MEg=P 4- 7 ; ;;;V:1 4 '% , 4e --,-..--,-,.- - •,•• ,--_,-• - :, - „,:--40 - 0v- - -.:;"----:;., . - "* - f..-.4,4:-,,••e r ~ i : 4. 10 , 43k0 4 I, , aiiroLiiatui, ' - -;-•.,_-2.4, , •-i- -.tr4 • wek. ac , u c r ,b 0 t,c;.54.0.1.,:10trz; • l',l.f,Viitc.:•tr.'lf '-• ' T . -''' i : '41 , 7 - 1 • Vit V,:g1111- A.)-Z -,W. A drAltairtliriisaib 1t 7 .41 , A4 , ,,, . t*Ota,i,,irtritAld.TE'Ailu4l;°,3fi *:1 ' .7 _1,:..,A...- :..: • ".,:aelivitAa'rio mparkiVrl4ll, „,„,11/14",,V41, Rear': 4. v.': Aroitikat4oo.o4' . 1. 47 . ii - ei tigliew tto 'slr-If' o%;agAefeiFkittlinti;. * 48, bxi n .,„,, pi„ ak - 00;. -4-....4'-Y I 512 451:1144knitc.X°— Nreioor o^,- .7".N-,'llillitiaii*ist 1'.5-0-3'.rigiinkilgrb ~X l2/ .. fia" i n t &let or - 6 04° 11 "- --- - -; -- 4 do Mali 4 . 1 1 0 0,,h' /414,A —r200e414/1"115.i. ;:flaietiiie - ~f sviiilt WO il 3 /16-7;;,' i'- ';',,;'1311/01,qC°' - - 1 - 4aidiPAtit''44l-440 rit•tle.'' 068-nrivarnv.„,..oott., r 44 0,,i4 Iron % '' - `134 4 4 : .4 .- 7-' ao 01441"81,4%01111,ci.utai 4.00 i T,C'''' il i itif#4 4 /Afk r4 r iark- 3 1 1? "' 0 9 S i a e d r e t!* 9 5 "..'i. or'l6'''°. - 1 - •':' , '17 : ..4 bit in ii 9° , a t. • iti6**°-- A • `;- ,4J4:1_110;111"!` Ot•Pli," L 'l2 =: UCoht6t Ate- - t•TRA 14.DALPR ,I.4 , ..l3oAKEtin.pilf :71 . 4iSsiut -1.- - - • "- 4W - 1 4#0i - 10 MA^ , ;.:`,lllldli.ll4*.pple.i4Loirtfia,CAVerh...tizwartiroobv,ilig :^2lstqlicils,qooo44-'4loksoo,:;:4o3tAblifiNitiliploon Witiki , oll4)3M.,biak , t4.l/ 1 11,4 r,:iii•liiVpidignaytis book -, %Bnikislsolitt'quiol,4llrolus,4,4 Aga ~.•;: •a. -VilltALMUllll,tosw.,9l, *NMI Ekt £oz4 *T4 PAUCMATiaßtit,vaglin ,- - -•. - gia'l , 7 - caie - • •`:-. / AV D.,da,g l o,'Onorsaillthoszei Jus ew e ts-k t ?in l Gibe. i iiisirisidissaul?paaarialrernaCJak dai s hoe4,ooasst,tinifiind,Bitsarsitb,,trosifAlnrimrst jo t , • dflo ig uniiippeitioplaitarpo_gi - Ittol - tarjthirOkkt , s4 t Middle. aiekbarque „ . !ol , , torypa bWoOkifkoltioriPrittre. l . ,4 - 4, ri. Mipatcf..llol4o*l4(6-11,11 with jateuar,..ief- tiatioy'lliaterrialt' Co. • awai , qtankki 4 cautallT BB ." 4 4;e",itlarirlitV B 7l- 1 5ik ',llatt - to a':4II4,FA (Jo. - Bile 34111110antiOuir;ttityC46 1 1 6 **4 1 $ 111 ,t 4 , 4 ' , lac to N Aturreraisk it - • .',` • Bohr sus iv) • atsbra to ist9latant" tt"..4' , LA s Vibe Paul usanols, Watkins, **leek a Cu t A e S,9n-, a ttl49 91 ; lttrrtpvaj trai no*A* A•leWsAtiOrulnfilir!rimtue4es;Delip , i e Aflr a ß OW, Ut4k J 7O / Miff RlM hB tvtViaah BarrattW with corn to Jar Darr as kora. 4-- " ' - eat Ditii - osilm uib trito i?,*oCai:isvi au 14-3sALßAhla*Mott:;v ; boloJ. tisititbeTJnati;9t*N9ol9Bli Vitotx*49/oAabitis• # Bohr farmer Depatz, 2 days from , Milord, Del, with, rgn lar ti aloOalles , • Bohr Diassitbre,Blll•Jii9NBBl4,4B4iiiio4B6.4r°o,' Del; wok, eras N 01041.14.: . , meat Wibly brier, aiimilliik. 4 . 6l . lll4o 4.' ICU 31 1 3 1/r0 , 14 0, 4 1 , 1 ,14 1 1 5 1 j•: , : , ' , : • `rkzN rJe"l. ' Behr eta ," Altdante croaiWhttldtdrBM;laiarit from, ttatwe mat, • pith passeriseaa, &e. to traptatd. riot ManWeetrindirerahoretia Brandtwiwit a attaahrtrharctr - Ahe ledge light pap; . a•lernbaglad en agar beloir.ireaware bled adze aught v el othratsi,t 148 ' 184 /4 4 r b , balfitesayis*leintlitbeitirria - Itfirlinenwjaly ld, Istilksiotias,Ae- 'to Auttor.-fiewhisttikOoltillirl wzttr- , haillacilllettle!ogleBWfaM 4 m*AfantrA • 9faliNattliftarliskiskosiVipat9S9 - saithboisp dd okNari-TuNt: tAttaktp ;Nostaasir Giswskiltr4J4 lasi Anirbekrepidrs i brAwW - dg; baresneeLOMAOT,Sl.- ler, tor saidao,••44,4 '44.3,.mooxisbAtoutituive.o.Sifil altdati, l6l ".44 ollo ""O'imeirlad.l. l " 6 / 1 • By, 00014 I, eloermair. i, and ilk , Peseiyalk*CUSlteio- Intioni , Valgteitkat-'O4O , tiu2001,,1f.,/rttad, from Peasacols;iiellialatila - ,Agert, s 2 sialt bal tasii..maimetkvaitaiiiicifosoWead4,Ptffitiihsumilit a felii4ftinftiallpititasterriamitioimonsets,womane dors, oculdellarrit,WintiriflareayaosjAnalmallai lag with cam of llatbscAltirlsh PPM' ilickaaitraato4sl , ' adestica, SIC , tiom,likoz 4aly 11 barbaw,,ltonsistia," Oabir•L,%, to billastr 821t;alifiP ,, Tini:sritAlzholleirecs' leans; barque Zingarilla, Dunbar, •IS Utmne, asst linerev 10th, ~ bardwitlikatf, hearse OrleausrYlib, alp Bunny Baulk, Stephen; 'dui Mati3o4o Joast,tor ' Yolk; Miswrite, Goutts,, ,Prbssbol4ln balisit, inlaid back with lumbar; baron. • Mahlon W Guameow,, OckiwifOrtli, , . New Orleaniv brig tiorNeasakdril,, iib os tros a, Pk namAtar, :Nard,fia /44.0.ita, owe, /lance, Oetiper. "'"t0rmA4tii:9.44,4,00, rot-Dank Challis A B e° E* l6 :- - '..p - Brig rer;; 3 o. l F 4 ."'V lll ).Al ate4 i Lnkit B i' /r°"°" ° ‘9ftlrf° l S - 94 0 1 1, 1,G 8raiA0 T I, Au 4 • 811 " - ik - 0 ' , f , =- Dow'r43)lf4tt*XlicaW,`:lloaharyi „1- tilihrThos l l't e, Waver, grotto Awl:4k bobr,A„,bß,ayya;Robloson, , ,Windalagtebi - to-1;"- Rehr Q Earldom, Frirbes, Wasklmaton, do Z - t•r - P, tenr.ll /Aker, )14hor, ,Workii stud, 1114:114au; Moil= & 00 - Sob9DaissliaisOltadeobis, Brisker, Wobble", • dcl 44 ear Mak' Day"; , kieltee; Gal epting4- - ; doh; Is 4, Opium!), blooltboui t N,w . purt, • do-J -/34W kosptse r btoilikif, twortwa r !„-4,,,, do, ,•,„ Behr 'lAaty-4tatcAii,,,llerby, Tbitlatid,ll On';• •,' =l4! _ vtilt ' - 150441.11.04.,KaaWraa;lealtaa -aer- ^"" 4N4,400. o)44lettetrai --"" Schriiii;oitici, skit ,Ifiaiston,'D • ' bone E Jesalialh ,F ,miaairianpiPeptore,. lioble,"lLemarmatt ardte`Aß,Vgifih; *l4O A:ilea:cher tem. taibiTrian; ablßohr, eieBllthreaj Xat# o!o;;licraMM l ril, ebitilet szro Alaer, li$810"; '1"8 1 "" ~r!ti#A:a.k. N o ' f { _• flaatleTCl. are; pd.; /111thitore t A Opree,,,Tr. (Cketreepondeace ot 'Pb. Preic,)? , ).-ti:.r), , l.v . .,AviszAlV-12011.031,:init SO. 'OW "1 Thar. aiir on for l'ldhuicashlala tillls ribtrolasea tow, iadit _ te4,llV.ths , eibiliblilhdt paNiable loaded rite before , oamdar,, We Jieree' bittatert gang , ID sight titatbeatAlio!lal IV , • (Oonwoopdent•iirtliallithide •' 1419/01, Dal,- Aug 19,6 Al. , The folloolog Temielkaralietliolzoadstrad, via: aches, Jobe Ito ehi,,totin Wereapt, - .4,..."-8111,- Deets,' time: Wilen. arraplaterl` , M )1 %oaten, 2 A:Clonklin,Paleatile,. D Godwin,elairkliciest; - GenTorli;JOninsstaa,, l'any,:lts•;:tr 8 49 " 2 '4 1 ' 41 P5 -1 ,, 4 4 , 4tl,lii e o' ' l " t.- aallodon orsilat „ :fp/0141)4. • 014 A bestureet ache and:four hem, belga , Dave bets observed teising In dattrttbe day„,,,Wlad aoutb, ,, wcanter Zoete •• - Times, Aat " • rtelindLysdoi• - /etrin for*iwia;• r xtife from RAW - = ;2- , • - • ;tom e • stvisoblis.l4*- - or shied ,TolkYlitteriais.toroAachiera - • ;.• atezmidp - Arago;,isui,, New York lantern 843` torstlabree , O. Otago* keikosi;senvir, few Toiti Batik .Ift/dwelt; litreailteaei - ilOth protium-10 . MOP 031ftkarsti, • 600peri iontart; Ititaitelk Loma, ter, Deems, and Noiduirtil,firicil "'ern Icredlo2, M r , rsrromr 6 th lust, nor eh Urdelphtel'. „• Slip finialusa, fro= ItaH6lSak a e l n utm. SOS-„1.96 tad ;, inoutlieldswkleklbr:liitriibiapo t ri br fe - tip Itet .asyr-itultialtrOvit eblp Saes kaStay, liWeWls, ter Carlifatil - r# don Ukase. - . _ /Mir Aretrellrhoilitel,' entrAtit . oaolll 88 B atl/4 ttsw ,t oldih7,:i - - tveralditaf Mace for Madam, at Dahl fhb Ws, 1; ' -"- fttreoteiiiiiii.i",tk,Doitt‘tt,fioiliitmiuil,i, at Bar9a1411ploralocola; PhOgia, forpdhaliipitti t , Attlee irtipiiiortcopiteilakw. , ‘t. - Bard* listertatbs.'l,lNVD9oszto . d. siku , i4ro;:argfit • by at 191 k • • Ilerausr,fing $1,43414.1 1 /41;neyisd•i*-4t-ltarrinirr` ' nab )7th - tilt' ult; tor Dia de Jltaidee. • BatioW:llledleda AtrAnieti'&i'ai+l4,4ll'r.. ntAblitritni,lij '-r ' Drsqtra -11121iiight, , Stlekersois, keno. ter "Poet' an' Priunro-tr efght. arias, i51u5e1 r. ,6 1 44,1 7 4 4 4#1; 4 . 4 140g, Linsp* : Btrgna .10 01 * T 914 ) 1 . 4 . °I '1 day for Itvaa.,l„tiaradad Tliita i At ITei.T9elr yeaterdaY irons Rio tabdriflllthle,Sallad la &meant with Ma- Elid•Dircr :;•exriria, - ,arapparty : Both, lat at 40 tc,, long 4B 14F *lntl a Wine soypoard to be the' Betodair s front ttio tor thlisidelphia or Ititaltop Roade.', BarearesaetaroAl34l ,, had , knee Iklixdrions) alc,prgelqua td lath ult. .-)leermaraml w-wid be tocwskirk bf the Onward. ' ' " Brig Lyrui a t a iTdOtereir sroti,Bith 4;14 lost tore yi oh•Wiriatistay night; at the earn, time Johnson - 9 , fry , f Deer Irld; was lost owirboard, Brig J'X Dkostsiiititet.herits; arrived at -Data; _ ' lard; Ifrtfjezi j , clear i . iork yeator,' day 'or &era - „,, , , twigs Norksompand i Princeto n, Wells, and On ci ion pee, linisey;benat GratoirOtts hem, Brig Ilatalta.TATl4,4tatdca, harm, arrive& at 13alint , 19th that; - •'„ - - Brig blonticello,,lrophitur(eleared, it 11 . 