Oates bp %atm ' TUOU.O & SOMI . Nee. US sad 1411 Wl= /111 1 / 1 11 111111/1, 1/09a50.19 Saco , awe en,) 111011 11AL11-10 110011111LL1R11. lbo illtylret 'split Philadeiphde Warr Sale van easemassee on the llst Baptombor. OM&lama la Tress. , • UAL 11.81A11, 810011, Re. /Ohs later at bee 11 0 1It/W*loft Indoor. entry Twoulay knot.,, derioa the business area. iCy. la July and August °sly 0001aioaal sale u beeetArni. . INCr Itaudbills of .sob manly inimsd itirpszataly, fn 'Agnes to allele we pablak ow the latuday previous W nab este, one thousand (wisterias Is Pamphlet form, (hill full toemiptioas of all As pee pmV to 114 sold ow the fellowisgtaesday. idgji VlR arf TU NAL/ AT Till AUCTION ISTATI AT PIiTAIII Max. ICr We lave a tam amount of Roil Estdts at Pril. Tao. Rae, Includiag seer/ daeoriptlcal Of Oita and ecroudory property. heated Usti inky be had al the aside* statel_. raivar, 8A1,3 71.101811/11. irtileirr tad Mato entered on our "lento Bale and Mention! ruseasionally la our Table Bals Alctrieds, (of whisk I,oooo°oos ore printed woekly,) Ms of dents /11011111101 . 1 9013, 3011 P, Re. Thlo Ironing Julylool, at t reshiek, rot the Philadilphisliebenge, pillow' to One sale if real *date— • • • bit., Merin. & Co.'s note, dated glib April, l66l, at ere siont64, doe October, 1167, for $3,100. 121 tedaware Mu nut toteranweemnpsny feria, • 13 awe Camelot and Allantle Railroad Company. STOCKS, as. Tsrvmptory On Tneedal 119.nl Mb, 41 II Waled. at the bilsclelphlo li• ehingeorllt be fold, An &avast of whom It oaf eon -1,481% elates of the espltal 510.4 of the Tinkle pingh Cromplay, the same to be sold for mean or as twangs, garment to riselstlons of mdd oompany. Iseautor , e Personator). VIAL MITATZ, W CORNAR Or BROAD $111.13? , AND RIDOI Allllllll. • .Otto. July ll7th. at the liebaoge, without seism— al that tlwoo.story brick bulldlnd and lot of ground, orelthwtet stonier of Brood stre.t and Ridge , It. front on Broad stroot 12 feet P laths/ tarots 09 foot lostive, thews 71 feet I inches ti said avenue, std 111rooe to front, along said event*, 19 feat 1 look. rrund-rout 220 a year. V. Pal* steto.ede —toy order of Banta,. , NIA L 1131A1/ BALI—THIS ITISINO. This Pigswill leNtelo -8017111 $llllllllll.llll.—Tl kith dwsl nig, No. 1111 loath Biz* stool, below ,Wharton street. 91433 11111111.—Two two-story brick derelUrtp, ,3.1381 aid ell Poses Woe; month .1 Montan *treat. Ntilnlini deed II 4 aiming'. flay will be sold " rtfiVlTi) RIM?, $6B a year, well seemed by a lot of mowed sad tabstialtal brick dwollong, Kling stmt. Aid a temurstary lilt.bf 0 911 9 1110920111 . • TALIIAIII.II 1101111. PIO/111T, hemstho a , Watidoill 341.1." formerly The Whits Stria." PAO. Ultra, between , Third sad fourth streets 114 rift nal,l WI feat la 'depth Sale &potato. Imo* well bdll tbrel-story beck derail.', Limon Wort, between Wood sod Monte this Ilichmoled) streets Lot No. to by 90 Not. 911011301 STRllll'.—Titreo.stary brisk federal shwa, west of Seventh stria BRA? TIIIIIIII44ITORY BRICE DWILI,I2O/, with bask hallthats, ite. 4 N0.11211 Duttonwood 'trod, coat of ()mitten:l street TWO TWO-STORY awsLtusae, Duke etteet, beteg. Delaware front sad hooded street*. Act. at NO. 119 trod 111 Math Fourth street 11011111011 I lIIMITURR, RLIOABT WJAZWOOD T 30-10A11, 111111119,111392L8 CARPUS, ill& GIOIA, (to On Thursday Koran, A t D °West, it rte austfon star*, in altenslTs nalosiumint et *salient nooond-haint Wafture, ithoust piaws•turtas, dun mirrors, carpste, eta., from prints IlunOlso 4111110Ln/ honaskosolog, removed to th• Moro gor sonssadease et sale. C1I1(IL312:1 A wolt•ostorod ant rooftop-111,800. A bototifolls altootod lot, Portions tomplk• Olootoot !Mt ANAL KM?' AT PRIVATI SALT BPLINDID IMOWN.ITONN MANSION, Cliitast etre.t, erith shale tap tow& haul. One of the tart teddeesee to tP • * Hy. 211.e'r MODIIILY ILIPIDINOII, No. 1020 Olteetost great tit,II4ANT BROWN-81'0NX 11291D111011, Wales offset. ■ut of flood. . . ILWANIP BROWN-870NX 111.8IDZNOIC, N 0.1621 Ratio* Wool on of eittoooth. NSA? IMIDE.IOII, Soathesot tom. Walnut an! Atvl Pevotbooill striot4 ILEOAN? AND VALIJAPLI ERAIDIPDtt, South west oont.r of tlevroth awl Wsloot 'trysts. T • 0 O LEO INT RNPID NOIII, Rittenhouse Pqviro TAO R ANDWII6 lINNIDCNORPI.Worhiogtoo Square. lu,Trvetr D6OWN•DTORD RNSIDRNOII, North Proud 00..11 itANt bOMI 1110tHeRN RIZSIMINOII, Nortbr•it oe-oer of finrou and fifteenth dr.ts. 1i 5 !I DA)SI N MOCIRN R1:811) CNOI,. No . 1536 Green Otrett. Nut 4111111111 NOS, eprace stmt, litrue Broad not fifta.nits. HANNA/Ng MODIRN RISIDINON, No l°oi !fresco street. ELB(1.104 BROWN•BTONI ANISIDIINON, No. en 4 , 1 +Wool, writ of 100111. lIANDBO6tNBILAVS.BSONN RINIDINCII, No. 1618 oire4i ILIBIDIMO.II, No. ISOli Fla* 'wet. HA T) ONI lUMIDENOI, No. 639 floe divot TWO II AND.I.O.IIE DROWN•ATONI AZAMETCIII3 Third 'pest, below Apra** MAT A►e(D!NOI, No. 111 Booth Night! atro.t totin. Walnut. 1D ADVANGIS made on eonairanienta when b atted without extra charge, IV - SALIM:WOW open until 10P. H. Now pre. Wild to Waive Involeno of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WaTOGNS nod JRWELRY, NEW *ad SECOND USN D IPURNITGRN, PAINTINGS, ROOKS and BTA. TIONIRY. ao. EIAN sSre I, DSIMI RIBIDENOII, N. 621 North Stith QT Woo of /two[ Goons every imenlng. OANDSONS MODEM RISIDEFOI, No. 1113 North Xlghth stnnt SThg MODSILI RISIDINON, No. nt ROM Seventh ett•et. TOR MITEIODIEIT IPIIICOPAL ORIIROU PRO PEATY, Nov Market street AIVPIRION AND ILIGANT BBORN•BTONI 01 /V:10 Or (WINO. NO.. 107 and (Q 9 Wateat greet. LIRGII ►9D VdLt•ABLI LOT, Lnonet.lltry, and Ohereb street', West Phlledelphls, WO by 116 feet. 11AN Dif rR 11101DINUll, Northwest corner Laud and blare rtnete, oppo'•te tb• above. VIRT lIAND3OSII COUNTRY RgilDll3oll, near TINgl OSII6O. ea the Oermentome Rdtrond. VALU44GX PARR .ND COUNTRY BEAT, VW sew.. tortorm Torriadal• ud Hadal. AN ILIOANT FARM, 808 serfs, with Bowier pror•unratit en Rho PAY DolArraro, is. mile flora Now Castle LABOR. ELEGANT, AND VALUABLE TARN, be. Iwo., Is* drily of Witeringtos and Braidfwise Ppriot.. N lIANf COUNTRY PEAT, 10 sonic with dos haproasmsata Schaal flow, Lane, Germantown, oppo. th• late Dr J K H AND •O.IIIEIIIODBILN DWELLING, No. 1134 Callow. MN argot. BRICK DWNLUNG, AND BAKltalr, No 733 Arch vroot. ROCK- , TORY MOIL /TORN AND DWILLINO N 0.13 9 Chestnut street. MMIIEMIIIMII NIT MODIRN DWSLLING, N. bW Ifektem streas. A'io a large amount of 'cilia prorely, Ground Roots. Mot toles, Re. Pristod bits may b• bid it tit, motion date. PRIVATE SALII REOISTIR. UT Baal &tete entered meow, Private 1141. Reenter tea id reeked oenie.oisal I y It oar Public Sale itbetracte (el •b'eh 1 000er/les are p Stied sepkly, dating the buelaser eeesta,) free or chugs. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, so. 023 wALNITT grass?, above FOURTH. 11:7' ?orisons favoring us wits emmignmentA eau nor menred that their property will not be samilicnd. 11Y C6=1410601 mots !Rodents than Uwe el sztv Rigother Audios noise Is Um eity. Consignments resp•ethdly molicited. filet owl.' Imrowlistalv after the nob it. sold Sale at No. 423 Wales% street. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALM OP 110C8110OLD ITC NITIIIII. DRITSIO/118 CARPSTS, TIUNCR PLATY{ WAWA, NIDDINO, DIONSII AND 'ISA WARE, RITOREN TURNITILIRS, As This Mo - sing, At 10 o'aloek, will be told by order of the adminis trator, In Lk. Orel end second sto , lse of the auction at.re, the entire fOttli 3 Or• of • gantiwoita doe•waittl. toutptlititi totewood some. tomtit with brorsielle and hale ...avec totewo Qpulwr *hair. to match. Brussel. earpete, Tesitian bliade. sofa tables , *tag., oak ball chairs oak bat stand, mshopny sad wal.at 'Umber resniturs, sips*, sealant elleasiOn doles table, NIA rI- art.. by Moo.. A Campion. Also, dressing heroine, • 'Uri 1/0404, Of Caner sad tea wet., wooltlwe attests, As, TO ANTIQUARIANS AND OTIIIRS—VALUADLR RAMO —OK. T/bYLONI COMMISSION PROM P RESI DINT MADI4ON Also, at II o'sloek prilotawir, the Commission of Oen. C. Taylor, from Trellises% Madison, sa cartalo In the USA v. Nay be seam early ea the day of sale. Bate et Ns. SO North Water street. TO POIP BOILItRi AND HAOLIINISTA. ROIL 213. 7C1:3, FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM WALLS STOOK, Re . . On Wedooaday narking, 2111 MIL, will be mild, without memo, at Dahlia sale, at No IS North Water Moot, the eattrs stook, Oz. tem./to .of the totabll hemot. Including In part : • tarp Iron 'tootle bottom, holdlop 1,030 lbs. tub, and 3 smaller odes, bolding 3011bo each, with pips : copper aid Ire* dipper'. Iron sithsteme, beekota, topper pas, 119 sanest; a Palrtmalti , platform soak, new pais, toll from 100 to 100 n.. , Iron mow mum, Iron lova prom, hoodoo, Small wales, large frame., 900 the. sub; soap mete. aims, tattoo. soap Gomm—coat *2O sub, eryimg (mom, table, Oohing, nail for grind. lag clay brats stomps and /les, also °Noe faralia re. STOCK—AIso. lie (sliest *Mail, varloos kinds oi amp i bolos. hogshead of Way, mama, with all the articles mouton* to voodoo trbo traolsess. RNA!. IISTAT/1 BALI. Itaadsomo meesloo, soothwest owner of Sortrattmoth cad Waloat emits lisaidesee Waohlagton Nam* and Walnut street. Dirsillag boa... No 011 Vino street. 10 isms Of load. lodate guest lase. Usable property, Longford road Random, dwelllag, No 1011 Walloon street. Paillasse stood and dwolltsg, Itereateenth and Wash. bite, termite Iltitat property so cot's. Re., above torresdale. 14 .errs of lend, Chelton arson.. Clonnantonn. Need coo* roelline• tad lot, West Phlladolphls. ifaltele lot of ground, Oenasstowo Railroad and Cole meta arenas. liewtottne dwelling, Spring Clarden street, .hose Twelfth, CABINS? OF ifINDIALB At prints isle, a vatuabte Cabinet of Illoentle, cont. pristog over 1,4 00 eptehotoe t the Collection of nierst year* the property of & vontlemao who hoe o• room Inc Th at• •erf deeltablo for & palate loons- Von. Apply at the &natio& nor*. Q.L.III7EL NATIIANE, AUCTIONEER, 1.7 let DION AT LOAN 01171011, No. 444 Booth IRMO Street, below Waimea, opposite Pm at., only eight 3esre below the Neekaap. Rom of bastaele fusee 1 ri. , eleek, A. K. until 10 o'4loek lo the *reales. Oat.lore sales, sad males at the Audios Sous, it herded tine the moat eatletsetory tame. CAPITAL MO, _OOO. Netabliseet for MI lest Thirty Teem Ate Irma male frost sae dollar to thoomads as Dia encode, llleer plate Watehea, Jewelry, Ilatiwars, fifer ehruellie, Clothing, Tungus, hed,liar cipre m os t e at lastruaeote, trues, Base., nano"; Li d 6cptu of every &writ/Con. All geode tea Meth' MY leg% et tbs• agreed apes. AO el tea4oll, from nos hundred dollar, sad vm um b. "W be ehargr3 3 per seat per mouth 10800 A.Z the Latent mettot Fete. Tide atom lloneo barter • depth of 1% feet, la* lar g o in Led thief-proof recite to *tore all rateable*, and pet. Cato amtokmos for the pm:thosealso, • heavy Wile MOO sleeted for the knelt of ill persons lade: gears arrlocal upon . N. D.—Uo recosat of harlot as halleated capital, this Witte Is prephrol to make advances os mono moth restart sal serommodating terms that soy other is this alp. blew/ solthamst to the poor, la email smosate, Ina elI any times. Ar Pain!" BALM. Geld Patant Lem and oiditrt Watakad, dairtlry, ad Chatidea will ba sold al vrdeand price.. eat-17 SUOVILS AND SPADES.