• - alto bn Muctunt. a 46, THOMAg„ BONS L • . Nos us owl 141.1011T8 .Nov=ll Wrlsilyr s : • (60rmerly No.. 67 add 60.) • ' IiTOPIOI"..IND' a1iat36 . 064r4rT1T480 6 .X NNXT. parophiat,eatalognes non erady,..oontsioing, folVdoi sorintioun ill' Al) tba p.rOperly.toli . sold , On Tuenisy, nazi, eat ism.; wit 4 an extonllol,44 rie!!)6le' at pripitnioils, ' • ELUL' Eif0.6.'056'0. 0 064.1); ' :1 Mlle gala. "iii the thilidalPhin likoliange ere i Tuantsiareoltig, during lb!) bushman saw ' n. , To"7 . ulyE and August jenlp i poosaloosi.siloas an, heretofore rgrir,.llandbUia'6o eindi liroparti isanid asps:rats% In. addition to *Molina publish on the ilitordofpr.ol49 o6, la mash sale, one thouaand catalognesin pimp/nes form, ' grog flail 49;414104 of oo,.thp prcpx.+7 e following nOodey. , .• - Noun - owl- rkr 1 , 4400n0n 6'1011.11 0114 Thursday nioroing. Vs.PROATN su.N.';•: _3or,! Af ,)s, , ,iive 10144 1001101r-6f lid !stale. at Prl- Tot o- BO; Including every 606)4Ptitna.'of0 1 Wilid ctu1atin0r606)",4'..Prin163,...Y5r7.1,/L4 stale taatioPß VAIB BAILUfiIBTBB„. Nur Bata% antarial. On. our:Priests' &delta & r, and adrertinadoutasionallr In our Pobilo Bala Abetnictib(ef *Mo.!) . 1400.0.6016! ate 0 4 4 6 4 'ffo4lllo. Peremptory Ratel.': sao,00? 13th, at 8 Woloch,atthePhiladelplideßaohange, without reserie, fir.a3soo - of • whom it may con cern— I)0, bowie of 31,000 Gaels (dBO issued brthe cOunty . of Armstraeg; IllatO of PeenayPraO fa; to the Wilighity, gollrogrf Compaok;boaritik six per tent. intirg payable"' the Drat Monday Crblay'andNorember- ,, c p pens so t.sobed;' due May 15t;18373 and unpaid Erin elialduelln 1888/ •Prfecipal and interest 'guarantied by ea id railroad company, and the bonds ansigned by;them :RBl'dTll IidiRAVOLT 20th. Thivatowill inoltide— • • ' BOOTH SIXTH 81%118T..Three . :aiory brick dwel. ilegill'id.' l3 2dr South Sixth' Street; below :.Wharton ' 8.28.118, i*olatety 'bid* dwellings, Noe. tra and f 34 Seam street, south of Wharton street. betvian Bigth end_gevanth etreets. They wilt be ',gold °BOUND RUNT, $BO a year , well eeelfred. by a lot of 103;13444nd substantial brick dwelhog,ling street,' AseigniesT Peremptory,Bale, by. postponement.. ~ILILUAI3LIL ROTEL PI OPRRTY,Jutown. as the *. National Hotel." formerl t 4 i.The'Whits Swan "Race itreet,ibetieen: Third ran - .Youth , etieeta 3' 74.- feet front, 100 feet In . dePth: 8a e aboolnte.. . • Lstiow BTItg2T.—A Wen : bralt,thiiie-storr brick LIMXIII street, between Wood and Norris (late Richmond) street& ...Lot No. le by. SO feet.. • Ie:DER.% 'STREET.-r•Thrqp.story brick dwelling, Federal street, west of Seventh stroot. , , BUPIRIOR -BUEN/TURE,. PTANO I 7OIII7,'• Botta,aentrts,• BUPNRIOW.- 01110 E 41/Ittili - 7 tins, LartOrt Plll{BB, kn. = . • • • .•• •• •• • .0 - ARD.. ; Our. Isle this' morning at the auction conspnle; besides 1500 lots. excellent•sepond band furniture,- superior- Claus—Domestic easetingi Shirting and Ticking, (In original babes), Drugs (In easks),Hard Ware, • Leather,Liodor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool( and Sheep Pena, Bastward, Pre. irm 600. per 100 lbe Than OUBB—Arivila, Hemp, Bacon and Pork Batted, ( loose or in Backs), Paiute, (dry and in oil,) Oils, (except lard and rosin) CCs. per 100 lb' lowan 01.aes—Oolfee ' Pleb, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or bore. eastward), Lardandlard Oil,Nalla Soda AIM, German Clay, Tar, Pitch: Rosin, Steel, Mannfaetured burro, Rosin Oil Queenswsre, Bum, (hhds., bbl ' s., and boxes, ; &0., /co 400. per 109 lb Ptea-15e. per Dbl., ' until further notice. eltalN—.lse. per 100 lbs. until further notice. Oorrox-42 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice.. In chipping Goods frowsty. point Bast of Philadel• plait, be particular to Wear. packages tt via Pennsylvania Railroad.. All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded witfiout detention. FaXIGHT Aaairril.--111arke te Co., Chicago ; Packer & & Co., Memphis, 'l'o=4 R. P. Sue h 00.. St. Louis, Mo.; P. G. Miley &. 