140,4118 th hut for PernaminiortrinCis • • Deg liachautidae; from ban JIM; Gabs, for ladelphla,watifipoksb tit latt,,Lat 14 48, low 18 40. • fiche tahadtilit itthuas, train rostletrit Plat."- ladripidtGaffiStOtilini Yak: yurota-- re., •'• Sobs J_UnrrtogioniEobinsers,trobs DOW Gastlectit N York yestildl7.4.- =,"^, poi , Nortiftittakeei'Alt4ao 4 4Milyl Thom paca,,Cptirtmth Oatatio;lavyart,VP-kkarei, - .otat." raseOltayori 4 4 1980 1 8 1iNtrImliti 888 Boileau Grant tumor at DOWN , Leestrjijoihoilai r thilliac arrived' : .t" lEtis torts Sobs Vail Timulecdj, TeVaead,i..l”6oat o,ldaeks 9th icaulat - :" Bohr it Porter, liadson,fieltwar9DeArereltitli Bahr ft k catltaieji*Piapiv,kinog loch ukkimuctiy:64- , - , 'hche JahAitogata,:llllltoittiiihed;triaafaliltleeilt•h inst. for this bort._ Aches Itsarkk'Bleb "ffilitrita Croonsbio Governor, llooper, iblikatAktsrfoll o lath instl;slsf Bohr Da*a . l l oo,4 o l; l4 ' Vilortiar wal."' Newport 18th last POWS Ellen - `gg' and 8 T treihrrelaywe City, at eaws , tacket,lBlA3nat , f4 4 ,- , $. , -=;3l Brine it:',ll.l,teli4lBllllehistlfroples . trilek G-W.Outa-• intro, ichildetirGrorttitoi-_PtfltehLB9i9G7,3srakirOnP , Alnitris TafaitA, Adolayetwilai Oartarriehtt thrdien,, , XedlAariirolly.iCtiOrkfror`, Tom, lio; ° befKihd etakh , 48 efilfrull?•*" hem, Clty;atPtpeldri„,•ei Bohr Jus4lo,4l44 , loo4iiiir.lrekNoildigrA lidetrhtikvairatriaelatt Alike Wag Platt' -saws harts* 0i Olieht 41100. ok"; 1116rst ret Rthogartinecorton; itat‘,,flarrY: 18atlieaf,tw 00 4I hence at Satenalth , Palle 4bariadit49lll3 Rotel 7abeSi Gist, titti , •rifs*bli, B 9aiatiltkitt ttiv san brarflitylor,ling-9t*wisrer,ltuktr, tilled Irene " 64 ' 18 11 X!CPY...nljtq * Fell4 6 ;‘• _ - ZbiKlintrlfirAßlS • Foanesc !:tifflistidgi haloes ilk took, Tenn; skew.; etedoesairWlidele*armanWldirmAlifeetaeri Boattlei trfetrenttorHolitiqCartetaitbathisi , ,:achea E Clid astern biello,„Tbfetic i4 KSW B o l, oBllJOrtwaillsl9:', l : - i belk-fettlairaiumi,„lB_lll:4osa --_ •. - - , , -_-_:-.—..,:' ' - . - _ - _ - ,' , lgkattlii• -^ .- .- ' it., yzi.if,;ii,,,irs., on" the Igit'ing., Mill, AIS7P '.noOnw Is, witi ox - Thonito tiotiwillifortietly„ , 4,t4is :IL nie ' - I;4;nit:o ' 6t the 20th fait', WIL14111;; itift o 4 son of emittieLL,ond , - Mettle A'pWl9l,l . api . l_4l4 aged pit o iiitic , fobr rnoiktbe sot two •doyili , .. -.....— , _ „_ , 'Dtto hottoil will bo given of the fltneral. . "'On th e 19t11.1110t.; Dr*POLION D. Henan, form er l y . MO 65th j eer of hit age. , '„. • , . .c. Hof riekonk", in - I the' falg l iaaPoot , g;•,,,,....-1 , ..—.,-" Ile friends and - those,- .e. . I" lte itli*it“°l°l4'.'r. -' - - ' — 6 r " - bii siiarday atiiii** ''''' vtt c 14_,:40...... , , f IT 'f itol to attond hit funeral from ita late real --- _r1,4,4 . -^""••;"ilot;y;ii .AltirtkiiotritiOßW .'ilnittO in DWiPPrin?gh of Obest 6 ri f e i , 1* • . 64 4 i14; .Pil -., SVP' , ,,,Lkt' - ' 1 , : i ii ,,,,,, ,, fity,;?4,,'"if i vtgif i‘t 2is j_rnionti P. - nr,.. (Delaware PaPero P elm PYI .., fsot i fga t m i tA*+tOat k+ !'"'''V l `'i'.„,,l,,„,rf i V,.--, , a ,__' • ~.': 700 wedtiestak.invinGiStb tiot.i ANN, wife 0 I_4 , „..._ I eawartvo 0t.....wwww0 - 0. - il a bai r d'o ae ----- , ' - ~.. , - ;..!, ,-.%.,•-,-,: '.... - .'IP in 644P114411"01 " b4' —' = - -5 - ;'..6-'<-TiV ~, :.i-, i t ' 6,- 1 jeti'ii h 'si. ' *it, a.,Tll.olifAil i -gi. D., and ' 7°* " s tt i ftat i k i i - so i toenty l' ' "4 .etire ‘4? l,l l oll." . oe — AnlL — ' k \ ..lllr Q tki Y A- y ed o Li tnikolie_hyi,:!fai ~- In Slit fiadleif . or las * ~ -, By 04 - - 11111, ,_,- ,_.„ .- -- --- , T.-1404,,a,--,- -dri* -6- -4-i„ , ” Elf - 0 , - --,- 't -- 0.8 n the ~ :igt 41096 t it ofsl,l,qlk4taquflintkr . -- -- d - ii , ;jrf,*itn l e iiik_osti.n.iyin DkEowz, , Sr., r ~,. ~,, iialiiti -:igstith-"11444"111"rit4°4-6°. ii e ' 4'493s:7" "P lile ''' - ' 1"" tiiii - e - iiri 60.111 LOTTA ~ ~,-;,-.,- ~ i, - ,„ Ak r,,i - ii,a-• *yak P.- , ijo i k a rtioi jai.. .-cod Tivre at morOug h . 9 : , l A m ' the 4/.. Is ::!....Yi v. , - - ~- ~, ~, , lip -; Au . VVlSTio&titilivitte of .11. Tetnil , anni in __ •,-. •the.yordirlaisonsem.,6334 g , .• ei hrof h-b i tio., - , ~..----,.. , '`' I , l' , , ," ' 4"4444414"1 4411 ' 1WieS Vialiiil*oo*mWr,-4 ' 4-''—'--'.ol4o)6inannifA, ..--..),;., ~-.- . 1 1, j.___40 , ,_*.N.-cI A sAL4 -- -,- -- 11- " - „ - --,, 1t„,,,,--. ~--i - i ipittgiirikst, 4, l -. .- P at t le - ',121 , ,45 Y 1i96 , 01:,,,- ~..- .- . - ti ", *----: '''.-- -11":- " ., -.-. '" ? - -"gi n' -M- - 7 - d " lttittiott l oratillto' 44. ,-- 4,,, -- ': 7. iiii.thei/litti t Akk:lll34 - Fouli?ozAssisra 63, I ell, . . , - ;..'rtiisi4 l 9,9 l ffir7. l 6-!.1.. TX*, riiiikiiiik - riiii - ii,;,::),: ~ • --..,. 0 --.. thil - let cl . riat„.,k:s44 t e ',.yrlf!',s . 4 , oult wow i r , 1-i,i-N-Rifii44ol. ,_xi s t --I — ,,, i4liii7,''l4i"tii!.i.' -' -, 44" i c -` , ' o : .: ' , 4iirci . ;l --- : . "-iii --- 6;t l 4ti - GiiiiiNi ..... 7 „...;:!- ; , h :y-,, 7 2,,i„..,,,,,,,,, v - 11:10;-&,..i.,,....9 .. ,,, ri i i ii ,i,.. , 4.,./pwliirtdetiOlar„.l)...,Ag4l , ,,, el) , ! , , , , , , ?..:,7,i.7*;'l,tEl,!iiiolii*!4l,ool,fomiji:o.l4l.4t,rdratit-42;,, . o*. ii i , ,,vi l laz . 4.411-I,74,ll.44,7;...stwiedaalft.4;i;eiug ,i,:_'f,:ttoilto***9o4,v4l-4;4"-f-V.t:4,,,,„. iIitIVALB4IOIIIB.Jvc , HOTELS, 11008PLOkesinut JINX, helinl.2ont&. Elainlilet - i St, 1,01114 1 . e 4 klapell4Btltoutti" Thais Swill Bostox T Litton . , at Louts / Tlerning,Erwavtlie,lsd M •Nesi•War sl • Y • 11. W Webb, Wlndidr, N 0 . zra autop, 0 eca D,risosokii,sut , ' Ivo taottasu - , , A 8 Druilisx, 8 0‘ • kr Cobbs, Ts L Isrrettl'Ha ' I C y Zang 00500 N Boa 8 maditry? OA. Wire: Mrs ' Miss Btributig, Pik /1 Molrecola - ,Ax „ Hammond, la 0 , L_Senkerlist' T Baltimore , • litannon;Ts, • •••-'• 7 Wm 11 Arnold: - Va. DoW4lleand,• ,l4l, ? %, A"Lowls & family, St Lout rmudit; Itiohmondf N Maley, Niis „ (114 • 61 A. ru , IT &JO' Mlys'AdelaidiTudy , Pa , Min Thornton — Ts . Wu Jane Buckner, . 6 1142,54ti5ucta6, - ono . I?,,r,inneyo"/ , ''''lrl*Wk.witskintikill'3l4,oteVomit-Br d ilalbroo , Boston Amex .Andrew7brikhis, Blohmand 1111,1efle, Bo 114 salt Ml'44Alsawi"ir‘ MI" 8 t Louis GM'Yoilasonaltlot_ Mrs 0 T ;loos, K • 11 Itiirmen,,Lektrigton, Jas SPOOL" 1 W T4 l4o4,,,,Ay er tyakis. ° a uras., sohlaiwo, 11l to, .. , , John Flouter, Jack , n, Miss D " - Wm Habooek, Danville Osaarl Moore,-Dusaille R Sykes, Germantown J N Waring, SATILUnkti, Oa Mins Alston iTharladon J . 0 Kinear,lll.4 1 M Swain, ritehrsies r Tn A Hearn & la, Baltf L T Bough 0 2 thlago` -• W•lt lloyster, Monts r, AI • Tanuyi4„.llillt` Lawla ulark, St Lou ZdrailA WAIN, lit.Louth, Misr SOMiStatinrEilt Louis atisa,llW ll ds, Fffeli• H Kelly & IX% To • Xklarshallraii HSU Burney, G Vim4/WlPBUrady, Gs A Wrsy, Somerville, Tn •IT„W 111 y Ya • , A Thou:010n, N Y Mts TrObtae2,l;diteville . • -Mrs Mutate Louisville A Paoli. LiXtivOle 0 XirOh, fortsumath • Ohms., savannah Miss Ohreeve, Balt 4,10_ ~/o,ardNcaton -t • Owl Vanden, N Y staalwry.marrobarg . ThouiVloxe Pott B vMe HartWOort Rooding • Dr Mra Ltoll SIGs, Y •. • LeTi 70Y. Er T Allot/WE, Wilton W Wsiker, Miss 71.4 Pusan, Miss 0 171 Obureb, Idemplai* J OWard, Melilla Douala & M 4 Mia Stmlowe,•. asbingliP Mira is Johnston, Md Jno Barbee, Lon " Wadoell, Lexington J D ke4toth.Rockkord.l/L , M 11,1hompiont Mina M Lively, Tallahmase,JPG, -John Clark*: Idemplala 0 0 111ersiilletriphly L P Rooms, 8 0 - B King & la ll ikawill,fls,4 IT ft WllltaXis,N 0 Bothwell, XX ' •-t. w A Mc , lell and, Nashville •LenonloilhAx l , l l l / X A Coiling. Lexington,Tn if L 0011 Ina, Lexington, Tn Dryden;' , llalt Win-PettitrN 'Vol 8 poatly• N Y r • John Curd, St ,ThaeStUldo, •Xelw Oita, PUlton, Mo 4 Med', BloOritteld,' MO • "Miss N obit 2 eobld, St Paul It 0 Tiothok NoollYlllo •• • J- 1/Pearl, Nashville' G P Laffer ty, Paterson,ll 1" 17 • • eo earmark. Y 'D Tahnestoakvllalt iv Wat osoki- Balt ' &-DarlinsoTexale., Gas MoOreelT, Ball Thus o,,Bullerton, Balt ••• • 2•11 Thiarman, N Y ,W Ballet; N I Aznott, 'W,L,,,Altroilwildi Chian: 0 A Smith & sat wsuol • '? • f /111 471oddard, N Y Geo El bonny N Y Jac& Bitu.zN '8 A Davhi, 8t Loth; st —A T Gels*, vortamouth, Va P Moo, te,,TortainbuthOra A X Mud, Nhohinston M Glenn, Oincinnath 0 W Woodville, salt 11 J Ookel, Miss Wm 11 Ookel, Mlet 11111WHAPITW HoTlG4Ttrarth etrttet.' below lig. Woolfisb, ?do t Johuston, Mo. Jos X Prost, ' B H ouchrin, Bo • J•EI mead; lowa : Tallei;li 401 1 144 11 Matson, Brookville - - Tao W, Leinroore,Tild„ JBehoardeldilos • J Gann 4_ Berget43ath", PC% 41 H Barkesilistbr Pa • ' .W Ovetfleld, Esaton, Pa o's Palmer & 111; Pa • A Simon, 8 - e 086 Wlalileir, Ohio • D BOHM% BBUOWSTS, Jars Oakley, /ad I,G lierry,,EY' , • - 0 G Clautsh, Sy • 0 I , ll,oberison, 7ohnilons,Nebo7, , Ey • e• W H Apillegate, 8 0 ;oho Deighn, 81024111 W Myer*, 11l Hon re TOIL Ps 4 74'41•Ittliondenion, X ,7/ A 0 SansiLtKileaSal'4 , 4 ..46W A Warts, Thos Oonradfdit Jbeaph, Mb John Ohlo ,Wma 00mktrilelai= ztr«x W HBarleq;,Tesme - b B Dodgta lilseaniTentrit'; Jos R keno le,t/11 Bevß Id Solunimksr,‘Pa 't3 SEvans, Philt , MrrMr 8011,' thool , 1, T Deckle, 41ncsate AMERfOAN'ItOUBII-01hestnnt st•setibelow Sixth. Drown, , Ps • - 11 0 Newell, NY.'