- ' 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, IRON, ana UANT-d'Cl If L, Tee eels 1.7 the Nitoutectarer, W. W RICWAR DD. No. 246 RACE Street, `LATE I SLATE!! SLATE Ill—Rooting flaw, of all aluta, and at ••. 7 low taw, ho t stastly on baud, and for We by Fatanio, TO n. 00., OIRMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD Writ. it ? D. Plata Boob pat as In the beat moner, and tir pole 454.6111 MN All work WI Salim by (Zuction. rOIIIILEBOIAL SALES ROOM, 7 BANE and 10 STRAWBERRY, between Min gle? and CHESTNUT and SROOND and Titian otroolo. ' V. G. WOLDERT. Averurggra. SALE OP WRITS IRON.STOWN WARM. On Friday Morning. Cownotoriol it 10.li Welork prooloolg, will to told, without mom-- 111 X ORLRES ViAßS,ryy Oorimetleg of while !tem./does Imre. intilen s u° ' t • men{ of colored 1114 common ware, smelt ari platen, 1110 1 ,1 X , baker', tea sets, chamber lets. Stahel , ' bowls, AL UM &WARE. Also, robets, tamblere, Jim fruit bowls, preserve sneers, a 0. trr nay be examined early on the morolot of 'ale. BSCOTT, 7r., AUCTIONEER, (auccos . see to WOLTIVET k. SCOTT,) 431 01133TNIIT St., opened* the CI. tor.) Roue, between Youth and Firth Btrowl• CLOTHESPINS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE BALE. JGAt landed (rem aabooner J OW. 100 bourn 'antis.' pine. 100 dorm Palle . SWISS MANTILLAS. Alm), alprl rat* 111., an Intoleo of Swims otiotlllai Jot landed. . , IRIINCH PILLIT MITTS Alao, a lino of ■rack that WM.. REMOVAL.—FURNESS, BRINLEY, Co. hare removed to the Lefts, No. 420 MARKET Street, formerly °tenpin! by Mew,. Caleb Cope ft 00. Jfl FURNESS. DIUNLEY, ft, CO. 1 4 117BNESS, BRINLNY, /g CO., No. 529 RARER? Ettreet. BIATTIND AT PRIVATE SALE. IRO piece' 1.1 and 64 white and rod ettiu:k matting -- - 11 . 0 k 1 N i D E : 9 O N A ss ! c fl 4 A m t i r o si u A N U T O ' 1 I . IC 2 I . N E E R comt, =TR awl aikoll streets. LARGE SALT, 01 FOItiSITID PLNDOIB. By order of Abraham Nathan. Broker, formerly of the dootheast earner of Penni and Race streets. This Hort:dog, .1117 2Oth, it 4g o'clock, wadding of gold and ulcer patent, levee, lepino, and other watches, gold chains, car-rings, Soiree eines. pencils, braoelets, breastpine, silver spoons, ke. Double barrelled guns, revolving and Iloilo battened pistols, violins, chairs, Ac. OLOTIIING.--Coata, I.nta, and yeeb, silks, dream', shewhi, shots, hod clothes. ke. NOTION --All persons busing goods on deposit with cos seer the legal length of time, will call and redeem or pay chug' thereon, otherwise they will be sold at POWs gait oaths above day. JAIOI . . NATHANB, Broker. filtillAT PURIM) AOOOIIIIIODATTON. IdONNY I lIONYY I ! 110N1LT ! limey litronil advaneed in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and elver plate, diamonds, wilphea, lenity, piecm, musical lturtrnmentl,Multure, dry goods, clothing, groceries, Sigma, hardware, eitUery, books , horses, vehloles, hat 0111141 mad all articles of value, for any langth of time egreid oe, at Nathan' PViatipol Sterelisemrat, southeast corset of thath and Sam emote. Lir Promissory DOJOS, with eollidersl i dbooonted id the lowest market new. Stilalltdl PRINCIPAL ISTABLIOUSIINT,_ 8. 2, ______ 00E511 DP BIXTII AND RAC% BTRIETB. Where money will be liberally adranoed on gold and Weer plate, diamonds, watches, Jewelry, fowling Naomi, dry goods, clothing, smarten, liquors, cigar', hard ware, gallery, fancy articles, mirrors, painting., en graylap„ moaleal Inetrum ills, furniture bedding, eelidoles, harness, c asks, and all other artlalan *tyska. OIIT.DOOR remould stteahon given to all out-door sales, either at Ovate dwellings, stores, or •Isewhere, sad charges unusually low. TO PERSONA IELI94tIIIUINQ 11017LIKEZPING. Persons relingulehlog battioltooplai or haring sup plies of furaltum to Ovate ot. will dui It to their &f -ruitier by watrilog the Bean to Omuta:4ton store. south. seat earner of &zth and Rae* stmt, whim It will to properly armagod la the furnitury salesroom, and sold to the beat sdriudage, twc.thlrds of the goods advanced If smutted, and the Wades banded over the afternoon of the day of sale. AT Ph VATI BALI. glad gold and diem heisting ewe, double (4110, mid double bottomed lever, le, English, Swim, and greeted' wifehood; gold a gold damns, gold brace. lota, • misty of And d atuid, breastpins, and anger rings; line Motes, superior old Vitali:, and guitar, very line melodeon. isd onmerou otter artlelea Al' PRP/ATM BALE IT YYRIr LOW PRIOVI. Oold Bog'fah pateot lever watches, foil je•elled and stela, some of them Ass La•karat muse of the beet =kora. Sliver Lin fish patent lever watehes, fall Jewelled and plain, of Qs most approved motile. Qobt escapement lever and leplhe watches, lo hunt wusa sad open Case, of the very beat make. Ladles' gold el:smelled watches, set wall pearl and .11amottate. Alloor !nabob, Onlas, and Trench watehee, diamond bre.t pine and anger Hoge, gold braeelete, ear rings, Boger rings, tneut pl Or , etude, toe gold veld. fob, nod wadi elision, gold spent oleo, and varleu other artl• oleo of iseretri, to.. to. Q A. DYSART fc CO., AUCTIONEERS AND 00101111110011 killloll‘l79 L llo. 2T South Zloll7'll BTRIIT. Goner of LODEM STIIEZT. aim=am A lug. and valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber land At private Isla well worthy the attention or eapltultata and others, u the owner I. compelled to *ell. Err for farther partteulara (make at the Ilnetloo Ater*. tri- OIIT.DOOH BALLS aolletot s promptly • tooted to. Bnaintso Zairbe II 0. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAR Ale RO,S, CONVEYANCERS. OKO.td. CONARROII, ATTORNSY AT LAW, aps-1 No. 938 ARM greet, below Tenth. lIANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY JJ AT LAW. Southeast Ooruer of MIGUTII and LO. JUSTStroate. Philadelphia. anl.ly (*TABLES TETE, COMMISSION MEM. x.; !SowRM%W ad stmpt. rwtoro a o d f dHorA s. VANA IGARS, REMOVAL.- C. IvAWONTT W , HAIR CUTTER AND A? MAKER, flu removed to MI OHNITHEIT strut, four doors le. low UV/IMM WA, nI TER ET RO USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MUM !IWO. Pottntlle. aa4-1/ 13URS WILKESBARRE LEUIGII COAL AL —Unparalleled Entrees of the introductlea of fhb 9u riot Coal into the PhilealelphA 3lstkot We are daily receiving tentitnanftde from all quarters *here this Coal has been levied of 141 great eaperiority ever any Lehigh Coal ever burtwt. The OAexceedingly WWITE Ath, And le perfectly. fte . a from cinder of any hitet, while the Ceal lnelf In perfectly clean and entirely free from elate or toy impurity. For steam parptunte It hie no equal, the tattimony of *toted the moot Nutrient Ilngineere In the country Doing In Its favor. We have the ElCLUelfill control for Its tale Atl/ENRIIf to & ROMMEL, Shipp. rs and Retell Dealer lu Wllkeebarre Coal. OAler, WATER blot, above Callowblll, and Orel Wharf ewe Callowhlll street, Delaware. JylCathl.'A PURR LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP 11. COAL.—JAMES 11. lIONTUOIIERY inform" Ids friend. and the pall* that he ham effected an arrange meat with the Buck Dionutain Coal Coruphoy for the "ale of theirJustly•celebrated LEllliitl COAL. Ile bee ale° arranged with the proprietor of the Broad-Top Mince for the eale or hit valuable itEML•DITUSIINOVEI COAL, sod le now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliceris", et his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Street, 'stood story, (rout roma. Je3-3m pRING, FOX, & CO., wholesale and Mall &slam In LIKUD:III and 80/lIITLRILL COAL. Latish yard—THIRD street and OIRSIAN. TOWN ROAD. 'Schuylkill yard—RAC/ sod BROAD otreets, Philadelphia. Reel constantly on hand Goal trom the most approtod tufts', nadir corm, and pro. Dared aspramly for fanny' oho. fa., igINIUYLKILL AND LEIII6II COAL.- I am daily rimeiring, at my yard, the beat quality o. BOUVILKILL AND LESIO N 00AL. 111 customer', thd all others who may term me with their unlace, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. Me" No teerlor Coal teat at this establishment to Oie• at LOW PRIME. ALIIZANDBIL OONVIST, as I- N N. *armor of Broad And Cittsn7 B t CARPETS. We will' conunene• TO•DLT CLOSING OUT Our entire Spring Stook of XLYIT AND DIIIIOSSLIS OARPDTINGB, GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEB. NAILY & BROTIIER, No. PM OLIIISTNUT Btreot. Parebams wUI plump call and examine our largo amartinont. ap22-tt 91APESTRY OARPETS.—JUST OPEN- A. ED, • lArgo lot of superior Tapedry (WWI, to 0014 it r, low plea. DAILY & BROTHER, OABIt OARPET BTORII EEO 011EBTNUT bt. SU'PERB THREE-PLY OAR PE TS A fresh asoortoloot of now pattorno, at rsdaeod prim, at DAILY a VROTLIER'II, CARL OARPIST STOR, othil-tt OtIESTNITS RED ROOM OARPETS.-10,000 YDS. Of superior lambs and Threer-ply Carpets. of the beet makes sod styled, at all prieee from 60 cents to MS Or yard. GAILY mh.ll.ff No. 020 011 XATtI UT Privet HEST HEAVY Hit USSELS.—A LARGE HEST tot or on patotota chute at ow Wee.. Ipk tai OULEkP CARPET WHIM. tat CHESTNUT at Deming Illac4ineo HARRIS'e BOUDOIR SEWING MA cIIINE I. offered to the poblic as the moot relic hie low-priced Sewing Machine in now It will cow from 111 to platy ditches to an inch, on all kindm of gocolo, from connect begging to the doeot cambric/1. It I. without evooption, the oimpleot in He meehonical eon. atruetion nor made, and can he run and kept in onier by a child of twelve yearn of age The DUR/DIL/TT title machine, and the QUALITY OP' ITS WOSIC, are war• ranted to be !moo/word by say other. Its .peed tangos from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min. ote. The thread noel Is taken directly from the opoolo, wtteotrr ?ROSSI'S or lIIITrISDINS In fact, it I. • machine that lo wonted by every family in the land, and the low price of . . FORTY DOLLARS, it 'bleb they sold, brings them within the reach o almost every one S. D DARER, Agent, 4• 1546 m wit, einem 20 No nth EIORTII VIIILADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDFLY- N. W. Cot. THIRD an O NE/MP Sta PELOCZE & eoN, tha d nkful for V the liberal pa. tromp heretofore reseeded to their Yatabliebment, and ailment to merit 11e C OII IIOI4IICS. would announce to Printers and Publishers that theft new SPECIMEN BOON is now rudy, and from their Infused facilities, an now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a eomplete Printing Establishmeat, at the ehorteat no. Mee. Thal: long practical experienoe in the business, and the fast of their personal superintendenen of the monition:Mg department, AMU* them in minting that they can furnieh a more durable and better g,,. Yhett tinted* titan their ootemporarlee. ?hose, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them union to pun:Mamas elsewhere. atsnve &vont! OM typo takes it 1 Pant per pease, le laden, for new at swan."' 1 111048 . SUM, PORT WINE.-80 Quarter Pipes, In lond gad for isLi by WILLIAM M. YIIATON, ilB4 uo bath AIONT Stmt. Cowlings. tegal Notices LETTERS OF ADMINIATRATION pendent* tire, to the estate of MARIA IV. N.M . ( deceased, having been granted to nr.NJANtri tinsti all Illll , ona indebted to .alt estate are requosted to make paythrnt, or having elattua to make the sane known thotti delay, to ti DIV AlthWA LN , Attorney for Athuinlstratcr, No. 102 WALNur Street. Ja/J-tutir NOT I OE .