fr=".,MZ=M Wrrai:j A,;Wi TIRN:CAMPAIGN. Qn an - April morningcin theyear last ended caunsti Werefifed thrice from the ramparts o' Vitt Sao1114; and re-echoed a hundred timer from theroeks of' the Mississippi valley. It. Signal - for' all soldiers' on, leave of ab ; , tiencis:te - topair to quarters. Thi3 wind being west,lbo guns could - lie heard In the_ treets , ot Saint Patll,-. , tuad obedient bands of -refreshed" privates,of theFtturth II: S. Infantry, coming forth freut . the • Pnblie.lunieeif. - ef, that town, tookilieroad to the Fort" without delay. • Areltion for, the. enamel - id:ran through the town-;-The Indians aro, coming I They ,have destroyed all hun dred ranee I They, are up in arms all-around! Thenairide -retire They, f - the northkit - tribes are rapidly, approaching' from'-the Red River! '7 In' • a few days they will bi 3 at our gates • Half an tour afterwards the Oarta..l3ollrang; the general was beaten -by at least a' dozen -drummers; signal-horneand.trumpots aroused every street: The Whole ten's was raised in a few minutes ;• for. in America, everybody is a soldier. ' Eight thOusanit soldiers, arms in band, were mustered at eleven o'clock, in the market -place of Saint Paul. There were the German gymnastic comper nies called- thei - .Ternens, clad in eoarso linen. with an Uniform of red neckerchiefs and scarfs,. the emblems of their hatred of tyranny. They formed three battalions'. oft, a thousand men each, and ,a, fine body.thoy were. Next to thorn, drawe'np in ftles;stood the other volurf tem. companies—the Minnesota Riflemen, the Saint Paul FusApers, , ,,the Greys, the 'Blues, , and _several dozens more, all variously, dressed, • but all well ;wined. Then tiro squadrons of light dragoons marclied.,up and at last a hat tory of citizen artillery' galloped into the square. This looked , like earnest; as lam a soldier myself, my heart man-gladdened at the - eight. I could have envied the young fellow who commanded those three German batta -7 lions. " Sileace in the ranks!" he cried, when the colors were brought in. I.Present arms!" .The7muskets clattered, and the band fell in with a tune strictly ,prohibited in, the grand-duchy- of-Baden,: when Ahtt red colon' were fluttered in the morning air. I know that the Indians could not arrive before the day, after the • next, even in ease they made every possible effort, which Of course I hoped they_ would. Did those eight thou sand citizen soldier's mean to stay in the mar ket-place until that time ? If we had been in L'alteithr ‘ TaVeiTtbringht - - that very 'probable; Many, and many,e time, *heel' was there in eighteen.hundred and forty-eight, have we been under arms-for twenty-four hours to gether, because it:tumult:was expected to take ' plae,t3 in some small village fifteen miles away. But I could hardly think the same tactics likely _to prevail in the ll.nited. States. ' At last I , heard what vita propOind.!,,, The chide of all the Volunteer corps had resolved to declare tOrhe'cominandant of Fort Snelling their readiness. to - place themselves - under his command, requesting hint to deter.: mine at once whither and when ho wanted them to march. This 'resolution was comma -, nicated to the troops, and received with hearty - acclamations. The arms were piled; 'the cavalry dismounted; the 'warriors allowed themselves to become human again; and the 77; public • houses next tho - marketplace allayed unbounded thirst for something • more ' , than • ' glory.. Two hours afterwards - Abe deputation - returned from Fort Snelling with the answer , of the military'commandant. - The, drams -71 rattled again; the signal-trumpets sounded; • -the foot soldiery wont to arms; the dragoons mounted; the: artillerymen hastened to their The commandant 'sent his best compliments • 'to the, assembled militia of Saint Paul, to gether ?idlest .acknowledgment of 'the warlike and loyal sentiments displayed by the ' same, but as to the actual assistance offered , to him, he said that there WEIL no need for it • whatever; the two companies of the garrison despatched by him already to- the seat of , action wore enough' to put a stop to the dis turbances. Without, therefore, wishing to , interferein any Way, with the private inclina tions of the citizen soldiers, he thought it his -duty to suggest that they might as well go back to their usual occupations. This was 'a heavy disappointment for eight thousaad heroes. .Theflame of war began to blaze up suddenly even in the hearts of those who had hitherto been very peaceable. There ' were some eager' to go to war byrall means, and to fight for their own dear homes, for wives and children, in spite of the command ant with his mercenaries and his idlers. Others hushed, • and went 'home to their dinners. ,The German Turners marched off, with their band playing a national hymn. The market , place hecaine gradually almost empty, but there remained ono squadron of light dragoons, - whose captain—a watchmaker—had explained to the men how important and decisive was - the co-operation' of cavalry in any enterprise Of, war, and how it was, therefore, their duty not to forsake those two military companies sent from the fort. Re should like to know how they would everbo able to makeprisoners if they_had_no_ horse re - ridfror - liarstilt 1 It was only, a matter of a , few days, and then: he and his brtithers in arms would go 'back to their shops ; but no good citizen could grudge a few days to the welfare of the country when that - was at stake, and the Territory - of Minne. sots was sure 'not' to 'forget, those who had' - sacrificed themselves for - the "assertion °fits = honor! • Before the martial harangue of the watch maker began, the squadron numbered eighty horses; during . ' the same,-its number dimi *shed rapidly; .and - when the troop, after - having crossed the river, rode up in a line on the opposite, shore, only forty-two choice lion 7 of hie mini monied 'in , review before the gal lant captain. They reached Shakopee, on the Minnesota' river, at a late hour of• the night, and continued their march , next morning, in a southwesterly directien towards the theatre of war. - . - • Jordan is a 'small place, at a distance of . about two hundred miles southwest, from - Saint - Paul._ It coneista,tif Soar block-honees, namely, two boarding-houses, and two pioneer. storm situated !side - by% aide, in a, deep and ; ;,wild, but-very char'` - male - '- ' 7 liable of bearing, arms'. -On the • tenth of April ast year, however, the back- woodsmen, for twenty Utiles round, bad sought shelter there, together with their women and ' children, 'thus raising the defensive force' to • ,six-and•thirty muskets. Now relate how the war began. Some fifty miles • westward from Jordan there lived 4 ' an Irishman named' Radcliff'. A few days be fore the general alarm of the countryi he bad met with a gang of Indians on his hundted and slaty acres, and had _told them to 'take to • their: hoofs; because he. would have, no vaga bonds, upon", land. , ,e''Thalndiens Aid' not ,heed him, and he therefore set his bloodhotind them., •.Still-the descendants of,tho War. • .pokuteys remained motionless, smoking their pipes as unconcernedly as ft they were' the _ last persons ht . the 'World Who'll - ad •anything " - whatever to do With the "Matter. Ono only had started upend shot the - dog: Almost at . , the same time came the. report of the 'lrish "' "Man's rifle, and the Indian, shot through the 'heart, fell dead,- - - - • Were these the men, ao, mute and motion. leas-but half a minute, since, now-starting Op, .destimding. with-a- sweep -upon the Irishman, to'' the ground, dashing his brains put, tearing, off, his scalp, and- howling the t'whiles lie so- many devils?. _ And -within an . hour there _ _was an awful cry, resounding war t ivhoop -of `this Warpokutoisl They murdered the dead ; man's ,with children; they ' set to' hlif blockhoilee'r the, potheett upon the „pest, settlements,. :which they toOk by surprise, and there too, they slow Mother, ishildiand 'sister. - Dining the night they were Joined ,by_others when- they : eontinued neat ”:I‘ilay,tcVattisclithi3 settionients, mastaterelOt i n. habitanti- tind''htirning dirolliegiy;they dam - bered about fifty men.. Octthe day fellowirig, they 'fated and 'enjoyed ,the , lititiorsthey had fotitolitt - tholionicis of their victims. • Matterirlitctixi 'thus,' When -the' alerni - spread round the country,;; The intelligence of these .outrages assumed, of•eourso,--with every mile -of distanoe from: the, scene, , ,mord frightful proportions,andit general decainPinent of the •-' litteltivedsmeriltouth-Of the Minnesota river was the consequence. 'When the Indiana, after their , day's rest, again set out on their eixpbslittott of ,vengeance; they :found' all the settlements ithandotied I so they' halted, oppo. elle 'Jordan; in the Woods of the small valley, and 'Wok - counsel together on their thither operations: • - •-• -In Jordan were made "hastY preparations for defence,'. Tlisebidekhouses were, strengthened, doors, barriatolO, Winditivit' blocked-with mat tresses, walls pierced with heopholes ; on the roof', waterpalls and ,wetyleatilfets wore kept " ready, -fa-bender bad, beendispatched already apply military help. ! The Indians were quiet deritigthe day, well knowfigthero Waithtittipber eheike for theta. .hour. of the night, holvever, they r - broke forthwith savage edam - arid discharging ',their guns tairiirds 'the' blOcklitises,ftled 'the Muntalt.;_ kortnnately, the night 'happened be elear•, the backwoodsmen atood , -"epolp their %guard, - and' their was • Thi3iiirvial - nbt even _hind to hand on-. ' counter. „The Indiana , droirbaeli as suddenly ,as thet-advinced, dragging along with them - Jive dead - bodies: In the betties,' no one had ` - 'The:thred.,-folleiing,,nighis pulled ,quietly _ away, but tim inop'did not ~yi3t venture to quit the , . dreaded an ambuscade. _On the afterifOotthf -the feurth day,, two ,voltua '',:tiitr.eintimialtlif.aharp-shooters :arrlited from camp close to the liattie,gretting p A Then- the' men thought theriselvea !istiteng;ettenghth'etot pa the, offen eAd' tlie;„Military &rod; and it"rowte ,resetlied to beet oovenin the stir rotintlfre,44/eilayed the ' morning. -The '...Reelfslntisi*eteptyp'tte-Indians gone. The ?id 404 .'4llllc` rah': tho, tho:iitatit;th 'Of April the two military *filpithieTglepttliiiiislihig,"atirliredi ll'iatotildler a day's ros-to' the . isititlifthsVldi - tWct4olfferent detachments, fov dßiistalsl,ildtlalublltils country. Tho inhabitanttiOf Jordan had already gone back to, their . peaceable occupations, when tivp dayi after the departure of the military, they were.roused Out of their morning sleep by the sound of a trumpet. Tho light dra- goons- of;.