• .bra vilraWiti saa te klril ~ 0 #.1 4 " avore.s l'is.tvelumbusfxls.r.4l 4l bust4o o .. e . ,lAAPS Yellen:ram anansursinvir.nd aura OH7811111:11 ET., 1110111 TEM*4•Uk9ilbitionot. Pine Arts:n. , trl - • Police , Busiliess:L:A.' fe.ir 'rano:4V , gentleman wisp has occupied tosveral,,prominent ., Pesitiene in thkettdOlielo up.honsekeeplng i .,, altd. advertised ler A Plami toittioxe4lidEfiernibireV"Thr, received numerous anewertr, and heleetektelitinliar in the southern part• of 4hb bity i iiirdcdA TurtitidtV pied by a mart*elFklioWlialciiiikof'dttaaPittati,, habits: , The honiiihold''keedi:Nebta iiteetrOdetoi thia place, and an ptraitgement, wen n** that no person • ehOltlebe - pirmittidlo . enter theorooor. , exceptdaw thener theft:trotters& ?Thelon& Ailed - , the entire apartinent;heing piled up to the coil— ing. The proprietor .. of theAfattSei; it 'hitieldi`4 l in' order to keep up hislAksdiratton;Airiikd itinithe" rsom and wheneyerinlMPlred,AlltnitiAiAint'Or money, would oily Una Snit, The owner of the laradtare'irent to the Pace some, days ago, and oiktoo,v.ered..thitta 4erge, number of pleoca trifielbg- - Re hleophserved some of his matting on re °mooing of the 'meta of the housd, This exam his luspioimus, andixent (knee had the occupant'and his wifearrestett. , Thisfvorietta broker shops were vielted,,and in ahnost,cepri , .oda, some ariTolerwere Tonna., which' Weird idintfled as the prepoityof,the gentleman first named; Spies-' did 411.11164k::ehalP1, willitaKt42o,Weeelaweed, for sland Other artieles stproportlon .3 A ene.Of the shops in.;the cower pertof theolantomii46ob worth of furniture ism a-fdned,lut the proprietor, Although acknowledging that he - knew WO - be the' Prolnttlint thel44filOMetV rofthe,;Vte toy be takett‘awayi-,Att,theilamentinurabhaintAlfa' claimant in amonfteirileliiimiunel'=`''''' A acareb•watemiarnett , obtalifeCandtidmietrla . the hands of high:eciteitalitVilifitbnim and ?rank= lin. They'pnveddektelhei 4. ll ,o l lll ‘,Witilio:qPiegd were rei4.lrtth 9no4abow.r.. ing their:Mithe,rityViekyete,:alleivetkto the !Aorta*. lnstrtiiitingAis .olerks to:throW ail the obstaelet,they couldtinitheviray Of thee Meek. He atm stood by, it is alleged, and-abused them , while in the dirobarg‘.rothetiodtitylfpartliii, property being fonndat l / 4 141ntlitildnittAras, Nire4" into custody, on,..thiroliarga;;CriehAVW„;gebaltt, k no wing ilietillto havejimmiato,lt4,,:„A The parties were ofilledlinfer niltitringlefera. Aldermsu 0410, at heifiiimetiVc?ciook.„ yesterday. Afternoon It was in.evidenowthat, the-pairlibro , kor refused to give utribegoodti: , W-tholbleiaeinf counsel.; The sables alleged ,to.havoheen stolen amounted to several thotisaiid - dollars.!.. TUE. - Oran: of the occupant of tinehertser,itsxes saideredvanned ! the furniture ae rapidtYls;illti oquidgektbsinintiep for thit pdriese: - -7/141tiotAtterneY4tann peered for the prosacrition; for the defence. After•targninetiti-AIM-itacakeN were held to bail to antsyer,neinfitit:lM,!?... The Directorship election for Directors ; n•f t :XifrArd, ittotlege,iivehieti , took placiedASelept, Pilltloll .on ,ThurOeyiieffeirii' noon, was probably.timmeat intliteatieg ueliteit'eT e this charsoterwhiehltinvtalier(plitee'llt OM' body . _ fir a number 'Of 3fearr...Thlite - Demberitte;',iiii MOSirP. S. U. Perkins, Zames„Oempbell; and; Nr.". H yoto °marred and three ballosts,betWeeitlieo.,,AlfillimazWeish , and 17 :;.1 1 ,PMAnni , By,itheivotei of the Thirteenth ward, the latter-aamedielifit' man was declared eteeted4.lkfri s Whittle-11W a member of the vllinird:eflildetoriffir,Olinitift of years lurd Ttriniptlitide, and eitioliti*!satiteefitettlibe,APprebathMotth,e. entire imMutur,utr'.ll.(r2licirdeoailLaTiawservaras, placed-AiLishoitnatfOrChy,onhilfalits;merabers , of: the Bel6g . Chamber; whocsaa,prehably , not !a*arti that lid.s.tal,lismitliktOniebibel , of'this Board:of Directors, and , lihßtitietinirlatie nat'explie' Until a year from thrhteZ 4 .4*MieritY of the mem ber, knew tbiefinlitirifet ilif4slliie voted for ethers. We doabk.pottrait'Af the p s tepeg,finseAre• Will re ceive sueleleAtipptustit.taxetateltioa,iwa,pasition which he has oeempied end, adorned for - Solong a time. v - - -• • 1".•• Allempted-Ineerolictrism.-;- -- 4.bortt -,2-o'oloolr yesterdaf,,inerfilii;ltre ;.was dissever - 4 d ietite* Q,acker City Soap Workit4iffiltigtelVetriet, ahove, Catharine. Thellra,makidedietl.ribeet4e4Mitti. of the buildinianaingeeiziOU4'l4,of,foliio; fat. ac., time whiob had baral39l to .rseamike ignited be fore the alarm waeglyeti.l7.3C4aMeeallmiaPill the armor on duty; Nrle;244, the aid pr &Angela hors, extinguished the dames.: their. prompt dist: °every saved, thortsanda of Ateliers; andmreyented many familia from beeamtnelkentelest- , . ' Dr. Hubert, and ,Blailame , ,Thibert,, whoArer.e ar , rested On the Chaigiioniaving been .00ncernedlti the West..Philsdelphia - =Mari" warelesterday discharged frotefetudedrbrAlderinfrd'Ogle. • The District Attoniey; not'seletting o fireasente the cased oallie' °barge, oftheinie,professional *bor . , tioniste i hs he dlitmot Aesire,,trt,axpose;Many..fe spentablelaitnilla,'Veasviillffig to disiniss the corn , : plaint. We shall have mere:olly of. thismatter hereafter,,. ... sozawt,von.s.,!,;lo4. Burglary.—T4B—ilmailin4of, tiT Mr..-„Robert Warnock, No. 113ittiie entered on-Thursdarnight through bdelt.viin l dow, and robbed of about a hundred and-eighty dollars. The thief, ditplx4A-Sei , onty=five dollars as be loft tlie - :preNniais, -It is, tbetutbt that this burglary must have joule-Ana quite ampler. with the. r.ellaipotti: of Mr. Was. Pleasure Parties.—The cant an& Stepulboatfi now kayo th,e,•eity-daily,mith, erowis' of. marry people, soitpg. and: old, .seeklng -the' delightvot green fields and tusel shades.. bej , pnd •the . ;walled avenues , of , the' oily; -- - Tcy - manye serrelgem9 4 lind healthy relief Is thisS afforded , sontOif t9ig: by the ald;nf el4llo.7A6,l6thklAithiqla wlJii 'many beautiful pleifinirci resorts, San ac happy as the more favoredof,futuno..... - - apple-paring Machine.—We' desire .to Call attention to the advertietellenfitv-to-de4t's pa per relative to an improvelk,apple:parihg mach ine. The price or this article milieloOr iminpstition,' and we think it altogether thit:yeryAterfectionA Yankee Yesteiday orCs,birigitioirtirc,:acd.cheerlttl.. , The promenades worelarthesTeiy , glOry'et-,tht4f loveliness, and were Ailed - 14th allYirtg - itfeitn,nr youth, beauty, and fashion. ...We have Tarely 0t1:1, joyful e more Varier, - ettMidet.3l4,Ailtnllty one which hacked passea; - " A bridge across t h e road IpadintfriantFmnk ford to Tacenywacreferredlb the Mayor - yaker: day morning' es being in a dangerous condition:" We hope that attention-will be given to this sub-, jeot. Accutent.—About-five‹ . Yitittorday morning the-front' itzlCol'Ag4oo cart broke at Eighteenth arte."-Pittirliitiliplf. Ahei.iiriver was: thrown outi v aritrieeetvialt . stiver - ,Oic , tu n Cortlto e head, and'othitiiiftrifielicitillY Resigned.—Yestatdr4r iiiorning:„LiengzAihn MoOnrley, of the Sixth ward , . tendered his resignif;' tion to.lttayor to 'take' effect: , at - Mit end of the present month, This-gentleman has beim at etrttentoffeet: , , Robbery Xacony louse Of. Mr. Lordner, at Tammy, was enteredon Tburaday, night. and robbed df a 4 almaiderible"iitiantftftif valuable wearing apparel.. .411eged Counterfeiqii :Itivs(ed.—`ireateidtiy Deputy Marshals Wynkoop - and Sharkey arrested Francis and Samuey-Kerne, ow the charge of being eounterfeitera.. '- - , DigordOlvitiaetmatt 01;10 yesterday held Emma (Fisica* titili...en.the°huge or- keeping a disorderly hernia, atMe!4`Osborne's court. The kujititliojii Flciikr :fad' Meal at this ?port, during the last Week, amounted to 13,728 . The Value- _of .the - exports. , from L phis to foreign y orko,darls4i tlie4Xst. reek,.ixes 1120,513. , 7 A man-bylinalnainfi:o.t. , Williatn-EtanniAtoiv a resident of Boston. possessed iotwn ample for tune' has jot ,ntatin n „danntioh - to the town of Smithfield of ton, thin/send ,doliarvaselgrAtefol tribute far ' the' supeOft of ,41ntiiilf .and - rpiranis by said towirdarteg his tufanilyt,,sna'ehilAtioiid, ,Z 6 fs said he Onifil•nniiiii2of PntOrtkOri6.:.!gb. , Pareniso with hiniseit.twirither..ablidgcm - , wase , .-peepers in. said town of,4inithfield i , anctionra for , inany year supported by.tbir town, . , . , We 10 ttf fcJ the IsTaikeili:lifeneetry, that, thirty•flve peivoni eonrieeted themselves-with the. Pint Prqsbyterian Church, i Orange, en Sunday last—twitity-tdelitprefeseien, endt_tlnchy:per• Whale. +There wefe ferty;perionimic'ehred s )nte. full memberidttp*the EpineopOl_pinnAlt ;etthitt4i#, twentptige„wege,habtiaid: • , ~ ~ A miniatni - prayed fervently foftliete nate congregation 'whe*fre:-.tott - pyoud l.lin tOtneepid 105 lacy to stand.` , A patclailite l sa lakorLiitati?utitre!tirerect; ed in Waattingtolue . 4l : i: ; : -, ' • piIITAVSY.I4III AC/AIM 0rny4D2.,;., A. J Ihnursputfr; .1ME*1112110,...0.11 MOM ISRA g ° MMM=I _ At the bfirckastal-EzelunigiritPhipsdalpkiiir Barque Adana'', Ppedden •; - Bondon,:sfibli' Barque Wblte Wing, Ballogiiri T,sigrtyzerfJune 19 Wright,Dar ae& ecxseystmaiktbolatlook Barque Ogid_eipb Sheopi D At, doge" Mahn. Brig May Queen, 0,2 _ 1004 Beg siturolo,imitio. opzkrt-iTr4lip*ti:..;,, 1 .sl.**,,Tal#lMTlM:il44-TEO,', ;,' ',": ~ anal= ~_ tL, - A. ~ , ,, s som, A sets;, • _h, $ 434 V ., • ,,,, 'ALY' North Star.... .tieleitark,Sattrhafirptonts-4ivarilleitt Asia - ' NewtorlrAtlrtitp64l,l. - 3 - I.‘..y.nii4 2 5 ' Vanderbilt. ..... . :New Yoric.ietKithitoptotr4L. - .. attlf• 3 1,-: . - ..4.88774 0/ . 017 ' •.• -• •,%• • '•• - ••'•-• tag ealconia Sou thampton..New Y0rh.,........inne 4 0anw1a........,,•. - ..l.leerboal.frOontent..4 4 =.' •..lithe ' 5; Persia , 4 . ZITPrpO. OI'AIVII It YbriCanalalltlelt , New York: ' cArlokgrnrw.piewfforlrilai`atairrie'at Arial eirelheeniteniMew Tors.•.•:e:.`p,quherlo. ViNyliii vs g liif 4 EITEAMILJT_' ,R- , #Nro . - xVittsmitiV ,-,,,,,',,,,, --p4tc.P. --, i Nunes; Oreellf,toeNNeW florlepP; itrNigill aftP nes Ith, net NOW 4:oliiiiitlialifS r l ' Pfo:7 3 t, yr ,S)Apilr : loth; Ilemitue,2B4.7allB i eh r 7o - 7 NO nil' 17‘e - ' ','‘ emtway..3Yrten ;Nei , 1111-127101 WO WNWirst 17th. and 41677 , 001080.1 th.,,,Pf0tif.178V971060 ITI i Uterine 301hArrivrig OW - , TlitleSiff ,, 7-:' i'.": 4 ^ - ", Putiaearlii/a4fitift tie efkllthilitithifet , , A Tans 22Avinraa ( litfOtretie 171t'tborXIST,95 11 . % iv 8 7 h, Homllo7BA4W7l7lllgitt 17 . etiCl3o4, - B taaK NOW ' to frig— ottsSsirthAttliiiltet MMUS /eV - Am)" e "&i,tlhtuiliti,l: 4 o4P 12th, H a ' *kr iv.yoillott. , l. , e.-. 7- , 1 ag ISAI ' , 1_ 1715.' 30 Nat; diielitte.;: 10 7.47fre vana Bth ' Mr . „.' 1717higAitui 10111 , 48 8•11774 Q u a at' New Valli? RAW 'Silt ',.',... 514-,..„..., ~,,,,,.y. ~,,,; ~ ...,,,z 17 The Cantonal' Milt atituiere sill ' from "New York on tkelket 2 Sk i nr,o l4 sl4tWalaU ,7 L)l , .. When the above axatetralw '-tbseisf , 'Mrptggioi/i: will sail o9 , IAWWWi 40 11Stfe ... . .fiV . rn i.el „,,-,3!, s _ [ReportedWkilisilrs.