- .:*sNys - rtEYsts.- . On Satur,dit r ;lati,`'eome 'scoundrel, for the part) .so venting:his malice upon the company, ...set tits to the bridge - on - theliteubeatille and In _ dinha B.titiond, roar the village of TUrioltsville, by' boring holes in the larie.tfinberit, filling them with - •ruroontine, and .setting the spirits on fire. The tire was under headway and the Sides of the bridge Ina blare when the freight trainoame Oleos at its ~ usual speod. , - The 'engineer and firemen put the rakes down, and . ..jumped, expecting to see the , train Mad bridge all go dowa together, in common ruin, - to the bottom of. the creek , lint the bridge, • luck ily, - although• enveloped in smoke and • .praresLoompetent to the burden, and the, train passed over' , in safety to the -"otherelde of Still water," whore, , the brakes being down, it soon stopped.' The fire was opeedityput mit, and the bridge awed, though in a alightiplamaged °midi- (lon. ' - tnennment is to be - erected to the Pilgrim Plither l / 2 Plymouth--oost from $300,0001 to - $400.000. It 'Nitrite built of granite, one hundred ilfty.threefoit high, , eighty feet, at ,t h e base, with eittlisS 8g arcs from thirty-eight to •actienty feethighz-tit is to be completed in twelve years. from August, 1858. Thirty-air thousand 'dollars hare boon - subscribed, principally in Mt:anoint ' ',Mits._ 'The 'widely for building the • monunient • Tar tab s'ir ad AU the estate, immediately around the veritable rook, and also -a site for - the menu- Mentiembraoing - ten mires of IMO, commending a - fine *view of the-harbor ; and the locality •of 'the Op :,-11:endity "at- last week, Michael Se . firiver, an aged and venerated citizen of York,. -Pa:, died.. very suddenly of- disease of, the heart, while sitting in his chair. The deceased :was well knowri-thfoughoitt the county, and highly esteemed fnehiseooler qualities,' and tihrwarm and' devoted friendship, - Ire watt ono of the three 'lnirvirors of • the vOlnnteere from this County in the a whiskey insurrection,?' • dohs ,Oribba 'killed hie father while arunk'twci Jeers ego In',Gibson hotinty, Term. Ever since be his been 'wandering, - about like 12taln; seeking ~rest and ending none, and gave - himself' up to the law Ikt/reek-ago, Rola,. but 19 y01,r3 - • . . "." Miss' Riitnia;latitight:er 3f Mr. Rugh`Eying, wee frightened, to deatk,in Thirty-fourth Area, New - -Perk,' en Sunderorening by,a servant girl unexpectedly crying out 'Olin° ?'. _vibilacho.was in the dark; aid 'histfatiter was walking behind - - At lifercervillitOra.; on the Obetutpeake and Ohio Canal, liat week, a man named Jaaoh Birks drank a quart-of whiskey, and, laid , downs intthe Fiddle road,tiliettAlf,vfdietritithe olfartetart, half A e Th .! ' : • • ;Ilitiaeliing•Patabliebrileilttannetted with the-Cotten faatotporLbdtmarifit. Iv. Wood .1 Co., of • - .l.littvittecwira,totatir destroyed- by firs on Thurs. -Ictss will ,probably exceed - - • large` blacksmith shop, attached' to the ' • extensive, 'works of 'l3llllneyor et' near - the railroad depot, it Mirk; Pa., was' burned to; the ground lost week, . , • " Tint LATa, EPfSOQPdt Cowittbrioit..—We have". received a-Very neatly printed ,pamphlet, copy of the 'poeceedings of the'Seventy-fourth' Convention of the -Protestant Episcopal Oliuich In the Diocese of ‘ .. - ,Preneylviants,„held in, Luke's (parch, nommenoing Tumidity, Oaf 25, ad coding Friday, May 28, 38b$. The pamphlet, WWI is -really gotten up en atiperior style, contains 201 printed pages, and was executed et , the eateblishmeet 0f , 113i,J 5. IlicOslia, No. 237 Dock street r The • contents ' are said to be a faithful vaoscripe of the deliberations or that honorable b:dy, and - as "'mak are worth'' , of eviler.* on, the book shelves of. every 'one interested in the deluge of that: • - nomeratis congregation of Obristiane, es a convenient ' meting of Wire rareranee. The roseate of Tile Press have Isfieitly :been. furnished with - a fall eynopels of -lames proceeding's as they transpired, and which, as the public is aware, resulted in the excellent selection of the Rev. Baronet Dowm - kiii D. D.', of Lincester, .for the important office Of *militant Wallop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. - The several reports of the Clergy; amounting to over *'hundred - In all; are In themselies s valuable 'historic record of the doings of this branch tifth - e Church in - every part of the diocese. Ittossns. Wu. Jonas h Son,—By reference to our advertising columns It will be seen that the old established Shoe. Finding hem of Messrs. ,WM. Johns do Son, northeast corner efl'ourtb A. Arch streets, is - tiow ',prepared 'to meat the wants of the trade. The well.oustatned,tepatation of this mercantife house— both for the extent of their tesonices, and their hen orablo mode of doing bush:tees—renders it one of'. the most inviting to the patronage of country, merchants - of any in this olty or elsewhere. • - ' • 'A CRAVATS: Pnavarrzva OP BALDIOESS..—A Cer tain promoter of the growth of the heir; a certain beentliler of the hair, rendering it soft, glossy; and in clined to curl. Jules Hauel's Eau di thenlenne, or 'fair fleatoter, should be universally It hes no equal. It besot a dye. It will change - gray hat! and 'shirkers to their original.' wit color. • Sold by all druggists; and by Jules Motel h CO., 701 Chestnut et. jy243-dltwlt Ilantra.—Like flakes of a - now that fall unper ceived upon the earth, the swa)n* 'unimportant, events of life, succeed one another. At the maw gather' - together, to are our habits formed ;, no single flake that is added tothe - pile produces a sensible change; no sin gle action' creates, however. it may exhibit a numb, character; at the same time all men should wear the beautiful Summer biliblte of the style of Grenville Stokesilfo. 007 Chestnut street. „- flow ro DO rr.—The sorbet way to fill a private' apartment, whether a printing office, a boiler nutnufee thy, or a sausage shop, is simply to place over the door a.placard bearing the, inscription No admittance." No person ever roadthat Prohibition over en entrance, - without instantly being attacked by enungovernable desire to rush right fu.'3 , l'aitteb donee teviaed, however, to cease the "rush" to E. R. Eldridge's Ohl Franklin . Ildt Clothing-Emporium, No.,92l,Chestnutritreet: , NODDLE —A oorrespondent,whobitd evidently been looking at somebody drinking, sends ne the follow log: " Thlksnorning, about 4P. Al., a - man with a beet In the hole of bin stocking, committed arsenic by swal lowing &dose of aulcide. The verdict of the inquest returned a jury that the deceased came to the facto in .notandinee with hie. death. It. leaves a child and nix small wives to lament the cad of his untimely loss." Dow much more saoslide for the writer to have simply atitten " the handsomest and beet garnients made in -the city are these sold et the Drown, Stone Clothing Hall of Deakin & Wilson , N0e.,001 - and - floe Chestnut street, abOve Stith. &tumid Roeult.—Per the last few, days the mercury has been_' gradually rising, and; by noose guano°, trio !dock or bathing mime at the bona, of John P. Bloan,liii 106 Ildirliet`street, has been gradu ally falling, -oanes : People are leaving. town for the seashore, aid ' one thinkir ol r going Uteri without being iirovlded with one of Sloan'a Inimitable suite Sudan Plxotis, and every other artiele in the way of One, confectionery, may, obtained In greater 1r at le t y and richer Savor .at the atom of blesan. B. G Whitman k tio , Second street, below Oheatnut, than at any other eata'olishment. • So say those have -.„ tiled all others, importaiwno. • Reported for The LINGAII-Boh.r Goo Kilburn, nurallt —250 tans coal, .Win Nor. , . TURKS Idt A.ND—BurcLue dun Illltakoth, Norgrart.- 12,4 .3 bus all, W Commlog k Boa; 1 anabor, b bbls arbile'oll, lot Junk, old mdli, ko,Sfrom *finked brig 4 -I,tritkotr,) Tkos at Noway°. - ~.-PtiLIADWAX4,BOAILD 0) 211ADB. JO - 51PR Cr: DRUID, WILLIA7II o,Kusr, (qvinerpas„or Tan WNW: : - - LETTER BAGS - As ,As Merchants' Bx,ohongs, L'itarntsipkii, - Ship Wyoming, Burton .Liverpool, Soon Ship, V Gsrdosr, Limeburner St John, soon Sargon Vets, Toombs, London, soon 'BorgneHamilton, Jackson .St Joao do Oulu, soon Brig Vol W OogginO, poggias ' soon .Elating Intelligente. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, /ly 98, 18#54 BON 11187175 ' .4-48 170 N -BITE , 7 7 MOH WATBA" ' ' 41A Steamship ikilaware; Copes 22 hones from lie* York, TM Cape May, with mdse sod passengers to James All. derdieo. Peened a brig off Cape flanlopon; besting in, end 'ewe twenty•thre schooners to the bay and Mier, bound-up: • • ' . - . , , .• ; , . , . I ~, Dargne Ann Bilsabstb, Norgrars, from - Turks Nand, - with gilt to W Cummings & Bon, ' Barque Slizabith 3, Willettg, from Marini; via qua moans. with angriri &oil° 7 Baker'ellio. • • Brig Owian Mare, Mottos, 6' dirt feints - BOrton, with ice to D DlCerahow & CO t - - , : 1 - , ‘ --- .- - = . Sahe nob% Oaorge, flairyeri.9 days . from 'fit Sawa or, --rist' Caps ihiand, withlsaft,'&d. - tolB /a 2 D Perot Behrldartlia, - idsiteci - li day* (oAM - Boston; With lei to -. D B Kershaw fo.-Co:" —"' - ' ' ' ' ' ' • Bohr oeo Kilburn; 8um111,17 days frontlilitgan, On, with coal Ulf Wismor. „ . • ; Bohr Hendrick Itodson,Brolth, 7 days from Bath, with ,ce to D D Kershaw th Co., • • - = ' , .- Behr Peru. Thomas, 8 - dayal,rOfit 'Augusto; Mei, with 10641)D 0 !Carlow* Co." - " '•'-' - • " - • Bohi Ito:bard Borden, Arnold, 6 dap/from Pall Blear, I ,wilffmdso to Cobden - & - Co ' - • ••' ~,,- - ' ' . , ',- - flor licitly Fowler, Balton, 6' daji D'iiir Roston ' , In I Wait to N shoshavast do Co. - -- Bob Belem Dein, Kelly. 8 days from HarislotspOth, ID ballast to '4 Atisq,esiit 4:, Oco: ... •- ~ , -''‘ , Achrlilictrt of Osk, Tones, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with'whiat to 3 L Bewley & Co. Bohr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with 1 wheat to .1 13 gloOolley. - - - • •'' Schr -Victory, OSambere, a days from Lewes, Del, with wheat to J, L Bewley & Co._ ,„ - _.- • ~ i Behr W m B Ferguson , Wheaton,7 dejefrOm Medford, In ballast to Stone, /a Do. • : Bobs It H Dil,y, Behemoth; 4 daya_from Newport - , in ballast to Royal& Godshall.' '-‘, • - i , Bohr Jacob fc•Willfarrir Matthews, 6 days from bittr• ..buryport, in _ballast to arewn.ts Whits. , ,-..-: • •..! ~ '' 'Bobr.7 IS Weldon, tontai; 6 days frontlitl e m, In bal;ant ' 'to BikitirrOsite; &•06: - ' • ' - '-- - , Bohr C Matthews. Warren, 6 days- frOM Motittini Id ballast to litakiston 2kooxi ,;:. Bohr David Siulth, Douglass. 