sitrEaFiToif,FiteltirCe,N*lll4,.4:3;tsaletira: Td; Raft:mist Stan she Cases - Vsle*ltTE:Vsatr'-' - rditedliaghte of Ant.ri,oarts 44.,ke lerotietedk teorrenpaadbisie Of` he Weis Ysrk'Delly . PAI4 Motiday;'July 19,11358. , By ..tbe . ..stenmship OolumbiselliaVe facets - 01lb following - letter on .Trin el Yrisserl, treatz, t dated Metilill - W .wh l al' is front 'a seared ibift"pfsil i ,he,retisd uppti. My 4orresPladonthas tee iCienerol,9 vela despatch nit the refusal -ofilleceidentz 'Martinez to. sign -the treats, and cluotia the insbatanoss or it' as : .• You, (President Mardnes), -basis insulted ibus - Governmenity withholding the ire ity, after pledg-' , ing yourself ,bitleril - Limor ' that:you' sees -by epeeist mess.rgor, and asking the Generitlio ex pedite his - journey by 'sending - him - , ett , the Fulton. if he wore to, late for the etatnnwalisteamer You, also, .theonessenger - to believe that he bore the , trea , y ". You aftersiards assigned- as a ' reeem for not tuivitig,sentlk tharyou n had 'Written an awograph letter to fleeitident Buollantin, asking' bin to entimit'rp certain inosi•forttions to it, which letter you tieveriteroteWe deinand;jalf•the only , reparation yeu.ssabsnuke. W e return of the treaty as retitled-by-Atm ABsemol9.'!= f-.• • The (wet- le further known that _Martinet even pent a certitlente to Yrigleaii 'that 'llia treaty, had bre* raeiftidl; btit'lentng ieSSO •ti get amend-' meats, If possible; audit' not, to 'plokeise that the, re,ritied`tro'tty.shcitild be': sent on lin four - weekal He 4 Ild his political feeling's beitiwith the people or Nio braeria.• deeendesl upon a radical change iii the treaty: as .they were ;all ?nosy* twit, - unit would use it to hie and' InuCh more of the., some sort.- : ' - ' • _ As regards voided rights orAmerioan.oitisens In Nicer 'zee.; 'Geneva Cass told President Martinez that the Governmmit:of,the- Gnited•Stetoawould not submit AO any nib" tatty action of Nlearoun— that as the country wee devoid of adfquate buoals,. the Cabinet at Washington had no ether resource burr - it - decide' these metier. for -them selves; and for this purpose a proner,naval force ad h too .lesna'ohei t both aidei,of the Isthmus... The White:coilpliny `hateitteeeded in dairg th re damn , First. Thrc-Astseohly will. resift Ms understand= jo o I the Government, .dieepnrove of: all and ev ry act it has done_ in, relation,. RI the, Transit matter lOW Vandeibilt. and eriahltrit`thiV, onto, to get out of the ootopromitto. , The Govern meet will then send lc, speetal , eommission, to the United States with fall.:mowire to settle therdis , putt, between the Ship •Ottnal , bompany and the Government of Nicaragua relative - to dm extension of time IT , be parties osnaot Ore.: the questions at issue.will be submitted to arbitration, Jrcerieord anus with article thirty-twoof this tir busty: 01.103 , • • as nutowled by wrtiqtelinhttimf theltitts,Ofi,Tene." 1857 , General- aele - 1.1 have reseou ,to know, has boon oif-yed thiknilesionduith.kto the Gal erivment of the United }Rates and to' the CompanyiPand'iritt " accept it, actinrinlisoniutieticin With •Yrieserlior ttr dor his direation: „ • ' " ' Should there be positive news of the intention of Vanderbitt,to open therioute; then there is but one iroY left, aid that le ta-,dehy r hfia the right of the laud transit; ~ matters willthe 15th of August next alt there will be settled , ()Jr files of the deiti l / 4 - Arnorieano reach Sums la, The number for - Idely 81 under bead of latest tows, says: Case-Yrissari treaty is again ?penal to disonsaldn, as the•gationtltrO..on'the 29th rustre.urned_with hie aNtotioni; the dotes or ratification . passed' by the Constituent Amens* The objections have been aeoepted as Inaonformi-. ty with article 1.17 Of the,Oonstitution, and:doubt /on, when. the member, of Congress again enter upon tho'disonssfon of the treaty ? they, will more anneolowly search for the true State of public opinion bef,re taking Anil poilon.",, There is no subsequent mention of the action of Congress. The ra , ifl3ation of the treaty between Costa Rios and , Nicaragua hid beenimblishod• - James Thomas, an American, has seamed , a monopoly' fur alx years to tan hides in Nicara- The rebuildiagot Granada ierapldli• Ykrogreis. log. . CITY ITEMS. Ttenrtsmi nlv +llO Dataavattz.,-The ramtrhich came off yesterday on the Delaware, between theyiehte L. Theo..Ealing" and,. , Geo. M. Bill," created - no el all *mounter pleesset easttement among thy yacht ' lag traterisly ti,deed, alahtseiwo rivals of therms came down lltrriver irom . lifonainitut, their starting point. and' passet Sinith's •lelted, where they. wore Joined by 'leveret other yachts, the eiothusitums among the insiders was weds Imel , eronalyanparint:', One of tite prettiest and most nimble looking-of the secompanylogyinbti was the Ci t title," owned. by Mr. Waite, on bewitching a little craft as ever skimmed the wave • We are glad tines these river , spells becoming more air uncommon thing now. in passing up or. daywr! , our beantifei river; on a plonatot afternoon, to meet a score of, yachting pleasure parties within as many miles, , • This morn ng,' it eight :o'clock, a party Of some thirty lades ,and, gentlemen 'hive Ohestnnt.atreet wharf by the steamboat Thomas A. Morgan, to proceed to Edgewater, the summer residence of the *ay. The , well•known nauticalprielivities of this demOcratio divine; and his handsome,fectlities for a practical application' of his talent In thirrespect, tifii, donbilens, contribute' much to the innocent amusement of the party while at Edgewater. sad se are quite sure the wholesome wit 01 their clerical navigator will net be the Bret to he for. gotten on their return. We truetlle , exeursionLte (a pirolo, perhaps, though= we dislike the ter , m) will en. counter Luila cg more' indigestible than a feast of reanon cad O. flow of, soul " and that if any of the party e"on'd be accidentally .• decked," they msy be - found' fatly prepared fet the emergency, by being Suitably en.' robed is a b tthlng'scq, ' - • •' - • Datartarifft flsvttnxat :: -'{ Pe false p ' teitmro in eaileg'beetteotionofour roaderi to the advertise. wens of Mr Shivers, druggist corner of coronet and. Fp are stfe,eto, to another. colic:tn. 'he article - of respbury einem which he offers to the public ill jllll , ll , becoming a-tavente'roeversge. - ft is at - oncortfealtlfful tette-biog. ex,e•dingly pala table and decidedly leer costly than an3thiog else Which could be recommended to tape tie place far family use,and - woiheieferaltditse all who with in enj..y a pbanant drink ln warm weri- . , they tod who does not ?)to gleelifr. Starers a ell • Mansfolr no tie c, TiC OITI"..—We have hid 0 1 07 fiLTOrlible AC4?4.1310 Of the admirable manner-in which thm hotel it conducted. Ills Isicat‘d at the foot of Penntylrania enemy, lamer* conveniently ettMiteci for bathers thin 'tinted any other /Mate on the tolled, and is surrounded with groves and shrubbery, which make it d.ubly Inviting as a temporary borne fervid-, ter,. Stv the.ettlehlit and gentle early piroinio:qt, spares no pains In catering to the comfort and spud pleastve of ha guests . • Orr T.) TIM_ SEA - Simon. —The various lines, yenterd , y, carried hundreds et so people to the pile te..frg margin of thebrlirydeep, anAles . ).re_plreerd to announce tlo:t ainong them all tame:eras scarcely a nisini woman, child. or any other deeeriptoti 'Er humanity, that was to.t either 'up, lied abh a, bathing omit from Siedler tet4ibLeitine?.t,' irtt Ire' f 'BCl Mike: stieet." or cram boot on 'applying themselves on, their arrival at Cape Mayor attentle city. —. • A CER.TAISPEZVENTIVS OP BALD:IE39.—A_ dar t-do yunnotor of the growth . of the hair .a certeln beautilerpf the hair, rendering it eft, glossy, and fn.' Oland to curl. , Jules liaael , s tiau Athenfenne, or fledr Restorer, thoufd - Int tintverselly used. It has no equal. It to not a dye. It mrill. !hangs gray hair and whiskers to their original life color. Sold by all druggistse and by Jules Hanel & Co., 701 Chestnut et ; jy2o.4l6twlt WHAT HAS COILE 'Or PRINTING OFFICFSI.--The Fluting office hoe proved a bolter college to Many a boy, lean &Twinned mere useful and conspicuous "nee:Meta bf society, brio brought more Intellect out and turned It Into practical and .useful -channels. awakened' Intro minas, end generated more noire and elevated thought than many of _the literary colleges of, the country.- Andong other good-things done In 'Muting offices Is the reiterating the fact that the moat elegant clothing for andlonther, to be fettnd.lAlbe Union. to it the Brown Steno Clotbiog Ball of-Entleblll - & — Wilson - No. 003 and 005 Chestnut street, - above Sixth. , ESPECIALLY if it may be enjoyed in a cool and graceful salt of Summer clothing, gotten up at E H. kidti ige's "Old Franklin Ball Clothing Empeilum," No. 321 Chestnut street. ' , ~ • „ A tiew-Frog CAPTURED AT itrbilliTlC friend of mire; Juit' returned. from Atlantic' City; cap ; lured an linthen4 smr=tfab;measnrtug sixteen feet front tip of new to end of form it resembles ri shark,' with a flat, bony subatence;abottt two feet six Inches, protruding from Its moat, sa•mref on. either side with teeth. Colonel Jolin'illMik, of the Neptune 'louse, boa Pt in preservation, and has insetibcd on each side of fbe saw, o any your Clothing at'ib e palatial store of Gran: stile Stokes, No. 601 Ohaatnatstreet.w • • irrivar!a:tunio iteportad Po -11 a Puma.; ' • - ak VA al ttdrl—.4toam•kdp State of Georgia —BO kilts e 40 otakt rice, Grower & liarkneura-8 dc, deo 33 do 116 bale% &wades, Hay & McDevitt; V do dotuest::". Lea° 3lo lt & Co; •11 do..Brocru, & • 00 d o, ct H m o ,s . re,lc Co. JOO Otis ilea. J Palmer* Co. 40 do' PaS thdlat cco',.!'dh_ . -lo older: 166 pima to Vow. liiftbuipat & HO. Belidre & t ti tl-9 DlClMenti Ledge. J Ii Tk oraptoia & VW & R die, littera% tr velt.nan B :ogee H Tare, - Dittmar & Data. denap & ratooto; slot Gaul ; Franc!). hi: bards, & co, A sas Eurterat,, Or, itiv eituptori- tc• Co, B tizakaoo, Av,,ohtramer..l,l2l blurptty. dud W W Ilaberebaut ti IdIANo • girlie - Dol6l, Kencor.-6,000 bud • Thomas Wattaou & attufei . , PASSENGERS ARRIVED In to mitip Otoe of °toren, from lavanaah Bev J d !insis t ; s Ito - t• n: Mrs atunroo. Mast hinnene, N i ulre. try NI Wean ana lady, B B Davia'Ona DOIY, eo A as cele.kos . Miss Botertiary'. J4l aborlon and lady, Dr %m any. alias Robartarn. ales atetteusia. 0 Ws.ttsoo, D folbein, Miss Albrecht. Geo 0 Johnston, N annith, Jos., h Tt. ru. J M Itvr.111C11; P It Maim, 1. s w.ek. G Hick., Mist Liston, OnDlaga, Sad 4 in the ..tertvge .Maritte, Jatellu2ente., PORT OP PITILAOITLPHIAL, - July 29, MIS SUN BiBl4B " :4 641 8 Vr! 8 17 8 ( ;..4 1R UIGO WATTiIt ' -`" ' ARRIVBP , II P Ji Ateam , blp 'Hato of ffeargla;Ctievin,, 70 bourn from davenoett, wan mdse arid pastabgent to Aleraudet Baron. Jr. On Bertniday eleoloY. •in naval:limb - slier, wee ton foto by pmuetier,uunte)lo:cerrytogaway part of One Matter rd wheel•itousa and de :tinging th. wheel.. Both acwrlii were buuud out lotthe time of tbe anal, dent thetWorgia tb'ertfibt of the obtinnet, ,On n e eday 1320.0 1 14; &guinea; enrdritiei• BAjte - dinvtatt; .51rddery, a 48, A Bt. atom - 461p :Commtfic; 7i16 4"114", sto.ntentp alo.dgomeryi 7,22 A 10; stesualip porida;" nil bound sou b..' , ' • gtemnebtp Kennebeo; thin& 7 4.11011 t0 ftwiniiteirTorlr, via Cape klay, with mdse. and passel:lgen td ;dike All. d4r , ice. Peened au nob .orn bovine abote'the titan , -fi wine; a Boen.n packet 'nutlet( ebovb'Botbbsylloak; igbt area 1.. locludmg a large thipott thin Luniettet . and come s X sell owe a Ito the aver, boned. no. Brit Amauds.