iftillill.ortort of the investigadng cOmodthiii Oslo thlinitylrom Ro chester', New York,,te report on the prnotioability, utility, anC - adlanteges• of Clark's newly-issued patent' Mareltael Flour:Milli/4.'llnd Distributing Apparatui, "and-combined' Grinding and Bolting Bierohant Flouring, Mill, now in praptleatepora tion In the printing establishment of Robb, rile, MoEiroy, in Pemberton court.. opposite the Ex change, in the city of Philadelphia: • - - First, We believe it capable of making 'alarger yield of none froln'thesratn `than - they - are doing at the Roche:Stir — Seeend, It makei thehest flour of its various qualities., Third,. Ittalces, we be lieve;not over - stir-69m power to run it ~ F ourth, It Wand, when we werennesent;:twoharrelsof tiotir per hour, on French burr stones, only lifr inches in diameter Fifth, Iteleabs theoffelell'ec tunny, better than is nsuallydona In the Rochester mills. , Sixth, It ocounfos aspo `ofnalf 80 - feiM Bin length, feet high and 4 feetVille,.,:anii Within thii small,speoe converts the grtiln;nta single operation, into extra family flour, extra float superfine flour,-flue middlings, alining, stip-stultand bran ; thus making it the most complete- proces.4 ,- , ever before brought into - practioal• and sucoessfalnute. Seventh, It can- be -Wendel with 'half Cie' labor commonly lased in other mills. „Eighth, The process 'fortm-.. grinding; re-bolting, refining, send re-mixing of-all, the lower grades of .flour and middlings into extra and. seperitne :flour, is so admirably arranged , in this mill that,the miller is enabled tornake &Mord' unGlirm brand of flour, a rieherfionr;sintasinooth-' er and more:regularly ground floor, and producing a larger yield; than%we have ever, Seen done be,- fore— , Its cheapness of 'constructionds sitati"thet; every locality-can be intailiedliiith' a complete IttembAnt, Flouting. ,A- , .‘fewfatundred , dollars wheresitr„ _underMode of constructing mills,: it. :what! heat many - thournads as ; this -onoblindrode et dollars. Tenth„ - .portabiliti Is' subh - -tidit it 'min .li, trawl/Orb/4 fydanne looitiett binnolhor at a very trifling expense, a drayjit twolititide - being suffi cient,: Bleventh', All thenoMplioatedinaohinery, usnally usedis—diSpenset with. , Goose qnentlithere is a very large /menet of power sived. Twelfth,. :-.lt.tcadaptationtoevery loealify;' with either a large or Malan tewit.'end section of the United States, makes almost cer tain that ere long this"- valuable` InMintlon must come into general - use hi every Motion "of the done try, and It only 'requires a from , these de sirous of embarking in the business to convince themselves of its'greateapericrity., '-Thepatentee, Mr. Clark,AsawbeAllonstated stall- limes at ,his mill,. in P.embetitott , ,eourri,,atqlos' Bichange,-, PhiladelphilOsi lelation county or State'rlifitsVforilit:paete of the United States and Europe; ail:tomtit and ,-see the - mill in • operation- His address Is Clark's Mill, Box 700, , Philadelphia ; Pennsylvania: - CITY - 'liTk.I'M:S: Mont:MSS/ Co rag Mora W.-WA/MtnOron.—There is searonly. a dig in the year In which some stranger, on visiting - the old 'buil!bg - grotind..kf liStfarteksbufg i too sart:l,4W grave of, her .who :give 'birth, t'oliu noblesttifiesithse noble= mau.,ito &althea' she, whinieMeinoty.initvirtusidssaiiii a-grateitil monument, has hitherto ficarcely found a de cent stone to mark the hallowed spot; It notitnti. mated that Mr new in Jspan, who,' commenced a monument to the memory of Mary Wash. ingten some years ago, designa, completing It at some future time, although it butte Opinion of the - peciple,of Fredericksburg that will Refer be &µi. • „-- We are pleased with the views 01,4 correspondent,- who contends that the hbnor atactied to,thelrork of erecting a monument to of : Washiogton should not bi monopolised by any one Individual. The corvisPorotertt* eited. .iog'fortharmona , atiggeats 'that die women of our whole sac T liz .. shovild jplte itkerreating a menument%tiPthlf",mebiOry'Of her Whose oeble man. the World delights, triittonp.i.; Onr owiramendmetat to this propr Oen irpuid be, for the mothers and daughters of Philadelphia - to take this mittertn blind,Witimut walling Inc any snob with:mei conceit it( notion,. MI thereby the Matter" proliabiy be . 'for Brews! generations. in come, al. least Should inch a 011.1 tribute be agved the daughters' of the nineteenth century, in ,piilleulalphla, we would also suggest that .its exe'cutlon be' entrusted •to our srtvit towniumin. Henry 8,. Tat,,-Eel- ; The congeniality of.lfr, Ttirr's Men feelings, In the. carrying e.lf an entir:Prise — ,-Weitlititseif be no. trig, toward; crooning it ,Witir ,ercutalilernicceas. Our r,re immc4 rr ream - Ai - Jot .iumresting the name of Mr. Tarr in thi: c•mnettlen: is; that:We have reciMtly' had the privilege of .crainiiiiiir:lipeiniinons of-mono-, mental tombwork--ese. , ited at - his yard, on- (}reed street, shove Seventli-,digned for - tliitintpartsortlie Union, which, for purity of refestgn: and, elegince,of gobh, will vie with the cheloest prociuctious of European capitals, Pf (*T0 . ..t0 see this aublentagittted until it is followed by a_ creditable - -action' Of Satin mOrt on the part of our people:- ' - • Tut USUAL SADEATII CERVICES by Rev Dr. Stockton have been changed from .7ayne'illall to Ea: . tlonal llall, Market above Twelfth. flu aubject announced for, tomorrow morning le:'" Liberty.—civil, ecclesiastical, and spiritual " SEVENTH A.ND GARDEN-grifEhr CHURCH. —ln the sheencla'of the paisley, Ire understand that the pulpit, or this , Church wilt be filled by the Bev: Or. Wallace to-morrow morning, and by,' the 'Rev,- W. J. R. Taylor in thriefening. • -• A WELL :DESERVED TresTIWOWIAL.—The Oloie of the Vlore! Fair; beldat Jejne's Bill, for the honellt of the Not - hem name for Friendless Children, we Item, was charadeilied by immernes acts demonstra tive of the' mutual .attachnlent of-the - ladles having it in charge. Some of these walleye already announced,- but still another hasccOme to our knowledge. It la the presentation of a beasitifully-executed silver goblet to Mrs. Elizabeth E. nutter ? the president of the board o r managers The goblet was mannfactiired by Aresera. R. k W. Wilson, is of porn silver, and bears the fol. ng inscription: Testimoniabto Mrs. Elisabeth E, Rutter, President of the Board - of Managers of the Northern home for Priendles.s Children, for her unre mitting and invalnrible . cierbtion to Its interests—June. 1858." The tiatimonial to a veep creditableine, and mast worthily bestowed. To CORRECT A lI * GiILY-llllPOlrgh2fr ;Elißoll. Clark's newly-lasned patent merchant flouring nil'h je in Pemberton Court, between Second and Third streets, close by the Exchange—in constant use—where 'Mr. Clerk, the patentee, can be consulted rotative - to the, rights of this valnable invention, at all times. One and all ere invited to call and roe its ludonishing opera tionn. no hundreds are doing daily. Rai - amber, in Pemberton court, chase by the Evehtinge„ betaeaß. fond and Third striet4—N).• IniPtire of omUibus agents and dris•cra, et rho EXellang o ... - TrzenliOnerEn IN TRE NINETIEN:--TD these times, when profuse pereplraCell le jiiev , Oked; Stool *leer at mnerberie preasure a 'charge:Of Olean, linen, dailyvis what we may call an indispensablelntury. Should thin c nese o^e 'skin an undue dronglit upon the:reader's linen wardrobe. we would - Mita te*to'W:ltiCnightfa gentlemen's famishing etore.tio. 660 Arch steeet,vrhere shirts, collars, 'neat craiate..etotkii. gauze under clothing and everything elsidn that iney,belaid in eve./ style and quality.. - !-• • - Litre CAUSES -PRODUCE LICE kir:sera ...7-This axiom in illuatroted by the crowds who- reaort-ln quest of the latest summer styles in "Did Frankflik HOU Clothing Emporium," No. at Obeainut street., People will buy where they get the, beet bargains. :Sriend Eldridge guarantees ;helm; besides the most contit:ous , treatment at the bands of his polite attendants. ' Tice customer department of this' popitiar - mitabliebnient - is now under the control of Mr. Enlace N, English. his , friend% are Invited - to call an d see him. £52.000 Brea - rasa *ie.' the value' of the pe'iiicE which Olenpatta, Queen irrEgYpt:„ . caqapito,tpsdfasolved in vinegar, and dank at _A banquet; given In honor Of Antony, the Roritin triumvir, during his stay at Toietni.', Ristoidans vie with each' other:ln diecribing the , ger geousness of-the entertainnienia,`Apd trio beauty end voluptuotranese of Cleopatra'a Court, and ,we cannot hut eepresa surprise at the magnificence of their apparel; when we consider that in thosq.days there worn no clothing establishments like, that of Oraniille Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street. . • - OFF TO THE Curtis The hot Woithbf ie causing general stampede &The aei shOrm'' The hotels at the watering places arillilitnej,ip, and hurt reds are gutting their trunks packed. i, readipen .for .v,otart: Speaking of peeking trunks snoods the ,-.factlitif tho •fraoat runt and fs4hionable gartneiga:atk„thtgro.tnado Itnkabld it the Brown Stone Cloiltigffall of ,Rodatili Wilson, Nos. 603 and AO - clitstit ltqatraet, abo:fifattli, FRUIT Attu bowriTtoll#Tcy.—At no season bf the year are those &diatom, 'niacin; ao . Wholiteine acid refreshing as nowt and at ad plans, In this .. .mint:lW, , or out of it, can they be had,ln greater Rarity or finer fla vor than at the celebr ated . confectionery utabilehtnent of Messrs. E G. Whitman & C 0.,. Second straet,lfeloat Chestnut. Try them: - BA'rovga —We have_iffieri - intimated as nmb, and will again !barest Ipe.soggestlmi to the roadfir; buy your bathing bottao of Sloan, kt,..rbob . . . . . . ImpOriatruts Reported for The Press.] RTCOMP3D— tt, , ilaFblp Kell p-250 boioBl 0 cases tobsecio T ,ti.,-, Jr; 86 1.82cb0266 , 40 BMW' nor, Af:C:nimon k t o 110 do SO:a/jot' (TO , Ptitaar & Tait: ' .. o tlotz h isosbni; 62 Slo 80050404MitiCOrit Anteio, 11 i -do A & R Armstrong; 11011110% dontestios Wei! nr. (*.Au & Co; .2.0 Ice ti.aseed filter & llpo• 81 dc pod nuts 9,7 bbis Iteiihegf 6 aui , "PaPer ame• gorge.) & tiro; 131 Wes 'mute F •Ltidlein Al de furs 8 Id Jonro: 69 do potion. , J — Pslisr r l4-01 32nrien; 6 empty pipes Gibson, CO; 86 - do casks!.".! 41 Mos,y, •5r.C0i.30244 42 Wet eptton . 13 /aids Stems 20 cases tobacco '416 b614 - 78 . 116Xa:truck 80 pigs lend order. . . LWATEIR. - : saes.-J.. , At the Merchants' Exchange . ; Phitactetplit4.