6 days from Ilostot4 In ballait to Bannitft;Leirls, do Co . , . , &gilt ktiht.fosliire,ehropshfie,, 6 Os dont Hoskin, In ballot. WO. A ftecksherM Cry: .- , Bohr P A Baader■; Ireland , 1 days from Boston,. in ' 'tallish to Brown & White. — . i - '" Bohr Matti Oh - ltntPiOni 6d*y s from Boston, In ballast --, --''' ti flaunt, Cale, &00 ' ' .ii . - -, '''' ''' Bohr Lewitt ObostiKtiolierO, 6,",days„ from Boston, in ballast to Danmi ii, oBlo,:& 00. r ' •., . , ice* Alldn. a luir„i,' 6 Anys "iro* N e g. London, i r , ballast-to - Van Dimon, Nort , M, & Co. 'i ~, • , Bohr °Mat, Cheimplio.4 . ,dsyg Dem bibierish, lb ballast to lime & Co. ,' '. ' - , i .., Bohr Dorcartfrelanifofalaril ilais ittiin Worn,' Lb, • ballidtbfelt tillseltilits , Coo. ~ • ; , . , - Ac ,• tr :r. risnedigt 9oldsrialiN;4 days train Ne w naiaa, ire hate fllsklatins & CUL "to Off's, ..E! p4rtitit,loas, A days from Folly t Landbig,, ~.. ° T II6OI - I, Ot all blittleis'Wee.'. --.. .- . ~.... -. i, - -ILWatch man ill r lili th , i, days 'frons Mllrfutl, D el,. 1-:' - - lilt Mfibiting iiiiii,bet tegAiewliiy,&: Co. . . 1., t 'if• - t i Aiiitairifitoilittpoivo,2dayelroniSsmtnlmieAlrer, tor , -"'witfrelielitlf; giiallsairitt ie:grire. :": ' I-, ~ -:- 0-, i' ethilieldfatp, - Datibj464.frolliiM,Yrnfi,isC l ,`With ier , ‘-rwlightlifid °Mirth iiiilLtilitl m t1,6n.;,,,1.., , , , .... ~, • . ~...*,e0.0, ~ v' k''''iiiiiiiii ts W BOntlimy,"l39s , i,kylA4;;, , -,, 'ltalksialoAhos.,froosDssObials, - ~b.,,,-, ~,:- i 41)itqll# ' -Jr 'IIIB,.fMm•NAT•Di r . -•;•.'-'-'' •'•:*:- . 11.-Un g Ki p ' .. y r o o f gitnaja dratria, ,_ . .. - i -F —139 hr Stll llity: NOM 41101120/1 01 ; t'l' ~,‘ fr `ltt'l - Alicteelio ClOnlitisAcilre CiAttin: - .."- r-; ''., 1 a;. - ,,.. - ;.ffcbe Apindh,,M6M-Mataiulto: --''' ' = fili`face,V. 3 : -111. -1- riji,jgoggln. , , .',,•;„ ••---..- fitlintahliVirglataillalleypti4e4oll4;;Ttioa,,NWl ~ivtir73,l. s - ,) - .k-r ‘-, A -..:A . ,1 ' , 4 '-'• Vi f, . al - D.£4.. 4, L l P l Lik kii " litSb leigt ZV,I, 0 0 - ; I . . .11q41 V , ;Ai , , NO, . 0d)94, -Va -., ' - '4,fi11K, 1 14 lit kl„.ir,., r o ',...:....... Diiiining; Portland, 0 A fleckeher A Co. Bohr M A Shropshire, ShrOpshlre, Boston, 0 A Efeek eher /c. Co. Bohr D Ireland, Baker, Marblehead, • do echr Algol:or, Deng, Charleston, Sinniokean & Glo Bohr Emily Fowler, - Fallon, Boston, K Sturtevant Bohr H fledges', Smith, Sado, H - do Bohr J Martin, Harding, Providence, Crowell & lias Bohr Selene Helen, Kelly, Dennis, 0 Miller & Co. Bohr W P Ferguson, Whoaton, Medford, Tyler, Stone, /c Co_ Behr A 0 Belves, Lake, Boston, L Audenrled k Co. Bohr It H Bally, Peterson, Cambridgeport, Nays & God.hi.• Bohr 0 Matthews, Warren, Belfast, Blakiaton & Cox. • Bohr D Smith. Doggiest' ,floston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr Alias, Barberry, Norwich, Van Dusan, Norton, &Bo • - • Bohr D P, Tapley, Portsmouth, Chas & Co. Mr Jacob & illiam, Mathews, Newboryport, BroWn & White. Bohr J 8 Winn, Smith, Weld, Beam, Ogle. & Co. • Bahr Chief, Champlin, Norwich. Brice, & Co. Behr P A Sanders, Boston, Brown & White. Bohr Alert, Champion, Boston. Baum, Ogle, & Co. Pchr Lewis Cheater, Somers, Bandon, do . Polar Jae Porter, Adams, Boston, Noble, Hammett, & Caldwell. Behr W Y Oorbltt, Rose, Providence, B Mllnes & Co. Bohr T Benedict, Goldsmith, Prov.dence, Blackiston, Oat: k Co. - Bohr Slaty Dmma, Pilgrim, Stony Point D &derided, & Oo • Behr) B Diokineoh, Waeaton, Roxbury, do &kr limy Anne, Bowen, do do Bohr y Bowman, O'Brien, Now York, L Bothermel BO IT L Oaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. , (Correspondenee of the Philadelphia Pachange.) LEWES, Del.. July 20-9 A AI. A Fleet of about fitly evil, moody colliers bound east, left the Breakwater this morning. The steamer Albort Horn left this morning for Indian River. Several aVarsqlsied vessels are ht sight, bound up. Wind 8 8W; weather very due. Yours, &o. WU. Id. 1110101 AN. fir rscsoslrmi (Oorreepondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) OAPS /BLAND. July 27-7 30 P Two barquei and Bavaria schooners plumed in this forenoon Wind 8W; weather warm. Yours, to, - TBOB. B. IMMO. • COT TILLIOZATH TO TOO TABOO.] HlvdaN lu , GA., July 2t. jo tr4 , l o a m et;lt t er ezn all;i: Florid*, from New York, *ad 011efiLasnos' July 27. `Airlrod, iteatoublp Atlantic, from New York. MICMORANDA, Stemonblp Vaodorbilt, Leforre. from Now York for Rime, orritro4 at routbompCm 18th Inst. ~Arootoihisi city 'alien. York, Howe', hOruce at Bolton 26tli boa. ," • - 41..a .mahiP Noi•thern Light, .Tinklepaugh, arrived at New York 28th lost, from Southampton lath test, July 25, at 6 P M, lat 4121, raw a steamship showing Fog. .lish colors, supposed to be the Indian Empire Steltruhlp Kennebec, Hand, , hence arrived etagere ,York yesterday Ship &ergo from London for Australia, was spoken 26th nit lat 78 68 6, lonal. 02 W. Ship Rival Kelly, from Bliston at 6aryaquil Jane 74 and was to NMI July 15th for Callao. Ship Thirty-one States, from Havana for Boston, 7 dart out ,was spoken 16th that lat 85 39, lon 74 ' Ship Wizard King, Cone, from Callao for orders, ar• rived at Motherbank 10th lost, with rudder damaged . and capperloore. , , . . Shfp corinecticut, Webb, oleared at Newcastle, 14, Ipthmet,,, - • Bbils Rambler, Lathrop, cleared at New York yester. day, forthin ?moires. Ithip Phantom, Peterson. from New York, arrived at San Francisco 2lstult. Ship Oracle, Wood, from New York, arrived at Ban pr,noisoo let test. . Ship Charger, Hurd, from Boston , at San Franoisco let inst Slap Flying Bogle, Bated, from New York, arrived at Ban Francisco June 23d. Ship Black Warrior,Aturphy, from New York, at Sian Prenolsoo (iii Inst • Ship Southern Cross, Howes, from Boston, at Ban Prenefaeo 4th lest - Ship AndrewJeeirson. Williams, exiled from Ban Fran. claw Ist last, for Ne v York. • • Ship Frigate Bird, Cope, from Hong Kong, arrived at San Francieco 4th inst. Ship Lola. Coffin, from Rotterdam,_ arrived at New York 26th Net. • .! 'Ship Ellen. Stewart., from Liverpool for Baltimore, AAA spoken 26th Jest, lot 46 74, ion 2210. Ship Tornado, kluraford, sailed from Melbourne May 24. for New York. • Ship John Fraser, Herbert, from Callao at Valencia 24th nit. Ship Clara, Doane, from Callao (not Myst) for Lou. don. sailed (mai Queeteown,7th met Ship Magnet, Henry, sailed from Manilla May 6, for Boston. %tip Hotspur, Potter, from New York Jan 29, at Hong Kong Illsy 6. Map George ,W.sat, Couch, at Liverpool 14th inet, front New Orleans. Ship Tartar, Mix, from New York Oct 22, at Shang. hoe 30th April. - Ships George Green, Fairbanks, and John Patten, Patton, remained at Cronstadt 3d Inst., uncertain. Barque.TM blorolort, Burmelsto,r, was loading at Ba lling 15th lost, for Cowen and a market. Barque Marian, Downing, at Buenos Ayres 3d ult, fsom New York. • Barque Emblem, nitele cleared at Boston 26th lost, for Malaga. • Barque . lifystery, Pales, hence for Belfast, was off Waterford 7th Md. Barque Adeline; Schnlkin, from Bremen Bth lust, for Philadelphia, was off Dungeness 12th lust. Barque Antagonist, Crowell, from Buenos Ayres Jane 10th, arrived at New York yesterday, left barques Swallow, Upton, Mullin ; Glenwood, do; See Bird, Wotan, do; Henry Buck, do ,• Home. do • Paladin, for New York in two days ; brig Bonita. Hat ch, laying on for New York Business 111 very dull at Buenos Ayres. Very little produce coming in. , Country quiet. • • Brig Potent.; Baltsford, front Buenos Ayres June 10 at N York yesterday. - Brig Myra • Fuller, from Boston for Philadelphia, paned Highland Ligbt7 P M 26th Inst. Brig Hannah Woks, Hicks, hence, via' Queenatown, at Dublin 13th inst Brig Wm It Sawyer, Sonar, sailed from Fall Giver 24th inst. for Philedelsibia--not as before reported. Brig Binh Hawk, Hamadan, cleared at Key West 9th Ind, for Cardenas. Brig Ocean fele (Br), Jones, cleared at New York 26th test, for Berbvioa. • - Sclir .311 Mather, Nickeniou,,cleared at Boston 28th itst, for phliadelphis Bohr J 3 Spencer, Langstaff, for Philedephia, sailed from Salem 24th met Behr Onwassett,hence at Baker's Landlog, Warwick, 26th Mat - Sabina Applegate, Lee; poisons Burley, Marts, and Antares, Cordery, hence at Providence 24th inst. Bohr' Sarah B Jones, /Ones; Wm P Cot, Holiek L n F Stockton, Crammer; John Lancaster. Bitten, and Baker, Lake. berme at Providence 25th init. - Behr Ring Dove, Johnson, hence, arrived at,Alexan dria 26th inst , achrld'Reinhart, Peterson, hence, arrived at Porte. month 24th feet. - • Bohr G'Green, hence at Danvers 20th inst. Behr Marla (tonna, hence at Portland 24th last. SchrJ P Oellins, Gorham, cleared at N York peter ' day for Philadelphia. IigIRINN MISONLLANT. The ashtteao, from New York, !stranded in Marchri ttleh Bay, was got Off 10th last, sad towed to alozolt. - DOMESTIC POSTS NNW ORLEANS, July 20 —dr, ship Esr West. lien nett, New York; barque Itglanttne, Gleason, for Rio do Janeiro (previously reported at quarantine-) Old, chip Prelude It Cutting, &meg, Liverpool. - Towed to lea on the lab Ind, ships ktootmorenot sod Bey Etats. - - Below, alp Cattemberg, Weeks, Liverpool. FOREIGN TORTS. (Far eteamahlp Europa—Telegraphic Ar from New York, misr22, R Boma, at Hong Kong; July 14, Oonatellatton, Addyetone, and Cuomo!, at Liverpool; 16th, Lebacla, at do • - Ar from New Orleans Julyl4, Celestial Empire, at Liverpool; 16th, Pomoria and Theo Lord at do; 16th, Helvetia, at do Sailed for New York April 29. Notigna, from Woofing; May 8, Edith, from do; July 18, Cora Linn, from the Olyd N l4th, N Biddle. from Liverpool; looter Johnny and agnolla, from Shields; 16th, Escort, from Deal, Sailed for Boston July 13; Randolph, from the Oilde; 11th, Winfield Soott, from Liverpool. ARZVALB AT Tilt PitlNCifkl, HOTELS, ur TO on ceoLooK THIS 11011.11130. Guuksp 110S388—Ohestnut meet, below Ninth Geo Dante, Pittsburgh II 0 Banning k lady, WO- W J Dl'l Bandizaky Ohio _ rnington. Del A Reskine, Huntsvi l le , Ala J . a Reaklne, Huntsville, S burgles, St Louis Ala Siren Tiernan, St Louis John N Tiernan, St Louis Nra T Williams dc dan Mr Bell. Pittsburgh St Louis I Forchinet, Mobile I, Goldsmith, N Orleans X Gold•mith, N Orleans B giber Shreveport • john NinotOTC_, N Y G P -Smith, Oloolnaati, 0 Louis Sbiasier, Lancaster 0 1 10 Johnson, Savannah X W Alexander. icy R /Limb*. Baltimore Wm Bush°, Baltimore James al Patten & lady P 8 Rueter, Leesport, Pa Olevelaud W 11 Paul, Roston W J Rogers, Jr, N Y J R Jon e s , Reading Out IS It Rahn, Reading EL 0 Mil, WhStahall, N Y Geo Earle, 111 d R T Berle, Nd B Brainard , Conn .T