-CoMnbn,•lB - nays from kiatancal, Via Quarantine, with muledried to ktewartiOareon. & Llo. hug Debimney - 11. days frOur Tdrkt Inland, with salt to rhos tt !nom & Bone" • trig • bby thin, Gitchiriet, 4' day/ from' Brew 'Port, nli h aided to s.. airt • - ' • hr g ittat, nor,:fttief Bingen, 9 dare from Bogor,' with a0 . ,.000 knits and 29,1100 feet to Banda & Behr Pliestinst, Craddock, 7 'days from Norfolk, 4141 37 oOu pbtuglet liorcrom Etteatek Echr Its; crmitty, 2 • dityi 'from , Little Ygg itarbor, Witt) roils to cattalo. " • Bohr Jen. tdmitoo; 6 dija tram Oardiner, ge,with" too to D B &akar. e Oct. • - • Bebe filmroptilidten. 7 data hem Augnltii, with Ice to 1) IPKeratue r& Co - • • • Behr d4entter tfodfrey, from Salem.- • - F c h, Trn, eaat, WootterOrom Wiltoinron- EAr Jddry,Pr ce, ithrurdz-from Wltmiagt o. ki•hiL A J 0741', Elkittft - . liont tea fork - Brtd• W w L'AiricAtakilidett l 6thlttauriarglier. , &or EinhardUompeuni Ll* 0 , Bold VritiOnq Pt ' VS #019414, 0040*. iflusieset;, Balrer, fro gßoaton. E 01r, Polly Price +tire. Innthiefon: .Behr Win H. Dennis Hewitt . fr om Boehm. g o b,: wypdo v i iiray, . dip tom ;.1411th'Llavett, with. %ions tl•ttocroboc - C.... t 0 - - • - • Bohr etnniMitifi:Ll 4. 3 , .rd 1 day from Swell*, Del, with' wheat Jae Barra t& 00 och t y o b. w HAL MOM.' 2 da Creek, I 'Veroirith wheat L Bewley' &C, - • achr, Co . l , ent Iloyd.'B days from Ylenria, Md. with ' 'train to ,JW Elgeon& Co • Sear , Pair I ender, Adams 8 day. from Salisbury, Md, with 'Alp timber to W Bacon & Co. Behr Seeretary, Aflame 8 days from Newtown, Md,- *lib lamb... fel W Boom &-Pc. Sloop J D Pia,, 10,11 13 hoar. from Lewes, Del, with mdse t , Then W Parks , Pa.sed two barques and ten athoonere in tbe bay, bound up. Bteginglifp Delware Copes, N York. Jag AlVerdict). 'Brig Mum, Shaokford, For au ..valu i Thom Wattgou & Sou.- Sng Preedaway, Thompson,,Port an opoln, J T Al b:n*Br & Co Bohr: 'rename, Wooster, Eastport; 0 A Uociaber & Co Beheld h donee. Ondfriy,. Beloin, Brown & White. . hohr,rolly Yrfoo, price, Balton, Van Dusan, Norton, dliii . eteti. hillier, Delivers do Bohr Al Price. Boston, ' Noble, Hamwett, & 00. , , • Schr nerriet Rogere,Rogere, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis, & 06. ' , Bohr k J Dyer, Rodgers. Boston,4l Sturtevant & Co. tchr,W IL Donnie, Devitt, Doeton. Brown & .Bohr W Lopor, Robinson . Providence. J R Wbito. B ter . It .Thompson, Lloyd, Ownbeldgeport, Skye & tiodtbair/ BncmL i ß kergglon, Barrett; Quincy, Tyler, Stone, - Sehr Chi Parker, Webb, Roxbury, L Audeuried & Oo:. 134:biNi lioston, Caio, Hooker. a; Cook Gtr II Wittig, Maypole, BaMoire, A laroves, (l)oriesipondence or the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del:. July 27-43 A, M , . . The' Mee Ohlmhorase. .iEsna, Waterloo, and Ann Engllah; sabre Tangent, Damon. Id 13 Mehony, Martha Wrightington;Spded ' ff Pliushing, Vast t Sharp, Knight, Reporter H - Rickman, ' Lorena, Stran ger, 0 0 Saddlei. If Harris, Luther Child, Emma, .1 Ponder. Jr, IF"Ecirllsh." Boe, Sally, Fre Aleanor, J W 'Strout; Ohalleege - F Wordery, J English, and several o hers, went out 'Able morning.. The steamer Albert Werner, from the Southern newt vie Cape May, with kph arrireethla morning'. =She will proceed down oohs thin aftsrpoon, to guest of apart, leo. saved from a Teasel Caleb wan' Arleen ashore during a gale tome "two ybare• ago, While on - the voyage from a Southern port to l'fatlNl. Wind South, end weather pleasant. - Yours, &a. M. HICKMAN. (Oorrespoadenee or the-Preeal HAVRE DE GRADE, Ja1728. 18611. Tim ;Wyoming left Skis "saornlste inthAboats, laden jual.datialgned'aitidlowe • 11143hummi..:Oorit; oata. loonier, die: to Perot & Bro; Bantli Alice lumber to D B 't nylor & 0o; Diemen. Emblem, El ' CI Gramm, BonthwanifLorterry. and &dunce ; coal to'Dels lore Dity. W. B. W. (Como*once of The Press.) lIIIADING, July 27,,1858. The following hosts weed out of the Union Oanal teHilay: bound Pfilladelehla, laden and consigned as follows: ' ' Wzo & F Taylor rye to P Bushoug & Bono. end floor, to opptatn; II Niles. lotobtr to H Delaber; Elniquo hems and Gov W P Packer, do to Malone & Taylor. P lipTtoß TO MARltialtB Oaptain Mee; of chip Frigate Bird, from Hong Kong, at San Francisco 4th July. repurte;—June 3d, at 4 PM., made a group of make bearing south, distant six miler, Itqa breaking ve,y lath around them; sure or them were even with the surface, and some 40 or 60 feet barb; they appeared to extend east and went about a tulle; they lay In St fait north lat, 140 Cant ton, and are not down on my abuts; after running NB 00 miles made South Island. bearing N NW, distant 36 milt's, which make these rocks bearing (tom South island $ by wg, diatent 70 inllee. „ • - fliiitimisa TO TEE passe.] . - - lisvf YOHIC. July 28. Arrived at the lower Quarantme, slip Messenger, from Puns; brigs Faustina, Berry, from ht Jago; Anna 0. - Terry, from Sagas. - 8t Jego July 9th, the brig Black Squall of and from Philadelphia, had jast arrived . . - _ MEMORANDA. • Steamship Boston, Bellew, hones, at, New York yes terday. 'Steamship Empire City, Griffin, from New Orleans Vie Havana 2.41 lost, arrived et New York yesterday Bteamehm Pennsylvania Teal, tailed from }Helmond Stith Inst. for Fh‘ladelphia. Ship. Sumatra, Albott. from London, arrived at Mel bourne previocut to May lath fillip Humboldt. Helloes, from paw for New Yo It, went to seofrom Hampton Roads 27tb loot ship IdHated, De Forest, oleared at Charleer)] 24th tar , for Liverpool _ BiliV4o l 4 Colony, Low, from Callao, via Itampton #oedll. arrived at New Y o rk 27th loot Ehipßhiae, Ilitrntrd, tor Callao, domed M Pelham 16th hist -- N;S=MMEEMI Ship Senator. coffin, from Liverpool, arrived at Mel- bourne April 28tb. 81, 4 , Revenue. Howe. from Boston, arrived at Mel bourne April 29 0 h. fibip;Beindeer, Townsend, from New Yotk, arrived at Sydney, NOW, April 10th. 13hip Tenowenda.luilus, for this port, was in the river, Liverpool. 14th 'lost outward bound - Barque Eppo Hendrick. Rebut, from Amsterdam for this port, called from Tenet 7th inst. Unique Modena, Ryder, at Boston 27th Wet, from Charleston • • B4rque Jll Morales, Burmeister, for Falmouth, salted Tam Ha rano 92d last. Ilauqu. Salida. Elivrimatt. from EN:rum, at Cardetid 21st it et: to load f ,, r Phdeletphia. 13,q•quo B tooolg B.maney, sae towed to sos from New Orletina 17th 134 - • narqln c`opt: - .7 - stmatt, Nichols, hence, tr ts at " , ew °Aisne 231 inct.-. Brig Meteor, Anderson. hence, sirrlved at Havens 22d Inet - - • • • Brig Prances Ellen, &wryer. from }Tarsus, to loal for Philsdslphlt: an is ed. at Cardoras 21st lOst' Brlit Elferatayden, Baynes; hence. srf Bred at Beaton Brsg BreeiejOuterbridge, heneo at 44lmdsd de Cubs Bd inn • ; • - • - Brlg Mutton. Sawyer. hence at Balm 28th Intl D Ropers. Rogers; hod `J Vitst s Wooster, / 61110, P4" 4 rth Brig Zuret,EDaty - miDce;girrired at Charlastoa 28th Brig M lc -J 0 Gilmore ' Eldridge, for Matanzas, ar Bleed Cl Oardenaa 10th int. Sae Geo -11411411, Beep,ton, foe Now Orloit us, sailed from *vans Ilth hut., • -- Schr WH jlartantrLarsen.from Havana, at Matsu an 14th inn; to low:Liar ?Iliad 1, phis. - Bohr , Andrew Manderson Hen , ters to. for Boma 'Vita, vent to aid from Hampton Bonds 27th lent ,Soar J Lalarned, Clark. bocce at Itiettntovd 11th last 8011111 AnntriVi . Handy; '1 h Plater, Gandy; Malin. Shaw; D G Bowen. Bowen; ft Co a . m. Corson; fl it Boy. 110 1, It W Thll.llniwn I; Mary J Hoyt. Hamil ton, and J G htlUe Corson hence at Buxton 27th hut Sara, Mary Patterson. Bomerai and B Pharo, Oran. men Perna at Salem 261 test • . Behr L B Myers. %mere heneint Savannah 24th lost. Pchr armada ,11 , ay. boned at Norfolk 20th lost Behr War Staid,lhnith,,'henee at Batted Lauding, 'Warwick, 26th foal. Sabra!!! it 'Atwood Aiwood; awl M A. Marcie, Magee, banes at Gm., n 27th inst. ivbr (Maam OaMoll; Pratt, at Hartford 25th tact, from DeWaste nit,: • '•,• • ' Behr Alvarado. Shutt, for this port, waa litin wind at Newport 28th loot Fehr Henry Cote, Hesleton, hence at Fall River Nth lost. • *be E Flower, Rayner, for ebb port, sailed from Fob giver 14th , net - Mars Ellen Baker;Lake, and Mary Elisabeth, Ideadry Bence Pitatnebet 24th lest . . eahr PlSTrilrtt Worlh, from Wilmintoo, Dnl , ar rlrrOl at Houton 27th that. Behr Sdipme, ccrk, char - ed at Charleaton 2Gtit Inca or Ge4r,tetrAri., EC. schr 4 M Robertnon. Morrow, for Ph ladelphialn 3 days, remained at blayagasz kb lust. Steamer 0 0 Alger, liagae, and stoop Ohepherdese. Samb t beats at Hartford 28tts lass, - SPOKEN --• • . Jinn '2, lat ,6 N , lon 29 W. ship bsonlum, Itetatis from Bootoo hf.r 8, for San Fraooloco. June 244. let 89, lon 72. chip Hydra, Parker, from New York June 21, for Melbourne: 1 4'h lost, oft Cape_ Carnival, ship Troubles, Curtis frorp goblin for Liverpool ' April 10, lat 25 0 8. 1, n 47 20 W. ship Gauntlet, Dor Led;; from New YOrk Psto 27, for Oart Francisco—al will. May 11 lat 20 69 lon 128 10 E, was seen a ship steer % r NR, sum:mei to be the Moque, Cartrrtlght, from 81rmirbae for NOW York. • ,Inno 16. let 21 40, Inn 115 W, ablp Kit Carron, - llngbam. 1g days from Paget Sound. for Melbourne. July 21. let 4818, lon 67 49, Wall pulsed a large full rigged w etitualp d e t t o o: n rl d ef h T u b p l r a p b e l r yk amoke-atack, MARINB MISORLLANT - Oapt Jones. of ebip Star. of Peafowl, at Quarantine, ' New York.l7th f Davao reperre-the follow: log deaths, slat-9th July. on bt7ard, in Savona Wm Walsh Jones. aged 10, ea u al the captain; June 14th, Theinao Williams, of angland; 16th Alfred Norma. or do. July 6th, Wm NichOle. of Ploladelphie sail on the pease. 10di lust, Gee 111111er, of Philadelphia, rail road Morse —who bad stowed away Brer-James Hale of Stockton, Staples, from Bobo for Philadelphia and aebooner Leonora, of Baroatable. Jones, from , Boston for Hartford, got in onottat 24tb hist, off Point.Pome. The schooner bad staudwns, roils, and bulwarks broken, sustaining damages to the &Mona of 1,100 The brig damaged melon'', Both ress,ls put Soto Pro. ineetown to repair. :Campbeltown, July 9 —Nearly the whole of the cage of the New York raw, on • the reeks near the Hull or Kintyre Lighthouse, has been recovered and conveyed Glasgow, but the ship It is feared, will not be got off • Havre July 7 —rho American ship 11 L (Wehrle, Hewes, f oa New Orin". for .llaere. hoe burnt to the water's edge. The etrgo in now being discharged, and the beioa of eaten, though injured by the lire on the surface, It was hoped would . be found ,soun) In the middle , , Sydney, N 8 W. May 10 —The ship Samuel Appleton has made an excellent postage (tom the United States, whence ebe nailed on she ilth Feb When 10 days out, -Captain Vow was taken ill, and the ship bore up for Bermuda. where he landed; she then called at Port Philp, whirs she remained three days; estop lanced a heavy g ;le In lat 48 18 8, lon 11.6 N. (runt the NIS, Ain. 