cirt ITEMS. Voif Oirtdisiion Church lEZIE .„• . - - I ` ; ` 4 ` PP L 'i * )I* - ItIAO.. i l he attendance wits i. 4 - 118 ten to-an eloquent 'address by thirlte'v, proirhOlAtttiotote, on,‘Yrhe.glotyqtthlillattni itonseiShell, ha, 'greater tbluitif,thelermet6;saith` the, Loral of hosts : end trithisili4ewloglYS peace, aliW , :thdt,ord ' or,tioeie; 4 l,'4ll,,,,io:itEN•nocon by the }toy, c , Wm' Seaman, on thi'lAttject,-P-Drew !the rotors for . ! Abe ei Ogoll'ortiff thi.strong holds; go 'lnto Clay and trout the mortar i - mato — strove thy, brick httn, , t, r' ' ,AMmii,iCeull,r‘it xsn.t eTt hop - area 'sad eighteen. doilfirs• Fro,- I:x6I.IIIANCeqO%ITANi. — WO call tbo ' nttcnti wotatelnent comiany, will be , fl,3urid. 'ln our' uttrertistOg Columns, and which l i h mys , th a t" ateadliy in -07-4singlto business, and.oentrogykefitly its strength: %ftni‘igh B,:neintitii4t)yely. Young . Anstitution, the - Quaker, City: bee °emanated to the satiate°. tiebuilbefe kzetbrasted In it, who inelndo seine of f;nr Vost-kticiee eititeus. , : k s ,3l.4fitgeqoAtiOyfoxint.—For" * these - delicious 1 - 0 ills-pisliti, ; ere iroul I recommend" all our 'raiders th liitroolto the hoUSe of E. G. Whltresn & Co., Second street, beloii"Cheefitit. , Thstr stack, for both itid.l444ti, le niteneiainied. : - , Roush.L—For these Indispensable aril leen, to an nhit are about-visiting -the tie - ashore, we _would advide everybody; and biq better.ha); to go to • *fr: .1:oli - g. Sloan's, 800 'Market street, or to either of Ms sterol at 06p6 reload or Atlantic City: • Vvr naxit bawl:their ' geed uses: They teach us 'h few dutice, ourielfen,....tu,dry weather we thicket nothing but the enjoyment of the present; when the weather to b'ad we think rt . the future,bocause we have to stay at home: A 'wei 'day la t theretere, matter et which The philosopher should not repine. It trill teach him the value of, good clothing to keep hint comfortable ; it ttillwhisper to hint that happiness de pools onhealth, warn,clothes are the guaran teen of beelth. will therefore say to him in unmis takable language, •. tie to thanvillo Btokea, 007 Chest nut striet,,ind get 2 our apparel." A OStiTAIN Pit ' . v.eturivis or BALDNESS..—A cer tain priunoter of the growth of the hair; certain beautifier of the hair, rendering it soft, glossy, and In tlined to curl. Jules Hauel'a Eau Athenlenne f or Hair Restorer, should be univereally used. It has no equal. It is not a dye. - It will 'change gray hair and whiskers to their original lifer dolor. sold by all druggists, and by Jules Reuel Co., 104 Chestnut at. Jr :64601k BLURTS; usur f :rsa t t.—NotwithatAtwitng this 01-, t mute inactislitylnYuSitiiialgenerally, we are happy to state that theie are exceptions. The present exodus of our citizens to .the• country has 'caused, for. the time twing;stin unusual demand for such articles In the gents' furnishing lin'e as are necessary to make the trip. tienee the nosh to the popular house of ft. 0. Walborn do Co.,*(nom) Nos 5 and 7 North Sixth street. A PVITZTINZ ',CtirSAl:r King .-- - The Cleveland Heiald elites thata woman alto is known by the sobri quet or" Mother liejae , la the bend of a gang of river and wharf pirates,lvhe leave levied unlawful tribute on the Ohio. Bite mairin the habit of Assuming male attire wheiiiiiiiietit upon her nocturnal raids, and is Repro tied to have 'One a numerous gang of men under hor control.; It is seitecely necessary to add that no such cattle as this Mother Kepi ever got their male attir, at the Brown SUMS Clothing gall of Rocklin! & s fios, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. AGAESABLE OCCUPATION.—In these swelter ing times, 7e_hnew of no more agreeable occupation thin that'of 'advising our frionda to buy their clothing . at the. "Old Franklin gall Clothing Emporium" or E. 11. Eldridge; No. 321 t:bestnut street. Of the, moped &rib, over those of all other establiehmenta we deem 'it.Tunneeessary trf , ipeak, -and would only remark, en passant, that the eitablishment Is -44 The glass of fashion.-and the mould of form, •-. The observed of all observeii.” Juiportaturne. jlteported for The Frees,] LIVBBPOOL Ship Pleiades, Winslow-000 tons common selt3B dosen mate Immo Jeanne tc..00; attests' snored Salt Worthy k Bootle ; • 2,320 _ bare 272 baudlee Iron Perris, J012f11, 00 • 958 bars Iron 39 bun dle's steel hi It Mahony & ' Co ; 401 poxes tin plates Hathan Trotter tio; 100 kegs chemicals 31 F & O I,arnall ; 700 tierces Cods ash Frederick Lenoir(; . 14 casks bleaching powders S & W Welsh ; 20 do and 200 bicarb Bailie &,Copei 21 do Powers k Welghtmen ; 10 owls dry white lead John Lucas k Ca; 485 bdls sheet 'iron Whim" k Dlo.e; 25 (make hardware and 4 chains Lewis & Co; 22 cases mdse Joshua Copeland; 5 cares plated Ware, Bailey Sc Co ; 4 befell inerchandiee : L Hallowell Co,; Bdo Leiria Sc Co; 1 bale roar - cbandlee Cesper ;Benkert; 6 casks llardware Lanyttoth &Oo 25 ea mdse W McKee Sc Co; 20 do William Watson '& Co ; 15 do David Graham & 430; 16 d'o A Wray le Co ;• 132 - °take ethw, 213 tone salt F 'tomtit Sc Cons; AO oasteethw Samuel B Pearce, Bone & Co; 62 pkgs mdse Stuart & Brother ; 321 bars Iron, ..53 hhda soda ash, 5001 regs bleaching powders, 8 choke salted kips. 1126 salted hides, 41 bait% Zaat 15 tanned do, order: eltaltENTß, ria New York-462 . 43adi5, Dale-20 bf M 1420 Ordo brandy 20 hhde do wino 2 half bble bran. dy O 0 eastillon ; 83 half "plpas 02 qr do 104 half do bran'y Patterson & Doulton ; 23 half do 40 qr do 70 bla Widigaerenue ;109 do 25 balf 75 qr pipes do H Boh len ; hair 12 qr do lb bola b Latta ;17 half 46 qr 28 half pipes do XI Leger Anonhoo, Pyaro —l,OOO bales sumac, 24 auks alive oil, 92 bales linen rags, 14cantara cork rood, 100 bales corke, 1,282 bozos lemons, 760 bag oranges Isaac .Teknes tr. Co. WILMINGTON, N 13—Barque J. W Blediet, son —l3 bales cotton W P Newlin; 1,080 bags nuts laaac Jeaues & Co; 381 bbis rosin, 69 bales Cotton Rnight & Bell; 318 bbls rosin Cochran & Ruasell; 100 do do Isaac B Davis &Co- T2(lo spirit' turpentine Row ley. lob burner & letes hams Van Brunt, Triplet.. & Cono«15,• 152 empty casks Robert Nowlin; 11 bales cotton waste Jessop & Moore. . ' PRILADRLPEELS: BOARD OP VIADP. Joan% 0 Gauss, - • WfutittiCO. KIiST, j Comma OP ran &ions %LUIS lbartirL,- , LETTER BAG& - Al Ms Merchants , Nzekarrge, Pkaadidpkta, Ship Wyoming, Barton Liverpool, soen Ship R Gardner, Limeburner, ' Bt John, NB, soon Ilarquo Meta. Pesach'', London, soon Barque Hamilton , Jackson' ' BS Jago de Cabs, soon Brig Col W Coggine, Coggin' Havana, Nam SAILING OE.THE'OCEAN.STEARIERS. SAGO TSB UNITED STAUB. . STUAMILD ' . FROM •POll - - DAY , Fulton. New York..Havre duly 24 ` Oanada Boaton—Llverpool . . .. ....awly 28 North Star New York..Southatuptolt, .to —July 81 Ails - New York..Liverpoot ..........Ang 4 Europa Boaton:.Liverpool . . ... ....Aug 11. Vanderbilt New York—Southampto'n, k.e.,.Augld FROM EtIROPH. --- . . PROP" DOI Petals Liverpool—New York.. Indian LivorpOol..Queboo Itommonia..,...Erataborg—liewVork Arabia ..Lioerpool..kosion .- 0 or Baltitnore - „4.tverpool—New York. Iliarine intelligence. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 20, IP2B. BUN BLEW - 4 MIBLIN.B2IS . t .. 7 9 SIGH WATIM 2 55 ~'+~'! Steamship Reniebee;ll.and,24 hours from New York,. via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to Jas Alt derdice Passed a bargee and two bilge off Brandywine Light Ship; ship.Pieladetwfrom Liverpool. and an un known barque, off the Ledge; barque It B Walker, from Boston, and brig Eno& Pratt, off Christiana Creek, all bound up Reports seven vessels at Quarantine, viz : barques Elisabeth J, from Baran.; J W Blodgett, from Wilmington, NC; brigs J IL Rhoads, from Pensacola.," Anmada, from idatanzu; Bohm J 0 Brooke, from Cien fuegos; Jonathan Ray, from a Southern port, and ano ther; name not Ascertained Ship Ploiadre, Winslow, 53 days from Liverpool, With mdee , o Peter Wright & Sons. Sicilian barque anomino, Pajero, 50 days from Pa lermo, with fruit, &o, to Isaac Jeanii& Co. Reports the ship John- N Norris, from Snoderland. -and brig Rineo, from the West lodise, off the Lazaretto.- , Barque J W Blodgett, Simpson, 8 days from Wilming ton. IV 0, with naval stores to Cochran & Russell. Basque Elm, 7 days from Dodos, with mdse to Twat& 00. Br brig Cadfo, Dale, from clutrante, via New_York, 'days, with brandy, &c, to Patterson k Bonitos. Brig Chicopee, Bowes, B days from Boston, with mdse to David Cooper. Brig T 13 Allen, Wass, 3 dais from New York, In bal.. last to captain Bohr N B T Thompson, Barnes. 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Yin Dusan, Norton lc Co. Behr Ceo Bdward, Boer, 8 days from Dolton, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Co. - Bahr James ItarrattiDaviii, 6 days tram Baton, in. ballut to U Btey • Behr Isaac Rah. Smith. 8 days from Portemotith, 'ln ballad to N Sturtevant & Co, • . Bohr Sarah Baker, 8 days from Boston, with: mdse' to CtrairelMColAns ' Bahr Won' Collyer,-,Raynor. '6 days from Portland, IX with atoms to Doughty to Co. ' • Bohr Chtlatoiiher Lamar, Bnoir t 8 days from Salem, ht ballast to Inns. %Mot LC Co. Bohr Er t T Cramer; Huntley, 4 days from Provider/50, in ballset to B Wines 6r, Oo . . . . Bohr H H Weeks.-Weeks; 6 lays from Boston, in bnl hot to 11 !Whits & Co. -- Bohr 1 Wtlntinson,.ll,lcinstiore, dole from Boa ton, in ballast to Bloolcluon k Glover. -13obr Uses ilatlieliendsison, 6 diva from Boston, in bat - lest to N 6tmtivont & Co. . . Behr 8 B Whoaleis 00111100$ 7 days from Bolton, -In ballast to t Sturtevant & • Behr Bases, Pest; 4 days . from le ballast to Beam, Osle. - 4 Co kehr 7 Lake acull, 8 days from Boston, In ballastito Battu: Oglai &Mo. - ' - Behr J 11 B•renp, 00111011, 8 days from BestotiOn bal last to Wm II Johns ' ' ache a 0 Porter, Hudson, 6 dap' from Panversport In ballast to B billow de Co, Behr Usury Nutt, Garwood, i days from Salem, in bailsot to=tlohle - , Ilatitmett,A Cardwell. - B he Sophin Godfrey;, Williams, 4 days. from PZQVI 64064, In Whit Sr. to Hayes Codshalt. Bohr Woodninliims; Mason, 6 days from Bostoniiti ballaat to linters di Luther,' Schrlf 0 Smith, embh, 4 days from New Bedford, in ballast to Brown to While . . . Mir Z Stratton, Hell. 6 Mum froin Lynn, Mant,ln ballast to L Andeorlod & Coz Bcbr J B Johnson. Johnson, 5 deye from Medford, in ballast to 1, Audenried & C 0.., • :e . . Behr J L Horned, Clark, 2 days front Maurice , In Ing lAA to Morris &Murray. „ Sohr tdantaa, klaxon. 