roster, Jr. Nashville, W N Ewing, Nashville, Tenn Tenn- A G Ewing, Nashyllle Mann 0 B Childress, Nashville, J• N,Yatrlilmb , Dowaingtdtt, Teon Penn A P Bona, Augusta, Oa I, 8 Williams, Oinolnnati, 0 T Quarles, hiemphis,Tenn las Campbell, Trinidad L Saber, 01110i1211110, 0 1 W Hughes, Oincinnsti, 0 A J Lets, St Louis Jll Shalt, Ending - Nl/ Harrison, Plata Rev D Caldwell, Leesburg, 811 Lilly and lady, N 0 Virginia - A W Steal dr, da, N 0 L him on dc da, N 0 Benj Phlstet, Maysville, 0 F Rubicem & Is, Phile Rentuelcy P Dodge tv. lady George- I P Mare, Havana town, D 0 - A. ht Rutledge & Is, Tenn RH Armstrong, St Louis H Chamberlin, Natehes R Smith, Hartford , Alex- Lelia, St Louis J R Yore & IS, St Louis Andrew Malooras n, Liv- Dr A Hall, Whitehall, NY ' enrol, Nog I IP X blattbiew. Washington, L linrridge, N Y G 0 Rimbrough: St Louis Geo W Vetter do la, Phila ,W Ji Leonard, N Y . John Walt AiS Kiefer, New Haven Mr Duncan, N Y A Yerrandon, N Orleans 8 T Gordon, N Y 8 0 Reynolds, Elmira, N Y Wm 71 Nsurouto, Reading, 'T Henry Balmer, el Y Pa Wm K Watts ro Is, Rich. D F Fleming Charleston) mood, Va Mrs Fleming, Charleston Xi" Fleming, Charleeton I/ 0 Davie k Is, Min IC Rooth & family, Wes W 0 Murray, Jeree,yolty Miss Rats Murray, Jersey B Chsmbirleln. Utica, W 8 Ach W Sato*, b.! John 0 Ager,_ Urbana, 0 Aloha Rill, Richmond, Ye I B Willard, N W Taylor, Tessa T A Rowland. New York Rdwin .Waters, New York P A Rhodes, New York Sawn Canova, New York Obaa Pratt, New York T 8 Iceland, Cincinnati, 0 • A Rindskoer, New York Wm Gilson, New York - W Prondroot, New York A B tionthworth, Ban Pron. JO H Baehin. Baltimore _ 0 II Innis, Milslaelppl W _ _ W Platt, Peter burg, Ye Dalt i mer* A Royston, Mobile, Ale B P Pittman, St Louis B 0 Goodman, Maelanatl J D Neely & i, Savannah LB Manville, Louisville 3 D Darrle, Now Dyloans W Gl:Adios / San Ptaa'oo W D Down/ion, Va , 1-11DHari Nebraska - T ape)lock, Texas sausitivrao HOTlL—Soorth street, below Ards. T Struthers, War en. Pa Geo Pattison jr. Tenn John Reyes, Lewletown J W Dobbins, liandwiab,lll W Horgan, Kg' 8 Morrie, °nester co, Pa Inn Prancer, Washington Prance - Jr , Vjaibinaton R Branoe,.Wehington - A 0 Shown, Selina Grove 8 0 Irwin. 03,0 We W Prentice, Newark, N J Wro.P Kellogg, N .1 .7 Reber, Va 0 A Roberts, Meriden, Ot D D Stockton, Ala Joe Oltseanairglenford, Pa AMERICAN 1201198. 7 -01testout Street. Above NMI. 3 P HoCelier,NiagaraPalls -L A Paschall, Oxford, li C OJAKingebury, Ozford,N 0 W J Biggs, tkotiand Neck, Lori G Clark & la, Del V 0 ' Mita,Olark,•Del . . - Mies Bowman, Vol ' 0 9 Smyth, N .7 9 0 Parker es la, N Y Miss Parker,N Y.', - ' , OEOO Johnsen, N Y A T Lavalieres, Memphis J Hannah, Jersey Oily ' Z P henry, Berlin, Ild 11 J Marshall, Berlin, MA John Thompson. N 0 P 1 Thompson, N 0 o w Williams, Cap May, W Williams, Balmhisy NJ J 11 McCreary, Tamaqua 9 Johnion, Baltimore T street, Baltimore 4; 1 1ows Pa - Lt B Burnham, iii Chunk iiiPtSßtossri3Ohlo - Geo Jones, Chicago, 11l - I P. Oreiniaale, - Ohicego, J F Briggs, 9 0 Minos Q. , , .. .- - Jasper Stowe, N 0 DANI.IIYBIIIIAY NOTIIII.-Bitoond street, below Vino. 8 a Walton, Del , ' Pennington, Rog Gould, Trenton, N - 1 NJ„ Allis J Gduld, Trenton . , 21 I Mei tianhilry, Phila ' o,Frety, Netbeko • Onate larkbehle, Bucks do •Dlibibett,- Mont; -, t ,Toht.Oettis, Montg 118 Tniabbilikenhuit4' l. 'IIN bitlts. Deortsittle ' Stulant Blum Docking- R -dylod, Pa haat • , - - - • 3420_P Neal), blewhope Thou Janney, Bunke do tleck'W Kahl; Plias Chem Jenner:Bunkd do - Jdo Polk, Hutcrllle 0 Nantbitrii, Pa *- • B Siam], Drownsburg Reed - Nlyi'llrenitiabarir - ' Browntburg Thee Rat , , Luni'Pown, Polon:ion 'Wright, Lahgehri Cheltenham 811PlintoisylNewbOWn.' - -`• ONION HOTHL;-Arab street, below ?mirth. / 0 McClelland, Alla- II need. Preeport, Pa • when,- City M &hi if, N Y A L McFarlane & la,West• A 0 °roes, Cincinnati moreland 0 O'Neil, Pittsburg 8 P Spencer, Lancaster Thos T Molten, Easton 8 R Maier, Frenchtown, Miss 0 Kline, Crestline, 0 N J Thos Brans, bladisonj Ind E P Bowman, IS Ohttbk,Pa • arra (Beech it son, Pa G B Clayton, Pottsville Win Smith, Pa 8 W Jones, Pottsville /no SI Liming, Bridgton, Edw P Brewater,Brldgton, N. 7 NJ Dr Laney, N J Harrison Oarver, N J II It Raley, Shippensburg Jan D Stryker, Lambert. Wm N Stryker, Lambert ville, N J villa, NJ 0 0 Sadler, Phila J Beck & la, Reston W Atwater, Masaillon, 0 L Virineburg, N Y NATIONAL HOTEL—Haim meet. above Third. Oboe Heebner, Lee, mass W m Williams & la, N Y Joshua Comly, Pa Jos Spencer, Pottering Wm B Payne, Weet Haven John Weedier, Lancaster Jll Barrett & la, Harm. Andrew Kreider, Annsville, Yin° Penns Levi Illekeeoker, Mt Joy L Titus, Beaton • Joe Bribeck, pal Rees Powell, Ord N 11 Tlionaa, Oat Henry Fisher, Pottsville John 11 H Hanley, Potts- Wm 11 White. Platuburg villa E D Richardson h wi, N J W P Vonto, Pottsville Eenj Mocker, Lob co, Pa MADISON ROMS, Second etreet. above Market. 0 °handler, ?Sarni Hook, John W Oolllne, Jam, Senna Oily. N 8t Louie, Mo Clni'l3 Ashley. Newark, W N Tyndale, Philo N J L 8 Lore k le, Baltimore Banal Yottinger, Memo Jae B Yulwood, Trenton John Dutcher, Oteego county, N It PALI/ EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Oallowbill Ii P Englecoan, Pbila Jacob Houser, Northarop• II Kenning Bucks co, Pa ton co Pa Joshua Youlk, Quakertown Jacob Clymer, Quakertown David Oman it la, Pa • 0 Killian, Ebensburg, Pa 80101 8 Dower, Harrisburg A 8 Pyne, Wohleverstown BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Oallowhill. Reuben Terser. Green Lane Daniel Oarr, Danville H a Hartman, Pottsville 0 Finney, Dnoka co, Pa Henry Thome Douglas,' W Buckman, Jenkintown Mee Backman, Jenkintown Eph , m Hersh, Zionsville Hoagland, Byberry Bliss J Steckel, Allentown Jacob Ritter, Reading hi A Seller, Po. Jacob K Hill, Pa P Renck, Lehigh co, Pa Win Plea, Bucks' on, J Sweestort, Montgomery co, Pa 0140 K EINAR INN—ltifth and Merobant streets. D M Reynolds. Pa Jas Chadwick, Chester, Pa FL T Ogden, Del co, Pa Alf Bunting, Del co, Pa Howard Leiria, Del co, Pa J Darlington k la, West P Cos, Bt Paul, Minn Chester Joe Gilmore, Chester co, PC intecial Notires. Kault Khan Hatch REMOVED TO 1315 011ESTNIIT STREET, Above Thirteenth. j727-3t Sluing Fund,—Flue For Vents Interest.— NATIONAL RAIIETY TRVBT COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money reaelmul in any SIM, /edge or MIA and Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made In Real Rotate, Mortgagee, around Rents; and , aueh first-olasa securi ties ds th charter requires. °Moe hours, from 9 cOoloolt in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 Walnut, tel erovir ilißakent OILED/J.7ID FAMILY ONWING MAC:MINDS, 180 CHUSTMOT STUBBY. These Machines are now justly admitted, to be the beet in nee 'for fanailj Sewing, malting • new, strong, and .elsetio stitch, which will go? rip, oven if every fourth otitoh - be out.' Oirouloro sent on stypflestion by letter. Jitokeen, JOB PAMIR, • FIFTH AND OFINEITNTIT. Olathe, Notee, Drafts, Bills Lading, DM Reads, Cir cular; Cards, and all other Made of Job Printing, at prices to snit the time. ' oel7-Ay Seamen's Saving rund--0111ce 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second stieet. Receives de• posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all alassat of the Community, and allows Interest at the rata of lira per aent. per annum. Office open diolp, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Beturday until 9 In the evening. President, Franklin Yell; Treasurer cud /Secretary, Charles M. Morris. Bower's Infant Cordial.•• This Myatt:nib's Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and to the most perfect and reliable oarinlnntlio extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful induenoe a speedy cure is effected in all owe of Chong, windy palms and sprains. Waves and mitigate mach of children's suffering darlag ienti• ilia% or teething, and. by its 'mottling properties tract. qnliisei pains of the bowls, looseness, vomiting, ece. The resat Coals' has become • standard remedy, end hu been need in thousands of oases with the moot abundant suasess. No finally ahonld be without It Prepared only by wiT A. Bowel, At Ws Drag and ()heelball Store, N. N. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed. And for sale by ISn:waists generally. en lBlv irtarnages On the Ad Instant, by Bev. James Motlaskio, at hie residence, 425 South Twentieth street, Mr. WILLIAM SMITII to Mien EARAII L. DROWN, all of Philadel phia. tk On the 11th islet , at Oenshohocken. by dispensation, before Bor. Pather SPelsmen, PATRICK WADE to HANNAN A. ALLEN, all of spring Mils, Montgomery county, Pa. On the fib inntnnt, by Mee George A Latimer, Or. WM B. MAYBERY to Miss JANE OINK, both of Phi ladelphia. On the 18th indent, by Pee George A. Latimer. Mr. Wt. CLOAK to Miss HANNAH 1,61418, both of Phils dedphia. VDtatbe On the morning of the 27th last , We. CATHARINE II P7A1.90N, in the 89th year of her age. • The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence No. 769 South Fourth etreet, on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel-H7ll. Vitt On the24th Instant, Hrs. SARAH PAINTER, in the 88th year of her age The relatives and Mende of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from het late re sidence, Na. 231 Poplar 'treat, Ode (Wednesday) after. noon at d &clock. To proceed to the Odd Penmen' Cemetery On the 26th Metall% CHAS. HOPP6IAN, In the 824 year of his ego. ills relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ridge road, near the Booth Laurel Ittlt Cemetery, this (Wed. nesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Box. borough. tt On the 25th instant, Hr. CHAS. A. KOEHLER, aged 63 years. The male relatives and Mande, and Rising Star Lodge, No. 126 A. Y. El., ale° Wayne Lodge, No. 3, 1. 0 of 0. P., and the filuthwark Hose Company, are invited to attend his funeral, hem his late residenot, No. 119 South Delaware avenue, above South street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock ** On the 26th Instant, Sire OATHATIINN 13011AlltiiR widow of the late George Schaffer ; in the 734 year of her ego. The relative* and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the flinerel, front her isle mil &nob. Robinson street, illaneyunk. Twenty-first ward, WI (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without fur thor notice. To proceed to the Upper Lutheran Church, Germantown. On the 28th Inst., after a Ill:geeing Illness, which she bore with Obviation fortitude, Mrs. MAIM TITTLE, widow of the late Moses Tittle. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence . , No. 405 Ottriatian street, above 'Garth street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Without farther notice. ** On the ilfith instant, Miss FANNY ANN SWEENY, daugh'er of Mery . and the late George Strawy, le the 28d year of bar age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the reeidoooe of her mother, Huntingdon street. above Lewis, Nineteenth ward, late Etchrooed, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at o'clock. To proceed to Mount Model Cemetery. On the 26th lout,, after lingering 'Haien, ELIZA BETH, eldest daughter of Joseph and Better It. Ilan nte In the 10th year et bar ego. The relatives and friends are incited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 608 Franklin avenue out of Cherry, this (Wednesday) af ternoon, at 2, o'clock. without further notice. It On the 22.2 fast , Mrs. HLTZADETH SMITH, 111 the 70th year of her ege The relatives and friends of the family ore respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reeldenve of her non, John G. Smith, No 855 North Thirteenth street. above Wallace, on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock.** . . 8 4 0 n Rirst.day evening,26th Mat., MARY, wife of Situ i Yerkes, in the Tad year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her bruthend, No 182 Green street, on Pourth-day afternoon, 28th, et 2 o'clock; without further notice. To proceed to Hair MIL On the 28th Inst., SAMUEL MOM:Mt in the 66th year of his age. The relatives And friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late reeidenCe, 1222 Ship pen street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Interment at Mount Dlorlah Cemetery. st On the 28th init., GEORGE P. ' eon of Stephen and Lollies. 0. La Barth, aged 18 montha and 24 days. The relatives and friends are larded to attend the funeral from the parents' residence. Depot street, No. 810, this (Wednesday) afternoon, It 4 o'clock. * Suddenly, on the 26th instant, EDDIE PUGH, eon of Ifthannan end Wile W. /fisher, Aged 2 years, 3 months, Ant 9 days. • The friends of the family are respectfully invited to Attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, Wallop street, above TIN West Philadelphia, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Morlah Cemetery On the 26th last., (1 NOME S., infant son of Jobp and Catherine Itatgg aged 4 months And 11 days. Interment At Mount Moriah. tk fllrmottle Notice—The members of ittalus WEAR LODGE, 126, and the Order In general are Wetted to meet at the IiALL, CHESTNUT Street, on THURSDAY MORNING next, at 9 o'clock, for the purpone of attending the funeral of our docenned CHARLES A. EOEULER. lly miler of W. At. D. FRANKLIN JACKSON, Secretary. Rya Fairmount and Arch-Street City Pas- SEEGR AILWAY CO a Meeting of the Commins E ioners named in the Act —At to incorporate the Fairmount and Arch-street City Passenger Rail way Company, held In pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Office of William L. Hirst, Esq., Sixth Arcot, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the following Commissioners, William St. Randall, Lewis Bitting, Robert J. Hemphill, Omega 11. Thomas, James D, smith. together with the Chair man, wore appointed a Committee to utak° the neces sary arrangements and open BOOKS OF SUBSCRIP TION according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named Commissioners will meet M the Wetherill Muse, HANSOM Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, WED NESDAY; and TUURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, nod 12th days of August, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. AI., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above-named Passenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, J n., Chairman. Roar. J. Ilaßrattc, Secretary. jy22-taul2 Notlee.—West Philadelphia Passenger RAILWAY COMPANY, July 15, 1868. The curs oP thin Company noir run every five min ute. from TIMM end MAREWS Streets to their Depot, on WO/al and DAYERPORD Streets. fpl6-1m 7i9. S. MANN, Superintendent. WICOfMce of the Frankford and Southwark PIIILADELPRIA. CITY PASSENGER RAIL COMPANY, Corner of GERMANTOWN ROAD and CHATHAM Street. PUILIDBLPITIA, July lot 1858, The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of PM FEB CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Cola• pally, payable to the Stookboldera or their legal repro. nentatives after the 10th Instant, at this Office. Tho Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from and after this day until the 16th lost. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Mae to be exchanged for others with the new title of the Company, jy2-faml6t THE PREM.-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. MIS 28. 1850 PETERP . SON'SDETECTOR for AUGUST IS READY TlllB DAY. It is the most complete and reliable Detector of Counterfeit Bank Notes extant, nod is carefully revised and corrected SEMI-MONTULT, and is published at the exceedingly low price of $1 per year for monthly, or $2 for semi-monthly subscription. This Detector is considered A No. 1 by the business community, and no effort will be spared by the publisher to make it THE BEST DETECTOR EVER PUBLISHED. HT •" Peterson's Philadelphia Counterfeit Detector and Bank-Note List" le extensively cir culated among all classes of business men, including Banks, Bankers, and Brokers, all over the United States and Cumulus, and is rendered invaluable to advertisers from thereat of each number being constantly In use, and therefore more apt to he taken notice of.— EXCharige. PETERSON'S DETECTORis published twice a month, on the let and 10th. Price 10 eolith. 30NEW GO,UN TEREEITS-PETER SON'S DETECTOR for August Lit to now ready IDIETERSON' B COUNTERFEIT DETEG -IL TOR for August is now ready. Get it at once. GET THE BEST DETECTOR—PETER BON% is that ono. 30 110 W Counterfettel. QTOREKEEPERS should have Peterson's KY DETECTOR always at their deck. 30 NEW COUNTERFEITS have appeared since July - 15, and aro fully described in PETER. SOWS MONTH D LY ETECTOR for August 1, published tide day. Everybody should hare It. Single numbers 10 cents, or $1 a year monthly; or $2 a year for the semi-monthly. Call or send to T. B. PETERSON o BROTHERS, jy 28 20 31 No. 308 Chestnut et., Philadelphia. W PA P E 13.--gc THE NATIONAL 1 1 MECHANIC," an Independent Weekly Newspaper, devoted to tho real Interests of the " toiling millions will be Issued from the Office No. 108 K South THIRD Street, (second atom) in about ten days. Look out for it, as its contents will be Interesting. Tho paper will be of the largest else, and gotten up In the very beat style. Send in your advertisements. .1,28-Irolf IVEW MAGAZINE. BRYANT & STRATTON'S “AIif.ERICIAN Inn °RANT' , le now ready, and may be had at all NSW'S DOPOTB. Their Agent, Oapt. J. U. Bell, is canvassing this city for yearly subscribers. Price 12 per annum. Address BRYANT k STRATTON, blercanttle College, 8 E. corner SEYRNTEL and OLIBBTNIIT Streets, Phi ladelphia. tey2B-1y VAIWILY PORTRAIT BIBLES, RAM), 11' SOURLY bound. Old Billee rebound, to look toad wear good as new. Call sod look at the styles, et PEARY% Bookbindery,Botnan and RACE. ORPEANS' COURT SALE. Estate of JAMES Al. POWER, deceased. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers—Three-story brick dwelling, with side yard, POPLAR Street, fourth house west of SIXTEENTH Street. PO - tenant to an order of the Orphans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia; will be sold at publie sale, on TUESDAY, August 17th, at 8 o'clock - in the evening, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the-following described property, late of James M. rower, deceased, viz: All that lot of ground, with the brick mersuage thereon erected, situate on the south Me of Poplar street, 99 feet west of Schuylkill Seventh street, In the late district of Spring Gordon, containing in front on Poplar street 27 feet, and in depth southwardly 90 feet, to a 20-foot wide street laid out and opened for pub'lc uses, being the came premises which Henry Lelar, High Sheriff.of the City and County of Philadelphia, by Deed Poll, dated the 20th day of May, A. D. 1848, granted and conveyed unto the said James M. Power In By the Court, • JORN BBERRB, Clerk 0. C. 711018A.9 J. POW'BR, Administrator. The keys may be had et the Auction Rooms of M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 139 and 141, formerly 67 and 60, South FOURTH Street. 3y28 sull&17. NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. .1.1 The undersigned (sum/more to the late JOSEPH T. JO/INS) are now' prepared to moot the wants of the trade at the . . . . OLD STAND, Northeast corner of AROU and FOURTII Streets. Their facilities for furnishing every article in the Shoe. Finding Li ne e at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. The attention of Merchants is respectfully solicited. jy2B-3tnif .WM. JOHNS Jc SON. FALL STOCK JOSRPII 11. TIMIPSON, & CO., No. 314 AIARK ET street, and No.l FRANKLIN Place, have opened their 1 1 811 stock or BOOTS AND BROEiI, comprising every .variety and description, which theyolier for male on the moat eilvantszeuus terms for cash, or on the usual cre- . . . . . . . . . . . dit. Purchaxera will find it to their advantage to call and examine their stock before purchasingelsowbere. jy2B•tf .HAVS ROTEL, WILLIAAISPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, PA The undersigned line purchased the large and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINE fProet, formerly occupied, by the West Branch Dank, and has en'argod and refitted it In a superior style. Williamsport is one of the moat delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and hie house, he hopes, will he found pleasant, all well to the traveller an to theme citi zens of tho metropolis who desire to pans nn agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from Ids Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depots free of charge. jy2B.3in W. H. HAY, Proprietor. BOARDING wanted by a Gentleman and llffi WlFE—hoard with a private fatuity, where thorn are no children. South of Market preferred. Address MERCIIaNT," blood's Despatch. jy2B-3t40 BBOARDING—Rooms for several Gentle men, with or without Boarding, can be obtained at JOBEPIPA, No. 54 North BeVENTIL at., below Arch. Jy26-4t* A GENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE ENTI.I23IBN may obtain Board at 722 CIIBBT. 