Commenqmestt Exeropes . at ,Jetiepou Collogd, CunOneburgh, a. (Flom the tittaberett tweets.] The ezeritees econneeted with the Fifty.sizth Agates/eery of this Institution dame o t according ,141 sir pelutou annettneeseentt On' the Ir. 3 L. and 4 , .11 of Aagut. 04 'lldestey,' the Rol% Thompson, of Academia, P.s., peached to, as be remarked, end not &for*. the tellgione soolettlits, is a manner well ealoolated Od eitundate the Christian energies of his beaten. 0 ging to the severe indleposition of P , eitideat Alden, the Breealanreate Itourrei was 4thlited. 04 Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Alfred Nevin, D. ,of Philadelphia delivered the eal due. before the Atumtd AssoCiation Ills theme war. "fiat Andes arising Bent Atuetiaah ship." us handled It la • praetleal, conservative menace, Int:educing some truthful remarks on our animal &Wags and dangers Shortly, Rev. Loyal Young, * member of the Class of 1 2d, rood a sketch of his elasonates, 21 in bomber. lie tueetioned some remarkable foota oonneeted with the glut. It was done with moon feeling Ind iu esoellent tuts. Frequent oaks of humor brought down the hones, and tampions of applause greeted the statement that tar •d the rims, Dr Bryce, had come from South Cardiac to be present at this meeting. The in tenet of the day enlminatedin the epeeolt of Rev. au D. Hoge, D. of Richmond, Va., to Hu Frenklin and Philo Sometiel. At he spoke to the young men of the noble aims nod extensive fields before thug, illustrating the eubjeot, with gems of thought and the eloquent+, of au enlisted nears, we cow more then One WhoBo eye and eager oounienanee showed that the speaker's words With felt; and when, after citlikt ledgers. of noble seltgaorileles heroism, he called on them to show like Verboten ehlvalry, many present shoved by their manner that their hearts responded to hie to cell, patriotic, Chriatien sentiments. It was a treat to listen. 0a Wedutpday the exercises of the graduating east drew a vary large audience. They were looked forward to with much interact, as the else., numbering ileyenty. three, is the largest ever gra duating. The opening prayer wee made by the venerable Vise-Preeldent, Dr. Smith. The sal.- tatories, Eighth, thresh, and Latin, by Robert B. Pattenea, of Canotuburgh, Wallivery neat in their conception and delivery. Mr P. shared with the valedictorian the lieu honor of his elem. Wm. L. Alden, the son of A. honored president, fol lowed In a Vieitightful Speech on "The Roman Re public of '13." Orations were also delivered by J. 8 Bur, on "Selene and Civilisation;" "Beau ty," by 3' J. 001110; " Grime its own Retritin tor," by If. A. 11111; "The 'lltinker'e Mission," ItyJ.F. liolcomb; "The Legal Profession" by G. A. Jenks ; Religion the True Conservatism," by Alfred Kerr; "The Function of Art," by J. M'Claren "Art and Nature in Shakspeare," by J 311 Coven ; "True tinniness," by M. 31 1 .11111 en ; ••Alatheinailts and ?bytes' tielenee," by M. B. Xnesett; " Bally of Porpoise " by EL H. Nadal; " Caesiosl udy," by Y. J. 'O. Schneider; Re lation et Man to Nature," by U. A. Thompson. Mr. R II White. of Cumberland, Va., delivered • touchdiA udedietery. This gentleman's talents lad lialue.ry here commeoded him to the faculty, gad he has bate neanimously elected tutor in methemailes for the ensuing year. We tenant say more of the Gutless than that all were creditable, some indeed elegant. Mr. Collier naceeded in commanding the undivided attention of • boister ous audience. Mr. Mussy advocated the claims of the mathematioe, his &Rotolo/nes in which studies won him the sound honor, Mr. W. A. Starrett shoeing it with him. Mr. Schneider de. feuded the study of the elude., having won the third honor. Aftor the speechee were *Takao degree of A. B wee eonferred upon the ebony the PreisMont, In Ws natal gracefol manner. Some Honorary Degrees were conferred by the Board of Trustees, • llet of which we append. The whole premed od very pleasently The weather Ins, (es •II rover rsloa .11 tWoonemsemeat day,) the Musts good, and '• Old eletereoun honedby the presents of many dlitlnguished Alesoul, added numbers to her cal, and gained honor for herself. It Is no. dsrstood that some of the addressee will be Pub. Belted. Toe drives of A. M. In entre was conferred upon Mltilem Ilutebloson, J. B. A. Simpron, Philip Willard, 8. 11'. Waltman, and John Y. Me. Cat tuey. of the OW of '36: The honorary degree of A. M. upon Andrew Burt, principal of the Fifth.ward school, Pitts burgh, Pa ; A. C. Atmstroog,principal of. Au- VMS College, Ki ; Rev Joe•pe O. GI (MISS, p actor of Presbyterian Church In Columbia, Pa.; Nathan A. Webster, prinelpel of Virginia Collegiate In stitute, Richmond, Ye.; R. G. Pardee. New York city; Rev. John 8. Gourley. of Canada Welt. The tide of DOeler of Divinity upon the Rev. Robert Crawford Deerfield, blue.; /ter. John D. Reynolds, Meadville, Pa ; Rev. Samuel lenolerm, Allegheny, Pa ; Rer. Joe. Painter, Kittanning, Pa.; 1t.,. Alex. Young, professor of hentoty in Monmouth College, III.; Rev. James R. Dolt, pmeldent Werhington College, lowa. Graduating Clan.—W. L. Aldan, W.-Alexan der, S. 0. Alexander. A A. Dooley. J. 8. Harr, Y J. Collier, J 0 Condit, W. P 04wden, Dr R. Cell y 3 it. Cunningham, W. Diaksos, H Dobbins, .1 B. Donaldson, W. B Dunlap, J. R. Ewing, 8. Fulton. 8 0 noble L. Y. Graham, A W. liL Ilaeklna. D. B BBL S. F flolromb, 8 II Hollidry, W. A Ilaper. 8. A. Thighes, M. M. iluPe, R. T. flout. D. J. Itw o, 0. A. Joke, A June., A. B Kelly, Alf. Kerr, N. B Lowrie, J. M'Claten, J. 11. Al'Cooshy, M'O•rellek;o. W. hPllonry, J. L. Id' Drains, J. M'Kown. M. M'ldillen, T. I. J. W. Martin, M. D. Idesee, N. A. Maim J. R;Moore, P Mowry. .1 11. Nesbit, J I Nevin, S. 11. Nlbloek, J. D Noble. OC. Orr, R. D. Patterson. 0. Paull. 8. Pollock, E J. 0. Sobnelder, J. &mem, P. M 810010011, N. II flutith,S. J. Craig- head, J N. Smith, J. W. Bprwll, W. A. Starrett, J. A. Stewart, IL C. Stewart, W. M. Taylor, J. F. Tompleton. 11. A. Thompon, B N. Todd, R. H. White,./. 8. Wreclbstro, E. A. J.mea, CITY ITEMS. Mettotoon Fsavicss to moenow.—Tbil Services assouneed R r Ole Malan Taboteatio (Bawd street and Ot•ard arson) to.morrev at. a sermon at lig A. M. by Per. Itt. Patter, and at 6 P. M. by Dr./ohs 0. Dress to alditted to the terries in English, there sill be aqaten• prwhed to the Getman hal/nage at 10A. M end f P. Mai al.*, • preys' oceetlse at a Os the last too liebtestha the ea/Detests at dm Tent teen so Ise • u tv make It asseemary to erect a temper ‘te pi Alb.= to preach Pool on the cutdde oe It. la setimpatios of Weber oath eyelet' lag gather lug os to.nsortoe. at itji P. .11 , arteeneweirn hot. been note f. t the law, J. B. Ripley, of the Marinate Ohneell, to addmee the multitude to the open alt, under the shade of t: so to that Immediate thhaityl The early "whip eondueted by lay Thome N. Stockton, to to, it bairlait I o'clock, ea Iktbeth mon log, et Ma legal net of still atatbssed; sin, the anonym pray rr•romstinge, from 6 to 0 Wallach, at the mime Thee. At the Clinch of the Zpipliany, Chestnut and M. tee ,th streets. then • 111 be preaching, morals, and of tar,.on, by lb. teeter, Rev W. 0 Prentiss 7be Rev. Henry W Wad will preach at the Womb of the C (Coacert 11.11,) at half-plat 10 o'clock A. K., tut the Re?. W. W. Spear, D D., to the even. lag ea 11. Tau Year Li/att.—Up to a late hour lent evade' the greatest anxiety p availed in the pubic mlud as to the real n•reas or trobablo failure of the great flobrOarille Telegraph. 01111 pe fate tomipond use by the Wit inmost, the ha mu made knew' at thle ores, at 11) o'clock last night, that *regular Cablaget a woratallon hued trineplred with raped to •het should a ,00lltat Wu Bret despatch from the Old World to the New, as 0000 1111 the Intonational tale g•■pb e►oald Mtn woe \log order, the reset of which, we an satberistd Is stab, was, that the initial met sego oh, ul net mantas from its Quasi it mu, but that Pepe.) Albert, in order tbst he might, in this etritlng minor, atteot his coojegtl areetion, you'd seed as the E•at mums thrush the viten of the great deep, au order to Weser,. Arthur, Burnham & Wray. In ?hi■ eft!, , or ass of their worid•renowod '• Old rotation" Coffee Tote, for the 'peeled leensgt of bar s.J.ety'. royal hlglwoe. Brain, Meta I elf us Tor an interullog ittlele nut this wonderful coffeepot, which 'rebate no butts. tlon In merit t ihould be in ivory household In the lead, t►e reeler It referred to another solemn. The artist* referred to bu, of worst, bun *Belted by the Ileto or forelin newt aforesaid. hyr Input'?Aar DIVI9IOI/.—ln conversation *tat vratlemen of tuts the other day, the desision w olomply given In fvror of the populacOsat'm Vanlahlas Benno st Aleuts. It C. Waitiorn dt Co. puts) Item II user north huh drool. Tilt foot of 4blt latiblf.botoat h•log popular in amply attuned In the mut.ltdde of orders that are :eosateatly coming In rtt aline, gent's Trappers, and everything ease In their lies. Wuot.ssome —Then le motbleiro palatable, or thst - me, De eaten at this season of the jeer with easter •Itaategs to the 'I/stem,l/n good, pun eon. tectiootry. For this delicious elms of eatables, the gentle can lad no better place In this country to ob. lain • 0 it-rote artlele than et the well•tonne esta rdishmest of Mousse. N. 0. Whitman & Co., Second Omit, Wow Chmtent. Delstud.--010 what Is there at delightful to tentemptate with the thermometer—who knows where —as a tall In the breakers on the pewit. is time of lite, go at ease to Jobs P. floss's, No. eOO Mittei esttact, presets one of hie Inimitable battling sults, and , ttte for the re+-bore If you dld,k. this loges w, jetroulee Ilia stores when ton get there. N o more ofow eusettss. Resta b the demand of Shoals WI ll** 10. CIIPPor slap* won sell:mod by ik smu k eN Vasa. wow thole taro Imo come, for lb* At toot'. ToleLlfspb Colds Is 1011. ham IT AST taws, Is our m 011... HI , *lry 110 0 1,4 , 1 h, hs! Ilrappe.l bey i etslolllstl, Govt. 114110 what's brat*? sal i be, for ki,o W Ida to her *la o* obe *At rotootog• log 10 "tor wort .1 motet Thot's op, toy love," she ro om, t uo mos b.tgt a mud. $, Ha, ha! Oral it any poles la our motto, mt I" He read stool— " Wili.l l4 a 4,Wttooo, PIIWING MICIIIM Pint Premium. PI firer audi6l4 th• rink Ils losti tato, ICH I Peeasytt wale Mete Apiculture' Society, leas, The r mmmm and th• ass? OEOO6 No. 623 Chtstout attvet, l'hlladelphlt, and No. 7 Wait Atata stood, Trenton, N. 7 " " •wo wifit—ought! by I •• • laving rhials: ! ituu 'hall hate OM. lyaoit aS any prire la oar mutt•." A Huai Pars or laor Wosc.