1 day from Frederica * Del, with wheat and con to Jet Barrett to Bon. Eche. A ritanehip. Parnell, 2 dive from Camden, Del, with bark toJ B Ste Dolley. Schr Geo J Jones,Drowell, 4 darn from Portland, with fish and plaster to °rowel! & Donlan. Behr Vandal's. Doopor t 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with OMR to 3,L Boller do Co, OLEARXD. - Steamship Keystone , State, Mandunan, Charleston, A Berm. Jr. . Steamship City nr,:prew. York, Mires, Boston, Henry Winger. Steamship 'Delaware; Oniee, N York, Jam Aliderdic . e. Ortfok,k II Crowley, Crowley, Boston, X A Bonder , _ _ - Bohr B 41 King, A,ndrewej Alateadrja, T Webster, Jr. • Bohr B Wheeler, oorgini, fidonti sturtnant & Co. Behr Geo Edw a rd; Hexer; 1 60 ; do Behr Lizzie /taut Renderion,.Boston i l, do do%r Jae Bariatti DOSS, Bohr Isaac Rich. Smith, Blewbaryport, • 4 0 Bohr Wm Kennedl; Chrlety, Washington, Van Norton. h CO. Behr Ocean Were, Ensile), Lynn, Mass, do r Bohr Abs Turner. Gifford, do . do . Bohr Atary,Tice, Tioo, New Haven, do Bohr Matt Clinton; Veal, Baltimore, do Behr.Baltimore, L Andenried at db. Bohr B Stratton, Haley, Providence, do ' <-Bohr I B Johnson, Johnson. Chelsea, do . - Behr fildp,Ompenters FOuntain,Reverhill, do Behr Annl3 Cannon. Npwell, Weymouth. do. • Bohr 7 Wfflierdeoff, dr.,,Xlosnaore, Aostonv !Monti:t em &Glover; • , " - &kr 13 - A 100, Baker, Beeton, Obis MJller te Co. • 046"3/412toPtier Lceeer, Boow,Balem, do - liehlWiri'Cidijer.,-Balztot,Vrovidenee, • do • • Bohr I L Battled, Clark,Xichniond, Morris tc Murray. gear--V aurOYinzer,'Hootley, Nantneket, B Mines dodo " -Bohr II A - Woeks, Weeks, Boston, Bobrit OrPorte4:_ll !Aeon, Danvereport, do gobißesonf . eoet, NeeiLondon, Baum, Ogle , tr. Co: . Bohr T Lake,Sonin Boston. , do ORrra - BlirterpiPoreOninoliton yr II Johns. r . Bohr Henry Nntt, Garwood; &Dm, Nobls, Hammett, St Caldwell. IM= SoplklikOrodfray.oo.l446MNPrOvidence,Hayee Bohr W Sims, Kamm Sireloo. - Bolters de Luther. Bohr Smithiß . L4?!..i., rown 60 White. A . ~ • " Eitgkeerlip Breton, Seller; henna, it' NeW York Pith areenialtin Glospore,.ilerelerin; from Glasgow 10th Mat, at Now York 2 ith lost gostqllip Phineas Sprout's, Matthews , cleared at ,VOf$DD 24th lost, for Philanelph , o Golden Fleece, Mamma, for Ban Francisco, cleared at Boston 24th Wet: • 11 Brigham, Dow, cleared at New York 24th lust; for San Francisco. Ship Moulton, Honeywell, from London for New York, called from Deal tth inst. Blip Pholoix, Howie, for Philadelphia, was in the river, Llverpo , l, 10th lost, outward bound. Bremen ebip Subtler, Bahr, from Baltimore for Bre. men' was off the lola of Wight 6th host. Ship Weetern Ocean, Gwllllam, ot.„Liverpool Bth lost, from New Orleans . • Barque Ernestine Giddings, Boob, from New York, via Barcelona. at Leghorn 28th ult, Barque Wolfe, from Genoa for Philadelphia, was spoken 14th inst., lat 41. 24, lon 65 12 Barque Aloah t - Pratt, cleared at New York 24th Ind for Aspinwatl. Barque Oak, Ryder, galled from Boston 24th lost, for Philadelphia. Brig Myra, roller, cleared at Boston 24th lost, for Philadelphia. , Brig Lady of the Lake, Robbing, at Eastport, 11th fruit; from Calais and called for Philadelphia , Brig relons, Si'ma, hence, at Portsmouth 22d inst. Brig S West, Wooster, hence for Boston, at Iloimea% Hole 23d lost • Brig '!:'angler, Pendleton, cleared at Portland 22d fret for Philadelphia,- Bohm Wm H Dennis,Mewltt, from Tioaton for Phila. &Bahia; Alquissar, Long. St George for do, and Barn. 'stable, Gorham, I:unstable for do, at Holmes' Hole Mat inst. The Barnstable sailed again same day, and the Monism and W H Dennis sailed 23d Sabre Oonamnrider-in.chier, —' and C has 8 Caratairs, Somers, hence for Bodoni Form, Endicott, do for Ha verhill; ,Elias 'Pharo, Oranmer, do for Salem; and 1 0 Henry, Fenton, do for South Market, N H, at Holman' Hole =fleet, and mailed again Bohr Oboe Henry, Baker, hence, at Provincetnern 19th inst. • Bahr Mae Anna, Leach, hence, at Proviceetown Met Lust. &lir Frank A H 11. Powell, for Providence, was towed o sea from Charleston =4 Inst. . . Scbr Shepherd A Mount, Smith, hence, was die. charging at Mayaguez 10th fast. - Bohm It Q Whllden, Jarman; E Townsend; Williams; Mary Miller, Lane. hence. and Ceres, Meredith, from Odessa, Al, at Roston 23d inst. Behr Albert Green. hence, at Deacons 20th inst. Bar E Plower, Rayner, hence, at Pall River 2 lot inst. Bohr Jan T Brady, hence, at Fall Elver 22d that Bohr Rlohnrd Borden, Arnold. sailed from Pall River 22d lent fir Philadelphia. Rehr R B Only, Peterson, at Newport :oth inst, from ,Velawa•e City, • - - Behr Orlando Smith, Hall, sailed from Westerly 10th lust for Delawate City. Rehr Hannibal, Wentworth, hence, at Roston 21th bast Bchr Jolla Anna, Harding, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 24th init. ' Pelt P. 3 Rayner, Rayner, cleared at New York 24th inst..for.Philadelphia. Bnhres Vies P Cooper, Williams, hence, and ilnwasset, was, from Delftware City, at Providence 23i inst. Behr 1.7 Gauze, broken, sailed from Providence 23d inst., for Wilmington. Del Schr Ostoline Gall, Graham, hence for Rockport, at Portland 23d inst. UM • - - EDT 1111,1101011 TO TEEN POI6/24.] ii/aPTOII ROADS. July 2.4. The ship Humboldt, CH days fro n Oaltao , Lae arrived here, and la awaiting orders. Jane ~ 281,h, Ist 89 42, lon 47 23, ship 151 It Ludwig, bound seat. July 22, off Nantucket ghoala, whaling barque Mont gomery, of New Bedford July 4. lat 41, lon 34g. ship Sarah Newman (of Now. buryport), from Valcutta for London DOMESTIC POETS NSW YORK. July 24 —.arrived, an i p Routh Carolina, Smith, Rotterdam, e 4 dayir; barque Commodore, Wil liams, Palermo, Gibraltar June II; brigs Carolino Kelly. Pots, Cadia May 2.ith; Benguela. Staples, Ha rms ,14 days ; Emily. Sanders, Readout for Boston; ochre Edward E Perry, Simeon, Bayport, Fla; Arthur Einmerson, Burton, - Edenton, N 0; Wonder. French, Providence; Maria Louis!, Caroming, Pall River Cleared, etearusblos Atlanta. Lay o.ld, Charleston; Caledonia, Gager, Baltimore; ship Clifton, Williams, New Orleans; Br brig Pauline, Ritehle. Glasgow; Port brig Fortuna, Costa, Oporto for orders. brigs Emily E Saunders. Boston; Borneo. Craig, orders; a, hre Ellen, Rodman, Bauman, Bedford; Mary Emma, Davis, -Wilmington BOSTON; July 23.—Arrived, ship Orozimbo (new, of New, °dazzled Nickerson, Portsmouth. N It; barques Young Turk. Taylor, Malaga; Columbus (Nor). Kis vons, Marseilles; Lucy. Bedding, Liverpool; Inland City,, Stevens, Galveston; Lauzarotte, Harman, Olen taws Cleared. barque Ceres, Humphreys, Musquash, N B, to load for Bridal Channel; brig. J W, Weetway, Georgetown, P NI; Trio Wardle.. Illlaborm Main, Stereos, Portland. Me; sabre Martha Jana, Billings, 'Mayaguez. P B; Reba. °teacup, St Johns, c F; Dr No. gem Adams. Wilmington, N 0; Helen Mar, Nickerson, Alexandria, Va. Sailed, 'hip Brutus,. barques B Foster, Minoua, Sylph, Ls Olguens,• brig R W Packer ' BALTIMORE, July 24 —Arrived. Rehm Lucy Virginia, Auld, St Bartholomew 10th lust, Globe. Small, Salem. Oleared, steamship Wm Jenkins, Hallett, Boston; saes Adallne Townsend. Townsend, do; Sarah Birch, bayley,.Belfast; J L Miller , Frain, Midletown, Conn; Mayflower, Strong, Portsmouth, N PC/REIGN PORTS. . Liverpool—Ar 6th, L 11 Harman, Chicegn; Ith; R L Lane, Con!Bard, New (Menne; Bth, Ariel; Delano, do; Gen Parkhill, Pyke, Charleeton; 9th, Onwarn, Coombe Mobile; Investigator, Carver, New York; 10th, Brandywine, Purington, Mobile; Tribal Cain, Clarke, New Ofieleee. Old 7tt. Wm Penn, Meade, Baltimore; 811812 Austin, Garnet, Nair York; Shelter. Itheht, do; Juniata, Da. vies, - Olt,. Point, Va; Bth, Windermere. Smith, New Orleans; Texas,Morrill, and Alamo, Mudgett, New York; _Helen fr. Frances, Lowell, City Point. Ye; Sam Dunning. Pkoltield, St John, N B• Bpaminondae, Bea. ler, Quebec; 9th, Tempest, Whitney, New Orleans; Bhawmut, Rigging, Beaton; M W Babbidge. Blaisdell; Constantmople. .to; Gallego, Wolfe, Cardiff; 10th, Owego, Stevens, New Orleans Old 6th, E 0 Barney, Bartley, and Southampton. Austin. New York; John Statnwood, Curette, - Havana+ BtN, National Sca le, Mathews, Boston; Jacob A Wes. tervelt, Austin, New York. Bold for loading, 811,, Parliament Leach, Boston; Isaac' Wright. !desalts% New York; Thorwaldsen, Brown, New Orleans; 7th. Anna rfooper, Harper, Baltimore; Charmer, Crudes, Boston; Robert Mille, Patterson, New York;-Bth, Wabash, Purrington, Glb. miter; Sandusky, Williams, New Orleane; Aldanah, Banker, New York. - London—Entd inwards 9th, Champlain, Wyman, Trinidad. Cuba; 9th , Wursata, Btrengrafe, New York. Old - 7th, Wm Libby, Bishop, Calcutta; Bth, F W BaileJJ Hoopman, No and New York ltntd out 9th, J 'A Hazard, William., Oharleston; Bth, Noonday, Henry, Calcutta; 9th, Sea Nymph, Winsor, Ban Francisco. Gravesend-2a Bth, Canton, Pet%lnger, Darien; Bth, Cavalier, Jordan, Quebec Deal—Ar 71h, Exchange, Potter, from London for Boston (and aid); Cl lied 110, Brown, from do for New. port; &c, (aud Md. 8th); 9th, Adriatic, Scott, from do for Bombay (end old). Sld 7th. Mary Marshall (from Havre), New York. Passed Bth, May Queen, Stanwood, New Orleans for Gotbenberg; Norval, TraUry, from Shields! for New Bedford. - DA! .aulylo ..July 14 ..Yarn ..July 17 -JWy2l Off Portland 7th, Agnes, Schilling, from Richmond, Ye; Germ Wiotiog. from Charleston—both for Bremen Halmonth—Ar Bth. Georges, Magna* bt Thomas; Julia Cobb, Rose. Havana; Btb, Jarson ' Montgomery, Hopkins, do for Liverpool. Cowen—Ar Bth, Reaper, Kelley. Callao. Sunderland-81d 6th, Masonic, Perry, New York. Newcastle—Brad for Bth, B Everett, Gunby; Uncle. Joe, Borten, and Alleghenies), Brickford, New York. Bristol—Ar Bth, T W Lucas, Perkins, Wilmington. Cardiff—Ar sth, Arthur White, Kelley, Gloucester; 7th, id L Prank, Haskell, London; 814 7th, Glen Striker, Jona, Cape de Verdi. S td Bth, Lune, Lord, Havana. Ardrossan—Sld 7th. Arbuters, Baker; Boston Glasgow—Ar 6th, Kepler, Tucker, and Jane Daggett, lambert. New York; Bth Austin, - Wyldes, Gerdenee, Sid 6th, Hungarian, Males, Trieste (end from Green ock acme de)) , Greenock—Ar Boeeneatlr, Auld, Charleston. Sid 6th, A C Adams Hemming ay , Boston. Kirkwall—Passed Pair /sle Slit lilt, bleesenger Bird, Billings, from Sunderland for Providence. Sligo—Ar eth. fluent, Kelly, Norfolk, Texel—Bld 4th inst. Amicetle, Wygora, Now York. Bremerhaven—AT. 84 ;net, B P Gelidly, Hagen, New Orleans. Havre—Old 7th Ind, Alfred Storer, Drown, New York. Marseilles—Ar 3d lost, Ottawa, Out, New York. (Aareltar—Ar 80th ult J At Damn°, Bortnaufort, oaten; 2d lost, Delegate, Chase, Malaga (or B o Joradra_sld 80th ult, Farah A Bell, Wood N York, Malaga—Ar 16th ult, Nepteve, Blooms, Charleston, Trieste—Ar 4th toot, Wm Lumber', Orr, Liverpool. Malta—Sid 28ih alt, Charles Er Jane, Soaker, (from Havana) Trieste. Table Bay, C (I ll—Ar May 21, Yalotto, Locke, Dos toe, Aprft 1.