2.13 T iitroot, oppoatte Maaoutc Hall. Jy24-43tit CHARLES E. BUCK, HEAG ESTATE BROKER AND AGENT, _ . No. 81414 WALNUT STREET. /teal Estate pur chased and sold. Rouses rented. Rents and Ground Rents collected. Money procured ou utbrtgages, ground rents, &c. sursassoss. •••• • • • Frederick Fraley, E Win. D. Lewis, Esq. Morrie L. Hallowell, Essq.i q. Thos. P Sparhawk, Est James Dunlap, Egg., Caleb Jones, Esq. ,iy2-01ro A uGusT .BELMONT, BANKER, 78 BRAVNR STREET, 24Wir YORK, • Issues Letters of Credit, available to Two Hers, on ell parts of the world. 1a38.6m PRONISE & CO., SPEOIE AND EXORANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PfIIyADELPHIA. Refer to the BANES and DRO[llBl3 or Philadelphia je-ly one. ICANLVT. *. H. ntiotta. B. himmar, JR 'HANLEY, BROWN, & CO., ILL BANK-NOTR, STOOK, AND =CHANGE MIMS, N. W. corner of THIRD and 0711:8TNUT /Wean, . . Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all parts of the United States and the Canadas, on the moat favorable terms. Collections made, and 'Meta drawn on Ilngland and Ireland. Lincurrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Comminston at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia mud New York. je3.4m EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Public for Clomp,laidocter for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS, FRONT STREET, above HICKORY, MANKATO, hlucuravre, Pay partial:Lbw attention to loaning and Investing Money for non-residents and others, and oolleotlag Drafty, Notes. &o. Any lettere of isquray or bushman .111 receive prompt attention. Doter to Wood Bacon, Ic Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Role, & Withers, Philadelphia. Sharp, Caine', & Go.. Philadelphia. Riotiard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellie & Philadelphia. Parry A Randolph. Philadelphia. iny2l-elmie St, TURNIP SEEDS, CROP OF 'sB—Wo have In inOte, of our 'own growth, crop of 1858, auperlor to the imported—Early Dutch, etrapdenved ; Purple Top, etrap•leaved ; White Globe; Early Stage; Large Norfolk ; Yellow Aberdeen; Purple top, Scotch, and Golden Malta. D. JANDGETII & SON, Implement and Seed 'Warehouse, Noe. 21 nod 23 South Sixth street, .1728-It* • between Chestnut and Market ate. jgg RUTABAGA TURNIP SEED—Now Crop 1858, of our own growth, wearetuted 81.31'11- RIO It TO IMPORTED SEED, In Moro 'Lod for Rola hg D. LA.NDItETII & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouee, Nos 21 and 23 South Sixth street Jy2B.lt* between Chestnut and Market to. y OST—A. bundle containing a quantity of x.../ Dry Cmods, consisting of 11 yards of Black Silk, 13 yards of Muslin, 4 yarded Linen, and some skein cotton. The tinder will be suitably reworded be returning the sante to the owner at No. 1187 S. THIRD St. .1/23.2t* DERSONAL-SAMUEL will be in the city to•porrow, and will see you on SATURDAY at the urinal place. jy2B-I.l* fOTIOE.--ALL PERSONS ARE HERE by cautioned against purchasing two Drafts. dated Chattanooga, 'Tenn., May 27th, 18t8, for 500 Dollars each, (drawn to the order' of A. JOIINSO3,) ono at ninety days, the other at ono year, on the undersigned, and by him accepted. Said drafts will not be paid, an they wore obtained without corialderation. PHILADELPHIA, July 27. Uy27-3t] J. BAUM. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. IaIIIDITION OF AMERICAN AIANUFACTUREB The Institute will hold an Exhibition of American Manufactures from the 10th of October to the 6th of November next. The building will be prepared for the reception of goods on FRIDAY, October 10th. All ar ticles intended for coinpotition must be deposited on or before Monday, October 16th. Circulars containing the regulatiena for the Exhibi tion will be prepared for distribution in a few days Any further information wilt ho received on applies lion to WILLIAM lIAMILTON,Actuary, jr,243-Bt, Hall of the Franklin Institute. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of 0001'n k BTOKBP, No, 120 Booth SIXTH Street, for Building the (*teen and Oosteslitreet Philadelphia Passenger Railway, and furnishing all the material for the same, until MONDAY, the 2d day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. Plana and spectlicatlone can be seen at the above Office on and after alondsy, July 26th. j724-taut JAIIKB coop= President. HERRINGS -800 bble. NO. 1 PIOKLED Herring; 2.00 bble extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bbls Potomao dry. salted ditto, now in store and for ale by 7110. M. MANNED'S' tr. CO., snyl6 N0e.160 and 102 N. WHANYHEi. 31.11 ART, Treasurer Ncio publications ,Erstal NOtirEo. t)o.c Sinbings Boots anb 43 liars DOOTS AND 8110E3 Boarbing. Brokers 11233== %grim!tural. personal itlbolesale Elßrg (Soaba G LOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO., No. 113 CHESTNUT STREET. Are now receiving their FALL IMPORTATION of FRENCH AND ENGLISH, KID, BEAVER, BOOK, SILK, CLOTH, FUR, .FIIII TOP, AND PLUSH-LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. ily2B-lm N I V ELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 118 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol lowing description of goods : A. k W. SPRAGUES , PRINTS. in great variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Beds, Greens, Blues, Shirting'', and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLINGS. LonsFale, Masonville, iDatereville, Hope, Washington, Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston White Rock, ans. Phenix, Acton ' , tic. BROWN MEETINGS SHIRTING'S, ADD OSNA iv Matotma, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, East'n Virginia, Engle, Manchester, Moe's & Farm's, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Cerra' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Ilottomley's, Pomeroy's, and Glenharn Co.'s Black and Fancy all-wool and cotton warp Clothe in groat variety. DOESKINS AND OASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxton. River, Bristol, Terry's, Steam's and others. BATIAT4S. Stearns, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpentera', Florence Mills, Hockanutn Duhring's, Oonversville, &c. BlLESlAS ' .—Lonsdale's, Smith's, end other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Inane Stripes, Denim and Tlekings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Limpopo and Apron Checks. Sitenard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, kc. 1y22-2m Retail Men Ovals. QIIMMER MANTLES. P. 7 , LAQE AND CHANTILLY MANTLES and TAL bIliS at much reduced mien to close the stock. 011ARPLE8S BROTHERS, jy2B-1t CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. "11',INEN SHEETINGS. -lILA Richardson's and other excellent makes, of shoot ings of all widths. Pillow Linens and Irish Wilding Noma. . Bummer Blankets and Quilts. BILARPLISOB ir 2 .9.ff OLDISTNUT and .1M.,...7.7E1• NEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN. 17 New York Mills soft Saab; Warnentia, Arkwright, end other best brands; Masonvitle Gold Medal, very flue and light. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, SY 2 B- 1 ( CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH. HOODED CLOAKS, FOR THE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indlepeneable for a Country Ramble, or en route to the BP"n ral t Glig VA I, T S I 4 L 6 Ia;. nd $4. FRENCH AND ENG LINT LACE. BLACK MLR, SILK, AND LACK. CRAPE ATARRTZ CIRCULARS. WHITE /MARGE CIRCULARS. !TO:O34IAL? 7010012 PRICXB, TO OLOOB TEI OBASON, AT TOO PARIS MANTILLA. EMPORIUM, 708 011B8TNUT atreet,_ IY/7 I. W, PROCTOR CO. /TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Dusters to match. Silk Dusters and Mantillas. French Lace Maullea, from auction. White Darege Dusters. Shawl Sareges, black and white. Thin Black Goode, reduced. WHITE GOODS. Cambrfc,..faconet, and Mull , 12K chi. up. Figured Swiss, plain Swim, and Victoria. From auction, cheap lots plaid Cambria. EMBROIDERIES. Ault opened from auction, 'levered lots Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Callan!, and fanny Linen Col lam at about UAL? PATON: hEohair Ultto—eereral good and cheap lota. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens by tho piece or yard. Rots' wmAn. Seeranckers, ?Day Linens, Linen Coating!, Pantaloon Stuffs, &a. Also, light Cassimeres. MARSEILLES VESTINGS. COOPER k CONARD, 3.73 B. E. corner NINTII and MARKET. THE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE BRAWLS ever offered in this City are now being eold by THORNLBY dk oif N.E. nor. EIOIITR and BPRINO GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, M a most tremendous sacrifice for OAI3II, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shaw/e, atom quality and style an we have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now ceiling at the extremely low price of TWELVE. DOLLARS!! Ladies, you may never have such another opportunity of buying a lIANDIIOIIB 1311 AWL 60 moms! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from 84 to SW MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains In Lace, 811 k, Moir Antique Man tillas, dro. Travelling Dream Materials lb great tariety. Thin Bummer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Mangos, Grenadines, &0., ko BLACK BILKS, PANOY BILKS, dco. Oar name In justly celebrated. for Cheap Bilks. Materials for Men and Dove Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Bummer Clause and other Flannels, Ito., &o. Nitta, Voile, Embroideries, hosiery, Gloves, ha., at TIIOII NL Eya 0 118M'B - - - - "ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Oar. BIGIITH tr, SPRING GARDEN Masai* Je1941( 1200 SKIRTS AND CORSETS, FROM 4 24.1514.TF. GREAT BALE, nesetlfully.Embroldered Corsets, $2.50, worth $3.75 Melt +Finality Plain French do. 1.25 " 2.25 Sionuts Elegant French Skirts, 2.50 " 0.00 Do. do, Children's do. 1.12 4, 2.00 Also, till Sept., 1. lYtil to Zephyrs 140 , Colors 200., per ounce. Fringes, Ball Trimmings, Cotton Trimmlngs—client. J. G. MAXWELL k SUN New Tthoming Store and Factory, 8. E. corner ELIaVEN.TII. and WIESTWIST. ,Iy2l.lyrulBt RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMABICB, DIAPERS, Bco. CONSUMERS of RIORARDSONI3 LINENS, and those dealrous of obtaining the GENUINE uoon3, should see that the satiates they purchase are sealed with the full name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & °WHEN, As a guarantee of tfie eosuadneas and durability of the Goode. This caution le rendered essentially neceeeary as large gnentitiee of inferior and defeotire Lionel are prepared, Reason after lemon, and 'coiled with the name of BIOLIANDBON by Irleh houses, who, regardless of the Injury thus indicted alike on the American ounnutner and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a buboes eo profitable, while pun. ehaaers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKS & J. B. LOCKE, niy2g-Con Agents, It 011131t011 Street, New Yet k. A CARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In . DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 448 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Large Story Wblie Building TBRUB—ONR PRIOR FOR BARB. LIT Prices 'narked In plan Boren on each artlolo ap2o4im liemovale. REMOVAL -JOHN P. DOHERTY, TAILOR, lIAS ItEI4IOVED N. E. CORNER OF FIFTH AND WALNUT BTh. P111141161.7111d, July 16, 1858. ir2B REMOVAL JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., 432 OISESTNUT STREET, PA/19100S TO ANIOVING TO TIIBIR /OW BTOltll, °trim retain STOCK OF GOOD( AT A HEAVY REDUCTION PROM USUAL PRIORS j723-tra If pi. ORS ON, JOB PRINTER, Has Removed to FIFTH AND ORESTNUT STREETS JY2-/ra SODA WATER FOR THE MILLION! PRIDE REPITOBD THREE CENTS A. GLASS! The public are roepectfully Informed that those who may require a COOL, OPARKLING BETERAGB, Rill find it to their advantage to call at OSGOOD'S "NT,NII,I3r..T'Y ST No, 3113 OIIEBTNUT Street, cor. IIUDSOWS ALLEY And obtain a glass of bie dolicloue SODA WATER, Flavored lelth Choice Syrups, at the low price of THREE CENTS A CLASS! jyl6-f m w-Ot A NEW ARTICILE.