—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of 138 AC HACKER, late of the tity of Philwielphia, deceased, having been duly granted by the Rester of Mlle for the county of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, therefore all persons baring cinime or demands against the Estate of rail decedent are re quested to teaks known the same without delay, at Non 128 and 130 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, to W3I. HACEF,R, Wore°Ater, Mau, I:neuter . ADIJAII E. STEPHEN'S, JeS-tuat 1= Arch Strerot. QEbucattonal WILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, for the BoboLeith yen, wnnl■ting of ten znontbs, J. J. REED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 15= WALNIIV Street, =IEI The system of Witt.o is based on that adopted in the best Seaduaries In Enrope, and comprises thorough in. strurti.n in the /french, awl Latin lamplese.; speclel attent'on in also pall to the formation of an eta gent style of composition, and to She cultivation of a tut.) for polite literature. The coarse of study will embrace every branch of education. A limited number of pupils admitted into the family. Their ...aglow' and moral training le under the special care of Mrs Reel, who has had many years experience, sod deference will be pad to the feelings and wishes of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort of the young ladies Is also carefully attended to br her. Weekly boarding pupils, from Monday till friday, Ill telve4l at proportionate rates A weeka vacation at Christmas and at Raster. TERMS. Payable halt k advance, and belt at the expiration o Ore month!) '• " For tuition in the regular mores or study $lOO 00 N. Ii —A Junior ti‘Olfill be formed. U , rman, Spanish, Italian. and other languages, Mu. 1110, (vocal and instrumental.) Drawing and Painting, (io oil Cad water eolora,) at Professors' charges. Use of Piano, per annum. harp Guitar, For Boarding Washing et 60 cent+ per dom. - Each boarding pupil le required to bring her own tow. el. direr fork and spoon. Pew rent at vont =I! It afforle me pleasure to state' that Mr. J. J. Road to recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in London. From personal acquaintance with him, / CAO moat cheerfully recommend him as an no-f oompliehed scholar and gentleman to the confidence o the public. A. CONVERSE. The subscriber takes great pleasure in nutting with Dr. Converse in the abore recommendation. From per ging aoquaintance with Mr. Reed, ea well as from Me distinguished testimonial'', I am confident of his emi nent abilltlea ea a gentlemen and scholar. oueaLta WADSWORTH. We aro happy to hear that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable literary attainments, and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of moment per•one, has re-opined h a Institute for Young Ladle" at I6'.,l W.lnnt street, me of the most admira ble loc alities in the city. Aire. Reed ice lady sty ht, hat many years' experience to tuition, and bean a high reputation for SUMAS,' in tralulog her pupils, bath mo rally and mentally. Mr. Recd. from his knowledge of European language', and from baring graduated to the first colleges In England, Imparts the advantages of tho best European 'Mown of education; and particular at tentlon Is paid to the study of English Composition and l'ollte Literature. We would lay come geese this latter fact, since general literary information and cul- Vire, though by far the moat distinguishing signs of in telllruce and refined education, are, on the whole, far more neglected in molt school,' and collegea than any other branches.—Adirer of Graham's Alagazine for July. lt6r, P. M. REFERENCES. Henry Fetheke, LL. D., Frovoet of the University of Penneylvania. John J. Fraser, LL. D., Profeuor of the Physical Scicncoe In ditto. (i•orge Alien, LL. D Professor of Ancient Lan guagee lo ditto. Hen. William M. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles O. Leland, Eel., editor of Utahant's Mag.- ine. Rev. William D. Stevens, D. D., Rector of St. An- Roe. Amato. Converee, D. D., editor of the ehrietion °burr,. Rev. Charles Wadaworth, D. D Arch-street Preaby- Union Church. Joseph 1,. Keen, EN : , Feet Philadelphia. Thomas 8. Taylor, Lart., Went Phllielelphia. jyl-lm HRYANT Ar STttATTON'S CHAIN OF JUS NATIONAL MIIIiCANTILE COLLINIES. Pbi ledelphi• College, Southeut ooruer SEVENTH and Gil ESTNU'f Straits. For lufrormation, call or sand for circular. 11(11fE14DEN' 3 11,AD E LY H IA 001dkili1t0IAL 13OLLSGE, aortheut corner of 011I8Thrfn and BSVYNTII Prude. An Institolion &Mood to di young MOO (or AO TIVI: NIISINSBEI. The whole building a occupied, sad fitted up In • style surpiuming •nythin` of the kind In this wintry. Thorough preparation for the ooantingg•house BOARD OP TRUBTRIC3. B. B. Coliseum, Premeis Oeille U. Stuart, David MHO*, John tiperhawk, David B. Brown. Law Hitter, A. Y. Parson*, D. B. Ulamin, Pre4orlek Brown, /oohs& L ppinoott. ap'•tf IA N. B. corner EIGIITU cod BUTTONWOOD Ma COMMERCIAL DEP ARTMENT.—Doot•keeping In all lie various forms; preparing &mien tehoroughly tor situation' In any branch of brudsson; Plain and Orna mental Writing; Commercial Calculating; Law and Oar. reapondance. tio Institution la the United State. gives a more sAarosigh and practical more,. In this depart ment ao teaching la done in classes, and Is open DAY and lOVENINO Time unlimited. MATLIESIATIOAL AND OLAPAIOAL DEPART IIENT.—(Beparate from the above,) Young Alen and boys are prepared for any grade of an English, and Olas- Meal Education, els : Spelling. Reuling, Writing, Onus mu, Geogrsphy, Arithmetio, Philosophy, &e , Ancient and Modern Langnages, with all the higher OoDentate Studies. Besslonia( 6 months eonimenee 13.ptembet lot, mod February let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged neoordingly. Cats logUel furnished grails. mh9B-V 1. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. JOHN H. BELL, TEADOZR OF NATIOATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At BRYANT & BTFIATTONT COMMERCIAL 0014E0E. 8. E. corner SEVENTII end CHESTNUT Streets Indianal. HOBENSACK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name Implies, hi one of the greatest streogthening preparations extant It is ea venially adapted to those who have • toss cl appetite or are ahlicted with Dyepepsla, Lirer Complaints. Pilse, Mertens Debility Llaberal Weakness, and all diseases arising from e disordered condition of the digestrve organs. . . POR FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there le perhape no medicine In the world equal to lt, as it enters. purifier, and replenishes the Wood which Is no Important to brine about a healthy action THOUSANDS ARE LIVING miserable sauterne, of s pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restore 4 to health by the use 01 one bottle or this invaluable medicine. It le no humbug, but a genuine remedy, befog free from any thing that le or an loJurious nature. son ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD there le no better antidote than Ilobeneackie Iron DIU tart When the bloat Is impure the whole body to fell of diteue. Blood letting may answer fora time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we moot begin. and to cleanse the blood there to no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief soontiteent Is Iron, and we all know ita rilleacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system They are prepared by • pre* Coal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent phyalefaai and others, u the "me plus ultra" of all tonics. BOW ORATIPYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded In compound ing ► remedy for many or the Ole that his fellow. mortals are eubJect to; and that the public appre• elate it is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, u the demand for It has fat surpassed his sanguine expectations. EXAD TUE TPSTIMONY OP A WORTHY OITIZEN. - - • • . This la to certify Ulf lOU war to delicate health Nome three years, with a einem, peculiar to her sex. She tried ntunerouz remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Hohensark's Iron Bitiers, and knowing Iron to be • powerful tonle, Induce,' me to obtain • bottle, which proved to be the medicine the solely rs. oared, by restoring ber 4 health. ne hesitates riot to recommend It to thee* who ere similarly gloated, u she believed it to be a sovereign remedy. JOUN 00L11. No MI Capitol Street. ma it:rateable Medicine Is prepared only by GEORGE B. 11013NNSACE, Pharmaceutical °bemire, S. W. caner of TRIED and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders malt be addresaed. Price 31. Diacovat to dealers. Bold by Drorgiete generally. m 1204 ANALYSIS OF LYON'S OATAWBA BRANDY by . . A A. 1161118, M. I), AFIATIR TOTES STAFF OF MillB/01USITIS CUAIACTIIIL. A light-yellowish brow*. trolled spirit, haring a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analysed for volatile and axed drugs, of which no traces of cosy kind seers found. Ite color I...proved to be doe to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. 117'1n every respeat It la • pare epirltone The fragrance or bouquet which it pouesaes can bell°. latred, and then owners unlike slut from Clo—n. so Brandy or `A hie, belog • fruity annum. resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Gram. OIITIIIOII. DIAZ/OTIS .—I, par 4 to volume of thin spirit contains at CO deg V. 441 2-10 parte of pure al cohol, beeldes the fragrant ell. 1,000 parts of the spirit afford 21 parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterisoa thin Brandy; the spirit left, alter removing the oil, is pure and odor's/I, and in all It, qualitiee • perfect spirit not cape. to change. One U. B. gallon of this Brandy rat 00 deg. I. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only TlOgm. of matter oom. poised of extract of fruit , gum, and colored resin from wood. Boston, January WI, ldiSS. Dr. COXII, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAS. It. (MILTON, Chemist, of New York, both prouounce this to be pure Brandy, sad free from all adulteration . For bledleinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy bu no tire, and bas long been needed to supersede the poisonous compounds sold under the AM. of Brandt. As a bort:rage, the pure artiole is altogether superior, sod a sovereign, sure remedy for Dyspepsia, flatulency, tow Spirits, Languor, General Debility, An.. &a. Also ISLISLBY'S STILL AND BPABALINO 011ANIPAGNE.—Thesi Wines are made In the neigh. borbood of Ciecinnati, and are guarautied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently ukelele:l for invalids and person. who require a gentle silent'. lent, and fur Bacracodital purposes. Retail price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal dlaeount mode to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the "Bole Agents" for the State of Penn. sylvania, A. P. HAZARD k. CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. SOS IdARKST Street. Also for sale by the following apothecaries : AMBROSE fldf ITU, Seventh and Chesnut ate. JNO. W. tilkilfS & BONB,llth and 2/1 and Market streets. D. L. BrAcKnottsE, Sneak and Orson Ma R. NIDINUER, Second and Mary Ma , Southwark. G. W. BERINGSR, Paaaytuak Road and Washington street. ONO . 8 110881 , 18A0K, Third and Orion Its A. R. EfORTER. Broad lad Coates am. Olationcrn. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. CD DAVID M. MOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer nod Printer, No. I ' oo WALNUT Street. is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelve* or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Santo, Publie Maces Merchant*, and others, of the beet quality of Englioh or American Paper, and bound In various styles, in the moot substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description logravlng and Lithographing executed *lth neatness and despatch. A general aasortmeot of Engßah, Prenoh and Ameri can Stationery. Ootmerning Mr. Mogan , ' contribution to the ifrankifa Institute, the Committee oay—" This display of blank boon for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material le good, the workonumbip moot excellent, arid their listiab and ap saranos sat acid opproprlatc" 49542. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. JULY 20. 1858. illebinnel. Hestia will, In all eases, follow the one of Radway'l R. R Remedies. There are none so sick or diseased, et weak feeble, or crippled with pain or inflrmitiee, bur that Hadwayse Beady Belief, Renovating, Resolvent, rd Regulators, all the nature of the diastase or eicksiess may require, will quickly and rapidly core. These remedies consist of Rodway's Ready Relief, Itadwayse Renovating Reeolvent ; way's Regulators Nacho! these remedies panacea special curative porea over certain diseases. Yet there are other disease' wherein their combined medicinal properties are re quire:l; and when thus need, If there Is =lenient life and strength within the diseased nr dying body to sus tato their action, the patient will live end be restored to health. Pain R. A. Relief. Armee Diseases R. R. Relit/. rigtaminatory Diseases—Relief and Regulators. Alainriera Diseases Relief cad Regulators. Congestirs Diseases Retie/and R•y.te.to,s. se,of.te.e Dtansec..... Renovating Resolvent. CArvAic Discuss Renovating flew/awl. Syphilitic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Consiiiirtional Diseases... Resolvent and Regoialori. Skin .DiFerwT Rex...ling Resolvent. Nervous Diseases Bathireni, Relief, Boyar. lafeetioaS Diseases Reedy Relief t Regulators CONSTITIIT/ONA L DISEASES. Many diseases that afflict humanity are inherited Of heirlooms from the diatased bodies of sickly sires Scrofula, Consumption. Syphilis, and Fits. are amend the most common of constitutional disease. Now, we care not how many generations the seeds of these dip eases may have been established la the system, 110 r. rooting the blood—Railway's Renovating Resarew will eradicate from the bodies of the &filleted every par. title of diseased deposite, and fill the veins with new, pore, awl healthy blood. CH I L PRISE'S DISEASES. Radways/ 'Smalltime Resolvent shonld be killed as a Mooney by every mother throughout the land , whose Infanta are aMicted with Sorel, Humors, eta. These breaking. out (thus earl) are evidences of dlp ewe transmitted from the parent stock. A few Cum a the Renovating Rea/Neat will eradicate every vestige or the disease and Insure the child a wand led healthy body. • R. R. R.—Rodwayss Ready Relief for Headaches, eke. ther wok or nervous; theumatlam, Dlar. tines, Dytentery, Cholera Morbui, Cramps. Influenza, Bloody Phu Paralysls, Lumbago. S Gout, Nocralgia, Toothache, mall Poi, leveret, Swollen joln ts, Blaney Compleinta Scarlet Fever, Paine around theprat, Pica risy, Moult% Heartburn, sod aloe of all kinds. Radway'a Ready Relief will, in a fee minutes, change the miseries you suffer It Joys of pleasure. R.R. IL—lfadway's Renovating Resolvent, far the core of ehronia dunes—Stroh as Boron:flu. and Syphilitie complaints, Coaaamptive and other affections of the Longs awl Throat. Indurotlon and Inlargements of parts. Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin. Rodeo, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases tabling from an Impure state of the blood. H.R.R.—Radway s s Regulators will cure,effectively and speedily. Coetteenese, Indigestion Painter's Cholic, Lead Diseases, Intiomma tips of the Dowels, Dygperela, Liver than plaint, Disease' of the Heart end Kidneys . Female Complaints, Sinai! Pot, 'Fevers. Measles, eta., eta. Wbepeter the ',stern Is out of order, or the blood Impure, a dose of flatway s , Itegulab.re will restore It to regn. laxity, and purify and cleanse the blood. Nt female should be without them. B. R. B Remedies are sold by Druggists and Ole telt an t s everywhere. saWAT lc 00 1 New York 011 y. W. B. Zsials T. W. DIGT, ' A Sow, Agents, Philadelphia. T. R. Oottaxmat, aplStulcudly&eowlyr T HE LIVER INVIOURA'rOIt PRI?. ailD BY DR. 111.11folD, COMPOUNDED SNTIRELY FRO M 0 rims, I. one of the beet Pi:aptly' and Liver Medielnee now before the public, that Ida as • Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectuel than any other medicine known. It Is not only a Cathartic, but a Lit..., reme dy, acting drat on the Lire, to eject Ile morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat ter, thus accomplishing two prim es effectually, with• out any of the painful feelings experience t he the ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthen, the sys. tern at the lame time that It purges it, end, when titan daily In moderate doses, will strengthen and build It up with unusual rapidity. The Livia none of the , I principal regniatorsof the bum,. body; Ludt/hen It !perform'. Its tune Lion' well. the powers of the! otyatein are fully devel oped The stomach le al- !moat entirely dependent on the healthy action of ' the Lir.. fur the proper performance of Its tune- tlons ; when the stomach la it fault the bowels are •, at fault, and the whole lusters. suffers In cone- g queues of one orgaz—the Liver—haring ceased to , ,do Ito duty. For the dia. e.t.a of that organ, one ,n of ; the proprietors has made It his study, 'in • practice of more than 20 years, to find some rime- E.,i!dy wherewith to counter act the many derange. , 'vents to which it is lia ble. To prove that this re- medy Is at last found, any person troubled with its CourLa !Er, in any of its forms, bas but to try a I .9 bottle, sod Conviction is COMIII. Thesetiorns remove all , morbid or bad cutter from the !system, supplying , their place a healthy now of bile, invigorating thew, stomach, canaing food to digest well, purifying the M, blood, giving tone and health to the whole ma- l ehln a ry, removing the cause of the disease—ef- ; feeling a radical cure. 1111.10011 OTTOOII are , cored, and, what it bet. ter, prevented by the oc , use of the INTIOORATOIL. One dose, after eating. N etiffieisot to relieve the stomach and prevent the' rood from riming and sour i. I Only one dose, taken 07., before . estinvg, prevents ! Only one demo, taken at'W , night. looeens the bowels isntly and eureA Coa- Ono deem, taken after;')each meal, will core Den. PRPRIA. • I (LT One does of two il•4 i teaspoonfuls will always relieve Sum lleannonl. l One bottle taken for re. il—f male obetrnetwn remove,' the canna of the disease, and mok-s perfect core. Onlr one done itornedi• Ist/4 relieve. Coot. to, while one done, often re-; ,J 2 pealed, le • sore cure for Cnototan MORBOS. and preveotive of CROLRRA. Only one bottle let ' needed to throwout of the .yetem the effects of me- ik theism after a long ela n/ma rya o One bottle taken . I for removes all eagt . nene or unnatural , color from the Ain. One does taken a short 10 'time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and , r' makes food Client well. One doge, often reveal- ett, core, CUROSIO DIAR. eons In its worst forms.while &seams and Down. complaints yield almost Z to the Aria d 0... One or two doses cure attache ruined by WORMS in children; there Is no '4l surer, ester, or speedier remedy In the world, aa It nicer/oils. DJ — A few bottle. cure Cl) ' Raoul, by ouiting the absorbents. We take pleunee Int"- ' commending this medi cine u a preventive for rRTIR and Ault, Grout. Isms, and all ?sues of • BlLloril Tres. it ope. rates with certainty, and thousand. are willing to testify to Its wonderful ' ' virtues. Alt whores it are tiring their unanimous testimony he its furor. Ll 5-. 11 , 4111 in the mouth with Ihn invigorator ; and swallow both together. TIM LI VISA INVIGORATOR IS A &IMMO MIDICAL DIACOYSIT, sod Is dilly work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by magic, even eke first do e giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LTVY.R Complaint, from the worst bundler or Dye yepsin to a common Hrodoche, all of which are the re sult of a DISEABED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Dr. SAN FORD, Proprietor, 916 Broadway New York. Ageota for Philadelphia, 2'. W. DYOTT h BONS, 218 North Second Street Petalled by all Drugginta. Bald alma by PAIdURI, PINES, Twelfth and Ohestuut streets, and P BROWN, Filth and OheAlava atreete PbHada, Lan to th a-1y PERUVIAN SYRUP, on PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDS OP Having suecemefuliy powed the ordeal to which new dire reveries in the Materie Medics are eubjevted o meet now be received ea en eetabliebed medicine. lte efficacy In curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, ?CrumZgle, Bronchltie and Consumptive tendencies. Disordered Plato of the Blood, Boils, Benny, the Prostrating Effects of Lend or Mercury. General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, le beyond quer tion, The proofs of Its efficacy aro so nu .;s!, • merouu, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that sufferers ..(17 • 0. cannot reasonably hesitate to rewire the proffered aid. . t The Peruvian Syrup does not profess to be a cure-all, but its range Is eaten- Jii44 sire, because many disenay., appareutly unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from one muse, may bo cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which . the Byrup provides a cure Is precisely that which has so often battled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tonglble, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy of the Byrupineoritrovortlble. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fall to be satisfied with the folios log, among nu- merous testimonials, lu the hands of the Agents. The elgoatures are those of gentlemen well known in the ceincounity, nod of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial eh cede of the Peruvian Syrup y " do not hesitate to re• eommend it to the attention of the public. From our own experience. as well se from the testl. molly of others, whose intelligence and Integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its elks ey In wade of Incipient Masses of the Lvov and Ikon. chid Panacea, Drained*, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, &e. Indeed. Its effects would be Incredlbib. but from the blgh character of those who here wit. messed them, nod have volunteered their U.