00., Branaville, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Rentnaky.,• R. 0. Meldrum, Madison, Indiana ; It. W. Brown 8c; Co., and "Libor & lI bbard, Cincinnati; H. B. Pierce &. Co., Zauerrille, Ohio; Leech & Co. No. 64 Kilbyetreet, Boston; Leech & Go., No. 2 Astor House, New York No. 1 William et. New York ; B. J. border, Philadelphia) Magraw Rooms, Baltimore ) D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh, H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABBT, deb. General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. 200 quintals Codfish. 100 do. Pollock. 000 bbls. Mattered. i,llO do. White Fish, for sale by O. 0. OADLER & 00, Snailll i 2t. WATAS 4 `Lau?o tineo. IICIE I L ADE I,P II A, GERILA.NTOWN •ND NORRIBTOW RULROAD.-- B CWW IIII ARRANGJOCIINT.—Os sod after FLOOD/LT, May lath. 18W - YOH GIIIMANTOII7I7. USTI) Phrladalpbla at ex 1, 11, $.06 min.. 70,111( r A. N.. 1,2, 11, 4,5, 0,7, 9, 9,10, and 11 1 t. Leave Germantown at 5,1, Tx , t , 9. 94.19 X, Wig min., 2,3 N, 4x, ex, a, 9-t0 gots, mom 10, ( P. M. IU - * The 7g o'clock A. H. Train tram Geemantrele *iL stop only at Wayne atd 'flogs *mete Steaks/. ON SUNDAYS, Lan Phila.:l4kt' at 939 mix. A. M., It, to;, amt P.M. Lent ElarnatattaintCd A. Y.,1-10 add., IN, Jai r P. M. 01131911117 T HILL RAELROAD. Leave Phlladelobta at OX, 8, 9.06 tuba ,11) A. K., 9,8, a, 0, 1. 10 P. Y. Lasts Chub:at Hill at 6 40 sad CO, 9.10, sod 10.10 mid • A. II ,19.60, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, TAD, sad 9.10 ads. R.Y. iiitlfDAYS. Lease Philadelphia 0.2.) A. 43., I, 6K, and I P. N. LW.) Chestnut Hill &taxi Dela A. Y., 1953 11.10 OM P. SI vita coNsuoutassar Aro NomlasTowil• Leave Philadelphia at 413(. 9, 11 A. /IL, 1.06 ads., 010 . ON. 111( P. If. Lea l. Norristown at 0,1, 0,11 L. 11. s 3 . 3 X, e g 11. on BIIHTIATS, Lea,* sliudelear iha 3 P. 3e. Lem Norristown at t A. M. 'Ltd 6 P. M. FOR MANAIVICE. Laarn Philadelphia at 61f, , 9,11 A. 2.16 min.. 3.10 min , 4X. age ex, 6,11 m P. K. Leave Manarunk at 6,1 i. AN, 9,14, LIM A. K., IV2 4. 7, and 9P. H. SaMaye same ne Norristown. VAUNT RAILROAD ROI DOWAIICB• Leave Plaladelptda at el( A. M., mot 8.10 WA. Lean Dm...all:mt.:nu at TX A. $ and IY. M. H. X. SIXTH, General StlfOrtotendlent. Depot, Muth had Ulm stmts. thiladalphia. 1858 P VEN N TRAL S Y l l 1 1 7 ALI A 1 85t; PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTIEBUEGH, And theme by Railroad to WHEELING, ST. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, - CLEVEL AND, CINCINNATI . WI ICAGO, LotneVlLel, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, BT. PLUS, And ill Intermediate points In OLIIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS KENTUCKY HICIIII. CUE, WISCONSIN, MBA:SOYA. mzesbintx, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points:west of Pittsburgh, Wheelleir, Cleveland and Creatlum, have choice 0 masa, sada:* requested to make a selection before applying for Ea eta. TILILIII TILS.OI3OII TILIIIIB LEIIII PIIILILDNI. PH/ a DAILY, Wedoge toanaetions at Pitashuelk to all palate d. On and alter MONDAY, May 30th, 1863, Three through, and Two accommotatton trains, will have the depot, B. E. coiner of ELEVENTH end MARKET streete, as follows 001108 POl PIITIRMIGH 150 One 9/11111.1rAYS. Mail . ra1uat....7 . 03 A. M. Past line 1 00 noon. Express mai1..11.00 night. WAY ?Wig LIALTIL liarrissarg as imam:dation 3 00 P. M. Lanes , tar -A3OP. M. The mall train stops eta delphia and Pittebrugh. The Expreu mall runs daily, the other tales Sunday excepted. The cars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad P Station, =atheist corner et VLEVENTH and streets. entrance on Eleventh street, wham nuosigh tickets to all points West tan be obtained. Baggage will be Mad TOO at the Depot at any Ithaa du ring the day. No charge for handling begrage. Per ruttier informs,tion apply at the Depot of IN Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corn= it Eleventh and Market streets, between the Donn of 7 A. M. and /.IP. M. THOMAS MOORS my 10 Agent Peon's Railroad CO. TILLINII /SON 117718301011 • AND TIES wear &ZAMA, Mail train 5t..11 Ali slgbt. Past lino b 10 ♦. IL &zprau nail.. 110 won. Hanistavg se. commodaties.7.l6 P , N. Lancaster 10 A. M. the stations betimes Yhtta. idlttuinal. ANALYSIS OF LYON'S , CATAWBA BILILNDY by A. A. HAYES; M. D., • ASIATIC TO TOO Beam Of 'MIUACIIIeIITIII. Ocic mac . CIIAZAOTZIL—A liglat-yelkarlah brows. colored spirit., haying a fragrant odor when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or cam:oars matter. Analysed forvolatile and fixed drugs, of which no traces of any kind were/121.a. It. solar le proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derivadfrom wood.. irrln every respect it is a. pure Write.