—CI3ESTNUT- Ix. GROVE 191.118 KEY.—The purest Spirit offered the American public, possessing many medicinal pro perties, and none of the poisonous qualities inherent in the Whiskey In common use, is now offered for sato by the DtliggiStA generally, and by CIZARLES WHARTON, Jr., . - . - - Oeneral Agent, At RAI. Taylor's, Wholeoale Grocer, No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All percents desirous of using this Whiskey may rest assured of Its purity. Dean Sin: We have carefully examined the sample of Chestnut•Orove Whiskey left with ue a few days since, and find it to oontaln little or none of the poison ous substance lumen as Fusll OIL BOOTH, GARRRTT, ac OADIAO, Analytical Chemists. To CHARLES WHARTON, Jr., NO, 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. ijaSto DIME DONE DUST, GROUND A yorysuporlor article. For Me In )srge or moan lota, by OROMIDAIL, pauto, & Toss 104 North Delaware MITOIII3Os /or Sale aißr Mo Let. .raftPASSENGER GARS—For sale two New City Passenger Rallivay Cars of superior Luild and finish. Apply to A. 4: P. ROBERTS, 3y28-otifik 410 Walnut street, FllO LET—A STABLE on Crown S!root, near Vino. Inquire 213 North FOURTH laireet ) near Vine. 1)17-31* OT FOR SALE, fronting on NINTH L Street, below Wharton, IA feet front by 105 feet deep, ton back street; suitable for a person wishing accommodations for a shod. Apply to TUBS. MOOllll, No. 10 South FIFYII Street. $2,00 0 —FOR SALE, a Mortgage for • $2.000, mired on property - worth more than double tho amount. Apply to JOHN it. STOOHDAIX, 929 South SIXTH Strout ra WANTED TO PIIRODASE—A cor- La. net...store Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pr-vision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred, Address GIMES, Press oface. jylb - - - t 4 lolt SALE—A valuable LOT, in the vici. pity of the Baltimore Depot, In an improving neighborhood. For particulars, address 7. K., Box 927 rostuflice. kyle 1110 LET.—THE UPPER ROOMR OF _a. wires No. 827 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to L RALLOWFAL /c CO , or _ GIIILLON, ANDERSON, k Co. IpoMita'. L - 1 OR CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' JP.' COURT- 110IMItT G. MARCH, OP TRH TRIRTBANTH wettn. Subject to the will of the Poople'e Convention iy2e4mit FOR. REGISTER OF WILLS. ELI DILLIN, OF 21111 YOURTERNTII WARD, &hied to the Boles of the People's Party. And, if elected, I pledge myself to confine the Office to the legal fees established by law. jy2il-tc* I: 4 10R 00NtiMISS—TRIAD DISTRIOT, nu. JOOPIT BITES, OP TOR WITKRNTU WARD Eckled to Democratic rules. CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COITRT, THOB7. E. HARKING, ,66V81116INTEI WARD, Subject to peccoaratte RUIOII. jy2l•tn WILLIAM H. KERN, SHERIFF, FINTEENTR WARD &Nod to the Attlee of People's Party VARD —The undersigned hereby inlhrme V hlB friends that ho will bo *candidate for the Office of SLIERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, at tho eneulog election, if nominated by " The People?' doa. M. COWELL. jylft.tf 111110 5, 1868 FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, romq SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People's Convention jps-tf REGISTER OF 'WILLS ANDREW J. WESTER. Subject to Democratic Rules. Jo3o.tN* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT— JOSEPII A. MONILDEWER, Eleventh Word Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jerNitlit* F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— JUIN °AMR, Binh Ward BubJect to Democratlo 'Mee F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— OIIAULES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD flubject to the People's Nomination. jel-tf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. • JOON CAMPBELL, OF SEVENTH WARD. Bulged to Democratic roles. ¢tientlenett's ,ffurnieliing elooba WINCHESTER & CO. r GENTLEBIEN'S FURNISHING,- STORE PATENT SIIOULDER SEAM MILT MANUFAC TORY, At the Old I. tand, No. 700 CHESTNUT STREET, oppo site the Waahingtori ii()11110 A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the 'Jutting. and lifluiufacturing depertmento. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied op liberal terms. jy24-ly JW. SCOTT, (late of the thin of Wor a onsereft & Boorr,).G.ENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and KURT MANUFACTORY, 814 0111:13TNITt Street, (uearlyopposite the Girard Housed Philadelphia. J. NY. 8. would respectfully call the attention of hie former patrons and Mends to his new Store, anti Is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINIS SHIRTS and COLLARS. jylt)-tf GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. w. w.KNIGILT,I6O43 &sOB Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer In all kinds or Farnta/gni; Gonda and manufaaturer of Fine Shirt., warranted equal In every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholeeale and retail, or made to order. mbl-tf GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and hest as sortment in the clity, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, suited to the season, at W. W. RlOOOl O B, 608 ABM Street, above Math, Philadel phia. nshl-tt tetitt;ls. PUBLIC-LAMPS.—Tito public is respect fully informed that Offices have boon opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at, which citizens are requested to give information re specting accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps, or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time, or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books it'lll be kept open by Jos. Bailey, No. 808 Wharton street, First Ward; Charles Carty, Sup't Second District, No. 3 Haines street, above Sixth; John Kane, 1010 Randolph street, Sixteenth Ward; M W. Desbong, N 0.2231 Coates street, Fifteenth Ward Benjamin Page, Gas 011 ice, Twenty•fourth Ward, (West Philadelphian M. H. M. Fadden, Gas Mice, Twenty second Ward, Germantown •) James Burns, tray Omce, Twenty-third Ward, (Frankford,) armlet the Gas Office, Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. JOHN A. MISKEY, jy23-tu4t Superintendent of Distribution. , pETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BBLP-OBNIRATING GAB LAMP Xi the only Patent Barnet that bee a NObLOONDUOTOR ATTACH...U. Per Pasty, °heal ans. awl BrUllaney, it summit all others. BTATB AND LIDIINT'It MORI% FOR BALI. Addreea D. P. PETERS, B. W. COrner VIM/ND and ORSBTRUT Bk. , PhDs delphla ; and 4/.2 BROADWAY, New York. mh4-13,..rp L' RY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interests, and patronise USSH.BII , I3 LAMP FACTORY, 100 South ZIOIrCH street, below Ole etnut. Previous to his opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he to now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Support hint, or you will have the Pattie ohargse to DAT. Jeld.y NOTICE---ON• AND AF ter MONDAY, August 21, 1858, all Passenger Trains on the Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad (except the 3.10 and 6 P. M. Trains from Philadniptila) will stop at COLUMBIA AVENUE, for the accommodation of persons residing In the northern part of the city. 11. K. BAllTLl,Clenersi Superintendent. July 26th, 1858. jy2l-6t FOWLER ' WELLS,& CO. 922 4 . 1 4 01117.8TNUT s treet, kee p andard W W Phrenology, Phs lology,Wa'ter ' ee a od Ph rks o o! nography, w h olesale and retail. Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ. ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Oabirtet free to visitors. Orders by mail to be addressed to Yowler, Willie, dr, Co., 022 Chestnut street. je94woolf-why t sap BO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in thb various Laud Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable 'elect* for LAND WARR 8 OR OASR. Having Surveyors cons tie in the field to make personal examinations, he can always make the moat Judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be had in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. astisfactory references given when required, ID- Money Invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. S. SALISBURY, .fyl6.6m 41) CLARKE Street, Chicago. A WNINGS 1 AWNINGS - 1 - 2. JOSEPH H. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and k'rensh Window 411,1113 gs for Dwellings and °Mee Windows; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kind,' of Awnings, lets, Flags or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H, FOSTER, Awning Maker, 443 North THIRD Street. Reeidonee, 340 South FRONT Street. jyl7-1m JOSEPH H. ROSTER. RRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTU and CiIESTNIIT Streets. For information, call or mold for circular. jelO•tf rip 0 FARMER S.—NITRO GENATED stiPER Priosrakrz OP LIME, or Prepared Blood, =nut aotured by BLAKISTOM h WOODWARD, and for Bale at their Store, wont end Market - street Bridge; also by dealers in the city and country. jy24.Bt* TAR'PITCH, AND OAKUM—Constantly on band, and for sato to lots to suit purchasers, by jy24 No 29 N. WATER St. WES,VER, FI N Tl,bat CO and 22 N. WHARV , ES. LIBIDSICK es CO. CIIAMPAGNE.