,2~.d?~x:~s~i'3y>T{~ , :~, - ;iS ~,d;..4i'~:3r~-,•~ Gs , ,.asG±~sA~:,;~?s-. ,+.~ ,ai. LE rtsA,Eito ,ri RwAtottis. 11344einimdvimit.Or2The Press.] . = ,"‘ lons, Jet 20,1.1358:-' '.±..ervia'sr of the missing bodies of "the YOMig etc Ivas. retoVered" from , the North river this, Tbo Board of have 'ascertained that the eblp thotto, at Qtnrantine, is still in a: very in -tested- condition, ald some., alarm .is felt 'lest a setioits spread of disease may ensue, consequently' tee most stringent measures to prevent such a re-_ put r n ill bo adopted. 'Vivo Of oni - Oley Coestabloewere held to bail:this morning - on. it e!artrg,e of- molt& and battery bf rot tis'lns,'in attempting to levy, a -mortgage, and ,n•lng violenoeto the parties bllncing snit. • Our Revivril paper;. The Way of We, - has fallen in for want of support. ,:lbe..notoriouvooltired burglar, De Yeeey, (ar rested With his Whirii paramour.) has boon orimmit tad for . trial tridefailt of $2,000 bail demanded. • BeieralautOidel and fatal crisiallies are reported as Coolwring since yeterday ; and the burglars are; an initial at this cannon, - Relive In their ittempts to plunder dwellings in -the absence from the city of their owners.' - . . It was the" general opinion, at the eine of last week, that tho Do Riviera and Blount affair, which haseo'exereiled public' 'curiosity, was definitely arranged by the parties thereto, but proceedings still go on in the court at Hoboken, and a disposi tion was manifested on the part 7 of the lerfisy lavi ; yers to bring new ;notarial of-seandal before. the world lt lanot improbable that charges of•per.- jery, alaltiotioli,'atul other inore - Wiens offences, may be mimed into prominence - . De Riviera in uneaged bitt a °bongo appears to 130 . v0 oome over the spirit of "lo7O's3ocuig dream," as far as Min Blountle emmerned., Tho ease has been on all day at Hoboken. • - A ridienteueSstOrY is extant regarding certain prantmed inientionsof Mr. William D. Astor, look-. ing toward the bonefitlif our mechanics. The .1"7/tos starts a 'statement that the worthy. tall llotialro—Who .was never suspected beforO of en due benevolenertis about . tolmild three large -stiranishipt, in order to give •tVork, to operatives, and then Sell them, for the purpose of dividing the .profibi between We laborers. Thin is property scolaliarn that is _quite too. uncommon to Maio' a - acticirst eurrint:,- Otir ataak markot thy tlay.la steady, but little is Reading aliened at '45/,'ind, as in yesterday'a board, receded to 43; Delaware and Hudson began to sell at 160 3 ' but fell ; Pennsylvania Coal ad vanced ;'New York ,Central rose Itism 8453-yes ter.jay's briee=-to 851,nd then receded to 851 ; Miasma Sliver oloied.at hut 6i; lining's 'pries, 281; Trio fell to 18; Harlem ,roeeto Ili ; Nein° Mail Steamship began attest evening's price, and closed , at 85.1:—i decline. ' ' ..The most noGoeable 'alteration in-price among _Western read stooks was in that of Illinois Oen ' tral—it &diet+ of 14. - (Roseland and _Toledo ad, yaneed i;- Chicago 'and Rook Island ; Galatia FYI Chicago tileattit at, 89j. - Mill - make° lad MiseiSsippi closed at IT regular, and 16 seller sixty, against 15*, regrilar, 'yesterday._ Michigan South. . ern, old stook; Wail cold at 23, buyer thirty, against 231, regular, at .laat quotations. :In the guaran ...tlo4. Chore were. no. transactions, _Michigan Cen tral was Sustained at 'yesterday's prices. A sale of Chicago, Burlington. and Wispy was made -fit 646... Panama brought 105 i. buyer sixty. • NNW TQI,G3 8T.9011. Blso3tatiGl-otrxx 20. '3lOOO Broeden City Co 97 308 Panama It 1057( 9000 Brio It dratg bd 57 300 Oleo & To! 11 36 9000 Le.o &M L bdi .30X 84 Now York Om R 85i( 10 National Bank - ; 108 300 do e3O 86 • ~ 10 Alzeo Ez,Bcolr. ' 105 s 40 hillw to WA R 167 20 Ocean Sink 05 - 26,- do 17- I - S6O Del & Hud Co 901( 200 'do : My' 115 Penba3lvanla Co .78 150 LaOrme Pc,Hll B 5 100 Thaler° Railroad 11% 6 Sixth Arenue a 120 : •:60 Mich 8o tk•N Is R 227 • . Ft.Ooft —There is but a limited imply of Flour In the market, and the accounts from Europe by the North Star:hate *Cordoned an upward movement In prices. Skies since obr lest ,14 900, bbls at 11 9043 96 for su perfine State; $4 06x419, for; extra State; 83SOit47or : superfine Western,: $4 0604 69 for common to medium „extra Ilichigan..llllnols Indiana. Ohio, and Wisconsin and $4 : 004 SO for shipping brands of extra round heal; Onfo._ The market elosicw firm with an upward +end- - eney.• Ifielnded'ln the melee are some 3,600 Ma for fapeit.' Otnedien Flome le scarce and very firmly held; sales 'l7B bble at -14 SOns 2rfor common to choice extra Southern - Fleur is held higher, with a moderate de mand 1 . sales 1;880 bble atilt 85e54.80 for *eroding, and S 4 Mice-for faseir and extra Rye Flour le milling in emelt panels at $38360. Corn Meal remaine quiet and arm at about previous quotatione Gnarrr —The Wheat market hag advanced les2o bushel, with:a Bruited' aupply, and a for demand for oxpeit and home oenautnntion—ealess3,Qoo bushels at 86c for unsound Chicago spring, In store; Sleben for nnrontd Barter; 90meSo for _Milwaukee Olnb, the lat ter price in store, SI 2001 26 fur new - red, and $1.280 I 42)4 for new white Southern.. Ityala if mar; with glee-of 2.700 bu at 700. Corn is coerce, and orlon have 'lightly advanced; ealea 38.000 bus at Oirr7st; for unsound mixed Wester*); Abe for found do. 68d89lic for white Southern, and 9teig2c:nr . Oats In moderate request at 42047 e for State and Western. - N►vet Areaue.-opirits Turpentine in quiet end un cheng!.d. Of common Rosin we notice sales of 1,700 bbla to arrive, at $1 00 - Wa:afcar.—Market remains firm; Wu 270 bbli at 24.30. • : CITY ITEMS. New Mratitoxeir MOT alignr.—The- prooeed lute of last Babb% th toil; be remembered by our -raison% residing hi , the eouthweetern section of the city, as.an , occasion of - cinema' interest -The Fleet • Independent Uolon Mission (of Rev. Mr .ohambera , - church) having erected-a Tent shout twenty-five feet -.heat by fifty feet deep, on South street, west of Twen ty-drat, opened on that day for divine worship, At 2 9.4 o'clock the R ov. Dr. (Mallen preached au admira ble sermon to a large and attentive audience. In the - afternoon at 2 o'clock was the hour fixed for the com mencement of the Sabbath School,T and long before .that time the Tent was crowded with children, many of whom were &cameo/sided by their parents. The OVaratell were oondueted John Wanamaker, Reg , sunerintendent of the School, who, after an 'opening • address, announced a hymii, when sprayer was offered, sibkch vru foll6Vred with appropriate addresses :by, "Menem Bartle, Sine, Taylor, and Abram Martin. The evening services were •lso largely attended: At linearly h,Oin ; 'the Tabernacle was filled tone utmostcapacity, , a. large number, having haewunable to gain ilAmiplion eet all. The Be?. J. R. kaiser .preaehed a very able -•diecciurstr, , which was listened to with the deepest tentlon. Upon the whole, this inauguration wee of = ' - erindi s it eniploloui Charinter; - :and - angina well 'for Its future usefulness.. • , . .04.1 eat overdue et Bo'clock there wae preaching in this new tent by Ser. James M. Orowell, end on to morrow (ironing,. et , the HAM , honr, a Union Prayer Meeting will be held In it. A REAL Bat:trio 8171113.—W0 call Attention : to the American Life Insurance and Trust Company, 8. E. corder Walnut and ,Foaeth- streets. .Throughout the wholr.dieestroda Armorial pants of last fall and winter, this Uorapany, paid all demands In full.. The President, Alexander ;Whildin, Esq., is a gentleman of the highest character for integrity and' Hue businesi capacity. ; In teklitfou ' , to its. capital, this'institittion has a surplus fund of $.00;000 for the security City - - • Gears! FORN/lIDING GOoDS. We . have fre quently referred our readers to the establishment of Messrs. It. C. Walborn & Co., (new) N04..6 and 7 North dlith street, is the Placa where everything belonging to thie eldeitirgdodiiniy be found to belt/tile and great eat variety.' Walborn's shirts Insve.'in fact, treceme so popular that a gentleman not experimentally acquainted with their superior Inuits . 4 regarded ee behind the :age, and so in fact he Is, and theonly way to catch up is to go to Nes. 6 and I and apply the remedy. GOOD Coarnwrtosanr,--,The readers of The Press need bat to see this heading to anticipate the rest, for prime Confectionery and the house of 'Messrs. fl; G. Whitman & CO., 81cond street below Chestnut, have Wattle arnoareorisjertas:.They have, hewevar, within the peat few days: made eundmpleasant, addition!! to theft , stoil'i Ititended . foi AM - present eciejoh, worthy of eitielatitteattin: • " • - - : B:B.-11.— , TheselhreedYs are suggestive: First, the Beach! delightful to contemplate; nest, the Bath ing; perfectly eihilamting te'rellect upon ; and finally, The Buying of the robes, which persons of good toots would of oottree think otdting nowhere but at John P. Bloan's No. 806 Market street, or at his stores at either Cape Island or Athustie. City. Tun GinnaiusT litinSn NittnnEr.,--:Cinoinnati io now the /ailed here's market In the Vatted Kates, end dating one week . , lately, forty thousand dollars' worth of horses viern'sold'at the ration's stales. Plain:l(4ola Is the greatest clothing mart, and the greatest establish ment to tt Is the itroirmilone Clothing flail of !install!! & nail 605 Chestnut , street, above Math. ' A Worm or Cletirlool—TDoring these owelteiink, daps, persons cannot too earl:Cully avoid exposure to 'the heat of tho sun. Those whose business engsegoinente triii Permit; should spend a few day, in the .country, or at the isearshore, ,Whtohever be the lefeetlon, oilr advice is clothing at the old Franklin Ilan Clothing Emporium ; E.. /I. F;drldse, No. 321 Chestnut street. TflEnz de_ only one way -to deal with a etubb ' orn man, which , le to "orieWheltit - him with other &eta more stubborn than htris.! ., lf he thinks that ho kiiowa the best tailor in tottn, whoist- ofothilig Is of the best materials, inquire ho•speaks of Orenville Stokes. If lid kays'Ayei - why take him at once to Stoleee's,i,No. 1107 Chestnut attest; &flatlet hits bay tens* suit. if he insanely imagines that some other tailor is ems gnod, compel him to go at oboe to Stokes, whoro ho Will find- everything to please him, and own itt once that hollatrbeen stupid and.poriente, and did 'AC know what was gout for him; Stokes will do% Ant some in shnit order. Iniviitatwne [Reported for The Press) - - B0d143:1-4teamship (13tr of York, Ifoweo-116 pkga domestics b W Chaim & Bons', 60 ir A 111:ot & Co; 83 Farnham, fiirkbanl&' Co; 23 ti reabody & 1811 tblickseli; Raiguel, NOO 0 & 210 , 14, Blade()pi • 37 riaotak; Stokes 'es Oa ' 20 J Way o 'l Wit lo l Learning & Po; 10 Co do Yiotbbigltim& Wein , ,lo Little & Btokesi Woe bOots and s'hoes halite & 0o; 164 fr,l-' Thiihaet & Duffield; 218 J 11;Phornpeon & Co.,&a odosit, 11014 Ir.'0o; 404 Lei a. Co; 30 thmur &: 4/tor • 67 , C001id00 & Durtroratr; - 17 liarly:&, Waifs; 19 b P :591111ams & 04' 100 diecantifek , Allen & iffbedles; aninso .1 Q. bates; •1I cuss blankets 1$ et trYSTFD kr' 1- •0418 do mdse 46 do ink II Cowpa'rthesit & .. , Ook 7 do_mdchlueryi Grover • Baker &On 100 bbia fish Sennedy h. Co; 60 .6,Falaserat , Co; 26 Woolf & bra; II bales domestics W D JOnos &-Coy 108 filiapiper ii allegsygo & Oo; .4trpleBsglisiwomo Mtisarlelfrfitroe; EY . OoffettO:fankurnicOo;,ll69lkfot Wee Wool arts ' & Ve; 600 Learnt & Oo;'1008 do.verfortseObsigneel. - • 'PASSENO=B" ' Fteitabir City New York, &p . m, .78_08 , 1032 7. 