, in the city of Philadelphia, Paula, ey order of the Board, T. M. BRYAN, .7r: t e4-dteopt,4 , -,„_tieeretarY• MasaJuliana aub Capartneral4o. THEiethFiniray d O i t u R oh l e br a .G by G m O u L tu D ia c g , t ,li R an tO c iAit he. b aS i• nese wilt be settled by either party. -WM. 0. RINGGOLD, - D. 11. RIOGARDS. WAL B. RINGGOLD will continue the Wholesale and Retell Dry Goods business at the old shunt, No. 1030 Market street D. B. Dial :Mang has removed toIIO3IIIITABEED St end yrlll continue the Wholesale and Detail Dry Goods business. sen-lt* Gnurational. THE Duties of Madame D'OUVILLE'S French and English Boarding and They School for Young Ladles will be remained et her residence, 160 CHESTNUT Street, September 331 h. sea-4t* VI,OO UTION TAUGHT, STAMMERING ‘2.4 1 Cured, and Defective Articulatiori Corrected, by A. COMSTOCK. M. D., at hie Vocal Gymnasium, 608 ARCII Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Cometook , a Circular will be sent, if de fired. eepl-BtiS HEWAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the Violin end Pl,no. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence of his father, Professor Allen, No 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. sepl.tool AOLDEMA OF THE YROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JUNIPER Streets. The autumnal Session of this Institution will open on MONDAY, September Bth, at 9 &Mock A. M. The Episcopal Academy presents peculiar advanta ges, both for the moral and intellectual training, end for the physical development of the youth committed to its care. The course of instruotion to thorough, and no palue will be spared to perfect the pupils In the va rious Audios which from time to time they may pur- BUO The rooms of -the Academy Building are numerous, lofty, and well ventilated, end the pupils during re cess enjoy-the advantages Of an enclosed Play-ground, and ati ample gymnaselum. Boys able to read, and not less thaileight years of age, are received as soon as they have begun to write and cipher, and are conducted through the various classes of the Academy - with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. .The tuition fee for those in the lowest class is $BO per annum, for all others $7B per annum ; payable half yearly, in advance. Besides this fee, there are no other charges. Drawing, the French language, and the me' of the Gymnasslum being included in the price above mentioned. Application for admiselon maybe made to the Prize. pal, at the Academy, daily, after August 01st, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. AI aule-tn f-4w Oboe Sinbiugo. EDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, One door above Fourth WORTBR AND DRAM IX GALLOONS, MEETINGS, IRENOH KID, PATENT LEATHER, CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMMINGS, LAOES, suG9-2m 'NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. The underehmed (sneoessors to the late TOSNPH T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the OLD STAND, Northeast corner of ARON and POURTII Streets. Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISIIING every article In the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terme, are unsurpassed. The attention of BUYERS Is respoctfully solicited, - Wll. JOHNS & BON, N.B. corner Arch and Fourth ate, SALAMANDER SAFES A large assortment of EVANS k WATSON'S PIIILADBLPRIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT •DOORS, Tor Banks and Stores. DANK LOOKS, • Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS. &a., On as good terms as any other establishment In the Grated Steel, by EVANS' to WATSON, No: 28 Tenth FRONT Street, PLEASE GIVE US A CULL. Phibide a l u P l h B l . a ti A GENERAL CAUTION. PRENTISS'S WASHING AND SCOURING SOLUTION The proprietors of the above preparation have been informed that in consequence of the success or their discovers, attempts have already been made to wan torten it, by the enbstitution of an Nucleus article. They therefore deem it due to themselves and the public to issue this OAIITION. and to urge all who desire to obtain the genuine preparation, to purebue only at their utablialtment, or at the authorised agen cies. SAMUEL GRANT, du.. h 00., 189 South WATER Street. N. D.—Measures will immediately be taken to deal with all oountertelters according to law. ae3-frmwet pr w ov m ed . e m l o ty L p E rrorty mioe . $5 1 500 To toyes.kinji ,thittgoza,ot Im 7 nveyeneer. ee3-3t* 152 South Fourth street. BROWN STO T.-40 casks PI Final & 11-1 , Wllllame,” Imported direct from London, In store and for sale Sr WM. 11. INATON, era, QIP Pnotb TR/INT Ptreat MONONGA HE L A WHISKEY.