711E,01TY. Aes aamerriintoi l naimus. Amos 511:15. AIvITABISTS. , -- 6 41914EleleXatall'.,;!:..TheXiM11111 ted . • • isont oftenAliitt . tvernatico, in this co lithigtal•thileVitpoleidAbr sale yet IVIK festoon stritliteTtvday:. to depart from our general rule, and to say to ITUrI Or,two telative to the finest cheese which,, ballive,: c has ever been Prodileed in this or any other -conntir' At Fourth and 'Market streets, yeaterddy . ,at,".theilin of ,the - Red fain," we saw and- hed" , the \extreme, platotate. pt tasting a portiontof a mammoth cheese thirty-four limbed in dianietor, eighteen inches in-depthi and weighing over six hundred and. twenty-eight poundl). 'Bi rAd tviird. Partridge, who is probably known. to :all of our, city, readers as an extensive dealer in : tho Very best premium thecae; and who, as the, proprietor,of the, Red Certain, stand, has won an enviable reputation as the dispenser of good things to numerous families for whose-enjoyment ho caters, informed' ustbat this cheese was made a yeariittoe, tidal the dairy of Mr. Jesse Williams, at Rome, New York, who hiusetaken premiuml for tievertilapeoimene Of h is very superior produce in this line., - I.fr Partridge, alsoAas resolved well-cleierved encomiums forlie cheese,. and at the late Agricul tural Fair, In Weat Philadelphia, took the very. high - est premium. :We cannot imagine how better ebeeso,tban that sold by Mr. Partridge clan be ob tained, and our advice is,' that, all who are feud of, the artlalts should go at once tOrdr.Partridge;who 1 willno,Aoubt endeavor is accommodate them, in his usual gentlemanly manner. Warm weather, opperently r bas no afoot upon It, aa at all times it On'ilro partaken of with relish at tea tabla. 2 We krtoWthot4".our - had a: good time generally over a slice- from thesononater atUele -referred - to, ;and their-universal testimony •is, that there:oat his nktheitee, maile,,thittWilVegnal' IV So sky we: Patent-Safe Game." -Limb and-an ',Evitp , ty , frrquenbWaraingii of the prose, there ere oftentfOteirstrahgeiewbezvisit 'our city, who allow thelnaelitie to be " trikeifini and done for," by the sharpers known a 3 eoutldenoe men. The. follow.: Ing lathe latest:o43B'ln 4.:gontleinian, who must have beensiseply green; strilved In the ?'city or lifitherlYlove" on Minday. and , tooltiodgings at the St Lawriirusellotall , -Whem ha: left- hit home, In Wadosberbegh;iNorth 'Carolina; , rlwilisd $57, all the fun& •;..htt pbssthieed in the world. was lame in ona,of bid Hibbs, and the objector his visit to the city was to have an Operation 'per forixted on the injured - member. . Instead - of doing this, however, he -had. a very painful operation performed on his - pocket, under the following Mr- Ournittleabieff9lo.- Mondity.:he left the' hotel and ' proceeded to theliesidenee of'Profeltatir:Pannostit fir the PurP°3o-f7ttegreftliVrtboi.bjeit or Ms so. • journ in the city:,`....Xtrrlfeanielirented; to goto the Jefferson College,. - .ltooOrdingbi he wended his way towarde,that institution.. :Presently met a person prmonting, a- vary respectable appear - aces;' whoringuirettlf-he -was going home. The strangerno,":-and went on to tall of his infirmity: ' , Phitadelphie told North Carolina that haled bainrilifetited 5i simllai manner, and had beezpißrell h,v_ Dr..blott, , Re, eaplayed upon the induced Catelinian; that the latter was inducted ttt goitr. search °tithe doctor, accompanied - by-Ids:new aisguaintataie." After, riding distance , then walking a few itritit`taa, then 'riding 'again, they took another stalli.end soon friend themselves at Monument Ca militar,. 'lime' it was prOposed. by Philadelphia ',(D - reartimir wearied limbs. North Carolina as- The,two sat down. In a few minutes . . .another.-indivldual stepped up. Ile was a friend of , Philtitielphirioves intriidueed to North Carolina., Anil inCshortsplee of time the two became very " thlek.'-':';'Plitfridelphla No. 2 produced a nice little Rafe ; whidb be handed to North C trolina to inspeoti, and' said he was about applying for a Patent , . Me then. walked off a short distance for .11-Turpoae not stated. North Carolina opened the 'ball; and `found therein a small piece of paper. 'No. 2 came back; and denied that there was auy •papet there. ,The usual bets passed—the emerald :Neith Carolinian Waking'hia $57. The safe was itilerppened; find the' paper non art inventne, .1 it:money was handed over, and the sharpers _Made - a - pretence' of going to another part of the -groandt-to see _something when they took-their -txtepartlare. , North -Carolina sat. for some - time awaiting their return. They didn't come back, rind ha , retirehd to Me hotel "a wiser,- if not a 'better' may:" - 'Yesterday - morning, North Ch. appeared at the Mayor's office. Mb bed - h'een The officer asked If he ..Aitt net:know that the third party was an ac .thimplina> of , the other. lie bad no , idea of it, 'and ~ : had---neVer board • of that kind of game. &ring MOndak night the herditematore of .hlesars. !Thomas dc Brother, - 'OA Oa.; narthirestseorner of - Ridgb avenue and Oreerritreetrinthelourtemith ward, was entered bY-thaftnanf falie key's:- The thieves married off :.`goods ariukintirtto about 8500. The plunder con silted of ; i oigiot the finest cutlery n the store, .ftialk)it'lltirl,:handleillable knives, and forks car -At/veil-a boxes were found in their re v:dor They had been Titled of their coo lants: . .2114Prognee first eneloavoied to pry open ' the doOren Ridge avenue, but felling, made use Of the false keya.. , An,attempt was made to enter theksame ape about a week slime, when the look . - was - ffipani ;,:taartil an extent that it was found neeessary,,n get a locksmith to open'the door. In connection with -the robbery, we may state that .7 Um- dbitrict 411." short of pollee. Two officers' are obliged to watch, a beat extending-from Vine street to Pdplar, and front Twelfth to Broad The,boofeetionery:_itore of J. Bachman k Co. 