- - • - Melbourni—Ar, Sumatra, Abbott, London, (Deal, Joe 11 ) Havre, July B.—The Am ship R L 011chriet , how.. latch arrleed here from New Orleans June 22. and was lying in the Vauban basin d.scharging, took fire (ae before stated) last night, and wee scuttled, but the neap tides being on she could not be entirely sub merged, and the fire reached her upper w.aka; part of her cargo .had been landed, but she bad still on board 600 bales of cotton, 82 tasks and 6 bales of tobacco, and 2,410 stave'. Liverpool, July 9 —The Isle of May, from New York, which arrived yesterday, broke her shear and drove font of, the-British Queen, for Whitehaven , carrying away Isom stauneheons, bulwarks. The cargo In the forehold of the atesmablp New York Is,e.hooet all 'recovered, bet as it was cleared away largo holes In the bottom became apparent, and the bopee of !plying the chip are very feeble. 'Per Indian, at Quebec.) Arrived from New York April 28th, 811 Talbot, end Tumid, at Melbourne; 10th, Gen flushing, and Reindeer, at Kidney; July 2d, Gardner, at Oporto; 9tb. Oregon, at Toad; Yorktown, at Deal; Calhoun, and Itsbeim, Ll remota ; 18th, lasso Webb. and Universe, at do Arrived from N Orleans July Bth, Augusts. at ll‘vre; 19th, Industry, Oslo, and Paul Augusts, at Deal ; 10th. dritons, Tribal, and Simon, at Liverpool ; 12th, N O'Brien, at do. Arrived from Mobile,' July 10, consignees and Bran dywine, at Liverpool. Arrived from Boston, April 13th, Revenue, at Mel bourne; 30tb, State of Maine, at do, • Arrived from Philadelphia, July 12tb, Mystery, at Sailed for New York, May 2d, Tornado, from Mel bourne, 30th Tuly; Isabella Robinson, from Shields; Albatross, from Sunderland ; Southampton and Baltic from Liverpool. did for New Orleans June 28th, Maritta, from Tone- THU, July Bth, A ramoda @now, and Charlotte Robin son, from Bordeaux; 10th, Oswego. from Liverpool 81d for Philadelphia July 10th, Mulls, from Liver poo - 81 l d d foilfeetonJuljiofh, - Nationat, Eagle, from Boston. 151ager's !Irwin; Machlnee.—Alter a lair trial of-the several machine!' that have yet been ofrered to the public", the imanimone verdict of operators hes been glyen in favor of Binger's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of mewing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING. BIAORINE is, beyond all question, the most complete article for Amity nee yet invented; being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, In every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. M. SINGER Sc CO., del am °Sloe, No. 502 OIIESTNIIT Street. --Seamen'. Saving Poind-:-0111ce 903 Walnut street, cue door west of Second street. Receives de posits In ems of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community,-and Atoll faterest at the rate of Ave per sent; per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock, and on MO/2- day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, lfriblelln Pe1l; Treasirer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. Griver & Baker's 011,11111112110 FAMILY SEWING MAORINTIO, ISO OHRSTNIIT STREET. 'T/ 141 4'lleebiney are now Justly admitted to be the beet In nee,fer family sewing, snaking DOW, strong, and elaetle etifah, which will .2101 rip, even if every fourth stitch be ant, Circulars sent on iippllcation by letter. •p9-y A Certain Cure for'llaldutesa and a Promotion OP TiII,ODOWTILAND litAtiTY OF TDB HAIR. JULES IS AIM% .DinAinittsiassa or, Bair De darer, the grentew ebdmicai w onder of the age, Is not a dye, but changes gray hair end whiskers to their original life color. Sold by all Druggist", and at the laboratory or JULES RAVED & CO., no. Iv.; cur,api UT fnruct. ,y2144t4w1! ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL - HOTELS, v TO 07/74 WOLOOIT TIU itominta. GIRARD HOTlSE—Ohestnut etreet, below N inth. J Bhelleto k don, Olneln- llGray, Maysville, Hy natl, Ohio. T A Hafiman, 11l W V Pratt, Mali P W Strickland, Tenn W T Die*, St Louis - John L Macoatilay, New Dlrs,J &Atom & child, St Winne Loafs -G 0 Bummey, Aberdeen, D E MoNair, Robeson, N 0 Bliss Wtn It Reptant & wife, Miss Mary L Step/tone, Isoinion, Tenn . Jackson, Tenn Mies Mary E Robertson, L. 7 Davies & lady, N Y Jackson, Tenn BB Wright & lady, Miss .1 0 Boyle, M4cone, Miss OW Elosette, Columbus Ga 13 E Lawhon, Columbus, Ga R F Vaughain, Norfolk, Va 0 M Wheat, Louisville, Ky 0 Morgan & lady. Chicago 0 It Pendergast, Balt Sanderson Smith N Y N II Mallery & lady, Dixon, John Ailing, Indiana • 11l .7 /3 Shaman, Little Rock, 0 3 Ttodfoed, St Thomas, Ark W I 111 Werdebaugh, Balt .7 A Harableton, Balt 0 IrLorde, Balt T A Emmet & lady, N Y Atlas Emmet, N Y Mr Emmet, N Y ' Jae II Ohlutboume, WO- E D Townsend, Palmyra, NY mil:4ton, N 0 Divie Lee, Rook Island D Ingraham & la, Memphis D W Middleton, Washing- Mice Kate Murphy, Vin ton ranee, Ala Mta E Weakloy, Florence, Mica S Weakley, Florence, Ala Ala Mies A Weakley, Florence, Wm II Donegan, Hunts- Ale vifle, Ala L W Hasleburst, Oa MD Miller, N Y John Tibbetta, Quebec 0 II Carter, Did Jae Cowman, Cincinnati, 0 A A Bloody, Baltimore Wm II Dodge, N Y A Brother, New Orleans We, T Joynes, Petersburg Wm L Asher, Wilmington, Lewis Elkin, Now Orleans N 0 W B firubbe, Naahville Geo It Howell, Nashville Maj Longstreet, II S A David Margot, N Y D Rankin, N It Mien Pullian & 2 sia, N Y Bee W French, N Y Richard Hill, Richmond.Ya 0 W Thomas Lonisville,Hy W II Merurith, Loris?, Hy 11 B Baker, N Y P Green, 11 t , A FS Phelps, Boston 13 Simon, nineinnelt. 0 Si Slack, Cincinnati, 0 John 9 Hilman, N Y J II Lumpkin, On II W Forte, Miss Id Smith. New Orleans John Fogge. Miss J 9 Hoskins. Mine E Hoskins, Mies A Amet. St Louis E Hubba , d, Mien J3l Walineley, England T Poinsoerd J Bickerton & wife, Balt Miss Brook, Baltimore T Bodberger, N Orleans EL E Bonnett. N Orison L Bodet, New Orleans De Montrone, New Orleans John Barbee, Louisville D MeGaffery, D 0 3 Cumming'', Canada John Edmiston, N Y J 0 Buttes & In, Cincinnati A M Smith, D 0 R If Window', N Y 0 II Lewis & eon, Louis. .7 K Edgerton, Indiana ',Ole, Ky G Pi Bailey, Ohio E P Owner, B 0 B 0 Bowel' Et Joseph D Tod, Ohfo • F. W Gould, St Louie N II Pelbeth, Mim A J Stereo, Mies Ceo K Rignold, Mims II Eastland. Miss Miss Caldwell, Wheelt,Ya CLE.IIOHANTB , IIO22I.--Pourth street, below Arob. tl R Barrett. Md Thoe Q Irowsrd, Phil& J R Donnell, York, Pa k L Jones, Ey J P Brewer. Pa E W Reyes Shippensburg, Lewis Richwine, LW:factor Pa St John George. Philo J L Rill, N Y 0 D Tlanghawout, Swanton II D Memotibenk, Texce L 0 Rountree, Texas J R Smith. Texas . . . . II II Taft, Baltimore It B Wigton, Huntingdon 3 Thomoson, PlttAtough co. Pa Wm Pinkerton, Pittsburgh A Bing, Galveston, Texas AMERICAN HOllBB—Ohestrint street. above Pith. 8J Hartley, Baltimore J A Hanley, Baltimore T Thvtcher, Danville, Pa 8 B Robbins. Baithuore • Harrison, Baltimore W Brown, Virginia R Sanford, North Carolina It Runsford, Nth Carolina W H Honing & la, N Y Mina Emma Cooper, N Y G Mendenhall. Boston Mine blendonhall, Benton T 8 AdNiuson. Pa J Johnson, Cambridge, Mae 0 Johroon, Virginia D B Potts, Lancaster A B Rink do la, Albany 8 N Burin, Brooklyn T W Barnum, N Y Miss Berrias. N Y L 0 England, Owego, N Y D MoD Barkley, N Y 0 Wilmer. Be timore 0 A Hudson dc la. Georgia A J Gillett, Harrisburg O 0 Jones, Messachnsetta W Pierson Massachusetts W $ Ihnith, Massachusetts R T Tumbllnson, Phila UNION HOTEL—Are street, below Fourth. E Mean. 'Pitism% 3 Davie , Pbilaila H F Hamlin. Elkton, MA Mrs Hay & child, N J L B Haler, Phteuixv. Pa A W Ewalt. Lancaster .1 Israel. Camden, .9 0 I) McCoy, Columbus, Ohio I Hartman, Reading J Brown, 11l (leo Davis, N Y M Sherman, 111 H Kessler, Cino, Ohlo O A 'totem:Merger. Ohio 1 T Hyatt Oinn, Ohio H Nordlinger, N Y Llt Beitzrleyes, All city P Lerch, Jr, Batton, Pa B Tomer, All city MADISON MUSD, Second street, above Market. J F Brown. West Indtes 0 W Shaw, Doyleatown,Pa Sutherland, Chicago W Brewster dc la. Indiana McCann, Rotheeter, NY D P Van Denburgh, 80-0 0 Hickman, Delaware cheater, N Y L Ilaggarty, Baltimore D Lipscomb, Baltimore NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. B Jacobs, Chester cone- J J Thomaston & lady, ty, Pa Washington o w Swartz. Wyontlng,Pa L Dudly & family. Pa J lilliaby, St Louie E D Hammett, St Loula Horace Royer. Trappe, Pa S H Rsona & lady, Elmira blra John 0 Rahn & eon, Gen Marts & Ulll2, Potts- Tampons villa H 0 Hammer & son, Cleo Brown & lady, Elk. ford. Pa ton, Md Chas vsnwhinekler. Texas Abraham Focht, ?hits W P Vouto. Pottsville. John (Dummy, Lebanon, Mies Mary Carmany, Lebo. Ps non, Pa hi Richter, N Y Chao Fisher, Wheeling. Va Henry Jones, Wheeling, Jobn liendereon, Pitts. Va burgh ' Amos 4 Smith, Westmore. W /Written, Ohio land Oboe Hoffman, Ohio Henry Herkeslager, Schyl Geo Harrison, Pine Grove Haven, Pa A. M °bailout, Phoenix. U Vonte & lady, Sobyl villa Rayon John Hoffman, Ohio BLACK BRAD INN-1/111b and Merchant 'treater, L Garrott & la, Delaware 8 T Walker, Delaware co, Pa co, Pa Euos Hatton, Pa Isaac F Hayes. Pa Wm A Stroud, Del JoAnne Jackson, Pa fr Leedom, Delaware co, Pa TMth, Wm 8 Wright, BM BLACK BEAR ITOTEB—ThIud. LboYe Oaliowhill Mantilla Battey, Flower- Prank Brothel, Ridge town Valley Ohne Man, Pa T W Wolf, Pa. B Rhoadni Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callowbill. damn Brower, Montgonte- John Overholizer, Berke ry co. Pa co, Ps Levl Sweirzer, York, Pa Thomas Smith, Unionville, Saml Steiner, Berke 00, Pa Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. Wm Merrill, Flemington, U 11 Slough, Jenkintown, N J Penn U L Corson, Buckingham, Wm °refer, Cheltenham, Penna. Penns John Davie, Cheltenham, Wm Beans, Pa Penns Dr 8 Btokea, Stroudsburg, 8 Stet es. 8 troudaburg, Pa Penns A Mullin New Slope, Ps Bperial Nantes. Saving Pond.—Five Per Cent, Interest.— NATIONAL BACOT TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. oorner of TRIED, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money in received end payments made daily, without notice. The inveatments 4re made in Real Ratite, Mortgagee, Ground Bente, and each first-olass securi ties as th charter requires. Omee hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. fee Bower's Haunt Cordial.