• Barque Achilles, Spedilint; ' '44—London, soon Brig May Queen, byte .... .. . ... . t ;Maraud, sisoq . Brig Meteor. Anderson.; ' •1. • noon BTNAOI.OIIB' `TO' AND EROlt HAVANA AND NEW • , ORLEANS; • Navas 011 , 1-1/rOM New York St - =l'v urat Hi, - vane. 7th, end Nett Orleane-hlth:= Pita New Orleans 20th ; Havana 2840irrle1ng at New York 20th - Oettewet—,l7r4Cm...Nete.Tott'l2tht-arthring at Means" 11th. end New Opleamtl9tht Moni•New Orleatie 27th, Havens 30th, anteing at New York 3d.. ' PUILADICLPIIIA —Froth NeW_Yetkiltki arriving at Ha vana 22d, and New , Oriente 25111,: , ; ribovNew o r b.' 1411, Ilavana Bth, arrielng Newitrik - ,18t11,;, , • BLACE Wattalettroni:New- York 27 th, r airiving At Havana let and New. °don'ts 84... ViPtd-hrew thiesai 12th, tlevensigth,.ghte at New Yotk.lool, , ' . letett,—Yrom Oh ndeston, 4 th , and 10th., daii-atlla- Tana Bth and 'From Hama 10th VA 26U1 doe at New r4rk lE7h and slet r • fry' The Oelifornts Afitt - -fiteitutere gall from Rex York on the bch end 20th of each. mohih .T When the apintibited tau on . Bnodity; the ,pc.W•• !re, .111 @all on Ittorutitypt'frinki it 41 04 jOitiotte.: OF' lirlikpf,DZOßlA, Inns 20, 1868. " 26 ;85 ..... .1 B. . - Mon WATIS" 17, • `%4IIItPRD• - Steamship Viegbiii,lf,l6llritiM Richmond, via Nor folk, ad hours; lfint_MdilEand:puteengers to'. Thomas Nanette, Jr Reports the baiques Washington Botcher, from Cienfuegos, and Chilton, from .I.eghorn.apd sonic ten or twelve ochre off Reedy Island:iipward'houid: Steamship Delaware, Copes, 24 hones „AMU rielr,,zork t , via Cape bity, with masea4psewgetediOaMes - 411.• dordice PaoFed a dseplt-ledell 'll.iiebelielow New castle; barques Wealth:loA Duteher "elf Christians 0, ark and elution, frd'r Leghorni_and some teneohm above Cheater. all upweird.twoond. • 5• Barque Chilton, Pendell, !T days Is romLeshern - , *lthr m able rags, dn'tb Brig iv Nichols 4troutpftom 80140114 , Fehr Ellen, Watt, 5 days Bolliou, with mdse Iv Vow , * • ~t.'. E=d , Bohr- Littlf.siarai 'Hair; 4 Aye from limit l l, Viith Olden to D GIO9Per: Bohr Ingomar; Cite, 5 days froth Boston, lii ballast to * Captain. - .• Behr_ Sarah . Moho. Weaver, 4 days frora,NOW York, with to P Lennig & _ • Bohr AT. Horton,Elwell, days - from Quincy, Maas, in ballast to N Sturtvant & Co. Bahr Triumph, Ante, 5 days from Boston, In ballast to L andeurisd lb. Co. ' - Bohr : Nliaabeth, Portions, 4 days from WaShington, 1) 0, in ballast to captain. .Bohr Notify Bawler, Willard, 15 days from Cslalsorlth lithe and pickets to Gastrin & Galvin. Pcbr Parrner,'Doputy, 2 due from Milford, Del, with bark to T II alcColley. • Behr Diamond State, &althorn, 2 days from Milton, •DeL with earn to .1 H afcColley. Bohr Northam Light, Lake, from Salem. Bohr Glass Mower, Hand, from Lynn. Behr Lady of the Ocean, Tibbetts* from Providence. - Behr Eva, Wheaton, from Cambridge: ' Bohr,ll Prink, Doughty, from Boston. Bahr North Pacific. Marcy, from Providence. Bohr fi A Taylor, Young; loom Providence. Bohr 1. if lindloott, Geode, from Newport. Bohr Saundera. Wyman, from New York. Bohr L A Dsnenhower, Miller, from Houton. Bohr Bam Donut, Gandy, from Noponset. Bohr /eland Clty; Corkin, from New York.' . Bohr Bliss Williams, Taylor, from Doaton. Bohisiloonnander-in.Chief, Martin. from Staten Island Bohr Madonna, Veiney, front Providence. -OLRARBD. I Steamship Delaware, Copes, New York. 3 Allderdice. Brig Wm Penn, Robson, StJohn, ND , Workman & Co. Brig T W Rowland, Rowland, Rey Wait, Tyler, Stone & Co Brig Wilhelm; Wierd, nonacid, via Richmond, Work man de - - Brig Meteor, Anderson, Havana, J Mason & Co. . Brig Wm , Nlohols, Strout, Boston, al Sturtevant & Co. • Sclir.Geo'Falee, Illtkersos, Providonce, J M Kennedy Schr Wm L Springs, Corson ; Savannah; I; S Matson & Co. Behr nisi& Reeecca, Price. Charleston, do Behr Eclipse. Hitching, New York, do Behr Borah ?Mogi,. Weaver. N York, F Lennig & Co 'Bohr Ingomar, Case, Boston, Noble,' Hammett & Caldwell. - Bohr Island City, flookin, Washington, do , Sok* 0 A Stetson; Cobb, Provlocetown, N Sturtevant `& - ' ,Sehri Eva,Whestole. Providence, - do Scam A 8 Horton, Elwell, Quincy, Mese, do 'Bohr Northern Light, Lake, Boston, Van Dusan, Nor ton & Co B,hr Glass Blower, Hand, Newberg,. do Bohr Gnu Root, Wilson, Gardiner, B Bonder & Co. 'Bebe Lady, of the Ocean, Tibbetts, Newburyport, Hayes & Godshall. Behr B Prink, Dorighty. Boston, Brown & White. Fehr North .Feelfiq, Maroy, ijambridgeport,Blakistoni cox & . 436; 4 '• , Sayquinr, Sidirian, Bondont, • do Sakt43-Matthews:todmant Boston; " do = - Solar 8-A.Taylol,'Young, Fall River, It It 00111011& CO. - . BO& L H-Bnilittott, , Leeds, Newport, John R White. Behr Saunders, Wymen,'Saletn, - • do Pchr L A DaneohOwer;Millar, Boston W II Johns. Behr Rama& Rohm, Gendy,- Baton , Brice & CO, . Behr Eliza Williams, Taylor, Lynn, L Andenried& Co., Bahr Triumph', Artie/Boston,- ' do Bohr _ Coromanderdn•Oblet, Martin, New Bedford, Morrie & Murray - Bohr Madonna, Veaeey, Newburyport, do Sir It Willing, Olaypole, Baltimore, A Groves, Tr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Eichange.) LEWES. Del.. June 27-8 A M. The revenue eu boat, & a stolen by the runaway Mares ;On , Saturday night hut, were recovered at Cape May Yeaterday,' and brought here by the pilot boat Leonidas, but the whereabouts of the negroee he yet a mystery. Eight - small. craft are at, harbor Wind southwest— weather warm. 'P Tours, &o. Whf. M. lIIOEMAN. [Di 1411.11 GRAPH. I (Correepoudeuee of the Philadelphia Bxohenge ) CAPS ISLAND, Jose 26-6 to P ht . . .. - The steamer Jobu Thorn le at anchor off Shia place, bound to Indian River. An hermaphrodite brig and five schooners puaed in to-dal. Wind south—weather dellghtlul . . . - Yours, &e, THOB. B. MMES. - - • Ins ssinowinv so TED Passe.] • r. . -Nair Yone. June 25. Arrired; barques Prlooeton s irom Demerara; °Miter Ws . , from biansaailla; - sehr'ol4 Dominion , Oardeoae. 0 • , HAMPTON ROADS, June 25. . . • Arrived, "Ifamburg" barqun Anthony, - St days from Callao; also ship _Margaret, from Matannan, bound to hamburg, with a cargo of sugar, put in on account of Sickness among the crew. • , (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • - - ' Tools IFILANO: Tune 9,185 e, The schooner Virginia (of Philadelphia,) Copt Hig bee, from Charleston. with a general cargo, for Month. .eges, ran 'upon West payees ,F ed. night of 7th lost, and bilged Mimed] Mel). - oe - vowel fa r.total lone, but the 'greater portlearof the cargo had been saved in a 'damaged condition. °apt II and crew arrived bete yes terday. The vessel was built at Milford. Del., in 1847, 'registered A: 2 and valued at' gB,OOO, which Is only par t! try covered by-insurance. Weather in very tine. Salt • raking favorable; •vrithat fair demand at 9);®10 cents per bushel. The Islands have been much been 'fitted and'eul Ironed by the visits of 4mericati and Eng ,lbih vessels of :war. Geed , health prevails and pro .1- Mona plenty, • I{l at d/GO. MEMORANDA. Steamship State of fleorgia,garvin, hence at Savan nah 22d inst. _ - • „ Eittiarnahip Arago, ;does, cleared at New Yerh yester da for *Havre. Steamship Konnebeok, Band, hence, arrived at Now Rork yesterday, nod cleared to return. .Ship Aram.. Osgood, at pal mon th, R,16111 inst. from !Rangoon. was ordered to Amato. dam. Ship Wild "hinter, Seam, at Paloroulls,..B, 10th that. ,from Akyab. , was ordered to Bronten. Ship Concrar, Becrume. horn Rio de Janeiro for New Otlessor, was spoken 4th lost, 90Milypatath.of Per. nimbus°. Ship a tactite StAte, Spairow, from etritliuSor N - YOVkr sailed limn ITsmpton Roads 2.31 Ship Buena P,sto , Linnoll, from °Mucha Islands for Baltimore, 8044 from liamron•Boads 234 hurt , Barque John . Winthrop, Park, hence for Boston, paned Hightind Light at sunset 24th rust. Barque - Asontroo, Pojero, foe Philadelphia, sailed from Palermo 213th ult. Barque Asnf. Simmons, cleared at New Orleans 18th wit. for ManeMee. .Barque Amy, Hammond, hence at Boston 24th Wet. Brig O'Brien, Robinson, hence at Boston 21th inst. Ketch President Benson, Champion, arrived at Bal timore 24th lost. from Monrovia, W 0 A, May 20 Left In port ketch Mary Atwell, Asians, for Baltimore, Ids; (WO Ackerly. for New York, do. Behr O H 31oller,"Allen, for georgetown, 80, sailed. from Oharleotou 221 inst. • Behr Mary-Price, Blizzard, from., 'Wilmington , ' -arrived et Boston 24th inst. Behr D B Sawyer, Pierson, for Tnokerton, NJ, cleared at Boslon 24th Inst. • Behr IL W Tull, Nickerson, cleared at Charleston 224 tut- for Philadelphia. &Ira litchis:lan, Barium, 7 L Radnor, Endicott, mitt Geo W Tice, Palmer, heaps at Richmond 24th instl -,, , , t• Bchr Gee lidancham; Scudder sailed from St Thomas 341 that. for Crab Inland, to lead ' for , Philadelphia. Behr Itietail Mays, Prink, hence for Boston, Puged Illableud Light at amulet 24th Inst. Ecttra Joe I:flatlet( and lona-Tucker, hence at New Haven 24th feat, Mira &web. Betsey and Elizabeth, for Philadelphia, called from New Haven 24th inst. 'Mrs B G Malden. Jarman; J Deputy, iveal; J 018,tk, Scull, and Jas Porter, Adams, hence, arrived at Boston 24th Net. bchr Elizabeth English, English, from Bayport, Pia, • arrived at New York yesterday Sabra J 8 Whelden, Smith; Polly Price, Price; Village _Gem. Hinckley; Ton Porter, Adams; A Corder', Bab cock; Hannah Wilietts, Oranmer Aid. English; Mary Cleveland. Goodrich; Ephraim & ' Anna, Dole; L A udee ried.liattlettland H. A Weeks, Weeks hence at Denton 24th inst. Sebr Treaniurer, Irlnher, cleared at Boaton 24th font. for Philadelphm 'Behr Wm. (Thane, sailed from Newburyport 23dinet. -for Philadelphia. Warn Henry Hay, 'Watson, Speed,. Homer", and Bic Grande. Allen. hence at Belem TM loot ' Bohr Two Brothers, hence at Norfolk 23d lost. Behr Judge Hopkinsou, Degroot, Sailed from Norfolk 23d tent for Phi "dolphin' Fehr Henry Ford, for Thlladelphla cleared at Balti more 24th-init. . • - SPSHEL ''Sfay 9 , lat 7.25 - 91, 100,80,12 W, ship HlOdosisa. (pro bib'y the alndoetin;Jayne t from BostonAprll lb. for It'robsy ) Jib h fest; Ist 2814, ion T 9,29, barque it A SteVenson, (torn Jamalealor ;,otidnis. Sabra Sophia Ann. Smith; Chas A Hecksher, Stubbs; JOhn troffers Elliott; .1 Ireland, Steelman; JJ Spencer, I.losstati; Snow Flake, Weaver; MHoyt. Hamilton, "and Alice Lee, Clark, bencli at - B oston 24 1 n mast. Sara 91•11,'Otowell; " Ontario. Yatigilder; Seoor, Dennis, and Ermiline Blakey. Tice,- hence at Providence 29d hist: . ' Earl Earls ,1 Carlton, Bballer,• Black. Diamond, Wiling. for Thiladelphla,And Martha Jane, Jones, for do or Baltimore, sailed - from Providence 24,1 Inst. Bohr Catharine Martha, Brown, hence at Alexandria 22d Haat. • Fehr Energy. Xing. hence at Halifax 18th Inst. Behr NOT Mexico, Ireland, bases at Hartford 224 inst. Propeller Sarah Jones, hence, arrived at New York yesterday • 19th (net, let 30 34, lon 78 45, eblp Andover, of end for Nov York; 18 dayi • from Naw ,Orleans ; also ship Montgomery, bound east, - 181 h foot, let 28 24. lon 79 32, ship -Et Charles, from New Orleana (or Cam. 16th lost, 16141 48 lon 64 80, ship Omar Pasha, from Liverpool for Villlolll. ' " • - 19th Insr. - 10 "27, lon 70.40, ship Ben Bolt, from N Orleans for Eirope, - . YOILAIGN:POTS.. AIT at 810thi tams, April 24, brig Potomac, MAU, B.lem - (and mid no date for windward.) At"Oaoe Closet, May 2, barques Warren White, flows. from Salem March ,28. 