-Saint, Paul—twenty-live horses in all% tko ,rest having' fallen off on the way— undo their public entry into the forest city. The commander shook his head incredulously when be was told of the conclusion of hos tilities. He wanted to shed Indian blood, he said, oven if he was obliged to march as far as the Red River. His twonty.fivo men said that he Might march 'even to California if ho chose U. do so, but as far as they were con cerned, they, would have breakfast and go home. The commander yielded, tho trumpet sounded a , retreat. But when his squadron, after a difficult march of two days through thick forests, sot foot at last upon the large plain which extends to Shakopee on tho Min nesota, the dragoons perceived two Indians coming from the • town, and - travelling along the road quite inoffensively. The eagle-eye of the triumphant watchmaker flashed fire. The decisive moment had arrived. He drew his sabre, and therewith poirited to the double reinforcement which the enemy was upon the' point of getting, and which - they wore bound to Intercept. Charge! His trumpet sounded the alarm. The two Indians stopped, and seemed to hesitate in wonder for a moment. When they saw, however, that they were being charged in good earnest, they threw their ;blankets off, and ran away. Those Indians are good walkers. If they had been thus hunted in the woods, the valiant dragoons !night have been discomfited, but over twenty miles of prairie there was easy abase. In less than half an hour, therefore, the greater Part .of, tho drawions—theif cap. tain foremost—were close at the heels of tho fugitives. Tim poor fellows stopped again, lifting up their guns for self-defence. cg Ha a-a-a-alt!" shouted the watchmaker partly to bis steed which was in that critical minute running away with him, and carrying him through the very midst of the two corps d'ar mee of the enemy. ' "Agadir for fl-i-t-ire I" ho was yet heard to roar at an enormous distance, whilst he darted on like a John Gilpin of the western - plain. • The Indians - fired a volley of, small shot against their assailants,' wounding ono amongst them. They , wore, however, soon surrounded, disarmed, tied together, and to Shakopee con veyed triumphantly. Hero the headless squa dron met again with. its commander, who had gi'-en notice of hig victory almost at the mo ment in which it was gained. The' following • day Amhara amongst 'the brightest in 'that hero's life. - His public march from the quay to the market-place of Saint Paul was a triumphal procession. Be fore the counsel house ho gave the word to halt, and after having thanked his subalterns for• their Perieiemnco and intrepidity, ho do livered his two priSoners of war into the bands of the magistrate, declaring thereby that ho had done his duty, and that it remained only for the civil authority to do the rest. I am glad to , say that the rest was wisely done. The "magistrate ordered the poor fol lows to bo locked up until the assembled peo ple had dispersed; then, having given each of them a few dollars to buy another blanket, ho allowed them to resume their interrupted journey. COMMEROLAL SALES ROOM, 7 BANK and 10 ITTBAWDBERT, between MAR HET and CHESTNUT and EIROOND and THIRD streete OARD —We Invite tie attention or purchasers to the positive Mae of staple end Emmy goods ; to close in voices, to be bold tbis morning et JO o'clock. " , 'lv SILK-LADIC POINTS AND EMBROIDERED MUSLIN Also, a line rich black silk-lace points, and French ombroidered woitemnalin mantillas. Alen, for account of former purchasers gents' canal mare frock coats, wool skirts ' silk bandkerciefa, &a. Also, one countlnphouso ntors, &O. SALE OF ABBODTDD FANCY AND STAPLES GOODS This Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold , without reserve, a general assoltment of fancy and staple goods Alio, a variety of read'-made clothing for manic and boys' wear. ' BALE OP CROCKERY . AND GLASSWARE. On Ihidny Morning, • Commencing at 103( o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, a large nod general assortment of Iron-Stoneware, Glassware, Ica. ID • Samples and Oatalognea early on the morning of safe. B - SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes . Aar to WOLBART & SCOTT,) 481 OHISSTNIFTBt., opposite the Oustom How*, between Fourth and Fifth &mite. OLOTREB MS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE HALE Just landed from schooner Juliet -100 boxes clothes pins. 100 dozen palls. SWISS MANTILLAS. !RENON FILLET MITTS Also, aline of French fillet mitts, pp ENOVAL.—FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO. have removod to the Lofts, No. 429 MARKET Street, formerly occupied by Moser*. Caleb Cope & Co. iyl FURNESS, BRINL}Y, & CO. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., - No. 429 BURNET Street. MATTING AT PRIVATE SALE. •200 pieces 44 and 9.4 white and red cheek' matting MOSES NATHAN ts, 'AUCTIONEER AND 00161IBBION BLEIUDIANT, 8. X. corner Ham and RACE Btreet4. GREAT PUBLIO ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY I ! MONEY ! ! . Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, oniold and silver 'late, diamond*, wagtail, Jewelry, row log-pieces, musical instrumentil4rn, nue, dry goods, clothing, groceries, algars, hardware calm, books, horses, yehieles, bar oess,.and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Machinist "Principal linstabliahnlent, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. irr Promissory mites, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market vitae. NATHANIP PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 8. E. CORNER OP SIXTH AND EACH STREETS. . . Where money will be liberally advanced on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hard ware cutlery, fancy articloe, mirrors, paintings, en gravings, mnitioal instruments, furniture, bedding, horses, yekdalea,.bantess, stocks, end all other articles argue. Personal attention given to all out-door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and ehugee unusually low.- TO PERSONS RELINQUISHING HOUSEKEEPING. nalingnlshing housekeeping or _having sup plies of furniture to dispOSe of,"Will find it to their ad vantage by sending the eame to the auction store, south wit corner of Eirth and Bate street, where it will be properly arranged in the furniture salesroom, and sold to the bestedvantage, two-thirds of the goods advanced If required, and the balance handed over the afternoon of the day of Bale. ince—twolve in mam . . line gold and sneer hunting case, double case, and doable bottomed fever, !opines, geglish, Swiss, and Wrench watches; gold specks, gold obelus, gold brace. lota, a variety of flue gold etude, breastpins, and finger singe; fine Sates, 'superior old tiOlin and guitar, very flue melodeon, and numerous other articles. AT PRIVATE RALE AT VERY LOW PRICES Gold Mu/11A patent lever watches, fall Jewelled and plain, some of them One 18-karat cases , of the best makers.. . Silver Ymglisli patent fever watches, fall jewelled and plain, of the most approved makers. °old escapement lover and lepihe watehes, In hunt wee and open face, of the very beet make. Ladleiti gold enamelled watches, set with pearl and diamond'. Bihar English, Swiss, and French watches, diamond breaat pins and Anger rings, gold bracelets, ear rings, linger tinge, breast pine, studs, fine gold vest , fob, and neck diatom, gold !Tentacles!, and various other "Intl oleo of jewelry, &e., Zoo. A. DYSART It CO., AUCTIONEERS MID • 0011111113810 X MBACEMPfiI, No. 27 Routh EIGHTH NTHENT, unser of LODGE STREET. AT PRIVATE BALM. A large and valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber land at private sale, well worthy the attention of capitalists and others, as the owner is compelled to sell. . 137 Pot farther particulars inquire at the auction afore. _ - "•'II3r•OUT-DOOlt SALES solloted and promptly at tended to, • • • - ,ADVANORS, made on oonalgnmente when de 'erred, without extra charge; Uller- SALES-1000M open until 10 P. 2d. Now pre pared to receive invoices of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, NEW and SEGO(( IND HAND FURNITURE, PATINGS, DOORS and STA TIONERY, k. 0., /cc.• , - try- egos orhsor Goons every evening. IITRE WILICESBARRE LEIIIGH COAL! —Unparalleled Success of the introduction of this Superior Coal into the Philadelphia Market! We ore daily receiving testimonials from all quarters where this Coal hoe bean tested of its great superiority over a Lehigh Coal Aver burned. The Coal Veldt AS exceedingly WRITE Ash, and Is perfectly free from cinder of any kind, while the Coal Itself is perfectly clean and entirely free from slate or any impurity. For steam purposes It has no equal, the testimony of Some of the most eminent Engineers In the country being in its favor. • We have the .SXCLUBIVE control for Its sale. . . . AUDENRIED & ROMMEL, hipper"! and Retail Dealers In Wllkenbarre Coal. °M , . WAT.ER Street, above Callowhili, and first Wharf above Oallowblll street, Delaware. jylo-tjy2B jaiIIRE- LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES 11. MONTGOMERY informs his friends and the public that 'he bas effected en arrange vent with the Buck Mountain Coal Oompany for the Bale of theirlestly-celebrated LEIIIOII GOAL. Ile ban 'also arranged , with the . propriotor' of the Broad-Top Mines for the sale of his valuable BRIII.BITUMINOUS COAL and is now prepared to receive ordere and make prompt deliveries, at his Ornce, No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. je3-3m L"ORING, 'FOX, & 00., wholeiale and retail dealers in LEHIGH and 801.1UPLICILL 00AL:.' Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN. TOWN" ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RAHN and BROAD 'treats, Philadelphia. Reap constantly on hand Ooal from the meet approved wines, under cover, and pre pared eapresely for family use. fes-y SUIIITYLICILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. 001117YLKILL AND 1.14111641 00AL. , ountomenl, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be eatlstaetory to them, niwr. No Interior Coal kept at thin establishment to olrer at LOW plum. _ • 'ALEXANDER OONVILEY, 1-tf -N. B. corner of Broad and Cherry Ens. VIVA ADAit'S EXPRESS 00 4 ornoz, AL: itio. CHEEPNLIT STREET, roma:nit PARCELS, PACKAGES, 313111011ANDIZE, 'BANK NOTES an d antaxg, elther__by Cc own LINES, er in sonneation with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and 01.T130 the,llnited Mates. SANDIOBD, • fhprintandialij , . • - 111AOKEREL.-1,800 barrela Nos. 1,2, and .1-8.11 8 818.08I8ELi In sasortedipsoklges, now In store and for sale by; JOHN 112; KENNEDY & 00., !OP • - • Neuo:lZl oriel If t 2 North othothoo V.HOULD.MRS.-6Q hhds. Shoulders, dry in ,11 0 1olt, for solo by • , 0. o. 6ADLER do ACoi,os. gala) Iv Aurtian. 'fflotßEßT, ADOTIOHISII MMEM OLOTIIIN6 017T-DOOll BALES exiirres Womanize. Oder) bg cAuttton. MTHOMAS & SONS, . Nee. 189 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREIT, (Formerly Noe. 97 and 69.) TRADE SALE—TO BOOKSELLERS. The fitty-Bret regular Philadelphia Trade Bale will commence on the hat of September. Catalogues in Press. REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, Aro. Bales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday leventng, during'the business season. It 7 In July and August only occasional sales as heretofore. 