. _ -30 ' nettMIAS =so Nd 41;.-i,p, Tiiii443.411 - scia4voirwia tram aka, rootosertrara.itiomf9.-;;1,.. ,34 ~44.11h.tedOITANIA044.001411.'*.c.t; . PhtalitAlahathtyhtuatghdladelptda..fttlkanis eeesl ftuadaybantag: _Dr' Rettetbllla of *sett prPhriff foluttiONA* l 73. Non to whtob we publish 04. the Iht ay previous to teadalthenanahmaind estalognen fA posaphlet form, thing ttilt deatelVdtatie! fat!..titefrPereciaha weld, an. a gra s ‘f.X1091100.1161 ,, ZE ALTILSALNiI porr wootx-agnpjnkf:Of iteld.latate rd. late eauki - ADA. Aeretyldwortption of City and eouhtry _property: foil. Lista "Ay be had it the e4ettopthozw - 1 - .:4=41.3,111111 BALI .XI6OII3TER. lit z FtVA lntiti C qu atAf ed OA' ottT EXlTatil B0• e. to. atitatAthd:Goeastenallydn our Puldte dale; Joreeetettl,oooooples &r printed weekly,) Venter,' '-12th irtiloati:',.agSekinclreatthekhiladelphls Rashange, Paonkwast side of the eastern aisle, OsivarrPrea byterieM Vhoralt. " - • • •-f:'itel • 4IITGOKEI.I.,O,&NS, Jed: illgollikettlt:Camdee, Nem. Poospaur mortgage con pen I rabagee dilr" de tk r. e lt a.c ork iL ord. ' e &al Field Railroad sadColt 4l 4 ol VanY'l One share " Sutler- ' Betel co ani now. Meek-4109 =won:mil aharMllarard Site and Marino. limaragee VO„ geld. Bale absolute. 35 atiarsesareenwleh aniptorement 'Railroad Om pany:‘,lts*S2oo,2,ll3m"d: • • • 4 • - BEAX , MATS This safelfill Wanda '• • orobabibeoutt gale—lfstate of Jolln.fi Jones, Deed, vaiikr-STORY -BEIM DWELLING.--Southeast oornorlof Iftalltand Peplanstreete, ,4 •• _, • ' - MODERN-RNSIMO.B.--fieat moderresidenee, No. NortliElehlutr4,,k, below Omen - 0 AR 31 44.-P4 rintr AVAXS.:—Desirable small farm of 30aeree, •tr th. impoiereents, Chester binintp, near sheetirter Talley mid Reading Railroads, ?nil pattiodinrereadybi handbill* - PRIMIP 14ALIT—STORE AND DWELlarsaz— vbrlptlitoty• bri* Vete and dwelling, 110.121Yi °Wei street; ifbat ellieblffir street. •• • - •' - . rzawaTormons,-Two nrctox,Divriaarias. thAreAtorybOark dwellings, No. 1022 Mire street, most Of. Tetelftbratreet." ItIORTGAG'S.—Is first mortg4o 82,850; seamed on a tbreVratory.brlcladirelling; Northe as tawnier of Beach and Mehlitri - letai4e, , ar perpetual - - ineraranee , -for ORPTILNEd:OOIIIT SALE, 30T11. TribiUkSY. Estate of ' Frederick Pfeil, deceacedi:,. Three-etory. brick dvalling, brick. alanghtethousa, and, lot, South Muth stuff north of Med street. MODEMS ' , HWELLITTOTfie modern three-story brick dwelliat,'N,i. et l: ea_t, west of Twenty first street. LOT, --TERIS-JOIONTS.—The ',enable 'jot and five smelUbritaCaallage;, , B.: erainer Ontherine atteet, Zebdame 0,04 end - bloom stroilt„ between NOth and , . BALM AT TH.F.- AIIOTION.BTOIIII Tflls .I,OIMING. UAW—The superior furniture, :assent French plate oval.mirror, liracket tahlei pianoforte, fine velvet, Brussels, Ingrain- and „Verdian, carpets, china, "glass, and plated ware, Are-proof chant, Oleo, tables, stores, he., to be sold *VS 3i0113150, at tho 'Auction Store, le now arranged for examine' /on with catalogues. Ride Nos. 189, andl4l South Fourth street. . . SUPERIORFURNITURE, -- ROSEWOOD PIANO. TORTE, PRENOII-PLATE 'I3IREARS, TAPESTRY CARPETS; Ua"Thnrrduy morning, At 10 &clock, at the auction store, an extensive as aortmentof superior second-hand furniture rosewood piatte-forte,-Ifrencti.plate mirrors, topestrynalpets, from famlliee declining housekeeping. -- BALE- 0 ? •y A LUADLIt ROOKS, A.:PORTION PRObl •" • A LIBRARY. This Evening, - 311.1311817 Bth, at the Anotion Store, a Colleotton of in terestingheolos; a portion from &library. irrlor particulars see Catalogues:- - - - • - Extenstro-Sale,' 5T013.E. , 117' 'COTTAGE FURNITURE, CANE-SEAT AND vrnmsoa, rOHAIRS, SPRING, DAIS. AND RITSEXATI'RESSES, - -.onWednesday morning:, Unita FY 13th, at 10 olclook, at No. 1010 Chestnut PI treat, by catalogue, the ,entire stook of Messrs. Ware irtaL cemprising a general assortment of cottage chamber -furniture, dining-room . and parlor furniture, eXtenaire dining tables. cane.sest and Windsor chairs, spring; 'hair,. and husk mattresses, &0., all Tommie*. turedin the hest manner, expressly for retail sales.- May ...be,' examined With catalogues three days precious to sale, _ - ~...110.1e for account of United States. ROOTERS,, DRUMS, - On Friday Morning, 'lalenfiry 16th, at-11 o'clock, at the auction rooms, for account of:the United States, 234 uniform,. coats, 215 paira-'eroollen overalls,- 2.08 fatigue Jackets 166 linen Sacketa,,2s watok coats; 146...c0tt0n shirts.,l2 blankets, 901 pair bootees. 403 knapsacke, 3H yards starlet cloth, 44 tenor drums, 3 bass drums, 110 dram. 0171111,13 1.4 uni form• and fatigue caps, pompooils, belts, hair mat trosfea,- Terms—cash, payable in specie. - AT PRIVATE SALE. Sham in the Academy of. Music • Pant Breese Park; YhiladebbinandMercantiteldbraides ; Athenanun, &a. replay , . AT RISIVAT3I BAIA. - The elegant country mat and farm, knownyer;• ley,", rate the residence of, Iticliard Paxson, deceased, formarlyorp r , Shirren, Is offered pthrate sate. *ity,b,i9tad at the auction mama 115 , 117RNESS, BRINLEY; &- - • Nos. 222 and 224 MAIIHET Street. jal-y lIPP. SCOTT, Jr.; AUCTIONEER, (aucces. A -iv. kyr to WOLISPERT & ECOTT,) 4.3IOILESTNAT at.; oppoeita the o , ltatten Elmo, Intiteett : Fourth end RIM' &roar. • BALI: OP FtrhS, ROBES, &c. ' Thle (Friday) morning, Will be sold, commencing et 10,V o'clock,' a general essertment of Fors,- in sets for Ladies , and Misses' wear, emulating of capes, talmees victorines, pelerlues, cuffs, /cc. of stone martin, mink-sable, Ter martin, (itch, ermine, water mink, dm. Mao, gents' fur collars, fur . glooes, tor capes, &c; Also, an assortment of carriage and sleigh robes. N. B. The whole may- be examined with catalogues prior to eel*. - - I.IY _ALFRED ]W, HERKNESS, PEILADELPHIA - ROUSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, iontbe*t corner of Ninth and George Bta.i between Ohrotnnt 0$ Walnut streele. ; • , atelos' of horses, earriagea,. ind -harness, heti' se rlf every 'IIIATURDAY MORNING, - throughout' the year, commencing at 10 o'clock', -' - The largest eollectiOn of new ; and - neeond-hatt4 Stasi:wee,. harness, saddles, in the City, may be seen atlhla establishment for private sale. flOr,Carriisges receiVed on atOrege. " 117' Out-door sales attended to on reasonable term. 1101t4.8; - vmous; ANA nvolgga: ps.Ou Saturday Etbrning,- - ' At Ito Welock, at the Basairotill - be 'sold, hereon, vehlcles;And harness.: • - 110:422AVALNUTSTB ET e SOVRTII. VAIID-41‘.1.01 qv HOITSMOLD FIIIIII6TIIRE—TIIXB-- Er- We b leave to•irdlinothe übli that we ourmular wee eg kly Sales ol,Taratthrep ci eipx,Tnewlay, hol at d our • SIFAIHOUS - SALES BOOM, NO. 422 WALNUT 13TEBET, , where ereryposelble atteatieri is given to ob tain the highest prices for thekooda'of those who may favor us with consignmentii-Vamilfes having portions of their farnitifre to OrPONO of, or those declining , house-: keeping andnot,..wlshing sales at their own dwellings,: can hare thelribrilltam okBEFULTITIMIOvEr TO OUR SALES ROOM WILERE TURY WILL RDALILR BETTER PRIORS FOR `THEIIVFORNITURE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROICANT OF TUB 111.11N1-, DEALEBB OR 'ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE Er Persons favoring us with consignments can rest assured thattheir property will not be sacrideod.• Omundssione more Moderate than those charged by any other Auction Houseetf in thellyko city li . , Dar Ckiniilitunentsresneucited. ' Sales.yald iromediatelv after the roods are sold. REAL ESTATE, SALE—JANUARY lath. This sale st the Exchange, on yedneadarevening, January 18111,165 g, at 7 o'clock, will include.-: • Orphans' Oonr Sale—Eetate of Jobn ardeed.- TWO VRASIE t HOUSES, - SOMERSET W ST , ., DNINE TEENTH WARD, The lot of ground, with two frame houses tbereeri. erected, northwest side at Somerset street, 100 feet northwest from Almond street, Nino Wont ward, 20 feet front , and 106 feet deep:' $l7 - . ground-rent,- . - j[7 $5O to bepild the aide. REAL •ESTATE:SALE, 27141 JANUARY . This sale at the, Exchange, on Wednesday evening, 27thlinitary,185S, at 7 o'clock , will Include— Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Henry BrethoE, d eo'd. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, VERNON ; A two:StorY,liriok ioqsa and Jet„ most side of Vernon street:, SatitErrath, 16 fect ; front, .65 feet deep: ' £4.10s (sterlingleound rent, - - OrPhatis , (Alert Pale—Estate of Lydia Thompson, dec'd. PROPERTY; :HARMONY STREET, LATE SOLJTll ehit'org. rottrid.Mirth. side of 'Harmony street, Se feet• Li& Yotatti - street, Whitt:mark, 15 feet front, 62 feet ground rent. , iLipr $056 to be paid Oil each of the above when. the twee iaatrnokflff. , .• . , • 'ARAD ESTATE SAI,E4ABRUARA 24.1.858, This tats 'All be held at the Axehouse on Wednesday erening,yebroary.s4,lBsB,- at 7 o'clock, and will In; elude- 7 , • _- - Orgena' Court Sole:—: ' Estate of Win. B. Deniels,"deed. MHOA 11,011611 AND I,OT, CHESTNUT STILEAT 3 TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.— ;-• • A too-story brisk , house and lot of gronnd, south side or 0,4414 4 street, 178 feet westward ert Till street, In the Taienty.loorth ward ..of the c,ty; 25 Feet front and. 220 feet y; deep to Goorgesireet. -Clear of lactuubrtuce. a bi,paS4 when itrok l og, , , - ; • •• 4,T PRIVATE SALE, ' A first-oleos Rtinthis Office, with ft food. 1 4 an' it tut. , netifi fonfirratThipreafes, two Ilnales and ine Adams Typeand etstithin necessary lot thtibtutineas. the',Anition Store.- - • „ : V,AB[IIEL • - NATHAN%AIIMIONEER, IQ and MOM ' OVEIOE, No; 112 'South THIRD Street, below Wahrat, oppealte Pair ft, only eight doers below the Exchange. can of kneiness from I o'olook, A. M., Until 20 &sleek Usti evening. - Oat-door saes; mot Oahe at the Attetkin House, at. tended upon the inept satlefaiewg terms. - • CAPITAA $200,000. Established /se the toes Thirty Years. ovule's mite item one dollar to thousands on Pis monde, Sliver 11hte, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her audit°, 13othing,TetnIture, DeddingAigare, Muslim] InittturAnte, Huns, Hprees, Carriages, aid G oods of. es eiT heeMiPtion• ••• MA. 0042 rega-Age Mg. *Pea, Of. agreed lawn. All advances, from one hunarrefiieliare and upwittis ICI be +awned 2 per cent. per Mee.% I Is6oo and neer, the lowest market rate. . T,hls Mom Ileum having a depth of 120 feet, baalarge Bre and thief-proof /salts to store all valuables, and pri,• vete watchman for the prenshets • also, a heavy Man ranee °fleeted forthe beltellt of ell!PersOne haying Pod , advanced upon. • • 0040004 04 having an 'unlimited capital, this Offloe 3a prepared to mato advances on more natio, factory and accommodating terms than any other In WA city. . onoy adranco3 to the poor, In small 44,04, with ontany dune. AT PRIVATTs BALZ— „ Patent Lever And.. other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing yell he sold at colored nicer. aei•ly IVOS&S N A PRA 1 , 7,%',11.170T10NEEt 4-Y-11-9..14D MAMMON BIERMANT; 8. E. corner RclETE'sikid RACE Streets, „ AT PItIVATiI BALE-101d and silver indent' lever, hethse, E nglish, sod Pronolt,wate es, jewelry, of every deecrlption, routioallostromonts, icol &a. 