'Ft* Elailtis (whom ohs arrived Apr 11,25); Catberine ' Derry, *eat Salem Web 26. sr -rived A prd 22.; May Qne.n. Debater, for windward ; lonia, Dig. from the bight of, Benin,: arr;April 27, and old 'no data for - Anarnaboo and Salem - At IWarreillea, 9tlt Jost, barque Paboy Esler. Lodge. for Noir 'MOMS ; brig , Two 'Seri, • Cooper:- for New Tol:k. big; 'Or 0 3leaber,.omlth , -to be sold follow'- fog , •At Pain* boo 13, ship MOSSeoger, from llamas ; err 13th barques Mary Ric', discharg, to load `or Loudon ; Giorgo Williams, Idg for Boston; brig Proteue, for New York, idg: ' ^ DOMRSTICf .OORTS . ' NEW.YOSR, June- 25 —Arrived, Ship Andover, ,Rerry, New Orleans; barque Cariolan, Steepened, Drotnnii brie Kate Andereon, (of Belfast) Lotbrop, Segni is. Grande; Om &Mum, Pierce, Galveston; ochre Robert Palmer. Sickle, Pensacels r 0.0 R Dixon, (3 reaets,) Swain, Cardenas; Pearl, Westervelt, Beak rn, N 0 ;Wabash, Hodedon. lieges; Silicon, Swain, BaltitrMas ; Garinalt, Parker,. Ilarriseos; Angeline, Beaufort, N 0 ;Nelson, Deaner, Pot ter, & Co;-0 B Itownen. Squires, Galveston •No th State - ,Horton , Sinennah ; Wide World, litalltley, Georgetown; -D 0 J Web, Galveston ; Kate Stewart': Slather. C harlest o n; Emma; Unlse, genes , .con; JHsward, Esker. Chleapori. PI Y. Cleated, ships B Webb, Walls, - Liverpool; Globe, DakeP'Cadiz; Thornton, Collins, Liverpool; ti erma- WOO,' Havre; barque Honduras , Bates, Belize ; brigs 'Brad's. Matanzas Enterprise. Grit/die. Marseilles; ochre Marine, Merrlhew, Wilmington; - Idagen . Rogers, Farren, Abaco. Below—Barque Ca'ifornia is at anobor on the bar. BOSTON, Jane 24 barques Union. Kendrick, Balthriore; It It Walker, Yrunoh, Elilabeth..ort; brigs Beronde, (of Netiport) Lawton, Cardenas; Brookline, -Drannon;St John, N II; Ann 31 Weeks, Norwood, Alex andrlarklarthaWashington, Ander,on. Blizabsthport. Telegnybed - -Barque AVOIA, from Charleston. • Cleared--Ship Geo Mallet, Chandler, St lobo. N II; brigs Judge Hathaway, Snail, Matarzaa; Caroline A White Wh i te . Charleat,u; Clacton, Pluktoire. Mere" Orlinea, Iliehborn, titorAtap; sate Eureka, Oran .fiton,'Sit Thomas; C lerk°, Crowell, City Point and Blob • moneflohn 0 Itelind. Baker, Stamford Cove. Also, eleard barque Weybosset, Peeling, Paint Petro, Quad. Baponodur, Golden y, Hartley; brigs Lanrilea; Mot ticallo; Crimea, Chimborazo (not yeeter day;) aobr Spring Hill. tiEfitSLESTON—Arrtved 22d instant, astir D, B ;Warner, Stetson, New York. . ~- "At Quarantine, Span pool Antooletta, o.lVer, 'Went to lea, barque Greenfield Belittle, 001 , 908 and a .inatkitt; :brig Athens; Elwap(LlSerpoel. , : 1 3 1 .YANNAII—Arrived_221 Blatant, Brbarque Ellen, Grovel; Gibraltar. , Cleared, beiquee - Alnim;"Sipert, Portsmouth; Yng bark Sarah A Nickles, Nickles, St Jago de Chiba ; brig Crania. Marl taupe, Barcelona. ' MOBILE. Jane le.-01d, barque Anna, Tuttle, Pen ..seasts' !rowed to Ilea, ship Ehtra , Andrews, for Liver pool. NEW ORLEANS—Cleared—Ships Pseshontas, Wood son, Liverpool; Kitty Floyd, Frost, do; liluetelous, . do; George Wiabingtou Crowell, do; Peril hang,,flevb, Bremen, Baxter arell & Co' ghegield, Sikh ddsbn, Bordeaux; ,barque - Eberhard, Weigmeyor, , St Peteralibre; brig Antote . g Mafia, Matur e Barcelona. Towed to eat inst, ship aisioda and eehoonor Joaquin. `, • Below—Ship Dione,Fales, from Liverpool. , 1fqc.4. 4 , 11 .;• 1 allinsa;-'. --, -' - - • • : " :-'.- .T ' OB 2 ::,toc . ' ti9 - . lLiii_ T sTazarr. 0tm0ket:244,1"11344- ••• ;de Oft: " Tyr, Bills Lading, Sal Ife , on.ars, I oat Garda and all other klada of Job Printing, at 'WOO t 4, VA NO Piet .figi7.3,7 ARRIirALS AT THE PRINCIPAL' HOTELS 17r TO Opi O'OLOOL THIS 'Mourn:fa. GIRARD llOUBE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. • Dbr Pugh & 101 Y -', Wm Chamberlin, NY . ' 89 Carrier& la, Harrisburg T LPrlce r leffersonOity,Mo T B Edgar, tit - Louie - A 0 Goddin, St Louie 1 .; Max Stadler, Oinclunati t 0 John Reed Jr, Boston John Brintnell. N Y . Isaac B Po kier Chicago Wm 0 Logan, Pa Mat J Foley & Is, Balt Wm T Joyless & is, Peters- Dr A L Oartle, Switzerland burg, Ts ' A P Oartie, hwilzerland M aleilvllie - , New Orleans Gen II Walbridge, N Y Was A Staley & niece, Balt Wm Mona, N Y - Geo 8 Cook & la, Merles- 34 0 Wilson, Boston ton, S 0 ' Jae A Hughes A Is, Pitta.. W LI Lawrence, Louisville burgh W 8 Knott. Louisville, Ky John II Berryhill Pa W D Blackford, Lawrence, E Denning, NY - Kamm . E A Billings, Trey, Nlf J E Crane, N Y - Wm E Rollo, N Y. J Smitherson, N Y it bi Strebelgta and two Judge Donaldson, Pa children, N Y Henry Stevens, London I 8 Barry. Balt Jas J Byrne, Balt Edw Israel Balt L I Parr, Allants, Ga Mrs al A Alexander, Mem }leery J Davidson, N 'Y phis Aug Laser and lady, N Y A Cladin, N Y Jae Tucker. Jr, Boston E T Hubbell, N 0 • JII Wood, Belt - II E Boswell, Richmond, H A Williams, Ta Virginia J 0 Symms, U 8 A 0 Walker, Boston Jos Promestine, Mil. 0 A Ackerlaud, Cin'i, 0 M Heidelback, Cin'i, 0 J Eleanongood, Oiu'l, 0 M It Young, Miss 0 Paulson, N Y Inn Dukehart. Balt ll C Talmadge, Ga W A Talmadge, Ga A Hawk A le, Ala Ben.) Durance, Tiogo co, Pa Dr Gibbs & Charleston,B 0 lillsa Gibbs, Charleston,ti 0 D DOampbell,Sohenectruly T B Mitchell, Schenectady, N Y N Y Peter Rowe, Schenectady, L Dodge, Schenectady, N Y N Y MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. Hon J 8 Yoet, Pa W G Ohitlick, Phila - F Coo, Boston 8 B Robison. Pitteburgh T Jewell, Princeton, N J J O Olden, Pr neaten, NJ J Davenport, Jr, Richmond, A Bairns & daug, Virginia Virginia E Chopin, York, Pa M Park, Franklin, Pa D 11 Wood, Newark. N 8 J Brioley, Muneilold , 0 D L Freeman, Perry, 11l A Peron, Pitteburgh R McCune, Plttaburgh A Pitman, Virginia - F A Fickardt, Bethlehem, 0 A Towson & la, Virginia • Pennsylvania W Jackson, Providence, II I Mrs Lugar, W'maport, Pa B Williams, Wbuspert, Pa L B Willard & Detroit, AR. Bingo, Georget. wn. Hy Michigan J 0 Olarkson,'Ohambersb , g, Rev A D Campbell, Alle- Pennsylvania gheny city S A Pengh, Washington Jos M Steritt, N J Jno 0 Cram, Marietta, 0 Francis Gratt, R J s OS Sutler, PhDs UNION - HOTHL—Arelpstreet, below Fourth. • - Dr Ira Day & ' la, Mocha- Ins gave. -P. - nicsburg, Pa B Gay Winslow, NI ',Geo Wll Whitalter,l3ridg- D P Shoemaker,- New : ton. N J burg. Pa J M Mclntosh, Dubuque, Rev T Wunder - Hug A fa, lowa - Lebanon, Pa Miss A Elute, Bethishoui, Henry Chaplain, Wheel.. Penes leg. Vs R Titus, Hancock, N Y Alfred Dixon, Dixon, 11l Mrs Si Dixon . Dixon 11l Mrs Gerhart & 3 children, Miss Shorn, Hoboken, N J Hoboken, N J 'Miss Sham, Hoboken, N J AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street. above Fifth. Jas Id Bulger, N J John Davis, Pittsburgh 0 0 Meyers, N Y L Sanford, Baltimore fisml.l Johnson. Vs Jam D Davenport, N Y W 0 Davis & lady, N Ir" Miss Davis. N Y J SI Myers, Md E P Wilber, Phil% Wm 11 Rill. Albany, N Y Id Edgar Richards, Potts- Jan Af Thomas, Ps villa Saud McCallam, Port De- L II Van Deripe, Trenton, posit, MA N J Wm Id Lamdin, R J Saml Masters, N 7 Wm M Rockefeller & Is, Mrs PI, Lathrop, Balt Sunbury, Pa Mrs ME Nelson, Dalt BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. W M Phillips, Alexandria, James Chadwick, Chester Ya Pa nos Deween, Cheater co, Jos March, Cheater co,Pa. Pa II °James, N Y D Ovid Boyder,Ph.ladelphia J 0 Clarkson, Chambers. John M Barclay, Coates- burg vine_ Joel 0 Thompson, Coates. Dr M Hammond, Del idlle Geo Collahan & lady, Pa D B Nyco, Delaware co, Pa John Stewart, N Y John Weedey & lady, Ohio J Pratt & lady, Delaware D Pratt & lady, Delaware co, Pa co, Pa NATIONAL lIOTBL—Aare street, above Third. Wm II Weorich, Myers- Joe Whitaker, Mt Clare torn, .Pa Moe B Jackson N T 8 Murphy, Wilmington, D M Krause & la, St Paul, Del Min Wm A Moyer, Lebanon, Pa A Reppard, Pa F P Dntinelly, Lancaster G H Sardwell, Lancaster JA L Tice. Tremont, Pa Gideon Markle, Pottsville Son,! Lincoln. Pt Martins Luke Simone, St Martins H Rooter, Allentown Was A Moyer, Lebanon Id Pbilins, Pittston P Govern Pittston W MAO. Danville 8 Apperbairter, Lancaster W F Voute, Reading M Apperhainer, Lancaster T T Kinsey & Is, Pa Ii J Itondler, Pottsville BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL--Becond street, below Vine Mrs White. Pa 0 Fiats, Rock Piga • B Gass, Bucks co W Doan, Bucks co W II Mil. Balt J W Torbert, Pa T Snyder & hi, Pa W Limey, Attleboro T E Pickering. Pa has Leavitt, Phil. RE Moore, Nevytown ,- Maus Fox, Newtown J Eaetburn, Pa . Ralph Starry. Pt Pleasant 4 Kelsey, Bucks co • • 3 McNair, Bucks co T Torbert. Bucks co, 0 Torbert, Bucks co I N Whitcomb, Wyoming N W French, Wyoming co, Pa co, Pa J Newbold, Pa T Hollis Pa „David Fell, Pa - , R LosgehAPa " ll 0 Ely, Pa . ' P J Rich, kingham Jo^a Rich, Buckingham Jan Bervi , . mbertville 0 Oadwalacier, Pa : ' II Yardley, Pa Petal' Kelleri Lock Haven ktrirTarison, Montg co MADISON HOUSE, Second mitten, above Market. bf Holly, N Y Mr Bn , FLlrk, Bait 811 Hoar; Lancaster on, Pa D J Hoar, Roney Brook, B retterron, N S Penns B ilt Pharo, Newark,•N J II Mitttell, York, Pa Jacob Del trick, Reading, Pa J Culbertson, Pittaburgh BALD EAGLE HOTEL—nisei street, sb. Orillowhill Eckenroth, Lebanon co, Phillip Reese, N Penns Miss bfierrell, D ylectown Paul Lengel. Schuylkill co, Istra Loogel, Schuylkill co POnt, Pen ea Semi Smith, Bucks co, Pa NS' Esterline, Fostoria, Pa Thou Whitaker, Wayne co, RIR II °llea. Fostoria, Ps Penes W Beans, Bucks en II Thorreo, Del co. Ye ' Henry Danner, Duets eo, Pettr Fellear, kneton Penn• BLACK DEAR HOTEL—Third, below Callowhill. F Groff, Atlantic City Miss Groff, Atlantic City John barge, Bucks co, Pa Abraham Clayton, South. Chas Roads. Southampton ampton TII Wolf, Danboro Frank Miller, Snmney- James Sm th, Sumney - town, town, Pa Telma Geo Clemens, Chester Val WESTERN 110TEL—Mark4 street, 'above Eighth. I. R Lambert, Trenton, NJ it E Plneh, Trento?, NJ A Davis, N if II B Curtis, Par . C Brown, Del . ,Jas Young, Ity B Esker, Ohio John Woodson, Pa J Earls, Pa E Wall, NY Special liTottrzo. The Sherif(atty.