-Wormy, as we do ours, to Its reetoratlve power. Ker. JOHN PIEItI'ONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, P II KENDALL, M. D., BAMLIEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES C DUNN, Ron TllOB. WHITTEMORE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. HATES it It well known that the medicinal effects of Pnoton ble of Iron is lost by oven • very brief exposure to sir ; and that to maintain a solution of Protocide of Iron ; sithout further oxidation, has Weil deemed impoesible In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point Ie at 141ned by combination In a way before unknown, and this solution may replace all the pruto carbonates, ci trate*, and tartrate* of the Materin Medico. A A LIAVEB, M D , Assayer to the State of Massachusetts 16 Doyistoo street, Boston, SOLD BY N. L. CLARK St CO., Proprietors, No, b WATER Street, Horton. V. DROWN, FIFTH arri CHESTNUT StreetA, HASSARD & CO , 'Mum mid CHESTNUT Streeta, .1e15.1u th aat•em wetu Agent" for Plillndelphis. WlfY sunettc, watt DYSPEPSIA ? ZIEGLER & BMITIVB PURE, MEDICINAL OOGNAO BRANDY bee cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &0., &o , &o. Price 111.2 b per bet tla, or $10.60 per dozen. Warranted pore. Try It. I hereby certify that I had been &filleted with dye papilla for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the popular medicine., but of no avail. Having had Zeigler,. Bmith's Pure, Medicinal Oognae Brandy recommended by many persona, Induced me to try it. One bottle has almost cared me of dyspepsia and wetly* habits!, of ten years' standing. I can say, with a thank. fed heart, that I have never found It. equal during my painful and distresing complaint. I sincerely recom mend It to dyepeptle, Damn/ And debilitated Saffaltrit. Joel 0, BLItiaOTI, Jan. lath, 18158. 1231011ve street. Also, ZIEGLER & BMITII'B Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public Ise genuine wines. These Wines are espeoially adapted to dylpeptica and con Sump• Urea, and la all owe of general debility, lout of app.,' VW, &e. Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle. ....... ....II 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. .......5... 1 00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do, . 1 00 Address your order. to Bole Agent. ZEIGLER it BMITII, Wholesale Druggists, B. W. corner BBOOND and GREEN Bt. , PhDs, Also, for sale by JOHN DLEY, Druggist, fel-y Frankford road, opposite Genova?. oZxpreso GTompantea /111:1E ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, no CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, IitERIMANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either_ Its own LINES, or In connection with other REPRESS COMPANIES, to all the prinoips/ TOWNS sod Orfila of Jim United Staten. IL O. NANDIORD. 11144 Vestal lloputatamkag_, inoatante Coulon's° CIFYTNRTRA/.V 6" COMPANY, No. 110 Swath FOURTH Street. • CilAliaTlt PERPETUAL. Capital 8900,000. Orgradeed 1851. Privileged to Imre llou SPA, 111111111allr or perpetually; P.renual Property, annually, or for aloes period; take Marine, Inland, and Life lueunwee I receive De. poet fa; bold Trusty and grant anoultioe ALFRED WEEKS, Pre4lent. 11. 0. TYLER, Vice l'realtlent. J. W. SfArtict, Beeretary. llon. W. D. Kelley, J. W. Forney, I'. 11. Mingle, James Watson, Ludlam *diligent, William Curtly, D. II . uruer. Alfred Werke, 11. 0. Tyler, J. W. (louder, C. It. MAIN., J. L. Itutchturon, J. W. Stoker, jelllll CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 531 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL MO 00O—PAID UP CAPI . . . TAL 1.366A10. This Company haying been recently REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely Increased, respectfully solisits a share of the patronage of Insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be leaned at equitable rates of pre mium, and iOM3II liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRECTORS: William If Godwin, S. R. Crawford, James W. Que.., Jno. L. Redner, George W. Call,. Willlani B. Themes, D. Pranklits Jackson, S. N. Winslow, J. U. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Noma, Secretary. mrle-dtf LIFE INF.IIRANOE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAh LIFE INEIT/W 4O / COMPANY. Northeast Coraer of TIMID sad DOCK atreole. Capital, te13,725.03. INHUMES LIVEH for short term, or for the whole term of Ilte—graute annuities and endowments—pur chaser' life lotrreeta lu Deal katate, and makes aU cootreets depending oa the contLugenziee of Life. They let as Executors, Adathilatrotori, Assignees, Trustee, had Guar/lane. Daniel L. Miller, Smouel Z. Blokes, Plehjruni o Coates, William Martin, Richard P. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hecker, • Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston, Samuel 0. Huey, Thoophilus Paulding, Chatlee Hallowell, gdmourl A Bonder, Henry 0. l'owitprd, Lanka L. Hutchinson, Rodolphue Heat, lOW vf. Humor, William H. Oen, Xllla 0. Archer, Idward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Rano, /oho G. Brogan., P.. Weller, Reston. DANINL L. WILIAM, Preeldent. BAMLIIIL B. IiTOYEB, Via Preen. Joan W. Monson. 13.11CIWtart• 1218-/, THEQUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY.—Otace 408 WALNUT Street, PHILA.- DYLPHIA, . . CAPITAL SURPLUS 5271,643.93 . . biennia against lose or damage by FIRM and the PRAM et the 84, INLAND NLY/OATION sad TRANSPORTATION. Ten per cent. ha cub retuned oit the euned pre. mh ml of Open Intend 017'0E118. Q ?DROSS 11. HART—Pre:I loci /1. P. ROBS—VIte Prostdoot. 11. R. 0000.411ALL—Secrotery and Treasurer. B. 11. BUTL3II-4seletant Secretary. D 111.10701113. George U. Mart, Jusqn Pdvanla, 1. P. Roes, Teeter 8. Pertains, A 0. Cattell, Chants O. Imlay, Andraw R. Chambers, Samuel loose, M. D., n.S. , bon. II M. Puller,' John O. Dale, R. cogsehall, John L. Pomeroy. U. B. 0000811. ALL. Secretary. A ROTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPA rx. NY, NNW YORK.—Cifflos, ski Ivo s t rut, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank —Cash Capital, 4250,000, with a surplus. Thls Company insure Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes , and other property, against Lou or Damage by Flu end the Blahs of Intend Nasig.ation. DIBBOTOBB.. Henry Grinnell, - Imbue L. Pops, Caleb Barstow, Rotas R. Graves, Cleary 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, ltdmund Pantold 0. H. Li li enthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemmi, tr. Ogden Haggerty, iiish• B. Morgan Thomas hionagan, Abm. R. Tan Neat, John 11. Xs?ls, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thom uu B. Nelson, Oberlos }Canton, //Linea W. Phillips, Lomb. Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G.Glidden, Edward lllnokrn, Stag:, Caintrelsug, Wm. E. She , Thomas Scott, Charles L. Proot, • John Ward Lothrop b. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William It. Fosdick, Peter ltdes, Imery Thayer Benjamin 11. Yield, Gao. Westfeldt, A. R. Prothinglianti Zalmon Taylor, Thou. P. Youngs Henry B. Illosaoso. 'Eamtitl L. Mitchell, ALBSFIT WARD, President. RIOILLID A. Olll.lll.seoretary• an 1041 CUld.biON WEALTH /IRS Iti817B61(01 COMPANY or no STATE or PENNAYLTANIA. Noartiwzor CORNED SOURTEI AND WALNUT EITRESTB, 111111.11,11./1111 finnan Capital ) 1.500,000, Pala ap Oapltal,$."00.000 DIRICITOIO. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Bt•watte H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Whiten, J. H. Walker, Xdw. G. Knight, M. B. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., S. H. 1101.1110. DAVID /LYNX, M. D. President. THOMAS B. BTSWAHT, Vie' Preet. BAXIIII. B. Mom Beeretarr. J. 29.7 DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURANOI3 COMPANY. INCORPORATIM BY TIM LEOIALATURE or PENN SYLVANIA, 19;36. 011102, B. I. Corner TIMID and WALNUT Stnati MARINE INSURANCE, ON VIL9BILB, 0 &AGO To all parts of the World. /11SIGIIT, INLAND INSURANCES, GaGoods, by Rieer, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of tbe Union. • FIRE INSURANCES, On lifernhendise generally. On Store., Dwelling Douai, /to. .62,8111 OF TRE COMPANY, November 2, 1867. floods, Mortgagee, and Real Estete $101,860 04 Philsdelph la City and other Loans.. 191,011 16 Stock is Danes, Railroads, and loan/moon Companies , 12,510 00 BUD Receirable 210,201 05 Cub on band 88,822 08 Bennet in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently Ironed, on other debts dne the Company 01,730 67 tiabse.iption Notes ' 100,000 00 William Martin, .1.1.10/ 0. Iland, Joseph 11. Seal, Theophilue Paulding, Edmund A. Souder, lames Traquair John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Ir., John It. Peurooe, 1. P. Coniston, George G. Lolper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stoke., Dr. B. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig Thomas 0. nand, Spencer Mcllraln, Robert Burton, Ir., Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Pittabgh 11. Jones Brcrha j o Dr. T Morgan, ii Jteoto Y. Joao ip J. T. Logan, 1 WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Floe President. HENRY LIZBUILI. Be eretary. JaFq FIRE AND INLAND RISKS:—FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. Capitol 8100,030, (Organlte4 under the Aet of Asaembly relatifs to In enranee Companies, posed April 2.1. 1866 ) GEORGIE W. DAY, PreeMent. TIIO3IAB 8. MARTIN, Ylce•Pteeldeut. WILLIAMS I. BLANCIIARD, Secretary. °Mee 411 DII EBTN UT Bt., Philedelpl,l*. DIRECTOR/3. George W. Day Jacob 11 Vaughan, William W. Waiter", Meaty Lew.o, Jr., Charles Alehardaon, D. B. Bin. Barelay I,lpploeott, • John 14. Iranian, Joe, R. Leopard, A. H. Rolenhelm, Mae fknikai. 1•24-7 11 Stars. ithlts anti Liquors ALEXANDRE SBIGNETTE BRANDY. The subscribers have been appointed sole agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ROCHELLR BRANDY. which they are prepared to offer to the trade et the loweet market price, front Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A eountaut supply on hand, In half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD Ck WOJIL, .41841 120 WALNUT Street. TULES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.—Tho eubscribers, sole agents In the State of l'ennsylva. pia for the above celebrated brand of COONAC SHAN DY t beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and feel confident It Mill compare favorably ,ekh the most favorite brands lo the market, ARNOLD & WORL, 12/3 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above In the trotted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, In halt, quarter, and eighth pipes , I AM }SHE Y GRAPE-LEAF OIIAM- A PAGNE. ARNOLD ec WORL Bole Apnts t 120 WALNUT Street QALMON, SHAD, ttc.-20 tierces No. 1 Dsituori; la bbis. do.; 60 bble. pritoe Bea 811.1; 200 Dbl.. ficalodish ; 160 bble White-fisn x now in store sad for sale by JOHN U. KENNEDY it CO., an 2.1 e 120 and IR6 Netello erltatve CLARET -J 2.5 CASES MARGAUX, 160 Caren BS. JULISN, In quarts and pints. In store and for Nolo by A. bIXIIINO, 1022 140 Booth FRONT fltroAt BRANDIES. , Pinot Coatißon," Marott, and other Cognate of 'axiom vintage', In half pipes and quarter ca4ka • Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half coats, and one•olghtl/ out,. Imported and for sale by 113NRY BOULIN & 00., yen 221 and 223 South Fourth street CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ke•, 2 A South 111TH Street, Phllbdelpbla. 1111.17 inORDIALS.—ANISETTE, CURACOA, and MAILABOIIINO_, In More and for isle by so?, h. 14111TONn.14(1 it TM - MT Rt. 1./RANDY.