'~~ =''"'-"ales `g'~rici(ori "=.~< •• - - coma Roieratir.la Room, . . ' , ,, , t•BANK•iud 10 ElTBAWBBlLDY,•betwoesildAlts /CDT and OHESTNIIT.snatiikOOND and THIRD' streets: V. WOLBEDT. Avorloagica DA.l f ki , o o .4oooll,lllD OANOT,AND STAPLE GOODS. - On Wednosas,9 Morning, : • • " • Dommeidink 'of I p , o'clock proolooly, be sold, Oosoltittenti feaoy and eta le good."', •. - , - ' OLOTIIIbIG. ", • Also, a 'satiety of rosdpinade clothing for men's and boys' wear.-- " • " " 141,13 Dr, Op:1011E1a - AND GLASBWARN. On Friday Morning,' .10oinfaenidng st.lOX o'clock; ivo wilt sell by catalogue, A' large 'and general, - assarphont or, Iron-Stoneware, 131surrara, ko. "..•• - • „ : " 11:7' gampleii Illatologtois early on the morning of , VC 136,011,4r.'; :AUCTIONEER, meow .x....sar to NVOLBEAT & SCOTT,) 431 011ENSTNIIT St" opposite Alas Stigma House, between,Poutth and iirtai Stmt. , . ' CLOTHES PINS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE SALE. Twit landed rrozi schooner Juliet— _ ' 100 lmseo elotliaa pine. • 100 desalt pails: • - „ .. , - +, • , - SWISS MANTILLAS. • Also, at irivite sale, an insoles of , Swiss mantillas. Just landed.: • , ' _PUNCH 'FILLET Also, line of Penh fillet mitts. _ . jalpritoyArrinirrEss, BRINLEY, &' -Lill°. have Zemovedto We Lofts, No. 420 MARKET Street, formerly °Toppled by Messrs. Caleb Cope b Co. iyl FIIRNESS,'BRINLRY, Sc CO. FURNESS, BRINLEY-, - & No. 429. MARKET Btroot. ' MATTING AT PRIVATE BALE. 200 pl6ce* 4.4 and 5.4 white and red check matting A/ORES NATHAN N; AUCTIONEER lit- AND COMMISSION liIERONANT, 8. 2. corner SIXTH azalltAoBl Streets. ' , • , CREAT FIIIII.IO ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! 'MOREY I 'MONEY ! ! ! Money liberally advanced in large or small amount/4 from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver Pate diamonds, wgtphes, jewelry, fowling-pierce, musical instrumentf,lltiulturrydry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutimy, books, homes, vehieles, her nets, anda a ll articles of valutor nay length of time agreed 'on,' at Nathan' Principal Establishment, coutheast corner of Bath and Bade streets. _ . . )17° Promissory noted,-41th •collaterid, discounted at the lowest ntecketretee..-, , . NdTLIANS* PIIINCTE.ALL' ILSTAIII.TBHMICRT, B. X. - COBNEB O7t,BlsTll AND seep filltEETl3. - Where u3oney be Morally advanced on gold and silver plate,die.monds,wetehes,jouelry, fowling pieces, drygoods,'nlothing,:groceries, liquors, edgers, hard- Ware, outlerk, Taney articles, reirrors,' paintings, en. greringe, melee' Instruments, furniture, bedding, home, eehteleS, herneesoll r ods, and all other articles !Ayala,. olyr-topos, fi&LEfl. , Personal atteition gixiin to all outdoor sales, either at private dwellings, Mores, or elsewhere,. and Animas unusually low. TO PLMSONIS ASSIMIIIatrISHINO ITOUSISKSPIP.I4I , . Persona relinquishing 'housekeeping or: harlng'sup. plSes of farnitere to dispose of. will And it to their ad. Tentage by sending the same to the notion store. south. east corner of Sixth and Rwie Street, where it "wilrbo properly arranged In the furaltare salesroom, and sold to the beat adeentagie, tiro:third* of the goods-Miami/id If required, and the Warm handed over the afternoon of the day of sale. , • „ . • AT PRIVATE SALE: Pines°ld and silver hunting cue, double cue, and double bottomed lever, *lines, Engllib, 9wimi, and 'French leatebee; gold speolte, , gold thalM, gold braes. lota, a vatietyor. dap gold. stmlei bresatpine,and -anger ring, - due dates, fla p old violin and guitar, very One melodeon, and numerous other artleleg. • AT' PRIVATE BALE AT VERY lOW .PRIORB. . . . . Gold Xaglleh patent lever watches, full jewelled and plata; 'some of them - ,flite :18 7 karat cases - of the beat Silver RAO& patent lever watches,' fall jewellid and plate, -of the moat approved melon. Gold egoapeznent lever and lepihe watches, In hut oases and open face, of the very beet make: •Ladiea' gold enamelled watches, set with pearl and . .. awine, ami.Yrench watches, diamond breast -pins and 'anger rings, gold bracelets, ear ringa, anger ri ng*, lama' M pins; dada, flue gold vest: fob r and neck chains gold spectacles , and: Tarlatat other arta. ales of jewelry, &a. - . SA. DYSART. „ & OD., AtrorioNzszes Aim . Cloacinamoi Zdzamurra, No. 27 booth EIGHTIL STREET, conker of LODGE STREET. , AT PRIVATE BALM. lugs and valuable treat of valuable coal and tim• bar land at private age. well worthy the attention at capitalists and' others, as , the owner, is compelled to [o4pe fartherparkioUlirs inquire at the auction store.-, , - OUT-DOOR BALBB eolleted "nil. promptly ,sit, trT ADVANCES made on oon ' elgorninte w hen de. without extra, charge. • • - - •n • - • Irr amaramoome open until /10 P. Si. • Now pre• peredlo receive' invoicee of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS; WATCHES' and :JEWELRY NSW end SECOND. HAN-0 FURNITURE, PAINTINGS,BOORS -and STA.; TIONEMY, ico,, Ac. - - • -677 , 1Rdee of PAM GOODS every evening. ilinsoolaho#l3'aitb Qrovartitikeljipcs. HE lINDERSIGNBD HAVE FARMED A it ocipartnership under the style of YROTHINGIIAM & teethe traneaatlon - of a GENERAL DItY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken tbei store NO. 84 South FRONT Street, end 35 LETITIA . Street.' THEODORE BROTIIINGHAM, . ,HISS B.:WELLS., PstLADELPEri., Juße 114,1868. ' je2-2.m f • • ripilE • SUBSORIBERS HAVE THIS DAY'entered into,a limited nartnetahip agrees,: bly to tho provisions of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Peinsylvdnia, approved March 21, - /88d. entitled ...An' Act - relative to Limited Partner• abliftyl and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby "T. 1. That the name of the' firm, under which such part nership la to be conducted, is J. Y. & E. B. ORNE. 2:The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted is the purchase and ale of Carpeting in the city of Philadelphia. 3. The name of_tha-general partners are JOHN P. ORNE, residing at the northwest corner of Arch and Twenty-first street, In the city of,Philadelphia; and EDWARD D. ORNE,, residing on the north side of Arch street, above Twenty-first street, in the said city. 4. The name of the special partner is BENJAMIN ORNE. residing at 285 North Ninth street, In the city of Philadelphia, who, as such special partner, has con tributed to the common Mock of the said firm the ate of twenty-five thousand dollars In cash. '- • „ .5. 7he gala partnership commences July 14, A. D: 1858, and will terminate on the 14th - day of July, A. D. 7881. DUNJAMIN OILIC , JOHN Y ORNE, EDWARD B. ORION. PeltSDSLrutl, Italy 14,1818. fylb-Ow TITHE UNDERSIGNED have this day I. tanned a copartnership under tho firm of Alo- C,`..111:11Y, BROTIIER & BREWSTER, for the trans natio/J.of the Importing and Jobbing business In liodlere, Mores, and Fancy Goods, No. 23 North YOURTII Street. 111:1011 BIcOAULRY, DANIEL W. AI cCAULSY 7 CHARLES O. BREIVSTEII.. jyl-thetti lm 7uly 14, 1953 • 'DIJRE WILKESBA.RRE.LEIIIGH COAL , —lsopamileled Success of the introduction of this Eoperior Coal Into the Philadelphia Market We are daily rocciviug testimonials from all quarters whore this Coal Imo been tested of ire great superiority over tiny Lehigh Coal over burned. Shp Coal yields an exceedingly WIIITt Ash, and Is erfectly free from clutter of any kind r while the Coal Itself In perfectly cleanand entirely free from slate or any impurity. /or steam purposes it has tioeiqual, the testimony pf some of. the most eminent Engineers h, the country being in its favor.', W have thoIIXCLUSITE control for Its sale dc 110111IEL Ebippora and Retail Den Wilicenbars Coll. Office, WATER Street, above Callowhill, and (Int Wharf above Callowbill otreot;Delaware. ifio.tir2B PURE LEHIGH AND BROAD T TQP COAL.—JAMES H. MONTGOMERY lamina hie frionda and the public that he 'has effected anArrange meat-With the . Buck Monntain' Coal Company Tor the sale of theirhatly-celebrated LBIIIOB COAL. He has Mao Arranged with the proprietor of :the Broad-Top Minas for the salts of his valuable BEM-BITUMINOUS COAL, and le now prepared to naive orders and make prompt deliveries,. at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. VCERING; FOX," & CO., wholesale' and retail - dealers In .LBlllO/1:-and tiOUITYLRLLL' 006.14-_ Lehigh 7ard—THlRD 'striit and GERMAN, TOWN ROAD,, Schuylkill ,rerd-raAOB. sad. BROAD atrisele, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Qoal from the most approved mines, under cover, =dime. pared eapreadybr family nria, - - OHITYLICILL . , AND ;LEMON: ODAL, T --, t w a l tn ai r i an ik dell roseitingost my yard, the best timidity°. 00Ati. oustomerai and ell others *Rio =titan:ft me with thell orders, may reipm getting OW that, will bilstistaitory to them. , .Nci Inferior Coal kep t - this istabliehnient to' slim as LOW Pitto3l3:- • • - - , • -ALDZANDiR moms*, , an 1-tr N X. ewer or Bred and Oherty aft. ' Qfgpiesti‘CE,,n4ianizol4 npffa ADAMS . EXPRESS. co., OFFICE; JL 820 01288iNII? 8T)11382; tonrazis PAIWEILB, 2.B.OPCAGEO,r, 10110:1HANDIZ2f . :BANIC. zone:Am 82$01liraither47401.0wn WNW's?' In *coruio4Bo( with other RSPB= COMPANIES; to all the ptieeipa) TOPpikezmi GITLIN! 54 the United 12t0808. laLfteggiti STATES GO VERN KE N'/: LAND LOCATING} AGENCY, • • • •,."- - • , CHIO4OO, ILL. The • subscriber. basing , hat much practical expert- CEICO In selecting and locating lands in tho various land Districts lh the Western Stites, hew' unusual faclUttea formahing valuable 'selections for LAND - WARNWM mom". - - Mooing Sureqters cons}tdilly in the, field to melte piersoirel eximlnattoluy he can &brio, make the most juetcrous locator's: ' ' • - • Lands riiisurpassed- for fertility of sOll and sainbriil of ollinate, near Online of• mOrdida, may now be had lOWA -AND WISCONSIN. Satisfictiiry'references given when required. Aar - Matey Infinite - eV "In . lfitneds 'and - Nebraska, - and any of the Western States;; • - fl. SALISBURY, 4h CI.4RIM Street,,Obleago LIOUSEIniyA - AVis,gp, Algist( .a..a.,YApToRy. ' 'L. .": 7 • . • " The ettbsoriberAeohld'oeepietttilly tho attention ,F4TEnizys.frospt OF DltOBitil3,' - 151amiitetared by hhe. - AT .TII,E 1101:113 - N,OB EtE FtreF, BUR RALE ATARTRItS.DEFYING 00h1PETITION A lane stock on hand; . JUNKY d.sEORSTE.IN, 62 North TUIRD Street below Arch, - A WRINGS!' •AWNI - NGS ..TOSEPH H. POSTER; Awiiing linker; No. 443 liortb - THIRD: Street French - WindOW "Aivningx , for Awellingg and Office Windown;,-Aiantngs far Storeg,Awninge foiStedinbonlii and Shins. Al4,,kinds of Awning'', "i nor', or on, thing in - cining; - 'nide' to order br .101iRill' poorat, Aiiiinglinker 443 'North TRIRD Street: Reeddenee, 840 South, FR O NT Street, • - ,jy47.4 - -„ •. . JOSEPH H. 80084; " lUTE ?..HERF, LARGE B`FOG; - , OF anyirinr an band and for gale by ,• ,• •, • 88.41 - AVER, PIXLBII, 00., • B4. MT orih WATRIt West, - •IU ntyr4lr ClLABBl.l6o . oasesloiv grade Bordeaux - - 50• rate quAlity •do .111 etora aial s ossayt„ • - : •- - WAILTAIW 31. YEATON, • 210 Smyth VIIONT St —:195 boxes Primo .11erkimor adority liabb.loading and for solo by -- 0. 