-• -- rt !hand 1., Young; Beading • , Geo Summed, Balt. Steroid, Diesdeti, 0 I I 8 Browat• Sat, -T 80opelavid & Jno T Cooper, N ' L 8 Johsumn,-Newark; NZ Samuel Reed, N J Rbbt Pctinm'ey, Balt las White,•llilt - 77 '• • ,Wollitleorp, Washington Pll4,olo , tari-lisatolne "' N Y O, WOW 1 010 G,Willian, jitthit ' I J TlickerseLN Ir • ..;•• At 90 , 711117, basantb, , Angie, , PH, Lair, X,OP/11 WWI WOW WPM 14 T Nohlor7Ohio Wollism3, Ohio NT Sennett, N J , Illuiirma!rd.• lielwAing 13 MeAllister:Ps -'•' TrestOn, N Immo Stitk, N Ook. Maysville, 11, 0 R Banos t, canton, ' ,Wm K Jones & wihse PA L Allen, Tamaqua' W Boydsr, N -Vrtn White, Lock Haven :Y:~ 1 .. s1:;~ , .papyoNAEIOSTEI6-46,30 street, above Third. DJuatlca;Elmira, N.Y B Potts Elmira, N Y The. Danney, Pelt . • - .0-eo M Wellaceelialt 0 H Putnam;lr;Pt Edward ßickar,t N P Hay, Pt • -. • Wilson, Vt... Jelin 1Z Mew, Potter/110 Nathan Evans, Pottsville • ObAst, MinerarNis ,t -Jo. WM taker, Durk am, Ps M Medlar, Tamsqus PArnaay t Lebanon IV # B TAt's* 4."ccal iIAiILILDRIIABA=IO.,7 , O9iAnd below Vine. J•AIM'S tr, , Elistietain :It Cadwallader Doylestln XII Stickman , P 2owtoWn ":,B4Okßarker, eambertylUe lurtnelEollltlay, New Hops Joni:Musky lc Dail% •• l acc co'Claccc n sop•awklo, - Pa ‘,„ ". Jane Dario-Pi',• - 'I M Dmleattlit la, PA 'Atuoa lijaction'k /A' PA olt 'Roberts Newtown X'-g'Pioke,dcir , Noirtawn Harley,italetorrn J Nottourne Snots do - • "iris Plowelt,a, Hacks - I J'A Eirk - qtucks co .` ' W,Oray, Va lkiatburn • k acks co ".• W Stuckert, Basks co BDlllirinhinr, Buck. co„: ,' Seneca Senna, Snail co - 'Jew Noirbold,'Encks "A"Ectight, Newtown Jaa Itclialr. NoKtown 'las Torbert, Newtown' -wren IlbltandSkfcrii,Batten ey, Newtown , Jaa Hornat;NawtOwti - ",A L alt ookore",,NtiwtoWit gg It'Plakititii4NoWtown\ L NowtOwa • Jaa Pkolaw L "Ple' - SWIM)* Slam cO watioifialfehe 1:00 irEstrow. New Hope P Cornell, New Hops W NO!' ZOO a H Hitt Tao D Holyi Salk , ',2llezzl3o* L Ferriday; Pltiabsirgh...: 111$ Stowe, N Jakob Winona St. 1. led Macadeldi Ohio ONm Res)lef, Delphi, rata._ Oates tlaberstk, AOktott. 0 Wm Eittoct, Seltrony 0, Yonne & May OW Lawellln,3ialtimoro 0 W.Barle, Cape May *noirHenry B,inch,t , t,T John Much' N ; ,„ imiqx mai& wk.-mirth sett' Mmniumfirtrosts: .A 011sy t :HMV-L.ler, 06oster cci;Pa, sawn*/ Th 'Boni Phila J,Olaygoa, Monypintery Hobert STEM,; LantriaLts ' -.- - ' - .- Dot ecr, Pa DSjetliOltaster'SO, pa; • ; - nos, siovi.csnowhin. 810ne14,10, - ,..,lllllongb,:antb ,puiton WAlPiusAtagibillsaer4,WA JacOb.Tallmstii Oratttown 3) Wolq.boubtito •,.; 44. - , ;( 1 , W ,WolfilNinboto ,13 Roadmi-tiyberry' - tirststown J Posers, &laden Greek A ; , G Olenumeni 3 Oheitsr 41 Carina, No town- - , eactii t 5), g GOGI3I. "v•frkiwn:Pk. -- - Jitter, Batkichem ,Brows, Mtaitgopkiery Co Bisittf, Bucks, 0, 88 , W Bosco; Brisk" co. Pa . has ' ricirie ;Alija etie stud. Illegtteto -Electric ariiobbioa tot:Medloatuoir, uuinufacturad mad tor silo at kli'llotith flAYlShipibitYrot, by ;;-• • • Eira,ie Cjfitoterfettir i't"Jules Hsaelb Eau z ittdirenne Hair Row:water his nongunt In inneaftlog' ied bratitifig:the thil4d'intn're iatorinelt*fhen tit-, paired ai l- Min:ln' dee*: gold , bj ill, Divussit, and at - the Laboratori Of ',Tumid drAtulz.'"a :C0n 14.0 . 1 .9A Chestnut street, Ebtladalpt4a.':; ' iulmr lit ft iteateve ; ; -• oennsievin 7,':-/•X;141r13.11WISO, MkOWINNis `$BD O)iBBT2tgT - STttur '", httiebblei ire now Justly ihnitted to be the hest Ist itei family Main j mating , y nevi rknn6r ,klisiCirhioli,wm nee eren it every ,foorth 01, teli4nt,egW . Otertolare, ant on syyllostion by letthl/' - ; ; " ; 49.7- . , w - - imiTE - AND OHS rmyr Proffiiß;sfts, BIM Badizi; Bill Heads, 01r- Cri aßßlz,Bi of Job Printing, at pdON Oinat, • 0474, ' . .ifeattlineS hand.-0111oe 103 Walnut street,- tele door west of Second street,' Reselies de posits of Dollai and innards, frOm all --dosses of the eonoutinlVe and, allows interast at the ;iate Wave per eint. per annum: Ofiloe'open idadj,"frons 9 wail 6 !Alma; and on ion suil listufd6l ; null) 9 in 11ilicireott!g: President, il ' h " 1111-1011 1 Putt* syl, lYierfdati,, (Marla" Y. • - tine; at ttmes ; teals Ills -14. Oeigilty orsOme - rewtOratlTe of the 71* powers ' de . pissed by mental toe 'bodllleibaukfoa, In such cow. gtl,ol or!flyicir: to - the alcelloila 14kmedlelnal stlmnitntt, whieh - Mast fOUotied- by 'flepressfon equal to their excite:meat, tehmtgatete hie deranged by the,nattiitil tonic elements of the P,stkowtsit - gold V. Baows and Cheat ;fititiand ilisesan k bo., Twelfth and OR•rtant. alswittit? Rey- Coati.; Ittieyeat.— IfiIP3NALtIMPATVOIJOT , OOMPANYi'WAIditiT, itieet; T 14113); Philadelphia. Money . teeitiodin latilitniVfatti"oritoall,Med InttniatAddit ;o'o 'the day. of deposit to the day Of withdrawal. . 1 1difief: tdreeelved and_ payments muds - daily, - "althimt 4'6114. The tweets:mint. are Made dlihrfletiti; iiirtgiges;Ground Rents, and each thatalaia Monte -ties air th charter Teonites. Moe bonne, from otelock _ties 9414iikWAtlitiVolook In the aftornoon, ad on itcPdaAt: l4 l4„Thoridar.eteldno until 8 otedoek, - feel - amagra. = At Pittat)dtb. cif Winliissday. Angina llth, by 4Einltes.A. ,, Pastielisit.:Mf....DUAßLßgßgaia"-t° IWPIIICILOWMRS, Anisettes of niteorgis Plow ofDeldirtn township, Allegheisty hnonti, Pa. the 1811alustint, at ther-Vartousirs of the liforA. vwlatC.O.burehrbp - Rev IMintind. De Poliweinits, P. A. DARPRIRIS Riolissightei of,Onpt. J. , , ;; , ..gyfitee; wt.,lr.fipsni, , Di-D , , oh' fifinulay Iq, 41101,114 -litlow.N. to suza - aourisTos. , k * 04.,40180,,,Aggu.5..1858, asslie.resid'eliee of Mr. : Arthils Powell, 101Oneikterr011i. , ' hiAllder 'Jr, T. Thopipion.3Le 3011$ POWSLL, of Oloneentar county, to ' MARY DAYIIIi . Dt 01 0, loqtfr 0 1 Mill • Dinore papesaphisse copy) 41: ry:lvw Eighttt.Stroet' OAnrob, rouser of "N0b1.., Lk3" will be .reopen ed ;for Public Worship I:O4IOR RCM (Sunday) Iliornilig end Evening. Services by the Pastor, Rev. MOUS PATTOIf. , - en2,l4t* . , . • Bible Telegrams :—.Early Sabbath War -"P.• STOOKT018;' (h, et N. • 1011aL Ell ' AGLobterket Street: above 7weltih t SAD BARS.. MOWING; it og *select. • Canal thou Jena Oghtnings, , that Mitt may go, aitd 'say unto thee— Heri-wo thION pitaYSP.,!66.64' from 6 to 8 P. U.. AU • at,121-It -17 . on Tabernacle, (Broad and Girard "Avenue) Priuhlog ovary .11yealoir. TO.BOB• WWI, also, at. 0 A.M. by Bey, Mr. HDNTINGDON. At 6, P.M'. by 80. ,Dr..BOMOISRGEB. Aad In German at 10 A'. M. and,ON k. M. I'r... , mq/sooting 4P. IL 1.1321:10 , - • - , Dirt will Preach on Elab-' ALS • BATS the MOANING at 10. and E.V.EN LNG .at B,lis lIGCONG REFORM Igl.l/17TOEI Gamma, SEVENTH SAMNA' ) alma Brown. an21.11,* sioOtal requent; the Rev. Thomas H. STOOII,TON, D D. ' reliant hie Sermon on the Second Coming Ohr let. in the YOUBTH BAP TIST ontraOlt, corner /PlPTH'snd BUTTONWOOD Streets; on SABBATH IMMO nett, at 8 o'clock. • [WYoung. 111en•s Christian • Association: A. regular Slated ideiting will be held on MOi► DaY E,BNING NaXT, 24th Inst., In the BAPTIST dANSOIit 6troet, below NINTH. iot• portant busivees will be brought before the meetly& it le to be hoped there will be a toll attendance Seats w4l be reserved for Ladles, who ail cordially invited to attend.. 4to. W. 4ttloll, an2l-2d - .11egisteriag hioretary. Meeting e 1 the Stockholder. of the Darby Turnpike and Plank Road Company Erbe held at the BLUR DELL HOTEL. in Kin k gossip; Twenty-fourth Ward, on t bird day, the 24th Init., at 8 o'clock; In regard to granting the privilege to the Philadelphia and Darby Passenger Railway Com pany to lay a Railway Trask along And on the bed or said Plank Road. - Punctual MI °admire Is requested. • „ _ D. H. BERRILL, 'HigasEBelgo Bth me. 18th, 2858 ; , -": an2l-Btes VrEireinork'S Prayer Meetings. hold under the "auspice" of the YOUNG DIEN'S 011RId. lAN .101.800IA.TiON: • Diligent Engin." Go,Dally from 6to P. M., and ihinday P. 111. ~ • 'Coign:tide Hose Ce.,, Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. - /Obeli Morris Hose Co , Tuesday Beanbags. 