• , :HIGHLY.IMPORTATICritOiI • The ReturiNit•iiid Oki:Cc Vennut!slenexs.:-The .• • • - -• Peace-F.lliclous." si correspondent of the Ifitittiork" tieneVivrit inkfrom Great Salt , Lake..City wider dote of July Id, -oomtittnikitites the folloWlng imimrtnnt infor-_ meMen. -- -- • - ~ ~ ~ ',The Pesos' Codimissionom left ,here mine end. denly on Sunday last, on their return to Washing , Mo. Thily had been much annoyed prior to their departure by tiring rumors, induatrieusfy simu lated by leading Mormons, to the effect that they .h ill a‘reed to conditions, of peace wldah,had been violated by the army. - , ' : governor Powell had been waiting LlVO'or three wiwks For the report of his speoehes - in the center-, eness with.the ohurob leaders:- - -When he obtained it et last, a week ago, he found it 'so badly muti lated as to be quite beyond recognition—whole pliagrepheastirib•ml to him which he had never utt 7 red, and many things which ho did say were lost' altogether By. a strange fatuity, Mr. Car rintton, editor of the Deicret News, who had chdige of' the reporting, had only a day or two before quite publicly intimated his expectation that Gov Powell would leave nut of his speech, in rev sing ii, his expressionipledging the Govern me il t to certain conditions of peace . Upon loking ore Me report he refused to attempt its revision, repudiated it altogether,determined not to leas e matters here in such sh ape that disagree able •r fire in the rear ", might be succeasfully directed against him. . -• • - ' Governor Powell addressed a note to Brigham desiring an interview.' This he sent by the bands of Mej,,r Clarkson, of California, with tbo request that be would deliver it in person. The Major proceeded to Brigham's palace, stated that he had a note for him. and after waiting some time for the return of the servant who carried in his namP, was requested to send the' note in. Tho Moj:e• replied that te was no laoquoy, and that he desired to deliver the iota in person. Upon the return of the servant a second time, he was re-. queSted logo around to the back gate, and replied that gentlemen were in the habit of entering at the front door, and he saw no reason why he should depart from - the rule - . Ile succeeded at last in obtaining an interview, and terrauging for a Meeting between Brigham and the gommissioners, at whioh the parties drew LID a Pal'. all joining in its signature—Brigham in oludid. This paper, lam informed, sets forth, in brief, the chief foots in connection with the peace conferences, staling them almost in the precise lan gnagn of the report. which the Commissioners bad -already made to the President. This, of warm, effectually sets at rest the story. that the Commis- I sione s had agreed- to conditions of Donee, other , than the anceptande by the' rebels of the Pres!. dent' pardoe, and-their agreement to'reoelve the Pedal al offieiale and yield obedience to this laws of the Union. . As a Hilt example of the truthfulness of the leaders in the Mormon church. let ,me say tbat only the evening before one of the most Intelligent and reppeotable of them came tome in the presence of a witness, boldly declared a state of facts di rectly the reverse of that set forth in. the 'does bent above alluded to, requested me to adopt his statement in my correspondence. and make it the basis of an attack :upon the Commissioners. 'I then euggested , that' bemight be in error, but he assure) me thathehed the evidence in the hand writing of Governor Powell himself, but of course he was not at -Itherty to show me the corres pondence The nommisaioners presented a dignified silence while here In regard to theirown impression of the people.' 'but ef am skilled in observing the teach- - toga of' emotional face, they both left, this oily with sentiments 'of profound , disgust.- I predict that, in their personal report to the President, they will - asnure him that the present peace is fallacious, and Mit this community is not likely ever to make good at (I safe eithenirof the 'United States, They know it well that the `people bare have a,bigher f t , regard or the law of the (thumb thin that of the Union, and that all their protestations of love for the Constitution are idle whenever Brigham'a edict stands in the way. They could not investi gate specifleally the many changes laid to the door of this people ; but I do net doubt that if they are induced to express themselves at anon the settled; they will admit their belief that they are aopable of the - Jesnitlial system of crime, long laid to their charge. It will be remembered, how ever, that I speak not by authority, but express only my own conviction as to the views of, the Commis .ioners. THE COURTS. YNBTERDAY'B'PROCHEDINGS The Kirkpatrick Poisoning' Untie. VSNDICT' Or Till 'Mr [Reported for The Pram J Quirtrut SEssiolor —Judge Ailieon.—The jury in the above ease mime into court yesterday morn' In, and Upon the usual question being put to them, if they had agreed upon a a diot, the foreman answered they had, and banded to the following verdiet: We find Robert B. Kirkpatriok cud Ba• rah Kirkpatrick guilty on the twelfth and teenthecunis of the indrottnent, which charged en. Intuit and battery with intent to kill, and. not guilty -cn nil the others ; and wo find Josiah Jones end Ritzabeth Yardley, not guilty on all the comae of the p indictment. This vercliet, al though entirely Justified by the evidence, caused very covaiderable surprise to the defendants' cow:80i the 'defendants themselves, and their Mende, who had calculated, with apparent reason, on the jury not agreeing, from their statement on Baturdeir last. Bat ter the determination dis played by„ Judge Allison, -on that ocoation; use - might have bad the publie limo taken up by the trial of this ease again: The legal effect of the above v.:ldiot is-the same as _it the defendants bad been found guilty on all the counts. of the in dictment. There was a motion made, on the rendi tion or the verdlot, by Kt.. Brewster - for, time to prepare reasons for a new trial, end to allow the prisoners to depart upon bat', both of which were granted by the court. The tormiaation of - ctis ease upon uny terms has given universal sag isles tion and we have heard float...several of the jurors have expressed their determination to avoid, by all porsible means, being empanelled as jurors, for the rest of their eating liras. QtrAUTICA BES SION a—J edge Ludlow.—John Jarmo wee convicted of larceny. Sentence de ferred. . Jaoob Edwards was tried on the oharge of bur glary, in mites ing' the "dwelling of Ma, seed in the night time. Verdict guilty. Felix Daily wag tried on the charge of assault ing a man with intent to kill, by stabbing him .-- in the back . Edward &aka and John Lyneh were, put on their trial on the charge of assaulting a man with intent to steal. Bonita made an attack upon the man and Lynch stood by looking on. Under in actuation of the Distriot Attorney,' the' jury ran• dared a verdict of guilty ai to &like, and of not guilty as to Lynch. John Edwards was tried on the charge of rob bery, in stealing a watch, in connection with Ro bert Orr. The prosecutor was on Broad street, near the Balt'more , depot, at 11 o'clock at night, when the defendant made an attack upon him, taking his•watoh by force. Verdict guilty. John &hand, a German, was tried on the charge of arson, in setting fire to a house at Third and Poplar streets. Acquitted. • 'CITY ITEMS. . . Kitimat paronnarre.. l —At this season, more than any other, file of the utmost impor:ance to knot the pores In an active condition, es the meet of their fnno. Urns now, for even a short period, is liable to produce miens consequences. The grand secret to be observed far the preservation of this euential health element, is found in regular and judiciously taken ablution,; though a: this partimbir semen the milt water bath is vastly preferable to fresh. Conscious of this, hundreds' are now daily making their. way to the seashore; four liftbs of whom go prepared with one of John P. Bloan's cel-brated bathing mite purchesed at his store, No. 800 Market street, the other ont.fif,h preferring to pa. tronise this gentleman on their arrival at either Cape Island or Atlantic Oity. DECIOZOLT Ittett."—This expresses the com mon opinion repenting the One conf etioneries menu_ factored and sold by Mr. Stephen P. Whitman, No. 1210 Market street, entertained by all who have' tried them. Whitman's auger plums,. burnt almonds, and luscious lozenges, are not only familiar aS household words, but their tongue affinity bee ,in most eases ducted a still more intimate acquaintance. We confess never to hive enjoyed any confectionery equal to that produced at tlala well known establishment. Thu COST OT &MIRO MESSAO ES..--We ere fee. queutly asked what the cost will hoof rending a mes nage to /inland by the submarine telegraph. We have Inquired, and we learn that it will nest juot twenty. moven dollar, to send to London the following deepatch: The best clothing In the Union Is made at the Drown stone Clothing - flail - of Nockhill & Wilson, NOS. 003 and 605 Chestnut street, above math; Philadelphia " This iniel) may learn high, but - it is really very cheap, when the value of the infOrmation - IS taken into con sideration. TEEQOEirtiON SETTLED ! 'A uniform page trl: umphanti woe Li once more restored, and men breathe' deeper and, freer, as they wend their way from all men- tions of the e-ty to the a Old Franklin Ball Clothing Emporium' , of E. B. Eldridge, N0.3i1 Chestnut street: Ills vast etoek of ready-made Summer Clothing is being mold at wono oddly low prices to make room for fall and winter goods. Call for bargains ! Comma smarm Itavet.—CaDTA.—By advice from !long Kong we learn that Ching.ttan, the brother of, the etio, half brother of the moon, and that cousin td .. the stare, has determined to tinge the UOn. W. B. Re, d's advice and weer, In Worn, only the graceful and becom ing ;learner styles of Grenville Stokee, 'the great Arno dean fashioner, No. Bei Ohietnnt street, Philadelphia. PIIILADIMPBT.I CATTLE MAIMST, Aug. 9,1888 —The offerings or Beef Oattle - were very large this weak; in ell, about 2,300 head including 800 at the upper yard. The Market. ruled Mal, owing to the large number on sale, and prices fell off fully atio from tho quotations of laelweek. The bulk of the sales were at 59a8 50 the nett 100 lbs.' The following are the particulars of the sales at Wardell a Avenue Drove Yard 43 3. Kahn• Ohio 4 153 0 Murphy, Virginia 8 00 a 9 00 235 Alexander &Co • ' 800 a 9 00 84 Thomas Strietiand • 8 - 00 a 8 75 42 Wiliam Fuller; Ohio 8 . I 00 a 8 70 DO E. Cope, Payette eo. ... ~. .. .. •.