0. SADLEft &CO„'. • ;"49. A Nur* iv &kir 44901, - • dates sg` %ttWL M THOMAS & SONS, Ole 'Nes. 189 - end 141 SOUTH FOURTH STRSIT t -(Tormerly Nos. Br end 823 . TRADE Sdlig—TO , BOOKSZLLERS. The Rapfirst regular Philadelphia Trade Bale vitt commence on-the-21st of September. - -Ostalognee - In REAL lISTATE, STOOES,&o., Ynblfo Sable at the phlladelphie Exchange every Tuesday Evening, during the business season. irr In July and August only condone' sales as heretofore , • *. • • • Handbills of each property issued separately, Ip addition to whibh we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand estaiognes In pampblet form, living full descriptions of, all the property to be sold on the followinz Tuesday. • nWr - • FTAINITUR.II' SALMI AT THII AVOTION STOIIII every, Thursday morning, TtßilifFiniio AT PRIVATE BALE. D.. We here a large amount of Beal Rotate at Pri vate• Salei !Deluding every description of Oity and mitts, propdrty. Piloted late may be hid at the %notion atom , • , • PRIVATE BALE REGISTER Beal Bata% entered ,on our Private Bale Re gister, Ind advertised occasionally in our Public Bala Abstracts, (Or which 1,000 oopies are printed weekly ) ) free of charge,' . BTOOKB, Sm. • Peremptory Sale. Thin Evening, July-27th, at 8 o'clock. at the Philadelphia Ex change, will be cold, for account of whom it may con corn— , 1,4583 shares of the capital Mak of the Tinkle paugh Coal Company, the same to brsold for arrears or aineasmenta, rureuant to resolutions of eaht company. Share Philadelphia Library Company. Share in the Mercantile Library. Share Philadelphia Athemnum. Executor's Peremptory Sale. REAL RESTATE, S. W CORbiItROV BROAD BTABIiT AND RIDGE AVENUE. . Also, July 27th, at the Exohange; without reserve— All that three-story brick building and lot of ground, southwest corner of Broad street and. Ridge aveuuo, in front on Broad street 42 feet 9 iudies. thence 59 foot 1I) :Inched, thence 71 feet 4 inches to said avenue, and thence in front, along said avenue, 19 feet 1 inch. around-rent 890 a year. . trr Bale absolute—border of Eximutor. REAL ESTATE BALE—AUGUST 17th. This sale will ineludo— Orpiane; Court liaie: 7 lCetate of Awes lif Downy, Do BRICK DWRLLINO, POPLAR BTRERT.—AII that storibrlek dwelling and lot, south aide of Poplar street, 30 feet west of Blateenth etroot, lot 27 by 00 feet—two fronts Peremptori Bale—Estate late of Joseph Young, Deo'd. DWALLING AND 111100811 Y STORB.—Three-atory brink dwelling and' groaery, - blo. 876 Apple etreet, be tween Fourth street and York avenue. flame Estate. DWELLING AND LAGER-BEER SALOON.—Three story brick dwelling and lager•beer saloon, No. 878 Ay etreet, Side absolute. _ Executorle peremptory Ole—Netate of Thomaa Ber gin. Deceased, VALUATIFE BUILDING L 0 T 13, FIFTEENTH WARD —All those five lota of ground, east side of Nineteenth street, north of Anne street, each 17 feet front, and ranging in depth from 80 to 61 feet. Also, all those Bye lots north side of Anne street, adjoining the above, each 17 feetfront, tangles In depth from SO to 44 feet. , (I They will be Bold separately. Lithographic plans ineYbe hid at the auction store. NEAT DWELLING —The neat torcoand-a.half.etory brick dwelling with back buildinge, No 465 Diliwyn atreet, below Noble street. Bsle at Nat. 189 and 141 South Eenrth street. SUPERIOR :171711NITURE, PIANO-PORTE, PINE FRENCH. PLATE IMICRROBS, BRUSSELS OAR PETS, &O. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, Aq extenelve assortment of excellent second•hand furnithze, elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrore, carpets, eta., from private families declining housekeeping, removed tb the store for convenience of sale. AT PRIVANX BALI. kwell-seeired first mortgage-54800. A beautifully situated lot, Perkiomen turnpike Okeatuut Hill. ANAL 'ESTATE AT PETTATZ SALE. SPLENDID BROWN-STONE MANSION, Chestnut street, with stable and coach house. One of the finest residences in the city. NEAT MODEBN NMSIDINCN, No. 1628 Chestnut etieet. _ ELEGANT BROWN-STONE EVIDENCE, Wall= street. west of Broad. . ELECIANT - BBOWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1621 Walnut street, west of flixteenth. NEAT BEE/DENOE, Southend fanner Walnut and and Seventeenth strees. ELE G ANT AND VALUABLE ItESIDENOE, South vresthorner of Eleventh and Want streets. . • . . .. . . . .. . TWO ELEGANT RE SIMMONS, Dittenhonse Square. TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Washington Square. ELEGANT BROWN-STONA RESIDENCE, North Broad strost. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Northwest mixer of Green end Elfteenth streets. HANDSOME MODIHUI ILBSIDENOE s No. 1636 Green street: MEAT BEBIEDEBOX, /Spruce etre:A i between Broad and Fifteenth. HANDSOME MODERN YOTTR-STORY RESIDENCE, No. 1808 Spruce street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 822 Pine street, west of Eighth. HANDSOME RROWN•STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1818 Plne street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENOE, No. IBAS Pine street. HANDSOME RESIDENOE, No. 632 Ploo street. TWO HANDSOME DROWN-STONE RESIDENCES Third street, below Spruce NEAT BESIDENON, No. 241 Eolith Eighth street below Walnut. - HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENOR', No. 818 North Eighth street. -- . HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 631 North Seventh street. — HANDSOME . REBIDENOE, No. 621 North Bilth street, -THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PRO PERTY, New Market street SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT BROWN-STONE OF FLOE BUILDING; Nos. 407 and 409 Walnut street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Locust, Mary, and Church streets, West Philadelphia, 200 by 176 feet. HANDSOME RESIDENOE, Northwest corner Locust and Mary streOte; opposite the above. VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near 'hogs station, on the Germantown Reilread. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY BEAT, 160 acres. between Terriesle and Bristol. COUNTRY BEAT, with shunt seven acres, Chestnut AN ELEGANT BARU, BO acres, with superior Im provements on the Diver Delaware, one mite from New Castle. LARGE, ELEGANT, AND VALUABLE FARM be tween the city or Wilmington and Brandywine Springs. ELEGANT COUNTRY- BEAT, 10 acres, with One improvonents,Echool House Lane, Germantown, oppo site the late Dr. J. H. Mitchell's. HAND SOME AIODEEN DWELLING, No. 1134 Callow hilt street. BRION ET91113, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No 135 Arch street, YOUR-STORY BRION. ATOM. AND DWELLING No. 1300 Chestnut Amt. BRICK STORE AND DWELLINO, No. 702 South Fifteenth street NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 340 Fedora street. RESIDENCE NORM SIDE OP WALNUT Street, east of Eleventh street, at private sale. Err Also, a large amount of tether property, Ground Rents, blortgagov.te. Printed lists may be had at Use auction store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. lEI Real Estate entered on onr Private Sale Register and advertised occasionally In our Public Salo Abstracts (of which 1.000 copies aro printed weekly, during the business seksen,) free of charge. TAXER A. FREEMAN , AUCTIONEER, *1 NO. 421 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. 1D Persons favoring as with consignments can real tenured that their property will not be sacrificed. - i r re - Oommisslone more moderato than those charged by any other Auction Home in the city. 117 . _ Consignments respectfully solicited. iss - Pales Dahl immediately after the roods are sold REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Ilandsome Mansion, eouthweet corner of Seventeenth .and Walnut streets. Residence, Washington Square and Walnut West. Dwelling house, No. 827 Vine street. 20 acres of land, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Praakford road liandeome dwelling, No. 1012 Wallace street. Business stand and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wadi. ington streets. Elegant property, 80 acres, lee., above Torresdale. 14 scree of land, Melton avenue, Germantown. liand.ome residence and lot, West Philadelphia. Valuable lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. ' llandeome dwelling, Spring Garden street, above Twelfth. CABINET OF MINERALS . . . 4 At private Isle, s valuable Cabinet of Minerals, com prising over 1,000 - apeolmens, the 'collection of several years. , The•property of a gentleman who has no room for them. They are very desirable for a publicanstitn tion. Apply at the smatter. Store. QA.MIIEL NATELANS, AUCTIONEER, N., and MONEY LOAN OPTION, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposi te Pear at., only eight doom below the Zschange. Hours of ,btainees from 7 &dab, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor ales, and sales at the Auction House, at. tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 0200,000. 'ffstablithidfor Its last Thirty Years. Adrenals made from one dollar to thousands on Dia mondi; Silver Plate,- Watchee,,Yewelry, Hardwere, fder olutadlre, clothing, furniture, Bedding, Olgan, Magical Inatrnmenti, finny , nasal Carriages, and epode of 1111) A V I =pelon. raniath any length of time „mil Alladvances, teem one hundred dollars and upwards] will be ehargedg per cent. per month; POO and over, the lowest market rate: Phle Store noose having depth of 120 feet, has UM Are and thleLproof vaults to store ail valnables t andprli late watchmen for The wratises; oleo, a heavy ban, ranee effected for the bonen of allpersons having goods advanotd upon. ..0 amount of having an nalh'alta4 capital, thlCoSoo Is prepared to make , advanoes on ram_ est!" factory ind - acommodattni terms than may Met is threill• catty advanced to the poor, In aniall amounts, with out any charts. AT PRIVATI SALT. Gold Patent Lever and other Wate.het and Clothing .111 be sold at reduced prleae. ent.ly 91gritultural. ski NEW CROP TURNIP SEEDS, of every variety. Alno, Buckwheat and Millet. SPANGLER to GRAIIAM, jyl4 , No. 627 SIABEET Street, below Seventh us GRA. IN CRADLES, SCYTHES, ...KY, - Rakes, Forks, Manure Drags, Bramble Scythes, SPANGLER ih ORAITANI, No. 627 MARKET Street. below Seventh. tis,, BoAsp POWERS, THRESHERS Beparatora, Grain Fans, &0., of all tho nios approved kinds. SPANGLER & GRAHAM, jyl4 No. 627 MARKET Street, below Seventh. siwing ITARRIS's BOUDOIR SEWING NA OIIINE Is offered to the public as the most rolls, ble low-priced Sewing Machine In use: It will sew from six to sixty stitches to au Inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest eambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest In Its mechanical con. atructlon ever made, and can be run and kept In order by a child of twelve yeirs of age. The DURABILITY of thla machine, and the QUALITY or ITU WORK, are War ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitehes per min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT TER TROUBLE or RICWINDINO. In fact, it Is It machine that is wanted by every family in the land, sad the low pried of SORTY DOLLARS, , at vrbteh they aold;brings them within tho repcll of almost Ovary one 8. D. BAKEIt, Agent, .1011itlOm why eowoin 20 South Eta/ Incept , SUOVELS AND SPADES. 2,000 DOZEN A69ORTIID, I ow, STIi;EI,,. mad CAST-S'rlllia For solo by the Manufacturer, W. -W. ExciIARDS, No. 225 RACE Street, fvl6•lm& above Socoud. IPAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.