8 o'el'k. .'America Engine Co ,Titesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. - . 'Diligent HOBO Co., Widnesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. PhiladolpWe Engine Co.,"Wednesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Pouthwark 3Vidnesday Droning', 8 :reciciek, , - Pairradiint Engine Ca:, Thursday Evening", 8 o'cl'k. Nor:Liberty 14 ose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'clock .lilnltedStites H 7 se Co. Thursday Evenings; 8 o'cl'k. :Good Will Hose Co , harsday Evenings, 8 o'clock. ' Schuylkill Hose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'clock.- . , Western klose Co ., Friday Brenta?, B o'clock. goring Garden Hose Co , Priday Leanings, S'o'clOok. — United Staten Engine Co , Sundays, 6toBP. M. • Pennsylvania Hose CO , Sundays, 4 to 6 P. 111.. - Delaware Engine Co., Sunday Evenings, 8 o'clock. - Western Engine Co., Sunday Evenings, 8 o'clock.. . A Union'Prayer Meeting in also held in the Roberit !talker School - House, cloth street; abbei Carpenter, daily, ikon 6 to? P. M.,"to which, all are invited. ly order of the ExecutietsConamittea. jy3l-sattf Melon Bank.—At a Meeting of toe 'Board of Commissionerrof the 17:den Bank the ol owing preamble and resell/Lion were adopted : Vutreas, Tho' Commissioners-of thi Union Bank by very general request of. the Stockholders, resolved 'not to enforce the paymenfor the second inataiment on the subscription. to the Capital Stock of said Sank during the financial crisis of last year, and a*, in the judgment of the Commissioners, the groper time for theorginisation'of said Bank has noe- beekreechede therefore . licaoried, That the 'Stand: Instalment of Twenty Dollars per share on the aitbscrlptlon to the Capital Stock of said Bank abet( "be -- paid at the 001oe of the Sankt Sentiment corner of TIIIRD and. ARCH Street", .Phlladelphla, - between the that and fifteenth days of. September next, and ;between the hours of 10 and 1 Stockholders wishing to pay prior to the above date can do ao a heretofore. . • - - " JOHN M. 'OMEROY, Secretary. _ '100.853. ' , ' - Le2l-weteelf, F'Uttlext : . - Tent i litread amid Girard-Ave. ano.) Preach - tot CHIS ItIrhNH7Q,I7 the Her. ..O.JIASTEUS, eoptateleolng at lei o ' c l ock: atL2O-Itit crirpit on lar seven:Directs,* of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to aerie wing the enealtno year,.will,bis held on,BATII /WAY, too North day of Beidenilier tient, between the hours of twelve o'clock M. and one,o'elook P. At. at toe late Odic* of the Company , in' the Reeding Railroad Com panyleialdin, in the city; of Phlladelphla, Penna. By Od li t h e Board; , I'. M.BRYANi suateep , - Secretary. u111Br•ii ter' Ltivallds; With Arieettoras.of THE OtikOT.' • ' " • . • B.W. oor. Streots sull.ruit • • • • -• • • ; ' . 'West Philadelp a., Sot ealeltrtb to Lei. FOR SALE.—A HARDWARE STAND, STOCK, fixtures, and Goodwill of a old estab lishment, on DIARKST Street, doing • first-rate retail businees.llept"vert low. .Thie La favorable ehanee for a pelManent and subetaritial businem. Address , BRADY,* . yNo. 423 WALNUT Street. l a FOR SALE Oft TO RENT. , :-4 - new 'NEIL and, very tieefrable-rsoldence, ID complete ordrr, whhierthe modem imicrovements-LNo. 923 GREEN at. Apply on the premi.po, or to ' ite3l.6t - R. 7, MITE, 613 MARKET Bt. elf FOR SALD:-=The Store and Dwelling is a on the northwest corner of tlereath end Chris. Alan streets. Lot 18 by 81. ' Terms' secolamt.dOlsg Apply H.A. T110318E031 O. I 9I.IIONARROS, an2l-3t , . '938 AROLI Meet.. INNIOMMIN PBN N„ L 9 ANT A RAIL.' Ti E ROAD.' .vamium WOORS, 7 .0 n and after WBD. NESUAY, August:26th..3664ths trains on this road will Isere FRONT stud WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, DAILY, (Sunday excepted) for BETHLSIIIIM, EA& Eit-GAP, , wuaxanetuul, SCRANTON, tee, (Sxpres,) it 816 A. MO Pm Bethlehem, A llentown , MIII2CII Chunk, Williams. Port."Shuirek,lllegara Talle,fro,„4ltgeess.)-** alto - ' Fur Dolicstowis (ictoraniadstlon) at 11.48 A: DI. and .•4Y. M. , Nor Forr.Was . blnitoci (►eoommodation) at 9.46 A. If and 8 P. U. PUILADILPEIIIA . Leave &addles" (Express/ at 9 A.M. altd 6 P. M. Leave Doyleitowsk(Acoomauxiatlon) at • 7 A. M. sad 3.90 P. • . • - f• ON. SUNDAYS. • Leave.philiulelpkla fpr Doylestown at 8.45 A. M. and .AP. It • Leave Doylestown fox Philadelphia at T,A.M. mad &ea P.M ' • an2l•4t 1LT.48 MOIL, Agent TAS-13/IALLEN & SON'S,-No. 26 South • SIXTH Street pablish I 'The City of the Great Ring, ,, cloth, $8 86.. lladji in Syria; 7freente. Oar pentry.loade Buy, $3. Juvenile Library, $2 50. Cava of Machpelah, $l. The '4iospel and its Elements, 35 cents. a hristisn Evideneei. 85 tints , &e. Is razes—Palest ne, Pest' and Present, ' $3.50. In and Around Stamboul, $1.25. an2l-I.t* KNOWLES'FAMILY COAL 'DEPOT, NlYiTil and WILLOW Streets, "here iho hICH• OILY and LER 10 11 COAL can beimpplled,n lts purity, at Lowest CASll'mlees. • " ' au2l-lnt n- $4.000, and .$3,000 to Loan 5,00,,, on Mortgage. Apply 4 t the office of JAMES 11 CASSIA, 116 South aura Street. ;t • • •- WELLS, FARGO, & tOO., NEW TORE AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS CO AXD IIOUASOII DRAMS! A JOINT EITOOH.OOMpANT. CANTA!.., $630,000. OITION, No, 400 0,18&TNIIT SWUM, WELT'S; FAIGG; 00:, having established an 'Agency at VICYORIA, are prepared to transport PACKAGES at every. description to that place and vicinity. Expresses lea►e NEW YORK on the sth and 20th of oath month. EXCHANGE for gain on California, Oregon, Wash• ington Territory, Victoria, and Sandwich Islands. D. 24. 23A11.2.420t, JA., &gDt VVARMING AND VENTILATING WAIRSROOMIS The enbscriber would invite the special attention of ArobltSet Builders and the public to his WEW CULVER PATENT SELF-CLEANSING AND • VENTILATING WARN AIR FURNACE, Which boa been so successfully introduced during the last wittier and gave much general satiraction. It is so arringed as to consume the glues from the Coal. making it one of the most economical, safe, datable Heaters now in rise, Also, all *Wes and pitterne of Cooking aangec, Bath Dollen. Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Orats, every rarlet7 of .neghters and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Colitis , Patent Chimney Caps, far the our, of smoky chimneye, with a fall assortment of all goodie in my line of business< Prempt attention paid to Bangs and Heater repair lug ) Otrio prices redwood to suit the times. • - CHARLES WILLIAMS,' (Late Raker & Willlams,) "Jean 1182 (old 406) MARKET *Oven, Philade. THE DELICATE, and those who are pro flounced convalescent after a lon duration of ili um, are recommended to nee alight etlmulants. We .oan,_ in all "eanddence, commend tile _ PURR PORT Whig of our own Importation to those who are allowed tho luxury. It ie a fruity, itledlnil Wine. ZIIIGLkIh k 81411£1, Druggista, anlU•dtt douihweat cor Second snd Green eta, LAND WARRANTS WANTED. . . WILIEST PRI6III . GIVEN DREXEL Es - CO., 84 SOUTH THIRD 3THEICT, LATIAL&N & RABORG— Importers end Wholesale Dealer* In Wilms, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and TANGY LI QI7ORS, No. 1011 MARK.NT Street, between Tenth and ilementn atroot, 14.1104 f HAMS, SIDES, AND SHOULDERS. Li 200 hhde D. Salt name. , 10 blade smoked Ho. 2000 pieces Oily !Smoked MIME. 2000 obonidere. In store sod for sale by C. C. fIii.DLER & Co. 1010.0 t No. fl North WATId St MSS SHAD. - ' 20 Ws Mess Shad, ib store and fOr sale 1 7 • „ •, „ tl. SADLER & CO, .au1943. 2 • - No. 9 North WATER Ft PAPER, Printed Cards, And Envelopes. - 406 Commerce Street, , N. S. L Iiti.RINTERS , CARDS, _ .x.,- Paper and Zaralopes. . ~ ~-..- 406 Commerce Street, • L. B. N . . ENVELOPES; Printers' Cards, and 406 Contmerte Street, Paper. ;. -- ani74lt* S. L. 14 A"-26 Casks Mulea, Younger's, and All: aopp's SPARKLING ALB, in Plots landing and (or sale by WILLIAkt H. YgATON. Ms Health FRONT tiCawt vtritsprz FISH.--75 half bbls. of the calf:, V.V biated Detroit /Um White Fish. Joint reasival gind•for We by „0. 0. OADLBS & 00. - I • • 0 fljnrtkW lilt al-.24, :11011ORT WINE.-50 Quarter Pipes In bond, r ihd r9r hale by NVILIAAM H. INATON, • No 216 gooth.FRONT, fitrAet. MANILLA ROPE ".-Assorted sizes mann iseturad arid for &do by - " lt " iAXE k. R, PISCES, CO., INOI I Na, 814, WArga Meet. 1717, PRESS.