—The 30 000 pletee whleh form the hull of the Onset Eastern are holiest ingetbarby 3,000,000 rivets! Them hold together ; the fritmework tf ► structure which would catty 10,000 Stmt.. to toils. in • would Eke the person who Wen- I , lei lb. shove to ssy Jost bowman) , witches there ere le • full suit Gam the Brown Stone Clothles Hall of Roo.khlll k Wlleoo, Nue. 003 Mal 000 Chestnut street, ?buy* Qur ton Assn.—A: yortog lady who wow. A iron bow ,rlra stab wee, s dor or two ago, mode fan of" z•lltinUtia who was very emulous to win hot o a,, ot i orot . Tel :idly of hie shocked* answer, u You hod b et , , k eep t atet or VII girt you the seek. u should be rwe the i v :sliest repose; "If you will sly* It to me se It ydnaloli Itisitha ai it." auks ha pslk ,With ' s styes ,e 4107 9 1 eloglon o feed/. male eletblog, are Ming sold rehash** kV at r . ,914 /thaltlla Mill Clothing iantism," V• sal OboitallA vrvot. • lAri.Aronot , r !.-Tho man who rehma our *dries, g ehes by all dogma of Grantlllo Stokes, thus amt • 1044 gm .‘ ggrlanahnly tits ma ma am a aloud along k_, .4, ....., y,,,,h,c,...... ranbrauto through, nor i '" • hint In rola, an.l sad ; Int Itoolf Laird at PI I. ..4 oirgh, Ilk* Gary libretti man and mu, and Po %Was nut " ' So mach for blot *to nould I ' . 9_ :Ant fol b, and bay hi* alotba iot Grialilis AO 441091 4 ' * - , ' V inaltligt iliNt. 64V e l l t" T --- , , • .. . • 4 :, ' ...' i ''.. . .1 ' , • Jutparttatuotta. [Reported tor The Pima.] POBTLAND—Pobr Marla Itogina, 002-171 tone pkit.r 1 A Bonder A Co. gloititOßD—Staiunahip Virginia-111 INltea tobacco Book; 100 do do Mercer to Antal.; t B2 dodo 67 heti do 62 easel do Borboer, 2dcUarnmon & 00- ' 63 bold. do Bohan & Tann 73 do do Pants A Boehm; 82 do do A & R Atioetroog; 131 do de . 8 Yellen; 16 b.,ge feathers Jan tiorpnl 36 do do Parker & Tolind ; 6 beget beet tuning Van Brunt. Tripler A Coombe; 1200 bbl. floor I,wie A Damon; 2 do do A Cooley; HO empty bbl. Mane., Collins A Co; 812 pigs teat 0 J &dame A Co; lit bbla liquor R 0 Ridgway; b bone* India Thom Web ate,. Jr; lea bail pope, Itenrge Pros; 6 puncheons /10110 , A McCann; 631 buthels Row ley I, Xrele it 0o; 2 bb!, rodze N Rellongs; 1 box de II rubrics k Co; 68 bel.4 cotton J Palmer& (.10; 68 do dowence Tiers:, Roglielt A 00; 2 bble scrap iron Oigt Kelly; 766 motion. 816 pkgs curdling to order. Marine intelltgenu FORT DY PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1868. lON sieve - 6 e 813 N BATS 867 Sign WATIR 12 44 ARAI VID Rtoanwhip virgin's, Kelly, from Elohmond, via Nor• folk, Sti boon. with todie Jni pagengsrs to Thomu Webster, Jr. ?asset Ike brig Harrold at anchor 'bore lb* Buoy on the Middle; two berm brigs, lumber laden, of New Cart ei also a brag deep). laden, supposed tote tko llmse, from West Indies; below Chester saw 'bent twat., sekoooors at &arbor. itessambip Delaware, Copes, 22 boon from New York, *la Cape May, wltb m ass sad pameogera to James All. dordice. ramped two Item brigs mid some twigs* sans oC Bf,mbay Hook, boned up Behr Ontario. ditIFJOSt, 10 days from Calais, with lum ber to Oukill & hitt Now Olobe. Tlbhitte, 20 days from Cabals, with sprite* joist, de to Harbert, Darla & Co. , • - - • rehr Oro W Kroh, lima:ton, C days from Haltimora, with tutu to Tau Wabatar, Jr. Behr Henry Hill. Laytoo, 1 day from Milford, Del, with stares to Ju Barran & fkin. Behr Mule R 011416, Cox, 10 days from Portland, with plod* to Y A iktudar & Co. Behr Viola,l le aorgy, 8 dye from Machin, with lathe to H A wonder le Co- toter Vast&lla, Coopsr. 1 day kola Smyrna, Dal, with oat. to Jas Barrett it 800. Behr Biptelltlon, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to J L Bewley & 00. Behr J W 11411. Mortis. l day from Little OreelrLsod lag, Del. with wheat and dour to J L Bewley & 00. P Ward. Cameron, 1 day from Bourns, Del,wlth oats to J L Bewley & Co. Bohr A L Johnsoe, Patterson 2 dale from Port De- posit, kid, with balk to J L Bewley & Co. Fehr It Dorado. Smith, 2 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to 1 W Bann. ' deli? Genoa, Robbins, from New Raven. Behr J Rodger*, Illiott, from Pall River. Seim L P PWwo; Cavalier, from Boston. Behr II Both, Bolsters, 'root Boston Behr 1, Alarmed, Bartlett, from Boston. Behr North Petite, bleroy, from Boston. Behr Busk Bright, Noble. from Boston. Fehr Mlle Pounders, Corson, from Balm. Behr John B Plater, Gandy. from Boston. Fehr 11 7 Cramer, Burnley, from Nantucket. Behr Jolts Smith, Crowell, from Boston. Bh r too, Creamer, from Providence. Behr Mary Patterson, Somers, from Salem. Febt W 0 Atwater Potter from Boeion. Fehr Banal Ratan, Candy, from Boston. Sloop Ltoeat. Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Irel, with grain to Christian & Curtin. Item-tug America. 'Virden, d hours from Um Boop ens the Middle, Without I tow. Reports the steamship Prometheus. from New York for 'Wilmington, for m yths. at anchor off Chtletimm, Creek, and brig George Whitney, from Cardenas, at the Lazaretto. CLEARED. Steamship Bolton, Bellew New York, Jai Allderdloe. Ship Wyoming, Burton, Liverpool, G Cope. Brig Chicopee. Howse. Distori D Cooper. Brig Myra, Taller, Boston, Rip r & Bro. Brig Blom, Connery. Boston. Andsariel & Co. Behr Pearl, Brown, Boston, Davis, Punkin it Co Fehr II & T Gamer Huntley, Mato, B Selina & 00, Eirkr A .1 togereoll,(new)lllgbee.Charleston, captain. Behr. Wm Tyson, Whelden, Roxbury, L Andeorled & Oo Behr Rhode & Buelah. Holtman, Bottom do Fehr Ty, Cheeseman, Nantucket, 0 M il ler & Co. Behr Mary Patterson, iomers, Bottom do Behr Juliette. Chase, Boston, Oslo, Hacker & Co. Rohr Oenow, Reildne, 001100 Brown & Whit. llekr Jim Bogen, Elliott, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Behr J W Phan, Cavalier, Boston do Behr Boakinghann, Talpey. Portsmouth, do Fehr Ellen Bode, Somers, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Sett. L AndenNed, Bartlett, Boston, do Behr II It Weston, Maloy, Dolton, do Behr L Saunders, Corson, Bostini, Bancroft, Lewle & 00. B hr too, Orsnmer, Boston, 0 Miller & Co. Toler W 0 Atwater, Potter, 8040011, Heekeher & Co. Behr Farah Bright, Noble, Boston, do Behr Bawd Rotor, Gandy, Beaton, Brie. & Co. Behr Mary Patterson. Bomar., Boston, 0 Miller & CO. Fa r North Puler, Marcy, Balton. Baum, Ogle & Co Bohr .1 B Plater. °ands. Boston. Tyler, at.... & Co. Coop Lydia Ann, Hooter, Georgetown, L Andruried & 00. etannter H L Gaw, Ile:, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondent* of The Prim) - HAVRE DE GRACE. Aug 0.1858. The Wyoming left Ode morning with 8 boats, laden and coralgord ea follows: Gov Pollock, lumber to John Craig; 0 P Perot, bitu minous mat to J P Mortis & Co; Sarah Allea, anthra. elle oral- to 0 Evans; rotted Mates, Ida. and May 00014 0011 to Delaware City. (Chniirepoodence of The flew) RAADING, Aug 6.1858. The following boats paned out of the Dialog °anal today, bound to Philadelphia, lades and ooualgued al follows: Jleek's!' lombtr to 0 Twining, Trenton; lisle pendent. &lien & Kate, and Cop*, do to Malone & Tar tar; Wentworth. do to Jot Jones; Cot A 0 Cortin, d. to Bolton. Vanlertsts & Co; Clo,nreu, grain 0 Cattail & Co; Two Brattiest ant J I. Nesbitt, railroad a lit to Rut Pimesylroula Railroad Co. P. . . (Clerrespoodeooe of the Philadelphia Nieheoge.) Out 1014319 At 0-3 39 P 31. A barque sod several sehooiers ere now going in, and • ship lapedelog out. Wind NW —weather it ie. loam ke. - rtes. Y. UUOPLZIt. nLsozAnt to 711 ?ISIS.) NRW YOIX, AcR G. Arrived, barques Teener, frees Remedioe,• Miry 0 Dyer, trots Oiede•gve; Bleed, from elitgas; bilge Nara *bite, Cefroma li gee; ItalobJer. from getneeloe; itietAu rsdoe, (Dangle) from ermeays; Carollao, (Wrench) treat ti'. buque Oatlla Is Mill ashore op Um West Dank, sod feat .ettliog la the rand. The iehr Spray. Iron Ph4addphle for Prwidenes, loadrd with wow, was. ashore on Fin, Lased 6th !tmid the weather rave goal, obe wi'l be got sir Now thitseve, Aug 3. Arrived, ships Jahn It Wood, Auk, Liverpool May A Crialla, Lord, tt9 May 29. (Per Primo Albert. at Halifax ) Attired ►t Live , p)ol Roth olt, o,evo, from Now flr• Nay; Pith dpraguo, from daraaaaki ilatrist YroaOtt, from elmaaskm.. MiIIsfORANDA Westostilp Hennebee, Goad, from Ceps May, arrived at New Tort yesterday. Mar mahip Northern Light, Tinklapaoth. chant at Nov Tort yvtarday for 6outharopton and Braineo Btretroablp Glasgow, Goodwin, cleared at New York yorforday for Glasgow. bbip Alma La.ramr, Yarrow), from f3t John. NB, for Lirarpooi, woo apolaa Slat tit, lot 42 47, loog 62 89. Skip 'Mira 01/001, ale:ender, from Liverpool, az- Ili oil at Mallows yeatardar. 6cip Waahlogtoo Booth. Friend, eirivrod at Baltlmom 6th last for Wait Coat of Math Ammlea. Barque Decals Keily, Ooreeo, etaand at Peesecola tt'th lilt for Rio de Jan Aro BAUPLO Wuktogton Botobsr. CoPiro, hence for Now Orissa*, oru spoken 24 lost, lot 31 80, lung 74 32 Began blutatl, Oryeamoo, from Malaga:do, at Nov York patentor. B trans Abogoo, Bonita, for Baotou tyros, aloorod at Briton lottt lost. Barcissisahottt Tong, cleared at Nov Yoik yos• terdal for &an fraaokroo. Belo' He sills, Snub, for itonterldeo,alaarad at N To.k pll'Ordsy Barque J.neph ilai., lifsetill, from In Stspbon, NB. for Nositk Roads, •u spoken 28th 011, Ist 4J OT, long •t 21 Swine Arcadia. Pendleton, and brig Alhotmrs, Bmsll, from ualtimore for Dorton went to les sl4t nit; .hips Voltam, 0111. fur Calls; 000/4. (Brim) Illopper, for Rotterdam; Gustav, (Prom) Balser, for Amstrads o; Urges' Antelope, bleinoo I, for Itlu de ;110•Ito t • °spells, (Ilmo) Lange, for Bremen; brig Minks, Gilkey, lot Demersrn, de let lost & II Cro•lr/r Crowley, for Addison, AN, cleared at Boston bib first Brit Onnna, bak.r, heoce at /all Bite 3d that. Brig Bolama, Orlando, cleared at Boston 6th Imt for Mobile. Batas kmlly Tabor, Taller, tad Altair& Ann, Wild, helm for Button, Lod noroloo,Chamblin, for New Ltird. furd, wore it pwt P 4itti net. Bahr W L dprtrits Corson, olotred at Flayanoth 24 lan for Phnadolpino. Echo Itwoull, Look, hear., %triton at Nev Bed. ford NI Ism Behr f %Godwin, Fairchild, from St Mary'a, as, ar rived at Kew York yesterday. Bohr liassiot Fasten, Kelly, °lured at Boston 6t► lost tot Itnitsditiphla. &Ors U u Carlisle, Whismors. for Philadelphia, and I. WaterOng, I:Welton, for do or Beltimors, sailed from R►kn's Lauding. Warwick. 