feint" iron a t key West, and Caliernitt ! , iffiiiiiNSlSOlireetOoltilintlfitiiii.r"',7!f•'-- • -. The -Steseisfdalsabeli%Capt. Rollins, arrived at quarantine at - Alietiften"o'clook on Saturday eve oie aitaoA, via Key West, bringing dates, telho'loth instant. , ; • 1£658:=--.lt rs 2w 'ditty ; to re- Vas two further:Outrages upon American' cam .monfe„perpetrated by British cruisers. The first t, 2 is, If that be not an -Alberni . neon the relater trading brig Allan - A ' ChiPman, Captain Laurent, winch mired bete ' from New Orleans on the 90th ult. -'' Oaptainidturent reports that, when he had ar rived in Spanish' waters; the British steamer Styx fired several :Musket balls his vase!, ryas went her'over: , nfaithead; and whenit *as forind she would Mot:" heave - to," the steamer was run directly athwart her bows; a boat from the OtYx came alongside the brig; -.the oustOmary ini peril neut. questions wore pat, and wheafabOut to leave, • the - other'snid_.' ," It it the Sty - a-` - thiti. time; Cap-, tutu, and not - the. Forward," thcfrorward having been the gunboat that - fired a bleak cartridge-at the brig. on her previous voyage, which she duly and properly 'returned , The last Onfroge we have heard of is the doten •tion of the barque biarmlon, which sailed a short • time - ago from Ibis port for Sagua la Grande - to load. She was overhauled by a British steamer ioame unknown) and detained between three, or tour hours. • The United States steamers Water Witch -and , Fulton arrived .hero- last-, Saturday ; the, former MOM into this harbor, the latter did not.' Tho „ 'commanders of - loth vessels were, however, in this city; having shipped coast pilots they both went 'to sea next day. The Water Witch has again J been here, for, *mime, the letters 'and orders - for beth-vessels, received , by mail steamer' from - .New York.. - We have alstrlnid *Visit from 'British sloop -of Doviunation, - of eli . guns and four hundred horse pownr: ,- ,Ccinimaiider Alrity;of the Fulton, paid her an-of telalviiit' last Sunday. She mime from and returned tollermuda. , , • .1. the . 341.1n0ti , the, Spaniplesteamer Mojicoi.e. turned -frons Vera. Crue and: Sisal. She did not bring:tiny news ;lint she had among litiepassim gel% One *4111,1,4041 '.'peif(nty, . YuctatOr :•-•"" ' " : • • - During Ignacio ,Oomcrnfort's Administration In Mexico, this, iiisitation of Indians was not per mitted ; under the present rule in that unhappy • country :men born free as the air they'breathe are made prisoners 'of_war," ..anct - then sold' into_ slavery. The 91 Instant 'was the :solemn feast day' of Corpus , Divine aervicas were celebrated in the cathedral, bat the nnfavorable state of the, " "Weather prevented r.ther customary- procession :in the -afternoon; It; however, - took place on Sunday. Last Thuriday night, one heaviest rains, .• descended at , Katanitast -, Wirtir3 ktitreiri:ZTfte 'bier Yumuri overflosted'ltti, city. Sielt;ptainleivitirtfreinOVedkrom their Lentos In boats, andjevetal lavnehoa lirihe harbor filled with water and sank at their The public health, Lam sorry to mild, is far frbm good. - Yellow fever is exhibiting • its - sudignent, , power amongst the mercantile manna. Au American naval offigerhed a ltingnonference with•Lieut.'Pyni the nvilitag of hie arrival at Key .West, bpi% tbspreicint all-alwrbing subjoin of the "righter march" and the overhauling and firing into Ainerioarivessate lithe Gulf. Pym ge gyred the einem . that- SW 't caw' inetrWatsons; had -been given bias by his Government; bat that beand all his consorts were acting under.pridedorchids med in 1849.'.. The activity of the fleet; ail *Mites t , - ad by their imarditteand irking rote some fortylor " fifty Vissekt'during the - past two menths, probably.- '" Mains origin in - thli wise!. , few, weeks-ago," said Lieut t "Pyro,!'whlle cruising off_the Moro, I boarded _ an American veaseLthat bad just • left pert; and: in answer _to Anquiries'ler 4 news, was told that a - spleddid= olippee:siip :was' fitting.,ont for the vewould and - would- be ready tavall the fel , lowing accordingly watched for her, and had the satisfaotion, the following day, of taking , valuable prise. -She had.the most complete out -fit, &large stock Of..proviskuni f ample &commode tiens for fifteen hundred slaves, and: besides, a bag , containing 2,3oo 4 donbliioni;With which her cargo; was to be purchased. ' Proof being sufficient, she was:taken to Jamatea, libelled; and condemned. She was a lawfutprise,and tioldorith all on boaid, for .$100,000., .-The - stetuner 'Styx,. being in, sight, was - Cntlibid lis-brielitif the - prise money, or My share would , hit* hsain $10,600: As it was, I re calved ss,oool!er heats', work." CIT,r;ITEMS. A lizitririrtri: Equa4,.. feet .•evenlngf presented one of the meet fascinating Ochres that the oreof the most bottidloits"depitedeohld wish • to4ook upon .` the beep dislidginf4;tte dint , Ormaf, ge,S4 :jest. Onienough to been, aim . planted, wit, • newrtrop of luxuriant emerald; • this, with the di rkTolhige of the, trsea—whloh, We Are glad; 44M:hut:tire worms have deigned 'notto mo lest In their revamp:to - sleek-rope, advelituresnon trastedetreetlyyrtltlin brown grovel-maks, throniek with handtede of merry, rolltoktng children, In parti colored dretatie!• . The eentieffeiintain wu cubing Its crystal )eta' and mingling lie plaintive long arid 're freshing spray withtircoffverkvoleet 1111 he air around. /be scene, hathiA l ai it war with the mallow tints of a serene evening airy, wee one of rare loveliness, and Came hens to the mind oka - member of the 0 .0: G.' A. O." as i gritefal'odsie, long to be remembered. ' "Gtitour."Cnnut Puoria-,-Tio credit, et having _tendered medicitme palatable hu been hitherto main-. 17 icouopbitsed by the 4 onrie'Fipathie:dlielples of Hahne This isucef way, we Thick, w.w be Justly do-, puted by our townsman, Mr. Stephen V Whitman, No. IMO klarkatatreet; who lOW just added to his 'splendid stock of drat:dais uatectiouaty in artiOle entitled as above. It is prepared, with great care, from Tunnies (linger, the medicinal qUalitles of which are too well lunanin be ridereseite,„Lera. Yree....‘ (Beget! ,Dropet ere aliesdi4igikuit demand, and daily increasing in popularity. . • . • - Mr.' CLARK; the patentee of Clark's new patent Hour mill, now In constant operation in rambetton court, it the Exchange, wishes to contract with parties to build his mills.: Ile can be consulted at his mill, In Pendorton , ioutt, at the . 810111030. This valuable mill can be omen in . constant use at all times: 'The pateliteebeiellnebledounty and State rights, which he hi disposing of at's amenable prices,: The publio are in vited to call and see _ - - , OREEN'AND COATES STREETS PASSENGER Riff. = way.:—llooks for Habseription to the capital stock of this Company were, opened yesterday ,at the ComMis sinners' ifall r . North 'Third stout, reindutiOn was adopted any one individual from aubse.ribing for more Than one hundred shares the first day. Baleen hundred and dityAvo shires - wore taken yeiterday, !Mer in only three -hundred and - forty-Ave ehares yet to be taken, which will doubtless be readily nubscribed for on the opening of the *mks : this morning., EIVTDIgLIC - • iSuccsetwoz. — l Th sperlmenta' made in laying the nub-marine telegranblo, that Is to connect the old and new worlds, have"provral entirely suceessful, andtheapparattis for payfug out add hauling it in is prodoiruced perfect, The same result, ari fat pe •success Ara peifeetion are 'Concerned, hoe crowned the efforts of Granville 'Race, the: greet' clothier and fashbi m r, of No. W 7 Chestnut street,. in supplying our citizens with elegant summer clothing, unprecedented for beauty, durability, and moderation of price. • TEE GIIBAT MESTISII ow TIM/MAX NIGIIT.— lion Humphrey_ Marshall, in his speech at National Ilalk 'Tuesdaynight, said ho had alwaya been au ad' 'vacate Oflidnie manufactures, but he had been greatly strosigtbehed and "confirmed In thin opinion lately by dropping in at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Jiock.. ' hill di Wilson, Non. 605 and CO5 Chestnut street, above Sixth: Be' considers theli clothing the perfection of wearing apparel, -Ponnardsi among the many improvement's of •thilprogressivo , tge Is the despatch with which orders for" elegant summer chithing are filled at the "Old. Franklin Hall Clothing , Fonporium ,) of It. 11. lll •dridge; 321 Chestnut street. Thin estublishment has acquired an enviable ,repidation,forlhe making up .of ,Lirst class 'goods, moderation In chargee' obligtig -nalosmen, and artistic cutters: Speakidg of cutters, the - many friends of Mimeo Is,..kngliSh will bo glad toicarn that he la at the head of the customer deportment of this establishment. ' His name is a synonym for an that is elegant and graceful in iitylo and finish of a gentle man's• garment, , , importations [Reported for thiPress.l LIVERPOOL—Ship Thorne.* Jefferion, 11111-6 pkgs mdse I & J P Steiner & Co; 2 pkge rase H Cobra;, 17 do W 11aphael; Ido S'Earlt; r, do Billings, Hoop, & Worhinatoo; do L.lohrisen'ec ,Co ; do J . Penrose & 0c1; 4 do arstodf; Wardln, &: Co; 132 do Lewis Sc. p 0; 26 do Hoolliteeie, Son, & Co; I do d W Poulson; ado . dridge, Higdon , & Cin 6do 1` & Y Evans; 22 - do Biter; & Co 1 do Shaffner, & Vo;. 2 do W P Wltataoh & b o ; do BLeadreth &t)on' Ido D ItSolts; 44 do Stuart, &,8ro; 12 ' do 12 eases cas tor oil Hallos & Civet eadkirda"..ish & 0 textual; 08 do do do' fr&3V,Wehoh; 7 do wine L Beakers; 22 do hardware & Y Colemen; 5 'chaste Indigo Stewart, Carson, & Cor 2 tasks hardware Handy &Brenner, 8 do do W 8 Hen sell &Sou; 1 pig earthenware P Wright ft Sons; 74 do do Aabor7; od do dp 'Hee llaraersly; 1 nine steel' H Thutork;,4 do , books Penns Bible Society 1,888 bars 1,518 bdls.lron Morris; & Jones, & Ce• .4 to.do 1,014,d0 ,do Monlo; 'baker dc Co; -MR do 28 1 do R Legal; 133 do 1.857, do id _lll,ohbo _4011,1412 - do. - N k Taylor; 52(Cdo do fitinrer. - &;-.Vaittaker; 2,10:17 seeks common salt 84000,d080e do S .Batdwin & Co;, 25 bbls borax 113 Oaks sods teh - 46 eareireoppeid do mdse 20 - pke hard ware 20 emits arsIRIOX) pals Ma order. ,- • - LETTER. BAGS . •'-', At iiiii kterelsag.g.'o,Exchaiith Phitactetphia: Ship Lenisestar,Liesen •- - • ' Liverpool; noon Barque Aohilles;ispedded • • - - London, soon Barque VilitteMing,'EsltSg I egneyra, June 19 Barque BAYsiglitt, Jr, Gibbs. - Yahnouth, Js, eon Barspie,,Oordolis t•lierri; • Barbadoes, !goon thee m, May the:ldle - • Hanna, soon Brig Metier, Anderson • Bevan*, soon Brig Sqill, Barns St Jego de Cuba, soon lavin JnieUi~eiui FORS OF PHILADELPHIA, June 17, 151116. BUN a 5 I)SI:IN , fr3NTB 4 2G ineiritsblp Bennebea s Hand, 24 hours from New York - via Oaps Mar, with' mdse and pusensers to Jam All. Saw yeilirdifs morning: shipßottmater,from Liverpool; bpi ow " the Ledge. coming , up; brig ' eon. ,„ der, We - berm i i ti f isi'ae4 a 00 4 4,0 f aches below Wnstieilc:boliaswp; • • Bbilf TholmoOsterson 1111 i &QM Liverpool lit oft, • with Inds* x*raiii & Berrtoni• • Brig Abitabsas, nit : thews, dayi from Balton, in loot tO MiptalS,_ • ••; • • 0 . 