-60 Bbls, 20 belt bids Pure Rye Whiskey, in store and for sale by WILLIAM R. YEATON, ask N 0,216 South FRONT Street. OIGARS-800,000 in store-and X.A :or sale by WILLIAM R. YBATON, se3 No. 216 Booth FRONT Street. SALAD OIL.-25 cases finest Tuscan Lynch on, la store and for nolo by WILLIAM U. YEATON, sea 216 South FRONT Street. 'UST RECEIVED—Lot of FOUNTAIN s.P PENS to write five Winn. G. W. NEED, se3-7t* Corner Second and Vine. HAVANA LEAF-100 Bales Havana Leaf Tobacco landing ex Mary U. Kendall. For sale by A. MERINO, ee3 140 South Front street. SHERRY AND rola' WINE. - -8 0 qtrs., 10 Eighths Harmony Sherry; 20 qrs. Wallis Port Wine, In bond and for sale by WILLTAM H. It EATON, ee3 210 South FRONT Street. UNITED STATES GO VEa NNE N T LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICACIO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence In selecting and locating lands In the widows Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable aolections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASS. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make jursonal examinations, he can always make the most dicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be had in , lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. ID. Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. Jyl6-6m IVOTIOE.—The public are respectfully in 1. I formed that the BILLIARD SALOON. southwest corner of TWELFTH and CHESTNUT St eete, bee been thorowahly refornished and fitted up with MICHAEL PHELAN'S LATEST PATENT, and will be opened to the public on MONDAY evening, September 6th. Du ring the evening several matches wilt be played by Michael Phelan, 0. Bird, Dudley Oavanagh, (the chain plon of the late tournament at Saratoga,) and V. Istephe. All lovers of this gentlemanly game are in. Need. It is the intention or the proprietor to make this Saloon s resort for gentlemen, and he hopes, by a strict attention to the bush, ess, to merit and receive the pa. tronego of the community, se2.3tti, A NEW•AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY WASHING , AND SCOURING SOLUTION. PATNNTED JUNE 22, 1868 This important discovery has just been patented by the United States, and It is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers, and others. It ie labor-eavin preparation, and costs less than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While it cleamme, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every description, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have boon given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and 'Mame. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by SAMUEL GRANT, JR., & 00., 139 SOUTH WATER STREET, jy22•thtu ly V PIIILAMILPIIIA „-.% FOWLER, - WELLS, & 130., 922 011E8TNUT Street, keep standard works on Z Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure and Pho. nography, wholesale and retail. Phrenologi. cal Examination,with chesty, and full writ , ten descriptions of elvraeter, given day and even. bag. Cabinet free to visitors. gi ven by mail to be addressed to Yowler, Wells •fr. Ohestnui • JaSdknolt.erk7 t sep SO %/WINDOW GLASS! WINDO W V V (MAW i.,We Invite the attunttou at the piib• Ito to our extensive Auk of /french and' American Window Glue. Tho large and well. selected stook of Masa oonetantlj an band enablei ns to 611 all orders cit with desystoh 3 and an low u any other M h U ouse In the y. -ZIEGLER TH, Wholesale Denali% rola S. W. corner of Second and Green also. • fIAP.E 'MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.— There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CIGARS with them, se a complete assort ment of,GENVINB HAVANA, of Samuel filmes'e Im. portatiOn, will be found on sale at CONGRESS HALL, Oape Island, and at the UNITED STATES, Atlantis Olt? • ITO 11ALE ROPE - 1,000 ' coils of superior Balo R Rope, manufactured expreiele for the Southern market" az4 for sale by HEAVER, PITLER _& 00,, au2B4f 23 North Water street. A BRAM- BLACK'S ENGRAVING, DIE ° 4 - 1 awl Embosited Printing, Envelope, And Sig 'Pros Mani:dilatory, No. 1 Routh. BIRTH Street, Pa.-."" • ivel24ini GANGS OF • AIGGIN (3 , made to orderby • WEAVER, IHTLER, & CO.,' 'YR 28 _North Water Street, end • No. 22 North N 7 HARVNB. ItrACKEREL —250, bble Nos. 1,-2, and. .I.l.l. , braokerel, now landing, and for mode by 0. O. BADLOR & CO.,' ' eel. , Atilt at, asocaurdoor abOys Front JAMPB W. POBINS, Principal S. SALISBURY, 49 CLARICE Street, OhAesito V: ESTEPHE PRENTIBB , II inr,2 (oobs ,JObtro. 