--7 octavos Renault & Co. Cog 1.1/ nee, very old vintage, In bond and for sale by WILLIAM L. YaletToh, lea 218 Antall VRONT RI. PIIILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD k WILSON, gOCCIMPoIiII TO S. A. HARRISON We have removed from our old eland In Walout street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, • few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the publle are respectfully Invited to examine our extensive stock of Harm Air In roam, Cooking Ranges, Rath %Here, Regietera, Roameled Stone Mantele, Parlor 0041 Orates, &0., &e. We are now manufacturing 01111.80N03 CELEDRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever Invented, and suited to all classes of buildlogs. Also, new and beautiful patine of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Cool Grates of all sine nod patterns, We bare also commenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylcania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Frit and Winn of the Franklin Institute of MO city. They represaut all the rare and beautiful Antall! MARBLAS, are not injured by Smoke, Coal G as, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at muck lest price Man Marble. Call and ne Arm. ARNOLD & WILSON. DEN]. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April, lBrto-.4424 ly LIEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE.-PIPER'S germios brand. cougar:4ly ou hand, melted from sole Importers, sod for isle by A. kIBRINO, Bold Agent lo this City, 140 &Mk MIR MINN etitypin• STEAM TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN —Tho shbrteet see passage between America and Europe.—NEW YORK to ti A I.W AY, Inland. Only 13 bons' travel, if:eluding four hours' sea pas sage, from Galway to London, via Golyhead. The line will consist of fix powerful paddle-wheel Steamships. The fir t two are now running no follows: INDUS 1:1P1171; will leave hew York Friday, Jule 23. XMERIOAN EMPIRE will len ft Galway Tunny, July 27. AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave New York on or about August 17. The splendid steamship INDIAN EMPIRE L. COURTNA Cololllllol.ler, Will poeltively leave New s t ork, for Galway, YRIDAY, July 23d. This ship has splendid accommodations for float, eecorel, and third class passengers, who will be taken through to any part of Great Britain at the following greatly reduced rates, Including a liberal cabin table, and provision for third class passengers to Galwsr First class 100 Second dune 00 Thlld elms 30 Passengers for Oertiomy, Ate , will have free tickets to London or Hull, front whence Gest:lets are constantly leaving for Hamburg, Amsterdam, and other ports. Freight Mitered In Galway awl Dublin. Specie and valuable packages delivered also in Liverpool, Mon. cheater, and London, at reasonable rates. For passage, freight, and further particulars, apply to WILLIAM A. SALE & CO., jyl94Jyrd No. 46 SOUTH Street, New York. WARTED—Throe good VESSELS, of 350 and 100 tons, to loci for ports In the fluff. Also, one of about 350 tons capacity, of light drill of veil,. Immediate despatch and good rates of Irtlgbt, Oren. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, lo 00. jyls-19t. 129 NORTIt WIIARVES. AtWANTED—A first-class VESSEL, of 800a1,600 tons capacity, to load for I P.l In tha Parllk, Cargo now toady, an/ fair frolght wilt be pet/. APPIII to Jrls-4.ltf DiEHOP, 8010 NE, do CO., 120 NORTH WHARTRS WANTED—A good VESSEL, to ."W. toad In the Lotthinna Line, for New Cedennt. of deepetoh and goal rata given. j Aitl ir to BISHOP, SIMONS, k. CO., y 120 :NORTH IVRAIIVES. . I ! . NOTICH.—The CITF OF WASHINGTON, tUirertht.l to boll on Tilt 11S6AY, July 15th, hiving boon &lathed to carry the United States twills, will WI op SATURDAY, July 17th, at noon preolaely. .1011 N G DALE, Agent,. NO WALNUT Street. l ai k FOR SAN ANCISOO.--OLIFPER OF THURSDAY, 16th July luet.—Loweer DAVIE, AND NO DETENTION, The impeder A 1 Clipper Ship Pi'ANDERINU JEW, gratreoL, Commander, Ic new reeeirrig her cargo, at Pier 10, E. R., (New York,) and will poeltleely call al above. The Wanderlog Jow was built for the California Trade, is throughly youtilated, and or smell rapacity; tee JCst made the voyage lu 84 days from Amoy to Havana, Willi the shortest passage ever meld between those ports. The superior sailing qualities of this ship, her email capacity, low rates of freight, and early day of palling, present unequalled Inducemente. for balance of freigh t Rill/ to ' 'BlBllolr, 111108i8, h. 00. 120 14011T81 1911ARVE8 STEAM TO LIVERPOOL, AND GLAg: 00W, DORIAN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, VIA LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL 1.71 D PlllLAwasuitk STEAM• SRI P CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships ue Intenlen to tall as follows : TIDY NSW TOIL. CITY OF BALTIMORE . , .... ....Thurlay, July Litt CITY OP WASHINGTON " " 15th KANGAROO " " 25th . _. . _ _. .. _. Ao4 eaahalteroate Than(lv, from Pier 44 N. it riog CITY OF WASHINGTON Wednosday, Juno LTA. KANO AROO July Ten. CITY OP BALTIMORE; " " Slat And each aneroid* Wednoalay. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphia.... 676 Third Class to any of the abovoduentioned places, and found In beat cooked Provisions 00 Return Tickets good for 6 month* 60 Certificates of Pfunsage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia t 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham loin:, he.. without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will Mil regularly between Antwerp Liverpool, in connection with the depirturei fo e'ew York, taLlog goods (rout Antwerp to New York, a a thoongh retool freight, Certificates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $45. Gnats ou Li rorpool from Ll upwards. For freight or wine, apply it the Comparly'e Offices, 16 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Btroot, JOIIN 0. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, Jet' 63 and 63 Tower Building, 1,111.1 pool. LIVERPODI, AND - PIELA ffittaDELPIIIA STEAMMIIP COMPANY. bloom communientlon between New York and Ant. , werp, rla Liverpool. The eplowlid feet erirew.eteamehlp riosmoßtur, Captain tfra ulgan, (lately employed In the Royal Mall eervlce,) will mil regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool awry alternate THLKSIJAY, in connection with the company', etennohlpa from Liverpool to New York. (roods fur New York will be receivel and ',tappet by the Agent' In Antwerp, and Mlle of lading algned there eta throng)] rate of freight. The 11 rat sailing from Antwerp will be on the 17fib of June, in ronjunction with the CITY OF WASHING TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further particulars and terms of freight and pee- Rev, aptly to J. P. Kremer & Co., Antwerp; William lomen, lower ll4l , llnga, Liverpool, and at the Cola. pany's Ofilgra. 15 broad orty, New York, and 109 Walnut street, Philadelphia le2l-lm REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI DENCE.—Schooner WORCESTER, RIMED Iner, now loading it Csilowhlll•etreet Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain, on hoard, or to JNO .111 .NENNEDY & CO., jell 180 and 132 NORTH WHARVES. FOR CUARLESTON AND SA• vANNAII -HERON'S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OP LADING SIGNED The eplendid Bret-chug side...keel Steamship! RRYSTONS STATIC and STATE OP OPOROIA, Now lotm a weekly Hoe for the Booth sod Southwest 008 of these !ship! selling story SATURDAY at 11 o'clock A. M., alternately for Oharlootod cud So rataukh. POll OLIMMESTON, ThaIIIIYEITONX STATIC Captain Charism P. MarAh man, will commence loading on Thureday, July 224 and nail for Charlene°, S. C., on Saturday, July 21th at 10 o'clock A M. VOA SAVANNAH The STATE Clie OEOROIA, Capt. John J. Garvin. VIII commence loading on Thuraday, July 9.Stb, and rail ror Sanumb, Oa., on Saturday, July alit, at i 0 o'clock A M. At both Charleston and Baronial, those ships Bonnet with otwarnera for Florida and Mayans, and with roll roads, !he., for all places la the South and Southwest. fRXIORTS RED XXX D. Envy Freight at an arerage 0116 per cent. below New York steamship rates. INSURANOB FREICITIT and, INetlnatttlE on • largo proportion of goods shipped Both will be found to be lower by these ships than by selling teasels. Cabin passage !teem! do. 101,781 87 Excursion Tickets, good for tho present year. 80 00 No Dille of lading signed after the ship ha ailed. For freight or panne, apply to A. HERON, Jr., No. Odd (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston T. B. T. G. lILIDD. Agents in Bavannia, O. A. GRAINER A CO. Por Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA ery Tuesday. For Florida, from Beranneh, steamer.. BT. .111ARYB mad BT. JOIINB, every TumidAy and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, ethernet /BABEL, oo the 4th and 19th of every month. Jell , STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVE POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, sad LONDON DE MT, without delay. fur 30 dollars. Re Oars ticket., good for Ili mouth'', to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, CIO dollars for the round trip, out and bank. ' 1101( ■►w TORN. New York, Ilckllllset, B►turday, July 10 ►t 10 o'clock, M ItAlnborgb j Cumming, 4 . July It °l►eguer, cioolwln, 4, Austin PROM OL4lOOw. Ildloburgh. Cumming Saturday, Jane 26. Olga ow Oculwin Patunlfty, July 10. New York, McMillan Wedue6l67, August Il • HATES OY PAYSAO.S. /10110L160011% /frit Cl!ms Bteerage, found with cooked prOlielooa (1011 SIM cOll. Vint Ohio MS 00 Steerage, found with cooked porialone ... SO 00 Children under 14 ream of age, half Infanta in Steerage, free. Rattan tickets available within sin months, by any steamer of this line. First Olau $l6O 00 Steerage $6O 00 An experienced Surgeon al ladled to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORILMAN tr. 00. 1 156 WALNUT Street, Pkiladel• ROBERT ORM, 17 Broadway, New York. NALL /a LONNY, Biebanae. Wkarf, Baltimore. TILE BRITISH NORTH AMER/OAN ILOYAL MAIL EIVIAIISIIIII3. /lON KM TORT TO LiniarcoL Mae Cabin ['usage Beeond Cabin Nun* !tom iostox lo LiTemroot Chief Cabin Passage... Second Cabin Passage The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judklus. CANADA, Oapt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wiekman ASIA, Capt. X. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Kyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, FUROP A , Capt. J. Leitch, These vessels carry a Meer white light et mast-head; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Weiluesday, June 9th AM:RICA, Moodie, Boston, Wednesday. Jutie 16. ASIA, Lott, " N York, 'Wednesday June 231 CANADA, Lang, Boston, Weilnenday, June 30 PICRSIA, Ju4king, " N York Wednesday July 7 NIAGARA, Wickman, ii Boston, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA ' Shannon, N York, Wednesday, July 21 Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of there Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metal,, unless rill tof Lad i ng are signed therefor and the veluotherem; t t. ein expressed. For freightur it; a apply to my 10-y X CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. Illucbinern anti iron. =2I:EMIZI M=E=tEl S • • OUTEIWARK FOUNDRY, HITU AND WASHINGTON 6TRENT6 =MEM • • - • • MERRICK & SONS, INGINRERS AND AfACIIINISTR, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Rosined, for Land, River, and Marine service. DoGeri, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boma, ha., logs of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, he. Retorts and Gap Pdsehtnery of the latent and MGM Improved eonstrnoticn. Every description or Plantation mm 1111,4.17, such u Boger. Ban, and Grist Mille, Vacuum Pens, Open Steam Trains, Defeeetors, Filters, Pumping Engine*, he. Bole Agent* for N. RlMennen Patent finger Boiling Apparatne; Naemyth'e Patent }Ream Hammer; J. P. Ross , Patent Valve Motion for Bleat Machinery and Steam Pamper. Oupeelntendent—B. H. BARTOL fire proof Oates S dLdI[ANDES SAFES. • largo assortment of EVANS /t WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFAPTVRED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOOltB, BANE WOES, /or Banks and Stores. Equal to any now In tree. IRON DOORS, SUUTTBRII, On al good terms as any other establishment In tit United States, by EVANS h WATSON, No. 28 Bonti FOURTH ntreol, I'6l l 4ollNi. mOO4l COAIPOSITE IRON RAILING.