211 / • iron Oasis, with tolasitiA - 443strin,„•• - • ilohe,Drifsibstif SIIMD, 8 4syf fr,;g 4 R og irr I; with atone td Barker, Wright .1. . _;„ • DOW 'll4 'Merest, Boblnion 0 days fro et' I 3m o on n "Amnia tO R WWII*. 00, •? :who! hi, Jarman, riom tin r IPointAn ballast triNoble, ilmiunett dr • OsHwell. • • Sake Voirtiglikerisit,7tift, 1 day from. Port lisposit, with tiara to .I'L Berri, & 00. ' Behr Martha Wrightington, Wright' ogion, 3 deei from Pall River, - In ballast to Oabeen & Co. , Akin Elklnton, Naylor, 10 days from Newbtuyport, with Otte to fillo &Wood. , - .A Heekaher, Stubby 4 days from Borten, in battaattokSivrtera.tddco. Behr :Flora i ning, Sagett, 0- days from Jacksonvllls, e• .171 - with liunb•Ato ollPtatl• ' - ' 143 ?.DOO lO O, Risley, d days from Portland, Cl, with, ; atom( to. swintin - • • • , - • :-41i3131Soeedi Sonierai from New Yolk • . SWohibr i gmithi.from Boston. . _ rriedi Bartlett, from Boston. • la r ßteolman, Irvin Boston • • BP: froin Boston. Behr 11 A WeettaoYmiks, from Boston. -fichr fisow4fiabs i lrenrsr,from Boston. • - • • AtabillsiOrloSti froM.Prorlderfoo L Sabi II Oomph:M.l%op, from lloelport. ' ' Bohr.; 4NterXf Vitt:tta4 OM Neirport; • BRIOUSHM-Urii Abby sav-Elisabeth, Briggs, henna pq; Y prtiapOsti rib? .rfneisil?g 4oin thellvir P M ou„'Puesde ,y tun into. thoilahr Argna Eye, then lYingeatifildheilailow. - _ - Tinictiii, and had larboard quer. ter stove, slatted ;man chain bolts, split foresail, &e, and put back " last evening for repairs. The eahr had fore topmast sprung, and sustained some ellgtt damage lit bulwarke. • "' • " " CLEARED: - • - Barque Cheater Turple, Mobile, Pettit, Martin & Co Barque John Winthrop, Park, Boston, L Audenned. - • - Rohr 800, Crowell, Antigua, Thee Watteau & Bane. Bohr Maine, Risley - New Haven, Reveller & Dro. Behr R.O Mercer, Robinson, Boston, It R Corson & Co. Bohr Speed; Somers, Boston, Tyler, Stone & Co. ' Bohr D. 12/ Wheldin, Jarman, Boston > Noble Hammett -& Caldwell.' Bohr L Audenried, Rartlett, Beaton, N Sturtevant & Co.' ' Bohr 0 A Heeksher, Stubbs, Denton. • do ` Bahr .7 Ireland, Steetaum, Boston, Bil2lllot/11:111 Glover. , Bohr Id Fillmore; Tuttle, Boston, W H Johns. Behr HA Weeks, Weeks, Beaton, Noble, Hammett & Coldwell, Rohr Show Flake, Weaver, Boston, Daum, Ogle & Co. . Bahr I 8 Weldiu, Smith, Chelsea, do Rohr Mall, Crowell, Providence, Crowell & Collins. Behr Nelms; Post, Providence, L Botbermel. oar. Compton. Sharp, Rockport, Drown & White. ' Behr - 7,llagers. Elliott, Cambtidgeport, W 11 JOhne. Behr Joe Clark, Boston , Blakleton & Oox. Bohr Sophie Ann, Smith, Roxbury, do Baby Boston,-Brower, Providence, do 'Bohr Clam, Yates. • do do Bohr G II Twitchell, Bople, Westcheetor, do Behr 0 W Holmes. McElwee. Lynn, do Bohr G D White, Trimmer, Middletown, do H L Gaff, her, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVER DE GRACE, June 16.1858. The Kinston left hero this morning with 7 boats in tow. liulen and consignedu follows: Flirt, 8 11 Bailey & Bon, Win MoVonkey, F P Fisher, F Walton, Hopes and Col W W Murray, coal to Dela. 'ware City. ' ,Our canal is in good order, with the exception of a few washes ceased by the heavy rale; bat all - will be right 'today. (correspondence of the Itilidelphie Exchange.) • I,BWEB, Del., JUDO 16—.8 A M. ." The barques Thomas Hallett, for Laguayra; Aaron I Harvey, for Darbadoem brige reify, for Iliehroond; nopeo, for Boston, and a large Beet of colliers, went to sea yesterday. About thirty sail danie to harbor last evening, and remain, among which were brigs Grecian, Raesian f Martha 011ohriat, Calvert, Beadle 'and echo %ear, (yacht Dawn) Clara, 0 L Hulse, E Errickseu, Hampden, Hello; Isaac Rich, A'Ltie, OomTackerddery J Hoyt, Onward, J Spencer, John Barnum, U 8 oil sclar Elisaifor supplying the light heusee, ant revenue °otter Forward. Wind NE, told and rainy, which make fire and overcoats quite comfortable. . Yours, /so. - WIS. M. HICKMAN. igr vatanna.rw. (Oderespondenee or the Philadelphia Exchange.) oars lat.azin, Juno 18-3 P. M. Several saws have passed Su during the day, but fie -thing was aeon ,going out. A large Heat in now at the Breakwater, Wind id s i • Yours, dc0,..:, - TAOS. B. 1/1311111E8, MII4OBANDA . . ... . ' !Stsatnahip Ponisylfahlas Toil, sailed from Richmond 16th Inst. for Philadelphia. - Ste - unship Boston Bellew, hence,arrlred at N York yesterday. Ship J 0 Richardson, Lotiis;henco at Oity 'Point 16th test.. -. . Ship Pleladen, Winsloiv, from Liverpool for Philadel phia,. got ashore on Arklow Bank 2d loot, bur came oil daring the night. • Ship Orpheus, Chide, hence, remained at !long Kong 12th April. • Ship Plying Mist, Linnell, for Kong Kong, vac load• fug at Singapore 214 April. - Ship Irrigate Bird, Cope, remained at Hong Kong 12th April. chip Vim Chamberlain, Sherman, uncertain, remained at Calcutta April , Ship frumuel, Witte, Stile, from Callao, at London lat lost; • ." Ship 06411111 Ringer. Milli, for Newport and Rio de Ja neiro, sailed from 'London 29th nit, and from Deal Jet Instant. - a tra u N t i t Tio t rill, Brock , from Calcutta, arrived at Lon 'Am Elizabeth, Oillupin, hence, arrived at St John, NV, 12th init. - - Ship Woymouth,Billott, was loading et Akyab 21st April, for Europe. Ship 844 Ileum Dinnham, hence, remained at Eh tuna 12th' lot, nue. Ship Jane D Cooper, Collins, for Falmouth, Eng, re mained at Matanzas 7th tort Ship 'dilly:mitle, Rhodes, for Melbourne, cleared at N York yesterday. Ship Santiago, Ames, from Boston, arrived at Bombay April 27. - • BOZO° Oonmd, Salsbury, hollers, via Richmond, wan at Pernambuco 18th ult. Barque Ann E Grant, Nelson, for Ain de Janeiro, With part of inward cargo, was at Pernambuco 18th ult. Barques Oatharine, Baker, and Martha, Jenkins, for -Philadelphia, were at Genoa 2d inst. Barque Old Hickory, Holmes, which Jailed from Ma tuns 28th ult, Is bound to Trieste, and not Falmouth, u before reported. Barque Alfred B MIS loading at Havana 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig B G Ohalonor, Thompson, hence at Boston 15th hut. 'Brig Hamad Welsh, Barrett, cleared at New York yesterday f r Union tatemd. Brig Wm Willson, Farrell, hence, was discharging at Pernambuco lath ult, for BM do Janeiro. Brig Foaming Sea, Resuchamp, for Rio Grande, nailed from Richmond 15th lust: Bahr ltosamonil, Owens, from rernantbuco 18th nit ; arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Bohr George W Krebs, Emerson, hence at Baltimore yesterday. fiche Gazelle, Somers, hence, arrived at Marblehead Bth Inst. Behr Crivia, Bomar, hence, arrived at Danvers 12th Behr Mora, Jordan, cleared at Calais 6th lust. for Phi ladelphia. bchr Damon, Pitcher, hence at Cabala 2d last. Behr E P Lewis, Clark, hence, arrived at Cortland 14th inst. Bohr Christopher Loeser, Snow, cleared at Boston 16th lost for Philadelphia, Bohr Daniel Morris, hoover, from Brandywine, at N York 15th lout. Schr Embark, Donoho, hence at Alexandria 15th lost Mire 11 D Gibson, Clocker, Thee Patter, Glover, hence for Norwich, and U Endicott, Leeds, do for New port, at New London 14th hut. Behr L Clark, Booey, hence at Providence 14th lent. fictir N Atwood, Atwood, cleared at Boston 11th tat. for Philadelphia. Behr Crime, Denear, hence at Denver' 12th inst. Bohr N Holmes, from Delaware City, at Fall River 18th inst. Bohr Pharos (US) York, wiui to sail from Key Wait 12th Inst. for Pliladelphis. Bohr Tninaport; Tilton, hence at N Haven 14th lust. . Behr M Collins, Mine, hence at Now Bedford 14th Wet; - tichrs Lady of the Ocean, Tibbetts, P 0 Smith, Smith, for Philadelphia, and War Steed, Smith, for Delaware Olty, sailed for Providence 14th lint. Str Medea, Orumley, hence at Hartford .14th inst. Propellers Planet, Loper, and Tunny, Nilson, hence at New York yesterday. NOTION TO MARINERS Notice is hereby given that the Buoy on Old Man's Ledge, a guide for vessels bound into Penobscot Bay, has bean replaced. ' By order Of the Lighthouse Board. THEO. P. GREEN, Lighthouse Inspector, First District. Portland, Me, June 12,1868. MARINE MISCELLANY Brig Hebert Wing, of Dennis, 161 tone, built at Bridge- port, Conn, in 1860, has been purchased for the African trade for $6,600 cash. Ehe will still bail from Boston. Beg Souther, of Boston, 212 tons, built at Quincy lu 1840. was Farah - Had recently by a home in Gloucester for moo cash. April 22, 1 at 260 N , long 27, brig Mount Vernon, from Baltimore for Rio de Janoiro. May 3,lst 22 S, long 30 W, is ship bound showing a blue signal with letter /I In it. May 25, 50 miles Sof Cork, skip John Ilaven, Baiter, from Liverpool for Calcutta May 29, no let, &o, ship Uroat Republic, Limeburner, from London for New York- FOREIGN PORTS At Bissau, Africa, May 6, barque Turk, Ryder, from Cape deVerds about May 20. At Actra,Altlea, April 16, barque Fire 'Fly, Cann. wig; .brig Marshall, South, for Boston In 4 days Oapt Ayres would remain. At llnuptord ; larks ; April 10, barque May Queen, Baker, uno. At 'Nature, Africa, April If, barque Star of the Beet, Boyer, uno. at Manilla April 0, Alps L4tus, Leckie, for San Fran- Mem, Idg; Galatea, Barber, and Empreas, Le Craw, for New York, do; Magnet, lienty, for Boston, 'do. At Hong Kong April 12, ships Atmosphere, Lout, Boston Light, Crowell, and Moresfoot, (Br) for San Francisco Idg; Grey Feather, Brown, for New York, do; Armco, Clough, for Sydney, NSW, do; Norway, Major, .for do; -Franconia. Nowell; Flying Fish, Nickels; Snap Dragon; Darla, and barque Benefactor, Oniony, uuo. At Singapore April 21, ships Northern Light. Doane, use; NOrTwester, Gregory, for Hong Kong, dischg coal; It B Forbes, Ballard, for Boston, Idg; barques Auckland, Nelson, and .F.dward Koppiab, Eggleston, for male; Fairy, Minh, nue. At Shanghae April 3, ships Robin Hood, Bootee (or N York, Idei Sancho rilll=4, Bird, for Foochow, do. ' Em peror, Tibbetts; Edith Rote, Nickerson; llowqua,Cart *right, and barque Maury, Fletcher, uuc; ear ,Minna, once!. . • apt, Rangoon Aprlll7, dap Judge Shaw, Parker, from Madras. • At,Akyab April 21, ships Waban, Payee, and Brews. ter; Olark, for Europe , Mg; Messongor, Manton, for the Straits