• 8 00 a 8 50 1 42 Run, & CO, Ohio 8 00 a.B 50 ; 57 John Crouee,.oBio , 800a8 50 ; 44 Isom Franke, — 7 00 a 8 00 I 55 J. Smith k Co. Ohio.. .. .... :... 800 a 9,00 22 01)1110i1 Chester c 0... II 00 a 9 00 33 W. B.' Beebe, Ohlo ' ' • •• • 800 850 , 11 Jig. Cheater co' - 800 a• 90 0 -1 58 B Oray, Ohio ' • 800a8 50 I 26 B. Baldwin, Chester mu,— 8 50 a 9 25 i 22 Pyle & Underwood, Cheater 00. i,. 8 00 a 9 00 Jolla Traynor,.CboetoF .... 8 00 a 8 75 19 P. Coulee, Cheater do 8 00 a 8 50 15 Tanieii Steel, Chester co, 8 00 a 8 50 54 E Mzgraid.,OhiO. o,v 8 00.4;9 00; y & f 53 Mooney oo 00,a,8 40 E. bloCardy. - 0h10x:,...:.... 8 00-a 8 75 40 Deno _Ablabaros;- ChM 8 00 - a-0 00 3.3 MILE' nol7nori - Indians.lnterior.- 800 a'7 60 About 7 400 absop4oro"oriared the y4d. sod all sold at $2.4 eaoh, cadaLlAKsalbe - diesSed; the market was • Some 220 CrAra'and Oitivea ore* • . log m at $3O to $4O; middling quality, w,bo X 35 i-dry cows, $l5 to $25. Sc Ofiroge; m . arrivals at' PtillOperyiWiriiiiiiii; 1;00 hoed ,uribg the Weiltc . irltios weirs' „ •014 al sl3i• 0 V/ the 1(0 Ibrigott. --": LETTSR BAGS As tAr Bferchirsste. Hxrhassg*, PhittidePhis• Eiblp &arena, Rowland Literpool, Aug 26 Barque - Ann Stlasbetts, Norgravo....llarbsdoes, Log 33 - Barque Seiodsier4,rsnklio • - assoos, soon Br brßiOadla, Dale Londq4; soots Brig 'Seed, St Jag °, soon peportedfor The Pres s.) 1.0 ITO ii--Steamsbip Phineas Sprague. Matthews- 10 dry goods M Williamson; 801 do A Slade N. Co; 3 bales domestics Harvey Q1001[5411; GO pkge glassware hlussy & Monroe; 10 bales goat skins R & D 0 Spooner; 24 pkge dry goods M It Wendell; 20 balsa do Wain. Lea. nnug & Co; 84 do ti P Peabody; 46 do Little & Stokes; 60 bags dried apples 8 8 Janney; 60_ pockets coltee Jae Graham; 189 pke dry goods Farnham, Kirkham & Co; 85 d., Prothiugham & Steam; 46 do Rsherick, Black & Oor 31 Vales yarn T A. Elliott; 114 cases cottons 6 W Chase do Bon; 84 pkge eche Heory Cohen; 68 rolls paper A M Collins; 70 pkge dry goods 8 Brown A. Col 10 do Bongo & Maxwell; 104 cases shoes W M Showell; 85 do .7 do Si Sauuders; 77 do 13 P Willlame A. Co; 42 do Whe lan do Co; 185 do J H Thompson & Co; 64 do Coolidge & Durborow,• 45 do W Brown; 88 do Townsend & Stevens; 487 do W A do L Shrunway; 31 do Siedet bash & Freid man; 60 du Rorer, Greif & Darling; 23 do W W Paul; 18 do Myers. °Bighorn do 00; 64 do Lorick, Rsiain & On; 174 do Had'oisk, Reed do 00, 86 do Hendry do Harris; 219 do P Ford; T. 58 do Conover & Bro; 903 pkge mdse Leech &Co; 1612 do various consignees OlisloptißOOS -B acne Jacob Merrill, Blaisdell-320 iihda 49 Slates. 1 bbl sugar $ A. W Welsh; 130 hbde 10 tea do Stewart, tlarrou do Co. WiLMING I ON, Nl—Schr DAM Faust, Marauder— DI bales cotton Day & MoDevitt; 103 bbls opts turpen tine 'Greiner A Harkness; 126,810 teat lumber Malone do Taylor; 681 bags pea nuts Issas Jeaues do On; 48 empty casks 11 Newlin; 6 bales cotton waste Jeseup do Moore; 58 do - indse Ordiwell & English; 120 do order. tßatinc 3nteUtgcn c. Fowl!' OF PHILADELPHIA., Aug. 10, IBM MIN RISES 6 6 I 51JN 62T6 6 64 Weil WATAIR ....2 87 Steamship Phloem; Sprague, Matthews, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Winsor. cos Bombay Hook passed barque Laconia, from Boston, at.d tar, tongs, - bound up. Barque Jacob Merrill, Blaisdell, (at Qaarantlne,where she wi:l discharge) tram Cienfuegos July 4. with sugar to 3& W Welsh. Three men, named Abel Williams, W I Pots, and W F Valautine, died on the passage. Schr David Faust, Moslander, 7 days from Wilming ton, NO, with lumber, &o. to D 8 Stetson & Co. Bohr Adelaide, Lawrence, 8 days from Middletown, Conn, with stone to k 0 Panting. • Bohr Jonathan Cone, Mahaffey, 5 days from Haddam, Conn, with stone to captain. Bohr J B Bleacher Edwards, 8 days from New York, with salt, to Humphreys, Holman to Wright. Bohr /I Stasles, Gibbs, 4 days from New York, with mdse to Allen - to lie2dles. . . Bohr Alma, Brannan, 3 dap from New York, with Mae to Crowell it whine • . . . Bohr John farniam, Baker, 4 days from Prosidenoe, - withindse to Orowell'ic Bohr Julius Webb, Pargo, 4 days from Norwich, with mime to captain. hobo Debaralt Jones, Witismote, B dart from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Oaldwell. Bohr New Jersoy, Burton, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to Jams; Barratt & Bon. &hr Mary :am, Till, I day from flmyros, Dal, with oats to J is Ball att &Bon. Sear Aunie R Russell, Warrington, 1 day from kelfe , , Del, with wheat to J L Bewley & Co. aehr Henry Wulf e, Carry, 2 days from Milto , Del, With mat and bark to J L Bewley & Co. Behr Freewamn, dmith. 4 days from : Indian River, with grain to J L. Bewley & Co. Beta Rope, Carey, 1 day from Lower, Del with wheat to J L Bewley & 00. . Bahr Mechanic, ReodriOltson, 1 day from Blackbird, bat,' ith grain to J L Bewley & 00. Bahr - Joseph W W. biter, Bennett. 3 days from New York. in ballad to Pettit, Martin & Oo Betir Margaret Reinhart, Petite on, I days from Porte. mouth, NB, with Ice to T 0 Cahill ar. 00. Sobillorizan, Hongh, 6 days from Bridgeport, in bal last Mi captain. Bahr Hope, Morris , days from Indian Diver, Del, with corn to J L Bewley & Co Bohr Ann 0 Gray, Holly,' day from Smyrna, Del,wl h pain to Christian & corm - Sobr T P Lamed Ireland, from Banton. Bohr Flihht Hnottey, frog Boston. Behr 'now Flake, Weaver. from Boston. Bohr Emma L Day, Hackney, from Paw ticket. Bohr H G Porter, Hudson, from Lauver' Sear timeline filckry, Tice from Newport - Steamer Balloon, IV hilldin, 6,4 hours trona Cape Hay, with passengers, &o. to captain. Reroute two brigs be low and a berm brig above the Brandywine; a light Boa ton packet at Duck Creek, and some thirty-fire ochre in the bay and river, upward bound. OLKARED. Eltemship Kennebec, Hand, New Yak. Allderdlce. Brig 0 U Frost, Boyle, Hey West, J Stevens. Brig Northman. Lana, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co Behr Jonathan Cone, Moberg, Hartford, Pan Duien, Norton & Co. Behr Adelaide, Lawrence, Middletown, do Behr Onta to. Sawyer, Boston, L Audenried A Co. Behr A Pellets, Certwright. Providence, do Behr J Bilile,"Coreon, Charlestown, do Behr Margaret Reinhart, Peterson, Balm, 0 Miller & Co. Bohr Deborah Jones, Winsmore, Boston, Noble, Ham mett A. Caldwell. Bohr T P Lamed, Ireland, Boston, W H Johns & Co. Bohr Snow Flake, Weaver, Boston, Baum, Ogle & Co. Bohr Boma L Day, Hackney, Hingham, 0 A lleoksher In Co. ' "balm &matins Rickey, Tice, West Dernlig, It R Corson & Co. Behr It 0 Porter, Hudson, Denver's, B Mines & Co Bohr Plight, Boutley. Cambridgeport, do 13tr J d Beriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A proves Jr. (Corres_pondence of The Press.) HAVRE DD ORLON, Aug 0.1868. The Wyoming left this morning wlth 11 boats, laden and coosigned as follows: - PAnk Tsgart, lumber to John Craig; D B Ts; lor, do to Malone & Taylor; Cot J Raps. ml, do to Itioboload; Charles steel, coal to Elkton; Ocean Wave, B Banton, fronber,4l-Annie Thompson', it P Pleher, Denton, and Dolman 8 Grubb, coal to Delaware City. (Correspondence of The Puss.) READING, Aug 9,1858. The following belie pseud out of the Union canal - today, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned u G C Harvey, lumber to D B Potts; President au Bu chanan, do to Dolton, Vandereter & 0o; Dow' & WU rots, do to oh:mon* to Co, Wiluda,yton; HMdes. do to M Deishen; Mary, do to Malone &. Taylor; $lll3 ' Reber, lime to Amos ()ate; McDonald, iron ors to Eckert & 00; Major Landis, grain to Glans, Kelm' & Co. (Ootreepondedoe of the Philadelphia Exchange ) tdati , Es. Del.. sea B—t E The ship Mohongo, for et John, NB. and quite s Beet of brigs and schrs peeved to sea yesterday A barque and three robin came to barber last night where they sill UMW, in company with yacht J d htegottig.ll Wind N—weather plea/eat. Tom, &e. WM. M. MOKMAN. 1 BY 1111.10111 0 11. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) OARS latest., Aug 9-8 80 P M. Several berm brigs and ochre hey, pu!suid up ta.do , Wind BE—weather Sue. Yottre, ttc, TIIO3. B. MIGHES. FThTh Arrived, Alp Egeris. from Liverpool; brio Wong°id, prom Omdeoue; dmns Pieuties, from Segue; W B Nub, from Triuubed de Cube. Arrived, barques laroy, Coleman, Savennab; llebron, fitnpbeid, New Orleans ; Num. Stevens Galveston; Atinthell, Trinidad; bilge Acine;Torter, Leg. horn; Sparta., Rfeofurgos Returned barque Little, Nickerson, hence June 234 for Demos Ayres; July 11, let 11 It, long 37 W, at 3 3d A al, Woe run into by an unknown Revisit gulp. The Sr brig bpartan, from Cuba, arrived at Qum. tine today, with the loss of three or Mar men from fever. The barque Hebron, from New Orleans, has sicknass on board. New °ALBANO, Aug 8. The steamboat Virglola exploded on the lake yester day, end sunk to her Mill/ deck. hhe is & complete wreck. Steamship Prince Albert, Waters, arrived at N Yo k yesterday from GalwayJuly 27th, and Halifax Bth lost July 30th, hit 12, I n j 27 45. passed Br barque Indefatt. gable, bound XI let Met, let 43, long 27, passed ship Ituatid, bound I 2d Mat, at 830, landed deeps' ch at Cape EAU In 8 days and /1 bone from Galway 7th Inc. let 42, long 85 28,pused ship J ainerlane, bound it Bth Inst. let 40 20, Meg 71 21, saw steamship Northern Light, from New York (or Southampton and. firemen. Steamship Arago, Lines, from Havre, via Southamp ton 28th tilt arrived at New York yesterday. SteanshiilJura, Moodie, cleared at New York yeeter.. day for Ltreipsol. Steamship ueleware, Copes, cleared at New York yea terclay for Philadelphia. Ship Union, Small from Boston. at Calcutta Irmo 13 ehip rquantum, Miller, from Bolton, arrived at Cal cutta June 50. 