'AT PlaViall flAida. - Arranged on second door, household:furniture, of - every description, bide; mat tsarina, Carpeting . , looking glasses, fancy arttelea, dco.,lto. „ • Oit,doOntaled attended ioperliaemby by the sinettoi ear. Oharges retr lovri Condissiments of furniture e1(4141% jewelry; &e., Solicited, • - - , _ -- MOM' ADVANCED: Lib e ral cash advances made on dlamende ' watchrs, jewelry," dff clothing,,groeeries, hardware, - cutlery, , segars t minket instruments, fowl. log pterds,lutnlture, - treddind, heresy - , • roSbieles, bar „INAS, and On all articles of yalue: -• • • , •V-TRIWATII AT JULY, -17813 AL lIRLIANG , T4II7O3.—DonbIe-bottomed and , hunting essa , gold 'patent lever witches,' of the most Sp. ROO make* hunting case and open face gold escape ment litertkicalephte" - watchelf; hill jeweled; gold enameled hives and lepinfi latched 'for - 1010. - 1 gold jeweirrof every : disertptlont olives 'lever and lapin. watoliek In hunting eadotand - oPew ;Wee' elleee SWIM, satitYranchwatobea; a general assortment o f fnr. nitaxe; beds, mattrealasknarrors. ace. , thour-Dooee ft-$4l$ll=Ol7XV indahltrisei t 0 Eat Oditaigntlfeß Wes* isectipilog gootis ' iollolted rot nubile einritato , , I‘ol.l2lrAbll3llllolesfdil Baia tiw oval j i far_Oddlo4rpri , nits or loleilisid for' a limit ed Than. Ohargsalow. GEORGVINVMaIti4 , = 1 .14.110TIORM A oolll9t of BAUlyt.9NlAtti , ttri ithisb thotelkeevh.7.c.,:z -4 1 s iiiii*sii if fiCAMEOW1244 An - Vdzvdt',iit th Aneln Akre, e le ditardf 4 46 Itat_a*NOtiAiriMe49ol,9l . l4.loorOgiilyymok AFM 3.0 41 , 1 ,4.90 , , -- • , - RBI O , P O I A ° I4 E CO O M P PAN T Y IIB . - :,' W ESTIdOBELA.ND Qq ~"! .-Plitt.anatenta, jan. 6,1.653. At hn antiner %loath:ear the Stoekboldora of the Westmoreland- Oonlproar held at their Who 4ineary Bth ; 1886, the following persona Were unmet. family elected for the ongoing year PrOIdetIV—KOWARD liIDDLE. Diaz:Moak. llward. Ihddle, Tames Ilegee., John Covode,' Fameel b. Sewed O. sortone ,E Pemberton Morris, „ Stephen u. firoolte, Edward towbar, M. D., I. Pemberton Hutchinson. ' , William S 'Perot, Sohn A. Howell: in 7-30 I . Secretary and Treamer—PPANOrd IL JACKSON. I N'OTICE TO OONSIGNEES.—The ship 11 sTADvriaT; Capt. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharge dealtveBr"Vr N street vtiohro.ontnr; on board. All goe e ds not permitted within five days will be sent to public store, -- • - THOS. RICHARDSON A: 00., , 101 WALNUT str eet. OFFICE' 'ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 31.119ALMIT Street, January 4, 1854. NOM is hore'by given, that in parsufnee of a retiolu it= of the flowed of Directors, a second instalment of IXVH POLLAIIS per share on the stock, notes, and subscription to the capital stock of the Company, is re golfed to he paid at the office of The Company on or be tore MONDAY, the first day of February,l Bs ß. tO-oodtFebl • _AV. ll' i3IIITII, Secretary. 'IIOIIIILADELP,BIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTDIORE RAILROAD. CO3lPANr.—Dnaem- BSA 10,1857. The Annuallteating of the'filockholders of this Com pany will take place in WILMINGTON, at theoffice of flte,Compsuy on MONDAY, the 11th of January next, at 12% P. M., for tho Election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other .business as may legally genie before the meeting. - dell-fwtJal ALFRED 1101iNER, i3ocrotary. lIIOERCANTILE LIBRARY.—Tho annual _LTA_ wee:lngot the stockholders of the MERCANTILE 'LIBRARY COMPANY, for the election of Directors and Treasurer, and 10 the transaction of other business, frill tie held in the Library room, on TUESDAY EVEN ING, Yalunirjr 12th 1868, et 734 o'clock. CHARLES 11. DINGEE, Secretary. DoCerabor 30th, 1861. Inl-frta4t OFFICE OF COMMONWEALTH INSU RANCE COMPANY OF TEN STATE OF PENN. SYLVANIA, N. W. corner of 'FOURTH and WALNUT - Streets:—.At an election by the stookholders ot the COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, held at the ernes of the Company, on _MONDAY, the 4th lost ; the following nmie) pereooe were elected to wry. es Directors forth. en Mit og• year: DR. DAVID_JAVNE, HENRY LEWIS, Jrt,, • THONIXS S. STIVART, 301 IN Ca. WUITELL, HENRY L. BENNER, J. K. WALKER, , MARK R. WENDELL, JOHN M. BUTLER, 'EDWARD 0. KNIGHT, S. K . KOSSIE. At a meoting'ot the hoard of Directors, held the same day, the following °Mears were elected: DAVID JAYNE, U. D. President THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice President. flAntrir. S. Stool, Secretary. ja6.4t SPECIE , PAYMENTS.—SAYING FUND , of the AM:RICAN TRUST COMP.S.AY, South east corner of WALNUT and FOURTII Streets —This old Institution having continued to pay In full on de mand, without notice, will receive Deposits at Five Per Cont. Interest, and pay back all sums, large or small, ON DBNAND, IN GOLD AND BILYNR. Open from 9 o'clock till 5, and on Mondays till 8 o'clock iD the even ing. ALEXAIiiItEIt WIIILLDIN, President. IMO. (1. BM, Secretary, Putheunrine, January 4,1855, NOTICE. - --CHRIST, JAY, & BESS, of New York, have this day established a Branch to this city, at No. 32, South FRONT, and No. 33 LETI TIA Stteets,,under the direction of Mr. ANDREW A. lIGTLER, and a ill keep on hand a complete assortment of French, British, and German DRY GOODS. January let, 1868. jao-t* OFFICE OF ,THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE COUNTY OP YERLADEL. The Directors of the said Company have tide any de clared. a Dividend of Four per cent (on the amount of the capital stock paid in) which will be payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and after the loth instant. And in conformity with the Act of Incorporation, a general meeting of the Stockholders will bo held on MONDAY, the 18th instant, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Office of the Camp lug, No. 432 North THIRD Stoat, for the purpose of electing ten - Directors for the ensuing viers. BENJAMIN F. 11.0.ECICLEY, jas.dt 18. Secretary. NOTICE.—A Semiannual Dividend of 111 FIVE PER CENT. on the Preferred and Common Btocke of the BEAVER MEADOW RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY Pas been declared this day, payable at their Office on and after Monday, Jan. 11th L. CHAMBERLAIN, Treasurer. THILADit.PIIIA, Jan, 3,1858. ' ja4-Btit INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. _ PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2-1, 1857. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdera will be held at the Company's; 01lico, No. 4 EXCHANGE, on TUBS DAY, fanuary Lth, ISM, at 12 o'clock noon , and an Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at fame place- on MONDAY, January 11, 1128, between the boom of 10 o'clock, A M. and) o'clock P. M. 'de2s.tjall WILLIAM HARPER,Becretary. OFFICE OF'THE NORM PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The -Annual Meeting of the Stobkbolders of PRE NORTII PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY," will be held at the office of the Company, No. 123 WALNUT, above Fourth street, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, January /1, ISM, at 11 o'clock A. IL, nt which time and place an Eketlou will be held for a President and Ten Directors, to nerve for the ensuing year. de2S-dtjall EDWARD ARMeTRONG, Secretary, OTIOE.— Oleo of the Beaver Meadow Railroad Company. Pattanat.rnti, December 14,1857, The annual meeting of the Etoekholdora of the Dearer !doer Railroad and Coat -Company bo held at eh. office. No. an WALNUT Ettrect,"oa MONDAY, t e 18th of January next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an election Wlll be held for President and ten ,Directors for the ensuing year. ' dels-dtjalB* L. OfIAMBERLAIN, Bee. and Treas. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON CO.—Pntuanal.rat a, Dee. 1.6, T857.--The annual meeting or the Stockholders of this .rally will be held at their Once, No. 68 8. FOURTH t, treet, on MONDAY, the i Bth 4sauary. at 11 o'clock M., at which time there with be ha election of 'Di rectors to aorVe for the Os:suing year. `, 449,4348 rent% OF THE , INVURAIIOE COM PANY AMElllClA—Pintanstee is, December 3 st, 1887.=,The wins; meeting of the stock holders will beldat the office or the Company, No. 232 WALNUT Street; on 310NDAY, January 11th. 1858 at 12 o'clock 31 and on TUESDAY. the day following, ;armory 12th; 1858, en Election wilt be held for Direc tors; to serve the ensuing year. • jalmitjal2 HENRY D. SITERRERD, Secretary BASS'S _EAST • INDIA PALE ALE.— Air The ioininters of tble celebrated beverage need no description of its quilitimcor evidence of its excellence, beyond the benefit they , have derived from its use since ita introduction into tide county ; to those who have not yet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING *Alt Liquor, it may be well to state a few facts : BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes its 'excellence as a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water immediately communicatlng with the brewery, and the scientific skill applied In its manufacture. BASS'S EAST lIjDIA PALE ALE Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated Palates, is, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but Stop?achie and appetizing. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern in his ruling bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawns. BASS'S EAST INDIA pAi,r, ALE le the drink without which no tiMu can be complete-- no journey by dawk pomble. • Dabbed EAST INDIA. PALE ALB . Is the favorite drinkin England of lord and bagman duchess and nurse. - 'BASSI EAST INDIA PALE ALE • . Is the much-admitted tone for Wren& and perms of weak !ateliers. . . BASSI EAST ISIMA DALE ALE Will keep in all climates; and is good at all meals2lnn cheon, dinner, or supper, , BASS'S EAST INDIA DALE ALE Ie pronounced by the medical faculty one of the meet wholesome beverages that can be taken, and is found to to notleasheleasalth.: agreeable to the palate than it is beneficial Le BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE - Is universally conceded to he unrivalled in excellence by any other imported into the United States. Dealers and consumers will find it their interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale in cask and bottle by • „ lUOMAB AtelittiLLEN, - Agent and Consignee, 45 BEAVER St., N. Y. Multi° atDelmonitc.%•Williara st., corner or Beaver, .7_ and Chambers, corner of Broadway. , • •• - Sutherland's, 18 Bine. street. • • •, • , B erryle, 30 Pine street. • Richatdson k Harter, 120 Water Bt. ,tleorge B. Burgess, 483 Broadway. -11. - B. Gosling 137 Broadway. - nol-em TKINGSFORD•B4 saxes PURE . 