and China; George Marshall, Cooper, and Golden Era; BroWn; one; Marina, Robinson, do; barque Lucy A Nickels, Nlikets, do. At Calcutta Adril 22 , shirt Blaudina Dudley, Atwood) fOr Atattrit'ul, Idg' rice at 13 rupees per ton; Gem of the Ocean, Williams, for do do at 1 rupee per bag; Oslo, At wood, for China, cld..2lst; Granite State, Weeks, audit Kimbell, ponders , for Boston, big; Zingarl, Swift, for N Yore, do; littlish Trident, (13r) for do do; Alice Ball, Hickey; N Cushing, Plunser; Young Eagle, Cart wright, and Hortense, Barnes, for London, do; Jasmine, I lir) for Sau Francisco, chi lilt; Amos Lawrence, Nick erson; Midnight, Hatch; Shirley, Allen; Addison Gil bert, Faine• North Atlantic, Moore; Mary Ann, Item moods, and Hornet, Benson, net. ; • (Per stestosbip Ehropa, at Halifax.) Ar from Now York gist nit, Zephyr, at Constantly°. pie; 27th, Fredonia, Emily, and id X Jones, at Cadre; 241 last, Rhin., at Dec(l 81, Adeline, at _Dover; James, at Falmouth; Australia and Ellen Austen, at Liverpool. Ar from Now Orleans 28d ult, Catalina, at Cadiz; Id bast, Augusta, at Copenhagen; Resolute, at Liverpool; 81, Metropolis and A G Barney, at do; 4th, Nation:a llagle,-Xlizabeth Norris, Samuel Curling, d Blanchard, and Tempest, at do. - -Ar from Boston April 23, Santiago, at Bombay; Juno 1, David Kimball, at Newport. . Ar from do March 28,1dary Slade, at Batavia. Ar front Baltimore 2d lust, Voyageur. st Cork. Ar from ifavaunah 2d lust, Willard, at Liverpool; 3d, Nicholas Biddle and Bigln, at do;-6th, flebaallcook, at do. ea for New York 14 met, Gabbard, from Bremen; Vert.woren, from Tim]; 2d, Umpire State, from Liver pool; ad, Margaret Tyson, from do; 6tll, Prank Flint, from do; 2d, Milton. from tilasgow. Sid for do Mirth 29. Union. from Woosuog. Sid for City Point 3d Mat, Lydia. from Liverpool. Sid for Boston March 1, Hollander, from Padang; 17th nit, Ofenbridge, from Calcutta; 24 lost, Itialog Sun, fm Liverpool - Sld for Savannah 4th test, Monterey, from Liverpool. The Voyageur arrived at Queenstown ou 2d inet, and reports that she was thrown on her beam ands May 19th; and, lost bulwarks, mainmast, sails, !to, and was obliged to throw oveiboArd 900.bashels corn. .DOpfiffi . PICI PORTS NEWYOSIC, :flue 16—Ar, brig Mary Stuart, Seoul goo, (former Br brig A Smithers. Johnson, St J oho, N saw Maud Belle, Overton; St Darts. Old steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth ena City Point; ship Imo Webb, Dryer, Liverpool; brigs Fauna 0 Field, nettlinkll, Arroyo, PI; Essex, Dollen, Union . Island; sehrs Emily. Johnson; Turnoff, Blatt- Jnoref auct.D Ring, Crawford, Jacksonville. ROSTON, June 15—Ar, chip Zone, Wells, New Or leares,• barques S W - Porter, Stevens, Bissau, Africa; Menchester, Obaney. Accra, Africa; brigs Enoch Ron. nor, Sttddard, Aux Cayes; Qolden Load, Johnson, Now Oriesta At Quarantine, ship Sea King, Barker, Liverpool. -014,4111 pa /lotionsra g Hathaway, St Jobn, , Nß; Rajah, Rowan, St Onorge, NB, to load for Europe; barque,lu 41ana, Rivera, Biwattnab; ache Nalhi Doane, Doane, Haltimores • . • Palananary Consumption.—The Inutility of ordinary medicines In this fatal disease is an undenia ble fact, Pulmonary Consumption beink primarily aud eksentlallydue,to Improper asst inflation and dlionlered nutrition, can he rationally attacked only by a medicine which renovates the nutritive powers. such a mod e! BO is the PERUVIAN MUM, whose chief ingredi ent acts directly and immediately on the blood, and or reaW 4 ieeeee Safely And surely, wherever relief is possible. • Jolt-dot wit . Strauss & Goldman, No. 308 Market street, aliceie Third, Wholeiale dealers In CLOTHING, are noir selling Off Mgr ,ontiro MN* at fl4teil , et wholesale ;WM. Jea-las ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Or TO ONE WOLOON. THIS MORNING. GIRARD HOlllll—,Ohestant street, below Ninth. G W Jewett, E Y . J A Dean, N Y • , Chas Jones, N Y W Minima, Indiana WI) Alexander & la, Ind J Glover, Ind II W Van Veghtes, Ga Jno L Kirkland, Florida E A Holton & wt, blilwankee A Ii Gull, NV 3 II Cooper, Ga I 8 Cooper, Ga Y 3 Hilton & la, Yonkers, NYT W Osman, & la, Balt Wzr. Temple, Del Gal D Lockwood, Del R 0 Watson, N 0 Wm Garland, N Y Gen JR Williams, Memphis JP Jett, Memphis / il SW], Mktg° 111 0 Ellison, Del MIR 0 Stallard, Riehm'd, II M Stanard, Richmond, Va Va JS Eaton & la, Boston Alex Montgomery & lady, T Polhemns,jr, & la. N . ,,Y Miss W G Murray, Jersey city TR De Witt & wf, Rich'd L Boardman, Ot Thos Pomeroy, Plttfield, W White, Newark, N J Mass Jno Stottmann, Balt R Meacham, Balt II G Pont, Washißgton Oen W Oumrnins, Del J Cowles, 'N Y J A White, Va A Jackson, Tenn V Oaballea, Cuba G II Bishop, Wisconsin F Bausch, Cuba T Montigo, Cuba BI Xigus,Caba Edw Laborde, Cuba I. Fde Cuevas, Cuba , T It de Beyer, Cuba Louis Gouraler, Cuba Pere Vetdugo. Cuba - a Mariam & wr, Boston Jno Miller & la, Florida Mies E Miller, N 0 II A Brink & la, Balt a F Maddox & la, Md 0 Peeples & la, Ga Dr G Saratehley& la, New Hon 0 J Gilman, Me Orleans Alex Walker, Cincinnati, II Tyler, Cincinnati, Ohio Ohio W F Front, N Y V Blanchard, Washington Geo 0 Romeo, Boston M Greenwood & Is, tlinein- Then II Raatinau, Cincin nati, 0 nati, 0 Thdli S Whitman & wire, Ni' Geo Id Steinman, Pa W M Peyton, Vs 0 II Johnston & a, N J E Rome, N Y Oapt George Sykes 4 4 la, Mrs II B Wells & eon, II S A Brooklyn Mr Fielding, N Y S Farrell, Utica, N Y A Gabbil & la, Ky 3 Vannevar, Jr, Mass Mrs Wells, Boston W 0 Taylor, Owego, N Y W P Fetridge, N Y J L !Maher, Reading Jan D MoMarin, N Y MERCHANTS , UOTBL—Pourth greet, below Arob. .1 0 Everhart, Blair co, Pa G It Barniollar, Bedford James J Border, Centre on, Pa Mille, Pa • W F Murray, Uarriabut T Da• tele, llotlieVn, Masa 0 E Thompaon, Phila A M Hart, Bending Iron J II Walton, Btrouds- P, Dodge, Utah burg, Pa Z Belknap. Albany, N Y J B Mcoalmont and lady, J Eddy & lady N Y Franklin, Pa MA Guernsey. *ellab'ro,Pa L Miller, Ohenango co, NY W T Carey, Ohio W II Chapman, °Motu .l Chandler, Del nal!, Ohio Obaa T Barrett, Pa 3 3 aluebravr, Tina, Pa Ohms M Mall, Pa ONION 110TB4--Aroh street, below Fourtk. Oeo Bituer,Mochanicsburg, 11 Xttinger, N Y Penne 0 11 Griffis, Hancock, N Y 4' A Freund, Oil G 0 McMullen, Cal 1.1 j Bllleley,Waynesboro,Pit L V Seettergood,-Ohio . Mrs Shreiner and dough- SIC Paster ,Fronclitown,Nl ter, Laucoater -- • It 0 Warner, Money, Pa Harvey Birch, Beading, Pa J 0 Hopewell, Flemington, GIT ()rater Flemington, NJ N J J Larsson, k Jersey 0 II Meyer, Phil& J B Seltzer, Phil& • II II Willard, Ohio Geo Renck, Perry co, Pa It A Branyan, Duncanon, S 0 Hauser, Del Penne . Horace Onkr, Ohio Cleo W Maras, York, Pa D B Weiser, York, Pa W J Carson, Allegheny City AMERIOAN HOUSE—Oheshint street, above Fink Bard Pierce, N II J R Nowell, Phila Sarni Thompson, N Y John Manley, N Y Thompson Adair, Pitts- At A Cooley, Savannah burgh John Tubbs, Tioga, Pa it II Gerrie, Cal II It Johnson, (la . II Moor, Ga Jas Oarpanter, N J I, Sanford, N J Gee Meson, Aid Semi Johnson, Aid Henry Harris, Mil h 8 rralth, bi d 0 HUI Brinton, W Chester P D Gillman, N Y (ion Burgese, Albany, N Y N Barney, N Y Mrs Ilalitead, %liming- A Agar, N Y ton, Del T W Barnum, N Y 8 N Baran, Brooklyn W J Lewis fr. son, NY Wm R Ailing; N Y James It Miller, N Y L B Florence, N Y Mies E B Plorance, N Y il 8 Skinner, Danville, Pa A G Toadviuo, Md Chas Lemon, Washington Wm B R Willies' Washing- John A Landbrigh , , Wash• ton ington Jae A Harris, lowa City 0 G Thompson, Elmira Al Li Steinman, Reading Clark W Durkee, Rutland, 0 Jones, Ohoatville, 0 Vt J 0 Odenhelmer, Del NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. G W Nice, Port Carbon B B Nice, Harrisburg H L Smith & la, Pottsville II J Bendier, Pottsville Wm Denanhower, Beading (I A Smith, 'Nova, Pa S Stark, Tunkhrumock, Pa Mrs X J Abel, Allentown Mrs J R Saeger, Allentown D M Lebkicher, Lancaster Jae Rothermet. Lancaster .1 H. Smith, Allentown Isaac Lippman, Pottsville W F Voute, Schuyl Haven J W Young, alifilinbarg. Pa Mrs Moiret, Pittston, Pa L S Filbert, Lazaretto, Pa Jos Sevier', Leesport, Pa WESTERN HOTEL—Market street, above Eighth. Wm BeMeld, Pa Jae Dunn, Boston G A Jones & la, N Orleans Amos Howard, Pa H Adams, Pa Chu Baker, N Y B Thorn, Vt 0 Hoopes, Pa John Gilbert, N Y Thos Hand, Newark, NJ Wm Martin, Smlthap , t, Pa Mr Taylor, Connelsville It flutehlwora, Clearfield John Meehan, Clearfield Mr W Wilson, Uniontown, Owen Hampton, Pitteb'gh Penns Wm P Stanley, Is E Titman, Pa BALD NAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Oallowhlll. Edw thmerschnyder, Manch IS 11 Snyder, Bethlehem, Ohnek, Pa Penns Jonas Snyder, Bethlehem, Edw Spinner, Pa Penne John Bliwelteer, Berke to John Olonee, Hope, Ind John Reinhart, Berke co Miss Reinhart, Berke co •J BLACK BEAR HOT EL-Third above Oallowhill. L Griffith, Jenkin own Wm Buck man, Jenkintown Alain Faust, Up Lublin T B °miff, Tamaqua, Pa 0 Boeybarger, Reading Bob Balmier, Pottsville' Henry Bornentan, Pa Charles Ilelfrieh, Pa 811 Lenhart, Leesport, Pa Peter Lents, Lowhill, Pa Jos Pry, Allentown Theo Houser, Upper Dub- Joshua Polberling, Low- lin, Pa bill, Pa. BARLEY SHEAF llOTEL—Berond street, below Vine. John P Cooley, L filbert. J P Taman, Pike co, Pa vine, N J Daniel Dingman,- Pike on D W Lenox, Trenton 0 B Roberts, Newtown A 0 Nines, Willow Grove John Davie, Davisville John 0 Parry, New Elope Lukens Thomas, Lumber- Thomas Dyer Doyleetown nine J 8 Reston, Newtown IL 0 Forger, Books co, Pa J tiepin, Pa. MADISON HOUSE, Second street, above Market. Jas Pratt, Pa • J Dmithere, Frederica, Del .7 Townsend,Prederica,Del Wm P Orr, Lewes, Del A Mallvaine, Angola Isaac Anderson, Maryland Wm Demorny, Ohio 0 'Dickler, Lancaster co.l'a Wm T Halfpence, N Y II S Copo, Freehold, N J BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth and Merobant streets. Moses Ring, Birch Run, Pa Wm Foy, Lewisville, Pa Henry Be en, Pa Leonard Denney, Pa John fouls , N J J B Rennody, Lancaster co Jos Mintzer, Pottstown, Pa J R Lewis, Del co, Pa David Snyder, Boston Tomb Olovenstine, Phoi- Semi Cornett, Pluenliville villa Ps Ceo Pearson, Chester co Wilson Lysle, Chester co Griffith Ellis, 'Pork co, Pa Rat. Hodgson, Now London It J Houston, Lancaster co Pa Miss Houston, Lancaster co 11 S Nerns,siancsator co 11 0 Lee & la , Chegter co W Levis, West Cheater Eli 8 Bullock, Chester co Operial Nagel; Meg irors • PHILADELPHIA CITY DIRECTORY, ron 1859, Will be published at the usual time, greatly enlarged and Improved, and will contain, in addition to the common matter, ooveral NEW fenturos. A RESIDENCE of nearly TfrlitTl! YEARS in thin city, and the Compilation Of the City Directory for TWENTY-ONE YEARS, together with the Annual Outlay of a large amount of money, are, it in confidently believed, sufficient warrants of capability to Insure cor rectness and the continued patronage of my friends and the public. A. MCELROY, fell.fmw 3t* 432 CHESTNUT. Miring Nand.