ottitess , 'gri - - 41N,SUR - A1T08 , C 0 504.4 - Y,Olark fiTAT.E; . Dee. 20 law • The AnuttO)Ottre fitoolfhohiere win helot% rattiltittheiTiN -,x , w.;42r. l l4lolC4tNOV,;aannitB4: 411. 'noon pot '4, Vekre ,Toz , itteedikterr I).s 'held at same x t b i g i m e inip""!amilig'lloBslli' tietiOpt ,th 4 41, 9grxigAßVOlVW , l i tv l 41 1,5- -4 , 00;•!, • 1 0 4- it i ebrlitt iitirtrvnt;fNSYL , . itANA:p4ILROXD,COUPANY:..' - The . Annual Meettot a he StiOkteldenrof t , ThE . itiosnifp.syl,lo.NlAL 11/,". bo,;hino,..At t llket...ol6oo.; aE ,iba boillpeny, No. 123 "TALMO, &boraourtlistrert,llilletlidda, MON- Nztary,l),4BsB 401 ectsr. at able!' time andflace an Election . will be Veld let a President: tootled Directors „to Berra ler the (wading year. MAW A8.46Tp.02 , 111; Ibeeretary, IVITL'IOFg.-;- . ..,Office be the Wesinioreland Oc - "Y `lll"Cooltietii?Viiledeltibli;liecinit4r let of the of this Com. Z I L " , h 2 t t ja h iirtrie ce Cht n o . ;l 9 an a ti b i4 th ge l j, "- o p t o'plea wlileh , tftrioceatillreotion *lll be held tor VOW Dir*Ore" erid s Etecittary. and -Tioilifeji to Xertelleitlieefuming pia! • , Y.111,1AORBON: • •,•-• • • •=rBtOretary.' thezß? -Meadow _. ;:t.3 ~PgiLAinoi r itti,Plioenibielt;lBs7;. Violottreii Meeting of the Stoeltheldeta et the Bearer Flltoliltor.p.mlroad, and 'peat Oompany *lll be held at 'their Ake. No: 922 WAINUT Ptteat, on MOND&V,, Abe 'BMW.January, next, at 12 o'clock, atithleh time an ileetieiCalll.lie.held tor 11exideiit and telt Directors for fi t hel.aßilieg-year. deb-dtleadt* OTABLBEiILAIN, See. and Tread. . memherit Or the 'rennsylva -1 nW,Elociety for the „Pro Motion of Internal ~I nt,prarements ,prarements the Comonwealth," organise - 4 in Utlt, are requaatad, to-_ meet at.tha pace of 1. , CI, ()LARK, , IllVieoB4llol2tetreat,Philadolnhla, on TTIBIIDAXithe • ether .lanuar9,lBsll, at lt(i'olonlo nooni for tha:Pur rasa of electing officers, and making cllatrlballonof tAo :surnhnifondaot the JOupollytion., J. 0.,:,16?ikk ~yonaff, 4 .fek D ALLY , -300 N a claim d023,21,34a4 e I. ~8781910... DUNCAN„ WFIOE 7 PIIILADE i• PIII A: AND DRLAWARR lily= RAILROAD CO., (City I.e.efte*elefid, 'BOOM end/lath streets,lWishlngton Is `ullellog; MIA street; above- - l'nu.Anstrink, Dee. 26th 2 18b7. , AnitneL-Aleetinw of,the.Rtorlholdere of the above-nutted Corininy Will b'held on the second' I‘fgrivecr Jar111817;012811irtg, (the 17Th,} at 12 ER, as - , eboye; , whenwod where - anßieopou will be • held ;for. ei 2 .PrAblottllstOt Twelve Director's to eerie for The enzulog year. Polbropen front I-to ,-- - 40 8 z,n0M 41 1,1 1. 4 i,CAPPPDN,.ecfetwrY.; trigr , Aqjr..I I ; r ,SSTM.OR/31..A.ND COAL COrdrANY ) .:00,430uth Third !Arent, PcoiDettoc,ViilltnglADey. , - PnltaMlLPDtli 1100.14th,1857. FY At &Westing of,thquDixeetote, held this dey, n Divi dend of. EIG,ECL;PDILORXT., was declared on tbo Capital Stock, nayshieln the BtAckholdere at the Office of the Company ett and after Jiumary dtb, 1868. - q . --The..Tkeneter Books wilt be closed =tit Japeary Bth ,!„r Y,II-JAOKSON, , 'Dteasprer., , -- . i oFirla OF THE LOCUST MOITN F TAI atilt 11t0N.00. , -.-Putaanaarata, Deo; la; annual meeting of the Stockholdera of this Qomintay wltl be held at their allot, No, gi p , YQUItTII , fared, on MONDAY, the /eth ilanntirn On o'clock A. 3r., at which time there will be an alection Of Di slecteretierre for the ensuing year, , , ir.„4le2Sl. LUDWI G, Secretary, ; „ 1 -AFFICF; ITRE -- INS - ORANGE , GOlll , V PANT OF _NORTH AMERlOA—Pnitinearata. A:Phi:ember pausualmeettog of the stock --hiddenfwill held at the om of,the ()ompenyi 232 WAlNllrldtreet; on MONDAY; January - 11th. Valk at 12 o'clock M and on TUNSDAY J the day tenoning, , Jiinuaryl2th, 1858, an EleStlon will be,..held for Direc tors, to serve the ensningyear, jal-dtjatt =HIM WERItIIItD, Sepeetery. ritVIDENDNEIV'ORLEANS GAS ;..gur. LIMIT 00MPANY.—Rannssa , inn alsonsauis , oac.6nabel , 314, 1867 :- The Mao ',,torx tlie`Ne* , Orleana 4knnanY titan de: dared a genii-annual Thvidend'of PIVB.PEB:OI"NT.: . payable at Ulla Bank; tolke Philedelliht4 Stikkholders, afterfhaftrat day of January' next , - --- f , . • '0: M. LEWIS, oaabler: ,tlubliration9. '-ICDEYSICIAIiTS''' POCKET - , DAY-BOOK 184.=—Inst published and for sale by S. PRICE 1c CO:, 1 4 Plo, 33 . 1puth'SIXT11. Street, above aliennut Theliay4tooknoutilne. an AlManae, Tables of, nafalive Medicinal Dome, Poisons and thiliAntidotes, .British "end French' Measurea,:,Atornid , Weights trot Combining Proportions,'Articles Diet' Compierativo Thermometric Scales , Baths—Siniple arid Medie'mak . Tablet of , 'Doses , of" All the :pijncipal pro% panatella Of the Phsrmatople., Mat itlaitindei, .13Ianiu'f Menetary .Engagemsnta,, BanlrlAccounti Nureeli , ',lddresime;Bille and . Accounts asked foe, - ttim cinntion and-Obstetria'Engsgetrietits; prtneh; and American Medical Periodicals, &e., • acing prepared„ with , tha)m,onoratlon of seretat 'eminent members of the Profession.: the Palishori . trust that this little Manual will 'fill, a want hitherto unsupplied, end with a view to its future Improvement, will be happy. to receive soy auggestleps respecting emendations, additions, &c. . , . The above are prepared for 25 and 50 patinntg, and bound lit various styles. ORIGINAL EOITION OF .OHABIES KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL SHAKSPEARE—IneInd- Iog the Doubtful plays and Biography, and illustrated with very numerous Repaving,' on Wood in the higk eat style of art ; forming 8 vole., imperial 8 TO. ". The subscribers have been enabled - to secure three coplea of this magnificent edition of Shekel:retro, which hen long been exceedingly scarce. Immediate applica. don ,will bOnecessary In prevent disappointment in pvo r outing copies, 0. J. PRIOR & 00 , • • - Importere of Eoglieh Bootie, ' deVy“ No, 33 South'SINTH 81., above ONERTIMi JEW MUM—ALONE.--This - new - and I popular Ballad can be had at DSOS & LAWTONII, ' S. E. corner R.EYENTII. end 011E8TNIIT, LEE & WALKHR'Bi OILESTNIIT, below Eighth Street. /or Oak attb 9rti get. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 029 WALNUT St., opposite thigitaio 'Howie; 'ono of the Ind tininess locationein Phila.delphdai with heati•llgght, and all moderiteourenienceii. ,- . Apply on the premlaea, 'Room Ne.oir, to G.W.J. lint" Agent. w 046 - exiiites Grimtpaitice.- NEW YORK AND OALIFOBNIAEXPRESS CO = anit-Exelysax thatins A JOINT aTotic.,qpmrArry., :',7 9 .yiiii.;50:10,900..•, • - • OTTIOE, 400 CHESTNUT STREET, ' • PHILADELPHIA. Express sent to Oaston, end Sexy W/08 IsuaKna on Sth and Roth, MA to HAVANA OD I7th r l2th, and 27th of each mouth, from FEW YORK. • EXCEANCIE'for gale in' aums 14 , euIt, and 8188 on . California, Oregon, Sandwich' islands, .and Havana, „ . . . . W. F. & Co, reeelVe freight consigned to them st, SAN FRANCISCO, per' Clipper pip . , And, oolleet litioleSt DS delivery of thossme, , . . 7. „ IMICE TO OALIFOENIA 8.9;9110X.D/S4B W. F. & Coate , 111 . 0146re1l to receive the OLD BONDS of the „OW?, of OALIFORNI4 - transport asp efrkfigiFiafriei44 immi, In so ' cordance iriti-tie isoiat.o 1867, - and Totem Ramo to thin city. .de2l-1m ' D.' N: BARNEY, Ja.,tgent rpEtE ADOrzeglttßess'.oo., OFFICE, E. 820 CHESTNUT IbT_NBET, foreiarde PAEOZEA, ThONAHEOi , MERVHANDIZE, • BANG NOTEB ond EPEOIE r Otters- ito own LINES ,or la conneottop 9 11 O U O n,E7 I PREEE OPHRANIEB, V 111 thoprhietpal a:CMISB and CITIES Of the Milted Mateo. . • ✓_ B. 0. E&NDIFOID, • attlAt - • ,G•oerat Sapertotontlent. „.„. _ : 2ittontrDs' tata. AriDWI - S -8:1 1 TE L L S, ATTORNEY AT LA LA*, N 0.2 6:111 t Y T NONSIBTOWN,a.. si will.attend wttN'pOnataality', and to, the beat of hia - tcrall twine?, Intruded to ble tare. ''Oot-3m IIkANIETA - EOM - MEATY,' ATTORNE Eiouthuat Ornei of ,EkEkarg and Lo dun StrOta, PhiMelph*.; , :; TER 81'RO USE, ATIVRAT .1.11 T.AW, 9INTAN otroot,PolOsoill•; P*. ,00f.ap 1110111111LADEI 4 PHiA TYPE -- PCIUNDRY.L: torZTEI Bp and 'ClUniftliiT.#o.. , 14 ,, PZIA:111Zbric IfON, , thankful .for , "the atria pa eccordiallrotheir •Petablisliment, and &Orfila+ to merit itato'ntinfience, • would announce • - do Privitets and - Publishers that their new gPECJIMEN WOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities. . ore noir Prep:Era to furnish every thing necessary tire - CoMplele PrintitiglEstablishitient, thealiortent no. 'their letiglireetbled experience -hi the , hotness, and the feat of their personal s uperintendence - of the `-reabinfifet urin ni gdesnearient,lastiffes *Melo artiertlng Ahat the). ben tarslra . morn duriblel end hettbr lofted artide thin their cotemporsties.' • thereforap.whof desire Printing .Idateriale, would do well to apply hithem preskuur to pnrohasine elsewhere. -• tlldlypeitaken st goentif per pound, tn. elichange for swat specimen Wad • • • - auldf WATtNR, 7ITSKEY, Be , (;04 — O . lB - Atizils; FlTTrites ' and all kinds of' 6o and Lamp Work, Gliandol d,"dee 17;t1 829 CLIESTNIIT STREET; 61f '..4l.ClllErg - iWigt. 3 7ER; & , .77. Tian It i tiofiratl:tw p ith GePrile, T X,fkil tladO of ripairipg of,Qns:l9 , lo4:' : . don , _ it;NNOVNOEMENT. Elle'sabstrlber be 1°0,6'0 Mini:mon to bib" friends arist,the public that Bailin - open hie SALOON• to th.fir inception or •' - • ' ' • -- • MONDAY,IiIth , , •_ Slack , (a largo and rich variety)Avill consist of '" ERASERS - ED caw -CRYSTALLIEEO 4/811.1113,'' A P - 011ERRIES PINEAPPLES; - PBABS,'" - LIMES, OACtEd, QUINCEdi 'Wis.; Std. ; HOME/NS—a larad and fresh aiwortnient: " FANCY TOY.—Sitichstkical 'Fops, paper( wood, and angsi...46 el:Bless variety: '• • - • • d - FANCY BOXES—Newest stiles; fancy-and plain, isnd varied assortment, or every possible description. . CAB AS; IIORNETS,,BABEETS t &41,, &n., all .Cif,"Ficent ... end, Vital for 'natant nnd zvarietV:villid;ty competitions ".• .I,6foritaid ARRioNiqouterker, MAl t n . q'f t t e °lo l b9 Sevelitn. • CIbLD Nila FOR `SAE.-- - alirS ' 518. % 15 4 04)- mikber "o"frerfr- ffor ealei'vittli , a ' perthet,ittlii, , the preqty known a 4 the 'RICIWAOT,I) '.41,1p . :,C , 0P1!wn I''' , Y 'NI ~ e tteeted Smiler Veer 041444 Iliteirrue rettety, -" '',-.',- tter Sleirdhlei.rt VIM the mine fa tejilafittithm 0f:746 i`,, deria'brattaffliarlatiiVworwotaiedll,lhritdilded,,and 1,4-!-Alavie h e atinoWliottiMivitit kiahmt t 4144 ri1 v h 4 9 44, * fovitter 'tin& evigtve libuf . elaior Other , handbill; hew I,' -:-- steam engine, 46 ifdriti bower e,phil fait, hah, staaTs, taros, ice, , ,' erolfciedegell the,%achltiory 6116 0013 Ile -1 - eiloisry for ,thalhiliiritif idant"Of s'lnine f in 5604 Order. —,- The-mine littabeea workedat-Intervals for the last 60 XTIVIIIIIN lie_c ll ,l9 l P PiertipTit4l4ir to a dopt ore ,. i„; prietors, pot .ev wig, 4 444 - * nit pp aritleirh of 14 '`. 6 `." ',Wiwi with'ear,enghitt tanehl .", ~ -. The ehe e and ',...;' irettprtee, ere Nreti,Con Ai the etopplage hail, never :" . f.`- ):1:70 teke'e" oht; 14nd I' ' tte t 6 krcineis_citi;b4 peat '. -1•74. y,ainplOyealn the old orkinis. Odtlia property is '"'"i. Orialdable vein of popper stt - lead, which toe never 11 ) 1 --- Imen - worked,-and a new gold vela. an been discovered ohne the ttreibrthisfiohtli; it %it tbreChien have - heel; At work, taking chtfifiMAlt '.. htd dollarir a day, ils l .4h 4 5 0 .441 08 4 44 t Or , iff:t ' vA. ,, 1.. 