1858 FALL GOOD S: -1858 : Tus Subscribers bog learn to inforni their friends, and country merchants generally, that their stock of HOSIERY, . - ,• . • GLOVES • ' ' ' ' • . ' SHIRTS, . - . DRAWEES, - - - WOOLLENS, and SMALL WARES, is noir complete, comprising their usual assortment, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. They Would especially call attention to their stock of . - .13UOESKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. - - i.i Oomprng the . .. . sexoyna, 4ERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND OTHER DESIRABLE h1A11.66, Which they have purchased directly from the Menu , factorere for cash, and are now prepared to sell at reduced rates: „ SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER,. & 00.0 IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 36 N. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, se3-2m ' Near the Merchants' Hotel. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS,- No. 429 At.A.WEET STREET, • , lIIPORTBRB AND JOBBERS OP ' aLovEs, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-GLUM% GERMAN AND HUMOR FANCY GOOD 3. au34-2m SMITH, MURPHY, & 00., 287 EMMET St AND 228 011IIROLI ALLEY, Are now opening A FRESH STOCK STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of OASH AND PROMPT SHORT TIME HTITRItB. PUILADBLIPULI t August, MC en24.2m R.'OAMPBELL & 00., No. 804 MARKET STREET, IMPOSTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS WHITS GOODS, LINBNB, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS GENERALLY SIBLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, No. 326 MARKET STREET, Moe now oponed and are daily Secalorlng a cholas Stock of Silks and Fancy Goode for the FALL TRADE, Consisting ot:— • BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS, - BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS, DRESS GODS OP EVERY VARIETY, WRITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES AND MITTS. LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, too. To which they Invite the attention of Buyers gene. rally., nu2o-1m • SPARHAWK, DIINTON, & WIIRTS, 302 MARKET STREET:, Are BELLING OER their STOCK 01I1AP TO CLOSE BUSINESS. GREAT INDUOEMENTE4 WILL DO OFTERID TO OAHU BUYERS. The Kook oonsioto of STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, Awl to Imo enliven solotted. sul94m ALEXANDER & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY. GLOVES AND FANOY GOODS, ,;,(SAY! BEIIOTED TO) Nog, 480 MARKET AND 428 MERCHANT BTB., And have j;et opened a NEW AND 00111PLETB STOOK OP GOODS, °apnea.) , adapted to FALL TRADE, To which the attention or their customers and FIRST , CLASS BUYERS le invited. anlY:dtnovl 1119 L. HALLOWELL & 00., 333 MARKET STREET, HAVE now to stot• the largest and most attraotlre suortmont of SHAWLS, , " MANTLES, AND CLOAKS to bee - iound In the` city. • They have also an unusually handsome variety of F-A.NOY DRESS GOODS, And other articles In their line An examination of their stook Is solicited from CASH BNB SHORT CREDIT BUYERS ONLY suBl•tn th trt et JOSHUA.'L. BAILY, N. W. 0011. FIFTH AND MARKET OTO., PIIILADELPHIA, Eu now open a CITOICE AND ENTIRELY NEW BTOON FOREIGN St DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, FOR BALE PILOT? REGULAR PRIOEB, To which he Invitee the attention of Buyers from all sections of the country. aul7lm . 1858 SILK GOODS. 1858 FALL IMPORTATIONS. xxamm, ROSS, 8t Wig'H~RS, 691 MARKET STREET, 619 COMMERCE STREET, PRILA.DELPIIIA. Rayo now In More their complete IMPORTATION OF SILT AND FANCY GOODS, To which the attention of the TRADE ie invited. .anl4.4at - MARTINS, PEDDLE, Si HAMRICK, HOSIERY, GLOVES., and FANCY NOTIONS, No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, FIVE DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Offer for sale the meet complete stock of goods in their line to be found in the 'UNITED STATES, Consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade, GLOVES for men, women, and children, oomprising an assortment of over 800 hinds, lINDERSRIRTS and DRAWERS, LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS, LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS and SHIRT FRONTS, LADIES' ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of entirely new designs, with an endless variety of Notions, to which they invite the attention of FIRST CLAW WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. aeld•Bw MEN'S rDRNISDLNG GOODS , AND - TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE & PEARCE, 9 SOUTH FOURTH, ONE DOOR BELOW MARKET STREW, nava