—Five Per Slants Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, B. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money rocehred in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and such itret-class securi ties as th charter requires. Offloe hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock In the afternoon, and on 'Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. teti Raving Fund—Atarrlrun Lite Insurance and Trust COMPANY, S. E. corner FOURTII and WAL NUT—CAPITAL $300,04X1. DOl.oAllorit paid on demand, In Gold and Butner. Thin old Institution never conned to pay all 84,1191 U full during the renlo AND LANK 849- P 191981114. jes.l2t Bower's Infant Cordial.--This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of tho most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and la the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy core ti effected in all, cane of Cholie, windy palms and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children'', suffering during deati• Con or teething, and by its soothing properties tram. (minxes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, .ko. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used lu thousanda of oases with the moat abundant sumac No family altoald be without It. Prepared only by Meal A. Dowels, At bis Drug and Chemical Store, N. A. tamer of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. - And for sale by Druggists generally. on 111-ly °river k Baker's 011LiBUATIID NAMILY SEWING SIAOIIINEB, 730 ORESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted 'to be the bent in use for family sowing, making a new, strong, and elastic stitoh, which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be out.. Oiroulars sent on application by letter. ap9-7 Jackson, JOB PRINTER, , hIEROIIONT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heade, Cir oder*, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, a prices to suit the times. 0017-1 y Singer's Sewing Machlues.—After a fair trial of the several machine. that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous vordlet of operators hos been given in favor of Singer's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING DIACIIINE beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet Invented, being "nt once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, In every respect, to nay other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. M. SINGER k CO., Office, No. Cal 2 CHESTNUT Street Seamen 4 Saying Fund—Offleo 203 Wa lnut Street, one door west of Second street. Bemires de posits In enure of One Dollar and upwarda, from all Glasses of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of Sri per cent, per annum. °Mee open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until S in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. The beauty of glossy silken tresses has al ways been the theme of poesy and of love. Persons whose hair iv harsh and wiry should use that elegant preparation, JULES RAVEL'S EAU ATIIENIENNE, OR lIAIR RESTORER.' It removes all impurities from the skin, keeps the pores open, and promotes a healthy growth of luxurious hair whore baldness ex ists. A Cow applications render the hair rich, soft, and glossy, and change gray hairs and whiskers to their ori ginal life-color. It Is not a dye, and soils not the skin or linen. by all druggists, and by JULES UAUEL & 00., No, 70 OLLESTNUT Stmt. !THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 17. ISSS: In Norwalk, Connecticat, on the Bth Instant, by,the W Rev. W. B. Weed Mr. J. TIIOIIAB ILENDERSON, of Philadelphia, to nuity E. HANFORD, of the for• wer place. On the 10th Indent, by Rev. Mr. Clay, Mt tothfill , WEBSTER OASII to Bliss CADY JONES, it of this elty. On the 16th Natant, by Rev. floury Steele Clarke, D. D. Mr. RICHARD R. EWBAIIIIB, of Wilmington, Del., to Miss ANNIE N, BARNETT, of the same place On the 10th blatant, by Rev. A Atwood,Mr.PRZIAP JOIINSON to Miss MARY JANE DALDBY, all of this city. On third day, (Tuesday,) the 16th Instant,-RIITH ANNA COUGINS, wife of Edward 11. (loggias, in'the 30th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are itiOlted to attend the funeral from the residence of her brOther.rin law, Charles Paxson Doper Dublin Township, Mont. gomery county, on sixth day (Friday) morning, 18th inst., at 9 o'clock, without further notice. Carriages will be in waiting at Edge Hill station North Penney). vaults Railroad, to meet the train Laving Chatham street, at 7.25 o'clock, A. 51. Interment at Woodland Cemetery. * On the 15th instant, at hie residence. near West Chester, Pa, JOHN TAMMY, Son,, aged 78 years. * On the 15th Instant, Mrs. ANN W. JONES, In the 79th year of her age. On the 16th Instant, JOHN DEMPSEY, In the Diet year of his ago. On the 15th instant, MARTHA JACIGERS, aged 78 para. On tho 15th Instant, CONSTANTINE Mo(IOWAN, aged 26 years. * On the 16th instant, Mr. OOBDON B. FULTON, in the 38d year of his ago. * • [:rr. Floral and Strawberry Festival, YOUNG MEN'S OHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Continued, by general request, until FRIDAY EVENING , . Dock's hand will perform each evening. Contributions of Flowers. Strawberries, &c., will bo thankfully received at the Rail. . Sixth Ward In Motion.—A meeting of all citizens opposed to the (Irma corrupt! Na tionn/ Administration, and in favor of Homo Produc tions and llottio Labor, will meet, preparatory to organ! cation for the Fall Campaign, on TlllB (Thursday) IITENING, at 8 o'clock. at the Mil of the Biro Asso ciation, corner of FIFTH nod NORTH Streets. fly or. der of O. 11. P. PARICEIV., .1017-It* Chairman of Commlitoo. gy. Spirit Rapping In Public.—AdaL. trstan, Test Medium, will giro another opportunity to witness and lutlestigato" these wonderful phenoinena THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at SANSOAE STREET nALL, at S o'clock. Admission 15 cents.. , 'lt* M*Floral and Strawberry Festival, for the BENEFIT OP THE TOUNO MEN'S CHRIS ASPOCIATION.—The Ladles of 'the different Evangelical Churches of this city have generously un dertaken the management of this Festival to be held in JAYNE'S HALL, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY_, June 15th,76th, and 17th, commencing Tuesday at ilo'clock P. 111. On each evening of the Festival there will be appro print° addresses and music by Deck's Band. Donations or flowers, etrawborriee, ice cream, cakes, confectionaries, kc., aro respectfully solicited. Contributions of money may be sent to Gannet 11. &rusty; Esq.,. President of the Association, or to either of the underingned. Beason Tickets (price 25 cents) may be had at the Rooms, Nos. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, and at the principal Book Stores and Publication Hansen. From the great interest manifested by the entire community in the Young Men's Christian Association, wo hope to realize, in thin pleasant way, n very large fund, to supply a present need, and enable no to con tinue the good work in which we aro so successfully en gaged. WM. GETTY, 162 South Fourth street, JOHN WIEST, Ja., 47 N. Third street F inance Committee. W3t. G. CItOWIILL, Treasurer, 610 Walnut street. 07. Big Mountain Improvement Company. Puttannt,rica, Juno 11th, ISM —NOTICE.— A Special Mooting of the Stockholdero of the is Big Mountain Improvement Company , ' will ho hold at the office of the Company, southeast corner of _FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 25th instant, at 12 o'clock M., to receive a report upon the unexpected condition of its affairs, and to express their views as to the future count) they wish the Di. rectors to pursue In the matter. By order of the Board of Directors. je124112t WM. P. JENKS, President. WGermantown Passenger nallway.—The Commineloners of the "Germantown Passenger ray Company" will attend on MONDAY, the 28th Juno, 1858, and on each business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. 31, to 2 o'clock P. M., at N0..30 South. SIXTH Street, to receive subscriptions to the stock of said Company, until the same is fully subscribed. Charles 31ngargo, 'William S. Perot, Vincent L. Brad ford, J. 11. Wheeler, J.. 8. Struthers,' William Mill. ward, William W. Winter, Mordecai O. Dawson, Thos. , A. Biddle, George W. litunmeraly, JabekGates, John I. Griffith, and Robert P. King, Comtalssloners. jel2.ltJyl fas Girard College Passenger Railway Cont. PANY.—At a meeting of the Commissioners of the 'GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, held at the Wathorill House, Friday, May 28,1858, it was Resolved, That in conformity with the act of Assom.i bly in such cases made and provided, we will meet on MONDAY, the 21st day of June,A. D. 1858, at the Washington Drove Yard Hotel, RIDGE AVENUE, above Sixteenth street, at 6 o'clock A. M. open books for receiving subscriptions to the capital of said Company, and that the said books shall be kept opou for the said purpose at the same place, between the hours of 9A. M. and 3 P. M., on MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 21st, 22d , and 23d of June, 1858. In pursuance of the above resolution, books will be open for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company, at the time and place mentioned iu the said resolution, by the undersigned, a committee ap pointed to thor purpose. CHARLES THOMPSON JONES, JACOB ESHER, JAMES F. NICHOLAS, ROBERT MORRIS, JAMES PAGE, Commissioners. Resolved, That in order to afford the citizens at large the Collect opportunity to partlolpato in the enterprise, that it be recommended to the Commissioners, as far as in their power, to limit the aubscriptiou to each indivi dual, the first day, to ton shares. nty31.41‘1023 n and Coates-street Philadelphia [Er G Passenger ree Railway Company —At a Meet. log of the Commissioners named in the act to incorpo rate the Green and Goatee-street Philadelphia Passen ger Railway Company, held In pursuance of public no tice properly given, at the Madison Hausa, in Second street, on Monday evening / May 240,1858, It was Resolved, That the officers of thin meeting be au thorised to procure the necessary subscription books, and to give, In two or more papers, twenty days gotta,' that books will be opened and subscriptions received by them to the capital stock of the company, at the oounnissioners , Hall, on Third street, below Green, on Wednesday, the sixteenth of June, at 10 o'clock A M., to which time and place this meeting stands ad journed." Notice is, therefore, hereby given, that the said Oommiesioners will meet at the 00HUISSIONERS , HALL, in THIRD street, below Green, on WEDNES DAY, June 16th, A D. 18513, at 10 o'clock A. M , to re ceive subscriptions to the capital stock of the aforesaid Green and Goatee streets Philadelphia Passenger Rail. way Company. lIARRY CONNELLY, Chairman. WM. REID, neeretarles. BAY. B. /mum, my2s-tf TrHomo for Invalids wlth Affections of THE CHEST, S. W. eor. PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets, iny2l.lrnir West Madelptils. L 0. S. M. To the Orand Commanders of the various Grand . Councils of the I. 0. 