1.: 40%94410, - .,,,utt:Alttxtx,4,l, /!_.mnr4dw.y. €,.a .AST IXArcet,,R . Olif.-=STVEI oR VILLA 110PJ9, manufactured =4 for ode by! W10AV11R,41274111 iteCO4 . , 1 1154 , C 1 44:48 SitVit.o-01.iit42311.'Whirrts. i'lliretto9oloA, AT- OFFICE OF ARIIT7 PLQIIIING AND, pinbansirrits", Peeember 4,4857; • r43 - EK ilt01)086,1,9 ere Invited, and I,lll,biicre ceived at Mist ollbie;' niall../0-o'clork. - A. M. of. the 41k day of January next, forfornishing by contract the fol. leering Allay Bneelicrand Materiels - deliverable at the Dulled Dilates Clothing nod Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill iwqnantlttes as required, via : 6,000 Idsll4 dark blue (Indigo wool dyed) cloth for - :nape and bandel weighing about-14 ouncee, Akeryard. r. , ,• t1133,0001--do '44 dark blue (indigo wool dyed) ‘.trilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard.. - 120,000 -do ,- .11.4 Sky-blue (indigo wool dyed) twilled -• .: cloth,- weighing 22 minces per yard , 59,p00 )( dark blue -(lndigo dyed) tattoo and - wool , flannel; weighing _6X- ouncet ier yard. . . .210,000. 'do -743 White flannel (cotton and wool) to weigh fiX ounces per yard, , , 10,000 do' 64 dark blue 2141,161, wool lindigo dyed.). • 10,000 do 47 inch alpaca, (black.) • - • 'lOO,OOO. do -X. canton flannel, .to weigh i 7 ounces ' • per yard. 175,000 do yi unbleached drilling, to weigh :Ounces per yard. , , - 25,000: de_. - X unbleached drilling, to weigh 7.5( ounc e '', • . per 25;000' do • 80 inch cotton duck, to weigh 22)( ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch Oaten duck, to weigh 15% Ounces 85,000 do 28X inch totted .duck, to Weigh 14X ounces per yard. ' • . 7 - • 26 .1 000 • de :26X-inch cotton doolc, to.weigh 70 ounces. per yard. 3,000 do 22 Inch 'cotton duck, to weigh 11 ounces' •••:,, 7, per yard. ,•• ;3,500 :410 32 inch to ne duck, to weigh 9 minces, per yard. 16,000, dd •24 inolicotton duck, to weigh 12g. ounces. goon_ •„per yard. , r do- '33 Inch cotton duck, to weigh og OTIIIOOII /2,000 army blankets wool, gray, (with the lettere 1)., Lin black, 4 inches in length, in - the eon-, trej to be 7 (Oct long, aud, 4 feet 6 inches wide, each blanket fo weigh 5 pounds: 7,500 &nen pain half stockings, 3 ahem, properly' •, .'n)ade, or good sound fleece wool and witk . double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds . . 'pet doson. - , . 10,800 pompoms ler 'engineere, Ordnance', medical de.' . r artment, dragoons, rifles, artillery, and 60.000 cap bodies,. . . - 12,000yarde glased,silk for 'covers. • 14014.0. 8. brass scales, palm. . ": . 600 eergeant's do .do do - - 8,000 corporal's and privates' brass scales, pairs. - ,5N.0. 8: bronzed - '• : ' ' do• do 80 'sergeant's do do do ' 600 corporal's and privates' bronzed do -. do, • --t 76,000 yards X In worsted lace, / yellow, starlet, silty 6,000 do % l rt :do - do c blue, orange, gown. , 6,700 do - red hunting. '. - 6,000 do whit° do • ' - _ 2,000 _do "P blue - do , ' " . 2,500 groan coat buttons.. , - ' '-' 8,500 do vest do • ' '8,600 do susPender butt Ons, white metal. ' 4,600 do shirt • do • do ' , , • 45,000 tenthuttimsrorood, small. • 12,000 do - slips; -• do do 6,000 , do buttons, do Urge. - - 1,000 do slips, '. do 'do - 100 hospital tent poles; note, 600 wall do ' •do ' 600 Oconinon , "dci do • . 4,060 galvanised iron wire rode, for tent'. 10,000 do do staples, do • - 8,000 metalline, iron - ' - ' . . - 1,000 estop kettles, iron, three sines. 12,000 tin canteen , (8 pinta, weight 11X ounces,) with i ..., stopper's.. , .. ' 1,000 pick ales, two aloes. • 2,000 do handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. ' ' ~ 40 trumpet cords and tassel's, orange. ' ' • 40 trumpet cords and tassel', yellow. "20 - do , do do 'green. • 40 drams, Artillery, complete. 70 - do Infantry, - do 1,100 • do , heads, batter .100 do . do ' snare. . . - 800 •• do snares, eats. 200 do sticks; pairs. 200 •do . do ' 'carriage's. - , All the above mentioned articles must conform in all respecca to the sealed startdard patterns in thls 13E500, - where they can be exainined 5 and sample patterns will be sent by mail, witti 7 any" additional information in regard to them, which mai be , requested by manufac turers 'or , athera vtlehm , to offer proposals. It is deeirabie that all the artic es be of domestic manufac ture . , Deliveries to 'cemmonce on the 10th , day of 'February next, and tine-half of the quantity , cbutracted for to be delivered in equal 'monthly proportions,' by or before the 80th-April,lBBB ; the remainder within four months from that date, in:monthly or greater proportions, as the oontractor may and it-Convenient. •• • The privilege Sweetened by the United States of in. creaming from one-third - to one-half the quantity of all the supplies above-mentioned, by giving the contractor one month's notice of authdealrod increase., Payments will be made on - each delivery, should Con. gross have made an appropriation -to meet them, or ae soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ton per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall be com. pleted,rwhi eh will be forfeited to the United Staten in case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. - iiidatrill be received from manufacturers or regular 'dealers"; only, in the articles proposal to be furnisbao ; and none will be considered In which the manufacturer's mill or dealer's place of business is not speoldeally set forth. Contracts will babssed_on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment or fehfch two or more sufficient securities will be required. `The names, 'address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed as securities, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will be such security, it will nee that good and sufficient security be furnished in code a contrast is obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. It is to be distinetly understood by every person ob. taming a contract, that said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of It, without such con sent hating been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded is an abandonment of the con tract, sad, the contractor and securities will be held responsible for all er damage to the United fitates which may &tine from said abandonment. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed," Proposals for furnishing army sup. plies and. materials:l" ' • '" ' 'HENRY O. 'WAYNE, deed-tow thin 4 Major A. Q. Ur. STEAIettiti:CHINERY.FOUSCREW PRO YELLER SLOOP-OP-WAR. " ' " • .Nary BUPA SlWltrt, December 18, 17. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Bs Steam Machinery for Screw Propeller Sloop-of-War," will be received at this department until 3 o'clock the Seth 1257 for..the complete oonstructeon of the steam machinety and appendage', and placing it on board a screw propeller sloop-of-war building In the United Mates navy yard at Boston. The afters. Meg be for a - specific sum for putting the whole to sueuelutful operation; roust include all patent fees for any arrangements that may be proposed ; state the time in which the work will be completed, an d beaccompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The name a:he - establishment in which the work le to be executed must be stated. „ The details of the design anti arrangement of the ma chinety will be left with the party whose proposition may be accepted as combining the greatest number of advantaged, keeping In view simplicity of construction, readiness of emcees for adjustment when in operation, and not being subject .to derangement in the working pacts; it being the object of the department to obtain the mostspeed • and power with the meet economical consumption offael. and the greatest stowage of coal which the space available for that purpose will admit 'The boilers to be of iron, with teles :epic smoke pipe, which must be placed at th.egreatest practicable distance from the mainmast; the propeller, with the connections for hoisting to; be of composition ; the machinery for honting, for pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and ap purtenances of ell kinds necessarry for the perfect work ing of the whole, to be of the most approved kinds. The coal-bankers, sliattpassage, two athwartships iron Milk heads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water from which can be made not less than 800 gallons per day ; ali the tools and duplicate pieces necersary and satisfactory for en efficient cruising steamship of-war, must be included in the proposition, end a list of thorn must be furnished. The wood and carpenter work (except the boring mit "the dendttood forth!, shaft) pecosuthy to adapt the cos net fori.he reception otthe machinery , . boilers, and op , pendsges, will lie provided at the expense ef the Navy Department, end it will permit the use of such facilities as it may have fee heisting. the heavy machinery on -Woohe accommodation of the entire steam machinery and the fuel, there will be allowed in the body of the ship the, entire, apace. ander the berth deck, nom . meriting at twenty feet abaft the mainmast. and thence extending forward, distance of 60 feet, Within thin apace it to eXpectid to carry coal for 11 days , full steaming, the daily cossumption of which the bidder trill state in his speoificatione ; and the weight of the inse.hinery, water in boilers, shaft, propeller, arid ap pendages, with the tools and /mare mock, must not ex ceed 820 tons, of 2,240 pounds. The distance from the aft-side of the mainmast to the aft-side of the forward atern-post, will be about 95 feet, and the distance between the forward end the after stem ma will be 7 feet ; the depth from the load water line to the top of the under the propeller will be 14N feet. Steam-engine Manufacturers who denire to bid can ob tain a copy of the 'cotton of the vessel upon making ap plication to the department, The proposals must benccompanied by full opegliica lions and general drawings,' having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, &c., marked 'on them' ;giving alio the capacity of the' steam cylin ders end area of foot and delivery valves, And of air pimp, and outboard delivering valves, space for steam above the water line in boilers, the fire and grate our face ' • also the diameter; pitch, surface, and kind of pro peller;and other prinelpatpointsi that tomparlions can readily beinide: Thera will also be'given the estimate of the weight of engine, boilers, water, bunker's, appenda ges, toms, and spare work, In tens of 2,240 pounds. Theterrnsof peymentwill 'ye that when one-fourth of the, niatetiaLs, end labor ,provided for in the bon tinet shill have ;Leon - completed to the satisfaction of the department, there rail he made paymentof one-. fifth part of the Whole amotint'or the' contract; when one-half the work shall' 'like manner be completed, there wall baa further payment of iine-Ofth; when three fourths the