4th Inst. Bahr Ida Ponder, Jr. Isillnirsworth, sailed trout Pall Pall River 84 last for Philadelphia. Rehr Impost. Chambers, sailed from Providence 4th last. for Philadelphia. Bohr earth Louisa, Ornee, helm, arrived at Plllf • toaket 4th Inst. • Mesmer U W Obsplo, Kellogg, for Philadelphia, salted (rota Hartford 6th Inst. Propeller Ironstdas, Vend , cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. MARINI MI 'CILLANT Ship Monarch of he Bea biome saybrtod authored off Port stag, *Soot May IT, to distress. Is a 1111),. rhos V4OlOll, of newt TOO) tots burtheo, boos In Post .n in 11154, and Is °wood in BOILSICI and nor dimar bed a fell osrgo of ries. The ,owl sad fie grit mow y e losored for 1i40,4X0, $40,000 of which Is In Yoglso., Cher* Is lontranee la Providence, $6OOO at the D:' • 'Yenta. IlSkas at the American. sod 13000 at the 11 as. toerelal ulnas. The °asp Lace has 4500 on freight. OPOILICN. isle'Sg, tat 43 14. long Id IS, was me ship Oar lessagnii, 1441, oandlog BD,' d Mum, VORT • Al Palermo 20th tilt, 'obi. Restless, (Br) for Boston, Toady for sea t (not aid, sa before ripened ) Old El tampon Elogid ( lye) New York ; 11th, Tinker , ThOZAP. NI, d 0 (ba g out os p .0 14th, as before reported.) At Gems 11th alt, bariga Jahn, Maples, repg, for XII ns In f TO days At Illielsgs loth alt, boreal' Pursuit, Sandford, for N York; brig Coors, Pitmen!, from N York for Rio de la. 0411 . 0,110011. At Idaneillea Slot nit, bungee Ulswsths. Mall. sr it Loin Dareolons, with captain slat. use; YAW/ X. f .:14 hr re I 01 , f d:tlh ilinord, ,4 %i t., 1= , 1 .; r ig.„ ": 0. gen, for Nalllmoris, leg, Anna 11 Roped, Xliniten, Que. VOX isTio POETS NEW YORK, And 4-.11,r, brigs Byron, Ontmor, Ar drimilm; J U Acidernm, WIDE, It links; lob.* Ent.n., ' Wainwright, Jaakao , nille; I U Johann, Lorimer:, Chsrloston; Rhode Island, D 'via. Claeranown, soi A R Wetmore, *lan, Mauldin; Idosooon ' Oniony, del w 3 Milt, Truer, Wilmioatou, NU; P .0, is„ iro,„ Gvirption, lilt 1; Armanda. ILlsey, Norfolk I () w 11, 0 0 4 : Johns,n, Imltations, W list., toots, A1.5...e is Old. bargain Kedron, Fined, Ankatood; .1 a Pelmet, T u mor, stiotpoood; brigs Alpha. (Ur) Curry, !Jam a s, Jacoby. (I.lstein Van Der Plu, tiopenlowso; Saw, ii.. HAIN Jones, t., barisetoo; Laths Untruth', allwece, !, Charleston. I Also old, bonnet Oatsiola, Liopklns, Wilmington; ' I II Adams, (Iron) Hato, Antwerp; flea Joan, 'tat Fey, Einabeteport; brigs Atlaot,c, dime, NY..., NI.; Icarian, Ohadeorno, If 'dada.; Tyrant IdoCt.. r.ack, I Hanna; Nova Aetito, (Port) Harahan, Oporto; Rohm Aunts 1110%S. Phinntry, West Indbes; al dtrAmair, (I.:HA IIli, Fernandina hOSION, Augast S. —Arr, bark** Lylllllll, Dwyer, Croostwa; brig I. W Angier Tootnaker, o , .ofge tow., D U; stamen kaatern Stan , Kilian' llalitas i 011, ship Martin Luther, hlchole, alt J ohn, N 11, 10 1 lead for London,• barques Abroad, Rollin, !furors 4 nitro; Clourast. Gray. St John, N It, to lontfor Lo:.. idon; brig Emily, dinning. Online; tows Hy D *we, , door, Jacineil 0 a Olineh, 11 Norfolk; Use & ' k Hy Nicker' Alekandla i m . sera, Slid, vial hW to WOW, ship. Modern Times, I Mutts Lather, ba quell Orlando, Whirling Wiwi, 1 Frisk Cat ,lineyalle i i; brigs Po:to Rico. Galant, Nom. 1910, hioulahalto, Ada; adirs 1. 0 Watts, Leo, and 1 1t , ,,,, file,* , twang Bony Hal, brig John Vinman. nab& INIORy,, Aug ill—Are steamship Oalidglala, Oa. Sir, Neu fork; sabre TePta.l(o lo :gy, Windsor, N 1 1 1 , a rist.en Hall, Paddock, Pottladd, Lrnal ; Lizsie W ' Dyer. lintel, Poriland. Art litk, ship Sir John Franklin, Wallas*, /few York; I Odor Lombard, Harding, Hichannrg, At Untantins— echo Thin Widows, Noy, froto Now *ammo pod sok: it II Adams, A A ma, New Bedford. Mow OILIANO JOY 111.—An, brig X • Minns, I pt.or, Ilstias ier Apit4 Balt, Atilt, 1110101. VS IlkikaibJl Mt Sili a ti suri hi Sigitma and Indianola; ships Golden Eagle, Storm, Havre Nathan Hamm, Pierce, London; Corinthian, Chase, Liverpool; gslots, Aleisuder, do; rissteth Minn, Sinigg, 11,rdeeux ; barque Brilliant., Sigebee, Boston ; brig nruwntville,Godtrey, Havana; Mate, Goodspeed, Bells., Honduras, via Huston; aohr 7 B Smith, Colossi Towed to aes, Seth, ship Loulstanne end barque Gen, Taylor. Below coming up, 'hip Oroondatea, Pike, from Ant. "op. .1 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO ORS O'CLOCK THIS 110ANINO. GIRARD HOlME—Cheatnut street. below Ninth. Geo A Ball, N Y N II Decker. N V Mrs Mathews, N Y • W A Shepard, N Y P W &Iceman, Paterson, Ersatun Id., Newburg N J W It Baker, Houton, 0 0 Woolworth, 01 aba, Tense N T W A Madsrland, oioBlll. 0 D Thienemau, N Orlon" natl. Ohio Albert N Haler, N Y James Dayton, N Y Miss Dayton, N Y p Logs] MaConnellaburg , Gee 0 Howell, Payette. H Gets , vile. Ark elms N Boltwood, Keekrik John AI Bisbee Rookuk W N Arnold, Vs Dr W .1 Bland, Ye Hon John Bratmcn, ia 111 P Callaway & la r Wsufh. Mira Irvin, Waahington, ton. Gs Os Illlm Arnold, Washington, Mrs Arnold, Washington, Gs Gs JII WatiOn, Waahington, W 13 Watson, Wichington, Gs Gs Dr TJ Jones, Gs N Id Ludlow, St Louis Mr. 0 B Field, 91 I anis Mies Winchester, Balt II Danrell, jr. Baltimore Z McCord. Augusta, Gs L Tore, Provideme, It I Xdmund Bradford &. son, T II Larkin, St Louis Norfolk, Ye II II Larkin. St levil. A Woeltyr, N I* A R Page, Petersburg, Ye W 0 Cook A lady, Trio. law Coates, Jr, lialtinsora ton. N J N W Halsey, N Orleans,. ' J Herald, N Y Th - s F Eddy, Fall Riv er, . 11..unotios. N Y Morn J It Carte, N Y W Falls, Cairo. 11l Lieut Orafghill, Fort Del Jose Roas Peres, N Y Coro Stockton, N J 0 Danforth, Paterson, N J W Gray Boston I Dyer & son, Tessa, W It Purnell, Annapota, Thos J Wllson, Annapolis, Md Bid CI W McCleary, lowa City It Snowden Andrews, Balt T E Tootle, fit Joseph, Ito 9 F Frost, Doman Miss Phillip', Boeten (leo W Ilasiehurst It la, Ge A Woodward, Memphis, B ?amend, Moroni/10, Tenn Teon J Q A Herring, Balt Imo Seltzer A la, N Y D I.t Yale, Richmond, Vs 0 B Yale, Richmond. Vs W L Vmman, Richmond, It I Denny. Richmond, Vs II 0 Bacon, Xy John Danl. N Y A Yawn, N Y 0 Robinson, Oswego X P Pates, Ft Imola Henry Abraham, Montgly, I Well, Montg'y, Ala Ala A A Mille A ia, N 0 Thoa Proems A Is, Noah- John G Whitgold & la, (is villa MIN A A Width-dd, Os Wm Shepherd, Ge W W Calching, Vicksburg Elms Roger,, Ala II II Raker, Va. Geo 0 Whiting, Wash W J Matter, Winchester, J D Coneetook, N Y Tenn MISORANTIP HOTEL—Fourth street, below kith. Janus A Mathison, Pitt. D Goisifellow,llolildayab , g A Garrison, Pittab-rgh J D Stalker, tiartsv'ie, Ton J it Hassell. Boston Jos nays, Plttebnrgh D Emerson, Boston L Emerson, Boston Jos Elder, Roston It H Mars, Penn It B. Wet Overecti,jr, Battu* 3 P McMullen, Bolt Mrs E Mckitillru, Balt 0 Smith, Kingston Jan Boyd, Phila H It Pawnebaker, Lobe. Thus M Johnson, Balt non, Tenn M P Asher, Brownsville, M Boyd, BrnWneTlllll, Ten Teon Irs P Ellis, Ky .19 M Whitelaws, Browns. The, I Stration, Lebanon, tills, Tenn Tenn Dr J II D Sigen, N Y Dr J 0 Tucker, N Y D Carr, Lebanon, Tenn L Dryfoose, Lebanon, Ten Dr Walter Brice, 8,0 Thom P Wilson, Pittsburg ONION HOTJL—Ar3h street. below Fourth. 11 D Smith, Plantsele. Ot 13aml 11 Johnston, Ohio J A Snyder, MtJoy, Pa Chris frusta. Ohambersb'g Band Jacoby A Is, Ohlo BB Allman, Ohio Mrs A Allen & child, Mu- Dr 0 /oiled & la, Radon L P 'llion. Ohio 0 W Morison, lions co, 24 W Y Miles, Circleville, 0 Dr Leuey, Phil& Yob's/ Barb, Beading J MC k Wu, Wash so, Pa J W McElrio Wuh 00, Pa B Warden, Pittsfield, Mrss Z P Boyer, Llewellen, W L Olauson and la, N J 11 Eviler, Easton, Pa AMERICAN 110088—Okeetont street. above EMI. Chat Davie, WHlllanamport, 0 0 Campbell, Jeree,yoity Pa Job. II Harrington, N Y Benj R Rlchardeon, Elmira, Edw B Headly, Cape May N Y Baml Kirkpatrick, Add Wm It Johnson, Greenville, Wlt C Clark NY Mus - Jeree bindle, Lane, Pa Wm Apple, W Cheater, Pa (Ito 8 Bonntag, Indiana Alfred Byerly, Phil. J B Eeelealue, N Y Chas K Landis, N J Col B F Y Zeller, Loniel'a B 3 Oarnploo, lra J o Peoples, Tem G W Coming., Lock Haven Ju P smith, Readlog 8 P Doer, N Y dB F Uarriott, Newark N J O 8 Sutfield, Louisville .1 J Harbison, Louisville - W Hamster, N Y NATIONAL HOTRL—Race street, above Third. B C Lan & I ny, Philade Demi I, Hopkins, Mil JP Kllalegrr, Baltimore .1 M Reel, Phllala J H Miller, Jackson, 0 II 8 Kurds, Delaware O W Warren. Warreovllle Henry Einstein, Mt Reedier, Pottsville R Thompeon, Doylestown A Peter, Lee, Man M Lawles, Mugs 0 W Ramsay, Liarrliburg BLAME SPUR INN—fifth andyidsrehant etreete. W kettles, Pottstown J Devoe. Wait Chester Joe Jczarici, New Darden, X Kimble, Okester eu, Pa Pa J tl eesl. N Y 0 Marshall Taylor, Da eo, IHleshira.... Del co, Pa Pa Thom Dewees. Del co, Pe 0 Penolroore. Phlppensbg W Grady, Cecil en, Md Imo Pile., Cheater aches Mrs MtsTater, Cheater co, tl T walker, Del co, Pa Pa Jas Chadwick, Cheater co Rev R Reel, Abington, Ps Jno Murray,Lawrenceellic, Alex Maio,Coatesville, Pa Pa Aug J Crsli, Cecil co, Md M Lewis & la. Del co, Pa Was Lewis, Del co, Pa B Brooke Nyco, Bait Mr Ford, Phlia tLD DAOLD UOTZL.—Thlret street, ob. Dellowhill 1 Reed. Montgomery co. Pa I Royer, Montgomery co, A D De:quiet, Philadelphia Pa II Stahl, Norriatowa D W Prrilth, Bucks co Wm Beene, Ducts co R Gond, Doyle,tonn, Ps BLACK BEMs iroT3L—irmtre. above Oallowhille A Sohlichter, Rockville A Buckman, reestervllle 0 Roseman, Yeraterville M Vasiarmidaleu, kesater -0 Roads. byberry ville rY Dustman, Jenkintown T C Wolf, Danboro N Gomm, Aliantown L Tomlluson, Va Mrs Varienl,lalen, P. Mid/ Tenarilidslen, Pa J Topp, Lamborn °Clemens, Chester Valley BARLICY BIIRAP 110111L—decond street, below Vine. T Blakey Walton& la,Bocka R Y Linton, Rucks en, Pa co, P. V Pickering, Bucks so, Pa It Pickering, Backe so, Pa J Newbold, Attleboro J tiostbura, P. T Pickering, Doylestown Wallidtnekert, Pa A Pouter, Jr, Newtown L Lionel's, Pa W H deans, Pa JSi RIAU:un, Palengton k Atlilboon, Buck, co, Pa d tlwtth , Bucks a, , Pa S T Bail, Bucks co. Pa altonicsoci,Buckaco,Pa 1) Pell, Buckingham B J Smith, Pa J B Lambert, Pa 1) Females, Pit J McNair,Pa. lof Williams, New Rope W 1) McNair, Pa it Longehore, Pa J 0 0; euell, Pa It Ball, Cheltenham, Pa W Davieon,Cheltenham,Pa MADISON HOOBE-Beaoad Moat, above ilarkal. Ja - aes H Bose., 13,1 L U Jenks & la, o,najunatl W Welsh. Nwedesboro , . NJ h lo.ter , Ohio llemmoad, Km. Pa /1 Gents, ColutzWa, Pa kt Phllll,e, New York J Croaky, New them Ct Openal Notices The "Golden Prqe"—Pobilehers' Liberality. —The new era In periodical literature has been marked by an unprecedented liberality of expenditure which seems to bare brought a golden harvest for the pub. Ushers, which every ono will acknowledge is well de. screed. Bonner, of the New York Ledger, IS sari to hare anent almost three thousand dultars for his adver. tisement in a single number of tho Tribune. With a more Judicious, bnt not loss princely liberality, the " GOLDIN Pawl," publisLed in New York. and the eircnialion of which is said already' to approximate to that of the Ledger, has entered the Bold, and engaged, at a salary of fire hundred dollars a week, we under stand, that distinguished soldier and accomplished author, General 0. F. llnaoioos•r, to contribute to its common a aerie. of article.; of " Personal Rocollectione of Nicaragua." General lienningsen le most favorably known through. out Europe and the United States, as the author of ' , Re relations of Russia," "Twelve Months' Campaign In Spain," and other highly interesting and meritorious work.; while his character for honor, courage, and high•loned chivalry, makes him admired and respected wherever he goes. Prom him the pJblie may expect the truth In regard to Nicaragua; and the (told°, Prize will be eagerly sought wherever it Is known that he Is • contributor to Its columns, especially with inch a theme. Tents.