'log 'iuddenly to SW; the ship was have on her hewn tads; and closeereefett intim topsail and tore topmost staysail were blown Olean away, and aprnng fore topmast head • , - DOMEBTIO , PORTO • NEW YOR ft, lniy 28.—Ar, * stosmiht, btempble. Wet sou, Abariettoni Rautsvileo, Poot, tilnaunsh ; barque Molly, Tilton; Mu , brit,( Bimini) British irken!lne Win Hydo,4Askinion, Rio Jsuolro ; Mungo Pitt Mamie. Roundont 'cr Bangor; RPota, TreA, Pt ENO°, .for.l4ston "a.thr, /trances 11416ttorly, Cooper, 013.stios.' ton - . 4, Ole , ree stearn.liip T. Swann, Ramsey, Baltimrre; Rehr* It 0 Sinuard, Jr., Groves,"lisitimore, Laren, Domes. ee; , Jults Fox., Laneling' Marie. BOSTINII; July 27—Ar 'reamer Wur Jenkins, Hallett. fralimerni en,p Mary ec Mutes, Hatch, TrApina; brigr - Motormen, thisudo,palrestun; Q 0 Clary. (of Camden) Phiirr)ok Penn/cola • rehire Prarl. Bruarn,• Barak, kteAlmond; Hydreoge,L,lietler;'Earsh L llill Gonary; 8 L steven e „eted,le;enlifenly PayeAe,..bkirldie, Bat -04 ore. 1 Via Quarantine-13!trqqa 'N Boynton, BzaaJley, New grlonsp: At Quarantine—Barque B-bools, Idurray.(late decelusedOttlentnagos yin Key Meet le leaking badly Barque's- lola Willits PAtter4m; ,Bt Marrs, 3ftiliken ; ant brig Eipl , Bre, Cl: fr ad, also remain.' Telegraphed—Brigs 'Mary Means. from Jackeonville; Ve.ta, trout ilalrcston, (at Quarautloe.) • Blew fur a o, qua and two - brigty _ tad or IttigllKillp 04412444: haog, Wv.rpeol via Hall. fax; _ba•cto‘e qa,tuldge, Itirdriog. (Wm tar nod a mkt; Blain uol Kongmen, blarstllleo; troion, Aendrjek, BO• tiiiiiarh; atAr,a; L heldeu ell steamer Bastern State, ebip glasconomo ; barque Stamboul; brig prevail; sch4farla L Davis. YORRIGN sows. - 15 Vagnino, Nowell, Pan Yrrn. , edaeo; 29 th , Tulakii, Orem) Dannematt, New Yu k (Jae 17 5); 50.11. kSlata, of Maine, liumptirer.: lio.ton plan 119 b; M44, - Otierutin, Skinner, London ob 5); 7th, 'Sea Witz..h, Gardner, an Francesco; 12 , 1 e, Maverick, Lmidon (Jsuils.); IMl4enifolk, du; .5 15 4prlf Get, Guam; .27tb.'.1lorodl. no` Peadletou" Callao; May 5, Panama, ORM, Moog Wog; Cat,,,yeaente W. Payne, 0015Orn,* Guam; Aeitreelai Coley, Valparaiao; Langblog Water, Jantran, Callao, ]4th: 'Vaquero, None!, :en Pu:mimeo Sydney, NBW--Ae A. 116, Aetoti4p, Sam, liondon Intel - 181; May 9.1 a, V Ilexic t;riir,f, London s(Pen 2); Apleton. KetleY, Itieticuond and Meibunroe; Al tb, Mastift, John ou Moue Mona, (Men 141. 6(4 May 6th; Aletaatter. Midway, Caleutta " Sig from Punta ArenaalMe nit , ship 711 Ftidexie San Iraneleao. Ar at Alipinwal - 11th lost.brls Andrew Peters ,V7ingh New York; 13th, brig Abby Taylor, Grahairr, Now Ynik:' • . At gevegore Bth lost, brig D44Ware, Rainbow. Mans. fhid.'from New !term ding; ochre J L Dowau.Wouater toui Raw Yot k, do; Life Boat , Reed for Newboroort. Going le, brig B J Nororoio, Reed. from Arago in tallest— • - At; ut, Trloldad Cuba 34 tutt, War W Nob, Nub, Neoultuik ; b, barque fiery, Gibbi, 41c!' 7th, sofa MONO ' #0, 1 4 1 11100011, tai Ar at Oardenas 10th Iruit, brig W B Brune, Knight, lisranc Ar at Havana IGth inst. brig W H Stewart. Weeks, New Orleans 111th, barride .1.1 Cable, Patterson,' New York ; brigs Ambrose Light. Gomerny, -Wisosaseti t d. Stront, Portland ; 12 h, brigs Ida Hayeelt, Hammond, t 3 J ohns , N P; Martha Poet, Thompson, Noir, lk. Sid 10 , h, barque Charles Edwin, Littlejohn. Cardenas and Cork,• 11th brigs Geo Harris Barton , N Orleans;- E A. Seed, Taylor, Portland; 13t1i, ship Mule Drew, Gooding, Falmouth. Old 12th, brigs Fannie, Warner, Cardenas and New York. Seaugol, Hobert+, Carderas; Elizsbeth, Larsen, Cower; 13 h. ship 'ehl4pone States. Smart. Falmouth. 3; bonne ardeun.s, klariih, New OrleanN brig State of Maine, Cote , Sauna; ears A P Howe, Tilley, Fal. mouth, l; Ida, Thompson, Segue and N York. ARRIVALL', AT THE PRINCIPAL ROHM UP TO ONE VOLOON THIS MORNING. • GIRARD 1101HIN—Uheetnut went, below Ninth N Downing; Detroit Mich Rlt Pomeroy, St Joseph, G 0 Johnsnn, Savannah Missend P H Rehm, Savannah lame A V Luke, St Mare?, Mine h J Grump, St Mary's • Hnll Bait T Edwonlo Conn .. _ .. Mr Swift, Macs 7 A Di* bane, Balt J Bow lug. N Orleans II E Winley Jeanson,Miss II F Green, Santa Fa E El non, .Knoxville,Tenn II LS Bowles, N Oriente J B White, N V Win Bell, N Y .7 R. JOllB3, Harrisburg M IV Loivelek,Oinclonall, 0 II It Bisset, Cincinnati, 0 O F Turner. Louisville, Ky WII Cook Cincinnati, 0 D a Ooodioe. Lexington, Ky W H Calvert, Oinalunati T W Nelson and wife, N 0 Mts. 0 Har .N 0 Mr Fulton, Philo Dr W 0 Bryan, Memphis, Dr Cole and lady, Tenn Tenn AIK Mariner & a. Natchez T W Foley, La B T Taylor. St Louie J A. Groan. Va 0 & Sherman and lady, N Y Miss L K Hathaway, N Y Mrs A Hathaway, N Y • ill W Knouts and daughter, J Clark and lady, N Y Natchez li RJackeon, Savtunah E J Davis, N Y Win Weimer and lady, N Y Bra It B Se sees, N Y li, 0 Bantams, Louisville Washington Fellott, Bait lon 0 Tnrner, Phil& 0 Marsh. Boston 0 E Habrlcht, N Y Wm II Webb, Davenport T B Walkor & la, LoulsvPe Dr J 1' Fleming, Balt J P Alban. La .1 It Coe, Madison_ N Y It B Bradford, N Y Mr' Beed , ord, N Y Bra Boylan. N Y Men Eady. N Y B M °Tau N Y It Roae, Cal J H Folder ' Bat , --Ede Illggion, Jr, Balt S Seymour,N Y -- A A Maiotrey, N Y T A Emmet. N Y T 8 Co tine, Md G W Purnell. Md J R Parnell, Md B B Tort, Columbus, Mice Mica A Tort. Columbus, Antonio Artery N Y Miss WIC P Lyon, N Y Judge Hutt, St Antonio Jun It Pgden, Natchez W &Trost's, Prov. R I John Clatewoed. 111 A 0 Method' Memphis W A Gauze, N Y Jos Mitchel, Ind W r Auden., BM Louis N Berry, Perin SDI Johnson, Washington OF. Morse, Oin, 0 'Mrs Morse dt Mitt: 07%0 • • It P Noble. N'Y , YEA W Iker, N Y ' Thos Berry Md I W Yll Pitch, Madison Theo Mosher, Washington II it Banks, Pateraburg,TA A Kellogg k don, Oia, 0 N R Swift & la, N Y • Musa Spooner, N Y limb 11 Thompson, NY . A Jut, Memphis, Tenn NERCIIIANTIP HOTTlG—Fonrth street, below Arab. 11 B Phelps k la, Pittob'h Nader 011 Phelps, Pittsli Hon te'P Steele, Wllks'e T Heave , Danville, Pa Cooley. heading A ti Pownsford, Ole, Ohio Jae Oates, Ole, Ohio T B POW. Alexander J 111 Bovrauau, tituLey, Pa J Ness, Phda Win Joist, N J E Seeley, N Y J Tan liven, Troy, N Y J Prom.. Paotorrille Pa olt °ono= h la, Pittston E Paine & Is. St Louis Jamison, I.,diana, Pa 00 Dibrell, Texas 513 Johnson, Mall J llottaian. Juniata, Pa Geo.W Pews's, N Y B J Powers, N Y UNION ROTEL—Arab meet, below Fourth K flay, NJ J Rader, Northampt'n. Pa J B Jones Smyrna, Del 'Henry Ruple, Easton, Pa 11 Thomas. Tammul, Pa R A Brown, liagerat'n, Nd J A Fisher, Ilagerst , n. Nd L L Btll, Pa - Jos Paton, Pa .1' 11 McAliobter, W P Ilalaton, Tamaqua. I. 0 Dougherty. Itinerole John Lyon, OM, Ohlu Jobe N Johnaton, Ohio G Freeman, Esq, Tamaqua Wm Zane, Easton, Pa Sarni Saler, Easton, Pa AMERICAN HOME—Chestnut street, above Birth. Wm 0 Kirkwood & la, St Mill B L Kirkwood, St Louis Louis II Backwater & la, West Miss Buckwater,W Chester Chester - Coo B Lewis & la, N Y II D Bates, N Y - Win W 'Peabody, &hyena, Geo W Mime, Fitchburg, Del 'Mass J 0 Clapp .N 0 • 0 Ailing, Md It D Berkhead, bid Semi Myers, Smyrna, Del Michael Morgan, MIA W Weill & clang, Pottsville G B Clark & wife.. Y W B Reed, N Y W J Harrison, Shake, NY Robt Lytle, Elonra, N Y II Inghram & la, Conn Mine Noble, Coon ' M G bhiedie, Mir Sprlngs, Chas K Land.s, N J r a Thos M Bell, N Y Jae BB take, Md Hon John Rowe, Me 0 P Tallonm, Pa Thee T Horner, Rd M Gattman, Miss II Ansley, Franklin, Pa Jan 0 Rogers, Ya NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. Sarni Yeager, Easton 8 II Eisenhart, York, Pa Solomon boss York, PA b S Nicholson, Phila 193 Stark, Keuysou College 8 A Ohaimbernao, West. A 3t.iuMr, Do! fort. N Y John A Na,,. Pottsville DaulAlwree,Lehighton,Pa SI Joeephsou, Pittsburgh G A Williams, Ye A W Saylor, S Ilaveu 'W m Y Vont*, Pottsville MADISON ROUSE, Second street. above Martel A Clottitigbarn, Del - Jae Oook , Frederica, Del Wash L Due PhDs. J M Drake, Oineinoati Joe N Ooff, B3A: Hampton, Win Grove, Montrose, Pa Conn Jae L Davis. Montrofe Pa Mary Potter & la, Oleve- O Mickler, Lana co, Pa land,Obio E M Roberts, Stietol, Pa BARLEY SHEAF ROTEL—Neeond etreet, belortline, Mrs Mary A Stine, Pa J flopped' A bro, Newtown R Pal.t, Pa J linowit, %bite Raven II 0 Ely, White Raven Chas li Roberts, Newtown Wm P Phel,n, Phil. J D ociott, Row Britain, Pa Ohms Sturdcvant, Wilkestarre, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Birth and Merchant streets. Drebrord, Md W Drako. Clio, Ohio J 11 Be tel. P.ocu3scsburg.P Joiu taut 111111, Chester Coderl,lll. Cheater co. Pa co, Pa Doi I D cloy, Cheat co, Pa J It Lewts,Sprlngtleld Enos Pr, lzer, Doylestown 8 a 2hompsoo, rVest , Chest Jr. II Rost., Cho. ,yo, _ JON Polt , thio Po ,a-cto-nr - T - Porrstrille Lewis, West Chnt.tor 110 Stamp Coon Jsoß Hoy, Vllley Forge Joo Mitten, Valley Forge A Lyons. k'ort Deposit Woe Lyons, Port Deposit Wu Eberle N Y Chas BuDingt4n. 1. hest co,P J d K,rk, Eberle, co, Pa' Amos Konblu. Chest co, Pa Davie Konble, Ch. st c Jae d ott, Ghost o. Pa D.nd Humes, Meat co,P.t Dr Um-mold, N Ltindrn,Pa ' , M) XAGLN 110 TEL--Third street, 6D. Calio6DID Riram Rank.Jouestowu,Pa Lbw's Weiss, Weliaport,Pa Arrow Thrtcher, Lehigb. 0 0 Dltertch. N Y co, Pa 8 J liolatvimao, Easton 0 loans, Nada.' k Ortelih, Pa 6,,dorson 0.16111,E5/dna Ps Philip Rosso, Eastoo, Pa AB Jonei,Lycoodog co, Pa BLACK DEAR ROTEL—Third, above Jobu Adams. Berke co, Pa Geo Smith, Green Lane Pr (leo L Tiao,ue, Easton Ohl; HaMIA. Kutztown halo H Mohr, Pa W Bruurback, 'Exeter, Ps Jones Yorger, Roxboro, Pa Chas W Mohr, Pa Jacob K Plata, Pa Optrutl Notices. ID . GI Peterson's Philadflphitt Counterfeit D.•t«ctur and Wank-Note fits!" is extensively cir culated among all clashes of business men, including Banks, Bankers, and Brokers, all over the United States and 'Canada*, and Is rendered Invaluable to advertisers from the fact of each number being constantly in use, end therefore more apt to be taken notice of.— Bach tinge. IKeult Khan Iletvl, REMOVED TO 1315 011E8TNIIT STRRET, Above Thirteenth. jy27-3t Sewing Fund.—Five Per Cent, Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT street, S. W. corner of TffIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and lettered paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The itiveetmente are made in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Relate, and such first-clans securi ties ae th charter requires. °Moe hones, from 9 o'clock in the morning autll 1, ()Mock In the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. refl 0 & Baker's CIELSBILMID FAMILY SEWING MAOHINES, 7:10 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now jnotly admitted to be the beet in use for family clewing, making a new, strong, and elutio Allah, which will NO! rip, even if every r.,,,=ta, stitch be Ont. 01:mien eent on application by Utter. ►p7-7 Jackson, JOB PRINTER, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, Dill Heade, 01r rilars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prises to snit the times. oel7-1y Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 703 Walnut dreg, one door went of Second ntreet. napeloon de• posits In sum' of One Dollar and upwards, from all Manses of the community, and allows inters►t at the rate of floe per cent. per Orden open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Man ley and Saturday until 9 In the evening, President, Franklin Yell; Tr./an:Lear and Secretary, Charles M. Newerls Infant Cordial.