work AO have been completed a further payment when the whole shall have been cotopleted,,and hare made a satisfattort trial of one week,lhen lanai; payment of one-11t hi; and when thel'aliFp st4ll bite performed satisfactorily at'sda rot a tried of Wee inenths;,then the. ternaliting tuna shall e'reialusiecessaty'during Vile period from defec tivoweritmanstilp or materials will be at the expense of the'contractor; „ . - ~. . . ,Tltrinroidials most be - explicit, and no qualifledor conditional canter beJi considered:, ," ' " ' 1 - = ' ' isAAO r 01YOEY,, ' de2l-mth tja2o „ '.,: ~ '” ; "Secretary or the, Navy. .. _ , ~ 17(TONDERS' OF .13,E- AGE—LIGHT, yv, .11GLIT 4011, .Af,L.P.ETERS' & 811110 PE, Plitint - kon-F f . xplesieri Self-Generating OAS LAMPS is jitst the thlag tO Milt MI, Price $1.50 up ; all may have • a Minerlor Light by calling at their Depot. " :—ThirrLamp In adapted to all places and purpesee, and only requires a trial to teat its advantages over all others. The Lamp forms Ili own gas. Our Patent Duiders can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expedsei without the least possible danger, All; are invited to eall and examine for themselves. Town, C'ounty, and State rights for sale. The proprietereare In Want of Agent'', giving a rare chant* to Make = P)TARB & 131120P11, Oas Lamp Depot, 0a2 4 .3.1 =South 4th tit , beloyrOhestnut Phi . ONGWOR O Til's HIO WINES. • GENE T RA II L E AQ ST N A O T Y E F B O . R ALL •• ' '— TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. By it 'medal arrangement with Mr. LONGWORTE, I am enabled to oder hiaiyiner, In large quantities upon the lowest and beet terms. - Th e Witme 'to be delivered in Cincinnati, and.forearded by usual mesas of convey ance (railroad or . ateamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expenees of etorage, conimieeione, double frelgpt r ete„ will be avoided. No orders under thin arrangement will be forwarded for less than twentpfive sates: , All orderamust be directed only to , ItRED. S. COZZENS, • 18 WARREN Street, New TORS. 117 ilia prevent arraignment a handsome profit on 'these Wines rah be made by the wholesale dealer. - Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. ; Do do do do 'pints., Do do do 11351;quarts; ; Bo "do • de , do pints. Still Clittawbe,'ileittge 1852, quarts. , Do 4 Ao - f 'extra. vintage 1852, quarts. etaxV i ."B: l3 °ella, - .I d 0 ,,, do do • s atawbk,. in emote, of Ireirldus qualities. Catawba Brandy', of soreriorealllT General Agent for the tale of N. LongworM , s Wines , - 1 8,WARREN STREET, (opposite Hudson ' Wier Depot,) nolam New Yong. 1111T6RAGE on • SECOND, and TIM, F lA/ORS can be imd 110 North Witeintiret. Apply to MARTIN & MAOALIEITNR. ' non COTTON , --1W bales Ong Cotton; la .; afore N./ arid for We ay MARTIN & lIANALIBTX • aul ; • 119 North %Ur Streit. '• &iota -Waticeq .... Trf Tug SVEN P.RE COURT ,FOR 'EASTERN DIWPRIdT OP PENNSYLVANIA' • " , Henjamain N' Thomat tis, William Davie end Nam, B. Dolby.. Varianteal ErrinAs, Januaii , Term, 1818, 'The - Auditor appointed' to make distabution of the fond raised under the above_prooeedinge by Sheriff's eale, of all that largo Lot of Ground.nomposed of, ten cuntignaux lots; - with the unfinished brick buildings thereon erected. citable SS the southeasterly-tide rf Almond street, 131 feet 0 tnctlpe nertheeetwardly front Lehigh avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward , of the ultra IThiladelphia, col:1E610es in front, on said Almond street, 144 feet, sad extending in depth, southenetwardly, at right anglealirith Mid Almond rarest, tit feet. Buject to a yeitly ground rent of 141 dollars. • Wilt hie duties en TUESDAY, the 12th day of January, Ai D. 1833, at 4 o'clock P. 31., at his office, No: 204 South PISTE' Street, in the Mt) , ef.Philsdel• phis. skids and *here, all parties in Interest are quired to present their claims or be debarred from tom leg in upon said fund - de30401 GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor. MMUNICIPAL CLAIMS. -NOTICE IS hereby given to the owners of promises mention ed in the appended memoranda of Plaints for Paving, that write of Scire Facies will be issued on said claims in three menthe trent the date hereof, unless the name shall be paid at the office of the undersigned, 212 South FIFTH Street, below Walnut, at 6r before that tame,, WILLIAM M. SMITH November 2d, ' MT. Attorney for Plaintiff. City of Philadelphia to the use of George' W. Stroud es. Charles Reynold. - Q. P. _Juno T., 1857, No. 110. Claim $293.80. Paving sont.hwent corner Twenty-Isec ond and Green Arcata, , Same vs. John P: Titus. 0 P., Septernber T.,1857, No. 69. Claim $10.17, Paving north side Clayton et. 163 feet west of Twenty-second. Same vs. Jesse -Coniston. O. P., September T., 1857, No. 68. Claim $42.03. Paving north side of Clayton street. 63 feet west of Twantv•second. no3-m-lm IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IN JOHN WILLIAMS, deceased. Notice to hereby givin that letters of administration upon the estate ar JOHN WILLIAMS, deceased, have been krafited to the undersigned. . All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to Make payment, amid all redone having claims against mid estate are requested to present the same, without delay, to EMMOIt B. LEEDOSI. No. 253 MARKET at , ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, No. 419 South SIXTEENTH street. or DANIEL DOUGHERTY, their Attorney, S. E. corner EIGHTH and LOCUST streets. del4-Inw-6w IN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 1 CITY 'AND COUNTY OF PRILAIALPIIIA. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the claimant of William Maronoy and Sarah Ann Brown, Administrators of ROGEIt BROWN, deceased, and to make oiatribntiou di the balance in the hands of the ac countants, will meet tho parties interested as his office, No 115 SoUth FIFTH Street, below CHESTNUT, on THURSDAY, the 7th of January, 185% at , 4 o'clock P. IC JAMES 11. CASTLE. de2l-thmwat* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FUR THE, JR. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM E. HOBNOB, deceased, The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Samuel Welsh, John Welsh, and William Welsh, Executors of the will of WILLIAM E. IION NOB, deceased, and to report distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, January tth, A. A. 11168; at 4 o clock I". M., at his office, No. 271 South FIFTH Street, below PRUNE Street, in the city of philsdelphia de24. eod-6t JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . - Estate of JOHN SAVAGE, deceased. - - The Auditor appointed to audit, nettle and adjust the acconuta of GEORGE RUNDLE and WILLIAM GRIF FITHS, executors of the estate ofJOHN SAVAGE, de ceased, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his oDlco. No. 243 South FIFTH Street, below WALNUT, on MONDAY, the 28th day of De cember, 1857, at 4 o'clock F. M. LEON . ADDETT, Auditor. ir . OST OR MISLAID.—OERTIFICATE L number 280, for FIVE BRARESOP BTOOK of the AMERICAN ACADEfdI! OP 000800. Notice is here by given, that application will be made for re-issue of the game. de2l-mf.2.01e TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIEILADELPIIIA.— Relate of SUSAN RUNNER.Aeceased. e t ,The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of Joseph Runner,Executor of the list will and testament of the said ecedent, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at hie Office, No. la &nth BIXTI.I Street, above Wal nut, en WEDNESDAY, the lath day of January, 1868, at 4 o'clock P. M. , . J. P. O'NEILL, jal 47 0 12-6t* , . Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 07 PIIILAIMPUIA.— Estate of Md. STEVICNBON. deemed. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Samuel Grant, Executor of the last will and testament of the said decedent, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at hie 061ce. No. 76 South SIXTH Street, above Wal nut, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of January 18513, at 4 o'clock P. M. J. P. O'IsIEILL, jal 4 6 8 11.50 flolitiral riPIIE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION—JEFFERSON AND JACKSON DEMOCRACY --SHERIFF Ozoltez TRRRTIRTH WARD Subject to Democratic Principled, CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM CURTIS, TIITICTSENTII WARD. , Subject to Democrstlc rules. CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES M. D. SMITH, - RIM` WARD. " Subject to Democratic rules. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— WTI. RANOOOKS, TIARLFTH WARD, d2-31n* Subjoct to Democratic Rules. L'OR SHERIFF ALDERM tN OEOROE MOORE, TOUR= WARD. Subject to Democratic 'Rolm FOR SHERIFF .I AMES G. GIBBON, ?REM-RECORD WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. Obttrational. ['FALL ,OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, - NEAR FALLS Or SOHUYLKILL, FulLAnsLrms. SELECT BOARBINO 90110OL FOR BOYS Itsv. REvaasNoe The Rector, Rev. D. R SHINER, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to 5 o'clock, at ROOMER'S Bookstore 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, where oleo circulate may be obtained. Addreea ' RSV. B. It. SHYSER, 43.2nt - Palle of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. CRITTENDEN'e PHILADELPHIA COM MEM:IIAL COLLEGE, S. B. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENDUNSIIIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND _FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LBOTODES, &o. Bach Student bas Individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Beat Penmen In the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terme. &e. 0013-y ' PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WAsz. No Seminary whatever in more like a private family. The somas of study feextenalve and thorough. Pro (moor Saunders will resolve a few more pupil,' under fourteen years of age into bin family,. No quire of Hewn, J. 8. iiiiverend Mathew Newkirli, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of thle Paper, abode sons or wards are now members of bin family., neptl4.l.f Job Printing JAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, first above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Cards, Bill- Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. Binding attended to In connection with printed head logs of Blanks and Receipts. d2-tf EVAIVB,--10,000—PHINTED; A E Cards pre lieu,: Tim Pror that erastnettot4.ll . 7 rtuts Ir v, A D Pinlatlpbtarreto. at CU lata 8 11" FII4IIILI. 1111 l t op „ on, R A wow" 645 - h. Prbli. COM ma Cast. D IJ _ A .21011. *. Teo C.& pet lON Il•veti lot 841.-121141.4 rattly D 8 pry, FOURTH BT. below Cbaatent. NOTICE.—OHESTNIIT STREET BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR• PEPS, City, Building, FIPTII Street, i-e'ow Walnut, until the eocond day of January, 1858. 