•. This Inv:untiele Cordial is preparedfrom a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure la effected in all comes of Chotic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's enduing dozing dent'. tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillises palm of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial hu become a standard remedy, and baa been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant enema. No family should be without it. Prepared only by nay A. Bowes, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N.J. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 18-1, lOonsumptien.—How many Menges of de• batty, incurable by ordinary medicines, aro cieood by phyelciane, eu well as the public, under the convenient term Consumption! All of them agree In one thing, their fatal tendency; and most of them, in their pri mary and oven secondary stages, may be arrested by purifying the epringe of life through the renovating rigency of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. Sold by F. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut, and lIAfSARD er, 00., Twelfth and Cheetnut. blibelOt wit Jackson, JOB PRINVIID, FIFTH AND OHNSTNIIT. 'Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dille Lading, Dill Needs, Mr oolars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at priese to salt Mg, times 4817.31, illarriauto. At New York, on the 21st inst., by the Rey. J. J. Ly on', It gNRY LYONS, of Hopktosrille, Ey, to ROSA. Llh, daughter of Rowland and Amelia Oromelten, of the former city. On the 221 Instant. by Iter Joseph P. Berg, bfr. TEICISIAB B. BOND to Miss KATE PILLING, all of this elty. tY On the 20th instant, by Rev. Joe. U. Reonard, Mr. ItOBBRT G. LEWIS to Mia/ EMMA DEOR, both of this city. • Oa the 22d last., by Bey. George A. Darborow, Mr. .1011 N DOWLAN to Mrs. BLIZADNTG 0. PDA BODY, both of this city. Oa the 22d Instant, by the Rev. J Atwood, st the bride's residence, Mr. JOUN A. CIOAPMAN, of Now York city, to Min AMY J. DAUS, of Gloucester City, New Jersey. tk Mat °. On the 24th init., 3110. MORN ItZTEI, aged 62 yearn, 11 months, and 17 dam /Ile re)atlrea and Meads are respectfully Invited to titian.) the funeral. from hie late residence, back of 1573 Wood street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, ert.hent further notice. * Oa the 24th inst.,lBAAO BOILEAU, Jr., in the 88th year of his ago. Ws friends, and those of the family, also the Jude. pendenco Hose Company, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie parents, Ne 1309 Merrine street. above Thompson, this (Mon day) afternoon. at 4 o'clock, without farther notice * On the 24th inst., ELLA, Infant daughter of James and Elizabeth Rushton, aged 2 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, in Allen street, above Restorer, Sigh teenth ward, late Kensington, this (Monday) after. noon, at 3 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Monument Cemetery. On the 232 loot 'WILLIAM 0 , the eldest eurviving child of French' G. nod Margaret Cardwell, aged 7 years, 9 months, and 8 days. tt The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 431 Lombard street, below Fifth, this (Monday) afternoon, 28th lost ,at 3 o'clock. In terment at Odd Fellows` Cemetery. On the 2.34 Inst., JOHN F. HOOD, in the 27th year of hie age, The relatives and friend. of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from his late residence, No. 1212 North Thirteenth street, thin (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ik On the 23d instant, Mrs. ANN AMMO, aged 66 yearn. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her hus band, No. 1909 Pine street thin (Monday) afternoon, 20th lost., at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Roxborough, On the 23d holt , JAOOI3 BECK, In the 64th year of his age ** On the 22d Met., Mrs. ELIZABETH SMITH, in the 70th year of her age. On the Met 'natant, in Camden, N. J., Mr..7OBBPH HER, aged 67 years and 8 menthe. • On the 21st inst., in Ttlakertoo,N J., TllOB, DUNN, non Of Rev T. P. and M. B Bleeper, formerly of New Jersey, now of Elsokett'sliarbor, N. Y., aged 11 month., and 21 days On the 23d Instant, MARY, infant daughter of !Mph and Mary Antonio, aged 4 months and 6 days, • Pngss.—Prift,AMPTlTA, MOI thAY. 26. Igsg; CITY MORTALITY. IlasLin °mon, July 18511 l'ho mother of 'lnterments in the city of Philadel phia, for the woek ending at 12 o'clock to-day, in... 307 D. C 5 S t " - DlBOllBOll. !Li D1F30110.11. c . 1•7 g • • • s• • •13 Asphyxia. ....... .... (lancer 2 Casualties 8 Croup 1 8 Con:ration of Lungs. 3 Brain... 4 Cholera Infautunt.. 78 Dlotbus:... Oonsumption Lungs 28 4 Convulsions 12 Diarrheas Dropsy, Drain 10 Obeat 2 , t Heart 2 fl ease of Brain.... 2 Heart 1 Chest.— 1 Dr0wned............2 9 Dysentery 8 6 Debility 3 9 Effusion on Brain... '4 Fever, Puerperal.... 1 Eosriet..... I Typhus.... Of the above there were : Undar 1 pear—, ....... 183 From 1 to 2 52 • 2to 6 23 • 6tolo • 10 to 15 4 " 15 to 20 . 4 a 20 to 30 10 " 80 to 40 18 Bfales 162 Females. 156 From the Atroshouee....lB 4ople of Color.. 14 By order of the Board of ARTHUR acrDemocratic Elections —ln the Schedule to the %Ace recently adopted by the Democratic Convention for the government of the Democratic party, it is ordered " that an Election shall be held in each Division of the several Wnrde of the city of Philadel phia, on the evening of the last Monday in July, (Tl l / 8 EVENING,) 1868, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock, for Officers of Election and members of an Executive Committee, to prepare an enrolled list, and conduct the Brat election provided for in Rule 1. The election hereby ordered shall be conducted by the officers vrho performed that duty at the late election of Delegates to this Con vention to ley's° the Rules, and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 1." CHARLES DROWN, Presidept. G. LIIIHENRINO, Z 3y2 .2t JOHN CASIP,MLI., 5 ay. Fair t moun and Arch-Street City Pets. SENGER. RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of the Commissioners named in the Act to incorporate the Fairmount and Arch-street City Passenger Rail way Company, held in pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Wilco of William L. Mrs; Esq., Sixth street, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the following Commissioners, William R. Randall, Lewis Bitting, Robert J. Hemphill, George 11. Thomas, James B. Smith. together With the Chair man, wore appointed a Committee or make the neces sary arrangements and open BOORS OP SUBSCRIP TION, according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named Commissioners will meet at the Wetherill Rouse, SANSOM Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, WED: , ESDAY, and TRUMAN, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Stack of the above-named Passonger Railway Company. ISAAC LEEOII, la., Chairman, • BODT. J.llsurun.L, Secretary. jy22-tanl2. 07. Now On, ans Gas Light Company. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, • PHILADELPHIA, July 2,1858. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans One Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer Or the Kock and the payment or the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this Bank And re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. 11.1121.1.T0N, jy3-dlw&mthtocl Cashier. IX:Office of the Frunkford stud Southwark PIMADELPIIIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL COMPANY, Corner of GERMANTOWN ROAD and Of/AILiA6I Street. PHILADELPHIA, July let, 1858. The Hoard of Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repro nentatives after the 10th instant, at this Office. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from and after this day until the lkth loot. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Office to be exchanged for *there with the new title of the Company, jy2Atuvrlbt [rrOffice Phllad•lplIla and ,Trenton Rail• ROAD COMPANY, PIIMADHLPHIA, July 16th, 1858. Th. Director, have thin day declared a semi-Annual Dividend of POOR PER CENT. from the profits of the Company for the teat nix months, payable to the Steel:hoiden., or their legal representative., on and after the 21st lust., at the Office of the Company. jy2o-tit J. MORRELL, Secretary. Notiee —West Philadelphia Passenger RAILWAY COMP ANY, July 15, 1858. The ears of this Company now run every live min nits from TIMID and MARKET Streets to their Depot, on LOCtstbt and lIAVDRFORD Streets. jyl6-1m W. 8. MANN Superintendent. Brokers CHARLES E. BUCK, REAL ESTATE DRONER AND AGENT, No. 81434 WALNUT STREET. Real Estate purcdumed and gold. Houses rented. Rents and (hound Rents collected. Money procured ou mortgages, ground rents, Ace. IMFESLIMRCI. Frederick Fraley, EN., Wm. D. Lewis, Esq. Morris L. Hallowell, Esq. Thos. P Sparhawk Esq., j James Dunlap, Esq., Caleb Jones, E. y2G Inl AUGUST BELMONT, BANIEKR, 75 ISHAVSII. STREET, • 'taw TORE, lasues Letters of Credit, imitable to Travellers, on all parts of the world. je3o43m CRONISE & CO., SPEOIII AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, Refer to the Deane and ilatoteas of Philadelphia jet-1y 1f71i4 ANLEY, BROWN, & CO., BANK-NOTE, _IITCCF" AND EXCHANGE N. W. corner of THIRD end CHESTNUT Streets, PH 1 L A Int Linz A . Collections made, and crafts drawn on all parts of the United States and the Canadaa, on the most favorable terms. Collections made, and Droste drawn on England. and Ireland. Uncurrent Dank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers In Specie and Bullion. Loam! and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers In Philadelphia and Now York. jea.em EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Publip for Commialioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and OONVEYANOERS, FRONT STREET above MCEONP, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and it:treating Money for non.residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes, dco. Any letters ofsuavity or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Rosa, A Withers, Philadelphia, Sharp, Raines, A 00., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & tlo., Philadelphia. Parry Jr Randolph. Philadelphia. ilemounle REMOVAL JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., 432 CHESTNUT STREET, PREVIOUS TO REMOVING TO THEIR NEW STORE, OFFER 111111=311 1 3 1,A.T1i1D GOODS AT A lIEAVY REDUCTION FROM USUAL PRICES Jy23-Irn If JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, Rae Removed to PIRTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS D'2•lm T. T. 1a1t.1148. A BRAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOCKRAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all profacsional buaincno trusted to them. Special attention given to the collet +lion of claim. I=l Dor. Wm. F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. ; L. A. Stookey, President Lock Haven Hank; general D. H. Jackman, Lock haven' Hon. A. White, Lock Haven; S/113011 Scott, Lock Hat on & Falrthorne, Philadel phia ,• McFarland, Loom, A Co., Phlieuielphia; Evans & iVateon, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon A. Y. Yareonm, Philadelphia; Willininaon, Taylor, k Co., Philadelphia; Toner a Davis, Phila delphia; lion. Joules Durnolde, tiellotento, Pa.; J. W. Quigglo, Esq., Pldladelphia. jy Mir FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. EXHIBITION OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURER. The Institute will hold an Exhibition of American Manufactures from the 19th of October tt the 9th of November next. The building will be prepared for the reception of goods on FRIDAY, October 19th. All ar ticles Intended for competition must be deposited on or before Monday, October 18th. 