'l?ranklln, and Spring garden .streets, was entered through-the cellar:door on Monday night. The . thipv.as worked at.thefire-proof for some time, but .wore--unstuseetsful , in. their endeavors to get it open- The.a.then deolurped with • about four dol larain =Mall chants. Hearings :Ike Central Station to be Die rontinneet.n-T,Yeaterday: Mayor floury notified the Reeorder.thatlbe hearings in oases of arrest made by the members" of the pollee department arc to take plitai, before; Ai, police magistrates of the dlfferent'vrttrdit; and - riot, as hitherto, at the can tral 'Witten. '..The...eommunication of the Mayor heats -testimony, to: tile fidelity and integrity of thhlteCorder, and states that the only' reason _which actuates him to - take this stop is the feet that: the Bet of consolidation provides for the hearings of all the Mayor's oases before the pence martra•ea. - . . - e see one disadvantage .connected with this -incitement, and , that is, that It will-have a ten-, ..dettopto ewe felons a wider range for- operation • thin they have hitherto had. At the Central Bra - ifoli,:Whenthey gave an assumed nnme, they could by -the detective !Amara, who are . thews •ootigretated- As it is ne*; they can impose u[q,pn the Ward: magistrates by false names, and -,-nlll keptent of the way of detectives. - - . Flame:gratified -to learn that the Recorder has determined to take an effiee in the vicinity of-Fifth 'and'qtaial,nnt streets , and has retained Mr:jorhua - TsiggerS"as his "Cedar officer. 'Mr: T. - is energetic anti- Intelligent, and as a shrewd 'detective is ,tstpiel.to the very beat in'the „ , • • Fourth'Tea of •• Ju/y Celebration.—An . jOurnid ineelbagef the committeateselect a Preii. dent t tirOter, and reader of the Declaration ofinde ymtuidenoe.fortbra.Demooratic celebration to bo held In Independence Square on the Fifth of. , Julv, was held on Monday evening' at the Merchanns' - Mottle 'The-following was-the result of the ballot r•. - ..:::,~[apartnershi~;•}%fatices., 00P4RTIOMSIE ':,HERETOFOItE existing between 114.5i - 14 - .Threinig, flatboat', & Dreinig for the nilinufgeturlng of leptors, Paints, &e., hes boon thin day dissolved by =dui& consent. The Islslamist° be settled.by Jacob Brelnig. - JACOB DREINID, • ISAAC GATTAIAN, • •D. E. DDEININ-, AI, D. - PHILADELPHIA, JU11814,1858. JeZ.3t* NOTlCE.—ln.consequeneti of the above I Dissolution, the Manufacturing of PAINT AND COLORS at the American Point and Color Works will hereafter be carried on by JACOB DREINIG, who will also remain solo manufacturer of the Patent Ilydroleum Imitation of Brick and Steno- Color, and of the Patent (Deem Liquor (n substittite for Linseed OIL), Works, MEN TY-FOURTH ,nnd DREEN Streets. Warehouse and Office, No. SU ARCH Street. Je23-3t* frIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A- a copartnership, under the 'name and style of, AR NOLD h WORL, and have tahen the atore No. 120 WALNUT Strent, for the transadtou of - a general fin porting nod Commission lateness in Wince nod Liquors. J. W ARNOLD, or Washington, D. C., OIiORGFLNI. WORL, of Philadelphia. ' PHILADELPHIA, June 1,1818. JelB-ley 11lIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FDRMED n copartnership under the kyle of I+ ROT lIINCIIIAM '& WELLS, for the transaction of n GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the storo No. 24 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. TUEODORE PROTIIINGUASf, PIIILADELrIIIA, JULIO Ist, 1858. ,t .IMITED COPARTNERSHIP-It .1-4 hereby certified tJ all n hem It may coueern, that we, THEODORE MINDIL and CHARLES M. 110MEIS L lilt, ha% e, this dth day of June 1855, ageociated our !Wive,' together for the purpose of 'forming n limited co 'partnership, under the laws of Pennsylvania, under the articles, terms, stipulations, and agreements following, to wit: I. Tho 1161110 style, awl title of the flan shall be °CHARLES ill. BOHEISLER." - - 2. The location and place of bitsiness of said firm shall be N 0.1331 iIIARKET Street, in the city of Phila delphia. 3. The business of the concern shall consist of buy ing and selling of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goals. 4. Charles M. iloincisier, residing at southwest cor ner of Fifth and Willow streets, in said city, is the only General Partner. 5. Theodore Mindll, residing No. 337 North Eleventh street, in said city, is the only Special Partner. 6. Thu Nahl Theodore blindil, as said Special Partner, has contributed Five Thousand Dollars, iu cash, to the capital stock of said firm. 7. The saki partuerahip shall commence this day, and terminate on Juno 4th, 1850. TII 1:0D01111 All Nllll. 011.50. M. 11051BISIAR, Putt..that.plits, 4th Juno, 1858. - - jeB•w6ttk fievitle WFTH ALUM SPE INGS.'-A DELIGHT UL SUMMER RETREAT IN TIIE MOUN TAINS OF VIRGINIA, twelve hour. from Washington city and Richmond by the Virginia Central Railroad. Pansengers Trans the North take the Alexandria morning, boat- at Washington and the Alexandria and Orange Railroad to Gonlonsville ,•, thence by Central Railroad, in full view of Monticello, the University of Viigitila, passing through the Blue Ridgo at Rockfish, by thogreat State Tunnel, (nearly one suite in length,) crossing the. Valley of Virginia, and entering the ranges of the North Mountains at Buffalo Dap Leaving the cars at Miliboro' Depot, thence by coaches tear:oles, overasmoothgraded rad, to Bath Alum before sundown. The proprietors feel warranted lb saying that to fami lies and others desiring It quiet, cool, and comfortable RETREAT from the lowlands or the city, there is not one in the mountains of Virginia offering greater induce. inents, Large, airy, well-ventilated, well-furnished rooms, and a good table, have always distinguished this watering-place. The mineral waters (alum and chat) beide) have been pronounced by distinguished chemists end phyinciana equal in some respects, and, as a tonic and invigorator, often auperior to our It °abridge Spring, bile the Pure mountain freestone water cannot be ,excelled and rarely equalled for its purity and salubrity. Board per week $lO Board per month of four week. ............. 