In store a full assortment of Men's Woznishing Goods and Tailors , Trimming', to which they invite the attention of Clothiers end Merchant Tailors. aul6lin FALL STOOK SILK AND FANCY GOODS. HP,RRING & OTT, N. W. Corner of FOURTH mid MARKET STREETS, Have now In store a splendid assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS BUYERS. anlB-2rn QIIINTIN CAMPBELL, Ja., & CO., IMPORTDR9 AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, emovra, and FANCY GOODS ' No. 341 MARKET STREET, ' Northeast Corner of POMMEL H. A. EgACIMELTORDi QUINTIN OutruLL, Ja aul24an FALL STOCK OF CLOTHING. CHARLES HARKNESS to BON, No, 888 MARKET STREET, BOOTIIIEAST CORNER OP 11013RTK, Hare 11011' in store a large and splendid assortment of PALL and WINTER CLOTHING, Manufactured ex. presaly for the Southern and Western Trade, which they oiler for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the usual Credit. BUYERS are Invited to call end examine for them 'etym. aul2.2m 3'1601180N, JOB PRINTER. Hat'Removett to PIPTII LN4) QBBSTNUT OTAPT, FALL GOODS.. • MARTIN it WOLFF, - 288 MARKETT, STiME DRY GOODS. • anl6-1m FALL STOCK. FITHIAN, JONES, .4. 00 ., No. 215 MARKET STREET, THROOOLI TO No. 204 011,IIR0H ALLEY, Rave now in'siori a - COMPLETE STOCK SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of Buyers from all parts of the Union, aul64m SITER, VAN ()GUN, & GLASS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN EMBRY, GLOVES, PANOY GOODS, &c., No. 428 MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, PRILADELPRIA. anl3.2m J T. WAY & CO.; Noe. 221 MARKET Street and 10 ORUROR Alley IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS The completeness of their Stock, both for VARIETY AND PRICES, Will be found to offer advantages to buyers, occur passed by any other In this country. yW FALL STOCK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, ILtra Prat opened an entire new stook of BLANKETS, AND HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND.FANGY GOODS, to which they Invite the attention of first-clue began; i• Our stook la particularly adapted to SHAPLEIGH, RUE, & CO., WHITE GOODS, LINENS, MEN'S WEAR DE COURSEY, LAFOUEOADE, & CO., (335 MARKET STREET,) Have now In Store their of the greatest novelties of much goods, to which the BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Offer for sale at their Store, No. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, THE LATEST FALL STYLES Imported and Rorie Mannfaotnred PANOY DRY GOODS, Consisting of.— DRUB TRIMMINGS VELVET RIBBONS, }HURTS of all kind., and materials for them. HOSIERY IN GREIAT VARIETY. UNDER SRIRTS,_ DRAWERS, SHAWLS, COMFORTS, GAITERS Ladles and Children's BELTS, To all of which we Invite the attention of FIRST-GLASS BUYBIt aull-Im JOHN B. STRYKER & CO., 310 MARKET STREET, DBALBAS IR zsurrien, 7B3INCEti AVID , AMERICAN DRY GOODS ANDOARPETS, BOUGHT AT AUOTION And will be sold low for cneh SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 618 MARKET STREET, Axe now oonstantly reoelvlng NEW SEASONABLE GOODS, Of Desirable Styles, from the best markets In this Country and Europe. The attention of parohesero is solicited. - sull-ew BARCROFT & CO.', (No. 405 and 407 BIARNBT BTREEET,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Would give notice to Buyers, IN 11111 T 111107 . 10 N or THN 00015171; That their arrangements for the FALL TRAMS ARE NOW 001LPISTE. aallAw BAILEY & 00., NORMSBLY HILTO removed to their new Blre•proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT START, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOME Now opening their fell stack of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, 41.. ND To which they invite the attention of the publio BILVNIFWARE, WATOIIES, DIAMONDS, AND ranl7-Iftl WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, FAMILIES, TAILORS, DRESSMAKERS, PLANTERS, SKIRT-MAKERS, AND ALL STITCHING OT WOVEN FABRICS. 'lvory kind, style, size, and pattern of these unrivalled Instruments for sole at my office at factory prim. I glee the same commission as the Company to Sub Agents, and Merchants purchasing on orders. HENRY COY, Agent, 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. And No 7 West State street, Trenton, N. J. au264m HARRIS'® BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE is offered to the public u the most relic ble low-priced Sewing Machine in nee. It will sew from six to duty etitabes to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the fined cambrica. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con etruction ever made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve yearn of age. The DURABILITY al this machine, and the QUALITY or Ira won', are war ranted to be wasurpused by any other. Ito speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread need is taken directly from the spools, Infamy, TUB THOM.' OF REWINDING. In fact, it is a machine that is wanted by every family in the land, aid the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, et which they sold, brings them within the remit of Almost every one S. D. BAEHR, Agent, Jell34Bm wlty eowdm 20 South EIGHTH Street. WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., UMBRELLA AND PARASOL A largo assortment oonstantly on band, to whioh the attention of declare le Invited; - aa2B-1m SLEEPER lir.' PENNER, Or • UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, LARQE AND VARIED ETOOR. WM% , ilDra Jabbtve. I2dPORTERB DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the PALL TRADE. 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. THE SOUTHERN TRADE IMPORTERS EMDBOIDERIEs, • LAOS GOODS, ho. No. 829 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA PALL IMPORTATIONS, attention of • THEIR CUSTOMERS AND TIM TRADE I 8 INVITED. WHOLESALE DEALERS itlattljeo, Jettleirp, S't BAILEY tr. BIZ:3MM, FANCY GOODS, P.EABLI3, Sewing itlarbines SUPREME TO ALL OTIDIBB Umbrellas anb parasols. MANUFACTURERS, No. 246 MARKET STREET, 31ANIIMAOTU1ER8 No. 886 MARKET OTREBT, Invite the attention of BUYEBB To Their , "Retail Orr ,pobs- FIRST FELL OPENING? GEO. FitYETL,„ No - . 018 CHESTNUT' BTREgT, - Will display on hIONDAY, SEPT -MEER Bth, A choice and carefully selected stock of Elegant floods suitable for th REAL INDIA SHAWLS, Long and Square, in;al i colors worn ; Splendid Silks, in Robes and by the yard, and all the novelties of the season, to which the atten tion of the Ladies liinvited. 4e6-6t _ - JrEp Goobs CLENDENN ING's DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE 00VER9, TABLS NAPKINS And TOWELLINGS TO THE DRY GOOD 3 MERCHANTS I GENTLEMEN :As I have bestowed' more than usual expetes and labor in getting up this article of Damask Table Linen in this country. and have sumo dad in furnishing an article equal, and in some respects Lope rior, to the imported one, at a much lees expense, I trust that those who have a disposl'ion to encourage AMERICAN ENTERPRISE and American labor will not 'forget my address. - JOHN OLENDENNINU & CO., ' ARAMINGO MILL, FRANIEPORD, - PIIILADELPHIA. P. B.—Those who travel -and supply Couniry Trade will find it to their advantage to call at 'he /factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to, buy, and cannot make it convenient to nail at the Factory, will please send their addreas, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. seg.lmif AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND PANOT DRY GOODS AT WIIOLESALE DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, BRAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY DIERINOB, CODUDGE3, MID3LIN DE LAINEB, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINORAMI3, CLOTHS, CASHMERES, SATINETS, VESTING-8, FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, • Wlth a complete Llne of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adapted to a FIRST-CLASS TRADE, All of which are offered for sale Cheap •W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 MARKET and 433 liIEROSANT ST au2l-tu th sat 2m&w2m Qlljinct, elasstuart, &r. B ARGAINS IN CHINA AND GLASS. Lately received a large quantity of useful house.: keepini ware, which la offered cheap for cash. PINI WHITIO lIIONSTONII WAEL. • Chamber Bets, 10 pieces $2 50 Dinner Sets, (znOlclent to dine 12 persons,). 1 2 0 0 Tesßets, 46 pieces 2 tO Dingier Plates, large size per dozen.... 1 00 Tea Plates, n n _ - gp Tes Cops and Saucers, (24 ps.) ce -60 Also, Dishes all sizes, Covered Dishes, Pitchers; and other articles in Ironstone Ware, at half the usual prices. GOLD-BAND FRENCH CHINA. Tea and (Wee sets, 90 pieces, new shape, f0r....510 00 The tonal price or theme Seta le 16 00 Tea Plates per dozen.... 150 Tea Cups end Elmore, II 2 60 OUT 01.488. _ . . . ... Goblete per dozen.... 