— N- 1 There will ho no necessity for travollora taking a supply of CIOARS with tiler% na a weplete aowrt toent of GENUINE 11/11rANA, of Samuel tihnes'ii Im portation, Le found on unto at CONO HESS HALL, Cap /ejacaliaait at 3t Wt/TED STATES } Atlantic ~Eteainnei: pRIIV7,tki SYRUP, PROTEOVED SOLUTIRON ON OP PROTOXIDE OP I , . Haring successfully mowed the ordeal to which new dis coveries In the Miterls Medics are nubjected, must now be received ea an eitabliched medicine. Its einem) , in .curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of tbo Liver, Dropsy, Netwalgia, Bronchitis and Consumptive, tendencies, DisordWd Mate of the Blood, BollB,,3ourry, the Prostrating Effects of Lead or Mercury; General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a Tonlo and Alterative Medicine, le beyond ques tion. .• . The proofs of its efficacy are so nu t •e.,‘ • -4* • -", merous, so well authenticated, and of , . 4 l• $,...,...... such peculiar character, that sufferers le. 1 cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered aid. , i "--,--' as i - The Peruvian Syrup does not profess ',... ~„.. ."..." ,to be a cure-all, but its range is eaten •:!!!'.... ' wive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from one cause, may be cured by ono remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides a cure . is precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy of 'the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persona Rho may wish for an opinion from dis intereated persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability. - - The undersign . ed having experienced the beneficial et recta of the a Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to re commend It to the attention of the public. Prom our own experience, as well as from the testi mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of He office cy in cases of Incipient Diseasea of the Lungs and Bron chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy., Neuralgia, ke. Indeed, Its effects would be incredlW, but from the high character of those who have wit waned them and hove volunteered their testimony, se we do ours, to its restorative tower. Rev. J OHN PIEItPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, S H KENDALL, M. D., - SAMUEL MAY, • THOMAS C AMORY, , PETYAL HARVEY, JAMES 0. DONN, Rey. THOS. WHITTEMORE. ORRTIVIOATE OD DR. HAYED It In well known that the medicinal effects of Pretax- Ida of Iron is lost /by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, 'without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at tained by combination In a way before un k nown, and this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, cl tratee, and tartrates of the Afaterla Modica. A. A. HAYES, M. D., - Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. 10 Boylston street, Boston. BOLD BY H. L. CLARK Sc CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Street Boston. P.BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street', ItASSARD & Co., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streetm Jal4.tu th eat.ern wan Agnate for Philadelphia. nails will, in all cues, follow the use of Radway'l R. It Remedies. There are none so sick or diseued, at weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmities, t ai that Radway , s Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, w Regulators, so the nature of the disease or sickness may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. These remedies consist of Railway's Ready Relief; Radway4 Renovating Resolvent; Radwars Regulators Rash of these remedies possesses special curative power over certain diseases. Pet there are other diseases wherein their combined medicinal properties are re. quired; andwheri thus teed, if there to eufitclent llp and strength within the diseased or dying body to ens tato 'their action, the patient will live and be restored to health. . . Pairs Acute Diseases inflammatory Diseases. /Ifatarioits Diseases Congestive Diseases.... Scrofulous Duecties.... Chronic Distal.: Syphilitic Diseasee...., Constitutional Diseases, Skin Diteasts Nerves: Diseases, . R. R. Retie. .R. IL Relief. .Relief and Regulator:, .Relief and Regulators. . Relief and Regulator:. Renovating Resolvent. .Renovating Resolvent. .Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent and Regulator:. .Renovating Resolvent. .Resolvent, Relief, Revels: tors. . Ready Relief ¢ Revelator:. Infectious Diseases CONSTITUTIONAL DISEAAES Many diseases that afflict humanity are inherited ma heir-loome from the diseased bodies of Maly sires &refute, oousumption, Syphilis, and Pits, are among the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, we care wahine many generations the seeds of these dis• eases may have been established in the system, nor. replies the blood—Raffuray's Renovating R 480101131 will medicate from the bodies of the afflicted areal par. ticie of diseased deposits, and Ali the veins with new. pure, and healthyhlood.__ . CHILDREN'S DISEASES. Radway's Renovating Resolvent should be hailed as a blessing by every mother throughout the land, whose infante are &MAIM with Bores, Humors, eta, These breaking, out (thus early) are evidences of die• ease transmitted from the parent scoot. A few doses of the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every vestige of the disease and insure the abild a sound and healthy bady. R. R. IL—Badwayis Ready Relief for Headaches, whe ther sick or nervous; Rheumatism, Diu , area, Dysentery, Oholera Morbus, t ramps, - Int Manse, /Doody Flux. Paralyals, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia Toothache, Small Pox. Wavers, Swollen J oints, Kidney Complaints' Scarlet Waver, Pal= around the Liver, Plea. Nay, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of all kinds. nadway's Ready Relief will, In a few 'Windex, change the miseries you suffer to joys of pleasure. R. R. R.—ltadway's Renovating Resolvent, for the curs of chronic diseases—Erich as Scrofnlons and Syphilitic complaints, Consumpti v e and other affections of the Lungs and Throat, Induration and Enlargements of parts, Eruptive and other dieeasee of the Skin. Nodes, Tumors, Mere. Dyspepels, sad all , other diseases arising from an a lmpuro atatt of the blood. La.n.—ltadway.s Regulators will cure, effectively and speedily. Costiveness, Indigestion Painter's Oholic, Lead Diseases, If:Mamma' Mon of the Dowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Dem. plaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Small Pox, Fevers, Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system Is out of order, or the blood Impure, a dose of Radway's Regulators will restore it to rev. larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. No female ehould be without them. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists and blerelasateeverywhere. RADWAY k 00., New York City, W. B. Zslasti, T. W. Drove k Sow, Agents, Philadelphia. T. R. OALLIINDER, aplit-tadmodlyiteot/Yr 9'lllE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PARHAM) HT DR. OAXTORD, SOMPOUND ED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, Is one of the beat Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts att a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual thin any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat; ter, thus accomplishing two purpo,es effectually, with out any of the palafal feelings experienced in the ope rations of most (lethargies. It strengthens the sys tem at the earns time that It purges it, and, when taten dilly in moderate doses, will strengthen and baild it up with unormal rapidity. The Liven is one of the human body ; and when it well, the powers of the oped. The stomach is al on the healthy action of performance of its iam bi at fault the bowels are system suffers Id cense- Liver—hiving ceased to eases of that organ, one made It his study, In a 1 years, to Had some reme set the many derange hie. To prove that• thin re person troubled with Li lts forms, has but to try a certain. These tuns remove all the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ma mma of the disease—el- BILIOUS ATTIOII are ter, prevented by the ca. Ittrgooesroge principal regulators o f the performs Its fun o Hoes system are fully devel most entirely dependent the Lityer for the proper ttons ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole queues of ono organ—the do Its duty. For the dim e' the proprietors ha a practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter mente to which It Is Ila- toady Is at hat found, any von COMPLAIN?, in any of bottle, and conviction le morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and oh In e ry, removing the footing a radical cure. cured, and, what is bet- MDIOI2III 0/10 of the LIYEB One dose, after eating, etomsoh and prevent the ing. Only one dose, Aitken Niaursens. in antilelent torelieve the food from rising and emu- before retiring, prevents Only one dose, taken at gently, and cures One- One dome, taken after PiPSIA. night, loosens the bowel' TIYMNII3B. each meal, will cure Dye One dose of two relieve BUM ifissrisous. One bottle taken for fe ttle cause of the disease, Only one done Iminedl while one dose, often re- OHOLliel. MORBUS, and a tesapoonfula will slways male obstructton removes and makes a perfect cure. ately relieves 0 • o z t 0, peated, in a sure cure for preventive of Oam. SOA. needed to throwont of the Moine after a long sick- EOP•Only one bottle is system the etteets of me nus. uffOne bottle taken uLless or tuinntural for .11thiD102 remorse all color from the akin. One dose . taken o ehert vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat. anmA in its worst forms, complaints yield almost . One or two doses cure SA children,. there is no remedy in the world, as it ab sorbents irr A. few bottles curt We take pleasure lure- commending this medl , eine as a preventive for Perle and Amite, Cinix.t. Pavan, and all PEY•IB of , aßiLioaeTrra. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. • Aft whalers il are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. 117- Mia Water in the mouth with . the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Tilt LIVER, INVICIORATOR Is A BOIENTIVIO ?demur. Discomfit, and is daily work. lug cures, almost too groat to believe. It cures %II by magic, even the first dote giving bene fi t, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult of a DISEASED LIVER. time before eating ghee makes food digest well. ed, Mel OHHMO Dtas• while /buns and Boni, to the first dose. attacks caused by Walnut sorer, seer, or speedier never falls. Daoror, by exulting the PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. BANYORD,Proprietdr, 346 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT 80N8, 218 North Second Street. Retailed by all Drugglete. Bold also by SAMUEL 0121E8, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and P. BROWN, Pifth and Chestnut streets Phßada. sun t 4 th e-ly WHY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA ? ZIEGLER fc BIIITRO3 PURE, MEDIOINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &0., &c., Ac. Price $1.26 per hot,. tle, 0r510.60 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try . it. I hereby certify that I had been afflicted with dye pepsin for the last.ten years, during which time I have tried &lithe popular medicines, bat of no avail. Having had Zeigler A Smith's Pura, Medicinal Cognac Brandy recommended by many persons, induced me to try It. One bottle has almost cured me of dyspepsia and mails hablte, of ten years' standing. I can say, with a thank ful heart, that I hare never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I eincerely recom mend it to dyspeptic, nervous And debilitated sufferers. JOBS O. Klinsorn, Zan. 16th, 1868. 