—T. L. LITTLEFIELD, No. 23 N. SIXTH Street , Solo Agent fur Hutchlueou Wickmeham's celebrated COMPOSITE k MINOS, would call attention to hie new pattern. or Iron Balling, Terandabs,lcoulea Marlow, and Farm Gates Summar lloaaes, &e., /to., and he Is confident they will ba (mutt the best 'Melee et th• kial la tivo Irak. 0134.540,1 nay NOTICE—SUMMER z:7- j , , r ARRAGEMET. trr.z..17"0 WILAIINGTON, AND BALT - MORE RAILROAD. Oa and atter Monday, May 10, 1858, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PIIILADELPIIIA Yor Baltimore, at 8 A. AL, 1 P. M., (Exprese,) and 11 P.M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. 31,1, 4.30, end 11 P. For Now Cattle, at BA. M., and 4.30 P. M • For 1.11 , 1.11e10wn, at 8 A. 51., and 4,30 P. 51. For Dover, at B A. Al. and 4.30 P. Al. For &dont at BA. M . and 4.80 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILAIIELPIIIA, Leave Baltimore at 1.30, Exprets, 10.16 A. Al., and 6.40 P. M. • Leave Wilmington at 6 46 and 10.80 A. M., and 1.40 and 8.55 P. M. Leave New Castle at 0 and 9.60 A. M., and at 8.16 P. AL Leavo Middletown at 8.58 A. M. and 6.46, Lease Purer at A. Al., mid 4.66. P.M. Leave Seaford at 0.25 A. 51., and 2 P. 51. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leavo Wllullogion at 9.10 A. M., 2 I'. Al., and 2.15 A. Al. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. tlmoro, Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phila. phla. Freight Train, with Passenger as follows : Oar attached, will run Leave Philadelphia for Perrrrille and !Dianne/Rite plates at 0 P. AL Lease Wilmington for do do do 745 P. Leave Ilan* de Owe for Baltimore do 650 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Orate do 010 P. M Leavo Wilmington for Philadelphia do 540 P. M. je9 B. M. MELTON, President. M E NORTH PENNSYL WRIYANIA RAILROAD. FOX BETHLEIIIIIId, ALLENTOWN, MAGOR OGGNE, DASTON. DOYLESTOWN ekw. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT TARES EFFECT MONDAY. MAY 17th, 11168. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, and Elul. ton, Ac., (Expresa, ) in connection with L. Valley Rail road. from WILLOW Street at 9 A. M. and 2 26 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 2.26 P. M. Train tdlit Stage at Iron 11111 Station. Ifor Doyleetown, (Acoommoda'jon,) from Willow at., at 8.60 A. 61 and 6.20 P.M For Fort Waabington (Accommodation) from Peoond and Chatham Stroete at 7.26 and 10.20 A. N., and 410 and 6.46 SNAINEI FOR PIEILADALPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Rapres",) at 9 A. M. And 9.116 P. 111., with yummier" from Lehigh Valley Ban mad and arrive at Willow ?Welt at 12 11. Red 6.26 P. If Losvo Boyloatown at 0 A. If. and 960 P. If., mad ar rive at WMo 3treet at 8.15 A. M. led 6P. 21. L 011 3 .0 Port V7aolllogton at 6 amt 9 A Id., anti 1.06 and 680 P.M.. and arrlye Patood 1.13,1 Qhlilamp Streets at 6.60 and 660 A. 61 and 3.86 9n4 6.'4 )1 8. 6 1. ON OD 11TA,22 Leave willow street fog Twlealown at 8.60 A. M. and 2 P. m, lobro boyteaurwn for Phtladelphts at 8 A. Id. and 6.15 P All Pawnor Trawl MOVING NORTH and 80IITII wilt stop at Chatham Street and comsat with 911/ genger Rallroml 'Faro to nothlebeto. II GO Mouth Ohnipt " ". ' ' 2tO D. o .llootOlto to topt7,tt iLLIB Olkalt, gent NEW TOUK LINES.—THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPIITE AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00IIPANYT4 LINES. 111031 PI3ILADELPIIIA TO NW TORN, AND WAIF PLAOIB. Leese sa tonere, viz t Flan. At 8 A. M., ria Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion 9 95 At 8 A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ao commodition 2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, hipynigg Mail 800 At IQ A. M., by Bteemboal TretitiM, via Tawny "d Jersey Oirj, I/fulling Express 8 00 At 2P. 21., VIII Camden Lad Amboy, 0. and A. ft- • p ress Bo o At 6 P. M. vta thunden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 8 0 At 3 P. 61., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommodia eon, Ist Clans 2 Q.) At 8 P. M., vie Camden and Amboy, Anoommoda- Mon, god Class. 1 60 At 5 P. M., via Camden end Amboy, Anoommcda lion, let Claza 2 03 At 5 R. Id., via Camden 141 Amboy, AooonartiOda tfon, 2nd Oia. . 1 76 The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others fituadays ex eeptBd At it ,1( P. M., from Reneingtou Depot, via Jersey (Wily, Mal, Saturdays excepted 82 26 Xspress Llne3 atop at lb. principal stations only. Par Belvldare, Easton, Flemington &0., at 6L. ant 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllkobane, Montrom. Great 'Bend, at 6 A. M., via Delman, La:kaaanna at West•rn Railroad. Par Proehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. lot Idottnt ilony at 6A. 1,14. and 2) and IP. 41. WAY L114X2 Tor Bristol, Trenton, its., it 2X' and d P. M., Pot Palmyra, Ammons, Deverly,Berllngten, Borden town de., at6P. 64. Steamboat SlOnont Stockton for Uontenton n, nod In tormediate planed, at 2,1 i P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Taoony, at 10 and 114( A. H. and for Darlington and Driatol at 4 P. M. • • • . •• • All lines except 11.1 f P. M Oesee Walnut 'treat wharf. ll:rlitty round' ut baggage end) allowed dub pee. ganger. Paseengers We prohibited from taking any thing u baggage but their wearing apparel. All beg gago aver tlfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com ;any limit their responeibility for baggage toot.; dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by epeeist oontraet. WM. 11. OATZM2B, Agent 1-ly C. A. R. R. 00. JOHN (I. DALE, Agent 11101IILADELPIIIA AND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD LINK.—QUI(EIBT ROUTE to Biotic' Wilkeela_grre, Duffel°, Chicago, Rook Island, Blatant Palle, kThwaukie, Burlington, Montreal, 'Bt. Peals Detroit, Dualist!), and Ht. 1.911111. Peatenger trait; will !me the Pkilledelptilf, and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD Lod VINE Streets, daily, °landau excepted ) u follows 7.:;0 A. lc DAY intnzio+, For Elmira, Niagara Petit, Buffalo, Detroit, Obioogo, Milwaukee, Rock Wand, Galena, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and Bt. 14,111. 8.80 P. 31. NIGHT EXPRSS3, For Ricoh*, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohleago MI lwankee, Rock lalsod, Galena, Bt. Paula, Barllngtha and Bt. Louts. FU" Tickets good till used. The 7.80 A. hi trate commie et Reeding with the tnln for Harrisburg end ill statism on the LRBAHON VALLRY RAILROAD; AND At Ru for Wllkeebarre, &wanton, and all ststlona pert oa , the LACKAWANNA AND BLCOMBBORG RAILROAD. Dsgoge °booked to Himlto, Valhi.), and thupealloo Bridp. Wilkeibarre 84 60 Pittston 4 60 Beranton • 4 16 Wilkeebarre 4 60 Williataaport 6 DO Elmira f 00 Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rocheater 8 60 tiix o li Palls 8 00 .10 00 Erie. 10 60 Cleveland, !DIN. Y. and Erie 16 00 'eh Niagara Pails 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Brie 16 26 Columbus 16 60 Cincinnati. New York and Erie. .a 10 00 Niagara Falls ID 00 Indianapolis, via New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via lilzga.r. Valle 16 00 Chicago, via 0 reatWeatern Railway 22 00 Lake Bhore Railroad 22 Ca Ronk island, via Niagara Valli 21 00 Lake Shore Railroad VI 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City 29 26 Bt. Louis, via Chicago • 29 00 It Irvilanapolls 1 29 00 Dunlieth 27 60 Bt. Paula 86 10 • • 117' Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and limit% Railroad Lice's Ticket °Moe, Northwest corner of BIXTEI and CIIRSTNUT Street*, and at the PIA. aeoger Depot, BROAD and TINS. TIIROUOU EXPRRBB YRBIOIIT TRAIN Lear*, the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Bundaye excepted ,) for oil points Weld and North, at d P. M. Freights meet be delivered before 8 P.M. to Ware their going the tame day. V" Freights ►re forwarded with greater desnatolt and Lower Rates than by any line from thiealty to the West end Northwest ler farther Informitloo apply to ALLEN fr. lIIIGEL, Throne' Frelgbt Depot. Breed, below Floe, Or to OILAB. 8, TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. oor. Sloth and Obeetnutstw, Philads. 0. A. NIOOLLI3, Gaul. Bopt. PhitaAA. and Reading ltallrosd. U. A. FONDA, Gent. Sept. Manillas W. h. E. Rallreed. J. A. REDFIELD deBl-1, Gent. Sept. W'rwiport and Elmira Rellroid. 16 gnineu 8 ,g PIIILADELPHI A AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FREIOIIT LINE.--Freight train' leave the Depot, 'MCA DBtreet, &low FINN, daily, fot Buffalo, Suspension Delp, (howls, Detroit, Chicago, ilwaukie, Dahndne, St. Louis, and Interme diate point. Thie la the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goats *nibs forwarded with greater despateb to the shore points than by any other route. lit elan. ad alai , . ad eau. itli clue Bnipenelon Bridge 90 TO 00 40 Buffilo 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 76 65 45 Detroit $1 20 93 78 62 $llO • Ohiengo . 118 100 ao Yrefght going thro u gh l bytall tll the way moat be MAW "VIA RAIL." No tranahlpment between Phirteia and Elmira. Mark goodie Wig Philadelphia a A Reading Pad e 1 road, to A and send s Depot, Brad strert, below Vin ,dai l y, before 6 P. M. For further Inforroatioa lo regard to this route, call at the through freight °Wee of th• Philadelphia Nis. gars, and (heat Western Mae, N. W. corner PIXTH sod 011BEITNUT. daWy 13ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE 1 (MCAT CENTRAL ROUTE, wounding the At hone Cities with Western, North-western, and South western Mnew dates, by a continuous Reined. ft, Road oleo connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of stew:bre to all ports on the %%edam Rivers, and at Olerelend and Sandusky with Steamers to all poets of the North western Lakes • making the most DIREOT, mummy nod luthisolta ROUT:aby wth Freight can be forwsrdod to and from the Br. JUTE., LINTWRIN PIIILADN4IIIIA. GREAT AND PITTS BU J. t►OOLI blllllllOl 1,007 Oaasn—Boots, Shoes, hats, and Gape, Booki, Dry Goods, (In boxed bales and trunks), Drew, (in bows" and bales) Feather', Put,, ae 700. per 100 lb' DOOM) CILLBa...