—A LA constant supply of the genuine Tirana In bond and in store, for sate by WILLIAM 11. YtIATON, Sole Agent for Pennsylvania, Punth lthaNe` MARRED CORDAGE—Superior Russia and JL ERIOAN TARRED CORDAGE manufactored and for oda by WReCER, FULLER, & CO., 3327 No. 23 N. Water et. and 22 N. Wharves. CCOUNT BOOKS, MADE OF THE beet stink, for eity salea. Call and looook over tine atock at PERRY'S Blank Rook Manufactory, P4-2m FOURTH and RACE. PERlirs BLANK BOOK. MAN UFAlD TORY.—liemember IeOtTRTII and RACE In buying Account Dooks. I make all my stock of good material, and sell at fair prices. je4-2to 1,700;000 ENVELOPES, EVERY 'style, eke, and price, at 0. . .I"MtRY'S Stationery Xstablishment, 114.2 n% SO JWI LI and MME. B"N '; . OICS, MADE N A ' DE UR:HUMP° of ruling and binding. .oi. good as sortment of Papers for customers to select from, at PERRY'S Blank Book Manufactory, fe4-2m FOURTH and RAGE. BAY RllM.—Fivo puncheons Bay Rum, a very superior article, Su store and for nate by A. AMR/NO, U 2" ' 1 40 goutlt MONT Street. WANTED—CARRIERS for the crNA VONA'. MECILSNIC. ,., Apply at the Office, No. 108;5 8. TRIED Street, (second story,) formerly "Sunday Lender" (Mice. jy2B-Stif WANTED—A SITUATION IN A DRUG STORE, by youvg man 'who hew had a „vizir's exPeritma the Retail Drug Butliness. Oan . gito good reference. addresi S. W. at this office. .1928-5,* N e iliPltb l-7 -on a Dairy Farm near the city, an industrious tonn, accustomed to Homo, and who understands Farm stork. Address " Dlood's Dlapatob. jy2.B-2t* WANTED—By youlis Lady of education, a situation in a Seminary .4 Teacher. Would not object to the country. Best reference as to qualifi cations, &e.ovill be given. Address TEACHER at the office of The Press. is2Ltit WANTED—A stout, able Man, accustomed to the care of horses, and having a knowledge of Gardening, desires a situation out of town. The beet or reference will be given. Addres "GARDENER," at this office. ;i728.3t* UJANTED—A Situation as PORTER in a Wholesale establishment, by a young Man who to willing to make himself generally useful and to study the interest of Ids employer. Best of reference will be given. Address 4, PORTNII," at this office. jy2B-3t* WANTED—A man with $3OO, in a NEW INVENTION, by which $3,000 can be made tba first year. Apply at first door back No. 803 DROWN Street. iY27-3t* W.ANTED—A Situation, by a young man, In a brat-clasn Domestic Coalminelon Dry-goods house, to learn the business. The meet acceptable rote. rencen given. Address A. H at thin office, Jy274t* IVANTED TO EXOHANGE—A Carriage for it PIANO. Inquire 243 N. BOORT Fr St., near Vine. 1Y27,3t* WANTED—Four intelligent Men, of good nddress, to canvas for a popular work in press and to be Issued In a few daye. Living wages guarantied. Address f 6 Publisher," at this Milo, with name of rote venue. jy2B..3t* COTTAGE WANTED—A small cot tage, convenient to the city, with a few acree of ground, Addrese COTTAGE , et this office, dating rent and locality. if2o-3t* WANT.ED—By a young man 18 years of age, a situation to attend in a Grocery store. fine had experience in the business, and oan give good references. Apply to southeast corner of Lombard and Sixth street. , SAWA* tIVANTED.-=-The advertiser deaffei an engagement with Wholesale Jewellers, of mist, ilshed reputation, as SALESMAN.- Has many years' experience in the business, and can influence a large Southern Trade. Address 4, Sumpter," at UMW:ice. JY23.6t* Jy24-1m WANTED, FOR Tiam UNITED STATES OAVALitY—AbIe-bolted, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 312 to 222 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTS)) eNRVIOB at No 017 HANK= Street, above Sighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Mont. 2d Rogt. of onmary, Recruiting Officer. 4.4 A WAN TED IMMEDIATELY—Two Vessels of 250 to 500 tone each, to load for ports in South America. Cargo now ready, and the highest rates will be given. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS; h CO., 120 North Wharvee. Oanings Jnnbz. IV RE SPRING GARDEN SAVING A- FUND. (011A1111011D BY SIM _LECTILAYI7I . III PIIIIIEITLYIEll.) PICRPICTUAL OHARTER RITZ .Elqt O.Wr. Interest allowed to Deraltora, and all Moneys Paid back on Pomona. OFFICE, an IiGIVPIS THIBD BrUHT, (Goggotroarrow BANK Borcmso.) Thie Inatitution la now open for the transaction of business. and is the only ()bartered Baring Fund located In the northern part of the city. The Ornce will be open (daily) from 9 to 23( o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and TUARSDA.Pg, from 6 until 0 o'clock in the Beening. MALBAOKBB. James S. Pringle, Jacob Doak Joseph MCowll, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bray Robert B. Bernina, P. 0. lillinaker, John P. Verret, George Knecht, John Horn. JAMES 8. MOBS. apt}-iftf Frederick Klett, Btsphen Smith, John P Levy, Hon. Henry }Strong, Daniel Underkoder, Hon. Wm. Mil!ward, Frederick /nuke, Francis Hut, Joseph P. Lealen, John Hessler, Jr., Presider' Beeretuy, GDOHGE T. CAVING FUND—VIVE PER GENT. IN. TERNEvr—RenoNAL OAPEPP PUMP 0014. PANY.—WALNUT BM= BOOTH-517PBT00BSX(i OP TOM, PIIILADUPPPIA. lIKOMORATED ET THI 67/2.2 OP PINNOYLVINIA. Money is received in may Iran, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawn]. The cape is open every day imm Sololook In the morning till 6 o'tloak In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings ttll 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. RENNER, President, ROBERT SRLYRIDGM, Vice President War, S. Razz, litoratary. DIA201015: Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewster, Rdward L. Clatter, Joseph B. Bars Robert Selfridge, !rands Les., Ashton, Joseph Parkes, 0. Landreth Manus, Henry Dlffenderffer. Money is received and payments made daily. The fmrestments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MOAT GAGRB, GROUND RENTS, and ouch drat ohms escort. ties as will always insure perfect security to the deport. tore, and which cannot MR to give permanency solid eta b DIV to this Institution. QATING FUND-UNITED STATES Trtusr COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHYST NUT Streets. Lane and email mule received, shad paid back on de mend, without notice, with FIVE PER RENT INTER EST from the day of anoint to the day of withdrawal. Mice honre, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and On PIOIIDAY EVENINGS from 7 atitll9 o'elock. DRAFTS for ssler on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from upwards. President—STZPlClN E. CRAWFORD. ?reamer—PLlNY MIL Teller—JAMS lIIIRTZE, N °.88(241) DOCK STREET. --- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FRED. (IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.— ran PER CENT. BTATE BATTNGB FWD. No. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE / N TER CENT. STATE 134VING8 PUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCk. STREET.— YIVE N PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. and-1t linsurance amnanies TBi QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA, 488 WAI Nfl Street. Statement of the business and condition of The Quaker City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the eix months ending June 30, 1868: Capital and Surplus, January 1, 1868.......5277,819 87 Interest received and accrued from Jan. 1 to July 1,1858. Premiums received from January let to July let, iB5B " 113,074 67 Selvage and Reinsuranee received 4,877 24 Losses, EXPENSZEI, &C. Lowed pnid 264,451 al Dividend, reinsurance, return pre mlums, and expenses 38,894 44 98,848 08 Balance remaining with the Company aulkyl, 384,281 88 litlaerre, Bonds, mortgagee, stodka, coupon bonds, loans on collateral, and call loamy, .2c $183,763 60 Bills Receivable 90,611 79 Cash on hand and in Bank, and due from agent, 29,916 06 Capital Stock 01710E1111. OSOBGB H. HART—President. E. P. 8088-9.lce President. 11. H. COGONHALL—Searetary and Treasure: B. H. BUTlAB—Matatant Pearetary. George H. Hart, Joseph Sgsrants, R. P. Roos, Poster R. PeablAri, A. 0. Cartell, Charlet, G. ImlAy, Andrew' R. Members, Semi.l.7ories, M. D., R. W. Bailey, Hon. H M. Faller, Jaw G. Dale, H. R. ()eggshell, John L. Pomeroy. H. R. COGGSHALL, Secretary Attest : blitamolf TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE .F. STATE OS PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE. INSURANCE—No. 4 EXOHANGZ BUILDINGS. Chartered In 17E4—Capital S2oo,ooo—Assets, Janu ary 1, UM, PG ) 446 50.100, All Invested In sound and available eeenrities—oonti nue to Insure on 'Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, .to., on liberal terms. DIREOTOREI: Dewy D. 13berrerd, George 11. Stabil, mmeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maoalester, To bias Wagner, William B. Smith, Thonma B. Wattson, Jobs B. Budd, Remy Freeman, 41111 bun B. White, Charles O. Lewis, _George O. Carton. lISNSY D. BItEJUtI D, Preeldeut. WILLIAu Secretary. jeD•w(rm.tt 46pIRE RISKS GIRARD FIRE AN) CO3IPARY, Phlbuielphle. Street, (Schuylkill Nnotigati , CAPITAL,: DIRIIOI Wm. DI. Swain, tot Public Ledger. John Anspaeh, Jr., M. N. Borroughs, J. B. Itughes, Wm. $. Boyd, Geo. W. Woodward, Jno. W. Cinghorn, iton."J A. 8 JAS. 8. ALVORD, Bore HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SIIBANOE COMPANY—Moe No. 412 *Awn attest, Philadelphia . . . John 11. Diehl. 3. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H.H. Shillingtord. 0. hi. Spangler, 6.6. Sower, Abraham Rex, John W. Saxton, Ji• S. Warne, john Garrison, George Howell, Nathanit. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, R. T. Kemal, IL H. Houston, Joe. B. Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, Charles F. Norton, John U. Lenten, JOHN H. DIRUL, Pr•sident B. B. WARNE, Vice President. COAL A. Dor, Secretary. mylo A MER JOAN FIRE lI`ISITRA.NOE AIL INCORPOIZATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. SIO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Brook cod Purple. , Invested in mound and available Becurities, continue: Immo on Dwellings, Korea, Furniture, hierehandiee Vessels in Port and their Cargweßo_ and other reflooll Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted masovoas. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Bauntel C. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrick Brady, 'Edmund G. Charles W. Fouttney. GBOROB ABBOTT, President. 17101dAB It. DUMB, Secretary. ja2B-y If BROWN STOUT.-40 casks " Finzi & Williams," Imported direct from London, In store and for sale by WM. IL YE/JON, IYI6 23.6 Booth FRONT Rtrost, CHEESE. —195 boxes Primo Herkimer comity just butting and for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., , 18 No. 9 North Water Alegi. Wants. 