* vm- 6,:—. ,-,..-;,g.. iq ! ,.,, , -„„..,, LIVERPOODte .Yj 4o -*iiall4lairi;i4 Iron MorritArloitele&Vol • . i.. fl.oixthiftlftp, lifahony &13550041W011 . ' . ~. . ' ',•• .h1N411 , 1110}825480` Alex WraWdeirMaraj) . ..?. Yihnifyrit .8 0 1 0` 1) Graltsmik;o43oo o l.l B 4. -20: , 15:rjr ,11.410;, 17 plexe lea e*' 5 rjf t r. , A 00110. ' salt Alex 0. itir ' i fi Alt so tea do ! NW tbiltl fifoietatt .. sacks talteo:2 t &11 4 , L .., :,.,,,,,- ..%*. Oli.Alll. b1 4 Ifewareatur frp'fau--_,Aytt, feet Ono ' 4tol too ViOderteer & . 170:5. - ^` T t - " 1110l1MONDitospleb .11181 . 400= 1 123./00` 4011 , 50 mien Wee& 2 ,:c 1,2228-0 0 C,Ablula exiles do Th at** "M" . Itit" . " A.,A r Almetko 80 do 18 ealex,llBlratio ,, r4 80' vatrith 1 1464 Woodward-ac•lhh1 1 80451 ' * IOW llotrollAShri 10_ h lea eottopAjt . ' 2 , nigittrjktii.o26:4lo af 2 I ohs xlathlTs " kin l ita T l; 18 111 0o l igS4. nj µ e• Pi 1051111 1 Vt P 'P. Cain" 4.ctl, A Wee 250 bEs lion 200' I k.gx surdririetiltde "''''' '.:,„ ; ~-: • '" , ski. r 4 MAO PifiMifif dr:a i m - W . - pllll V! Wili ~WM MN W*ll,WitAli iti .41) ,itf.r3( al .5031,, iii WI tir414 46 4 1 / 44:019 9 KC rEKVIlitt 2 t(4q.. =Mt 'LOOM. PORE Olr .11111ADEL#11.Li, June 19, legS. TIT 82 4 860 istriegids‘' " fstr, .'!"F11. „ „. ABBXV*Tr4,.. atillYiiiiirilira ' S.4Xl•llloW‘ei,,ala•lfor folk, 'ltburijwi 'mdse. and gLiismingen to Tlionms Drabs troll , . ' Off onibay Mink paned a ship at an, (alio; name not sweertalned;belowipkaraUtiatle passed , 3 herrn brigs and Oca la:salmi upward $ 0 ) ,1 1 12 d. ' , ~-'., 1 I / 131.11mUbl P D'iiilltaritiArltaa:24'hourifrOth rttiyOrit, , CY tiOttlit BlBlOrittrAtita andispeeturert to 'James AN • lierdiar.. - Pasted biltElliabotb, and tiro Verni brig, be loWtßeedi Island; lnigklreneand 0 Ittillrlen Olt Seed", Pointf , bohhd'iip; , : r emit'atz titian - Own' "Bargee aground Above Christiana Creek.-- 1 -""- - . '`,, Rhiprilockesteri' Ewell; froin • Livaajoo Apri1' , 2441,, -.With Indio andlilwashangers tiff Peter - WriVt.. B6 o°W l , ~-: , atirig SaralrEllaibettODOeoe 'tt b i n' L ß ' sl l ' ,,i * L C? 4 - 2 ' A ' " . • ' Behr -, Ltdribsifl, , Thirding, 12,40 44041"...44ni.., -0.; tuba, with sugar and molwei to e a * it'l9 , vichlh) ,, Tiatt .hrig,Rioltridn4bYßath, fee Philadlphia 'in, tdalla -"-.• .4 lichrDardel 8 Mershon, Bragg, 14 4, 4° i ffi l nah i lriat i t Ann,hritirlntdbarlolioltonl e i:anderitar, & Clo. 11, '14... ,, Bohr -bfartiii,_ocildthwal i 'lo - Selli s Frmn,i,Do turl, ANDS heading to B A pude" & Obi , , ~, , . , Bohr diarrltiotohne i Otosky;lo,days !rpm HalifpOrt, otith: fish; gr,,,i, to Z A Bonder co Co. ' ,„ • . _.„ geh t ,gliee 'lowa, Pendleton,,DlAsys..trut ,Hastport, witiaplastar t64I:A Bondei&Vo. - ,: Bohr Anne, Blake, T 4191 , 1 from POl;iitt.,4 iiii, , ke?Thige . .. ,tp AA Bonder& 00'.. -, ' , - ' • - ` : , ~., Bohr „Mary Ann,' . 6l2myerklOi from Boeton;With liaribtrto H.Winsoil — - ...- ' ; ' ,BottriSibel, Olarlte,4 dills friiMilinOn;Witlimdlie td caitain:o , -'-, • - `" •• 4 Bahr James Hfiglieft, Nail, 4 dilefreM lirldgeiort, ,Coon, in ballast to captain. , ,Bchr Lizzie Tarim., Taylor: .13 days from Province 14w4i, imballrat to- daptatii: • ' , , , .. . Sehr - Julliul•Webb;Parito,l3 days from Norwich, w ith - lodge to captain. ' '''.-,lichr Ohesimudre Traders Higgins, 4 days'frOm' Bain iner4, it* coat to captain. - ~ .- B ohr lirbtoeitter, - Rhodes; :4, daye, , frenz' Pr o vid e nce,, Wits Inds.' tolehn Ill'Hemiedy& Uo: , , 14 14 , 4 r 00617ones,'Orowbli, d;dals, firooi Beaton, with sztdeNte - David 06oper. ' ._ , , fcbr A' B Rtuureil, Warrington, 2 d i ve from Lowe., ' f!4 . With 66441‘t0 .1' L 'Bewley & Co. Bohr Wm George, Jackson,L`dey from Smyrna, Del, swab - grain to .7' .ti BeWley*: Co. , . Baby Henry Wolfe; Atkins, 2 days frbm Milton, Del, withborn and biirletol" Lilewley& 00., Bahr J . W Hall. Morrie; I dayfronadttle Creak, Del, 'with born to J L Bewley & Co., • . . Bohr Sail Orofte. Arra:lite, 8 days from Chesapeake 'Clity,i with grain to Christian to,Ourraii, ''' liclir A Hammond, Paine, from lloitod. &tie Hannah Willetts,,Oranmer, from Boston. .1 Bohr Lewis Obester,'Bornora, from Boston. Bohr J Clark, Scull, from Roston. Bohr Mary Ann & Caroline, Bowen, B oston . from ' Bahr Revenue, Corson. from Boston, Bohr R 0 Becor; Donnie; from treypert. _ Bohr .14 J Scott, Birdsall, from }latency . sch , redzrypitttarsbu;Boozerli, from,New ;nth. I, Bo* Iliehard'VairX.l.orOgiroin New York. , '''''Bohr lillen,Balter;lakef from'kgg Harbor. Beapott, Boull;from Pawtucket,. Sol !„.' Bo Pidelli,'Ske.w. Boni Prorldonoo. ' B Timothy Pharo, Cranmer , from A lexa ndria. • Blob Olivia, Fox 2 days fromOdema, Dal, with corn '..to Ohrletian & Curran. , , ',. Mow/ Lancet:BlBTM day from a Christian' ~' iielorlth Ws to Christian & Orman. ' ~ .. ..- , • `"Steamer Lady Wilier, 'Wilson, 12 hours . from WU tder'eraint, with grain to i'L lidwief& 00. . ... F • Steamship BirstriniSellew,'Ne4L York, Tae Slap Leocaster, Dooan. Liverpool, Penrose & Burton. lc EsWright, Gibbs, Paimorith, Ja, D N Wetslar lc 04 tibirk , thitiall,liArrui, St l_agroc• de tchibai "deo W Idernation & -Bro. • •^ • - - r • Brig Ottean'Weve;:ktorton,4loston, It A -114duder & Co. .I . .Sehr MarthaWrightingtOre, Wrightiogrofi, Fall River, - -Uatieeti &Co's :•• ' - • - ' " • Sobt Liu% Taylvi - Taylor, LynnlN 13tUrtavank& Co: - Soha.L , Oheitistlitners, - -Roxbary, Burin, Ogle & Co. 'Oranmer, " - Roxbury, - Van Dmien, 15Ort.Mit , - Behr Merry Ann Magee(Meges; Roxbury, 'do Sabi JarEnglisti;'Neal,Niror do Bohr B Torrhiend; Wllliime,Bart Cambridge, ao Three - Stirters, , Bikar, Peteribiug, - • do' „Bohr Adeline, Travers, Washington, do -• • Belie Valiant. Reed. Washlugton,' do ' Boht Mary Ann & Cerblinet Bowen; Boston, do Bodied Itamniohdfrsiine, Barton, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohn Mary PatterinitiOiromere, - Boston, - 0 Miller & Co. "SetiaJ Olarkilentl;Tioston;Blekiston & Behr,Pldelhe,-Bhiaw, Proildenes; Blakinten & Cox. • •I=Sobs Re - redneitorden - fprerldencei Van Math, Nor- Behr , RV Senor, Donnie, Proildeies; Brown & White. BelicEllen Baker; Lake, Tivinton, L Andebrieo & Co. Behr Seaport; fictiWPantneket,B Wines & Co. fiehei Richard Vank Prink,New Y ork , Rogers t• Lather, •••• ~• • -•• Bt'r II L Gaw, Iter, Baltimore, A, .laroves, Jr. • 1171 The ehlp"Latoiietetiithiliioliaied yesterday for Liver&ol;hiiv2s , paskootera;aid a cargo comprielog 2710bl:do flour, 41,821 baobab' eva;,5895 do wheat, 1109 bblatdefri; 15 bate 141030 ttabeef, and 129 do rice. , ' fOOrreSpondence or e Prens, • • "HAVRE DD 3480 D June 18.1858. gstZ left e.morn nirithboats In leyr,lcidoin and consigned as follows: , - :. 7 onpid, Holman & Grubb . Equator , 00l G T Hummel, :bah Attu, A.B,Heuri,,ind, Dauphin, coal to Delaware pith I 8 Dronten,hark and coal to de, (Ccirrif , ,erld . .eFtyof the philadelpbbiExchan g e.) Dei.,Junell—S AM. • ;'!(:Riot 0f:42 !easels lett.harinYr this morning rot Bea, :iinong which were the following:—,Brigs Grecian. Rua sian;Martha Gilchrist, Oalyert, Dazzle, Gazelle, Fores ter, and edam Clara, Hampden, Belie, J Rein, A Lee, John Yarnain. 0, M Wilson, Banquet, Mary J Hoyt, Oonitandore - Tucker, Racer, Rescue, Onward- J J Spen cer A I.,..ilintinons,M flartiej and sixteen fishing siniseke...4,ship mu: Uwe hermaphrodite brigirwent up sixty this minting: ,;f 7 . - • , WMAd: LUORMAN. (C4TlWYKaldinCe"of r youriot Byttircather, Boo n ' Oars .. 18 ,L i Zbyb,iii: Exchange.) goillrge4,o brig in this lateni4l.4,e 18-6 P. AI "IP hs now THOS. B . Etreinit: 0, 114 riitaaliet to Tar rause.] ,"" New Yoax, Tune 113. frotri Liierpool; bonnet' Alex ander, froth Retliedicie; 'Osprey,from. Cienfuegos; brigs Wenonati - , from Malaga;' Wheaton, from St Domingo; "Unte °rialto from do. .., IBMOBAletha,. Shiaine4 'Black 'Warrior, Smith, for'Manna and N eleated At New, Orlearui - 11th lust. , :titeartialtip North Star , Jones, otave6...at New York Yeitentay ter Mayro arid Southampton.. Steamshiltr Betanebee, Amid, hear*, Arrived at New 'York yesterday-- • ; •.; (grip Adelaide, Wakeman, trine .Blide Island, with guano;o afrivedAt New'Yorkleaterday, • _ Ship Tolerator, Lowell, from Calcutta, arrived at New 'Pork yesterday: , Ship _Seth Sprague, Prottoan, ciliated at Savannah 'l6th-inst. for Liverpool. Robin Ilopd,Bearse, at /Menthes Arril ad had a full cargo of 'tea mislead for - New ork, at SIQ rad° cubic feet. ' Ship , Hoveratot. Horton,. Perry , from Sydney, Ni 3 W, rived at AkYalf.April•l4:, - ' - 'Bllllp Arno, 13eerlog,..from New Orleans for Liverpool, was spoken nub fink latilit 80. long 07 40 • . filtiatboa, , Tab.6lket for Ltverpool,,wai towed to; sec froth New Or leans Bth inst. • - . - •. • • WinOliiiraberlato, Shermart;tras.loading at Cal :mate 28th April;foi New:York: - Barque Haitba,;3,eakloa, for Philadelphia; remelt:led 'at Genoa'• • Barque WashingtOn ,(Brem) Weeks, hence at llalti= aporejlth-lapt, to loa d for Rotterdam:- - . 'll4 - 131qe -Wheatland. Respell:ix, cleared at Baltimore 17,h teat, fog jilo de Janeiro and a market; Biuque_paragotisf Poet°, fur Boston, was towed Wises -from New Orleans Bth two.. Wan IL Newman, Garet. from Baltimore for Rio de Janeiro, wept to sea 12th Wet; !hips Alexaoderi ' Bide, at 4 Bulaberg, (pros) Wideman: ter Rotterdam, do' lattu. bairuei Lolghton Spelghts, aid Blue Wing, 'Burnham, for' itiodlir, Janeiro, and brigs - Muscovado, =(Br) Thurston, for Ileynerarii,.do 36th. Brig Ann Blizetwth,,Taylor, hence for Barbadoes, was spoken Othlipt,lat 2680, beg btj 80.. Brig ilaincocir, - Aber,,henee, Arrived at -Weymouth 36111 - In4t. - ,• Brig Palatine, Tailor, galled from- Boston 17th inst. - -forPhiladelph.A. • • , • . • - i - 13thrtr. Ihgortaar, flue, and- Courier, Crowell, cleared at Boston 17 h lust fo r - Philadelphia Behr shoods, Kelly, for luladelphia, cleared at Salem Sam W A Binemand, Cain. hence for Boston, parcid lafghland Light 2 P AI 17th loot achr Horton; Atwell; hence, arrived at Qiiincy , r., • got.. Jost ,All t r:v.PPLorrier f .Olarla, hence at Richmond 17th ' rettisi ifenteeleir,liatkentarg, and 'Northern' Lighti "Lake, elila,d ftoW.Beiorn bdth hint, for r *Lir R fi Colson, Oolson, from Providence fur I `d. 4 l4fiti , NewPprt 18thinet.' • George Pales, Nickerson, from Providence for Philadelphia, went , . to sea. from. Dutch - Island Harbor -Bab B D olark, hence at providence 16th 'Blatant', . Serati;J o nei, and Sophia, Fly, hence at N 1° 1 4" 3 _,. 1 34 1 ws y „ , • Pro? Ion 4 :oleaMera sod vesicle navigating Long Island Sound 'Nee particularly, requested to-......keepra look.out fot o , eg i.' noevauchored over the sunken steamer I N Harris, ,iF or eight miles tuf,ltoug Island abort, opposite Old 'PAT liei4and thaeuvold I collision. • - • • hIAHINJItiIIBODittANT. ,4 1 itilDrefterl,tnernes, , which: sailed !from Oaleut's puttbeektlrout-,Disitiond Ilarbor,'haviog sprOrig 4 lqiik going &walk° ;river. - She Would have to tilleolitrge and go Into dock for repairs; woe in p. t The repe'rt ibat theihip:litUrker Hill , from' Oeleutta . - foi,J,pMloo, bad put Into Itaugeon; ban riot beim cow; - , dhip blidaighti Hitch, at tOaloutta April 29, wee leaky where rhe:arrive4brit as she bob dfsebkrged the Ina abated; hence it le bifarred4hat> it must here 'hienlbeve,hersopper,• Perhaps tthe 'mud of the river mayfiktie looped too lost .