1231 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER A BIIITIVG Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which aro daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and consump tives, and in all cases of general debility, lose of app4 fife &o. Old bfadeira Wine, price per bottle. ....... .....01 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. 1 00 Old Sherry W me , do. do. 100 Address your orders to ado Agents, =GLEE, A Wholesale Druggists, 11. - W. corner SECOND and 01110 EN Ste., Also, for sale by JOHN MAT', Druggist, fel-y Prankford road, opposite Hanover. ~1811- ----------..~ _. :coo quintals Ondfleb. 10 do. Pollock. 800 bbls. Mackerel. BO do. White Yleb, for sale by 0. BADLICS fr. 00., c cr. WATIIITI Inv* 1 eCtrtitTE FISII.-76 half bble. of the eel°. Y V brated Detroit River White Fish juet received and for pale by 0.0. OADLEtt t 00., sfortl; NAM?, 04roo1, THE PRESS.-PMLADELPHIA, TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1858. HOBENSAOR'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. • It to ea. pecially adapted to those who have a loss of appetite or are sainted with' Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. innt, FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there le perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which is so important to bring about a healthy adieu THOUSANDS ARE LIVING a miserable existence, of a pate sickly color weak and emaciated, who amid be restored to health ' by the use of one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an ilikinnons nature. FOR ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobensack's Iron Bit terif. When the blood is impure the whole body is full of disease. Blood lotting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than these Invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent Is iron, and we all know its Mosey in removing the Impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a pine Heal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the "us plod ultra , ' of all tonics, to the proprietor that he has succeeded in compound ing a remedy for many of the ills that his fellow mortals are subject to ; and that the public appre ciate it is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, ea the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. READ THE TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. Thin is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Bobensades Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tont ,o induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re • quired, by restoring her I. health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. ' JOHN COLE. No. 811 Gapßig Street. This Invaluable Medicine bl prepared only by GEORGE B. HOBENBAOH, Pharmaceutical Chemist, • N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be Wt.:egad. Price $1: Discount to dealers. Sold by Druggists generally. ruh2o4 ANALYSIS OF LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY by A. A. , IIAYRB, M. D., Atisius TO TBA BUTZ 01 likenoatirma. 01i114077111.. A llght-yellowish brown coned spirit, having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matt... Analysed for volatile and fixed drags, of sokish no trams of any kind were found. its color le proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. 10.'In every respect it is • pure spiritons liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it pobsesees cap beim. lated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognse Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence moulting from a pecnlim., fermentation of Ostowba and Isabella (tropes, - Onitstiosx ohlittltrtint.-1, pertain volume of this spirit contains at 60 dog Y. 401 2.10 parts of pure al cohol, beeldos the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts of the spirit afford 28 S ports of a strong solution of the oil which characterises this Brandy; the spirit left, oiler removing the oil, is m pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spirit not subjoin. to change. One U.B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contain., be. sides the spirit and 011, only 220 gm. of matter com posed of extract of Trait, gum, and colored rosin from wood. Rearms, Sanaa:7 25, 18E8. Dr. 00.101, State Inspector of Ohlo, and Dr. JAS. R. °HILTON, °hamlet, of New York, both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. Nor Efedleinal purpose LyOu'e Oatawba Brandy has no Oval, and has long been needed tu supersede the ir poisonous compounds sold under the namof Hrendy. As a beverage, the pure article le altogether eupoilor, and a sovereign, aura remedy for Dyepepela, flataleney, Low Spirits, Languor General Debility, &c., &o. Ale i o - BEILIELBVII STILL AND SPARKLING 011AMPAGNE.—Thess Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Oloolnuati, and are: guarantied to be the Pure Juice of On Grape, and 40 eminently calculated for invalids and proms who require a gentle agant• lint, and for Sacramelltal pnrpoiee. Retail price 81.26 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will plisse eend their orders to the "Sole Agents" for the State of Penn sylvania, A. P. HAZARD & 00,, Wholesale Druggists, No. 508 MARKET Street. Alto for sale by the following apothecaries : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Oheenut eta. /NO. W. BIKES /r. - SONo,lBth and 22d and Market streets. D. L. SEACKHOIIIII, Eighth and Green eta. R. REDING/4R, Second and Mazy etc, Southwark, O. W. NEDIRRER 3 Pgaapink Road and Washington street. GBO. B. HOBBNEAOE, Third and GrOan fta. A. B. HORTYIt. Broad and Coates eta. • fait WILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN OEPTEMMER, for the fleholeetto /es; coneletlng of ton menthe, INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1623 WALNUT Street, PUILADBLPIIIA. The system of tuition la based on that adopted in the best Seminaries In Europe, and comprises thorough in struction in the English, French, awl Latin languages ; apcolal attzntion is also paid to the formation of an ele gant style of composition, and to the cultivation of a taste for polite literature. The course or WM ?in embrace every branch of education. A limited number of pupils admitted into the family. Their religious and moral training le under the special care of Mrs, Weed, who has had many years experience, and deference will be paid to the feelings and 'tithes of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort of the young ladies le also carefully attended to by 'her. Weekly boarding pupiiß, from Monday till Friday, re ceived at proportionate rates A week 1 / 4 vacation at Christmas and at Easter. TEAMS. (Payable half In advance, and half at the aspiration of live menthe.) For tuition In the regular course of stud! t. lO O 00 N .13.-41 Junior class will be-formed. (I..rman, Spanish, Italian an other languages,?Su sie, (local instrumental,) Drawing and Painting, (In oil and water colors,) at Professors' charges. Tice of Piano, per annum _ . Harp ,‘ Guitar. FOY Boarding Washing at 60 cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil to required to bring her own tow els, Wirer fork and spoon. • Pew rent at cost It afford!, mo pleasure to state that Mr. J. J. Reed In recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in London. From personal acquaintance with him, I can most cheerfully recommend him as an nal' com pllshed scholar and gentleman to the confidence o the public. A. CONVERSR. The subscriber takes groat pleasure in uniting with Dr. Converse in the above recommendation. From per sonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, as well as from hie distinguished testimoulaln, I am confident of his en& nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. . . CHARLEB WADSWORTH. We are happy to hoar that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable literary attainments, and who hascontributed to Graham's many excellent sketches or eminent percent, btu; re-opened his Institute for Young Ladies, at 1523 Wsinut street, one of the most admira ble localitlen in the city. tetra. Reed in a lady who ban had many years' experience In tuition, and bears a high reputation fortuccesa in training her pupils, both mo rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, from his knowledge of Europeanlanguagen, and from having graduated in the first colleges in England, imparts the advantages of the best European systems of education; and particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composition and Polite Literature. We would lay some strum on this latter fact, since general literary Information and cul ture, though by far the most dletinguishing sign. of In telligence and refined education, are, on the whole, far more neglected in most schools and colleges than any other branches.-.-Ediror of Graham's Magazine for July, MS, p. 81. Henry Vethake„ LL. D., Prevent of the University of Pennsylvania. John J. Frazer, LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences In ditto. George Allen, LL. D Professor of Ancient Lan• pages In ditto. lion. William M. Meredith. Col. Jelin W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles G. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga.: sine. Rev. William B. Stevens, D. B. Rector of Bt. An drew,e. Rev. Annan Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., Arch-street Freaky terlan Church. Joseph L. Keen, Esq., Went Philadelphia. Thomas 8. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. jy7,lm IaRYA.NT & STRATTON'S CRA.IN OF .11 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and OLIESTNIIT Streets. For information, call or send for circular. lel6-tf IKITTENDEIVP PIiILADELPIIIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, sortheaat corner or CHESTNUT end BEVENTLI Stmts. An Institution designed to at young men for AO TIER BUBINEBB. The whole bailding is occupied, sad fitted up in a style surpassing anything of the kind to this country. Thorough preparation for the eountlng-house BOARD OF TRUSTEES. B. B. Comegye, Francis Hoskins, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Bparhawk, David B. Brown, lea►o Hacker, A. T. Parsons, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, Joshua L ppincott. ap23-tr 1 ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, .L 4 N. E. corner KORTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Hook-keeping in all Its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situationc in any branch of busissou,• Plain and Orr mental Writing; Commercial °Alenlaths; Law and Cor respondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practice/ course. In this depart ment no teaching is done in claims, and is open DAY and EVENING- Time unlimited. MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Mon and Hoye are prepared for any gni& of an English and Clan. Meal Education, via: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram. mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, /be , Ancient and Modern Languageo, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions or f, months commence September Ist, and February let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dated and charged accordingly. Cats, loves furnished gratis. mh26-tf 'Y. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. 108 QR. CASKS PORT WINE. 111 lilt. Piped Alicante do. 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sberry do. 11 Pipes Superior Pajarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 do do do do. 111 Baled kotorted Corks. 826 Raga Almonds. 26 do Filberts. Landing from Brig " Arrogant(' Emelto,” and for sale by ru A. 11l ERIN°, y27-tf 140 SMITH FRONT Street. LARGE NO. 3 MACKEREL-NOW IN glove and landing, 300 bbls No. 3 MACKEREL; large 238 halves ditto, for sale by JNO. M. KENMEDY & CO., Nos 130 and-1112 , N WITARVER T_TEIDSIEGR. CHAMPAGNE.—PIPER's 1181M311101E, genuine brand, constantly on hand, received from sole Importers, and for sale by A, BURIN°, Sole Agent In this Oity, 140 Banta gRONT Rtrast. HERRINGS -800 bblB. NO. 1 PICKLED Herring; 300 bbis extra Newtotindisnd ditto 120 bbls Potomac dry salted ditto, now in store and for isle by JNO. KENNEDY k CO., Nos. IRO and 182 N WHARVIB. 11AY RUM.—Fivo puncheons Bay Rum, a .1.111 very superior article, is store awl for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South MONT Stroot. e jOEIN 11. BELL, TBAOIIHR OP NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At BRYANT & STRATTON'S 00111111ER(11AL COLLEGE. oornor BR.V.ENTI.I end 011118TNUT Street,. SOFT DRUDE TURPENTINE.--Just ro caved a small lot of Soft Crudo Turpentine, of good quality, P.A. for Aldo by WEAVER, FITLER & CO., jyls No. 23 N. WATER St., And 22 N. WHARVES 40,11OULDERS.-60 hhds. Shoulders, dry in /0 salt, for silo by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., 2 Nartla WATER SUN,. , • • tUcb cinal. HOW GRATIFYING Quintation4l. T. J. REED'S 260 00 TESTIAIONTALS REFER EMCEE; Insatante ecrsnpattits. CITY INSURANCE CO MP ANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL.' 32000000. Organized 1861. Privileged to insure Rouses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits; hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. MlltTiliN, Secretary. DI/1110101M Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Keller, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Sender, P. D. Mingle, C. D. 'nicking, James 'Watson, 7. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, Jo18•ly G. P. urner. CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 891 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ORARTERND OAPIT AL 8900,000—YAID BP CAPI- TAL $360,900. Thin Company haying been recently REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely Increased, respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of 'neuron. sire and Marine Policies will be issued at equitable rates of pre. mium, and losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRZOTORS : • William M. Godwin, B. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, George W. hail , - William B. Themad, B. Franklin Jackson, R.N. Winslow, J. O. hopper, henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. O. PECIPPMR, Secretary, mrlo-dtf .TEE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN HIITUAL LIFE INITURANOB COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, 5612,725.03. DIMMER LIVES for :alert terms, or for the whole terra of life—grante annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real Estate and makes (*argots depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Gnardiens. • • Daniel L. Miller, IDunnel I. Stoked, Benjamin Ooates, William Martin, Richard O. Newbold, James B. bloParland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Huston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophllos Paulding, Oharles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rcdolphus Heat, : John W. Horror, William H. Care, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T. Mott, litannel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin - John G. Brenner, P. O. Idiehler, Easton. - • DANIEL L. maim_B, , Prodded. - SAMUEL E. lITORBS, Vice Preen. Joan W. Houma. Secretary. - nlO-ly AROTIO FIRE INSIJRANOE COMPA NY, NEW YORK.—Oftice, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $250,600, width a aorphts. Thia Company insure Thalldlnge, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lose or Damage by Etre and Um Mao of Inland rfargation. • DIBBOTOIIS. Henry Grinnell, Jnallph L. Pops, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Grates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Dads, Edmund Penfold 0. H. Lillenthal, Hanson R. Corning, Theo. Polbentus, la Ogden Haggerty, Elleha B. Morgan, Thorns/ Monism), 410 n. IL Vogl Nod, John H. Earle, William A • Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas E. Edam, Charles Beaton, Jamie W. Phillips, Louis Lornt, Charles A. Mazy, Emmet G. Glidden, Edward Hinoken, Bteph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Bhepard, Thomas Boon, Charles"... at, John Ward, Lothrop L. atone., Henry K. Bogert, William It. Fosdick, Peter Edell Emery_Thayer, lienjwln g. flold, • Geo. Wastfeldt, A. R. Fib inghs,,M Eamon Taylor, Thos. F. Youngs, Hong E. Blown.. thimnol L. Mitibeil, ALBERT WARD, Prealdent. RIORAID A. OarLlF,Searetary. au 10.17 VOKKONWEALTEI EMI C Of we IMAM 0, PNNNBYLVANIA. OrPION, NONTUWNST °DNIM FOURTH AND WALNUT STUNTS, PHILADIELPIIIA. SObSOribed Olpitla, ssoo,ooo. Paid np OspHal, j 900.000, Thos. B. Btowart, J. M. Butler, J. H. Walker, M. B. Wendell, B. K. lloasle. 'VS; 11., Brorldint eall., WrICWItaT, Vllte`kr Dr. D. Jayne, H. L. Benner, J. M. Whitall, /Mr. O. Knigh, a: LOITIA, AVID 7 13011-413 13 8. Moos, Beora TAELA " AB,E MUTUAL SAFETY. - IN -3! SUILANOI3I HOMPAHY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATDRN of PUN- SYLVANIA 1885. 011101, B. 3. Oorner THIRD and WALNUT Streets, PRILADIDLTILIA; MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CABAO, To parts of the World. FREIGHT, INLA A INSURANCES, On Goods, by River Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to alb p arts of the DlllOll. Flit INSURANCES, on Merchandise generally. On Slimes, Dwelling Gomm, &p. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 4,1867. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate 9101,869 94 PhiladelphisOlty and other Loans 187,0 u 26 Stock in Banns, Railroads, and Insurance Companies Bills Receivable Cash, on hand Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Pellicles recently issued, on other Obis due the Company Subscription Notes..., ..... , DIIIO7OIBI William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph 11. Seal, Theoplalos Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, James Traquair, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., John K. Penrose, J. Y. Pen iston, George G. Leper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Blokes, Dr. R. H. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Mailman, Rohort Burton, Jr., Charles Kelly, Jim. B. Semple, Pittatqls H. Jones Brooks,' Dr. T. Morgan, , t Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, u WILLIAM( MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Floe President. HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. ,isg•Y FIRE AND INLAND RISKS.-FAME INSURANOR COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organized under the Act of Assembly relative to In imrance Companies, paned April 2d, 1860.) ea GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS B. MARTIN Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Mee 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day Jacob R. Vaughan, William W. Whiten!, Henry Lewis, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Mu! Jy, Barclay Lippincott, John W. dverman, Joe. R. Drognanl, A. H. Rosenholm, Ohm Stakes. re24-y 1.4 Stern. VIRE INSURANCE. BY TUE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSIIRANCE COMPANY OF PIIIIADELPILIA. On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, c., in Town or Country. OFFIOR, No. 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $177,926. Anins, $262,405.89. Invested as follows, viz : First Mortgages on Improved tity Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 0 per cent. mortgage Loan, $30,000, coat 26,500.00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan Pennsylvania Railroad Coia. Stock Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company 19,160.00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co .... 1,050.00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 476.00 Bills receivable, business paper 52,711.60 Book Accounts, accrued interest, &c • 8,838.10 Cash on hand and in Bank, 113,015.20 5262,406.89 DI TINGLEY, President. TORS. Samuel Dispbam, Robert Steen, William Musser, Beni. W. Tingley, Marshall MG, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith llowen, John Bissell, Pittsburgh. lIINOIDIAN. Secretary. Clem Tingley, William It. Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John It. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, .Tames S. Woodward, fe2A-s to th-rp-tt El .Id Mates attb iCi VW r ri - A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. The sabecribenchave been appointed oole agents in the State of Penntirriania for the aborts well-known ROCHELLN BRANDY,_ which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and ono. eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD & WORL, felt-tf 120 WALNUT Street. TIMES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.—The au , subscribers, aole agents in the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its impeder quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably With the most favorite brands in the market. ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above in the united States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of varians vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes. jelB..tr IfA MBRE Y GRAPE-LEAF OR AM 111-4 PAGNE. , ARNOLD & WORL, Bole Agents, 120 WALNUT Street SALMON, SHAD, &c.-20 tierces No. I Salmon ; 18 bble. do.; 60 bble. prime Ben Shad; 200 bble. ; 180 bble Whito•tien t now in gore and for sale by JOHN M. KENNEDY 00., EA? line. UM sort 182 Newt% veltarr• !'CLARET-125 OASES MARGAII2C, 150 ‘../ Oases ST. MUM, in quarts and pints, in store and for sale by A. MNRINO, 1022 140 South PRONT Street BRANDIES.—"t Pinet Oaatillon," Marott, and other Cognacs of Yarioas rlntages, In hall Ripen and quarter easks Pellevolsin Roehelle Brandiei, pale and dark, In half pipes, half cask!, and one•eighth casks. Imported and for salo by RB.NRY BOHLEN & 00., 0e22 231 and 223 loath }fourth street i n I, LE WIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER AJe IN FINN WINPB, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &A., 20 South MTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly inORDIALS.