30 asThe Southern passengers must be careful to coma as far north as Richmond, and there take the Central train at 7 o'clock A. M. FRAZIER k RANDOLPH, Proprietors BOOK BRIDGE ALUM BPRINUS _ . . Referring to the above for schedule of route for the Northern travel through Washington, and for HO much of the Southern travel as aluill come by the seaboard line of railroads to Richmond, ve add that the limiter to this place wilt leave the ears at same point. Millboro , Depot, and Lobe the coached, running south from the railroad 6,1 f antics, to these Springs. Bath Alm is north of tile road. 17 The traveller from Southern Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabanie, and IdinsinAppi can procure through tickets from any point in the South to the Ilockbridge Alum Springs by the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad forjus the anme money that will buy them a through ticket to the nearest spring to them of this cluster of Wings. In buying their ticket, therefore, they lose nothing by getting it for the Stockbridge Alum Springs, even if they never use it. The same ticket will take them to any of the other springs. They pane immediately by the Peaks of Otter, and cronn the Natural Bridge. The proprietors announce this celebrated resort as now open, and in better condition for the duo accommo dation of its crowds of patrons and friends and the public at large titan it San over yet been, The name unremit ting attention ea heretofore shall continue to lie paid by the undersigned and all in his employ to secure the COlll. fort of the guests of the establishment. . . By COLEMAN & ROLIERS keep the inter on male, fre4h from the Springs. N.B.—Pamphlets sent by mail on application. • WM. FRAZIER, je113..n ntf . For the Proprietors frRENTON FALLS, ONEIDA COUNTY, NEW YOUR —The llotel at the above celeb.ated place of resort la 'open for the amen, and can be coached In a for hours Iron, Nov York, at a small expenee, nu a Railroad from Utica takes Titers there within an hour. M. MOOll E, Je23-12t,kw2t* Proprietor. Vaal INottcee. TIT "THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL - AIM PHIA. Estate of PHILIP 11.EILLEir;deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, nod adjust the account of RYE PAHL er and JA3fES KEN NEDY, Administrator of the Estate of Philip Edney, doceueed, and to report distribution of thu balance, pill meat the parties isitaresteil on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of July, VON at 4 o'clock P. M., at 1111 Office, on thu Southergelll burner of SIXTH. nod CHEST NUT Streets, second IMISOr, In the city of Philadelphia. je2V-erfut St* GEO. IL EARLE, Auditor. proposals I)EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIOU WAYB-001ce, 8 W. corner Chestnut and Fifth htreet4. 18a. sF,..tt,nv rnoPopALs n in Lr received by the under signed, until '4IIIII2SIIN, June 24th, at 'id &deck ht., for furnishing materials and reviving, nittt tratuliay, Pearl street. from Tenth to Twelfth street. The said tranittay atone to be of best quality Conueeti cut granite, and gravel and all the materials to be of good quality. klo proposal still ho received or acted upon, n x repi from a practical parer, or persons engaged in the Inia. ness, and the names of responsible persons as sureties tuust be Os en, or the bid will be rejected. as the parties doing the work w ill be required to keep It In good cot/- dittos for two years from its completion. JOHN McCARTLIY, joge-At Chief Comruhationer of highways. PROPOSALS FOR COAL AND WOOD. 1 AUNT OF TUG UNITED STATEg, ram AD/MMUS Julie lOth, 18b8. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this In stitution until 12 o'clock M. of TUESDAY, the 29th instant, for furnishing and delivering at the Mint, at ouch times and in such quantities ns nosy be required, between the let of July next and the 30th of June en suing, (1859,) inclusively, the following welded ar. ticks, viz: A suppl) of the best quality . of Anthracite Lehigh Coal, (of the lump and steantsuip sizes) entirely free from stone, slate, and other foreign substances i each ton delivered to be of 2240 pounds weight, And a supply of the best quality dry Hickory and spruce Pine Wood; the whole to be sqbject to the in spection and approval of the Director of the Mint. Thu proposals no be Made for the articles separately, and should be endorsed " Proposals for Cool, " awl "Proposals for Wood." • JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, Je22-tje2o Director of the Mint. i3atliing-ilabes, 7'c JOHN P. SLOAN's BATIIING-ROBS AND CLOTIIING STORE! DECATUR STREET, NEAR WASHINGTON, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., W here will be found a large assortment of all kinds of BATHING DRESSES, for Ladles, 0 entlemen?:4ll sses, Masters, Children, and Infant•, such as Blouses, Le anders, and Flannel Shirts, of all qualities, sizes, end colors; together with every style of Bathing Robes, Oil Caps, Leather and Gum Dolts, Slippers, Gum Shoes, Tea elling, Soaps, Colognes, &c well as Mot:s lug Gon Rs, for old and young, large and small. Also, Gentlemen's Dress-Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Cravats, 'Handkerchiefs, Ralf-Rose, &c. A large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTTING, suitable for the season, always on baud, and for male at as low rates as any other establishment zm the Island or elsewhere. J. Y. SLOAN abut keeps on hand a full supply of Bathing Robes at EAGLE HAUL CLOTHING STORE, No, SOO (formerly 274) MARKET Sireat t live doors above Eighth atroet, PHILADELPHIA, be sold at the most reasonable prices. Bathing suite; will be lIIRED to transient vlaitera at the Store, on the Wand. Having wade the getting•u of bathing apparel Ills duty for several years past, the subscriber thinks that his experience qualifies him to stilt the taste of the most fastidious. srunr ru PLEASE." J. P. SLOAN likewise occupies thu Store N. FL cor ner of WASHINGTON and DECATUR. Streets, Cern 'ISLAND, opposite the United States Hotel and the Ame rican Rouse, where MRS. SLOAN will have the super vision of a very large and well aeleeted assortment of BATHING APPAREL for Ladles, ',Biases, Children, and Infants, comprising Basques, Polkas, Yokes, Sacks, and every other approved article desirable or suitable for sea-bathing. Persons who intend visiting Cope 'Joined can be cc commodnted with bathing apparel at either of the above Mores, anti thus avoid the trouble and coronae of car rying them front a distnnco. This being ills eighth 'season in the Bathing-Robe business, .1. P. Bumf; frets nntisfied of his ability to please persons in all kinds of garments suitable for sen-bnthing. Returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits p. continu ance of the same. JOHN P. SLOAN, No. SOS (formerly 274) MARKET St., Philadelphia, Has one of the largest assortments of Bathing Robes in the United Slates, suitable for sea-bathing at Cape Nand, N. J., Newport, R. 1., Long Branch, Atlantic City, and elhoahero. JO2l-6t. if O ILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &a 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 060 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 0,000 gallons Bleached Winter Whale Oil. 8,000 gallon Light Racked Whale 011. 