—Editor of the Press etThe different political psrtles will soon meet in Convention for the purpose of nominating candidntes for the Tatiolls office" in the gift of the " People of our t ity " and the State at large. Foremost among those who are can didates for the " Sheriffnlty." is Mr. THOMAS J. JBF YRIES, a resident of the Twenty-trot Ward. The name of Mr Jeffries is a tower of strength. Ile to a well-known manufacturer, and highly esteemed for his many excellent qualities and goodness of heart, Being one of the first to array himself against the " Lecouth. ton mitotic)," ho has added to his• list of friends many- Intelligent gentlemen oho desire to _appreciate hl" worth by elevating him to the responsible position 9f Sheriff of Philadelphia county. Possesning a good edut cati9n, a heart overdowing with the principles of true tiAevolenro ) a character for fidelity and energy, he is qualified, in an eminent degree, f6r the position. We recommend him to the consideration of the "People's Convention"—for, nit). hint as their ntandnrilthearer, success may be considered a fixed fart Without ma, king any invidious distinctions, permit me to express my opinion that some are named for the Sheriffulty wiles° nomination would be the sure precUrsor of de feat. Then, let no have Tllo3lUtti .1. JEFFRIES' name inscribed on the " People's banner," and a bril liant " antiiiLlicenthlon " tilumph will prevail on the "necond Tuesslay in October, in the city of Philadelphia. • je26-Itit , , • - Palpitation of the' Short —When not arising r_ ttson erg:tole disenme, polvitationg ore duo either to Wrong excitement or to a general Impoverishment of tho blood- The PERUVIAN SYRUP, by restoring the vital gold to its proper condition, calms nervous excite ment, arrests palpitations, find invigotatea the whole system. je2l.OC Stager's Sewing Illacitines.:LAfter a fair trial of the several machihes that hare yet beenliffered to the . publie, the unanimous verdict of operators bee been given in favor of Singer's. Thie in, In fact, the only machine capable or performing every bind of sewing. BINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING DIACIIINE beyond all question, the most complete article for !amity une yet invented, being nt once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, In every reaped., to any other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. DI. SINGER & CO., je7-0m - °Mee, N 0.1102 CHESTNUT Street. Seanden's Saving - Fund-401fIce 903 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de poelts In sums or One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the eyening. President, Franklin Fell; Treunrer and Sanatory, Charles M. Morris. • Saving Fund.—Five Per Vents Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8:W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or emelt, and interest paid from the day of deasit to . the day of withdrawal Money le received and payments made daily, without notice. The inveatmeate are made in Real Relate, Mortgagee, Cround Rents, end such first-class aecurt ties as th charter requires. OSice hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. fee cuoion NOVELTIES BCMDIER9TYLES OF HATS, AT WAR BURTON'S, j 023.64 No. 430 CHESTNUT &root Orovir k Baker's CISLEBBATDD YABIII,Y SEWING DIAOHINIIIB, 780 CIIIESTNUT STREET. Therm Ideebinee are now juetly adolitted to be the beet In nee for finally sewing, Flaking a new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will Nos rio, even if every fourth stitch be cot. Circular/ lent on- application by letter. 'ap9•y Bower's Infant Cordtal...This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in niedloine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful influence a 'speedy core IA effected In all oaten of chalk, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children's suffering during dent!. tion or teething, and by Its soothing : properties tran quilities pains of the boweis,foosences, Vomiting, too. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been toed in thousands of oases with the most abundant anaemia. No family should be•without It. • Prepated only by aesraw A. Colima, At hie Drug and Chemical glare, • N. I. earner of Blzth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must boaddressed. And for male by Druggists generally an 15.4, :Wanes & Goldman, No. 306 Market street above Third,' Wholesale dealers in CLOTHING, are now selling off their entire stock at Retail, at wholesale prim. 03444 THE PRESS.--, PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. JUNE 26, 1.86g:' Excelsior Re;rlgerotors $l,OOO Challenge that ray Refrigerators will keep provision longer, with less ice, than any other In the city. I warrant them to giro satiVaction, at the low pricifot $5.50. Also, a largo assortment of Water Cool- ors, Price • - • • J. S. CLARK, je2B4t No. 1008 MARKET Street, aboyo Tenth TO Prevent the Hair falling off. To pro mote a new growth. To prevent the hair turning gray. To change gray hair and whiskers to their original life rotor. To make the hair soft and glossy, inclining it to curl, JULES LIAUELiS EAU ATIIENIENNE, OR HAIR RESTORER. Sold by all druggists, and by JULES HAUEL & 00., N 0.701 ORESTNUT Street. )e2l-ciSt•wlt On the 23d hist., by Rey. J. i 3. Jonas, Ur. BENT. P THOMPSON, formerly of Ebenstat g, Pa_ to Miss ISABEL, the daugh er of Prise J. Patton, of this city. On the 19th. instant, in Mester, Pa., by Rev. A. Johns. Mr. DANIEL SPRINGBELT is Mom JANE IR VIN, both of Wilmington, Del. 0 1 the 28d instant, by Rey. Thomas Wilke, Dr. START JONES to Miss MARTHA A. RAHOW, both of Darby, Delaware county. On the 24th instant, by Rev. T. J. Shepherd, Mr. SAMUEL L ROBESON, Jr., to Misa LOUISA E. THO MAS, both of Luwer Merlon, Montgomery county. On the 222 instant, Mm. PLIZ ABRTIT, wife of Wm. Dougherty, end daughter of the late Peter Late, in the 41st year of her age The relatives and friends of the family, also Martha Washington Association, No, 40, 2.0. of P.. are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residence, in Twenty-third street, below Lombard, on tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Old Fellows' Cemetery. On the 22.1 instant, WLLLIE, son of .Thlrl6ll J Pawson. in the 6th year of hie ago. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hiv parents, No 020 Washington street, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 8 o'clock. tk At Printol, Pa., on the 23d Instant, Mr. J AMES WRIGHT. The relatives and friends of the family aro respect fully loot and to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Radcliff street, Bristol, on to-morrow (Sunday) afterno v. at 2 o'clock. - On the 231 Instant, ELIZABETH, daughter of Wm Rain. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her father, No Mt Green street. this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2; (Polack, without farther nettle.. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. .* rln Washington City yesterday morning, in the full ness'or years, and closing a long life of &election and ,usefulness, Mrs. ELIZABETH LSE. reliot of Richard Bland Lee, one of the first Beoresentativea in Congress from the State of Virginia, and for many yeate an en+ pent politician of the Washington school. Mrs Lee was a native of Philadelphia. where she was born on the Bth ofFebruary, 1768, making her age at the time of her death nearly ninety-one years. On the evening of the Bith lust , Mrs. ELIZABETH FORSYTH. Notice will be given of the time of the funeral. n 7. National Hall, Moth Soloon. Market, above Twelfth.—T. tI. STOCKTON will deliver n discourse (P. V.) on tho subject of LIRERTV—CIVIL, ECCLESIASTICAL. AND SPIRITUAL. at NATIONAL lIALL, SABBATH MORNING. at 1034 o'clock. Same subject to be continued, Providence permitting, at the sonic place, on the Morning of the FOTIRTII Op JULY. All ins lied Scats free. Collection for expenses. Text: " If the Son, therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." jr2o4t* lirUnion .Tent, (Fourth Street, below Franklin avenno.—TO-DAY, Boy& and WOO Meeting 4g P. Al. Preaching IA ery Night. TO-MOR ROW, also, at 5K A. M. After the daily service Prayer Meeting IT Rev. Dr. KENNARD, and at 5 P. Al. by Rev. J. MAXWELL. In German at 6); P. M. Je26-It* lirChurch of the covounnt.—Ser vices ftt CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT, abovo Twelfth, TOMORROW, (Sunday,) by the Ser. URIAEI SCOTT, of New Milford, Pa., at 10) A. M. end BP. M. Fri. Second Presbytelan church, Seventh Street below Arch, mill be open for Divine Ser vice on SARLIATII EVENING, the 27th inst . at 8 o'clock. Sermon by the Pastor, Rev. O. W. SIIIELDS. jo2B.ltes arSpirltito Conference 1, hold on SUNDAY, at 10} A. Al., at SANSOM STREET HALL, and a Lecture will be given at 8 P. 31., by Do. PIERCE, on The Life, Clutrackm ' and Mission of Jesus of Nazareth." Admission 5 cents. * ta• Logan Square Church, corner Twentieth AND VlNE.—Preaching SABBATH ;MORNING, at 1O) o'clock, by Rev. JOHN PATTON. Subject— " Infidelity and Christianity in Contrast." &nice in the evening at 8. orAt a Sleeting of the Stockholders of the Second and Third, Street Passenger Railway Com pony of Philadelphia, the following were elected Presi dent and Directore, to serve till• the annual meeting In January next: PRESIDENT JAMES PIERRE}:. DIRECTORS, JAMES V. WATSON, M S. BULKLEY, HARRY CONNELLY, THOMAS I. POTTS. WILLIAM A. MITCHELL, GEORGE READ, JOHN 11. lIIIINGITURST, JACOB BINDER, PETER RAMBO, ALI•NANDER CUMMINGS.. LEWIS SHENNICK, PAUL J. FIELD. At a meeting of the Board of Dicectora, ROBERT KELTON tratitippointed Treamurer,and DERBY SIIAR WOOD Secretary. - je26-It Delaware Land Company.—A • hated Meeting of the Stockholders will be held an MONDAY EVENING next, June 28, at 8 o'clock, at Franklin Hall, SI NTH. Street, below Areb. 'An Elec tion for one Director will then be held, to ftil a vacancy. je2:,23, - * 11 11 HAINES, Secretary. _ Donssateavelal Mut unl insurance Cam. 11,3 PANY.—A Meeting of the Stockholders of this I.:mnpany will be held nt their °Mee, In rear of No. '2lB WALNUT Street, on TDIIRSDA I', July 8, 1868, at 11 'clock A. M. 3011:4 McC01,1,0:11 irrPhiladelphia, June t. 1.1111, UtilsH.—Art Electlon for Directors of the tt MUTUAL DE POSIT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OP PHILA DELPHIA," to servo the ensuing year, will be held nt the Office of the Secretary and Trrasurer, S. E. corner of TIMID and WALNUT Streets, on MONDAY, Job. sth, Itetwiten the Loom of 10 o'clock A. 61. and 3 o'clock P. M. WM. MARTIN, JR., j 024-101, Secretory and Treasurer. 'TrNotice.—ln nceortlaner,wtth the edvace of n body of Alumni of the College of New Jersey, notice Is hereby given the tiraduato Members of the American Whig and Cliosophie Societies, that, no changes in the Mira of the Hallo are meditated by the College authorities L which cannot but vitally effect their vigor 84 Literary Institutions, we deem their con ference relative to the matter, and advice as So the best course of procedure, of 'essential importance. They ore, thehefnm, urgelitly requeFterl to Attend the Annual :Ileetinttx of the Oraduate Members on TUES DAY, the 29th of June, the tiny before the Approaching Commencement. . FItED'X STUMP, ALL, Committee on be ll. L. COLE. N.C., half of the Clio- C. C. CLARKE, N. Y., sophie Society. Committee on be- T. C. LYON, MD9., half of the Ameri- W. A. IiicATEE, Md., can Whip Socif ty, OEO. CRAY, Del. N.tss Au It .r., Princeton, N. J. jo22.tuthe3t Ea. Philadelphia and It:anthill: Railroad C0,. 7 -01liee:e27, South FOURTH Stroot. ' VII MAYNE 4P/TIA, 4 une 21st, 1858. To styoid detention, the holders of Cduponn of this Company, doo on lot proximo, are requested to leave them at this Office on or before the 30th instant n hen receipts lint be ill en, nod Cheeks will he ready toe de livery on the Ist proxisno,ln exchange for said receipts. je2'2-t.tyl 8. 1110,1 WORD, Tresettrer. icrGermantown Passenger Rallway.—The CenuniFsioners of the Germantown Paasenger Railway Company" will attend on,MONDAY, the 28th June, 1808. and on each husinesa day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. 