1r 0 it: s e w imige r; rallar.t 431 ! . .g i tic;114 ty l lg i L g ; 0 Balver,'ll oliefftleitte,4??n 1.44 ?sakikettidtflrs::;.. " 5W111,9344W,A llRODittfll4.Wl;.'.. • OoltlipMsF 0471,! Si m P,lt l 3 2l ,A 4 ` • LETTER- - ' BAGS A/ thi WehOsate_lfxchange, 1 3 / 1 1p Wiorning;lii/Mn timitpool, soar, 13argue Jeaepb Maserell, L4gCayu, &a, aeon Beeia nemitteu t Jaciteou bt Jago de Cub., anon Barque America, Witham, Cardonqa, 81/01i Barque Irma, Nopre Barbathus, aeon sAILINa OF THE OCEAN STEAMER,. PROM 'TELE UNITED STATES SlDAitlit ' - • "ow POD DAY Afg hut ' New York... Liverpool ....July 21 Fulton 'New York..Havr July 24 Canada lloaton..Liver pool ..... --July 23 North /Mar ' Now York—Southampton, &c... July 81 Ads. New York ..Livorpool ...... ....Aug 4 Europa Boston.. Liverpool Aug 11 Vanderbilt ' Now York—auuthampton. &o.,,Aug 14 - PROM EUROPE. PEON POO - DAT Kangaroo Llverpool..New York ....July 7 Pored& ' Liverpool—New Yot k.... --July 10 Indian Liverpool—Quebec July 14 Roumania Hornburg..New York July 15 Arabia Liverpool..Posu,. July 17 0 or Buitlmore..Liverpool—New Yolk ..... —July 21 STBABINBEI TO AND FROM HAVANA AND NEW , ORLEANS. gums 011 T—From New York 2d, arriving at lla ma 7th, and New Orleans 10th. Prom New Orleans 10th ; Havana 234;arriving at New 'York 28th. OlrliVFßA—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19t,ti. Prom New Orleans 27th, Havana 80th, arriving at New York 3d. Patt.suiturtm—grorn New York 17th, arriving at Ha• vans 22d, and New Orleans 25th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. BLACK WARRIOR—Brant New York 27th, arriving at Havana lot 'and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 15th, due at New York 19th. - Is/nat.—From Ob trleston 4th and 19th, due at Ha vana Bth and 231. from Havens 10th and 25th, due at New Yirk 101 and alst ' • (Er The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the etch and 20th of each month. . . . When the Reny° delete fall nn Sander, the steamers 'will pod! on Monday, except from New Orleans. iftlanne Jutilligente. PORT' OF FaII.A.DELPOIA, July 2i. Ib6B Alll BIM $ awl an 718 1.1011 WATSR ', 10 10 ABRIVZD , • - - . ilteamshlp.Oity of New • York, Howes. 48 hours from Boston, with mese and pesseengere to Henry Winsor. 18th last, 0 A M, oil Nantucket Shoals. exchanged 84- 'IIW with a large ship, painted pone, and black diamond to her fore topsail and ingnal, anterior to the westward —(probably the iehiladoirlfe, rrom Livers:K.l for New York:) oleo pealed lieteamship veering ,B;10.b, 7 A el, iih,eeoto Ilghtlanueitt bearing 0( 44 inii4 o .l 44 ged Metuu shin Joiehb Whitney, Air Boston, ' Quite a large WWI. her tf vesaels in the bay, blond up. Steamship Delawaro, Copes 22 tames from New York, via Cape May, with mdse sod passengers to James All derdiee. Passed in the bay a light brig and some ten or !Wean Jahn. upward bound- Wig' Ann Blitabeth Taylor, 12 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell Jr. Codlue. - . . &kr 11-vid G Floyd, dackett, 2 days 'rom Net; York, wi,th rodeo - to Urowelt & fiche James English, Neal, 8 days from New Haven, Iwith mien to captain. hater ft B Miller, Henderson, 8 days from Iloston,with maim to ()rowel! &Hine. . . Behr 70 T Smith, Lee,lo days from Boston, with lee to cAptenn. Behr Sarah A Hammond, Paine, 10 days from Boston, with Nadas to D Cooper. Eche - Farmer, Beauty, 2 days from Milford, Del, with bark to J H McOolley. Bohr Telegraph, •Arnitt, 1 day from Hamden, Del,. with bark to Jas Barratt & Bon. Bohr 'Btrauser .Blacknell, 8 days from Sandwich, Meet, In ballast t o espial ri Bohr) IV Lindsey, Crowell, T days from Portemouth, NH, in b4taec to c.iptain. Behr Chita Atkinson, Atklue, IS days from Milton, Del, , with wheat to J L Bewley k Co. Sabi Henry Wolfe, Atkins, S days from Milton, Del, with corn one back to .7 1.• Bewley k Co. Behr Alexander dice, Hoskins, from New Bedford. Behr barah Bright, Noble, 1110 Ruston. Behr Mary if Banks, Banks, from Boston. Echr Ii L Weston, Muhl, from Bonito. Behr John Rogers, tillott, from Boston. Behr Rebell. Corson, Corson, fro.ii Boston Behr lieverino, Corson, from Boston. Behr ocean Wave, Yeasey, from New Bedford. Behr Henry Brown. Cole, from Haversack Bohr Ann Bruner, °Mord, [rem Lynn. . Behr Glpeey, lugaile, from New York. botir Bmpire Price, from New York Bel. U U Smith. Smith, from Lynn Haven. Bohr John Compton, Sharp, from Maurice River. Behr Wan P Cox, Hauck, from Maurice nicer. . Bohr Sarah Elisabeth, Molly, from Rockport. CLEARED. Btesuuship Penneylvaula, Teal, Richmond, Thome , ' Webster, Jr. Benue Oom, Hammond, Boston, Twelle & Co. &. Barque Winona, (Jellison, Rey West, Tyler, Stone Co Echr J II Harris, French, Boston, Twelle & Co. Behr (hose Deering, Flukham, Portland, 0 A liecksher & Co Behr J W Lindsey, Crowell, Boston, Rommell, Potts A Co. Bohr L A Danenhower, Miller, Boston, L Audenried & Co. Bohr Rhoda & Iluelah„Hoffmtn, Boston, do Behr h J Mercer, &Mumma, Obarleetown, do Bohr Slier Williams, Taylor, Roxbury, do Behr 11 E Westoo, Maloy, Boettiu, N bturtevaot & CO. Bahr MR Dank's, Banks, Boston do Behr b A llamoiosid, Paine Boston, , uo Bohr Sarah Bright, Noble, Boston, Noble, Hammett Se Caldwelt Bohr John Rogers, Elliott, Boston, do Bohr Gipsey, togalle, Boston, rhoulckson & Clover. Behr Baran Elizabeth, Belly, Boston, do beim It Corsou, Corson, Easton, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Behr Ann Tither, Gifford, Lynn, do Behr Revenue, Comm, Bust..n. 'ryler, Stone & Co. Behr Ocean Wave, Pommy, Portlaud. do kehr 1.1. Brown, Cole, Haversack, 0 A Ileckiber A Co. :Bohr ii C Smith, smith, Beg Herber, L Lutheran! Bohr Borah Jaue, Edwards, Ilevorstraw, do Behr J CoLoptun, Bbsrp, Lockport, Brown & White. bor W P t.ox, Houck, Prtvidence, Blakiston & COT Behr Empire, Price, Providence, do Bahr Flyaway Davis, Provideuce, II B. Corson er.. Co. Behr hi J Carlton, :hailer. Arwport, do ' Behr Alex Blue, liseklue, Fall hirer, do Behr Ida Yucdor, Elliogsworth, Fall River, do Bohr natal Cistner, Garwood, Fait River, do Wainer II Lyavr, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. - (Correspondence of the Frees.) IiAVILE DE GRACE, J nip 20. 1858. The Wyoming left tile niorniog with B boats, laden and consigned as follows: Joe B Green ' emu to Alex Neent; 'Diabetic°, corn. c'overbeed, &c. to Hoffman Humphries & Wright, sad lumber Le Malone & Taylor; J A !topper, lumber to Norcross & &mete, and piper to A (x Cattell A. Co; fume, McCurdy & Co, and Ebner & Bon lumber to B T Jeno,i t.ol a R Era, do to D B Taylor & Col F T Fisher and nusqueheuna, coal to Delaware cup. DIETZIMEM (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ' Oars /OLAND, July 20-7 20 P The barques Obilton, for L•a;hn sud Ileac for 1.101• ton. with several sclineueri l we-t out to•dsy. Nothing going'in Wind east. Yours, 2ro, TOOB. B. 1313011.88. • ' Dry 114.tasern TO YU PR/88.] litvann.,u, Oa . , July 19. Arrived, barque Mary Norton, from New York; Dr.. Men brig Johanna from Rio de Janeiro, with 3300 tags tale; brig James Brown, from Boston. HEMOBINDA Steamship North Star, Joyee, from Usvre, via South ampton, arrived at New York yesterasy Bteamablp Ifennehve, /land, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Sveamship Africa, Shannon, cleared at New York yet. tertay for Llierponli. Steamship Star of the West, Gray, cleared at N York yesterday for Aspinv • Steamship Aais,, Lott, from N York, arrived at Liver pook4th lust. Ship Nonpsrell„Oroen, from New York, arrived at Liverpool ilth 'not Ship, Oe.ati Bello, Holleran, (or Philadelphia, sailed froth Lirorpool 2d loot, flpip Morning Light, Gillis, for Melbourne, flailed fro u Liverpool 2d lout. Ship Herald of the Morning, Lathrop, from Payton Weed, arrived at Loudon fith Met, Bhip 'Moulton, Hooey eell, from London for N York, aneboreed at Deal sth inn. al up CiacineattLe s l/oano, for London, cleared at Cal. cotta May 21 Ship Clarissa Currie, Cutting, from Boston, at Cal cutta May. 21. Ahip Olara, from Callao. wax off Quee.town 24 lost. Ship flared, Crowell, remained at Havre 7th lost ; uncertain. • Ship W Sturgis, Cook, from Cardiff for Acapulco, was passed April 24, lat 166 8, long 27 07 Bhip &vie Wing, Worth, from New York for Ban grandee*, wan spoken 7th lost, let 88, long 66 30. Ship Barreds Brothera,'Peele, for Kong Kong, sailed from Bangkok March 27. Ship Hared. Erring, Manning, cleared at Boston 19th Met. for Madras and Calcutta Ship Fanny Porayth, Thompson, for Liverpool, Railed from Bombay June 1. Ship Golden West, Cur Ten, from New York, at St Si. mono Bey, 0011, May 11 Skip Constitution, Lundt, sailed from Antwerp 3d loot, and from Fluseing 4th, for New York •Shlps AitUaion, Grant, Jabealinow, Snow, and Un devoted, Preemie, all for Oilentta, suited from Liver pool 3d Wt. Ship Resolute, Prince, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 4t6 inst.'