- , • Adviitta from, Naugle ',stets, that - the saliora moiler tbeb_alleeitt Shultz, from New Orleans for With qc4tou and tobacco, lately ashore on the Hiding !WIC sod, talterricto•Neesau,drve Dealt' awarded the soon 0f,t4,0(10.f0r theliperwicart• It is Hated that t _edixittaliy.cmert at that place bas adeptehrvery etriUgeot bi"wihr sulee pt,relatlou to the wteckiortitisiimes. ' dhip. Pride of Oanada,_ pruriently reportiel , kohore; 7ffsktuw'o4 ul,lo , QUebee ikth Jeri..., She has bone plat. refilled andSdoated from Rod Island Beef by Plerne i ttrut ;lielleyship t , ,As ,work of .art, the platform ifilif,SfOrPti Of idepeetioa, and on viewing. the amount Qrlabor and ingenultyAltet , gott • et have ,beanexpanded 11,r Lii nlt make it-whAtiA.Pis SPrPrise will befell alle't • - r trirkw Tape Dr•brigg Isaiah , Pitirtier: rink. kit Plobu t lgni -schrSvergreeq, filuekley, Batavia., t 101 d; barque Windward, Emerson, lit Therrien Br brig stubbe, hetrbedmistibilg litellintWar*ll4O.Tde Aiiiiratngtokii.fio; laths joeephlinitif. Lyeith., iu , TOPMßADtattrie '4lin.brig R Wthittis,'laleY Matadi*. No clearance. ',U , lliald)JllQllP,Jumil7 , ,z•Ar: barque Daniel Webitbr, eltydieir Q'Otrellesteniusehte Darnel, 116rtes, Peevl -deece; I, Chtliamtni.D.lultley, do, • • • • il343 , lQuirantine Dram barque-Wieland t. Osterman,lrom Aliebien , , •-• ~ ,Balovr. bailie Afar Queen, Bottler, from West Indies , .1' Hillier barque yvidotte,;Purrui • Watteau; brigs Pequam; -fret ; - *Ohre , ;Opiumpen,. littrbaeloes; ;Porty l oreightoo, yiencladieoi: ''' i°131;11"6;1‘1011",t4i;eillik, DrOi4 Moritz VArridteritelllithieuf Boston; al Pet fraw,,HOidlok't.blverpeelljlieferd p r wooa,. outti; Sehir,lfpletWthg. Barley, r , ' , Ohts 41/41:17-00,9itattti.,0014,1.0e4;"Wm.l.eird, Jr, ^-'l3 iv, I pertßeg e t tone, „Liverpool; lirem Sof ides & Freu;flreMen;.•sehr Nalph 10- 1 11itrn eifYork * : , t• • tiliiii.doViiiikt,l3.'-g:conineT:FOLTRTA.stid.WAL -411 gzop,oow >Depositors:pad On defiant', kind= Stlver:"-AliOld'iptititloir never mind InvA'44 l 9 Ann -BANK SUS. 161 :4* " tf,thl tress ea -No-at.' t!laiee olakoeiky one 1141 , min should tiotribattaganP oaf ong.iiiimilawanamArkuckvOigoNtuok ILlgii* 4 1104 tOnrW e tklethilirtfrili I '4 . 1 ' 141, 0 'grollll°r 44/01 ), LOAkifFr eltievbaldnese ex. -IxtsiViirevetpplientiewerendeethe hair Hob,' scift.;•:and , enObitele`tr . Ift Ititlie,"o4 6 llllelieiXfiA H:" holi p th 4 skin, art...nada: Ate.ii . it:l4l.ll:niggilte t `..= and by PILES 01#rgs-Vo.iticr.To4 Opprin ,4441,464,11 1 - V )44. : all w; .ti t, tW,US "AARIVATA 'AT THWTRINCIPAL HOTEL% ' _up To on ceoton - 1;118 MORNING. etiuteD HOUSl—Cheitatik Streit, tato* 8 H Hikm - eke, Lanciaiiter D Tyler, NY 7 0 Buekley;Loulinille ' Mrs florrlhott; St Louis J Morrison, 0 Newman, N Y Peas Albanj NY DA Robinson, Tr, Shane,- oittyi.dinotnnkti • o • kln, Pa ' • Atm Arbuckle, Pittsbur g ; Butter - Worth, N , naMserW,Peek,N•Y• _ PL Morris, N.Y,„ ;DO , ,N 'B' • Mri lialtd,Cronberiand a Ntd .Mha Bairn, thiniberiatid,Md TV N, Bunter, Reading :011 Hutiter,'Reading' Jas 8 Wheeler, Balt , • W 0 McCoy, Balt 0 Martin, Va • J Ayer" and lady, N Y', ;Alvin Peavey, Washington P4B , nith,Washluenn • • THlliblud, Buffalo _ .6,19101112 es and ladk,ilml...4ersel OttoliogevTo,lkaries,, N•'' 0 , • Cohen jr, 'Cherie's: 'L Cohen, Charliefoli, •:kto ~8 0 Lowhiatiqe; , 0 . 11202- 8 BrOwnMise nett, 0 ' N Sterling told family, '7 B Ow,esly, OinolnitAtb . An Miarrhesid,Pottevine J.lbiltonbaugli; Darien, 0 ,johninen, Tr, and 44,, Marsh, - Jeneroity, • 0 ' - GerlßttiokeriTeint•_„,' • • Vanes bliller i yenti ~,, Montgomery; pa G flasor7, 14 if • ; Aso .11 Felton, Boston • „Daniel Jenkins, }Winn . 11 ' Townson, Brooklyn „Mrs Cary;Brooklyn — ItHolestan; Weston, Mo fienddr & la; N Henry Gilbert*, do, Binh Mrs 'Cant Underwood &oh Washington ucea, ya- •-• • .j W-Moore, N P .11Lewie, Bolton. • ' • no L Creme, N Y - Wm Antietam, N Y Tho 4 D Barton, Buffalo M Oeurtright, 'Erie 1, ,11 Atwater,. Y. P H Butler, ••• Chad Wadden, London • all Currie, NT ' G Kehler, NT , Wm 11 Ryan, Balt P Reed. - W Bee*, U 8 A • ,• • D Odwan; N Y 0 Colton, Pa D 0 Hewitt, Pa McKnight: Detroit, Mich C Carpenter, Pa - •J B Brodhead. Balt Lleut Cohen, U 8 M - •= Mr Welling. Washington ' Com Stover, U B N L Warren, Dalt 8 Bali, Cocchi, Ohio A G bicllvraine, Ye • Dr Thee L Little, Ya Wm White; Newark, N J W N Prince, U B A Darnell. 'Balt P 8 Perktne,li Y, W „1" Gibson, bid JJohnson ,& la, Ohio . Geo Ellokt, Tenn a. I MERCHANTS' ~ llOTEL—Fourth' street, below Arch. ' Mrs BA , Felloive,' Luzerne A W Fellows, Pa Co , Pa - • • J C Atwood, Harrisburg Cel k..e, Utah F Raiff, Newborn, N C E It Collings, Wilkesb'arro ' L A Keith), New York . W Overlield, Jr, Easton Jas.Weilaeo & lady, Hop- Clark Ellis, Jr, Milford, kinsitille,Ry Maisaelmeetts ' " R B Lewis, Farratidevillo H Griewoldcliartford E V Preston, Hartford G II 0 Neal, halt Wales Freue,-N Haven John. Wise, Indiana • Lewis, Cal AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Flftb. O 0 VVynkoop, Pottsville Geo H Wilkinson Belt Wm Buck, Pa J Al Batley A Is, kid F B Jones, Washington A Desnelia, N Y , P O Almy, Rod:teeter A Brainard, Boston' Robt Beaman, Boeton „ Ohne Seaman, Boston Sodth, Vs.-,,- , -A4 ;• tt, sr r I abWE a Dr Vonderaith, tlc lion W B Vondersmith, NY Miss At Vonderemith, N Y 00l Joe C Pinckney, N Y Oast Jolt Wm Idolceo, N Y .John Carroll, N Y Dr Ey Vonderamith, N Y • ONION HOTEL—Aroh greet, below Fourth. •II Peirce:Philo • W P Emery, Philolngton, John P °german Luzern() N J co, Pa Joe A Prey, Bethlehem, Pa 7 Hacker, Bermuda L Bice. S C J H Sampson, Pa J Ingham, Salem, N I HenryC arimee,Seranton,P Jun Ford, Borauton, Pa • , S'ATIOFAL 110TEL—naae etreet„above Third. W rronte; Tillie It 8 Richardson, Lebanon AJ Sebirarix dr. non; Va ' J R Taeline, YR Nathaniel Hallman, Wash- Mlsi 8 Priterbaugh, Wllka iogton; Lehigh do,' barre Jos. lit Vern '& dough,' Thos Wren, Pottsville Pottsville Sire Mayne & dough, St II .1, Reedier. Pottsville Caries ter Baker, Lancaster BLACK MAK INN—Fifth and Merchant Masts John Noller PlozolaTillo, John Pcott, N Y , pa ' W J Newell. Newark, N J Poulk Janes, York ad, Pa J Deics, West Chester .0 M Taylor, Del co, Pa ' (leo Kemble, Va Woo 'Woodward, Chester co, A Hitchcock, fdd Pa-- Reuben Baker, Chester . J Price, West Chester co Pa -Wm Jones I Pa . Ban Leedom & dun, Del ' J N DenJemin, 11d co, Pa, ' Dr Id Hammond, Del Jnoß Reiff, Pottstown Brant Rhoads, Pa D W Chanter, Phil& .3 11 Preston, fdd E L ()morel, Pncenisril le ,11. N Posey, Wilmington, Lewis Ihburnson, Wit- Del • mington, Del BLACK DEAR ROTEL—Third beldw Jetta Boholterer, Rump Abrabent Buokmua, Pend town erville Jobli 11: Haldeman, War- Carper Roads, Dyberry rington Lttrls Clemens, Doylestown Joel lltnnei, Ottlparllle Eynon Danner, Surnneytown Stevens Roads, Sontionnp- Dr aforodltlth, Ducks eo, ton Mrs hteredith, Backe co, T .11 Wolfe, Danboro, Pa Pa Rev 8 K Brobpt, Allentown Kra Drobet, Allentown BALD'EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Os ilowhiß. Semi Henry, Dauphin co A P Owen, Pa Jonathan Smith. Backs co Bobt Good, Bucks co Pa Mrs Good, Backs co, Pa Ohne Beane, Centreville ' Alex' Park, Quincy, 11l BonJ BUMS, Bucks co, Pa Abr-ham Goble, - Pottstown - Wm Miller, N Y Wm Underwood, N Y Geo Reinhard, Bucks co BARLEY SHEAP HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. Jae Horner, Pa • R Richards; Scranton Jno Dilworth, New Hope A R Reed, N Jersey J H Brodhead, Pike co T Hoff, N jersey T Pickering, Bucks co Phillip Lenox, Hickory ,7 Eartburn. Pa Bun, Pa • W S Torbert, Pa ' Jno Gould,,Trenton Jno Polk Pa - D Blair, Pa .7 B Lambert, Dolington W K Carver, Newtown Geo Buckman & la, Newt's Jno Kelseyjiewtown Robt Longehore, Newtown Seneca Beans, Newtown A Loophore, Newtown Jno Hilts, Newtown Jos Stackhouse, Attleboro Jan Thornton, Byberry W A Simpson, Solebery That E Sturges, bid Chm B Sturges. kid '" TR Taylor, Pa 11. Watson, Buckingham Rich, Buckingham AMOS Snyder, Hartavillo .7 0 Cornell, Bucks co Thos Smith, Ducks co .7 McNair, bucks no E Smith, Newtown It II Ramsey, Ducks co Isaac Geoid, Trenton • T E Pickering., Burke co Gillingham, Bucks co W Davidson, Oheltenhille E Hall, elheltenhille - • - MADISON HODSB; Second street, above Market. Oapt It D Paxton, la lc da, II L. Livingston, Pa Lockhaven, Pa James Brown, Philp H P Kinney 4r. fa, Ohio' B Smith, Del COnroy, Cambria co', Pa B Newbold, N Jersey R N en bold, N Jersey WESTERN HOTEL—Market street, abase Eighth. Daniel J Greyer, Hanish John Ward, Danville., . Joseph'' Ward, Dentine ' Wn. Wilson, N York • H Jones, Texas 8 Janscin,.lllllentown, Ya A Montgomery, . J Smith, Rottetown 550zrial • • Votices Schinckto Patumult: Syrup, the best and most positive cure for Coughe, Colds, Consumption, Liver Complaint., Influence; Sore Throat; Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough,, Scrofula ; and all Lltieasee of the Lungs. - . „ The reputation that this Jledicine hail obtained during the . twenty yesrs ft has, been before the public, renders It useless to puff it. . Thousands who have been bate kted bills use testify to its merits. Pricell per' bottle, or six for ss. — Oftlce, - sfl North SIXTH , Street,' comer of NditTH Street. jell3-2t* Saving Fund.—Five .Per' Cent: Interest:— NATIONAL GAYETY "TRUST' COMPANY, WALNUT Street, ; 13: 'oorner of rump, PhilSolphia. Money ,received in any stun, large or mull, and interest pall from the day: of derat- to' the day of withdrawal Money is received and payment:lmo:de daily, without notice. , The investment!' , are made in Real Relate, Mortgages, Ground. Rents, and. s, oh firet-clue aeouri ties uth charter requires. Office houni, from 9 o'clock in the morning :11411 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 &elect. feo Greyer & Bakers CELEBRATED , ' FAMILY SEWING MAOHINBS, 730 0111{8TNUT STILEET. These Mackinac. are now justly admitted to be the beat In ace for fondly sewing, making a new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will sot tip, even if every fodrth 'stitch be cut. Circular's sent on application by letter. Jackson, JOB PRINTER. 'MERORANT STREET.. ' Oheehe, Notes, Drafts, Bills ,Latliog,. Bill Hoop } Ott. OSVIA, and all other, kinds of Job Printing, at irloen to cult the thues. . - Singer's Sewing Machinee.—After a tale trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has beep given in favor of Ginger's. This is, in fent, the'on/y maehing capable of performing every kind of sewing. Is, NEW 'FAMILY' SEWING DIACHINE IS, beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet Invented, being 'at once ornamental, easily operated, kind superior, in every respect, to any 'other machine. , _ title 'statement , we challenge the - I. /G. SINGER & CO., jel-Oni Office, No. 602,0RESTNUT Street. Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, One door west of Second street. neesites do lmens in sums of One Dollar - and upwards, from all ile:nes of the community, sad allows intermit at the int* of five Phr eent4er annum. " " • Office open daily, from 9,until 5 0 7 eloalc;'sied on Iden day and Satorsay. Until 9 he the craning. President, Prankliii Yell; Treeetwei and Secretary, Charles 31. „ itistour 9 s Infant Cordial.—This immutable eardial is piqued from avarlety of d the most 'bolos an affieleuVaroMatios *lawn' in medicine, and li the most Piet)° , and Win aairaiMetits extant. for infants and young Andrew • By ita'powartal inffneneu speedy sure is effeatsd in ,all anima of qholte, %study pine iud spasms. Relieves and mitigitie much of children's suffering during (anti. tion or tsething, and by its soothing properties trim -01fftfres iseins of the 6stnets,loonenetni,'roriiiting, &o:' " Thq Infcnt Cordial, Lae become a standard rematly, suites peen deedTo thousands of twos with the ;runt abundant snored, 'No Mint ehouldbe without - Plaints& only by ' Aptanr A. Ilowsai „ - 'At bii D rug Store,- ; IC N. sippgir.of EWA end Green ste.,,Philadelphie. :To*h . r.xi all adore moat be addrealedL And for sale Draggy generally. , , - 1841 Pulnionnry CoilstiMpilou:—tfie` Inutility of ordinary medicinen In 'thief fatal diacona In; an undenia bittra'at; Pulmonary Consumption - being priinarify and oasentially duo to Improper ossintilatlofi and disordered nitiolhou, Call bo ratinnatly,attacked only by, a medicine sohloll renovates the nutrttivo polvers. Such a medb nine is tins PittI.IIV,I.A.N BY.ltlposhome 'oat me directlY and Inimedlatoly on *a blood, and ar iaatls th 4 disease safely and'autely, iellerev,ec'rellet lii jell-dtit wlt „Roans* do Goldrat4, No. 30G Market street, aabode : Wholesale ,dealers OLPTIII„lia, are twwHeiting off their eetire Meek at Retail, at wholesale 'Afges• _ _ Jerost iftlarnagzo On the 17th inetant,',in. this city; by Roy. John Bat ton, Mr: LEWIS HAMILTON, of Brletol. Ot., to Mies 11.ANNAILANN GROWN, of Bt. Georgn'siDelaware * • , On the .17th instant. at Ohtlet Obureh, by the Rev. Benj. Dori -Dl I).i WM. H. , SAYER, Jr., of elatteh' ,Ohnnk, ELBLABBITII U BROOKE! of tbbiottr. — On the 16th Instant, by Rev. Dr. J. P. Berg, JOSEPH FITLER, M. D., to MitrELLF.DII; 'BRUNER, both of title nit). - • . - DOlturedsyntorning, the 17th !natant: by Bev. Henry Miktiti)g, JOHN•;BIIHROMIEIS to ELIZ &MITI' F., daughter of, J....Denry Dingees.all at Dag /Sty.— •: 0-, On 1111, Ith itiefarit,•l1 l A r liNir l'.111 , iBE1T1311; daei6 ter or the 1ate391:31 - Reahertoe." • Oa the' Indtanl, 111981413, f3,310011*, ,the 833. year orbit; sae:" • - - • , e ywaYi • 6 3; 4 4 , At' TAP r4Ess.,pi-Id_AppAlg.A.,. 10... Church of the Nativity, R. Orr-Services in this Church -TO-MORROW, - 10Xr A. M., by ho Rev. Dr. 0. P. WILLIAMS, and at 8 P. M. by the -D -r. WILLIAM 'BACON BTEVENB,• of St., An y „The itillowluiSunday (tune 27th) the Rev. ROIIERT 0. ISIATPACK (Rector .M 00) will take chargeuf _thle' " • „ , .• • fell?-It n Union' To - 11/W 'Fettrth Street,: be-• 11.3 t ' ifeon Poplar and Franklin avrbue.)=-Preaching 40 1 ,111.,a)vp, - by,4en. E,111. , L0NG., - ,TO,4dORROP7I at ST; by Rov. Dr. VEYPUfi.N,_ , - Room for 3,000. ,- .• " - • jel9:l.t* OChnich' of - the - New'Testlitutint.—T. TSTOCKTON - will preach at.tho AWE* DL BUILDING, 8. W ;corner- 'Tenth And Chestnut streets, SABBATH. AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock.,- "AL MOST TIIOO.IoniBOADERT MO TO .00 A atinISTIAN." ;Gtiristians, and persons desirous of becoming Christians, are inTliOd to attend., ' .. ' .lel9-It* VT.' Ch inch . ' 'of the _CONCERT HALL, 0118W - hit' olvve 0- lORROW , _ (Sunday) at - 10,34 A.11f.,- by .the 'Bor. ROBERT FAIIL;and at 8 P. lll—by ReT.IVILLIAM , STOWE, of Rh'oda Island. - „ • - io/F4t!'. n•'Second Presbyteriiii:Mturcb,' Heoinith •Street below Arch; will be open for Divine• Ser. rico lon SABBATH EVENING next, 20th,inaffrat4 coelobk. Sermon by the Pater, Rev. 0. W. SHIELDS. jelp-ltik , - Third Refornied - flutch CSiorbh,lCeriu4 of 'PERTH and Filbert streets.—Tbere will be Service In title ,clAurciilro-monitow EYENINOi at 8 o'clock {; Sormon tko r Paater ) Rev, jy.,d, R. TAYr LOR. . _ I New Edl Ugh of the New Tesifittynt.— In an editorial notice - In -- the New York-indepen dent we find the following pommendation of n very ad : . 'Bitable edition of the New Testament: - - The Rev: 2:11. Seockteh has published, at his own 'charges, a very beautiful edition of the New Teotamenti ,!tc: , Ilia edition. especially in the- four-volume form, is by,far the handsomest, the moot convenient for usty the most attractive in its whole style over published anywhere, whether in this country or in England, It ought to have, and undoubtedly will have, a very wide nod Useful circulation. filmy of our readers [desire the very best and most delightful edition of the Now Testament, with the tett arranged in paragraph form, for their own use or that , of their children ' and households c he It the man, at. 1400 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, (or 122 Nassau street, in this city,) to supply It to them. • ' Ws Mountain Improvement -company. rI.III.IDELPUId .Tune 11th, 11358.—NonP.— o Vrwcial Meeting sor t the Stockholders , of the " Big Mountain Improvement Company!' Will be held at the office of the Company, southeast corner of ,FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets, Rhiladelphia, on FRIDAY., the 25th Instant, at 12 o'clock M., to receive a report upon the unexpected condition of its affairs, and to express their views as to, the future course they Wish the Di rectors to pursue in the matter. By order of the Board of Dlrecton3. jel2-dl2t WU. P. .TBNHa, Rvositlont. Germagtown Pulse net , Raillvidy..L.The' Commissioners of the "Germantown Passenger ifiray Company" will attend on MONDAY, the 23th Juno, 1858, and on eaoh business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A: M. to 2 o'clock P. M., at No. 30 South SIXTII Street, to receive subscriptions to the stock of said Company, until' the came is fully subicribed. Charles Magarge, Williams: Perot, Vincent L. Brad ford, J: 11. Wheeler, J. S. Struthers William Mill ward William W. Wister, Mordecai C . Dawson, The,.A. Biddle, George W . Ilammersly, Jabez Gates, John 34 GritSth, and Robert P. King, Commissioners. jel2-dtJyl 4 . 3 . Girard College Passenger Rallway.Com- PANY.—At a meeting of the Commissioners of the GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, held at the Wetherill lionise, Friday, May 28,1858, it WU Besot vid, That in conformity with the act of Assem bly in such cases made and provided, we will meet on MONDAY, the 21st day of June, A. D. 1858, at the Washington DroVe Yard lintel, RIDGE AVENUE, above Sixteenth street, at 6 o'clock A. hf. ' open books for receiving subscriptiline to the capital stock of said Company,.and that the said hooka shall be kept open for the said purpoile at the 'same place, between the hours of 9A. M. and 8 P. M. on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and' WEDNESDAY, the 21st; 22d, and 23(1 of June, 185 5 8. In pursuance If the above resolution, books will be open for receiving subscriptions to the, capital stock of mid Company at the time and pima mentioned in the said resolution, by the -undersigned, a committee ap pointed fo Mar purpose. . . Resolved, That in order to afford the citiSons ;,.t large the fullest opportunity to participate in the enterprise, that it be recommended to the Commissioners, as far as in their power, to limit the subscription to each indivi dual, the first day, to ten shares. my3l-dtJe23 isoa Green and Coates-street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company —At a meet, ing of the Clornmissioners named in the act to incorpo rate the Green and Goates-street Philadelphia neon. ger Railway Company, held in pursuance of public no tice properly given, at the Madison House, in Second street, on bloodayevening, May 24th,1858, it was Reserved, That the officers of tide meeting be au thorised to procure the necemaryoubscription books, and to give; in two or more mere, twenty days notice that books will be opened and eubscriptions received by them to' the capital stock of the company, at the Commissioners' Hall, on Third street, below Green, on Wednesday, the sixteenth of June, at 10 o'clock A. H., to which time and place this meeting stands ad journed." Notice is, therefore, hereby given,' that the said Commissioners will meet at the COMMISSIONERS' lIALL, In TRIED street, below Green, on WEDNES DAY, ;nue 10th, A D. 1658,5 t 10 o'clock A. M., to re ceive subscriptions to the capital stock of the aforesaid Green and Coates etreeti Philadelphia Passenger Ball way Company. - HARRY CONNELLY, Chairman , WE. BRAD Si.(. B. Jonas,} Secretaries ficrHome for Invalid* with Affections of THE °HEST, S. W. cm PARKE and .13iLESTNITT Streets, my2lamif West PhilMelnik's. alimpla NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE 'WATTIR-GAP, MAUCH CHUNK, If AZLETON, AND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.— Niniters to the above popular places of Emmen itintoar will find the Rottto offered by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, In connection with the Lehigh Vol ley and New ;ovally Deland Railroads, to be nose! and agreeable, passing through Come of the richest Old most highly cultivatal counties in the State, and pos needed of comfortable acoomnauletions t both on the road andat tho various towns through which it Ptuom's. FOR TliE WATER GAP.'-,Take 2.25 P. M. Express Train from Front and Willow situate, pass the night at Bethlehem, and take cars next 'morniug at 9 o'clock, through Easton to New Hampton, cc here a close con nection is made -with the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Oen about noon. ' FOR MAUCH 01113NR. AND THE COAL REGION. Take UA. M. - and 2.25 P. M.' Espress-Trams from same Depot to Bethlehem, where a dose connection le wade with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 houre. ANEW AND PLEASANT ,ROUTE TO NEW. ORK ClTY.—Take U A. M. Express Train to Bethle hem, thence at 2.20 P. Id. via L. Y. R. R. and N. J; C. It. through-Easton to Elizabethport, tkence by • Amor, awl arrive in New York at nipirtnr past 7 P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few.hours to spareiwill find this a new cool agreeable route. - For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front MA Willow 'streets. PIIILA DEI.IIIIA, Juno 18, 1858. jel9-2m %griculturat. GOLD-MgDAL REAPERS AND, MO WER S.—W e guaranty Ks tehthn's New Reaper and Mower fur ltWi to do better work, with lighter draught and lose speed, in .all kinds of grass and grain, than any bold-Medal Reaper and Mower in tho United States. Try and prove them. NPANOLER & GILAHILI, jele No E.V MARKNT Street. lig HAYING AND HARVESTING TOOLS.