= liquor. The fragrance or banquet which It poetesses can be lath lated, and It then appears unlike that from Brandy or Wine, being a fruity wean reaulting e = a peculiar Cementation of Catawba and Isabella Grape,. ' Cr/I.IIIOAL parte to volume of that spirit contains at 60 deg H. 411 2-10 parts of pure 14- collet, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts of the epirlt afford 23 parts of a strong solution of this oil which characterizes this Brandy; the spirit left, alter removing the oil, is pars rout odorless, and In all its quaint./ a perfect spirit not subjece to clump. One 11. B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contain., be sides the Spirit and oil only 220 gre. of matter coos posed Of extract of fruit, guns, and colored resin from wood. • Boman, January 26.1M6. Dr. CORE, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronoun.. this to bo pure Brandy, end free from all adulteration. for Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy has nos Prat, and has long been - needed_ to supersede the poisonous compounds sold under thenarne of Brandy. As a beverage, the pare article Is altogether saperfor, ends sovereign, clue remedy for Dyspepsia, flatulency, Low Spirits. Ungnor, General Debility - , &e., fre. Also, ESHELIST'S STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE.—These Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pore Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for Invalids and persons who require a gentle earns lent, and for fistramentalparposes. Retail price $1.26 par bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the "Bole Agents" for the State of Penn. sylvania, A. 7. HAZARD & CO., Wholesale Druggists No. 609 MAREET Street. Also for Sete by the following apothecaries AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut sts. JNO. W. BIBLES & SONS,IBth and Zia itntiMaduill streets. • D. L. STACIEHOLISE, Eighth and Green ate. R. NEBINGER, Second and Mary etc, Sontlirmit. G. W. NBBII9GER, Pasayank Road and Weshingtess street. GEO. S. HOBENBACIII, Third and env eta. A. R. HORTER, Broad and Coates sta. fell HOBENSAOR'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, u Its name implies, la one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is el pea/illy adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or are Ciliated with Dyspepsia, Liver Comp Liam. Piles, Nervous Debility, General Weakness, and all diseases arising front a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOB FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine In the world equal to It, as it enters. mine', and replenishes the blood *bleb is so Important to brine about a healthy action THOUSANDS ARE LIVING a miserable exiderce, of a pale sithly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this invahuble medicine. It is no humbug, but genuine remecy, being free front any thing th at Is of an injurious nature. FOB ALL DISBARES OF THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobensaeles Iron BM ters. When the blood is impure the whole body la fall of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, bet cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there re no hotter remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent Is Iron, and we all know tte ehleac7 in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system They are prepared by a ran tidal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent phnic s. ydeians and others, an the '