01., at No. 30 South STXTII Street, to receive aubscriptions to the stock of load Company, until the came le fully autwertlaut. Charlet, hinuarge, William S. Perot, Vincent L. Brad food, J. 11. Wheeler, J. S. Struthers, Mill ward. William W. W later, Montrrai C. Dawson, Time.. A. Diddle, Wargo W. Ilammeraly, Jobe. Gates, John J. Griffith, and Robert P. Ring, Cominiasionern, • jal2-.1t41 SEA BATHING.-NATIONAL HOUSE, LONU BRANCH, N. J.—This well-known first class and popular How, is now open for the reception of vhdters. Tenon, TVII Done, per week. Person, wishing to engage Roma can do FO by addreculinif WOOLMAN STOKES, j46.2w LOA) BRANCH. pLAvs BANKNOTE REPORTER (PUBLIBLUJ WEEKLY.) The necessity that exists for more frequent Intelli gence for general security, regarding nanks and Coun terfeit bank Notes, has long been evident, and never more so than at the present moment. The interest of the community suffers by delay, and for their own protection require prompt, early and fre quent information of a reliable character. Thin defi ciency will now be supplied. If must also be ad mitted that flank Note -Detectors are In the hands, too frequently, either of persons entirely unac quainted with the Bank Noce business, or who aro im mersed in other pursnitS, tq ha extent that a settled Indifference to the wants,, expectations, and mound the of the eommunly becomes the stereotype charac ter of. 'heir publications. Thie trespass open public confidence will be remedied by issuing a IVNKKLY BANK NO IN REPORT SR, with advantages that must eammand unirersel attention. THE BANK NOTE REPDRTER will bej corrected weekly, Invariably, to the latest hour, by Messrs. Work, hlcCouch. & Co., Bankers, No, 36 South THIRD Street, well known as among the meat extensive and skilful Bank Note purchasers in the 'United States. The Editorial Department of the Bank Note Roporter has been committed to the care and direction o a gentle. man extensively known lu this community, of Fitton Years' experience In the Bank Note business, and the Animist officer of one of our popular Institutions ; and when it is further considered that our foreign corps of telegraphic and mail correspondents is comprised of up wards of four hundred of the most eminent And die. tlogulehed banks and bankers In the United State, and Canaries, together furnishing !sore extended facilities for early and reliakie Intelligence concerning conuter felt and spurious hank-note currency, that to possessed by all other similar works. Thin valuable Information will be printed 'with new type, in a convenient form and unsurpt•sed in typogra phical neatness, beauty, and distinctness, rendering thin Bank Note Reporter invaluable to the liu.iness community, especially to all banks, bankets, amid their customers, to brokers, merchants, and hu , [ideas Meg generally, in town and country. Every farmer will find both his interact and convenience promoted by subscribing for the BANK NOTE REPORTER. We present, in short, to all who receive pay or handle Bank Notes. a first.cians BUSINESS' and BANKING 'WEEKLY REPORTER, which shall occ .py a position In the community is, re ek:Manta AV A ANLIAIII.Ft GUIDE for all persons dealing in merchandise or stocks whether as buyers or sellers, with full and ample security against ail doubtful, ins solvent, fraudulent, or counterfeit bank notes, IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH, The first number will be Issued July 15, 1958, and continued weekly at TWO bOLLAIIS per annum, paya ble annually in advance, or Five Cents weekly, payable to th e carriers, semi-monthly numbers mailed to nub scribers at $l per annum, and monthly ramb,re at 50 tents, A Uermau Edition, gjving the' entire contents of the English, will be homed Augant 15th, 1858 and continued weekly et the eame rated as the,} 'edition. Clity subscriptions and advertisements received on and after July 1, p-ox., et the office of publication, No. 112 S. TIIIRD Street, Philadelphia, BULLETIN BUILDING, main crust - wee, first float'. Subscriptions by mall and all communications must be addressed to Oil tRLES G IMLAY, 3e20 tf Post Office Box No. liso, Phi adelphia. TA TtuGs, , ETC.—To reduce our stock, we A- , offer, in lots as wanted, front an ounce to an origi nal package, a hue assortment of Drugs. lino Ohm!. call, PateneMetlietnes, Spices, ground or tho grain, Essential Oils, Paints, (Rase, etc., etc., of a superior quality, andat an lonneuse reduction of prices. IVII,SOII & MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, je2o-ot. 200 MARKET Street. PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN ; PHOTO OItAPIIS in Oil ; Photogrnphe of oil sines, uod every style, Also, Daguerreotypes and Ainbrotypes, nt the ever-popular ROOT gallery, FINTII nod CUES f- RUT. Yricen Reduced. fe26.11 OT-ITOUSE GRAPES AND WATER MELON:3, at JONES'S Ladles' Saloons, 727 and TV Alitni W` filarriaata. EDzotho excuroicito THE• 'OE - a nt i - - AT. VIE SEA SHORE! lIOURS TO ARE )I:MEAN - LI ' DISTANCE S° 311LESC, ,. - ' On SATURDAY, the Sti, arid on• MONDAY the sth of 'Jul?, Trains on the CAMDEN 'and ATLANTIC RAILROAD rill ran as follows; - FOR THE SEA SHORE, • JULY, Bd. Leave Vlnastrest wharf., Philadelphia, at 7,80 A. 31., 9.85 A. 31., CP. 31 and 8 P. H. RETURNING ON SATURDAY. Leave Atlantic City at 6 A. M., 4 40 P. M., and 6 35 P.M. FOR THE SEA SHORE, JULY sth. Leave Tine=street wharf at 6. A. 51. 1.30 A. M. crct 4P. M. RETURNING ON THE Stir. Leave Atlantic City at 6 A. M , 4.40 P. M.,' 4nd 5.33 P. M. No Freight Train will be itiLlPEi 4innlaysorifonday. Tickets for the round trip, good for any train down on Saturday avid Monday, and up on Saturday. Monday, or Tuesday, $1.50. JNO.' G. BRYANT, - je26-7t Agent. SUNDAY- EXCURSION TO RED BANK.—The Steamer COTIAN SEY, in place of tho Logan, leaves ilfcgargee's Wharf, Kensington. on SUNDAY next, for Red Honk, at log, IX, 3, and 5 o'clock. Stopping at Arch and Christian streets. Returning at 12, 2N, 434, and 7 o'clock. Fare for the Rxcursion 15 cants. - fo2o.lf* "" FOR CAPE MAY.-DAILY 43it— r.. EXPRBSS.LINB, by Stammer "BAL LOON," 0.0. W. WroLumr.—Fon PASSENGERS ANII THEIR 'WOO OE ONLY. Thn swift and favorite. steamer "lIALLO - ON," having been Thoroughly overhauled and fitted with cc cry appliance to insure speed, safety, and comfort, will, on and after TUESDAY, the sOth instant, leave Arch-street Wharf for Cape May every Morning, (Sun day excepfed,) at 7 o'clock. Returning, will leave the Cape at o'clock P. M. Fare $2, carriage Mt* in cluded; 'Servants $1.60; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra, je2s-8t if* M.6 3Z , : t BRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, &e.,&c.—The steamer EXPRESS leaves trot pier below AOll Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAY'S, end SATURDAYS, at 81g o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves Bridgeton MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. AL ; touching at New Castle, Delaware City, Greenwich, Mulford and Tyndale's, going and returning. Through ticketa, by stages connecting with. the " Ex presti," for the renewing glares, to wit : hillieville,...,. 01 00 Port Elizabeth $l. 25 Fat rton or Ceditivllle. 76 Newport 88 Dividing Creekl 00 Manrieetown 1 25 All lauding% on pie Colinnsey - 4 ...., - ,78 Delaware (illy?, Now Castle ' ' - 60 Tho Magee meat the boat punctually. NO disappoint, menu or delay:: need besantiCipateo. -Freight, of, every description, taken at low rates. , J4IE4 New Publuntiond. A BOOK FOR SUMMER TOURISTS.— STANFORD A-, DRUBBER, 508 Broadway,'N. Y., AQUARELLES; Or, STJMAIICR. SICTITOI-IES.„ BY SAMUEL SOMBRE. Handsomely printed In large, clear typo, and Cleo trotted witlt ‘ origlnal and characteristic engravings Cloth, gilt, &Pronto. This work is full of fun and pungent wit ; It hits off with excellent effect the follies of Life at 'VS Spring:, NEWPORT, SARATOGA, Sff ARON, ETC. The author is evidently a skilful limner, for his sketches are instinct with life. This is just the book to choose as a companion on a pleasure trip to the quiet country, or to the sett side, whether by rail-car or steam boat. It possesses several advantages for this, in Its gay and sunny pictures, as well as its sportive and genial satire. and its free, almost colloquial style. It will doubtless become a great favorite with all pleasure-seek ing readers at home and abroad. ll —Critic. Per sale by all Booksellers. On receipt of price in stamps. the book will be tent, post-paid, to any address. jest-at AV IOEVER WANTS A GOOD, CON VFNIENT, A!4 RELIABLE COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, one that is fro,' from all parties. cliques, favoritism. humbug, &c., should send at once for TAN COURT'S, if being ae full, correct, and complete as any such 'work can be made. It is corrected by WORK, IIIUOOTICII, & CO., who do a very large Rank-note Exchange busi ness, and whose facilities and sources of information, respecting matters of thin kind, are not surpassed by any other house in Philadelphia. To helutd at the Printing Office, 243 ARCH Street, anti of ZIEBER, 106 South THIRD Street, Price $1 a year; 10 cents a number, or $6 per 100. je26-It* 2tfiricnltural. ygg PURE HUNGARIAN GRASS OR Millet Se l: Southern or Egyptian Millet; Tares or Vetches; Broom Corn; ClllllOl4O Sugar Cana Seed; Ap ple Seedg. Por halo by D. LANDRETH & SON, Agtieultaral Warehnnee and Seed Store, Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth street, between Chestnut and Market ate, tag HAY ELEVATORS OR HOISTING FORKS, with anti-friction and common blocks, &c., warranted to give satisfaction. Manufactltred and for salehy D. LANDRETH & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouse, Nos 21 and 23 South Sixth street, bvtween Chestnut and Market ats. sig DELANO'S INDEPENDENT TOOTH HAY AND GRAIN ILAKE.—Tho experience of itundreds of intelligent farmers boo proved this Rake to be the very beet now In use. Manufactured and for sale by D. LANDRETH & SON, Implement awl Seed Warehouse, Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth street. WHERE ARE THE GOLD MEDAL w. MOWERS NOW ?—Wnil guarantee Retehum's improved Mower and Reaper to do better work, in all kind. of gross, than nay prize medal Mower in uae. We mean what we lay. SPANGVER & STUTIAM, - no 07.7 In Mitt= street stg PRATT'S IMPROVED HORSE RAKES, earrented ettperlor to any other in the market. ?Arty or,ters hceinnsary to soehre Eakine. For sale only by BPANGLER k (MALIAN, j 026 No 627 MARKET Street. tkg GRAIN CRADLES, UNLOADING Ray forks, Revolving nay Rakes, Mayflies, Snatbs, and haling nal Ilarresfing Tools generally. SPANGLER & OR ARAM, jeflG No f,21 MARKET Street, 5 miner J3rucrago WITII THE THERMOMETER AT 105, It is pleaaant to think of something cool. Thug, rotor itegiang and ilebehjf , reftvvhing sound, and Dr. Kane'n , lixpinratious meet with an attentive peregat. Still more refroxhinc is the thought of the gushing ,muutran spring, rolling lind foaming, with it, .