-11MADELPHIA:, .SAT4EiDAIT. AUGUST 21; 1.5 A ALL GOODS F0R.18581 • F- Over 8,000 yards of NSW SILKS, just received by 4HORNLInt 8 OBISM. N. Ic. ear. EIGHTH and SPRING CiARDSN Street. - Bought for OAK/ and to be sold only for OASIL I We can confidently used that the abort% goisis are so cheep that; can save a large - per outage - by buying of us. , Our BLAME. SILKSMumet be excelled on this Conti. vent of A merlon! I We challenge a entoparleon. • New Detainee of ,beentlfed Pole de Oberree. Valenclas, and very„hindsome flog. Rah, French, and American flhiststs, New Stella Shawls Crape Shawls, Brochathawls, Blanket Phawle, &c. '- A very large stook of Domestle .I!latmels, "nuke* Qutlts Counterpanes, Best gamily Milani, of our own Importation Table Clothe, Table Cesare, Plano Covers,. Stand Covers, Zia. ' Clothe, Ousimeres, ftc., for Men ' s and Boys! wear. We have determined to keep the beet Stook this, season we have ever had, and to maintain our runt*. lion u one of the Beet Some in Philadelphia to Buy at. THORNLEY Ec' 0111811,. N. Oor:11IdliTH & fIPILINift GARORN Stroo/ tiWil HAViI ONLY 020 PRICE." je1941 • - DUFF Sc CO.'S NEIMAN „ „ft TILE COLLEGE, Southeut corner and CIiEBT,NUT Streeto, (established in 1840, Fad we ll -kn ow nthe Legisla ture of rennnylvw/in.) In thi Inetitution the of Fredlab Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, Including ill the AUXILIAEY Booesi COMUNROIAL CUL 'oucarioxa,and BtinlNEB9 WRITING, ttUg t i nOA moat SW:OWe end matlataatory style. EUSTON, POllOll.ll. . EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOOLIST iltrest, *est of Sixteenth, will be re opened teethe .Pall Session on MONDAY, i•eptember 6, 118 58. The Pnicipal will be at the Academy on Thursday the rd, and Yriday the ad of September, from 9A. at. until 12 a 1 to furnish Circulars and reedy. applications for admission. J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. anZniar2diSt* [Kra O T AFIT E n!g A aI E n 3 fO Y ;;Is he wril l eo h m th - WEDNESDAY, september 1, 104 Rooms Northeast corner of .011 ES rN UT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Entrance on Eighteenth street. . - 1411.1.1:18 11AHROWS, att2l-12t JOHN H. WESYCO IT, '''""/" WITHERS & 'PETERSON, - • " .13ROEEN.21,' V - No. 99 South THIRD Street, (East 9d0.) Promissory - Notes, - Drafts, Acceptances, &0., rea -hiring In this''or - other Statee, promptly collected, and parties %drilled immediately on receipt of funds. Drafte at eight Or a few days to run, cashed at mode rate rates. •1•:. - Southern, Eastern, Western, and Penusyleanie State Money bought at low figures. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities trifle union. au2l-2m .- WEST , POINT AND COLLEGE O •• 1r MATIMIATIOB —Private leveonain any por tion of Mathematical and Mechanical science, andthat atecial instrocti• n phtnh tti.i Wane f•XteliMee to otaa families, mil the attainment of the tyther Academie honors, way be :ohttiin<4 of P. STEWART. Inalitute 108 MUTE Bt.. below ORRSTNIIT. - atal.fitle TURNIP' SEEDS, CROP OF 'lB66.=L' .W.,Wihwre in {tore, of our own growth, enwp of 1858, superior to the imported—tarty botch, At:no - Leaved, -Purple To Strap Leaved, White Globe, Early ntene, Large Norfolk , Yellow Aberdeen, Purple Top Scotch, and Golden Ma lta. ms OIDBR , IIILLS:—Hicicok'ti Land kraus— ser's 'patent Clder Mills, for Asks, wholesale and re tail, by - LANDRETH & BON, implemeiit and seed Wareboutie, ttosi. 21 and 28 South Slith atiseti Below Market street. WANTED—To rrelght or Charter a good -VESSEL, to carry from 200430 tone, to tai k„ Southern port, A fair rate .leol be' paid and quiet 'despatch glean. Apply,to - BISHOP, BIMONS k 00., ,an 2,14( No. 106 Altoll Street, above Front.' Alt, WANTED—A [Mall Vessel to load ~tor DoTer, N. If. .Apply to • - BbABONT ' No 146 North THIRD Street • , 4u21-2t6, , NOVELTY, ROMANCE AND REALITY. M.AMMOMPRIMM P.7A{..1.0h`!1",(.0 1 4: 6 0.41. - #:‹o4*.r. - 4=1. 1 *).Z..1 On OAT . IIRDAT .11 , 1BNIyG, AUGUST Slit., Returning on MONDAY MORNING at an early hoar - lane roif iiIiROUND TRIP, $1.15. toot Boat Iwo! YINFISTIZENI3 wirAMP 8.15 P,M preeliely. s i to • SUNDAY EXOURSIONS.— The Steamer LOGAN leave* Megargee's Wharf, Kenalnaton, everyMINDAY et 10g, IX, A, and 6 o'clock. for RED D ANS, 'topping at Arch and Chris. flap streets. Returning at 12 0 - 2 g, 4), and og &cloak. A xpintlpn 0 cents.* pROSPRATIO GUANO. FROM a OMBIERO ISLAND, o Store and for We by .TOS. B. HANSON. & CO., ORIGINAL AMMONIATED SUPER 11105P114T10 OP Lllllll. free irom adulteration will now be sold to sub pn•ebuere at $4O per ton, et the ➢utory or, El ore; No. 111 ISILRILgT Street. . • 0. B. BOOM. REMOT/u.- THOMAS N.*DALE & CO., Ireportm ard MnAilfacturete of CLOTH/SBA' and TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, MVO Remored from N 0.19 North YOURVIL Street to NO. 313 MARKET STREET. an'll-1m REMOVAL.—BIS HOP, SIMONS, & 00. have retooled from 120 North Wharves to 106 ABOII Street, above PHONT. cult-00t REBLOVA.L-JOHN P. DWIERTY, N. E. CORNER 01 ATTU AND WALNUT US. PAlLAbstraii, July 18,1868. 372$ REMOVAL. JAS. R. CALDWELL & 00.4 puirous TO =ovum To TOM taw STORE, OFfla AT A IHIATT REDUOTION FROM 17813 AL PRIM jy2ll-1m if , AGAR') & CO , PIIILADELPFITA HATS AND CAPS, TO WHICH TREY INVITE TIIN ATTENTION OF • BtrYPRS,PEOM ALL PARTE! OP TUN aul9.2m* JAS. S. MARTIN, Sa., 0 FURS, STRAW GOODS, and MATTERS' TRIMMINGS No. 417 MARKET STREET, C H. GARDEN Sr. CO., martrrAorimans or, AND IVIIOLONALII DII/I.NIIB BATS, OAPS, FURS. STRAW GOODS, FANOY,EILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIE'. OIAL /LOWERS, RUOURS, FEATHERS, 10., No, 600 MARIKPT STREET, S. W. Corner or Sixth street, Plilladnipbta. MEROUANTS are reapectfully Invited to examine our Stock. au14.21u , IVO ONE should go to the Sea-shoro with- LI oat a ,bottle of our bIIADIOAIED,BRANDY - In their Valise. In ranee of sudden illove It would be the memo In many instances 'of item g life. PYRI PAPTIO.peroons, and thole debilitated; h ire been re stored to health by its nee. • r ZIMILHIR'A SMITH, tortigglete, ititP•dtg 1/9041TOat O r,moved ant gilf4 0141 Udall Wz 4. bobs. eb ura tional. COUNTING HOME counes %gricnlturat D. LANDRSTM & SON,' Implement and Soed Warehouse, Nos 21 and 22 South Sixth street between Chestnut and Market ate SlOl/ping. excursions. PIRST'4II.AND THIS SEAEON.TO ATLTXOOITY . , • DAVID H. MUNDY, JOHN G. DRUM', ' committee. Sethi;pre. 2,000 BARRELS AND BADS N 0.105 North WATER Street, and No. 106 North DELAWARE Ammo Itemovaie. TAILOR, sea REMOVED , • 482 CHESTNUT 82E3E14 MIX 11700 C OAP PLATED GOODS Bats anb crape NO. 823 MARKET STREET, HANN NOR IN 1110112 AN ENTIRE NEW EITOON. =MEI HAT AND OAP itIANIIYAOTURER PHILADELPHIA pillOaropfujitthbem TR. _0514P8E14, '00.; Mo. M 4 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 1914T2 (1009, FLAMPTO, ircatzioN,Airri TOMEBTIO DRY 1100Dr3 IaniBRALLY: au2o4m SILDADY;iMOTLEN & WOODRUFF, No. 328 - MARKET STREET, Have now opened 'and 'pre daily receiving a 0210100 I:4oleof,ailka and ilea) , Goods for the 1 , TRADE, Oonsieting ' r BLAG/I A r ith FANCY DREJYB•BILEB, BONNET ;AND .VELVET RIBBONS, DEEES GODDS 03/ EVERY VANIRTY, WHITE dOODB AND EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES AND MITTS. LADIESWLGAICS, SMARMS, MANTILLAS, &a. To whieh !hey invite the ettentionof Buyers gene• rally., ' . • SPAM:UWE, DUNTON, & WORTS, — 302 MARKET STREWN., Are BEI:LIEGF OiR their STOCK CRIMP ' c TO GLOSS 81T51141196. GRAAT INDUCEMENTS _ WILL HS 07/111210 xD The litoels OefteMS of r °ABE( BUYERS. -STALE AND DRESS GOODS, And In WV bpd well selected. at4ilLltst JOHN EU STRYKER •& CO., • ~311:13 ' ,A1ARKET STREET, • , WHOLIISII.II MIMS IN SBITISE ) IRENOS, AND AMERIOAN 'GOODS AND CARPETS, •BOUGHT AT AUOTION, And will No NOM low for ash. • sortiwt A LE.WDER & KNOWLE, liiPOßTittil AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, (NATO ROM:OTTO TO) Nos. 480 MARKET AND 426 MEEGUANT SU, AM have ituit'opeued - a NEW AND 0061PLETE STOOK of GOODS, °xi:ooV adapted to • WALL 2'II.AD/11, • To whit& the attention 'of their outman and MAST ' • °LASS BUYERS Is Invited. anl7.ltoord JOSHUA. L. BAILY, N. W. cox. FIFTH AND MARRIIT s. PUILADELPUIA, gas now open It - OUOICE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOOK FOREIGN*. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR BALE BELOW xraIILAR To which he invitee the attention of Buyers from section of the country. aul7lnt 1858 SILK GOODS. 1858 II.L-liiPpRTATIONI3. 