402,027 33 804,281 35 $"00,000 00 D 1111431018 ONLY TAKEN"- D MARINE INSURANCE Office No 415 WALNUT ion Company's Building.) 8200,000. 'moo. Wm. 0, Rudman, C D. Shoemaker, Jor. tiralkor, Thos. Craven, Francis Peters, K. Coggsholl, Jno. McClure, Joseph Klapp, M. D, IBL 30NDS, President. lILLETT, Tice President, jy26-ly D1611070E8 21annecmcitts. WELOIPB NATIONAL NEW BEASOI JOSEPH 0. FOSTER Sole Lessee and Manager. 0. POSTER Stage Mousses. WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 28, 1833, Will be produced the grand Historical Drente of HandlEL, THE SCOUT; Or, The Rebel of the Jerseys. General Washington Mr. Bailey, Hirzel, the Scout Mr. H. A. Landon. Rosalie Lincoln Mrs. Julia IC Coat , To conclude wish the spectacle of the FORTY THERVES. frassarac - - - Mr. Charles Poster. ltforglan a Mrs. Julia N. Cooke • The Orchestra under thedrection of bit. o.lteinbart. Doors open at 7X. To commence et 8 o'clock. Tickets of admission, 25 cents ; secured seats, 88 woke ,• Orchestra choirs, 60 cants • Beata in Primate/ Box. 76 slants ; Whole Box, and 84 ; Family Circle. 16 cents. Sunman extureiono. FOR THE ALLEGHENY MOUNTAI(S, BRDPORD SPRINGS, NIAGFABA I"ALLB THE ,PENNsYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPARrt 12TEM EXCURSION TICKETS DURING Tlll3 SUMMER ALTOONA ) MOUNTAIN NoIUBE, asn HOPEWELL, (Where Passengers take itsgaa SO.ndlee to Bedford Springs,) GOOD SOB SIX DAYS Fare to Altoona and Return Hare to Mountain House and Return Fare to Hopowell and Return. Fate to Williamspost PM; Ilmtra tri ; Marc[ Palle $B, By thla mate patraangera take the Northern Oeatist Railroad at Harrlabarg, enjoying for 126•milee Ws beautiful scenery of the Susquehanna Valley. MT Farther heformatlen to be hate. the Depot at the ,Penheyhrenie Railroad Company, 8. H. corner ELEVENTH and DikEICET Streets, vhere Ticet," may be procured. THOS. MOOSE, Agent. 514.u t FOR (TAPE LINE—The 'swift and favorite Steamer 4 " BALLOON," Cat. W. WIIILLDIN, leaves Aroh- stmt Wharf for Na pe y . every - Turoday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning at 9g o'clock. Returning, leaves the Cape on the I ntermediate dap at 8 o'olook A. M. tare $2, carriage hire included; Servants $2.80; Seeman Tickets 88, carriage hire extra. IrSinat EtINtiEPHILADELPHIJL AND ELMIRA RAILROAD idNR.—OREAT BRDZOTION. FA ALA' TO N AGARA. FALLS ONLY 89.00. Trains have the Philadelphia and Reeding Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and TINR inmate, daily, (So daye excepted,) as follows 710 A. Al., day expreo. 310 P. M., night express. Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and alto at ate General OMce of the line, Northwest corner BATH Gam CHESTNUT Streeti. CHARLES 8. TAPP.I3N. Owlend Ascot NORTH PRiTNSIIe- W DELAWARE - ATUR-DAP, UCH RAILROAD MA CHU ros NIT. ILAELETON,AND TIR LEH/011 COAL REGION.-- Visitors to the above popular place, of Somas Raeosir will find the Route °Senn by the North Pennayiesallt Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to to novel th and agreeable, missing through some of e richest and most highly oultivated counties in the State, and park Renal of comfortable accommodations, both on the road and at the various towns through which it mum. POR THE WATER OAP.—Take 6.15 A. Id. 131111 Train from Front and Willow streete, pass through Beth lehem and Easton to New Hampton, where aldose con nection in made with the Delavrare, Lackawanna, sod Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about nom. FOR MAUCH CHUNK AND THE COAL imam. —Take 2.10 P. M. Express Train from same Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection is made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia, to Mauch Chunk in t hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 6.15 A. If. Express Train to Bethlehem, thence via L. V. R. R. and N. J. O. R. R. through Easton to Elimbethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in NewYorkat quarter past S P.M. Parties travelling North that have s few hours tO spare, will find this a new and agreeable route. Par further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARE, Agent N. P. R. It., Front and Willow streets. PHILADELPHIA, Jane It, 1868. }el9 -gm .. iresa Mt . FOR CAFE MAY AND NEW, YORK. DAILY, at 9X o'clock A M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM NA- V/CATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew ; and KENNEBEC. Captain Hand, form a daily lino between this city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Sprawl street (Sundays excepted) at 9,tg o'clock A. M. Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Banda/el excepted) at 5 P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Fare to Cape May ((carriage hire included) VI 00 CC foraervants.... 1 cc " /Season tickete (carriage hire ex tra) 880 " Now York, cabin 300 " steerage 180 FrOght_taken atlow rates. For passage, state rooms, he., apply -on board, or U the Office, 314 and Ale SOUTLf DELAWARE AYE?. NUE. JAMES ALLDERDICE, 1315.3 m Agent. . FOR THE HA SHORE. BseE CAMDEN AND Amex= RAILROAD. 0 LY TWO AND HALF ROME TO THE SSA SHORE. On and after Monday, lone 7th, and until farther no tice, (Sundays excepted,) three trains daily to Atlantis City and return. First Passenger Train leaves Vine at. wharf 7. A. M. M Second 44 4.01 80 P. ta. Freight Train with Passenger Oar attached, 4.36 A. M. Accommodation Train to Weruouth 636 P. M. LEADS ATLANTIC CITY. First Paasengei 111.1/11eavits 6.00 A. M. Second <, If 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car aiteehed,7l.Bo P.M. Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 6.26 A. M. HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaved Cooper's Point, 11 A. M. and T P. M. Haddonfield, 1 P. M. and 3 P. M. Fare to Atlantie, when Hckets are purettaaed before entering The ears, 21.60. Persona wishing to go downitt the Sea Shore and return the same day, can spend SIX HOURS ON TUE BEACH. Tickets for the round trip, $2.150 Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return neat morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2.60. EXTRA NOTICE. - . . . . The Accommodation Train to Weymouth will new through to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Lome Vino 'treat S So P. At, u Atlantic City. 400 A. AI. Stopping at all Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: Dor the month of June, $lO For the month of Sept. SUS 44 44 July, 20 For three months, 45 ~ August, 20 For four months, 00 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trains, ahead make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M, The Company will not be responsible for anygooda until received and receipted for by their Breight Agent at the Point. . B. VRAZSit, floosetery. jelAt IN lIIM- NORTH PENNBYIA VANIA ISATLROAD. 8.121114HED1, A1,7411110WH. !4 ALT! , 9HIINIC. ZAEITO DELAWARE WATER 4AP, Ae. On and after MONDAY, July 28, 1888, the train, on thin Bead w il l leave FRONT and WILLOW etreelet daily, (Bandeys excepted) an follow: Per Bethlehem, Seaton, Delaware Water Gap, &e., ()Upraise.) at 0.15 A. 36. Yoe Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Obunk, prees) at 180 P M. Per Doylestown, (Aocommcdatton,) at 8,80 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. - -.--- • .•• • . For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 9.30 A. M. and 0.30 P TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Le•Ye Bethlehem (&spress,) at 9 A. M. and 5.50 P. M., with passenger' from Lehigh Valley Rail road and arrive in Philadelphia at, 13 M. and 8.115 P. Leave Doylestown ( Aeoommodation) at 8 A. M. and 4, P.M.,and snip in Philadelphia at 5.15 A. X. and 510 P. l Leers Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 016 A. M. and 2.60 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 7.20 A. PC and 4 P. M. . . •. . • ON SUNDAYS Leave Yhzlialelpbla for Doylestown at 8.80 A. M. and Mr" Doylestown for Phtlade/pblA at BA. M. and .• • . All Yaaaenger trains connect at Chatham street with 081 Passenger Railway. The 8 ]b A. M. traits from Philadelphia. and the 13.80 P. M. train from Bethlehem, where close oonneetion with the Beaten and ,N ow Jerrey Central Railroad. Fare to Bethlehem Of 69 •' Minch Monk 3 V) Doylestown. jy2eitt SLLIB OARS, dm, ftiebtrinal HARTMORNE'S CURE-ALL THE GRBAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! and Remedy for DYSPEPSIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS This article is the greatest diecovery is Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Care of RIIEUSIA.TIBM, NEURALGIA TOOTH - ACHE, SORETIIROAT, STIPP N E ON, or Pain In the L 161138, SIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It ante upon the Blood, Nerves, Mus. else, thnewe, end Bones ' conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia sad Indigeation, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persons who have need HARTS. HORNE'S OURE.ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any pain from the Witten. Bottles 12, 26, 60 cents, and'', to be gold by 11. JENKINS, ap22-iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. HARTSHORNE'S HEALTH. REA, OR SARSAPARILLA. CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The beet Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Pnrifying Compound in tke World! It does not contain a particle of mercury. The above preparation in milted to the Impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and ernp tiolls from the skin; gives bloom and freelmega to the complexion, end is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial in taste, and ante like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any PAWL Quart bottles $1; small bottles 00 cente; eold by It. H. JSNEINB, Corner of B.IOOND and WALNUT iltreets, apTLiftf GREASE! GREASE! GREASE! • TAW & DEERS Have REMOVED from Minor et.eet, and are new at 18 SULAM WATER STREET, where they bare conrtrutly on band their celebrated bowie of Week, H hit., and Yellow GREASE, for OARS, OUNINUBB.B4, CARR/den, CARTS, DRAT% WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY, at ITTIPLSBALIS Alin SIRTAIL These Greases hare been in use o'er ten years, and are eminently superior to all other compounds for el oellence and economy. No. 18 Swath WATER Btreet Philadelphia. AL LLSOPP'S PALE ALL in hhds., a 13 constant supply on band, In Custom House dorsi, for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, tyla 20 Mutts /MONT Strost __ ___ QALAD OIL,-25 Cues fluent qualit i••3' Tuscan Lynch Oil in store and for sale by WILLIAM E. YBATON, jig Nobola , ,MOM Otrillp