200 boxes Chemical 011 re Soap. 200 do Olchie Soap. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Osuadlel. In store and for sale by R. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. II A. & S Allen, No. ld South DICLAWAIISI Avnoue. CIERMAN CIGARS.-16 CASES VA IL-Ili moue brAnds, In store and for Bale by WILLIAM 11. THATON, , Ile Smith ITTIONT Shwa DUKE BONE DUST, GROUND PINE.— _R. A very superior article. For mile in large or eniall lots, by 040.1.110A131, PBIROB, et 00., my& 104 North Delaware avenue. CLARET WINE.—DE COTJRSEY, LA FOUROADE, & CO., 336 MARKET Street, have au importation or Lafourode'e Pare Bordeaux Claret Wine, highly beneficial for intalide. je6•loa Udall MIT Qiscobs. AIIE cfrrE ATE ST' EMBROIDERED CRAPE BRAWLS over offered In this City aro now being sold by - THIDRNLBY k onrsm N. E. cor. EIGISTII and SPRING GARDEN. We nurehaaed, a few dap! ago, a moat tqlmendons: sacrifice for ' a lot of very rich Embroidered grope Shawls, elude quality and otylo as we hove sold for - , . . - TWIT Y DOLLARS! , which wo are now selling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may novor hare such another opportunity of buying a 114N000SIZ.SLIANL SO OREM+ ! Also, Plain Craps Shawls, from $4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, _Moir Antique Man ilas, &c, 'Travelling Dress Materials in great Variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. • Organdies., Bareges, Grentulines, he., &e- SLACK sILKr, FANCY BILKS, to. , Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen floods, of our own Importation. - Summer Gauze and other Flannels, tc., to. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, to., at TILOHNLEY k Cillsm "ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N: E. Cor. EDIELTU & aItING OANDEN Streets. jolo-tf DEDITOED.—Another lot ;12 and 15 cent Lawna, reduced to 9 cts. - Rich Satin-stripo black and white Loners, 31 els. Finest black and brown mixed Lave Has, 25 cts. 650 yds black Tamartine, finest quality, reduced to 33 cts. BAREDE DRESSES. Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, Burgle Dresses, $6 Ono lot finest lade Baregen, reduced LO 18n cts 13AYADLRE. Alums, Ducats, Poll do Chows, Lallollas. • DUCAL ROBES. A tem, !Lobes a'quilfe : Lawn ,Itobes, reduked LACY,' .SLINTII,LAS. Some very handsome, for $lO. from auction, and worth $l5, with a variety of other otyles. Also, - SILK DUSTERS. SILK MANTILLAS, and combinations of Silk and Lane, of our own SUPER rOR MANUFACTURE, fresh from tho work-room every hour during the day. COOPER do CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH . and MARKET M ATERIALS FOR DUSTERS AND 11-11..TRAYELLING DRESSES. - - Citene Tanjore Cloths. lla}adere Liners. Ottoman Poplins and Madonnas. Evader° Molted i v. bilk Warp Juvellwi. Cotton Warp do, MAO and I'Li4 venld, Dayadero do, at P2.ii south. Lupin's super all-wool Debego. Oriental Lustros, ite., &c. JUST FROM AUCTION. A fresh lot of ra,tiellas and Ducats. at 25 Mali. A fine stock - of Prancit Organdie's and Jaeonets,teduced inlirice. • - '• Oilossy Black Silks in great variety. - CHEAP AS TILE CHEAPEST.. Plain and Plaid Naittiooks. White Preach Brilliants.- MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. White Linen Drilling and Duck, Plaids, Brown Drills , &e. Shirt Bosoms In variety. Linen ' Cambric, and Silk Pocket Iltikts, Black Stile Cravats, Ac. The whole stock very cheap, for cash. CHARLES ADAMS, jolt EIGHTH and ARCH Street. FIGURED SHIH.TINGS.—Wide French fildrtingri, neat styles, 4-4 tonsil figured fine Linens, tillAltPLESfi BILOTHERB, Je16.41 .WIESTNIEIT and 11(411T11. CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS.- Just opened, a few of there goodb, and French Lace Flounced Points. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH REDUCTION ,IN PRICES. SPRING MANTILLAS, ALL SILK SUMMER MANTILLAS, SILK AND LACE, SILK AND NET, all allnewl In price on awl after MONDAY, JUNE 7TO. SHIMS LICK POINTS AND MANTILLAS. JUST OPSIINIL A LARUE ASSORTMENT DESISLADO: GOODS, which wo will otter nt • LOW PRICES. J. W. YROOTOR & CO., No. 708 CHESTNUT street RIOHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, D.A.1%.2A.51C5, D1A.1.V.W3, CONSIALEILS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the artichie they purchase are eesied with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, A a a guarantee of the eoundnees and durability of the Goode. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared venom after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON, hy Irish haws, who, regardless of the Injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profttable',. while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BIILLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B.6m ' Agents : 38 0111111011 Streot,'New Yo:k EYR,E nc LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPENING OP SPRING SILKS .AND ROBES. l a t i • DAYADERE LIMIT SILKS BAYADERE RPM SILKS. °RENE BAYADERE BILKS. MEND MODE BLVD AND BDOWNR. NEWEST STYLE ... ROBES. $2, $2.60, and $3 for the STEEL SPRING BKIRTB.