. Ship Tr(mountain, Lindley, from Liverpool, at Bom bay fday 24 ' Ship Hiylog Bond, Baxter, for London, nailed from Bombay June U. Barque J W Blodgett, Simpson, for Phfladelphis,went to sea from Wilmington, NO, 10th inst. Barque Ilppo Sohute, for Philadelphia, sailed froth Amsterdam 2d lost. Barque Barth, Goffman, forYtnladelphia, nailed from Genoa 23d nit Barque B H Fanning. Nioltereon, cleared at Portland 11th inst. for Port Medway; Ng, to load for Barbadoes. Barque Add Elleabegi, Norgrave, hence at Barbadoes 21 , 11 tat - • Barque Win A Banks, Bartlett, 'timed at N Orleans 18th tuts Nr Malaga, Tlll Vigo, with 83,000 ataves. Wire Mary Broughton, Bates, for riurlnam, cleared at Boston lOtti inst. Brig 0 B Allen, Wass, cleared at New York yeator• day fur Philadelphia. -. Brig T W Rowland, Rowland, hence for Rey West, which put into liampton Roads, ailed again 17th Snot. Tern W B Scranton, Cathcart, hence at New Orleans 13th inst. Behr Isaias Rich, Bmlth, for Philadelphia, cleared at Pco ssnitnith 17th inst. - Bahr Richard Vent, Prink . , before reported as being H In collision was at.lfobuts' hole lath Mat Rehr B a 'Leverivg, Ooreou, for Philadelphia, whlch had been ashore at Relit Obop, was got otr 17th lost, and wan at Mimes' 1191 e 19th. Pchrs Rebecca, :liver, and dna Parker, Wells, called from Plymouth (Maas, ti:h Mat for Phil.delphm tab r David Faust, iiimilander, hence, arrived at Wil mlugton, NO, 17th inst. Bohr Jot:l4l4'u May, Cobb, for Philadelphia, wont to aca from Wilmington, NO, 16th lest. Schen J W troolston, Duffle', and lien Washlugton, OaniP, h-acs, arrived at Richmond 19th lost. Behr Z L R Wales. Williams, cleared at Bavannah 16th Mat. for Philadelphia. Bohr 19 Kaimban, Edwards, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 19th Met. &bra Jadathaii 'Cone, HehafteV, and Almon Bacon. W IJtame. beace, arrived at Hartford 18th In 4 Livingston, _George COLMIIy, Ranson, and Ann pickroli, Livingston, hence at Alexandria iUth inst. flehre Cornelia, 001, And A E Seim, Ireland, hence IA Norfolk 17th inst. Schr A Henderson, Henderson, oloared nt Doltimore 10th 104 for Home Ayres Sob: , Blaulso, Thaotor, bone., arrived at Bootla 19th loot. Schr Satoh, Denson. sailed from New Bedford 13th 'biller New York and Philadelphia Rchrit Greelat, Matthews, and Jacob d William, Mat thewa he •oe at Newboryport Pith last "Schte Data 8 Mershon, Allen, hiontsven, Falkentnarg, and L P rharo orantuerr, hence arrived at Salem 17th Suet ' Sabra IS 9 Janes, Godfrey; Chris Loeser, Snow; John Allenfliabcook; Burrows 0. Clerk; Dorcas Ireland, Biker; Gazelle, Somers; Hannah Willetta, Cranruer, and Oh trlos A Ileeksher, Stubbs for Philadelphia, sallvd f,tenh Silent lath inst - geliir'Vetekefi Slade, Berry, bleared at Pall Ricer 17th Inst. car Kola teltal ' fiche N B T Thompeon, - Darnes, sailed from Providence 18th Mist: for Philadelphia, Steamer' W "Chapin; Kellogg, hence, arrived at ilartford , Bthittit: Rtiiam-ra Planet.7,opor, and Tatony, Wilson, hence 66 New Y6rkiyerierd4 7 , - , BIII3OYLLANY, Thi ebfp It I 011ehrift of Thomaston. took fire in ilk pert of; °arra on .7ilenfley, July 6 at 10 P M, and notwithstanding MOM ntetitlullS rife to were made •by the whole IL,r the aultorthes of the port and others, the tire wee rigeng Hero Ay on the 7th All hone. of swing her are . despetred- or. She VISA lying to her broadside sonttlad . The capse of .the disaet ris un known. Ths felleadnulepther.ritaalmier of ea-go Ott 00.4W116.4.141111 took esa dales c0..t.0n, at hting to. biKiVi it '4.'00 -At Table Bay, 0 G H, May 11—Am barque Arobla, Rol lie, which went aabore on the Mb, is a total wreck. tithe was from Zanzibar for • ho U States. July 18, lat 33 01, long 7610, abip Troy, from Now Oiloano for Barre June 30, lot 4126, loop 49 50, ablp lion not, Lori n , 29 days out from Non Orleans for Orouatedt. DOMESTIC PORTS - • •• NEW TORK. July 2).—Arrived, ato tmohips Florida, Crowell, Savannah; Montgomery, Crocker, do; ships Mercury, French. 11 tyre; Armorial r f Roth. (Elmore, Havahn,• Mfg Abby Thanter. Larrabre, Pones, P ft: Behr R H Huntley, Hatomond. Baltimore Cleared, ships Hodymion, 'Hallett Liverpool; Har vest, Loring. Antwerp; Calliope, Goodwin, Pt Stephens; barqnes Terra Nova (Norw), Ohio, !MIKA= Cuba, Be. ring, Frat.hfort; brigs Wertouth I),vr. Cadiz; Storm King, Perry, Gib-altar; A Daub tr, Buck, Gatveaton; Cuba, Wallace, Willbridge; cobra Maryland, Cathcart, Baltimore; Rover (Br) Johnson, Nassau, N P. PORTLAND, July 17-4 r, brige Eudorus, Adams, Alattnhas; Harriet U McGavory t Cochrane, Cardenas. Cid. beg May Queen, Morton. Havana Towed to a ta, barque Chevalier, (from Matanzas) for Falmouth. kl . . 18th—Ar. barque add Follow Elliot. flavour, brigs Tangier, Pendleton, Itlatedirts; 1' II Rielitterne,liteele, Cardenas FORRION PORTS At Rangoon April 30, ships Bp nt of the Times, Klein, for the Hilted Kingdom. ldg; Comarrattne. Paxton, for Chins., o; Judge Shan. Par) ter, for the 13 , raiis nr China. do: Huntress. Caldwell, for the United King dom, do; Plaalus. Beam, for Straits of labium; barque Palmetto, Kinney, nue At Akyab May 0, shins Flisabeth, Poole. from Mel bon nn, ar May 11 Golden Ent, ihmarn" one; Marina, Robirson, do; PiNban Paine, fur England; barque Lucy A Nickels. s lekels. At Havre Ith Mat, ships Alfred 4torer, Brown. for N York July 10; Currituck, Knowles, do; Hemisphere, Taylor do July 20; J 11 Ryerson, Furber, do 10th; Othello, Greenough, do 110th; Nuremberg, Schneider, for New Orleans July 6; Mu!bongo, Wither, do July 80; Heidelberg, for do July 28; Pelvis. for do Sid Jul 0. klinussuta. Desbon, for do July 30; 11 L Gilehrist, flew a aaburned;" Zurich. Jay, for New York, noel Ann Waehburn, Merryman, for Boston. do; Johanniaberg, SOlphen, for N Orleans, do; ROBCIU., Cook, non. (Per North Star ] Liverpool—Ar 6th host lielantazeo, Taylor, Charles. ton; T'elicau Mate, Moore, end Achilles, Nordenht la, New Orleans; al.yllower, Hoyt,. Apalachicola; Elias Greenman, New York ; Mont Blanc, Oxnard, and Arno, Deering, New Orleans; Obis , lain Chien° ; 31, Antarctic. Stouffer, New York; 0 B Lamar..lPadloy. New Orleane•, Robert Kelly, Barstow, do; 4th, Irian Wright. Mersleall. Now York; Switzerland, Dearborn, do; Saratoga, Track, New Orleans Cld 31, 61.tropolle. Fan•ter. and Wintlemeyer, Smith, Ne•e. Orleans; if Norria Rollenehee. Now York. 51,1 3d, Elyfrentr, Tlinnehnnt, New York; Underwriter, Itoborta, Rod Australis. Nnberts:Now York. P. om the London Shipping (layette. July 6th. Old from Glasgow Mb Chaco, hull, Beaten. Arr at Gravesend oth, Champlain, Wyman, Trinidad. Old 6th, Mulane, Potter Beaton. Arr at Trieste 28th ult, Potter, Howes, Santiago, Cub.. , Ar at Oronstealt 28th, Ant Union, Olin. Mottle ; Gatti nesse°, Niebola New Orleans, Josiah Quiucey, Sprague: do Star of Hops, Norfolk and Cadia Balled from Hamburg, 31. Howard, Brunb, New York Newport—Sailed fm Ath Moro Castle, Reed, New York tilewcaAtle—,6th, entered outward, Pilot P'sh, Hoyt, IP,ston. • • . London—Ynt inward 6th, Herald of Morning, Lath rop. Paytos. M•quleo. Old bib, Ileddro Brown, Neport, Cape do Verde and New York. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO ONE o'ol.ool' TUN MOUNINO. GYRARD sol3BR—Chestnut street, below Ninth ,Mrs J 0 Baugher,Baltimore James II Murray & wile, J L ktiveh. Chicago Pittsburgh W W Peek. Chicago A P Walcott, Salem, Maas G A II ardorf, N Y SEW Fleet. N Y Mrs L S Neale, Va.__ Mira M A Fleet, N Y Thee EIMI4IOII & lady, N Y Thee K Carson, Ala W P Freeman & la, St Louis Wm 9 Brounley, Petera ft Jaek&on, N Y ' burg Va J A Peale & lady MIMI N 8 Phelps, 11,,,,,th a W V Henderson. Mine J L Lum it lady, Mice Miss I. Irwin. Miss 0 8 Mansfield, Millvllle, F w Shaffer. Texts' Mass ts 8 Moorhead, Pottsville 0 Wake, Wabash, Ind DD T Cowen Ohio Chas Dalge. Ohio ' John Reed, Jr, Mobile Ali Dodge. D 0 Ohne Dodge. D 0 J J Dittmar, Ile:1 1 n, Pa E Higgins & Jr, Baltimore Wm R Will, N Y HIM Bell, Hudson. N Y II L Marken, Hudson, N Y II R Conchal'. Phil* Wm Leconey, N Y J 13 McLin. Cincinnati, 0 Ber II 0 MoDanisis, Waah'n 0 li Ffaig & la ' Lit B P Gordon, Balt J °Coale &11 Bolt Geo Daily & la. Balt 711,4 E Bally &da Balt W 0 West, Belt ti Werginnn, ',outwit., Hy Mrs McClure, Pittsburgh Mes McClure. Pittsburgh R McDowell, Balt Oscar Cole & in N Y Mina Cole, NY A Msyn ird, Boston Bylveetrr Dreary. VA JR Parsons. Mice J D Yates, Charleston, 8 0 3li King & la, Chicago J El Datum' & la, sandy Pa .1 II Witherow. Middl'n,Pa 0 W Thema,. h Is. Ilsatinge .1 0 Jeffries & Is. N Y G Shannoh, Norristown, Pa Chan Todd, St Louis W E Button, N Y 0 Faulkner. Beaton J Gillet, N Y A Blanchard J-, Albany 0 0 G. dfrey,Minsouri John A Oakley. 'N Y A A Turner, Boston I Smith. Providerce, It I O A Stagrave, Providence, It Young. Natchez It I II March, Jersey City Illligger, Washington J Bowl. Meinnhis, Tenn 'V II Locos, Nashville, Tenn." II million, N Y D W K.einhano, N 3 Ore 0 8 Arnold & son, W 1 Davie & la, klemphia, Savannah, Ga Teun Miss L T West, Vicksburg W A Thomas, Richmond, Mum Vs, B B Hughes, Richmond, Vet A3IIIIIIOAN HOUPD—Chestnut 'dreg. above Ylftb. IV II Flitcraft, Boston Thos Davin. N N J Rhemer. Del Then N Y F J Jehunon, N Y C J Pennon. Balt W L Happy, Pa .1 Burge, N Y II CLevanway,Stroudnburg F A Curtin. Del J B Everhart. Pa J L Ringley. N Y A L Sealmry, Norfolk, VA 8 Shout. Jerney City 0 O Itichardnon, Rich- W U Richardson, Rich mond, Vs mond Va .7 II AleCawley, Chambers- '2 B tlinvelind ok la, New burg ark. N J P Berm, Oinclunatt H 0 Bprnauce, Smyrna, Del MICRO/TANTA , ROTEL—Pour% street, below Mob. U 8 Brehm, Uslifax .7 1101111er, 'Washing on, li Rear, Minersyille Tessa echwarls. Baltimore P E Shattuck, Phils. J C McLacatiati, Prinklin Bliss WI halts. Allentown co, Pa D Bair & la, Lancaster B Eshleman & la, Lancaster O W Bollman, Pittsburgh J J Donnell. Mahn gh Wm Kennedy, Pitts' nigh J M Kennedy, Pittsburgh P White & In, Virginia Wet Woodbridge, Ohio Mks J R Wilson, tidy). P McDaniel, Clinton. lowa pensburg. Pa DFJ W Crawford, M,ffiinton , W 11 Sprinkle, Ohio Pa J. , a Patterson, Allegheny Mine Mary Watering, AUG- Cite gheny City KIM Kate Watering, Allis. Mrs Peters, Ohio &tiny City 31S1 ne. Philadelphia lion Jon K Riley, Woods- II Lewis. Oin, 0 t N J ILL Field N Y II Ripple. Jersey Fliore,Pa Peter Muliine., JereAy Theft Droderick,Jeetwille, W D Moore. ClosiLlold, Ps Pe UNION HOTAL—Arob Street. below Fourth. Fredk noutman, - Raeton. Pa M M Schwarts, Tamaqua, H Dick,y & dau, MassiL. Pa 100, 0 Mrs Allen & din , Massil- W 1111 & Is, blesellion lon, 0 Geo Ildiman, Cleveland, 0 Sarni Baylor, Pastan. I'a Jo. H Boyer, Larnbertmillo, Beni Hayward. Potteville DI J IP 8 Haus , on, Pa F Hanstan, Pa Joe 0 White. N Y n Ilsy Crawford, Ohio .1 It Doer. Sharon, 0 H F dansbPn, Treading L A Brickley, Heaton, Pa J L Day, Baston. Pa Thee B Wilson, Allentown, Theo F Wolle, Greensboro, Pa N 0 A Burgert. Navarra, 0 C A Hoppstol, Pittabg, Pa Wm 11 Davis, Lane. Pa N P Wown,Doylestown,Pa J Grass, liarnseg, Pa H Philips, Schuylkill co J B Muryhy, New Castle, Pa lad NATIONAL llOTlSTr—liaoe arrest. above Third. W K Fisher, Wllkesbarre W Relfsnyder, Pottsville Mrs Oliver, Pbonlxville Mrs Nice, Phunixvillo T P Simpson Mauch Chunk A C Wedvkind, Lebanon (I R Bardwoll, Columbia Mee B ogers, Pa Mr Rogers, Pa John It billing, Pa Capt liinekley, N Y T Andrews, F.eeseville, NY Jae W Reinsmitb, Reese- Joe Horner, Bath, Pa ville, N Y W Vont°, Pottsville kl Boyd, Jeynesvllle Thos Forster, L.druton J M Daugherty, Lebanon C Woldy, Myerstown, Pa F Welsh and Judy, Pitts- Alias Walsh. Pittston. Pa ton. Ps. Master Walsh, Pittston, l'a BLACK DEAR INN—Pitch and Merchant streets Jae Chadwick. Cheater, Pa John Munro, Berta co, Pa La NM Adams. Lana co, Pa Wm Thompson, Del co, Pa EU Uomogs & la, Dalt J II Mollerup N Y L Brixton. N Y Bliss Amanda Alexander, G Kauffman, York Pa Md S A Wll,4ket, Phrenlxville, John Yandersllce,Phornix- Pa ' 4 Tine, Yet BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, O. CallowblL ,Tobn Harbeter, Beading Joha Butler, Bonita no, Pa Jae Bessie, Manton, Pa Chas W Beanland. Hy IT Blunter. Bandy Bun Miss &Infer, Bandy Bun John Abul, liaeton, Pa Jaceb Houser, Nerthamp. Jos Baumgardner, Eagle. ton eo, Pa villa Pa Moses Robing, Tomesville, D 8 Wilcox, Fremont, Pa Ohio Wm B Traubman, Fremont, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—third. above Gallowhill. Jesse Bchlottery, Perkooman John 0 Guyer, Mt Airy Nathan Dilutes. District W Al Buckman, Jerikeut'n NII Eltingeri Kline. , ilia Reub Y.rger, Green Lane W Thompson, Zicnville Garner Bo ide, Pa fleecy Walters. Pa John K Grim, Pa 0 Werner. Maiden Greek J W Bouncing, Ilyberry Mre Bounting, Byberry B J Ruppert, Reading Meld Weller, Bistriet. MADISON HOME. Beamed street, above Market John Butcher, New York 14 Neon & lady N Y W B Bounds, Bellhnere H L Comstock, Baltimore J lI Prettyman, Angola, Del J Sullivan, Bristol, Pa If Uatnh, N Y W Carpenter, Albany. N Y J Flournoy, Carlisle, Pa H Copeland, Carlisle, Pa EARLEY BILEAP HOTEL—Beoond street, below Viae B A kl.sick, Great Bond Pa A 0 Barber, Lambertville, W Wetherur, Lambertville, N J N J P 0 Hoff Lambertville, N Geo Watson, Montgomery W M Plokon Stwkport,Pa co, Pa John Bette, Barka co, Pa John P Jamison & lady, David Janet, lloreham,Pa Backe co, Pa Thom Crooke, New hope John 0 Parry, New Rope W M Kirk, titmice on. Pa T Pkkering, Backe CO, Pa W Bette, Bock+ co, Pa A Danahon, Books co, Pa C Stapler & two ladies, Mrs Blekeit & eon, Bucks Ducks co, Pa . . co, Pa Vim Carr, Doylentovro, Pa T Ent, Larnbertille, N J John limy, N Y Joe Owe, Enchn co, Po Special Ditoticee A Certain Cure for Baldness find o Promotion OF THE GROWTH AND BEAUTY OF THE HAIR. IULES HAUL'S EAU ATIINNIENNE or, Hair Ite:torer, the greatest chemical wonder of the ego. to not a too, but changes gray hair and whiskers to their original life color. Bold by all Druggist.i. and at the laboratory of .1111.1:9 HAILER k CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street. Iy2l44tkor It Conmemption.