—Every our, nt time. feels the ne cessity of some restorative of the vital powers, de pressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. In such con dition let every one, instead of dying to the alcoholic or medicinal etimulante, which must be followed by depreeelon equal to their excitement, reinvigorate his deranged system by the natural tonic elements of the PIROYIIII Stave. Bold by Y. Daows. irlfth and Cheat nut, and DABS !KU a. Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. The Ladlea are land In praise •t the braull filogoffecto of JUL'S 11113011 EAU Nrlllllllll/1210, or hair Restorer, for its magic propertise in rendering the hair soft awl glossy, and Inclining It to curl. It will change harsh gray or red hair or whiskers to the origi nal 11re-color ; and causes a new growth when baldness exists. It is mei a dye. gold by all druggists, and by Joss' tIAOIL &Co , No. 101 Chestnut street. In2-6t Bawer'', Infant Cordlal.••Thls Invaluable Cordial is prepared fromivar 'sty of the most choice and. ethient aromatics known In 'medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By Its powerful toluenee a speedy core Is ',Created In all eases of Clone, windy pains and spasms. Hallows end mitigates mush of chlidren's saffering daring /anti. boa or teething, sad by its soothing properties ban. vilifies pains of the bawds, loossarms, vomiting, its. The Infant Cordial kaa become a standard remedy, and bike boon used In thousanda of ease& with tko moot ebundant Inlooll/1. No family about( be without It 'rapist(' only by las A. Bowls, At his Drug lad Ohomtc►l Store, N. B. corner of Birk and Green its., Philadelphia. To wkom all onion most bei adhered. And for ref 'is Druggists (overalls. au 18-by Saving Fend.—Five Per Cent, In . NATIONAL SAPILTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Sinn, IL W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money reoslead In any nn, large or small, and Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money Is nteelved and payments made dolly, without notice. The Investments an made In Real Estate, Mortpirsa, Ground Beets, and Noah lret•elase newt this as th shorter maim. OMee hours, from 9 &dock In the morning until S o'clock In the aftarnoon, nd on Monday and Thereby arszinos until S o'clock. fee 0 * oakar,. OIL 888888 D JAMILT 13X191N0 IdAOUINIIII, 7ao 0111YiTNIIT STUNT. These bleehines us now jortly adoilttog to be *a best in ate tor family sewing, =lung a new, strong, rnd tilastio ditch, wide& will nos: rip, even if ovary Anuth stitch be cat. aim:lane seat on application by letter. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, lIPTH AND CHESTNUT. Meeks, None, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heade, Cir ontars, Cards, and all other kinds or Job Printing, at orlon to nit no timer. oalt-1y Pleatnen.o Ravin/ Rand—Office 90S Walnut , street, one door west of Second street. Receives de. ' yeALE ROPE-I,QOO coils of superior B:do polite In s9ms of On. Dollar and upwards, from alll - 9 -. Rope. mutufact market, and for sale bywed esproacy for the Southern Mama of the community, and allows Interest at the FITLY,II O., rate of Are per sent. per 50Z111111. 1 11115 ' WEAVER, 25 North W a ter Attest. Ofilee open daily, from 0 until 6 &elm*, sad on Mon. I - - ear and lalarday until 9 In the evening. President, I. T AR, PIT6 r II - , AND OAKUM—Constantly ma n * itui wmintm , 44 ',crow thou x , on hula, and for sale lu lota to suit purchuers, by WO. 1 ) 124 I W.EATNR, PITLEII 00 P 9 .:a P. WOO n, sad xi ti. wunwizti. THE PRESS.--7PHILADELVHIA, SATURDAY. AUGUST , 7. . 1458. On the morning of the 6th Instant, by Rov. Peters, et hie residence, Pine street, Mr. JOSEPH H. WIRTH to Miss lIRRTILL L. HAUL, bah of this city. tr. On the 6th inst., by Re, J. McDowell, D. D., JAMS SPEAR to MIME ED9WN. On Tbmaday, the 6th Instant, by Recorder Rhea lIENRY V. iIANBBERRY to SALLIE RlOll, both 0 Backe cr, Before Recorder !nen, by Friends' Ceremony, on the morning of the 6th Instant, CHARLES V. PETERS to /Willi 11. PETRBR, both of Delaware co, Ye, On the 6th Met , ANN Sink SMITH, daughter of John and Mary Smith, In the 19th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the MIMI are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, tbie (Saturday) af. tornoon. at 4 o'clock, from the residence of her La nai. Pourth street, near Market, Camden, N. J. * Suddenly, on the morning of the bth inst., CEO. H. WHITAKER, In the 321 year of hie age. The male Mends and relatives, also Mellta Lodge, Ni. 295, A. V. , are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie father. No 657 North Eighth atreet, on Sunday morning, the Bth lust., at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. * Suddenly, on the 4th inst., Mrs. ELIZAIISTH A. wife of ISAAC) D. WALLINOTON, aged 48 years and 8 months. - • The relatives and friend, of the family are respect, folly Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Nn. 7 Laurel street, above Space, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Much path Cemetery. Soddenly, on the oth font., Mrs. BARER MATEY DAILY, 'tithe 44th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of John Berried, 1034 flhimkamazier, street, above Queen, Eighteenth ward, late Kensington: On the 6th last., ANDREW MoICEON, Br., aged 70 yew, of Lon londerry, Ireland On the 4th Met., after a mote/toted illness, Mrs HA HAN A. READY. in the 71st year of her age. * On the 6th inst., Mrs. REBEOOA BARER, aged 66 years. [New York Herald photo, copy.] ** On the 28th nit., of periussis, AUGUSTA M., only daughter of LEWIS and ltfiliNt;OA A. CONRAD, aged 2 months and 0 days. • ' On the 6th lost, MARY ANN. daughter of SA MUEL and ELIZABETH OARDY.NER,aged 16 mos.* On the 4th lust., Mrs, ANN NlOllOl.B, la the 60th year of her age. Oa th,i 6th hot., WILLIE, only ton of JAMES N. and bLIZ Mani WILSON, aged 2 year, and 11 months. On the 4th Butt., 'FANNY MeDONAUGII, aged 32 years. On Tuesday, 31 inst., at her residence in Franklin- Ville Mn . ELIZA OWEN SCOTr, will of Benjamin Scott, (formerly of Bristol, England) spill 74 year.. The friends of the femtly are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the Rev. Allred Oookman's Church, in Green street, above Tenth, this (Saturday) afternoon at two o'clock, without further Invitation. * On the 4th lost., Mrs. CATHARINE YATES, for merly of Montgomery county, In the 88th year of her • sp. On the 6th Inst., of paralysis, Mr. ANTHONY SHIM MER, in to 70th year of his age. Suddenly, on the 6th inst., 18AA0 LEVI, In the 61st Year of his age. • * On the 4th lost , at Norfolk, MINOR HARVEY. In the 64th year of his age. On the 4th Inst., Mr. CONRAD M. ESHER, In the 824 year of his age. [St. Louis papers please copy.] The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Twenty-third street, below Spruce. on Sunday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Mechanics' Cemetery. On the 84 Inst., CHARLES MULLIN, aged 80 years. The relative' and friends of the family, together with his Masonic brethren, old the members of Crystal Fount Lodge, No. 110, and Ashland Encampment, No. 145, I. 0. of 0. F. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence, No 1232 Mont gomery street, on Sunday afternoon next, at two o'clock. On the 31 inst.. PAUL lIENRI' infant son of EMILY P. and WM B. STAMM. 11. N. Suddenly, on the 4th inst., THOMAS HAMILTON, the only eon of HENRY H. and BOALBELLA M. YOUNU , aged 3 years and 9 months. * On the morning of the 6th Init., ANTOINETTE K., Infant daughter of GEORGE K. anti ELIZABETH H. ZEIGLER. At Melbourne, Auatralia, on the 17th of April, at 611 resldance, Elwell street, formerly of Philadelphia, 011ARLVIS ORAMER, aged 81 years, of congestion of the brain—greatly regretted by all who knew him. * On the 4th Inst., MARA, infant daughter of ED WARD and SARAH JUSTIN, aged 2 years. • ITTChurch of the Covenant.—Rerrlces In CONCERT HALL, CEIF:BINUT above Twelfth, TO-MORROW (Banday,) at ICIX A. 81. by the Rev. HENRY W. WOODS, and at 8 I'. AL by Roy. W. W. SPEAR, D.D. • au7-11* ry•-• Union Tabernacle, (Bread and Girard u,g AVENVE.)—TO-DAY—Children'e Meeting at 6P. M. TO-MORROW—Preaching at 11.1 i A. M. by Rey. Mr. PARKER; at 6 P. M. by Rer. J 0. LYONS At the came time joutelde) by Rev J. 11. RIPLEY. In Gorman 0.10 A. AI. ard 7P H. Prayer Meeting at 4P. H. Berrice every opening at 8.* Church e 1 the Epiphany, Chestnut and FIFTIENTII Streets...TWA Church will be open ter Divine Berries, to-morrow, at 1034 A. M.. sad at 4X P. M. The Rector, Per. W. 0. PRENTIEId, will prveteb morn!ng and stteromn. Early Sabbath Worship.—T. It. Stock -11,3 TON will Preach, D. V., at NATIONAL HALL, Market Street, above Twelfth. on SABBATH MOR NING, at 8S o'clock. UNION PRAYER MEETING from Ito oln Gut Afterooon. " The Spirit and Mc Bride Jay—COME!" an7-It* Tr- Spirtlnallsm.—Mrs. A. L Cowin will give LECTURE, acccmvsniud by Spirit Manifesto lions, on SUNDAY N.YENINO, st'll o'clock. at SAN-. SUM ST. HALL. A Conference will be bold at 101" A. M. Admission 5 cents. Masonic Nottce.—The Of ficrrs and members of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsyl vania. A, Y. M., the Brethren of 111.Ing Flier Lodge, No. 120, and the Brethren of the Otter generally, aro requested to meetit Masonic Hell, °beaten t, on SUNDAY next, the Bth teat., at 2 o'clock P. 11., to &Mind the funeral of Bro. CLIARI.ES 811.ILLIN, late W. M. of No. 120. By order of the Acting W. M.. • • a•. on - nisr iraCif atsl4 --- attfi-lto Searetary, irrNet re.