13b1p Dretioh Trident. (Sr) O'Yell, for New York, Cleared at Saeger June 12 Ship Zama, Car eh, for Philadelphia, sailed from Loa deaden, 21st nit. Ship Beverly, Chase, for Ban Procaine°, cleared at Bangor June la. • Ship Arab, Crosby, for Boston, cleared at Saeger 16th June. Ship N B Palmer, from New York for Hong Kong, passed the Straits of Sunda June 1. Ship Quickstep, Odeil, from NSW York for Shanghae, ward th e Streit., al:ands June 4 Ship Y!y.og Min, Lionel!, from Singapore, arrived at Hong Kong Hey 25. Ship Kate Harkins, ICurgman, from Boston, et Hong Kong May 25. Ship Dseld O /gem Hartfoot, from Oars°, at - Deal alto nit. • • • . Basque Ann Munroe, from Borten, at Calcutta ?day 80, was dateagid in spars laid sails, and had sec Jud cer •asbed overboard In aga e Feb i 3. lac 39, long bd. Barque Achilles, epedien, hence for London, sae leen (no date) eut of the Banks, by an arrival at Now Yolk Barque Phantom, Qiig, cleared at New York yester day for Richmond. Barque Lexington, Thatcher, cleared at New York yesterday for Buenos Ayres Barque P 0 Aleunder Merryman, 21 days from Olen (segos, at. the lower qiutrantine. New York, Sit lust, June 22, Stephen IS Morrell, second mate, of Penobsoe. died in port, and a seaman named John Smith dad at sea, let lust, In the let of liatteras, spoke a Bremen ship, from New Orleans for Europe. that wanted sea men, having only three able to do uuty (Cu understood.) Brig Eureka, 1) ley, for Ptiliadelphis, went to tea from Charleston Bth Inst. Bohr B M Kent, Thompson, hence at Baltimore yes. thrday, Behr Wissahickon, Leech, sailed from Richmond 7th inst. down themer, ligh•. Bohm A Beaton, Ryan, ,and W B White, White, hetes as New Bedford lth 'net Bohm Lonedale, Crowell, Baton, 'Randall, and - U A Rogers, Bogota. bench at Sontun Bth lost. SchrJ L ftedner,"Andicort, cleared at Baltimore 7th Inst for Norwich, Conti. rear Sarah. Ohambars, Ohambers, cleared at N York 7th init. for Phluidelphia. !URINE MISCELLANY. Barque Ocilla, that recently went ashore on the West Bent, New York, wan got off Mt 'net. at 6 o'clock I' DI, and towed to the city by ateun•tag Neptatte. Ar at Liverpool 2111 Ott, Henry Cook, Quebec; Sea King do; Idalnaba& Webb; - Nee oAr; 8 moda, New 0 tearer Bar Ara, Quebec; 26th, llarriet /mese, Charleston 38 00 a 8 50 Bid 24th, Perela,‘Gibraltar, and Invernigstor, N York; Mars Halifax; Balsam, Quebec. ,- Yho Kite flnotei, from ciavanneh, at Liverpool, slip. pod both auottors, and tree docked. The Thotatoa, from New York, got ashore oppoel a the_ Clare. co dock std A M 24th, dating the gate, but cane oa during the flood: At Neuvitss 2.3 d nit, barque Emma Lincoln. Johnson, for "New York next day; brigs U 11 Neonedy, and Crawford, ' , mall, fur do., Mg; Handy, Handy, from do, antic Alamo, Psrsona, from do do; Grauada, from do do NEW YORK, Aug 9—dr, barque Marla Morton, Bulk. lay, Favannab; Rohm Mary Mershon . Gifford, Savannah; 0 M Taylor, Smith, Washington, NO; hi 11 Parmelee, Gasklll. dotlf canoes, English, Newbern, NO; a It Dixon; busk' Wilmington, NO,• D B hlartin, Hobart, Nurfo k; echr Ringgold, witti citton. &e from barque Ocilla. Austin 9, arrived steinnehip Roanoke, Skinner Rich mood, An; steamship Western Port, Berry, Baltimore. Ships Sylvanus Blanchard, Lawrence, Liverpool; Ga lens Leavitt, mime: Briar, Stuart, from iinndarland; Linde Spaulding, Bartlett, - Liverpool; "'Hen Austin, Garrick hiverglooll Bram barque Atlantic, falai:men, Brinnen -Sabra Quickstap,'lL.rinarr, Turks Island; Sz celaior Wall:ngs,,witli mdse. froiu barque Oseilla, lately • ashore in the West Bark Cleared,' chip W Nelson,' Clever, N Orimtne; barque Clementine, (iic) Tiolo, Bristol., Lawrence. Britt M Capon, .11:1biome. Wahl's; South, Williams, Galveston. I genre Alen'. Feott. HallfaX, B Scranton, Snowden, tt Johns, N B. BMus 00l Utterly, Taylor, Charleston; t A Edwards, Shake!. i ford, Wilmington. by)low l Arvin; Om ) from Livoryoot, 31141o1:tattoria AIIRViSD Iloarou, Aug 9 MZMOMNDA lORBIGN PORTS DOiDISTIO PORTO ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Dr TO MC O'CLOCK Tale MOANING GIRARD ROUGE—Ohestnnt strut. below Ninth. W 8 Wilton, Miss Joe Glom, 13 0 U 9 Smith, New Bedford A Hutchings, N Y H A Tilden. N Y J W Vinton. Ohm W N ilnibart.Clinn F II Bates, `0 8 A J 0 Colton, McKean co, Pa F J McLean, Ky J P Strange, Memphis It L Keen. hew Orleans E D Lazelie. Phil* G II Davin, Memphis Tenn BR Tailor, Jr, Lexington, It K Kennedy, Winchester, Kentucky Kentucky J 0 Calhoun, 8 0 W Il White, 8 0 L Van Nine & lady, New J Lautbden, Havana Brunswick, NJ , C Reader. Balt Alex Laraine, Balt W B 'Heyward, Charleston, M Danker, Camden S 0 8 0 L Bummers, Charleston, 80 Dr It D Penner, N Orleans WA. Ga.guet,NewOrleana K J Hart Ic wife, N Orleans II B Wilkinson, Memphis, J N Lodwick & la, Porte. Tenn month E G Bacon, Kentucky 0 It Dalton, Memphis, A Woodward Alemphis,Tenn Tenn 8 Sanniner, Memphis, Tenn D Williams, Manchester, bt Jones, Plttaburgir England II Tarr, Manchester, Eng W A Dean & la. Baltimore John Reid Jr, & wife, D P Reid. Mobile Mane D B Plumb, Augusta. Ga A W Winston, Cincinnati, B Lirdnr, St Louis, Mo Ohio 0 W Gauss, Pt Louis, Me L 8 Dunham & wife,Brook. Miss Molineaux. Brooklyn lyn Beni 0 Perkins, Mao Coin Stockton lc la, NJ W is Harper, NY J Wise, Sc Louis Lewis Fagin & wife, Oinn, Albert Mitchell & sister, Obio Oincinnat , Ohio Samuel Tyler, hid Grafton Tyler Jr, George. Grafton Tyler M D;George. town, D 0 town, D 0 0 0 Swoops & la, Ala Wm bleed & Is, NY D Henneasv & Is, NY Mies ilenueesy, NY . II Cohen, NY T II Moreau, Phila 8 B Seymour, NY R S Dunwiddie• Mo Mrs Reid, Ky A Dirowiddle, Ky Semi Cort, Hartford 8 0 Goodrich, N Y Jon 0 Baldwin, N Y 8 A Meyer, Richmond, Va J A Edmondson. Balt LE F rtrobecker, Charles. R 9 Ardrews. Balt ton,- S 0 W W Kirby, Port Royal, J 8 Gardner Ky Tenn A Shutt. Richmond, Va Ede' Minter, N Y Thos W Birds, Ala John C Shelton, Va .A. Poullain & la, Augusta, Miss It L Poullain, Angus. Ga ta, Da Mice A I Cook, Augusta, Gs Ira Allen, Augusta. Ga . Jae Gowdey, Balt W H Allen, Jackson, Miss 8 G Newcomer. Jackson, JU. Daniel, Jackson, bliss Win L Bradley, N Y T E Winans, N Y V P Freeman, N Y N 9 Culbertson & wife, New W R Bernard & Is, West Albany, Ind Port Me Minn B Majors, West Port, Slice E Tate, West l'ort, Missouri Afianouri 8 H Farrier & la, Paris James Furrier. Paris L 1.1 Jacobs, Halifax, N 8 Mine Mellen, Phila A 0 Fulton, Phil& T It Mooney, Chicago S Logan, McConnellnburg Mies Logan, McOonnells. J Borger Balt burg John II Reid, :Shelby/Mlle. T Cordingly, France Ky Win II Calvert, Mu , fiblo 9 G Jamison . SO W J Vincent, 11 Orleans Judge D M Pearson, Flor , a S Brady, Wheeling, Va J :Wyman, N Y I W Lirguhart, Memphis, Chas 0 Bostwick. N Y Tenn K P Richardson, N Y W Chancy, N Y Robt Paton, N Y " B Murrell, Louisville, By AMERICAN HOUSE--4)hestotit greet. above Fifth. W Raker &la Vs Miss Baker, Vs S 0 Bickner, NO W II P lit 3r att. Pa Win II Harrison, Va Miss E L Smith, Vs, W H Dougherty, Phlla Tilgbam Nettle, Md Ceo H Weit. Phil& Chas II Landis, N J St John oe•rae, Phile J L Dnitol., Doylestown Col 0 !tattoo Hawkins, N it Mrs AI L Howl , ins. N Y Mlis Al 0 Anti, N Y L V Underwood, Ma bll.a Sherrard, Ala T B Heath. N Y N Marchant & la, Olocin• NI 9 Blochtt, N Y nail, 0 W D Harrison & lady, N Y Lori., Bates, N Y L Ilakel, Wilkesbarre D II Fox Pa John Fink, Pa Hichatd Sharpe, Pa VHION HOTEL—Aroh west. below Psneth R 0 Werner, Cape Island ins Underwood. Nashville Rasall Fere°, Elution Geo Roomy. r alem. NJ W L Leber's, Easton, Pa W 8 Kirkpatrick, Easton, Cornelius Derr. Easton, Pa Pa Moses Hoover PS Bharpless Mercer, Pa B Dreekstein, N Y 1' R Palmer, itch Haven J B HcOallister, Phoenix- J L Bright, Phoenixville villa M B Walker, Middletown, T 8 Brock, Phoenixville Del 3 Btrlckland, Tenn J Heller, N Y WM W netherington, Pottsville A V Van Fleet & la, Flo. 0 Bernal'. & erf, Flemington mlegton, N J It Van Cynical, Flemington MBROBANTS , HOTEL—lonrth street, below Arab. Anion Taylor & fa, N I A L Witherington, Ark M 0 Dodson , °Foto°, Mine J P Doyle, Galveston Eli Garrett, Wilmington, Wm P Matson, Philo Del W T Wood, Hy Ira F Ellis, Ky J B Fisher, N J J W McClung, Lima Creek, W G Ohillick N Mo Thee Foster, Galena JOlntworthy, Charleston, 8 D Massey, Boston 8 0 II A Massey, Boston Wm Hensley, Augusts, Oa E 8 Bennett, Phila. 118 McVeigh, Philo Ueo A Kohl, Lambertville, Mrs Van Colin, Phila N J J D Jacobs, Chamberaburg R M Stevenson, Carlisle Smut Stevenson, Mita L Adkins, Liberty, Mo I MI Jones, Liberty. Mo J A Denny . , Liberty, Mo L McDonald, 80 Joseph, F Kenan, Lancastar Mo II 0 Byer, fielinisgrove, Pa J Henderson, Philo Saml 111 Butler, Phil a Hon J 8 Yost, Pottnville,Pa 0 D Gluster,_ Tlonesdale,Pa Mores I. Tracy, Hones- B Halsted, N Y dale. Pa J A Roche, N Y J Purdy, N Y J O Madden, N Y Thos 6 Zs leg, Phils Pawl Dellevan, Baltimore Jno Thompson, Pittsburgh T llrodriak, Jesoesville,Pa D Keeps, Toledo, 0 E. It Price, Mkt:m.lC, P D Davis. N Y G Patlison, Jr, 'Hemphill, .1 B Russell, Napoleon,Ark Tene I A Campbell & la. Philo Wm Dyer, Allegheny City it Z Pittsburgh Jas Allieon & la, Sewick- J MeMiller, Texas ley Pa BLACK BRAD INN—Fifth and fderabant !streets Jchrt Prayner, Chester co, Truman Coates, Lancaster Pa co. Pa Jonathan H Thomas, Del co, Avariah Williamson, Del Pa co, Pa Wm P Thompson, Del co, Thee id Davis, Ohio Pa J K Oantbrop, Del Wm Levis, West Cheater J Dora), Weet °beater J P Steel, Dal co, Pa J D Kennedy, Lancaater no Stubbs, York co, Pa J . al Binitb, Phila J Brooke, Ir. Dal co, Pa Olernect Gaither, Lances- Bey) Thompson, Cheater ter co _ J. WI. - - L C o?`•41 1 a - r - ; - ObiTalai, Pa John Kennedy, Newark', 0 W Deans, Dal co, Pa Del BARLEY SBEAY HOTEL—Beeond street, below 'Me. B Hurst, Pa . J P Jainiewn A. la, Backe W Brown. Btawnaborg co, Pa B Brown. Prownaborg 0 IS Stores, Dayton. Ohio Solooto Iloloombc, N Henry Oroakeya, Philo Edward Lover, Moritz co, John Addis & la, Backs co, Poona Penns law Carrell lc la, Backs H 0111 & la. Ducks co, Pa co, Pa SIADTBON noue--.IL-2econd street, lame Mukd. JO Do'rmen. Pblle Hess*. N Y W 0 Hearne, Delaware Thom Bushmaster, Del W H Caanon, Delaware Jai Munrow k Is. Md II El Mechem/mu, Mama Geo Purcell Pltteourgh 40tfir Higgins, McDonough, John Kennedy, Indiana Dahmer,' BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. 0111 , rwhill. Richard (Sirlet, Pa A Hahn, Rrldereville, Pa Peter limner, Ps J Scott, Northamptu co,Pa Wm Olewell, Reading BLACK BEAU UOTEL—Third, above Oallowhill. 