11J Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. mil' VIIRNITURS SALES AT THE AtFOTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL 88TATS ATPiriPATR BALI. fl We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, including every deacTlption of City and country property. Printed Lhta may be had at the auction More. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER ET Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Public Bale abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. Peremptory Bale. i 13T00118, &a. On Tuesday Evening, ' Aug. 17th, at 8 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Sr change, will be Bold, for amount of whom It may con cero__ 1,458% shares of the capital atoek of the Tinkle paugh Coal Company, the samo to be sold for arrears of as•esaments, pursuant to resolutions of said company. K' $1 to be paid on each share at the time of sale. REAL ESTATE BALE—AMUSE 17th. . . . . This sale will include— Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of James Di Power'', Do BRIOR DWELLING, POPLAR STREET.—AII that story brick dwelling and lot, south aide of Poplar street, 09 feet west of Sixteenth street, Itt 27 by 90 feet—two fronts • Peremptory Bale—Estate late of Joseph DM& Deo'd. DWELLING AND GROCERY BTORIL—Three-story brick dwelltog and grocery, No. 876 Apple !street, be tween Fourth street and York avenue. Saute Estate. DWELLING AND LAGER-BEER SALOON.—Three story brick dwelling and lager-beer saloon, No. 878 Ap ple street. Bale absolute. Executor's Peremptory Salo—Estate of Thomas Dar gin. Deceased. VALLIANT BUILDING LOT 0, FIFTEENTH WARD —All Owe Ore lots of ground, oast nide of Nineteenth street, north of Anne Arent, each 17 feet front. and ranging in depth from 80 to 61 feet. Also all those five lobe north side of Anne street, adjoining the above, eaoh 11 feet front, rangieg in depth from 80 to 44 feet. tEr They..wlll be sold separately. Lithographic plane may be bad at the auction htoro. • NEAT DWELLING —The neat two-and-a-half-Mary brick dwelling, with back buildings, No 905 Diliwyn street, below Noble street. BALE_O.F. BUPERIOR FURNITURE, VELVET AND BRUBSBLIS CARPETS, OFFICE FURNITURE. OARD.—Our sale to-morrow morning, at the auction store, will comprise besides 500 lota excellent second hand furniture, velvet, Brunets, and ingrain car pets, walnut office furnitutre, walnut book-cases, china and glassware, beds and bedding, Ac., form ing an assortment worthy the attention of ladies and othare desirous of purchasing [l:7- Catalogues now ready, and articles arranged for oxamlust.on. date at N0e.189 and 141 South Fourth Minot SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FONTS, FINE FRENOH PLATE MIRRORS , BRUBSALB OAR PETS, &o. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, M the auction store, an. maternitye assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant plano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc.,from private families declining housekeeping, removd to the store for convenience of sale. AT PRIVATE BALI. A well-secured Bret mortgage-41,800. A beautifully intuited lot, Perklemon turnpike Chestnut 11111. • • REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. BPLENDID DROWN•STONE MANBION, Oheetnut etrestovith stable and conch hones. One of the finest residences in the city. . . NEAT MODERN BEHDENOE, No. 1626 Oheetna street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENOE, Walnu street, west or Broad. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1821 Walnut street west of Sixteenth. NEAT RESIDENCE, Southeast corner Walnut and and Seventeenth stree ts ELEGANT AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, South went corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. TWO ELEGANT REBID SNOBS, Ilittenhouxe Square. TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Washington Square. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, North Dread street HANDSOME MODERN RBSIDENON, Northares corner of Green and Fifteenth streeta. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 11530 Green street. NBA'S ItgBIDENON, Spruce street, between Broad and Fifteenth. HANDSOME MODERN 10131143T0RY RESIDENCE, No. 1803 Spruce street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No, 822 Pine street, west of Eighth. HANDSOME DROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1618 Plus street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1806 Plne 'treat. HANDSOME RESIDENOE, No. 632 Pine street TWO lIANDSOIRE BROWN-STONE RESIDENCES Third street, below Spruce NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 Siitith Eighth street below Walnut. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. MS North Eighth street. HANDSOME MODERN REDIDENCE, No. 531 North Seventh street. HANDBOAISI RESIDENCE, No. 621 North Sixth street. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PRO PERTY, New Market street SUPERIOR AND ELCOANT BROWN-STONE OF FICE BUILDING, Nos. 407 and 409 Walnut street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Locust, Mary, and Church streets, West Philadelphia; 200 by 176 rest. HANDSOME RESIDENCY, Northwest corner Locust and Mary streak', opposite the above. VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near .Tioga station, on the Germantown Railroad. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT, 160 acres. between Torr Wale and Bristol. COUNTRY BRAT, with about seven sem, Melina Hill. • AN ELEGANT FARM, 809 acres, with imparter Im provements on the Darer Delaware, one mile from New Castle. LARGE, ELEGANT, AND VALUABLE YARN be tween the city of Wilmington and Brandywine Spring/. ELEGANT 00UNTRY BEAT, 10 aeree, with line improvements, improvements, School Goma Lane, Germantown, oppo site the late Dr. J. K. lifitchelPs. HANDSOME MODERN DWELLING, No. 1134 Callow hilt street. BRIM ATOM, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No 185 Arch atreat. FOUR•STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING No. 1809 Oheatnut street. BRION STORE AND DWELLING, No. 702 South 'Fifteenth street NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 840 Federal street. RESIDENCE NORTH BIDE OP WALNUT Street, east or Eleventh street, at private sale. irr Also. a large amount of !other propert, Ground Rents, Mortgagee, &a. Printed Beta may be had at the auction More. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ID" Real Estate entered on Our Private Sale Register and advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly, during the business season,) free of charge. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above NOURTH. ID" Persons favoring cut with conelgamente eau test inured that their property will not be Sacrificed. 1,17" Comidesions more moderate than those ehuged by any other Auction Home in the city g . Consignments respeotfttlly solicited. Sales Wild Immediately after the roods are sold MEAL RSTATR AT PRIVATE SALE. Handsome mansion, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Walnut streets. Residence, Washington Square and Walnut street. Dwelling hones, No. 627 Vine street. 20 acres of land, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Prankford road. Handsome dwelling, No. 1012 Wallace street. Businese stand and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash ington street'. Rlegant property, 80 acres, Ac., above Torresdale. 14 acres of land, °bettor' avenue, Germantown. Handsome residence and lot, West Philadelphia. Valuable lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. Handsome dwelling, Spring Garden street, above Twelfth. OABINST OP MINERALS, At private MN, a valuable Cabinet of hlinerals, corn prising over 1,000 speeireens, the collection or marmot yearn. The property of It gentleman who has no room for them. They are very desirable for a public institu- Mu. Apply at the anction store. SAS3 dII E L NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, 0..7 and MONET LOAN OFFIOB, No. 224 Booth THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doom below the Bxohange. Hours of business from 7 o'olook, A. U., until 10 o , clook In the evening. Oat-door sales, and sales at the Auction Hones, at tended upon the , most satisfactory terms. OAPITAL 810,000. Zstablish4dfor the lost Thirty rum. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer ohandfse, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instrument*, Glum, Horses, Carriages, and doods of every description. upon. All goods cs remain any length of time agreed All edvsnees, from one hundred attars and mwraudse will be ;Merged 2 per cent. per month; $6OO and over, the rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, btu large Ere and thleLproof vaults to store all valuables, and prli Tate watchmen for the premien ; also, a heavy Insui vane effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon N. B.—On amount of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more laths factory and a c commodating terms than any other in Me city. Money sdvanoed to the poor, in smelt =manta, with out any charge. Al PIUVATI BALD. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Olothlng will be sold at reduced prices. sul-ly gtgricnlturnl. ser„ NEW CROP TURNIP SEEDS, 01 every variety. Aloe, Buckwheat and Millet. SL ANGLER h GRAHAM 3y 14 No. 627 MARKET Street. below Seventh GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHES ...W. Bakes, Forks, Manure Draga Bramble Soythes BPANGLEIt & GRAHAM, .1314 No. 621 MARKET Street. below SeVentb. lIORSE POWERS, THRESHERS, Separators, Grain Fans, Ste., of all the most approved kinds. SPANGLER & GRANABI, jyl4 No. 827 MARKET Street, below Seventh. Sawing Illarbince. - - F_TARRIS" , BOUDOIR SEWING MA proffered to the public no the most Fella bin low-priced Sewing Machine in nee. /Twill New from six to sixty atitehes to an Inch, on all kindle of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrice. It is, without exception, the Amplest In its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept In order by %child of twelve peen of ago. The DURABILITY of this machine, and the QUALITY Or ITS woRIC, aro war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread need le taken directly from She spools, WITROCIT TUB TROUBLi or REWINDING. In feet, it le a machine that le wanted by every family In the land, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they cold, brings thorn within the ronoh of alined every one B. D. BARER, Agent, jelB-46at why eowOm 20 South EIWITLI Street. SHOVELS AND SPADES.- 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, IRON, BTXCHtI.,, and OAST—STEEL For male by the Manufacturer, - W. W- RICHARDS, No. 225 RACE Street, ivlo4ncit above Second. CAPE HAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.— There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CIGARS with them, as a complete alma ment of GENUINE HAVANA, of Samuel filmes'n im. portation, will be found on aisle at CONGRESS HALL, Cape Island ; and at the UNITED OTATEB,4thintio City. Jyha !nit PIiEBS..