'Circulars containing the regulations for the Exhibi tion will be prepared for distribution In a fen days. Any further information n ill ho received on applica tion to WILLIAM HAMILTON,Aotuary, jy 29.3 t Hail of the Franklin Institute. SODA WATER FOR THE MILLION! PRICE RBDUCIED '_VI-1R,117.7;1 CFL:N'I'6 A QS.Af I The public aro renpeotfolly Informed that thono who may roqulro n COO 6, SPARKLING BEVERAOII, Trill find It to their advantage to call at OSGOOD'S VARI3I:'r STO NO. 316 CHESTNUT Street, cor. HUDSON'S ALLEY, And obtain a glass of his delicious SODA WATER, Flavored with Choke Syrupe, at the low price of THREE CENTS A GLASS! m w-Ot rr NERMOMETERS, SPY-GLASSES, MI- A CROSCOPES, Claude Lorraine Mirrors, Opera Glasses, and a large assortment of Optical, Mathemati cal, and Philosophical Instruments, MuALLISTER (Established in 1708,) jy23 dt 728 CHESTNUT Sheet. LIEIDSICK & CO. Oil conatant supply of the goonlno brand in bond and in titers, for sale b h p WILLIAM 11. ItIIATON, Bole Agent for ennsylva NT n. 5110 Ro P uNi FRO ia Rt. I. 7l k ri' coitikt, & Co., Ile CIIESTNITT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol lowing description of goods : A, & W. SHUGUES , PRINTS, in groat variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Reds, Greens, Blues, Skirtings, and Taney Stylca. BLEACHED MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLINGS. Lonednlo, Masonville, Watersville, Hope, Washington, Union mills, Blackatone, Cohannet, Johnston, White Rock Phenix, Acton, Ac. MIRTINGS, AltD OSNA— BURGS. Mtwara, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, Hast'n Virginia, Eagle, Manchester, Men's & Farm's, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Carrs' River,' Riverside. CLOTHS. Doitotriky's, Pomeroy's, and Glenharn Co.'s Black and Fancy all-wool and cotton warp Clothe in great variety Fever, Typo d..... Gangrene 1 Hemorrhage 1 1 Intlainin Drain 2 •< Dionohi... 2 1 ‘, Bowels ... 2 7 tt Liver I it Lunge.... 1 8 ti Peritoomum 1 Inanition 1 Jaundice ....... ..... 1 Mania-a-Potu 1 idaraarnua 11 Old Ago 9 Palsy 4 Scrofula 8 Strauguary 7 Boßound... 1 Tab-a Idesenterica.. 2 Teething .... ....... 2 Unknown 2 4 Whooping Cough... 1 8 DOISKINS AND OASSIMERDS. Greenfield Cu., finctons River, Bristol, Terry's, Stearn's, and others 'SATINETS. Stearn's, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Elf not, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, carpenters', Florence Mills, Nockanum, Duhring's, Convorsvillo, SlLESlAS.—Lonadalo's, Smith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Pintas. Jewett City and Irono Stripes, 'Denims and Ticklogs. Rhoda Island and Philadelphia Limeys and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, &c. ly22dirn From4o to 60 18 " 60 to eo 12 " 00 to 70, 13 " 70 to 80 8 " 80 to 90 5 " 90 to 100 0 Total 307 Boys 114 (DOA 105 I Prom We Ooontry ...... 3 HOODED OLOAKS, FOR TILE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indispensable for a Country Ramble, or en route to the Springs, at $2.50, $.3 50, $4.50, and $6. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. FRENCH AND ENO LISA LACE. BLACK SILK, SILK, AND L4O/1. 4, CRAPS mmterz CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS. AT 000-0040 FORMOR 701008, TO (MOHO TOO SEASON, AT TUX PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT street, IYI 7 J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Health. 1701IES, health Offter QUM.MER, WEAR.. - Fa Very light-bodied Black trench Doeskins. Habit Cloths. Drap (Veto's, Bummer Clothe, Cashmerette. Perigees. Onmblete, Mohnlre, am! Lutone. All the lightest and coolest kinds or Gentlemen's Summer Goods. BATHING GOODS. Plain and fancy-colored Rattinets. plaid Flannels. Worsted Caroblets, Moseys, Bablonds. And an assortment of plain and fancy Bathing Goods of every description. SHARPLERS BROTHERS, jyl.7-if CHESTNUT and EIGHTH, QUMMER STOCK CLOSING OUT.-L. J . LEVY & 00. have reduced the price of ell their Summer Stock. They are now selling many articles at less than the cost of manufacture. jyl7-8t LUPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLACK BAREGE, for Shawls, Tali-ma t ko., wholesale and retail. Storekeepers suppl e ied for nett cash. IIARLES ADAMS. jylt EIGLITtI and Ann Streets. 1200 SKIRTS AND CORSETS, FROM TEE LATE GREAT SALE. Beautifully Embroidered Corsets, $2.50, worth 13.75 First quality Clain French do. 1.25 '• 2.25 Aloran's Elegant French Skirts, 2.60 " 300 Do. do. Children's do. 1.12 " 140 Also, till Sept., I.lti hit° Zephyrs Ile ,Colors 20e., por 01111C¢. Fringes, Ball Trimminge, Cotton Trimmings—cheap J. O. JI AXWELL & EON, New Trimming Store and Factory S. E. corner ELts.VE:sTlit and CLIESTNCT. jy2l.wfm6t MRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. • Travelling Dusters to match. • Silk Dusters and Mantillas. French Lace Mantles, from auction. White flarege Dusters. Shawl Bareges, black and white. Thiu Black floods, reduced. IVIIITE GOODS. Cambric t Jaconet, and Mull, 12X etc up. Figured Swiss, plain Swiss, and Victoria. From auction, cheap lots plaid Cambric. EMBROIDERIES. Just opened from auction, several lots Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Cul lars at about x. ukp.T, Treasurer RAW/ PRIOR. Mohair Ilitta—teveral good and cheap lota LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linene by' the piece or yard. BOYS , WEAK. Hearauckera, May Linens, Linen Coalinga Pantaloon Skaffa, he. Alao, light Casaimeree. MARSBILLEB YESTINOS THE OBEA S T EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being sold by I'IIoRNLBY CIIIBM N. E. cor. EIGIITII and SPRING GARDEN. We purchainal, a few days ago, at a most tremendous sacrifice for . a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, game quality and style as we have sold for TWENTY DOLLAUS! which we are'now 'idling et the extremely /ow price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! - - Ladies, you may never have such another opportunity of buying a TIANDBOMIC SUAW% ao mixer! ' Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $lO. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique &c. Travelling Dress Materials in great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadine., &a., to BLACK FlLfte, FANCY SILKS, ko. Our name Is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &0., &e. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, hosiery, Gloves, &0., at TRORNLBY A 0.1118111 a ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. K. Cor. moms & SPRING GARDEN Streets. jelfbtf IL. MANLEY, JR RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, OONSIIMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the hill name of the firm, RIOHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, de a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goode. Thts caution is rendered essentially necesaary as large quantities ofieferfor and defective Linens' are prepared, season efter"%esson, and sealed with the name of IIIOIIAItD3ON by Irish houses, who, regardless' of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will net readily abandon • business so profitable, while pur chasers sass be Imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, myStB.6m Agents, se (Amnon Street, New York A Oe ED. JOSEPH A. HAGY, mi2l-6m Urge Story White Building TERBff3—ONE PRIOR FOR OABI/. 117" Pricer) warted in plain figure' on each article ap29 43in VINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE PATENT SHOULDER REAM SHIRT MANUFAC— TORY, At the Old ' tend, No. NO CHESTNUT STREET, oppo. site the Wa%hinglon House A. WINCHESTER a 11l glee, 11.8 heretofore, bin per sonal Rupervision to the cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for Ills celebrated style of fiblrts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trAde supplied on liberal terms. e/W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wo • oussrsa & Seem) GLINTLEIIINN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard thence,) Philadelphia. J. W . S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and is pre pared to All orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect At guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE eepplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS, DOE= CIENTLEISEEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W KNIGIIT,!6O6 /MOH Street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all klods of Furttishing Goods end manufaeturer of Flue Shirta, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this ally or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. mhl4t GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and beet as. aorta:Lent in ttt city, wholesale and retail, with • lull line of Under Olotblag, milted to the season, at W. W. IibIIGLIT'S, 800 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Malarial. phis. tahl-tt TF AR ALE R S.-NITROGENATED A- SOPER PHOSTRATB OF LIME, or Prepared Blood, manntactured by BLAKIaTON & WOODWARD, and for sale at their Store, west end Market.etreet Bridge; also by dealers In the city and country. jy24-11t* PROPOSALS will bo received at the Wilco of COOPER & STOKES, No. 120 Routh SIXTH Street, for Building the Oreeu and Owitea-atruct Philadelphia Passenger Railway, and furniahing al I the material for the same, until MONDAY, the 2,1 day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. Plane and specifications can be seen at the above Office on and after klondsy, July 26th. Jy2l.tau2 JAMEd COOPER, President. T"'PITCH, AND OAKUM—Constantly on hand, and for nab In lota to snit purchasern, by jy24 WEAVER, VITLER CO, No. 23 N. WATER St. and 22 N. WHARVES. ANEW ANTIC LE.