1 , 11,1 Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-way ; the materials of construction throughout to be Indestructi- ble by fire. Distnnce between abutments 386 feet Width of Bridge, out to out. not less than.. 42 ‘I -Elevation above low water 37 For en arch the springing line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2d, DM, no fol lows, viz 1 , • Samos 2. That all plans and estimates tube received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia; each plan and estimate to beer a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, no that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected. . Snores 8. That air such plans and estimates shall, WhenXeceived, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and obeli be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission consisting or three civil. engi neers, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plane presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plane received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the thtee plane by them preferred. Storm 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways, upon 9certificete presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue wernints in payment of the coat of the aforesaid wirer tiaementa, and also in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by said com mission ; to the fiat in point of merit, the sum of $400; to the second, $250, and to the third $100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, &0., for the year 185?, approved March 10, 1857.1 Por further Information. or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KEBABS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philad a. - rio6&dtjan3 BRIDGE NOT,ICE.—THE TIME FOR receiving Plans and 7;etimate4 for the Chestnut Street Midge, ben, by ordinance of Councils, been ex• tended to the 20th Say of January, 1855 STAIOKLAND HNEASS, Ohler Engineerand Bureeyor. de3941 ja2o RAT RpDVOTION . IN 11111 PaICI or CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to eeti the lots In their Cemetery at ONb lIALP • The present paten for cult. By thus redaction some of the moot eligible Lets will be sold at . TWALVE DOLLARS. Only lots will be disposed of at these rates, and the opportunity la offered Until January lat, 1158, Ap pYirlyth at the °Bice, lie. 431, WALNUT NTIIENT, below . (12-Ire OVER -SHOES:--70 1 1 Cases Mon's Long and Short Boots, Over•Vhoes, Pandala, Clap, and Foot holders. Wanien , a Long Soots, (leiter'', Buskins, Sandals, and Over amen of all kinds. Hopi' Long Foots, Over Shoes, and Sandals Misses? and Children's Long - Lleada, Callers, Over Shoes, Haottals, and Clogs, all of the best lushest, and fresh mails. For male by the case, dozen, or mingle pair, 44 reduced prices. Wholesale and total! dealers will find our prices lower than they can be bought In New JOHN THORNLEY, t CHESTNUT Street, above THIRD, ndrth aide. de23-2w ,TtlE .4 11 .4PERITIA, MONDAY,,• lANUAdRY , -185 S. 1001 e SLOT Fitti.istOlSCO.—To sail oti the 16th Instant.—The famous clipper Aloe EDWIN )LYE, 0. P, Welves, Commander, and EDWIN FOR REST, 011006/IR, Commander. Both Of these magnificent Alps are now loading in New York, and will be dupatehed u abort • For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, 84 00., Jai - 120 (late 86) NORTH WHARVES. TIRE BRITISH AND NORTH AMBRI CAN•ROYAL MAIL STRAMSULPB. .• PROW NEW TORN TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage TROY 0000011 TO 1.19811P00L, Chief Cabin Pains° ... Setond Cabin Pruisage - The snipe from Boston call at Denial. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Steno. AMERICA, Capt.Wickunin ASIA ;Capt. D. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head i green on starboard bow i red on port bow. APRIOA, Shannon, leave N, York, Wednesday, Dee. 9, AMERICA, Lott, . 0. Boston Wednesday, Dee. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, . 4 N.Porli,Rbinesdey, Dee. 23. CANADA, Lang, . 4 Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30, PERSIA, Judkine, .f N.Pork, Wednesday Jan 0,1)8 NIAGARA., Wickman, Bonton,Wed nesday, Jan. 13'68 AFRICA, Shannon, 44 N.York,Wednesday, Jan. 20, Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stoned or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or !manage apply to deB-y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE BTEAUISIIIPB STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In coneetinence of the depreetied state of trade, the above shim will be withdrawn for the present. October leth. A. HERON, Jr. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE.—The magnificent steam/111p VAN DERBILT, Edward Hipline, commander, 6,268 tone, will mil From New York for South- From Southampton and ampton and llavre. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Doe. 5 Saturday Deo. 28 Price of Paanige—First cabin, $100; second °Main, 250. Specie delivered InLondon and Panic Por freight or panne apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Dowling Green, New York. Lettere for England and Europe, prepaid, 26 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other cities ,) will be received at No. 5 Dowling•green, New York, up to 11N o'clock on the morning of sail ing, oclo-tf poR ENGLAND AND FRANGE,IBS7. , - FL' New York and Dane Steamship Company —The United States Mall Steamships ARAOO, 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2600 tons, James 41. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Dime and Southampton, for the years 1861 and 68, on the following days : MIAMI 71111 f 1011, 1857. 1868. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Saturday, Tan. 9 Arago, do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb. a Fulton, do. Oat. 17 Arago, do. Mardi a Arago, do. Noy. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Dom 12 Arago, do May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LVATII RATIN. 185 T. Argo, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 2:1 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 15 1855. Fulton, do. Jan 13 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Fulton, 40. March 9 Arago, do. April 6 Fulton, do. May 4 Arago, do. June 1 Fulton, do. June 29 r2lOl or PM:BAGS: From New York to Southampton or Haire—First Cabin, $l3O i Second Cabin, $lB. From Havre or Southampton to New York--Eiret Cabin, 800 trace; Second Cabin, 800 franca. For freight or pump, apply to MORTIPIOR LMINGOTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, " Havre. OROSKEY ta CO., " South'ton. AMERICAN EIIROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX. rade. CHANGE 00. IVHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEABIERS.—The fihlps composing tlus Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, ()apt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. Theati Alps here been built by contraet, *smutty for ttovernment service; every care hen been taken in their construction, u also in their engines, to ensure strength And speed, and their actommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, In aril cabin, $130; in second do., $7O; from Liverpool to New York, 80 end 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have Improved watertight bulk beads. PROPOSED DATES OE SAILING. FROM NEW YOU. snow mvxarooL. Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 /Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 11847 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 13, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1867 Wednesday,Sept.Bo, 1867 Saturday, Oat. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oot. 14, 1857 Saturday, o,t. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oat. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, N0v.21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1867 Saturdayr Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 11, 1857 Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1857 For freight or pump, ! ti Rply_to - EDWARD K. COLLINS, no. 58 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, & 00., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD 41r, 00., 27 Austin Trim, London. D. G. WAINWRIGIIT & 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, coleus atones or metals ' unless billa of lading'? c ned therefor, and the val ue thereof expressed therein sul-tf MEM GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. • First Cabin f 3140 Peoond Cabin In the flret•class paddlewheel steamship ADAM., 2,000 tone, 0. D. Lon Low, Commander, and NOUN STAR, 2,500 tons, P. E. Lareran, to sail from pier No. 3 North RIM, at noon precisely, tarrying the UNITED STATE'S MAIM, via: Lease N. York for Southampton, Na. Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Atlel Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'dny, N. BaDy, Oct. 81, Saturday, N0v.28. Weds'diy, 800. SO These steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered In London and Saris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORAANON, Agent, No. b Bowling Green, New York. ode. tf ALONZO POITIM RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH AA , WHISKEY —2O Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at Shippen street wharf, for male by JOSEPH F. TOBIAS, 208 and 208 South FRONT Street. BRANDIES.— , ‘ Pinot Castillon," lifarett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter ca.ks; Yellevoisin Rochello Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one•eighth muks. Imported and for sale by HENRY DOLMEN k 00., Gen 221 and 223 south Yourth greet. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeut Corner of 6EONGII and SOU Til Streets. aul-1y 01. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER e IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, °MARS, ko., IS South PIPTII Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly 11RANDIES.—Pinot, Cast!Roo & Co., Ma rett k Co., and other branch of Cognacs of tutees vintages, in kalf pipes and quarter casks ; Pelleroisin Rochelle liraudlee , pale and dark, in half pl pee, quarter caste and one eighth musks, all lu Custom House gores, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN it 00., au 6 N0c.221 and 223 South Fourth street. nITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE .1.1 AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new N 0.638) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. a pt[ BOOTS AND SHOES.