11 Gilbert, Pottstown Mrs Callender. Dane co Bawl Moyer, Berke ro. Pa Jos Ilanbect. Berke co, Ps Abort Gine, Berner'lle D K Bogle, EngWyllie J ti Mattis, Dauptnn cu, Pa Peter Eoy, Danph'n co, Pe E Pearlet, Berke co, Pe M rreirhler, Claytonellio Wm Brambeek,Ezeter J 0 Hermann, Reading Chas Dehnel, Beading J E Lynn, Washington,NJ NATIONAL HOTEL—Roca street, above Third. O W Weiss and Baugh- 013 hatch, N 1' ter. N Y u 11 Newhern. Wheeling T II Berger, Allentown H .1 Bendier, Pottsville 0 A Yohe, Allentown 0 Klein Bethlehem O J Wilson Reading W T Bain, Beading ...trawls, Pottsville 11 Bast, Ashland P R.tber, Mohrsville hi Myers& lady, Lycoming OEL Barnwell, Elizabeth- D J Kramer & lady, Allen. town town L P Irwin, Emrich Wm Silver, Wepwallopen 8 Llebergen Uauville, Ve J A Goldin, Pottsville Peter lime, Lehigh co J Miller, Lehigh co ovum! Noun. ri Down her white neck, long, floating, auburn curie, The least of which would met ten poets raving." Byron't Don Juan. Jule+ Ileuel's Eau Athenienno, or Hair Restorer, renders the hair luxuriously soft, gl9esy, and inclined to curl ; prevents it falling 061 promotes its growth ; and cheogee gray hairs to their original lifwilke black, brown, or auburn, end yet is not a dye. Sold by all druggists, and by Jules Halal dr. Co., No. 704 Chestnut stroot. ring-dawn. ilewer , e larant Cordlei .- -This invaluable Cordial to prepared from a variety of the mast *bolos and edictal:at aromatics known in medicine ; and is the most parted and reliable carminative extant for Infanta and young children. By Ito powerful Indust:les a 'peaty our. ta effected in ❑l cases of Chalk, windy rains and spasms. Believes and mitigates moth of obildren , s suffering daring Conti. Lion or teething, and by its soothing properties trap. guilisee pains of the baud., loosening, vomiting, &O. The Infant Cordial has brooms a standard remedy, and hag been need in thousands of eases with the most abundant income. No funny should be without it. Prepared only by NIT A. BOWAIIII, At his Drug and Chemical Store; N. 3. owner of Sixth and Orson eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggist" generally. an 134 y Tenle.—Every one, at times feels the ne. comity of some restorative of the vital powers, de pressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. In such con dition lot every one, 'notes,' of flying to the alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, which must bo followed by depression equal to their excitement, reinvigorate his deranged system by the natural tonic element. of the Panavtas Stour. Bold by F. Ilstows. Fifth and Chest nut, And riASSAILD & Co., Twelfth awl Chestnut. au2.lkwtf OELIBRATRD TAUTLY BMWING IdA.OULNES, 780 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machine are now justly admitted to be tha but in we for family sowing, making a now, strong, and slutio stitch, which will wow rip, even It every fourth atitoh be out, . 01m:tiara lent on application by letter. app•7 Sesunen , s Saving Pond—Moe 1103 Walnut street, cue door west of Second street. Receives de posits ha some of One Dollar and upwards, from all dust's of the community, arid allows Interest at the rate of the per mut. per annum. °Moe open daily, from 9 until IS o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Pranklin Yen; Treasurer and fiemetary, Charles M. Morrie. Raving Fund.—Five Per Cents Interest...- NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. W. corner of TIMED, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The Investments are made In Real Estate, Mortgages, (ironed Rents, and such first-elan securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o'clock In the morning until 6 &clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thunder evenings until a outlook fret fflatnaucs On the 6th Instant, by Ref. 3. El . Kennard, Mr. OU Aq. BROOKS. of Bucks Co., to Mica NOAH A. SWAItIB, ,f this city On the 2tth of February. 1859, by the Rev. George A. Durborrow, JOHNSON HIDINES to Mk. JANI: DAVISON, of this city Ou the 9th Instent, by the Rev. Jemen Cuthbert, ADOLPHUS MELLIBR to ABMS IdcARANI9, toth of this city. In Washlogton, August 31,SAMCIEL T. WILLI A MS, Egg., editor of the Daily Globe, to Mies OARRIB, daughter of John 0. Rives. proprietor of that paper On the 7th instant, by the Rev. A. B. Garter, at the reaidenee"of John A. Bloomer. Rag., (Yonkers, N. Y.,) J. ONIER SPROUL, lo OPENZLI It. °RAPT, all of Pittatittrgla i Pa, THE PRESS.--PHELADELPHILA, TUESDAY. AUGUST 10; ISM At Trenton, on Sunday, the Bth indent, in the 24th year of Ins age, WILLIAM B. MOUNT, late of this city. . The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully -invited to. attend his funeral, from the realdenoe of his mother, No. tfi Perry street, Trenton, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. On the Tth invtant, airs. DENNEY, wife of Thomas Denney, aged 86 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reside. es of her husband, Witter street below Lombard, Schuyl kill, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 Oelock, tell:rent further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. * Orr the Bth instant, SALOME, wife of Beth King, in the 43d year of her age, [Hartford and Springdeld papers please copy.) On the Bth lost, at Ifestonville. WW. P. CIIARLEB, aged 11 months and 4 days, infant eon of Charles and Emma Tete • . . On the Bth instant, JACOB ROOP, 8r , in the 79th year of hie age. On the Bth instant Mre. LUCY . BLACK, widow of tho late Joseph Black, aged 65 „ream On the Bth indent, WM. O. PARKER, In the 47th year of hie age On the Bth hatant• IDA ELIZABETII, daughter of G. W and Prances Hummel, aged 2 yeare 8 menthe and 24 days Yl On the Bth Indent, OATIIARINB McOABB, In the 84th year of her age. On the Bth 'natant, KATE, the daughter of Evan and Mary Jane Williams, aged 7 months and 3 weeks,* On the Bth Instant, Mrs. ANN R. R DLADEN, Bet of the late Thomas Bladen, in the 7th year of her age • ih On the Bth Indent, ENGEL& TORE, wife of Chris tian thalseman, in the 88th year of her age On the Bth Instant, OATLIARINE, wife of James Greenwood, aged 61 years. tF On the Bth Instant,' Mrs. 'ABAGAIL StoOARTER, aged 51 3 ears. tt On the 7th instant, MAGDALENA, wife of the late Andrew Ruth, In the 00th year of her age. On the 7th Mutant, JAMES PORTER, aged 37 yeas. • On the 7th inatant, MARY ANN, daughter of Samuel and Lenin Gerhardt, and granddaughter of Wm. Hart. On the Tth Instant, MARY L. IL MOOSE, daughter of Davin and Sarah Ann Moore, aged 1 year, 8 mouths and 8 days On the 7th Instant, HENRY, Infant eon of William a ul Ann Oldfleld, aged 1 year and 7 mouths. On the 7th instant, CHARLES F MANSFIELD, eon of Demo 13 and Susannah F. Smith, aged 20 months and 7 days On the Bth instant, ESTHER EMMA.LINDA.. aged 11 months and 9 days, the only and belayed daughter of Charles and Emmalinda Itodabaugh. PNotice. --An election for seven Directors of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to verve the ensuing year, wall be held on SATURDAY, the fourth day of September next, between the hnurs of twelve o'clock Al. and one o'clock P. Al., at tno late Office of tho Company, in the Reading Railroad Corn palsy's Buildings, in the city of Philadelphia. Penna. By order of the Board, T. M. BRYAN, Jr., au4,l tsept4 Secretary'. • frrl fienrelnen Company of tile State of Penne SYLVANIA—PHILADELPHIA, August 2,1858. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of six per cent., or twelve dollars per esare, out of the profits of the ompanr, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives. on end and after the 7th instant. au3.lot WILLIAM 11ARPER, Secretary. lirHome for Invalids with Aifectiona of THE WIEST. S. W. cor, PARKE and ORRSTNIIT Streets auMmlf West Philadelphia. .s. Fairmount and Arch-street city Pas (y3SEEGER RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of the Commissioners named in the Act to incorporate the Fairmount and Arch•street City Passenger Rail way Company, held in pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Office of William L. Hirst, Esq., Sixth Wed, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the following Conunlexionere, William M. Randall, Lewla Bitting, Robert J. Renphill, George 11. Thomas, James B. Smith, together with the Chair man, were appointed a Committee to make the neces sary arrangements and open BOOKS OF SUBSCRIP TION, according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named COMIDIASIOMMI will meet at the Wetherili SANSOM Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, WED NESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 1858 at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Snit of the above-named Passenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, Jo., Chairman. Roe,. J. EIIIIIPUILL, Secretary. J 34241108 Notice —West P6lludrlphia Papsenger RAILWAY COMP ANY, July 15, 1858. The cars of this Company now run every five min utes from THIRD and MARKET Streets to their Dopot, on LORAN and lIAVERFORD Streets, )yl6-1m W. B. MANN Superintendent. STRAPS TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN, VIA GALWAY, IRELAN G.—The ahortest sea passage between America end Europe This line is composed of powerful paddle wheel steamships, of which the American Empire, Primm Albert, and the Indian Empire are now running. The next departure from New York (to be followed by others of the lino about every two peeks) will be the PRINUE A LIIIIII.T, SATURDAY, August 21, direot for Galway. Passengers will have a free ticket by the usual railroad routes to any of the pm incipal cities of Groat Britain First class $2O Second class GO Third class 30 A liberal cabin table will bo provided, and cooked provisions for third-class pamengers to Galway. For passage, freight, and other particulars apply to WILLIAM A. SALE k aulo-dt2o No. 40 SOUTH Street, New York BO! FOR FRAZER RIVER GOLD gar,DIOOINOS—PDX LINE PROBI NEW 'YORK kat vessel for PORT TOW N.END, In the Immedi ate vicinity • f the Gold Mine. direct. The A 1 clipper barque VICKERY will sail abowit the 13th Inst. Per freight or passage, having splendid accommodations, apply to STICR,EY & PARSONS, Ageuts, 54 North Wh trves, Philadelphia. Will be succeeded by an Al ship. au9.6tt IA CUJ publications. STORY ON TIM. COI,I9.TITUTION. NEW EDITION. C.OIithIENTABIES ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES; with a preliminary Review of the Constitutional Illatory of the Colonies end States, before the Adoption of the Constitution. BY liuN. JOSEPII STORY, LL. D. THIRD EDITION, REVISED, 2 T01e....8 T0...../7 50. Notices of the Previous Editions His work on the Constitution of the United States is one of his moot eminently successful labors."