—Tery 'superior soft-ndjunting unloading Nay Forks, liecolvingArikes, Cradles, Stythes, Smiths, Whetstones, and Haylngand Harvesting Tools generally. SPANSILHA & Selo - No. 611151AUKET Street. lUAY STATR APPLE PARING MA CAINE COMPANY. APPLES PREPARED FUR USE BY FIVE REVO LUTIONS-OP TUE CRANK. We aro manufacturing and offer to the public this now and very superior machine made of the best material and in the most_ thorough manner. \Ve have recently entirely remodeled and greatly Improved this machine,. so that now the Apple is neatly and nicely Pared, Cured, and Plicusl at one operation, ready for cooking And dry ing by Piro IteVolutions of the Cratikin place of sel'en tee°, which It formerly required; with an improved slicer, kc. snaking It a perfect machine in all its opera tions. Thin machine Is unequalled for durability, being °inside in lie form and not liable to get out of order, 'performing tills above labor In ova-FOURTII TUE 71311‘ of any other machine ever invented. he price of this Diachlne is below competition, and but a glance will convince the most scrutinizing that this invention is unequalled by any now iu use. For paring Potatoes, Turnips, he., when the slicer is not required. the operator has only to reolove it. This Ma china is the perfection of Yankee Ingenuity, combining eleven patents. Patented in Europa. We also manu facture a superior P.A. ENT POCKET TOOL BOX. Orders are respectfully solicited, pith the assurance that they will•be answered with care and promptness. WILITTEkIORE BRotuEns, • jel9-It* South end Junction Shop, Worcester, It if . ADIES, NOTICE .-GULD OVAL RAMES, for Photographs, full size, only $1 each. Picture Frames, all kinds, cheap. and warranted of beet gliding. SISIITII, 706 South I.IIRD Street, JelS.lttt , below nhippen, Philadelphia. LI ARD TAYLOR'S PHOTOGRAPH, just finished, In Oil, at the ROOT GAILERT,' Io but mother triumph of Art at that popular gallery. Photographe, from miniature to life sloe. Also, Da guerreotypes and Ambrotypea, perfect a OMR of-Art. ,160-1 t f_DEACOCH'S FEATHERS WANTED, TO PURCHASE , OR MANUFACTURE INTO FLY imusuus, at 28 South EIOLITH and 231 North SBCONP Street. , jelth3f/t - $1.15 k;:?!„-. 1 ;.' r 1 1 IEI”LIIIPERg,S . . -- 76 eto. for VELVET SLIPPERS. '76 do for KID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. AE PARKER'S, Jel9%l3n* 91 North SIXTH Stunt KA BATHING-OAPE- ISLA ND.-NAB - TIONAL MOTEL is now Open., , Rrloor of... Board sB' :13sy , mpek. — Children mut piervauts War price. " Ael9-6ir AA RONWARRETBON, rroprletorle LIEST 50 CENT TEA IN THE CITY.- McCARTHVS CHOICE' FAMILY UTIOCERY, TNNT. and OIIOIRC E. Jelo-IM. FARINA 'ODACKIIRS, AND " • - CAKV.S.—MccARTIIn 'OIIOIOE FAMILY .111 - lOCIIItY, TENTH. aud41:01t011. jeliLlt* LAUMAN & RABORG- Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, SHANDIES, IVILIS.KEY; GINS, and FANCY , LI QUORSi No. 1017 MARKET Street, V between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Jol9-tf FIRP-WORKS I E:IIE-Vir,ORKp 1! FIRE-WORKS, AT REDUCED titroEs STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, BRIDGSTON, MILLE VILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, &c.,- &o=—The 'steather'EXPßESS leaves first pier below ARCH Street .._. _.. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS; and , SATURDAYS, iit ,,..Tr i • FOWLER; . WELLS, - , & Co., 922 o'clock A. 31. Returning, leaves Bridgeton MONDAYS, Pi (111.ESTN,UT„Street t keep standard works on WEDNESDAYS, and".FRIDAYS, at 8 &clock A. M.; Phrenology, Physiology, Water Ours, and Pho. touching at New' Castle, 'Delaware City, Greenwich, nography, wholesale and retail: - ' Phrenologi -Mulford'and TyndsleisiWtig Mut returning. , cal Examination, with' charts, awl full writ- Through tickets, by Ones connecting with the " Ea- ten descriptions of character, given day , end even. press," for the [Woking places,do wit: ' ' ` - 'ing. :,Cabinet.free to "Visitors. Orders 5y mail to be' 31111ovillm. 111 00 Port Elizabeth......sl 23 addressed to Fowler, , Welis i ' & Co.', 022' Ohestnut Patrton or Clodartille.' 75 NewpOrt • ' . . 68 Street. - 100.0molf Dividing Creak - 100 3faueleatown 125 All landings on the Chibausay 75, —A.. FIRST-RATE MORT , Delaware City or New Clastle ' ' . t to 1050 1 00. dAGE of this amount for sale at a The stages meet the boat punctually. No disappoint. discount. Apply to ' monts or !elays need be anticipated, Freight, of every H. C. UK/WON k (.I'. 31. OONARROIt, 4eiairoutm i to 0 jpw tistey; '- ' , ie3-44* I J9/7.81 .' . ': /i9i 833 44/tt7li %red, CHARLES THOMPSON JONES, JACOB ESHER JAMES F. NICHOLAS, ROBERT MORRIS, JAMES PAGE, Commissioner& tinitroabo. A full assortment of 1210 DIABNIM EITIMET, ' - Welt of Twelllb. 3sftw prtbluationo., A. GORGEOUS NUMBER: 8iA.21./SICBVS 1 NEW MONTHLY 'MAOAZNE sou JIII,Y. - ',EAANOIB By BENs9N J. leottanro: :: I , Illuxtrated by Beviiutebn.E9onvings:. kA; JOURNEY, THROUGH' 'VIE .BAND OP TILE kiPourieen Engiavplgo. _ . _ !..11 - lIE WINE-CUP. CLAALASCAS; • ' -•— •'- Il l u eknted.by"TLirteenPnEravillge- SLIPPER. 'ME LADIBEI SikORED lIEART ' ,A t ltOninALD BtoilAgni, ,4Abutimit NttliTxoN, BX.PLORATIONFI OP WIEddIkIOOII , RIVER. , By • Plasir BUD. COLLINS. Alt lI3IWATION. ViItkINIANS. By W. M. TIILCHERLY. • . ILLOSTEATIRSII.- • —PrOltellipg and Practice.—i. Lay • ' Beetnen.—Fedi I:toad-Pieces - Owayrsa _Wherelt apiears that harry i r fte not- 001ilach as he:hab'einiiiaiited; '• ' CHAPTER XXX. , Contains Virginia. CHAPTER XXXI. - Thillear and the Leader.: Onarran XXXII. In which a Faintly Coach Is . , (altered. .' . . Mgivritty RECORD OF .CIIIMENT EVENTS LITERARY NOTICES. Books of; the Month. xplirows TABLE. .ED4OR'B BABY OUAIR .. , . liDli, OR'4 ,DRAW.Utt. ' ' °RADII'S:fit:I;AT :GIFT ENTERFRISi. ' - ! ILLOSTAATIONS.—Mr. Grab ponders.—Sulu his Trap.—The Daft.—Reforences.—Bends' Circulars to ' Postmasters.—And to Editore . —ltuks Je7elry—And Books.—And Watches.--Proeuree an Oftlee,,Takes *: is quiati7.--thatomera pour In.—And Letters.-r- Kfrab opringa the Trap.—And Is off Public Sold. -.F.ABUIONS FOR JULY. ' , • ALLIMALTIONB.n-Country 00141.11130 and ' Chit drou's Dresses.—Straw Hat and Yell.- 7 3kIrt Sup , porter. , . . , • The publishers of New MONTIILY ZISE refer+ the Sixteen VOIUMOS already issued as the best alsurance that no labor or expense will be spared to rotator it worthy of the liberal support which it has re-, Cetvad. They believe that the Magazine now. anthraces ih ita*eral plata everything essential to an attractive ItWittyntileelldny, adapted to the wants Of the Ameri can Xtthife7--tift regular circulation hen ,not been di minished even during the unexampled _financial revul sion, which has proved disastrous to so= many literary and commercial enterprises; and they are assured from every quarter that-the Magazine is recognised as a ne cessity rather than a luxury. Theythereforo announce no "Now Features!' for-the-future. They Will con thane to fill the Magazine with ertiolea inculcating sound viers in Life and Morals; leaving, as heretofore, the discussion of sectarian opinions in Religion, and SPC: ional questions in Politics to their own approjnlnte organs. Wise men and true patriots agro.o upon points far morenumerous than those upon which they differ. The object of the Magazine will bo to unite rather than to separete the views and feelings of 'the people of dif.: ferent sections of our common country. The Publishers do not find It necessary or expedient to, appeal to public attention by loaning " Specimen .Nnmbera," containing an unusual amount of matter or illustrations. They intend that every number dual prove the Magazine to be the beat and cheanent period', cal publicized. It will contain's, larger: amount of mat ter, more numerous and better illustrations, printed in a better meaner than any other Monthly Magazine; and the Pabliahera aro confident that it will deserve and re. cei s ve the same cordial appreciation- and liberal patron age Vrllichrhave been accorded to it during the Eight Tiara of Ha-publication. TERMS, Ono Copy for Ono Year Two Copie) for One Year... Vireo or more Coplea for One Year (each). 2 00 Alyi - an Ertra Copy, gratis, for euery Club Of Tan - " aIIESCEIBERS. The• Postage upon "HARPER'S MAGAZINE" must be paid at the Office where it is received. The Postage In ViirtOix Cents a year: HARPER" is BROTHERS, jel.9lt. , Poncisivann. T ut ATLANTIC 'MONTHLY FOR JULY, NOW READY. A BRILLIANT NUMBER F 25 cent, n number; $3 a yens.' Sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price. For !vile MI dealers in Periodicals. PHILLIPS, BABWBON, dr, COMPANY, jel9-St Publishers, Boston. IIHE YOUNG MEN'S MAGAZINE (issued monthly)—Edited byrIIICIIARD C, Mc- CORMIOK, it the only journal in America whblly de voted to the interests of Young Men: Besides valuable original artielma each number contains a record , of the transadtious of Young Men's. Christian Associations, Mercantile Libraries, Literary .Clubs, kc , In all parts of tba world. Torma-81.60 per annum ,• Ten or more copies to one address, 81; Single Copies, 16 cents. N, A. CALKINS, Publisher, jel9 2tlt No. 348 BROADWAY, New York. i3rokers C • RONTSE & CO., SPECIE .411) EXCHANGE BROKERS, No.lo South TIIIRD Street, PUIL•DELPIII.L. Refer ,to tho Rrixa and DUO/CM or Philadelphia 011A51. usitLer. W. A. DROWN.. A, MANLEY, JD. It IANLEY, BROWN, & CO., /TX DANK-NQTE, STOCK, AND . EXCHANGE MtaILERS, " N. W. corn* or Tit MD awl CHESTNUT Streets, ,t . PHILADELPHIA. Oollottlona made,. and Drafts drawn on all parts or the y United Stater' and life armadas, on the moat favorable terms. • Collections made, and Drafts drawn on England and. Irolaud. Ducurreut Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers In Specie and Bullion. loin and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold ou Commission at the Board or Brokers In Philadelphia and Now York. je3-Om STEWART & JOHNSON, INSURANCE AND NOTE 331t08Ens, No. tOB South FOURTH Street je 2-tu th set•lm If 'EDWARD It. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Palate for , Commissioner [or . . . *lnnesota. Penusylranta and . New Jereoy. . . . PARRY & BROTHER, A. BROKERS it, GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVIIYANCERS, FRONT S TREE T, above HICKORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay partionlar attention to loaning and Investing Money tot non-realdente and -others, and collecting Drafts, Notes k.o. Any letters of aseutar or business Fill receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Hawn, k. Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Rose, k Withers. Philadelphia. Pimp, Haines, & Co . Philadelphia. . Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charlet Ent ft Co , Philadelphia. Parry' & Rudolph, Philadelphia. - mr2.l-emit 13e,ntIcnizn's Sun/lEOl4j (uo ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W 006 ARM] Street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer In MI kinds of Nitruhihing Oood‘calul Philadelphia.. or Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elnewhern, wholesale and retail, or made to order. mh1,41 ENTLEMEN 'S WRAPPERS OR ILA DR.EssING GOWNd.