—lllow sonny diseases of de bility, Incurable by ordinary medicines, aro chimed by physicians, as well ce the public, under the convenient term Consumption All of them agree in ono thing, their fatal tendency; and moat of thorn, to their pri mary and oven secondary stages, may ho arrested by purifying the springs of life through the renovating agency of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. Sold by F. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut, and PIASSARD & CO., Twelfth and Chestnut. Jyl9.dOt wit Bowers enfant Cordial... This invaluable Cordial ie prepared from a variety of the moot choice and efficient aromatics known in i sedicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminath a extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful influences speedy cure le greeted in all oases or Ohedic, windy pains and quinine. Relieves and mitigates much of dbildren'a suffering daring denti. tion or teething, and by Re soothing properties tram oalliees pains of the bowels, looeeness, vomiting, An. The Infant Corals! hoe become a standard remedy, and hoe been need in thousands of cases with the most abundant semen. No family elionld be without it. Prepared only by Now A, Bowan ' At Ids Drug and Ohemloall3tore, N.R. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addreeeed, And for sale by Druggista generally. , au 14-ly • rim wErmEstay. Jot, 111 I$5R. Seamen , * Saving Frind—Offleo '203 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all Magma of the community, and allows Interest at the rato of five per cent per annum. . . Office open (laxly, from 9 until & o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morrie Grover & Bailers INILSURATED FAISILY SEWING MACHINES, 730 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the best in use for family sewing, making anew, strong, and °testi° stitch, which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be out. Circulars sent on application by letter. ap9.y Jackson, 4011 PAINVIR, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, BIM Lading, 1.1111 flew% Olr. enlace, Cards. sod all other kinds of Job Printing, at ,close to snit the tiros, 0e1T47 Singer's Sewing i•lachinrs.—Alter a fair trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given In favorer Sioger'e. This Is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every hind of sewing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE In. beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. Si. SINGER A CO., jol-Sm Mee, No. 602 OUESTN UT Street. Saving Pmad.—Five Per Vent. Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRIJBT COMPANY, WALNUT street, B. W. corner of TIURD, Philadelphia. Money received in any cam, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money Is received and payments made daily, without notice. The Investments are made in Real Rotate, Mortgages, (Iround Rents, and such first-clam scour!. ties se th charter requires. Ofiloe hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, ad oc Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. foil In Trenton, on the 19th loot , by the Rev. Dr. Bell, .1 U DAGO,!, J r., of t' In caty, to Mom JOLI a F. 51 nA• DENBALL 01 the former piece. July 4, by Rev. F. L Kregel, Mr. HENRY PAR. KER to Mice LOUISA DUNCAN, both of Phllad tt phis. July 17, by Rev. F. L. Itregel DAVID W. GAUL, of Dalaware county, to Miss A.AN' JANE lIEMPHILL. of this city. Ou the 7Ath October, 1957, by Rev Wesley Kenney, RIULIARD BROWN to ELLEN HARVEY, all of th a city. at On the 16th lest., by the Rev. David Magill of the Union t terlan Church. Philadelphia, 110011 POLAND to bliss SILMN KERB, both of thi' July the 4th, by the R.T. W. Cathcart Mr WM RICIIARDS to 51faa MARY L. ARM aTRONG, both of July the 17th, by the Rev W. Cathcart, Mr. JALOR nustetlttliyB to Iliac BABINA BENDER, both of Fhtlatlelyhla. ' * On the 16th inst., Mine SARAH BARR, daughter of the late Paul DA rr, of New Castle ' Del The relative awl frieLds the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Mrs Busun Burr, Leon street above Tenth, below the Railroad, on this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 doh ck, without further notice. To p.oceed to o.l.thelrat Come. tory. . . t./u the lilth hist „Alm ZLIZAIIIaII Mini, In the 29th year of her ago I he rmative,, KIM friends of the family are respectful ly 'write to attend the inuersi. from the rebldeuce of Ler a n-le•law, Edward Parker, Levertug- atreet, islauayuak, this (Wednesday) afternoon—meet at the hon.° et 3 o'clock. Oe the /sth loot., MARY. dcughter of DAN/RI, and DIARY IihrINC.Y, In the /9'h year of her age The relettves and frrendo of the fondly are reaped. fullyinsited•to attend the fount al, front the residence of her parent", Burlington ctrect, filoucerter, N. J. on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to center Centetery. dt On the 79th met , ALBERT WALLA-OE, son of LEW. in and EMMA J ANY. FitttliST, aged two yuare and els anontna Tho relatlyos and friends of the family are ?essent ially invited to Attend the funeral, from the residence of JII.p aunts, Second street above Bach, Camden, N. J., on this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * On tho 19. h lust , alto: a lung and severe winch the bore with Christian furtandd, oAltiThlNe. CONRAD, wife of John Ceurad. tier triend, and those of the family are respectfully iniitel to attend the !liberal, from her late residence, corner of resteeuth and Milne streets, on th a ( Vied. ueeday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. • * Ou the 111th med.:tut, %YILLIA)I 11. BAKER, in the filet year of his age .lie relatives std friends, and Humane Lodge, No 14. A. 0. of G- F , and the Order in scuorai, aloe the Northern Liberty Male and Female Beneficial &duty are respectfully invited to fateful the funeral, from km late liffealenco, No 639 Wasaingtou AVOLUO. bekw Green a-rect, ou thin (Weduetel.y) aft-no on, at 2 o'clock. without further notice To proeyett to Odd Fellows' Cemetery On the 19th met., MARY REILLY, wife of'dl.3. SLATER, a native or KeLe, tkutry 11e4th, aged tEI 'mats. The relatives and Mende of the family are respect fully thytted to attend the funeral from the reactance of her 111141.111, 12'2 i..b.vp.i/ at'' et. above VWC,II,II, on this Oh efnetday) aftwomm, at 1 o'clock. witlatut (Luther not ce. on proceed to Cathettril Ceme tery. On the 79th inst , Mr. JOHN BUMMERS, in the klith yea • of h:e age The relatives end friends, and Marlon 11010 CO., are ropp ctfully invited to attend the Wound, limn the of hie ether, Mr Win. Summers, Nu. Bn tl litigr-11etreet ;Mule Math street. ou Thursday al teinoim, at 4 o'clock. Wlttrunitarlhut iluticet yr Ou tt u morning of too 19th iu •taut, alter a linger ing alums, which site bore with ex,iinkry patience anti tihriitatin fortitude, hal:llE6 LAtilint The relatives and ftluude of the otudiy are respect fully turned to attin.Al the osertm, i/Otil the resoleute 01 hat bro'ber. No. MO Pion street, on bore h 0 morutug, 2:.d, at 10 o'clock, althuut further Lattice latenoeut at the Odd eellowe' Comet , ry. • on the 115th lustaht, JAldr,d BARIUNO TUN, n*n of Robe, L and ltl sabeth llorrtuftrun, agtd 24 ypara cud 2 mouths, Tnn Matisse' and rriendc or the family Are respect. fatty invited to attend the Illuen6l, from the re.idence I his parents, ho 1 linchnnanie i'lace. Weed, rano* douth, abort) .lecond ( Wednesday) attar count at 1 o'clock, without turther notice. lo pro. ed. to Vathedral Coundeiy. Oa the 18th lostaut, tie t'llAßlNlli DEECI.E, in the 65th ear ut her age. llsr rolat cos cud friends aro resp=e:tfully InviVd to alltend thu funeral . , trout the rsnidence of to, a nephew, John Bea, lb Chiirry st:'oet, above Qdtieu, 18th ward, tate Hoobingtou, ou th,s (Weduesda)) tifternoon, at a o'clock, uithout further notice Office Philadelphia and Trenton Rail- ROAD COMPANY, EIIILALMI.PIII4, July 10th, Th• Directors have thin day declured x semi... Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CEAT. from the ',elite of the Company for the last six mouths, parable to the litockholaure, or their legal repreheutativei, cm and after the 216 t lust., at the Office of the Company. jy2o-6t J . pfORRELL, ilecretary. .-igaa Return to the Hall —The Business MEN'S MON PRAYED 6111 KT LNG, held for sows time punt In Denim etroot Church, wan remained again to J ANNE'S HALL, en 610NDAY, the 6th Suet,, t. 3 ee,tlnue there for several needs, through the Mud noes of Dr Jager. Me aunonueemeet need but to be made to seCrire es large an ottendauee cc ever, wbero so many ileaaant hears have been spent. The halo hone of the coolest places In the city, so none need be afraid of the heat. Como, all who eau, and ernd au hour In prayer and praise, daily, (row 32 to 1 o'clock 3711.131* Nesse,. —Wm,t Philndelphta Passenger RAILWAY COMP NY, July IG, 1868. The eats of this Company non run every fltre min. Mos from TIMED and MARK ET Streets to their Depot, on LOGAN and RAVERYORD Streettl. jy.lll-1m W. S. MANN, Superintendent. Office of the IlnWard File and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, July 13.1858. At a meeting of the Board of blrector(l, hold this (lay, JOU:. H. was elected President of the Company, in place of 0 F.. Spangler, Bag resigned. jy/Zi.