—[Daniel Webster. They contain a most comprehensive and accurst. exposition. . . . . Th.•y should be attentively read by all who are deswone of acquiring a correct view of the original Constitution of our American Colonies " [London Law Review. 0 1 he work now Wore on le to our Constitution al that illackstone's Commentaries were to the English Constitution."—{American Monthly Review. Jut rubllehed by LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., No. 112 WASUINOTON street, Doetan jy3l•eat tu&thif THE NEW BOOKS. .._.... /MST. LECTURES OF LOLA MONTEZ Including tor " A ut .biography," " With and Women of Paris," "Comic Aapeet of Love." .• Be•ut.ful Wo men," " tiallantry," dcc. Maeda, steel portrait. price $l. SECOND. WOMAN'S TTIOUGHTS AI3OIIT WOMEN The latest and twat. work by the author of " John Hali fax Gentleman," Agatha's Husband," " The Ogilries," " kr. Bound in muslin. Price $l. THIRD. FOLLOWING. THE DRUM; , Or, OLIMPOLS OF FRONTIER LIVE Being brilliant Sketches of Recruiting Incidents on the itio Grande, &c. By kW. EOBERT L. Vteua. Muslin Price $l. venom. LIFE OF BUG.O MILLER, • Author of "Schools and Schoolulus:wa s " " Old Rod filautlet,w," &c. From the Olangow editirm. Pro pared by TIIOIIAB N. littowN. Alueltn. Fries $l. FIFTH. TRUE LOVE NEVER. LID RIIN SMOOTII. An Eastern Tale in Verse. Hy Tuomss Damns' Dawn. author of " Dablo Dell," Elegantly printed, and bound in muslin. Illustrated. Price 60 multi. SIXTH. DEAR EXPERIENCE. A Tale. By D. Harris, Author of Doctor Antonio," "Lorenzo Benoit'," kn. Wl•hllluetratioae by Leech . , or the London Punch. Muslin. Prins $l. RUDD Ar, OARLhT N. Publishers and Bookcellent. No 310 BROADWAY, New Yoik. R. ft I Q. upon receipt ot the prlee, will send any of the t. above wca to mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United bta te . aud•tuthdc sett(' WRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., 505 MARKET ST. AND 502 COMAIEROE BT., (MINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE TO WESTERN MERCHANTS GLASS SHIPPED FROM TIIE PITTSBURG FACTORY AT ALANUFCTUREREP PRICES. CHINA CUPS FOR DRAWING SAMPLES 10 ELNCTROTYPIBT3 410 PHOTOOR/PHINTS CROCKERY BATES ^ for CREMICALPURPOSES aulO•tuAt IDAUL'S GENUINE FARINA CRACK- A. Bits. PAUL'S GENUINE YARINA. CRACKERS PAUL'S GENUINE YARINA CRACKERS JAMBS K. W.E.B.D Wholesale Agent, 223 aouth Sigh :h Street, below Walnut. Thu enduring popularity of Paul's Farina Crackers results from their excellence, and, being made of the true Yttrium, enables Paul to sell them In almost every State In the Union. Paul's Hudson Meant Bakery is one of the oldest (established In 1830) and one of Abe largest and best-known Cracker bakeries In thetoun- I ry. Paul thinks he knows a peat deal about Cracker baking, hut, without w isliing to detract aught from the " sc/tatifin arrungements" of others, " their great care in passing the grain through its dliferent pro cesses;" the wonderful "practices," ethane! by them; their experience of the mysteries of " the sponge;" their ‘• critical knowledge" consummate skill," he would simply suggest the old saw, " that the proof of the pudding is the eating " PAUL thinks that professional persons, connoisseurs, accomplished nurses, or housewives, can fudge of the quality of a Cracker by ;utast experience, and to thin test he offers his Farina Crackers. liatiTLON.-1t is unfortunately too common a prac tice fur competitors In business to abuse their neigh been manufactures, and call them inferior, spurious, in order to increase their own, and injure the sales of others. Paul hopes that a discerning public trill oath,: misled by such alatements, but believe him when he asserts that his are truly Patina Crackers. PAUL'S FAhINA OitACKEtt. are to be 'Ltd at moat respectable gamily Grocery i.tures. ask for " Paul's," are that they are stamped with has name, and then yvtl will not fail to hare the best Crackers made. For sale in barrels and half-barrel boxes. JAMES auth3t* if 223 South Eighth Street, below Walnut. T EHIGEi COAL.—The Subscribers have _ILI now on hood a superior article of the Lehigh Cool and Navigation Company's CO , ll l (j VIET east. IN NO OTIIER.) which they are ready to deliver to th.tir custontera at the lowest market price. Carefully pre pared for fnmily one °v.r large rolling Berme. ISAAC K. WRIGHT & SON, Yard, Catharine St. Wharf, suit:bet Office, 124 8 Second et. FINAL SALE OF LOTS IN KENITCK Y CITY.—The final sale of lots in thin interentlng and flourishing young city will take place on MONDAY, 27th tieptember,lB6b, on a credit of one and two yearn, with intermit from date. KENTUCKY CITY Is the northern terminus of the Mob.le and Ohio Railroad, and in situated nn a beauti ful bluff bona on the Missi.ippi river, Just below the mouth of the Ohln. It is rapidly growing in wealth, population. and commercial importance, end, owing to the availability of Ito situation, it le the only point at the mouth of the Ohi whore it is at all practicable to build a city. Tho Trustees of Kentucky City voracity that no overflow from the fillia.innippi river will ever reach it The Railroad and River facilities of Kentucky City purpose those of any ether point In the Went. Maps of this city and Its railroad connections can be men and full Information given, by tolling on the un dersigned at the Girard House, room 84, FRANK JAY IitoLEAN, maq o%* 41mA kr 'Motets of liantuaky Olty, Means- Slipping I=l Wants. WANTED—By a young Man, a Situation v v as Clerk In a Wholesale Store or Manufactory. Imoloyment more an object than Imlay. Address °LEM, at this Office. attlo-6t* WAN TE D—ln a Wholesale Hardware House, a young man to &mild at the BOOkg. A person who ban a knowledge of the bantam preferred. -Address HARDWARE, at the Office of The Yress. aul.o.4t* WANTED—Iu a Wholesale Grocery and Provision Store, ELM active and competent Sales man. Aiwa be acquainted with city buyers. Address SALESMAN, at this Office. au9-4tit WANTED—By a Wheelwright, who also understands AIM-work, employment in or out of the city. Address JONATHAN WHITMAN, through Dlood's Despatch. • au94t* WANTED—A Lad of sixteen years of • sr age, to learn the Wholesale Dry Goods Business, where he will hal e an' opportunity of advancing him- self as his merit warrants. Address, in handwriting of applicant, DRS' GOODS, at this Office. made* sSOOWANTEDO-NPEOPERTY wor'h six Oman the amount, for which eight per cent will be given. dop , y to It 0. THOMPSON &G. M OONNAWROE, angT-lw 933 ARCH street. WANTE D—Typo and Materials for a Job Office fu exchange for prime land In the State of Kentucky Title warranted. Apply to .7170.117111T1NG, No. MK 8. THIRD St., second story front room. sub-sffir FRA-Z Eri. RIVEICALTATi:WANTED7— T we nty-five m en to compote an organ i xi rig company. Applicants will be given every information on this sub ject by atiOpes,ing (until August 10) BOX 1800, Phila delphia Poet Office. WANTED,FOR THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given mut pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from Elg to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for bIiPONTRD SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Dighth, north aide. WILLIABir D. ROYALL, let Lieut. 241 Regt. of (lavalry, apl7-tf • Recruiting °ricer. Syr fiale anb try Vt. taFOR RENT—A large, comfortable, and well-finished house, near NEWARK, Del., on the line of The Phlladelphfs, Wilmington, and Balti more Railroad; built expressly for a hotel; has been used as a Berra& - Seminary for a term of years. llentitl too if applied for soon at No. 411 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. nulo.to th sa 61 TO RENT—A Tour-storied Store and 1 . Dwelling, northwest corner Twelfth and Christian 'streets, at $2OO. Also, a three-storied DwoMug with iilas and Bath, 822 South Twelfth street, at $144. Also, a four-storied Dwelling with One, Bath, hot and cold water, beater, be , 028 South Eleventh street, at $240. And Store No. 1188 South Street, at $132. Imply* of JACOB S PRICE, aulo-2i* No. 812 South Eleventh Street. *I FOR SALE—Or to let on Ground Rent, la a lot of ground on the north Bide of cotxtunit, Avenue, between Twelfth and Th.rteenth streets, 100 by 00. having three fronts. Apply to It 0. THOMPSON & O. M. OONNAROII, aulo-0t 833 ARCH Street. OFFICE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF_ N.YFION for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the sumo" Soar, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN C. REFFER, or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mh2o-tuthg-tr second story, front room. VIRGINIA LANDS FOR SALE.—The mnseriber has five Farms for sale in tho county of Albemarle, varying in size from 140 to 1,300 acres, and ranging from $5 to $5O per acre. One tract of very rich Land, but unimproved, containing over 1.100 acres, be will sell for $5 per acre—no money to be paid for four years, and no interest required. For further Information inquire of JOHN L. O'NE AL, 609 MARKET Street. Philalelphia, or of tho sub. coriber, at CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. .Iylo-stu4w PAUL GOODLOE. MO REIT T-T IJ E FIRST, THIRD, FOURTH and FIFTH Stories, and Twa Cellars, of No. 105 AROLI Street. above FRONT. Apply to ITISLIOY, SIMONS, & 00 , au7-10t 120 North Wharfed. 