• EYRE & LANDELL, myld4 jyl FOURTH AND AROH STREETS A UARD. JOSEPH A. PLAGY, Retail Dealer la DOMESTIO AND POBEION DRY• GOODS, No. 446 N. SECOND Street, abOTO WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Largo story White littlidivg TERIIB—ONE PBIOE FOR OABII. KT Prices niarked In pima Bores on eaoh article ap./A-13nt Millburn anb straw Goats. Y! COOL. STRAW HATS. LINCOLN, WOOD,' & NICHOLS, 49 licrutb.ldOND Street, jo 12-dtJyl Four doors atote Chwitunt Zavings ,tunas. TII E SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. ((WARTS/16D SY 17111 . 1.ROyILATORE Ot . PZIISIRITTANIA.) PERiBTIIAL CHARTER LIVE PER OENT. Intermit allowed to Depoaltore, and all Money], Paid back op Demand. OFFICE, 831 NORTH THIRD STREET, (Corteottnardow BAbtIC DOILDING.) This Institution is now open for the transaction of buaineea. and is the Only Chartered Wing Fund. located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from fl to IX o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 5 until 9 o'clock in the Evening. • MANAGERS. Frederick Rlett, James S. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock John P Lary, Joseph Id Clowell lion. Henry K. Strong, George Woelopper, Daniel Underkofler, J. Wesley Dray lion, Wm Mil'ward, Robert D . Dayldson, Frederick Mate, P. U. Ellnutker, Francis Hart, John P Form, Joeopti P. LeOlero, George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. President. JAMES S. PRINGLE, Secretary, GEORGB T. THORN, ap2l-litr QAVING FUND.-lINITED STATES .TRUST COMPANY, corner of TIIIRD and O.IIIIBT NUT Strode. Large and small some received, and paid back on de mend, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT INTER ET from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Odic° bourn, from 0 until o'clock every day, and on AGWAY EVENINGS from 7 until 0 °Woolf.. DRAWS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from LI upwards. •President—ElTEPLEEN R. ORAWFORD, Treasurer—PLlNY PISA. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER BLINDS AND SHADES, ate CHIMP FOR CASH B. J. WILLIAMS, No. le NORTH SIXTH STREET, Ie the most extensive Manufacturer o WINDOIV BLINDS, And Dealer In WINDOW SDADBS, Of every variety. Be has a fine stack to be sold at Sedum& Film. DOFF, and all other Colors of Linen Shades, Trim mings, Fixtures, &c., &c. STORE SHAM Painted to order. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE. . .ARGE NO. 3 lIIELOKEREL--NOW IN L store and landing, 300 bble No. 3 MACKEREL large 268 halves ditto, for sale by JNO. M. KRNNEDY dc 00 , Nnn 180 and 132 N. WITARV2IB. 108 QR. OA.SRS PORT WINE. 111 Ulf. Pipes Alicante do 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sberry do. II Pipee Buperlor Fajardo Wine. ' 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 do do do do. 111 Bales fl•sorted Corks. 81.5 Bags Almonds. 25 do Filberts. Lauding from Brig 44 Arrogante Binello," and for sale by A. MERINO, my274f . 140 BOUTS FRONT Street. FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 IF& CIIESTNUT Street, keep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography,lol°k-isle and retail. Phrenologi cal Evinntlon, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mail to bo addressed to Yowler, Wells, & Co 1R.2 Chestnut street. lirEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE.—PIPER's JJ 13 ICI MEWL genuine brand, constantly on band, retelved from sole Importorx, and fore Me lir A MERINO, Sole Agent in this Olty, ep72•dBm 140 South FRONT Street Brokers , riIiORISE •-• LL SPECIN AND EXONANGE -DRONERS, " No. 4,0. SouthPHILADLLP THIRD Street, ' Refer to the Beturs vet BRONA/113 of •Phlladelphia °U " . XAXI , RT: W.11,- - EXIQWJA.; - sufficrint. , 1101ANLEY, .BROWN.-, IL lutlit-NOTE,,_ST9,9K, 2 AND •BX.9IE.LetIfGE • - N.V.carnet:of TITIRD and 01IITSTNITT:f3troje!*,, PUILIDBLPIIII., . • Collections made, and Drafts drawn-on all parts of the 'United States and the Canadas, on the moat facopthle, teems. Collections nuide Enid - Drab; drawn on England and Ireland. lincurrent - Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and'auld. Dealers in b'oecio and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. • • • • Stocks and Loans bought and. Sold on Clommimion at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and Neu Yolk. je3..lhn EDWARD -R. PARRY,' . MCNABB R. PARRY, Notary, Public for ', .. Commisaioner;for . , Minnesota.. ; Pennsylvania and .. New Jamey. , . . !PARRY & BRO - TIIER, -IL BROKERS & GENERAL LAND 'ACENTB and CONVEYANCERS, ~,, , FRONT STREET, stove HICKORY, .. • - MANKATO, BiINa.RBOTA, . Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Money for non-residents' and others, and collecting /hafts, Notes ho. Any lettere of aatitritilt or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & CO , Philadelphia. . Dale, Ross,* Withers Pleladelpliia. Sharp, Haines. & Co . Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. • - Charles Ellis & Co., Philadelphia. Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia. iny2l-6inft - Mattis. VATANTED -TWO EXPERIENCED OnnvasqcrsTot the City Apply to T. 0 POWER, nt the Lithographic Establinhnient of P- B. Duval & Bon. from 9 to 10 o'clock X. M., fur tiro days. 'je23.lt* WANTED—A SITUATION as S, ALES— • v 'MAD; in a Wholesale bry-Goodi House, by pollen Or aiweral years , experience. Can influence a good near trade. Address 31, S., Passe Ottlce. je22-2ta 910 CAP IT ALIS T PARTNER, with thirty to forty thousand dollars, is wanted to join in a lucrative Mercantile business, sell calsblislifai This opportunity is one that seldom occurs, no will bo clearly shown to any ono desirous of thus embarking. All communications addressed to D. it. E., at this office, will be considered confidential, and receive prompt attention. jelB..stat WANTED, FOR TELE 'UNITED' STATES v- - CAVALRY—aIe-bodied, unlosirlad Men, to whom, will be given , good, coty, , board, .clothing, - and medical attendant:a. Pay from $13..t0. 4 2 2 per mon th. No No man haring a wife or child will - be I A pply for Y for M0V:470.0 SERVICE' at No gli Wirlit Street, 'above Eighth, north aide.. •. - . WILLIAM B. ROVAIL, lot Lieut. 24. Regt. or Cavalry, 417-tI • • Recruiting Officer. 