— n electlen let seven Directors .of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to eerie dialog the ensuing year, will be held on SATURDAY, the fourth day of September next, between the hour. of twtlve o'clock M. and one o'clock P. M.. at toe late Office of the Company, In the Berlioz Railroad COM. pany's Buildings, In the city of Philadelphia. Penna. By ord , r of the Board, T. M. BRYAN, Jr.. an4-dtsept4 Secretary. r neurones COM Imlay .11 la^ Slate al rem. 1,3 SYLVANlA—Psitaustruta, August 2, The Directors have this day declared a div.deild of sla per cent., or twelve dollar. per mare, out of the p:ofits of the Company, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal reprosentatives. on and and after the Ith Itutatit. au3-10t WILLIAM DANDER, Secretary. n r-4. Home for Invalids with Atfectious of u... 3 THE OIIE3T. S. W. cor. PARKE and OLIPSTNIIT Streets an24 , nlf Wuet Philadelphia. FCFairmount and Arch•strect City run. SBNOER RAILWAY CO—At a Meeting of t ommissioncre named in the Act to Incorporate the Fairmount and Arch•street City Passenger Rail way Compaq, held in pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the OMce of William L. Hirst, Esq., Sixth street. below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, the follorlng Commissioners, William M. Randall, Lewis Bitting, Robert 3. Uempbill, Oeorge U. Thomas, James B. Smith. together with the Chair man, were appointed a Committee to make the Twos miry Rmingemento and open BOOKS OF SUBSCRIP TION, according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the above.rutmed Commissioners will meet at the Welborn' House, SANg•ONI Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, WED NRSDAY, and THUM') AY, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 18511, at 10 o'clock A. M receive ~ to recve Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above.named Passenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, JR., Chairmen. BOB?. 3. geeretary. jy22-taul2 Firemen's Prayer Meetings. held tinder the su.pltes or the YOUNG MEN'S Ol!Rid- TIAN .1.850C1ATION: Diligent Engine Co., Daily from 6 to 0 P. 31., and Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. u e n o da ka y m a t t I'. uc fs .o l H. Robert Morris Hose Co., Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'cl'k. America Engtne Co , Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Diligent Hose Co., Wednesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Philadelphia Engine Co., Wednesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Southwark Engin* Co., Wednesday E'enlnto, 8 o'clock. Fairmount Engine Co., Thursday Evening( 8 o'cl 'k Nor. Liberty Cope Co., Thursday Evenings, o'clock Independence Hose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'cl'k Volted Staten note Co., Thursday Evealug4, 8 o'cl'k ood Will llosa Co., I hunulay Evenings, 8 o'clock. Schuylkill Iloeo Co. Thursday Evenings, 8 o'clock. IV astern Hose Co., P , ridsy Evenings, 8 o'clock. Spring (Listen (lose Co , Friday Lvenings, 8 o'clock United States Engine Co., Sundays, 5 to 61'. M. Pennsylvania Hone Co., Sundays, 4 to 5 P. M. Delaware Engine Co., Sunday Eventoga, 8 o'clock Western Engine Co., Sunday Evenings, 8 o'clock, A Union Prayer Marling in also hold In the Robert Ralkea &tool House, etzth street, above Carpenter, daily, from 6 to 7 P. 31., to which all are Invited. ••• • . By order of the Executive Committee. jy3losattr rrTss- Colon Ilonk.—At a Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of tho Union Bank the f i .ilfOwing preamble and resolution wore adopted : Whersas. The Commissioners of the Union Bank, by very' general request of the Stockholders, resolved not to enforce the payment of the second Instalment on tke subscription to the Capital Stock or said Bank during the financial crisis of lust year, and as, In the Judgment of the Commissioners, the proper time for the organization of mid Bank has now been reached, therefore Resolved, That the necond fontslment of Twenty Dollars per share on the subscription to the Capital Stock of satd Bank shall be pall at the 0111ce of the Bank, Southwest corner of THIRD and ARCH Street*, Philadelphia, between the first and fifteenth data of September next, and between the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock daily. Stockholders wishing to pay prior to the above date cau do so as heretofore. JOHN M. POMEROY. secretary : July 19, 1868. Jy2l-welsel6 Protice --%llt Vtitludrlplihe Puescuger ;13 RAILWAY COMPANY, July 16, 18158. The earn of this Company now run every five min. rites from THIRD - and MARKET Streets to their Depot, on LORAN and HAVERPORD Streets. Jyte-lm W. S. MANN, Superintendent. MONUMENT RETREAT, RED BANK—SUNDAY EXCrURSIONS —The subscribers having chartered the new, swift, and com modious steamboat VII AN, she will les , . Megairdi' l l wharf. Kensington, every SUNDAY at 10X, IX. S, and o'olook. for RED BARR, stopping at AMR and CHRISTIAN Streets, landing at the Battle Cronud. Returning at 12, 2X. 4X. and 7 oielock. Excursion It, cents. Lager beer and other refseeburents. CHRIBCOPHER KLEINE. SNRY tiVERBECK,* WILLIAM BECKET. M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, OFFICE 809 ifs .011EEN Street, adjoining liermuktown Ittitrod Depot. aut-ite, WAKEN UP, SUPPOSED TO BE stolen, a smsil•aisad YAWL BOAT For Infor mation apply at, vioNT Street, bel,r NORM, Mat Ward. (au7-Itol JNO. HOTTER Jr. RASPBERRY VENEGteR.—This to pre SA , pared from perfectly ripe Pratt, selected with the grestent care and of the beet quality. A mall quantity of thin Vinegar Syrup. mixed In a tumbler of cold wa ter, tualtes a moat d ilcions drink. A• a beverage for the nick, it is unequalled, being at once soothing and medicinal. Prepared and sold by CHARLES SHIVERS, Druggiat and Chemist, N. B. Cotner Spruce and Seventh sta., Phila. Pride 60 ants per bottle, or dom. Jyso-2wll CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.- There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CltlAitS with them. as a oorrplete assort ment of GENUINE. HAVANA, of Samuel Simes's im portation, will be found on sale at CONtiIIESS UALL, Claps Island, and at •the UNITED STATE. 3, Atlantio site. ITV ! fIAGGING TWINE—i,OOO lbs or Superior NJ Begging Twine, suitable for the southern market, , manufactured awl ter sale by WEAVER, FITLER. & au6 23 North Water &riot. inatriave ilatatbo. Want», VIVANTED—Py a young Man, a situation • • as Travelling eslesinan, or In eollcling orders for A good manufactory. Good references given. Address O. 13., Press Office. ist727te, SSOOWANTED ON PROPERTY eight per c.nt. will he given. Ar let to H. 0. THOMESON A . G. M. OONNARROE, arie7-1w 913 ARCH street. AATANTED—A situation by a young woman of good address, aa bursa; 1N a good sewer; would take eharKe of a chil d, and make herself otherwise unto ful. Apply at Deaney'e Court, Marriott street. above Fourth. auftdt* s A itu N o T on E w L%— t ty urt a ii ni r. id u d i l m e• d ag .i ed d r ill eve an cot.. a bility will be appreelated. Has a aloroti g h knowledge of busbies., and can glee tho beet of testimonials. Ad. dross LONDON, Oftloo of The Preis. au6.2t* WANTED—An Assistant Book•keepor in s Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing UOUIIO. Address, with Waimea, MARKET St., at this Omen. aulint* ITANTED—A GOVERNESS to teach a lady the branches of A sound English education, at her own house. Addross MARVIN, Blood's Dispatch. . ats6-2t. WANTED—By a Young Lady, a situation F F as teacher of Music, French, and Latin in a Seminary or private family. Ocod reference given and required, address SUSAN, at this Office. auf-3t* WA NTE D—Type and Materials for a Job Office In exchange for prime land In the State of Kentucky. Titre warranted. Apply to JNO. HIIITINO , No. 182% S. THIRD St., second story front room. aul4t* WANTED—A situation as Lawyer's Clerk, by &young man well read In the law, and who is it good copyist. and willing to engage his cornices at a fair compensation. Addreu LAW, at this Office. aus4t* WA.NTED—A Purchaser for an exclusive • • Dusiness,well established and payinghandsornely. Only $5OO required. flatbdaelory reasons for selling out will be given. Address JAMS, Blood', Dispatch. on6.3t* WANTED—A Situation, by a young man, in a flret-class Domestic Commission Dry•goode House, to learn the business. The moat acceptable references given. Address A. IL, at this Office. au3.6t* FRAZER RIVER MINES.—WANTED— T witatylave men to complete an organizing company. Applicants will be given every information on this enb ject by adares4ing (until August 10) bOX 1890, Phila. delphla Yost Waco. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—Ablehodled, unmarried man, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from ill to 822 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED 81111TIOE at No 817 MARKET Street, abovelghth, north eds. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, lot Lista. 2d Regt. of Oamalry, aplf-tf Recruiting Officer. AlillinerL Esoobs. A UGUST, 1858. We would Invite the attention of Southern and Western Buyers to oar Pall Styles of • SILK, VELVET, and FANCY BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, and MILLINERY GOOD% Now reedy for the Trade at the lowest Market prices. STERN & FREEMAN, au7-1m 721 CHESTNUT Street. New publications QTOOKTON'S BIBLE ROOMS, No. 1400 OFIESTNUT Wt.—Unrivalled Ferias of NEW TES TAIMINTd, &o. 4, STAND UP FOR JESUS," with Notes, Illuetrationx, and Musia nearly ready. Advance Orders lapelled am received. ata-lt* JOURNEYMEN STONE CUTTERS, sVALIPENTERB CORDWAINERS, EIIIP CARPENTERS, HATTERS, And those of ALL OTHER TRADES, will Sod some. thing to interest them in the columns of the 4 t TIONAL LCIIANIO," a Weekly taper that will be published next week. Call at the office, No. 108 A tooth THIRD Street, (second flooe,) end subscribe. CARRIERS and AGENTS WANTED. auMf STORY ON THE CONSTITUTION. NEW EDITION. 0031MRNTADIES ON THE OONBTITITION OP TUE UNITED STATES; with & preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies end States, before the Adoption of the Constitution. DT DON. JOSEPH STORY, LL. D. TEIRD EDITION, REVItIED, 2 vote. ...0 T0....57 50. IVotices e the Prerio. Editions . . Ilk work on the Constitution of the United Plates Is one of his most eminently successful labors."—{Dantel Webster. 'Thep attain a most comprehensive and ueurate exposition. . . . . Thvy should be attentively read by all who are des.rous of acquiring a correct view of the original Constitution of our American Colonies.”