451 TO It E N T—The new, four-storied, Iron-front store, No. 240 North Third street, above Race, with shelving, counter, ko., suitable for a whole sale and retail clotlain4 store, or any oilier business. Terms satisfactory. Apply at No. 203 North THIRD street, three doors above. au7-if 71* RENT—Ccunting•llouso No. 130 ," North •Delaware Avenue, with floor extending through to Water street. Apply to JOLINKENNEDY ‘t CO., au° 132 N. Delaware Avenue. fta WANTED TO RENT—Two or three Rootns for Offices, on the first or second story, not less than 18 feet in width, between Chestnut And Race, and Ainth and Eleventh streets. Apply to A. F. OLD, No. 103 North Seventh street, and-bt* corner of Arai up stairs, 04 TO RE N T—The second and third stories of No. 103 Arlen Street, second door above Front, north nide. Apply to C. C. SADLER & CO., 0 North Wider Street el WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cor- LEIL nor• Morn Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pr vision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address GROCER, Frees office. jyis 1 4 vOR SALE—A valuable LOT, In the vici m. nay of the Baltimore Depot, In au improving neighborhood.. For partleulare, allareAll J. K., Or. W 27 Pnsti-nnl4:_ _ _ 1)16 Daarbing. J3ARDING.—A comfortableßedchamber, .11-. with Ilreakfaat, for a young man, is wanted. Ad drum., .toting terms and location, J. L., at this Office. aulo-11* ROARDING.-A FEW PERMANENT and Tim - I,lmA Ilonviern can be accommodated at Mrs.!' Italt•ON'S. No 415 PRUNE Street au9-11,* A GENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE H GENTLEMAN may obtain board et 712 Chentnut street, opposite Masonic llntt, au9-6t* 110 A K D I N G—The advertloer, recently IL" arrived from Franco, deem' to engage Boarding in a pleasant, central locality. }pith n payee faintly where the French language ia Broken. Address FRAN COIS, lllood's lientuttch. auld•St* £ort nub Sontib LOST—On Friday afternoon, from a car riage, a indrocco-carered Collecting Book, " in dexod,", containing Mlle and memorandums, and a Kennington Bank book. A liberal reward will be wren on the return of the mine to Clio Office, or at the °Oleo of 8 T. VANSANT, No. 4 2 Walnut et., below Fifth. aufi-.2tt. personal PERSONAL.-L. D. SMETHERS had A. better call at his old lioarding-Itowie and take away his trunk, as tho house will be vacated In a few days, au,o-2t*. TIdERCHANTS.—The Advertiser, who J. can fiv nigh find-clans reference, in about to embark for Peru, South America, to be absent nix mouths, will take charge of any business that may be entrusted to hilt care. Address LI3IA, at thin Onion. aun-let', Mcnitstrg. 9111 E SCOTT'S LEGACY PREMIUM— Jr. The Committee on Science and the Attic constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Arts , for the promotion of the Mechanic Arta, having recom mended the award of the Scott's Legacyrranduin to Dr; J. B. Francis, for his process for removing teeth—by the use of Electro-Magnet ililll—the Board of Managers will award the above Premium in two months from this date. unleas satiefactory evidence is given of the want of ori ginality of the improvement. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Jy27-tufriflw Actuary (1 A. KINGSBURY, IL D., %../ • DENTIST, Would Inform his friends that he has REMOVED to 111 fl WALNUT Street. above Eleventh. je2-lm T IM USE OF FARINA IN ITS MOST FORM.—The working of Farina, 44 connected with the peculiar process by which WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS are made ; la lalOWn only to Mr. WING'S establishment. The superior quality IS his CRACKERS has already caused them to become widely known, and they are now in extensive use, Their remarkable excellence and great popularity have attracted the attention of those manufacturing other descriptions of Crackers, and many of those per eons buy WING'S CRACKER: , in order to supply their customers with Farina Crackers also. One or two indlviduale, however, have been offering the ordinary kiwi, which they make under the name or Patina Crackers, and have succeeded in selling them to nmall extent. The selling.of such Crackers for Farina has a ten. dency to injure the reputation of TRUE FARINA CRACKSRS, made by Mr WINO, Errors of this character however, are usually cor rected on being properly exposed. FARINA CRACKERS ARE MADE ONLY BY MR. They are net made by others, because the process is unknown to them, nor hare they suitable works—these require a scientific arrangement, and great care is ne cessary in passing the grain through the different pro cesses. • The practice required in order to prepare and work the material succexafully is a sellout impediment to others. The impossibility of arranging the sponge without experience In this particular branch or kind of materiel, and the critical knowledge indispensable in producing ouch an extremely light and nourishing ounotonce as WINO'S FARINA CRACIOERS, cannot be scenes plinheri without consummate skill and the means neces sary to carry it out. The whole business requires great care and good Judgment, and must be carried on °famish ely in order to make It successful or profitable. The objects to be attained by Mr, wino won to pro duce a superior article at a price suitable for all classe.. For this ho has labored long, and subjected himself to an adequate outlay of capitol. Thu pretence, therefore, on the port of any ono etre, that they make FARINA CRACK CRS, IS simply a de vice resorted to in the hope of telling more of on arti cle thin they otherwise would do, if offered under the proper name. With the view of a largely extended imainens, Mr. WINO has continued for some time past tho present low price for his Crackers. It has been fieely no•erted by prominent Cracker Pokers in the city of New York, that with the ;fired amount of hand labor bestowed on WINO'S FARINA CRACKEtiS It is impossible for him to realize a pitifit at the present price. Mr. WING'S object, however, in to place hie CRACK ERS in the market at a rote that will enable all permits to floe them freely, and not whence the price, unless absolutely necessary. The increased uiffraf WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS, with the comniendittory remarks of Parents, Teacher!, and Physicians, as well ati many persona in various posi tions In life, whore powers have been more or lees weak ened by seileutfej habits Or occupations, is strong proof of the healthful and beneficial results which have at tended their use. Their great nourishing properties, and the ease with which the stomach digests this pleasant food, ore well established, and there can Law s on testing them, no doubt of this fact, viz : that the smile we gbt of WINO'S CRACICIAIB will make more good Woo I, and act more kindly upon the delicate tostoro of the stomach, than anything else ever introduced in this or any other form of bread. All the FARINA CRACKERS hove the name or A. WINO etauwed on thorn, and thoolo ulxhing to buy Bltoul.l aek for WINU'e CRACKERS. They may be bed of the bent Family Orocers gene rally, and at wholeanle only of A. N. THOMPSON & CO., Non. 221 and 223 FULTO .4 Street, New York, or HINGE E & BROTHER, Wholesale Agentn, Nu. 143 South I,IIONT Street, Flailed's, Jy24 Pat to 24 & th & to 4t BAGGING TWINE-5,000 lbs of Superior nagghig Twine, suitable for the Southern market, manufactured and for sale by WEAVES, SITLER, & CO., sub 2Y North Water street, t 1 ). INFl;sa_le Itarg q.crabo. L. HALLOWELL & CO., 333 MARKET STREET, HA FE NOW IN STORB ♦ SOPERB iII3SONSYNNT OF NNW SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, An examination or which they solicit from CASH AND SHORT CREDIT BUTRIts From all sections of the country aulo-tu the 6t NEW FALL STOCK McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 23 NORTH FOURTH ST HMI just opened an entire new stook of LIOSIEDX, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to ahtel they Smite the atteution of aret-class buyers Our stock la particularly adapted so THE SOUTHERN TRADE awa-2mtt 1 ,200 PACKAGES - Brown And Bleached :MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS, direct from LACONIA, GREAT PALLS, HADLEY, PERRINO, MASSACHUSETTS, DWIGHT, BARTLET, and (JABOT MILLS, In which will be found a large and clearable aseortment, to which we beg to call the attention of tho tride. ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, HAMPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TICEINOS, AND COTTONADES, In great variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, &0., For eale by FROTHINGHAM k WELLS, Agents, 433-21n11 35 LETITIA St. and 34 S. FRONT St II RBROIDERIES AND LACES. GEORGE PEARCE A CO., 241 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 52 AND 54 PARK PLACE, NRW YORK, Rave now open, and are constantly making additions to, a large and varied atoek of EMBROIDERIES, LACES, NETS, JOINED BLOND, QUILLINOS, ka., &a., To 'which they invite the Stteution THE JOBBING TRADE WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., 132 CIIEBTIi t ITT STREET, Rim just received ou consignment 150 Bales GRAY, WHITE, AND BLUE MACKINAWS, AND NEON() BLANKETS Alen, 300 PIECES TAPESTRY, INGRAIN surd VENETIAN CARPETINGB. 150 BALES BLACK AND WHITS WADDING. au4-1w NO. 416 MARKET STREET PECILADELPIIIA, AUCRIBT, 1858 FALL TRADE. WM. 11. BROWN & CO. Are now receiving their FALL BTOOR OF FOREIGN AMBRIOAN DRY GOOD£I, To which the Attention of BUYIIIIS is rempectfullyinvitid JAMES- A. FAILNUM, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCIIANT, 219 CHESTNUT STREET, (tP STAIRS.) Has NOR ores for examination a full assortment of Gloves, Gauntlets, Shirts, Drawers, Turkey Red and Bladder Handkerchiefs, Comforts, Scarfs, Hoods, Re golettes, Hose, and other Germantown fancy goods' Domestic Duck Gloves, Mitten., and Gauntlets ; Dress Trimmings, Buttons Delta, ke., to which he in 'rites the attention of the trade. Agent For NOW till fain Knitting Mineral Spring, Pacific, Wolcotyille, Trenton, awl Cohere Shirts and Drawers, jy29-ecallru WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., (AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA) CARPET MANUFACTURERS, No. 132 CIIESTNIIT STREET jy2D-eodtt G LOVES AND GALIALETS. JOAN B. ENGLISH & CO., No. 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 257 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Are now receiving their FALL IMPORTATION of FRENCH AND ENGLISH, RID, BEAVER, DUCK, SILK, CLOTH, PUB, BUR TOP, AND PLUM-LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. jy2S-lm CARPETINGS.