8. M. meeting In the United A Convention of rive delegates Irem each of the (trend Councils of the respective States, with a view to form a Supreme Grand Connell of the United States, will be held in the city of Philadelphia. on MONDAY, JULY Dm, 1858, nt the Hall, southwest corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Subordinate (Remelts, not haying a representation in a Grand Council within their respective jurisdictions, will be entitled to be represented as fully as Grand Councils. By assent of various Grand Councils. Communications should be addressed to • HORACE L. PETERSON, Chairman of Committee no Coriespondence_of S. U. C. of I.ll6,tern Pennsylvania : Philadelphia. IrrThe New York Herald,- Vareller, Heston; Merlon Post, Pittsburgh, Pa.; A/African, Baltimore; Republican. St. Louis ; Picayune, Now Orleans; and Union, Washington, mill please insert the above three times, a n d send bills immediately to this Wilco for col lection. jel7-2t M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, 809 GREEN A.). Street, adjoining Germantown Railroad Depot. jel7-301 —A discount. Apply to U. C. TROMPSON & (}. M. CONARROE, j447-41t No.OII3ARCit Street. lax Oale anb ga Ea. TO PRINTER S.—FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN.—One or mon eq,erlencr4l men can purchase a profitable Daily and Weekly NI4WSPAPIIIt anti JOII•PRINTING ()FMB, Ictented in a Western city, with a population or 14,000, and one or the oldest and most suhsho tint toxins lu the Void.. It to 0110 or only too printing establishments in the city, and the business last year amounted to about $lO.OOO. The (ace tins the city printing and advertising, and also the Lost office printing. The paper is Democratic in poli tics. The material comprises two Power-Presses, ono Ilona-Press, Paper end Card Cutters, together oillt first-rate assortment of Job nod News Type and Fix tures. To persons who can give negotiable piper this office will be sold on liberal terms, both us to time and piles. A cash purchaser can obtain it at a very low price. Full statements as to resources and expenditures will lie given to any one desiring to purchase. Address "Alpha," care 0 r 0. M. PETTENUII.I. h. Co., No. 110 Nassau street, New York. ' jelathst St HIGH -BRED SPANISH JACKS AT AUCTION .—Peramptory W BONES. DAY MOSNI NO, Juno 2 9 .1, (410 o'clock, at the Ilatrutr, NINTH. slat ti CORD l' Street)), Philadelphia, %till its sold, without reser, o Four extra•also high-bred Spanish Jocks, 3 years obl, I 5 hands high, in good health, and perfectly sound. Pitt imported per brig Arrogant() finutho, front Barcelona, Spain. May he seen at Conway's Stables, Prune street. No potitponeruent oil accouut of the weather. jel7-3tl( ALFRED M. ILERKNESS, Auct ,m TO LET.—COTTAGE AT LONG BRANCH, newly furkighed and nen ly built, with. in 8 00 feet of the ocean. Ton edoeping rooms , dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking or rungemenia, coach house. fitable9, ganlon, and about 200 acres of ground. Furtherticulars apply to No. 20 HENRYH South FIFTH Street, or to HOWLAND. Long Branch, N. J. jOl7-2w TO LET.-THE UPPER ROOMS Off' htoreti No. 827 atA No. 333 MARKET Streot, below Fourth, Apply on the premises, to 11 I. HALLOWELL & CO, or jel4-11 GUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. I.I O FIGE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE Or- VION for en Insurance Company, or similar car pomtion, having three communicating rooms go the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOA. Immediate ponseasion given. Apply to JOAN 0. KUPER, or PUMAS T. nun:mug, No. 112 South Poulin' LI Street, mh3o-tutha-tf second story, front room. FOILSALE handsome LOT of ground, JL' 82 by 100 feet, on Spring Garden street, catat of Broad. Aldo desirable Building Lots on Thirteenth street and Columbia avenue, on Ground Rent. Also, a valuable Property on Market street, west of Permanent Bridge, 50 by 220 feet. Apply to 11. C. THOMPSON $ 0 , M. CONARBOV., jel2-6t+t 033 ARCH Street. r 0 RENT, THE FIRST FLOOR AND 1 BASEMENT of the large STORE, No. 22t SUR EST Street, Apply to HILDEBORN & BROTNER, sp2l-tt Ns. 03.9 MAARSW Prot, Alarnave. llDeatbs. AT JAYNE'S NALL, FOR TII6 WILLIAM GETTY, JOUN IVIES I:, Yinnnce Committee. Wcttce fillHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVE 1 notice that they have withdrawn from the man agement of the WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PIIILADELPHIAiand have no longer any connection therewith. W. C. PATTERSON,. 8. MORRIS WALLA, G. C. HARVEY, GEO. H. STUART, JOS. W BUFORD. PLIMADELPIrId, 14th tune, 1868. .1010-3t* 13ROPOSALS FOR BUILDING THE SECOND AND THIRD STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY, and furnimbing materials for the same for the entire road, whelk) for doing the work and turnieh lug the muter:Ale c , each separately, will bo received at the office of the Company, No. 2 Grigg's Building, iu WALNUT Street, between Beetled and Third Streets, until WEDNESDY, 21d [natant, noon; Plana and apeelfleations an be seen at the Office after WEDNESDAY, the 16th inst. • Jal6-0t TAMES YERREE, President. CENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—Notice is hereby given, that the CENTRAL DANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidaysburg, will be open for business on WEDNESDAY, the lath inst. JOSEPH BROWER, Cashier. Pest and Commercial Journal, Pittsburgh, and Ame rican and Sun, Baltimore, copy, and charge Central Bank. Je4-Iw Drokers STE WART & JOHNSON, INSURANCE AND NOTE BROICERS, No. 108 South FOURTH Street Jo 24u th set-lm If VRONISE & CO., prigon AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Refer to the BANES and BROKERS of Philadelphia !e7-ly ORAN. MANLEY. W. U. DROWN. A. MANLEY, .'R. Tvprrucy, BROWN, & CO., DANK-NOTE, STOCK, AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. Ti , ; corner or THIRD mid CHESTNUT Strocts, • PfiILADIMPUIA. Collections made, sus Drafts drawn on all parts of the United litotes snit Ili° Conadas, on the most favorable terms. • Oolleetlonn made, and Drafts drawn on England and Ireland. Uneurrent Bank Notre bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. feature in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocka and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers in Phllatlelphia and New York. ]o3-01a EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Public for Commissioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. ' PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and OONVEYANOIIIIII, FRONT STREET, above HICKORY, MANKATO, M INNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and inventing Money for con-residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes. An. Any letters of stinoiar or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood. Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Ross, & Withers, Philadelphia. Sharp, Raines, & 00., - Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. . Charles Ellis & Co., Philadelphia. Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia. my2l43m* itlante. ViTANTED.—A YOUNG MAN ' DE. SIRES a situation 119 ASSIMANT BOOK HERM in a wholesaln house, by the tat of August. Unexceptionable reference given. Address Box 1402 Post Wilco. jel74t* EMPLOYMENT WANTED, BY A young married man, as copyist, essayist, or re viewer, and where his classical and scientific attain ments may be useful in their legitimate Melds. Ad dress PRO RE RATA, Press Office. Jel6-2t* QALESMEN WANTED.—TWO FIRST OLASS eALESKEN—Engagement to commence on the let day of July next. The anbEicribers will en gage none but men of known ability, (to whom liberal 'slacks will be paid,) who can influence a large South ern or Western Trade. Apply to RUMMER RARENESS & SON, Wholesale Clothiers, NS MARKET Street 'tny9l.lm Philadelphia. VVANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, apl7-tf Recruiting 018cer, WING's FARINA CRACKERS, mado from material prepared from that portion of tho Wheat which 11 most NUTRITIOUS and HEALTH FUL. It is estimated that ONE POUND CONTAINS AS MUCH NUTRIMENT AS TWO POUNDS OP DREAD, as it is usually baked. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS aro of Mali size, over ninety to the pound, and baked dry. They are delightful to the taste, sod one of tho best Crackers ever produced for FAMILY USE. E=M and with Oysters, they are unequalled. ask every lll4l/AZ In pnoeure WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS for her children. They are far anperior to many of the preparations usually given to them, being decidedly more healthful and nourishing, and, as they dissolve readily In the mouth, are always eaten with a line nest. Ladles and Gentlemen will dad them unsurpassable for their • FINE FLAVOR AND PLEASANT TASTE Delicate Ladies, and all persons whose habits are more or less sedentary, will find WIMPS CRACKERS most excellent. For Professional Gentlemen, Bankers, Merchnnta, and Clerks, they mad• be used for LUNCII ivith great advantage In maintaining a healthful regularity of the system. • Teachers and Scholars, in tchools generally, will find them vary agreeable. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS are a moat valua ble article for Travellers in the care; or on shipbounl, at sea, they are one or the very best things that can be when. The use of them Is becoming widely extended, and, in order to guard ageing deception, NAOS CRACK'S(' IS STAMPED WITS THE NAME "A. WING." There are no other Crackers manufactured in the United States like these, Or known as true Farina Crackers. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS may ho procured of the heat family Grocers generally, by whom they are extensively sold, in different portions of the United States, and at wholesale only of A. N. Thompson & Co., 221 and 223 Fulton street, New York. DINGEE & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 1.46 South FRONT Street, For the convenience of purchasers, we give the names some of out best CI roeerA who sell them : •9IIIQIVfI Anderaou & Dunlap, N 0.1816 Lombard street R. & T. Atmore, No. 1000 Duttontenial nt R. Blnelc. No. 1730 Cheatinat trent . . Thompson Dlack, No. 20 South Broad sheet Jos. K. Bow aims, No. 662 N. 17th street. S A it. Boyd, No. 1644 Rim street. M. L. Burt, No. 269 North Fifth street W. Campbell, No. 644 Pine street. Win. Campbell & CO., COr. nth and Market sts. James W. Campbell, No. 200 Walnut street. Simon Colton, No. 1400 Walnut street. John Devine, No. 1602 Market street. JlllllO3 Bobbins, No. 1037 Market street. . . .. . . .. . , J. M. Ellis & Sou, cor.tith net Spring Garden. Edward Friel, cur. 9th and Spring Maiden. Henry Floyd, ror. S. 12th and Lombard Burden & Feiguson, cor. 19th and Market sts D n id B. Graham, Green, corner Sixth street Thomas Utaham, corner Sixth and Cherry. Graham & Martin, No. 1035 Market street. Samuel W. (tray, No. 352 South Fifteenth at Samuel napes. corner Ilth niel Walnut. William O. Johnston. corner lath awl GM nrd Itv J. B. & S. A. Lai e, • Seventh and Brown atroet 4 M . McCarthy. Tooth, cor. Geotge street J. & It. McCiees, No. 719 N. Second street C. 11. Mattson. cm. Tenth and Arch stA. «'m. 1.. Maddock & Co., No. 116 South Third street John It. Parker, Eleventh and ➢lnrket eta William Parvln, Jr., 'Pa elfth, our. Chestnut st Philip It. Purdy, No. 10 Walnut street. Varnish R. Patton, Locust, cur. Thirteenth st Samuel Rogers, ,Slateenth and PIo streets Samuel 11 Rose, cot. Second mid Brown stn. Albert C. Roberto, Eleventh, corner Vino et. Andrew Sproule, cor. Marshall Sr Coates et. Morrie F. Spit lin, cor. Eighth and Arch tits. Jeremiah Starr, cor Fifth & Merchant ate. Win. C. Mo'oll9oll, No. 712 Smith Second et. Joshua Wright, co, Sp. Gordon 2,, Prnuklil J. U. Wheeler, cor. Third owl Lombard et John 11. Weaver & Co., coiner Second and Pine eta je17..3t LAKE COPPER, FOR SALE AT 51G 3-4 MARKET Street. JO 17-itif* WM% 11. WOODWARD & CO. FIRE -WORKS, FIRE-WORKS!! A full nuortment of FIRE,-WORKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. _ - STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 DIARICRT RTRIIRT, West of Twelfth CONGRESS SPRINGS, SARATOGA, April 12,185 S A CARD TO TIM PUBLIC During the last season an attempt was made to de ceive tho public, by persons offering what, they called " CONGRESS IVATER " from Fountains ; and at the price of six cents per ilass. The WROLESALE .prico of the GENUINE 00 GRESS WATER, at New York, being about 73( saute per glass, the imposition of thus pretending to sell at retail, for less than cost, and with oat allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, is apparent ; but their probable course hall boon to empty ONE bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Foun tain, and thereby christening its total contents. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor in vessels of ANY OTHER DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary-sired GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is blended "CONGRESS WATER O. & W.," and If without these words and tatters, it is COUNTERFEIT. CLARK & WHITE, - sp - 211-sr tI t 001-if Proprietors of Congress Spring r i ßF,su CONGR,FAS SPRING WATER, JI Received directly from the Spring at Saratoga, always on hand, In Pint and Quart Bottlea, and tor mile by Y. DROWN, Chemist and Drugglet, N. N. corner OIIESTNIIT and FIFTH Streets. my2o..wth-too VIRE CRACKERS.-5,000 boxes No. 1 Cola Ohop Ire C•ockere, for male b UEORGE K. CHAMBERS je3.2w* 13 N. WAT.EIt Street. CORDIALS. -ANISETTE, CIIRACOA, and MARABOIIINO, In stare and for oats by snag 141411TN0. 140 A PRONT Rk SIIOULDERS.-50 Mids. Shoulders, in dry salt, for sale by C. O. SADLER & CO., jet 9 North WATER Street. j r- L tiN.-80 pipes Dutch Company. Gill, in lJf bond And for Wu by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, je3 No. 215 South PROM' Street. SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Rooting Slate, or all rises, and at Tory low rater, kept con 'tautly on hand, and foe rate by PRRING, FOX, tr. 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and TRIRD street. N. B. Slate Roofs put on In the boat manner, and ra partm atloglitit W. fillirov% vr0m,,1t44, ton WWI -IIIIrn- yobs. , MM ATERIALS FOR DUSTERS Alb TRAVELLING DRESSES.— Chen° Tanjore Cloths. . Bayndero Luxors. Ottoman Poplins and Madonnas. Ilayadere Mahal rs. Silk Warp Lavellas. Cotton Warp do, at 10 and 1234 cents. Bayadero do, at 12% cents. Lupin's super all-wool Debege. Oriental Lustres, Ac., he. JUST FROM AUCTION. A fresh lot of 0 raziellas and Ducats, at 'II cents. A fine stock of French Organdies and Jaconets, reduced in price. Glossy Black Silks in great variety. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nainsooks. White French Brilliants. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. White Linen Drilling and Duck. Plaids, Brown Drills, ke. Shirt Bosoms in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket Hdkfa. Black Silk Cravats, he. The whole stock very cheap, for cash. CHARLES ADAMS, jell • EIGHTH and ARCH Street. ',MGT:MED SHIRTINGS.—wI4O French Shirtlugs, neat styles, 4-4 small figured fine Linens. BILARPLESS BROTHERS, 30.0-1 f CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS.— Just opened a few of these goods, and Pronch Loco Flounced Points. SOURPUSS BROTHERS. OHESTNIIT and EIGHTH SIBLACK SILKS.—Beat wo ever bad for Mantillas or Dresses. Lawns at 8 eta.; now styles, fast colors, Travelling Dress Stuffs; also for Dusters. Thin Robe Dresses, closing out cheap. MEN'S SUMMER WNAR. Linen Drillings, for cool Pantaloons. Marseilles Vostings, warranted cool and not to fade. Boys' Wear, in thin, light, cool material. WRITE GOODS. Nainsoolt, Jaconet, and Cambric Mitalins. Swiss Mullins, plain, dotted, and figured. Linen Cambric lidkfs., figured, bordered, and white. MANTILLAS. French. Lane Points and Mantles. Silk Dusters, the much admired new shape. Combinations of Silk and Laos. Low-priced Mantillas. NEW and MEN! MANTLES from the work-room erory hour during the day. COOPER & CONARD, jel2 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. REDUCTION IN PRIDES. SP RINO MANTILLAS, ALL SILK SUMMER MANTILLAS, - SILK AND LACE, SILK AND NET, all reduced In price on and after MONDAY, JUNE 7TO. YRENOU LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS. JUST OPUSES, A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF DESIRABLE GOODS, which we will offer at LOW PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. No. 708 CHESTNUT street RICHLRDSpN'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIA.PMIZS, .ko CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those desiroun of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should eon that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RIOITARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the Injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with floods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, tuy2B-01u Agents, 30 OIII:JR011 Street, New York STEEL SKIRTS. - THE BEST PARIS EXTENSION SKIRTS IN THE MARKET W. J. HORSTMANN & CO., 723 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH ANTILL A.S ! MANTILLAS !- Mc- LTA. ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 6,000 yards Black and Fancy Bilks, 3734, 44, 50, 66; rich, 62,46, 69, 75 ; very rich, 81, 87%, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Delaines, Bereges, Ducats, at 10, 12%, 16)4,1104, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest In the city. 10,000 yards One French Lawns, 10. 12%, 10%, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 57% to 02%, very flue. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth .$3O. 600 yards side-band Cfulsimeres ' 87%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Yestings, at, 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 tlao 'French Nectlloworkod 'Collett; at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jas.:mots, Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city. Ribbons nod Fringes and Tilminings, iu endless 'va riety, nt less than half the usual prices. MCELROY, No. 11 South NINTH Street jel-tu th a-t[ EYRE & LANDELL, YOURTII AND ARON STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPENING OF FASHIONABLI SPRING SILKS AND ROBES. BAYADERE LIGHT SILKS BAYADERE RICH SILKS. CHENE BAYADERE SILKS. ()ILENE DIODE BLUE AND BROWNS. NEWEST STYLE ROBES. $2, $2.60, end 13 for the STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. EYRE 24z LANDELL, tnyle-t jyl. FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS A OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 440 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, Large Story White BuiHiug TERMS—ONE PRIOR FOR CASH. Mr Prices marked. in plain figures on Mil article apf29.Bin MANTILLAS! SHAWLS! SILKS I &c. THORNLEY & CHISM Would invite special attention THIS DAY to one of be moat complete etocke of Comprising the newest and most desirable goods made n every material used this season. PRICES RANGE FROM $3 TO $1.5 We have a large stock of Plain Grape Shawls, from $4 to $lO ! • Embroidered Grape Shawls, from $4.50 to $4O! Stella Shawls, in every color, centre, from $2 to $l2 ! Plain Thibet Shawls, Mourning Shawls, Am. Our stock of BLACK SILKS AND FANOY BILKS a worthy of particular attention, as they are POSITIVELY VERY OILEAP 1 1 ! We have a beautiful stook of nuNort ORGANDIE LAWNS, GRENADINES, °RALLIES, BAREGES, LAVELLISS, &o. RUN UMBRELLAS awl PARASOLS. Gloves, Mitts, Yells, Linen 'Handkerchiefs, unusually cheap. • We have just opened a large lot of SUMMER MARSEILLES QUILTS, DIMITY QUILTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and DRILLS, For Monis awl Boys' Wear. BEST IRISII LINEN, Of our owu importation, &c., at TIIOItNLIIY & CIIISM'S, N. N. Cor. EIOIITII & SPRING GARDEN Streete. N. B.