—The subscriber hae on heed a large and varied stock or BOOTS and 8110 ES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-I,y B. E. corner FIETII end MARKET Ste. L'ALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO., 1;e. 818 MAR KET Street, and Noe. 8 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE., have new in stare a large and well-assorted stock of ROOTS and 8110E8, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. Duere are invited to call and examine their 'stock eul•dtt lIVI . EROHANTS' HOTEL, NORTIi YOUBTEI STREET Accra IN PHILABELPHIA. MCKIBBEN & BONS, PAOrgiuroxfi JONES's ARCH STREET SALOONS, The Rendeye are clone at hand, end ,Tonen'n Arch street Saloon in prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for 00:41 , 60TIONOI. CITRISTAIAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPORTIM NXITECISLY ►OR THE PIIENFAT BE/HON! Every variety of Bon Bona, Purnell, Bourbon Drop, new style of Qum Drops, Eau Sucre Mops, L'angliterre Bon Bone, and every variety raro and onatly males manufactured in Perm lor Presents, ell sizes and runtime or Ornamental Dozes, Pyramids, Ribbon, Ties filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and sailing In price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Borne of theile Boxes are the N 037 BUTERB BPNCIIIIINS or TANOY WORK AVV ACTIOTIO 000100 NTER oryptED IN TIM COUNTRY. To the Ladles, as well as to the whole public, Jones's Saloon. are the most attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any to the Union lIREARFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up In the choicest end most expeditious style. FAULT OF ALL KINDS, WE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for vielters In profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL OAKES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, in fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS PRIVATE PARTIES, Pre s ent/Alin) Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on teaaonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the publlo is respectfully solicited. dot-tf II JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAITRANT.—VENI- Iv 80N Wild Books, Turkey/1, Geese, Grouse, Frenh lemon, Chincatigne, Oplnaction.), Pri wee Bay; A bee coin and. Cove Oysters, with every variety of BARDS, wild or doineetio, In 'lesson. Green Turtle Soup end Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 627 CiIEATNUT street, op posite the State Mouse. N.B.—No impanele or pains has been spared by the Proprietor In lilting up this new establishment In the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners', Supper., era. 11.7" Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. nor T-gm VIIARLES P. OALDWELL--Wholesale V tin add 01111T1 Retail WLIIP and CANE lillsontanturer, Nca o. 4 1 Rt... a 4 MOSS -17 halos Carolina Moan, for sato by MARTIN & MARALIRTER, ant 119 TWO Wits, ROAM. 11/1 e °WAN" RE 'T I 'ANT, SOUTH /VA weet corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—(Iama and all other denim:dee in season. Families supplied with Oysterionthe shortest notice. seni.un 634iiiving I ISATI 110117111101 . 031. '1857. Arago n Wednesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. eapt.23 Arturo, do. Oat. 21 Fulton, do. Nor. 18 Arago n do. Deo. 18 188 . 8, Fallon, do. Jan. 18 Arago, do. Yob 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago n do. April 7 Fulton, do.. May 5 pro g o, do. *Juno 2 Fulton, do. ;nue 80 Wino nub tiooro Dooto antr Eibore. gotele anb ticetanranta 727 end 720 ARCH STREST HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! C 0 A. Li COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'e CHIGEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEILIOEI COAL. .3. IC R. CARTEIVEIORNINWOODTAMAQUA COAL (MORON W. lINTINKR'I3 FINN FOREST bOIICYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for gale, awl are conetautly receiviag from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There le no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality these and atrial will convince any one of their greet superiority. ' Our Coal is very carefully ecreengd at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet end all Impurities. Our PRIORS areas LOW as the VHRY. LOWEST. Orden loft at our Otßoe, No. 161 BOOI.H FRONT street, above Walnut. Ordera left at our Yard, CALLOSYRILL street, betas BROAD street, "Orders left at our Wharf, WATER fitreet, above CAL LOWLIILL—or sent to either place per, Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf QCITUYLKILL AND LEHIGII COAL.— A.J I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality o, !SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. Hy customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may Mggetting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW YRIONB. ALBrANDSB CONYERY, N. B. corner of Broad cod Cherry fito CO .11-• DALY, EHIGII AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. — PORTER & ~ DALERS, No. 821 PRIME street, above Eighth, 00AL E ns keep cotantly on hand, at the very lowed rates, a rot supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-Bin incrLliant Tailons. JOHN P. DOHERTY, aA VORMNItLII WITH ULLT A BROTH6III, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & 00., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Me now with him the beet Tallora that are engaged in tho business in this country. CHARLES Born, formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Berman, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & CO.; Hamar Waossa, the beat Pante and Vent cutter In the United States, for years cutter with Depierrie, under the Irving . House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Benue, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low pricer for ea.h. ocl3•tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT eTAILOR, Nox. 18 an.llB Routh NINTU BTRNIIT, ABOVN OHESTNUT, A large and well aeleoted stock of CLOTHS and CANSIAINREEI always on hand, All Ulothing wade at thin Netabliehment will be of the beet finality , and In the mod hudilone.ble style. Partioular attention given to LINIPOIiId CLOTH ING. arell-tf H ABBE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTEHNO, 148 North FOURTH Btraet, between Arab and Racal. 40-17 grommiosion itlart4anto JIL CHASE & CO. 11l • GENERA', COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING, CLOVER SEEP On eonalgrnuent from the Interior of Pennaylvania, when our new Cleaning MI is now in general coo. IV' Also, TI4IOTIIY AND RED TOP always on hand. sel2-tt HANDY h BRENNER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Deetern in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 2b and 27 North FIFTH Street, East eide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. and-tt 011ARLES TETE, COMMISSION MEE ‘..I CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 9EGARB 2 (New) 198 Walnut street. second story. edam! nub Cling HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome asort• went, such as Figaro, Partagas, (Mania, Pollens, Gloria, Jupiter, Ooloso, Conran:lll'llWe, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Oubana, &0., &o , &.0., in 3i, ,V,l-11 and 1-10 oleo, or all shoo and quill. (lee, In atdre and conotantly receiving, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETN, (nqw) 138 WALNUT Street, anli-1F below Second, almond story 101GARO, OABANAS AND PARTAGAS AEGARB.—A cholas Inv)los of rheae oelebrated brand!, on board brig " New Era," daily e xp orted from Harass, and for Cale low, by MANIAS TSTS, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, ant Second Story. furniture B. KITE & CO. 14. FURNITURE, BEDDING, &a, No. 413 (late 129) WALNUT et., Philndelphlo, A now awl mnperior style of Opring Bea. LYDIA B. HMI. Joni% WALTOII au3l 6itt soap anb Canblto QOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and /fecund greet.. Thankful to my runnel WIN Wend/ for their put Wool, I solicit a continuance of the name, having enlarged my manufactoty no an to enable me to hare constantly on hand a huge stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from rich 61; Polar, Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet SOtipl, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl March, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand,. Having adopted the cash oystem, I ton criabl.l to cell my goods at the lowest prices. Y. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. 8.--Cash paid for Tallow and thence. no 114im stationcrp BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. ROGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, imitable for Banks. Public Oltleee Merchants, and others, of the beat quality of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. . . Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Eranklin Institute. the Committee say—. This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best iu the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their Coish and sp. pearrice neat and appropriate," gate, Caps, kr S ULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTER®, anttem No. 8 O. BIXTI3 lama. Philodolphio garbialare. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVEVIRON, Manufactured at 'FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9-tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. rill - 10)11AS E. BAXTER .-11 AR D WAR E 1. CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 010 MARKET ST base Ninth, south side, Philadelphia an 1..6m 15100 0 BOXES OF AMERICAN IVIN- Dow GLASS, of all sites and finalities, for sale at lowest prices. Oar assortment IC complete, and are daily receiving fresh lots (roe, the Rensingion (tiara Works, Shoots & Iturry's make superior to any in the market an to brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French We are 31011 receiving two-thirds of the Oleos mate at these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all PI/PS. 4,000 feet Rough Glass for skylights. 6,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Ohms, of all pat terns. White Lead, French and American Zinc, Paints, A c 100 000 lbs White lead. 60,000 Ike French Zinc, (Vieille Montague). 76,000 the American Mac. , Brown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Greer, a full supply. Chrome Yellow. a full supply, Prussian Blue, a lull supyly. Paris Green, a full supply. Addresa your orders to ZIEGLER d. SMITH, Wholesale Drugglats and Manufacturers, Sole Proprietors of the Penna. Steam Color Works Store B. W. corner SECOND and UIt.PEN Btreeta Philadelphia. dell tf EDICINAL BRANDY.—Puro Old Me dicinal Cognac, the most powerful ntrongthoner for weak lungs amt goncral debility of the ego ; a cure cure for Dynciefinia, whether acute or chronic, Low Spirits, nso Prico fl 25 per bottle, or $lO 50 per dorcn. Warranted pure Imported expressly for us , " 8010 Agents" for tho United States. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholenalo Druggists, f. W, cor horned and Green. We toter, by pornuesion, to the following members of the Mcdical faculty, as to the purity and chemical standard of this Brandy: 0 P Kelahline, ft I) . Fourth, above Tarnsoy Chas 11. Taylor, M D , Fourth, above Drown. Chan B. Roberta, M. D Third, below Franklin. Wilson P. Yaney. Id. D , Fourth, above Thompson J. K. Knorr, 31. b , Front, above Poplar. dell-tf 11)11 lIIIL IC L AMPS .-THE PUBLIC/IS respectfully Informed that Offices have been opened by the District fluperintondente of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect log accident"( which may happen to the Public Lampe; or of say failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton it., Vire Ward; Charles Carty, Supt. of 2d district, No. 3 Haines at above Sixth; Miraer G. Kirk, No. 820 North Sixth et., above Brown, Twelfth Ward; 81. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Coates meet, Vifteenth Ward; Thoe.V.Dowlby, Goa Office,Twenty.Vourth we e d, (West Philadelphia;) M. 11. M'Padden, One Office, Twenty-Second Ward, (0 crmantowm) Wm. N. Market, One Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,)and at the ORS Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order •f tho Trustees of the Philedelphis Uu Works. A. J. SITE, Superintendent or Distribution COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of B. W DODDERS, No.loo (late 63) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut :greet, hale become a saving of 60 per cent. to oar SOUTHERN AND WESTERN SIDRODANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and emit be aromas to all parte aal9 ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURER, No. 155 West Broadway, New York, sole manufacturer or the celebrated Concert Plano. The subscriber would Inform Ms numerous friends and customers that he has greatly enlarged hie manufacturing department, In order to meet the increase In demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and ea every piano, especially tone and touch, Is I mmunity superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in. strumeut which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and aweetnect of lone nod touch, stands uneur passed. Ecery piano mild at the inwe4t manuraetureris' Nice.. A call Is respectfully solicited. oc2 4 l•Cul TURPENTINE-200 Ws Spirits 1.7 Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by 119 to?c.IIIAOALIBTER 0.19, rah 31. licsnrariii oftirivide BEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUSS COMPANY OF POILADRLPHIA orElog IN COMPANY'S BUILDING; No 408 WAL NUT, Corner of FOCH= Street. Chatter Perpetoal. Antborizeil Capital SHOPE • FIRE, INSURANCE, limited or porpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Veneele, Cargoes, and Freights. INLAND INSURANOC by Rivera, Cantle, Lakes, and Land Carriage. ABUTS, Nov. 1, 1857 Real Estate 757,000 00 Real Estate held in trust, (In Phila.) 28,700 00 Bonds and Mortgages 36,350 03 Hocks, (pat value $92,460) present value.... 67,915 00 Stock notes 38,400 00 Pills receivable 27,448 81 Cub in bank and on hand 2,164 38 Cash In hands of Agents 7,653 02 Premiums unpaid 9,388 88 DIRECTORS. CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street WM. DARLING, 1610 Pin° street ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front et. ISAAC HAZLEMIRST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN 0, HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & CO. E TRACY, firm of E. Tracy &Co , Goldsmiths , Hell JOHN H. 14I'CURDY firm of Janos White, & Sl'eurdy THOS. L. GILLESPIE, Arm of Otileepie & Zeller. JAS. 11. SMITH, firm of Jas. B. Smith & Co. B. HARPER JEFFRIES, dm of Wm. H. Drown & Co JON. R. YOGDES, oaks eor. Seventh and Ransom std CHAS E. 1T110311.13031, office 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. JONA J. SLOCUM, office 226 South Third street. CHARLES 0 LATIIROP, President. WM DARLING, Vice-President. LEWIS GREGORY, 2,1 Vice-President, New York H. R. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. de23-tf .IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO , 408 WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Piro Rieke on favorable tonne. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1:50000. GEO. IL 11/tItT, President. COOOSITALL, Secretary. del6-lf CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM x_./ PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Capital, $300,000. Subscribed, $lOO,OOO. Paid up, $140,000. This Company is now prepared to lerme FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable terms. PRISIDIENT—JOHN SWIFT. Vine PRIPIDENT—ILENRY BiliD. DIRECTORS. JOHN SWIFT, 11. Y. JACKSON, JAMES W. QUEEN, PLINY FISK, JNO. 11. PARKER, A. W. THOMPSON, B. P. GRIPPITTS. It. D. HEARS. HENRY BIRD, LEANDER W. Y. it. STARR, Sec'y LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COcl re NY .—The PENN MUTUAL LIVC INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capitol, $012,725 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—par chases life interests In Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the eontingeoelee of Life They act_aa Executor'', Administrators, Asslgneell, Trusteee, and Onardlans. TRUSTEES. Daniel L Miller, Bamnel E Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James D. MeVarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William It Kern, James Euston, Samuel C Bury, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Bonder, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, Williaut Robertson, Joseph kl. Thomas, NVarner M. Ravin, John G. Brenner, P.B Michler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STORM, Vice Neel Jowls W MANOR. Secretary. o13•ly LIOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN- K SURANCYI COMPANY—Office No 412 WALNUT Btrect, Philadelphia The following statement of the affairs of the company Is published, in conformity with provision of Ito charter : FRRMIUMB RRCEIVED FROM lOGUAT 1,1856,T0 AUOURF 81, 1557. Fire premiums Marine premiums_ Perpetual premiums Total amount premiums taken Earned the premium' 25,072 96 Earned marine premium' 166,005 00-130,078 66 Deduct return rrerniums Net earned Marina 'ogees paid. 893,886 76 lire losses paid.... 8,031 11 8101,818 88 Nalsage re Interest re ceived...4,361 67 Tto -mum. 'nee 2,971 62 —9,093 80— 93,833 70 Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements fallen of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing once, books, sta tionery, Oro Front and loss Net profit ABUTS. Cash on hand 112,515 89 Bills receivable 119,267 02 Bonds and mortgages 105,000 00 Storks 292,100 00 Block notes 142,900 00 Due by agenta and others 22,312 93 $754,095 111 DIRECTORS. P.lO Potts Wm. F. Leech, O. E Ppangler, R. T. Reuel I, Abraham Res, H. H. Houston, Wm. H. Woods, Joe. R Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Ralguel, 0 0. Rower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Reston, John H. Lewars, Herman Haupt, James E Stiles, Nathan It. Potts, II H. Phlllingford PERCIVAL M. POTTP, President O. E., Vice President W. 11. WOODS, Secretary 0<22 F IRM irteußAwax R. T. Smolt.. Treasurer SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $1:10,000, PAID IN OABLI, AND SNOT:MELT INVESTRD, . . . . OFFICE, N. W CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD , SPRING HARDT:RS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. Henryohn H. Dohnert, ry itt rhil. a, David Woelpper, Lewis /thinnest Benjamin Davie, John Landoll, John Evan., Jr Charlea Field, Anley H. Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John B Steveneon, Jacob S. Mintier, Malvin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thee. D. Tillinghast, Oeorge R. Childs JOHN H. DOIIN ERT, Preeldent. L. KRUIIIIIIAAR, Secretary. sept 21—IF NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- 1 OFFICE 414 WALNUT Ft 1 Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND JUARINL INSURANCE CAPITAL SlOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 600,000 This Company Ix now fully organ ■ed, and prepared to make all klnde of Ineuraote againet iOAO or damage by lire aed Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. H. O. LAUGHLIN, President, RICHARD SHIELDS, Title Protliltont GEO. BOOTT, Bearetsry. DIRROTORS 11. 0 Laughlin, D Sherwood, Wm. Oehorne, Richard Shields, T F. Showell, A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CUMPA 1 - IL NY, NEW YORK.—Oftice,tfo 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $150,000 with a surplus. Thin Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Teasels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Lose or Damage by I/Ire an . the Rink. of Inland Navigation DIRECTORS. Joshua L. Pops, Rufus R (Hares, Henry Delo, 0. It. Lilienthal, Theo Pothem., Jr. ESA' E. Morgan, Alm, R. Van Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas B. Nelson, James W. Phillip', Charles A. Mary, Edward Hlocken, Was. E. Shepard, Charles L Yrthat, Lothrop L. Sturges, William it Fo•dick, Emery Thayer, Geo. West!"Lit, Za!mon Taylor, Henry B. Blossom. Mitchell, Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry 0 Brewer, Edmund [`enfold, lianoon K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas alonagan, John II Earle, Albert Ward, Charles Easton, Louis Lorut, Banmel O. Glidden, !Wirth qambreleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Uenry K. Bogert, Peter Eden, Benjamin 11. A B. Frothinghluu. Than. N. Youngs, Hamtel L Ai,DRRT WARD, Preal4eni. RIIIIIIIID A. 0111.14, Secretary. au 10.17 MANUFACTURERS' INS UR AN GE COMPANY —Charter Perpetual Granted by the State of Penns bunts. Capital, 1600,000. /ire, Marine, and Inland Tramortallon. . . . Aaron E. Lippincott, Charles Wits, Wm. A. Rhodes Alfred Weeks, Charlead. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P Simons, AARON S LIPPINCOTT, President WM A. ratoDEs, Tice Preeident. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Purveyor. This Company wee organised with • reek ' , spits', rod the Directors have determined to adapt the twines. to Its available reeources—to observe prudence in conduct ing Its adaire, with a prompt adjustment of !mimes Office No, 10 Merchants' Bashing°, Philadelphia. THE MERCANTILE; MUTUAL INSU• ..- RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA —omen No 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Ruching.. MA RINE RISKS on Yesecle Cargoes, and Freighte IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISE.B, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the .As. cured, all/ ample security In canes of lose. DIIIO7OIB. Edward Murk Miles, Thomas 1' Butcher, John M. °dm/Definer, Algernon E Ashburner, llabloa Williamson, Alfred liessitt, Samuel J. Elharplese, Thomu B. Foster, Isaac 'Uwe, Gustavus English, Hency - PreaSit, Jnmes H. Stroup, Alward O. James, Alfred Slade, WillinmL Springs, A. G. Catlett, Franklin O. Jonas Charles B Csretalre, Jr.,Deadel Haddock, Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John O. Keller, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. Y. Smith, Henry CI rambo, A. J. Autelo,, Wm J Caner, Samuel L Creel...berg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED ;YASSITT, Floe President /OM O. R , Seer/tau. aul-lly CHARTEROAIC FIRM AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CX/NN Cash Capital $300,000. Lome. In Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the Phi/ads/plus Offirs. B 8. m leave we refer to t D.Brown A. Co., Phila. Hen. Joel loa Phila. Chnffee., Stout & Co., . lion . Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea k Co., " Ilen.'f..B. Williams, Ilart'd W. have facilities for p acing any amount of Inn. ranee In the moat reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA UE.N.ERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. illil (old No 143) CHESTNUT ST THOMPSON A ROOD, auLlim Affea& CLOVER. SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA VARDSII.I AND STOEXICREPERA The underelAutet ere Pow prepared to purchase for cub, prime Clover Reed of the new crop . enxrarllikrek"P "'rf4er'bywbdibyumpitcu addesa,tAs, at times,ssertalt the pries at which we are buying Parties wishing umpire, by which to be governed IA to gaol ity, can bare them sent by mall, by addressing us. J. H CEASE & CO, 0 North front, and 41 Water 'treats !?ALE ROPE.