—The largest and best ea eortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a fall line of finder Clothing, milted to the season, at W. W. &MORT'S, MI ARM Street, above Sixth, Philadel• phis. " • : I i jiTINCHESTER -& 'SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S PHRNISIIINQ STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT fdANIIPAOTORY, No. fed OIIESTNOT Street, above Seventh strect, Philadelphia, The attention of Southern and Weetern Merchanta, and Strangely, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Marta, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole .ale end retail, and made to order. ,ftlebuinal. HARTSHORNE'S' "CURE-ALL ---THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR!' Dud Reined) foi. DYSPEPSIA; .WEA.K . 13TOMAGH AND WEAR BOWELS - • Thia allele, le the greatest discovery in Chemical or Medical:El.:date for the rapid Onto of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-AOHE, SORE THROAT, STIPP NZOK, or Pain in the LIMBS, 1111/11,,8A0K,' or any pert of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Mum. cies, &news, and Bones, conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia end ludigdation, which . arlsos from a weak stomach or boirels.• Thousands of persons who have used HARTS HORNE'S OURS-ALL have been astonished at Its wonderful power in removing any pain from the ',Mein. Bottles 12, 25, 60 cents, mid 6/, tO be sold by . R. 11. JENKINS, 422.1.ftt Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. iiARTSBORNE'S, HEALTH-RESTO -11_2,1117R, Olt SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Lift of the Flesh lain the Blood. Prepared by a 'Oho - mist. The beet Restorer of health, and the best Illoodurifying Compound in the World! It does not contain a particle of Mercury, , The above preparation'isaitited to the Impaired and weakened condition of the lumen race; it invigorates the whole constitution; remove, all pimples and erup tions from thq skin; gives bloom. and freshness to the completion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken. in complaints - of both seam It is w perfect cordial in taste, and ante like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any oause. Quart bottles $1; mall bottles 60 cents f Cold by • . R, U. JENKINS, Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, • ap22-iftf f-ampo. pETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELP-GENERATING GAS LAMP Io tho only Patebt Etliller.thet has a NON-OONDUOTOR ATTAORRD. For Safety, Cheat nada, and Brilliancy, it anriasaa all others. STATI9 AND 0:; . 1IINTIC MOTO FOR HALL ' Address D. P. PRTBRS, S. W. corner FistIOND and OILESTNUT Ste., Pulls ,delphia i and 422 BROADWAY, New York. roh4.ly-rp "'LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your Interesta, amtpatlontee USSIERR'S LAMP FACTORY, 109 flout% RlGliTllstreet, below Obentnut. Previous to his °pawing a responsible factory, yon wore charged , $l9 for wort which he is now doing ,n a war ranted rdanner from $9 to $10: Support him, or yon win have the same ebarratta pay. • ; ; Jald-y 1 Retail I/Drg h. ,oxybe. HL 'Ol IIit'Sfi:EMBAOIISBEED CRAPE BRAWLS 4Ver Offiirad - iii , thie City - are now being sold by ' • ' - ,TItoRNLEY - N. R. car: EIGHTIi and BpRINA GARDEN. " - 'We purchased, a fern days ago, , at a moat tremendous sacrifice ' . " ' : ' - • a lot of volts , ' rich 'Enibroldered Crane ilhaviis, 'same quality and style ae Re have sold for' - TWRNT,Y DOhLARB! - which we are no-, % selling at the extremely' law price of, TWELVE DoLZARs!I• -, "- Ladies, you may never have auclienotlier,opportunity ; insosotis Also, Plain Crape ghouls; frOm's4 to $l6. - - ' - ' MANTILT,AB AND DUSTERS..., • . - Bnocial.bargai Lace, Bilk, , Moir Antigne Mau. &c. ' ' " Travelling Drees Materials in great variety': L Bummer-Drage Goode. OrgandlevEareges, Clreiiadines, &c.,&0 )3LAOIC FILICEI,'FaIIOY BILKS, &o.' Otir name to justly celebrated for Cheap, , Materials foralen and',BoYer Wane. Linen'tleads,'of our own' importatiOn. "- ' ' Summer Gauze and other,Flimnels, Mitts ,THOß. Veils, Em isrllbrE Y oideries & Ilosier,y 111ovea, &c.,. at (11 , 1.11-1 5 RICR.C;i6R `819RE, ,, E. °or. EIGHT/I& GARDRS titivate. .. ' 41:tobblid; lot 12-V and cent 3IL 1 1 6 Lawnsi reduced to 9.cts. Rich Battu-stripe black and white Luxors,' 31 ate! ' Finest black and brown asisedLavellasi 26 680 yds. black Tatnartine, finest quality, reduced to -33 cts. BAREGE .D.RESSES. ' Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, Barna Dresses, $5 One lot finest mode Bareges, reduced to 18) cts BAYADERS. Ahnas, Ductda, Foil de Chaves, lamellas. DUCAL ROBES. Alio, Robes Edqui : Lawn Robes, reduced LACE MINTILLAS. Some very handsome, for MO, from auction, and worth 815, with a variety of other styles. Also, - . SILK DUSTERS. - SILK. MANTILLAS, and combinations of Silk and Lace, of our own sursaton MANUFACTURE, fresh from the work-room every hour during thuday. - COOPED. & CONARD, 13. E. corner NINTH. and 'MARKET A FRENCH CHINTZES, 181 CENTS, deeirable styles for children. OtTRWEN STODDART & •lIROTRER, 450, 462, and 464 Noeth SECOND Street, folla.at above Willow. CHEAP BLACK- SILKS, GOOD,GOODS; at 62$ 70, 75, and 81 cents,- together iritlt a full line of superior grades, at low prices. • - • OURIVEN STODDART & BROTHER, 460;452, aud.464 North' SEOOND Street, ]elB-35 • • above• Willow. ACE. CURTAINS AND- CURTAIN R-41 EIIISLINS.—SeveraI cheap lots, from auction. - ' OIIRWDN•STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 904 North SEOOND Street, jolt-St above Willow: PLAIN AND EMBROIDERED WRITE :B. CRAPE SHAWLS.—Cheap lota from the late auction sides. - • CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 464 North SECOND Street, jelS-at above Willow. 141/ATERIALS FOR DUSTERS AND LTI. TRAVELLING DRESSES.— Cherie Tanjore Cloths. • Bat adore tuners. Ottoman Poplins and hladonnan. lletyndere Alobairs. Silk Warp Lavellas. Cotton Tt do, at 10 and 12,ti cents. Bayadere do, at 1235 cents. Lupin's super all-wool Debege. Oriental Luntres, &r., Re. JUST FROM AUCTION. A fresh lot of Grath:lllas and Ducats ' at 25 cents. • A due stock of French Organdies andeaconota, reduced In price. Glossy Black Silks in great variety. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nainsooks. White French Brilliauta. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. White Linen Drilling and Duck. Plaids, Brown Drills, Re. Shirt Bosoms in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket Ildkfs. Black Silk Cravats, Re. The whole stock very cheap, for cash. CHARLES ADAMS, j 617 , EIGHTH and ARCH atreati. • FIGURED SHIRTINGS.—Wide French Shirtinga, neat 'dyke, 44 mill figured fine Linens.' SUARELESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and 'MUTH. CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS.- Juilt opened, a few 'of these good,, and Ranch Lace Flouneed•Polnts. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, ' CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. REDUCTION IN PRICES. SPRING MANTILLAS, . ALL BILL SIMMER MANTILLAS, BILK AND LAOS;SILK AND NET, ttll reduced iu price on'and after MONDAY, JUNE Ire. FRESCO LADE POINTS AND MANTILLAS. - LARGE R BT AIS E O NED A l I MENT OP DESIRABLE GOODS, , which we will offer at LOW PRICES. 3.' W. PROCTOR & 00. je7 No. 7pB OIISSTNIIT street. • RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DANEASICS, DIAPERS, dco. CONSIIfiIRB of IVICIHARDSON'S LINENS, Audition diairone of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the artieles they purehue are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of -the Goods. - , This caution is rendered essentially noceasarf an liege' quantities of inferior and defective Lineal, are prepared: season after seaeon, and sealed with the name of RICLIAUDSON by Irish houses, who regardleati of the injury thus infl i cted alike on the A merican concealer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can - be imposed. on With Goode of a worthless etuirsoter. J. MILLI:YOKE & J. B. LOCKE; my2s-8m Agents, 80 01117110 E Street, New Volk. STEEL SKIRTS. THE BEST PARIS EXTENSION SKIRTS IN THE MARKET W. J. HORSTMA.NN & CO.. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH MANTILLAS! I MANTILLAS I Mo- LTA ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low tha t we defy competition. 5,000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 37%, 44, 50, 56; rich, 62%, 69, 75 ; very rich, 81, 87%, 05, $L 10,000 yards Delalnes, liareges, Ducats, at 10,12;5, 16%, 18x, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yards flue French Lawns, 10, 12%, 10%, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 37% to 62%, very One. ' One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards side-baud Cassimeres, 37%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable . goods for moo's and boys' Roar, loon than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Yestings, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards now style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 One French Needieworked Collars, nt $l, worth $3. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconots t Swiss and Cambria White Goods, the greatest bargains in the oily. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endless va riety, at less than half the usual prices. McELROY, jel-tuths-tr, No. 11 South NINTH Street. EYRE Sr. LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPENING OP FASI-IXONABIB SPRING SILKS AND _ROBES BAYADERE LIGHT BILES BAYADERB IGOR SILKS. OHENE BAYADBRE NLRB. OHENE MODE BLUE AND BROWNS. NEWEST STYLE ROBES. 52.50, and $3 for the STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. EYRE & LANDELL, r0714-t jyl FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS A OARD. JOSI.PH A. RAGY, Retail Dealer its DOMESTIC AND EORDION DRY GtOODB, No: 440 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Urge story White Building TERNS—ONE PRIOR FOR CASH. ID• Prices marked in plain figures on each article ap2943m Eianings ,fnnbo. RE SPRING GARDEN SAVING -M. FUND. (011LIMIESD 3 . 1 y rm LBOpLATISS . OI or PIINNEITLYANZA: PERPETUAL CHARTER. FYI% PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, - • _ATI all tf . o . ne2a!'ll . d back on Remand. OfPIOE, 2.91. IioRTII THIRD — STREET, (00Ne0LlnkrtoN BANK BUILDING.) This Institution is now open for the trammotion of business. and lathe only °bartered Bering Fund located in the northern pert of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 la 2% o'clock, and also'on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 9 o'clock in the Evening. MANAGERS.. • Frederick Klett, • James B. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob-Dock, John P Levy, Joiteph Si Cowell, Lion. Henry K. Strong, George Woelopper, Daniel Underkotler, Wesley'Brey, Hon. Wm. . Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Steaks, P. 0. =maker, Francis Hart, John P Terre°, Joiepir P. LeOlore, I George Knecht, -John Roesler, Jr.. John Horn. Prkdent. JAMES S. PRINGLE. • Reeietat7, GEORGB T. THORN. ap2l.-iftf, QAVINEt FIIND.