225 Tumblers for Table use, ii - - 1 60 Also, a large assortment of Moulded Glue at less than factory prices. Fluted Goblets ' per dozen.... $1 50 Diamond Goblets, 4, , 2 00 Call and see the great variety of cheap goods, with prices marked in plain figures. from which there le no deviation. These reduced prices are for cash WM J. KERR, China RalL= - ' se2 3t* Chestnut at , opposite the State Howe. TURNBULL & CO., IhIPOSTERS AND WIIOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND QUEENSWARE, Nos. 23 and 25 BOMB FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PRILADELPRIA jll7 - GLASSWARE, opon or by the package. au3l-2m FALL STOCK CHINA AND QUEENSWARE -13 0 "I , D Sts S IR. OTY No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., YOUR DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL„ - Have now in Moro the largeat assortment of ' CHINA AND QUEENS WARE In the city, of their own Importation, to which they invite the etteutiOn of IPIRST 01488 'BIT , TBRII. Also, Agents for Mtua*,tdrod Pittsburgh Gliatil-7 ,5 au2o4m TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN' MERCHANTS. A largo Stock of CUINA, GLASSWARE!, AND FANCY. ARTICLES, AT THE LOWEST /LULIEZT PIIIOES, AT MARXSEN è WITTE, Importers, MASONIC BALL, 718 CHESTNUT STREET, inekly J3nots anb 01)aca WHELAN & CO., WHOLESALE DE.kLEIIB , BOOTS AND B AND STRAW GOODSi,I - ...1., - No . 513 BIARRRT su37-1m PHILADELPHIA. LEVICK, BASIN, & CO., BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, MAIIIIVACTORY, NO. 526 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW FEICTII, HENDRY & HARRIS, MANU ACT URERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH Streets, au2.5-2m PHILADELPHIA. Br..M. SAUNDERS, •Y• WEIOLEBALB DEALEIIB BOOTS AND SHOES, Of PHILADALPHIA and EASTERN Manufacture. ALoo, BTRAW GOODS AND OFT HATS. O A SH, and prompt SIX•MONTHS BUYERS will find it to their interest to examine our Stock. • au2o-1m No. 34 North FOURTH Street. BORER & BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS OITY AND EASTERN MADE TOOTS AND SHOES, Nos. 432 AND 434 MARKET STREET, Below Fifth, South ,ide, sol9-1m PHILADELPHIA FALL STOCK OP BOOTS A.:ND Kaor,s. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MARKET STREET, AND Nos. 8 sad 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, FATE NOW IS EMS A LANGE AND WELL ABBOZTED STOOL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, OF CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE Which they offer for axle on the beet terms for cash, or on, the tumid credit. Buyers are invited to call and examine their stook. jy3141 BOOTS AND SHOES .— The subscriber has on band a large and need stook of BOOTH andBRORB, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-17 B. R. earner FIFTH and MARKET Etta. Doarbing. OOD BOARD—For a Gentleman and. T Wife, or one or Two Single Cientlemen. Location near b hilt and Race. References exhanged. Address P., Box 1190, Post Wilco. _ selbatet AGentleman and Wife desire Board,in a aLIL relined private family, whore the -comforts of a home can be bed A front room and sleeping apartment on the reeond door required. References exchanged. Address O.I.IABLEd it. D. at 'this Office, with terms and location. W ill furnlsh - thetr own apartments. sal-St* QECOND-STORY communicating Rooms, furnished, Or ni+furalsbed, with BOARD ; also. single Rooms for Gentleman can be bad by applying at 966 eolith FOURTH Street, Above Spruce. espl.3t* personal. INFORDIA.TioN WANTED, OF ED- W ABM and 'FRANCIS CIIMBICY, natives of Ire land w New York for Booth Carolina in DM. any i nf or m ati on edam/led to their brother, at Haight?. Ferry, Fan Joaquin county, California, will be thank fully received. PATRIOS. skum-otit ANTED—By a middla-aged Woman; II V - V - Place Inni ,privain funny u -Cook, or General 11,nulerrork. Gnod references given. ',Apply at 1120' AED2RAL Street. seS-2t* AGRADUATE from the Philitdplphia"Cpti lege'or Pharnitieruirtes a eltiadlou In a Whale. sale Drug Store, Address 8.-D., Office of this paper, 802 St* „ „ A LADY, competent to.ins#getin theaisnal 1 - 11 English branches, together with Free& and Ger-. man, desires a situation u Governess In airivate Ann.: fly. Address A. L., LEWISBURG P. 0., UnionOo., Pa. [WANTED—By a Graduate, (A.' _31..,) positionsal eachereither in the City or Country. Els specialities are the Classics and. BeJles,lottres, which branches he hes taught satisfactorily In a prowl; neat Institute In the - State. Address WILLIAM, at this Office. ' sea-Mirm WANTED:—BY . an intelligent andAndlie. V V triusLad,lB years ofage, emPlormait in airOince or Store, as Errand soy. Address HENRY, Blood'Ad Despatch. . s e. 3 3t► T. • AYOUNG MAN, having 'a thoioughly practical knowledge of Book-keeping, Mercantile Basket's, , wishes' to obtain a Situation in a Whole. sale Donee where his Cervices may be avallable,,Un doubted City references, from moat reliable sources. Salary not so much an object as a permanent sitnaiion. Addreea 