—B u yers aro Inviteil to call aed examine our Manila Rale Rope, whin' we ran eau sell es low so Amadeu', and warrant It superior la trona% sad Sorel/WV. WEAVER, MUIR & OR., sal No. ft N. Water at. sod In N. Whams. PILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—QUICRREST ROUTE to El mira, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara halls, Miltrautle, Burlington, Montreal, Bt. nulls, Detroit, Daultoth, and it. Louie Passenger ludas will leave the Philadelphia and Reuling Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, ;Sundays excepted,) aa follows 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPREffff, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Inland, Galena, St. Paula, Burliagton, and St. Louis. 3.30 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Rock bland, Galena, St. Paulo, Burlingtori, 'and St Louis. U' Tickets good till used. age checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Buspeneion BIZ! BENS Or 'Amt. Williamsport $5 90 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 03 (loners ' via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 6 50 Niagara Falls 10 (0 Hudak, 10 00 Erie 10 50 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 13 00 via Niagara Falls 13 00 Toledo, via New York awl Erie 16 26 Columbus 16 60 Clucinnati, New York and Erie 15 00 ll Niagara Fails 19 00 Indianapolis, via New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, cis Niagara Fife 18 SO Chicago, via Great Western Railway 022 0 Lake Shore Railroad 22 00 Buck Island, via Niagara Falls 27 00 Lake Short Railroad 27 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City 29 26 St. Louis, via Chicago .9 00 Indianapolis 29 00 Dunileth 27 60 St. P001e35 10 U.D . Ticketa can bo procured atthe Phlladeirhis and Elmira Railroad Company , ' Ticket Office, N W corner of SIXTH and CHESTNLT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot. BROAD and TINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN $265 020 99 Leaven the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily. (Sundays excepted,) for all points West arid North, at 6 P. M. Freights most be delivered before 3P. M. to Wore their going the same day. Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Bates than by any line from this city to the West sad Northwest. For further information apply to ALLEN k HL'GEL, Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Tine, Or to CHAS P. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W cor. Bluth and Cheatnot sta., Philula 0. A. NICOLL 4 I, Gerd. Sept Philade and Reading Railroad. H A. FONDA, Gent. Sept. Catawiesa, W. h E. Railroad J. A REDFIELD, de3l-ly Uenl. Sept W'mAport, and Elmira Railroad PIIILADELPIIIA AND READINGRAIL ROAD—FAST FREIGHT LINE —Freight traina leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, ID Umtata, Galena, Dubuque, St. Louis, and Interme diate points. This is the shortest route to Canada and the Lite ports, and goods will be forwarded with greater deepatth to the above prolate than by any other route. let elara. 21 altar. $d clam. 4th Chll4 SURNMIIOI% Bridge .1 05 80 i 0 50 Buffalo or Dunkirk 1 45 1.0 i 0 50 mr, icr i :3b , t v g i llaf t, aiLot i lgli IT rail all the way react be No tranehipmeot between Philadelphia and Elmira clerk goods VIA Philadelphia and Resoling Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, before 5 P M. . . Por (writteer information in regard to this rotate, tall at the through freight °thee of the Philadephia, Nia gara. and Great Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway distil.. This Road also connects at Pittebingh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all posts 01 the North-weaken Lakes; making the most DIRECT CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTEb7 which Freight Can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN EILLLADELTRIA END FITTS BIIRGB 134,720 SI 217.799 6/ 221 00 }'266 ,747 43 Inagr o:Asa—Boots, Shoes, Rats, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunk.), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Pure, &e 900. per 101 Its Swoon. CLauts--Domeatie Bbeeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drugs (in tasks), Hardware, Leather ' Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, sod Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &o. &a Ile. per 1001ba Tut= Cbses—Anylis, Chaim (In casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or In sacks), Paints, (dry sod in oil.) Oils, (except lard and ?vain) Obi. per 100 lb. Ifotiant Oxiss—Ooffen, Bacon, Beer, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Olay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Queeneware, Sugar, (bads bbli., and boxes,) &o &c titre per 100 II a FLoon—fl per bbl, until farther notice GRAIN-45c per 100 Ibe , until fur her notice. COTTON-42 per bale, not exceeding bOO lbs. weight, until further notice. $168,869 09 60,888 67 88 60-161,283 27 $24,075 82 In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to Wang packages" ria Pennly/tunia Rat/rend All Goode eonnigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pltteburgh, will be forwarded without detention Famous AIDISTE—CIarke & Co., Chicago; Pecker & & Co Memphi-, Tenn.; R. F. Saes & CoSI. Louie, Mo ;P. G. & Co., livanerille, Ind, ' mos• Wm. Bingham, Lonletille, Kentucky.; R C. Die drum, Madison, Indians; H. W. Brown k Co., and Irwl. & Co , Cincinnati; 11. S. Nemo & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 24 Kilby street, Boston; Leech &Co , No. '2 /odor House, New ark, No. 1 William E. New 'Pork ; P. J. Bneeder, Philadelphia; Marrow & Boone, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, Pitteintrgh. • H. 11. HOVIIION, General freight Agent. 11. J. LOMBAERT, del. ..rintendent. &Rom., Vs SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREPT-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY -WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST CORNER Or THIRD, FIJILADELPR IA. INCORPORATLD DT THU STAYS 0? PIASETILTAXIA Money le received in any GUM, large or email, and in !tweet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, sad on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock HON HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BELPRIDGB, Vice President. Wei. J. Halo, Secretary. hIIIOTORS Hoe Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Winne, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B: Barry, Saml. K Achtun, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. Money le received ant payments made daily. The Investments are made In conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND and such first class securi ties as will always Insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail to sire permanency and sta bility to this Institution. IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE /I PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE VI PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly Opoure Dl!outer, W. C Btotestuct7, It. M. Culile, CI C. Butler, Geo Scott. [lOO-y PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL xs WORKS. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAR ERR, BLACK- . . . . Having for many years been in summed operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Menne and River Engines, high sad low primal:fro, Iron Hotta : Water Tanks, Propellers, Re., ko , respectfully otter their 110r00011 to the public, ea being Bally prepared to contract for Engines of MI sires, Raring, River, and Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepaned to execute orders with quiet despatch Every deacription of Pattern-making made at the nhortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Yin., Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Perinsyleuna char coal iron. Forging. of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Berme Cutting, and all other wort connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work 11012 s at their establishment free of charge, sod work guaranteed. The subacrlbers hare ample wharf dock room for re rime of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety. and are prnrided with gleam, blocks, falls, do , Ac , for rsislog heavy or light weights. THOMAS RUNNY, JACOB O. NEAIIII, 3011 E P LEVY. BBACII sod PALMER Streets, Hesslngtos BAIIVIL ♦ 1111111101. J. TAGOILI II•111C1 1111.1.1114 ■ I,IIII*ICI. §aOUTRWARK FOUNDRY, NIFTII AND WA9IIINGTON STRUTS, PHILADMLI4III. MERRICK k SONS, INGINERRB AND ILAOIIINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Inept,. for Land, River, and Marine son ic. Beller., Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, 4e , Cut lairo of all kinds, either Iron or Brun Iron frame roofs for Gas Worke, Workshop*, Railroad Stations, he Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and meet improved construction Every description of Plantation machinery. ouch as Sugar. Saw. and Grist Mille. Vacuum Pena, Open Stearn Trains, Defeeators, Filers , Dumping Engines. , he sole Agents for N Patent Sugar D'iling Apparatus, Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; 7 P Roes' Patent Tolle Motion ter Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps Soperlutendent—B 11 BARTOL gra-y ICTIARD NORRIS h SON, LOCOMO .LLTIVs IMAM ENGINE BUILDERS, lIIIVINtJuisTS nritgzir, 11AVILTOX, ruI'ILIW AID Irdroal mrshistvely In the mannfitotare of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Mannfootare to order Locomotives of any arrant , moot, weight or capacity, for the 13.50 of Wood a- Ciar, irrilnonOs/ ea,/ ttg crud. state, Or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITIOOI . KNITTING 610111, 015 01 Intl DI design, material and workmanship, the Lamson tiers produced at theses Works are egos' to, and not el trolled by any. The materials need In construction are made on the rpot, and insure the beet quality and Incet reliable stook no larxe extent of Shope, and Com p/ore Eqsrprneret of ellackinery and Toot', *nib!. them to 515001 the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESFATVH. Or ANT AItRATOMMIUCT REQ011111) MILLED OAR WHeRRI.B, HAMMERED ACLU, With Forging,. of no olso or form, IRON AND BRASA CASTINGS, And MACIIINE WORE 6rner►lly RICIIARD 10111111 sal-17 AGENTS WANTED.—Five to Ten Dol lar p.r day can be wally mute Cell on A BLACK, at Jacob I.ennin'A eurr•l Ilor.e. King street, Lanwter, Pa. de11•tl IvANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe brdied, unmarried web, to arbont will be 'pearl good pay, bowl, clothing, alai medical attedlaato Pay from 112 to V 22 per mouth No man baying • .if. or rktld wrU b• accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No BIT MIRK NT rtreet Owe. Eighth: north aids WILLIAM B ROYAL', lit Lout 2d Reg( of CATAIIT. act 5-3m* Recruit/ ng Winer. 