(6t CHAS. A. DIN, Socrehiry. LU.Notice,—Green and Coat is-Street VW- I.ADELPIIIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—The Stockholders Innis Company are notified that a Meeting of tlie Stockholders will be held nu THURSDAY MORNING, July 22.1, ut 10 o'clock, at the Conuninsloners' Hull, North THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of hold.ng, au Election for Pro. sident cud Twelve Direction of said Company, to nerve till the second Monday in January, A. D. 100.0. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. rd and close at 2 o'clock P M. Ity order of the Commissioners. 7yB-2w WILLIAM READ, Secretary. P:Office of the Frankford and Southwark PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAM COMPANY, Corner or IIIEAMA,NTuIVN EU 4D end CHAIIIAM Street. PHIL tIMI.PKIA, July let, 1859. Thu Board of Director', have declared a Dividend of NIVE PER CENT. on thu Capital Stock of the Com pany. payable to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives after the lath instant, at this Office. Thu Transfer Books of thu Company will be closed front nod after this day until the 15th h a lt. Stockholder', are requested to leave their Certifluatee at this Wilco to ho exchanged for others with the new title of thu Company. jy2-fintel6t E. HART, Treasurer. SUWE MANUFACTIMEHS ANT) 1 BINDING MEN.—Wo ate now prepared to fill all orders Tor LASTS for the Fail Trade We knee In creased oar (twill lies in the Manufacturing Department, and ofth a larger working stock or 000 d on hurl than ally other manufacturer in thin city or New York, we can 'tallish Dry Wood, and at the lowest Philadelphia or Eastorn prices. J. DOW ARD & Plilladolphla. JOIIN bIcrRPFIY, late of Ferry street, New 1 ork. nt 112 liltk:Alt Street. jr2l-‘vra, Unton Bank.— dit a aiertlog, of r=Boarti of Oonorliznioncrs of the tinfoil Dank the ivellig preamble and reitoluthnt were adopted. Whereas, The Codunisti,nern of the UlllOll Bank, by very general request of tiro Stockholders, resolved not to enforce the payment of the necund instalment on the aulczeription to the Capital Stuck of said Bank luring the financial mills of lest yhar, arid ea, in the judgment al the lloniteitAionere, the proper time for the organization of said Bank has now been reached. therefore Resolved, That the second instalment of Twenty Dollars per shore no the subscription to the Capital Stock of alibi Bank shall be paid ut the 011ie" 01 the Bank, Smiths est corner of Til lUD un.l ARCH Streets. Philadelphia, to the first at d fillet:nth day; of September ne‘t, and between the hoots of 10 and 1 o'clock dolly. Stockholders wl4hlng to pay prior to the above drat, can du nu n 4 heretutur • JOHN M. POMEROY, 9 , crelary. July 19, 1859. jv2l•untt.ls T IIE ATLANTIO moNrithy FOR AUGUST, NOW READY, And for Belo by all Periodicul Deakin. The Atlantic sloutbly la now acknowledged to stand an the leading representativeot American letters The publishers will spun no pains to maintain He well earned repute lon. Yrl e per annum ; 25 cento a number. PHILLIPS, EASIrSON & COMPANY, Jy2l.2t rubl slums, lloatort. IIOUSE OF I•EFUGE BRUSH MANU FAC I OKY.—The subscriber would retspectf.lly call the attention of the trade to his extenatru stock of Bruehea, manufactured by him at the House of Refuge, and for , ale at price. da)II1A competition. A large stock of Blacksanithe' Bellows on heed; HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, ,13 , 21.-tf 52 North THIRD Street, below Arch. TRENTON FALLS, ONEIDA COUNTY, YORK.—The Rotel at the ',novo celobrated place of t oeort ie open for the Season, cud eau be reached in a few hence trout Now York, at a aruull expenne, as a Railroad from Utica take, vialtort there ulthlu au hour. M. MOORE, jy2l-12tddtw6t2tw* Proprietor. BAyUn.—Fixa ikuncheons limy Rum, II very superior artiSre,lll Store and for Silo by A. MERINO, 140 3.40 Eolith FRONT Street alarnaaes ED cattle tictail Ifirn teloobe.. 1200 SKIRTSATE AND GREAT CORSE E. TS, FROM TIIE L SAL Benutifully En.broidered Corsets, 52.50, worth 03 75 First quality Plain Freud, do. 125 ~ 2.25 Moran's Elegant French Skit ts, 250 ‘' 3.0 U Do. do. I. hildrou'a do. 1.12 " 1,50 Also, till. Sept., I. White Zephyritl4c , Colors 20c., per ounce. Fringes, Ball Tr'nnlnga. Cotton Trimmings—cheap J. G. Ikt AXIVEI,I, & EON, Now TI ionnintt Store And Factory, S. E. corner Eta YE .Tll. and GliEcTNl.ll`, jy2l witnUt H OODED CLOAKS, FOR 'PRE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indispenaablu for a Country Ramble, or on route to the tinting..., at 1:: 50,13 50.11 50, and SO. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. FRENCH AND ENG LISIL LACE. BLACK SILK. SILK, IND LICE. CRAPE MAR fr:TZ CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREOE CIRCULARS. AT ONE4I/7.1. FORMLO POlOOO, TO OLOOH Ti!!' dZAOON, AP TUC PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 7013 CH Er , N xtreet jyl7 J. W. PROCTOR & 00 TA1511;;11 WEAR. Tory light-bodied Black French Doeskins. ••" Habit Cloths. Drop d'e , e , s, Summer Cloths, Cashmeretts. Pongesn. Cluublet, Moltlrs, and LOOM, All the lightent and coulent lauds of OenUomenN &aunt. Goode. MAR BLESS BROTHERS, Jyl7-if . CHESTNUT sad EIGHTH. titATTIING GOODS. CA Fiala nod fancy-colured Ratlines. plidd Flatmel. Worsted eatables, Lin.eys, Bahoorals. And an asaortment of plain and rune, Bathing Goods of ovary description. PIARPLESS BROTHERS, jyrf-if ultl33r:o3r and 1.1611111. SUMMER STOOK CI,OSING k•- -3 J. LEVY & CO. have reduced the price of t II their Summer Stock. They are uow selling many articles less than the cobt of inanufanture. itl7-St HOTS' WE AR.-SUMMER STUCK CLO IL. BING OUT OtlEetv! Stained Linen D' dis 10 cents. Striped Coatings, 10 cents. 1 1 ' bib, Union Canvas, 10 cants. WM. a large sleek of other desirable goods. CURB' EN STODBART .b BROTHER, 450, 452, and 154 North SECOND Street, if/5 above Willow 14NIGURED SWISS MULLS, of desirable styles. OURWEN STODDAR.T & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND W.(4. JYIS „,„„. INDIA TWILLS, 12, cents, donirdble for Skirts and chltdren'o a ear. CUItWEN STURDART & 450, 452, and 454 North SEn — m , s•.ro.t , 3y16 QIIEETIN'a AND SHIRTING ItriToLINS, of all widths, of the most approved bra f's, at the lowed niarket in ice. OUR WEN STOWDAILT & 430, 452, and 451 North SEAT t"'" ..17 15 b„......„.17111C, ripABLE LINENS AND Snow-drop Union Diaper, 20 cents, together with a large stock of superior Inaba, which we are Bell ing cheap. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, .13 15 nhm o Willow. GG9 - lA.NTILLY AND BLACK LACE Mantillas. Shawls, awl Points, CU ItlY • STODD tilT & UT:OTHER, 450, 3e2, and 45.1 North SECOND Street, 1y1,5 above Willow. WOl4 K D TRIMMINGS, F LOUN • • GING, and BANDS, at reduced prices, from auction. OURWEN STODDAHT h BROTHER, 450, 152, and 451 North SECO D btre et, J 915 above Willow I~ARSEILLES, fur Basques, Bosoms, and INA Collrara. .CURWEN STODDAII T & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454Iierth SECOND Street, 4Y15 "LUPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLACK BAREGE. for Shawls, Wilma, &c., wholesale and retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett cash. CHARLES ADAMS. ,iyl4 Malin] and Altoll &reels. rIItAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Dusters to snatch. Bilk Duster., and Mantillas. French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Blimp Dusters. Shawl Damps, black and white. Thin Black Goods, reduced WHIT}: (IOODS. Cambric, Jacouet, and Mull, .1.2 g cts. up. Figured SlViag, plain Swiss, and Victoria. From auction, che ap lots plaid toubrie. EMBROIDERIES. Just opened from auction, severe) lots Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Seta, neat Collura, and fancy Linen Col. lira nt about lIALY PRICY. Mohair Mllte.—POVeriti good awl cheap lota. LINEN GOolld. Fronting and Shirting Litiene, by the piece or yard BOYS" WEAK. Soereuckore, May Listens, Linen Coatinge, Pantaloon Stuffs, fcc. Also, liAbt Unt4siirwres. MAIISEILLEd VI:STINGS COUPES Lk CONARD, S. IL comer NiNTII and MAILIiET r HE CIIE A P EMBROIDERED -I- CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being sold by 111VitN LEY a 01118114 • N. H. cor. EIGHTH nod SPRING , GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendous sacrifice ler CIASI=I, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style eirwe have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now rolling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles. you may never have such [mother oppOrtunity of buying a tIANUSOMS SHAWL SO CfISAI! Also, Plain Crape Si:Luis. from $1 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains In Lace, Silk, Muir Antique Man tillas, Sec. Travelling Dross Materials In great variety. Thin Summer-Dress fload4. ' Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, kc., he MAO cILKo, FANIUY SILKS, &o. • Our name Ic justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materlahl for Alen and MO , Wear, Linen thesis, of our own Importation Bummer Gauze and other Flannels, &0.,e. Mitte, Veils, Embroideries, Mastery, Gloves, lk ke., at THOItNL6Y k OLIISM'S L.ONE•PRICE CAUL STORE," N. B. Dor. Baum a dritlNO °ARDEN BDeets. jel9-If RICIIARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIA.PICUS, &o CONSUMERS of ItIOIIARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are steeled with the full name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, See guarantee of the 1101131thleed and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepared season otter season, and sealed with the name, of ILIOLIARIMON, by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus initiated alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not reality abandon a badinage so profitable, while pur thaws can be imposes on with Goode of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. IL LOCKE, my2B.Bm Agents, 88 clilllloll Street, New Yolk. A OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMEBTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 416 N. BEOOND litreet, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Large Story White Building TERMS—ONE PRIOR FOR GASH. 11:r Prices marked in plain figurea on each article ap29,3m N 0 T I E .—NOR TH E S4 44M9P.ENNSYLV ANIA RAIL. 110 %ll diIAN(7 . II OF HOURS. On and after 31011 D kY, July 26th. 1858, tho Trains on Ma Road wilt lea,e Front and Willow streetn daily (Sondn)llexcepte4,) ttt folloa a : For Bethlehem, Eaton, A e., ut ..... ......6.10 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown and 31nuch Chunk, at ...2 30 P. M. For Doylestown at 8 30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For Fort Warhengton, at... 0 30 A. 31. and 6 30 P. 3t. TRAINS FOR PIJII.ADELPII lA. Leave Bethlehem, s at ' 000 A. M. and 530 P. M. Leave Doylestown, nt 5 00 A. St. and 4 00 P. AI. Leave Fart Washington at.. 6.35 A. M. and 250 P. M. Nn change in Sunday Trains. All eassenger Trains connect at Chatham street with City Passenger Railway. 11._ The 6.15 A. M. Train front Philsitelphia, and the 6 90 0 . M . Train Croin Bethl4 hem, mill malt,' close connections with Easten, and with tho New Je se- Cen tral Railroad. E LIM CLA )y2l-1t Agent. A NEW AR T C LE.