-PIitLADVLPIIIA, WEDNitSDAY, JULY 2/g. 1858. HOBENSAOK'S llt ON BITTERS. This Medicine, as He name implies, le one of the 'greatest strengthening preparations extant. It in es pecially adapted to therm who have a loss of appetite or are afflicted with Dripopsia, Liver Complaints, Piles, Nervous Debility, General Weakness, and all disemes arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOR FEMALIII COMPLAINTS (IDDIRRALLY there is perhape no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, pietism, and replenishes the blood which is so Important to brine about a healthy action THOUSANDS ARE LIVING a miserable existence, of s pale Middy color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this Invaluable medicine. It le no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that fit of an injurious nature. FOIL ALL DISEASES OF TILE BLOOD there is no better antidote than llobeneacies Iron Bit ters. When the blood is impure the whole body is fall of direaae. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we moat begin, and to cleanse the blood there to no better remedy than theme Invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent is iron, and we all know Its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prim Mal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the ne plus ultra' , of all tonics. to the proprietor that he has enoceeded in ecompound tug a remedy for many of the Ills that hie fellow mortals are subject to; and that the public appro. elate it Is nbt a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, as the demand for It has far eurpassed his sanguine expectations. READ Tall TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. This Is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried nun:term' remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Bobensaek's Iron Bitters, and knoWing iron to be A powerful tonic, Induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine dm solely re • spired, by restoring her to health. She hesitate!' not to recommend it to those who are Rimier!) sleeted, as she believes It to be a eovereign remedy. 3 . 011 N COLE. No. 831 Oapitol Street. This invaluable Med Nine is prepared only by GEORGE 8. HOSENBAOII., Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Street', Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l. Discount to dealers. Sold by Druggist" generally. mh2o-7 WHY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA ? ZIEGLER & SMITH'S PURE, MEDICINAL COGNAC! BRANDY hu cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, ?co., &c., ho. Price 01 - .25 per bet tle or $10.60 per doyen . Warranted pure. To it. thereby Certify that I bad been afflicted Wiitk dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which time I have tried &lithe popular Inedielnee, but of no avail. Haying had Zeigler & Smith's Pure, Medicinal Cognac' Brandy reoommended by many persons, induced me to try it. One bottle has almost cured ma ofdyapepala and costive habits, of ten years , atanding. I missy, laths thank ful heart, that I have never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely recom mend It to dyspeptlo, nervous And debilitated sufferers. Jona! 0. KLAKSOSIi, lan. 15th, 1868. 1231 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER it SMITH'S Pore Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and conaump thee, and in all eases of general debility, bus of appe:l tite, Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle n 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. 100 Old Sherry Wine do. do. 100 Address your orders to %A Agents &, ZEIGLER SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, 8. W. corner /0110011 D and GREEN Ste , Phi Also, for sale by JOHN BLEY, Druggist, fel-y Yrankford road, opposite Hanover. A ROTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW YORK.--oMite No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank— bash Capital, 8250,000, with a surplus. Th is Company Insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Oargoer, and other property, &garnet Loss or Damage by Fire and the Rieke of Inland Navigation. DLKIOTORS. Henry Orinneil, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Bantam, , Ram R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Kdatund Fanfold 0. 11. Lilienthal, Hannon K. Corning, Theo. PoLltemstn, Jr; Ogden Haggerty, llisha B. Morgan Tomas Monagan, Abm. It . Van Ned, John H. Earle, William A. Oary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles Keaton, Jame. W. Phillips, Louis Lornt, Charles A. Macy, Sanibel G. Glidden, Edward Rinehart, Bteph. criMbreleng, Wm. B. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Oharlen L. Frost, John Ward LothioP L. Sturges, Henry K, Bogert, William It. Feedink, Peter Mei, Embry Thayer Benjamin H. Wield, Geo. Westreldt, A. R. ifrothinghang Zalmon Taylor, Thom. P. Youngs, Henry B. Blow*. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALKBRT WARD, President, J. J. REED'S BIOIARD A. O.IIIIIY, Seeretary. , 1 COMMONWEALTH act 10-17 INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, rOui WILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, for tho Scholastic year, corwintlng,of ten months, The system of tuition is based on that adopted In the best Seminaries in Europe and comprises thorough in struction in the English, brench, and Latin languages special attention is also paid to the formation of an ele gant atyle of composition, and to the cultivation of a taute for polite literature. The course of study will embrace every branch of education. A limited number of pupils admitted int* the family Their religious and moral training Is under the specia care of Mrs need, who ham had many years experience, and deference will be padd to the feelings and wishes o their parents in thole matters. The health and comfor of the young hellcats aim carefully attended to by her Weekly boarding pupil., from Monday till Friday, re raved at proportionate rates. A week's vacation at Christmas and at Easter. (Payable half in advance, and half at tho expiration of five months.) For tuition fu the regular course of study $lOO 00 N. B.—A Junior eliLan will be formed German, Bpanlsh, Italian, and other languages, Mu sic, (vocal and instrumental,) Drawing and Painting, (in 01l and water colors,) at Proiessors , charges. Usoof Plano, per annum. " Harp Guitar. For Doanling 250 00 'Nutting at 50 cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil la required to bring her own tow elm, silver fork and spoon. Pew rent at cost. It affords ma pleasure to Mate that Mr. J. J. Reed is recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemon in London. From personal acquaintance with him, I can moat cheerfully recommend him as an ac-i com plished scholar and gentleman to the conildonce the public. A. CON V.ERBIi The eubscriber takes great pleasure in uniting with Dr. Converse in the above recommendation. Brom per nonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, as well m from hie distinguished testimonials, I am confident of hie emi nent abilities an a gentleman and gaoler. 011ARLEB WADSWORTH. We are happy to hear that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman or considerable literary attainments, and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent per/lona has re-opened hie Institute for Young Ladies, at 1623 Walnut etreet, one of the meet adulicat ble localities In the city. Mm. Reed in a lady who hes bad many years' experience la tuition, and beam a high reputation for licitness in training her pupils both mo rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, front his knowledge of Europeartlanguages, and from having graduated in the first colleges in England, impute the advantages of the best European systems of education; and particular at tentlon is paid to the 'Andy of Englleh Componition and Polite Literature. We would lay mine stress on this latter fact, niece general literary Information and cul ture, though by tar the most distinguishing signs of in telligence and refined education, are, on the whole, for more neglected in most schools and colleges than any other branches —Editor of Graham's Magazine for July, 11561, p. 81. REFERENCES. Henry Vethake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. John J. Fraser, LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences In ditto. George Allen, LL. D , Professor of Ancient Lan. guages in ditto. Ron. William M. Meredith? Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles 0. Leland, Req., editor of Graham's Maga zine. Rev. William B. Reverts, D, D., Reetor of Bt. An drew's. Rev. Amara Converse, D. D., editor of the Christina Observer. Rev. Charles Walsworth, D. D., Areh-street Presby terian Church. Joseph L. Keen,Esq., Went Philadelphia. Thomas 11. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. jyl-1m OILITT.ENDEN'n R I z.ADELP ILLA V COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, northeant corner of ORESTNUT and SEVENTH Streets. An Institution designed to St young men for 'AO TIVE BUSINESS. The whole building le 000npled, and fitted up In a style surpassing anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house BOARD ON TRUSTEES. B. B. Comegys, Francis flonkins, Goorgo 11. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, David IL Brown, Isaac Hacker, A. V. Parsons, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, Joshua Lippincott. ap23-tf JOHN--.• BELL, TBAOTIER OP NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At BRYANT & STRATTON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. S. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets L A ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, Ji-A N. B. corner MONTH and BUTTONWOOD Sta. 00IdhIBROIAL DEP ARTfdltNT.—Book.kesping in all Its varione forma; preparing Students.horoughly for situations in any branch of boatmen; Plato and Or*. mental Writing Commercial Calculatins; Law and Cor reepondence. Ito lnatitntion in the United States gives a more thorough, and practical course. In this depart ment no teaching is done in classes, and In open DAY and ICYBNING. Time unlimited. MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, via: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, /cc , Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Seisions l et 6 ..monthe commence Beptem bee let, and Ifsbrnary . Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tf P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DIAHEM WORN BY KINGS OR EMPERORS WHAT I WHY, A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR. le the ornament God himself provided for all our race. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly In the glowing cheek, the eye be ever no eparkling, the teeth be thole of costae, if the head be bereft or its covering, or the hair be snarled and shrivelled, harsh and dry, it worse atilt, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. Wood's; Hair Restoratlve, ff used two or three times a week, will restore and permanently secure to all each an ornament. Read the following and judge. The writer of Um Bret le the celebrated psaniet, Thal berg : New Yostx, April 19,1858. DR. WOOD: Dear Sir—Permit me to wrens to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my heir to Its original color; about the time of my ar rival in the United States it wee rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your " Ilasr Restorative' , it soon recovered Its original hue. I consideryour Re atorative as a very wonderful invention, omits efficacious as well u agreeable. am, dear ale, yours truly, B. Tuniximit. Drych a'r (awylledydct." 'Wotan NEw Orem, 13 Nassau st., April 12, 1858. 5 Pm,. 0. J. WooD: Dear Sir—Some month or sic weeks ago I received a bottle of your flair Restorative and gave it my wife, who concluded is try it on her hair, little thinking at the time that It would restore the gray hair to its original color; but to her, as well as my surprise, after a few weeks trial it hoe performed that wonderful effect, by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thicken ing the hair, I strongly recommend the above Resto rative to all persons in want of each a change of their hair. =ARLES OARDRIV. Nsw Yoax. July 23, 1857. Peer. O.J. WOOD:—With confidence do 1 recommead your Nair Restorative aa being the most efficacious ar ticle I ever maw. Since using your Heir Restorative my hair and whiskers, whieh were almost white, have gradually grown dark and I now fool confident that a few more application will restore them to their natu ral color. It also relieved me of all dandruff and un pleasant itching, No common among persona who per spire freely. J. G. KILBY. Poor. WOOD :—About twoyeare ago my hair coot minced falling off And turning gray; I was fast be coming bald, and had tried many remedies to no effect. I commenced using your Restorative in January last. A few applications fastened my hair &sly, It began to till up, grow out, and turned back to Ito former color (black). At this time it is fully restored to its original , color, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully' recom mend Its rise to all. • •• J. D. 11055. Obleago, 111., May 1, 1867. • The Restorative Is put up In bottles of three slue, large, medium, and small. The small holds hall a and retails for due dollar per bottle; the medium holds at lest twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle;the large holds fora (juart, f dollars. orty per cent. more in proportion, and retail/ three 0' J.WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 812 BROADWAY, N. Y., (In the great N. Y. Wire Itailingplatabliehment,) and 114 MARRS'S Street, Bt. Leah!, Mo., And sold by , all good Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers, myl2-wfm-8m it sow in wkiOni Alebichint. 110 W °RATIFYING toncational No. 1523 WALNUT Street, PUILLDOLPHIA. TESTIMONIALS groilate %Video. insurance %crayoning. CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. $200,000. Organised 18t1. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually ; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits; hold Trusts and grantannuilles ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. MARIIIIN, Secretary. DIREO7OII. Alfred Weeks, Iron. W. D. Kelley ' B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Sander, P. B. Mingle, C. It. nicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, jell-ly G. F. urner. CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 331 WAIINITT Street, Philadelplii*, 011A11,T8ItED CAPITA', 1600.000—PAID UP OAPI- TAL $368.00. . . This Company haring been recently REORGANIZED, and Its actual Capital largely Increased, respectfully solicits a Share of the patronage of insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be issued at equitable rates of pre mium, and lotuses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DianToßB : William M Godwin, B. R. Orasiford, James W. Queen, Jon. L. atdner, George W. Ball, 'William 11. Theme, D. Pranklin Jackson, B. N. Wlnedpir t J. 0. Hopper, Ilenry B. Mead. WM. M. 001±0WIN, Pies Went. J. 0. HOPPER, &Metal*. riiimdtr LIFE INSURANOE AND TRUST 00N PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets, Capital, 1612,726.0 8 . INSURES LIVES for ehort terms, or for the whole terra of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real Estate and makes all eontraets depending on the contingencies of Life. They sot a Eieonteis, Administrators, Assignee., Tehateee, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Biunnel N. Blokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William 11, Kern, James Ruston, Samuel 0. 'Huey, Theophilus Paulding, (Merles Hallowell, Edmond A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Redoipbus Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Oarr, Kills B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Ohriatian, William Robertson Joseph M. Thomas, Warner H. Basin ' John G. Brenner, B. B. Mohler, Easton. DANIEL L. AIILLISR, president. SAMUEL B. BTOKNB, Vice Preen. you W. Holum. Secretary. • nIB-ly OF UM STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STRUTS, PHILA DALPHIA. Ilublarlbed Oapttal, $600,000. Patti op Ciiipital,s2oo,ooo DIUOTOI7I. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. B. Whiten, J. K. Walker, Zdw. 0. Knight, M. It. Wendell, 11. Lewis' D Jr., B. K. Houle. AVID MIND, X. D. ?resident. TIIONAB B. STIOWART, Vice Preen. SAAMIL B. Moon, Beeretarr. Ja29.7 11ELAWARE MUTUAL bAiNTY IN- A -P BURANOK COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TILE LEGISLATURE of PENN- BYLVANIA, 1885. 011101, 8. B. Oorner THIRD and WALNUT Btreetl PIIILAIDSLPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON YllBBlll,B, OARGO, To all parte of the World. YRBIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES, On Geode, by River, Canals, Lakes and Land Carriage to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On fitoree, Dwelling Monsen, !he. ASSETS OP VIE COMPANY, November 2, 1867. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Rotate $lOl,B/56 04 Phi ladelphia City and other Loans.. 187,011 25 Stock In Banks, Railroads, and Um:manes Companies 12,608 00 Bills Receivable 220,291 96 Cash on hand 88,892 66 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently leaned, on other debts doe the Company 92,730 67 Bubectiption Notes 100,000 00 =2:3 William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph H. Beal , TheoplaiMs Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, James Traquair, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., John B. Penrose, J. F. Ponloton, George G. Le'per, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington ) Samuel S. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Houton, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James D. Ale/Arland, Hugh Craig, J Thomas 0. Hand Spencer McGrain, Robert Burton, r., Charles Kelly, Inn. D. Semple, Pittabgb., U. Jones Drooks,s Dr. T. Morgan, t , Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, tt WILLIAM ERWIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. GENET LYLBURN, &oratory. ja9..y KIIRE "AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME -V INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 1100,000. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In entrance Companies, passed April 21, ISIS.) GEORGE W. DAY, Preskont. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Glace 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, Jacob Vaughan, William W. Walters, Henry Lewis, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Dirt, ,y, Barclay Lippincott, John W. Averman, Jos. It. Brognard, A. 11. Rosenholm, Ohm. Stoker. (.21- 7 11 Stern. Wines attb Kiquoro. A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. CIL The subscribery n feeen appointed sole agents in the Mato of Pen la for the above well-known 110011ELLn BRAN , which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouao entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and one eighth piper, dark awl pale. ARNOLD k WORL, jelS-tf 120 WALNUT Street. J ULES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.—Trio subscribers, solo agents lu the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of tho trade to its Impeder quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably with the most favorite brands In the market ARNOLD & WORL, NO WALNUT Street. . . . . A consteut supply of the above in the United Staten bonded watchme), entitled to debenture, of ♦arieue vintAgem, in hell, quarter, and eighth Open jelt3-tf LAMB RE Y GRAPE-LEAF °HAM PACINIi. Jets-tf ARNOLD & WORL, Sole Agente, 120 WALNUT Street IALMON, SHAD, &c.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon; 18 bbls. do.; 60 bbls. prime Sea Shad; 200 bble. Scale-fish • 180 bbln White fish now In to so d for sale by JOHN H. HINNIIDY & 130. 6 , ' an 8-1 r Nom. IRO Lod IRO North whom,* BRANDIES.—" Pinot Onatillon," Marett, and other (legume of varioue vintages, in half Open and quarter carks; PellevoiMn Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half mks, and one-eigh th eaake. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN k 00., 0a22 221 and 223 Booth Fourth street. CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER X.l. IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, OIGARSot 0., SO Booth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. and-1j Enoineso QEarbs T. T. ABRAMS ABRAMS ,24 MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,. LOCK RAVEN, Pa., Will attend promptly to oil professional !miness on trusted to them. tipecial attention given to the collet lion of claims. Gov. Vim. F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. ;• L. A. Mackey, Pre,.Went Lock Haven Bank • General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven; lion. A. Wh ite, Lock Haven; Simon Scott, Lock Haven= Bullitt & Fairthorne, Philadel phia; McFarland, Evans, & Co., Philadelphia; Evans & Watson, Philadelphia; Phill ip M. Price, Philadel phia; Iton A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia; Tenor & Darin, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quiggle, Eng., Ehilndelptan. jy 294 HO. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAR • Itop, OONVEYANONIUL QEO.M. CONARRON, ATTORNRY AT LAW, wpb - / No. 913 ARON street, below Tontk. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY /LT T LAW, Southeast Corner of IIGIITH and LO.• OUST Street', Philadelphia. aral-ly CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 13114A1t8, (New) 188 We'nut street. mond 'dory. anl-1y REMOVAL.— 0. FAWONTT HAIR CUTTER AND WEI MAKER, Han removed to 1028 013IBTKIT street, four doors be low ICLXVBNTII. hadr II YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT kvl LAW, CENTRE afxset.Potfaville, Pa. aciLly liaH IL A DE LPR IA WARMING AND MT/EATING WAREIIOI7I3B. ARNOLD So 81100888088 Te 8. A. HARRISON We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrenos lintel, where our old friends and the pubilo aro respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranger', Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Ooal Grates, ho., &o. We are now manufacturing WILLSON'S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful end economical Heater ever invented, and Incited to all claim of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coal Orates of all alone and patterns. We have also commenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE. MANTELS from Penn sylvania Scene. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Ibir and Exhi. bition of the Prank/in Institute of thiscci t y . They represent all the rare and beautiful ANSIQUII MAMAS, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at Much less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD t WILSON. BENJ. M. PELTWELL,. Superintendent. Rhiladelphls, Atprll,lBos-424 17 Aa r a, REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI NMADENOE.Schooner WORCESTER, Reams, Master, now loading at Callowhill-street Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain, on board, or to JNO. M. KENNEDY h CO. l 1021 180 and 182 NORTH WHARVES. WANTED—A first-class VESSEL, of 800e1,000 tone capacity, to load for a port in the Pacific. Cargo now ready, and fair freight will be paid. Apply to jyls.dtf atiWANTED—A good VESSEL, to load In tho Louisiana Line ; for New Orlon's. Quick despatch and good ratos given. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., jyl6-tr 120 NORTH WHARVES. AiFOR SAN FRANCISCO.—CLIPPER Ob' THURSDAY, 15th July imit.—Lowswr RATES, AND No DISTENTION. The superior A 1 Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, Stengion, Commander, Is now receiving her cargo, at Pier 10, E. R., (New York,) and will poeltively sail as above. The Wandering Jew was built for the California 'trade, is throughly ventilated, and of email capacity ; has just made the voyage in 84 days from Amoy to Havana, being the shortest passage ever made between those Natl. The superior sailing 'qualities of this eitiji, her email capacity, low rates of freight, and early clajt of nailing, present unequalled inducements. Yor balance of freight Apply to BISHOP, SIMON& h 00., 120 NORTH mho:Pas. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS 00W, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, VIA LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clydo-built Iron Stotunehlps aro intended to Anil an follows : . . . CITY OP BALTIMORE . . .... —.Thursday, July 10 CITY OF, WASHINGTON II II 15th RABOAB.OO .27th And each alternate Thursday, tronaler 44 N. H. ?item masaroot.. CITY OF WASHINGTON KANGAROO CITY OF BALTIMORP Id And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphin....s7s Third Clam to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in boot cooked Provioions 30 Return Tloketo good for 0 months 60 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, &e., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, id conneetion Athe departurna togliNew York, taking groan; from Antwerp to New York, Ara through rate of freight. Certificates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $45. Drafts on Livetpeol from £1 upwanis. Nor freight or passage, apply at the Company's Moen, 15 BROADWAY, Now York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN U. DALR, Agent, a . Or WILLIAM INMAN, je22 62 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool,,. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH -lIEROWB LINN. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OP LADING SIGNED The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE ON GEORGIA, Now forma weekly line for the.. South and Southwest one of these ehipe sailing every SATURDAY at o'clock A. alternately for OltorWWl and Ra Tomah. I'OR CHARLESTON, The KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Charles P. Marsh man, will commence loading on Thursday, Anglia 11th and WI for Oharleeton, 8.0., on Satuiday, August 7th at 10 o'clock A H. FOIL SAVANNAH. The STATE OF QZO/10IA, Oapt. John J. Garwln. will commence loading on 'Thursday, Ray 00th, and mall for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, July 81st, at 10 o'clock A M. At teCth Charleston and Savannah, these shipsconnect with steamers for florlda and Cerium, and with rail roads, km., for in places In the South and Southwest. /Mail I:ITS REDUCED. Ileavy Freight at in average of it per cent. below New York etiameliip rates. ,iNOMUNOR. raicittiii d INBUItkNOII on s large proportio'n of goode South will be found to be lower by these ehipe than byealling vermin. Cabin ," pwage 901 Sta • INOURANOI COMPANY, Steetagg do 800 Ria i tislon Tickeix, good for the pi`esent year. 30 00 V 6 tia of lading signed ahem the Alp his aalled. 6i light or paskage, apply to ' A. HIAON, Jr., No. 828 ( late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. & T. 0. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, 0. A. OREINSIX & 00. Por Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. MARTS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Uharleaton, steamer ISABXL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell t r y STEAM TO GLASGOW, MYER. POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DE BY, without delay. for 30 dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. /110 X NKR Toll. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o'clock, Pd, Edinburgh, Gumming, July '24, cc Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7, " /ROM GLASGOW. Edinburgh, Oncoming Saturday, June 26. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan. Wednesday, August 11. RATES OF PASSAGE. 130 M OLJ/8001V. /bat Olase 15 grdnese Steerage, round wag cooked provielorus 8 If 11011 111 W TOll. First Ohms. $76 00 Steerage, found with cooked provialons 30 00 Ohildren under 14 years of age, half fare; Infante In Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Class 1140 00 Steerage $OO 00 An experienced Surgeon at Cached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN k 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL it LOBBY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. myll 702,788 87 I. • ; an. • : .101 t I . 1 . 11.01 C Kilt TORY. SO LITIETOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage /noir 109T08 TO Llvintroot. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Passage ..'.. .. ... .. . • 00 The skips from BoalOu 'sadist EsWax. PERSIA, Capt. Jadkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMBR2OA, Cept.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Rye's. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitob. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head i green on starboard . 1.7 ; a rr . 7: port bow . s AMERICA, Wi l c r ims e n, v : ), N. York u Wednesday, Aug 4. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Aug. U. PERSIA, Judkins, " N.York, Wedneetkey, Aug 18 NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston ' Wedneiddy, Aug :,6. ARABIA, Stone, ‘• N.York, Wednesday, Sept. 1. CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 8. AFRICA, Shannon, " N.Tork, Wednesday, Sept Th. EUROPA, Leitth, " Boston Wednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, Judith's', " N.York, Wednesday, Sept. 29. Berths not seemed until paid for. An experienced Surgdoh on board. The owners of these Slums will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless b il ls of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to my 10-y X. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. CARPETINGS. AUBURN TUREE-PLY, SUPERFINE AND VENETIAN CARPETING, MANCIPAOTOKIM HY JOSIAH BARBER, with other important Timken, of all graden, now in etoro end for ealo by SoLe AORNTS in this city, ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., 533 MARKET St. CARPETS. We will commence TO-DAY GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. BAILY k BROTHER, . No. no CHESTNUT Street. Pnrohaners will please call and examine oar large assortment. ap29-t! riIAPESTRY OARPETS.--JUST OPEN ED, a largo lot of superior Tapestry tharrete, to be sold at s low prloe, SUPERB THREE-PLY HARPE TS A fresh assortment of new patterns, at reduced prism, at BAILY BROTHER'S, CASH CARPET STORE, 920 CHESTNUT St. RED ROOM OARPETS.-10,000 YDS. of superior Ingrain and Three-ply Carpets, of the beat makes and styles, at all prices, from 60 cents to 61.26 per yard. BAILY & HROTIIBR, mhBl-ff No. 020 CIIESTNIIT Street. BEST HEAVY BR USSELS.—A ILARG &Jr lot of new patterns. In neat, 'Amite styles, at low tem. - - DAILY h. BROTHER, WRAP CARPET STOE, 920 ORESTNUT Bt. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. ROCIAN Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street ' in pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every a v eorlptlon, suitable for Bah., Public Offices, Merehants, Raid others, of the beet quality of English or American taper, and bound In various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despateh. A general aseortment of Inglish, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogenle contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee nay— , ' This display of blank temae for banking and mercantile nee is - the best in the Itlhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate. ), .20-tf 108 QR. CASKS PORT WINE. 111 Ulf. Pip. Allewnto do. ER= 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sherry do. 11 Pipes Superior Pajarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 Si do do do do. 111 Bales Aaaorted Corte. 825 Baga Almonds. 26 do Filberts. Landing from Brig " Arrogente Bmello,” and for male by A. MERINO, my 37.41 140 SOUTH FRONT Street. 13LASM.A. OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— sprat AL NOTION TO PHYSIOIANI3.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges: A good and unvarying condstonce, easily washed off with water, direolves all substances that are isola ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and dote not get rancid. Thp last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at ILIMEI3II Laboratory and Pharmacy, mbe Twelfth and Chestnut etreete. HOUSE OF REFUGE BRUSH JRANU YASTORY. Tho subscriber would respectfully call the attention of the trade to hie EXTENSIVE STOOK OF BRUSHES, Manufactured by him AT THE HOUSE OF REFUGE, FOR BALE AT PRIOES DEFYING COMPETITION A largo stook of Illackaml OW Dellona on hood. DEERE C. ECKSTEIN, 62 North TIIIRD Street, below Arch. HERRING. -ffirbbtur No. 111 ERRING, Eastport inspection ; 000 do. Halifax, now in store and for gale by JOHN M. KENNEDY ec. 00., ap 8-a Nom. 180 and lag Noel, wharvaa, SOFT CRUDE. TURPENTINE. --Just re volved a small lot of Soft Orudo Turpentitio, o good quality, and for male by WEAVER, FITLER h CO., NIL 33 N, WATZR at., and 23 N. WIIARVZS, Eigivping. BISHOP, SIMONS, k CO., 120 NORTH. WIIARY.ES Wednesday, June 23d. .