—Several lota of Fleuncings, Edgings, &a ' at leen than half price. myls gropartittroljip Notices. rriLIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED ALn copertnernhlp under tho style of FROTHINGIIAM & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, sod have taken tho store No. 34 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. THEODORE FROTHINGLIAM, • . KIRK B. WELLS rm LADELPIM duDo Ist, 1858. QPECTAOLES, IN GOLD, SILVER, AND ELASTIO STEEL FRAMES, of a groat variety of Patterns, with superior GLASSES, adapted to all sights. SPY GLASSES. STEREOSCOPES, With a large assortment of MAGNIFIOENT VIEWS FROM NATURE. OPERA GLASSES, THERMOAINTERS, SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTS. FOR BALE DT SAMUEL L. FOX, OPTICIAN, 537 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE BUTTONWOOD, Six years with the MoAmagrses. Agent for FIFE'S Patent Olfrique'Polnt Pena, and the 526 Double Thread Sewing Machines. myll3-ltno BRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, &e., .I,:c —Thu steamer EXPRESS leaves trot : pier below CH Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 8 ,3 o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves Bridgeton MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, end FRIDAYS, at 9 o'clock A M.; touching at New Castle, Delaware City, (I reenwich, Mulford and Tyndale% going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the " Ex press," fur the following places, to wit: Milleville $1 001 Port Elizabeth. Pat rton or Cedar% file. 75 Newport • Dividing Creek__ 1 00 Mauncutown All landings on the Cobadsey. Delaware City or New Castle. The stages meet the boat r meats or delays need ho mitt description, taken at low rat ,ginetoally. No clisappoin - 'eigitteil. Freight, of every tem. ,le3-lni* FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works ou Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, uholesale and retail. Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mall to lie addressed to rowW I Wale, it Co., 922 Chestnut Weft, pO-11coolt MRS. D. P. BOWERS's WALNUT ST. THEATRE. The numerous friends of MRS. D. P BOWERS, Anxious to evince their appreciation of her untiring ef forts in anatmning the cause of the Drama during her recent regime of her eatablishment i am{ delirona of giving her a welcome back on her return to this city after her entailment engagement in New York, have tendered to her a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, To take place upon the scene of her late arduous la bore, _ _ FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, JUNE 18th. The Ptogramme selected is Mrs. Cowley'. Comedy of a BOLD STROKE FOR A HESEAND And the ,Second Act of the popular Operatic Drama, entitled the DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. Box..Dook now open WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE. BENEFIT OF MR. JAMES DUNN. THURSDAY EVENING, June 17th, • Last night but two, most positively, of MR. JOHN BROUGHAM. The performance will commence with - - THE PLEASANT NEIGHBOR, After which, the burlesque, by Mr. Brougham, entitled COLUMBUS EL FILIBUSTER°. To conclude with the TWO GREGORIES; ADMISSION. • Boxes, Sta l l s, ; Secured Seats in Dress Circle, 37, 1 / 2 ; Orchestra 6O cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 ; Gallery, 13 cents. Doors open at 7,X o'clock; performances commends 7X. 61..13. WHITTON Treasurer. LAST WEEK.-THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EXII7DITION OP Tog PENNBYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE SINE AEU Will close on • SATURDAY, the 10th day of JUNE. In order to give all an opportunity of viewing this large and interesting collection of WORKS OF ART, The Directors have reduced the price of Admission, until the close, to Ten cents for Adults, and Five cents for Children Catalogues Five cente Phila, June 10,1868 pETERS's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SRLP-OHNZILATING GAB LAME Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR. D. Por Safety, Cheer nem, and Brilliancy, it impanel all others. STATE AND 0 DIONTX RI4RTB NOR BALE. Address D. P. PETERS, B. delphl W aad . corn 3422 T B I R D O IO A N D D W aAuYd , O REwYIIT S h4 P l h y-lrap 1 PirERY STABLE- KEEPERS, LOOK to your interests, and patronise lISSILBR'S LAMP FACTORY, 100 South ZIOLITII street, below Chestnut. Previous to hie opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Support him, or you will have the same chary as to pay. jald.y entltnten's furnishing (toot's. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. w. w. KNIGHT,' 600 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all Mode of Furnishing Goods, and manufacturer of Rine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured Ip this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or mule to order. mbl-lf GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING .GOWNS.—The largest and best as sortment In the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, milted to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 ARCH Street, aboye Sixth, Philadel phia. mhl-tf WINCHESTE & SCOTT, GENTLE R MEN , S PITENISUSINia STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT PdANUPAOTOR.Y, No. IR) OIIESTNUT Street, above Seventh 'greet, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole. ale and retail. and made to order. itlillincrp cub Straw Goobo. KEEP COOL. ' STRAW HATS. LINCOLN, WOOD, k NICHOLS, 45 South SECOND Street, jo 1241tJy1 Pour doors at;ove Clhestind Jnenrance Qromvamee my27.th Ea mo jIRE INSURANCE. BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Mereharuiise, Furniture, tc., in Town or Country. . OFFICE, No. 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $177.925. dasara, $252,4e5.89. Invested as follows, via : First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 6 per cent. mortgage Loan, $30,000, coat 96,000,06 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penna. It. 11. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railrcoul Co'n. Stock 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company 19,160.00 Stock of County Fire Insurance C0.........1,050.00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 475.00 Mlle receivable, busmetui paper 52,711.50 Book Accounts, accrued interest, Au 3,836.10 Cash on hand and in Bank. 16,b43.20 Olem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Damon, Robert Poland, Moses Johnson, Charles 8. Wood, James 8. Woodward, tu th-rp-tt B. AI A MERICAIi FIRE INSURANCE 00., rm. INCORPORATED VMS—CHARTER PER. PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Supine Invested In sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIZSCITORS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welab, Caspar W. Morrie, Samuel 0. Morton, Junes B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, • Edmund G. Datilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS, Secretary. ja22..y it CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEPH A. MONIIEINIER. files enth Ward Subject to the rulev of the Democratic party. jell-titC4C QIIER IF PAL T Y.—Encouraged by my L friewls, I offer myeelf as a candidate for the office of SIIIIItIFY of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the decision of the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully colicit. WILLIAM 11. KERN, Fifteenth Want. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN CASSIN, Fifth Ward Subject to Democratic Rules F OR REGISTER OF WILLS CHARLES D. KNIGHT, - - - TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the Poople'a Nomination. jol-t! FOR REGISTER OF WILLS HENRY C. FRITZ, Twelfth ward. Subject to the People's Nomination. myl24m 1: 4 - 10R REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OP SEVENTH WARD Subject to Democnttle rules ripH E SPRING GARDEN SAVING 1 FUND. (OHARTEHRD DT TUN LROISLATOR6 OP PENNSTLYANIA. FIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OFFICE, 831 NORTII TIMM STREET, (CONSOLIDATION BANK BUILDING :1 This Institution is now open for the transaction of business. and lathe only Chartered Saving Fund located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 0 to 2) o'clock and also on MONDAI9 and THORSDANS, from 6 nail 9 o'clock in the Evening. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P Levy Hon. Henry .K. Strong, Daniel Underkofier, lion. Win. Frederick Make, Francis Hart, Jogeph P. LeOlen!, John Kessler, Jr., Preeiden Secretary, GEORGE T. WAVING FUND.--lINITED STARES TRUST COMPANY, corner or THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small soma received, and paid back on de mind, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MOUDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for Bale ou England, Ireland, and Sootland, from fl upwards. President—STEPHEN B. ORAWYORD, Treasurer—PLlNY FIRS. Teller—JAMES It. HUNTED. WALL BRUSHES, A large okesortment, Bailable for CITY G-FLOCU. , RS, And for sale by lIHNRY 0. F.OEBTELN, BRUSH AND BELLOWS NANUFAOTIII{ER, LOST POLICY OF INSURA.NCE.- NOTICE —Application hoe been made to tho Phi ladelphia Contributionship for tho Insurance of Hods.. from Loss by Tire, for the renewal of Polity No. Sl/16, issued Slay 18, 1852, in the name of. JOHN KRIDEB. owner, and held by DANIEL McINTYRE, as Mortgagee. In the sum of 1,000 Dollars on a House on the oorth side of WALNUT Street, east of, and newt to the House at the Northeast corner of Second street, which Policy has been lost or mislaid. E. A. BRIGHAM, Tor the Administrators of Daniel Mclntyre. damaged; my2o-thm-Ow No. 325 Walnut Street. Vir.EIDSICK & CO. CIIAMPAGNE.L-A LA. constant supply of the genuino brand in bond and in store, for solo by WM. It. YEATON, jo3 416 South FRONT Street. PURE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.- A very impeller article. For Bale in large or small lota, by OROMIDALE, PEIROB, It 00. royo 104 North Delaware avenue. IvERbIAN CIGARS.-15 CASES VA UR WARS brands, in store and for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, Jel 73@Oath FRONTlitreet. ~ 2kinttGentento. tamps. $262,405.89 bl TINGLEY, President. TORS. Samuel Biephant, Robert Steep, WillGata Manor, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. LOthrop, • Charles Leland, . , Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, Pittsburgh HINOIIMAN, Secretary. political. sauings iiinbe. PICRPSTUAL °BARTER MiNACIERB James S. Print°, Jacob Dock, Joseph M Cowin, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Dray, Robert R. Davidon, P. 0. Ellinaker, John P. Vorree, George Knecht, John Horn. ,t, JAMES S. PRINGLE. GORN. ap2l.-Iftr DIISTSIt.9 2 lIANDSORUBS 62 NORTH THIRD ST Business grarbs.--: TAR. - J. L. LUDLOW HAS REMOVED to the west side of PENN &IMAM fourth door north of Market street. jel4dt* WOLFE BROWN, PHONOGRAPHIG • REPORTER, No. 810.0NEEITNUT St. jolo-6tit O. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAR • Rop, CONVEYANCERS. GEOM. comuutop., ATTORNEY AT LAW, aps-y No. 938 ANOTI street, below Tenth. DANIEL DOUGRE RTY, ATTORNEY •AT,LAw, Southeast Corner of =GUTH and LO CUST Streetn. Philadelphia. (*TABLES TETE, COMMISSION MER m-Cfßovr and Importer of HAVANA IMAM, (Neir)l.3B Walnut street. seoond story. WLLIAM HENRY MOORE, FIIR NIS H. ING UNDERTARXR, No. 1416 ARCH street, West of Broad, Lai 0606 ARCH Etreot. Lead Coffins always on hand. REMOVAL.