—CHESTNUT- F 1 GROVE WHISKEY.—The puri td. Spirit offered the Anublean public, possessing tunny mrdicing Male pro perties, and Me of the poisonous quail ire inherent in the WhiAtey in continua use, is now offered for stile by the Druggists get:bratty, end by CHARLES WHARTON, Jr., General Agent, At D. It. Taylor's. Wholesale Grocer, No. '23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphl i.. . All persons desirous of using thin Whiskey may rent assured of its purity. DEAR Bin: We have carefully examined the movie of Chentout-Grovo Whlskey left eltli Its a few days duce. a. d 11nd it to coutaln little or none of the pohon ous eninitance kno,n no Fu,ll 011. BOOTH, GARRETT, k. CAMAC, Analytical Chenikta. To CITARLES WIIIATON, Jr., A0,.:1 Sett(h FRONT Street, Philadelphia jy2l.3m P ET INGS. ) Au isuliN unsx-PLY, 8 ITEMISE; AND VENlil lAN CARPKI'INO, M ICTURED ➢y JOSIAR BARBER, with other important ntices, of all grades, now in store and for sale by Sott. AUEOT6 in this cite, ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., jy2l,3m 533 MARKET St. iorroN SEED OIL.-25 MA» just re x.) eeived from Providence, per schooner Gen Pales, for sale by It. W. P. ALLEN, jy2l.3t 14 South DELAWARE Avenue. GERMAN CIGARS.-15 cases various train's, In atora and for sale by 141.61.1a.a1 11. YEATON, jyls No 218 Youth FRONT fltrant ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE, in hlids., a constant supply on hand, in Custom Homo stores, for sale by WILLIAM U. Y EATON, Iyls 216 math FRONT St...t STOUT.-40 casks Finzi & ILP Williams," imported dh.ct from London, In etoro and for halo by HM. II VEAI ON, iYI6 418 South FRONT Stteet. LAUMAN & RABORG- Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES, SHANDIES, WILISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI: QUM. No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh etreetn. PlB.lll' LARGE NO. 3 MACKEREL—NOW IN store and landing, 300 bble No. 3 MAOHEREL largo 888 balyos ditto, for sale by /NO. M. 'KENNEDY tr. 00., tollb lias./80 wad 188 N. WahltVig. for Oalt alto tila-Eet. WANTED TO RENT, A MODER ATE si ter' DWELLING HOUSIst. within flys, mina, woik of 'Pulpit 11.114 CITES I NUT St-oeta dent not to mewl $3511. Address J. D. B, at this office .42 -at TO LET—Thu four story STORE. 28 atk. South SECO • D Street, extending through to Strawberry street, oppos,l to Stuart & It other's largo stores It i% lightest pith large Ay-light in the centre; is well adapted for the Dry Goods Importing, Commle,ion, or any other bustoo,; which require% en ten,l% 0 1001.. Could he made to jolt a Wholessi.e and Detail Trade. Apply to )1011ERT MAUftEGOR, jy2o-610 2 3 South THIRD Street. ------- M WANTED TO PURCHASE—A car :olliL nor store Elora:ay, suitable fur a Grocery and PI vision Logi:lobs, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address 0110011 11 olfico., Po e s 33 15 - :S4 , OR SALE—A valuable LOT, in the vici nity of the Baltimore Depot, in an Dorm big neighborhood For particulars, address J It. , Box 027 Post-uflice j.y 16 rlO LILT ON GROUND RENT.-Several eligible I OTC, on Thirteenth street, above Co lumbia avenue. 16 by 116 foot; two fronts. Also, a lino LOT on Columbia avonue Apply to C TLIOMPSON & M CONAHROC, Jyls-Ilt No. 033 AMU Strout VOR SALE.=-100 acres of excellent •-• FARM LAND, -ituatc.l in Gloucester county, New Jersey, 1A miles from Caurtmi. The fond in well tint. hereil with oak sapling. For particulars, apply at thin office. jylO-fit 1110 LET.-TIE UPPER ROOMS OF stores Nu. =awl No. 333 MARKET Street. below Fourth. Apply nu the prenel,e,, to M. L HALLOWELL & CO , or jett-tf OUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. Boarbitt3 fOUNTRY BOARDING.—EIGHT OR Tea persons alai °lat. al a pleasant Boarding, on reasonable toms, by aplying to JOHN SLIFER, Hat field Samara, near Line Lexington Station, North Penn sylvani.t Railroad. Address I inn Lexington P. 0 . Backs Co., or call at 7u5 North SECOND Strset, Phi Ittlolphia, ,y2l 2t* nOARDING. Three Single Gentlemen YP can be accutninotl Awl with genteel board. nt No. 34 CASTLE Street, above Third. b2l-3t BOARDING. -A Widow r, who is about ,nakin g 1). trip to the West. &Ares Doanling for his two Children, 0110 11 and the other 11 years 01 age, where they will receive parental care. Address " El liott," at this Office. jy2o-20, T (11,UMMER. BOARDING.o Singhberme: 1•7 men who hare not the time to leave the city during the Summer months. a favorable opportunity is now offered to a 'pleasant home in a private fatally, a few miles out of town. in a delightful situation. The house is spacious, has large airy rooms, tel all the appoint ments to make home pleasant A ddiegg ELLIS JOHN STON, Radnor P. 0., Delanare Co , Pa. jyl7-6t4 Pgreonal A YOUNG GENTLEMAN WHO IS ON L - 7 , - a sick bed, nod without hope of-recovery. wishes the loan of $151.), on a Life Insurance Policy, for s'l , oo. A goal bonus will be given. Athlrebs A:11, 11loed's Dispatch. '• Wotirea SOUTHWARK BANK, Putt inntrulit, June 23, 18,58, NOTICE is hereby given, that The Southwark Batik of Philadelphia." I, cated lo the of Phila.. delphis and treated for Banking ',nip .res. with a capi tal of two hundred and filty thou-and dollars, intends to make application to the next Legiabaure of this Commonwealth for an increase of one hundred it.d fifty thousand do lure to it• present capi al stock. By order of the Board of Directors j , 30. wed 13 mon F P. bTEEL, Cashier. NOTICE.—SEALED PROPOSALS, en- I denied 6, Proposals for furnishing the Public Schools with Cool," w.ll be received at the Controller's Office, B. E. corner of SIXTII and ADELP/11. Streets, until SANUIIDAY neat, the 24 , 1 t instant, at 12,o'clock M. The Proposals to state distinctly the nisei+, quali ty. and the prices per ton for each—the Lou to be of 2,2.0 pounds. Proposals will also be received for Char coal and Kindling-Wood, to be sent at the same time. order of the Committee on lintqiiies. T 11031.13 W. MARATIMENT, jyl7.tjy2A Chairman. ivoTicE TO ARCHITECTS.—In pursu -1 once of a resolution adopted by the Monument Comminnioners, at a meeting, at Harrisburg, 00 the 13th instant, Plans, Specifications, and Estimates aro Invited fur the erection of a MONUMENT to the mercury of citizens of Punnhylvsnin who lust their lives in the late War with Monica. Tho cost of which is not to exceed the num of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Connuouications on the subject of plans, &c., to be addressed to the Governor, at Ilarribburg, prior to the Ist of July. Proposals received from July 1 until Au gust 4,1858. Persons furnishing Plans will please send their Esti mates under seal, as they will be for the use of the Com missiouers only. Fur the Nun which may be adopted a premium of Two Hundred Dollars will ho allowed. By order of the Commissioners. JOHN W. GEARY, Secretary. Ileaattintto, May 14, ISnti. jyl-tf 17VOTICE.—AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIRSO fORSuf the MONTOUR MOS COMPANY, to serve during the entitling p.m., will be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty-B et day of July neat between the hours of tw•dee o'clock M., and ooe o'clock P. M.. at the to Pierre hotel," to the city of Philadel phia Pennsylvania. juSO.t T. M BRYAN, Jo , Secretory. Zitsuraltre fampantes 'NSURANCE COMPANY OF THE JL STAVE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE /NSUIIANOR—No. 4 SXIMIANON BI'LLOINI.S. Charleroi In Mt—Capital s2oo,ooo—Ascots, Janu ary i. 1158, $347.446 60.100, All Invested in sound awl available sesuritlos—coati nue to Insure on Vessels And Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS Henry D. Phogrord, George H Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalooter, Tobias Wagner, W.!Bain S Smith, Thomas B. Watt/ion, John B. Budd, Henry U. Froatriall, William It Waite. Charles S. Lewis, George O. Cam,. HENRY D SUEURERD Preolideat. WTuT nARPEK, Secretary Jet)...frna.tt d() till AND 111.A.RI1V tIN G SITHANCE COMPANY-01110e No. 412 WALAIYI Street, Philadelphia. DIBCOTO2B John H Diehl, J. Phitrar Thomson, 1' M. you., 11.11 Shillinalbra, 0. tO Spangler, 0. G. flower, Abraham Rex, John W Sexton, E. B. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, !gather' lt Potts, Wm. P. Leech, R. T. Henan, H. H. Itoueton, Jos. R Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, B. Booth, Charles F. Norton, John TI Bowan., JOHN H. DIEHL, Pr .eident E. 8: WARNE, Vice President. Ona9. A. Doi, Secretary. raylo A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO.. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. MO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Baring a large pald.up Capital Stock and Smola , Invested in sound and available Securities continue Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, lierchandiee Veasele in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personat Property. All Losses' liberally and promptly adjusted DISECTURB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis. Jobe Welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Samuel O. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrlsk Brady,, I:Macula G. Datllh. Charles W. Ponitney. GEORGE AlitiOTT, President. THOMAS R. 141A1118, Secretary. isti.y it itomps pETERE" , PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SELIT-GENEHATING GAS LAMP Le the only Patent Burner that ban a. NON-GONDUOTOR ATTAOILED. Per Safety, Cheat was. and Brilliancy, it niny's all others. STATE AND 011INTIT RilalTS FOR SA'. Addreea li . P. PRTERS, S. W. earner rIaCOND and CHESTNtIT Sta. Phila delphia ; and 421 BROADWAY, New York. m114.1y-ry is STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK Ls to your intonate, and pat oniao OMER'S LAMP FACTORY. 