-Domegtp, Shirting and Ticking, (in original Wee), Drugs (In casks), Hardware, Lesther, Liquor, (in easke,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelt', Ilastward, &a. Au .ood. per 1001 b. Tulle CLAPS—AnviI!, Hemp, Dimon and Pork. Salted, (loose or In sacks), Palate, (dry and In oil,) Oils (except lard and rosin) 00e. per 100 Ibr pounce Oases—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in 411"bolei eastward), Lard and Lard 011,11alla, Bodo Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, lioein, Steel, Manufactured Tb.. basal, Itoein Oil, Queeneware, Sugar, (hlida.,' bble., and boxee,) • d &e., o 40e. per 100 lb 11.0111-11.3. per bbl. until further notice. Gutty—.4oo. per 100 lbs. until further mottos. Oorrog-12 per bale, no t exams:Wax 000 lb., weight, until further notleo. In shipping Goods from any point Nut of Phlladel• piths , be particular to vial part awes ,4 win Penn stdro nie Railroad" All Goode coneigned to the Agenie of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Yamosur Aoters.—Otarke A Co.,Ohilaago; Packer A A Co., Atomphie, Tenn.; R. P. Sam & Co.. St. Louis Mo.;P. 0. O'Riley A Co., lumina, Indiana; Wm. Lonieviile, Kentucky.; 0. meidrom, DI limn, Indiana; It W. Brown A. Co., and Mbar & Ilkbbard, Cincinnati; 11. S. Pierce & 00., Zaneakille, Ohio; Leecb A Cc. No. 64 Kilbystreet, Hogan; Leer& & Co, No. 2 Aktor House, Now York No. 1 William et. New York; N. J. &elder, Philadef i phia; ldavaw Koons, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, P ttabutah. 11. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBARBT, d.P• General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa FiSH -200 quintals Oodfish. 100 r o. 000 bbir. Slarkersl. 1.110 do. Mato flab, for sale tr 11111 Os Or BADLZR 21, 00 . Vs lin% Virtilroaoa. TAIIPP or POICIIII rl' 100 Lai VIP Railroad fitailroab Sines DRILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN .11. AND N R DIST W N RAILROAD.—OUIDARD ARBANGEEINNT.--On %Der MONDAY, Mai WA. neg. tort 0211MANT01821. Leirsl.llBololla 7,761( , 7,8, 8.08 min., 10, 11)i A. hi, 1,2, 8,4, 6,0, 7,8, 9, 10, and 1 I I( P. H. Lem Germantown at 0,7, 7)4, 8,9, 9)4, 10W, UN, A. 11. 1.10 min,, 1,9 X, 4X, 6X, 6X, 8, fl-40 main., 401 10J k _P. m. 17- Th. 7J4 o'clook A. M. Train from Oarmintown *IL atop only at Wayne and Tloga Streets Station. ON BIINDAYB, Loam) Philadelphia at 9.20 tan. A. M., 2, 6,14, and 8 P. M. Lean Germantown 8)4 A. M., 1-10 Mb., 4g, and! P. M. 0111CNUT HILL BAIIJIOAD, LekTil Phlladslphia st eg, 8, 9.06 ml¢ A. M., 11, 8,4, 6,8, 10 P. M. TAllle Ohs/tout 11111 M 6 40 and 7.86, 9.10, mid 10.10 tole. A. , 19.60,810, 4.10, 6.10, 1.40, and 1.90 min. P.M, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9.20 A. SO, 9 ON, Mod 9 P. M, I.4ave Obedient .t 8.10 ink 19.60 6.14 OA P. tri • • /OR 0 0:031101100111N AND NORRISTOWN. Lean Phlladelphi► ►t 6x, 9, 11 A.11.,1.06 ZUNI 8.10 culn..43i 6%.P.M. Lean Norristown at 41, 7, 0 , 1 0 A. /4.• / and AM Pfd. ON SUNDAYS, Likes Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. K. Leave Norrlatown at TA. N. and IP. K. FOR IdANAYSINIL Leave Philadelphia at g. 9,11 A. M,1.04 Mtn.. 2.P6 min., 3.10 Mu , 4g, 651, , o,llg P. N. Lame liauarunk at fig, 7g, Sg, 9)4, 11g A. H., ir 4. Og, 7, and 9 P. M. Sundays tame as Norriatown. 0 ROTE& VALLEY IL T AIIROAD PON. DOWNINti UN TO PhileAelphla at 0 A B M., and 5.10 min. P. Lave Downingtown at 7g A. N and IP. N. H. N. ShfITII, General Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green etrsete. Philadelphia. 1858 P 02.1ENNTRUi AI laAl i ; A 1 § . 58 PROM PAILADELPIIIA TO PITTBRO , WURELINti And thanes by Railroad to , T. LOIS, STEUBENVILLE, CLEVEULAND, OINOINNATI01110A00„ LOUISVILLtE, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, BT. PAMS, And all Intermediate point. lee 01110, INDIANA, ILLINOIS RENTUIaT , OAN, WISCONSIN, MlNVare, hussULl. K ANSAS AND N IIRABIA• Passengers to pidate,wast of Pitlsbuqtb, 'Wheeling, Cleveland 1 41 4 OP:efts, hate cbnloe of routes, iodate req ale uested to make a selection before applying for Uri. TIMER TIUIOUOQ TRAINS LEAVE PIIILADIMe. PIIIaDAILY Walt. Forming close connections at Pltiaborgh to all poluti On and after MONDAY, May 1004 IBM, Time through, and Tirl aaamt endll leave flit depot, B. corner of ELEVENTh I MARRET .treeti;ae Hellos, t ?AMID TOO PITTADUADD AND nil WU; LOATI. /VW i rata at.... 7 lb A. M. Past lino 100 nom. Express mai1 . ,..1.1.00 night. ['Mists asset aaaws Mall train at.. 11.00 night. /hut 1ine...... 4 60 A. el. Express mill,. I.lg coon, WIT TRAITS LILTS thlitTleburg se. commodatiou 8.00 P. M. Lancaster ' 4 6.00 P. id, The mall trek atop* at al dalphla end Plttabergh. The Express mall runs daily, the other trains Sunday exempted, The ears leave the Pennayitania Railroad Puseager Station, soothe/et corner of DLEVENTII and 14d.R.R):T streets, entrants) on Fleventh street, where through tickets' to all points West can be obtained. Daggage will be received at the Depot elan, time do thig the day. No charge for handling &wage. For farther Information, apply at the 'Depot of he Peonaylrania Railroad Company, southeast eerier of Zleventh end Market streets, between the hoar* 001 A. M. &a,ll P. M. TDDlddll 11008 X, my lb Agent Pam's &►hoed 00. llsrrlsbu•g commodation.7.l6 P. 61, Lanauter " .0 60 A. M. the stations betwien 45otela anb littatanranta ULANO4RD II() SE,--BROADWAY and TIVELFTU Btreet, New Tort. reopened, elegantly furnished with every modern Improvement. The location to fashionable rad healthy. The rooms are large and wel ventilates]. Ideals served at all hours, and fray attention paid to the oornfort of meets. Transient board *2 per dep. l'ess unwept board at lower rates. • . The whole under the mauseement of 0 3. !if AOLEL. LAN, (late of the United States hotel. Philadelphia.) who respectfully solleits the patronage of his friends and the tra*rlllne oabl o J• 110-20 J ONES ROUSE, lIARRIBDURG, PA., ((Erected la 107.1 ELEGANTLY PURNIBURD. NOW OPEN TO VIBITORS. tWUY WELLS ()OVERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL HOUSE, N. W. ad, ID sod 11AlthIONY OOURT. Tee undersigned takes pleasure In Informing his friends and he pubic at large, that he bee opene4 the above ESTABLISEINtNI, and pledges himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, even erne e le of sup,. nor quail 7, barlug been selected without regard to price. GibIALBB WOttliittl, Proprietor. iny2l.nta - - NICHOLLS HOUSE, )t.'CIIOL , XAN PLANO OPEN LA Y AND NlOll7. N 0.116 BOIITII 311011TH IST., BELOW OnYI3TN UT. rnicanacrnia. 11,14 novas Is for Permanent and Translout Lodg- Rrery effort wlll be made by the Proprietor, B. NlOllOll3, to glee satbfattion hls Patrons. This establishment is eltnated In the heart of the olty, centre of business, and oonvaulsot to ail plume or amusement. The Mercantile and Travelling community will nal It a desirable plsoe for comfort, aletannese, sad scow. my. &teal, furnished at alt hours. •. . Single Moms, 00 cents per night. By the week 1CE.14 and upwards. whllo4l NIEROHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH POUSTD BT B Ili AUKAII PIMADJILPHIA. 00441 MoXIBRIN & BONS. Pannwrott. piano forte° -- - • I ESSR S. CITICKERING & SONS, having removed to their new warsrooms, No. 1907 OLITSTNV T Atreet, (near the United Ptates are preporod to offer to their friends sod lise publie an extensive assortment of (band, Parlor-orend, &yam and Upright PIANO-PORTEff, manufactured expressly for this city, finished In carious style/ of row, and at prises whirh cement fail to Opus. Piano-Tortes Enuis to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all Meru. oriente warranted to gins entire sallafaclion to the pur chaser. (trend and Nova Plane to rent, npoo The moat f rorable tome. Moser*. 0. 14 SONS linos ITOtiYM Tbirte4our MEDALS. The 11114 Dramlame over till competitors la the ❑ulte4 StAte°. All order' for TUNINU ant H EPAIRING wIU ba Promptly Attalotod to. PIANO FORTES. Just received, an elegant dock of RAVIN, BA, 00., NIINNB & RY, , DAVId & CO. sad OALIi k CLA rIaNOs. LIALLIIT Mx poaoNti baquallty, at J. E. (101.11,D41, 8. Z. corner BEVENTIE sad 0 1 / 8 8TNUT eta. toble•T Ktnbcr. L A UNDER YARD. ROUTS & 00. (flameout to diontgemery Mean) ill. W. corner of TIVICLATH and Patel& Streets, Mona, Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large and well-selected aasorttovas of all deuriptione of Lillian, each u White Pine, Yellow Plne, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pale., Plokete, Pence Hoards, Flooring, F helvlog, and every railety of well..asanoned Lumber. MAO, a large stoat of 11111 Btuff, of every variety and desorlytion, constantly WI hand and sawed to older at the shortest notice, - - . Oar COODOCiiOO with Messrs. Ma/Ay, Monte, & stud Duffy, Monts, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., pleat tut un surpassed facilities, and enables to to ,apply onion fn-/ all descriptions or Lumber with prom/anal" sod despatch. . . PINK-OHNEA LPMOM, soft and mellow, aldtriblo for PATTERN-MAKERI3, &a , (muttony on haul. Prompt payiug pOrchanenl are reepectfully Invited to OIRIOIOO our stock before going eleethers. ap2l-tf LUMBER AT. WHOLESALE AND HE tail. at Marietta, Lawaeter want', Pa. MERAPPEIf, HOUTZ, & 00 , take this method of Informing their customers and peuvione desirous/ of par. *hutting LUMIIIII, that they have now un hand a large an/ wall -..wooed stock of all description. of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satlsfactory prices. Their timber le all from their own MILLS on PINK ORSEId, They're oleo wonected with Messrs DUFFY, 11OUTZ, & CO., and are prepared to furnish all kindf of Planed Boards, hill Ruff, Lath Pales, Pickets, and Building Timber for Bridges, &e., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great picket/re (nulling the attention of Builder., and th aw In want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & 00., corner of TWRLPTII and PlUklll Streets, with whom they are also eon nested. ao2l-ti • fireworks. V IRE-WORKSI FIRE-WORKSI I Y A rot oroortwout of FIRE-WORKS. AT REDUCED P 1110 1 ,42. STEI'IIEN F. WHITMAN. 1210 MARRNT 0111,111;?, Jelf. Wont of T wolf t BLINDS AND SHADES, CUSLP YOB OABII B. J. WILLIAMS, No. Id NORTH SIXTH STMT . , la the most extensive Mannfaettuer WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer In WINDOW BLIADES 4 Of every variety. Ile has a flue stock to be sold at &doted Pricot. DM, and all other Oolore of Moen Shades, WWI rologe, Irixturee, 80., Be. BTORS 811ADPS Piloted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTCNi.RD To ow STUDY TO PLELSR. gAILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STAUCILhc v., 1,030 gallon' Winter !torn) Oil. 060 gellone No. I Motor Lord OIL 6,00 galloon Bleached Winter Whale Oil. 11,000 plums Light Barked While Oil, 222 bozo Chemical 011 re Soap. 200 do Oleibe Soap. 400 do Brown Soop. 100 do Now Bedford Spann Oandlee In store and for sale by • K. W. I . OIdEROY AMON, bate J. 11 A. & Allen, p 9 No. 1.1 Booth DBLAW kin Arnow, - - --• (I . IIBAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, ‘../ of oiceilent quality, la mold at the PHILADICL. M TI GAS WORKS for the rednoed price of tire cent* a bushel and may be obtained In large or mail Amu. Uty by ENTII ap St replyit.ng et tbe Uw Oflloo, No. 20 South BRVe To purchaaera by wholesale It to sold at the Worke, to First Ward, by the too, at • price equivalent 1,, Anthracite at $2,60 per too. (01gued,I J. 0. ORRBBoN,Voginear, Philadelphia Oae Wort, , Aug. 20.' ilt e 1,27.11 - -- BONES.—luu,ouu Shin Bono!, suitable for Umbrella and Iltittran Mahn a, In elm,. by WiOANDALE, h CO., 104 NORTH WII MIMI log RIGHT FOR NOVA SCOTIA.-- l` About 700 bbls bulk an be had for a port to No. 'a 130t14, eipti to 7uNll. KENNZDY it 00.