•milks• mioodes. But et en more delightful is the fact that an improsed ICE PITCH ER is nom made, combining all the require toeuta of utility and 0001.IIiy They are, of roam, to be obtained at the exeluaii,e Silyer-Platcd {Vary Manufactory of • • NIESSItS, JOAN b. MEAD & SONS, jt•26-3t. N. E: Our. NINTH +mit CHESTNUT Sts firokerg CRONISE & CO., SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 9tl South TRIItD Street, PitILAUSLPHIA. Rofer AO the BANKS Mid Mumma of Philadelphia STEWART & JOHNSON, INSURANCE 'AND NOT', 13110IC.ERS, No. 108 South FOURTH Street jo 2-tit th snt-lin If EIZIZEMM MANLEY, BROWN, & CO., BANK-NOTE, STOCK, AND EXCIIANOE BROKE: RS, N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, Collections made, and Drafts drawn no all parta of the United States and the Canaille, on the most favorable terms. Collections made . , and Drafts drawn on England and Man& Uncarrent Bank Notes bought Land Warrants ought and anti. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans nd Timo Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at ha Boost of Brokers In Philadelphia and New York. je3-Clut EDWARD R. PARRY, Notary Pubßo for blinnooota. RICHARD R. PARRY, Commissioner for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. D A.RRY Sc BROTHER, mtoKEns & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS, FRONT STREET', above HICKORY, , MANKATO, EIINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and Inventing Money for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes Sec. Any letters of SNQI:1111r or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Rose, & Withers Ph ladelphis Sharp, Maine,, & CO.. Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellin & Co., Philadelphia. Parry & Randolph. Philadelphia. CIOLD PEN MANUFACtORY:N. E. t Corner of IP XTII and M11:013, gtreetn: between Market and Chestnut, Philadelphia •Thn Copartnership heretofore existing 'tett, con PETER WALK ER 'o BRO., for the manufacturing of GOLD PENS, Is now dissolved, In consequence of the death of Peter Walker, senior partner. Hereafter the business will be carried on tinder the joint names of WALKER & JOY. The suluterthers respectfully Inform the trade• that their orders shall he met with that promptitude mut attention which have hitherto charectetlu•d the trans netiona of the entablishineut. A CARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer in • DOMESTIC! AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 440 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, Large Story Mite Building TERMS—ONE PRIOR FOR CASH. ID. Priem' marked In plain figures on each article ap29.13m SIiCJ FOR LINEN GAITERS. t , 75 ets. for LINEN SLIPPERS. 75 cto. for VELVET SLIPPERS. 75 cht. for HID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. At PARKER'S, 3019-1111 9, • 91 North SIXTII Street LARGE NO. 3 MACKEREL-NOW IN store and lauding, 300 bbls No. 8 111AOKEREL large 208 halves ditto, for Rale by JNO. DI. KENNEDY & 00., reyl6 Nos 180 and 132 N. WFIA RYER TIEIDSIEOK 011AMPAGNE.—PIPER's JLI IfEIDSIBOK, genuine brand, constantly on hand, received from sole Importere, and for tale by A MERINO, Sole Agent in this Oity, ap22-dera 1411 &Intl% 'MONT Street, Q.LATE SLATE!! SLATE Ill—Rooting ►J Slate, of all ekes. and at Teo' low Woe, kept eon. ',tautly on band, and for sale by Pi:BRING, PDX, & 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. . . N. B. Slate Roots put on In the bed manner, and re palrber tatemll.l to All w•nrl WlL,rant.l I~ENEOVAL.—J. STEER, Hair Cotter and Wig Maker, han removed to 4M CHESTNUT Stroud 'WNW IV? Qwitiln ilvtitve joirp«t* ULAQL,CANTONORAPE, FOR MEN'S APP. Clods and Teets. • • - Black Canton Silk Caniblete, ;13triped.aud Pi r ltitO Littona. - • ' Do. and Checked Seertnicker. Extra fine buff awl drab Linens. Drab Nankin Pongeee. • - Yellow India awl Prenek Nankeens. • • pakalthr.aa BtLQVIEBBI • OfIESTNUX LACE MANTILLAS: 2 .4,nst received from a New fork hurdled Rale, lieTeral., *mall loin Lace Mentillan. ,Prices, from $5.51) to $ll. • 00PER & CIONMID, -Je2o -Q. E. corner (l NINTH and MARKET., - (111EAP SILK DUSTERS.—Now inakirtg V up, several pieces Sllkloto good atyles Dusters ; at $6 and $7. Also ; Dukters, $1; $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, to $3. COOPER & CONARD,. je2C, ' S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET.' j Q - CENTS DIICALS".E t ptire stock of itt..,4 31 cents goods reduced to 183, cents. Ducal an. Berea.) Robes, reduced; thin Black Goods, roduced. COOPER & CONARD, Je2ll S. E. corner NINTH' and MARKET. WHITE GOODS.—Beat 12teenta Taconet T.T 2.lusliu ever sold. nee plain and figured Sias. COOPER & COWARD. fi,E. corner NINTH and MARKET: 'NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND FAG , /..4 TORY. PRINGEB unequalled in quality% NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND FAO TORY, CUSTOMERS SAYE TWO PROFITS. --- NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND PAO. TORY. NEW GOODS 01!ENED DAILY. TEW'TRIMMINGS STORE AND FAO TORY. Orders executed by our owe operatives. I%rEW TRIBLIIINGS ST0.111; 'AM) FACL! 11 TORY. T . O. MAXWELL & SONS, S. E. corner ELEVENTII - OLIESTNLIT Sta. Branch-318 S SECOND, below Spruce. jell-6t 91HE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED 1. CRAPE. SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being said by . , THORNLEY & OEIBM N. E. car. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendous sacrince for . CASH, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style as we have sold for : , TWENTY DOLLARS! whleit we are now telltale - at •the extremely low price 'of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladies, you may never have ouch another opportunity of buying a ' ITANDI36IIB BuA a 01I0AP! Also, Plain Grape Shawl . r)6* • to M. - MANTILLASI 1 /*STEM!. • • Special bargains in Luc- " loir Antique Man tillas, &a. . Travelling Dress Material in great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, ,ke., ton BLACK /ELM, FANCY SILKS, /to. Our name la justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &c., fke. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, hosiery, Gloves, &e., at THORNLEY R OHISH'S "ONE•PRSCE CASH STORE,, , N. E. Oor. EIGHTH & EYEING GARDEN Streets joto•tf DEDUCED.— Another lot 121- and 15 cent Lawns, reduced to 9 cts. Rich Satin-stripe black and white Luxors, 31 els. Finest black and brown mixed Lavellas, 24 atm. 680 yda. black Tamartine, Oneat quality, reduced to 33 eta. BAREGE DRESSES. Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, llarege Dreams, $5 One lot finest mode Estrogen, reduced to 18X eta BAYADERE. Alms, Ducats, roil do Chered,Lavellas DUCAL ROBES. Also, Robes 10quIlle : LaNen Robes, reduced LACE MINTILLAS. Some very handsome, for SRL from auction, and worth $l5, with a vat 'eV of other Myles. Ale°, SILK DUSTERS. SILK AIANTILLAS, and combination,, of Silk and Lace, of our own SUPERIOR 3f.INUPAOTVan, (Mail from the work-room every hour during the day, na A NTILL AS !! MANTILLAS!!— MC LTA ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Mentillas; eMbraclng many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock Is the largest, our patterns the latent atylcs, and our prices no low that wo defy competition. 5,000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 87g,. 44, 50, 56; rich, 62)4, 69, 75; very rich, 81, 87)4, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Detainee ' Dereges, Ductile ' atatlo, 12K, 18K, 18M, 20, 22, 26, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yards fine French Lawns, 10,124, 16K, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 37M to 62)4, very fine. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards side-band Oaleitneres, 37x, worth $l, with a groat variety of desirable goods for menu and boys , wear less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Dfarseilleellustings, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 fine French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth 83. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconets, Swim; and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety; at less than half the usual prices. jel-tn th e•tf UATERIALS FOR DUSTERS AND IT.K TRAVELLING DRESSES.— Chene Tanjore Cloths. Dayadere Lttors. Ottoman Poplins and Madonnas. Bayadete Mohalrs. Silk Warp Larellas. Cotton Warp do, - at 10 and 12% cents Dayadete do, at 12s cents. Lupin's super ali,rool Debege. Oriental Lustres, ‘ke., Ac. JUST FROM AUCTION. A fresh lot of Graolelias and Decals, nt 25 cents. A flue stock of French Organdies and Jaconets, reduced in price. tolossy Black Silks in great variety. CHEAP AS TILE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nainsooks. White French Brilliants. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. White linen Drilling and Duck. Plaids, Brown Drills, Ac. Bosoms in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket Mikis. Black SCR Cravats, kn. The whole stock very cheap, for cash. CHARLES ADAMS, jell EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. REDUCTION IN PRICES. SPRING MANTILLAS, SILK AND LACE, nil reduced in price on and after MONDAY, JUNE 7itt FRENCH LAVE POINTS AND MANTILLAS JUST OPENED, A LARUE ASSORTMENT DESIRABLE GOODS, which we will offer at RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASICS, DIA:PRIAS, &o CONSUMERS of RIOCIARDSON'S LINENS, and those dentrous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, A I a guarantee of the eoundnere and duet:nifty of the Goode. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as largo quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared. season slier season, and sealed with the name of RICHIARWON, by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer sail the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable ' while pur chasers C 4.11 be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, tny2B-6m Agents, as I.IIIJRCH Steen, bow Yok EYRE & LANDELL, R. MANLEY, JR STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS SPRING SILKS AND ROBES BAYADERN LIGHT SUM BAYADERE RNLI BILKS. CHEER DAYADERE BILKS. MUNE MODE BLUE AND BROWNS NEWEST STYLE ROBES. $2, $2.60, And $3 for the STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. EYRE Sr. LA.NDELL, FOURTH AND ARCM STILDETB, myl4-t Jyl ARTHUR"' Since the introduction of these now celebrated Cans and Jars, over MALI•' A MILLION HAVE 1113 EN SOLD, and Ilan ithstanding all sorts of contrivances for the accomplishment of the same object, most of which were little leas than frauds upon housekeepers, have been offered to the public, the HIUPLICITY of ARTHUR'S, the East WITH n RICH THEY ant MANAGED, and the CERTAINTY or 11041 , LT, have made them the favorite Cans and Jars es erywherr, and now in m721.0m■ since their introduction, their reputation stands, by general arknou lehiment, far above soy oilier Can or ynr in the mnrhet. In pi oof of this we quote, from td most innumerable testlinonials, this one from the liDITOK OF THE EADI"S BOOK, I= in the number for July, 3858. lie says : "These celebrated Cans and Cars, the first intro duced, and, by all odds, the best, nro steadily coming into general use. Thoussnds of housekeepers, who. in wero tempted to try other Cans and Jars, and who lust more or loss of their fruit in comseguenee, will be glad to learn that Arthur's never fails. For trop seaso7l% 1, ha Pe said, use no other, am/ ace repeat the advice." Arthur's Cons nod Jots nre ALI, PREPARED FOR. SEALING They hove a channni around the mouth ; on tho MELD WITH CEMENT WHEN SOLD, nod all ready fog sealing. You bal.e, after filling your vessel with ho fruit, only to heat }our lid, and press it into the cement a hen the work is 19110. If directions ore followed carefully, uncross is d o43 . aG.iwtain. PATENT STAMP. la' Take notice, that ARTHUR'S Can. and Jars all bear the Patent Shunt,. On tin , Tin Cans von 5% in find it iinpr, asell in the int tat; on the Earthenware Jars, in nn oval on the bottom, nod raised totters on the Wes the Ulssa Jars. TIN C I,NFI—Pial., quart, half-gall, and gallon. The Cen,q and Jars FIRE , rItOOr PTO (LW I.RE (caul-col.) (eXeClit 01110) .T.UlS—Pint,gitm t, and Ithlf.g,Vn. N L 3 T , QUEENSwAitil—Pint, quart, mut to semi , economy Mar-gallon. In I roigh t. C LASA—l'lntotart,no half-gallon. ARTHUR'S SELF-SEALIND CANS AND JARS ere Tennufectured under the Patent fur the Unite, ARTHUR, BURI , TIIATiI, t GILROY, 117 and llt) South TI•:N TII st, et t, Phil.ut•n InnoufacturorA under the patent for the "United Stets of the •‘ owl 1/OMINION '• COP iJ POT. jai -that if ILetiOlVA) COOPER & CONARD, 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET ➢IoELIROY, 1 , :o. 11 South NINTH Street ALL SILK SUMMER MANTILLAS, MZE= LOW PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 708 01IESTNIIT garnet FOURTH AND ADM OPENING OP vA.si-frow.A.l3l.ar. SELP-S)ALING CANS AND JARS SIZES AND MATERIAL ..fpr 644 aillt ;Ea VIIRNISHEDA ROUSE t WANTED muil. UNTIL the Ist OF OCTQIIEII..=-5, genteel and ,nicely-furnished house, within one-and-a-balf with of the Statehouse, for 'a Gentleman and IlstlY, with no children. Two -or threo good servants can be hired with the prensises, if desired. Batilitetory referequa given. Address n., Box 561 Post 0111ce„_ je26.31* . TO: R . T nevi folir-storied, , LEL I' . rontBTOßE, N 0.246 North 'THIRD Streetiatiove. Rae*, street, 'suitable for any' business. Terms easy. Apply at No. 427 VINE Street, from'? to A. 3L And front 2 to 3 P. M . - • gg~TO RENT.•=-The R66ins of mg. store, northwest corner of SECOND and 'MAN-, KET Streets, with Shelving Complete. For terins, &c., apply on the premises. jo2d.3t* DIIIIADWAY & DODSON. gig -.GEILMANT6WN .COTTAGE:—TO ma RENT, a Large Cottage, with all modern improve ments, and-about lg acres or Ground. • A most desira ble location—within 5 minutes , walk of Depot. Apply to U. B. TARA; - je2s-St GREEN Street, below' Franklin, JOFFICE ROOMS TO LET.—Three beautifel COUNTING ROOMS, Om Griggs .Fire-' Proof , Building,) on the second floor, front, No: 226 WALNUT Street ; Fellable for insurance, or any other Companies mating communicating rooms. jel9-16tit JOUN'GRIGG, 226 WALNUT Street. DOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI tErru RE FOR SALE.—A. person about relinquishing housekeeping, offers for rent a good house located on VINE Street, near Logan Square. lie will also sell the Furniture, millet) ha, been in use but a abort time, and is ris good as new. Address 0. P. Q 7 at this office. jele-tf al TO LET.-COTTAGE AT LONG BRANCH, newly furnished and newly built, with in 300 foot of the ocean. Ten sleeping • rooms, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangements, coach house, stables, garden, and about 2 acres of ground: 'Further particulate apply to No. 26 South FIFTH Street, or to HENRY HOWLAND, Long Branch, N. J. - ,1011-2 w OFFICE TO—LET.t4--AN' ELIGIBLt FIDE for an Insurance Company, or simile:L. cur poration, having three communicating rooms on th same floor, No. 22z WAINIIT Street, above DOC Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN 0. KEEVER, or THOMAS T. HUTCHES, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mhBo4uthii-tt second story, front room. 'llO LRT.—THE UPPER 'ROOMS. - OF stores Nn. '327 end No. 333 MARKET Streit,. below Fourth. Apply on the promisee to to • L lIA_LLOWELL & CO jel4-tf GUILLON, ANDFAISON, St CO. Wants. WANTED.—Merchandise in exchange for Real Estde. Address BOX 153 Philadelphia Post office. lt* WANTED.—A young man, of genteel ad dress, and a good performeron the Piano,.wishes a SITUATION in Rome Music Store. Unexceptonable references given. Salary, first year, no object Please address P. W., 803 Altell Street. je2s-IMF WANTED, FOIL THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied,•"untnarried min. ;to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, end medical attendance. 'Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or okild will be incepted, Apply for DR/LINTER SERVICE at No 811 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north eldE = WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 241 Begt. of Cavalry, apl7-tf Recruiting Officer. Volaical CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT- JOSEPH A. .51011IIEDIER, Eleventh Want Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jel7-titele QHERIFF AL T Y.—Enconragod by my friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHE/LIPP of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the decision of the People's party, whose no mination T. respectfully solicit. WILLIAM 11. KERN, jell-lm -Fifteenth Ward. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS- • JOHN OA.,SSIN. Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Duke OR REGISTER OF WILLS -`.-°NAMES D. KNIGHT, - • ' TWENTIRTII WARD Subject to the People's Nomination. , jel-tf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN OAMPBSLL, OP SEVENTH WARD. Subject to Democratic rules. idlillinerp anb Straw tz , cam. KEEP. COOL. • . . STRAW HATS: • LINCOLN, WOOD, .t NICHOLS, 45 South SECOND Street, - je 1.54tJy1 Four doors above Chestnut Osentlemett's Snrnisbing Boobs. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. KNIGHT,I6O3 ARCH Street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goods and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufacturekin this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. E NTLE N'S WRAPPERS OR 'll DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and best as sortment in the city, wholesale iud retail, with a fall tine of Under Clothing, stilted to the season, at W. W. &NIGHT'S, 606 ARCH Street, above Math, Philadel phia. mhl-tf IVVINCIIESTER & SCOTT, - GENTLh I,lliN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. fed CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved out of Shirts, the moot perfect fitting article made. At whole. she and retail. and made to order. an6.lllf Batbing-tlobee, JOHN P. SLOAN's BATHING-ROBE AND CLOTHING STORE, DECATUR STREET, NEAR WASHINGTON CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Where will he founds, large assortment of all kinds of BATHING DRESSES; for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, :Wasters, Children, sod Infants, such ns Manses, Le. sclers, and Flannel Shirts, of all qualities, sires, and colors; together v,ith every style of Bathing Robes, Oil Caps, Leather and Gum Belts, Slippers, Gum Shoes, Towelling, Soaps, Colognes, Lc , as well as Morn ing Gowns, for old and young, large and small. Also, Gentlemen's Dress-Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves. Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Half-Hose, Lc. A large nssortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, suitahle for the son,on, always nn hand, and for able at as low rates as any other establishment on the Island or elsewhere. 3. P. SLOAN also keeps on head a fall Plipply of Bathing Robes at EAGLE HALL CLOTHING STORE, No. 806 (formerly 273) MARKET Street, five doors above Eighth street, PHILADELPHIA, which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Bathingwnits will be HIRED to transient visitors at the Store, on the Island. hot lug made the getting-up of bathing apparel his duty for several years past, the subscriber thinks that his experience qualifies him to suit the taste of the most fastidious. ''WE STUDY TO PLUASE.” J. P. SLOAN likewise occupies the Store N. E. cor ner of WASHINGTON and DECATUR Streets, CAPE lALAND, opposite the 'United Stntea Hotel and the Ame rican House, where MRS. SLOAN will have the super. i.ion of a very large and well selected aesortment of BATHING APPAREL for Ladies, N 1 leer', Children, and Infants, comprising Basques, Polkas, Yokes,Socks, and every other approved article desirable or suitable for sea-bathing, Persons who intend visiting Cape Island can be ac commodated n ith bathing apparel at either of the above Stores, and thus avoid the trouble and expense of car rying them train a distance. This being his eighth season in the Bathing-Robe business, P. feels anti:Med of his ability to ideal% persons in all kinds of garments suitable for sea-bathing, Returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same. JOON I'. SLOAN, No, ROI (formerly 274.) AIARKb.T St., Philadelphia, Itas one of the largest auwertments of Bathing Notion in the United Stoles, buitable for sea-bathing at Cape Island, N. J., Nen port, It. 1., Long Branch, Atlantic City, and elsewhere. J021..6t if Illetntinai. LIARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL - THE RR- GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! and &mod.) for DYSPEPSIA ; WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS This article is the greatest discovery in Chemical of Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-ACHE, SORE THROAT, STIFF NECK, or Pain In the LIMBS, SIDE, BACH, or any part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Mtus ales, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It le eleo an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia. and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach of bowels Thousande of persons who have used HARTS nontors CURE-ALL hare been astonished at its wonderful power in removing eny pain from the system. Bottles 12, 26, 60 cents, and SI, to be sold by' R. H. JENKINS, ap22•lftt Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. iIARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RESTO RER, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh IS iu the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Purifying Compound In the World! It does not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation Is suited to the Impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and erup tions from the skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken. Ing complaints of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial In taste, and acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits.. and energies of the weak and debilitated from any canoe Quart bottles ga; small bottles 60 cents; sold by . R. JENKINS, Corner of lIECOND and WALNUT Streets, ap22-iftf :amps. 13ETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE 11 Brads-GBNBRATING GAS LAMP Ie the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR ATTACTIED. Tor Safety, Chearnaaa, and Brilliancy, it earyambe all others. STATE AND 01IINTX RIDEITS FOR BALD Address D. P. PETERS B. W. tort:m.l'l,4loND and ozii6iNirr delplda ; and 422 BROADWAY, Now York. ruhd-ly-rp LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interest., end pat: onize USSUER'S LAMP MOTOR?, 109 Ninth EIOIITII street, below Ohestnut. Prevtowt to his opemeg a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted Manner from $9 to $lO. Eupport him, or you will have the earns charree to pep. jeld.y ti FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 Ott CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on 11 Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, wholesale and retail. Phronolo,i ..