0,w,00 STAUVU(for the laundry) has estab lished a greater celebrity than has ever been obtained by any other Starch. • This hoe been thoi remit of its marked superiority In quality, and its Invariable uniformity. . The public may be assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. • • The production to over 20 tom daily, and the demand hag extended throughout the whole United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and tinder a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity in• the quality throughout the year. Thin Is the great de sideratum In starch-making, and is realised now for the Drat time, The very best starch that can be made, and no other. is always wanted by consumers, and this will be sup- plied to them by the Grocers as soon so their customers have learned which is the best, and ask for it—other *lse they would be likely to get- that article on which the largest profit can be made. • Mr. Kingsford has.beeti engaged frith° manufacture of Starch oputinnonelY for the last 27 years, and during the whole of the period the Starch made, under his super- Vision his been, beyond any question, the best in the market. For the first 17 years he load charge of the works of Was. Colgate & Co., at which period he In vented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch. , Aiik for KINGSFORD'S STAROII, as the name Oswego has recently been taken by another factory. It is sold by ail the best grocers, in nearly every part of the country. • T. KINGSPORT. & SOWS OSWEGO CORN STARCII (for puddinge, &e.) has obtained an equal celebrity with their Starch for the laundry. This ertide is per fectly pure,,end is, In ovary respect, equal to the beat Bermuda. Arrow Root, besides having additional quail ties which render it invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed sad sold as Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many as to the real nitrite of our Corn Starch. Prom Its great delicacy and purity, it is coming aloe nto general nee as a diet for infants and invalids. N. N. KNLLOUG & 00., Agents, 106 kULTON Street, N, Y. GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, NANT/FACTURERB . Oi BAND 88 WALKER mum, , /MTV YORK, Received the following gist prize medals in competi tion With the best manufacturers of Boston, New Tort., Philadelphia, and Baltimore, TWO PIREIT PRIZE MEDALS at the bletropolltrau Waahington, blarch,lBas. - A GOLD hIEGAI, at the °zoysia! Palace, New York, November, 1855, (befog the only Gold Medal given for Pianos Withih.lllo Tan 81E years.) A GOLD MEDAL at the litaryland Institute, Ilaltl teere,lBsor • - If '4l THE FIRST PRIZE L at the Pair, Oryetal Palace, Na,, York November, 18d6. Among the judges' were %hotrod musical talent of the country, such AB M. Eamon, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many others. Bt. & 8. Pianos' (with and without iron frames) are warranted for throe years and written guarantee ghee.' - Pianos packed and , shipped without charge. prices moderate. nal.tf COAr TP icaort, ENGINE .AID HOTEL LAM ../Paetoryof EiW ISSEHERS, No.loo (late 43) South EIGHTiIi, bele* Ohamtnut etreet, has become a eaving of fici per cent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN gEROHANTS, and also the convent epee of having their Old Varrlsgeliamps hO3ll eliver-tinipect and bottomed, end cent bi sermon( 41 ell - wav )009 GALLS, WHALE 1,000 pall. Elephant OH, i a o c ab o tt a li p o i l i hrlg t l6l,7 ,t aft e lt by ( nolo-,t9 No. 104 N. Athwart!. wionatt. ,:QTORAGE on SECOND and T I 1?„ 11.,71,1,00nn aitri be had at 110 North Wallgpplipaet. '•kpplttoldAUlN k 81.4.9kLIBT$S, TN TUE SUPRRIRR COURT FOR THE IN EASTERN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA 8eP311,616111 B. Thomas vs. William Davis. 411,A1 Henry IL Dolby. Venditioni EXponas, January Term, 1868, No. 86 The Auditor appointed to make dletrlbutionl)f the fund reified under the above proceedings by Sheriff's sale, of all that large Lot of Ground, composed of ten contiguous lota, with the unfinished brick buildings thereon erected, situate on the southeasterly side of Almond street, 161 feet 6 ineheir northeastwardly from Lehigh avenue, in the Ntheteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front, on said Almond street, 144 feet, and extending in depth, southeastwardly, at right angles with amid Almond street, di foot. finJect to a yearly ground rent of 144 dollars. Will attend to bi duties en TUESDAY, the 12th day of January, A. D. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. at his office, No. 204 South PIFTLI Street, In the city of Philadel phia, when and where, all par - ties In Interest are re quired to present their claims, or be debarred from com ing in upon said fund. deSO-10t . GEORGE W. BIDDLE, Auditor. TIIE ORPEIAIIS , COURT FOR THE .1:c1ITY AND COUNTY OF PIELADELPUIA.— Notate of WM. ST.YENSON. decomod. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of slimuel Grant, Executor of the last will and testament of the said decedent, and to report distribution, will meet the_ parties interested at his Office. No. 70 Beath SIXTH Street, above Wal nut, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of January 1858, at 4 o'clock P. 81. J. P. O'NEILL, jai 4 0 8 11-Bt* Auditor. UTlUE.=•Nllereas, Letters of Adminls tration on the Estate of THOMAS B.WILLETTS, late of San Francisco, California. decd, have been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claim or demands will make known the same without delay to JAMES F. WILLETT:I, Administrator, call mil daS•Jan3ll No. IA N. Twelfth street. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TUE CITY AND COUNTY OF POILADNLPUIA.— Nstate of LUDWIG PRIELINot, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by the court to audit, oottle, and adjust the account of Sophia Frieling, administai trlT. asuid. decedent. and to report distribution, will most the parties interested at his office, No. IQ tooth SIM Street. above Walnut. on TIIERRILUE, the 14th day or Jauuary, 1858, at 4 o'clock P. At. jel-1.5,8,11,13-44* J. P. O'NEILL. Auditor. • rrillE • OONSTITUTI ON AND THE A- UNION—JEFFERSON AND JACKSON DEMOCRACY , 0501105 TwVINTIRTR WARD Subjoct to Democratic Principten CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM CURTIS, Tutfin UNTIL WARD. Subject to Democratic rulce. CITY COAINISSIONER, CHARLES 31. D. t 3 TII VIRST WARD. subject to Democratic mien F OR REGISTER OF WILLS-^- WM. LIANOOOKB, T1 , 7111.4'1'11 WAUD, d24m* Subject to Democratic Rules. FO • SHE VP ALDEII3IOI GEORGE liloollll, FOURTII WARD. Babied to Democratic Rule& FOR SHERIFF JAMES G. GIBSON, TWENTY-8600YD %YARD. Subject to Democratic Ruleg. /TALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, 11.1. NEAR BALLS OF BOURYLKILL, =Ear BOARDING hlonoori FOR BOW JANtremS 4 1465, E 12132221 The Rector, Rev. B. It SSI.YBER, may bo Been every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to 5 o ' clock, at 1200KR103 Bookstore, $. W. corner EIGHTH and OHEBTNUT, where also circulars may be obtained. Addreaa fine. B. R. 85.1ISER, Palle of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. ORITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E, corner of SEVERTD and ORESTRUT Streets, Second and Third Stories, BOOR-KEEPING, PENMANSUIP, every 'style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND roams. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, dco. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. Ono of the Best Penmen In the Country has Charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms. Le. octi-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PIIILADELPIIIA. No Seminary whatever Is more like a private family. The course Of study is extensive and thorough. Pro teaser Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Vol. J. W. Verney, Editor of. tide Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. leptlg.tf fA.NIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGUTE and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. an 1.17 YER STROU SE, ATTORNEY AT MIL LAW, (IKNTILE street, Pottsville, pa. andAy TAMEABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State Goose; one of the best business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Room No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. no2B IMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH street, first almvo Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Cards, Bill. Meade, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. {Boding attended to in connection with printed head toga of Blanks and Receipts. d2-tf i EVANS,-10,000—.PRINTEn; A E eartde per near: Then reuilAt wu ef :ed 1 th. wLula %SS ' IV Ila ph,hadia... Pre, .1 Ile I. 7 i l, rit I A F... 1.0.1. fflAI T ' A $.l. . d onz - , Th. , — " .t. vric l e, of the ,- PA.1.0.1.,..5v....0.. D Tenpe , l4A , E. V. 0 the •try ben OP.-6r I , kar greaLy tedered. ..... S AP 1 eg624 , 11.17, FOUIIIT IS ST. below Chestnut. ---- BRIDGE NOTIOE.-THE TIME FOR receiving Plans and Estimates for the Chestnut Street Bridge, has, by Orviimmee of Councils, been ex. tended to the 20th day of January. 2553 mum /ELAND KNEW, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. de3GLdtja2o - • WONDERS 'OF THE AGE-LIGHT, LIGHT FOR.' ALL—D. P. PETERS' Patent Non-Explosion Sell-Generating OAS LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Prier, $1.60 up ; all may have a Rep rice Light by calting . at the Depot. This Lamp Is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to teat its advantages over all others. The Lamp rormn Ito own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All are invited to tall and examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietor to fu want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. D. P. PETERS, Gas Lamp Depot, n021.3ra S. cor. Second and Chestnut sta., Philad• E WI N G MAC HI NE S.—GROVER, I.J.BARER, k CO.'S UNRIVALLED SEWING MA. CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity Increases. After years of trial it la de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinda of oboes. The fact that it does one-third more work In the same time, and does It better ; . that It fs the least liable to get out of repair, being simple in its construction; that it makes the least noise, and that it is acknowledged on all hands that it Is best for a now beginner, has gluon the pro prietors a demand for It to such an extent that they aro obliged to delay the filling of orders In many cases for months. Over eight hundred aro In operation In this city, and the case has yet to occur whore a person who has purchased one has exchanged It for another kind. Taking into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 15 to 40 hands intheir shops, doing the wait for she manufacturers, without exception nse this machine in preference M any other kind , al ways recommend them in preference to others , it would coons unnecessary for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiority. The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the sale of these Machines. always have a supply, and have made ouch arrangements that they sell them upon terms that will Meet the wishes of all. Unlike other Machines sold in this market , it is free [rein all infringements of other patent s. BAKER ds BROTHER, OPMTRAL &MAUR, LYNN. I oo 27-tf CLEWING MACHINES .