3:04%..Em3E, molts, az Ns.rrammts, BM MARKET STREET, • 618 COMMERCE STREET, PRILAIMELPRIA. , Roue now Pcstore their complete IMPORTATION Or SILK AND FAROE GOODS, To which the attention of Um TRADE la Moulted.; otil4-2m . N EW FALL STOOK. ' TI-10T.2.11-03, 42S MARKET STREET, sow= SIDE, I[4 just opened. •nd has now In store AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OP AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Wonted eiptorAly for tbo FALL TRADE, to wblob he invites the attention of CASH AND MX MONTI-DV BUYERS. w. H. HOWELL, na.l642sf-wlan E. HARPER JEFFRIES, MARTINS, PEDDLE, & HARRICR, liitORTIN3 AND DRALIIIB 1N HOSIERY, ' GLOVES and - „ FANCY NOTIONS, 804TORTH FOURTH STREET, BIYE Docutit tpLevr THE AIERCHANTS , HOTEL, Offer for ule the most complete stook of gm:data Hairline to be foend la the 2 1;iNITED STATES, ~ Consisting of 110M.E.ItY; of every grade, •- GLOVES for men, women, and children, comprising an assortment of over SOO kinds, UNDERSHIRTS sod DRAWERS, LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS, LINEN CAMBRIC lIA.NDREROi/lEFI3 and SHIRT FRONTS, -LADIES' ELASTIC PELTS, with clasps of entirely new design', with an endless variety of Notions, to which they Invite the attention of 'FIRST CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN - • BUYERS. , anl4-ew MEN'S WEAR. DE 00IIRSEY, LAFOURCADE, & CO., (335 MARKET STREET) MX; *ow In nom tbe'r 1f,A1.1. - IMPORTATIONS, of the greatest novelties of such goods, to which the attention of OUSTOMBRIS •lID-TIII TRAM. IS INVITED. EN'S FURNISHING GOODS • AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, lONGOOPE & PXIABOE, B SOUTH TOURTU, ONE DOOR BELOW !GARRET STEED!, HAYS lo store s fall svortotent of Men's Furnishing acoaA and Tailors' Trimmings, to which theylorlte the affinities of clothiers and Merohant Tailors. aulelro FALL STOCK BILK AND FANCY GOODS. HERRING & OTT, Oorner of FOURTH and ItiftllEP HIM now in store a epiendid assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OP THEIR (.WN IPIPORTATION, To which they Invite the attention of IfftBT-OLAIIS BUYERS. an.l3-2na pRIOE, FERRIS, & CO., IM,PORTEES OA - *RITZ *AN, LINENS, DAMASKS EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, MITTS, /co., No. sr 1. MARKET STRUT, BELOW FOHP. I .X, ' • PHILADELPHIA: J. M. P. PRICE, CHAS. RICHARD PRICE, JAIL H. COCHRANE, EDWARD FERRIS. . aulB-2w QIIINTIN CAMPBELL, .la., & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, GLOVES, end FANCY GOODS, No. 341 MARKET STREET, Noriboant Oornor of FOURTH'. R. A. flu.4littoso, Q 1711111.11 sul2an FALL STOCK Or CLOTHING. CHARLES HARKNESS SON, No. 838 :RACKET STREET, EOUTIINAST PORKER OF FOURTH, Have now In store a large and splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, manufactured ex pressly for the Southern and Western Trade, which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or en the usual Credit. BUYERS are Invited to call and examine for thou& selves. anl2-2s a sMITII, WILLIAMS, & CO., WIIOLESALB DEALVIta PORBION AND DOBISSTIO DRY tiOODS, No. 513 MARKET STREET, Are now oorntontly receiving NEW SEASONABLE 000.11 D, Of Desirable Stylea, from the beet markets la this Country and Europe. Tho attention of porchasors is solicited. anll-6w Upatting. FIRST-CLASS BOARD and pleasant IL' ROOMS out be had on early application at 6 9.1 Fouth WaSHlNGTost nex t to 8e'0 , 4 0 °harsh. .ou2l-13t* BOARDING.—A gentleman dual:kelt to so. cure good accommodations, for whirl he will pay compensation. Address PHYSICIAN, at this °Sloe. aul7-81.* BOARDING.—A vvon•venti/ated Oham ber, with mall Parlor, wanted by two 8431 le gentlemen. addresa L. U.," at Oda aim ale QLATE I SLATE I SLATE I I 1 --Ef, o th aff or slate, at all LA and at Tiny low mita, e Inant l 7 1ng4.4, abd for ulejty • non' ORRRANTOWN ROAD anA Tarit,D m z o at . N. B. ohm Rub pat on to Ma but ma'am:, and ra. pilling a1t•114414 fib Al; WIR,W4. 10 1111r2 oats Jobbers. FALL GOODS. ' MARTIN - 288 MARKET STREET, - DRY GOODS. aulB.lm F ALL STOOK. EITH/AN, JONES, & 00. " No. 215 MAREET STREET, .111110Q011. TO ' No. 204 °num,'" ALLEY, Este now in Store s - COMPLETE nom , SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, To which they Invite the aftentton of Buyers from all parte of the Union. as/0-2m SITES, VAN UULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS • AND WHOLESALH DNALZSII IN HOSIERY, - GLOVES, ?AHOY GOODS, &0., No. 428 MARKET STREET, ABOVE MIRTH, PHILADELPHIA. aulB.4m BAEOROFT'& (Noe. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET,) IMPORTERS AND I OBBNIts or DRY GOODS, Would giro nottoe to Sayers, 11 eIIOTION or MI coma; That tholt arrangements for the FALL TRADE ,• ARE NOW. COMPLETE. • aull-6w SRA.PLEIGH, RUE, & 00., IMPORTBRO WRITS GOODS, LIMO, - - EMBROIMIBIBS. LAOS GOODS, its. No. 829 MARKET STREET, aall•gm PIIILADELPIIIA T T. WAY & 00., , • Nos. 221 MARKET Strait and 10 CHURCH Alloy IhIPORT.III2 AND /011111/413 DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the PALL TRADE. The oompletenew of their Stook, both for • VARIETY AND PRIORS, Will be found to offer advantages to buyers, nnsur paused by any other in this country. sultim AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND HANDY DRY GOODS AT 19110LX8ALE DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY 3IERIDIOB, 0011113108,1iiIIOLIN DII LAINES, "aLVATB, BILKS, ALPACIAB, GINGHAM , CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS, VESTING/3, TLANNRIS, PRINTS, BLILORED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, Abel other styles or Goan adopted to ot FIRST-OL . ASS TRADE, All of 'ditch are offered for We Cheap W. G. CRITTICK & CO., 438 MARKET and 433 MEKORA247 AT au1744 tb eutt243&4144 L. BALLOWELL & CO., . . , 339 MARKET STREET, SAYI )!OW IX MAI A AMMO A1601.11111f OP MOP SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS OP THEM OWN IMPORTATION, An examination of which they eoliacit from CASH AND SHORT ORD:DIT BUYERS Prom all *actions of the Cell) , try au.lo4tt to ■ at BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Offer for ulo et their Store, No. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, TR LATEST BALL_ STYLES or Imported and. Dome Manufactured TAROT DRY GOODS, ClooxWhig of— DRESS TIMI=OB, VELVET RIBDONE,_ _ /SKIRTS of all kinds, and materials for them. HOSIERY IN GREAT VARIETY. UNDER 8 ti IRTS, DRAWERS elkAwx,e, COMEORTIL GAITERS. Ladles and Children's BELTS, To all of which:we Barite the attention of PIRST-OLASS BUYERS:. anll4m NEW FALL STOOK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 N ORTII FOURTH ST. Sort just opessrat an entire new stook of userzar, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they Invite the attention of that-ohm buyers Qtr ilea la particularly adopted to THE SOUTHERN TILILDE auSL2mlf NO. 416 MARKET STIttEET. PHILADELPHIA, AtIC+IIBT, IESB N'AT_S.. TRADE. WM. H. BROWN & CO. , Are now receiving their PALL BTOON OP PORMION AtIERICAN DRY *DODO, . To which the attention of BUYERS! respee.:utly Invited 133atrIps, 3guicirg, &c• BAILEY & 00., rommatr BAILEY KITCHEN, nave removed to their new El rie•proof, 'Whito Mitts Store, sa CUESTNUT BM& r, NQRTH SIDE, BELOW THE QIRAR .1) Rom Pi.ow openiug their fill apricot IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WA JUtS, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the plekne, BILYER•WARB, WATOHES, DIABIUDS, ANA PEARLS, LT WIIOLINALIiI AND av fA gy aul7-Iftf inr..s, Str. BUFFALO RUBES, BY THE BAIR 014, 808, QA Q. P. WOYLRATIPS, 415 AND 417 AD.OII STREET. k ,'• Umbrellas and parasols. V. 3 LEEPER Sc PfENNER, mdkrivrAcrnatans or UMBRET,iLAS AND PARASOLEri 2 10. 838 MARKET STILEST, Ii ITlts the attention of ItITIBBEI To Their hArkoikp AND VAD I III1;• OITOQD 1i9.14/N 433401e5a1e inrg lawybs. ATEWAND 0110 ICE STYLES . ELLINGTON CARPETS, (CROSSLEY'S PATENT BRUSSELS,) CONSTANTLY RECEIVING .BLACE TO ORDERCON SHORT IipTICE. - " FOR SALE BY - - '3OI3EPH LEA; '. 12 8 and 130.0.SEBTNIIT.STRENT. anal-am . pAcirlo T,- DELAINEB, PERSUNii i i gASIDOREI3, ALMAS, PRINTS, ETO. , - ALSO, A LABEE STOOK OF ' 2. , FOREIGN DRY GOODS'; BY THE PAOHA4II, 108 SLIM Hy. . LITTLE & STOKES, No. 235 CHESTNUT Street BROOKS' PATENT GLADE SPOOL COTTOic.. SOLE AGENTS TOR PIIILADBLPHret, LITTLK.6: STOKES, NO. 236 CHESTNUT. STREET in2l-16t - • BLABON & 6111/Ta NIAIitiIt•OTORERS OP OIL CLOT _ H 9, WAREHOII6B, 146 NORTH THEW LiTBENT, PHILADELPHIA. - - -Orrin to the trade a fall stock of Ploor Oil Cloths, medians and extra quality. snarnelled Muslin Drills and Duck". Table Oil Clothe, new itylee glared";•green il Cloth for window shades. ' • - -• ' • °omelete sesortment of Windowl3hadea, ke. We invite the attention of dealer, to oar stock. aulB-2nl - GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO. ; No. 