--This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and of loient aromatics known In medicine, and la the moot perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infants and young oldldreo. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure Is ea'etted In all eases of Wolfe, windy pains and spasms. Ballsrea snit mitigates much of children's suffering daring denti. lion or teething, and by Its soothing properties trim• vanes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &O. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of men with the most abundant suoveas. No family ehould be without It Prepared only by • war A. Bowls, At his Drag and Chemical Store, corner of 811th and Green its., Philadelphia To whom all orders must be addressed. And for eels by Drawee verersilr as 111-17 ftiornauto On the 21th tont., by Rev. Albert Tt"inlet, Mr WM. SIAC LEAN to Mne LIZZIE BIELWER JONES, both of thin e.ty. * On the 8111 111,4 , by the Rev R. 1 Week Mr. WM It RIIMPRREYS to MIEN LIZZIE PAISLEY, both or this city 4. On the 24th Instant, by the lieu. Fredorlet greeter, Mr AND eIIItItIEL to Me‘ CARMAN!: A.. (laugh ter of Mr. Oottlull) and Uri Adana harhartt, all of We Oa the 27th Instant, at Nwrristown, by Rev. Nathan ,tea . Rea o , or FE Jotorex Church. Mr ECM ANA.N W. OLOKIN ON, or Phlltulelphle, to Mise 811182t7i, young est daughter of /leo Friedky Esti Cicalas On the 2611 t JOHN 131,10:TH, aged 33 yearn." , The r,.iallves sod fr o iila of the family are respect. folly Incited to attend the funeral. to-day , ftured ty.) the 29th lout , at ro'olook, irom the residence of WI mother, southeast comer Ling lane and Buck road. V pr. a 04 so elnut-t Mortal, timet•-ry. Pia the 27,h Instant, ELIZA Beall J ANE, daughter r,f William and artba Major, aged it months and 7 a. " It termeot at Mount Morlah Cemetery, tF Of consniiiiit'ron. on the Ith instint. In Newcaetln nowt . Delaware, LORENZO N COMPTON, in the 27th ,ear of hl. • L-t th, dsititi of the righteous, and let my last std be like hol.* , st On the 28ih inst . JULIA PERHLh. only child of Her eon and Obarlrole 11. Fobbing, ngsd 20 it on , he be Wends and eels Ir.!' of the rsuilly are invited to attend the funerat, at the residence of Mr. John 0 Mead 611 North Feuth a rest, on Fi Way aiteinunti, at 8 o'clock To proceed to Lauri 1 Elia At Charming Yorke, mai Rusting. ths 25th [IOWA KO son of John K. and Emily T Hamlin, aged 6 months and 26 days. On the morning of the 27th lust . Mrs. OA.TUARINE U VA , •TON in the 68th yek of her age The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence No. 766 South Fourth at., this (Thursday) Afternoon, at 8 9'2 1 6f 4 . T 9 prossa¢ to Pwal 1411, THE PRESS.PHII,ADELPMA. THUESDAY, JULY 29; On the 26th inst., after a lingering ilineset which she bore with Obrietisn fortitude, Mre MARX TITTLI➢, widow of the late Kneita Tittle. The relatives and friends of the blindly ,are invited to attend the fnoeral. from her late residence, No. 406 Christian street, ab ye Fourth street, tide (Thursday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock, without further notice. * On the 22d lost , Mrs. ELIZABSTLI SMITH, in the 'fOth year of her age The relatives and friend► of the family are respect- . . fully Invited to attend the funeral, front the resider.° of hereon John G Smith, No 055 North Thirteenth etr•et above Wallace, this (Thursday) afternoon, at o'clock On the 25th instant, Er ORAL A. KOEHLER, aged 53 years. The male relatives and friends, and Rising Star Lodge, No 126 A. I" M., also Wayne Lode, No. S, 1 0. or 0. F , and the 8 utbwatk Hoge Oompany, are invited to attend his funeral. Lem his late residencs No 113 Beath Delaware avenue above South street; tale (Thu , Play) morning. at 0 o'clock On the 27th Instant nLIZC MATTED a, daughter of Geo. T Stuokert arid grand-daughter of Geo. Lowry, In the 10th year r f bre age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her grand-father, 1.1 I allowhill street near Front, on Friday, 80th instant, at 10 o'clock, without farther . I** On the 27th lost , MARY 111.. daughter of John and Catharine Strong. aged 11 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to etrisd the funeral, from the residence of her patenta, 077 South Fifteenth gloat, this (Thurs day) afternoon, at 8 o'vl •ok On the 7'h inst., MATRAN LINDSAY In the Slat year of his age Hor relative, of the family are respectfully invited to attend the tune .al, from the residence of his growl. father, No. 1308 Merylne street. above Thornesru, th,e (Thursday) morning, at 0 o'clock, without fm ther no tice. On the 20th inst., ORAL F MILLER, in the 86th year of his age. The relatives and Mende of the family are reepect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late red d,uce. No 23 Peck's place. between Front and Second, below Queen, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 6 o'clock. To proceed to Union Burial Ground. on the 27th inst., ADAIR. ELLIOTT, in the 76th year of his ago The relatives and friends of the family are reared- • fully invited to attend the futterel, from his lam real donee. northeast roroer of Twenty-thlrd and Walnut streets, this (Thursday) mornleg, at 10 o'clock, wrth out further notice On the gumming of the 27th haat , eter a liegeriog illness, Mrs MARY MAGUIRE, wife of Patrick Ma. guire seed 56 years The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invtted to attend the temerel, from the residence of her son, Michael Maguire, No. 335 Master street, between Germantown road and Fourth streets. this (Thursday) morning, at o'clock. To proceed to Cathedral °PIM tory On the 26th Instant. EDWARD ttfoOARTUY, son of William and Catharine McCarthy, in the 27th year of his age. The relatives end %friend• of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his paren a, No 1844 Ridge road, above Girard ave nue. this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without furlhar notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery * On the 27th inst., Mr. DAVID PATTERSON, aged 24 years. His relatives and friende, ales the members of Mer cantile Lodge, N 0.237 I. 0 of 0. F., 'Philadelphia Star Lodge, No. 126 A Y. Of., and Went Philadelphia Fire Company, are respectfully invited to attend hie fu• neral, tram the residence of„Itla uncle, Dr. Wm Pat terson, No. 719 South Eighth the (Thursday) af ternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. * --- Vew Orleans Gam Light Company. BARIdEItS , AND MECHANICS , BANK, July 2,185 p. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans tias Light Company ; that tho Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of tho Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this Bank and re ceive Ni'arrants of Transfer to the Company InNew Or leans. W. ItI3BILTON, Jo., jy..1411 wsk. m %tool Cash ler. Ftsitmeunt and Arch.tst•ect City rue. BENDER RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of the Commissioners named in the Act to incorporate the Fairmount and Arch-street City Passengec Rail way Company, hold in pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Office of William 1 4 . Hirst, Esq., Sixth street, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, the following Commissioners, William M. Randall, Lewis Bitting, Robert J. Hemphill, George H. Thomas, James B. Smith. together with the Chair man, were appointed a Committee .o make the neces sary arrangements and open 1100 KB OF SUDSCRIP TION, according to the general Railroad Act. NOIICK Is hereby given, that the above-named Commissioners will meet at the Wetherill House, SANSOSI Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, W ED NESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 188 S, at. 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital St,ck of the above-named Passenger Railway C mpsny. IS lAO LEEOIf, Ja., Chairman. BOBS. J. fissmuLL, Secretary. )y2244%12 riZt Notice—West st Phiindriphil Passenger RAILWAY MP 4 NY, July 15, 1858. The can of this Company now run every Rye min ute. from THIRD and MARIENT Stroets to thole Dopot, on LORAN and lIAVERVORD Street.. Jyls-1m W. S. MANN, Superintondent. Nizm publitations. L IFE THOUGHTS. TUE (MEAT BUMMER BOOK! Br HENRY WARD BEECHER while away the long hours of a Summer day, to 1111 the mind with now and highdosires, to draw U. Into closer communion with the great truths of Nature, to happily mingle amusement with instruction, read THOUtiIiTS: "No uninspired work is superior to ii."--{Olive Branch .• It In full of eprightlluess. nerameneini, wisdom, and wit,"—{Now York Independent. They are characterized by an epigrammatic force, a beauty of I liuntratleu. and rare felicity of exprepsion, that reader them erotnotitly worthy of preservation."— Now York Itvaaiodtat. IL abounds lo Shows vivta, t t o , CM, nee , es . rng arkal pun gent sentiments for which his preaching ss 2tinarkablo." —View York Observer. 44 .kt is Beeche r all through !haw Transcript. TA itk JrWITH YOU Whorover you go, as It la a book, not (or an hour, but for all times. THE BESI BOOK FOR SUMMEtt READINO —la— Beesher's I.4e.Though • Whether you are about to regale yourself with the cool breezes of CAPE MAY, or to ho invigorated by the bracing air of the WHITE MOUNTAINS, LIFE THOUGHTS aq a comps ion with you. " No one ever Leant Beecher's natural, emy, g useful, gushlvg, noble eloquence, who did not feel ennobled by It, and wish to hear bin, again "—pally Post, Buffalo, New Tork - • "This book will he prized by all families throughout the land, who appreciate t-dent and religious worth combined."—{New York Dolly Nun. " It la wonder ully full of beauty, and of the forcible Illustmti n of truth. , '--{CougregolonaNst, Boston. Thiz Is a volume to take up at hours which come to the experience of all, when the soul craves a glowing thought, or a tend 'r word and has no d 'MI6 or !Otero fora profound medi , atoll, but le quip tenet% and atreugdw , poet! by the touch of the right curd under the neuter's hand."—[Dally Mercury, New Bedford. Maga. l• The whole book before uz fa running over with his own heart-rot:deuce ; with tuuchiug figures drawn trout nunny hature ; with probe-like puncturing,' of some vanity; with earnest manliums • with bountiful coat perineum "—[Transcript, Wercenior, Mess. You will never regret the rending of it, for its truths will follow you in the walks of life, not !stamp them selvea upon you. It will thus r turn you A LARCtaI DIVIDEND for every uvautut of time spout la Its perusal, as the readers of the 6 2'),000 copies already sold eau testify. PBILLIPS, smitesoN, & co., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON, BLISS Trade supplied by J II. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia jy22-th list 2t A/AI:CAB , E WORK ON COLONIAL LAW—CIIALIifFRS' OPINIONS —Opinions of eminent Lavnera on various puinta of Engl sh Juris prudeoce, chiefly concerning the Colonies. Fisheries. and Commerce of (Irma Britain i Collected and Digested from the Originals in the Be .rd of Trade and other De. positori , n. liv OlOaot CIIALMERS, Eaq., Y.R.8., S.A. 1 vol. Bvo, 815 Inge.. Just received and for sale by KAY & BROTHER, Lnw Book sellers, Publishers, and Importers, jy29 19 South Sixth street. IMLAY'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER - cONTAINI G A FULL LIST OF ALI. OLD AND NEW COUNTERFEITS TO DATE, together with a full and complete Price Current, Prices of Stocks. Land Warrants, Geld and Sliver, Rates of Exchange. he ; also. I otportarta Stotletko. •inirahle to hunkers, merchant. and hostiless men genera ly, la 'him day published Single coples.s cents; $2 weekly ; $1.25 aeml-mon hly ; 75 cents months, or nerved to any part of the c ty at 5 coots per week. or number, pßyeble to the carriers. Office do. 112 South THIRD Street, Bulletin Building. Canvassers supplied on very liberal terms. liac finbings NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. The undersigned (successors to the late J03E1.11 T. JOHNS) aro now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the Northeast corner of ARCH and FOURTH' Streets. Their facilities for furnishing every article in the Shoe- Finding Line, at moderate ',Hessen,' on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. The attention of Merchants Is respectfully solicited. jy2B-3mlf WM. JOHNS & SON. rrvi StreitMANUFACTURERS AND FINDING MEN.—We are now prepared to till all orders for LASTS for the Fall Trade Wu have in creased our fadlities in the Manufacturing Department, and with a larger working stock of wood on band than any other manufacturer in this city or New York, tie can furnish Dry Wood, awl at the lowest Philadelphia or Eastern prices. J 1101 Y ARD & CO., Philadelphia. JOHN MURPHY, late of Ferry street, New York, at 112 DREAD Street. Jy2l-ws3mSr BOARDING. -A young Lady wishes board lug In n gentuol privAte funny. Tormn pa to exceed SJ porn unk. Adduces JANE, bleptch. jy29-2t* H OARDING wanted by a Gentleman and His NV IFE—lteard o ith n prlvitto family, t‘ hero there are no children. South of - flarltet nt, prcre , red. Address NIERCLi Oa," IllootDe Despatch jy2.B.nt* J3OARDING—Rooms for several Gentle men, with or without Boarding, can be obtained at Mrs. JOnEPIPA, No. tel North kit.l'liNTll st., below Arch. jy2.6.4t4t A GENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE CM- GENII.I.I'.IIEN may obt,ln 'Ward at, 712 WIEST- Zs LIT Street, to alasoule llatl. jy2.1.6t WOLFE, WILSON, & CU., (AGENTS FOR PLIIIADELPIIIA) CARPET MANUFACTURERS, No. 13'2, CHESTNUT STREET J319-ocritt RASPBFRRY VINEGAIL—Thin in pre pared from perfectly ripe Pruit. selected svPh the greatest care nod of the best quality A email quantity or this Vincgai tirup, mixtd in a tumbler cold wa ter, makes a most 1 liaison drink. As a beverage for the sick, it in unequalled, being nt once soothing and mo.liclnnl. Prepared nail sold by CLAIMES SItIV.ERS, Druggist and Chemist, N. Corner Spruce nod Seventh stay Phila. Price 50 mite per bottle, or sfr a dozen. Jy2o.2w if Blt I IJ G El ON.—Thu Stauruer • EXPRESS leaves ARCII Street Tues. dnpi, Thursdays, and Ba , urdayn, B,,ti o'clock A. H. Return ug, leaven BRIDGETON Alonesyn, eduendnyn, and Fridays, HE 8 o'clock A 111 Stopping nt Now Castle Delaware City, Forl. Dotal, are, and the noun( Landings on the 0, balmy'through tickets for All I levi Ile, 1 ort Ellsabete, Iliauricetuwa, PlVidlog creek, Newport, au4 I♦'alt'leu, 0 )4 41 OLD STAND, iloarbing tllliolearde MET crabs. TAMES A. FARNUM, • sr IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 219 CHESTNUT STREET, (UP BLURB') RAS, NOW orals for examination a full assortment of (Mores, Gauntlets, Shirts, Drawers, Turkey Rod and Madder Handkerchiefs, Comforts, Beads, Roods, Re golettes, Hose, and other Germantown faucy goods; Domestic Duck Gloves, Mittens, and Gauntlets; Dress Trimmings, Buttons Beni, ho., to which ho in vites the attention of the trade. Agent fur New Britain Knitting Cols Mineral Spring, Pacitte, Wolcott.'lle, Trenton, and Cams Shirts and Drawers jy29-eodlm GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO., Nu. 113 OUESTNUT STRER.T.• Are now receiving their FALL IMI'ORTATION of FRENCH AND ENGLISH, HID, BRAVER, DUOR, SILK. CLOTH, FUR, FUR TOP, AND PLUSH-LINED • GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. J928-1m WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol lowing description of goods: A. W. SFRAGUES' PRINTS. in great variety, Including Chocolates, Turkey Reds, Greene, Blue,, Shirtiugs, and Fancy Styles BLEACHED MEETINGS, SKIRTINGS, AND DRILLINGS. Lonadalo, Manonvllle, Slatersville, Hope, Washington, Union Mille, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston. White Rock, Phenix, Acton, &c. BROWN fiIIEETINUS. SHIRTINGS, AND OSNA— BURGS. Matoaea, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, East'n Virginia, Eagle. Manchester, Mcc's k Farm's, Still Water, Mechanic', Warren A, Caro' River,' Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottonlley's, Pomeroy's, and Gienham Co.'s Black and Fancy ali.wooi and cotton warp Cloths in groat variety. • DOSSKINS AND OASSIMERES. Oreentiold Co., Saxton% River, , Bristol, Terry's,Stearn's, and others. SATINETS. . . Stearn% Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mills, llockauton, Dahring's, Converaville, &o. SlisiMAS.—Lonsdale'e. Smith',, and other makes, plain anddwilled, of all colors. Fancy7gro Stripes and Plaids. Jewettcity and Irene Stripes, Denims and Ticking,. Rhode eland and Philadelphia Linneya and Apron Checks. Sbegatrd , o and Slater', Canton Flannels, &c. 1y22-2m Retail Orli ecrotte iII:INNER MANTLES. t•o LACE AND CHANTILLY MANTLES nod TAL.• MAB at much reduced rates to close the stock. SHARPLESS BROTHEUS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH SHEETINGS. -KJ Richardsonts and other excellent makes, of Sheet- Inge of all widths. Pillow Linens and Irish Shirting Linens. Sammor Blankets and Quilts. 13HAILPLES3 BROTHERS, .13,25 -it 011idatsln and NIGHTIE. NEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN. Now York Mills soft finish; Wammutta, stile Arkwright, and other beet brands ; Masonville Gold Medal, Tory fine and light. . . . 011AKPLESS BROTHERS, jr2B-1( 011t:STNUT AND EIGHT/I. H OODED CLOAKS, FOR THE BRAUDE, AT SIR DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indlepeneable for a Country Ramble, or en route to the Opting., st,V.5O, $3 60, 5t 60, and $6. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. TRENCH AND EN(I MOIL LACE. BLACK SILK, SILK AND L.CE. CRAPE AIARETZ CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS. AT ONB-UAAF YORMEO PRICES, TO °LOBO TOO !MASON, AT TIII: PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 108 OILIdfNUT meet, Jyl7 J. W. PROOTOR & 00 TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Dusters to snatch. Bilk Dusters and Mantillas. French Lace Mantles, trout auction. White Barege Dusters. Shawl 13aregen, black and white. Thin Black Goods, reduced. WIIITS GOODS. Cambric, Jaconet, and Mull, 12) i cte. up. Figured Swiss, plain Swiss and Victoria. From auction, cheap lots pPlaid Cambria. EMBROIUEI:IEB. Just opened from auction, several lots - Linen Sots, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about ITALY PRIOR. Mohair Mitts—several good and cheap lata• LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linto+, by tho pion° or yard. BOYS! 'WEAR. 13eersuckers, lilay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stun, kc. Also, light Gauluieros. MARSEILLES V BSTINGS COOPER & COWARD, B. E. corner NINTII and MARKET 111 II E CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED 1 CRAPE 811AWL8 (icor offered In this City are now being cold by LIIOIINLEY OffIBM N. E. coo. EIOUTII, and er rum+ GARDEN. We purcknood, a foTr oars ago, at a moat tremendous sacrifice for CASH, a lot of rerx.xtel Xmbroldered Crape Bhawla, came quality and style 4 we have sold far TWENTY DOLLARS! which we ere now nellingat the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS:: Lunen, you mafnever have such another opportunity of buying a lIANOBOIIB 81IAWL 80 OUHIi! Also, Plain Crepe Shawls, from St to we. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargain! lu Lace, Bilk, Moir Antique Man illas, Travelling Dress Materials In peat variety. Thin Sammer•Dreee Goode. Organdies, liartgeo, Grenadines, &e., &0 BLAJb ol La-, FANOY tlll,Kr, /Co. Our name is juldly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for fen and Boys' Wear. Linen Goode, (IT our own importation. Summer Gansd and other Flannels, kn., &a. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, foolery, Gloves, &e., at I'iLORNLBT A 01118A1 '8 'ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Oar. EISItTO & dPRINO GARDEN ?Arcata. jel9-tf TO THE TTTRADE. A. full line of THE I%IOST FAVORED STYLES STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. MORIN & CO. TOTIIINCRE, REED k Co.'B BRIDAL, DOUGLAS & BM:MOOD'S PAR BUSTER, And other maken. JOBBERS SUPPLIED REDUCED PRICES. W. J. BORSTMANN & CO., jy24-atuthEt CHESTNUT Street, below EIGHTH fiII:CAIRN:A DRY GOODS BEING CLOSED L OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Very rich Paris printed Marseillec for Presses and Basques, So. Do. Pa 14 printed Brilliants, !Awns, and Organdloo. Ihreges, tirensdinei. and Challies. Ducale and lliaziellas. High Lustre Black Silks. French White ,rilliants and Marseilles. Polka ;pot Swine Mull. White Goode, all lands Materials for Travelling Dresses and Duster*. Cos SW Plaids fur Rattling Robes, in medium and gay Plaids. fast colors. Lupin's bent quality all wool Do Doge ; in 1491111,A Gray Mixtures. Edgings, Insertings, Flouncings, ere. Linen and Marseilles Shirt llosouts. With the usual stork of FAME Y DRY GOODS IN DAILY USE - Wide Whit , . and Mark Shawl Dareges, ViIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. 11 AR LES ADAMS, 3y21 Eighth and Arch streets. ANTILLAS I MANTILLAS I- Mc- LTA ELROY respectfully lurltes the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Muutillam, embracing many styles not to bo found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles , told our prices so low that we defy competition. 5,000 !, or& Mack and Pitney Silks, 375, 44, 50, 50; rich, w 2.5 , 60, ; very rieh, 81,875, 05, $l. 10,000 yards It elniner, liareges, Loads, at 10, 125, 165, 18N, 20, 20, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest In the clty. 10,000 yards tine French Lawns, 10, 125,165, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 375 to 625, very fine. One lot of Crepe Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards aide.batel Casslmeree, 375, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,060 yards Marseilles Wattage, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style ltibbona, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 One Preach NeedieworYed Collars, at $l, worth 33. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconots, Swiss and Cambric White 0 oods,,tho greatest bargains in the city: Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety, at less than half the usual prices. 310 ELROY, jel-tu th futf No. 11 South NINTH Sheet. RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, TIAIVI.A.SIC.B, Dx4kie3r.v..s, &o. CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, awl those dealroue of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase ore sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, Si OWDEN, guarantee of the aounduess and durability of the (Foods. This caution is rendered essentially neceasary as large quantitiee of inferior and defeciiive Linens are prepared Beason after ammo, and sealed with the name of wortenDsoN, by Irish houses, who, regardlenf of the Injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturere of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable while par chmers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless ohmmeter. _ . J. BULLOCKE Ks J. B. LOCKE, my2B-0n Agents, 80 CIIIIROII Street, New York OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODB, No, 440 N. BEOOND Btreet, anOre WILLOW, PHILAD ELPHIA. Large Btory White Building. TERMS—ONE PRIOR FOR OABII. to- Prices marked In plain figuree on eaeh article 5p2,11-8m IUST—A bundle containing a qii nitity of J Dry Goode, consisting of 11 yards of Black Silk, 13 Vardnof 11usilu, 4 yards of Linen, and some skein cotton. - The !hider will he suitably rewarded he retorilog the name to the owner at, .so. 1137 S. TIMID St. jy26-21 RAY RUM.—Fivo puncheons Bay a 12-. very nuperior article, in store and for sale by A. 14 BREW, jy2l-tf 140 Smith 1011 PIVT PURE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE. X A very superior iirtiole. Por Aldo in largo or owe lots, by CAOMIDAWS, Palß.oll, it CO., IRO 194 Nita RO/111figl WHIM, Jot gale anb @Ca let. go FOR SALE—A handBonie COTTAGE ilia. with Stable, Garden, &c , and About two Ores o , ground. on the Main street, Iladdonflold. New Jersey Apply to ED WALN, Jy2oood3tit 702 Walnut et TO RENT—A very desirable Country V Residence, four miles from Market-street Bridge, accessible .by Passenger Railroad Large Garden ,n complete order. Ponmegainu given immediately. Apply J29-Ita , J. K. VALLANCE, 1.2 Walnut at. PASSt N G3RMAR ••kor sale two New City Pneseoger Railway Cue of superior buird and finish. Apply A. & t P. ROBERTS, Jy2B-etlt* 410 Walnut street. OFFICE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF. V FLOC for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicatmg roome on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT street, above DOOR. Immediate possession given Apply to JOHN 0. KEl+2ll or THOMAS T. KITOIHMR., No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mh3o.tuthe-tf second story, front room. TO LET—A STABLE on Crown Siroet, nen' Vine. Inquire 213 North FOURT O Street, near Vine. jy27.3t* • $27000 —FOR SALE, a Mortgfigo for • $2.000, well secured on property worth more than double the amount. Apply to ' JOIIN B. BTOCKDALE, 3y22 02 + South SIXTH. atreet. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cur- MIL ner-storo Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pr vision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address GROCER, Press office. fyls TOR. SALE—A valuable LOT, in the vici nity of the Daltimoro Depot, in an improving neighborhood. For particulars, address .7 K., Box 927 1.0111.-ofliCO. jpin rip° LET.-THE UPPER ROOMS OP etoreo No. 327 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the prenthee, to L °ALLOW ELL & CO , or fel4.lf °DILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. gentlemen's Stanteting iguana NVINCRESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FTIBNISIIING 5T01213 PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC— TORY, At the Old tend, No. 706 CHESTNUT STREET, toppo alto the Washington House A. WINCIIES l Elt m ill give, as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the • utting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated etylo of Bbirt4 and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale tr•de aupplied on liberal terms. }3,24-ly if W. SCOT I', (late of the firm of WIN- O. OHSEITER & Snort,) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. .1. W. B. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hie new Store, and Is pre pared to Oil orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect lit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W KNIGHT, SOO ARODI Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goode, and manufacturer of Flue Shirts, warranted equal in every reepect to arty others manufactured Ia thla city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or mode to order. nahl-tf 12,EN TLE MEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRRBIHNH GOWNS.—The largest and but u• sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, mated to the seam% at W. W. RHIGHT , I3, GOO ARCH Street, above Sixth, Phi phis. mhl-tf tamps. pETERVE , PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SELI-GINBRATING GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that Lae NON-GON DIIOTOR ATTAOICED. For Safety, Cheat nom, and Brilliancy, It surname all Milers. STAYS AND 0 2UNTY WARTS FOR PALL Addrois D. P. YETERB, B. W. corner YIeCOND and DELRETNIIIT Eta., Phila. dolphfa ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. ratri-ly-rp LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interest., end pat unite ussams LAMP FACTORY, 109 Noutk SIOUTII street, below Oheetnut Previous to his opemug a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war nutted manner from $8 to $lO. Support him, orou will have the same shirrs. to ea, laid-v V HE USE OF FARINA IN ITS MOST lICALTIMM FORSL—The working of Farina, an connected with the peculiar process by ehich WING'S FARINA CRACKERS are made, is known only to Mr. WINOIS establielunent. The superior quality of his CRACKERS has already caused them to become widely known, and they are now in ostensive use. Their remarkable excellence and great popularity have attracted the attention of those manufacturing other descriptions of Crackers, and many of those per ilous buy WINO'S CRACKER-, In order to-supply their customers with Farina clackers also. One or two individuals, however, have been offering the ordinary kind, which they make under the name of Farina Crockery, and have succeeded In selling them to a small extent. The Rol ling of such Crackers for Farina hue a ten dency to injure the reputation of TRUE FARINA CRACK t RE?, made by Mr WIML Errors of this character, however ; are usually cur rooted an being properly exposed. FARINA CRACKERS ARE MADE ONLY BY MR WING Troy aro not made by ethers, because the process Is unknown to them, nor have they suitable Ni °rim—them" require a scientiflo arrangement, and gle,kt care is ne cessary in pasal g the grain through the different pro The practice required In order to prepare nod work the material succesefully in a serious impediment to others. The trupossibliily of arranging the sponge without experience i o this particular Manch or kind of material, and the critical knowledge indiepenrable lu producing such an extremely light and nourighing au. stance an 15 INWs FARINA CRACKERS, cannot be accum pllahed consummate ektlt and the means titre.. vary to carry it out. Tho whole bithinCes requires great care and good judgment, and must be carded on extensively to order to make It successful or profitable. The objects to be attained by Mr. WI • G were to pro duce a superior article at a price suitable for all classes. For this he has labored long, and subjected himself to an adequate outlay of capital. The pretence, therefore, on the part of any one else, that they make FARINA. CRACK KitS. is simply a de vice resorted to in the hope of selling more of nu arti cle th ot they otherwise would do, It offered under the proper name. With the view of a largely extended business, Mr. WINO has tontlnued for some time past the present low price for his Crackers. It has been freely as erted ,by prominent Cracker Rakers to the city of New York, that with the great amount of hand labor bestowed en WING'S FARINA CIL ICILF: blt it is impossible for him to realize a profit at the present pace. Mr. W ING , tt object,however,istoplacebleCAtCK- NitN In the market at a rate that a ill enable all pursuer to 110 them freely, uud not advance the price, unless absolutely uecestetry. . _ . Tho Increased use of WINO'S 1" MUSA CRACKER S t • fib ton commendatory remarks nt Parents, Teachu I. and Physicians, as well as many persons In various posi tions in life, whose poweLs have been wore or less weak ened by sedentary habits or occupations, is strong proof of the healthful and beneficial results which have at tended their use. Their great nourishing properties, and the me with which the stomach digtsts this pleasant food, are well established, anti there can be, on testing them, no doubt of thin feet, via: that the saute we ght o WINO'S CRACKERS will coke more good Woo t , cud set more kin ily upon the delicate texture of the stomsch, than anything ONO ever introduced in this or any other feria of bread. All the FARINA CRACKERS have the name of A. WINO stomped on them, and those wishing to buy about] ask fur WlNUr's CRACKERS. They may bo bad of the beat t'amfly Grocers gene rally, and at wholesale only of A. N. TIIOML'SON & CO., Non. 221 and 223 FUI,TO • Street, Now York, or HINGE E & BROTHER, holemlo Agents, No. 145 South FRONT Street, Phlladlt. jy24 sat to St & th & to 4t CONGRESS SPRINGS, 13ARATOGA, Apr 1112,1868 A CARD TO THE PUBLIC During the last season au attempt was made to de celve theublic by persons offering what they called "CONGRESS WATER," from Fountains; and at the price of nix cents per glans. The WHOLESALE price of the GENUINE CONGRESS WATER at New York, being about 7X cents per gi PR the Imposition of Vivo pretending to sell at retail,' or less than cost, and with out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, is apparent ; but their probable course hue been to empty ONE bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Foun tain, ano thereby christening its total contents. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor in usaolfi of ANY MIES. DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary•eized CLASS BOTTLES. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is btauded '• CONOItOf3d 'A ATER C. dr. W,." sad if without these words and lattere, it in COUNTERFEIT CLARK h WHITE, Yroprlntorm of Onngrehs FRESH CONGRESS SPRING WATER, Received directly from the Sprite; at Saratoga, always on hood, in Pint and Quart Hotting, and tor sale by F. BROIL N, Chomist and Druggist, 1 , 1 E. corner CHESTNUT and PATE( Streets. my2o-tf th-toc pra ter MONDAY, hugtd.lll, 1668, an 10tasetige^ Trains, an the Philadelphia. lierinantoun, and Norristown Railroad (occept the 3 10 and 6 P. 31. Train.. from Philatelphia) will atop at COLUAIIIIA AVENUE, for tho acithinincelatlon of persons residing In the northern part of the city. R. K. SMITd, General Superintendent. July 26th, 1&r8. jy2T-Ot rpo F A.R R S.