- cal Examination, with charts, and full nut ten descriptions of character, given day nod es( log. Cabinet Cabinet free to visit, () i d°, by mail t" In addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., 1 7 r22 Chestnut 'greet. 409-3mvit 2lmnoements. A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- 8. W. corner of 11110&D and LOCUST fittest'. GRAND PBOREINADE , CONOP.RTB EVERY NIGHT BY TILE CELEBRATED GERMANIA ORCHESTRA ; • • AT 8 0'04006., - - CARL BENTZ. Lestea, G`ttennencing on BAIIIBEOS,Y, Jute 25, 1852, Toe establishmtt t will be beautifully decorated with ahrub bery, plants, stattuiry.,a playing fountain, Ac Single tickets 25 cents. Packages of 8 t ckets,2l , W REA TLEY , S ARCH ST. THEATRE.- TROUPE , an Engag d ement of the 'w , .rld.renowned KELLER L'UNG AfdERIO6 -BAL LET CORPS, c KEL ompon EßS ed of SIXTY TALENTED AR TISTS THIS (Saturday) EVENING. JUNE 20th, - JOSEPII -IN 'EGYPT. ' The Young America Ballet Corps In TIIE ENCLUNTEb BOWER.. TEMPLE OF LIBERTY. ' Galiese of Liberty' - 'Resume Reiter. ; - . ADMISSION. Boxes;2s cents; Secured Beata in Drops Ulrale 37h; Orchestra Stalle. 50 rents ' Seats In Private Boxes, 75 i Gallerri 13 cents. . ' Doors open at 71( o , cleck; - performances commence 7.k X. . X. id:D. MUTTON D. .., Treasurer. . ... litip s rqiittri glompartico. 1101/ET JRAL , LO IRN OF -THE LIVERPOOL AND NEON FLEE '"AND LIFE INFUR ANSE 1 , -PUBLIRRED IN COMPLIANCE 12-a ' S OF TILE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital Stook 510,040.000 Number of shares of subscribed Stock, 94,211 Amount "of assessments on Stock paid in cash 11011,442 at £5. Value of Neal Estate .. . .... Amount of cash in ..... of ,Fluenlx. Bank and Camman & Co Amount of cash in hands of agents In course of transmis sion ' Amount of loans secured by • bond and mortgages on which • there is - leas than one year's u interest due Amount of loans on which in terest has not teen paid with in one year, (both principal and interest since paid)...... A1310,1111t , • of „stooks owned by the compsoy, $3,000 in Vir ginia stick, the remaining consisti of stocks of - incorpa-,. rated cities to varlowt-States' of the Union. Amount Of, stock held by the company -as collateral for , loans - Amount -on - which interest - ia due and unpaid o-. .., A q; m .7 ., g O t„ Ati I 1 g.' 6 4 Ato Third • 1: ; 75:1 g • N .O • av 2 Fourth Amount of ;losses paid during tho year, in this country.. Amount of unsettled 10wa.... Amount of dividend i ll Oil tiEw NIS Amount of cash premiums Amount of earned premiums Amount of -interegt received from _ the . invietvilente in . United Btotes - - Fifth "O.° II In Is 3 Amount paid and outing for re insurance Amount of return premiums... Amount of expenses of Company [Amount of taxes* paid by the company Amount of all _other expenses and expenditures of the corn- . . pony - • 41,414 02 POSITION OP TRH 13011P/ET'9 coons. £. s. d. • Tho Capital 188,422 0 0 . • The Reserved Fund. 214,818 11 0 The Lifivtinnd 531,289 13 10 - . The Fire Ito-Inert- .. - • .. • route Fund 153,710 8 32 • . 1,088418 le, 9gtss $5,440,002 96-100* $750,000 INVESTED IN UNITED STATES. "CONSTITUTICN'AITD CAPITAL. Liabill ty of the entire body of shareholders unlimited. All Directors must be proprietors in the Company; State, City and County of New York : , Alfred Poll, of: the city of - New 'rink; being duly sworn, says, that he Is the Reashient,Socrotary, and the only officer of the Meet . ..pool and London Eire and Life Insurance Company; in the city of New York ; that be has read Lthei foregoing statement, and that the motel true and correct to the beat of his knowledge and'bellef. ALFRED PELL: • State, City and County of NeW York I, CHARLES NETTLETON, a Commissioner. in and for the said State, residing in the city of New York, mi n pointed by the - Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that from personal examination, I em eatiatied that the LIVERPOOL AND LONDON EIRE - AND LIFE INSURANCE. COMPANY are possessed of bonds and mortgages. and other securities to the amount of $500,000 and. upwards, as specified in the fore going statement, and that said bonds and mortgages are well and amply secured 'on real estate, 'and are of the value repreeented in said..statement. In testimony whereof, I-bare hereunto set- mg band and affixed ray official seal, this 25th day of March, A. D-7658. CRARLES NETTLETON, [sask) Commissioner for Pennsylvania in city of New York. , +=• SMITII, Agent, ' ' Exchange', Philadelphia. jel9-stuthlino VIRE, INSURANCE: • A." BY TEE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANOR COMPANY OF. PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings:Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, itc.,in Town or Country. OFFICE; No. SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $117,026. Assess, $262,465.81. Invested as follows, wis First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.03 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 6 per cent. MC, tgage Loan, $30,000, cost 'Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penns. R. R. Loan Pennsylvania Itailromi Co's. Stock Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company Stock of County Fire Immune C 0.... Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies, Bills receivable, business paper Bonk Accounts, accrued interest, Ice. Cash on hand and in Bank, $252,U5.89 OLEM TINGLEY, President. DIRECTORS. SMUG/ Dispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, E. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jscub T. Bunting, . Smith Bowen, John Bissell, liittabnr,h. lIINCIIMAN. Secretary. Clem Tingley, William It. Thompson, David B. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John It. Worrell, K. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles B. Wood, James S. Woodward, fe2U-s to th-rp-St B. Id A MEILICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surprlts Invested in sound and available Semirl ties, canttnue to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Mora ar.disa, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes , and other Peraonal Property. AU Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRISOTORI3. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morrin,_ Samuel 0. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patriot Brady, Edmund Charles W. Pooltney. GBOBGB ABBOTT, President. TUOMAB 8.. MARIS, Secretary. ja2EF-y tJ 43et3ing illart)ints RA.R RI S' B BOUDOIR SEWING MA ciriNE is offered to the public as the Mad rolls ble low-priced Sewing Machine intl.'. It will SOW from six to sixty stitches to en inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambries. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept in osier by a child of twelve years of age. The era ttlittrr of this machine, and the QUALITY OF ITS WORK, are War ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, wrroool run mounts OF RHWINDINO In fart, it is a machine that is wanted by every family in the land. and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they are sold, brings them within the roach of almost every one. B. D. BAKER, Agent. jelSelOm why eow6m 20 South MORTR Street. Oanings ,funbo. rip TIE SPRING GARDEN SAVING 2IIND. (011/ILTHRBD 117 THII LIMEILLTUEB OP PENNEITLVINtA.) PERPETUAL CHARTER FIVE PER OENT. Interest allowed to Deponitore, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OFFICE, 881 NORTH' THIRD STREET, (00390LIDATION BAIL BUILDING.) Thin Institution ill now open for the transaction of lateiumi. and le the only Chartered Saving Fond located In the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2,4 o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 5 wall 0 o'clock in the Evening. ' " ~*► , Frederick Klett, James B. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock, John P Levy Joseph id Cowell, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woelep per, Daniel Underkoner, J. Wesley Bray Hon. Wm. Millward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Staake, P. 0. F.limaker, Francis Hart, John P Verree, Joeepn P. LeOlere, i George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. President, JAMES B. PRINGLS. Secretary, GRORGS T. THORN. ap7.l.iftf QAVING FUND.--UNITED STA ES kV TRUST COMPANY, oornef of THIRD and CHEST NII Laend nmall sums received, and paid bank on de mend, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER SST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from I until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from LI upwards. President—STEPHEN IL ORAWYOBD Treasurer—PLlNY BIER. Temar--Jusuri R. HUNTER FIRE -WORKS! FIRE-WORKS! , A full sogortmout at FIRE-WORKS, AT REDUCED PRICES STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 MARKET BTRISST, JOIS • Wed of Twolfth PURE. CLARET! PURE CLARET I- From per gallon uptvardv,ntot hytho dm e n f r „ m 3up to $l5, totpotteAl dlioct by VEIIIIIIIII & 13IEUR., Wholoale nul Ilet,lit dottlem in 'Wit.,, Liquor,., ,ke , No. 119 South SEVENTtI. :.tieot, corner of &mono je2l.lm'O QHOULDERS.-60 lihds. Shoulders, (try in 1. salt, for male by, C. C. SADLER & je4 9 149rth W ATER Street TIERRINGr. —3OD Wits. No. 1 ItERRING, .I.lEastport impaction ; GOO do Halifax, 110{C EA 0-a and for sale by JOHN M lIENNEDY b.. CO., sr 11.1, Tiny 1%9 .r.. 1 14/ No , th aroo• I ADMAN & RABORG-- Import,, and, 1 . 1101,a1e Dent. I. In AV ISE?, BRANDIES, 11111SKEV, MSS, 101.1 \XII - !A 111'0129, No. 1011 AI A RKET ;o,ll_ 1 . 4 ,•rt, 1,, 4tr1.1.14 1-tr k; ET %V I NE.— 1)E CiILTNSEI', Fol'lo' tLE 3. CO , '1 )1 XRICI.T Street. A nu import Ton of I. aour,ld.•'+ Pure Bordeaux Wine, laghly Nlatficied (Q aL2,110 00 000,000 00 42,Qa0 g 3 473,850 00 14,000 00 163,000 00 292,777 01 io,ooo 00 819,167 63 474,037 24 33,525 30 8,213 03 23,607 43 45,618 06 19,150.00 1,050.00 475.00 62,711.50 3,3i5 19 16,043 29