41;10R GIIUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-UANE KIMD-26 bulatle for sale by coomtous,, rums, a 00 , 5.10.11 No. MN. Isbatare mane. Bahasa! tines TARIPT 07 PHIOKA VIA 100 LDS Via Railroad lEMEMIII f3ninnge .ffnitbs illarlnnern mat iron REANEY, NEAFIE & SMITHS AND YOUNDEM memo GARDEN II TRIISTS, IMILADELPIIIA RIM' LAtINBE moms Nailroabs. NEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN 1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S ROE PELILADEJRHIA. TO NEW TOEN, AWA PLACE . Leave u follows, els t rum. At lA. M. fr om Kenalngtow Der', 111 denier Oily, Mail p 2.5 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aoconnusla.. Oen 1 At 8 A. M. , via Camden and Jamey City, XO/214g s ail At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, obi Tammy and Jersey City, Mo rnMg Exureas At 2 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Bl eeeAt 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Immize Mail At 8 P. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, /et Clam . All P.M.,via Custom and Amboy, Amon:men, Mon, lnd Clam. At 6 P. 11., via Camden and Amboy, Aoommunoda lion, let Chin 2 00 At 5 P. 11 , via Camden and Amboy, Aeoommaodar I 75 anon, and Clues The 6 P. M. line rims daily, all oaken Bandar ex *opted. Rapreas Linea stop at the principal etaUoria only. Tor Belvidere, Poston, Ylomington /to., al 6A rm and 2X, P , from Walnut street whalt. der Water Gap Stroudsburg. ikrantow, Wilksetar a, Montrose, Great Bond, Ac. e l 6A. X., via Delays: 0 , Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Preebold, at 6 A. X. ctrl 2 P. W. For Mount Holly at 6A. M.,. and 2X, sad II P. WAY 1,106162 Tor Bristol, Trontaik,&.ol7 sad P. W. WAY Tor Palmyra, Boneoesa, Botatiy, Buzthew., BOTtile town /be., at P. It Steamboat 111011APJ) BTOOWTON for Bccrdsatons and interm, Cate places at TX P Steamboat THENTL,N for Tsosay st JO sod 11!y A. 11., sad 4 P. M. All Mass, meld 1 A. Y., Isar' Waned street wharf. LET/IffY pounds or baggage frail allowed each pee• Ringer. Passengers are prohibited from taking lali7' thing as baggage bet their wearing apparet. AU bag gage ore r filty pounds to be paid for extra. The Cron pony limit their responsibility for baggage to eat dons" per pound, and will Dot be liable for any animal be pond $lOO, ex ce pt by special ecintrset. WM. M. OAITYPiIf., Ageat au l-ly C. t /I. R. it. CO ENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, lon. FOX PITTSBURGH, 1183 T. Clneirmiti, SI Louis, lowa Oily, Louisville, Newt/dee:at, Pt Paul, Indienapolli, Clevelhod, Hamm Terre Haute, Chicago, Nebraska- Forming thus toatuttlestr with all tAs Crust West ern Raittoads ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OY TRH ?WAUGH TRAINS. At and from the Pennsylvania &anal Station south-east corner of ELEVENTH and 4a = RIT 'trete. (entrance on Eleventh t ) TWO THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PH LPHIA DAILY Forming close connections at Tittsburgla to all polnb Heat Twit uni Aenmmedation Trwir.§, (Sondayi eept4el,) n., Teat Mail Line at 1 P. 31 , arriving in Pittatnergh at 3 A. M. Express Mail Train at 11 night, arriving In Pittsburgh at 1 35 P. M. Altoona Way Train at 3 A. M., arriving at Altoona at t P. 11. Ilarriaburg heeeramala Senn Train. via Calm:this. leave& Philadelphia at 3 P. 31 , arriving in Harriabeirg at 9P. IL RETURNING Put Mail Train I Pittsburgh at I A M ,areired ra Philadelphia at ll 43 bight. Ea press Mall Train learns Pittsburgh at 9 IQ P. M., ar rives in Philadelphia at I P. II Altoona War Train leaves Altoona all LS A. N ,arrfeisa in Philadelphia at 7.39 P. M Harrieburg Accommodation Train, on Colambia, leaves Harrisburg at el A. 31., arnriag in Phitalelphis 12 noon The Expreee Rail runs daily, the other trains, its days excepted Baggage will be received at the Passenger Depot by the Barrage Master, at any time daring the day. No charge for handling baggage Novice —ln cue of tom, the Company will hall themselves responsible for personal baggage only, awl for an amount not exceeding 1100. Ft.TICI —Omnibuses will be in readiness at the New York Depot to convey paseengers for the Ward to the Pennsylvania Rall_rud Mellon. THOMAS MOOSE, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad OD. Philadelphia, November 21, 1857. all-ly - - - 10 WESTERN TRAVELLERS. BERING AND SLIMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NOR VIER A CENTRAL RAIL WAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM BALTIVORE TO PITTSBURGH AND TIIR WESI. On an Mier Jnne lat litaT, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all Root. ern and Routh or Northwestern cities THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at ILIA A. M rennettlux with the 3lul Train over the Great Perm. sylvania Railroad, and arriving In Pittsburgh at ISIS A. IL THE AFTERNOON EIPRON TEAM Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday aneepted) at S P. if. for rinrrieburg. THE MONT EXPIUSIid TRALI Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. eon netting with the Lightning Ex - press over lb* Peimegi sania Railroad for Plttaburgh, agriring at 120 P. It. Da- All these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the PittslArrgh, Fr; Mum and CAitago Railroad, and its Northern, &withers and Western conzeotions. - 117' Passengers for Chicago Book Island, Burling too, lowa City, Hilmankee, DIIIII4IIO, At. Pa - are Mad *on, and other leading elites the Bestirred, mill say% oe hundred mites qj trarel and ten kcarrs in Vase, with Jour Iris changeo of care, by taking thin route. ramengent for CleYeLend, Sandusky, Toiedo, and Detroit ro by this route, and the time Is nnenualleri, being 1 13 miles shorter thu by any other route. irr• Paasengers for Bt. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lover and upper idloalmippi, make least chanson of ears, and anise in ad vance of any other route; and to Closiatuitl, Oolumbas, Dayton, Louisville, andother prominent dtles, as quick as by any other route. All Western Baggage CIINCLED THBOCGH and Sandie/ with MT.. FOR MX NORTH. The Slt A If. eonnenta eleeelLarith Expnesltigas orsr the Dauphin mad for Wiliamapinrt, _ Roehester Buffalo, Niagara Palle, sad gonads, thim forming the ' most &met railway route to Nor th western Pertneyletmla and Weetern New Tort. Paseeners .1H End this the shortest, rise pert, no 4 most expedittoas route to Niagara Fans and Canada. Through Tickets ate lamed to Philadelphia oh Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at sa each, ewe' train havicg lore connections. Passengers by this route aroM tresaelloi bridges", and all the inecomenienne of ferrying across the Sniquehanna Passengers for Ilatorer, Maatheeter, Gettysburg, Ern calttsburg, Carlisle Ctarnbersburg, go by the trains a I CI" A.M., and 3P. WESTMINSTER BRANCH The Cue ma tide road nuke one trip per day, eoneett, Inc with the train at S P. M. For TIIROUGH TICKETS and Farther Inlerinatten., spill/ at the Ticket (Mee, Calvert eydon. K. E earner of Calvert and Franklin streets. sep2S-U C. C. LEESON, Rapt. 1111111 LADEL • I A, GE • MAN TOW AND NORRISTOWN RAILROLp.—WIFTER dRRANORMENT.-012 and after MONDAY, Mlobet 19th, TOR GERMANTOWN Learn Philadelphia at 6, TX, IX. 9X,115 A M > l, 3-10 Iran 4,5, 6, T, 9, and 11 P 11 Lear. Germantown at 61(, T-56 lain 6,9,10 X A U . 1-10, 3-10 min 4,6, 6, 7,8, and 10 P. II V.' The 7 35 o'clock A t 1 Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne ?treat Station. br~BV N DSYe. Lease Philadelphia we 920 min 31 . 2 sal @X P M. Learn Germantown $ 20 min. ♦. 31 ,1-10 min. ant 12 12 min P 31 CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD LPL,. Philadelphia at 7, 1 1, SX, /IX, A M . 2.1, , and 9 P 31. Ls ate Citextost FIM st 71(,5-40 sad 10-10 mix A 14, 12-SO, 3-10, S-40 and 7-40 mt P 111EZZIM Leave Philadelphia: , 2 Lad OJA P Leave Chestnut urn at BA. M 1210 and 8.2:0 P. M. /OR ItAIIAYLTNIC, CONSI2OIIOCHEN AND NORMS TOWN. - , 1.4•T0 Phsibielphis at 6,4, 9, 11 A. U , 9, 4 it, a*, and 11 P. 11 Leare Norribtorn at T, 9, 11 A , 4,34 P. K. (N EUNDATS. LtATII Philadelphia at 9 A. 31 , and 3 P Learn Norristown at 7 A 31 , and S P 31 CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD POR DOWNING 'TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6X A. IL, sad S P. 31. Leave Downingtown at TX A. H , and 1 31 U. IS SMITH, liuperintendent Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGE...II_I*NT. BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, aArcn CHUNK, WILECSBARRE. DOYLESTOWN, 4 Oa and after Wednoaday, November 4th , 1557. tb• trams on lII.' road .111 leave Philadelphia dady (Sun daes ea certe.l) mellows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentelen Itiorb Chun! and Wilkeeba.rre (Carrera) at 9 • If For Bethlehem, Allentonn. and Itaarb Chunk. (Fa rm') in rernectlon .119 L V R R. and Easton, hF • tag., (rem Iron litli riafion, at 115 P M. - . For Doyleotown, (Accommodation.l at 4 30 1' )4 For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A 11 On Turalay4 and Frolays Go 10 A H. train .111 raw through to Doylemlown, leaving Dryleitown to ratan' atlaSF M TBAIS TOR PHILADELPHIA. LPITO Beth.?lem (Eel:new) se. 9 A. 9 115 P M tAlkte De:tleftewn, (Acenw_malstics,) stew* M Les.. Gwynedd, de at P. M. . _ . ON SUNDAYS for Pre Otryntdi 91S A M I to Gwysett 2 : , 2 P. 24 Doylestown.... 4 I.° l' 21 Doileet c -0n.... 6XA. X rut to Betblebem El 6.2 Stanch Chant 1 IX '‘ Wllktsbarre 4 32 PASSENGER DEPOT. FRONT attd XILI,OW St 4 _,Pb- , :t ELLIS CLARE. ',Amt. CHANGE OF HOURS.-P HILA PELLA, WILMEIGTON .LND LALTIYCSI HILL ROAD. On and alter Mesta', Soy. :at PASSE-NUNS THAIS'S 1-F. (VS PHILIDEIPEOLI for Baltiacre st d A. M , 1 P. 13.. (Eirreefl,) Ar. 3 11 P M for 1491,31ermn it B A. M , 1, 38: aAil 11 P M. f:r Sew Cattle at BA. 31— 1 and .1 4 3 P. M. for 31•Jtletewn at B A. M. am 1 P. M. fcrror cr at 8 A. 31 LB4l P ler Seaford at 8 A. 31 ' arri 1 P TRAINS FOR I . IIILAPELPERA Leave Baltimore at 9 48, I:prat, 11 A. , aai 8 13 P M Leave Wll2ll.l4tca at 224 944 11 IS IL., al2 24 sad 9 69 P 31 1.911 Te New Credo at ti :5 sad 1.1.86 ♦ M., a..zi 5 . 5) P M Lida, Mktilatoiret at 10.10 A M and T. 06 P. ti /wave Portmat 1 A AI dia-i 6 P LiIITS Beatorl .t 7 30 A. M. a... 1 2 P M. 1132M==1 A Haan Irtlmingtea at 0 II A. 11., 2 P. AL sad Li 11 AUNLATS only at 11 P from Ithiisiellyhta to Lattimore de do 43:s P. a from Boltlmatra to Phamdellpitli Yoe4ol Trwl et, with Yamamoto cm anon/tad, mill mot ma follows Lea... Pith!-11.1tia for Pars-yrMa most tattrost.t.tta Stews at Lore Wtlnitnotan for de do a PH. taste Baltimore for Etatow.le Shama: 3 P ao 21•11 8 11 FELTON, fresidttt fire proof Bake SALAMANDER SAFES. A large sasostmast at STAN, t WATROXII PHILADELPHIA MANOFACEDEED BALLIKANDLIS BA M. YAULT DOOIL for &saki sad norm. BANE LOCLII, so s4ay aim is ass IRON DOOR,. SIICTIL , III. Se sa isisd lama sa 11.11 j *Um artabLakasset ii A. Visited SLIM Sr STAND A WATSON, No 16 Basil 'ern LI IIZAT;I4. salt-tt PLIAS! GITIII t ♦ CALL VOTTON-200 bales good Kiddliog to Mkt %.J 4.ltsao In Galas, Is slots Wfar We by /b 11.1 1 3111111111:11, bbl 110 Wank Wm:4w iambi WEg t g=l i i . G l E . .--ZOLIgIT CHAU-