1. D., Prdss office. Ante/ A Genteel Young Girl wishee a ,gitention in e_private family to attend to Honialifto44Arpes MARY BLIZABATII, through Blood's Begat:4o' 4r. ee3 2tiS - , Lady, a BittuttionY V % Address ittrecemYi"er:l!rtgis WANTED- 7 -In a Retail DryGoodsStore,i Tung Lady tui Stiawaun. Addr. u " COUNTER," at this Office. VI/ANTED—By a - stela; able inan; a snail • Bon at Porter in a Wholesale Renee, Apply to DENIM QUIGLEY, N. 4 Wildere"(l6nrt, Eleventh, near 101-8111. WANTED —A BOY in a Wholesale Boot_ and that Route. to learn the trelnete.:' MG eompereatlon the Bret six months. Address Box 960 POE f OFFICE. sepl-81* - UUAITTED—By a young married man, em ployment to take charge of a Farm, Has bed - ten years'experience, and can gi e good refinances. Address Fd.R2dlfH,at the office of The Preis. ' ANTES-743y Gfaduate of the 'High v.v 'School, a Situation as Assigant BoOk-keeper is a Wholesale eatablishment. Address T. 8., at th s Office. ati3l.6t* _ vkrik.NTED-A Situation as Salesman or, Book-keeper, in a Hardware or Notinrui Haase, by a person that can control a oonalderable anicarit of yenneylrania trade. Addreu 0 W., Brass Office. an.3l4t* VlVANTED—Canvassers for an Illustrated Woik of much popularity. Three or fourdollars per day can readily be made. 'Address ROWLAND, Bldod's Deeyatch: • tudlCLatik "%JUAN TED--,41 competent Salesman in a V V si holesale Dry Goods Jobbing abuse; to oneirlur can Influence a near cash trade o liberal salary - will be paid. Address L. &Oo . this Callen - 'atiao.4tlo,- V i TANTED, FOR THE lINITEFI - BTATI OAVALRY—AbIe-tiodiedunmarried men, w whom will to given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to 1122 per month. No man having a wife or child will be aceepUd. Apply for 14011 N TED WIC lIVIOR at No SI.T KARAM Str ee t, - abort Bigh th, north aide. B. N. aAcaz Let Lieut. 24 Vogt. of Oaratly,Xo: Recruiting °few. - • . ... . , ail TO LET- , -Store and Basemen t, with or BEL without Bakery Bakery Implements for isle.' L - Inquire at No.- 1120 GIRARD_ AVENIIB, 7 to 8 A...-.. 37. 1 6to7P: M. Dwelling may alio be lit 803.1t* mi FOR RENT.—The Baiement and Fourth a Floor of new Flre-Proof Building, corner ot Second and Chestnut street. Apply to - h C. KNIGHT - Corner Water and Chestnut street. to TO RENT—The new iron-front StortV .1,43. No. 246 North Third street, above Race " with 'uso of Shelving, Counter, /co. Suitable for the whole sale Clothing, Notions, or any other business. • Tama • low. Apply at No. 262 North THIRD Street. three doors above. • ^ rf • au2B4t*ff &A, 'FOR SALE.—A handsome residence, kfill with all the modern , ,Inipeciwemente, large side yard, papery, etc. SLXTIt, near f3PRTNG CIARDZIU. • treee. - Terme easy. F. 1,1 LYNX), fqj South _Street. (Second story.) - • - ' anl4lm _ FOR SALE OR - EXCHANGE.—A .10,. handsome new mansion, 19 moms, and 40 bowe r. neerrrwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Billion& Site splendid, fruit abundant, health", ruunirpaased.' Any person really desiring a tandems country seat in - exchange for city propery, will find this an unnesusl '- opportunity of accomplish lig his Objeit Apply to'r. K. LYND, 5,W South SIXTH St., (2nd story.) atlik•btl.l" fri T FOR SALE.—A pretty Cottage,_ nine L rooms, and one or more sores on Ey timing 11113 MILO, two miles out the Second street Turnpike:. Also, sere.. ral handsome Cottage lots - The neighborhood Is healthy, beautiful, and .rapily' impiorbg. _ P. K. , LYND, 6X.Booth SIXTH , ' (2d story. ) aul4-1m orm TO BE LP,T—On• account of-removal Nia• to our nevi store, the house No; 433 CIIESTNIIT„ below Fifth street. Possission may be hid about the - Out of October. The position is one of the most deal, fable in Philadelphia. " "• -For teriMiotlesie apply to - --_ J. E. CALDWELL & 00. I litt.4ollos4§47,E—Valuable Real Estate on - '=.lfortii:. `street,Thh including_ _THREE STOWS • `rialtird'areetrllos. 422, 424 and 426. Also, two four. stenTBRIOIK BUILDINES on Dillwyn street. Nos. 417 1 419: 421. Let 60,feet front, extending in depth 176 feet to Dillwyn—nets an annual rent clear of taxes of shoat 22,600. Apply to --W. IL LEVIOX, - - • , P, - o,anll-1m No. $46 North=TN Street. 4`a TO RENt—counting-house No. 180 North Delaware Arenas with floor 'extending through to Waterzetz M. K. o nwr a, 182 N. Delaware Avenue. ett TO RE N T—The second and third ses. stories of No. 103 ARCH Street, second door above Front, north eide. Apply to O. 0. SADLER & 00., 9 North Water Street DESIRABLE OFFICES 'TO RENT ON the first floor of the new fire:proof building of The P Rif:SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Southwest corner of Third etreet and. Willing's alley. Apply to IDMUND SMITH, an23-12t Secretary. SALE—A'nhable LOT, in the viol- J. pity of the Baltimore 'Depot, in an improving neighborhood. For particulars, a ddress J. K., Box 927 Poet-office. jyl6 VVIKEATLEY is OLARKF2 O ARCH-ST. T al \ TEMA, B.B.