—ANISETTE, OURACOA, 'IL/ and MARABOHINO in store and for male by son & dunTrio.l4ll R Plump R 5. 1101111.1..ADELPIIIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREII.OIISE. •• - - • • ARNOLD & W/LBON, 017006880103 TO B. A. lIAAAIBO7O . . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where oar old friends and the publle are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Mr Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enamele d de Mantels, Parlor Coal Goatee, deo. ko. We are now manufacturing 0111LSOWS CELEBRATED PAT- ENT NEW GOAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical neater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Alto, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Crates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sizes and patterns. We hove also oommenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at tAe late Flair and Exhi. bition of the Franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful ANTIQUE MARBLEB, era not injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much less price than Marble. Cali and see them. - - - ARNOLD & WILSON. BENJ.M.PEDTWELL, BaperintombAt. ilalodelphlii! OM ? 16x9.- 17 STEAM TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN —The shortest lea passage between America and Europe.—NEW YORK to GALWAY, Ireland, Only 15 hours , travel, including four hours , sea pas sage, from Galway to London, via Holyhead. - The line will consist of six 'powerful paddle-wheel steamships. Tho Sr t two are now running as follows: INDIAN EMPIRE will leave New York Friday, July 23. AMERIOAN EMPIRE will leave Galway Tuesday, July 27. - AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave Now York on or about August 17, Tho splendid uteamahip INDIAN EMPIRE, E. CouRTNAT, Commander, will positively leave New York, for Galway, FRIDAY, July 23d. This ship has splendid accommodations for first, second, and third class passengers, who will be taken through to any part of-Great Brrtain at the following greatly reduced rates, Including a liberal cabin table, and provisions for third class passengers to Galway: First class Second class 60 Third class 30 . . Passengers for Germany, foe , will have free tickets to London or Hull, from whence steamers are constantly leaving for Hamburg, Amsterdam, and other ports. Freight delivered in Galway and Dublin. Specie and valuable packages delivered also In Liverpool, Man chester, and London, at reasonable rates. Nor passage, freight, and further particulars, apply to WILLIAM A. SALE k CO., jyl9.t.Jy22 No. 46 SOUTH Street, New York. NOTICE.—The CITY OF WASHINGTON advertised to Nall on THURSDAY, July 15th, having been detained to carry the United States malls, will sail on SATURDAY, July 17th, at noon preoliely. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS 00W, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, vu LIVERPOOL. TEE LIVERPOOL AND PIIILADELPIIIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clyde-built Ironlßeamehlps are Intended to eatt as follows : CITY OP BALTIMORE Thursday, July ut CITY OP WASHINGTON 16th KANGAROO io a Nth And each alter ate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. . • . • KA N . CITY OP WASHINGTON Wednesday, June 23d. GAROO 41 CITY OP BALTI6IOIIII ic July 7th.44 21st And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Now York and Philadelphia... 476 Third ChM to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisions 80 Return Tickets good for 6 months 60 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia' • 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham-. burg, &a., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Autwipand Liverpool, in connection with the departures fo ow York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, a through rate of freight. Certificates of Passage 'from Antwerp to New York 846. DAN on Liverp6ol from £1 upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, 16 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN Q. DALE Agent. 9r WILLIAM INMAN, 44'43 end 84 Tower LlyerpoOl. LIVERPOOL AND PRILA, DELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. team cpmmnuleation between New York and Ant werp, via Liverpool. - The splendid feat serow.steamship BOSPIfORID3, Oeptain hlefluigin, (lately employed in the Royal Mall service,) will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY, in connection with the company'e steamships from Liverpool to New York. Goods for New York will be received and shipped by the Agents in Antwerp, and bills of lading Signed there at a through rate of freight. The first sailing from Antwerp will be on the 172:;of June, in conjunction with the CITY OP WASHING TON from Liverpool, on Juno 23, For further particulars and topes of freight and pase. sage, apply to J. P. Kremer & Co., Antwerp; William Inman, Lower Building, Liverpool, and at the Com tsipy's Ogigs, 16 Broancy, New York and 109 Walnut reet, Philadelphia. , je2l-lin JOHN G. D4LE, gent. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH —HERON'S LINE. sq?' 6 ' l3 -!iit9 3 /YOIII BF FiL/4 5 LADING a/CiNIT N . ' 1/4.1f. The eplendict alde-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and BATE OF GEORGIA, Now forma weeklj line ter the Smith and Reel_thlfeet, OPP of these shim sailing every PATOP.DAY at 10 eielaelr 4. 11., etteraefely for OlearinetOn and Be. vassal. FOR CHARLESTON, The KEYSTONE STATE, Oaptain Charles P. Marsh man, will commence loading on Thursday, August 6th, and sail for Oherleston, S. 0., on Saturday ; August 7th, at 10 o'clock A Id. FOR SAVANNAH. The STATE OP GEORGIA, Gant. :ohm J. Garvin. will commence loading on Thnnsday, July 29th, and #l O l 0 1, Elitii4e4,. 7111 F 41,1, 10 °° A-Ztiai leaton and Sseanneh, these Alps connect with steamers for Florida end Havana, and with rail roads, floo., for all pip:4Ble_ the South and Southwest. npußANom VOR4NT: YIkiIIGNTB HIPHONP. Heavy Freight at an average of lIS per cent. below New York steamship rates. ___ FREIGHT and INBCiI &NOS. on a large proportion of goods ',hipped South will be found to be lower by these gaps than by sailing vessels. C bian passage 820 00 Steerage do e 820 00 Ricurelon Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bile of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or peonage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., No. 828 (late Si ) North Wharves. Agents at Obarleaton T. S. O. SUDO. Agents in b . A. GHEINNII, /a 00. For Florida, from Oltarleaton, Mesmer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. for Florida, from Savannah, daemon, Sr. MARYS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, rom Charleston, ateamer ISABIL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell .... 12,608 00 .... 220,291 96 .... 88,892 66 STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DE BY , without delay, for BO dollars. Return tiokoto, goad ter etiat rsio,sther, to caller Of the above places I)/ any steamer of the line, 69 dollars for the round trip, out andlittak. 11101( llw YOWL. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o'clock, M. Edinburgh, Cumming, July St, IC Glasgow, Goodwin, 44 Augustl, 44 PIOY 01JJ00W. Edinburgh, Cumming Saturday, Jane 20. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, MoMillan. Wednesday, August 11. RATES OP PASSAGI. MOM OL.AOOOW. IfirstOlass 18 guineas Steerage, found wig cooked provisions 8 II NAGY XXI! TOME. Etat Wass $76 00 r•rl. Steerage, found with 000ked provimione SO 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infants in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six menthe, by any steamer of this line. Hirai Chula 8/40 00 Steerage 860 00 An experienced Surgeon at Cached to each Steamer. Hoe freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00,,128 WALNUT Street, Philadel. phis. ROBERT CRAIG, 12 Broadway New York. HALL & LORRY, Buchanan's - Wharf, Baltimore. run 02,780 67 .. 100,000 00 702,186 87 saFOR SAN FRANCISCO.—OLIPPER OF THURSDAY, 15th July Inet.—Lowner RATES, AND NO DITBNTION. The euperior A I Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, Sruncem. Commander, in now receiving her cargo, et. Pier 10, R., (New York,) and will positively sal? u above. Tho Wandering Jew was built for the California Trade, he throughly ventilated, soot of small capacity; has jest made the voyage in 84 due from Amoy to Ilavara, being the shortest passage ever made between those porta. The superior sailing qualities of this ship, her small capacity, low rates of freight, and early day of sailing, present unequalled inducements. Yor balance of freight apply to BIBIIOP, 81110N8, tc 00., jy3.lltf 120 NORTH SVEURVIS. gikREGULAR LINE FOR PROVI DENOE.—Schoonor WOROESTER, MIODIIB Mager, now loading at Callowhillditreet Wharf, For freight, apply to Captain, on board, or to JNO. M. KENNEDY k CO., jo2l. 180 and 132 NORTH WHARVES. WANTED—A iirst-class VESSEL, of 800m1000 tons capacity, to load for a port In tho Pacific. Cargo now ready, and fair freight will be paid. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., jyls-dtt , 120 NORTH. WHARVES. gatWANTED—A good VESSEL, to load In the Louisiana. Line, for New Orleans. Quick despatch and good rates given. Apply to BISIIOP, SIMONS, fr. 00. 3715-tf 120 NORTH 'WHARVES. CARPETINGS. ADDIJRN THREE-PLY, }3IIPERFINE AND VENETIAN CARPETING, MANORACTORID By JOSIAII BARBER, with other Important makes, of all grades, now In store end for onto by 801.6 AOHNTS In tble city, ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., 633 MARKET St. CARPETS. We will commence TO-DAY OLOSING OUT Out entire Serb* Stock of VELVET AND BRUSSELS OARPETINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. GAILY it BROTHER, No. 920 ORESTNUT Street. Purchasers will praise call and examine our large assortment, 5p2941- WESTRY OARPETS.—JUST OPEN m, a large lot of superior Tapartry Oatpata j to be mold at a low price. DAILY & DROTHDR, OABH OARPSY STORE, tobBl4f 920 01118TNUT Bt. QIIPERB THREE-PLY CARPETS . kJ A fresh assortment of new patterns, at reduced prices, at DAILY a BROTHER'S, ,CASH CARPET STORE, nolal-tf 920 CHESTNUT St. RED ROOM OARPETS.-10,000 YDS. of superior Ingrain and Three-ply Carpets, of the best makea and styles, at all prices, from 60 cents to 61.25 per yard. DAILY it BROTHER, mhgt-ff No. NO OIIESTNI7T Street. II ST HEAVY BRUSSELS.—A LARD iJ lot of new patterns, In Lest, alisete styles, at low rakes. GAILY & BROTHER, CHEAP CARPET STORE, inh3l-ti 920 OHEBTNUT 8t BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufactarer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public °faces, Blerohant4 end others, of the best quality of English or American. Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for RIB PRINTING of every description Irkgravlng and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, Drench and Arneri eau Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say— ,4 Tide display or blank booms for banking and mercantile nee is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap nearanne neat and appropriate n no2o-tir 11)1PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTICE TO PITYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to die eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges: A good and unvarying con-Wer:le, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and doss not get rancid. The last property alone renders it an Invaluable acclimation to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at SUMPS Laboratory add Pharmacy, Twelfth and Obentnut streets. MACKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1, 2,'and -11-118 IItLOKERE.Li to 10150111218 packages, now In store and for sale by JOIIN M. KENNEDY & CO., •n RA. Nn•. 120 and 1112 N/041 Nwhar••• VI ERRING. 1- Tiro. 1 - RETIRING, Za jL ro ß r2e r br i"P"ti giiiriti lo iagrA w O i S " `" 4'ol 4i94, ticoloomi4, S3piagnng. JUIN G. DALE, Agent, 109 WALNUT Street FROM LITIMPOOL INBURANON Qtanittinse. Statiottern lailroabs; AN NOTICE- EMENT. SUMNER MEr• ARRANG BILADELVEiIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 10, 1858, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE P HILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. M., I P. M., (Expreae,) and 11 P. M. • For Wilmington, at 8 A. M., 1, 4.80, and 11 P. t For New thistle, at 8 A. ht. and 4.30 P. Id Bor Middletown, at BA. M . and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M.' TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA," Leave Baltimore at 7.30, Express, 10.15 A. ht., and 6.40 P. 51. Loavo Wilmington at 6 46 and 10.30 A. 11., and 1.45 and 8.55 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8 and 9.50 A. M*liend at 8.15 Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M. and 8.45, . Leave Dover at 8 A. 51., and 4.55 P.M. Leave Seaford at 6.25 A. 51., and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 2P. M., and 2.16 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal timore, Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phil.- phia Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville :and Intermediate places at 6 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do .do do 745 P. M. Leave Havre de Grace for Baltimore do 6BOA. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 610 P. M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 640 P. M. je9 S. M. FELTON, President. NEW TORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN I AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.M.PApirS LINES. IRON PHILADILPHIA TO NBW YORK, AND WAY PLAOIO3. Leave 113 fellows, via : Pam. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aosonunoda tion 226 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Act eoznmodation 2 26 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning - Mall 8 00 At IQ,A. Id., by -Steamboat Trenton, via Taeony anti Jersey City, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Bpress a -8.00 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey Oily, Mall Beaming 80 At 8 P. M., /is Camden and Amboy, Aocommodm Una, let Class 2 00 At BP. N. 1/ 1 / 1 Camden and Amboy, A000mmoda !Ion, 2rel Class. I 50. At 6 P . IN., vfa Camden and Amboy, Aecommodm. Um, Lit Oless • $0 At 6P. M. Via Camden and Amboy,- Aosommodm lion, 2nd Olma - IT6 The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays ex tooted P.M. from Kensington Depot, via Jersey fOity, Mai, Saturdaya exeepted , 2226 Mapco's Lines atop at the principal stations only. lor Belvidere, Emden, Plemington, &0., at 6A. 111 and 4P. M. from Wawa street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbute, Montrone. Great Bend,a. v,t 6A. N., 'Oll. Delaware, Lackawanna at Western _ For Ifraabold, at 6 . A. M. and 2 P. N. Por Mount Holly at 6A. M. and 2% and SP. M. WAY mine Par Bristol, Trenton, &e.,at 21$ and 4 P. M., /or PaimyraLlianeoess4 everly, khildingtoa, Bordata torn Ice., at S P. M. Steamboat Riebard Stockton for Bordentown, and in immediate placed, at 2% P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Taciony, at 10 and 1.1% A. M. and for Borlinston and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines exceptll A( P. Id , leave Walnut street wharf. Irrrifty pounds of baggage +Duly allowed each pas senger. Paasengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Coro pony limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, sad will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract. as - WM. H. GATEKEIL, Age 1-ly at - 0. .t A. B. B. 00. 171 1 [14DERn4 AND Braille: Alai, ROAD Li4E..:_:44mokEsT Acktrrsi to Ricalra iliterWilt Dodelo, Chicago, 'Rock leliod, Niagara 0.4, aparioaltle, Rorltugtoo, Moot: 6 W, St Nimbi Detroit, Nunlietb, and Ht. WO, Pluireonr traWo will leave the Philadelphia and Raadipg Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and. Tom atree t s, daily, (Einndays excepted) ae follows: NisA A. ht. DAY SXPR.F.I3B, For Elmlni, gara, Fallit, Roffato, Detroit, IDhltago, 1411wintkos Rook laud, Ralena,St. Pali, Burlington, And St. Lg 4,4. 8.80 P. M. NIGEIT BXPR39BB, Por Sam's*, Niagara Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohlesgo Milwaukee,Book M , Ga lena, Dt.Piuela, Burlington and Bt. Louis. • Tlelota good till used. The TAO A. M. train connects at Reading with the trai for Ziarriaburg and all stations on the LEBANON TiLLET RAILBOADi s At Burnt, for Withenharre rat Bittaton, Balaton, and all ITAILB StsAians OAD. on tha LAIALWA;DINA AND 111.00/dBBIIIIO Baggage - 060%0d to Blgrao, •nd finsperudon IMICEEIM Wilkesbarre 14it Pittston 4 60 • Seranton 4 76 Wilkesbarre 4 50 WURamsport 6 50 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 60 Niagara. Falls ' 800 Buffalo . . :14 0 00 Erie tt•c.,; ....10 60 Oievglaucl, yla N. y: so Erie 18 00 `$ VIA 141aara Fails 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 25 Columbus 16 60 Oincirmati, New York and Brie 19 00 " Niagara Falls 19 00 Indianapolis, ins New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 18 00 Chicago, via Great Western Railway.... 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad 22 00 Book Island, via Niagara Falls 27 00 " l Leda Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington .. e, .... • ... . . 4 23 CO Zeno. Clay 29 25 St: Louis, via Obicago gp 00 11 Indianapolis 20 00 Dunlieth 27 60 St. Paula ... 86 10 117•• Tickets can be procured at the Philaaelpida and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pu- Ranger Depot,BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below. Vine, daily, (Sun ld days excepted ,) for all points West end North, at 6 Freights must be delivered before g P.M. to hum* their going the same day. M'r Freights are forwarded with greater deepatah and Lower Rates than by any line Ennis this city to the West and Northwest Ear further information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below trine, Or to MIAs. S, TAPPEN, Ekeiteral Agent, N. W. eor. Sixth and Oheatnntata., PhHada. • G. A. NIOOLLB, Gaol. Supt. Naiads. and Beading Railroad. H. A. BMA, Genl. Sept. Oatawina, W. k E. Railroad. J. A. REDFIELD, Genl. Supt. 'Wu:import and Matra Rallrc;ad. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FRRIGUT LlNE.—Freight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, below VINE, daily, tot Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Idllwankle, Galena, Dubuque, St. Lords, and Interme diate points. This Is the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Ports, and troode'vrlll be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any other route, 'AMY/ or priors ran 100 ma Visgailroad bit elms. 24 elm.. 114 ele6a. 4th elan Bnepension Bridge 90 70 60 40 Buffalo 99 - 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 76 65 45 Detroit $1 20 93 78 62 Olden° . 1 60 115 1 00 80 Freight going through by rail 11l the way meat be marked "'VIA RAIL." No transhipment between Phlledelphla and Elmira. Mark goodp via Philadelphia ay.% Reading Railroad, and send toihe Depot, Broad etreo - A, below 'Vine, daily, before 5 P. M. For further information in regeni to this route, call at the through freight oboe of tlOl Philadelphia Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner BIRTH and CHESTNUT. deBo-y JOIENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At hntio Cale& with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway threat. This 1 6 Boad also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamer, to ail ports or the North-western Lakes; making the most DIRSOT, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GRRAT WEST. RATES RATIY/INN PHIIADMIPNIA AND DITTO. BURGH. . Prior OLABS-1300121, ELM, Hats, and Caps, Books, Dry (toads, (In boxed) bides and trunks), DniTs, flu boxes and bales) Feathers, Burnet° 76 0 . per 100 lb. Ihiooun Mane—Domestic • Meeting, Matting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in =she ) Wail Paper, - Wool, and. Shoop Pelts, lisstward, ko. /to 00e. par 100 lbs MIAD Ot.ass—envili, Hemp, BaOOII and Pork, Balled, (loose or In mks), Paints, (dry and In all,) Oil., (oi.cept lard and - rosin) RC per 100 lbe lout% Owes—CoFee, Ptah, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (In asks or brace eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Bode dab, Gorman Cla, Tar', Pitch, Bonin, Steel, Manu factured Tb beano, Rosin Oil Oneerutware, Sugar bbbe., and boxes,) /cc.,fro 40e. per 103 lb Pious-750. per bbl. until farther notice. Game—Mo. per 100 lbs., until further notioe. Corrow--$2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs, weight, until further notice. In shipping Goode from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to WA packages via Pennsyloante Railroad." All Goode conelgned to the Agents of this Road, et Philadelphia or Pitteburgh, will be forwarded witfiont detention. , Yummy Aaawre.—Clarke & Co., Chicago; Packer & & 00., Memphis, Tenn,; B. P. Base A 00.. Bt. Lords. Mo.; P. G. O'Riley A Co., Evansville, Indiana Wm . . Bingham, Lonieville, Kentucky. • R. C. Meidrum, Madison, Indiana; I L. W. Brown & Co. and Ather & ILbbard, Cincinnati; H. B. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A Co. , No. 64 Kilbystreet, Boston ; Leech A Co., No. 2 Astor House, New Tart, No. I William at. New York ,• E. J. aneedin , , Philadelphia ; Magtaw k Zoom, Balthnore; D. A HA II : Pittsburgh. H. U. HOIIBTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAERT, den- General Puperintendent, Altoona. Pa Alachinerg and Icon. BOWEL T. 1111110 X. 1. TAMAN 11.1111110 X WILLIAM X. NIIIIM SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 111/Tll AND WASIIINGTON OTHErn, PRILII3II.I7IIAL. „ . MERRIOK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture nigh and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Morino service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Botta, he y Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gam Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, he. Retorts and au Minfhinery of the Woof and most improved construction. Every description bf Plantation maohinery, such as Sugar. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, !Allying Engines, &a. Solo Agents for N. RRIle Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. PAW Patent Valve Motion for Bloat Machinery and Steam Primps. Suparintendent—B. H. BABTOL. ana.y. Arc proof Oafes SAWML.NDER SAFES. A lugs assortment or aVANB & WATSON% PRIAD.b'LPHIA MAIViIFACTURBD BALABIANDSR SAM, VAULT DOOM, RANK LOOM), /or Banks and Stores. actual to any now . IRON DOORti, SHUT In T ass ARR, &e., On as good terms es any other estardisament tis United /Rotes, by BVANB & WATSON, N 0.28 Soutk ZOURTH street, R 1410,11 laki.o4X4h owN _ Raitreat Linea. Mg*i P I T NX N A C) It R A T IX , ROAD. CHANGE OF 1 1.08R8.. On and after MONDAY, July 28th, 1858, the Trains on this Bead will leave Front and Willow stre.ets daily (So excepted,) u falloyfs: Farßethlehem, Easton, kc.' at ... ......8.15 A: M. For Bethlehem, Allentown and Mooch Chunk, at 2 30 P. K. For Doylestown at 8.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For Fort Washington, at... 9.30 A.M. and 6.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Beare Bethlehem, at 900 A. M. and 520 P. M. Leave Doylestown, at 6 00. A. M. and 4.00 P. M. Leave Fort W ashington. at-0.15 A. M. and 2.50 P. M. No change In &today Trains. . All Passenger Trains connect at Chatham street with City Passenikliallway. t thlEJThe A. M. Train from Philadelphia, and the 5.80 P la. rain from Bethlehem, will make close connections with Easton, and with the Now Jersey Cen tral 'Unread. ELLIS CLARK, jy2l.4t Agent I HILADELPHIA, - G RMANTOWN AND NOR RIB TOWN RAILROAD.--BIIMAIRR ARRANEMLENT.—On and OW MONDAY, May 10th, 1858. lOR GEKMAIITOWN, Leave Philadelphia at 8,I(; 78. 9.06 10, 11%, A. M., /, 2,8, 4,6, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, mid 11%P. M. Leave Germantown at 6, 7 7X,_0 . , 9. 9 X,18,3i, 11%, A. M. 1-10 min., 2,8%,4%, 6%, ; e%, 8, 9.40 min., and 10n. M. wirThe 7% o'clock A. MI Train from Germantown stop enly at Wayne and Tloga Streets Stations. ON SUN LOAM Philadelphia at94o mDAYS, in. A. M., 2,6%, and 8 P.M , • Leave Ge rm antown Bjf A. If., 1-10 min., 4%, and P. M. ORPATNITT.RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 636 8, 9.05 min , lin A. M., 8,4, 6,8, 10 P. 98. Leave Oheatnut 11111 at 6 40 and 7.85, 9.10, and 10.10 min. A. M., 12.50, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 1753 min. P.M. • ON BIIND6. Leave Philadelphia, 0.0 A. N, , 2, 534, ants P. N. Leave °lnstant Rill at 810 min A. M., 12.60 4.10 6.40 P. 41 POB OONEIHOLIOOICRN ANB NORRISTOWN. Lear/ ,Rhiladelpitia at Om, 9, 1.1 A. M., 1.06 min., 8.10 min../}, II,V P. M. LI&Te Norristown at 8 1 7, 9,11 A. M.,1,7%, and ISM P M. 2 -. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 8 P. 51. Demme Rorrletown at 7A. M. and BP. 51. • 1/0B Lease Philadelphia at 81i, 71( , 9, 11 A. M. 1.05 min., 2.05 min., 8.10 min., 4X, 5.g, 8% , 8, 1 14. P. M. Leave - Hussar& at 8,4 81f, 10 1 1, 11,43 A. M., 6,1‘, 7, and 9 k. Sundaye name u Norplatown. , O rica 7AIi.TABX RAILROAD 7011 DOWNING Lu TOWN . so Philadelphia At eg A. IK., and 8.10 akin. P. M. UNTO Downingtown at 73( A. M , and 1 P. IC B. N. SMITH, Gimeral Superintendent. Depot, Ninth end Green street+. Philadelphia. 1358 PENN "axityt,/ 4- 18,58 PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTEIBUROH, WHEREIN(} And tbetioe by Railroad to , T. LOUIS_ , STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI 011113A60, LOVISVILL% BUItLINGTON, INDIANAP6LIB, BT. PAULI 3, ABd all intermediate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MICHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Pasoengers to polutoorest of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, aleteland and Oreethno, hate choloe of routes, Isadore requested to make a selection before applylog for Holt eta. THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEL POrmIuif PHIA_DAILY, West. 000neotioos at Pittsburgh to all potato ein and after MONDAY, May "10th, 1868, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, 8. B. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, as follow: TEAM NOD PITUDDROSI AND TEN WNBT Mail train 5t....2 so A. M. Pest line 1 00 noon. Express mall-11.00 night. wAT TNAINS LAMM. Harrisburg ac. commodation 3.00 P. M. Lancaster .t 6.00 P. M. The mall train stops ate delphis and-Pittsburgh. The Express mail runs daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. -• The care leave the PennsylvardaltaUroarl Pane Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MABBBT streets, entrance on Merin* street, whore through tickets to all polntgWost can be obtained. Baggage will oo received at the Depot at any time du- Hu the dap , No charge for handling beggege. Yor Tort er information, apply at the Depot or he Penaeylvania Railroad Company, southeast earner of Eleventh and Market atreote, betseenthe hotua of 1 A. M. and 1.1 P. M. THOMAS MOORE, my 10 Agent Penn's Railhead 010. MUSS PIOX PITTSBURGH AID TER WHIT ARMIN. Mail train at... 11.00 night. Put line 4.60 A. M. Express mail.. 1.10 noon. WAY TRAITS AnnlYlll. Harrisburg so sommodation.7,ls P. M. Luesster <, .9.50 A. M. the stations between Phila. Qatelo anb Reotantante; BLANOARD HO IT SE ,—BROADWAY and TWELFTH' Street, New York, re.opened, elegantly furnished with every modern improvement. The location 111 fashionable end healthy. The rooms are large - and - wel ventilated. bleed Served at all hours, and every attention paid to the comfort of gnests. Transient board 52 per day. Per manent hodrd at lower rates. The whole under the managementor V J. kikOLEL -24/1, (late of the 'United States Hotel. Philadelphia,) who rempeotfully solicits the patronage of hie friends and the travelling pubic .1630-11 m. JONES'HOUSE, • HARRISBURG, PA. etbd " 3 StECCANTLY HITRN TRACI i n" NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my 24.1 WELLS ()OVERLY, Proprlstor. WORRELL ROUSE, N. W. tor. TIMED and HARMONY 00011 T; Tne undersigned takes pleasure In Informing his friends and , he public at large, that he has opened the above ZBPABLIIII3 T, and pledgee himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, evermArtiote is of nape nor et:Dolby, haying been eeleeted without regard tap ' price2 7-Elm . my NLOIIQLLS HOUSE, sEunonett PLAN,) OTEN DAY AND NIGHT. NO. 116 BOOTH BIGHTH ST.,42nLovz_ OILICHTNITP, . . . . This HOME is for Permanent and Transient rods,- ing. Bvet7 effort will be made by the Proprietor, 11. NICHOLLS, to wive satisfaction to hie Patrons. This establishment le a'tuated in the heart of the oity, centre of biudness, a et convenient to all places of amusement. The Mercantile and Travelling community will fiat It a desirable place for oomtirt, cleanliness, and mono. my. Meals fartdahed at all hour,. . . Single Rooms, 60 cents per night. By the week $2.60 and upwards. raboo..tt M NO : OTEL, NORTH TOURTB OTBArli Aso,' Riau'lj PHILADELPHIA. &M.l! WITBRIN h sONEL Paa•ai,.vnta, pang fano. 31 E h S S . RS. C amed lll to CK the E l ßlNG ,, SONS, , 1307 CHEST NUT (near the U r l v ited Ste c.°me tes are prepared to offer to their friends and the public an extensive assortment of (trend, Parlor-4mnd, Square and Upright PIANp-PORTES, manufactured eapreasly for this city, finished in various styles of rases, emits prices which cannot fail to please. Piano-Porten made to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all inatru meute warranted to give entiro satisfaction to the pur chaser. Grand and Square Plums to rent, upon The most fa vorable terms. • - -• • . Messrs. 0. Er. SONS bare re6elvet Thirty-font MEDALS. The first Premiums over all competitors la the United States. All orders for TUNING and REPAIRINe will be promptly attended to. jy7-6m 1.11111.N0 FORTES. Just receiTed, an elegaut stock of RAVEN, ON /a /a 00., NIINNS & CLAIM, BALLET DAVIS & 00., and GALE & CO. S PIANOS. fdEI.OOEOIO3 best quality, at J. E. GOULD'S, 8. A. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT eta. uthlo..y Zumber. LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ Zr. 09 ., (Successore to Montgomery Neall,) S. W. corner of TWSLYTH and PRIME Streets, Philo., Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large and well-selected assortment of alt descripttons of LUMBER, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Terme Boards, Plooring, Shelving, and every variety of well-aeasoned Lumber. Also, a large stock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Blehatier, Houtz, & Co., and Duffy, Dents, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives MI Ml stuTaued facilities, and enables us to supply orders for all descriptions of Ltunber with promptness and despatch.. PINS-ORRICE LUMBER, soft and mellow, imitable for PATTERN-MAISERES, &o ' constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully Invited to examine oar stock before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf LUMBER AT WHOLESALE AND ' tall, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MERAPPEY, HOUTZ. & Co., take this method of informing their customers and persona desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices.l Their timber is all from their own MILLS on PINB CREEK, They are also connected with Meaars LotIPPY, HOUTZ, at CO., and are prepared to furnish. all Sandi of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets, and Building Timber for Bridges, &a., of all descriptions, on the ahortest notice. They would also take great pleasure !northing the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumberlu the city of Philadelphia to the Lumber yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of TWiLPTII and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also con nected. sp2.l-tf EiLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP SCR CASH. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Is the most extensive Manufacturer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADES, Of every variety. He has a due stook to be sold at Itodueod Prices. BUSS, and all other Colon of Linen Shades, Trim mings, Mixtures, &0., An. • EITOBR MAIM Plated to order. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTRNDED TO W. STUDY TO PLEASE. OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, Sm. 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 950 gallons No. 1 Winter last Oil. 6,000 galloon Bleached Winter Whale Oil. 8,000 galmni Light Racked Whale ON. 260 boles Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Oleine Soap. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 'do Now Bedford Sperm Candhle. In store and for Bale by R. W. POMEROY ALLY:ft, Late J. 13. A. & 8 Allen, No. 13 South DELAWARE Avenue ("HEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS CORE, VI of excellent quality, le sold at the PIII.I.4DSL RUA &As WORKS for the reduced price of dye cents a bushel and may be obtained in large or small quan tity by applying at, the Gas Office, No. 20 South. SEVENTH Street. ' . . To parchaaers by wholesale it is sold at the Works * In First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Anthracite at 12.50 per ton. (Signed,' J. O. CRNSS.ON, Inglneer, Philadelphia Gas Works. Ang. 20, '67. en2l-tt IICIONES.-100,000 Shin Bones, snitablo for JUIP Umbrella and Button Makers, In store and for asle 0110d.SDALE, REIIIO.E & CO., 104 NORTH AVILA ItVllB IREIGHT FOR NOVA SCOTIA • About TOO bblo bulk can be had for a port In Fa V& Bootle. Apply to MU;I4, KENNEDY & CO.. tiOR , T4 WitARY/41