— [London Lew Review. Tho work now befora us is to our Constitution al that Blackstone's Commentaries wore to the English Constitutiou."--{Anierican Monthly Bestow. Just Published by LITTLE, BROWN, .1. CO., N 0.112 WARRINGTON titre:, Boston. Irss-sas tut tsar- Dparbing. BOARDlNG—Vacancios for oinglo Gentle mi. at 64 N. BEVENTIT. &u 4 4t* AGENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE . GENTLEMAN may obtain Board at 712 CLIE:;T• NUT Btrovi, oppotitt 1111 sob Le Hall. au2-611 THE "OLD DOMINION" TM.A. POT. ONLY HALE THE USII4 QUANTITY RE QUIRED, AND A SUPERIOR BEVERAGE OBTAINED. TUE "OLD DOMINION" TEA POT is made on the mime plan as the OLD DO3IIN/ON" COFFEE POT , arid is designed for boiling BLACK TEA. Only ONE U ALP the usual quantity of tea required, and a beverage obtained as much snperior to the ordinary Infusion of tea, as the Coffee mole iu the "Old Dominion" Coffee Pot is superior to coffee made In the common boiler. This is nut mere assertion, but fact, as any housekeeper may prom for herself. The Chinese, who, It is presumed, knew something about tea, boll it. Instead of making, as the English and Arne:leans do, a we ak Infusion. lo the latter ease, at least half of the strength of the tea Is lot. Al a matter of economy, to say nothing of the supe. rior excellence of the tea which' it produces, the '• OLD DOMINION" TEA POT commends itself to all house. keeper.• ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers Under the Patent for the United State■ of the " OLD DOMINION" TEA and COFFEE POTS, and ARTHUR'S CELEBRATED SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS and JARS. [l7- For sale by Dealers In Iloutakeeplng Articles, end Storekeepers generally. au7-lt TI-IM " OLD DOMINION" COFFEE POT The great Invention of the day is the " OLD DOMIN ION" COFFEE POT, lu which coffee can be made with... out the least loss of aroma. Even ordinary coffee, In ono of these pots, snakes as good drink as the best old Java lu each as are commonly used. Wherever introduced, they have given the moot complete satisfaction, and the demand from all parts of the pulled Ntates le large, and rat idly increseing. Dr. Hall, of New York, In his Journal of Health. for Ju.y. 1858, we! " We commend the OLD DU3IINION COPPED PUT to all lovers of good coffee, as we per sonally know that It is one of the new thing.' offered to the public in which no imposition is practised, and which has the double touchers of science ma common sense." The New York Atlas says: We unhesitatingly pro :sou:me the' OLD DOMINION' the thing. its manage meet la no simple that a child can use it, and it saves one-fourth of the Coat of making it in the old-fashioned " la New York Mercury says: "Virginia, which hex supplied as with several Presidents, now steps forward, and furniehes as with the very best kind of s Llutfce Pot that wax ever invented. We speak by the card The New York Dog Doak sap : The well-known French , tofpgin, , womb American travellers usually bring home with thorn, is worthless by the aide of the Old Dominion." and we doubt If there can bo such perfect coffee beverage produced, the world over. as this invention places on our breakfast table daily." The editor of the Christian Register, 0 , ricord, N. li., who has been luxuriating In the delicious bare rage which the Old Dominion always produces, says "No such coffee have we tilted since we dunk It at the world-renowned Illppocrene of this Inspiring beve rage, the Cafe des Sills Colonnee, In Paris. This In strums:at ot philosophy may be obtained. deo." The New York". says : "The 'OLD DOWNION COFFEE POT' Is decidedly a great Institution, and should at once be voted Into every household in the land." Ito preset are In every wountrea mouth.”—Spr fop field Itepetb.ienn . We would not give up our 4 OLD DOMINION' for four tlince it., price, it another could not be obtalned. 3, Home emptier. The Neto Yorker thus endorses the OLD DOMINION: "It give& 11l the entire strength as well a the grateful aroma of the berry, sod by its simple constructiou Is may of use, always in order, and furnishes good cot fee at one-fourth less coat than the old and unsatisfac tory method of boiling." The drought winch it males le nectar compared with that of old. time coffee-pots "—Spr ingficid( Afar r) tirpublican. The Lady's Book says "The OLD DOMINION in. beyond question, the beet coffee-maker over intro durnd to the publio and the only one by which all/ the strength and vi rtue of coffee can be extraCted bo ling, without toe lore ur aroma. The arrangement of the boiler is simple, ingenious, and on accurate, se , - entitle principles. We commend it with tLe lull kuow ledge that It will be all that is claimed for it." / he editor of the New York Day Book wit: be economy of the affair is not Its least merit, CI it el tracts th- essence of the berry so ri:lnplete.yi that one. quarter Ism of the coffee aced generally, producne that Ingary in a degree of perfection new hitherto reached " It is simple In vonstfuctloh, easily used, aril will glee good &Tway*, at our fourth lees cost than by the old tootles of bolllog."—ilome Magazine. In all our experb.nce of c.t&o•driu•iog, we never !mod &uphill triad to what we now have dully at our morning meal It is the perlschou of solles."—Philua del pSia .lEcining Journal. THE OLD DOMINION COFFEE POT Is manufactured, under the Patent for the United States, by Arthur, Burnham, & Gilroy, 117 & 119 SOUTH TENTH SIREI T, Pllll4. Also, rasunfseturers, under the Patent for the Vol. fed Btatee, of " OLD DIMINION" TEA. POT, 'IA ARTIIIIIVi CELEBRATED KELP-BeALING PRINT CANS and JARS. V - For sale by Dealers in Housekeeping Artnlea, ant lltoretespera generally. aul -lt VIRST AND SECOND QUALITY FLUE r AND BURET IRON. Al•ti, (1 ainneter, Coal Mint , Sugar Mould, Tank, and Plate Iron, c it to pat- tern, up to all lathes wide. For ease by to • manalati- J. WOOD dr. DROTIIIMP, aati-In4 NerWi Yhiladtletlit tUbcflesale Mrp v,gobs. igoopAaißAf4Es - and Plotabed SHEETING'S, SiiIRTINGS(and DRILLINGS, direct frotti.;.. LACONIA, GREAT YALLS, . HADLEY, PERKINS, - MASSACHUSETTS, DWIGHT, ' ' BARTLET, and OABOT MILLS, In which will be found a largo and de.trable easortment, to which we beg to call the attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, HAMPDEN ' TWEEDS, STRIPES, TICHINGS, AND COTTONADEB, In great variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, &e., ➢or sale by FROTIIINGHAM lc WELLS, Agents, attB.2mlf 35 LETITIA St, acid 34 8. FRONT St EbiBROIDERLES AND LACKS GEORGE PEARCE & CO., • 241 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 62 AND 64 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK, Rave now open, and are conshutly soaking additions to, a large and varied stock of EMBROIDERIES, LACES, NETS, JOINED BLOND, QUILLINGB, &c.,VI To which they Invite the attention of THE JOBBING TRADE WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., 132 CHESTNUT STREET, Have just receleod on consignment 150 Bales GRAY, WHITE, AND BLUE MAOKINAWB, AZID NECIRO BLANKETS Also, 300 PIECES TAPESTRY, INGRAIN and VENETIAN OARPETINGS: . 150 BALES 11140 E AND WHITE WADDING. N 0.416 MARKET STREET i'HILADELPIIIA, AtrOUBT, 1858 FALL TRADE WM. 11. BROWN & 00. Are now revolving their FALL STOOK OF PORHIGN ♦MERIOAN DRY GOODS, To which the attention of le reepeetrally invited LEE & BEARE, N 0.230 CHESTNUT STREET, HATE NOW OPEN Their Ball Importation of liv mug 000 DB, EMBROIDERIES, LACA GOODS, Sia Which they offer to the Trade on the most liberal terms. J731-8t GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO., No. 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 267 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Are now receiving their FALL IMPORTATION of FRENOH AND ENGLISH, KID, BEAVER, BUCK, SILK, mug, VIII, FUR— TOP, AND PLUSH•LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JAMES A. FARNUM, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 219 OIIESTNUT STREET, (or BTAIRB,) Has 1401 f OTIls for efamination a, full assortment of Gloves, Gauntlets, Bhirte, Drawers, Turkey Red and Madder Handkerchiefs, Comfort', Scarfs, Roods, Re golettem, Hose, and other Germantown fancy goods; Domestic Duck Gloves, Mittens, and Gauntlets; Dress Trimmings, Buttons Belts, ho., &0., to which ho in rites the sttention of the trade. Agent for Now Britain Knitting oo. , nlttinsral Spring, Pacific, Woleotrille, Trenton, and gohoes Shirts and Drawers. jr29Loodlm WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., (AGENTS FOR PIIILADELPRIA) CARPET MANIIYA-OTURERS, No. 138 CHESTNUT STREET. jyl9-todtr CARPETINGS.— AUBURN THREE-PLYS, ISUPERFINES AND VENITIANS. Manufactured by JOBIAU BARBER. Bole gents in this City, ATHOOD, RALSTON & CO., Jylll.-tf No. 633 MARKET Street. WELLING, COFFIN, h CO. , 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on band, and are constantly receiving, the fol lowing description of goods: A. Jr W. BBRAGUES' PRINTS. in grant variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Reds, Greens, Blues, Shirting', and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLINGS. Lours/ ale, Masonville, Hope Washington, Union Mille, illactonv, Cohannet, Johnston , White Rock, Phenix, Acton, &e. BROWN IHIENTIEOB. SIIIRTINUS, AND OSHA BURGS. Matcaca, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettriek, Eaat'n Virginia, Nagle, Man,henter, Mee's h Farm's, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Carrs' River„ Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottontlere, Pomerore, and (Denham Co.'s Slack and Poncy all-wool and cotton warp Clothe In great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Boat.. River, lirletol, Terry's, Stearn's, and others. SATINETS. Stearn'', Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Caprcu, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mille , liockanurn, Duhring's, COUTONTIIIO, &O. SlLESlAS.