--lINITED STATES TROST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CREST. NUT Streets. Large and email come received, and paid 'back on de Maud, without notice, with PIPE PER OENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdfavral. Oftice hours from 9 uotil S o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVIMIINGS froM 7 mail o'clock. DRAFTS for mile on England, Ireland, and Sootland from .93. upwarde. , President—STEPHEN It. ORAR7ORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISH. - 1 . . 0119 / 4 4;f 4 7.4.!P112"-Agr 'HEATLEY'S AROMST. /rTMATItE • v.. LAST NIGHT GP ,MR,I TORN BROUGHAM. •-i BENEFIT AND' LAST APPEARANCE OP • • ; ' • 'MASTER/ ALFRED STEWART. LAST NIGHT-OP ,DRARAT/0, SEASON: The performance will commence with A HAPPY. MAR ' , Paddy Idurphy (with songs).:... Rest, A. Stewart. After whichi . MLUAIBUS -EL :FILIBUSTER°. ' = To conclude with BRIAMMLINN: • - - . 'llOlOl4 25 cents ~• Satiated Bella ail DiesOirole;B7,4f Orchestra Stslis,•so cents; leatailiTristate Boxes, 75 ; Gallery ia tents: _ • - • .. • Doors openat 7 it ololeck;lSNoranancescommenoe7N. M. B. WHITTON Treaintrer. WEEK.—THE ,TBIRTY-F/ETli • ANNTres. Exiiterrioig rxTrytirmve.. ,, Altuapt 02 TEE Idgrfi'•'Alygg will elose *D.J. • ."•••• • ' ~• • OATUILDAYr ttli • /9th ilaiorJugg;.:7 - • In order to give, all An opportunity of-vienlnt large and. iiiterestlkei)lieetion of I - • INEKB °VAST, '• • • • • !Ilia:Disorders drift rednaaAho print' OrAdthilikiirn,, • quitil threlae L y - ' • . Ten cents for Adults; said Ifivenengs for Catalogues give center , • ' • • .•• • June 10,1858., ' : A git CONSIGNEES' ,NOTIOE.-4on alMaigneea per Schooner WORCESTER,' Rsowso, master, from Providence, will please attend •teo receipt of goods, at CallowhiU-street Wharf. ' Jab •.• , .TNO. M..RENNEDY & CO.' WANTED—A VESSEL - to load in aggilthe Louisiana Line, for New Orleans. gulch despatch and good rates will be given. ' 2 - Apply to )318110P, SISIONS; , & 00., jel9-7t • " 120 NOETH -WHARVES.. Seining slltaith!ee. HARRIS'S BOUDOIR: SEWING ,NA.- orrom le offered to the public as the moat relia ble low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sawfrorn eta to sixty stitches to an inch„ on all kinds of Beale from coarsest bagging to the finest cambric,. It is: without exception/ the simplest in its mechanical con. struction over made, and can be run and kept in order tiy a child of twelve years of age. The * neesattrrr of this machine, and the qUALITT or , Tra WOFIZ, ate War ranted to lie uniurpaased by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. ' The thread - Used to taken direct:4:64M the speal,, WITSIOUT rim TROUBLE - 07 aewrinerp. In face, it machine that is wanted by every family.in the land, and the low price of • • ' FORTY DOLLARS;, :' .'_` - newhieh they arneold, bringi them within the reach of almost every one. - • S. D. BARER, Agent, .- • jeli.dOM vky eowom 20 South MIRTH Street: ,fur *Sate antr tet. COUNTRY RESIDENCE TOILET= kiirfiSituated on the Baltimore turnpike, six miles front Market Street Bridge. five minutes' walk from Clifton's Station; on new West Chester and Phi ladelphin Railroad, two-story stone ROUSE, eighteen - rooms ,stabling end other conveniences, eleven acres of - thriving or chard of choice fruit. For further partmulirs apply to CHARLES KELLY near the premises, or to No. 120 MARKET Street ; Philadelphia. • jol9-6t #54 OFFICE ROOMSTO LET.=Tii - ree . Eiabeautiful COUNTING ROOMS, (in Grigg's Fire- Proof Building,) on the second _floor, front,, No. 226 WALNUT Street ; ' suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. Jel9-16t* JOHN GRIGG, 228 WALNUT Street. nROUSE FOR RENT AND FVENI TIIRE FOR SALE.—A person about relinquishing housekeeping, offers for rent A good house located on .VINE Street, near Logan Square. He will also sell the Furniture, which has been in. use but short time, and. is as good - ai new. Address O.P. Q at this office.j jel9-tf ta VALUABLE PROPBETY ON OHESTNITT STREET , TO RENT: '• The Buildings now occupied by ' - . . BAILEY & 00., No. 428 CHESTNUT andNo:l4 LIBBABY 'Street. Possession given on let July. . _ , i l fu t .th o .u.2 t w he premises, to BAILEY'& , • OFFIOE TO-LEI I .-=-AN ELIGIBLE OF FMB for an Insurance Oompauy, cor poration, hating three communioating room on -the same floor, No: 224 WALNUT- Street, abote DOOK. Immediate possession Oren. Apply to • . : - - JOHN O..IEMPBR, or' THOMAS BUTCHER . , N 0.112 South POUSTH Street, . roh32-tuths-tt second story, front roorti..-; 910, PRINTERS.—FOR SALE AT A AA BARGAIN.—Ono or more experienced men can purchase a profitable Daily and Weekly NEWSPAPER and JOB-PRINTING OFFICE, loaded in=a Western city, with &population of 14,000, and one of the eldest and most substantial towns in the West. It is one of only two printing establishments in the city, and the business last year amounted to about - $lO,OOO. The has the city printing'and r advertising, and sisa - the poet office printing: The paper is Democratic in poli tics. The material comprises twols6wer-Presses one Rand-Press, Paper and Card Cutters,, together witha . first-rate assortment of Job and News Type and Pik •tures. To'persons who can give negotiable - paper this office will be sold on liberal terms, both as to time and price.' A cash purchaser can, obtain - it at' a very low price. Full statements as to resources and exponditures will be given to any one desiring to purchase . •• _ Address "Alpha," care of S. M. Parrs:mixt, & Co., No. 110 Nassau street, New York. • " jelithstu It • Yro OR OCERS.—TO LET—A BAR OAIN Jr applied - for soon—that old and well.ca IabIishedGROCERY , STORE, adjoining, the Black Horse Tavern, and commanding the country trade Of the &c.,yard, . ly sit! t u o ate on , SECOND l4.lE Strzban z rw: ie/SSVS P 1025 CALLOWHILL- Street. HIGH-BRED SPANISH ...TACKS Al' AllCllON.—Peremptory Sale.—On WkiDNES-' BAY MORNING, Juno Vd, at 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, NINTH and GEORGE Streets, Philudelphia, - Will be sold, Without reserve,- • Four extra-size high-bred Spanish Jacks, 3 years old, 16 hands' high, in good health, and perfectly sound, jut imported per brig Arrogante Emelt°, from Barcelona, Spain. May be aeon at Conway's Stables; Prune street. No postponement on accountuf the weather. - " jel7-3tif ALFRED M. MEEKNESS Anct- a g47-p TO LET.—COTTAGE AT • LONG traa BRANoll,newly furnishedand newly Malt, with in 800 feet of the ocean. Ten sleeping .rooms, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangements, coach house, stables, garden, and about ncres of ground. Further particulars apply to No. 20 Mouth FIFTH Street, or to HENRY HOWLAND, Long Brooch, N. J. jel7.2w TO LET.—THE UPPER ROOMS OF 1. stores No. 327 and No. 333 MARKET Street below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to SI. L HALLOAVELL "& CO, or jolt-t[OIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. my27-th on mo rpo RENT, -TEE • FIRST -FLOOR AND BASEMENT of the large STORE, No. 225 MAR KET Street. Apply to ILILDEBURN to BROTHER, ap2l.4f • No. 533 MARKET Street: PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING THE SECOND AND THIRD STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY, and furnishing nanteriale for the same for the entire road, and also for doing the work and furnish ing the materials, each separately, will be received at the office of the Company; No, 2 Grigg's Building, in WALNUT Street, between Second and Third Streets, until WEDNESDAY, tad instant, noon. Plans and Specifications can he seen at the Office after WEDNESDAY, the 10th inst. jolt-0t JAMES VERREE, President. ' Ultras Filo CA PI T ALIS T S.-A SPECIAL A. PARTNER, with thirty to forty thoussnd dollars, is wanted to join in a lucrative illercanUle well established This opportunity is one that seldom occurs, as will be clearly shown to any one desirous of thus embarking. All communications addressed to D. R. E., at this office, will be considered confidential, and receive prompt attention. jelB-st* SALESMEN WANTED.—TWO FIRST CLASS ElALEBSlEN—Engagement to commence on the let day of July next. The anbscrlbers will en gage none but men of known ability, to whom liberal malariaa will be paid,) who can influence a large Beath ern or Western Trade. Apply to OHAET/E8 HARKNESS & SON, Wholesale Olothieri, - 838 MARKET Street s my2l-1m - • • - Philadelphia.. WANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATES vv Y OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, - unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance: Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOW TED SERVICE at No • 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north aide. - WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Roe. of Qom/airy, apll-tf Keerafting Officer. WANTED—LOCAL AGENTS, in every Cite and County in the United States, to Fell the COTTAGE SEWING- MACHINE. It. sews three separate and distinct' stitches, using either one or two threads: Can be mold at from 530 to 00, according to ctee, and is equal in variety and capacity of ,stitch two hundred dollars' north of any other Machines In market: For particulars, call or address It. B. PITTS & CO., till SANSOM Street, Philadelphia, Ps. Jel9-dlt&wyltlf CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT- ' .1(lSEPII A. MONIIIIEVER, , Eleventh Ward . . Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jel7-4to* , . R IF F ALT Y.—Endouraged by my 17 friends, I offer myself an a candidate for the allow of BIIBRIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to'the decision of, the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully solicit. ' - WILLIAM 11. KERN, - .015-lin , Fifteenth Ward. pOR REGISTER OF' WILLS— JOHN CASSIN, =1 • 1 Fifth Ward Bulged to Democratic Rules FOR REGISTER OF WILLS-, ORARLES D. RNIGILT, TWEITTIETR WARD .Subject to the. People's Nomi!mtion. jot-t{ - REGISTER OF WILLS. "- 1 . JOHN OAMVUELL, OR B.EVNNIII *MID: Sub Jed to Democratic rule& - - • myll-tm Qrapartnerabip Notices). THE, UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED 11 a copartnership, under the name and style of AR NOLD & WORD, and have talon ~ the store N 0.120 WALNUT Street, for the transaction of n general Im porting and COlninlssion business in Wines and Liquors. J. W ARNOLD, _ of Washington, D. C., OEOROR AI. WORL, of Philadelphia. Juno 1,1858., , jOIB-I‘f rrIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FDRMED a copartnerehip tfiador the atyle of FROTHING - HAM & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY (MODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have talon the atore No:84 South FRONT Stre'ot, and U 5 LETITIA Streot. THEODORE FROTRINOIIAM, RIMS{ BL WELLS. ptit,ADEMI4I 411 M let s /OIL je2-24-- Seluidt~ltofis~: 41ng- Nottreo. Iflnlitke L rtsitsattii 'Qlcm~a nci;: _. RET Co?SPA P THE LA • FLrst 'RN OF" : - LIVE' POOL AND IND9w.BIREI AND, "LIFE -, lNSDitimar. Wk . —PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE VIVI WS OP THIS STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA: ' i'Capital. Stock -- rig'.i.' '410,000;000 Number of shares of subscritmo, ~....;,; , ;,' " Stork, 04,211: ' lArinitint iof '3, Aseesstiielita'%ina - - ''' •'. , "‘ .Stook Bald In, elisbAISS,442," ' • ' ' . ~_, I at $ 5 . 