—WiWam S. Fredericka,Actlug and Mega Idanager - ,-, _ , - DUCAT NVNNING, September 3, 1838, , beHOOL TOR SCANDAL.- , . - Sir Peter Teazle, _Mr. Gilbert; Charles Surface; Mt • Wheatley; Lad, Towee, bins lobe Drew To conclude with ONS COLT SOH TWO WITS. Nelly Nab, Mrs. John. Drew; 3fr Gsilliard Mr. Wheatley Mn.s Pnecto, Mrs Nicholls. Admission. 2 6 eta. Secured Seats io Dress Circle. 57 g otg Orchestra Stalls, 50 eta • Beats in Private Boxes, 73 ma; Gallery, 18 eta; Gallerifor Colored Persons. 26 eta I Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 eta Whole Private Box, 83. Doors open at to'clook ; commence MTN, precisely. MRS. D. P. DOWERS's WALNUT-ST. THEATRE, corner of NINTH end WALNUT Ti RIDAY EVENING. September 8,1858, GUY MANNEEING. , . • Henry Bertram, Mr. Breach; Col. Mannering. Mr. !kV/lomat& ; Meg llerriles, Mrs D. P Bowers. To conclude with VICTIMIZING. PHILADELPHIA Grudge, Mr Eberle; Fudge. Mr F. N. Drew; Trudge Mr. Hemple: Mrs Trudge, Mrs Perry. Prices of idmission--Second 'Per and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 8731 cents; Dress Circle, /50 cants Private Boxea, according to their locale, $3 and $5; Single nests in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain ease at 7% o'clock. ViTELOW B NATIONAL THEATRE.— Joseph 0. Tooter, Bole Leona and Mannar. 0. Politer, Stage Manner. ?MOAT EVENING„ . B9tmI22rI nu, . . . Gaspard°, Mr. Fitzgerald, Raphael, Mr. .MBeeket; Gator/ma, Mn.e E. Le Brun To conclude with THE TERROR OF THE ROAD. . . . Herry,lialter, Mr. C. Foster ; Natty Noose Mr. W. rell ; Dorothy Bruin Mrs. J 0. Poster. Tickets of admission, 25 cents ; secured meats; 3£l cents ; Orchestra chairs, 50s cent ; Beats In Private Box, VS rents ; 'Whole Bon, $5 and $1; /faintly Circle, 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; commences at TA o'clock. THOME CF's VARIETIES (Café Chantant,) Northwest corner of FIFTH and OLINANOT Streets. MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS NIGHTLY. 'Comprising Lame of Opera and bewPobing ballade by Idles JENNY WREN, and Miss YaOTIIINGRAM. Glees, Chorines, Madrigals, and Gnar ett*_:a Um ANGULAR and EtiELSION COMPANY, - _ among whom are Messrs. MOYER, HASSEY, &e. The WHOLE interspersed with ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS, by J. K. CAMPBELL, and others. Dances by Miss MELINDA NAGLE, and Gouge Songs by Mr. GEORGE W. WREN . . Commencing at 31 before 8. Admleelon-10 tents er3-Btie NATIONAL BALL MARKET STREET. NOW OPEN J. 111400 WILLIAMaIs celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to - the Babylo nigh Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most an dime and interesting seems in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 7, to commence at 7M o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohildrini under 10 years 15 Gees. Also. Ixbibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for .families and schools. Moore open at 2; to commence at 3 precisely, Explained by Profoseor TIBBITTS BARRETTBI's LLIA GYM RD NAROOSIM, UM. PISTOL AND RIPLR ttALLBRY. o pee on IiONDAp, Sept e mber 6th, at No. 804 MARKET Street. . coNOERT SANDBRSONIS GIGANTIC ILLUSTRATIONS 0/ Tint • - RIIBBIAti WAR. Representing the moot important events of the late War, oonoludieg with the BOMBARDSIENT AND DESTRUCTION OP SEBASTOPOL. This great exhibition will open on - MONDAY YTENING, September 6th. 10•• See programmes. xeS-Itet PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. THIS GREAT PIOTURR, By J. Insect Williston, will open, for the Bret time in this oily, on FRIDAY EVZNING_, Seprembern, AT NATIONAL HALL, HARNEY Street,' above TW.ELPTH eLANFORD,S OPERA HOUSE,' 1.3 ELEVENTH Btreet, above CHESTNUT, open for the Beason, with the largest TROUPE OB Allf DRS -IN THE WORLD. The Entertainmen FOts, nightly offered by BAERIPis ,'TBOOPE • - eomprise all the latest Songi; Glee', Duette, chyme Refrains, MUMS Ballets, &0., interspereed with , WIT AND ELOQUENCE. In Bk4t, an the 'Vocalism of the day is prodneed bY LONG, A.sD POBTEY- Tie Whole under the management of Mr, 0..0. MS- , PORD. - . Ada:amnion 25 cents. Doors open at 7)i .cloak ; per. figation 99sfusiOn4 st 8 o'clock...— Mania. Si* sate aub ainustutents. G&SPAXDO. drtiNDOLIBIL, oo1•St$