-NITROGENATED JL SOPER PIiOrPIIATE OF LIMN, or P,eptred mauutactu•cdb, BLAKISTON ft WOODWARD, and for sale at their Store, west end Market-street Bridge; also by dentate In the city and country. Jy'2l.otl4 !VAR, PITCH, AN 1) OAKUM—Conbtaiilly on hand, and for sato In lots to suit purchasers, by jy24 H EAVER, PITI.ER CO, No 23 N. WATER St. and 22 N. WHARVES. HEMSICK & CO. CHAMPAGNE. —A constant supply of the genuine brand In bond and in store, for eule by Nft.Li kat II Y Solo Agent for Penns} leant,. R.rorla CROO.T st MAR REll CORUAGE—Superior Russia and AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGE manufactured and for sale by WE HILER, & CO., Jy27 No. 23 N. Water at. and 22 N. Wharves. A COOUNT BOOKS, MADE OF THE .Cll. best stock, for city salon. Call and look over the stock at 'PENN 'S Blank Book Manufactory. je4-2m FOURTH and RACE. ].JERRY'S BLANK BOOK MAN UFAO - TORY.—Romember YOURTII and RACE in buying Account Books. I make all my stock of good material, and sell at fair prices. je4-2m 1,700,001) EN VELI S, EVERY “tyle nine, and price, at C. P. FERRY'S Stationery Eatabllsbnleut, .164-4 m FOURTH and ItACE. BLANK MADE IN ANY DE SIRED ntylo of ruling and binding. A good to orttnent of Papers for customora to Ruiner from, at PERRY'S Blunt Book Mnnufactory, je4-2¢l FOURTH and RACE. HERRINGS -800 bbls. NO. 1 PICKLED tlerrlug; 300 bbld Witra Newfoundlaud ditto 120 bbla Potomac dry salted ditto. now in store and for inle by JNO. KENNEDY & CO., wirla No. 100 •ndi 102 WII Trtrlbi juoROWN STOUT.-40 caeks Finzi 13 1111 mun," Imported direct from Loudon, In atom and for onto by Wll II YEA! ON, IvIR 018 Rooth FRONT Straat. illiliESE. —195 boxes Pilule Ilorkhuor V county just lauding and for rale by 0. 0. SADLIIIt & CO., nIA Nj„ o Wet a. otros4 C LARET. -150 Cases low grade Bordeaux 60 " arm quality do. la Moro and for ado by WiLLIAIIf 11. VIIATMI, 04 ;/6 tiouth FRONT at Wants. WANTED—By a Graduate of the High &hour, a situation In. a Wholesale Store so Auld nt or 'Entry Clerk. Address •• ALUM I at this Onto. .1y29.43t* pOR EXCFIANGE.—Stocky and Bonds for • a small Cottage Property near the cite. accessible by rail car. Addre ss .6 EX RANGE? Office of this paper. jy2aUt* - A YOUNG GIRL v. vntm a SITUATION as /-• Cook, or to do General xt„„,„,work. Is „ good Washer and Ironer. Apply at No.i ELLETT cool r , R Co street, below 11 own iy29-200 WANTED—CARRIERS for the NA TIONAL'r MICH NM." Apply at, the Office, No. i 0834 8. THIRD Street, (second story,) tontierly Suuday Leader , ' Office. jy2B73tir WANTED—A SITUATION IN A DRUG • STORE, by a young man who ban had a year's experience In the Retail Drug Dual DOM Can give good reference. Addres, B. W. at this sines iy2l3-stik. Wee a Dairy Farm near the city. an industrious man accustomed to ;lorries, sod who understands Farm woric. Address 6 . MILKMAN," Blood's Dispatch. jy2B.2t* WAN Ell—By young-Lady of education. a situation in a Seminary ae Teacher. Would not object to the country. Best reference as to qualifi cations, &c., will be given, Addrees TEACHER, at the office of %he cress. JY2B-4t* WAts TED—A stout, able Man, aciuitomed to the care of h race and having a knowledge of Gardening, desires a situation out of ton,. The beet of reference will bo given. Addree "GARDENER," at this ofnce. j12.8-31* WANTED—A Situation as PORTED in a Wboleeale ent.blithment, by a young Man who in willing to ma'so himself generally useful and to study the interest of hie employer. Batt of reference will be given. Address "PORT- it," at this oflice. jy2B4t* WANTED—A man with $3OO, in a NEW INVENTION, by which $5,000 can be made the first year., Apply at Seat dour back No. 303 BROWN Street. Street. Jy27-3t.* NVA.NI'E,D-A Situation, by a young man, in a first-class Domestic Commission Dry -goods house, to learn the buquess. Tho st acceptable refe rences given. Address A. ,at this °Mee. j)274t* WANTS TO EX° HA NG E—A Camino for ■ PIANO. Inquire 243 N. FOURTII near Vino. iy27-3t* WANTED.—The advertiser, desires an engagement with Wholesale Jewellers, of net ,b -lished reputation, u SALES %lAN. - Wit -many years , experience in the Wainer', and can infinence a large Southern Trade, Address ' , Sumpter,. at this Office. J 313400 WANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to SIR per month. No man having a wife or child will be aoeepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No $l7 MARKET street, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Two .A.t. vessels of 250 to 600 tons each, to load for porta In South America. Cargo now ready, and the highest rates will be given. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONC, & CO., 120 North Wharves. Damns Suite. 91 RE SPRING GARDEN SAVING AL FUND. (0 1 1LRI111D ET 1111 LiGnLAT . IIIII 07 PIII1STLTAIII1.) PERPETUAL CHARTER. PITH PER CENT. 'Montt allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid beet on Demand. OFFICE, 831 NORTH THIRD STREET, (00N8OLIDATION 8111[ Bonnza.) This Institution is now open for the transaction of business. and to the only Chartered Saying Fund located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2g o'cloek, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from b until 9 o'clock in the Reertihts,... 12= Frederick Klett, Stephen Hmith, John P Levy, Hon Henry K. Strong, Daniel Unierkotler, lion. Wm Milla is, Frederick Staake, Francis Hirt, Joseph P. LeOlere, John Kessler, Jr., Preside Rocretori, GEORGE T. James B. Pringle, Jacob Dosk, Joseph M Gowen, George Woelappet, J. Wesley Bray, Robert H. David's:oh P. 0. Ellmaker, John P Verree, George Knesht, John Hons. nt. JAMES B. PRINGLE. THORN. aP2I-iftr `SAVING FUND-FIVE PER ; CENT. IN. TEREST-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.-WALNUT STREET SOUTH -WKSTOORNEB OY THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ITOORPODATED DT TEI STAY]: OT PI3IBTLTAIIA. Money is received in any nom, large or small, and in tenet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with lomat. The office is open even), day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o ' olook. HON. TINNEY L. BENNIMI, President, ROBIRT EIBLYILIDGR, Vita President. Wit. I. 81111 D, Seoretsry. Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Breirst•r, ldward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bata , Robert Selfridge, Erands Rami. 11. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Mamas, Henry Diffenderffer. Money is received and payments made daily. The Investments are made in conformity with tie provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and math drat class recuri doe tus will always Insure perfect security to the deposi- tors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and eta hints , to this Institution aisi QAVING iIIND.--lINITED STATE: ti TRUST COHPANY, earner of THIRD andel/UST. NUT Street's. Large sod small some rsesilred, - arm pan:thank - on ffe ltand, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT INTER !ST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until o'clock every day, and OS EONDAV EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for eale on Sugland, Ireland, and Footland from II upwards. President—STEPlDlN R. OR&WPOUD Treasurer—PLlNY PIM. Toliar—JAMES ft HUNTER VD. 88 (241) DUCK STREET.-FIVE L l l PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. Igo. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. - Fin 1. PAN, CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE L PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. VO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PERCENT ST ATE SAVINGS KIND. sul-ly lineuraitte Eomnanies 'IMIF QUAKER CITY INSURANCE Al. COMPANY, OF PRILADELPLIIA, 468 WAI NUT Street. Statement of the badness and condition of The Quaker City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the six months ending June 60, 1858: Capl al and Sniping, January 1. 1658 $277,679 87 Intermit received and accrued from Jan. 1 to . July 1, 1858 Premiums received from January lot to July lot, 858 112.074 51 Salvage and It b:mural:toe received 4,877 24 Loans, sZPSNEIZ6,&O. Losses paid $01,461 61 Divldeud, tell:mural:lCl, return pro and expensee, 98,345 08 Balance remaining With the 'Company J ulyl, 304,281 38 Bond,. mortgage., StOCkg, coupon bonds, loans on collateral, and call loans, .lac. $166,763 60 Rills Receivable 90,611 70 Cash on band and in Bank, and due from agent; Capital Stock Off ICERB. 13&013011 11. EfAßT— N. P. ROSH—VIce President. H. IL 000 tinllALL—Ancrocary and Treasurer 8. 11. BUT'LiA-4uteistant &astray. =ll George H. Hart, Joseph Edwards, El. P Rona, Foote: 8 Perkins, A C. °IMO', Charms G. Imlay, Andrew R. Otkambers, 'Runnel Jones, M. D., I. W. 'Salley, Hou. II M. Puller, John G. Dale, H. It Ooggshall, John L. Pomeroy. H. B. COGGSHALL, Secretary. Attest : VIRE INSURANCE. a.' EY TUE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE OOMPAtiY OP 14111.ADELi'llIA On Buildings Limited or Perpctued, hierehmulise, Furniture, te, in Town or Country. OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $171 : 92 . 8 APPIITB, $252,463.89. !wrested an follows, vie _ Piret Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth doable the annunt 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co , s. 6 per cant. iunrtgage Loan, ./20,000, cost 26,500.0 e Allegheny County 6 per coot. Penna. It. R. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co'e. Stock 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insuronos __ ___ _ Company Stock of County Fire Insurance C 0....... Scrip of Sundry Inauronco Companies.... Bills receivable business paper Book Accounts, accrued interest, So Oath on hand and in Bank $252,4136.81 OLEM TINGLEY, President. DIRECTORS Bautnel ltieph►m, Robert Steen, Valliant Moaner, Benj. W. Tingley, Blarehell aiu, Z. Lathrop. Clem Tingley, William R Thompson, David S. Drown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R Worrell, IL L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles 13. Wood, James S. Woodward. (ado to th-rp-tt C . 111 Charles Imiob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen John Biwa. Pittaburgh TIINCIIMAN Secretary. 6 I LI I E RISKSONLY TAKEN"— GIRARD FIRE AND MAR I NE INSURANCE COMPANY Philadelphia. Office No 415 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Building.) CAPITAL, 8200,000. DIRECTORS. Wm. M. Swain, Wm. C Rudman, [of Pubin. Ledger. I C 1). Shoemaker, John AtAparh, Jr., Jar. W siker, 11. N. Butrougho, Thos. era) en, J. 11. Hughes, Fronds Peters, Wm, S. Loyd, 11. it. Coggshall, (leo. W. Woodward, Jno. MeCluto, Jno. W. Clnghoro, Joseph Klapp, M P. lion. JJEL JONI: . President. A. S 111LLETT, Vies President, JAB. I). ALVORD, Secretary. OW ARD FIRE AND MARINE IN- K.. SURANCE COMPANY--0111ea No. 412 WALNUT Fittest, Philadelphia. . . . . . DIRBOTORB John U. Diehl, J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, R. R dhillingiord. 