6gwing -11 - ARRIS's BOUDOIR SEWING MA ALL CHINE is offered to the public as the most relia ble low-priced Sewiug Machine in use. It as ill rtes . . , from six to sixty stitches to au inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambric& It is, without exception, the simplest in its Mechanical con struction ever inside, mud can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of ago The DURABILITY of this putehine, find the QUILITY or ITS woos, are IVRY. rooted to be umurimsed by nay other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute The thread used is taken directly from the spools, SSITICOUT IIEWINIiISCi In fact, It is a machine that is wanted by eiery family In the land, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, - at which they are geld, brings them within the reacliol almost every one. SA) RAKER, Agent, jelS-dtho wiry eouGul 20 South Milan Street. ,far 0 alt" nub Oltr Let. itp: COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LE r— tillatzitunted on the Baltimore tttrnpilt six alike froth Market Street Bridge. live minutes' walk front Cliftun'a Station, on new West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, two-stoty stone 110 USS, eighteen rooms, stabling, and other conveniences, eleven acres of laid, Waving 'or chard of choice fruit For further particulars apply to cumtLf , s KELLY. near the promises, or to No 120 MARK& I Street, Philnielphin. • OFFIOEROOM.S T LET.—Three, kaabeautiful COUNTING ROOMS, (in Grigg's Fire- Proof Building,) on -the second Boor, front, No.- 226 WALNU I Sheet ; suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. jelo.-16t* Jolts GRIGG, 226 WALNUT Street. to HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI TURE FOR SALE.—A person about relinquishing houseltseplug, offers for rent, a good house located on VINE Street, nenr Logan Squaws Ho will also sell the Furniture, which has been in use but a short time, and 11 as good us new. Address 0.. P, Q, at this Oleo.. .pg TO LET.-COTTAGE AT LONG DRANO A, newly furnished and newly built, with in 300 feet of the ocean. Ton sleepiww - rooms, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangements, coach house, atables, garden, and about 2 acres of ground. Further particulars apply to No. 20 South FIFTH. Street, or to HENRY HOWLAND, Long Branch, N. J. • jel7-2w ISO LET.-TIE UPPER ROOMS OF Ja. Btores No. 321 and No. 339 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the prembies, to • 31. L HALLOWELL & CO. or Jel4-tf °DILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. PO R.ENT,..TBE-FIRST FLOOR AND it - BASEMENT of the large STORE, No. 22d MAR KET Street. Apply to HILDEDDEN & 11E6TILER, ap2l•tf No. 639 HAMLET Street. polflAral A T THE SOLICITATION of my friends, I offer in)aell' as n Cmolidate forAlte Office of REGISTER OF WILLS. Subject the People'a nomination. R. CALHOUN SEE. jell-finw of the Eighth Ward. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEPH A. AIONUEIM en, Elererith Ward Subject 10 the rules or the Democratic party. HE RIF F Ali T Y,—Encouraged by my k --* friends, I offer myself us a candidate for the °ince of iiIIIIIIIFP of the City and County of Philadelphia . , subject to the decision of the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully solicit.' WILLIA' U. 'KERN, jelh•lin Fifteenth Wanl. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— JOHN cASSIIi. Fifth Ward. Subject to Deinecratic Rules jell-tf , FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— - CHARLES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People's Nomination. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. ' JOHN CAMPBELL, OP SEVENT/L,WARD. Subject to Democratic tam ' myll-4u3 etentizmelf,9 Tarnishing tkoobs GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. ‘..A W. W KNIGHT,' 808 ARCH Street, above Wank, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goods and manufactufer of Fine Shirts, 'warranted equal In every respeet to any others manufactured in this city or- elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. griE NTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR '& DRESSING GOWNS.—The largeat and beat as sortment in the city, wholosale and retail, with a full line of finder Clothing, Bulled to the seoaon, at W. W, ILNIGIIVS, 606 ARCH Street, share Sixth, Philadel phia. mhl-tf IiVINCISESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Ito OIIESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, to particularly invited to this ilpproved out of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article maft. At whole. ale mud retail, and made to order. auS-lyif f,ampo . L IGHT JONES , PATENT KEROSENE, OR 00AL OIL LAMPS, Unrivalled in beauty, simplicity, safety, or economy. Every person wishing - to obtan the very beat and cheapest Portable Light within their melt should call and examine theme Lampe before purchasing elsewhere : and we pledge ourselves to demonstrate : let. That no accident can occur by explosion. 241 That they omit no Gllonsive oder while burning. 341. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th That they are easily regulated to give more or leas light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least IS per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common use. Perfect satleaotion guaranteed in all cases. Wholesale and Retail Agency, 38 South DEOONS Street, above Chestnut. Southern and Western dealers supplied with LAMPS, OILS, WICKS, MADER, and everything in the line, on favorable terms. 8. E. SOUTRLAND, Agent. myl.44ntw-2m PETER E's PATENT -NON-EXPLOSIVE SELP-CIYAP,ItATItia GAS LAMP ie the only Patent Burner that has a NON•00NOIIOTOR ATTIVIELND. For Safety, °heal "teas, and Brilliantly, it surpass' all others. STATE AND (MINTY RIGHTS &OR PAM Address D. P. PETERS B. W. corner FIgOOND and 011213TNIIT Bta.:Phtla dolphin; anti 422 BROADWAY, New York. inh4-Iy-rp 1 IVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interests, and pat oniso I.I9SLIER , B LADIP FACTORY, 109 Pout!' IiIGIITII street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Rapport him; or you will have the name chars es to pay. CONGRESS SPRINGS, BARATOGA, April 12, 1858 A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. During the last season an attempt was made to do. Calve the public by persons offering what they called " CONGRESS WATER," from Fountains; and at the price of eta cent , / per glass. Tho WHOLESALE prico I of the GENUINE CONGRESS WATER, at New lark, being about 77( canto per glass, the imposition of thus pretending to sell at retail, for less than cost, and with. out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, is apparent ; bet their probable course has beau to empty- ONE bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Foun tain, and thereby christening its total contents. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor In vessels of ANY OTHER. DESCRIPTIONS TITAN ordiaary-steed GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of ernr y bottle of the genuine is branded, " CONGRBS3 ATEIt 0. & W.," and if without these words and tatters, it is COUNTNEFEIT. CLARK & ' ep2B-w th t Yroorietore of Congress Spring FRESIT CONGRESS SPRING WATER, . Received directly from the Sprlug at es. &toga, always on hand, In Pint and Quart Potties, and for rale by P. BROWN, Chemist and Druggist, N. E. corner 011ESTNUT and RIFT EI Streets my2l3-wth-toc 1 PURE CLARET! PURE CLARET From $1 per gallon upwards, nod by the dozen from $3 up to $l5 imported dfreet l TERRIER 5, IX SIEUR, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Wines, Liquors &e , No. 110 South SEVENTH street. S. FL corner of Sallsolll Pl:l4m* ',ALTMAN RABORG-- importers nett Wholesale Denleis in WIN FA, ItRANDIE:3, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY Ll; QUORS, No. 1017 MARKET Street ; between Tenth and Eleventh streets. jelldf r antUgemente:l GRAND 7 TRU.V.bIft4.V.SAttigpRT, tvon - Tri.entittioN) "TAY 111-2 , pt, IT LL ,= TIII.III.I3DAY EVENING - 31JNE 24'111, And continue neer. Evening daring the season. ME01(.8 BAND-will perform popular seleotiong. - 481 1 11.PBEIMENT8 OP: ' Served unbars p pularc.terei ' Single tickets. 15 cents. - .Packages - of 8 one dollar —..ooodertio commence at. Bo'clock. preotatlY O . HOPKINS 'Manager. HEATLEY'S'A_Rott WI. 'THEATRE. V Rogigettient of the r rld•renoaaed REELER TROUPE; end' HELLER% 'TOTING AMERICA BAIr LET CORPS, composed, of ,SIXTY TALENTED AR : TIME . , To MORT, - 'JOSEPH 'IN EGYPT. - The red . ng ,Tu A'lm t elle v e c tall ti et T lo p rp i s io in wr4, TEMPLE OP. LIBERTY. Goddess of Liberty BlsAnine4ielrer. • ADMISSION. Boxes, 26 cents; Secured Seats %n Drug Circle 375 x; Orchestra Stalls, 60 dents Seats Oi Exlvale Sexes, 75 3 Gallery, 13 cents. Coon; open at 7 o'clock; perfOrminces Caoivatice ),‘ . 2, AI. IS. WHITTON ' Treasurer in)?tifante gEompanise. C I hiPANY OF„TEtE -a- STATE OP- PENNSVLVANIA—FISE AND MA RINE INSURANCE- - 80. 4EXCHANGE SW LDINirS. Chartered in 1794—Capital s2oo,ooo—Assets, Janu ary .1;18611, $347',446 50400, invested in sound and available securities—coots nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, &a., on liberal Ulnas: DIBEOTOBS: Henry D. Sherrerd, - George /1: Stuart, - Simeon Toby, , • : Samuel (rant, Jr., - Charles Macalester,, Tobias Waguhr, WitlianiE. Smith, ' Thomas .11, Watteau, John , D. Budd, •• ' Henry G. Preernan, William B White.. Charles S. Lo r is , George C. Careen. HENRY D. SILEBREED. President. Witt/am Marra; Beeretary. ' Je9•winn.77 CITY INSURANCE COMPANY; No". 110 south Finnan Streel.. • — I CHART= PERPETUAL.' • • . .82007990., . . Orgiudzed - 1851." ". - Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually i Perienal Property"", annually, or for a ken period; take Afarine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; rweive -Do. paella.; hold Trusta.and grant annultlen ALFRED WEEKS, President. ' 11.0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. MARTIES, Secret/141.- . DIIMUTORS., . Mired Weeks, _ i lion. W. 0 Kelley, 11. 0. Tyler, ' J. W. FilruoY, 7. W. Sender, ". ' P. D. ?dingle, --. L C 11.11ickIng, : - . Jame -Watelon, . . J. L. Ilutchinspiy, c , .. Ludlam lisilkeir.e, 'J.* IV: Stokes - , - ' ' 'William Curtin, 3~l&Illi ' L ' , " ''', ''O. , V.' rner.: c ' ---., ';' ' • - 11 WARIY "14 - 0. - _ - _,437•TteaThrE IN 871RANgig CO Pd too: WALliat - • CAPITAL, AND 13IIIIPLUS; $154,096 84. • P. M. Potts, J. Edgar Thomson, 0. B Spang ler, 0. G. Hower, Abraham Sex, - • '.lohn-W , Paxton, ' E. S. Warne, John gatrison, George Nowell, , - Nathan It Potts, Wm. F. Leech, '• • n. 2. Kenai), E. H. Houston, " Jon. , It. Nithers, Abraham P. Nrte j •: B. Booth, Chorine F. Norton. - John 4.-Lentre, 11.11. Bhi/Erigionl. _ 0. E. SPANGLER. - Pr 4 aiderit E. B. WARNE,-Vice President. ORAL A. DOT, Secretary. - - p:710 A MEXICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTN.CPSII PETUAL. No. 810 WAIN= Street, abase Third, Philadelphia. Timing a late paid•np Capital ,Stock and Surplus Invested In sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their Oargoes,-and- other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . . DI AllOlOll3. George Abbot 6 John T. Leads, John Welsh, . • Gaspar W. Morrie, - Samuel O. Morten, James B. Oampbeli, Patrick Brady, . Edmund G. Malik. 6. W. Pielltney. ' GEORGE ABBOTT,'President. THO2dAS R. I...LkRIS. Secretary. , .1a23-y if Noittea. VOTICE HEREBY: „GIVEN THAT 1 application has been made to -Um Trhstoes of the Fire Association for the reneiral of policy of iounnunce leaned in the name of JOHN MURRAY, on the Otte-day of December, 1847, N 0.11.992, for 81.500, and by hint trairderred to JOuN 11.1oCOT, December 6, 1851, and by him trunnioned on the same date to CATHARINE RANKEN, which policy hoe been lose or mislaid. Any ligortnatiou thereof will be received by - • JOHN ArcCOY, jeld-e• C In-111A . 311 and 313 South P1102 4 :T Street itletatinal L[ARTS/lORNE'S CIIRE-ALL GREAT PAIN ANNILLILATOBA end :timed) , for DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAN, BOWELS - Tnis article is the greatest disoovery in !Thorniest aor Medical Science for the rapid Coro of IDIBILHATII33I, NEURALGIA, TOOTH-AOHE HORS - THROAT, STIP/. NECK, or Pam In the L 151113, SIDE. BACR, or any part or the body. It acts upon the Bloody Nerves, blur *lee, &news, and Bones, conquering all pain. It Is also an excellent preparation,/or Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels Thousands of persons Who have used HARTS HORNE'S CURS-ALL have been- astonished at its wonderful poirer in" removingany pain from the system. Bottles 12, 25, 60 cents, and ft, to in sold by R. H. JENKINS, aprn•iftf .Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. ARTSHORNE'S HEA:LTH—RESTO AM, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. " The Life of the Flesh le to the Mood. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Purifying Compound in .the World: It dose not contain a particle of Mercury. - The above preparation is slotted to the impaired and .weakentd eonditian of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and crap- Cone from the skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particidarly adapted to the weaken thg complainta of both sedge. It is a perfect cordial in taste, and sots like a charm upon the feelings, spirits. and energies of the weak and, debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles di; email bottles 60 cents; sold by R. R. JENKINS, Corner of fiKOOND and WALII)T Streets, ap=iftf 'IIOIpLASMA. OR *ARTIFICIAL' LARD.— YY NOTICE TO PHYPIOIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfacee;which combines the following advanta ges: A. good and unvarying con istence, esvly washed off with water, dissolves all imbalances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obatructing their absorption, and does not get rancid. The lust property alone renders it an Invaluable aeguisit'on to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and reglad, at 8111Z5'8 Laboratory and Pharmacy, ad; Twelfth and Chestnut streets. WIN G' s FARINA CRACKERS, made Item material pi epiree from that portion of the Wheat which is most NUTEITIOUS and HEALTH FUL. _ . It ix estimated that ONE POUND CONTAINS AS MITCH - NUTRIMENT AS TWO POUNDS OF BREAD, :ex it hi usually baked WING'S FARINA CRACKERS - are of small size, offer ninety to the pound, and baked dry. They are delightful to the taste, and one of the beet Crackers over produced for FAMILY USE. LUNCH, and a ith Oysters, they taro unequalled. We ask every mother to procure WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS for her children. They are far superior to many of the preparations usually given to th em , being decidedly more healthful and simmishing, nisi, us they dissolve readily in the mouth, ale ahnlys eaten with a line zest. Ladies and Gentlemen will find them unsurra,ahle for their FINE FLAVOR AND PLEASANT TASTE. Delicate Ladles, and all persons abode habits are more or less sedentary, will find WIMPS CRACKERS most excellent. . . . . For _Professional 'Gentlemen, Bankers, tslenchants, and Clerks. they may be used for I.UNCII vith great advantage in maintaining a healthful regularity of Thu system. Teachers and Scholars, iu schools generally. rrtll Iml them very agreeable. WING'S FARINA CRACKERS are a most velars• ble article for Travellers in the cars; or Oh shipboard, at sea, they are one of the very• best things that can be eaten. The use of them is becoming widely extended. and, iu order to guard against deception, RICH CRACKER 18 STARVED WITH THE NAVE ,4 A. WINO." There are no other Cruclers manufactured in tho United Staten like these, or known as true Fallon Crackers. WINOS FARINA CRACKERS now be procurtsl of the best family Grocers generally, by whom Wiry are extensively sold, in different portions of the Vatted States. and at 11110es/de only of A. N. Thompson & Co , 221 a n d 223 Felton street, New York. DINGLE & BRO'fLIER, Agente, Jr :21-d if No. 145 Smith FRONT Sheet. F IRE -WORKS! FIRE-WORKS H A full nesorlmeul of FIRE - WORKS. AT REDUCED PRICES, STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 4 51/MET 1511110. T, jels iroct of Tamltth 4agoBRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, 5.c., ko.—The steamer EXPRESS leaves first.pier below ARCII Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 81 1 , o'clock A. 51. Returning, leaves Bridgeton 310NDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. 31. ; touching at New Castle, Delaware City, Greenwich, Mulford and Tyndale's, going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the " Ex press," for the following places, to wit: Millerillo e 1 00 J Port Elizabeth $1 26 Faivlon or Cedarville. 75 I Newport 83 Dividing Creek...... 1 00 Mauricetown 1 25 All laudines on the Cohan,y 76 Delaware City or New Castle 50 The stages meet the boat punctually. No disappoint ments or delays need be anticipated. Freight, of every description, taken at low rates. 03-1111* °HEAP SUMMER EUEL.—GAS COKE, V of excellent quality, is sold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bushel and may be obtained in large or Small gnarl. tity by applying at the One Offloe, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To purchasers by wholesale It is sold at the Works, in Eirat Ward, by the ton, at a puce equivalent to Anthracite at 52.50 per ton. (Signed.) 4. C. CRESSON, Engineer. Philadelphia Gee Works, Aug. 20.'61. 6622-te $13.5F0R LINEN. GAITERS. 75 cts. for LINEN SLIPPERS. 75 to ho ELVET SLIPPERS. 75 ch. ful KID :4.11' PERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. I'ARKER'S, 91 North SIXTH Street li. F. L S H' S SADDLERY AND HARNESS WAREIIODSE, Elitablished 7878 8 W. corner ElFiti ftrid PRONE Streolo .- - • Single and double Harness of the moot fashionable degrriptitr , and warranted of the best material and workmanship. Lad,estltllt Gentlemen's Paddles of elegant styles. ttorso Clotbir g, Brushes. Curry Combs, - Chamols, Sponges, Knee Caps, Interfering and Poultice Boots, and every Stable requisite of the most super'or quality. N. B —Gorses carefully titled. mylo.mwd-21n 10 t 1 ACKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1,2, and 19 3 MAOICNREL, in assorted packages, now io store and for Bala by JOUR M. EItIiNEDY k 00., em 3-1♦ Nn. 129 and 133 Nnrtb ollarwas VUSSIA. MATS.--4500 DOZ. NO. 1, AN!) 600 dos. No. 2 RUSSIA MATS, suitable ter rack ing Furniture and Gardeners , use, will bo Fold low, ir applied for coon, by WLSVNIt, VIE LER, & CO., AP 19 23 N. WATSA St., & 22 N. WILSONS-a.