‘ July 7th. " 2lat BVERY LAY $l 5 O Carpeting°. CLOSING OUT Our entire Spring Stook or VELVET AND BRUSSELS OARPETINGEL BAILY h BROTHER, CABII CARPET BTORE, 920 CHESTNUT Bt etattonetT ang-lsrAtiaE. -- ,ElNe li go HILADELP lA, WILMINGTON, AND BA - MORE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 10 1858, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAYS PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. M., 1 P. Is. ) (Express,) and 11 P. Bt. For Wilmington, at 8 A. M., 1, 4.30, and 11 P. c For New Castle, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. at For Middletown, at 8 A. 51. and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. and 4.30 P. 51. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 7.80, Express, 10.15 A. BL, and 5.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6 45 and 10.30 A. M., and 1.45 and 8.65 I'. M. Leave New Castle at 6 and 9.50 A. M., and at 8.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M. and 8.45, . Leave Dover at 8 A. 81., and 4.56 P. M. Leave Seaton! at 6.25 A. M. and 2P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 2P. M., and 2.16 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal timore, Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phila.- phis. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville land Intermediate places et 6. P. 57. Leave Wilmington for do do do 745 P. M. Leave Havre de Grace for Baltimore do 030 A. Si. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 610 P. M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 5 40 P. Bf. je9 B. M. FELTON, President. i'VEW YORK LINES.—TEE CAMDEN Li AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES.' NUM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY naosh. Leave as folloiti, via . At 6 A. N., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion 226 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac commodation 2 26 At 8 A. M., via Camden sad Jersey City, Martinis Mail 800 At 13, A. N., by Steamboat Trenton, Irla Taoony and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Is pram 800 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Keening Mall 80 At /I P. M. Tin Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion,lseOlani 2 00 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Clam. 1 60 At 6 P. 21., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommoda• . Con, lot Clan • 2 , 00 At 5 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- Non, 2nd Class . 1 75 The 0 P. M. runs daily,. an others Sundays es milted 1.111 .y P. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey irity, Mal, Saturdays exoepted $2 26 lisprem L 11206 stop at the principal stations Only. For Belvidere, 'Caton, Flemington &0 ., at 6A. H and 4 P. M. from Walnut street whirr, Pm Water (lap Strondsbarg, Scranton, Wllkenbarre, Montrose. Great ' Bend, &a. at 6A. M via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. . For Freehold, at A. MA. and 2Y. M. For Mount Holy at BA. M. and 2N and P. 111 WAY LIMAS Nor Bristol, Trenton, dso. at 2X and 4 P. I& , Nor Palloyra L ßanoorns, ieverly, Burlington, Borden town.dco., at 8 P. M. Steamboat lliabant Stockton for Bordentoirn k and In termediate places, at 2 P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tammy, at 10 and 11X A. M. and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. • All lines except 11X P. Sf , leave Walnut street wharf. I.l3Tifty ponuda of baggage only allowed each pea *anger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag. gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Oom pang limit their respOnsibUity for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for acy amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract. • - WM. H. GATZMMS, direst O.tA. B.St.CO. O. it. A. B. 00. IDDRILA.DELPHIA. AND ELMIRA RAIL .1. ROAD LINE.—CIIIIOREST ROUTE to 'Elmira Wilkoalipre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Inland, Niagara Palle,BThwaukie Burlington Montreal, St. Paula Detroit, Dunßeth; and Ht. Louie. Pasaonger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Bailrond Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sundays exeeptiid,) as follotra 7.80 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, /or Elmira, liiagara Palle, p tidal; Detroit Chicago, hilliankee, Rock Island, 0 Mena, fit.. Paula, Burlington, and St. Louis. 120 00 8.80 P. M. NIGIIT EXPREBB, For Elmira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohieago Milwaukee, R ock Island, Va lera, fit.Patile, Darlington and Bt. Louis. Mr Tickets gOod till used. The 7.30 A. M. train connects at Reading with the train for Ilarriaburg and all ctatfons on the LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD; At Rupert, for WlUrethane, ilttaton, Scranton, and all stations on the LAOKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage oheoked to limlra, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. • Wilkesbarre $4 60 Pittston 4 60 Scranton 4 75 Wilkesbarre • • 4 60 Williamsport 6 61 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham ' 8 00 Rochester 8 60 Niagara. Palls 800 Buffalo .10 00 Brie 10 60 Cleveland, via N. Y e and Erie 18 00 ~ via Niagara Falls 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 25 Columbus 16 60 Cincinnati. New York and Brie 19 00 , c ' Niagara Falls 10 00 Indianapolis, via New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 16 00 Chicago, via Great Western Railway 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad 20 00 Rook Island, - via Niagara Falls 27 00 " I Lai Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City 29 26 Bt. Louie, via Chicago 29 00 it Indiums:die 20 00 Dunlioth 27 50 St. Paula 16 10 L 17." Tickets can be procured it the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Tannin Ticket OMoe, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas monger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Lesvos the Depot, Broad street, below Vine daily PMondays excepted,) for all points Went and Nor th,l at • . m. Freights must be dellrered before 3 F. M. to insure their going the sante day. Breighta are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any Hoe from this city to the Went and Northwest Fer further information apply to ALLEN h. truoitt, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to GRAB. 8, TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. oor.Bixtb and Chestnut sta., Philada G. A. NICOLLB, Geol. Slept. Ithilada. and Reading Railroad 11. A. FONDA, Genl. Sept. Ostamiesa, W. tic E. Railroad J. A. REDFIELD . , deDI-ly Genl. Supt. W `ansport and Elmira Ratiroati 11)1IIILADELPIIIA AND READINGRAIL A ROAD—PART PREIOIiT LlNK.—Freight train' leave the Depot, BROAD Street, to.lorr VINE, deity, for Buffalo, Bueye»elou Bridge, tutada, Detroit, Chicago, ktilwaukie, Galena, Dubuque, Bt. Louie, and Interme diate points. This is the ahortest route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greeter deepatob to the aboye points than by any other route. TABU,/ OF mon Pin 100 LBO. Via Railroad let elms. 2d els" &I ChM. 4th class Suspension Bridge 90 70 60 40 Buffalo 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk 96 76 65 45 Detroit Chicago . 160 1 16 1 00 80 Freight going through by rail iil the way meat be marked "VIA ItAIL." No transhipment between Philadelphia and Ilmlra Mark goodevia Philadelphia awl Reading Railroad and send tone Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, before 5 P. M. Tor further Information In reigned to thin route. eall at the through freight of of tba Philadelphia Nis gatlL, and Great Weetern Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. de80.7 13ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. —TLIE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, eonnesting the At tenth; ()Glee with Western, North-western, and South western Mates, by a continaotta Railway direct. Tht. Road den connects at Pittebergh with daily line of ateamera to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandi:mkt with Steamers to all porta on the North-western Lakes • making the most DIRECT, CHEAPEST and HELM:BIM ROUTE by which Yrelght can he forwarded to and from the CHEAT WEST. RAUB BITW.IIIIII PHILADELPHIA. AND PITTB. BURGH. /MOT Ousa—Boote, Shoal, Hats, and Gaps, Books, Dry Goods, (In boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Pura, Ike Tso. per 100 lb. llsoosn OtAss--Domeatio Sheeting, Shirting and. icking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather,Liquor, (In nuked Wall Paper, Wool, aryl Bheep Pelts, Zsateard, /co. eco 600. per 10011. Titan Ocatia—AnYilit, Hemp, Bacon and Pork Salted, (loose or In sacks), Paints, (dry and in oll,) Oils, (except lard and rosin) we. pee 100 lb. VOTlant Ouse—Coffee, 'fish, Ration, Beef, and Pork (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Aah, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, MminGratured bum, Rosin Oil, Queensware, Sugar, (bbd.., bbls., and holm,. I Ito., Ito doo. per 100 lb Ptorra-760. per bbl., until further notice. Oasts—lto. per 100 lbe., until further notice. Corms-42 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point Bast of Philadel phia, be particular to art a; packages " via Pennsylvania' Railroad." All Clouds consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded wittiont detention. Feline! Aciallre.—Clarke & Co., Chicago; Packer & tr. Co.. Memphis, Tenn.; .11. P. Sass & 00.. St. Louie, Mo.; P. G. O'ltiley tr. Co., Dranarille, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; R. O. Meldrurn, Madison, Indiana; 11. W. Brows h Co., and Atha', &. Hibbard, Cincinnati; 8. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A. Co., No. 54 Kilbyaireet, Boston ; Leech & 00., No. 2 Actor House, New York, No. 1 William at.; New York; E. J. fineederl'Philadelphia ; Hamm Koons, Baltimore; B. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General height Agent. dRA•H. J. LOHBAERT, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. Alarbinorg anb iron. MAMMAL V. IItIZILION.. J. VAVOIAM JIMAZIOM. WILLIAM IL MMARIOM. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, PIPTII AND WASHINGTON STURM THILADELPIIIA. -lc • • MERRIOK SONS, lINGINSERS AND MAOIIINTSTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam BugineS, for Land, River, and Marine service. Bollere, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, to., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, An. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. livery description of Plantation machinery, cook as Sugar, Saw and Grist Mille, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Xngines, As. Sole Agents for N. Itillierm's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Hasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. Rem' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Bhollinst7 and Steam Pampa. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. arielf proof giafte SALAMANDER, SAFES: A large assortment of NUNS A WATSON'S .TRILADELPHIA. MANCIFACITIIRED lILLAILANDRIt SARIS, VAULT DOORS, Tor Thinks and Stores. RANK LOOKS, Anal to any now In OW IRON DOORS, SIIIITTIIRS, On As good tetras se any other establishment in Um United States, by SWANS A WATLON, No. 20 South NOURTII street Plladee. ti.. 4 swum, fi/VA U A usu. Nailroubs. =CUM 78 62 Railroab tints N 0 T I GE .