0. E Spangler, 0. G. Sower, Abraham Sea, John W beaten, E. B. Warne, John Garrison, George Rowe% Nathan F. Potte, Wm. F. Leech, R. T. Hewn, 11. H. Houston, Joe. R Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, B. Booth, Obaeleg N. Norton, John II Lewars, JOHN U. DIEIII., Praident B. B. WARNE, Vice President. CHAR, A. Dor, Secretary. mylo A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. -CM- INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Raving a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus Invested in sound and available Seourities, continue: insure on Dwellings, Faeroe, Furniture, Merchandise Veneta in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Lames liberally and promptly , adjusted DIZZOIVIB. George Abbott, John T. Levi.. John Welsh, Caspar W. Morrie, Samuel O. Morton, James R. Camplielt, Patrick Brady, Edmund Q. Uatilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. PlObUttl NARGi, Secretary. Ja23l It IiTELOI3 6 .11A BI E B O E N A A/4 , SO JOSEPH 0. POSTSR Sole Lessee and Manager. C. rJsrze tivi g ß hiatu.v r , HUIO!DAY EVESING, July 29, HU Will bo prouuood tho, ft -and Historical Drams of KARMIRL.,- 'MR 80OUT ; Or, The Rebt-1 of the Jereeye. General Washfugton Mr. Batley. Raratel. the Stout Mr 11 A Langdon. Itotalie .. . 'alto N. Cooke. To conclude with the epretaole Of the FORTY THIEVES. .. . - • • - Elastartie Me. Charles Poster " Morglaus Julia N. Cooke - The Orcheetrs under the direction or Mr. 0. Reinhart • •• • - • • - - Doors open at 7,44. To commence ;at 8 o'clock. Tlcketi of admission. 5 cente ; ;matted meats, 98 cent ; o;cheetre chairs. ,00 cents ; Beata in Private Bx 76 mute , Whole Box, $5 cod ; Band, °kW% 16 cent.. la igignew FOR 1174 ALLEGHENY BLOUNTAINR, TEE PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY ALTOONA, MODNTAIN lIOIISE, MID HOYEWELL, (Where Paseengere take btagee =Ode to Bedfont Springa,) 000 D FOR SIX DAYS. Fare to Altoona and Retnrn.. Faro to Mountain House and Return Fare to Hopewell and Return— ...... Faro to Willlsateport $5.60; Blatirs 8T; MAMA Italie $B. .. By this route passengers take the Northern Central Flathead of Harrisburg, enjoying for 124 miles 'the beautiful scenery of the Susquehanna Valley.. 1D Further information to be - had as the Depot of the Penneylvai2la Railroad Company, 8. B. oorner ELEVENTH and MARKET Btreete, where Tiokets may be procured. FOR CAPE MAY.—EXPRIMS LINE—The swift and favorite eterunes "BALLOON." Capt. W. WRILLDIX, leaves Arab-shwa' Wharf for Cape !day every Tuesday, Thursday, atidi Saturday Morning, at DX o'clock. Bstarulog hovut the Cap. ea the intermediate days at a'cloo k A.M. Faro $2, carriage hire included; Servants; F 46104 Tickets $5, carriage hire extra. jyfelkow tEnW PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINIL—ORNOTION. PA- E TO MAO ARA I , ALL4 ONLY $15.00. Trains lease the Phlladelphla and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINX, Streets, daily, (Sun days excepted,) as follows: 7:30 A. M., day expreas. 8:30 P. M., night expreza. Tickets can be procured at The Depot, and also at tha General Office of the line, Northweetcorner SIXTH and, OIIhBTNUT Streets. NORTErPtiVaII" an. VANIA RAILROAD POE DELAWAIMIcII-fiAP, MAUCH CHEER. HAZLETON , A.ND THE LEHIGH GOAL REGION . Visitors to the above popular places of Somas Ramos? will find the Route offered by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in connection with Ike Lehigh Tal ley and New Jersey Central Railroads to be novel and agreeable, passing through some of t i tre richest and most highly cultivated counties in the State, and pea. messed of comfortable accommodation,, both on the tort and at the various towns through which it mosses. , FOR THE WATER GAP..—Take 0.16 A. Dineen Train from Front and Willow striets, pass through Beth lehem and Easton to New Hampton, where a elm* con nection is made with the Delawere, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR MAUCH CHUNK AND THE 001 L !LEGION. —Take 2.30 P. M. Exprese Train from same Depot to Bethlehem, where a eloselonneetion le made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 6 hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORE ClTY.—Tike 0.16 A. M. Biome., Train to Bethlehem, thence via L. V. R. E. and N. J. 0. R. R. through Radon to Flizabettipori, thence lry Steamer and arrive in New York at quarter peat 3 P. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spare, will find OLD a new and agreeable route. For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow atreete. rIIILADELPHIA, June IS, 1555. felo.2m s ar si t FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. DAILY, at 934 o'clook A M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPRIA STEAM NA- VIOATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew; and KENNEBEC Captain Hand, form a daily line between this city Caps - May, sod New York, leaving from fleet pier below Sprees street (Sundays excepted) at 9,' o'clock A. AI Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sunday, excepted) at b P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) &L A. M. Pan to Cares AtayleCTrialt - Ti ire ~ for servants 1 60 ft " Seagon tickets (carriage litre mt tra) 8 00 New York, cabin 2 00 ti steerage 1 50 Freight taken at low rates. For passage, state rooinw,. ke., apply on board, or at the Oftice, 314 and 31G SOUTH. DELAWARE AVIO - JAMES ALLDED.DICE, lels-3m Agent. aIIMMEOR THE SEA SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SNORE. • On and Mier Monday, Jane 7th, and until farther no. rice, (Sundays excepted,) throe trains daily to Atieatl• City and return. First Passenger Traln hares Vine at. wharf 7.E0 A. If. Emend 44 44 44 44 44 4.00 P. M. Freight Train with Panel:tor Car attached, 4.35 A. M. Accommodation Train to Weymouth, 626 I'. M. LEAVES ATLANT/O CITY. - . Find Passenger Train leaven 6.00 A. /1 Betond 4, •' 4,1 41.40 P. Preight Train with Passenger car attached, 11.30 P. .11 Accommodation Train leaved Weymouth, 5.2 k A. HADDONFIDLD TItAIN . _ Leases Cooper'e Point, 11 A. M. mud 2 P. U. Pladdonfleld, 1 I'. M. and 3 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, when tickets are rurchasat before entering the care, 51.50. Persons wishing to go down t 4 the Sea Shore end return the Mlle day : can spend Vekete for the round trip, V 1.50 Tloitete to go dawn In the Afternoon end return nett morning. or down on Satuniny nfteruoon nod return on Monday morning, 80, - EXIT EMI] The Accommodation Train to Weymouth will run through to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and outs. Uuuo to run every Saturday until further nvUce. Leave Nine street. 436 P. 51. 4, Atlantic City. 400 A. 31. Stopping at 'all Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the folloolug rates: Toe the month of June, $lO For the mouth of Sept. al July, 20. For three menthe, 45 Augunt, 20 For four months, 50 Churches, Schools, 'Lodges, Companion and Library Association, wishing special trains, Rhea. make early application. Freight most be delivered at Cooper's Puint by P. M. The Company will not be responsible for tiny genie until received and reoelpted for by their Freight Agent at tbs. Point. M. FRAZER, Secretary. 33,89444 29,916 06 304,281 35 $200,000 00 DZORTEI I'ENNSYL ani VANIA RAILROAD. BETIILMEISM _ EASTON, DELAWARE WATER GAP ' /lc • On and after MONDAY, July 20, ISES. the trains ott this Road will leave EItONS and WILLOW streets daily, (euedays exeopted,) en follows: For Bettilmhem. Easton, Delaware Water Gap, (k 0,,, (Exprefe.) at 6 16 A. M. For Bethlehem. Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (IX premed at 2 30 P M For Doylestown, (Aocommodationd at 8.80 A. If and 430 P M. _ . _ . • • For Fort Washiogtoo, (Ascosomodationd at 9.20 A, U. and 6 30 I' M Leave Bethlehem Otapress,) at 9 A. ht. and i Si P. M., with psevengere from Lehigh Valloy road, and arrive in Philadelphia at 12 hi. and 8.16 P. M Leave Doylestown (Atoornmodation)st 6 A M and 4 P. M., and arnve in Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. • leave Fart Washington (Acaomracvlation) at C 15 A. DI and 2.60 P. 51., alai arrive, in Philadelphia at 1.20 A. M. and 4 P. at. LesVA Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8.30 A. M. and 2 P. id. Leave Doylestown for PlulitlalplAs. at C A.. M. aria, 5.15 P 11. All Paaxenger trains connect at Chatham street with City Passenger Railway. The d 13 A. 31. train from Philadelphia, and the 330 P 31. train from Bethlehem, mate eisse eonneetion with the Easton and New Jersey Central Railroad. 10.150 00 1,060 00 415.01 52.711.50 3,5'16.19 /0,013 20 Pare to Bethlehem. ,6 Mat% Chunk ~ Doylestown. jy2,4stt HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL - TIM ILA GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! and Reined) for DYBPEPRIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS This article Is the greatest discovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Care of RIIEXIMATISSI, NEURALGIA TOOTII.AGIIII, SORE THROAT, STIPP NEON., or Pain In the LIMBS, SIDE BACK, or any pert of the body. It note upon the Blood, Nerved', blue. ales, 13tnews, and Hones, conquering all pain. It le also en excellent preparation wr iiyepopnia and Indigestion, which criers (rem a week stomach or bowels Thousands of persons who have used tiercrs- HORNE'S OURS-ALL have been astonished et its wonderful power in removing any pain 'rem the system. Bottles 1.2, 25, 50 cents, and $l, to be sold by R. 11. JEN KINB, ap224ftit Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. ARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RESTO RER, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The hest Restorer of health, and the beet Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! It does not co,tain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation is suited to the impa;rei add weakened condition of the human rare; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples sod erup tions from the skin; gives bloom ant fr,..hersu to the complexion, and is particularly adapt ea to the weaken ing compisinte of both sexes. It to a perfect cordial in ta,te. and sets like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; email bottles ISO cents; sold by R. R. JENRINA, Corner of BICOOND and WALNUT Streete, attZLlftf G REASE? GREASE! GREASE! TAW & BE:a1,8 I.IIKB REMOVED trete Sluor at oot, end are new eh 18 801.1111 tElt STREET, where they have ecapt , nt,y u.L bawl their eel t hmt u d bra di et IPaek. t\ bite, and ellow (411. et+r, fee OARS, 0 . 81,811W88E4, t:elt• DIA& TS, WACIONB, a-d HEAVY 41 :10 , 11N}:8.) ,at These Oman. Ilsco neat tat . OR, 0 ten ; Psrp sad are eminently superior to pit of Ler compo. rte tar cellence and °cutaway. LLSOPP'S PALE ALE. in Midi., a isurituut supply on 11011.0 t,l••rea, for sale by Yi 11,1,1 AM iylli /IA s•• ,, b rutts, ALAI/ L Ittoelt " Tueoxu Lynch ($ll w .torn and inr nsl. br WILLIAM h. YEATON, JAB dout.4 i ItVNT atirod. eltattmuntls. Summer 'Excursions BEDFORD SPRINGS, NIAGARA FALLS. 1:01=3 SXCIIXSION TIOKETB DURING TUE BUMMER THOS. MOORE, Agent. CHARLES S. TAITEN,, amoral Aseat BIX [MUM Oh' TITS liElOll ALLINTOWN. MAI , C r- entlNlt. TRAINS NOR FEITLADELPHIA ON SUNDAYS RIM YLLIB 01.1.11 K, Agtoi itlebirinal. Nu. 18 @u•:th WATER Sthzot. hihd• 1 hia