— Q. FAWCETT, - .1114.11 i CUTTER AND WO MAKER, Ms removed t 010213 CHESTNUT 'treat, four doom be low ELEVENTH .. je2-tf IV. TER RTRO Er BE, ATTORNEY AT aNJ- LAW, MINTER street. Pottsville. Pa. sai-LY summer i.worts. MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS HOTEL, 5 MILES FROM CARLISLE, PA., AT THE OAP OR THE SOUTH . MOUNTAIN.—The subscriber of the St. Lawrence Hotel, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, hav ing leased the above popular summer resort of the late proprietor, James W. Patton, will open the sane for the reception of guests on the 20th of June. "Perms matu rate. Address A. G. MULLIN, Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland county, Pau WASHINGTON H,OISIILSANE NEW JERSEY. The above House win be open for the aceotnmodation of visiters on theist day of Juno. The subscriber would call attention to the fact - that he has fitted up the "Washington" particularly for the early visitors. A small dining ream has bees added, Stoves are fitted up throughout the front house, a 111-4. class Restaurant and Bar so now In operation, and every thin now in order for the comfort of the guests for the early season. S. B. WOOLMA N, - el-1m Proprietor. 11/I.A_NSION HOUSE, HAUGH CHUNK.- Itl This elegant establishment ; beautifully situated on the banks of the Lehigh, is now ready for the recap tion of summer visitors. There is no locality in Penn sylvania; nor, perhaps, in the United States, which eons bins so many attractions as the valley of the Lehigh, and the above Motel will afford amost comfortable home to visitors desirous of viewing the magnificent scenery, inexhaustible mines ; or stupendous works of art of this interesting region, jed-3m* GEORGE HOPPER, Proprietor THE WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, Pewee, nre open. on usual, and are accessible in eight hourd from Philadelphia, by way of Harrisburg, thence on the Cumberland Talley Railroad to Newrille, thence in stages eight miles to the Springs, where you arrive at 5 o'clock the name evening. For particulars, inquire of Messrs. Morton McMichael, Samuel Hart, James Steel. B. S. Jamey, Jr., St Co., or Proprietors of Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia. SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor, jel-2ml- Newville Post Office, Pa. - SBA BATHING. LONG BRANCH, N. J. HOWLAND'S HOTEL. This Establishment wilt be OPEN for the reception of visitors on SATURDAY. June 19111; Families wishing to make arrangements for the sea son can do so, by addressing H. HOWLAND, Proprietor, Long Branch, N. J. my2!3-Im* BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visiters on the 16th of June, and kept open until the let of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected hat year are now folly completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Motel will be nudei the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteone manners, and attention to hie pietas, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it is deemed proper to state that passengers Can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersbnrg. - The Company have made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with as Bedford Water" by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, via : For a barrel (mulbery) 14 00 Do. (oak) 300 X Do. (mulberry) 800 Carbo„ti Do. (oak) 200 y, 10 gallons 2 25 Bottles, 1,1( pint, per dozen 1 60 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur chasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO., myl9-tf Bedford County, Pa _EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANOASTMR. COLTNTY; PA, Will open the eighth day of June for visitors. Thir healthy summer resort has many, advantages which 7 commends it to the public, in search of a home pit to enjoy the mountain air dating the hot unison. It elevated twelve hundred feet above water U 07 —T h or. are graded walks through dense female, and shaded arbors; by the way side are Many springs of the plant soft water at, a temperature of 49 to 52 degrees of Fared. keit. At the summit is an observatory overlooking an area of 40 miles square, of farms in the highest state of cultivation embracing the whole of Lancaster county, and points in ten other counties. The scenery fades away in the boundary of mountain at the dis tance of 70 miles. It is altogether one of the most grand and extensive panoramic views to be met with in any oountry. No kind of epidemic has ever been known here at any season of the year. Many beautiful drives over good roads. The hotel will accommodate com fortably 400 persons. Every variety of baths. All the modern improvements now in use In first-class watering places will be found here. Alt vegetables raised on the farm. The best help employed in every department- The P;oprietor flatters himself that he will be able to give ample satisfaction to his guest!. Good stable reom. Good stock of livery. Horses and carriages on hand. Her further information and circulars call on JOSEPH B. MBES, THIRD and VINE Streets, JAMES S. EARLE, No. SIG CHESTNUT Street, And on the Proprietor JOSEPH NONIGBIAOHER, Ephrata Post Office, Lancaster county, Pa. myl7ol2m POINT AIRY !-THIS PLEA SANT SIIMDIER RESORT (snow thrown open to the public,. under the control of Col. THOS. 11. WABAM and Major HARRY PEPPER During the warm season our readers can enjoy balmy breezed, choice music, fine bathing, with all the eteeteras that conduce to creature comforts, at this popular resort. BOATS will leave the wharf, at BOUTH Street, every few minutea during the day ' ap27-dtf inebuinal PERUVIAN SYRUP, On PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON, Having successfully passed the ordeal to which now dis coveries in the Materla Medics are subjected, must now be received as en established medicine. Its eflicacy iu curing DYSPEPSIA. Affections or the Liver, Dropsy, Zielgia, Bronchitis and Cou.suniptive tendencies, DidOrdWed State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effeata of Lead or Mercury. General Debility, and all Dimwit which re-_ quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, IS beyond ques tion. The proofs of its efficacy are so nu merous, so well authenticated. and of such peculiar character, that 'sufferers cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered aid. The Peruvian Syrup does not profess 44 •fir to ben cure-all, but ifs range 18-exten -' sive. because many diseases, apparently untikeTiri; intimately related, and proceeding from one cause, maybe cured by ono remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup pros idea a cure is precisely that which has so often battled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are taugible t the w itnes.os accessible. mid the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible, Those persons who may wish for nu opinion from dig interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to be satisfied with the follow lug, gwiong nu merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, mad of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial el feels of the " Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to re conuuend it to the attention of the public. From our own experience, as well as from the testi mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its-effica cy in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial l'iwages, Drpepia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia. Ac. Indeed, its effects would ho incredible, but front the high character of those who hate w it flossed them, end bate volunteered their testimony, as see do ours, to its restorative power. Rev. JOHN DIERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, S H. KENDALL, M. D., SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES C DUNN. Nov. THOS. WHITTEMORE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES It le well knot, n that the medicinal eftecta of Protov. ide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to outintatn a solution of Protodde of Iron, nit bout further o Mat ion, has been deemed imposNible. In the Peron inn Syrup, thin desirable point is at tained by combination in a way before 1111k110W11...4 this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, ci s Crates, and tartrates bf the Materia Medico. A. A HAYES, M D , Assayer to the State of Massaahusotta. 10 13o}laton street, Boston. SOLD BY N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 5 WATER Street Brtton. hitows, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, HASSARD & CO , TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, jel.s-tu th eat• Gin utiot Agent) for Philadelphia. HARTSHORNE'SCURR-Aidi-L - tHF: GREAT PAIN ANNIIIILATOR! and Remedy. for DYSPEPSIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS TniS article is the greatekt discovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-ACHE, BORE 'THROAT, STI VP NECK, or Vain in the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Muer ales, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persona who have used HARTS HORN-Eli CURE-ALL have been aatoniahed at its wonderful power in removing any pain frord the system. Bottles 12, IS 60 cents, and $l, to be sold by A. Et JENKINS, apn.iftf 'Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. EIARTSHORNE , S lIEALTH-RESTO- E RER, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemiet. The best Restorer of Health, and the beet Blood-Purifying Compound in the World; It does not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation is BUR.' to the impairo l and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and erup tions from the skin; gives bls out ant frealinetta to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both sexes. It in a perfect cordial in taste, mid acts like a chorus upon the feelings, spirits. and energies of the weak end debilitated from any nano, Quart bottles $1; email battles 50 cents: ante by R. H. JENKINS, Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, ap2l2-Iftf personal. WANTED.INFORMATION OF A. T. BROWN, a lad or .1 - 2 yearn of ado. nho left his home in OTTER Street, Itki.iiigt en, ou Saturday and has not been hennl of attire. trove Infer. idiom mith the Central Police Station. end uldige a dintres,eir CHEESE. —195 boxes Prime IlerkinMi County just landing and for sale by O. C. SADLER & CO., No. 9 North Witter street,