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 23 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Are now receiving their PALL IMPORTATION of • - FRENCH AND ENGLISH; -- RID, BEAVER, BUCK, BIM, CLOTH, PUR, PCS— TOP, AND PLUSH-LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. j7284m WDGVAY, HEIISSNER,, & CO., IMPORTERS OP . , OLOTED3, , DOMINO, awl t - CIAKIIMERES SOLZ LOUTS 1011 VIZ FOLLOWING CELEBRATED MANDY ADTTFRERB PRED.• &BORERS, (Little TlekotO W. A. /011 ANNY, Abhoo, REVERS & SORMIDP, (S and M Clotho,) TAMBORA. BROTHERS, (itancybasslgnoroli,) BROICH & LAMBERTS, (P and B Cloths,) B. TOERNIEs A.Co., B. G. HERRMAN & SON, (Hawn Cloth) BABELOTT & CO. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, - -PHILADELPHIA. 11... W. RIDGWAY,. anl3.2in OHAB. REUSANER. • TAXES A. FARNIIM, ea IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 219 OHICSTNIIT EPTIMST, (op BrAtax2) Rae Now °rim for examinations full siumirtnienvot Gloves, Gauntlets, Bhirts, Drawere, : Torkey Red and Madder Ilamikerebiefs, Comforts, Scarfs, Hoods, Be golettes, Hose, and other Germantown - fancy goods; Domestic Buck Gloves, Mittens, and Gauntlets; Drees Trimmings, Buttons Belts, Ice., /co., to which he in vitee the attention of the trade. Agent for New Britain Knitting °v.' Mineral Spring, Pacific, Woleotrille, Trenton, and oohoee Shirts and Drawers. GLENECHO QuammiTovt, PA A. MoCA.LLII3I & CO., ILUDIPACIITAINA AND WDOLISALS MIAMIAN VP OARPETINOS, OIL CLOVIS, lc+ WAILIMOUIpC, No. 50 BANK STREIT, 1,200 PACKA.GES - Drown and Bleached -.• !MEETINGS, SHIRTING!, and DRILLINGS, direct from _ . lAt`ONIA, GREAT FALLS, . HADLEY, PARKINS, bIaSSACIIIISZTTS, 'DWIGHT, BANTLAT, and 0/1110T MILLS, In which - will be found slant sod deareble assortment, to whist' we beg to call the attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLUR PRINTS, HAMPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TIOKINGS, AND COTTONADES, . In great variety. BATINSTS, FLANNELS, Nor sale by FROTHINGHAM la WELLS, Agenta, an64mlt $ LETITIA Bt. and &L 8. 7RONT St • CARPETINGS.— AUBURN THREE-PLYS, ' SUPERFINE'S AND VENITIANS. bilinutiostared by JOSIAH BARBER. Bole Agents is this City, ATWOOD, RALSTON R CO., jyal-tt No. 633 MARKET Street NV ELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, th fol lowing description of goods A. & W. SPRAGUES , PRINTS. in great variety, Including Chocolates, Turkey Reds, emus, Blues, Shirtings, and Fancy Styles. BLEAOHED SIINETINO% SHIRTING% A DRILLINGS. . Lonsdale, hlasonville, - alatirevill ,e Hope, Washington, 'Onion Mille,- Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, White Rock, SH , Phenix _. Acton. &a. 4 ,t) BOWN 131LESTINGS, IRTING% LSD OBNA— SHRU biatosta, - Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, East'n Virginia, Eagle, Manchester, blee's & Mum% Still - Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Cane' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottomlare, Pomeroy's, and Gienham Co.'s Black an d Fancy al l-wool and cotton warp Cloths in great variety. DOESKINS AND OASSINEREB. Greenfield Co., Sextons River, Bristol, Terry% Stearn% and °there. - SATINETS. /Ream's, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift Etiver, Carpenter - a', Florence kills, Ilockanum, Ihshring's, ' Oonversville, &a. SlLESlAS.—Lonsdale's, Smith% and other =kw!, plain and twilled, of all colors. - - - , N O e ity ro a B n t d r lre m tt " e gtYl lai pos, " oeni a an . dTi kluge. - . s Island and Philadelphia Lins w ep and ° Apron 0 llitt sees. 1 Shepard's and Slater'A Canton Flannels, &o. 1y22.2m woIIARDSOIPS IRISH LINENS, 73.A.151CA8/C.B. 3:3lA.rxexes. tto.' CONSUMERS of RIOHARDSONII LIMB, and those desirous of obtaining the GENOINA GOODS, should see that the articles they pintoes are sealed with the full name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered easentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, assort after' season, and sealed with nae of NOHANDEON, by Irish bowies, who, reg the m ardless of the i nj iLry thus inflicted alike on the American consumer az d the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will net m an? abandon a business en pngitable, while put ohmeee rem be imposed on with Goods of a worthless, eharseter: j, BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKS, m y 28.0., Agents, 80 GHIJNOR Street, New York. jus.wanct grompanieg. Or Y IN SITRANOE COISPANY, OF FUILAD r ELPHIA, 488 WAI Street. Statement of the business and condition of The Quaker City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the sin months ending June 80,1858: Oapiterand Surplus, January 1,1858 ..... .. $277 ,679:88 Interest received and accrued from Jart. to July 1, 1858. 8,986 86 Reevaluate received from January lit to July /at, 1858 115,015 57 sm ,, ep and iteimiunince received 4,877 24 LOSSES,IXPIONSIII, tootle@ paid $64,451 CH • return pre Dividend, reinsure „ iv . 55,8D444 mlurne, and exPen4 98345 08 Balanceremaining with the 003...."yanYJ13172. 704 • 2111 1145 ADMITS. Ronde, mortgagee, atocica, coupon bonds loana on collateral, and call loans, &O 1.183,7 611 60 90,61 TS Bills Receivable . ... .' ... Gash on band and In Bank; and due from manta .............. 29,011 - 1 OS 804,281 SIS 5200,000 COO Capital Soak -- .. OPPIOIIIO. ozogwo G. HART—Preeldeat. li. P • 11.088--The President. o...B...ooGGOllALL—iteoretsry sod Treasont• 11.10021,308—Assiatant Secretary: loitiorroze. George H. lime, Joel& =garde, B. P. Bose, , looter 8. Perigee, A. 0. Oattigi, Ohmic: G. iegay. Azigiew R. Chamber:l, Samuel Jones, M.D., B. W. BMW , um. a. At. vtator, ,John O. Dale, U. R. Coggehall: John L. Pomeroy. o,,,,qest : U. IL POUGERALL, jy2 64.m01f liaoroioqr Vergonal. DER, SONA.L.Lioformation is wanted of .0 Bill 118 H. COLMAN, mho latded to May hat, at Boston from Glasgow Any Information will ,0 thaliltfalli received bib is brother ogee. L. COLEMAN, ;O. 137 Baal 'FT/tidy-snood street, A*T. Pr poi AMMOTH MUSICAL JUBILEE MONDAY, TUDBDAYOHA, a MPN nd M YEI AIDNNIDAYi - .111v/4284 24th, and 26thi This deli P117.02.'S tful Grove is enlisted .on n line Mille WEST PIIILADELPELA gh PASSENGER ip JtAILWAT, distant about ens end a half miles from the,Bridge.. The Management having gone to so Immense ("tigl in preparing the Woods for rigs great FETE; is deter mined that It shell be giver, On the Jame . SCALE GP GRANDEUR " thogo go gooddaddii7 introduced in the iniirims of PARIS AND LONDON, and more recently at Jones , ' Woods,,n ew York- the 'first day's entertalumindwill conslatef the following ?Roo Bemail : r raw/ TWO TO TIMES O'OLOOE. 1. Or-erture Jul! Band. 2. Welcome Charm - ' German goolett. Daett;-- ,1 Lib:reels" lull 'Bead. 4. Mountain March Chores.;.. -." Garman Society. 6; Quartette—J. Founambnia” - Bono. O. Hail, Smiling Morn" - Germen Society. 7. Quickstep , ( Medley )' - ' gun g fi AL - J.lllllEkLa.N,Lesder. : PART _ MOO TO TITO ADROISATIO AND GYMNASTiO IMATIL - Thla part of the entertainment wiU be execute.' by a Society of between eighty and one htutdrect of the moat celebrated Aerobita and Gyp:wets l the volt• 4 Stites. , • ~.. • , FART M. - ' - - , - vII. TO awfrss o'oLoci.. • - eak.l9 SAL OLIAMP,LT}LH. - Maitre de Thaw° Mr: p. L. OA.BP.VNTSB ! ' in.osastaa..: - •, • _ 1. Grand Manila.. - • - 2. Quadrille. _ _ a. waltzing. 4. Police Q 4 4 4 1 -1110.. b. Waltzing. 7. Vanseelertne; - B. Quadrille, 9. Wallalug." - ' INTSIO4IB.SION NOR 10 17PPRE. During wldok, the , TWO WEISTALBY }/.511D3 will enliven the seen with - &oleo cnal% - anol the GROVB will be - BEILLIADTLY ILLIMINATED , frith sight Calcium Lights, ruantatohired upend, for this Fssa, by Dr. isidDitlCC. To oommoneowtrh on OPEN-AIR PRObiENADB, - embracing an area of tweire "acrilor iroodlind; Mode' by the two idilitsry Bands. %he eventhee entertainment will conclude with a - ' GRAND DISPLAY OP - PIREWOBB.S. - : 'Under' the direction of Professor !schema. , - • -, .PROGRAMIII. . 1. nacraT , or HONORARY AND szoirei BOOZ- Y. Brilliant Illuminati One with 8. Ettil 08.00LIIMBIA. commencing -wits vowing' Centre otYarple and (told and Damson encir cled by Ohineee,Aialtece, and Jeatamine 7irit and— deny changing into a magelAcent Btu, decorated with sliver Lances _ ROOICETS with Serpents and Eters. 