—,OHESTNIIT °DOVE; WIIISKEY.—The purest Spirit offered the American public, possessing many medicinal pro perties, and none of the poisonous nonillion Inherent In the Whiskey in common use, is now offered for sale by the Druggists generally, and by CHARLES WHARTON, Jr., General Agent, At P. D. Taylor's, Wholesale Grocer, No. 2J South FRONT Std set. Philadelphia. All parsons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest ensured of its purity. DeAn Sit:: We have carefully examined the sample of Chestnut-Orove Whiskey left with on a few days since, and nod it to contain little or none of the poison. nun substance known as Pusil Oil. BOOTH, GARRETT, L CA3IAO, Analytical Ohetniets. To Cuartuts WHARTON, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. jy2l-31n ----- - GREASE GREASE! GREASE! TAW & BEERS Have REMOVED from Minor ntreet, and are now at 18 SOUTH WATER STREET, where they bare eonstintly on hand their celebrated brarda of Black, White, and Yellow GREASE, for OARS, °MEDIUMS, OARRI AGES, ()ARTS, DRAYS, WAGONS, and HEAVY MAOIIINERV, at These Greases have been in use orer ton yearn, and are eminently superior Mall other compoonda for ex cellence and economy. No.lB South WATER. Street, fy24 St rhilevlelphla. SALAD OIL. 2G Cases filleSt quality Tnscan Lynch Oil in atom and for sole by WILLIAM 2i. YYATON, iV2 3 218 Routh FRONT Street. 'Wholesale Ellhu Goobs. Retail Zit gisootte. BILATI BLESS BROTHERS, CRUMB UT awl MOUTH COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET DA lASKS , DIAPERS, tico Retail Dealer In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 448 N. BEOOIrD Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA ebenllemen's Surnioliing toobo. Art gab, anb Co Ett. pop. SAC s—Two beautiful Italian bounds, three montlin old. Pimple addresa htra STONE: et this Office, stating what and whore an interview may be had. . WANTED—The first floor and cellar, or the whole of a store of moderate size, situakd near Commerce and Birth streets. Address, stating lo cation, rent, he., Box 397, P. 0. . iy24-2t* f rA TO RENT—A three-story dwelling and dIIL ,tore, No. 834 S. FOURTH street. Apply on the premises. iy24.2t* LOT FOR SALE, fronting on NINTH Street, below Wharton, 10 feet front by 105 feet deep, to a bock street; suitable for a person wishing accommodations for a shed. Apply to TIIO9. MOOTLIt, jy22-0t No. 10 South FIFTH Street. VIRGINIA. LAND, situate in WOOD COUNTY, near the Little Kanawha river, and nilloa from Parkemberg, will be exchanged for im proved property iu tide city. Address Virginia, Wilco of 2'he Press. fy22-titti fs WANTED TO RENT—A small minousE, with tin Acre of around attached, a abort dilitance from the city. Apply to JOHN B.STOOKDALB, jy224t* 029 South SIXTH St., below Chr4tian, BIIILDING LOTS, in the vicinity of TWRNTIRTEI snd CHRISTIAN Streets, for sale or to lot on ground root. Apply_ to JOLIN B. STOOKDALN, )3 , 22-It* No. 929 B. SIXTR St., below Christian st. 2A)OO•—FOR SALE, a Mortgage for • $2,000, secured on property worth more than double the amount. Apply to JOHN h. STOCICDALg, 3y22 029 South SIXTH Street. i g a TO LET—Tho four story STORE, 28 BEL South SECOND Street, extending through to Strawberry street, opposite Stuart & Brother's large stores. It is lighted with a large sky-light in the centre • is well adapted for the Dry Goods Importing, Commission, or any other brisinesa which requires ex tensive rooms. Could be made to suit a Wholesale and Retail Trade. ROBERT MAGRMOR, 2.3 South THIRD Street rA- WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cor- M. tier-store Property, suitable for a Grocery and Prorision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address GROCER, Press office. dT/5 - 4.410 S SALE—A. valuable LOT, in the vict im.' nity of the Baltimore Depot, In an improving neighborhood. For perticulare, eddrese J. 11., Box 927 Foebotlico. jylo LET.—TEE. UPPER ROOMS OF .1 stores No. 321 end No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to M. L HALLOWELL & CO , or jel4.4r GIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. NO3) Elubluations NEW LAW BOOK, IN PRESS. PRY ON SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE will be ready by September. T. & J. W JOHNSON & CO., jy23-3t 535 CHESTNUT Street. • NfNW MAGAZINE. BRYANT & STRATTON'S "AMERICAN Millt CHANT" is non ready, and intnl ba had at all NEWS DEPOTS Their Agent, Capt..T. H. Bell, is canvassing this city tor "'early subscribers. Price $2 per annum. Address BRYA 1 & STRATTON, Mercantile College, /3 E. corner SEVENTH and ORRSTNLIT Streets, Phi ladelphia. ray2B-iy A COOLTNT BOOKS, MADE OF THE -L - R- beet Mock, for city sale'. Cell and look over the stock at PERRY'S Blank Dook Manufactory, jo44m FOURTII and RACE. 11_3ERRY' 13 BLANK BOOK MAN UFAO -1 TORY.—Remember FOURTH and RACE in buying Account Books. I make all my stock of good material, and sell at fair prices, 3e4-2m 1,7002000 ENVELOPES, EVERY style, site, and price, at O. r. PERRY'S Stationery Establishment, je4-2m YOURTII and RACE. BLAN . : OOKS, MADE IN ANY DE SIRED style of ruling and binding. A good as sortment of rapers for customers to select from, at EERILY'S Blank Book afanufactory, j01.2m FOURTH and BAGS. VIAMILY PORTRAIT BIBLES, HAND- S' SORELY bound. Old Bibles rebound, to look and wear good as new. Call and look at the styles, at PERRY'S Bookbindery, jed-gm FOURTH. and RAOZ. FOWLER, WELLS, & CO , 922 OILESTNET Street, keep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure and Pito. nography, wholesale and retail. Phronologl cal Examination, with charts, and full writ. ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mail to be addressed to Yowler, Walla, & Co., 922 Chestnut street. jab-3moifmky t eap 30 palitual FOR CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' F COURT- ROBERT O. MARCH, TIE THIRTEENTH WARD. Subject to the will of the Yeople'e Convention jy.26-Im* pos. REGISTER OF WILLS ELI DILLIN, or rue FOURTENSTII WARD, Subject to tho Rules oPthe People's Party. Awl, elected, I pledge myself to confine the Office to the legal fees established by law. Jy24-Lett CONWILSS—TIitIiII D/STRIOT JO4RPII SITES, Or THE SIXTEENTH WASD, Subject to Democratic rules. jy24-Im* (7ERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, TIIOB. E. lIARKINS, ,DRVESTRBRIII WARD. &Lied to Democratic Rules. jy2l-to WILLIAM EL KERN, SHERIFF, FINTEENTII WARD Subject to the Rules of People's Party. .j920-li IARD —The undersigned hereby informs his friends that Lc will he a candidate for the Office of suEnin , of the City and County of Philadelphia, at the ensuing election, If nominated by The People.. POILADILLVIII.A t Juno 5, 1858 F OR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. subject to the will of the People's Convention jyb-tf REGISTER OF WILLS— ANDREW J. WESTER. Subject to Democratla Rules. jeSO-tN* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT_ JOSEPH A. 1.1.01 , 71.1E1N1ER, Eleventh ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. je.l7-dtC* F OR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN OASSIN, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. jelh•tf F OR REGISTER OF WILLS 011,11ILES D. KNIGLIT, TWENTLETII WARD subject to the People's Nom!maim/. jel-tr LoR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOUR OAMPDRLL, OP SEVENTH WARD tlubJect to Democratic rules Doarbing B OARDING—Rooms for several Gentle men, with or without Boanliog, can be obtained at JOSEEWI3, No. 54 North fibVENTII at., below Arch. jy26-4tic AGENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE GENTLEMEN tufty obtain Board at 712 CHEST NUT Street, opposite Masonic Gall. 1y2.1-6tta HOARDING.—Two meobanicA can be cc connuodatod with good boarding at 1174 8. =TEL ;Arent. Jy24.3t* Lost and Sounb LOST—A POCKET-BOOK containing a small amount of money, end papers of no value except to the owner. The Bader, byreturning tho same at 3339 SJUTII FOURTH street, will be suitably re ward,ed. fy2.11-2t* rhOG LOST.—A large Newfoundland Dog, all white with the exeeption of a black ',pot on the tip of hie tail end on the left ear. Ilse brass coi ls?, on which ie en.fralren the letters D L The alder will receiee Fire Dollars reward by returning the Dog to DONNIS LLOYD, i12.1-21* 11 RAY'S Lane, neer the Media Railroad. LOST—A Gold FOB ORAN, with Seal attachal with the letters J. S. on it. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by leasing the same at No. 217 011 A 211A.51 street. jy24-21* Versonal PERSONAL.--INFORMATION is wanted A. of JOUN V. ANDERSON ' a nett.° of Somerset ablre, England, who arrived at Now York on the 17th of April last, on the ship Qnsen of the West. When last heard from he wee in Pittsburgh, Pa Any in formation of ble whereaboats will be thankfully re ceived by his mother. ELZABEI,II J. ANDERBON, 2.1-1 Philadelphia, Pa. LAUMAN & RABORG-- .ILA Importers And Wholesale Dealers in WINES BRANDIES, WII.IBREY, GINS, and FANCY Llj QUORS, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Youth an Elevantb greets inllldt tamp PETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELf•OENIIRATIN4 GAS LAMP la the only Patent Butner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR ATTACHED. . _ For Safety, Cheques's. and DeMalley, it surprise all others. STAFF AND OCIDNTR RIORTB FOR HALL Address D. P. PRYERS, S. W. corner FIIOOND find ORRSTNUT Ste. Phil' dolphin ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. LT.VERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interesh., and patt onize TJBBIIER , B LAMP WAUTORY, 109 Pout EIGHTH street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible factory, you were ohsrged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Rapport him, or you will have the same obars.s to PSY • CHEESE. —195 boxes Primo Herkimer county just landing and for eale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., No S North Water street G ERMAN CIGARS.