-PRATT'S NJ PATENT—PRIDES PROM $l2 TO $25. The „ LADIES' COMPANION" is the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without P seeker ing the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and ta ster fastening the thread when stopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but ono thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from five to flay to the inch. Any one con learn to operate them in half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which any ono can Use them, We are enabled to offer these superior len tbinen at the above low prices, as wo are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for burro:need tents, this machine being made under our own patents in every part, and infringing upon or using no other. There are some hundreds In constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the beet satisfaatinn. livery machine is warranted to give satisfaction. Ladles and gentlemen are invited to call and examine them and their work, and judge for 1 hemselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms 113 MASIIINGTON Street, Boston, and 877 BROADWAY. New York. oc 27-tf A RORER, 'WARNER, MISKEY, & MINUFACTUftERO OF OC.SALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds Gas and Lamp Work, Gimndoles, hc., No. SD CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . • ARCHER, WARNER, fc. CO., No 376 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. I , in- Buildings fitted with Gam Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gal Work. 'lO2 Em IFIBEEN SAND MARL OP NEWJERSE f. —TILE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY is now prepared to receiTo orders for this important manure. Per all lands upon which ashes aro beneaelak, the Marl le more than a auLatttute. Profeesor Cook, in his annual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey; says : "The value of these Marls is best seen in the rich and highly cultivated district which has been improved, almost made, by their use ; but It may be interesting to examine the causes of their great value in Agriculture, and to compare them with other fertilizers. Per excnole: The potash alone may be taken at an average of five per cent. of the whole weight of blurt, a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of potash ; thin is nearly as much as there is in a bushel of ualeached wood Rehm' , And again— it is probable that the great value of the Marl Is to be found In the fact that it contains nearly all the sub stance,, necessary to make up the ash et our common cultivated plants. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland heights, on Raritan they, New Jersey, seven cents per bushel. For further particu lars, zoo circular sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilisers will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. CHARLES SEARS, President, Riceville Post Office, New Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 Nassau Ricca, New York. 000500 W. ATWQOI), 800tOtary, No. 10 Cedar street, New York. . . li. B.—Those wishing Karl for flpring rise should order Immediately, to Seeure Its early shipment. Orders will be filled in rotation. cot l9•im VOTTON-100 bales Gulf Cotton, In store NJ and for pale DT aq MARTIN it, BIACIALISTuR, Nut* WOW 6t1144, THE PRESS.-4HILAbELPHIA; PRIDAV. JANUARY g, IgsB. 3kegat-,~Qatices, 4031 (Ha eburational. =12:11= 9illarnepa at Kara. Jar sale attb Qta :et. Job printing. .z e, t" V . t 41 ) .Pinnq CIOR SAN .FRANOISCO.—To salt on the .1' lath lostant.—The famousolipper ships EDWIN PLYE, O. P. Weaves, Commander, and NOW IN FOR RN9T, ()Room, Commander. Both of these magnificent shIPS are now loading in New York, and wilt be despatched ea above. Per balance of freight apply to 411,5110 P, SIMON_ CO., 120 (late BO) NORTH WIIARVEB. GLASGOW AND NEW YORK .1 STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S oplendid and powerful ' , towbars, EDINBURGH, 2,500 tone, Wm. °warning, Commaudor, NEW Tong., 2,160 tom, Kober; Craig, GLASGOW, 1,902 tone, Julie I):111011. Are appointed to sail TRU 0 LAMM. New York, Saturday, 18th December Edinburgh, Saturday, lath January. tiltiegow, Saturday, 30th January. EROS( NEW TORN. • Now York, Saturday, 16th January, at 12 o'clock, noon RAM OF PASEIMIR. PROM CILABGOW First Ohm 15 guineas Bteernge, found with cooked provisiong 8 se • • . First Class $l6 00 Steerage, found with cooked provitions ...... 30 00 Children under 14 years of age, half lare; Infanta in Steecago,ss. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this lino,. First Class $l4O 00 Third Class 60 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For passage. apply to WORRISAN A CO , 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. lIALL ft LONEY, Buchanan , s Wharf, Baltimore. JAMBS RABOURN, 11 Broadway, New York. jad•Out riIHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMBRI -L OAN ROYAL MAIL STNAMSOIPS. PROM NEW YOUR TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Pitzsago.. Second Cabin Passage PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Passage 60 The snips Irvin Boston call at IlalifaX. PERSIA, Capt. Judicins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wlckrnan ASIA. Capt. It, G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt.ltyrle. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. , EUROP-A;tapt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear whits light et mast-head i green on starboard bow ; rod on port bow. _, AFRICA, Shannon, leave N. York, Weddliellay, Dec D. AbIERICA, Lott, " Ilostqu, Wednealay, 1/00. 16. EUROPA, Leitch, " N. York, Wednesday, Dee. 29. CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30. PERSIA, juditi ns, l% N.York, Wednesday, Jan 0;88 NIAGARA, Wickman, Buston,Weduesday, Jan. 13'.58 AFRICA, Shannon, " N.York,Weduesday, Jan, 20. Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tho owners of these Ships will tact be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to deb-y LL CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. SAVANNAH. STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMSIIIIII HATE OF GEORGIA KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed Mato of trade, the above daps trill he withdrawn for the present. Octoberyth. A. UKWM, Jr. 0 SOUTHAMPTON • gni doe at teamthi p VAN , commemder, 6,268 tons, -11.:AR E REDUCED AND LIAVRE.—TIie DERDILT, Edward 'Egg' will mil From New York for South- From .. Southampton and ampton and Llano. Ilavrafor New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Doe, 5 Saturday Dec. 28 Price of Pusage—Ffrat cabin, $100; second cabin, t. 50 Specie delivered In London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D. TOBRANOE, Agent, No. bDowling Green, NOW York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps it from other cities,) will be received at No. 5 Bowling-green, New York, up to 11X o'clock on the morning of sail ing, oelo-tf L"OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7. x• New York and Havre Stemnakilp Oompany,--The Molted Statog Mall Stomaching MUG°, 2,500 tong : David Linea, commander, and YULTON , 2,500 tone, Junes Wottoa, commander, pill leave New York, Haire and Southampton, for the yearend? and OS, on the Movies days : LIMN ass IrOli. 1857. 1869. fano; Saturday, Aug. 22 Arsgo, Satarday, Jan. 9 d o O ct. 'o. . 2ePt. 19 A Button, k s i t' 11: Aram do. Nor. 14 taboo, do. April P"°° ' 4° ' Dee. 12 ftlen, dt--- May 1 uan COUTHAYPPOL 1867. 1867. A Tuesday, Aug. 25 Arno, Wednesday, Aug.% Fulton rago, , do. Sept. 22 Pulton, do. Sept.2B Arago, do. Oat. 20 drag°, do. Oat. 01 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Fulton, do. Moe. 18 tango, do. Deo. 16 Arago, do ; Deo. 10 1868. 1888. Fulton, do, Tan. 12 Patton, do. Jan. 18 &ago, do, Feb. 9 Arago, do. lob. 10 Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. AprilB Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, do. May 6 Arm°, do. /tine 1 Arago, do. aline 2 Fulton, do. June 29 Fulton, do. hue 80 ?PdOi OP P:031310O: From New York to Southampton or Harre—Firet Cabin, $l3O ; fieoond Cabin, 676. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York—Pint Cabin, 800 trace; Second Cabin, 600 franca. For freight or peacoat), apply to MORTLMEB LIVINGSTON, Aaant, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISCLIN, ' 4 Ilairre. °ROBERT In OD., ft Boutleton. AMERICAN =SORBAN EXPRESS AND rac.- Pub,. ORANGE 00. sue _ RE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES NAIL IBTRAMEItS.—The Shipe composing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. i p The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock.. 'The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. Thane ships have been built by contract, expressly for Uffernment service; every care has been taken m their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their sooonunodatiens for pesasegers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Live , In first cabin, $130; in second do., $76; from Live to New York, 80 and 20 gnineas. No berths sec u ass paid for. The ships or this lite have lovtortall w r-tlg It balk 'made, PROPOSED DATES 07 SAILING. MY NOW TOOK. ROOM LI YRIIIVOL. Saturday, June 20, 1657 Wednesday, Jane 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1807 Wednesday, July 22; 1857 Saturday, Ar.g. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1567 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 18$7 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. SO, 1867 Saturday, Out. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, o.t. 24 1857 .Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 18.57 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 0, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 21, 1857 /or freight or.passage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 55 Wall !dna, N.Y. DROWN, SHIPLEY It 00., Liverpool. STEPHEN ILENNARD fr. 00., 27 Austin Pearl, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT tr. CO., Porte. The owners of these 'Mips will not be accountable for gold, Over, bullion, specie, jewelry.pc °clone stones or metals,unless bills of ladlOg I.! I ned therefor, and the vaue thereof expressed therein aul-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARETO EU lug ROPE. Slut Cabin $BO I Second Cabin 25 0 . In the first.cless paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tons, 0. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,500 tone, P. N. Larnms, to sail Dom pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the 'UNITED STATES DIAILS, Leave N. York for Southampton, Bremen for i Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Woda , day, Nor N. Bat'y, Oct. M. Saturday, N0v.28 Wedn'd.y, Deo. 80 These steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie leilverod In Loudon and Paris. For ',wage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. oelo-tt Wince anb t'Aquiro. iIAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH AL WHISKEY —2O Puncheon* of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at Shippen street wharf, for sale by JOSEPII T. TOBIAS, 200 and 200 South FRONT Street, BRANDIES.—" Pinot Castillon," liarett, and other Cognacs of various vlntsges, lu half pipes and quarter reeks ellevoidn Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, Awl one•elghth conks. Imported and for sale bp HENRY 11011 LEN in CO , 0c22 221 and 223 South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND Liquor!. STORE, No. 210, Southeast Corner cif GEORGE and BOUTU Streets. sully I. LE WIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER V. IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &e., 28 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul•ly "IRRANDIES.—Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ma x-. :at Is Co., and other brands of Cognacs of 'Arlene vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks ; Pollevolgin Rochelle Branding, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom Rouse stores, Imported and for sale by HENRY BORLEN 4 CO" and Nog. %B and 223 South Fourth street. TAITTIMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 038) North THIRD Btreot,Ehiladelphla.—Bhlppint orders promptly attended to. mi. 141 stele mitt ileotattranfo. 111. Etwu galgTVT51113We Asors PHILADELPHIA. anSI-tt AUHIDDEN ts SONS, Psoralgros9 JONES 'a AllOll BTREIIT SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARCH 5T10791. HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS ! . , - The nOildayti are Cicala at band, and Jones's Arch streot Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for CoNFECTIONS. CNIIISDIAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES ===MME9 . . . Every variety of Lon Donn, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, new style of Gum Drops, Eau sucro Drops, L'auglitorre Lon Bons, and every variety rum and contly candies manufactured In Perin. Yor Presents, all sires arid rxrrenxii of Ornamental lleXes, Pyramids, Ribbon 'lies filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and sax, tag in price from ono Rollo. up to Nifty Dollar. Pomo of these Poxes are the XORTIWPREM BPECIIINOS OF FANCY WORK ANu ARTISTIC LIXSION EVER OFFERED IN Tills COUNTRY. To the Ladles, as well an to the wholo public, J011i . 109 Saloom; are the moot attractive In the Oity, and In splendor of adornment and Stash are suporlor to any In tho Union. BREAKFASTS, WEAVERS, AND SUPPERS, Served tip In the choicest and moot expeditious Mlle, • FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, lON CREAEIF, JELLIES, (I AISLE AND OYSTERS, I Conotautly randy for vlsitera n profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND oitNANENTAL CAKES AND PIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. iyrnr ,YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOAOIES of every clime and country. BALLS. FRIVATII PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families supplied at the ehorteot notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally , bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. dot-tf Jt. A JONES, Proprietor. fIAISIPBELL'S RESTAURANT.-VENI v SON, Wild Duels, Turkeys, Geese, arouse, Fresh Salmon, Chincatlque„ Opinachique, Princess Bay, Abe.. can, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GA3LO, wild or domestic, lit season. Crean Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppe" s served up at the shortcut notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, Nd. 527 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State House- N.B.—No expense or pains lute been spared by the Proprietor in hitting op this new establishment in the meet sumptuous manger—the second story being for the accommodation 41 Private Parties for Dinners, Su e" - r' ln a fra . nee forlotdles towards Sloth street. nov74m NE °GOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH -11.1. erect corner of BROill and WAINCIT.—Owns and all other delloallec In moon. Fatalllon svflled wish Waterton no elviest cotton. • In 00ALI COAL I COAL I—TMIGART'a WILBBRATED *WRING MOUNTAIN LEILIGH COAL. J. A. R. OA RTAIVII 0 REFNWOOD, TAMAQUA. GOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SOUITYL KILL 00AL, RANDALL & MEREDITH Hare for sale, and are constantly revel vats , tram &bore celebrated gollleriea 00 . A L. OF 'ALL SIZES There is no Ooal mined anywhere, equal to quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Ooal is very carefully screened at our yards, mad we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet awl all Impurities, Our VRIOES treat LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 161 BOWIE YRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, below BROAD street. Mere left at our Wharf, WATID street, above 0.11, LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ax. amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aut-lf C lIU YLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I min daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality°. 011IIIMKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My eustomere, and all othem who may favor toe with their ordure, may rely ore getting Coat that will be satlefactory to them. Er No inferior Oval kept at this eetabliehmeut to oiler at LOW I'NIONti. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. D. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste f EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. .1.41 DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest tatea, a ull supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an I.Bm illerctiant Qtaiiora J OHN P. DOHERTY, TOSHILELT WITH LILLY & HHOTHIII, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, MI CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIURTH, Flu now with him the best Tailors that ore engaged in the business in this country. CHARLIE ROTH, formerly the leading tailor of this city; Of. KAYSER, formerly cutter for C. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Maur 'Waimea, the beet Pante and Vest cutter in the United States, for years cutter with DeiVrrls, under the Irving ]louse, Broadway, and with Dqierris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The roost unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. ocl3-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT 1.1 TAILOIt, Non. 16 midi& South NINTH STREET, AHOVS CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of OLOTIIEI and OAS.MIERES alwayaon hand. All (No qualitthing made at this hitablithment Will y be of th e best , and in the most fashionable stle. Particular at y tention fitel2 to UNIFORM OLOTH. sue-tf g t l,H ABBE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTUING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arab and Race. ane•l) Qtattunionion .itterclianto. LIANDY & BRENNER-•COMMISSION ill MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 26 and 27 North PIPTH Street, Emit aide above Commerce tame; Philadelphia. OIIARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER ki CHANT acid Importer of HAVANA. ?MCNABB, (Now) 188 Walnut street.. second story. and-1y blobatto anb Ei2ara. HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome aeon meat, molt as Figaro, loartagu, Cabanas, Sultana, loria, Jupiter, Coloso, OonvercianteS, Torrey Lops, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cubans, lte., &0., &e., In g, g, 1-5 and 1-10 nes, of all sizes and quali ties, in attire and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by MA NUS TETA. (new) 188 WALNUT Stress, aol-ly below Second, second story FIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS RV/AM .—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig New Era,' daily expected from Hams, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, 0610158 Walnut street, below Second, sal Second Story. !online. 14. B. KITE & CO. 11.4. ILSBNITIME, ANIMISM, ikAt. No. 413 (late 129) WALNUT et. Thile4elphis. A new and superior style of gyring Bede. LTDIA D. Kim. Nina waterom cull etn Baap anb (anb ca. SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH SOURTU STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second atreeta. Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the name, having enlarged my manufactory so an to enable me to have constantly on hand a Cargo stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated Wh,to Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap or pure material, Settled Palo, and Grown Soap, English Sal, Soda and Peed Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand. Having adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices. P. CONWAY. PhilAdelphla. N, E.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crease. no 14.0 m stationerg• - - BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID Id. 110f1 AN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street. is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or mate to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks. Public Ciflices Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner, Orders fur 3013 PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee soy—. This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the boat in the Exhibition The select, ,n of the material is good, the workmanship moat excellent, end their finish and ap pearance neat and appropr.ate." no'n-tf 4jat6, trap, Stc SULLENDER & PASCAL, LIATTNRB, rut- m No. 8 B. BIXTII. rbmet, Philadelphia fiarbware QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, RIVET IRON ! Manufactured at FOUNTAIN CREAN ROLLING MIL! on the Schuylkill, above Spriug Garden Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKES. OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9•tt JOHN lIALDEMAN, Agent. ITIIIONAS E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE, A. CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 919 MARKET ST. bays Ninth, aoath Mao. Pbiindelphla an 11. em Boots an Oboes BOOTS AND SIIOES.--Tho subscriber Las on band a large and varied stock of BOOTS and SHOES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. CEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-ly S. R. corner FIFTH and MARKET Sts. VALI, STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIIOES. —4OBIIPRIL TUOMPSON & CO., No. 314 MAR KET Street, and NOB. 3 and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in store a large and welLassorted stock of BOOTS and 81101113, of City and Kaatern manufacture, which they offer (or solo on the beet toms for Cash, or on the usual credit. 15 000 BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN- Dow GLASS, of all sizes and (mantles, for salt at lowest prices. Our assortment is complete, and are daily receiving fresh lots from the ICensmgtou Glass Works. Sheets & Dully's make, superior to any in the market auto brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French We are now receiving two-thirds of the Glass made at these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all Oreg. 4,000 feet Stough Glass for skylights. 5,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Glass, of all pat; terns. White Lead, French and American Zino, Paints, &c, 100 000 the White Lead. 60,000 lbs French Zinc, (Vieille Montague). 75,000 lbs American %Mc. Brown Zinc, a. full supply. Ohrome Green, a full supply. Chrome Yellow. a full supply Prussian Dius, a lull sup) ly. Paris Green, a full supply. Address your orders to - ZIEGLER b.. SMITH., Wholesale Druggiete and Manufacturers, Sole Proprietors of the Penna. Steam Color Works Store S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Strode PhileAtelplita. dell tf m vu d ei i nal l i N t n he A n.,, D t Y po . ; -- o P a t u t i reiDa strengthener l i for weak Wogs and general debility of the ago ' • sure cure for Dyspepsia , whether acute or chronic, Low Sp) ritq, he. Price $1 25 per bottle, or $10.50 per dozen. sVerranted pure. Imported expressly ter us, Bole Agents" for the United States. Wbo!emelt Drugglats, 8. W. cor Second and (Ireen We %icier, by pernivoilon, to the following nierobert o the Medical faculty, as to the purity and then:llea standard of this Brandy: 0 I', Keichline, lit 1) , Fourth, above Tainauy. Chas. 11. Taylor, M. , Fourth, above litown. Chas, It. Roberta ' ISt. , Thlril, below Franklin. Witvon P. Vaitey, 31. D., Fourth, above Thompson. M J. K. Knorr, . 