109 South BIGHTEI street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible Oratory, you were charged VIS for work which he Is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO Support hint, or you will have the same chary a, to per ale/mina! L ARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL - THE 111 .11- GREAT PAIN ANNIHILfiTOR: anti Romed) for DYSPEPaIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELB This article is the greatest discovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA TOOTH-ACHE, BORE THROAT, STIFF N.1:01C, or Pain in the LIMBS, BIDE. BACK, or an) -part of the body. It ante upon the Blood, Nerves, Dlne cies, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It is also au excellent preparation tar Dyepepela and Indigestion, which arisen !rem a weak stomach of bowels Thousands of persons who Lave need HARTS IIORNE , 9 OURS-ALL have been astonished at it, wonderful power in removing any pain from the system Bottles 12, 25, 50 canto, and bl, to he sold by R. 11. JENRINB, apT2-iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. lIARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RESTO RER, ()It SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Ple.di in fu the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the beat Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! it deep not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation In muted to the impaired sus weakened condition of the human raco; It invigorate: the whole constitution; seniorse all pimples sue ernp Lions from the skin; gives bloom and freshness to the compleatnn, and is particularly adapted to the weaken log complaluta of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial in taste, Cud not. like a °ham upon the foelinga, spirits. and energies of the weak an° debilitated from any 60000. Quart bottles $l., mall bottles 50 cents; sold by It. 11. JENKINS, Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, ap22-iftf IVIVEIY SUPPER WITH DYSPEPSIA 7 ZIEGLER & PURE, MEDICINAL COGNAC BRANDY bee cured Dyspepnia, Low Spirits. General Debility, &0., ko , he. Price II 25 per bot tle or 510.50 per dozen Warrant.' pore. Try It. Thereby certify that I had been afflicted with dye perish' for the lent ton yearn, during which time I have tried all the popular medicines, but of no avail, Aavint had Zeigler & SruitiVe Pure, medicinal Cognso Brand) recommended by ninny persons, Induced me to try It One bottle has almost cured inn ordympepala and coal.- Labile, of ten yearn' etauding. I can say, with% thsuli Pal heart, that 1 have never found Re equal dales . m.. painful and dietrenning complaint. I sincerely recoil". mend it to dyspeptic, I.IOrVOUII ,ar d dtbilitsted nufterere JOBN C. Kt Of 201'11, Jan. 15th, 1855. 1''231 Oliva Ming Mao, ZINO LER it BiIIITIVB Pure Siedisical WINES, warranted puke, and no counterleit mixturea, which art daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. Thew Winos are especially adapted to dyspeptics and consump tives. and in all oases of general debility, lose of appet tile, O. Old aladeira Wine, price per bottle $1 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. .. 100 Old Sherry Wm°, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to Bole Agents, 14.1101.,ii A x SMITH, wheies-ie a. W. soroer SHOOND and GREEN Ste , Phila. Also, for 8410 by JOHN BLEW. Druggist, fel-y Frankford road, opposite Hanover. A WisIINGS A WisllN.iS ! J- - 11 JOSE Pit 11. FOSTER, Awning Maker. No. 448 North THIRD Street above Willow. Mallen end French Window Awnings for Dwelling,a and Office Windows;Awnings for Stove, Awnings lot Steamboats end Ships. All inds of Anuings , entß. Plage, or any thing in canvas, made to order by JO:•EPLI ti. FUSTIIIt , Awning Matter, 443 North 111111 D Street. Residence, 310 South fRONT Street. j717./ta JUdiLeLl li. FOSTER. Wants. "lIRY GOODS..---The advertiser has a gene knoul.dge of the wholesale business, end a large tr We. with iume meting i would like to connect iOMtifwith establish •u House or MAO a new Arm. Iteforonco elven and required. Address 11. HARRIS, nt thts ewe. jy22-st* A LADY OF EDUCATION 1 . -3 1 . desire , . to , • 11Z41;:l. h,serrfres as GOVERNESS. Is comp rut to tvaeli French and Mute. The best of city Laurence %lin Le gibe], Address " GOVERNESS, (ace of The Press. jy2l4t* A N ACIIVE, HONEST, AND INDUS tri..9 Ito,, 10 yew of ag^, place in a store or office; gond references given. Enquir at No. 1320 South Fol.llall Street, Ph hi. ,b2l-3t* VV men to sell the v Cotinge SON hag Mnehlee, B. B. FITTS &-CO., 617 5AN303.1 'Street. W A NTE The1").125 for three nthqAnpl securityof $125 rlttie aud _AddreEs 4oed'a id"21.1t4 NVANTED—A young Mln, us SALES MAN. in a Whole,ale Rouse. One find hne n largo Jel,ey nut Pt unsylvarro acquaintance will hear of ft tlesit a le situltinu by applying, with reference, to '• L. K.," Press (Mee. jy2o-3t,* Vtr.A NPE D—A SITUATION, liy a young Y MAN, as Clerk in a Wholead° Store or Menu- Netnriug • etalAishakeut. Be9t of city reference given. A.lll ess N. 1) it., 0. 14! North Street. jytta.ilt* WA lu NTED, by a yiag num, a SITUA TION inn Wholesnlo Yorsva fling or Commis sion Muse. lls 11 , 0 some experience in business, and is willing to give his services at. tt moderate COllll/e11b3.• lion (hod city reference given. Address " Clerk," et thietlice. jy2o-st* WANTED, by the advertiser. a middle agod mu ' or sober and industrious /whit , . SITUATION, tot e chlrge of names or Wive The bona city referecce and security given, if required. Apply to CHAS D'ORSbY, • jyIU4A4 No 451 MARRIOTT St., below Fifth at. ripo DRUGGISTS.—WANTED—A SITU ATION-111. by a corupetkntt Clerk, Addme C. 0., Blood'4 Lospatch. jyl9-3t* IV ANTED—A young unmarried MAW, • ing $3OO In cash. is desirous of purchasing an in terest in so.no nelbest Wished and safe business, which. with his personal attention, will yield a Competency. Addrose SAMUEL. at thin office. jyl6-6t* _ . VIVANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—.AbIe-bodied, unmarried men. to ebom will be given good . pay, board , clothing, and medical attendance Pay from $l2 to 122 per month No men having a wife or child Wilt be accepted Apply for MOITNVID.BIIIIVICH at No 817 MARKIIT Street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYAIL, let Lieut. 2d Rest. at Cavalry, Recruiting Milner. tionovals JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, , Rae Removed to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS 3Y2-1m Oentlemesfe farnisbing Qtaabo., W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wm ', • (JHF:STEW& SCorr,) GENTLEMEN'S FIIRNIS/1- INC, STORE nut SHIRT MANITFACTORY, 514 CHEST...UT Street, ( nearly opposite the Girard U(.111110,) Philadelphia. J. W. S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and is pro pane' to fill order.' for SIIIRTS at short notice. A ',erect lit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with PINE SRIRTS and COLLARS. jyIP tf GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. "La W. W. ENIGHT,I 606 &ROE Street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Purniehing Goods, and manufacturer of Pine Shirts, warranted equal In every respect to any others manufactured In this city or elsewhere, wholesale end retail, or made to order. mhl•tt ENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR AA DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and best sm. sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a fall line of Ender Clothing, suited to the season, at W W KNIGHT'S, 808 ARCH. Street, above SLath. Philadel• phis. Oavings .ffunbe. Fr Fl E SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, (011ARTIRED BY TIT LEGI2LAT . IIREI OP.PENABr-frA111.11.) PERPETUAL olieitiEß FIVE PER CENr. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid bate on Donland OFFICE 331 NOIITfI THIRD STREET, (001403LIDATION BANE 11011.011103 This Institution is now open for the trensoction of business. and is the only Chartered Saving Fund located in tan northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from B to 2% o'clock, end also on MON Dal.B and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 0 o'clock in the livening. - BdNAGER9 Prelariat Klett, P 1,1306 8. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock, John P Levy, Joseph M Cowel, Hon Henry K Strong, George Woehipper, Daniel liuderkotter, J. Wesley Bray, Hon Wm Millward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick iltaake, P. 0 Ellmaker, Francis Hart, . John P Ferree, Josepn P. Leelerto, George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr , John Horn. President. JAMES id PRINGLD. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN on2l-iftt QAVING FUND.-UNITED STATE 6 TRUST 001IPLNY, Garner of THIRD &ad CELIWT NUT Et-aete. Largo and /small Rums received, and paid bark on de nand, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT INTER BST from the day of depoalt to the day of Withdrawal. Office hutirs, from 0 until 5 o'clock every day, and or MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. Alt PTc, for sole oo Hogland, Ireland, and EleotLand from i i upwards. Preolde•nt—ETßMEN R. 0RAW20.3.D. Treasurer—PLlNY PIM. Rr "ITIR ! "„ k • - iAVING FUND-FIVE YEE GENT. IN ).0 TRRFAT-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00g. PANY.-WALNUT EMMET, SOUTH-WIER CORNER OF PLULADELPIIIA. LVOOUPORATri , ZIT TAR STATX OF PEXIIOTLYMILL. Monels in any sem, large or smell, and in tared p a id from e the d of d i y deposit to the day of with drama. The °face le open every day tom 9 o'clock in the morning till 0 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday end Thursday e•eningge ell 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBY= SP,LPHLDeII, Vita President vr.t. J. Hann, aearetary. • ' amorous Hon. Henry L. Benner, 1. Carroll Bremner, ridward L. Oarter, Joseph 8. - Bata Robert Selfridge, grand' Lb', Baml. R. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Manna, Henry Diffenderffer. Money le received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Oharter, in RtAL Y.STATSI MORT eIAGE.3, GROUND - RENTS, and such first clue securi. ties uwill always Unsure erfect security to the depoal, tore, mid which cannot fa to give permanency and de bility to this Inetitution. O. 8B (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PEE OENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. U. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE / • 1.A13. CENT. BTATti SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIFE L PEE GENT. STATE SAVINGS MED. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PHU ORNT EITATZ SAVINGS IMMO. sta-17 SODA. WATER. FOR TII MILLION! PRICE REDUCED THREIE. CENTS GLASS! The public are respectfully informed that those who may require s COOL, SPARKLING BEVERAGE, will and it to that' advantage to call at OSGOOD'S VARIETY STORE. No. 3113 CHESTNUT Street, cur. LIUDSON'S ALLEY, And Wain a glass of his delicious SODA WATER, Flavored with Choico Syrups, at the low price of THREE CENTS A GLASS! jylo4 m wAt JAIIRETCHE & CAHSTAINS, No. 2(12 and 201 South FitONT Street, offer for sale the fol lowing 'loud:, of their own Importation: CMINAC BRANDIES, of the brands of ‘. Gloria," " Newt. Castillou," Martell, Central Vineyard, &c., &c. 110 C if (LL} BRANDY, of the brands of A. Selguette, and J. 11011 DE BRANDY, J. J. Dupuy brand, OLAIt It, in casks and cases. of the brands of St. Ju lien. Margaux, line, lit lon. Pouillaa, Ac. 3II'AUSE, of the bowls of •• Cremede Homy," Lailemang, Queen Victoria, Violet, lineal Grape, cor don, Royal, e y //ulna isl, 10., &v. A BSI of very superior quality. ALAO. hr uhich they are solo agents in Philadelphia t , uillous Sardines, Latour Olive Oil, Chewiest Sperui Candles, St. Martin Bay Runt, and Port Wine of various tavorite brands. jyl7-Bt* CONGRESS SPRINGS, SARATOGA, Aprlll2, ISM A CARD TO TUE PUBLIC During the lag semen an attempt was made to de ceive the public, by persons offering what they culled CONGRESS WATER," from Fountalas cud at the price of six cents per glum. The WfIOLESALE prme or the GENUINE CONORESS WATER. at New York, being about 7,1( cents per gl am the imposition of thee pretending to sell at retail, for less than mist, and teith• out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, is apparent; but their probable MI ran has been to mid, ONE botile of genuine Oongiess Water into a Foun tain, and thereby christening its total contents. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor In v,ssrlu of ANY OTUEIt DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary-eized GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of ever) bottle of the genuine is branded CONGIti Si id ATER U ,k and af without these words and lettere, It le COUNTERFEIT CLAMS hWII I T ' ep - 28-ar ffi t oel-if Proprietors of Congrogs-Spri;g {WREST' CONGRESS SPRING WATER, I. Received dlrectly trout the Sprint; at as. atuga, always on band, in Pint and Quart Hatter, and tor sale by F DRUM N, °henget and °runlet, N. R. corner CHESTNUT and Strill Strects my26-with-toc WALL BRUSHES, DIIBITRB, A large assortment. suitable for CITY 6R0011.1tt3, And for sale by, HENRY 0. BOUTAIN, BRUSH AND BELLOWS ArANUFACTP HER, 62 NORTE! THIRD ST w Int SUS—S cds are !di/ea daily oy Sun-stroke. and thousunde urn injured by it, and yet won sensible people neglect to procure one of the PAT 3NT PARAGON UMBRELLAS sold by WM. 11. ILICHARESMC, Iy3o-12t it NO. 415 MARPall' 54%4 FOR TU ATI*:6 • ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ALTOONA, MOUNTAIN HOUSE, ANI. , lIOPEWELL, (Where Passengers take Stags :0 wiles to Hed(orl Springa,) Gr:OD FOR SIX DAYS. Fare to Altoona and Return.. Fure to Mountain House and Return Fare to Ropewell and Return Fore to Williamsport $550; 'Elmira ;$1; 'Niagara Fails $B. By Oita route pasaengers talcs the Northern Central Railroad at llerri-hutg, enjoying for 125 milcz the beautiful scenery of the Sumps/mats Volley. frr Further information to be had at the Depot of the Pennsylvania. ,Railtoad Company, S. E. corner ELEVENTH a•.d lIIARKET idreeth, where Tiaras, may to procured. • CAPE A..Y.—EXPRESS S--The swift and favorlto Steamer CIiALLOON," Capt. W. Writt.t.ont, leaves Arch-strtet C Wharf for ape May every Tuesday, Tharsday, and Stturday Morning, at 9)f o'clock. Beterning, leaves the Cap on the Intermediate days at S &clunk A. M. Fare $2. carriage hire included; Servants $1.50; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra . ir3-2m* •43MarftPHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE.— GREA I` REDUCTION. FA iV I Ali AKA FALLS ONLY'S3.OO. Profile leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Dvet, corner BROAD and VINE 3treeta, daily, (Sun days r xeepted,) no follows: 7:30 A. 31 , day express. 8:30 P. M., night exprese. Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office of the line, Northwoetcorner BIXTII and EBT2I CT Streets. NORTH PENNSYr aMvezus 'RAILROAD FOR. DELAWARE W ATER4I AP, MAUCII CHUNK, HAZLETON, AND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.— Viaiters to the above popular places of Stattisa. Rseoar will find the Route otrerea by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, pasaing through come of the richest and most highly cultivated counties In the State, and pos sessed of comfortable accommodations. both on thermal. and at the various towns through which it passes. • FOR THE WATER GAP.—Take 2.26 P. M. Expreaa Truitt from Front and Willow streets, pass the night at Bethlehem, and take care next - morning at 9 o'clock, through Easton to New Hampton, where a close con nection is made with the _Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR MAUCH - CHUNK AND THE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 246 P. M. Express Trams Gum same Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection is made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 9 A. M. Express Train to Bethle hem, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. V. R. It. and N. J. C. ft. R. through Easton to Ellsabetlipert, thence by Strainer, and arrive in New York at quarter past I P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few Inure to spare, will find this a new and agreeable route. For further particulars, inquire of - ELLIS CLARK, Ageut N. P. R. IL, Pront and Willow stretto. PA1L6.12011,1116, June 1L 1868. jel9.2tu - -- • - triga r ig g FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. DAILY, at V% o'clock k M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPIIIA STEAM NA. VIDATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew ; and KENNEBEC. Captain Rend, form a daily tine between Ude city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 0)4 o'clock A. M. Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North'River (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. Al. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Fare to Cape May (carriage hire Included) for servants " Season tickets (carriage hire ex tra) - S 00 " New York, cabin 2 00 " 'steerage / Me • • Freight taken at low rates. For passage, Mato rooms, &c., apply on board, or at the Office, 314 and M 6 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMES ALLDERDICE, Agent. - ; .FOR THE SEA SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATIANTJO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND DALY HOURS TO TILE B.EA SHORE. On and after Monday, Jane 7th, and until farther no• Coe, (Sundays eseepted,) three trains daily to Atlantic City and return. First Passenger Train learns Tine et.wharf 7.80 A. M. Second '` •: ti /6 " 4.00 P. 31. Freight T rain with Passenger C. Attached, 445 A M. ACCOMMOdatiollitaill to Weymouth. LEA 3 ATLANTIC CITY. First Passenger min leaves 0,00 A. N. gerund ~ 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passeogorcar attached, 11.30 P. IC Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 6,25 A. H. HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaves CooPer'4 Point ; 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Iladdonfield, 1 P. AL and 3 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars. 31.80. Persons wiehtng to go down tre the Sea Shore and return the saute day, can epand SIX LIOURS ON TUE lINACII. Tdekets for the round trip, s2.ou "fi Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return next morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2 50. ' " Tbo Accommodation Trill!' to Weymouth will =3 through to Atlantic on Llaturdiv Afternoon ant con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Leave Vine atreet. 6 36 P. M. •' Atlantic City 400 A. M. Stopping at all Station,. Sfunthly tickets will be sold at the following rate.: For the mouth of 7une.slo For the month of Sept. 615 July, 20 For three months, 45 August, 20 For four months, 60 Churches, Schools, Lodgea, Companies and Library A.asorititions, wishing special troll., should make early application. Freight moat be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company will not be responalble for anygoods until received and receiptod for by their Frei ht Agent at th. Point. 11. FPAZIIII, &oratory. jel-tf NV HEATLEY'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE. TITIED WEEK. CONTINT'ED 31.10CE881 LAST FIVE NMI, Ts OF ORDWAY'S BOSTON ..EOLL4Nc, The binds! Troupe or hittaiclaw, Vocalists, Come dians, Dancers, and Eiknopifirt Da ine rs, t - e whole tinder the direction of JOHN P. OBDWAY. the g realist combination eitant. Lock at the name,: Erb Horn. Frank Brower Freak 11: ran. Bowers, BKelley, E Fairbticks. d P tine, end the Drothens Nor on, who will appar night'y in their olieste and inimitable Mural and Terpstehorien likte , tainmente. All the Stare in new acts night - y. Tickets :Scents. Doors open at TS. To commence at 8)(. Ter par. ticalars see Bilis. Wednesday. FRANS BROWEE'A benefit. Friday 'Tering. benefit of .TORN P. ORDWAY, and last night of Ordware ,E Mans. jyl9-bt CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, THOS. E. HARKINS, DRVRNTRESTR WARD. Subject to Dotnotratle Rules, jra•tn WILLIAM IL KERN, Subject to the Rules or People's Party. iy2o-tz lAR ll.—The undersigned hereby tuha•me V hie monde that he will be a cand'd de for the Office of SHERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia; at the ensuing election, U nominated by " Thu People " JOS. M. COWBLL. JylP-tf PIIILADELZIII, June 0, 1868 F OR REG STER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People's Couyesitiou. jy.s-tf R EGISTER OF WILLS AIsIDREW J. WESTER Subject to Dev.cratio Roles. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEKI A. MONLIBINTHR, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rulee of the Democratic pasty. jel7-41tWi, F OR REGISTER OF WILLS JOUR CASSIN, Fifth Ward SobJett to Democratic Ruled FOR REGISTER OF WILLS CHARLES D. KNIGHT. _ TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People's Notulustion. Gi OR REGISTER OF WILLS. n.. JOHN CAMPLIELL, OF SEVENTH WAT.D. 'Subject to Democratic rules myll-41m CA. KINGSBITRY, M. D., . DENTIST, Would Inform his friends Out he has REMOVED to 1119 W A I,NICT Street, above Eleventh. Je2-3m FARINA CRACKERS.—The I V remarkable excellence and great popularity of tie se Crackers pare attracted the attention of theme manufacturing other do,eripliOllS 01 Crackers, and many of theße pi moos buy NV Imi'n en.ACKERS, in order to ouppir their customers with Farina Crackers. One or tna heti, iduniw however, hove been offenn_ thy ordinary kiwi, which they wake under the name Of Farina. Crackers, and hays sate-ceded in willing them to a mull extent. The aelliug of such ernekara for Farina bna a ten &Are to injure the reputation of TRUE FARINA. made by Mr WING. &rum of ;his' character, le - mayor, are usually mg rooted ou being properly exposed. N. other per...lt ha, erer atireerded in working the material for urine Crackers, or producing any article which contains sash highly untritioue and healthful properties as WING'S. It Cit.tChERS barn a delightful taste, act kindly upon the stomach, and two digaded with remark able ea‘o. For dyspeptics or the uged. es well as seden tary sod deli ate persona generally, they ore moat an.. eeptable, and peculiarly plenannt for children. Ask for WING'S CRACIii•IRS, owl take none but those stamped with the name of " A WING." Theta" mew he procured of the beet family Grocers generally, and at wholesale only of A. N. Thompson It Co., Nos. 221 and 223 Fulton street, New York, or DINOEE: h Wholepale Agents, No, 145 South FRONT Street, rhiloAtia. 3y2-fr m wed-lf tf IiANDSOI:UM T AW & BEERS' UB LRING , the beet end cheetpeat compound CATI for greasin GREASE g the axied or OMNIBUSES, cAI V tlt lAuLs CARTS, BRATS and WAGONS, and aEiI: t.:IIINEftY. For New in tin coot, kelp, end &meta, by all the DBUGIMTI3 la the city and the MANLIPAGTORERB. 37 1 Z -Gin No. 603 INOR htreet, summa excursions. BEDFORD SPRINGS, NIAGARA FALLS. ESC URSIO N TICKETS DURING THE SUMMER THOS. MOORE, Agent CHARLES 8. TAPPEN' s General Agent. UM= amnsentents. political SHERIFF, SUTEENTII WARD Orittistrn 5.35 P. M