- ALM:MN TIIREE-PLYS, SUPERFINES AND VENITIANS. Manufactured by JOSIAH BARBER. Sole Agents In thin City, ATWOOD, RALSTON h CO., jy3l4/ No. 533 MARKET Street WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol lowing description of goods: A. & W. SPRAGUE& PRINTS, in groat variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Reds, Greens, Blues. Si/Wings, and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLINGS. Lon:aide, SimonylGO, Ellatersville, Hope, Washington, Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohaunet, Johnston, While'Rock, Phenix, Acton, &c. BROWN MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS , ABB OSHA BURGS. Matoaes, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, East.'n Virginia, Eagle Manchester,Bloc's & Fare Fares, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Cerra' River,) Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottontley's, Pomeroy's, and (Benham Co.', Black and Fancy all-wool and cotton warp Clothe In great variety. DOESKINS AND CASHMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxtons River, Bristol, Terry's, Stearn's, and othersi. SATINETS. Stearn's, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mills, Hockanum, Duhring's, Converarille,&e. SILESIA B.—Lonsdale's, Smith's, and other makes, plath and twllled,.of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims and Ticking% Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linseys and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, &a, 1y22.2m RICHA.RDSOPPS IRISH LINENS, DA.IVIASICS. DIA-PICWI3. aco. CONEIIIMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINNNS, and time Semitone of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, /Mould me that the article's they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RIOHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution Is rendered easentiallynecessati as large quantitlea of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of ItrOGARDBON by Irish house', who, regardleas of the Injury thus init i ated alike on the American consumer and the manufaoturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business co profitable, while par chasers can be Imposed on with Goode el.& worthless character. . . .J. BULLOCKE &J. B. LOCKE, my2o-0m Agents, 90 OLLIIROEI Street, New YoTk Boots (nb filmes F ALL STOOK or BOOTS AND SHOES JOSEPH IL THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MARKET !STREET, AND Noe. 3 end 6 FRAVICLIN PLACE, HAVII NOW IN !TORS A LIRON AND WALL ANNOXVID TOOK OF BOOTS AND SIIOBS, OP CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE Which they offer for sale ma the best terms for mitt, or on the usual credit. Buyers are invited to call and examine thole stock. jy:11-tf ROOTS . AND SHOES.—The subscriber hes on hind a large and varied stook of BOOTS and BOB,R vrtelott he will soil at the lowed price'. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-Le B. X. owner BUTE and MARKET Sts. Oboe Sinbings NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. The undernlgnal (eucceasore to the into JOSEPH T. JOINS) aro now prepared to meet the wante of tho trade at the OLD 8T AND, Northeast corner of ARCH and FOLIBTO Streets. Their facilities for furnishing every article in the Shoe- Finding Line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpneeed. The attention of Merchants to respectfully solicited. jy2B-3mi f W.°t. JOHNS SON. CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.- There will be no necessity for traveller', taking a supply of CIGARS with them, as a complete assort ment of GENUINE HAVANA, of Samuel Shnes , s im portation, will be found on sale at CONGRESS HALL, Cape lelsnd 3 suct et the Uti/TEP STATES, Atlantis Oily, 4724 naafi lava (Boobs. NEW FALL GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO, WILL OPEN, MONDAY, AUGU . ST-9th, 1868, MIR FIRST 111PCIRTITION OP TALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Comprising a choice selection of all the netted designs of PRINTED MOUSSELINE DE LATHES, OF CASH MERE, RICH SILKS, &e., &c. 806 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. amp-3t LEE & BEARE, No. 230 OERSTNUT BTREET, nAvR NOW OPEN Their Sall Importation of WHITS 1300D8, EMBROIDEIMIB, LACE GOODS, 810. NV bleb they °Her to the Trade on the remit liberal terms. jysl-6t DEAL MADRAS CRAVATS. Bright colors, genuine Madras Handkerchiefs, yard square. Choppa, Pongee, and Orals Cloth Hdkts. BHARPLEBB BROTHERB, au6-if CIIEBTNIIT and EIGHTH. rBENCEI SHIRT BOSOMS. An invoice of Woven Jaconet Shirt Bosoms, In various styles and extra finish, just imported by SHAKPLESS BROTHICHS, au6-If OREBTNIIT and EIGHTH. RINGED LINEN TOWELS. • F' Damask Huckaback Towels, with various colored headings. Also, Bath Tow. Doge and Diapers. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS ant-if CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH. WILLIAMSVILLE, Wamstata, Water Twist, Pontiac, Utica, and other superior makes Shirting and Sheeting Muslin by the piece or yard. LINENS O[ Richardson's, Nicholson's, and Robinson's make, warranted pure and strong An excellent hoary Nichol son's Linen, at 8734 cents. Dispera ' Crash Towelling, 8 to 12N cent.; heavy Bogginge,Tow Linens, &c., &c. LINF.N DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS at 50, 75, 88,11 $1.25 to $4. Napkins, Thuile'', Rucks, back in towels and by the yard ,• Flannels, Ticking', &a. • vvvvv - LAva,c,COLtril .-- • • Black and Brown Mixed Lamellas at 10 cents; also, finer grades. Dusters from BTc to Ed. Excellent Lamella Dusters, $1.20 and 31.55. MANTILLAS. Closing out balance stock cheap. COOPER & COWARD, 100 13. E. corner NINTH and MARKET H OODED CLOAKS, FOR THE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indispensable for a Country Ramble, or en route to the Springs, at $2.50, $ Z 50, $1.50, and $O. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. PRENCH AND ENGLISH LACE. BLACK BILK, SILK AND LACE. CRAPE MARETZ CIRCULARS. WHITE }MIME CIRCULARS. aY ONB4IALV TIMM 'AIMS, TO OLO3I TEN BR/MON, AT TOM PARIS MANTILLA. EMPORIUM, 708 011118TNIIT street jyl7 , J. W. PROCTOR k 00 THE CHE APE ST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS BTU °Arad In thl City are now being sold by THORNLEY do OHISM N. H. car. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purcbaaed, a few days ago, at a moat tremendous sacrifice for CASU a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls came quality and style ac we have gold for. TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low pries of TWELVE DOLLARS!! MENEMiiMI BANDBOIIIII BRAWL Be 08111.1 Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silt, Moir Antique Man. Riles, &c. Travelling Drem Materials in great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goode. Organdlee, Daroges, Grenadluee, &e., iko BLACK BILKS, RANGY BILES, &o. Our name is Justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Material') for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation.: - Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &c., &o. Mitts, Voile Embroideries, Watery, Gloves, ace., at TEIOR NLEY - CLIISM7B "ORR-PRICE cent STORS," N. Z. Oor. XIGHTLL & SPRING GARDIN Streets jel94f QUMMER, DRY GOODS BEING CLOSED OUT AT GREATLY REDID:3ED PRIDES. Very rich Paris printed Marseilles, for Dresses and Basques, Do. Pads printed Brilliants, Lawns, and Organdies. Bareges, Grenadines, and Mentes. Ducals and Grasiellm. nigh Lustre Black Silks. - French White erfflients and Marseilles. Polka Spot Swiss Mull. White Goods, all kinds. Materials for Traselling Dresses and Duster.. Sea Side Plaids for Bathing Robes, I a medium and gay Plaids, feat colors. • Lupin's bat quality all wool Do Begs, In Brown and Gray Mixtures. Edgings, Insertings, Flouncing., As. Linen and Marseilles Shirt Bosoms. With the usual stock of FAMILY DRY GOODS IN DAILY USE. - Wide Whits and Black Shawl Baregee will:ILI:BALE AND RETAIL. cUARLES ADAMS, Jy27-tnthe if Eighth and Arch streets. ANTILLAS ! ! MANTILLAS I! Mo 19J9. ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call end examine him stock of :truant's, embracing , many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 5,000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 37,54, 44,150, 58; rich, 62%, 69, 75 ; very rich, 81, 87%, 95, 81. 10,000 yards Delsines, Bareges, llucals, at 10, 12%, 16%, 18%, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the cy. . . 10,000 yards tine French Lawns, 10, 12g , 10%, 20, 26, worth, many or them, 17s to 62X, very floe. Ono lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth 630. 600 yards side-band Casein:tares, 31%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and hop' wear, lees than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Vesting'', at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest In the • city. 1,000 fine Preach Needleworkod Collate, at $l, worth $3 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaeonets, Salsa and Cambria White Goods, tho greatest bargains In the clip Ribbons and Fringes and Trimming., in endless va riety, at lees than half the usual price.. 31cELROY, .161-tuth e-tf No. 11 Booth NINTH Street. 11 - lIPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLACK. DAREOE, for Shawls, Talrosa, &a., wholesale met retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett cash. CHARLES ADAMS: jyl4 RICHTSI and ARCM Streets. IllilJittery (5.1 robs. AUGUST, 1858. ___. We would invite the attention of Southern and Western Buyers to our Fall Styles of SILK, VELVET, and FANCY BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS . , FEATHERS, and MILLINERY GOODS, Now ready for the Trade at the lowest Market prices. STERN & FREEMAN, an7•lm 126 CHESTNUT Street. political. ipoß REGISTER OF WILLS. ALEXANDER 11. FREEMAN. Subject to the decision of the People's Contention. Ho respectfully requests the influence of his friends to secure that nomination. auCl4sr* IT( OR CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT— ROBERT G. MARCH, OW TRH TIIIRTHINTEI WARD. Subject to the will of tho People's Convoution. jy26-Im* poll. REGISTER OF WILLS ELI DILLIN, U/ THE 7 OUR7BENTS 'N AHD, Subject to the Bolen of the People , * Patty. And, if elected, I pledge myself to confine the Oinee to the legal !bee established by law. ' Jy24-teit WILLIAM H. BERN, SHERIFF, TITTEENTH WARD Subject to the flulee of People's Party. jy7l). -tt d lARD.