012,110 co Value of Real Estate. .....: • .:-.; - 600,000 00 .Asuount ,, of cash ite . banu •:pp ~" Pbceni,- 11 aniC !"; 14 : 99' n nau • Ainefoit "'•;;I• cilia In lianas or -,agents in, egorsoof.„transmts.,,, _ , ;EIJOIX., ' .Nesoinit ` of' loenk" kecuied - 13 y .! -bieki‘antlaiertgages'orewhich; • ...• ~. there. is -leks4l, r 91 . 1/,.• interest due:...,:.•••• -••• 4 7. 8,8 2 0 OO Amoukt'or-iokos"olViekich4ii:4l ; - • - - 4 nrest , h,os.not. been peld..Yrith-• " " - . „in one year, (both priketrt, - and Interest since paid)...... - 1 0 0 . 0 00 Amount of: stocks, owned by; . ' •-• - The om P u kri.s 3 ,l9°°- l'? v ir" :",-;.. • - ,ifnitt. "luck, The eemaining , , , 'conetsts If steekrof inenipo--. t,. , , ' . rated,ettlekin partook, States . „ —, of the 'Linton ' 160 , 000 , tio: , Aro co o m y on pai t'of u ntoek c k ol h is e te ld v4 by, the' -, lona • - - ~. ..... •.. Ambont: on 'Which, Interest' is due and tiniltid` " 3 " A A ' 42 . 0 " ;: , t WV Th,lrd 'o' l i p" 041 Amt of lo:*e 140 dixripg the year, hit thhr country:, Amount of iinieftle4 Atceinnt of dividend " .A : cititimit of ciahlitemtVits;'...-. 1 6141,187 a Anrimtp! earnpayroini . u9l,s.,. : 47403721 -4 • oG S 21 1 ,Q 616 Amount of interest received from the • investments. in Baited States ' Fifth 'ZS . :a 48 I '4 Amount paid and oaring for. re- . • . insurance - , 6,273 93 Amount of return ' 23,607 43 Amoruatof expensesof Company 45,618 06' Amount o taxas_paid 11,tthe company - Amount of all other 'aipeneee awl expenditures of :the corn, pony 41,414 05 POSITION OP THE COMPANY'S PENNY, The Capital 188 ; 422, 0 , 0 The Reserved - 1'0'0.214010'11 0 The Life Fund '634289 13 10 , The iFire , Re-Ines. . • mien 183,710 - 8 11 • , •- 1,088;018:13 909515,440,092 96-100 5750,000 INVESTED IN. UNITEDSTATES.•. . - - " ' CONSiITPTION - AND CAPITAL. Liability of theantire bodyof shareholderitinlimited. -All . Directors ingst be proprietors in the Company.. Mate, City and County of New York: Alfred Pell, of the 'city' of New York, tang - duly sworn, says, that he is the .Resident Secretary, and the only officer of the Liverpool and . London Fire and Lifit -Insurance Company, in the city Of NOW York; the has read the -foregolng'stateinent,ia that the come 17 tree and correct to the heat of knowledge and belief. ALFRED FELL Elate, City and Oounty of New York : ' - • I, CHARLES NETTLETON, a Combilisioner Oland for the said State, residing in the city...3[lcm' , York, ap pointed by the 'Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby cottify that froMpersonal exinninatior4 lam • Satialled that the LIVERPOOL' A ND.LONDON'ELRE AND LIFE .TNSURAIiCE, CODIFANY are . possessed of bonds and mortgages and - other sedurlties to the amount of ssoo,oooand, upwards, as specidedin the fore- •• going statement, and that sahlbonds and _mortgages are - well and amply secants! on "red estatni'aild are of the • value represented in maid statement. In'teailinony • wheriof r I have hereunto. sat, my hand ,and affixed my: . official seal, this 25th day of March, A.,D.1853. • , CHARLES NETTLETON, [east] Commissioner for Penneylvania, in etty of - New York. , , RICHARDS. SSIITI, Agent, • ' Exchange, Philadelphia: jel9-etuthlmO CITY INSITR4NCE ,CORP.A.4I: ',.No. 110 South ROVILTH, Street. , CLIARTEIL" PERPETUAL. Capital r r •$200,60 . 0.` , Organised 1 6i. ..7 Privileged to insure tolouiss r auisually,oi perpecually Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; taiga' 'Marine, lutand, and'Llte Insurance Blake ;•recolve De posita ; hold Trusts andgrantannultiea ALFRED W1L8.1113, - "Preableui. ' •IL O. TYLER, Vice President. J.W . litanving,'Secretary. „ DUtSCTORS. Kaifu, ,J. W. roman • Jeined Watson, ' Ludlam Elattheirs, • ,L ; William. Alfred - Weeks, B. 0. Tyler, J. W., Bonder, C H. 'J.I.. Hutchinson, I. W. Stokes, jelB-1m ITOWAND. IMRE AND MARINE IN -811BANOD OOMPAN7 7 -Ope,N9: 412 WALlettP Nixed; Philadelphia._ _ 4-,OAPIPAD AND =RPM, $164,096 - • piasoroap. • - - _ Edgar - O. B: Spangler, 0. G. Bower," - - Abraham Hex, • • John W • B. S. Warne, , •JohnAlatt.deeP, George Howell, - Within R. Potts, Wm. F. Leath; ' • B. T. Xensil, R.* H. lionston, • •. Jos. B.:Withers, •Abrahain .P. Byre, . - , , _B. Booth, , _ , - Charles Jahn , " LE. - • • ' 112 SPANBilift; President. B. S. WARMS, 'Viso President.' ORAL A. Dirt, Beeretiry. - • - LIME INSURANCE. • : - BY YIDS )IELIANCR MUTUAL INSUBANON COMPANY OP PIIILA,DBLPHJA. On Bid/dings, Limited or perpetual,Aferchowlisi, • Persil:fere, re., - in 'Town Of Country. 008 'WALNUT -- BOBBT. `- CAPITAL. $177020. Aeaapsj 5282,406.89. Investedus follows, viz:- •,• • - , - - Pleat Mortgages on Improved City primerty, worth double the amount 120,260.00 Pennsylvania litallroad Co'e.'o per cent. mortgage 'rasa, 530,000, mad. 28,600.00 Allegheny County 8 per cent. Penna. It. B. - Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. Stook 4,000.00 iltock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Companj 19,150.00 Stock of County Piro Insurance Co . . ... 1,050.00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance t 475.00 Bills receivable, business. paper - - -52,711.50 Book Accounts, accrued inteanst, Ps:"... • .8,03010 Cash on hand and in Bank; • 10,0.4324, M President, T 088.• ' Seminal ' Hobert Steen, WiAiew hither; • Benj. W. Tingley, - • - Marshall Hill, - - Z. LOthrop, , Oblides Leland, , Isooli T. Dunting,. Smith Bowen, John Pittsburgh .1111i01121Alt, Secretary. . - (Dion Tfngle William IL Thompson, David 8. Brown, Com:Milne Btovenson, , Bohn 1L 8. L: Canon, Bob4irt 'Poland; „ Mona JohnsOn, Oharim 8. Wood, Jam* 8. Woodward, -fa2o-a to th•vp-tt D. M A MY.RICAN ,PIRE..INSURANCE CO., INCORP9RAT,EDIBIO:-eItARTBR PRR PETUAL. No 810 WALNUT Street, shirrs Third, Philadelphin, - Horny. v. large paid-op Qapitol Stork - end Surplus Invested s6and and iraileble Ea:arid/et, ominous to injure on Dwellings, Stores Pornitnre, - Merchandise, Welle in Port and th eir thirgoes, end, other Personal rty. AU Loedee liberally end promptly Slatted,. rdiutoroza. George Abbott, . John T. Lewis, Sohn Welch' Casper NY:Hersh!, Somnel 0. Morton, James B. Campbell, Petrick Grady, •Mdmond O . Dntilh. • Charles W. Poultney. - - • . GROBOR -ABBOTT, President. • THOMAS B. MABIB. deonitnt : 3 43 1 If VATING's FARINA: CRACKERS, made frOm material prePartd from that portion of -the Wheat which Li most 'NUTRITIOUS and REALTII- ItTis estimated that ONE POUND CONTAINS-AS MUCH NUTRIMENT AS TWO POUNDS OP . BREAD, as it is usually baked. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS . . . are of small size, over ninety to the pound; and bakes dry. - They are delightful to the tasto,and one of the best Crackers ever produced for FAMILY USE.. • • FOR LUNCIL, and with•Oystere, they are unequalled. We ask every mother to procure WING'S FARINA CRACKERS for her children, They are far superior to many of the preparations usually given to them. being decidedly more healthful and nourishing, and, an they dissolve readily In the mouth; are always Melt with a fine zest. Ladlea and Gentlemen will find them nnsurpassable for their • FINE FLAVOR AND PLEASANT TASTE. Delicate Ladies, and all persona whose habits arm more or less sedentary, will find WING'S CRACKERS most excellent. For Professional Gentlemen, Bankers,Merchanta„ and Clerks, they may be used for 1.17N11 with great advantage In maintaining a healthful regularity el thts Teachers and Scholars, In schools generally, will ftrui thorn very agreeable:. , ' WING'S FARINA CRACKERS are a Most valua ble article - Tor Travellers in 'the cars; or on shipboard, at sea, they are one of the very best things that can bra eaten. The use of them is becoming widelyoxtendod. and, ft* order to guard spinet deception, EACH CRACKER IS STAMPED WITE TEE NAME A. wiSa." There are no other Crackers manufactured in the Vetted States like these, or known as true Farina. Crackers. WING'S FARINA CRACKERS may be procured of the best family Grocers generally, by wham they are emensrvety aunt, 1.. ,mwnesnt.orw or A w.r. t... v.ds - States, and at wholesale only or norttN. Thompson es Go.. 221 and 223 Fulto , kreet, New York. DINCIEE R OTIIER, holelodo Agents, No. Sourh'RRONT Eltieet:Thllad'a " For the convenience of purchasers, we give the names of some:of our best Grocers who sell them ' • , PHIL !WILMA . , Anacreon & Dunlap, , ,No.• 1810 Lombard street. H. & T.' Atmore, No. 1000 Buttonwood - at R. Black, No. 1719 Chost - nut street: Thompson Black, No. 20 South Bread snout. Jas. R. Bowman, - No. 552 N.l7th street. S .& R. Boyd, Nd. 1614 II scb street. M. L. Burt, , No. 269 North Fifthetteet. W. Campbell, NO. 644 Pine. street. - „ Win. Campbell & Co , co. 11th and sts. - James W. Campbell, No. 200 Walnut' street. • Simon Colton, ' No. 1100 Walnut street. - John Del foe . , _ No. 1602 Market street. James Dobbins, -- No. 1937 Market street. J. M. Ellis A Son, corAlth awl Spring Garden. Edward Friel, , •, , , or. 97hand Spring Garden. Henry Floyd, 2 coo. S. 12t1i' and Lombard. Gordon & Ferguson, coo. 10th and. Market ALI- David B. Graham, (lion, corner Sixth street. Thomas Graham, corner Sixth and Cherry - . arailarn:& Marten, ' - No. 1035 Market street. Samuel W. Gray, ' - -No: 352 South Fifteenth st.. Samuel Hayes. • . • corner 11th and Welmit: William C. Johnston ; corner 13th and (firer& ay. J. B. & S. A. Love, Booth and Brown striate. M. McCarthy, Tenth. or. tleorge street. J. A H.'lslcClees, ' No. 710 N. Second street. C, tc, Mattson, cor. Tenth and - Arch atn. Wm. L. Maddock & Co:, N 0.115 South Third street. 'John H. Parker, Eleventh atilt 117ork0t stn. Williani Perrin, - lf Tweth, coo, Chestnut et. Philip It . P ur dy,No..loWalnut etreet. MOW. R. fatten, Locust, cor. Thirteenth at. Samuel 17.ovrs, . Sixteenth and Pine streets. Sarno] 11 110.02 Or. Second and Brown etc. Albert C. Roberti, Eleventh, corner Vino et. Andrew Sproule, or. Marshall A Coates et. Morris F.Spillin, , • • cor. Eighth and Arch ate. Jeremiah Starr, car Fifth A Merchnnt'ste. Wm. C. , Stevenson, No. 712 South Second at. Joshua Wright,- . ' cor. Sp. Garden& Franklin J.ll. Wheeler, cur. Third and Lombard st,, John 111 Weaver & Co., _ corner Second and.Pino ete. W 7.34 . , . ~ S 1 ATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I-LIU:K.4Ins State, ofaloe, and at vo, loaroies,)ceit can diintl•T hlnd;6na for sa rdgING:FOX., &00.; • GERMANTcIt9N ROAD and street. N. B. 9tite Nooffl pat on in ilia beta manner, and ...re. Deirtna ittended to. All wort 'extruded. rat LIUBE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.—::. I. A vory superior artlolo. For sale In large or usual[ lots, by . OROASDALR, PALM A, a 00. . mys WI Nnrth Pot:mare avenue. qgIiOULDKE.S.--60 buds. Shoulders, in dry!" l salt s for sale by Ct. C. SALLE:RA. CO., . --494 0 North WATZJI Arad, 66,031 00 80,000,00.. 14,60000 202,777,0; 10,000 1)0. 83,626 SO