—Lonsdale's, timitit'e, and other makes, pfeln and twilled, of all color'''. Yanoy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims and Tlekings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linsey' and Apron Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannel'', &a. Iy=-2111 RIOIIARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS. DIAPERS. &a CON7MERB of RIOIIARDBON'S LIKENS, and those &Fiona of obtaining the GENUINE. GOODS, ahould see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the drm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, as a placentae of the soundness and Mixability of the Goods, This caution to rendered essentially mammary as large quantities of inferior and defective Lil3BllB are prepared. sewn after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish homes, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer mut the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be Imposed on with Ooods of a worthlesa character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2.8.6m Agent'', 38 011U11011 Street, New Yolk for Bale nub tit o Let. To RENT—THE FIRST, THIRD, 1/0111tTlf and FIFTH Stories, and Two Cellars, of No. 100 &BOLL Street. above FRONT. sinply to 11101101', 131110103, & CO , an7-10t 120 North Whams. TO REN T—Tho new, fonr•storied, S ron-front store, No. 246 North Third street, above Race, with shelving, counter, Ste., suitable for a whole sale and retail clothlns store ' or any other business. Terms Bellew:dory. Apply at No. 232 North THIRD street, three doors above. ata-If 7t* A r) RENT—Ccuuting•Houee No. 130 WI North Delaware Avenue. with floor extending through to Water street. Apply to JOHN M. KIINNEDY Lc CO., and 132 N. Delaware Avenue. 'LION SALE—A Route on a Sunday Paper, IL' which will be disposed of quite reasonably. Addreem W. 11. 13., this Office. sue•atie WANTED TO RENT—Tao or three Rooms for Offices, on the Brat or second story, net IP, than 13 feet In width, between Chestnut and Race, and Ninth and Eleventh greets. Apply to A. F. OLD, No. 103 North Seventh street, and-6th corner of Arch, It') stake. ri-R STORE TO LET.—A desirable Store, 121 No. 24 N THIRD Bt. For the Bret aye months at a were nominal rent. aue•at* T 0 R T—The second and third LI stories of No. 103 ASCII Street, second door above Front, north aide. APPlg . to O.SADLER k CO., au3-tr 0 North Water Street. OFFICE TO—LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF. ME for an Ingo:note Company, or similar coy poratlork, having three comrnanleatlng rooms on the game floor, No. 222 WALNUT street, above DOCK. Immediate porgeaslon given. Apply to JOHN 0. REEFER, or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South TUMULI Street, mboMuthe-tt second story, front room. VIRGINIA LANDS FOR SALE.—The su'lscriber has five Farms for sale in the county of Albemarle, varying in nine from 140 to 1,300 acres, and ranging from 35 to 00 per acre. One tract of very rich Land, but unimproved, containing over 1,100 acres, he will sell for So per acre—no money to be paid for four years, and no interest required. For further information inquire of JOHN L. O'NEAL, 000 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or of the sub scriber, at CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. jylo4tudw PAUL GOODLOE. s2,(l()().—s2 F o gß t• 1 , 1 ALE , ,. 4 a Alortgo t gofpy u A r roy on t roper y wor th more than double the ant w o e unt. " JOLIN B. STOCKDALE, 3 .. y22 921 South SIXTH Street. 014 WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cor- Ada aer-ctore Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pr vielon business, with stabling attached. South of Arch Wed preferred. Addrees GROCER, Errs' office, /Yl5 Jl'OR SALE—A valuable LOT, In the vlei . nttr or the Baltimore Depot, In an improving neighborhood. Tor particulars, *larm J. K., Dos. 921 Post-efllce. J 716 /^1 ERMAN OIGARS.-15 cam yarloum 13f brawls, in afore and Ea rate by WILLIAM R. YEATON, 114 119. al§ (Ws% /WM Writ 'Wait 0.060. DEAL MADRAS CRAVATS. Bright colors, gennbie Midras' Hindkoreblefe, Yard ever°. Phoppa, PARPLE S ongee, and 8 BROTHERSOrme Mktg. SH, auG•lf • CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. FRENOII SHIRT BOSOMS. An invoice of Woven Jaconet Shirt Bosoms, in various nt3rles and extra taw= imrpidlt, au6.if • CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. FRINGED LINEN TOWELS. Damask Huckaback Towels, with Terione colored headings. Also, Bath Towelings and Diapers. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS, auddf OIIEBTNUT AND MUM. THE PROMENADE SKIRT PAR'" EX CELLENCE. SkirtPs• m ora n ICo beat a w t a e t n c t h P s ari ien Ex stteenesli. on Tournme Ladies de e i o in he h be beautiful s p ap g given to the dress by blomten unequalled Patent Skirts can procure them lower than elsewhere at - our Bkirt and Comet Depot, B. E. corner Eleventh and Chestnut. They are the only liklrta to which we can tendons name for recommenda tion to our lady readers. - blaring on hand other Celebrated" makes, we are masiotut to alone them out at great inductions. J. O. SIAXNVELL•k•SON,' New Trimming Store and Factory, an44t B. E. Corner Eleventh and Chestnut. WILLIAMSVILLE, Wamentta, Water. V Twist, Pontiac, Utica, and other superior makes: Shirting and Sheeting Muslin by the piece or yard. LINENS Of Richardsou'o, Nieholson's, and Robinson's make, warranted pure and strong. An excellent heavy Nichol. eon's Linen, at 37;L5 cone. Diapers, Ornih Towelling., 8 to 12N cents; heavy Diggings, Tow Linens, Ac., dec. LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS at 60, 75, 88, $131.26 to $4. Napkins, Doylies, Hanka back In towels and by the yard ,• Flannels, Tickings,&e. LAVELL A CLOTH. • Black and Drown Mixed Lavelleat 10 cents; . also, liner grades. Dusters from 870 to $4. Excellent Lavelle Dusters, $1.25 and sl.i6. MANTILLAS. ' Closing out balance stock cheap. COOPER A CONARD, jyllo S. R. corner NINTH and MARK T. HOODED CLOAKS, - FOR THE SEASIDE, • AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING Olt DUST CLOAKS, Indlepeniablo fors Country Ramble, or en route to th e . Spring, , at $2.60, $3 60, $4.60, and $O. ELEGANT MANTILL AS. . WRENCH AND ENGLISH LACE. BLACK BILK, SILK AND LACE. CRAPE MARETZ CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS. AT 081/1-RILE FORMER PRIO2B TO OLOBO THE MOWN, AT THII PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 008 CHEBTNUT street, 71 17 J. W. PROCTOR & CO. QUILKER DRY GOODS BEING .OLOSED 170 UT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Very rich Pads printed Marseilles, for Dreasee and Basques, Do. Paris printed lid Manta, Lawns, and Organdlee. Baregee, Grenadines, and Chillies. Ducal* and Gradelles. High Lustre Black Silks. French White Brilliants and Marseilles. • Polka Spot Swim Mull. White Goode, all kinds. Materials for Travelling Dresses and Dusters. Bea Side Plaids for Bathing Robes, In medium and gay Plaids, fast colors. Lupin's beet quality all wool De Begs, in Brown and Gray Mixtures. Edgings, Inserting,, Finariciage, ke. Linen and Marseilles Shirt BOSOM. With the mat stock of FAMILY DRY GOODS IN DAILY USE. Wide White and Black Shawl Bareges WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES ADAMS, Jy27.tutbs U Eighth mad Arch street*. MANTILLAS ! ! MANTILLAS! MO ELROY respectfully invites the Ladles to call and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock le the largest, our patterns the latent styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 6,000 yards Black and Fancy t3iilu , 37X, 44, 50, 50; rich, 02X, 09, 75 ; very rich, 81, 87%, 96, 91. 10,000 yards Delainee, Bareges, Inmate, at 10, 12k, 103 i, 18%, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 36, decidedly the cheapest In the city. 10000, yards One French Lawns, 10, 12%, 16%, 20, 26, worth, many of them, 37% to 62X, very fine. One lot of Crape Shear's, at $l6, worth $3O. 500 yards side-band Cassimores, 37%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Vestium at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the ally. 1,000 One French Need%worked Callan, et 11, worth ta. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid /stoma'', Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains In the city' Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endleea va riety, at leas than half the usual prices. DIGHLItOT, jel•trt th e-tf No. 11 South NINTH Waned. THE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered la Ude City are now being sold by TIIORNLEY do ORIBM N. E. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We nominated, a few days ago, at a moat tromendont malice for • a lot 'of very rich Embroidered Craps Shawls!, Lune quality and style se we have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now gelling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may never have such another opportunity of buying a HANISHOWII SHAWL CO OHHAP; Also, Plain Drape Shemin, from $4 to $l6. ' " ' MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man- Ulla', &c. %ravel 1 lag Drams Material in great variety. Thin Summer-Drees Uoode. Organdies, Dareges, Grenadines, Ac., the BLACK SILKS, SANDY SILKS, &o. Our name is Justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Material* for Men and Boys , Wear. Linen floods, of our own importation. Summer Canoe and other Flannels, &o. &e. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries , Hosiery, Shoves, ho., at THORNLEY & 011181%1'8 "ONLPRICE 0/..811 13TO N. IL Oor. N. 1013.11.1& SPILLNO GARDXN Streets jel9-tt LUPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLACK BAH EDE, for Shawls, Talmo, Ace., whole ale and retail. Storekeepers impelled for nett each. CHARLES ADAMS. /Y/ 4 EIGHTH 81:111 ARCH Streets. politiral VI OR CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT— nonzwr G. MARCH, OF THE THIXTEENTM WARD. Subject to the will of the People'. Convention. jy2tl-Im* FOIL REGISTER OF WILLS ELI DILLIN, Of TRIAYOURTRRNTH WAID, Subject to the }tales of the People , ' Party. • Attd, if elected, I pledge myself to confine the Ofdee to the legal fees establinhed by law. .17/448* WILLIAM E. KERN, SHERIFF, PIMPRENTR WARD Subject to the Rahn of People's Party. }y2o•tf CARD.—The undersigned hereby informs his friends that he will be a candidate for tho Office of SHERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, at the ensuing election, if nominated by "The People." JOS. M. COWELL. PHILADIMPRIA,,Tune 6,1668. F OR CONGRESS-TIHRD DISTRICT. JCHEPII SITES, Or TIM SIXTRINIR WARD. Added to Democratic ruler. j721-Im* CLERK OF TAE ORPHANS' COURT, TEOS. E. HARKINS, ORVINTIDINTII Wl3O. Subject to Democratic Rules. jr2ll-tri F OR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Babied to the will of the Poople'e Convention Ir6•tf R EGISTER OF WILLS— ANDREW J. WESTER. Oubjes!. to Demoorstle Rules. jeBo-tN* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT— JOBEDI A. hIONIINIatER, Ekren% Ward abject to the mita of the Democratic party. Jel7-dto* FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— JOHN °Amax Filth Ward Babied to Democratic Rules F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— • OHARLES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People's Nomination. jel-tt FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN °AMP BBLL, OP SEVENTH WARD. Subject to Dercourstio rules. • nsrll.