—Tho undersigned hereby inform J his friends that be will be a candidate for the Office of SUCRIFF of Oka City and County of Pitil.l6lpbta, at the ensuing election, if nominated by " The People," JOS. 3L COWELL. PHILADRIaIIIA, JUDO I, 1858. Jyl94t FOR CONGRESS-THIRD DISTRICT DR. JOirill SITES, Or THE SIXTRBST/1 WARD. FubJeot to Democratic calm.. 33024-Im* CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, Tog. R. lIARKINS, DRPRSTRCNIII WARD. Robject to Democratic Rule.. D'2l-th FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People's Convention 156•tf REGISTER •OF WILLS— ANDREW J. WESTER. Subject to Democratic Rolm je3O4N* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEPII A. MONIIEIMER, Eleventh Ward Anhject to the rules of the Democratic party. Jel7.dtOoe F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— JOILN OANIN, Fifth Ward. &Nett to Damoeratio Rules. jelf.tr F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— OHARLEB D. REMIT, TWENTIETH WARD Bubjent to The People's Nomination. jel-tf -FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN OAMPORLL, OP SRVYNTIL WARD. Subject to Democratic rules. my11.4.m FOWLER, WELLS, & 00., 922 011E8TNIIT Street, beep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Oure. and Pho. nography, wholesale and retail. Phnomlog(- ' cal Etsamination, whit charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mall to be addressed to Bowler, Wells, & Co., 922 Chestnut !Welt. jeg-tknolf-wlty t sop 80 2011210t1114111. V I TELOW O NATIONAL. THEATRE. NEW SEASON. JOSEPH 0. NOSTRIL ...... .801 e Lome and hWager. 0. POSTER Stage Manager. TIIISDAY EVENING August 10, DPW Will be produced the thr/Iling story of land and aim, entitled CAPT %VD; OR. THE WITCH FIRM) OF RIOT TORR. The - Pirate—captai n Ryd Mr. O. Foster, Captain Van Rcoven Me. Valve a. lil.py, he Witch Mrs. J. O. Foster. To conclude with the laugbatne farce of FAMILY JARS. _ _ Deloh W. H. Bailey. Julia Mrs. A W. Young. The Orchestra under the direction of Mr. O. Behahart. Doors open at 7). To commence at 8 o'clock. Ticketa of admlaxion, 28 ca s te • ',seared seats, 88 cents ; Orchestra chairs. 60 caste ; Beats In Private Box, 76 mita , Whole Box, fa end it ; Family Male, 16 cents. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, =Wails Street. abqve CHESTNUT. BEAUTIFULLY ENLARGED. New Fixtures, New Scenery, New Seats, and Additional Gallery. SANFORD'S TROUPE ENLARGED. FIFTEEN PERFORM IN PARTS. NEW SONGS, NEW CHORUSES, NEW DANCES. AID LAUGHABLE AFTERPISOIII3. Admission twenty-tire cents. Doors open at IX o'clock ; performance to commence at 8 o'clock. 3neurance Eampattiva. T EE QUAKER OIT 3C INSURANOE COMPANY, OB MiILADELPRIA, 488 WAINUT street. Statement of the business and condition of The QmPlst City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the sht months ending June 80, 1858 : Capital and Surplus, January 1.1858 . ..... .$277,079 8f Internet received and accrued from Jan. 1 to July 1,1858 6,996 86 Premiums received from January Ist to July let, 1858 113,074 erf Salvage and Ileineurance received 4,8T7 26 L053111,1171A813, &AL Losses paid 744,451 64 Dividend, reinsurance, return pre miums, and expensed, 98,346 OE Balance remaining with the Company Julyl, 604,281 88 Bonds, mortgagee, stocks, coupon bond'', loans on collateral, and call loans, ke. $183,763 60 Bills Receivable 90,611 79 Cash on hand and In Bank, and due from agents 29,910 Oa Capital Stock. OPPIOIHS. GEOP.GH H. HART—President. N. P. Bol343—Vit. President. H. R. 00668HALL—Seoretary and Treaig.tie P. H. BUTLRlL—lisetetant Peeretary. DIIIIOIOIB. George R. Hut .Tosel,h "Awards, R. P. Rom, Pester 8. Perkins, A. 0. °sitell, Charles G. Imlay, Andrew R. Chambers, Raninel Jones, M. D., I. W. Bailey, Hon. R M. Puller, John G. Dale, H. R. Ooggehall, John 1,. Pomeroy._ Attest: jy2e-lmolf H. H. 00048 HALL, &codas/ VIRE INSURANCE. BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSCRANWI COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. Oa Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Hers Ausudirs. Furniture, 4e. in Town or Country. ' OFFICE, No. SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $171,928. Assays, vamatim. Invested as follows, via : That Mortgages on Improved City Pr;party, worth double the amount 220,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 5 per sent. mortgage Loan, $BO,OOO, cost 26,600,0$ Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penna. B. R. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. Stock 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliant* Mutual Insuninee Company 10,160.00 Stock of County Fire insurance Co ... 1,060.00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 474.00 BilLs receivable, busmen paper 62,111.60 Book Account!, accrued Interest, he., 8,835.1$ CAA on hand and In Bank.. 15,00.20 5232,406. 1 1311 OLEM TINGLEY, Yroadoleat. DW.EOTOEB. Carmel Clapham, Hobert Steen,* William Mauer, - Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, - Z. Lathrop, Charles Lelaad, lamb T. Bunting, smith Bowen, John Bissell, l'lttattnr i gh HENCHMAN. Secretary. • Clem Tingley William B. Thompson, David B. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, U. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Chula S. Wood, .Tames 8. Woodward. fe2o-e to th-rp.tt B . A JLEEICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., Lia. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETU.AI,. No.Blo WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Haying a large paid•ap Capital Moak and Surplus Inveated in sound and available Seenritiem, continua le lasare on Dwhilings, Stores, garniture, iderehandise, ireesele in Port and their Cargoes', and other Panetta 1, Property. all LOWS liberally and promptly adjusted, .. DIZZOTOP11: George Abbott, - John T. Lewis, , John Weill_ , Oaspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. Morton, James R. o,,, T beli, Patrick Brady, Bditaund G. Drain'. Charles W. 'Pooltney. GROBOX ABBOTT, President. THOMAS It.ll/0113. geeretirg. ja28.1 it sanin2l3 Isitbs. HE SPRING GARDEN SAVING _IL FITNIL (0113zazrz DT 7171 LHOIBLATITI O?"IMrBYL)AXIt.) PERPETUAL OILLUTSiIt 11V2 PER OiNT: Internet allowed to DePoiltore, and all Moneys Paid beet on Demand. OFFICE, 831 NORTH TILIRD STREBV, (COROOLIDATION SLIM BUILDING.) This Institution la now open for' the transaction 'of business. and la the only Chartered Sating Fond boated In the northern part of the city. The Oftlee will be open (daily) from 9 to 234 o'elook, sal also on MONDAYS and. TIII3IIBDLYB 2 from 6 mall 9 o'clock in the Evening.. MANAQZRB Frederick Klett, James 8. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock John P Levy; Joseph )1 Cowell, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woelepper, Daniel Underkoder, J. Wesley Dray - Hon. Wm Millirezd, Robert B. Davidson, • Frederick Steak., , -P. 0. Ellmaker, Francis Hart, John P Varies, Joseph P. LeOlere, I George Knecht, John Ressler, Jr.. John Horn. President, JAMES 8. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. ap21.1112 tlemovato. REMOVAL.- BAILEY 1 CO.i Jewellers. and Manufttatureya at' Sten. ling Silver Ware, lima removed from their old stand to the now Mors. No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET, (Three doors Eaat of the Girard noosed where they offer for sale et new and choice ageortatent of STERLING SILVER WARE, FINE JEWELRY, CLQOES And WATOHNE, PLATED WARE, sal NANCY 000D8 REMOYM.-JOHN P. DOIIERTY, TAILOR, RAS REMOVED N. E. CORNER OP RUTH AND WALNUT Dre. PRILADBLPIIII, July 16,1858. . jy2B REMOVAL. JAS. E. CALDWELL Sc CO., 489 OISEBTNErt STREET* TaRTIOI7B TO REMOT/TO TO VICO OM ITTOIIt, OTTTR THEIR STOOK OR PLATED 000138 AT A HEAVY BEDUOT/ON PROM lISIIAL Plingts , jy23-Ina If , _ tqmps. pETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELT-GENERATING GAB LAMP le the only Patent Berner that bee a NOMONDUCTOB ATTAOMID. Yor Safety, Olmear ease, and Brilliancy, it istrpeast all others. STATE AND 0 CONTE MOMS TOR PALL Address D. P. PETERS, 8. W. corner PIOOND and CHESTNUT Sta., PhDs' delphia ; and 422 BROADWAY, Now York. tnh4-Ipap LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interest., and pationiao 118811111113 LAMP PAOTORY, 109 South SIGH= street, below Obeetnnt: Prerlow to ids 01/011114 a Mir oneble factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a War ranted manner from 145 to $lO. &wort him, or you will hews the Rama chant aa to paw. 4.NEW Arm IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. PRENTISS'S WASHING AND SCOURING SOLUTION PATENTED JUNE 22, DM Titfa Important discovery has just been patented by the United States, and it it now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers, and others. It is s labor-wing preparation, and costa less than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While It Cleautica, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen. and Woollen goods of every description, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Cortiticstes of its value hive been given by some of the leading manufacture!, of the country, as well no by many reliable hunzekeepers and citizens. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by SAMUEL GRANT, Ja., & CO., 139 SOUTII WATER STREET, jy22.thtu ly RASPBERRY VINEGAR.—This is pre pared from perfectly ripe Fruit, selected with the greatest care and of the beef quality. A small quantity of this Vinegar Syrup, mixed in a tumbler of cold wa ter, makes a most d drink. As a beverage for the sick, it is unequalled, being at once,sootlitng and medicinal. Prepared and oold Icy MLA IMES SHIVERS, Druggist and Chemist, N. D. Corner Spruce an I Seventh sts., Phila. Price 50 cents per bottle, or 05 a done,,. VIRST AND SFOOND QUALITY FLUE I. AND Nll Kt , T IRON, Al 0 0 teorueter, Coal Shute. Seger Tenk, nod elate Iron, cut to pat .ern, up t 38 niche, wide, For WO by the menulas turere, J. WOOD & DROTEIFIIB, latiO•lm No, 22.8 North SECOND at., PhilaALlthla. 402,02 T 63 33,894 44 $04,2& 33 $300,000 00 jylB-ti th sat4ns =EMI