6, LIBERTY URA ommenoing with • haliTott. Idled or Portooloo,,with • InitoLthed centre of Violet, Emerald and Ruby; soddenly exploding into a beatitthil Liberty Tree of Gold and Biller Yonne. ' - , BAYONETS with colored Stews. : 7. PaIDE OP AMOOR._ This beautiful dgure caut, manta with a mutation centre of emerald, violet, pur ple, and gold, when, attar foul pleating than it will mutate Into a beattiful Bram, The - PAM) of Amoor.n • - - 8. ROCKETS. with dire and golden rain. 9. LIVINO.'PYRAMID of 40 man, surrounded by colored Area. -- This utonishing feat has river before been attempted in America: .• • . 10. 011038 OF THE mcaps'or Ronal. _Thi n choice piece commences with gravelling oonhe'of stair, emerald, gold, and purple, encircled with-Maltese, Chi nese, and Jessamine, when Waddenly tt wilt-be changed Into the emblem,- , f Courage and (blory—the Onus et the Legion of /toner"' 11. ROCKETS, honorary and signal. • 12. NATIONAI, COAT OW ARtsB9l TllB 'ONION. This beautiful piece has been designed and ermined sa. pressly for this wcasion. It commences with a wheel of Mediu°, with illuminated - centre of tuilbscn;Me4 ple, and gold, from which it will change into TUN 'NA TIONAL COAT OF ARMS. in which will appear the Auteriean shield surmounted by stem, the whole form ing one of the most cheats sad beautiful eahletements of the pyrie art. • ADMISSION TO THE WHOM! 26 MINTS. SEASON TICKETS • '6O OMITS. The Care of the West Philadelphia Paasengitr Ball. way wilt leave TRIED and MARKET Streets - every Ml'. note after 12 o'clock N. Whiteon'a line of Omnibuses will also leave the EICOKARGE every fewmin . atom,' 1114 take Passengers direct to the Ground. -.. - Stages from the different Hotels will alwirun Pawn. gars to the Jubilee at-intervals daring the day and evening. . - Private Carriages will to admitted Within the eaido , - A strong - and eidefeut Pollee Pores, under the dine tion of, ex-MARSHAL 'REPIRR, L engaged, and wilt ensure perfect order. The Gates will be thrdwriopin at o'clivei - P.M. Oholee Refreshments may be o'btalned on the Ground. Should the weather -prove tulfaxmable the'restival Will be postponed until WIMMIESDAY Aug: 23th, - - The whole under the personal supervision or - an2l-2t - GIORGB HOOD. AIRS. D. P. BOWERS!! WATAIIT-ST. AUL THEATRE, corner oc METH tont WALEUT Street. - - . BATIIEDAY - SVBRING; kiagnst 21,1858, ROUT.O -AND- Jump. Romeo, Mr Reselq - Meretttio Mr II .4,Pergrt Allier. Mrs D P Bowers; Nurse, Mrs Plwer. To roaeliwie with PRE' ORESOF INDIA. Sir Matthew Barmy& Mr TM Jack; Tom Tape Mr P. Drew; Lady Bexagge, are Thayer: Primo of aindeaton—Ateeond nersad Family Circle and Third Tier, 516 mute; Parquet; 1117,1 .cents; Dreen; Circle, 60 cents; Private Howe., according to their /" 418 15 3 end Single heats is Orchestral and Prlyate Boxes, 71 ante. - _ _ - Doom open at 7 o'clock; Durbin riteirat WHEATLEY . CLARICE'D ARCH-BT. TELBATBR—WMIant Yrederiel*Aettnn an 4 Stage Manager. _. - SATURDAY XYENMIG . angtist 21, A BIRD IM TAB HASID WORTIIT*OI.1 4 11'11.11 BUM* PHILADELPHIA Roderick Praiseworthy, Mr - .7 Cilloer Mr Caplan Shark, Mr Clarke; Madame R Prodigal, Mies Rieloeh„ To conclude with the PARA/ell. The Golden Punter, Mr "Dolman; Jemmy Twitcher, Mr AS Clarke; Sllsabeth, Alias Emma Taylor. Adtniesion. 25 eta. &mired Seals in Dress Virile, UM els ; °rehears suss, 60 cis; Seats Private . Sexes. eta; Gallery, 13 ate; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 eta; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, $1 gas; Whole Private Box, 83. Doors open at 73( o'clock; oommenee at 7X,preetesti. LOU NATIONAL - TILEATNS NiTE * , Joseph 0 loiter, 8140 Louse and Manager. Q. loiter, Stage Manager. - - SATURDAY SYSNLNG, August 21, 1.6115, - LAFITTI2. - Lafitte - , Mr Chas Poster, Gan Jackie's, Mr W It Eal ley; Theodora, lire A W Young. Pas de Trois Gale Sisters and Mies Minnie Jacklon. To conetede with the grand Semantic Spectacle or MANFIINDO' I. Count Manfredorl, Mr Worrel/i iopont, Mr Ashton; Donna. Ecru Cooke; Viola, Mrs A W Young. Doors open at 7,;( .to commence at 13; Ticket. of admission 25 costa ; secured sea* AS cent. ; Orchestra obeli's. 50 cents ; Beare in Private Box. 76 cent, ; Whole BOX, 55 and 55 Ismnj Circle" 16 cents._ SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, - • ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. NEW SONGS! NEW OHOR17818! NEW DANCES! Overture; Enchsutrea Chorus ; Oh! Wielders Beware; Silver Midnight Moon ; Lulu la Gone; Oh. my Lures Gone ; Bessie's Grave; Jertiirett'll Plainer; Nit Uy Orem Quickstep. - D ÜBLE RAI - Wile Paine and Mut Sanford, DUET " Lucia di Lanimermoor.* Little Bob Ridley Quartet Austrian Reties% Pam Styrian The Jolly Trio Ethiopian Stattlary Ytollu Solo - Royston., Jig To ooncludo with CONGO YEITIVITLES. Admission 26 cents. Doers Open at 7A o'clock ; roe• romance to commence at 8 o'clock.. son. VIVANTED TO EXCHANGE on mutual • • terms, good property on PBANKFORD Road e yielding a olrar hdoome of s4ts a roar, for Improved property In Brooklyn or vicinity ; N. Y. Addreas YORK. Ilica,d , / , Bea - catch . an2l-3t* WANTED—A Teacher to take charge of a Public School in Nur Jersey. A Normal etuoul Graduate Preferred. Addreu A.."S&EX.. at thin office anal-ate WANTED -401 experienced Miller.—To V•OAS who Win &lye good recommendations perIIIII, neat ettest;on will Se secured. Adams Liam, 1 . 6(- Soo of ibis paw GOVENE - SS.—WANTED a SittiatioCky siyoung Wyse Governess or Teacher In a itzhoot. Has had some experience. Is acquainted with the usual English bracohes, French, Drawing. Malta. /te.- Ad. dress GO OERN2SS, onion of The Press. m.144* VIVANTED—A sober man, a practical V PaRhIBB, to take entire charge of a small farm near the city. Address, with rsferenos, HOPKINS. Blood's Despatch. sallo.llt* WANTED—A faithful, sober man, ail PORTER in a Wholesale Proclaim Kora Ad dregs WATER EMMET, galas of this paper. au2o-2 ANDSCAPE :GARDENER.—A gentle manieho wishes to omploys thoroughly competent gardener to toy out the garden of &entail country place. would like to receive the address and references of any who wish to apply for the work. Oommun'eationa may be addreued to L. 0. L.," Press Office. em.2o4t. IV ANTE D—By a young Lady of good. v Urination, a Situation u Teacher in & Seminary. Can give Winona in French &tat Malta. Hullo objectiou to go out of the city. Address TRAIMBR, &MU Otßee. nul9.4ta. [ANTED—Ina Wholesale Dry Goods noWle, an Entry alert.. Good qualidestion and references required, Address JOBBEIA, Once of Ma Press. - aul9-St* WANTED -13y a young married roan, a Sltust:on in a Wholesale Dry Goods or Grocery Store. Writes a good hand, nad is aiding to goats him sal nsont to his employer. Address .INDII:TR at this Whoa. ent9-6ta ritaE ADVERTISER, having $1.500, hi desirous of finding a Partner. with business quail. fiestions, and a like auicunt, to enter into a sate ani. profitable =errant - de business. Address PAltfli:lls. Ofdue of this paper. aulg.atts ,WANTED—BS a young man from Obi% • situation as Assistant Book-keeper Ina Dry Goods Jobbing House He is well posted in the trade, and ha .. l a rge Western and Southern acquaintance, and would devote his leisure time to influencing their trade. at The Ws best of city reference given. Address 0. W. P., Office. asalS-4t i~TANTED.—A youn g Physician is desirous of obtaining some respectable employment, no matter of 'what kind. Can produce the beat of recom mendations. Address 4 . Pli.YBlo," at this °Ake. shlB4t* %WANTED—Travelling Agents to canvass for a Popular Work now in press and soon to to issued. Address PIII3LISIIER, at this Oilios. WANTED, FOR THE UkifED ST4TEEL OAVALBY—Able.bodled, unmarried men. to whom will be given good pay, board clothing, 'tali medical attendance. Pay fmm 812 to 'S22 per-month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED OB11 1 110)1 at No 811 Id &UNIT Street, Eighth, north aide. B. WANTED- - By the advertiser, a situation as Coacharan or Gardener. Oen brodnee unex eeptionable reference es to &exacter. Addr.saAle- OSMAN, at the office of this paper. snl7.nto 17 FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 e,F L. CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works ces Phrenology, Physiology, Water Ours, and Pho nography, wbolesalp end Pbmnol,gi. Cal Examination, with charts, and fall writ,. ten descriptions of obareter, given day and eves. ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders b 7 mail to b. addressed no Yowler, Wells, & fa , Chestnut street. ieSUßlnkolf-NrkY t can ao J3&LE Roep:_ , Livicoils of superior Bale Rope, menuf- , fluid for the Sonthersa market, and for sale by • W.U.A.VER, P.ITLER, it CO. 14115 V. 4 A 9 gt l 4 ITSIf CO., . _ 9IMUSCIIttIUO. - PART IV. 'jam. TO ?is coozocc Wants. Ist Liemt. Sdt Regt. of °aviary, Recruiting °Meer