-15 casos .various brands, In store end for sale by WILLIAM 11. NRATON, jyls N 0.218 South FRONT Street. CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY._ There will be no necessity for travellore taking a supply of CIGARS svith them, no a complete axgort, meet of GENUINE HAVANA, of Earned Siince's im portation, will be found on natr at emsnEse 11A Idy Cape Island., and at the UNITED STATES, Atinntto City. WANTED—Four intelligent Mn,o of good address, to cuwasa for-a popular work ist press aod to be Joined in a few days. Llyingwagesguaratdied. Adams Pubitsher, ,, at this *Oleo, with woo of WO m rea jy26-3010 A GIRL wawa - a Situation at Housework. H ou ylnquire at No. I EGGUANAN Court, between 130 ,1 th n 4 Shionen, in Go orge street. j)2B-1t ANTtl3—The loan of $3OO for sixty - days. Nest estate security and good Interest will be given. AddreN, "MANUFACTURE," Blood's Disraeli. 'jy20.201, --- 4 0 1 COTTAGE WANTED—A small cot tage, convenient to the oitv, With, a few acres f ground. Address COTTAGE, at tlita oince, stating rent and locality. jy26-314 WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Two vessels of 260 to 600 tong each, to load for porta In South Amorica. Cargo now ready, and the high es t rates will be given. Apply to - .1118110 P, BINONEI, & CO., 120 North Wharves. WANTED —A partner Withs2s,ooo to $50,000 in a Banking-house, ,a , e1.1 established, In a largo Western cltr. Good reference!! required. Ad dress box 213, Philadelphia P. 0. jy24-at* VVANTED—By a young man 18 yearn of ago, a situation to attend in a Grocery store. flee had experience in the business, and can give good references. Apply to southeast corner of Lonibard and Aistkatreet. jy244i* WANTED—EMPLOYMENT—By a jour • • neymnn Louse-carpenter. The country preferred. Apply N. E. corner FOUATEI and QUEEN obi fy2l-4t* GOVERGOVERNESS.—WANTED, a SITU,- NESS.—WANTED, WON, by a young truly, an excellent Planist, well qualified to Instruct children. Would be willing to travel. Address " Governess, Box 43, MOUNT 1101, LY, N. a), iy.l3-It* WANTED—A PARTNER, having $4,000, in a Wholesale Cash business, paying good profits, which can be increased. None but a good busi ness man need apply. Address tt ltartner,t , at the Office of this paper. Jy23-3t* tVANTED.-The advertiser desires an V V empigetneut with Wholesale Tewellers, of esttb limbed reputation, as SALESMAN. flag many years' experience In the business, and can {Einence a large Southern Trade. Address "Sumpter," at this Office. jy WANTED—Employment, by a BLACK SMITH (a good workman,) who thoroughly tuulerutands sh i p aulithlng, machine and tool work. Apply at 409 OAIt.P.ENT.Eft Btroet, above Fourth. iY 23 , 4 t* - • GOODS.—The adcartiser has a gene ral knowledge of the wholesale business, and a largo trade. with some means ; would like to connect himself with an established Ilouse or make a new firm. Reference given and required. Address B. HARRIS, ii w tbia office. ' iyn.tdik WojANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OAVALEY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to Whom will be given good pay, bowl, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to Z 2 per month. No man haring a wife or okild will be arektld AMA, for MOUNTED EERVIOE at No BM. kt ' , WET Street, above Eighth, north aide. 711 HE SPRING GARDEN HAVING 1. FUND. (Ozciaxsaso IT TIM I EIp3LATI7I9I OF PITIOBTLYAZIA.) PERPETUAL OIIARTER. FIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Honeys Paid bank on Demand. OFFICE. 381 NORTH THIRD STREET, (OONSOLIDLTSOI4 BANK BUILDUS.) This Institution is now open for the transaction oi bnaineaa. and is the only °bartered Saving Fund located in the northern part at the city. The °else will be open (daily) From 9 to 2,4 o'clock, and also on bIONDAYS and 11113118 DANS, from 6 until 9 o'clock in the Evening. MANAGERS. James 8. Pringle, Jacob Dock 7oaepb Cowell, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bray, Robert D. Davidson, P. 0 Elltuaker, Jahn P Verret, George Ilneabt, John none. It, JAMES S. PEINGLB. WORN. WHIG Frederick Klott, -- - Stephen Smith, John P Levy, Hon. Henry K. Strong, Dsnlel Undertone!, Hon. Wm Millewd, Prederick Staake, Pamela Hart, Joseph P. LeClem, John Kessler, Jr., Presiden Secretary, °SORGE T. QAVING FUND-FIVE PEE DENT. IN. TEREST—NATIONAL etdrYTY TILOBT COM PANY.—WALNIIT BTRY.E BOOTH-WI:8T 00BNYI1 OY MIRO, PHILADZLPRIA. INOORPOIATZD Br TOM BUT. OF PXXXOTLTAXIA, . , Money is resolved h 3 any sum s large or small, and forest paid from the day or deposit to the day of with. drawer. The °Mos is open erezy day from 9 o'clock in the warning till 6 o'clock in the evening, end on Hondas and Thursday erenings till 8 o'elook. HON. HENRY L. BUNN.% President, . SOBEIBT 13BLVELIDGi, Vine Praiddeno WK. J. MOM, &oratory. D 17.101011: Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. flarrull Brewster, Edward L. Outer, Joseph B. Bars , Robert Selfridge, immix Lew, Basal. R. Ashton, Joseph Yalta, 0. Landreth bltumui, Henry Diffenderffef. Money is received and payments =de daily. The Investment/1 are made in conformity with oat provisions of the Oharter, in REAL ESTATE MOLT GAGER, GROUND mums, and such drat class emend. ties as will always Ware perfect security to the depoei tors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and eta billty to this Institution. Q,AVING FUND.—UNITED STATES 1..:1 TRUST fIOMPANY, corner of TIMM and 011318 Z NUT Streets. Large and smell sums received, And paid back on de mand, without notice, with RIVE PER CENT INTER UT from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. °face hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and oil MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for We on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upward'. President—STEN:MN B. OakiVIORD, Treasurer—PLlNY RIM, Teller—JAMES R. MINTER NO. 83 (241) DOOK STREET.-FIVE 11 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. MO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO . 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FITS PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS MIND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FM PER GENT STATE SAVINGS FUND. snl-17 T "QUAKER CITY INSURANC E COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, 488 WAI NUT Street. Statement of the business and condition of The Quaker City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the aix .montbA ending June 30, 1858: Capital and Surplus, January 1. 1858 *1D7,679 87 Interest received and accrued from Jan.l to uly 1, 1858 Premiums received front January let to July Ist, .858 Salvage and Reinsurance received JOB. Id. COWELL. jylD-tf LOSS ti 9, ot C. Losses paid $63,451 84 Dividend, reinsurance, return pre miuma, and expenses 08,346 08 Balance remaining with the Company Julyl, 304,28/ 95 Bonds, mortgages, stocks, coupon bonds, loans on collateral, and call loans, &c. $183,153 50 Bills Receivable 90,611 ii) Cash on hand and In Dank, and due from agents 29,910 06 Capital Stock OFFIORRS. OTIORGE H. HART—President. R. P. ROBE—Vine President. H. R. OOGGSHALL—Secretary and Treasurer B. H. BUTLICR--Aseletant Secretary. George IL Hart, Edwards, E. P. Roes, Poster S. Perkins, A O. Cattail, Charles G. Imlay. Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. D., S. W. Malley, Hon. El H. Puller, John G. Dale, H. R ()eggshell, 70h0 L. Pomeroy. H. R. COGGSHALL, Secretary. Attest • jy2t3 Imoif 46 VIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN"- a: GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. PhlltuMph's. Office No 415 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Building.) Wm. M. Swain, Wm. C. Rudman, [of Pithltc Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Aospseh, Jr., Ser. Walker, U. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. B. 'Hughes, 'Francis Peters Woe. S. isoyd, Jr. N. Coggshall, Geo. W. Woodward, 1 3 Jno. McClure, Jno. W. Claghorn, Joseph Elapp, M. D. Hon. J EL JONES, President. A. S. GILLETT, Tice President, Xis. B. Ar.vonn, Secretary. Jy2o.3y I"NSURANCIE 0011IPA.NY OF THE WPATIS OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND BU RIN E INSURANCE—Go. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. arc loistered 1n047,440 Mt—Capital 1200,000—Assets, Janu -1,1858, 60-100, All Invested In sound and siallt.ble semaritlea—conti nue to Insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Building', Stooks of Merchandise, ace., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles McAlester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, Wiltiamß White. Charles S. Lewis, George O. Carson. HENRY D. BllEßßEßD t Eresident. WILLIAM Els.tram, Secretary. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN BURANOB 0021PANY—Ogioe No. 412 WALNUT Otrost, Ph iladelph ia. D 111107035. . . John 11. Diehl,' J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H. H. Bhillingford: 0. B. Spangler ' 0.4. Bower, Abraham Rex, John W. Beaton, B. B. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, Nathan R. Pattie, Win. P. Leech, R. T. Knoll, H. H. Boonton, Jos. R. Withers . , Abraham P. Byre, B. Booth, Oberlin P. Norton,. John H. Lewars, JOHN H. DIEHL, President E. B. WARNB, Tice President. OHAO. A. DoT, Secretary. omrlo MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PRA PETUAL. No. 810 WALNI3T Street, above Third Philadelphia Having a large pai,d.up Catel Steck and Barplas Inreeted in sound and availab le decarities, continue ; insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture Merchandise Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and ' other Personal Property. All Lossee liberally and promptly adjusted. nntiorons. GeorgekAbbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Canker W. Morris, Samuel o.llforton, :awes It. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Rdmund G. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEOBGB ABBOTT, President. THOMAS IL MARIS. Secretary. jeBS-y it A LLSOPP'S PALE ALE, in hhds., a li constant supply on hand, In Custom House storea, for sale by WILLIAM H. YMATON, iyl6 MS Booth 'BONY Street C LARET.- 16 5 0 0 Os d lo o w d gr i a i d t e Bordeaux is Btort and for Bale by WILLIAM H. YRATON 7 5923 218 South FRONT Bt. BROWN STOUT.-40 casks c , Final ft Williams," imparted direst from London, in store aml for sale by • WM. R. YEATON; iYlb 20 ?smith YRONT Btrest. ...., .. ~ tUanto. WILLIAM B. ROLM, • let Lieut. 2d B,egt. of Com Mry, Redrultfpg Meer glavings Suttbs. nattrai►ce QComnanies 33,894 41 304,281 35 $200,000 00 DISP37OIB CAPITAL, VOO,OOO DIRRCTOES. atratermrnis. .11A/1011AL 7.IIEATRE. sioactsi . .108EFEK 0. FOSTER Nore'Leagee and Manager. 0. FINITED....,.,Stage Manager. MONDAY EV E NING, My . g 5, 1858. be' produced, In a awl° at magnificence and splendor never excelled on the Arriencan stage, Mr. 3. 