-4m Boots anD Oljogo FALL STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOWS JOSEPH H. THOMPSON k 00.1 No. 314 MARKET STREET, AND Nos. 3 end 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, 11/111 NOW 111 /TORN ♦ LAREN /ND WILL ABOORTID STOCK OF BOOTS AND MOBS, Or CITY AND DASTARN NIANUFACTCRE. Which they offer for ade on the bent terms for cash, or on the . uoual nredit. Buyers ore larited to Call and examine their stock BOOTS AND SHOES . —Tho subnoriber has on band a largo and varied stook of BOOTS and BliozB, which be will sell at the lowest prises. OEO. W. TAYLOR, n021.1y H. N. corner FIFTH and MARKET eta. 43boc Sitibiugo rrcl SHOE MANUFACTURERS AND 1 FINDING MEN.—We are now prepared to Oil all enters for LASTS for the Fall Trade We have in creased mr facilities in the Manufacturing Department, and with a larger working stock or wood on hand than any other manufacturer in this city or Now York, we can Punish Dry Wood, and at the lowest Philadelphia or Rasters prices. J. LIOWARD & CO., Philadelphia. .1011 N MCRPUY, late of Ferry street, New York, at 112 BREAD Street. Jy2l•ws3mlr IVOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. Thn nndursignal (euccen.ors to the Into JOSEPH T. JOHNS) aro now prepared to meet the mints of the t•ade at the OLD BTAND, 13ERSJNAL.-JorIN II GROLIfoi la Northeast corner of ARCH and FOURTIL Btroota, no longer authet lard to make colhpef'nns ur,reeelm Their facilities for furnishing every article in the Shoe ' ; moneys due the utoloosl g10h1,1.4 be Li no longer 1. , .gelitb au4-15t F,. Finding Line, at moderate prices and on favorable tense, ===2 The atteution of Merchants le respectfully solicited. ut '2IN. NINTU Street, at 12 0 , c19441, j125-2L211 WU. JQUNS k SUN. i tucu* s '‘u o 4?mte!. TiIITELOR'P IiATIAL : THEAfill_ v v . NEW 8 goyt, Q.. POSTER JOSEPH - 0. 'POSTER-' Loma Manager. `ole La and Manager. SATIIEDAY EVENING, August 7, 1888 The hiehly - eneeee'ted Ameram, drama, entitled p4T L. Ne YOL it The Philadelphia smith. . Pet Lyon .IMr.OhILIIBIIIO6IOf. bandford. - Anne ' ~B lr J. Seymour. Julia N. Cooke, To conclude with the _fp:U . BPM . traya....- „.001§Ax.—..i elywagl.ll, 7 408i1N Mode Ior. 0. Poster Ohanning liingslog , W. Young. The Orchestra. rimier the direction of t. 0 . Bei.h., t. Doors open at 7,1‘. To commence at vclook. Tickets of admission, ZS cents; ssod seata, 85 cents ; Orchestra chairs. 60 Conti ; Sea i n private Box. 16 cents , Whole Box, 52 sod $1; Pa lf Olgoles 16 cents..' . Jttourartre Companies. I ---- !TIRE QUAlith - cur Y r.TR OE JL COMPANY, OP PIIILADELPIILi, 488 W . UT Street. ". ' • Statement of the busineaa and condition of The Q. ec City Ineurance Company of Philadelphia, for thelu months ending June 30,1868 : Capital and Surplus, January 108458 8.27f,079 )! Intereet received and accrued froth Jin. 1 to July 1,1868.' 8,893 si Premiums received from January let to July let, 1868 ' • 118,014 81 Salvage and Reinsurance received 4,811 2.4 Lostlvii,avareva,&a. Loseee paid 194,40164 Dividend, reinsurance, return pre volume, and, expenl4 B 08,846 Oil Balance reralaning with the Oetapiui,yBu 804,261 86 ABUTS. Bonds, mortgages, stocks, couprin bonds, loans on collateral, and • call loans, arc. ................ $183,755 50 Bills Receivable if °ash on hand and in Bank, and 913,011 due from agents - 99,910 08 304 293.14 esPital Stock 120%000 00 OPPIONRiI. GEORGE H. lIABT--President. . E. P. ROW—Vise President. H. R. OOGGEHALL—Soessuisy and Treestiree, H. U. DlPPLER—Assistant Betretery. • nliaorolB. George H. Hart , - Joupk Idwarda, B. P. Item, Poster 8, Perlsins, A. 0. Mittel', Muriel G. Indiiy, Andrew R:Oluanberi, Samuel Jesie; X. D., E. W. We), . 'Hon. H. M. Paler, John G. Dile H. B. Ciefipittell s John L. Pomeroy. • __ _ Atttat jy2o.lmolf H. B. 000G8IIALL VIRE . INSURANCE. • a: BY TETE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANOR COMPANY OP • PRILARELPIIIA. Orr Bwildings , Limited or Porpetwea, Mere/sandier, Far:there, tc., in Taws or Country. OPPIOB, No. SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITAI., 5177,926. • Mears, 5262,064.69. Invested as followe, vie : • Picot Mortgegeaon Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Ballroad 004. 6 per cont. mortgage Loan, $30,000, cost 86,600.00 Alle te eny County 6 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co'e. Stock .4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance • Company .19 120 00 Stook of County lire Insurance Co .... 1,, . 060.00 Strip of Sundry Insurance Companies 416.00 Mils receivable, bumnees paper . - 62,71L10 Book Accounts, accrued interest, Bc 8,834.19 Cook on hand and in Bank. 16,062.20 1M Trticum, Prealient. /TOES. Samuel Blspham, Hobert Steen, • Whiten, Musser, Benj. W. Tingley. ~ Marshall Bill, 12:Lothrep, _ Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, • Smith Bowen, John Bissell; Pittsburgh. lIINORMAN. Secretary. Clem Tingle,William B. Thompson, David 8. Brown, Cornelia' Stevenson, John R. Worrell, IL L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles 8. Wood, Jmnes 8. Wootrier& te2o4 th-rp•it 8 . . M - • A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., .CM. INCORPORATED ID3O-cuputrint PRA PETUAL. No. SlO WALNUT Street, above Third, Pkilutelphia Having a large paid.up Capital - Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available &amities, oontinnetl insure on Erwellinge, Storer, /furniture, Merebandise, Vessels in Port and their Oargoee, and - other Penang Property. All Looms liberally and promptly adjuated. George ' Abbott, 'John T. Leiria, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morrie, Samuel 0. Morton, ' Jame' B. Campbell, , Patti* Brady, Edmond Q. DutUh. °herbs W. Pettit:ley. . . . GEORGIA ABBOTT , President. THOMAH B. MARIE. Beorstszy. : - Se2A-I ir Oaningo ,Atnbs. HE SPRING GARDEN BAYING 1 FUND, (Onarsato IT rim LoopiLArof or PISIIISTLTiIIia,) VERPETUAL 011AUTEE . . JIVE PER GENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Honeys Paid boot on Demand. • OPPION, 881 NORTH . THIRD STREET, (9021111011DATIOI BAIL BT211.01110.) ' This Institution ill now open for the. tronsaotion, of tallness. and lathe only Chartered Saving fund located In the northern pert of the city; • • The Office will be open (daily) from II to .2)( obilook, and oleo on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 1. 9 o'clock in the ironing. - HANAUER& • Frederick Klett, James I. Pringio, Stephen Smith, Jacob-Dock , John P Levy, Joseph H. Idowedl, Hon. theory H. Strong, George Woelepper, Daniel puderkoller, J. Wesley Dray, Hon. Wm. hilliward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Steaks, P. 0. Ellmakor, Propels Hart, John P. Yonne, Joseph P. Wier°, George Knecht, - John Kander, Jr., John Horn. President, JAMES 8. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. ap2l.lftf QAVING FUND.---lINITED STAT,ES TRUST 0011PANY, earner of TB= and NUT Streets. Large and 'mall am= reoeited, and paid Mot on de mud, without notice, with FUR GENT INTHH 113 T from tha day of depoalt to the day of withdrawal. Woe holm, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY BVSNII4O6 from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAPTB for eve on inland, Ireland, and nootlend, .m El upwards. President—STSPECllN A. oasiVionD Treasurer—PLlNY PIM: Tralor—JAMlCB A. MINTER SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. N. TEILIBT-.NATIONAL OAFETT TRUST 0081. PANY.-MALNIIT SiTIMET SOUTII-WESTOORNIA OP 71111 W, PLULADBLPIA. 110011.011111) II TU BUTS Or PINABYLTAXII. Stoney in received in any sum, lute or mall, and In. terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of frith. drawl!. The once Is open every day from o'clock tri tan morning till 6 o'olook In the evening, sad on Montey mad Tharedny evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. =NB! L. BENNNII, Prorident, • BOVILBT fiIiLYRIDGII, The President. Elcoretimr. • . nitiorones Hon. Henry L. Benner, • N. °anon Emitter, Ildward L. Carter, Joseph W Rau , Robert Selfridge, Irenais Lev, Sand. K. Ashton, Jeeeph Yerkee, 0. Landreth Monne, Henry Dlflenderfhti. Money is received and payments nude deity. The investments are made is conformity with the provhdone at the Ohatter, In SEAL NSTAVB MORT GAGES, GROUND HUTS and such trot elan mewl ties as will always Wore elect locality to the depod• tore, and which cannot fa to give permanency and eta. bility to thin Inetitation. ant-1y • NO. 88 (2 41) DOOR STREET. -FIVE Plll O BNT. BTATS WINO FUND. • IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET: - FIVE PIE OENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. -- (241) DOOR STREET. FIVE PIS OINT. STATE MUNN FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.- FIVE 11 Plll. OltT. STATE WINN POND. and-tr iicmovaln. REMOVAL.- BAILEY k CO:, Jawsllere. and Manufooturora of Star. ling Silver Ware, IitIXO removed from their old stud to the new StOre. No. 819 CRIBTNIIT MART, (Three doers rest of the (Brent llonee,) where they offer for sale a new end choice ueortmwit ot BTERLING BILYER WARR, FINE JEWELRY, CLOCHE and WATOII.IB, PLATED WALE, Nut FANCY 000 DB wuwpririmwiiiromurd TAILOR, 11A8 REMOVEID N. H. CORNER OF FIFTH AND WALNUT BTB PHILADELPIIIi o July 16 1888. iii •REMOVAL. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., 484 OIIIISTNUT STURT, TARVIOUB TO 1110107ING TO TOMO NOW OTOII. OM* TIMIS IBTOPI or PLATED GOODB AT A HEAVY REDUOTION FROM USUAL ?RIM jr2a4m it tamps INTER:Vs PATENT NON-EXPLUSn'II BELL-GENIRATING GAB LAMP h the only Patent Burner that hen NON-CONDUCTOR ATTAOIIRD. For Safety, Olnear rase, and Arilliancy, it surpnaM all others. STATE AND 0 MTV RIGHTS FOR MALI. Address D. P. PRTFRS, S. W. corner nevus! , svd 011kSTNUT Sta.. Phis' dolphin; sod 422 BROADWAY, New York. alba-1).7p LIVERY STASLE KEEPERS, LOOK to our interests., and pat:onto USSLIEII , B LAMP FACTORY, 109 Booth RIGIPTII street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible fotors, you were charged 918 for work which he is now doing Ina wet' ranted mouser from Vito 910. Bopport him,or von wilt have the Same Ohm, ,, to paw Poomini INFORMATION WANTED—OF JOIIN EVANS. When lest heard of was nt N. 0. Ily addressing S. W. EVANS. 15 Mona' strvet, Eroolrlyn, N. Y., he will 'beat of something to hit Ad. vAntago. N. ll.—North Carolina papers phase ovy, Auo.3tot y il l7EßlOlt QUALITY FAMILY.IIREAD 401,611 Cit Jyl3.tu U. tat-1m