1), Front, above Poplar. dell..t ;13 lII3L 10 I, AMP S.—THE PUBLIC IS relpeettelly intormetl that Otticeg bare been opened by the District Superintendents of Public. Lighting, at which eiticens are requested to give Information respect. log accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and lo good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph flatly, No. 808 Wharton at., First Ward; Charles Carty, Supt. of 2d district, No. 8 Haines et. above Sixth; Miran Hirk, No. 820 North Sixth et., above Brown, Twelfth Ward; M. W. Deehong, No. 2231 Goatee tweet, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.V. Dowlby, ties Office,Twenty•Eourth Ward, ((West Philadelphia ; ) 11. blqadden, Gas Mee t Tvrenty-Becond Ward, (Germantown;) Win. N. Market, Gan Dike, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trusteea of the phit",,,ipta. Q" Works. A. J. KITE, ocl.Bm Saperintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA. TYPE FOUNDRY K. W. Car. THIRD and OIIEBNUT Btg. . . PELOIIZE & SOS, thankful for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance ' would announce to Printert and Publishers that their new BPITIMEN BOOK le now ready, and from their Increased facilities, are now prepared to Banish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, arid the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Justifies them In asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin tidied article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purohulng eLsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, In 09ohing At e for pew MS speelmon prloos. aul Jneurante Companito FUME MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE „a. SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Office, 5i0.151 W South FOURTH NW., Above WALNUT, (Up Stearl,) Philedtaphia. CAPITAL, $l l O,OOO. SILAS S. DREW, PIIYIIIIAVT• Financial Committee :—B L. BROWN, J. JOHNSON, E. F. HAZLETON. The &loot of this Society Is the creation of a Mutual Fund, to be applied in the most adrantageous manner fur the benefit of Ha sick members. By the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Society, and will be entitled to a weekly benefit Ryon should be disabled by sickness or accident from attending to your ordinary business or occupation. NO LIABILIrT r 0 .188880111INT8 Yearly Deposits of Afernbers under 50 Years of Age: $2 00 per year draw $2 00 per week, 300 300 0 I, 400 u 41 14 400 ,c 500 0 0 600 11 00 0 00 i i 7 90 it 700 0 800 a fi g 900 1c 0 n g 90 .1 10 CO " " " 10 00 " First week excepted. In addition to the above an expense Fee of $1.50 will be charged the first year which must be paid at the Ulna of making application and the yearly deposit in thirty days. All claims for slickness will bo promptly paid. All communications should be addressed to SILAS S. DREW, President. 154 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDYNO, No 403 WAL NUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital $500,000 FIRE, INSURANCE, limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. __ . INLAND INSURANCv by Rivers, Canals, Laken, and Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov, 1, 1557. Real Estate $87,000 00 Real Estate hold in trust, (in Phila.) :83,700 00 Bonds and Mortgages 10 360 00 t tacks, (par value 02,400) prevent value.... 67,910 00 Stock notes 38,400 00 Bills receivable 27,448 SI Crush in bank and on baud 2,104 38 Cash In hand', of Agents 7,033 63 PrOLUIUMB unpaid 9,388 88 DIRECTORS. CHARLES O.LATIIROP, 142,a Want street. Wit. DARLING, 1510 Plne street. ALEX.. WHlLLDEN, , merchant, 18 North Front at. ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C. HUNTER, Son of Wright, Hunter, & Co. E. 111A0Y,Srm of E. Tracy & Co., Goldsmiths , Hall. JOHN It. AVOUR.DY firm of donee White, & 3CCordy THOS. L. GILLESPIE, arm of Gillespie to Zoller. JAB. D. SMITH, firm olJas. B Smith A: Co. E. LIAIII I EIt JEFFRIES. firm of Wm. H. Drown Sc CO JON. It. VOGDES, office cor. Seventh and Stamm ats CHAP It. THOMPSON, office 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. JONA 1. SLOCUM, office 256 South Third street. CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. WM. DARLlNG,ifeelP;eoident. LEWIS GREGORY, 24 Vico-President, New York 11. N. Aesletnnt.2ocretsry. i1023-tf PORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANT, 331 WAI.NtST STREET, Charter perpetual. Capitll, 8500,000. Subscribed, 2621.10,000. Paid up, 5140,000. This Company to now prepared to WOO FIRE and bltiltlND POLICIES on fasmsble terms. PASSIMST—JOAN SWIFT. PRISHIDEOT—IIENIVY BIRD. .IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COAL PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANOE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, $012,725.03. INSURES LIVES tor short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur• chases life interests In Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingenclea of Life. They act as Executor., Administrators, Asaigness, Trustees, and Guardians. TBDSTESS. Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William 11. Kern, James Emden, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. lititolainnon, Rodolphne Kent, John W. hornet, William 11. Carr, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner 31. Ruin, John G. Brenner, P. S. :Mohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Weill, Joint W. Mans. Secretary. n1.141y "HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE m..a.IN SURANCE COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following !statement of the affairs of the company In published in conformity with prorielon of Its charter : RISONIV&D ➢ROY AUGUST 1, 1858, TO 1130081 81, 1857. , - Piro premium n 8,729 81 Marine premiums 217,793 62 Perpetual premiums 221 00 Total amount premium taken . 25,072 96 . 165,00 GO-180,078 60 Earned fire premiums Earned marine prominxne Deduct return premiums Net earned Marine loaqua paid. 803,886 76 Vire losses paid.... 8,031 11 $101,916 ad Selvage re Intoreotr3 c0ived,..4,351 51 It o - 'mar ono° 2,071 52 —9,083 69 03,653 10 Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements in lieu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, Sc Profit and loss Net proflt AgFISTS, Dash on hand 313,616 80 Dills recelcablo 118,201 02 Bonds and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks ^O O ,lOO 00 Stock notes 142,000 00 Due by agents and others 22,812 00 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. F. Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. Remit, Abraham Rex, J.I. D. llouston, Wm /I. Woods, Jos R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Bdgar Thomson, W. Ralguel, 0. 0 Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Lewars, Neiman Haupt, imam; E. Stites Nathan B. Potts, IT Lt. Shilllngford. PERCIVAL EL POTTS, President. 0. E. SPARGLit}, Vice President. W. R. WOODS, Secretary. °et: B. T. Knott. Treasurer . FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE 00M PANT. CAPITAL $126,000, PAID IN CAISII, AND SEOUEELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD TiS • SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROSIPTLY PAID. viuxoToßs John H. Dolmen, 'Henry M. Phill 11, David Woclpper, Lewis Shim:mak lienlatnin Davis, John Lindell, John Brans, Jr Charles Wield, AlAley M. Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John D. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer., Corwin Stoddard, Henry homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George H. Childs. JOAN 11. DOHNIIIIT, President. L. KRUAIDIIAAII, Secretary. soot 21-1 y TVET'TUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- 1 i OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings. FINN AND MARINE INSURANCE. 17ATITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGNI to INCILICABE TO 600,000 Thin Company in now fully organ red, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against lose or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFIOEIt.9. 0. 0. LAUGHLIN, President, RICH MID BiIIELPS, 'Me President GEO. BOOTT, &apiary DIRECTORS. 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Win. Osborne, Richard Shields, T.N. Showell, A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COAPA- A - 31. NY, NEW YORK.—Ofilce, No 29 Wall street, ad. Joining the Mechanise , Bank—Cash Capital, $250 000, with a surplus. hue Company Insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Mire and the Itihka of .101.0.111 Aav,goilon. DIHEOTORB Henry Grinnell, Joshua L Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Craves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Darts Edmund Tenfold, O. H. Lilienthal, 'Janson E. Corning, Theo. Tolhetuus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, MIAs. E. Morgan, Thomas Monagan, Abos. R. Van Neat, John 11. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Hobson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louts Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel 0 .Glldden, Edward Ilincken, Steph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry 11. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin I t. Field, Geo. Westfeldt, A. E. Frothingbam, Zatmon Taylor, Thos. P. Youngs, Henry K. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. ItiMISID A. OLKLIBT, Secretary. an 10-ly Inn UFACTURERS' INS UR AN GE COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual granted by the State of Pennailvanla, Carotal, $500,000. Marine, and Inland .rratoportation. Wl= Aaron B. Lippincott, Charles Wlsa, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeki, Charles J. Yield, .7aines P. Smyth, Wm. li Thomas, J. Rinaldo Bank, Wsn. Veal, lobe P. Simone, AARON B. LIPPINOOTf , President. WM A. REIODEB, Tice Preeldent. ALFRED 'WEEKS, Pecretary, J. W. MARTIRN, Burre,yor, This Company was organized with a cash eapital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct- Dig its eihdrs, with a prompt adjastment of losses. Office No.lo Merchants' liZehange, Philadelphia. CI MITER OAK FIRE AND MARINE •..../ INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. OW/ Capital 1.300,000. Lomas in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the Phi/actuphia WU*. Ily leave we refer to D. S. Brawn & Co., Phila. lion. Joel Jones, Phila. Chaffee'', Stout & 00., " lion. Rufus Choate, Boston Backer, Lea It 00., " Ilon. T.. 8. Williams, liart`d We have facilities for p acing any amount of insu rance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 Old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. IMIOMPSON & ROOD, A gent*. BALE ROPE.—Buyers aro invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we ceo can cell aa low as American, and warrant It imperil)? In trenstlt and durability. WEAVER, RITMO. & 00., and Nn 29 N Watnr et *nil 22$ Wharsna SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, IL/of excellent quality, is sold at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of fire cents a bushel, and may be obtain.' in large or mall quantity by ap. plying at The Gas Office, No. 20 oouth BEVENTLI attest. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it Is meld at the Works, in Pleat Ward, by the ton, at • price equivalent to An thracite, tg2ho per ton. (signed,) J. 0. ORES'SON, Engineer. POIL/IDILPSII , I Oat Woats, Aug, 20, 161. .t,2v,u MOSS -27 bales Carolina Moss, for MID by MARTIN lc MADALISTRA, sal U 9 North War BUM PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA ,RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—QUICKEST ROUTS to SL mire, Duffel°, Chicago, Rook blend, Niagara Palls, alltwoulde, Dortingtosi, Montreg, St. Sadie, Detroit, Dunlioth, and et. Loom. Pesseoger trains will lease the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINR, Btreets, ditty, :Sundays excepted,) es follows: 7.30 A. kt. DAY EXPIICas, Per Minim, 'Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago, 1111waukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Paul, Burlington, and 13t. Louis. 3 3.9 P. H. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Cbleago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Paulo, Burlington, sad St. Loula. 07- Rickets good tSif tined. baggage checked to Elmira, BaffAlo, and Bonen/don Bridge. - • Wilkesbarre 1$ 60 Williamsport 6 90 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 05 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 60 Niagara Falls 10 CO Buffalo 10 00 Erie 10 50 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 17 00 o via Niagara Falls 13 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 10 25 Columbus 16 60 Cincinnati, New York and Erle 10 00 " Magma Fails 39 00 Indianapolis, PIA New York and Erie "1 Od Detroit, via Niagara Fails 18 60 Chicago, via Croat Western Railway r • ' on 00 Lake Shore Railroad 22 OD Rock Inland, '.ia Niagara Falls "7 00 Lake Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington 28 GO lowa City 29 25 St. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 Indianapolis "9 00 Dunlieth 27 60 St. Paull 35 10 irr Tickets can be procured at the Phlladcd?bia and Rimini Railroad Company's 'ticket Office, N. V. . corner of SIXTH. and CLIESTNUT Streete r and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and viNT,. TIIROUGLI EXIT-EBB FREIGHT TRAIN - - Leaves the Depot, Broad street. below Vine, daily, 31. (Sundaya excepted,) for all points Weal and North, et 6 Freigista must be delivered before 3 P.M. to Insure their gulag the acme day. ltr Freights are remarried with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this city to the West and Northwest. 1285.090 99 For further interruption apply to ALLEN & =GEL, Through Freight Depot. Broad. below Vfne, Cr to 00A8. S. TA.PPEN, General Agent, N. IV. eor.Sixth and Chestnut sts., Philada. G. A. NICOLL 4 , Geol. Supt Philadp. and Reading Railroad. 11. A. FONDA, Gent Supt. Catawiesa W. & E. Railroad. J. A REDVIELD, 4e31-1p Gent. Supt. W , msport and Elmira Railroad. DIM ADELPIIIA AND READING RAIL _a. ROAD—FAST FREIOLIT LINE, Freight trains leave the Depot, BLIDA D Street, h low vnit, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chimp, billwaultio, Galena, Dubuque, St. Louts, and interme diate points. This la the shortest route to Camas, and the Lake Porta, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any other route. let clams. 24 class. $d claam. 41.11 claal Suspension Bricife..l 05 SO 70 40 Buffalo or Dunkirk 1 45 PO 70 50 Chicago 190 145 '1 25 100 Praight going through by rail all the way mat ba ;routed "VIA. 11AIL.” No transhipment between Philadelphia and Elmira Mark goods via Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and send to the Depot, Broad street, below Pine, daily, before 5 P. d. For further Information In regard to this route tall at the through freight office of the Fhilad germ and Groat Western Lino, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. de3o-y PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, Ikeil-weatern, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. Thug Road also connects at Plttaburgh with dally line of steamers to all ports on the Western RIM'S, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes; making the met DIBEOT. CHEAPEST and AEU/LIME ROUTE br which Freight Mtn lie forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. - BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. Pas, Otago—Boots, Shoes, Hata, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes - balm and trunks), Drugs. On boxes end bales) Peathers,-Pura, dco 00e. par 100 lbs BSCOND CLA 68—Domestic Sheeting Shifting and Ticking, (in enemabales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &e. &a 75e. par 100 the Tatar) Oilsen—Aueile, Chains, (in coats), Hemp, Boson and Pork, Salted, (loose or In sacks), Paints, (dry and In oil.) Oils, (except lard and rosin) 660. per 100 lbs Ferrari' Oaass—Oeffes, Pleb, Beam, Beet, and Pork, (lis casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard 011, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Eosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Eosin Oil, Queensware, Sugar, (hhds., bbls., and boxes) &c 50e. per 100 II s Poomi—Al per bbl. until farther notice. Gszars--45e. per 100 lbs., until fur her notice. Dorrow—s2 per bale, not exceeding 000 lbs. weight, until further notice. E2a,747 43 $168,3b9 09 In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia be particular to MARI packages" oia Pennsylraxie Baitroad." MI Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. . . Pavane Aoarra.—Clarke & Co., Chicago; Packer A & Co.. Tenn.; B. Y. Bass & Co. 81. Louis, 110.; D. G. (Pitney & Co., Dransville, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville. Kentucky.; B. C. Ida.dram, Madison,lndiana ; 11. W. Brown & Co., and Irwi & Co., Cincinnati; 11. B. Pierce & Co., Zanearille, Ohio; Leech & Co. No. 64 ffilbystreet, Boston; Leech & Co. No. 2 Astor Roue ; New York, No. 1 Willem V. New B. J. &ceder, Philadelphia; Magriw Boone, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, rittelsargh. H. H. 11013820 N, General Freight Agent. H. T. LOMBAEBT, del). Buyerinteudent, Altoona. r. 60,886 UT 03 40-144,223 21 $24,076 82 V.AVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.-WALNUT STurxr, BOOTH-IFESPOORN&B OF TIMID, FILILADELPIIIA. INOORPORAVID BY THY STATZ 07 PSIXEMTAXIA. 744,006 84 Money Is received in any sum, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every del from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, mid on hlowiny rani Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. lON. HtNitY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT OHLYRIDGB, Vice President. We. J. Run, Secretary. D11E0E018: Ron. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Manna, Edward L. Carter, V. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph Ili Barry, Sam!. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Brands Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the prorielono of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE ItIORT. GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such Snit class 'securi ties as will alwuys insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS POND. IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE 1 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE .I- • PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N0,..J30Eig18),r,,DTV8],K,173,13ENTD..-,,iY4TE, DENN STEAM ENGINE AND HUIL- A. WI WORK& • - • BLANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL MACHINISTS, DOILER.MAEENS, BLACK SMITHS AND YOUNDY.ES. Haring for many years been In successful operation, and been exolacively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Rngines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tank', Propellers, the., respectfully offer their eervices to the public, as being tally prepared to contract (or Engines of all sires, Marine, River, and Stationary. Raving sets of patterns of different slime, are prepared to execute orders with quick deapatob. Every description of Pattern•making made at the shortest notice. Iligh and Low Pressure, Flue, Tabu lar and Cylinder Boilers of the beat Pennsylvania char coal iron. Yorgings of ' ail sites and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work ecru:mated with the above business. George Waiter, IV. C. iltoteebary, It. It. Carlite, 0. 0. Butler, Geo. Scott. [anl9-y Drawings and speeifieations for all work don* at their establishment froe of charge, sad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boatm, where they ran lay In perfect safety, and era prorided with &hears, blocks, falls, its., dot , for raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS BEAKEY, JACOB G. KEAY'S, JOIIN P. LEVY, eat•y BRACK and PALMER Streets, Kensington CREWEL Y. MERRICK. J. REVOKER MIIRRICX WILIAM! E. innemac. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIRTH AND WASHINGTON BTRISITH, MERRICK & SONS, lINGINEEIRS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Patents, for Land, G River, and Marine service. Boilers, asometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &0., Gin kgo of all kinds, either Iron or Braes. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshopa, Railroad Stations, &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar. Saw, aud Grist _Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Palters, Pumping Engines, ice. Bole Agents for Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Niumayth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. hose' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Bnperintendent—B. H. BARTOL. RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOILO - Tlvx STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 1117707.111,111 STRUT, 1114111 LION, FASIVLWIT UD GABDIN STRUM, PIIILADMPHIA. ihtgaged exelneirely In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. If anolacture to order Locomotives of any moot, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood o= " , or Biguarteens Coal si, Ma( stale, or ANTHRACITE COAL, ptrwnllT SMITTISO SMoint, 018 Oa Fill. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produied et these Worts are ectrusl to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction ars made en the p pe t, ant insure the best quality and moot reliable stock. The large extent of Shope, and Cont.ph!. E .I.iF" , "" of Iqachiwr and Teas, enable them to execute the nEsr OF WOES WITH GREAT .DESPATCH or ANY ARRANGEMENT fiEguTRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXIM, With Forgings of any also or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And IdAOILERR WORN ganerally. ZIOILUID MORBID 111/141 AGENTS WANTED.—Five to Ten Dol. jars per day can be easily made. Call on A. SLACK, at Jacob Leman's Sorrel Itorse Hotel, West Xing ntreet, Lancaster, Pa. delb-tf WANTED, FOR UNI TED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from ill to 11l per :south. Na man haying a wire ar child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTND SERVION, at No. All MAlllt /PP street above Eighth, north Bide. WILLIAM 11. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Omar. eat 5.3m0 SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE BERD-25 babel, for We kr OROMIDALS, & No. 301 A. /MIMI MAIM ftailroatt f,ince T.llll/9 07 PRIORI PIM 100 LIM 74 Sal/road. 1 60 127 53apings Inn Alatlnntrn anb iron HENRY 142111(811“0111,11.11 :Wants 141.4rocibp, NEW YORK LINEI3--TRE CAMDEN it AND AAIDOT RAILROAD . MID PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OOMPANY'S LINES. PROW PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE, AND WA PLACES, Leave as fellows, rig : Pax At 1 A. City, M11.,al from Kensington - Depot , via Am/ A ti n e If., via Camden and Amboy, Aceammoda• 26 Y] AtB A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Mdardat tim&u it 10 A. Id., by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and Jamey Olty, Moraine Itaprem.• • ... ...... At 2P. M., via Camden sad Amboy, 137a11a A. AS promo At 6P. M. via Camden and Jamey city, Yenning s At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aeconstamte. Goo, IgeOlaas tt At 3P. M. via Camden and Amboy, deCOMMOdi , Goa, Sad Chas. 1 At 6 P. lit, via Camden and Amboy, Aocommods tion, Lt 2 WAt 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Acecunnoods• Sidon, tad Clam 1 11 The 6P. M. line runs daily, alt others Sundays et eepted. Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. Pm Belvidere, Easton, Plomington ho., at 6AtU . and 2)4 r M.. from Walnut street wha rf. lot Water dap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilkastars e, Montrose, Great Bend, do, at 6A. M., via Delays' e, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. YOr Mount Holly at 6 A. M. and 2N, 3 and 6P. M. WAY LINES Tor Bristol, Trenton, ice. at 31j and 4P. IC WAY Imo - Tor Palmyra Itanaxas, Bora% Barliogtoa, Borden town &0., at B ' P. M. Steamboat BIM:1MM STOCKTON far Borleatoira and interim date places at 2X P St Steamboat 111,10Tt1i for 24osay 410 and M., *Ada 2.1 i. • wharf All lines, eimpt IA. leave 'Walnut area . rifty Pounds ofbsgran, only allowed snob PIA - *eager. Passengers ars prohibited from taking so 7 thing as baggage but their we spparel. AU bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Coin party limit their responsibility for baggage to one doles per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond gle9, exalt by special contract. WM. L OATZWI4I, Agent 0. & A. 31, B. CO. yIiDENNSTLYANIA CE N T R AL RAM- A- ROAD, 1937, FOB PIT TBBITROR, 1817. Cineintstl, Bt. Louis, lowa City, Loulaviile, New Orleans., Bt. Paul. Indianapolis, Cleveland, Terre Haute, Chios" - N=o4 Fermis/ nag tameness wit* an taa C-rda4 Mo ira tiaileoads. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE 011 THR THROUGH TRAINS. At arid fears the Pennsylvania Railroad Pitasene Station south-east corner of i'LEvENTH semi MAR-- HET streets (entrance au Rlareatb street ) TWO THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA DAILY Forming dose connections at Pittsburgh to all potato West. Fut Mail sad Accuuniudstioa Tra7.as, (litculdayx IX cepted,) viz: Past Mail Lino at / P. U., arriving in Pittsburgh at 6 A. M. Express liall Train at 11 night, arriving to Pittsburgh at 166 P. M. Altoona Way Traits at 8 A. M., arriving at Altoona at 8 P. M. Manisburg Accommodation Train, tia Colaratda. leaves Philadelphia at 3 P. M., arriving la Marritben at 9 P. M. MIITURNIICI3. Past Mail Tien leaves Pittsburgh at 8 A, M., anima la Philadelphia st 11.16 night. Espresa Mail Train leans Pittabovgh at 9 601'. M., tar rhea in PhiladolDbis at 1 P. M. Altoona Way Train leaves Altoona at 7.45 A. M., arrives la Philadelphia at 7.30 P. SI. Harrisburg. Amoinuudation Train, via Columbia, leaves Rarriaburg at 6 A. M., arriving in PliiinAnlpM'i IS noon. The Express Hilt ram daily; the other train*, 9nr days excepted. Dogma will be received at the Passenger Depot be the Biggage lilasteretarz time dozing the day charge for handling GM - al - Z . , the Company will hold themselves responsible for ransom' baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. Norton --Omnibuses will be in readiness at the New York Depot to mire paseengern for the 'West to the Pennsyttania. Bsilzoad gtation. THOMAS MOORS, Agent, Paseenger Line Permsylinala Ralloaed Cat. Philadelphia, November 21, 1867. n2l-1, r WESTERN TRAVELLERS. i PBPRING AND DOMMIIt ARBANGSAIDN TS. NORTHERN VENTRAL RAILIVAY. ____ TWO /ROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURIMI AND DE WNSI. On and after June lit, 180, TWO DAILY TRAINS will hive Calvert Station for Plttabmgh and all Brest. ern and South or Northwestern cities. TITS MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 5/5 A. M. connecting with the Mail Train over she Ucgat Pima. 'ulnas Railroad, and arriving In Pittsburgh at I. A. M. THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS IBLIN tastes Baltimore daily istuusay aleeptad) at 8 P. for Harrisburg. TILE THORT EXPRESS TRAIN . . . . Leaves Baltimore EYELET NIGHT at 10 P. K., eon fleeting with the Lightning Slpitaii over the Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at Lin P. M. ur All these 'trains =meet closely at Ptttab ug with trains over the Pittsburg/ 4 Pm Wows nfla Chicago Railroad, and Its Northern, Bonthern and Western oolusections. tEr Paaaangers for Chicago, Roar bland, Darling too, lowa City. liilmaokee, Dubuque, Bt. Pant's, Mad son, and DU:re:A/radius cilia' in the Northwest, willow& owe hundred miles of travel and ranee:furs in Vale, with four fan changes of cars, by taking this route. jj:r Passengers for Cleveland, Bandung, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time unegnalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. . 117' Pa/onagers for Si. Louie, Indianapolis, Tama Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Lipper kilenisalppi, make leas change. of cars, and arrive in sa nate of any other route; and to Cincinnati Columbus, Dayton, Louisville,mad other prominent chit', le Wok all by any other route. Ail Western Baggage CRUM TIIROWEI and •Isindisd with ems. YOH THE NORTH. The 8.25 A.M. momenta closely with =mew over the Denphin road for WiNianwport, J5 t 0 5 4 Rocheeter, Buffalo Niagara Pall,, and Canada, thus forming the moat direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers will Mad this the shortest, cheapest, and most enedittone route to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Tickets are leaned to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at 83 each, Oath train having sure connections. Passengers by thin route avoid treaselled bridges, and all the Ineorivenience of ferrying across the Bosquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, dettysbar mittaburg, Calisie, Chalaberabarg, go by thb terms ►1 836 A. 111., and 3 P. M. WESTMINSTER The Care on this road nuke one trip per day, oonnact% inq with the train at 9 P. M. por TIIROUEIIi TICKETS and farther Infonnatiney apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. Z. corned of Calvert and Franklin streets. sepa-tf O. O. !UMW, aupl. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWNI4 AND NO R BIE TOW N RAILROAD.-WaiTElit ARRANGEMENT.--Oa and after BIONDAY, Oetobit 19th, HIT. 7011 OVIIIIANTOWL Leave Philadelphia at 0,7 X, 831. 9h 11g A. IL, 3-10 min. 4,5, 8,7, 9, and 11 P. 3.1. Leave Germantown at OX, 7-15 min. 8,9, 12X A. M.. 2-10, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6, 7, 8, and 10P. M. .V" The 7 85 o'clock A. 31 Train from Germantown atop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 mm . L. 2 and 6x P Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1-10 min sad 645 min P.M. CIIESTNVT FIILL RAILIiOdD Leave Chestnut 11111 at 7X,5-40 and 10-10 naln..A 1240, 3-40, 540 and 7-40 1.4 a. P M. ON SUNDAYS Less* Philadelphia, 9-W A. M., 2 and eli P. 21, Lease Chestnut 11111 at 8 A. 11,1240 and 5-39 P. VI TOR MANATUNE, CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORKI3- Leave Philadelphia at 63i, 9, 11 A M., 3„ 6%, and 11 P. M. Leave tiorriztown at 7, 9„11 . A,M., 3 and 640 P. Id. Leave Plffladelplas at 7 A. M., and 8 P. M. Leave Norristyvkat I A. 31, and 5 P. M. A CHESTER V. (MY RAILROAD NB ,DOWNING Lesve 'Phnom:lBlAL% at tiN A. and 3 P. M. Leave Downingtown at A. A. , and IP. M. 11.1 c. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Math and Green streets, Phila.:34We NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WMTER BETSILEMI, EAETO!.: ALLI:tTOWN, IfIATJOII _ CRONE, DOPLPSTOWN, On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1861, the traits on thin road will leave Philadelphia daily (Pan• days excepted) 413 mitosis: For Bethlehem, Luton, Allentown and Ifateh ()Forth, (Express) at p A. M , is co/meet/on with L. T. R. R. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Chunk, Oil. pres,) In connection with L. V. R. R., at 2 Id P. 314 For Doylestown, (Aceommodation,) at 4.30 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 IL-36 0 0° On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will 11111 through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to retard at I Au P. H. TRAINS YOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave flethstom (Ezpresa,} at 9 A.M., and LW P. if Leave Doylestown, (Acvammodation,) at &99 A. XI Lowe Owrostoi, to. of 2,37 Ltd. ON SUNDAYS. Poe I Prom Gwynedd ......915 A. M. I Gwynedd 4-20 P. 51 Doylestown 430 P.M. I Doylestown 095 A.M. Pare to Bethlehem SI 60 Manch Chunk 2 g 0 " Walkesbarre 4 60 PASSENGER DEPOT. FRONT end WILLOW Ste , Phila. ELLIS CLARE. Agent CHANGE 'OF HOURS.-P HI L ADE 14- PIRA, ViIIAIINGTON AND BALTIMORE ItAn. ROAD. On and an. Monday, Nor. =I, 1357, PASSENGER TRAINS,LEASS PHILADELPHIA Par Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. 31 , (Rtpreas,) and 1/ P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M.,1, 3.30 and 11R. 31. For New Castle at 8 A. 31., 1 and 390 P. 34. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Dever at 8 A. M and 1 P. M. For Seaford at BA. 11 ' and I P TRAINS POREII/LADELFELTA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, S=pry, 11 A. 31., and 621 P. Leave Wilmington at 7.28 and 11 45 A. M., and 281 and 9.65 P. M. Leave New Castle at 655 and 11.66 A. M., gad 850 P.M. Leave Middletown at 10.10 A. M. iusd 7.06 P. M. Leave Dover at 9..5 3.. M. and. 6 P. IL Leave Seaford at 7 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. 11., 2 P. M. and 1211 A. M. 81/NDAYS only at it P. bt. from PkillaJelpttia to Baltimore. do. do. 6.25 P. M. from Baltlmmi Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will ram as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Permit's and Intermediate plse..Nt at 6.00 P. M. LIMB Wilmington tor do. do. 6.60 P. M. Leave Baltimore for liarre-do.Oraeo at 6 P.M. no 21-ly S. M. FRLTON, President. fire proof Dales. SA ir hmANDEP. SAFES. lama ansottenent of EVANS /a WATSON'S PIIILADELPHIA. MiNUF4.OTURZLI SALAILANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, BANK LOONS Tor Ranks and Stores. , Equal to any now la nea. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, An., On aa good tutu am any *Um ertabliAment la Lb a United States, by EVANS A WATSON, No. Ste Beath FOURTH street. Ehlladelphla, PLEASE GIVE VS A GALL. COTTON-200 bales good Middling so %.../ filing Fair Cotton, iu dare and for sale by AMIN & 31.&0 sal 110 North Water street. IXTELCOMS RANGE.--BOLD B 1" CHAD. T I nc% a up, pit 31. RAMO 11, 14114411