—NOR Tlf , IN'i I in.PENNIFYLV AN I A RAIL. , iffitD. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, July 26th, 1858, the Trains' on'this Reed will leave Front mid Willow &trouts daily' (San e elcepted,) as follows: Forßethleirem, Easton, Ac.,at ... .........6.15 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown an blanch Chunk, at 2 80 P. N. For Doylestown, at 8 30 A. M. and 4EO P. M. For Fort Wasbingtoo, at... 9.30 A. N. and 6.30 P. ld. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem, at 000 A. AL and 5.30 P. M. Lest° Dayleetown, at 600 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. Lease Sort Washington. at-615 A. AI. and 2.54 P. M. No change in Sunday Trains. Alf Passenger Trains connect at Chatham street with City_Passengitallway. lam' The A. M. Train from Philadelphia, and the 5.30 P. M. T rain from Bethlehem, will make close connections with Easton, and with the New Jersey Cert. trot Railroad. , ELLIS CLARK, jy2l-4t , Agent. Pr JIIILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILRQAD.--10MOMER ARRANGRE4BNT.:--Ort and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858 YOR GERMANTOWN . . Leave Philadelptda at Toir, 7,8, 9-05 ndq.,10,11%, A . M., 1,2, 8,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 11X P. M. Leave Germantown at 6,7, 7X ,6„, 9. 9x .10X, ng, A. M. 140 min, 2, 3,,X, 5,X, ex, a, 9 -46 min., an d 10 If. • ' The 7) o'clock A. M. Train from Oarmastowm Royonly at Wayne and Timm , Streets Stations. ON SUNDAYS Leave PAlladelphla at 9.22 min. A. M., 2,6 X, and P. M. Lento eormanionn fiX A. M., 1-10 min., 4X, sad P. H. ORZ9TRIIT RILL RAILROAD 2456T0 Philadelphia id 6X, 8, 8 06 min ,11X A. M., 2,8, 4,6, 8,10 P. K. , LenTe 0166 lnnt Hill It 6 40 Ind 1.315,0.20, 104 10.10 mia. A. M ,14.80, 3,10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, mid 8.20 mla P. M. ON SONDAIS . Leave Philadelphia, 9.20 A. M., 2, 6,K, end 8 P. M. Leave Oheatuut Rill 018.10 EOO7 A. M., 3300 4.10 6.40 P. 14 TOR OONSEIOROORIN AYR NORRISTOWN. Leate . Philedelphia' at OM, 0, 11 41 . . M.,1.04 2.10 diin..4%,01(, 111 r P. M. Leave riot tlldoirn at 0,7, 9i 11. A. st.,t,ag, awl ex P -M. Qlf EtUNDsVfa, ' Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., asd 8 P. M MAYO Norestown at 7A. M. ind P. M. POR SANAPINUC. - Ulm PIMA/4MA atA,/, Im, 9,11 A. M. 1.06 min., 2.06 min., 3.10.1100., 64, 8 , I . I M - P M. - Leave Manarailk at eM, 7X, BX, BX, 11% A. M., 14; 1 4. 0,4,1,, and 9 P. M. m BundAys em as ttnisistows. -ESTBD. VALLBT MAILPMAD NOB DOllllO4l Leave Philadelphia at 8X A. M., and 8.10 rain. P. M Lear e Downingtown at TX 1111 , anal P. M. H. H.B 1111TH, General Puperbstendent. Depot,. Ninth and Green octreeta. Philadelphia. 188 "NIS 7 f V 7/AIS OENTI AiAI,AD.M PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PTETSDHEaIis And thence by Railensd to WHEELING, - ST. L0U.2 4 STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI - - - CHICAGO, LOUISVILL* . BURLINGTOIf, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. PAULI!, ' And all intermeMate rants In OHIO, INDIANA ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MICHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, AUSSOURI, • KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Pamengere to pointe.weet of PlAtebargh, Mooting, Cleveland and Ores:time, have choice of routes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick ets. THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEL PHis DAILY, • Forming close connections at Pittsburgh to all point* West. On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858, Three through, and Two accommodation frame, will leave the depot, 8. N. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, as follows: TRAINS con PITTSBURGH AND TUN WEST LEANN. Mall train at.... 7 .71 A. M. Fast line 1 00 noon. Express: ma11..11.00 night. WAY TRAINS Harrisburg ac commodation 2.00 P. M. Lancaster G 5.00 P. M. The mall train Stops atal delphia and Pittsburgh. Ths Express mail runs daily, the otherttatro Sundays excepted.• ' The cars leers the Pennsylvania Railroad: Plussengesa Station, aoatheaet corner of ELEVENTH and MARKEIf streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where titromfds tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any Nina**. ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. For farther information, apply at the Depot of be Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner of Eleventh cad Market streets, between the hours of 7 A. M. and 11P. M. THOMAS MOOR., my 10 Agent Penn'a Railroad Co. Aottle anit lizstanumts. BLANOARD HO IT SE,-BROADWAY and TWELFTH Street, New York. re-opened, elegantly furnished with army modern improvement. The location as fashionable and healthy. The ?VMS are large and wel ventilated. Ideals served at all hours, and - 4167 - iij attention paid to the comfort of guest!. Transient board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rates. The whole under the management of C 1. MACLEL LAN, (late of the United States liotel:Ehiladelphia,) who respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the travelling nubile jeBo-2m JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected in ISIST.) ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my2S-y WELLS OOVERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL ROUSE, N. W. cur. THIRD and HARMONY OODRT The underniiced takes pleasure in informing bin friends and the public at large, that he has opened the above ESTABLIBILSIENT, and pledgee himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, every artier) is of rope. nor quality, haring been seleeted without regard too price. oliersza WORRELL, Proprietor. my274int NICHOLLS HOUSE, - (EUROPEAN PLAN,) OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. NO. 115 SOUTH EIGHTII ST., BELOW ONESTNUT, IMILADIMPFILL, This ROUES Is for Permanent and Transient Lodg. log. Every effort will be outdo by the Proprietor, E. NICHOLLS, to give satisfaction to his Patrons. Thiel establishment la situated in the heart of the arty, centre of basineas, and convenient to all places of amusement. The Mercantile and Trtvelling community wIY Bad it a desirable plate - for comfort, cleanliness, and moo- Meals furnished at all hours. Single Rooms, 60 cents per night. Dy the week $9.60 and upwards. nibiSS•tf M EP fl ""rS' • Attni S • OTEL, NORTH SOICIRTI3 BTBAIITI AllOll ALUMNI, PHILADELPHIA. MoKtlialZi & 80N8. eltOrattreamt. piano lotto. RS. 9 .1 .11.1 t CKE 0 t'he I ir n N e G & SONS, N havi u l3o7 ORE ST filJTA T reet, (near the United Statea w lflnt o ,j are prepare.' to oOer to their friend. and the public an extensive assortnicnt of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly for this city, finished in various atylea of oases, midst prices which cannot fail to please. Plano-Fortes made to order, to emit any style of furniture, and all lnatru ments warranted to give entire satisfaction to tho pur chaser. Grand and Square Pianos to rent, upon the moot fa vorable terms. Mmoun. C. & EONS have rooeived Thirty-four MEDALS. The drat Premium' over all competitor In the United Staten All orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will bo promptly attended to. jy74m DIANO FORTES. Just received, an elegant stack of RAVEN, 13A ON, & CO., MINNS & CLARK_ lIALLET DAVIS C 0., & and GALS & CO. PIANOS. MRI L USONS beirtquality, at J. E. 0013 D'B, 8. D. corner SEVENTH and OHSEITNIIT eta. Kumber. L UMBER YARD. HOUTZ & 00., (Successors to Idontgemm & IleaII,) 8. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Street', Phila., Old Moyameneing District, are now receiving a large and well-selected assortment of all descriptions of LUMBER, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Palen, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety o wel l -seasoned Lumber. Also, • large stook of Bill Stuff, of every variety rad description constantly on band and sawed to order at the ehortesenotice. Our connection with Messrs. Mahaffey, Bouts, & Co., and Duffy, limas, & Co., at Marietta, Pa., glees no un sorrowed facilities and enables no to supply orders foe all descriptions of Lumber with' promptness and despatch. _ . ems-oitzEs Lthißlß, soft and mellow, imitable for PATTERN-MAKERS, ho , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully invited to examine our stock before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf .lIMBER. AT WHOLESALE AND ALI tail, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MAHAFFEY, HOUTZ.I. Co., take this method of informing their customer, and persona desirous of mar shalling LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and woll-seasoned stock of all description. of Lumber, which they are prepared to mill at satisfactory prioes.if Their timber is all from their awn MILLS on PINS 011513 E, They are also connected with Messrs. DUFFY, HOUTZ, & CO., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, lath Pales, Pickets. and Building Timber for Bridges, &c., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of TWELFTH and PRIMA Streets, with whom they are also con nected. ap2l-1.1 BLINDS AND SHADES; ORRAP !O1 OAS% B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STARS; Is the most extensive Hanufastum o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer In WINDOW SHADES, Of every variety. He has a One stook to be sold at Reduced Frites. BUFF, and all other Colors of Linen Shades, Trim mings, Fixtures, ,to., &o. STORE BRADPE Painted to order. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEADS., OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, Imo gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 950 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 6,000 galloon Bleached Winter Whale 011. 8,000 gallons Light Racked Whale 011. 250 boxes Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Olelne Soap. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candles. - In store and for sale by R. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. B. A. & 8 Allen, pa No. 14 South DELAWARE! Avenue. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, 'Li of excellent qiiality, sold et the PIiILADHL PHU GAS WORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained In large or email quan tity by applying at the Gas ONce, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To purchasers tar wholesale It le sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a pnee equivalent to Anthracite at $2.60 per ton. (Signed) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. Philadelphia Gas Works, Aug. 26. Mt. an27-tt BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for Umbrella and Button Makers, In store and for sale OROASDALE, PEIRCE, hCO., 104 NORTH WHARVES FREIGHT FOR NOVA SCOTIA.— About 700 bble balk can be bad for a port In Na 111 aooUi. Apply to JOHN HENN&DY & CO.. 189 NORTH WHARTRO. PIT 18501101 AND Tat ABET AMU VB. Mail treln 5t..11.00 night. Put 1ine...... 4.60 A. DP. Exprou mail.. 119 110012 i. 1233 II! Harriabarg as armmodation.7.l6 P. W. Lancaster .9.b0 the elation between Phila.,