0. Foster' s adaptation of Alexander Demur great work, the • THUMB GIIA A DRIIMN. M. 0. Foster as - D'Artigmus. Mlsd Jana Cook Mr. R. A. -Langdon,.. ~,se • .Atha; Prelim:Le to which, the .go. odeg Urea at the • AldliTt 1)0D0111. The Orchestra under the dfreatien of Mr. 0. Reinhart . . Doors open at 7m. Tp commence at 8 o'clock. - Tickets of adMieston, 25 cents; Hemmed aeons, 36 cents ; Orchestra chairs. 60 califs ; Beata in PriTato Box, 75 Santa i Whole Box, $5 and $6; family Circle, 15 gents. s _ summa. Effusions. MENIMMSELECT PIC—NIC ON ITHE SHORE —The SUNDAY SeHOOL UNION in the Northern District will mike an EXCURSION to ATLANTI.) 0/TY, on WEDNESDAY, July 28. h.. Tickets, s l.2s—Children , f 3 cents The Committee will take down and erector the beach a large tent for the use of the Excursionists. Ice Cream, 01"14. &c., will be provided, - Lunch will be eerved at 12 o'clock, at a charge of fifteen cente, with tea or coffee. Ticket!' may be had at Dinka & Forkinpine's, Fourth, below Arch; Tract Depository, Sixth, above Arch ; Mr. Mansfleid , s,Seeond, below South ; Geo. Felty - , Sixteenth and Callowhill ; Wm. hi. 11p northeast corner Spring Garden and Ninth; George W. Beim., Bedford above Hanover; Mr. Belly, sexton St Georgs's N.Y.. Church; Isaac Muff, S. W. corner Third and Coates. iy23.2t* NOTIOE.-TILE RED AlitEe MEN'S BxoultgioN TO ATLAN TIC OITY alll tale place on TUESDAY. July alth. The last boat will leave Vine-street wharf at 6 o'clock .4. It. Nosher's Pennsylvania Oornet and Quadrille Band will accompany the Bscursion. Tickets 51.26 ; ,Children between the ages of 5 and 12 yews, half-price. Tickets can be rocured from the members of the Com mittee, on.the wharf, before starting. The Band wilt meet at the wharf at half-put o'clock. ' j,24-2t* FOR THE ALfJEGHET!T MOUNTAINS, BEDFORD SPBXSGS; IST A.G.A,ELA. PALLS. THE PENNSYLVANIA-RAILROAD COMPANY EXCURSION TICKETS DURING TIIE B.IIDIMEB, ALTOONA, MOUNTAIN HOUSE, ♦ND HOPEWELL, (Where Passengers take Stagea .20 miles to Bedard SPringa,) GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Pare to Altoona and Return.. Pare to Mountain Rouge and Return. Fare to Itoperrell and Return Pap) to Williamsport UM; Elmira 51; Niagara By this route passengers take the Northern Central Railroad at liarrieborg, 'enjoying for 125 miles the beautiful scenery of the Susquehanna Valley. - !Er Further Information to be bad at the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, B. E. corner ELEVEIs TEL acti MARKET ntreete, where Tickets, may be procured. &i.24 5 - "ia jrOE CAPE MAY.--EXPRESS LINE—The swift and favorite Steamer ItALLOON," Ce. W. Willt.i.nts, leaves Arch-street Wharf for Cape M ay every Tuesday, Thureda', and Saturday Morning_ at 0)j o'clock. Miming, eaves the Cape on the intermediate days at 8 o'clock A.M. Fare $2, carriage hire Included; Servants $1.60; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra. . jys-2m* PHILADELPHIA 10_41-41PROI AND ELMIRA. SWIM/AD LINE.--Gft HAT RISITUCTION. • FA . 4 E TO NUai AKA I.ALL4 ONLY 818-00. Trains leave the Phil/4(411156W Readlog Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sun days excepted,) as follows : 7:80 A. Id., day express. - 8 - 20 P. hi., night express. Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office of the line, Northwestcorner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. NORT-11—P-EN.NSYL • VANIA RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE WATER-GAP, MAUCH ORGNR, ILABLETON,AND TUE LEHIGH COAL REGION,— Flatters to the above powder places of BUISYSA R.BBORT will find the Route offered by the North -Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel andagreeable, passing through tome of the richest and most highly cultivated comities in the State, and pos sessed of comfortable accommodations, both on the road and at the various towns through whieh I t masses. FOR THE WATER GAP.—Take 635 A. M. Eapreas Train from Front and Willow streets, pass through Beth lehem and Easton to New Hampton, where a close can neaten is made with the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR MATTER MUNK AND TILE COAL REGION. —Take 2.30 P. 151. Express Train from amine Depot' to Bethlehem, where a .close connection la made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through front Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 hours. . . . A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 6.16 A. M. Express Train to Bethieher4,, thence via L. Y. R.' R. and N. 1. 0. R. R. JIIE - am& Keaton to Elisabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in New York at quarter past 3 P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spare, will and this a new and agreeable route. WI Nor further particulars, Inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow streets. PRILADELPIII/, June 18,1858. jel9-2m -may FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. DAILY, at 9% o'clock A M. NEW YORK AND PRILADELPLIIA. STEAM NA VIGATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew; and KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, form a daily line between this city, Cape May, and New York,leaving from tirst pier below Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 0); o'clock A. St Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M. Returning, leave Cape Msy (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Fare to Cape May ((carriage hire included) t j or servants <4 u Season tickets (carriage hire ex. tra) El 00 " New York, cabin 200 44 « steerage 1 60 Freight taken at low rates. For passage, state rooms, Ac . . apply on board, or at the Office, 314 and 318 SOUTEI DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMES ALLDERDICE, 3815-3 m Agent. askiPMFOR THE SEA SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND HALF EMIRS TO THE SBA SHORE. 113,074 57 4,877 24 402,627 63 - • • - • Oa and after Monday, June Tth, and until further no. tied, (Sundays excepted,) three trains daily to Atlantic City and return. First Passenger Train leaves Vine at. wharf 7•80 A. 31. Second ,6 .‘ 4.00 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger Car attached, 4.85 A. M. Accommodation Train to Weymouth, 111 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. First PassengefFrain leaves . 6.00 A. M. Second 66 6C 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car attached, 11.30 P. M. Accommodation Train leaves 'Weymouth, 5.25 A. IL HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaven Coopeen Point, 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Haddonfield, • - IP. M. and 9P. M. Fare to Atlantic. when tickets are purchased before entering the care, 81.80. Persons wishing. to go down to the Sea Shore and return the name day, can upend SIX HOURS ON ME unon. Tickets for the round trip, $2.50 Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return next morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2.60. EX rn el NOTICE. _ . The Accommodation Train to Weymouth will run through to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Leave Pine street 5 SO P. M. Atlantic City. 400 A. hi. Stopping at all Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: For the month of June, $lO For the mouth of Sept. $l6 " July, 20 For three months, 46 August, 20 For four months, 60 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trains, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company wilt not be responsible for anygoods until receivod and recelpted for by their FrelOit Agent at the Point. R. FPAZIR, Secretary. Jet-te &KamMikan PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. BETHLEILkid. ALLENTOWN, HAD 0 01113NIC, EASTON, DELAWARE WATER GAP, On and alter MONDAY, July 26, 1658, the trains on this Road will leave EROS and WILLOW strestii daily, (tundays excepted.) as follows: For Bethlehem, E Delaware Water Gap, AO., (Express,) at 6 15 A M For Bethlehem, Allentown and blanch Chunk, (Fs prese,) at 2 80 P For Doylestown, (Accommtelatlon,) at 13.30 A. M. and 4 30 F. M. Fort Washington, (accommodation,) at 9.30 A M. and 0.30 P TRAINS lOU PIIIIADISLPHIA. . . . . Leave Bethlehem (Rapress,) et 9 A. M. and 5.30 P. M., with paasengera from Lehigh Talley /tail• road, rid arrive in Philadelphia at 12 M. and 5.16 P.M • • Leave Doylestown ( Accommodation) at 6 A. sd. and 4 P. M. and arrive in khiladelpitia at 8.16 A. AL end 8.10 P. 31. ) • leeve Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 6 /5 A. M. and 2.60 p; M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 1.20 A. M. and 4 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Lease Philadelphia for Doylestown at LBO A. M. and M. are Doylestown for Philadelphia at 5 A. M. and 5.15 P M. All Pasienger trains connect at Chatbidn strtiet kith City Passenger Railway. The 6 16 A. M. train from Philadelphia. end the 5.30 P M. train from Bethlehem, make close connection with the Nestor' and Neff ?ferny Central Railroad. Rare to Bethlehem 51 50 " Man& Chunk 3 - 850 " Doyloatoyrn 80 jy26tt /ILL'S CLARE, Agent. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! sus Remedy for DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS This article is the greatest discover! in ()hernial or Medical Science for the rapid Cure o REIBUMATISM__, NEURALGIA, TOOTH-ACHE, SORE THROAT,STII7 NECK, or Pahl in the LIMBS, BIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Mtn,- oles, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It is also an excellent' preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persons who hare need HARTS HORNE'S CURE-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any pain from the system. Bottles 14,16, 60 cents, and 21, to be sold by R. H. JENKINS, ap2S.lftf Corner 13.1100 ND and WALNUT Streets. lIARTSHORNE'S RE.ALTH—RESTO HEIL, OR BARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Purifying Compound In the World! It does . not contain a particle of Mercury. The aboVe preparation ts suited to the Impaired sod weakened condition of the human race; it inslgoretas the whole constitution; removes all ptmpjee end erupr Lion from the skin; gives bloom ant freshness to thp complexion, and is particularly adapted tp the veakep• Inc complaints of both 'ewes. - It is a perfect cordial in taste, aq acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; small bottles SO cents; sold by B. H. JZISHINB, • Corner of O.IOOND and VAINIIT OtOrele; apWriftf NEE=l=l THOS. MOORE, Agent. CHARLES S. TAPPER, General Agent aleincinal